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श |
शाह [ śāha ] [ śāha ] m. = $ (see [ nema- ] , [ phatiha- ] , [ bhūmi-ś ] )
N. of a country belonging to Kaśmīra Lit. Rājat.
शाहजी [ śāhajī ] [ śāha-jī ] m. N. of a king of Tanjore (1684-1711 ; he is the supposed author of various works.) Lit. Cat.
शाहाज्याहाम् [ śāhājyāhām ] [ śāhā-jyāhām ] m?. Shāh Jahān (emperor), Lit. Inscr.
शाहेश [ śāheśa ] [ śāheśa ] m. the lord of Śāha Lit. ib.
शाहि [ śāhi ] [ śāhi ] m. N. of a dynasty Lit. Rājat.
शाहिमकरन्द [ śāhimakaranda ] [ śāhi-makaranda ] m. N. of a king and author Lit. Cat.
शाहेव [ śāheva ] [ śāheva ] m. (prob.) = $ Lit. Rājat.
शाह्नाम [ śāhnāma ] [ śāhnāma ] = $ Lit. Cat.
शि [ śi ] [ śi ]1 Root (accord. to some = √ [ śo ] ) cl. [3] P. [ śiśāti ] (Impv. [ śí śīhi ] , [ śādhi ] ) , to grant , bestow Lit. RV. ( cf. Lit. Nir. v , 23) ; to present or satisfy with (instr.) Lit. ib. ; cl. [5] P. Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxvii , 3) [ śinoti ] , [ śinute ] (p. [ śiṣāya ] , [ śiṣye ] ; aor. [ aśaiṣīt ] , [ aśeṣṭa ] fut. [ śeṣyati ] , [ °te ] ) , to sharpen.
शित [ śita ] [ śitá ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see p. 1071 , col. 2) satisfied , regaled Lit. RV. viii , 23 , 13.
शि [ śi ] [ śi ]2 m. N. of Śiva Lit. W.
auspiciousness , good fortune Lit. ib.
peace , composure , calm Lit. ib.
शि [ śi ] [ śi ]3 (in gram.) a technical term for the case-ending [ i ] ( substituted for [ jas ] and [ śas ] in neuters) .
शिंश [ śiṃśa ] [ śiṃśa ] m. a kind of fruit-tree Lit. MBh.
शिंशपा [ śiṃśapā ] [ śiṃśápā ] f. ( rarely and mc. [ śiṃśapa ] , m.) the tree Dalbergia Sissoo Lit. AV.
the Aśoka tree Lit. W.
शिंशपास्थल [ śiṃśapāsthala ] [ śiṃśápā-sthala ] see [ śāṃśapāsthala ] .
शिंशपायन [ śiṃśapāyana ] [ śiṃśapāyana ] v.l. for [ vaiśampāyana ] Lit. VP.
शिंशिपा [ śiṃśipā ] [ śiṃśipā ] w.r. for [ śiṃśapā ] .
शिंशुमार [ śiṃśumāra ] [ śiṃśumā́ra ] m. a porpoise , Delphinus Gangeticus ( = [ śiśu-māra ] q.v.) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. (= [ grāha ] Lit. Sāy.)
शिंशुमारशान्ति [ śiṃśumāraśānti ] [ śiṃśumā́ra-śānti ] f. N. of wk.
शिंशुमारस्तव [ śiṃśumārastava ] [ śiṃśumā́ra-stava ] m. N. of wk.
शिंह् [ śiṃh ] [ śiṃh ] = √ [ śiṅgh ] ( cf. [ uc-chiṃhana ] and [ upa-śiṃhana ] ) .
शिंहाण [ śiṃhāṇa ] [ śiṃhāṇa ] see [ śinghāṇa ]
शिंहाणक [ śiṃhāṇaka ] [ śiṃhāṇaka ] see [ śinghāṇa ]
शिकम् [ śikam ] [ śikam ] ind. g. [ cādi ] .
शिक्कु [ śikku ] [ śikku ] m. f. n. idle , lazy , following no business or profession Lit. L.
शिक्थ [ śiktha ] [ śiktha ] [ °thaka ] see [ siktha ] .
शिक्मन् [ śikman ] [ śikman ] see [ sú-śikman ] .
शिक्य [ śikya ] [ śikyá ] n. ( Lit. L. also f ( [ ā ] ) .) a kind of loop or swing made of rope and suspended from either end of a pole or yoke to receive a load , carrying swing (also applied to the load so carried) Lit. AV.
the string of a balance Lit. W.
= [ vajra-vikāra ] (?) Lit. Vop.
शिक्यपाश [ śikyapāśa ] [ śikya-pāśá ] m. the string by which a vessel is suspended Lit. ŚBr.
शिक्यवत् [ śikyavat ] [ śikya-vat ] m. f. n. provided with a carrying sling Lit. KātyŚr.
शिक्याकृत [ śikyākṛta ] [ śikyā́-kṛta ] (?) m. f. n. suspended by strings Lit. AV. xiii , 4 , 8.
शिक्याधार [ śikyādhāra ] [ śikyādhāra ] m. " loop-holder " , the hook or eye at each end of a pole or beam which bears the above looped cord for holding the strings of a balance Lit. W.
शिक्योदुत [ śikyoduta ] [ śikyóduta ] m. f. n. suspended in a swing or loop Lit. ŚBr.
शिक्यक [ śikyaka ] [ śikyaka ] (prob.) n. = [ śikya ] , a loop or swing (see next) .
शिक्यकवस्त्र [ śikyakavastra ] [ śikyaka-vastra ] n. a balance made of cloth and suspended by strings Lit. VarBṛS.
शिक्यित [ śikyita ] [ śikyita ] m. f. n. suspended in a swing or loop made of cord Lit. L.
शिक्व [ śikva ] [ śikvá ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ śak ] ) skilful , clever , artistic Lit. AV.
शिक्वन् [ śikvan ] [ śí kvan ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV. Lit. TS. (accord. to Lit. Sāy. = [ rajju ] and [ tejas ] ) .
शिक्वस् [ śikvas ] [ śí kvas ] m. f. n. mighty , powerful , able Lit. RV.
शिक्ष् [ śikṣ ] [ śikṣ ] Root ( properly Desid. of √ [ śak ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 54) cl. [1] P. Ā. [ śí kṣati ] , [ °te ] ( in later language oftener Ā.. ; cf. Lit. Dhātup. xvi , 4 ; pr. p. [ śí kṣat ] , [ śí kṣamāṇa ] Lit. RV. ; [ śikṣāṇa ] Lit. MBh. ; Impv. [ śiśikṣa ] Lit. Nir. ; aor. [ aśikṣithṭa ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ.) , " to wish to be able " , (P.) try to effect , attempt , undertake Lit. TS. Lit. AV. ; (Ā. ; rarely P.) to learn , acquire knowledge , study , practise , learn from (abl. or [ sakāśāt ] with gen.) Lit. RV. ; to practise one's self in (loc.) Lit. Kathās. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 2 Vārtt. 3 Sch.) ; " to wish to be able to effect for others " (P.) wish to help , aid , befriend (dat.) Lit. RV. ; (P.) to wish to give , bestow Lit. ib. ; (P.) to wish to present with (instr.) Lit. Nir. Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. ; (Ā.) to offer one's service to , enter the service of (acc.) Lit. MBh. : Pass. [ śikṣyate ] (aor. [ aśikṣi ] ) , to be learnt or practised Lit. Kād. Lit. Kathās. : Caus. [ śikṣayati ] ( rarely [ °te ] ; aor. [ aśiśikṣat ] ) , to cause to learn , impart knowledge , inform , instruct , teach ( with acc. of pers. or thing ; also with two acc. , or with acc. of pers. and loc. of thing , or with acc. of pers. and inf. , or with acc. of thing and gen. of pers.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
शिक्ष [ śikṣa ] [ śikṣa ] m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas Lit. R.
शिक्षक [ śikṣaka ] [ śikṣaka ] m. f. n. teaching , instructing Lit. Śiś. Sch. (m. a teacher Lit. Mālav. ; a trainer see [ hasti-ś ] ; a learner Lit. W.)
one who knows Śikshā ( q.v.) g. [ kramādi ] .
शिक्षण [ śikṣaṇa ] [ śikṣaṇa ] n. the act of learning , acquiring knowledge Lit. W.
teaching , instruction in (loc. or comp.) Lit. Kām. Lit. BhP.
शिक्षणीय [ śikṣaṇīya ] [ śikṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be taught ( with acc.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
to be learnt Lit. W.
शिक्षयितृ [ śikṣayitṛ ] [ śikṣayitṛ ] m. an instructor , teacher Lit. MW.
शिक्षा [ śikṣā ] [ śikṣā ] f. desire of being able to effect anything , wish to accomplish Lit. Kir. xv , 37
learning study knowledge , art , skill in (loc. or comp. ; [ śikṣayā ] or [ °kṣābhis ] , " skilfully , artistically , correctly " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
teaching , training (held by Buddhists to be of three kinds , viz. [ adhicitta-śikṣā ] , training in the higher thought ; [ adhiśīla-ś ] , training in the higher morality ; [ adhiprajñā-ś ] , training in the higher learning Lit. Dharmas. 140) , instruction , lesson , precept Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Lit. TUp.
chastisement , punishment Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.
the science which teaches proper articulation and pronunciation of Vedic texts ( one of the six Vedâṅgas q.v.) Lit. Prāt. Lit. MuṇḍUp.
modesty , humility , diffidence Lit. W.
(?) helping , bestowing , imparting (see [ śikṣā-nará ] )
the plant Bignonia Indica Lit. L.
शिक्षाकर [ śikṣākara ] [ śikṣā-kara ] m. " instruction-causing " , a teacher Lit. W.
N. of Vyāsa Lit. L.
शिक्षाकरगुप्त [ śikṣākaragupta ] [ śikṣā-kara--gupta ] m. (prob.) N. of a Sch. on the Hariprabodha Lit. Cat.
शिक्षाकार [ śikṣākāra ] [ śikṣā-kāra ] m. a singer capable of teaching others Lit. Saṃgīt.
the author of a Śikshā Lit. TPrāt. Sch.
शिक्षाक्षर [ śikṣākṣara ] [ śikṣākṣara ] n. ( [ śikṣākṣ ] ) a sound pronounced according to the rules of Śikshā Lit. R.
[ śikṣākṣara ] m. f. n. correctly pronounced Lit. MBh.
शिक्षाचार [ śikṣācāra ] [ śikṣācāra ] ( [ śikṣāc ] ) m. f. n. conducting one's self according to precept Lit. Rājat.
शिक्षादण्ड [ śikṣādaṇḍa ] [ śikṣā-daṇḍa ] m. punishment (serving for) a lesson Lit. ib.
शिक्षादशक [ śikṣādaśaka ] [ śikṣā-daśaka ] n. N. of wk. on Bhakti.
शिक्षानर [ śikṣānara ] [ śikṣā-nará ] m. f. n. helping men or liberal towards men Lit. RV. (= [ dānasya netā ] , Lit. Śāy.)
शिक्षानीति [ śikṣānīti ] [ śikṣā-nīti ] f. N. of wk.
शिक्षापञ्चक [ śikṣāpañcaka ] [ śikṣā-pañcaka ] n. N. of wk.
शिक्षापत्त्र [ śikṣāpattra ] [ śikṣā-pattra ] n. N. of wk.
शिक्षापत्त्री [ śikṣāpattrī ] [ śikṣā-pattrī ] f. N. of wk.
शिक्षापद [ śikṣāpada ] [ śikṣā-pada ] n. moral precept Lit. Buddh.
शिक्षापदप्रज्ञप्ति [ śikṣāpadaprajñapti ] [ śikṣā-pada--prajñapti ] f. N. of a part of the Vinaya ( q.v.) Lit. ib.
शिक्षाप्रकाश [ śikṣāprakāśa ] [ śikṣā-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
शिक्षाबोध [ śikṣābodha ] [ śikṣā-bodha ] m. N. of wk.
शिक्षारस [ śikṣārasa ] [ śikṣā-rasa ] m. desire of acquiring skill in (loc.) Lit. Viddh.
शिक्षावत् [ śikṣāvat ] [ śikṣā-vat ] m. f. n. possessed of knowledge , learned Lit. Hariv.
full of instruction , instructive (as a tale) Lit. Kathās.
शिक्षावल्ली [ śikṣāvallī ] [ śikṣā-vallī ] f. N. of the 1st ch. of the Taittirīya Upanishad.
शिक्षाविधि [ śikṣāvidhi ] [ śikṣā-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
शिक्षाशक्ति [ śikṣāśakti ] [ śikṣā-śakti ] f. " power of learning " , dexterity , skill Lit. W.
शिक्षासंवर [ śikṣāsaṃvara ] [ śikṣā-saṃvara ] m. the moral life of a monk Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
शिक्षासमुच्चय [ śikṣāsamuccaya ] [ śikṣā-samuccaya ] m. N. of wk.
शिक्षासूत्र [ śikṣāsūtra ] [ śikṣā-sūtra ] n. pl. N. of wk.
शिक्षास्वर [ śikṣāsvara ] [ śikṣā-svara ] m. = [ śikṣākṣara ] n. Lit. R.
शिक्षाण [ śikṣāṇa ] [ śikṣāṇa ] see under √ [ śikṣ ] .
शिक्षित [ śikṣita ] [ śikṣita ] m. f. n. learnt , studied , practised Lit. Baudh. Lit. Kāv.
taught , instructed or trained or exercised in (acc. loc. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
docile Lit. W.
skilful , clever , conversant Lit. ib.
modest , diffident Lit. ib.
शिक्षिताक्षर [ śikṣitākṣara ] [ śikṣitākṣara ] m. f. n. one who has been taught letters or literature Lit. Rājat.
[ śikṣitākṣara ] m. a pupil , scholar Lit. L.
शिक्षितायुध [ śikṣitāyudha ] [ śikṣitāyudha ] m. f. n. skilled in weapons Lit. L.
शिक्षितव्य [ śikṣitavya ] [ śikṣitavya ] m. f. n. to be learnt from (abl.) Lit. ĀśvŚr. Sch.
to be instructed or taught Lit. W.
शिक्षितुकाम [ śikṣitukāma ] [ śikṣitu-kāma ] m. f. n. ( [ śikṣitu ] for inf. [ °tum ] ) one who is willing to learn , a beginner in his art Lit. Mṛicch.
शिक्षिन् [ śikṣin ] [ śikṣin ] m. f. n. learning
instructing Lit. MW.
शिक्षु [ śikṣu ] [ śikṣú ] m. f. n. helpful , liberal Lit. RV.
शिक्षुक [ śikṣuka ] [ śikṣuka ] m. f. n. one who studies Śikshā Lit. MāṇḍŚ.
शिक्षेण्य [ śikṣeṇya ] [ śikṣeṇya ] m. f. n. instructive Lit. Vait.
शिक्ष्य [ śikṣya ] [ śikṣya ] m. f. n. to be learnt or taught Lit. W.
शिख [ śikha ] [ śikha ] m. N. of a serpent-demon ( mentioned together with [ anu-śikha ] q.v.) Lit. PañcavBr.
[ śikhī ] f. a kind of magic Lit. DivyA7v.
N. of a river Lit. VP.
शिखक [ śikhaka ] [ śikhaka ] m. = [ lekhaka ] , a writer , scribe Lit. L.
शिखण्ड [ śikhaṇḍa ] [ śikhaṇḍá ] m. ( cf. [ śikhā ] ) a tuft or lock of hair left on the crown or sides of the head at tonsure Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Daś.
any crest or plume or tuft Lit. MW.
a peacock's tail Lit. Vikr.
a kind of plant Lit. L.
