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ब |
बहीनर [ bahīnara ] [ bahīnara ] m. ( also written [ vah ] ) N. of a man Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
बहु [ bahu ] [ bahu ] see p.724.
बहुतलवशा [ bahutalavaśā ] [ bahutalavaśā ] f. Iris Pseudacorus Lit. L.
बहुरद [ bahurada ] [ bahurada ] m. pl. N. of a people (v.l. for [ bāhubādha ] ) Lit. VP.
बहेटक [ baheṭaka ] [ baheṭaka ] m. Terminalia Belrica Lit. L.
बह्रामखान [ bahrāmakhāna ] [ bahrāmakhāna ] m. = $
बह्लि [ bahli ] [ bahli ] [ bahli ] , [ bahlika ] , [ bahlīka ] v.l. for [ balhi ] , q.v.
बह्लिक [ bahlika ] [ bahlika ] [ bahli ] , [ bahlika ] , [ bahlīka ] v.l. for [ balhi ] , q.v.
बह्लीक [ bahlīka ] [ bahlīka ] [ bahli ] , [ bahlika ] , [ bahlīka ] v.l. for [ balhi ] , q.v.
बाक [ bāka ] [ bāka ] n. ( fr. [ baka ] ) a multitude of cranes Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 37 Sch.
बाकरुका [ bākarukā ] [ bākarukā ] f. a kind of crane Lit. L.
बाकायन [ bākāyana ] [ bākāyana ] m. patr. fr. [ baka ] ( also pl.) Lit. Saṃskārak. ( cf. g. [ naḍādi ] ) .
बाकुर [ bākura ] [ bākurá ] m. ( fr. [ bákura ] ) , with [ dṛti ] (perhaps) a kind of bag-pipe Lit. RV. ix , 1 , 8.
बाकुल [ bākula ] [ bākula ] m. f. n. relating to or coming from the Bakula tree Lit. Suśr.
[ bākula ] n. the fruit of the Bakula tree Lit. L.
बाजबहादुरचन्द्र [ bājabahāduracandra ] [ bāja-bahādura-candra ] m. N. of a son of Nīla-candra and patron of Anantadeva Lit. Cat. ( cf. [ bāhādura ] ) .
बाड् [ bāḍ ] [ bāḍ ] Root ( [ vād ] Lit. Vop.) cl. [1] Ā. [ bāḍate ] , to bathe , dive Lit. Dhātup. viii , 34.
बाडित [ bāḍita ] [ bāḍita ] m. f. n. sunk Lit. DivyA7v.
बाडब [ bāḍaba ] [ bāḍaba ] see [ vāḍaba ] .
बाडभीकर [ bāḍabhīkara ] [ bāḍabhīkara ] m. N. of a grammarian Lit. TPrāt.
बाडीर [ bāḍīra ] [ bāḍīra ] m. a hired labourer Lit. L.
बाडेयीपुत्र [ bāḍeyīputra ] [ bā́ḍeyī-pútra ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. ŚBr.
बाढ [ bāḍha ] [ bāḍhá ] m. f. n. (or [ bāḍhá ] ) (√ [ baṃh ] ; cf. Lit. Pān v , 3 , 63) strong , mighty ( only ibc. and in [ bāḍhé ] ind.) , loudly , strongly , mightily Lit. RV.
[ bāḍham ] ind. ( or [ vāḍham ] ) assuredly , certainly , indeed , really , by all means , so be it , yes (generally used as a particle of consent , affirmation or confirmation) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
बाढविक्रम [ bāḍhavikrama ] [ bāḍhá-vikrama ] m. f. n. of excessive prowess , very powerful or strong Lit. W.
बाढसृत्वन् [ bāḍhasṛtvan ] [ bāḍhá-sṛ́tvan ] m. f. n. striding mightily along Lit. RV. i , 122 , 10.
बाढ [ bāḍha ] [ bāḍhá ] m. f. n. (or [ bāḍhá ] ) (√ [ baṃh ] ; cf. Lit. Pān v , 3 , 63) strong , mighty ( only ibc. and in [ bāḍhé ] ind.) , loudly , strongly , mightily Lit. RV.
बाण [ bāṇa ] [ bāṇá ] m. or [ vāṇá ] ( Lit. RV.) , [ bā́ṇa ] ( Lit. AV. ; later more usually [ vāṇa ] q.v.) a reed-shaft , shaft made of a reed , an arrow Lit. RV.
N. of the number five ( from the 5 arrows of Kāma-deva ; cf. [ pañca-b ] ) Lit. Sūryas. Lit. Sāh.
the versed sine of an arc Lit. Gaṇit.
a mark for arrows , aim Lit. BhP.
a partic. part of an arrow Lit. L.
Saccharum Sara or a similar species of reed Lit. Bhpr.
the udder of a cow ( [ vāṇá ] Lit. RV. iv , 24 , 9) Lit. L.
music ( for [ vāṇá ] ) Lit. AV. x , 2 , 17 = [ kevala ] ,
N. of an Asura (a , son of Bali , an enemy of Vishṇu and favourite of Śiva) Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.
of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.
of a king Lit. Hariv.
( also [ -bhaṭṭa ] ) of a poet (the author of the Kādambarī , of the Harsha-carita , and perhaps of the Ratnâvalī) Lit. Cat.
of a man of low origin Lit. Rājat.
[ bāṇa ] m. ( Lit. Śiś.) or ( [ ā ] ) f. ( Lit. L.) a blue-flowering Barleria
[ bāṇā ] f. the hind part or feathered end of an arrow Lit. L.
[ bāṇa ] n. the flower of Barleria Lit. Kir. Lit. Śiś.
the body Lit. PraśnUp.
बाणगङ्गा [ bāṇagaṅgā ] [ bāṇá-gaṅgā ] f. " arrow Ganges " , N. of a river flowing past Somêśa (and said to have been produced by Rāvaṇa by cleaving a mountain with an arrow) Lit. VarP.
बाणगोचर [ bāṇagocara ] [ bāṇá-gocara ] m. the range of an arrow Lit. MBh. Lit. Mālatīm.
बाणजित् [ bāṇajit ] [ bāṇá-jit ] m. " conqueror of the Asura Bāṇa " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
बाणता [ bāṇatā ] [ bāṇá-tā ] f. the being an arrow Lit. Kum.
बाणतूण [ bāṇatūṇa ] [ bāṇá-tūṇa ] m. " arrow-quiver " , a quiver
बाणतूणीकृत [ bāṇatūṇīkṛta ] [ bāṇá-tūṇī-kṛta ] m. f. n. made into a quiver Lit. Kathās.
बाणधि [ bāṇadhi ] [ bāṇá-dhi ] m. " arrow-receptacle " , a quiver Lit. MBh.
बाणनाशा [ bāṇanāśā ] [ bāṇá-nāśā ] f. N. of a river Lit. Cat.
बाणनिकृत [ bāṇanikṛta ] [ bāṇá-nikṛta ] m. f. n. pierced or wounded by an arrow Lit. W.
बाणपञ्चानन [ bāṇapañcānana ] [ bāṇá-pañcānana ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
बाणपथ [ bāṇapatha ] [ bāṇá-patha ] m. arrow-path , a bow-shot
बाणपथवर्तिन् [ bāṇapathavartin ] [ bāṇá-patha--vartin ] m. f. n. v.l. for [ -pāta-v ] below
बाणपथातीत [ bāṇapathātīta ] [ bāṇá-pathātīta ] m. f. n. passed beyond the range of an arrow Lit. Vikr.
बाणपर्णि [ bāṇaparṇi ] [ bāṇá-parṇi ] f. N. of a plant Lit. Kauś.
बाणपाणि [ bāṇapāṇi ] [ bāṇá-pāṇi ] m. f. n. " arrow-handed " , armed with arrows Lit. W.
बाणपात [ bāṇapāta ] [ bāṇá-pāta ] m. " arrow-fall " , the range of an arrow
बाणपातवर्तिन् [ bāṇapātavartin ] [ bāṇá-pāta--vartin ] m. f. n. being within the range of an arrow Lit. Śak. (v.l. [ -patha-v ] ) .
बाणपुङ्खा [ bāṇapuṅkhā ] [ bāṇá-puṅkhā ] f. the feathered end of an arrow Lit. MW.
N. of a plant resembling the Indigo plant Lit. L.
बाणपुर् [ bāṇapur ] [ bāṇá-pur ] f. the capital of the Asura Bāṇa Lit. L.
बाणपुर [ bāṇapura ] [ bāṇá-pura ] n. the capital of the Asura Bāṇa Lit. L.
बाणभट्ट [ bāṇabhaṭṭa ] [ bāṇá-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of the author Bāṇa Lit. Cat.
बाणमय [ bāṇamaya ] [ bāṇá-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of arrows , arrowy Lit. MBh.
बाणमुक्ति [ bāṇamukti ] [ bāṇá-mukti ] f. discharge of an arrow Lit. L.
बाणमोक्षण [ bāṇamokṣaṇa ] [ bāṇá-mokṣaṇa ] n. discharge of an arrow Lit. L.
बाणमुख [ bāṇamukha ] [ bāṇá-mukha ] ( [ bā́ṇa- ] ) m. f. n. having arrow in the mouth Lit. Suparṇ.
बाणयोजन [ bāṇayojana ] [ bāṇá-yojana ] n. " arrow-union " , a quiver Lit. Pañcat.
बाणरेखा [ bāṇarekhā ] [ bāṇá-rekhā ] f. " arrow-line " , a long wound made by an arrow Lit. R.
बाणलिङ्ग [ bāṇaliṅga ] [ bāṇá-liṅga ] n. a white stone found in the Narmadā river and worshipped as the Liṅga of Śiva Lit. RTL. 69.
बाणवत् [ bāṇavat ] [ bā́ṇa-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ bā́ṇa- ] ) " made of or containing reed " , an arrow Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.
a quiver Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
बाणवर्षण [ bāṇavarṣaṇa ] [ bāṇá-varṣaṇa ] n.
बाणवृष्टि [ bāṇavṛṣṭi ] [ bāṇá-vṛṣṭi ] f. a shower of arrows or darts Lit. MW.
बाणवर्षिन् [ bāṇavarṣin ] [ bāṇá-varṣin ] m. f. n. showering arrows Lit. Ragh.
बाणवार [ bāṇavāra ] [ bāṇá-vāra ] m. a multitude of arrow Lit. L.
[ bāṇavāra ] n. a breastplate , armour Lit. ib.
बाणसंधान [ bāṇasaṃdhāna ] [ bāṇá-saṃdhāna ] n. the fitting of an arrow to the bow-string Lit. Śak.
बाणसिद्धि [ bāṇasiddhi ] [ bāṇá-siddhi ] f. the hitting of a mark by an arrow Lit. Kām.
बाणसुता [ bāṇasutā ] [ bāṇá-sutā ] f. " daughter of Bāṇa " , N. of Usha (the wife of Aniruddha) Lit. L.
बाणहन् [ bāṇahan ] [ bāṇá-han ] m. " slayer of Bāṇa " , name of Vishṇu Lit. L.
बाणापर्नी [ bāṇāparnī ] [ bāṇāparnī ] w.r. for [ °ṇa-p° ] q.v.
बाणाभ्यास [ bāṇābhyāsa ] [ bāṇābhyāsa ] m. " arrow-throwing " , archery Lit. L.
बाणारि [ bāṇāri ] [ bāṇāri ] m. " enemy of Bāṇa " id. Lit. L.
बाणावली [ bāṇāvalī ] [ bāṇāvalī ] f. a series of 5 Ślokas (containing only one sentence) Lit. Kāvyâd. Sch.
बाणाश्रय [ bāṇāśraya ] [ bāṇāśraya ] m. " arrow-receptacle " , a quiver Lit. L.
बाणासन [ bāṇāsana ] [ bāṇāsana ] n. " arrow-discharger " , a bow Lit. Śak.
a bow-string Lit. L.
बाणासनीकृ [ bāṇāsanīkṛ ] [ bāṇāsanī-√ kṛ ] to make into a bow Lit. Hariv.
बाणासुर [ bāṇāsura ] [ bāṇāsura ] m. the Asura Bāṇa
बाणासुरवध [ bāṇāsuravadha ] [ bāṇāsura--vadha ] m. the killing of the Asura Bāṇa , N. of wk.
बाणासुरविजय [ bāṇāsuravijaya ] [ bāṇāsura--vijaya ] m. the conquering of the Asura Bāṇa , N. of wk.
बाणेश्वर [ bāṇeśvara ] [ bāṇeśvara ] m. N. of a Liṅga ( prob. = [ bāṇa-l ] ) Lit. Cat.
N. of sev. authors Lit. ib.
बाणेय [ bāṇeya ] [ bāṇeya ] m. an adherent of the Asura Bāṇa Lit. Hariv.
बाणि [ bāṇi ] [ bāṇi ] [ °ṇi ] , [ °ṇī ] see [ vāṇi ] , [ °ṇī ] .
बाणी [ bāṇī ] [ bāṇī ] [ °ṇi ] , [ °ṇī ] see [ vāṇi ] , [ °ṇī ] .
बादक्सान [ bādaksāna ] [ bādaksāna ] = Bādakshān Lit. Bhpr. (v.l. [ bad ] ) .
बादर [ bādara ] [ bādara ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ badara ] ) belonging to or derived from the jujube tree Lit. Suśr.
made of cotton Lit. L.
coarse ( opp. to [ sūkṣma ] ) Lit. Śīl.
[ bādara ] m. or ( [ ā ] ) f. the cotton shrub Lit. L.
m. pl. N. of a people Lit. Var.
n. the jujube (= [ badara ] ) Lit. Suśr.
the berry of Abrus Precatorius or the plant itself. Lit. L.
silk Lit. L.
water Lit. L.
a conch shell which winds from left to right Lit. L. = [ vāra ] ( N. of a plant or w.r. for [ vāri ] ?) Lit. L.
बादरायण [ bādarāyaṇa ] [ bādarāyaṇa ] m. (patr. fr. [ badara ] ; cf. g. [ naḍādi ] ) N. of sev. teachers and authors (esp. of a sage identified with Vyāsa , said to be the author of the Vedânta-sūtras ; of an astronomer ; of the author of a Dharma-śāstra ) Lit. IW. 106
[ bādarāyaṇa ] m. f. n. written or composed by Bādarāyaṇa Lit. Cat.
