Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon |
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अ |
अचिर [ acira ] [ a-cira ] m. f. n. not of long duration , brief
instantaneous , recent
[ aciram ] ind. not long , not for long
[ acirāt ] ind. not long , not for long
[ acireṇa ] ind. not long , not for long
not long ago
soon , speedily
अचिरद्युति [ aciradyuti ] [ a-cira-dyuti ] f. lightning.
अचिरप्रभा [ aciraprabhā ] [ a-cira-prabhā ] f. lightning.
अचिरप्रसूता [ aciraprasūtā ] [ a-cira-prasūtā ] f. " having recently brought forth " , a cow that has recently calved.
अचिरभास् [ acirabhās ] [ a-cira-bhās ] f. lightning Lit. Śāk.
अचिरमृत [ aciramṛta ] [ a-cira-mṛta ] m. f. n. recently deceased.
अचिररोचिस् [ acirarocis ] [ a-cira-rocis ] f. lightning.
अचिरांशु [ acirāṃśu ] [ acirāṃśu ] m. lightning.
अचिराभा [ acirābhā ] [ acirābhā ] f. lightning.
अचिरोढा [ aciroḍhā ] [ a-ciroḍhā ] f. a newly-married woman, Lit. Śiś.
अचिष्टु [ aciṣṭu ] [ áciṣṭu ] see 2. [ acita ] .
अचेतन [ acetana ] [ a-cetana ] m. f. n. without consciousness , inanimate
unconscious , insensible , senseless , fainting ,
अचेतान [ acetāna ] [ á-cetāna ] m. f. n. thoughtless , infatuated Lit. RV. vii , 4 , 7.
अचैतन्य [ acaitanya ] [ a-caitanya ] n. unconsciousness
insensibility , senselessness , want of spirituality , that which is destitute of consciousness , matter.
अचेष्ट [ aceṣṭa ] [ a-ceṣṭa ] m. f. n. effortless , motionless.
अचेष्टता [ aceṣṭatā ] [ a-ceṣṭa-tā ] f. loss of motion from fainting
अचोदत् [ acodat ] [ a-codát ] m. f. n. (√ [ cud ] ) , not driving or impelling Lit. RV. v , 44 , 2.
अचोदस् [ acodas ] [ a-codás ] m. f. n. free from compulsion or external stimulus , spontaneous Lit. RV. ix , 79 , 1.
अच्याविन् [ acyāvin ] [ a-cyāvin ] m. f. n. firm, unchanging, Lit. Bcar. ix, 14 (conj.).
अच्छ [ accha ] [ a-ccha ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. [ a ] + [ cha ] for [ chad ] or [ chaya ] , √ [ chad ] ) , " not shaded " , " not dark , pellucid " , transparent , clear
अच्छोद [ acchoda ] [ acchoda ] m. f. n. having clear water
[ acchoda ] n. N. of a lake in the Himālaya formed by the river Acchodā.
अच्छाय [ acchāya ] [ a-cchāyá ] m. f. n. without shadow , casting no shadow Lit. RV. x , 27 , 14 Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अच्छ [ accha ] [ accha ]2 m. ( corruption of [ ṛkṣa ] ) , a bear.
अच्छभल्ल [ acchabhalla ] [ accha-bhalla ] m. a bear Lit. Bālar. ( cf. [ bhalla ] ) .
अच्छ [ accha ] [ áccha ]3 (so at the end of a pāda) , or usually [ ácchā ] ind. , Ved. to , towards (governing acc. and rarely the locative) . It is a kind of separable preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives , as in the following.
अच्छटाशब्द [ acchaṭāśabda ] [ acchaṭā-śabda ] m. the sound of a snap, a snap with the fingers, Lit. Divyâv.
अच्छटासंघात [ acchaṭāsaṃghāta ] [ acchaṭā-saṃghāta ] m. the sound of a snap, a snap with the fingers, Lit. Divyâv.
अच्छन्दस्क [ acchandaska ] [ a-cchandáska ] m. f. n. having no metre, Lit. MaitrS.
अच्छम्बट्काराय [ acchambaṭkārāya ] [ á-cchambaṭkārāya ]ind. , see [ chambaṭkāra ] , dat. , for not making a failure Lit. ŚBr. xi , xiii.
अच्छाइ [ acchāi ] [ ácchā-√ i ] to attain , go towards Lit. RV.
अच्छागम् [ acchāgam ] [ ácchā-√ gam ] to attain , go towards Lit. RV.
अच्छाचर् [ acchācar ] [ ácchā-√ car ] to attain , go towards Lit. RV.
अच्छाद्रु [ acchādru ] [ ácchā-√ dru ] to run near Lit. RV. iii , 14 , 3.
अच्छाधन्व् [ acchādhanv ] [ ácchā-√ dhanv ] to run towards Lit. RV. iii , 53 , 4.
अच्छानक्ष् [ acchānakṣ ] [ ácchā-√ nakṣ ] to go towards , approach Lit. RV. vi , 22 , 5.
अच्छानश् [ acchānaś ] [ ácchā-√ naś ] to come near Lit. RV.
अच्छानी [ acchānī ] [ ácchā-√ nī ] to lead towards or to Lit. RV.
अच्छानु [ acchānu ] [ ácchā-√ nu ] to call out to , to cheer Lit. RV.
अच्छापत् [ acchāpat ] [ ácchā-√ pat ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) and Caus. P. [ -patayati ] ( ( Lit. RV. v , 45 , 9 ) ) , to fly towards.
अच्छाब्रू [ acchābrū ] [ acchā-√ brū ] to invite to come near Lit. PBr.
अच्छाया [ acchāyā ] [ ácchā-√ yā ] to approach Lit. RV. Lit. TS.
अच्छया [ acchayā ] [ áccha-√ yā ] to approach Lit. RV. Lit. TS.
अच्छावच् [ acchāvac ] [ ácchā-√ vac ] to invite Lit. RV.
अच्छावाक [ acchāvāka ] [ acchā-vāká ] m. " the inviter " , title of a particular priest or Ṛitvij , one of the sixteen required to perform the great sacrifices with the Soma juice.
अच्छावाकीय [ acchāvākīya ] [ acchāvākīya ] m. f. n. referring to the [ acchāvāka ]
containing the word [ acchāvāka ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 59 Sch.
[ acchāvākīya ] n. the state or work of the [ acchāvāka ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 135 Sch.
अच्छावञ्च् [ acchāvañc ] [ ácchā-√ vañc ] Pass. [ -vacyáte ] , to extend itself towards , to go towards Lit. RV. i , 142 , 4.
अच्छावद् [ acchāvad ] [ ácchā-√ vad ] to salute Lit. RV.
अच्छावृत् [ acchāvṛt ] [ ácchā-√ vṛt ] ( Opt. Ā. 1. sg. [ -vavṛtīya ] ) , to cause to come near Lit. RV. i , 186 , 10.
अच्छासृ [ acchāsṛ ] [ ácchā-√ sṛ ] to flow near Lit. RV. ix , 92 , 2.
अच्छास्यन्द् [ acchāsyand ] [ ácchā-√ syand ] Caus. to flow near (aor. [ -ásiṣyadat ] ) Lit. RV. ix , 81,2: Intens. to cause to flow near (part. nom. sg. m. [ -sániṣyadat ] ) Lit. RV. ix , 110 , 4.
अच्छेत [ accheta ] [ áccheta ] m. f. n. approached , attained Lit. VS.
अच्छेत्य [ acchetya ] [ acchetya ] m. f. n. to be approached Lit. ĀpŚr.
अच्छोक्ति [ acchokti ] [ ácchokti ] f. invitation Lit. RV.
अच्छिद्र [ acchidra ] [ á-cchidra ] m. f. n. free from clefts or flaws , unbroken , uninterrupted , uninjured
[ acchidra ] n. unbroken or uninjured condition , an action free from defect or flaw
[ acchidreṇa ] ind. uninterruptedly , without break from first to last.
अच्छिद्रकाण्ड [ acchidrakāṇḍa ] [ á-cchidra-kāṇḍa ] n. N. of a chapter of the Taittirīya-Brāhmaṇa.
अच्छिद्रोक्थ [ acchidroktha ] [ a-cchidroktha ] m. f. n. having (its) verses complete, Lit. AitBr.
अच्छिद्रोति [ acchidroti ] [ acchidroti ] m. f. n. affording perfect protection Lit. RV. i , 145 , 3.
अच्छिद्रोध्नी [ acchidrodhnī ] [ ácchidrodhnī ] f. (a cow) having a faultless udder Lit. RV. x , 133 , 7.
अच्छिद्यमान [ acchidyamāna ] [ á-cchidyamāna ] m. f. n. uncut , uncurtailed Lit. AV.
not fragile (a needle) Lit. RV. ii , 32 , 4.
अच्छिन्न [ acchinna ] [ á-cchinna ] m. f. n. uncut , uncurtailed , uninjured
undivided , inseparable.
अच्छिन्नपत्त्र [ acchinnapattra ] [ á-cchinna-pattra ] m. f. n. ( [ ácchinna- ] ) (said of goddesses , of a bird , of an altar shaped like a bird) , having the wings uncurtailed , uninjured Lit. RV. i , 22 , 11 Lit. VS.
having uninjured leaves Lit. VS.
अच्छिन्नपर्ण [ acchinnaparṇa ] [ á-cchinna-parṇá ] m. f. n. having uninjured leaves Lit. AV.
अच्छेदिक [ acchedika ] [ a-cchedika ] m. f. n. not fit or needing to be cut Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 155 Sch.
अच्छुप्ता [ acchuptā ] [ a-cchuptā ] f. N. of one of the sixteen Vidyādevīs of the Jainas.
अच्छूरिका [ acchūrikā ] [ acchūrikā ] or [ acchūrī ] f. discus , wheel Lit. BhP.
अच्छूरी [ acchūrī ] [ acchūrī ] or [ acchūrikā ] f. discus , wheel Lit. BhP.
अच्छेर [ acchera ] [ acchéra ] (or [ añśéra ] ), m. f. n. (said of the waters), Lit. MaitrS.
अच्युत [ acyuta ] [ á-cyuta ] m. f. n. or [ a-cyutá ] not fallen
firm , solid
imperishable , permanent
not leaking or dripping
of Kṛishṇa
of a physician , the plant Morinda Tinctoria
N. of a gift to Agni Lit. ŚBr.
अच्युतक्षित् [ acyutakṣit ] [ á-cyuta-kṣí t ] m. " having solid ground " , N. of Soma Lit. VS.
अच्युतचक्रवर्तिन् [ acyutacakravartin ] [ a-cyuta-cakravartin ] m. N. of the author of a Comm. on the Dāya-bhāga, Lit. IW. 304.
अच्युतच्युत् [ acyutacyut ] [ á-cyuta-cyút ] m. f. n. shaking firm objects (said of the thunderer Indra) Lit. RV.
(said of a drum) Lit. AV.
अच्युतज [ acyutaja ] [ á-cyuta-ja ] m. pl. a class of Jaina deities.
अच्युतजल्लकिन् [ acyutajallakin ] [ á-cyuta-jallakin ] m. N. of a commentator of the Amara-Kosha.
अच्युतदन्त [ acyutadanta ] [ á-cyuta-danta ] m. N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called Ācyutadanti or Ācyutanti (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes) .
अच्युतन्त [ acyutanta ] [ acyutanta ] m. N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called Ācyutadanti or Ācyutanti (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes) .
अच्युतपाजस् [ acyutapājas ] [ á-cyuta-pājas ] and ( [ ácyuta- ] ) m. N. of two Maharshis Lit. TĀr.
अच्युतमनस् [ acyutamanas ] [ á-cyuta-manas ]and ( [ ácyuta- ] ) m. N. of two Maharshis Lit. TĀr.
अच्युतमूर्ति [ acyutamūrti ] [ á-cyuta-mūrti ] m. N. of Vishṇu.
अच्युतरुष् [ acyutaruṣ ] [ á-cyuta-ruṣ ] f. inveterate hatred.
अच्युतवास [ acyutavāsa ] [ á-cyuta-vāsa ] m. the sacred fig-tree , Ficus Religiosa
[ acyutāvasa ] id. Lit. T.
अच्युतस्थल [ acyutasthala ] [ á-cyuta-sthala ] n. N. of a place in the Pañjāb Lit. MBh.
अच्युताग्रज [ acyutāgraja ] [ acyutāgraja ] m. (Vishṇu's elder brother) , Balarāma
अच्युतोपाध्याय [ acyutopādhyāya ] [ ácyutopādhyāya ] m. = [ acyuta-jallakin ] q.v.
अज् [ aj ] [ aj ] Root cl. [1] P. (defect. , supplemented fr. √ [ vi ] ) , [ ájati ] , [ ājīt ] , [ ajitum ] , to drive , propel , throw , cast: Desid. [ ajijiṣati ] , to be desirous of driving ( ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (ago) ) ) .
अज [ aja ] [ ajá ]1 m. a drove , troop (of Maruts) Lit. AV.
a driver , mover , instigator , leader
N. of Indra , of Rudra , of one of the Maruts ( ( [ ajá éka-pā́ ] Lit. RV. , and [ ajá éka-pāda ] Lit. AV. ) ) , of Agni , of the sun , of Brahmā , of Vishṇu , of Śiva , of Kāma ( cf. 2. [ a-ja ] )
the leader of a flock
a he-goat , ram ( ( cf. Gk. 1 ,2 ; Lith. $ ) )
the sign Aries
the vehicle of Agni
beam of the sun (Pūshan)
N. of a descendant of Viśvāmitra , and of Daśaratha's or Dīrghabāhu's father
N. of a mineral substance
of a kind of rice
of the moon
N. of a people Lit. RV. vii , 18 , 19
of a class of Ṛishis Lit. MBh.
[ ajā ] f. N. of Prakṛiti , of Māyā or Illusion see [ a-jā ] (s.v. 2. [ a-jā ] )
a she-goat
N. of a plant whose bulbs resemble the udder of a goat Lit. Suśr.
अजकर्ण [ ajakarṇa ] [ ajá-karṇa ] m. a goat's ear
the tree Terminalia Alata Tomentosa.
अजकर्णक [ ajakarṇaka ] [ ajá-karṇaka ] m. the Śāl-tree , Shorea Robusta.
