Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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उ |
उदक् [ udak ] [ udak ] see below.
उदग्र [ udagra ] [ ud-agra ] m. f. n. having the top elevated or upwards , over-topping , towering or pointing upwards , projecting
high , tall , long Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Ragh.
increased , large , vast , fierce , intense Lit. Ragh. Lit. Vikr. Lit. Śak.
haughty Lit. Prasannar.
advanced (in age) Lit. Suśr.
excited , enraptured Lit. R. Lit. Ragh.
loud Lit. R.
उदग्रदत् [ udagradat ] [ ud-agra-dat ] m. f. n. having projecting teeth , large-toothed
[ udagradat ] m. ( [ an ] ) an elephant with a large tusk.
उदग्रप्लुतत्व [ udagraplutatva ] [ ud-agra-pluta-tva ] n. lofty bounding Lit. Śak. 7d.
उदङ्गुलीक [ udaṅgulīka ] [ ud-aṅgulīka ] m. f. n. having the fingers upraised Lit. Viddh.
उदज् [ udaj ] [ ud-√ aj ] P. Ā. [ -ajati ] , [ -te ] (impf. [ -ā́jat ] Lit. RV. ii , 12 , 3 , , and [ úd-ājat ] Lit. RV. ii , 24 , 3) to drive out , expel Lit. RV. Lit. BṛĀrUp. ; to fetch out of Lit. RV. i , 95 , 7.
उदज [ udaja ] [ ud-aja ]2 m. ( for 1. see under [ uda ] ) driving out or forth (cattle) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 69.
उदाज [ udāja ] [ ud-āja ] m. a selected portion, = [ uddhāra ] Lit. MaitrS. i , 10 , 16. ( 1321,3 )
उदजलक [ udajalaka ] [ udajalaka ] m. N. of a wheel-wright Lit. Pañcat.
उदजिन [ udajina ] [ ud-ajina ] m. f. n. one who has passed beyond (the use of) a skin (as his covering) g. [ nirudakādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 181.
उदञ्च् [ udañc ] [ ud-√ añc ]1 P. [ -acati ] ( ( Ved. ) ) and [ -añcati ] , to elevate , raise up , lift up , throw up Lit. RV. v , 83 , 8 Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. ; to ladle out Lit. AV. Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ. ; to cause , effect Lit. Prasannar. ; to rise , arise Lit. Bālar. Lit. Sāh. ; to resound Lit. Rājat. : Pass. [ -acyate ] , to be thrown out ; to come forth , proceed Lit. BṛĀrUp. v , 1 : Caus. [ -añcayati ] , to draw up , raise , elevate Lit. Daś. Lit. Bālar. ; to send forth , utter , cause to resound (see [ ud-añcita ] ) .
उदक् [ udak ] [ údak ]1 ( in comp. for [ údac ] below ; for 2. see col.2) .
उदक्कूल [ udakkūla ] [ údak-kūla ] m. f. n. directed towards the north (as grass with the tops) Lit. Gobh. iv , 5 , 16.
उदक्तस् [ udaktas ] [ údak-tás ] ind. from above , from the north Lit. AV. viii , 3 , 19.
उदक्तात् [ udaktāt ] [ údak-tāt ] ( [ údak ] ) ind. from above , from the north Lit. RV.
उदक्पाद [ udakpāda ] [ údak-pāda ] m. f. n. having one's feet turned towards the north Lit. Kauś.
उदक्प्रवण [ udakpravaṇa ] [ údak-pravaṇa ] ( [ údak ] ) m. f. n. sloping towards the north Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ChUp.
उदक्प्रस्रवण [ udakprasravaṇa ] [ údak-prasravaṇa ] m. f. n. flowing off towards the north Lit. Kauś.
[ udakprasravaṇa ] n. an outlet or drain towards the north
उदक्प्रस्रवणान्वित [ udakprasravaṇānvita ] [ údak-prasravaṇānvita ] m. f. n. having an outlet towards the north Lit. MBh.
उदक्शिरस् [ udakśiras ] [ udak-śiras ] m. f. n. one who his his head directed towards the north, Lit. Gobh.
उदक्संस्थ [ udaksaṃstha ] [ údak-saṃstha ] m. f. n. ending in the north Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
उदक्समास [ udaksamāsa ] [ údak-samāsa ] m. f. n. being united or tied in the north Lit. Lāṭy. ii , 6 , 4.
उदक्सेन [ udaksena ] [ údak-sena ] m. N. of a king Lit. VP.
उदग् [ udag ] [ udag ] ( in comp. for [ údac ] below) .
उदगग्र [ udagagra ] [ udag-agra ] m. f. n. having the points turned to the north (as grass) Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. HirGṛ.
उदगद्रि [ udagadri ] [ udag-adri ] m. " the northern mountain " , N. of the Himālaya Lit. L.
उदगपवर्गम् [ udagapavargam ] [ udag-apavargam ] ind. ending to the north Lit. Āp.
उदगयन [ udagayana ] [ udag-ayaná ] n. the sun's progress north of the equator
the half year from the winter to the summer solstice Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
[ udagayana ] m. f. n. being on the path of the sun at its progress north of the equator Lit. BhP.
उदगायत [ udagāyata ] [ udag-āyata ] m. f. n. extending towards the north Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
उदगावृत्त [ udagāvṛtta ] [ udag-āvṛtta ] m. f. n. turned to the n°orth, Lit. ĀpY.
उदगावृत्ति [ udagāvṛtti ] [ udag-āvṛtti ] f. (the sun's) turning to the north Lit. Ragh.
उदग्गति [ udaggati ] [ udag-gati ] f. = [ -ayaná ] above.
उदग्दक्षिण [ udagdakṣiṇa ] [ udag-dakṣiṇa ] m. f. n. northern and southern Lit. L.
उदग्दश [ udagdaśa ] [ udag-daśa ] ( [ údag ] ) m. f. n. having the border turned upwards or to the north Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
उदग्द्वार [ udagdvāra ] [ udag-dvāra ] m. f. n. having the entrance towards the north Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
[ udagdvāram ] ind. north of the entrance Lit. MBh.
उदग्भव [ udagbhava ] [ udag-bhava ] m. f. n. being in the northern quarter , north Lit. L.
उदग्भूम [ udagbhūma ] [ udag-bhūma ] m. fertile soil (turned upwards or towards the north) Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 75.
उदङ् [ udaṅ ] [ udaṅ ] ( in comp. for [ údac ] below) .
उदङीष [ udaṅīṣa ] [ udaṅ-īṣa ] ( [ udaṅṅīṣa ] ) m. f. n. having the pole turned to the north (as a carriage) Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr. vii , 9 , 25.
उदङ्मुख [ udaṅmukha ] [ udaṅ-mukha ] m. f. n. turned upwards Lit. Bālar.
facing the north Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ChUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. Suśr.
उदङ्मृत्तिक [ udaṅmṛttika ] [ udaṅ-mṛttika ] m. = [ udag-bhūma ] q.v. Lit. L.
उदङ्क [ udaṅka ] [ ud-aṅká ] m. a bucket or vessel (for oil but not for water) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 123
[ udaṅka ] m. N. of a man Lit. ŚBr.
m. pl. the descendants of Udaṅka g. [ upakādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 69
[ udaṅkī ] f. a bucket Lit. MānŚr. i , 1 , 2.
उदङ्क्य [ udaṅkya ] [ udaṅkya ] m. N. of a demon Lit. Kauś.
उदच् [ udac ] [ úd-ac ] m. f. n. or :2. [ úd-añc ] ( [ ud- ] :2. [ añc ] ) turned or going upwards , upper , upwards ( opposed to [ adharāñc ] ) Lit. RV. ii , 15 , 6 ; x , 86 , 22 Lit. ChUp. ( 184,1 )
turned to the north , northern ( opposed to [ dakṣiṇa ] ) Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Megh. Lit. Ragh.
subsequent , posterior Lit. L.
[ udīcī ] f. ( [ udīcī ] ) ( scil. [ diś ] ) the northern quarter , the north
[ udak ] ind. ( 2. [ údak ] ; for 1. see col.1) above
northward Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn.
subsequently Lit. L.
उदञ्च् [ udañc ] [ udañc ]2 m. f. n. or [ úd-ac ] ( [ ud- ] 2. [ añc ] ) turned or going upwards , upper , upwards ( opposed to [ adharāñc ] ) Lit. RV. ii , 15 , 6 ; x , 86 , 22 Lit. ChUp. ( 184,1 )
turned to the north , northern ( opposed to [ dakṣiṇa ] ) Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Megh. Lit. Ragh.
subsequent , posterior Lit. L.
उदञ्चन [ udañcana ] [ ud-áñcana ] n. a bucket , pail (for drawing water out of a well) Lit. RV. v , 44 , 13 Lit. AitBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
a cover or lid Lit. L.
directing or throwing upwards
rising , ascending Lit. W.
उदञ्चित [ udañcita ] [ ud-añcita ] m. f. n. raised up , lifted , elevated
thrown up , tossed , Lit. Hpar.
uttered , caused to resound Lit. Gīt.
worshipped Lit. W.
उदञ्चु [ udañcu ] [ ud-añcu ] m. N. of a man g. [ bāhv-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 96.
उदाचम् [ udācam ] [ ud-ā́cam ] ind.p. lifting up , raising Lit. ŚBr. iii , 3 , 2 , 14 ,
उदीचीपथ [ udīcīpatha ] [ udīcī-patha ] m. N. of Northern India, Lit. Inscr.
उदीचीन [ udīcīna ] [ udīcī́na ] m. f. n. turned towards the north , northern Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr.
उदीचीनकुम्ब [ udīcīnakumba ] [ udīcīnakumba ] m. f. n. with the broad end to the north, Lit. Hir.
उदीचीनप्रवण [ udīcīnapravaṇa ] [ udīcī́na-pravaṇa ] m. f. n. sloping towards the north Lit. ŚBr.
उदीच्य [ udīcya ] [ udīcyá ] m. f. n. being or living in the north Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 101 Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
[ udīcya ] m. the country to the north and west of the river Sarasvatī , the northern region Lit. MBh.
m. pl. the inhabitants of that country Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. VarBṛS.
m. N. of a school Lit. VāyuP.
a kind of perfume Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
उदीच्यवृत्ति [ udīcyavṛtti ] [ udīcyá-vṛtti ] f. the custom of the Northerners Lit. Āp. ii , 17 , 17
a species of the Vaitālīya metre.
उदञ्ज् [ udañj ] [ ud-√ añj ] P. [ -anakti ] , to adorn , trim Lit. RV. iv , 6 , 3.
उदञ्जलि [ udañjali ] [ ud-añjali ] m. f. n. hollowing the palms and then raising them Lit. Daś.
उदञ्जि [ udañji ] [ úd-añji ] m. f. n. erect and unctuous (said of the membrum virile) Lit. TS. vii , 4 , 19 , 1.
उदण्डपाल [ udaṇḍapāla ] [ ud-aṇḍa-pāla ] m. f. n. a species of fish Lit. L.
of snake Lit. L.
उदधि [ udadhi ] [ uda-dhí ] see [ uda ] .
उदन् [ udan ] [ ud-√ an ]2 ( for 1. see p. 183 , col. 3) P. [ -aniti ] ( and [ āniti ] Lit. BṛĀrUp. iii , 4 , 1 ; cf. [ vy- ] √ [ an ] ; p. [ -anát ] Lit. ŚBr. ; aor. 3. pl. [ -āniṣus ] Lit. AV. iii , 13 , 4) to breathe upwards , emit the breath in an upward direction ; to breathe out , breathe Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BṛĀrUp.
उदान [ udāna ] [ ud-āna ] m. breathing upwards
one of the five vital airs of the human body (that which is in the throat and rises upwards) Lit. Vedāntas. 97 Lit. AV. xi , 8 , 4 Lit. VS. Lit. ChUp. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
the navel Lit. L.
an eyelash Lit. L.
a kind of snake Lit. L.
joy , heart's joy ( Lit. Buddh.)
(with Buddhists) one of the 9 divisions of sacred scriptures Lit. Dharmas. 62( Lit. MWB. 63)
उदानभृत् [ udānabhṛt ] [ udāná-bhṛ́t ] f. N. of partic. bricks, Lit. ŚBr.
उदानय [ udānaya ] [ udānaya ] Nom. P. [ udānayati ] , to disclose (the joy of one's heart) Lit. Lalit.
उदन्त [ udanta ] [ úd-anta ] m. f. n. reaching to the end or border , running over , flowing over Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. TBr.
good , virtuous , excellent Lit. L.
[ udantam ] ind. to the end or border Lit. AitBr.
[ udanta ] m. ( [ ud-antá ] ) end of the work , rest
harvest time Lit. TBr. i , 2 , 6 , 2
" telling to the end " , full tidings , intelligence
news Lit. Ragh. Lit. Megh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Śak. 226 , 6
one who gets a livelihood by a trade Lit. W.
by sacrificing for others Lit. L.
उदन्य [ udanya ] [ udanya ] see p. 183 , col. 3.
उदपास् [ udapās ] [ ud-apās ] ( Preverb. [ ud-apa- ] :2 [ √ as ] ) P. to throw away , give up entirely Lit. BhP. x , 14 , 3.
उदभी [ udabhī ] [ ud-abhī ] ( Preverb. [ ud-abhi-√ i ] ) P. ( 2. sg. [ -eṣi ] ) to rise over (acc.) Lit. RV. viii , 93 , 1.
उदय [ udaya ] [ ud-ayá ] see p. 186 , col. 1.
उदयवर्मन् [ udayavarman ] [ ud-aya-varman ] m. N. of a Para-māra king, Lit. Inscr.
उदयव्ययिन् [ udayavyayin ] [ ud-aya-vyayin ] see [ vyayin ] , p. 1032
उदयास्तमय [ udayāstamaya ] [ ud-a-yāstamaya ] m. rising and setting, Lit. KaṭhUp.
उदर [ udara ] [ udára ] n. (√ [ dṝ ] Lit. Uṇ. v , 19 ; √ [ ṛ ] Lit. BRD. and Lit. T.) , the belly , abdomen , stomach , bowels Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Suśr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
the womb Lit. MBh. Lit. VP. Lit. Car.
a cavity , hollow
the interior or inside of anything ( [ udare ] , inside , in the interior) Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Śak. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Mṛicch.
enlargement of the abdomen (from dropsy or flatulence) , any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver , spleen ; eight kinds are enumerated) Lit. Suśr.
the thick part of anything (e.g. of the thumb) Lit. Suśr. Comm. on Lit. Yājñ.
slaughter Lit. Naish.
उदरकृमि [ udarakṛmi ] [ udára-kṛmi ] m. " worm in the belly " , an insignificant person g. [ pātre-saṃmitādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 48.
उदरक्रिमि [ udarakrimi ] [ udára-krimi ] m. " worm in the belly " , an insignificant person g. [ pātre-saṃmitādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 48.
उदरग्रन्थि [ udaragranthi ] [ udára-granthi ] m. " knot in the abdomen " , disease of the spleen (a chronic affection not uncommon in India) .
उदरताडम् [ udaratāḍam ] [ udara-tāḍam ] ind. so as to beat the belly, Lit. Prab.
उदरत्राण [ udaratrāṇa ] [ udára-trāṇa ] n. a cuirass or covering for the front of the body Lit. L.
a girth , belly-band Lit. L.
उदरदार [ udaradāra ] [ udára-dārá ] m. a particular disease of the abdomen Lit. AV. xi , 3 , 42.
उदरपात्र [ udarapātra ] [ udára-pātra ] n. the stomach serving as a vessel Lit. BṛĀrUp. 5.
उदरपिशाच [ udarapiśāca ] [ udára-piśāca ] m. " stomach-demon " , voracious , a glutton , one who devours everything (flesh , fish ) Lit. L.
उदरपूरम् [ udarapūram ] [ udára-pūram ] ind. till the belly is full Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 31.
उदरपोषण [ udarapoṣaṇa ] [ udára-poṣaṇa ] n. feeding the belly , supporting life.
उदरभरणमात्रकेवलेच्छु [ udarabharaṇamātrakevalecchu ] [ udára-bharaṇamātra-kevalecchu ] m. f. n. desirous only of the mere filling of the belly Lit. Hit.
उदरंभर [ udaraṃbhara ] [ udára-ṃ-bhara ] m. f. n. nourishing only one's own belly , selfish , voracious , gluttonous Lit. BhP.
उदरंभरि [ udaraṃbhari ] [ udára-ṃ-bhari ] m. f. n. Lit. Kāś.
उदररन्ध्र [ udararandhra ] [ udára-randhra ] n. a particular part of the belly of a horse Lit. Kād.
उदरविस्तार [ udaravistāra ] [ udara-vistāra ] m. corpulence, Lit. Mṛicch.
उदरव्याधि [ udaravyādhi ] [ udára-vyādhi ] m. = [ -roga ] above Lit. Rājat.
उदरशय [ udaraśaya ] [ udára-śaya ] m. f. n. lying or sleeping on the belly Lit. Kāty. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 15.
उदरशाण्डिल्य [ udaraśāṇḍilya ] [ udára-śāṇḍilya ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. ChUp. Lit. VBr.
उदरसर्पिन् [ udarasarpin ] [ udára-sarpin ] m. f. n. creeping on the belly.