बादरायणप्रश्न [ bādarāyaṇapraśna ] [ bādarāyaṇa-praśna ] m. N. of an astrol. wk.
बादरायणसूत्र [ bādarāyaṇasūtra ] [ bādarāyaṇa-sūtra ] n. N. of the Vedânta-sūtras.
बादरायणि [ bādarāyaṇi ] [ bādarāyaṇi ] m. (patr. fr. prec.) N. of Śuka Lit. Cat.
= [ badarāyaṇa ] Lit. ib.
बादरि [ bādari ] [ bādari ] m. (patr. fr. [ badara ] ) N. of a philosopher Lit. Bādar.
बादरिक [ bādarika ] [ bādarika ] m. f. n. one who gathers the fruit of the jujube tree Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 32 Sch.
बाध् [ bādh ] [ bādh ] Root cl. [1] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. ii , 4) [ bādhaté ] , ep. and mc. also P. [ °ti ] (pf. [ babādhé ] Lit. RV. ; aor. [ bādhiṣṭa ] Lit. ib. , [ bādhiṣṭām ] Lit. TĀr. ; fut. [ bādhiṣyate ] , [ °ti ] Lit. MBh. , [ bādhitā ] Gr. ; inf. [ bā́dhe ] Lit. RV. , [ bādhitum ] Lit. MBh. ; ind.p. [ bādhitvā ] see s.v. , [ bā́dhya ] Lit. RV.) , to press , force , drive away , repel , remove Lit. RV. ; ( with [ várīyas ] ) to force asunder Lit. RV. x , 113 , 5 ; to harass , pain , trouble , grieve , vex Lit. RV. ; to resist , oppose , check , stop , prevent Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to set aside (as a rule) , annul , invalidate Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. Lit. Nīlak. ; to suffer annoyance or oppression Lit. TS. : Pass. [ bādhyate ] , to be pressed ; to be acted upon , suffer Lit. Pañcat. : Caus. [ bādhayati ] (aor. [ ababādhat ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 2) , to oppress , harass , attack , trouble , vex Lit. R. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. : Desid. [ bibādhiṣate ] , to wish to remove or chase away Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch. ; [ bhatsate ] , to feel an aversion for , loathe , shrink from (abl.) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 6) Intens. [ bābadhe ] (see [ pra-√ bādh ] ) ; [ badbodhé ] , to press hard , hem in , confine Lit. RV. ; pr. p. [ badbadhāná ] , striking , knocking against (acc.) Lit. RV. vii , 69 , 1 ; hemmed in , pent up , Lit. i , 52 , 10 ( Cf. √ [ vadh ] , also for kindred words. ) ( 727,3 )
बाध [ bādha ] [ bādhá ]1 m. a harasser , tormentor Lit. Hariv.
annoyance , molestation , affliction , obstacle , distress , pain , trouble Lit. RV.
( also [ ā ] , f. ; cf. Lit. Vām. v , 2 , 44) injury , detriment , hurt , damage Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
danger , jeopardy (see [ prāṇa- ] )
exclusion from (comp.) Lit. Pañcat.
suspension , annulment (of a rule ) Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
a contradiction , objection , absurdity , the being excluded by superior proof (in log. , one of the 5 forms of fallacious middle term) Lit. Kap. Lit. Bhāshāp.
बाधचिन्तामणि [ bādhacintāmaṇi ] [ bādhá-cintāmaṇi ] m.
बाधता [ bādhatā ] [ bādhá-tā ] f.
बाधपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थक्रोड [ bādhapūrvapakṣagranthakroḍa ] [ bādhá-pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-kroḍa ] m.
बाधपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थटीका [ bādhapūrvapakṣagranthaṭīkā ] [ bādhá-pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-ṭīkā ] f.
बाधपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थप्रकाश [ bādhapūrvapakṣagranthaprakāśa ] [ bādhá-pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-prakāśa ] m.
बाधपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थविवेचन [ bādhapūrvapakṣagranthavivecana ] [ bādhá-pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-vivecana ] n.
बाधपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थानुगम [ bādhapūrvapakṣagranthānugama ] [ bādhá-pūrva-pakṣa-granthānugama ] m.
बाधबुद्धिप्रतिबध्यतावाद [ bādhabuddhipratibadhyatāvāda ] [ bādhá-buddhi-pratibadhyatāvāda ] m.
बाधबुद्धिप्रतिबध्यप्रतिबन्धकभाववाद [ bādhabuddhipratibadhyapratibandhakabhāvavāda ] [ bādhá-buddhi-pratibadhya-pratibandhaka-bhāva-vāda ] m.
बाधबुद्धिप्रतिभन्धकताविचार [ bādhabuddhipratibhandhakatāvicāra ] [ bādhá-buddhi-pratibhandhakatā-vicāra ] m.
बाधबुद्धिवाद [ bādhabuddhivāda ] [ bādhá-buddhi-vāda ] m.
बाधबुद्धिवादार्थ [ bādhabuddhivādārtha ] [ bādhá-buddhi-vādārtha ] m.
बाधबुद्धिविचार [ bādhabuddhivicāra ] [ bādhá-buddhi-vicāra ] m.
बाधरहस्य [ bādharahasya ] [ bādhá-rahasya ] n.
बाधवाद [ bādhavāda ] [ bādhá-vāda ] m.
बाधविचार [ bādhavicāra ] [ bādhá-vicāra ] m.
बाधविभाजक [ bādhavibhājaka ] [ bādhá-vibhājaka ] m. or n. N. of wk.
बाधसिद्धान्तग्रन्थटीका [ bādhasiddhāntagranthaṭīkā ] [ bādhá-siddhānta-grantha-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
बाधसिद्धान्तग्रन्थक्रोड [ bādhasiddhāntagranthakroḍa ] [ bādhá-siddhānta-grantha-kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.
बाधसिद्धान्तग्रन्थप्रकाश [ bādhasiddhāntagranthaprakāśa ] [ bādhá-siddhānta-grantha-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
बाधसिद्धान्तग्रन्थविवेचन [ bādhasiddhāntagranthavivecana ] [ bādhá-siddhānta-grantha-vivecana ] n. N. of wk.
बाधसिद्धान्तग्रन्थानुगम [ bādhasiddhāntagranthānugama ] [ bādhá-siddhānta-granthānugama ] m. N. of wk.
बाधान्त [ bādhānta ] [ bādhānta ] m. N. of wk.
बाध [ bādha ] [ bā́dha ]2 m. (prob.) urging , impulse ( Lit. Naigh. ii , 9= [ bala ] Lit. Sāy. = [ bādhaka ] , [ bādhana ] ) Lit. RV. vi , 11 , 5 ; i , 61 , 2 ; 132 , 5 (?) .
बाधक [ bādhaka ] [ bādhaka ] m. f. n. oppressing , harassing , paining (see [ śatru-b ] )
opposing , hindering , injuring , prejudicing Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur. ( [ -tā ] f. )
setting aside , suspending , annulling Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sarvad. ( [ -tva ] n. )
[ bādhaka ] m. a partic. disease of women Lit. L.
a kind of tree Lit. Gobh.
mf ( [ ī ] ) n. belonging to or derived from the Bādhaka tree Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. ŚrS.
बाधकता [ bādhakatā ] [ bādhaka--tā ] f. , see [ bādhaka ]
बाधकत्व [ bādhakatva ] [ bādhaka--tva ] n. , see [ bādhaka ]
बाधकमय [ bādhakamaya ] [ bādhaka-maya ] m. f. n. = prec. mfn. Lit. SāmavBr.
बाधन [ bādhana ] [ bādhana ] m. f. n. oppressing , harassing (see [ śatrub ] )
opposing , refuting Lit. L.
[ bādhanā ] f. uneasiness , trouble , pain Lit. Nyāyas.
[ bādhana ] n. opposition , resistance , oppression , molestation , affliction ( also pl.) Lit. R. Lit. Śak.
removing , suspending , annulment (of a rule ) Lit. Vedântas. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
बाधनीय [ bādhanīya ] [ bādhanīya ] m. f. n. to be removed Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.
बाधयितृ [ bādhayitṛ ] [ bādhayitṛ ] m. an injurer , opposer ( [ °trī ] f. ) Lit. Sāy.
बाधयित्री [ bādhayitrī ] [ bādhayitrī ] f. , see [ bādhayitṛ ]
बाधित [ bādhita ] [ bādhitá ] m. f. n. pressed , oppressed Lit. RV. Lit.
(in gram.) set aside , annulled
(in logic) contradictory , absurd , false , incompatible ( cf. [ a-bādhita ] )
बाधितत्व [ bādhitatva ] [ bādhitá-tva ] n. the being suspended or refuted or contradicted Lit. Vedântas.
बाधितव्य [ bādhitavya ] [ bādhitavya ] m. f. n. to be pressed hard or harassed or pained Lit. MBh.
to be suspended or annulled Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
बाधितृ [ bādhitṛ ] [ bādhitṛ ] m. an oppressor , harasser , annoyer Lit. MBh. Lit. Bālar. Lit. Prab.
बाधित्वा [ bādhitvā ] [ bādhitvā ] ind. having pressed hard or harassed Lit. MW.
(in gram.) destroying or neutralizing the effect of a previous rule.
बाधिन् [ bādhin ] [ bādhin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) injuring , impeding Lit. Jātakam.
बाध्य [ bādhya ] [ bādhya ] m. f. n. to be (or being) pressed hard or harassed or distressed or pained or checked or suppressed , Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pur.
to be (or being) set aside or suspended or annulled Lit. Vop.
बाध्यत्व [ bādhyatva ] [ bādhya-tva ] n. the state of being set aside , suspension , annulment Lit. Kap.
बाध्यबाधकता [ bādhyabādhakatā ] [ bādhya-bādhakatā ] f. the condition of oppressed and oppressor Lit. BhP.
the condition of one who pains such as deserve to be pained Lit. ib.
बाध्यरेतस् [ bādhyaretas ] [ bādhya-retas ] m. one whose generative fluid is obstructed , impotent Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. ix , 79.
बाध्यमानत्व [ bādhyamānatva ] [ bādhyamāna-tva ] n. the condition of being suspended or set aside , suspension , annulment Lit. Nīlak.
बाधिरक [ bādhiraka ] [ bādhiraka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ badhira ] ) g. [ arīhaṇādi ] .
बाधिरिक [ bādhirika ] [ bādhirika ] m. metron. fr. [ badhirikā ] g. [ śivādi ] .
बाधिर्य [ bādhirya ] [ bādhirya ] n. deafness Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
बाधूल [ bādhūla ] [ bādhūla ] m. N. of a family Lit. Cat.
बाधूलशिष्य [ bādhūlaśiṣya ] [ bādhūla-śiṣya ] m. N. of an author Lit. ib.
बाधूलस्मृति [ bādhūlasmṛti ] [ bādhūla-smṛti ] f. N. of wk.
बाध्योग [ bādhyoga ] [ bā́dhyoga ] ( Lit. ŚBr.) , [ bādhyauga ] ( Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 20) patr. fr. [ badhyoga ] .
बाध्यौगायन [ bādhyaugāyana ] [ bādhyaugāyana ] m. patr. fr. [ badhyoga ] g. [ haritādi ] .
बाध्व [ bādhva ] [ bādhva ] m. patr. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. AitĀr. (w.r. [ bādhyā ] ) .
बान्धकि [ bāndhaki ] [ bāndhaki ] m. patr. or metron. g. [ taulvaly-ādi ] .
बान्धकिनेय [ bāndhakineya ] [ bāndhakineya ] m. ( fr. [ bandhakī ] ) the son of an unmarried woman , a bastard Lit. L. (g. [ kalyāṇy-ādi ] ) .
बान्धकेय [ bāndhakeya ] [ bāndhakeya ] m. id. g. [ śubhrādi ] .
बान्धव [ bāndhava ] [ bāndhava ] m. ( fr. [ bandhu ] ) a kinsman , relation (esp. maternal relation) , friend (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
a brother Lit. A.
बान्धवजन [ bāndhavajana ] [ bāndhava-jana ] m. relatives , kinsmen (collectively) Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Pañcat.
बान्धवता [ bāndhavatā ] [ bāndhava-tā ] f. relationship Lit. Caṇḍ.
बान्धवधुरा [ bāndhavadhurā ] [ bāndhava-dhurā ] f. a friendly turn , kindness , Lit. Mālatīm. vii , 4 (= [ mitra-kṛtya ] Sch.)
बान्धवक [ bāndhavaka ] [ bāndhavaka ] m. f. n. belonging or relating to kinsmen , kindred Lit. Hariv.
बान्धुक [ bāndhuka ] [ bāndhuka ] m. f. n. belonging to or derived from the Bandhuka tree Lit. Kāṭh. ( Lit. ĀpŚr. [ māndhuka ] ) .
बान्धुकिनेय [ bāndhukineya ] [ bāndhukineya ] m. metron. fr. [ bandhukī ] g. [ kalyāṇy-ādi ] .
बान्धुक्य [ bāndhukya ] [ bāndhukya ] n. marriage Lit. Gal.
बान्धुपत [ bāndhupata ] [ bāndhupata ] m. f. n. , fr. [ bandhu-pati ] g. [ aśvapaty-ādi ] .
बापण्णभट्ट [ bāpaṇṇabhaṭṭa ] [ bāpaṇṇa-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बापय [ bāpaya ] [ bāpaya ] m. N. of Kāśī-nātha-bhaṭṭa q.v.
बापुभट्ट [ bāpubhaṭṭa ] [ bāpu-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of an author (also called Ananta-bhaṭṭa) Lit. Cat.
बापूदेव [ bāpūdeva ] [ bāpū-deva ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बाप्यदेव [ bāpyadeva ] [ bāpya-deva ] m. N. of the writer of a partic. inscription Lit. Inscr.
बाबखानचरित्र [ bābakhānacaritra ] [ bābakhāna-caritra ] n. N. of wk.
बाबर [ bābara ] [ bābara ] n. ( fr. [ babara ] ) N. of a Pañcarātra Lit. ĀśvŚr.
of a place Lit. Cat.
बाबुजीव्यास [ bābujīvyāsa ] [ bābujī-vyāsa ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बाबेरी [ bāberī ] [ bāberī ] f. N. of a city Lit. Cat.