अजकूला [ ajakūlā ] [ ajá-kūlā ] f. N. of a town of the Bodhis.
अजगति [ ajagati ] [ aja-gati ] m. f. n. "accessible (only) to goats" , steep (as a road), Lit. MBh.
अजगन्धा [ ajagandhā ] [ ajá-gandhā ] f. " smelling like a he-goat " , shrubby basil , Ocymum Gratissimum.
अजगन्धिका [ ajagandhikā ] [ ajá-gandhikā ] f. " smelling like a he-goat " , shrubby basil , Ocymum Gratissimum.
अजगन्धिनी [ ajagandhinī ] [ ajá-gandhinī ] f. a plant = [ aja-śṛngī́ ] q.v.
अजगर [ ajagara ] [ ajá-gará ] m. ( " goat-swallower " ) , a huge serpent , boa constrictor Lit. AV.
N. of an Asura
अजगल्लिका [ ajagallikā ] [ ajá-gallikā ] f. " goat's cheek " , an infantile disease.
अजजीवन [ ajajīvana ] [ ajá-jīvana ] m. " who lives by goats " , a goat-herd.
अजजीविक [ ajajīvika ] [ ajá-jīvika ] m. " who lives by goats " , a goat-herd.
अजता [ ajatā ] [ ajá-tā ] f. a multitude of goats
the being a goat.
अजत्व [ ajatva ] [ ajá-tvá ] ( ( Lit. TS. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 64 Sch. ) ) or
अजात्व [ ajātva ] [ ajā-tva ] n. the being a goat.
अजदण्डी [ ajadaṇḍī ] [ ajá-daṇḍī ] f. a plant = [ brahmadaṇḍi ] .
अजदेवता [ ajadevatā ] [ ajá-devatā ] f. pl. the 25th lunar mansion.
अजनामक [ ajanāmaka ] [ ajá-nāmaka ] m. " named Aja or Vishṇu " , a mineral substance.
अजप [ ajapa ] [ ajá-pa ] m. a goat-herd.
अजपथ [ ajapatha ] [ ajá-patha ] m. " goat's road " , probably = [ aja-vīthī ] q.v.
अजपद [ ajapada ] [ ajá-pada ] m. f. n. goat-footed.
अजपाद [ ajapāda ] [ ajá-pāda ] m. f. n. goat-footed.
अजपाद् [ ajapād ] [ ajá-pād ] m. N. of the divinity called [ aja kapād ] .
अजपार्श्व [ ajapārśva ] [ ajá-pārśva ] m. " having black sides like a goat " , N. of Śvetakarṇa's son Rājīvalocana.
अजपाल [ ajapāla ] [ ajá-pālá ] m. a goat-herd Lit. VS.
N. of Daśaratha's father.
N. of a partic. tree (under which Buddha meditated), Lit. MWB. 39
अजबभ्रु [ ajababhru ] [ ajá-babhru ] ( [ ája- ] ) n. said to be the father or origin of a medical plant Lit. AV. v , 5 , 8.
अजभक्ष [ ajabhakṣa ] [ ajá-bhakṣa ] m. " goat's food " , the plant Varvūra.
अजमायु [ ajamāyu ] [ ajá-māyu ] ( [ ajá- ] ) m. bleating like a goat (a frog) Lit. RV. vii , 103 , 6 and 10.
अजमार [ ajamāra ] [ ajá-māra ] m. N. of a tribe or prince , (g. [ kurv-ādi ] , q.v.)
अजमीढ [ ajamīḍha ] [ ajá-mīḍha ] m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns Lit. RV. iv , 43 and 44)
of a grandson of Suhotra
of Yudhishṭhira.
अजमीढ [ ajamīḍha ] [ ajá-mīḍha ] m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns Lit. RV. iv , 43 and 44)
of a grandson of Suhotra
of Yudhishṭhira.
अजमुख [ ajamukha ] [ ajá-mukha ] m. f. n. goat faced
[ ajamukhī ] f. N. of a Rākshasī.
अजमेरु [ ajameru ] [ ajá-meru ] N. of a place , Ajmīr (?) .
अजमोद [ ajamoda ] [ ajá-moda ] m. " goat's delight " , N. of various plants , common Carroway , the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen) , a species of Parsley , Apium Involucratum.
अजमोदा [ ajamodā ] [ ajá-modā ] f. " goat's delight " , N. of various plants , common Carroway , the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen) , a species of Parsley , Apium Involucratum.
अजमोदिका [ ajamodikā ] [ ajá-modikā ] f. " goat's delight " , N. of various plants , common Carroway , the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen) , a species of Parsley , Apium Involucratum.
अजर्षभ [ ajarṣabha ] [ ajá-rṣabhá ] ( [ ṛṣ ] ) m. a he-goat Lit. ŚBr.
अजलम्बन [ ajalambana ] [ ajá-lambana ] n. antimony.
अजलोमन् [ ajaloman ] [ ajá-loman ] m. Cowage , Carpopogon Pruriens
[ ajaloman ] m. f. n. hairy as a goat, Lit. MaitrS.
n. goat's hair Lit. ŚBr.
अजलोमी [ ajalomī ] [ ajá-lomī ] f. Cowage , Carpopogon Pruriens
[ ajaloma ] n. goat's hair Lit. ŚBr.
अजवस्ति [ ajavasti ] [ ajá-vasti ] m. N. of a tribe , (g. [ gṛṣṭy-ādi ] and [ śubhrādi ] q.v.)
the members of that tribe , (g. [ yaskādi ] , q.v.)
अजवाह [ ajavāha ] [ ajá-vāha ] m. N. of a district.
अजवीथी [ ajavīthī ] [ ajá-vīthī ] f. " goat's road " , N. of one of the three divisions of the southern path , or one of the three paths in which the sun , moon , and planets move , comprehending the asterisms [ mūla ] , [ pūrvāṣāḍha ] , and [ uttarāṣāḍha ] .
अजशृङ्गी [ ajaśṛṅgī ] [ ajá-śṛṅgī́ ] f. " goat's horn " , the shrub Odina Wodier , used as a charm and as a remedy for sore eyes Lit. AV. (its fruit resembles a goat's horn) .
अजस्तुन्द [ ajastunda ] [ ajá-stunda ] n. N. of a town Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 155.
अजहा [ ajahā ] [ ajá-hā ] f. = [ a-jaḍā ] q.v.
the Plant Ālkuśī Lit. T.
अजाकृपाणीय [ ajākṛpāṇīya ] [ ajā-kṛpāṇīya ] m. f. n. like the goat and shears in the fable Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 106 Sch.
अजाक्षीर [ ajākṣīra ] [ ajā-kṣīrá ] n. goat's milk Lit. ŚBr.
cf. [ aja-kṣirá ] .
अजागल [ ajāgala ] [ ajā-gala ] m. goat's neck.
अजागलस्तन [ ajāgalastana ] [ ajāgala-stana ] m. nipple or fleshy protuberance on the neck of goats , an emblem of any useless or worthless object or person.
अजाजीव [ ajājīva ] [ ajā-jīva ] m. " who lives by goats " , a goat-herd.
अजातौल्वलि [ ajātaulvali ] [ ajā-taulvali ] m. N. of a Muni who lived on the milk of goats ( an example of compounds in which the middle term is left out , g. [ śākapārthivādi ] q.v.) .
अजाद [ ajāda ] [ ajāda ] m. " goat-eater " , the ancestor of a warrior tribe Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 171
अजादनी [ ajādanī ] [ ajādanī ] f. a species of prickly night-shade.
अजादि [ ajādi ] [ ajādi ] a g. of Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 4.
अजान्त्री [ ajāntrī ] [ ajāntrī ] f. the pot-herb Convolvulus Argenteus.
अजापालक [ ajāpālaka ] [ ajā-pālaka ] m. f. n. tending goats
[ ajāpālaka ] m. a goat-herd. Lit. L.
अजावि [ ajāvi ] [ ajāví ] m. pl. ( [ ajāváyas ] Lit. ŚBr.) sg. goats and sheep , small cattle.
अजाविक [ ajāvika ] [ ajāviká ] n. sg. goats and sheep , small cattle.
अजाश्व [ ajāśva ] [ ajāśva ] n. goats and horses Lit. Yājñ.
[ ajāśva ] m. Pūshan or the Sun (having goats for horses) Lit. RV.
अजैकपाद् [ ajaikapād ] [ ajaikapād ] m. N. of Vishṇu
of one of the eleven Rudras
cf. 1. [ ajá ] .
अजैडक [ ajaiḍaka ] [ ajaiḍaka ] n. goats and rams , (g. [ gavāśvādi ] , q.v.)
अजक [ ajaka ] [ ajaka ] m. N. of a descendant of Purūravas
of a king of Magadha
a disease of the pupil of the eye (small reddish tumours compared to kids , protruding through the transparent cornea and discharging pus) .
अजकाजात [ ajakājāta ] [ ajakā-jāta ] n. the above disease.
अजन [ ajana ] [ ajana ] see s.v.
अजनि [ ajani ] [ ájani ] see s.v.
अज्म [ ajma ] [ ájma ] see s.v.
अज [ aja ] [ a-já ]2 m. f. n. not born , existing from all eternity
[ aja ] m. N. of the first uncreated being Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
Brahmā , Vishṇu , Śiva , Kāma
[ ajā ] f. N. of Prakṛiti , Māyā or Illusion (see also 1. [ ajá ] and 1. [ ajana ] ) .
अजकव [ ajakava ] [ ajakava ] m. Śiva's bow Lit. L.
अजकाव [ ajakāva ] [ ajakāvá ] m. f. n. N. of a sacrificial vessel dedicated to Mitra and Varuṇa and (according to the Comm.) having an ornament similar to the fleshy protuberance called [ ajā-gala-stana ] q.v. Lit. ŚBr.
[ ajakāva ] m. n. a species of venomous vermin , centipede or scorpion Lit. RV. vii , 50 , 1
Śiva's bow Lit. L.
अजगव [ ajagava ] [ ajagava ] m. Śiva's bow Lit. L.
the southern portion of the path of the sun , moon , and planets
N. of a snake priest Lit. PBr.
अजगाव [ ajagāva ] [ ajagāva ] m. N. of a snake demon Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
cf. [ ājagāva ]
[ ajagāva ] n. Śiva's bow Lit. L.
N. of the sacrificial vessel also called [ ajakāvá ] ( q.v.) Lit. ĀpŚr.
अजघन्य [ ajaghanya ] [ a-jaghanya ] m. f. n. not last
not least.
अजघ्निवस् [ ajaghnivas ] [ á-jaghnivas ] m. f. n. (√ [ han ] ) , not having killed Lit. RV. viii , 56 , 15.
अजटा [ ajaṭā ] [ a-jaṭā ] f. Flacourtia Cataphracta = [ ajaḍā ] and [ ajjhaṭā ] .
अजड [ ajaḍa ] [ a-jaḍa ] m. f. n. not inanimate , not torpid , not stupid
[ ajaḍā ] f. the plants Ajaṭā and Kapikacchu (Carpopogon Pruriens) .
अजडधी [ ajaḍadhī ] [ a-jaḍa-dhī ] m. f. n. of a vigorous mind , energetic.
अजथ्या [ ajathyā ] [ ajathyā ] f. yellow jasmin.
अजन [ ajana ] [ ajana ]1 m. (√ [ aj ] ) , " the instigator " , Brahmā
[ ajana ] n. act of instigating or moving ,
अजनयोनिज [ ajanayonija ] [ ajana-yoni-ja ] m. " born from Ajana " , N. of Daksha.
अजनि [ ajani ] [ ajani ] f. a path , road Lit. Nir.
अजननि [ ajanani ] [ a-janani ] f. (generally used in cursing) , non-birth , cessation of existence
[ ajananir astu tasya ] , " may he cease to exist! " Lit. Pañcat.
cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 112.
अजन्य [ ajanya ] [ a-janya ] m. f. n. improper to be produced or born
unfit for mankind
[ ajanya ] n. any portent unfavourable to mankind , as an earthquake.
अजन्त [ ajanta ] [ aj-anta ] m. f. n. see 2. [ ac ] .
अजन्मन् [ ajanman ] [ ajanman ] m. f. n. not subject to birth, Lit. Ragh.
अजप [ ajapa ] [ a-japa ]1 m. (√ [ jap ] ) , one who does not repeat prayers
a reciter of heterodox works Lit. L.
[ ajapā ] f. the mantra or formula called haṃsa (which consists only of a number of inhalations and exhalations) .
अजप [ ajapa ] [ aja-pa ]2 m. see 1. [ ajá ] .
अजम्भ [ ajambha ] [ a-jambha ] m. " toothless " , a frog.
अजय [ ajaya ] [ a-jaya ] m. non-victory , defeat
[ ajaya ] m. f. n. unconquered , unsurpassed , invincible
m. N. of Vishṇu
of a lexicographer
of a river
N. of a friend of Durgā
Māyā or Illusion.
अजयवर्मन् [ ajayavarman ] [ ajaya-varman ] m. N. of a king, Lit. Inscr.
अजयसिंह [ ajayasiṃha ] [ ajaya-siṃha ] m. N. of a king, Lit. Inscr.
अजय्य [ ajayya ] [ a-jayya ] m. f. n. invincible , improper to be won at play.
अजर [ ajara ] [ a-jára ] m. f. n. (√ [ jṝ ] ) , not subject to old age , undecaying , ever young
[ ajarā ] f. the plants Aloe Perfoliata and Jīrṇapañjhi
the river Sarasvatī.
अजरक [ ajaraka ] [ a-jaraka ] m. n. indigestion.
अजरत् [ ajarat ] [ a-járat ] m. f. n. not decaying Lit. VS.
अजरयु [ ajarayu ] [ a-jarayú ] m. f. n. not subject to old age Lit. RV. i , 116 , 20.
अजरस् [ ajaras ] [ a-jaras ] another form for [ a-jara ] , used only in some cases Lit. L.
अजर्य [ ajarya ] [ a-jaryá ] m. f. n. not subject to old age or decay Lit. ŚBr., not friable , not digestible
अजवस् [ ajavas ] [ a-javás ] m. f. n. not quick , inactive Lit. RV. ii , 15 , 6.
