Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
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पुरञ्जर [ purañjara ] [ purañjara ] m. the armpit Lit. L.

पुरट [ puraṭa ] [ puraṭa ] n. gold Lit. L.

पुरण [ puraṇa ] [ puraṇa ] m. (√ [ pṝ ] ) the sea , ocean Lit. Uṇ. ii , 81 Sch.

पुरण्ड [ puraṇḍa ] [ puraṇḍa ] m. pl. N. of a dynasty Lit. VP. ( cf. [ puruṇḍa ] ) .

पुरतस् [ puratas ] [ pura-tas ] see p. 634 , col. 2.

पुरंधि [ puraṃdhi ] [ puraṃdhi ] m. f. n. (etym. much contested ; prob. fr. acc. of 1. or 3. [ pur ] and √ [ dhā ] , " bearing fulness " or " bearing a body " ) prolific , not barren (lit. and fig.) , bountiful , munificent , liberal Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS.

[ puraṃdhi ] f. a woman , wife Lit. RV. i , 116 , 7 ; 1 3 ; 117 , 19

liberality , munificence , kindness (shown by gods to man e.g. Lit. RV. i , 5 , 3 ; 158 2 ; or by man to gods in offering oblations e.g. Lit. i , 123 , 6 ; 134 , 3 ; also personified as goddess of abundance and liberality Lit. e.g. vii , 36 , 8 )

  पुरंधिवत् [ puraṃdhivat ] [ puraṃdhi-vat ] ( [ púr ] ) . m. f. n. abundant , copious Lit. RV. ix , 72 , 4.

 पुरंध्रि [ puraṃdhri ] [ puraṃdhri ] f. ( perhaps at first identical with prec. and later connected with √ [ dhṛ ] ) a wife , woman (esp. a married woman having or able to bear children) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

 पुरंध्री [ puraṃdhrī ] [ puraṃdhrī ] f. ( perhaps at first identical with prec. and later connected with √ [ dhṛ ] ) a wife , woman (esp. a married woman having or able to bear children) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

पुरला [ puralā ] [ puralā ] (?) f. N. of Durgā Lit. L.

पुरवी [ puravī ] [ puravī ] f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī ( cf. [ puruvī ] ) .

पुरस् [ puras ] [ puras ] [ purastāt ] see p.634.

पुरा [ purā ] [ purā ] see p. 634 , col. 3.

पुराटङ्क [ purāṭaṅka ] [ purāṭaṅka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat. ( cf. [ pauraṇṭaka ] ) .

पुराण [ purāṇa ] [ purāṇa ] [ purātana ] see p.635.

पुरातल [ purātala ] [ purātala ] n. the region below the seven worlds Lit. L. ( cf. [ talātala ] ) .

पुराधस् [ purādhas ] [ purādhas ] m. N. of an Āṅgirasa Lit. ĀrshBr. (v.l. [ pra-rādhas ] ) .

पुरासणी [ purāsaṇī ] [ purāsaṇī ] f. a species of creeper Lit. L.

पुरासिनी [ purāsinī ] [ purāsinī ] f. a species of creeper Lit. L.

पुरि [ puri ] [ puri ] 1. and 2, [ puri ] ; [ purī ] . see above.

पुरितत् [ puritat ] [ puritat ] w.r. for [ purītat ] Lit. L.

पुरीकय [ purīkaya ] [ purīkáya ] m. a species of aquatic animal Lit. AV.

पुरीकषेण [ purīkaṣeṇa ] [ purīkaṣeṇa ] m. N. of a king Lit. VP.

पुरीतत् [ purītat ] [ purītát ] m. n. ( fr. 3. [ pur ] , or [ purī ] + √ [ tan ] ?) the pericardium or some other organ near the heart

the intestines Lit. VS. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KaushUp. ( cf. [ parī-tat ] and [ pulītat ] ) .

पुरीष [ purīṣa ] [ púrīṣa ] n. (√ [ pṝ ] ) earth , land Lit. RV.

(esp.) crumbling or loose earth , rubbish (perhaps " that which fills up " , as opp. to that which flows off , " the solid " opp. to the fluid) , rubble , anything used to fill up interstices in a wall Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS.

feces , excrement , ordure Lit. ŚBr. (ifc. f ( [ ī ] ) . Lit. BhP.)

a disk , orb (e.g. [ sūryasya ] i.e. " fulness of the sun " ?) Lit. RV. x , 27 , 21

( with [ ātharvaṇa ] ) N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.

[ purīṣī ] f. N. of a partic. religious observance Lit. BhP. (= [ cayana ] Sch.)

  पुरीषनिग्रहण [ purīṣanigrahaṇa ] [ púrīṣa-nigrahaṇa ] m. f. n. stopping or obstructing the bowels Lit. Suśr.

  पुरीषपद [ purīṣapada ] [ púrīṣa-pada ] n. N. of partic. passages inserted (to fill up) in the recitation of the Mahānāmnī verses Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.

  पुरीषभीरु [ purīṣabhīru ] [ púrīṣa-bhīru ] m. N. of a prince Lit. BhP.

  पुरीषभेद [ purīṣabheda ] [ púrīṣa-bheda ] m. diarrhoea Lit. Car.

  पुरीषभेदिन् [ purīṣabhedin ] [ púrīṣa-bhedin ] m. f. n. " loosening the feces " , relaxing the bowels Lit. MW.

  पुरीषमूत्रप्रतिघात [ purīṣamūtrapratighāta ] [ púrīṣa-mūtra-pratighāta ] m. obstruction of the solid and liquid excretions Lit. Cat.

  पुरीषवत् [ purīṣavat ] [ púrīṣa-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ púr ] ) furnished with rubbish or loose earth (used for filling interstices) Lit. TS.

   [ purīṣavatī ] f. ( [ ī ] ) N. of a kind of brick Lit. ŚBr.

  पुरीषवाहण [ purīṣavāhaṇa ] [ púrīṣa-vā́haṇa ] m. f. n. removing rubbish or refuse Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 65) .

  पुरीषवाहन [ purīṣavāhana ] [ púrīṣa-vāhana ] m. f. n. removing rubbish or refuse Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 65) .

  पुरीषविरञ्जनीय [ purīṣavirañjanīya ] [ púrīṣa-virañjanīya ] m. f. n. changing the colour of the feces Lit. L.

  पुरीषसंग्रहणीय [ purīṣasaṃgrahaṇīya ] [ púrīṣa-saṃgrahaṇīya ] m. f. n. making the feces more solid Lit. ib.

  पुरीषाधान [ purīṣādhāna ] [ purīṣādhāna ] n. " receptacle of excrement " , the rectum Lit. Yājñ.

  पुरीषोत्सर्ग [ purīṣotsarga ] [ purīṣotsarga ] m. the voiding of excrement Lit. Pañc. Lit. Hit.

 पुरीषण [ purīṣaṇa ] [ purīṣaṇa ] n. the voiding of excrement Lit. Var.

  [ purīṣaṇa ] m. excrement , feces Lit. L.

  the rectum or anus Lit. Gal.

 पुरीषम [ purīṣama ] [ purīṣama ] m. Phaseolus Radiatus Lit. L.

 पुरीषय [ purīṣaya ] [ purīṣaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to void excrement Lit. L.

 पुरीषित [ purīṣita ] [ purīṣita ] m. f. n. voided , evacuated (as excrement)

  voided upon g. [ tārakādi ] .

 पुरीषिन् [ purīṣin ] [ purīṣí n ] m. f. n. possessing land or inhabiting it or extending over it Lit. RV.

  " bearing or carrying rubbish " , N. of the Sarayū or of another river , Lit. v , 53 , 9

 पुरीष्य [ purīṣya ] [ purīṣyá ] m. f. n. being in the , earth (said of fire) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. VS.

  rich in land Lit. ŚBr.

  excremental Lit. AitBr.

  पुरीष्यवाहन [ purīṣyavāhana ] [ purīṣya-vāhana ] m. f. n. (prob.) = [ purīṣa-v ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 65.

पुरु [ puru ] [ purú ] m. f. n. (√ [ pṝ ] ) much , many , abundant ( only [ purū ] , [ °rū́ṇi ] , [ °rūṇām ] and sev. cases of f. [ pūrvī ] ; in later language only ibc.) Lit. RV. ( [ °rú ] . much , often , very ( also with a compar. or superl. ) ; with [ simā ] , everywhere ; with [ tirás ] , far off , from afar ; [ purārú ] , far and wide ; [ purú ví śva ] , one and all , every Lit. RV.)

[ puru ] m. the pollen of a flower Lit. L.

heaven , paradise Lit. L.

( cf. [ pūru ] ) N. of a prince (the son of Yayāti and Śarmishṭhā and sixth monarch of the lunar race) Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak.

of a son of Vasu-deva and Saha-devā Lit. BhP.

of a son of Madhu Lit. VP.

of a son of Manu Cākshusha and Naḍvalā Lit. Pur. ( cf. Old Pers. (paru) ; Gk. 1 ; Goth. (filu) ; Angl.Sax. (ftolu) ; Germ. (viel) . )

  पुरुकारकवत् [ purukārakavat ] [ purú-kāraka-vat ] m. f. n. having many agents or factors Lit. BhP.

  पुरुकुत्स [ purukutsa ] [ purú-kútsa ] m. N. of a man Lit. RV.

   of a descendant of Ikshvāku Lit. ŚBr.

   of a son of Māndhātṛi Lit. Hariv.

   of another man Lit. VP.

  पुरुकुत्सव [ purukutsava ] [ purú-kutsava ] m. N. of an enemy of Indra Lit. GāruḍaP.

  पुरुकुत्सानी [ purukutsānī ] [ purú-kútsānī ] f. N. of a woman (prob. wife of Puru-kutsa) Lit. RV.

  पुरुकृत् [ purukṛt ] [ purú-kṛ́t ] m. f. n. = [ -kṛtvan ] Lit. ib.

   increasing ( with gen.) Lit. ib.

  पुरुकृत्वन् [ purukṛtvan ] [ purú-kṛ́tvan ] m. f. n. achieving great deeds , efficacious Lit. ib.

  पुरुकृपा [ purukṛpā ] [ purú-kṛpā ] f. abundant mercy or compassion Lit. BhP.

  पुरुक्षु [ purukṣu ] [ purú-kṣú ] m. f. n. rich in food Lit. ib.

   liberally granting ( with gen.) Lit. ib.

  पुरुगूर्त [ purugūrta ] [ purú-gūrtá ] m. f. n. welcome to many Lit. RV.

  पुरुचेतन [ purucetana ] [ purú-cétana ] m. f. n. visible to many , very conspicuous Lit. ib. Lit. TBr.

  पुरुज [ puruja ] [ purú-ja ] m. f. n. much Lit. L. ( cf. [ puruha ] )

   [ puruja ] m. N. of a prince (the son of Suśānti) Lit. BhP.

  पुरुजात [ purujāta ] [ purú-jātá ] m. f. n. variously manifested or appearing Lit. RV.

  पुरुजाति [ purujāti ] [ purú-jāti ] m. = [ -ja ] m. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  पुरुजित् [ purujit ] [ purú-jit ] m. " conquering many " , N. of a hero on the side of the Pāṇḍus and brother of Kunti-bhoja Lit. MBh.

   of a prince the son of Rucaka Lit. BhP.

   of a son of Ānaka Lit. ib.

  पुरुणामन् [ puruṇāman ] [ purú-ṇāman ] ( [ purú- ] .) m. f. n. having many names (said of Indra) Lit. RV.

  पुरुणीथ [ puruṇītha ] [ purú-ṇīthá ] n. a song for many voices , choral song Lit. ib.

  पुरुतम [ purutama ] [ purú-táma ] ( [ purū- ] ) m. f. n. very much or many , abundant , frequent , ever-recurring Lit. ib.

  पुरुत्मन् [ purutman ] [ purú-tmán ] m. f. n. existing variously Lit. ib.

  पुरुत्रा [ purutrā ] [ purú-trā́ ] ind. variously , in many ways or places or directions

   many times , often Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.

  पुरुद [ puruda ] [ purú-da ] n. gold Lit. L. ( cf. [ puraṭa ] ) .

  पुरुदंशक [ purudaṃśaka ] [ purú-daṃśaka ] m. " many-teethed " , a goose (so called from its serrated beak) Lit. L.

  पुरुदंस [ purudaṃsa ] [ purú-dáṃsa ] m. f. n. abounding in mighty or wonderful deeds Lit. RV.

  पुरुदंसस् [ purudaṃsas ] [ purú-dáṃsas ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.

   [ purudaṃsas ] m. N. of Indra Lit. L.

  पुरुदत्र [ purudatra ] [ purú-datra ] m. f. n. rich in gifts Lit. RV.

  पुरुदम [ purudama ] [ purú-dáma ] m. f. n. possessed of or belonging to many houses Lit. AV.

  पुरुदय [ purudaya ] [ purú-daya ] m. f. n. abounding in compassion Lit. BhP.

  पुरुदस्म [ purudasma ] [ purú-dasmá ] m. f. n. = [ -daṃsa ] Lit. RV. Lit. VS.

  पुरुदस्यु [ purudasyu ] [ purú-dasyu ] m. f. n. (people) , consisting chiefly in robbers Lit. BhP.

  पुरुदिन [ purudina ] [ purú-dí na ] n. pl. many days Lit. RV.

  पुरुदेवचम्पू [ purudevacampū ] [ purú-deva-campū ] f. N. of a poem.

  पुरुद्रप्स [ purudrapsa ] [ purú-drapsá ] m. f. n. abounding in drops of water (said of the Maruts) Lit. ib.

  पुरुद्रुह् [ purudruh ] [ purú-drúh ] m. f. n. injuring greatly Lit. ib.

  पुरुध [ purudha ] [ purú-dhá ] ind. (before 2 consonants) variously , frequently Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

   पुरुधप्रतीक [ purudhapratīka ] [ purú-dhá--pratīka ] m. f. n. appearing variously Lit. RV.

  पुरुधा [ purudhā ] [ purú-dhā́ ] ind. variously , frequently Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  पुरुनिःषिध् [ puruniḥṣidh ] [ purú-niḥṣí dh ] m. f. n. repelling many (foes) Lit. ib.

  पुरुनिःषिध्वन् [ puruniḥṣidhvan ] [ purú-niḥṣidhvan ] m. f. n. repelling many (foes) Lit. ib.

  पुरुनिष्ठा [ puruniṣṭhā ] [ purú-niṣṭhā ] m. f. n. excelling among many Lit. ib.

  पुरुनिष्ठ [ puruniṣṭha ] [ purú-niṣṭha ] m. f. n. excelling among many Lit. ib.

  पुरुनृम्ण [ purunṛmṇa ] [ purú-nṛmṇá ] m. f. n. displaying great valour Lit. ib.

  पुरुपन्था [ purupanthā ] [ purú-pánthā ] m. (nom. [ °thās ] ) N. of a man Lit. ib.

  पुरुपशु [ purupaśu ] [ purú-paśu ] m. f. n. rich in cattle Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.

  पुरुपुत्र [ puruputra ] [ purú-putrá ] m. f. n. having many sons or children Lit. RV.

  पुरुपेश [ purupeśa ] [ purú-péśa ] m. f. n. multiform Lit. ib.

  पुरुपेशस् [ purupeśas ] [ purú-péśas ] m. f. n. multiform Lit. ib.

  पुरुप्रजात [ puruprajāta ] [ purú-prajātá ] m. f. n. variously propagated Lit. ib.

  पुरुप्रशस्त [ purupraśasta ] [ purú-praśastá ] m. f. n. praised by many Lit. ib.

  पुरुप्रिय [ purupriya ] [ purú-priyá ] m. f. n. dear to many Lit. RV. Lit. VS.

  पुरुप्रैष [ purupraiṣa ] [ purú-praí ṣa ] [ purú-praí ṣa ] or [ >purú-praiṣá ] , m. f. n. inciting many Lit. RV.

  पुरुप्रौढ [ puruprauḍha ] [ purú-prauḍha ] m. f. n. possessing much self-confidence Lit. BhP.

  पुरुभुज् [ purubhuj ] [ purú-bhuj ] m. f. n. enjoying much Lit. RV.

  पुरुभू [ purubhū ] [ purú-bhū́ ] m. f. n. being or appearing in many places ( superl. [ -tama ] ) Lit. ib.

  पुरुभूत [ purubhūta ] [ purú-bhūta ] w.r. for [ -hūta ] Lit. Hariv.

  पुरुभोजस् [ purubhojas ] [ purú-bhójas ] m. f. n. containing many means of enjoyments , greatly nourishing Lit. RV.

   [ purubhojas ] m. a cloud Lit. L.

  पुरुमद्ग [ purumadga ] [ purú-madga ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. ĀrshBr. (w.r. [ -mahna ] ) .

  पुरुमनस् [ purumanas ] [ purú-manas ] m. f. n. ( formed for the explanation of 2. [ puṃs ] ) Lit. Nir. ix , 15.

  पुरुमन्तु [ purumantu ] [ purú-mántu ] m. f. n. full of wisdom , intelligent Lit. RV.

  पुरुमन्द्र [ purumandra ] [ purú-mandrá ] m. f. n. delighting many Lit. ib.

