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प |
पाडलीपुर [ pāḍalīpura ] [ pāḍalī-pura ] n. = [ pāṭali-putra ] , Lit. Camp.
पाडिनी [ pāḍinī ] [ pāḍinī ] f. an earthen pot , a boiler Lit. L.
पाण [ pāṇa ] [ pāṇa ]1 m. (√ [ paṇ ] ) a stake at play Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ paṇa ] )
trade , traffic Lit. W.
praise Lit. W.
पाणि [ pāṇi ] [ pāṇi ]1 m. a place of sale , shop , market Lit. W.
पाण [ pāṇa ] [ pāṇa ]2 m. = [ pāṇi ] , the hand Lit. L.
पाणविक [ pāṇavika ] [ pāṇavika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ paṇava ] ) relating to a drum Lit. Kād.
[ pāṇavika ] m. a drummer Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 2 Sch.
a species of bird (belonging to the Pra-tuda class) Lit. Car.
पाणि [ pāṇi ] [ pāṇí ]2 m. ( said to be fr. √ [ paṇ ] ) the hand Lit. RV. (often ifc. = holding in the hand e.g. [ asi-p ] , holding a sword in the , sword in hand ; [ pāṇiṃ-√ grah ] or [ °ṇau-√ kṛ ] , to take the hand of a bride , marry ; [ °niṃ√ dā ] , to give the hand in marriage)
a hoof. Lit. RV. ii , 31 , 2
N. of Sch. on the Daśa-rūpaka Lit. Cat. ( Orig [ palni ] ; cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (palma) ; Angl.Sax. (folm) ; Germ. (fhlen) ; Eng. (feel) . )
पाणिकच्छपिका [ pāṇikacchapikā ] [ pāṇí -kacchapikā ] f. " hand-tortoise " , a partic. position of the fingers Lit. KālP.
पाणिकर्ण [ pāṇikarṇa ] [ pāṇí -karṇa ] m. " hand-eared " , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
पाणिकूर्चन् [ pāṇikūrcan ] [ pāṇí -kūrcan ] m. N. of one of the attendants of Skanda Lit. MBh.
पाणिकूर्चस् [ pāṇikūrcas ] [ pāṇí -kūrcas ] m. N. of one of the attendants of Skanda Lit. MBh.
पाणिखात [ pāṇikhāta ] [ pāṇí -khāta ] n. " dug with the hand " , N. of a sacred bathing-place Lit. MBh.
पाणिगत [ pāṇigata ] [ pāṇí -gata ] m. f. n. being in the hand or at hand , ready , present Lit. Naish.
पाणिगृहीत [ pāṇigṛhīta ] [ pāṇí -gṛhīta ] m. f. n. taken by the hand , married
[ pāṇigṛhīta ] f. . ( [ ā ] Lit. HPariś. or [ ī ] Lit. L.) a bride or wife.
पाणिग्रह [ pāṇigraha ] [ pāṇí -graha ] m. taking (the bride) by the hand , marriage. Lit. Var. Lit. Kathās. Lit. MW.
पाणिग्रहादिकृत्यविवेक [ pāṇigrahādikṛtyaviveka ] [ pāṇí -grahādi-kṛtya-viveka ] m. N. of wk.
पाणिग्रहण [ pāṇigrahaṇa ] [ pāṇí -grahaṇa ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) = [ -graha ] Lit. GṛS. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
पाणिग्रहणमन्त्र [ pāṇigrahaṇamantra ] [ pāṇí -grahaṇa--mantra ] m. a nuptial verse or hymn Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
पाणिग्रहणसंस्कार [ pāṇigrahaṇasaṃskāra ] [ pāṇí -grahaṇa--saṃskāra ] m. the ceremony of hand-taking Lit. Mn. iii , 43.
पाणिग्रहणिक [ pāṇigrahaṇika ] [ pāṇí -grahaṇika ] m. f. n. relating to marriage , nuptial Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
[ pāṇigrahaṇika ] n. a welding present Lit. MBh.
पाणिग्रहणीय [ pāṇigrahaṇīya ] [ pāṇí -grahaṇīya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Gobh.
[ pāṇigrahaṇīyā ] f. N. of Lit. RV. x , 85 36 Lit. ib.
पाणिग्रहीतृ [ pāṇigrahītṛ ] [ pāṇí -grahītṛ ] m. " hand-taker " , a bridegroom , husband Lit. MBh.
पाणिग्राह [ pāṇigrāha ] [ pāṇí -grāha ] m. id. Lit. ib. Lit. Mn. Lit. Gobh.
hand taking , marriage Lit. W.
[ pāṇigrāham ] ind. taking by the hand
पाणिग्राहवत् [ pāṇigrāhavat ] [ pāṇí -grāha--vat ] m. a bridegroom Lit. Sāy.
पाणिग्राहक [ pāṇigrāhaka ] [ pāṇí -grāhaka ] m. = [ -grahītṛ ] Lit. Daś.
पाणिघ [ pāṇigha ] [ pāṇí -gha ] m. " striking with the hand " , a drummer or one who plays upon any hand-instrument
a workman or handicraftsman Lit. L. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 55) .
पाणिघात [ pāṇighāta ] [ pāṇí -ghāta ] m. a blow with the hand Lit. Siddh.
a boxer Lit. W.
[ pāṇighātam ] ind. striking with the hand upon (acc.) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 37 Sch.
पाणिघ्न [ pāṇighna ] [ pāṇí -ghná ] m. one who clasps the hand Lit. VS.
पाणिचन्द्र [ pāṇicandra ] [ pāṇí -candra ] m. N. of a king Lit. Buddh.
पाणिचापल [ pāṇicāpala ] [ pāṇí -cāpala ] ( Lit. Gaut.) n. fidgeting with the hand , snapping the fingers
पाणिचापल्य [ pāṇicāpalya ] [ pāṇí -cāpalya ] ( Lit. Yājñ.) n. fidgeting with the hand , snapping the fingers
पाणिज [ pāṇija ] [ pāṇí -ja ] m. " hand-grown " , a finger-nail Lit. Gīt.
Unguis Odoratus Lit. L.
पाणितल [ pāṇitala ] [ pāṇí -tala ] n. the palm of the hand , Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
a partic. weight (= 2 Tolakas) Lit. L.
पाणिताल [ pāṇitāla ] [ pāṇí -tāla ] m. (in music) a partic. measure Lit. MBh.
पाणिधर्म [ pāṇidharma ] [ pāṇí -dharma ] m. form of marriage Lit. MBh.
पाणिंधम [ pāṇiṃdhama ] [ pāṇí -ṃ-dhama ] m. f. n. crowded (as a path , where a person blows into his hands to make a noise and attract notice) Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 37.
पाणिंधय [ pāṇiṃdhaya ] [ pāṇí -ṃ-dhaya ] m. f. n. drinking out of the hand's Lit. Vop.
पाणिपल्लव [ pāṇipallava ] [ pāṇí -pallava ] m. n. hand-twig , the fingers Lit. MW.
पाणिपात्र [ pāṇipātra ] [ pāṇí -pātra ] m. f. n. the hand as a drinking-vessel Lit. ĀruṇUp.
[ pāṇipātra ] m. f. n. drinking out of the hand Lit. Bhartṛ.
पाणिपादचपल [ pāṇipādacapala ] [ pāṇí -pāda--capala ] m. f. n. fidgeting with the hands and feet Lit. Mn. iv , 177.
पाणिपीडन [ pāṇipīḍana ] [ pāṇí -pīḍana ] n. pressing the hand (of a bride) , marriage Lit. Kāv. Lit. Hcat.
पाणिपुटक [ pāṇipuṭaka ] [ pāṇí -puṭaka ] m. or n. the hollow of the hand Lit. Kāv.
पाणिपूर [ pāṇipūra ] [ pāṇí -pūra ] m. f. n. filling the hand
पाणिपूरान्न [ pāṇipūrānna ] [ pāṇí -pūrānna ] n. a handful of food Lit. Yājñ.
पाणिप्रणयिन् [ pāṇipraṇayin ] [ pāṇí -praṇayin ] m. f. n. loved by (i.e. being or resting in) the hand ( [ °yi-tāṃ sam-upā-√ gam ] , to be taken in the hand) Lit. Rājat.
[ pāṇipraṇayinī ] f. a wife Lit. ib.
पाणिप्रदान [ pāṇipradāna ] [ pāṇí -pradāna ] n. giving the hand (in confirmation of a promise) Lit. R.
पाणिबन्ध [ pāṇibandha ] [ pāṇí -bandha ] m. junction of the hand (in marriage) Lit. MBh.
पाणिभुज् [ pāṇibhuj ] [ pāṇí -bhuj ] m. Ficus Glomerata Lit. L.
पाणिमत् [ pāṇimat ] [ pāṇí -mat ] m. f. n. possessed of hand Lit. MBh.
पाणिमर्द [ pāṇimarda ] [ pāṇí -marda ] m. " rubbing the hands (?) " , Carissa Carandas (= [ kara-m ] ) Lit. L.
[ pāṇimardam ] ind. by rubbing with the hand Lit. Car.
पाणिमानिका [ pāṇimānikā ] [ pāṇí -mānikā ] f. a partic. weight (= [ -tala ] ) , Lit. ŚārṅgS.
पाणिमित [ pāṇimita ] [ pāṇí -mita ] m. f. n. measured or measurable with the hand , very thin or slender (as a waist) Lit. Mālav.
पाणिमुक्त [ pāṇimukta ] [ pāṇí -mukta ] n. ( sc. [ astra ] ) a weapon thrown with the hand , a dart , spear Lit. L.
पाणिमुख [ pāṇimukha ] [ pāṇí -mukha ] m. f. n. whose mouth is the hand Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
पाणिमूल [ pāṇimūla ] [ pāṇí -mūla ] n. " hand-root " , the wrist Lit. L.
पाणिरुह् [ pāṇiruh ] [ pāṇí -ruh ] ni.= [ -ja ] Lit. L.
पाणिरुह [ pāṇiruha ] [ pāṇí -ruha ] ni.= [ -ja ] Lit. L.
पाणिरेखा [ pāṇirekhā ] [ pāṇí -rekhā ] f. a line on the hand Lit. MBh.
पाणिसंग्रह [ pāṇisaṃgraha ] [ pāṇí -saṃgraha ] m.
पाणिसंग्रहण [ pāṇisaṃgrahaṇa ] [ pāṇí -saṃgrahaṇa ] n. clasping the hand (in confirmation of a promise) Lit. R.
पाणिसंघट्टन [ pāṇisaṃghaṭṭana ] [ pāṇí -saṃghaṭṭana ] n. = [ -pīḍana ] Lit. Prasannar.
पाणिसर्ग्य [ pāṇisargya ] [ pāṇí -sargya ] m. f. n. twisted with the hand (as a rope) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 124 Vārtt. i Lit. Pat.
पाणिस्थ [ pāṇistha ] [ pāṇí -stha ] m. f. n. being or held in the hand Lit. Mn. iv , 74.
पाणिस्वनिक [ pāṇisvanika ] [ pāṇí -svanika ] m. one who clasps the hand together Lit. MBh.
पाणिहता [ pāṇihatā ] [ pāṇí -hatā ] f. ( sc. [ puṣ-kariṇī ] ) N. of a lake (which the gods created for Gautama Buddha with a stroke of the hand) Lit. Lalit.
पाणिक [ pāṇika ] [ pāṇika ] m. f. n. ifc. (f ( [ ā ] ) .) = [ pāṇi ] 2 , the hand Lit. Hcat.
[ pāṇika ] m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ kālika ] )
[ pāṇikā ] f. a kind of song or singing Lit. Yājñ.
a kind of spoon Lit. L.
पाणिन् [ pāṇin ] [ pāṇin ] m. f. n. ifc. = [ pāṇi ] 2 , the hand Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ pāṇin ] m. pl. N. of a family reckoned among the Kauśikas Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP.
पाणी [ pāṇī ] [ pāṇī ] in comp. for 2. [ pāṇi ] .
पाणीतल [ pāṇītala ] [ pāṇī-tala ] n. a partic. measure (= [ pāṇi-t ] ) Lit. L.
पाणौ [ pāṇau ] [ pāṇau ] loc. of 2. [ pāṇi ] in comp.
पाणौकरण [ pāṇaukaraṇa ] [ pāṇau-karaṇa ] n. the taking (of a bride) by the hand , marrying Lit. Naish.
पाण्य् [ pāṇy ] [ pāṇy ] in comp. for 2. [ pāṇi ] before vowels.
पाण्यास्य [ pāṇyāsya ] [ pāṇy-āsya ] m. f. n. = [ pāṇi-mukha ] , Lit. ŚaṅkhGṛ. Lit. Mn.
पाण्युपकर्षम् [ pāṇyupakarṣam ] [ pāṇy-upakarṣam ] ind. drawing near with the hand Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 49 Lit. Kāś.
पाण्युपघातम् [ pāṇyupaghātam ] [ pāṇy-upaghātam ] ind. = [ pāṇi-ghātam ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 37 Vārtt. 2 Lit. Pat.
पाण्य [ pāṇya ] [ pāṇyá ] m. f. n. ( for 2. see p.616) belonging to the hand Lit. ŚBr.
[ pāṇya ] m. patr. = [ kauṇḍinya ] Lit. Cat.
पाणिन [ pāṇina ] [ pāṇina ] m. patr. fr. [ paṇin ] , Pā. ; vi , Lit. 4 , 165 (prob. = next ; cf. iv , i , 166 Lit. Kāś. on ii , 4 , 21 and vi , 2 , 14) .
पाणिनि [ pāṇini ] [ pāṇini ] m. ( according to Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 95 patr. fr. [ pāṇina ] ) N. of the most eminent of all native Sanskṛit grammarians (he was the author of the [ aṣṭādhyāyī ] and supposed author of sev. other works , viz. the Dhātu-pāṭha , Gaṇa-pātha , Liṅgânuśāsana and Śikshā ; he was a Gāndhāra and a native of Śalātura , situated in the North-West near Attok and Peshawar ( see Lit. iv , 3 , 94 and Śālāturīya ) ; he lived after Gautama Buddha but B.C. and is regarded as an inspired Muni ; his grandfather's name was Devala and his mother's Dākshi ( see s.v. and Dāksheya ) )
of a poet (by some identified with the grammarian) .
