Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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ध |
धर्कट [ dharkaṭa ] [ dharkaṭa ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Cat.
धर्बक [ dharbaka ] [ dharbaka ] m. N. of a son of Ajātaśatru Lit. VP.
धर्म [ dharma ] [ dharma ] see p. 510 , col. 3.
धर्मण [ dharmaṇa ] [ dharmaṇa ] m. a kind of snake Lit. L.
a kind of tree , Grewia Elastica Lit. L.
धर्मय्यदीक्षित [ dharmayyadīkṣita ] [ dharmayya-dīkṣita ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
धर्मीपुत्र [ dharmīputra ] [ dharmī-putra ] m. an actor , a player (v.l. [ dhātrī-p ] ) .
धर्ष [ dharṣa ] [ dharṣa ] m. (√ [ dhṛṣ ] ) boldness , insolence , arrogance Lit. MBh. i , 7040 ( cf. [ dur- ] )
impatience Lit. W.
paralysing , rendering weak or impotent Lit. ib.
violation (of a woman) Lit. ib.
injury , wrong , insult
restraint Lit. ib.
a eunuch Lit. ib. ( cf. below) .
धर्षकारिणी [ dharṣakāriṇī ] [ dharṣa-kāriṇī ] f. a violated virgin Lit. W.
धर्षवर [ dharṣavara ] [ dharṣa-vara ] m. a eunuch ( prob. w.r. for [ varṣa-dhara ] ) Lit. W.
धर्षक [ dharṣaka ] [ dharṣaka ] m. f. n. attacking , assailing (ifc.) Lit. Hariv. 8844
overbearing Lit. MW.
violating , seducing Lit. ib.
[ dharṣaka ] m. seducer , adulterer Lit. ib.
dancer , actor , mime Lit. L.
धर्षण [ dharṣaṇa ] [ dharṣaṇa ] m. f. n. offending , hurting , assaulting Lit. MW.
[ dharṣaṇa ] n f. . assault , outrage , offence , violation , seduction Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pañc.
n. overpowering Lit. L.
copulation Lit. L.
[ dharṣaṇī ] f. a wanton or unchaste woman , a harlot Lit. Uṇ. ii , 105 Sch. Lit. L.
[ dharṣaṇi ] f. a wanton or unchaste woman , a harlot Lit. Uṇ. ii , 105 Sch. Lit. L.
धर्षणात्मन् [ dharṣaṇātman ] [ dharṣaṇātman ] m. having a violent nature , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
धर्षणीय [ dharṣaṇīya ] [ dharṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. liable to be attacked or assaulted , violable , conquerable Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
धर्षित [ dharṣita ] [ dharṣita ] m. f. n. overpowered , violated , ill-treated Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
[ dharṣita ] n. contumely , insolence Lit. W.
copulation Lit. ib.
धर्षिन् [ dharṣin ] [ dharṣin ] m. f. n. attacking , assaulting , ill-treating (ifc.) Lit. Hariv.
proud , arrogant Lit. W.
cohabiting Lit. ib.
[ dharṣiṇī ] f. a disloyal or unchaste woman Lit. L. ( cf. [ °ṣaṇī ] ) .
धलण्ड [ dhalaṇḍa ] [ dhalaṇḍa ] m. a kind of small thorny tree Lit. L.
धलिल [ dhalila ] [ dhalila ] m. or n. N. of a valley in which the capital of Udyāna is said to have been situated Lit. L.
धव् [ dhav ] [ dhav ] Root cl. [1] Ā. [ dhavate ] , to run , flow Lit. RV. ( cf. 2. [ dhan ] and 1. [ dhāv ] ; Gk. 1 in 2 , 3 , 4 )
धावीयस् [ dhāvīyas ] [ dhāvīyas ] m. f. n. (comp.) running fast Lit. RV. vi , 12 , 5.
धव [ dhava ] [ dhavá ]1 m. Grislea Tomentosa or Anogeissus Latifolia Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
धव [ dhava ] [ dhavá ]2 m. ( accent. only Lit. Naigh. ; said by some to be fr. √ [ dhū ] , but more probably a secondary formation fr. [ vi-dhávā ] q.v.) a man Lit. Naigh. ii , 3 Lit. Pañc. ii , 109
a husband Lit. BhP. i , 16 , 20
lord , possessor Lit. Hariv. 14952
rogue , cheat Lit. L.
N. of a Vasu (w.r. for [ dhara ] ?) Lit. VP.
धवनी [ dhavanī ] [ dhavanī ] f. Desmodium Gangeticum or a similar plant Lit. L.
धवर [ dhavara ] [ dhavara ] n. a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.
धवल [ dhavala ] [ dhavala ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ 2. [ dhāv ] ? cf. Lit. Uṇ. i , 108 Sch.) white , dazzling white Lit. Var. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
handsome , beautiful Lit. L.
[ dhavala ] m. white (the colour) Lit. L.
a kind of dove Lit. Bhpr.
an old or excellent bull Lit. Hcar.
a kind of camphor Lit. L.
Anogeissus Latifolia Lit. L.
(in music) N. of a Rāga
N. of a man Lit. Kathās.
of one of the elephants of the quarters Lit. R.
of a dog
f ( [ ā ] and [ ī ] ) . a white cow Lit. Kād.
[ dhavalī ] f. white hair (as a kind of disease) Lit. L.
[ dhavala ] m. N. of a river Lit. L.
n. white pepper Lit. L.
a kind of metre (= [ °lāṅka ] ) Lit. Col.
N. of a town Lit. Kathās.
धवलगिरि [ dhavalagiri ] [ dhavala-giri ] m. " the white or snowy mountain " N. of one of the highest peaks of the Himâlayas ( commonly [ dhoula-giri ] , or [ dhola-gir ] ) .
धवलगृह [ dhavalagṛha ] [ dhavala-gṛha ] n. the upper story of a house (painted white) Lit. Pañc. Lit. Hcar.
धवलचन्द्र [ dhavalacandra ] [ dhavala-candra ] m. N. of the patron of Nārāyaṇa (the author of Lit. Hit.) Lit. Cat.
धवलता [ dhavalatā ] [ dhavala-tā ] f. ( Lit. Kathās.) whiteness.
धवलत्व [ dhavalatva ] [ dhavala-tva ] n. ( Lit. Inscr.) whiteness.
धवलनिबन्ध [ dhavalanibandha ] [ dhavala-nibandha ] m. N. of wk.
धवलपक्ष [ dhavalapakṣa ] [ dhavala-pakṣa ] m. " white-winged " , a goose Lit. L. ( [ -vihaṃgama ] id. Lit. Śiś. vi , 45)
the light half of the month Lit. L.
धवलमुख [ dhavalamukha ] [ dhavala-mukha ] m. " white-mouthed " , N. of a man Lit. Kathās.
धवलमृत्तिका [ dhavalamṛttikā ] [ dhavala-mṛttikā ] f. " white earth " , chalk Lit. L.
धवलयावनाल [ dhavalayāvanāla ] [ dhavala-yāvanāla ] m. white Yāvanāla Lit. L.
धवलस्मृति [ dhavalasmṛti ] [ dhavala-smṛti ] f. N. of wk.
धवलाङ्क [ dhavalāṅka ] [ dhavalāṅka ] m. a kind of metre (= [ dhavala ] n.) Lit. Col.
धवलाष्टक [ dhavalāṣṭaka ] [ dhavalāṣṭaka ] n. N. of a poem.
धवलेतरतण्डुल [ dhavaletarataṇḍula ] [ dhavaletara-taṇḍula ] m. Andropogon Bicolor Lit. Gal.
धवलोत्पल [ dhavalotpala ] [ dhavalotpala ] n. the white esculent water-lily Lit. L.
धवलय [ dhavalaya ] [ dhavalaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to make white illuminate Lit. Kād. , Lit. Prasannar.
धवलित [ dhavalita ] [ dhavalita ] m. f. n. whitened , illuminated Lit. Bhartṛ.
धवलाय [ dhavalāya ] [ dhavalāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become white , shine brightly Lit. Kād. Lit. Hcar.
धवलायित [ dhavalāyita ] [ dhavalāyita ] m. f. n. become white Lit. ib.
धवलिमन् [ dhavaliman ] [ dhavaliman ] m. white colour , whiteness Lit. Śiś. iv , 65.
धवली [ dhavalī ] [ dhavalī ] in comp. for [ °vala ] .
धवलीकृत [ dhavalīkṛta ] [ dhavalī-kṛta ] m. f. n. made white Lit. W.
धवलीभूत [ dhavalībhūta ] [ dhavalī-bhūta ] m. f. n. become white Lit. Hcar.
धवाणक [ dhavāṇaka ] [ dhavāṇaka ] m. (√ [ dhū ] ) wind , Lit. Uṇ. iii , 83 Sch.
धवितव्य [ dhavitavya ] [ dhavitavy^a ] m. f. n. to be fanned Lit. ŚBr.
धवित्र [ dhavitra ] [ dhaví tra ] n. a fan (made of skin or leather , esp. for blowing the sacrificial fire) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TĀr. Lit. ĀpŚr.
धवित्रदण्ड [ dhavitradaṇḍa ] [ dhaví tra-daṇḍa ] m. the handle of a fan Lit. MānŚr.
धा [ dhā ] [ dhā ]1 Root cl. [3] P. Ā. [ dádhāti ] , [ dhatté ] Lit. RV. (P. du. [ dadhvás ] , [ dhatthás ] , [ dhattás ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 38 ) ; pl. [ dadhmási ] or [ °más ] , [ dhatthá ] , [ dādhati ] ; impf. [ ádadhāt ] pl. [ °dhur ] , Lit. 2. pl. [ ádhatta ] or [ ádadhāta ] Lit. RV. vii , 33 , 4 ; Subj. [ dádhat ] or [ °dhāt ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 70 Lit. Kāś. ) , [ °dhas ] , [ °dhatas ] , [ °dhan ] ; Pot. [ dadhyā́t ] ; Impv. [ dādhātu ] pl. [ °dhatu ] ; 2. sg. [ dhehí ] ( fr. [ dhaddhi ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 119 ) or [ dhattāt ] Lit. RV. iii , 8 , 1 ; 2. pl. [ dhattá ] , Lit. i , 64 , 15 , [ dhattana ] , Lit. i , 20 , 7 , [ dádhāta ] , Lit. vii , 32 , 13 , or [ °tana ] , Lit. x , 36 , 13 ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 45 Sch. ) ; p. [ dádhat ] , [ °ti ] m. pl. [ °tas ] ; Ā. 1. sg. [ dadhé ] ( at once 3. sg. = [ dhatté ] Lit. RV. i , 149 , 5 and = pf. Ā. ) , 2. sg. [ dhátse ] , Lit. viii , 85 , 5 or [ dhatsé ] Lit. AV. v , 7 , 2 ; 2. 3. du. [ dadhā́the ] , [ °dhā́te ] ; 2. pl. [ °dhidhvé ] ( cf. pf. ) ; 3. pl. [ dádhate ] Lit. RV. v , 41 , 2 ; impf. [ ádhatta ] , [ °tthās ] ; Subj. [ dádhase ] , Lit. viii , 32 , 6 ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 96 Lit. Kāś. ) ; Pot. [ dádhīta ] Lit. RV. i , 40 , 2 or [ dadhītá ] , Lit. v , 66 , 1 ; Impv. 2. sg. [ dhatsva ] , Lit. x , 87 , 2 or [ dadhiṣva ] , Lit. iii , 40 , 5 ; 2. pl. [ dhaddhvam ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 38 Lit. Kāś. ) or [ dadhidhvam ] Lit. RV. vii , 34 , 10 , ; 3. pl. [ dadhatām ] Lit. AV. viii , 8 , 3 ; p. [ dádhāna ] ) ; rarely cl. [1] P. Ā. [ dadhati ] , [ °te ] Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. ; only thrice cl. [2] P. [ dhā́ti ] Lit. RV. ; and once cl. [4] Ā. Pot. [ dhāyeta ] Lit. MaitrUp. (pf.P. [ dadhaú ] , [ °dhā́tha ] , [ °dhatur ] , [ °dhimā́ ] , [ °dhur ] Lit. RV. ; Ā. [ dadhé ] ( cf. pr. ) , [ dadhiṣé ] or [ dhiṣe ] Lit. RV. i , 56 , 6 ; 2. 3. du. [ dadhā́the ] , [ °dhā́te ] , 2. pl. [ dadhidhvé ] ( cf. pr. ) ; 3. pl. [ dadhiré ] , [ dadhre ] , Lit. x , 82 , 5 ; 6 , or [ dhire ] , Lit. i , 166 , 10 ; p. [ dádhāna ] ( cf. pr. ) ; aor. P. [ ádhāt ] , [ dhā́t ] , [ dhā́s ] ; [ adhúr ] , [ dhúr ] Lit. RV. ; Pot. [ dheyām ] , [ °yur ] ; [ dhetana ] Lit. RV. Lit. TBr. ; 2. sg. [ dhāyīs ] Lit. RV. i , 147 , 5 ; Impv. [ dhā́tu ] ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-i , 8 Vārtt. 3 Lit. Pat. ) ; 2. pl. [ dhā́ta ] or [ °tana ] , 3. pl. [ dhāntu ] Lit. RV. ; Ā. [ adhita ] , [ °thās ] , [ adhītām ] , [ adhīmahi ] , [ dhīmahi ] , [ dhimahe ] , [ dhāmahe ] Lit. RV. ; 3. sg. [ ahita ] , [ hita ] Lit. AV. Lit. TĀr. ; Subj. [ dhéthe ] Lit. RV. i , 158 , 2 , [ dhaithe ] , Lit. vi , 67 , 7 ; Impv. [ dhiṣvā́ ] , Lit. ii , 11 , 18 , ; P. [ adhat ] Lit. SV. ; [ dhat ] Lit. RV. ; P. [ dhāsur ] Subj. [ °sathas ] and [ °satha ] Lit. RV. ; Ā. [ adhiṣi ] , [ °ṣata ] Lit. Br. ; Pot. [ dhiṣīya ] Lit. ib. ( Lit. P. vii , 4 , 45 ) ; [ dheṣīya ] Lit. MaitrS. ; fut. [ dhāsyati ] , [ °te ] or [ dhātā ] Lit. Br. ; inf. [ dhā́tum ] Lit. Br. ; Ved. also [ °tave ] , [ °tavaí ] , [ °tos ] ; [ dhiyádhyai ] Lit. RV. ; Class. also [ -dhitum ] ; ind.p. [ dhitvā́ ] Lit. Br. ; [ hitvā ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 42 ) , [ -dhā́ya ] and [ -dhā́m ] Lit. AV. : Pass. [ dhīyáte ] Lit. RV. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 66 ) , p. [ dhīyámāna ] Lit. RV. i , 155 , 2 ; aor. [ ádhāyi ] , [ dhā́yi ] Lit. RV. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 33 Lit. Kāś. ) ; Prec. [ dhāsīṣṭa ] or [ dhāyiṣīṣṭa ] ( Lit. vi , 4 , 62 ) ) to put , place , set , lay in or on (loc.) Lit. RV. (with [ daṇḍam ] , to inflict punishment on ( with loc. Lit. MBh. v , 1075 , with gen. Lit. R. v , 28 , 7 ) ; with [ tat-padavyām padam ] , to put one's foot in another's footstep i.e. imitate , equal Lit. Kāvyâd. ii. 64) ; to take or bring or help to (loc. or dat. ; with [ āré ] , to remove) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ; (Ā.) to direct or fix the mind or attention ( [ cintām ] , [ manas ] , [ matim ] , [ samādhim ] ) upon , think of (loc. or dat.) , fix or resolve upon (loc. dat. acc. with [ prati ] or a sentence closed with [ iti ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP. ; to destine for , bestow on , present or impart to (loc. dat. or gen.) Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. MBh. (Pass. to be given or granted , fall to one's ( dat. ) lot or share Lit. RV. i , 81 , 3) ; to appoint , establish , constitute Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. ; to render ( with double acc.) Lit. RV. vii , 31 , 12 Lit. Bhartṛ. iii. 82 ; to make , produce , generate , create , cause , effect , perform , execute Lit. RV. Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚvetUp. (aor. with [ pūrayām ] , [ mantrayām ] , [ varayām ] = [ pūrayām ] [ cakāra ] ) ; to seize , take hold of , hold , bear , support , wear , put on (clothes) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP. ; (Ā.) to accept , obtain , conceive (esp. in the womb) , get , take ( with [ ókas ] or [ cánas ] , to take pleasure or delight in ( loc. or dat. ) ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. ; to assume , have , possess , show , exhibit , incur , undergo Lit. RV. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Hit.etc. : Caus. [ -dhāpayati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 36 (see [ antar-dhā ] , [ śrad-dhā ] ) : Desid. [ dhí tsati ] , [ °te ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 54) , to wish to put in or lay on (loc.) Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr. ( Class. Pass. [ dhitsyate ] ; [ dhitsya ] see s.v.) ; [ dí dhiṣati ] , [ °te ] , to wish to give or present Lit. RV. ; (Ā.) to wish to gain , strive after (p. [ dí dhiṣāṇa ] , Lit. x , 114 , 1) Lit. ib. : with [ avadyám ] , to bid defiance Lit. ib. iv , 18 , 7 (cf. [ didhiṣā́yya ] , [ didhiṣú ] ) : Intens. [ dedhīyate ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 66. ( cf. Zd. (dā) , (dadaiti) ; Gk. 1 , 2 , 3; Lith. (dedu4) , (déti) ; Slav. (dedja) , (diti) ; Old Sax. (duan) , (dôn) , Angl.Sax. (dôn) , Engl. (do) ; Germ. (tuan) ; (tuon) , (thun) . ) ( 513,2 )
धा [ dhā ] [ dhā ]2 m. f. n. putting , placing , bestowing , holding , having , causing (ifc. ; cf. 2. [ dha ] )
