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प्रधू [ pradhū ] [ pra-√ dhū ] P. Ā. [ -dhūnoti ] , [ °nute ] , to move forward Lit. PañcavBr. ; to blow away Lit. ChUp. Lit. MBh. : to blow or shake out (the beard after drinking) Lit. RV. : Intens. [ -dodhuvat ] , [ -dūdhot ] , to blow ( the beard , acc.) ; to blow into (loc.) Lit. RV.
प्रधूपित [ pradhūpita ] [ pra-dhūpita ] m. f. n. fumigated , perfumed Lit. MBh.
heated , burnt
lighted , inflamed
excited Lit. W.
[ pradhūpitā ] f. ( with or scil. [ diś ] ) the quarter to which the sun is proceeding Lit. L.
a woman in trouble or affliction Lit. ib.
प्रधूमित [ pradhūmita ] [ pra-dhūmita ] m. f. n. smothered with smoke , giving out smoke , smouldering Lit. Ragh.
प्रधृ [ pradhṛ ] [ pra-√ dhṛ ] ( only pf. Ā. [ -dadhre ] , with [ manas ] ) , to set the mind upon anything (dat.) , resolve , determine Lit. MBh. : Caus. P. [ -dhārayati ] , to chastise , inflict a punishment on any one (loc. ; cf. [ daṇḍaṃ-√ dhṛ ] ) Lit. MBh. ; to keep in remembrance Lit. ib. ; to reflect , consider Lit. ib. Lit. Pat. ; ( [ pradhārayantu ] w.r. for [ pra dhārā yantu ] Lit. ĀśvGṛ. iii , 12 , 14) .
प्रधारण [ pradhāraṇa ] [ pra-dhāraṇa ] m. f. n. keeping , preserving , protecting (see [ pāda-pr ] )
[ pradhāraṇā ] f. constantly fixing one's mind on a certain object Lit. MBh.
प्रधार्य [ pradhārya ] [ pra-dhārya ] m. f. n. to be regarded as (nom.), Lit. Bcar.
प्रधृष् [ pradhṛṣ ] [ pra-√ dhṛṣ ] P. [ -dharṣati ] , [ -dhṛṣṇoti ] , to be bold against , assail with courage or daring , lay hands on , hurt , injure , harass , overpower , overcome Lit. R. : Caus. P. [ -dharṣayati ] id. Lit. ib. Lit. KaushĀr. Lit. MBh. ; to violate (a woman) Lit. MBh. ; to destroy , devastate Lit. R.
प्रधर्ष [ pradharṣa ] [ pra-dharṣa ] m. attacking , assaulting , assailing (see [ duṣ-p ] ) .
प्रधर्षक [ pradharṣaka ] [ pra-dharṣaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) , molesting , hurting , violating (the wife of another) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
प्रधर्षण [ pradharṣaṇa ] [ pra-dharṣaṇa ] m. f. n. (ifc.) attacking , molesting , harassing Lit. MBh.
[ pradharṣaṇa ] n. f. attacking , assailing , an attack , assault , ill-treatment , molestation ( [ keśa-p ] , dragging by the hair) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रधर्षणीय [ pradharṣaṇīya ] [ pra-dharṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be assailed , assailable , open to attack , exposed to injury or ill-treatment Lit. MBh.
प्रधर्षित [ pradharṣita ] [ pra-dharṣita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) attacked , hurt , injured Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
haughty , arrogant Lit. W.
प्रधर्षितवत् [ pradharṣitavat ] [ pra-dharṣita--vat ] m. f. n. arrogant , proud Lit. W.
प्रधर्षिन् [ pradharṣin ] [ pra-dharṣin ] m. f. n. = [ °dharṣaṇa ] mfn. Lit. Dharmaśarm.
प्रधृष्ट [ pradhṛṣṭa ] [ pra-dhṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. treated with contumely Lit. W.
proud , arrogant Lit. ib.
प्रधृष्टि [ pradhṛṣṭi ] [ pra-dhṛṣṭi ] f. overpowering , subjugation Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
प्रधृष्य [ pradhṛṣya ] [ pra-dhṛṣya ] m. f. n. to be hurt or injured , violable (see [ a-p ] , [ duṣ-p ] , [ su-p ] ) .
प्रधे [ pradhe ] [ pra-√ dhe ] Caus. [ -dhāpayati ] , to cause to suck Lit. MānGṛ.
प्रध्मा [ pradhmā ] [ pra-√ dhmā ] ( or [ dham ] ) P. (Ā. Pot. [ -dhmāyīta ] Lit. ChUp.) [ -dhamati ] , to blow before or in front , blow away Lit. AV. ; to scare Lit. Car. ; to destroy Lit. MBh. ; to blow into ( esp. into a conch shell acc.) Lit. ib. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Hariv. ; (Ā.) to cry out Lit. ChUp. vi , 14 , 1 Lit. Śaṃk. ; (others , " to be tossed about " , " wander about " ) : Caus. P. Ā. [ -dhmāpayati ] , [ °te ] , to blow into , blow (a conch shell) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
प्रधमन [ pradhamana ] [ pra-dhamana ] n. blowing into (the nose , as powder)
a sternutatory Lit. Suśr.
प्रध्मा [ pradhmā ] [ pra-dhmā ] m. f. n. blowing violently Lit. MW.
प्रध्मापन [ pradhmāpana ] [ pra-dhmāpana ] n. (fr. Caus.) a remedy for difficult respiration (in med.) Lit. Suśr.
प्रध्मापित [ pradhmāpita ] [ pra-dhmāpita ] m. f. n. blown into , blown (as a conch shell) Lit. MBh.
प्रध्यै [ pradhyai ] [ pra-√ dhyai ] P. Ā. [ -dhyāyati ] , [ °te ] , to meditate upon , think of (acc. with or without [ prati ] ) Lit. Gobh. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to reflect , consider Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kir. ; to excogitate , devise , hit upon Lit. MBh.
प्रध्यान [ pradhyāna ] [ pra-dhyāna ] n. meditating upon , reflection , thinking , deep thought , subtle speculation Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Car.
प्रध्रज् [ pradhraj ] [ pra-√ dhraj ] P. [ -dhrajati ] , to run forward Lit. RV. i , 166 , 4.
प्रध्वंस् [ pradhvaṃs ] [ pra-√ dhvaṃs ] Ā. [ -dhvaṃsate ] , to flow off (as water) Lit. ĀśvGṛ. ; to fall to pieces , perish Lit. ChUp. : Caus. [ -dhvaṃsayati ] , to scatter , sprinkle Lit. ŚBr. ; to cause to fall , destroy , cause to perish Lit. MBh. Lit. Śiś.
प्रध्वंस [ pradhvaṃsa ] [ pra-dhvaṃsa ] m. utter destruction , annihilation , perishing , disappearance Lit. Var. Lit. Bhartṛ.
= [ °dhvaṃsābhāva ] (below) Lit. Sarvad.
प्रध्वंसत्व [ pradhvaṃsatva ] [ pra-dhvaṃsa--tva ] n. state of destruction , desolation , ruin Lit. KapS. Sch.
प्रध्वंसाभाव [ pradhvaṃsābhāva ] [ pra-dhvaṃsābhāva ] m. non-existence in consequence of annihilation , ceasing to exist Lit. Tarkas. Lit. Sarvad.
प्रध्वंसन [ pradhvaṃsana ] [ pra-dhváṃsana ] m. f. n. destroying , annihilating Lit. MBh.
[ pradhvaṃsana ] m. one who destroys , a destroyer (as a partic. personification) Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ prādhvaṃsana ] ) .
प्रध्वंसित [ pradhvaṃsita ] [ pra-dhvaṃsita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) destroyed , annihilated , dispelled Lit. MW.
प्रध्वंसिन् [ pradhvaṃsin ] [ pra-dhvaṃsin ] m. f. n. passing away , transitory , perishable ( [ utpanna-p ] , arisen and passing away again i.e. having no further consequences Lit. TPrāt. Comm.) Lit. MBh.
(ifc.) destroying , annihilating Lit. R.
प्रध्वस्त [ pradhvasta ] [ pra-dhvasta ] m. f. n. destroyed , perished , disappeared Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. BhP.
प्रध्वन् [ pradhvan ] [ pra-√ dhvan ] P. [ -dhvanati ] , to sound , resound Lit. Śiś. : Caus. [ -dhvanayati ] , to cause to sound Lit. Car.
प्रध्वान [ pradhvāna ] [ pra-dhvāna ] m. a loud sound Lit. Dharmaśarm.
प्रनक्ष् [ pranakṣ ] [ pra-√ nakṣ ] P. Ā. [ -nakṣati ] , [ °te ] , to draw near , approach Lit. RV. vii , 42 , 1.
प्रनभ् [ pranabh ] [ pra-√ nabh ] Ā. [ -nabhate ] , to burst asunder , open Lit. AV.
प्रनर्द् [ pranard ] [ pra-√ nard ] P. [ -nardati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 14 Sch.
प्रनर्दक [ pranardaka ] [ pra-nardaka ] m. f. n. Lit. ib.
प्रनष्ट [ pranaṣṭa ] [ pra-naṣṭa ] see [ pra-ṇaś ] , p.659.
प्रनायक [ pranāyaka ] [ pra-nāyaka ] m. f. n. one whose leader is away , whose rulers are abroad
destitute of a guide Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 59 ; viii , 4 , 14 Sch.
प्रनाशिन् [ pranāśin ] [ pra-nāśin ] w.r. for [ -ṇāśin ] q.v.
प्रनिंसित [ praniṃsita ] [ pra-niṃsita ] [ -niṃsitavya ] = [ -ṇiṃsita ] , [ -ṇiṃsitavya ] q.v.
प्रनिक्षण [ pranikṣaṇa ] [ pra-nikṣaṇa ] = [ -ṇikṣaṇa ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 33 Sch.
प्रनिघातन [ pranighātana ] [ pra-nighātana ] n. ( fr. [ pra-ni√ han ] ) killing , slaughter , murder Lit. L.
प्रनिन्दन [ pranindana ] [ pra-nindana ] = [ -ṇindana ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 33 Sch.
प्रनिभिद् [ pranibhid ] [ pra-ni-√ bhid ] P. [ -bhinatti ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 18 Sch.
प्रनिरक्ष् [ pranirakṣ ] [ pra-ni-√ rakṣ ] P. [ -rakṣati ] Lit. Vop.
प्रनीड [ pranīḍa ] [ pra-nīḍa ] m. f. n. w.r. for [ pra-ḍīna ] , ( q.v.) Lit. MBh. xii , 9314.
प्रनुद् [ pranud ] [ pra-nud ] m. f. n. w.r. for [ -ṇud ] ( q.v.) Lit. Suśr.
प्रनृत् [ pranṛt ] [ pra-√ nṛt ] P. Ā. [ -nṛtyati ] , [ °te ] , to dance forwards , begin to dance , dance Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to gesticulate as in dancing (in token of derision) before any one (acc.) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -nartayati ] , to cause to dance Lit. Kathās. ; id. met. Lit. Kād.
प्रनर्तित [ pranartita ] [ pra-nartita ] m. f. n. caused to dance forwards , set in motion , shaken , agitated
dandled Lit. MW.
प्रनृत्त [ pranṛtta ] [ pra-nṛtta ] m. f. n. one who has begun to dance , dancing Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
प्रनृत्तवत् [ pranṛttavat ] [ pra-nṛtta--vat ] m. f. n. having begun to dance Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
प्रनृत्य [ pranṛtya ] [ pra-nṛtya ] m. f. n. or n. w.r. for [ °nṛtta ] .
प्रनृत्यवत् [ pranṛtyavat ] [ pra-nṛtya-vat ] w.r. for [ °nṛtta-vat ] .
प्रपक्ष [ prapakṣa ] [ pra-pakṣa ] m. the extremity of a wing (of an army drawn out in the form of a bird) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ prapakṣa ] m. f. n. forming the extremity of a wing (in an army so arranged) Lit. MBh.
m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Lit. VP.
प्रपच् [ prapac ] [ pra-√ pac:1 ] ( or [ pañc ] ) . see [ pra-pañcaya ] under [ pra-pañca ] .
प्रपच् [ prapac ] [ pra-√ pac:2 ] P. Ā. [ -pacati ] , [ °te ] , to begin to cook Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 44 Sch. ; to be accustomed to cook Lit. R.
प्रपक्व [ prapakva ] [ pra-pakva ] m. f. n. (in med.) inflamed Lit. Suśr.
प्रपाक [ prapāka ] [ pra-pāka ] m. ripening (of a boil ) Lit. Suśr.
digestion Lit. Car.
(prob.) a partic. part of the flesh of a victim Lit. Kauś.
प्रपञ्च [ prapañca ] [ pra-pañca ] m. (√ 1. [ pac ] , or [ pañc ] ) expansion , development , manifestation Lit. MāṇḍUp. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
manifoldness , diversity Lit. Kāv. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Pañcat.
amplification , prolixity , diffuseness , copiousness (in style ; [ °cena ] ind. and [ °ca-tas ] ind. diffusely , in detail) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Hit.
manifestation of or form of (gen.) Lit. Hit. Lit. Bhāshāp.
appearance , phenomenon Lit. Vcar.
(in phil.) the expansion of the universe , the visible world Lit. Up. Lit. Kap. Lit. Sarvad.
( in rhet.) mutual false praise Lit. Pratāp.
(in dram.) ludicrous dialogue Lit. Sāh.
(in gram.) the repetition of an obscure rule in a clearer form Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
( said to be encl. after a finite verb g. [ gotrādi ] )
deceit , trick , fraud , error Lit. L.
opposition , reversion Lit. L.
[ prapañcena ] ind. , see [ prapañca ] , diffusely , in detail
प्रपञ्चचतुर [ prapañcacatura ] [ pra-pañca-catura ] m. f. n. skilful in assuming different forms Lit. Amar.
प्रपञ्चतस् [ prapañcatas ] [ pra-pañca-tas ]ind. , see [ prapañca ] , diffusely , in detail
प्रपञ्चत्व [ prapañcatva ] [ pra-pañca-tva ] n. = [ maraṇa ] , death , Sāṃkhyas. (v.l.)
प्रपञ्चनिर्माण [ prapañcanirmāṇa ] [ pra-pañca-nirmāṇa ] n. the creation of the visible world Lit. BhP.
प्रपञ्चबुद्धि [ prapañcabuddhi ] [ pra-pañca-buddhi ] m. f. n. having a cunning mind , artful
[ prapañcabuddhi ] m. N. of a man Lit. Kathās.
प्रपञ्चमिथ्यात्व [ prapañcamithyātva ] [ pra-pañca-mithyā-tva ] n. the unreality of the visible world
प्रपञ्चमिथ्यात्वानुमान [ prapañcamithyātvānumāna ] [ pra-pañca-mithyā-tvānumāna ] n. N. of wk.
प्रपञ्चमिथ्यात्वानुमानखण्डन [ prapañcamithyātvānumānakhaṇḍana ] [ pra-pañca-mithyā-tvānumāna-khaṇḍana ] n. N. of wk.
प्रपञ्चमिथ्यात्वानुमानखण्डनपरशु [ prapañcamithyātvānumānakhaṇḍanaparaśu ] [ pra-pañca-mithyā-tvānumāna-khaṇḍana-paraśu ] m. N. of wk.
प्रपञ्चवचन [ prapañcavacana ] [ pra-pañca--vacana ] n. diffuse or prolix discourse Lit. Hit.
प्रपञ्चविवेक [ prapañcaviveka ] [ pra-pañca--viveka ] m. N. of wk.
प्रपञ्चसार [ prapañcasāra ] [ pra-pañca--sāra ] m. N. of wk.
प्रपञ्चसारविवेक [ prapañcasāraviveka ] [ pra-pañca--sāra-viveka ] m. N. of wk.
प्रपञ्चसारसारसंग्रह [ prapañcasārasārasaṃgraha ] [ pra-pañca--sāra-sāra-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रपञ्चामृतसार [ prapañcāmṛtasāra ] [ pra-pañcāmṛta-sāra ] m. N. of wk.
प्रपञ्चास्य [ prapañcāsya ] [ pra-pañcāsya ] m. f. n. (prob.) having various faces Lit. Hcat.