शिखण्डास्थ [ śikhaṇḍāstha ] [ śikhaṇḍāsthá ] n. du. N. of partic. bones Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. next) .
शिखण्डक [ śikhaṇḍaka ] [ śikhaṇḍaka ] m. a tuft or lock of hair (= [ śikhaṇḍa ] ) Lit. Kālid.
three or five locks left on the side of the head ( esp. in men of the military class = [ kākapakṣa ] q.v.) Lit. W.
a curl or ringlet Lit. MW.
a peacock's tail Lit. Gīt.
du. (accord. to Sch. n.) the fleshy parts of the body below the buttocks Lit. TS.
(with mystic Śaivas) one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation Lit. Hcat.
शिखण्डि [ śikhaṇḍi ] [ śikhaṇḍi ] in comp. for [ °ṇḍin ] .
शिखण्डिकेतु [ śikhaṇḍiketu ] [ śikhaṇḍi-ketu ] m. " having a peacock for an emblem " , N. of Skanda Lit. Bālar.
शिखण्डिमत् [ śikhaṇḍimat ] [ śikhaṇḍi-mat ] m. f. n. rich in peacocks Lit. Kum.
शिखण्डिक [ śikhaṇḍika ] [ śikhaṇḍika ] m. a cock Lit. L.
(prob.) one who attains a partic. stage of emancipation Lit. Hcat.
[ śikhaṇḍikā ] f. a tuft or lock of hair on the crown of the head Lit. W.
[ śikhaṇḍika ] n. (prob.) a kind of ruby Lit. L.
शिखण्डित [ śikhaṇḍita ] [ śikhaṇḍita ] n. N. of a metre , Kad.
शिखण्डिन् [ śikhaṇḍin ] [ śikhaṇḍí n ] m. f. n. wearing a tuft or lock of hair , tufted , crested (applied to various gods) Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ śikhaṇḍin ] m. a peacock Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. Lit. Kathās.
a peacock's tail Lit. L.
a cock Lit. L.
an arrow Lit. L.
one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation Lit. Hcat.
N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh.
of a Ṛishi or Muni ( one of the seven stars of the Great Bear ; cf. [ citra-ś ] ) Lit. W.
of a son of Drupada (born as a female ( see [ śikhaṇḍinī ] ) , but changed into a male by a Yaksha ; in the great war between Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas he became instrumental in the killing of Bhīshma who declined to fight with a woman , but he was afterwards killed himself by Aśvatthāman ; in the Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. he has the patr. Yājñasena) Lit. MBh.
of a Brāhman Lit. Lalit.
of a mountain Lit. Cat.
[ śikhaṇḍinī ] f. a pea-hen Lit. MBh.
[ śikhaṇḍin ] m. the shrub Abrus Precatorius Lit. L.
N. of a daughter of Drupada (afterwards changed to a male ; see above ) Lit. MBh.
of the wite of Antardhāna Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
of two Apsaras (daughters of Kaśyapa and regarded as the authoresses of Lit. RV. ix , 104) Lit. Anukr.
शिखण्डी [ śikhaṇḍī ] [ śikhaṇḍī ] f. ( of [ śikhaṇḍa ] g. [ gaurādi ] ) a lock on the crown of the head Lit. L.
Abrus Precatorius Lit. L.
yellow jasmine Lit. L.
शिखण्डीवेदान्तसार [ śikhaṇḍīvedāntasāra ] [ śikhaṇḍī-vedānta-sāra ] (?) m. N. of wk.
शिखाण्डक [ śikhāṇḍaka ] [ śikhāṇḍaka ] m. = [ śikhaṇḍaka ] , a tuft or lock of hair Lit. L.
शिखर [ śikhara ] [ śikhara ] see col.3.
शिखलोहित [ śikhalohita ] [ śikha-lohita ] m. ( perhaps for [ śikhā-l ] , " red as a flame " ) N. of a plant ( commonly called [ kukura-muḍā ] ) Lit. W.
शिखा [ śikhā ] [ śí khā ] f. ( of doubtful derivation ; prob. connected with √ 1. [ śi ] , " to sharpen " ) a tuft or lock of hair on the crown of the head , a crest , topknot , plume Lit. ŚBr.
a peacock's crest or comb Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
a pointed flame , any flame Lit. ib.
a ray of light Lit. Kum. Lit. Kathās.
a sharp end , point , spike , peak , summit , pinnacle , projection , end or point (in general) Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS.
the end or point or border of a garment Lit. Śak.
the point or tip of the foot Lit. L.
the nipple Lit. L.
a branch which takes root , any branch Lit. L.
a fibrous root , any root Lit. L.
the plant Jussiaea Repens Lit. L.
the head or chief or best of a class Lit. L.
the fever or excitement of love Lit. L.
a partic. part of a verse or formula (the crest of the verse compared to a king) Lit. RāmatUp.
= [ śikha-vṛddhi ] Lit. Gaut.
N. of various metres Lit. Col.
of a river ( prob. w.r. for [ śikhī ] ) Lit. VP.
शिखाकन्द [ śikhākanda ] [ śí khā-kanda ] n. a kind of onion or garlic Lit. L.
शिखाग्रदत् [ śikhāgradat ] [ śí khāgra-dat ] ( [ śikhāg ] ) m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 4 , 145 Sch.
शिखाग्रदन्त [ śikhāgradanta ] [ śí khāgra-danta ] ( [ śikhāg ] ) m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 4 , 145 Sch.
शिखाचल [ śikhācala ] [ śí khā-cala ] w.r. for [ -vala ] , Lit. L.
शिखाजट [ śikhājaṭa ] [ śí khā-jaṭa ] m. f. n. having a single lock of hair on the top of the head (the rest being shaved off) Lit. Gaut. Lit. Āpast. Lit. Mn. ( cf. [ -muṇḍa ] ) .
शिखातरु [ śikhātaru ] [ śí khā-taru ] m. " flame-support " , a lamp-stand Lit. L.
शिखादामन् [ śikhādāman ] [ śí khā-dāman ] n. a wreath worn on the top of the head Lit. Megh. (Sch.)
शिखाधर [ śikhādhara ] [ śí khā-dhara ] m. f. n. having a sharp end or point , having a top-knot Lit. W.
[ śikhādhara ] m. a peacock Lit. Kir.
N. of a Mañjuśrī Lit. L.
शिखाधरज [ śikhādharaja ] [ śí khā-dhara--ja ] m. " peacock-produced " , a peacock's feather Lit. MW.
शिखाधार [ śikhādhāra ] [ śí khā-dhāra ] m. " crest-wearer " , a peacock Lit. L.
शिखापति [ śikhāpati ] [ śí khā-pati ] m. N. of a man Lit. Saṃskārak.
शिखापाश [ śikhāpāśa ] [ śí khā-pāśa ] m. a tuft of hair Lit. Bhar.
शिखापित्त [ śikhāpitta ] [ śí khā-pitta ] n. inflammation in the extremities (as in fingers or toes) Lit. L.
शिखाबन्ध [ śikhābandha ] [ śí khā-bandha ] m. a tuft of hair Lit. L.
शिखाबन्धन [ śikhābandhana ] [ śí khā-bandhana ] n. the binding together of locks of hair Lit. Cat.
शिखाभरण [ śikhābharaṇa ] [ śí khābharaṇa ] ( [ śikhābh ] ) n. a crest-ornament , diadem Lit. Vikr.
शिखामणि [ śikhāmaṇi ] [ śí khā-maṇi ] m. a crest-jewel , jewel worn on the head Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
(ifc.) the head or chief or best of a class Lit. BhP. Lit. Rājat.
शिखामार्जित [ śikhāmārjita ] [ śí khā-mārjita ] m. f. n. one who has his top locks combed and cleansed Lit. Śak.
शिखामुण्ड [ śikhāmuṇḍa ] [ śí khā-muṇḍa ] m. f. n. one who has only one lock on the crown of his head left unshaven Lit. Baudh. ( cf. [ -jaṭa ] ) .
शिखामूल [ śikhāmūla ] [ śí khā-mūla ] n. any root which has a tuft of leaves Lit. W.
= [ -kanda ] Lit. L. (v.l. [ śikhi-m ] )
a carrot Lit. W.
a turnip Lit. W.
शिखालम्बिन् [ śikhālambin ] [ śí khā-lambin ] m. f. n. hanging down from the top of the head Lit. Kāvyâd.
शिखावत् [ śikhāvat ] [ śí khā-vat ]1 ind. like a crest Lit. MW.
शिखावत् [ śikhāvat ] [ śí khā-vat ]2 m. f. n. flaming , burning Lit. Śiś.
pointed Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. i , 38
[ śikhāvat ] m. fire Lit. Kir.
a lamp Lit. W.
a comet or the descending node Lit. L.
a partic. plant or tree (= [ citraka ] ) Lit. MW.
N. of a man Lit. MBh.
शिखावर [ śikhāvara ] [ śí khā-vara ] m. the jack fruit tree Lit. L.
शिखावर्त [ śikhāvarta ] [ śí khāvarta ] ( [ śikhāv ] ) m. N. of a Yaksha Lit. MBh.
शिखावल [ śikhāvala ] [ śí khā-vala ] m. f. n. pointed , crested Lit. W.
[ śikhāvala ] m. a peacock , Lit. Kāvyâd.
( [ ā ] ) , t. Celosia Cristata Lit. W.
शिखावृक्ष [ śikhāvṛkṣa ] [ śí khā-vṛkṣa ] m. = [ -taru ] Lit. L.
शिखावृद्धि [ śikhāvṛddhi ] [ śí khā-vṛddhi ] f. " high-interest " , a kind of usurious interest increasing daily , Lit. Bṛihasp.
शिखासूत्र [ śikhāsūtra ] [ śí khā-sūtra ] n. the lock of hair on the crown of the head and the sacred thread (regarded as distinguishing marks of a Brāhman) Lit. MW.
शिखोपनिषद् [ śikhopaniṣad ] [ śikhopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
शिखर [ śikhara ] [ śikhara ] m. f. n. pointed , spiked , crested Lit. Megh. Lit. Kathās.
[ śikhara ] m. n. a point , peak (of a mountain) , top or summit (of a tree) , edge or point (of a sword) , end , pinnacle , turret , spire Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
m. erection of the hair of the body Lit. L.
the arm-pit Lit. L.
a ruby-like gem (of a bright red colour said to resemble ripe pomegranate seed) Lit. L.
(?) the bud of the Arabian jasmine ( cf. [ -daśanā ] )
N. of a mythical weapon ( [ astra ] ) Lit. R.
a partic. position of the fingers of the hand Lit. Cat.
N. of a man Lit. Kathās.
[ śikharā ] f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana (a plant from the fibres of which bow-strings are made) Lit. L.
[ śikhara ] m. N. of a partic. mythical club ( [ gadā ] ) Lit. R.
[ śikharī ] f. id. Lit. R. (B.)
[ śikhara ] m. = [ karkaṭa-śṛṅgī ] Lit. L.
n. cloves Lit. L.
शिखरदती [ śikharadatī ] [ śikhara-datī ] f. having pointed teeth Lit. Vām. (in a quotation) .
शिखरदशना [ śikharadaśanā ] [ śikhara-daśanā ] f. id. Lit. Megh. (Sch. " having teeth resembling the buds of the Arabian jasmine " ) .
शिखरनिचय [ śikharanicaya ] [ śikhara-nicaya ] m. a collection of mountain-peaks Lit. MW.
शिखरवासिनी [ śikharavāsinī ] [ śikhara-vāsinī ] f. " dwelling on a peak (of the Himâlaya) " , N. of Durgā Lit. L.
शिखरसेन [ śikharasena ] [ śikhara-sena ] m. N. of a man Lit. Mudr.
शिखरस्वामिनी [ śikharasvāminī ] [ śikhara-svāminī ] f. N. of a queen, ib.
शिखराद्रि [ śikharādri ] [ śikharādri ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. MārkP.
शिखरेशलिङ्ग [ śikhareśaliṅga ] [ śikhareśa-liṅga ] n. N. of a Liṅga on the Kailāsa mountain Lit. Cat.
शिखरि [ śikhari ] [ śikhari ] in comp. for [ °rin ] .
शिखरिपत्त्रिन् [ śikharipattrin ] [ śikhari-pattrin ] m. a winged or flying mountain Lit. Bhartṛ.
शिखरिसम [ śikharisama ] [ śikhari-sama ] m. f. n. mountain-like Lit. MW.
शिखरीन्द्र [ śikharīndra ] [ śikharīndra ] m. the chief of mountains (applied to Raivataka Sch.) Lit. Śiś. vi , 73.
शिखरिन् [ śikharin ] [ śikharin ] m. f. n. pointed , peaked , crested , tufted Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
resembling the buds of the Arabian jasmine Lit. MW.
[ śikharin ] m. a peaked mountain , any mountain Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
N. of a mountain Lit. Śatr. Sch.
a hill-post , stronghold Lit. L.
a tree Lit. L.
Achyranthes Aspera Lit. L.
Andropogon Bicolor Lit. L.
a partic. parasitical plant Lit. L.
the resin of Boswellia Thurifera Lit. L.
Parra Jacana or Goensis Lit. L.
a kind of antelope Lit. L.
[ śikhariṇī ] f. an eminent or excellent woman Lit. L.
[ śikharin ] m. a dish of curds and sugar with spices Lit. Bhpr.
a line of hair extending across the navel Lit. L.
a kind of vine or grape Lit. L.
Jasminum Sambac Lit. L.
Sanseviera Roxburghiana Lit. L.
Arabian jasmine Lit. L.
a kind of Atyashṭi metre (four times $) Lit. Gīt. Lit. Śrutab. Lit. Chandom.
शिखि [ śikhi ] [ śikhi ]1 m. ( mc. for [ śikhin ] ) a peacock Lit. Hariv.
N. of Indra under Manu Tāmasa Lit. MārkP.
the god of love Lit. L.
शिखि [ śikhi ] [ śikhi ]2 in comp. for [ śikhin ] .
शिखिकण [ śikhikaṇa ] [ śikhi-kaṇa ] m. " fire-particle " , a spark Lit. Harav.
शिखिकण्ठ [ śikhikaṇṭha ] [ śikhi-kaṇṭha ] n. blue vitriol Lit. L.
शिखिग्रीव [ śikhigrīva ] [ śikhi-grīva ] n. blue vitriol Lit. L.
शिखितम [ śikhitama ] [ śikhi-tama ] m. a partic. Gaṇa of Śiva Lit. Harav.
शिखिता [ śikhitā ] [ śikhi-tā ] f. the state of a peacock Lit. Kathās.
शिखितीर्थ [ śikhitīrtha ] [ śikhi-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.
शिखिदिश् [ śikhidiś ] [ śikhi-diś ] f. Agni's quarter of the sky , south-east Lit. VarBṛS.
शिखिद्युत् [ śikhidyut ] [ śikhi-dyut ] m. f. n. gleaming like fire Lit. Śiś.
शिखिध्वज [ śikhidhvaja ] [ śikhi-dhvaja ] m. " fire-marked " , smoke Lit. L.
" peacock-marked " , N. of Kārttikeya Lit. L.
[ śikhidhvaja ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.
शिखिध्वजतीर्थ [ śikhidhvajatīrtha ] [ śikhi-dhvaja--tīrtha ] n. id. Lit. MW.
शिखिपिच्छ [ śikhipiccha ] [ śikhi-piccha ] ( Lit. MBh.) ( Lit. L.) n. a peacock's tail.
शिखिपुच्छ [ śikhipuccha ] [ śikhi-puccha ] ( Lit. L.) n. a peacock's tail.
