Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
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सम्फेट [ sampheṭa ] [ sam-pheṭa ] m. ( prob. for [ saṃ-spheṭa ] q.v.) mutual conflict or encounter of angry persons , angry or passionate contention (in dram. one of the 13 elements of the [ vimarśa ] ( q.v. ) , illustrated by the altercation between Śakuntalā and the king in Lit. Śak. ; or as one of the 4 elements of the [ ārabhaṭi ] ( q.v. ) , illustrated by the encounter of Mādhava and Aghora-ghaṇṭa in Lit. Mālatīm.) Lit. Bhar. Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh.

सम्ब् [ samb ] [ samb ] Root [ samba ] see √ [ śamb ] , p.1055.

सम्बंह् [ sambaṃh ] [ sam-√ baṃh ] Caus. [ -baṃhayati ] , to make firm or prosperous , establish firmly , increase Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

 सम्बाढ [ sambāḍha ] [ sam-bāḍha ] m. f. n. firm , strong Lit. TĀr. (Sch.)

सम्बत् [ sambat ] [ sambat ] ind. = [ saṃ-vat ] Lit. L.

सम्बन्ध् [ sambandh ] [ sam-√ bandh ] P. [ -badhnāti ] , to bind or fasten or tie together , bind or fix on , attach , connect , join , construct , form Lit. ŚBr. ; to procure , furnish , supply Lit. Ragh. : Pass. [ -badhyate ] , to be bound or fastened together ; to be connected with or supplied , belong to Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 51 : Caus. [ -bandhayati ] , to cause to bind or be bound together Lit. R. ; to cause to connect with or refer to (instr.) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. v , 85.

 सम्बद्ध [ sambaddha ] [ sam-baddha ] m. f. n. bound or tied together , joined , connected Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

  connected in sense , coherent , having meaning (see [ °a-s ] )

  shut , closed Lit. Kām.

  connected or covered or filled with , belonging or relating to (instr. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  combined with i.e. containing (comp.) Lit. Hariv.

  attached to anything i.e. existing , being , found in (loc.) Lit. Kālid.

  [ sambaddham ] ind. jointly , moreover Lit. MBh. ix , 3443

  सम्बद्धदर्प [ sambaddhadarpa ] [ sam-baddha--darpa ] m. f. n. one who has feelings of pride (existing in his heart) Lit. MBh.

  सम्बद्धसैन्यौघ [ sambaddhasainyaugha ] [ sam-baddha--sainyaugha ] m. f. n. one who has the main body of troops concentrated Lit. Kām.

  सम्बद्धान्त [ sambaddhānta ] [ sám-baddhānta ] m. f. n. joined with the ends Lit. ŚBr.

  सम्बध्यमान [ sambadhyamāna ] [ sam-badhyamāna ] m. f. n. being bound together or connected Lit. MW.

  सम्बध्यमानक [ sambadhyamānaka ] [ sam-badhyamānaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) being in some degree related to Lit. L.

 सम्बन्ध [ sambandha ] [ sam-bandha ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) binding or joining together , close connection or union or association , conjunction , inherence , connection with or relation to (instr. with or without [ saha ] , or comp. ; in phil. relation or connexion is said to be of three kinds , viz [ samavāya ] , [ saṃyoga ] , and [ sva-rūpa ] q.v.) Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sarvad. : personal connection (by marriage) , relationship , fellowship , friendship , intimacy with (instr. with and without [ saha ] loc. , or comp.) Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  a relation , relative , kinsman , fellow , friend , ally Lit. Āpast. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  a collection , volume , book Lit. Śukas.

  a partic. kind of calamity Lit. VarBṛS.

  prosperity , success Lit. L.

  fitness , propriety Lit. L.

  the application of authority to prove a theological doctrine Lit. W.

  [ sambandha ] m. f. n. able , capable Lit. L.

  fit , right , proper Lit. L.

  (ifc.) often w.r. for [ sam-baddha ] ( q.v.)

  सम्बन्धगणपति [ sambandhagaṇapati ] [ sam-bandha--gaṇa-pati ] m. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धतत्त्व [ sambandhatattva ] [ sam-bandha--tattva ] n. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धनिर्णय [ sambandhanirṇaya ] [ sam-bandha--nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धपञ्चाशिका [ sambandhapañcāśikā ] [ sam-bandha--pañcāśikā ] f. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धरहस्य [ sambandharahasya ] [ sam-bandha--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धवर्जित [ sambandhavarjita ] [ sam-bandha--varjita ] n. " want of coherence " , a partic. fault of style Lit. Pratāp.

  सम्बन्धवार्त्तिक [ sambandhavārttika ] [ sam-bandha--vārttika ] n. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धविवेक [ sambandhaviveka ] [ sam-bandha--viveka ] m. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धव्यवस्थाविकाश [ sambandhavyavasthāvikāśa ] [ sam-bandha--vyavasthā-vikāśa ] m. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धोद्द्योत [ sambandhoddyota ] [ sam-bandhoddyota ] m. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धोपदृश [ sambandhopadṛśa ] [ sam-bandhopadṛśa ] m. N. of wk.

  सम्बन्धक [ sambandhaka ] [ sam-bandhaka ] n. connection by birth or marriage , relation , friendship , intimacy Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   a relation , friend Lit. MW.

   ( scil. [ saṃdhī ] ) a kind of alliance proceeding from relationship Lit. ib.

   [ sambandhaka ] m. f. n. relating to , concerning Lit. W.

   fit , suitable Lit. MW.

  सम्बन्धयितृ [ sambandhayitṛ ] [ sam-bandhayitṛ ] m. f. n. one who connects or puts together (v.l. for [ sam-bodhayitṛ ] ) Lit. MaitrUp.

 सम्बन्धि [ sambandhi ] [ sam-bandhi ] m. f. n. ( mc. and in comp. for [ °bandhin ] ) joined or connected with (see [ sukha-s ] )

  [ sambandhi ] m. a relation , kinsman Lit. Hariv.

  सम्बन्धिता [ sambandhitā ] [ sam-bandhi--tā ] f. belonging to (comp.) Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

   connection with , relation to (instr. or comp.) Lit. Sarvad.

   relationship , connection by marriage Lit. MBh.

  सम्बन्धित्व [ sambandhitva ] [ sam-bandhi--tva ] n. relation to or connection with (instr. or comp.) Lit. Sarvad.

   kinship , relationship Lit. MārkP.

  सम्बन्धिभिन्न [ sambandhibhinna ] [ sam-bandhi--bhinna ] m. f. n. divided or shared by relatives Lit. MW.

  सम्बन्धिशब्द [ sambandhiśabda ] [ sam-bandhi--śabda ] m. a word expressing relationship Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 71 Vārtt. 3.

 सम्बन्धिकत्व [ sambandhikatva ] [ sam-bandhikatva ] n. connection Lit. Saṃskārak.

 सम्बन्धिन् [ sambandhin ] [ sam-bandhin ] m. f. n. connected with , belonging or relating to (gen. or comp.) , adjunct , inherent Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  connected with = possessed of (comp.) Lit. Sarvad.

  related , connected by marriage , a relative Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

 सम्बन्धु [ sambandhu ] [ sam-bandhu ] m. a kinsman , relative Lit. AV.Paipp.

सम्बर [ sambara ] [ sambara ] v.l. for [ śambara ] , [ saṃ-vara ] , and [ sam-bhara ] (qq.vv.)

सम्बर्य [ sambarya ] [ sambarya ] see [ saṃ-varya ] , p.1114.

सम्बल [ sambala ] [ sambala ] see [ śambala ] , p.1055.

सम्बलन [ sambalana ] [ sambalana ] w.r. for [ saṃ-vanana ] .

सम्बहुल [ sambahula ] [ sam-bahula ] m. f. n. very much or many , very numerous , plentiful , abundant Lit. Lalit. Lit. Jātakam.

सम्बाध् [ sambādh ] [ sam-√ bādh ] Ā. [ -bādhate ] , to press together , compress , press down Lit. AV. ; to bind firmly together Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to oppress , afflict , torment Lit. R.

 सम्बाध [ sambādha ] [ sam-bādhá ] m. a throng , crowd

  contracted space (ifc. ( f ( [ ā ] ) . ) = " crowded with " , " full of " , " abounding with " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  the female organ of generation Lit. Vām. ii , 1 , 17

  pressure , affliction , distress , annoy Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. MBh.

  the road to Naraka or hell Lit. L.

  [ sambādha ] m. f. n. contracted , narrow Lit. Suśr.

  crammed with , full of (instr.) Lit. Śiś.

  सम्बाधतन्द्री [ sambādhatandrī ] [ sam-bādhá--tandrī́ ] f. pl. affliction and exhaustion Lit. AV.

  सम्बाधवर्तिन् [ sambādhavartin ] [ sam-bādhá--vartin ] m. f. n. (pl.) moving in dense crowds , jostling or crowding together on a road Lit. Ragh.

  सम्बाधवर्त्मन् [ sambādhavartman ] [ sam-bādhá--vartman ] m. f. n. (pl.) (v.l.) moving in dense crowds , jostling or crowding together on a road Lit. Ragh.

  सम्बाधक [ sambādhaka ] [ sam-bādhaka ] m. f. n. pressing together , contracting Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

   pressing upon , thronging , crowding Lit. MW.

  सम्बाधन [ sambādhana ] [ sam-bādhana ] n. ( only Lit. L.) compressing , obstructing , opposing

   a barrier , gate

   the female organ

   a door keeper

   the point of a stake or spit

   [ sambādhanā ] f. rubbing , chafing Lit. Siṃhâs.

सम्बाढ [ sambāḍha ] [ sam-bāḍha ] see [ sam-√ baṃh ] .

सम्बीज [ sambīja ] [ sam-bīja ] n. universal seed , Lit. KāśīKh.

सम्बुध् [ sambudh ] [ sam-√ budh ] Ā. [ -budhyate ] (pr. p. [ -budhyamāna ] q.v.) , to wake up Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to perceive or understand thoroughly , notice , observe , know Lit. ib. : Caus. [ -bodhayati ] , to cause to wake up , rouse Lit. R. ; to cause to know , inform , advise , instruct ; teach ( two acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to call to Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 33 ; to cause to agree Lit. MW. : Desid. of Caus. see [ sam-bubodhayiṣu ] .

 सम्बुद्ध [ sambuddha ] [ sam-buddha ] m. f. n. wide awake , clever , wise , prudent Lit. R.

  well perceived , perfectly known or understood Lit. ib.

  [ sambuddha ] m. a Buddha or a Jaina deified sage Lit. L. ( cf. Lit. MWB. 133) .

 सम्बुद्धि [ sambuddhi ] [ sam-buddhi ] f. perfect knowledge or perception Lit. MW.

  calling out to (a person in the distance) , making one's self heard Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 33

  the vocative case or its termination Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 16

  an epithet Lit. W.

 सम्बुध्यमान [ sambudhyamāna ] [ sam-budhyamāna ] m. f. n. being quite aware Lit. MBh.

 सम्बुबोधयिषु [ sambubodhayiṣu ] [ sam-bubodhayiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to arouse or make attentive Lit. MBh.

  wishing to convert Lit. HPariś.

 सम्बोध [ sambodha ] [ sam-bodha ] m. perfect knowledge or understanding Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ( sometimes w.r. for [ saṃrodha ] ) .

  सम्बोधन [ sambodhana ] [ sam-bodhana ] m. f. n. (partly fr. Caus.) awaking , arousing Lit. MBh.

   perceiving , noticing , observing Lit. MBh.

   recognizing Lit. MaitrUp.

   the act of causing to know , reminding Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   calling to Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 47

   the vocative case or its termination Lit. Siddh. Lit. Subh.

  सम्बोधयितृ [ sambodhayitṛ ] [ sam-bodhayitṛ ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) causing to know , informing Lit. MaitrUp.

  सम्बोधि [ sambodhi ] [ sam-bodhi ] f. (with Buddhists) perfect knowledge or enlightenment Lit. MWB. 43 ( [ °dhy-aṅga ] n. an " integral part of perfect knowledge or enlightenment " Lit. Lalit.)

   सम्बोध्यङ्ग [ sambodhyaṅga ] [ sam-bodhy-aṅga ] n. , see [ sambodhi ] , an " integral part of perfect knowledge or enlightenment " Lit. Lalit.

  सम्बोधित [ sambodhita ] [ sam-bodhita ] m. f. n. fully warned , duly apprised Lit. MBh.

  सम्बोध्य [ sambodhya ] [ sam-bodhya ] m. f. n. to be enlightened or instructed Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.

सम्बृह् [ sambṛh ] [ sam-√ bṛh:1 ] ( or [ vṛh ] ) P. [ -bṛhati ] (pf. [ -babraha ] , or [ -vavarha ] ) , to tear out together , pluck out , extract Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

सम्बृह् [ sambṛh ] [ sam-√ bṛh:2 ] ( or [ bṛṃh ] ) P. [ -bṛhati ] (pf. [ -babarha ] ) , to join firmly Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ -barhayati ] , to join or unite with (dat.) Lit. RV. ; [ -bṛṃhayati ] , to strengthen , refresh , encourage Lit. MBh.

 सम्बृंहण [ sambṛṃhaṇa ] [ sam-bṛṃhaṇa ] n. (fr. Caus.) strengthening , refreshing Lit. Car.

सम्ब्रू [ sambrū ] [ sam-√ brū ] P. Ā. [ -bravīti ] , [ -brūte ] , to speak well , converse Lit. RV. ; (Ā.) to talk together , agree Lit. ib. ; to say anything to (acc.) Lit. MBh.

सम्भक्ष् [ sambhakṣ ] [ sam-√ bhakṣ ] P. [ -bhakṣoyati ] , to eat together Lit. ĀśvŚr. ; to eat up , devour , consume Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( 1178,1 )

 सम्भक्ष [ sambhakṣa ] [ sam-bhakṣa ] m. f. n. feeding upon (comp.) , one who eats or devours Lit. MBh.

  eating together , food in common Lit. MW.

सम्भज् [ sambhaj ] [ sam-√ bhaj ] P. Ā. [ -bhajati ] , [ °te ] , to distribute completely , share , bestow , grant Lit. Sāy. ; (Ā.) to cause to participate in , present with a gift Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. MBh. ; to divide Lit. Sūryas.

 सम्भक्त [ sambhakta ] [ sám-bhakta ] m. f. n. distributed , divided , shared

  participating in , possessed of (gen.) Lit. AV.

  devoted to , faithfully attached (v.l. [ saṃ-sakta ] ) Lit. Hariv.

  सम्भक्ति [ sambhakti ] [ sám-bhakti ] f. distribution , allotment , bestowal Lit. Dhātup.

   possessing , enjoying Lit. MW.

   favouring , honouring Lit. ib. ,

  सम्भक्तृ [ sambhaktṛ ] [ sám-bhaktṛ ] m. f. n. one who distributes or grants ( [ -tama ] , superl. ; [ -tara ] , compar.) Lit. Nir. Lit. Sāy.

   one who shares or participates Lit. MW.

   one who favours or honours or worships Lit. ib.

 सम्भज [ sambhaja ] [ sam-bhaja ] (of unknown meaning) Sch. on Lit. Kauś. xli , 18.

  सम्भजन [ sambhajana ] [ sam-bhajana ] n. distributing , granting , bestowing Lit. Sāy.

  सम्भजनीय [ sambhajanīya ] [ sam-bhajanīya ] m. f. n. to be shared in or enjoyed or liked Lit. MW.

   to be favoured or honoured Lit. ib.

सम्भञ्ज् [ sambhañj ] [ sam-√ bhañj ] P. [ -bhanakti ] , to break to pieces , shatter , shiver Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.

 सम्भग्न [ sambhagna ] [ sam-bhagna ] m. f. n. broken to pieces , shattered , dispersed , routed , defeated Lit. MBh.

  baffled , frustrated Lit. ib.

  [ sambhagna ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. ib. (accord. to Lit. Nīlak. fr. [ sam√ bhaj ] = [ samyak-sevita ] ) .

सम्भर [ sambhara ] [ sam-bhará ] see [ sam-√ bhṛ ] .

सम्भर्त्सित [ sambhartsita ] [ sam-bhartsita ] m. f. n. (√ [ bharts ] ) much censured , abused , reviled Lit. R.

सम्भल् [ sambhal ] [ sam-√ bhal ] P. [ -bhūlayati ] , to observe well , perceive , learn Lit. Naish.

सम्भल [ sambhala ] [ sam-bhalá ] m. ( prob. originally = [ sam-bhara ] ; often v.l. for [ śambhala ] q.v.) " one who brings together " , a match-maker Lit. AV. Lit. Kauś.

a suitor , wooer Lit. MW.

a procurer Lit. ib.

[ sambhalī ] f. a procuress Lit. ib.

 सम्भलीय [ sambhalīya ] [ sambhalīya ] m. f. n. relating to a procuress Lit. Naish.

सम्भव [ sambhava ] [ sam-bhavá ] see p. 1179 , col. 1.

सम्भा [ sambhā ] [ sam-√ bhā ] P. [ -bhāti ] , to shine fully or brightly , be very bright Lit. TBr. ; to shine forth , be visible or conspicuous Lit. MBh. ; to appear , seem to be (nom. with and without [ iva ] , or [ yathā ] ) Lit. ib. Lit. R.

सम्भाण्डय [ sambhāṇḍaya ] [ sam-bhāṇḍaya ] ( fr. [ sam ] + [ bhāṇḍa ] ) Nom. P. Ā. [ °yati ] , [ °te ] , to collect vessels or utensils , Bhaṭṭi. ; to gather provisions Lit. Hcar.