प्रपञ्चक [ prapañcaka ] [ pra-pañcaka ] m. f. n. multiplying Lit. Hcat.
amplifying , explaining in detail Lit. L.
[ prapañcikā ] f. N. of a Yoginī Lit. Hcat.
प्रपञ्चन [ prapañcana ] [ pra-pañcana ] n. development , diffusion , copiousness , prolixity Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur. Lit. Sarvad.
प्रपञ्चय [ prapañcaya ] [ pra-pañcaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to develop , amplify , explain in detail Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sāh. ; to dwell upon a note (acc.) in music Lit. Gīt.
प्रपञ्चित [ prapañcita ] [ pra-pañcita ] m. f. n. amplified , extended , treated at length Lit. Hariv. Lit. Rājat.
represented in a false light Lit. BhP.
erring , mistaken Lit. W.
deceived , beguiled Lit. W.
प्रपठ् [ prapaṭh ] [ pra-√ paṭh ] P. [ -paṭhati ] , to recite aloud Lit. Hariv.
प्रपाठ [ prapāṭha ] [ pra-pāṭha ] m. a lecture (i.e. chapter or subdivision of a book) Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
प्रपाठक [ prapāṭhaka ] [ pra-pāṭhaka ] m. a lecture (i.e. chapter or subdivision of a book) Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
प्रपाठित [ prapāṭhita ] [ pra-pāṭhita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) taught , expounded Lit. L.
प्रपत् [ prapat ] [ pra-√ pat ] P. [ -patati ] , to fly away or along , hasten towards (loc.) , fly or fall down upon (loc.) , fall Lit. RV. ; to fall from , be deprived of , lose (abl.) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -pātayati ] , to cause to fly away Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ; to chase , pursue Lit. MBh. ; to throw down Lit. ib. : Desid. [ -pipatiṣati ] , to wish to hurry away Lit. AV. : Intens. [ -pāpatīti ] , to shoot forth Lit. RV.
प्रपतन [ prapatana ] [ pra-patana ] n. flying forth or away Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ haṃsa- ] )
flying or falling down , falling from (abl. or comp.) or into (loc. or comp.) Lit. Gaut. Lit. MBh.
a steep rock , precipice Lit. L.
death , destruction Lit. W.
प्रपतित [ prapatita ] [ pra-patita ] m. f. n. flown away or along , fallen , come down , fallen or got into (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
प्रपतिष्णु [ prapatiṣṇu ] [ pra-patiṣṇu ] m. f. n. flying forth, Lit. JaimUp.
प्रपात [ prapāta ] [ pra-pāta ] m. a partic. mode of flying Lit. Pañcat.
springing forth Lit. Var.
an attack Lit. L.
starting off , setting out , departure Lit. Kathās.
falling down , falling from (abl. or comp.) or into (loc. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
falling out (of teeth , hair ) Lit. Suśr.
discharge , emission , flow (of semen) Lit. VP.
letting fall (a glance on anything) Lit. Kum.
a steep rock , cliff , precipice Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
a steep bank or shore Lit. L.
a cascade , waterfall Lit. L.
प्रपाताभिमुख [ prapātābhimukha ] [ pra-pātābhimukha ] m. f. n. inclined to precipitate one's self from a rock Lit. Kathās.
प्रपाताम्बु [ prapātāmbu ] [ pra-pātāmbu ] n. water falling from a rock Lit. Rājat.
प्रपातन [ prapātana ] [ pra-pātana ] n. (fr. Caus.) causing to fall , throwing down Lit. R.
throwing , casting ( [ akṣa-p ] , " casting-dice " ) Lit. Hariv.
प्रपातम् [ prapātam ] [ pra-pātam ] ind. falling down Lit. MBh.
प्रपातिन् [ prapātin ] [ pra-pātin ] m. a rock , cliff , mountain Lit. L.
प्रपित्व [ prapitva ] [ pra-pitvá ] see col.2.
प्रपित्सु [ prapitsu ] [ pra-pitsu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid.) wishing to fall or throw one's self down Lit. Śiś.
प्रपथ [ prapatha ] [ prá-patha ] m. a way , journey (esp. to a distant place) Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr.
[ prapathā ] f. a broad road or street Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. BhP.
[ prapatha ] m. f. n. " about to go off " (?) , loose , relaxed Lit. L.
प्रपथिन् [ prapathin ] [ prá-pathí n ] m. f. n. roaming on distant paths ( superl. [ -tama ] ) Lit. RV.
प्रपथ्य [ prapathya ] [ prá-pathyá ] m. f. n. being on the road , wandering (also applied to Pūshan , the protector of travellers) Lit. VS.
[ prapathyā ] f. = [ pathyā ] , Terminalia Chebula or Citrina Lit. L.
प्रपाथ [ prapātha ] [ prá-pātha ] m. a road , way Lit. L.
प्रपद् [ prapad ] [ pra-√ pad:2 ]1 Ā. [ -padyate ] ( ep. also P.) , to fall or drop down from (abl.) , throw one's self down (at a person's feet) Lit. MBh. ; to go forwards set out for , resort to , arrive at , attain , enter ( with acc. , rarely loc.) Lit. AV. ; to fly to for succour , take refuge with (acc.) Lit. TS. ; to fall upon , attack , assail Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to come to a partic. state or condition , incur , undergo (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; ( with an adv. in [ sāt ] ) , to become e.g. [ sarpasāt pra-√ pad ] , to become a serpent Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to obtain , gain ( [ patini ] , " as husband " ) , partake of , share in (acc.) Lit. ib. ; to adopt or embrace (a doctrine) Lit. Rājat. ; to undertake , commence , begin , do Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to form (a judgement) Lit. MBh. ; to assume (a form) Lit. Kathās. ; to enjoy (pleasure) Lit. R. ; to take to (dat.) Lit. Hariv. ; to come on , approach , appear Lit. AV. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. ; to take effect , succeed Lit. MBh. ; to turn out ( [ anyathā ] , " differently " i.e. without any effect or consequence) Lit. Hariv. ; to admit (a claim) Lit. R. : Caus. [ -pādayati ] , [ °te ] , to cause to enter , introduce into (acc. or loc.) Lit. Br. : Desid. P. [ pí tsati ] , to wish to enter Lit. ŚBr. ; Ā. [ -pitsate ] ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 54) , to be going to incur or undertake Lit. Daś.
प्रपत्तिपरिशिलन [ prapattipariśilana ] [ pra-patti--pariśilana ] n. N. of wk.
प्रपत्त्युपाधित्वनिषेध [ prapattyupādhitvaniṣedha ] [ pra-patty-upādhitva-niṣedha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रपद् [ prapad ] [ pra-pad ]2 f. away Lit. AitBr.
N. of partic. sacred texts Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS.
प्रपदन [ prapadana ] [ pra-padana ] n. entering , entrance into (comp.) Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Vait.
access , approach Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp.
प्रपदम् [ prapadam ] [ pra-padam ] ind. a term applied to a partic. mode of recitation ( in which the Vedic verses are divided , without reference to the sense and construction , into parts of an equal number of syllables and between these parts partic. formulas inserted containing the word [ pa-padye ] ) Lit. AitBr.
प्रपन्न [ prapanna ] [ pra-panna ] m. f. n. arrived at , come to ( [ śaraṇam ] , for protection) , got into (any condition) Lit. ChUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
( with [ pādau ] ) fallen at a person's feet Lit. R.
suppliant ( cf. comp.)
approached , appeared , happened , occurred Lit. R.
acknowledged (as a claim) Lit. Yājñ.
provided with (instr.) Lit. Śak. 1 , 1
effecting , producing Lit. W.
poor , distressed Lit. ib.
प्रपन्नगतिदीपिका [ prapannagatidīpikā ] [ pra-panna--gati-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रपन्नदिनचर्या [ prapannadinacaryā ] [ pra-panna--dina-caryā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रपन्नदुष्टारिष्टशान्ति [ prapannaduṣṭāriṣṭaśānti ] [ pra-panna--duṣṭāriṣṭa-śānti ] f. N. of wk.
प्रपन्नपारिजात [ prapannapārijāta ] [ pra-panna--pārijāta ] m. N. of wk.
प्रपन्नपाल [ prapannapāla ] [ pra-panna--pāla ] m. " protector of suppliants " , N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh.
प्रपन्नमालिका [ prapannamālikā ] [ pra-panna--mālikā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रपन्नलक्षण [ prapannalakṣaṇa ] [ pra-panna--lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
प्रपन्नामृत [ prapannāmṛta ] [ pra-pannāmṛta ] n. " nectar for suppliants " , N. of a legendary biography of Rāmânuja ( cf. Lit. RTL. 119 )
प्रपन्नार्तिहर [ prapannārtihara ] [ pra-pannārti-hara ] m. f. n. relieving the distress of suppliants Lit. MW.
प्रपाद [ prapāda ] [ pra-pāda ] see [ á-prapāda ] .
प्रपादुक [ prapāduka ] [ pra-pā́duka ] m. f. n. falling away prematurely (as a fetus) Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.
प्रपित्सु [ prapitsu ] [ pra-pitsu ] m. f. n. desirous of plunging into (loc) . Lit. Śiś.
desirous of entering upon (acc.) Lit. Kir.
प्रपद् [ prapad ] [ prá-pad ]3 f. ( fr. 3. [ pad ] ) the fore part of the foot Lit. AV.
प्रपद [ prapada ] [ prá-pada ] n. id. the point of the foot , tip of the toes ( [ °dais ] ind. on tiptoe) Lit. RV. Lit.
प्रपदीन [ prapadīna ] [ prapadīna ] w.r. for [ ā-prapadīna ] q.v.
प्रपन्न [ prapanna ] [ pra-panna ] see col.1.
प्रपन्नाड [ prapannāḍa ] [ prapannāḍa ] m. Cassia Tora Lit. L. ( cf. [ prapunāṭa ] )
प्रपरीक्ष् [ praparīkṣ ] [ pra-parīkṣ ] (√ [ īkṣ ] ), to reflect further, Lit. Bcar.
प्रपलाय् [ prapalāy ] [ pra-palāy ] Preverb. ( [ palā ] = [ parā ] and √ [ ay ] = [ i ] ) Ā. [ -palāyate ] (ind.p. [ -palāyya ] ) , to run away , flee , escape Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
प्रपलायन [ prapalāyana ] [ pra-palāyana ] n. running away , flight , rout Lit. Pañcat.
प्रपलायित [ prapalāyita ] [ pra-palāyita ] m. f. n. run away
routed , defeated Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
प्रपलायिन् [ prapalāyin ] [ pra-palāyin ] m. f. n. running away , flying , a fugitive Lit. MBh.
प्रपलाश [ prapalāśa ] [ pra-palāśa ] m. f. n. = [ pra-parṇa ] Lit. Pat.
प्रपवण [ prapavaṇa ] [ pra-pavaṇa ] or [ pra-pavana ] n. (√ 1. [ pū ] ) purifying , straining (Soma juice) Lit. Pāṇ. viii , 4 , 34 Sch.
प्रपवणीय [ prapavaṇīya ] [ pra-pavaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be cleansed or purified Lit. ib.
प्रपवनीय [ prapavanīya ] [ pra-pavanīya ] m. f. n. to be cleansed or purified Lit. ib.
प्रपश् [ prapaś ] [ pra-√ paś ] P. [ -paśyati ] ( ep. also Ā. [ °te ] ) , to see before one's eyes , look at , observe , behold Lit. RV. ; to judge , discern Lit. MBh. ; to know , understand Lit. R. ; to regard as , take for ( two acc.) Lit. MBh.
प्रपश्यत् [ prapaśyat ] [ pra-paśyat ] m. f. n. well-discerning , judicious , sensible , intelligent Lit. MBh.
प्रपश्यमान [ prapaśyamāna ] [ pra-paśyamāna ] m. f. n. well-discerning , judicious , sensible , intelligent Lit. MBh.
प्रपा [ prapā ] [ pra-√ pā:1 ] P. [ -pí bati ] , (ind.p. [ -pāya ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 69) , to begin to drink , drink Lit. RV. ; to imbibe ( [ cakṣuṣā ] , with the eye i.e. feast the eyes upon) Lit. MBh.
प्रपा [ prapā ] [ pra-pā́ ] f. a place for supplying water , a place for watering cattle or a shed on the road-side containing a reservoir of water for travellers , fountain , cistern , well Lit. AV. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 58 Vārtt. 4 Lit. Pat.)
a supply of water , affluent (of a tank ) Lit. L.
प्रपापालिका [ prapāpālikā ] [ pra-pā́--pālikā ] f. a woman who distributes water to travellers Lit. Vcar.
प्रपापाली [ prapāpālī ] [ pra-pā́--pālī ] f. a woman who distributes water to travellers Lit. Vcar.
प्रपापूरण [ prapāpūraṇa ] [ pra-pā́--pūraṇa ] n. filling a cistern with water
प्रपापूरणीय [ prapāpūraṇīya ] [ pra-pā́-pūraṇīya ] m. f. n. serving to fill a cistern with water Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 111 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.
प्रपामण्डप [ prapāmaṇḍapa ] [ pra-pā́--maṇḍapa ] m. a shed with water for travellers Lit. Vcar.
प्रपावन [ prapāvana ] [ pra-pā́--vana ] n. " fountain-grove " , a cool grove Lit. L.
प्रपाण [ prapāṇa ] [ pra-pāṇa ] n. drinking , a drink or beverage ( in [ a-prap ] and [ su-prap ] cf. also [ pra-pāna ] ) .
प्रपाणीय [ prapāṇīya ] [ pra-pāṇīya ] m. f. n. to be drunk , drinkable Lit. W.
प्रपान [ prapāna ] [ pra-pāna ] n. drinking , sipping Lit. R.
the under part of a horse's upper lip (which he uses in drinking) Lit. Var. (v.l. [ °pāṇa ] ) .
प्रपानक [ prapānaka ] [ pra-pānaka ] n. sherbet Lit. Bhpr. Lit. Sāh.
प्रपायिन् [ prapāyin ] [ pra-pāyin ] m. f. n. drinking , one who drinks Lit. W.
प्रपा [ prapā ] [ pra-√ pā:3 ] P. [ -pāti ] , to protect , defend from (abl.) Lit. BhP.
प्रपायिन् [ prapāyin ] [ pra-pāyin ] m. f. n. who or what protects Lit. W.
प्रपालक [ prapālaka ] [ pra-pālaka ] m. ( cf. √ [ pāl ] ) a guardian , protector Lit. Kāv.
प्रपालन [ prapālana ] [ pra-pālana ] n. guarding , protecting , protection Lit. Cat.
प्रपालिन् [ prapālin ] [ pra-pālin ] m. " protector " , N. of Baladeva Lit. L.
प्रपाक [ prapāka ] [ pra-pāka ] see [ pra- ] √ 2. [ pac ] .
प्रपाटिका [ prapāṭikā ] [ pra-pāṭikā ] f. a young shoot or sprout Lit. L.
प्रपाठक [ prapāṭhaka ] [ pra-pāṭhaka ] see [ pra-√ paṭh ] .
प्रपाणि [ prapāṇi ] [ pra-pāṇi ] m. the fore-arm Lit. Car.
प्रपाणिक [ prapāṇika ] [ pra-pāṇika ] m. the fore-arm Lit. Car.
प्रपाण्डु [ prapāṇḍu ] [ pra-pāṇḍu ] m. f. n. very white , of a dazzling white colour Lit. Suśr.
प्रपाण्डुर [ prapāṇḍura ] [ pra-pāṇḍura ] m. f. n. very white , of a dazzling white colour Lit. Suśr.
प्रपात [ prapāta ] [ pra-pāta ] see [ pra-√ pat ] .
प्रपादिक [ prapādika ] [ prapādika ] m. a peacock Lit. L.
प्रपादीक [ prapādīka ] [ prapādīka ] m. a peacock Lit. L.
प्रपादुक [ prapāduka ] [ pra-pāduka ] see above.
प्रपितामह [ prapitāmaha ] [ prá-pitāmaha ] m. a paternal great-grandfather Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
( [ °mahá ] ) Lit. AV.
N. of Kṛishṇa and Brahmā Lit. MBh.
[ prapitāmahī ] f. a paternal great-grandmother Lit. ib.