  पुरुमाय [ purumāya ] [ purú-māyá ] ( Lit. RV.) m. f. n. possessing various arts or virtues , wonderful.

  पुरुमायिन् [ purumāyin ] [ purú-māyin ] ( Lit. BhP.) m. f. n. possessing various arts or virtues , wonderful.

  पुरुमाय्य [ purumāyya ] [ purú-mā́yya ] m. N. of a man Lit. RV.

  पुरुमित्र [ purumitra ] [ purú-mitrá ] m. N. of a man Lit. RV.

   of a warrior on the side of the Kurus Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  पुरुमीढ [ purumīḍha ] [ purú-mīḍhá ] ( Lit. AV. ) m. N. of a man (with the patr. Āṅgirasa or Sauhotra ; the supposed author of Lit. RV. iv , 43 ; 44)

  पुरुमीढ [ purumīḍha ] [ purú-mīḍhá ] m. ( Lit. RV.) N. of a man (with the patr. Āṅgirasa or Sauhotra ; the supposed author of Lit. RV. iv , 43 ; 44)

   of a son of Su-hotra Lit. MBh.

   of a grandson of Su-hotra and son of Hastin (Bṛihat) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

   of a man with the patr. Vaidadaśvi Lit. TāṇḍBr.

  पुरुमेध [ purumedha ] [ purú-médha ] m. f. n. ( Lit. RV.) endowed with wisdom

   N. of a man with the patr. Āṅgirasa (author of Lit. RV. viii , 89 ; 90) .

  पुरुमेधस् [ purumedhas ] [ purú-médhas ] m. f. n. ( Lit. SV.) endowed with wisdom

   N. of a man with the patr. Āṅgirasa (author of Lit. RV. viii , 89 ; 90) .

  पुरुरथ [ pururatha ] [ purú-rátha ] m. f. n. having many chariots Lit. RV.

  पुरुरवस [ pururavasa ] [ purú-ravasa ] w.r. for [ purū-r ] below Lit. MārkP.

  पुरुराजवंशक्रम [ pururājavaṃśakrama ] [ purú-rāja-vaṃśa-krama ] m. N. of a poem.

  पुरुरावन् [ pururāvan ] [ purú-rā́van ] m. " much-howling " , N. of a demon Lit. VS.

  पुरुरुच् [ pururuc ] [ purú-rúc ] m. f. n. shining brightly Lit. RV.

  पुरुरुज् [ pururuj ] [ purú-ruj ] m. f. n. subject to many diseases Lit. BhP.

  पुरुरूप [ pururūpa ] [ purú-rūpa ] m. f. n. multiform , variegated Lit. RV.

   forming various shapes Lit. VS. Lit. AV.

  पुरुलम्पट [ purulampaṭa ] [ purú-lampaṭa ] m. f. n. very lascivious Lit. BhP.

  पुरुवर्त्मन् [ puruvartman ] [ purú-vártman ] m. f. n. having many ways or paths Lit. AV.

  पुरुवर्पस् [ puruvarpas ] [ purú-várpas ] m. f. n. multiform , variegated Lit. RV.

  पुरुवश [ puruvaśa ] [ purú-vaśa ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  पुरुवाज [ puruvāja ] [ purú-vā́ja ] m. f. n. powerful , very strong Lit. RV. 1.

  पुरुवार [ puruvāra ] [ purú-vā́ra ] m. f. n. having an ample tail or mane (as a horse or ox) Lit. ib.

  पुरुवार [ puruvāra ] [ purú-vā́ra ]2 m. f. n. rich in gifts Lit. ib.

   पुरुवारपुष्टि [ puruvārapuṣṭi ] [ purú-vā́ra--puṣṭi ]2 m. f. n. granting treasured riches Lit. ib.

  पुरुविश्रुत [ puruviśruta ] [ purú-viśruta ] m. " much renowned " , N. of a son of Vasu-deva Lit. BhP.

  पुरुवीर [ puruvīra ] [ purú-vī́ra ] m. f. n. possessed of many men or male offspring Lit. RV.

  पुरुवेपस् [ puruvepas ] [ purú-vépas ] m. f. n. much excited or exciting Lit. ib.

  पुरुव्रत [ puruvrata ] [ purú-vratá ] m. f. n. having many ordinances (said of Soma) Lit. ib.

  पुरुशक्ति [ puruśakti ] [ purú-śakti ] m. f. n. possessing various powers Lit. BhP.

  पुरुशाक [ puruśāka ] [ purú-śā́ka ] m. helpful ( superl. [ -tama ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  पुरुशिष्ट [ puruśiṣṭa ] [ purú-śiṣṭa ] m. N. of a man ( cf. [ pauruśiṣṭi ] ) .

  पुरुश्चन्द्र [ puruścandra ] [ purú-ścandrá ] m. f. n. much-shining , resplendent Lit. RV.

  पुरुषन्ति [ puruṣanti ] [ purú-ṣánti ] ( Lit. Padap. [ -sánti ] ) m. N. of a man Lit. RV. Lit. TāṇḍBr.

  पुरुष्टुत [ puruṣṭuta ] [ purú-ṣṭutá ] m. f. n. highly lauded , praised by many Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   [ puruṣṭuta ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.

  पुरुसम्भृत [ purusambhṛta ] [ purú-sambhṛtá ] m. f. n. accumulated by many Lit. RV.

  पुरुसेन [ purusena ] [ purú-sena ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

  पुरुस्पार्ह [ puruspārha ] [ purú-spārhá ] ( Lit. TBr.) and ( Lit. RV.) m. f. n. much desired.

  पुरुस्पृह् [ puruspṛh ] [ purú-spṛh ]and ( Lit. RV.) m. f. n. much desired.

  पुरुहन्मन् [ puruhanman ] [ purú-hanman ] m. N. of a man (author of Lit. RV. viii , 59 , 2) with the patr. Āṅgirasa ( Lit. RAnukr.) or Vaikhānasa ( Lit. TāṇḍBr.)

  पुरुहानि [ puruhāni ] [ purú-hāni ] f. a great loss Lit. Kāv.

  पुरुहुत [ puruhuta ] [ purú-huta ] m. N. of a prince Lit. AgP.

  पुरुहूत [ puruhūta ] [ purú-hūtá ] m. f. n. much invoked or invoked by many Lit. RV.

   [ puruhūta ] m. N. of Indra Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. , ( [ -kāṣṭhā ] f. Indra's quarter i.e. the east Lit. Dhūrtan. ; [ -dviṣ ] m. Indra's foe , N. of Indra-jit Lit. MW.)

   [ puruhūtā ] f. N. of a form of Dākshāyaṇī Lit. MatsyaP.

   पुरुहूतकाष्ठा [ puruhūtakāṣṭhā ] [ purú-hūtá--kāṣṭhā ] f. , see [ puruhūta ] , Indra's quarter i.e. the east Lit. Dhūrtan.

   पुरुहूतद्विष् [ puruhūtadviṣ ] [ purú-hūtá--dviṣ ] m. , see [ puruhūta ] , Indra's foe , N. of Indra-jit Lit. MW.

  पुरुहूति [ puruhūti ] [ purú-hūti ] f. manifold invocation Lit. BhP.

  पुरुहोत्र [ puruhotra ] [ purú-hotra ] m. N. of a son of Anu Lit. ib.

  पुरूद्वह [ purūdvaha ] [ purūdvaha ] m. N. of a son of the 11th Manu Lit. MārkP.

  पुरूरुणा [ purūruṇā ] [ purūrúṇā ] ind. far and wide Lit. RV.

 पुरुह [ puruha ] [ puruha ] m. f. n. much , many Lit. L.

 पुरुहु [ puruhu ] [ puruhu ] m. f. n. much , many Lit. L.

 पुरू [ purū ] [ purū ] in comp. for [ °ru ] .

  पुरूतम [ purūtama ] [ purū-táma ] m. f. n. see under [ puru ] .

  पुरूरवस् [ purūravas ] [ purū-rávas ] m. f. n. crying much or loudly Lit. RV. i , 31 , 4

   [ purūravas ] m. N. of an ancient king of the lunar race (the lover of Urvaśī ( cf. Lit. RV. x , 95 Lit. ŚBr. xi , 5 , 1 and Kālidāsa's drama Vikramorvaśī ) , son of Budha and Iḷā , father of Āyus and ancestor of Puru Dushyanta , Bharata , Kuru , Dhṛita-rāshṭra and Pāṇḍu , supposed to have instituted the 3 sacrificial fires ( Lit. VS. v , 2 ) ;according to Lit. Nir. x , 46 he is one of the beings belonging to the middle region of the universe , and is possibly to be connected with the Sun as Urvaśī is with the Dawn ; according to others a Viśva-deva or a Pārvaṇa-śrāddha-deva) Lit. RV. Lit.

  पुरूरवस [ purūravasa ] [ purū-ravasa ] m. = prec. m. Lit. MārkP.

  पुरूरुच् [ purūruc ] [ purū-rúc ] m. f. n. much shining Lit. SV. ( cf. [ puru-ruc ] ) .

  पुरूवसु [ purūvasu ] [ purū-vásu ] m. f. n. abounding in goods or riches Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr.

  पुरूवृत् [ purūvṛt ] [ purū-vṛ́t ] m. f. n. moving in various ways Lit. AV.

 पुरूची [ purūcī ] [ purūcī́ ] f. ( of an unused [ purv-añc ] ) abounding , abundant , full , comprehensive Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

 पुर्वणीक [ purvaṇīka ] [ purv-aṇīka ] m. f. n. variously manifested or appearing Lit. RV.

पुरुञ्ज [ puruñja ] [ puruñja ] or [ puruṇḍa ] m. pl. N. of a dynasty Lit. VP.

पुरुण्ड [ puruṇḍa ] [ puruṇḍa ] or [ puruñja ] m. pl. N. of a dynasty Lit. VP.

पुरुद्वत् [ purudvat ] [ purudvat ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

पुरुवी [ puruvī ] [ puruvī ] f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī.

पुरुष [ puruṣa ] [ púruṣa ] m. ( mc. also [ pū́r ] ; prob. fr. √ [ pṝ ] and connected with [ puru ] , [ pūru ] ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . , rarely f ( [ ī ] ) . ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-i , 24) a man , male , human being (pl. people , mankind) Lit. RV.

a person , ( [ pumān puruṣaḥ ] , a male person Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Lit. Mn. ; [ daṇḍaḥp ] , punishment personified Lit. Mn. ; esp. grammatical pers. ; with [ prathama ] , [ madhyama ] , [ uttama ] = the 3rd , 2nd , 1st pers. Lit. Nir. Lit. Pāṇ.) , an officer , functionary , attendant , servant Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ tat-p ] )

a friend Lit. L.

a follower of the Sāṃkhya Philosophy (?) Lit. L.

a member or representative of a race or generation Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. Mn.

the height or measure of a man (= 5 Aratnis = 120 Aṅgulas) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Śulbas. Lit. Var.

the pupil of the eye Lit. ŚBr.

( also with [ nārāyaṇa ] ) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe ( described in the Purusha-sûkta q.v.) Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.

the personal and animating principle in men and other beings , the soul or spirit Lit. AV.

the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe (sometimes with [ para ] , [ parama ] , or [ uttama ] ; also identified with Brahmā , Vishṇu , Śiva and Durgā) Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.

(in Sāṃkhya) the Spirit as passive and a spectator of the Prakṛiti or creative force Lit. IW. 82

the , " spirit " or fragrant exhalation of plants Lit. RV. x , 51 , 8

( with [ sapta ] ) N. of the divine or active principles from the minute portions of which the universe was formed Lit. Mn. i , 19

N. of a Pāda in the Mahā-nāmnī verses Lit. Lāṭy.

of the Ist , 3rd , 5th , 7th , 9th and 11th signs of the zodiac Lit. Jyot.

of a son of Manu Cākshusha Lit. BhP.

of one of the 18 attendants of the sun Lit. L.

pl. men , people ( cf. above )

N. of the Brāhmans of Krauñca-dvīpa Lit. BhP.

( with [ pañca ] ) N. of 5 princely personages or miraculous persons born under partic. constellations , Var

Rottleria Tinctoria Lit. L.

Clerodendrum Phlomoides Lit. L.

[ puruṣī ] f. a woman , female Lit. RV.

[ puruṣa ] m. n. = [ puruṣaka ] m. n. Lit. Śiś. v , 56 Sch.

n. (!) N. of mount Meru Lit. L.

  पुरुषकाम [ puruṣakāma ] [ púruṣa-kāma ] m. f. n. desirous of men Lit. TāṇḍBr.

  पुरुषकार [ puruṣakāra ] [ púruṣa-kāra ] m. human effort (opp. to [ daiva ] , fate) Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.

   manly act , virility , heroism Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   haughtiness , pride Lit. Pat.

   N. of a grammarian Lit. Cat.

   पुरुषकारफल [ puruṣakāraphala ] [ púruṣa-kāra--phala ] n. the fruit or result of human effort Lit. L.

   पुरुषकारमीमांसा [ puruṣakāramīmāṃsā ] [ púruṣa-kāra--mīmāṃsā ] f. N. of wk.

  पुरुषकुणप [ puruṣakuṇapa ] [ púruṣa-kuṇapá ] n. a human corpse Lit. TS.

  पुरुषकेसरिन् [ puruṣakesarin ] [ púruṣa-kesarin ] m. " man-lion " , N. of Vishṇu in his 4th appearance on earth , Lit. Śak. ( cf. [ nara-siṃha ] ) .

  पुरुषक्षीर [ puruṣakṣīra ] [ púruṣa-kṣīrá ] n. human milk Lit. MaitrS.

  पुरुषक्षेत्र [ puruṣakṣetra ] [ púruṣa-kṣetra ] n. a male or uneven zodiacal sign or astrological house , Var ,

  पुरुषगति [ puruṣagati ] [ púruṣa-gati ] f. N. of a Sāman Lit. Gaut.

  पुरुषगन्धि [ puruṣagandhi ] [ púruṣa-gandhi ] ( [ pu ] ) m. f. n. smelling of men Lit. AV.

  पुरुषगात्र [ puruṣagātra ] [ púruṣa-gātra ] m. f. n. endowed with human or manly limbs Lit. Kauś.

  पुरुषघ्नी [ puruṣaghnī ] [ púruṣa-ghnī ] f. ( with [ strī ] ) a woman who kills her husband Lit. Yājñ. ( cf. [ pūruṣa-han ] ) .

  पुरुषच्छन्दस [ puruṣacchandasa ] [ púruṣa-cchandasá ] n. " man's metre " , the metre suited for men i.e. the Dvi-padā Lit. ŚBr.

  पुरुषजन [ puruṣajana ] [ púruṣa-jana ] m. sg. men , people Lit. Pañcad.

  पुरुषजातक [ puruṣajātaka ] [ púruṣa-jātaka ] N. of wk.

  पुरुषजीवन [ puruṣajīvana ] [ púruṣa-jī́vana ] m. f. n. enlivening or animating men Lit. AV.

  पुरुषज्ञान [ puruṣajñāna ] [ púruṣa-jñāna ] n. knowledge of men or mankind Lit. Mn. vii , 211.

  पुरुषतन्त्र [ puruṣatantra ] [ púruṣa-tantra ] m. f. n. dependent on the subject , subjective ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Śaṃk.

   पुरुषतन्त्रत्व [ puruṣatantratva ] [ púruṣa-tantra--tva ] n. , see [ puruṣatantra ]

  पुरुषता [ puruṣatā ] [ púruṣá-tā ] f. ( [ °ṣá- ] ) manhood , manliness

   [ puruṣatā ] ind. ( as instr.) after the manner of men , among men Lit. RV.

  पुरुषतेजस् [ puruṣatejas ] [ púruṣa-tejas ] ( [ ] ) m. f. n. having a man's energy or manly vigour Lit. AV.

  पुरुषत्रा [ puruṣatrā ] [ púruṣa-trā́ ] ind. = [ -tā ] ind. Lit. RV. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 56) .

  पुरुषत्व [ puruṣatva ] [ púruṣa-tva ] n. manhood , manliness Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.

   पुरुषत्वत्वता [ puruṣatvatvatā ] [ púruṣa-tva--tvá-tā ] ind. after the manner of men Lit. RV.

  पुरुषदघ्न [ puruṣadaghna ] [ púruṣa-daghna ] m. f. n. of the height or measure of a man Lit. W.

  पुरुषदत्त [ puruṣadatta ] [ púruṣa-datta ] m. N. of a man Lit. Mudr.

  पुरुषदन्तिका [ puruṣadantikā ] [ púruṣa-dantikā ] f. N. of a medicinal root Lit. L.

  पुरुषदम्यसारथि [ puruṣadamyasārathi ] [ púruṣa-damya-sārathi ] m. a driver or guide of men (compared with young draught-oxen) Lit. DivyA7v.

  पुरुषद्रव्यसम्पद् [ puruṣadravyasampad ] [ púruṣa-dravya-sampad ] f. abundance of men and material Lit. MW.

  पुरुषद्वयस [ puruṣadvayasa ] [ púruṣa-dvayasa ] m. f. n. = [ -daghna ] Lit. L.