सम्भावन [ sambhāvana ] [ sam-bhāvana ] see p.1179.

सम्भाष् [ sambhāṣ ] [ sam-√ bhāṣ ] Ā. [ -bhāṣate ] ( pr. p. in Lit. MBh. also [ -bhāṣat ] ) , to speak together , converse with (instr. with or without [ saha ] ) Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to speak to (acc.) , address , greet , salute Lit. KaushUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to join in a conversation Lit. Vait. ; to agree , consent , enter into an engagement Lit. R. ; to talk over , persuade Lit. Hit. ; to speak , say , recite Lit. Hariv. ; to have sexual intercourse with Lit. MW. : Caus. [ -bhāṣayati ] (ind.p. [ -bhāṣitvā ] v.l. in B. for [ -bhāṣayitvā ] ) , to converse with (instr.) Lit. Hariv. ; to speak to , address (acc.) Lit. R. ; to persuade , prevail upon (v.l. for [ -bhāvayati ] ) Lit. MBh.

 सम्भाष [ sambhāṣa ] [ sam-bhāṣa ] m. discourse , talk , conversation with (gen. or instr. with or without [ saha ] , or comp.) Lit. Gṛihyās. Lit. R.

  [ sambhāṣā ] f. id. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  engagement , contract , agreement Lit. Subh.

  watchword Lit. W.

  greeting Lit. MW.

  sexual connection Lit. ib.

  सम्भाषण [ sambhāṣaṇa ] [ sam-bhāṣaṇa ] n. conversation , discourse with (gen. , instr. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   watchword Lit. MW.

   sexual intercourse Lit. ib.

   सम्भाषणनिपुण [ sambhāṣaṇanipuṇa ] [ sam-bhāṣaṇa--nipuṇa ] m. f. n. skilled in conversation Lit. Daś.

  सम्भाषणीय [ sambhāṣaṇīya ] [ sam-bhāṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be conversed with Lit. BhP.

  सम्भाषित [ sambhāṣita ] [ sam-bhāṣita ] m. f. n. spoken or conversed with

   [ sambhāṣita ] n. talk , conversation Lit. Pañcat.

  सम्भाषिन् [ sambhāṣin ] [ sam-bhāṣin ] m. f. n. conversing , speaking Lit. Amar.

  सम्भाष्य [ sambhāṣya ] [ sam-bhāṣya ] m. f. n. to be conversed with Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

   to be addressed Lit. Sāh.

   fit for conversation (see [ a-s ] ) .

सम्भिद् [ sambhid ] [ sam-√ bhid ] P. Ā. [ -bhinatti ] , [ -bhintte ] , to break to pieces , split or break completely asunder , pierce , hurt Lit. AV. ; to bring into contact , combine , join , mingle Lit. TS. ; to associate with (acc.) Lit. SaddhP.

 सम्भिन्न [ sambhinna ] [ sam-bhinna ] m. f. n. completely broken or divided

  interrupted , abandoned (see [ -vṛtta ] )

  contracted (see [ -sarvāṅga ] )

  joined , combined , mingled Lit. TS.

  come into contact with (comp.) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  close , tight Lit. Pañcar.

  solid , compact Lit. MārkP.

  सम्भिन्नता [ sambhinnatā ] [ sam-bhinna--tā ] f. the being joined or united with Lit. Sarvad.

  सम्भिन्नप्रलाप [ sambhinnapralāpa ] [ sam-bhinna--pralāpa ] m. idle talk (with Buddhists one of the 10 sins) Lit. DivyA7v. ( Lit. Dharmas. 56)

  सम्भिन्नप्रलापिक [ sambhinnapralāpika ] [ sam-bhinna--pralāpika ] m. f. n. talking idly Lit. ib.

  सम्भिन्नबुद्धि [ sambhinnabuddhi ] [ sam-bhinna--buddhi ] m. f. n. one whose understanding is broken or impaired Lit. Pat.

  सम्भिन्नमर्याद [ sambhinnamaryāda ] [ sam-bhinna--maryāda ] m. f. n. one who has broken through barriers or bounds Lit. MBh.

  सम्भिन्नवृत्त [ sambhinnavṛtta ] [ sam-bhinna--vṛtta ] m. f. n. one who has abandoned good conduct Lit. ib.

  सम्भिन्नव्यञ्जना [ sambhinnavyañjanā ] [ sam-bhinna--vyañjanā ] f. a kind of hermaphrodite ( [ °na ] n ( [ a ] ) . " the condition of a hermaphrodite " ) Lit. Mahāvy.

  सम्भिन्नसर्वाङ्ग [ sambhinnasarvāṅga ] [ sam-bhinna--sarvāṅga ] m. f. n. one who has contracted or compressed the whole body (as a tortoise) Lit. MBh.

 सम्भेद [ sambheda ] [ sam-bheda ] m. breaking , piercing Lit. Suśr.

  becoming loose , falling off Lit. ib.

  disjunction , division , separation (of friends or allies) , sowing dissension Lit. Kām.

  a kind , species Lit. Cat.

  union , junction , mixture Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sāh.

  contact with (comp.) Lit. Sāh.

  the confluence of two rivers , junction of a river with the sea Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ á-s ] ) Lit. TS.

  सम्भेदवत् [ sambhedavat ] [ sam-bheda--vat ] m. f. n. come into contact or collision with ( [ sārdham ] ) Lit. Gīt.

  सम्भेदन [ sambhedana ] [ sam-bhedana ] n. breaking , splitting Lit. Cat.

   bringing into contact or collision Lit. MW.

  सम्भेद्य [ sambhedya ] [ sam-bhedya ] m. f. n. to be broken through or pierced or perforated Lit. Sarasv.

   to be brought into contact (see [ a-s ] ) .

सम्भीत [ sambhīta ] [ sam-bhīta ] m. f. n. (√ [ bhī ] ) greatly alarmed , afraid of (gen.) Lit. R.

सम्भुग्न [ sambhugna ] [ sam-bhugna ] m. f. n. (√ 1. [ bhuj ] ) completely bent or curved Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

 सम्भोग [ sambhoga ] [ sambhoga ]1 see [ bhuja-s ] , p. 759 , col. 1.

सम्भुज् [ sambhuj ] [ sam-√ bhuj:3 ] P. Ā. [ -bhunakti ] , [ -bhuṅkte ] , (aor. Subj. [ -bhujam ] Lit. RV.) to eat together , make a meal in common Lit. AV. Lit. Āpast. ; to enjoy (esp. carnally) Lit. Rājat. ; to partake of (gen.) Lit. RV. ii , 1 , 4 : Caus. [ -bhojayati ] , to cause to enjoy or eat , feed any one (acc.) with (instr.) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

 सम्भुक्त [ sambhukta ] [ sam-bhukta ] m. f. n. eaten , enjoyed

  run through , traversed Lit. VarBṛS. Sch.

 सम्भोक्तृ [ sambhoktṛ ] [ sam-bhoktṛ ] m. an eater , enjoyer Lit. Pañcar.

 सम्भोग [ sambhoga ] [ sam-bhogá ]2 m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) complete enjoyment , pleasure , delight in (comp.) Lit. ŚBr.

  carnal or sensual enjoyment , sexual union with (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  ( in rhet.) a subdivision of the Śṛiṅgāra or sentiment of love (described as " successful love leading to union " , and opp. to [ vipralambha ] , " disappointed love , separation " ) Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh. (only Lit. L. , " duration ; joy ; employment , use ; a Partic. part of an elephant's trunk ; a Jaina or Buddhist edict ; a libertine " )

  N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

  सम्भोगकाय [ sambhogakāya ] [ sam-bhogá--kāya ]2 m. " body of enjoyment " , N. of one of the three bodies of a Buddha Lit. MWB. 247

  सम्भोगक्षम [ sambhogakṣama ] [ sam-bhogá--kṣama ]2 m. f. n. suitable for enjoyment Lit. MW.

  सम्भोगयक्षिणी [ sambhogayakṣiṇī ] [ sam-bhogá--yakṣiṇī ]2 f. N. of a Yoginī ( also called Vīṇā w.r. [ °kṣaṇī ] ) Lit. Cat.

  सम्भोगवत् [ sambhogavat ] [ sam-bhogá--vat ]2 m. f. n. having enjoyment , leading a joyous life Lit. VarBṛS.

  सम्भोगवेश्मन् [ sambhogaveśman ] [ sam-bhogá--veśman ]2 n. " enjoyment-room " , the chamber of a concubine Lit. Cat.

  सम्भोगिन् [ sambhogin ] [ sam-bhogin ] m. f. n. enjoying together or enjoying each other mutually Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

   enjoying , using , possessing Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS.

   [ sambhogin ] m. a sensualist , libertine Lit. L.

  सम्भोग्य [ sambhogya ] [ sam-bhogya ] m. f. n. to be (or being) enjoyed or used ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Kām.

   सम्भोग्यता [ sambhogyatā ] [ sam-bhogya--tā ] f. , see [ sambhogya ]

 सम्भोज [ sambhoja ] [ sam-bhoja ] m. food Lit. BhP.

  सम्भोजक [ sambhojaka ] [ sam-bhojaka ] m. one who serves food , attendant at a meal (perhaps " a cook " ) Lit. MBh.

   an eater , taster Lit. MW.

  सम्भोजन [ sambhojana ] [ sam-bhojana ] n. eating together , a common meal , dinner party Lit. MBh.

   food Lit. Suśr.

   [ sambhojanī ] f. eating together Lit. Āpast. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  सम्भोजनीय [ sambhojanīya ] [ sam-bhojanīya ] m. f. n. to be fed Lit. BhP.

  सम्भोज्य [ sambhojya ] [ sam-bhojya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.

   to be eaten , eatable Lit. MBh.

   one with whom one ought to eat (see [ a-s ] ) .

सम्भू [ sambhū ] [ sam-√ bhū ] P. Ā. [ -bhavati ] , [ °te ] (ind.p. [ -bhūya ] , q.v.) , to be or come together , assemble , meet , be joined or united with (instr. with or without [ saha ] , or loc.) Lit. RV. ; to be united sexually with (instr. with or without [ saha ] , or [ sārdham ] , or acc.) Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; to be born or produced from (abl.) , arise , spring up , develop Lit. ib. ; to happen , occur , be , be found , exist Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to be possible Lit. Hit. Lit. Vedântas. ; to be or become anything (nom.) Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. MBh. ; to accrue to , fall to the share of (loc. or gen.) Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. ; to prevail , be effective Lit. ŚBr. ; to be able to or capable of (inf. or loc.) Lit. Śiś. ; to enter into , partake of , attain to (acc.) Lit. Yājñ. ; to find room in , be contained in or numbered among (loc.) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. ; to be adequate Lit. MBh. ; to be capable of holding Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 52 : Caus. [ -bhāvayati ] , to cause to be together , bring together , present or affect any one (acc.) with (instr. ; with [ doṣeṇa ] , " to attach blame to " , with [ annena ] , " to give food to " ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP. ; to cause to be born or produced , effect , accomplish , make Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh. ; to foster , cherish Lit. MBh. ; to resort to (acc.) Lit. ib. ; to meet with , find ( [ jīvantīm ] , " alive " ) Lit. Hcar. ; to honour , revere , salute , greet Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to receive or accept graciously Lit. Pañcat. ; to imply , suggest a possibility , suppose anything possible in any one (loc. or gen.) Lit. MBh. ; Lit. Kāv. ; to regard or consider as ( two acc.) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Pañcat. ; to think it possible that (Pot. with and without [ yad ] , or fut.) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 155 Sch. ; ( with [ na ] ) to think it impossible that (Pot. with and without [ yad ] , [ yacca ] , [ yatra ] , [ yadā ] , [ yadi ] , or [ jātu ] ; fut. with and without [ kiṃ kila ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 145 Sch. ; (Ā.) to reach , arrive at (acc.) Lit. Pat. : Pass. of Caus. [ -bhāvyate ] , to be brought about or together (see above ) ; to be (thought) possible or probable or fitting or consistent Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Kālid. : Desid. [ -bubhūṣati ] , to wish to thrive or prosper Lit. SāṅkhŚr. ( 1178,3 )

 सम्भव [ sambhava ] [ sam-bhavá ] m. ( or [ sám-bhava ] ) (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) being or coming together , meeting , union , intercourse (esp. sexual intercourse , cohabitation) Lit. Gobh.

  finding room in , being contained in (ifc.= " contained in " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.

  birth , production , origin , source , the being produced from (abl. ; ifc. = " arisen or produced from , made of , grown in " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  cause , reason , occasion (ifc.= " caused or occasioned by " ) Lit. ib.

  being brought about , occurrence , appearance (ifc. = " occurring " or " appearing in " ) Lit. ib.

  being , existence Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. MBh.

  capacity , ability , possibility (ifc. " made possible by " ; [ ena ] , " according to possibility " , " as possible " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP. Lit. Sāh.

  ( in rhet.) a possible case Lit. Kuval.

  (in phil.) equivalence ( regarded as one of the Pramāṇas q.v. ; illustrated by the equivalence between one shilling and pence) Lit. MW.

  agreement , conformity (esp. of the receptacle with the thing received) Lit. W.

  compatibility , adequacy Lit. ib.

  acquaintance , intimacy Lit. ib.

  loss , destruction Lit. ib.

  (with Buddhists) N. of a world Lit. SaddhP.

  N. of a prince , Lit. VP.

  of the third Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī. Lit. L.

  [ sambhava ] m. f. n. existing , being Lit. Pañcar.

  सम्भवकाण्ड [ sambhavakāṇḍa ] [ sam-bhavá--kāṇḍa ] m. n. N. of a Pauranic wk.

  सम्भवपर्वन् [ sambhavaparvan ] [ sam-bhavá--parvan ] n. " the section about the origin (of the gods) " , N. of ch. of the first book of the Lit. MBh.

  सम्भवन [ sambhavana ] [ sam-bhavana ] n. containing Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 23 Vārtt. 9.

  सम्भविन् [ sambhavin ] [ sam-bhavin ] m. f. n. possible Lit. Sāh. Lit. Sarvad.

  सम्भविष्णु [ sambhaviṣṇu ] [ sam-bhaviṣṇu ] m. a producer , creator Lit. BhP.

  सम्भव्य [ sambhavya ] [ sam-bhavya ] m. f. n. to be produced together , be capable ( cf. [ a-s ] )

   [ sambhavya ] m. Feronia Elephantum Lit. L.

 सम्भावन [ sambhāvana ] [ sam-bhāvana ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) having a high opinion of (comp.) Lit. BhP.

  [ sambhāvanā ] f. ( rarely n.) bringing together , assembling Lit. Pañcat.

  bringing near , procuring Lit. R.

  coming together , meeting with (gen.) Lit. Ratnâv.

  worship , honour , respect , esteem , regard for , high opinion of (loc. ; [ ātmani ] , " of one's self " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  imagination , supposition , assumption (also as a rhet. figure , described by some as the use of the verb in the Imperative or Potential mood ; acc. with √ [ bhaj ] , " to be supposed " ; [ °nojjhita ] mfn. " rejected as an assumption " , " doubted " ) Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sarvad. Lit. Kpr. Lit. Vās. Sch.

  fitness , adequacy Lit. Kir.

  competency , ability Lit. W.

  fame , celebrity Lit. ib.

  सम्भावनीय [ sambhāvanīya ] [ sam-bhāvanīya ] m. f. n. to be partaken of or assisted at (n. impers.) Lit. MBh.

   to be honoured or respected or greeted Lit. BhP.

   to be assumed or supposed , possible , probable Lit. Mṛicch. ( cf. [ a-s ] ) Lit. Sāh.

  सम्भावनोज्झित [ sambhāvanojjhita ] [ sam-bhāvanojjhita ] m. f. n. , see [ sambhāvana ] , " rejected as an assumption " , " doubted "

  सम्भावयितव्य [ sambhāvayitavya ] [ sam-bhāvayitavya ] m. f. n. to be respected or honoured Lit. Prab.

   to be supposed , probable Lit. Śaṃk.

  सम्भावयितृ [ sambhāvayitṛ ] [ sam-bhāvayitṛ ] m. f. n. one who honours or respects or reveres Lit. Daś.

  सम्भावित [ sambhāvita ] [ sam-bhāvita ] m. f. n. brought together , brought about

   seized , grasped Lit. Kād.

   thought highly of , esteemed , honoured , respected Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   honoured or presented with (instr.) Lit. BhP.

   considered , supposed , conjectured , reflected Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   suited , adequate , fit for , possible , probable Lit. Śak. Lit. Ragh.

   [ sambhāvita ] n. conjecture , supposition Lit. Ratnâv.

   सम्भाविततम [ sambhāvitatama ] [ sam-bhāvita--tama ] m. f. n. most honoured or respected Lit. Śaṃk.

   सम्भाविततर [ sambhāvitatara ] [ sam-bhāvita--tara ] m. f. n. more honoured or esteemed , more confided in Lit. R.

   सम्भावितात्मन् [ sambhāvitātman ] [ sam-bhāvitātman ] m. f. n. noble-minded , of respected character Lit. ib.

  सम्भावितव्य [ sambhāvitavya ] [ sam-bhāvitavya ] m. f. n. = [ °bhāvayitavya ] (v.l. [ °bhāvanīya ] ) Lit. BhP.

  सम्भाविन् [ sambhāvin ] [ sam-bhāvin ] m. f. n. faithfully adhering or devoted to Lit. Kathās.

   suitable , conformable Lit. MBh.