बाभ्रव [ bābhrava ] [ bā́bhrava ] m. f. n. belonging or relating to Babhru Lit. PañcavBr.
[ bābhrava ] m. patr. fr. [ bábhru ] Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 106)
[ bābhravī ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. L.
[ bābhrava ] n. N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
बाभ्रवदानच्युत [ bābhravadānacyuta ] [ bā́bhrava-dāna-cyuta ] and ( [ bā́bhr ] ) m. pl. g. [ kārta-kaujapa ] .
बाभ्रवशालङ्कायन [ bābhravaśālaṅkāyana ] [ bā́bhrava-śālaṅkāyana ]and ( [ bā́bhr ] ) m. pl. g. [ kārta-kaujapa ] .
बाभ्रवायणि [ bābhravāyaṇi ] [ bābhravāyaṇi ] m. (patr. fr. [ babhru ] ) N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra Lit. MBh.
बाभ्रवीय [ bābhravīya ] [ bābhravīya ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to Bābhravya Lit. Cat.
[ bābhravīya ] m. pl. his disciples Lit. ib.
बाभ्रव्य [ bābhravya ] [ bābhravya ] m. N. of various authors and teachers ( also with [ kauśika ] and [ pañcāla ] , and [ śāṇḍilá ] pl.) Lit. GṛS. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Cat. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 106)
of other men Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. MārkP.
बाभ्रव्यक [ bābhravyaka ] [ bābhravyaka ] m. f. n. inhabited by Bābhravyas g. [ rājanyādi ] .
बाभ्रव्यायणी [ bābhravyāyaṇī ] [ bābhravyāyaṇī ] f. of [ bābhravya ] g. [ lohitādi ] .
बाभ्रुक [ bābhruka ] [ bābhruka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ babhru ] ) like an ichneumon i.e. (prob.) brown , brownish g. [ aṅguly-ādi ] .
बायभट्ट [ bāyabhaṭṭa ] [ bāya-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa and father of Advaita Lit. Cat.
बार [ bāra ] [ bāra ] m. or n. (?) an opening , aperture (see [ jihmá- ] and [ nīcī́na-b ] ) .
बारहट [ bārahaṭa ] [ bārahaṭa ] m. N. of Nara-hara-dāsa (the author of the Hindī work Avatāra-caritra or Caturviṃśaty-avatāra-caritra) Lit. Cat.
बारेज्य [ bārejya ] [ bārejya ] N. of a town Lit. Cat.
बार्ढ्य [ bārḍhya ] [ bārḍhya ] or [ vārḍhya ] n. fr. [ bṛḍha ] ( [ vṛḍha ] ) g. [ dṛḍhādi ] .
वार्ढ्य [ vārḍhya ] [ vārḍhya ] or [ bārḍhya ] n. fr. [ bṛḍha ] ( [ vṛḍha ] ) g. [ dṛḍhādi ] .
बार्बर [ bārbara ] [ bārbara ] m. f. n. born in the country of the barbarians g. [ takṣaśīlādi ] .
बार्बरक [ bārbaraka ] [ bārbaraka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ barbara ] ) g. [ dhūmādi ] .
बार्बरीट [ bārbarīṭa ] [ bārbarīṭa ] m. ( only Lit. L.) the kernel of the mango fruit
a young shoot
the son of a harlot.
बार्ह [ bārha ] [ bārha ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ barha ] ) made of the feathers of a peacock's tail Lit. BhP.
बार्हिणलक्ष्मण [ bārhiṇalakṣmaṇa ] [ bārhiṇa-lakṣmaṇa ] m. f. n. (prob.) w.r. for [ barhiṇa-l ] q.v.
बार्हत् [ bārhat ] [ bārhat ] Vṛiddhi form of [ bṛhat ] in comp.
बार्हत्सामा [ bārhatsāmā ] [ bārhat-sāmā ] f. ( [ -sāman ] ) N. of a woman Lit. AV.
बार्हत [ bārhata ] [ bā́rhata ] m. f. n. relating to the Sāman Bṛihat Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ( 728,2 )
relating to the metre Bṛihatī Lit. TS. Lit. RPrāt.
[ bārhata ] m. pl. the Soma keepers Lit. RV. x , 85 , 4 ( Lit. Sāy.)
n. the fruit of the Bṛihatī (a variety of the Solanum) .
बार्हतक [ bārhataka ] [ bārhataka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Mālav. i , 6/7 (w.r. [ vāhataka ] )
बार्हतानुष्टुभ [ bārhatānuṣṭubha ] [ bārhatānuṣṭubha ] m. f. n. consisting of a Bṛihatī and an Anushṭubh Lit. RPrāt.
बार्हद् [ bārhad ] [ bārhad ] in comp. for [ bārhat ] .
बार्हदग्न [ bārhadagna ] [ bārhad-agna ] m. pl. the descendants of Bṛihad-agni , g. [ kaṇvādi ] .
बार्हदीषव [ bārhadīṣava ] [ bārhad-īṣava ] (mc.) m. patr. fr. Bṛihad-ishu ( also pl.) Lit. BhP.
बार्हदुक्थ [ bārhaduktha ] [ bārhad-ukthá ] m. patr. fr. Bṛihad-uktha Lit. Br.
[ bārhaduktha ] n. N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
बार्हद्गिर [ bārhadgira ] [ bārhad-gira ] m. f. n. relating to Bṛihad-giri
[ bārhadgira ] n. N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
बार्हद्दैवत [ bārhaddaivata ] [ bārhad-daivata ] n. N. of wk. (= [ bṛhad-devatā ] and ascribed to Śaunaka) Lit. Shaḍguruś.
बार्हद्बल [ bārhadbala ] [ bārhad-bala ] m. f. n. relating to Bṛihad-bala Lit. BhP.
बार्हद्रथ [ bārhadratha ] [ bārhad-ratha ] m. f. n. relating to Bṛihad-ratha Lit. MBh.
[ bārhadratha ] m. patr. of Jarāsaṃdha Lit. ib. Lit. Hariv.
m. pl. ( With [ bhū-pālāḥ ] ) Lit. Pur.
बार्हद्रथि [ bārhadrathi ] [ bārhad-rathi ] m. pl. patr. of Jarā-saṃdha Lit. L.
बार्हस् [ bārhas ] [ bārhas ] Vṛiddhi form of [ bṛhas ] in comp.
बार्हस्पत [ bārhaspata ] [ bārhas-pata ] m. f. n. relating to or descended from Bṛihas-pati Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
बार्हस्पत्य [ bārhaspatya ] [ bārhas-patyá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. AV. (with [ bha ] or [ nakṣatra ] n. the constellation Pushya Lit. Sūryas. ; with [ māna ] n. " Jupiter's measure " , a method of reckoning time Lit. ib.)
[ bārhaspatya ] m. patr. fr. Bṛihas-pati (N. of Saṃyu , Agni , Tapur-mūrdhan , Bharad-vāja) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Nir.
a pupil of Bṛihas-pati Lit. BhP.
an infidel , materialist Lit. ib. Lit. Hariv.
n. the Artha-s4āstra of Bṛihas-pati , ethics morality Lit. Lalit.
N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
बार्हस्पत्यज्योतिःशास्त्र [ bārhaspatyajyotiḥśāstra ] [ bārhas-patyá--jyotiḥ-śāstra ] n. N. of wk.
बार्हस्पत्यज्योतिर्ग्रन्थ [ bārhaspatyajyotirgrantha ] [ bārhas-patyá--jyotir-grantha ] m. N. of wk.
बार्हस्पत्यतन्त्र [ bārhaspatyatantra ] [ bārhas-patyá--tantra ] n. N. of wk.
बार्हस्पत्यमहिमन् [ bārhaspatyamahiman ] [ bārhas-patyá--mahiman ] m. N. of wk.
बार्हस्पत्यमुहूर्तविधान [ bārhaspatyamuhūrtavidhāna ] [ bārhas-patyá--muhūrta-vidhāna ] n. N. of wk.
बार्हस्पत्यसंहिता [ bārhaspatyasaṃhitā ] [ bārhas-patyá--saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.
बार्हस्पत्यसूत्रटीका [ bārhaspatyasūtraṭīkā ] [ bārhas-patyá--sūtra-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
बार्हस्पत्यस्मृति [ bārhaspatyasmṛti ] [ bārhas-patyá--smṛti ] f. N. of wk.
बार्हवत [ bārhavata ] [ bārhavata ] m. f. n. containing the word [ barha-vat ] g. [ vimuktādi ] .
बार्हिषद [ bārhiṣada ] [ bārhiṣada ] or [ bārhiḥṣada ] m. patr. fr. [ barhi-ṣad ] or [ barhiḥ-ṣad ] ( also pl.) Lit. BhP.
बार्हिःषद [ bārhiḥṣada ] [ bārhiḥṣada ] or [ bārhiṣada ] m. patr. fr. [ barhi-ṣad ] or [ barhiḥ-ṣad ] ( also pl.) Lit. BhP.
बाल् [ bāl ] [ bā́l ] ind. onomat. an interjection imitating the sound of a falling body Lit. AV.
बाल [ bāla ] [ bāla ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ vāla ] ) young , childish , infantine , not full-grown or developed (of per. sons and things) Lit. GṛS. Lit. Up. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
newly risen , early (as the sun or its rays) Lit. Ragh.
new or waxing (as the moon) Lit. ib. Lit. Kum.
puerile , ignorant , simple , foolish Lit. Mn. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
pure (as an animal fit for sacrifice) Lit. L.
[ bāla ] m. a child , boy (esp. one under 5 years) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
(in law) a minor ( minors are classified as [ kunāra ] , or boys under 5 years of age , [ śiśu ] under 8 , [ pogaṇḍa ] from the 5th to the end of the 9th or till the 16th year , and [ kiśora ] from the 10th to the 16th year)
a fool , simpleton Lit. Mn. Lit. Pañcat.
any young animal Lit. L.
a colt , foal Lit. L.
a five years old elephant Lit. L.
Cyprinus Denticulatus or Rohita Lit. L.
N. of a Rakshas Lit. VP.
of a prince Lit. Rājat.
[ bālā ] f. a female child , girl , young woman (esp. one under 16 years) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
[ bāla ] m. a one year old cow Lit. L.
small cardamoms Lit. L.
Aloe Indica Lit. L.
a kind of metre Lit. L.
a partic. mystical prayer Lit. Cat.
N. of the mother of Vālin and Su-grīva (said to have been formed by Prajā-pati out of some dust which had fallen into his eyes) Lit. R.
n. Andropogon Muricatus Lit. L.
heat Lit. L.
बालकदली [ bālakadalī ] [ bāla-kadalī ] f. a young plantain tree , Musa Sapientum Lit. Mṛicch.
बालकमलिनी [ bālakamalinī ] [ bāla-kamalinī ] f. a young lotus plant Lit. Mālatīm.
बालकवि [ bālakavi ] [ bāla-kavi ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बालकाण्ड [ bālakāṇḍa ] [ bāla-kāṇḍa ] m. " the boy (Rāma) section " , N. of the first book of the Rāmāyaṇa ( [ ādi-k ] in B.) and of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa (s.v.)
बालकाव्य [ bālakāvya ] [ bāla-kāvya ] n. N. of a poem.
बालकुन्दानुविद्ध [ bālakundānuviddha ] [ bāla-kundānuviddha ] m. f. n. adorned with young jasmine blossoms Lit. Megh.
बालकृष्ण [ bālakṛṣṇa ] [ bāla-kṛṣṇa ] m. the boy Kṛishṇa or Kṛishṇa as a boy Lit. RTL. 136
N. of a man also called Gaṅgā-dhara Lit. W.
of various authors ( also [ -dāsa ] , [ -dīkṣita ] , [ -bhaṭṭa ] and [ -miśra- ] ) Lit. Cat.
बालकृष्णक्रीडाकाव्य [ bālakṛṣṇakrīḍākāvya ] [ bāla-kṛṣṇa--krīḍā-kāvya ] n. N. of a poem
बालकृष्णचम्पू [ bālakṛṣṇacampū ] [ bāla-kṛṣṇa--campū ] f. N. of a poem
बालकृष्णानन्द [ bālakṛṣṇānanda ] [ bāla-kṛṣṇānanda ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बालकृष्णाष्टक [ bālakṛṣṇāṣṭaka ] [ bāla-kṛṣṇāṣṭaka ] n. N. of a Stotra.
बालकेलि [ bālakeli ] [ bāla-keli ] f. child's play or amusement Lit. Daś.
बालकेली [ bālakelī ] [ bāla-kelī ] f. child's play or amusement Lit. Daś.
बालक्रिया [ bālakriyā ] [ bāla-kriyā ] f. doings or conduct of children Lit. MārkP.
बालक्रीडन [ bālakrīḍana ] [ bāla-krīḍana ] n. = [ -keli ] Lit. Kāv.
बालक्रीडनक [ bālakrīḍanaka ] [ bāla-krīḍanaka ] n. id. Lit. Hariv.
(pl.) N. of ch. of Vātsyāyana's Kāmasūtra
[ bālakrīḍanaka ] m. a child's toy or plaything Lit. MBh.
a bill Lit. L.
N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
Cypraea Moneta Lit. L.
बालक्रीडाकाव्य [ bālakrīḍākāvya ] [ bāla-krīḍā--kāvya ] n. N. of wk.
बालक्रीडावर्णन [ bālakrīḍāvarṇana ] [ bāla-krīḍā--varṇana ] n. N. of wk.
बालखिल्य [ bālakhilya ] [ bāla-khilya ] see [ vāla-kh ] .
बालगज [ bālagaja ] [ bāla-gaja ] m. a young elephant Lit. BhP.
बालगणपतिपूजा [ bālagaṇapatipūjā ] [ bāla-gaṇapati-pūjā ] f. N. of work.
बालगर्भिणी [ bālagarbhiṇī ] [ bāla-garbhiṇī ] f. a cow with calf for the first time Lit. L.
बालगादाधरी [ bālagādādharī ] [ bāla-gādā-dharī ] f. N. of wk. ( = [ tarka-saṃgrahadīpikā ] ) .
बालगोपाल [ bālagopāla ] [ bāla-gopāla ] m. Kṛishṇa as a youthful herdsman Lit. Pañcar.