अजस्र [ ajasra ] [ á-jasra ] m. f. n. (√ [ jas ] ) , not to be obstructed , perpetual Lit. RV.
[ ajasram ] ind. perpetually , for ever , ever. ( gaṇa , )
[ ajasreṇa ] ind. perpetually , for ever , ever. ( Lit. RV. vi , 16 , 45 )
अजहत्स्वार्था [ ajahatsvārthā ] [ a-jahat-svārthā ] f. a rhetorical figure (using a word which involves the meaning of another word previously used , as " white ones " for " white horses " , " lances " for " men with lances " ) .
अजहल्लिङ्ग [ ajahalliṅga ] [ ajahal-liṅga ] m. ( in Gr.) a noun which does not drop its original gender , when used as an adjective.
अजागर [ ajāgara ] [ a-jāgara ] m. f. n. not awake , not wakeful Lit. L.
[ ajāgara ] m. the plant Eclipta or Verbesina Prostrata.
अजाजि [ ajāji ] [ ajāji ] f. or [ ajājī ] Cuminum Cyminum
Ficus Oppositifolia
Nigella Indica.
अजाजी [ ajājī ] [ ajājī ] f. or [ ajāji ] Cuminum Cyminum
Ficus Oppositifolia
Nigella Indica.
अजातककुद् [ ajātakakud ] [ á-jāta-kakud ] m. a young bull whose hump is yet undeveloped Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 146 Sch.
अजातपक्ष [ ajātapakṣa ] [ á-jāta-pakṣa ] m. f. n. having undeveloped wings.
अजातलोमन् [ ajātaloman ] [ á-jāta-loman ] m. f. n. whose signs of puberty are not yet developed.
अजातव्यञ्जन [ ajātavyañjana ] [ á-jāta-vyañjana ] m. f. n. whose signs of puberty are not yet developed.
अजातव्यवहार [ ajātavyavahāra ] [ á-jāta-vyavahāra ] m. having no experience of business , a minor , a youth under fifteen.
अजातशत्रु [ ajātaśatru ] [ á-jāta-śatru ] m. f. n. ( [ ájāta- ] ) having no enemy
having no adversary or equal (Indra) Lit. RV.
[ ajātaśatru ] m. ( [ us ] ) N. of Śiva , of Yudhishṭhira , of a king of Kāśī , of a son of Śamika , of a son of Vidmisāra or Bimbisāra (contemporary of Śākyamuni)
अजातानुशय [ ajātānuśaya ] [ ajātānuśaya ] m. f. n. having no regret.
अजातारि [ ajātāri ] [ ajātāri ] m. having no enemy , Yudhishṭhira Lit. Śiś.
अजानि [ ajāni ] [ a-jā́ni ] [ is ] ( ( Lit. AV. ) ) , or [ a-jānika ] ( ( Lit. L. ) ) m. having no wife.
अजामि [ ajāmi ] [ á-jāmi ] m. f. n. not of kin , not related Lit. RV.
( in Gr.) not corresponding Lit. Nir.
[ ajāmi ] n. " (co-habitation) not allowed between relations " , incest Lit. RV.
अजामिता [ ajāmitā ] [ á-jāmi-tā ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) f. not uniformity , variation ,
अजामित्व [ ajāmitva ] [ á-jāmi-tva ] ( ( Lit. TBr. ) ) n. not uniformity , variation ,
अजायमान [ ajāyamāna ] [ á-jāyamāna ] m. f. n. (√ [ jan ] ) , not being born , not subject to birth Lit. VS.
अजिका [ ajikā ] [ ajikā ] f. see [ ajaka ] .
अजित [ ajita ] [ a-jita ] m. f. n. not conquered , unsubdued , unsurpassed , invincible , irresistible
[ ajita ] m. a particular antidote
a kind of venomous rat
N. of Vishṇu
one of the Saptarshis of the fourteenth Manvantara
Maitreya or a future Buddha
the second of the Arhats or saints of the present (Jaina) Avasarpiṇī , a descendant of Ikshvāku
the attendant of Suvidhi (who is the ninth of those Arhats)
m. pl. a class of deified beings in the first Manvantara.
अजितकेशकम्बल [ ajitakeśakambala ] [ a-jita-keśa-kambala ] m. N. of one of the six chief heretical teachers (mentioned in Buddhist texts as contemporaries of Buddha) .
अजितबला [ ajitabalā ] [ a-jita-balā ] f. N. of a Jaina deity who acts under the direction of the Arhat Ajita.
अजितविक्रम [ ajitavikrama ] [ a-jita-vikrama ] m. " having invincible power " , N. of king Candragupta the second.
अजितात्मन् [ ajitātman ] [ ajitātman ] m. f. n. having an unsubdued self or spirit.
अजितापीड [ ajitāpīḍa ] [ ajitāpīḍa ] m. having an unsurpassed crown
N. of a king Lit. Rājat.
अजितेन्द्रिय [ ajitendriya ] [ ajitendriya ] m. f. n. having unsubdued passions.
अजिन [ ajina ] [ ají na ] n. ( probably at first the skin of a goat , [ aja ] )
the hairy skin of an antelope , especially a black antelope (which serves the religious student for a couch seat , covering )
the hairy skin of a tiger ,
अजिनपत्त्रा [ ajinapattrā ] [ ají na-pattrā ] f. a bat.
अजिनपत्त्री [ ajinapattrī ] [ ají na-pattrī ] f. a bat.
अजिनपत्त्रिका [ ajinapattrikā ] [ ají na-pattrikā ] f. a bat.
अजिनफला [ ajinaphalā ] [ ají na-phalā ] f. N. of a plant , (g. [ ajādi ] q.v.)
अजिनयोनि [ ajinayoni ] [ ají na-yoni ] m. " origin of skin " , an antelope , deer.
अजिनरत्न [ ajinaratna ] [ ajina-ratna ] n. a lucky-bag, Lit. Daś.
अजिनसन्ध [ ajinasandha ] [ ají na-sandhá ] m. one who prepares skins , a furrier Lit. VS.
अजिर [ ajira ] [ ajirá ] m. f. n. (√ [ aj ] ) , agile , quick , rapid
[ ajiram ] ind. quickly Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
[ ajira ] m. N. of a Nāga priest Lit. PBr.
[ ajirā ] f. N. of Durgā , of a river
[ ajira ] n. place to run or fight in , area , court Lit. R.
the body
any object of sense , air , wind , a frog Lit. L.
(with [ ājeḥ ] ) a field of battle (cf. [ samarā ] [ jira ] ), Lit. Śiś.
अजिरवती [ ajiravatī ] [ ajirá-vatī ] f. N. of the river on which the town Śrāvastī was situated Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 119 and vi , 1 , 220 Sch.
अजिरशोचिस् [ ajiraśocis ] [ ajirá-śocis ] ( [ ajirá ] .) m. having a quick light , glittering , N. of Agni , of Soma Lit. RV.
अजिरादि [ ajirādi ] [ ajirādi ] a g. of Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 119.
अजिराधिराज [ ajirādhirāja ] [ ajirādhi-rājá ] m. " an agile emperor " , death Lit. AV.
अजिराय [ ajirāya ] [ ajirāya ] Nom. Ā. [ ajirāyate ] , to be agile or quick Lit. RV. viii , 14 , 10.
अजिरीय [ ajirīya ] [ ajirīya ] m. f. n. connected with a court , (g. [ utkarādi ] q.v.)
अजिह्म [ ajihma ] [ a-jihma ] m. f. n. not crooked , straight
honest , upright Lit. Mn.
[ ajihma ] m. a frog ( perhaps for [ a-jihva ] ) Lit. L.
a fish Lit. L.
अजिह्मग [ ajihmaga ] [ a-jihma-ga ] m. f. n. going straight
अजिह्माग्र [ ajihmāgra ] [ ajihmāgra ] m. f. n. having a straight point.
अजिह्व [ ajihva ] [ a-jihva ] m. f. n. tongueless
अजिह्वक [ ajihvaka ] [ a-jihvaka ] f. , see [ jihvaka ] , " tongueless " , N. of a Rākshasī
अजीकव [ ajīkava ] [ ajīkava ] n. Śiva's bow Lit. L. see [ ajakava ] .
अजीगर्त [ ajīgarta ] [ a-jīgarta ] m. " that has nothing to swallow " , N. of a Ṛishi , Śunaḥ-śepa's father.
अजीत [ ajīta ] [ á-jīta ] m. f. n. (√ [ jyā ] , usually [ jina ] ) , not faded , not faint Lit. AV. Lit. TS. ,
अजीतपुनर्वण्य [ ajītapunarvaṇya ] [ á-jīta-punarvaṇya ] n. " asking the restitution of an object which has in fact not been lost " , N. of a twofold rite to be performed by Kshatriyas Lit. AitBr.
अजीति [ ajīti ] [ a-jīti ] f. the state of being uninjured Lit. RV. Lit. TS.
cf. [ á-jyāni ] .
अजीर्णि [ ajīrṇi ] [ a-jīrṇi ] f. indigestion Lit. L.
अजीर्णिन् [ ajīrṇin ] [ a-jīrṇin ] m. f. n. suffering from indigestion.
अजीर्ति [ ajīrti ] [ a-jīrti ] f. indigestibleness.
अजीर्यत् [ ajīryat ] [ ajīryat ] m. f. n. not subject to old age or decay Lit. KaṭhUp.
अजीर्यत्ता [ ajīryattā ] [ ajīryat-tā ] ( f. )
अजीवत् [ ajīvat ] [ a-jīvat ] m. f. n. not living , destitute of a livelihood Lit. Mn.
अजीवन [ ajīvana ] [ á-jīvana ] m. f. n. destitute of a livelihood Lit. AV.
अजीवनि [ ajīvani ] [ a-jīvani ] f. non-existence , death
[ ajīvaní s tasya bhūyāt ] , " may death befall him! " Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 112 Sch.
अजीवित [ ajīvita ] [ a-jīvita ] n. non-existence , death.
अजुगुप्सित [ ajugupsita ] [ a-jugupsita ] m. f. n. not disliked.
अजुर् [ ajur ] [ a-júr ] m. f. n. (√ [ jur ] ) , not subject to old age or decay Lit. RV. viii , 1 , 2.
अजुर्य [ ajurya ] [ a-juryá ] ( 3 ; once 4 Lit. RV. vi , 17 , 13) id. Lit. RV.
अजूर्यत् [ ajūryat ] [ á-jūryat ] m. f. n. not subject to old age Lit. RV. iii , 46 , 1 and v , 42 , 6.
अजुष्ट [ ajuṣṭa ] [ á-juṣṭa ] m. f. n. not enjoyed , unsatisfactory Lit. RV.
अजुष्टि [ ajuṣṭi ] [ á-juṣṭi ] f. non-enjoyment , feeling of disappointment Lit. RV.
अजू [ ajū ] [ a-jū ] m. f. n. not rushing forward, Lit. Sāy. (in a quotation).
अजेतव्य [ ajetavya ] [ a-jetavya ] m. f. n. invincible.
अजेय [ ajeya ] [ a-jeya ] m. f. n. invincible
N. of a prince Lit. MBh.
[ ajeya ] n. N. of a kind of antidote.
अजोष [ ajoṣa ] [ á-joṣa ] m. f. n. not gratified , insatiable Lit. RV. i , 9 , 4.
अजोष्य [ ajoṣya ] [ á-joṣya ] (4) m. f. n. not liked , not welcome Lit. RV. i , 38 , 5.
अज्जुका [ ajjukā ] [ ajjukā ] f. (in the drama) a courtezan.
अज्जू [ ajjū ] [ ajjū ] f. a mother, Lit. L.
अज्झटा [ ajjhaṭā ] [ ajjhaṭā ] f. the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta (= [ ajaṭā ] and [ ajaḍā ] ) .
अज्ञ [ ajña ] [ a-jña ] m. f. n. (√ [ jñā ] ) , not knowing
ignorant , inexperienced
unwise , stupid.
अज्ञत्व [ ajñatva ] [ a-jña-tva ] n. ignorance.
अज्ञका [ ajñakā ] [ ajñakā ] f. an ignorant woman Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 47.
अज्ञिका [ ajñikā ] [ ajñikā ] f. an ignorant woman Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 47.
अज्ञात [ ajñāta ] [ a-jñāta ] m. f. n. unknown
[ ajñātam ] ind. without the knowledge of Lit. MBh.
अज्ञातकुलशील [ ajñātakulaśīla ] [ a-jñāta-kula-śīla ] m. f. n. whose lineage and character are unknown ,
अज्ञातकेत [ ajñātaketa ] [ a-jñāta-keta ] ( [ ájñāta- ] ) m. f. n. having unknown or secret designs Lit. RV. v , 3 , 11.
अज्ञातभुक्त [ ajñātabhukta ] [ a-jñāta-bhukta ] m. f. n. eaten unawares Lit. Mn.
अज्ञातयक्ष्म [ ajñātayakṣma ] [ a-jñāta-yakṣmá ] m. an unknown or hidden disease Lit. RV. x , 161 , 1 Lit. AV.
अज्ञातवास [ ajñātavāsa ] [ a-jñāta-vāsa ] m. f. n. whose dwelling is unknown.
अज्ञातशील [ ajñātaśīla ] [ a-jñāta-śīla ] m. f. n. whose character is unknown.
अज्ञातक [ ajñātaka ] [ ajñātaka ] m. f. n. unknown , (g. [ yāvādi ] q.v.)
अज्ञान [ ajñāna ] [ a-jñāna ] n. non-cognizance
ignorance , (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance (or a power which , consisting of the three Guṇas , [ rajas ] , and [ tamas ] , and preventing the soul from realizing its identity with Brahma , causes self to appear a distinct personality , and matter to appear a reality)
Prakṛiti , Māyā , Illusion
[ ajñāna ] m. f. n. ignorant , unwise
[ ajñānāt ] ind. unawares , ignorantly.
अज्ञानकृत [ ajñānakṛta ] [ a-jñāna-kṛta ] m. f. n. done inadvertently.
अज्ञानतस् [ ajñānatas ] [ a-jñāna-tas ] ind. unawares , inadvertently.
अज्ञानता [ ajñānatā ] [ a-jñāna-tā ] f. ignorance.
अज्ञानत्व [ ajñānatva ] [ a-jñāna-tva ] n. ignorance.