उदरसर्वस्व [ udarasarvasva ] [ udára-sarvasva ] m. f. n. one whose whole essence is stomach , a glutton , epicure Lit. L.
उदरस्थ [ udarastha ] [ udára-stha ] m. " being in the stomach " , the fire of digestion Lit. MaitrUp.
उदरस्थ [ udarastha ] [ udara-stha ] ( Lit. MBh.), m. f. n. being in the womb.
उदरस्थित [ udarasthita ] [ udara-sthita ] ( Lit. HPariś.), m. f. n. being in the womb.
उदराक्ष [ udarākṣa ] [ udarākṣa ] m. N. of a demon causing diseases Lit. MBh. ix , 2565 (v.l. [ udārākṣa ] q.v.)
उदराग्नि [ udarāgni ] [ udarāgni ] m. " stomach-fire " , the digestive faculty Lit. VarBṛS.
उदराट [ udarāṭa ] [ udarāṭa ] m. " wandering in the bowels " , a species of worm Lit. Car.
उदराध्मान [ udarādhmāna ] [ udarādhmāna ] n. puffing of the belly , flatulence Lit. Suśr.
उदरामय [ udarāmaya ] [ udarāmaya ] m. disease of the bowels , dysentery , diarrhoea Lit. Suśr.
उदरामयिन् [ udarāmayin ] [ udarāmayin ] m. f. n. suffering from the above Lit. Suśr.
उदरावर्त [ udarāvarta ] [ udarāvarta ] m. " stomach-coil " , the navel Lit. L.
उदरावेष्ट [ udarāveṣṭa ] [ udarāveṣṭa ] m. tapeworm Lit. W.
उदरक [ udaraka ] [ udaraka ] m. f. n. abdominal Lit. W.
उदरण [ udaraṇa ] [ ud-áraṇa ] n. (√ [ ri ] ) rising, ascending, MaitrS
उदरिक [ udarika ] [ udarika ] m. f. n. having a large belly , corpulent Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 117.
उदरिन् [ udarin ] [ udarin ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
having a large belly (from flatulence) Lit. Suśr.
[ udariṇī ] f. a pregnant woman.
उदरिल [ udarila ] [ udarila ] m. f. n. corpulent Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 117.
उदर्य [ udarya ] [ udaryá ] m. f. n. belonging to or being in the belly Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Car.
[ udarya ] n. contents of the bowels , that which forms the belly Lit. VS. xxv , 8.
उदरथि [ udarathi ] [ udarathi ] m. (√ [ ṛ ] Lit. Uṇ. iv , 88) , the ocean Lit. L.
the sun Lit. L.
उदर्च् [ udarc ] [ ud-√ arc ] P. (pf. 3. pl. [ -ānṛcús ] ) to drive out , cause to come out Lit. AV. xii , 1 , 39.
उदर्क [ udarka ] [ ud-arká ] m. arising (as a sound) , resounding Lit. RV. i , 113 , 18
the future result of actions , consequence , futurity , future time Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Daś. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Mn.
a remote consequence , reward
happy future Lit. MBh.
conclusion , end Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr.
repetition , refrain Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
elevation of a building , a tower , look-out place Lit. MBh.
the plant Vanguiera Spinosa.
उदृच् [ udṛc ] [ ud-ṛ́c ] f. remainder , conclusion , end Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
[ udṛci ] ind. lastly , at last , finally Lit. RV. i , 53 , 11 ; x , 77 , 7 Lit. AV. vi , 48 , 1 ; 2 ; 3.
उदर्चिस् [ udarcis ] [ ud-arcis ] m. f. n. flaming or blazing upwards , brilliant , resplendent Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum.
[ udarcis ] m. fire Lit. Śiś. ii , 42
N. of Śiva Lit. L.
of Kandarpa Lit. L.
उदर्द् [ udard ] [ ud-√ ard ] P. [ -ardati ] , to swell , rise ; to undulate , wave Lit. ŚBr. v , 3 , 4 , 5; 6.
उदर्द [ udarda ] [ ud-arda ] m. (in medic.) erysipelas Lit. Bhpr.
उदर्द्ध [ udarddha ] [ ud-arddha ] m. (√ [ ṛdh ] ) , scarlet fever Lit. W.
उदर्ष [ udarṣa ] [ ud-arṣá ] m. (√ 1. [ ṛṣ ] ) , overflowing , overflow Lit. TBr. iii , 7 , 10 , 1.
उदल [ udala ] [ udala ] m. N. of a man.
उदलाकाश्यप [ udalākāśyapa ] [ udalākāśyapa ] m. N. of a goddess of agriculture Lit. PārGṛ.
उदवग्रह [ udavagraha ] [ ud-avagraha ] m. f. n. having the Udātta on the first part of a compound which contains an Ava-graha Lit. VPrāt.
उदवसो [ udavaso ] [ ud-ava-√ so ] P. [ -áva-syati ] , to leave off , go away ; to finish , end Lit. AV. ix , 6 , 54 Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. ; to go away to ( another place , with loc.) Lit. ĀśvGṛ. iv , 1 , 1.
उदवसातृ [ udavasātṛ ] [ ud-avasātṛ ] m. one who goes away after concluding (a sacrifice) Lit. Nyāyam.
उदवसान [ udavasāna ] [ ud-avasāna ] n. the act of leaving the place of sacrifice (see above ) Lit. BhP. Lit. Nyāyam.
उदवसानीय [ udavasānīya ] [ udavasānī́ya ] m. f. n. forming the end (of a sacrifice) , concluding , final Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. Lit. MaitrS.
[ udavasānīyā ] f. the end or conclusion (of a sacrifice) Lit. ŚBr.
उदवसाय [ udavasāya ] [ ud-avasāya ] ind.p. ending , concluding Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
उदवसित [ udavasita ] [ ud-avasita ] n. a house , dwelling Lit. Mṛicch.
उदवस्य [ udavasya ] [ ud-avasya ] ind.p. concluding Lit. BhP. iv , 7 , 56.
उदश् [ udaś ] [ ud-√ aś:1 ] P. [ -aśnoti ] , (Subj. [ -aśnavat ] Lit. RV. v , 59 , 4 ; pf. [ -ānaṃśa ] Lit. RV. viii , 24 , 12 ; aor. [ -ā́naṭ ] and [ -ānaṭ ] , ) Ā. ( 3. du. [ -aśnuvāte ] Lit. ŚBr. iv , 2 , 1 , 26) to reach , attain , arrive at Lit. ŚBr. ; to reach , be equal ; to overtake , surpass ; to master , rule Lit. RV.
उदश्रु [ udaśru ] [ ud-aśru ] m. f. n. one whose tears gush forth , shedding tears , weeping Lit. Ragh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
[ udaśru ] ind. with tears gushing forth Lit. Sāh. ( cf. [ ud-asra ] below.)
उदश्रय [ udaśraya ] [ udaśraya ] Nom. P. [ udaśrayati ] , to shed tears ; to cause to weep Lit. Kāvyâd.
उदश्रयण [ udaśrayaṇa ] [ udaśrayaṇa ] n. the act of causing to weep Comm. on Lit. Kāvyâd.
उदस् [ udas ] [ ud-√ as:2 ] P. [ -asyati ] , to cast or throw up ; to raise , erect , elevate Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; to throw out , expel Lit. ŚBr. ii , 6 , 2 , 16 Lit. KātyŚr. ; to throw (a weapon) Lit. Naish.
उदसन [ udasana ] [ ud-asana ] n. throwing up
raising , erecting.
उदस्य [ udasya ] [ ud-asya ] ind.p. having thrown or cast up
उदास [ udāsa ] [ ud-āsa ]1 m. ( for 2. see col.3) throwing out
extending , protracting Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
casting out
( with [ garbhasya ] ) abortion Lit. VarBṛS. 51 , 38.
उदस्तात् [ udastāt ] [ udastāt ] ind. above ( with gen.) Lit. BhP. iii , 18 , 8.
उदस्र [ udasra ] [ ud-asra ] m. f. n. shedding tears , weeping Lit. Naish. viii , 34.
उदाकृ [ udākṛ ] [ ud-ā-√ kṛ:1 ] P. Ā. [ -karoti ] , [ -kurute ] , (impf. [ -ā́kar ] Lit. RV. x , 67 , 4) to expel , drive out ; to fetch out of Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TS. ; to select , choose Lit. AV. xii , 4 , 41 Lit. ŚBr. iii , 3 , 1 , 14 ; ( only Ā. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 32) to prick Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 32 ; to revile , abuse Lit. ib.
उदाख्या [ udākhyā ] [ ud-ā-√ khyā ]
उदाख्याय [ udākhyāya ] [ ud-ākhyāya ] ind.p. having related aloud
enunciating Lit. ŚBr. iii , 3 , 3 , 4.
उदागा [ udāgā ] [ ud-ā-√ gā:1 ] P. (aor. 1. sg. [ -ā́gām ] ) to come up or out towards ( with acc.) Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 44.
उदाचक्ष् [ udācakṣ ] [ ud-ā-√ cakṣ ] Ā. [ -ācaṣṭe ] , to declare or say aloud Lit. ŚBr. iii , 3 , 3 , 4.
उदाचर् [ udācar ] [ ud-ā-√ car ] P. (impf. [ -ā́carat ] ) to rise out of (the ocean) Lit. RV. vii , 55 , 7.
उदाचार [ udācāra ] [ ud-ācāra ] m. a place for walking Lit. Āp.
उदाज् [ udāj ] [ udāj ] ( [ udā ] + √ [ aj ] ), to drive towards (dat.), Lit. Hir.
उदाज [ udāja ] [ ud-āja ] see [ ud-√ aj ] .
उदाजन् [ udājan ] [ ud-ā-√ jan ] Ā. (aor. [ -ájaniṣṭa ] ) to arise from Lit. RV. v , 31 , 3.
उदातन् [ udātan ] [ ud-ā-√ tan ] P. [ -tanoti ] , to spread , extend Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. xx , 14.
उदादा [ udādā ] [ ud-ā-√ dā:1 ] P. to lift up , elevate.
उदात्त [ udātta ] [ ud-ātta ] m. f. n. ( for [ ud-ā-datta ] ) lifted upraised , lofty , elevated , high Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
arisen , come forth Lit. Prab.
highly or acutely accented Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Nir. Lit. RPrāt. Lit. APrāt.
high , great , illustrious
generous , gentle , bountiful
giving , a donor Lit. Daś. Lit. Sāh.
haughty , pompous Lit. Rājat.
dear , beloved Lit. L.
( [ °tara ] , compar. more elevated , more acute)
[ udātta ] m. the acute accent , a high or sharp tone Lit. RPrāt. Lit. APrāt. Lit. Pāṇ.
a gift , donation Lit. L.
a kind of musical instrument
a large drum Lit. L.
an ornament or figure of speech in rhetoric Lit. L.
work , business Lit. L.
n. pompous or showy speech Lit. Kāvyâd. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pratāpar.
उदात्तता [ udāttatā ] [ ud-ātta-tā ] f. pompousness , Lit. Pratāpar.
उदात्तत्व [ udāttatva ] [ ud-ātta-tva ] n. the state of having the acute accent Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
उदात्तमय [ udāttamaya ] [ ud-ātta-maya ] m. f. n. similar to the high tone or accent , Udātta-like Lit. VPrāt.
उदात्तराघव [ udāttarāghava ] [ ud-ātta-rāghava ] n. N. of a drama.
उदात्तवत् [ udāttavat ] [ ud-ātta-vat ] m. f. n. having the Udātta Lit. VPrāt. Lit. Pāṇ.
उदात्तश्रुति [ udāttaśruti ] [ ud-ātta-śruti ] f. pronounced or sounding like the Udātta , Lit. APrāt.
उदात्तश्रुतिता [ udāttaśrutitā ] [ ud-ātta-śruti--tā ] f. the state of being pronounced so Lit. RPrāt.
उदात्तोक्ति [ udāttokti ] [ udāttokti ] f. accentuated speech, Lit. IW. 473.
उदात्तय [ udāttaya ] [ udāttaya ] Nom. P. [ udāttayati ] , to make high or illustrious ; to make honourable or respectable Lit. Bālar.
उदाद्यन्त [ udādyanta ] [ ud-ādy-anta ] m. f. n. preceded and followed by an Udātta Lit. VPrāt.
उदाद्रु [ udādru ] [ ud-ā-√ dru:2 ] P. [ -dravati ] , to run out , run upwards Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr.
उदान [ udāna ] [ ud-āna ] see 2. [ ud-√ an ] .
उदानी [ udānī ] [ ud-ā-√ nī ] P. [ -nayati ] , to lead up or out of (water) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy. : Ā. [ -nayate ] , to raise , elevate Lit. Bhaṭṭ. viii , 21.
उदाप् [ udāp ] [ ud-√ āp ] P. (pf. 3. pl. [ -āpus ] ) to reach up to , reach , attain Lit. ŚBr.
उदापि [ udāpi ] [ ud-āpi ] m. N. of a son of Sahadeva Lit. Hariv.
N. of Vasu-deva Lit. VP. (v.l. [ udāyin ] q.v.)
उदाप्याम् [ udāpyām ] [ ud-āpyām ] ind. up the stream , against stream Lit. AV. x , 1 , 7.
उदाप्लु [ udāplu ] [ ud-ā-√ plu ]
उदाप्लुत [ udāpluta ] [ ud-āpluta ] m. f. n. overflowed , inundated Lit. BhP. iii , 8 , 10.
उदामन्त्रण [ udāmantraṇa ] [ ud-ā-mantraṇa ] n. addressing loudly , calling out to Lit. Āp.
उदायम् [ udāyam ] [ ud-ā-√ yam ] P. (Impv. [ -ā́yacchatu ] ) to bring out , fetch out , get fetch out , get off Lit. AV. v , 30 , 15 : Ā. (aor. 3. sg. [ -āyata ] du. [ -āyasātām ] pl. [ -āyasata ] ) to show , exhibit , make known Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 15 ; ( but also aor. [ -āyaṃsta ] , in the sense to bring out , get off Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 15.)
उदायस [ udāyasa ] [ udāyasa ] m. N. of a prince.
उदाया [ udāyā ] [ ud-ā-√ yā ] P. [ -yāti ] , to go up to Lit. Kauś. 17.
उदायिन् [ udāyin ] [ ud-āyin ] m. N. of Vasu-deva (v.l. [ ud-āpi ] q.v.) Lit. VP.
of Kūṇika Lit. VP.
उदायु [ udāyu ] [ ud-ā-√ yu:2 ] P. [ -yauti ] , to stir up , whirl Lit. Kauś. Lit. Gobh.
उदायुध [ udāyudha ] [ ud-āyudha ] m. f. n. with uplifted weapon , raising up weapons Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās.
उदार [ udāra ] [ ud-ārá ] m. f. ( [ ā ] and [ ī ] ( gaṇa Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 45 ) ) n. (√ [ ṛ ] ) , high , lofty , exalted
[ udāra ] m. f. n. great , best
noble , illustrious , generous
upright , honest Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak. Lit. Śiś.
liberal , gentle , munificent
sincere , proper , right
unperplexed Lit. L.
exciting , effecting Lit. RV. x , 45 , 5
active , energetic Lit. Sarvad.
m. rising fog or vapour (in some cases personified as spirits or deities) Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr.
a sort of grain with long stalks Lit. L.
a figure in rhetoric (attributing nobleness to an inanimate object) .
उदारकीर्ति [ udārakīrti ] [ ud-ārá-kīrti ] m. f. n. highly renowned , illustrious.
उदारचरित [ udāracarita ] [ ud-ārá-carita ] m. f. n. of generous behaviour , noble-minded , noble Lit. Hit. Lit. Śarṅg.
[ udāracarita ] m. N. of a king Lit. Kathās.
उदारचेतस् [ udāracetas ] [ ud-ārá-cetas ] m. f. n. high-minded , magnanimous.
उदारता [ udāratā ] [ ud-ārá-tā ] f. nobleness , generousness , liberality
energy Lit. Kathās. Lit. Daś. Lit. Sarvad.
elegance of speech or expression Lit. Vām. Lit. Sāh.
उदारत्व [ udāratva ] [ ud-ārá-tva ] n. nobleness , generousness , liberality
energy Lit. Kathās. Lit. Daś. Lit. Sarvad.
elegance of speech or expression Lit. Vām. Lit. Sāh.
उदारदर्शन [ udāradarśana ] [ ud-ārá-darśana ] m. f. n. of noble appearance Lit. R. Lit. Kum.
उदारधिषण [ udāradhiṣaṇa ] [ ud-ārá-dhiṣaṇa ] m. N. of an astronomer.
उदारधी [ udāradhī ] [ ud-ārá-dhī ] m. f. n. highly intelligent , wise , sagacious Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Ragh.
[ udāradhī ] m. ( [ īs ] ) N. of a man Lit. VP.
उदारभाव [ udārabhāva ] [ ud-ārá-bhāva ] m. noble character , generosity.
उदारमति [ udāramati ] [ ud-ārá-mati ] m. f. n. noble-minded , highly intelligent , wise Lit. Ragh.
उदारविक्रम [ udāravikrama ] [ ud-ārá-vikrama ] m. f. n. highly brave , heroic Lit. Kām.
उदारवीर्य [ udāravīrya ] [ ud-ārá-vīrya ] m. f. n. of great power.