पाणिनिकृति [ pāṇinikṛti ] [ pāṇini-kṛti ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 151 Sch.
पाणिनिदर्शन [ pāṇinidarśana ] [ pāṇini-darśana ] n. N. of ch. of Lit. Sarvad.
पाणिनिसूत्रवृत्ति [ pāṇinisūtravṛtti ] [ pāṇini-sūtra-vṛ́tti ] f.
पाणिनिव्याकरणदीपिका [ pāṇinivyākaraṇadīpikā ] [ pāṇini-vyākaraṇa-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
पाणिनिसूत्रवृत्त्यर्थसंग्रह [ pāṇinisūtravṛttyarthasaṃgraha ] [ pāṇini-sūtra-vṛtty-artha-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
पाणिनीय [ pāṇinīya ] [ pāṇinīya ] m. f. n. relating to Pāṇini , written or composed by Pāṇini
[ pāṇinīya ] m. a disciple or follower of Pāṇini (or Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 99 Sch.) and his grammar , iv , 2 , 64 Sch.
n. ( with or sc. [ vyākaraṇa ] ) the system or grammar of Pāṇini , iv , 2 , 66 ; 3 , 115 Sch. Lit. Śiś. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Hcat.
पाणिनीयमतदर्पण [ pāṇinīyamatadarpaṇa ] [ pāṇinīya-mata-darpaṇa ] m. N. of wk.
पाणिनीयलिङ्गानुशासन [ pāṇinīyaliṅgānuśāsana ] [ pāṇinīya-liṅgānuśāsana ] n. N. of wk.
पाणिनीयशीक्षा [ pāṇinīyaśīkṣā ] [ pāṇinīya-śīkṣā ] f. N. of wk.
पाणिनीयसूत्र [ pāṇinīyasūtra ] [ pāṇinīya-sūtra ] n. N. of wk.
पाणिनीयसूत्रसारकोश [ pāṇinīyasūtrasārakośa ] [ pāṇinīya-sūtra-sāra-kośa ] m. N. of wk.
पाणीतक [ pāṇītaka ] [ pāṇītaka ] m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.
pl. of a people Lit. VP. (v.l. [ karīti ] ) .
पाण्ट [ pāṇṭa ] [ pāṇṭa ] (prob.) w.r. for [ phāṇṭa ] Lit. Vait.
पाण्ड [ pāṇḍa ] [ pāṇḍa ] m. (f ( [ ī ] ) .) g. [ gaurādi ]
w.r. for [ pāṇḍya ] and [ pāṇḍu ] .
पाण्डराजयशोभूषण [ pāṇḍarājayaśobhūṣaṇa ] [ pāṇḍa-rāja-yaśo-bhūṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk. Lit. Cat. (w.r. for [ pāṇḍya-r ] ?)
पाण्डक [ pāṇḍaka ] [ pāṇḍaka ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. VāyuP.
पाण्डर [ pāṇḍara ] [ pāṇḍara ] [ pāṇḍava ] see under [ pāṇḍu ] .
पाण्डित्य [ pāṇḍitya ] [ pā́ṇḍitya ] n. ( fr. [ paṇḍita ] ) scholarship , erudition , learning , cleverness , skill , Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
पाण्डित्यदर्पण [ pāṇḍityadarpaṇa ] [ pā́ṇḍitya-darpaṇa ] m. N. of wk.
पाण्डु [ pāṇḍu ] [ pāṇḍú ] m. f. n. (√ [ paṇḍ ] ?) yellowish white , white , pale Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
jaundiced Lit. Car.
[ pāṇḍu ] m. jaundice Lit. Car.
pale or yellowish white colour Lit. W.
a white elephant Lit. L.
Trichosanthes Dioeca Lit. L.
a species of shrub Lit. L.
N. of a son of Vyāsa by the wife of Vicitra-vīrya and brother of Dhṛita-rāshṭra and Vidura (he was father of the five Pāṇḍavas) Lit. AV.Pariś. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Janam-ejaya and brother of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. MBh. i , 3745
of a son of Dhātri by Āyatī Lit. VP. (v.l. [ prāṇa ] )
of an attendant of Śiva Lit. L.
of a Nāgarāja Lit. L.
pl. of a people in Madhya-deśa Lit. VarBṛS. (v.l. [ pāṇḍya ] and [ °ḍva ] )
f. Glycine Debilis Lit. L.
पाण्डुकण्टक [ pāṇḍukaṇṭaka ] [ pāṇḍú-kaṇṭaka ] m. Achyranthes Aspera Lit. L.
पाण्डुकम्बल [ pāṇḍukambala ] [ pāṇḍú-kambala ] m. a white woollen covering or blanket , a warm upper garment Lit. R.
the housings of a royal elephant Lit. W.
a kind of stone Lit. L.
पाण्डुकम्बलशिला [ pāṇḍukambalaśilā ] [ pāṇḍú-kambala--śilā ] f. N. of a part of the heavenly Paradise Lit. Divyāv.
पाण्डुकम्बलसंवृत [ pāṇḍukambalasaṃvṛta ] [ pāṇḍú-kambala--saṃvṛta ] m. f. n. ( Lit. R.)
पाण्डुकम्बलिन् [ pāṇḍukambalin ] [ pāṇḍú-kambalin ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 11) covered or lined with a white woollen blanket.
पाण्डुकरण [ pāṇḍukaraṇa ] [ pāṇḍú-karaṇa ] n. (in med.) making or rending white Lit. Suśr.
पाण्डुकर्मन् [ pāṇḍukarman ] [ pāṇḍú-karman ] n. (in med.) making or rending white Lit. Suśr.
पाण्डुगात्र [ pāṇḍugātra ] [ pāṇḍú-gātra ] m. f. n. " pale-bodied " , pale white
पाण्डुगात्रता [ pāṇḍugātratā ] [ pāṇḍú-gātra--tā ] f. paleness Lit. Suśr.
पाण्डुच्छत्त्र [ pāṇḍucchattra ] [ pāṇḍú-cchattra ] Nom. P. [ °trati ] , to resemble a yellow umbrella Lit. Prasannar.
पाण्डुच्छाय [ pāṇḍucchāya ] [ pāṇḍú-cchāya ] m. f. n. white-coloured Lit. Megh.
पाण्डुतरु [ pāṇḍutaru ] [ pāṇḍú-taru ] m. Anogeissus Latifolia Lit. L.
पाण्डुतीर्थ [ pāṇḍutīrtha ] [ pāṇḍú-tīrtha ] n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Lit. ŚivaP.
पाण्डुदास [ pāṇḍudāsa ] [ pāṇḍú-dāsa ] m. N. of the patron of Śrī-dhara Lit. Cat.
पाण्डुदुकूल [ pāṇḍudukūla ] [ pāṇḍú-dukūla ] n. a white winding-sheet Lit. Lalit.
पाण्डुदुकूलसीवन [ pāṇḍudukūlasīvana ] [ pāṇḍú-dukūla--sīvana ] n. " sewing of the white winding-sheet " , N. of a place (where Gautama Buddha made a white-winding-sheet ) Lit. ib.
पाण्डुनाग [ pāṇḍunāga ] [ pāṇḍú-nāga ] m. a white elephant Lit. W.
Rottlera Tinctoria Lit. L.
पाण्डुपत्त्र [ pāṇḍupattra ] [ pāṇḍú-pattra ] n. a pale leaf ( [ °trodara ] n. a calyx of pale leaves) Lit. Śak.
[ pāṇḍupattra ] m. f. n. having pale leaves ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Var.
पाण्डुपत्त्रता [ pāṇḍupattratā ] [ pāṇḍú-pattra--tā ] f. , see [ pāṇḍupattra ]
पाण्डुपत्त्रोदर [ pāṇḍupattrodara ] [ pāṇḍú-pattrodara ] n. , see [ pāṇḍupattra ] , a calyx of pale leaves
पाण्डुपत्त्री [ pāṇḍupattrī ] [ pāṇḍú-pattrī ] f. a kind of fragrant substance Lit. L.
पाण्डुपत्नी [ pāṇḍupatnī ] [ pāṇḍú-patnī ] f. a kind of fragrant substance Lit. L.
पाण्डुपुत्र [ pāṇḍuputra ] [ pāṇḍú-putra ] m. a son of Pāṇḍu , any one of the Pāṇḍava princes Lit. MBh.
[ pāṇḍuputrī ] f. = [ -pattrī ] Lit. BhP.
पाण्डुपृष्ठ [ pāṇḍupṛṣṭha ] [ pāṇḍú-pṛṣṭha ] m. f. n. " white-backed " , having no distinguished mark on the body , one from whom nothing great is to be expected Lit. L.
पाण्डुफल [ pāṇḍuphala ] [ pāṇḍú-phala ] m. " having yellow fruit " , Trichosanthes Dioeca Lit. L.
[ pāṇḍuphalā ] f. a species of gourd Lit. L.
[ pāṇḍuphalī ] f. a species of shrub Lit. L.
पाण्डुभाव [ pāṇḍubhāva ] [ pāṇḍú-bhāva ] m. becoming yellowish-white Lit. Suśr.
पाण्डुभूम [ pāṇḍubhūma ] [ pāṇḍú-bhūma ] m. a whitish or chalky soil Lit. Yājñ. Sch.
[ pāṇḍubhūma ] m. f. n. = [ -mṛttika ] mfn. Lit. Vop.
पाण्डुमुख [ pāṇḍumukha ] [ pāṇḍú-mukha ] m. f. n. pale-faced Lit. Kathās.
पाण्डुमृत्तिक [ pāṇḍumṛttika ] [ pāṇḍú-mṛttika ] m. f. n. having a whitish or chalky soil Lit. R.
पाण्डुमृत्तिका [ pāṇḍumṛttikā ] [ pāṇḍú-mṛttikā ] f. = [ -bhūma ] m. Lit. L. ( also [ °ka ] ibc.)
पाण्डुमृद् [ pāṇḍumṛd ] [ pāṇḍú-mṛd ] f. chalky a chalky soil Lit. L.
पाण्डुरङ्ग [ pāṇḍuraṅga ] [ pāṇḍú-raṅga ] m. a kind of vegetable Lit. L.
N. of sev. authors Lit. Cat.
[ pāṇḍuraṅgā ] f. N. of a goddess (?) Lit. ib.
पाण्डुरङ्गमाहात्म्य [ pāṇḍuraṅgamāhātmya ] [ pāṇḍú-raṅga--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
पाण्डुरङ्गविट्ठलस्तोत्र [ pāṇḍuraṅgaviṭṭhalastotra ] [ pāṇḍú-raṅga--viṭṭhala-stotra ] n. N. of wk.
पाण्डुरङ्गाष्टक [ pāṇḍuraṅgāṣṭaka ] [ pāṇḍú-raṅgāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.
पाण्डुराग [ pāṇḍurāga ] [ pāṇḍú-rāga ] m. whiteness , pallor Lit. W.
Artemesia Indica Lit. L.
पाण्डुराष्ट्र [ pāṇḍurāṣṭra ] [ pāṇḍú-rāṣṭra ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ pāṃsu-r ] ) .
पाण्डुरोग [ pāṇḍuroga ] [ pāṇḍú-roga ] m. " yellow disease " , jaundice Lit. Var. Lit. Suśr.
पाण्डुरोगघ्न [ pāṇḍurogaghna ] [ pāṇḍú-roga--ghna ] m. f. n. destroying jaundice. Lit. Suśr.
पाण्डुरोगनाशन [ pāṇḍuroganāśana ] [ pāṇḍú-roga--nāśana ] m. f. n. destroying jaundice. Lit. Suśr.
पाण्डुरोगिन् [ pāṇḍurogin ] [ pāṇḍú-rogin ] m. f. n. jaundiced Lit. ib.
पाण्डुलेख [ pāṇḍulekha ] [ pāṇḍú-lekha ] n. an outline or sketch made with a style or with chalk Lit. Yājñ. Sch. Lit. L.
पाण्डुलेख्य [ pāṇḍulekhya ] [ pāṇḍú-lekhya ] n. an outline or sketch made with a style or with chalk Lit. Yājñ. Sch. Lit. L.
पाण्डुलोमपर्णी [ pāṇḍulomaparṇī ] [ pāṇḍú-loma-parṇī ] and ( Lit. Bhpr.) f. Glycine Debilis.
पाण्डुलोमशा [ pāṇḍulomaśā ] [ pāṇḍú-lomaśā ] and (L.) f. Glycine Debilis.
पाण्डुलोमा [ pāṇḍulomā ] [ pāṇḍú-lomā ]and (L.) f. Glycine Debilis.
पाण्डुलोब [ pāṇḍuloba ] [ pāṇḍú-loba ] n. " white metal " , silver Lit. Daś.
पाण्डुवर्ण [ pāṇḍuvarṇa ] [ pāṇḍú-varṇa ] m. f. n. white Lit. Nal.
[ pāṇḍuvarṇa ] m. whiteness Lit. W.
पाण्डुवर्मदेव [ pāṇḍuvarmadeva ] [ pāṇḍú-varma-deva ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Inscr.
पाण्डुशर्करा [ pāṇḍuśarkarā ] [ pāṇḍú-śarkarā ] f. light-coloured gravel (the disease) Lit. GāruḍaP.
पाण्डुशर्मिला [ pāṇḍuśarmilā ] [ pāṇḍú-śarmilā ] f. N. of Draupadī (the wife of the sons of Pāṇḍu) Lit. L.
पाण्डुसिकत [ pāṇḍusikata ] [ pāṇḍú-sikata ] m. f. n. strewn with white sand Lit. Śak. ii , 5.
पाण्डुसूदनरस [ pāṇḍusūdanarasa ] [ pāṇḍú-sūdana-rasa ] m. a partic. preparation made of quicksilver Lit. Rasêndrac.
पाण्डुसोपाक [ pāṇḍusopāka ] [ pāṇḍú-sopāka ] m. N. of a partic. mixed caste (the offspring of a Caṇḍāla by a Vaidehī mother) Lit. Mn. x , 37 ( cf. Lit. MBh. xiii , 2588) .