  सम्भाव्य [ sambhāvya ] [ sam-bhāvya ] m. to be honoured or respected or well treated Lit. Hariv. Lit. MārkP.

   to be (or being) honourably mentioned Lit. MBh.

   to be regarded or considered as (nom.) Lit. Pañcat.

   to be supposed or expected , possible , probable Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   suited , fit , adequate Lit. Sāy. (in a quotation)

   capable of. able to (loc.) Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.)

   [ sambhāvya ] m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata Lit. VP.

   n. adequacy , competency , fitness Lit. MW.

 सम्भु [ sambhu ] [ sam-bhu ] m. f. n. produced from , made of (comp.) Lit. Yājñ.

   [ sambhu ] m. a parent , progenitor Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 180 Lit. Kāś.

   N. of a metre Lit. Col.

 सम्भूत [ sambhūta ] [ sam-bhūta ] m. f. n. being or come together , united or combined with (see [ -tva ] )

  become , born , produced or arisen or proceeding from , made or composed of (abl. or comp.) Lit. Up. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  (ibc.) one in whom anything has arisen i.e. provided with , possessed of (see comp.)

  become or changed into anything (nom.) Lit. MBh.

  capable , adequate , equal Lit. W.

  [ sambhūta ] m. N. of a son of Trasa-dasyu Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP.

  of a judge Lit. Buddh.

  सम्भूतत्व [ sambhūtatva ] [ sam-bhūta--tva ] n. state of union or combination with (loc. ; [ pañjasu bhūteṣu sambhūta-tvaṃ ni-√ gam ] " to undergo union with the five elements " i.e. " to die " ) Lit. MBh. xiv , 174

  सम्भूतभूरिगजवाजिपदातिसैन्य [ sambhūtabhūrigajavājipadātisainya ] [ sam-bhūta--bhūri-gaja-vāji-padāti-sainya ] m. f. n. possessed of an army (consisting) of numerous elephants and horses and foot-soldiers Lit. Kathās.

  सम्भूतविजय [ sambhūtavijaya ] [ sam-bhūta--vijaya ] m. (= [ °ti-vijaya ] ) Lit. HPariś.

  सम्भूतसंत्रास [ sambhūtasaṃtrāsa ] [ sam-bhūta--saṃtrāsa ] m. f. n. seized with fear , afraid , alarmed Lit. Rājat.

  सम्भूति [ sambhūti ] [ sám-bhūti ] f. ( [ sám- ] .) birth , origin , production (ifc.= " risen or produced or descended from " ) Lit. VS.

   growth , increase Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

   manifestation of might , great or superhuman power (= [ vi-bhūti ] ) Lit. BhP. (Sch.)

   suitability , fitness (also personified as the daughter of Daksha and wife of Marīci , or as the wife of Jayad-ratha and mother of Vijaya) Lit. Pur.

   [ sambhūti ] m. N. of a son of Duḥsaha Lit. VP.

   of a brother of Trasa-dasyu Lit. ib.

   of a judge Lit. Buddh.

   सम्भूतिविजय [ sambhūtivijaya ] [ sám-bhūti--vijaya ] m. (with Jainas) N. of a Śruta-kevalin ( also = [ ta-vijaya ] ) Lit. HPariś.

 सम्भूय [ sambhūya ] [ sam-bhūya ] ind. being together , being united or combined with (in later language often used as an adv. = " together , in common , in company " , and sometimes forming first member of a comp. ; [ sambhūya ] [ samutthānam ] , " engaging in business after joining partnership " , " association in trade " , " partnership " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( cf. Lit. IW. 261)

  सम्भूयकारिन् [ sambhūyakārin ] [ sam-bhūya--kārin ] m. f. n. acting in concert or in company , a coadjutor , co-partner , colleague Lit. W.

  सम्भूयगमन [ sambhūyagamana ] [ sam-bhūya--gamana ] n. going in company Lit. Kām.

  सम्भूययान [ sambhūyayāna ] [ sam-bhūya--yāna ] n. going in company Lit. Kām.

  सम्भूयस् [ sambhūyas ] [ sam-bhūyas ] g. [ bahv-ādi ] .

 सम्भूयस्य [ sambhūyasya ] [ sam-bhūyasya ] Nom. P. [ °syati ] g. [ kaṇḍv-ādi ] .

सम्भूष् [ sambhūṣ ] [ sam-√ bhūṣ ] P. [ -bhūṣati ] , to procure or provide anything (acc.) for any one (loc.) Lit. RV.

सम्भृ [ sambhṛ ] [ sam-√ bhṛ ] P. Ā. [ -bharati ] , [ °te ] ( Ved. pf. [ -jabhāra ] ) , to draw together , roll or fold up Lit. RV. i , 115 , 4 ; (Ā.) to close (the jaws) Lit. ib. x , 79 , 1 ; to bring together , gather , collect , unite , compose , arrange , prepare , make ready , procure (materials or ingredients of any kind , esp. for a sacrifice ; with [ sam-bhārān ] , " to collect all requisites " , " prepare what is necessary " ) Lit. RV. ; to pay back Lit. MaitrS. ; to maintain , cherish Lit. R. ; to offer , present Lit. MW. : Caus. [ -bhārayati ] , to cause to bring together or prepare Lit. R.

 सम्भर [ sambhara ] [ sam-bhará ] m. f. n. one who brings together , a supporter , bestower Lit. RV.

  [ sambhara ] m. N. of a district and lake in Rājputāna (the lake commonly called Sambhar , where the salt [ gaḍa-lavaṇa ] is found , lies between the Jaipur and Jodhpur states) Lit. L.

  सम्भरोद्भव [ sambharodbhava ] [ sam-bharodbhava ] n. " produced in Sambhar " , the above salt Lit. L.

  सम्भरण [ sambharaṇa ] [ sam-bháraṇa ] m. a kind of brick Lit. TS.

   [ sambharaṇī ] f. a partic. Soma-vessel Lit. KātyŚr.

   [ sambharaṇa ] n. putting together , composition , arrangement , preparation Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

   collection , mass , multitude Lit. RV.

  सम्भरणीय [ sambharaṇīya ] [ sam-bharaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be brought together or collected or combined or united Lit. TBr. Sch.

   (ifc.) relating to the preparation of Lit. ŚrS.

 सम्भार [ sambhāra ] [ sam-bhārá ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) bringing together , collecting (= [ sam-bhṛti ] ) Lit. ŚBr.

  preparation , equipment , provision , necessaries , materials , requisite , collection of things required for any purpose (with Buddhists twofold , viz. 1. [ puṇya-s ] , " meritorious acts " , and 2. [ jñāna-s ] , " science " ; others add 3. [ śamatha-s ] , " quietude " , and 4. [ vidarśana-s ] , " farsightedness " Lit. Dharmas. 117) Lit. AV.

  = [ -yajus ] Lit. TBr.

  property , wealth Lit. MBh.

  fulness , completeness Lit. ib.

  multitude , number , quantity Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. Lit. Sarvad.

  high degree , excess of (love , anger ) Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Vās.

  maintenance , support , nourishment Lit. W.

  सम्भारत्व [ sambhāratva ] [ sam-bhārá--tvá ] n. the state of (being) a requisite Lit. ŚBr.

  सम्भारयजुस् [ sambhārayajus ] [ sam-bhārá--yajús ] n. N. of partic. texts Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सम्भारशील [ sambhāraśīla ] [ sam-bhārá--śīla ] n. (with Buddhists) the virtue of possessing the requisites (see above ) Lit. Dharmas. 106.

  सम्भारिन् [ sambhārin ] [ sam-bhārin ] m. f. n. full of (comp.) Lit. Kāv.

  सम्भार्य [ sambhārya ] [ sam-bhāryá ] m. f. n. to be put together or composed of various parts Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.

   to be prepared or made useful ( compar. [ -tara ] ) Lit. TS.

   to be maintained or nourished , a dependant Lit. W.

   [ sambhārya ] m. N. of an Ahīna Lit. ĀśvŚr.

 सम्भृत [ sambhṛta ] [ sám-bhṛta ] m. f. n. brought together , collected , assembled , accumulated , concentrated Lit. RV.

   provided , stored , laden , filled , covered , furnished or endowed with , possessed of (instr. or comp.) Lit. AV.

   carried , borne (in the womb) Lit. MBh.

   well maintained or nourished Lit. RV. Lit. R.

   honoured , respected Lit. BhP.

   produced , effected , caused , made , prepared Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kālid. Lit. Suśr.

   loud , shrill (as a sound) Lit. MBh. vii , 3911

  सम्भृतक्रतु [ sambhṛtakratu ] [ sám-bhṛta--kratu ] m. f. n. one in whom all knowledge is concentrated , intelligent , wise (said of Indra) Lit. RV.

  सम्भृततम [ sambhṛtatama ] [ sám-bhṛta--tama ] m. f. n. fully concentrated Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  सम्भृतबल [ sambhṛtabala ] [ sám-bhṛta--bala ] m. f. n. one who has assembled an army Lit. Rājat.

  सम्भृतश्री [ sambhṛtaśrī ] [ sám-bhṛta--śrī ] m. f. n. ( [ sám ] ) one in whom all beauty is concentrated , lovely , charming Lit. AV. Lit. Megh.

  सम्भृतश्रुत [ sambhṛtaśruta ] [ sám-bhṛta--śruta ] m. f. n. possessed of knowledge , learned , wise Lit. Rājat.

  सम्भृतसम्भार [ sambhṛtasambhāra ] [ sám-bhṛta--sambhāra ] m. f. n. ( [ sám ] ) one who has brought together all requisite materials , quite ready or prepared for anything Lit. TS. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  सम्भृतस्नेह [ sambhṛtasneha ] [ sám-bhṛta--sneha ] m. f. n. full of love for (loc.) Lit. Megh.

  सम्भृताङ्ग [ sambhṛtāṅga ] [ sám-bhṛtāṅga ] m. f. n. one whose body is well nourished or fed Lit. TBr.

    (ifc.) one whose limbs are covered with Lit. MBh. (B. [ sam-vṛt ] )

  सम्भृतार्थ [ sambhṛtārtha ] [ sám-bhṛtārtha ] m. f. n. one who has accumulated wealth Lit. Ragh.

  सम्भृताश्व [ sambhṛtāśva ] [ sám-bhṛtāśva ] m. f. n. one who has well-fed horses Lit. RV.

  सम्भृतौषध [ sambhṛtauṣadha ] [ sám-bhṛtauṣadha ] m. f. n. one who has collected many drugs Lit. MBh.

  सम्भृति [ sambhṛti ] [ sám-bhṛti ] f. collection Lit. L.

   equipment , preparation , provision Lit. ĀpŚr. Lit. Kathās.

   multitude Lit. Harav.

   plenitude , fulness Lit. W.

   complete maintenance , support , nourishment Lit. ib.

  सम्भृत्य [ sambhṛtya ] [ sám-bhṛtya ] m. f. n. to be collected or arranged or prepared Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.

   to be maintained or nourished Lit. W.

  सम्भृत्वन् [ sambhṛtvan ] [ sam-bhṛtvan ] m. f. n. collecting , accumulating Lit. AV.

सम्भृष्ट [ sambhṛṣṭa ] [ sam-bhṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ bhrajj ] ) thoroughly fried or roasted , parched , dried , dry , brittle Lit. Suśr.

सम्भ्रंश् [ sambhraṃś ] [ sam-√ bhraṃś ] ( or [ bhraś ] , only 3. sg. Pot. Ā. [ bhraśysta ] ) , to fall quite away , slip off Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

सम्भ्रश् [ sambhraś ] [ sam-√ bhraś ] ( or [ bhraṃś ] , only 3. sg. Pot. Ā. [ bhraśysta ] ) , to fall quite away , slip off Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

सम्भ्रम् [ sambhram ] [ sam-√ bhram ] P. [ bhramati ] , or [ -bhrāmyati ] , to roam or wander all about , go quite astray Lit. Kathās. ; to be greatly confused , be perplexed or puzzled Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -bhrāmayati ] , to lead astray , perplex , bewilder : (only in) Pass. [ -bhrāmyate ] , to be perplexed about , despair of (abl.) Lit. MBh.

 सम्भ्रम [ sambhrama ] [ sam-bhrama ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) whirling round , haste , hurry , flurry , confusion , agitation , bustling

  activity , eagerness , zeal ( [ āt ] and [ ena ] , " excitedly , hurriedly " ; acc. with √ [ kṛ ] or √ [ gam ] , and dat. , " to get into a flurry about , show great eagerness or zeal " ; with √ [ tyaj ] or [ vi-√ muc ] , " to compose one's self " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  awe , deference , respect Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  error , mistake , delusion (ifc. = " feigning or seeming to be " ) Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās.

  grace , beauty (v.l. for [ vi-bhrama ] ) Lit. Bhartṛ.

  N. of a class of beings attending on Śiva Lit. Cat.

  [ sambhrama ] m. f. n. agitated , excited , rolling about (as the eyes) Lit. BhP.

  सम्भ्रमज्वलित [ sambhramajvalita ] [ sam-bhrama--jvalita ] m. f. n. excited by flurry Lit. MW.

  सम्भ्रमभृत् [ sambhramabhṛt ] [ sam-bhrama--bhṛt ] m. f. n. possessing bewilderment , embarrassed , agitated Lit. ib.

 सम्भ्रान्त [ sambhrānta ] [ sam-bhrānta ] m. f. n. whirled about , flurried , confused , perplexed , agitated , excited Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  quickened , brisk , lively (gait) Lit. R.

  सम्भ्रान्तजन [ sambhrāntajana ] [ sam-bhrānta--jana ] m. f. n. one whose people are bewildered Lit. MW.

  सम्भ्रान्तमनस् [ sambhrāntamanas ] [ sam-bhrānta--manas ] m. f. n. bewildered in mind Lit. MBh.

  सम्भ्रान्ति [ sambhrānti ] [ sam-bhrānti ] f. agitation , bewilderment Lit. Sāh.

सम्भ्राज् [ sambhrāj ] [ sam-√ bhrāj ] ( only pr. p. P. [ -bhrājat ] ) , to shine brightly. sparkle Lit. BhP.

सम्मग्न [ sammagna ] [ sam-magna ] m. f. n. (√ [ majj ] ) sunk down , immersed in or overwhelmed by (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

सम्मथ् [ sammath ] [ sam-√ math ] ( or [ manth ] ; only Pass. [ -mathyate ] ) , to bruise or pound together , crush to pieces Lit. MBh.

सम्मन्थ् [ sammanth ] [ sam-√ manth ] ( or [ math ] ; only Pass. [ -mathyate ] ) , to bruise or pound together , crush to pieces Lit. MBh.

 सम्मथित [ sammathita ] [ sam-mathita ] m. f. n. bruised , pounded , dashed to pieces , destroyed Lit. ib.

सम्मद् [ sammad ] [ sam-√ mad ] P. Ā. [ -madati ] , [ °te ] , to rejoice together , rejoice with (instr.) Lit. RV. ; to rejoice at , delight in (instr.) Lit. ib. Lit. VS. : Caus. [ -madayati ] , [ °te ] , to intoxicate , exhilarate Lit. AitBr. ; (Ā.) to be completely intoxicated or exhilarated Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr.

 सम्मत्त [ sammatta ] [ sam-matta ] m. f. n. completely intoxicated (lit. and fig.) , exhilarated , enraptured , enamoured Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  rutting , in rut Lit. ib.

 सम्मद् [ sammad ] [ sam-mad ] f. ( used to explain [ samád ] ) Lit. Nir. ix , 17.

  सम्मद [ sammada ] [ sam-mada ] m. exhilaration , happiness , joy , delight at (comp.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Sāh.

   N. of a Ṛishi Lit. Br.

   of a king of the fish Lit. VP.

   [ sammada ] m. f. n. = next Lit. W.

   सम्मदमय [ sammadamaya ] [ sam-mada--maya ] m. f. n. greatly exhilarated , happy , glad Lit. Kathās.

   सम्मदवत् [ sammadavat ] [ sam-mada--vat ] m. f. n. " being together in rut or sexual passion " , and " feeling delight " Lit. Bālar.

  सम्मदिन् [ sammadin ] [ sam-madin ] m. f. n. gladdening , exhilarating Lit. Bhām.

 सम्माद [ sammāda ] [ sam-mā́da ] m. great exhilaration , intoxication , frenzy Lit. L.

सम्मन् [ samman ] [ sam-√ man ] Ā. [ manyate ] ( ep. also P. [ °ti ] ) , to think together , agree , assent to , approve (see [ sam-mata ] below) ; to think , fancy Lit. MBh. ; to regard or consider as (acc. or two acc.) Lit. ib. ; to mean , contemplate , intend , resolve Lit. R. ; to think highly of esteem , value , honour Lit. MBh. Lit. R. : Caus. [ -mānayati ] , to honour , reverence , respect Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh. ; to regard , consider Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to assure any one (gen.) of (acc.) Lit. MārkP. : Desid. of Caus. see [ sam-mimānayiṣu ] below.

 सम्मत [ sammata ] [ sam-mata ] m. f. n. thinking together , being of the same opinion , agreed , consented or assented to , concurred in , approved by (gen. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  (ifc.) agreeing with Lit. BhP.

  thought , supposed , considered or regarded as (nom.) Lit. R.

  thought highly of , esteemed , renowned , celebrated , highly honoured by (gen.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  allowed , authorized (see [ a-sammata ] )

  [ sammata ] m. N. of a son of Manu Sāvarṇa Lit. Hariv.

  (pl.) of a school Lit. Buddh.

  [ sammatā ] f. N. of a daughter of Marutta Lit. Hariv.

  [ sammata ] m. of a treatise on the Dhātu-pāṭha

  n. opinion , impression ( [ e ] or [ ena ] with gen. , " in the opinion of. " " under the idea of " ) Lit. MBh.

  consent , assent , approval , acquiescence , concurrence ( [ e ] , " with the consent or approval of " ) Lit. MW.