उदारवृत्तार्थपद [ udāravṛttārthapada ] [ ud-ārá-vṛttārtha-pada ] m. f. n. of excellent words and meaning and metre Lit. R. i , 2 , 45.
उदारशोभ [ udāraśobha ] [ ud-ārá-śobha ] m. f. n. of great or excellent splendour.
उदारसत्त्व [ udārasattva ] [ ud-ārá-sattva ] m. f. n. of noble character , generous-minded Lit. R.
उदारसत्त्वाभिजन [ udārasattvābhijana ] [ ud-ārá-sattvābhijana ] m. f. n. of noble character and descent Lit. R. iv , 47 , 19.
उदाराक्ष [ udārākṣa ] [ udārākṣa ] m. N. of a demon that causes diseases Lit. MBh. (ed. Bombay ix , 45 , 63 ; v.l. [ udarākṣa ] q.v.)
उदारार्थ [ udārārtha ] [ udārārtha ] m. f. n. of excellent meaning.
उदारथि [ udārathi ] [ ud-ārathi ] m. f. n. (√ [ ṛ ] ) , rising , arising Lit. RV. i , 187 , 10 Lit. AV. iv , 7 , 3
[ udārathi ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
उदारुह् [ udāruh ] [ ud-ā-√ ruh ] P. (aor. 1. sg. [ -ā́ruham ] Lit. VS. xvii , 67 ; 3. pl. [ -ā́ruhan ] Lit. AV. xviii , 1 , 61) to rise up to.
उदावत्सर [ udāvatsara ] [ udāvatsara ] v.l. for [ idā-vatsara ] q.v.
उदावस् [ udāvas ] [ ud-ā-√ vas:5 ] P. [ -vasati ] , to remove or migrate out to Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -vāsayati ] , to cause to remove out , turn out Lit. BhP.
उदावह् [ udāvah ] [ ud-ā-√ vah ] P. [ -vahati ] , to lead away , carry or draw away Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; to marry Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to extol , praise Lit. W.
उदावृत् [ udāvṛt ] [ ud-ā-√ vṛt ] Caus. [ -vartayati ] , to cause to go out , excrete Lit. Suśr. ; to secrete ; to retain (see the next) .
उदावर्त [ udāvarta ] [ ud-āvarta ] m. a class of diseases (marked by retention of the feces) , disease of the bowels , iliac passion Lit. Suśr. Lit. TS. vi , 4 , 1 , 1
[ udāvartā ] f. painful menstrual discharge (with foamy blood) Lit. Suśr.
उदावर्तक [ udāvartaka ] [ ud-āvartaka ] m. f. n. retaining (the feces) Lit. Bhpr.
उदावर्तन [ udāvartana ] [ ud-āvartana ] n. retention , retarding Lit. Car.
उदावर्तिन् [ udāvartin ] [ udāvartin ] m. f. n. suffering from disease of the bowels Lit. Suśr.
उदाव्रज् [ udāvraj ] [ ud-ā-√ vraj ] P. [ -vrajati ] , to go or move onwards , go forwards Lit. Kauś.
उदाशंस् [ udāśaṃs ] [ ud-ā-√ śaṃs ] Ā. [ -śaṃsate ] , to wish for Lit. ŚBr. v , 2 , 3 , 5 ; Lit. xi , 1 , 4 , 2.
उदास् [ udās ] [ ud-√ ās ] Ā. [ -āste ] , to sit separate or away from , sit on one side or apart ; to abstain from participating in ; to take no interest in , be unconcerned about , be indifferent or passive Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Śiś. ; to pass by , omit Lit. Sarvad.
उदास [ udāsa ] [ ud-āsa ]2 ( for 1. see [ ud- ] 2. [ as ] ) m. indifference , apathy , stoicism Lit. L.
उदासितृ [ udāsitṛ ] [ ud-āsitṛ ] m. f. n. indifferent , disregarding , stoical
void of affection or concern Lit. Śiś. i , 33.
उदासिन् [ udāsin ] [ udāsin ] m. f. n. indifferent , disregarding
one who has no desire nor affection for anything
[ udāsin ] m. a stoic , philosopher
(in popular acceptation) any religious mendicant (or one of a particular order) Lit. W.
उदासीन [ udāsīna ] [ ud-āsīna ] m. f. n. (pres. p.) sitting apart , indifferent , free from affection
inert , inactive
(in law) not involved in a lawsuit Lit. MBh. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Bhag.
[ udāsīna ] m. a stranger , neutral
one who is neither friend nor foe
a stoic , philosopher , ascetic.
उदासीनता [ udāsīnatā ] [ ud-āsīna-tā ] f. indifference , apathy Lit. Pañcat.
उदास्था [ udāsthā ] [ ud-ā-√ sthā ] P. (aor. 1. pl. [ -asthāma ] Lit. AV. iii , 31 , 11) to rise again.
उदास्थित [ udāsthita ] [ ud-āsthita ] m. f. n. set over Lit. L.
[ udāsthita ] m. an ascetic who instead of fulfilling his vow is employed as a spy or emissary Comm. on Lit. Mn. vii , 154
a superintendent Lit. L.
a door-keeper Lit. L.
उदास्यपुच्छ [ udāsyapuccha ] [ ud-āsya-puccha ] m. f. n. having the tail and head upraised Lit. BhP. x , 13 , 30.
उदाहन् [ udāhan ] [ ud-ā-√ han ] P. (impf. 3. pl. [ -aghnan ] ) to strike at ; to cause to sound (the lyre) Lit. ŚBr.
उदाहित [ udāhita ] [ ud-ā́hita ] m. f. n. (√ [ dhā ] ) , elevated.
उदाहिततर [ udāhitatara ] [ ud-ā́hita-tara ] m. f. n. more elevated , higher Lit. ŚBr. vii , 5 , 1 , 38.
उदाहृ [ udāhṛ ] [ ud-ā-√ hṛ ] P. [ -ā́-harati ] , to set up , put up Lit. ŚBr. i , 1 , 1 , 22 ; to relate , declare , announce ; to quote , cite , illustrate ; to name , call Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Gobh. Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Baudh. Lit. MBh. Lit. RPrāt. : Pass. [ -hriyáte ] , to be set up or put up Lit. TS. vi , 2 , 9 , 4.
उदाहरण [ udāharaṇa ] [ ud-āharaṇa ] n. the act of relating , saying , declaring , declaration Lit. Gaut. Lit. Kum. Lit. Vikr.
referring a general rule to a special case , an example , illustration Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kāś.
(in log.) the example , instance (constituting the third member in a fivefold syllogism) Lit. Tarkas. 41 Lit. Nyāyad. Lit. Nyāyak.
exaggeration Lit. Sāh.
उदाहरणचन्द्रिका [ udāharaṇacandrikā ] [ ud-āharaṇa-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.
उदाहरणानुगम [ udāharaṇānugama ] [ udāharaṇānugama ] m. N. of wk.
उदाहरणीय [ udāharaṇīya ] [ ud-āharaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be quoted as example , to be referred (as a general rule to a special case) Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
उदाहरिन् [ udāharin ] [ ud-āharin ] m. f. n. relating , saying , calling Lit. BhP.
उदाहार [ udāhāra ] [ ud-āhāra ] m. an example or illustration Lit. L.
the beginning of a speech Lit. L.
उदाहार्य [ udāhārya ] [ ud-āhārya ] m. f. n. = [ ud-āharaṇīya ] above.
उदाहृत [ udāhṛta ] [ ud-āhṛta ] m. f. n. said , declared , illustrated
called , named , entitled Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. VarBṛS.
उदाहृति [ udāhṛti ] [ ud-āhṛti ] f. an example , illustration
exaggeration , Lit. Pratāpar.
उदाहृत्य [ udāhṛtya ] [ ud-āhṛtya ] ind.p. bringing forward an example , illustrating
उदि [ udi ] [ ud-√ i ] P. [ -éti ] , [ -etum ] ( and [ úd-etos ] , Lit. Maitr. i , 6 , 10) to go up to , proceed or move up , proceed Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. ; to rise (as the sun or a star ) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp. Lit. VarBṛS. ; to come up (as a cloud) Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. R. ; to start up , rise up against , march off Lit. AV. iii , 4 , 1 Lit. MBh. Lit. Kum. ; to rise , raise one's self ; to increase , be enhanced ; to be conceited or proud Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Śiś. ii , 33 Lit. RPrāt. ; to go out of ; to come out or arise from Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Ragh. ; to escape Lit. ChUp. Lit. Śak. : Pass. (impers. [ -īyate ] ) to be risen Lit. Subh. ( 185,3 )
उदय [ udaya ] [ ud-ayá ] m. going up , rising
swelling up Lit. R.
rising , rise (of the sun ) , coming up (of a cloud) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn. Lit. Śak.
the eastern mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to rise) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās.
going out Lit. R.
coming forth , becoming visible , appearance , development
production , creation Lit. RV. viii , 41 , 2 Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Śak. Lit. Kum.
conclusion , result , consequence Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Mn.
that which follows
a following word , subsequent sound Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 67 Lit. RPrāt. Lit. APrāt.
rising , reaching one's aim , elevation
success , prosperity , good fortune Lit. Kathās. Lit. Ragh.
profit , advantage , income
revenue , interest Lit. R. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Mn.
the first lunar mansion
the orient sine (i.e. the sine of the point of the ecliptic on the eastern horizon) Lit. Sūryas.
N. of several men.
N. of a mountain near Rāja-gṛiha, Lit. MWB 403 n. 1
उदयकर [ udayakara ] [ ud-ayá-kara ] m. N. of an author.
उदयगिरि [ udayagiri ] [ ud-ayá-giri ] m. the eastern mountain (see above ) Lit. Hit. Lit. VP.
उदयगुप्त [ udayagupta ] [ ud-ayá-gupta ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
उदयजित् [ udayajit ] [ ud-ayá-jit ] m. N. of a son of Guṇala Lit. Rājat.
उदयज्या [ udayajyā ] [ ud-ayá-jyā ] f. the orient sine (see above ) Lit. Sūryas.
उदयतट [ udayataṭa ] [ ud-ayá-taṭa ] m. the slope of the eastern mountain (see [ udaya ] ) , Lit. Ratnāv.
उदयतुङ्ग [ udayatuṅga ] [ ud-ayá-tuṅga ] m. N. of a king Lit. Kathās.
उदयधवल [ udayadhavala ] [ ud-ayá-dhavala ] m. N. of a king.
उदयपर्वत [ udayaparvata ] [ ud-ayá-parvata ] m. = [ -giri ] above Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās.
उदयपुर [ udayapura ] [ ud-ayá-pura ] n. N. of the capital of Marwar.
उदयप्रस्थ [ udayaprastha ] [ ud-ayá-prastha ] m. the plateau of the eastern mountain.
उदयप्राण [ udayaprāṇa ] [ ud-ayá-prāṇa ] m. pl. a particular measure of time (reckoned by the number of respirations till the rising of a particular constellation) Lit. Sūryas.
उदयराज [ udayarāja ] [ ud-ayá-rāja ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
उदयराशि [ udayarāśi ] [ ud-ayá-rāśi ] m. the constellation in which a planet is seen when on the horizon Lit. VarBṛ. iv , 6.
उदयर्क्ष [ udayarkṣa ] [ ud-ayá-rkṣa ] n. ( [ udaya-ṛ ] ) id. Lit. ib.
the lunar mansion in which a star rises heliacally Lit. VarBṛS. vi , 1.
उदयवत् [ udayavat ] [ ud-ayá-vat ] m. f. n. risen (as the moon ) Lit. Śiś.
[ udayavatī ] f. N. of a daughter of Udaya-tuṅga Lit. Kathās.
उदयशैल [ udayaśaila ] [ ud-ayá-śaila ] m. = [ -giri ] above Lit. Kathās.
उदयसिंह [ udayasiṃha ] [ ud-ayá-siṃha ] m. N. of a king.
उदयाचल [ udayācala ] [ udayācala ] and m. = [ -giri ] above.
उदयाद्रि [ udayādri ] [ udayādri ]and m. = [ -giri ] above.
उदयादित्य [ udayāditya ] [ udayāditya ] m. N. of several men.
उदयान्त [ udayānta ] [ udayānta ] m. f. n. ending with sunrise Lit. MBh.
उदयान्तर [ udayāntara ] [ udayāntara ] n. (in astron.) a particular correction for calculating the real time of a planet's rising Lit. SiddhŚir.
उदयाश्व [ udayāśva ] [ udayāśva ] m. N. of a grandson of Ajāta-śatru Lit. VP.
उदयासु [ udayāsu ] [ udayāsu ] m. pl. = [ -prāṇa ] above Lit. Sūryas.
उदयोन्मुख [ udayonmukha ] [ udayonmukha ] m. f. n. about to rise
expecting prosperity Lit. Pañcad.
उदयोर्वीभृत् [ udayorvībhṛt ] [ udayorvī-bhṛt ] m. = [ -giri ] above Lit. Ratnāv.
उदयन [ udayana ] [ ud-áyana ] n. rise , rising (of the sun ) Lit. RV. i , 48 , 7 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. R.
way out , outlet Lit. AV. v , 30 , 7
outcome , result , conclusion , end Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
means of redemption Lit. Car.
उदयनचरित [ udayanacarita ] [ ud-áyana-carita ] n. N. of a drama.
उदयनतस् [ udayanatas ] [ ud-áyana-tas ] ind. finally Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. xiii , 12 , 1.
उदयनाचार्य [ udayanācārya ] [ udayanācārya ] m. N. of a philosopher and author of several works.
उदयनोपाधि [ udayanopādhi ] [ udayanopādhi ] m. N. of wk.
उदयनीय [ udayanīya ] [ udayanī́ya ] m. f. n. belonging to an end or conclusion , finishing (as a ceremony) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
उदयिभद्र [ udayibhadra ] [ udayi-bhadra ] m. id.
उदित [ udita ] [ úd-ita ] m. f. n. ( for 2. see s.v.) risen , ascended
being above , high , tall , lofty Lit. RV. Lit. ChUp. Lit. Mn.
conceited , proud , boasting Lit. MBh.
elevated risen
increased , grown , augmented Lit. R. Lit. Kir.
born , produced Lit. Bhartṛ.
apparent , visible Lit. RV. viii , 103 , 11
incurred , experienced.
उदितहोमिन् [ uditahomin ] [ úd-ita-homí n ] m. f. n. sacrificing after sunrise Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr.
उदिताधान [ uditādhāna ] [ uditādhāna ] n. kindling fire after sunrise Comm. on Lit. ĀpŚr. v , 13 , 2.
उदितानुदित [ uditānudita ] [ uditānudita ] m. f. n. " risen and not risen " , not quite risen Lit. ĀpŚr. xv , 18 , 13.
उदिति [ uditi ] [ úd-iti ] f. ascending or rising (of the sun) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. vii , 5 , 3 ; iii , 16 , 4
going away or down , setting of the sun Lit. RV. v , 69 , 3 ; 76 , 3 ; vii , 41 , 4
conclusion , end (of a sacrifice , through the fire going out Lit. Gmn.) Lit. RV. vi , 15 , 11 Lit. AV. x , 2 , 10.
उदित्वर [ uditvara ] [ ud-itvara ] m. f. n. risen Lit. Naish.
surpassing , exceeding , extraordinary Lit. NṛisUp.
उदीत [ udīta ] [ ud-īta ] m. f. n. = [ ud-ita ] 1 Lit. Naish. i , 83 ; vi , 52 ; 74.
उदेष्यत् [ udeṣyat ] [ ud-eṣyat ] m. f. n. about to rise or mount upwards , about to increase Lit. Śiś. ii , 76.
उदिङ्ग् [ udiṅg ] [ ud-√ iṅg ] Caus. [ -iṅgayati ] , to impart a tremulous motion , vibrate , swing Lit. RV. iv , 57 , 4 Lit. ŚBr. ; to cause (a sound) to vibrate , pronounce Lit. RPrāt. xvii , 8.
उदिङ्गन [ udiṅgana ] [ ud-iṅgana ] n. swinging , oscillating , vibrating Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
उदित [ udita ] [ udita ]2 m. f. n. (p.p. of √ [ vad ] q.v. ; for 1. see col.1) said , spoken Lit. AitBr. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Śiś.
spoken to , addressed Lit. BhP. Lit. Śiś. ix , 61 Lit. Kathās.
communicated , proclaimed , declared Lit. Mn. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP. Lit. Rājat.
(especially) proclaimed by law , taught , handed down
authoritative , right Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. i , 154
indicated , signified Lit. VarBṛS.
( ( a form [ udita ] occurs , incorrectly spelt for [ ud-dita ] , p. 188 , col. 1. ) )
उदितानुवादिन् [ uditānuvādin ] [ uditānuvādin ] m. f. n. one who repeats what is said by others Lit. AitBr. ii , 15.
उदितोदित [ uditodita ] [ uditodita ] m. f. n. ( fr. 2. [ udita ] with 1. [ ud-ita ] ) , conversant with what has been handed down by tradition , learned Lit. Yājñ.
उदिनक्ष् [ udinakṣ ] [ ud-inakṣ ] Preverb. (anom. Desid. of √ [ nakṣ ] ) P. (p. [ -í nakṣat ] ) to wish or endeavour to obtain or reach ; to strive after , pretend to Lit. RV. x , 8 , 9 ; 45 , 7.