अज्ञानबन्धन [ ajñānabandhana ] [ a-jñāna-bandhana ] n. the bond of ignorance.
अज्ञानबोधिनी [ ajñānabodhinī ] [ a-jñāna-bodhinī ] f. N. of a Comm. on the Ātma-bodha by Śaṃkarâcārya
अज्ञानविध्वंसन [ ajñānavidhvaṃsana ] [ a-jñāna-vidhvaṃsana ] m. N. of a Tathāgata, Lit. Sukh. i.
अज्ञानिन् [ ajñānin ] [ a-jñānin ] m. f. n. ignorant , unwise.
अज्ञास् [ ajñās ] [ á-jñās ] m. f. n. having no kindred Lit. RV. x , 39 , 6.
अज्ञेय [ ajñeya ] [ a-jñeya ] m. f. n. unknowable , unfit to be known.
अज्म [ ajma ] [ ájma ] m. (√ [ aj ] ) , career , march Lit. RV. ( ( cf. Gk. 1 ) ) .
अज्मन् [ ajman ] [ ájman ] n. career , passage , battle Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ( Lat. (agmen) ) .
अज्र [ ajra ] [ ájra ] m. a field , a plain Lit. RV. ( Lat. (ager) ; Gk. 1: cf. [ ajira ] ) .
अज्र्य [ ajrya ] [ ajryá ] (3) m. f. n. being in or connected with a field or plain Lit. RV. x , 69 , 6.
अज्विन् [ ajvin ] [ ajvin ] m. f. n. (√ [ aj ] ) , active , agile , used in a sacrificial formula Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अज्यानि [ ajyāni ] [ á-jyāni ] f. the state of being uninjured Lit. AV. ( cf. [ á-jīti ] )
( [ ajyānayas ] ) nom. pl. N. of certain offerings Lit. TBr. , Lit. ĀpŚr.
अज्येयता [ ajyeyatā ] [ a-jyeyá-tā ] f. state of anything which is not to be hurt or overpowered Lit. ŚBr.
अज्यायस् [ ajyāyas ] [ á-jyāyas ] m. f. n. not greater than (abl.), Lit. TBr.
अज्येष्ठ [ ajyeṣṭha ] [ a-jyeṣṭhá ] m. f. n. not the oldest or best
nom. pl. of which none is the eldest (the Maruts) Lit. RV. v , 59 , 6 and 60 , 5
cf. [ á-kaniṣṭha ] .
अज्येष्ठवृत्ति [ ajyeṣṭhavṛtti ] [ a-jyeṣṭhá-vṛtti ] m. f. n. not behaving as the eldest brother ( ( Lit. Mn. ix , 110 ) ) , or ( [ ajyeṣṭha-vṛtti ] ) behaving like one who has no elder brother.
अञ्च् [ añc ] [ añc ]1 Root ( connected with √ [ ac ] q.v.) cl. [1] P. Ā. [ áñcati ] , [ °te ] , [ ānañca ] , [ °ce ] , [ añci-ṣyati ] , [ °te ] , [ añcitum ] , to bend , curve , incline , curl ; to reverence (with inclined body) , to honour ; to tend , move , go , wander about ; to request Lit. L. : cl. [10] or Caus. [ añcayati ] , to unfold , make clear , produce. Desid. P. Ā. [ añciciṣati ] , [ °te ] , to be desirous of bending: Pass. [ añcyate ] or [ acyate ] , to be bent.
अञ्च् [ añc ] [ añc ]2 only ifc. , turned to , going or directed towards
see [ akudhryāñc ] , [ ávāñc ] , [ udañc ] , [ devadryáñc ] ,
अञ्च [ añca ] [ añca ] " curling " (of the hairs of the body , thrill of rapture) , only at the end of [ romāñca ] q.v.
अञ्चति [ añcati ] [ añcati ] m. wind Lit. L.
fire Lit. L.
अञ्चती [ añcatī ] [ añcatī ] f. wind Lit. L.
fire Lit. L.
अञ्चल [ añcala ] [ añcala ] m. ( perhaps also [ am ] ) n. the border or end of a garment , especially of a woman's garment , of a veil , shawl. (in Bengālī , a strip of country , district.)
अञ्चित [ añcita ] [ añcita ] m. f. n. bent , curved , curled , arched , handsome
gone , walked in
reverenced , honoured
अञ्चितपत्त्र [ añcitapattra ] [ añcita-pattra ] m. a kind of lotus with curved leaves.
अञ्चितपत्त्राक्ष [ añcitapattrākṣa ] [ añcita-pattrākṣa ] m. f. n. having lotus eyes.
अञ्चितभ्रू [ añcitabhrū ] [ añcita-bhrū ] f. a woman with arched or handsome eyebrows.
अञ्चितलाङ्गूल [ añcitalāṅgūla ] [ añcita-lāṅgūla ] m. f. n. having a curved tail (as a monkey) .
अञ्ज् [ añj ] [ añj ] Root cl. [7] P. Ā. [ anákti ] , [ aṅkté ] , [ ā ] [ nañja ] , [ añjiṣyati ] or [ aṅkṣyati ] , [ āñjīt ] , [ añjitum ] or [ aṅktum ] , to apply an ointment or pigment , smear with , anoint ; to decorate , prepare ; to honour , celebrate ; to cause to appear , make clear Lit. RV. i , 92 , 1 ; to be beautiful Lit. L. ; to go Lit. L. : Caus. [ añjayat ] , [ āñjijat ] , to smear with ; to speak ; to shine ; to cause to go Lit. L. ( ( cf. Lat. (ungo) ) ) .
अञ्जक [ añjaka ] [ añjaka ] m. N. of a son of Vipracitti Lit. VP.
अञ्जन [ añjana ] [ añjana ] m. a kind of domestic lizard Lit. L.
N. of a fabulous , serpent
of a tree Lit. Pañcat.
of a mountain , of a king of Mithilā , of the elephant of the west or south-west quarter
[ añjanā ] f. N. of Hanumat's mother
of Pravarasena's mother
[ añjana ] n. act of applying an ointment or pigment , embellishing , , black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the inner coat of the eyelids
a special kind of this pigment , as lamp-black , Antimony , extract of Ammonium , Xanthorrhiza ,
paint , especially as a cosmetic
magic ointment
ink Lit. L.
night Lit. L.
fire Lit. L. (In rhetoric) making clear the meaning of an equivocal expression , double entendre or pun ,
अञ्जनकेश [ añjanakeśa ] [ añjana-keśa ] m. f. n. whose hair (or mane) is as black as pigment
[ añjanakeśī ] f. N. of a vegetable perfume.
अञ्जननामिका [ añjananāmikā ] [ añjana-nāmikā ] f. a swelling of the eyelid , stye.
अञ्जनवत् [ añjanavat ] [ añjana-vat ] ind. like collyrium.
अञ्जनागिरि [ añjanāgiri ] [ añjanā-giri ] m. N. of a mountain.
अञ्जनाधिका [ añjanādhikā ] [ añjanādhikā ] f. a species of lizard Lit. L.
अञ्जनाम्भस् [ añjanāmbhas ] [ añjanāmbhas ] n. eye-water.
अञ्जनावती [ añjanāvatī ] [ añjanā-vatī ] f. the female elephant of the north-east (or the west?) quarter.
अञ्जनक [ añjanaka ] [ añjanaka ] m. portion of a text containing the word [ añjana ] , (g. [ goṣad-ādi ] q.v.)
[ añjanakī ] f. N. of a medicinal plant.
अञ्जनिका [ añjanikā ] [ añjanikā ] f. a species of lizard Lit. L.
a small mouse Lit. L.
cf. [ añjalikā ] .
अञ्जनी [ añjanī ] [ añjanī ] f. a woman (fit for the application of ointments , pigments , sandal , ) Lit. L.
N. of two medicinal plants.
अञ्जल [ añjala ] [ añjala ] see s.v. below.
अञ्जलि [ añjali ] [ añjalí ] see s.v. below.
अञ्जस् [ añjas ] [ áñjas ] n. ointment , a mixture Lit. RV. i , 132 , 2
N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
[ añjas ] ind. quickly , instantly Lit. RV. Lit. BhP.
see [ áñjasā ] .
अञ्जस्पा [ añjaspā ] [ añjas-pā́ ] m. f. n. drinking instantly Lit. RV. x , 92 , 2 and 94 , 13.
अञ्जसा [ añjasā ] [ áñjasā ] ind. straight on , right , truly , justly
quickly , soon , instantly.
अञ्जसायन [ añjasāyana ] [ añjasāyana ] m. f. n. having a straight course , going straight on Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr.
अञ्जसीन [ añjasīna ] [ añjasī́na ] m. f. n. going straight on , straightforward Lit. RV. x , 32 , 7.
अञ्जि [ añji ] [ añjí ] m. f. n. applying an ointment or pigment Lit. RV.
ointment , brilliancy Lit. RV.
unctuous , smooth , sleek (membrum virile) Lit. VS.
[ añji ] m. a sender , commander Lit. Uṇ.
अञ्जिमत् [ añjimat ] [ añjí -mát ] m. f. n. coloured , bright , adorned Lit. RV. v , 57 , 5.
अञ्जिसक्थ [ añjisaktha ] [ añjí -sakthá ] m. f. n. having coloured thighs (a victim) Lit. VS.
cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 199 Sch.
अञ्ज्येत [ añjyeta ] [ añjy-etá ] m. f. n. black and white coloured Lit. TS.
अञ्जिव [ añjiva ] [ añjivá ] m. f. n. slippery , smooth Lit. AV.
अञ्जिष्ठ [ añjiṣṭha ] [ añjiṣṭha ] [ añjiṣṇu ] m. " highly brilliant " , the sun Lit. L.
अञ्जिष्णु [ añjiṣṇu ] [ añjiṣṇu ] m. " highly brilliant " , the sun Lit. L.
अञ्जिष्ठु [ añjiṣṭhu ] [ añjiṣṭhu ] m. fire, Lit. L.
the sun, Lit. L.
अञ्जल [ añjala ] [ añjala ] only ifc. for [ añjali ] q.v.
अञ्जलि [ añjali ] [ añjalí ] m. (√ [ añj ] ) , the open hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed (as if by a beggar to receive food ; hence when raised to the forehead , a mark of supplication) , reverence , salutation , benediction
a libation to the Manes ( two hands full of water , [ udakāñjali ] ) Lit. VP.
a measure of corn , sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by side , equal to a kuḍava.
अञ्जलिकर्मन् [ añjalikarman ] [ añjalí -karman ] n. making the above respectful salutation.
अञ्जलिकारिका [ añjalikārikā ] [ añjalí -kārikā ] f. an earthen figure (with the hands joined for salutation)
the plant Mimosa Natans.
अञ्जलिपुट [ añjalipuṭa ] [ añjalí -puṭa ] m. n. cavity produced in making the [ añjali ] salutation.
अञ्जलिबन्धन [ añjalibandhana ] [ añjalí -bandhana ] n. salutation with the [ añjali ] raised to the forehead.
अञ्जलीकृत [ añjalīkṛta ] [ añjalī-kṛta ] m. f. n. placed together to form the [ añjali ] salutation.
अञ्जिक [ añjika ] [ añjika ] m. N. of a son of Yadu. see [ añjaka ] .
अञ्जिहिषा [ añjihiṣā ] [ añjihiṣā ] f. ( fr. Desid. of √ 1. [ aṃh ] ) , desire of going , ( ( [ °ṣāṃ cakre ] (√ 1. [ kṛ ] ) ) ) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अञ्जी [ añjī ] [ añjī ] f. a blessing (?) Lit. T.
अञ्जीर [ añjīra ] [ añjīra ] n. (a Persian word) , a species of fig-tree (Ficus Oppositifolia)
a fig. (In Bengāli) a guava.
अट् [ aṭ ] [ aṭ ] Root cl. [1] P. Ā. [ aṭati ] , [ °te ] , [ āṭa ] , [ aṭiṣyati ] , [ āṭīt ] , [ aṭitum ] , to roam , wander about (sometimes with acc. ; frequently used of religious mendicants) : Intens. [ aṭāṭyate ] , to roam or wander about zealously or habitually , especially as a religious mendicant: Desid. [ aṭiṭiṣati ] , to be desirous of roaming.
अटक [ aṭaka ] [ aṭaka ] m. f. n. roaming Lit. L.
अटट्या [ aṭaṭyā ] [ aṭaṭyā ] f. constant roaming (= [ aṭātyā ] ), Lit. Subh.
अटनि [ aṭani ] [ aṭani ] f. the notched extremity of a bow.
अटनी [ aṭanī ] [ aṭanī ] f. the notched extremity of a bow.
अटमान [ aṭamāna ] [ aṭamāna ] m. N. of a prince Lit. BhP.
अटवि [ aṭavi ] [ aṭavi ] f. " place to roam in " , a forest.
अटवीशिखर [ aṭavīśikhara ] [ aṭavī-śikhara ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.
अटविक [ aṭavika ] [ aṭavika ] better see [ āṭavika ]
आटविक [ āṭavika ] [ āṭavika ] m. a woodman , forester.
अटा [ aṭā ] [ aṭā ] f. the act or habit of roaming or wandering about (especially as a religious mendicant) .
अटाटा [ aṭāṭā ] [ aṭāṭā ] f. (habit of) roaming or wandering about Lit. L.
अटाट्यमान [ aṭāṭyamāna ] [ aṭāṭyamāna ] m. f. n. roaming excessively.
अटाट्या [ aṭāṭyā ] [ aṭāṭyā ] f. (habit of) roaming Lit. L.
अटाय [ aṭāya ] [ aṭāya ] Nom. Ā. [ aṭāyate ] , to enter upon a roaming life , to become a religious mendicant Lit. L.
अट्या [ aṭyā ] [ aṭyā ] f. roaming about , one of the ten faults resulting from an excessive fondness for pleasure Lit. Mn. vii , 47.
अटट [ aṭaṭa ] [ aṭaṭa ] a partic. hell, Lit. Divyâv. ; Lit. Dharmas.
अटत [ aṭata ] [ aṭatá ] (for [ a ] - [ taṭa ] ?) a partic. hell, Lit. Divyâv. ; Lit. Dharmas.
अटनि [ aṭani ] [ aṭani ] see √ [ aṭ ] .