  सम्मति [ sammati ] [ sam-mati ] f. sameness of opinion , harmony , agreement , approval , approbation Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Prab. Lit. Hit.

   opinion , view Lit. Siddh.

   respect , homage Lit. R. Lit. Kir.

   wish , desire Lit. L.

   self-knowledge Lit. L.

   regard , affection , love Lit. W.

   order , command Lit. ib.

   N. of a river Lit. VP.

   [ sammati ] m. f. n. being of the same opinion , agreeing g. [ driḍhādi ] ( [ -man ] m. Lit. ib.)

   m. N. of a son of Harsha Lit. VP.

   सम्मतिमन् [ sammatiman ] [ sam-mati--man ] m. , see [ sammati ] , Lit. ib.

  सम्मतीय [ sammatīya ] [ sam-matīya ] m. N. of one of the four divisions of the Vaibhāshika system of Buddhism (said to have been founded by Upāli , a disciple of Gautama Buddha) Lit. MWB. 157 n. 1

 सम्मनस् [ sammanas ] [ sám-manas ] m. f. n. unanimous Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

  सम्मनिमन् [ sammaniman ] [ sám-maniman ] m. unanimousness , harmony g. [ dṛḍhādi ] .

  सम्मन्तव्य [ sammantavya ] [ sám-mantavya ] m. f. n. to be highly valued Lit. MBh.

 सम्मान [ sammāna ] [ sam-māna ]1 m. or (accord. to some) n. ( for 2. see col.2) honour , respect , homage Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  सम्मानकर [ sammānakara ] [ sam-māna--kara ]1 m. f. n. doing honour , honouring Lit. RPrāt.

  सम्मानन [ sammānana ] [ sam-mānana ] n. ( or f ( [ ā ] ) . ; fr. Caus.) the act of honouring , worshipping , homage Lit. Nir. Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. MBh.

  सम्माननीय [ sammānanīya ] [ sam-mānanīya ] m. f. n. (fr. .id.) to be honoured or respected Lit. BhP.

  सम्मानित [ sammānita ] [ sam-mānita ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) honoured , treated with reverence or respect Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

   सम्मानितविमानित [ sammānitavimānita ] [ sam-mānita--vimānita ] m. f. n. (first) honoured and (then) disgraced Lit. Ml.

  सम्मानिन् [ sammānin ] [ sam-mānin ] m. f. n. having a sense of honour Lit. Kāv.

  सम्मान्य [ sammānya ] [ sam-mānya ] m. f. n. to be (or being) highly honoured by (gen.) Lit. R.

 सम्मिमानयिषु [ sammimānayiṣu ] [ sam-mimānayiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to honour or revere Lit. MBh.

सम्मन्त्र् [ sammantr ] [ sam-√ mantr ] P. [ -mantrayati ] (ind.p. [ -mantrya ] , or [ -mantrayitvā ] ) , to consult together , take council with (instr. with or without [ saha ] or [ samam ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to hold a council , deliberate , advise , express an opinion Lit. R. ; to salute , greet , address Lit. MBh.

 सम्मन्त्रणीय [ sammantraṇīya ] [ sam-mantraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be consulted Lit. MW.

  to be saluted Lit. MBh.

 सम्मन्त्रित [ sammantrita ] [ sam-mantrita ] m. f. n. deliberated , considered Lit. Kathās.

सम्मन्द् [ sammand ] [ sam-√ mand ] Ā. [ -mandate ] , to rejoice at , delight in (instr.) Lit. RV. viii , 12 , 16 ; (aor. [ -amandiṣuḥ ] ) , to intoxicate , exhilarate Lit. ib. 52 , 10.

सम्मय [ sammaya ] [ sam-maya ] [ °yana ] see [ sam- ] √ 1. [ mi ] .

सम्मर्द [ sammarda ] [ sam-marda ] [ °dana ] see [ sam√ mṛd ] , p. 1185 , col. 1.

सम्मर्शन [ sammarśana ] [ sam-marśana ] [ °śin ] see [ sam√ mṛś ] , p. 1181 , col. 1.

सम्मर्ष [ sammarṣa ] [ sam-marṣa ] m. = [ marṣa ] , patience , endurance Lit. BhP.

सम्महस् [ sammahas ] [ sam-mahas ] n. (prob.) common or mutual joy (see [ mahas ] ) , Lit. ŚrS.

सम्मा [ sammā ] [ sam-√ mā:3 ] P. Ā. [ -māti ] , [ -mimīte ] , to measure out , measure Lit. RV. ; to make of the same measure , make equal , equalize (in size , number , quantity ) Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. ; to compare with (instr.) Lit. BhP. ; to mete out , distribute , bestow Lit. RV. iii , 1 , 15 ; v , 4 , 2 ; ( with [ śrávāṃsi ] ) to direct one's course or flight towards Lit. ib. iii , 34 , 22 ; to be of the same capacity with , be contained in (loc.) Lit. Kuval. : Pass. [ -mīyate ] , to be of the same measure , be contained in (loc.) Lit. Nīlak. ( 1180,1 )

 सम्मा [ sammā ] [ sam- ] f. equality in size or number , symmetry Lit. AitBr. Lit. PañcavBr.

  a kind of metre Lit. RPrāt.

 सम्मातृ [ sammātṛ ] [ sam-mātṛ ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see below) one who measures Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 115.

 सम्मान [ sammāna ] [ sam-māna ]2 n. ( for 1. see [ sam-√ man ] ) the act of measuring out , equalizing , comparing Lit. MW.

  measure Lit. ib.

 सम्मित [ sammita ] [ sám-mita ] m. f. n. measured out , measured , meted Lit. BhP.

  measuring. so much , just so much (no more nor less) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  of the same measure or extent , equal , like , same (in length , height , number , value ) , corresponding to , resembling , passing for (instr. , rarely gen. ; or comp.) Lit. AV.

  reaching up to (comp.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  symmetrical (?) Lit. Pañcar.

  consisting of. furnished or provided with (instr. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcar.

  destined for (comp.) Lit. MBh. ; v , 2462 (B. [ saṃdhita ] )

  [ sammitam ] ind. perpetually , incessantly Lit. Kāraṇḍ. ( prob. w.r. for [ samitam ] )

  [ sammita ] m. N. of a mythical being Lit. Yājñ.

  of a son of Vasishṭha Lit. VP.

  n. distance ( [ e ] ifc. = " at a distance from " ) Lit. VarBṛS.

  सम्मितत्व [ sammitatva ] [ sám-mita--tva ] n. ( in rhet.) universal analogy Lit. Pratāp.

  सम्मितवर्णा [ sammitavarṇā ] [ sám-mita--varṇā ] f. N. of a Commentary.

  सम्मिति [ sammiti ] [ sám-miti ] f. equalization , comparison Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 35 (v.l. [ sam-iti ] ) .

सम्मातुर [ sammātura ] [ sammātura ] w.r. for [ sāmmātura ] q.v.

सम्मात्रि [ sammātri ] [ sam-mātrí ]2 or [ sám-mātṛ ] m. f. n. ( for 1. see above ) having the same mother , twin Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Kāṭh.

सम्मान [ sammāna ] [ sam-māna ] 1. 2. [ sam-māna ] . see [ sam-√ man ] and [ sam- ] √ 3. [ ] , col.1.

सम्मार्ग [ sammārga ] [ sam-mārga ] [ sam-mārjaka ] see [ sam-√ mṛj ] . , p. 1181 , col. 1.

सम्मि [ sammi ] [ sam-√ mi:1 ] P. Ā. [ -minoti ] , [ -minute ] , to fasten at the same time or together , fix , erect Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.

 सम्मय [ sammaya ] [ sam-maya ] m. (of unknown meaning) Lit. Vop. xxvi , 171 (v.l.)

  सम्मयन [ sammayana ] [ sam-mayana ] ( [ sám- ] ) n. erection of a sacrificial post Lit. ŚBr.

सम्मिक्ष् [ sammikṣ ] [ sam-√ mikṣ:1 ] ( or [ -mimikṣ ] ; cf. √ 1. [ miksk ] ; only Impv. [ -mimikṣvā́ ] and 2. du. pf. [ -mimikṣáthuḥ ] , but accord. to some referable to [ sam- ] √ 1. [ mih ] q.v.) , to mix with , furnish or endow with (instr.) Lit. RV. i , 48 , 16 ; to prepare (an oblation) Lit. ib. viii , 10 , 2.

सम्मित [ sammita ] [ sam-mita ] see above.

सम्मिमर्दिषु [ sammimardiṣu ] [ sam-mimardiṣu ] see [ sam√ mṛd ] , p. 1181 , col. 1.

सम्मिमानयिषु [ sammimānayiṣu ] [ sam-mimānayiṣu ] see [ sam√ man ] , col.1.

सम्मिल् [ sammil ] [ sam-√ mil ] P. Ā. [ -milati ] , [ °te ] , to meet or assemble together , be present , associate with Lit. Kathās.

 सम्मिलित [ sammilita ] [ sam-milita ] m. f. n. met together , assembled , collected Lit. ib. Lit. Pañcat.

 सम्मेलन [ sammelana ] [ sam-melana ] n. mingling or meeting together , mixture , union Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Sāh.

सम्मिश्र [ sammiśra ] [ sam-miśra ] m. f. n. commingled , mixed together , joined , connected , furnished or endowed with (instr. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  सम्मिश्रण [ sammiśraṇa ] [ sam-miśraṇa ] n. the act of commingling or mixing together Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. vii , 193.

  सम्मिश्रित [ sammiśrita ] [ sam-miśrita ] m. f. n. mixed together , mingled , intermixed with (instr.) Lit. MBh.

 सम्मिश्ल [ sammiśla ] [ sám-miśla ] m. f. n. = [ sam-miśra ] above Lit. RV.

  [ sammiśla ] m. " universal mingler " , N. of Indra Lit. MBh.

सम्मिह् [ sammih ] [ sam-√ mih ] see [ sam- ] √ 1. [ mikṣ ] and √ 1. [ mikṣ ] , √ 1. [ mih ] .

सम्मील् [ sammīl ] [ sam-√ mīl ] P. [ -mīlati ] , to shut the eyes Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS. ; to close up (as a flower) Lit. Śak. Lit. Suśr. : Caus. [ -mīlayati ] ( with or without [ netre ] ) , to close the eyes Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr. ; to cause to close the eyes i.e. make insensible , kill Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Sāh.

 सम्मीलन [ sammīlana ] [ sam-mīlana ] n. closing (of a flower , of the eyes ) Lit. Suśr.

  cessation of activity Lit. Daśar.

  covering up , obscuring , a total eclipse Lit. Sūryas.

  सम्मीलित [ sammīlita ] [ sám-mīlita ] m. f. n. ( [ sám ] .) one who has closed the eyes Lit. TS.

   closed (as eyes ) , asleep (opp. to [ vi-buddha ] , " awake " ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. Ragh.

   सम्मीलितद्रुम [ sammīlitadruma ] [ sám-mīlita--druma ] m. a Punarnavā with red flowers Lit. L. 1.

  सम्मील्य [ sammīlya ] [ sam-mī́lya ] ind. having closed or shut or covered Lit. RV. Lit.

  सम्मील्य [ sammīlya ] [ sam-mīlya ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. Br.

सम्मुख [ sammukha ] [ sam-mukhá ] m. f. n. facing , fronting , confronting , being face to face or in front of or opposite to (gen. or ifc. or ibc.) , present , before the eyes Lit. ŚBr.

being about to begin or at the beginning of (comp.) Lit. Hariv.

directed or turned towards Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

inclined or favourable to (gen. or comp.) , propitious Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.

intent upon (loc. or comp.) Lit. Śatr. Lit. Kathās.

adapted to circumstances , fit , suitable Lit. Lalit.

with the mouth or face Lit. ĀpŚr.

[ sammukham ] ind. towards , near to ( [ atmanaḥ ] , " one's self " )

opposite , in front or in presence of (gen.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

[ sammukhe ] ind. opposite , before , face to face , in front or in presence or in the beginning of (gen. or comp. ; with √ [ bhū ] , " to oppose , resist " ; with √ [ sthā ] , " to look any one in the face " ) Lit. ib.

  सम्मुखविनय [ sammukhavinaya ] [ sam-mukhá-vinaya ] m. (prob.) reproving any one face to face (i.e. when he is alone and no one else present) , Lit. Mahāvy.

 सम्मुखय [ sammukhaya ] [ sam-mukhaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to aim at (loc.) Lit. Bhām.

 सम्मुखिन् [ sammukhin ] [ sam-mukhin ] m. a looking-glass , mirror Lit. L.

 सम्मुखी [ sammukhī ] [ sammukhī ] in comp. for [ °kha ] .

  सम्मुखीकृ [ sammukhīkṛ ] [ sammukhī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to place facing , make one's chief aim ( [ °khīkṛta ] mfn. " aimed at " ) Lit. Rāghav.

  सम्मुखीभू [ sammukhībhū ] [ sammukhī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to be or stand face to face or opposite , be opposed to , Lit. Balar.

 सम्मुखीन [ sammukhīna ] [ sammukhīna ] m. f. n. facing , confronting , opposite Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Lit. Hcar.

  propitious , favourable to (gen.) Lit. Ragh.

  सम्मुखीनत्व [ sammukhīnatva ] [ sammukhīna--tva ] n. the being in front Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. iv , 52

   presence Lit. Sāh.

सम्मुच् [ sammuc ] [ sam-√ muc ] P. [ -muncati ] , to let loose together , ; pour out , discharge , shed (tears) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -mocayati ] see next.

 सम्मोचित [ sammocita ] [ sam-mocita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) set free , liberated , released Lit. Ragh.

सम्मुद् [ sammud ] [ sam-√ mud ] ( only in pr. p. [ -modamāna ] q.v.)

 सम्मुद् [ sammud ] [ sam-múd ] f. joy , delight ( cf. [ svādu-s ] ) Lit. AV.

 सम्मोद [ sammoda ] [ sam-moda ] m. id. Lit. L.

  odour , fragrance Lit. MBh. (v.l.)

  सम्मोदगन्ध [ sammodagandha ] [ sam-moda--gandha ] m. id. Lit. Jātakam.

  सम्मोदन [ sammodana ] [ sam-modana ] m. f. n. friendly , kind ( [ °nī-kathā ] f. " complimentary talk " ) Lit. DivyA7v.

   सम्मोदनीकथा [ sammodanīkathā ] [ sam-modanī-kathā ] f. , see [ sammodana ] , " complimentary talk "

  सम्मोदनीय [ sammodanīya ] [ sam-modanīya ] ( Lit. Mahāvy.) m. f. n. friendly Lit. ib.

  सम्मोदमान [ sammodamāna ] [ sam-modamāna ] ( Lit. DivyA7v.) m. f. n. friendly Lit. ib.

  सम्मोदिक [ sammodika ] [ sam-modika ] m. a kind or friendly person , comrade , companion Lit. SaddhP.

सम्मुर्छ् [ sammurch ] [ sam-√ murch ] ( or [ -mūrch ] ) P. [ -mūrchati ] , to congeal into a fixed form , become dense , thicken , coagulate Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Suśr. ; to become stupid or senseless (see [ -mūrchita ] ) ; to acquire consistency or firmness or strength , increase , expand , become powerful , make a loud sound Lit. Ragh. : Caus. [ -mūrchayati ] , to cause to assume consistency , form , fashion (see [ -mūrchita-vat ] ) ; to stupefy , cause to faint Lit. Uttarar.

 सम्मूर्छ [ sammūrcha ] [ sam-mūrcha ] m. (prob.) thickening , augmenting , increase , expansion , spreading Lit. L.

  सम्मूर्छज [ sammūrchaja ] [ sam-mūrcha--ja ] m. grass or any gramineous Plant Lit. ib.

  सम्मूर्छन [ sammūrchana ] [ sam-mūrchana ] n. the act of congealing or thickening , increasing , spreading , accumulating Lit. Kaṇ.

   stupefaction , insensibility , fainting away Lit. L.

   height , elevation Lit. W.

   सम्मूर्छनोद्भव [ sammūrchanodbhava ] [ sam-mūrchanodbhava ] m. a fish or other aquatic animal Lit. L.

  सम्मूर्छित [ sammūrchita ] [ sam-mūrchita ] m. f. n. coagulated , congealed , thickened , strengthened , intensified (ifc. = " filled with " ) Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.

   stupefied , senseless , unconscious Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   reflected (as rays) Lit. VarBṛS.

   modulated (as tone) Lit. Bhar.

   सम्मूर्छितवत् [ sammūrchitavat ] [ sam-mūrchita--vat ] m. f. n. one who has (or = he has) formed or shaped Lit. Śaṃk.

सम्मुष् [ sammuṣ ] [ sam-√ muṣ ] P. [ -muṣṇāti ] , to steal , rob , take away Lit. Hariv.

सम्मुह् [ sammuh ] [ sam-√ muh ] P. [ -muhyati ] (pf. [ -mumoha ] , or [ -mumuhs ] ) , to become quite stupefied or bewildered or unconscious Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to become confused or unrecognizable (as the quarters of the sky) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -mohayati ] , to stupefy , make unconscious , perplex , bewilder , lead astray Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

 सम्मुग्ध [ sammugdha ] [ sam-mugdha ] m. f. n. gone astray (see [ a-s ] )

  perplexed , bewildered , stupefied Lit. Uttarar.

  not clearly understood Lit. Nīlak.

  [ sammugdham ] ind. furtively Lit. Gīt.

