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ग |
गो [ go ] [ gó ] [ gaús ] (acc. [ gā́m ] instr. [ gávā ] dat. [ gáve ] , gen. abl. [ gós ] loc. [ gávi ] ; du. [ gā́vā ] ( Ved. ) , [ gā́vau ] ; pl. nom. [ gā́vas ] acc. [ gā́s ] ( rarely [ gā́vas ] Lit. TBr. iii Lit. TUp. Lit. MBh. iv , 1506 Lit. R. ii ) instr. [ góbhis ] dat. abl. [ góbhyas ] , gen. [ gávām ] ( once at the end of a Pāda Lit. RV. iv , 1 , 19 ) and ( in Lit. RV. at the end of Pādas only cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 57 ) [ gónām ] loc. [ góṣu ] ) m. an ox f. a cow , (pl.) cattle , kine , herd of cattle Lit. RV. (in comp. before vowels ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 122 ff. ) [ gav ] , [ gava ] , qq. vv. ; cf. also [ gavām ] , [ gavi ] , [ gāṃ ] ss.vv. ; [ gavāṃ vrata ] N. of a Sāman ; [ gavāṃ tīrtha ] see [ go t ] ; [ góṣu-√ gam ] , to set out for a battle ( to conquer cows ) Lit. RV. ii , 25 , 4 ; v , 45 , 9 ; viii , 71 , 5)
" anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow " , milk ( generally pl.) , flesh (only pl. Lit. RV. x , 16 , 7 ; " fat " Lit. Gmn.) , skin , hide , leather , strap of leather , bow-string , sinew ( Lit. RV. x , 27 , 22 Lit. AV. i , 2 , 3) Lit. RV.
= [ gó-ṣṭoma ] ( q.v.) Lit. AitBr. iv , 15 Lit. ŚBr. xiii (see also [ go-āyús ] )
(pl.) " the herds of the sky " , the stars Lit. RV. i , 154 , 6 and vii , 36 , 1
(m. ( also f. Lit. Uṇ. Sch. ) ) rays of light (regarded as the herds of the sky , for which Indra fights with Vṛitra) Lit. MBh. i , iii Lit. Hariv. 2943 Lit. R.
[ go ] m. the sign Taurus Lit. VarBṛS. xl f. Lit. VarBṛ. Lit. Laghuj.
the sun ( cf. [ -putra ] ) Lit. Nir. ii , 6 and 14
the moon Lit. L.
a kind of medicinal plant ( [ ṛṣabha ] ) Lit. L.
a singer , praiser ( fr. √ [ gai ] ) Lit. Naigh. iii , 16
" a goer " , horse ( fr. √ 1. [ gā ] ) Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 121 , 9 and iv , 22 , 8
N. of two Ṛishis of the Lit. SV. ( with the patr. Āṅgirasa ( Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. xvi ) and Māyūka)
N. of a man (who with Pushkara is said to be the [ balādhyakṣa ] of the sons and grandsons of Varuṇa) Lit. MBh. ii , 381 ( cf. Lit. R. vii , 23 , 28)
m. f. (?) the sun's ray called Sushumṇa Lit. Nir. ii , 6
m. water Lit. BhP. i , 10 , 36 (also f. pl. , Lit. xi , 7 , 50)
m. an organ of sense Lit. BhP. vii , 5 , 30
the eye Lit. Kuval. 70
a billion Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. xvii , 14 , 2
mf. the sky Lit. Naigh. i , 4 (perhaps Lit. VS. xxiii , 48)
the thunderbolt Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. v , 30 , 7
the hairs of the body Lit. L.
f. an offering in the shape of a cow (= [ dhenu ] q.v.) Lit. W.
a region of the sky Lit. L.
( Lit. Naigh. i , 1) the earth (as the milk-cow of kings) Lit. Mn. iv , xii Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
(hence) the number " nine " Lit. Jyot. Lit. Sūryas.
= [ go-vīthī ] Sch. on Lit. VarBṛS. ix , 1 ff.
a mother Lit. L. ( cf. Lit. VarBṛS. iii , 68)
( Lit. Naigh. i , 11) speech , Sarasvatī (goddess of speech) Lit. MBh. i , iii , v Lit. Ragh. ii , v Lit. Cāṇ.
voice , note ( fr. √ [ gai ] ) Lit. Śiś. iv , 36
N. of Gaurī Lit. Gal.
of the wife ( or of a daughter-in-law Lit. BhP. ix , 21 , 25 ) of Śuka (a daughter of the manes called Sukālas) Lit. Hariv. 986 Lit. MatsyaP.
N. of a daughter of Kakut-stha and wife of Yayāti Lit. Hariv. 1601
( ( cf. 1 ; Lat. (bos) ; Old Germ. (chuo) ; Mod. Germ. (Kuh) ; Eng. (cow) ; Lett. (gohw) ; cf. also 2 , 3 ; Goth. (gavi) and Mod. Germ. (Gau) . ) )
गोअग्र [ goagra ] [ gó-agra ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 122 Lit. Kāś.) headed by cows , having cows or milk as the chief or most excellent part Lit. RV.
गोअजन [ goajana ] [ gó-ájana ] m. f. n. serving to drive cattle (a stick , goad) , Lit. vii , 33 , 6.
गोअपश [ goapaśa ] [ go-apaśa ] ( [ gé ] -), accord. to some, "(a goad) having a cow-horn as its point" , Lit. RV. vi, 53, 9
गोअर्घ [ goargha ] [ gó-arghá ] m. f. n. of the value of a cow Lit. TS. vi , 1 , 10 , 1 ( also [ á-g ] neg.)
गोअर्णस् [ goarṇas ] [ gó-arṇas ] m. f. n. ( [ gó- ] ) ( flowing with i.e.) abounding in cattle Lit. RV. i , 112 , 18 ; x , 38 , 2 and 76 , 3
abounding in stars or rays , Lit. ii , 34 , 12.
गोअश्व [ goaśva ] [ gó-aśvá ] n. sg. cattle and horses Lit. ChUp. vii , 24 , 2
[ goaśva ] m. pl. id. Lit. ŚBr. xiv , 9 , 1 , 10 ( cf. [ gavāśva ] .)
गोअश्वीय [ goaśvīya ] [ gó-aśvīya ] n. N. of a Sāman.
गोआयुस् [ goāyus ] [ gó-āyús ] n. du. the two Ekâhas [ gó ] ( = [ gó-ṣṭoma ] ) and [ ā́yus ] , Lit. xii , 1 , 2 , 2 Lit. Lāṭy.
गोऋजीक [ goṛjīka ] [ gó-ṛjīka ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. prepared or mixed with milk Lit. RV. iii , 58 , 4 ; vi , 23 , 7 ; vii , 21 , 1.
गोओपश [ goopaśa ] [ gó-opaśa ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. furnished with a twist or tuft of leather straps Lit. RV. vi , 53 , 9.
गोकक्ष [ gokakṣa ] [ gó-kakṣa ] m. N. of a man g. [ kaṇvādi ] .
गोकण्ट [ gokaṇṭa ] [ gó-kaṇṭa ] m. " cattle-thorn " , Asteracantha longifolia Lit. L.
गोकण्टक [ gokaṇṭaka ] [ gó-kaṇṭaka ] m. f. n. " thorny through cattle " , trodden down (as a road) by cattle and so made difficult to pass Lit. DivyA7v. i , 351
[ gokaṇṭaka ] m. the print of a cow's hoof or a spot so marked Lit. W.
a cow's hoof Lit. L.
= [ -kaṇṭa ] Lit. L.
गोकर्ण [ gokarṇa ] [ gó-karṇa ] m. f. n. cow-eared (as men or demons) Lit. L.
[ gokarṇa ] m. " cow-eared " , Śiva Lit. MBh. xii , 10351
a cow's ear Lit. Kathās. vi , 57
the deer Antilope picta Lit. R. ii , 103 , 41 Lit. Car. i , 27 Lit. Suśr.
a mule Lit. L.
a serpent Lit. MBh. viii , 90 , 42 (perhaps a kind of arrow)
the span from the tip of the thumb to that of the ring finger Lit. MBh. ii , 2324 Lit. Hcat.
a place of pilgrimage on the Malabar coast (sacred to Śiva) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
Śiva as worshipped in Gokarṇa Lit. Kathās. xxii , xc
N. of one of Śiva's attendants Lit. L.
of a Muni Lit. VāyuP. i , 23 , 161
of a king of Kaśmīr (who erected a statue of Śiva called after him Gokarṇêśvara) Lit. Rājat. i , 348
[ gokarṇā ] f. a female serpent Lit. MBh. viii , 90 , 42
[ gokarṇa ] m. N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda , ix , 2643
गोकर्णलिङ्ग [ gokarṇaliṅga ] [ gó-karṇa--liṅga ] n. N. of a Liṅga Lit. Rasik. xi , 37
गोकर्णशिथिल [ gokarṇaśithila ] [ gó-karṇa--śithila ] m. f. n. " swinging like a cow-ear " , trimming , between parties (as a witness) Lit. MBh. ii , 68 , 75
गोकर्णेश [ gokarṇeśa ] [ gó-karṇeśa ] n. (and [ gokarṇeśa-liṅga ] ) N. of a Liṅga Lit. SkandaP.
गोकर्णेशलिङ्ग [ gokarṇeśaliṅga ] [ gó-karṇeśa--liṅga ] n. (and [ gokarṇeśa ] ) N. of a Liṅga Lit. SkandaP.
गोकर्णेश्वर [ gokarṇeśvara ] [ gó-karṇeśvara ] m. N. of a statue of Śiva (see before)
N. of a holy man Lit. Buddh.
गोकर्मन् [ gokarman ] [ gó-karman ] n. taking care of cows Lit. Pañcat. iii , 14 , 13.
गोकाम [ gokāma ] [ gó-kāma ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. desirous of cattle Lit. RV. x , 108 , 10 Lit. ŚBr. xi , xiv.
गोकिराटिका [ gokirāṭikā ] [ gó-kirāṭikā ] f. the bird Turdus Salica Lit. L.
गोकिराटी [ gokirāṭī ] [ gó-kirāṭī ] f. the bird Turdus Salica Lit. L.
गोकिल [ gokila ] [ gó-kila ] m. a plough Lit. L.
a pestle Lit. L.
गोकील [ gokīla ] [ gó-kīla ] m. a plough Lit. L.
a pestle Lit. L.
गोकुञ्जर [ gokuñjara ] [ gó-kuñjara ] m. an excellent ox Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 62 Lit. Kāś.
गोकुणिक [ gokuṇika ] [ gó-kuṇika ] m. v.l. for [ -kaṇṭaka ] Lit. L.
गोकुल [ gokula ] [ gó-kula ] n. a herd of kine Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a cow-house or station Lit. ib.
a village or tract on the Yamunā ( residence of Nanda and of Kṛishṇa during his youth Lit. BhP. ; ( Lit. RTL. p.113 ) the inhabitants of that place) Lit. BhP. ii , 7 , 31
N. of a certain sanctuary or holy place Lit. Rājat. v , 23
गोकुलजित् [ gokulajit ] [ gó-kula--jit ] m. N. of an author of the 17th century
गोकुलनाथ [ gokulanātha ] [ gó-kula--nātha ] m. N. of the author of the Padavākya-ratnâkara
of the author of the Rasa-mahârṇava
गोकुलस्थ [ gokulastha ] [ gó-kula--stha ] m. pl. N. of a Vaishṇava sect
गोकुलाष्टक [ gokulāṣṭaka ] [ gó-kulāṣṭaka ] n. N. of a poem
गोकुलेश [ gokuleśa ] [ gó-kuleśa ] m. " lord of the Gokula " , N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. Gal.
गोकुलोद्भवा [ gokulodbhavā ] [ gó-kulodbhavā ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. L.
गोकुलिक [ gokulika ] [ gó-kulika ] m. f. n. one who gives help (or gives no help Lit. NBD.) to a cow in the mud Lit. L.
squint-eyed Lit. L.
[ gokulika ] m. pl. N. of a Buddh. sect.
गोकृ [ gokṛ ] [ gó-√ kṛ ] to transform into a cow Lit. Uṇ. ii , 67 Sch.
गोकृच्छ्र [ gokṛcchra ] [ go-kṛcchra ] n. a kind of penance in which barley cooked in cow's urine is eaten, Lit. L.
गोकृत [ gokṛta ] [ gó-kṛta ] n. cow-dung Lit. L.
गोक्षीर [ gokṣīra ] [ gó-kṣīrá ] n. cow's milk Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. Suśr. Lit. MBh. xii , 174 , 32 Sch.
गोक्षुर [ gokṣura ] [ gó-kṣura ] m. = [ -kaṇṭa ] , or Tribulus lanuginosus Lit. Suśr.
a cow's hoof Lit. W.
v.l. for [ -khura ] q.v.
गोक्षुरदुग्धा [ gokṣuradugdhā ] [ gó-kṣura--dugdhā ] f. N. of a plant Lit. L.
गोक्षुरक [ gokṣuraka ] [ gó-kṣuraka ] m. the plant [ -kṣura ] Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS. lxxvi
a cow's hoof Lit. W.
गोक्षोडक [ gokṣoḍaka ] [ gó-kṣoḍaka ] m. a kind of bird Lit. Suśr. i , 46 , 2 , 14.
गोक्ष्वेड [ gokṣveḍa ] [ gó-kṣveḍa ] m. id. Lit. Gal.
गोख [ gokha ] [ gó-kha ] " cow-aperture " , a particular part of the body , g. [ kroḍādi ] ( not in Lit. Kāś. and Lit. Gaṇar. , but mentioned by Lit. Śāk. Lit. Gaṇar. 43 Sch.)
गोखपिङ्गलि [ gokhapiṅgali ] [ gó-kha--piṅgali ] m. pl. N. of a family Lit. Pravar. ii , 2 , 1
cf. [ gocchā ] .
गोखल [ gokhala ] [ gó-khala ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. VP. iii , 4 , 22 (v.l. [ °lu ] )
( [ °lya ] ) Lit. BhP. xii , 6 , 57.
गोखलु [ gokhalu ] [ gó-khalu ] see [ °la ] .
गोखल्य [ gokhalya ] [ gó-khalya ] see [ °la ] .
गोखुर [ gokhura ] [ gó-khura ] m. = [ -kaṇṭa ]
Tribulus lanuginosus Lit. L.
N. of a Dānava Lit. Hariv. 12937 (v.l. [ -kṣura ] ) .
गोखुरि [ gokhuri ] [ gó-khuri ] m. = [ -kaṇṭa ] Lit. L.
गोगण [ gogaṇa ] [ gó-gaṇa ] m. pl. a multitude of rays of light Lit. BhP. iv , 16 , 14.
गोगति [ gogati ] [ gó-gati ] ( [ gó- ] ) f. the way or path of cows Lit. AV. xx , 129 , 13.
गोगमन [ gogamana ] [ gó-gamana ] n. intercourse with a cow , Lit. Prāyaśc.
गोगृष्टि [ gogṛṣṭi ] [ gó-gṛṣṭi ] f. (= [ gṛṣṭí ] ) a young cow which has had only one calf Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 65 Lit. Kāś.
गोगोष्ठ [ gogoṣṭha ] [ gó-goṣṭha ] n. a station for cattle , cow-stable Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 29 Vārtt. 3 Lit. Pat. ( cf. [ gavāṃ g ] Lit. Mn. iv , 58.)
गोग्रन्थि [ gogranthi ] [ gó-granthi ] m. dried cow-dung Lit. L.
= [ -goṣṭha ] Lit. L.
= [ -jihvā ] Lit. L.
गोग्रह [ gograha ] [ gó-graha ] m. capture of cattle , booty Lit. MBh. vi , 4458
गोग्रहतीर्थ [ gograhatīrtha ] [ gó-graha--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. KapSaṃh.
गोग्रास [ gogrāsa ] [ gó-grāsa ] m. = [ -ghāsa ] Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. iii , 14 , 4
the ceremony of presenting a mouthful of grass to a cow when performing an expiatory rite Lit. W.
the feeding like a cow Lit. L.
गोघातक [ goghātaka ] [ gó-ghātaka ] m. id. Lit. L.
गोघातिन् [ goghātin ] [ gó-ghātin ] m. id.
गोघास [ goghāsa ] [ gó-ghāsa ] m. grass for a cow Lit. W.
गोघृत [ goghṛta ] [ gó-ghṛta ] n. melted butter coming from a cow Lit. KātyŚr. i , 8 , 37 Sch.
" Ghṛita of the sky or earth " , rain Lit. L.