[ dhā ] m. placer , bestower , holder , supporter
N. of Brahmā or Bṛihas-pati Lit. L.
f. see 2. [ dha ]
instr. ( = nom.) perhaps in the suffix [ dhā ] ( which forms adverbs from numerals e.g. [ eka-dhā́ ] , [ dví -dhā ] )
धाक [ dhāka ] [ dhāka ] m. an ox Lit. Uṇ. iii , 40 Sch.
a receptacle (= [ ādhāra ] ; v.l. [ āhāra ] , food) Lit. ib.
a post Lit. L.
[ dhākā ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 13 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat. ( ( cf. 1 ) ) .
धातु [ dhātu ] [ dhātu ]1 m. layer , stratum Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Kauś.
constituent part , ingredient (esp. ( and in Lit. RV. only ) ifc. , where often = " fold " e.g. [ tri-dhā́tu ] , threefold ; cf. [ triviṣṭi- ] , [ sapta- ] , [ su- ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
element , primitive matter (= [ mahā-bhūta ] Lit. L.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. (usually reckoned as 5 , viz. [ kha ] or [ ākāśa ] , [ anila ] , [ tejas ] , [ jala ] , [ bhū ] ; to which is added [ brahma ] Lit. Yājñ. iii , 145 ; or [ vijñāna ] Lit. Buddh.)
a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body (distinct from the 5 mentioned above and conceived either as 3 humours ( called also [ doṣa ] ) phlegm , wind and bile Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ purīṣa ] , [ māṃsa ] , [ manas ] , Lit. ChUp. vi , 5 , 1 ) ; or as the 5 organs of sense , [ indriyāṇi ] ( cf. s.v. and Lit. MBh. xii , 6842 , where [ śrotra ] , [ ghrāṇa ] , [ āsya ] , [ hṛdaya ] and [ koṣṭha ] are mentioned as the 5 dhātu of the human body born from the either ) and the 5 properties of the elements perceived by them , [ gandha ] , [ rasa ] , [ rūpa ] , [ sparśa ] and [ śabda ] Lit. L. ; or the 7 fluids or secretions , chyle , blood , flesh , fat , bone , marrow , semen Lit. Suśr. ( Lit. L. [ rasādi ] or [ rasa-raktādi ] , of which sometimes 10 are given , the above 7 and hair , skin , sinews Lit. BhP. ) )
primary element of the earth i.e. metal , mineral , are (esp. a mineral of a red colour) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. element of words i.e. grammatical or verbal root or stem Lit. Nir. Lit. Prāt. Lit. MBh. ( with the southern Buddhists [ dhātu ] means either the 6 elements ( see above ) Lit. Dharmas. xxv ; or the 18 elementary spheres ( [ dhātu-loka ] ) Lit. ib. lviii ; or the ashes of the body , relics Lit. L. ( cf. [ -garbha ] ) ) .
a cause, Lit. Sukh. i.
धातुकथा [ dhātukathā ] [ dhātu-kathā ] f. N. of wk.
धातुकल्प [ dhātukalpa ] [ dhātu-kalpa ] m. N. of wk.
धातुकाय [ dhātukāya ] [ dhātu-kāya ] m. N. of wk.
धातुकाव्य [ dhātukāvya ] [ dhātu-kāvya ] n. N. of wk.
धातुकासीस [ dhātukāsīsa ] [ dhātu-kāsīsa ] n. red sulphate of iron Lit. L.
धातुकुशल [ dhātukuśala ] [ dhātu-kuśala ] m. f. n. skilled in metals , metallurgist Lit. Var.
धातुकोश [ dhātukośa ] [ dhātu-kośa ] m.
धातुक्रममाला [ dhātukramamālā ] [ dhātu-krama-mālā ] f. N. of works. on verbal roots.
धातुक्रिया [ dhātukriyā ] [ dhātu-kriyā ] f. metallurgy Lit. Var.
धातुक्षय [ dhātukṣaya ] [ dhātu-kṣaya ] m. waste of the humours , consumption
धातुक्षयकास [ dhātukṣayakāsa ] [ dhātu-kṣaya--kāsa ] m. a consumptive cough Lit. L.
धातुगण [ dhātugaṇa ] [ dhātu-gaṇa ] m. " list of roots " , N
of wk.
धातुगर्भ [ dhātugarbha ] [ dhātu-garbha ] m. ( with Lit. Buddh.) receptacle for ashes or relics , a Dāgaba or Dāgoba (Sinhalese corruption of Pāli Dhātu-gabbha) Lit. MWB. xxxv
धातुगर्भकुम्भ [ dhātugarbhakumbha ] [ dhātu-garbha--kumbha ] m. a relic-urn Lit. Hcar.
धातुग्राहिन् [ dhātugrāhin ] [ dhātu-grāhin ] m. calimine Lit. L.
धातुघोषा [ dhātughoṣā ] [ dhātu-ghoṣā ] f. N. of wk. on verbal roots.
धातुघ्न [ dhātughna ] [ dhātu-ghna ] m. " destroying the humours " , sour gruel Lit. L.
धातुचन्द्रिका [ dhātucandrikā ] [ dhātu-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.
धातुचन्द्रोदय [ dhātucandrodaya ] [ dhātu-candrodaya ] m. N. of wk.
धातुचिन्तामणि [ dhātucintāmaṇi ] [ dhātu-cintā-maṇi ] m. N. of wk.
धातुचूर्ण [ dhātucūrṇa ] [ dhātu-cūrṇa ] n. mineral powder Lit. Suśr.
धातुज [ dhātuja ] [ dhātu-ja ] m. f. n. produced or derived from a verbal root
[ dhātuja ] m. or n. bitumen Lit. L.
धातुतरंगिनी [ dhātutaraṃginī ] [ dhātu-taraṃginī ] and f. N. of gram. wk.
धातुदीपिका [ dhātudīpikā ] [ dhātu-dīpikā ]and f. N. of gram. wk.
धातुद्रावक [ dhātudrāvaka ] [ dhātu-drāvaka ] n. " dissolving metals " borax Lit. Bhpr.
धातुनाशन [ dhātunāśana ] [ dhātu-nāśana ] n. = [ -ghna ] Lit. L.
धातुनिदान [ dhātunidāna ] [ dhātu-nidāna ] n. N. of a med. wk.
धातुप [ dhātupa ] [ dhātu-pa ] m. " chief of the 7 fluids " elementary juice or chyle Lit. L.
धातुपर्यायदीपिका [ dhātuparyāyadīpikā ] [ dhātu-paryāya-dīpikā ] f. and N. of wk. on grammatical or verbal roots.
धातुपर्यायमञ्जूषा [ dhātuparyāyamañjūṣā ] [ dhātu-paryāya-mañjūṣā ]and f. N. of wk. on grammatical or verbal roots.
धातुपाठ [ dhātupāṭha ] [ dhātu-pāṭha ] m. " recital of grammatical roots " N. of an ancient list of roots ascribed to Pāṇini.
धातुपारायण [ dhātupārāyaṇa ] [ dhātu-pārāyaṇa ] n. N. of wk. on verbal roots.
धातुपारायणीय [ dhātupārāyaṇīya ] [ dhātu-pārāyaṇīya ] n. N. of wk. on verbal roots.
धातुपारायणवृत्ति [ dhātupārāyaṇavṛtti ] [ dhātu-pārāyaṇa-vṛtti ] f. N. of wk. on verbal roots.
धातुपुष्पिका [ dhātupuṣpikā ] [ dhātu-puṣpikā ] and f. Grislea Tomentosa Lit. L. ( cf. [ dhātṛ- ] ) .
धातुपुष्पी [ dhātupuṣpī ] [ dhātu-puṣpī ]and f. Grislea Tomentosa Lit. L. ( cf. [ dhātṛ- ] ) .
धातुपूजा [ dhātupūjā ] [ dhātu-pūjā ] f. N. of wk.
धातुप्रकरण [ dhātuprakaraṇa ] [ dhātu-prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
धातुप्रकाश [ dhātuprakāśa ] [ dhātu-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
धातुप्रत्ययपञ्चक [ dhātupratyayapañcaka ] [ dhātu-pratyaya-pañcaka ] n. N. of wk.
धातुप्रत्ययपञ्जिका [ dhātupratyayapañjikā ] [ dhātu-pratyaya-pañjikā ] f. N. of wk.
धातुप्रदीप [ dhātupradīpa ] [ dhātu-pradīpa ] m. N. of wk.
धातुप्रदीपिका [ dhātupradīpikā ] [ dhātu-pradīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
धातुप्रसक्त [ dhātuprasakta ] [ dhātu-prasakta ] m. f. n. devoted to alchemy Lit. Var.
धातुप्रिया [ dhātupriyā ] [ dhātu-priyā ] f. N. of a Kiṃnarī Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
धातुभृत् [ dhātubhṛt ] [ dhātu-bhṛt ] m. " earth-bearer " , a mountain Lit. L.
a robust man Lit. W.
[ dhātubhṛt ] m. f. n. promoting the animal secretions Lit. ib.
धातुमञ्जरी [ dhātumañjarī ] [ dhātu-mañjarī ] f. " root-garland " , N. of a gramm. wk.
धातुमत् [ dhātumat ] [ dhātu-mat ] m. f. n. containing elements Lit. BhP.
abounding in minerals or metals Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
धातुमत्ता [ dhātumattā ] [ dhātu-mat-tā ] f. Lit. Kum. i , 4.
धातुमल [ dhātumala ] [ dhātu-mala ] n. impure excretion from the fluids of the body , faeces Lit. BhP.
lead (the most impure of metals) Lit. L.
धातुमाक्षिक [ dhātumākṣika ] [ dhātu-mākṣika ] n. sulphuret of iron Lit. L.
धातुमारण [ dhātumāraṇa ] [ dhātu-māraṇa ] n. N. of a med. wk.
धातुमारिन् [ dhātumārin ] [ dhātu-mārin ] m. " dissolving metals " , sulphur Lit. L.
[ dhātumāriṇī ] f. borax Lit. ib.
धातुमाला [ dhātumālā ] [ dhātu-mālā ] and f. N. of wk. on gramm. roots.
धातुरत्नमञ्जरी [ dhāturatnamañjarī ] [ dhātu-ratna-mañjarī ]and f. N. of wk. on gramm. roots.
धातुरत्नमञ्जरि [ dhāturatnamañjari ] [ dhātu-ratna-mañjari ] f. N. of wk. on gramm. roots.
धातुरत्नमाला [ dhāturatnamālā ] [ dhātu-ratna-mālā ] f. N. of a med. wk.
धातुरत्नाकर [ dhāturatnākara ] [ dhātu-ratnākara ] m. N. of wk. on gramm. roots.
धातुरत्नावली [ dhāturatnāvalī ] [ dhātu-ratnāvalī ] f. N. of wk. on gramm. roots.
धातुरहस्य [ dhāturahasya ] [ dhātu-rahasya ] n. N. of wk. on gramm. roots.
धातुराजक [ dhāturājaka ] [ dhātu-rājaka ] n. " chief fluid of the body " , semen Lit. L.
धातुरूपादर्श [ dhāturūpādarśa ] [ dhātu-rūpādarśa ] m. N. of wk. on verbal roots.
धातुरूपावली [ dhāturūpāvalī ] [ dhātu-rūpāvalī ] f. N. of wk. on verbal roots.
धातुलक्षण [ dhātulakṣaṇa ] [ dhātu-lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk. on some Vedic verbs.
धातुवल्लभ [ dhātuvallabha ] [ dhātu-vallabha ] n. " friend of metals " , borax Lit. L.
धातुवादिन् [ dhātuvādin ] [ dhātu-vādin ] m. assayer , metallurgist Lit. Kāv.
धातुविकार [ dhātuvikāra ] [ dhātu-vikāra ] m. = [ -kṣaya ] Lit. MW.
धातुविष् [ dhātuviṣ ] [ dhātu-viṣ ] f. = [ -mala ] , lead Lit. L.
धातुविष [ dhātuviṣa ] [ dhātu-viṣa ] n. a mineral poison Lit. Suśr.
धातुवृत्ति [ dhātuvṛtti ] [ dhātu-vṛtti ] f. Comm. on verbal roots , ( with [ mādhavīyā ] ) Sāyaṇa's Comm. on Lit. Dhātup.
धातुवैरिन् [ dhātuvairin ] [ dhātu-vairin ] m. " metal-enemy " , sulphur Lit. L.
धातुशेखर [ dhātuśekhara ] [ dhātu-śekhara ] n. " chief of minerals " , green vitriol Lit. L.
धातुशोधन [ dhātuśodhana ] [ dhātu-śodhana ] m. or n. lead Lit. L.
धातुसंग्रह [ dhātusaṃgraha ] [ dhātu-saṃgraha ] and m. N. of wk. on verbal roots.
धातुसमास [ dhātusamāsa ] [ dhātu-samāsa ]and m. N. of wk. on verbal roots.
धातुसम्भव [ dhātusambhava ] [ dhātu-sambhava ] m. or n. lead.
धातुसाधन [ dhātusādhana ] [ dhātu-sādhana ] n. " complete scheme of verbal roots " , N. of wk. containing paradigms of conjugation.
धातुसाम्य [ dhātusāmya ] [ dhātu-sāmya ] n. equilibrium of the bodily humours , good health Lit. MW.
धातुस्तूप [ dhātustūpa ] [ dhātu-stūpa ] m. ( with Lit. Buddh.) " relic-receptacle " , a Dāgaba Lit. MWB. 504 Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
धातुहन् [ dhātuhan ] [ dhātu-han ] m. " destroying metals " , sulphur Lit. L.
