Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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अ |
अ [ a ] [ a ]1 the first letter of the alphabet
the first short vowel inherent in consonants.
अ [ a ] [ a ]2 ( [ pragṛhya ] q.v.) , a vocative particle ( ( [ a ananta ] , O Vishṇu ) ) Lit. T.
interjection of pity , Ah!
अ [ a ] [ a ]3 ( before a vowel [ an ] , exc. [ a-ṛṇin ] ) , a prefix corresponding to Gk. 1 , 2 , Lat. (in) , Goth. and Germ. (un) , Eng. (in) or (un) , and having a negative or privative or contrary sense ( [ an-eka ] not one ; [ an-anta ] endless ; [ a-sat ] not good ; [ a-paśyat ] not seeing)
rarely prefixed to Inf. ( [ a-svaptum ] not to sleep Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.) and even to forms of the finite verb ( [ a-spṛhayanti ] they do not desire Lit. BhP. Lit. Śiś.) and to pronouns ( [ a-saḥ ] not he Lit. Śiś. ; [ a-tad ] not that Lit. BhP.)
occasionally denoting comparison ( [ a-brāhmaṇa ] like a Brahman Lit. T.)
sometimes disparagement ( [ a-yajña ] a miserable sacrifice)
sometimes diminutiveness ( cf. [ á-karṇa ] , [ an-udarā ] )
rarely an expletive ( cf. [ a-kupya ] , [ a-pūpa ] ) . According to Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 161, the accent may be optionally either on the first or last syllable in certain compounds formed with [ a ] ( as [ á-tīkṣṇa ] or [ a-tīkṣṇá ] , [ á-śuci ] or [ a-śucí ] , [ án-anna ] or [ an-anná ] )
the same applies to stems ending in [ tṛ ] accentuated on the first syllable before [ a ] is prefixed
cf. also [ á-tūrta ] and [ a-tū́rta ] , [ á-bhinna ] and [ a-bhinná ] ,
अ [ a ] [ a ]4 the base of some pronouns and pronom. forms , in [ asya ] , [ atra ] ,
अ [ a ] [ a ]5 the augment prefixed to the root in the formation of the imperfect , aorist , and conditional tenses (in the Veda often wanting , as in Homer , the fact being that originally the augment was only prefixed in principal sentences where it was accentuated , whilst it was dropped in subordinate sentences where the root-vowel took the accent) .
अ [ a ] [ a ]6 m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. L. ( especially as the first of the three sounds in the sacred syllable [ om ] ) .
अऋणिन् [ aṛṇin ] [ a-ṛṇin ] m. f. n. free from debt Lit. L.
अंश् [ aṃś ] [ aṃś ] Root cl. [10] P. [ aṃśayati ] , to divide , distribute Lit. L. ; also occasionally Ā. [ aṃśayate ] Lit. L. ; also [ aṃśāpayati ] Lit. L.
अंश [ aṃśa ] [ áṃśa ] m. ( probably fr. √ 1. [ aś ] , perf. [ ān-áṃśa ] , and not from the above √ [ aṃś ] fictitiously formed to serve as root) , a share , portion , part , party
partition , inheritance
a share of booty
earnest money
stake (in betting) Lit. RV. v , 86 , 5 Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
a lot ( cf. 2. [ prās ] )
the denominator of a fraction
a degree of latitude or longitude
a day Lit. L.
N. of an Āditya.
अंशकरण [ aṃśakaraṇa ] [ áṃśa-karaṇa ] n. act of dividing.
अंशकल्पना [ aṃśakalpanā ] [ áṃśa-kalpanā ] f. allotment of a portion.
अंशप्रकल्पना [ aṃśaprakalpanā ] [ áṃśa-prakalpanā ] f. allotment of a portion.
अंशप्रदान [ aṃśapradāna ] [ áṃśa-pradāna ] n. allotment of a portion.
अंशभागिन् [ aṃśabhāgin ] [ áṃśa-bhāgin ] m. f. n. one who has a share , an heir , co-heir.
अंशभाज् [ aṃśabhāj ] [ áṃśa-bhāj ] m. f. n. one who has a share , an heir , co-heir.
अंशभू [ aṃśabhū ] [ áṃśa-bhū́ ] m. partner , associate Lit. TS.
अंशभूत [ aṃśabhūta ] [ áṃśa-bhūta ] m. f. n. forming part of.
अंशरूपिणी [ aṃśarūpiṇī ] [ aṃśa-rūpiṇī ] f. (with [ śakti ] ) a female personification of the divine energy, Lit. RTL. 187.
अंशवत् [ aṃśavat ] [ áṃśa-vat ] ( for [ aṃśumat ] ?) m. a species of Soma plant Lit. Suśr.
अंशसवर्णन [ aṃśasavarṇana ] [ áṃśa-savarṇana ] n. reduction of fractions.
अंशस्वर [ aṃśasvara ] [ áṃśa-svara ] m. key-note or chief note in music.
अंशहारिन् [ aṃśahārin ] [ áṃśa-hārin ] m. f. n. taking a share , a sharer.
अंशांश [ aṃśāṃśa ] [ aṃśāṃśa ] m. part of a portion (of a deity) , secondary incarnation.
अंशांसि [ aṃśāṃsi ] [ aṃśāṃsi ] ind. share by share.
अंशावतरण [ aṃśāvataraṇa ] [ aṃśāvataraṇa ] n. descent of part of a deity
partial incarnation
title of sections 64-67 of the first book of the MBh.
अंशीकृ [ aṃśīkṛ ] [ aṃśī-√ kṛ ]1 to share.
अंशल [ aṃśala ] [ aṃśala ] see [ aṃsalá ] next col.
अंशिन् [ aṃśin ] [ aṃśin ] m. f. n. having a share Lit. Yājñ.
अंशिता [ aṃśitā ] [ aṃśi-tā ] f. the state of a sharer or co-heir , heirship.
अंशु [ aṃśu ] [ aṃśú ] m. a filament (especially of the Soma plant)
a kind of Soma libation Lit. ŚBr.
end of a thread , a minute particle
a point , end
a ray , sunbeam ( 1308,1 )
cloth Lit. L.
N. of a Ṛishi Lit. RV. viii , 5 , 26
of an ancient Vedic teacher , son of a Dhanaṃjaya Lit. VBr.
of a prince.
अंशुजाल [ aṃśujāla ] [ aṃśú-jāla ] n. a collection of rays , blaze of light.
अंशुधर [ aṃśudhara ] [ aṃśú-dhara ] m. " bearer of rays " , the sun Lit. L.
अंशुधान [ aṃśudhāna ] [ aṃśú-dhāna ] n. N. of a village Lit. R.
अंशुधारय [ aṃśudhāraya ] [ aṃśú-dhāraya ] m. a lamp Lit. MaitrUp.
अंशुनदी [ aṃśunadī ] [ aṃśú-nadī ] f. N. of a river.
अंशुपट्ट [ aṃśupaṭṭa ] [ aṃśú-paṭṭa ] n. a kind of cloth.
अंशुपति [ aṃśupati ] [ aṃśú-pati ] m. " lord of rays " , the sun Lit. L.
अंशुभर्तृ [ aṃśubhartṛ ] [ aṃśú-bhartṛ ] m. " lord of rays " , the sun Lit. L.
अंशुमत् [ aṃśumat ] [ aṃśú-mát ] m. f. n. fibrous , rich in filaments
rich in Soma plants or Soma juice
radiant , luminous
[ aṃśumat ] m. the sun , the moon
N. of various persons , especially of a prince of the solar race , son of A-samañjas , grandson of Sagara
[ aṃśumatī ] f. N. of a river (Yamunā?) Lit. RV. viii , 96 , 13-15
Hedysarum Gangeticum Lit. Suśr.
अंशुमत्फला [ aṃśumatphalā ] [ aṃśú-matphalā ] f. Musa Paradisiaca.
अंशुमाला [ aṃśumālā ] [ aṃśú-mālā ] f. a garland of light , halo.
अंशुमालिन् [ aṃśumālin ] [ aṃśú-mālin ] m. the sun.
अंशुवाण [ aṃśuvāṇa ] [ aṃśú-vāṇa ] m. " having rays for arrows " , the sun.
अंशुविमर्द [ aṃśuvimarda ] [ aṃśú-vimarda ] m. ray-obscuration.
अंशुहस्त [ aṃśuhasta ] [ aṃśú-hasta ] m. " having rays for hands " , the sun Lit. L.
अंशूदक [ aṃśūdaka ] [ aṃśūdaka ] n. water which has been exposed to the rays of the sun or the moon Lit. Bhpr.
अंश्वादि [ aṃśvādi ] [ aṃśv-ādi ] a g. of Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 193.
अंशुक [ aṃśuka ] [ aṃśuka ] n. cloth
fine or white cloth , muslin ( see [ cīnāṃśuka ] ) Lit. L.
garment , upper garment
tie (for binding a churning-stick) .
अंशुल [ aṃśula ] [ aṃśula ] m. radiant Lit. T.
N. of the sage Cāṇakya Lit. L.
अंस् [ aṃs ] [ aṃs ] Root ( cf. √ [ aṃś ] ) Lit. L. see [ vyaṃs ]
अंस [ aṃsa ] [ áṃsa ] m. the shoulder , shoulder-blade
corner of a quadrangle
N. of a king
[ aṃsa ] m. du. the two shoulders or angles of an altar
a share ( for [ aṃśa ] ) ; ( ( cf. Goth. (amsa) ; Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. (humerus) , (ansa) . ) )
अंसकूट [ aṃsakūṭa ] [ áṃsa-kūṭa ] m. the shoulder
a bull's hump , the protuberance between an ox's shoulders.
अंसत्र [ aṃsatra ] [ áṃsa-tra ] n. armour to protect the shoulder Lit. RV.
a bow Lit. Nir.
अंसत्रकोश [ aṃsatrakośa ] [ áṃsa-tra--kośa ] m. f. n. having a cask for its tunic (probably = a Soma filter Lit. Gmn.) Lit. RV. x , 101 , 7.
अंसध्री [ aṃsadhrī ] [ áṃsa-dhrī́ ] f. a cooking vessel applied to the Vedi Lit. AV. xi, 1, 23 ( 1308,1 )
अंसपीठ [ aṃsapīṭha ] [ aṃsa-pīṭha ] m. the shoulder-blades, Lit. Suśr.
अंसपृष्ठ [ aṃsapṛṣṭha ] [ áṃsa-pṛṣṭha ] n. back of the shoulder.
अंसफलक [ aṃsaphalaka ] [ áṃsa-phalaká ] n. shoulder-blade Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Suśr.
अंसभार [ aṃsabhāra ] [ áṃsa-bhāra ] m. a burden on the shoulder , (g. [ bhastrādi ] q.v.)
अंसेभार [ aṃsebhāra ] [ aṃse-bhāra ] m. a burden on the shoulder , (g. [ bhastrādi ] q.v.)
अंसभारिक [ aṃsabhārika ] [ aṃsa-bhārika ] m. f. n. bearing a burden on the shoulder Lit. ib.
अंसेभारिक [ aṃsebhārika ] [ aṃse-bhārika ] m. f. n. bearing a burden on the shoulder Lit. ib.
अंसमूल [ aṃsamūla ] [ aṃsa-mūla ] n. the acromion Lit. L.
अंसोच्चय [ aṃsoccaya ] [ aṃsoccaya ] m. du. the shoulder-blades, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अंह् [ aṃh ] [ aṃh ]1 Root ( cf. √ [ aṅgh ] ) cl. [1] Ā. [ aṃhate ] , to go , set out , commence Lit. L. ; to approach Lit. L. ; cl. [10] P. [ aṃhayati ] , to send Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to speak Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to shine Lit. L.
अंह्रिस्कन्ध [ aṃhriskandha ] [ aṃhri-skandha ] m. a part of the foot between the ancle and the heel Lit. L.
अंह्रिशिरस् [ aṃhriśiras ] [ aṃhri-śiras ] n. a part of the foot between the ancle and the heel Lit. L.
अंह् [ aṃh ] [ aṃh ]2 Root to press together , to strangle ( conjecturable from Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. (angustus) , (anxius) , ) Lit. L.
अंहति [ aṃhati ] [ aṃhati ] f. anxiety , distress , trouble Lit. RV.
illness Lit. L. ; ( ( cf. Lat. (ango) ) )
a gift ( also f ( [ aṃhatī ] ) .) Lit. L.
अंहन [ aṃhana ] [ aṃhana ] n. (fr. √ :1. [ aṃh ] ) the act of moving or creeping (like a snake), Lit. L.
अंहस्पति [ aṃhaspati ] [ áṃhas-pati ] or
अंहसस्पति [ aṃhasaspati ] [ aṃhasas-patí ] m. ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) lord of perplexity i.e. an intercalary month
cf. [ āṃhaspatya ] .