[ prapitāmaha ] m. pl. great-grandfathers , ancestors Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
प्रपितृव्य [ prapitṛvya ] [ pra-pitṛvya ] m. a paternal grand-uncle Lit. L.
प्रपित्व [ prapitva ] [ pra-pitvá ] n. ( perhaps for [ pra-pit-tva ] fr. √ [ pat ] ; cf. [ apa-pitva ] ) start , flight , haste Lit. RV. ( 682,2 )
the advanced day i.e. evening Lit. ib.
प्रपित्सु [ prapitsu ] [ pra-pitsu ] see col.2.
प्रपिन्व् [ prapinv ] [ pra-√ pinv ] P. Ā. [ -pinvati ] , [ °te ] , to swell , be full of , be rich , flow over Lit. RV.
प्रपिष् [ prapiṣ ] [ pra-√ piṣ ] P. [ -pinaṣṭi ] , to crush to pieces , pound Lit. Pañcat. : Caus. [ -peṣayati ] , to pound , grind or crush to pieces Lit. Suśr.
प्रपिष्ट [ prapiṣṭa ] [ prá-piṣṭa ] m. f. n. ( [ prá- ] ) crushed or ground down Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
प्रपिष्टभाग [ prapiṣṭabhāga ] [ prá-piṣṭá--bhāga ] m. f. n. ( [ °ṭá- ] ) whose share has been ground down , Lit. TS.
प्रपी [ prapī ] [ pra-√ pī ] see [ pra-√ pyai ] .
प्रपीड् [ prapīḍ ] [ pra-√ pīḍ ] P. [ -pīḍayati ] , to press , squeeze Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. ; to suppress (the breath) Lit. ChUp. ; to afflict , torment , harass Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
प्रपीडन [ prapīḍana ] [ pra-pīḍana ] n. pressing , squeezing Lit. Suśr.
an astringent Lit. ib.
प्रपीडित [ prapīḍita ] [ pra-pīḍita ] m. f. n. pressed , afflicted , tortured Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
प्रपीति [ prapīti ] [ pra-pīti ] see [ pra- ] √ 1. [ pā ] .
प्रपुट [ prapuṭa ] [ pra-puṭa ] m. " a large cornucopia " Lit. Kauś. ( [ dṛḍhaḥ puṭaḥ ] Sch.)
प्रपुण्डरीक [ prapuṇḍarīka ] [ pra-puṇḍarīka ] v.l. for [ prapauṇḍ ] q.v.
प्रपुत्र [ praputra ] [ pra-putra ] m. a grandson , descendant Lit. Inscr.
प्रपुथ् [ praputh ] [ pra-√ puth ] Caus. [ -pothayati ] , to push away ( [ anyo 'nyam ] , " each other " ) Lit. R.
प्रपुनाट [ prapunāṭa ] [ prapunāṭa ] ( Lit. L.) m. Cassia Tora or Cavia Alata.
प्रपुनाड [ prapunāḍa ] [ prapunāḍa ] ( Lit. Suśr.) m. Cassia Tora or Cavia Alata.
प्रपुंनड [ prapuṃnaḍa ] [ prapuṃnaḍa ] ( Lit. L.) m. Cassia Tora or Cavia Alata.
प्रपुंनाट [ prapuṃnāṭa ] [ prapuṃnāṭa ] ( Lit. L.) m. Cassia Tora or Cavia Alata.
प्रपुंनाड [ prapuṃnāḍa ] [ prapuṃnāḍa ] ( Lit. Suśr.) m. Cassia Tora or Cavia Alata.
प्रपुंनाल [ prapuṃnāla ] [ prapuṃnāla ] ( Lit. L.) m. Cassia Tora or Cavia Alata.
प्रपुराण [ prapurāṇa ] [ pra-purāṇa ] m. f. n. very old , kept a long time Lit. Car.
प्रपुष् [ prapuṣ ] [ pra-√ puṣ ] P. [ -puṣyati ] ( Lit. RV.) , [ puṣṇāti ] ( Lit. BhP.) , to nourish , feed , support.
प्रपुष्पित [ prapuṣpita ] [ pra-puṣpita ] m. f. n. flowering , in blossom , blooming Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रपूज् [ prapūj ] [ pra-√ pūj ] P. [ -pūjayati ] , to respect , honour , esteem Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Śaṃk. ; to honour i.e. present with (instr.) Lit. Hcat.
प्रपूजित [ prapūjita ] [ pra-pūjita ] m. f. n. honoured , respected Lit. MBh.
प्रपृ [ prapṛ ] [ pra-√ pṛ:1 ] ( only aor. Subj. [ -parṣi ] ) , to carry across , bring over ( [ ati ] ) Lit. RV. i , 174 , 9.
प्रपृच् [ prapṛc ] [ pra-√ pṛc ] P. [ -pṛṇakti ] , or [ -pṛñcati ] , to come in contact with (acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. TBr.
प्रपृथक् [ prapṛthak ] [ pra-pṛthák ] ind. singly , one by one Lit. AV.
प्रपृष्ठ [ prapṛṣṭha ] [ pra-pṛṣṭha ] m. f. n. having a prominent or protuberant back Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 177 Sch.
प्रपॄ [ prapṝ ] [ pra-√ pṝ ] P. [ -pṛṇāti ] (see [ pra-pra-√ pṝ ] ) Pass. [ -pūryate ] , to be filled , become full or satiated , be completed or fulfilled or accomplished Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -pūrayati ] , to fill up , complete Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to make rich , enrich Lit. Mṛicch.
प्रपूरक [ prapūraka ] [ pra-pūraka ] m. f. n. filling up , fulfilling , satisfying Lit. Kāvyâd. Sch.
[ prapūrikā ] f. Solanum Jacquini Lit. L.
प्रपूरण [ prapūraṇa ] [ pra-pūraṇa ] m. f. n. filling up (oil , and) increasing (love) Lit. Cat.
the act of filling up , filling , putting in , inserting , injecting ( with loc. or comp.) Lit. Suśr.
satiating , satisfying Lit. Cat.
bending (of a bow) Lit. R.
adorning , embellishing (of Indra's banner) Lit. Var.
प्रपूरित [ prapūrita ] [ pra-pūrita ] m. f. n. filled up , completed Lit. MBh.
प्रपौण्डरीक [ prapauṇḍarīka ] [ pra-pauṇḍarīka ] n. the root of Nymphaea Lotus Lit. Car. (v.l. [ prapuṇḍ ] )
Hibiscus Mutabilis Lit. Suśr.
प्रपौत्र [ prapautra ] [ pra-pautra ] m. the son of a son's son , a great-grandson Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat. ( also [ °traka ] Lit. Yājñ.)
प्रप्यस [ prapyasa ] [ pra-pyasá ] m. f. n. swelling Lit. AV. ( cf. next) .
प्रप्यै [ prapyai ] [ pra-√ pyai ] Ā. [ -pyāyate ] , to swell out , swell up , be distended or exuberant Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS. : Caus. [ -pyāyayati ] , to cause to swell out , distend Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.
प्रपीत [ prapīta ] [ prá-pīta ] m. f. n. swollen out , swollen up , distended Lit. RV.
प्रपीन [ prapīna ] [ prá-pīna ] m. f. n. id. Lit. VS.
प्रप्यात [ prapyāta ] [ prá-pyāta ] m. f. n. id. Lit. TS.
प्रप्यान [ prapyāna ] [ prá-pyāna ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 28 Sch.
प्रप्यायन [ prapyāyana ] [ pra-pyāyana ] n.
प्रप्यायनीय [ prapyāyanīya ] [ pra-pyāyanīya ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 34 Sch.
प्रप्याययितृ [ prapyāyayitṛ ] [ pra-pyāyayitṛ́ ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) causing to swell out , distending Lit. ŚBr.
प्रप्रजन् [ praprajan ] [ pra-pra-√ jan ] Ā. [ -jāyate ] , to be born again and again Lit. RV. v , 58 , 5.
प्रप्रपॄ [ praprapṝ ] [ pra-pra-√ pṝ ] P. [ -pṛṇāti ] , to fill up , complete Lit. RV. v , 5 , 5.
प्रप्रर्ष् [ praprarṣ ] [ pra-prarṣ ] ( Preverb. [ -pra-√ ṛṣ ] ) P. [ -arṣati ] , to stream forth towards (dat.) Lit. RV. ix , 9 , 2.
प्रप्रवी [ prapravī ] [ pra-pra-√ vī ] P. [ -veti ] , to advance against , attack Lit. RV. vii , 6 , 3.
प्रप्रशंस् [ prapraśaṃs ] [ pra-pra-√ śaṃs ] Pass. [ -śasyate ] , to be praised Lit. RV. i , 138 , 1 ( cf. Lit. vi , 48 , 1) .
प्रप्रश्रु [ prapraśru ] [ pra-pra-√ śru ] Pass. (3. sg.) [ -śṛṇve ] , to be celebrated Lit. RV. vii , 8 , 4.
प्रप्रस्था [ praprasthā ] [ pra-pra-√ sthā ] Ā. [ -tiṣṭhate ] , to rise , advance Lit. RV. i , 40 , 7.
प्रप्रास् [ praprās ] [ pra-prās ] ( Preverb. [ -pra- ] :1 [ √ as ] ) P. [ -asti ] , to be in a high degree or prominently Lit. RV. i , 150 , 3.
प्रप्री [ praprī ] [ pra-√ prī ] Caus. [ -prīṇayati ] , to make pleasant Lit. DivyA7v.
प्रप्रुथ् [ prapruth ] [ pra-√ pruth ] P. [ -prothati ] , to snort (as a horse) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. ; to blow or puff out (the cheeks) Lit. RV. iii , 32 , 1 ; to shake the limbs noisily Lit. TāṇḍBr. Sch.
प्रप्रोथ [ praprotha ] [ pra-prothá ] m. snorting , blowing , puffing Lit. MaitrS.
the nostrils of a horse Lit. Āpast.
N. of a partic. plant (sometimes used as a substitute for the Soma) Lit. TāṇḍBr.
प्रप्रे [ prapre ] [ prá-pre ] ( Preverb. [ -pra-√ i ] ) P. 3. pl. [ -yanti ] , to go forth , move on , advance Lit. RV. iii , 9 , 3.
प्रप्लु [ praplu ] [ pra-√ plu ] Ā. [ -plavate ] , to go to sea ( [ samudram ] ) , float or sail away Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. : Caus. [ -plāvayati ] , to cause to float or sail away Lit. ShaḍvBr. ; to wash or flood with water Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS.
प्रप्लावन [ praplāvana ] [ pra-plāvana ] n. flooding with water , extinguishing (a fire) Lit. AitBr.
प्रप्लुत [ prapluta ] [ pra-pluta ] ( [ prá- ] ) m. f. n. dipped in water Lit. VS.
प्रफर्वी [ prapharvī ] [ prapharvī́ ] f. a wanton or lascivious girl Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
प्रफर्विदा [ prapharvidā ] [ prapharvi-dā ] f. bestowing a wanton girl. ( Lit. ĀpŚr.)
प्रफर्वीदा [ prapharvīdā ] [ prapharvī-dā ] f. bestowing a wanton girl. ( Lit. Kāṭh.)
प्रफुल्त [ praphulta ] [ pra-phulta ] m. f. n. = [ pra-phulla ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 89 Sch.
प्रफुल्ति [ praphulti ] [ pra-phulti ] f. blooming , blossoming Lit. ib.
प्रफुल्ल [ praphulla ] [ praphulla ] m. f. n. (see √ [ phull ] . [ phal ] ) blooming forth , blooming , blown Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
covered with blossoms or flowers Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
expanded , opened wide (like a full-blown flower) , shining , smiling , cheerful , pleased (see comp.)
प्रफुल्लनगवत् [ praphullanagavat ] [ praphulla-naga-vat ] m. f. n. rich in blooming trees Lit. R.
प्रफुल्लनयन [ praphullanayana ] [ praphulla-nayana ] ( Lit. W.) m. f. n. having fully opened or sparkling eyes , having eyes expanded with joy.
प्रफुल्लनेत्र [ praphullanetra ] [ praphulla-netra ] ( Lit. Śatr.) m. f. n. having fully opened or sparkling eyes , having eyes expanded with joy.
प्रफुल्लवदन [ praphullavadana ] [ praphulla-vadana ] m. f. n. having the face expanded with joy , looking gay or happy Lit. W.
प्रबन्ध् [ prabandh ] [ pra-√ bandh ] P. [ -badhnāti ] , to bind on , fasten , fetter , check , hinder Lit. ŚBr. ;
प्रबद्ध [ prabaddha ] [ pra-baddha ] m. f. n. bound , tied , fettered Lit. ChUp.
dependent on (comp.) Lit. MBh.
checked , stopped , suppressed
प्रबद्धमूत्र [ prabaddhamūtra ] [ pra-baddha--mūtra ] m. f. n. suffering from retention of urine Lit. Suśr.
प्रबद्धविलून [ prabaddhavilūna ] [ pra-baddha-vilūna ] m. f. n. f ( [ ī ] ) ). Lit. Pāṇ. iv, 1, 52, Vārtt. 4, Lit. Pat.
प्रबन्द्धृ [ prabanddhṛ ] [ pra-banddhṛ ] m. " one who connects together " , a composer , author Lit. Pratāp.
an interpreter ( [ °ddhṛ-tā ] f. ) Lit. Naish.
प्रबन्द्धृता [ prabanddhṛtā ] [ pra-banddhṛ-tā ] f. , see [ prabanddhṛ ]
प्रबन्ध [ prabandha ] [ pra-bandha ] m. a connection , band , tie ( [ garbha-nāḍī-prab ] , the umbilical cord) Lit. Suśr.
an uninterrupted connection , continuous series , uninterruptedness , continuance Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
a composition , (esp.) any literary production Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Pratāp.
a commentary Lit. Naish. Sch.
प्रबन्धकल्पना [ prabandhakalpanā ] [ pra-bandha--kalpanā ] f. a feigned story , a work of fiction Lit. L.
प्रबन्धकोश [ prabandhakośa ] [ prabandha--kośa ] m. N. of wk.
प्रबन्धचिन्तामणि [ prabandhacintāmaṇi ] [ prabandha--cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.
प्रबन्धवर्ष [ prabandhavarṣa ] [ pra-bandha--varṣa ] m. incessant rain Lit. Var.
प्रबन्धाध्याय [ prabandhādhyāya ] [ pra-bandhādhyāya ] m. N. of the 4th ch. of the Saṃgīta-darpaṇa and of the Saṃgītaratnâkara
प्रबन्धार्थ [ prabandhārtha ] [ pra-bandhārtha ] m. the subject-matter of a composition or treatise , Lit. A.
प्रबन्धन [ prabandhana ] [ pra-bandhana ] n. binding , fettering Lit. Kir.
connection , bond , tie Lit. Suśr.
प्रबभ्र [ prababhra ] [ prababhra ] m. N. of Indra Lit. Kāṭh. ( cf. [ pravabhrá ] ) .
प्रबर्ह [ prabarha ] [ pra-barha ] m. (√ 1 [ bṛh ] ) the best , most excellent Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( cf. [ pra-varha ] ) .
प्रबर्हण [ prabarhaṇa ] [ pra-barhaṇa ] n. (√ 2. [ bṛh ] , [ bṛṃh ] ) tearing off or out Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
प्रबर्हम् [ prabarham ] [ pra-barham ] see [ pravarham ] .
प्रबल [ prabala ] [ pra-bala ]1 m. f. n. strong , powerful , mighty , great , important (as a word) , violent (as pain) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
dangerous , pernicious Lit. MārkP.
(ifc.) abounding in Lit. Suśr.
[ prabalam ] ind. greatly , much Lit. ŚBr.
[ prabala ] m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Lit. BhP.
of an attendant of Vishṇu Lit. ib.
of a Daitya Lit. Kathās.
w.r. for [ pra-vāla ] Lit. L.
प्रबलतर [ prabalatara ] [ pra-bala-tara ] m. f. n. stronger , very strong or mighty Lit. Prab.
प्रबलता [ prabalatā ] [ pra-bala-tā ] f. ( Lit. Rājat.) strength , power , might , validity.