पाण्डुसौपाक [ pāṇḍusaupāka ] [ pāṇḍú-saupāka ] m. N. of a partic. mixed caste (the offspring of a Caṇḍāla by a Vaidehī mother) Lit. Mn. x , 37 ( cf. Lit. MBh. xiii , 2588) .
पाण्डर [ pāṇḍara ] [ pāṇḍara ] m. f. n. whitish-yellow , pale , white Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ -vāsas ] )
[ pāṇḍara ] m. a species of plant Lit. L.
N. of a mountain Lit. MārkP.
of a Naga ( also [ °raka ] ) Lit. MBh.
of a sect ( also [ °raka ] ) Lit. L.
[ pāṇḍarā ] f. N. of a Buddhist Śakti or female energy Lit. MWB. 216 ( cf. [ pāṇḍurā ] )
[ pāṇḍara ] n. a jasmine blossom Lit. L.
red chalk Lit. L.
पाण्डरदन्त [ pāṇḍaradanta ] [ pāṇḍara-danta ] m. f. n. having white teeth or tusks (elephant) Lit. R.
पाण्डरद्वरगोपुर [ pāṇḍaradvaragopura ] [ pāṇḍara-dvara-gopura ] m. f. n. having white doors and city gates Lit. MBh.
पाण्डरपुष्पिका [ pāṇḍarapuṣpikā ] [ pāṇḍara-puṣpikā ] f. a species of plant ( = [ śītalā ] ) Lit. L.
पाण्डरभिक्षु [ pāṇḍarabhikṣu ] [ pāṇḍara-bhikṣu ] m. " a white-robed mendicant " , N. of a partic. sect Lit. L.
पाण्डरवायस [ pāṇḍaravāyasa ] [ pāṇḍara-vāyasa ] m. a white crow (= something very rare) Lit. Kautukas.
पाण्डरवासस् [ pāṇḍaravāsas ] [ pāṇḍara-vāsas ] ( [ pā́ ] ) m. f. n. white-robed Lit. ŚBr.
पाण्डरवासिन् [ pāṇḍaravāsin ] [ pāṇḍara-vāsin ] m. f. n. id. ( v.l. [ pāṇḍura-v ] )
[ pāṇḍaravāsinī ] f. N. of a Lit. Buddh. Tantra deity Lit. L.
पाण्डरेतर [ pāṇḍaretara ] [ pāṇḍaretara ] m. f. n. " other than white " , black , dark
पाण्डरेतरवासस् [ pāṇḍaretaravāsas ] [ pāṇḍaretara--vāsas ] m. f. n. dark-robed Lit. Suśr.
पाण्डल [ pāṇḍala ] [ pāṇḍala ] prob. = [ °ḍara ] in comp
पाण्डलमेघा [ pāṇḍalameghā ] [ pāṇḍala-meghā ] f. N. of a serpent-maid Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
पाण्डव [ pāṇḍava ] [ pāṇḍava ] m. a son or descendant of Pāṇḍu or a partisan of the Pāṇḍavas
(pl.) the 5 reputed sons of Pāṇḍu (Yudhi-shṭhira , Bhīma , Arjuna , Nakula and Saha-deva ; cf. Kuntī and Mādrī) or their adherents Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
N. of a mountain Lit. Lalit.
of a country Lit. Cat.
[ pāṇḍava ] m. f. n. belonging to or connected with the Pāṇḍavas Lit. MBh.
पाण्डवकुलप्रसूत [ pāṇḍavakulaprasūta ] [ pāṇḍava-kulá-prasūta ] m. f. n. born from the race of the Pāṇḍavas Lit. Lalit.
पाण्डवगीता [ pāṇḍavagītā ] [ pāṇḍava-gītā ] f.
पाण्डवचरित [ pāṇḍavacarita ] [ pāṇḍava-carita ] n. N. of 2 poems.
पाण्डवनकुल [ pāṇḍavanakula ] [ pāṇḍava-nakula ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
पाण्डवपुराण [ pāṇḍavapurāṇa ] [ pāṇḍava-purāṇa ] n. N. of a Lit. Pur.
पाण्डवप्रताप [ pāṇḍavapratāpa ] [ pāṇḍava-pratāpa ] m. N. of a poem (in Prākṛit) by Śrīdhara.
पाण्डववह्नि [ pāṇḍavavahni ] [ pāṇḍava-vahni ] m. pl. " the Pāṇḍava fires " , N. of the 3 elder sons of Paṇḍu ( " kindled on the Araṇi i.e. Pṛithi or Kuntī " ; cf. [ pāṇḍavāraṇi ] and [ pṛthāraṇi ] ) Lit. MW.
पाण्डवश्रेष्ठ [ pāṇḍavaśreṣṭha ] [ pāṇḍava-śreṣṭha ] m. " best of the sons of Pāṇḍu " , N. of Yudhi-shṭhira Lit. MBh.
पाण्डवानन्द [ pāṇḍavānanda ] [ pāṇḍavānanda ] m. N. of a drama.
पाण्डवानीक [ pāṇḍavānīka ] [ pāṇḍavānīka ] n. the army of the Pāṇḍavas Lit. Bhag.
पाण्डवाभील [ pāṇḍavābhīla ] [ pāṇḍavābhīla ] m. N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. L.
पाण्डवाभ्युदय [ pāṇḍavābhyudaya ] [ pāṇḍavābhyudaya ] m. N. of a Chāyā-nāṭaka by Rāma-deva.
पाण्डवारणि [ pāṇḍavāraṇi ] [ pāṇḍavāraṇi ] f. the Araṇi or mother of the Pāṇḍavas Lit. VP. ( cf. [ °va-vahni ] ) .
पाण्डवायन [ pāṇḍavāyana ] [ pāṇḍavāyana ] m. (pl.) the children of Pāṇḍu Lit. L.
(sg.) " friend of the Pāṇḍavas " , N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. L.
पाण्डविक [ pāṇḍavika ] [ pāṇḍavika ] m. a kind of sparrow Lit. L.
पाण्डवीय [ pāṇḍavīya ] [ pāṇḍavīya ] m. f. n. = [ pāṇḍava ] mfn. Lit. MBh.
पाण्डवेय [ pāṇḍaveya ] [ pāṇḍaveya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
[ pāṇḍaveya ] m. a son of Pāṇḍu or an adherent of the Pāṇḍavas Lit. ib.
पाण्डुक [ pāṇḍuka ] [ pāṇḍuka ] m. f. n. = [ pāṇḍu ] Lit. L.
[ pāṇḍuka ] m. a pale or yellowish-white colour Lit. W.
jaundice Lit. L.
a species of rice Lit. Suśr. ( cf. [ °ḍūka ] )
(with Jainas) N. of one of the 9 treasures
N. of a son of Janam-ejaya and brother of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. L.
n. N. of a forest Lit. Śatr.
पाण्डुकिन् [ pāṇḍukin ] [ pāṇḍukin ] m. f. n. jaundiced Lit. Suśr.
पाण्डुर [ pāṇḍura ] [ pāṇḍura ] m. f. n. whitish , white , pale , yellow Lit. R. Lit. Var. Lit. Suśr.
[ pāṇḍura ] m. a form of jaundice Lit. L.
Anogeissus Latifolia Lit. L.
an Andropogon with white flowers Lit. L.
N. of one of the attendants of Skanda Lit. MBh.
[ pāṇḍurā ] f. Glycine Debilis Lit. L.
[ pāṇḍura ] m. of a Buddhist deity Lit. Dharmas. iv ( cf. [ pāṇḍarā ] )
n. the white leprosy , vitiligo Lit. L.
पाण्डुरता [ pāṇḍuratā ] [ pāṇḍura-tā ] f. white colour , whiteness Lit. Pañc.
पाण्डुरद्रुम [ pāṇḍuradruma ] [ pāṇḍura-druma ] m. Wrightia Antidysenterica Lit. Bhpr.
पाण्डुरपृष्ठ [ pāṇḍurapṛṣṭha ] [ pāṇḍura-pṛṣṭha ] m. f. n. = [ pāṇḍu-p ] Lit. L.
पाण्डुरफली [ pāṇḍuraphalī ] [ pāṇḍura-phalī ] f. a species of shrub Lit. L.
पाण्डुरवासिन् [ pāṇḍuravāsin ] [ pāṇḍura-vāsin ] m. f. n. white-robed Lit. MBh.
पाण्डुरेक्षु [ pāṇḍurekṣu ] [ pāṇḍurekṣu ] m. a kind of sugar-cane Lit. L.
पाण्डुरक [ pāṇḍuraka ] [ pāṇḍuraka ] m. f. n. whitish Lit. DivyA7v.
पाण्डुरय [ pāṇḍuraya ] [ pāṇḍuraya ] Nom. P. [ yati ] , to colour white , Lit. Vāsav.
पाण्डुरित [ pāṇḍurita ] [ pāṇḍurita ] m. f. n. white-coloured Lit. Kād.
पाण्डुरिमन् [ pāṇḍuriman ] [ pāṇḍuriman ] m. white colour Lit. Naish.
पाण्डुरीकरण [ pāṇḍurīkaraṇa ] [ pāṇḍurī-karaṇa ] n. colouring white Lit. Vcar.
पाण्डुरीकरणकृ [ pāṇḍurīkaraṇakṛ ] [ pāṇḍurī-karaṇa-√ kṛ ] to colour white Lit. Kād.
पाण्डूक [ pāṇḍūka ] [ pāṇḍūka ] m. a species of rice Lit. Var. ( cf. [ pāṇḍuka ] ) .
पाण्ड्य [ pāṇḍya ] [ pāṇḍya ] m. pl. N. of a people and country in the Dekhan (also v.l. for [ pāṇḍu ] , m. pl. a people in Madhya-deśa) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
(sg.) a prince of the Pāṇḍyas Lit. ib. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 168 , Vārtt. 3 Lit. Pat.)
N. of a son of Ākrīḍa Lit. Hariv.
of the mountain range in the country of the Pāṇḍyas Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
पाण्ड्यदेश [ pāṇḍyadeśa ] [ pāṇḍya-deśa ] m. the country of the Pāṇḍyas , Lit. Nīlak.
पाण्ड्यनरेश्वर [ pāṇḍyanareśvara ] [ pāṇḍya-nareśvara ] m. a king or sovereign of the Pāṇḍyas Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
पाण्ड्यनाथ [ pāṇḍyanātha ] [ pāṇḍya-nātha ] m. a king or sovereign of the Pāṇḍyas Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
पाण्ड्यराज [ pāṇḍyarāja ] [ pāṇḍya-rāja ] m. a king or sovereign of the Pāṇḍyas Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
पाण्ड्यराष्ट्राधिप [ pāṇḍyarāṣṭrādhipa ] [ pāṇḍya-rāṣṭrādhipa ] m. a king or sovereign of the Pāṇḍyas Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
पाण्ड्यवाट [ pāṇḍyavāṭa ] [ pāṇḍya-vāṭa ] m. or n. N. of a district in which pearls are found Lit. Var.
पाण्ड्यवाटक [ pāṇḍyavāṭaka ] [ pāṇḍya-vāṭaka ] m. f. n. situated in this district Lit. ib.
पाण्ड्व् [ pāṇḍv ] [ pāṇḍv ] in comp. for [ pāṇḍu ] before vowels.
पाण्ड्वरिरस [ pāṇḍvarirasa ] [ pāṇḍv-ari-rasa ] m. N. of a partic. medicinal preparation Lit. L.
पाण्ड्ववभास [ pāṇḍvavabhāsa ] [ pāṇḍv-avabhāsa ] m. f. n. appearing or looking pale Lit. Suśr.
पाण्ड्वामय [ pāṇḍvāmaya ] [ pāṇḍv-āmaya ] m. " yellow-disease " , jaundice Lit. Suśr.
पाण्ड्वामयिन् [ pāṇḍvāmayin ] [ pāṇḍv-āmayin ] m. f. n. jaundiced Lit. ib. Lit. Car.
पाण्ड्वार्ति [ pāṇḍvārti ] [ pāṇḍv-ārti ] f. = [ -āmaya ] Lit. Car.
पाण्ड्व [ pāṇḍva ] [ pāṇḍvá ] n. an uncoloured woollen garment Lit. ŚBr.
[ pāṇḍva ] m. pl. N. of a people in Madhya-deśa ( v.r. for [ pāṇḍu ] and [ °ḍya ] ) Lit. Var.
पाण्य [ pāṇya ] [ pāṇya ]2 m. f. n. (√ [ paṇ ] ) praiseworthy , excellent Lit. L. ( For i. see p. 615 , col. 3.)
पात [ pāta ] [ pāta ]2 m. ( for 1. see under √ 3. [ pā ] ) flying , mode of flying , flight Lit. MBh.
throwing one's self or falling into (loc.) or from (abl.) , fall , downfall (also ifc. after what would be a gen. or abl. e.g. , [ gṛha- ] , fall of a house ; [ parvata- ] , fall from a mountain ; [ bhū- ] , fall on the earth) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
alighting , descending or causing to descend , casting or throwing upon , cast , fall (of a thunderbolt) , throw , shot Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat.
a stroke (of a sword ) Lit. Kathās.
application (of ointment , of a knife ) Lit. Kāvyâd.
casting or directing (a look or glance of the eyes) Lit. Ragh.
decay of the body ( [ deha-pāta ] ) , death Lit. Kathās. Lit. Bādar.
( with [ garbhasya ] ) fall of the fetus , miscarriage Lit. Suśr.
an attack , incursion Lit. Var.
a case , possibility , Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
happening , occurrence , appearance Lit. Prab. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Daśar.
a fault , error , mistake Lit. Sūryas.
the node in a planet's orbit Lit. ib. ( cf. Lit. IW. 179)
a malignant aspect Lit. ib.
N. of Rāhu Lit. L.
pl. N. of a school of the Yajur-veda Lit. ib.
पातभेद [ pātabheda ] [ pāta-bheda ] m. = [ tāla-kāla-kriyāviśeṣa ] Lit. L.