शिखिप्रिय [ śikhipriya ] [ śikhi-priya ] m. a kind of jujube tree Lit. L.
शिखिभू [ śikhibhū ] [ śikhi-bhū ] m. N. of Skanda Lit. Harav.
शिखिमण्डल [ śikhimaṇḍala ] [ śikhi-maṇḍala ] m. Crataeva Roxburghii Lit. L.
शिखिमूल [ śikhimūla ] [ śikhi-mūla ] see [ śikhā-m ] .
शिखिमोदा [ śikhimodā ] [ śikhi-modā ] f. a kind of plant (= [ aja-m ] ) Lit. L.
शिखियूप [ śikhiyūpa ] [ śikhi-yūpa ] m. a kind of antelope (= [ śrī-kārin ] ) Lit. L.
शिखिवर्धक [ śikhivardhaka ] [ śikhi-vardhaka ] m. Benincasa Cerifera Lit. L.
शिखिवासस् [ śikhivāsas ] [ śikhi-vāsas ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. VP.
शिखिवाहन [ śikhivāhana ] [ śikhi-vāhana ] m. " having a peacock for his vehicle " , N. of Kārttikeya Lit. L.
शिखिव्रत [ śikhivrata ] [ śikhi-vrata ] n. a partic. religious observance , Lit. Gāruḍap.
शिखिशिखा [ śikhiśikhā ] [ śikhi-śikhā ] f. a peacock's crest Lit. W.
" fire-peak " , a flame Lit. W.
शिखिशृङ्ग [ śikhiśṛṅga ] [ śikhi-śṛṅga ] m. a spotted antelope Lit. L.
शिखिशेखर [ śikhiśekhara ] [ śikhi-śekhara ] n. a peacock's crest Lit. W.
शिखीन्द्र [ śikhīndra ] [ śikhīndra ] m. ebony , Diospyros Ebenaster Lit. L.
शिखिन् [ śikhin ] [ śikhin ] m. f. n. having a tuft or lock of hair on the top of the head Lit. AV. Lit. Gaut. Lit. MBh. ( 1332,3 )
one who has reached the summit of knowledge Lit. BrahmUp.
proud Lit. MW.
[ śikhin ] m. a peacock Lit. RPrāt. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
a cock Lit. L.
Ardea Nivea (a kind of heron or crane) Lit. L.
a bull Lit. L.
a horse Lit. L.
" having flame " , fire or the fire-god Lit. Gṛihyās. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
the number " three " (from the three sacred fires) Lit. VarBṛS.
a lamp Lit. L.
a comet Lit. VarBṛS.
N. of Ketu (the personified descending node) Lit. VP.
a mountain Lit. L.
a tree Lit. L.
Carpopogon Pruriens Lit. L.
Trigonella Foenum Graecum Lit. L.
a kind of potherb (= [ sitāvara ] ) Lit. L.
an arrow Lit. L.
a Brāhman Lit. L.
a religious mendicant Lit. W.
N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
of Indra under Manu Tāmasa Lit. Pur.
of the second Buddhi Lit. Lalit. Lit. Kāraṇḍ. ( cf. Lit. MWB. 136 n. 1 ; 516)
of a Brahmā (with Buddhists) Lit. Lalit.
शिखिन [ śikhina ] [ śikhina ] m. a partic. Gaṇa of Śiva Lit. Harav.
शिखी [ śikhī ] [ śikhī ] see [ śikha ] , p. 1070 , col. 2.
शिग्रु [ śigru ] [ śigrú ] m. (of unknown derivation) Moringa Pterygosperma ( a kind of horse-radish = [ śobhāñjana ] ; the root and leaves and flowers are eaten) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Suśr.
N. of a man g. [ bidādi ]
pl. N. of a people Lit. RV.
[ śigru ] n. the seed of the above tree Lit. Kauś. Lit. Car.
any potherb or vegetable Lit. L.
शिग्रुज [ śigruja ] [ śigrú-ja ] n. " growing on or produced by the Moringa " = next Lit. L.
शिग्रुबीज [ śigrubīja ] [ śigrú-bīja ] n. the seed of the Moringa tree Lit. L.
शिग्रुमूल [ śigrumūla ] [ śigrú-mūla ] n. the pungent root of the Moringa Lit. W.
शिग्रुक [ śigruka ] [ śigruka ] m. = [ śigru ] m. Lit. Mn. vi , 14
[ śigruka ] n. any potherb Lit. L.
शिङ्ख् [ śiṅkh ] [ śiṅkh ] Root cl. [1] P. [ śiṅkhati ] , to go , move Lit. Dhātup. v , 31.
शिङ्खप [ śiṅkhapa ] [ śiṅkhapa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
शिङ्ग [ śiṅga ] [ śiṅga ] m. a tree Lit. L.
= [ kisora ] Lit. L.
N. applied to various men.
शिङ्गधरणीश [ śiṅgadharaṇīśa ] [ śiṅga-dharaṇīśa ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
शिङ्गधरणीसेन [ śiṅgadharaṇīsena ] [ śiṅga-dharaṇī-sena ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
शिङ्गभट्ट [ śiṅgabhaṭṭa ] [ śiṅga-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of an author Lit. ib.
शिङ्गभट्ट्टीय [ śiṅgabhaṭṭṭīya ] [ śiṅga-bhaṭṭṭīya ] n. his wk.
शिङ्गभूपाल [ śiṅgabhūpāla ] [ śiṅga-bhūpāla ] m. N. of an author ( prob. = [ -dharaṇīśa ] ) Lit. Pratāp. Sch.
शिङ्गभूपालीय [ śiṅgabhūpālīya ] [ śiṅga-bhūpālīya ] n. his wk.
शिङ्गराज [ śiṅgarāja ] [ śiṅga-rāja ] m. N. of an author (= [ -bhūpāla ] ) Lit. Cat.
शिङ्गय [ śiṅgaya ] [ śiṅgaya ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
शिङ्गि [ śiṅgi ] [ śí ṅgi ] n. or [ śiṅgī ] , (perhaps) a partic. part of the entrails of a sacrificial animal Lit. VS. ( cf. next) .
शिङ्गी [ śiṅgī ] [ śiṅgī ] f. or [ śí ṅgi ] (perhaps) a partic. part of the entrails of a sacrificial animal Lit. VS. ( cf. next) .
शिङ्गिन् [ śiṅgin ] [ śiṅgin ] n. a beard Lit. L.
शिङ्घ् [ śiṅgh ] [ śiṅgh ] Root ( also written [ śiṃh ] , prob. for orig. [ śiṅkh ] ) cl. [1] P. [ śiṅghati ] , to smell Lit. Dhātup. v , 57 ( cf. [ upa-√ śiṅgh ] ) .
शिङ्घण [ śiṅghaṇa ] [ śiṅghaṇa ] n. = [ śiṅghāṇa ] , the mucus of the nose Lit. L.
a beard ( cf. [ śiṅgin ] ) Lit. L.
शिङ्घणदेव [ śiṅghaṇadeva ] [ śiṅghaṇa-deva ] m. N. of a man (the patron of Śārṅgadeva) Lit. Cat.
शिङ्घाण [ śiṅghāṇa ] [ śiṅghāṇa ] m. ( also written [ śiṃhāṇa ] or [ śiṃhāna ] ) Os Sepiae Lit. L.
swollen testicles Lit. L.
[ śiṅghāṇa ] m. f. n. the mucus of the nose Lit. L.
n. rust of iron Lit. L.
any glass vessel Lit. L.
a beard Lit. L.
शिङ्घाणक [ śiṅghāṇaka ] [ śiṅghāṇaka ] m. n. the mucus of the nose , phlegm Lit. L.
[ śiṅghāṇikā ] f. ( also written [ siṅgh ] ) id. ( cf. [ śṛṅkhaṇikā ] ) .
शिङ्घाणिन् [ śiṅghāṇin ] [ śiṅghāṇin ] m. ( or f ( [ iṇī ] ) .) " having mucus " , the nose Lit. L.
शिङ्घित [ śiṅghita ] [ śiṅghita ] m. f. n. perceived by the nose , smelled Lit. L.
शिङ्घिनी [ śiṅghinī ] [ śiṅghinī ] f. ( also written [ siṅgh ] ) " smelling " , the nose Lit. L. ( ( cf. Germ. (Zinken) ) )
शिच् [ śic ] [ śic ] f. (nom. [ śik ] ) = [ śikya ] , the cord or strap of a yoke or pole for carrying burdens Lit. BhP.
a net Lit. ib.
शिञ्ज् [ śiñj ] [ śiñj ] Root cl. [2] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiv , 17) [ śiṅkte ] (accord. to Lit. Vop. also cl. [1] [10] Ā. [ śiñjate ] , [ śiñjayate ] ; pr. p. [ śiñjāna ] , or [ śiñjat ] ( see below ) Lit. Kāv. ; pf. [ śiśiñje ] Gr. ; aor. [ aśiñjiṣṭa ] Lit. ib. ; fut. [ śiñjitā ] , [ śiñjiṣyate ] Lit. ib.) , to utter a shrill sound , tinkle , rattle , jingle , whirr , buzz , hum , twang , bellow , roar Lit. RV. Lit. ( Cf. collateral √ [ siñj ] . )
शिञ्जञ्जिका [ śiñjañjikā ] [ śiñjañjikā ] f. a chain worn round the loins Lit. W.
शिञ्जद् [ śiñjad ] [ śiñjad ] in comp. for [ °jat ] .
शिञ्जद्वलयसुभग [ śiñjadvalayasubhaga ] [ śiñjad-valaya-subhaga ] m. f. n. pleasant with tinkling bracelets or zones Lit. Megh.
शिञ्जा [ śiñjā ] [ śiñjā ] f. ( also written [ siñjā ] ) tinkle , jingle , (esp.) the tinkling sound of silver ornaments on the ankles or wrist Lit. Hcar. (accord. to some also , m ( [ śiñja ] ) .)
a bow-string Lit. Bālar.
शिञ्जालता [ śiñjālatā ] [ śiñjā-latā ] f. a bow-string. Lit. ib.
शिञ्जाश्वत्थ [ śiñjāśvattha ] [ śiñjā-śvattha ] ( [ śiñjāśv ] ) g. [ rāja-dantādi ] ( Lit. Kāś. ) .
शिञ्जान [ śiñjāna ] [ śiñjāna ] m. f. n. tinkling , sounding (= [ śiñjat ] ) .
शिञ्जानभ्रमर [ śiñjānabhramara ] [ śiñjāna-bhramara ] m. f. n. = [ śiñjat-ṣaḍaṅghri ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
शिञ्जार [ śiñjāra ] [ śiñjā́ra ] m. N. of a man Lit. RV.
शिञ्जित [ śiñjita ] [ śiñjita ] m. f. n. ( also written [ siñjita ] ) tinkled , tinkling , rattling , sounding Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
[ śiñjita ] n. tinkling , rattling , (esp.) the tinkling of metallic ornaments Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
शिञ्जिन् [ śiñjin ] [ śiñjin ] m. f. n. tinkling , rattling , sounding Lit. L.
[ śiñjinī ] f. a bow-string Lit. MBh. ( also written [ siñj ] )
the sine of an arc Lit. Gol.
tinkling rings worn round the toes or feet Lit. L.
शिट् [ śiṭ ] [ śiṭ ] Root ( also written [ siṭ ] ) cl. [1] P. [ śeṭati ] , to despise Lit. Dhātup. ix , 17.
शिटा [ śiṭā ] [ śiṭā ] f. a rope (?) Lit. DivyA7v.
शिण्डाकी [ śiṇḍākī ] [ śiṇḍākī ] f. ( also written [ siṇḍ ] ) a partic. edible substance (made with rice and mustard and said to possess stomachic properties) Lit. L.
शित् [ śit ] [ śit ] (in gram.) having [ ś ] as an indicatory letter.
शित [ śita ] [ śita ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. and 4. see under √ [ śi ] and [ śo ] ) w.r. for [ sita ] , " bright-coloured , white. "
शित [ śita ] [ śita ]3 m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra Lit. MBh.
शितद्रु [ śitadru ] [ śita-dru ] f. ( cf. [ sita-dru ] ) = [ śata-dru ] , the river Sutlej Lit. L.
शिताभ्र [ śitābhra ] [ śitābhra ] w.r. for [ sitābhra ] q.v.
शितामन् [ śitāman ] [ śí tāman ] n. ( of doubtful derivation ; cf. [ śitīman ] ) a partic. part of a sacrificial victim (accord. to Yāska " the under fore-foot " accord. to others " the shoulder-blade , the liver " ; see Lit. Nir. iv , 13) Lit. VS. Lit. TBr. ( [ °ma-tás ] ind. )
शितामतस् [ śitāmatas ] [ śí tāma-tás ]ind. , see [ śitāman ]
शितावर [ śitāvara ] [ śitāvara ] see [ sitāvara ] .
शिति [ śiti ] [ śiti ] m. f. n. ( perhaps fr. √ [ śo ] ) white Lit. L. ( cf. [ sita ] )
black , dark-blue Lit. Śiś.
[ śiti ] m. the Bhojpattra or birch tree Lit. L.
= [ sāra ] Lit. L.
शितिककुद् [ śitikakud ] [ śiti-kakud ] ( [ śí ti- ] ) m. f. n. white-humped Lit. MaitrS.
शितिककुद [ śitikakuda ] [ śiti-kakuda ] m. f. n. id. Lit. L.
शितिकक्ष [ śitikakṣa ] [ śiti-kákṣa ] m. f. n. white-shouldered Lit. MaitrS.
शितिकक्षिन् [ śitikakṣin ] [ śiti-kakṣí n ] m. a vulture with a white belly ( = [ pāṇḍarodaro gṛdhraḥ ] ) Lit. TS. (Sch.)
शितिकण्ठ [ śitikaṇṭha ] [ śiti-káṇṭha ] m. f. n. white-necked Lit. Kāṭh.
dark-necked ( as Rudra-Śiva ; cf. [ nīla-k ] ) Lit. VS.
[ śitikaṇṭha ] m. a partic. bird of prey Lit. MBh.
a peacock Lit. Śiś. Lit. Bālar.
a gallinule (= [ dātyūha ] ) Lit. L.
N. of Śiva Lit. Kāv.
of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
( also with [ dīkṣita ] and often confounded with [ śrī-kaṇṭha ] )
of various authors Lit. Cat.
शितिकण्ठरामायण [ śitikaṇṭharāmāyaṇa ] [ śiti-káṇṭha--rāmāyaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
शितिकण्ठस्तोत्र [ śitikaṇṭhastotra ] [ śiti-káṇṭha--stotra ] n. N. of wk.
शितिकण्ठीय [ śitikaṇṭhīya ] [ śiti-káṇṭhīya ] n. N. of wk.
शितिकण्ठीयटिप्पणी [ śitikaṇṭhīyaṭippaṇī ] [ śiti-káṇṭhīya-ṭippaṇī ] f. N. of wk.
शितिकण्ठक [ śitikaṇṭhaka ] [ śiti-kaṇṭhaka ] m. f. n. blue-necked (as a peacock) Lit. Vikr.
शितिकुम्भ [ śitikumbha ] [ śiti-kumbha ] m. the oleander tree , Nerium Odorum Lit. L.
शितिकेश [ śitikeśa ] [ śiti-keśa ] m. " white-haired " , N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.
शितिचन्दन [ śiticandana ] [ śiti-candana ] n. musk Lit. L.
शितिचार [ śiticāra ] [ śiti-cāra ] m. a kind of potherb (apparently Marsilea Dentata) Lit. L.