धातूपल [ dhātūpala ] [ dhātūpala ] m. " mineral-like stone " , chalk.
धात्वर्थ [ dhātvartha ] [ dhātv-artha ] m. " having the sense of a root " , a verb Lit. MW.
धात्ववरोपण [ dhātvavaropaṇa ] [ dhātv-avaropaṇa ] n. depositing of relics (inside a Dāgaba or Stūpa) Lit. Kāraṇḍ. ( printed [ °tvāva° ] and [ dhyānāva ] ) .
धात्वाकर [ dhātvākara ] [ dhātv-ākara ] m. a mine
धात्वाकराख्य [ dhātvākarākhya ] [ dhātv-ākarākhya ] n. pl. minerals Lit. VarBṛS. civ , 12.
धातुक [ dhātuka ] [ dhātuka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) = [ dhātu ] 1
[ dhātuka ] m. n. bitumen Lit. L.
धातुल [ dhātula ] [ dhātula ] m. f. n. full of (comp.) Lit. HPariś.
धातृ [ dhātṛ ] [ dhātṛ́ ] m. establisher , founder , creator , bearer , supporter ( cf. [ vasu- ] ) , orderer , arranger Lit. RV.
N. of a divine being who personifies these functions (in Vedic times presiding over generation , matrimony , health , wealth , time and season , and associated or identified with Savitṛi , Prajā-pati , Tvashṭṛi , Bṛihaspati , Mitra , Aryaman , Vishṇu Lit. RV. x Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. ; later chiefly the creator and maintainer of the world = Brahmā or Prajā-pati Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. ; in ep. one of the 12 Ādityas and brother of Vi-dhātṛi and Lakshmī , son of Brahmā Lit. MBh. ; or of Bhṛigu and Khyāti Lit. Pur. ; Fate personified Lit. Kāv.)
one of the 49 winds Lit. VahniP.
paramour , adulterer Lit. Daś.
the 1-th or 44th year in the cycle of Jupiter Lit. Cat.
N. of a Ṛishi in the 4th Manv-antara Lit. Hariv. (C. [ dhāman ] )
of an author Lit. Cat.; ( [ trī ] ) f. see [ dhātrī ] . ( ( cf. Zd. (dātar) ; Gk. 1; Slav. (deteli) . ) )
धातृपुत्र [ dhātṛputra ] [ dhātṛ́-putra ] m. " Brahmā's son " , N. of Sanat-kumāra Lit. L.
धातृपुष्पिका [ dhātṛpuṣpikā ] [ dhātṛ́-puṣpikā ] and f. Grislea Tomentosa Lit. L. ( cf. [ dhātu- ] ) .
धातृपुष्पी [ dhātṛpuṣpī ] [ dhātṛ́-puṣpī ]and f. Grislea Tomentosa Lit. L. ( cf. [ dhātu- ] ) .
धातृभवन [ dhātṛbhavana ] [ dhātṛ́-bhavana ] n. Brahmā's heaven Lit. Var.
धातृका [ dhātṛkā ] [ dhātṛkā ] w.r. for [ °trikā ] .
धात्र [ dhātra ] [ dhātra ]1 n. receptacle , vessel Lit. L.
धात्र [ dhātra ] [ dhātrá ]2 m. f. n. belonging to Dhātṛi Lit. ŚBr.
धात्रि [ dhātri ] [ dhātri ] f. (metric.) = [ °trī ] , Emblica Officinalis Lit. Suśr.
धात्रिका [ dhātrikā ] [ dhātrikā ] f. wet-nurse or = prec. Lit. L.
धात्री [ dhātrī ] [ dhātrī ] f. " female supporter " , a nurse Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
midwife Lit. Hit. iv , 61
mother Lit. Yājñ. iii , 82
the earth Lit. Var. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
Emblica Officinalis Lit. Var. Lit. Suśr. ( some derive it fr. √ [ dhe ] cf. [ dhāyas ] and Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 181) .
धात्रीधर [ dhātrīdhara ] [ dhātrī-dhara ] m. " earth-bearer " , mountain Lit. Var.
धात्रीपत्त्र [ dhātrīpattra ] [ dhātrī-pattra ] n. the leaf of Flacourtia Cataphracta Lit. L.
धात्रीपुत्र [ dhātrīputra ] [ dhātrī-putra ] m. " the son of a nurse " , an actor Lit. L. (v.l. for [ dharmī-p ] ) .
धात्रीफल [ dhātrīphala ] [ dhātrī-phala ] n. the fruit of Emblica Officinalis Lit. W.
धात्रीमोदक [ dhātrīmodaka ] [ dhātrī-modaka ] m. a kind of pastille (in med.)
धात्रीश्वरी [ dhātrīśvarī ] [ dhātrīśvarī ] ( [ °trīśv° ] ) f. Grislea Tomentosa Lit. L.
धात्रेयिका [ dhātreyikā ] [ dhātreyikā ] f. foster-sister (a sort of confidante) Lit. MBh. Lit. Bālar.
wet-nurse Lit. L.
female slave Lit. Nīlak.
धान [ dhāna ] [ dhā́na ] m. f. n. containing , holding ( cf. [ uda- ] )
[ dhāna ] n. receptacle , case , seat ( cf. [ agni- ] , [ kṣura- ] , [ rajju- ] ; [ °nam aktós ] prob. = womb or bosom of the night Lit. RV. iii , 7 , 6)
[ dhānī ] f. = n. ( cf. [ aṅgāra- ] , [ gopāla- ] , [ rāja- ] )
the site of a habitation Lit. L.
coriander Lit. L.
N. of a river Lit. L.
धाना [ dhānā ] [ dhānā́ ] f. corn , grain (originally the grains of seed from their being " laid " into and " conceived " by the earth cf. √ 1. [ dhā ] , but usually = fried barley or rice or any grain fried and reduced to powder) Lit. RV.
coriander Lit. L.
bud , shoot Lit. L.
धानाचूर्ण [ dhānācūrṇa ] [ dhānā́-cūrṇa ] n. the meal or flower of fried barley Lit. L.
धानान्तर्वत् [ dhānāntarvat ] [ dhānā́ntar-vat ] ( [ dhā́nānt ] or [ dhānānt ] ) , m. N. of a Gandharva Lit. ŚBr.
धानापूप [ dhānāpūpa ] [ dhānā́pūpa ] ( [ °nāp° ] ) m. a cake of fried barley Lit. MBh.
धानाफलव्रतकथा [ dhānāphalavratakathā ] [ dhānā́-phala-vrata-kathā ] f. N. of wk.
धानाभर्जन [ dhānābharjana ] [ dhānā́-bharjana ] n. the frying or parching of grain Lit. KātyŚr.
धानामुष्टि [ dhānāmuṣṭi ] [ dhānā́-muṣṭi ] f. a handful of grain Lit. MBh.
धानारुह् [ dhānāruh ] [ dhānā́-ruh ] ( [ °nā́- ] ) m. f. n. growing from a grain Lit. ŚBr.
धानावत् [ dhānāvat ] [ dhānā́-vat ] ( [ °nā́- ] ) m. f. n. accompanied by grain (as Soma) Lit. RV.
धानासोम [ dhānāsoma ] [ dhānā́-somá ] m. pl. grains with Soma Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
धानाका [ dhānākā ] [ dhānākā ] f. pl.= [ dhānā ] Lit. L.
धानिन् [ dhānin ] [ dhānin ] m. Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica Lit. L.
धानी [ dhānī ] [ dhānī ] f. see [ dhāna ] (above ) .
धानेय [ dhāneya ] [ dhāneya ] and n. coriander Lit. Bhpr. Lit. MBh. 13 , 5468 (B.?) .
धानेयक [ dhāneyaka ] [ dhāneyaka ]and n. coriander Lit. Bhpr. Lit. MBh. 13 , 5468 (B.?) .
धान्य [ dhānya ] [ dhānyá ]1 m. f. n. consisting or made of grain Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
[ dhānya ] n. corn , grain Lit. ib. ( according to Lit. Suśr. only [ śālayaḥ ] , [ ṣaṣṭikāḥ ] & [ vīhayaḥ ] , the other grains being [ ku-dhānya ] q.v.)
a measure = 4 sesamum seeds Lit. L.
n. coriander ( also f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. L.
n. Cyperus Rotundus Lit. L.
a kind of house Lit. Gal.
धान्यकटक [ dhānyakaṭaka ] [ dhānyá-kaṭaka ] N. of a country Lit. L.
धान्यकर्तन [ dhānyakartana ] [ dhānyá-kartana ] n. " corn-reaping " , N. of ch. of Lit. PSarv.
धान्यकल्क [ dhānyakalka ] [ dhānyá-kalka ] m. bran , chaff , straw Lit. W.
धान्यकूट [ dhānyakūṭa ] [ dhānyá-kūṭa ] m. or n. granary Lit. Var.
धान्यकोश [ dhānyakośa ] [ dhānyá-kośa ] m. store of grain Lit. R.
ear of corn Lit. Gal.
धान्यकोष [ dhānyakoṣa ] [ dhānyá-koṣa ] m. store of grain Lit. R.
ear of corn Lit. Gal.
धान्यकोष्टक [ dhānyakoṣṭaka ] [ dhānyá-koṣṭaka ] n. = [ -kūṭa ] Lit. L.
धान्यक्षेत्र [ dhānyakṣetra ] [ dhānyá-kṣetra ] n. a corn-field , rice-field Lit. MW.
धान्यखल [ dhānyakhala ] [ dhānyá-khala ] m. threshing-floor Lit. KātyŚr.
धान्यगव [ dhānyagava ] [ dhānyá-gava ] m. corn heaped up in the shape of or equal in size to a bull Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 62 Lit. Kāś.
धान्यचमस [ dhānyacamasa ] [ dhānyá-camasa ] m. rice flattened by threshing Lit. L.
धान्यचारिन् [ dhānyacārin ] [ dhānyá-cārin ] m. f. n. eating grains (bird) Lit. Bhpr.
धान्यचौर [ dhānyacaura ] [ dhānyá-caura ] m. a stealer of corn Lit. Mn. xi , 50.
धान्यजीविन् [ dhānyajīvin ] [ dhānyá-jīvin ] m. f. n. living on grains
[ dhānyajīvin ] m. a bird living on grains Lit. R.
धान्यता [ dhānyatā ] [ dhānyá-tā ] f. w.r. for [ dhanya-tā ] .
धान्यतिल्विल [ dhānyatilvila ] [ dhānyá-tilvila ] ( [ °nyá- ] ) m. f. n. abounding in corn Lit. ŚBr.
धान्यत्वच् [ dhānyatvac ] [ dhānyá-tvac ] f. husk of corn Lit. L.
धान्यद [ dhānyada ] [ dhānyá-da ] m. f. n. giving or distributing corn Lit. Mn.
धान्यधन [ dhānyadhana ] [ dhānyá-dhana ] n. sg. corn and wealth
धान्यधनतस् [ dhānyadhanatas ] [ dhānyá-dhana--tas ] ind. on account of possessing corn and wealth Lit. Mn. ii , 155
धान्यधनवत् [ dhānyadhanavat ] [ dhānyá-dhana--vat ] m. f. n. rich in corn and wealth Lit. Hcat.
धान्यधेनु [ dhānyadhenu ] [ dhānyá-dhenu ] f. a heap of rice (like a cow) to be presented to a Brāhman Lit. MW. ( cf. [ -gava ] ) .
धान्यपञ्चक [ dhānyapañcaka ] [ dhānyá-pañcaka ] n. the 5 sorts of grain ( [ śāli-dhānya ] , [ vrīhi- ] , [ śūka- ] , [ śimbī- ] , [ kṣudra- ] ) Lit. L.
धान्यपत [ dhānyapata ] [ dhānyá-pata ] m. f. n. and g. [ aśva-paty-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 84.
धान्यपति [ dhānyapati ] [ dhānyá-pati ]and m. g. [ aśva-paty-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 84.
धान्यपर्वतदानविधि [ dhānyaparvatadānavidhi ] [ dhānyá-parvata-dāna-vidhi ] m. N. of ch. of Lit. PSarv.
धान्यपात्र [ dhānyapātra ] [ dhānyá-pātra ] n. a vessel for corn Lit. Lāṭy.
धान्यपाल [ dhānyapāla ] [ dhānyá-pāla ] m. N. of a family Lit. Cat.
धान्यपूल [ dhānyapūla ] [ dhānyá-pūla ] m. a bunch of corn-stalks Lit. ĀśvŚr. Comm.
धान्यबीज [ dhānyabīja ] [ dhānyá-bīja ] n. coriander Lit. L.
धान्यमातृ [ dhānyamātṛ ] [ dhānyá-mātṛ ] m. a measurer of corn Lit. L.
धान्यमान [ dhānyamāna ] [ dhānyá-māna ] n. " corn-measure " , as much corn as a man can eat at once Lit. VP. (v.l.)
धान्यमाय [ dhānyamāya ] [ dhānyá-māya ] m. = [ -mātṛ ] Lit. L.
corn-dealer Lit. ib.
धान्यमाष [ dhānyamāṣa ] [ dhānyá-māṣa ] m. a partic. measure Lit. Car.
धान्यमिश्र [ dhānyamiśra ] [ dhānyá-miśra ] m. f. n. mixing or adulterating corn Lit. Yājñ.
[ dhānyamiśrā ] f. a mixture of different sorts of grain , Lit. Deśīn.
धान्यराज [ dhānyarāja ] [ dhānyá-rāja ] m. " grain-king " , barley Lit. L.
धान्यरोपण [ dhānyaropaṇa ] [ dhānyá-ropaṇa ] n. " grain-planting " , N. of ch. of Lit. PSarv.
धान्यवत् [ dhānyavat ] [ dhānyá-vat ] m. f. n. rich in grain Lit. L.
[ dhānyavat ] ind. like grain Lit. Mn. v , 119.
धान्यवनि [ dhānyavani ] [ dhānyá-vani ] (?) a heap of grain Lit. L.
धान्यवपन [ dhānyavapana ] [ dhānyá-vapana ] n. " grain-sowing " , N. of ch. of Lit. PSarv.
धान्यवर्धन [ dhānyavardhana ] [ dhānyá-vardhana ] n. usury with grain Lit. L.
धान्यवीज [ dhānyavīja ] [ dhānyá-vīja ] see [ -bīja ] .
धान्यवीर [ dhānyavīra ] [ dhānyá-vīra ] m. " grain-chief. " Phaseolus Radiatus , 1.
धान्यशीर्षक [ dhānyaśīrṣaka ] [ dhānyá-śīrṣaka ] n. the ear of corn Lit. L.
धान्यशूक [ dhānyaśūka ] [ dhānyá-śūka ] n. the awn or beard of corn Lit. L.
धान्यशैलदान [ dhānyaśailadāna ] [ dhānyá-śaila-dāna ] n. N. of ch. of Lit. MatsyaP. ( cf. [ -parvata-dāna-vidhi ] ) .
धान्यश्रेष्ठ [ dhānyaśreṣṭha ] [ dhānyá-śreṣṭha ] n. " the best of corn " , a kind of rice Lit. L.
धान्यसंग्रह [ dhānyasaṃgraha ] [ dhānyá-saṃgraha ] m. a store or magazine of grain Lit. W.
धान्यसार [ dhānyasāra ] [ dhānyá-sāra ] m. " essence of grain " , threshed corn Lit. L.
धान्यांश [ dhānyāṃśa ] [ dhānyāṃśa ] m. a grain of corn Lit. L.
धान्याकृत् [ dhānyākṛt ] [ dhānyā-kṛ́t ] ( for [ °nya-kṛ° ] or = [ °nyākṛ° ] ) m. cultivator of grain Lit. RV. x , 94 , 13.