  पुरुषद्विष् [ puruṣadviṣ ] [ púruṣa-dviṣ ] m. an enemy of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

  पुरुषद्वेषिन् [ puruṣadveṣin ] [ púruṣa-dveṣin ] m. f. n. man-hating , misanthropic Lit. W.

   [ puruṣadveṣiṇī ] f. an ill-tempered or fractious woman Lit. ib.

  पुरुषधर्म [ puruṣadharma ] [ púruṣa-dharma ] m. personal rule or precept Lit. KātyŚr.

  पुरुषधौरेयक [ puruṣadhaureyaka ] [ púruṣa-dhaureyaka ] m. a man superior to other people Lit. Hcat.

  पुरुषनाय [ puruṣanāya ] [ púruṣa-nāya ] m. " man-leader " , a prince Lit. ChUp.

  पुरुषनियम [ puruṣaniyama ] [ púruṣa-niyama ] m. (in gram.) a restriction as to person.

  पुरुषनिष्क्रयण [ puruṣaniṣkrayaṇa ] [ púruṣa-niṣkráyaṇa ] m. f. n. one who redeems a person Lit. TS.

  पुरुषपति [ puruṣapati ] [ púruṣa-pati ] m. " lord of men " , N. of Rāma Lit. MW.

  पुरुषपरीक्षा [ puruṣaparīkṣā ] [ púruṣa-parīkṣā ] f. " trial of man " , N. of a collection of moral tales.

  पुरुषपशु [ puruṣapaśu ] [ púruṣa-paśu ] m. a beast of man , a brutal man Lit. Pañc. Lit. VP.

   a man as a sacrificial victim Lit. BhP.

   the soul compared with animal Lit. IW. 85

   a human animal , man Lit. W.

  पुरुषपुंगव [ puruṣapuṃgava ] [ púruṣa-puṃgava ] m. " man-bull " , an eminent or excellent man Lit. W.

  पुरुषपुण्डरीक [ puruṣapuṇḍarīka ] [ púruṣa-puṇḍarīka ] m. " man-lotus " , = prec. Lit. ib. , (with Jainas ) N. of the 6th black Vāsudeva

  पुरुषपुर [ puruṣapura ] [ púruṣa-pura ] n. N. of the capital of Gāndhāra , the modern Peshāwar ($) Lit. L.

  पुरुषप्रभु [ puruṣaprabhu ] [ púruṣa-prabhu ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  पुरुषबहुमान [ puruṣabahumāna ] [ púruṣa-bahumāna ] m. the respect or esteem of mankind Lit. Bhartṛ.

  पुरुषमात्र [ puruṣamātra ] [ púruṣa-mātrá ] m. f. n. of the height or measure of a man Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

   [ puruṣamātra ] n. the size of a man Lit. TS.

  पुरुषमानिन् [ puruṣamānin ] [ púruṣa-mānin ] m. f. n. fancying one's self a man or hero ( [ °ní -tva ] n. ) Lit. MBh.

   पुरुषमानिनित्व [ puruṣamāninitva ] [ púruṣa-māniní -tva ] n. , see [ puruṣamānin ]

  पुरुषमुख [ puruṣamukha ] [ púruṣa-mukha ] m. f. n. having the face of a man Lit. Kauś.

  पुरुषमृग [ puruṣamṛga ] [ púruṣa-mṛgá ] m. a male antelope Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Sch.

  पुरुषमेध [ puruṣamedha ] [ púruṣa-medhá ] m. the sacrifice of a man Lit. Br. Lit. MBh.

   N. of the supposed author of Lit. VS. xx , 30 ( perhaps w.r. for [ puru-medha ] q.v.) ,

  पुरुषयोगिन् [ puruṣayogin ] [ púruṣa-yogin ] m. f. n. relating to a Person or subject Lit. KātyŚr.

  पुरुषयोनि [ puruṣayoni ] [ púruṣa-yoni ] ( [ ] ) m. f. n. descended from or begotten by a man (male) Lit. MaitrS.

  पुरुषरक्षस् [ puruṣarakṣas ] [ púruṣa-rakṣas ] n. a demon in the form of a man Lit. Kauś.

  पुरुषराज [ puruṣarāja ] [ púruṣa-rājá ] m. a human king Lit. TS.

  पुरुषरूप [ puruṣarūpa ] [ púruṣa-rūpa ] n. the shape of a man Lit. AitBr.

   [ puruṣarūpa ] m. f. n. = next Lit. ŚBr.

  पुरुषरूपक [ puruṣarūpaka ] [ púruṣa-rūpaka ] m. f. n. shaped like a man Lit. AitBr.

  पुरुषरेषण [ puruṣareṣaṇa ] [ púruṣa-réṣaṇa ] ( Lit. AV.) m. f. n. hurting men.

  पुरुषरेषिन् [ puruṣareṣin ] [ púruṣa-reṣin ] ( Lit. Kauś.) m. f. n. hurting men.

  पुरुषर्षभ [ puruṣarṣabha ] [ púruṣa-rṣabha ] ( [ r ] for [ ] ) m. = [ -puṃgava ] Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  पुरुषवचस् [ puruṣavacas ] [ púruṣa-vacas ] m. f. n. called Purusha Lit. ChUp.

  पुरुषवत् [ puruṣavat ] [ púruṣa-vat ] m. f. n. accompanied by men Lit. ŚBr.

  पुरुषवध [ puruṣavadha ] [ púruṣa-vadhá ] m. manslaughter , murder Lit. AV.

   slaughter of a husband Lit. Vet.

  पुरुषवर [ puruṣavara ] [ púruṣa-vara ] m. the best of men Lit. VP.

   N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh.

   of a prince Lit. VP.

  पुरुषवर्जित [ puruṣavarjita ] [ púruṣa-varjita ] m. f. n. destitute of human beings , desolate Lit. MW.

  पुरुषवाच् [ puruṣavāc ] [ púruṣa-vā́c ] m. f. n. having a human voice Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.

  पुरुषवाह [ puruṣavāha ] [ púruṣa-vāha ] m. " Vishṇu's vehicle " , N. of Garuḍa Lit. BhP.

  पुरुषवाहम् [ puruṣavāham ] [ púruṣa-vāham ] ind. ( with [ vahati ] , he moves in such a way as to be) borne or drawn along by men Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 43.

  पुरुषविध [ puruṣavidha ] [ púruṣa-vidha ] ( [ ] ) m. f. n. man-like , having a human form ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TUp.

   पुरुषविधता [ puruṣavidhatā ] [ púruṣa-vidha-tā ] f. , see [ puruṣavidha ]

  पुरुषव्याघ्र [ puruṣavyāghra ] [ púruṣa-vyāghrá ] m. " man-tiger " , N. of a demon Lit. ŚBr.

   = [ -śārdūla ] Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   a vulture Lit. L.

  पुरुषव्रत [ puruṣavrata ] [ púruṣa-vrata ] n. N. of 2 Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.

  पुरुषशार्दूल [ puruṣaśārdūla ] [ púruṣa-śārdūla ] m. " man-tiger " , an eminent man Lit. W.

  पुरुषशिरस् [ puruṣaśiras ] [ púruṣa-śiras ] n. a human head Lit. KātyŚr.

  पुरुषशीर्ष [ puruṣaśīrṣa ] [ púruṣa-śīrṣá ] n. id. Lit. ŚBr.

   पुरुषशीर्षक [ puruṣaśīrṣaka ] [ púruṣa-śīrṣaka ] m. or n. N. of an instrument used by thieves Lit. Daś.

  पुरुषसंस्कार [ puruṣasaṃskāra ] [ púruṣa-saṃskāra ] m. a ceremony performed on a (dead) person Lit. Āpast.

  पुरुषसमवाय [ puruṣasamavāya ] [ púruṣa-samavāya ] m. a number of men Lit. W.

  पुरुषसम्मित [ puruṣasammita ] [ púruṣa-sammita ] ( [ ] ) m. f. n. man-like Lit. TBr.

  पुरुषसामन् [ puruṣasāman ] [ púruṣa-sāman ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀpŚr.

  पुरुषसामुद्रिकलक्षण [ puruṣasāmudrikalakṣaṇa ] [ púruṣa-sāmudrika-lakṣaṇa ] n. " divination , from bodily signs " , N. of wk.

  पुरुषसिंह [ puruṣasiṃha ] [ púruṣa-siṃha ] m. " man-lion " , an eminent man or hero Lit. Kāv.

   (with Jainas) N. of the 5th of the black Vāsudevas Lit. L.

  पुरुषसूक्त [ puruṣasūkta ] [ púruṣa-sūkta ] n. " the Purusha hymn " , N. of Lit. RV. x , 90 (describing the Supreme Soul of the universe and supposed to be comparatively modern) Lit. RTL. 17 ; 23

   पुरुषसूक्तभाष्य [ puruṣasūktabhāṣya ] [ púruṣa-sūkta--bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.

   पुरुषसूक्तविधान [ puruṣasūktavidhāna ] [ púruṣa-sūkta--vidhāna ] n. N. of wk.

   पुरुषसूक्तव्याख्या [ puruṣasūktavyākhyā ] [ púruṣa-sūkta--vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.

   पुरुषसूक्तव्याख्यान [ puruṣasūktavyākhyāna ] [ púruṣa-sūkta--vyākhyāna ] n. N. of wk.

   पुरुषसूक्तषोडशोपचारविधि [ puruṣasūktaṣoḍaśopacāravidhi ] [ púruṣa-sūkta--ṣoḍa-śopacāra-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

   पुरुषसूक्तोपनिषद् [ puruṣasūktopaniṣad ] [ púruṣa-sūktopaniṣad ] f. N. of wk.

  पुरुषहन् [ puruṣahan ] [ puruṣa-han ] m. f. n. only f. [ -ghnī ] q.v.

  पुरुषांसक [ puruṣāṃsaka ] [ puruṣāṃsaka ] m. N. of a teacher g. [ śaunakādi ] ( Lit. Kāś. )

  पुरुषाकार [ puruṣākāra ] [ puruṣākāra ] m. f. n. of human form or shape ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Hcat.

   पुरुषाकारता [ puruṣākāratā ] [ puruṣākāra--tā ] f. , see [ puruṣākāra ]

  पुरुषाकृति [ puruṣākṛti ] [ puruṣākṛti ] f. the figure of a man Lit. ŚrS.

  पुरुषाङ्ग [ puruṣāṅga ] [ puruṣāṅga ] m. n. the male organ of generation Lit. MW. ( cf. [ narāṅga ] ) .

  पुरुषाजान [ puruṣājāna ] [ púruṣājāna ] m. f. n. of human descent or origin Lit. ŚBr.

  पुरुषाद् [ puruṣād ] [ puruṣād ] m. f. n. eating or destroying men Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  पुरुषाद [ puruṣāda ] [ puruṣāda ] m. f. n. id.

   [ puruṣāda ] m. a cannibal , a Rakshas ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.

   m. (pl.) N. of a race of cannibals in the east of Madhya-deśa Lit. Var.

   पुरुषादत्व [ puruṣādatva ] [ puruṣāda--tva ] n. , see [ puruṣāda ]

  पुरुषादक [ puruṣādaka ] [ puruṣādaka ] m. f. n. men-devouring Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   (pl.) N. of certain cannibals Lit. MārkP.

  पुरुषाद्य [ puruṣādya ] [ puruṣādya ] m. " first of men " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.

   (with Jainas) N. of Ādi-nātha or of Ṛishabha (the first Arhat of present Avasarpiṇī) .

  पुरुषाधम [ puruṣādhama ] [ puruṣādhama ] m. " lowest or vilest of men " , an outcast , the worst of servants Lit. W.

  पुरुषाधिकार [ puruṣādhikāra ] [ puruṣādhikāra ] m. manly office or duty Lit. Kir.

  पुरुषानृत [ puruṣānṛta ] [ puruṣānṛta ] n. falsehood respecting men Lit. Mn. ix , 71.

  पुरुषान्तर [ puruṣāntara ] [ puruṣāntara ] n. another man or person , a mediator , interposer Lit. R. ( [ am ] ind. by a mediator , indirectly Lit. Vikr. ii , 16)

   another or a succeeding generation Lit. MārkP.

   ( [ -vedin ] mfn. knowing the heart of mankind Lit. MW.)

   ( [ °rātman ] m. " man's inner self , " the soul Lit. L.)

   [ puruṣāntara ] m. ( sc. [ saṃdhi ] ) an alliance negotiated by warriors chosen by both parties Lit. Kām. Lit. Hit.

   [ puruṣāntaram ] ind. , see [ puruṣāntara ] , by a mediator , indirectly Lit. Vikr. ii , 16

   पुरुषान्तरवेदिन् [ puruṣāntaravedin ] [ puruṣāntara--vedin ] m. f. n. , see [ puruṣāntara ] , knowing the heart of mankind Lit. MW.

   पुरुषान्तरात्मन् [ puruṣāntarātman ] [ puruṣāntarātman ] m. , see [ puruṣāntara ] , " man's inner self , " the soul Lit. L.

  पुरुषान्न [ puruṣānna ] [ puruṣānna ] n. food for men, Lit. Baudh.

  पुरुषायण [ puruṣāyaṇa ] [ puruṣāyaṇa ] m. f. n. going to or uniting with the soul Lit. PraśnUp.

  पुरुषायत [ puruṣāyata ] [ puruṣāyata ] m. f. n. of the length of a man Lit. Hcat.

  पुरुषायुष [ puruṣāyuṣa ] [ puruṣāyuṣa ] n. the duration of a man's life , age of man Lit. Ragh. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 77)

   पुरुषायुषक [ puruṣāyuṣaka ] [ puruṣāyuṣa--ka ] n. id. Lit. Gal.

  पुरुषार्थ [ puruṣārtha ] [ puruṣārtha ] m. any object of human pursuit

   any one of the four objects or aims of existence (viz. [ kāma ] , the gratification of desire ; [ artha ] , acquirement of wealth ; [ dharma ] , discharge of duty ; [ mokṣa ] , final emancipation) Lit. Mn. Lit. Prab. Lit. Kap. ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Sāṃkhyak.

   human effort or exertion Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   [ puruṣārtham ] ind. for the sake of the soul Lit. Kap.

   for or on account of man Lit. W.

   पुरुषार्थकार [ puruṣārthakāra ] [ puruṣārtha--kāra ] m. N. of wk.

   पुरुषार्थकौमुदी [ puruṣārthakaumudī ] [ puruṣārtha--kaumudī ] f. N. of wk.

   पुरुषार्थचिन्तामणि [ puruṣārthacintāmaṇi ] [ puruṣārtha--cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

   पुरुषार्थत्रयीमय [ puruṣārthatrayīmaya ] [ puruṣārtha--trayīmaya ] m. f. n. intent only upon the 3 objects of man ( [ kāma ] , [ artha ] and [ dharma ] ) Lit. Siṃhâs.

   पुरुषार्थत्व [ puruṣārthatva ] [ puruṣārtha--tva ] n. , see [ puruṣārtha ]

   पुरुषार्थप्रबोध [ puruṣārthaprabodha ] [ puruṣārtha--prabodha ] m. N. of wk.

   पुरुषार्थप्रबोधिनी [ puruṣārthaprabodhinī ] [ puruṣārtha--prabodhinī ] f. N. of wk.

   पुरुषार्थरत्नाकर [ puruṣārtharatnākara ] [ puruṣārtha--ratnākara ] m. N. of wk.

   पुरुषार्थसिद्ध्युपाय [ puruṣārthasiddhyupāya ] [ puruṣārtha--siddhy-upāya ] m. N. of wk.

   पुरुषार्थसुधानिधि [ puruṣārthasudhānidhi ] [ puruṣārtha--sudhā-nidhi ] m. N. of wk.

   पुरुषार्थसूत्रवृत्ति [ puruṣārthasūtravṛtti ] [ puruṣārtha--sūtra-vṛtti ] f. N. of wk.

   पुरुषार्थानुशासन [ puruṣārthānuśāsana ] [ puruṣārthānuśāsana ] n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषावतार [ puruṣāvatāra ] [ puruṣāvatāra ] m. human incarnation Lit. Siṃhâs.

  पुरुषाशिन् [ puruṣāśin ] [ puruṣāśin ] m. " man-eater " , a Rākshasa Lit. W.

  पुरुषास्थ [ puruṣāstha ] [ puruṣāsthá ] n. a human bone Lit. AV.

   पुरुषास्थिमालिन् [ puruṣāsthimālin ] [ puruṣāsthi-mālin ] m. " wearing a necklace of human skulls " , N. of Śiva Lit. L.

  पुरुषाहुति [ puruṣāhuti ] [ puruṣāhutí ] f. an invocation addressed to men Lit. TS.

   the oblation of a man, Lit. HirP.

  पुरुषेन्द्र [ puruṣendra ] [ puruṣéndra ] m. " lord of men " , a king

   पुरुषेन्द्रता [ puruṣendratā ] [ puruṣéndra--tā ] f. sovereignty Lit. MBh.

  पुरुषेषित [ puruṣeṣita ] [ puruṣeṣita ] ( [ ] ) m. f. n. caused or instigated by men Lit. AV.

  पुरुषोक्ति [ puruṣokti ] [ puruṣokti ] f. the name or title of man Lit. W.

   पुरुषोक्तिक [ puruṣoktika ] [ puruṣoktika ] m. f. n. having only the name of man , destitute , friendless Lit. ib.