शितिच्छद [ śiticchada ] [ śiti-cchada ] m. " white-feathered " , a goose Lit. L. ( cf. [ sita-cch ] ) .
शितिनस् [ śitinas ] [ śiti-nas ] m. f. n. white-nosed Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 118 Lit. Pat.
शितिपक्ष [ śitipakṣa ] [ śiti-pakṣa ] m. f. n. white-winged Lit. Hariv.
[ śitipakṣa ] m. a goose Lit. L. ( cf. [ sita-p ] ) .
शितिपद् [ śitipad ] [ śiti-pád ] m. f. n. ( strong form [ -pā́d ] ) white-footed Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Kauś.
black-footed Lit. MW.
शितिपाद [ śitipāda ] [ śiti-pāda ] m. f. n. white-footed Lit. MBh.
शितिपृष्ठ [ śitipṛṣṭha ] [ śiti-pṛṣṭhá ] m. f. n. white-backed (accord. to others " black-backed " ) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. Br. Lit. Hariv.
[ śitipṛṣṭha ] m. N. of a serpent-priest (fabled to have acted as Maitrā-varuṇa at a sacrifice) Lit. MW.
शितिप्रभ [ śitiprabha ] [ śiti-prabha ] m. f. n. white-hued , whitish Lit. MBh.
शितिबाहु [ śitibāhu ] [ śiti-bā́hu ] [ śiti-bā́hu ] or [ śiti-bāhú ] , m. f. n. having white fore-feet Lit. MaitrS. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
शितिभसद् [ śitibhasad ] [ śiti-bhasad ] ( [ śí ti- ] ) m. f. n. having white hinder parts Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. TS.
शितिभ्रु [ śitibhru ] [ śiti-bhrú ] m. f. n. white-browed Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
शितिमांस [ śitimāṃsa ] [ śiti-māṃsa ] n. " white-flesh " , fat Lit. Nir.
शितिरन्ध्र [ śitirandhra ] [ śiti-rándhra ] m. f. n. having white ear-holes Lit. MaitrS.
शितिललाट [ śitilalāṭa ] [ śiti-lalāṭa ] m. f. n. having a white forehead Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 138 Sch.
शितिवर [ śitivara ] [ śiti-vara ] m. Marsilea Quadrifulia Lit. Bhpr.
शितिवार [ śitivāra ] [ śiti-vā́ra ] m. f. n. white-tailed Lit. TS.
[ śitivāra ] m. = [ -vara ] Lit. L.
शितिवाल [ śitivāla ] [ śiti-vā́la ] m. f. n. white-tailed Lit. ŚBr.
शितिसारक [ śitisāraka ] [ śiti-sāraka ] m. " having a dark essence " , Diospyros Embryopteris Lit. L.
शितीक्षु [ śitīkṣu ] [ śitīkṣu ] m. N. of a son of Uśanas Lit. VP. (v.l. [ śiteyu ] , [ śitekṣu ] , [ śineyu ] ) .
शितिङ्ग [ śitiṅga ] [ śitiṅgá ] m. f. n. (prob.) whitish Lit. AV.
शित्य् [ śity ] [ śity ] in comp. for [ śiti ] .
शित्यंस [ śityaṃsa ] [ śity-áṃsa ] m. f. n. white-shouldered Lit. TS.
शित्योष्ठ [ śityoṣṭha ] [ śity-óṣṭha ] m. f. n. white-lipped Lit. ib.
शितीमन् [ śitīman ] [ śitīmán ] or [ °mat ] ( only du. [ °mábhyām ] or [ °madbhyām ] ) = [ śí tāman ] Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.
शितीमत् [ śitīmat ] [ śitīmat ] or [ °mán ] ( only du. [ °mábhyām ] or [ °madbhyām ] ) = [ śí tāman ] Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.
शित्पुट [ śitpuṭa ] [ śitpuṭá ] m. (v.l. [ śityuṭá ] Sch.) a partic. animal resembling a cat Lit. TS.
a large black bee Lit. L.
शिथिर [ śithira ] [ śithirá ] m. f. n. ( for [ śṛthira ] fr. √ [ śrath ] ) loose , lax , slack , flexible pliant , soft Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br.
शिथिल [ śithila ] [ śithilá ] m. f. n. (collateral form of prec.) loose , slack , lax , relaxed , untied , flaccid , not rigid or compact Lit. TS.
soft , pliant , supple Lit. Pañcat.
unsteady , tremulous Lit. MBh.
languid , inert , unenergetic , weak , feeble Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
careless in (loc.) Lit. R.
indistinct (as sound) Lit. L.
not rigidly observed Lit. W.
loosely retained or possessed , abandoned , shaken off Lit. ib.
[ śithilam ] ind. loosely , not firmly Lit. Ragh.
[ śithilī ] f. a kind of tawny-coloured ant (said to be a variety of the white ant) Lit. L.
[ śithila ] n. a loose fastening , looseness , laxity , slowness Lit. MW.
a partic. separation of the terms or members of a logical series Lit. ib.
शिथिलता [ śithilatā ] [ śithilá-tā ] f.
शिथिलत्व [ śithilatva ] [ śithilá-tva ] n. looseness , laxity , relaxation , want of energy or care , indifference , languor ( [ -tāṃ-√ gam ] or [ vraj ] , " to undergo indifference " , be neglected) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat.
शिथिलपीडित [ śithilapīḍita ] [ śithilá-pīḍita ] m. f. n. loosely pressed or compressed ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Suśr.
शिथिलपीडितता [ śithilapīḍitatā ] [ śithilá-pīḍita--tā ] f. , see [ śithilapīḍita ]
शिथिलप्रयत्न [ śithilaprayatna ] [ śithilá-prayatna ] m. f. n. one whose efforts are relaxed Lit. MW.
शिथिलबल [ śithilabala ] [ śithilá-bala ] m. f. n. relaxed in strength , weakened , relaxed Lit. ib.
शिथिलम्भाव [ śithilambhāva ] [ śithilá-m-bhāva ] see [ á-ś ] .
शिथिलवसु [ śithilavasu ] [ śithilá-vasu ] m. f. n. having diminished wealth Lit. MW.
shining with diminished rays Lit. ib.
शिथिलशक्ति [ śithilaśakti ] [ śithilá-śakti ] m. f. n. impaired in strength or power Lit. ib.
शिथिलसमाधि [ śithilasamādhi ] [ śithilá-samādhi ] m. f. n. having the attention drawn off or relaxed Lit. Mālav.
शिथिलय [ śithilaya ] [ śithilaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to loosen , make loose , relax Lit. Śak. ; Ā. [ °yate ] , to neglect , let pass Lit. ib. (v.l.)
शिथिलाय [ śithilāya ] [ śithilāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become relaxed Lit. Bhartṛ.
शिथिलित [ śithilita ] [ śithilita ] m. f. n. loosed , loosened , slackened , relaxed , dissolved , made soft Lit. Kāv.
शिथिलितज्य [ śithilitajya ] [ śithilita-jya ] m. f. n. (a bow) whose string has been relaxed Lit. Kathās.
शिथिलितमृणाल [ śithilitamṛṇāla ] [ śithilita-mṛṇāla ] m. f. n. (an armlet formed) of lotus-fibres hanging loose Lit. Śak.
शिथिली [ śithilī ] [ śithilī ] in comp. for [ śithila ] .
शिथिलीकरण [ śithilīkaraṇa ] [ śithilī-karaṇa ] n. the act of loosening , relaxing , impairing , weakening Lit. Sarvad.
शिथिलीकृ [ śithilīkṛ ] [ śithilī-√ kṛ ] P. Ā. [ -karoti ] , [ -kurute ] , to make loose , loosen , relax , slacken , weaken , impair , remit , abandon Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
शिथिलीकृत [ śithilīkṛta ] [ śithilī-kṛta ] m. f. n. made loose , loosened , relaxed Lit. ib.
शिथिलीभू [ śithilībhū ] [ śithilī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become loosened or slackened , be relaxed , slacken Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. ; to desist from (abl.) Lit. Mṛicch.
शिथिलीभूत [ śithilībhūta ] [ śithilī-bhūta ] m. f. n. loosened , relaxed , slackened , languid Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.
शिथिलीशान्ति [ śithilīśānti ] [ śithilī-śānti ] f. N. of wk.
शिन [ śina ] [ śina ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pravar.
शिनि [ śini ] [ śini ] m. N. of various men (of a son of Su-mitra , of a son of Garga , of the father of Sātyaka , ; [ śiner naptṛ ] , " grandson of Śini " , N. of Sātyaki , one of the Pāṇḍu chiefs) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
(ibc.) the race of Śini (see below)
pl. N. of a class of Kshatriyas Lit. Uṇ. iv , 51.
शिनिप्रवीर [ śinipravīra ] [ śini-pravīra ] m. a chief or hero of the race of Śini Lit. MBh.
शिनिबाहु [ śinibāhu ] [ śini-bāhu ] m. N. of a river Lit. VP.
शिनिवास [ śinivāsa ] [ śini-vāsa ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. BhP. (B. [ śinī-v ] ) .
शिनिवासुदेव [ śinivāsudeva ] [ śini-vāsudeva ] m. pl. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 34
शिनीक [ śinīka ] [ śinīka ] m. N. of a preceptor Lit. VP.
शिनीपति [ śinīpati ] [ śinī-pati ] m. ( for [ śini-p ] ?) N. of a warrior Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ sinī-pati ] ) .
शिनीवास [ śinīvāsa ] [ śinī-vāsa ] see [ śini-vāsa ] .
शिनेयु [ śineyu ] [ śineyu ] m. N. of a son of Uśat Lit. Hariv.
of Uśanas Lit. VP. (v.l. [ śiteyu ] ) .
शिनीवाली [ śinīvālī ] [ śinīvālī ] w.r. for [ sin ] .
शिपद [ śipada ] [ śipada ] see [ a-śipadá ] .
शिपवित्नुक [ śipavitnuka ] [ śipavitnuká ] m. a kind of worm Lit. AV.
शिपविष्ट [ śipaviṣṭa ] [ śipaviṣṭa ] m. = [ śipiv ] Lit. L.
शिपाटक [ śipāṭaka ] [ śipāṭaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
शिपि [ śipi ] [ śipí ] m. a ray of light Lit. Nir. v , 8
= [ paśu ] Lit. TS.
= [ prāṇin ] Lit. L.
[ śipi ] f. skin , leather Lit. W.
शिपिविष्ट [ śipiviṣṭa ] [ śipí -viṣṭá ] m. f. n. (accord. to Lit. Sāy.) pervaded by rays (applied to Rudra-Śiva and Vishṇu ; cf. Lit. RTL. 416) Lit. RV.
bald-headed Lit. Āpast.
" leprous " or " having no prepuce " Lit. L.
superfluous Lit. Kāṭh.
शिपिविष्टवत् [ śipiviṣṭavat ] [ śipí -viṣṭá--vat ] m. f. n. containing the word [ śipiviṣṭa ] Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
[ śipiviṣṭavatī ] f. a verse containing the above word Lit. Br. Lit. ĀpŚr.
शिपिविष्टक [ śipiviṣṭaka ] [ śipí -viṣṭaká ] m. f. n. (prob.) smooth Lit. TS.
शिपित [ śipita ] [ śipitá ] m. f. n. (prob.) superfluous Lit. ŚBr.
शिप्र [ śipra ] [ śipra ] m. see [ sipra ]
(ibc.) = [ śiprā ] f. (see below) .
शिप्रवत् [ śipravat ] [ śipra-vat ] ( [ śí pra- ] ) m. f. n. having full cheeks , full-cheeked Lit. RV. vi , 17 , 2.
शिप्रक [ śipraka ] [ śipraka ] m. N. of the murderer of Su-śarman Lit. VP.
of the first king of the Āndhras Lit. MW.
शिप्रा [ śiprā ] [ śí prā ] f. (du.) the cheeks Lit. RV.
(pl.) the visors (of a helmet) Lit. ib.
(sg.) the nose Lit. Nir. vi , 17.
शिप्रिणीवत् [ śipriṇīvat ] [ śiprí ṇī-vat ] and m. f. n. full-cheeked Lit. RV.
शिप्रिन् [ śiprin ] [ śiprí n ]and m. f. n. full-cheeked Lit. RV.
शिफ [ śipha ] [ śipha ] m. (derivation unknown) = [ śiphā ] ( which is the more usual form ; see below) Lit. L.
शिफा [ śiphā ] [ śí phā ] f. a fibrous or flexible root (used for making whips ) Lit. Mn. ix , 230
a lash or stroke with a whip or rod Lit. ib. viii , 369
N. of a river Lit. RV. ( Lit. L. also " a branch ; a river ; a mother ; a tuft of hair on the crown of the head ; the root of a water-lily ; spikenard ; turmeric ; a sort of dill or fennel " ) .
शिफाकन्द [ śiphākanda ] [ śí phā-kanda ] m. n. the root of a water-lily Lit. L.
शिफाधर [ śiphādhara ] [ śí phā-dhara ] m. " possessing fibres " , a branch Lit. L.
शिफारुह [ śiphāruha ] [ śí phā-ruha ] m. " growing from fibres which descend to the ground " , the Banyan tree Lit. L.
शिफाक [ śiphāka ] [ śiphāka ] m. the root of a water-lily Lit. L.
शिबि [ śibi ] [ śibi ] m. ( also written [ śivi ] ) N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Auśīnara and supposed author of Lit. RV. x , 179) Lit. Anukr.
of a king (renowned for his liberality and unselfishness , and said to have saved Agni transformed into a dove from Indra transformed into a hawk by offering an equal quantity of his own flesh weighed in a balance) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
(pl.) a people descended from Śibi Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. VarBṛS.
N. of a son of Indra Lit. MBh.
of Indra in the fourth Manv-antara (v.l. [ śikhin ] ) Lit. VP.
of a son of Manu Cākshusha Lit. BhP.
of a Daitya (son of Saṃhrāda) Lit. MBh.
a king of the Śibis Lit. VarBṛS.
a beast of prey Lit. L.
the birch tree (= [ bhūrja ] ) Lit. L.
Typha Angustifolia Lit. L.
शिबिकाल [ śibikāla ] [ śibi-kāla ] m. N. of a Daitya Lit. Hariv.
शिबिचरित [ śibicarita ] [ śibi-carita ] n. the story of Śibi (occurring as an episode of the Lit. MBh. iii , 10560-10596 and 13275-13300) .
शिबिचरित्र [ śibicaritra ] [ śibi-caritra ] n. the story of Śibi (occurring as an episode of the Lit. MBh. iii , 10560-10596 and 13275-13300) .
शिबिक [ śibika ] [ śibika ] m. N. of a king (= [ śibi ] ) Lit. Buddh.
pl. N. of a people in the south of India Lit. VarBṛS.
शिबिका [ śibikā ] [ śibikā ] f. ( also written [ śivikā ] ) a palanquin , palkee , litter , bier Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a partic. weapon of Kubera (god of wealth) Lit. VP.
a stage or platform erected for exhibitions Lit. MW.
a proper N. Lit. ib.
शिबिकादान [ śibikādāna ] [ śibikā-dāna ] n. " the gift of a litter " , N. of a ch. of the Lit. VahniP.
शिबिकादानविधि [ śibikādānavidhi ] [ śibikā-dāna-vidhi ] m. " the gift of a litter " , N. of a ch. of the Lit. VahniP.
शिबिन्त [ śibinta ] [ śibinta ] m. N. of a teacher, Lit. Hir.
शिबिर [ śibira ] [ śibira ] n. ( also written [ śivira ] ) a royal camp or residence , tent in a royal camp , any tent Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
an entrenchment for the protection of an army Lit. MW.
a sort of grain Lit. L.