गोघ्न [ goghna ] [ gó-ghná ] m. f. n. noxious to kine Lit. RV. i , 114 , 10
[ goghna ] m. = [ -ghātá ] Lit. Mn. xi , 109 and 116 Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. vi Lit. Hit.
one for whom a cow is killed , guest Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 73.
गोचन्दन [ gocandana ] [ gó-candana ] n. (= [ -śīrṣa ] ) a kind of sandal-wood Lit. Suśr.
[ gocandanā ] f. a sort of venomous leech Lit. ib.
गोचपला [ gocapalā ] [ gó-capalā ] f. N. of the daughter of Raudrâśva and Ghṛitâcī Lit. Hariv. 1662.
गोचर [ gocara ] [ gó-cara ] m. pasture ground for cattle Lit. ĀpŚr. i , 2 , 4
( Lit. R. iv , 44 , 80)
range , field for action , abode , dwelling-place , district (esp. ifc. " abiding in , relating to " ; " offering range or field or scope for action , within the range of , accessible , attainable , within the power " ) Lit. KaṭhUp. iii , 4 Lit. Mn. x , 39 Lit. MBh.
the range of the organs of sense , object of sense , anything perceptible by the senses , esp. the range of the eye (e.g. [ locana-gocaraṃ-√ yā ] , to come within range of the eye , become visible Lit. Pañcat.) Lit. MBh. vii , 5616 Lit. Suśr. Lit. Vikr. iv , 9
the distance of the planets from the Lagna and from each other Lit. VarBṛS. civ , 2 Lit. Romakas.
गोचर [ gocara ] [ go-cara ] a place where birds are fed, Lit. Jātakam.
[ gocara ] m. f. n. being within the range of , attainable for (gen.) Lit. BhP. iii , 25 , 28
perceptible (esp. to the eye) Lit. MBh. xiii , 71 , 33 and 91 , 24
having (or used in) the meaning of (loc.) Lit. L. Sch.
गोचरगत [ gocaragata ] [ gó-cara--gata ] m. f. n. one who has come within the range of or in connection with (gen.) Lit. Bhartṛ.
गोचरता [ gocaratā ] [ gó-cara--tā ] f. the state of being liable to ( in comp.) Lit. Sarvad. iv , 253
गोचरत्व [ gocaratva ] [ gó-cara--tva ] n. id. , 42
गोचरप्रकरण [ gocaraprakaraṇa ] [ gó-cara--prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
गोचरफल [ gocaraphala ] [ gó-cara--phala ] n. N. of Lit. VarBṛS. civ
गोचरपीडा [ gocarapīḍā ] [ gó-cara--pīḍā ] f. inauspicious position of stars within the ecliptic Lit. VarBṛS. xli , 13
गोचराध्याय [ gocarādhyāya ] [ gó-carādhyāya ] m. = [ °ra-phala ]
गोचरान्तरगत [ gocarāntaragata ] [ gó-carāntara-gata ] m. f. n. being within the power of (gen.) Lit. Pañcat.
गोचरीकृत [ gocarīkṛta ] [ gó-carī--kṛta ] m. f. n. within the range of observation Lit. Sāh. iii , 28 a/b
overcome ( by fatigue , [ glānyā ] ) Lit. Hcar. v , 139.
गोचरय [ gocaraya ] [ gó-caraya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to be current Lit. Yājñ. ii , 96 a/b.
गोचरिक [ gocarika ] [ gó-carika ] m. f. n. " accessible to " , a friend of ( in comp.) Lit. DivyA7v.
गोचर्मन् [ gocarman ] [ gó-carman ] n. an ox-hide , cow's hide Lit. MBh. xiii , 1228
a particular measure of surface (a place large enough for the range of 100 cows , one bull , and their calves Lit. Gṛihyās. ; or a place ten times as large Lit. Parāś. xii ; a place 300 feet long by 10 broad Lit. W. ; or a place 30 Daṇḍas long by 1 Daṇḍa and 7 Hastas broad , Lit. Bṛihasp. ( Lit. MBh. xiii , 3121 Sch. ) ; it is also defined as an extent of land sufficient to support a man for a year Lit. Vishṇ. v , 181 ff. ; originally probably a piece of land large enough to be encompassed by straps of leather from a cow's hide cf. Lit. ŚBr. i , 2 , 5 , 2) Lit. MBh. xiii , 3121 Lit. Hcat. i , 3 , 864 ff. ; ii , 1 Lit. BṛNārP. xxxiv , 43.
गोचर्ममात्र [ gocarmamātra ] [ go-carma-mātra ] m. f. n. (land ) measuring a bull's hide, Lit. Baudh.
गोचर्या [ gocaryā ] [ gó-caryā ] f. seeking food like a cow Lit. BhP. xi , 18 , 29.
गोचारक [ gocāraka ] [ gó-cāraka ] m. a cowherd Lit. W.
गोचारिन् [ gocārin ] [ gó-cārin ] m. f. n. one who seeks his nourishment like a cow , seeking food with the mouth ( said of certain Yatis cf. [ mṛga-c ] ) Lit. MBh. xiii , 647 ( cf. Lit. i , 3644 .)
गोचिति [ gociti ] [ gó-citi ] f. a particular way of piling up sacrificial bricks Lit. ĀpŚr. xvii , 4.
गोजर [ gojara ] [ gó-jara ] m. an old ox or bull Lit. BhP. iii , 30 , 14.
गोजल [ gojala ] [ gó-jala ] n. cow's urine Lit. L.
गोजवाज [ gojavāja ] [ gó-'javāja ] v.l. for [ gaja-v ] q.v.
गोजा [ gojā ] [ gó-jā́ ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 67 Lit. Kāś.) produced by milk ( " born amidst rays " Lit. Sāy. ; " born in the earth " Lit. Mahīdh.) Lit. RV. iv , 40 , 5 ( Lit. KaṭhUp. v , 2) .
गोजागरिक [ gojāgarika ] [ gó-jāgarika ] m. a kind of prickly nightshade Lit. L.
[ gojāgarika ] n. happiness , fortune Lit. L.
= [ bhakṣya-kāraka ] (preparer of food , baker?) Lit. L.
गोजात [ gojāta ] [ gó-jāta ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. born in the starry sky (said of the gods ; " born in the middle region " Lit. Sāy.) Lit. RV. vi , 50 , 11 ; vii , 35 , 14 and x , 53 , 5.
गोजापर्णी [ gojāparṇī ] [ gó-jā-parṇī ] f. the shrub Dugdha-phenī Lit. L.
गोजित् [ gojit ] [ gó-jí t ] m. f. n. conquering or gaining cattle Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
गोजिह्वा [ gojihvā ] [ gó-jihvā ] f. N. of a plant (Phlomis or Premna esculenta Lit. L. ; Elephantopus scaber Lit. L. ; Coix barbata or a kind of Hieracium Lit. L.) Lit. Car. i , 27 , 86 Lit. Suśr. i , 46 , 4 , 51.
गोजिह्विका [ gojihvikā ] [ gó-jihvikā ] f. the uvula Lit. Car. iv , 7
= [ °hvā ] Lit. Suśr. Lit. Mn. vi , 14 Sch.
गोजीर [ gojīra ] [ gó-jīra ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. stimulated by milk added (Soma) Lit. RV. ix , 110 , 3.
गोजीव [ gojīva ] [ gó-jīva ] m. f. n. living on (trade with) cattle Lit. Hcat. i , 7.
गोडिम्ब [ goḍimba ] [ gó-ḍimba ] m. (= [ -ḍumba ] ) the watermelon Lit. L.
गोडुम्ब [ goḍumba ] [ gó-ḍumba ] m. = [ -ḍimba ] Lit. L.
[ goḍumbā ] f. = [ -ḍumbikā ] Lit. Car. i , 1 , 76 Sch.
a coloquintida Lit. L.
गोडुम्बिका [ goḍumbikā ] [ gó-ḍumbikā ] f. Cucumis maderaspatanus Lit. L.
गोतम [ gotama ] [ gó-tama ] m. ( [ gó- ] ) (superl.) N. of a Ṛishi belonging to the family of Aṅgiras with the patr. Rāhū-gaṇa (author of Lit. RV. i , 74-93) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. i , xi , xiv Lit. ShaḍvBr.
( for [ gaut ] ) N. of the chief disciple of Mahā-vīra
of a lawyer ( cf. [ gautamá ] )
of the founder of the Nyāya phil.
" the largest ox " and " N. of the founder of Nyāya phil. " Lit. Naish. xvii , 75
N. of a son of Karṇika Lit. Buddh.
? Lit. MBh. xiii , 4490 ( cf. [ -dama ] )
m. pl. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 65) the descendants of the Ṛishi Gotama Lit. RV. Lit. ĀśvŚr. xii , 10 Lit. Lāṭy.
गोतमगौर [ gotamagaura ] [ gó-tama--gaura ] m. = [ gaura-gotama ] , the white Gotama Lit. Gaṇar. 89 Sch.
गोतमपृच्छा [ gotamapṛcchā ] [ gó-tama--pṛcchā ] f. " questions of (Mahā-vīra's pupil) Gotama (put forth in a discussion with Pārśva's pupil Keśin) " , N. of a Jain work
गोतमस्तोम [ gotamastoma ] [ gó-tama--stoma ] m. N. of an Ekâha sacrifice Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ( cf. Lit. ŚBr. xiii , 5 , 1 , 1)
गोतमस्वामिन् [ gotamasvāmin ] [ gó-tama--svāmin ] m. Mahā-vīra's pupil Gotama
गोतमान्वय [ gotamānvaya ] [ gó-tamānvaya ] m. N. of Śākya-muni Lit. L.
गोतमीपुत्र [ gotamīputra ] [ gó-tamī-putra ] m. " son of Gotamī " , N. of a king (50 B.C. or A.D.) Lit. Inscr. Lit. VāyuP. Lit. MatsyaP.
गोतमेश्वरतीर्थ [ gotameśvaratīrtha ] [ gó-tameśvara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP.
गोतरणि [ gotaraṇi ] [ gó-taraṇi ] a kind of flower Lit. Buddh. Lit. L.
गोतर्पण [ gotarpaṇa ] [ gó-tarpaṇa ] n. anything arranged for the pleasure of cows Lit. AV.Pariś. lxix , 7.
गोतल्लज [ gotallaja ] [ gó-tallaja ] m. an excellent cow Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 66 Sch.
गोता [ gotā ] [ gó-tā ] f. " cowship " , (in dialect) a cow Lit. Pat. Introd. 35 ; 97 , and onVārtt. 6.
गोतीर्थ [ gotīrtha ] [ gó-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Suśr. vi , 31 , 6
( [ gavāṃ t ] ) Lit. BhP. iii , 1 , 22.
गोतीर्थक [ gotīrthaka ] [ gó-tīrthaka ] m. with [ ccheda ] , an oblique cut applied to fistula of the rectum Lit. Suśr. iv , 8 , 11.
गोतुल्य [ gotulya ] [ gó-tulya ] m. " resembling an ox " , the Gayal Lit. Gal.
गोत्र [ gotra ] [ gó-trá ] n. (√ [ trai ] ) protection or shelter for cows , cow-pen , cow-shed , stable for cattle , stable (in general) , hurdle , enclosure Lit. RV. ( once m. Lit. viii , 50 , 10)
" family enclosed by the hurdle " , family , race , lineage , kin Lit. ChUp. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. Kauś. (a polysyllabic fem. in [ ī ] shortens this vowel before [ gotra ] in comp. ( e.g. [ brāhmaṇigotrā ] , " a Brāhman woman only by descent or name " Lit. Kāś. ) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 ff.)
the family name Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. MBh. xiii , 548 Lit. VarBṛS.
name (in general) Lit. Śak. vi , 5 Lit. Ragh.
( in Gr.) the grandson and his descendants if no older offspring of the same ancestor than this grandson lives ( if the son lives the grandson is called [ yuvan ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 63 ; iv , 1 , 89 ff. and 162 ff. ; 2 , 111 and 3 , 80 and 126
an affix used for forming a patr. Lit. L.
a tribe , subdivision (in the Brāhman caste 49 Gotras are reckoned and supposed to be sprung from and named after celebrated teachers , as Śāṇḍilya , Kaśyapa , Gautama , Bharad-vāja , ) Lit. W.
a genus , class , species Lit. W.
a multitude Lit. L.
increase Lit. L.
possession Lit. L.
a forest Lit. L.
a field Lit. L.
an umbrella or parasol Lit. L.
knowledge of probabilities Lit. L.
[ gotram ] ind. after a verb denoting repetition and implying a blame Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 27 and 57
[ gotreṇa ] ind. instr. with regard to one's family name g. [ prakṛty-ādi ]
[ gotra ] m. a mountain ( a meaning probably derived fr. [ -bhí d ] ) Lit. BhP. ii , iii , vi
a cloud ( cf. [ -bhí d ] ) Lit. Naigh. i , 10
a road Lit. L.
[ gotrā ] f. a herd of kine Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 51
the earth Lit. L. ( cf. [ gotreśa ] )
गोत्रकर्तृ [ gotrakartṛ ] [ gó-trá--kartṛ ] m. the founder of a family Lit. MBh. xiii , 248
गोत्रकारिन् [ gotrakārin ] [ gó-trá--kārin ] m. f. n. founding a family Lit. Pravar.
गोत्रकीला [ gotrakīlā ] [ gó-trá--kīlā ] f. (= [ acala-k ] ) the earth Lit. L.
गोत्रक्षान्ति [ gotrakṣānti ] [ gó-trá--kṣānti ] f. N. of a Kiṃnara virgin Lit. Kāraṇḍ. i
गोत्रज [ gotraja ] [ gó-trá--ja ] m. f. n. born in the same family , relation (in law , nearly = " Gentile " of Roman law , and applied to kindred of the same general family , who are connected by offerings of food and water ; hence opposed to [ bandhu ] or cognate kindred not partaking in the offerings to common ancestors) Lit. Yājñ. ii , 135 Lit. BhP. iii , 7 , 24 Lit. Kathās. vi , xxii , iic
गोत्रदेवता [ gotradevatā ] [ gó-trá--devatā ] f. family deity Lit. Siṃhâs. iv
गोत्रनामन् [ gotranāman ] [ gó-trá--nāman ] n. the family name Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. i , 6 , 4
गोत्रपट [ gotrapaṭa ] [ gó-trá--paṭa ] m. a genealogical table , pedigree Lit. Lāṭy. i , 2 , 24 Sch.
गोत्रप्रवरदीप [ gotrapravaradīpa ] [ gó-trá--pravara-dīpa ] m. N. of wk.
गोत्रप्रवरनिर्णय [ gotrapravaranirṇaya ] [ gó-tra-pravara-nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.
गोत्रप्रवरमञ्जरी [ gotrapravaramañjarī ] [ gó-tra-pravara-mañjarī ] f. N. of wk.
गोत्रभाज् [ gotrabhāj ] [ gó-trá--bhāj ] m. f. n. belonging to the family Lit. Gaut. xxviii , 33
गोत्रभिद् [ gotrabhid ] [ gó-trá--bhí d ] m. f. n. opening the cow-pens of the sky ( " splitting the clouds or mountains " Lit. Sāy. ; said of Indra and Bṛihaspati's vehicle) Lit. RV. ii , 23 , 3 ; vi , 17 , 2 and x , 103 , 6 Lit. VS. xx , 38
[ gotrabhid ] m. " splitting the mountains (with his thunderbolt cf. [ adri-bhí d ] ) " , Indra Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum. ii , 52
" Indra " and " destroyer of families " Lit. Rājat. i , 92
" Indra " and " destroyer of names " Lit. Śiś. ix , 80
गोत्रभूमि [ gotrabhūmi ] [ gó-trá--bhūmi ] f. " family-range " , one of the periods in a Śrāvaka's life Lit. Buddh. Lit. L.
गोत्रमय [ gotramaya ] [ gó-trá--maya ] m. f. n. forming a family (with [ kṣātra ] , " a Kshatriya family " ) Lit. Bālar. iii , 60
गोत्ररिक्थ [ gotrariktha ] [ gó-trá--riktha ] n. du. the family name and the inheritance Lit. Mn. ix , 142
गोत्ररिक्थांश [ gotrarikthāṃśa ] [ gó-trá--rikthāṃśa ] m. in comp. the family name and part of the inheritance Lit. 165
गोत्रवत् [ gotravat ] [ gó-trá--vat ] m. f. n. belonging to a noble family Lit. R. ii , 98 , 24
गोत्रवर्धन [ gotravardhana ] [ gó-trá--vardhana ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Kathās. lxv
गोत्रवृक्ष [ gotravṛkṣa ] [ gó-trá--vṛkṣa ] m. N. of a tree Lit. Bhpr.