  पुरुषोत्तम [ puruṣottama ] [ puruṣottama ] see below.

  पुरुषोपहार [ puruṣopahāra ] [ puruṣopahāra ] m. the sacrifice of a man Lit. Hcar.

 पुरुषक [ puruṣaka ] [ puruṣaka ] m. f. n. ifc. = [ puruṣa ] , a man , male Lit. Pat.

  [ puruṣaka ] m. n. standing on two feet like a man , the rearing of a horse , prancing Lit. Śiś. v , 56.

 पुरुषाय [ puruṣāya ] [ puruṣāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to behave or act like a man , play the man Lit. Hariv.

  पुरुषायित [ puruṣāyita ] [ puruṣāyitá ] m. f. n. acting like a man , playing the man (esp. in sexual intercourse) Lit. Amar. Sch. ( [ -tva ] n. )

   [ puruṣāyita ] n. a kind of coitus Lit. Kpr. Lit. Kuval.

   पुरुषायितत्व [ puruṣāyitatva ] [ puruṣāyitá--tva ] n. , see [ puruṣāyita ]

 पुरुषीभू [ puruṣībhū ] [ puruṣī-√ bhū ] to become a man Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

 पुरुषोत्तम [ puruṣottama ] [ puruṣottama ] m. the best of men , an excellent or superior man Lit. Hariv. Lit. Sāh.

  the best of servants , a good attendant Lit. Kāv.

  the highest being , Supreme Spirit , N. of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( Lit. IW. 91 n. 3 )

  = [ -kṣetra ] Lit. Cat.

  (with Jainas) an Arhat

  N. of the fourth black Vāsudeva

  a Jina (one of the generic terms for a deified teacher of the Jaina sect)

  N. of sev. authors and various men ( also [ -dāsa ] , [ -dīkṣita ] , [ -deva ] , [ -deva-śarman ] , [ -paṇḍita ] , [ -prasāda ] , [ -bhaṭṭa ] , [ -bhaṭṭātmaja ] , [ -bhāraty-ācārya ] , [ -miśra ] , [ -manu-sudhīndra ] , [ -sarasvatī ] [ °mācāya ] , [ °mānanda-tīrtha ] , [ °mānanda-yati ] , [ °māśrama ] ) .

  पुरुषोत्तमक्षेत्र [ puruṣottamakṣetra ] [ puruṣottama-kṣetra ] n. " district of the Supreme Being " , N. of a district in Orissa sacred to Vishṇu Lit. BrahmaP.

   पुरुषोत्तमक्षेत्रतत्त्व [ puruṣottamakṣetratattva ] [ puruṣottama-kṣetra--tattva ] n. N. of wk.

   पुरुषोत्तमक्षेत्रमाहात्म्य [ puruṣottamakṣetramāhātmya ] [ puruṣottama-kṣetra--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमखण्ड [ puruṣottamakhaṇḍa ] [ puruṣottama-khaṇḍa ] m. n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमचरित्र [ puruṣottamacaritra ] [ puruṣottama-caritra ] n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमतीर्थ [ puruṣottamatīrtha ] [ puruṣottama-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha

   पुरुषोत्तमतीर्थप्रयोगतत्त्व [ puruṣottamatīrthaprayogatattva ] [ puruṣottama-tīrtha--prayoga-tattva ] n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमपत्त्र [ puruṣottamapattra ] [ puruṣottama-pattra ] n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमपुराण [ puruṣottamapurāṇa ] [ puruṣottama-purāṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमपुरीमाहात्म्य [ puruṣottamapurīmāhātmya ] [ puruṣottama-purī-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमप्रकाशक्षेत्रविधि [ puruṣottamaprakāśakṣetravidhi ] [ puruṣottama-prakāśa-kṣetra-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तममन्त्र [ puruṣottamamantra ] [ puruṣottama-mantra ] m. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तममाहात्म्य [ puruṣottamamāhātmya ] [ puruṣottama-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमवाद [ puruṣottamavāda ] [ puruṣottama-vāda ] m. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमशास्त्रीय [ puruṣottamaśāstrīya ] [ puruṣottama-śāstrīya ] n. N. of wk.

  पुरुषोत्तमसहस्रनामन् [ puruṣottamasahasranāman ] [ puruṣottama-sahasra-nāman ] n. N. of wk.

 पुरुष्य [ puruṣya ] [ puruṣyá ] m. f. n. pertaining to man , human Lit. RV.

पुरूरवस् [ purūravas ] [ purū-ravas ] see col.1.

पुरोग [ puroga ] [ puro-ga ] see p. 635 , col. 1.

पुरोचन [ purocana ] [ purocana ] m. N. of a man Lit. MBh.

पुरोटि [ puroṭi ] [ puroṭi ] m. = [ pattra-jhaṃkāra ] , or [ pura-saṃskārā ] Lit. L. ( " the current of a river " Lit. W.)

पुरोडास् [ puroḍās ] [ puro-ḍās ] [ °sa ] see p.635.

पुर्य [ purya ] [ purya ] [ pury-aṣṭa ] see p.636.

पुर्व् [ purv ] [ purv ] Root ( cf. [ pṝ ] ) cl. [1] P. [ pūrvati ] , to fill Lit. Dhātup. xv , 67 ; cl. [10] [ pūrvayati ] , to dwell , Lit. xxxii , 126.

पुर्वणीक [ purvaṇīka ] [ purv-aṇīka ] see p. 637 , col. 1.

पुल् [ pul ] [ pul ] Root cl. [1] [6] [10] P. [ polati ] , [ pulati ] , [ polayati ] , to be great or large or high , to be piled or heaped up Lit. Dhātup. xx , 11 ; Lit. xxxii , 61 .

पुल [ pula ] [ pula ] m. f. n. extended , wide Lit. L.

[ pula ] m. horripilation (see under [ pulaka ] ) Lit. L.

N. of an attendant of Śiva Lit. L.

[ pulā ] f. the soft palate or uvula Lit. L.

[ pula ] m. N. of a partic. pace of horses Lit. Śiś. v , 60. Sch.

[ pulī ] f. a bunch (see [ tṛṇa-pulī ] )

[ pula ] n. size , extent Lit. L.

  पुलकेशिन् [ pulakeśin ] [ pula-keśin ] and m. N. of princes Lit. L.

  पुलकेशिवल्लभ [ pulakeśivallabha ] [ pula-keśi-vallabha ]and m. N. of princes Lit. L.

 पुलक [ pulaka ] [ pulaka ] m. a species of edible plant Lit. MBh.

  a species of tree Lit. L.

  (pl.) erection or bristling of the hairs of the body (considered to be occasioned by delight or rapture rather than by fear) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. ( also n. but mostly occurring ibc. and ifc. with f ( [ ā ] ) .)

  a bunch (see [ tṛṇa-p ] )

  a kind of stone or gem Lit. Var.

  flaw or defect in a gem Lit. L.

  a kind of insect or vermin Lit. L.

  a cake of meal with which elephants are fed Lit. L.

  orpiment Lit. L.

  a Gandharva Lit. L.

  = [ asurājī ] (?) Lit. L.

  N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  of a Nāga Lit. L.

  [ pulaka ] n. a species of earth Lit. L.

  horripilation ( cf. above )

  पुलकाकुलाकृति [ pulakākulākṛti ] [ pulakākulākṛti ] m. f. n. " having the frame excited by bristling hair " , thrilled with joy Lit. MW.

  पुलकाङ्कितसर्वाङ्ग [ pulakāṅkitasarvāṅga ] [ pulakāṅkita-sarvāṅga ] m. f. n. having the whole body covered with bristling hair Lit. Pañc.

  पुलकाङ्कुर [ pulakāṅkura ] [ pulakāṅkura ] m. (sprout of) bristling hair Lit. Gīt.

  पुलकाङ्ग [ pulakāṅga ] [ pulakāṅga ] m. the noose or cord of Varuṇa Lit. L.

  पुलकाचित [ pulakācita ] [ pulakācita ] m. f. n. covered with bristling hair Lit. Śak. (Pi.) iii , 12 (v.l. [ °kāncita ] )

  पुलकालय [ pulakālaya ] [ pulakālaya ] m. N. of Kubera Lit. L.

  पुलकोत्कम्प [ pulakotkampa ] [ pulakotkampa ] m. f. n. trembling with a thrill of delight Lit. Kathās.

  पुलकोद्गम [ pulakodgama ] [ pulakodgama ] m. erection of the hair Lit. Bhartṛ.

  पुलकोद्धूषितशरीर [ pulakoddhūṣitaśarīra ] [ pulakoddhūṣita-śarīra ] m. f. n. (B. [ dhṛṣita-ś ] ) having she body covered with erected hairs Lit. Pañc.

  पुलकोद्भेद [ pulakodbheda ] [ pulakodbheda ] m. = [ °kādgama ] Lit. Bhartṛ.

  पुलकय [ pulakaya ] [ pulakaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to have or feel the hair of the body erect (with rapture or delight) Lit. Gīt.

  पुलकित [ pulakita ] [ pulakita ] m. f. n. having the hair of the body erect , thrilled with joy Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañc. Lit. Hit.

   पुलकितसर्वाङ्ग [ pulakitasarvāṅga ] [ pulakita--sarvāṅga ] m. f. n. having the whole bristling covered with bristling hair Lit. Pañc.

  पुलकिन् [ pulakin ] [ pulakin ] m. f. n. = [ °kita ] Lit. W.

   [ pulakin ] m. Nauclea Cordifolia Lit. L.

  पुलकीकृत [ pulakīkṛta ] [ pulakī-kṛta ] m. f. n. = [ °kita ] Lit. BhP.

 पुलस [ pulasa ] [ pulasa ] m. f. n. g. [ tṛṇādi ] .

 पुलस्ति [ pulasti ] [ pulastí ] m. f. n. ( perhaps fr. [ pulas ] for [ puras ] ; but according to Lit. Uṇ. iv , 179 Sch. fr. [ pula ] and √ 3. [ as ] ) wearing the hair straight or smooth Lit. VS.

  [ pulasti ] m. N. of a man g. [ gargādi ] .

  पुलस्त्य [ pulastya ] [ pulastya ] m. N. of an ancient Ṛishi (one of the mind-born sons of Brahmā ; also enumerated among the Prajā-patis and seven sages , and described as a lawgiver) Lit. AV. Lit. Pariś. Lit. Pravar. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( Lit. IW. 517 n. 1)

   N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.

   पुलस्त्यसिद्धान्त [ pulastyasiddhānta ] [ pulastya--siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.

   पुलस्त्यस्मृति [ pulastyasmṛti ] [ pulastya--smṛti ] f. N. of wk.

   पुलस्त्याष्टक [ pulastyāṣṭaka ] [ pulastyāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.

 पुलह [ pulaha ] [ pulaha ] m. ( [ pula ] + √ 2. [ ] ) N. of an ancient Ṛishi (one of the mind-born sons of Brahmā enumerated among the Prajā-patis and seven sages) Lit. AV.Pariś. Lit. Pravar. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( Lit. IW. 517n.1)

  N. of a star Lit. Hariv.

  N. of Śivi Lit. Śivag.

  पुलहाश्रम [ pulahāśrama ] [ pulahāśrama ] m. N. of a hermitage Lit. BhP. (= [ harikṣetra ] Sch.)

 पुलाक [ pulāka ] [ pulāka ] m. n. shrivelled or blighted or empty or bad grain Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  a partic. species of grain Lit. L.

  a lump of boiled rice Lit. L. ( [ °kodaka ] n. rice-water Lit. Suśr.)

  brevity , abbreviation , compendium Lit. L.

  celerity , dispatch ( [ -kārin ] mfn. making haste , hastening) Lit. L.

  पुलाककारिन् [ pulākakārin ] [ pulāka--kārin ] m. f. n. , see [ pulāka ] , making haste , hastening

  पुलाकोदक [ pulākodaka ] [ pulākodaka ] n. , see [ pulāka ] , rice-water Lit. Suśr.

  पुलाकिन् [ pulākin ] [ pulākin ] m. a tree Lit. L.

 पुलानिका [ pulānikā ] [ pulānikā ] f. (prob.) induration of the skin Lit. Suśr.

 पुलायित [ pulāyita ] [ pulāyita ] n. a horse's gallop Lit. L. ( cf. [ ardha-p ] ) .

 पुलिन [ pulina ] [ pulina ] m. n. (g. [ ardarcādi ] ) a sandbank , a small island or bank in the middle of a river , an islet , a sandy beach (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  the bank of a river (= [ tīra ] ) Lit. Ragh. Sch.

  [ pulina ] m. N. of a mythical being conquered by Garuḍa Lit. MBh.

  of a poet Lit. Cat.

  पुलिनजघना [ pulinajaghanā ] [ pulina-jaghanā ] f. having sandbanks for hips (said of the Gambhīrā river personified as a female) Lit. Megh.

  पुलिनद्वीपशोभित [ pulinadvīpaśobhita ] [ pulina-dvīpa-śobhita ] m. f. n. beautified by shoals and islets Lit. MW.

  पुलिनप्रदेश [ pulinapradeśa ] [ pulina-pradeśa ] m. situation or place of an island Lit. Kathās.

  पुलिनमण्डित [ pulinamaṇḍita ] [ pulina-maṇḍita ] m. f. n. adorned with sandbanks or islets Lit. R.

  पुलिनवती [ pulinavatī ] [ pulina-vatī ] f. (prob.) N. of a river g. [ ajirādi ] .

 पुलिन्द [ pulinda ] [ pulinda ] m. pl. ( Lit. Uṇ. iv , 85) N. of a barbarous tribe Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh.

  (sg.) a man or the king of this tribe

  a barbarian , mountaineer Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.

  N. of a king Lit. BhP.

  the mast or rib of a ship (= [ polinda ] ) Lit. L.

  [ pulindā ] f. N. of a serpent-maid Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  [ pulindī ] f. a Pulinda woman Lit. BhP.

  [ pulinda ] m. (in music) , N. of a Rāga.

  पुलिन्दसेन [ pulindasena ] [ pulinda-sena ] m. N. of a Kaliṅga king, Lit. Inscr.

  पुलिन्दुक [ pulinduka ] [ pulinduka ] m. pl. N. of a barbarous tribe ( = [ pulinda ] ) Lit. MBh.

   (sg.) N. of a king of the Pulinda and Śabara and Bhilla Lit. Kathās.

   of a son of Ārdraka Lit. VP.

   [ pulindikā ] f. (in music) = [ pulindī ] .

पुलिक [ pulika ] [ pulika ] m. N. of a man Lit. VP.

[ pulikā ] f. yellowish alum Lit. L.

 पुलिकेशिन् [ pulikeśin ] [ pulikeśin ] m. = [ pula-keśin ] Lit. Inscr.

पुलिमत् [ pulimat ] [ pulimat ] m. N. of a man Lit. VP. ( cf. [ pulomat ] ) .

पुलिरिक [ pulirika ] [ pulirika ] m. a snake Lit. L.

पुलिश [ puliśa ] [ puliśa ] m. = Paulus (Alexanndrinus) , N. of the author of a Siddhânta ( also [ °śācārya ] ) Lit. VarBṛS. Sch.

पुलीकोय [ pulīkoya ] [ pulīkoya ] m. a partic. aquatic animal Lit. MaitrS. ( cf. [ kulikaya ] , [ kulipaya ] and [ purīkaya ] ) .

 पुलीका [ pulīkā ] [ pulī́kā ] f. a species of bird Lit. MaitrS. ( cf. [ kulīkā ] ) .

पुलीतत् [ pulītat ] [ pulītát ] n. = [ purītat ] Lit. MaitrS.

पुलु [ pulu ] [ pulu ] m. f. n. = [ puru ] in comp.

  पुलुकाम [ pulukāma ] [ pulu-kā́ma ] m. f. n. having many desires , covetous Lit. RV. i , 179 , 5.

  पुल्वघ [ pulvagha ] [ pulv-aghá ] m. f. n. doing much evil Lit. ib. x , 86 , 21.

पुलुष [ puluṣa ] [ puluṣa ] m. N. of a man ( cf. [ pauluṣi ] ) .

पुलोम [ puloma ] [ puloma ]1 m. (m.c.) = [ puloman ] Lit. R.

[ pulomā ] f. N. of a daughter of the demon Vaiśvānara (she was loved by the demon Puloman , but became the wife of Bhṛigu or Kaśyapa) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

Acorus Calamus (= [ vacā ] ) Lit. L.

 पुलोम [ puloma ] [ puloma ]2 in comp. for [ °man ] .

  पुलोमजा [ pulomajā ] [ puloma- ] f. " daughter of Puloman " , N. of Indrāṇī Lit. Prasannar.

  पुलोमजित् [ pulomajit ] [ puloma-jit ] m. " conqueror of Puloman " , N. of Indra Lit. Cat.

  पुलोमतनया [ pulomatanayā ] [ puloma-tanayā ] f. = [ -ja ] Lit. Gal.

  पुलोमद्विष् [ pulomadviṣ ] [ puloma-dviṣ ] m. " enemy of Puloma " , N. of Indra Lit. L.