अंहस्पत्य [ aṃhaspatya ] [ aṃhas-patyá ] n. power over calamity Lit. TS. Lit. ĀpŚr.
अंहोमुच् [ aṃhomuc ] [ aṃho-múc ] m. f. n. delivering from distress Lit. RV. x , 63 , 9 Lit. VS.
अंहोलिङ्ग [ aṃholiṅga ] [ aṃho-liṅga ] m. f. n. characterized by the word [ aṃhas ] (said of a series of texts), Lit. Kauś.
अंहिति [ aṃhiti ] [ aṃhiti ] f. a gift , donation Lit. L. see [ aṃhatí ] .
अंहु [ aṃhu ] [ aṃhu ] m. f. n. ( only in compar. [ aṃhīyas ] ) narrow Lit. AitBr. see [ paró-'ṃhu ]
[ aṃhu ] n. ( only in Abl. [ aṃhós ] ) anxiety , distress Lit. RV.
( ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Goth. (aggvus) ; Lat. (angustus) , (anxius) , ) )
अंहुभेदी [ aṃhubhedī ] [ aṃhu-bhédī ] f. having a narrow slit (pudendum muliebre) Lit. VS.
अंहुर [ aṃhura ] [ aṃhurá ] m. f. n. straitened , distressed Lit. RV. x , 5 , 6.
अंहूरण [ aṃhūraṇa ] [ aṃhūraṇá ] m. f. n. distressing Lit. RV. vi , 47 , 20
[ aṃhūraṇa ] n. distress Lit. RV. i , 105 , 17 Lit. AV.
अंहोयु [ aṃhoyu ] [ aṃhoyú ] m. f. n. troublesome Lit. RV. v , 15 , 3.
अक् [ ak ] [ ak ] Root cl. [1] P. [ akati ] , to move tortuously (like a snake) Lit. L. ; Cf. √ [ ag ] and √ [ añc ] .
अक [ aka ] [ aka ]1 the suffix [ aka ] ( [ akac ] ) .
अकच [ akaca ] [ a-kaca ] m. f. n. hairless , bald
cf. [ ut- ] , [ ūrdhva- ] , [ vi- ]
[ akaca ] m. N. of Ketu , the dragon's tail or descending node (having a headless trunk) Lit. L.
अकटुफल [ akaṭuphala ] [ a-kaṭu-phala ] m. a kind of plant.
अकडम [ akaḍama ] [ akaḍama ] n. a kind of Tāntrik diagram.
अकडमचक्र [ akaḍamacakra ] [ akaḍama-cakra ] n. id.
अकणक [ akaṇaka ] [ a-kaṇaka ] m. f. n. (rice) without red particles adhering to the husks, Lit. Divyâv.
अकण्टक [ akaṇṭaka ] [ a-kaṇṭaka ] m. f. n. thornless , free from troubles or difficulties or enemies.
अकण्ठ [ akaṇṭha ] [ a-kaṇṭha ] m. f. n. having no neck
having no voice , hoarse.
अकथह [ akathaha ] [ akathaha ] n. a kind of diagram.
अकथ्य [ akathya ] [ a-kathya ] m. f. n. unspeakable
unutterable , unmentionable.
अकनिष्ठ [ akaniṣṭha ] [ á-kaniṣṭha ] m. pl. of whom none is the youngest (i.e. younger than the others) Lit. RV.
a class of Buddhist deities.
अकनिष्ठग [ akaniṣṭhaga ] [ á-kaniṣṭha-ga ] m. a Buddha Lit. L.
अकनिष्ठप [ akaniṣṭhapa ] [ á-kaniṣṭha-pa ] m. a Buddhist king Lit. T.
अकपीवत् [ akapīvat ] [ akapīvat ] m. N. of a Ṛishi.
अकबर [ akabara ] [ akabara ] m. (emperor) Akbar, Lit. Inscr.
अकब्बर [ akabbara ] [ akabbara ] m. (emperor) Akbar, Lit. Inscr.
अकम्पित [ akampita ] [ a-kampita ] m. f. n. unshaken , firm
[ akampita ] m. N. of one of the 11 chief pupils ( [ gaṇadhara ] or [ gaṇādhipa ] ) of Mahāvīra (the last Tīrtha-kara) .
अकर [ akara ] [ a-kara ] m. f. n. handless , maimed
exempt from tax or duty , privileged
not acting
[ akarā ] f. Emblic Myrobalan , Phyllanthus Emblica.
अकरण [ akaraṇa ] [ a-karaṇa ] n. absence of action.
अकरणि [ akaraṇi ] [ a-karaṇi ] f. non-accomplishment , failure , disappointment (used in imprecations e.g. [ tasyākaraṇir evāstu ] bad luck to him!) Lit. L.
अकरणीय [ akaraṇīya ] [ a-karaṇīya ] m. f. n. not to be done.
अकरिष्यत् [ akariṣyat ] [ a-kariṣyat ] m. f. n. not intending to do, Lit. Drāhy.
अकरुणत्व [ akaruṇatva ] [ a-karuṇa-tva ] n. harshness , cruelty.
अकर्कश [ akarkaśa ] [ a-karkaśa ] m. f. n. not hard , tender.
अकर्ण [ akarṇa ] [ á-karṇa ] m. f. n. having diminutive ears Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
without ears , deaf
without helm or rudder
without Karṇa.
अकर्णक [ akarṇaka ] [ a-karṇáka ] m. f. n. without ears Lit. TS. ,
अकर्णीय [ akarṇīya ] [ a-karṇīya ] m. f. n. not to be heard, Lit. MBh.
अकर्ण्य [ akarṇya ] [ a-karṇya ] m. f. n. not fit for the ears Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
अकर्णधार [ akarṇadhāra ] [ a-karṇadhāra ] m. f. n. without a helmsman , destitute of a pilot.
अकर्तन [ akartana ] [ a-kartana ] m. a dwarf Lit. L.
अकर्तृ [ akartṛ ] [ a-kartṛ ] m. not an agent , N. applied to the [ puruṣa ] (in Sāṅkhya phil.)
not active ( in Gr.)
अकर्मन् [ akarman ] [ a-karmán ] m. f. n. not working
not performing good works , wicked Lit. RV. x , 2 2 , 8
( in Gr.) intransitive
[ akarman ] n. absence of work
improper work , crime.
अकर्मभोग [ akarmabhoga ] [ akarma-bhoga ] m. enjoyment of freedom from action.
अकर्मान्वित [ akarmānvita ] [ a-karmānvita ] m. f. n. unoccupied
अकर्मण्य [ akarmaṇya ] [ a-karmaṇya ] m. f. n. improper to be done
unfit for work
अकल [ akala ] [ a-kala ] m. f. n. not in parts , entire
not skilled in the arts ( [ kalās ] ) .
अकलि [ akali ] [ a-kali ] m. f. n. not quarrelling Lit. Śiś.
अकलित [ akalita ] [ a-kalita ] m. f. n. incalculable, immeasurable, Lit. Mālatīm.
अकल्क [ akalka ] [ a-kalka ] m. f. n. free from impurity
[ akalkā ] f. moonlight Lit. L.
अकल्कता [ akalkatā ] [ a-kalka-tā ] f. honesty Lit. Yājñ.
अकल्कन [ akalkana ] [ a-kalkana ] or [ a-kalkala ] m. f. n. not deceitful , honourable , ( Lit. T.) Lit. Bhag.
अकल्कल [ akalkala ] [ a-kalkala ] or [ a-kalkana ] m. f. n. not deceitful , honourable , ( Lit. T.) Lit. Bhag.
अकल्प [ akalpa ] [ a-kalpá ] m. f. n. not subject to rules , uncontrolled
not admitting ( any comparison [ pratimā́nam ] ) Lit. RV. i , 102 , 6
unable to (loc. or Inf. or in comp.)
अकल्पित [ akalpita ] [ a-kalpita ] m. f. n. not manufactured , not artificial , not pretended
natural , genuine.
अकल्माष [ akalmāṣa ] [ á-kalmāṣa ] m. f. n. spotless, Lit. ŚBr.
अकल्माष [ akalmāṣa ] [ a-kalmāṣa ] m. N. of a son of the fourth Manu Lit. Hariv.
अकल्य [ akalya ] [ a-kalya ] m. f. n. ill , sick
not to be guessed, Lit. Daś.
true (?) Lit. L.
अकल्याण [ akalyāṇa ] [ á-kalyāṇa ] m. f. n. not handsome Lit. AV.
अकवारि [ akavāri ] [ á-kavāri ] m. f. n. not selfish , not stingy Lit. RV. iii , 47 , 5 , and vii , 96 , 3 ( ( Lit. Sāy. explains by [ a-kava-ari ] , " not contemptible as an enemy , or to his enemies , not having weak enemies " ) ) .
अकवच [ akavaca ] [ a-kavacá ] m. f. n. having no coat of mail Lit. AV. xi , 10 , 22.
अकवर [ akavara ] [ akavara ] m. (emperor) Akbar, Lit. Inscr.
अकवि [ akavi ] [ á-kavi ] m. f. n. unwise Lit. RV. vii , 4 , 4.
अकस्यविद् [ akasyavid ] [ a-kasya-ví d ] m. f. n. not attending to anything, Lit. MaitrS.
अकाण [ akāṇa ] [ á-kāṇa ] m. f. n. not one eyed , not monoculous Lit. TS. and Lit. ŚBr.
अकाण्ड [ akāṇḍa ] [ a-kāṇḍa ] m. f. n. without a trunk Lit. T.
causeless , unexpected
[ akāṇḍe ] ind. causelessly , unexpectedly.
अकाण्डपातजात [ akāṇḍapātajāta ] [ a-kāṇḍa-pāta-jāta ] m. f. n. dying as soon as born.
अकाण्डशूल [ akāṇḍaśūla ] [ a-kāṇḍa-śūla ] n. sudden , acute pain.
अकातर [ akātara ] [ a-kātara ] m. f. n. not dejected.
अकाम [ akāma ] [ a-kāmá ] m. f. n. without desire or wish
unintentional , reluctant
( in Gr.) the Sandhi which causes the dropping of a final [ r ] before a succeeding [ r ] .
अकामकर्शन [ akāmakarśana ] [ a-kāmá-karśana ] ( [ á-kāma- ] ) m. f. n. not disappointing desires Lit. RV. i , 53 , 2.
अकामतस् [ akāmatas ] [ a-kāmá-tas ] ind. unintentionally , unwillingly.
अकामता [ akāmatā ] [ a-kāmá-tā ] f. freedom from desire ,
अकामसंज्ञपन [ akāmasaṃjñapana ] [ a-kāma-saṃjñapana ] n. unintentional killing of a victim before a sacrifice, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अकामहत [ akāmahata ] [ a-kāmá-hata ] ( [ á-kāma- ] ) m. f. n. unaffected with desire , calm Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अकामिन् [ akāmin ] [ a-kāmin ] m. f. n. = [ a-kāmá ] .
अकाय [ akāya ] [ a-kāyá ] m. f. n. bodiless , incorporeal Lit. VS.
अकायिका [ akāyikā ] [ a-kāyikā ] f. a kind of game, Lit. Divyâv.
अकारण [ akāraṇa ] [ a-kāraṇa ] m. f. n. causeless
[ akāraṇa ] n. absence of a cause
[ akāraṇam ] ind. causelessly.
[ akāraṇena ] ind. causelessly.
[ akāraṇe ] ind. causelessly.
[ akāraṇāt ] ind. causelessly.
अकारणोत्पन्न [ akāraṇotpanna ] [ a-kāraṇotpanna ] m. f. n. produced spontaneously.
अकारिन् [ akārin ] [ a-kārin ] m. f. n. inactive , not performing , (g. [ grahādi ] , q.v.)
अकार्णवेष्टकिक [ akārṇaveṣṭakika ] [ a-kārṇaveṣṭakika ] m. f. n. not fit for ear-rings , not looking well with ear-rings Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. see [ karṇa-veṣṭaka ] .
अकार्यकारिन् [ akāryakārin ] [ a-kārya-kārin ] m. f. n. an evil-doer
neglecting duty.
अकार्ष्ण्य [ akārṣṇya ] [ a-kārṣṇya ] n. absence of blackness.
अकाल [ akāla ] [ a-kāla ] m. a wrong or bad time
(also) night, ib.
[ akāla ] m. f. n. unseasonable
[ akāle ] ind. unseasonably.
[ akālatas ] ind. unseasonably.
अकालक [ akālaka ] [ a-kālaka ] n. food eaten at irregular times, ib.
अकालकुष्माण्ड [ akālakuṣmāṇḍa ] [ a-kāla-kuṣmāṇḍa ] m. a pumpkin produced out of season
a useless birth.