गोत्रव्रत [ gotravrata ] [ gó-trá--vrata ] n. a family rule Lit. Bhartṛ. ( Lit. Mudr. ii , 18 Lit. Subh.)
गोत्रस्थिति [ gotrasthiti ] [ gó-trá--sthiti ] f. " id. " and " standing like a mountain "
गोत्राख्या [ gotrākhyā ] [ gó-trākhyā ] f. family name , patronymic Lit. L.
गोत्रादि [ gotrādi ] [ gó-trādi ] m. a Gaṇa of Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 27
गोत्रान्त [ gotrānta ] [ gó-trānta ] m. " destruction of families " and " destruction of mountains " Lit. Rājat. v , 377
( scil. [ śabda ] ) " ending with a Gotra affix " , a patronymic Lit. L.
गोत्राभिधायम् [ gotrābhidhāyam ] [ gó-trābhidhāyam ] ind. so as to name one's name Lit. Bhaṭṭ. iii , 50
गोत्रेश [ gotreśa ] [ gó-treśa ] m. " earth-lord " , a king
गोत्रोच्चार [ gotroccāra ] [ gó-troccāra ] m. " recitation of the family pedigree " , N. of a ceremony Lit. RTL. p.407.
गोत्रक [ gotraka ] [ gó-traka ] n. family Lit. Yājñ. ii , 85.
गोत्रिक [ gotrika ] [ gó-trika ] m. f. n. relating to a family (with [ karman ] , " the consciousness of family descent " , one of the 4 pure Karmans) Lit. Jain.
गोत्रिन् [ gotrin ] [ gó-trin ] m. f. n. belonging to the same family , relation Lit. Vet. xv , 8/9
गोत्रित्व [ gotritva ] [ gó-tri-tva ] n. relationship.
गोत्व [ gotva ] [ gó-tvá ] n. the being a cow , state of a cow Lit. MaitrS. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. xvi Lit. MārkP. Lit. RāmatUp. Lit. Sarvad.
the nature of an ox Lit. Kāvyâd. i , 6.
गोत्वच् [ gotvac ] [ gó-tvac ] f. " an ox-hide or cow's hide "
गोत्वग्ज [ gotvagja ] [ gó-tvag-ja ] m. f. n. made of leather Lit. VarYogay. vi , 18. 1.
गोद [ goda ] [ gó-da ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 3 Lit. Kāś.) giving cattle or cows Lit. Mn. iv , 231
[ goda ] m. du. N. of a village Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 52 Lit. Kāś.
m. g. [ varaṇādi ]
m. pl. N. of a tribe Lit. Inscr.
[ godā ] f. the river commonly called [ go-dāvarī ] Lit. Kathârṇ. ( cf. [ anu-godam ] ) .
गोदत्त्र [ godattra ] [ gó-dattra ] m. f. n. granting cattle (Indra) Lit. RV. viii , 21 , 16.
गोदन्त [ godanta ] [ gó-danta ] m. a cow's tooth Lit. Suśr.
yellow orpiment Lit. L.
a white mineral substance (apparently an earthy salt) Lit. W.
[ godanta ] m. f. n. having cow's teeth Lit. Buddh. Lit. L.
armed , armed with a coat of mail Lit. L.
m. N. of a man g. [ śubhrādi ]
of a Dānava Lit. Hariv. 12937
गोदन्तमणि [ godantamaṇi ] [ gó-danta--maṇi ] m. a particular precious stone Lit. Hcar. viii , 15.
गोदम [ godama ] [ gó-dama ] m. f. n. ( conquering i.e.) attaining heaven and earth (Sch.) Lit. MBh. xiii , 4490 (ed. Bomb.)
गोदरि [ godari ] [ gó-dari ] m. f. n. opening the stables of the sky (Indra cf. [ gotra-bhí d ] ; " splitting the clouds or mountains " Lit. Sāy.) Lit. RV. viii , 92 , 11.
गोदा [ godā ] [ gó-dā́ ] m. f. n. presenting with cattle or kine Lit. RV. 1.
गोदान [ godāna ] [ gó-dāna ] n. gift of a cow Lit. MBh. xiii , 3345 Lit. R. vii Lit. PSarv. 2.
गोदानव्रत [ godānavrata ] [ go-dāna-vrata ] n. a vow taken at tbe Go-dāna ceremony, Lit. ĀpGṛ.
गोदान [ godāna ] [ gó-dā́na ] see s.v.
गोदानीय [ godānīya ] [ gó-dānīya ] m. N. of a Dvīpa Lit. Lalit. xii , 186 ( cf. [ apara-godāna ] .)
गोदाय [ godāya ] [ gó-dāya ] m. f. n. intending to present with cattle or cows Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 12 Lit. Kāś.
गोदारण [ godāraṇa ] [ gó-dāraṇa ] n. " opening the earth " , a plough Lit. L.
a spade or hoe Lit. L.
गोदावरी [ godāvarī ] [ gó-dāvarī ] f. (= [ -dā ] s.v. 1. [ -da ] ) " granting water or kine " , N. of a river in the Dekhan Lit. MBh. iii Lit. Hariv. 12826 Lit. R. iii , vi Lit. Ragh.
गोदावरीतीर्थ [ godāvarītīrtha ] [ gó-dāvarī--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. SkandaP.
गोदावरीमाहात्म्य [ godāvarīmāhātmya ] [ gó-dāvarī--māhātmya ] n. " glory of the Godāvarī " , N. of wk.
गोदावरीसंगम [ godāvarīsaṃgama ] [ gó-dāvarī--saṃgama ] m. N. of a place.
गोदुग्ध [ godugdha ] [ gó-dugdha ] n. = [ -kṣīrá ] Lit. W.
[ godugdhā ] f. the Caṇikā grass Lit. L.
गोदुग्धदा [ godugdhadā ] [ gó-dugdha--dā ] f. id. Lit. L.
गोदुह् [ goduh ] [ gó-dúh ] m ( nom. [ -dhuk ] ) f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 61) a milkman or milkmaid , cowherd Lit. RV. i , 4 , 1 and 164 , 26 ; viii , 52 , 4 Lit. AV. vii , 73 , 6 Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 5 Lit. Kāś.
गोदुह [ goduha ] [ gó-duha ] m. f. n. id. Lit. L. Sch.
गोदोह [ godoha ] [ gó-doha ] m. ( cf. [ gāṃ-doha-saṃnéjana ] ) the milking of cows Lit. VarBṛS. vli , 6
[ godoham ] ind. as long as the cows are being milked Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 51 Lit. Pat. on Lit. Kār. 7.
गोदोहक [ godohaka ] [ gó-dohaka ] m. = [ -dúh ] Lit. Kathās. lxi
[ godohikā ] f. " a milkman's sitting " , a particular kind of being seated Lit. HYog.
गोदोहन [ godohana ] [ gó-dohana ] n. = [ °ha ] Lit. Jain. Sch.
the time necessary for milking a cow Lit. BhP. i , 19 , 39
गोद्रव [ godrava ] [ gó-drava ] m. = [ -jala ] Lit. L.
गोधन [ godhana ] [ gó-dhana ] n. possession of cows , herd of cows , multitude of cattle (esp. considered as property) Lit. MBh. iv , xiii Lit. Hariv. 3515 Lit. R. i Lit. Kād. vi , 611
a station of cows Lit. R. G. ii , 32 , 42
[ godhana ] m. a broad-pointed arrow Lit. Hariv. 8865 (v.l. [ gādh ] )
N. of a son of Śvaphalka Lit. LiṅgaP. i , 69 , 27133> ( Gandhamoca Lit. VP.)
गोधर [ godhara ] [ gó-dhara ] m. N. of a king of Kaśmīr Lit. Rājat. i , 95 f.
गोधर्म [ godharma ] [ gó-dharma ] m. " rule of cattle " i.e. open and unconcealed intercourse of the sexes Lit. MBh. i.4195.
गोधा [ godhā ] [ gó-dhā́ ] see s.v.
गोधायस् [ godhāyas ] [ gó-dhāyas ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. supporting or fostering cows Lit. RV. vi , 67 , 7. 1.
गोधि [ godhi ] [ gó-dhi ] m. " hair-receptacle " , the forehead Lit. L.
गोधुम [ godhuma ] [ gó-dhuma ] for [ -dhū́ma ] , wheat Lit. L.
गोधूम [ godhūma ] [ gó-dhū́ma ] m. (√ [ gudh ] Lit. Uṇ.) " earth-smoke " , wheat ( generally pl.) Lit. VS. Lit. TBr. i Lit. ŚBr. v (sg.) , Lit. xii , xiv Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. Mn.
the orange tree Lit. L.
N. of a medicinal plant Lit. L.
गोधूमचूर्ण [ godhūmacūrṇa ] [ gó-dhū́ma--cūrṇa ] n. wheat-flour Lit. L.
गोधूमज [ godhūmaja ] [ gó-dhū́ma--ja ] n. a particular concrement in wheat Lit. L.
गोधूमसंचयमय [ godhūmasaṃcayamaya ] [ gó-dhū́ma--saṃcayamaya ] m. f. n. consisting of a heap of wheat Lit. Hcat.
गोधूमसम्भव [ godhūmasambhava ] [ gó-dhū́ma--sambhava ] n. sour gruel made from wheat-flour , sour paste Lit. L.
गोधूमक [ godhūmaka ] [ gó-dhūmaka ] m. a kind of serpent Lit. Suśr. v , 4 , 34.
गोधूलि [ godhūli ] [ gó-dhūli ] f. " earth-dust " i.e. " a time at which mist seems to rise from the earth " , a period of the day (in the hot season) when the sun is half risen , (in the cold and dewy seasons) when the sun is full but mild , (and in the 3 other seasons) sunset Lit. Dīp.
गोधूलिका [ godhūlikā ] [ gó-dhūlikā ] f. id. Lit. Romakas.
गोधेनु [ godhenu ] [ gó-dhenu ] f. a milk-cow Lit. L. ( cf. [ gaudhenuka ] .)
गोनन्द [ gonanda ] [ gó-nanda ] m. N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue Lit. MBh. ix , 2567
of a Muni
of 3 old kings of Kaśmīr Lit. Rājat. ( cf. [ -narda ] )
[ gonanda ] m. pl. see [ -narda ]
[ gonandā ] f. N. of a goddess Lit. Hariv. 9534
[ gonandī ] f. the female of Ardea sibirica ( cf. [ -narda ] ) Lit. L.
गोनर्द [ gonarda ] [ gó-narda ] m. " bellowing like a bull " , Śiva Lit. MBh. xii , 10430
the bird Ardea sibirica ( cf. [ -nandī ] ) Lit. Car. i , 27 , 54
N. of a king of Kaśmīr Lit. Hariv. ( cf. [ -nanda ] )
of an author Lit. Kum. vii , 95 Sch.
of a mountain (v.l. [ go-manta ] ) Lit. VarBṛS. v , 68 Sch.
[ gonarda ] m. pl. N. of a people in the Dekhan (or in the east Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 75 Lit. Kāś.) Lit. VarBṛS. (v.l. [ gó-nana ] )
n. Cyperus rotundus Lit. L.
गोनर्दीय [ gonardīya ] [ gó-nardīya ] m. " belonging to the people called Gonardas ( Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 75 Lit. Kāś.) " , Patañjali (founder of the Yoga phil.) Lit. L.
N. of a grammarian (apparently identified with Lit. Pat. by Lit. Kaiy.) Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 21 and 29 ; iii , 1 , 92 ; vii , 2 , 101
of the author of a work on the treatment of a wife (perhaps the same with the grammarian) Lit. Vātsyāy. i , iv Lit. Ragh. xix , 29 ff. Sch.
गोनस [ gonasa ] [ gó-nasa ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 118 Lit. Kāś.) " cow-nosed " , a kind of large snake Lit. Suśr. v , 4 , 33
a kind of gem Lit. L.
[ gonasā ] f. the projecting snout of a cow Lit. Suśr. iv , 30 , 12
गोनाग [ gonāga ] [ gó-nāga ] m. an excellent ox Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 62 Lit. Kāś.
गोनागोनीश्वरतीर्थ [ gonāgonīśvaratīrtha ] [ gó-nāgonīśvara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP.
गोनाडीक [ gonāḍīka ] [ gó-nāḍīka ] m. N. of a plant Lit. L.
गोनाडीच [ gonāḍīca ] [ gó-nāḍīca ] m. N. of a plant Lit. L.
गोनाथ [ gonātha ] [ gó-nātha ] m. a bull Lit. L.
a cowherd Lit. W.
गोनाद [ gonāda ] [ gó-nāda ] m. " bellowing like a bull " , the bird Anas Casarca Lit. L.
गोनाम [ gonāma ] [ gó-nāmá ] pl. N. of particular sacrificial formulas Lit. MaitrS. iv , 2 , 1 and 10.
गोनामन् [ gonāman ] [ gó-nāman ] n. a name for a cow Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Gobh.
गोनामिक [ gonāmika ] [ gó-nāmika ] m. f. n. " called after the [ go-nāmá ] formulas " , N. of Lit. MaitrS. iv , 2.
गोनाय [ gonāya ] [ gó-nāya ] m. a cowherd Lit. ChUp. vi , 8 , 3.
गोनाशन [ gonāśana ] [ gó-nāśana ] m. " cattle-destroyer " , a wolf Lit. Gal.
गोनास [ gonāsa ] [ gó-nāsa ] m. f. n. cow-nosed Lit. Buddh. Lit. L.
[ gonāsa ] m. a kind of snake ( cf. [ -nasa ] ) Lit. L.
N. of a mountain Lit. Viddh. i , 3
n. a kind of gem ( [ vaikrāntamaṇi ] ) Lit. L.
[ gonāsā ] f. = [ -nasā ] Lit. MBh. ix , 2589.
गोनिष्क्रमण [ goniṣkramaṇa ] [ gó-niṣkramaṇa ] n. " the going out of cows on the pasture-ground " Lit. PSarv.
गोनिष्क्रमणतीर्थ [ goniṣkramaṇatīrtha ] [ gó-niṣkramaṇa--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. VarP.
गोनिष्यन्द [ goniṣyanda ] [ gó-niṣyanda ] m. = [ -jala ] Lit. L.
गोनिहार [ gonihāra ] [ gó-nihāra ] m. cow-dung Lit. Vishṇ. iii , 16.
गोनृ [ gonṛ ] [ gó-nṛ ] m. a bull Lit. Gal.
गोन्योघस् [ gonyoghas ] [ gó-nyoghas ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. streaming or flowing among milk ( " having quantities of fluid streaming down " Lit. Sāy.) Lit. RV. ix , 97 , 10.
गोप [ gopa ] [ gó-pá ] see s.v.
गोपक्षनेत्रता [ gopakṣanetratā ] [ go-pakṣa-netratā ] f. having eyes with lids like those of a cow (one of the 32 signs of perfection), Lit. Dharmas. 83
गोपति [ gopati ] [ gó-pati ] m. ( [ gó- ] ) the lord of cowherds , leader , chief (a N. often applied to Indra) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. i , 1
a bull Lit. MBh. xii , 4877 Lit. R. iii , iv Lit. VarBṛS.
(hence) the medicinal plant Ṛishabha Lit. L.
" lord of rays " , the sun Lit. MBh. i , ii , iii Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
" lord of stars " , the moon Lit. Subh.
" earth-lord " , a king Lit. L.
" the chief of herdsmen " , Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu Lit. MBh. xiii , 7002 and 7012 Lit. Hariv. 4067
" lord of waters " , Varuṇa Lit. MBh. v , 3532 and 3801
Śiva , xiii , 1228 Lit. R. vii , 16 , 23
Indra Lit. L.
N. of a Deva-gandharva ( cf. [ go-pá ] ) Lit. MBh. i , 2550 and 4811
of a demon slain by Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh. iii , 492 Lit. Hariv. 9141
of a son of Śibi Lit. MBh. xii , 1794
गोपतिचाप [ gopaticāpa ] [ gó-pati--cāpa ] m. " Indra's bow " , the rainbow Lit. W.
गोपतिध्वज [ gopatidhvaja ] [ gó-pati--dhvaja ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. R. vii , 87 , 12.
गोपथ [ gopatha ] [ gó-patha ] m. a way or ground for cows Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.
N. of a Brāhmaṇa of the Lit. AV.
गोपथब्राह्मण [ gopathabrāhmaṇa ] [ gó-patha--brāhmaṇa ] n. id.
गोपद [ gopada ] [ gó-pada ] n. the mark or impression of a cow's hoof in the soil Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 145 Lit. Kāś. ( cf. [ góṣp ] .)
गोपनन्द [ gopananda ] [ go-pa-nanda ] m. "son of a cowherd" , N. of Kṛishṇa, Lit. Subh.