धान्याचल [ dhānyācala ] [ dhānyācala ] m. a pile of grain foe presentation to Brāhmans Lit. W. ( cf. [ dhānya-parvata ] and [ -śaila ] )
धान्याद [ dhānyāda ] [ dhānyādá ] m. f. n. eating corn Lit. Br.
धान्याभ्र [ dhānyābhra ] [ dhānyābhra ] and n. a partic. preparation of talc Lit. Bhpr.
धान्याभ्रक [ dhānyābhraka ] [ dhānyābhraka ]and n. a partic. preparation of talc Lit. Bhpr.
धान्याम्ल [ dhānyāmla ] [ dhānyāmla ] n. sour rice-gruel Lit. Suśr.
धान्यारि [ dhānyāri ] [ dhānyāri ] m. " enemy of corn " , a mouse Lit. L.
धान्यार्घ [ dhānyārgha ] [ dhānyārgha ] m. the price of corn Lit. Var.
धान्यार्थ [ dhānyārtha ] [ dhānyārtha ] m. wealth in rice or grain Lit. W.
धान्यास्थि [ dhānyāsthi ] [ dhānyāsthi ] n. threshed corn Lit. L.
धान्योत्तम [ dhānyottama ] [ dhānyottama ] m. " the best of grain " , rice Lit. L.
धान्यक [ dhānyaka ] [ dhānyaka ] m. f. n. (ifc. for [ dhānya ] ) , grain , corn Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
धान्येय [ dhānyeya ] [ dhānyeya ] n. coriander Lit. Gal.
धाम [ dhāma ] [ dhāma ]1 m. pl. N. of a class of superhuman beings Lit. MBh.
[ dhāma ] n. abode = [ dhāman ] Lit. L.
धाम [ dhāma ] [ dhāma ]2 in comp. for [ °man ] , below.
धामकेशिन् [ dhāmakeśin ] [ dhāma-keśin ] m. f. n. " ray-haired " (the sun) Lit. MBh. iii , 193.
धामच्छद् [ dhāmacchad ] [ dhāma-cchád ] m. f. n. hiding (i.e. changing) his abode
[ dhāmacchad ] m. N. of Agni Lit. TS. Lit. VS.
of a Vashaṭ-kāra Lit. AitBr. iii , 7
of Lit. VS. xviii , 76 Lit. ŚBr.
धामधा [ dhāmadhā ] [ dhāma-dhā́ ] m. causer of order or founder of homesteads Lit. RV. ix , 86 , 28.
धामनिधि [ dhāmanidhi ] [ dhāma-nidhi ] m. " treasure of splendour " , the sun Lit. L.
धामभाज् [ dhāmabhāj ] [ dhāma-bhāj ] m. f. n. possessing seats (the gods) Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. x , 6.
धाममानिन् [ dhāmamānin ] [ dhāma-mānin ] m. f. n. believing in a place i.e. in a material existence Lit. BhP. iii , 11 , 38.
धामवत् [ dhāmavat ] [ dhāma-vat ] m. f. n. powerful , strong Lit. Kir. i , 43.
धामशस् [ dhāmaśas ] [ dhāma-śas ] ind. according to place or order Lit. RV. , 164 , 15.
धामसाच् [ dhāmasāc ] [ dhāma-sā́c ] m. f. n. keeping a certain place (Indra) Lit. RV. iii , 51 , 2 ( " possessing riches " Lit. Sāy.)
धामसच् [ dhāmasac ] [ dhāma-sác ] m. f. n. keeping a certain place (Indra) Lit. RV. iii , 51 , 2 ( " possessing riches " Lit. Sāy.)
धामाधिप [ dhāmādhipa ] [ dhāmādhipa ] m. " lord of rays " , the sun Lit. Prab. iv , 30/31.
धामन् [ dhāman ] [ dhā́man ] n. dwelling-place , house , abode , domain Lit. RV. (esp. seat of the gods cf. [ madhyamaṃ dhāma viṣṇoḥ ] Lit. Śak. ( Lit. Pi. iv , 5 ) ; site of the sacred fire and the Soma Lit. RV. ; with [ priyam ] , favourite residence Lit. VS. Lit. Br.)
favourite thing or person , delight , pleasure Lit. VS. Lit. AV. Lit. Br.
the inmates of a house or members of a family , class , troop , band , host ( also pl.) Lit. RV.
law , rule , established order (esp. of Mitra-Varuṇa) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
state , condition Lit. Prab. i , 30
manner , mode , tone , form , appearance (esp. in sacrifice , song ) Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
effect , power , strength , majesty , glory , splendour , light Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
accord. to some in Lit. RV. also = [ muhūrta ] , "an hour" .
[ dhāman ] m. N. of one of the 7 Ṛishis of the 4th Manv-antara (v.l. [ dhātṛ ] ) Lit. Hariv. ( cf. Gk. 1 in 2 ; 3 , 4 ; Lat. (fam-ulus) ; Angl.Sax. (dôm) ; Goth. (domas) ; Germ. (tuom) and suff. (-tum) . )
धायु [ dhāyu ] [ dhā́yu ]1 m. f. n. giving , liberal (Indra) Lit. RV. iii , 30 , 7.
धाय्य [ dhāyya ] [ dhāyya ] m. f. n. g. [ dig-ādi ] ( Lit. Kāś. )
[ dhāyya ] m. a Purohita or family priest Lit. W.
[ dhāyyā ] f. ( scil. [ ṛc ] ) an additional verse inserted in certain hymns Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
धासि [ dhāsi ] [ dhāsí ]1 f. dwelling-place , seat , home Lit. RV.
धाटी [ dhāṭī ] [ dhāṭī ] f. assault Lit. L.
धाटीपञ्चक [ dhāṭīpañcaka ] [ dhāṭī-pañcaka ] and n. N. of wk.
धाटीरहस्य [ dhāṭīrahasya ] [ dhāṭī-rahasya ]and n. N. of wk.
धाडुनृत्य [ dhāḍunṛtya ] [ dhāḍu-nṛtya ] n. a kind of dance (mus.)
धाणक [ dhāṇaka ] [ dhāṇaka ] m. (√ 1. [ dhā ] ? cf. Lit. Uṇ. iii , 83) a weight of gold , part of a Dīnāra ( cf. 2. [ dhān ] ) Lit. L.
[ dhāṇikā ] f. pudendum muliebre (?) Lit. TS. (Comm. " a pregnant woman " ) Lit. AV.
[ dhāṇikī ] f. see [ maṇḍūra-dh ] .
धातक [ dhātaka ] [ dhātaka ] n. = [ dhāṭī ] Lit. Gal.
धातकि [ dhātaki ] [ dhātaki ] m. N. of one of the 2 sons of Vīti-hotra Praiyavrata (king of a Varsha of Pushkara-dvīpa) Lit. Pur.
[ dhātakī ] f. Grislea Tomentosa Lit. Suśr.
धातकितीर्थ [ dhātakitīrtha ] [ dhātaki-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP.
धातकिखण्ड [ dhātakikhaṇḍa ] [ dhātaki-khaṇḍa ] and n. N. of a Varsha of Pushkara-dvīpa ruled by Dhātaki Lit. Pur.
धातकिषण्ड [ dhātakiṣaṇḍa ] [ dhātaki-ṣaṇḍa ]and n. N. of a Varsha of Pushkara-dvīpa ruled by Dhātaki Lit. Pur.
धातु [ dhātu ] [ dhā́tu ]2 m. f. n. (√ [ dhe ] ) to be sucked in or drunk ( [ havis ] ) Lit. RV. v , 44 , 3
[ dhātu ] f. = [ dhenu ] , milch cow Lit. Lāṭy. vii , 5 , 9.
धायस् [ dhāyas ] [ dhāyas ] m. f. n. nourishing , refreshing , strengthening , sustaining , satisfying ( cf. [ ari- ] , [ kāra- ] , [ go- ] )
[ dhāyas ] n. the act of nourishing Lit. RV.
धायिन् [ dhāyin ] [ dhāyin ] see [ amṛta-dh ] (add.) 2.
धायु [ dhāyu ] [ dhāyú ] m. f. n. voracious Lit. RV. vii , 36 , 4.
धारु [ dhāru ] [ dhārú ] m. f. n. sucking (acc.) Lit. AV. iv , 18 , 2 ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 159) .
धासि [ dhāsi ] [ dhāsí ]2 m. milk-beverage
any drink , nourishment , refreshment Lit. RV.
धास्यु [ dhāsyu ] [ dhāsyú ] m. f. n. desirous of drinking or eating Lit. AV.
धातु [ dhātu ] [ dhātu ]3 n. ( with [ rauhiṇa ] ) N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
धातृ [ dhātṛ ] [ dhātṛ́ ] [ dhātrī ] , see col.1.
धानक [ dhānaka ] [ dhānaka ]2 m. a partic. coin of a certain weight ( = 4 [ kārṣāpaṇas ] ) Lit. Car. Lit. Hcat.
धानंजय्य [ dhānaṃjayya ] [ dhānaṃjayya ] m. patron. fr. [ dhanaṃ-jaya ] N. of a teacher Lit. Lāṭy.
[ dhānaṃjayya ] m. f. n. relating to Dhānaṃjayya Lit. ib.
धानद [ dhānada ] [ dhānada ] m. f. n. relating to Dhanada i.e. Kubera Lit. ShaḍvBr. v , 1.
धानपत [ dhānapata ] [ dhānapata ] m. f. n. relating to Dhana-pati i.e. Kubera g. [ aśva-paty-ādi ] .
धानश्री [ dhānaśrī ] [ dhānaśrī ] f. (in music) N. of a Rāga.
धानसी [ dhānasī ] [ dhānasī ] f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī.
धानाक [ dhānāka ] [ dhānāka ] m. patr. of Luśa ( fr. [ dhanāka ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. Anukr.
[ dhānāka ] n. N. of 2 Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
धानुर्दण्डिक [ dhānurdaṇḍika ] [ dhānurdaṇḍika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ dhanus ] + [ daṇḍa ] ) living by bow and club Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 12 Sch.
धानुर्वेद [ dhānurveda ] [ dhānurveda ] m. = [ dhanur-veda ] Lit. HPariś.
धानुष्क [ dhānuṣka ] [ dhānuṣka ] m. f. n. armed with a bow
[ dhānuṣka ] m. bowman , archer Lit. MBh. ( [ -tā ] f. Lit. Bhartṛ. i , 13 v.l.)
[ dhānuṣkā ] f. Achyranthes Aspera Lit. L.
धानुष्कता [ dhānuṣkatā ] [ dhānuṣka--tā ] f. , see [ dhānuṣka ] , Lit. Bhartṛ. i , 13 v.l.
धानुष्करि [ dhānuṣkari ] [ dhānuṣkari ] N. of a plant ( prob. w.r. for [ dhanuṣ-k ] ) Lit. Lalit.
धानुष्य [ dhānuṣya ] [ dhānuṣya ] m. " suitable for bows " , a bamboo Lit. L.
धान्त [ dhānta ] [ dhānta ] ( or [ dhvānta ] ?) , mystical N. of the letter n. Lit. Up.
धान्धा [ dhāndhā ] [ dhāndhā ] f. small cardamoms Lit. L.
धान्ध्य [ dhāndhya ] [ dhāndhya ] n. indisposition Lit. L. ( cf. [ dhandha ] ) .
धान्य [ dhānya ] [ dhānya ]2 n. ( fr. [ dhana ] ) the being rich , richness Lit. Dhātup. xx , 3.
धान्यायन [ dhānyāyana ] [ dhānyāyana ] m. patr. fr. [ dhanya ] g. [ aśvādi ] .
धान्व [ dhānva ] [ dhānva ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ dhanvan ] ) = [ dhanva-ja ] Lit. Car.
[ dhānva ] m. patr. of Asita (chief of the Asuras) Lit. ŚBr.
धान्वन [ dhānvana ] [ dhānvana ]1 m. f. n. situated in a desert Lit. Kām.
[ dhānvana ] m. = prec. m. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
धान्वन [ dhānvana ] [ dhānvana ]2 m. f. n. made from the wood of the Dhanvana tree Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. Suśr.
धान्वन्तर [ dhānvantara ] [ dhānvantara ] ( Lit. Suśr.) m. f. n. relating to or proceeding from Dhanvan-tari (see s.v.)
धान्वन्तरीय [ dhānvantarīya ] [ dhānvantarīya ] ( Lit. Cat.) m. f. n. relating to or proceeding from Dhanvan-tari (see s.v.)
धान्वन्तर्य [ dhānvantarya ] [ dhānvantarya ] ( Lit. MBh.) m. f. n. relating to or proceeding from Dhanvan-tari (see s.v.)
धान्वपत [ dhānvapata ] [ dhānvapata ] m. f. n. relating to Dhanva-pati g. [ aśva paty-ādi ] .
धामक [ dhāmaka ] [ dhāmaka ] m. a sort of weight (= [ māṣaka ] ) Lit. L.
धामनिका [ dhāmanikā ] [ dhāmanikā ] f. ( fr. [ dhamanī ] ?) Solanum Jacquini Lit. L.
धामनी [ dhāmanī ] [ dhāmanī ] f. Hemionitis Cordifolia Lit. L.
any tubular vessel of the body (= [ dhamani ] ) Lit. ib.
धामार्ग [ dhāmārga ] [ dhāmārga ] m. a kind of plant Lit. Car. (prob. next) .
धामार्गव [ dhāmārgava ] [ dhāmārgava ] m. Luffa Foetida or a similar plant Lit. Suśr.
Achyranthes Aspera Lit. L.
patr. of Vādiśa Lit. Car.
धायिने [ dhāyine ] [ dhāyine ] n. du. two doors, folding doors (?), Lit. Kauś.
धार [ dhāra ] [ dhāra ]1 m. f. n. (√ [ dhṛ ] ) holding , supporting , containing (ifc. ; cf. [ karṇa- ] , [ chattra- ] , [ tulā- ] )
[ dhāra ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
debt Lit. L.
धारक [ dhāraka ] [ dhāraka ]1 m. f. n. = prec. (ifc. ; cf. [ kula- ] , [ deha- ] , [ nāma- ] )
keeping in the memory ( with gen.) Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
[ dhāraka ] m. a receptacle or vessel for anything Lit. Suśr.
a water-pot Lit. L.
[ dhārikā ] f. prop , pillar Lit. Hcat.
a division of time (= 6 Kshaṇas = 1/2 Muhūrta) Lit. L.
धारण [ dhāraṇa ] [ dhāraṇa ] m. f. n. holding , bearing , keeping (in remembrance) , retention , preserving , protecting , maintaining , possessing , having (ifc. or with gen.) Lit. TĀr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. : Lit. BhP.
assuming the shape of (gen.) , resembling Lit. MBh. xiii , 739
[ dhāraṇa ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
of a son of Kaśyapa Lit. ib.
of a prince of the Candravatsas Lit. ib.
du. the two female breasts Lit. L.
n. the act of holding , bearing Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
wearing (see [ liṅga- ] )
suffering , enduring Lit. R.
keeping in remembrance , memory Lit. TĀr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. : immovable concentration of the mind upon (loc.) Lit. Vedântas.
restraining ( cf. [ śvāsa- ] )
keeping back i.e. pronouncing imperfectly Lit. Prāt.
धारणपात्र [ dhāraṇapātra ] [ dhāraṇa-pātra ] n. a kind of vessel or receptacle Lit. Buddh.
धारणमातृका [ dhāraṇamātṛkā ] [ dhāraṇa-mātṛkā ] f. one of the 64 arts Lit. BhP. Sch.
धारणयन्त्र [ dhāraṇayantra ] [ dhāraṇa-yantra ] n. a kind of amulet Lit. Tantras.