  पुलोमनिषूदन [ pulomaniṣūdana ] [ puloma-niṣūdana ] ( Lit. Gal.) m. " destroyer of Puloma " , N. of Indra (who destroyed his father-in-law Puloma in order to avert his imprecation consequent on the violation of his daughter) .

  पुलोमभिद् [ pulomabhid ] [ puloma-bhid ] (L.) m. " destroyer of Puloma " , N. of Indra (who destroyed his father-in-law Puloma in order to avert his imprecation consequent on the violation of his daughter) .

  पुलोमारि [ pulomāri ] [ pulomāri ] m. = [ °ma-dvith ] , Lit. Kāvyśd.

  पुलोमार्चिस् [ pulomārcis ] [ pulomārcis ] m. " having the lustre of Puloma " , N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  पुलोमावि [ pulomāvi ] [ pulomāvi ] m. (prob.) w.r. for [ °māri ] Lit. ib.

 पुलोमन् [ puloman ] [ puloman ] m. N. of a demon (the father-in-law of Indra by whom he was destroyed) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  of a prince Lit. VP.

पुलोमत् [ pulomat ] [ pulomat ] m. N. of two princes Lit. VP. ( cf. [ pulimat ] ) .

पुलोमही [ pulomahī ] [ pulomahī ] f. opium Lit. L.

पुल्कक [ pulkaka ] [ púlkaka ] see [ púklaka ] and next Lit. MaitrS.

पुल्कस [ pulkasa ] [ pulkasa ] m. (f ( [ ī ] ) .) N. of a despised mixed tribe Lit. Gaut. Lit. MBh. ( also [ °kaka ] Lit. BhP. ; cf. [ paulkasá ] and [ pukkaśa ] ) .

पुल्य [ pulya ] [ pulya ] m. f. n. g. [ balādi ] .

पुल्ल [ pulla ] [ pulla ] m. f. n. expanded , blown Lit. L.

[ pulla ] n. a flower Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ phulla ] ) .

पुल्वघ [ pulvagha ] [ pulvaghá ] m. f. n. see [ pulu ] .

पुष् [ puṣ ] [ puṣ ]1 Root cl. [4] P. [ puṣyati ] , to divide , distribute Lit. Dhātup. xxvi , 106 (v.l. for [ vyuṣ ] q.v.)

पुष् [ puṣ ] [ puṣ ]2 Root cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xvii , 50) [ poṣati ] (trans.) , only Lit. Nir. x , 34 ; cl. [4] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxvi , 73) [ púṣyati ] ( trans. and intrans. ; mc. also Lit. A. [ °te ] ) Lit. RV. ; cl. [9] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxxi , 57) [ puṣṇāti ] (trans.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (pf. [ pupóṣa ] , [ pupuṣyās ] Lit. RV. ; aor. [ apuṣat ] or [ apoṣīt ] Gr. ; Pot. [ puṣeyam ] , Lit. RV. ; Prec. [ puṣyāsam ] , [ °sma ] Lit. Br. ; fut. [ poṣiṣyati ] , [ pokṣyati ] ; [ poṣitā ] , [ poṣṭā ] Gr. ; Pass. [ puṣyate ] Lit. Kāv. ; aor. [ apoṣi ] Gr. ; inf. [ puṣyáse ] Lit. RV.) , to be nourished (with instr. e.g. [ bhāryayā ] Lit. MBh. xiii , 4569) , to thrive , flourish , prosper ( also with [ póṣam ] , [ puṣṭim ] or [ vṛddhim ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. ( rarely in later language e.g. Lit. MBh. ( see above ) , and sometimes in Lit. Bhaṭṭ. , where also 3 sg. [ puṣyati-tarām ] ) ; to cause to thrive or prosper , nourish , foster , augment , increase , further , promote , fulfil (e.g. a wish) , develop , unfold , display , gain , obtain , enjoy , possess Lit. RV. : Caus. [ poskáyati ] (aor. [ apūpuṣat ] Gr.) , to rear , nourish , feed , cause to thrive or prosper Lit. RV. ; to cause to be reared or fed by (instr.) Lit. Śak. : Desid. [ pupoṣiṣati ] , [ pupuṣithati ] , [ pupukṣati ] Gr.: Intens. [ popuṣyate ] , [ popoṣṭi ] Lit. ib.

 पुष् [ puṣ ] [ puṣ ]3 m. f. n. (ifc.) nourishing , causing to thrive ( cf. [ vitva-p ] ) showing , displaying Lit. Śiś. x , 32.

 पुष [ puṣa ] [ puṣa ] m. f. n. (ifc.) nourishing , cherishing ( cf. [ graha-p ] )

  [ puṣa ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Cat.

  [ puṣā ] f. Methonica Superba Lit. L.

 पुषित [ puṣita ] [ puṣita ] m. f. n. nourished , nurtured (= [ puṣṭa ] ) Lit. W.

 पुष्क [ puṣka ] [ puṣka ] a word formed for the explanation of [ puṣkala ] g. [ sidhmādi ] ( perhaps also underlying the formation of [ puṣkara ] , [ puṣpa ] and [ puṣka-jit ] ; cf. [ pauṣka-jiti ] ) .

 पुष्कर [ puṣkara ] [ púṣkara ] n. ( rather fr. [ puṣka ] + [ ra ] than fr. [ puṣ ] + [ kara ] ; but cf. Lit. Uṇ. iv , 4) a blue lotus-flower , a lotus , Nelumbium Speciosum or Nymphaea Nelumbo (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. AV. (met. " the heart " Lit. MBh. v , 1790)

  the bowl of a spoon (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS.

  the skin of a drum Lit. Kālid.

  the tip of an elephant's trunk Lit. Var.

  water Lit. ŚBr.

  the sky , heaven Lit. Prab. ( of Lit. Naigh. i , 3)

  a night of new moon falling on a Monday or Tuesday or Saturday Lit. Hcat.

  an arrow Lit. L.

  the blade or the sheath of a sword Lit. L.

  a cage Lit. L.

  Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.

  a part Lit. L.

  the art of dancing Lit. L.

  union Lit. L.

  war , battle Lit. L.

  intoxication Lit. L.

  N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage (now called Pokhar in the district of Ajmere cf. Lit. RTL. 558) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur. ( also pl. ; according to Lit. Vishṇ. Sch. there are three , viz. [ jyeṣṭha ] , [ madhyama ] and [ kaniṣṭha ] )

  [ puṣkara ] m. n. = [ -dvīpa ] Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.

  m. = [ brahmāṇḍa ] Lit. Nīlak.

  (with Jainas) one of the 5 Bhārata Lit. L.

  Ardea Sibirica Lit. Pañc.

  (in astrol.) an inauspicious Yoga , an ill-omened combination of a lucky lunation with an unlucky day , 3/4 of a lunar mansion Lit. W.

  a kind of drum Lit. MBh.

  a kind of serpent Lit. L.

  the sun Lit. L.

  a pond , lake Lit. L.

  a kind of disease Lit. L.

  the regent of Pushkara-dvīpa (below) Lit. MārkP.

  N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh.

  of Śiva Lit. Śivag.

  of a son of Varuṇa Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.

  of a general of the sons and grandsons of Varuṇa Lit. L.

  of an Asura Lit. Hariv.

  of a son of Kṛishṇa Lit. BhP.

  of a Buddha Lit. Lalit.

  of a prince (the brother of Nala) Lit. Nal.

  of a son of Bharata Lit. VP.

  of Su-nakshatra Lit. BhP.

  of a son of Vṛika and Dūrvâkshī Lit. ib.

  of an author Lit. Cat.

  of a mountain in Pushkara-dvīpa Lit. MBh.

  m. pl. N. of a class of clouds said to occasion dearth and famine Lit. L. ( cf. [ puṣkarāvartaka ] )

  m. of the inhabitants of Kuśa-dvīpa corresponding to Brāhmans Lit. VP.

  of the lunar mansions Punar-vasu , Uttarâshāḍhā , Kṛittikā , Uttara-phalgunī , Pūrva-bhādrapadā and Viśākhā collectively Lit. L.

  [ puṣkarī ] f. (g. [ gaurādi ] ) N. of one of the 8 wives of Śiva Lit. Cat. ( perhaps w.r. for [ puṣkasī ] i.e. [ pulkasī ] ) .

  पुष्करकर्णिका [ puṣkarakarṇikā ] [ púṣkara-karṇikā ] f. the finger on the tip of an elephant's trunk Lit. Gal.

  पुष्करकल्प [ puṣkarakalpa ] [ púṣkara-kalpa ] m. N. of wk.

  पुष्करचूड [ puṣkaracūḍa ] [ púṣkara-cūḍa ] m. " lotus-crested " , N. of one of the 4 elephants that support the earth Lit. BhP.

  पुष्करज [ puṣkaraja ] [ púṣkara-ja ] n. " lotus-born " , N. of the root of Costus Speciosus Lit. L.

  पुष्करतीर्थ [ puṣkaratīrtha ] [ púṣkara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Lit. L.

  पुष्करद्वीप [ puṣkaradvīpa ] [ púṣkara-dvīpa ] m. N. of a Dvīpa or great division of the earth Lit. L.

  पुष्करनाडी [ puṣkaranāḍī ] [ púṣkara-nāḍī ] f. Hibiscus Mutabilis Lit. L.

  पुष्करनाभ [ puṣkaranābha ] [ púṣkara-nābha ] m. " lotus-naveled " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. BhP.

  पुष्करपत्त्र [ puṣkarapattra ] [ púṣkara-pattra ] n. a lotus-leaf. Lit. Bhartṛ.

   पुष्करपत्त्रनेत्र [ puṣkarapattranetra ] [ púṣkara-pattra--netra ] m. f. n. having eyes like lotus. leaves Lit. Ragh.

  पुष्करपर्ण [ puṣkaraparṇa ] [ púṣkara-parṇá ] n. a lotus-petal and a kind of brick named after it Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

   पुष्करपर्णिका [ puṣkaraparṇikā ] [ púṣkara-parṇikā ] f. Hibiscus Mutabilis Lit. L.

   पुष्करपर्णी [ puṣkaraparṇī ] [ púṣkara-parṇī ] f. Hibiscus Mutabilis Lit. L.

  पुष्करपलाश [ puṣkarapalāśa ] [ púṣkara-palāśa ] n. = [ -parṇa ] Lit. Lāṭy.

  पुष्करपुराण [ puṣkarapurāṇa ] [ púṣkara-purāṇa ] n. N. of a Purāṇa.

  पुष्करप्रादुर्भाव [ puṣkaraprādurbhāva ] [ púṣkara-prādurbhāva ] m. N. of wk.

  पुष्करप्रिय [ puṣkarapriya ] [ púṣkara-priya ] m. or n. wax Lit. L.

  पुष्करबीज [ puṣkarabīja ] [ púṣkara-bīja ] n. lotus-seed Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Suśr.

   Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.

  पुष्करमालिन् [ puṣkaramālin ] [ púṣkara-mālin ] m. " wearing a lotus-wreath " , N. of a man Lit. MārkP.

  पुष्करमाहात्म्य [ puṣkaramāhātmya ] [ púṣkara-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  पुष्करमुख [ puṣkaramukha ] [ púṣkara-mukha ] n. the aperture of the tip of an elephant's trunk Lit. Śiś.

   [ puṣkaramukha ] m. f. n. (a vessel) having a mouth like the tip of an elephant's trunk , Lit. Āryav.

  पुष्करमूल [ puṣkaramūla ] [ púṣkara-mūla ] ( Lit. Bhpr.) n. the root of Costus Speciosus or Arabicus.

  पुष्करमूलक [ puṣkaramūlaka ] [ púṣkara-mūlaka ] ( Lit. L.) n. the root of Costus Speciosus or Arabicus.

  पुष्करवन [ puṣkaravana ] [ púṣkara-vana ] n. the forest in the Tīrtha Pushkara Lit. TBr. Sch.

   पुष्करवनप्रादुर्भाव [ puṣkaravanaprādurbhāva ] [ puṣkara-vana--prādur-bhāva ] m. N. of wk.

   पुष्करवनमाहात्म्य [ puṣkaravanamāhātmya ] [ puṣkara-vana--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  पुष्करविष्टर [ puṣkaraviṣṭara ] [ puṣkara-viṣṭara ] m. "having a lotus-seat" , N. of Brahmā, Lit. BhP.

  पुष्करव्याघ्र [ puṣkaravyāghra ] [ púṣkara-vyāghra ] m. " water-tiger " , an alligator Lit. L.

  पुष्करशायिका [ puṣkaraśāyikā ] [ púṣkara-śāyikā ] f. a species of aquatic bird Lit. Suśr.

  पुष्करशिका [ puṣkaraśikā ] [ púṣkara-śikā ] (prob.) w.r. for next.

  पुष्करशिखा [ puṣkaraśikhā ] [ púṣkara-śikhā ] f. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.

  पुष्करशिफा [ puṣkaraśiphā ] [ púṣkara-śiphā ] f. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.

  पुष्करसद् [ puṣkarasad ] [ púṣkara-sad ] m. N. of a man

   pl. his descendants g. [ yaskādi ] .

  पुष्करसागर [ puṣkarasāgara ] [ púṣkara-sāgara ] m. or n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.

  पुष्करसाद [ puṣkarasāda ] [ púṣkara-sādá ] m. a species of bird ( according to Lit. TS. Sch. = [ puṣkarasarpa ] or [ bhramara ] ) .

  पुष्करसादि [ puṣkarasādi ] [ púṣkara-sādi ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Āpast. ( prob. w.r. for [ pauṣkarasādi ] ) .

  पुष्करसादिन् [ puṣkarasādin ] [ púṣkara-sādin ] m. = [ -sāda ] , Lit. Mahrdh.

  पुष्करसारिन् [ puṣkarasārin ] [ púṣkara-sārin ] m. w.r. for [ pauṣkarasādi ] .

  पुष्करसारी [ puṣkarasārī ] [ púṣkara-sārī ] f. " having the essence of the lotus " , a kind of writing Lit. Lalit.

  पुष्करस्थपति [ puṣkarasthapati ] [ púṣkara-sthapati ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. ( = [ brahmāṇḍasya svāmī ] Lit. Nīlak.)

  पुष्करस्रज् [ puṣkarasraj ] [ púṣkara-sraj ] f. a lotus-wreath Lit. TāṇḍBr.

   [ puṣkarasraj ] m. f. n. wearing a lotus-wreath Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

   m. du. N. of the two Aśvins Lit. L.

  पुष्कराक्ष [ puṣkarākṣa ] [ puṣkarākṣa ] m. f. n. lotus. eyed Lit. MBh.

   [ puṣkarākṣa ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.

   of a man Lit. BrahmaP.

   of a prince Lit. Ratnâv.

   of a poet Lit. Cat.

  पुष्कराख्य [ puṣkarākhya ] [ puṣkarākhya ] m. Ardea Sibirica Lit. L.

  पुष्कराग्र [ puṣkarāgra ] [ puṣkarāgra ] n. the tip or extremity of an elephant's trunk Lit. Pañc.

  पुष्कराङ्घ्रिज [ puṣkarāṅghrija ] [ puṣkarāṅghrija ] m. or n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.

  पुष्कराच्छादिका [ puṣkarācchādikā ] [ puṣkarācchādikā ] f. a species of bird Lit. Gal.

  पुष्करारण्य [ puṣkarāraṇya ] [ puṣkarāraṇya ] n. = [ puṣkara-vana ] Lit. MBh.

  पुष्करारुणि [ puṣkarāruṇi ] [ puṣkarāruṇi ] m. N. of a prince Lit. BhP.

  पुष्करावती [ puṣkarāvatī ] [ puṣkarā-vatī ] f. " abounding in lotuses " , N. of a town (= the 1 of the ancients and the Pousekielofati of Hiouen-Thsang) Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pur. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 119 Sch.)

   a form of Dākshāyaṇī Lit. MatsyaP.

  पुष्करावर्तक [ puṣkarāvartaka ] [ puṣkarāvartaka ] m. N. of a partic. class of clouds Lit. Kālid. ( cf. [ puṣkalāv ] ) .

  पुष्कराष्टक [ puṣkarāṣṭaka ] [ puṣkarāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.

  पुष्कराह्व [ puṣkarāhva ] [ puṣkarāhva ] ( Lit. Car.) m. Ardea Sibirica

  पुष्कराह्वय [ puṣkarāhvaya ] [ puṣkarāhvaya ] m. ( Lit. L.) Ardea Sibirica

   [ puṣkarāhvaya ] n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus. I.

  पुष्करेक्षण [ puṣkarekṣaṇa ] [ puṣkarekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. lotus-eyed

   [ puṣkarekṣaṇa ] m. ( with [ puruṣa ] ) , N. of Vishṇu Lit. R. 2.

  पुष्करेक्षण [ puṣkarekṣaṇa ] [ puṣkare-kṣaṇa ] m. f. n. being for a moment in the sky Lit. MW.

  पुष्करोद्धृत [ puṣkaroddhṛta ] [ puṣkaroddhṛta ] m. f. n. raised with the extremity of the trunk Lit. ib.

 पुष्कराय [ puṣkarāya ] [ puṣkarāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to act as or represent a drum Lit. Daśar.