गोपरीणस् [ goparīṇas ] [ gó-parīṇas ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. abundantly furnished with cattle or milk Lit. RV. viii , 45 , 24 and x , 62 , 10.
गोपर्वत [ goparvata ] [ gó-parvata ] n. N. of a Tīrtha.
गोपवन [ gopavana ] [ gó-pávana ] m. N. of a Ṛishi of Atri's family Lit. RV. viii , 74 , 11 Lit. KātyŚr. x , 2 , 21
गोपवनादि [ gopavanādi ] [ gó-pávanādi ] m. a Gaṇa of Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 67.
गोपा [ gopā ] [ gó-pā́ ] m. (nom. [ ā́s ] acc. [ ā́m ] du. [ ā́ ] or [ aú ] pl. nom. [ ā́s ] instr. [ ā́bhis ] ) a herdsman , guardian Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TBr. iii Lit. ChUp. Lit. ŚvetUp.
[ gopā ] f. ( [ ā́s ] ) a female guardian Lit. AV. xii , 1 , 57 Lit. TBr. iii ( cf. [ gopá ] s.v. , [ á- ] , [ devá- ] , [ vāyú- ] , [ saha- ] , [ sóma- ] , [ su-gopā́ ] )
गोपाजिह्व [ gopājihva ] [ go-pā́--jihva ] m. f. n. " having (the tongue i.e.) the voice of a cowherd " Lit. RV. iii , 38 , 9 ( the Lit. NBD. proposes to read [ gopā́jihmásya ] instead of [ gopā́-jihvasya ] )
गोपापुत्र [ gopāputra ] [ go-pā́--putra ] m. a bird , belonging to the Pratudas Lit. Car. i , 27 , 55
गोपावत् [ gopāvat ] [ go-pā́--vat ] m. f. n. furnished with guardians Lit. RV. vii , 60 , 8.
गोपाद्रि [ gopādri ] [ go-pādri ] m. N. of Gwalior, Lit. Inscr.
गोपारेश्वरतीर्थ [ gopāreśvaratīrtha ] [ gó-pāreśvara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP.
गोपाल [ gopāla ] [ gó-pālá ] m. ( proparox. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 78) a cowherd Lit. VS. xxx , 11 Lit. ŚBr. iv Lit. Mn. iv , 253 Lit. Yājñ. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . Lit. R. ii , 67 , 25)
" earth-protector " , a king (and " cowherd " ) Lit. Pañcat.
(= [ -pati ] ) Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh. iii , 15530
Śiva Lit. L.
N. of a demon causing fever Lit. Hariv. 9556
of a Nāga Lit. Buddh.
of a minister of king Bimbi-sāra Lit. ib.
of a king Lit. ib.
of a general of king Kīrti-varman Lit. Prab. i , 4
of a scholar Lit. Pratāpar. Sch.
= [ -pālaka ] q.v.
[ gopālī ] f. = [ °la-karkaṭī ] Lit. L.
another plant ( [ go-rakṣī ] ) Lit. L.
N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda Lit. MBh. ix , 2622
of a Cāṇḍālī Lit. Buddh.
गोपालकक्ष [ gopālakakṣa ] [ gó-pālá--kakṣa ] m. N. of a country Lit. MBh. ii , 1077 ; vi , 364
the inhabitants of that country Lit. ib. (v.l. [ -kaccha ] )
गोपालकर्कटी [ gopālakarkaṭī ] [ gó-pālá--karkaṭī ] f. a kind of cucumber ( [ gopa-karkaṭikā ] , [ gopālī ] , [ kṣudra-cirbhiṭā ] , [ kṣudra-phalā ] , [ kṣudrervāru ] ) Lit. L.
गोपालकल्प [ gopālakalpa ] [ gó-pālá--kalpa ] m. N. of wk.
गोपालकेलिचन्द्रिका [ gopālakelicandrikā ] [ gó-pālá--keli-candrikā ] f. N. of a drama
गोपालकेशव [ gopālakeśava ] [ gó-pālá--keśava ] m. N. of a statue of Kṛishṇa ( called after [ -varman ] ) Lit. Rājat. v , 243
गोपालगिरि [ gopālagiri ] [ gó-pālá--giri ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. Uttamac. 250
गोपालचक्रवर्तिन् [ gopālacakravartin ] [ gó-pālá--cakravartin ] m. N. of a scholiast
गोपालचम्पू [ gopālacampū ] [ gó-pālá--campū ] f. N. of wk.
गोपालतापनीयोपनिषद् [ gopālatāpanīyopaniṣad ] [ gó-pālá--tāpanīyopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Lit. Up.
गोपालतापिनी [ gopālatāpinī ] [ gó-pālá--tāpinī ] f. N. of an Lit. Up.
गोपालतीर्थ [ gopālatīrtha ] [ gó-pālá--tīrtha ] m. N. of a man
गोपालदास [ gopāladāsa ] [ gó-pālá--dāsa ] m. N. of the author of a work on elephants
N. of a copyist (1736 A.D.)
गोपालदेव [ gopāladeva ] [ gó-pālá--deva ] m. N. of a poet Lit. ŚārṅgP. Lit. Bhojapr. 212/213 ff. ( also [ °la ] )
गोपालधानीपूलास [ gopāladhānīpūlāsa ] [ gó-pālá--dhānī-pūlāsa ] n. g. [ rājadantādi ]
गोपालपुर [ gopālapura ] [ gó-pālá--pura ] n. N. of a town ( called after [ -varman ] ) Lit. Rājat. v , 243
गोपालप्रसाद [ gopālaprasāda ] [ gó-pālá--prasāda ] m. N. of a teacher of Rāma-candra
गोपालभट्ट [ gopālabhaṭṭa ] [ gó-pālá--bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of a man
गोपालमठ [ gopālamaṭha ] [ gó-pālá--maṭha ] m. N. of a college ( called after [ -varman ] ) Lit. Rājat. v , 243
गोपालमिश्र [ gopālamiśra ] [ gó-pālá--miśra ] m. N. of a man
गोपालयोगिन् [ gopālayogin ] [ gó-pālá--yogin ] m. N. of the author of a Comm. on Kaṭhavallī-bhāshya
गोपालरहस्य [ gopālarahasya ] [ gó-pālá--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
गोपालवर्मन् [ gopālavarman ] [ gó-pālá--varman ] m. N. of a king of Kaśmīr Lit. Rājat. v
गोपालसरस्वती [ gopālasarasvatī ] [ gó-pālá--sarasvatī ] f. N. of a pupil of Śiva-rāma and teacher of Govindânanda
गोपालसहस्रनामभूषणा [ gopālasahasranāmabhūṣaṇā ] [ gó-pālá--sahasra-nāma-bhūṣaṇā ] f. " decorated with the thousand names of Kṛishṇa " , N. of wk.
गोपालसाहि [ gopālasāhi ] [ gó-pālá--sāhi ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Inscr.
गोपालाचार्य [ gopālācārya ] [ gó-pālācārya ] m. N. of a teacher
गोपालार्चनचन्द्रिका [ gopālārcanacandrikā ] [ gó-pālārcana-candrikā ] f. N. of wk. (in honour of Kṛishṇa)
गोपालोत्तरतापिनी [ gopālottaratāpinī ] [ gó-pālottara-tāpinī ] f. N. of an Lit. Up.
गोपालक [ gopālaka ] [ gó-pālaka ] m. a cowherd Lit. MBh. iii , 14854 Lit. Kathās. xviii
N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. Kramadīp.
of Śiva Lit. L.
of a son of king Caṇḍamahā-sena Lit. Kathās. ( [ °la ] , Lit. xvi , 103)
[ gopālikā ] f. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 48 Lit. Pat.) a cowherd's wife Lit. MBh. i , 7980
a kind of worm or fly found on dung-heaps Lit. L.
गोपालि [ gopāli ] [ gó-pāli ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. xiii , 1228
of a man Lit. Pravar. vi , 3.
गोपालित [ gopālita ] [ gó-pālita ] m. N. of a lexicographer Sch. on Lit. Uṇ. iii , 22 and iv , 1.
गोपावत् [ gopāvat ] [ gó-pā́-vat ] see s. v. [ -pā́ ] .
गोपाशदारक [ gopāśadāraka ] [ go-pāśa-dāraka ] m. a cowherd boy, Lit. Mṛicch.
गोपासल [ gopāsala ] [ go-pāsala ] m. N. of Gwalior, Lit. Inscr.
गोपिटक [ gopiṭaka ] [ gó-piṭaka ] n. a kind of round basket Lit. DivyA7v. iv , 68.
गोपितृ [ gopitṛ ] [ go-pitṛ ] m. a guardian, protector, Lit. Jātakam.
गोपित्त [ gopitta ] [ gó-pitta ] n. ox-bile or the bile of cows (from which the yellow orpiment Go-rocanā , Rocanā or Rocanī , is supposed to be prepared) Lit. Pañcat. i , 1 , 81
orpiment Lit. L.
गोपीत [ gopīta ] [ gó-pīta ] m. N. of one of the 4 water-wagtails (regarded as birds of augury) Lit. VarBṛS. vl , 3. 1.
गोपीतिलक [ gopītilaka ] [ go-pītilaka ] (?), m. a kind of bird, Lit. Kauś., Paddh.
गोपीथ [ gopītha ] [ gó-pīthá ] m. (√ 1. [ pā ] ) a draught of milk Lit. RV. i , 19 , 1 Lit. ŚBr. iii. 2.
गोपीथ [ gopītha ] [ gó-pīthá ] m. (√ 3. [ pā ] ) protection Lit. RV. v , 65 , 6 ; x , 35 , 14 and 77 , 7 Lit. AV. Lit. TS. ii Lit. TBr. i Lit. BhP. i , iv , v
[ gopītha ] n. a place of pilgrimage Lit. Uṇ. ii , 9 Sch.
गोपीथ्य [ gopīthya ] [ gó-pī́thya ] n. granting protection Lit. RV. x , 95 , 11 ( " protection of the earth " Lit. Sāy.)
गोपुच्छ [ gopuccha ] [ gó-puccha ] n. (g. [ śarkarādi ] ) a cow's tail Lit. Pāṇ. 4-5 Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Sāh. vi , 11
a particular point of an arrow Lit. ŚārṅgP.
[ gopuccha ] m. (= [ -lāṅgūla ] ) a sort of monkey Lit. MBh. iii Lit. R. i , iv , vi Lit. BhP. iii , viii
a sort of necklace (of 2 ( or of 4 or of 34 Lit. W. ) strings) Lit. L.
a kind of drum Lit. L.
गोपुच्छाकृति [ gopucchākṛti ] [ gó-pucchākṛti ] m. " resembling a cow's tail " id. Lit. Gal.
गोपुच्छक [ gopucchaka ] [ gó-pucchaka ] m. f. n. having a tail like that of a cow Lit. Kām. vii , 11 Sch.
गोपुच्छाग्र [ gopucchāgra ] [ go-pucchāgra ] "end of a cow's tail" , a kind of dramatic composition, Lit. IW. 471
गोपुटा [ gopuṭā ] [ gó-puṭā ] f. large cardamoms Lit. L.
गोपुटिक [ gopuṭika ] [ gó-puṭika ] m. a temple consecrated to Śiva's bull Lit. L.
गोपुत्र [ goputra ] [ gó-putra ] m. a young bull Lit. MBh. xiii , 5733
a kind of gallinule ( cf. [ gopā-p ] ) Lit. Gal.
" son of the sun " , Karṇa , Lit. viii , 4668.
गोपुर [ gopura ] [ gó-pura ] n. a town-gate Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
(ifc. [ ā ] Lit. MBh. iii Lit. R. v)
a gate Lit. VarBṛS. lxxxix , 19
the ornamented gateway of a temple Lit. W.
(= [ -narda ] ) Cyperus rotundus Lit. Bhpr. v , 2 , 123
[ gopura ] m. N. of a physician Lit. Suśr. i , 1 , 1 Lit. Ṭoḍar.
गोपुरक [ gopuraka ] [ gó-puraka ] m. the resin of Boswellia thurifera Lit. L. ( [ °raga ] Lit. Gal.)
गोपुरीष [ gopurīṣa ] [ gó-purīṣa ] n. cow-dung Lit. L.
गोपुरोगव [ gopurogava ] [ gó-puro-gava ] ( [ gó ] - [ agra ] ) m. f. n. a cow which is chief of all Lit. AV. viii , 7 , 12. ( 1326,3 )
गोपोतलिका [ gopotalikā ] [ gó-potalikā ] f. a cow Lit. Pat. Introd. 35 ; 97 , and on Vārtt. 6.
गोपोष [ gopoṣa ] [ gó-poṣá ] m. increase of cowherds Lit. AV. xiii , 1 , 12.
गोप्रकाण्ड [ goprakāṇḍa ] [ gó-prakāṇḍa ] n. an excellent cow Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 66 Lit. Kāś.
गोप्रचार [ gopracāra ] [ gó-pracāra ] m. pasturage for cattle Lit. Yājñ. ii , 166.
गोप्रतार [ gopratāra ] [ gó-pratāra ] m. " ox-ford " , N. of a place of pilgrimage on the Sarayū Lit. MBh. iii , 8048 ff. Lit. R. vii , 110 , 23 Lit. Ragh. xv , 101
" leading cattle across the water " , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. xii , 10430.
गोप्रदान [ gopradāna ] [ gó-pradāna ] n. = [ -dāna ] :1 Lit. Pañcat. i , 11 , 2 ( Lit. Hit.)
गोप्रदानिक [ gopradānika ] [ gó-pradānika ] m. f. n. relating to the gift of cows (as an Adhyāya , like Lit. MBh. xiii , ch. 79 ff.)
गोप्रपदनीय [ goprapadanīya ] [ gó-prapadanīya ] n. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 111 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.
गोप्रवेशसमय [ gopraveśasamaya ] [ gó-praveśa-samaya ] m. the time when the cows come home , evening twilight Lit. VarBṛS. xxiv , 35.
गोप्रेक्षक [ goprekṣaka ] [ gó-prekṣaka ] N. of a Liṅga Lit. LiṅgaP. i , 1 , 3.
गोप्रेरक [ gopreraka ] [ gó-preraka ] m. " cow-inciter " , the bird Bhṛiṅga-rāja Lit. Gal.
गोफणा [ gophaṇā ] [ gó-phaṇā ] f. a bandage hollowed out to fit the chin or nose Lit. Suśr.
गोफणिका [ gophaṇikā ] [ gó-phaṇikā ] f. id. , Lit. i , 25 , 20.
गोबक [ gobaka ] [ gó-baka ] m. the bird Ardea Govina Lit. W.
गोबन्धु [ gobandhu ] [ gó-bandhu ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. (= [ -mātṛ ] ) having a cow as a relative (the Maruts) Lit. RV. viii , 20 , 8.
गोबल [ gobala ] [ gó-balá ] m. N. of a man Lit. TBr. iii , 11 , 9 , 3.
गोबलीवर्दन्यायेन [ gobalīvardanyāyena ] [ gó-balīvarda-nyāyena ] instr. ind. after the manner of " a bull of cattle " , an expression to denote when a pleonasm is allowed Lit. Nāg. on Lit. Pat. Introd. Lit. Mn. viii , 28 Sch.
गोबल्लव [ goballava ] [ gó-ballava ] m. a cowherd Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 66 Lit. Kāś.
गोबिजकाञ्चन [ gobijakāñcana ] [ go-bija-kāñcana ] n. pl. cows (and) grain (and) gold, Lit. Mn. viii, 88
गोब्राह्मण [ gobrāhmaṇa ] [ gó-brāhmaṇa ] n. sg. a cow and (or) a Brāhman Lit. Mn. v , 95 and xi , 80 Lit. MBh. xiii Lit. Hariv. 3157 f.
गोब्राह्मणमनुष्य [ gobrāhmaṇamanuṣya ] [ gó-brāhmaṇa--manuṣya ] m. pl. cows , Brāhmans , and men Lit. W.
गोभग [ gobhaga ] [ go-bhaga ] m. f. n. cow-protecting, Lit. JaimUp.
गोभट्ट [ gobhaṭṭa ] [ gó-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of a poet Lit. ŚārṅgP.
गोभण्डीर [ gobhaṇḍīra ] [ gó-bhaṇḍīra ] m. a kind of aquatic bird Lit. L.
गोभर्तृ [ gobhartṛ ] [ gó-bhartṛ ] m. a bull Lit. Gal.
गोभाज् [ gobhāj ] [ gó-bhā́j ] m. f. n. used for the benefit of cows Lit. RV. x , 97 , 5.