अटरुष [ aṭaruṣa ] [ aṭaruṣa ] or [ aṭarūṣa ] or [ aṭarūṣaka ] m. the shrub Justicia Adhatoda.
अटरूष [ aṭarūṣa ] [ aṭarūṣa ] or [ aṭaruṣa ] or [ aṭarūṣaka ] m. the shrub Justicia Adhatoda.
अटल [ aṭala ] [ a-ṭala ] m. f. n. not shaky , firm Lit. L.
अट्ट् [ aṭṭ ] [ aṭṭ ] Root cl. [1] Ā. [ aṭṭate ] , [ ānaṭṭe ] , [ aṭṭitum ] , to exceed Lit. L. ; to kill Lit. L. : cl. [10] P. [ aṭṭayati ] , to contemn Lit. L. ; to lessen , diminish Lit. L.
अट्ट [ aṭṭa ] [ aṭṭa ] ind. high , lofty Lit. L.
loud Lit. L.
a market , a market-place ( corruption of [ haṭṭa ] )
N. of a Yaksha Lit. Rājat.
over-measure Lit. L.
[ aṭṭā ] f. overbearing conduct (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 17 Comm.
[ aṭṭa ] n. boiled rice , food Lit. L.
mfn. dried , dry Lit. L.
अट्टपतिभागाख्यगृहकृत्य [ aṭṭapatibhāgākhyagṛhakṛtya ] [ aṭṭa-pati-bhāgākhya-gṛha-kṛtya ] n. business of the house called the market-master's department (an office in Kashmir) Lit. Rājat.
अट्टपालक [ aṭṭapālaka ] [ aṭṭa-pālaka ] m. overseer of a market, Lit. L.
अट्टस्थली [ aṭṭasthalī ] [ aṭṭa-sthalī ] f. site of an [ aṭṭa ] (?) , (g. [ dhūmādi ] q.v.)
अट्टहसित [ aṭṭahasita ] [ aṭṭa-hasita ] n. loud laughter , a horse-laugh.
अट्टहासक [ aṭṭahāsaka ] [ aṭṭa-hāsaka ] m. the shrub Jasminum Multiflorum or Hirsutum.
अट्टहासिन् [ aṭṭahāsin ] [ aṭṭa-hāsin ] m. N. of Śiva.
अट्टहास्य [ aṭṭahāsya ] [ aṭṭa-hāsya ] n. loud laughter
a horse-laugh.
अट्टाट्टहास [ aṭṭāṭṭahāsa ] [ aṭṭāṭṭa-hāsa ] m. very loud laughter.
अट्टक [ aṭṭaka ] [ aṭṭaka ] m. an apartment on the roof
अट्टट्ट [ aṭṭaṭṭa ] [ aṭṭaṭṭa ] ind. very high Lit. L.
very loud Lit. L.
अट्टन [ aṭṭana ] [ aṭṭana ] n. a weapon shaped like a discus Lit. L.
अट्टाय [ aṭṭāya ] [ aṭṭāya ] (Nom. fr. [ aṭṭā ] ) Ā. [ aṭṭāyate ] , to be overbearing (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 17 Comm.
अट्टाल [ aṭṭāla ] [ aṭṭāla ] m. or [ aṭṭālaka ] a watchtower
अट्टालक [ aṭṭālaka ] [ aṭṭālaka ] m. or [ aṭṭāla ] a watchtower
[ aṭṭālikā ] f. a palace Lit. L.
N. of a country Lit. Rājat.
अट्टालिकाकार [ aṭṭālikākāra ] [ aṭṭālikā-kāra ] m. a bricklayer (son of a painter and a lascivious Śūdra woman) Lit. BrahmaP.
अट्टालिकाबन्धम् [ aṭṭālikābandham ] [ aṭṭālikā-bandham ] ind. (in the way that aṭṭālikās are formed) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 42 Sch.
अट्टिलिका [ aṭṭilikā ] [ aṭṭilikā ] f. N. of a town Lit. Rājat.
अट्णार [ aṭṇāra ] [ aṭṇārá ] m. a king of Kosala Lit. ŚBr.
अट्या [ aṭyā ] [ aṭyā ] f. see √ [ aṭ ] .
अठ् [ aṭh ] [ aṭh ] Root cl. [1] P. Ā. [ aṭhati ] , [ °te ] , to go Lit. L.
अठिद [ aṭhida ] [ aṭhida ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.
अठिल्ला [ aṭhillā ] [ aṭhillā ] f. N. of a Prākṛit metre.
अड् [ aḍ ] [ aḍ ]1 Root cl. [1] P. [ aḍati ] , to endeavour Lit. L.
अडकवती [ aḍakavatī ] [ aḍakavatī ] f. N. of a fabulous palace on Meru
also of a city.
अडर [ aḍara ] [ aḍara ] m. a tree,L.
अडुव [ aḍuva ] [ aḍuva ] m. a boat (= [ plava ] ), Lit. L.
अड्ड् [ aḍḍ ] [ aḍḍ ] Root cl. [1] P. [ aḍḍati ] , [ ānaḍḍa ] , [ aḍḍitum ] , to join Lit. L. ; to infer , argue Lit. L. ; to meditate , discern Lit. L. ; to attack Lit. L.
अड्डन [ aḍḍana ] [ aḍḍana ] n. a shield Lit. L.
अण् [ aṇ ] [ aṇ ] Root cl. [1] P. [ aṇati ] , [ āṇa ] , [ aṇitum ] , to sound Lit. L. : cl. [4] Ā. [ aṇyate ] , to breathe , (another form of √ [ an ] q.v. ; in this sense regarded in the Dhātu-pāṭha as a distinct root) Lit. L.
अणकीय [ aṇakīya ] [ aṇakīya ] m. f. n. connected with what is insignificant , Lit. ib.
अणव्य [ aṇavya ] [ aṇavya ] n. a field of ( [ aṇu ] ) Panicum Miliaceum Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 4
see [ aṇu ] .
अणस [ aṇasa ] [ aṇasa ] m. a bird, Lit. L.
अणि [ aṇi ] [ aṇi ] m. the point of a needle or of a sharp stake Lit. L.
linch-pin Lit. L.
the pin or bolt at the end of the pole of a carriage Lit. L.
the corner or part of a house Lit. L.
a boundary Lit. L.
half of a lunar month, Lit. L.
अणी [ aṇī ] [ aṇī ] f. the point of a needle or of a sharp stake Lit. L.
linch-pin Lit. L.
the pin or bolt at the end of the pole of a carriage Lit. L.
the corner or part of a house Lit. L.
a boundary Lit. L.
अणीचि [ aṇīci ] [ aṇīci ] m. or f. bamboo, cane, Lit. L.
a carter, Lit. L.
अणीचिन् [ aṇīcin ] [ aṇīcin ] m. N. of a man (having the patr. Mauna), Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
अणीमाण्डव्य [ aṇīmāṇḍavya ] [ aṇī-māṇḍavya ] m. N. of a Brāhman ascetic (said to have been impaled on an [ aṇi ] or point of a stake) Lit. MBh.
अणिमन् [ aṇiman ] [ aṇimán ] m. ( fr. [ aṇu ] q.v.) , minuteness , fineness , thinness Lit. ŚBr.
atomic nature , the superhuman power of becoming as small as an atom
अणिमतस् [ aṇimatas ] [ aṇima-tás ] ind. from the thin side, Lit. MaitrS.
अणीयस् [ aṇīyas ] [ áṇīyas ] [ an ] , [ as ] , , as ( fr. [ aṇu ] q.v.) , ( ( Lit. AV. ) ) m. f. n. more minute than usual.
अणीयस्क [ aṇīyaska ] [ aṇīyaská ] ( ( Lit. AV. ) ) m. f. n. more minute than usual.
अणु [ aṇu ] [ aṇu ] m. f. n. fine , minute , atomic
[ aṇu ] m. ( [ us ] ) an atom of matter
" an atom of time " , the 54675000th part of a muhūrta (of 48 minutes)
Panicum Miliaceum Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. MuṇḍUP.
N. of Śiva
[ aṇvī ] f. " the subtle one " , N. of the fingers preparing the Soma juice Lit. RV.
[ aṇu ] n. ( [ u ] ) (in prosody) the fourth part of a mātrā
[ aṇu ] ind. minutely Lit. ŚBr.
m. (also) the soul, life (= [ ātman ] ), Lit. Harav.
sea-salt, Lit. L.
a sacred text, single verse or Mantra (cf. [ srag ] - [ aṇu ] )
अणुप्रियङ्गु [ aṇupriyaṅgu ] [ aṇu-priyáṅgu ] ( [ áṇu ] -), m. or f. pl. Panicum Miliaceum and Panicum Italicum, Lit. ŚBr.
अणुतर [ aṇutara ] [ aṇu-tara ] m. f. n. very fine or minute , gentle.
अणुतैल [ aṇutaila ] [ aṇu-taila ] n. N. of a medical oil.
अणुत्व [ aṇutva ] [ aṇu-tva ] n. minuteness , atomic nature.
अणुता [ aṇutā ] [ aṇu-tā ] f. minuteness , atomic nature.
अणुभा [ aṇubhā ] [ aṇu-bhā ] f. lightning.
अणुमध्यबीज [ aṇumadhyabīja ] [ aṇu-madhya-bīja ] n. N. of a hymn.
अणुमात्रिक [ aṇumātrika ] [ aṇu-mātrika ] m. f. n. having the size of an atom
containing the atomic elements ( [ mātrā ] ) of the body Lit. Mn. i , 56.
अणुरेणु [ aṇureṇu ] [ aṇu-reṇu ] mf. atomic dust (as seen in sun-beams) .
अणुरेणुजाल [ aṇureṇujāla ] [ aṇu-reṇu-jāla ] n. an aggregate of such atomic dust.
अणुरेवती [ aṇurevatī ] [ aṇu-revatī ] f. the plant Croton Polyandrum.
अणुवादिन् [ aṇuvādin ] [ aṇu-vādin ] m. f. n. one who believes in and teaches atomism.
अणुवेदान्त [ aṇuvedānta ] [ aṇu-vedānta ] m. title of a book.
अणुव्रत [ aṇuvrata ] [ aṇu-vrata ] n. pl. N. of the five small duties or vows of the laymen adhering to the Jaina faith. ( 1309,3 )
अणुव्रीहि [ aṇuvrīhi ] [ aṇu-vrīhi ] m. a fine sort of rice Lit. L.
अणुशस् [ aṇuśas ] [ aṇu-śas ] ind. into or in minute particles.
अणू [ aṇū ] [ aṇū ] ( with √ [ bhū ] , ) see s.v.
अण्वन्त [ aṇvanta ] [ áṇv-anta ] m. a hair-splitting question Lit. ŚBr.
अणुक [ aṇuka ] [ aṇuka ] m. f. n. fine , minute , atomic
clever , (g. [ yāvādi ] q.v.)
अणू [ aṇū ] [ aṇū ] ( for [ aṇu ] in comp. with √ [ bhū ] and its derivatives) .
अणूभाव [ aṇūbhāva ] [ aṇū-bhāva ] m. the becoming an atom Lit. Nir.
अणूभू [ aṇūbhū ] [ aṇū-√ bhū ] to become minute or atomic.
अण्व [ aṇva ] [ áṇva ] n. fine interstice or hole in the strainer used for the Soma juice Lit. RV.
अणिकाषम् [ aṇikāṣam ] [ a-ṇikāṣam ] (prob.) w.r. for [ a ] - [ nik ] ° (below).
अणुह [ aṇuha ] [ aṇuha ] m. N. of a son of Vibhrāja Lit. MBh.
अण्ठ् [ aṇṭh ] [ aṇṭh ] Root or [ aṭh ] cl. [1] Ā. [ aṇṭhate ] , [ ānaṇṭhe ] , [ aṇṭhitum ] , to go , move , tend Lit. L.
अठ् [ aṭh ] [ aṭh ] Root or [ aṇṭh ] cl. [1] Ā. [ aṇṭhate ] , [ ānaṇṭhe ] , [ aṇṭhitum ] , to go , move , tend Lit. L.
अण्ठित [ aṇṭhita ] [ aṇṭhita ] m. f. n. pained (?) Lit. Suśr.
अण्ड [ aṇḍa ] [ aṇḍa ] n. ( also m. Lit. L.) ( ( √ [ am ] . Lit. Uṇ. ) ) , an egg , a testicle
the scrotum
the musk bag
semen virile Lit. L.
N. of Śiva (from his being identified with the Brahmāṇḍa or mundane egg) .
a pinnacle or cupola, Lit. VarBṛS.
a partic. part of a Stūpa, Lit. Divyâv.
a sword with irregular longitudinal white marks, Lit. L.
अण्डकटाह [ aṇḍakaṭāha ] [ aṇḍa-kaṭāha ] m. the shell of the mundane egg Lit. VP.
अण्डकोटरपुष्पी [ aṇḍakoṭarapuṣpī ] [ aṇḍa-koṭara-puṣpī ] f. the plant Convolvulus Argenteus (?) .
अण्डकोश [ aṇḍakośa ] [ aṇḍa-kośa ] m. the scrotum
the mundane egg.
अण्डकोषक [ aṇḍakoṣaka ] [ aṇḍa-koṣaka ] m. the scrotum
the mundane egg.
अण्डजेश्वर [ aṇḍajeśvara ] [ aṇḍa-jeśvara ] m. " king of birds " , Garuḍa.
अण्डधर [ aṇḍadhara ] [ aṇḍa-dhara ] m. N. of Śiva.
अण्डवर्धन [ aṇḍavardhana ] [ aṇḍa-vardhana ] n. swelling of the scrotum , hydrocele.
अण्डवृद्धि [ aṇḍavṛddhi ] [ aṇḍa-vṛddhi ] f. swelling of the scrotum , hydrocele.
अण्डसू [ aṇḍasū ] [ aṇḍa-sū ] f. oviparous.
अण्डाकर्षण [ aṇḍākarṣaṇa ] [ aṇḍākarṣaṇa ] n. castration.