[ śibira ] m. N. of a tribe (?) Lit. MW.
(prob.) w.r. for [ divira ] Lit. Rājat. v , 176.
शिबिरगिरि [ śibiragiri ] [ śibira-giri ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. VarBṛS.
शिबीरथ [ śibīratha ] [ śibī-ratha ] m. a palanquin , litter Lit. L.
शिभ्र [ śibhra ] [ śibhrá ] m. f. n. (prob.) desirous of sexual intercourse Lit. AV.
शिम् [ śim ] [ śim ] Root ( = √ 1. [ śam ] ) cl. [4] P. [ śí myati ] , to cut up , prepare (a sacrificial victim) Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.
शिम [ śima ] [ śí ma ] m. a cutter up or preparer (of sacrificial food) Lit. TS.
शिमि [ śimi ] [ śimi ] f. = [ śamī ] , a legume , pod Lit. L.
work , labour = [ śimī ] (see [ a-śimi-dví ṣ ] ) .
शिमिजावरी [ śimijāvarī ] [ śimi-jāvarī ] f. growing wild Lit. TĀr. ( Lit. Sāy.)
शिमिदा [ śimidā ] [ śimi-dā ] ( [ śí mi- ] ) f. N. of a female demon Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
शिमी [ śimī ] [ śimī ] f. = [ śamī ] , effort , labour , work , industry Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.
शिमीवत् [ śimīvat ] [ śimī-vat ] ( [ śí mī- ] ) m. f. n. effective , mighty , strong Lit. RV.
शिम्यु [ śimyu ] [ śí myu ] m. f. n. (prob.) strenuous , vigorous , aggressive Lit. RV. i , 100 , 18
[ śimyu ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. ib. vii , 18 , 5.
शिमिका [ śimikā ] [ śimikā ] f. N. of a place Lit. Rājat.
शिमिद्वत् [ śimidvat ] [ śí midvat ] m. f. n. (applied to a partic. wind) Lit. MaitrS.
शिमिशिमाय [ śimiśimāya ] [ śimiśimāya ] [ °yati ] (onomat. ; cf. [ simisim ] ) , to simmer , bubble or boil with a murmuring sound Lit. VarYogay.
शिमिषीपद [ śimiṣīpada ] [ śimiṣī-pada ] m. ( cf. [ śamanīṣada ] ) a Rākshasa Lit. L.
शिमृडी [ śimṛḍī ] [ śimṛḍī ] f. a kind of shrub Lit. L.
शिम्ब [ śimba ] [ śimba ] m. ( also written [ simba ] ) a pod , legume Lit. Suśr.
Cassia Tora Lit. L.
शिम्बल [ śimbala ] [ śimbalá ] m. a small pod or kind of flower (accord. to Lit. Sāy. " the flower of the Śālmalī tree " ) Lit. RV. iii , 53 , 22
a kind of plant Lit. Kauś.
शिम्बिजा [ śimbijā ] [ śimbi-jā ] f. " pod-born " , any pulse or grain growing in pods Lit. MW.
शिम्बिपर्णिका [ śimbiparṇikā ] [ śimbi-parṇikā ] f. Phaseolus Trilobus Lit. L.
शिम्बिपर्णी [ śimbiparṇī ] [ śimbi-parṇī ] f. Phaseolus Trilobus Lit. L.
शिम्बिक [ śimbika ] [ śimbika ] m. a black variety of Phaseolus Mungo Lit. L.
[ śimbikā ] f. a pod , legume Lit. L.
शिम्बी [ śimbī ] [ śimbī ] f. a pod , legume Lit. Suśr.
Phaseolus Trilobus Lit. L.
Mucuna Pruritus Lit. L.
= [ niṣvāpī ] Lit. L.
शिम्बीधान्य [ śimbīdhānya ] [ śimbī-dhānya ] n. leguminous grain Lit. Car. Lit. Bhpr.
शिम्बीफल [ śimbīphala ] [ śimbī-phala ] n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria Lit. L.
शिम्बात [ śimbāta ] [ śimbā́ta ] m. f. n. (accord. to Lit. Naigh. iii , 6) = [ sukha ] Lit. RV. x , 106 , 5.
शिम्यु [ śimyu ] [ śimyu ] see above.
शिम्रीडी [ śimrīḍī ] [ śimrīḍī ] (prob.) w.r. for [ śimṛḍī ] .
शिर् [ śir ] [ śir ] (nom. [ śīr ] ; √ [ śṝ ] ) , hurting , injuring , wounding ( only ifc. e.g. [ śaśīśa-śiśu-śīḥ ] ) Lit. Kir. xv , 5.
शिरस् [ śiras ] [ śí ras ] n. ( prob. originally [ śaras ] = [ karas ] ; and connected with [ karaṅka ] q.v.) the head , skull (acc. with √ [ dā ] , " to give up one's head i.e. life " ; with √ [ dhṛ ] , or √ [ vah ] , " to hold up one's head , be proud " ; with Caus. of √ [ vṛt ] or with [ upa-√ sthā ] , " to hold out the head " , " acknowledge one's self guilty " see [ śiropasthāyin ] ; instr. with √ [ grah ] , √ [ dhā ] , √ [ dhṛ ] , [ vi-√ dhṛ ] , √ [ bhṛ ] , √ [ vah ] , or √ [ kṛ ] , " to hold or carry or place on the head , receive deferentially " ; instr. with √ [ gam ] , [ abhi-√ gam ] , [ pra-√ grah ] , √ [ yā ] , [ pra-ṇam ] ( √ [ nam ] ) , [ ni-√ pat ] , [ pra-ṇi-√ pat ] , " to touch with the head , bow or fall down before " ; loc. with √ [ kṛ ] or [ ni-√ dhā ] , " to place on one's head " ; loc. with √ [ sthā ] , " to be on or stand over a person's head , stand far above ( gen. ) " ) Lit. RV.
the upper end or highest part of anything , top , peak , summit , pinnacle , acme Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
the forepart or van (of an army) Lit. Śiś.
the beginning (of a verse) Lit. VarBṛS.
(ifc.) the head , leader , chief , foremost , first (of a class) Lit. BhP.
N. of the verse [ āpo jyotir āpo 'mṛtam ] Lit. Baudh. Lit. Vishṇ.
of a Sāman ( also with [ indrasya ] ) Lit. ĀrshBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
of a mountain Lit. Buddh. ( cf. [ śīrṣan ] ; Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. (cerebrum) for (ceresrum) , (cornu) ; Germ. (hirni) , (Hirn) ; Eng. (horn) . )
शिरस्तस् [ śirastas ] [ śí ras-tas ] ind. out of or from or at the head Lit. GṛS. Lit. Kāv.
शिरस्तापिन् [ śirastāpin ] [ śí ras-tāpin ] m. " hot in the head " , an elephant Lit. W.
शिरस्त्र [ śirastra ] [ śí ras-tra ] n. " head-protector " , a helmet Lit. Ragh. Lit. Rājat. , a cap , turban , head-dress Lit. W.
शिरस्त्राण [ śirastrāṇa ] [ śí ras-trāṇa ] n. = prec. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
a skull Lit. L.
शिरस्पद [ śiraspada ] [ śí ras-pada ] n. the upper part Lit. Car.
शिरस्स्थ [ śirasstha ] [ śí ras-stha ] see [ śiraḥ-stha ] .
शिर [ śira ] [ śira ]1 m. = [ śiras ] , the head Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcar.
the root of Piper Longum Lit. L. (v.l. [ sira ] )
Betula Bhojpatra Lit. L.
a Boa Lit. L.
a bed , couch Lit. L.
शिरोपस्थायिन् [ śiropasthāyin ] [ śiropasthāyin ] m. f. n. " holding out the head " (scil. for punishment , as a man must do if the person accused by him has cleared himself by an ordeal) Lit. Nār.
शिर [ śira ] [ śira ]2 in comp. for [ śiras ] .
शिरउपनिषद् [ śiraupaniṣad ] [ śira-upaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
शिरज [ śiraja ] [ śira-ja ] m. " head-produced " , the hair of the head Lit. L.
शिरस्नात [ śirasnāta ] [ śira-snāta ] m. f. n. = [ śiraḥ-sn ] Lit. MBh.
शिरः [ śiraḥ ] [ śiraḥ ] in comp. for [ śiras ] .
शिरःकपाल [ śiraḥkapāla ] [ śiraḥ-kapāla ] n. " head-bowl " , the skull Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Suśr.
शिरःकपालिन् [ śiraḥkapālin ] [ śiraḥ-kapālin ] m. f. n. carrying a skull Lit. Yājñ.
[ śiraḥkapālin ] m. a religious mendicant who carries about a human skull (as a symbol of having abandoned the world) Lit. W.
शिरःकम्प [ śiraḥkampa ] [ śiraḥ-kampa ] m. the act of shaking the head ( also pl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat.
शिरःकम्पिन् [ śiraḥkampin ] [ śiraḥ-kampin ] m. f. n. shaking the head Lit. Śiksh.
शिरःकर्ण [ śiraḥkarṇa ] [ śiraḥ-karṇa ] n. sg. the head and the ear Lit. Kauś.
शिरःकृन्तन [ śiraḥkṛntana ] [ śiraḥ-kṛntana ] n. cutting off the head , decapitation Lit. Siṃhâs.
शिरःक्रिया [ śiraḥkriyā ] [ śiraḥ-kriyā ] f. (ifc.) presentation of the head Lit. R.
शिरःपट्ट [ śiraḥpaṭṭa ] [ śiraḥ-paṭṭa ] m. a turban Lit. Pañcar.
शिरःपाक [ śiraḥpāka ] [ śiraḥ-pāka ] m. a partic. disease of the head , Lit. ŚārṅgS.
शिरःपिण्ड [ śiraḥpiṇḍa ] [ śiraḥ-piṇḍa ] m. du. the two protuberances on the forehead of an elephant Lit. L.
शिरःपीठ [ śiraḥpīṭha ] [ śiraḥ-pīṭha ] n. the back of the neck Lit. L.
शिरःप्रणाम [ śiraḥpraṇāma ] [ śiraḥ-praṇāma ] m. bowing or bending the head Lit. Bhartṛ.
शिरःप्रदान [ śiraḥpradāna ] [ śiraḥ-pradāna ] n. giving up the head or life Lit. Cat.
शिरःप्रावरण [ śiraḥprāvaraṇa ] [ śiraḥ-prāvaraṇa ] n. " head-covering " , a head-dress , turban Lit. MW.
शिरःफल [ śiraḥphala ] [ śiraḥ-phala ] m. the cocoa-nut tree Lit. L.
शिरःशाटक [ śiraḥśāṭaka ] [ śiraḥ-śāṭaka ] n. a turban Lit. L.
शिरःशिल [ śiraḥśila ] [ śiraḥ-śila ] n. N. of a fortress Lit. Rājat.
शिरःशूल [ śiraḥśūla ] [ śiraḥ-śūla ] n. violent head-ache Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kathās.
शिरःशेष [ śiraḥśeṣa ] [ śiraḥ-śeṣa ] m. " having only the head left " , N. of Rāhu Lit. Bhartṛ.
शिरःश्रित् [ śiraḥśrit ] [ śiraḥ-śrit ] m. f. n. (ifc.) being at the head or top of Lit. Śiś.
शिरःश्रेणि [ śiraḥśreṇi ] [ śiraḥ-śreṇi ] mf. a line or number of heads Lit. MW.
शिरःस्थ [ śiraḥstha ] [ śiraḥ-stha ] m. f. n. being or borne on the head
hanging over one's head , imminent Lit. Kāv.
[ śiraḥstha ] m. a chief , leader Lit. W.
a plaintiff Lit. L.
शिरःस्थान [ śiraḥsthāna ] [ śiraḥ-sthāna ] n. a chief place Lit. MBh.
शिरःस्थित [ śiraḥsthita ] [ śiraḥ-sthita ] m. f. n. being in the head , cerebral (as a letter or sound) Lit. Śiksh.
शिरःस्नात [ śiraḥsnāta ] [ śiraḥ-snāta ] m. f. n. one who has bathed or perfumed his head Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
शिरःस्नान [ śiraḥsnāna ] [ śiraḥ-snāna ] n. bathing or perfuming the head Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Pur.
शिरःस्नानीय [ śiraḥsnānīya ] [ śiraḥ-snānīya ] n. pl. all the requisites for bathing or perfuming the head , Lit. ĀPGṛ. Sch.
शिरःस्रज् [ śiraḥsraj ] [ śiraḥ-sraj ] f. a wreath worn on the head Lit. Hcat.
शिरश् [ śiraś ] [ śiraś ] in comp. for [ śiras ] .
शिरश्छेद [ śiraścheda ] [ śiraś-cheda ] m. ( Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. ) ( Lit. Cat.) cutting off the head , decapitation.
शिरश्छेदन [ śiraśchedana ] [ śiraś-chedana ] n. ( Lit. Cat.) cutting off the head , decapitation.
शिरस [ śirasa ] [ śirasa ] = [ śiras ] in [ sahasra-śirasodara ] q.v.
शिरसि [ śirasi ] [ śirasi ] loc. of [ śiras ] , in comp.
शिरसिज [ śirasija ] [ śirasi-ja ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " produced on the head " , the hair of the head Lit. Śiś. Lit. Kād. Lit. Pañcat.
शिरसिजपाश [ śirasijapāśa ] [ śirasi-ja--pāśa ] m. a tuft of hair Lit. Śiś.
शिरसिरुह् [ śirasiruh ] [ śirasi-ruh ] ( Lit. W.) ( Lit. L.) m. " growing on the head " , the hair.
शिरसिरुह [ śirasiruha ] [ śirasi-ruha ] ( Lit. L.) m. " growing on the head " , the hair.
शिरसिसिच् [ śirasisic ] [ śirasi-sic ] f. a head-cloth Lit. L.
शिरसित [ śirasita ] [ śirasita ] m. f. n. exalted (?) Lit. DivyA7v.
शिरस्क [ śiraska ] [ śiraska ] (ifc. ; [ -tva ] n. ) = [ śiras ] Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS.
[ śiraska ] m. f. n. belonging to or being on the head Lit. MW.
m. or ( Lit. L.) n. a helmet Lit. HPariś.
n. a cap , turban Lit. W.
शिरस्कत्व [ śiraskatva ] [ śiraska--tva ] n. , see [ śiraska ]
शिरस्य [ śirasya ] [ śirasya ]1 Nom. P. [ °yati ] = [ śira icchati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 61 Sch.
शिरस्य [ śirasya ] [ śirasya ]2 m. f. n. = [ śira iva ] g. [ śākhādi ]
belonging to or being on the head (= [ śīrṣaṇya ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 61 Vārtt. 2 Lit. Pat.
[ śirasya ] m. " the hair of the head " , or " clean hair " Lit. L.
शिरो [ śiro ] [ śiro ] in comp. for [ śiras ] .
शिरोगत [ śirogata ] [ śiro-gata ] m. f. n. = [ śiraḥsthita ] Lit. Śiksh.
शिरोगद [ śirogada ] [ śiro-gada ] m. a disease of the head , Lit. Śuśr.
शिरोगृह [ śirogṛha ] [ śiro-gṛha ] n. a top-room , a room on the top of a house Lit. L.
शिरोगेह [ śirogeha ] [ śiro-geha ] n. a top-room , a room on the top of a house Lit. L.
शिरोगौरव [ śirogaurava ] [ śiro-gaurava ] n. heaviness of head Lit. Suśr.
शिरोग्रह [ śirograha ] [ śiro-graha ] m. " head-seizure " , disease or affection of the head Lit. Suśr. Lit. ŚārṅgS.