धारणलक्षण [ dhāraṇalakṣaṇa ] [ dhāraṇa-lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
धारणाध्ययन [ dhāraṇādhyayana ] [ dhāraṇādhyayana ] n. the conservative method of reading (i.e. the rehearsing of a work to keep it in memory , as opp. to [ grahaṇādh ] , the acquisitive method) Lit. L.
धारणान्वित [ dhāraṇānvita ] [ dhāraṇānvita ] m. f. n. endowed with a good memory Lit. Kām.
धारणक [ dhāraṇaka ] [ dhāraṇaka ] m. f. n. holding , containing , consisting of ( cf. [ a- ] , [ pañca- ] )
[ dhāraṇaka ] m. a debtor Lit. Yājñ. ii , 63.
धारणा [ dhāraṇā ] [ dhāraṇā ] f. ( cf. [ °ṇa ] , col.1) the act of holding , bearing , wearing , supporting , maintaining Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
retaining , keeping back (also in remembrance) , a good memory Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. GṛS. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
collection or concentration of the mind (joined with the retention of breath) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
cf. Lit. MWB. 239 ( [ °ṇāṃ-√ dhṛ ] , to exercise concentration Lit. Yājñ. ; [ °ṇāṃ gataḥ ] , having composed one's self Lit. R.)
understanding , intellect Lit. Yājñ. iii , 73
firmness , steadfastness , righteousness Lit. L.
fixed preceptor settled rule , certainty Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
pl. the 8th to the 11th day in the light half of month Jyaishṭha Lit. Var.
धारणात्मक [ dhāraṇātmaka ] [ dhāraṇātmaka ] m. f. n. ( [ °nāt° ] ) that whose nature consists in bearing itself Lit. Sūryas.
one who easily collects or composes himself Lit. Suśr.
धारणापारणव्रत [ dhāraṇāpāraṇavrata ] [ dhāraṇā-pāraṇa-vrata ] n. N. of wk.
धारणामय [ dhāraṇāmaya ] [ dhāraṇā-maya ] m. f. n. consisting in abstraction of the mind Lit. BhP.
धारणायुक्त [ dhāraṇāyukta ] [ dhāraṇā-yukta ] m. f. n. connected with abstraction of the mind Lit. MBh.
धारणायोग [ dhāraṇāyoga ] [ dhāraṇā-yoga ] m. abstraction of the mind , deep devotion Lit. MW.
धारणावत् [ dhāraṇāvat ] [ dhāraṇā-vat ] m. f. n. connected with memory Lit. L.
धारणि [ dhāraṇi ] [ dhāraṇi ] m. patr. ( fr. [ dhāraṇa ] ?) g. [ taulvalyā-ādi ] .
धारणी [ dhāraṇī ] [ dhāraṇī ] f. any tubular vessel of the body Lit. L.
the earth Lit. Gal.
a partic. bulbous plant Lit. ib.
a mystical verse or charm used as a kind of prayer to assuage pain Lit. MWB. 154 ; 351 (4 kinds of Dhāraṇī according to Lit. Dharmas. lii)
row or line (w.r. for [ dhoraṇī ] ) Lit. L.
N. of a daughter of Sva-dhā Lit. VP.
धारणीमति [ dhāraṇīmati ] [ dhāraṇī-mati ] m. (?) N. of a Samādhi Lit. L.
धारणीमुखसर्वजगत्प्रणिधिसंधारणगर्भ [ dhāraṇīmukhasarvajagatpraṇidhisaṃdhāraṇagarbha ] [ dhāraṇī-mukha-sarva-jagat-praṇidhi-saṃdhāraṇa-garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva.
धारणीराज [ dhāraṇīrāja ] [ dhāraṇī-rāja ] m. N. of a Buddh. wk.
धारणीय [ dhāraṇīya ] [ dhāraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be held or borne or sustained
[ dhāraṇīyā ] f. a partic. bulbous plant (= [ dharaṇīkanda ] ) Lit. L.
धारय [ dhāraya ] [ dhāraya ] m. f. n. holding , bearing ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 138)
owing a sum (gen.) to (dat.) Lit. L.
धारयत् [ dhārayat ] [ dhārayat ] m. f. n. holding , possessing , maintaining ( cf. below)
acquainted with , versed in Lit. W.
धारयत्कवि [ dhārayatkavi ] [ dhārayat-kavi ] ( [ °yát-k° ] ) m. f. n. supporting or cherishing sages Lit. RV.
धारयत्क्षिति [ dhārayatkṣiti ] [ dhārayat-kṣiti ] ( [ °yát-kṣ° ] ) m. f. n. bearing or sustaining creatures Lit. ib.
धारयद्वत् [ dhārayadvat ] [ dhāráyad-vat ] m. f. n. possessing the quality of sustaining or supporting (Ādityas) Lit. TS.
धारयाण [ dhārayāṇa ] [ dhārayāṇa ] m. f. n. bearing , holding , supporting , containing Lit. MW. ( cf. Lit. Vām. v , 2 , 83) .
धारयितव्य [ dhārayitavya ] [ dhārayitavya ] m. f. n. to be borne or held Lit. Var. Lit. Prab.
to be perceived or understood Lit. Śaṃk.
धारयितृ [ dhārayitṛ ] [ dhārayitṛ ] m. holder , bearer , restrainer Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
who keeps anything in remembrance Lit. TĀr.
[ dhārayitṝ ] f. the earth Lit. L.
धारयिष्णु [ dhārayiṣṇu ] [ dhārayiṣṇu ] m. f. n. capable of bearing or accustomed to bear Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 137 Lit. Kāś.
धारयिष्णुता [ dhārayiṣṇutā ] [ dhārayiṣṇu--tā ] f. patience Lit. Kām.
धारि [ dhāri ] [ dhāri ] m. f. n. holding , bearing Sch.
धारित [ dhārita ] [ dhārita ] m. f. n. borne (also in the womb) , held , supported Lit. TĀr. Lit. MBh.
[ dhārita ] n. ( also [ °taka ] ) a horses trot Lit. W. (w.r. for [ dhorita ] , [ °taka ] ) .
धारिन् [ dhārin ] [ dhārin ]1 m. f. n. bearing , wearing , holding , possessing , keeping in one's memory , maintaining , observing ( with gen. or ifc.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
= [ poṣka ] (?) Lit. Hariv. 11986 ( Lit. Nīlak.)
[ dhārin ] m. Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica Lit. L.
[ dhāriṇī ] f. the earth Lit. L. ( cf. [ bhūta- ] )
[ dhārin ] m. N. of a daughter of Sva-dhā Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ °raṇī ] )
N. of a deity Lit. Jain.
of the wife of Agni-mitra Lit. Mālav.
of other women Lit. HPariś.
pl. a collect. N. of the 74 wives of the gods Lit. VahniP.
धार्य [ dhārya ] [ dhārya ]1 m. f. n. to be borne or worn or carried Lit. MBh. ( [ -tva ] n. Lit. L.)
( [ daṇḍa ] ) to be inflicted or imposed on (dat.) Lit. ib. v , 7526
to be kept (also in the memory) , to be upheld or maintained Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Suśr.
to be observed or followed (order vow , ) Lit. Hariv.
to be called to mind ( [ cetasi ] ) or attended to Lit. Kāv.
to be suffered or put up with (said of a servant) Lit. Pañc.
to be kept back or restrained Lit. MBh.
धार्यत्व [ dhāryatva ] [ dhārya--tva ] n. , see [ dhārya ] , Lit. L.
धार्यमाण [ dhāryamāṇa ] [ dhāryamāṇa ] m. f. n. being held , maintained
धार्यमाणत्व [ dhāryamāṇatva ] [ dhāryamāṇa-tva ] n. possession , property Lit. W.
धार [ dhāra ] [ dhāra ]2 m. or n. (√ 1. [ dhāv ] ) stream , gush ( cf. [ taila- ] ( add. ) and [ toya- ] )
mfn. coming down in a stream or as rain Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
धारपूत [ dhārapūta ] [ dhāra-pūta ] ( [ dhā́ ] ) m. f. n. pure as a stream of water (Ādityas) Lit. RV. ii , 27 , 2 ; 9.
धारलोपक [ dhāralopaka ] [ dhāra-lopaka ] m. or n. N. of a partic. observance Lit. Cat.
धारवाक [ dhāravāka ] [ dhāra-vāká ] m. f. n. whose praises are pure or gush forth like water , Lit. v , 44 , 5.
धारयु [ dhārayu ] [ dhārayú ] m. f. n. streaming , dripping (Soma) Lit. RV. ix 67 , 1.
धारा [ dhārā ] [ dhā́rā ]1 f. stream or current of water
( cf. [ tri- ] , [ dvi- ] , [ śata- ] , [ sahasra- ] ) , flood , gush , jet , drop (of any liquid) , shower , rain (also fig. of arrows , flowers , ; [ vásor dh ] , " source of good " , N. of a partic. libation to Agni Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; of a sacred bathing-place Lit. MBh. ; of Agni's wife Lit. BhP.)
a leak or hole in a pitcher Lit. L.
the pace of horse Lit. Śiś. v , 60 ( 5 enumerated , viz. [ dhorita ] , [ valgita ] , [ pluta ] , [ ut-tejita ] , [ ut-terita ] , or [ ā-skandita ] , [ recita ] for the two latter Lit. L. ; with [ paramā ] , the quickest pace Lit. Kathās. xxxi , 39)
uniformity , sameness (as of flowing water?) Lit. L.
custom , usage Lit. W.
continuous line or series ( cf. [ vana- ] )
fig. line of a family Lit. L.
N. of a sacred bathing-place (also with [ māheśvarī ] cf. above ) Lit. MBh.
of a town (the residence of Bhoja) Lit. Cat.
धाराकदम्ब [ dhārākadamba ] [ dhā́rā-kadamba ] m. Nauclea Cordifolia Lit. Kād. ( also [ °baka ] Lit. L.)
N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
धारागृह [ dhārāgṛha ] [ dhā́rā-gṛha ] n. a bath-room with flowing water , shower-bath Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kāv.
धारागृहत्व [ dhārāgṛhatva ] [ dhā́rā-gṛha--tva ] n. Lit. Vcar.
धाराग्रह [ dhārāgraha ] [ dhā́rā-graha ] m. a cup filled from flowing Soma Lit. KātyŚr.
धाराघोष [ dhārāghoṣa ] [ dhā́rā-ghoṣa ] m. the noise of milk flowing into a bucket Lit. ĀpŚr.
धाराङ्कुर [ dhārāṅkura ] [ dhā́rāṅkura ] m. ( [ °rāṅk ] ) a rain-drop Lit. L.
hail Lit. VarBṛS. xxxii , 21
advancing before the line of an army to defy an enemy Lit. L.
धाराङ्ग [ dhārāṅga ] [ dhā́rāṅga ]1 ( [ °rāṅga ] ) m. a sacred bathing-place Lit. L.
धाराट [ dhārāṭa ] [ dhā́rāṭa ] m. ( [ °rāṭa ] ) the Cāṭaka bird (fond of rain-drops) Lit. L.
a horse (going in paces see above ) Lit. L.
a cloud (filled with drops) Lit. L.
a furious elephant (emitting rut-fluid) Lit. L.
धाराधर [ dhārādhara ] [ dhā́rā-dhara ]1 m. " water-bearer " , a cloud Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
धाराधरागम [ dhārādharāgama ] [ dhā́rā-dharāgama ]1 m. " cloud-coming " , the rainy season Lit. Kād.
धाराधरात्यय [ dhārādharātyaya ] [ dhā́rā-dharātyaya ]1 m. " cloud-ceasing " , autumn Lit. Car.
धाराधरोद्यान [ dhārādharodyāna ] [ dhā́rā-dharodyāna ]1 n. " cloud-garden " , N. of a grove , Lit. Priyad.
धाराध्वंस [ dhārādhvaṃsa ] [ dhā́rā-dhvaṃsa ] N. of a poem Lit. Cat.
धाराध्वनि [ dhārādhvani ] [ dhā́rā-dhvani ] m. the sound of falling rain or flowing water Lit. W.
धारानिपात [ dhārānipāta ] [ dhā́rā-nipāta ] m. rain-shower Lit. Pañc.
धारानुयाज [ dhārānuyāja ] [ dhā́rānuyāja ] ( [ °rān° ] ) m. a secondary sacrifice connected with a libation Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
धारापात [ dhārāpāta ] [ dhā́rā-pāta ] m. ( only pl.) = [ -nipāta ] Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Megh.
धारायन्त्र [ dhārāyantra ] [ dhā́rā-yantra ] n. " water-machine " , a fountain Lit. Kāv.
धारायन्त्रगृह [ dhārāyantragṛha ] [ dhā́rā-yantra--gṛha ] n. a bath-room with fountains Lit. Kathās.
धारायाज [ dhārāyāja ] [ dhā́rā-yāja ] m. a sacrifice connected with a libation Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
धारावती [ dhārāvatī ] [ dhā́rā-vatī ] f. N. of a town Lit. PadmaP.
धारावनि [ dhārāvani ] [ dhā́rā-vani ] m. wind Lit. L. ( cf. next) .
धारावर [ dhārāvara ] [ dhā́rā-vará ] m. f. n. fond of showers (Maruts) Lit. RV. ii , 34 , 1 ( cf. prec.)
धारावर्त [ dhārāvarta ] [ dhā́rāvarta ] m. ( [ °rāv° ] ) whirlpool
[ dhārāvartena ] ind. ( [ ena ] ) fluently , quickly Lit. Hcat.
धारावर्ष [ dhārāvarṣa ] [ dhā́rā-varṣa ] m. n. a torrent of rain Lit. Kāv.
धारावास [ dhārāvāsa ] [ dhā́rā-vāsa ] m. N. of a town Lit. Pañcad.
धाराशित [ dhārāśita ] [ dhā́rā-śita ] m. f. n. (milk) cooled after having been milked Lit. Bhpr.
धाराश्रु [ dhārāśru ] [ dhā́rāśru ] ( [ °rāśru ] ) n. a flood of tears Lit. Amar.
धारासम्पात [ dhārāsampāta ] [ dhā́rā-sampāta ] m. = [ -nipāta ] Lit. Prab.
धारासार [ dhārāsāra ] [ dhā́rāsāra ] ( [ °rās° ] ) m. id. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Hit.
धारासूर [ dhārāsūra ] [ dhā́rā-sūra ] m. or n. N. of a place situated on the river Go-dāvarī Lit. Cat.
धारेश्वर [ dhāreśvara ] [ dhāreśvara ] m. the lord of Dhārā i.e. King Bhoja Lit. Cat.
धारोर्मि [ dhārormi ] [ dhārormi ] m. or f. a rolling or heaving wave Lit. MBh.
धारोष्ण [ dhāroṣṇa ] [ dhāroṣṇa ] m. f. n. warm from the cow (milk) Lit. Suśr.
धाराय [ dhārāya ] [ dhārāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to be like a stream Lit. Amar. 20 Sch.
धाराल [ dhārāla ] [ dhārāla ] m. f. n. g. [ sidhmādi ] .
धार [ dhāra ] [ dhāra ]3 m. a sort of stone Lit. L.
edge. boundary Lit. L. ( cf. 2. [ dhārā ] )
deep place , depth Lit. W. ( to 1. [ dhāra ] ?) .
धारक [ dhāraka ] [ dhāraka ]2 ifc. = prec. or next
cf. [ tri- ] .
धारा [ dhārā ] [ dhā́rā ]2 f. (√ 2. [ dhāv ] ) margin , sharp edge , rim , blade (esp. of a sword , knife , ; fig. applied to the flame of fire) Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
the edge of a mountain Lit. L.
the rim of a wheel Lit. Ragh. xiii , 15
the fence or hedge of a garden Lit. L.
the van of an army Lit. L.
the tip of the ear Lit. L.
highest point , summit ( cf. [ °rādhirūḍha ] ) glory , excellence Lit. L.
night Lit. L.
turmeric Lit. L.