प्रबलत्व [ prabalatva ] [ pra-bala-tva ] n. ( Lit. Kull.) strength , power , might , validity.
प्रबलतोय [ prabalatoya ] [ pra-bala-toya ] m. f. n. abounding in water Lit. Rājat.
प्रबलनिर्णयव्याख्या [ prabalanirṇayavyākhyā ] [ pra-bala-nirṇaya-vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रबलरुदित [ prabalarudita ] [ pra-bala-rudita ] n. strong crying , excessive weeping Lit. Megh.
प्रबलवत् [ prabalavat ] [ pra-bala-vat ] m. f. n. strong , mighty Lit. MBh.
प्रबलविरसा [ prabalavirasā ] [ pra-bala-virasā ] f. decay Lit. DivyA7v.
प्रबल [ prabala ] [ pra-bala ]2 Nom. P. [ °lati ] , to become strong or powerful Lit. L.
प्रबलनता [ prabalanatā ] [ pra-balana-tā ] f. strengthening Lit. Kāv.
प्रबलय [ prabalaya ] [ prabalaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to strengthen , increase Lit. Mcar.
प्रबली [ prabalī ] [ prabalī ]1 in comp. for [ °bala ] .
प्रबलीभू [ prabalībhū ] [ prabalī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become strong or mighty Lit. Kathās.
प्रबली [ prabalī ] [ prabalī ]2 f. a class , division of a community (?) Lit. Inscr.
प्रबह्लिका [ prabahlikā ] [ pra-bahlikā ] see [ pra-vahlikā ] .
प्रबाध् [ prabādh ] [ pra-√ bādh ] Ā. [ -bādhate ] ( ep. also P. [ °ti ] ) , to press forward , drive , urge , promote Lit. RV. Lit. Nir. ; to repel , drive away , keep off Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to torment , vex , hurt , injure , annoy Lit. ib. ; to set aside , annul Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 90 Sch.: Intens. see below.
प्रबाधक [ prabādhaka ] [ pra-bādhaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) pressing back , keeping away Lit. Suśr.
refusing Lit. MW.
प्रबाधन [ prabādhana ] [ pra-bādhana ] n. keeping off , keeping at a distance Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.
pressing hard upon , tormenting , paining Lit. MBh. ( also f ( [ ā ] ) . Lit. Jātakam.)
refusing , denying Lit. MW.
प्रबाधित [ prabādhita ] [ prá-bādhita ] m. f. n. ( [ prá- ] ) driven , urged on Lit. RV. x , 108 , 9
oppressed Lit. MW.
प्रबाधिन् [ prabādhin ] [ pra-bādhin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) harassing , paining , tormenting Lit. Bālar.
प्रबाबधान [ prabābadhāna ] [ pra-bā́badhāna ] m. f. n. (fr. Intens.) hastening on before , overtaking Lit. RV.
प्रबाल [ prabāla ] [ pra-bāla ] see [ pra-vāla ] .
प्रबालक [ prabālaka ] [ pra-bālaka ] m. N. of a Yaksha Lit. MBh.
[ prabālikā ] f. N. of a woman , Lit. Vāsav. introd. ( printed [ °vālikā ] ) .
प्रबालिक [ prabālika ] [ pra-bālika ] ( or [ -vālika ] ?) m. a kind of purslain Lit. L.
प्रबाहु [ prabāhu ] [ pra-bāhu ] m. the fore-arm Lit. Var. Lit. VP.
" long-armed " , N. of a man Lit. MBh. ( also [ °huka ] Lit. VP.)
प्रबाहुक् [ prabāhuk ] [ pra-bā́huk ] ind. in an even line , on a level Lit. TS. Lit. Br. ( = [ bāhulyena ] Lit. TBr. Sch.)
प्रबाहुकम् [ prabāhukam ] [ pra-bā́hukam ] ind. at the same time or on high Lit. L. (g. [ svar-ādi ] ) .
प्रबुध् [ prabudh ] [ pra-√ budh ] Ā. [ -budhyate ] ( Ved. inf. [ -búdhe ] ) , to wake up , wake , awake (intrans.) Lit. RV. ; to expand , open , bloom , blossom Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; P. [ -bodhati ] , to become conscious or aware of know , understand , recognise as ( 2. acc.) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -bodhayati ] , to wake up , awaken (trans.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to cause to expand or bloom Lit. Kum. ; to stimulate (by gentle friction) , Lit. ŚārṅgS. ; to make sensible , cause to know , inform , admonish , persuade , convince Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to instruct , teach ( two acc.) Lit. Cāṇ.
प्रबुद्ध [ prabuddha ] [ pra-buddha ] m. f. n. awakened , awake , roused , expanded , developed , opened , blown Lit. Up. Lit. MBh.
come forth , appeared Lit. Vcar.
(anything) that has begun to take effect (as a spell) Lit. Cat.
known , understood , recognised Lit. Kap.
enlightened , clear-sighted , clever , wise Lit. Kathās. Lit. Hcar.
प्रबुद्धता [ prabuddhatā ] [ pra-buddha--tā ] f. intelligence , wisdom Lit. MārkP.
प्रबुध् [ prabudh ] [ pra-budh ] m. f. n. watchful , attentive Lit. RV.
[ prabudh ] f. awaking Lit. ib.
प्रबुध [ prabudha ] [ pra-budha ] m. a great sage Lit. BhP.
प्रबोध [ prabodha ] [ pra-bodha ] m. awaking (from sleep or ignorance) , becoming conscious , consciousness Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
opening , blowing (of flowers) Lit. Kālid.
manifestation , appearance (of intelligence) Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.)
waking , wakefulness Lit. Śak.
knowledge , understanding , intelligence Lit. Ragh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Śāntiś.
awakening (trans.) Lit. R.
friendly admonition , good words (pl.) Lit. Naish.
reviving of an evaporated scent Lit. VarBṛS.
N. of wk.
प्रबोधचन्द्र [ prabodhacandra ] [ pra-bodha--candra ] m. " the moon of knowledge " , knowledge personified and compared with the moon Lit. Prab.
प्रबोधचन्द्रिका [ prabodhacandrikā ] [ pra-bodha--candrikā ] f. " moonlight of knowledge " , N. of sev. works.
प्रबोधचन्द्रोदय [ prabodhacandrodaya ] [ pra-bodha--candrodaya ] m. " rise of the moon of knowledge " , N. of a celebrated philosophical drama and of sev. other works.
प्रबोधचन्द्रोदयसंग्रह [ prabodhacandrodayasaṃgraha ] [ pra-bodha--candrodaya-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रबोधचन्द्रोदयामलक [ prabodhacandrodayāmalaka ] [ pra-bodha--candrodayāmalaka ] m. n. (?) N. of wk.
प्रबोधचिन्तामणि [ prabodhacintāmaṇi ] [ pra-bodha--cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.
प्रबोधदीपिका [ prabodhadīpikā ] [ pra-bodha--dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रबोधप्रकाश [ prabodhaprakāśa ] [ pra-bodha--prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
प्रबोधमञ्जरी [ prabodhamañjarī ] [ pra-bodha--mañjarī ] f. N. of wk.
प्रबोधमानसोल्लास [ prabodhamānasollāsa ] [ pra-bodha--mānasollāsa ] m. N. of wk.
प्रबोधरत्नाकर [ prabodharatnākara ] [ pra-bodha--ratnākara ] m. N. of wk.
प्रबोधवती [ prabodhavatī ] [ pra-bodha--vatī ] f. N. of a Surâṅganā Lit. Siṃhâs.
प्रबोधसिद्धि [ prabodhasiddhi ] [ pra-bodha--siddhi ] f. N. of wk.
प्रबोधसुधाकर [ prabodhasudhākara ] [ pra-bodha--sudhākara ] m. N. of wk.
प्रबोधसूक्तिव्याख्या [ prabodhasūktivyākhyā ] [ pra-bodha--sūkti-vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रबोधानन्द [ prabodhānanda ] [ pra-bodhānanda ] m. ( with [ sarasvatī ] ) , N. of an author Lit. Cat.
प्रबोधोत्सव [ prabodhotsava ] [ pra-bodhotsava ] m. = [ °dhinī ] (below)
N. of wk. ( cf. [ nārāyaṇaprabodh ] )
प्रबोधोदय [ prabodhodaya ] [ pra-bodhodaya ] m. rise of knowledge Lit. Prab.
N. of wk.
प्रबोधक [ prabodhaka ] [ pra-bodhaka ] m. f. n. awakening , causing to open or blossom Lit. Subh.
[ prabodhaka ] m. a minstrel whose duty is to wake the king Lit. L.
m. (ifc.) = [ °bodha ] , understanding , intelligence (e.g. [ sukha-prabodhaka ] f. [ ikā ] , of easy intelligence i.e. easily intelligible Lit. Cat.)
प्रबोधन [ prabodhana ] [ pra-bodhana ] m. f. n. awaking , arousing , Lit. Ṛit. Lit. Pañcat.
[ prabodhana ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. Buddh.
[ prabodhanī ] f. the 11th day in the light half of the month Kārttika , celebrated as a festival in commemoration of the waking of Vishṇu Lit. Pur.
[ prabodhana ] m. Alhagi Maurorum Lit. L.
n. waking , awaking Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
awakening , arousing , Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
knowledge , understanding , comprehension Lit. Pañcat.
enlightening , instructing Lit. ib. Lit. Prab.
reviving of an evaporated scent Lit. L.
प्रबोधित [ prabodhita ] [ pra-bodhita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) awakened , aroused Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (also [ -vat ] Lit. Sāh.)
[ prabodhitā ] f. N. of a metre Lit. Chandom.
प्रबोधिन् [ prabodhin ] [ pra-bodhin ] m. f. n. awaking Lit. Ragh.
coming forth from (abl.) Lit. R.
[ prabodhinī ] f. the 11th day in the light half of Kārttika ( = [ °bodhanī ] ) Lit. Cat.
प्रबोधिता [ prabodhitā ] [ pra-bodhi-tā ] f. awaking , wakefulness ( [ a-prab ] ) Lit. MBh.
प्रबोध्य [ prabodhya ] [ pra-bodhya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be awakened Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.
प्रब्रू [ prabrū ] [ pra-√ brū ] P. Ā. [ -bravīti ] , [ -brūte ] , to exclaim , proclaim , announce , declare , teach , indicate , betray Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS. ; to praise , celebrate Lit. RV. ; to speak kindly to (dat.) Lit. ib. ; to say , tell , relate Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (with two acc. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; with [ satyam ] , to speak the truth , speak sincerely Lit. VarBṛS.) ; to read before (gen. or dat.) Lit. MW. ; to call , name Lit. BhP. ; to describe as ( two acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to announce i.e. recommend anything to (dat.) , offer , present Lit. Āpast. ( cf. [ ni- ] √ 1. [ vid ] , Caus.)
प्रभज् [ prabhaj ] [ pra-√ bhaj ] P. Ā. [ -bhajati ] , [ °te ] , to execute , accomplish Lit. Pañcar. ; to honour Lit. Buddh. ; to divide Lit. MW.
प्रभाग [ prabhāga ] [ pra-bhāga ] m. division Lit. KātyŚr.
( fr. [ pra ] + [ bhāga ] ) the fraction of a fraction , a sub-fraction Lit. Col.
प्रभागजाति [ prabhāgajāti ] [ pra-bhāga--jāti ] f. reduction of sub-fractioms to a common denominator Lit. ib.
प्रभाज् [ prabhāj ] [ pra-bhāj ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 62 Sch.
प्रभञ्ज् [ prabhañj ] [ pra-√ bhañj ] P. [ -bhanákti ] , to break up , crush , destroy , rout , defeat Lit. RV. : Pass. pr. p. [ -bhajyamāna ] , being broken to pieces or broken up Lit. BhP.
प्रभग्न [ prabhagna ] [ pra-bhagna ] m. f. n. crushed to pieces , defeated Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रभङ्ग [ prabhaṅga ] [ pra-bhaṅgá ] m. a breaker , crusher Lit. RV.
breaking , crushing , destruction Lit. R.
प्रभङ्गिन् [ prabhaṅgin ] [ pra-bhaṅgí n ] m. f. n. breaking , crushing , destroying Lit. RV.
प्रभङ्गुर [ prabhaṅgura ] [ pra-bhaṅgura ] m. f. n. breaking (perishable ?) Lit. L.
प्रभञ्जन [ prabhañjana ] [ pra-bhañjana ] m. f. n. = [ °bhaṅgin ] Lit. Kauś. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ prabhañjana ] m. wind or the god of wind , storm , tempest , hurricane Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a nervous disease Lit. Suśr.
a partic. Samādhi Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
N. of a prince Lit. MBh.
n. the act of breaking to pieces Lit. AdbhBr.
प्रभद्रक [ prabhadraka ] [ pra-bhadraka ] m. f. n. exceedingly handsome or beautiful Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ prabhadraka ] n. a kind of metre Lit. Col.
a combination of 4 Ślokas containing one sentence Lit. Kāvyâd. Sch.
प्रभर्तव्य [ prabhartavya ] [ pra-bhartavya ] see [ pra-√ bhṛ ] .
प्रभव [ prabhava ] [ pra-bhava ] see under [ pra-√ bhū ] .
प्रभा [ prabhā ] [ pra-√ bhā:1 ] P. [ -bhāti ] , to shine forth , begin to become light , shine , gleam Lit. RV. ; to appear , seem , look like (nom. with or without [ iva ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to illuminate , enlighten Lit. TUp.
प्रभा [ prabhā ] [ prabhā́ ] f. light , splendour , radiance , beautiful appearance (ifc. often mfn. with f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial Lit. Sūryas.
light variously personified (as wife of the sun , or as wife of Kalpa and mother of Prātar , Madhyaṃ-dina and Sāya i.e. morning , midday and evening , or as a form of Durgā in the disc of the sun) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
N. of a Śakti Lit. Hcat.
of an Apsaras Lit. MBh.
of a daughter of Svar-bhānu and mother of Nahusha Lit. Hariv.
of the city of Kubera Lit. L.
of a kind of metre Lit. Col.
N. of sev. works.
प्रभाकर [ prabhākara ] [ prabhā́-kara ] m. " light-maker " , the sun (du. sun and moon) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
the moon Lit. L.
fire Lit. L.
a partic. Samādhi Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.
of a class of deities under the 8th Manu Lit. MārkP.
of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
of a sage of the race of Atri Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
of a son of Jyotish-mat Lit. VP.
of a teacher of the Mīmāṃsā philosophy (associated with Kumārilabhaṭṭa) Lit. Col.
of sev. other teachers and authors ( also [ prabhākara-guru ] , [ -candra ] , [ -datta ] , [ -deva ] , [ -nandana ] , [ -mitra ] ) Lit. Cat.
प्रभाकरपरिच्छेद [ prabhākarapariccheda ] [ prabhā́-kara--pariccheda ] m. N. of wk.
प्रभाकरवर्धन [ prabhākaravardhana ] [ prabhā́-kara--vardhana ] m. N. of a king Lit. Hcar.
प्रभाकरवर्मन् [ prabhākaravarman ] [ prabhā́-kara--varman ] m. N. of a minister Lit. Rājat.
प्रभाकरसिद्धि [ prabhākarasiddhi ] [ prabhā́-kara--siddhi ] m. N. of a scholar Lit. Buddh.
प्रभाकरस्वामिन् [ prabhākarasvāmin ] [ prabhā́-kara--svāmin ] m. N. of the statue of the tutelary deity of Prabhākara-varman Lit. Rājat.
प्रभाकराह्निक [ prabhākarāhnika ] [ prabhā́-karāhnika ] n. N. of wk. ( 684,1 )
[ prabhākarāhnikī ] f. (with Buddhists) one of the 10 stages of perfection Lit. Dharmas. 64
[ prabhākarāhnika ] n. N. of a Varsha Lit. MBh.
प्रभाकीट [ prabhākīṭa ] [ prabhā́-kīṭa ] m. " light-insect " , a firefly Lit. L.
प्रभाचन्द्र [ prabhācandra ] [ prabhācandra ] m. N. of a teacher, Lit. Jain.
प्रभाञ्जन [ prabhāñjana ] [ prabhā́ñjana ] ( [ °bhāñj° ] ) m. Hyperanthera Moringa Lit. L.