 पुष्करिका [ puṣkarikā ] [ puṣkarikā ] f. a kind of disease (formation of abscesses on the penis) Lit. Suśr.

  N. of a woman Lit. Daś.

 पुष्करिन् [ puṣkarin ] [ puṣkarin ] m. f. n. abounding in lotuses Lit. R.

  [ puṣkarin ] m. an elephant Lit. Dhūrtan.

  a sword Lit. Gal.

  N. of a prince (= [ puṣkarāruṇi ] ) Lit. VP.

  [ puṣkariṇī ] f. a lotus pool , any pool or pond Lit. RV.

  Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.

  Hibiscus Mutabilis Lit. L.

  a female elephant Lit. L.

  N. of a river Lit. ŚivaP.

  [ puṣkarin ] of the wife of Bhumanyu Lit. MBh.

  [ puṣkariṇī ] of the wife of Cākshusha and mother of Manu Lit. Hariv.

  of the mother of Manu Cākshusha Lit. VP.

  of the wife of Vyushṭa and mother of Cakshus and mother of Manu Lit. BhP.

  of the wife of Ulmuka Lit. ib.

  of a temple in Maru or Marwar Lit. Buddh.

 पुष्कल [ puṣkala ] [ puṣkalá ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ puṣka ] ) much , many , numerous , copious , abundant Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  rich , magnificent , full , complete , strong , powerful , excellent , best Lit. AV.

  loud , resonant , resounding Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  purified Lit. L.

  [ puṣkala ] m. (v.l. [ °kara ] ) a kind of drum Lit. MBh.

  (in music) a Partic. stringed instrument

  N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.

  of a son of Varuṇa Lit. L.

  of an Asura Lit. Hariv.

  of a Ṛishi Lit. Cat.

  of a son of Bharata Lit. R.

  of a Buddha Lit. Lalit.

  m. of a Tīrtha ( rather n.) Lit. L.

  m. pl. N. of , people Lit. MārkP.

  of the military caste in Kuśadvīpa Lit. VP.

  [ puṣkalī ] f. g. [ gaurādi ]

  [ puṣkala ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) the bowl of a spoon Lit. Gṛihyās. (v.l. [ °kara ] )

  n. a partic. measure of capacity (= 8 Kuñcis = 64 handfuls) Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

  a partic. weight of gold Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

  alms to the extent of 4 mouthfuls of food Lit. W.

  (rather m.) N. of mount Meru Lit. L.

  पुष्कलमोचन [ puṣkalamocana ] [ puṣkalá-mocana ] n.

  पुष्कलविजय [ puṣkalavijaya ] [ puṣkalá-vijaya ] m. N. of chs. of Lit. PadmaP.

  पुष्कलावत [ puṣkalāvata ] [ puṣkalā-vata ] m. an inhabitant of Pushkalā-vatī Lit. Var. ( also [ °taka ] )

   N. of an ancient physician ( Lit. v.l. [ pauṣk ] ) Lit. Cat.

   [ puṣkalāvata ] n. N. of the residence of Pushkala (son of Bharata) Lit. R.

   [ puṣkalāvatī ] f. N. of a city (= [ puṣkarā-vatī ] ) .

  पुष्कलावर्त [ puṣkalāvarta ] [ puṣkalāvarta ] m. (prob.) = next

   पुष्कलावर्तमाहात्म्य [ puṣkalāvartamāhātmya ] [ puṣkalāvarta--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  पुष्कलावर्तक [ puṣkalāvartaka ] [ puṣkalāvartaka ] m. N. of a partic. class of clouds (= [ puṣkarāv ] ) , Mallin. on Lit. Śiś. xv , 107.

 पुष्कलक [ puṣkalaka ] [ puṣkalaka ] m. the musk-deer Lit. L.

  a post , wedge , pin , bolt Lit. L.

  a Buddhist or Jaina mendicant Lit. L. (w.r. [ puṣalaka ] ) .

 पुष्ट [ puṣṭa ] [ puṣṭá ] m. f. n. nourished , cherished , well-fed , thriving , strong , fat , full , complete , perfect , abundant , rich , great , ample Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  rich in , blessed with (instr.) Lit. Daś.

  full-sounding , loud Lit. Hariv.

  burnt Lit. W. (w.r. for [ pluṣṭa ] ?)

  incubated , brooded over Lit. MW.

  [ puṣṭa ] n. growth , increase , gain , acquisition , wealth , property (esp. of children or cattle) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.

  पुष्टता [ puṣṭatā ] [ puṣṭá-tā ] f.

  पुष्टत्व [ puṣṭatva ] [ puṣṭá-tva ] n. the being well-fed , a prosperous or thriving condition Lit. MW.

  पुष्टपति [ puṣṭapati ] [ puṣṭá-páti ] m. the lord of prosperity or welfare Lit. AV.

  पुष्टविपुष्ट [ puṣṭavipuṣṭa ] [ puṣṭá-vipuṣṭa ] m. du. the well-fed and the ill-fed Lit. Pañc.

  पुष्टाङ्ग [ puṣṭāṅga ] [ puṣṭāṅga ] m. f. n. fat-limbed , well-fed , fat Lit. Hit.

  पुष्टार्थ [ puṣṭārtha ] [ puṣṭārtha ] m. f. n. having a complete sense , fully intelligible ( [ a-p ] ) Lit. Sāh.

  पुष्टावत् [ puṣṭāvat ] [ puṣṭā́-vat ] m. f. n. breeding or rearing cattle Lit. RV.

 पुष्टि [ puṣṭi ] [ púṣṭi ] f. ( or [ puṣṭi ] , esp. Lit. RV.) well-nourished condition , fatness , plumpness , growth , increase , thriving , prosperity , wealth , opulence , comfort Lit. RV.

  breeding , rearing ( esp. of cattle ; also with [ paśoḥ ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

  development , fulness , completeness Lit. Sāh.

  N. of a partic. ceremony performed for the attainment of welfare or prosperity Lit. Cat.

  N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur. ( 639,1 )

  of the mother of Lobha Lit. MārkP.

  of a daughter of Dhruva Lit. VP.

  of a daughter of Paurṇamāsa Lit. ib.

  of a Śakti Lit. Hcat.

  one of the 16 Mātṛikās or divine mothers Lit. L.

  of a Kalā of the moon Lit. BrahmaP.

  of a Kalā of Prakṛiti and wife of Gaṇêśa Lit. BrahmaP.

  of a form of Dākshāyaṇī Lit. MatsyaP.

  of a form of Sarasvatī Lit. W.

  Physalis Flexuosa Lit. L.

  पुष्टिकर [ puṣṭikara ] [ púṣṭi-kara ] m. f. n. nourishing , causing to thrive or grow Lit. Var. Lit. Suśr. Lit. MārkP.

  पुष्टिकर्मन् [ puṣṭikarman ] [ púṣṭi-karman ] n. a religious ceremony performed for the attainment of prosperity Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. MBh.

   [ puṣṭikarman ] n. a verse or formula relating to this ceremony Lit. Kauś.

  पुष्टिकान्त [ puṣṭikānta ] [ púṣṭi-kānta ] m. " beloved of Pushṭi. " N. of Gaṇêśa Lit. L.

  पुष्टिकाम [ puṣṭikāma ] [ púṣṭi-kāma ] ( [ ] ) m. f. n. wishing for prosperity Lit. AV. Lit.

  पुष्टिगु [ puṣṭigu ] [ púṣṭi-gu ] ( [ °pú° ] ) m. N. of a man (said to be a Kāṇva and author of Lit. RV. viii , 51 , 1) .

  पुष्टिद [ puṣṭida ] [ púṣṭi-da ] m. f. n. yielding or causing prosperity , nourishing , cherishing Lit. Hariv. Lit. Var. Lit. Suśr.

   [ puṣṭida ] m. pl. N. of a class of Pitṛis Lit. MārkP.

   [ puṣṭidā ] f. N. of a drug (= [ vṛddhi ] ) Lit. L.

   [ puṣṭida ] m. Physalis Flexuosa Lit. L.

  पुष्टिदावन् [ puṣṭidāvan ] [ púṣṭi-dāvan ] m. f. n. = [ -da ] mfn. Lit. Kauś.

  पुष्टिपति [ puṣṭipati ] [ púṣṭi-páti ] m. the lord of prosperity or welfare Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS.

  पुष्टिप्रवाहमर्यादाभेद [ puṣṭipravāhamaryādābheda ] [ púṣṭi-pravāha-maryādā-bheda ] m. N. of wk.

   पुष्टिप्रवाहमर्यादाभेदविवरण [ puṣṭipravāhamaryādābhedavivaraṇa ] [ púṣṭi-pravāha-maryādā-bheda--vivaraṇa ] n. N. of Comm. on it.

  पुष्टिमत् [ puṣṭimat ] [ púṣṭi-mát ] m. f. n. thriving , abundant , prosperous , well off Lit. RV.

   containing the word [ puṣṭi ] or any other derivative of √ 2. [ puṣ ] Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.

   [ puṣṭimat ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  पुष्टिमति [ puṣṭimati ] [ púṣṭi-mati ] m. N. of an Agni Lit. MBh.

  पुष्टिमार्ग [ puṣṭimārga ] [ púṣṭi-mārga ] m. " the way of well-being " , N. of the doctrine of a Vaishṇava sect founded by Vallabhâcārya Lit. RTL. 134.

  पुष्टिम्भर [ puṣṭimbhara ] [ púṣṭi-m-bhará ] m. f. n. bringing prosperity (said of Pūshan) Lit. RV.

  पुष्टिलीलाटीका [ puṣṭilīlāṭīkā ] [ púṣṭi-līlā-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.

  पुष्टिवर्धन [ puṣṭivardhana ] [ púṣṭi-várdhana ] m. f. n. increasing prosperity or welfare Lit. RV.

   [ puṣṭivardhana ] m. a cock Lit. L.

  पुष्टिश्राद्ध [ puṣṭiśrāddha ] [ púṣṭi-śrāddha ] n. N. of a partic. Śrāddha Lit. VP.

  पुष्टिच्छु [ puṣṭicchu ] [ puṣṭicchu ] m. f. n. desirous of prosperity or welfare Lit. KātyŚr.

 पुष्टिक [ puṣṭika ] [ puṣṭika ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

  [ puṣṭikā ] f. a bivalve shell , an oyster ( prob. w.r. for [ puṭikā ] ) .

 पुष्ट्यर्थ [ puṣṭyartha ] [ puṣṭy-artha ] n. N. of a Śrāddha ( " for health and well-being of body " ) Lit. RTL. 305.

 पुष्प [ puṣpa ] [ púṣpa ] n. ( for [ puṣka ] ?) a flower , blossom (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . , in names of plants oftener f ( [ ī ] ) . ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 64 Vārtt. 1) Lit. AV.

  the menstrual flux Lit. Suśr.

  a partic. disease of the eye , albugo Lit. Suśr.

  a spot on the nails and teeth Lit. Car.

  (in dram.) gallantry , politeness , declaration of love Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pratāp.

  N. of a Sāman Lit. TāṇḍBr. Lit. Lāṭy.

  of a book , Lit. DivyA7v.

  a kind of perfume Lit. L.

  the vehicle of Kubera Lit. L.

  blooming , expanding Lit. L.

  [ puṣpa ] m. a topaz Lit. R.

  N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.

  of a son of Ślīshṭi Lit. Hariv.

  of a son of Śaṅkha Lit. ib. (C. [ puṣya ] )

  of a Bodhi-sattva (?) Lit. Lalit.

  of a mountain Lit. MārkP.

  of a book ( prob. = [ puṣpa-sūtra ] ) , Lit. Divyáv.

  [ puṣpā ] f. N. of the town Campā Lit. L.

  पुष्पकरण्ड [ puṣpakaraṇḍa ] [ púṣpa-karaṇḍa ] n. " flower-basket " , N. of a grove near Avanti or Oujein (also [ °dodyāna ] , n. , Lit. Mṛicch. )

   पुष्पकरण्डोद्यान [ puṣpakaraṇḍodyāna ] [ púṣpa-karaṇḍodyāna ] n. , see [ puṣpakaraṇḍa ] , Lit. Mṛicch.

  पुष्पकरण्डक [ puṣpakaraṇḍaka ] [ púṣpa-karaṇḍaka ] n. " flower-basket " , N. of a grove near Avanti or Oujein

  पुष्पकरण्डिनी [ puṣpakaraṇḍinī ] [ púṣpa-karaṇḍinī ] f. N. of Onjein ( cf. prec.) Lit. L.

  पुष्पकर्ण [ puṣpakarṇa ] [ púṣpa-kárṇa ] m. f. n. having a flower (-shaped mole) in the ear Lit. TS.

  पुष्पकार [ puṣpakāra ] [ púṣpa-kāra ] m. N. of the author of the Pushpa-sūtra Lit. L.

  पुष्पकाल [ puṣpakāla ] [ púṣpa-kāla ] m. " flower-time " , the spring Lit. Var.

   the time of the menses Lit. Suśr.

  पुष्पकासीस [ puṣpakāsīsa ] [ púṣpa-kāsīsa ] ( Lit. Suśr.) n. green or black sulphate of iron.

  पुष्पकासीसक [ puṣpakāsīsaka ] [ púṣpa-kāsīsaka ] ( Lit. L.) n. green or black sulphate of iron.

  पुष्पकीट [ puṣpakīṭa ] [ púṣpa-kīṭa ] m. " flower-insect " , a large bee Lit. L.

  पुष्पकेतन [ puṣpaketana ] [ púṣpa-ketana ] m. " characterized by flower " , the god of love Lit. L.

  पुष्पकेतु [ puṣpaketu ] [ púṣpa-ketu ] m. id. Lit. MBh.

   vitriol used as a collyrium Lit. Caurap.

   calx of brass Lit. W.

   N. of a Buddha Lit. L.

   of a prince of Pushpa-bhadra Lit. HPariś.

  पुष्पगण्डिका [ puṣpagaṇḍikā ] [ púṣpa-gaṇḍikā ] f. N. of a kind of farce in which men act as women and women as men Lit. Bhar. Lit. Sāh. ( " contrary purpose or effort of man and woman " Lit. W.)

  पुष्पगिरि [ puṣpagiri ] [ púṣpa-giri ] m. " flower-mountain " , N. of a mythical mountain (the favourite resort of Varuṇa) Lit. W.

  पुष्पगृह [ puṣpagṛha ] [ púṣpa-gṛha ] n. " flower-house " , a conservatory Lit. R.

  पुष्पग्रन्थन [ puṣpagranthana ] [ púṣpa-granthana ] n. wearing a wreath or garland of flower Lit. Vet.

  पुष्पघातक [ puṣpaghātaka ] [ púṣpa-ghātaka ] m. flower-destroyer , the bamboo (whose stem is said to decay after the plant has flowered) Lit. L.

  पुष्पचय [ puṣpacaya ] [ púṣpa-caya ] m. a quantity of flower Lit. W.

   gathering flower Lit. ib.

  पुष्पचाप [ puṣpacāpa ] [ púṣpa-cāpa ] m. a bow of flower , the bow of the god of love Lit. Kālid.

   the god of love Lit. Kathās.

  पुष्पचामर [ puṣpacāmara ] [ púṣpa-cāmara ] m. " having flower for a chowrie " , Artemisia Indica or Pandanus Odoratissimus Lit. L.

  पुष्पचिन्तामणि [ puṣpacintāmaṇi ] [ púṣpa-cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

  पुष्पचूल [ puṣpacūla ] [ púṣpa-cūla ] m. " flower-crested " , N. of a man Lit. HPariś.

   [ puṣpacūlā ] f. N. of a woman Lit. ib.

  पुष्पज [ puṣpaja ] [ púṣpa-ja ] m. f. n. " flower-born " , derived or coming from flowers ( [ -jaṃ rajaḥ ] , pollen Lit. Sāh.)

   [ puṣpaja ] m. the juice of flower s Lit. L.

   [ puṣpajā ] f. N. of a river rising in the Vindhya mountains Lit. MārkP.

  पुष्पजाति [ puṣpajāti ] [ púṣpa-jāti ] f. " flower-born " , N. of a river rising in the Malaya mountains Lit. VP.

  पुष्पद [ puṣpada ] [ púṣpa-da ] m. " flower-giving " , a tree Lit. L.

  पुष्पदंष्ट्र [ puṣpadaṃṣṭra ] [ púṣpa-daṃṣṭra ] m. " having flower for fangs " , N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.

  पुष्पदन्त [ puṣpadanta ] [ púṣpa-danta ] m. " flower-toothed " , N. of Śiva Lit. R.

   of an attendant of Śiva Lit. MBh.

   of an attendant of Vishṇu. Lit. BhP.

   ( also [ -ka ] ) of a Gandharva (author of the Mahimnaḥ Stavaḥ) Lit. Cat.

   of a Vidyā-dhara Lit. L.

   of a serpent-demon Lit. L.

   (with Jainas) of the 9th Arhat of present Avasarpiṇī

   of a partic. being Lit. Hcat.

   of the elephant of the north-west quarter Lit. ib.

   of the mountain Śatruṃ-jaya Lit. Śatr.

   (du.) sun and moon Lit. ib.

   [ puṣpadantī ] f. N. of a Rākshasī Lit. Buddh.