गोभानु [ gobhānu ] [ gó-bhānu ] m. N. of a son of Vahni Lit. Hariv. 1830 Lit. VP.
गोभुज् [ gobhuj ] [ gó-bhuj ] m. " enjoying the earth " , a king Lit. Rājat. v , 6.
गोभृत् [ gobhṛt ] [ gó-bhṛt ] m. (g. [ saṃkalādi ] ) " earth-supporter " , a mountain Lit. W.
a king Lit. Rājat. vii , 1072.
गोमक्षिका [ gomakṣikā ] [ gó-makṣikā ] f. a gad-fly ( [ daṃśa ] ) Lit. L.
गोमघ [ gomagha ] [ gó-magha ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. granting cattle or cows Lit. RV. vi , 35 , 3 and 4 ; vii , 71 , 1.
गोमचर्चिका [ gomacarcikā ] [ gó-macarcikā ] f. = [ -prakāṇḍa ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 66 Lit. Kāś.
गोमणिंद [ gomaṇiṃda ] [ gó-maṇiṃda ] m. a cowherd , Lit. vi , 2 , 66 Lit. Kāś.
गोमण्डल [ gomaṇḍala ] [ gó-maṇḍala ] n. a herd of cows Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 62 Vārtt. Lit. 5 and iii , 1 , 5 Vārtt. 1
" earth-orb " , the globe Lit. W.
गोमत् [ gomat ] [ gó-mat ] m. f. n. ( [ gó- ] ) possessing or containing cattle or cows or herds , rich in cattle , consisting of cattle Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. MBh. ii , v ( 365,3 )
containing or mixed with milk Lit. RV.
[ gomat ] n. possession of cattle Lit. RV. Lit. PārGṛ. iii , 4 , 4
[ gomatī ] f. ( [ gó-matī ] ) a place abounding in herds of cattle Lit. RV. iv , 21 , 4 and v , 61 , 19
N. of a village in the north g. [ palady-adi ]
( [ go-matī́ ] ) N. of a river falling into the Indus Lit. RV. viii , 24 , 30 and x , 75 , 10
another river falling into the Ganges Lit. MBh. iii , iv (metrically [ °ti ] , Lit. 513) , Lit. vi , xii , xiii Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
( with or without [ vidyā ] ) N. of a Vedic hymn or formula to be repeated during expiation for killing a cow Lit. MBh. xiii Lit. Hcat. i , 7
N. of Dākshāyaṇī in the Go-manta mountain Lit. MatsyaP. xiii , 28.
गोमत [ gomata ] [ gó-mata ] Nom. [ °tati ] , to behave like a cattle-owner Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 14 Lit. Siddh.
गोमतल्लिका [ gomatallikā ] [ gó-matallikā ] f. ( Lit. ii , 1 , 66 Lit. Kāś.) an excellent cow Lit. Śiś. xii , 41.
गोमति [ gomati ] [ gó-mati ] for [ °tī ] see s.v. [ -mat ] .
गोमती [ gomatī ] [ gó-matī ] f. of [ -mat ] q.v.
गोमतीतीर्थ [ gomatītīrtha ] [ gó-matī--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. SkandaP.
गोमतीपुत्र [ gomatīputra ] [ gó-matī--putra ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP. iv , 24 , 13
गोमतीसार [ gomatīsāra ] [ gó-matī--sāra ] m. N. of wk.
गोमत्य [ gomatya ] [ gó-matya ] Nom. P. [ °tyati ] = [ gomantam icchati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 70 Lit. Pat. and Lit. Kāś. ; vi , 4 , 14 Lit. Siddh. ; Ā. [ °tyate ] , to behave like a cattle-owner Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 2 Vārtt. 25 Lit. Pat.
गोमत्स्य [ gomatsya ] [ gó-matsya ] m. a kind of fish living in rivers Lit. Suśr. i , 46 , 2 , 57.
गोमथ [ gomatha ] [ gó-matha ] g. [ kumudādi ] .
गोमध्यमध्य [ gomadhyamadhya ] [ gó-madhya-madhya ] m. f. n. slender in the waist Lit. W.
गोमन्त [ gomanta ] [ gó-manta ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. MBh. ii , 618 ; vi , 449 (v.l. [ °nda ] ) Lit. Hariv. Lit. VarBṛS.
an owner of cattle Lit. W.
a herd of cattle Lit. W.
a multitude of cattle-owners Lit. W.
[ gomanta ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. vi , 351 (v.l. [ goghnata ] ) .
गोमन्द [ gomanda ] [ gó-manda ] see [ -manta ] . 1.
गोमय [ gomaya ] [ gó-máya ] m. f. n. consisting of cattle Lit. RV. x , 62 , 2
defiled with cow-dung Lit. R. ii , v
[ gomaya ] n. often pl. , rarely m. (g. [ ardharcādi ] ) cow-dung Lit. ŚBr. xii Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Kauś. Lit. Gobh. Lit. Mn.
n. dung Lit. VarBṛS. lv , 30
गोमयकार्षी [ gomayakārṣī ] [ gó-máya--kārṣī ] f. a piece of dried cow-dung Lit. DivyA7v.
गोमयच्छत्त्र [ gomayacchattra ] [ gó-máya--cchattra ] n. a fungus Lit. L.
गोमयच्छत्त्रिका [ gomayacchattrikā ] [ gó-máya--cchattrikā ] f. a fungus Lit. L.
गोमयपायसीयन्यायवत् [ gomayapāyasīyanyāyavat ] [ gó-máya--pāyasīya-nyāya-vat ] ind. " in the manner of cow-dung and of milky food " i.e. very different in nature though having the same origin Lit. Sarvad. ii , 169
गोमयप्रिय [ gomayapriya ] [ gó-máya--priya ] m. " fond of cow-dung " , Andropogon Schoenanthus Lit. L.
गोमयमय [ gomayamaya ] [ gó-máya--maya ] m. f. n. made of cow-dung Lit. Kād.
गोमयाम्भस् [ gomayāmbhas ] [ gó-máyāmbhas ] n. water with cow-dung Lit. Prab. ii , 10
गोमयोत्था [ gomayotthā ] [ gó-máyotthā ] f. " originating in cow-dung " , a gad-fly or a kind of beetle found in cow-dung Lit. L.
गोमयोद्भव [ gomayodbhava ] [ gó-máyodbhava ] m. " originating in cow-dung " , Cathartocarpus fistula Lit. L. 2.
गोमय [ gomaya ] [ gó-maya ] ( for the sake of euphony shortened for [ °yaya ] ) , Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to smear with (cow-dung) Lit. Dhātup. xxxv , 24.
गोमयाय [ gomayāya ] [ gó-mayāya ] Nom. [ °yate ] , to resemble cow-dung (in taste) Lit. Hit. iii , 6 , 33.
गोमहिषदा [ gomahiṣadā ] [ gó-mahiṣa-dā ] f. " granting cattle and buffaloes " , N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda Lit. MBh. ix , 2646.
गोमातृ [ gomātṛ ] [ gó-mātṛ ] m. f. n. ( [ gó- ] ) having a cow for mother ( the Maruts ; cf. [ pṛ́śni-m ] and [ gó-bandhu ] ) Lit. RV. i , 85 , 3
गोमायु [ gomāyu ] [ gó-māyu ] m. f. n. ( [ gó- ] ) making sounds like cattle (a frog) Lit. RV. vii , 103 , 6 and 10
[ gomāyu ] m. a kind of frog Lit. Kauś. 93 and 96
a jackal Lit. ShaḍvBr. v , 8 Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
N. of a jackal Lit. Pañcat. i
the bile of a cow Lit. W.
N. of a Gandharva or celestial musician Lit. Hariv. 14157
गोमायुभक्ष [ gomāyubhakṣa ] [ gó-māyu--bhakṣa ] m. pl. " jackal-eaters " , N. of a people Lit. VarBṛS. xvi , 35.
गोमायुकेश्वर [ gomāyukeśvara ] [ gó-māyukeśvara ] N. of a Liṅga Lit. LiṅgaP. i , 1 , 3.
गोमित्र [ gomitra ] [ gó-mitra ] m. for [ gó-mūtra ] Lit. BrahmaP. ii , 12 and 18 , 16.
गोमिथुन [ gomithuna ] [ gó-mithuna ] n. sg. a bull and a cow Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Gobh. Lit. Mn. iii
[ gomithuna ] m. du. id. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. iii , 14 , 17.
गोमिन् [ gomin ] [ gó-min ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 114 ; g. [ aśvādi ] ) the owner of cattle or cows Lit. Mn. ix , 50 Lit. Yājñ. ii , 161 Lit. MBh. xii Lit. VarBṛS.
a jackal Lit. L.
a layman adhering to Buddha's faith Lit. L.
गोमीन [ gomīna ] [ gó-mīna ] m. = [ -matsya ] Lit. L.
गोमुख [ gomukha ] [ gó-mukha ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 168) " cow-faced " , a crocodile Lit. L.
a hole in a wall of a peculiar shape made by thieves Lit. L.
N. of one of Śiva's attendants Lit. L.
of a son of Mātali Lit. MBh. v , 3574 Lit. R. vii , 28 , 10
of a king of Kauśāmbī , Lit. Kathârṇ.
of a son of the treasurer of king Vatsa Lit. Kathās. xxiii
of an attendant of the 1st Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Lit. L.
v.l. for [ -khala ]
[ gomukha ] m. (n. Lit. L.) a kind of musical instrument (sort of horn or trumpet ?) Lit. MBh. iv , vii , ix Lit. Bhag. i , 13 Lit. R. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. BhP.
n. (= [ -mukhī ] ) a cloth-bag for containing a rosary Lit. L.
a house built unevenly (viz. with angles or projections) Lit. L.
a particular method of sitting , Lit. Haṭhapr.
plastering , smearing with ( in comp.) Lit. Śiś. iii , 48 (pl.)
[ gomukhī ] f. a cloth-bag for containing a rosary (the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside) Lit. W. ( Lit. RTL. pp. 92 and 406)
a chasm in the Himâlaya mountains (through which the Ganges flows , erroneously conceived to be shaped like a cow's mouth) Lit. W.
N. of a river in Rāḍha Lit. W.
गोमुखव्याघ्र [ gomukhavyāghra ] [ gó-mukha--vyāghra ] m. " cow-faced tiger " , a wolf in sheep's clothing Lit. W.
गोमुख्या [ gomukhyā ] [ gó-mukhyā ] f. a particular way of beating a drum.
गोमुण्ड [ gomuṇḍa ] [ gó-muṇḍa ] m. anything put up for measuring or protecting a field , Lit. Vāsav. 494.
गोमूढ [ gomūḍha ] [ gó-mūḍha ] m. f. n. stupid as an ox Lit. W.
गोमूत्रजाति [ gomūtrajāti ] [ gó-mūtra--jāti ] f. a verse called [ gomūtrikā ] q.v.
गोमूत्रक [ gomūtraka ] [ gó-mūtraka ] m. f. n. " similar to the course of cow's urine " , going alternately to the one and to the other side , zigzagging Lit. MBh. ix , 3268
? g. [ sthūlādi ]
[ gomūtrikā ] f. zigzag Lit. Daś. xi , 51
an artificial verse to be read in zigzag Lit. Kāvyâd. iii , 78 f. Lit. Sarasv. Lit. Sāh. x , 13 a/b
a form of calculation Lit. W.
the reddish grass Tāmbaḍu Lit. L.
गोमूत्रिकाबन्ध [ gomūtrikābandha ] [ gó-mūtrikā-bandha ] m. = [ °tra-jāti ] .
गोमूत्रिन् [ gomūtrin ] [ gó-mūtrin ] m. a kind of Terminalia Lit. L.
गोमृग [ gomṛga ] [ gó-mṛgá ] m. ( = 2. [ gavayá ] q.v.) the Gayal Lit. VS. xxiv Lit. TS. ii Lit. ŚBr. xiii Lit. KātyŚr.
गोमृगकाकचर्या [ gomṛgakākacaryā ] [ gó-mṛgá--kāka-caryā ] f. the manner of cows (when going) , of deer (when standing) , and of crows (when sitting) Lit. BhP. v , 5 , 34
गोमृगेन्द्र [ gomṛgendra ] [ gó-mṛgendra ] m. = [ °gá ] Lit. Gal.
गोमेद [ gomeda ] [ gó-meda ] m. " cow-fat " , a gem brought from the Himâlaya and the Indus (being of 4 sorts , white , pale yellow , red , and dark blue) Lit. RTL. p.468
the tree [ kakkola ] Lit. L.
a kind of fish Lit. Gal.
N. of a mountain Lit. VP. ii , 4 , 7
of a Dvīpa Lit. Romakas. Lit. MatsyaP. cxxii
गोमेदसंनिभ [ gomedasaṃnibha ] [ gó-meda--saṃnibha ] m. " resembling the Gomeda " , dolomite Lit. L.
the plant Dugdha-pāshāṇa Lit. L.
गोमेदक [ gomedaka ] [ gó-medaka ] m. n. N. of a gem (= [ °da ] ) Lit. Hcat. i , 5 and 7
a kind of poison (? , [ kākola ] , for [ kakk ] ?) Lit. L.
= [ pattraka ] ( smearing the body with unguents Lit. W.) Lit. L.
the Dvīpa Lit. Gol. iii , 25 Lit. MatsyaP. cxxii.
गोमेध [ gomedha ] [ gó-medha ] m. ( cf. [ gavāṃ-m ] ) a cow-sacrifice Lit. R. vii , 25 , 8 Lit. VarP. xvi
N. of the attendant of the 22nd Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Lit. L.
गोम्बु [ gombu ] [ gó-'mbu ] n. = [ -jala ] Lit. Bhpr. vii , 57 , 15.
गोम्भस् [ gombhas ] [ gó-'mbhas ] n. id. Lit. L.
गोयज्ञ [ goyajña ] [ gó-yajña ] m. sacrifice of cattle Lit. Gobh. Lit. PārGṛ.
a sacrifice in honour of cows Lit. Hariv. 3851.
गोयान [ goyāna ] [ gó-yāna ] n. a carriage drawn by oxen or cows , cart (in general) Lit. Mn. xi , 175 Lit. Suśr.
गोयुग [ goyuga ] [ gó-yuga ] n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 29 Vārtt. 3 Lit. Pat.) a yoke or pair of cattle , pair of animals (in general) Lit. MBh. xii , xiii Lit. Pañcat.
गोयुत [ goyuta ] [ gó-yuta ] m. f. n. frequented by cattle Lit. R. ii , 49 , 10
[ goyuta ] n. = [ gav-yūta ] ( q.v.) Lit. MBh. xiv , 1934.
गोयूति [ goyūti ] [ gó-yūti ] f. (= [ gáv-y ] ) id. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 79 Vārtt.
गोरक्ष् [ gorakṣ ] [ gó-rakṣ ] m. f. n. tending or guarding cattle Lit. Vop. iii , 151.
गोरक्ष [ gorakṣa ] [ gó-rakṣa ] m. f. n. id. Lit. W.
[ gorakṣa ] m. a cowherd Lit. L.
a Gorkha or inhabitant of Nepāl Lit. W.
Śiva Lit. L.
N. of an author (= [ °kṣa-nātha ] )
the orange tree Lit. L.
the medicinal plant Ṛishabha Lit. L.
n. = [ górakṣā ] , for [ °kṣya ] q.v. Lit. Mn. x , 82 Lit. MBh. ii , iii , xiii Lit. R. ii
[ gorakṣā ] f. tending or breeding cattle , business of a herdsman Lit. MBh. i (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) , ii Lit. Hariv. 363
[ gorakṣī ] f. N. of several plants used for forming fences ( [ gandha-bahulā ] , [ go-pālī ] , [ citralā ] , [ dīrgha-daṇḍī ] , [ pañca-parṇikā ] , [ sarpa-daṇḍī ] , [ su-daṇḍikā ] ) Lit. L.
[ gorakṣa ] n. = [ °kṣatumbī ] Lit. L.
= [ °kṣa-dugdhā ] Lit. L.
गोरक्षकर्कटी [ gorakṣakarkaṭī ] [ gó-rakṣa--karkaṭī ] f. the cucumber [ cirbhiṭā ] Lit. Bhpr. v , 6 , 36
गोरक्षकल्प [ gorakṣakalpa ] [ gó-rakṣa--kalpa ] m. N. of wk.
गोरक्षजम्बू [ gorakṣajambū ] [ gó-rakṣa--jambū ] f. wheat Lit. L.
= [ °kṣa-taṇḍula ] Lit. L.
= [ ghoṇḍā-phala ] ( the jujube fruit Lit. W.) Lit. L.
गोरक्षतण्डुल [ gorakṣataṇḍula ] [ gó-rakṣa--taṇḍula ] n. f. Uraria lagopodioides Lit. L.