प्रभातरल [ prabhātarala ] [ prabhā́-tarala ] m. f. n. tremulously radiant , flashing Lit. Śak.
प्रभातीर्थ [ prabhātīrtha ] [ prabhā́-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP.
प्रभानना [ prabhānanā ] [ prabhā́-nanā ] ( [ °bhān° ] ) f. N. of a Surâṅganā Lit. Siṇhâs.
प्रभापदशक्ति [ prabhāpadaśakti ] [ prabhā́-pada-śakti ] f. N. of wk.
प्रभापल्लवित [ prabhāpallavita ] [ prabhā́-pallavita ] m. f. n. overspread with lustre Lit. Vikr.
प्रभापाल [ prabhāpāla ] [ prabhā́-pāla ] m. N. of a Bodhisattva Lit. Buddh.
प्रभाप्ररोह [ prabhāpraroha ] [ prabhā́-praroha ] m. a shoot i.e. flash or ray of light Lit. Ragh.
प्रभामण्डल [ prabhāmaṇḍala ] [ prabhā́-maṇḍala ] n. ( also [ °la-ka ] n. Lit. Kathās.) a circle or crown of rays Lit. ib.
प्रभामण्डलक [ prabhāmaṇḍalaka ] [ prabhā́-maṇḍala-ka ] n. , see [ prabhāmaṇḍala ] , a circle or crown of rays Lit. Kathās.
प्रभामण्डलशोभिन् [ prabhāmaṇḍalaśobhin ] [ prabhā́-maṇḍala--śobhin ] m. f. n. shining with a circle of rays Lit. Ragh.
N. of wk.
[ prabhāmaṇḍalaśobhin ] m. a partic. Samādhi Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
प्रभामय [ prabhāmaya ] [ prabhā́-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of light , shining Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ prabhāmaya ] m. a partic. Gaṇa of Śiva Lit. Harav.
प्रभालेपिन् [ prabhālepin ] [ prabhā́-lepin ] m. f. n. covered with splendour Lit. Hcar.
प्रभालोचन [ prabhālocana ] [ prabhā́locana ] ( [ °bhāl° ] ) n. N. of wk.
प्रभावत् [ prabhāvat ] [ prabhā́-vat ] m. f. n. luminous , radiant , splendid Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ prabhāvatī ] f. the lute of one of the Gaṇas or demigods attendant on Śiva Lit. L.
a kind of metre Lit. Śrutab.
(in music) a partic. Śruti Lit. Saṃgīt.
N. of a Lit. Buddh. deity Lit. Lalit.
of the wife of the sun Lit. MBh.
of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda Lit. ib.
of an Apsaras Lit. VP.
of a Surâṅganā Lit. Siṃhâs.
of a sister of the Asura Indra-damana Lit. L.
of a daughter of king Vajra-nābha and wife of Pradyumna Lit. Hariv.
of the wife of Citra-ratha king of Aṅga Lit. MBh.
of the daughter of Suvīra and wife of Marutta Lit. MārkP.
of a Tāpasī Lit. MBh.
of them other of Malli (the 19th Arhat of present Avasarpiṇī) Lit. L.
of the daughter of the Śreshṭhin Soma-datta and wife of Madana the son of Vikrama-sena Lit. Śukas.
of a river Lit. W.
प्रभावत्परिणय [ prabhāvatpariṇaya ] [ prabhā́-vat--pariṇaya ] m. " the marriage of Prabhāvatī " , N. of a drama by Viśva-nātha
प्रभावली [ prabhāvalī ] [ prabhā́valī ] ( [ °bhāv° ] ) f. N. of wk.
प्रभाव्यूह [ prabhāvyūha ] [ prabhā́-vyūha ] m. N. of a Lit. Buddh. deity Lit. Lalit.
प्रभेश्वरतीर्थ [ prabheśvaratīrtha ] [ prabheśvara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP.
प्रभात [ prabhāta ] [ prabhāta ] m. f. n. shone forth , begun to become clear or light Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ prabhāta ] m. N. of a son of the sun and Prabhā Lit. VP.
[ prabhātā ] f. N. of the mother of the Vasus Pratyūsha and Prabhāsa Lit. MBh.
[ prabhāta ] n. daybreak , dawn , morning Lit. Gaut. Lit. MBh.
प्रभातकरणीय [ prabhātakaraṇīya ] [ prabhāta-karaṇīya ] n. a morning rite or ceremony Lit. Śak.
प्रभातकल्प [ prabhātakalpa ] [ prabhāta-kalpa ] m. f. n. nearly become light , approaching dawn (as night) Lit. R.
प्रभातकाल [ prabhātakāla ] [ prabhāta-kāla ] m. time of daybreak , early morning Lit. Suśr.
प्रभातप्राय [ prabhātaprāya ] [ prabhāta-prāya ] m. f. n. = [ -kalpa ] Lit. Kād.
प्रभातसमय [ prabhātasamaya ] [ prabhāta-samaya ] m. = [ -kāla ] Lit. MBh.
प्रभानीय [ prabhānīya ] [ pra-bhānīya ] m. f. n. to be irradiated or lighted Lit. ib.
प्रभानु [ prabhānu ] [ pra-bhānu ] m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Lit. BhP.
प्रभापन [ prabhāpana ] [ pra-bhāpana ] n. (from Caus.) causing to shine Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 34 Vārtt. 2. Lit. Pat.
प्रभापनीय [ prabhāpanīya ] [ pra-bhāpanīya ] m. f. n. to be caused to shine Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. ib. Sch.
प्रभाग [ prabhāga ] [ prabhāgá ] see [ pra-√ bhaj ] .
प्रभारक [ prabhāraka ] [ prabhāraka ] w.r. for [ prabhā-kara ] Lit. MBh.
प्रभाव [ prabhāva ] [ pra-bhāva ] see [ pra-√ bhū ] .
प्रभाष् [ prabhāṣ ] [ pra-√ bhāṣ ] Ā. [ -bhāṣate ] ( ep. also P. [ °ti ] ) , to speak , tell , declare , disclose , manifest , explain , call , name Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to talk to , converse with (acc.) Lit. MBh.
प्रभाष [ prabhāṣa ] [ pra-bhāṣa ] m. declaration , doctrine Lit. Hariv. ( Lit. Nīlak.)
w.r. for [ -bhāsa ] .
प्रभाषण [ prabhāṣaṇa ] [ pra-bhāṣaṇa ] n. explanation Lit. Suśr.
प्रभाषणीय [ prabhāṣaṇīya ] [ pra-bhāṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. relating to an explanation Lit. ib.
प्रभाषित [ prabhāṣita ] [ pra-bhāṣita ] m. f. n. spoken , uttered , declared Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ prabhāṣita ] n. speech , talk Lit. Var.
प्रभाषिन् [ prabhāṣin ] [ pra-bhāṣin ] m. f. n. saying , speaking Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
प्रभास् [ prabhās ] [ pra-√ bhās ] Ā. [ -bhāsate ] ( ep. also P. [ °ti ] ) , to shine , glitter , be brilliant Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to appear like ( [ iva ] ) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -bhāsayati ] , to irradiate , illuminate , enlighten Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रभास [ prabhāsa ] [ pra-bhāsa ] m. " splendour " , " beauty " , N. of a Vasu Lit. MBh.
of a being attendant on Skanda Lit. ib.
of a deity under the 8th Manu Lit. MārkP.
(with Jainas) of one of the 11 Gaṇâdhipas Lit. L.
of a son of a minister of Candraprabha king of Madra Lit. Kathās.
(pl.) N. of a race of Ṛishis Lit. MBh.
[ prabhāsa ] m. n. N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage on the west coast of the Dekhan near Dvārakā Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( also [ -kṣetra ] n. [ -kṣetra-tīrtha ] n. [ -deśa ] m. )
प्रभासक्षेत्र [ prabhāsakṣetra ] [ pra-bhāsa--kṣetra ] n. , see [ prabhāsa ]
प्रभासक्षेत्रतीर्थ [ prabhāsakṣetratīrtha ] [ pra-bhāsa--kṣetra-tīrtha ] n. , see [ prabhāsa ]
प्रभासक्षेत्रतीर्थयात्रानुक्रम [ prabhāsakṣetratīrthayātrānukrama ] [ pra-bhāsa--kṣetra-tīrtha-yātrānukrama ] m. N. of wk.
प्रभासक्षेत्रमाहात्म्य [ prabhāsakṣetramāhātmya ] [ pra-bhāsa--kṣetra-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
प्रभासखण्ड [ prabhāsakhaṇḍa ] [ pra-bhāsa--khaṇḍa ] m. n. N. of wk.
प्रभासदेश [ prabhāsadeśa ] [ pra-bhāsa--deśa ] m. , see [ prabhāsa ]
प्रभासेश्वरमाहात्म्य [ prabhāseśvaramāhātmya ] [ pra-bhāseśvara-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
प्रभासन [ prabhāsana ] [ pra-bhāsana ] n. irradiating , illumining Lit. MBh.
प्रभासुर [ prabhāsura ] [ pra-bhāsura ] ( Lit. R.) m. f. n. shining forth , shining brightly , brilliant.
प्रभास्वत् [ prabhāsvat ] [ pra-bhāsvat ] ( Lit. Hariv.) m. f. n. shining forth , shining brightly , brilliant.
प्रभास्वर [ prabhāsvara ] [ pra-bhāsvara ] m. f. n. id. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
clear , shrill (as a voice) Lit. L.
[ prabhāsvarā ] f. a partic. mythical plant Lit. DivyA7v.
प्रभिद् [ prabhid ] [ pra-√ bhid ] P. [ -bhinatti ] , to cleave , split asunder , break , pierce , open Lit. RV. : Pass. [ -bhidyate ] , to be broken in pieces , crumble Lit. ŚBr. ; to be dissolved , open Lit. KaṭhUp. ; to split , divide (intr.) Lit. MBh. : Caus. of Intens. [ -bebhidayya ] Lit. Pat.
प्रभिद् [ prabhid ] [ pra-bhid ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 61 Sch.
प्रभिन्न [ prabhinna ] [ pra-bhinna ] m. f. n. split asunder , cleft , broken , pierced , opened Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
blown (as a flower) Lit. Sāh.
exuding (as blood) Lit. Suśr.
flowing with juice ( cf. [ -karaṭa ] ; m. an elephant in rut) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
broken through , interrupted Lit. R.
disfigured , altered , depressed Lit. MBh.
प्रभिन्नकरट [ prabhinnakaraṭa ] [ pra-bhinna--karaṭa ] m. f. n. having the temples cleft and flowing with juice (as a rutting elephant) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( [ °ṭā-mukha ] mfn. having the fissure in the temples flowing with juice Lit. MBh.)
प्रभिन्नकरटामुख [ prabhinnakaraṭāmukha ] [ pra-bhinna--karaṭā-mukha ] m. f. n. , see [ prabhinnakaraṭa ] , having the fissure in the temples flowing with juice Lit. MBh.
प्रभिन्नविष् [ prabhinnaviṣ ] [ pra-bhinna--viṣ ] m. f. n. secreting or relaxing the feces , aperient Lit. Suśr.
प्रभिन्नाञ्जन [ prabhinnāñjana ] [ pra-bhinnāñjana ] n. mixed collyrium , an eye-salve mixed with oil Lit. Ṛitus. Lit. Pañcat.
प्रभेद [ prabheda ] [ pra-bheda ] m. splitting , piercing , cutting through Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
the flowing of juice from the temples of an elephant Lit. Megh.
division , subdivision , variety , species , kind , sort Lit. MBh. Lit. Kap. Lit. Hcat. Lit. Suśr.
प्रभेदक [ prabhedaka ] [ pra-bhedaka ] m. f. n. tearing asunder , cleaving , piercing ( cf. [ carma-prabhedikā ] ) .
प्रभेदन [ prabhedana ] [ pra-bhedana ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh.
प्रभी [ prabhī ] [ pra-√ bhī ] ( only pf. [ -bibhayāṃ-cakāra ] ) , to be terrified at (abl.) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
प्रभीत [ prabhīta ] [ pra-bhīta ] m. f. n. terrified , afraid Lit. MBh.
प्रभु [ prabhu ] [ pra-bhu ] see under [ pra-√ bhū ] below.
प्रभुज् [ prabhuj ] [ pra-√ bhuj:1 ] ( only ind.p. [ -bhujya ] ) , to bend , incline Lit. Br. Lit. Kauś.
प्रभुग्न [ prabhugna ] [ pra-bhugna ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 29 Sch.
प्रभुज् [ prabhuj ] [ pra-√ bhuj:3 ] ( only pr. p. [ -bhuñjatī́ ] ) , to befriend , protect (?) Lit. RV. i , 48 , 5.
प्रभुक्त [ prabhukta ] [ pra-bhukta ] m. f. n. begun to be eaten (as rice) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 21 Sch.
प्रभू [ prabhū ] [ pra-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] ( rarely Ā. [ °te ] ; Ved. inf. [ -bhūṣáṇi ] ) , to come forth , spring up , arise or originate from (abl.) , appear , become visible , happen , occur Lit. ŚBr. ; to be before , surpass (with [ pṛṣṭham ] , " to be greater or more than the back can carry " , applied to wealth Lit. RV. ii , 13 , 4) to become or be numerous , increase , prevail , be powerful Lit. RV. (3. sg. [ prabhavati-tarām ] , " has more power " Lit. Vikr. v , 18) ; to rule , control , have power over , be master of (gen. loc. or dat.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to be equal to or capable of (dat. or loc.) Lit. ib. ; to be a match for (dat.) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 16 Vārtt. 2 Lit. Pat. ; to be able to (inf.) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās. ; to profit , avail , be of use to (dat.) Lit. RV. Lit. Br. ; to implore , beseech (?) Lit. Hariv. : Caus. [ -bhāvayati ] , to increase , spread out , extend , augment , multiply (esp. the Soma by placing it in a greater number of vessels) Lit. Br. ; to provide more amply , endow more richly , cause to thrive or prosper , cherish , nurture Lit. ib. Lit. MBh. ; ( as Nom. fr. [ -bhāva ] below) to gain or possess power or strength , rule over (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to recognise Lit. R. : Desid. of Caus. [ -bibhāvayiṣati ] , to wish to increase or extend Lit. AitBr.
प्रभव [ prabhava ] [ pra-bhavá ] m. f. n. prominent , excelling , distinguished Lit. RV.
[ prabhava ] m. production , source , origin , cause of existence (as father or mother , also " the Creator " ) , birthplace (often ifc. , with f ( [ ā ] ) . , springing or rising or derived from , belonging to) Lit. Up. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
m. might , power (= [ pra-bhāva ] ) Lit. L.
N. of a Sādhya Lit. Hariv.
of Vishṇu Lit. A.
of sev. men Lit. HPariś.
N. of the first or 35th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Lit. Var.
प्रभवप्रभु [ prabhavaprabhu ] [ pra-bhavá--prabhu ] m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 6 Śruta-kevalins Lit. L.
प्रभवस्वामिन् [ prabhavasvāmin ] [ pra-bhavá--svāmin ] m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 6 Śruta-kevalins Lit. L.
प्रभवत् [ prabhavat ] [ pra-bhavat ] m. f. n. coming forth , arising
mighty , powerful , potent Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
प्रभवन [ prabhavana ] [ pra-bhavana ] n. production , source , origin (ifc. " springing from " ; cf. [ meru-prabh ] and Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 34 Sch.)
ruling , presiding (?) Lit. W.
प्रभवनीय [ prabhavanīya ] [ pra-bhavanīya ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. ib.
प्रभवितृ [ prabhavitṛ ] [ pra-bhavitṛ ] m. f. n. powerful , potent
[ prabhavitṛ ] m. a great lord or ruler Lit. Bhartṛ.
प्रभविष्णु [ prabhaviṣṇu ] [ pra-bhaviṣṇu ] m. f. n. = prec. (also m. ; with gen. or loc. " lord over " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
प्रभविष्णुता [ prabhaviṣṇutā ] [ pra-bhaviṣṇu--tā ] f. lordship , supremacy , dominion , tyranny Lit. Var.
power to (inf.) Lit. Rājat.
प्रभव्य [ prabhavya ] [ pra-bhavya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ pra-√ bhū ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 107 Sch.