अकालकुसुम [ akālakusuma ] [ a-kāla-kusuma ] n. a flower blossoming out of season.
अकालज [ akālaja ] [ a-kāla-ja ] m. f. n. born at a wrong time , unseasonable.
अकालजात [ akālajāta ] [ a-kāla-jāta ] m. f. n. born at a wrong time , unseasonable.
अकालोत्पन्न [ akālotpanna ] [ akālotpanna ] m. f. n. born at a wrong time , unseasonable.
अकालजलदोदय [ akālajaladodaya ] [ a-kāla-jaladodaya ] m. unseasonable rising of clouds or mist.
अकालमेघोदय [ akālameghodaya ] [ a-kāla-meghodaya ] m. unseasonable rising of clouds or mist.
अकालवेला [ akālavelā ] [ a-kāla-velā ] f. wrong or unseasonable time.
अकालसह [ akālasaha ] [ a-kāla-saha ] m. f. n. unable to bide one's time.
अकालकौमुदी [ akālakaumudī ] [ a-kāla-kaumudī ] f. an irregular festival, ib.
अकालहीनम् [ akālahīnam ] [ a-kāla-hīnam ] ind. without losing time , immediately.
अकालिकम् [ akālikam ] [ a-kālikam ] ind. immediately Lit. MBh.
अकावङ्क [ akāvaṅka ] [ akāvaṅká ] n. water (= [ aṅkā ] [ ṅká ] ), Lit. MaitrS.
अकासार [ akāsāra ] [ a-kāsāra ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. BhP.
अकिञ्चनता [ akiñcanatā ] [ a-kiñcana-tā ] f. voluntary poverty (as practised by Jaina ascetics) .
अकिञ्चनत्व [ akiñcanatva ] [ a-kiñcana-tva ] n. voluntary poverty (as practised by Jaina ascetics) .
अकिञ्चनिमन् [ akiñcaniman ] [ a-kiñcaniman ] m. utter destitution , (g. [ pṛthu-ādi ] q.v.)
अकितव [ akitava ] [ á-kitava ] m. no gambler Lit. VS.
अकिलिन [ akilina ] [ a-kilina ] m. f. n. (for [ a ] - [ klinna ] ) not moist or wet, Lit. Gobh.
अकिल्विष [ akilviṣa ] [ a-kilviṣá ] m. f. n. sinless Lit. ŚBr.
अकीर्तिकर [ akīrtikara ] [ a-kīrti-kara ] m. f. n. causing disgrace , disparaging , insulting.
अकुण्ठ [ akuṇṭha ] [ a-kuṇṭha ] m. f. n. not blunted , not worn out
vigorous , fixed
ever fresh , eternal.
अकुण्ठधिष्ण्य [ akuṇṭhadhiṣṇya ] [ a-kuṇṭha-dhiṣṇya ] n. an eternal abode , heaven.
अकुण्ठित [ akuṇṭhita ] [ a-kuṇṭhita ] m. f. n. = [ a-kuṇṭha ] .
अकुण्डल [ akuṇḍala ] [ a-kuṇḍala ] m. f. n. without ear-rings, Lit. Bcar.
अकुतस् [ akutas ] [ a-kutas ] ind. ( usually in comp.) , not from any quarter or cause.
अकुतश्चन [ akutaścana ] [ a-kutaś-cana ] m. N. of Śiva, Lit. L.
अकुतश्चल [ akutaścala ] [ akutaś-cala ] m. not movable from any cause
N. of Śiva.
अकुतश्चिद् [ akutaścid ] [ a-kutaś-cid ] ind. not for any reason, unintentionally, Lit. MBh.
अकुतोमृत्यु [ akutomṛtyu ] [ a-ku-to-mṛtyu ] m. f. n. not threatened by death from any quarter, Lit. BhP.
अकुतोभय [ akutobhaya ] [ a-kuto-bhaya ] m. f. n. having no fear from any quarter , secure.
अकुतश्चिद्भय [ akutaścidbhaya ] [ a-kutaścid-bhaya ] m. f. n. having no fear from any quarter , secure.
अकुत्रचभय [ akutracabhaya ] [ a-kutraca-bhaya ] m. f. n. having no fear from any quarter , secure.
अकुत्रा [ akutrā ] [ a-kutrā ] (Ved.) ind. nowhere , astray Lit. RV. i , 120 , 8.
अकुतूहल [ akutūhala ] [ a-kutūhala ] m. f. n. not taking interest in (loc.), Lit. Bcar.
अकुत्सयत् [ akutsayat ] [ a-kutsayat ] m. f. n. not abusing or reproaching, Lit. Mn. ii, 54.
अकुत्सित [ akutsita ] [ a-kutsita ] m. f. n. unreproached.
अकुध्र्यञ्च् [ akudhryañc ] [ a-kudhryáñc ] [ áṅ ] , [ dhrī́cī ] , [ ák ] ( [ kudhri ] for [ kudha ] for [ kuha ] = [ kutra ] ) , " going nowhere " ( [ āk ] , 4) . ind. objectless , aimless Lit. RV. x , 22 , 12.
अकुप्य [ akupya ] [ a-kupya ] n. not base metal , gold or silver Lit. Kir.
any base metal (= [ kupya ] see 3. [ a ] ) .
[ akupya ] 2. n. (impers.) anger must not be shown, Lit. MBh.
अकुप्यक [ akupyaka ] [ akupyaka ] n. gold or silver Lit. L.
अकुप्यत् [ akupyat ] [ á-kupyat ] m. f. n. not boiling, Lit. AV.
अकुमार [ akumāra ] [ a-kumāra ] m. not a boy (said of Indra) Lit. RV. i , 155 , 6.
अकुम्भ [ akumbha ] [ a-kumbha ] m. "no water-jar" , anything singular of its kind, Lit. Jātakam.
अकुल [ akula ] [ a-kula ] m. f. n. not of good family , low
[ akula ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. L.
[ akulā ] f. N. of Pārvatī Lit. L.
f. the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th days of a half-month
[ akula ] n. N. of partic. lunar mansions.
(in astron.) N. of Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday
अकुलता [ akulatā ] [ a-kula-tā ] f. lowness of family.
अकुलीन [ akulīna ] [ a-kulīna ] m. f. n. not of good family Lit. Mn.
अकुशल [ akuśala ] [ a-kuśala ] m. f. n. inauspicious , evil Lit. ŚBr.( 1308,1 )
not clever
[ akuśala ] n. evil , an evil word Lit. Mn.
n. (with Buddhists) demerit, sin, Lit. MWB. 124.
अकुष्ठिपृषत् [ akuṣṭhipṛṣat ] [ a-kuṣṭhipṛṣat ] m. f. n. neither leprous nor spotted, Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अकुसीद [ akusīda ] [ a-kusīda ] or [ akuśīda ] m. f. n. taking no interest or usury , without gain.
अकुशीद [ akuśīda ] [ akuśīda ] or [ akusīda ] m. f. n. taking no interest or usury , without gain.
अकुसुम [ akusuma ] [ a-kusuma ] m. f. n. flowerless.
अकुह [ akuha ] [ a-kuha ] m. no deceiver Lit. L.
अकुहक [ akuhaka ] [ a-kuhaka ] m. id. Lit. Suśr.
अकूज [ akūja ] [ a-kūja ] m. f. n. noiseless, Lit. MBh.
अकूजन [ akūjana ] [ a-kūjana ] n. noiselessness, silence, ib.
[ akūjana ] m. f. n. not creaking (as the axle of a car), ib.( Page1308,2 )
अकूट [ akūṭa ] [ á-kūṭa ] m. f. n. having no prominence on the forehead Lit. TS.
not deceitful , unerring (said of arms) Lit. Yājñ.
not false (said of coins) Lit. Yājñ.
अकूपार [ akūpāra ] [ á-kūpāra ] m. f. n. unbounded Lit. RV. v , 39 , 2 and x. 109 , 1
[ akūpāra ] m. the sea Lit. VS.
tortoise Lit. BhP. the mythical tortoise that upholds the world
N. of a man Lit. PBr.
N. of an Āditya Lit. L.
अकूवार [ akūvāra ] [ a-kūvāra ] = [ a-kūpāra ] above.
अकूर्च [ akūrca ] [ a-kūrca ] m. " the guileless one " , a Buddha Lit. L.
अकूर्मपृषत् [ akūrmapṛṣat ] [ a-kūrma-pṛṣat ] m. f. n. not spotted like a turtle, Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अकृच्छ्र [ akṛcchra ] [ a-kṛcchra ] m. n. absence of difficulty
freedom from trouble.
अकृच्छ्रिन् [ akṛcchrin ] [ a-kṛcchrin ] m. f. n. free from difficulty or trouble.
अकृत [ akṛta ] [ á-kṛta ] m. f. n. undone , not committed
not made , uncreated
unprepared , in comp.ete
one who has done no works
[ akṛta ] n. an act never before committed Lit. AitBr.
[ akṛtā ] f. a daughter who has not been made [ putrikā ] , or a sharer in the privileges of a son Lit. Pāṇ.
अकृतकारम् [ akṛtakāram ] [ á-kṛta-kāram ] ind. in a way not done before Lit. Pāṇ.
अकृतकार्य [ akṛtakārya ] [ a-kṛta-kārya ] ( Lit. Divyâv.), m. f. n. one who has not done his duty
अकृतकृत्य [ akṛtakṛtya ] [ a-kṛta-kṛtya ] ( Lit. Siṃhâs.), m. f. n. one who has not done his duty
अकृतचूड [ akṛtacūḍa ] [ a-kṛta-cūḍa ] m. f. n. untonsured, Lit. Mn. v, 67
अकृतज्ञ [ akṛtajña ] [ á-kṛta-jña ] m. f. n. not acknowledging benefits , ungrateful.
अकृतज्ञता [ akṛtajñatā ] [ á-kṛta-jña-tā ] f. ingratitude.
अकृतबुद्धि [ akṛtabuddhi ] [ á-kṛta-buddhi ] m. f. n. having an unformed mind
अकृतबुद्धित्व [ akṛtabuddhitva ] [ á-kṛta-buddhi-tva ] n. ignorance.
अकृतव्रण [ akṛtavraṇa ] [ á-kṛta-vraṇa ] m. N. of a commentator on the Purāṇas Lit. VP.
of a companion of Rāma Jāmadagnya Lit. MBh.
of a teacher.
अकृतश्मशान [ akṛtaśmaśāna ] [ a-kṛta-śmaśāna ] ( [ ákṛta ] -), m. f. n. one who has not established a burning-ground, Lit. ŚBr.
अकृतात्मन् [ akṛtātman ] [ akṛtātman ] m. f. n. having an unformed mind
not yet identified with the supreme Spirit.
अकृतिन् [ akṛtin ] [ a-kṛtin ] m. f. n. unfit for work , not clever.
अकृतित्व [ akṛtitva ] [ akṛti-tva ] n. unfitness for work.
अकृत्यकारिन् [ akṛtyakārin ] [ a-kṛtya-kārin ] m. f. n. evil-doer Lit. MBh.
अकृत्त [ akṛtta ] [ a-kṛtta ] m. f. n. uncut , unimpaired.
अकृत्तरुच् [ akṛttaruc ] [ a-kṛtta-ruc ] m. f. n. possessing unimpaired splendour Lit. RV. x , 84 , 4.
अकृप [ akṛpa ] [ a-kṛpa ] m. f. n. merciless , unkind.
अकृपण [ akṛpaṇa ] [ a-kṛpaṇa ] m. f. n. not miserly.
अकृमिपरिसृप्त [ akṛmiparisṛpta ] [ a-kṛmi-parisṛpta ] m. f. n. not crawled over by worms, Lit. Gobh.
अकृश [ akṛśa ] [ á-kṛśa ] m. f. n. not emaciated Lit. TS.
अकृशकीर्ति [ akṛśakīrti ] [ a-kṛśa-kīrti ] m. f. n. of undiminished glory, Lit. Bcar.
अकृशलक्ष्मी [ akṛśalakṣmī ] [ á-kṛśa-lakṣmī ] m. f. n. enjoying full prosperity.
अकृशाश्व [ akṛśāśva ] [ a-kṛśāśva ] m. f. n. N. of a king of Ayodhyā Lit. Hariv.
अकृषीवल [ akṛṣīvala ] [ á-kṛṣīvala ] m. f. n. not agricultural Lit. RV. x , 146 , 6.
अकृष्ट [ akṛṣṭa ] [ á-kṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. unploughed , untilled
not prolonged or drawled (in pronunciation), Lit. SaṃhUp.
not drawn
[ akṛṣṭa ] n. unploughed land Lit. ŚBr.
m. pl. N. of a kind of Ṛishis Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
अकृष्टपच्य [ akṛṣṭapacya ] [ á-kṛṣṭa-pacyá ] m. f. n. ripening in unploughed land , growing wild Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
(said of the earth) giving fruits without having been ploughed Lit. VP.