N. of an author (also [ °lendra ] Lit. Cat.)
बालगोपालतीर्थ [ bālagopālatīrtha ] [ bāla-gopāla--tīrtha ] m. N. of the teacher of Dhana-pati Lit. ib.
बालगोपालयतीन्द्र [ bālagopālayatīndra ] [ bāla-gopāla--yatīndra ] m. N. of an author Lit. ib.
बालगोविन्द [ bālagovinda ] [ bāla-govinda ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बालगौरीतीर्थ [ bālagaurītīrtha ] [ bāla-gaurī-tīrtha ] n. N. of a sacred bathing-place in Śrī-māla Lit. Cat.
बालग्रह [ bālagraha ] [ bāla-gráha ] m. " seizer of children " , a kind of demon (said to cause 9 kinds of possession) Lit. MBh. Lit. AgP. Lit. Suśr.
बालग्रहप्रतिषेध [ bālagrahapratiṣedha ] [ bāla-gráha--pratiṣedha ] m. N. of wk.
बालग्रहयोगशान्ति [ bālagrahayogaśānti ] [ bāla-gráha--yoga-śānti ] f. N. of wk.
बालग्रहोपशमन [ bālagrahopaśamana ] [ bāla-gráhopaśamana ] n. N. of wk.
बालचन्द्र [ bālacandra ] [ bāla-candra ] m. the young or waxing moon ( also [ °dra-mas ] ) Lit. Kāv.
[ bālacandra ] n. a cavity of a partic. shape (made in a wall) Lit. Mṛicch.
बालचन्द्रिका [ bālacandrikā ] [ bāla-candrikā ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Daś.
बालचरित [ bālacarita ] [ bāla-carita ] n. " childish doings " , N. of works or chs. of works treating of the youthful adventures of a deity , (esp.) of ch. of Lit. GaṇP.
बालचरितनामन् [ bālacaritanāman ] [ bāla-carita--nāman ] n. N. of wk.
बालचरित्व [ bālacaritva ] [ bāla-caritva ] n. " childish doings " , N. of works or chs. of works treating of the youthful adventures of a deity , (esp.) of ch. of Lit. GaṇP.
बालचर्य [ bālacarya ] [ bāla-carya ] m. " behaving like a child " , N. of Skanda Lit. L.
[ bālacaryā ] f. the behaviour of a child Lit. R.
बालचातुर्भद्रिका [ bālacāturbhadrikā ] [ bāla-cāturbhadrikā ] f. a partic. mixture for children Lit. L.
बालचिकित्सा [ bālacikitsā ] [ bāla-cikitsā ] f. " treatment of child " , N. of sev. medic. works.
बालचूत [ bālacūta ] [ bāla-cūta ] m. a young mango tree Lit. Ragh.
बालजातक [ bālajātaka ] [ bāla-jātaka ] n. " child's nativity " , N. of wk.
बालजातीय [ bālajātīya ] [ bāla-jātīya ] m. f. n. childish , foolish , simple Lit. L.
बालतनय [ bālatanaya ] [ bāla-tanaya ] m. a young son Lit. W.
Acacia Catechu Lit. L.
बालतन्त्र [ bālatantra ] [ bāla-tantra ] n. midwifery Lit. L.
N. of wk. on midwifery.
बालतरु [ bālataru ] [ bāla-taru ] m. a young tree Lit. Śak.
बालतृण [ bālatṛṇa ] [ bāla-tṛṇa ] n. young grass Lit. Kuval.
बालदर्शम् [ bāladarśam ] [ bāla-darśam ] ind. at the sight of a boy Lit. Kathās.
बालदलक [ bāladalaka ] [ bāla-dalaka ] m. " small-leafed " , Acacia Catechu Lit. L.
बालदेव [ bāladeva ] [ bāla-deva ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
patr. fr. [ bala-d ] Lit. Pat.
बालधन [ bāladhana ] [ bāla-dhana ] n. the property of a minor or infant Lit. Mn. viii , 147.
बालनेत्र [ bālanetra ] [ bāla-netra ] m. f. n. guided or steered by a fool (as a ship) Lit. MBh.
बालपण्डित [ bālapaṇḍita ] [ bāla-paṇḍita ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बालपत्त्र [ bālapattra ] [ bāla-pattra ] m. " small-leafed " , N. of a tree Lit. Kāv. ( Hedysarum Alhagi or = next Lit. L.)
बालपत्त्रक [ bālapattraka ] [ bāla-pattraka ] m. Acacia Catechu , L:
बालपाठ [ bālapāṭha ] [ bāla-pāṭha ] m. N. of wk.
बालपादप [ bālapādapa ] [ bāla-pādapa ] m. = [ -taru ] Lit. Śak.
बालपाश्या [ bālapāśyā ] [ bāla-pāśyā ] f. a string of pearls or other ornament for the hair Lit. W.
बालपुत्र [ bālaputra ] [ bāla-putra ] m. f. n. having children or young Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
बालपुत्रक [ bālaputraka ] [ bāla-putraka ] m. a little son Lit. Kathās.
बालपुष्पिका [ bālapuṣpikā ] [ bāla-puṣpikā ] f. Jasminum Auriculatum Lit. L.
बालपुष्पी [ bālapuṣpī ] [ bāla-puṣpī ] f. Jasminum Auriculatum Lit. L.
बालप्रकाश [ bālaprakāśa ] [ bāla-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
बालप्रबोधिका [ bālaprabodhikā ] [ bāla-prabodhikā ] and f. N. of wk.
बालप्रबोधिनी [ bālaprabodhinī ] [ bāla-prabodhinī ]and f. N. of wk.
बालप्रमथनी [ bālapramathanī ] [ bāla-pramathanī ] f. a partic. Sakti Lit. Hcat.
बालबन्धन [ bālabandhana ] [ bāla-bandhana ] m. " child-binder " , N. of a demon Lit. PārGṛ.
बालबुद्धिप्रकाशिनी [ bālabuddhiprakāśinī ] [ bāla-buddhi-prakāśinī ] f. N. of wk.
बालबोध [ bālabodha ] [ bāla-bodha ] ( and [ -saṃgraha ] ) m. N. of Wks.
बालबोधक [ bālabodhaka ] [ bāla-bodhaka ] m. instructing the young Lit. Cat.
[ bālabodhikā ] f. N. of wk.
बालबोधनी [ bālabodhanī ] [ bāla-bodhanī ] f. N. of wk.
बालबोधनीन्यास [ bālabodhanīnyāsa ] [ bāla-bodhanī--nyāsa ] m. N. of wk.
बालबोधनीभावप्रकाश [ bālabodhanībhāvaprakāśa ] [ bāla-bodhanī--bhāva-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
बालभञ्जक [ bālabhañjaka ] [ bāla-bhañjaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
बालभद्रक [ bālabhadraka ] [ bāla-bhadraka ] n. a kind of mineral poison (?) Lit. L.
बालभारत [ bālabhārata ] [ bāla-bhārata ] n. " the little Bharata " (opp. to the Mahā-bhārata or great Bharata) , N. of a Kāvya , a Campū , and a drama (= [ pracaṇḍa-pāṇḍava ] ) .
बालभाव [ bālabhāva ] [ bāla-bhāva ] m. state of a child , childhood , minority , infancy , youth Lit. Mn. viii , 118 ( Lit. Kull. " inattention " ) Lit. MBh.
children collectively Lit. Mālatīm.
recent rise (of a planet) Lit. Kāv.
बालभाषाव्याकरणसूत्रवृत्ति [ bālabhāṣāvyākaraṇasūtravṛtti ] [ bāla-bhāṣā-vyākaraṇa-sūtra-vṛtti ] f. N. of wk.
बालभूषा [ bālabhūṣā ] [ bāla-bhūṣā ] f. N. of wk.
बालभूषासार [ bālabhūṣāsāra ] [ bāla-bhūṣā--sāra ] m. N. of wk.
बालभृत्य [ bālabhṛtya ] [ bāla-bhṛtya ] m. a servant from childhood Lit. Kathās.
बालभैरवीदीपदान [ bālabhairavīdīpadāna ] [ bāla-bhairavī-dīpa-dāna ] n. N. of wk.
बालभैषज्य [ bālabhaiṣajya ] [ bāla-bhaiṣajya ] n. a kind of collyrium ( = [ rasāñjana ] ) Lit. L.
बालभोज्य [ bālabhojya ] [ bāla-bhojya ] n. " children's food " , pease Lit. L.
बालमति [ bālamati ] [ bāla-mati ] m. f. n. of childish intellect Lit. MBh.
बालमनोरमा [ bālamanoramā ] [ bāla-manoramā ] f. " pleasant to children " , N. of sev. grammars.
बालमन्दारवृक्ष [ bālamandāravṛkṣa ] [ bāla-mandāra-vṛkṣa ] m. a young coral tree Lit. Megh.
बालमरण [ bālamaraṇa ] [ bāla-maraṇa ] n. (with Jainas) a fool's manner of dying (12 in number , among which is suicide)
बालमरणविधिकर्तव्यता [ bālamaraṇavidhikartavyatā ] [ bāla-maraṇa--vidhi-kartavyatā ] f. N. of wk.
बालमल्लवेनसिद्धान्त [ bālamallavenasiddhānta ] [ bāla-mallavena-siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.
बालमित्र [ bālamitra ] [ bāla-mitra ] n. a friend from boyhood Lit. Mṛicch.
बालमुकुन्दाचार्य [ bālamukundācārya ] [ bāla-mukundācārya ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बालमूल [ bālamūla ] [ bāla-mūla ] m. a young radish Lit. L.
बालमूलक [ bālamūlaka ] [ bāla-mūlaka ] m. a species of plant Lit. Suśr.
[ bālamūlikā ] f. Hibiscus Cannabinus Lit. Bhpr.
बालमूषिका [ bālamūṣikā ] [ bāla-mūṣikā ] f. a small rat , mouse Lit. L.
बालमृग [ bālamṛga ] [ bāla-mṛga ] m. a young deer , fawn Lit. R.
बालमृणाल [ bālamṛṇāla ] [ bāla-mṛṇāla ] m. n. a tender filament or fibre of the lotus Lit. Bhartṛ.
बालम्भट्ट [ bālambhaṭṭa ] [ bāla-m-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of sev. men and authors Lit. Cat.
[ bālambhaṭṭa ] m. f. n. written or composed by Bālam-bhaṭṭa Lit. ib.
बालम्भट्टीय [ bālambhaṭṭīya ] [ bāla-m-bhaṭṭīya ] n. N. of wk.
बालयज्ञोपवीतक [ bālayajñopavītaka ] [ bāla-yajñopavītaka ] n. the sacred thread worn across the breast Lit. L.
a sort of substitute for the sacred thread worn by children (?) Lit. W. ( cf. [ bālópavīta ] ) .
बालरक्षण [ bālarakṣaṇa ] [ bāla-rakṣaṇa ] n. " guarding children "
बालरक्षणविधान [ bālarakṣaṇavidhāna ] [ bāla-rakṣaṇa--vidhāna ] n. N. of wk.
बालरक्षा [ bālarakṣā ] [ bāla-rakṣā ] f. = [ -rakṣaṇa ]
बालरक्षास्तव [ bālarakṣāstava ] [ bāla-rakṣā--stava ] m. N. of wk.
बालरक्षास्तोत्र [ bālarakṣāstotra ] [ bāla-rakṣā--stotra ] n. N. of wk.
बालरञ्जिनी [ bālarañjinī ] [ bāla-rañjinī ] f. " pleasing children " , N. of an elementary grammar by Bāla-śāstrin.
बालराघवीय [ bālarāghavīya ] [ bāla-rāghavīya ] n. N. of a poem.
बालराज [ bālarāja ] [ bāla-rāja ] n. (?) lapis lazuli Lit. W. ( cf. [ bāla-sūrya ] ) .
बालरामभरत [ bālarāmabharata ] [ bāla-rāma-bharata ] n. N. of a poem.
बालरामायण [ bālarāmāyaṇa ] [ bāla-rāmāyaṇa ] n. " the little Rāmāyaṇa " , N. of a Nāṭaka by Rāja-śekhara ( cf. [ mahārām ] and [ bāla-bhārata ] ) .
बालरूप [ bālarūpa ] [ bāla-rūpa ] m. or n. (?) N. of an author or of a wk.
बालरूपधर [ bālarūpadhara ] [ bāla-rūpa--dhara ] m. " bearing a boy's form " , N. of Śiva Lit. MW.
बालरूपधृक् [ bālarūpadhṛk ] [ bāla-rūpa--dhṛk ] m. f. n. having a boy's form , assuming the form of a dwarf. Lit. ib.
बालरोग [ bālaroga ] [ bāla-roga ] m. disease of children Lit. Cat.
बाललता [ bālalatā ] [ bāla-latā ] f. a young creeper Lit. Ragh.
बाललीला [ bālalīlā ] [ bāla-līlā ] f. = [ -keli ] Lit. BhP.
बालवत्स [ bālavatsa ] [ bāla-vatsa ] m. f. n. one whose child is still a boy Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ bālavatsa ] m. a young calf. Lit. Ragh.
" child's favourite " , a dove , pigeon Lit. W.
बालवनिता [ bālavanitā ] [ bāla-vanitā ] f. a young woman Lit. Hit.
बालवाह्य [ bālavāhya ] [ bāla-vāhya ] m. " ridden by children " , a young goat Lit. L.
बालविनष्ट [ bālavinaṣṭa ] [ bāla-vinaṣṭa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Kathās.
बालविनष्टक [ bālavinaṣṭaka ] [ bāla-vinaṣṭaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Kathās.
बालविनोदिनी [ bālavinodinī ] [ bāla-vinodinī ] f. N. of wk.
बालविवेकिनी [ bālavivekinī ] [ bāla-vivekinī ] f. N. of wk.
बालवृक्ष [ bālavṛkṣa ] [ bāla-vṛkṣa ] m. = [ -taru ] Lit. Ragh.
बालवैधव्य [ bālavaidhavya ] [ bāla-vaidhavya ] n. child-widowhood , Lit. ŚārṅgP.
बालव्याकरण [ bālavyākaraṇa ] [ bāla-vyākaraṇa ] n. " a child's grammar " , N. of a grammar.
बालव्रत [ bālavrata ] [ bāla-vrata ] m. N. of the Buddhist saint Mañjuśrī Lit. L.