शिरोग्रीव [ śirogrīva ] [ śiro-grīvá ] n. sg. the head and neck Lit. MaitrS. Lit. AitBr.
शिरोघात [ śiroghāta ] [ śiro-ghāta ] m. a blow on the head Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. VarBṛS.
शिरोज [ śiroja ] [ śiro-ja ] n. pl. " head-produced " , the hair of the head Lit. Hariv.
शिरोजानु [ śirojānu ] [ śiro-jānu ] n.
g. [ rāja-dantādi ] .
शिरोज्वर [ śirojvara ] [ śiro-jvara ] m. fever with head-ache Lit. MBh.
शिरोदामन् [ śirodāman ] [ śiro-dāman ] n. a turban Lit. Pañcar.
शिरोदुःख [ śiroduḥkha ] [ śiro-duḥkha ] n. headache Lit. Suśr.
शिरोधर [ śirodhara ] [ śiro-dhara ] m. ( Lit. R. Lit. BhP.) ( Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " head-supporting " , the neck.
शिरोधरा [ śirodharā ] [ śiro-dharā ] f. ( Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " head-supporting " , the neck.
शिरोधरणीय [ śirodharaṇīya ] [ śiro-dharaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be borne on the head , to be greatly honoured Lit. Dhūrtas.
शिरोधामन् [ śirodhāman ] [ śiro-dhāman ] n. the head (of a bed) Lit. Kād. (v.l. [ -bhāga ] ) .
शिरोधार्य [ śirodhārya ] [ śiro-dhārya ] m. f. n. = [ -dharaṇīya ] Lit. Bhām.
शिरोधि [ śirodhi ] [ śiro-dhi ] m. = [ -dhara ] Lit. Śiś.
शिरोधूनन [ śirodhūnana ] [ śiro-dhūnana ] n. shaking the head Lit. Kpr.
शिरोध्र [ śirodhra ] [ śiro-dhra ] m. = [ -dhara ] Lit. BhP.
शिरोनति [ śironati ] [ śiro-nati ] f. bowing the head Lit. Kāv.
शिरोन्यास [ śironyāsa ] [ śiro-nyāsa ] m. hanging down the head Lit. Car.
शिरोप्ति [ śiropti ] [ śiro-pti ] w.r. for [ ciro-'rti ] Lit. MānGṛ.
शिरोबीज [ śirobīja ] [ śiro-bīja ] n. g. [ rāja-dantādi ] ( Lit. Kāś.)
शिरोभव [ śirobhava ] [ śiro-bhava ] m. the hair of the head Lit. L.
शिरोभाग [ śirobhāga ] [ śiro-bhāga ] m. the top (of a tree) Lit. Kathās.
the head-end ( of a bed ; also [ śayanīya-śiro-bh ] ) Lit. Kād. (v.l. [ °ro-dhāman ] ) Lit. Hcar.
शिरोभिताप [ śirobhitāpa ] [ śiro-'bhitāpa ] ( [ °ras-abh° ] ) m. head-ache Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
शिरोभूषण [ śirobhūṣaṇa ] [ śiro-bhūṣaṇa ] n. a head-ornament
शिरोभूषणाय [ śirobhūṣaṇāya ] [ śiro-bhūṣaṇāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to form a head-ornament Lit. Kāvyâd. Sch.
शिरोमणि [ śiromaṇi ] [ śiro-maṇi ] m. " crest-jewel " , a jewel worn on the head Lit. Ṛitus. Lit. VarBṛS.
the chief of (gen. or comp. ; [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Pañcar. Lit. Kathās. Lit. HPariś.
a title of honour conferred on Paṇḍits Lit. MW.
N. of the chief wk. on any subject and of various eminent scholars Lit. Cat.
शिरोमणिखण्डन [ śiromaṇikhaṇḍana ] [ śiro-maṇi--khaṇḍana ] n. N. of wk.
शिरोमणिता [ śiromaṇitā ] [ śiro-maṇi--tā ] f. , see [ śiromaṇi ]
शिरोमणिन्यायानुसारिविवृति [ śiromaṇinyāyānusārivivṛti ] [ śiro-maṇi--nyāyānusāri-vivṛti ] f. N. of wk.
शिरोमणिभट्ट [ śiromaṇibhaṭṭa ] [ śiro-maṇi--bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of various authors. Lit. Cat.
शिरोमणिभट्टाचार्य [ śiromaṇibhaṭṭācārya ] [ śiro-maṇi--bhaṭṭācārya ] m. N. of various authors. Lit. Cat.
शिरोमणिमथुरानाथीय [ śiromaṇimathurānāthīya ] [ śiro-maṇi--mathurā-nāthīya ] n. N. of wk.
शिरोमणिव्याख्या [ śiromaṇivyākhyā ] [ śiro-maṇi--vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.
शिरोमर्मन् [ śiromarman ] [ śiro-marman ] m. a boar Lit. L.
शिरोमात्रावशेष [ śiromātrāvaśeṣa ] [ śiro-mātrāvaśeṣa ] m. f. n. having only the head left (Rāhu) Lit. ŚārṅgP.
शिरोमालिन् [ śiromālin ] [ śiro-mālin ] m. " garlanded with skulls " , N. of Śiva Lit. MW.
शिरोमुख [ śiromukha ] [ śiro-mukha ] n. sg. the head and face Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
शिरोमौलि [ śiromauli ] [ śiro-mauli ] m. " crest-jewel " , an eminent or distinguished person Lit. Cat.
शिरोरक्षिन् [ śirorakṣin ] [ śiro-rakṣin ] m. the bodyguard of a prince Lit. Hcar.
शिरोरत्न [ śiroratna ] [ śiro-ratna ] n. " crest-gem " , jewel worn on the head Lit. L.
शिरोरुज् [ śiroruj ] [ śiro-ruj ] f. head-ache Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kathās.
शिरोरुजा [ śirorujā ] [ śiro-rujā ] f. id. Lit. MBh.
Alstonia Scholaris Lit. L.
शिरोरुह् [ śiroruh ] [ śiro-ruh ] m. " head-growing " , hair of the head Lit. L.
शिरोरुह [ śiroruha ] [ śiro-ruha ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) id. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
a horn Lit. VarBṛS.
शिरोरोग [ śiroroga ] [ śiro-roga ] m. any disease of the head Lit. Suśr.
शिरोरोगघ्नयज्ञोपवीतदान [ śirorogaghnayajñopavītadāna ] [ śiro-roga--ghna-yajñopavīta-dāna ] n. N. of wk.
शिरोवर्तिन् [ śirovartin ] [ śiro-vartin ] m. f. n. being at the head , being on the top or summit Lit. W.
= [ śiropasthāyin ] Lit. Nār.
[ śirovartin ] m. a chief. Lit. W.
शिरोवल्ली [ śirovallī ] [ śiro-vallī ] f. the crest or comb of a peacock Lit. L.
शिरोवस्ति [ śirovasti ] [ śiro-vasti ] m. or f. (?) pouring oil or other liquids on the head Lit. L.
शिरोवाह्य [ śirovāhya ] [ śiro-vāhya ] m. f. n. to be borne or worn on the head Lit. Campak.
शिरोविरेक [ śirovireka ] [ śiro-vireka ] m. anything for cleansing or clearing the head Lit. ŚārṅgS.
शिरोविरेचन [ śirovirecana ] [ śiro-virecana ] m. f. n. cleansing the head Lit. Suśr.
[ śirovirecana ] n. = [ -vireka ] Lit. ib.
शिरोवृत्त [ śirovṛtta ] [ śiro-vṛtta ] n. pepper Lit. L.
शिरोवृत्तफल [ śirovṛttaphala ] [ śiro-vṛtta--phala ] m. a kind of Achyranthes Aspera with red flowers Lit. Bhpr.
शिरोवेदना [ śirovedanā ] [ śiro-vedanā ] f. head-ache Lit. Kād.
शिरोवेष्ट [ śiroveṣṭa ] [ śiro-veṣṭa ] m. a head-dress , turban Lit. L.
शिरोवेष्टन [ śiroveṣṭana ] [ śiro-veṣṭana ] n. a head-dress , turban Lit. L.
शिरोस्थि [ śirosthi ] [ śiro-'sthi ] ( [ °ras-as° ] ) n. " head-bone " , the skull Lit. L.
शिरोहारिन् [ śirohārin ] [ śiro-hārin ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MW.
शिरोहृत्कमल [ śirohṛtkamala ] [ śiro-hṛt-kamala ] n. the lotus of head and heart Lit. Kathās.
शिरा [ śirā ] [ śirā ] [ śirāla ] see [ sirā ] , [ sirāla ] .
शिरि [ śiri ] [ śiri ] m. ( only Lit. L. ; cf. Lit. Uṇ. iv , 142) a murderer , killer
a sword
an arrow
a locust.
शिरिणा [ śiriṇā ] [ śí riṇā ] f. (prob.) night Lit. RV. ii , 10 , 3 ( cf. Lit. Naigh. i , 7 ; others " a cell " ) .
शिरिम्बिठ [ śirimbiṭha ] [ śirí mbiṭha ] m. (prob.) a cloud Lit. RV. x , 155 , 1 ( cf. Lit. Naigh. iv , 3 ; accord. to Lit. Anukr. " N. of a Ṛishi having the patr. Bhāradvāja and author of the above hymn " ) .
शिरिशिरा [ śiriśirā ] [ śiriśirā ] Root (onomat.) , with √ [ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to hiss Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
शिरिसिराय [ śirisirāya ] [ śirisirāya ] Root (onomat.) Ā. [ °yate ] id. Lit. ĀpŚr.
शिरीष [ śirīṣa ] [ śirīṣa ] m. Acacia Sirissa (n. its flower) Lit. ShaḍvBr.
[ śirīṣa ] m. pl. N. of a village Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 51.
शिरीषकुसुम [ śirīṣakusuma ] [ śirīṣa-kusuma ] n. the flower of the Śirīsha tree Lit. Śak.
शिरीषपत्त्रा [ śirīṣapattrā ] [ śirīṣa-pattrā ] f. a kind of white Kiṇihī ( q.v.) Lit. L.
शिरीषपत्त्रिका [ śirīṣapattrikā ] [ śirīṣa-pattrikā ] f. a kind of white Kiṇihī ( q.v.) Lit. L.
शिरीषफल [ śirīṣaphala ] [ śirīṣa-phala ] n. the fruit of Śirīsha tree Lit. Suśr.
शिरीषबीज [ śirīṣabīja ] [ śirīṣa-bīja ] n. the seed of Śirīsha tree Lit. ib.
शिरीषवण [ śirīṣavaṇa ] [ śirīṣa-vaṇa ] n. a wood of Lit. ShaḍvBr. trees Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 6 Sch.
शिरीषवन [ śirīṣavana ] [ śirīṣa-vana ] n. a wood of Lit. ShaḍvBr. trees Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 6 Sch.
शिरीषक [ śirīṣaka ] [ śirīṣaka ] m. Acacia Sirissa Lit. R.
N. of a serpent. demon Lit. MBh.
[ śirīṣikā ] f. a kind of tree Lit. Bhpr. ( cf. [ ambu-śirīṣikā ] ) .
शिरीषिक [ śirīṣika ] [ śirīṣika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śirīṣa ] ) g. [ kumudādi ] .
शिरीषिन् [ śirīṣin ] [ śirīṣin ] m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra Lit. MBh.
[ śirīṣiṇī ] f. a country abounding in Śirīsha trees g. [ puṣkarādi ] .
शिल् [ śil ] [ śil ] Root ( also written [ sil ] ) cl. [6] P. [ śilati ] , to glean Lit. Dhātup. xxviii , 70.
सिल् [ sil ] [ sil ] Root ( also written [ śil ] ) cl. [6] P. [ śilati ] , to glean Lit. Dhātup. xxviii , 70.
शिल [ śila ] [ śila ]1 m. ( Lit. L. also n. ; for 2. see col.2) gleaning , gathering stalks or ears of corn (accord. to Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. x , 112 [ śila ] = [ aneka-dhānyonnayana ] i.e. " gleaning more than one ear of corn at a time " , opp. to [ uñcha ] = [ ekaika-dhānyādi-guḍakoccayana ] ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
शिलंधर [ śilaṃdhara ] [ śila-ṃ-dhara ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. Pravar.
शिलंधरि [ śilaṃdhari ] [ śila-ṃ-dhari ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. Pravar.
शिलरति [ śilarati ] [ śila-rati ] m. f. n. satisfied with gleaning Lit. MBh.
शिलवृत्ति [ śilavṛtti ] [ śila-vṛtti ] m. f. n. subsisting by gleaning Lit. ib.
शिलाद [ śilāda ] [ śilāda ] m. " eating ears of corn " , N. of a man Lit. Cat.
शिलान्धस् [ śilāndhas ] [ śilāndhas ] n. ears of corn left on a field Lit. BhP.
शिलोञ्छ [ śiloñcha ] [ śiloñcha ] m. gleaning ears of corn Lit. Āpast.
[ śiloñcha ] m. du. or n. sg. (as a Dvandva) gleaning ears and picking up grains (hence " following an irregular occupation " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. BhP.
शिलोञ्छवृत्ति [ śiloñchavṛtti ] [ śiloñcha--vṛtti ] f. subsistence by gleaning (or by unusual and irregular occupation) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
= [ śila-vṛtti ] Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
शिलोञ्छन [ śiloñchana ] [ śiloñchana ] n. gleaning ears of corn Lit. BhP.
शिलोञ्छिन् [ śiloñchin ] [ śiloñchin ] m. f. n. subsisting by gleaning Lit. Bālar.
शिलक [ śilaka ] [ śilaka ] m. N. of a man, Lit. ChUp.
शिलम्ब [ śilamba ] [ śilamba ] m. a sage Lit. L.
a weaver Lit. L.
शिलमानखान [ śilamānakhāna ] [ śilamāna-khāna ] m. = $ Lit. Cat.
शिला [ śilā ] [ śilā́ ] f. ( perhaps connected with √ 1. [ śi ] ) a stone , rock , crag Lit. AV.
red arsenic Lit. Suśr.
camphor Lit. L.
the lower mill-stone Lit. L.
the lower timber of a door Lit. L.
the top of the pillar supporting a house Lit. L.
a vein , tendon ( for [ śira ] q.v.) Lit. L.
N. of a river Lit. R.
of a woman Lit. Cat.
शिलाकर्णी [ śilākarṇī ] [ śilā́-karṇī ] f. Boswellia Thurifera Lit. L.
शिलाकुट्टक [ śilākuṭṭaka ] [ śilā́-kuṭṭaka ] m. a stone-cutter's chisel or hatchet Lit. L.
शिलाकुसुम [ śilākusuma ] [ śilā́-kusuma ] n. storax Lit. W.
शिलाक्षर [ śilākṣara ] [ śilā́kṣara ] ( [ °lāk° ] ) n. " stone-letter " , writing on stone , lithography Lit. Veṇis.
शिलागृह [ śilāgṛha ] [ śilā́-gṛha ] n. " rock-house " , a grotto Lit. R. Lit. Rājat.
शिलाघन [ śilāghana ] [ śilā́-ghana ] m. f. n. firm or hard as a stone or rock Lit. Ragh.
शिलाचक्र [ śilācakra ] [ śilā́-cakra ] n. a diagram on a stone Lit. Pañcar.
शिलाचय [ śilācaya ] [ śilā́-caya ] m. " rock-mass " , a mountain ( [ kanaka-śilā-c ] , a mountain of gold) Lit. VarBṛS.
शिलाज [ śilāja ] [ śilā́-ja ] m. f. n. produced in a rock or mountain , mineral Lit. W.