उदीक्ष् [ udīkṣ ] [ ud-√ īkṣ ] Ā. [ -īkṣate ] ( once P. p. [ -īkṣat ] Lit. BhP. xi , 30 , 44) to look up to Lit. ŚBr. Lit. R. ; to look at , regard , view , behold Lit. ŚBr. xiv , 9 , 1 , 1 Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn. ; to wait , delay , hesitate ; to expect Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Mn.
उदीचीन [ udīcīna ] [ udīcī́na ] see p. 184 , col. 2.
उदीप [ udīpa ] [ ud-īpa ] m. f. n. ( fr. 2. [ ap ] with [ ud ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 97) , inundated , flooded
[ udīpa ] m. high water , inundation Lit. Rājat.
उदीर् [ udīr ] [ ud-√ īr ] Ā. [ -īrte ] ( 3. pl. [ -ī́rate ] Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; Impv. 2. sg. [ -īrṣva ] Lit. RV. x , 18 , 8 Lit. AV. ; impf. [ -airata ] Lit. RV. vii , 39 , 1 ; p. [ -ī́rāṇa ] Lit. AV. xii , 1 , 28 Lit. RV.) P. (Subj. 3. sg. [ -ī́rat ] Lit. RV. iv , 2 , 7 ; aor. 2. du. [ -airatam ] Lit. RV. i , 118 , 6) to bring or fetch out of Lit. RV. i , 118 , 6 ; to rise , start off (in order to go or to come) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ; to move upwards , ascend ; to arise , originate Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to honour , respect Lit. RV. iv , 2 , 7 ; ( in class. Sanskṛit only [ ud-īrṇa ] occurs) : Caus. [ -īrayati ] , to bring or fetch out of Lit. RV. i , 112 , 5 ; x , 39 , 9 ; to cause to rise or move ; to raise , rouse , excite Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Daś. ; to throw or cast upwards ; to cast , discharge , drive forward Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. ; to cause to come forth or appear Lit. Kum. ; to raise one's voice ; to utter , speak Lit. RV. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Mn. ; to procure , cause , effect Lit. RV. i , 48 , 2 ; x , 39 , 2 Lit. TS. Lit. Suśr. ; to excite , raise , enhance , multiply , increase Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kum. ; to extol , glorify Lit. RV. v , 42 , 3 Lit. MBh. ; to stir up , urge , stimulate Lit. RV. Lit. R. ; to rise , start off Lit. RV. v , 55 , 5 ; viii , 7 , 3 : Pass. [ -īryate ] , to be cast or thrown upwards Lit. R. ; to be excited , be roused or stirred up Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kum. ; to be uttered or announced or enunciated ; to pass for Lit. VP. Lit. Kum. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Suśr. ; to sound ; to issue forth.
उदीरण [ udīraṇa ] [ ud-īraṇa ] n. the act of throwing , casting , discharging (a missile) Lit. MBh.
throwing out
exciting , stirring up Lit. Car.
saying , speaking , communicating Lit. Kum. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Sāh.
उदीरित [ udīrita ] [ ud-īrita ] m. f. n. excited , stirred up
animated , agitated
increased , augmented
said , uttered , enunciated.
उदीरितधी [ udīritadhī ] [ ud-īrita-dhī ] m. f. n. one whose mind is active , acute-minded Lit. Prab.
उदीरितेन्द्रिय [ udīritendriya ] [ udīritendriya ] m. f. n. one whose senses are excited Lit. Kum. iv , 41.
उदीर्ण [ udīrṇa ] [ ud-īrṇa ] m. f. n. issued out , excited , increased , elevated Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kum.
self-conceited , proud Lit. MBh.
उदीर्णता [ udīrṇatā ] [ ud-īrṇa-tā ] f. excitement , activity , agility Lit. Suśr.
उदीर्णदीधिति [ udīrṇadīdhiti ] [ ud-īrṇa-dīdhiti ] m. f. n. intensely bright.
उदीर्णवराहतीर्थ [ udīrṇavarāhatīrtha ] [ ud-īrṇa-varāhatīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha.
उदीर्णवेग [ udīrṇavega ] [ ud-īrṇa-vega ] m. f. n. impetuous in its course (as a torrent) , violent.
उदीर्य [ udīrya ] [ ud-īrya ]1 m. f. n. to be raised
to be uttered
उदीर्य [ udīrya ] [ ud-īrya ]2 ind.p. having uttered
उदीष् [ udīṣ ] [ ud-√ īṣ ] P. [ -īṣati ] , to rise , mount Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. MaitrS.
उदीषित [ udīṣita ] [ úd-īṣita ] m. f. n. risen , elevated Lit. RV. x,119 , 12.
उदुक्ष् [ udukṣ ] [ ud-√ ukṣ ] P. [ -ukṣati ] , to sprinkle upwards or outwards Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
उदुत [ uduta ] [ ud-uta ] see p. 192 , col. 3.
उदुब्ज् [ udubj ] [ ud-√ ubj ] P. [ -ubjati ] , to open by bending or breaking Lit. TS. vi , 5 , 9 , 1 ; to set up , erect Lit. AV. xi , 1 , 7.
उदुब्ज [ udubja ] [ ud-ubja ] m. f. n. having the face turned upwards, Lit. L.
उदुम्बर [ udumbara ] [ udumbára ] m. n. Ved. for [ uḍumbara ] q.v. , the tree Ficus Glomerata.
a toothpick made of Udumbara wood, Lit. ĀpGṛ.
उदुम्बल [ udumbala ] [ udumbalá ]2 m. f. n. of widely-reaching power (for [ uru-bala ] Lit. Sāy. ; said of the two dogs , the messengers of Yama) Lit. RV. x , 14 , 12 Lit. AV. xviii , 2 , 13 , ( copper-coloured Lit. BRD. )
उदुम्भर [ udumbhara ] [ udumbhára ] m. ( fr. √ [ bhṛ ] with [ ud ] ) , a word coined for the etymological explanation of [ udumbára ] Lit. ŚBr. vii , 5 , 1 , 22.
उदुष् [ uduṣ ] [ ud-√ uṣ ] P. [ -oṣati ] , to heat , make red-hot ; to torment by heat Lit. AV. xii , 5 , 72 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
उदुष्ट [ uduṣṭa ] [ úd-uṣṭa ] m. f. n. red-hot
उदुष्टमुख [ uduṣṭamukha ] [ úd-uṣṭa-mukha ] m. f. n. having a red mouth (as a horse) Lit. ŚBr. vii , 3 , 2 , 14.
उदुह [ uduha ] [ uduhá ] m. ? misprint for [ udūhá ] below.
उदूखल [ udūkhala ] [ udūkhala ] n. a wooden mortar (used for pounding rice and separating the husk)
any mortar Lit. Suśr.
bdellium Lit. L.
उदूढ [ udūḍha ] [ ud-ūḍha ] see [ ud-√ vah ] .
उदूर्मि [ udūrmi ] [ ud-ūrmi ] m. f. n. having surging waves, Lit. HPariś.
उदूह् [ udūh ] [ ud-√ ūh:1 ] P. Ā. [ -ūhati ] , [ -te ] , to push or press upwards , move or bear upwards ; to throw or turn out , sweep out , push out Lit. AV. xi , 1 , 9 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Comm. on Lit. TBr. iii , 8 , 4 , 3 Lit. BhP. ; to bring out of Lit. Vait. ; to heighten (an accent) Lit. SaṃhUp. iii , 3.
उदूह [ udūha ] [ ud-ūhá ] m. (?) a besom , broom Lit. TBr. iii , 8 , 4 , 3
the highest acute (accent) Lit. SaṃhUp. iii , 4.
उदृ [ udṛ ] [ ud-√ ṛ ] P. [ -iyarti ] (pf. 2. sg. [ -ā́rithā ] Lit. RV. ii , 9 , 3 ; aor. [ -ārat ] Lit. RV. iv , 58 , 1) Ā. (aor. [ -ārta ] Lit. RV. vii , 35 , 7) to start up , rise , come up ; to move up , raise , excite Lit. RV. i , 113 , 17 ; iii , 8 , 5 , : Caus. [ -arpayati ] , to cause to rise or prosper Lit. RV. ii , 33 , 4 Lit. KātyŚr.
उदृच् [ udṛc ] [ ud-ṛ́c ] see [ ud-√ arc ] .
उदृष् [ udṛṣ ] [ ud-√ ṛṣ:2 ] P. (p. [ -ṛṣát ] ) to perforate , pierce Lit. RV. x , 155 , 2.
उदे [ ude ] [ ud-e ] ( Preverb. [ ud-ā-√ i ] ) P. [ -éti ] (Impv. 2. sg. [ udéhi ] Lit. AV. v , 30 , 11 , ) to go up , rise , arise from , come up , move upwards Lit. RV. vi , 5 , 1 Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp. ; to move out , come out of , go out Lit. ŚBr. Lit. VS. ; to arise , be produced.
उदेयिवस् [ udeyivas ] [ udeyivas ] m. f. n. (p.p. P.) that has come up , produced , originated , born Lit. BhP. x , 31 , 4.
उदेज् [ udej ] [ ud-√ ej ] P. [ -ejati ] , to move upwards , rise Lit. AV. iv , 4 , 2 ; to shake , tremble: Caus. [ -ejayati ] , to cause to tremble , shake Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 138.
उदोजस् [ udojas ] [ úd-ojas ] m. f. n. exceedingly powerful or effective Lit. RV. v , 54 , 3 ; x , 97 , 7.
उद्गद्गदिका [ udgadgadikā ] [ ud-gadgadikā ] f. sobbing Lit. Kād. ii , 99 , 15.
उद्गन्धि [ udgandhi ] [ ud-gandhi ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 135) giving forth perfume , fragrant Lit. Ragh.
उद्गम् [ udgam ] [ ud-√ gam ] P. [ -gacchati ] ( Ved. impf. 1. pl. [ -aganma ] ) to come forth , appear suddenly , become visible Lit. RV. i , 50 , 10 Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. : Lit. Vikr. ; to go up , rise (as a star) , ascend , start up Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Ratnāv. ; to go out or away , disappear Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Bhartṛ. ; to spread , extend Lit. Ragh. : Caus. [ -gamayati ] , to cause to rise Lit. Pat. ; to cause to come out or issue (as milk from the mother's breast) , suck.
उद्गत [ udgata ] [ ud-gata ] m. f. n. gone up , risen , ascended Lit. Ṛitus. Lit. MBh.
come or proceeded forth , appeared , Lit. Ratnāv. Lit. Ragh.
gone , departed
extended , large Lit. Ragh.
vomited , cast up Lit. L.
[ udgatā ] f. N. of a metre ( consisting of four lines , with ten syllables in the first three , and thirteen in the last ; occurring e.g. in Lit. Śiś. xv) . ( 186,3 )
उद्गतशृङ्ग [ udgataśṛṅga ] [ ud-gata-śṛṅga ] m. f. n. one whose horns are just appearing (as a calf) Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 115.
उद्गतासु [ udgatāsu ] [ udgatāsu ] m. f. n. one whose life is gone , deceased , dead.
उद्गति [ udgati ] [ ud-gati ] f. coming forth Lit. Kathās.
going up , rising , ascent Lit. L.
bringing up
vomiting Lit. L.
उद्गन्तृ [ udgantṛ ] [ ud-gántṛ ] m. one who leads out Lit. MaitrUp. vi , 31.
उद्गम [ udgama ] [ ud-gama ] m. going up , rising (of a star ) , ascending , elevation (of a mountain) Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Hit. Lit. VarBṛS.
coming forth , becoming visible , appearing , production , origin Lit. Suśr. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Vikr. Lit. Ratnāv.
going out or away Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Bhartṛ.
shooting forth (of a plant) Lit. Kir. Lit. Kāvyâd.
उद्गमन [ udgamana ] [ ud-gamana ] n. the act of rising (of a star ) , ascending Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 40
the act of coming forth , becoming visible Lit. R.
उद्गमनीय [ udgamanīya ] [ ud-gamanīya ] m. f. n. to be gone up or ascended Lit. L.
cleansed , clean Lit. Kum. vii , 11 Lit. Hcar.
[ udgamanīya ] n. a clean cloth or garment Lit. Daś.
a pair of bleached cloths or sheets Lit. L.
उद्गर्ज् [ udgarj ] [ ud-√ garj ] P. [ -garjati ] , to burst out roaring ; to cry out loudly Lit. Kathās.
उद्गर्जित [ udgarjita ] [ ud-garjita ] n. roaring, grunting, Lit. Mālatīm.( Page1322,1 )
उद्गर्भ [ udgarbha ] [ ud-garbha ] m. f. n. pregnant Lit. Vām.
उद्गल् [ udgal ] [ ud-√ gal ] P. [ -galati ] , to trickle out , ooze out , issue in drops Lit. BhP.
उद्गल [ udgala ] [ ud-gala ] m. f. n. raising the neck Lit. BhP.
उद्गा [ udgā ] [ ud-√ gā ] Ved. P. (aor. or impf. [ -agāt ] ) to rise (as the sun ) , come up Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. ; to come forth , begin Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 3.
उद्गातृ [ udgātṛ ] [ ud-gātṛ́ ] see col.2.
उद्गाल [ udgāla ] [ ud-gāla ] m. vomiting (cf. [ ud ] - [ gāra ] ), Lit. L.
उद्गार [ udgāra ] [ ud-gāra ] see [ ud-√ gṝ ] below.
उद्गाह् [ udgāh ] [ ud-√ gāh ] Ā. (pf. 3. pl. [ -jigāhīre ] ( irr. ) Lit. KātyŚr. xiii , 3 , 21) to emerge.
उद्गाढ [ udgāḍha ] [ ud-gāḍha ] m. f. n. flowing over , excessive , violent , much Lit. Prab. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Bhartṛ.
[ udgāḍham ] ind. excessively , much Lit. L.
उद्गुर् [ udgur ] [ ud-√ gur ] P. [ -gurate ] (p. [ -gurámāṇa ] Lit. VS. xvi , 46) to raise one's voice in a threatening manner ; to raise (a weapon ) , lift up Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
उद्गूरयितृ [ udgūrayitṛ ] [ ud-gūrayitṛ ] m. f. n. threatening Lit. Vishṇus. v , 60.
उद्गूर्ण [ udgūrṇa ] [ ud-gūrṇa ] m. f. n. raised , lifted , held up Lit. Veṇis. Lit. Pañcat.
erected , excited Lit. W.
raised, exerted, Lit. L.
[ udgūrṇa ] n. the act of raising (a weapon) , threatening Lit. Yājñ. ii , 215.
उद्गोरण [ udgoraṇa ] [ ud-goraṇa ] n. the act of raising (a weapon) , threatening Comm. on Lit. Yājñ. ii , 215.
उद्गुह् [ udguh ] [ ud-√ guh ] P. Ā. [ -gūhati ] , [ -te ] , to wind through , twist through Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
उद्गूहन [ udgūhana ] [ ud-gūhana ] n. the act of twisting or winding through Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr. ii , 7 , 2.
उद्गृभाय [ udgṛbhāya ] [ ud-gṛbhāya ] see [ ud-√ grah ] .
उद्गॄ [ udgṝ ] [ ud-√ gṝ ] P. [ -girati ] , to eject (from the mouth) , spit out , vomit out or up , belch out ; to pour out , discharge , spout Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Pañcat. ; to force out (a sound) , utter ; to breathe out ; to raise from Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās. : Caus. P. [ -girayati ] (irr.) , to raise (sounds) , utter Lit. Pañcat.
उद्गार [ udgāra ] [ ud-gāra ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 29) the act of discharging , spitting out , ejecting (from the mouth) , vomiting , belching , eructation Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Megh.
relating repeatedly Lit. Hit.
spittle , saliva Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Gaut.
flood , high water Lit. R. Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 29
roaring , hissing , a loud sound Lit. MBh. Lit. Śāntiś.
उद्गारचूडक [ udgāracūḍaka ] [ ud-gāra-cūḍaka ] m. a species of bird Lit. Car.
उद्गारशोधन [ udgāraśodhana ] [ ud-gāra-śodhana ] m. black caraway Lit. Bhpr.
उद्गारिन् [ udgārin ] [ ud-gārin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) ejecting , spitting , vomiting
discharging , thrusting out Lit. R. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Rājat.
uttering , causing to sound Lit. Bālar.
[ udgārin ] m. the 57th year of the Jupiter cycle Lit. VarBṛS. viii , 50.
उद्गिरण [ udgiraṇa ] [ ud-giraṇa ] n. the act of vomiting , ejecting (from the mouth) , spitting out , slobbering , slavering Lit. Suśr. Lit. Vedāntas.
उद्गीर्ण [ udgīrṇa ] [ ud-gīrṇa ] m. f. n. vomited forth , ejected Lit. Suśr.
cast forth , fallen out of Lit. VarBṛS.
caused , effected Lit. Gīt. i , 36.
उद्गीर्य [ udgīrya ] [ ud-gīrya ] ind.p. having omitted or ejected
उद्गेही [ udgehī ] [ udgehī ] f. a kind of ant Lit. L.