बालशर्मन् [ bālaśarman ] [ bāla-śarman ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
बालशास्त्रिन् [ bālaśāstrin ] [ bāla-śāstrin ] m. N. of a grammarian and of a living writer Lit. Cat.
बालशृङ्ग [ bālaśṛṅga ] [ bāla-śṛṅga ] m. f. n. having young (i.e. not yet full-grown) horns Lit. Hariv.
बालसखि [ bālasakhi ] [ bāla-sakhi ] m. = [ -mitra ] Lit. Kathās.
the friend of a fool ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Subh.
बालसखित्व [ bālasakhitva ] [ bāla-sakhi--tva ] n. , see [ bālasakhi ]
बालसंजीवन [ bālasaṃjīvana ] [ bāla-saṃjīvana ] n. N. of ch. of Lit. GaṇP. ii.
बालसंध्या [ bālasaṃdhyā ] [ bāla-saṃdhyā ] f. early twilight , dawn Lit. L.
बालसंध्याभ [ bālasaṃdhyābha ] [ bāla-saṃdhyābha ] m. f. n. " dawn-like " , of a purple colour Lit. MW.
बालसरस्वती [ bālasarasvatī ] [ bāla-sarasvatī ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बालसरस्वतीय [ bālasarasvatīya ] [ bāla-sarasvatīya ] n. ( with or scil. [ kāvya ] ) N. of wk.
बालसात्म्य [ bālasātmya ] [ bāla-sātmya ] n. " suitable for children " , milk Lit. L.
बालसारयन्त्र [ bālasārayantra ] [ bāla-sāra-yantra ] n. N. of wk.
बालसिंह [ bālasiṃha ] [ bāla-siṃha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Inscr.
बालसुहृद् [ bālasuhṛd ] [ bāla-suhṛd ] m. = [ -mitra ] Lit. Kathās.
बालसूर्य [ bālasūrya ] [ bāla-sūrya ] and n. lapis lazuli Lit. L.
बालसूर्यक [ bālasūryaka ] [ bāla-sūryaka ]and n. lapis lazuli Lit. L.
बालस्थान [ bālasthāna ] [ bāla-sthāna ] n. condition of a child , childhood , youth , inexperience Lit. MW.
बालहत्या [ bālahatyā ] [ bāla-hatyā ] f. child-murder Lit. ib.
बालहन् [ bālahan ] [ bāla-han ] m. f. n. child-murdering Lit. BhP.
बालाकल्प [ bālākalpa ] [ bālā-kalpa ] m. N. of wk.
बालाकवच [ bālākavaca ] [ bālā-kavaca ] m. n. N. of wk.
बालाग्र [ bālāgra ] [ bālāgra ] n. ( [ vāl ] ?) a dove-cot Lit. Mṛicch. i , 50/51 (Sch.)
बालाचार्य [ bālācārya ] [ bālācārya ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Cat.
बालातन्त्र [ bālātantra ] [ bālā-tantra ] n. N. of wk.
बालातप [ bālātapa ] [ bālātapa ] m. early heat of the sun , heat of the morning sun Lit. Mn. Lit. Kālid. ( also pl.)
बालातपरक्त [ bālātaparakta ] [ bālātapa--rakta ] m. f. n. red with the morning sunbeams Lit. Ragh.
बालात्रिपुरसुन्दरीपूजनप्रयोग [ bālātripurasundarīpūjanaprayoga ] [ bālā-tripura-sundarī-pūjana-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
बालादित्य [ bālāditya ] [ bālāditya ] m. the newly risen sun , morning sun Lit. MBh.
N. of princes Lit. Rājat.
बालादित्यव्रत [ bālādityavrata ] [ bālāditya--vrata ] n. N. of wk.
बालादीक्षित [ bālādīkṣita ] [ bālā-dīkṣita ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat. ( cf. [ bāla-d ] ) .
बालाध्यापक [ bālādhyāpaka ] [ bālādhyāpaka ] m. a teacher of boys ( [ -tā ] f. ) , Lit. Rājat.
बालाध्यापकता [ bālādhyāpakatā ] [ bālādhyāpaka--tā ] f. , see [ bālādhyāpaka ]
बालानुचरगुप्त [ bālānucaragupta ] [ bālānucara-gupta ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
बालानुचरगोप्त [ bālānucaragopta ] [ bālānucara-gopta ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
बालापञ्चरत्न [ bālāpañcaratna ] [ bālā-pañcaratna ] n. N. of wk.
बालापत्य [ bālāpatya ] [ bālāpatya ] n. youthful progeny Lit. W.
बालापद्धति [ bālāpaddhati ] [ bālā-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
बालाभ्यास [ bālābhyāsa ] [ bālābhyāsa ] m. early application , study during childhood Lit. MW.
बालामय [ bālāmaya ] [ bālāmaya ] m. a child's disease
बालामयप्रतिषेध [ bālāmayapratiṣedha ] [ bālāmaya--pratiṣedha ] m. N. of wk.
बालारिष्ट [ bālāriṣṭa ] [ bālāriṣṭa ] n. and N. of wk.
बालारिष्टाध्याय [ bālāriṣṭādhyāya ] [ bālāriṣṭādhyāya ]and m. N. of wk.
बालारुण [ bālāruṇa ] [ bālāruṇa ] m. early dawn Lit. Kum.
[ bālāruṇa ] m. f. n. red like early dawn Lit. Ragh.
बालार्क [ bālārka ] [ bālārka ] m. the newly risen sun Lit. MBh.
बालार्ककोमल [ bālārkakomala ] [ bālārka--komala ] m. f. n. soft as the orient sun Lit. MW.
बालार्कप्रतिमा [ bālārkapratimā ] [ bālārka--pratimā ] f. the image or reflection of the orient sun Lit. Ragh.
बालार्कवर्ण [ bālārkavarṇa ] [ bālārka--varṇa ] m. f. n. coloured like the orient sun (said of Śiva) Lit. MBh.
बालार्काय [ bālārkāya ] [ bālārkāya ] Nom. ( [ °yita ] mfn. ) to resemble the orient sun Lit. Subh.
बालार्चापद्धति [ bālārcāpaddhati ] [ bālārcā-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
बालालोकसंक्षेप [ bālālokasaṃkṣepa ] [ bālāloka-saṃkṣepa ] m. N. of wk.
बालावबोध [ bālāvabodha ] [ bālāvabodha ] m. instruction of the young (also [ °dhana ] n. Lit. Pañcat.)
N. of 2 works.
बालावबोधन [ bālāvabodhana ] [ bālāvabodhana ] n. , see [ bālāvabodha ] , instruction of the young Lit. Pañcat.
बालावबोधपद्धति [ bālāvabodhapaddhati ] [ bālāvabodha--paddhati ] f. N. of a Comm. on Lit. SāṅkhGṛ.
बालावर्णन [ bālāvarṇana ] [ bālā-varṇana ] n. N. of Lit. SārṅgP. xx.
बालावस्थ [ bālāvastha ] [ bālāvastha ] m. f. n. being , in childhood , still young Lit. Vikr.
[ bālāvasthā ] f. childhood , youth Lit. MW.
बालाशोक [ bālāśoka ] [ bālāśoka ] m. a young Aśoka tree Lit. Vikr.
बालाष्टक [ bālāṣṭaka ] [ bālāṣṭaka ] n. N. of Stotras.
बालाष्टोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्र [ bālāṣṭottaraśatanāmastotra ] [ bālāṣṭottara-śatanāma-stotra ] n. N. of Stotras.
बालासुर [ bālāsura ] [ bālāsura ] m. N. of an Asura
बालासुरवध [ bālāsuravadha ] [ bālāsura--vadha ] m. N. of ch. of Lit. GaṇP. ii.
बालाहत्या [ bālāhatyā ] [ bālā-hatyā ] f. the murdering of female children Lit. MW.
बालेश्वर [ bāleśvara ] [ bāleśvara ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बालेष्ट [ bāleṣṭa ] [ bāleṣṭa ] m. " liked by children " , a jujube tree Lit. L.
बालोपचरण [ bālopacaraṇa ] [ bālopacaraṇa ] n. medical treatment of children ( also [ °cāra ] ) Lit. Cat.
बालोपचरणीय [ bālopacaraṇīya ] [ bālopacaraṇīya ] m. f. n. relating to it
[ bālopacaraṇiya ] n. N. of ch. of wk. Lit. ib.
बालोपनिषद् [ bālopaniṣad ] [ bālopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
बालोपवीत [ bālopavīta ] [ bālopavīta ] n. = [ bāla-yajñópavītaka ] , a cloth covering the privities Lit. W.
बालक [ bālaka ] [ bālaka ] m. f. n. young , childish , not yet full-grown Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ bālaka ] m. a child , boy , youth (in law " a minor " ) , the young of an animal Lit. ib. ( f ( [ ikā ] ) . a girl Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.)
m. a young elephant five years old Lit. Śiś. v , 47
a fool , simpleton Lit. L.
a kind of fish Lit. L.
N. of a prince (v.l. [ pālaka ] ) Lit. Pur.
बालकत्व [ bālakatva ] [ bālaka-tva ] n. childhood , childishness Lit. W.
बालकप्रलपित [ bālakapralapita ] [ bālaka-pralapita ] n. childish talk , foolish prattle Lit. MW.
बालकप्रिय [ bālakapriya ] [ bālaka-priya ] m. f. n. fond of children
[ bālakapriyā ] f. colocynth Lit. L.
Musa Sapientum Lit. L.
बालकहत्या [ bālakahatyā ] [ bālaka-hatyā ] f. infanticide Lit. MW.
बालकीय [ bālakīya ] [ bālakīya ] m. f. n. childish , infantine Lit. W.
बालायनि [ bālāyani ] [ bālāyani ] m. metron. of a teacher Lit. BhP. ( cf. g. [ tikādi ] ) .
बालि [ bāli ] [ bāli ] see [ vāli ] .
बालिन् [ bālin ] [ bālin ] see [ vālin ] .
बालिश [ bāliśa ] [ bāliśa ]1 m. f. n. young , childish , puerile , ignorant , simple , foolish Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
बालिशमति [ bāliśamati ] [ bāliśa-mati ] m. f. n. childish-minded , foolish Lit. MBh.
बालिश्य [ bāliśya ] [ bāliśya ] n. (g. [ brāhmaṇādi ] ) childishness , youth , thoughtlessness , folly Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
बालेय [ bāleya ] [ bāleya ]1 m. f. n. fit or proper for children Lit. L.
tender , soft Lit. L. ( for 2. see below) .
बाल्य [ bālya ] [ bā́lya ] [ bā́lya ] or [ bāly^a ] , n. boyhood , childhood , infancy Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
crescent state (of the moon) Lit. Kum. vii , 35
= [ bāliśya ] Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
बाल्यकाल [ bālyakāla ] [ bā́lya-kāla ] m. the period or age of childhood Lit. MW.
बाल्यता [ bālyatā ] [ bā́lya-tā ] f. boyhood , infancy Lit. R.
बालन्दन [ bālandana ] [ bālandana ] m. patr. of Vatsa-prī ( cf. [ bhālandana ] )
बालाक्या [ bālākyā ] [ bālākyā ] see [ kāśyapī-bālākyā-māṭharī-pútra ] .
बालाह [ bālāha ] [ bālāha ] ( or [ vāl ] ) m. N. of a mythical horse Lit. Buddh.
बालाहक [ bālāhaka ] [ bālāhaka ] m. id. Lit. ib.
N. of a serpent-demon Lit. Hariv.
[ yuddhe balāhaka-jambu-māle ] , " in the contest between Bālāhaka and Jambu-māla " Lit. Nīlak.
बालिश [ bāliśa ] [ bāliśa ]2 n. ( for 1. see above ) = Pers. $ a pillow , cushion Lit. L.
बालीवर्दिनेय [ bālīvardineya ] [ bālīvardineya ] m. patr. fr. [ balīvardin ] g. [ śubhrādi ]
metron. fr. [ balīvardī ] g. [ kalyāṇy-ādi ] ( cf. [ balīvardineya ] ) .
बालीश [ bālīśa ] [ bālīśa ] m. retention of urine Lit. L.
बालु [ bālu ] [ bālu ] [ bāluka ] see [ vālu ]
बालेय [ bāleya ] [ bāleya ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. [ bali ] ) fit for an offering or oblation Lit. Ragh.
descended from Bali Lit. Hariv.
[ bāleya ] m. an ass Lit. Var.
a species of Cyperus Lit. Bhpr.
= [ -śāka ] Lit. L.
a kind of radish Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ śāleya ] )
patr. fr. [ bali ] Lit. KātyŚr.
(pl.) Lit. VP.
N. of a Daitya Lit. L.
बालेयशाक [ bāleyaśāka ] [ bāleya-śāka ] m. a kind of vegetable (= [ aṅgāra-vallī ] ) Lit. L.
बालेयार्धिक [ bāleyārdhika ] [ bāleyārdhika ] m. f. n. Pāt.
बालोक [ bāloka ] [ bāloka ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बाल्बज [ bālbaja ] [ bālbaja ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ balbaja ] ) made of the grass Eleusine Indica Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. (B. [ bālvaja ] ) .
बाल्बजभारिक [ bālbajabhārika ] [ bālbajabhārika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ balbaja+bhāra ] ) laden or burdened with Balbaja grass g. [ vaṃśādi ] .
बाल्बजिक [ bālbajika ] [ bālbajika ] m. f. n. bearing Balbaja grass Lit. ib. ( cf. [ balbajika ] ) .
बाल्हव [ bālhava ] [ bālhava ] m. an inhabitant of Balkh (f ( [ ī ] ) .) Lit. Bālar.
बाल्हायन [ bālhāyana ] [ bālhāyana ] m. f. n. , fr. [ bālhi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 99 Lit. Pat.
बाल्हि [ bālhi ] [ bālhi ] N. of a country , Balkh Lit. ib.
बाल्हिज [ bālhija ] [ bālhi-ja ] m. f. n. born or bred in Balkh (as a horse) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
बाल्हिजात [ bālhijāta ] [ bālhi-jāta ] m. f. n. born or bred in Balkh (as a horse) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
बाल्हीश्वर [ bālhīśvara ] [ bālhīśvara ] m. pl. N. of a dynasty Lit. VP.