अकृष्णकर्मन् [ akṛṣṇakarman ] [ a-kṛṣṇa-karman ] m. f. n. free from black deeds , guiltless Lit. L.
अकेतन [ aketana ] [ a-ketana ] m. f. n. houseless.
अकेतु [ aketu ] [ a-ketú ] m. f. n. shapeless , unrecognisable Lit. RV. i , 6 , 3
( " unconscious " Lit. Sāy.)
अकोट [ akoṭa ] [ a-koṭa ] m. " without a bend " , the Areca or Betel-nut palm Lit. L.
अकोप [ akopa ] [ a-kopa ] m. N. of a minister of king Daśaratha Lit. R.
अकोपन [ akopana ] [ a-kopana ] m. f. n. not irascible.
अकोप्य [ akopya ] [ a-kopya ] m. f. n. (fr. Pāli [ akuppa ] ) not to be disregarded, Lit. Divyâv.
अकोविद [ akovida ] [ a-kovida ] m. f. n. unwise , ignorant.
अकौशल [ akauśala ] [ a-kauśala ] n. unskilfulness Lit. Pāṇ.
cf. [ ākauśala ] .
अक्का [ akkā ] [ akkā ] f. ( Voc. [ akka ] Lit. Pāṇ.) a mother (used contemptuously)
N. of a woman ; ( supposed to be a term of foreign origin cf. Lat. (Acca) . )
a procuress, Lit. Pañcat.
अक्कादेवी [ akkādevī ] [ akkā-devī ] f. N. of a queen, Lit. Inscr.
अक्त [ akta ] [ akta ]1 m. f. n. (√ [ aj ] ) , driven.
अक्त [ akta ] [ aktá ]2 m. f. n. (√ [ añj ] ) , smeared over , diffused , bedaubed , tinged , characterized. Often ifc. ( cf. [ raktākta ] )
अक्ता [ aktā ] [ aktā́ ] f. night Lit. RV. i , 62 , 8.
अक्तु [ aktu ] [ aktú ] m. tinge , ray , light Lit. RV.
dark tinge , darkness , night Lit. RV.
[ aktos ] ind. at night Lit. RV.
[ aktubhis ] ind. at night Lit. RV.
अक्नोपन [ aknopana ] [ a-knopana ] m. f. n. not moistening drying Lit. Nir.
अक्र [ akra ] [ á-kra ]1 m. f. n. (√ [ kṛ ] ) , inactive Lit. RV. i , 120 , 2.
अक्र [ akra ] [ akrá ]2 m. a banner Lit. RV.
a wall , fence ( [ prākāra ] ) , according to Durga on Lit. Nir. vi , 17.
2 (accord. to some also) a horse, Lit. RV.
अक्रतु [ akratu ] [ a-kratú ] m. f. n. destitute of energy or power ( " of sacrifices " Lit. Sāy. ) Lit. RV. x , 8 3 , 5 Lit. AV.
foolish Lit. RV. vii , 6 , 3
free from desire Lit. Up.
अक्रन्दित [ akrandita ] [ a-krandita ] m. f. n. not pressed (as [ tila ] ), Lit. Divyâv.
अक्रम [ akrama ] [ a-krama ] m. f. n. not happening successively , happening at once Lit. Yogas.
[ akrama ] m. want of order , confusion.
[ akramam ] ind. not by degrees, simultaneously, Lit. Naish.
अक्रमशस् [ akramaśas ] [ a-kra-ma-śas ] ind. id., Lit. Kap.
अक्रमोढा [ akramoḍhā ] [ a-kra-moḍhā ] f. a woman married out of the regular order (as the younger sister before the elder ), Lit. KātyŚr.
अक्रविहस्त [ akravihasta ] [ á-kravi-hasta ] m. f. n. not having bloody hands ( " not having niggardly hands , not close-fisted " Lit. Sāy. ) Lit. RV. v , 62 , 6.
अक्रव्याद् [ akravyād ] [ a-kravyād ] m. f. n. not consuming flesh (N. of an Agni) Lit. AV.
not carnivorous Lit. Yājñ.
अक्रव्याद [ akravyāda ] [ a-kravyāda ] m. f. n. not carnivorous Lit. Mn.
अक्रान्त [ akrānta ] [ a-krānta ] m. f. n. unpassed , unsurpassed , unconquered , not doubled Lit. RV. Lit. Prāt.
अक्रिय [ akriya ] [ a-kriya ] m. f. n. without works
abstaining from religious rites
neglect of duty.
अक्रीडत् [ akrīḍat ] [ á-krīḍat ] m. f. n. not playing Lit. RV. x , 79 , 6.
अक्रीत [ akrīta ] [ á-krīta ] m. f. n. not bought, Lit. ŚBr.
अक्रुध्यत् [ akrudhyat ] [ á-krudhyat ] m. f. n. not being angry, Lit. ŚBr.
अक्रोध [ akrodha ] [ a-krodha ] m. suppression of anger
[ akrodha ] m. f. n. free from anger.
( Lit. ŚBr.) mfn. not impotent, manly, Lit. Bcar.
अक्रोधमय [ akrodhamaya ] [ a-krodha-máya ] m. f. n. free from anger Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अक्रोधन [ akrodhana ] [ a-krodhana ] m. f. n. free from anger Lit. Mn.
[ akrodhana ] m. N. of a prince , son of Ayutāyu Lit. VP.
अक्लम [ aklama ] [ a-klama ] m. freedom from fatigue.
अक्लिका [ aklikā ] [ aklikā ] f. the Indigo plant Lit. L.
अक्लिन्नवर्त्मन् [ aklinnavartman ] [ a-klinna-vartman ] n. N. of a disease of the eyes Lit. Suśr.
अक्लिष्टकर्मन् [ akliṣṭakarman ] [ a-kliṣṭa-karman ] m. f. n. unwearied in action.
अक्लिष्टकारिन् [ akliṣṭakārin ] [ a-kliṣṭa-kārin ] m. f. n. unwearied in action.
अक्लिष्टव्रत [ akliṣṭavrata ] [ a-kliṣṭa-vrata ] m. f. n. unwearied in keeping religious vows.
अक्लीब [ aklība ] [ a-klība ] m. f. n. not impotent, manly, Lit. Bcar.
अक्ष् [ akṣ ] [ akṣ ] Root ( perhaps a kind of old Desid. of √ 1. [ aś ] ) cl. [1] [5] [ akṣati ] , [ akṣṇoti ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 75 ; fut. [ akṣiṣyati ] or [ akṣyati ] Lit. L. ; aor. [ ākṣīt ] , 3. du. [ ākṣiṣṭām ] or [ āṣṭām ] Lit. L. ; perf. [ ānakṣa ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 60 Comm. ) , but Ā. p. ( with the Vedic weak stem [ ākṣ ] cf. perf. [ āś-uḥ ] 3. pl. fr. √ 1. [ aś ] ) [ ākṣāṇá ] ) , ; to reach Lit. RV. x , 22 , 11 ; to pass through , penetrate , pervade , embrace Lit. L. ; to accumulate (to form the cube?) Lit. L. : Caus. [ akṣayati ] , [ ācikṣat ] , to cause to pervade Lit. L. : Desid. [ acikṣiṣati ] or [ acikṣati ] Lit. L.
[ akṣṇute ] , [ akṣṇuyāt ] , (also) to mark (esp. cattle on the ear)
अक्ष [ akṣa ] [ ákṣa ]1 m. an axle , axis (in this sense also n. Lit. L.)
a wheel , car , cart
the beam of a balance or string which holds the pivot of the beam
a snake Lit. L.
terrestrial latitude ( cf. [ -karṇa ] , [ -bhā ] , [ -bhāga ] )
the collar-bone Lit. ŚBr.
the temporal bone Lit. Yājñ.
N. of a measure (= 104 aṅgula) ; ( ( cf. Lat. (axis) ; Gk. 1 ; Old Germ. (ahsa) ; Mod. Germ. (Achse) ; Lith. (assis) . ) )
1 (also) a chariot, Lit. Dharmaś.
अक्षकर्ण [ akṣakarṇa ] [ ákṣa-karṇa ] m. the hypotenuse , especially of the triangle formed with the gnomon of a dial and its shadow
(in astron.) argument of the latitude.
अक्षज [ akṣaja ] [ ákṣa-ja ] m. a diamond
a thunderbolt
N. of Vishṇu.
अक्षदृक्कर्मन् [ akṣadṛkkarman ] [ ákṣa-dṛk-karman ] n. operation or calculation for latitude.
अक्षद्वार [ akṣadvāra ] [ ákṣa-dvāra ] n. the cavity in the axle of a car Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. v , 30. 1.
अक्षधुरा [ akṣadhurā ] [ akṣa-dhurā ] f. an axle-pin, Lit. Āpast.
अक्षधूर्तिल [ akṣadhūrtila ] [ ákṣa-dhūrtila ] m. a draft-ox Lit. L.
अक्षपीड [ akṣapīḍa ] [ ákṣa-pīḍa ] m. Chrysopogon Acicularis Lit. Suśr.
[ akṣapīḍā ] f. N. of a plant.
अक्षभा [ akṣabhā ] [ ákṣa-bhā ] f. shadow of latitude.
अक्षभाग [ akṣabhāga ] [ ákṣa-bhāga ] m. degree of latitude.
अक्षभार [ akṣabhāra ] [ ákṣa-bhāra ] m. a cart-load.
अक्षशब्द [ akṣaśabda ] [ akṣa-śabda ] m. the creaking of an axle, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अक्षसङ्गम् [ akṣasaṅgam ] [ ákṣa-saṅgám ] ind. so that the axle is caught or hooked by contact with some obstruction Lit. MaitrS.
अक्षांस [ akṣāṃsa ] [ akṣāṃsa ] m. a degree of latitude.
अक्षाग्र [ akṣāgra ] [ akṣāgra ] n. end of an axle , or of the pole of a car
an axle.
अक्षाग्रकील [ akṣāgrakīla ] [ akṣāgra-kīla ] m. a linch-pin
the pin fastening the yoke to the pole.
अक्षाग्रकीलक [ akṣāgrakīlaka ] [ akṣāgra-kīlaka ] m. a linch-pin
the pin fastening the yoke to the pole.
अक्षानह् [ akṣānah ] [ akṣā-náh ] m. f. n. ( the vowel lengthened as in [ upā-náh ] , ) tied to the axle of a car Lit. RV. x , 53 , 7
( horse Lit. Sāy. ; trace attached to the horse's collar Lit. Gmn.)
अक्षान्त [ akṣānta ] [ a-kṣānta ] m. f. n. impatient, Lit. Bcar.
अक्ष [ akṣa ] [ akṣá ]2 m. (√ 1. [ aś ] Lit. Uṇ.) a die for gambling
a cube
a seed of which rosaries are made ( cf. [ indrākṣa ] , [ rudrākṣa ] )
the Eleocarpus Ganitrus , producing that seed
a weight called [ karṣa ] , equal to 16 māshas
Beleric Myrobalan (Terminalia Belerica) , the seed of which is used as a die
a N. of the number 5
blue vitriol (from its cube-like crystals) Lit. L.
अक्षकाम [ akṣakāma ] [ akṣá-kāma ] ( [ akṣá- ] ) m. f. n. fond of dice Lit. AV.
अक्षकितव [ akṣakitava ] [ akṣá-kitava ] m. a gambler Lit. MBh.
अक्षक्षपण [ akṣakṣapaṇa ] [ akṣá-kṣapaṇa ] m. N. of a gambler Lit. Kathās.
अक्षग्लह [ akṣaglaha ] [ akṣá-glaha ] m. gambling , playing at dice Lit. MBh.
अक्षज [ akṣaja ] [ akṣá-ja ] m. a thunderbolt
N. Vishṇu Lit. L.
अक्षतत्त्व [ akṣatattva ] [ akṣá-tattva ] n. science of dice
अक्षतत्त्वविद् [ akṣatattvavid ] [ akṣá-tattva--vid ] m. f. n. skilled in it.
अक्षदाय [ akṣadāya ] [ akṣá-dāya ] m. handing over the dice in gambling Lit. Naish. ( ( moving a piece on a board Lit. BR. ) )
अक्षदेवन [ akṣadevana ] [ akṣá-devana ] n. gambling , dice-playing.
अक्षदेविन् [ akṣadevin ] [ akṣá-devin ] m. a gambler , a dice-player.
अक्षद्यू [ akṣadyū ] [ akṣá-dyū ] m. a gambler , a dice-player.
अक्षद्यूत [ akṣadyūta ] [ akṣá-dyūta ] n. gambling
cf. [ ākṣadyūtika ] .
अक्षद्यूतादि [ akṣadyūtādi ] [ akṣá-dyūtādi ] a g. of Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 19.