 सम्मूढ [ sammūḍha ] [ sam-mūḍha ] m. f. n. completely stupefied , astounded , perplexed , bewildered , unconscious , senseless Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   foolish , ignorant Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Rājat.

   heaped , accumulated (as clouds ; accord. to others , " torn asunder " ) Lit. Hariv.

   produced rapidly Lit. W.

   broken Lit. ib.

   [ sammūḍhā ] f. a kind of riddle or enigma Lit. Cat.

  सम्मूढचेतस् [ sammūḍhacetas ] [ sam-mūḍha--cetas ] m. f. n. troubled or infatuated in mind Lit. Śāntiś.

  सम्मूढता [ sammūḍhatā ] [ sam-mūḍha--tā ] f. ( Lit. Kathās.) stupefaction , infatuation , bewilderment , unconsciousness

  सम्मूढत्व [ sammūḍhatva ] [ sam-mūḍha--tva ] n. ( Lit. MaitrUp.) stupefaction , infatuation , bewilderment , unconsciousness

  सम्मूढपिडका [ sammūḍhapiḍakā ] [ sam-mūḍha--piḍakā ] f. N. of partic. eruptions on the membrum virile Lit. Suśr.

  सम्मूढहृदय [ sammūḍhahṛdaya ] [ sam-mūḍha--hṛdaya ] m. f. n. troubled in heart Lit. MW.

 सम्मोह [ sammoha ] [ sam-mohá ] m. stupefaction , bewilderment , confusion , insensibility , unconsciousness , ignorance , folly , illusion of mind (also with [ manasaḥ ] ; [ manaḥ- ] , [ mati- ] , [ citta-s ] ) Lit. ŚBr.

  tumult , battle (= [ saṃgrāna ] ) Lit. Naigh. ii , 17

  (in astrol.) a partic. conjunction of planets Lit. VarBṛS.

  [ sammohā ] f. a kind of metre Lit. Col.

  सम्मोहमौलिन् [ sammohamaulin ] [ sam-moha--maulin ] m. f. n. having illusion for a diadem Lit. MaitrUp.

  सम्मोहक [ sammohaka ] [ sam-mohaka ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) stupefying , infatuating , bewitching , fascinating Lit. MBh.

  सम्मोहन [ sammohana ] [ sam-mohana ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) id. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   [ sammohana ] m. N. of one of the five arrows of Kāmadeva Lit. Kum. Lit. Gīt. Sch. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 200)

   [ sammohanī ] f. a kind of fascination or illusion ( [ māyā ] ) Lit. Hariv.

   [ sammohana ] n. deluding , infatuating , leading astray Lit. MārkP.

   a kind of mythical weapon Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās.

   सम्मोहनतन्त्र [ sammohanatantra ] [ sam-mohana--tantra ] n. N. of a Tantra.

  सम्मोहित [ sammohita ] [ sam-mohita ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) stupefied , bewildered , fascinated , enraptured Lit. R. Lit. Gīt. Lit. BhP.

सम्मूत्रण [ sammūtraṇa ] [ sam-mūtraṇa ] n. making water upon (comp.) Lit. VarBṛS.

सम्मृज् [ sammṛj ] [ sam-√ mṛj ] P. [ -mṛjati ] , [ -mārṣṭi ] , [ -mārjati ] , [ -mārjayati ] ( cf. √ [ mārj ] ) , to sweep together , sweep clean , rub or wipe off , cleanse , strain , filter (Soma) , purify (fire by removing ashes) Lit. RV. ; to take away , remove Lit. Rājat. ; to stroke , caress Lit. R.

 सम्मार्ग [ sammārga ] [ sam-mārga ] m. wiping off , cleansing Lit. Kum. Lit. TBr. Sch.

  a wisp of grass (for tying faggots together) Lit. ŚrS.

 सम्मार्जक [ sammārjaka ] [ sam-mārjaka ] m. f. n. sweeping , cleansing , a sweeper Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. vii , 126

  = [ bahu-dhányārjaka ] Lit. L.

  [ sammārjaka ] m. a broom Lit. L.

  सम्मार्जन [ sammārjana ] [ sam-mā́rjana ] n. the act of sweeping or cleansing thoroughly , cleansing , scouring , purifying , brushing Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   the anointing and washing (of images ) Lit. MW.

   a wisp (or bunch of Darbha grass for purifying ladles ) Lit. TBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

   remains of food wiped off from dishes Lit. MārkP.

   a wisp or broom (made of tough grass and stalks) Lit. Saṃskārak. Lit. Kull.

  सम्मार्जित [ sammārjita ] [ sam-mārjita ] m. f. n. well swept or scoured Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   removed , destroyed Lit. Rājat.

 सम्मार्ष्टि [ sammārṣṭi ] [ sam-mārṣṭi ] f. cleansing , purification Lit. L.

 सम्मृष्ट [ sammṛṣṭa ] [ sam-mṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. well swept or scoured , cleaned , cleansed Lit. ŚBr.

  strained , filtered Lit. L.

सम्मृण् [ sammṛṇ ] [ sam-√ mṛṇ ] P. [ -mṛṇati ] , to kill , slay , destroy Lit. RV. Lit. Kāṭh.

सम्मृत [ sammṛta ] [ sam-mṛta ] m. f. n. quite dead Lit. W.

सम्मृद् [ sammṛd ] [ sam-√ mṛd ] P. [ -mṛdnāti ] , [ -mardati ] ( Ved. inf. [ -marditoḥ ] ) , to press or squeeze together , rub or grind to pieces , crush , destroy Lit. TS. : Caus. [ -mardayati ] (pr. p. [ -mardayāna ] ) , to cause to be rubbed together , crush , pound , bruise Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to rub Lit. Suśr. ; to clean Lit. MW.

 सम्मर्द [ sammarda ] [ sam-marda ] m. pressing or rubbing together , friction , pressure Lit. Pratāp.

  trampling Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  impact (of waves) Lit. Rājat.

  meeting , encounter (esp. with enemies) , war , battle Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  सम्मर्दन [ sammardana ] [ sam-mardana ] m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva Lit. BhP.

   of a king of the Vidyā-dharas Lit. Kathās.

   [ sammardana ] n. rubbing , friction Lit. Siṃhâs.

  सम्मर्दिन् [ sammardin ] [ sam-mardin ] m. f. n. pressing thoroughly , rubbing , crushing Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

 सम्मिमर्दिषु [ sammimardiṣu ] [ sam-mimardiṣu ] m. f. n. about to crush Lit. MBh.

सम्मृश् [ sammṛś ] [ sam-√ mṛś ] P. Ā. [ -mṛśati ] , [ °te ] , to take hold of. seize , grasp , touch , graze , stroke (Ā. " each other " ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS. ; to touch mentally , judge (see below) .

 सम्मर्शन [ sammarśana ] [ sam-márśana ] n. stroking Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.

  सम्मर्शिन् [ sammarśin ] [ sam-marśin ] m. f. n. able to judge Lit. TUp.

सम्मेघ [ sammegha ] [ sam-megha ] m. the cloudy season Lit. TāṇḍBr.

सम्मेत [ sammeta ] [ sammeta ] m. ( cf. [ sameta ] and next) N. of a mountain Lit. Śatr.

सम्मेद [ sammeda ] [ sammeda ] m. N. of a mountain ( [ -māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.) Lit. Cat.

  सम्मेदमाहात्म्य [ sammedamāhātmya ] [ sammeda--māhātmya ] n. , see [ sammeda ] , N. of wk.

सम्मेलन [ sammelana ] [ sam-melana ] see [ sam-√ mil ] .

सम्मोक्ष् [ sammokṣ ] [ sam-√ mokṣ ] P. [ -mokṣayati ] , to set quite free , liberate Lit. MBh.

सम्मोद [ sammoda ] [ sam-moda ] [ °dana ] see [ sam√ mud ] , p. 1180 , col. 3.

सम्मोह [ sammoha ] [ sam-moha ] [ °haka ] , [ °hana ] see col.1.

सम्म्यक्ष् [ sammyakṣ ] [ sam-√ myakṣ ] ( only 3. pl. pf. [ -mimikṣuḥ ] and [ -mimikṣire ] ) , to be held together or united or associated , dwell together Lit. RV.

सम्म्रक्षित [ sammrakṣita ] [ sam-mrakṣita ] m. f. n. (√ [ mrakṣ ] ) rubbed in , anointed Lit. Suśr.

सम्यञ्च् [ samyañc ] [ samy-áñc ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ sami ] = [ sam ] 2 + 2. [ añc ] cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 93 ; nom. [ samyán ] , [ samīcī́ ] , or [ samī́cī ] , [ samyák ] ) going along with or together , turned together or in one direction , combined , united (acc. with √ [ dhā ] , " to unite or provide with " ( acc. or dat. of pers. and instr. or acc. of thing ) ) , entire , whole , complete , all ( [ samyañcaḥ ] [ sarve ] , " all together " ) Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

turned towards each other , facing one another Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. Br.

lying in one direction , forming one line (as foot steps) Lit. ŚBr.

correct , accurate , proper , true , right Lit. BhP.

uniform , same , identical Lit. W.

pleasant , agreeable Lit. ib.

[ samīcī ] f. praise , eulogy Lit. L.

a doe Lit. Uṇ. iv , 92 Sch.

N. of a divine female Lit. TBr.

of an Apsaras Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

[ samyak ] ind. in one or the same direction , in the same way , at the same time , together (with √ [ sthā ] , " to associate with " ) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.

in one line , straight (opp. to [ akṣṇayā ] , " obliquely " ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

completely , wholly , thoroughly , by all means (with [ na ] , " by no means , not at all " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

correctly , truly , properly , fitly , in the right way or manner , well , duly (with √ [ kṛ ] , " to make good ( a promise ) " ) Lit. Up. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

distinctly , clearly Lit. MW.

 समीक [ samīka ] [ samīká ] n. hostile encounter , conflict , fight Lit. RV.

  ( sometimes written [ śamīka ] ) N. of a Ṛishi Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  of a son of Sūra Lit. ib.

 समीच [ samīca ] [ samī́ca ] m. the sea , ocean Lit. Uṇ. iv , 92 Sch.

  [ samīcī ] f. see [ samy-áñc ] above.

 समीचक [ samīcaka ] [ samīcaka ] m. sexual union , copulation Lit. W.

 समीचीन [ samīcīna ] [ samīcīná ] m. f. n. tending in a common direction , going with or in company with , being or remaining together , connected , united , complete , all , whole Lit. RV. Lit. TS.

  fit , proper , correct , true , just , right Lit. KaushUp. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. BhP.

  [ samīcīna ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.

  = next Lit. W.

  समीचीनता [ samīcīnatā ] [ samīcīná-tā ] f. ( Lit. Rāghav.) propriety , fitness , truth.

  समीचीनत्व [ samīcīnatva ] [ samīcīná-tva ] n. ( Lit. Nīlak.) , propriety , fitness , truth.

 सम्यक् [ samyak ] [ samyak ] in comp. for [ samyañc ] .

  सम्यक्कर्मान्त [ samyakkarmānta ] [ samyak-karmānta ] m. (with Buddhists) right action or occupation ( one division of the [ āryāṣṭāṅga-mārga ] , " holy eightfold path " ; the other 7 are given below) Lit. Lalit. Lit. Dharmas. 50 Lit. MWB. 44

  सम्यक्कारिन् [ samyakkārin ] [ samyak-kārin ] see [ a-s ] .

  सम्यक्चारित्र [ samyakcāritra ] [ samyak-cāritra ] n. (with Jainas) right conduct (see [ ratna-traya ] ) .

  सम्यक्ता [ samyaktā ] [ samyak-tā ] f. rightness , correct manner Lit. Prab. Sch.

  सम्यक्त्व [ samyaktva ] [ samyak-tva ] n. id. Lit. MBh.

   completeness , perfection Lit. Śatr. ( [ kṣāyika-s ] , " that perfection in which material existence is destroyed " Lit. W.)

   सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी [ samyaktvakaumudī ] [ samyak-tva--kaumudī ] f. N. of wk.

   सम्यक्त्वप्रकाश [ samyaktvaprakāśa ] [ samyak-tva--prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

   सम्यक्त्वाध्ययन [ samyaktvādhyayana ] [ samyak-tvādhyayana ] n. N. of wk.

   सम्यक्त्वाध्यापन [ samyaktvādhyāpana ] [ samyak-tvādhyāpana ] n. N. of wk.

   सम्यक्त्वमिथ्यात्वसर्वसंग्रसन [ samyaktvamithyātvasarvasaṃgrasana ] [ samyak-tva--mithyā-tva-sarva-saṃgrasana ] m. a partic. Samādhi Lit. Buddh.

  सम्यक्पाठ [ samyakpāṭha ] [ samyak-pāṭha ] m. right pronunciation Lit. VPrāt.

  सम्यक्पालन [ samyakpālana ] [ samyak-pālana ] n. right or due protection , Lit. Ratnâv.

  सम्यक्प्रणिधान [ samyakpraṇidhāna ] [ samyak-praṇidhāna ] n. true or profound meditation (as leading to Arhat-ship) Lit. DivyA7v.

  सम्यक्प्रयोग [ samyakprayoga ] [ samyak-prayoga ] m. right use or employment , due practice ( [ eṇa ] , " by the use of proper means " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kum. Lit. Car.

  सम्यक्प्रवृत्ति [ samyakpravṛtti ] [ samyak-pravṛtti ] f. right action or function (of the senses) Lit. Col.

  सम्यक्प्रहाण [ samyakprahāṇa ] [ samyak-prahāṇa ] n. ( = Pali [ sammappadhāna ] ) right abandonment , right effort , right exertion (with Buddhists of four kinds , 1 -to prevent demerit from arising , 2. get rid of it when arisen , 3. produce merit , 4. increase it) Lit. DivyA7v.

   Dharnsas. 45 Lit. MWB. 50.

  सम्यक्श्रद्धान [ samyakśraddhāna ] [ samyak-śraddhāna ] n. (with Jainas) right belief. Lit. Sarvad.

  सम्यक्संकल्प [ samyaksaṃkalpa ] [ samyak-saṃkalpa ] m. ( with Lit. Buddh.) right resolve.

  सम्यक्सत्त्व [ samyaksattva ] [ samyak-sattva ] n. N. of a Commentary.

  सम्यक्सत्य [ samyaksatya ] [ samyak-satya ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

  सम्यक्समाधि [ samyaksamādhi ] [ samyak-samādhi ] m. right meditation (with Lit. Buddh.)

  सम्यक्सम्बुद्ध [ samyaksambuddha ] [ samyak-sambuddha ] m. f. n. one who has attained to complete enlightenment (said of the Buddha) Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  सम्यक्सम्बुद्धि [ samyaksambuddhi ] [ samyak-sambuddhi ]and f. complete enlightenment Lit. ib.

  सम्यक्सम्बोध [ samyaksambodha ] [ samyak-sambodha ] and m. complete enlightenment Lit. ib.

  सम्यक्सम्बोधि [ samyaksambodhi ] [ samyak-sambodhi ]and f. complete enlightenment Lit. ib.

  सम्यक्स्थिति [ samyaksthiti ] [ samyak-sthiti ] f. remaining together Lit. BhP. Sch.

  सम्यक्स्मृति [ samyaksmṛti ] [ samyak-smṛti ] f. ( with Lit. Buddh.) right recollection.

 सम्यग् [ samyag ] [ samyag ] in comp. for [ samyañc ] .

  सम्यगवबोध [ samyagavabodha ] [ samyag-avabodha ] m. right understanding Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 47 Sch.

  सम्यगाजीव [ samyagājīva ] [ samyag-ājīva ] m. right living.

  सम्यगाज्ञा [ samyagājñā ] [ samyag-ājñā ] f. = [ -avabodha ] , Lit. Mahāv.

  सम्यगुक्त [ samyagukta ] [ samyag-ukta ] m. f. n. properly or accurately said , said in the same away Lit. MW.

  सम्यग्गत [ samyaggata ] [ samyag-gata ] m. f. n. behaving rightly , holy Lit. DivyA7v.

  सम्यग्गमन [ samyaggamana ] [ samyag-gamana ] n. the act of going with , accompanying Lit. MW.

  सम्यग्गुण [ samyagguṇa ] [ samyag-guṇa ] n. right or true virtue Lit. Vet.

  सम्यग्गोप्तृ [ samyaggoptṛ ] [ samyag-goptṛ ] m. a true protector or guardian Lit. MW.

  सम्यग्घुत [ samyagghuta ] [ samyag-ghuta ] ( for [ -huta ] ) m. f. n. properly kindled (fire) Lit. Ragh.

  सम्यग्ज्ञान [ samyagjñāna ] [ samyag-jñāna ] n. right knowledge (see [ ratna-traya ] )

   सम्यग्ज्ञानत्व [ samyagjñānatva ] [ samyag-jñāna--tva ] n. Lit. Śamk.

  सम्यग्दग्ध [ samyagdagdha ] [ samyag-dagdha ] n. (in surgery) right burning or cauterizing Lit. Suśr.

  सम्यग्दण्डन [ samyagdaṇḍana ] [ samyag-daṇḍana ] n. the act of punishing rightly or legally Lit. W.

  सम्यग्दर्शन [ samyagdarśana ] [ samyag-darśana ] n. right perception or insight (see [ ratna-traya ] )

   [ samyagdarśana ] m. f. n. = next Lit. BhP.

   सम्यग्दर्शनसम्पन्न [ samyagdarśanasampanna ] [ samyag-darśana--sampanna ] m. f. n. possessed of true insight Lit. Mn. vi , 74 ,

  सम्यग्दर्शिन् [ samyagdarśin ] [ samyag-darśin ] ( Lit. Śaṃk.) m. f. n. id.