बाल्हिक [ bālhika ] [ bālhika ] m. (pl.) N. of a people Lit. MBh.
a king of the Bālhikas Lit. ib. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
N. of a son of Pratīpa Lit. Hariv.
(pl.) of a dynasty Lit. BhP.
[ bālhika ] m. f. n. of the Balkh breed (as horses) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
n. (w.r. [ bālhaka ] ) saffron Lit. L.
Asa Foetida Lit. L.
बाह्लिक [ bāhlika ] [ bāhlika ] m. (pl.) N. of a people Lit. MBh.
a king of the Bālhikas Lit. ib. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
N. of a son of Pratīpa Lit. Hariv.
(pl.) of a dynasty Lit. BhP.
[ bāhlika ] m. f. n. of the Balkh breed (as horses) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
n. (w.r. [ bālhaka ] ) saffron Lit. L.
Asa Foetida Lit. L.
बाल्हिकेयमिश्र [ bālhikeyamiśra ] [ bālhikeya-miśra ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बाल्हीक [ bālhīka ] [ bālhīka ] m. (pl.) N. of a people Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a prince of the Bālhīkas Lit. MBh.
N. of a son of Janam-ejaya Lit. ib.
of a son of Pratīpa Lit. ib. Lit. Pur.
of the father of Rohiṇī (wife of Vasu-deva) Lit. Hariv.
of a Gandharva Lit. L.
of a poet Lit. Cat.
[ bālhīkī ] f. a princess or any woman of the Bālhikas ( also N. of [ mādrī ] q.v.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Bālar.
[ bālhīka ] m. f. n. belonging to or derived from the Bālhikas Lit. L.
n. = [ bālhika ] Lit. L.
बाह्लीक [ bāhlīka ] [ bāhlīka ] m. (pl.) N. of a people Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a prince of the Bālhīkas Lit. MBh.
N. of a son of Janam-ejaya Lit. ib.
of a son of Pratīpa Lit. ib. Lit. Pur.
of the father of Rohiṇī (wife of Vasu-deva) Lit. Hariv.
of a Gandharva Lit. L.
of a poet Lit. Cat.
[ bāhlīkī ] f. a princess or any woman of the Bālhikas ( also N. of [ mādrī ] q.v.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Bālar.
[ bāhlīka ] m. f. n. belonging to or derived from the Bālhikas Lit. L.
n. = [ bālhika ] Lit. L.
वाह्लीक [ vāhlīka ] [ vāhlīka ] m. (pl.) N. of a people Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a prince of the Bālhīkas Lit. MBh.
N. of a son of Janam-ejaya Lit. ib.
of a son of Pratīpa Lit. ib. Lit. Pur.
of the father of Rohiṇī (wife of Vasu-deva) Lit. Hariv.
of a Gandharva Lit. L.
of a poet Lit. Cat.
[ vāhlīkī ] f. a princess or any woman of the Bālhikas ( also N. of [ mādrī ] q.v.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Bālar.
[ vāhlīka ] m. f. n. belonging to or derived from the Bālhikas Lit. L.
n. = [ bālhika ] Lit. L.
बाल्हीकभाषा [ bālhīkabhāṣā ] [ bālhīka-bhāṣā ] f. the language of the Bāhlikas (enumerated among the Prākṛit dialects) Lit. Sāh.
बाल्हीकेश [ bālhīkeśa ] [ bālhīkeśa ] m. lord of the Bālhīkas Lit. R.
बावादेव [ bāvādeva ] [ bāvā-deva ] and [ bāvā-śāstrin ] m. N. of authors Lit. Cat.
बावाशास्त्रिन् [ bāvāśāstrin ] [ bāvā-śāstrin ] and [ bāvā-deva ] m. N. of authors Lit. Cat.
बावेरु [ bāveru ] [ bāveru ] = [ babiru ] , Babylon, Lit. MW.
बावेरुजातक [ bāverujātaka ] [ bāveru-jātaka ] n. N. of wk.
बाष्कय [ bāṣkaya ] [ bāṣkaya ] m. f. n. fr. [ baṣkaya ] g. [ utsādi ] .
बाष्कल [ bāṣkala ] [ bāṣkala ] m. N. of a teacher (a pupil of Paila) Lit. GṛS.
of a Daitya Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Anuhrāda Lit. BhP.
(pl.) N. of a family regarded as belonging to the Kauśikas Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ vāskala ] )
a warrior ( [ vāṣk ] ) Lit. L.
[ bāṣkala ] m. f. n. belonging to or derived from Bāshkala Lit. ĀśvŚr. Sch.
large , great ( [ vāṣk ] ) Lit. W.
m. pl. the pupils of Bāshkala (a school of the Ṛig. veda) Lit. Cat.
बाष्कलशाखा [ bāṣkalaśākhā ] [ bāṣkala-śākhā ] f. the Bāshkala recension (of the Lit. RV.) Lit. ib.
बाष्कलोपनिषद् [ bāṣkalopaniṣad ] [ bāṣkalopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
बाष्कलक [ bāṣkalaka ] [ bāṣkalaka ] m. f. n. belonging to or derived from the Bāshkalas Lit. L.
[ bāṣkalikā ] f. the Ṛig-veda text of the Bāshkalas Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Sch.
बाष्कलि [ bāṣkali ] [ bāṣkali ] m. patr. of a teacher Lit. VP.
बाष्किह [ bāṣkiha ] [ bāṣkiha ] m. patr. fr. [ baṣkiha ] Lit. PañcavBr.
बाष्प [ bāṣpa ] [ bāṣpa ] m. ( also written [ vāṣpa ] cf. Lit. Uṇ. iii , 28) a tear , tears Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
steam , vapour Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Pañcat.
a kind of pot-herb Lit. Vāgbh.
iron Lit. L.
N. of a disciple of Gautama Buddha
[ bāṣpī ] f. a kind of plant (= [ hiṅgu-pattrī ] ) Lit. L.
बाष्पकण्ठ [ bāṣpakaṇṭha ] [ bāṣpa-kaṇṭha ] m. f. n. , " having tears in the throat " , almost choked with tears Lit. Śak.
बाष्पग्रथित [ bāṣpagrathita ] [ bāṣpa-grathita ] m. f. n. choked by tears, Lit. Bcar.
बाष्पचन्द्र [ bāṣpacandra ] [ bāṣpa-candra ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बाष्पदुर्दिन [ bāṣpadurdina ] [ bāṣpa-durdina ] m. f. n. clouded by tears
बाष्पदुर्दिनाक्ष [ bāṣpadurdinākṣa ] [ bāṣpa-durdinākṣa ] m. f. n. having eyes clouded by tears Lit. Daś.
बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षण [ bāṣpaparyākulekṣaṇa ] [ bāṣpa-paryākulekṣaṇa ] ( Lit. R.) m. f. n. having eyes suffused with tears.
बाष्पपिहितलोचन [ bāṣpapihitalocana ] [ bāṣpa-pihita-locana ] ( Lit. Pañcat.) m. f. n. having eyes suffused with tears.
बाष्पपूर [ bāṣpapūra ] [ bāṣpa-pūra ] m. a flood of tears Lit. Mālatīm.
बाष्पप्रकर [ bāṣpaprakara ] [ bāṣpa-prakara ] m. a flow or gush of tears Lit. Śiś.
बाष्पप्रमोचन [ bāṣpapramocana ] [ bāṣpa-pramocana ] n. the shedding of tears Lit. MBh.
बाष्पबिन्दु [ bāṣpabindu ] [ bāṣpa-bindu ] m. a tear-drop , tear Lit. R.
बाष्पमुख [ bāṣpamukha ] [ bāṣpa-mukha ] m. f. n. having the face bedewed with tears Lit. R.
बाष्पमोक्ष [ bāṣpamokṣa ] [ bāṣpa-mokṣa ] m.
बाष्पमोचन [ bāṣpamocana ] [ bāṣpa-mocana ] n. = [ -pramocana ] Lit. Kāv.
बाष्पविक्लब [ bāṣpaviklaba ] [ bāṣpa-viklaba ] m. f. n. overcome with tears , confused with weeping Lit. R.
बाष्पविक्लबभाषिन् [ bāṣpaviklababhāṣin ] [ bāṣpa-viklaba--bhāṣin ] m. f. n. speaking (with a voice) interrupted with weeping Lit. ib.
बाष्पवृष्टि [ bāṣpavṛṣṭi ] [ bāṣpa-vṛṣṭi ] f. a shower of tears Lit. Ragh.
बाष्पसंदिग्ध [ bāṣpasaṃdigdha ] [ bāṣpa-saṃdigdha ] m. f. n. (a voice) indistinct by suppressed tears Lit. Nal.
बाष्पसलिल [ bāṣpasalila ] [ bāṣpa-salila ] n. water of tears , Lit. Ratnāv.
बाष्पहतेक्षण [ bāṣpahatekṣaṇa ] [ bāṣpa-hatekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. blinded by tears, ib.
बाष्पाकुल [ bāṣpākula ] [ bāṣpākula ] m. f. n. dimmed or interrupted by tears Lit. MBh.
बाष्पाप्लुत [ bāṣpāpluta ] [ bāṣpāpluta ] m. f. n. id. Lit. A.
बाष्पाम्बु [ bāṣpāmbu ] [ bāṣpāmbu ] n. = [ °pa-salila ] Lit. Ratnâv.
बाष्पाम्बुपूर [ bāṣpāmbupūra ] [ bāṣpāmbu--pūra ] m. a flood of tears Lit. MW.
बाष्पाम्बुशीकर [ bāṣpāmbuśīkara ] [ bāṣpāmbu--śīkara ] m. pl. tears-drops Lit. Kathās.
बाष्पाविलेक्षण [ bāṣpāvilekṣaṇa ] [ bāṣpāvilekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. having eyes dimmed by tears Lit. MBh.
बाष्पासार [ bāṣpāsāra ] [ bāṣpāsāra ] m. = [ °pa-vṛṣṭi ] Lit. Mālav.
बाष्पोत्पीड [ bāṣpotpīḍa ] [ bāṣpotpīḍa ] m. a gush or torrent of tears Lit. Kād. Lit. Hcar.
बाष्पोद्भव [ bāṣpodbhava ] [ bāṣpodbhava ] m. the rising or starting of tears Lit. MW.
बाष्पक [ bāṣpaka ] [ bāṣpaka ] (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) , steam , vapour , Lit. Suśr.
[ bāṣpaka ] m. a kind of vegetable (= [ māriṣa ] ) Lit. Bhpr.
[ bāṣpakā ] f. = [ hiṅgu-pattrī ] Lit. L.
[ bāṣpikā ] f. a kind of vegetable Lit. Vāgbh.
बाष्पाय [ bāṣpāya ] [ bāṣpāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to shed tears , weep Lit. Kāv. ; to emit vapour or steam Lit. L.
बाष्पिन् [ bāṣpin ] [ bāṣpin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) shedding tears or any liquid like tears Lit. R.
बाष्पीका [ bāṣpīkā ] [ bāṣpīkā ] f. a kind of plant (= [ bāṣpī ] ) Lit. L.
बास [ bāsa ] [ bāsa ] [ bāsa ] , [ bāskala ] w.r. for [ bhāsa ] , [ bāṣkala ] .
बास्कल [ bāskala ] [ bāskala ] [ bāsa ] , [ bāskala ] w.r. for [ bhāsa ] , [ bāṣkala ] .
बास्त [ bāsta ] [ bāsta ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ basta ] ) coming from a goat ( [ °taṃ carma ] , a goat-skin) Lit. Mn. ii , 41.
बास्तायन [ bāstāyana ] [ bāstāyana ] m. patr fr. [ basta ] g. [ aśvādi ] .
बास्तिक [ bāstika ] [ bāstika ] n. a multitude of goats Lit. R.
बास्तेय [ bāsteya ] [ bāsteya ] see [ vāsteya ] .
बास्प [ bāspa ] [ bāspa ] w.r. for [ bāṣpa ] .
बाह् [ bāh ] [ bāh ] Root see √ [ vāh ] .
बाह [ bāha ] [ bāha ] m. the arm = 1. [ bāhu ] Lit. L. ( also f ( [ ā ] ) . Lit. Uṇ. i , 28)
a horse Lit. L. (see [ vāha ] )
[ bāha ] m. f. n. firm , strong Lit. L.
बाहव [ bāhava ] [ bāháva ]1 m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 39 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.) = [ bāhu ] :1 , the arm (also n. Lit. ŚBr.)
बाहवि [ bāhavi ] [ bāhavi ] m. patr. fr. 1. [ bāhu ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 96 N. of a teacher Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
बाहाबाहवि [ bāhābāhavi ] [ bāhā-bāhavi ] ind. arm against arm , in close combat ( = [ bāhū-bāhavi ] ) Lit. Vop.
बाहट [ bāhaṭa ] [ bāhaṭa ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
बाहटनिघण्टु [ bāhaṭanighaṇṭu ] [ bāhaṭa-nighaṇṭu ] m. N. of wk.
बाहटीय [ bāhaṭīya ] [ bāhaṭīya ] m. f. n. written or composed by Bāhaṭa
[ bāhaṭīya ] n. a work of Bāhaṭa Lit. Cat.
बाहड [ bāhaḍa ] [ bāhaḍa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Śatr.
बाहदुर [ bāhadura ] [ bāhadura ] (prob.) w.r. for [ bāhādura ] .
बाहन्नोपनिषद् [ bāhannopaniṣad ] [ bāhannopaniṣad ] (?) f. N. of an Upanishad.
बाहल्य [ bāhalya ] [ bāhalya ] n. ( fr. [ bahala ] ) thickness Lit. Suśr.
बाहव [ bāhava ] [ bāhava ]2 n. ( fr. [ bahu ] ) g. [ pṛthvādi ] .
बाहादुर [ bāhādura ] [ bāhādura ] m. a modern title of honour conferred by Muhammadan kings (= Pers.$) .
बाहिर्वेदिक [ bāhirvedika ] [ bāhirvedika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ bahirvedi ] ) . situated or taking place outside the Vedi Lit. KātyŚr. Sch. ( cf. [ bahir-vedika ] ) .
बाहीक [ bāhīka ] [ bāhīká ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ bahis ] ; but also written [ vāhīka ] ) being outside , external , exterior Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 85 Vārtt. 5 Lit. Pat.
relating to the Bāhīkas , g: [ palady-ādi ]
[ bāhīka ] m. (pl.) N. of a despised people of the Pañjāb Lit. ŚBr. (often confounded with the Bālhikas)
a man of the Bāhīkas Lit. MBh.