अण्डाकार [ aṇḍākāra ] [ aṇḍākāra ] m. f. n. egg shaped , oval , elliptical
अण्डाकृति [ aṇḍākṛti ] [ aṇḍākṛti ] m. f. n. egg-shaped , oval , elliptical
अण्डक [ aṇḍaka ] [ aṇḍaka ] m. the scrotum
अण्डर [ aṇḍara ] [ aṇḍara ] m. f. ( [ ī ] g. [ gaurādi ] q.v.) n. N. of a tribe , (g. [ bhṛśādi ] q.v.)
अण्डराय [ aṇḍarāya ] [ aṇḍarāya ] Nom. Ā. [ aṇḍarāyate ] , to behave like an Aṇḍara , (g. [ bhṛśādi ] q.v.)
अण्डालु [ aṇḍālu ] [ aṇḍālu ] m. " full of eggs " , a fish Lit. L.
अण्डिक [ aṇḍika ] [ aṇḍika ] m. fever in an elephant or lion, Lit. L.
unwholesome condition of water, Lit. L.
अण्डिका [ aṇḍikā ] [ aṇḍikā ] f. N. of a weight (= 4 yava) Lit. Car.
अण्डीर [ aṇḍīra ] [ aṇḍīra ] m. a full male , a man Lit. L.
strong Lit. L.
अण्डुक [ aṇḍuka ] [ aṇḍuka ] m. (only Lit. L.) a kind of bird
a frog
the scrotum.
अत् [ at ] [ at ]1 ind. a prefix said to imply " surprise " , probably a contraction of [ ati ] , meaning " extraordinary " , (g. [ ūry-ādi ] , q.v.)
अत् [ at ] [ at ]2 Root cl. [1] P. Ā. [ átati ] ( Lit. Naigh. ; p. [ átat ] or [ átamāna ] ) , to go constantly , walk , run Lit. RV. ; to obtain Lit. L.
अतन [ atana ] [ atana ] m. a passer on Lit. Nir.
[ atana ] n. act of passing on Lit. Nir.
अतनवत् [ atanavat ] [ atana-vat ] m. one who wanders Lit. Nir.
अतसि [ atasi ] [ atasí ] see s.v.
अत्क [ atka ] [ átka ] see s.v.
अतज्ज्ञ [ atajjña ] [ a-taj-jña ] ( for [ a-tad-jña ] ) m. f. n. not knowing that , i.e. Brahma and the soul's identity.
अतट [ ataṭa ] [ a-taṭa ] m. f. n. having no beach or shore , precipitous Lit. Śāk.
the third hell
cf. [ atala ] .
अतत्त्वविद् [ atattvavid ] [ a-tattva-vid ] m. f. n. not knowing the truth i.e. the soul's identity with Brahma.
अतत्त्वार्थवत् [ atattvārthavat ] [ a-tattvārtha-vat ] m. f. n. not conformable with the nature of truth
अतथा [ atathā ] [ á-tathā ] m. f. n. not saying [ tathā ] (yes) , giving a negative answer Lit. RV. i , 82 , 1.
अतथोचित [ atathocita ] [ a-tathocita ] m. f. n. not deserving of such (a fate) , not used to this ( with gen.)
अतद् [ atad ] [ a-tad ] not that Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ a-sa ] ) .
अतदर्ह [ atadarha ] [ a-tad-arha ] m. f. n. not deserving that
[ atadarham ] ind. undeservedly , unjustly.
अतद्गुण [ atadguṇa ] [ a-tad-guṇa ] m. (in rhetoric) the use of predicates not descriptive of the essential nature of the object.
अतद्धित [ ataddhita ] [ a-tád-dhita ] m. f. n. , see [ taddhita ] , " having no Taddhita affix "
अतनु [ atanu ] [ a-tanu ]2 [ us ] , m. = [ an-aṅga ] N. of Kāma.
अतन्त्र [ atantra ] [ a-tantra ] m. f. n. having no cords
having no (musical) strings
[ atantra ] n. not the object of a rule or of the rule under consideration.
अतन्द्री [ atandrī ] [ a-tandrī ] m. f. n. (nom. [ īs ] ) = [ a ] - [ tandrin ] , Lit. MBh. (B.).
अतप [ atapa ] [ a-tapa ] (√ [ tap ] ) m. pl. a class of deities among the Buddhists.
अतपस् [ atapas ] [ a-tapas ] m. f. n. one who neglects [ tapas ] or the practice of ascetic austerities
an irreligious character.
अतपस्क [ atapaska ] [ a-tapaska ] m. f. n. one who neglects [ tapas ] or the practice of ascetic austerities
an irreligious character.
अतपस्य [ atapasya ] [ a-tapasya ] m. f. n. one who neglects [ tapas ] or the practice of ascetic austerities
an irreligious character.
अतप्ततनू [ ataptatanū ] [ a-tapta-tanū ] ( [ átapta- ] ) m. f. n. whose body or mass is not prepared in fire , raw Lit. RV. ix , 83 , 1.
अतप्ततपस् [ ataptatapas ] [ a-tapta-tapas ] m. whose ascetic austerity has not been (fully) endured.
अतप्यमान [ atapyamāna ] [ á-tapyamāna ] m. f. n. not suffering Lit. RV. i , 185 , 4.
अतमस् [ atamas ] [ a-tamás ] m. f. n. without darkness Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अतमाविष्ट [ atamāviṣṭa ] [ a-tamāviṣṭa ] ( irregular contraction of [ a-tama-āviṣṭa ] ) m. f. n. not enveloped in darkness Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. ŚBr. ( 1309,3 )
अतमिस्र [ atamisra ] [ a-tamisra ] m. f. n. not dark , not benighted.
अतमेरु [ atameru ] [ á-tameru ] m. f. n. not languid Lit. VS.
अतर [ atara ] [ a-tara ] m. f. n. , see [ tara ] , " impassable "
अतरपण्येन [ atarapaṇyena ] [ a-tara-paṇyena ] ind. without paying toll, Lit. Divyâv.
अतरित्र [ ataritra ] [ a-taritra ] m. f. n. , see [ taritra ] , without a [ t ]
अतर्क [ atarka ] [ a-tarka ] m. an illogical reasoner
bad logic.
[ atarka ] m. f. n. incomprehensible, ib.
अतर्कित [ atarkita ] [ a-tarkita ] m. f. n. unconsidered , unthought of
[ atarkitam ] ind. unexpectedly.
अतर्कितोपपन्न [ atarkitopapanna ] [ atarkitopapanna ] m. f. n. occurred unexpectedly, Lit. Kum.
अतर्क्य [ atarkya ] [ a-tarkya ] m. f. n. in comp.ehensible , surpassing thought or reasoning.
अतर्क्यसहस्रशक्ति [ atarkyasahasraśakti ] [ a-tarkya-sahasra-śakti ] m. endowed with a thousand in comp.ehensible powers.
अतर्षुलम् [ atarṣulam ] [ a-tarṣulam ]ind. , see [ tarṣula ] , without desire Lit. MBh. xii , 7762.
अतलस्पर्श [ atalasparśa ] [ a-tala-sparśa ] m. f. n. whose bottom cannot be reached , bottomless.
अतलस्पृश् [ atalaspṛś ] [ a-tala-spṛś ] m. f. n. whose bottom cannot be reached , bottomless.
अतव्यस् [ atavyas ] [ á-tavyas ] [ ān ] , [ asī ] , [ as ] , not stronger , not very strong Lit. RV. v , 33 , 1 and vii , 100 , 5.
अतस् [ atas ] [ átas ] ind. ( ablative of the pronom. base [ a ] , equivalent to [ asmāt ] ) , from this , than this
henceforth , from that time
from this or that cause or reason.
अतऊर्ध्वम् [ ataūrdhvam ] [ ata-ūrdhvam ] ind. henceforth , afterwards.
अतएव [ ataeva ] [ ata-eva ] ind. for this very reason
अतःपरम् [ ataḥparam ] [ ataḥ-param ] ind. henceforth , further on.
अतोनिमित्तम् [ atonimittam ] [ ato-nimittam ] ind. on this ground , for this reason.
अतोन्य [ atonya ] [ ato-'nya ] m. f. n. differing from this.
अतोर्थम् [ atortham ] [ ato-'rtham ] ind. for this object.
अतस [ atasa ] [ atasa ] m. (√ [ at ] ) , wind , air Lit. L.
the soul Lit. L.
a (missile) weapon Lit. L.
a garment made of the fibre of ( [ atasī ] ) flax Lit. L.
[ atasī ] f. common flax , Linum Usitatissimum
Śaṇa , Bengal sun used as hemp , Crotolaria Juncea.
अतसि [ atasi ] [ atasí ] m. (√ [ at ] ) , a wandering mendicant Lit. RV. viii , 3 , 13.
अतसाय्य [ atasāyya ] [ atasā́yya ] (5) m. f. n. to be got by begging Lit. RV. i , 63 , 6 and ii , 19 , 4.
अतस्कर [ ataskara ] [ a-taskará ] m. f. n. free from robbers, Lit. AV.
अतस्थान [ atasthāna ] [ á-tasthāna ] (√ [ sthā ] ) m. f. n. not suiting or fitting Lit. ŚBr.
अतापस [ atāpasa ] [ á-tāpasa ] m. f. n. not an ascetic Lit. ŚBr.
अति [ ati ] [ áti ] ind. ( ( probably neut. of an obsolete adj. [ atin ] , passing , going , beyond ; see √ [ at ] , and cf. Old Germ. (anti) , (unti) , (inti) , (unde) , (indi) , ; Eng. (and) ; Germ. (und) ; Gk. 1 , 2 , Lat. (ante) ; Lith. (ant) ; Arm. (ti) ; Zd. (aiti) ) ) .
As a prefix to verbs and their derivatives , expresses beyond , over , and , if not standing by itself , leaves the accent on the verb or its derivative ; as , [ ati-kram ] (√ [ kram ] ) , to overstep , Ved. Inf. [ ati-kráme ] , (fit) to be walked on , to be passed Lit. RV. i , 105 , 16 , [ ati-krámaṇa ] n. see s.v. When prefixed to nouns , not derived from verbs , it expresses beyond , surpassing , as , [ ati-kaśa ] , past the whip , [ ati-mānuṣa ] , superhuman , see s.v.
As a separable adverb or preposition ( with acc.) , Ved. beyond ( with gen.) over , at the top of Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
is often prefixed to nouns and adjectives , and rarely to verbs , in the sense excessive , extraordinary ,Intens.
excessively , too
exceedingly , very
in such compounds the accent is generally on [ áti ] .
अतिकठोर [ atikaṭhora ] [ áti-kaṭhora ] m. f. n. very hard , too hard.
अतिकर्षण [ atikarṣaṇa ] [ áti-karṣaṇa ] ( for [ -karśana ] ?) n. excessive exertion.
अतिकल्यम् [ atikalyam ] [ áti-kalyam ] ind. very early , too early.
अतिकिरिट [ atikiriṭa ] [ áti-kiriṭa ] ( [ áti- ] ) ( ( Comm. ) ) m. f. n. having too small teeth Lit. TBr.
अतिकिरीट [ atikirīṭa ] [ áti-kirīṭa ] ( ( Comm. ) ) m. f. n. having too small teeth Lit. TBr.
अतिकुत्सित [ atikutsita ] [ áti-kutsita ] m. f. n. greatly despised.
अतिकुल्व [ atikulva ] [ áti-kulva ] ( [ áti ] .) m. f. n. too bald Lit. VS.
अतिकृच्छ्र [ atikṛcchra ] [ áti-kṛcchra ] m. extraordinary pain or penance lasting twelve days Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.
[ atikṛcchra ] m. f. n. (said of Vishṇu), Lit. MBh.
[ atikṛcchram ] ind. with great difficulty, Lit. BhP.
अतिकृत [ atikṛta ] [ áti-kṛta ] m. f. n. over done , exaggerated.
अतिकृतार्थ [ atikṛtārtha ] [ ati-kṛtārtha ] m. f. n. very clever or skilful, Lit. MBh.
अतिकृश [ atikṛśa ] [ áti-kṛśa ] ( [ áti- ] ) m. f. n. very thin , emaciated.
अतिकृष्ण [ atikṛṣṇa ] [ áti-kṛṣṇa ] ( [ áti- ] ) m. f. n. very or too dark , very or too deep blue.
अतिक्रुध् [ atikrudh ] [ áti-krudh ] f. excessive anger Lit. Kathās.
अतिक्रुष्ट [ atikruṣṭa ] [ áti-kruṣṭa ] ( [ áti- ] ) n. extraordinary cry or wailing Lit. VS.
अतिखर [ atikhara ] [ áti-khara ] m. f. n. very pungent or piercing.
अतिगण्ड [ atigaṇḍa ] [ áti-gaṇḍa ] m. f. n. having large cheeks or temples
[ atigaṇḍa ] m. N. of the [ yoga ] (or index) , star of the 6th lunar mansion.
अतिगन्ध [ atigandha ] [ áti-gandha ] m. f. n. having an overpowering smell
lemon-grass (Andropogon Schaenunthes)
the Champac flower (Michelia Champaca)
a kind of jasmin.
अतिगन्धालु [ atigandhālu ] [ áti-gandhālu ] m. N. of the creeper Putradātrī.
अतिगरीयस् [ atigarīyas ] [ áti-garīyas ] n. ( compar. of [ ati-guru ] ) , a higher or too high price
[ ati-gariyasā ] (instr.) √ [ krī ] , to buy too dear Lit. Daś.
अतिगर्वित [ atigarvita ] [ áti-garvita ] m. f. n. very conceited.
अतिगाढ [ atigāḍha ] [ áti-gāḍha ] m. f. n. very important
very intensive
[ atigāḍham ] ind. exceedingly
अतिगार्ग्य [ atigārgya ] [ ati-gārgya ] m. an excellent Gārgya, Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. vi, 2, 191.
अतिगुण [ atiguṇa ] [ áti-guṇa ] m. f. n. having extraordinary qualities.
अतिगुप्त [ atigupta ] [ áti-gupta ] m. f. n. closely concealed , very mysterious.
अतिगुरु [ atiguru ] [ áti-guru ] m. f. n. very heavy.
अतिगो [ atigo ] [ áti-go ] f. an excellent cow Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 69 Sch.
अतिचरण [ aticaraṇa ] [ áti-caraṇa ] n. excessive practice.
अतिचापल्य [ aticāpalya ] [ áti-cāpalya ] n. extraordinary mobility or unsteadiness.