अक्षद्रुग्ध [ akṣadrugdha ] [ akṣá-drugdha ] ( [ akṣá- ] ) m. f. n. hated by (unlucky at) dice , or injuring with dice (a sharper) Lit. AV.
अक्षधर [ akṣadhara ] [ akṣá-dhara ] m. f. n. holding dice
[ akṣadhara ] m. Trophis Aspera (see [ śākhoṭa ] ) .
अक्षधर्म [ akṣadharma ] [ akṣa-dharma ] m. the laws or rules of gambling, Lit. Pracaṇḍ.
अक्षधूर्त [ akṣadhūrta ] [ akṣá-dhūrta ] m. " dice-rogue " , gambler Lit. L.
अक्षनैपुण [ akṣanaipuṇa ] [ akṣá-naipuṇa ] n. skill in gambling.
अक्षनैपुण्य [ akṣanaipuṇya ] [ akṣá-naipuṇya ] n. skill in gambling.
अक्षपराजय [ akṣaparājaya ] [ akṣá-parājayá ] m. defeat in gambling Lit. AV.
अक्षपातन [ akṣapātana ] [ akṣá-pātana ] n. act of casting dice.
अक्षभूमि [ akṣabhūmi ] [ akṣá-bhūmi ] f. gambling-place.
अक्षमात्र [ akṣamātra ] [ akṣá-mātra ] n. anything as big as dice
the twinkling of an eye , a moment ( cf. 4. [ akṣa ] ) Lit. L.
अक्षमाला [ akṣamālā ] [ akṣá-mālā ] f. a string or rosary of beads , especially of Eleocarpus seeds
N. of Arundhatī , wife of Vasishṭha (from her wearing a rosary) Lit. Mn. ix , 23
N. of the mother of Vatsa.
अक्षमालिन् [ akṣamālin ] [ akṣá-mālin ] m. f. n. wearing a rosary of seeds
N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
अक्षमालिका [ akṣamālikā ] [ akṣa-mālikā ] f. a rosary, Lit. Kathās.
अक्षराज [ akṣarāja ] [ akṣá-rājá ] m. " king of dice " , the die called Kali Lit. VS.
अक्षवत् [ akṣavat ] [ akṣá-vat ] m. f. n. having dice
[ akṣavatī ] f. a game of dice Lit. L.
अक्षवाप [ akṣavāpa ] [ akṣá-vāpa ] = [ akṣāvāpá ] below Lit. Kāṭh.
अक्षवाम [ akṣavāma ] [ akṣá-vāma ] m. an unfair gambler.
अक्षविद् [ akṣavid ] [ akṣá-vid ] m. f. n. skilful in gambling.
अक्षवृत्त [ akṣavṛtta ] [ akṣá-vṛtta ] m. f. n. anything that happens in gambling.
अक्षशिक्षा [ akṣaśikṣā ] [ akṣa-śikṣā ] f. the art of gambling, Lit. Pracaṇḍ.
अक्षशील [ akṣaśīla ] [ akṣa-śīla ] m. f. n. addicted to gambling, Lit. Āpast.
अक्षसूक्त [ akṣasūkta ] [ akṣá-sūkta ] n. dice-hymn , N. of Lit. RV. x , 34.
अक्षसूत्र [ akṣasūtra ] [ akṣá-sūtra ] n. a string or rosary of Eleocarpus seeds.
अक्षसूत्रवलयिन् [ akṣasūtravalayin ] [ akṣa-sūtra-valayin ] m. f. n. having a rosary for a bracelet, Lit. Caṇḍ.
अक्षस्तुष [ akṣastuṣa ] [ akṣá-stuṣa ] m. Beleric Myrobalan.
अक्षहृदय [ akṣahṛdaya ] [ akṣá-hṛdaya ] n. innermost nature of dice , perfect skill in gambling.
अक्षहृदयज्ञ [ akṣahṛdayajña ] [ akṣá-hṛdaya-jña ] m. f. n. perfectly skilled in gambling.
अक्षातिवाप [ akṣātivāpa ] [ akṣātivāpa ] m. = [ akṣāvāpá ] below Lit. MBh.
अक्षावपन [ akṣāvapana ] [ akṣāvápana ] n. a dice-board Lit. ŚBr.
अक्षावली [ akṣāvalī ] [ akṣāvalī ] f. a rosary.
अक्षावाप [ akṣāvāpa ] [ akṣāvāpá ] m. ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) ( cf. [ akṣa-vāpa ] and [ akṣātivāpa ] ) , the keeper or superintendent of a gambling-table ( Comm. = [ dyūta-pati ] , [ dyūtādhyakṣa ] , [ akṣa-goptṛ ] ) .
अक्ष [ akṣa ] [ akṣa ]3 n. an organ of sense
sensual perception Lit. L.
m. the soul Lit. L.
knowledge , religious knowledge Lit. L.
a lawsuit Lit. L.
a person born blind Lit. L.
N. of Garuḍa Lit. L.
of a son of Rāvaṇa
of a son of Nara ,
अक्षदर्शक [ akṣadarśaka ] [ akṣa-darśaka ] m. a judge i.e. one who sees lawsuits.
अक्षदृश् [ akṣadṛś ] [ akṣa-dṛś ] m. a judge i.e. one who sees lawsuits.
अक्षपटल [ akṣapaṭala ] [ akṣa-paṭala ] n. court of law
depository of legal document Lit. Rājat.
अक्षपाट [ akṣapāṭa ] [ akṣa-pāṭa ] m. an arena , a wrestling ground , place of contest Lit. L.
अक्षपाटक [ akṣapāṭaka ] [ akṣa-pāṭaka ] m. a judge i.e. arranger of a lawsuit Lit. L.
अक्षपाटिक [ akṣapāṭika ] [ akṣa-pāṭika ] m. a judge i.e. arranger of a lawsuit Lit. L.
अक्षवाट [ akṣavāṭa ] [ akṣa-vāṭa ] Lit. L. = [ -pāṭa ] .
अक्षविद् [ akṣavid ] [ akṣa-vid ] m. f. n. versed in law Lit. L.
अक्ष [ akṣa ] [ akṣa ]4 and see col.3.
अक्षचरण [ akṣacaraṇa ] [ akṣa-caraṇa ]and see col.3.
अक्षत [ akṣata ] [ á-kṣata ] m. f. n. not crushed
uninjured , unbroken , whole
(also) unthrashed, Lit. Gobh.
mn. a eunuch Lit. L.
[ akṣatā ] f. a virgin Lit. Yājñ.
N. of a plant , Karkaṭaśriṅgī or Kaṅkaḍaśriṅgī
[ akṣata ] n. and m. pl. unhusked barley-corns
n. N. of the descendants of Surabhi Lit. Hariv.
m. n. (also) a boil or sore not produced by cutting, Lit. Kauś.
अक्षतामय [ akṣatāmaya ] [ a-kṣa-tāmaya ] m. disease without any external injury, Lit. ŚBr.
अक्षतयोनि [ akṣatayoni ] [ á-kṣata-yoni ] f. a virgin , an unblemished maiden.
अक्षितव्य [ akṣitavya ] [ akṣitavy^a ] m. f. n. "to be marked"
cf. [ aṣṭa ] - [ karṇa ] and Gk. $, Lit. MaitrS.
अक्षत्र [ akṣatra ] [ a-kṣatra ] m. f. n. destitute of the Kshatriya caste , apart from the Kshatriya caste.
अक्षन् [ akṣan ] [ akṣan ] see [ akṣi ] .
अक्षम [ akṣama ] [ a-kṣama ] m. f. n. unable to endure , impatient
incompetent ( with Loc. , Inf. or ifc.) , envious
unfit, improper, Lit. Jātakam.
[ akṣamā ] f. impatience , envy
incompetence , inability (with Inf.)
(in dram.) sensitiveness, irritability, Lit. Sāh.
अक्षमता [ akṣamatā ] [ a-kṣama--tā ] f. impatience , envy
incompetence , inability (with Inf.)
अक्षमिन् [ akṣamin ] [ a-kṣa-min ] m. f. n. intolerant, cruel, Lit. Bhartṛ.
अक्षय [ akṣaya ] [ a-kṣaya ] m. f. n. exempt from decay , undecaying
[ akṣaya ] m. N. of the twentieth year in the cycle of Jupiter
N. of a mountain Lit. Hariv.
[ akṣayā ] f. the seventh day of a lunar month , if it fall on Sunday or Monday
the fourth , if it fall on Wednesday.
अक्षयगुण [ akṣayaguṇa ] [ a-kṣaya-guṇa ] m. f. n. possessing imperishable qualities
[ akṣayaguṇa ] m. Śiva.
अक्षयता [ akṣayatā ] [ a-kṣaya-tā ] f. imperishableness.
अक्षयत्व [ akṣayatva ] [ a-kṣaya-tva ] n. imperishableness.
अक्षयतृतीया [ akṣayatṛtīyā ] [ a-kṣaya-tṛtīyā ] f. N. of a festival (the third day of the bright half of Vaiśākha , which is the first day of the Satya-yuga , and secures permanency to actions then performed) .
अक्षयनीवी [ akṣayanīvī ] [ a-kṣaya-nīvī ] f. a permanent endowment , Buddhist Lit. Inscr.
अक्षयपुरुहूत [ akṣayapuruhūta ] [ a-kṣaya-puruhūta ] m. Śiva.
अक्षयमति [ akṣayamati ] [ a-kṣaya-mati ] m. N. of a Buddhist.
अक्षयलोक [ akṣayaloka ] [ a-kṣaya-loka ] m. the undecaying world , heaven.
अक्षयवट [ akṣayavaṭa ] [ a-kṣaya-vaṭa ] m. "undecaying Banyan" , N. of a very ancient sacred tree, Lit. RTL. 337.
अक्षयिन् [ akṣayin ] [ a-kṣayin ] m. f. n. undecaying
[ akṣayiṇī ] f. N. of a river Lit. Rājat. ( 1308,2 )
अक्षय्य [ akṣayya ] [ a-kṣayyá ] m. f. n. undecaying
[ akṣayya ] n. " may thy prosperity be undecaying! " (a form of blessing addressed to a Vaiśya) Lit. MBh.
[ akṣayyam ] ind. " may thy prosperity be undecaying! " (a form of blessing addressed to a Vaiśya) Lit. MBh.
अक्षय्यनवमी [ akṣayyanavamī ] [ a-kṣayyá-navamī ] f. the ninth day of the bright half of Āśvina.
अक्षय्योदक [ akṣayyodaka ] [ akṣayyodaka ] n. inexhaustible water Lit. Yājñ.
अक्षर [ akṣara ] [ a-kṣára ] m. f. n. imperishable
Śiva Lit. L.
Vishṇu Lit. L.
[ akṣarā ] f. see [ ákṣarā ] below
the syllable [ om ] Lit. Mn.
n. a letter ( ( m. Lit. RāmatUp. ) )
n. a vowel
a sound
a word
an indelible mark incised on metal or stone
N. of Brahma
final beatitude religious austerity , sacrifice Lit. L.
water Lit. RV. i , 34 , 4 and i , 164 , 42
Achyranthes Aspera.
(also) m. N. of a Sāman, Lit. ĀrshBr.
(erase "Achyranthes Aspera" )
अक्षरकर [ akṣarakara ] [ a-kṣára-kara ] m. a kind of religious meditation Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
अक्षरचञ्चु [ akṣaracañcu ] [ a-kṣára-cañcu ] m. " clever in writing " , a scribe Lit. L.
अक्षरचुञ्चु [ akṣaracuñcu ] [ a-kṣára-cuñcu ] m. " clever in writing " , a scribe Lit. L.
अक्षरचण [ akṣaracaṇa ] [ a-kṣára-caṇa ] m. " clever in writing " , a scribe Lit. L.
अक्षरचन [ akṣaracana ] [ a-kṣára-cana ] m. " clever in writing " , a scribe Lit. L.
अक्षरच्युतक [ akṣaracyutaka ] [ a-kṣára-cyutaka ] n. " supplying dropped ( [ cyuta ] ) syllables " , a kind of game Lit. Kād.
अक्षरछन्दस् [ akṣarachandas ] [ a-kṣára-chandas ] n. metre regulated by the number and quality of syllables.
अक्षरजननी [ akṣarajananī ] [ a-kṣára-jananī ] f. " letter producer " , a reed or pen.
अक्षरजीवक [ akṣarajīvaka ] [ a-kṣára-jīvaka ] m. " one who lives by writing " , a scribe.
अक्षरजीविक [ akṣarajīvika ] [ a-kṣára-jīvika ] m. " one who lives by writing " , a scribe.
अक्षरजीविन् [ akṣarajīvin ] [ a-kṣára-jīvin ] m. " one who lives by writing " , a scribe.