( fr. [ pra-bhava ] ) being at the source or origin , original Lit. Lāṭy.
fit for rule (?) Lit. W.
प्रभाव [ prabhāva ] [ pra-bhāva ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ) might , power , majesty , dignity , strength , efficacy Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( [ °veṇa ] ind. , [ °vāt ] ind. and [ °vatas ] ind. by means or in consequence of , through , by)
supernatural power Lit. Kālid.
splendour , beauty Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
tranquillizing , conciliation (?) Lit. L.
N. of the chapters of the Rasikapriyā Lit. Cat.
N. of a son of Manu Sva-rocis Lit. MārkP.
[ prabhāveṇa ] ind. , see [ prabhāva ] , by means or in consequence of , through , by
[ prabhāvāt ] ind. , see [ prabhāva ] , by means or in consequence of , through , by
प्रभावज [ prabhāvaja ] [ pra-bhāva--ja ] m. f. n. proceeding from conscious majesty or power Lit. W.
प्रभावतस् [ prabhāvatas ] [ pra-bhāvatas ]ind. , see [ prabhāva ] , by means or in consequence of , through , by
प्रभावत्व [ prabhāvatva ] [ pra-bhāva--tva ] n. power , strength Lit. Kām.
प्रभाववत् [ prabhāvavat ] [ pra-bhāva--vat ] m. f. n. powerful , strong , mighty Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
प्रभावक [ prabhāvaka ] [ pra-bhāvaka ] m. f. n. prominent , having power or influence Lit. Śatr. Lit. Siṃhâs.
प्रभावन [ prabhāvana ] [ pra-bhāvana ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) creating , creative Lit. MBh.
explaining , disclosing (= [ prakāśaka ] ) Lit. R. (B.)
[ prabhāvana ] m. creator Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
[ prabhāvanā ] f. disclosing , revealing , promulgation (of a doctrine) Lit. HYog.
प्रभावय [ prabhāvaya ] [ pra-bhāvaya ] Nom. [ °yati ] see under Caus. above.
प्रभावयितृ [ prabhāvayitṛ ] [ pra-bhāvayitṛ ] m. f. n. making powerful or mighty Lit. Daś.
प्रभावित [ prabhāvita ] [ pra-bhāvita ] ( Lit. Kām.) m. f. n. powerful , mighty.
प्रभाविन् [ prabhāvin ] [ pra-bhāvin ] ( Lit. Śiś.) m. f. n. powerful , mighty.
प्रभु [ prabhu ] [ pra-bhú ] m. f. n. ( Ved. also [ ū́ ] f ( [ vī ] ) .) excelling , mighty , powerful , rich , abundant Lit. RV.
more powerful than (abl.) Lit. MBh.
having power over (gen.) Lit. VP.
able , capable , having power to (loc. inf. or comp.) Lit. Kāv.
a match for (dat.) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 16 Vārtt. 2 Lit. Pat.
constant , eternal Lit. L.
[ prabhu ] m. a master , lord , king (also applied to gods e.g. to Sūrya and Agni Lit. RV. ; to Prajā-pati Lit. Mn. ; to Brahmā Lit. ChUp. ; to Indra Lit. R. ; to Śiva Lit. MBh. ; to Vishṇu Lit. L.)
the chief or leader of a sect Lit. RTL. 142
a sound , word Lit. L.
quicksilver Lit. L.
N. of a deity under the 8th Manu Lit. MārkP.
of a son of Kardama Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Śuka and Pīvarī Lit. ib.
of a son of Bhaga and Siddhi Lit. BhP.
of a poet Lit. Cat.
of sev. other men Lit. HPariś.
m. ( [ °bhvī ] f. N. of a Śakti Lit. Pañcar.)
प्रभ्वी [ prabhvī ] [ pra-bhvī ] f. , see [ prabhu ] , N. of a Śakti Lit. Pañcar.
प्रभुकथा [ prabhukathā ] [ pra-bhú--kathā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रभुता [ prabhutā ] [ pra-bhú--tā ] f. lordship , dominion , supremacy Lit. Yājñ. (v.l.) Lit. Kathās.
power over (loc.) Lit. Śak.
possession of (comp.) Lit. Ragh.
prevalence (instr. " for the most part " ) Lit. Ratnâv.
प्रभुत्व [ prabhutva ] [ pra-bhú--tva ] n. lordship , sovereignty , high rank , might , power over (gen. loc. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
prevalence (instr. " for the most part " ) Lit. Suśr.
प्रभुत्वबोधि [ prabhutvabodhi ] [ pra-bhú--tva-bodhi ] f. knowledge joined with supreme power Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
प्रभुत्वाक्षेप [ prabhutvākṣepa ] [ pra-bhú--tvākṣepa ] m. ( in rhet.) an objection based on power (i.e. on a word of command) Lit. Kāvyâd. ii , 138
प्रभुदेव [ prabhudeva ] [ pra-bhú--deva ] m. N. of a Yoga teacher Lit. Cat.
[ prabhudevī ] f. ( with [ lāṭī ] ) N. of a poetess Lit. ib.
प्रभुभक्त [ prabhubhakta ] [ pra-bhú--bhakta ] m. f. n. devoted to his master (as a dog) Lit. Cāṇ.
[ prabhubhakta ] m. a good horse Lit. L.
प्रभुभक्ति [ prabhubhakti ] [ pra-bhú--bhakti ] f. loyalty , faithfulness Lit. MW.
प्रभुलिङ्गचरित्र [ prabhuliṅgacaritra ] [ pra-bhú--liṅga-caritra ] n. N. of wk.
प्रभुलिङ्गलीला [ prabhuliṅgalīlā ] [ pra-bhú--liṅga-līlā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रभुवंश [ prabhuvaṃśa ] [ pra-bhú-vaṃśa ] n. N. of wk.
प्रभुशब्दशेष [ prabhuśabdaśeṣa ] [ pra-bhú--śabda-śeṣa ] m. f. n. having only the title of lord remaining Lit. Ragh.
प्रभू [ prabhū ] [ pra-bhū ] = [ °bhu ] ( cf. above )
प्रभूत्व [ prabhūtva ] [ pra-bhū--tva ] n. sufficiency Lit. KātyŚr. ( cf. [ prabhu-tva ] )
प्रभूवसु [ prabhūvasu ] [ pra-bhū́--vasu ] m. f. n. ( [ °bhū́- ] Lit. Padap. [ °bhú- ] ) abundantly wealthy (said of Indra and Soma) Lit. RV.
[ prabhūvasu ] m. N. of a descendant of Aṅgiras , author of Lit. RV. v , 35 , 36 ; ix , 35 , 36.
प्रभूत [ prabhūta ] [ prá-bhūta ] m. f. n. come forth , risen , appeared
(ifc.) become , transformed into Lit. Daś.
abundant , much , numerous , considerable , high , great Lit. ŚBr. (compar. [ -tara ] Lit. Pañcat. ; superl. [ -tama ] Lit. Daś.)
abounding in (comp.) Lit. R.
able to (inf.) Lit. Sāh.
governed , presided over Lit. W.
mature , perfect Lit. ib.
[ prabhūta ] m. a class of deities in the 6th Manvantara Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ pra-sūta ] )
n. (in phil.) a great or primary element (= [ mahā-bhūta ] ) Lit. Sāṃkhyak.
प्रभूतजिह्वता [ prabhūtajihvatā ] [ prá-bhūta--jihvatā ] f. having a long tongue (one of the 32 signs of perfection of a Buddha) Lit. Dharmas. 83 (also [ -tanu-jihv ] , " having a long and thin tongue " Lit. ib.)
प्रभूतता [ prabhūtatā ] [ prá-bhūta--tā ] f. quantity , plenty , multitude , large number Lit. Śiś.
प्रभूतत्व [ prabhūtatva ] [ prá-bhūta--tva ] n. id. Lit. Pañcat.
sufficiency Lit. KātyŚr. (v.l. for [ prabhū-tva ] )
प्रभूतधनधान्यवत् [ prabhūtadhanadhānyavat ] [ prá-bhūta--dhana-dhānya-vat ] m. f. n. rich in money and corn Lit. R.
प्रभूतनागाश्वरथ [ prabhūtanāgāśvaratha ] [ prá-bhūta--nāgāśva-ratha ] m. f. n. having many elephants and horses and chariots Lit. MBh.
प्रभूतभ्रान्त [ prabhūtabhrānta ] [ prá-bhūta--bhrānta ] n. much roaming Lit. Pañcat.
प्रभूतयवसेन्धन [ prabhūtayavasendhana ] [ prá-bhūta--yavasendhana ] m. f. n. abounding in fresh grass and fuel Lit. ib.
प्रभूतरत्न [ prabhūtaratna ] [ prá-bhūta--ratna ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. SaddhP.
प्रभूतरूप [ prabhūtarūpa ] [ prá-bhūta--rūpa ] n. great beauty Lit. MW.
प्रभूतवयस् [ prabhūtavayas ] [ prá-bhūta--vayas ] m. f. n. advanced in years , old Lit. Kāv.
प्रभूतवर्ष [ prabhūtavarṣa ] [ prá-bhūta--varṣa ] n. pl. many years , Lit. Pañcat.
प्रभूतशस् [ prabhūtaśas ] [ prá-bhūta--śas ] ind. many times , often Lit. Car.
प्रभूतोत्क [ prabhūtotka ] [ prá-bhūtotka ] m. ardently desirous of or longing for Lit. Kāvyâd. iii , 118.
प्रभूतक [ prabhūtaka ] [ prá-bhūtaka ] m. f. n. containing the word [ prabhūta ] g. [ goṣad-ādi ]
[ prabhūtaka ] m. pl. a partic. class of deceased relatives , Lit. KāṭhAnukr.
प्रभूति [ prabhūti ] [ prá-bhūti ] f. ( [ prá- ] ) source , origin Lit. TāṇḍBr.
imperious demeanour , violence Lit. RV. iv , 54 , 3
sufficiency Lit. RV. Lit. TBr.
a ruler , lord (?) Lit. RV. viii , 41 , 1.
प्रभूवरी [ prabhūvarī ] [ prá-bhūvarī ] f. reaching or extending beyond (acc.) Lit. VS.
प्रभूष्णु [ prabhūṣṇu ] [ prá-bhūṣṇu ] m. f. n. powerful , strong , able Lit. L. ( cf. [ °bhaviṣṇu ] ) .
प्रभूष् [ prabhūṣ ] [ pra-√ bhūṣ ] P. [ -bhūṣati ] , to offer , present Lit. RV. i , 159 , 1.
प्रभृ [ prabhṛ ] [ pra-√ bhṛ ] P. Ā. [ -bharati ] , [ °te ] , to bring forward , place before , offer , present Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to stretch forth , extend Lit. RV. ; to hurl , cast Lit. ib. ; (Ā.) to quiver Lit. ib. ; to be borne along , rush on Lit. ib. ; to praise Lit. ib. ( 684,3 )
प्रभर्तव्य [ prabhartavya ] [ pra-bhartavya ] m. f. n. to be supported or nourished Lit. Yājñ.
प्रभर्तृ [ prabhartṛ ] [ pra-bhartṛ ] ( [ prá- ] ) m. bringer , procurer ( with acc.) Lit. RV.
प्रभर्मन् [ prabharman ] [ prá-bharman ] n. ( [ prá- ] ) placing before , presenting Lit. RV.
reciting , recitation Lit. ib.
प्रभृत [ prabhṛta ] [ prá-bhṛta ] m. f. n. brought forward
placed in (loc.) , introduced Lit. RV.
filled with (instr.) Lit. R. (B.)
प्रभृति [ prabhṛti ] [ prá-bhṛti ] f. ( [ prá- ] ) bringing forward , offering (of sacrifice or praise) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
a throw or stroke Lit. RV.
beginning , commencement Lit. ŚBr. (ifc. = " commencing with " or " et caetera " e.g. [ munayaḥ somaśravaḥ-prabhṛtayaḥ ] , " the Munis beginning with Somaśravaḥ " i.e. " the Munis , Somaśravaḥ " ; in this sense also [ °tika ] )
[ prabhṛti ] ind. ( after an abl. adv. or ifc.) beginning with , from-forward or upward , since Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (e.g. [ bālyāt prabhṛti ] , " from boyhood upwards " ; [ janma-pr ] , " from birth " ; [ adya pr ] , " beginning from to-day , henceforth " ; [ tataḥ ] or [ tadā pr ] , " thenceforth " )
प्रभृथ [ prabhṛtha ] [ pra-bhṛthá ] m. an offering , oblation Lit. RV.
प्रभेद [ prabheda ] [ pra-bheda ] see [ pra-√ bhid ] .
प्रभ्रंश् [ prabhraṃś ] [ pra-√ bhraṃś ] Ā. [ -bhraśyate ] , to fall away , slip off , drop down , disappear , vanish Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. ; to escape from (abl.) Lit. TBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to be deprived of (abl.) Lit. Mṛicch. : Caus. [ -bhraṃśayati ] , to cause to fall down , cast down Lit. Suśr. ; to cause to fall from , deprive of (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
प्रभ्रंश [ prabhraṃśa ] [ pra-bhraṃśa ] see [ á-prabhraṃśa ] .
प्रभ्रंशथु [ prabhraṃśathu ] [ pra-bhraṃśathu ] m. a disease of the nose accompanied with discharge of mucus Lit. Suśr.
प्रभ्रंशन [ prabhraṃśana ] [ pra-bhraṃśana ] see [ nāva-prabh ] under 2. [ nāva ] .
प्रभ्रंशित [ prabhraṃśita ] [ pra-bhraṃśita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) caused to fall down , deprived of , expelled from (abl.) Lit. MBh.
प्रभ्रंशिन् [ prabhraṃśin ] [ pra-bhraṃśin ] m. f. n. falling off , falling down Lit. Ragh.
प्रभ्रंशुक [ prabhraṃśuka ] [ pra-bhraṃśuka ] m. f. n. falling off , vanishing , disappearing Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr.
प्रभ्रष्ट [ prabhraṣṭa ] [ pra-bhraṣṭa ] m. f. n. fallen down Lit. Ratnâv.
strayed , runaway , escaped from (abl.) Lit. ib. Lit. Mṛicch.
broken Lit. W.
प्रभ्रष्टशील [ prabhraṣṭaśīla ] [ pra-bhraṣṭa--śīla ] m. f. n. of fallen character , immoral Lit. Var.
प्रभ्रष्टक [ prabhraṣṭaka ] [ pra-bhraṣṭaka ] n. a chaplet or wreath of flowers suspended from the lock on the crown of the head Lit. L.
प्रभ्रम् [ prabhram ] [ pra-√ bhram ] P. [ -bhramati ] , or [ -bhrāmyati ] , to roam about , wander through (acc.) Lit. Kathās.
प्रभ्राज् [ prabhrāj ] [ pra-√ bhrāj ] Ā. [ -bhrājate ] , to shine forth , gleam Lit. AV.
प्रभ्राज् [ prabhrāj ] [ pra-bhrāj ] m. f. n. (nom. [ ṭ ] ) shining forth Lit. Āpast.
प्रम् [ pram ] [ pram ] ind. (√ 1. [ prā ] ) . see [ goṣpadapram ] .
प्रमंहिष्ठीय [ pramaṃhiṣṭhīya ] [ pramaṃhiṣṭhīya ] n. N. of the hymn Lit. RV. i , 57 ( beginning with [ prá máṃhiṣṭhāya ] ) Lit. AitBr.
N. of sev. Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
प्रमगन्द [ pramaganda ] [ prá-maganda ] m. the son of a usurer Lit. RV. iii , 53 , 14 ( Lit. Sāy. ; others " N. of a king " ) .
प्रमग्न [ pramagna ] [ pra-magna ] see [ pra-√ majj ] below.
प्रमङ्कन [ pramaṅkana ] [ pra-maṅkana ] n. Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 32.
प्रमङ्गन [ pramaṅgana ] [ pra-maṅgana ] n. Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. ib.
प्रमज्ज् [ pramajj ] [ pra-√ majj ] P. [ -majjati ] , to immerse one's self in , dip into Lit. Kāṭh.
प्रमग्न [ pramagna ] [ pra-magna ] m. f. n. immersed , dipped , drowned Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 29 Sch.