गोरक्षतुम्बी [ gorakṣatumbī ] [ gó-rakṣa--tumbī ] f. a kind of cucumber ( [ kumbha-t ] ) Lit. L.
गोरक्षदास [ gorakṣadāsa ] [ gó-rakṣa--dāsa ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Inscr.
गोरक्षदुग्धा [ gorakṣadugdhā ] [ gó-rakṣa--dugdhā ] f. a small kind of shrub Lit. L.
गोरक्षनाथ [ gorakṣanātha ] [ gó-rakṣa--nātha ] m. N. of the author of [ -śataka ]
गोरक्षपुर [ gorakṣapura ] [ gó-rakṣa--pura ] n. N. of a town (the modern Gorakhpur) Lit. RTL. p.158
गोरक्षशतक [ gorakṣaśataka ] [ gó-rakṣa--śataka ] n. N. of wk.
गोरक्षसहस्रनामन् [ gorakṣasahasranāman ] [ gó-rakṣa--sahasranāman ] n. " the thousand names of Śiva " , N. of wk.
गोरक्षासन [ gorakṣāsana ] [ gó-rakṣāsana ] n. a particular method of sitting , Lit. Haṭhapr.
गोरक्षक [ gorakṣaka ] [ gó-rakṣaka ] m. f. n. tending or keeping or breeding cattle (one of the Vṛittis of a Vaiśya Lit. Vishṇ. ii , 13) Lit. Mn. viii , 102 Lit. MBh. xiii
[ gorakṣaka ] m. a cowherd Lit. Hit.
N. of a man , Lit. Tantr.
गोरक्षण [ gorakṣaṇa ] [ gó-rakṣaṇa ] n. tending cattle Lit. W.
गोरक्ष्याट्ट [ gorakṣyāṭṭa ] [ gó-rakṣyāṭṭa ] m. N. of a locality Lit. Rasik.
गोरङ्कु [ goraṅku ] [ gó-raṅku ] m. a waterfowl Lit. L.
a chanter , bard ( [ lagna ] ) Lit. L.
a bailsman , guarantee Lit. L.
a naked man ( [ nagna ] for [ lagna ] ?) Lit. W.
गोरजस् [ gorajas ] [ gó-rajas ] n. a particle of dust on a cow-hair (named as a very small measure) Lit. Lalit. xii
" sun-dust " , an atom.
गोरथ [ goratha ] [ gó-ratha ] m. " cow-cart " , N. of a mountain Lit. MBh. ii , 797
Śiva Lit. W.
गोरथक [ gorathaka ] [ gó-rathaka ] m. a carriage drawn by cattle Lit. SaddhP. iii.
गोरभस [ gorabhasa ] [ gó-rabhasa ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. strengthened with milk (Soma) Lit. RV. i , 121 , 8.
गोरम्भ [ gorambha ] [ gó-rambha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pañcat. i.
गोरव [ gorava ] [ gó-rava ] m. saffron Lit. L.
गोरस [ gorasa ] [ gó-rasa ] m. cow-milk Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Yājñ. i Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS.
milk Lit. Car. i , 27
buttermilk Lit. L.
curdled milk Lit. L.
गोरसज [ gorasaja ] [ gó-rasa--ja ] n. buttermilk Lit. L.
गोराज [ gorāja ] [ gó-rāja ] m. (= [ -pati ] ) a bull Lit. L.
गोराटिका [ gorāṭikā ] [ gó-rāṭikā ] f. = [ -kirāḍ ] Lit. L.
गोराटी [ gorāṭī ] [ gó-rāṭī ] f. = [ -kirāḍ ] Lit. L.
गोरास्य [ gorāsya ] [ gó-rāsya ] m. " playing with cows " , Kṛishṇa Lit. Pañcar. iv , 8 , 16.
गोरुत [ goruta ] [ gó-ruta ] n. " as far as a cow's lowing may be heard " , = [ -yuta ] Lit. Daś. x , 138.
गोरुध [ gorudha ] [ gó-rudha ] see [ á-g ] .
गोरूप [ gorūpa ] [ gó-rūpá ] m. f. n. cow-shaped Lit. AV. ix , 7 , 25 Lit. MBh. xiii , 737
[ gorūpa ] n. the shape of a cow Lit. Siṃhâs. Introd. 59/1.
गोरोच [ goroca ] [ gó-roca ] n. = [ °canā ] Lit. L.
गोरोचना [ gorocanā ] [ gó-rocanā ] f. a bright yellow orpiment prepared from the bile of cattle (employed in painting , dyeing , and in marking the Tilaka on the forehead ; in med. used as a sedative , tonic , and anthelmintic remedy) Lit. MBh. xiii , 6149 Lit. Vikr. v , 19 Lit. Kum. Lit. VarBṛS. ( 366,2 )
गोलक्षण [ golakṣaṇa ] [ gó-lakṣaṇa ] n. " marks of a cow " see [ gaulakṣaṇika ] .
गोलत्तिका [ golattikā ] [ gó-láttikā ] f. a kind of animal Lit. VS. xxiv , 37 Lit. TS. v.
गोलव [ golava ] [ gó-lava ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. VāyuP. (v.l. for [ gālava ] ) .
गोलवण [ golavaṇa ] [ gó-lavaṇa ] n. the quantity of salt given to a cow Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 4 Lit. Kāś.
गोलाङ्गुल [ golāṅgula ] [ gó-lāṅgula ] m. for [ °gūla ] ( q.v.) a kind of monkey Lit. MBh. iii , 16272 Lit. R.
[ golāṅgulī ] f. the female of that monkey Lit. R. i , 16 , 21
गोलाङ्गुलपरिवर्तन [ golāṅgulaparivartana ] [ gó-lāṅgula--parivartana ] m. N. of a mountain near Rāja-gṛiha Lit. Buddh. (v.l. [ golī-gulap ] ) .
गोलाङ्गूल [ golāṅgūla ] [ gó-lāṅgūla ] m. (= [ -puccha ] ) " cow-tailed " , a black kind of monkey Lit. MBh. i , 2628 Lit. R.
गोलिह [ goliha ] [ gó-liha ] m. " cow-licked " , Bignonia suaveolens Lit. Bhpr. v , 5 , 67.
गोलीढ [ golīḍha ] [ gó-līḍha ] m. id. Lit. ib.
गोलोक [ goloka ] [ gó-loka ] m. (n. , Lit. Tantr.) , " cow-world " , a part of heaven , or ( in later mythol. Lit. RTL. 118 and 291) Kṛishṇa's heaven Lit. MBh. xiii , 3195 ( cf. 3347) Lit. Hariv. 3994 ( cf. 3899) Lit. R. ii Lit. BrahmaP.
गोलोकवर्णन [ golokavarṇana ] [ gó-loka--varṇana ] n. N. of Lit. BrahmaP. iv , 4
of part of the Sadā-śiva-saṃhitā
of part of Lit. SkandaP.
गोलोमन् [ goloman ] [ gó-loman ] n. a cow's hair (from which Dūrvā grass is said to spring) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 30 Lit. Pat. Lit. Pañcat. i , 1 , 81.
गोलोमिका [ golomikā ] [ gó-lomikā ] f. Hemionitis cordifolia Lit. L.
गोलोमी [ golomī ] [ gó-lomī ] f. N. of a plant (white Dūrvā grass Lit. L. ; [ bhūta-keśa ] or [ °śī ] Lit. L. ; [ vacā ] Lit. L.) Lit. Car. i , 4 , 16 , 3 Lit. Suśr. iv , vi
= [ vara-yoṣā ] ( " an excellent woman " or " a harlot " ) Lit. L.
गोवत्स [ govatsa ] [ gó-vatsa ] m. " a calf " , in comp.
गोवत्सद्वादशीव्रत [ govatsadvādaśīvrata ] [ gó-vatsa--dvādaśī-vrata ] n. a kind of observance Lit. BhavP.
गोवत्सादिन् [ govatsādin ] [ gó-vatsādí n ] m. " calf-eater " , a wolf Lit. L.
गोवत्सारि [ govatsāri ] [ gó-vatsāri ] m. " calf-enemy " id. Lit. L.
गोवत्सक [ govatsaka ] [ gó-vatsaka ] m. a kind of bird Lit. Vasantar. viii , 48.
गोवत्सलतीर्थ [ govatsalatīrtha ] [ gó-vatsala-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. SkandaP.
गोवध [ govadha ] [ gó-vadha ] m. the killing of a cow Lit. Mn. xi , 60.
गोवन्दनी [ govandanī ] [ gó-vandanī ] f. the Priyaṃgu plant Lit. L.
the plant Gandha-vallī Lit. L.
गोवपुस् [ govapus ] [ gó-vapus ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. shaped like a cow Lit. RV. x , 68 , 9.
गोवर [ govara ] [ gó-vara ] m. N. of a village
[ govara ] n. cow-dung pulverized Lit. Bhpr. (v.l. [ gor-v ] ) .
गोवर्धन [ govardhana ] [ gó-vardhana ] m. a celebrated hill in Vṛindāvana near Mathurā (lifted up and supported by Kṛishṇa upon one finger for 7 days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Kṛishṇa's divinity cf. Lit. RTL. p.113) Lit. Inscr. Lit. MBh. ii , 1441 ; v , 4410 Lit. Hariv. Lit. Ragh.
N. of a holy fig-tree in the country of the Bāhīkas Lit. MBh. viii , 2031
N. of the author of [ °nasaptaśatī ] (of the 12th or 13th century A.D.) Lit. Gīt. i , 4 Lit. ŚārṅgP. Sch. on Lit. Uṇ.
N. of one of the 5 Śruta-kevalins Lit. Jain.
= [ °na-dhara ] Lit. Cāṇ.
गोवर्धनधर [ govardhanadhara ] [ gó-vardhana--dhara ] m. " Govardhana-supporter " , Kṛishṇa Lit. Hariv. 10406 Lit. Rājat. iv , 198
गोवर्धनमाहात्म्य [ govardhanamāhātmya ] [ gó-vardhana--māhātmya ] n. " the glory of the Govardhana hill " , N. of a part of Lit. VarP.
गोवर्धनसप्तशती [ govardhanasaptaśatī ] [ gó-vardhana--saptaśatī ] f. 700 stanzas in the Āryā metre on chiefly erotic subjects by Govardhanâcārya
गोवर्धनाचार्य [ govardhanācārya ] [ gó-vardhanācārya ] m. the renowned author Govardhana.
गोवर्धनानन्द [ govardhanānanda ] [ gó-vardhanānanda ] m. the renowned author Govardhana.
गोवर्धनीय [ govardhanīya ] [ gó-vardhanīya ] m. f. n. composed by Govardhana.
गोवाट [ govāṭa ] [ gó-vāṭa ] m. a hurdle for cattle Lit. Hariv. 3397 and 3485 Lit. Kathās. xx (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) .
गोवाणिज [ govāṇija ] [ go-vāṇija ] m. a cattle-dealer, Lit. Pāṇ.vi, 2, 13, Lit. Kāś.
गोवाल [ govāla ] [ gó-vāla ] m. f. n. having hair like a cow Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 64 Lit. Kāś.
[ govāla ] m. a cow's hair Lit. Mn. viii , 250 (pl.)
N. of the father of the astronomer Viśva-nātha.
गोवालिन् [ govālin ] [ gó-vālin ] m. f. n. " cow-haired " ( a kind of [ gaja ] ) Lit. Buddh. Lit. L. 1.
गोवास [ govāsa ] [ gó-vāsa ] m. the abode of cows , cow-house Lit. MBh. ii , 825. 2.
गोवास [ govāsa ] [ gó-vāsa ] m. pl. " covered with ox-hides " , N. of a people , Lit. viii , 3650.
गोवासन [ govāsana ] [ gó-vāsana ] m. pl. id. , Lit. ii , 1825
[ govāsana ] m. sg. (g. [ kāśyādi ] ) N. of a king of the Śibis Lit. , i , vi f.
गोवाहिन् [ govāhin ] [ go-vāhin ] m. Bos Gavaeus, Lit. L.
गोविकर्त [ govikarta ] [ gó-vikartá ] m. a cow-slaughterer Lit. MaitrS. ii Lit. ŚBr. v , 3 , 1 , 10 Lit. KātyŚr.
गोविकर्त्तृ [ govikarttṛ ] [ gó-vikarttṛ ] m. id. Lit. MBh. iv , 36.
गोवितत [ govitata ] [ gó-vitata ] for [ -vinata ] , Lit. i , 3121 .
गोविद् [ govid ] [ gó-ví d ] m. f. n. acquiring or procuring cows or cattle Lit. RV.
[ govid ] m. N. of Saha-deva ( cf. Lit. MBh. iv , 19 , 32) Lit. Gal.
गोविधा [ govidhā ] [ go-vidhā ] f. food for cows, Lit. Pat.
गोविनत [ govinata ] [ gó-vinata ] ( [ gó- ] ) . m. a form of the Aśva-medha sacrifice Lit. ŚBr. xiii ( cf. [ -vitata ] .)
गोविन्द [ govinda ] [ gó-vinda ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 138 Vārtt. 2) " = [ -ví d ] ( or fr. Prākṛit (gov'-inda) = [ gopendra ] ?) " , Kṛishṇa (or Vishṇu) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Bhag. Lit. BhP. ( cf. Lit. RTL. p.405)
Bṛihaspati ( cf. [ gotra-bhí d ] ) Lit. L.
(= Vishṇu) N. of the 4th month Lit. VarBṛS. cv , 14
( fr. Prākṛit (gov'-inda) = [ gopendra ] ) a chief herdsman Lit. L.
N. of a prince
of several teachers and authors
of a mountain Lit. MBh. vi , 460
गोविन्दकूट [ govindakūṭa ] [ gó-vinda--kūṭa ] m. id. Lit. Kathās. xxv , 293 ; cviii
गोविन्दगिर [ govindagira ] [ gó-vinda--gira ] m. N. of a copyist (1770 A.D.)
गोविन्दचन्द [ govindacanda ] [ gó-vinda--canda ] m. for [ -candra ]
गोविन्दचन्द्र [ govindacandra ] [ gó-vinda--candra ] m. N. of a prince
गोविन्ददत्त [ govindadatta ] [ gó-vinda--datta ] m. N. of a Brāhman , Lit. vii , 42
गोविन्ददीक्षित [ govindadīkṣita ] [ gó-vinda--dīkṣita ] m. N. of a man
गोविन्ददेव [ govindadeva ] [ gó-vinda--deva ] m. N. of the father of Sundara-deva
गोविन्दद्वादशी [ govindadvādaśī ] [ gó-vinda--dvādaśī ] f. the 12th day in the light half of month Phālguna
गोविन्दनाथ [ govindanātha ] [ gó-vinda--nātha ] m. N. of one of Śaṃkara's teachers
गोविन्दनायक [ govindanāyaka ] [ gó-vinda--nāyaka ] m. N. of a sage Lit. Sarvad. ix , 21
गोविन्दपाल [ govindapāla ] [ gó-vinda--pāla ] m. N. of a prince
गोविन्दप्रकाश [ govindaprakāśa ] [ gó-vinda--prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
गोविन्दभगवत्पादाचार्य [ govindabhagavatpādācārya ] [ gó-vinda--bhagavat-pādācārya ] m. N. of a teacher , 9 ; 20 ; 35
गोविन्दभट्ट [ govindabhaṭṭa ] [ gó-vinda--bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of an author
गोविन्दमानसोल्लास [ govindamānasollāsa ] [ gó-vinda--mānasollāsa ] m. N. of wk.
गोविन्दराज [ govindarāja ] [ gó-vinda--rāja ] m. N. of a commentator on Lit. Mn. ( mentioned by Lit. Kull. on Lit. ix , 125 ; 136 and 141)
N. of a poet Lit. ŚārṅgP.
गोविन्दराम [ govindarāma ] [ gó-vinda--rāma ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Kshitîś. v , 48
of a scholiast
गोविन्दराय [ govindarāya ] [ gó-vinda--rāya ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Kshitîś. vi , 1
गोविन्दवृन्दावन [ govindavṛndāvana ] [ gó-vinda--vṛndā-vana ] m. N. of wk.
गोविन्दसिंह [ govindasiṃha ] [ gó-vinda--siṃha ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Inscr.