अतिचिरय [ aticiraya ] [ ati-ciraya ] Nom. P. ° [ yati ] , to linger, Lit. Divyâv.
[ aticirasya ] ind. for a very long time
[ aticirāt ] ind. at last.
अतिछत्त्र [ atichattra ] [ áti-chattra ] m. a mushroom
[ atichattrā ] f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa)
the plant Barleria Longifolia.
अतिछत्त्रक [ atichattraka ] [ áti-chattraka ] m. a mushroom
[ atichattrakā ] f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa)
[ atichattraka ] f. the plant Barleria Longifolia.
अतिजर [ atijara ] [ áti-jara ] m. f. n. very aged Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 101 Sch.
अतिजरस् [ atijaras ] [ áti-jaras ] m. f. n. very aged Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 101 Sch.
अतिजल [ atijala ] [ áti-jala ] m. f. n. well watered.
अतिजव [ atijava ] [ áti-java ] m. extraordinary speed
[ atijava ] m. f. n. very fleet.
अतिजागर [ atijāgara ] [ áti-jāgara ] m. f. n. very wakeful
[ atijāgara ] m. the black curlew.
अतिजीर्ण [ atijīrṇa ] [ áti-jīrṇa ] m. f. n. very aged.
अतिजीर्णता [ atijīrṇatā ] [ áti-jīrṇa-tā ] f. extreme old age.
अतिजीव [ atijīva ] [ áti-jīvá ] m. f. n. quite alive , very lively Lit. AV.
अतिडीन [ atiḍīna ] [ áti-ḍīna ] n. extraordinary flight (of birds) Lit. MBh.
अतितपस्विन् [ atitapasvin ] [ áti-tapasvin ] m. f. n. very ascetic.
अतितमाम् [ atitamām ] [ ati-tamām ] ind. (superl. of [ ati ] ) in a very high degree, Lit. Naish., Sch.
अतितीक्ष्ण [ atitīkṣṇa ] [ áti-tīkṣṇa ] m. f. n. very sharp.
अतितीव्र [ atitīvra ] [ áti-tīvra ] m. f. n. very sharp , pungent or acid
अतितृण्ण [ atitṛṇṇa ] [ áti-tṛṇṇa ] m. f. n. seriously hurt.
(√ [ tṛd ] ) cleft, split, penetrated, Lit. VS.
अतितृप्ति [ atitṛpti ] [ áti-tṛpti ] f. too great satiety.
अतितृष्ण [ atitṛṣṇa ] [ áti-tṛṣṇa ] m. f. n. excessively thirsty , rapacious
[ atitṛṣṇā ] f. excessive thirst.
अतित्रस्नु [ atitrasnu ] [ áti-trasnu ] m. f. n. over timid.
अतिदग्ध [ atidagdha ] [ áti-dagdha ] m. f. n. badly burnt
[ atidagdha ] n. N. of a bad kind of burn.
अतिदन्तुर [ atidantura ] [ áti-dantura ] ( [ áti- ] ) m. f. n. whose teeth are too prominent Lit. TBr.
अतिदर्शिन् [ atidarśin ] [ áti-darśin ] m. f. n. very far-sighted.
अतिदातृ [ atidātṛ ] [ áti-dātṛ ] m. a very or too liberal man.
अतिदारुण [ atidāruṇa ] [ áti-dāruṇa ] m. f. n. very terrible.
अतिदाह [ atidāha ] [ áti-dāhá ] m. great heat
violent inflammation Lit. TS.
अतिदिग्ध [ atidigdha ] [ ati-digdha ] a poisoned arrow, Lit. Bcar. v, 1.
अतिदुःखित [ atiduḥkhita ] [ áti-duḥkhita ] ( or [ -duṣkhita ] ) m. f. n. greatly afflicted , very sad.
अतिदुःसह [ atiduḥsaha ] [ áti-duḥsaha ] m. f. n. very hard to bear , quite unbearable.
अतिदुर्गत [ atidurgata ] [ áti-durgata ] m. f. n. very badly off.
अतिदुर्धर्ष [ atidurdharṣa ] [ áti-durdharṣa ] m. f. n. very hard to approach , very haughty.
अतिदुर्लम्भ [ atidurlambha ] [ áti-durlambha ] m. f. n. very hard to attain.
अतिदोष [ atidoṣa ] [ áti-doṣa ] m. a great fault.
[ atidoṣam ] ind. after dusk (v.l. [ abhi ] - [ d ] °), Lit. ĀpŚr.
अतिधेनु [ atidhenu ] [ áti-dhenu ] m. f. n. distinguished for his cows Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 3 , Comm. ,
अतिनिद्र [ atinidra ] [ áti-nidra ] m. f. n. given to excessive sleep
[ atinidrā ] f. excessive sleep
[ atinidram ] ind. see s.v. (p. 14 , col. 2) .
अतिनिपुण [ atinipuṇa ] [ áti-nipuṇa ] m. f. n. very skilful.
अतिनीच [ atinīca ] [ áti-nīca ] m. f. n. excessively low.
अतिपथिन् [ atipathin ] [ áti-pathin ] (nom. [ -panthās ] ) m. a better road than common Lit. L.
अतिपरोक्षवृत्ति [ atiparokṣavṛtti ] [ áti-parokṣa-vṛ́tti ] m. f. n. ( in Gr.) having a nature that is no longer discernible i.e. obsolete.
अतिपातक [ atipātaka ] [ áti-pātaka ] n. a very heinous sin.
अतिपुरुष [ atipuruṣa ] [ áti-puruṣa ] ( [ áti- ] ) ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) m. a first-rate man , hero.
अतिपूरुष [ atipūruṣa ] [ áti-pūruṣa ] ( [ áti- ] ) ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) m. a first-rate man , hero.
अतिपूत [ atipūta ] [ áti-pūta ] m. f. n. quite purified , over-refined.
अतिपेशल [ atipeśala ] [ áti-peśala ] m. f. n. very dexterous.
अतिप्रकाश [ atiprakāśa ] [ áti-prakāśa ] m. f. n. very notorious.
अतिप्रगे [ atiprage ] [ áti-prage ] ind. very early Lit. Mn.
अतिप्रणय [ atipraṇaya ] [ áti-praṇaya ] m. excessive kindness , partiality.
अतिप्रणुद्य [ atipraṇudya ] [ áti-praṇudya ] ind. having pushed far forward.
अतिप्रबन्ध [ atiprabandha ] [ áti-prabandha ] m. complete continuity.
अतिप्रवरण [ atipravaraṇa ] [ áti-pravaraṇa ] n. excess in choosing.
अतिप्रवृत्ति [ atipravṛtti ] [ áti-pravṛtti ] f. issuing abundantly.
अतिप्रवृद्ध [ atipravṛddha ] [ áti-pravṛddha ] m. f. n. enlarged to excess , overbearing Lit. Mn.
अतिप्रश्न [ atipraśna ] [ áti-praśna ] m. an extravagant question , a question regarding transcendental objects.
अतिप्रश्न्य [ atipraśnya ] [ áti-praśnya ] m. f. n. to be asked such a question Lit. BṛĀrUp.
अतिप्रसक्ति [ atiprasakti ] [ áti-prasakti ] f. excessive attachment
unwarrantable stretch of a rule.
अतिप्रसङ्ग [ atiprasaṅga ] [ áti-prasaṅga ] m. excessive attachment
unwarrantable stretch of a rule.
(also) too much diffuseness, Lit. Veṇīs. ; Lit. Rājat.
अतिप्रसिद्ध [ atiprasiddha ] [ áti-prasiddha ] m. f. n. very notorious.
अतिप्रौढयौवन [ atiprauḍhayauvana ] [ áti-prauḍha-yauvana ] m. f. n. being in the full enjoyment of youth.
अतिबल [ atibala ] [ áti-bala ] m. f. n. very strong or powerful
[ atibala ] m. an active soldier
N. of a king
[ atibalā ] f. a medicinal plant (Sidonia Cordifolia and Rhombifolia , or Annona Squamosa)
[ atibala ] m. N. of a powerful charm
of one of Daksha's daughters.
अतिबहु [ atibahu ] [ áti-bahu ] m. f. n. ( [ áti- ] ) very much
too much Lit. MaitrS.
अतिबालक [ atibālaka ] [ áti-bālaka ] m. an infant
[ atibālaka ] m. f. n. infantine.
अतिबाहु [ atibāhu ] [ áti-bāhu ] m. " having extraordinary arms " , N. of a Ṛishi of the fourteenth Manvantara Lit. Hariv.
N. of a Gandharva Lit. MBh.
अतिबीभत्स [ atibībhatsa ] [ áti-bībhatsa ] m. f. n. excessively disagreeable.
अतिब्रह्मचर्य [ atibrahmacarya ] [ áti-brahmacarya ] n. excessive abstinence or continence.
अतिभार [ atibhāra ] [ áti-bhāra ] m. an excessive burden , excessive obscurity (of a sentence)
N. of a king.
अतिभारभूत [ atibhārabhūta ] [ ati-bhāra-bhūta ] m. f. n. exceeding, surpassing (gen.), Lit. Bcar. ii, 2.
अतिभारग [ atibhāraga ] [ áti-bhāra-ga ] m. " heavy-burden-bearer " , a mule.
अतिभी [ atibhī ] [ áti-bhī ] m. " very terrific " , lightning Lit. L.
अतिभीषण [ atibhīṣaṇa ] [ áti-bhīṣaṇa ] m. f. n. very terrific.
अतिभृत [ atibhṛta ] [ áti-bhṛta ] m. f. n. well filled.
अतिभोजन [ atibhojana ] [ áti-bhojana ] n. eating too much
morbid voracity.
अतिबोधिसत्त्व [ atibodhisattva ] [ ati-bodhi-sattva ] m. f. n. exceeding a Bodhi-sattva, Lit. Mālatīm.
अतिभ्रू [ atibhrū ] [ áti-bhrū ] m. f. n. having extraordinary eyebrows.
अतिमङ्गल्य [ atimaṅgalya ] [ áti-maṅgalya ] m. f. n. very auspicious
[ atimaṅgalya ] m. Aegle or Crataeva Marmelos.
अतिमति [ atimati ] [ áti-mati ] f. ( [ áti- ] ) haughtiness Lit. RV. i , 129 , 5
[ atimati ] m. f. n. exceedingly wise Lit. MBh.
अतिमध्यन्दिन [ atimadhyandina ] [ áti-madhyandina ] n. high noon.
अतिमर्श [ atimarśa ] [ áti-marśa ] m. close contact.
अतिमनोरथक्रम [ atimanorathakrama ] [ ati-manoratha-krama ] m. excess of desire, ib. v, 35.
अतिमाल [ atimāla ] [ ati-māla ] m. f. n. excelling a necklace (in beauty), Lit. Laghuk. 1017.
अतिमिर्मिर [ atimirmira ] [ áti-mirmira ] ( [ áti- ] ) m. f. n. twinkling exceedingly Lit. TBr.
अतिमुक्त [ atimukta ] [ áti-mukta ] m. f. n. entirely liberated
quite free from sensual or worldly desire
seedless , barren
[ atimukta ] m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis
Gaertnera Racemosa ,
अतिमुक्ति [ atimukti ] [ áti-mukti ] ( [ áti ] .) f. final liberation (from death) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अतिमूर्ति [ atimūrti ] [ áti-mūrti ] f. " highest shape " , N. of a ceremony.
अतिमेमिष [ atimemiṣa ] [ áti-memiṣa ] ( [ áti- ] ) m. f. n. (√ 1. [ miṣ ] ) , opening the eyes too much , staring Lit. TBr.
अतिमैथुन [ atimaithuna ] [ áti-maithuna ] n. excess of sexual intercourse.
अतिमोक्ष [ atimokṣa ] [ áti-mokṣá ] m. ; see [ ati-√ muc ] .
अतिमोदा [ atimodā ] [ áti-modā ] f. extraordinary fragrance
the tree Jasminum Arboreum.
अतियव [ atiyava ] [ áti-yava ] m. a sort of barley.
अतियश [ atiyaśa ] [ áti-yaśa ] ( ( Lit. MBh. ) ) m. f. n. very illustrious.
अतियशस् [ atiyaśas ] [ áti-yaśas ] m. f. n. very illustrious.
अतियाज [ atiyāja ] [ áti-yājá ] m. " great sacrificer " , very pious Lit. RV. vi , 52 , 1.
अतियात्रा [ atiyātrā ] [ ati-yātrā ] f. passing over, Lit. Śaṃk.
fare for crossing (?), Lit. Divyâv.
अतियुवन् [ atiyuvan ] [ áti-yuvan ] m. f. n. very youthful Lit. L.
अतिरभस [ atirabhasa ] [ áti-rabhasa ] m. extraordinary speed.
अतिरसा [ atirasā ] [ áti-rasā ] f. " very succulent " , N. of various plants (Mūrvā , Rāsnā , Klītanaka) .
अतिराजन् [ atirājan ] [ áti-rājan ] m. an extraordinary king Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 69 Sch.
one who surpasses a king ( ( cf. also s.v. ) )
अतिरुचिर [ atirucira ] [ áti-rucira ] m. f. n. very lovely
[ atirucirā ] f. N. of two metres ( a variety of the [ atijagatī ] ; another called [ cuḍikā ] or [ culikā ] ) .
अतिरुष् [ atiruṣ ] [ áti-ruṣ ] m. f. n. very angry.
अतिरूप [ atirūpa ] [ áti-rūpa ] m. f. n. very beautiful
[ atirūpa ] n. extraordinary beauty.
अतिरोग [ atiroga ] [ áti-roga ] m. consumption Lit. L.
अतिरोमश [ atiromaśa ] [ áti-romaśa ] m. f. n. very hairy , too hairy
[ atiromaśa ] m. a wild goat , a kind of monkey.
अतिलङ्घन [ atilaṅghana ] [ áti-laṅghana ] n. excessive fasting Lit. Suśr.
अतिलम्ब [ atilamba ] [ áti-lamba ] m. f. n. very extensive.
अतिलुब्ध [ atilubdha ] [ áti-lubdha ] m. f. n. very greedy or covetous.
अतिलोभ [ atilobha ] [ ati-lobha ] m. f. n. very greedy or covetous.