  सम्यग्दृश् [ samyagdṛś ] [ samyag-dṛś ] ( Lit. Cat.) m. f. n. id.

  सम्यग्दृष्टि [ samyagdṛṣṭi ] [ samyag-dṛṣṭi ] f. right insight or belief (with Lit. Buddh.) Lit. Lalit.

   [ samyagdṛṣṭi ] m. f. n. possessed of right belief , orthodox ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. HPariś. Lit. DivyA7v.

   सम्यग्दृष्टित्व [ samyagdṛṣṭitva ] [ samyag-dṛṣṭi--tva ] n. , see [ samyagdṛṣṭi ]

  सम्यग्बोध [ samyagbodha ] [ samyag-bodha ] m. right understanding Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 47 Sch.

  सम्यग्योग [ samyagyoga ] [ samyag-yoga ] m. a true Yoga Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. BhP.

  सम्यग्वर्णप्रयोग [ samyagvarṇaprayoga ] [ samyag-varṇa-prayoga ] m. " right use of sounds " , correct pronunciation Lit. Śiksh.

  सम्यग्वर्तमान [ samyagvartamāna ] [ samyag-vartamāna ] m. f. n. continuing in the right discharge of duty Lit. W.

  सम्यग्वाच् [ samyagvāc ] [ samyag-vāc ] f. right speech (with Lit. Buddh.)

  सम्यग्वान्त [ samyagvānta ] [ samyag-vānta ] m. f. n. that has well vomited (as a leech) Lit. Suśr.

  सम्यग्विजयिन् [ samyagvijayin ] [ samyag-vijayin ] m. f. n. completely victorious Lit. MBh.

  सम्यग्वृत्त [ samyagvṛtta ] [ samyag-vṛtta ] m. f. n. well-conducted Lit. MW.

   wholly confiding in Lit. ib.

  सम्यग्वृत्ति [ samyagvṛtti ] [ samyag-vṛtti ] f. regular or complete performance , right discharge of duties Lit. MBh.

  सम्यग्व्यवसित [ samyagvyavasita ] [ samyag-vyavasita ] m. f. n. firmly resolved Lit. Bhag.

  सम्यग्व्यायाम [ samyagvyāyāma ] [ samyag-vyāyāma ] m. right exertion (with Buddhists) .

 सम्यङ् [ samyaṅ ] [ samyaṅ ] in comp. for [ samyañc ] .

  सम्यङ्मति [ samyaṅmati ] [ samyaṅ-mati ] f. correct opinion Lit. Śaṃk.

सम्राज् [ samrāj ] [ sam-rā́j ] m. ( fr. [ saṃ- ] √ [ rāj ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 25 ; nom. [ samrā́ṭ ] ) a universal or supreme ruler (a N. of Varuṇa , the Ādityas , Indra , Manu ) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. VP.

a sovereign lord , paramount sovereign (of men)

one who rules over other princes and has performed the Rājasūya sacrifice Lit. RV.

N. of a son or grandson of Kāmyā Lit. Hariv.

of a son of Citra-ratha Lit. BhP.

of various authors Lit. Cat.

a kind of metre Lit. RPrāt.

a partic. Ekâha Lit. Vait.

[ samrāj ] f. N. of a daughter of Priya-vrata Lit. VP.

 सम्राज [ samrāja ] [ samrāja ] Nom. P. ( fr. prec. ; cf. [ saṃ-√ rāj ] ) [ °jati ] ( only pr.p. [ °jat ] ) , to reign over , rule (gen.) Lit. RV. i , 27 , 1.

 सम्राज्ञी [ samrājñī ] [ samrā́jñī ] f. a queen or any woman or mistress who is superior in rank Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TBr.

 सम्राट् [ samrāṭ ] [ samrāṭ ] in comp. for [ samrāj ] .

  सम्राट्सिद्धान्त [ samrāṭsiddhānta ] [ samrāṭ-siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.

 सम्राड् [ samrāḍ ] [ samrāḍ ] in comp. for [ samrāj ] .

  सम्राडासन्दी [ samrāḍāsandī ] [ samrāḍ-āsandī́ ] f. a chair or stool used foe the Pravargya-gharma ( q.v.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.

  सम्राड्दुघा [ samrāḍdughā ] [ samrāḍ-dúghā ] f. the cow that gives milk for the Pravargya Lit. ŚBr.

  सम्राड्यन्त्र [ samrāḍyantra ] [ samrāḍ-yantra ] n. N. of wk.

  सम्वर्तवात [ samvartavāta ] [ sam-vartavāta ] m. a whirlwind, Lit. Hir.

सय् [ say ] [ say ] Root cl. [1] Ā. [ sayate ] , to go Lit. Dhātup. xiv , 8.

सय [ saya ] [ saya ]1 ( fr. [ si ] ) , only in the following.

  सयत्व [ sayatva ] [ saya-tvá ] n. binding , fastening Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. Lit. Kāṭh.

 सयन [ sayana ] [ sayana ] n. binding Lit. Nir.

  [ sayana ] m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra Lit. MBh. (B. [ seyana ] ) .

सय [ saya ] [ sa-ya ]2 m. f. n. (i.e. , 7 , [ sa ] + [ ya ] ) with the sound or letter [ ya ] Lit. RPrāt.

  [ sa ] [ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :

  सयक्ष्मन् [ sayakṣman ] [ sa-yakṣman ] m. f. n. having consumption , suffering from consumption , consumptive Lit. MBh.

  सयज्ञपात्र [ sayajñapātra ] [ sa-yajña-pātra ] m. f. n. together with sacrificial vessels Lit. Hcat.

  सयति [ sayati ] [ sa-yati ] m. f. n. having a caesura , with a caesura Lit. Ked.

  सयत्न [ sayatna ] [ sa-yatna ] m. f. n. making efforts , taking pains with , endeavouring to (inf. ; [ am ] ind. " with effort " ) Lit. Hit.

   [ sayatnam ] ind. , see [ sayatna ] , " with effort "

  सयन्त्र [ sayantra ] [ sa-yantra ] m. f. n. with or possessing machines Lit. MW.

   सयन्त्रजलशैल [ sayantrajalaśaila ] [ sa-yantra--jala-śaila ] m. f. n. having engines and water and a rock Lit. ib.

  सयन्त्रिक [ sayantrika ] [ sa-yantrika ] m. f. n. together with a charioteer Lit. KātyŚr.

  सयव [ sayava ] [ sa-yava ] m. f. n. together with barley , Lit. Kauś.

  सयव [ sayava ] [ sa-ya-va ] m. f. n. containing the sounds [ ya ] or [ va ] Lit. VPrāt.

  सयावक [ sayāvaka ] [ sa-yāvaka ] m. f. n. dyed with lac Lit. Kir.

  सयावन् [ sayāvan ] [ sa-yā́van ] m. f. n. going along with , associated with (instr.) , accompanying Lit. RV.

  सयुक्त्व [ sayuktva ] [ sa-yuktvá ] n. ( fr. [ sa-yuj ] ) the being united Lit. ŚBr.

  सयुग्वन् [ sayugvan ] [ sa-yúgvan ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) united or associated with , a companion of (gen.) Lit. ib.

   having a team of horses Lit. ChUp.

  सयुज् [ sayuj ] [ sa-yúj ] m. f. n. united , a companion , comrade Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.

   [ sayuj ] f. N. of partic. bricks Lit. TS.

  सयुज्य [ sayujya ] [ sa-yujya ] m. f. n. (fr. prec.) closely united with Lit. MW.

   सयुज्यता [ sayujyatā ] [ sa-yujya--tā ] f. intimate union or junction Lit. ib.

  सयुधिष्ठिर [ sayudhiṣṭhira ] [ sa-yudhi-ṣṭhira ] m. f. n. with or accompanied by Yudhi-shṭhira Lit. MW.

  सयूथ्य [ sayūthya ] [ sa-yūthya ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 114) belonging to the same herd or tribe Lit. VS. Lit. AitBr.

  सयोग [ sayoga ] [ sa-yoga ] m. f. n. possessed of Yoga Lit. Ragh.

   [ sayoga ] m. (mc.) for [ saṃ-yoga ] , junction , union ( opp. to [ viyoga ] ) Lit. BhP.

   n. ( scil. [ guṇa-sthāna ] , with Jainas) N. of the last but one of the 14 stages leading to emancipation Lit. Cat.

  सयोनि [ sayoni ] [ sá-yoni ] m. f. n. ( [ sá- ] ) having a womb , female Lit. L.

   having the same womb , uterine , having a common origin with (instr.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

   connected with the womb or place of origin or birth-place Lit. AV. Lit. TS.

   [ sayoni ] m. ( only Lit. L.) " one who is from the same womb " , a uterine brother

   proximity to a wife (?) a pair of nippers for cutting areca-nut

   N. or Indra

   सयोनिता [ sayonitā ] [ sá-yoni--tā ] f. ( Lit. AitBr.) identity of origin , the having the same birth-place.

   सयोनित्व [ sayonitva ] [ sá-yoni--tvá ] n. ( Lit. TS.) identity of origin , the having the same birth-place.

  सयोषण [ sayoṣaṇa ] [ sa-yoṣaṇa ] m. f. n. attended by women , along with the women Lit. MW.

  सयौवन [ sayauvana ] [ sa-yauvana ] m. f. n. possessing youth , youthful , young Lit. Ṛitus.

सर [ sara ] [ sará ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ sṛ ] ) fluid , liquid Lit. VS.

cathartic , purgative , laxative Lit. Suśr. Lit. Vāgbh.

(ifc. f ( [ ī ] ) . Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 18) going , moving ( cf. [ anu- ] , [ abhi- ] , [ puraḥ-s ] )

[ sara ] m. going , motion Lit. L.

a cord , string ( cf. [ prati- ] , [ maṇi- ] , [ muktā-maṇi- ] , and [ mauktika-s ] )

a short vowel (in prosody) Lit. Col.

salt Lit. L.

N. of Vāyu or the wind Lit. L.

a waterfall Lit. L.

often v.l. or w.r. for [ śara ] ( also in comp. [ sara-ja ] for [ śara-ja ] )

[ sarā ] f. moving or wandering about Lit. Gal.

[ sara ] m. a brook Lit. AV. Lit. TS.

a cascade , waterfall Lit. L.

Paederia Foetida Lit. L.

[ sarī ] f. a cascade ( cf. [ sari ] ) Lit. L.

[ sara ] n. a lake , pool ( also irregularly in comp. for [ saras ] ) Lit. Uṇ. iv , 188 Sch.

milk Lit. L.

  सरत्व [ saratva ] [ sará-tva ] n. fluidity , laxity , the being a purgative Lit. Suśr.

  सरवती [ saravatī ] [ sará-vatī ] f. N. of the river Vitastā Lit. MW.

  सरोत्सव [ sarotsava ] [ sarotsava ] m. " delighting in water " , the Indian crane Lit. L.

  सरोदक [ sarodaka ] [ sarodaka ] n. the water of a pond Lit. Śiś.

  सरोदपान [ sarodapāna ] [ sarodapāna ] n. pl. ponds and wells Lit. MBh.

  सरोपान्त [ saropānta ] [ saropānta ] n. the neighbourhood of a pond Lit. Pañcat.

 सरः [ saraḥ ] [ saraḥ ] in comp. for [ saras ] .

  सरःकाक [ saraḥkāka ] [ saraḥ-kāka ] m. " lake-bird " , a gander (f ( [ ī ] ) . a goose) Lit. L.

  सरःप्रिय [ saraḥpriya ] [ saraḥ-priya ] m. " fond of water " , a partic. aquatic bird (v.l. [ sura-pr ] ) Lit. Hariv.

 सरक [ saraka ] [ saraka ] m. f. n. going , moving , proceeding Lit. L.

  [ saraka ] m. or n. a drinking vessel , goblet (esp. for spirituous liquors) Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.

  m. spirituous liquor (esp. that distilled from sugar) , rum Lit. Kathās.

  drinking spirituous liquor Lit. Śiś. xv , 114

  distribution of spirituous liquor Lit. L.

  a caravan Lit. L.

  [ sarikā ] f. a kind of plant (= [ hiṅgu-pattrī ] ) Lit. L.

  [ saraka ] m. a string of pearls Lit. L.

  n. a pearl , jewel Lit. L.

  a pond , lake Lit. L.

  " going " or " the sky " ( [ gamana ] or [ gagana ] ) Lit. L.

  N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh.

 सरण [ saraṇa ] [ saraṇa ] m. f. n. ( for [ sa-raṇa ] see p.1183) going , moving , running Lit. GopBr.

  [ saraṇa ] m. a kind of tree Lit. Col. ( perhaps w.r. for [ sorala ] )

  N. of a king Lit. Buddh.

  f ( [ ā ] or [ ī ] ) . Paederia Foetida Lit. L.

  [ saraṇā ] f. a sort of convolvulus Lit. L.

  [ saraṇa ] n. running , quick motion (with [ ājeḥ ] , " a foot-race " , " running-match " ) Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. ChUp. Lit. MBh.

  moving from one place to another , locomotion Lit. VarBṛS.

  running after , following Lit. R.

  iron rust or filings Lit. L.

  सरणजीविन् [ saraṇajīvin ] [ saraṇa-jīvin ] m. f. n. living by running Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

  सरणदेव [ saraṇadeva ] [ saraṇa-deva ] m. N. of a grammarian Lit. Col.

 सरणि [ saraṇi ] [ saraṇi ] f. a road , path , way ( also [ °ṇī ] ) Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Daś.

  a strait or continuous line Lit. L.

  a disease of the throat Lit. L.

 सरण्य [ saraṇya ] [ saraṇya ] Nom. P. [ °yáti ] , to run , hasten , speed Lit. RV.

 सरण्यु [ saraṇyu ] [ saraṇyú ] m. f. n. quick , fleet , nimble Lit. RV.

  [ saraṇyu ] m. ( only Lit. L.) wind

  a cloud



  f. N. of a daughter of Tvashṭṛi (in Lit. RV. represented as the wife of Vivasvat and mother of the two Aśvins , and accord. to some , of the twins Yama and Yamī , whom she brought forth in the form of a mare ; accord. to some also N. of the Dawn) Lit. RV. x , 17 , 2

  m. cf. Lit. Naigh. v , 6 Lit. Nir. xii , 9. ( cf. accord. to some , Gk. 1. )

 सरत् [ sarat ] [ sarat ] m. f. n. going , flowing , proceeding (see √ [ sṛ ] )

  [ sarat ] m. a thread Lit. L.

 सरपस् [ sarapas ] [ sárapas ] (prob.) n. flowing water Lit. RV. ii , 13 , 12.

 सरमा [ saramā ] [ sarámā ] f. " the fleet one " , N. of a female dog belonging to Indra and the gods (represented in Lit. RV. x , 14 , 10 as the mother of the four-eyed brindled dogs of Yama ( cf. Lit. IW. 470 ) , and called in Lit. MBh. i , 671 [ deva-śunī ] in the Lit. RV. said to have gone in search of and recovered the cows stolen by the Paṇis ; elsewhere regarded as the mother of beasts of prey Saramā Deva-śunī is also said to be the authoress of part of Lit. RV. x , 108) Lit. RV. Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. MBh.

  a female dog in general , bitch Lit. L.

  N. of a Rākshasī Lit. R.

  of a daughter of the Gandharva king Śailūsha and wife of Vibhīshaṇa Lit. ib.

  of a wife of Kaśyapa Lit. VahniP.

  सरमात्मज [ saramātmaja ] [ sarámātmaja ] ( [ °mātm° ] ) m. " son of Saramā " , a dog Lit. VarBṛS.

  सरमापुत्र [ saramāputra ] [ sarámā-putra ] and m. id. Lit. Subh.

  सरमासुत [ saramāsuta ] [ sarámā-suta ]and m. id. Lit. Subh.

 सरय [ saraya ] [ saraya ] Nom. Ā. [ °oráyate ] , to begin to flow Lit. RV. iv , 17 , 2.

 सरयु [ sarayu ] [ saráyu ] m. air , wind Lit. L.

  [ sarayu ] f. N. of a well-known river (commonly called Surjoo ; on which stood the ancient city Ayodhyā ( cf. Lit. R. i , 5 ; 6 ) ; it is a tributary of the Gogra ( see [ gharghara ] ) , and in Lit. RV. is mentioned along with the rivers Sarasvatī , Sindhu , Gaṅgā , Yamunā , and Śutudrī) .

 सरयू [ sarayū ] [ sarayū ] f. later N. of the river Sarayu (above ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  सरयूतट [ sarayūtaṭa ] [ sarayū-taṭa ] m. n. the bank of the Sarayu Lit. Ragh.

   N. of a place Lit. Cat.

  सरयूवन [ sarayūvana ] [ sarayū-vana ] n. a forest on the river Sarayu Lit. MW.

 सररूक [ sararūka ] [ sararūka ] ( used in explaining [ salalūka ] ) Lit. Nir. vi , 3.

 सरल [ sarala ] [ sarala ] m. f. n. " running on " , straight (not " crooked " ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.

  outstretched Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

  right , correct Lit. Prasaṅg. Lit. TPrāt. Sch.

  upright , sincere , candid , honest , artless , simple Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

  real (not " sham " ) , Lit. Bālar.

  = [ vigīta ] Lit. L.

  [ sarala ] m. a species of pine tree , Pinus Longifolia Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  a kind of bird , Pavo Bicalcaratus Lit. L.

  fire Lit. L.

  a Buddha Lit. L.

  [ saralā ] f. the above pine Lit. Bhpr.

  [ sarala ] m. Ipomoea Turpethum Lit. L.