N. of a priest Lit. Cat. = [ upa-śama ] Lit. Buddh.
= [ kāṣṭhaka ] , [ pālaka ] , or [ go-rakṣaka ] Lit. Hcar. Sch.
an ox Lit. L.
n. N. of a lake or piece of water in the country of the Bāhīkas Lit. MBh.
बाहु [ bāhu ] [ bāhú ]1 mf. (f. Lit. L.) ( fr. √ [ bah ] , [ baṃh ] ; for 2. [ bāhu ] see col.3) the arm , (esp.) the fore-arm , the arm between the elbow and the wrist ( opp. to [ pra-gaṇḍa ] q.v. ; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body , as opp. to [ sakthi ] , the lower extremity) Lit. RV.
the arm as a measure of length (= 12 Aṅgulas) Lit. Śulbas.
the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
the limb of a bow Lit. ŚBr.
the bar of a chariot-pole Lit. Gobh.
the post ( of a door ; see [ dvāra-b ] )
the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle) Lit. Sūryas.
the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial Lit. ib.
( also du.) the constellation Ārdrā Lit. L.
[ bāhu ] m. N. of a Daitya Lit. MBh.
of a prince (who brought ruin upon his family by his illegal actions) Lit. ib.
of a son of Vṛika Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Vajra Lit. VP. ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Germ. (buog) , (Bug) ; Angl.Sax. (bo1g) ; Eng. (bough) . )
बाहुकर [ bāhukara ] [ bāhú-kara ] m. f. n. active with the arms Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 21.
बाहुकुण्ठ [ bāhukuṇṭha ] [ bāhú-kuṇṭha ] m. f. n. crippled in the arms Lit. L.
बाहुकुन्थ [ bāhukuntha ] [ bāhú-kuntha ] (?) m. a wing Lit. L.
बाहुकुब्ज [ bāhukubja ] [ bāhú-kubja ] m. f. n. = [ -kuṇṭha ] Lit. W.
बाहुक्षद् [ bāhukṣad ] [ bāhú-kṣád ] m. f. n. offering the fore-legs (i.e. the inferior parts of an animal , said of a parsimonious sacrificer) Lit. RV. x , 27 , 6.
बाहुचाप [ bāhucāpa ] [ bāhú-cāpa ] m. " arm-bow " , a fathom (as a measure) Lit. L.
बाहुच्छिन्न [ bāhucchinna ] [ bāhú-cchinna ] m. f. n. having a broken arm Lit. KaushUp.
बाहुच्युत् [ bāhucyut ] [ bāhú-cyút ] (?) Lit. AV. xviii , 3 , 25.
बाहुच्युत [ bāhucyuta ] [ bāhú-cyuta ] ( [ bāhú- ] ) m. f. n. fallen from the arm , dropped out of the hand Lit. RV. Lit. TS.
बाहुज [ bāhuja ] [ bāhú-ja ] m. " arm-born " , a Kshatriya (as sprung from the arm of Brahmā) Lit. L. ( cf. Lit. Mn. i , 31)
a parrot Lit. L.
sesamum growing wild Lit. L.
बाहुजूत [ bāhujūta ] [ bāhú-jūta ] ( [ bāhú- ] ) m. f. n. quick with the arm Lit. RV.
बाहुज्या [ bāhujyā ] [ bāhú-jyā ] f. the cord of an arc , sine Lit. Sūryas.
बाहुतरण [ bāhutaraṇa ] [ bāhú-taraṇa ] n. crossing a river (with the arm , i.e. by swimming) Lit. Gaut.
बाहुता [ bāhutā ] [ bāhú-tā́ ] ( [ bāhú- ] ) ind. in the arms Lit. RV. ( cf. [ devá-tā ] , [ puruṣá-tā ] ) .
बाहुत्राण [ bāhutrāṇa ] [ bāhú-trāṇa ] n. " arm-fence " , armour for the arms Lit. L.
बाहुदण्ड [ bāhudaṇḍa ] [ bāhú-daṇḍa ] m. " arm-staff " , a long arm Lit. R. Lit. Daś.
a blow or punishment inflicted with the arm or fist Lit. MW. ( cf. [ bhuja-d ] ) .
बाहुदा [ bāhudā ] [ bāhú-dā ] f. " arm-giver " , N. of Su-yaśā (a wife of Parīkshit) Lit. MBh.
of a river (into which Gaurī the wife of Prasena-jit is said to have been transformed ; prob. identical with the Vitastā or Hydaspes and modern Jhelum) Lit. ib. Lit. R.
of another river Lit. VP.
बाहुदानदीमाहात्म्य [ bāhudānadīmāhātmya ] [ bāhú-dā--nadī-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
बाहुनिःसृत [ bāhuniḥsṛta ] [ bāhú-niḥsṛta ] n. a partic. method of fighting (by which a sword is twisted out of a person's hands) Lit. Hariv.
बाहुपाश [ bāhupāśa ] [ bāhú-pāśa ] m. = [ -bandhana ] Lit. Ratnâv.
a partic. attitude in fighting Lit. MBh.
बाहुप्रचालकम् [ bāhupracālakam ] [ bāhú-pracālakam ] ind. shaking the arms Lit. L.
बाहुप्रतिबाहु [ bāhupratibāhu ] [ bāhú-pratibāhu ] m. du. (in geom.) the opposite sides of a figure Lit. Col.
बाहुप्रसार [ bāhuprasāra ] [ bāhú-prasāra ] m. stretching out the arms Lit. BhP.
बाहुप्रहरण [ bāhupraharaṇa ] [ bāhú-praharaṇa ] m. striking with the arms , a striker , boxer Lit. W.
[ bāhupraharaṇa ] n. boxing , wrestling Lit. ib.
बाहुफल [ bāhuphala ] [ bāhú-phala ] n. (in geom.) the result from the base sine Lit. Sūryas.
the sine of an arc of a circle of position contained between the sun and the prime vertical Lit. Siddhântaś.
बाहुबन्धन [ bāhubandhana ] [ bāhú-bandhana ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " arm-fetter " , encircling arms , Lit. Kālid.
[ bāhubandhana ] m. the shoulder-blade Lit. R.
बाहुबल [ bāhubala ] [ bāhú-bala ] n. power or strength of arm Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
[ bāhubala ] m. " strong in arm " , N. of a prince Lit. Kathās.
बाहुबलिन् [ bāhubalin ] [ bāhú-balí n ] m. f. n. strong in arm , Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
N. of a man Lit. L.
बाहुबाध [ bāhubādha ] [ bāhú-bādha ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ bāhu-bādhya ] , [ bahurada ] ) .
बाहुभङ्गि [ bāhubhaṅgi ] [ bāhú-bhaṅgi ] f. bending or twisting the arms Lit. MW.
बाहुभूषण [ bāhubhūṣaṇa ] [ bāhú-bhūṣaṇa ] n.
बाहुभूषा [ bāhubhūṣā ] [ bāhú-bhūṣā ] f. " arm-ornament " , armlet Lit. L.
बाहुभेदिन् [ bāhubhedin ] [ bāhú-bhedin ] m. " arm-breaker " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
बाहुमध्य [ bāhumadhya ] [ bāhú-madhya ] m. f. n. occupying a middle position with the arm Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ janghā-jaghanya ] ) .
बाहुमय [ bāhumaya ] [ bāhú-maya ] m. f. n. made or done with the arm Lit. W.
बाहुमात्र [ bāhumātra ] [ bāhú-mātrá ] n. = [ -cāpa ] Lit. TS.
[ bāhumātra ] m. f. n. as long as an arm Lit. ib.
बाहुमूलविभूषण [ bāhumūlavibhūṣaṇa ] [ bāhú-mūla--vibhūṣaṇa ] n. an ornament worn on the upper arm Lit. L.
बाहुयुद्ध [ bāhuyuddha ] [ bāhú-yuddha ] n. " arm-fight " , a close fight Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
बाहुयोधिन् [ bāhuyodhin ] [ bāhú-yodhin ] m. a wrestler , boxer Lit. Hariv.
बाहुरक्षा [ bāhurakṣā ] [ bāhú-rakṣā ] f. armour for the upper arm Lit. L.
बाहुलता [ bāhulatā ] [ bāhú-latā ] f. an arm (lithe as a) creeper Lit. Rājat. ( also [ °tikā ] f. an arm (lithe as a) creeper Lit. Śṛiṅgār.)
बाहुलतान्तर [ bāhulatāntara ] [ bāhú-latāntara ] n. the space between the arms , the breast , bosom Lit. Kāvyâd.
बाहुलतिका [ bāhulatikā ] [ bāhú-latikā ] f. , see [ bāhulatā ] , Lit. Śṛiṅgār.
बाहुवत् [ bāhuvat ] [ bāhú-vat ] m. " having (strong) arm " , N. of a man Lit. VP.
बाहुविक्षेप [ bāhuvikṣepa ] [ bāhú-vikṣepa ] m. moving the arm , swimming Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
बाहुविघट्टण [ bāhuvighaṭṭaṇa ] [ bāhú-vighaṭṭaṇa ] n. a partic. attitude in wrestling Lit. VP.
बाहुविघट्टित [ bāhuvighaṭṭita ] [ bāhú-vighaṭṭita ] n. a partic. attitude in wrestling Lit. VP.
बाहुविमर्द [ bāhuvimarda ] [ bāhú-vimarda ] m. = [ -yuddha ] Lit. Ragh.
बाहुवीर्य [ bāhuvīrya ] [ bāhú-vīryá ] m. f. n. strength of arm Lit. AV.
[ bāhuvīrya ] m. f. n. strong of arm Lit. TāṇḍBr.
बाहुवृक्त [ bāhuvṛkta ] [ bāhú-vṛktá ] m. N. of a descendant of Atri (author of Lit. RV. v , 71 ; 72) Lit. Anukr.
बाहुव्यायाम [ bāhuvyāyāma ] [ bāhú-vyāyāma ] m. " arm-exercise " , gymnastic Lit. MBh.
बाहुशक्ति [ bāhuśakti ] [ bāhú-śakti ] m. " strong of arm " , N. of a king Lit. Kathās.
बाहुशर्धिन् [ bāhuśardhin ] [ bāhú-śardhí n ] m. f. n. relying on his arm (said of Indra) Lit. RV. x , 103 , 3.
बाहुशालिन् [ bāhuśālin ] [ bāhú-śālin ] m. f. n. possessing strong arm Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās.
[ bāhuśālin ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
of a Dānava Lit. Kathās.
of a warrior Lit. ib.
of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. MBh.
of Bhīma Lit. ib.
of a prince Lit. ib.
बाहुशिखर [ bāhuśikhara ] [ bāhú-śikhara ] n. " the upper part of the arm " , the shoulder Lit. Hariv.
बाहुसम्भव [ bāhusambhava ] [ bāhú-sambhava ] m. " arm-born " , a Kshatriya Lit. L. ( cf. [ bāhu-ja ] ) .
बाहुसहस्रभृत् [ bāhusahasrabhṛt ] [ bāhú-sahasra-bhṛt ] m. " having a thousand arm " , N. of Arjuna Kārtavīrya (killed by Paraśu-rāma) Lit. L.
बाहुसहस्रिन् [ bāhusahasrin ] [ bāhú-sahasrin ] m. f. n. having a thousand arm Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP.
बाहुस्वस्तिक [ bāhusvastika ] [ bāhú-svastika ] m. or n. " arm-cross " , the arms crossed Lit. MBh. ( Lit. Nīlak.)
बाहूत्क्षेपम् [ bāhūtkṣepam ] [ bāhūtkṣepam ] ind. so as to lift up the arms or hands Lit. Śak.
बाहूपपीडम् [ bāhūpapīḍam ] [ bāhūpapīḍam ] ind. pressing with the arms Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
बाहुक [ bāhuka ] [ bāhuka ] m. f. n. ifc. = [ bāhu ] 1 , the arm ( cf. [ hrasvabāhuka ] )
[ bāhuka ] m. f. n. servile , dependent Lit. L.
swimming with the arms Lit. Baudh. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 7 Sch.)
dwarfish Lit. BhP.
m. a monkey Lit. L.
N. of a Nāga Lit. MBh.
of a prince Lit. ib.
of a son of Vṛika (= [ bāhu ] ) Lit. Pur.
( also written [ vāh ] ) N. assumed by Nala upon his becoming charioteer to king Ṛitu-parṇa Lit. Nal.
बाहुल [ bāhula ] [ bāhula ]1 n. ( for 2. see below) armour for the arms Lit. L.
N. of a place in Dakshiṇā-patha Lit. Cat.
बाहूबाहवि [ bāhūbāhavi ] [ bāhū-bāhavi ] ind. arm to arm , hand to hand (in close combat) Lit. Śiś. xviii , 12 ( cf. [ bāhā-bāhavi ] ) .
बाह्व् [ bāhv ] [ bāhv ] in comp. for :1. [ bāhu ] .
बाह्वङ्क [ bāhvaṅka ] [ bāhv-aṅká ] m. the bend of the arm , 1 Lit. AV.
बाह्वोजस् [ bāhvojas ] [ bāhv-ójas ] n. strength of arm Lit. RV. viii , 82 , 2
strong in a Lit. viii , 20 , 6
strong in the fore-legs (said of a horse) , Lit. i , 35 , 9.
बाहु [ bāhu ] [ bāhu ]2 ( for :1. see col.2) , Vṛiddhi form of [ bahu ] in comp.
बाहुकीट [ bāhukīṭa ] [ bāhu-kīṭa ]2 m. f. n. g. [ palady-ādi ] .
बाहुकुलेयक [ bāhukuleyaka ] [ bāhu-kuleyaka ] m. patr. fr. [ bahu-kula ] Lit. Pāṇ. iv , 1 , 140 Sch.
बाहुगर्त [ bāhugarta ] [ bāhu-garta ] m. f. n. Lit. ib. iv , 2 , 237 Sch. ( [ °taka ] Lit. Kāś. on iv , 2 , 126) .
बाहुगुण्य [ bāhuguṇya ] [ bāhu-guṇya ] n. possession of many excellences Lit. Mn. vii , 71.
बाहुजन्य [ bāhujanya ] [ bāhu-janya ] m. f. n. spread among many people Lit. L.