अक्षरतूलिका [ akṣaratūlikā ] [ a-kṣára-tūlikā ] f. a reed or pen.
अक्षरन्यास [ akṣaranyāsa ] [ a-kṣára-nyāsa ] m. array of syllables or letters
the alphabet.
अक्षरपङ्क्ति [ akṣarapaṅkti ] [ a-kṣára-paṅkti ] m. f. n. containing five syllables
[ akṣarapaṅkti ] f. N. of a metre of four lines , each containing one dactyl and one spondee Lit. VS.
also called [ paṅkti ] or [ haṃsa ] .
अक्षरभाज् [ akṣarabhāj ] [ a-kṣára-bhāj ] m. f. n. entitled to a share in the syllables (of a prayer) Lit. AitBr.
अक्षरमुख [ akṣaramukha ] [ a-kṣára-mukha ] m. having the mouth full of syllables , a student , scholar Lit. L.
अक्षरमुष्टिका [ akṣaramuṣṭikā ] [ a-kṣára-muṣṭikā ] f. the art of communicating syllables or ideas by the fingers (one of the 64 Kalās) Lit. Vātsyāy.
अक्षरवत् [ akṣaravat ] [ a-kṣara-vat ] m. f. n. possessing syllables, Lit. JaimUp.
अक्षरविन्यास [ akṣaravinyāsa ] [ a-kṣára-vinyāsa ] = [ -nyāsa ] Lit. Vikr.
अक्षरशस् [ akṣaraśas ] [ a-kṣára-śás ] ind. syllable by syllable Lit. MaitrS. Lit. AitBr.
अक्षरशिक्षा [ akṣaraśikṣā ] [ a-kṣara-śikṣā ] f. alphabetic science, Lit. Daś.
अक्षरशून्य [ akṣaraśūnya ] [ a-kṣára-śūnya ] m. f. n. inarticulate.
अक्षरसंस्थान [ akṣarasaṃsthāna ] [ a-kṣára-saṃsthāna ] n. scripture , writing Lit. L.
अक्षरसमाम्नाय [ akṣarasamāmnāya ] [ a-kṣára-samāmnāya ] m. alphabet Lit. Pat. Lit. BhP.
अक्षरसंहात [ akṣarasaṃhāta ] [ a-kṣara-saṃhāta ] (in dram.) accidental putting together or arranging of letters or syllables, Lit. Bhar.
अक्षरसंघात [ akṣarasaṃghāta ] [ a-kṣara-saṃghāta ] (in dram.) accidental putting together or arranging of letters or syllables, Lit. Bhar.
अक्षरसंहिता [ akṣarasaṃhitā ] [ a-kṣara-saṃhitā ] , f. the Saṃhitā of syllables, Lit. TPrāt.( Page1308,3 )
अक्षरसधातु [ akṣarasadhātu ] [ a-kṣara-sadhātu ] n. a partic. manner of singing, Lit. Lāṭy.
अक्षरसम्पद् [ akṣarasampad ] [ a-kṣara-sampád ] f. fitness or completeness of the number of syllables, Lit. ŚBr.
अक्षराक्षर [ akṣarākṣara ] [ akṣarākṣara ] m. a kind of religious meditation ( [ samādhi ] ) . Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
अक्षराङ्ग [ akṣarāṅga ] [ akṣarāṅga ] n. part of a syllable (said of the anusvāra) Lit. RV. Lit. Prāt.
अक्षरान्तर [ akṣarāntara ] [ a-kṣa-rāntara ] n. another letter, transliteration, Lit. L.
अक्षरेस्था [ akṣaresthā ] [ akṣare-sthā ] m. f. n. consisting of syllables Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
अक्षरक [ akṣaraka ] [ akṣaraka ] n. a vowel.
अक्षरा [ akṣarā ] [ ákṣarā ] f. ( cf. [ a-kṣára ] n. above ) , word , speech Lit. RV.
अक्षर्य [ akṣarya ] [ akṣarya ] m. f. n. corresponding to the number of syllables or letters Lit. RV. Lit. Prāt.
[ akṣaryaṃrevat ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
अक्षारलवण [ akṣāralavaṇa ] [ a-kṣāra-lavaṇa ] n. not factitious (i.e. natural) salt
[ akṣāralavaṇa ] m. f. n. not composed of artificial salt , ( ( Lit. Kull. on ) ) Lit. Mn. iii , 257 ; v , 73
or , according to Lit. Goldst. and Lit. NBD., better " (food) not containing acrid substances nor salt " ; therefore also [ akṣārālavaṇa ] in the same sense cf. [ kṣāra-lavaṇa ] .
अक्षारलवणाशिन् [ akṣāralavaṇāśin ] [ a-kṣāra-lavaṇāśin ] m. f. n. eating [ akṣāra-lavaṇa ] .
अक्षारमद्यमांसाद [ akṣāramadyamāṃsāda ] [ a-kṣāra-madya-māṃsāda ] m. f. n. not eating acrid substances nor (drinking) spirituous liquors nor eating meat Lit. VarYogay.
अक्षि [ akṣi ] [ ákṣi ] n. (√ 1. [ aś ] Lit. Uṇ.) ( ( instr. [ akṣṇā ] dat. [ akṣṇe ] , , fr. [ akṣan ] , substituted for [ akṣi ] in the weakest cases. Vedic forms are: abl. gen. [ akṣṇás ] ; loc. [ akṣán ] ( once [ akṣiṇi ] !) ; du. nom. acc. [ akṣī́ ] Lit. RV. , [ ákṣiṇī ] , [ ákṣyau ] , and [ akṣyau ] Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. and Lit. AitBr. ; instr. [ akṣī́bhyām ] ; gen. [ akṣyós ] Lit. VS. , [ akṣyós ] and [ akṣós ] (!) Lit. AV. ; pl. nom. acc. [ ákṣīṇi ] Lit. AV. , [ akṣāṇi ] Lit. RV. ; ifc. [ akṣa ] is substituted see 4. [ akṣa ] ) ) , the eye
the number two
[ akṣi ] n. du. the sun and moon Lit. RV. i , 72 , 10 ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. (oculos) ; A.S. (aegh) ; Goth. (augo) ; Germ. (Auge) ; Russ. (oko) ; Lith. (aki-s) . )
अक्षिकूट [ akṣikūṭa ] [ ákṣi-kūṭa ] n. the prominent part of the forehead above the eye Lit. Yājñ.
अक्षिकूटक [ akṣikūṭaka ] [ ákṣi-kūṭaka ] n. the prominent part of the forehead above the eye Lit. Yājñ.
अक्षिगोल [ akṣigola ] [ ákṣi-gola ] m. the eyeball.
अक्षिजाह [ akṣijāha ] [ ákṣi-jāha ] n. the root of the eye.
अक्षितारा [ akṣitārā ] [ ákṣi-tārā ] f. the pupil of the eye.
अक्षिनिकाणम् [ akṣinikāṇam ] [ ákṣi-nikāṇam ] ind. with half-closed eyes Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 54 Sch.
also [ nikāṇam-akṣi ] id.
अक्षिनिमेष [ akṣinimeṣa ] [ ákṣi-nimeṣa ] m. twinkling of an eye , a moment Lit. Suśr.
अक्षिपक्ष्मन् [ akṣipakṣman ] [ ákṣi-pakṣman ] n. the eye lash.
अक्षिपटल [ akṣipaṭala ] [ ákṣi-paṭala ] n. coat of the eye Lit. L.
अक्षिपत् [ akṣipat ] [ ákṣi-pát ] ind. as much as could fall into the eyes , a little Lit. RV. vi , 16 , 18 and x , 119 , 6.
अक्षिपाक [ akṣipāka ] [ ákṣi-pāka ] m. inflammation of the eyes Lit. Suśr.
अक्षिबन्ध [ akṣibandha ] [ akṣi-bandha ] m. binding the eyes, Lit. Naish.
अक्षिभू [ akṣibhū ] [ ákṣi-bhū ] m. f. n. visible , perceptible , manifest Lit. AV. xx , 136 , 4 Lit. VS.
अक्षिभेषज [ akṣibheṣaja ] [ ákṣi-bheṣaja ] n. medicament for the eyes , collyrium ,
[ akṣibheṣaja ] m. a tree , Red Lodh.
अक्षिभ्रुव [ akṣibhruva ] [ ákṣi-bhruva ] n. the eyes and eyebrows together.
अक्षिलक्षीकृ [ akṣilakṣīkṛ ] [ akṣi-lakṣī-√ kṛ ] (P. - [ karoti ] ), to make anything an object for the eyes, look at, Lit. Naish.
अक्षिविकूणित [ akṣivikūṇita ] [ ákṣi-vikūṇita ] n. a glance with the eye-lids partially closed.
अक्षिसंतर्जन [ akṣisaṃtarjana ] [ ákṣi-saṃtarjana ] n. ( probably) , N. of a mythic weapon Lit. MBh.
अक्षिसंस्कार [ akṣisaṃskāra ] [ akṣi-saṃskāra ] m. painting the eyes, Lit. L.
[ akṣisaṃskāra ] collyrium, Lit. L.
अक्ष्यामय [ akṣyāmaya ] [ akṣy-āmayá ] m. disease of the eye Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
अक्ष्यामयिन् [ akṣyāmayin ] [ akṣy-āmayin ] m. f. n. having a disease of the eye Lit. PBr.
अक्ष [ akṣa ] [ akṣa ]4 n. ( only ifc. (f ( [ ī ] ) . ) for [ akṣi ] ) , the eye.
अक्षचरण [ akṣacaraṇa ] [ akṣa-caraṇa ] m. (probably) " having his eyes fixed in abstraction on his feet " , N. of the philosopher Gautama
cf. [ ākṣapāda ] .
अक्षपद् [ akṣapad ] [ akṣa-pad ] m. (probably) " having his eyes fixed in abstraction on his feet " , N. of the philosopher Gautama
cf. [ ākṣapāda ] .
अक्षपाद [ akṣapāda ] [ akṣa-pāda ] m. (probably) " having his eyes fixed in abstraction on his feet " , N. of the philosopher Gautama
cf. [ ākṣapāda ] .
अक्षप्रपातन [ akṣaprapātana ] [ akṣa-prapātana ] n. casting glances, Lit. Hariv.
अक्षन् [ akṣan ] [ akṣan ] n. substituted for [ akṣi ] , " the eye " , in the weakest cases , Lit. Gram. 122 ( ( cf. Goth. (augan) ) )
an organ of sense Lit. BhP.
अक्षन्वत् [ akṣanvat ] [ akṣan-vát ] m. f. n. having eyes Lit. RV.
( for 1. see col.2.)
अक्षन्वत् [ akṣanvat ] [ akṣan-vat ] see [ akṣaṇ ] - [ vat ] .
अक्षिक [ akṣika ] [ akṣika ] m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis Lit. L.
see [ akṣaka ] .
अक्षीक [ akṣīka ] [ akṣīka ] m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis Lit. L.
see [ akṣaka ] .
अक्षिणी [ akṣiṇī ] [ akṣiṇī ] f. one of the eight conditions or privileges attached to landed property Lit. L.
अक्षिण्वत् [ akṣiṇvat ] [ a-kṣiṇvat ] m. f. n. not injuring, Lit. Mn. ii, 100.
अक्षित् [ akṣit ] [ a-kṣí t ] m. f. n. imperishable , not lost Lit. MaitrS.
अक्षित [ akṣita ] [ á-kṣita ] m. f. n. undecayed , uninjured , undecaying
the number 100000 millions Lit. PBr.
अक्षितावसु [ akṣitāvasu ] [ a-kṣitā-vasu ] m. " possessed of undecaying wealth " , N. of Indra Lit. RV. viii , 49 ,6.
अक्षितोति [ akṣitoti ] [ ákṣitoti ] m. " granting permanent help " , N. of Indra Lit. RV.
अक्षिब [ akṣiba ] [ akṣiba ] m. Lit. L.
see [ akṣība ] .
अक्षियत् [ akṣiyat ] [ á-kṣiyat ] m. f. n. not inhabiting , destitute of a dwelling , unsettled ( " not decreasing in riches " Lit. Sāy.) Lit. RV. iv , 17 , 13.
अक्षीक [ akṣīka ] [ akṣīka ] m. Lit. L.
see [ akṣika ] .
अक्षीण [ akṣīṇa ] [ á-kṣīṇa ] m. f. n. not perishing or failing Lit. ŚBr.
not waning (the moon) Lit. ŚBr.
not diminishing in weight Lit. Yājñ.
N. of a son of Viśvāmitra Lit. MBh.
अक्षीब [ akṣība ] [ akṣība ] m. f. n. and [ akṣiba ] not intoxicated , sober Lit. L.