प्रमणस् [ pramaṇas ] [ pra-maṇas ] m. f. n. careful , attentive , kind Lit. AV.
good-natured , cheerful Lit. Hariv. ( cf. [ pramanas ] ) .
प्रमण्डल [ pramaṇḍala ] [ pra-maṇḍala ] n. (prob.) the felly of a wheel Lit. MBh.
प्रमत [ pramata ] [ pra-mata ] see [ pra-√ man ] .
प्रमत्त [ pramatta ] [ pra-matta ] see [ pra-√ mad ] .
प्रमथ् [ pramath ] [ pra-√ math ] ( or [ manth ] ) P. [ -mathati ] , or [ -mathnāti ] , to stir up violently , churn (the ocean) Lit. Ragh. ; to tear or strike off , drag away Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to handle roughly , harass , distress , annoy Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (ind.p. [ -mathya ] , violently , forcibly) ; to destroy , lay waste Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -māthayati ] , to assault violently , harass , annoy Lit. MBh.
प्रमथ [ pramatha ] [ pra-matha ] m. " Tormentor " , N. of a class of demons attending on Śiva Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 238)
of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. MBh.
a horse Lit. L.
[ pramathā ] f. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina Lit. L.
N. of the wife of Kshupa and mother of Vīra Lit. MārkP.
pain , affliction Lit. W.
प्रमथनाथ [ pramathanātha ] [ pra-matha--nātha ] m. " lord of the Pramathas " N. of Śiva ( Lit. Kād.)
प्रमथपति [ pramathapati ] [ pra-matha--pati ] m. " lord of the Pramathas " N. of Śiva ( Lit. L.)
प्रमथप्रथम [ pramathaprathama ] [ pra-matha--prathama ] m. " first of the Pramathas " , N. of Bhṛiṅgiriṭi Lit. Bālar.
प्रमथाधिप [ pramathādhipa ] [ pra-mathādhipa ] m. " ruler of the Pramathas " , N. of Śiva Lit. VarBṛS.
of Gaṇêśa Lit. L.
प्रमथालय [ pramathālaya ] [ pra-mathālaya ] m. " abode of torment " , hell Lit. L.
प्रमथन [ pramathana ] [ pra-mathana ] m. f. n. harassing , tormenting , hurting , injuring Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
destroying Lit. Subh.
[ pramathana ] m. N. of a magical formula pronounced over weapons Lit. R.
N. of a Dānava Lit. Kathās.
hurting , destroying , killing Lit. R.
agitating , churning Lit. W.
प्रमथित [ pramathita ] [ pra-mathita ] m. f. n. well churned Lit. W.
torn off , dragged away , harassed , annoyed , injured , killed Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
प्रमथितपुरःसर [ pramathitapuraḥsara ] [ pra-mathita--puraḥ-sara ] m. f. n. having the leader killed Lit. Kām.
प्रमथिन् [ pramathin ] [ pra-mathin ] m. f. n. harassing , annoying , tormenting Lit. Mudr.
प्रमथ्या [ pramathyā ] [ pra-mathyā ] f. a kind of paste or dough prepared by boiling any medicinal substance in water Lit. Car. Lit. Bhpr.
प्रमन्थु [ pramanthu ] [ pra-manthu ] m. N. of a son of Vīra-vrata and younger brother of Manthu Lit. BhP. ( ( cf. 1 ) ) .
प्रमाथ [ pramātha ] [ pra-mātha ] m. stirring about , racking , paining , tormenting Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
rape ( cf. [ draupadī-pr ] )
subjugation , destruction (of enemies) Lit. Uttarar.
N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. MBh.
of one of the attendants of Skanda Lit. ib.
of a Dānava Lit. Kathās.
pl. N. of a class of fiends attending on Śiva Lit. Hariv. ( cf. [ pramatha ] ) .
प्रमाथित [ pramāthita ] [ pra-māthita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) roughly handled , violated , ravished , forcibly carried off Lit. MBh.
प्रमाथिन् [ pramāthin ] [ pra-māthin ] m. f. n. stirring about , tearing , rending , troubling , harassing , destroying Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
striking off , used for striking off Lit. MBh.
(in med.) throwing out i.e. producing secretion of the vessels Lit. Car. Lit. Bhpr.
[ pramāthin ] m. N. of the 13th (47th) year of a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Lit. Var. ( also w.r. for [ pra-mādin ] )
of a Rākshasa Lit. MBh.
of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. ib.
of a monkey Lit. R.
[ pramāthinī ] f. N. of an Apsaras Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
प्रमद् [ pramad ] [ pra-√ mad ] ( or [ mand ] ) P. ( rarely Ā.) [ -madati ] , [ -mandati ] , [ -mādyati ] ( [ °te ] ) , to enjoy one's self , be joyous , sport , play Lit. RV. ; to be careless or negligent , to be indifferent to or heedless about (abl. or loc.) Lit. RV. ; to neglect duty for , idle away time in (loc.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to be thrown into confusion Lit. MBh. : Caus. P. [ -mādayati ] , to gladden , delight Lit. Bālar. ; Ā. [ -mādayate ] , to enjoy , indulge in Lit. RV.
प्रमन्द् [ pramand ] [ pra-√ mand ] ( or [ mad ] ) P. ( rarely Ā.) [ -madati ] , [ -mandati ] , [ -mādyati ] ( [ °te ] ) , to enjoy one's self , be joyous , sport , play Lit. RV. ; to be careless or negligent , to be indifferent to or heedless about (abl. or loc.) Lit. RV. ; to neglect duty for , idle away time in (loc.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to be thrown into confusion Lit. MBh. : Caus. P. [ -mādayati ] , to gladden , delight Lit. Bālar. ; Ā. [ -mādayate ] , to enjoy , indulge in Lit. RV.
प्रमत्त [ pramatta ] [ pra-matta ] m. f. n. excited , wanton , lascivious , rutting Lit. Mn. Lit. Pañcat.
drunken , intoxicated Lit. Śak.
mad , insane Lit. W.
inattentive , careless , heedless , negligent , forgetful of (abl. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
indulging in (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
blundering , a blunderer Lit. W.
प्रमत्तगीत [ pramattagīta ] [ pra-matta--gīta ] m. f. n. sung or recited by an intoxicated person Lit. Pat.
प्रमत्तचित्त [ pramattacitta ] [ pra-matta--citta ] m. f. n. careless-minded , heedless , negligent Lit. Kām.
प्रमत्तता [ pramattatā ] [ pra-matta--tā ] f. inattentiveness , sleepiness , mental inactivity ( [ a-pram ] ) Lit. Rājat.
प्रमत्तरज्जु [ pramattarajju ] [ pra-matta--rajju ] f. (?) Lit. Kauś.
प्रमत्तवत् [ pramattavat ] [ pra-matta--vat ] m. f. n. inattentive , careless ( [ a-pram ] ) Lit. MBh.
प्रमत्तवत् [ pramattavat ] [ pra-matta--vat ] ind. as if drunk , like one intoxicated Lit. MW.
प्रमत्तश्रमण [ pramattaśramaṇa ] [ pra-matta--śramaṇa ] n. (with Jainas) N. of the 6th among the 14 stages which lead to liberation Lit. Cat.
प्रमद [ pramada ] [ pra-mada ] m. joy , pleasure , delight Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
[ pramada ] m. f. n. wanton , dissolute Lit. Ragh. ( also [ °daka ] Lit. Nir.)
mad , intoxicated Lit. L.
m. the thorn-apple Lit. L.
the ankle Lit. L.
N. of a Dānava Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Vasishṭha and one of the sages under Manu Uttama Lit. BhP.
प्रमदकण्ठ [ pramadakaṇṭha ] [ pra-mada--kaṇṭha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
प्रमदकानन [ pramadakānana ] [ pra-mada--kānana ] n. = [ °dā-k° ] Lit. L.
प्रमदरोप्य [ pramadaropya ] [ pra-mada--ropya ] n. N. of a city in the Dekhan Lit. Pañcat.
प्रमदवन [ pramadavana ] [ pra-mada--vana ] n. = [ °dā-v° ] Lit. Kālid.
प्रमदन [ pramadana ] [ pra-madana ] n. amorous desire Lit. Kauś.
a pleasure-grove Lit. MānGṛ.
प्रमदा [ pramadā ] [ pra-madā ] f. ( of [ °da ] ) a young and wanton woman , any woman Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
the sign of the zodiac Virgo Lit. L.
N. of 2 kinds of metre Lit. Col.
प्रमदाकानन [ pramadākānana ] [ pra-madā--kānana ] n. the royal garden or pleasure-ground attached to the gynaeceum Lit. L.
प्रमदाजन [ pramadājana ] [ pra-madā--jana ] m. womankind , the female sex Lit. R. Lit. Var.
प्रमदानन [ pramadānana ] [ pra-madānana ] n. a kind of metre Lit. Col.
प्रमदावन [ pramadāvana ] [ pra-madā--vana ] n. = [ -kānana ] Lit. R.
प्रमदावनपालिका [ pramadāvanapālikā ] [ pra-madā--vana--pālikā ] f. a woman who has the inspection of a royal pleasure-garden Lit. Mālav.
प्रमदास्पद [ pramadāspada ] [ pra-madāspada ] n. the gynaeceum of a prince Lit. Kathās.
प्रमदाय [ pramadāya ] [ pra-madāya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to behave like a wanton woman Lit. BhP.
प्रमदितव्य [ pramaditavya ] [ pra-maditavya ] m. f. n. to be neglected or disregarded
[ pramaditavya ] n. (impers.) one should be negligent regarding (abl.) Lit. TUp.
प्रमद्वर [ pramadvara ] [ pra-madvara ] m. f. n. inattentive , careless Lit. HPariś.
[ pramadvarā ] f. N. of the wife of Ruru and mother of Śunaka Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
प्रमन्द [ pramanda ] [ pra-manda ] m. a species of fragrant plant Lit. Kauś.
प्रमन्दनी [ pramandanī ] [ pra-mandanī́ ] f. N. of an Apsaras Lit. AV.
प्रमाद [ pramāda ] [ pra-mā́da ] m. intoxication Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.
madness , insanity Lit. L.
negligence , carelessness about (abl. or comp.) Lit. Kauś. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
an error , mistake Lit. W.
a partic. high number Lit. L.
प्रमादचारिन् [ pramādacārin ] [ pra-mā́da--cārin ] m. f. n. acting in a careless manner Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
प्रमादपाठ [ pramādapāṭha ] [ pra-mā́da--pāṭha ] m. a wrong reading Lit. Śaṃk.
प्रमादवत् [ pramādavat ] [ pra-mā́da--vat ] m. f. n. = [ °mādin ] Lit. L.
प्रमादिका [ pramādikā ] [ pra-mādikā ] f. a deflowered girl Lit. L.
an imprudent or careless woman Lit. W.
प्रमादित [ pramādita ] [ pra-mādita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) trifled away , forfeited , lost Lit. R.
प्रमादिन् [ pramādin ] [ pra-mādin ] m. f. n. negligent , careless , incautious , indifferent Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
drunken , intoxicated Lit. W.
insane Lit. ib.
( [ -tā ] f. Lit. Jātakam.)
[ pramādin ] n. N. of the 47th (21st) year of a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Lit. L. ( cf. [ pra-nāthin ] ) .
प्रमादिता [ pramāditā ] [ pra-mādi--tā ] f. , see [ pramādin ] , Lit. Jātakam.( 685,3 )
प्रमन् [ praman ] [ pra-√ man ] ( only Ā. 1. pl. pr. [ -manmahe ] ) , to think upon , excogitate Lit. RV. i , 62 , 1.
प्रमत [ pramata ] [ pra-mata ] m. f. n. thought out , excogitated , wise Lit. MW.
प्रमतक [ pramataka ] [ pra-mataka ] m. N. of an ancient sage Lit. MBh.
प्रमति [ pramati ] [ prá-mati ] f. ( [ prá- ] ) care , providence , protection
provider , protector. Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
[ pramati ] m. N. of a Ṛishi in the 10th Manv-antara Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ prām ] )
of a son of Cyavana and father of Ruru Lit. MBh.
of a prince (son of Janam-ejaya) Lit. R.
of a son of Prâṃśu Lit. BhP.
प्रमनस् [ pramanas ] [ pra-mánas ] m. f. n. careful , tender Lit. AV.
pleased , cheerful , willing Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( cf. [ pra-maṇas ] ) .
प्रमन्त्र [ pramantra ] [ pra-mantra ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number Lit. Buddh. ( cf. [ pra-mātra ] ) .
प्रमन्यु [ pramanyu ] [ pra-manyu ] m. f. n. incensed or enraged against (loc.) Lit. MBh.
very sad Lit. Daś.
प्रमन्थ् [ pramanth ] [ pra-manth ] Preverb.see [ pra-√ math ] .
प्रमन्द [ pramanda ] [ pra-manda ] [ °danī ] see under [ pra-√ mad ] .
प्रमय [ pramaya ] [ pra-maya ] 1. 2. [ pra-maya ] . see under [ pra-√ mā ] and [ pra-√ mī ] .
प्रमर [ pramara ] [ pra-mará ] see under [ pra-√ mṛ ] .
प्रमर्द [ pramarda ] [ pra-marda ] [ °daka ] see under [ pra-√ mṛd ] .
प्रमहस् [ pramahas ] [ prá-mahas ] m. f. n. of great might or splendour (said of Mitra-Varuṇa) Lit. RV.
प्रमा [ pramā ] [ pra-√ mā ] Ā. [ -mimīte ] ( Ved. inf. [ pra-mé ] ; Pass. [ -mīyate ] ) , to measure , mete out , estimate Lit. AV. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. MBh. ; to form , create , make ready , arrange Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. ; to form a correct notion of (acc.) , understand , know Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Hit. : Caus. [ -māpayati ] , to cause correct knowledge , afford proof or authority Lit. MW. 1.
प्रमय [ pramaya ] [ pra-maya ] m. ( for 2. see under [ pra-√ mī ] ) measuring , measure Lit. L.
प्रमा [ pramā ] [ pra-mā́ ] f. basis , foundation Lit. AV.
measure , scale Lit. RV.
right measure , true knowledge , correct notion Lit. Prab. Lit. Kap. Lit. Tarkas. Lit. IW. 59
a kind of metre Lit. RPrāt.
प्रमात्व [ pramātva ] [ pra-mā́--tva ] n. accuracy of perception Lit. Bhāshāp.
प्रमात्वचिह्न [ pramātvacihna ] [ pra-mā́--tva-cihna ] n. N. of wk.
प्रमाण [ pramāṇa ] [ pramāṇa ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) measure , scale , standard
measure of any kind (as size , extent , circumference , length , distance , weight , multitude , quantity , duration) Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. Mn. (instr. " on an average " Lit. Jyot.)
prosodical length (of a vowel) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 50 Sch.
measure in music Lit. MBh. ( Lit. Nīlak.)
accordance of the movements in dancing with music and song Lit. Saṃgīt.
measure of physical strength Lit. Śak. ( cf. comp. below)
the first term in a rule of three sum Lit. Col.
the measure of a square i.e. a side of it Lit. Śulbas.
principal , capital (opp. to interest) Lit. Col.
right measure , standard , authority Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( [ pramāṇam bhavatī ] , " your ladyship is the authority or must judge " Lit. Nal. ; in this sense also m. and f. sg. and pl. e.g. [ vedāḥ pramāṇāḥ ] , " the Vedas are authorities " Lit. MBh. ; [ strī pramāṇī yeṣām ] , " they whose authority is a woman " Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.)
a means of acquiring Pramā or certain knowledge (6 in the Vedânta , viz. [ pratyakṣa ] , perception by the senses ; [ anumāna ] , inference ; [ upamāna ] , analogy or comparison ; [ śabda ] or [ āpta-vacana ] , verbal authority , revelation ; [ an-upalabdhi ] or [ abhāva-pratyakṣa ] , non-perception or negative proof ; [ arthāpatti ] , inference from circumstances ; the Nyāya admits only 4 , excluding the last two ; the Sāṃkhya only 3 , viz. [ pratyakṣa ] , [ anumāna ] and [ śabda ] ; other schools increase the number to 9 by adding [ sambhava ] , equivalence ; [ aitihya ] , tradition or fallible testimony ; and [ ceṣṭā ] , gesture Lit. IW. 60 )
any proof or testimony or evidence Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a correct notion , right perception (= [ pramā ] ) Lit. Tarkas.
oneness , unity Lit. L.