पातसारिणी [ pātasāriṇī ] [ pāta-sāriṇī ] f. N. of wk.
पाताण्डिनीय [ pātāṇḍinīya ] [ pātāṇḍinīya ] ( fr. [ pāta ] +?) N. of a school of the Yajur-veda Lit. Aryav.
पाताधिकारोदाहरन [ pātādhikārodāharana ] [ pātādhikārodāharana ] n. N. of wk.
पातक [ pātaka ] [ pātaka ] m. f. n. causing to fall (see [ garbha- ] )
[ pātaka ] n. (rarely m. ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) , " that which causes to fall or sink " , sin , crime , loss of caste Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
पातकयोग [ pātakayoga ] [ pātaka-yoga ] m. incurring guilt , acting sinfully Lit. W.
पातकिन् [ pātakin ] [ pātakin ] m. f. n. guilty of a crime , wicked , sinful , a sinner ( [ °ki-tva ] n. ) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
पातकित्व [ pātakitva ] [ pātaki-tva ] n. , see [ pātakin ]
पातन [ pātana ] [ pātana ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) causing to fall , felling , laying low , striking off or down ( with gen. or ifc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. MārkP.
[ pātana ] n. the act of causing to fall
lowering , humbling Lit. W.
the act of casting (as dice or a glance of the eyes) Lit. Kathās. ( cf. [ akṣa- ] )
( with [ daṇḍasya ] ) causing the rod to fall , chastising , punishing Lit. Mn.
( with [ garbhasya ] ) causing the fall of the fetus or abortion Lit. Yājñ.
( with [ jalaukasām ] ) application of leeches Lit. Suśr.
removing , bringing away Lit. ib.
causing to fall asunder , dividing Lit. Śaṃk.
N. of a partic. process to which minerals (esp. quicksilver) are subjected Lit. Sarvad.
पातनिका [ pātanikā ] [ pātanikā ] f. fitness , correspondence , Bhāmatī.
पातनीय [ pātanīya ] [ pātanīya ] m. f. n. to be caused to fall upon , to be thrown or shot at (loc.) Lit. Śak. i , 10 (v.l.)
पातयितृ [ pātayitṛ ] [ pātayitṛ ] m. f. n. one who causes to fall , thrower of (dice ) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 10 Sch.
पाताल [ pātāla ] [ pātāla ] n. (rarely m. ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; perhaps fr. 2. [ pāta ] as [ antarāla ] fr. [ antar ] ; cf. Lit. Uṇ. i , 116) one of the 7 regions under the earth and the abode of the Nāgas or serpents and demons ( cf. Lit. RTL. 102 n. 1 ; sometimes used as a general N. for the lower regions or hells ; in Lit. MBh. also N. of a town in the serpent-world) Lit. AruṇUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
an excavation , hole in the earth Lit. MBh.
she submarine fire Lit. L.
(in astrol.) the fourth house Lit. Var.
N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.
[ pātāla ] m. = [ yantra ] blow Lit. L.
(in astron.) N. of Jupiter's year of 361 days
(in music) a kind of measure
N. of the attendant of the 14th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī.
पातालकेतु [ pātālaketu ] [ pātāla-ketu ] m. N. of a Daitya prince Lit. Prab.
पातालखण्ड [ pātālakhaṇḍa ] [ pātāla-khaṇḍa ] m. or n. N. of ch. of Lit. SkandaP.
पातालगङ्गा [ pātālagaṅgā ] [ pātāla-gaṅgā ] f. the Ganges which flows through Pātāla Lit. MW.
पातालगरुडाह्वय [ pātālagaruḍāhvaya ] [ pātāla-garuḍāhvaya ] m.
पातालगरुडी [ pātālagaruḍī ] [ pātāla-garuḍī ] f. a species of creeper Lit. Bhpr. Lit. L.
पातालतल [ pātālatala ] [ pātāla-tala ] n. the bottom of Pātāla ( [ °lam ] ind. down to Pātāla) Lit. Hcar.
[ pātālatalam ] ind. , see [ pātālatala ] , down to Pātāla
पातालनगरी [ pātālanagarī ] [ pātāla-nagarī ] f. a town in Pātāla Lit. Kathās.
पातालनिलय [ pātālanilaya ] [ pātāla-nilaya ] m. an inhabitant of Pātāla , an Asura Lit. L.
a serpent Lit. L.
पातालप्रस्थ [ pātālaprastha ] [ pātāla-prastha ] n. N. of a village of the Bāhīkas ( [ °thika ] mfn. ) Lit. Pat.
पातालप्रस्थिक [ pātālaprasthika ] [ pātāla-prasthika ] m. f. n. , see [ pātālaprastha ]
पातालभोगिवर्ग [ pātālabhogivarga ] [ pātāla-bhogi-varga ] m. N. of ch. of Amara-siṃha.
पातालयन्त्र [ pātālayantra ] [ pātāla-yantra ] n. a sort of apparatus for distillation or for calcining and subliming metals Lit. L.
पातालवर्णन [ pātālavarṇana ] [ pātāla-varṇana ] n. " description of Pātāla " N. of ch. of the Pātāla-khaṇḍa.
पातालवासिन् [ pātālavāsin ] [ pātāla-vāsin ] m. = [ -nilaya ] Lit. MW.
पातालविजय [ pātālavijaya ] [ pātāla-vijaya ] m. " victory over Pātāla " N. of a poem.
पातालौकस् [ pātālaukas ] [ pātālaukas ] m. an inhabitant of Pātāla , an Asura Lit. L.
पातिक [ pātika ] [ pātika ] m. Delphinus Gangeticus Lit. L.
पातित [ pātita ] [ pātita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) made to fall , felled , struck down , lowered , depressed , overthrown Lit. R. Lit. Kālid.
पातित्य [ pātitya ] [ pātitya ] n. ( fr. [ patita ] ) loss of position or caste , degradation Lit. Pur. Lit. Kull.
पातिन् [ pātin ] [ pātin ] m. f. n. flying Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
falling , sinking Lit. Megh. Lit. Kathās.
rising , appearing Lit. Kathās.
being in ( cf. [ antaḥ- ] and [ eka- ] )
causing to fall , throwing down , emitting (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Var. Lit. Rājat.
पातुक [ pātuka ] [ pātuka ] m. f. n. falling or apt to fall (= [ patanaśīla ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 154)
falling down Lit. Śiś. iii , 3
losing caste or going to the lower regions Lit. MBh. xii , 3444
[ pātuka ] m. a precipice Lit. L.
an aquatic animal (= [ jalahastin ] ) Lit. L.
N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
पात्य [ pātya ] [ pātya ]1 m. f. n. to be felled or caused to fall
to be inflicted or imposed (as a penalty) Lit. R.
पातंग [ pātaṃga ] [ pātaṃga ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ pataṃ-ga ] ) belonging to or peculiar to a grasshopper or moth Lit. Rājat.
brown Lit. MBh. vi , 422.
पातंगि [ pātaṃgi ] [ pātaṃgi ] m. " the son of the Sun " , N. of the Planet Saturn Lit. Var. Sch.
पातञ्जल [ pātañjala ] [ pātañjala ] m. f. n. composed by Patañjali
[ pātañjala ] m. a follower of the Yoga system of Patañjali Lit. Cat.
n. the Yoga system of Patañjali Lit. ib. , ( also [ °līya ] n. )
n. the Mahā-bhāshya of Patañjali Lit. ib.
पातञ्जलतन्त्र [ pātañjalatantra ] [ pātañjala-tantra ] n.
पातञ्जलदर्शन [ pātañjaladarśana ] [ pātañjala-darśana ] n.
पातञ्जलभाष्य [ pātañjalabhāṣya ] [ pātañjala-bhāṣya ] n. ( [ -varttika ] n. ) N. of wk.
पातञ्जलभाष्यवर्त्तिक [ pātañjalabhāṣyavarttika ] [ pātañjala-bhāṣya--varttika ] n. , see [ pātañjalabhāṣya ]
पातञ्जलरहस्य [ pātañjalarahasya ] [ pātañjala-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
पातञ्जलसूत्रभाष्यव्यख्या [ pātañjalasūtrabhāṣyavyakhyā ] [ pātañjala-sūtra-bhāṣya-vyakhyā ] f. N. of wk.
पातञ्जलसूत्रवृत्तिभाष्यच्छायाव्याख्या [ pātañjalasūtravṛttibhāṣyacchāyāvyākhyā ] [ pātañjala-sūtra-vṛtti-bhāṣya-cchāyā-vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.
पातञ्जलीय [ pātañjalīya ] [ pātañjalīya ] n. , see [ pātañjala ] , the Yoga system of Patañjali
पातञ्जलि [ pātañjali ] [ pātañjali ] m. v.l. for [ pat ]
पातत्रिण [ pātatriṇa ] [ pātatriṇa ] m. f. n. containing the word [ patatrin ] g. [ vimuktādi ] .
पातानप्रस्थ [ pātānaprastha ] [ pātāna-prastha ] N. of a village, Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. iv, 2, 104, Vārtt. 26.
पातल्य [ pātalya ] [ pātalyá ] n. du. a partic. part of a carriage (= [ kīlaka ] Lit. Sāy.) Lit. RV. iii , 53 , 7.
पातसाक [ pātasāka ] [ pātasāka ] m. = $ , a king Lit. Cat.
पाति [ pāti ] [ pāti ] m. = [ pati ] , a master , lord , husband Lit. Uṇ. v , 5 Sch.
पातिव्रत्य [ pātivratya ] [ pātivratya ] n. ( fr. [ pati-vratā ] ) devotedness to a husband , conjugal fidelity Lit. BhP.
पात्नी [ pātnī ] [ pātnī ] Vṛddhi form of [ patnī ] ( f. of [ pati ] ) in comp.
पात्नीवत [ pātnīvata ] [ pātnī-vatá ] m. f. n. belonging to Agni [ patnī-vat ] (s.v.) Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
containing the word [ patnil-vat ] Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
पात्नीशाल [ pātnīśāla ] [ pātnī-śāla ] m. f. n. being in the [ patnī-śālā ] (s.v.) , Lit. Lāṭy.
पात्य [ pātya ] [ pātya ]2 n. ( for f. see above ) dominion Lit. MBh.
पातिली [ pātilī ] [ pātilī ] f. ( only Lit. L. ; fr. √ [ pat ] ?) , a trap or snare for catching deer
a small earthen pot (used by mendicants)
a woman of a partic. class.
पातु [ pātu ] [ pātu ] m. a protector, Lit. L.
N. of Brahmā, ib.
पातृ [ pātṛ ] [ pātṛ ]3 m. ( for 1. 2. see under √ 1. and √ 3. [ pā ] ) a species of Ocimum Lit. L.
पात्तिगणक [ pāttigaṇaka ] [ pāttigaṇaka ] n. fr. [ patti-gaṇaka ] g. [ udgātr-ādi ] .
पात्त्रिक्य [ pāttrikya ] [ pāttrikya ] n. ( fr. [ pattrika ] ) g. [ purohitādi ] ( Lit. Kāś.)
पात्र [ pātra ] [ pātra ]1 2 see √ 1. and √ 3. [ pā ] .
पात्रट [ pātraṭa ] [ pātraṭa ] m. f. n. spare , thin Lit. L.
[ pātraṭa ] m. a ragged garment ( [ karpaṭa ] ) or a cup , pot ( [ karpara ] ) Lit. L.
पाथ [ pātha ] [ pātha ] m. = [ patha ] g. [ jvalādi ]
fire Lit. L.
the sun Lit. L.
N. of 2 Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
पाथस् [ pāthas ] [ pā́thas ] n. a spot , place Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
food Lit. Nir. viii , 17 air Lit. ib. vi , 7
water Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.
पाथस्पति [ pāthaspati ] [ pā́thas-pati ] m. " lord of the water " , N. of Varuṇa Lit. Kathās.
पाथि [ pāthi ] [ pāthi ] m. the sun, Lit. L.
पाथिक [ pāthika ] [ pāthika ] m.
पाथिक्य [ pāthikya ] [ pāthikya ] n. ( fr. [ pathika ] ) g. [ śivādi ] and [ purohitādi ] .
पाथिकार्य [ pāthikārya ] [ pāthikārya ] m. patr. fr. [ patki-kara ] g. [ kurv-ādi ] .
पाथिकृती [ pāthikṛtī ] [ pāthikṛtī ] f. (scil. [ iṣṭi ] ) a sacrifice to Agni Pathi-kṛit, Lit. HirP.
पाथिस् [ pāthis ] [ pā́this ] n. = [ pāthas ] Lit. KapS. ( [ °thas ] Lit. MaitrS.)
= [ kīlāla ] Lit. L.
[ pāthis ] n. the sea or the eye Lit. Uṇ. ii , 115 Sch.
पाथेय [ pātheya ] [ pātheya ] n. ( fr. [ pathin ] ) provender or provisions for a journey , viaticum Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
= [ pāthona ] Lit. Jyot.
पाथेयवत् [ pātheyavat ] [ pātheya-vat ] m. f. n. furnished with provisions for a journey , provisioned Lit. Megh.
पाथेयश्राद्ध [ pātheyaśrāddha ] [ pātheya-śrāddha ] n. a kind of meal at a Śrāddha Lit. Cat.
पाथेयक [ pātheyaka ] [ pātheyaka ] m. f. n. g. [ dhūmādi ] .
पाथो [ pātho ] [ pātho ] in comp. for [ °thas ] .
पाथोज [ pāthoja ] [ pātho-ja ] n. " water-born " , a lotus Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.
पाथोजिनी [ pāthojinī ] [ pātho-jinī ] f. the lotus-plant Lit. Prasannar.
पाथोद [ pāthoda ] [ pātho-da ] and m. " water-giver and -holder " , a cloud Lit. Vcar.
पाथोधर [ pāthodhara ] [ pātho-dhara ]and m. " water-giver and -holder " , a cloud Lit. Vcar.
पाथोधि [ pāthodhi ] [ pātho-dhi ] m. " water-receptacle " , the sea Lit. ib.
पाथोनाथ [ pāthonātha ] [ pātho-nātha ] m. = [ pāthas-pati ] Lit. Mcar.