[ akṣība ] m. Guilandina or Hyperanthera Moringa Lit. L.
n. sea salt Lit. L.
अक्षिब [ akṣiba ] [ akṣiba ] m. f. n. and [ akṣība ] not intoxicated , sober Lit. L.
[ akṣiba ] m. Guilandina or Hyperanthera Moringa Lit. L.
n. sea salt Lit. L.
अक्षु [ akṣu ] [ ákṣu ] m. a kind of net Lit. RV. i , 180 , 5 Lit. AV. The Lit. NBD. suggests " axle of a car " , making [ ákṣu ] = [ ákṣa ] .
अक्षुण्ण [ akṣuṇṇa ] [ a-kṣuṇṇa ] m. f. n. unbroken , uncurtailed
not trite , new Lit. Mālatīm.
inexperienced , inexpert.
अक्षुण्णता [ akṣuṇṇatā ] [ a-kṣuṇṇa-tā ] f. uncurtailed condition
अक्षुण्णवेध [ akṣuṇṇavedha ] [ a-kṣuṇṇa-vedha ] the act of throwing a spear so as to touch the mark lightly, Lit. Divyâv.
अक्षुध् [ akṣudh ] [ á-kṣudh ] f. satiety Lit. VS.
अक्षुध्य [ akṣudhya ] [ a-kṣudhyá ] m. f. n. not liable to hunger Lit. AV.
अक्षोधुक [ akṣodhuka ] [ a-kṣodhuka ] m. f. n. not hungry Lit. MaitrS.
not hungry, Lit. MaitrS.
अक्षेत्र [ akṣetra ] [ á-kṣetra ] m. f. n. destitute of fields , uncultivated Lit. ŚBr.
[ akṣetra ] n. a bad field Lit. Mn. x , 71
a bad geometrical figure.
अक्षेत्रज्ञ [ akṣetrajña ] [ á-kṣetra-jña ] m. f. n. ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 30 ) ) not finding out the way Lit. ŚBr. ( 1308,3 )
destitute of spiritual knowledge.
अक्षेत्रविद् [ akṣetravid ] [ á-kṣetra-vid ] m. f. n. ( ( [ ákṣ ] Lit. RV. v , 40 , 5 and x , 32 , 7 ) ) , not finding out the way
destitute of spiritual knowledge.
अक्षेत्रिन् [ akṣetrin ] [ a-kṣetrin ] m. f. n. having no fields Lit. Mn. ix , 49 and 51.
अक्षैत्रज्ञ्य [ akṣaitrajñya ] [ a-kṣaitrajñya ] n. spiritual ignorance Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 30
see [ ākṣ ] .
अक्षोट [ akṣoṭa ] [ akṣoṭa ] m. a walnut (Pistacio nut?) Lit. Ragh.
the tree Pīlu
the tree Aleurites Triloba. Also spelt [ akṣoḍa ] ( Lit. Suśr.) , [ akṣoḍaka ] , [ ākṣoṭa ] , [ ākṣoḍaka ] , [ ākhoṭa ] .
अक्षोड [ akṣoḍa ] [ akṣoḍa ] m. = [ akṣoṭa ]
अक्षोडक [ akṣoḍaka ] [ akṣoḍaka ] m. = [ akṣoṭa ]
अक्षोभ [ akṣobha ] [ a-kṣobha ] m. f. n. unagitated , unmoved ( 1308,3 )
[ akṣobha ] m. the post to which an elephant is tied. ( 1308,3 )
n. freedom from agitation , imperturbability. ( 1308,3 )
अक्षोभ्य [ akṣobhya ] [ a-kṣobhya ] m. f. n. immovable , imperturbable
[ akṣobhya ] m. N. of a Buddha of an author , an immense number , said by Buddhists to be 100 vivaras.
अक्षोभ्यतीर्थ [ akṣobhyatīrtha ] [ a-kṣobhya-tīrtha ] m. N. of a disciple of Ānanda-tīrtha (q.v.), Lit. Cat.
अक्षौहिणी [ akṣauhiṇī ] [ akṣauhiṇī ] f. an army consisting of ten anīkinīs , or 21870 elephants , 21870 chariots , 65610 horse , and 109350 foot. (Since an Anīkinī consists of 27 vāhinīs , and 27 is the cube of 3 , [ akṣauhiṇī ] may be a compound of 2. [ akṣa ] and [ vāhinī ] ; or it may possibly be connected with 1. [ akṣa ] , axle , car.)
अक्ष्णयावन् [ akṣṇayāvan ] [ akṣṇa-yā́van ] m. f. n. going across Lit. RV. viii , 7 , 35.
अक्ष्णया [ akṣṇayā ] [ akṣṇayā́ ] ind. instr. transversely Lit. ŚBr. (Sch. circuitously , like a wheel!)
wrongly Lit. ŚBr. xiv
diagonally Lit. Śulbas.
अक्ष्णयाकृत [ akṣṇayākṛta ] [ akṣṇayā́-kṛta ] ( [ akṣṇayā́- ] ) m. f. n. done wrongly Lit. ŚBr.
अक्ष्णयादेश [ akṣṇayādeśa ] [ akṣṇayā́-deśá ] m. an intermediate region Lit. ŚBr.
अक्ष्णयाद्रुह् [ akṣṇayādruh ] [ akṣṇayā́-druh ] m. f. n. injuring wrongly or in a bad way Lit. RV. i , 122 , 9.
अक्ष्णयापच्छेदन [ akṣṇayāpacchedana ] [ akṣṇayāpacchedana ] n. transverse division, Lit. Śulbas.
अक्ष्णयारज्जु [ akṣṇayārajju ] [ akṣṇayā́-rajju ] f. diagonal line Lit. Śulbas.
अक्ष्णयास्तोमीया [ akṣṇayāstomīyā ] [ akṣṇayā́-stomī́yā ] f. N. of an Ishṭakā Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
अखट्ट [ akhaṭṭa ] [ akhaṭṭa ] m. Buchanania Latifolia.
अखट्टि [ akhaṭṭi ] [ akhaṭṭi ] m. childish whim Lit. L.
अखण्ड [ akhaṇḍa ] [ a-khaṇḍa ] m. f. n. not fragmentary , entire , whole
( [ a-khaṇḍā dvā-daśī ] ) , the twelfth day of the first half of the month Mārgaśīrsha.
अखण्डकल [ akhaṇḍakala ] [ a-khaṇḍa-kala ] m. f. n. full (as the moon), Lit. Mālatīm.
अखण्डमण्डल [ akhaṇḍamaṇḍala ] [ a-khaṇḍa-maṇḍala ] m. f. n. possessing the whole country, Lit. Rājat.
अखण्डोपधि [ akhaṇḍopadhi ] [ a-khaṇ-ḍopadhi ] m. a quality not to be defined by words, Lit. Sāṃkhyak.
अखण्डन [ akhaṇḍana ] [ a-khaṇḍana ] n. not breaking , leaving entire Lit. L.
non-refutation , admission Lit. L.
अखण्डितर्तु [ akhaṇḍitartu ] [ a-khaṇḍita-rtu ] ( [ ṛtu ] ) m. f. n. " not breaking the season " , bearing seasonable fruits.
अखनत् [ akhanat ] [ á-khanat ] m. f. n. not digging Lit. RV. x , 101 , 11.
अखर्व [ akharva ] [ á-kharva ] m. f. n. not shortened or mutilated Lit. RV. vii , 32 , 13
not small , important
also [ a-kharvan ] Lit. Hcat.
[ akharvā ] f. N. of a plant Lit. L.
[ akharvan ] (?), m. f. n. unmutilated, unimpaired, Lit. Hcat.
अखात [ akhāta ] [ á-khāta ] m. f. n. unburied Lit. AV.
[ akhāta ] m. n. a natural pond or lake , a pool before a temple Lit. L.
अखाद्य [ akhādya ] [ a-khādya ] m. f. n. uneatable.
अखिद्रयामन् [ akhidrayāman ] [ á-khidra-yāman ] ( [ ákhidra- ] ) m. f. n. unwearied in course Lit. RV. i , 38. 11.
अखिन्न [ akhinna ] [ a-khinna ] m. f. n. unwearied, Lit. Bcar.
अखिलात्मन् [ akhilātman ] [ akhilātman ] m. the universal Spirit , Brahma.
अखिलीकृ [ akhilīkṛ ] [ akhilī-√ kṛ ] [ -kṛtya ] ind.p. not having annihilated or rendered powerless Lit. Śiś. ii , 34.
अखेटिक [ akheṭika ] [ akheṭika ] or [ ākheṭika ] m. a dog trained to the chase.
आखेटिक [ ākheṭika ] [ ākheṭika ] or [ akheṭika ] m. a dog trained to the chase.
अखेदिन् [ akhedin ] [ a-khedin ] m. f. n. not wearisome , unwearied.
अखेदित्व [ akheditva ] [ akhedi-tva ] n. continuous flow (of speech) , one of the [ vāg-guṇas ] of Mahāvīra Lit. Jain.
अख्खल [ akhkhala ] [ akhkhala ] ind. an exclamation of joy Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. vii , 103 , 3.
अख्खलीकृत्या [ akhkhalīkṛtyā ] [ akhkhalī-kṛ́tyā ] Ved. ind.p. (√ 1. [ kṛ ] ) , uttering the exclamation [ akhkhala ] Lit. RV. vii , 103 , 3.
अख्यात [ akhyāta ] [ a-khyāta ] m. f. n. not famous , unknown.
अख्यातिकर [ akhyātikara ] [ a-khyāti-kara ] m. f. n. causing infamy , disgraceful.
अग् [ ag ] [ ag ] Root cl. [1] P. [ agati ] , to move tortuously , wind Lit. L. : Caus. [ agayati ] Lit. L.; cf. √ [ aṅg ] .
अग [ aga ] [ aga ]1 m. a snake ( in this sense perhaps rather a-ga ) Lit. L.
the sun Lit. L.
a water-jar Lit. L.
अग [ aga ] [ a-ga ]2 m. f. n. (√ [ gam ] ) . unable to walk Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 77 Sch.
a tree
the number seven.
अगज [ agaja ] [ a-ga-ja ] m. f. n. produced on a mountain , or from a tree
[ agajā ] f. N. of Pārvati , daughter of Himālaya
अगात्मजा [ agātmajā ] [ agātma-jā ] f. = [ aga-jā ] Lit. Kir.
अगावह [ agāvaha ] [ agāvaha ] m. N. of a son of Vasudeva , and of others Lit. Hariv.
अगौकस् [ agaukas ] [ agaukas ] m. " mountain-dweller " , a lion
" tree-dweller " , a bird
the Śarabha q.v.
अगच्छ [ agaccha ] [ a-gaccha ] m. f. n. not going Lit. L.
अगणितप्रतियात [ agaṇitapratiyāta ] [ a-gaṇita-pratiyāta ] m. f. n. returned without (or because of not) having been noticed Lit. Śiś.
अगणितलज्ज [ agaṇitalajja ] [ a-gaṇita-lajja ] m. f. n. disregarding shame.
अगत [ agata ] [ á-gata ] m. f. n. not gone
[ agata ] n. not yet frequented , the dominion of death Lit. AV.
अगति [ agati ] [ a-gati ] m. f. n. not going , halting , without resource , helpless
want of resort or resource , unsuccessfulness Lit. Vikr., not cohabiting with a woman.
अगतिक [ agatika ] [ a-gatika ] m. f. n. without resort or resources Lit. Kathās.
अगतिकगति [ agatikagati ] [ a-gatika-gati ] f. the resort of one who has no resort , a last resource Lit. Yājñ. i , 345.
अगतीक [ agatīka ] [ a-gatīka ] m. f. n. not to be walked on (as an evil path) Lit. MBh.
अगत्या [ agatyā ] [ a-gatyā ] ind. unavoidably, indispensably, Lit. Bcar. ; Lit. Jātakam.
अगद [ agada ] [ a-gadá ] m. f. n. free from disease healthy Lit. RV.
free from affliction Lit. Mn.
a magic jewel, Lit. Divyâv.
[ agada ] m. freedom from disease Lit. Mn.
a medicine , drug , (especially) antidote Lit. Mn.
अगदंकार [ agadaṃkāra ] [ agadaṃ-kāra ] m. a physician Lit. Naish.
अगद्य [ agadya ] [ a-gadya ] Nom. P. [ agadyati ] , to have good health , (g. [ kaṇḍv-ādi ] q.v.) ; to heal Lit. ib.
अगदित [ agadita ] [ a-gadita ] m. f. n. untold
untold, unasked, Lit. Śiś.
अगन्ध [ agandha ] [ a-gandha ] m. f. n. without smell.
अगन्धसेविन् [ agandhasevin ] [ a-gandha-sevin ] m. f. n. not addicted to perfumes, Lit. Āpast.