= [ nitya ] Lit. L.
[ pramāṇa ] m. ( cf. n.) N. of a large fig-tree on the bank of the Ganges Lit. MBh.
प्रमाणकुशल [ pramāṇakuśala ] [ pramāṇa-kuśala ] m. f. n. skilful in arguing Lit. Kap.
प्रमाणकोटि [ pramāṇakoṭi ] [ pramāṇa-koṭi ] f. the point in an argument which is regarded as actual proof Lit. Sarvad.
प्रमाणखण्डन [ pramāṇakhaṇḍana ] [ pramāṇa-khaṇḍana ] n. N. of wk.
प्रमाणजाल [ pramāṇajāla ] [ pramāṇa-jāla ] n. N. of wk.
प्रमाणज्ञ [ pramāṇajña ] [ pramāṇa-jña ] m. f. n. knowing the modes of proof Lit. A.
[ pramāṇajña ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.
प्रमाणटीका [ pramāṇaṭīkā ] [ pramāṇa-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणतत्त्व [ pramāṇatattva ] [ pramāṇa-tattva ] n. N. of wk.
प्रमाणतर [ pramāṇatara ] [ pramāṇa-tara ] n. a greater authority than (abl. ; [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. L. ( 685,3 )
प्रमाणतरत्व [ pramāṇataratva ] [ pramāṇa-tara--tva ] n. , see [ pramāṇatara ]
प्रमाणतस् [ pramāṇatas ] [ pramāṇa-tas ] ind. according to measure or weight Lit. Mn. viii , 137
according to proof or authority. Lit. W.
प्रमाणता [ pramāṇatā ] [ pramāṇa-tā ] f.
प्रमाणत्व [ pramāṇatva ] [ pramāṇa-tva ] n. authority , warranty Lit. MBh. (the latter also " correctness " Lit. Nīlak.)
प्रमाणदर्पण [ pramāṇadarpaṇa ] [ pramāṇa-darpaṇa ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमाणदृष्ट [ pramāṇadṛṣṭa ] [ pramāṇa-dṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. sanctioned by authority Lit. Kap.
demonstrable Lit. Ml.
प्रमाणनाममाला [ pramāṇanāmamālā ] [ pramāṇa-nāma-mālā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणनिर्णय [ pramāṇanirṇaya ] [ pramāṇa-nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमाणपत्त्र [ pramāṇapattra ] [ pramāṇa-pattra ] n. a written warrant Lit. MW.
प्रमाणपथ [ pramāṇapatha ] [ pramāṇa-patha ] m. the way of proof (acc. with [ na ] and [ ava-√ tṝ ] , " not to admit of proof " ) Lit. Sarvad.
प्रमाणपदार्थ [ pramāṇapadārtha ] [ pramāṇa-padārtha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमाणपद्धति [ pramāṇapaddhati ] [ pramāṇa-paddhati ] f. = [ -patha ] ( [ °tiṃ na adhy-√ ās ] = [ °thaṃ na ava-√ tṝ ] ) Lit. Sarvad.
N. of wk.
प्रमाणपल्लव [ pramāṇapallava ] [ pramāṇa-pallava ] m. n. N. of wk.
प्रमाणपारायण [ pramāṇapārāyaṇa ] [ pramāṇa-pārāyaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
प्रमाणपुरुष [ pramāṇapuruṣa ] [ pramāṇa-puruṣa ] m. an umpire , arbitrator , judge Lit. Hit.
प्रमाणप्रमोद [ pramāṇapramoda ] [ pramāṇa-pramoda ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमाणप्रवीण [ pramāṇapravīṇa ] [ pramāṇa-pravīṇa ] m. f. n. skilful in arguing Lit. Prasannar.
प्रमाणभक्ति [ pramāṇabhakti ] [ pramāṇa-bhakti ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणभाष्यटीका [ pramāṇabhāṣyaṭīkā ] [ pramāṇa-bhāṣya-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणभूत [ pramāṇabhūta ] [ pramāṇa-bhūta ] m. " authoritative " , N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag. ( cf. [ -jña ] ) .
प्रमाणमञ्जरी [ pramāṇamañjarī ] [ pramāṇa-mañjarī ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणमाला [ pramāṇamālā ] [ pramāṇa-mālā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणयुक्त [ pramāṇayukta ] [ pramāṇa-yukta ] m. f. n. having the right measure Lit. Var.
प्रमाणरत्नमाला [ pramāṇaratnamālā ] [ pramāṇa-ratna-mālā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणराशि [ pramāṇarāśi ] [ pramāṇa-rāśi ] m. the quantity of the first term in a rule of three sum Lit. Āryabh.
प्रमाणलक्षण [ pramāṇalakṣaṇa ] [ pramāṇa-lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
प्रमाणलक्षणपरीक्षा [ pramāṇalakṣaṇaparīkṣā ] [ pramāṇa-lakṣaṇa-parīkṣā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणवत् [ pramāṇavat ] [ pramāṇa-vat ] m. f. n. established by proofs , well-founded Lit. Prab.
प्रमाणवाक्य [ pramāṇavākya ] [ pramāṇa-vākya ] n. authoritative statement authority Lit. Madhus.
प्रमाणवार्त्तिक [ pramāṇavārttika ] [ pramāṇa-vārttika ] n. N. of wk.
प्रमाणविनिश्चय [ pramāṇaviniścaya ] [ pramāṇa-viniścaya ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमाणशास्त्र [ pramāṇaśāstra ] [ pramāṇa-śāstra ] n. any wk. of sacred authority , scripture Lit. MW.
प्रमाणसंग्रह [ pramāṇasaṃgraha ] [ pramāṇa-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमाणसमुच्चय [ pramāṇasamuccaya ] [ pramāṇa-samuccaya ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमाणसार [ pramāṇasāra ] [ pramāṇa-sāra ] m. ( and [ °ra-prakāśikā ] f. ) N. of wk.
प्रमाणसारप्रकाशिका [ pramāṇasāraprakāśikā ] [ pramāṇa-sāra-prakāśikā ] f. , see [ pramāṇasāra ] , N. of wk.
प्रमाणसारप्रकाशिका [ pramāṇasāraprakāśikā ] [ pramāṇa-sāra--prakāśikā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणसिद्धि [ pramāṇasiddhi ] [ pramāṇa-siddhi ] m. N. of a man Lit. Kathās.
प्रमाणसूत्र [ pramāṇasūtra ] [ pramāṇa-sūtra ] n. a measuring cord Lit. Mṛicch.
प्रमाणस्थ [ pramāṇastha ] [ pramāṇa-stha ] m. f. n. of normal size Lit. Hcat.
being in a normal state or condition , imperturbed Lit. Hariv.
प्रमाणादर्श [ pramāṇādarśa ] [ pramāṇādarśa ] m. N. of a drama.
प्रमाणादिनिरूपण [ pramāṇādinirūpaṇa ] [ pramāṇādi-nirūpaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
प्रमाणादिप्रकाशिका [ pramāṇādiprakāśikā ] [ pramāṇādi-prakāśikā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमाणाधिक [ pramāṇādhika ] [ pramāṇādhika ] m. f. n. being beyond measure , excessive , unnaturally strong Lit. Śak.
longer than (comp.) Lit. Mṛicch.
प्रमाणानुरूप [ pramāṇānurūpa ] [ pramāṇānurūpa ] m. f. n. corresponding to (a person's) physical strength Lit. Śak.
प्रमाणान्तर [ pramāṇāntara ] [ pramāṇāntara ] n. another means of proof ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Bhāshāp.
प्रमाणान्तरता [ pramāṇāntaratā ] [ pramāṇāntara--tā ] f. , see [ pramāṇāntara ]
प्रमाणाभाव [ pramāṇābhāva ] [ pramāṇābhāva ] m. absence of proof , want of authority Lit. W.
प्रमाणाभ्यधिक [ pramāṇābhyadhika ] [ pramāṇābhyadhika ] m. f. n. exceeding in size , bigger Lit. Pañcat.
प्रमाणायामतस् [ pramāṇāyāmatas ] [ pramāṇāyāma-tas ] ind. according to size and length Lit. MBh.
प्रमाणक [ pramāṇaka ] [ pramāṇaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) = [ pramāṇa ] , measure , quantity , extent Lit. MBh.
argument , proof. Lit. Kull.
प्रमाणय [ pramāṇaya ] [ pramāṇaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to regard or set up a person (acc.) as an authority in (loc.) Lit. Hit. ; to use as evidence Lit. Sarvad.
प्रमाणित [ pramāṇita ] [ pramāṇita ] m. f. n. adjusted Lit. Car.
proved , demonstrated , shown clearly Lit. Rājat.
प्रमाणी [ pramāṇī ] [ pramāṇī ] in comp. for [ °ṇa ] .
प्रमाणीकरण [ pramāṇīkaraṇa ] [ pramāṇī-karaṇa ] n. setting up or quoting as an authority Lit. Pat.
प्रमाणीकृत [ pramāṇīkṛta ] [ pramāṇī-kṛta ] m. f. n. meted out for or apportioned to (gen.)
regarded as authority , conformed to Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.
regarded as evidence Lit. R.
प्रमाणीभूत [ pramāṇībhūta ] [ pramāṇī-bhūta ] m. f. n. become or regarded as an authority or proof Lit. W.
प्रमातृ [ pramātṛ ] [ pra-mātṛ ] m. f. n. ( for 2. see col.2) one who has a correct notion or idea , authority , performer of (the mental operation resulting in a) true conception Lit. Kap. Sch. Lit. Vedântas. Lit. Sarvad. ( [ -tā ] f. , Lit. Sarvad. ; [ -tva ] n. , Lit. Śaṃk.)
a partic. class of officials Lit. Inscr.
प्रमातृता [ pramātṛtā ] [ pra-mātṛ--tā ] f. , see [ pramātṛ ] , Lit. Sarvad.( 686,1 )
प्रमातृत्व [ pramātṛtva ] [ pra-mātṛ--tva ] n. , see [ pramātṛ ] , Lit. Śaṃk.( 686,1 )
प्रमापक [ pramāpaka ] [ pra-māpaka ] m. f. n. proving Lit. Sarvad.
[ pramāpaka ] m. an authority Lit. MW. 1.
प्रमापण [ pramāpaṇa ] [ pra-māpaṇa ] n. ( for 2. see col.2) form , shape Lit. MBh.
प्रमित [ pramita ] [ pra-mita ] m. f. n. meted out , measured Lit. KātyŚr. (ifc. measuring , of such and such measure or extent or size Lit. Var. ; cf. [ māsa-pram ] )
limited , moderate , little , few Lit. Var. Lit. Kathās.
that about which a correct notion has been formed Lit. Śaṃk.
known , understood , established , proved Lit. W.
प्रमिताक्षर [ pramitākṣara ] [ pra-mitākṣara ] n. pl. " measured syllables " , few words Lit. Kathās.
[ pramitākṣarā ] f. N. of a metre Lit. Śrutab.
प्रमिताभ [ pramitābha ] [ pra-mitābha ] m. pl. " of limited splendour " , N. of a class of gods in the 5th Manv-antara Lit. VP.
प्रमिति [ pramiti ] [ pra-miti ] f. a correct notion , right conception , knowledge gained or established by Pramāṇa or proof Lit. Nyāyas. Sch. Lit. Sarvad.
manifestation Lit. BhP.
inference or analogy Lit. W.
measuring Lit. ib.
प्रमेय [ prameya ] [ pra-meya ] m. f. n. to be measured , measurable (also = limited , small , insignificant Lit. Naish.) , to be ascertained or proved , provable Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
that of which a correct notion should be formed Lit. Vedântas.
[ prameya ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) an object of certain knowledge , the thing to be proved or the topic to be discussed Lit. Kap. Sch. Lit. Vedântas. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( cf. Lit. IW. 63)
प्रमेयकमलमार्तण्ड [ prameyakamalamārtaṇḍa ] [ pra-meya--kamala-mārtaṇḍa ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमेयटीका [ prameyaṭīkā ] [ pra-meya--ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमेयतत्त्वबोध [ prameyatattvabodha ] [ pra-meya--tattva-bodha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमेयत्व [ prameyatva ] [ pra-meya--tva ] n. provableness , demonstrability Lit. Tarkas.
प्रमेयदीपिका [ prameyadīpikā ] [ pra-meya--dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमेयनवमालिका [ prameyanavamālikā ] [ pra-meya--nava-mālikā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमेयपरिच्छेद [ prameyapariccheda ] [ pra-meya--pariccheda ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमेयमाला [ prameyamālā ] [ pra-meya--mālā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमेयमुक्तावली [ prameyamuktāvalī ] [ pra-meya--muktāvalī ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमेयरत्नावली [ prameyaratnāvalī ] [ pra-meya--ratnāvalī ] f. N. of wk.
प्रमेयसंग्रह [ prameyasaṃgraha ] [ pra-meya--saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमेयसंग्रहविवरण [ prameyasaṃgrahavivaraṇa ] [ pra-meya--saṃgraha-vivaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
प्रमेयसार [ prameyasāra ] [ pra-meya--sāra ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमेयसारसंग्रह [ prameyasārasaṃgraha ] [ pra-meya--sāra-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रमातव्य [ pramātavya ] [ pra-mātavya ] see [ pra-√ mī ] below.
प्रमातामह [ pramātāmaha ] [ pra-mātāmaha ] m. a maternal great-grandfather Lit. GobhŚrāddh. Lit. AgP. (v.l. [ °mātṛ-kāmaha ] )
[ pramātāmahī ] f. a maternal great-grandmother Lit. W.
प्रमात्र [ pramātra ] [ pra-mātra ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.
प्रमाथ [ pramātha ] [ pra-mātha ] see [ pra-√ math ] .
प्रमाद [ pramāda ] [ pra-mā́da ] see [ pra-√ mad ] .
प्रमापण [ pramāpaṇa ] [ pra-māpaṇa ]1 see [ pra-√ mā ] .
प्रमापण [ pramāpaṇa ] [ pra-māpaṇa ]2 see [ pra-√ mī ] .
प्रमार [ pramāra ] [ pra-mārá ] see [ pra-√ mṛ ] .
प्रमार्जक [ pramārjaka ] [ pra-mārjaka ] see [ pra-√ mṛj ] .
प्रमि [ prami ] [ pra-√ mi:1 ] P. Ā. [ -minoti ] , [ -minute ] , to erect , build Lit. KaushUp. ; to judge , observe , perceive Lit. Sāh. Lit. Nyāyad. Comm. Lit. Suśr. (ind.p. [ pra-māya ] ) . 2.
प्रमिद् [ pramid ] [ pra-√ mid ] P. Ā. [ -medyati ] , [ -medate ] , to begin to become fat Lit. L.
प्रमिन्न [ praminna ] [ pra-minna ] m. f. n. one who has begun to become fat Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 17.
प्रमेदित [ pramedita ] [ pra-medita ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
one who has begun to show affection Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ( [ -vat ] mfn. id. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 19)
being or made unctuous , unctuous , greasy Lit. MW.
प्रमेदितवत् [ prameditavat ] [ pra-medita--vat ] m. f. n. , see [ pramedita ] , id. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 19
प्रमिह् [ pramih ] [ pra-√ mih ] P. [ -mehati ] , to make water , pass urine Lit. MBh.
प्रमीढ [ pramīḍha ] [ pra-mīḍha ] m. f. n. passed as urine
thick , compact Lit. L.
प्रमेह [ prameha ] [ pra-meha ] m. urinary disease (N. applied to all urinary disease , of which there are 21 varieties including diabetes , gleet , gonorrhoea ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. Var.
प्रमेहण [ pramehaṇa ] [ pra-mehaṇa ] m. f. n. causing flow of urine Lit. Kauś. ( others [ °mehana ] n. " the penis " ) .
प्रमेहन [ pramehana ] [ pra-mehana ] n. , see [ pramehaṇa ] , " the penis "
प्रमेहिन् [ pramehin ] [ pra-mehin ] m. f. n. suffering from urinary disease Lit. Suśr.