धाराग्र [ dhārāgra ] [ dhā́rāgra ] ( [ °rāg° ] ) n. the broad-edged head of an arrow Lit. L.
धाराङ्ग [ dhārāṅga ] [ dhā́rāṅga ]2 ( [ °rāṅ° ] ) m. sword Lit. L.
धाराजल [ dhārājala ] [ dhā́rā-jala ] n. blood dripping from the edge of a sword Lit. Kād. Lit. Prasannar.
धाराञ्चल [ dhārāñcala ] [ dhā́rāñcala ] ( [ °rāñ° ] ) m. the edge of a sword Lit. Prasannar.
धाराधर [ dhārādhara ] [ dhā́rā-dhara ]2 m. sword Lit. L.
धाराधिरूढ [ dhārādhirūḍha ] [ dhā́rādhirūḍha ] ( [ °rādh° ] ) m. f. n. elevated to the highest point or pitch Lit. Kathās. vi , 62.
धारान्तरचर [ dhārāntaracara ] [ dhā́rāntara-cara ] ( [ °rānt° ] ) m. f. n. " moving among swords " , daring , audacious , impudent Lit. R. (v.l. [ dharānt ] and [ hārānt ] ) .
धारापथ [ dhārāpatha ] [ dhā́rā-patha ] m. " rim-path " i.e. the rut (of a wheel) Lit. Dharmaś.
the reach of a blade
[ °tham prāpay ] , to cause to perish by the blade of (gen.) Lit. Veṇis. iii , 7.
धारापयस् [ dhārāpayas ] [ dhā́rā-payas ] n. = [ -jala ] Lit. Vcar.
धाराफल [ dhārāphala ] [ dhā́rā-phala ] m. N. of a tree with prickly fruits ( = [ madana ] ) Lit. L.
धाराम्भस् [ dhārāmbhas ] [ dhā́rāmbhas ] ( [ °rām° ] ) n. = [ -ra-jala ] Lit. Prasannar.
धारावत् [ dhārāvat ] [ dhā́rā-vat ] m. f. n. having an edge , edged Lit. Kām.
[ dhārāvatī ] f. see 1. [ dhārā ] .
धाराविष [ dhārāviṣa ] [ dhā́rā-viṣa ] m. " having a poisoned edge " , a sword , scimitar Lit. L.
धारासलिल [ dhārāsalila ] [ dhā́rā-salila ] n. = [ -jala ] Lit. Dharmaś.
धारास्नुही [ dhārāsnuhī ] [ dhā́rā-snuhī ] f. N. of a plant Lit. L.
धार्त [ dhārta ] [ dhārta ] Vṛiddhi form of [ dhṛta ] , in comp.
धार्तराज्ञ [ dhārtarājña ] [ dhārta-rājña ] m. patr. fr. Dhṛita-rājan Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 135 (mfn. Lit. Vop.)
[ dhārtarājñī ] f. g. [ dhūmādi ] to iv , 2 , 127
धार्तराज्ञक [ dhārtarājñaka ] [ dhārta-rājñaka ] m. f. n. Lit. ib.
धार्तराष्ट्र [ dhārtarāṣṭra ] [ dhārta-rāṣṭra ] m. f. n. belonging to Dhṛitarāshṭra Lit. MBh.
[ dhārtarāṣṭra ] m. a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra , a Kuru ( cf. [ nir- ] ) , esp. patr. of Dur-yodhana (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. ib.
m. a kind of snake Lit. L.
( fr. [ dhṛta-rāṣṭrī ] ) a sort of goose with black legs and bill Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kād.
धार्तराष्ट्रपदी [ dhārtarāṣṭrapadī ] [ dhārta-rāṣṭra--padī ] f. N. of a plant Lit. L.
धार्तराष्ट्रि [ dhārtarāṣṭri ] [ dhārta-rāṣṭri ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. Kauś.
धार्तेय [ dhārteya ] [ dhārteyá ] m. pl. ( prob. fr. [ dhṛta ] ) , N. of a warlike tribe
sg. a prince of this tribe
[ dhārteyī ] f. g. [ yaudheyādi ] .
धार्म [ dhārma ] [ dhārmá ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. [ dharma ] ) relating to justice or virtue Lit. ŚBr.
belonging to Dharma (god of justice) Lit. MBh.
धार्म [ dhārma ] [ dhārma ]2 Vṛiddhi form of [ dharma ] in comp.
धार्मपत [ dhārmapata ] [ dhārma-pata ] m. f. n. relating to Dharma-pati g. [ asvapaty-ādi ] .
धार्मपत्तन [ dhārmapattana ] [ dhārma-pattana ] n. black pepper Lit. L.
धार्मविद्य [ dhārmavidya ] [ dhārma-vidya ] m. f. n. familiar with the law , a lawyer , jurist Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 60 Vārtt. 4 Lit. Pat.
धार्मिक [ dhārmika ] [ dhārmika ] m. f. n. righteous , virtuous , pious , just Lit. Up. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
resting on right , conformable to justice (mind , words ) Lit. R.
a bigot Lit. Kād.
juggler Lit. Ratn.
a Bodhi-sattva Lit. L.
धार्मिकता [ dhārmikatā ] [ dhārmika-tā ]and f. ( Lit. Rājat.) (g. [ purohitādi ] ) righteousness , justice , virtue.
धार्मिकत्व [ dhārmikatva ] [ dhārmika-tva ] ( Lit. Kull.) and (g. [ purohitādi ] ) n. righteousness , justice , virtue.
धार्मिक्य [ dhārmikya ] [ dhārmikya ]and (g. [ purohitādi ] ) n. righteousness , justice , virtue.
धार्मिण [ dhārmiṇa ] [ dhārmiṇa ] n. an assemblage of virtuous men g. [ bhikṣādi ] (iv , 2 , 38) .
धार्मिणेय [ dhārmiṇeya ] [ dhārmiṇeya ] metr. fr. [ dharmiṇī ] g. [ śubhrādi ] .
धार्मुक [ dhārmuka ] [ dhārmuka ] m. f. n. just , righteous Lit. MānŚr. i , 6 , 1.
धार्म्य [ dhārmya ] [ dhārmya ] w.r. for [ dharmya ] .
धार्म्यायण [ dhārmyāyaṇa ] [ dhārmyāyaṇa ] m. patr. fr. [ dharmya ] g. [ aśvādi ] .
धार्ष्ट [ dhārṣṭa ] [ dhārṣṭa ] m. f. n. ( Lit. BhP.) proceeding or descended fr. Dhṛishṭa.
धार्ष्टक [ dhārṣṭaka ] [ dhārṣṭaka ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Hariv. ( v.l. [ °ṣṇaka ] ) Lit. VP.) proceeding or descended fr. Dhṛishṭa.
धार्ष्टद्युम्न [ dhārṣṭadyumna ] [ dhārṣṭadyumna ] m. patr. fr. Dhṛishṭa-dyumna Lit. MBh.
धार्ष्टद्युम्नि [ dhārṣṭadyumni ] [ dhārṣṭadyumni ] m. patr. fr. Dhṛishṭa-dyumna Lit. MBh.
धार्ष्ट्य [ dhārṣṭya ] [ dhārṣṭya ] n. boldness , audacity , violence Lit. Var. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
धार्ष्ट्यभूमि [ dhārṣṭyabhūmi ] [ dhārṣṭya-bhūmi ] f. a prodigy of impudence, Lit. L.
धार्ष्णक [ dhārṣṇaka ] [ dhārṣṇaka ] (w.r. for [ dhārṣṇava ] ) m. f. n. descended fr. Dhṛishṇu Lit. Hariv. 642 (v.l. [ °ṭaka ] ; cf. above ) .
धाव् [ dhāv ] [ dhāv ]1 Root cl. [1] P. Ā. [ dhā́vati ] , [ °te ] (pf. [ dadhāva ] , [ °ve ] Gr. ; aor. [ adadhāvat ] Lit. RV. ; [ adhāvīt ] Lit. Br. ; Prec. [ dhāvyāsam ] Gr. ; fut. [ dhāviṣyati ] Lit. Kāv. , [ °te ] and [ dhāvitā ] Gr. ; ind.p. [ dhāvitvā ] and [ °vya ] Lit. Kāv. ; dhautvA Gr.) ; to run , flow , stream , move , glide , swim Lit. RV. ; to run after ( with or scil. [ paścāt ] ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. = seek for (acc.) Lit. Kir. ii , 29 ; run towards ( [ -abhimukham ] ) Lit. Hit. run a race ( [ ājim ] ) Lit. Br. run as fast as possible ( [ sarvaṃ javam ] ) Lit. ib. ; run to and fro ( [ itaś cetaś ca ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hit. ; run away , flee Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to advance or rush against (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; ( [ prati ] ) Lit. Kathās. : Caus. [ dhāváyati ] (aor. [ adīdhavat ] Gr.) to make run , impel Lit. Pañc. ; to drive in a chariot , (with instr. of the vehicle and acc. of the way) Lit. Br. ; to jump , dance Lit. RV. x , 146 , 2. ( cf. √ 2. [ dhan ] , [ dhanv ] , [ dhav ] ; 1. [ dhū ] .)
धावक [ dhāvaka ] [ dhāvaka ] m. f. n. running
[ dhāvaka ] m. [ purato dh ] forerunner Lit. R.
धावन [ dhāvana ] [ dhāvana ]1 n. running Lit. Suśr.
galloping Lit. Sāh.
attack , assault Lit. Rājat.
धावमान [ dhāvamāna ] [ dhā́vamāna ] m. f. n. running , going quickly Lit. RV.
धावित [ dhāvita ] [ dhāvita ]1 m. f. n. running , having begun to run , Kath. Lit. iii , 52.
धावितृ [ dhāvitṛ ] [ dhāvitṛ ] m. runner , courser Lit. MBh.
धाविन् [ dhāvin ] [ dhāvin ] m. f. n. running , going quickly Lit. Naish.
धाव् [ dhāv ] [ dhāv ]2 Root cl. [1] P. Ā. [ dhāvati ] , [ °te ] (pf. [ dadhāva ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; aor. [ -adhāviṣṭa ] Lit. RV. ix , 70 , 8 ; ind.p. [ dhautvā ] Lit. Prab. iv , 23 ( v.l. [ dhūtvā ] ) and [ -dhāvya ] , Lit. Kauś.) to rinse , cleanse , wash , purify , polish , make bright (Ā. also to rub one's self with , rub into one's own person) Lit. RV. : Pass. [ dhāvyate ] (pf. 3. pl. [ -dadhāvire ] ) Lit. Śiś. : Caus. [ dhavayati ] , [ °te ] , to cleanse , wash Lit. Br. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; cause to be washed Lit. L. : Desid. [ didhāviṣati ] , [ °te ] ; Intens. [ dādhāvyate ] Gr.
धावक [ dhāvaka ] [ dhāvaka ] m. f. n. id.
[ dhāvaka ] m. a washerman Lit. Kathās.
धावन [ dhāvana ] [ dhāvana ]2 m. f. n. see [ bila- ]
[ dhāvana ] n. washing , cleansing , rubbing off or in Lit. Suśr. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( cf. [ manaḥśilā-candana-dh ] and [ mīna-dh-toya ] )
having a garment washed by a man that is not one's kin Lit. Buddh.
धावनी [ dhāvanī ] [ dhāvanī ] f. Uraria Lagopodioides Lit. Bhpr.
धावनि [ dhāvani ] [ dhāvani ] f. Uraria Lagopodioides Lit. Bhpr.
(also) a personification of the goddess of fortune, Lit. L. 1.
धावनी [ dhāvanī ] [ dhāvanī ] f. Solanum Jacquini or Grislea Tomentosa Lit. L.
धावनिका [ dhāvanikā ] [ dhāvanikā ] f. Solanum Jacquini Lit. L.
धावित [ dhāvita ] [ dhāvita ]2 m. f. n. purified , clean Lit. MBh.
धावल्य [ dhāvalya ] [ dhāvalya ] n. ( fr. [ dhavala ] ) whiteness Lit. Śiś. iv , 65 Sch.
धासस् [ dhāsas ] [ dhāsas ] m. (√ 1. [ dhā ] ?) a mountain Lit. Uṇ. iv , 220 Sch.
धि [ dhi ] [ dhi ]1 Root cl. [6] P. [ dhiyati ] ( [ didhāya ] , [ dheṣyati ] ) to hold ( Lit. Dhātup. xxviii , 113) . Prob. formed fr. √ 1. [ dhā ] , of which it is the weak form. ( 1329,2 )
धित [ dhita ] [ dhita ]1 m. f. n. ( cf. [ hitá ] and √ 1. [ dhā ] ) put , placed , bestowed Lit. Hariv. 7799 ( cf. [ dur- ] , [ nema- ] , [ mitra ] )
धितावन् [ dhitāvan ] [ dhitā-van ](or [ dhitavan ] ) m. f. n. rich in gifts , liberal (Agni) Lit. RV. iii , 27 , 2
lucrative (sacrifice) , 40 , 3.
धितवन् [ dhitavan ] [ dhitavan ] (or [ dhitāvan ] ) m. f. n. rich in gifts , liberal (Agni) Lit. RV. iii , 27 , 2
lucrative (sacrifice) , 40 , 3.
धिति [ dhiti ] [ dhiti ] f. see [ nemá- ] , [ mitrá- ] , [ vaná- ] , [ vásu- ] .
धित्स्य [ dhitsya ] [ dhitsya ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of √ 1. [ dhā ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 97 Sch.
धि [ dhi ] [ dhi ]3 Root or [ dhinv ] cl. [5] P. [ dhinoti ] (aor. [ adhinvīt ] Lit. Br. ; pf. [ didhinva ] ; fut. [ dhinviṣyati ] , [ dhinvitā ] Gr.) to nourish , satiate , satisfy Lit. Br. ; to delight , please Lit. Kāv.
धित [ dhita ] [ dhita ]2 m. f. n. satisfied , pleased Lit. MW.
धि [ dhi ] [ dhi ]4 = [ ádhi ] 2 (e.g. in [ dhi-ṣṭhita ] ( Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ) for [ adhi-ṣṭhita ] q.v. ; cf. [ pi ] = [ ápi ] , [ va ] = [ áva ] ) .
धिक् [ dhik ] [ dhik ] ind. , used as a prefix or as an interj. of reproach , menace or displeasure = fie! shame! out upon! what a pity! ( with acc. , rarely gen. voc. or nom.) Lit. Up. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (also [ dhig dhik ] , [ aho dhik ] , [ hā dhik ] , [ hā dhik kaṣṭam ] , [ hā hā dhik ] ; [ dhik tvām ] or [ tava ] ( also with [ astu ] ) shame upon you!)
धिक्कृ [ dhikkṛ ] [ dhik-√ kṛ ] to reproach , reprimand , curse Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
धिक्क्रिया [ dhikkriyā ] [ dhik-kriyā ] f. = prec. n. pl. Lit. L.
धिक्पारुष्य [ dhikpāruṣya ] [ dhik-pāruṣya ] n. excessive abuse Lit. W.
धिग् [ dhig ] [ dhig ] in comp. for [ dhik ] .
धिग्वाद [ dhigvāda ] [ dhig-vāda ] m. reproachful speech , censure Lit. Jātakam.
धिक्क [ dhikka ] [ dhikka ] m. a twenty-year-old elephant Lit. Gal. ( cf. 2. [ dikka ] ) .
धिक्ष् [ dhikṣ ] [ dhikṣ ] Root (Desid. of √ 1. [ dah ] ? cf. [ dhukṣ ] ) cl. [1] Ā. [ dhikṣate ] , to kindle ; to live ; to be weary or harassed Lit. Dhātup. xvi , 2.