अगन्धि [ agandhi ] [ a-gandhi ] m. f. n. without smell, scentless, Lit. Vishṇ.
अगन्धिन् [ agandhin ] [ a-gandhin ] m. f. n. without smell, scentless, Lit. Vishṇ.
अगम [ agama ] [ a-gama ] m. f. n. not going , unable to go
impassable, Lit. MBh.
[ agama ] m. a mountain Lit. L.
a tree ( ( cf. [ a-ga ] ) ) .
अगम्य [ agamya ] [ a-gamya ] m. f. n. unfit to be walked in , or to be approached
not to be approached (sexually)
अगम्यगा [ agamyagā ] [ a-gamya-gā ] f. a woman who has illicit intercourse with a man Lit. VarBṛ.
अगम्यरूप [ agamyarūpa ] [ a-gamya-rūpa ] m. f. n. of unsurpassed form.
difficult to be traversed, Lit. Kir.
अगम्यागमन [ agamyāgamana ] [ a-gamyā-gamana ] n. illicit intercourse with a woman.
अगम्यागमनीय [ agamyāgamanīya ] [ a-gamyā-gamanīya ] m. f. n. relating to it Lit. Mn. xi , 169.
अगम्यागामिन् [ agamyāgāmin ] [ a-gamyā-gāmin ] m. f. n. practising it Lit. Gaut.
अगरी [ agarī ] [ a-garī ] f. a kind of grass (Deotar , Andropogon Serratus) Lit. L.
( ( cf. [ garī ] . ) )
अगरु [ agaru ] [ agaru ] m. n. Agallochum , Amyris Agallocha
cf. [ aguru ] .
अगर्तमित् [ agartamit ] [ á-garta-mit ] ( cf. [ garta-mí t ] ) m. f. n. not buried in a hole Lit. ŚBr.
अगर्तस्कन्द्य [ agartaskandya ] [ a-garta-skandya ] m. f. n. " not having holes to be lept over " , not offering hindrances Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
अगर्भ [ agarbha ] [ a-garbha ] m. f. n. not rooted in another tree, Lit. KātyŚr.
[ agarbhā ] f. not pregnant, Lit. ŚBr.
अगर्व [ agarva ] [ a-garva ] m. f. n. free from pride.
अगर्हित [ agarhita ] [ a-garhita ] m. f. n. undespised , unreproached , blameless.
अगव्यूति [ agavyūti ] [ a-gavyūtí ] m. f. n. without good pasturage for cattle , barren Lit. RV. vi , 47 , 20.
अगस्ति [ agasti ] [ agásti ] m. ( according to Lit. Uṇ. iv , 179 fr. 2. [ a-ga ] , a mountain , and [ asti ] , thrower , √ 2. [ as ] ) . N. of a Ṛishi (author of several Vedic hymns ; said to have been the son of both Mitra and Varuṇa by Urvaśī ; to have been born in a water-jar ; to have been of short stature ; to have swallowed the ocean , and compelled the Vindhya mountains to prostrate themselves before him ; to have conquered and civilized the South ; to have written on medicine , )
the star Canopus (of which Agastya is the regent , said to be the " cleanser of water " , because of turbid waters becoming clean at its rising Lit. Ragh. xiii , 36)
Agasti Grandiflora Lit. Suśr. ( ( also [ -dru ] f. Lit. L. ) )
the descendants of Agastya
[ agastī ] f. a female descendant of Agastya Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 149 Sch.
अगस्तिद्रु [ agastidru ] [ agásti--dru ] f. , see [ agasti ] , Lit. L.
अगस्तीय [ agastīya ] [ agastīya ] m. f. n. relating to Agasti Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 149 Comm.
अगस्त्य [ agastya ] [ agástya ] m. (3 , 4) = [ agásti ]
N. of Śiva Lit. L.
अगस्त्यगीता [ agastyagītā ] [ agástya-gītā ] f. pl. Agastya's hymns , forming part of the Ādi-vārāha-Purāṇa.
अगस्त्यगृहस्पतिक [ agastyagṛhaspatika ] [ agastya-gṛhaspatika ] m. f. n. having Agastya for a householder, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अगस्त्यचार [ agastyacāra ] [ agástya-cāra ] m. the path of Canopus.
अगस्त्यमार्ग [ agastyamārga ] [ agástya-mārga ] m. the path of Agastya (Canopus) , i.e. the South.
अगस्त्यशास्त [ agastyaśāsta ] [ agastya-śāsta ] m. f. n. ruled by Agastya (with [ diś ] , f. "the south" ), Lit. MBh.
अगस्त्यसंहिता [ agastyasaṃhitā ] [ agástya-saṃhitā ] f. N. of an old compendium of the Tantra literature.
अगस्त्योदय [ agastyodaya ] [ agastyodaya ] m. the rising of Canopus
the seventh day of the second half of Bhādra.
अगा [ agā ] [ a-gā ] mf. (Ved.) not going Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 67 Sch.
अगातृ [ agātṛ ] [ a-gātṛ ] m. a bad singer Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
अगाध [ agādha ] [ a-gādha ] m. f. n. not shallow , deep , unfathomable
[ agādha ] m. a hole , chasm Lit. L.
N. of one of the five fires at the Svadhākāra Lit. Hariv.
अगाधजल [ agādhajala ] [ a-gādha-jala ] m. f. n. having deep water
[ agādhajala ] n. deep water.
अगाधरुधिर [ agādharudhira ] [ a-gādha-rudhira ] n. a vast quantity of blood Lit. Daś.
अगाधित्व [ agādhitva ] [ a-gādhi-tva ] n. depth Comm. on Lit. Śiś. i , 55.
अगार [ agāra ] [ agāra ] ( rarely [ as ] , m.) n. house , apartment ( ( cf. [ āgāra ] ) ) .
a partic. high number, Lit. Buddh.
अगारदाहिन् [ agāradāhin ] [ agāra-dāhin ] m. " house-burner " , an incendiary Lit. Gaut.
अगारविनोद [ agāravinoda ] [ agāra-vinoda ] m. N. of a wk. on architecture
अगारस्तूप [ agārastūpa ] [ agāra-stūpa ] m. the chief beam of a house, Lit. ĀpGṛ.
अगारस्थूणाविरोहण [ agārasthūṇāvirohaṇa ] [ agāra-sthūṇā-virohaṇa ] n. the sprouting of the post of a house, Lit. Buddh.
अगारावकाश [ agārāvakāśa ] [ agā-rāvakāśa ] m. ground fit for (building) a h°ouse, Lit. ĀpGṛ.
अगारिन् [ agārin ] [ agārin ] m. f. n. possessing a house
[ agārin ] m. a house holder, layman ( cf [ an-agārin ] ) Lit. Jain.
अगालित [ agālita ] [ a-gālita ] m. f. n. unfiltered, Lit. Suśr.
अगिर [ agira ] [ agira ] m. (√ [ ag ] ) , the sun Lit. L. , fire Lit. L.
a Rākshasa Lit. L.
अगिरौकस् [ agiraukas ] [ á-giraukas ] m. f. n. ( [ girā ] instr. of [ gir ] , and [ okas ] ) , not to be kept back by hymns , N. of the Maruts Lit. RV. i , 135 , 9
अगीत [ agīta ] [ a-gīta ] m. f. n. unsung (in [ gītā ] [ gīta ] ), Lit. JaimUp.
अगु [ agu ] [ á-gu ] m. f. n. ( fr. go with [ a ] ) , destitute of cows , poor Lit. RV. viii , 2 , 14
[ agu ] m. " destitute of rays " , N. of Rāhu the ascending node.
अगो [ ago ] [ a-go ] f. not a cow Lit. PārGṛ.
अगोःप्रापणम् [ agoḥprāpaṇam ] [ a-goḥ-prāpaṇam ] ind. not within the reach of a cow, Lit. KātyŚr.
अगोता [ agotā ] [ a-go-tā ] ( [ a gó ] ) f. want of cows Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
want of cows, Lit. RV. ; Lit. AV.
अगुण [ aguṇa ] [ a-guṇa ] m. f. n. destitute of qualities or attributes ( said of the supreme Being cf. [ nirguṇa ] )
destitute of good qualities
अगुणता [ aguṇatā ] [ a-guṇa-tā ] f. absence of qualities or of good qualities.
अगुणत्व [ aguṇatva ] [ a-guṇa-tva ] n. absence of qualities or of good qualities.
अगुणवत् [ aguṇavat ] [ a-guṇa-vat ] m. f. n. destitute of qualities
without good qualities.
अगुणवादिन् [ aguṇavādin ] [ a-guṇa-vādin ] m. f. n. fault-finding , censorious ,
अगुणशील [ aguṇaśīla ] [ a-guṇa-śīla ] m. f. n. of a worthless character.
अगुणिन् [ aguṇin ] [ a-guṇin ] m. f. n. devoid of merit, Lit. ŚBr.
not requiring the Guṇa change, Lit. KātyŚr., Sch. ( Page1309,1 )
अगुप्त [ agupta ] [ a-gupta ] m. f. n. unhidden , unconcealed
not keeping a secret.
अगुरु [ aguru ] [ a-guru ] m. f. n. not heavy , light
(in prosody) short as a short vowel alone or before a single consonant
[ aguru ] m. n. the fragrant Aloe wood and tree , Aquilaria Agallocha.
अगूढ [ agūḍha ] [ a-gūḍha ] m. f. n. unconcealed , manifest.
अगूढगन्ध [ agūḍhagandha ] [ a-gūḍha-gandha ] n. Asa Foetida.
अगूढभाव [ agūḍhabhāva ] [ a-gūḍha-bhāva ] m. f. n. having a transparent disposition.
अगृभीत [ agṛbhīta ] [ á-gṛbhīta ] m. f. n. not seized or taken unsubdued Lit. RV. viii , 79 , 1 Lit. TBr.
अगृभीतशोचिस् [ agṛbhītaśocis ] [ á-gṛbhīta-śocis ] m. f. n. ( [ ágṛbhīta- ] ) " having unsubdued splendour " , N. of Agni and the Maruts Lit. RV. v , 54 , 5 and 12 ; viii , 23 , 1
( " having inconceivable splendour " Lit. BR.)
अगृह [ agṛha ] [ a-gṛha ] m. f. n. houseless.
अगृहता [ agṛhatā ] [ a-gṛha-tā ] f. houselessness Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
अगृहीत [ agṛhīta ] [ a-gṛhīta ] m. f. n. untwisted (?), Lit. MānGṛ.
अगृहीतदिश् [ agṛhītadiś ] [ a-gṛhīta-diś ] m. f. n. missing, Lit. L.
अगृह्णत् [ agṛhṇat ] [ a-gṛhṇat ] m. f. n. not biting (as a leech), Lit. Suśr.
अगृह्य [ agṛhya ] [ á-gṛhya ] m. f. n. imperceptible, Lit. ŚBr.
independent (= [ sva ] - [ tantra ] ), Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अगोचर [ agocara ] [ a-gocara ] m. f. n. not within range , unattainable , inaccessible ( cf. [ driṣṭy-agocara ] ) , imperceptible by the senses
[ agocara ] n. anything that is beyond the cognizance of the senses
the not being seen , absence
[ agocareṇa ] ind. instr. out of the sight of any one (gen.) , behind one's back Lit. Hit.
अगोचरीकृ [ agocarīkṛ ] [ a-go-carī-√ kṛ ] (P. - [ karoti ] ), to make unfit to collect alms in, Lit. Divyâv.
अगोपा [ agopā ] [ á-gopā ] m. f. n. without a cowherd , not tended by one Lit. RV.
अगोरुध [ agorudha ] [ á-go-rudha ] m. f. n. not driving away the cow Lit. RV. viii , 24 , 20
( " not repelling or disdaining praise " Lit. Sāy.)
अगोह्य [ agohya ] [ á-gohya ] (4) m. f. n. not to be concealed or covered , bright Lit. RV.
अगौकस् [ agaukas ] [ agaukas ] see 2. [ a-ga ] .
अग्धाद् [ agdhād ] [ agdhād ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ a ] + [ gdha ] p.p.p. fr √ [ ghas ] + [ ad ] ) , eating food which is not yet eaten Lit. TS., ( Comm. = [ dagdhād ] .)
अग्ना [ agnā ] [ agnā ] ( for [ agni ] in the following comp.)
अग्नामरुतौ [ agnāmarutau ] [ agnā-marutau ] m. du. Agni and Marut Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 28 Sch.
अग्नाविष्णू [ agnāviṣṇū ] [ agnā-viṣṇū ] voc. m. du. Agni and Vishṇu Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ( 1309,1 )
अग्नायी [ agnāyī ] [ agnā́yī ] f. the wife of Agni , one of the [ deva-patnyaḥ ] Lit. RV. i , 22 , 12 and v , 46 , 8
the Tretā-yuga Lit. L.