अतिलुलित [ atilulita ] [ áti-lulita ] m. f. n. closely attached or adhering.
अतिलोभ [ atilobha ] [ áti-lobha ] m. excessive greediness or covetousness.
अतिलोभता [ atilobhatā ] [ áti-lobha-tā ] f. excessive greediness or covetousness.
अतिलोम [ atiloma ] [ áti-loma ] ( [ áti- ] ) ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) m. f. n. very hairy , too hairy.
अतिलोमश [ atilomaśa ] [ áti-lomaśa ] ( [ áti- ] ) ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) m. f. n. very hairy , too hairy.
अतिलोमशा [ atilomaśā ] [ áti-lomaśā ] f. Convolvulus Argenteus.
अतिलोहित [ atilohita ] [ áti-lohita ] m. f. n. very red.
अतिवक्तृ [ ativaktṛ ] [ áti-vaktṛ ] m. f. n. very loquacious.
अतिवक्र [ ativakra ] [ áti-vakra ] m. f. n. very crooked or curved
[ ativakrā ] f. one of the eight descriptions of planetary motion.
अतिवर [ ativara ] [ ati-vara ] m. an extra donation, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अतिवर्तुल [ ativartula ] [ áti-vartula ] m. f. n. very round
[ ativartula ] m. a kind of grain or pot-herb.
अतिवात [ ativāta ] [ áti-vāta ] m. high wind , a storm.
अतिवालक [ ativālaka ] [ áti-vālaka ] see [ -bālaka ] above.
अतिवाहन [ ativāhana ] [ áti-vāhana ] n. excessive toiling.
अतिविकट [ ativikaṭa ] [ áti-vikaṭa ] m. f. n. very fierce
[ ativikaṭa ] m. a vicious elephant.
अतिविपिन [ ativipina ] [ áti-vipina ] m. f. n. having many forests , very impenetrable Lit. Kir. v , 18.
अतिविलम्बिन् [ ativilambin ] [ áti-vilambin ] m. f. n. very dilatory.
अतिवीर्यप्रभ [ ativīryaprabha ] [ ati-vīrya-prabha ] m. N. of a Tathā-gata, Lit. Sukh. i.
अतिविश्रब्धनवोढा [ ativiśrabdhanavoḍhā ] [ áti-viśrabdha-navoḍhā ] f. a fond but pert young wife.
अतिविष [ ativiṣa ] [ áti-viṣa ] m. f. n. exceedingly poisonous , counteracting poison
[ ativiṣā ] f. the plant Aconitum Ferox
अतिवृद्धि [ ativṛddhi ] [ áti-vṛddhi ] f. extraordinary growth.
अतिवृष्टिहत [ ativṛṣṭihata ] [ áti-vṛṣṭi-hata ] m. f. n. injured by heavy rain.
अतिवेपथु [ ativepathu ] [ áti-vepathu ] m. excessive tremor
[ ativepathu ] m. f. n. trembling excessively.
अतिवेपथुमत् [ ativepathumat ] [ áti-vepathu--mat ] m. f. n. trembling excessively.
अतिवैचक्षण्य [ ativaicakṣaṇya ] [ áti-vaicakṣaṇya ] n. great proficiency.
अतिवैशस [ ativaiśasa ] [ áti-vaiśasa ] m. f. n. very adverse or destructive.
अतिव्यथन [ ativyathana ] [ áti-vyathana ] n. infliction of (or giving) excessive pain Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 61.
अतिव्यथा [ ativyathā ] [ áti-vyathā ] f. excessive pain.
अतिव्यस्त [ ativyasta ] [ ati-vyasta ] m. f. n. too widely separated, Lit. TPrāt.
अतिव्याप्ति [ ativyāpti ] [ áti-vyāpti ] f. unwarrantable stretch (of a rule or principle) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 35 Sch.
अतिशक्त [ atiśakta ] [ áti-śakta ] m. f. n. very powerful
अतिशक्ति [ atiśakti ] [ áti-śakti ] m. f. n. very powerful
[ atiśakti ] f. great power or valour.
अतिशक्तिता [ atiśaktitā ] [ áti-śakti--tā ] f. great power or valour.
अतिशक्तिभाज् [ atiśaktibhāj ] [ áti-śakti-bhāj ] m. f. n. possessing great power.
अतिशङ्का [ atiśaṅkā ] [ áti-śaṅkā ] f. excessive timidity.
अतिशर्वर [ atiśarvara ] [ áti-śarvará ] n. the dead of night Lit. AV.
अतिशस्त [ atiśasta ] [ áti-śasta ] m. f. n. very excellent.
अतिशात [ atiśāta ] [ ati-śāta ] m. f. n. causing great joy, delightful, Lit. Gīt.
अतिशुक्र [ atiśukra ] [ áti-śukra ] ( [ áti- ] ) m. f. n. too bright.
अतिशुक्ल [ atiśukla ] [ áti-śukla ] m. f. n. very white , too white.
अतिशोभन [ atiśobhana ] [ áti-śobhana ] m. f. n. very handsome.
अतिश्लक्ष्ण [ atiślakṣṇa ] [ áti-ślakṣṇa ] ( [ áti- ] ) m. f. n. too tender Lit. TBr.
अतिसंस्कृत [ atisaṃskṛta ] [ áti-saṃskṛta ] m. f. n. highly finished.
अतिसक्तिमत् [ atisaktimat ] [ áti-sakti-mat ] m. f. n. excessively attached.
अतिसंचय [ atisaṃcaya ] [ áti-saṃcaya ] m. excessive accumulation.
अतिसंतप्त [ atisaṃtapta ] [ áti-saṃtapta ] m. f. n. greatly afflicted.
अतिसंधेय [ atisaṃdheya ] [ áti-saṃdheya ] m. f. n. easy to be settled or conciliated.
अतिसमर्थ [ atisamartha ] [ áti-samartha ] m. f. n. very competent.
अतिसमीप [ atisamīpa ] [ áti-samīpa ] m. f. n. very near.
अतिसम्पर्क [ atisamparka ] [ áti-samparka ] m. excessive (sexual) intercourse.
अतिसरस्वती [ atisarasvatī ] [ ati-sarasvatī ] f. a partic. personification, Lit. MānGṛ.
अतिसर्व [ atisarva ] [ áti-sarva ] m. f. n. too complete Lit. AitBr.
superior to all see s.v.
अतिसाध्वस [ atisādhvasa ] [ áti-sādhvasa ] n. excessive fear.
अतिसान्तपन [ atisāntapana ] [ áti-sāntapana ] n. a kind of severe penance (inflicted especially for eating unclean animal food) .
अतिसायम् [ atisāyam ] [ áti-sāyam ] ind. very late in the evening.
अतिसिद्धि [ atisiddhi ] [ áti-siddhi ] f. great perfection.
अतिसिताङ्गविहंग [ atisitāṅgavihaṃga ] [ ati-sitāṅga-vihaṃga ] m. a swan, Lit. Śiś.
अतिसुजन [ atisujana ] [ áti-sujana ] m. f. n. very moral , very friendly.
अतिसुन्दर [ atisundara ] [ áti-sundara ] m. f. n. very handsome
[ atisundara ] mf. a metre belonging to the class [ aṣṭi ] ( also called [ citra ] or [ cañcalā ] ) .
अतिसुलभ [ atisulabha ] [ áti-sulabha ] m. f. n. very easily obtainable.
अतिसुहित [ atisuhita ] [ áti-suhita ] m. f. n. excessively kind , over-kind.
perfectly satiated, Lit. ĀpŚr. ( Page1310,1 )
अतिसृष्टि [ atisṛṣṭi ] [ áti-sṛṣṭi ] ( [ áti- ] ) f. an extraordinary or excellent creation Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अतिसेवा [ atisevā ] [ áti-sevā ] f. excessive addiction (to a habit) .
अतिसौरभ [ atisaurabha ] [ áti-saurabha ] m. f. n. very fragrant
[ atisaurabha ] n. extraordinary fragrance.
अतिसौहित्य [ atisauhitya ] [ áti-sauhitya ] n. excessive satiety e.g. being spoiled , stuffed with food , Lit. Mn. iv , 62.
अतिस्थिर [ atisthira ] [ áti-sthira ] m. f. n. very stable.
अतिस्थूल [ atisthūla ] [ áti-sthūla ] m. f. n. ( [ áti ] .) excessively big or clumsy Lit. VS.
excessively stupid.
अतिस्निग्ध [ atisnigdha ] [ áti-snigdha ] m. f. n. very smooth , very nice , very affectionate
अतिस्पर्श [ atisparśa ] [ áti-sparśa ] m. too marked contact (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation.
अतिस्फिर [ atisphira ] [ áti-sphira ] m. f. n. very tremulous.
अतिस्वप्न [ atisvapna ] [ áti-svapna ] m. excessive sleep
[ atisvapna ] n. excessive tendency to dreaming.
अतिस्वस्थ [ atisvastha ] [ áti-svastha ] m. f. n. enjoying excellent health.
अतिस्विन्न [ atisvinna ] [ ati-svinna ] m. f. n. caused to perspire abundantly, Lit. Suśr.
अतिहसित [ atihasita ] [ áti-hasita ] n. excessive laughter.
(in rhet.) excessive or foolish laughter, Lit. Sāh.
अतिहास [ atihāsa ] [ áti-hāsa ] m. excessive laughter.
अतिह्रस्व [ atihrasva ] [ áti-hrasva ] ( [ áti- ] ) m. f. n. excessively short Lit. VS.
अत्यक्षर [ atyakṣara ] [ aty-akṣara ] m. f. n. inarticulate, Lit. MānGṛ.
अत्यग्नि [ atyagni ] [ aty-agni ] m. morbidly rapid digestion.
अत्यणु [ atyaṇu ] [ áty-aṇu ] m. f. n. very thin Lit. MaitrS.
अत्यद्भुत [ atyadbhuta ] [ aty-adbhuta ] m. f. n. very wonderful
[ atyadbhuta ] m. N. of the Indra in the ninth Manvantara Lit. VP.
n. a great wonder.
अत्यध्वन् [ atyadhvan ] [ aty-adhvan ] m. a long way or journey , excessive travelling.
अत्यमर्षण [ atyamarṣaṇa ] [ aty-amarṣaṇa ] m. f. n. quite out of temper.
अत्यमर्षिन् [ atyamarṣin ] [ aty-amarṣin ] m. f. n. quite out of temper.
अत्यम्ल [ atyamla ] [ aty-amla ] m. f. n. very acid
[ atyamla ] m. the tree Spondias Mangifera
[ atyamlā ] f. a species of citron.
अत्यम्लपर्णी [ atyamlaparṇī ] [ aty-amla-parṇī ] f. " having very acid leaves " , N. of a medicinal plant.
अत्यश्नत् [ atyaśnat ] [ aty-aśnat ] m. f. n. eating too much.
अत्यसम [ atyasama ] [ aty-asama ] m. f. n. very uneven , very rough
अत्याखण्डलविक्रम [ atyākhaṇḍalavikrama ] [ aty-ākhaṇḍala-vikrama ] m. f. n. surpassing Indra in heroism, Lit. Ragh.
अत्यादर [ atyādara ] [ aty-ādara ] m. excessive deference.
अत्यादान [ atyādāna ] [ aty-ādāna ] n. taking away too much.
अत्यानन्द [ atyānanda ] [ áty-ānanda ] m. excessive wantonness Lit. ŚBr.
[ atyānanda ] m. f. n. excessively wanton Lit. Suśr.
अत्याप्ति [ atyāpti ] [ áty-āpti ] f. complete attainment Lit. AV. xi , 7 , 22.
अत्यायुस् [ atyāyus ] [ aty-āyus ] m. f. n. very old, Lit. Veṇīs.
अत्यारूढि [ atyārūḍhi ] [ aty-ārūḍhi ] f. mounting too high , insolence , arrogance.
अत्यारोह [ atyāroha ] [ aty-āroha ] m. mounting too high , insolence , arrogance.
अत्याशा [ atyāśā ] [ aty-āśā ] f. extravagant hope.
अत्याशित [ atyāśita ] [ áty-āśita ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ as ] ) , too satiate Lit. MaitrS.
अत्यासारिन् [ atyāsārin ] [ aty-āsārí n ] m. f. n. excessively flowing towards Lit. TS.
अत्याहार [ atyāhāra ] [ aty-āhāra ] m. excess in eating.
अत्याहारिन् [ atyāhārin ] [ aty-āhārin ] m. f. n. eating immoderately , gluttonous.
अत्याहित [ atyāhita ] [ aty-āhita ] n. great calamity
great danger
facing great danger
a daring action.
अत्युच्चैस् [ atyuccais ] [ aty-uccais ] ind. very loudly.
अत्युच्चैर्ध्वनि [ atyuccairdhvani ] [ aty-uccair-dhvani ] m. a very loud sound
a very high note.
अत्युत्कट [ atyutkaṭa ] [ aty-utkaṭa ] m. f. n. very imposing or immense.
अत्युत्साह [ atyutsāha ] [ aty-utsāha ] m. excessive vigour.
अत्युदार [ atyudāra ] [ aty-udāra ] m. f. n. very liberal.
अत्युर्वीश [ atyurvīśa ] [ aty-urvīśa ] m. a supreme sovereign, Lit. VarBṛS.
अत्युल्बण [ atyulbaṇa ] [ aty-ulbaṇa ] m. f. n. very conspicuous , excessive.
अत्युल्वण [ atyulvaṇa ] [ aty-ulvaṇa ] m. f. n. very conspicuous , excessive.
अत्यूर्जितम् [ atyūrjitam ] [ aty-ūrjitam ] ind. very much, in a high degree, Lit. Mālatīm.
अत्यूध्नी [ atyūdhnī ] [ aty-ūdhnī ] f. having an exceedingly large udder Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
अत्यूर्ध्वाक्ष [ atyūrdhvākṣa ] [ aty-ūrdhvākṣa ] m. f. n. with uplifted eyes, Lit. TĀr.
अत्यृषभ [ atyṛṣabha ] [ aty-ṛṣabha ] m. an excellent bull (applied to Prajā-pati), Lit. Hir.
अतिकथ [ atikatha ] [ ati-katha ] m. f. n. transgressing tradition or law , deviating from the rules of caste (see also s.v. [ ati ] .)