धिग्वण [ dhigvaṇa ] [ dhigvaṇa ] m. (Prākṛit = [ dhig-varṇa ] ?) a man of low or mixed caste (sprung from a Brāhman and an Āyogava woman) Lit. Mn. x , 15.
धित [ dhita ] [ dhita ] and [ dhitsya ] see above.
धिन्व् [ dhinv ] [ dhinv ] Root see √ 3. [ dhi ] .
धिप्सु [ dhipsu ] [ dhipsu ] m. f. n. (Desid. of √ [ dambh ] ) wishing to trick or deceive , deceptive Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
धियंजिन्व [ dhiyaṃjinva ] [ dhiyaṃ-jinvá ] see √ 1. [ dhi ] .
धिष् [ dhiṣ ] [ dhiṣ ]1 Root cl. [3] P. [ didheṣṭi ] , to sound Lit. Dhātup. xxv , 22. ( Probably invented to explain [ dhiṣaṇā ] , speech , hymn ; according to Lit. Nir. viii , 3 = √ [ dhā ] 1 , from which it seems to be a kind of Desid. = [ dí dhiṣati ] .)
धिष् [ dhiṣ ] [ dhiṣ ]2 only instr. [ °ṣā ] , (?) mindfully , zealously Lit. RV. i , 173 , 8 ; iv , 21 , 6 (= [ prajñā ] , [ karman ] , [ stuti ] Lit. Sāy.)
धिष [ dhiṣa ] [ dhiṣa ] see [ naráṃ- ] .
धिषण [ dhiṣaṇa ] [ dhiṣáṇa ] m. f. n. intelligent , wise Lit. Hcat.
[ dhiṣaṇa ] m. N. of an evil being Lit. AV. ii , 14 , 1
of Bṛihas-pati (the regent of the planet Jupiter , also [ °ṇādhipa ] Lit. MatsyaP.) Lit. Hcar.
of the planet Jupiter itself. Lit. L.
of a Nārāyaṇa Lit. Cat.
of an astronomer Lit. L.
of a writer on Tājaka works. Lit. Cat.
any Guru or spiritual preceptor Lit. W.
[ dhiṣaṇā ] f. a sort of Soma-vessel , a cup , goblet , bowl fig. the Soma juice itself and its effects Lit. RV. (du. the two bowls or worlds i.e. heaven and earth ; pl. heaven , earth and the intermediate atmosphere Lit. ib.)
[ dhiṣaṇa ] m. knowledge , intelligence ( generally ifc.) Lit. VarBṛS. civ , 29 Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ agādha- ] ( add. ) , [ bodha- ] , [ viśuddha- ] )
speech , praise , hymn Lit. L.
dwelling-place , abode , seat Lit. BhP.
N. of a deity presiding over wealth and gain ( also in pl.) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.
of the wife of Havir-dāna and daughter of Agni Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP.
of the wife of Kṛiśâśva and mother of Veda-śira , Devala , Vayuna and Manu Lit. BhP.
n. understanding , intellect Lit. BhP. viii , 5 , 39.
धिषण्य [ dhiṣaṇya ] [ dhiṣaṇya ]1 m. f. n. formed by Yāska ( Lit. Nir. viii , 3) to explain [ dhiṣṇya ] .
धिषण्य [ dhiṣaṇya ] [ dhiṣaṇya ]2 Nom. P. ; only p. [ °ṇyat ] , attentive , zealous Lit. RV. iv , 21 , 6.
धिष्ट्य [ dhiṣṭya ] [ dhiṣṭya ] and w.r. for [ dhiṣṇya ] .
धिष्ठित [ dhiṣṭhita ] [ dhi-ṣṭhita ] substituted for [ adhiṣṭhita ] , Lit. Bhag. xiii, 17.
धिष्ठ्य [ dhiṣṭhya ] [ dhiṣṭhya ]and w.r. for [ dhiṣṇya ] .
धिष्णिय [ dhiṣṇiya ] [ dhí ṣṇiya ] m. = [ °ṇya ] , " earth heap "
pl. N. of genii watching the Soma Lit. TS. Comm.
धिष्णीय [ dhiṣṇīya ] [ dhiṣṇīya ] m. f. n. intended for or belonging to the Dhishṇyas or fire-places Lit. KātyŚr.
धिष्ण्य [ dhiṣṇya ] [ dhí ṣṇya ] m. f. n. mindful , attentive , benevolent , liberal (Aśvins) Lit. RV. i , 3 , 2 ; 89 , 4
devout , pious (voice , hymn) , Lit. x , 114 , 9
[ dhiṣṇya ] m. (f ( [ ā ] ) . only Lit. RV. iv , 3 , 6 ; n. Lit. MBh. i , 7944) a sort of subordinate or side-altar ( generally a heap of earth covered with sand on which the fire is placed , and of which 8 are enumerated , viz. besides the [ āgnīdhrīya ] ( in the Āgnīdhra ) those in the Sadas ( see s.v. ) belonging to the [ hotṛ ] , the [ maitrā-varuṇa ] or [ pra-śastṛ ] , the [ brāhmaṇācchaṃsin ] , the [ potṛ ] , [ neṣṭṛ ] and [ acchā-vāka ] ; and the [ mārjālīya ] ) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ( cf. [ kḷpta- ] )
m. N. of Uśanas i.e. the planet Venus Lit. L. ( cf. [ dhiṣaṇa ] )
[ dhiṣṇyā ] f. a meteor Lit. Var. ( n. only Lit. MBh. v , 7272)
[ dhiṣṇya ] n. site , place , abode , region , house Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
the seat of a god i.e. a quarter of the sky Lit. VP.
star , asterism (looking like the fire on the side altars) Lit. Var.
the orb of an asterism (on which its light seems to centre) Lit. MBh. Lit. VP.
power , strength Lit. L.
mfn. placed upon a mound of earth serving as an altar Lit. AV. Lit. Br.
m. ( with or scil. [ agni ] ) a fire so placed Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
धिष्ण्यप [ dhiṣṇyapa ] [ dhí ṣṇya-pa ] m. the guardian of a quarter of the sky Lit. BhP.
धिष्ण्यवत् [ dhiṣṇyavat ] [ dhí ṣṇya-vat ] m. f. n. having a Dhishṇya or side-altar , Lit. ŚrS.
धिष्ण्यविहरण [ dhiṣṇyaviharaṇa ] [ dhiṣṇya-viharaṇa ] n. the distribution of the Dhishṇya fires, Lit. Lāṭy. ; Lit. Drāhy.
धिष्ण्यहोम [ dhiṣṇyahoma ] [ dhí ṣṇya-homa ] m. a sacrifice offered in a Dhishṇya Lit. Vait.
धिष्ण्याधिपति [ dhiṣṇyādhipati ] [ dhiṣṇyādhipati ] m. = [ -pa ] Lit. VP.
धी [ dhī ] [ dhī ]1 Root cl. [3] Ā. [ dīdhīte ] , Lit. RV. ( cf. √ [ dīdhī ] ; the forms [ dhīmahi ] and [ ádhāyi ] belong rather to √ 1. [ dhā ] ; pf. [ dīdhaya ] , [ °dhima ] , [ °dhiyur ] or [ °dhyur ] , [ °dhire ] Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br.) to perceive , think , reflect ; wish , desire: Intens. [ dedhyat ] Lit. TS.
धिय [ dhiya ] [ dhiya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( fr. 2. [ dhī ] ) Lit. Pat.
धियं [ dhiyaṃ ] [ dhiyaṃ ] , obl. cases of 2. [ dhī ] in comp.
धियंजिन्व [ dhiyaṃjinva ] [ dhiyaṃ-jinvá ] m. f. n. exciting meditation or devotion Lit. RV.
धियंधा [ dhiyaṃdhā ] [ dhiyaṃ-dhā ] m. f. n. reflecting , devout , pious , wise Lit. RV.
धियाजुर् [ dhiyājur ] [ dhiyā-júr ] m. f. n. worn out or grown old in devotion Lit. RV. v , 43 , 15.
धियाम्पति [ dhiyāmpati ] [ dhiyām-pati ] m. " lord of the thoughts " , the soul Lit. L.
N. of Mañju-ghosha Lit. L.
धियावसु [ dhiyāvasu ] [ dhiyā-vasu ] m. f. n. rich in devotion Lit. RV.
धियसान [ dhiyasāna ] [ dhiyasāna ] m. f. n. attentive , mindful Lit. RV.
धियाय [ dhiyāya ] [ dhiyāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to be attentive or devout ; p. [ °yat ] , mindful Lit. RV.
धियायु [ dhiyāyu ] [ dhiyāyú ] m. f. n. thoughtful , devout , pious Lit. ib.
धी [ dhī ] [ dhī́ ]2 f. thought , (esp.) religious thought , reflection , meditation , devotion , prayer (pl. Holy Thoughts personified) Lit. RV.
understanding , intelligence , wisdom (personified as the wife of Rudra-Manyu Lit. BhP.) , knowledge , science , art
mind , disposition , intention , design (ifc. intent upon Lit. Kāv.)
notion , opinion , the taking for (comp.) Lit. RV. ( [ yáthā dhiyā́ ] or [ dhiyā́ ná ] , according to thy wisdom or will ; [ itthā́ dhiyā́ ] or [ dhí yaḥ ] , willingly lit. such is thy will Lit. RV.)
N. of the 5th house from the Lagna Lit. Var.
धीकर्मन् [ dhīkarman ] [ dhī́-karman ] n. the object of perception or understanding Lit. Sarvad.
धीकोटी [ dhīkoṭī ] [ dhī́-koṭī ] f. N. of wk.
धीजड [ dhījaḍa ] [ dhī́-jaḍa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
धीजवन [ dhījavana ] [ dhī́-jávana ] m. f. n. inspiring she mind or rousing devotion Lit. RV.
धीजू [ dhījū ] [ dhī́-jū́ ] m. f. n. inspiring she mind or rousing devotion Lit. RV.
धीन्द्रिय [ dhīndriya ] [ dhī́ndriya ] ( [ dhīnd ] ) n. an organ of perception Lit. L.
धीमत् [ dhīmat ] [ dhī́-mat ] m. f. n. intelligent , wise , learned , sensible Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
[ dhīmat ] m. N. of Bṛihaspati Lit. L.
of a son of Virāj Lit. VP.
of a Ṛishi in the 4th Manv-antara Lit. ib.
of a son of Purū-ravas Lit. MBh.
a Bodhi-sattva Lit. L.
धीमरण [ dhīmaraṇa ] [ dhī́-maraṇa ] m. ( [ miśra-dhī-m ] ) N. of a man Lit. Cat.
धीरण [ dhīraṇa ] [ dhī́-raṇa ] ( [ dhī́- ] ) m. f. n. delighting in devotion Lit. RV.
धीराज [ dhīrāja ] [ dhī́-rāja ] m. N. of one of the attendants of Śiva Lit. L.
धीवत् [ dhīvat ] [ dhī́-vat ] ( [ dhī́- ] ) m. f. n. intelligent or devout Lit. RV.
धीविभ्रम [ dhīvibhrama ] [ dhī́-vibhrama ] m. " error of thought " , hallucination Lit. Bhpr.
धीवृद्धिद [ dhīvṛddhida ] [ dhī́-vṛddhi-da ] m. or n. N. of wk. Lit. Cat. ( also [ śiṣya-dhī-vṛ ] ) .
धीशक्ति [ dhīśakti ] [ dhī́-śakti ] f. mental or intellectual faculty Lit. L.
धीशोधिनी [ dhīśodhinī ] [ dhī́-śodhinī ] f. N. of wk.
धीसंतति [ dhīsaṃtati ] [ dhī-saṃtati ] f. continued meditation, Lit. Prab.
धीसख [ dhīsakha ] [ dhī́-sakha ] ( Lit. L.) ( Lit. Rājat.) m. wise counsellor , minister.
धीसचिव [ dhīsaciva ] [ dhī́-saciva ] ( Lit. Rājat.) m. wise counsellor , minister.
धीहरा [ dhīharā ] [ dhī́-harā ] f. a kind of sweet gourd Lit. L.
धीति [ dhīti ] [ dhītí ]1 f. thought , idea , reflection , intention , devotion , prayer (pl. also personified ; cf. 2. [ dhī ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. TBr.
pl. wisdom , understanding ( Lit. Naigh. ii , 5 and Lit. Sāy. " the fingers " ) Lit. RV.
धीतिक [ dhītika ] [ dhītika ] m. N. of a Lit. Buddh. patriarchal saint.
धीदा [ dhīdā ] [ dhīdā ]1 f. intelligence , understanding Lit. L.
धीर [ dhīra ] [ dhī́ra ]1 m. f. n. intelligent , wise , skilful , clever , familiar with , versed in (loc.) Lit. RV. (compar. [ dhī́ra-tara ] Lit. AV. Lit. R.)
[ dhīra ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. L.
of sev. men with the patr. Śātaparṇeya Lit. ŚBr.
धीररञ्जनिका [ dhīrarañjanikā ] [ dhī́ra-rañjanikā ] f. N. of Comm. on Lit. Kum.
धीरेन्द्र [ dhīrendra ] [ dhīrendra ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
धीरेशमिश्र [ dhīreśamiśra ] [ dhīreśa-miśra ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. ib.
धीरेश्वर [ dhīreśvara ] [ dhīreśvara ] m. N. of the father of Jyotir-īśvara (author of Lit. Dhūrtas.)
धीवन् [ dhīvan ] [ dhī́van ] m. f. n. skilful , clever Lit. AV.
[ dhīvan ] m. an artisan Lit. Uṇ. Sch.
a fisherman Lit. L. ( cf. next) .
धीवर [ dhīvara ] [ dhīvara ] m. a very clever man Lit. Subh.
( also [ °raka ] ) a fisherman Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (as a mixed caste Lit. Gaut. iv , 19)
[ dhīvarī ] f. ( cf. prec.) a fisherman's wife Lit. Kathās.
a sort of harpoon for catching fish Lit. Uṇ. Sch.
a fish-basket Lit. ib.
धी [ dhī ] [ dhī ]3 Root cl. [4] Ā. [ dhīyate ] , to contain , hold (Pass. of √ 1. [ dhā ] ?) ; to slight , disregard ; to propitiate (?) Lit. Dhātup. xxvi , 37.
धी [ dhī ] [ dhī́ ]4 f. for [ dī ] , splendour Lit. RV. iii , 34 , 5 ; vi , 3 , 3.
धीक्ष् [ dhīkṣ ] [ dhīkṣ ] Root (Desid. of √ [ dih ] ) cl. [1] Ā. [ dhikṣate ] , to wish to anoint Lit. ŚBr.
धीत [ dhīta ] [ dhītá ]2 (√ [ dhe ] ) , sucked , drunk Lit. AV. Lit. Br.
धीतरस [ dhītarasa ] [ dhītá-rasa ] m. f. n. whose juice has been sucked out Lit. Br.
धीति [ dhīti ] [ dhīti ]2 f. drinking
thirst Lit. L.
धीता [ dhītā ] [ dhītā ] ( Lit. Buddh.) and 2. [ dhīdā ] ( Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Ratn.) . f. ( Pāli and Prākṛit forms for [ duhitā ] ) daughter.
धीतीका [ dhītīkā ] [ dhītīkā ] f. (√ 1. [ dhā ] ?) layer Lit. Car. (v.l. [ dīrghikā ] ) .
धीतोकक [ dhītokaka ] [ dhītokaka ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
धीन [ dhīna ] [ dhīna ] (?) n. iron Lit. L.
धीर् [ dhīr ] [ dhīr ] see [ ava ] -√ [ dhīr ] .