उद्गै [ udgai ] [ ud-√ gai ] P. [ -gāyati ] ( [ -gāti ] Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. xvii , 7) to begin to sing ; to sing or chant ( applied especially to the singing or chanting of the Sāmaveda cf. [ ud-gātṛ́ ] ) Lit. RV. x , 67 , 3 Lit. AV. ix , 6 , 45-48. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TS. Lit. Lāṭy. ; to sing out loud Lit. Śiś. vi , 20 ; to announce or celebrate in song , sing before any one ( with acc.) ; to fill with song Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. ( 187,1 )
उद्गातुकाम [ udgātukāma ] [ udgātu-kāma ] m. f. n. wishing to sing.
उद्गातृ [ udgātṛ ] [ ud-gātṛ́ ] m. one of the four chief-priests (viz. the one who chants the hymns of the Sāmaveda) , a chanter Lit. RV. ii , 43 , 2 Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Mn.
उद्गातृदमन [ udgātṛdamana ] [ ud-gātṛ́-damana ] n. N. of several Sāmans.
उद्गात्रादि [ udgātrādi ] [ udgātr-ādi ] ( [ °tṛ-ā° ] ) m. N. of a gaṇa Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 129.
उद्गाथा [ udgāthā ] [ ud-gāthā ] f. a variety of the Āryā metre (consisting of four lines , containing alternately twelve and eighteen instants) .
उद्गीति [ udgīti ] [ ud-gīti ] f. singing , singing loud
a variety of the Āryā metre (consisting of four lines of twelve , fifteen , twelve , and eighteen instants) .
उद्गीथ [ udgītha ] [ ud-gīthá ] m. ( Lit. Uṇ. ii , 10) chanting of the Sāma-veda (especially of the exact Sāma-veda without the additions , the office of the Udgātṛi) Lit. AV. xi , 7 , 5 ; xv , 3 , 8 Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
the second part of the Sāma-veda
N. of a son of Bhuva Lit. VP.
of a son of Bhūman (the same?) Lit. BhP.
of a commentator of Vedic texts Lit. Sāy.
the syllable [ om ] (the triliteral name of God) Lit. L.
उद्गीय [ udgīya ] [ ud-gīya ] ind.p. having sung or chanted
उद्गेय [ udgeya ] [ ud-geya ] m. f. n. to be sung Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
उद्ग्रन्थ् [ udgranth ] [ ud-√ granth ] P. [ -grathnāti ] , or [ -granthati ] , to bind up , tie into bundles , tie up , truss Lit. AitBr. Lit. TBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr. ; to fasten , wind Lit. MBh. : Lit. Kauś. ; to unbind , loosen Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -grathayati ] , to unbind , loosen Lit. BhP. iv , 22 , 39.
उद्ग्रथन [ udgrathana ] [ ud-grathana ] n. (v.l. for [ ā-grathana ] Lit. Ragh. xix , 41) the act of winding round.
उद्ग्रथित [ udgrathita ] [ ud-grathita ] m. f. n. tied up
fastened , wound , interlaced
unbound , loosened.
उद्ग्रथ्य [ udgrathya ] [ ud-grathya ] m. f. n. and ind.p. having tied up
having wound
उद्ग्रन्थ्य [ udgranthya ] [ ud-granthya ]and ind.p. having tied up
having wound
उद्ग्रन्थ [ udgrantha ] [ ud-grantha ] m. section , chapter Lit. L.
N. of a man ( Lit. Buddh.)
उद्ग्रन्थि [ udgranthi ] [ ud-granthi ] m. f. n. untied , free (from worldly ties) Lit. BhP.
उद्ग्रह् [ udgrah ] [ ud-√ grah ] P. Ā. [ -gṛhṇāti ] ( or Ved. [ -gṛbhṇāti ] ) , [ -ṇīte ] (Impv. 2. sg. [ -gṛbhāya ] Lit. RV. v , 83 , 10 ; p. [ -gṛhṇát ] Lit. AV. ix , 6 , 47) to lift up , keep above Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to set up , erect , raise , elevate Lit. VS. Lit. TS. : (Ā.) to raise one's self Lit. ŚBr. iii , 1 , 4 , 1 ; vi , 6 , 1 , 12 ; to take out , draw out ; to tear away , take away Lit. AV. iv , 20 , 8 Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; to take away from , preserve , save Lit. AV. viii , 1 , 2 ; 17 ; to intercept , cause (the rain) to cease Lit. RV. v , 83 , 10 ; to break off , discontinue (speaking) Lit. AV. ix , 6 , 47 Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp. Lit. Lāṭy. ; to concede , grant , allow Lit. BhP. xi , 22 , 4 : Caus. [ -grāhayati ] , to cause to take up or out , cause to pay Lit. NṛisUp. Lit. Yājñ. ; to bespeak , describe , set forth Lit. Śiś. ii , 75 Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
to comprehend, Lit. Divyâv.
उद्गृह्य [ udgṛhya ] [ ud-gṛhya ] ind.p. having lifted up
having taken out Lit. ŚBr.
उद्ग्रभण [ udgrabhaṇa ] [ ud-grabhaṇa ] n. the act of taking up , raising Lit. KātyŚr. xvi , 5 , 11.
उद्ग्रहण [ udgrahaṇa ] [ ud-gráhaṇa ] n. the act of taking out Lit. ŚBr.
recovering ( a debt cf. [ ṛṇodgr ] )
taking up , lifting up
उद्ग्रहणिका [ udgrahaṇikā ] [ udgrahaṇikā ] f. replying in argument , objection Comm. on Lit. BhP. v , 11 , 1.
उद्ग्राभ [ udgrābha ] [ ud-grābhá ] m. taking up , raising , elevating Lit. TS. Lit. VS.
उद्ग्राह [ udgrāha ] [ ud-grāha ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 35) taking up , reception Lit. Uttarar.
" taking away " , N. of a Sandhi rule (which causes the change of [ aḥ ] , [ e ] , and [ o ] , to [ a ] before a following vowel) Lit. RPrāt. 133
replying in argument , objection Lit. L.
(in music) the introductory part of a piece.
उद्ग्राहपदवृत्ति [ udgrāhapadavṛtti ] [ ud-grāha-pada-vṛtti ] f. the Udgrāha Sandhi before a long vowel Lit. RPrāt. 134.
उद्ग्राहवत् [ udgrāhavat ] [ ud-grāha-vat ] n. a kind of Sandhi ( causing the change of [ ā ] and [ a ] to [ a ] before [ ṛ ] ) Lit. RPrāt. 136.
उद्ग्राहणिका [ udgrāhaṇikā ] [ ud-grāhaṇikā ] f. and replying in argument , objection Lit. L.
उद्ग्राहिणी [ udgrāhiṇī ] [ ud-grāhiṇī ]and f. replying in argument , objection Lit. L.
उद्ग्राहित [ udgrāhita ] [ ud-grāhita ] m. f. n. taken away , lifted up
deposited , delivered
bound , tied
described , set forth
excellent , exalted
recalled , remembered , recited Lit. L.
उद्ग्रासक [ udgrāsaka ] [ ud-grāsaka ] m. f. n. (√ [ gras ] ) , devouring Lit. NṛisUp. 203.
उद्ग्रीव [ udgrīva ] [ ud-grīva ] m. f. n. one who raises or lifts up the neck (in trying to see anything) Lit. Amar. Lit. Rājat.
having the neck turned upwards (as a vessel) Lit. Kād.
उद्ग्रीविका [ udgrīvikā ] [ ud-grīvikā ] f. lifting up the neck, Lit. Vās.
उद्ग्रीविन् [ udgrīvin ] [ udgrīvin ] m. f. n. raising or lifting up the neck , Lit. Śāntiś.
उद्घ [ udgha ] [ ud-gha ] see [ ud-dhan ] , p. 188 , col. 3.
उद्घट् [ udghaṭ ] [ ud-√ ghaṭ ] Caus. [ -ghāṭayati ] , to open , unlock , unfasten , unveil ; to peel , shell Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. VarBṛS. ; to expose ; to betray Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās. ; to commence , begin Lit. Hit. ; to rub over , stroke ; to tickle.
उद्घाट [ udghāṭa ] [ ud-ghāṭa ] m. the act of exposing or showing (the teeth) , Śubh.
a watch or guard-house Lit. L.
उद्घाटक [ udghāṭaka ] [ ud-ghāṭaka ] m. a key Lit. Mṛicch.
[ udghāṭaka ] n. a leather bucket used for drawing up water Lit. L.
उद्घाटन [ udghāṭana ] [ ud-ghāṭana ] m. f. n. opening , unlocking Lit. Hit.
[ udghāṭana ] n. the act of opening , unlocking
revealing , manifesting Lit. MārkP. Lit. Sāy.
the act of unveiling , exposing , uncovering Lit. Sarvad.
a leather bucket used for drawing up water Lit. L.
hoisting , raising , lifting up Lit. L.
उद्घाटनीय [ udghāṭanīya ] [ ud-ghāṭanīya ] m. f. n. to be opened Lit. Kathās.
उद्घाटित [ udghāṭita ] [ ud-ghāṭita ] m. f. n. opened , manifested
undertaken , commenced
raised , hoisted , lifted up
done with effort , exerted
stroked , tickled Lit. Suśr.
उद्घाटितज्ञ [ udghāṭitajña ] [ ud-ghāṭita-jña ] m. f. n. wise , intelligent Lit. Daś.
उद्घाटिताङ्ग [ udghāṭitāṅga ] [ udghāṭitāṅga ] m. f. n. " having the limbs exposed " , naked Lit. L.
wise , intelligent Lit. W.
उद्घाटिन् [ udghāṭin ] [ ud-ghāṭin ] m. f. n. one who opens or unlocks Lit. Prasannar.
commencing Lit. L.
उद्घट्ट् [ udghaṭṭ ] [ ud-√ ghaṭṭ ] Caus. [ -ghaṭṭayati ] and [ -ghāṭṭayati ] , to unlook , open Lit. L. ; to stir up Lit. Car.
उद्घट्टक [ udghaṭṭaka ] [ ud-ghaṭṭaka ] m. a kind of time (in music) Lit. L.
उद्घट्टन [ udghaṭṭana ] [ ud-ghaṭṭana ] n. striking against , a stroke Lit. Megh.
outbreak (of violence or passion) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Bālar.
opening , opening upwards (as a lid) Lit. L.
उद्घट्टित [ udghaṭṭita ] [ ud-ghaṭṭita ] m. f. n. opened , unlocked Lit. L.
उद्घात [ udghāta ] [ ud-ghāta ] see [ ud-dhan ] , p. 188 , col. 3.
उद्घुष् [ udghuṣ ] [ ud-√ ghuṣ ] P. [ -ghoṣati ] , to sound ; to cry out Lit. MBh. ; to fill with cries ; to proclaim aloud Lit. Sarvad. : Caus. [ -ghoṣayati ] , to cause to sound aloud Lit. Rājat. ; to declare aloud , proclaim , noise abroad Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.
उद्घुष्ट [ udghuṣṭa ] [ ud-ghuṣṭa ] m. f. n. sounded out Lit. VarBṛS.
filled with cries Lit. R.
proclaimed , noised abroad
उद्घोष [ udghoṣa ] [ ud-ghoṣa ] m. the act of announcing or proclaiming aloud
popular talk , general report.
उद्घोषडिण्डिम [ udghoṣaḍiṇḍima ] [ ud-ghoṣa-ḍiṇḍima ] m. a drum beaten by a town-crier (to attract attention in the streets) Lit. Kathās.
उद्घोषण [ udghoṣaṇa ] [ ud-ghoṣaṇa ] f n. proclamation , publication Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Sarvad.
उद्घूर्ण [ udghūrṇa ] [ ud-ghūrṇa ] m. f. n. (√ [ ghūrṇ ] ) , wavering , unsteady Lit. Kād.
उद्घृष् [ udghṛṣ ] [ ud-√ ghṛṣ ] P. [ -gharṣati ] , to rub up , rub together , grind , comminute by rubbing ; to rub over ; to strike at , toll (a bell) ; see [ ud-ghṛṣṭa ] .
उद्घर्ष [ udgharṣa ] [ ud-gharṣa ] m. rubbing (the skin with hard substances) Lit. Car.
उद्घर्षण [ udgharṣaṇa ] [ ud-gharṣaṇa ] n. id. Lit. Suśr.
rubbing up , scratching Lit. Suśr. ii , 149 , 13
striking , beating , blows Lit. Mṛicch.
उद्घृष्ट [ udghṛṣṭa ] [ ud-ghṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. rubbed , ground , pulverized Lit. Ragh.
struck at , tolled (as a bell) Lit. Rājat.
[ udghṛṣṭa ] n. a partic. fault in pronunciation, Lit. Śiksh.
उद्घोण [ udghoṇa ] [ ud-ghoṇa ] m. f. n. having the nose or snout erected (as a boar) Lit. Kād.
उद्दंश [ uddaṃśa ] [ ud-daṃśa ] m. and [ uddaṃśaka ] a bug Lit. L.
a mosquito , gadfly Lit. L.
उद्दण्ड [ uddaṇḍa ] [ ud-daṇḍa ] m. f. n. one who holds up a staff (said of a doorkeeper) Lit. Kuval.
having a stick or staff or stalk raised or erect Lit. Hit. Lit. Prab. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās.
prominent , extraordinary Lit. Daś.
उद्दण्डकवि [ uddaṇḍakavi ] [ uddaṇḍa-kavi ] m. N. of the author of the drama Mallikā-māruta.
उद्दण्डपाल [ uddaṇḍapāla ] [ ud-daṇḍa-pāla ] m. = [ udaṇḍa-pala ] q.v.
उद्दण्डरङ्गनाथ [ uddaṇḍaraṅganātha ] [ uddaṇḍa-raṅga-nātha ] m. N. of the author of the drama Mallikā-māruta.
उद्दण्डित [ uddaṇḍita ] [ ud-daṇḍita ] m. f. n. raised up , elevated Lit. Kathās.
उद्दन्तुर [ uddantura ] [ ud-dantura ] m. f. n. large-toothed , having projecting teeth
high , tall Lit. L.
terrific , formidable Lit. L.
उद्दम् [ uddam ] [ ud-√ dam ] Caus. [ -damayati ] , to subdue , overpower , become master of.
उद्दम [ uddama ] [ ud-dama ] m. the act of subduing , taming Lit. L.
उद्दम्य [ uddamya ] [ ud-damya ] ind.p. having subdued Lit. MBh. xii , 6596.
उद्दर्शन [ uddarśana ] [ ud-darśana ] see [ ud-√ dṛś ] .
उद्दल [ uddala ] [ ud-dala ] m. N. of a pupil of Yājñavalkya's.
उद्दलन [ uddalana ] [ ud-dalana ] m. f. n. tearing out Lit. Kād.
[ uddalana ] n. the act of splitting , causing to burst Lit. Jain.
उद्दाल [ uddāla ] [ ud-dāla ] m. the plant Paspalum Frumentaceum Lit. Suśr.
Cordia Myxa or Latifolia Lit. L.
a wicker basket for catching fish, Lit. L.
उद्दालकपुष्पभञ्जिका [ uddālakapuṣpabhañjikā ] [ ud-dā́laka-puṣpa-bhañjikā ] f. " breaking Uddālaka flowers " , a sort of game (played by people in the eastern districts) Lit. Kāś.
उद्दालकव्रत [ uddālakavrata ] [ ud-dā́laka-vrata ] n. a particular vow Comm. on Lit. ĀśvGṛ. i , 19 , 6.
उद्दालकायन [ uddālakāyana ] [ uddālakāyana ] m. a descendant of the teacher Uddālaka.
उद्दालन [ uddālana ] [ ud-dālana ] n. a means of tearing away or removing Lit. Car.
उद्दालिन् [ uddālin ] [ uddālin ] m. = [ ud-dala ] q.v. Lit. VP.
उद्दाल्य [ uddālya ] [ ud-dālya ] ind.p. having caused to burst , having split Lit. MBh.
उद्दाय [ uddāya ] [ ud-dāya ] ind.p. having taken out or away , having extorted Lit. BhP. iii , 1 , 39.
उद्दा [ uddā ] [ ud-√ dā:3 ]2 P. ( 1322,1 )
उद्दान [ uddāna ] [ ud-dāna ] n. the act of binding on , fastening together , stringing Lit. MBh.
taming , subduing Lit. L.
the middle , waist Lit. L.
a fire-place Lit. L.
submarine fire Lit. L.
entrance of the sun into the sign of the zodiac Lit. L.
contents Lit. L.
tax , duty Lit. L.
[ uddāna ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
उद्दित [ uddita ] [ ud-dita ] m. f. n. bound , tied Lit. L.
उद्दाम [ uddāma ] [ ud-dāma ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ dāman ] with 1. [ ud ] ) , unrestrained , unbound , set free
unlimited , extraordinary
violent , impetuous , fiery
proud , haughty
large , great Lit. MBh. Lit. Megh. Lit. Rājat.
[ uddāma ] m. a particular metre
" one whose noose is raised " , N. of Yama Lit. L.
of Varuṇa Lit. L.
[ uddāmam ] ind. in an unrestrained manner , without any limits Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kād.
उद्दामय [ uddāmaya ] [ uddāmaya ] Nom. P. [ uddāmayati ] , to unfetter , cause to come forth Lit. Kād. ii.
उद्दास [ uddāsa ] [ ud-dāsa ] m. g. [ balādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 136.