[ śilāja ] n. bitumen Lit. Suśr.
iron Lit. L.
benzoin , storax Lit. W.
petroleum Lit. MW.
any fossil production Lit. ib. ( cf. [ śila-ja ] below) .
शिलाजतु [ śilājatu ] [ śilā́-jatu ] n. " rock-exudation " , bitumen Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
red chalk Lit. W.
शिलाजतुकल्प [ śilājatukalpa ] [ śilā́-jatu--kalpa ] m. N. of wk.
शिलाजित् [ śilājit ] [ śilā́-jit ] n. " rock-overpowering " , bitumen Lit. L.
शिलाञ्जनी [ śilāñjanī ] [ śilā́ñjanī ] ( [ °lāñ° ] ) f. a partic. plant Lit. L.
शिलाटक [ śilāṭaka ] [ śilāṭaka ] m. ( [ °lāṭ° ] ) = [ aṭṭa ] Lit. L.
= [ tila ] Lit. L.
= [ vilepa ] Lit. L.
= [ bila ] (?) Lit. L.
a fence , enclosure Lit. W.
शिलातल [ śilātala ] [ śilā́-tala ] n. a slab of rock Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
the surface of a rock Lit. W.
शिलात्मज [ śilātmaja ] [ śilā́tmaja ] ( [ °lāt° ] ) n. " rock-born " , iron Lit. L.
शिलात्मिका [ śilātmikā ] [ śilā́tmikā ] ( [ °lāt° ] ) f. a crucible Lit. L.
शिलात्व [ śilātva ] [ śilā́-tva ] n. the state or nature of stone Lit. Naish.
शिलात्वच् [ śilātvac ] [ śilā́-tvac ] f. = [ -valkā ] Lit. L.
शिलादद्रु [ śilādadru ] [ śilā́-dadru ] m. " rock-eruption " , bitumen Lit. L.
शिलादान [ śilādāna ] [ śilā́-dāna ] n. the gift of a stone (e.g. of a " Śālagrāma " ) Lit. Pañcar.
शिलादित्य [ śilāditya ] [ śilā́ditya ] ( [ °lād° ] ) m. N. of a king Lit. Śatr. ( cf. [ śīlāditya ] ) .
शिलाधर [ śilādhara ] [ śilā́-dhara ] m. N. of the chamberlain of Hima-vat Lit. Pārvat.
शिलाधातु [ śilādhātu ] [ śilā́-dhātu ] m. " rock-mineral " , chalk Lit. L.
yellow ochre Lit. L.
red chalk Lit. W.
a white fossil substance Lit. W.
an aluminous earth of a white or yellowish colour Lit. W.
शिलानिचय [ śilānicaya ] [ śilā́-nicaya ] m. a heap or mass of stones or rock Lit. VarBṛS.
शिलानिर्यास [ śilāniryāsa ] [ śilā́-niryāsa ] m. " rock-exudation " , bitumen Lit. L.
शिलानीड [ śilānīḍa ] [ śilā́-nīḍa ] m. N. of Garuḍa Lit. L. (w.r. [ -nīha ] ; cf. [ śilaukas ] ) .
शिलान्त [ śilānta ] [ śilā́nta ] ( [ °lānta ] ) m. Bauhinia Tomentosa Lit. L.
शिलान्यासपद्धति [ śilānyāsapaddhati ] [ śilā́-nyāsa-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
शिलापट्ट [ śilāpaṭṭa ] [ śilā́-paṭṭa ] m. a stone slab (for sitting on or grinding) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Vās.
शिलापट्टक [ śilāpaṭṭaka ] [ śilā́-paṭṭaka ] m. id. Lit. Viddh.
शिलापुत्र [ śilāputra ] [ śilā́-putra ] m. " a little rock " , a grindstone Lit. L.
a torso Lit. KapS.
शिलापुत्रक [ śilāputraka ] [ śilā́-putraka ] m. a grindstone Lit. MW.
a torso Lit. BṛĀrUp. Sch.
शिलापुष्प [ śilāpuṣpa ] [ śilā́-puṣpa ] n. " rock-efflorescence " , bitumen Lit. L.
storax or benzoin Lit. W.
शिलापेष [ śilāpeṣa ] [ śilā́-peṣa ] m. a grindstone Lit. MārkP.
grinding with a storax Lit. MW.
शिलाप्रतिकृति [ śilāpratikṛti ] [ śilā́-pratikṛti ] f. a stone image or statue Lit. Hariv.
शिलाप्रसून [ śilāprasūna ] [ śilā́-prasūna ] n. " rock-produced " , bitumen Lit. L.
शिलाप्रासाद [ śilāprāsāda ] [ śilā́-prāsāda ] m. a stone temple Lit. Rājat.
शिलाफलक [ śilāphalaka ] [ śilā́-phalaka ] n. = [ -paṭṭa ] Lit. Vishṇ. (Sch.)
शिलाबन्ध [ śilābandha ] [ śilā́-bandha ] m. a stone fence or wall Lit. Rājat.
शिलाभव [ śilābhava ] [ śilā́-bhava ] n. " rock-produced " , bitumen Lit. L.
storax or benzoin Lit. W.
शिलाभाव [ śilābhāva ] [ śilā́-bhāva ] m. = [ -tva ] Lit. Kathās.
शिलाभिद् [ śilābhid ] [ śilā́-bhid ] m. Plectranthus Scutellarioides Lit. Bhpr.
शिलाभेद [ śilābheda ] [ śilā́-bheda ] m. id. Lit. L.
a stone-cutter's chisel Lit. W.
शिलामय [ śilāmaya ] [ śilā́-maya ] m. f. n. made of stone (with [ varṣa ] , " a shower of stones " ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP. Lit. Vās.
शिलामल [ śilāmala ] [ śilā́-mala ] n. " rock-impurity " , bitumen Lit. L.
शिलामाहात्म्य [ śilāmāhātmya ] [ śilā́-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
शिलायूप [ śilāyūpa ] [ śilā́-yūpa ] m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra Lit. MBh.
शिलारम्भा [ śilārambhā ] [ śilā́rambhā ] ( [ °lār° ] ) f. the wild plantain Lit. L.
शिलारस [ śilārasa ] [ śilā́-rasa ] m. " rock-exudation " , olibanum , benzoin , incense Lit. W.
शिलावर्षिन् [ śilāvarṣin ] [ śilā́-varṣin ] m. f. n. raining stones Lit. Ragh.
शिलावल्कल [ śilāvalkala ] [ śilā́-valkala ] m. n. ( Lit. W.) a partic. medicinal substance.
शिलावल्का [ śilāvalkā ] [ śilā́-valkā ] f. ( Lit. L.) a partic. medicinal substance.
शिलावह [ śilāvaha ] [ śilā́-vaha ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. R.
[ śilāvahā ] f. N. of a river Lit. ib.
शिलावितान [ śilāvitāna ] [ śilā́-vitāna ] m. n. a spreading of stones , shower of stones Lit. MW.
शिलावृष्टि [ śilāvṛṣṭi ] [ śilā́-vṛṣṭi ] f. " stones-rain " , a shower of stones Lit. A.
hail Lit. W.
शिलावेश्मन् [ śilāveśman ] [ śilā́-veśman ] n. " rock-abode " , a grotto Lit. Megh.
शिलाव्याधि [ śilāvyādhi ] [ śilā́-vyādhi ] m. " rock-ailment " , bitumen Lit. L.
शिलाशस्त्र [ śilāśastra ] [ śilā́-śastra ] n. a stone weapon Lit. Kathās.
शिलाशित [ śilāśita ] [ śilā́-śita ] m. f. n. sharpened on a stones (as an arrow) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
शिलासन [ śilāsana ] [ śilāsana ] n. ( [ °lās° ] ) a stones seat Lit. W.
[ śilāsana ] m. f. n. seated on a stones Lit. R.
n. bitumen Lit. L.
benzoin or storax Lit. W.
शिलासार [ śilāsāra ] [ śilā́-sāra ] n. " rock-essence " , iron Lit. L.
शिलास्तम्भ [ śilāstambha ] [ śilā́-stambha ] m. a stones-column Lit. Kathās.
शिलास्थापनपद्धति [ śilāsthāpanapaddhati ] [ śilā́-sthāpana-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
शिलास्वेद [ śilāsveda ] [ śilā́-sveda ] m. " rock-perspiration " , bitumen Lit. L.
शिलाह्व [ śilāhva ] [ śilā́hva ] ( [ °lāh° ] ) n. " stones-named " , bitumen Lit. L.
शिलाह्वय [ śilāhvaya ] [ śilā́hvaya ] ( [ °lāh° ] ) n. " stones-named " , bitumen Lit. L.
शिलोच्चय [ śiloccaya ] [ śiloccaya ] m. " rock-accumulation " , a mountain Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a high mountain Lit. W.
शिलोत्थ [ śilottha ] [ śilottha ] m. f. n. growing upon rocks , produced from rock or stones Lit. W.
[ śilottha ] n. bitumen Lit. L.
benzoin , storax Lit. W.
शिलोद्भव [ śilodbhava ] [ śilodbhava ] m. f. n. produced from stones or on rock Lit. W.
[ śilodbhava ] n. bitumen Lit. L.
gold Lit. L.
a kind of sandal-wood Lit. L.
benzoin Lit. W.
शिलोद्भेद [ śilodbheda ] [ śilodbheda ] m. = [ śilā-bhid ] Lit. Car.
शिलोरस्क [ śiloraska ] [ śiloraska ] m. f. n. having a rocky breast (said of the Himâlaya) Lit. Kum.
शिलौकस् [ śilaukas ] [ śilaukas ] m. " dwelling in rocks " , N. of Garuḍa Lit. L.
शिल [ śila ] [ śila ]2 ( for 1. see col.1) , in comp. for [ śilā ] .
शिलगर्भज [ śilagarbhaja ] [ śila-garbha-ja ] m. a partic. plant ( = [ pāṣāṇa-bhedana ] ) Lit. L.
शिलज [ śilaja ] [ śila-ja ] n. bitumen Lit. L. ( cf. [ śilā-ja ] )
[ śilajā ] f. a partic. medicinal substance Lit. L.
शिलप्रस्थ [ śilaprastha ] [ śila-prastha ] n. a N. Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 63.
शिलवह [ śilavaha ] [ śila-vaha ] n. a N. Lit. ib.
शिलवाहा [ śilavāhā ] [ śila-vāhā ] f. (prob.) N. of a river Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 63 Sch.
शिलि [ śili ] [ śili ] m. Betula Bhojpatra Lit. L.
[ śili ] f. the lower timber of a door Lit. W.
शिलिक [ śilika ] [ śilika ] m. g. [ puro-hitādi ] .
शिलिकाकोष्ठ [ śilikākoṣṭha ] [ śilikā-koṣṭha ] N. of a village among mountains Lit. Rājat.
शिलिन् [ śilin ] [ śilin ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
शिलिन [ śilina ] [ śilina ] m. N. of a man Lit. ŚBr. Sch.
शिली [ śilī ] [ śilī ]1 f. a kind of worm Lit. L. (accord. to some , the female of [ gaṇḍa-pada ] )
a female frog Lit. MBh. Sch.
= [ stambha-śīrṣa ] Lit. L.
= [ dvārādhaḥ-sthita-kāṣṭha ] Lit. L.
a spike , dart Lit. W.
an arrow Lit. MW.
शिलीपृष्ठ [ śilīpṛṣṭha ] [ śilī-pṛṣṭha ] m. f. n. (applied to a sword) Lit. MBh. ( [ śilī ] = [ bhekī ] Lit. Nīlak.)
शिलीमुख [ śilīmukha ] [ śilī-mukha ] m. f. n. N. of a sword Lit. ib. ( cf. prec.)
= [ jaḍī-bhūta ] Lit. L.
[ śilīmukha ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) an arrow Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a bee Lit. Kāv.
m. a fool Lit. W.
a battle Lit. L.
war Lit. W.
N. of a hare Lit. Hit. Lit. Kathās.
शिली [ śilī ] [ śilī ]2 in comp. for [ śilā ] .
शिलीभू [ śilībhū ] [ śilī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become stone , turn to stone , become as hard as stone Lit. Vcar.
शिलीभूत [ śilībhūta ] [ śilī-bhūta ] m. f. n. turned to stone , become as hard as stone Lit. Kum.
शिलेय [ śileya ] [ śileya ] m. f. n. coming from rock , rocky , stony Lit. MW.
as hard as rock or stone Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 102
benzoin Lit. W.
शिलालिन् [ śilālin ] [ śilālin ] m. N. of the supposed author of partic. Naṭa-sūtras Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 110.
शिलाह्य [ śilāhya ] [ śilāhya ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. Pravar.
शिलिन्द [ śilinda ] [ śilinda ] m. a kind of fish Lit. L.
शिलीन्ध्र [ śilīndhra ] [ śilīndhra ] m. ( perhaps fr. acc. of 1. [ śilī ] + [ dhra ] = [ dhara ] ) the plantain tree , Musa Sapientum Lit. L.
a kind of fish , Mystus Chitala Lit. L.
[ śilīndhrī ] f. a kind of bird Lit. L.
a kind of worm Lit. L.
earth , clay Lit. L.
[ śilīndhra ] n. a mushroom Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. ( cf. [ uc-chil ] )
the flower of the plantain tree Lit. Śiś.
a kind of jasmine Lit. L.
a kind of tree Lit. L.
शिलीन्ध्रक [ śilīndhraka ] [ śilīndhraka ] n. a mushroom (esp. one growing out of cow-dung) Lit. Bhpr.
शिलीपद [ śilīpada ] [ śilīpada ] m. (= [ ślī-p ] ) enlarged or swelled leg , elephantiasis Lit. Dhūrtas.
शिलूष [ śilūṣa ] [ śilūṣa ] m. Aegle Marmelos Lit. L.
N. of a Ṛishi (said to have been an early teacher of the art of dancing) Lit. L. ( cf. [ śailūṣa ] .) .
शिलोञ्छ [ śiloñcha ] [ śiloñcha ] see col.1.
शिल्गु [ śilgu ] [ śilgú ] m. = [ sukha ] Lit. Naigh. iii , 7.
शिल्प [ śilpa ] [ śí lpa ] n. (of doubtful derivation) the art of variegating , variegated or diversified appearance , decoration , ornament , artistic work Lit. VS. Lit. Br. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP.
any manual art or craft , any handicraft or mechanical or fine art (64 such arts or crafts , sometimes called [ bāhya-kalā ] , " external or practical arts " , are enumerated e.g. carpentering , architecture , jewellery , farriery , acting , dancing , music , medicine , poetry ( cf. Lit. IW. 185 ) ; and 64 [ abhyantara-kalā ] , " secret arts " e.g. kissing , embracing , and various other arts of coquetry) Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
skill in any art or craft or work of art , ingenuity , contrivance Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
any act or work ( also m.) Lit. BhP.
ceremonial act , ceremony , rite ( also m.) Lit. MW.
form , shape Lit. Naigh. iii , 7 ( cf. [ su-śilpa ] )
a partic. kind of Śastra or hymn (of a highly artificial character , recited on the 6th day of the Pṛishṭhya Shaḍ-aha , at the Viśvajit ) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
a kind of sacrificial ladle (?) Lit. L.
(du. with [ jamad-agneḥ ] ) N. of two Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
[ śilpa ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. ŚBr.
[ śilpā ] f. a barber's shop Lit. L.
शिल्पकर [ śilpakara ] [ śí lpa-kara ] m.
शिल्पकरी [ śilpakarī ] [ śí lpa-karī ] f. = [ -kāra ] , [ °rī ] Lit. MW.