   [ puṣpadanta ] n. N. of a temple Lit. Kathās.

   of a palace Lit. Buddh.

   of a gate Lit. Hariv.

   पुष्पदन्ततीर्थ [ puṣpadantatīrtha ] [ púṣpa-danta--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. SkandaP.

   पुष्पदन्तभिद् [ puṣpadantabhid ] [ púṣpa-danta--bhid ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ pūṣa-danta-bhid ] )

   पुष्पदन्तवत् [ puṣpadantavat ] [ púṣpa-danta--vat ] m. f. n. one who has flowered teeth Lit. Hcat.

   पुष्पदन्तान्वय [ puṣpadantānvaya ] [ púṣpa-dantānvaya ] m. in an elephant with partic. marks (descended from the race of Pushpa-danta) Lit. Gal.

  पुष्पदामन् [ puṣpadāman ] [ púṣpa-dāman ] n. a garland of flower , Lit. Śṛiṅgār.

   a kind of metre Lit. Col.

  पुष्पद्रव [ puṣpadrava ] [ púṣpa-drava ] m. the juice of flower Lit. L.

   an infusion of flower (as rose-water ) Lit. L.

  पुष्पद्रुम [ puṣpadruma ] [ púṣpa-druma ] m. a tree which bears flower

   पुष्पद्रुमकुसुमितमुकुट [ puṣpadrumakusumitamukuṭa ] [ púṣpa-druma--kusumita-mukuṭa ] m. " having a flowery diadem like a tree in bloom " , N. of a Gandharvarāja Lit. L.

  पुष्पध [ puṣpadha ] [ púṣpa-dha ] m. the offspring of an out-caste Brāhman Lit. Mn. x , 21.

  पुष्पधनुस् [ puṣpadhanus ] [ púṣpa-dhanus ] and m. " armed with a bow of flower " N. of the god of love Lit. Kāv.

  पुष्पधन्वन् [ puṣpadhanvan ] [ púṣpa-dhanvan ]and m. " armed with a bow of flower " N. of the god of love Lit. Kāv.

  पुष्पधारण [ puṣpadhāraṇa ] [ púṣpa-dhāraṇa ] m. " flower-bearer " , N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh.

  पुष्पध्वज [ puṣpadhvaja ] [ púṣpa-dhvaja ] m. = [ -ketana ] Lit. L.

  पुष्पनाटक [ puṣpanāṭaka ] [ púṣpa-nāṭaka ] m. v.l. for [ -baṭuka ] .

  पुष्पनिकर [ puṣpanikara ] [ púṣpa-nikara ] m. throwing flower Lit. W.

   a multitude of flower Lit. MW.

  पुष्पनिक्ष [ puṣpanikṣa ] [ púṣpa-nikṣa ] m. " flower-kissing " , a bee Lit. L.

  पुष्पनिर्यास [ puṣpaniryāsa ] [ púṣpa-niryāsa ] and m. exudation or juice of flower Lit. L.

  पुष्पनिर्यासक [ puṣpaniryāsaka ] [ púṣpa-niryāsaka ]and m. exudation or juice of flower Lit. L.

  पुष्पनेत्र [ puṣpanetra ] [ púṣpa-netra ] n. " flower-tube " , a kind of catheter Lit. Suśr.

  पुष्पंधय [ puṣpaṃdhaya ] [ púṣpa-ṃ-dhaya ] m. " flower-sucking " , a bee Lit. L.

  पुष्पन्यास [ puṣpanyāsa ] [ púṣpa-nyāsa ] m. an offering of flower Lit. W.

  पुष्पपट [ puṣpapaṭa ] [ púṣpa-paṭa ] m. flowered cloth Lit. Mṛicch. Sch.

  पुष्पपत्त्र [ puṣpapattra ] [ púṣpa-pattra ] m. " flower-feathered " , a kind of arrow Lit. L.

  पुष्पपत्त्रिन् [ puṣpapattrin ] [ púṣpa-pattrin ] m. f. n. having flower for arrows (said of the bow of Kāma-deva) Lit. W.

  पुष्पपथ [ puṣpapatha ] [ púṣpa-patha ] m. ( Lit. L.) " course of the menses " , the vulva.

  पुष्पपदवी [ puṣpapadavī ] [ púṣpa-padavī ] f. ( Lit. Hāsy.) " course of the menses " , the vulva.

  पुष्पपाण्डु [ puṣpapāṇḍu ] [ púṣpa-pāṇḍu ] m. a species of serpent Lit. Suśr.

  पुष्पपुट [ puṣpapuṭa ] [ púṣpa-puṭa ] m. a cup or bag filled with flower Lit. L.

   the hands arranged in the shape of the calyx of a flower Lit. Cat.

   (in music) a partic. position in dancing.

  पुष्पपुर [ puṣpapura ] [ púṣpa-pura ] n. ( Lit. Ragh. ) N. of the city Pāṭali-putra or Palibothra.

  पुष्पपुरी [ puṣpapurī ] [ púṣpa-purī ] f. ( Lit. Daś.) N. of the city Pāṭali-putra or Palibothra.

  पुष्पपेशल [ puṣpapeśala ] [ púṣpa-peśala ] m. f. n. as delicate , as flower Lit. Kathās.

  पुष्पप्रचय [ puṣpapracaya ] [ púṣpa-pracaya ] m. plucking flower (to steal them) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 60.

  पुष्पप्रचाय [ puṣpapracāya ] [ púṣpa-pracāya ] m. plucking or gathering flower Lit. ib.

   पुष्पप्रचायिका [ puṣpapracāyikā ] [ púṣpa-pracāyikā ] f. id. Lit. Uṇ. ii , 32 Sch. ( [ tava puṣpa-pracāyika ] , it is thy turn to gather flower Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 74 , Sch.)

  पुष्पफल [ puṣpaphala ] [ púṣpa-phala ] m. Feronia Elephantum Lit. L.

   Benincasa Cerifera Lit. L.

  पुष्पफल [ puṣpaphala ] [ púṣpa-phala ]2 n. flower and fruits Lit. MBh.

   पुष्पफलद्रुम [ puṣpaphaladruma ] [ púṣpa-phala--druma ]2 m. pl. trees bearing flower and fruits Lit. Ragh.

   पुष्पफलवत् [ puṣpaphalavat ] [ púṣpa-phala--vat ]2 m. f. n. bearing flower and fruits Lit. Suśr.

  पुष्पबटुक [ puṣpabaṭuka ] [ púṣpa-baṭuka ] m. a courtier , gallant Lit. Cat. (v.l. [ -nāṭaka ] ) .

  पुष्पबलि [ puṣpabali ] [ púṣpa-bali ] m. an oblation of flower Lit. MārkP.

  पुष्पबाण [ puṣpabāṇa ] [ púṣpa-bāṇa ] m. " flower-arrowed " , the god of love

   पुष्पबाणविलास [ puṣpabāṇavilāsa ] [ púṣpa-bāṇa--vilāsa ] m. N. of a poem (attributed to a certain Kālidāsa) .

  पुष्पभङ्ग [ puṣpabhaṅga ] [ púṣpa-bhaṅga ] m. a festoon of flower ( " treading on flower " Sch.) Lit. MW.

  पुष्पभद्र [ puṣpabhadra ] [ púṣpa-bhadra ] m. " beautiful with flower " , a kind of pavilion with 62 columns Lit. Vāstuv.

   N. of a man Lit. Mṛicch.

   [ puṣpabhadra ] n. N. of a city Lit. HPariś.

   [ puṣpabhadrā ] f. N. of a river Lit. BhP.

  पुष्पभद्रक [ puṣpabhadraka ] [ púṣpa-bhadraka ] n. N. of a partic. wood Lit. BhP.

  पुष्पभव [ puṣpabhava ] [ púṣpa-bhava ] m. f. n. being or contained in flower

   [ puṣpabhava ] m. the nectar of flower Lit. W.

  पुष्पभाजन [ puṣpabhājana ] [ púṣpa-bhājana ] n. a flower basket Lit. Śak.

  पुष्पभूति [ puṣpabhūti ] [ púṣpa-bhūti ] m. " essence of flower " , N. of a prince Lit. Hcar.

  पुष्पभूषण [ puṣpabhūṣaṇa ] [ púṣpa-bhūṣaṇa ] n. " ornament of flower " , N. of a Nāṭaka Lit. Sāh.

  पुष्पभूषित [ puṣpabhūṣita ] [ púṣpa-bhūṣita ] n. " adorned with flower " , N. of a Prakaraṇa Lit. ib.

  पुष्पभेरोत्स [ puṣpabherotsa ] [ púṣpa-bherotsa ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

  पुष्पमञ्जरिका [ puṣpamañjarikā ] [ púṣpa-mañjarikā ] f. a species of creeper Lit. L. ( " blue lotus " Lit. W.)

  पुष्पमय [ puṣpamaya ] [ púṣpa-maya ] m. f. n. made or consisting of flower , flowery Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  पुष्पमाथम् [ puṣpamātham ] [ púṣpa-mātham ] ind. ( with √ [ math ] ) to crush like a flower Lit. Bālar.

  पुष्पमाला [ puṣpamālā ] [ púṣpa-mālā ] f. a garland of flower Lit. R.

   N. of a Dik-kanyā (s.v.) Lit. Pārśvan.

   N. of a poem and of another wk. (on flower to be used or avoided in the worship of deities)

   पुष्पमालकथा [ puṣpamālakathā ] [ púṣpa-māla-kathā ] f. N. of wk. Lit. Pañcad.

   पुष्पमालामय [ puṣpamālāmaya ] [ púṣpa-mālā-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of flower-garlands Lit. Hcat.

   पुष्पमालिन् [ puṣpamālin ] [ púṣpa-mālin ] m. f. n. wearing a flower-garlands Lit. Jātakam.

  पुष्पमास् [ puṣpamās ] [ púṣpa-mās ] m. " flower -month " , the spring Lit. R.

  पुष्पमास [ puṣpamāsa ] [ púṣpa-māsa ] m. " flower -month " , the spring Lit. R.

  पुष्पमित्र [ puṣpamitra ] [ púṣpa-mí tra ] m. (v.l. [ puṣya-m ] ) N. of a king (according to the Brāhmanical account , a general of the last Maurya dynasty and father of prince Agni-mitra , or according to Buddhists , a king , the successor of Pushyadharman) Lit. Mālav. Lit. Pur. Lit. Buddh. ( cf Lit. IW. 167 n. 2)

   of another king Lit. VP.

   पुष्पमित्रसभा [ puṣpamitrasabhā ] [ púṣpa-mí tra--sabhā ] f. the court of king Pushyadharman Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 68 Vārtt. 7 Lit. Pat.

  पुष्पमेघ [ puṣpamegha ] [ púṣpa-megha ] m. a cloud raining flower

   पुष्पमेघीकृ [ puṣpameghīkṛ ] [ púṣpa-meghī-√ kṛ ] to turn into a cloud raining flower Lit. Megh.

  पुष्पयमक [ puṣpayamaka ] [ púṣpa-yamaka ] n. a Yamaka (s.v.) of the final syllables of all lines of a stanza e.g. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. x , 14.

  पुष्परक्त [ puṣparakta ] [ púṣpa-rakta ] m. f. n. red as a flower Lit. Megh.

   dyed red with vegetable colour Lit. W.

   [ puṣparakta ] m. Hibiscus Phoeniceus Lit. L.

  पुष्परचन [ puṣparacana ] [ púṣpa-racana ] n. making flower into a garland (one of the 64 arts or Kalās) Lit. Gal.

  पुष्परजस् [ puṣparajas ] [ púṣpa-rajas ] n. " flower-dust " , pollen

   (esp.) saffron Lit. L.

  पुष्परथ [ puṣparatha ] [ púṣpa-ratha ] m. " flower-chariot " , a car for travelling or for pleasure Lit. R. Lit. Hcat.

  पुष्परस [ puṣparasa ] [ púṣpa-rasa ] ( or [ °sāhvaya ] ) m. (having the name) flower-juice , the nectar or honey of flower Lit. L.

  पुष्पराग [ puṣparāga ] [ púṣpa-rāga ] m. " flower-hued " , a topaz Lit. Var.

  पुष्पराज [ puṣparāja ] [ púṣpa-rāja ] m. " flower-king (?) " id. Lit. L.

  पुष्परेणु [ puṣpareṇu ] [ púṣpa-reṇu ] m. " flower-dust " , pollen Lit. Ragh.

  पुष्परोचन [ puṣparocana ] [ púṣpa-rocana ] m. Mesua Roxburghii Lit. L.

  पुष्पलाव [ puṣpalāva ] [ púṣpa-lāva ] m. a flower-gatherer or garland-maker ( also [ °vin ] ) Lit. L.

   [ puṣpalāvī ] f. a female flower-gatherer Lit. Megh.

  पुष्पलिक्ष [ puṣpalikṣa ] [ púṣpa-likṣa ] m. " flower-licker " , a bee Lit. W. ( cf. [ -nikṣa ] ) .

  पुष्पलिपि [ puṣpalipi ] [ púṣpa-lipi ] f. " flower-writing. " N. of a partic. style of writing Lit. Lalit.

  पुष्पलिह् [ puṣpalih ] [ púṣpa-lih ] m. (nom. [] ) a large black bee Lit. W.

  पुष्पलीला [ puṣpalīlā ] [ púṣpa-līlā ] f. " flower-sport " , N. (of a woman?) Lit. Cat.

  पुष्पवत् [ puṣpavat ] [ púṣpa-vat ]1 m. f. n. ( [ púṣpa- ] ) having flowers or decorated with flowers , flowery , blooming Lit. RV.

   [ puṣpavat ] m. N. of a Daitya Lit. MBh.

   of a man Lit. Saṃskārak.

   of a prince Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

   of a mountain in Kuśa-dvīpa Lit. MBh.

   (du.) sun and moon Lit. Bālar. Lit. Gaṇit. ( perhaps fr. [ -vanta ] )

   [ puṣpavatī ] f. ( [ ī ] ) (a woman) having the menses Lit. L.

   (a cow) longing for the bull Lit. BhP. Sch.

   N. of a sacred bathing place Lit. MBh.

  पुष्पवत् [ puṣpavat ] [ púṣpa-vat ]2 ind. like a flower Lit. Bhartṛ.

  पुष्पवन [ puṣpavana ] [ púṣpa-vana ] n. N. of a mountain

   पुष्पवनमाहात्म्य [ puṣpavanamāhātmya ] [ púṣpa-vana--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  पुष्पवर्त्मन् [ puṣpavartman ] [ púṣpa-vartman ] m. " flower-path " , N. of Dru-pada Lit. Hcar.

  पुष्पवर्ष [ puṣpavarṣa ] [ púṣpa-varṣa ] n. " flower-rain " , flower showered upon a hero on any great occasion Lit. Ragh. ( also [ °ṣaṇa ] Lit. MW.)

   [ puṣpavarṣa ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. BhP.

  पुष्पवहा [ puṣpavahā ] [ púṣpa-vahā ] f. " carrying flower " , N. of a river Lit. ib.

  पुष्पवाटिका [ puṣpavāṭikā ] [ púṣpa-vāṭikā ] ( Lit. Kuval.) f. a flower-garden.

  पुष्पवाटी [ puṣpavāṭī ] [ púṣpa-vāṭī ] ( Lit. Pañc.) f. a flower-garden.

  पुष्पवाहन [ puṣpavāhana ] [ púṣpa-vāhana ] m. " having a flowery car " , N. of a king of Pushkara Lit. AgP.

  पुष्पवाहिनी [ puṣpavāhinī ] [ púṣpa-vāhinī ] f. (= [ -vahā ] ) N. of a river Lit. Hariv.

  पुष्पविचित्रा [ puṣpavicitrā ] [ púṣpa-vicitrā ] f. N. of a metre Lit. L.

  पुष्पविशिख [ puṣpaviśikha ] [ púṣpa-viśikha ] m. = [ -bāṇa ] Lit. Alaṃkārav.

  पुष्पवृक्ष [ puṣpavṛkṣa ] [ púṣpa-vṛkṣa ] m. a tree bearing blossoms Lit. L.

  पुष्पवृष्टि [ puṣpavṛṣṭi ] [ púṣpa-vṛṣṭi ] f. = [ -varṣa ] n. Lit. Ratnâv.

  पुष्पवेणी [ puṣpaveṇī ] [ púṣpa-veṇī ] f. a chaplet or garland of flower Lit. R.

   N. of a river Lit. MBh.

  पुष्पशकटिका [ puṣpaśakaṭikā ] [ púṣpa-śakaṭikā ] f. a voice coming from heaven

   पुष्पसकटिकानिमित्तज्ञान [ puṣpasakaṭikānimittajñāna ] [ púṣpa-sakaṭikā--nimitta-jñāna ] n. knowledge of the omens which result from heavenly voices (one of the 64 arts or Kalās) Lit. BhP. Sch.

  पुष्पशकटी [ puṣpaśakaṭī ] [ púṣpa-śakaṭī ] f. ( Lit. L.) and = prec.

   पुष्पशकटीज्ञान [ puṣpaśakaṭījñāna ] [ púṣpa-śakaṭī--jñāna ]and n. ( Lit. Gal.) = prec.