उद्दासिन् [ uddāsin ] [ uddāsin ] m. f. n. g. [ grāhy-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 134.
उद्दाह [ uddāha ] [ ud-dāha ] m. heat, fire, Lit. Mālatīm.
उद्दिधीर्षा [ uddidhīrṣā ] [ ud-didhīrṣā ] see p. 189 , col. 2.
उद्दिन [ uddina ] [ ud-dina ] n. midday Lit. W.
उद्दिश् [ uddiś ] [ ud-√ diś ]1 P. Ā. [ -diśati ] , [ -te ] , to show or direct towards Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. TBr. ; to point out , signify , declare , determine Lit. R. Lit. Mn. Lit. Megh. Lit. Śak. ; to speak of ; to say , enunciate , prophesy Lit. R. Lit. Śak. ; to mean , point at , take for ; to aim at , intend , destine Lit. MārkP. Lit. Kathās. ; to explain , instruct , teach Lit. Bhartṛ.
उद्दिश्य [ uddiśya ] [ ud-diśya ] ind.p. having shown or explained
stipulating for , demanding
(used as a preposition) aiming at , in the direction of
with reference to
with regard to , for , for the sake of , in the name of ( with acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Śak.
उद्देश [ uddeśa ] [ ud-deśa ] m. the act of pointing to or at , direction
brief statement
exemplification , illustration , explanation
mentioning a thing by name Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhag. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Pañcat.
assignment , prescription
stipulation , bargain Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
quarter , spot , region , place
an object , a motive
upper region , high situation Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Śak.
(in Nyāya phil.) enunciation of a topic (that is to be further discussed and elucidated) Lit. Nyāyak.
[ uddeśena ] ind. (ifc.) relative to , aiming at , Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.
[ uddeśāt ] ind. (ifc.) relative to , aiming at , Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.
उद्देशतस् [ uddeśatas ] [ ud-deśa-tas ] ind. pointedly , distinctly
by way of explanation
briefly Lit. Bhag.
उद्देशपादप [ uddeśapādapa ] [ ud-deśa-pādapa ] m. a tree planted for a particular purpose Lit. L.
उद्देशविधेयविचार [ uddeśavidheyavicāra ] [ ud-deśa-vidheya-vicāra ] m. N. of wk.
उद्देशवृक्ष [ uddeśavṛkṣa ] [ ud-deśa-vṛkṣa ] m. = [ -pādapa ] above.
उद्देशक [ uddeśaka ] [ ud-deśaka ] m. f. n. illustrative , explanatory Lit. L.
[ uddeśaka ] m. an illustration , example
an illustrator , guide Lit. L.
(in math.) a question , problem Comm. on Lit. Āryabh.
उद्देशकवृक्ष [ uddeśakavṛkṣa ] [ ud-deśaka-vṛkṣa ] m. = [ uddeśa-pādapa ] q.v.
उद्देशन [ uddeśana ] [ ud-deśana ] n. the act of pointing to or at Comm. on Lit. TBr.
उद्देशिन् [ uddeśin ] [ ud-deśin ] m. f. n. pointing at or to Lit. Vām.
उद्देश्य [ uddeśya ] [ ud-deśya ] m. f. n. to be illustrated or explained
anything to which one refers or which one has in view Lit. Vedāntas. Comm. on Lit. Gobh. Lit. Siddh.
that which is said or enunciated first Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kpr. Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
destined for Lit. Āp.
to be mentioned by name only Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
उद्देश्यपादप [ uddeśyapādapa ] [ ud-deśya-pādapa ] m. = [ uddeśapādapa ] q.v.
उद्देश्यविधेयबोधस्थलीयविचार [ uddeśyavidheyabodhasthalīyavicāra ] [ uddeśya-vidheya-bodha-sthalīya-vicāra ] m. , see [ sthalīya ] , N. of wk.
उद्देश्यक [ uddeśyaka ] [ uddeśyaka ] m. f. n. pointing at or to Comm. on Lit. R.
उद्देष्टृ [ uddeṣṭṛ ] [ ud-deṣṭṛ ] m. f. n. pointing out
one who acts with a certain scope or design.
उद्दिश् [ uddiś ] [ ud-dí ś ]2 f. a particular point or direction of the compass ( cf. 2. [ ā-dí ś ] ) Lit. VS. vi , 19 Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
उद्दिह् [ uddih ] [ ud-√ dih ] P. [ -degdhi ] ( 3. pl. [ -dihanti ] ) to throw or heap up Lit. TĀr. v , 2 , 8.
उद्देह [ uddeha ] [ ud-deha ] m. an ant-hill, Lit. AV.Paipp.
उद्देहिक [ uddehika ] [ ud-dehika ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VarBṛ.
[ uddehikā ] f. the white ant.
उद्दीक्षा [ uddīkṣā ] [ ud-dīkṣā ] f. conclusion of the Dīkshā, Lit. MānGṛ.
उद्दीप् [ uddīp ] [ ud-√ dīp ] Ā. [ -dīpyate ] , to flame , blaze up , be kindled Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. Lit. Kauś. : Caus. [ -dīpayati ] , to. light up , inflame Lit. AV. xii , 2 , 5 Lit. Kauś. Lit. Hariv. ; to illuminate Lit. Mṛicch. ; to animate , excite , irritate , provoke Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Sāh.
उद्दीप [ uddīpa ] [ ud-dīpa ] m. the act of inflaming , lighting
an inflamer
animating Lit. L.
[ uddīpa ] n. a gummy and resinous substance , bdellium Lit. L.
उद्दीपक [ uddīpaka ] [ ud-dīpaka ] m. f. n. inflaming , exciting , rendering more intense Lit. Sāh. Comm. on Lit. Kāvyâd.
lighting , setting alight Lit. L.
[ uddīpaka ] m. a kind of bird Lit. MBh.
[ uddīpikā ] f. a kind of ant.
उद्दीपन [ uddīpana ] [ ud-dīpana ] m. f. n. inflaming , exciting Lit. VarBṛS.
affecting violently (as poison) Lit. Daś. 12 , 10
[ uddīpana ] n. the act of inflaming , illuminating
lighting up Lit. VarBṛS.
inflaming (a passion) , exciting , animating , stimulating Lit. R. Lit. Ṛitus. Lit. Sāh.
an incentive , stimulus
any aggravating thing or circumstance (giving poignancy to feeling or passion) Lit. Sāh.
burning (a body ) Lit. L.
उद्दीप्त [ uddīpta ] [ ud-dīpta ] m. f. n. lighted , set on fire or alight , shining Lit. L.
inflamed , aggravated (as passion) Lit. L.
उद्दीप्ति [ uddīpti ] [ ud-dīpti ] f. the being inflamed or excited Lit. Sāh.
उद्दीप्र [ uddīpra ] [ ud-dīpra ] n. bdellium Lit. L.
उद्दीश [ uddīśa ] [ uddīśa ] m. (= [ uḍḍīśa ] q.v.) , N. of Śiva Lit. L.
उद्दुष् [ udduṣ ] [ ud-√ duṣ ] P. [ -dūṣayati ] .
उद्दूष्य [ uddūṣya ] [ ud-dūṣya ] ind.p. having publicly calumniated or discredited Lit. Śiś. ii , 113.
उद्दृंह् [ uddṛṃh ] [ ud-√ dṛṃh ] P. (Impv. 2. sg. [ úd-dṛṃha ] ) to erect and fortify Lit. VS. xvii , 72.
उद्दृश् [ uddṛś ] [ ud-√ dṛś ] see [ ut-paś ] , p. 181 , col. 1.
उद्दर्शन [ uddarśana ] [ ud-darśana ] m. N. of a king of the Nāgas Lit. L.
उद्दर्शित [ uddarśita ] [ ud-darśita ] m. f. n. made visible , come forth , appearing Lit. Vikr.
उद्दृष्ट [ uddṛṣṭa ] [ úd-dṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. descried , visible
[ uddṛṣṭa ] n. the appearance or becoming visible of the moon Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. TBr. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
उद्द्रष्टृ [ uddraṣṭṛ ] [ ud-draṣṭṛ ] m. one who descries Lit. NṛisUp.
उद्दीर्ण [ uddīrṇa ] [ ud-dīrṇa ] m. f. n. torn out Lit. Daś. (v.l. [ ud-īrṇa ] ) .
उद्द्युत् [ uddyut ] [ ud-√ dyut:1 ] P. Ved. (impf. [ -adyaut ] ) Ā. [ -dyotate ] , to blaze up , shine , shine forth Lit. RV. iii , 5 , 9 Lit. Hariv. ; Caus. P. [ -dyotayati ] , to cause to shine or shine forth Lit. Prab. Lit. Ragh. : Intens. Ved. (Subj. [ -dávidyutat ] ) to shine intensely Lit. RV. vi , 16 , 45.
उद्द्योत [ uddyota ] [ ud-dyota ] m. f. n. flashing up , shining. Lit. R.
[ uddyota ] m. the act of flashing up , becoming bright or visible , revelation Lit. Kathās. Lit. Subh.
light , lustre Lit. MBh. Lit. Śārṅg.
a division of a book , chapter
N. of Nāgojibhaṭṭa's Comm. on Kaiyaṭa's Bhāshyapradīpa.
उद्द्योतकर [ uddyotakara ] [ ud-dyota-kara ] and m. f. n. causing light , enlightening , illuminating ,
उद्द्योतकारिन् [ uddyotakārin ] [ ud-dyota-kārin ]and m. f. n. causing light , enlightening , illuminating ,
उद्द्योतकराचार्य [ uddyotakarācārya ] [ ud-dyota-karācārya ] m. N. of a teacher.
उद्द्योतमयूख [ uddyotamayūkha ] [ ud-dyota-mayūkha ] m. N. of wk.
उद्द्योतक [ uddyotaka ] [ ud-dyotaka ] m. f. n. enlightening , emblazoning
inflaming , stimulating Comm. on Lit. Sāṃkhyak.
उद्द्योतनसूरि [ uddyotanasūri ] [ ud-dyotana-sūri ] m. N. of a teacher ( Lit. Jain.)
उद्द्योतिन् [ uddyotin ] [ uddyotin ] m. f. n. shining upwards Lit. VarBṛS. 30 , 10.
उद्द्रु [ uddru ] [ ud-√ dru ] P. to run up or out or through ; to recite quickly.
उद्द्राव [ uddrāva ] [ ud-drāvá ] m. f. n. running away Lit. VS. xxii , 8 Lit. TS.
flight , retreat Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 49.
उद्द्रुत [ uddruta ] [ úd-druta ] m. f. n. running away Lit. VS. xxii , 8.
उद्द्रुत्य [ uddrutya ] [ ud-drutya ] ind.p. running up or away Lit. TBr. Lit. Kāṭh.
reciting quickly ( cf. [ anu-√ dru ] ) Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv , 17 , 5.
उद्धन् [ uddhan ] [ ud-dhan ] ( Preverb. [ ud-√ han ] ) P. [ -dhanti ] ( Ved. impf. 3. sg. [ -ahan ] Lit. RV. x , 102 , 7 ; Impv. [ -hantu ] , Lit. iii , 33 , 13 , 2 ; du. [ -hatam ] , i , 184 , 2 , ) Ā. ( 3. pl. [ uj-jighnante ] Lit. RV. i , 64 , 11 ; Ved. inf. [ -dhantavaí ] Lit. ŚBr. xiii , 8 , 1 , 20) to move or push or press upwards or out , lift up , throw away Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. ; to root up or out Lit. BhP. ; to turn up (the earth) , dig , throw open Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr. : (Ā.) to kill one's self , hang one's self Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat.
उद्घ [ udgha ] [ ud-gha ] m. excellence
a model , pattern Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 86
the hollow hand
organic air in the body Lit. L.
उद्घन [ udghana ] [ ud-ghana ] m. a carpenter's bench , a plank on which he works Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 80.
उद्घात [ udghāta ] [ ud-ghāta ] m. the act of striking , wounding , inflicting a hurt
a wound , blow Lit. Kathās.
slipping , tripping Lit. L.
raising , elevation Lit. R.
beginning , commencement
a thing begun Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum. Lit. Kathās.
breathing through the nostrils (as a religious exercise) Lit. VāyuP.
a club , mallet
a weapon Lit. L.
a division of a book , chapter , section Lit. L.
उद्घातक [ udghātaka ] [ ud-ghātaka ] and n. a dialogue carried on in short abrupt but significant words , Lit. Pratāpar. Lit. Daśar.
उद्घात्य [ udghātya ] [ ud-ghātya ]and n. a dialogue carried on in short abrupt but significant words , Lit. Pratāpar. Lit. Daśar.
उद्घातन [ udghātana ] [ ud-ghātana ] n. a bucket for drawing (water) Lit. L.
उद्घातिन् [ udghātin ] [ udghātin ] m. f. n. having elevations , uneven , rough (v.l. for [ ut-khātin ] ) Lit. Śak. 10 , 6.
उद्घात्यक [ udghātyaka ] [ ud-ghātyaka ] m. abrupt interruption in the prologue of a drama (where an actor suddenly strikes in with an irrelevant remark caused by his having mistaken a word uttered by another actor) Lit. Sāh. 289.
उद्धत [ uddhata ] [ ud-dhata ] m. f. n. raised (as dust) , turned up Lit. R. Lit. Śak. 8 c Lit. Kathās.
lifted up , raised , elevated , high Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Suśr.
struck (as a lute) Lit. KātyŚr. xxi , 3 , 7
violent , intense Lit. BhP. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
puffed up , haughty , vain , arrogant
rude , ill-behaved Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Sāh.
exceeding , excessive
abounding in , full of Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
stirred up , excited , agitated Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
[ uddhata ] m. a king's wrestler Lit. L.
N. of a certain donkey Lit. Pañcat.
उद्धतत्व [ uddhatatva ] [ ud-dhata-tva ] n. pride , arrogance Lit. MaitrUp. iii , 5.
उद्धतमनस् [ uddhatamanas ] [ ud-dhata-manas ] m. f. n. high minded
haughty , proud Lit. R.
उद्धतमनस्क [ uddhatamanaska ] [ ud-dhata-manaska ] m. f. n. id. Lit. L.
उद्धतमनस्कत्व [ uddhatamanaskatva ] [ ud-dhata-manaska--tva ] n. pride , arrogance Lit. L.
उद्धतार्णवनिस्वन [ uddhatārṇavanisvana ] [ uddhatārṇavanisvana ] m. f. n. making a noise like that of the agitated sea.
उद्धति [ uddhati ] [ ud-dhati ] f. a stroke , shaking Lit. Śak. ( [ niruddhatis ] v.l. for [ nir-undhatas ] , 174 c)
pride , haughtiness Lit. L.
उद्धतिश्रित् [ uddhatiśrit ] [ uddhati-śrit ] m. f. n. "towering and arrogant" , Lit. Śiś. xii, 56.
उद्धन [ uddhana ] [ ud-dhana ] m. (√ [ han ] ) a wooden swordlike instrument for stirring boiled rice, Lit. L.
उद्धनन [ uddhanana ] [ ud-dhanana ] n. the act of throwing up or turning up Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
उद्धम [ uddhama ] [ ud-dhama ] see [ ud-√ dhmā ] .
उद्धर [ uddhara ] [ ud-dhara ] see 2. [ ud-dhṛ ] .
उद्धर्म [ uddharma ] [ ud-dharma ] m. unsound doctrine , heresy.
उद्धर्ष [ uddharṣa ] [ ud-dharṣa ]1 ( for 2. see p. 189 , col. 3) m. (√ [ dhṛṣ ] ) , courage to undertake anything Lit. R.
उद्धर्षण [ uddharṣaṇa ] [ ud-dharṣaṇa ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see p. 189 , col. 3) animating , encouraging Lit. R.
[ uddharṣaṇa ] n. the act of animating or encouraging Lit. MBh.
उद्धव [ uddhava ] [ ud-dhava ] m. (√ [ hu ] ) , sacrificial fire Lit. L.
a festival , holiday Lit. L.
joy , pleasure Lit. L.
N. of a Yādava (Kṛishṇa's friend and counsellor) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP. Lit. BhP.
उद्धवदूत [ uddhavadūta ] [ ud-dhava-dūta ] and m. N. of two poems.
उद्धवसंदेश [ uddhavasaṃdeśa ] [ ud-dhava-saṃdeśa ]and m. N. of two poems.
उद्धस् [ uddhas ] [ ud-dhas ] ( Preverb. [ ud-√ has ] ) P. [ -dhasati ] , to break out into laughter (said of the lightning) ; to flash Lit. BhP. iii , 12 , 6.
उद्धस्त [ uddhasta ] [ ud-dhasta ] m. f. n. ( [ hasta ] with [ ud ] ) extending the hands , raising the hands Lit. Suśr. ii , 533 , 10.
उद्धा [ uddhā ] [ ud-√ dhā ]1 ( [ ud-√ dhā ] ) P. (Subj. 2. pl. [ -dadhātana ] ) to erect ( [ kapṛthám ] ) Lit. RV. x , 101 , 12 ; to expose (an infant) Lit. ŚBr. iv , 5 , 2 , 13.
उद्धि [ uddhi ] [ ud-dhí ] m. the seat of a carriage Lit. AV. viii , 8 , 22 Lit. ŚBr. xii , 2 , 2 , 2 Lit. TBr.
an earthen stand on which the Ukhā rests Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kāṭh.