  N. of a river Lit. L.

  n. resin of the pine Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.

  a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.

  सरलकाष्ठ [ saralakāṣṭha ] [ sarala-kāṣṭha ] n. the wood of the pine Lit. MW.

  सरलता [ saralatā ] [ sarala-tā ] f. uprightness , honesty , simplicity Lit. Prasannar.

  सरलत्व [ saralatva ] [ sarala-tva ] n. straightness Lit. Cat.

  सरलद्रव [ saraladrava ] [ sarala-drava ] m. the above resin Lit. L.

  सरलयायिन् [ saralayāyin ] [ sarala-yāyin ] m. f. n. going in a straight line Lit. W.

   upright , honest Lit. ib.

   [ saralayāyinī ] f. a plant with an upright stem Lit. ib.

  सरलस्कन्धसंघट्टजन्मन् [ saralaskandhasaṃghaṭṭajanman ] [ sarala-skandha-saṃghaṭṭa-janman ] m. f. n. arising from the friction of pine-branches Lit. MW.

  सरलस्यन्द [ saralasyanda ] [ sarala-syanda ] m. = [ -drava ] Lit. Rājat.

  सरलाङ्ग [ saralāṅga ] [ saralāṅga ] m. id. Lit. L.

  सरलाङ्गुलिशोभिन् [ saralāṅguliśobhin ] [ saralāṅguli-śobhin ] m. f. n. having beautiful straight fingers Lit. Rājat.

 सरलय [ saralaya ] [ saralaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to make straight , straighten Lit. Nalac.

 सरलाभाष्य [ saralābhāṣya ] [ saralā-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.

 सरलाय [ saralāya ] [ saralāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to advance well Lit. L.

 सरलित [ saralita ] [ saralita ] m. f. n. straightened , straight Lit. Vcar.

 सरली [ saralī ] [ saralī ] in comp. for [ sarala ] .

  सरलीकरण [ saralīkaraṇa ] [ saralī-karaṇa ] n. making straight Lit. Cat. =

  सरलीकृ [ saralīkṛ ] [ saralī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make straight Lit. ib.

 सरस् [ saras ] [ sáras ] n. " anything flowing or fluid " , a lake , large sheet of water , pond , pool , tank Lit. RV. a trough , pail Lit. RV.

  water Lit. Naigh. i , 2

  speech ( a meaning given to account for [ saras-vatī ] ) Lit. ib. i , 11.

  सरस्तीर [ sarastīra ] [ sáras-tīra ] n. the shore or bank of a lake or pond Lit. Pañcat.

  सरस्वत् [ sarasvat ] [ sáras-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ sáras- ] ) abounding in or connected with ponds Lit. BhP.

   juicy , sapid Lit. L.

   elegant Lit. ib.

   sentimental Lit. ib.

   finding pleasure or delight in (loc.) Lit. Cat.

   [ sarasvat ] m. N. of a divinity belonging to the upper region (considered as offspring of the water and plants , as guardian of the waters and bestower of fertility) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. PañcavBr.

   of a male deity corresponding to Sarasvatī Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

   the sea Lit. Śiś.

   a river Lit. L.

   N. of a river (= [ sarasatī ] ) Lit. BhP.

   a buffalo Lit. W.

   [ sarasvatī ] f. see ( [ atī ] ) s.v.

 सरस [ sarasa ] [ sarasa ] n. ( for [ sa-rasa ] see s.v.) = [ saras ] , a lake , pond , pool (see [ jala- ] , [ deva- ] , and [ maṇḍūka-s ] ) .

 सरसर [ sarasara ] [ sarasara ] m. f. n. moving hither and thither Lit. L.

 सरसराय [ sarasarāya ] [ sarasarāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to move hither and thither Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

 सरसि [ sarasi ] [ sarasi ] (loc. of [ saras ] ) , in comp.

  सरसिज [ sarasija ] [ sarasi-ja ] m. f. n. produced or living in lakes or ponds (as fish) Lit. Suśr.

   [ sarasija ] n. a lotus Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

   सरसिजमुखी [ sarasijamukhī ] [ sarasi-ja--mukhī ] f. a lotus-faced woman , Lit. Dhūrtan.

   सरसिजाक्षी [ sarasijākṣī ] [ sarasi-jā́kṣī ] f. a lotus-eyed woman , Lit. Daśak.

  सरसिजन्मन् [ sarasijanman ] [ sarasi-janman ] m. " lotus-born " , N. of Brahmā Lit. Śiś.

  सरसिरुह [ sarasiruha ] [ sarasi-ruha ] n. " growing in a lake or pond " , a lotus Lit. Kāv.

   सरसिरुहजन्मन् [ sarasiruhajanman ] [ sarasi-ruha--janman ] m. " lotus-born " , N. of Brahmā Lit. MW.

   सरसिरुहसूनु [ sarasiruhasūnu ] [ sarasi-ruha--sūnu ] m. " lotus-son " id. Lit. Bhām.

 सरसिक [ sarasika ] [ sarasika ] m. the Indian crane ( also [ sarasīka ] ; cf. [ sārasa ] ) Lit. L.

 सरसी [ sarasī ] [ sarasī ] f. a pool , pond , lake Lit. RV. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.

  N. of a metre Lit. Col.

  सरसीज [ sarasīja ] [ sarasī-ja ] n. " lake-born " , a lotus Lit. Kāv.

   सरसीजलोचन [ sarasījalocana ] [ sarasī-ja--locana ] m. f. n. lotus-eyed Lit. ib.

   सरसीजाक्ष [ sarasījākṣa ] [ sarasī-jākṣa ] m. f. n. lotus-eyed Lit. ib.

   सरसीजेक्षण [ sarasījekṣaṇa ] [ sarasī-jekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. lotus-eyed Lit. ib.

  सरसीरुह् [ sarasīruh ] [ sarasī-ruh ] n. " lake-growing " , a lotus Lit. ib.

   [ sarasīruh ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

  सरसीरुह [ sarasīruha ] [ sarasī-ruha ] n. id Lit. ib.

   सरसीरुहबन्धु [ sarasīruhabandhu ] [ sarasī-ruha--bandhu ] m. " friend of the lotus " , the sun Lit. Vcar.

   सरसीरुहाक्ष [ sarasīruhākṣa ] [ sarasī-ruhākṣa ] m. f. n. lotus-eyed Lit. Kāv.

   सरसीरुहेक्षण [ sarasīruhekṣaṇa ] [ sarasī-ruhekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. lotus-eyed Lit. Kāv.

 सरस्य [ sarasya ] [ sarasyá ] m. f. n. relating to ponds or lakes Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. KātyŚr.

 सरस्वति [ sarasvati ] [ sarasvati ] in comp. for [ sarasvatī ] .

  सरस्वतिकृत [ sarasvatikṛta ] [ sarasvati-kṛta ] ( [ sári ] ) m. f. n. made by Sarasvatī Lit. VS.

  सरस्वतिवत् [ sarasvativat ] [ sarasvati-vat ] m. f. n. accompanied by Sarasvatī Lit. KātyŚr.

 सरस्वती [ sarasvatī ] [ sárasvatī ] f. ( of [ sárasvat ] q.v. under [ sáras ] ) a region abounding in pools and lakes Lit. MBh. i , 7745

  N. of a river (celebrated in Lit. RV. and held to be a goddess whose identity is much disputed ; most authorities hold that the name Sárasvatī is identical with the Avestan Haraquaiti river in Afghanistan , but that it usually means the Indus in the Lit. RV. , and only occasionally the small sacred rivers in Madhya-deśa ( see below ) ; the river-goddess has seven sisters and is herself sevenfold , she is called the mother of streams , the best of mothers , of rivers , and of goddesses ; the Ṛishis always recognize the connection of the goddess with the river , and invoke her to descend from the sky , to bestow vitality , renown , and riches ; elsewhere she is described as moving along a golden path and as destroying Vṛitra ; as a goddess she is often connected with other deities e.g. with Pūshan , Indra , the Maruts and the Aśvins ; in the Āprī hymns she forms a triad with the sacrificial goddesses Iḍā and Bhāratī ; accord. to a myth told in the Lit. VS. xix , 12 , Sárasvatī through speech ( [ vācā ] ) communicated vigour to Indra ; in the Brāhmaṇas she is identified with [ vāc ] , " Speech " , and in later times becomes goddess of eloquence see below) Lit. RV. ( 1182,2 )

  N. of a well-known small river ( held very sacred by the Hindūs ; identified with the modern Sursooty , and formerly marking with the Dṛishadvatī one of the boundaries of the region Ārya-deśa and of the sacred district called Brahmâvarta ( see Lit. Mn. ii , 17 ) in Lit. RV. vii , 95 , 2, this river is represented as flowing into the sea , although later legends make it disappear underground and join the Ganges and Jumnā at Allahābād ; see [ tri-veṇī ] , [ prayāga ] ) Lit. ib.

  N. of various rivers (esp. of rivers which in sacredness are equal to Sárasvatī and which are three accord. to Lit. AV. vi , 101 , and seven accord. to Lit. MBh. ix , 2188)

  any river Lit. Naigh. i , 13

  N. of the goddess of eloquence and learning ( cf. above ; she is opposed to Śrī or Lakshmī ( cf. Lit. Vikr. v , 24 ) , and sometimes considered as the daughter and also wife of Brahmā , the proper wife of that god being rather Sāvitri or Gāyatrī ; she is also identified with Durgā , or even with the wife of Vishṇu and of Manu , and held to be the daughter of Daksha) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  speech or the power of speech , eloquence , learning wisdom Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  a celestial or oracular voice Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

  a cow Lit. VS. viii , 43

  an excellent woman (= [ strī-ratna ] ) Lit. L.

  N. of various plants (Cardiospermum Halicacabum , Egle Marmelos , Ruta Graveolens ) Lit. L.

  N. of a two-year-old girl representing Durgā at her festival Lit. L.

  of a poetess Lit. Cat.

  of various other women (esp. of the wives of Dadhīca , Śaṃkarâcārya , Maṇḍanamiśra ) Lit. ib.

  of one of the ten mendicant orders traced back to Śaṃkarâcārya (whose members add the word [ sarasvatī ] to their names) .

  सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरण [ sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa ] [ sárasvatī-kaṇṭhābharaṇa ] n. the necklace of Sarasvatī (goddess of eloquence) Lit. Dhūrtas.

   N. of wk. on Alaṃkāra (generally ascribed to Bhoja-deva , but probably written by some Pandit during or after the reign of that king , in the end of the 11th century A.D.)

  सरस्वतीकुटुम्ब [ sarasvatīkuṭumba ] [ sárasvatī-kuṭumba ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

   सरस्वतीकुटुम्बदुहितृ [ sarasvatīkuṭumbaduhitṛ ] [ sárasvatī-kuṭumba--duhitṛ ] f. of a poetess Lit. ib.

  सरस्वतीकृत [ sarasvatīkṛta ] [ sárasvatī-kṛta ] m. f. n. made or composed by Sárasvatī Lit. ib.

  सरस्वतीतन्त्र [ sarasvatītantra ] [ sárasvatī-tantra ] n. N. of two works.

  सरस्वतीतीर्थ [ sarasvatītīrtha ] [ sárasvatī-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha ( [ -māhātmya ] n. ) Lit. Cat.

   [ sarasvatītīrtha ] m. N. of an author ( also called [ nara-hari ] ) Lit. ib.

   सरस्वतीतीर्थमाहात्म्य [ sarasvatītīrthamāhātmya ] [ sárasvatī-tīrtha--māhātmya ] n. , see [ sarasvatītīrtha ]

  सरस्वतीदण्डक [ sarasvatīdaṇḍaka ] [ sárasvatī-daṇḍaka ] n. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीदशश्लोकी [ sarasvatīdaśaślokī ] [ sárasvatī-daśa-ślokī ] f. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीदानविधि [ sarasvatīdānavidhi ] [ sárasvatī-dāna-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीद्वादशनामस्तोत्र [ sarasvatīdvādaśanāmastotra ] [ sárasvatī-dvādaśa-nāma-stotra ] n. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीनिवास [ sarasvatīnivāsa ] [ sárasvatī-nivāsa ] m. N. of a poet (author of the Rukmiṇī-naṭaka) Lit. Cat.

  सरस्वतीपुराण [ sarasvatīpurāṇa ] [ sárasvatī-purāṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीपूजन [ sarasvatīpūjana ] [ sárasvatī-pūjana ] n. the worship of Sárasvatī (observed as a holiday on the fifth of the light half of the month Māgha and therefore also called Vasanta-pañcamī , on which day books and writing implements are held sacred and not allowed to be used) Lit. RTL. 429

  सरस्वतीपूजा [ sarasvatīpūjā ] [ sárasvatī-pūjā ] f. the worship of Sárasvatī (observed as a holiday on the fifth of the light half of the month Māgha and therefore also called Vasanta-pañcamī , on which day books and writing implements are held sacred and not allowed to be used) Lit. RTL. 429

   सरस्वतीपूजाविधान [ sarasvatīpūjāvidhāna ] [ sárasvatī-pūjā--vidhāna ] n. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीप्रक्रिया [ sarasvatīprakriyā ] [ sárasvatī-prakriyā ] f. N. of a Comm. on the Sárasvatī-sūtra (by Anubhūti-svarūpa) .

  सरस्वतीप्रयोग [ sarasvatīprayoga ] [ sárasvatī-prayoga ] m. a kind of mystical rite peculiar to the Tāntrikas Lit. MW.

  सरस्वतीबालवाणी [ sarasvatībālavāṇī ] [ sárasvatī-bāla-vāṇī ] f. a partic. dialect Lit. Col.

  सरस्वतीमन्त्र [ sarasvatīmantra ] [ sárasvatī-mantra ] m. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीमाहात्म्य [ sarasvatīmāhātmya ] [ sárasvatī-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीरहस्योपनिषद् [ sarasvatīrahasyopaniṣad ] [ sárasvatī-rahasyopaniṣad ] f. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीवत् [ sarasvatīvat ] [ sárasvatī-vat ] ( [ sár ] ) m. f. n. accompanied by Sárasvatī Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr.

  सरस्वतीविनशन [ sarasvatīvinaśana ] [ sárasvatī-vinaśana ] n. the place where the river Sárasvatī disappears Lit. PañcavBr.

  सरस्वतीविलास [ sarasvatīvilāsa ] [ sárasvatī-vilāsa ] m. N. of various works.

  सरस्वतीव्रत [ sarasvatīvrata ] [ sárasvatī-vrata ] n. N. of a partic. religious observance Lit. Cat.

  सरस्वतीषट्श्लोकी [ sarasvatīṣaṭślokī ] [ sárasvatī-ṣaṭ-ślokī ] f. N. of wk.

  सरस्वतीसरस् [ sarasvatīsaras ] [ sárasvatī-saras ] n. N. of a sacred lake Lit. MW.

  सरस्वतीसूक्त [ sarasvatīsūkta ] [ sárasvatī-sūkta ] n. N. of a hymn.

  सरस्वतीसूत्र [ sarasvatīsūtra ] [ sárasvatī-sūtra ] n. the aphorisms of the Sárasvatī grammar ( by an unknown author ; cf. [ -prakryā ] ) .

  सरस्वतीस्तव [ sarasvatīstava ] [ sárasvatī-stava ] m. N. of hymns.

  सरस्वतीस्तोत्र [ sarasvatīstotra ] [ sárasvatī-stotra ] n. N. of hymns.

  सरस्वतीस्वामिन् [ sarasvatīsvāmin ] [ sárasvatī-svāmin ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

 सरस्वत्यष्टकस्तोत्र [ sarasvatyaṣṭakastotra ] [ sarasvaty-aṣṭaka-stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra.

 सरासर [ sarāsara ] [ sarāsara ] m. f. n. moving

  hither and thither Lit. L.

 सरि [ sari ] [ sari ] f. a cascade , waterfall ( cf. [ sara ] , [ °rā ] , [ °rī ] ) Lit. L.

  a quarter of the compass Lit. L.

 सरिक [ sarika ] [ sarika ] m. f. n. see [ agre-s ]

  [ sarikā ] f. see [ saraka ] .

 सरित् [ sarit ] [ sarit ] f. a river , stream ( [ saritāṃ varā ] , " best of rivers " ) , the Ganges

  [ °tāṃ nātha ] , " lord of rivers " , the ocean

  [ °tām pati ] id. , an expression for the number " four " Lit. RV.

  a metre of 72 syllables Lit. Nidānas.

  a thread , string Lit. L.

  N. of Durgā Lit. L.

  सरित्कफ [ saritkapha ] [ sarit-kapha ] m. Os Sepiae Lit. Bhpr.

  सरित्पति [ saritpati ] [ sarit-pati ] m. "lord of rivers" , Lit. Kāv. ; Lit. Kathās. ; Lit. BhP.

  सरित्वत् [ saritvat ] [ sarit-vat ] m. f. n. " possessed of rivers " , the ocean Lit. L.

  सरित्सागर [ saritsāgara ] [ sarit-sāgara ] (?) m. N. of wk.

  सरित्सुत [ saritsuta ] [ sarit-suta ] m. " river-son " , N. of Bhīshma (son of Gaṅgā) Lit. L.

  सरित्सुरङ्गा [ saritsuraṅgā ] [ sarit-suraṅgā ] f. a channel of water Lit. Nalac.

 सरित [ sarita ] [ sarita ] m. f. n. flowing , fluent (as speech) , Lit. Mahāvy.

 सरिद् [ sarid ] [ sarid ] in comp. for [ sarit ] .