[ bāhujanya ] n. a great multitude of people , crowd Lit. L.
बाहुदन्तक [ bāhudantaka ] [ bāhu-dantaka ] n. ( with [ śāstra ] ) N. of a treatise on morals abridged by Indra Lit. MBh. ( cf. next) .
बाहुदन्तिन् [ bāhudantin ] [ bāhu-dantin ] m. N. of Indra Lit. L. ( cf. [ bahudantī-suta ] )
बाहुदन्तिपुत्र [ bāhudantiputra ] [ bāhu-danti-putra ] m. a son of Indra (N. of Jaya-datta author of a Tantra) Lit. Daś.
बाहुदन्तेय [ bāhudanteya ] [ bāhu-danteya ] m. = [ -dantin ] Lit. L.
बाहुबलि [ bāhubali ] [ bāhu-bali ] m. ( fr. [ bahu-bala ] ?) N. of a mountain Lit. Śatr.
बाहुभाष्य [ bāhubhāṣya ] [ bāhu-bhāṣya ] n. ( fr. [ bahu-bhāṣin ] ) talkativeness , g. [ brāhmaṇādi ] .
बाहुमित्रायण [ bāhumitrāyaṇa ] [ bāhu-mitrāyaṇa ] m. patr. fr. [ bahu-mitra ] Lit. Saṃskārak.
बाहुरूप्य [ bāhurūpya ] [ bāhu-rūpya ] n. ( fr. [ bahurūpa ] ) manifoldness g. [ brāhmaṇādi ] ( Lit. Kāś.)
बाहुवर्तक [ bāhuvartaka ] [ bāhu-vartaka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ bahu-varta ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 2 , 126 Sch. ( Lit. Kāś. ) .
बाहुवार [ bāhuvāra ] [ bāhu-vāra ] m. = [ bahu-v ] Lit. L.
बाहुविद्ध [ bāhuviddha ] [ bāhu-viddha ] m. patr. ( fr. [ bahu-v ] ?) Lit. Pravar.
बाहुशाल [ bāhuśāla ] [ bāhu-śāla ] m. f. n. prepared from Euphorbia Antiquorum
बाहुशालगुड [ bāhuśālaguḍa ] [ bāhu-śāla--guḍa ] m. pills so prepared Lit. ŚārṅgS.
बाहुश्रुत्य [ bāhuśrutya ] [ bāhu-śrutya ] n. great learning , erudition Lit. MBh.
बाह्वृच्य [ bāhvṛcya ] [ bā́hvṛcya ] n. the sacred tradition of the Bahv-ṛicas , the Ṛig-veda Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 129) .
बाहुल [ bāhula ] [ bāhula ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. [ bahula ] for 1. see above ) manifold g. [ saṃkalādi ]
[ bāhula ] m. the month Kārttika ( when the moon is near the Pleiades ; see [ bahulā ] ) Lit. L.
fire Lit. L.
a Jina Lit. Gal.
N. of a prince Lit. VP.
n. manifoldness g. [ pṛthv-ādi ]
बाहुलग्रीव [ bāhulagrīva ] [ bāhula--grīva ]2 m. " having a variegated neck " , a peacock Lit. L.
बाहुलक [ bāhulaka ] [ bāhulaka ]2 n. manifoldness , diversity Lit. Kār. on Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 32 Lit. Pat.
[ bāhulkāt ] ind. from giving too wide applicability (to a rule) Lit. Uṇ. i , 36 ; 37 Sch.
बाहुलि [ bāhuli ] [ bāhuli ] m. N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra Lit. MBh.
बाहुलेय [ bāhuleya ] [ bāhuleya ] m. metron. of Skanda (fr. [ bahulā ] , the Pleiades) Lit. L.
a bull, Lit. Inscr.
बाहुल्य [ bāhulya ] [ bāhulya ] n. abundance , plenty , multitude , variety Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
the usual course or common order of things Lit. Hariv.
[ bāhulyena ] ind. usually , ordinarily , as a rule Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. Lit. Jātakam.
[ bāhulyāt ] ind. id. , Lit. Śāṇḍ.
in all probability Lit. Hit.
बाहुक् [ bāhuk ] [ bāhuk ] see [ pra-bā́huk ] .
बाह्य [ bāhya ] [ bāhya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ bahis ] ; in later language also written [ vāhya ] q.v. ; m. nom. pl. [ bā́hye ] Lit. ŚBr.) being outside (a door , house , ) , situated without (abl. or comp.) , outer , exterior (acc. with √ [ kṛ ] , to turn out , expel) Lit. AV. ,
not belonging to the family or country , strange , foreign Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
excluded from caste or the community , an out-caste Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
diverging from , conflicting with , opposed to , having nothing to do with (abl. or comp.) Lit. ib.
( with [ artha ] ) , meaning external to (i.e. not resulting from) the sounds or letters forming a word Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 68 Sch.
[ bāhya ] m. a corpse ( for [ vāhya ] ?) Lit. Kāv.
N. of a man (pl. his family) Lit. Saṃskārak.
(pl.) N. of a people Lit. VP.
[ bāhyā ] f. ( scil. [ tvac ] ) the outer bark of a tree Lit. ŚBr.
[ bāhya ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) the outer part , exterior Lit. Rājat.
ibc. outside , without , out Lit. ŚBr.
[ bāhyam ] ind. outside , without , out Lit. ŚBr.
[ bāhyena ] ind. outside , without , out Lit. ŚBr.
[ bāhye ] ind. outside , without , out Lit. ŚBr.
[ bāhyāt ] ind. from without Lit. Pañcat.
बाह्यकक्ष [ bāhyakakṣa ] [ bāhya-kakṣa ] m. the outer side (of a house) Lit. Rājat.
बाह्यकरण [ bāhyakaraṇa ] [ bāhya-karaṇa ] n. an external organ of sense Lit. MārkP. Lit. Śaṃk.
बाह्यकर्ण [ bāhyakarṇa ] [ bāhya-karṇa ] and m. N. of two Nāgas Lit. MBh.
बाह्यकुण्ड [ bāhyakuṇḍa ] [ bāhya-kuṇḍa ]and m. N. of two Nāgas Lit. MBh.
बाह्यतद्धित [ bāhyataddhita ] [ bāhya-taddhita ] n. (in gram.) an external or secondary Taddhita suffix (added after another one) Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 29 Sch.
बाह्यतर [ bāhyatara ] [ bāhya-tara ] m. f. n. being outside , outer , external Lit. Śaṃk.
turned out (of caste or society) , an out-caste Lit. Mn. x , 30.
बाह्यतस् [ bāhyatas ] [ bāhya-tás ] ind. outside , externally , on the outside of ( with gen. or abl.) Lit. VS.
बाह्यतोनर [ bāhyatonara ] [ bāhya--to-nara ] m. pl. , " external men " , N. of a people Lit. MārkP.
बाह्यत्व [ bāhyatva ] [ bāhya-tva ] n. the state of being outside , exclusion , deviation or divergence from (abl.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Rājat.
बाह्यद्रुति [ bāhyadruti ] [ bāhya-druti ] f. " external solution " , a process in the preparation of quicksilver Lit. Sarvad.
बाह्यप्रकृति [ bāhyaprakṛti ] [ bāhya-prakṛti ] f. pl. the constituents of a foreign state exclusive of the king ( cf. [ prakṛti ] ) Lit. Pañcat.
बाह्यप्रयत्न [ bāhyaprayatna ] [ bāhya-prayatna ] m. (in gram.) the external effort in the production of articulate sounds Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 9 Sch.
बाह्यरत [ bāhyarata ] [ bāhya-rata ] n. = [ -sambhoga ] Lit. Cat.
w.r. for [ -tara ] Lit. Kathās.
बाह्यलिङ्गिन् [ bāhyaliṅgin ] [ bāhya-liṅgin ] m. a heretic Lit. L.
बाह्यवस्तु [ bāhyavastu ] [ bāhya-vastu ] n. external wealth or riches Lit. Kum.
बाह्यवासिन् [ bāhyavāsin ] [ bāhya-vāsin ] m. f. n. dwelling outside a village or town (said of Caṇḍilas) Lit. MBh.
बाह्यसम्भोग [ bāhyasambhoga ] [ bāhya-sambhoga ] m. " external coition " , (prob.) gratification of sexual passion outside the vulva Lit. Cat.
बाह्यस्पर्श [ bāhyasparśa ] [ bāhya-sparśa ] m. contact with external objects Lit. Bhag. Lit. MārkP.
बाह्यांस [ bāhyāṃsa ] [ bāhyāṃsa ] m. f. n. holding the hands outside (not between) the knees Lit. Gobh. ( cf. [ bahir-jānu ] ) .
बाह्यान्त [ bāhyānta ] [ bāhyānta ] m. the outer end or corner (of the eye) Lit. L.
बाह्यान्तर् [ bāhyāntar ] [ bāhyāntar ] ind. from without and within Lit. Prab.
बाह्याभ्यन्तर [ bāhyābhyantara ] [ bāhyābhyantara ] m. f. n. external and internal (as diseases) Lit. Suśr.
बाह्यायाम [ bāhyāyāma ] [ bāhyāyāma ] m. a partic. disease of the nerves Lit. ib.
बाह्यार्थ [ bāhyārtha ] [ bāhyārtha ] m. an external meaning ( cf. [ bāhya artha ] above ) Lit. Madhus.
external objects or matter or reality
बाह्यार्थभङ्गनिराकरण [ bāhyārthabhaṅganirākaraṇa ] [ bāhyārtha--bhaṅga-nirākaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
बाह्यार्थवाद [ bāhyārthavāda ] [ bāhyārtha-vāda ] m. the doctrine that the external world has a real existence Lit. Śaṃk.
बाह्यार्थवादिन् [ bāhyārthavādin ] [ bāhyārtha-vādin ] m. f. n. maintaining the reality of the external world ,ib.
बाह्यालय [ bāhyālaya ] [ bāhyālaya ] m. the abode of out-castes i.e. the country of the Bāhīkas Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ vāhyanaya ] ) .
बाह्याशकल [ bāhyāśakala ] [ bāhyā-śakalá ] m. a fragment from a tree's outer bark Lit. ŚBr.
बाह्याश्व [ bāhyāśva ] [ bāhyāśva ] m. N. of a man Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ vāh ] ) .
बाह्येन्द्रिय [ bāhyendriya ] [ bāhyendriya ] n. an outer organ of sense Lit. Vedântas.
बाह्योपवन [ bāhyopavana ] [ bāhyopavana ] n. a grove situated outside ( a town , [ puryāḥ ] ) Lit. BhP.
बाह्यकसृञ्जरी [ bāhyakasṛñjarī ] [ bāhyaka-sṛñjarī ] and f. N. of Sṛiñjarī and one of the two wives of Bhajamāna (an older sister of Upabāhyakā) Lit. Hariv.
बाह्यका [ bāhyakā ] [ bāhyakā ]and f. N. of Sṛiñjarī and one of the two wives of Bhajamāna (an older sister of Upabāhyakā) Lit. Hariv.
बाह्लक [ bāhlaka ] [ bāhlaka ] [ bāhlava ] , [ bāhli ] see [ bālhava ] , p. 729 , col. 3.
बाह्वट [ bāhvaṭa ] [ bāhvaṭa ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
बिट् [ biṭ ] [ biṭ ] Root ( or [ viṭ ] ) cl. [1] P. [ beṭati ] , to swear , shout , address harshly Lit. Dhātup. ix , 30.
विट् [ viṭ ] [ viṭ ] Root ( or [ biṭ ] ) cl. [1] P. [ beṭati ] , to swear , shout , address harshly Lit. Dhātup. ix , 30.
बिटक [ biṭaka ] [ biṭaka ] m. f. n. = [ piṭaka ] , a boil Lit. L.
बिठक [ biṭhaka ] [ biṭhaka ] n. = [ antarikṣa ] , the sky Lit. Nir. vi , 30.
बिड् [ biḍ ] [ biḍ ] ( or [ viḍ ] ) = [ biṭ ] Lit. Dhātup. ix , 30 (v.l.)
विड् [ viḍ ] [ viḍ ] ( or [ biḍ ] ) = [ biṭ ] Lit. Dhātup. ix , 30 (v.l.)
बिडारक [ biḍāraka ] [ biḍāraka ] m. a cat Lit. L. ( cf. next) .
बिडाल [ biḍāla ] [ biḍāla ] m. ( also written [ viḍāla ] of doubtful origin ; cf. Lit. Uṇ. i , 117) a cat Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
a partic. remedy for the eye Lit. Bhpr. ( cf. [ °laka ] )
the eye-ball Lit. L.
[ biḍālā ] f. a female cat Lit. R. ( also f ( [ ī ] ) . Lit. Uṇ. i , 117 Sch.)
[ biḍālī ] f. a partic. disease and the female demon presiding over it (reckoned among the Yoginīs) Lit. Hcat.
a species of plant Lit. L.
बिडालपद [ biḍālapada ] [ biḍāla-pada ] n. a partic. measure of weight ( = [ karṣa ] ) Lit. ŚārṅgS. Lit. Suśr.
बिडालपदक [ biḍālapadaka ] [ biḍāla-padaka ] n. a partic. measure of weight ( = [ karṣa ] ) Lit. ŚārṅgS. Lit. Suśr.
बिडालपुत्र [ biḍālaputra ] [ biḍāla-putra ] m. " cat's son " , N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
बिडालवणिज् [ biḍālavaṇij ] [ biḍāla-vaṇij ] m. " cat-dealer " , nickname of a man Lit. ib.
बिडालव्रतिक [ biḍālavratika ] [ biḍāla-vratika ] m. f. n. " acting like a cat " , false , hypocritical Lit. L. ( cf. [ baiḍāla-vr ] ) .
बिडालाक्ष [ biḍālākṣa ] [ biḍālākṣa ] m. f. n. cat-eyed Lit. Hcat.
[ biḍālākṣī ] f. N. of a Rākshasī Lit. R.
बिदालक [ bidālaka ] [ bidālaka ] m. a cat Lit. Cat.
the eyeball Lit. L.
application of ointment to the eye Lit. Car. Lit. Bhpr.
[ bidālikā ] f. a little cat , kitten Lit. Subh.
[ bidālaka ] n. yellow orpiment Lit. L.