शिल्पकर्मन् [ śilpakarman ] [ śí lpa-karman ] n. manual labour , handicraft Lit. W.
शिल्पकलादीपिका [ śilpakalādīpikā ] [ śí lpa-kalā-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
शिल्पकार [ śilpakāra ] [ śí lpa-kāra ] m. an artisan , mechanic Lit. L.
[ śilpakārī ] f. a female artisan Lit. Kālid.
शिल्पकारक [ śilpakāraka ] [ śí lpa-kāraka ] m. an artisan , mechanic Lit. L.
[ śilpakārikā ] f. a female artisan Lit. Kālid.
शिल्पकारिन् [ śilpakārin ] [ śí lpa-kārin ] m. ( Lit. MārkP.) = prec.
शिल्पकारिणी [ śilpakāriṇī ] [ śí lpa-kāriṇī ] f. ( Lit. Bhar.) = prec.
शिल्पगृह [ śilpagṛha ] [ śí lpa-gṛha ] ( Lit. BrahmaP.) ( Lit. Kull.) n. a workshop , workroom , manufactory.
शिल्पगेह [ śilpageha ] [ śí lpa-geha ] ( Lit. Kull.) n. a workshop , workroom , manufactory.
शिल्पजीविका [ śilpajīvikā ] [ śí lpa-jīvikā ] f. subsistence by art or by a craft Lit. MBh.
शिल्पजीविन् [ śilpajīvin ] [ śí lpa-jīvin ] m. " living by art " , an artisan , mechanic , craftsman Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch. (v.l.)
[ śilpajīvinī ] f. a female artisan Lit. L.
शिल्पत्व [ śilpatva ] [ śí lpa-tva ] n. the state of being variegated or decorated Lit. PañcavBr.
शिल्पप्रजापति [ śilpaprajāpati ] [ śí lpa-prajāpati ] m. N. of Viśva-karman Lit. MBh.
शिल्पलेख [ śilpalekha ] [ śí lpa-lekha ] m. N. of wk.
शिल्पवत् [ śilpavat ] [ śí lpa-vat ] m. " skilled in art " , an artisan Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
शिल्पविद्या [ śilpavidyā ] [ śí lpa-vidyā ] f. the science of arts or mechanics Lit. Pañcar.
शिल्पविधानदृष्ट [ śilpavidhānadṛṣṭa ] [ śí lpa-vidhāna-dṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. made according to the rules of art Lit. VarYogay.
शिल्पवृत्ति [ śilpavṛtti ] [ śí lpa-vṛtti ] f. = [ -jīvikā ] Lit. Gaut.
शिल्पशाल [ śilpaśāla ] [ śí lpa-śāla ] n. = [ -gṛha ] Lit. L.
शिल्पशाला [ śilpaśālā ] [ śí lpa-śālā ] f. = [ -gṛha ] Lit. L.
शिल्पशास्त्र [ śilpaśāstra ] [ śí lpa-śāstra ] n. = [ -vidyā ] Lit. VarBṛS. ( also N. of a partic. class of works on any mechanical or fine art , as architecture ; cf. Lit. IW. 184) .
शिल्पसर्वस्वसंग्रह [ śilpasarvasvasaṃgraha ] [ śí lpa-sarvasva-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
शिल्पस्थान [ śilpasthāna ] [ śí lpa-sthāna ] n. skill in art , mechanical or manual skill Lit. DivyA7v.
शिल्पाजीव [ śilpājīva ] [ śilpājīva ] m. = [ śilpa-jīvin ] Lit. Āpast.
शिल्पार्थसार [ śilpārthasāra ] [ śilpārtha-sāra ] m. N. of wk.
शिल्पालय [ śilpālaya ] [ śilpālaya ] m. = [ śilpa-gṛha ] Lit. VarBṛS.
शिल्पोपजीविन् [ śilpopajīvin ] [ śilpopajīvin ] m. = [ śilpa-jīvin ] Lit. Gaut.
शिल्पक [ śilpaka ] [ śilpaka ] n. a kind of drama Lit. Sāh. ( Lit. IW. 472)
[ śilpikā ] f. = [ śilpinī ] ( q.v.) Lit. MW.
शिल्पि [ śilpi ] [ śilpi ] in comp. for [ śilpin ] .
शिल्पिकर्मन् [ śilpikarman ] [ śilpi-karman ] n. the work of an artisan Lit. DivyA7v.
शिल्पिजन [ śilpijana ] [ śilpi-jana ] ( Lit. VarBṛS.) m. an artisan , craftsman.
शिल्पिशाल [ śilpiśāla ] [ śilpi-śāla ] n. a workshop , manufactory Lit. L.
शिल्पिशाला [ śilpiśālā ] [ śilpi-śālā ] f. a workshop , manufactory Lit. L.
शिल्पिशास्त्र [ śilpiśāstra ] [ śilpi-śāstra ] n. = [ śilpa-śāstra ] Lit. Cat.
शिल्पिसार [ śilpisāra ] [ śilpi-sāra ] m. olibanum Lit. Gal.
शिल्पिक [ śilpika ] [ śilpika ] m. f. n. skilled in art (applied to Śiva) Lit. MBh. (accord. to Lit. Nīlak. = little versed in art)
[ śilpika ] n. any handicraft or mechanical art Lit. W.
a kind of drama (= [ śilpaka ] ) Lit. ib.
[ śilpikā ] f. see [ śilpaka ] .
शिल्पिन् [ śilpin ] [ śilpin ] m. f. n. belonging to or skilled in art
[ śilpin ] m. an artificer , artisan , craftsman , artist Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
(ifc.) fashioner of Lit. Naish.
[ śilpinī ] f. a female artisan or artist Lit. Daś.
[ śilpin ] m. a kind of herb or grass ( commonly called Lahānasipī , used medicinally: otherwise described as a perfume = [ kola-dala ] ) Lit. L.
शिल्हण [ śilhaṇa ] [ śilhaṇa ] m. ( also written [ śilhana ] and [ śihlaṇa ] ) N. of a poet from Kaśmīra (author of the Śānti-śataka) .
शिव [ śiva ] [ śivá ] m. f. n. ( according to Lit. Uṇ. i , 153 , fr. √ 1. [ śī ] , " in whom all things lie " ; perhaps connected with √ [ śvi ] cf. [ śavas ] , [ śiśvi ] ) auspicious , propitious , gracious , favourable , benign , kind , benevolent , friendly , dear ( [ °vám ] ind. kindly , tenderly) Lit. RV.
happy , fortunate Lit. BhP.
[ śiva ] m. happiness , welfare ( cf. n.) Lit. R. v , 56 , 36
m. liberation , final emancipation Lit. L.
" The Auspicious one " , N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindū Trimūrti or Triad , the other two being Brahmā " the creator " and Vishṇu " the preserver " ; in the Veda the only N. of the destroying deity was Rudra " the terrible god " , but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. Śiva " the auspicious " ( just as the Furies were called 1 " the gracious ones " ) , and to assign him the office of creation and reproduction as well as dissolution ; in fact the preferential worship of Śiva as developed in the Purāṇas and Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers ( called Śaivas ) ; in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called Kāla " black " , and is then also identified with " Time " , although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name Kālī , whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices ; as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction Śiva's symbol is the Liṅga ( q.v. ) or Phallus , under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day ; again one of his representations is as Ardha-nārī , " half-female " , the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle ( Lit. RTL. 85 ) ; he has three eyes , one of which is in his forehead , and which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time , past , present , and future , while a moon's crescent , above the central eye , marks the measure of time by months , a serpent round his neck the measure by years , and a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person , the perpetual revolution of ages , and the successive extinction and generation of the races of mankind: his hair is thickly matted together , and gathered above his forehead into a coil ; on the top of it he bears the Ganges , the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream ; his throat is dark-blue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality ; he holds a [ tri-śūla ] , or three-pronged trident ( also called Pināka ) in his hand to denote , as some think , his combination of the three attributes of Creator , Destroyer , and Regenerator ; he also carries a kind of drum , shaped like an hour-glass , called D2amaru: his attendants or servants are called Pramatha ( q.v. ) ; they are regarded as demons or supernatural beings of different kinds , and form various hosts or troops called Gaṇas ; his wife Durgā ( otherwise called Kālī , Pārvatī , Umā , Gaurī , Bhavāṇī ) is the chief object of worship with the Śāktas and Tāntrikas , and in this connection he is fond of dancing ( see [ tāṇḍava ] ) and wine-drinking ; he is also worshipped as a great ascetic and is said to have scorched the god of love (Kāma-deva) to ashes by a glance from his central eye , that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for Pārvatī whilst he was engaged in severe penance ; in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe and all the gods , including Brahmā and Vishṇu , by a similar scorching glance , and to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body , whence the use of ashes in his worship , while the use of the Rudrâksha berries originated , it is said , from the legend that Śiva , on his way to destroy the three cities , called Tri-pura , let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads: his residence or heaven is Kailāsa , one of the loftiest northern peaks of the Himâlaya ; he has strictly no incarnations like those of Vishṇu , though Vīra-bhadra and the eight Bhairavas and Khaṇḍo-bā ( Lit. RTL. 266 ) are sometimes regarded as forms of him ; he is especially worshipped at Benares and has even more names than Vishṇu , one thousand and eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the Śiva-Purāṇa and in the 17th chapter of the Anuśāsana-parvan of the Mahā-bhārata , some of the most common being Mahā-deva , Śambhu , Śaṃkara , Īśa , Īśvara , Mahêśvara , Hara ; his sons are Gaṇêśa and Kārttikeya) Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. RTL. 73 ( 1074,1 )
a kind of second Śiva (with Śaivas) , a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection or emancipation Lit. MBh. Lit. Sarvad.
[ śiva-liṅga ] Lit. L.
any god Lit. L.
m. a euphemistic N. of a jackal ( generally [ śivā ] f. q.v.)
m. sacred writings Lit. L.
(in astron.) N. of the sixth month
a post for cows (to which they are tied or for them to rub against) Lit. L.
bdellium Lit. L.
the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum Lit. L.
Marsilia Dentata Lit. L.
a kind of thorn-apple or = [ puṇḍarīka ] (the tree) Lit. L.
quicksilver Lit. L. ( cf. [ śiva-bīja ] )
a partic. auspicious constellation Lit. L.
a demon who inflicts diseases Lit. Hariv.
m. = [ śukra ] m. [ kāla ] m. [ vasu ] m. Lit. L.
m. the swift antelope Lit. L.
rum , spirit distilled from molasses Lit. L.
buttermilk Lit. L.
a ruby Lit. L.
a peg Lit. L.
time Lit. L.
N. of a son of Medhâtithi Lit. MārkP.
of a son of Idhma-jihva Lit. BhP.
of a prince and various authors (also with [ dīkṣita ] , [ bhaṭṭa ] , [ paṇḍita ] , [ yajvan ] , [ sūri ] ) Lit. Cat.
of a fraudulent person Lit. Kathās.
(du.) the god Śiva and his wife Lit. Kir. v , 40 Lit. Pracaṇḍ. i , 20 ( cf. Lit. Vām. v , 2 , 1)
pl. N. of a class of gods in the third Manvantara Lit. Pur.
of a class of Brāhmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of Śiva Lit. MBh.
[ śivā ] f. Śiva's wife ( also [ śivī ] ) see [ śivā ] below
[ śiva ] n. welfare , prosperity , bliss ( [ āya ] , [ éna ] or [ ébhis ] , " auspiciously , fortunately , happily , luckily " ; [ śivāya gamyatām ] , " a prosperous journey to you! " ) Lit. RV.
final emancipation Lit. L.
water Lit. L.
rock-salt Lit. L.
sea-salt Lit. L.
a kind of borax Lit. L.
iron Lit. L.
myrobalan Lit. L.
Tabernaemontana Coronaria Lit. L.
sandal Lit. L.
N. of a Purāṇa (= [ śiva-purāṇa ] or [ śaiva ] ) Lit. Cat.
of the house in which the Pāṇḍavas were to be burnt Lit. MārkP.
of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvīpa and in Jambu-dvīpa Lit. Pur.
शिवकण्ठमलिका [ śivakaṇṭhamalikā ] [ śivá-kaṇṭha-malikā ] f. N. of a Stotra.
शिवकर [ śivakara ] [ śivá-kara ] m. f. n. causing happiness or prosperity , auspicious , propitious Lit. W.
[ śivakara ] m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 24 Arhats of the past Utsarpiṇī Lit. L.
शिवकर्णामृत [ śivakarṇāmṛta ] [ śivá-karṇāmṛta ] n. N. of wk.
शिवकर्णी [ śivakarṇī ] [ śivá-karṇī ] f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda Lit. MBh.
शिवकवच [ śivakavaca ] [ śivá-kavaca ] n. N. of various Kavacas ( q.v.) Lit. Cat.
शिवकाञ्ची [ śivakāñcī ] [ śivá-kāñcī ] f. N. of a town ( said to have been founded by Śaṃkara ; cf. [ viṣṇu-kāñcī ] ) Lit. Cat.
शिवकाञ्चीमाहात्म्य [ śivakāñcīmāhātmya ] [ śivá-kāñcī--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
शिवकान्ता [ śivakāntā ] [ śivá-kāntā ] f. " beloved of Skanda " , N. of Durgā Lit. L.
शिवकान्ती [ śivakāntī ] [ śivá-kāntī ] f. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.
शिवकामदुघा [ śivakāmadughā ] [ śivá-kāmadughā ] f. N. of a river Lit. ib.
शिवकारिणी [ śivakāriṇī ] [ śivá-kāriṇī ] f. N. of a form of Durgā Lit. ib.
शिवकिंकर [ śivakiṃkara ] [ śivá-kiṃkara ] m. " Śaṃkara's servant " , N. of an author Lit. ib.
शिवकीर्तन [ śivakīrtana ] [ śivá-kīrtana ] m. " Śaṃkara-praiser " , N. of Bhṛiṅgi or Bhṛiṅgarīṭa (one of Skanda's attendants) Lit. L.
N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
[ śivakīrtana ] n. the act of praising or celebrating Śaṃkara Lit. W.
शिवकुण्ड [ śivakuṇḍa ] [ śivá-kuṇḍa ] m. or n. (?) N. of a place Lit. Cat.
शिवकुसुमाञ्जलि [ śivakusumāñjali ] [ śivá-kusumāñjali ] m. N. of a Stotra.
शिवकृष्ण [ śivakṛṣṇa ] [ śivá-kṛṣṇa ] (?) m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
शिवकेशादिपादान्तवर्णनस्तोत्र [ śivakeśādipādāntavarṇanastotra ] [ śivá-keśādi-pādānta-varṇana-stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra.
शिवकेसर [ śivakesara ] [ śivá-kesara ] m. Mimusops Elengi Lit. L.
शिवकोपमुनि [ śivakopamuni ] [ śivá-kopa-muni ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
शिवकोश [ śivakośa ] [ śivá-kośa ] m. N. of a dictionary of synonyms of trees and medicinal plants by Śiva-datta.
शिवक्षेत्र [ śivakṣetra ] [ śivá-kṣetra ] n. a district sacred to Śaṃkara Lit. BhP.
N. of a partic. district Lit. Kathās.
शिवखण्ड [ śivakhaṇḍa ] [ śivá-khaṇḍa ] m. n. N. of a ch. of the Skanda Purāṇa.
शिवगङ्गा [ śivagaṅgā ] [ śivá-gaṅgā ] f. N. of a river
शिवगङ्गातीर्थ [ śivagaṅgātīrtha ] [ śivá-gaṅgā--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.
शिवगङ्गामाहात्म्य [ śivagaṅgāmāhātmya ] [ śivá-gaṅgā--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.