  सरिदधिपति [ saridadhipati ] [ sarid-adhipati ] m. lord of rivers , the ocean Lit. Śukas.

  सरिदाश्रित [ saridāśrita ] [ sarid-āśrita ] see [ arṇavasarid-āśrita ] .

  सरिदुभय [ saridubhaya ] [ sarid-ubhaya ] n. ( prob.) the bank of a river , Lit. VarYogay.

  सरिद्द्वीप [ sariddvīpa ] [ sarid-dvīpa ] m. N. of a son of Garuḍa (v.l. [ pari-dvīpa ] ) Lit. MBh.

  सरिद्भर्तृ [ saridbhartṛ ] [ sarid-bhartṛ ] m. = [ -adhipati ]

   N. for the number " four " Lit. Ked.

  सरिद्वधू [ saridvadhū ] [ sarid-vadhū ] f. a woman compared to a river Lit. MW.

  सरिद्वरा [ saridvarā ] [ sarid-varā ] f. " best of rivers " , the Ganges Lit. MBh.

 सरिन् [ sarin ] [ sárin ]1 m. f. n. approaching , coming to aid Lit. RV.

 सरिन् [ sarin ] [ sarin ]2 in comp. for [ sarit ] .

  सरिन्नाथ [ sarinnātha ] [ sarin-nātha ] m. " river-lord " , the ocean Lit. L.

  सरिन्मरुवनाश्रय [ sarinmaruvanāśraya ] [ sarin-maru-vanāśraya ] m. f. n. protected by a river and a desert and wood Lit. MW.

  सरिन्मुख [ sarinmukha ] [ sarin-mukha ] n. the mouth or source of a river Lit. W.

 सरिमन् [ sariman ] [ sariman ] m. wind , air Lit. Uṇ. iv , 147 Sch.

  going , proceeding Lit. W.

 सरिर [ sarira ] [ sarirá ] n. ( cf. [ salila ] ) the heaving sea , flood , tide Lit. VS. Lit. TBr.

  = [ bahu ] Lit. Naigh. iii , 1

  the universe (= [ loka ] or [ tri-loka ] ) Lit. VS. Sch.

 सरिल [ sarila ] [ sarilá ] n. = [ salila ] , water Lit. L.

 सरीमन् [ sarīman ] [ sárīman ] ( only loc. [ °maṇi ] ) the course or passage of the wind Lit. RV.

  = [ sariman ] Lit. Uṇ. iv , 147 Sch.

 सरो [ saro ] [ saro ] in comp. for [ saras ] .

  सरोज [ saroja ] [ saro-ja ] m. f. n. produced or found in lakes or ponds Lit. Tarkas.

   [ saroja ] n. a lotus Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS.

   m. a prosodial foot containing 6 instants (accord. to some " 6 long syllables " ) Lit. Col.

   सरोजकलिका [ sarojakalikā ] [ saro-ja--kalikā ] f. N. of wk.

   सरोजखण्ड [ sarojakhaṇḍa ] [ saro-ja--khaṇḍa ] n. a group of lotuses Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 51

   सरोजता [ sarojatā ] [ saro-ja--tā ] f. the being a lotus Lit. Naish.

   सरोजदृश् [ sarojadṛś ] [ saro-ja--dṛś ] f. a lotus eyed woman Lit. Kāv.

   सरोजनयना [ sarojanayanā ] [ saro-ja--nayanā ] f. a lotus eyed woman Lit. Kāv.

   सरोजनेत्रा [ sarojanetrā ] [ saro-ja--netrā ] f. a lotus eyed woman Lit. Kāv.

   सरोजराग [ sarojarāga ] [ saro-ja--rāga ] m. a ruby ( cf. [ padmar ] ) , Hcit.

   सरोजसुन्दर [ sarojasundara ] [ saro-ja--sundara ] m. or n. (?) N. of wk.

  सरोजन्मन् [ sarojanman ] [ saro-janman ] n. " lake-born " , a lotus Lit. L.

  सरोजल [ sarojala ] [ saro-jala ] n. the water of a pond or lake Lit. W.

  सरोजिन् [ sarojin ] [ saro-jin ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ saroja ] ) having lotuses

   [ sarojin ] m. N. of Brahmā (connected with a lotus) Lit. L.

   of a Buddha Lit. L.

   [ sarojinī ] f. a pond abounding in lotus or a multitude of lotus (also incorrectly = " a lotus-flower " ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sāh.

  सरोजीय [ sarojīya ] [ saro-jīya ] Nom. ( fr. [ saro-ja ] ) P. [ °yati ] , to be like a lotus Lit. Kāv.

  सरोबिन्दु [ sarobindu ] [ saro-bindu ] m. a kind of song ( [ gītaka ] ) Lit. Yājñ.

  सरोरक्ष [ sarorakṣa ] [ saro-rakṣa ] m. the guardian of a pool Lit. MW.

  सरोरुह् [ saroruh ] [ saro-ruh ] n. " lake-growing " , a lotus Lit. L.

  सरोरुह [ saroruha ] [ saro-ruha ] n. id. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

   [ saroruha ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

   सरोरुहदृश् [ saroruhadṛś ] [ saro-ruha--dṛś ] f. a lotus-eyed woman Lit. Bhām.

   सरोरुहवज्र [ saroruhavajra ] [ saro-ruha--vajra ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

   सरोरुहाक्षी [ saroruhākṣī ] [ saro-ruhākṣī ] f. (= [ °ha-dṛś ] ) Lit. Uttarar.

   सरोरुहासन [ saroruhāsana ] [ saro-ruhāsana ] m. " sitting on a lotus " , N. of Brahmā (as having appeared sitting on the lotus which grew from the navel of Vishṇu) Lit. L.

  सरोरुहिणी [ saroruhiṇī ] [ saro-ruhiṇī ] f. = [ sarojinī ] Lit. Kir.

  सरोवर [ sarovara ] [ saro-vara ] n. (accord. to some also m.) a lake or large pond , any piece of water deep enough for the lotus Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.

 सर्तवे [ sartave ] [ sártave ] see √ [ sṛ ]

 सर्तवै [ sartavai ] [ sártavai ] see √ [ sṛ ]

 सर्तृ [ sartṛ ] [ sártṛ ] m. a courser (horse) Lit. ŚBr.

 सर्म [ sarma ] [ sárma ] m. going , running , flowing Lit. RV. i , 80 , 5. ( cf. Gk. 1. )

सरक्त [ sarakta ] [ sa-rakta ] m. f. n. (i.e. 7. [ sa ] + [ r ] ) bleeding , bloody Lit. Suśr.

  [ sa ] [ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)

  सरक्तगौर [ saraktagaura ] [ sa-rakta-gaura ] m. f. n. being of a red and whitish colour Lit. Laghuj.

  सरङ्ग [ saraṅga ] [ sa-raṅga ] m. f. n. ( for [ saraṅga ] see s.v.) having colour Lit. Kāv.

   having a nasal sound Lit. Śiksh.

   ( also [ °gaka ] ) a kind of metre Lit. Col.

  सरज [ saraja ] [ sa-raja ] m. f. n. dusty , dirty Lit. BhP.

   [ saraja ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MārkP.

  सरजस् [ sarajas ] [ sa-rajas ] m. f. n. having dust or pollen Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 77 Sch.

   [ sarajas ] f. a woman in her monthly period Lit. L.

  सरजस [ sarajasa ] [ sa-rajasa ] m. f. n. dusty , dirty Lit. PañcavBr. ( [ -tā ] f. Lit. Kir.)

   [ sarajasam ] ind. with the dust i.e. with the last remnant Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 77 Sch.

   सरजसता [ sarajasatā ] [ sa-rajasa--tā ] f. , see [ sarajasa ] , Lit. Kir.

  सरजस्क [ sarajaska ] [ sa-rajaska ] m. f. n. " having pollen " and " having the menses " Lit. Bhām.

  सरण [ saraṇa ] [ sa-raṇa ] m. f. n. ( for [ saraṇa ] see p. 1182 , col. 1) connected with war or conflict Lit. Lalit.

  सरणरणिकम् [ saraṇaraṇikam ] [ sa-raṇaraṇikam ] ind. ( perhaps w.r. for [ °ṇakam ] ) with longing , regretfully Lit. Śukas. ,

  सरथ [ saratha ] [ sa-ratha ] m. f. n. ( [ sá- ] ) together with the chariot Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.

   [ saratham ] ind. on the same chariot with , (or simply) together with , accompanied by (instr.) Lit. RV.

   [ saratha ] m. a warrior or Kshatriya (as riding in a chariot) Lit. MW.

   सरथपादात [ sarathapādāta ] [ sa-ratha--pādāta ] m. f. n. accompanied by or along with chariots and infantry Lit. ib.

  सरथिन् [ sarathin ] [ sa-rathin ] m. f. n. riding on the same chariot Lit. VS.

  सरन्ध्र [ sarandhra ] [ sa-randhra ] m. f. n. having holes or openings or apertures , perforated Lit. Ragh.

   having a loop (for pulling anything through) Lit. Āpast.Pray.

  सरभस [ sarabhasa ] [ sa-rabhasa ] m. f. n. possessing speed or impetuosity , impetuous , speedy , quick , agitated , eager , passionate ( [ am ] ind. impetuously , hurriedly , passionately ; also ibc.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Vet.

   [ sarabhasam ] ind. , see [ sarabhasa ] , impetuously , hurriedly , passionately ; also ibc.

  सरशन [ saraśana ] [ sa-raśana ] m. f. n. having a girdle or together with the girdle Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सरश्मि [ saraśmi ] [ sa-raśmi ] ( [ sá- ] .) m. f. n. having rays , radiant Lit. RV.

  सरस [ sarasa ] [ sa-rasa ] see s.v.

  सरहस्य [ sarahasya ] [ sa-rahasya ] m. f. n. along with the secret or mystical doctrine (i.e. with the Upanishads Lit. Mn. ii , 140 , 165)

   possessing anything secret or mystical Lit. MW.

  सराग [ sarāga ] [ sa-rāga ] m. f. n. having colour (sometimes = " not quite clean " ) Lit. Kād.

   reddened Lit. MBh. Lit. Kālid.

   charming , lovely ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

   enamoured , impassioned , passionate ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kām. Lit. Gīt.

   [ sarāgam ] ind. , see [ sarāga ]

   ind. , see [ sarāga ]

   सरागता [ sarāgatā ] [ sa-rāga--tā ] f. ( Lit. Pañcat.) the being coloured or flushed with passion , impassioned , redness , passion , love

   सरागत्व [ sarāgatva ] [ sa-rāga--tva ] n. the being coloured or flushed with passion , impassioned , redness , passion , love

   सरागनेत्र [ sarāganetra ] [ sa-rāga-netra ] m. f. n. red-eyed Lit. MBh.

  सराजक [ sarājaka ] [ sa-rājaka ] m. f. n. ( Lit. MBh. ; f ( [ ikā ] ) . Lit. Jātakam.) possessing a king , along with the king.

  सराजन् [ sarājan ] [ sa-rājan ] ( Lit. KātyŚr.) m. f. n. possessing a king , along with the king.

  सराति [ sarāti ] [ sa-rāti ] ( [ ] .) m. f. n. equal in (bestowing) gifts , equally kind Lit. RV.

  सरात्रि [ sarātri ] [ sa-rātri ] m. f. n. = [ samāna-r ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 85.

  सराष्ट्र [ sarāṣṭra ] [ sa-rāṣṭra ] m. f. n. possessing or along with a kingdom Lit. MW.

  सराष्ट्रक [ sarāṣṭraka ] [ sa-rāṣṭraka ] m. f. n. possessing or along with a kingdom Lit. MW.

  सराहु [ sarāhu ] [ sa-rāhu ] m. f. n. possessed or held by Rāhu ( q.v.) , eclipsed Lit. BhP.

  सरीढम् [ sarīḍham ] [ sa-rīḍham ] ind. with contempt or neglect Lit. KāśīKh.

  सरुच् [ saruc ] [ sa-ruc ] m. f. n. possessing splendour splendid , magnificent Lit. Śiś.

  सरुज् [ saruj ] [ sa-ruj ] m. f. n. feeling the same pain , Lit. Sāh.

   suffering pain , sick , ill Lit. Hāsy.

  सरुज [ saruja ] [ sa-ruja ] m. f. n. having pain , causing it Lit. Car.

   suffering pain or sickness , ill , diseased Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   सरुजत्व [ sarujatva ] [ sa-ruja--tva ] n. sickness , illness Lit. Mālav.

  सरुजसिद्धाचार्य [ sarujasiddhācārya ] [ sa-ruja-siddhācārya ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Cat.

  सरुधिर [ sarudhira ] [ sa-rudhira ] m. f. n. bloody ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Suśr.

   [ sarudhiram ] ind. , see [ sarudhira ]

   सरुधिरमूत्र [ sarudhiramūtra ] [ sa-rudhira--mūtra ] m. f. n. discharging bloody urine ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. ib.

   सरुधिरमूत्रता [ sarudhiramūtratā ] [ sa-rudhira--mūtra--tā ] f. , see [ sarudhiramūtra ]

  सरुष् [ saruṣ ] [ sa-ruṣ ] m. f. n. angry , enraged , Lit. Śiś. Lit. Pañcat.

  सरूप [ sarūpa ] [ sa-rūpa ] m. f. n. ( [ sá- ] ) having the same shape or form , uniform , similar , like , resembling (gen. or comp.) Lit. RV.

   having the same sound identical in sound , consonant , Lit. Kāvyâd.

   having shape or form , embodied Lit. VP.

   shapely formed , beautiful , handsome ( prob. also w.r. for [ su-r ] ) Lit. PañcavBr. Lit. Kāv.

   [ sarūpa ] m. a partic. mythical being Lit. Suparṇ.

   [ sarūpā ] f. N. of the wife of Bhūta and mother of innumerable Rudras Lit. BhP.

   सरूपकृत् [ sarūpakṛt ] [ sa-rūpa--kṛt ] m. f. n. producing the same form or colour Lit. AV.

   सरूपंकरण [ sarūpaṃkaraṇa ] [ sa-rūpaṃ-káraṇa ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.

   सरूपता [ sarūpatā ] [ sa-rūpa--tā ] f. identity of form , likeness , resemblance to (comp.) Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kām.

    assimilation to the deity (one of the four stages in the progress towards final emancipation) Lit. RTL.

   सरूपत्व [ sarūpatva ] [ sa-rūpa--tva ] n. identity of form , likeness , resemblance to (comp.) Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kām.

    assimilation to the deity (one of the four stages in the progress towards final emancipation) Lit. RTL.

   सरूपवत्सा [ sarūpavatsā ] [ sa-rūpa--vatsā ] f. a cow with a calf of the same colour Lit. GṛŚrS.

   सरूपोपमा [ sarūpopamā ] [ sa-rūpopamā ] f. v.l. for [ samāna-rūp ] Lit. Kāvyâd.

  सरूपय [ sarūpaya ] [ sa-rūpaya ] Nom. ( fr. [ sa-rūpa ] ) P. [ °yati ] , to make equal in form Lit. Sarvad.

  सरूपिन् [ sarūpin ] [ sa-rūpin ] m. f. n. equally shaped or formed Lit. KāśīKh.

  सरेतस् [ saretas ] [ sa-retas ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. having semen , possessing seed Lit. Br.

  सरेफ [ sarepha ] [ sa-repha ] m. f. n. together with the sound or letter [ r ] Lit. RPrāt.

  सरोग [ saroga ] [ sa-roga ] m. f. n. affected with disease , sick , diseased

   सरोगता [ sarogatā ] [ sa-roga--tā ] f. (v.l. [ °gi-tā ] ) sickliness Lit. Hit.

  सरोगिन् [ sarogin ] [ sa-rogin ] m. f. n. ( and [ °gi-tā ] f. ) = prec. Lit. W.

   सरोगिता [ sarogitā ] [ sa-rogi-tā ] f. , see [ sarogin ]

  सरोध [ sarodha ] [ sa-rodha ] m. f. n. having hindrance or obstruction or opposition Lit. MW.

   having destruction or loss Lit. ib.

   [ sarodha ] m. obstruction , opposition Lit. W.

  सरोम [ saroma ] [ sa-roma ] m. f. n. having hair , hairy Lit. VarBṛS.

   सरोमकण्टक [ saromakaṇṭaka ] [ sa-roma--kaṇṭaka ] m. f. n. having the hair bristling or thrilling with ecstacy Lit. MW.

   सरोमविक्रिय [ saromavikriya ] [ sa-roma--vikriya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.

   सरोमाञ्च [ saromāñca ] [ sa-romāñca ] m. f. n. id. ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Prab.

    [ saromāñcam ] ind. , see [ saromāñca ]

  सरोष [ saroṣa ] [ sa-roṣa ] m. f. n. full of anger , angry , wrathful ( [ am ] id.) Lit. R. Lit. Kālid. Lit. Pur.

   सरोषरागोपहत [ saroṣarāgopahata ] [ sa-roṣa--rāgopahata ] m. f. n. suffused with a flush of anger Lit. MW.

   सरोषसम्भ्रम [ saroṣasambhrama ] [ sa-roṣa--sambhrama ] m. f. n. wrathful and agitated Lit. Śiś.

   सरोषस्मितम् [ saroṣasmitam ] [ sa-roṣa--smitam ] ind. with an angry smile Lit. Ratnâv.

  सर्क्ष [ sarkṣa ] [ sa-rkṣa ] see [ sa-rkṣa ] , [ sa-rca ] s.v.

  सर्च [ sarca ] [ sa-rca ] see [ sa-rkṣa ] , [ sa-rca ] s.v.

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