पाथोनिधि [ pāthonidhi ] [ pātho-nidhi ] m. = [ -dhi ] Lit. L.
पाथोभाज् [ pāthobhāj ] [ pātho-bhāj ] m. f. n. possessing room or space , Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
पाथोरुह [ pāthoruha ] [ pātho-ruha ] n. " water-grown " , a lotus Lit. L.
पाथ्य [ pāthya ] [ pāthyá ] m. f. n. (prob.) being in the air , heavenly Lit. RV. vi , 16 , 15 (N. of a Ṛishi Lit. Sāy.)
पाथोन [ pāthona ] [ pāthona ] m. (fr. Gk. 1) the sign of the zodiac Virgo Lit. Var. (cf. [ pārthona ] ) .
पाथ्न्य [ pāthnya ] [ pāthnya ] m. a patr. of Dadhīca Lit. Kāṭh.
पाद [ pāda ] [ pāda ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . , rarely f ( [ ī ] ) .) the foot (of men and animals) Lit. RV. (the pl. sometimes added to proper names or titles in token of respect e.g. [ deva-pādāḥ ] , " the king's majesty " Lit. Pañc. ; [ nārāyaṇap ] , " the venerable Nārāyaṇa " Lit. Sāh. ; [ pādaiḥ ] ind. on foot ( said of several persons ) . Lit. R. ; [ °dayoḥ ] and [ °de-√ pat ] , to fall at a person's ( gen. ) feet Lit. Kāv. Lit. Hit) ( 617,1 )
the foot or leg of an inanimate object , column , pillar Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
a wheel Lit. Śiś. xii , 21
a foot as a measure (= 12 Aṅgulas) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. MārkP.
the foot or root of a tree Lit. Var.
the foot or a hill at the foot of a mountain Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
the bottom ( [ dṛteh pādāt ] , " from the bottom of a bag " v.l. [ pātrāt ] ) Lit. MBh. v , 1047
a ray or beam of light (considered as the foot of a heavenly body) Lit. ib.
a quarter , a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (pl. the 4 parts i.e. all things required for ( gen. ) Lit. Suśr.)
the quadrant (of a circle) Lit. Āryabh. Sch.
a verse or line (as the fourth part of a regular stanza) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Prāt.
the caesura of a verse Lit. AgP. , the chapter of a book (orig. only of a book or section of a book consisting of 4 parts , as the Adhyāyas of Pāṇini's grammar) .
[ pādaiḥ ] ind. , see [ pāda ] , on foot ( said of several persons ) . Lit. R.
पादकटक [ pādakaṭaka ] [ pāda-kaṭaka ] m. n.
पादकीलिका [ pādakīlikā ] [ pāda-kīlikā ] f. a foot-ring or ornament , anklet.
पादकुठारिका [ pādakuṭhārikā ] [ pāda-kuṭhārikā ] f. a partic. position of the feet Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
पादकुल [ pādakula ] [ pāda-kula ] n. (prob.) a family of attendants, Lit. Inscr.
पादकृच्छ्र [ pādakṛcchra ] [ pāda-kṛcchra ] m. " quarter-penance " , a sort of position (eating and fasting on alternate nights) Lit. Yājñ.
पादक्षेप [ pādakṣepa ] [ pāda-kṣepa ] m. a kick with the foot Lit. Hariv.
पादगण्डिर [ pādagaṇḍira ] [ pāda-gaṇḍira ] m. swelling of the legs and feet Lit. L.
पादगृह्य [ pādagṛhya ] [ pāda-gṛhya ] ind. seizing by the foot Lit. RV.
पादग्रन्थि [ pādagranthi ] [ pāda-granthi ] m. " foot-knot " , the ankle Lit. L.
पादग्रहण [ pādagrahaṇa ] [ pāda-grahaṇa ] n. laying hold of or clasping the feet (of a Brāhman or superior , as a mark of respectful salutation) Lit. Mn. Lit. Kum.
पादघृत [ pādaghṛta ] [ pāda-ghṛta ] n. melted butter for anointing the foot Lit. MBh.
पादचतुर [ pādacatura ] [ pāda-catura ] m. ( Lit. L.) a slanderer
a goat
a sand-bank
Ficus Religiosa.
पादचत्वर [ pādacatvara ] [ pāda-catvara ] m. ( Lit. L.) a slanderer
a goat
a sand-bank
Ficus Religiosa.
पादचापल [ pādacāpala ] [ pāda-cāpala ] Lit. Gaut. n. carelessness in placing the feet.
पादचापल्य [ pādacāpalya ] [ pāda-cāpalya ] ( Lit. Yājñ.) n. carelessness in placing the feet.
पादचार [ pādacāra ] [ pāda-cāra ] m. f. n. going on foot , walking Lit. Ragh.
[ pādacāra ] m. a foot-soldier Lit. Uttarar.
m. walking on foot ( [ °reṇa ] ind. on foot) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kālid.
m. the daily position of the planets Lit. W.
N. of wk.
[ pādacāreṇa ] ind. , see [ pādacāra ] , on foot
पादचारिन् [ pādacārin ] [ pāda-cārin ] m. f. n. going or fighting on foot , having feet , walking , moving Lit. BhP. Lit. Jātakam.
[ pādacārin ] m. a pedestrian , foot-soldier Lit. Kathās.
पादचिह्न [ pādacihna ] [ pāda-cihna ] n. foot-mark , foot-print Lit. MW.
पादच्छेदन [ pādacchedana ] [ pāda-cchedana ] n. cutting off a foot Lit. Mn. viii , 280.
पादज [ pādaja ] [ pāda-ja ] m. " born from the foot (of Brahmā) " , a Śūdra Lit. Hariv. 1.
पादजल [ pādajala ] [ pāda-jala ] n. water for (washing) the feet Lit. L. 2.
पादजल [ pādajala ] [ pāda-jala ] m. f. n. containing (i.e. mixed with) one fourth of water Lit. Bhpr.
पादजाह [ pādajāha ] [ pāda-jāha ] n. = [ -mūla ] Lit. L. (g. [ -karnādi ] ) .
पादतल [ pādatala ] [ pāda-tala ] n. sole of the foot Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
[ pādatale ] ind. (to fall) at a person's foot Lit. Amar.
पादतलाहति [ pādatalāhati ] [ pāda-talāhati ] f. a kick Lit. Kuval.
पादतस् [ pādatas ] [ pāda-tas ] ind. from or at or near the feet ( [ -taḥ-√ kṛ ] , to place at the feet) , Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Lit. Mn. Lit. Kathās.
by the Pāda (i.e. quarter of a verse) Lit. RPrāt.
step by step , by degrees Lit. Kām.
पादत्र [ pādatra ] [ pāda-tra ] m. or n. " foot-covering " , a shoe Lit. Rājat. ( cf. [ apa-pādatra ] )
पादत्रधारण [ pādatradhāraṇa ] [ pāda-tra--dhāraṇa ] n. wearing shoes Lit. Car.
पादत्राण [ pādatrāṇa ] [ pāda-trāṇa ] n. = [ -tra ] Lit. Suśr.
पाददारिका [ pādadārikā ] [ pāda-dārikā ] f. " feet-chap " , a chilblain Lit. Suśr.
पाददारी [ pādadārī ] [ pāda-dārī ] f. " feet-chap " , a chilblain Lit. Suśr.
पाददाह [ pādadāha ] [ pāda-dāha ] m. a burning sensation in the foot Lit. ib.
पादधावन [ pādadhāvana ] [ pāda-dhāvana ] n. Washing the foot Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
पादधावनिका [ pādadhāvanikā ] [ pāda-dhāvanikā ] f. sand used for rubbing the foot Lit. L.
पादनख [ pādanakha ] [ pāda-nakha ] m. a toe-nail Lit. Cat.
पादनम्र [ pādanamra ] [ pāda-namra ] m. f. n. bowing down to the feet of any one Lit. ML.
पादनालिका [ pādanālikā ] [ pāda-nālikā ] f. an ornament for the feet , an anklet Lit. L.
पादनिकेत [ pādaniketa ] [ pāda-niketa ] m. a foot-stool Lit. BhP.
पादनिचृत् [ pādanicṛt ] [ pāda-nicṛt ] m. f. n. (a metre) wanting one syllable in each Pāda (w.r. [ -ni-vrit ] ) Lit. RPrāt.
पादनिष्क [ pādaniṣka ] [ pāda-niṣka ] m. a quarter of a Nishka (s.v.) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 56 Lit. Pat.
पादन्यास [ pādanyāsa ] [ pāda-nyāsa ] m. putting down or placing the feet Lit. R.
casting rays (said of the moon) Lit. Śak.
a dance or measured step Lit. MW. - 1. 2.
पादपतन [ pādapatana ] [ pāda-patana ] n. falling or bowing to another's feet , Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Kathās.
पादपतित [ pādapatita ] [ pāda-patita ] m. f. n. fallen at another's foot Lit. Kathās.
पादपद्धति [ pādapaddhati ] [ pāda-paddhati ] f. a line of footsteps , a track , trail Lit. Pañc.
पादपद्म [ pādapadma ] [ pāda-padma ] m. " foot-lotus " , a foot beautiful as a lotus Lit. Kāv.
N. of a teacher (= [ padmapāda ] ) Lit. Cat.
पादपद्मोपजीविन् [ pādapadmopajīvin ] [ pāda-padmopajīvin ] m. a dependent, feudatory, ib.
पादपरिचारक [ pādaparicāraka ] [ pāda-paricāraka ] m. a humble servant Lit. Mcar.
पादपादधावन [ pādapādadhāvana ] [ pāda-pāda-dhāvana ] n. washing one foot with the other Lit. Gaut.
पादपालिका [ pādapālikā ] [ pāda-pālikā ] f. an ornament for the feet , anklet Lit. L.
पादपाश [ pādapāśa ] [ pāda-pāśa ] m. a foot-rope or an anklet Lit. L.
[ pādapāśa ] f. = [ khaḍuka ] Lit. ib.
पादपीठ [ pādapīṭha ] [ pāda-pīṭha ] m. a foot-stool Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
( [ °ṭhī-√ kṛ ] ) , to make into a foot-stool Lit. Kād.
पादपीठिका [ pādapīṭhikā ] [ pāda-pīṭhikā ] f. any common or vulgar trade (as that of a barber ) Lit. L.
white stone Lit. W.
पादपुटी [ pādapuṭī ] [ pāda-puṭī ] f. a stirrup, Lit. L.
पादपूरण [ pādapūraṇa ] [ pāda-pūraṇa ] m. f. n. filling out (a verse ) , expletive Lit. RPrāt.
[ pādapūraṇa ] n. the filling out a line or the measure of a verse Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 134.
पादप्रकरणसंगति [ pādaprakaraṇasaṃgati ] [ pāda-prakaraṇa-saṃgati ] f. N. of wk.
पादप्रक्षालन [ pādaprakṣālana ] [ pāda-prakṣālana ] n. washing the feet Lit. Āpast. Lit. Gaut.
पादप्रणाम [ pādapraṇāma ] [ pāda-praṇāma ] m. bowing to the feet , prostration Lit. W.
पादप्रतिष्ठान [ pādapratiṣṭhāna ] [ pāda-pratiṣṭhāna ] n. a foot-stool Lit. MBh.
पादप्रधारण [ pādapradhāraṇa ] [ pāda-pradhāraṇa ] n. " foot-covering " , a shoe Lit. L.
पादप्रसारण [ pādaprasāraṇa ] [ pāda-prasāraṇa ] n. stretching out the feet Lit. Gaut.
पादप्रस्वेद [ pādaprasveda ] [ pāda-prasveda ] m. perspiration of the feet Lit. Hcat.
पादप्रस्वेदिन् [ pādaprasvedin ] [ pāda-prasvedin ] m. f. n. suffering from it Lit. ib.
पादप्रहार [ pādaprahāra ] [ pāda-prahāra ] m. " feet-blow " , a kick Lit. Kāv.
पादफला [ pādaphalā ] [ pāda-phalā ] f. a stirrup, Lit. L.
पादबद्ध [ pādabaddha ] [ pāda-baddha ] m. f. n. bound or held together by feet , consisting of verses (as a metre) Lit. Madhus.
पादबन्ध [ pādabandha ] [ pāda-bandha ] m. a tie or fetter for the feet Lit. MBh.
पादबन्धन [ pādabandhana ] [ pāda-bandhana ] n. id. Lit. L.
a stock of cattle Lit. L.
पादभट [ pādabhaṭa ] [ pāda-bhaṭa ] m. a foot-soldier Lit. Kathās.
पादभाग [ pādabhāga ] [ pāda-bhāga ] m. a fourth part , quarter Lit. MBh.
[ pādabhāga ] m. f. n. amounting to a quarter Lit. L.
पादभाज् [ pādabhāj ] [ pāda-bhāj ] m. f. n. possessing a quarter i.e. being only the fourth part of (gen.) with regard to (loc.) Lit. MBh.
dividing into Pādas or verses Lit. L.
पादमञ्जरी [ pādamañjarī ] [ pāda-mañjarī ] f. N. of a treatise on Lit. RV.
पादमध्ययमक [ pādamadhyayamaka ] [ pāda-madhya-yamaka ] n. paronomasia in the middle of the 4 verses of a stanza (as in Lit. Bhaṭṭ. x , 5) .
पादमात्र [ pādamātra ] [ pāda-mātra ] n. the measure or distance of a foot , Lit. ŚrS.
( [ °trá ] ) , mt ( [ ī́ ] ) n. a foot long Lit. ŚBr.
पादमिश्र [ pādamiśra ] [ pāda-miśra ] = [ pan-miśra ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 56) .
पादमुद्रा [ pādamudrā ] [ pāda-mudrā ] f. the impression of a foot-step , any mark or sign Lit. Rājat.
पादमुद्रापङ्क्ति [ pādamudrāpaṅkti ] [ pāda-mudrā--paṅkti ] f. a line of foot-steps , a track , trail Lit. Kathās.
पादमूल [ pādamūla ] [ pāda-mūla ] n. " foot-root " , the sole or heel (also as a polite designation of a person) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. ( [ °le ni-√ pat ] , to fall at a person's feet Lit. R.)
the foot of a mountain Lit. Kathās.