N. of one of the ten chief Gurus of the Sikhs Lit. RTL. pp. 164 ; 166 and 167
गोविन्दसूरि [ govindasūri ] [ gó-vinda--sūri ] m. N. of a commentator on the Lit. MBh. (father of Nīla-kaṇṭha)
गोविन्दस्वामिन् [ govindasvāmin ] [ gó-vinda--svāmin ] m. N. of a Brāhman Lit. Kathās. xxv , 74
गोविन्दानन्द [ govindānanda ] [ gó-vindānanda ] m. N. of a scholiast
गोविन्दार्चनसुधा [ govindārcanasudhā ] [ gó-vindārcana-sudhā ] f. " nectar of Kṛishṇa's praise " , N. of a work
गोविन्दार्णव [ govindārṇava ] [ gó-vindārṇava ] m. N. of wk.
गोविन्दाष्टक [ govindāṣṭaka ] [ gó-vindāṣṭaka ] n. " the 8 verses of Govinda " , N. of wk.
गोविन्दिनी [ govindinī ] [ gó-vindinī ] f. N. of a fragrant plant Lit. Gal.
गोविन्दु [ govindu ] [ gó-vindú ] m. f. n. searching for milk Lit. RV. ix , 96 , 19.
गोविष् [ goviṣ ] [ gó-viṣ ] f. cow-dung Lit. L.
गोविषाण [ goviṣāṇa ] [ gó-viṣāṇa ] n. cow-horn Lit. MBh. xii , 5303 Lit. Suśr.
गोविषाणिक [ goviṣāṇika ] [ gó-viṣāṇika ] m. ( cf. [ mukha ] ) a kind of musical instrument , trumpet Lit. MBh. vi , ix.
गोविष्ठा [ goviṣṭhā ] [ gó-viṣṭhā ] f. = [ -viṣ ] Lit. Bhpr. v , 26 , 23.
गोविसर्ग [ govisarga ] [ gó-visarga ] m. (= [ -sarga ] ) " time at which cows are let loose " , day-break Lit. R. vii , 111 , 9 Lit. AV.Pariś.
गोवीथी [ govīthī ] [ gó-vīthī ] f. " cow-path " , that portion of the moon's path which contains the asterisms Bhadra-padā , Revatī , and Aśvinī (or according to others , Hasta , Citrā , and Svātī) Lit. , lii , 19 Lit. VarBṛS. ix , 1 f.
गोवीर्य [ govīrya ] [ gó-vīrya ] n. the value or price received for milk Lit. Nār.
गोवृन्द [ govṛnda ] [ gó-vṛnda ] n. a drove of cattle Lit. L.
गोवृन्दारक [ govṛndāraka ] [ gó-vṛndāraka ] m. an excellent ox Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 62 Lit. Kāś.
गोवृष [ govṛṣa ] [ gó-vṛṣa ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 144 Lit. Kāś.) a bull Lit. Mn. ix , 150 Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
Śiva Lit. MBh. xii , 10372 ( cf. Lit. xiii , 914)
गोवृषध्वज [ govṛṣadhvaja ] [ gó-vṛṣa--dhvaja ] m. id. , Lit. xiii , 4002 .
गोवृषण [ govṛṣaṇa ] [ gó-vṛṣaṇa ] m. the scrotum of a bull Lit. Suśr. i , 13 , 6.
गोवृषभ [ govṛṣabha ] [ gó-vṛṣabha ] m. a bull Lit. MBh.
गोवृषभाङ्क [ govṛṣabhāṅka ] [ gó-vṛṣabhāṅka ] m. N. of Śiva , Lit. xiii , 6296.
गोवेष [ goveṣa ] [ gó-veṣa ] m. f. n. having the appearance of a bull , iv , 588.
गोवैद्य [ govaidya ] [ gó-vaidya ] m. a cow-doctor Lit. W.
गोवैद्यक [ govaidyaka ] [ gó-vaidyaka ] n. N. of a medical work Lit. Uṇ. ii , 109 Sch.
गोव्यच्छ [ govyaccha ] [ gó-vyacchá ] m. f. n. one who torments a cow Lit. VS. xxx , 18 Lit. Kāṭh. xv , 4.
गोव्याघ्र [ govyāghra ] [ gó-vyāghra ] n. sg. a cow and a tiger Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 9 Sch. ( not in Lit. Kāś.)
गोव्याधि [ govyādhi ] [ gó-vyādhi ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pravar. vii.
गोव्रज [ govraja ] [ gó-vraja ] m. a cow-pen Lit. Mn. iv , xi Lit. MBh. i Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. ii
N. of an attendant of Skanda Lit. MBh. ix , 2568
of a Dānava Lit. Hariv. 12937.
गोव्रत [ govrata ] [ gó-vrata ] m. f. n. one who imitates a cow in frugality Lit. MBh. v , 3560.
गोव्रतिन् [ govratin ] [ gó-vratin ] m. f. n. id. , Lit. 3559 ; xiii , 3583 Lit. Hcat. i , 7.
गोशकट [ gośakaṭa ] [ gó-śakaṭa ] m. n. = [ -rathaka ] Lit. L.
गोशकृत् [ gośakṛt ] [ gó-śakṛt ] n. = [ -viṣ ] Lit. Mn. ii , 182 Lit. Suśr.
गोशकृद्रस [ gośakṛdrasa ] [ gó-śakṛd-rasa ] m. dung-water Lit. Mn. xi , 92.
गोशत [ gośata ] [ gó-śata ] n. a present of 100 cows sent to a Brāhman Lit. W.
गोशतिन् [ gośatin ] [ gó-śatin ] m. f. n. possessing 100 cows Lit. MBh. xiii , 3742
( [ gavāṃ ś ] , 4885.)
गोशफ [ gośapha ] [ gó-śaphá ] m. a cow's hoof Lit. VS. xxiii Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. Lāṭy.
गोशर्य [ gośarya ] [ gó-śarya ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. N. of a man Lit. RV. viii , 8 , 20 ; 49 , 10 and 50 , 10.
गोशाल [ gośāla ] [ gó-śāla ] n. a cow-stall Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 35
[ gośāla ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 35) " born in a cow-stall " ( cf. Bhagavatī Lit. xv) N. of a pupil and rival of Mahā-vīra (who founded or became the head of the Ājīvika sect) Lit. Buddh. (v.l. [ °li ] ) Lit. Jain.
N. of a Gauḍa prince
[ gośālā ] f. a cow-stall Lit. Kauś.
गोशालि [ gośāli ] [ gó-śāli ] v.l. for [ °la ] q.v.
गोशिल [ gośila ] [ gó-śila ] m. pl. " cow-stone " , N. of a family Lit. Pravar. v , 4.
गोशीर्ष [ gośīrṣa ] [ gó-śīrṣa ] m. " cow-headed " , N. of a Nāga Lit. Kāraṇḍ. i , 19
[ gośīrṣa ] n. a kind of arrow Lit. MBh. vii , 8097 ( [ °ṣa ] or [ °ṣan ] )
the head of a cow Lit. W.
n. ( also m. Lit. L.) a kind of sandal-wood (brass-coloured and very fragrant) Lit. R. iv , 41 , 59 Lit. Buddh. Lit. Jain.
n. camphor Lit. Gal.
गोशीर्षचन्दन [ gośīrṣacandana ] [ gó-śīrṣa--candana ] n. id. Lit. Kāraṇḍ. xii Lit. Kād. iv , 663.
गोशीर्षक [ gośīrṣaka ] [ gó-śīrṣaka ] m. the shrub Droṇa-pushpī Lit. L.
a kind of sandal-wood Lit. Kād. (v.l.)
गोशृङ्ग [ gośṛṅga ] [ gó-śṛṅga ] n. a cow's horn Lit. Kauś. Lit. Kathās. lix
for [ gauśṛ ] q.v.
[ gośṛṅga ] m. " cow-horned " , Acacia arabica Lit. L.
N. of a mountain Lit. MBh. ii , 1109 Lit. R. iv Lit. Buddh.
गोशृङ्गव्रतिन् [ gośṛṅgavratin ] [ gó-śṛṅga--vratin ] m. pl. N. of a Lit. Buddh. sect Lit. Buddh. Lit. L.
गोशे [ gośe ] [ gó-śe ] for [ -se ] see s.v. [ -sa ] .
गोश्रीत [ gośrīta ] [ gó-śrīta ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. mixed with milk (Soma) Lit. RV. i , 137 , 1 ; viii , 21 , 5.
गोश्रु [ gośru ] [ go-śru ] (?), m. N. of a Brahma-cārin (having the patr. Jābāla), Lit. JaimUp.
गोश्रुति [ gośruti ] [ gó-śruti ] m. N. of a man with the patr. Vaiyāghrapadya Lit. ChUp. v , 2 , 3.
गोश्व [ gośva ] [ gó-'śvá ] n. sg. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 11 Lit. Kāś.) cattle and horses Lit. ŚBr. xii Lit. KātyŚr.
[ gośva ] m. du. an ox or a cow and a horse Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 11 Lit. Kāś.
गोषक [ goṣaka ] [ gó-ṣaka ] m. ( fr. [ -ṣán ] ) , N. of a Buddh. author.
गोषखि [ goṣakhi ] [ gó-ṣakhi ] ( [ góṣakhā ] ) m. " having cattle as friends ( [ sákhi ] ) " , possessing cattle Lit. RV. viii , 14 , 1 ( cf. [ -sakhi ] .)
गोषड्गव [ goṣaḍgava ] [ gó-ṣaḍ-gava ] n. 3 pairs of cattle Lit. Vop. vii , 76.
गोषणि [ goṣaṇi ] [ gó-ṣáṇi ] m. f. n. acquiring or procuring cattle Lit. RV. vi , 53 , 10 ( cf. [ -sáni ] .)
गोषतम [ goṣatama ] [ gó-ṣá-tama ] see [ -ṣán ] .
गोषद् [ goṣad ] [ gó-ṣád ] m. f. n. sitting among cattle Lit. MaitrS. i , 1 , 2 Lit. Kāṭh. i , xxxi
( [ ghoṣád ] Lit. TS. i , 1 , 2 , 1)
गोषदादि [ goṣadādi ] [ gó-ṣád--ādi ] m. a Gaṇa of Lit. Pāṇ. ( Lit. v , 2 , 62 Lit. Gaṇar. 435 f.)
गोषद [ goṣada ] [ gó-ṣada ] for [ -ṣad ] Lit. ib. Lit. Kāś.
गोषदक [ goṣadaka ] [ gó-ṣadaka ] m. f. n. containing the word [ go-ṣád ] ( an Adhyāya or Anuvāka) g. [ goṣad-ādi ] .
गोषन् [ goṣan ] [ gó-ṣán ] m. f. n. (√ [ san ] ) = [ -ṣáṇi ] Lit. RV. iv , 32 , 22
गोषतम [ goṣatama ] [ gó-ṣá-tama ] m. f. n. (superl.) Lit. , vi , 33 , 5.
गोषा [ goṣā ] [ gó-ṣā́ ] m. f. n. (√ [ sā ] = [ san ] Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 67 and viii , 3 , 108) = [ -ṣáṇi ] Lit. RV. ix , 2 , 10 ; 16 , 2 ; 61 , 20 ; x , 95 , 3.
गोषाति [ goṣāti ] [ gó-ṣāti ] ( [ gó- ] ) f. acquiring or fighting for the sake of cattle , Lit. viii , 84 , 7 ; x , 38 , 1.
गोषादी [ goṣādī ] [ gó-ṣādī́ ] f. (√ [ sad ] ) " settling on cows " , a kind of bird Lit. VS. xxiv , 24
( [ ghoṣ ] ) Lit. MaitrS. ( cf. [ -sāda ] .)
गोषूक्त [ goṣūkta ] [ gó-ṣūkta ] m. ( [ sūkta ] ) , N. of the father or ancestor of Gaushûkti Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. xix Sch.
गोषूक्तिन् [ goṣūktin ] [ gó-ṣūktin ] m. ( [ sūkt ] ) , N. of the author of Lit. RV. viii , 14 f.
गोषेधा [ goṣedhā ] [ gó-ṣedhā́ ] f. (√ [ sidh ] ) a kind of evil being Lit. AV. i , 18 , 4.
गोष्ट [ goṣṭa ] [ gó-ṣṭa ] for 2. [ -ṣṭha ] q.v.
गोष्टोम [ goṣṭoma ] [ gó-ṣṭoma ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. ( [ stóma ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 105 Lit. Kāś.) an Ekâha ceremony forming part of the Abhiplava which lasts 6 days ( also called [ gó ] q.v.) Lit. TS. vii Lit. Lāṭy. x ( cf. Lit. AitBr. iv , 15 and [ -stoma ] .)
गोष्ठ [ goṣṭha ] [ gó-ṣṭhá ]1 m. (n. Lit. L. ; fr. [ stha ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 97) an abode for cattle , cow-house , cow-pen , fold for cattle Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
stable or station of animals (in general Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 29 Vārtt. 3) Lit. MBh.
meeting-place , Lit. xii , 6547 (= 9953)
with [ aṅgirasām ] N. of a Sāman Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. xiii
[ apā́ṃ g ] , a water-vessel Lit. AV. xi , 1 , 13
" refuge (of men) " , Śiva Lit. MBh. xiv , 198
N. of an author Lit. Buddh.
[ goṣṭha ] n. = [ °ṣṭhī-śrāddha ] Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. iii , 254
[ goṣṭhā ] f. a place where cows are kept Lit. Gaṇar. 56 Sch.
[ goṣṭhī ] f. an assembly , meeting , society , association , family connections (esp. the dependent or junior branches) , partnership , fellowship Lit. MBh. ( metrically [ °ṣṭhi ] , Lit. v , 1536)
[ goṣṭha ] n. conversation , discourse , dialogue Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kād.
a kind of dramatic entertainment in one act Lit. Sāh. vi , 274
N. of a village g. [ palady-ādi ] ( Lit. Kāś. Lit. Gaṇar. 325)
गोष्ठकर्मन् [ goṣṭhakarman ] [ gó-ṣṭhá--karman ] n. a rite relating to the cow-stable Lit. Kauś. 19
गोष्ठकुक्कुट [ goṣṭhakukkuṭa ] [ gó-ṣṭhá--kukkuṭa ] m. a kind of crow Lit. Npr.
गोष्ठगोचर [ goṣṭhagocara ] [ gó-ṣṭhá--gocara ] m. id. Lit. ib.
गोष्ठचर [ goṣṭhacara ] [ gó-ṣṭhá--cara ] m. a kind of hawk Lit. Gal.
गोष्ठज [ goṣṭhaja ] [ gó-ṣṭhá--ja ] m. " born in a cow-pen " , N. of a Brāhman Lit. PhiṭS.
गोष्ठपति [ goṣṭhapati ] [ gó-ṣṭhá--pati ] m. a chief herdsman Lit. L.
गोष्ठश्व [ goṣṭhaśva ] [ gó-ṣṭhá--śva ] m. ( fr. [ śván ] ) " a dog in a cow-pen which barks at every one " , one who stays at home and slanders his neighbours , malicious or censorious person Lit. L.
गोष्ठागार [ goṣṭhāgāra ] [ gó-ṣṭhāgāra ] m. n. a house in a cow-pen Lit. L.
गोष्ठाध्यक्ष [ goṣṭhādhyakṣa ] [ gó-ṣṭhādhyakṣa ] m. = [ °ṣṭha-pati ] Lit. L.
गोष्ठाष्टमी [ goṣṭhāṣṭamī ] [ gó-ṣṭhāṣṭamī ] f. N. of a festive day ( cf. [ gopāṣṭ ] )
गोष्ठेक्ष्वेडिन् [ goṣṭhekṣveḍin ] [ gó-ṣṭhe-kṣveḍin ] n. see s. v. [ -ṣṭhe ] .
गोष्ठ [ goṣṭha ] [ gó-ṣṭha ]2 Nom. Ā. ( fr. 1. [ -ṣṭha ] ) [ °ṣṭhate ] , to assemble , collect Lit. Dhātup. viii , 4.
गोष्ठगत [ goṣṭhagata ] [ go-ṣṭha-gata ] m. f. n. gone into the cow-stall or stable, Lit. Hir.
गोष्ठान [ goṣṭhāna ] [ gó-ṣṭhā́na ] m. f. n. ( [ sth ] ) serving as an abode for cows Lit. VS. i , 25.
गोष्ठि [ goṣṭhi ] [ gó-ṣṭhi ] see s.v. [ -ṣṭha ] .
गोष्ठिक [ goṣṭhika ] [ gó-ṣṭhika ] m. f. n. relating to an assemblage or society Lit. Pañcat. i , 14.
गोष्ठी [ goṣṭhī ] [ gó-ṣṭhī ] f. of [ -ṣṭhá ] q.v.
गोष्ठीपति [ goṣṭhīpati ] [ gó-ṣṭhī--pati ] m. the chief person or president of an assembly Lit. W.