धीर [ dhīra ] [ dhīra ]2 m. f. n. (√ [ dhṛ ] or [ dhā ] ? cf. Lit. Uṇ. ii , 24) steady , constant , firm , resolute , brave , energetic , courageous , self-possessed , composed , calm , grave Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
deep , low , dull (as sound) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Amar.
gentle , soft Lit. L.
well-conducted , well-bred Lit. L.
[ dhīram ] ind. steadily , firmly
[ dhīra ] m. the ocean , sea (as an image of constancy?)
N. of Bali Lit. L.
of other men Lit. Rājat.
[ dhīrā ] f. N. of sev. medic. plants ( [ kākolī ] , [ kṣīra-kāk ] , [ mahā-jyotiṣmatī ] , [ medā ] , [ śveta-vacā ] , Rosa Glandulifera) Lit. Bhpr. Lit. L.
an intoxicating beverage Lit. L.
a woman who keeps down all expression of resentment or jealousy Lit. Sāh.
N. of a woman Lit. Cat.
[ dhīra ] n. saffron Lit. L. ( not always , esp. in comp. , separable from 1. [ dhīra ] ) .
धीरगोविन्दशर्मन् [ dhīragovindaśarman ] [ dhīra-govinda-śarman ] m. N. of an author (c. 1800) Lit. Cat.
धीरचेतस् [ dhīracetas ] [ dhīra-cetas ] m. f. n. strong-minded , self-possessed , courageous Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās.
धीरत्व [ dhīratva ] [ dhīra-tva ] n. firmness , fortitude , courage Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañc. Lit. Hit.
suppression of jealous emotions (in women) Lit. W.
jealousy Lit. MW.
धीरध्वनि [ dhīradhvani ] [ dhīra-dhvani ] m. a deep sound Lit. MW.
धीरनाग [ dhīranāga ] [ dhīra-nāga ] m. ( [ bhadanta ] ) N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
धीरपत्त्री [ dhīrapattrī ] [ dhīra-pattrī ] f. a partic. bulbous plant Lit. L.
धीरप्रशान्त [ dhīrapraśānta ] [ dhīra-praśānta ] m. f. n. deep and calm ( [ -svara ] mfn. having a deep and calm voice Lit. Śak. ii , 13/14)
constant and calm (hero) Lit. Sāh. Lit. Bhar. ( also [ °taka ] ) .
धीरप्रशान्तस्वर [ dhīrapraśāntasvara ] [ dhīra-praśānta--svara ] m. f. n. , see [ dhīrapraśānta ] , having a deep and calm voice Lit. Śak. ii , 13/14
धीरभाव [ dhīrabhāva ] [ dhīra-bhāva ] m. constancy , firmness Lit. Daś.
धीरललित [ dhīralalita ] [ dhīra-lalita ] m. f. n. firm and brave , but reckless and sportive (hero of a play) Lit. Sāh.
[ dhīralalitā ] f. a kind of metre Lit. Cat.
धीरशिव [ dhīraśiva ] [ dhīra-śiva ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
धीरसत्त्व [ dhīrasattva ] [ dhīra-sattva ] m. f. n. steadfast , resolute Lit. Kathās.
धीरस्कन्ध [ dhīraskandha ] [ dhīra-skandha ] m. " strong-shouldered " , a buffalo Lit. L.
धीराधीरा [ dhīrādhīrā ] [ dhīrādhīrā ] f. a jealous woman who alternately expresses and suppresses her jealousy Lit. Sāh.
धीरोदात्त [ dhīrodātta ] [ dhīrodātta ] m. f. n. brave and noble-minded (hero of a play) Lit. Daśar. Lit. Bhar. Lit. Sāh.
धीरोद्धत [ dhīroddhata ] [ dhīroddhata ] m. f. n. brave but haughty Lit. ib.
धीरोष्णिन् [ dhīroṣṇin ] [ dhīroṣṇin ] m. " brave and fiery " , N. of one of the Viśve Devās Lit. MBh.
धीरीकृ [ dhīrīkṛ ] [ dhīrī-√ kṛ ] id. Lit. Jātakam.
धीर्य [ dhīrya ] [ dhī́rya ] m. f. n. = [ dhīra ] 2 Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. xix , 3
[ dhīrya ] n. intelligence , prudence Lit. RV. ii , 27 , 11.
धीरावी [ dhīrāvī ] [ dhīrāvī ] f. N. of a plant (= [ pītaśiṃsapā ] ) Lit. L.
धीलटी [ dhīlaṭī ] [ dhīlaṭī ] f. daughter ( cf. [ dhītā ] , [ °dā ] ) Lit. L.
धीवर [ dhīvara ] [ dhīvara ] see above.
धु [ dhu ] [ dhu ]1 Root = 1. [ dhū ] q.v.
धु [ dhu ] [ dhu ]2 f. shaking , trembling Lit. L.
धुत [ dhuta ] [ dhuta ] m. f. n. shaken , agitated
shaken off , removed , abandoned Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
धुतगुण [ dhutaguṇa ] [ dhuta-guṇa ] = [ dhūtag ] ( q.v.) Lit. SaddhP.
धुतपाप [ dhutapāpa ] [ dhuta-pāpa ] m. f. n. purified from sin Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
धुनन [ dhunana ] [ dhunana ] n. shaking , agitation Lit. W.
धुनान [ dhunāna ] [ dhunāna ] m. f. n. shaking , agitating Lit. ib.
धुन्वत् [ dhunvat ] [ dhunvat ] ( Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ) &
धुन्वान [ dhunvāna ] [ dhunvāna ] ( Lit. KātyŚr.) m. f. n. id.
धुवक [ dhuvaka ] [ dhuvaka ] m. one who gets rid of a fetus ( = [ garbha-mocaka ] ) Lit. Uṇ. ii , 32 Sch.
[ dhuvakā ] f. the introductory stanza of a song (forming afterwards the burthen of each verse) Lit. W. ( cf. g. [ prekṣādi ] ) .
धुवकिन् [ dhuvakin ] [ dhuvakin ] and m. f. n. see g. [ prekṣādi ] and [ picchādi ] .
धुवकिल [ dhuvakila ] [ dhuvakila ]and m. f. n. see g. [ prekṣādi ] and [ picchādi ] .
धुवन [ dhuvana ] [ dhúvana ] m. fire (Vedic) Lit. Uṇ. ii , 80 Sch.
[ dhuvana ] n. shaking , agitation Lit. ŚBr.
place of execution Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv , 12 Sch.
धुवित्र [ dhuvitra ] [ dhuvitra ] n. = [ dhaví tra ] Lit. L.
धु [ dhu ] [ dhu ]3 = [ duh ] 2 in [ sabar-dhú ] q.v. ( cf. 2. [ dhru ] ) .
धुक [ dhuka ] [ dhuka ] m. a kind of plant (commonly Bhuyabora or Rānabora) . Lit. L.
धुक्का [ dhukkā ] [ dhukkā ] f. (in music) a kind of flute.
धुक्ष् [ dhukṣ ] [ dhukṣ ] Root cl. [1] Ā. [ dhukṣate ] , ( Lit. Dhātup. xvi , 1) to kindle ; to be weary ; to live ( occurs only with [ sam ] ) .
धुङ्क्षा [ dhuṅkṣā ] [ dhúṅkṣā ] f. a kind of bird Lit. VS. xxiv , 35.
धुन [ dhuna ] [ dhuna ] m. f. n. (√ [ dhvan ] ) roaring , only in
धुनेति [ dhuneti ] [ dhunéti ] m. f. n. having a roaring course Lit. RV. iv , 50 , 2.
धुनय [ dhunaya ] [ dhunaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to roar , flow noisily Lit. RV.
धुनि [ dhuni ] [ dhúni ] m. f. n. roaring , sounding , boisterous (the Maruts , rivers , the Soma ) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. TĀr.
[ dhuni ] m. N. of a demon slain by Indra Lit. RV.
of a son of the Vasu Āpa Lit. BhP.
[ dhunī ] f. river ( cf. [ dyu-dhuni ] ) .
[ dhuni ] f. river ( cf. [ dyu-dhuni ] ) .
धुनिमत् [ dhunimat ] [ dhúni-mat ] ( [ dhú ] ) m. f. n. roaring , noisy Lit. RV.
धुनिव्रत [ dhunivrata ] [ dhúni-vrata ] ( [ dhu ] ) . m. f. n. roaring habitually Lit. ib.
धुनीचुमुरि [ dhunīcumuri ] [ dhúnī-cúmuri ] m. du. the 2 demons Dhu4nī and Cu4muri Lit. ib. vi , 20 , 13.
धुनीनाथ [ dhunīnātha ] [ dhunī-nātha ] m. " lord of the rivers " , the ocean Lit. L.
धुन्धु [ dhundhu ] [ dhundhu ] m. N. of an Asura slain by Kuvalâśva (or Kuvalayâśva) , the father of Sunda Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. Pur.
v.l. for [ cuñcu ] Lit. VP.
धुन्धुमत् [ dhundhumat ] [ dhundhu-mat ] m. f. n. N. of a son of Kevala Lit. ib. (v.l. [ bundh ] ) .
धुन्धुमार [ dhundhumāra ] [ dhundhu-māra ] m. " slayer of Dhundhu " , N. of Kuvalâśva Lit. MBh. ( [ -tva ] n. Lit. Hariv. 672)
a son of Tri-śaṅku and father of Yuvanâśva Lit. R. Lit. Daś.
the cochineal insect Lit. L.
a kind of plant (= [ gṛha-dhūma ] ) Lit. L.
a house-lizard (?) Lit. W.
the smoke of a house (?) Lit. ib.
धुन्धुमारत्व [ dhundhumāratva ] [ dhundhu-māra--tva ] n. , see [ dhundhumāra ] , Lit. Hariv. 672
धुन्धुमारोपाख्यान [ dhundhumāropākhyāna ] [ dhundhu-māropākhyāna ] n. N. of 3rd ch. of Lit. PadmaP. iii.
धुन्धुहन् [ dhundhuhan ] [ dhundhu-han ] m. N. of Kuvalâśva (see above ) Lit. BhP.
धुन्धुक [ dhundhuka ] [ dhundhuka ] n. a partic. defect (or a place full of holes) in a piece of wood Lit. VarBṛS. lxxix , 32 ; 37.
धुन्धुरि [ dhundhuri ] [ dhundhuri ] ( or [ °rī ] ) , a partic. musical instrument Lit. BhP. x , 75 , 9.
धुन्धुरी [ dhundhurī ] [ dhundhurī ] ( or [ °ri ] ) , a partic. musical instrument Lit. BhP. x , 75 , 9.
धुमधुमाय [ dhumadhumāya ] [ dhumadhumāya ] [ °yate ] w.r. for [ ghumagh ] q.v.
धुर् [ dhur ] [ dhúr ] f. (m. only Lit. MBh. xiii , 2876 ; nom. and stem before a cons. [ dhūr ] ; fr. √ [ dhṛ ] ) a yoke (fig.) burden , load Lit. RV. (v , 43 , 8?)
pole or shaft of a carriage (esp. their forepart)
a peg , pin ( cf. [ akṣa- ] )
top , summit , front , place of honour (loc. at the head , in front , in presence of) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a finger Lit. L.
N. of 6 partic. verses of the Bahish-pavamāna Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
( [ °roḥ-śamye ] or [ sāmanī ] du. , and [ °rām sāma ] n. N. of Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.)
( only Lit. L.) reflection , recollection
a spark of fire
part , portion
N. of the Ganges.
धुरंधर [ dhuraṃdhara ] [ dhuraṃ-dhara ] m. f. n. bearing a yoke or a burden (lit. and fig.) , fit to be harnessed Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañc.
helping another (gen.) out of need Lit. Hit.
[ dhuraṃdhara ] m. a beast of burden Lit. L.
chief , leader Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a man of business Lit. W.
N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.
of a Rakshas Lit. R.
Grislea Tomentosa Lit. L.
pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. Lit. VP.
धूर्गत [ dhūrgata ] [ dhūrgata ] see 2. [ dhūr ] .
धूर्वह [ dhūrvaha ] [ dhūr-vaha ] see 2. [ dhūr ] .
धुर [ dhura ] [ dhúra ] m. yoke , pole , burden , peg of the axle ( esp. ifc.) Lit. MBh.
[ dhura ] m. f. n. having anything as chief (foremost) part or ingredient , distinguished by (ifc.) Lit. Bālar. i , 11
[ dhurā ] f. burden , load Lit. Pañc. Lit. Kathās.
pole , shaft Lit. Pañc. i , 22/23.
धुरानिक्षेपण [ dhurānikṣepaṇa ] [ dhúrā-nikṣepaṇa ] (?) , N. of a Caitya of the Mallas Lit. DivyA7v. 201.
धुरावह [ dhurāvaha ] [ dhúrā-vaha ] m. f. n. bearing a burden Lit. Hariv. 8459.
धुरिका [ dhurikā ] [ dhurikā ] f. a small axle-pin Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
धुरीण [ dhurīṇa ] [ dhurīṇa ] m. f. n. fit to be harnessed Lit. L.
charged with , bearing (lit. and fig.) Lit. W.
[ dhurīṇa ] m. a beast of burden Lit. L.
a man of business Lit. W.
leader , chief Lit. Pañc. Lit. Hit. ( cf. [ uttara- ] , [ eka- ] , [ dakṣiṇa- ] , [ sarva- ] ) .
धुरीय [ dhurīya ] [ dhurīya ] m. f. n. fit for a burden Lit. L.
charged with important duties Lit. L.
[ dhurīya ] m. a beast of burden Lit. L.
a man of business or affairs Lit. W.
धुर्य [ dhurya ] [ dhúrya ] m. f. n. (w.r. [ dhūrya ] ) fit o be harnessed , able to draw or bear ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 77)
being at the head of , foremost , best Lit. AV. Lit. MBh.
eminently fit for or distinguished by (comp.) Lit. Bālar. iii , 2/3
[ dhurya ] m. beast of burden , horse , bullock Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
minister , charge d'affaires Lit. W. ( with [ mantrin ] Lit. Kathās. ix , 14)
leader , chief ( cf. [ kula- ] ) Lit. MBh.
a kind of medic. plant (= [ ṛṣabha ] ) Lit. L.
n. forepart of a pole Lit. R.
N. of all Stotras except the 3 Pavamānas Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
धुर्यता [ dhuryatā ] [ dhúrya-tā ] f. the state of being a burden-bearer , the office of a minister
first place , leader-ship Lit. Śiś. i.41.
धुर्यवत् [ dhuryavat ] [ dhúrya-vat ] ind. like a beast of burden Lit. MBh.
धुर्यवाह [ dhuryavāha ] [ dhúrya-vāha ] m. the load of a draught-ox Lit. Āpast.
beast for draught Lit. MBh.
धुर्यासन [ dhuryāsana ] [ dhuryāsana ] n. seat of honour Lit. ib.
धुर्येतर [ dhuryetara ] [ dhuryetara ] m. f. n. " other than the first " , the charioteer (as opp. to the hero) Lit. ib.
धुरा [ dhurā ] [ dhurā́ ] ind. (√ [ dhvṛ ] ) violently , hurtfully Lit. ŚBr.
धुरि [ dhuri ] [ dhuri ] m. N. of a son of the Vasu Āpa Lit. VP.
धुर्व् [ dhurv ] [ dhurv ] Root = [ dhūrv ] q.v.
धुवक [ dhuvaka ] [ dhuvaka ] see under 1. [ dhu ] .
धुशुल्या [ dhuśulyā ] [ dhuśulyā ] f. N. of a river Lit. VP.
धुस्तुर [ dhustura ] [ dhustura ] ( Lit. L.) and [ °tūra ] ( Lit. Kathās. Lit. Uṇ. iv , 90 Sch. ; ifc. also [ °raka ] ) thorn-apple ( cf. [ dhattūra ] ) .