पादयमक [ pādayamaka ] [ pāda-yamaka ] n. paronomasia within the Pādas or single verses Lit. Vām.
पादयुद्ध [ pādayuddha ] [ pāda-yuddha ] n. " foot-fight " , fighting on foot Lit. MW.
पादरक्ष [ pādarakṣa ] [ pāda-rakṣa ] m. " foot-guard "
pl. armed men who run by the side of an elephant in battle to protect its feet Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
पादरक्षण [ pādarakṣaṇa ] [ pāda-rakṣaṇa ] n.
पादरक्षिका [ pādarakṣikā ] [ pāda-rakṣikā ] f. " foot-covering " , a shoe Lit. L.
पादरजस् [ pādarajas ] [ pāda-rajas ] n. the dust of the feet Lit. MBh. Lit. Mālav.
पादरज्जु [ pādarajju ] [ pāda-rajju ] f. a rope or tether for the foot (of an elephant) Lit. L.
पादरथी [ pādarathī ] [ pāda-rathī ] f. " foot-vehicle " , a shoe Lit. L.
पादरोहण [ pādarohaṇa ] [ pāda-rohaṇa ] m. " growing from roots " , the Indian fig-tree Lit. L.
पादलग्न [ pādalagna ] [ pāda-lagna ] m. f. n. sticking or hanging on the feet , lying at a person's feet Lit. Cāṇ. Lit. Kathās.
पादलिप्त [ pādalipta ] [ pāda-lipta ] ( and [ -sūri ] ) m. N. of a scholar Lit. L.
पादलेप [ pādalepa ] [ pāda-lepa ] m. an unguent for the fee Lit. MārkP.
पादलेपसिद्धि [ pādalepasiddhi ] [ pāda-lepa--siddhi ] f. its effect Lit. Caṇḍ.
पादवत् [ pādavat ] [ pāda-vat ] ( [ pā́da- ] ) m. f. n. having foot Lit. AV.
पादवन्दन [ pādavandana ] [ pāda-vandana ] n. " saluting the foot " , respectful salutation Lit. Yājñ.
पादवन्दनिक [ pādavandanika ] [ pāda-vandanika ] m. f. n. accompanied by a respectful salutation Lit. L.
पादवलिमीक [ pādavalimīka ] [ pāda-valimīka ] m. elephantiasis Lit. L. ( cf. [ valm ] ) .
पादविग्रह [ pādavigraha ] [ pāda-vigraha ] m. pl. (prob.) a mode of reading ( cf. [ pāda-v ] ) Lit. Hariv. 12030 (v.l. [ kāma ] ( for [ krama ] ? ) [ -v ] )
[ pādavigraha ] m. f. n. one-footed ( opp. to [ catuṣpāda ] ) Lit. ib. 11305 0c.
पादविधान [ pādavidhāna ] [ pāda-vidhāna ] n. " arrangement of verses " , N. of a wk. ascribed to Śaunaka.
पादविरजस् [ pādavirajas ] [ pāda-virajas ] f. a shoe (lit. " keeping the feet dustless " ?) Lit. L.
पादवी [ pādavī ] [ pādavī ] see under [ padá ] , p. 583, cols. 2, 3.
पादवृत्त [ pādavṛtta ] [ pāda-vṛtta ] m. N. a Svarita separated from the preceding Udātta by a hiatus Lit. Prāt.
du. the 2 component elements of a verse i.e. the long and short syllable Lit. ib.
पादवेष्टनिक [ pādaveṣṭanika ] [ pāda-veṣṭanika ] m. f. n. " foot-covering " , a stocking Lit. L.
पादशब्द [ pādaśabda ] [ pāda-śabda ] m. the sound of foot-steps , Lit. Daś.
पादशस् [ pādaśas ] [ pāda-śas ] ind. foot by foot , quarter by quarter Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
verse by verse Lit. MānGṛ.
पादशाखा [ pādaśākhā ] [ pāda-śākhā ] f. " foot-branch " , a toe Lit. L.
पादशुश्रुषा [ pādaśuśruṣā ] [ pāda-śuśruṣā ] f. obedience to (the feet of) any one (gen.) Lit. Hariv.
पादशेष [ pādaśeṣa ] [ pāda-śeṣa ] n. a quarter , fourth part (?) Lit. Hariv. 16218.
पादशैल [ pādaśaila ] [ pāda-śaila ] m. a hill at the foot of a mountain Lit. L.
पादशोथ [ pādaśotha ] [ pāda-śotha ] m. " feet-swelling " , gout Lit. W.
पादशौच [ pādaśauca ] [ pāda-śauca ] n. cleaning the foot Lit. Yājñ.
पादसंहिता [ pādasaṃhitā ] [ pāda-saṃhitā ] f. the junction of words in a quarter of a stanza Lit. VPrāt.
पादसेवन [ pādasevana ] [ pāda-sevana ] n.
पादसेवा [ pādasevā ] [ pāda-sevā ] f. " foot-salutation " , service , duty Lit. Kāv.
पादस्तम्भ [ pādastambha ] [ pāda-stambha ] m. a supporting beam , pillar , post Lit. Yājñ. Sch.
पादस्फोट [ pādasphoṭa ] [ pāda-sphoṭa ] m. a sore or ulcer on the foot Lit. L.
पादस्वेदन [ pādasvedana ] [ pāda-svedana ] n. causing perspiration in the feet
पादस्वेदनिक [ pādasvedanika ] [ pāda-svedanika ] m. f. n. produced by it g. [ akṣa-dyūtādi ] .
पादहर्ष [ pādaharṣa ] [ pāda-harṣa ] m. numbness of the foot Lit. Suśr.
पादहारक [ pādahāraka ] [ pāda-hāraka ] m. f. n. taken away with the foot Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
[ pādahāraka ] m. a stealer with the foot (?) Lit. W.
पादहीनात् [ pādahīnāt ] [ pāda-hīnāt ] ind. without division or transition Lit. Suśr.
पादांशिक [ pādāṃśika ] [ pādāṃśika ] m. f. n. greater or smaller by a part Lit. Car.
पादाकुलक [ pādākulaka ] [ pādākulaka ] n. N. of 2 kinds of metre Lit. Col.
पादाग्र [ pādāgra ] [ pādāgra ] n. the point or extremity of the foot
पादाग्रस्थित [ pādāgrasthita ] [ pādāgra--sthita ] m. f. n. standing on tip-toe , Lit. Ratnâv. ,
पदाघात [ padāghāta ] [ pádāghāta ] m. " foot-blow " , a kick Lit. Kathās.
पादाङ्गद [ pādāṅgada ] [ pādāṅgada ] n.
पादाङ्गदी [ pādāṅgadī ] [ pādāṅgadī ] f. " foot-ring " , an [ anklet ] Lit. L.
पादाङ्गुलीयक [ pādāṅgulīyaka ] [ pādāṅgulīyaka ] n. a toe-ring Lit. L.
पादाङ्गुष्ठ [ pādāṅguṣṭha ] [ pā́dāṅguṣṭha ] m. " foot-thumb " , the great toe Lit. MBh.
पादाङ्गुष्ठश्रितावनि [ pādāṅguṣṭhaśritāvani ] [ pā́dāṅguṣṭha--śritāvani ] m. f. n. touching the ground with the toes , on tip-toe Lit. MW.
पादाङ्गुष्ठिका [ pādāṅguṣṭhikā ] [ pā́dāṅguṣṭhikā ] f. a ring worn on the great toe Lit. W.
पादादिमध्ययमक [ pādādimadhyayamaka ] [ pādādi--madhya-yamaka ] n. paronomasia at the beginning and in the middle of a verse (as Lit. Bhaṭṭ. x , 15)
पादादियमक [ pādādiyamaka ] [ pādādi--yamaka ] n. paronomasia at the beginning of a verse ( Lit. ib. x , 4)
पादाद्यन्तयमक [ pādādyantayamaka ] [ pādādy-anta-yamaka ] n. paronomasia at the beginning and end of a verse ( Lit. ib. x , 11) .
पादाधिष्ठान [ pādādhiṣṭhāna ] [ pādādhiṣṭhāna ] n. a foot-stool Lit. L.
पादाध्यास [ pādādhyāsa ] [ pādādhyāsa ] m. treading upon , kicking Lit. W.
पादानत [ pādānata ] [ pādānata ] m. f. n. = [ °da-namra ] Lit. ib.
पादानुक्रमणी [ pādānukramaṇī ] [ pādānukramaṇī ] f. N. of wk.
पादानुध्यात [ pādānudhyāta ] [ pādānudhyāta ] m. f. n. " thought of by (the feet of) such a one " , the rightful successor of any one (thought of by his predecessor) Lit. Inscr.
पादानुध्यान [ pādānudhyāna ] [ pādānudhyāna ] m. f. n. " thought of by (the feet of) such a one " , the rightful successor of any one (thought of by his predecessor) Lit. Inscr.
पादानुप्रास [ pādānuprāsa ] [ pādānuprāsa ] m. alliteration in verses Lit. Vām.
पादान्त [ pādānta ] [ pādānta ] m. extremity of the feet ( [ °te ] , at a person's foot) Lit. Amar.
a claw Lit. Pañc.
the end of a verse
पादान्तयमक [ pādāntayamaka ] [ pādānta--yamaka ] n. paronomasia at the end of a verse (as Lit. Bhaṭṭ. x , 3) .
पादान्तर [ pādāntara ] [ pādāntara ] n. the interval of a step
[ pādāntare ] ind. close by ( with gen.) Lit. MBh.
after the interval of a step Lit. Śak. (v.l. for [ pad ] ) .
पादान्तिकम् [ pādāntikam ] [ pādāntikam ] ind. near to or towards (the feet of) any one Lit. MārkP.
पादाभिवन्दन [ pādābhivandana ] [ pādābhivandana ] n. = [ °da-vandana ] Lit. R.
पादाभिवादन [ pādābhivādana ] [ pādābhivādana ] n. = [ °da-vandana ] Lit. R.
पादाम्बु [ pādāmbu ] [ pādāmbu ] m. f. n. containing a fourth part of water Lit. L.
पादाम्भस् [ pādāmbhas ] [ pādāmbhas ] n. water for washing the feet Lit. Yājñ.
पादारविन्द [ pādāravinda ] [ pādāravinda ] m. " foot-lotus " , the foot of a deity or a lover Lit. Kāv.
पादारविन्दशतक [ pādāravindaśataka ] [ pādāravinda--śataka ] n. N. of a poem.
पादार्घ्य [ pādārghya ] [ pādārghya ] n. " offering to the feet " , a donation to Brāhmans or other venerable persons Lit. W.
पादार्ध [ pādārdha ] [ pādārdha ] n. half a quarter , an eighth Lit. Mn. viii , 404
half a line of a stanza Lit. W.
पादार्पण [ pādārpaṇa ] [ pādārpaṇa ] n. putting down or placing the feet Lit. Ragh.
पादावनाम [ pādāvanāma ] [ pādāvanāma ] m. bowing to a person's feet Lit. Śiś.
पादावनेक्तृ [ pādāvanektṛ ] [ pādāvanektṛ ] m. one who washes another's foot Lit. Āpast.
पादावनेज [ pādāvaneja ] [ pādāvaneja ] (!) m. washing another's foot Lit. BhP.
पादावनेजन [ pādāvanejana ] [ pādāvanejana ] m. f. n. used for washing the foot Lit. AitBr. Lit. Mn.
[ pādāvanejanī ] f. pl. water for washing the foot Lit. BhP.
पादावनेज्य [ pādāvanejya ] [ pādāvanejya ] n. = [ °ja ] Lit. TāṇḍBr.
पादावर्त [ pādāvarta ] [ pādāvarta ] m. a wheel worked by the foot for raising water from a well Lit. L.
a square foot Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
पादावसेचन [ pādāvasecana ] [ pādāvasecana ] n. water used for washing the feet Lit. Mn. iv , 151.
पादाष्ठील [ pādāṣṭhīla ] [ pādāṣṭhīla ] m. or n. the ankle Lit. MBh.
पादासन [ pādāsana ] [ pādāsana ] n. a footstool Lit. W.
पादास्फालन [ pādāsphālana ] [ pādāsphālana ] n. trampling or shuffling of the feet , floundering Lit. W.
पादाहति [ pādāhati ] [ pādāhati ] f. " foot-blow " , a kick , treading , trampling Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Kathās.
पादेष्टका [ pādeṣṭakā ] [ pādeṣṭakā ] f. the quarter of a brick Lit. Śulbas.
पादोत्फाल [ pādotphāla ] [ pādotphāla ] m. shuffling or moving the feet Lit. MW.
पादोदकतीर्थ [ pādodakatīrtha ] [ pādodaka--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.
पादोदर [ pādodara ] [ pādodara ] m. a serpent ( " using the belly in place of feet " ) Lit. PraśnUp.
पादोद्धूत [ pādoddhūta ] [ pādoddhūta ] n. stamping the foot Lit. MBh. Lit. VP.
पादोन [ pādona ] [ pādona ] m. f. n. less or smaller by a quarter Lit. Āpast.
पादोपजीविन् [ pādopajīvin ] [ pādopajīvin ] m. f. n. " living by a person's mercy (lit. feet) " , a servant , messenger Lit. DivyA7v.
पादोपधान [ pādopadhāna ] [ pādopadhāna ] n.
पादोपधानी [ pādopadhānī ] [ pādopadhānī ] f. a cushion for the foot Lit. MBh.
पदोपसंग्रहण [ padopasaṃgrahaṇa ] [ padopasaṃgrahaṇa ] n. clasping the foot (of a teacher) Lit. Gaut.
पादक [ pādaka ] [ pādaká ] m. a small foot Lit. RV. viii , 33 , 19
[ pādikā ] f. a sandal , shoe Lit. L.
[ pādaka ] m. f. n. ifc. = foot Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
making a quarter of anything Lit. Var.
पादप [ pādapa ] [ pāda-pa ]1 (√ :1. [ pā ] ) m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " drinking at foot or root " , a tree , plant Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( [ -ka ] id. ifc. Lit. Kathās.)