गोष्ठीबन्ध [ goṣṭhībandha ] [ gó-ṣṭhī--bandha ] m. meeting for conversation Lit. Kād. v , 825
गोष्ठीयान [ goṣṭhīyāna ] [ gó-ṣṭhī--yāna ] m. a society-carriage Lit. Mṛicch. vi , 4
गोष्ठीशाला [ goṣṭhīśālā ] [ gó-ṣṭhī--śālā ] f. a meeting-room
गोष्ठीश्राद्ध [ goṣṭhīśrāddha ] [ gó-ṣṭhī--śrāddha ] n. a kind of Śrāddha ceremony Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. iii , 254 ( Lit. RTL. p.305) .
गोष्ठीन [ goṣṭhīna ] [ gó-ṣṭhīna ] v.l. for [ gauṣṭh ] q.v.
गोष्ठे [ goṣṭhe ] [ gó-ṣṭhe ] loc. of [ -ṣṭhá ] q.v.
गोष्ठेक्ष्वेडिन् [ goṣṭhekṣveḍin ] [ gó-ṣṭhe--kṣveḍin ] m. f. n. " bellowing in a cow-pen " , a boasting coward , g. [ pātre-samitādi ] and [ yuktārohy-ādi ]
गोष्ठेपटु [ goṣṭhepaṭu ] [ gó-ṣṭhe--paṭu ] m. f. n. " clever in a cow-pen " , a vain boaster Lit. ib.
गोष्ठेपण्डित [ goṣṭhepaṇḍita ] [ gó-ṣṭhe--paṇḍita ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
गोष्ठेप्रगल्भ [ goṣṭhepragalbha ] [ gó-ṣṭhe--pragalbha ] m. f. n. " courageous in a cow-pen " , a boasting coward Lit. ib.
गोष्ठेविजितिन् [ goṣṭhevijitin ] [ gó-ṣṭhe--vijitin ] m. f. n. " victorious in a cow-pen " id. Lit. ib.
गोष्ठेशय [ goṣṭheśaya ] [ gó-ṣṭhe--śaya ] m. f. n. sleeping in a cow-stable Lit. Yājñ. iii , 263
गोष्ठेशूर [ goṣṭheśūra ] [ gó-ṣṭhe--śūra ] m. a hero in a cow-pen , boasting coward g. [ pātre-samitādi ] and [ yuktārohy-ādi ] .
गोष्ठोदुम्बर [ goṣṭhodumbara ] [ go-ṣṭhodumbara ] m. a kind of tree, Lit. ĀpGṛ., Sch.
गोष्ठ्य [ goṣṭhya ] [ gó-ṣṭhya ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. being in a cow-stable Lit. VS. xvi , 44. 1.
गोस [ gosa ] [ gó-sa ] m. (√ [ so ] ) = [ -visarga ] Lit. L.
[ gose ] ind. (v.l. [ go-śe ] ) at day-break Lit. L. Sch.
(in Prākṛit Lit. Hāl.)
गोसखि [ gosakhi ] [ gó-sakhi ] ( [ gó- ] ) m. f. n. (m. acc. [ °khāyam ] ) " having milk as its friend " , mixed with milk (Soma) Lit. RV. v , 37 , 4 ( cf. [ -ṣakhi ] .)
गोसंख्य [ gosaṃkhya ] [ gó-saṃkhya ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 66 Lit. Kāś.) " counting the cows " , a cowherd Lit. MBh. iv , 284 and 289.
गोसंख्यातृ [ gosaṃkhyātṛ ] [ gó-saṃkhyātṛ ] m. id. , 67.
गोसङ्ग [ gosaṅga ] [ gó-saṅga ] for [ -sarga ] Lit. L.
गोसत्त्र [ gosattra ] [ gó-sattrá ] n. a particular sacrifice Lit. TS. vii , 5 , 1 , 1.
गोसदृक्ष [ gosadṛkṣa ] [ gó-sadṛkṣa ] m. = [ -tulya ] Lit. L.
गोसनि [ gosani ] [ gó-sáni ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 27 and viii , 3 , 108) = [ -ṣáṇi ] Lit. AV. iii , 20 , 10 Lit. VS. viii , 12 ( Lit. TS.)
गोसमाधि [ gosamādhi ] [ gó-samādhi ] N. of a locality Lit. Rasik. xi , 17.
गोसम्भव [ gosambhava ] [ gó-sambhava ] m. f. n. produced from or by a cow Lit. L.
[ gosambhavā ] f. = ( [ -lomī ] ) white Dūrvā grass Lit. L.
गोसर्ग [ gosarga ] [ gó-sarga ] m. = [ -visarga ] Lit. Suśr.
गोसर्प [ gosarpa ] [ gó-sarpa ] m. Lacerta Godica ( [ godhikā ] ) Lit. W.
गोसव [ gosava ] [ gó-savá ] m. N. of an Ekâha ceremony Lit. TBr. ii Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. KātyŚr.
a cow-sacrifice Lit. W.
गोसहस्र [ gosahasra ] [ gó-sahasra ] n. a thousand kine Lit. W.
[ gosahasra ] m. f. n. possessing a thousand kine Lit. MBh. xiii , 102 , 43
[ gosahasrī ] f. N. of two festive days (the 15th day in the dark half of month Kārttika and of month Jyaishṭha) .
गोसाद [ gosāda ] [ gó-sāda ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 41 ( cf. [ -ṣādī́ ] .)
गोसादि [ gosādi ] [ gó-sādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 41 ( cf. [ -ṣādī́ ] .)
गोसारथि [ gosārathi ] [ gó-sārathi ] Lit. ib.
गोसावित्री [ gosāvitrī ] [ gó-sāvitrī ] f. N. of a hymn ( cf. [ gāyatrī ] ) Lit. Hcat. i , 5.
गोसूक्त [ gosūkta ] [ gó-sūkta ] n. N. of a hymn Lit. ĀśvMantraS.
गोसूत्रिका [ gosūtrikā ] [ gó-sūtrikā ] f. a rope fastened at both ends having separate halters for each ox or cow Lit. W.
गोसेवा [ gosevā ] [ gó-sevā ] f. attendance on a cow Lit. W.
गोस्तन [ gostana ] [ gó-stana ] m. a cow's dug Lit. MBh. iii , 32 , 4
a cluster of blossoms , nosegay Lit. W.
a pearl necklace consisting of 4 (or of 34 Lit. W.) strings Lit. L.
a kind of fort
[ gostanī ] f. a kind of red grape Lit. Bhpr. v , 6 , 108
N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda Lit. MBh. ix , 2621
गोस्तनाकार [ gostanākāra ] [ gó-stanākāra ] m. f. n. shaped like cow's dug Lit. Suśr. ii , vi Lit. Bhpr. v
गोस्तनीसव [ gostanīsava ] [ gó-stanī-sava ] m. a kind of wine Lit. Npr.
गोस्तोम [ gostoma ] [ gó-stoma ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 105 Lit. Kāś.) = [ -ṣṭoma ] Lit. ĀśvŚr. ix , 5 , 2.
गोस्थान [ gosthāna ] [ gó-sthāna ] n. a station for cattle , cow-pen Lit. Hariv. 3397 ( cf. [ -ṣṭhā́na ] .)
गोस्थानक [ gosthānaka ] [ gó-sthānaka ] n. id. Lit. L.
गोस्फुरण [ gosphuraṇa ] [ gó-sphuraṇa ] n. a twitching of any particular part of the hide of a cow (as on being touched ) Lit. W.
गोस्वामिन् [ gosvāmin ] [ gó-svāmin ] m. the master or possessor of a cow or of cows Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn. viii , 231 Lit. VarBṛS. ; a religious mendicant ( commonly (gosAin) cf. Lit. RTL. pp. 87 ; 135 ; 142 ; also affixed as a honorary title to proper names e.g. [ vopadeva-g ] )
" lord of cows " , Kṛishṇa Lit. W.
गोस्वामिस्थान [ gosvāmisthāna ] [ gó-svāmi-sthāna ] n. N. of a mountain peak in the middle of the Himâlaya Lit. W.
गोहत्या [ gohatyā ] [ gó-hatyā ] f. = [ -vadha ] Lit. Mn. xi , 116.
गोहन् [ gohan ] [ gó-hán ] m. f. n. killing cattle Lit. RV. vii , 56 , 17.
गोहन्तृ [ gohantṛ ] [ gó-hantṛ ] m. a cow-killer Lit. Gaut. xxi , 11.
गोहर [ gohara ] [ gó-hara ] m. stealing of cows Lit. VarBṛS. lxxxix , 9 (v.l. [ -graha ] ) .
गोहरण [ goharaṇa ] [ gó-haraṇa ] n. id. , 5 Lit. Pañcat. i , 8 , 36
N. of Lit. MBh. iv , ch. 25-69.
गोहरीतकी [ goharītakī ] [ gó-harītakī ] f. Aegle Marmelos Lit. L.
गोहिंसा [ gohiṃsā ] [ gó-hiṃsā ] f. hurting a cow Lit. W.
गोहित [ gohita ] [ gó-hita ] m. " proper for cattle " = [ -harītakī ] Lit. L.
Luffa foetida or a similar plant Lit. L.
गोहिरण्य [ gohiraṇya ] [ gó-hiraṇya ] n. sg. cattle and gold Lit. MBh. ii , 1833.
गोका [ gokā ] [ gokā ] f. ( a dimin. of [ gó ] ) a small cow Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 13 Lit. Kāś.
गोकामुख [ gokāmukha ] [ gokā-mukha ] m. " cow-faced " , N. of a mountain Lit. BhP. v , 19 , 16.
गोर् [ gor ] [ gor ] ( for [ gos ] gen. sg. of [ gó ] ) .
गोर्वर [ gorvara ] [ gor-vara ] see [ go-v ] .
गोष्पद [ goṣpada ] [ góṣ-pada ] m. f. n. ( [ góṣ- ] ) ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 145) " showing marks of cow's hoofs " , frequented by kine Lit. Kāś.
[ goṣpada ] n. " mark of a cow's foot in the soil " , water filling up such a mark , any small puddle Lit. Suparṇ. Lit. MBh. i , vii , ix Lit. R. vi Lit. BhP. x
गोष्पदतृतीयाव्रत [ goṣpadatṛtīyāvrata ] [ góṣ-pada--tṛtīyā-vrata ] n. a kind of religious observance Lit. BhavP.
गोष्पदत्रिरात्रव्रत [ goṣpadatrirātravrata ] [ góṣ-pada--trirātra-vrata ] n. id. Lit. ib.
गोष्पदपूरम् [ goṣpadapūram ] [ góṣ-pada--pūram ] ind. so as to fill only the impression of a cow's hoof Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 32 and vi , 1 , 145 Lit. Bhaṭṭ. xiv , 20
गोष्पदप्रम् [ goṣpadapram ] [ góṣ-pada--pram ] ind. so as to fill only the impression of a cow's hoof Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 32 and vi , 1 , 145 Lit. Bhaṭṭ. xiv , 20
गोष्पदमात्र [ goṣpadamātra ] [ góṣ-pada--mātra ] m. f. n. as large as the impression of a cow's hoof Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 145 Lit. Kāś. ( cf. [ go-pada ] .)
गोषु [ goṣu ] [ goṣu ] (loc. pl. of [ gó ] ) .
गोषुचर [ goṣucara ] [ goṣu-cara ] m. f. n. walking among cattle Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 1 Vārtt. 5.
गोषुयुध् [ goṣuyudh ] [ goṣu-yúdh ] m. f. n. fighting for the sake of cattle (or booty) Lit. RV. i , 112 , 22 ; vi , 6 , 5 ; x , 30 , 10.
गोघ्नत [ goghnata ] [ goghnata ] for [ go-manta ] q.v.
गोच्छा [ gocchā ] [ gocchā ] f. the furrow of the upper lip Lit. VarBṛS. lviii , 9 ( cf. [ go-kha ] , p. 364 , col. 1.)
गोच्छाल [ gocchāla ] [ gocchāla ] m. the plant Kulāhala (or [ alambuṣa ] ; " the palm of the hand with the fingers extended " Lit. W.) Lit. L.
गोजि [ goji ] [ goji ] for [ °jī ] q.v.
गोजिकाय [ gojikāya ] [ goji-kāya ] m. for [ gāñjik ] Lit. Gal.
गोजिक [ gojika ] [ gojika ] m. for [ gauñj ] q.v. Lit. Gal.
[ gojikā ] f. = [ gojihvā ] Lit. Bhpr. v , 3 , 297.
गोजी [ gojī ] [ gojī ] f. N. of a plant with sharp leaves Lit. Suśr. i , 8 , 11 ; iv , 9 and 18 f. ; v , 7 , 1 ; vi , 24 , 26.
गोड [ goḍa ] [ goḍa ] m. (= [ goṇḍa ] ) a fleshy navel Lit. L.
गोडकग्राम [ goḍakagrāma ] [ goḍaka-grāma ] m. N. of a village Lit. Bharaṭ. v.
गोडु [ goḍu ] [ goḍu ] v.l. for [ °ḍa ] Lit. W.
गोण [ goṇa ] [ goṇa ] m. (fr. Pāli and Prākṛit) an ox Lit. SaddhP. iii Lit. Hemac.
[ goṇā ] f. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 42) a kind of grass Lit. Gaṇar. 54
[ goṇī ] f. (in Prākṛit) a cow Lit. Pat. Introd. 35 ; 97
and on Vārtt. 6
a sack Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 42 Lit. Suśr. Lit. Daś. Lit. Śiś. xii , 10 Lit. ŚārṅgP.
a measure of 4 Droṇas Lit. ŚārṅgS. i , 29
[ goṇa ] f. (ifc. after numerals [ °ṇi ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 50 Lit. Kāś.
torn or ragged clothes Lit. L. ( cf. [ gauṇika ] .)
गोणाश्मन् [ goṇāśman ] [ goṇāśman ] m. a kind of gem Lit. L.
गोणिका [ goṇikā ] [ goṇikā ] f. ( in Pāli ) a kind of woollen cloth Lit. SaddhP. iii.
N. of the mother of Patañjali, Lit. IW. 167.
गोणिकापुत्र [ goṇikāputra ] [ goṇikā-putra ] m. N. of the author of a work on the relations towards the wives of others Lit. Vātsyāy. i , 5 , 5 and 35 ; v , 1 , 8 ; 4 , 26 and 33 ; 6 , 48.
गोणी [ goṇī ] [ goṇī ] f. of [ °ṇa ] q.v.
गोणीतरी [ goṇītarī ] [ goṇī-tarī ] f. a small sack Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 90.
गोणीपथ [ goṇīpatha ] [ goṇī-patha ] N. of a man Lit. Pravar. iii , 1.
गोण्ड [ goṇḍa ] [ goṇḍa ] m. a fleshy navel Lit. L.
a person with a fleshy or prominent navel Lit. L.
a man of a low tribe , mountaineer , esp. inhabiting the eastern portion of the Vindhya range between the Narmadā and Kṛishṇā.
गोण्डकिरी [ goṇḍakirī ] [ goṇḍa-kirī ] f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī ( cf. [ gauṇḍa-k ] .)
गोण्डवन [ goṇḍavana ] [ goṇḍa-vana ] n. " Goṇḍa forest " , N. of a country.
गोण्डवार [ goṇḍavāra ] [ goṇḍa-vāra ] id.
गोण्डाक्री [ goṇḍākrī ] [ goṇḍā-krī ] f. = [ °ḍa-kirī ] .
गोतम [ gotama ] [ gó-tama ] see [ gó ] , p. 364 , col. 2.
गोत्रिक [ gotrika ] [ gotrika ] see Lit. ib. , col.3.
गोत्रिन् [ gotrin ] [ gotrin ] see Lit. ib. , col.3.
गोदान [ godāna ] [ godā́na ]2 n. ( [ dāna ] , fr. √ [ do ] ? " place where the hair ( [ go ] ) is cut " Lit. Ragh. iii , 33 Sch.) the side-hair Lit. ŚBr. iii Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. PārGṛ.
= [ -maṅgala ] Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Kauś. Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Lit. Gobh. Lit. Gaut. Lit. R.
गोदानमङ्गल [ godānamaṅgala ] [ godā́na-maṅgala ] n. a ceremony performed with the side-hair of a youth of 16 or 18 years (when he has attained puberty and shortly before marriage) Lit. R. (G) i , 73 , 22.
गोदानविधि [ godānavidhi ] [ godā́na-vidhi ] m. id. Lit. Ragh. iii , 33.
गोदानिक [ godānika ] [ godānika ] m. f. n. = [ gaud ] Lit. Gobh. iii , 1 , 28.
गोदानीय [ godānīya ] [ godānīya ] see [ gó ] , p. 365 , col. 1.