  पुष्पशकलिन् [ puṣpaśakalin ] [ púṣpa-śakalin ] m. " having flower-like scales " , a kind of serpent Lit. Suśr.

  पुष्पशकुन [ puṣpaśakuna ] [ púṣpa-śakuna ] m. " flower-bird " , Phasianus gallus Lit. MBh. (v.l.)

  पुष्पशय्या [ puṣpaśayyā ] [ púṣpa-śayyā ] f. a couch of flower Lit. Śak.

  पुष्पशर [ puṣpaśara ] [ púṣpa-śara ] m. = [ -bāṇa ] Lit. L.

   पुष्पशरासन [ puṣpaśarāsana ] [ púṣpa-śarāsana ] m. = [ -dhanus ] Lit. Vcar.

  पुष्पशिलीमुख [ puṣpaśilīmukha ] [ púṣpa-śilī-mukha ] m. = [ -bāṇa ] Lit. Prasannar.

  पुष्पशून्य [ puṣpaśūnya ] [ púṣpa-śūnya ] m. " flowerless " , Ficus Glomerata Lit. L.

  पुष्पशेखर [ puṣpaśekhara ] [ púṣpa-śekhara ] m. a garland of flower Lit. Kathās.

  पुष्पश्रीगर्भ [ puṣpaśrīgarbha ] [ púṣpa-śrī-garbha ] m. " filled with the beauty of flower " , N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lit. L.

  पुष्पसमय [ puṣpasamaya ] [ púṣpa-samaya ] m. " flower-season " , the spring Lit. L.

  पुष्पसाधारण [ puṣpasādhāraṇa ] [ púṣpa-sādhāraṇa ] m. " common time for flower " id. Lit. L.

  पुष्पसायक [ puṣpasāyaka ] [ púṣpa-sāyaka ] m. = [ -bāṇa ] Lit. Dhirtas.

  पुष्पसार [ puṣpasāra ] [ púṣpa-sāra ] m. the nectar or honey of flower Lit. L. ( [ -sudhā-nidhi ] m. N. of wk.)

   [ puṣpasārā ] f. holy basil Lit. BrahmaP.

   पुष्पसारसुधानिधि [ puṣpasārasudhānidhi ] [ púṣpa-sāra--sudhā-nidhi ] m. , see [ puṣpasāra ] , N. of wk.

  पुष्पसिता [ puṣpasitā ] [ púṣpa-sitā ] f. " white like flower " , a kind of sugar Lit. Bhpr.

  पुष्पसूत्र [ puṣpasūtra ] [ púṣpa-sūtra ] n. N. of a Sūtra work (ascribed to Gobhila or to Vara-ruci) on the change of Ṛiks into Sāmans

   पुष्पसूत्रभाष्य [ puṣpasūtrabhāṣya ] [ púṣpa-sūtra--bhāṣya ] n. N. of Comm. on it.

  पुष्पसौरभा [ puṣpasaurabhā ] [ púṣpa-saurabhā ] f. " smelling like flower " , Methonica Superba Lit. L.

  पुष्पस्नान [ puṣpasnāna ] [ púṣpa-snāna ] n. v.l. for [ puṣya-sn ] .

  पुष्पस्रज् [ puṣpasraj ] [ púṣpa-sraj ] f. a garland of flower Lit. Kāv.

  पुष्पस्वेद [ puṣpasveda ] [ púṣpa-sveda ] m. = [ -sara ] Lit. L.

  पुष्पहारिन् [ puṣpahārin ] [ púṣpa-hārin ] m. f. n. stealing or taking away flower , Lit. Pāṇ. vi , 2 , 79 Sch.

  पुष्पहास [ puṣpahāsa ] [ púṣpa-hāsa ] m. " smiling with flower " , a flower-garden Lit. Hariv.

   N. of Vishṇu Lit. ib.

   of a man Lit. L.

   [ puṣpahāsā ] f. a woman during menstruation Lit. L.

  पुष्पहीन [ puṣpahīna ] [ púṣpa-hīna ] m. f. n. flowerless , not flowering Lit. L.

   [ puṣpahīnā ] f. a woman past child-bearing Lit. L.

   Ficus Glomerata Lit. L.

  पुष्पाकर [ puṣpākara ] [ puṣpākara ] m. f. n. rich in flower , flowery

   [ puṣpākara ] m. ( with [ māsa ] ) the flowery month , spring Lit. Vikr.

   पुष्पाकरदेव [ puṣpākaradeva ] [ puṣpākara--deva ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

  पुष्पागम [ puṣpāgama ] [ puṣpāgama ] m. " flower-advent " , the spring Lit. Ṛitus.

  पुष्पाग्र [ puṣpāgra ] [ puṣpāgra ] n. " flower-point " , a pistil Lit. Vām.

  पुष्पाजीव [ puṣpājīva ] [ puṣpājīva ] and m. " living by flower " , a gardener , florist , garland-maker Lit. L.

  पुष्पाजीविन् [ puṣpājīvin ] [ puṣpājīvin ]and m. " living by flower " , a gardener , florist , garland-maker Lit. L.

  पुष्पाञ्जन [ puṣpāñjana ] [ puṣpāñjana ] n. calx of brass employed as a collyrium Lit. L.

  पुष्पाञ्जलि [ puṣpāñjali ] [ puṣpāñjali ] m. two handfuls of flower Lit. L.

   N. of sev. works

   ( [ -stotra ] n. N. of wk.)

   ( [ °lyaṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.)

   [ puṣpāñjali ] m. f. n. presenting flower or a nosegay in both hands opened and hollowed Lit. W.

   पुष्पाञ्जलिस्तोत्र [ puṣpāñjalistotra ] [ puṣpāñjali--stotra ] n. , see [ puṣpāñjali ] , N. of wk.

   पुष्पाञ्जल्यष्टक [ puṣpāñjalyaṣṭaka ] [ puṣpāñjalyaṣṭaka ] n. , see [ puṣpāñjali ] , N. of wk.

  पुष्पाण्ड [ puṣpāṇḍa ] [ puṣpāṇḍa ] and m. a kind of rice Lit. Gal.

  पुष्पाण्डक [ puṣpāṇḍaka ] [ puṣpāṇḍaka ]and m. a kind of rice Lit. Gal.

  पुष्पानन [ puṣpānana ] [ puṣpānana ] m. " flower faced " , N. of a Yaksha Lit. MBh.

  पुष्पानुग [ puṣpānuga ] [ puṣpānuga ] n. a powder promoting menstruation Lit. Car.

  पुष्पान्त [ puṣpānta ] [ puṣpānta ] m. f. n. perishing after the blossom (?) Lit. SāmavBr.

  पुष्पापण [ puṣpāpaṇa ] [ puṣpāpaṇa ] m. a flower-market Lit. Pañcad.

  पुष्पापीड [ puṣpāpīḍa ] [ puṣpāpīḍa ] m. " chaplet of flower " , N. of a Gandharva Lit. Śukas.

  पुष्पाभिकीर्ण [ puṣpābhikīrṇa ] [ puṣpābhikīrṇa ] m. f. n. strewed with flower Lit. Lalit.

   [ puṣpābbikīrṇa ] m. a kind of spotted snake Lit. Suśr.

  पुष्पाभिषेक [ puṣpābhiṣeka ] [ puṣpābhiṣeka ] m. = [ °pa-snāna ] Lit. Var.

  पुष्पाम्बु [ puṣpāmbu ] [ puṣpāmbu ] n. the honey or nectar of flower Lit. L.

  पुष्पाम्भस् [ puṣpāmbhas ] [ puṣpāmbhas ] n. flower-water , N. of a sacred bathing-place Lit. MBh.

  पुष्पायुध [ puṣpāyudha ] [ puṣpāyudha ] m. " flower armed " , the god of love Lit. Kāv.

  पुष्पाराम [ puṣpārāma ] [ puṣpārā́ma ] m. a flower-garden Lit. Kathās.

  पुष्पार्ण [ puṣpārṇa ] [ puṣpārṇa ] m. " flower-stream " , N. of a son of Vatsara and Svar-vīthi Lit. BhP.

  पुष्पार्पण [ puṣpārpaṇa ] [ puṣpārpaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  पुष्पावकीर्ण [ puṣpāvakīrṇa ] [ puṣpāvakīrṇa ] m. " strewed with flower " , N. of a prince of the Kiṃnaras Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  पुष्पावचय [ puṣpāvacaya ] [ puṣpāvacaya ] m. gathering flower Lit. W. ( cf. Lit. Vām. v , 2 , 42)

   पुष्पावचायिका [ puṣpāvacāyikā ] [ puṣpāvacāyikā ] f. the gathering of flower (a kind of play or sport) Lit. Cat.

   पुष्पावचायिन् [ puṣpāvacāyin ] [ puṣpāvacāyin ] m. gathering flower , a flower-gatherer Lit. W.

  पुष्पावत् [ puṣpāvat ] [ púṣpā-vat ] m. f. n. = [ púṣpa-vat ] 1 Lit. TS.

   [ puṣpāvatī ] f. N. of a town Lit. Cat.

  पुष्पावलिवनराजिकुसुमिताभिज्ञ [ puṣpāvalivanarājikusumitābhijña ] [ puṣpāvali-vanarāji-kusumitābhijña ] m. " knowing the season of the flowering of the rows of flower and of the forest-trees " , N. of a Buddha Lit. Lalit. (v.l. [ puṣpa-bali-v ] ) .

  पुष्पाशिन् [ puṣpāśin ] [ puṣpāśin ] m. f. n. eating flower Lit. Vishṇ.

  पुष्पासव [ puṣpāsava ] [ puṣpāsava ] m. a decoction of flower Lit. R. Lit. Ṛitus.

   honey Lit. L.

  पुष्पासार [ puṣpāsāra ] [ puṣpāsāra ] m. = [ °pa-vṛṣṭi ] Lit. Megh.

  पुष्पास्तरक [ puṣpāstaraka ] [ puṣpāstaraka ] m. ( Lit. Cat.)

  पुष्पास्तरण [ puṣpāstaraṇa ] [ puṣpāstaraṇa ] n. ( Lit. BhP. Sch.) the art of strewing flower (one of the 64 Kalas) .

  पुष्पास्त्र [ puṣpāstra ] [ puṣpāstra ] m. = [ °pāyudha ] Lit. L.

  पुष्पाहर [ puṣpāhara ] [ puṣpāhara ] m. f. n. one who takes or plucks flower Lit. W.

  पुष्पाह्वा [ puṣpāhvā ] [ puṣpāhvā ] f. Anethum Sowa Lit. L.

  पुष्पेषु [ puṣpeṣu ] [ puṣpeṣu ] m. = [ °pa-bāṇa ] Lit. Kathās.

  पुष्पोत्कटा [ puṣpotkaṭā ] [ puṣpotkaṭā ] f. N. of a Rākshasī (the mother of Rāvaṇa and Kumbha-karṇa) Lit. MBh.

  पुष्पोत्तर [ puṣpottara ] [ puṣpottara ] m. or n. (with Jainas) N. of a partic. heaven Lit. W.

  पुष्पोदका [ puṣpodakā ] [ puṣpodakā ] f. " having flower for water " , N. of a river in the lower world Lit. MBh.

  पुष्पोद्भव [ puṣpodbhava ] [ puṣpodbhava ] m. " sprung from flower " , N. of a man Lit. Daś.

  पुष्पोद्यान [ puṣpodyāna ] [ puṣpodyāna ] n. a flower-garden Lit. MW.

  पुष्पोपगम [ puṣpopagama ] [ puṣpopagama ] m. f. n. bearing flower Lit. Vishṇ.

  पुष्पोपजीविन् [ puṣpopajīvin ] [ puṣpopajīvin ] m. = [ puṣpājīvin ] Lit. R.

 पुष्पक [ puṣpaka ] [ puṣpaka ] m. a kind of serpent Lit. Suśr.

  N. of a mountain Lit. MārkP.

  [ puṣpikā ] f. the tartar of the teeth Lit. L.

  the mucus of the tongue. Lit. Gal.

  the mucus of the glans penis or urethra Lit. L.

  the last words of a chapter (which state the subject treated therein) Lit. L.

  [ puṣpaka ] n. (rarely m.) N. of the self-moving aerial car of Kubera ( also [ -vimāna ] n. ; it was carried off by the demon Rāvaṇa and constantly used by him till he was slain by Rāma-candra , who then employed the car to transport himself and Sītā back to Ayodhyā) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  n. N. of a forest Lit. Hariv.

  calx of brass or green vitriol used as a collyrium Lit. L.

  a bracelet (esp. one of jewels) Lit. L.

  a small earthen fire-place or furnace on wheels Lit. L.

  a cup or vessel of iron Lit. L.

  a partic. disease of the eyes (albugo) Lit. L.

  पुष्पकविमान [ puṣpakavimāna ] [ puṣpaka--vimāna ] n. , see [ puṣpaka ] , N. of the self-moving aerial car of kubera ; it was carried off by the demon Rāvaṇa and constantly used by him till he was slain by Rāma-candra , who then employed the car to transport himself and Sītā back to Ayodhyā

 पुष्पाय [ puṣpāya ] [ puṣpāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become a flower , Lit. Kulârṇ.

 पुष्पित [ puṣpita ] [ puṣpita ] m. f. n. flowered , bearing flowers , blooming , in bloom Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  having marks like flowers , variegated , spotted , (said of bad teeth) Lit. Car.

  exhaling an odour indicative of approaching death Lit. ib.

  completely manifested , fully developed Lit. Kathās.

  florid , flowery (as speech) Lit. Bhag.

  [ puṣpita ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. Lalit.

  [ puṣpitā ] f. a menstruous woman Lit. L.

  पुष्पितपलाशप्रतिम [ puṣpitapalāśapratima ] [ puṣpita-palāśa-pratima ] m. f. n. resembling a Butea Frondosa in flower Lit. MW.

  पुष्पिताक्ष [ puṣpitākṣa ] [ puṣpitākṣa ] m. f. n. having spots (albugo) on the eye Lit. VarBṛS. Sch.

   पुष्पिताक्षित्व [ puṣpitākṣitva ] [ puṣpitākṣi-tva ] n. (l) Lit. ib.

  पुष्पिताग्र [ puṣpitāgra ] [ puṣpitāgra ] m. f. n. covered at the extremities with flowers or blossoms Lit. MBh. Lit. Gīt.

   [ puṣpitāgrā ] f. N. of a metre.

 पुष्पितक [ puṣpitaka ] [ puṣpitaka ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. Hariv.

 पुष्पिन् [ puṣpin ] [ puṣpí n ] m. f. n. bearing flowers , flowering , blossoming Lit. RV.

  florid , flowery (as speech) Lit. BhP.

  [ puṣpiṇī ] f. (a woman) in menstruation or desirous of sexual intercourse Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP.

 पुष्प्य [ puṣpya ] [ puṣpya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] (p. Ā. [ °yamāna ] ) to bear flowers , flower , blossom , bloom Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( cf. √ [ puṣp ] , [ °pyati ] in Lit. Dhātup. xxvi , 15) .

 पुष्य [ puṣya ] [ púṣya ] n. nourishment (pl.) Lit. Car.

  the blossom or flower i.e. the uppermost or best of anything ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (flos) ) Lit. RV.

  [ puṣya ] m. N. of the 6th ( or 8th , but see [ nakṣatra ] ) lunar asterism (also called Sidhya and Tishya) Lit. AV.

  (= [ -yoga ] ) , the conjunction of the moon with Pushya Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  N. of the month Pausha Lit. VP.

  of the Kali-yuga or fourth age Lit. W.

  of one of the 24 mythical Buddhas Lit. MWB. 136 n. 1

  of various princes Lit. VP.

  n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.

  [ puṣyā ] f. a species of plant Lit. AV.

  the asterism Pushya Lit. L.

  पुष्यधर्मन् [ puṣyadharman ] [ púṣya-dharman ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Buddh.

  पुष्यनेत्र [ puṣyanetra ] [ púṣya-netra ] m. f. n. having the asterism Pushya for a guide Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 116 Vārtt. 2 Lit. Pat.

  पुष्यमित्र [ puṣyamitra ] [ púṣya-mitra ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.

   pl. his dynasty Lit. ib. ( cf. [ puṣpa-m ] ) .

  पुष्ययशस् [ puṣyayaśas ] [ púṣya-yaśas ] m. N. of a man with the patr. Audavraji Lit. L.

  पुष्यरथ [ puṣyaratha ] [ púṣya-ratha ] m. the asterism Pushya as a car Lit. Śiś.

   a carriage for pleasure Lit. ib. ( cf. [ puṣpa-r ] ) .

  पुष्यलिपि [ puṣyalipi ] [ púṣya-lipi ] v.l. for [ puṣpa-l ] .

  पुष्यस्नान [ puṣyasnāna ] [ púṣya-snāna ] n. a partic. ceremony of purification performed while the moon is passing through the asterism Pushya. Lit. Var. (v.l. [ puṣpa-s ] ) .

  पुष्याभिषेक [ puṣyābhiṣeka ] [ puṣyābhiṣeka ] m. id. Lit. ib. (v.l. [ puṣpābh ] ) .

पुष्कर [ puṣkara ] [ puṣkara ] [ °kala ] see pp. 638 , 639.

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