पादपखण्ड [ pādapakhaṇḍa ] [ pāda-pa-khaṇḍa ] m. a grove of trees Lit. L.
पादपरुहा [ pādaparuhā ] [ pāda-pa-ruhā ] f. Vanda Roxburghii Lit. L.
पादपविवक्षा [ pādapavivakṣā ] [ pāda-pa-vivakṣā ] f. N. of wk.
पादपोपगत [ pādapopagata ] [ pādapopagata ] m. f. n. abiding under a tree (while expecting death) Lit. HPariś.
पादपोपगमन [ pādapopagamana ] [ pādapopagamana ] n. the abiding (see prec.) Lit. ib.
पादय [ pādaya ] [ pādaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to stretch out the feet Lit. Dhātup. xxxv , 85.
पादविक [ pādavika ] [ pādavika ] m. a traveller Lit. L.
पादात् [ pādāt ] [ pādāt ] m. a foot-soldier , footman Lit. L.
पादात [ pādāta ] [ pādāta ] m. id. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ pādāta ] n. infantry Lit. MBh. (g. [ bhikṣādi ] ) .
पादाति [ pādāti ] [ pādāti ] and m. = [ pādāt ] Lit. L. ( cf. [ padāti ] ) .
पादातिक [ pādātika ] [ pādātika ]and m. = [ pādāt ] Lit. L. ( cf. [ padāti ] ) .
पादायन [ pādāyana ] [ pādāyana ] m. patr. fr. [ pāda ] g. [ aitvādi ] .
पादाविक [ pādāvika ] [ pādāvika ] m. = [ pādātika ] Lit. L.
पादिक [ pādika ] [ pādika ] m. f. n. lasting for a quarter of the time Lit. Mn. iii , 1
amounting to + (n. with [ śata ] , 25 percent Lit. MBh. ; with or sc. [ ahar ] , daily wages Lit. Pat.)
versed in or studying the Pada-patha g. [ ukthādi ] Lit. Kāś.
पादिन् [ pādin ] [ pādin ] m. f. n. footed , having feet (see m)
having Pādas (as a , stanza) Lit. W.
claiming or receiving a fourth part Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Mn. viii , 210
[ pādin ] m. a footed aquatic or amphibious animal Lit. Suśr.
the heir to a fourth part of an estate Lit. W.
पादु [ pādu ] [ pādú ] m. a foot Lit. RV. ( cf. Lit. Nir. iv , 15)
a place Lit. MānGṛ.
पादुका [ pādukā ] [ pādukā ] f. a shoe or slipper Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (also [ °ka ] mc. and in [ °ka-vat ] , mfn. having shoes Lit. Hcat.)
impression of the feet of a god or a holy person Lit. MWB. 508
(?) N. of Durgā or another deity ( cf. comp. below) .
पादुकवत् [ pādukavat ] [ pāduka-vat ] m. f. n. , see [ pādukā ] , having shoes Lit. Hcat.( 618,1 )
पादुकाकार [ pādukākāra ] [ pādukā-kāra ] m. a shoemaker Lit. L.
पादुकाकृत् [ pādukākṛt ] [ pādukā-kṛt ] m. a shoemaker Lit. L.
पादुकामन्त्र [ pādukāmantra ] [ pādukā-mantra ] m. N. of wk.
पादुकासहस्र [ pādukāsahasra ] [ pādukā-sahasra ] n. N. of wk.
पादुकासहस्रपरीक्षा [ pādukāsahasraparīkṣā ] [ pādukā-sahasra-parīkṣā ] f. N. of wk.
पादुकिन् [ pādukin ] [ pādukin ] m. f. n. having shoes , shoed Lit. Āpast.
पादूकृत् [ pādūkṛt ] [ pādū-kṛt ] m. a shoemaker Lit. Rājat. Lit. L. ( also spelt [ °du-kṛt ] ) .
पादून [ pādūna ] [ pādūna ] m. f. n. less or smaller by a quarter Lit. L. ( cf. [ pādona ] ) .
पादूलक [ pādūlaka ] [ pādūlaka ] m. a broom Lit. ĀpGṛ. Sch.
पादेगृह्य [ pādegṛhya ] [ pāde-gṛhya ] ind. = [ °da-grihya ] g. [ mayuravyaṃsakādi ] .
पाद्य [ pādya ] [ pā́dya ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to the foot Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ( n. with or sc. [ udaka ] , water used for washing the feet Lit. ib. )
amounting to a quarter of anything Lit. Śulbas.
पाद्यक [ pādyaka ] [ pādyaka ] m. f. n. [ pādya-prakāra ] g. [ sthūlādi ] .
पादक्रमिक [ pādakramika ] [ pādakramika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ padakrama ] ) one who recites or knows the Pada-krama g. [ ukthādi ] ( Lit. Kāś. , [ krama ] for [ pada-k ] ) .
पादव्याख्यान [ pādavyākhyāna ] [ pāda-vyākhyāna ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ pada-v ] ) g. [ rig-ayanādi ] .
पादारक [ pādāraka ] [ pādāraka ] m. the masts or ribs of a boat Lit. L.
पादालिक [ pādālika ] [ pādālika ] m. = [ dhundhu-māra ] Lit. L. (v.l. [ pad ] ) .
पादालिन्द [ pādālinda ] [ pādālinda ] m. = [ pādāraka ] Lit. L.
[ pādālindī ] f. a boat Lit. L.
पाद्धत [ pāddhata ] [ pāddhata ] n. ( fr. [ pad-dhati ] ) g. [ bhikṣādi ] .
पाद्म [ pādma ] [ pādma ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ padma ] ) relating to or treating of the lotus Lit. Pur.
[ pādma ] m. N. of a Kalpa or cosmic period Lit. ib.
of Brahmā Lit. ib.
n. = [ padma-purāṇa ] .
पाद्मनित्यपूजाविधि [ pādmanityapūjāvidhi ] [ pādma-nitya-pūjā-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
पाद्मपुराण [ pādmapurāṇa ] [ pādma-purāṇa ] n. = [ padma-p ] .
पाद्मप्रयोग [ pādmaprayoga ] [ pādma-prayoga ] m. N. of wk. or chapter of wk.
पाद्ममण्डलार्चन [ pādmamaṇḍalārcana ] [ pādma-maṇḍalārcana ] n. N. of wk. or chapter of wk.
पाद्ममन्त्र [ pādmamantra ] [ pādma-mantra ] m. N. of wk. or chapter of wk.
पाद्मवचन [ pādmavacana ] [ pādma-vacana ] n. N. of wk. or chapter of wk.
पाद्मवेदमन्त्र [ pādmavedamantra ] [ pādma-veda-mantra ] m. N. of wk. or chapter of wk.
पाद्मसंहिता [ pādmasaṃhitā ] [ pādma-saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk. or chapter of wk.
पाद्मसंहिताप्रयोग [ pādmasaṃhitāprayoga ] [ pādma-saṃhitā--prayoga ] m. N. of wk. or chapter of wk.
पाद्मोत्तर [ pādmottara ] [ pādmottara ] n. (prob.) = Padma-Purāṇa Lit. ii.
पान [ pāna ] [ pāna ] 1. 2. [ pāna ] see p.613 , cols. 1 and 2.
पान [ pāna ] [ pāna ]3 m. = [ apāna ] , breathing out , expiration Lit. L.
पानस [ pānasa ] [ pānasa ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ panasa ] ) prepared from the fruit of the Jaka or bread-fruit tree Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. xi , 95.
पान्थ [ pāntha ] [ pāntha ] m. ( fr. [ panthan ] ) a wanderer , traveller Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (ifc. ( f ( [ ā ] ) . ) = accompanying. not moving from Lit. Naish.)
the sun (as the wanderer in the sky) Lit. L.
पान्थदेवता [ pānthadevatā ] [ pāntha-devatā ] f. pl. N. of a partic. class of deities Lit. Hcat.
पान्थायन [ pānthāyana ] [ pānthāyana ] m. f. n. g. [ pakṣādi ] .
पान्नग [ pānnaga ] [ pānnaga ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ panna-ga ] ) formed or consisting of snakes , having serpents , snaky Lit. Hariv.
पान्नागार [ pānnāgāra ] [ pānnāgāra ] m. f. n. fr. next Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 113 Sch.
पान्नागारि [ pānnāgāri ] [ pānnāgāri ] m. patr fr. [ pannāgāra ] Lit. ib. iv , 2 , 60 Sch.
पान्नेजन [ pānnejana ] [ pānnéjana ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ pan-nejana ] ) used for washing the feet Lit. KātyŚr.
[ pānnejana ] n. a vessel in which the feet are washed Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
पाप [ pāpa ] [ pāpá ] m. f. ( [ ī ] older than [ ā ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 30) ( Lit. ŚBr. xiv , also [ pā́pa ] ) n. bad , vicious , wicked , evil , wretched , vile , low Lit. RV.
(in astrol.) boding evil , inauspicious Lit. Var.
[ pāpa ] m. a wicked man , wretch , villain Lit. RV. ,
N. of the profligate in a drama Lit. Cat.
of a hell Lit. VP.
[ pāpā ] f. a beast of prey or a witch , Lit. Hcat.
[ pāpa ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) evil , misfortune , ill-luck , trouble , mischief , harm Lit. AV. (often [ śāntam pāpam ] , " heaven forefend that evil " Lit. R. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Kālid. )
n. sin , vice , crime , guilt Lit. Br. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
[ pāpam ] ind. badly , miserably , wrongly Lit. AV.
[ pāpayā ] ind. id. Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
[ pāpayāmuyā ] ind. so badly , so vilely Lit. ib.
पापकर [ pāpakara ] [ pāpá-kara ] and m. f. n. " wrong-doing " , wicked , sinful Lit. W.
पापकर्तृ [ pāpakartṛ ] [ pāpá-kartṛ ]and m. f. n. " wrong-doing " , wicked , sinful Lit. W.
पापकर्मन् [ pāpakarman ] [ pāpá-karman ] m. f. n. id.
[ pāpakarman ] m. an ill-doer , criminal , sinner Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
n. a wicked deed
पापकर्मकृत् [ pāpakarmakṛt ] [ pāpá-karma-kṛt ] m. f. n. wicked , an ill-doer Lit. R.
पापकर्मिन् [ pāpakarmin ] [ pāpá-karmin ] m. f. n. " wrong-doing " , wicked , a villain or sinner Lit. MārkP.
पापकल्प [ pāpakalpa ] [ pāpá-kalpa ] m. a rogue or villain Lit. Mṛicch. =
पापकारक [ pāpakāraka ] [ pāpá-kāraka ] ( Lit. Kautukas.) m. f. n. = [ -karmin ]
पापकारिन् [ pāpakārin ] [ pāpá-kārin ] ( Lit. ŚBr. ) m. f. n. = [ -karmin ]
पापकृत् [ pāpakṛt ] [ pāpá-kṛ́t ] ( Lit. AV. , superl. [ -tama ] Lit. Mn. Lit. Bhag.) , m. f. n. = [ -karmin ]
पापकृत [ pāpakṛta ] [ pāpá-kṛta ] n. an evil deed , sin , crime Lit. Nal.
पापकृत्य [ pāpakṛtya ] [ pāpá-kṛtya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( fr. [ -kṛt ] ) , to do wrong Lit. Pat.
पापकृत्या [ pāpakṛtyā ] [ pāpá-kṛtyā́ ] f. an evil deed , sin , crime Lit. AV.
पापकृत्वन् [ pāpakṛtvan ] [ pāpá-kṛ́tvan ] m. an evildoer , sinner , villain Lit. AV.
पापक्षय [ pāpakṣaya ] [ pāpá-kṣaya ] m. destruction of sin
पापक्षयतीर्थ [ pāpakṣayatīrtha ] [ pāpá-kṣaya--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. SkandaP.
पापगति [ pāpagati ] [ pāpá-gati ] m. ill-fated Lit. R.
पापगोचर [ pāpagocara ] [ pāpá-gocara ] m. f. n. evidently involved in (the consequences of) sin Lit. W.
पापग्रह [ pāpagraha ] [ pāpá-graha ] m. an inauspicious planet (as Mars , Saturn , Rāhu , Ketu) , Var.
पापघ्न [ pāpaghna ] [ pāpá-ghna ] m. f. n. destroying sin or evil Lit. L.
[ pāpaghna ] m. a sesamum plant Lit. L.
[ pāpaghnī ] f. see under [ -han ] .
पापचर [ pāpacara ] [ pāpá-cara ] m. " walking in sin " , N. of king in a Play Lit. Cat.
पापचारिन् [ pāpacārin ] [ pāpá-cārin ] m. f. n. wrong-doing , criminal Lit. MBh.
पापचेतस् [ pāpacetas ] [ pāpá-cetas ] m. f. n. evil-minded , wicked Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
पापचेलिका [ pāpacelikā ] [ pāpá-celikā ] f. Clypea Hernandifolia Lit. L.
पापचेली [ pāpacelī ] [ pāpá-celī ] f. Clypea Hernandifolia Lit. L.
पापचैल [ pāpacaila ] [ pāpá-caila ] n. an inauspicious garment Lit. Kauś.
पापज [ pāpaja ] [ pāpá-ja ] m. f. n. springing from evil Lit. MW.
पापजीव [ pāpajīva ] [ pāpá-jīva ] m. f. n. leading an evil , a villain Lit. BhP.
पापतर [ pāpatara ] [ pāpá-tara ] m. f. n. worse , more or very wicked Lit. MBh.
पापता [ pāpatā ] [ pāpá-tā ] f. inauspiciousness Lit. VarBṛS. Sch.
पापतिमिर [ pāpatimira ] [ pāpá-timira ] m. f. n. sin-bedarkened , blinded by sin Lit. MW.
पापत्व [ pāpatva ] [ pāpá-tvá ] n. evil condition , misery , poverty. Lit. RV.
पापद [ pāpada ] [ pāpá-da ] m. f. n. bringing misfortune , inauspicious Lit. Var.
पापदर्शन [ pāpadarśana ] [ pāpá-darśana ] m. f. n. looking at faults , malevolent Lit. R.