उद्धित [ uddhita ] [ úd-dhita ] m. f. n. erected , raised , built up Lit. AV. ix , 3 , 6 ; ix , 42 , 2 Lit. ŚBr.
exposed Lit. RV. viii , 51 , 2 Lit. AV. xviii , 2 , 34.
उद्धा [ uddhā ] [ ud-dhā ]2 ( Preverb. [ ud- ] :1 [ √ hā ] ) Ā. [ -jihīte ] (p. [ uj-jí hāna ] Lit. RV. v , 5 , 1 = Lit. AV. xiii , 2 , 46 ; see also below) to go upwards , move upwards , rise up Lit. RV. Lit. AV. viii , 7 , 21 Lit. VS. Lit. TBr. Lit. BhP. ; to open (as a door) Lit. RV. ix , 5 , 5 ; to go out or away , start from , leave Lit. RV. v , 5 , 1 Lit. Daś. Lit. Naish.
उज्जिहान [ ujjihāna ] [ uj-jí hāna ] m. f. n. (pres. p. see above )
[ ujjihāna ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VarBṛS. 14 , 2
[ ujjihānā ] f. N. of a town Lit. R. ii , 71 , 12.
उज्जिहानजीवित [ ujjihānajīvita ] [ uj-jihāna-jīvita ] m. f. n. one whose life is departing, about to die, Lit. Mālatīm.
उद्धान [ uddhāna ] [ ud-dhāna ]1 n. (√ 2. [ hā ] ) , the act of leaving , abandonment Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
उद्धान [ uddhāna ] [ uddhāna ]2 m. f. n. ( corrupted from [ ud-vānta ] , [ ud-dhmāta ] , [ ud-dhmāna ] Lit. BRD.) ejected , vomited Lit. L.
corpulent , inflated Lit. L.
[ uddhāna ] n. the act of ejecting , vomiting Lit. L.
a fire-place Lit. L.
उद्धान्त [ uddhānta ] [ uddhānta ] m. f. n. (see above ) , ejected , vomited Lit. L.
[ uddhānta ] m. an elephant out of rut (from whose temples the juice ceases to flow) Lit. L.
उद्धार [ uddhāra ] [ ud-dhārá ] see 2. [ ud-dhṛ ] .
उद्धी [ uddhī ] [ ud-√ dhī ] P. (impf. 3. pl. [ -ádīdhayus ] ) to look upwards with desire Lit. RV. vii , 33 , 5.
उद्धुर [ uddhura ] [ ud-dhura ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ dhur ] with [ ud ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 74) , freed from a yoke or burden , unrestrained , wild , lively , cheerful Lit. Śiś. v , 64 Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās.
heavy , thick , gross , firm Lit. Śiś. Lit. Daś.
high Lit. L.
उद्धुषण [ uddhuṣaṇa ] [ ud-dhuṣaṇa ] n. ( corrupted from [ ud-dharṣaṇa ] ?) erection of the hair Lit. L.
उद्धू [ uddhū ] [ ud-√ dhū ] P. Ā. [ -dhūnoti ] and [ -dhunoti ] , [ -nute ] , to rouse up , shake up , move , cause to rise (dust) Lit. RV. x , 23 , 4 Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. VarBṛS. ; to throw upwards , lift up Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. ; to kindle ; to disturb , excite Lit. MBh. ; to shake off , throw off ; to expel.
उद्धूत [ uddhūta ] [ ud-dhūta ] m. f. n. ( sometimes [ ud-dhuta ] ) shaken up , raised , caused to rise Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum.
thrown upwards , tossed up , scattered above Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Prab.
kindled (as fire) Lit. Ragh. vii , 45 Lit. Kathās.
excited , agitated Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
shaken off , fallen from or off , thrown off or away Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
high , loud Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ uddhūta ] n. ( [ uddhūta ] ) stamping Lit. Hariv.
turning up , digging Lit. Hariv.
roaring (of the ocean) Lit. MBh.
उद्धूतपाप [ uddhūtapāpa ] [ ud-dhūta-pāpa ] m. f. n. one who has shaken off his sins Lit. Megh. 56.
उद्धूति [ uddhūti ] [ uddhūti ] f. shaking, brandishing, Lit. Mālatīm.
उद्धूनन [ uddhūnana ] [ ud-dhūnana ] n. the act of shaking , jolting Lit. Veṇis. 90 , 4
a kind of powder Lit. L.
उद्धूपन [ uddhūpana ] [ ud-dhūpana ] n. ( fr. Nom. [ dhūpaya ] with [ ud ] ) fumigation Lit. Suśr.
उद्धूमायित [ uddhūmāyita ] [ uddhūmāyita ] m. f. n. filled with vapour, Lit. Mālatīm.
उद्धूलय [ uddhūlaya ] [ ud-dhūlaya ] Nom. ( fr. [ dhūli ] with [ ud ] ) P. [ -dhūlayati ] , to powder , sprinkle with dust or powder Lit. Kathās. Lit. Kād.
उद्धूलन [ uddhūlana ] [ ud-dhūlana ] n. the act of sprinkling with dust or powder Lit. Bālar. 185 , 19.
उद्धूषण [ uddhūṣaṇa ] [ ud-dhūṣaṇa ] n. ( for [ ud-dharṣaṇa ] ?) erection of the hair Lit. L. ( cf. [ ud-dhuṣaṇa ] .)
उद्धूषित [ uddhūṣita ] [ ud-dhūṣita ] m. f. n. having the hairs erect (through joy) Lit. Pañcat.
उद्धृ [ uddhṛ ] [ ud-√ dhṛ ]1 P. Ā. [ -dharati ] , [ -te ] ( in many cases not to be distinguished from 2. [ ud-dhṛ ] below ; the impf. and pf. are the only forms clearly referable to this root) , to bring out of , draw out Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to raise up , elevate , honour (see also 2. [ ud-dhṛ ] below) : Desid. [ -didhīrṣati ] , to wish to draw out , Lit. Caṇḍak. Lit. Siddh. ( 189,1 )
उद्दिधीर्षा [ uddidhīrṣā ] [ ud-didhīrṣā ] f. desire to remove Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
उद्दिधीर्षु [ uddidhīrṣu ] [ ud-didhīrṣu ] m. f. n. wishing to draw or bring out Lit. Siddh.
उद्धृ [ uddhṛ ] [ ud-dhṛ ]2 ( Preverb. [ ud-√ hṛ ] , in some cases not to be distinguished from 1. [ ud-√ dhṛ ] ) P. Ā. [ -dharati ] , [ -te ] (p. [ -dhárat ] Lit. RV. ; pf. 3. pl. [ új-jaharus ] Lit. AV. iii , 9 , 6 ; aor. [ -ahārṣam ] Lit. AV.) to take out , draw out , bring or tear out , pull out , eradicate ; to extricate Lit. RV. x , 68 , 4 Lit. AV. viii , 2 , 15 ; xx , 136 , 16 Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak. ; to draw , ladle up , skim Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. R. ; to take away (fire , or anything from the fire) Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to raise , lift up Lit. TS. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn. ; to rescue (from danger ) , deliver , free , save Lit. AV. viii , 2 , 28 Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Vikr. ; to put away or off , remove ; to separate Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Suśr. ; to leave out , omit ; to except (see [ ud-dhṛtya ] ) ; to select , choose: Ā. to take for one's self Lit. AV. iii , 9 , 6 Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn. ; to extend , elevate , raise ; to make strong or brisk or quick Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. MārkP. ; to present , offer Lit. Yājñ. i , 159 Lit. BhP. iv , 30 , 47 ; to root out , destroy , undo Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Prab. ; to divide (in math.) : Caus. [ -dhārayati ] , to raise , up-lift Lit. MBh. ; to take for one's self Lit. MBh. xiv , 1928 : Desid. [ uj-jihīrṣati ] , to wish to draw out or to rescue Lit. Mn. iv , 251 Lit. MBh.
उद्धर [ uddhara ] [ ud-dhara ]1 m. N. of a Rakshas Lit. L.
[ uddhara ] m. f. n. v.l. for [ ud-dhura ] q.v. Lit. MBh. iii , 11188.
उद्धर [ uddhara ] [ ud-dhara ]2 ( 2. sg. Impv. forming irregular Tatpurusha compounds) .
उद्धरावसृजा [ uddharāvasṛjā ] [ uddharāvasṛjā ] f. any act in which it is said [ uddhara ] ! [ avasṛja ] ! , ( ( or [ utsṛja ] ! ) ) g. [ mayūravyaṃsakādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 72.
उद्धरोत्सृजा [ uddharotsṛjā ] [ uddharotsṛjā ] f. any act in which it is said [ uddhara ] ! [ avasṛja ] ! , ( ( or [ utsṛja ] ! ) ) g. [ mayūravyaṃsakādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 72.
उद्धरण [ uddharaṇa ] [ ud-dharaṇa ] n. ( in some meanings perhaps from 1. [ ud-√ dhṛ ] q.v.) , the act of taking up , raising , lifting up Lit. MBh. Lit. Śārṅg.
the act of drawing out , taking out , tearing out Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
means of drawing out Lit. Vet.
taking off (clothes) Lit. Suśr.
taking away , removing Lit. Vām.
putting or placing before , presenting , treatment Lit. KātyŚr. iv , 1 , 10
extricating , delivering , rescuing Lit. Hit. Lit. Ragh.
taking away (a brand from the Gārhapatya-fire to supply other sacred fires) Lit. KātyŚr.
the act of destroying
vomiting , bringing up
vomited food
final emancipation Lit. L.
[ uddharaṇa ] m. N. of the father of king Śantanu (the author of a commentary on a portion of the Mārkaṇḍeya-purāṇa) .
उद्धरणीय [ uddharaṇīya ] [ ud-dharaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be raised or taken up
to be extracted Lit. W.
to be separated Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
उद्धर्तव्य [ uddhartavya ] [ ud-dhartavya ] m. f. n. to be drawn out Lit. Kathās.
to be separated Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
उद्धर्तृ [ uddhartṛ ] [ ud-dhartṛ ] m. f. n. one who raises or lifts up
a sharer , co-heir
one who recovers property Lit. W.
[ uddhartṛ ] m. a destroyer , exterminator Lit. Yājñ.
redeemer , deliverer Lit. Kathās.
उद्धार [ uddhāra ] [ ud-dhārá ] m. ( in some senses perhaps from 1. [ ud-√ dhṛ ] ) , the act of raising , elevating , lifting up
drawing out , pulling out Lit. Gaut. Lit. MBh. Comm. on Lit. BṛĀrUp.
removing , extinction , payment (of a debt)
taking away , deduction
omission Lit. Mn. Comm. on Lit. Yājñ.
selection , a part to be set aside , selected part
exception Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. Lit. Mn.
selecting (a passage) , selection , extract (of a book) Comm. on Lit. Kir. x , 10
extraction , deliverance , redemption , extrication Lit. MBh. Lit. Prab.
a portion , share
a surplus (given by the Hindū law to the eldest son beyond the shares of the younger ones) Lit. W.
the first part of a patrimony Lit. W.
the sixth part of booty taken in war (which belongs to the prince) Lit. W.
a debt (esp. one not bearing interest) , Lit. KātyDh.
obligation Lit. Daś.
recovering property
refutation Lit. Car. Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
उद्धारकोश [ uddhārakośa ] [ ud-dhārá-kośa ] m. N. of wk.
उद्धारविभाग [ uddhāravibhāga ] [ ud-dhārá-vibhāga ] m. division of shares , partition.
उद्धारक [ uddhāraka ] [ uddhāraka ] m. f. n. one who raises or lifts , drawing out Lit. L.
paying , giving out , affording.
उद्धारकविधि [ uddhārakavidhi ] [ uddhāraka-vidhi ] m. mode of giving out or paying Lit. Pañcat. ii , 38 , 18 (ed. Bhler) .
उद्धारण [ uddhāraṇa ] [ ud-dhāraṇa ] n. the act of raising , elevating
drawing out Lit. BhP.
the act of giving out or paying Lit. Pañcat. 138 , 14 (ed. Kosegarten) .
उद्धारित [ uddhārita ] [ ud-dhārita ] m. f. n. taken out , drawn forth , extricated
उद्धार्य [ uddhārya ] [ ud-dhārya ] m. f. n. to be removed or expelled Lit. Āp.
to be cured Lit. Car.
to be delivered.
उद्धृत [ uddhṛta ] [ úd-dhṛta ] m. f. n. drawn up or out (as water from a well )
extracted , pulled up or out , eradicated , broken off Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
drawn up or out , ladled out , skimmed Lit. AV. xii , 5 , 34 ; xv , 12 , 1 Lit. ŚBr.
raised , elevated , lifted up , thrown up or upwards Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat.
separated , set apart , taken away , removed Lit. BhP. Lit. Mn.
chosen , selected , taken from or out of Lit. Mn.
raised , made strong or famous Lit. Hit.
dispersed , scattered
holding , containing
vomited Lit. L.
उद्धृतस्नेह [ uddhṛtasneha ] [ úd-dhṛta-sneha ] m. f. n. having the oil extracted (as the refuse of seeds ground for oil) Lit. Mn. iv , 62.
उद्धृतारि [ uddhṛtāri ] [ uddhṛtāri ] m. f. n. one who has extirpated his enemies.
उद्धृतोद्धार [ uddhṛtoddhāra ] [ uddhṛtoddhāra ] m. f. n. that from which the thing to be excepted is excepted Lit. Mn. x , 85.
उद्धृति [ uddhṛti ] [ ud-dhṛti ] f. the act of drawing out , extraction Lit. Suśr. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Śiś.
taking away or out , removing (the fire) Lit. Nyāyam.
abstract , extract Lit. L.
delivering , rescue.
उद्धृत्य [ uddhṛtya ] [ ud-dhṛtya ] ind.p. having raised up or drawn
having excepted , excepting
with the exception of Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
उद्धृष् [ uddhṛṣ ] [ ud-dhṛṣ ] ( Preverb. [ ud-√ hṛṣ ] ) , Ved. Ā. - ( [ d ] ) [ harṣate ] , to be excited with joy , rejoice ; to do anything with joy or pleasure Lit. RV. iv , 21 , 9 Lit. AV. iii , 19 , 6 ; (in class. lang.) P. [ -dhṛṣyati ] , to be merry or in high spirits ; to flare upwards Lit. AitBr. iii , 4 , 5 ; to open (as a calyx) Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -dharṣayati ] ( 3. pl. [ -dharṣáyanti ] Lit. RV.) to make merry or in high spirits , rejoice , cheer Lit. RV. v , 21 , 5 ; x , 103 , 10 Lit. AV. v , 20 , 8 ; to make brisk , encourage Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.
उद्धर्ष [ uddharṣa ] [ ud-dharṣa ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see s.v.) glad , pleased , happy Lit. BhP.
[ uddharṣa ] m. the flaring upwards (of the fire) Lit. Sāy. on Lit. AitBr. iii , 4 , 5
great joy
a festival (especially a religious one) Lit. L.
उद्धर्षण [ uddharṣaṇa ] [ ud-dharṣaṇa ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see p. 188 , col. 3) causing joy , gladdening
[ uddharṣaṇī ] f. a kind of metre
[ uddharṣaṇa ] n. erection of the hair (through rapture) Lit. L.
उद्धर्षिन् [ uddharṣin ] [ uddharṣí n ] m. f. n. one whose hair is erect (through joy) Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 17
[ uddharṣiṇī ] f. a kind of metre (consisting of four verses , of fourteen syllables each) .
उद्ध्मा [ uddhmā ] [ ud-√ dhmā ] P. [ -dhamati ] , to blow out , breathe out , expire (see [ ud-dhmāya ] below) ; to inflate , make known by blowing (a trumpet ) Lit. TĀr. i , 12 , 1.
उद्धम [ uddhama ] [ ud-dhama ]1 m. f. n. one who blows Lit. Vop.
[ uddhama ] m. breathing hard , panting
blowing , sounding Lit. L.
उद्धम [ uddhama ] [ ud-dhama ]2 ( 2. sg. Impv. forming irregular Tatpurusha compounds) .
उद्धमविधमा [ uddhamavidhamā ] [ ud-dhama-vidhamā ] f. any act in which it is said [ udhama! vidhama ] ! g. [ mayūra-vyaṃsakādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 72.
उद्ध्मान [ uddhmāna ] [ ud-dhmāna ] n. a fire-place , stove Lit. L.
उद्ध्माय [ uddhmāya ] [ ud-dhmāya ] ind.p. having breathed out , expiring Lit. ŚBr. i , 4 , 3 , 18
( the MSS. read [ udhnāya ] Lit. Sāy. , Weber conjectures [ ud-dhmāya ] .)
उद्ध्य [ uddhya ] [ uddhya ] m. (√ [ ujjh ] Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 115) a river Lit. Ragh. xi , 8
N. of a river Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Lit. L.
उद्ध्वंस् [ uddhvaṃs ] [ ud-√ dhvaṃs ] Ā. [ -dhvaṃsate ] , to be affected or attacked (by disease ) Lit. Car. : Caus. P. [ -dhvaṃsayati ] , to attack , cause to befall , affect Lit. MBh. Lit. Car.
उद्ध्वंस [ uddhvaṃsa ] [ ud-dhvaṃsa ] m. destruction Lit. Car. ii , 2 , 8
affection (of the throat) , hoarseness Lit. Suśr. Lit. Car.
the state of being attacked (by infectious disorders ) , an epidemic Lit. Car. iii , 3.
उद्ध्वंसन [ uddhvaṃsana ] [ ud-dhvaṃsana ] n. affection (of the throat) Lit. Car.
an epidemic Lit. Car. iii , 3.
उद्ध्वे [ uddhve ] [ ud-dhve ] ( Preverb. [ ud-√ hve ] ) P. [ -dhvayati ] (impf. 1. sg. [ -ahvam ] Lit. AV.) to call out , entice Lit. AV. x , 10 , 22 ; xviii , 2 , 23 Lit. AitBr.
उद्बन्ध् [ udbandh ] [ ud-√ bandh ] Ā. (Pot. [ -badhnīta ] ) to tie up , hang one's self Lit. ŚBr. xi , 5 , 1 , 8.
उद्बद्ध [ udbaddha ] [ ud-baddha ] m. f. n. tied up or upwards Lit. MBh. Lit. Kum.
hung , hung up Lit. MBh. iv , 13 , 12
checked , interrupted
annulled Lit. BhP. x , 85 , 43
compact , firm (as the leg of a man) Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.
उद्बध्य [ udbadhya ] [ ud-badhya ] ind.p. having tied up or hanged one's self , hanging one's self Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
उद्बन्ध [ udbandha ] [ ud-bandha ]1 ( for 2. see s.v.) m. hanging one's self Lit. Kathās. Lit. VarBṛS.
उद्बन्धन [ udbandhana ] [ udbandhana ] m. f. n. serving for hanging up (as a string) Lit. R. ii , 12 , 80
[ udbandhana ] n. hanging , hanging one's self Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Gaut.
उद्बन्धुक [ udbandhuka ] [ ud-bándhuka ] m. f. n. one who hangs up Lit. TS. ii , 5 , 17.
उद्बन्ध [ udbandha ] [ ud-bandha ]2 ( fr. [ bandha ] with [ ud ] in sense of apart) , m. f. n. unbound , loosened , united (as hair) Lit. Ragh. xvi , 67 (ed. Calc.)
[ udbandha ] m. (also) the son of a Khanaka and a Śūdrā, Lit. L.
उद्बर्हिस् [ udbarhis ] [ ud-barhis ] m. f. n. having sacrificial grass above Lit. MaitrS. ii , 2 , 3.
उद्बल [ udbala ] [ ud-bala ] m. f. n. strong , powerful ( cf. [ upodbalaya ] .)
उद्बाध् [ udbādh ] [ ud-√ bādh ] Ā. [ -bādhate ] , to burst forth , break forth Lit. ŚBr.
उद्बाहु [ udbāhu ] [ úd-bāhu ] m. f. n. having the arms raised
extending the arms Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Ragh. i , 3.
उद्बिल [ udbila ] [ ud-bila ] m. f. n. emerged from a hole , (an animal) that has quitted its hole Lit. R.
उद्बुद्बुद [ udbudbuda ] [ ud-budbuda ] m. f. n. bubbling out forth Lit. Mcar.
उद्बुध् [ udbudh ] [ ud-√ budh ] Ā. [ -budhyate ] (aor. 3. pl. [ -abudhran ] Lit. RV.) to awake Lit. RV. vii , 72 , 3 ; x , 101 , 1 Lit. VS.
उद्बुद्ध [ udbuddha ] [ ud-buddha ] m. f. n. roused up , awaked
come forth , appearing Lit. Sāh.
blown , budded Lit. L.
reminded , made to think of , recalled Lit. W.
उद्बुद्धसंस्कार [ udbuddhasaṃskāra ] [ ud-buddha-saṃskāra ] m. association of ideas , recalling anything to remembrance.
उद्बोध [ udbodha ] [ ud-bodha ] m. awaking
coming forth , appearing Lit. Sāh. Lit. Rājat.
fumigation Lit. VarBṛS.
incipient knowledge Lit. W.
उद्बोधक [ udbodhaka ] [ ud-bodhaka ] m. f. n. exciting , calling forth Lit. Sāh.
one who reminds or calls to remembrance
discovering , exhibiting Lit. W.
उद्बुध्न्य [ udbudhnya ] [ ud-budhnya ] Nom. ( fr. [ -budhna ] ) P. [ -budhnyati ] , to come out of the deep , come or spring up Lit. MaitrUp.
उद्बृंहण [ udbṛṃhaṇa ] [ ud-bṛṃhaṇa ] m. f. n. (√ [ bṛh ] ) , increasing , strengthening Lit. BhP.
उद्ब्रू [ udbrū ] [ ud-√ brū ] Ā. [ -bruvate ] , to extol , praise (see Lit. RTL. p.424) . Lit. TBr. i , 7 , 10 , 6 Lit. ŚBr. v ; ii , 2 , 4 (to renounce , give up Lit. NBD.)
उद्भञ्ज् [ udbhañj ] [ ud-√ bhañj ] see forms below.
उद्भग्न [ udbhagna ] [ ud-bhagna ] m. f. n. burst , torn Lit. Suśr.
उद्भङ्ग [ udbhaṅga ] [ ud-bhaṅga ] m. the act of breaking off , leaving off.
उद्भट [ udbhaṭa ] [ udbhaṭa ] m. f. n. excellent , eminent , exalted , magnanimous , extraordinary Lit. Bhar. Lit. Viddh.
vehement , passionate Lit. Gīt.
[ udbhaṭa ] m. a tortoise Lit. L.
a fan for winnowing corn Lit. L.
N. of an author.
उद्भटत्व [ udbhaṭatva ] [ udbhaṭa-tva ] n. weight , importance (of a contradiction) Lit. Sarvad.
उद्भर्त्स् [ udbharts ] [ ud-√ bharts ] P. (impf. 2. pl.? [ -abhartsata ] Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. xii , 23 , 1 ; [ -abhartsatha ] ? Lit. AV. xx , 134 , 1 ( MSS. ) ) to use roughly?
उद्भव [ udbhava ] [ ud-bhava ] see [ ud-√ bhū ] .
उद्भस [ udbhasa ] [ udbhasa ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.
उद्भा [ udbhā ] [ ud-√ bhā ] P. [ -bhāti ] , to become visible , appear Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.
उद्भास् [ udbhās ] [ ud-√ bhās ] P. Ā. [ -bhāsati ] , [ -te ] , to come forth or appear brightly , shine Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. ; to become visible , strike Lit. MBh. v , 728 : Caus. P. Ā. [ -bhāsayati ] , [ -te ] , to illuminate , light up Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kathās. ; to make apparent or prominent , cause to come forth Lit. Bhartṛ. Comm. on Lit. Kum. i , 2 ; to render brilliant or beautiful Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Ragh.
उद्भास [ udbhāsa ] [ ud-bhāsa ] m. radiance , splendour g. [ balādi ] , Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 136 (not in the Lit. Kāś.)
उद्भासवत् [ udbhāsavat ] [ ud-bhāsa-vat ] m. f. n. shining , radiant Lit. ib.
उद्भासित [ udbhāsita ] [ ud-bhāsita ] m. f. n. come forth , appeared
lighted up , illuminated , splendid
ornamented , graced , beautiful.
उद्भासिन् [ udbhāsin ] [ udbhāsin ] m. f. n. shining , radiant Lit. Kum. Lit. Bhartṛ.
coming forth , appearing Lit. Rājat. Lit. Daśar.
giving or causing splendour Lit. Mṛicch.
उद्भासुर [ udbhāsura ] [ ud-bhāsura ] m. f. n. shining , radiant Lit. Amar.
उद्भिद् [ udbhid ] [ ud-√ bhid ]1 P. [ -bhinatti ] (Subj. [ -bhinádat ] Lit. RV. ; Pot. 1. sg. [ -bhideyam ] Lit. AV.) to break or burst through , break out ; to appear above , become visible , rise up Lit. RV. x , 45 , 10 Lit. AV. ix , 2 , 2 ; iv , 38 , 1 Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. Lit. ŚBr. ; to pierce Lit. Vedāntas. Lit. BhP. : Pass. [ -bhidyate ] , to spring open , burst forth Lit. MBh. ; to shoot open or up , break out , appear Lit. Daś. Lit. BhP.
उद्भिज् [ udbhij ] [ ud-bhij ] ( in comp. for 2. [ ud-bhí d ] below) .
उद्भिज्ज [ udbhijja ] [ ud-bhij-ja ] m. f. n. sprouting , germinating (as a plant) Lit. ChUp. Lit. AitUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
उद्भिद् [ udbhid ] [ ud-bhí d ]2 m. f. n. penetrating , bursting through
coming or bursting forth , pouring , overflowing
abounding with Lit. RV. Lit. AV. v , 20 , 11 Lit. VS.
breaking forth (from the earth) , sprouting , germinating Lit. MBh.
[ udbhid ] m. ( [ t ] ) a kind of sacrifice Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
f. ( [ t ] ) a sprout or shoot of a plant , a plant
a spring , fountain Lit. Suśr.
( with [ indrasya ] ) N. of a Sāman.
उद्भिद्विद्या [ udbhidvidyā ] [ ud-bhí d-vidyā ] f. the science of plants , botany.
उद्भिद [ udbhida ] [ ud-bhida ] m. f. n. sprouting , germinating Lit. MBh.
[ udbhida ] m. N. of a son of Jyotishmat
of the Varsha ruled over by him Lit. VP.
n. a fountain , spring Lit. L.
a kind of salt Lit. L.
N. of a Sāman.
उद्भिन्न [ udbhinna ] [ úd-bhinna ] m. f. n. burst forth , opened , burst
having broken through , come forth , appeared
made to appear , brought to light Lit. Kull.
appearing above Lit. AV. x , 5 , 36 ; xvi , 8 , 1 seqq. Lit. Mālav. Lit. Pañcat.
discovered , betrayed Lit. Sāh.
provided or abounding with Lit. BhP. Lit. Pañcat.
उद्भेद [ udbheda ] [ ud-bheda ] m. the act of breaking through or out , becoming manifest or visible , appearing , sprouting Lit. Śak. 85 d Lit. Kum. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Sāh.
(in dram.) the first manifestation of the germ ( [ bīja ] ) of the plot Lit. Sāh. Lit. Daśar. Lit. Pratāpar.
a sprout or shoot of a plant Lit. L.
a spring , fountain Lit. R. Lit. MBh.
treachery Lit. Kathās.
mentioning Lit. Prasannar.
उद्भेदन [ udbhedana ] [ ud-bhedana ] n. the act of breaking through or out , coming forth Lit. MBh. Lit. Car.
उद्भू [ udbhū ] [ ud-√ bhū ]1 P. [ -bhavati ] , to come up to , reach , be equal Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr. ; to rise , rise against Lit. Kathās. ; to come forth , arise , exist , spring from Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Rājat. ; to shoot forth , increase , grow larger , thrive Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. Naish. : Caus. [ -bhāvayati ] , to cause to exist , produce Lit. Ragh. ii , 62 Lit. Vedāntas. ; to make apparent , show , explain Lit. MBh. Lit. Sāh. ; to speak of , mention Lit. Prasannar. Comm. on Lit. Bādar. ; to consider , think ( with two acc.) Lit. Vcar. ix , 19.
उद्भव [ udbhava ] [ ud-bhava ] m. existence , generation , origin , production , birth
springing from , growing
becoming visible Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Mn. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
birth-place Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. Kāvyâd.
N. of a son of Nahusha Lit. VP.
a sort of salt Lit. L. , (ifc.) mfn. produced or coming from Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
उद्भवकर [ udbhavakara ] [ ud-bhava-kara ] m. f. n. productive.
उद्भवकोशक [ udbhavakośaka ] [ ud-bhava-kośaka ] m. the womb Lit. MārkP.
उद्भवक्षेत्र [ udbhavakṣetra ] [ ud-bhava-kṣetra ] n. the place of origin Lit. Daś.
उद्भाव [ udbhāva ] [ ud-bhāva ] m. production , generation g. [ balādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 136
rising (of sounds) Lit. Pushpas. ix , 4 , 22.
उद्भावन [ udbhāvana ] [ ud-bhāvana ] n. the act of raising up , elevation Lit. MBh. xiii , 2913 Lit. Lalit.
passing over , inattention , neglect , disregard Lit. MBh.
announcement , communication Lit. Naish.
making visible , manifestation Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
उद्भावयितृ [ udbhāvayitṛ ] [ ud-bhāvayitṛ ] m. f. n. one who raises upwards or elevates Lit. Daś.
उद्भावित [ udbhāvita ] [ ud-bhāvita ] m. f. n. caused to exist , created , produced Lit. Sāh.
उद्भाविन् [ udbhāvin ] [ udbhāvin ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 136) coming forth , becoming visible
उद्भू [ udbhū ] [ ud-bhū ]2 m. f. n. ( [ bhú ] ) " being up to what is wanted " , sufficient
having persistency , persevering Lit. AV. ix , 2 , 16 ; xviii , 4 , 26 Lit. VS. xv , 1.
उद्भूत [ udbhūta ] [ ud-bhūta ] m. f. n. come forth , produced , born
grown Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
raised , elevated , increased Lit. R. Lit. Ṛitus.
visible , perceptible , distinct , positive Lit. Bhāshāp.
उद्भूतत्व [ udbhūtatva ] [ ud-bhūta-tva ] n. the state of being increased Lit. MaitrUp. v , 2.
उद्भूतरूप [ udbhūtarūpa ] [ ud-bhūta-rūpa ] n. visible form or shape
[ udbhūtarūpa ] m. f. n. having a visible shape.
उद्भूतस्पर्शवत् [ udbhūtasparśavat ] [ ud-bhūta-sparśa-vat ] m. f. n. having distinct or positive tangibility , tangible Lit. Bhāshāp. 55.
उद्भूति [ udbhūti ] [ ud-bhūti ] f. coming forth , existence , appearance Lit. Kap.
elevation , increase Lit. Kum. Lit. Vikr.
उद्भृ [ udbhṛ ] [ ud-√ bhṛ ] P. Ā. [ -bharati ] , [ -te ] (pf. [ -jabhāra ] pres. p. [ -bhárat ] ; but [ -bibhrat ] Lit. Gīt. 1 , 16) to take or carry away or out Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ; to take for one's self , choose , select Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. ; to raise up , elevate Lit. RV. viii , 19 , 23 ; to carry above , raise up Lit. Gīt.
उद्भ्यस [ udbhyasa ] [ ud-bhyasá ] (√ [ bhyas ] connected with √ [ bhī ] ) , trembling Lit. AV. xi , 9 , 17.
उद्भ्रम् [ udbhram ] [ ud-√ bhram ] P. [ -bhramati ] , [ bhrāmyati ] , to whirl or move , upwards , start or jump up ; to rise , ascend , raise one's self Lit. R. Lit. Gīt. Lit. MārkP. Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -bhrāmayati ] , to wave , swing Lit. MBh. ; to excite Lit. R.
उद्भ्रम [ udbhrama ] [ ud-bhrama ] m. whirling
excitement Lit. L.
intoxication Lit. L.
N. of a class of beings attending on Śiva Lit. SkandaP.
उद्भ्रमण [ udbhramaṇa ] [ ud-bhramaṇa ] n. the act of moving or whirling upwards , rising , ascending Comm. on Lit. Śak. 263 , 1.
उद्भ्रान्त [ udbhrānta ] [ ud-bhrānta ] m. f. n. risen , ascended , gone or jumped up , turned upwards Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Pañcat.
come forth or out of (the earth) Lit. Kathās.
run away , disappeared Lit. Rājat.
wandering about , roaming Lit. MBh.
agitated , excited , bewildered , distressed Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.
whirled , flourished
waved (as a sword)
[ udbhrānta ] n. the act of waving (a sword) Lit. MBh.
the rising (of the wind) Lit. Hariv.
excitement , agitation Lit. Sāh.
उद्भ्रान्तक [ udbhrāntaka ] [ udbhrāntaka ] m. f. n. wandering about , roaming Lit. NṛisUp.
[ udbhrāntaka ] n. whirling upwards , rising , ascending Lit. Śak. 263 , 1.
उद्भ्रू [ udbhrū ] [ ud-bhrū ] m. f. n. having the brows drawn up Lit. Bālar. 36 , 1.
उद्मन् [ udman ] [ údman ] n. (√ [ ud ] ) , surging , flooding Lit. VS. Lit. MaitrS.
उद्य [ udya ] [ udya ] m. f. n. (√ [ vad ] q.v.) , to be spoken
( [ udyá ] Lit. ŚBr. xiv , 6 , 8 , 2, erroneous for [ uj-jyá ] q.v. ; [ udya ] Lit. L. , erroneous for [ uddhya ] q.v.)
उद्यत् [ udyat ] [ ud-yat ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ ud-√ i ] q.v.) , rising
[ udyat ] m. ( [ an ] ) a star Lit. PārGṛ.
[ udyatī ] f. a particular manner of recitation Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
उद्यत्पर्वत [ udyatparvata ] [ ud-yat-parvata ] and m. the eastern mountain ( cf. [ udaya-giri ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
उद्यद्गिरि [ udyadgiri ] [ udyad-giri ]and m. the eastern mountain ( cf. [ udaya-giri ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.