पापदर्शिन् [ pāpadarśin ] [ pāpá-darśin ] m. f. n. looking at faults , malevolent Lit. R.
पापदृश्वन् [ pāpadṛśvan ] [ pāpá-dṛśvan ] m. f. n. seeing guilt , knowing an act to be wicked Lit. W.
पापदेशना [ pāpadeśanā ] [ pāpá-deśanā ] f. instruction of the wicked Lit. Dharmas. xix.
पापदृष्टि [ pāpadṛṣṭi ] [ pāpá-dṛṣṭi ] m. f. n. evil-eyed Lit. MW.
पापधी [ pāpadhī ] [ pāpá-dhī ] m. f. n. evil-minded Lit. Nir.
पापनक्षत्र [ pāpanakṣatra ] [ pāpá-nakṣatra ] n. an inauspicious constellation Lit. Kauś.
पापनापित [ pāpanāpita ] [ pāpá-nāpita ] m. a vile or bad barber Lit. W.
पापनामन् [ pāpanāman ] [ pāpá-nāman ] ( [ pāpá- ] ) m. f. n. having a bad name Lit. ŚBr.
पापनाशन [ pāpanāśana ] [ pāpá-nāśana ] m. " destroying the wicked " , N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.
N. of a temple of Vishṇu
पापनाशनमाहात्म्य [ pāpanāśanamāhātmya ] [ pāpá-nāśana--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
पापनिरति [ pāpanirati ] [ pāpá-nirati ] m. f. n. " delighting in sin " , wicked , a wretch Lit. W.
[ pāpanirati ] f. attachment to evil , wickedness Lit. ib.
पापनिश्चय [ pāpaniścaya ] [ pāpá-niścaya ] m. f. n. having evil designs , malevolent Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
पापनिष्कृति [ pāpaniṣkṛti ] [ pāpá-niṣkṛti ] f. atonement for sin Lit. MW.
पापपति [ pāpapati ] [ pāpá-pati ] m. " sinful master " , a paramour Lit. L.
पापपराजित [ pāpaparājita ] [ pāpá-parājita ] ( [ pāpá- ] ) m. f. n. ignominiously defeated Lit. TBr.
पापपुण्य [ pāpapuṇya ] [ pāpá-puṇya ] n. pl. vicious or virtuous (deeds) Lit. MW.
पापपुरी [ pāpapurī ] [ pāpá-purī ] v.l. for [ a-pāpap ] ( cf. [ pāpāpurī ] ) .
पापपुरुष [ pāpapuruṣa ] [ pāpá-puruṣa ] m. a villainous man (a personification of all sin or archetype of a sinner) Lit. Tantras.
पापपूरुष [ pāpapūruṣa ] [ pāpá-pūruṣa ] m. a villain , rascal Lit. Mn.
पापप्रशमनस्तव [ pāpapraśamanastava ] [ pāpá-praśamana-stava ] m. N. of wk.
पापप्रिय [ pāpapriya ] [ pāpá-priya ] m. f. n. fond of evil , prone to sin Lit. Veṇis.
पापफल [ pāpaphala ] [ pāpá-phala ] m. f. n. having evil consequences , inauspicious Lit. Var.
पापबन्ध [ pāpabandha ] [ pāpá-bandha ] m. a continuous series of misdeeds Lit. VP.
पापबुद्धि [ pāpabuddhi ] [ pāpá-buddhi ] f. evil intent Lit. R.
[ pāpabuddhi ] m. f. n. evil-minded , wicked Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
m. N. of a man Lit. Pañc.
पापभक्षण [ pāpabhakṣaṇa ] [ pāpá-bhakṣaṇa ] m. " devouring the wicked " , N. of Kāla-bhairava (a son of Śiva) Lit. Cat.
पापभञ्जन [ pāpabhañjana ] [ pāpá-bhañjana ] m. " breaking the wicked " , N. of a Brāhman Lit. Kathās.
पापभाज् [ pāpabhāj ] [ pāpá-bhāj ] m. f. n. partaking of sin , guilty Lit. Kum.
पापभाव [ pāpabhāva ] [ pāpá-bhāva ] m. f. n. evil-minded Lit. MW.
पापमति [ pāpamati ] [ pāpá-mati ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Nal.
पापमय [ pāpamaya ] [ pāpá-maya ] m. f. n. consisting in evil , bad Lit. Jātakam.
पापमित्रत्व [ pāpamitratva ] [ pāpá-mitra--tva ] n. friendship with the wicked Lit. L.
पापमुक्त [ pāpamukta ] [ pāpá-mukta ] m. f. n. freed from sin , purified Lit. W.
पापमोचन [ pāpamocana ] [ pāpá-mocana ] n. liberating from sin , N. of a Tīrtha Lit. VP.
[ pāpamocanī ] f. ( with [ ekādaśī ] ) N. of wk.
पापयक्ष्म [ pāpayakṣma ] [ pāpá-yakṣmá ] m. " the evil disease " , consumption Lit. TS. ( also [ °man ] Lit. Var. Lit. Hcat.)
पापयक्ष्मगृहीत [ pāpayakṣmagṛhīta ] [ pāpá-yakṣmá--gṛhīta ] m. f. n. ( [ °kṣmá ] ) seized by consumption Lit. ib.
पापयोनि [ pāpayoni ] [ pāpá-yoni ] f. a bad or low birthplace (lit. " womb " , as punishment of sin) Lit. Mn. iv , 166.
पापरहित [ pāparahita ] [ pāpá-rahita ] m. f. n. free from guilt , harmless Lit. Hit.
पापराक्षसी [ pāparākṣasī ] [ pāpá-rākṣasī ] f. an evil female demon , witch Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
पापरिपु [ pāparipu ] [ pāpá-ripu ] m. or n. " enemy of sin " , N. of a sacred bathing-place Lit. Kathās.
पापरोग [ pāparoga ] [ pāpá-roga ] m. any bad disease (considered as the penalty of sin in a former life) Lit. Gobh. Lit. Mn.
smallpox Lit. L.
hemorrhoids Lit. Gal.
पापर्द्धि [ pāparddhi ] [ pāpá-rddhi ] f. ( [ r ] for [ ṛ ] ) " sin-thriving " , hunting , chase Lit. Vcar. Lit. Pañc.
पापर्द्धिक [ pāparddhika ] [ pāpá-rddhika ] m. a hunter Lit. Nalac.
पापलोक [ pāpaloka ] [ pāpá-loká ] m. the evil world , place of suffering or of the wicked Lit. AV.
पापलोक्य [ pāpalokya ] [ pāpá-lokya ] m. f. n. belonging to it , hellish , infernal Lit. MBh.
पापवसीयस् [ pāpavasīyas ] [ pāpá-vasīyas ] m. f. n. " bad-better " , inverted , confused Lit. Gobh. Lit. Pañc.
[ pāpavasīyas ] n. = next.
पापवसीयस [ pāpavasīyasa ] [ pāpá-vasīyasa ] ( Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. TāṇḍBr.) n. inversion , confusion.
पापवस्यस [ pāpavasyasa ] [ pāpá-vasyasá ] ( Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. ) n. inversion , confusion.
पापवाद [ pāpavāda ] [ pāpá-vādá ] m. an inauspicious cry (of a bird) Lit. AV.
पापविनाश [ pāpavināśa ] [ pāpá-vināśa ] m. destruction of sin
पापविनाशतीर्थ [ pāpavināśatīrtha ] [ pāpá-vināśa--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha ( also [ °śana-t° ] ) , Lit. Siṃhâs. Lit. Cat.
पापविनिग्रह [ pāpavinigraha ] [ pāpá-vinigraha ] m. restraining wickedness Lit. W.
पापविनिश्चय [ pāpaviniścaya ] [ pāpá-viniścaya ] m. f. n. intending evil Lit. R.
पापशमन [ pāpaśamana ] [ pāpá-śamana ] m. f. n. removing crime Lit. W.
[ pāpaśamana ] n. a sin-offering Lit. ib.
[ pāpaśamanī ] f. Prosopis Spicigera Lit. L.
पापशील [ pāpaśīla ] [ pāpá-śīla ] m. f. n. of bad character , wicked ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Veṇis. Lit. Pañc.
पापशीलत्व [ pāpaśīlatva ] [ pāpá-śīla--tva ] n. , see [ pāpaśīla ]
पापशोधन [ pāpaśodhana ] [ pāpá-śodhana ] n. " washing away sins " , N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Kathās.
पापसंशमन [ pāpasaṃśamana ] [ pāpá-saṃśamana ] m. f. n. removing sin Lit. R.
पापसंकल्प [ pāpasaṃkalpa ] [ pāpá-saṃkalpa ] m. f. n. evil-minded , malevolent Lit. ib.
पापसम [ pāpasama ] [ pāpá-sáma ] n. a bad year Lit. TS. Lit. Vait.
पापसमाचार [ pāpasamācāra ] [ pāpá-samācāra ] m. f. n. of bad conduct Lit. MBh.
पापसम्मित [ pāpasammita ] [ pāpá-sammita ] m. f. n. equal in sin or guilt Lit. W.
पापसूदनतीर्थ [ pāpasūdanatīrtha ] [ pāpá-sūdana-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Rājat. ( cf. [ -vināśana-t ] ) .
पापस्कन्ध [ pāpaskandha ] [ pāpá-skandha ] n. pl. accumulation of sin Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
पापहन् [ pāpahan ] [ pāpá-han ] m. f. n. destroying sin or the wicked Lit. Mn.
[ pāpaghnī ] ( [ ghnī ] ) f. N. of a river
पापघ्नीमाहात्म्य [ pāpaghnīmāhātmya ] [ pāpá-ghnī-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
पापहर [ pāpahara ] [ pāpá-hara ] m. f. n. removing evil
पापहृदय [ pāpahṛdaya ] [ pāpá-hṛdaya ] m. f. n. bad-hearted , Lit. Veṇis.
पापाख्या [ pāpākhyā ] [ pāpākhyā ] f. ( sc. [ gati ] ) N. of one of the 7 divisions of the planetary courses Lit. Var.
पापाङ्कुशा [ pāpāṅkuśā ] [ pāpāṅkuśā ] f. N. of the 11th day in the light half of the month Āśvina Lit. Cat.
( with [ ekādāśī ] ) N. of wk.
पापाचार [ pāpācāra ] [ pāpācāra ] m. f. n. ill-conducted , vicious Lit. MBh.
[ pāpācāra ] m. N. of a king Lit. Dhūrtan.
पापात्मन् [ pāpātman ] [ pāpātman ] m. f. n. evil-minded , wicked , a wretch , sinner ( opp. to [ dharmātman ] ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
पापाधम [ pāpādhama ] [ pāpādhama ] m. f. n. the lowest of the wicked Lit. MW.
पापानुबन्ध [ pāpānubandha ] [ pāpānubandha ] m. bad result or consequences Lit. R.
[ pāpānubandha ] m. f. n. ill-intentioned Lit. ib.
पापानुवसित [ pāpānuvasita ] [ pāpānuvasita ] m. f. n. addicted to sin , sinful Lit. W.
पापान्त [ pāpānta ] [ pāpānta ] n. " end of sin " , N. of a Tīrtha Lit. VāmP.
पापान्तिका [ pāpāntikā ] [ pāpāntikā ] f. a kind of sin Lit. Divyāv.
पापापनुत्ति [ pāpāpanutti ] [ pāpāpanutti ] f. " removal of sins " , expiation Lit. W.
पापारम्भक [ pāpārambhaka ] [ pāpārambhaka ] m. f. n. intending evil Lit. Mālatīm. v , 23 (v.l. [ °bha-vat ] ) .
पापावहीयम् [ pāpāvahīyam ] [ pāpāvahī́yam ] ind. leaving sin behind Lit. TS.
पापाश्य [ pāpāśya ] [ pāpāśya ] m. f. n. evil-intentioned Lit. L.
पापाह [ pāpāha ] [ pāpāhá ] n. an unlucky day Lit. TBr.
पापाहि [ pāpāhi ] [ pāpāhi ] m. a snake , serpent Lit. MW.
पापोक्त [ pāpokta ] [ pāpokta ] m. f. n. addressed in ill-omened words Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
पापक [ pāpaka ] [ pā́paka ] m. f. n. bad , evil Lit. ŚBr.
[ pāpaka ] m. a villain , rascal Lit. MBh.
an evil or malignant planet Lit. Var.
n. evil , wrong , sin Lit. MBh.
पापय [ pāpaya ] [ pāpaya ] Nom. Ā. ( only [ pā́payiṣṭa ] ) , to suffer a person to fall into misery on account of (abl.) Lit. TS.
पापल [ pāpala ] [ pāpala ] m. f. n. imparting or incurring guilt Lit. W.
[ pāpala ] n. a partic. measure Lit. L.
पापाय [ pāpāya ] [ pāpāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] Lit. Vop.
पापिष्ठतम [ pāpiṣṭhatama ] [ pā́piṣṭha-tama ] ( Lit. Daś.) and ( Lit. ChUp. Lit. MBh.) m. f. n. id.
पापिष्ठतर [ pāpiṣṭhatara ] [ pā́piṣṭha-tara ]and ( Lit. ChUp. Lit. MBh.) m. f. n. id.
पापीय [ pāpīya ] [ pāpīya ] m. f. n. = next Lit. MBh.
पापीयस् [ pāpīyas ] [ pā́pīyas ] m. f. n. worse , worse off , lower , poorer , more or most wicked or miserable Lit. TS.
[ pāpīyas ] m. a villain , rascal Lit. Mn. Lit. R.
(with Buddhists) [ māraḥ pāpīyān ] , the evil spirit , the devil Lit. Lalit.
पापीयस्तर [ pāpīyastara ] [ pā́pīyas-tara ] m. f. n. worse , more or most bad or wicked Lit. MBh.
पापीयस्त्व [ pāpīyastva ] [ pā́pīyas-tva ] n. wickedness , depravity Lit. Rājat.
पाप्मन् [ pāpman ] [ pāpmán ] m. evil , unhappiness , misfortune , calamity , crime , sin , wickedness Lit. AV.
evil demon , devil , Lit. Jātakam.
[ pāpman ] m. f. n. hurtful , injurious , evil Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr.