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सुषंसद् [ suṣaṃsad ] [ su-ṣaṃsad ] m. f. n. (i.e. 5. [ su ] + [ saṃsád ] ) having a good meeting , fond of good company Lit. RV.
सु [ su ] [ su ] ( to be similarly prefixed to the following , in which the initial [ ṣ ] stands for an orig. [ s ] ) :
सुषखि [ suṣakhi ] [ su-ṣakhí ] m. f. n. a good friend or having good friends Lit. RV.
सुषण [ suṣaṇa ] [ su-ṣáṇa ] m. f. n. easy to be acquired Lit. ib.
सुषणन [ suṣaṇana ] [ su-ṣaṇaná ] m. f. n. easy to be acquired Lit. ib.
सुषद् [ suṣad ] [ su-ṣád ] m. f. n. addicted to sexual intercourse Lit. AV.
सुषद [ suṣada ] [ su-ṣáda ] m. f. n. easy to sit or dwell in Lit. AV. Lit. TS.
easy to be mounted or ridden (as a horse) Lit. VS.
सुषद्मन् [ suṣadman ] [ su-ṣadman ] m. N. of a man ( cf. [ sauṣadmana ] ) .
सुषंधि [ suṣaṃdhi ] [ su-ṣaṃdhi ] m. ( also written [ su-s ] ) N. of a son of Māndhātṛi Lit. R.
of a son of Prasuśruta Lit. VP.
सुषम [ suṣama ] [ su-ṣama ]1 m. f. n. very even (= [ sama ] ; cf. [ su-sama ] ) Lit. L.
very beautiful , splendid Lit. Pañcar.
easily intelligible Lit. L.
[ suṣamā ] f. exquisite beauty , splendour Lit. Naish. Lit. Bhām.
a partic. plant Lit. Chandom.
a kind of metre Lit. Col.
(with Jainas) the second Ara or spoke of a time-wheel in an Avasarpiṇī , and the fifth in an Utsarpiṇī ( supposed to be a period in which continuous happiness is enjoyed by mankind ; sometimes written [ su-khamā ] ) Lit. L.
N. of a Surâṅganā Lit. Siṃhâs.
सुषमदुःषमा [ suṣamaduḥṣamā ] [ su-ṣama--duḥṣamā ]1 f. (with Jainas) N. of two spokes of a time-wheel (the third in an Avasarpiṇī and the fourth in an Utsarpiṇī) Lit. L.
सुषम [ suṣama ] [ su-ṣáma ]2 n. a happy year Lit. ŚBr.
सुषमिद्ध [ suṣamiddha ] [ su-ṣamiddha ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. = [ sú-samiddha ] ( q.v.)
सुषमिध् [ suṣamidh ] [ su-ṣamí dh ] f. good fuel Lit. RV. Lit. TBr.
[ suṣamidh ] m. f. n. ( also written [ su-s ] ) having good fuel , burning or lighting well Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
सुषवी [ suṣavī ] [ su-ṣavī ] see s.v.
सुषव्य [ suṣavya ] [ su-ṣavyá ] m. f. n. having a strong left hand (applied to Indra) Lit. RV.
सुषह [ suṣaha ] [ su-ṣáha ] ( or [ -ṣā́ha ] ) m. f. n. easily subdued or conquered Lit. RV.
सुषा [ suṣā ] [ su-ṣā́ ] m. f. n. ( for [ suṣā ] see s.v.) easily gaining or procuring Lit. ib.
सुषाढ [ suṣāḍha ] [ su-ṣāḍha ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
सुषामन् [ suṣāman ] [ su-ṣāmán ] n. a beautiful song Lit. RV.
[ suṣāman ] m. ( also written [ su-s ] ) , N. of a man Lit. ib. Lit. MBh. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 170 Sch.)
mf ( [ °mṇī ] ) n. peaceful Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
सुषारथि [ suṣārathi ] [ su-ṣārathí ] m. an excellent charioteer Lit. RV.
सुषाह [ suṣāha ] [ su-ṣā́ha ] see [ -ṣáha ] .
सुषित [ suṣita ] [ su-ṣita ] m. f. n. = [ -sita ] Lit. Pañcar.
सुषिर [ suṣira ] [ su-ṣirá ] see s.v.
सुषीम [ suṣīma ] [ su-ṣīma ] m. f. n. cold , frigid Lit. L.
pleasant , agreeable Lit. L.
[ suṣīma ] m. a sort of snake Lit. L.
the Candra-kānta or moon gem Lit. L.
prob. n. luck , welfare Lit. Suparṇ.
सुषुत् [ suṣut ] [ su-ṣút ] m. f. n. pressing out (Soma ) well ( superl. [ -ṣút-tama ] ) Lit. MaitrS.
सुषुत [ suṣuta ] [ su-ṣuta ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. well pressed out or prepared Lit. RV.
सुषुति [ suṣuti ] [ su-ṣuti ] ( [ sú- ] ) f. a good or easy birth Lit. RV.
सुषुप्ति [ suṣupti ] [ su-ṣupti ] f. deep sleep (in phil. " complete unconsciousness " ) Lit. Vedântas.
सुषुप्तिवत् [ suṣuptivat ] [ su-ṣupti--vat ] ind. as in deep sleep Lit. ib.
सुषुमत् [ suṣumat ] [ su-ṣumát ] m. f. n. (prop.) very stimulating (accord. to Lit. Sāy. = [ soma-vat ] or [ śobhana-prasava ] ) Lit. RV. x , 3 , 1.
सुषुम्ण [ suṣumṇa ] [ su-ṣumṇá ] m. f. n. very gracious or kind Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
[ suṣumṇa ] m. N. of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the moon) Lit. VP.
[ suṣumṇā ] f. a partic. artery (prob. " the carotid " ) or vein of the body ( lying between those called [ iḍā ] and [ piṅgalā ] , and supposed to be one of the passages for the breath or spirit ; cf. [ brahma-randhra ] ) Lit. Up. Lit. BhP. Lit. Rājat.
सुषुम्न [ suṣumna ] [ su-ṣumná ] m. f. n. very gracious or kind Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
[ suṣumna ] m. N. of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the moon) Lit. VP.
[ suṣumnā ] f. a partic. artery (prob. " the carotid " ) or vein of the body ( lying between those called [ iḍā ] and [ piṅgalā ] , and supposed to be one of the passages for the breath or spirit ; cf. [ brahma-randhra ] ) Lit. Up. Lit. BhP. Lit. Rājat.
सुषू [ suṣū ] [ su-ṣū́ ]1 m. f. n. (prob.) very stimulating (accord. to others = [ su-ṣuta ] ; superl. [ -ṣū́tama ] ) Lit. VS.
सुषू [ suṣū ] [ su-ṣū́ ]2 m. f. n. bringing forth easily Lit. RV.
सुषूत [ suṣūta ] [ su-ṣūta ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. well begotten Lit. ib.
सुषूति [ suṣūti ] [ su-ṣūti ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 88.
सुषूमा [ suṣūmā ] [ su-ṣū́mā ] f. bringing forth easily Lit. RV.
सुषेक [ suṣeka ] [ su-ṣéka ] and m. f. n. flowing or running well Lit. ib.
सुषेचन [ suṣecana ] [ su-ṣecaná ]and m. f. n. flowing or running well Lit. ib.
सुषेण [ suṣeṇa ] [ su-ṣéṇa ] m. f. n. having a good missile (said of Kṛishṇa and Indra) Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.
[ suṣeṇa ] m. " having beautiful clusters " , Carissa Carandas Lit. L.
Calamus Rotang Lit. L.
N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh.
of a Gandharva Lit. VS. Lit. BhP.
of a Yaksha Lit. VP.
of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
of a Vidyā-dhara Lit. Kathās.
of a monkey-chief (son of Varuṇa or Dhanvantari , father of Tārā , and physician of Su-grīva) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
of a son of the second Manu Lit. BhP.
of a son of Kṛishṇa Lit. Hariv.
of a king of Śūra-sena Lit. Ragh.
of a son of Parīkshit Lit. MBh.
of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra Lit. ib.
of a son of Viśva-garbha Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Vasu-deva Lit. BhP.
of a son of Śambara Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Vṛishṭi-mat (or Vṛishṇi-mat) Lit. VP.
of a son of Karma-sena Lit. Kathās.
of a physician of Prabhākara-vardhana Lit. Vās. , Introd.
( with [ kavirājamiśra ] ) of a grammarian Lit. Cat.
[ suṣeṇā ] f. N. of a princess Lit. Kathās.
[ suṣeṇī ] f. Ipomoea or Convolvulus Turpethum Lit. L.
सुषेणिका [ suṣeṇikā ] [ su-ṣeṇikā ] f. N. of a plant (prob. = prec.) Lit. L.
सुषेध [ suṣedha ] [ su-ṣedha ] m. f. n. g. [ suṣāmādi ] .
सुषोम [ suṣoma ] [ su-ṣóma ] m. " containing good sap " , N. of a partic. Soma vessel Lit. RV.
N. of a river Lit. ib. Lit. BhP.
सुष्टरीमन् [ suṣṭarīman ] [ su-ṣṭárīman ] m. f. n. forming an excellent bed or couch Lit. VS. Lit. TBr.
सुष्टु [ suṣṭu ] [ su-ṣṭú ] m. f. n. highly praised or celebrated Lit. RV.
सुष्टुत [ suṣṭuta ] [ sú-ṣṭuta ] m. f. n. ( [ sú- ] ) id. Lit. ib.
correctly pronounced Lit. ib. Lit. Lāṭy.
सुष्टुति [ suṣṭuti ] [ su-ṣṭutí ] f. excellent praise , a beautiful hymn Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
सुष्टुभ् [ suṣṭubh ] [ su-ṣṭúbh ] m. f. n. uttering a shrill cry Lit. RV. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
[ suṣṭubh ] f. (prob.) a shrill cry Lit. RV.
सुष्ठान [ suṣṭhāna ] [ su-ṣṭhāná ] m. f. n. standing firm Lit. RV.
सुष्ठामन् [ suṣṭhāman ] [ su-ṣṭhā́man ] m. f. n. having a firm support or frame (as a chariot) Lit. ib.
सुष्ठित [ suṣṭhita ] [ su-ṣṭhita ] incorrect for [ su-sthita ] ( q.v.)
सुष्ठु [ suṣṭhu ] [ su-ṣṭhú ] see below.
सुषवी [ suṣavī ] [ suṣavī ] f. ( also written [ suśavī ] and [ susavī ] ) N. of various plants (Momordica Charantia ; Nigella Indica ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
सुषा [ suṣā ] [ suṣā ] f. ( also written [ śuṣā ] ; for [ su-ṣā ] see p. 1237 , col. 3) black cumin or fennel Lit. Car.
सुषि [ suṣi ] [ suṣi ] m. ( also written [ śuṣi ] ) the hole of a reed or cane Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
[ suṣi ] m. a tube ( cf. [ deva-s ] ) .
सुषिनन्दि [ suṣinandi ] [ suṣi-nandi ] m. N. of a king , Lit. VP.
सुषिर [ suṣira ] [ suṣira ] m. f. n. ( prob. fr. [ su ] + [ sirā ] q.v. , also written [ śuṣ ] ) " having a good tube or channel " , perforated , pierced , hollow Lit. RV.
having spaces Lit. MW.
slow in articulation (= [ vilambita ] ) id.
[ suṣira ] m. " having a good flow of fluid or sap " , a reed , bamboo , cane Lit. L.
m. fire ( also n.) Lit. L.
m. a mouse Lit. L.
[ suṣirā ] f. a partic. fragrant bark Lit. L.
n. a hollow , hole , cavity Lit. Kām. Lit. MārkP.
a wind instrument Lit. Saṃgīt.
the air , atmosphere Lit. L.
cloves Lit. L.
सुषिरच्छेद [ suṣiraccheda ] [ suṣira-ccheda ] m. a kind of flute Lit. L.
सुषिरता [ suṣiratā ] [ suṣira-tā ] f. ( Lit. Rājat.) the being hollow , hollowness.
सुषिरत्व [ suṣiratva ] [ suṣira-tva ] n. ( Lit. Śaṃk.) the being hollow , hollowness.
सुषिरवत् [ suṣiravat ] [ suṣira-vat ] m. f. n. hollow Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
सुषिरविवर [ suṣiravivara ] [ suṣira-vivara ] m. a hole (esp. of a snake) Lit. Kāv.
सुषिरविवरिन् [ suṣiravivarin ] [ suṣira-vivarin ] m. f. n. hollow Lit. HPariś.
सुषिक [ suṣika ] [ suṣika ] m. or [ suṣima ] coldness Lit. L.
[ suṣika ] m. f. n. cold Lit. ib.
सुषिम [ suṣima ] [ suṣima ] m. or [ suṣika ] coldness Lit. L.
[ suṣima ] m. f. n. cold Lit. ib.
सुषिलीका [ suṣilīkā ] [ suṣilī́kā ] f. a kind of bird Lit. VS. Lit. MaitrS.
सुषुत् [ suṣut ] [ su-ṣut ] see p. 1237 , col. 3.
सुषुप्सा [ suṣupsā ] [ suṣupsā ] f. ( fr. Desid. of √ [ svap ] ) desire of sleeping , sleepiness Lit. MBh. Lit. Naish.
सुषुप्स [ suṣupsa ] [ suṣupsa ] m. f. n. desirous of sleeping , sleepy Lit. Suśr. Lit. Śiś. Lit. BhP.
सुषूय [ suṣūya ] [ suṣūya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] ( also written [ susūya ] ; cf. 1. [ asūya ] ) , to like , be fond of , enjoy (acc.) Lit. Car.
सुष्कन्त [ suṣkanta ] [ suṣkanta ] m. N. of a son of Dharmanetra (v.l. [ suṣmanta ] ) Lit. Hariv.
सुष्ठु [ suṣṭhu ] [ suṣṭhú ] ind. ( fr. √ [ sthā ] ; cf. [ duḥ-ṣṭhu ] ) aptly , fitly , duly , well , excellently , exceedingly ( [ suṣṭhu khalu ] , " most certainly " ) Lit. RV. Lit.
सुष्ठुतरम् [ suṣṭhutaram ] [ suṣṭhú-taram ] ind. still more , in a higher degree Lit. Jātakam.
सुष्ठुता [ suṣṭhutā ] [ suṣṭhú-tā ] f. welfare , prosperity , Lit. Mahāv.
सुष्ठुद्वार [ suṣṭhudvāra ] [ suṣṭhú-dvāra ] m. f. n. affording a good entrance ( used in explaining [ sukhá ] ) Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. iii , 35 , 4.
सुष्ठुवह् [ suṣṭhuvah ] [ suṣṭhú-váh ] ( or [ -vā́h ] ) m. f. n. carrying well bearing along rapidly (as horses) Lit. RV.
सुष्म [ suṣma ] [ suṣma ] n. a rope , cord (v.l. for [ śulba ] ) Lit. L.
सुष्मन्त [ suṣmanta ] [ suṣmanta ] see [ suṣkanta ] above.
सुष्वय [ suṣvaya ] [ suṣváya ] Nom. P. Ā. [ °yati ] , [ °te ] (fr. next) , to run , flow Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
सुष्वि [ suṣvi ] [ súṣvi ] m. f. n. ( fr. 3. [ su ] ) pressing or preparing Soma Lit. RV.
सुसंयत [ susaṃyata ] [ su-saṃyata ] m. f. n. (i.e. 5. [ su ] + [ s ] ) well governed or guided (as horses) Lit. MBh. Lit. Prab. Lit. BhP.
well restrained or controlled , well composed Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
सु [ su ] [ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :
सुसंयत्त [ susaṃyatta ] [ su-saṃyátta ] m. f. n. well prepared or ready or on one's guard (v.l. [ -sampanna ] ) Lit. Hariv.
सुसंयुक्त [ susaṃyukta ] [ su-saṃyukta ] m. f. n. closely joined or united Lit. Hariv.
well or equally matched (in number) Lit. R.
well supplied or furnished with (instr.) Lit. ib.
सुसंयुत [ susaṃyuta ] [ su-saṃyuta ] m. f. n. well composed or knit together (v.l. [ -saṃhata ] ) Lit. R.
well joined with (comp.) Lit. BrahmaP.
सुसंरब्ध [ susaṃrabdha ] [ sú-saṃrabdha ] m. f. n. ( [ sú- ] ) firmly established Lit. RV.
very angry , greatly enraged or agitated ( compar. [ -tara ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ susaṃrabdha ] n. = next Lit. R.
सुसंरम्भ [ susaṃrambha ] [ su-saṃrambha ] m. violent anger Lit. R. Sch.
सुसंविग्न [ susaṃvigna ] [ su-saṃvigna ] m. f. n. greatly agitated or perplexed Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
सुसंवीत [ susaṃvīta ] [ su-saṃvīta ] m. f. n. well covered or clothed or dressed Lit. MBh.
well girt , well mailed Lit. ib.
richly furnished with (comp.) Lit. R.
सुसंवृत [ susaṃvṛta ] [ su-saṃvṛta ] m. f. n. well covered or veiled or dressed , wrapped up or concealed in (instr. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
well girt with (instr.) Lit. R.
well surrounded or accompanied by (instr.) Lit. BhP.
well hidden , kept very secret Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
carefully guarding one's self Lit. MārkP.
सुसंवृति [ susaṃvṛti ] [ su-saṃvṛti ] m. f. n. well concealed Lit. Śiś. xvi , 23.
सुसंवृत्त [ susaṃvṛtta ] [ su-saṃvṛtta ] m. f. n. appearing in good or proper order , rightly sprung from (abl.) Lit. Hariv.
duly occurred Lit. BhP.
well-rounded , Lit. Mahāv.
सुसंवृत्तस्कन्धता [ susaṃvṛttaskandhatā ] [ su-saṃvṛtta--skandhatā ] f. having the shoulders well rounded (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Lit. Dharmas. 83.
सुसंवृत्ति [ susaṃvṛtti ] [ su-saṃvṛtti ] w.r. for [ -saṃvṛti ] .
सुसंवृद्ध [ susaṃvṛddha ] [ su-saṃvṛddha ] m. f. n. well thriven , prosperous Lit. MBh.
सुसंशास् [ susaṃśās ] [ su-saṃśās ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. well directing or instructing Lit. AV.
सुसंशित [ susaṃśita ] [ su-saṃśita ] m. f. n. well sharpened , very sharp Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. MBh.
of keen understanding Lit. MBh.
सुसंश्रित [ susaṃśrita ] [ su-saṃśrita ] w.r. for prec.
सुसंश्लिष्ट [ susaṃśliṣṭa ] [ su-saṃśliṣṭa ] m. f. n. well composed (as a speech) Lit. R.
सुसंसद् [ susaṃsad ] [ su-saṃsád ] see [ -ṣaṃsád ] .
सुसंसृष्ट [ susaṃsṛṣṭa ] [ su-saṃsṛṣṭa ] w.r. for [ -sammṛṣṭa ] .
सुसंस्कृत [ susaṃskṛta ] [ sú-saṃskṛta ] m. f. n. ( [ sú- ] ) beautifully adorned or decorated Lit. RV.
well cooked or prepared Lit. R. Lit. Lalit.
kept in good order Lit. R. ( cf. comp.)
correct Sanskṛit Lit. Suśr.
[ susaṃskṛta ] m. (prob.) a sacred text or precept Lit. MBh. ( Lit. Nīlak.)
सुसंस्कृतोपस्कर [ susaṃskṛtopaskara ] [ sú-saṃskṛtopaskara ] m. f. n. keeping the household utensils in good order Lit. Mn. v , 150
सुसंस्कृतोपस्करता [ susaṃskṛtopaskaratā ] [ sú-saṃskṛtopaskara-tā ] f. Lit. Vishṇ.
सुसंस्था [ susaṃsthā ] [ su-saṃsthā ] f. ( only acc. with √ [ kṛ ] , " to duly discharge an obligation " ) Lit. R.
सुसंस्थान [ susaṃsthāna ] [ su-saṃsthāna ] m. f. n. well shaped or formed Lit. VarBṛS.
सुसंस्थित [ susaṃsthita ] [ su-saṃsthita ] m. f. n. id. Lit. R.
well situated Lit. W.
standing firmly , doing well Lit. ib.
well brought together , circumscribed Lit. ib.
[ susaṃsthita ] m. N. of a man , Lit. Saddh.
सुसंहत [ susaṃhata ] [ su-saṃhata ] m. f. n. firmly joined or combined , closely united , pressed against each other Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
well compacted , well knit together (acc. with √ [ kṛ ] , " to close very tightly " ) Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Mṛicch.
सुसंहति [ susaṃhati ] [ su-saṃhati ] m. f. n. well combined , closely united Lit. Śiś.
सुसंहित [ susaṃhita ] [ su-saṃhita ] m. f. n. well united Lit. MW.
सुसंहितप्रमाण [ susaṃhitapramāṇa ] [ su-saṃhita--pramāṇa ] m. f. n. having well united principals or chiefs Lit. ib.
सुसंहृष्ट [ susaṃhṛṣṭa ] [ su-saṃhṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. greatly delighted Lit. R.
सुसक्तु [ susaktu ] [ su-saktu ] m. pl. excellent groats Lit. VarYogay.
सुसक्थ [ susaktha ] [ su-saktha ] m. f. n. having beautiful thighs Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 121.
सुसक्थि [ susakthi ] [ su-sakthi ] m. f. n. having beautiful thighs Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 121.
सुसखि [ susakhi ] [ su-sakhi ] m. ( cf. [ su-ṣakhi ] ) a good friend Lit. Śiś.
सुसंकट [ susaṃkaṭa ] [ su-saṃkaṭa ] m. f. n. firmly closed Lit. MBh.
hard to be explained , difficult Lit. ib.
[ susaṃkaṭa ] n. a great difficulty , very difficult matter or task Lit. BhP.
सुसंकाश [ susaṃkāśa ] [ su-saṃkāśá ] m. f. n. of beautiful appearance , handsome Lit. RV.
सुसंकुल [ susaṃkula ] [ su-saṃkula ] m. N. of a king Lit. MBh.
सुसंक्रुद्ध [ susaṃkruddha ] [ su-saṃkruddha ] m. f. n. greatly enraged Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
सुसंक्षेप [ susaṃkṣepa ] [ su-saṃkṣepa ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
सुसङ्ग [ susaṅga ] [ su-saṅga ] m. f. n. very much adhered to or liked Lit. MBh.
सुसंगता [ susaṃgatā ] [ su-saṃgatā ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Ratnâv.
सुसंगम [ susaṃgama ] [ su-saṃgama ] m. an excellent assembly or place of meeting Lit. BhP.
सुसंगुप्त [ susaṃgupta ] [ su-saṃgupta ] m. f. n. well kept or guarded or concealed Lit. MBh.
सुसंगृहीत [ susaṃgṛhīta ] [ su-saṃgṛhīta ] m. f. n. well restrained or controlled or governed
सुसंगृहीतराष्ट्र [ susaṃgṛhītarāṣṭra ] [ su-saṃgṛhīta--rāṣṭra ] m. f. n. one who governs his country well Lit. Mn. vii , 113
well received Lit. MBh.
well kept or preserved Lit. W.
well abridged Lit. ib.
सुसंग्रह [ susaṃgraha ] [ su-saṃgraha ] m. an excellent compendium Lit. Hariv.
सुसचिव [ susaciva ] [ su-saciva ] m. a good minister or counsellor Lit. Mudr.
[ susaciva ] m. f. n. having a good minister or counsellor Lit. Kām.
सुसज्जीकृ [ susajjīkṛ ] [ su-sajjī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make perfectly ready Lit. Hit.
सुसंचित [ susaṃcita ] [ su-saṃcita ] m. f. n. well gathered , carefully accumulated ( [ am ] ind. with √ [ kṛ ] , " to gather or collect carefully " ) Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Pañcat.
amply provided with Lit. Hcat.
[ susaṃcitam ] ind. , see [ susaṃcita ] , with √ [ kṛ ] , " to gather or collect carefully "
सुसत्कृत [ susatkṛta ] [ su-satkṛta ] m. f. n. well arranged , beautifully adorned or decorated Lit. MBh.
received or treated with great hospitality , highly honoured Lit. R.
one to whom the supreme honours have been duly rendered Lit. R.
सुसत्त्र [ susattra ] [ su-sattra ] n. a well managed hospital or hospice Lit. Kathās.
सुसत्त्व [ susattva ] [ su-sattva ] m. f. n. very resolute or courageous Lit. ib.
सुसत्य [ susatya ] [ su-satyá ] m. f. n. Lit. AV. xx , 135 , 4
[ susatyā ] f. N. of a wife of Janaka Lit. KālP.
सुसदृश [ susadṛśa ] [ su-sadṛśa ] m. f. n. very like or similar Lit. Veṇis. Lit. Nāg.
सुसनि [ susani ] [ su-sani ] m. f. n. very munificent or liberal ( [ °ní -tā ] f. ) Lit. RV.
सुसनिता [ susanitā ] [ su-saní -tā ] f. , see [ susani ]
सुसनितृ [ susanitṛ ] [ su-sanitṛ ] m. a liberal giver , generous benefactor Lit. ib.
सुसंतुष्ट [ susaṃtuṣṭa ] [ su-saṃtuṣṭa ] m. f. n. well satisfied Lit. MBh.
सुसंतोष [ susaṃtoṣa ] [ su-saṃtoṣa ] m. f. n. easy to be satisfied Lit. ib.
सुसंत्रस्त [ susaṃtrasta ] [ su-saṃtrasta ] m. f. n. greatly alarmed Lit. R.
सुसंदीप्त [ susaṃdīpta ] [ su-saṃdīpta ] m. f. n. flaming beautifully Lit. Pañcat.
सुसंदृश् [ susaṃdṛś ] [ su-saṃdṛ́ś ] m. f. n. having a pleasing aspect , agreeable to look at , fair to see Lit. RV.
सुसंध [ susaṃdha ] [ su-saṃdha ] m. f. n. true to a promise , keeping one's word Lit. Kām.
सुसंधि [ susaṃdhi ] [ su-saṃdhi ] see [ -ṣaṃdhi ] .
सुसंधित [ susaṃdhita ] [ su-saṃdhita ] m. f. n. well reconciled Lit. MW.
सुसन्न [ susanna ] [ su-sanna ] m. f. n. completely finished or done with , frustrated , foiled Lit. Mṛicch.
सुसंनत [ susaṃnata ] [ su-saṃnata ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. well directed (said of an arrow) Lit. AV.
सुसंनिपातित [ susaṃnipātita ] [ su-saṃnipātita ] m. f. n. well hurled Lit. R.
सुसभाजित [ susabhājita ] [ su-sabhājita ] m. f. n. well honoured , treated with great attention or regard Lit. R.
सुसभेय [ susabheya ] [ su-sabheya ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. skilful in council or company Lit. TS.
सुसम [ susama ] [ su-sama ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ su-ṣama ] ) perfectly level or smooth Lit. VarBṛS.
well-proportioned Lit. Vishṇ.
better than middling Lit. VarBṛS.
सुसमीकृ [ susamīkṛ ] [ su-samī-√ kṛ ] to make perfectly smooth or even Lit. MBh.
सुसमाकृत [ susamākṛta ] [ su-samākṛta ] m. f. n. well furnished or supplied with (instr.) Lit. R.
सुसमाप्त [ susamāpta ] [ su-samāpta ] m. f. n. well finished or done , Lit. Mahāvy.
सुसमारब्ध [ susamārabdha ] [ su-samārabdha ] m. f. n. (prob.) very energetic in enterprise Lit. ib.
सुसमाश्रित [ susamāśrita ] [ su-samāśrita ] m. f. n. well stationed Lit. R.
सुसमासीन [ susamāsīna ] [ su-samāsīna ] m. f. n. comfortably seated Lit. MBh.
सुसमाहित [ susamāhita ] [ sú-samāhita ] m. f. n. ( [ sú- ] ) well laden (as a waggon) Lit. ŚBr.
well arrayed or repaired , beautifully adorned Lit. R.
very intent or attentive , having the mind intently fixed or absorbed on a subject or object Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
perfectly fit or suitable Lit. Mālatīm.
सुसमिद्ध [ susamiddha ] [ su-samiddha ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. well kindled or lighted Lit. RV. Lit. GṛŚrS.
सुसमिध् [ susamidh ] [ su-samidh ] see [ -ṣamidh ] .
सुसमीप [ susamīpa ] [ su-samīpa ] m. f. n. occurring in a short time , imminent Lit. VarBṛS.
सुसमीहित [ susamīhita ] [ su-samīhita ] m. f. n. much desired , very welcome Lit. Mālatīm.
सुसमुब्ध [ susamubdha ] [ su-samubdha ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. well bound or fettered Lit. RV.
सुसमृद्ध [ susamṛddha ] [ sú-samṛddha ] m. f. n. quite perfect Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
very abundant Lit. R.
very wealthy or prosperous Lit. Mn. iii , 125
सुसमृद्धार्थ [ susamṛddhārtha ] [ sú-samṛddhārtha ] m. f. n. abundantly provided with everything Lit. R.
सुसमृद्धि [ susamṛddhi ] [ su-samṛddhi ] f. great wealth or riches Lit. MBh.
सुसम्पद् [ susampad ] [ su-sampad ] f. pl. plenty , abundance , great wealth or prosperity Lit. Pañcad.
सुसम्पन्न [ susampanna ] [ su-sampanna ] m. f. n. well furnished , or supplied Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
full grown Lit. Mṛicch. i , 55/56.
सुसम्पिष्ट [ susampiṣṭa ] [ su-sampiṣṭa ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. much crushed or shattered Lit. RV.
सुसम्पूर्ण [ susampūrṇa ] [ su-sampūrṇa ] m. f. n. completely filled i.e. provided with (comp.) Lit. R.
सुसम्प्रज्ञ [ susamprajña ] [ su-samprajña ] m. f. n. perfectly conscious Lit. Lalit.
सुसम्प्रतप्त [ susampratapta ] [ su-sampratapta ] m. f. n. thoroughly harassed or afflicted Lit. Kām.
सुसम्प्रस्थित [ susamprasthita ] [ su-samprasthita ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
सुसम्प्रहृष्ट [ susamprahṛṣṭa ] [ su-samprahṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. greatly delighted Lit. R. (B.)
सुसम्प्रीत [ susamprīta ] [ su-samprīta ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
सुसम्बद्ध [ susambaddha ] [ su-sambaddha ] m. f. n. well bound , closely united Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
सुसम्बन्ध [ susambandha ] [ su-sambandha ] m. f. n. well joined Lit. MW.
सुसम्भव [ susambhava ] [ su-sambhava ] m. N. of a king Lit. Buddh.
सुसम्भाव्य [ susambhāvya ] [ su-sambhāvya ] m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata (v.l. [ sambhāvya ] ) Lit. VP.
सुसम्भृत् [ susambhṛt ] [ su-sambhṛ́t ] f. good or right collecting together Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.
सुसम्भृत [ susambhṛta ] [ su-sambhṛta ] m. f. n. well collected or arranged or prepared Lit. MBh. ( printed [ -saṃvṛta ] ) .
सुसम्भृति [ susambhṛti ] [ su-sambhṛti ] f. right collection of requisites Lit. Naish.
सुसम्भ्रम [ susambhrama ] [ su-sambhrama ] m. great agitation or hurry Lit. Pañcat.
great reverence Lit. MW.
सुसम्भ्रमत् [ susambhramat ] [ su-sambhramat ] ( Lit. Bcar.) , ( Lit. MBh.) m. f. n. greatly agitated or bewildered.
सुसम्भ्रान्त [ susambhrānta ] [ su-sambhrānta ] ( Lit. MBh.) m. f. n. greatly agitated or bewildered.
सुसम्मत [ susammata ] [ su-sammata ] m. f. n. much honoured , highly approved Lit. MBh.
सुसम्मृष्ट [ susammṛṣṭa ] [ su-sammṛṣṭa ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. well rubbed or cleansed Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.
सुसरण [ susaraṇa ] [ su-saraṇá ] n. getting on well , easy progress Lit. RV.
[ susaraṇa ] m. N. of Śiva (v.l. [ -śaraṇa ] ) Lit. MBh.
सुसरल [ susarala ] [ su-sarala ] m. f. n. perfectly straight Lit. Gol.
सुसर्तु [ susartu ] [ su-sártu ] f. N. of a river Lit. RV.
सुसर्व [ susarva ] [ su-sarva ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. quite complete Lit. ŚBr.
सुसलिल [ susalila ] [ su-salila ] m. f. n. having good water Lit. R.
सुसव [ susava ] [ su-sava ] w.r. for [ -hava ] Lit. AV.
सुसस्य [ susasya ] [ su-sasyá ] m. f. n. well grown with corn Lit. Hariv.
सुसह [ susaha ] [ su-saha ]2 m. f. n. easy to be borne or suffered Lit. W.
bearing or enduring well Lit. ib.
[ susaha ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. (= [ saumya ] Lit. Nīlak.)
सुसहाय [ susahāya ] [ su-sahāya ] m. f. n. having a good companion or assistant Lit. Mn. vii , 31
सुसहायवत् [ susahāyavat ] [ su-sahāya--vat ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kathās.
सुसाधन [ susādhana ] [ su-sādhana ] m. f. n. easy to be proved ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Sarvad.
सुसाधनत्व [ susādhanatva ] [ su-sādhana--tva ] n. , see [ susādhana ]
सुसाधित [ susādhita ] [ su-sādhita ] m. f. n. well trained or educated Lit. Hit. (v.l.)
well cooked or prepared Lit. Lalit.
सुसाधु [ susādhu ] [ su-sādhu ] m. f. n. quite right or correct Lit. Car.
सुसाध्य [ susādhya ] [ su-sādhya ] m. f. n. easy to be kept in order , obedient , amenable Lit. Pañcar.
सुसान्त्वित [ susāntvita ] [ su-sāntvita ] m. f. n. thoroughly conciliated Lit. MBh.
सुसान्त्वयमन [ susāntvayamana ] [ su-sāntvayamana ] m. f. n. being thoroughly conciliated Lit. ib.
सुसामन् [ susāman ] [ su-sāman ] n. conciliatory words , good negotiation Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.)
[ susāman ] m. see [ su-ṣāman ] .
सुसाय [ susāya ] [ su-sāyá ] n. a good evening ( [ am ] ind. " early in the evening " ) Lit. AV. Lit. KātyŚr.
[ susāyam ] ind. , see [ susāya ] , " early in the evening "
सुसार [ susāra ] [ su-sāra ] m. good essence or sap or substance Lit. MW.
competence Lit. ib.
[ susāra ] m. f. n. having good essence or sap Lit. ib.
m. the red-flowering Khadira , Mimosa Catechu Lit. L.
सुसारवत् [ susāravat ] [ su-sāra--vat ] m. f. n. having good essence or substance Lit. MW.
[ susāravat ] n. crystal Lit. L.
सुसारथि [ susārathi ] [ su-sārathi ] m. having a good charioteer Lit. Śiś.
सुसार्थवाह [ susārthavāha ] [ su-sārtha-vāha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
सुसावित्र [ susāvitra ] [ su-sāvitra ] n. good action or influence of Savitṛi Lit. PañcavBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
सुसिकता [ susikatā ] [ su-sikatā ] f. ( only Lit. L.) good sand
सुसिच् [ susic ] [ su-sí c ] m. f. n. (of unknown meaning.) Lit. MaitrS.
सुसित [ susita ] [ su-sita ] m. f. n. pure white Lit. Kathās.
सुसिद्ध [ susiddha ] [ su-siddha ] m. f. n. well cooked Lit. Suśr.
very efficacious , possessing great magical power Lit. MBh.
सुसिद्धार्थ [ susiddhārtha ] [ su-siddhārtha ] m. f. n. one whose object is completely effected Lit. ib.
सुसीम [ susīma ] [ su-sīma ] m. f. n. having the hair well parted Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. KaushUp.
having good boundaries Lit. R.
[ susīma ] m. N. of a son of Bindu-sāra Lit. DivyA7v.
[ susīmā ] f. a good boundary Lit. MW.
[ susīma ] m. N. of the mother of the sixth Arhat Lit. L.
of a town Lit. DivyA7v.
सुसीमन् [ susīman ] [ su-sīman ] m. N. of a village Lit. HPariś.
सुसुख [ susukha ] [ su-sukha ] m. f. n. very pleasant or easy or comfortable ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
feeling very comfortable or happy Lit. R.
[ susukham ] ind. , see [ susukha ]
सुसुखदृश्य [ susukhadṛśya ] [ su-sukha--dṛśya ] m. f. n. very pleasant to see Lit. Pañcar.
सुसुखोदय [ susukhodaya ] [ su-sukhodaya ] m. f. n. causing great comfort or pleasure Lit. R.
सुसुखिन् [ susukhin ] [ su-sukhin ] m. f. n. very comfortable or happy Lit. R.
सुसुगन्ध [ susugandha ] [ su-sugandha ] very sweet-smelling or fragrant Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
सुसुगन्धि [ susugandhi ] [ su-sugandhi ] very sweet-smelling or fragrant Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
सुसुतम [ susutama ] [ su-sutama ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. ( used in explaining [ su-ṣū́tama ] ) Lit. ŚBr.
सुसुन्दर [ susundara ] [ su-sundara ] m. f. n. very handsome Lit. Buddh.
सुसुभिक्ष [ susubhikṣa ] [ su-subhikṣa ] n. great abundance of food Lit. R.
सुसुरप्रिया [ susurapriyā ] [ su-sura-priyā ] f. jasmine Lit. L.
सुसूक्ष्म [ susūkṣma ] [ su-sūkṣma ] m. f. n. very minute or small or delicate Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
very subtle or keen (as understanding) Lit. MBh.
very difficult to be fathomed or understood Lit. MuṇḍUp. Lit. R.
सुसूक्ष्मपत्त्रा [ susūkṣmapattrā ] [ su-sūkṣma--pattrā ] f. a species of Valeriana Lit. L.
सुसूक्ष्मेश [ susūkṣmeśa ] [ su-sūkṣmeśa ] m. " lord of atoms " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. Vishṇ.
सुसूत्र [ susūtra ] [ su-sūtra ] m. f. n. (prob. a word having a double sense) Lit. Cat.
सुसेन [ susena ] [ su-sena ] w.r. for [ -ṣeṇa ] .
सुसेवित [ susevita ] [ su-sevita ] m. f. n. well served (as a king) Lit. Hit.
सुसेव्य [ susevya ] [ su-sevya ] m. f. n. (a road) to be well or easily followed Lit. BhP.
सुसैन्धवी [ susaindhavī ] [ su-saindhavī ] f. a good mare from Sindh Lit. Kathās.
सुसौभग [ susaubhaga ] [ su-saubhaga ] n. conjugal felicity Lit. BhP.
सुस्कन्दन [ suskandana ] [ su-skandana ] m. a partic. fragrant plant Lit. L.
सुस्कन्ध [ suskandha ] [ su-skandha ] m. f. n. having a beautiful stalk or stem Lit. VarBṛS.
सुस्कन्धमार [ suskandhamāra ] [ su-skandha--māra ] m. f. n. v.l. for [ skandha-māra ] ( q.v.)
सुस्तना [ sustanā ] [ su-stanā ] f. (a woman) having beautiful breasts Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 54 Sch.
सुस्तनी [ sustanī ] [ su-stanī ] f. (a woman) having beautiful breasts Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 54 Sch.
सुस्तुत [ sustuta ] [ su-stuta ] m. ( cf. [ ṣṭuta ] ) N. of a son of Supārśva Lit. VP.
सुस्थ [ sustha ] [ su-stha ] m. f. n. well situated , faring well , healthy , comfortable , prosperous , happy ( compar. [ -tara ] ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
सुस्थकल्प [ susthakalpa ] [ su-stha--kalpa ] m. f. n. almost well or at ease Lit. Śak.
सुस्थचित्त [ susthacitta ] [ su-stha--citta ] m. f. n. easy at heart , feeling happy or comfortable Lit. MBh.
सुस्थता [ susthatā ] [ su-stha--tā ] f. health , welfare , happiness Lit. R.
सुस्थत्व [ susthatva ] [ su-stha--tva ] n. id. Lit. MW.
सुस्थमानस [ susthamānasa ] [ su-stha--mānasa ] m. f. n. (= [ -citta ] ) Lit. R.
सुस्थण्डिल [ susthaṇḍila ] [ su-sthaṇḍila ] n. a beautiful place Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 195.
सुस्थय [ susthaya ] [ su-sthaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( fr. [ su-stha ] ) , to establish or settle well , make comfortable Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
सुस्थल [ susthala ] [ su-sthala ] m. pl. N. of a people ( cf. [ su-sthāla ] in g. [ bhargādi ] ) Lit. MBh.
सुस्थान [ susthāna ] [ su-sthāna ] n. a beautiful place Lit. Kathās.
(a partic. term in music) Lit. Inscr.
सुस्थावती [ susthāvatī ] [ su-sthāvatī ] f. (in music) a partic. Rāga Lit. Saṃgīt.
सुस्थित [ susthita ] [ su-sthita ] m. f. n. well established Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
firm , unshaken (as a heart) Lit. R. (B.)
being on the right path , innocent Lit. Hariv.
being in good condition or well off , easy , comfortable , healthy , prosperous , fortunate Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
artless , simple ( [ e ] voc. f. in addressing a woman) Lit. R.
[ susthita ] m. N. of various Jaina teachers Lit. HPariś.
n. a house with a gallery on all sides Lit. VarBṛS.
सुस्थितत्व [ susthitatva ] [ su-sthita--tva ] n. ease , comfort , welfare , happiness Lit. Śiś.
सुस्थितमनस् [ susthitamanas ] [ su-sthita--manas ] m. f. n. being in a happy frame of mind , contented Lit. MW.
सुस्थितम्मन्य [ susthitammanya ] [ su-sthita--m-manya ] m. f. n. fancying one's self prosperous or well off Lit. Hit.
सुस्थिति [ susthiti ] [ su-sthiti ] f. an excellent position Lit. Ragh.
good condition , wellbeing , welfare Lit. Bhadrab.
health convalescence Lit. W.
सुस्थिर [ susthira ] [ su-sthira ] m. f. n. very firm or steady , stable Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
resolute , cool Lit. W.
सुस्थिरम्मन्य [ susthirammanya ] [ su-sthira--m-manya ] m. f. n. considering one's self firmly established Lit. Śiś.
सुस्थिरयौवन [ susthirayauvana ] [ su-sthira--yauvana ] m. f. n. having perpetual youth , always young , Lit. Pañcar.
सुस्थिरवर्मन् [ susthiravarman ] [ su-sthira--varman ] m. N. of a son of Sthira-varman (v.l. [ sura-v ] ) Lit. Hcar.
सुस्थेय [ sustheya ] [ su-stheya ] n. (impers.) easy to stand Lit. MBh.
सुस्नात [ susnāta ] [ su-snāta ] m. f. n. well purified by bathing , (esp.) one who has duly performed his ablutions Lit. Vet. Lit. BhP. Lit. HPariś.
सुस्निग्ध [ susnigdha ] [ su-snigdha ] m. f. n. very smooth or soft or gentle Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Pañcar.
very loving or tender Lit. Kāv.
सुस्निग्धगम्भीर [ susnigdhagambhīra ] [ su-snigdha--gambhīra ] m. f. n. very soft and deep-toned Lit. MW.
सुस्नुष [ susnuṣa ] [ su-snuṣa ] m. f. n. having a good daughter-in-law Lit. RV.
सुस्पर्श [ susparśa ] [ su-sparśa ] m. f. n. pleasant to the touch , very soft or tender Lit. BhP.
सुस्पष्ट [ suspaṣṭa ] [ su-spaṣṭa ] m. f. n. very clear or distinct or manifest ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.
[ suspaṣṭam ] ind. , see [ suspaṣṭa ]
सुस्फीत [ susphīta ] [ su-sphīta ] m. f. n. very thriving or flourishing or prospering Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāś.
सुस्फुट [ susphuṭa ] [ su-sphuṭa ] m. f. n. very clear Lit. Vīrac.
सुस्रग्धर [ susragdhara ] [ su-srag-dhara ] m. f. n. wearing a beautiful garland Lit. BhP.
सुस्रज् [ susraj ] [ su-sráj ] m. f. n. id. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
सुस्रस् [ susras ] [ su-srás ] m. f. n. becoming loose or falling off easily Lit. AV.
सुस्रोणि [ susroṇi ] [ su-sroṇi ] w.r. for [ -śroṇi ] ( q.v.)
सुस्रोतस् [ susrotas ] [ su-srotas ] m. f. n. streaming beautifully Lit. L.
[ susrotas ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 113
m. or f. (?) N. of a river (v.l. [ su-śroṇā ] ) Lit. Hariv.
सुस्वन [ susvana ] [ su-svana ] m. f. n. very loud ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. R.
[ susvanam ] ind. , see [ susvana ]
सुस्वप्न [ susvapna ] [ su-svapna ] m. a good or lucky dream Lit. Rājat. Lit. HPariś.
[ susvapna ] m. " having good dreams " , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
सुस्वभाव [ susvabhāva ] [ su-svabhāva ] m. f. n. good-natured Lit. MBh.
सुस्वर [ susvara ] [ su-svara ] m. the right tone or accent Lit. Śiksh.
[ susvara ] m. f. n. having a beautiful voice Lit. MBh.
mf ( [ ā ] ) n. well-sounding , harmonious , melodious ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
mf ( [ ā ] ) n. loud ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
m. a conch Lit. L.
N. of a son of Garuḍa Lit. MBh.
[ susvaram ] ind. , see [ susvara ]
ind. , see [ susvara ]
सुस्वरु [ susvaru ] [ su-sváru ] m. f. n. (of unknown meaning) Lit. RV. v , 44 , 5 ( = [ śobhana-gamana ] or [ -stutika ] Lit. Sāy.)
सुस्वागत [ susvāgata ] [ su-svāgata ] n. a hearty welcome ( [ °taṃ te 'stu ] , a hearty welcome to thee!) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ susvāgata ] m. f. n. attended with a hearty welcome Lit. R.
सुस्वाद [ susvāda ] [ su-svāda ] m. f. n. having a good taste , well-flavoured , sweet Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Rājat.
सुस्वादु [ susvādu ] [ su-svādu ] m. f. n. id.
सुस्वादुतोय [ susvādutoya ] [ su-svādu--toya ] m. f. n. containing very sweet water Lit. Hit.
सुस्वान्त [ susvānta ] [ su-svānta ] m. f. n. having a good or happy mind , well-disposed Lit. MW.
सुस्वाप [ susvāpa ] [ su-svāpa ] m. deep sleep Lit. L.
सुस्वामिन् [ susvāmin ] [ su-svāmin ] m. a good lord or chief Lit. Subh.
सुस्विन्न [ susvinna ] [ su-svinna ] m. f. n. well boiled or cooked Lit. Hariv.
सुस्वेद [ susveda ] [ su-sveda ] m. f. n. sweating well Lit. Siddh. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 54.
सुस्थुषस् [ susthuṣas ] [ susthuṣas ] ( to be pronounced in a partic. case for [ tasthuṣas ] ) Lit. TāṇḍBr.
सुस्नयु [ susnayu ] [ susnayu ] m. ( said to be fr. √ [ snā ] ) the institutor of a sacrifice (= [ yajamāna ] ) Lit. L.
सुस्ना [ susnā ] [ susnā ] f. a kind of pulse , Lathyrus Sativus Lit. L.
सुस्मूर्षमाण [ susmūrṣamāṇa ] [ susmūrṣamāṇa ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of √ [ smṛ ] ) wishing or trying to recollect Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
सुस्मूर्षा [ susmūrṣā ] [ susmūrṣā ] f. the wish to recollect Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.
सुस्रग्धर [ susragdhara ] [ su-srag-dhara ] see col.1.
सुस्सल [ sussala ] [ sussala ] m. N. of a man ( cf. [ saussala ] ) Lit. Rājat.
सुह् [ suh ] [ suh ] Root ( cf. √ [ sah ] ) cl. [4] P. [ suhyati ] , to satisfy , gladden Lit. Dhātup. xxvi , 21 ; to be glad , rejoice Lit. ib. ; to bear , endure , support Lit. ib.
सुहणमुख [ suhaṇamukha ] [ suhaṇamukha ] (?) , N. of a place Lit. Cat.
सुहत [ suhata ] [ su-hata ] m. f. n. (i.e. 5. [ su ] + [ hata ] ; fr. √ [ han ] ) thoroughly beaten or slain Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. Pañcat.
justly slain or killed Lit. Jātakam.
सु [ su ] [ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)
सुहन [ suhana ] [ su-hána ] m. f. n. easy to be slain or killed Lit. RV.
सुहनु [ suhanu ] [ su-hanu ] m. f. n. having handsome jaws Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ suhanu ] m. N. of an Asura Lit. MBh.
सुहन्तु [ suhantu ] [ su-hántu ] m. f. n. = [ -hána ] Lit. RV.
सुहय [ suhaya ] [ su-haya ] see [ mahā-suhayá ] .
सुहर [ suhara ] [ su-hara ] m. " seizing well " , N. of an Asura (v.l. [ a-hara ] ) Lit. MBh.
सुहल [ suhala ] [ su-hala ] m. f. n. having an excellent plough ( also [ °li ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 121
[ suhala ] m. N. of a physician and an ambassador (contemporaries of Maṅkha) Lit. Śrīkaṇṭh.
सुहलन [ suhalana ] [ su-halana ] m. ( with [ bhaṭṭa ] ) N. of the author of a Comm. on Halâyudha's Mṛita-saṃjīvanī Lit. Cat.
सुहव [ suhava ] [ su-háva ] m. f. n. well or easily invoked , listening willingly Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
invoking well Lit. ib. Lit. AitBr.
[ suhava ] n. an auspicious or successful invocation Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
सुहविस् [ suhavis ] [ su-haví s ] m. f. n. having or offering beautiful oblations , devout , pious Lit. RV.
[ suhavis ] m. N. of an Āṅgirasa Lit. PañcavBr.
of a son of Bhumanyu Lit. MBh.
सुहवीतुनामन् [ suhavītunāman ] [ su-hávītu-nāman ] m. f. n. one whose name is to be invoked auspiciously or successfully Lit. RV. 1.
सुहव्य [ suhavya ] [ su-havyá ] m. f. n. fit for invocation Lit. RV.
सुहव्य [ suhavya ] [ su-havyá ]2 m. f. n. sacrificing well or successfully (applied to Agni) Lit. ib.
सुहसानन [ suhasānana ] [ su-hasānana ] m. f. n. having a cheerful smiling face Lit. W.
सुहस्त [ suhasta ] [ su-hásta ] m. f. n. having beautiful hands Lit. RV. Lit. TS.
skilful or clever with the hands Lit. RV. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
trained in arms , disciplined Lit. L.
[ suhasta ] m. N. of a Soma-keeper Lit. VS.
of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. MBh.
सुहस्तिन् [ suhastin ] [ su-hastin ] m. N. of a Jaina teacher Lit. HPariś.
सुहस्त्य [ suhastya ] [ su-hástya ] m. f. n. skilful-handed , clever Lit. RV.
[ suhastya ] m. N. of a Ṛishi (having the metron. Gausheya and author of Lit. RV. x , 41) , Lit. Anukr.
सुहार्द् [ suhārd ] [ su-hā́rd ] m. f. n. having a good interior i.e. a good stomach (said of Indra) Lit. RV.
having a good or loving heart , kind , benevolent , a friend ( opp. to [ dur-hārd ] ) Lit. AV.
सुहास [ suhāsa ] [ su-hāsa ] m. f. n. having a pleasant smile Lit. Chandom.
सुहासिन् [ suhāsin ] [ su-hāsin ] m. f. n. laughing i.e. radiant or shining with (comp.) Lit. VarBṛS.
सुहिंस् [ suhiṃs ] [ su-hiṃs ] m. f. n. (nom. [ -hin ] ) one who strikes well Lit. Vop.
सुहित [ suhita ] [ su-hita ] m. f. n. ( [ sú- ] ) very fit or suitable Lit. Nir.
very salutary or beneficial Lit. R.
thoroughly satiated or satisfied (esp. with food and drink) Lit. AV.
very friendly , affectionate Lit. W.
सुहिरण्य [ suhiraṇya ] [ su-hiraṇyá ] m. f. n. having beautiful gold , abounding in gold Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
सुहिरण्यवत् [ suhiraṇyavat ] [ su-hiraṇya-vat ] ( [ sú- ] ) m. f. n. id. Lit. AV.
सुहुत [ suhuta ] [ sú-huta ] m. f. n. well offered or sacrificed Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. R.
well worshipped with sacrifices Lit. BhP. Lit. Pañcat.
[ suhuta ] n. good or right sacrifice Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS.
सुहुतकृत् [ suhutakṛt ] [ su-huta--kṛt ] m. f. n. offering a right sacrifice Lit. GṛŚrS.
सुहुतहुत् [ suhutahut ] [ su-huta--hut ] m. f. n. offering a right sacrifice Lit. GṛŚrS.
सुहुताद् [ suhutād ] [ su-hutād ] m. f. n. eating a right sacrifice Lit. RV.
सुहू [ suhū ] [ su-hū́ ] m. f. n. calling or invoking well Lit. VS.
सुहूति [ suhūti ] [ su-hūti ] see [ svabhūti ] ,
सुहृद् [ suhṛd ] [ su-hṛd ] see s.v.
सुहेमन्त [ suhemanta ] [ su-hemanta ] m. a good winter Lit. GṛS.
सुहेमन्त [ suhemanta ] [ su-hemanta ] m. f. n. having a good winter, Lit. MānGṛ. ( Page1333,3 )
सुहोतृ [ suhotṛ ] [ su-hótṛ ] m. ( or [ sú-h ] ) a good sacrificer or priest Lit. RV. Lit. TS.
N. of a son of Bhumanyu Lit. MBh.
of a son of Vitatha Lit. Hariv.
सुहोत्र [ suhotra ] [ su-hotra ] m. N. of the author of Lit. RV. vi , 31 , 32 (having the patr. Bhāradvāja) Lit. Anukr.
of a Bārhaspatya. Lit. IndSt.
of an Ātreya Lit. MārkP.
of a preceptor Lit. W.
of a Kaurava Lit. MBh.
of a son of Saha-deva Lit. ib.
of a son of Bhumanyu Lit. ib.
of a son of Bṛihat-kshatra Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Bṛihad-ishu Lit. ib.
of a son of Kāñcanaprabha Lit. ib.
of a son of Vitatha Lit. ib.
of a son of Sudhanvan Lit. ib.
of a son of Su-dhanus Lit. BhP.
of a son of Kshatra-vṛiddha Lit. ib.
of a Daitya Lit. MBh.
of a monkey Lit. R.
pl. N. of a seat of fire-worshippers Lit. Cat.
सुह्वान [ suhvāna ] [ su-hvāna ] m. f. n. ( used in explaining [ su-hava ] ) Lit. Nir.
सुहृद् [ suhṛd ] [ su-hṛd ] m. " good-hearted " , " kindhearted " , " well-disposed " , a friend , ally (also said of planets ; [ suhṛdo janāḥ ] , " friends " ) Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
N. of the fourth astrol. mansion Lit. VarBṛS.
[ suhṛd ] f. a female friend Lit. Gobh. Lit. Kauś.
mfn. ( only ifc.) fond of , liking or devoted to Lit. Bālar.
f. very similar to , closely resembling Lit. ib.
सुहृदागम [ suhṛdāgama ] [ su-hṛd-āgama ] m. " arrival of a friend " , N. of wk.
सुहृद्बल [ suhṛdbala ] [ su-hṛd-bala ] m. the army of an ally Lit. W.
सुहृद्भेद [ suhṛdbheda ] [ su-hṛd-bheda ] m. separation of friends (N. of the 2nd book of the Hitôpadeśa) .
सुहृद्वध [ suhṛdvadha ] [ su-hṛd-vadha ] m. the killing of a friend Lit. Mn. xi , 56.
सुहृद्वाक्य [ suhṛdvākya ] [ su-hṛd-vākya ] n. the speech or advice of a friend Lit. MBh.
सुहृच् [ suhṛc ] [ suhṛc ] in comp. for [ suhṛd ] .
सुहृच्छोकविवर्धन [ suhṛcchokavivardhana ] [ suhṛc-choka-vivardhana ] ( for [ -śok ] ) , augmenting the grief of a friend Lit. MBh.
सुहृज् [ suhṛj ] [ suhṛj ] in comp. for [ suhṛd ] .
सुहृज्जन [ suhṛjjana ] [ suhṛj-jana ] m. a friendly person , friend Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
( also pl.) friends Lit. ib.
सुहृत् [ suhṛt ] [ suhṛt ] in comp. for [ suhṛd ] .
सुहृत्तम [ suhṛttama ] [ suhṛt-tama ] m. f. n. (superl.) very friendly or cordial , kind , affectionate Lit. MBh.
सुहृत्ता [ suhṛttā ] [ suhṛt-tā ] f.
सुहृत्त्व [ suhṛttva ] [ suhṛt-tva ] n. friendship , friendliness , affection Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
सुहृत्त्याग [ suhṛttyāga ] [ suhṛt-tyāga ] m. the desertion of a friend Lit. MW.
सुहृत्प्रकाशाख्यस्तव [ suhṛtprakāśākhyastava ] [ suhṛt-prakāśākhya-stava ] m. N. of wk.
सुहृत्प्राप्ति [ suhṛtprāpti ] [ suhṛt-prāpti ] f. the acquisition of a friend Lit. Sāṃkhyak.
सुहृद [ suhṛda ] [ suhṛda ] m. " a friend " , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
सुहृदद्रुह् [ suhṛdadruh ] [ suhṛda-druh ] m. f. n. (Nom. [ -dhruk ] or [ -dhruṭ ] ) one who injures a friend Lit. MW.
सुहृदय [ suhṛdaya ] [ su-hṛdaya ] m. f. n. good-hearted , affectionate ( superl. [ -tama ] ) Lit. AitBr.
सुहृन् [ suhṛn ] [ suhṛn ] in comp. for [ suhṛd ] .
सुहृन्नारी [ suhṛnnārī ] [ suhṛn-nārī ] f. a female friend Lit. Cāṇ. (v.l.)
सुहृन्मित्र [ suhṛnmitra ] [ suhṛn-mitra ] n. sg. friends and allies Lit. MBh.
सुहृन्मुख [ suhṛnmukha ] [ suhṛn-mukha ] m. f. n. friendly-faced Lit. Bcar.
सुहृल् [ suhṛl ] [ suhṛl ] in comp. for [ suhṛd ] .
सुहृल्लिङ्गधर [ suhṛlliṅgadhara ] [ suhṛl-liṅga-dhara ] m. f. n. having the mere appearance of a friend Lit. BhP.
सुहोतृ [ suhotṛ ] [ su-hotṛ ] see above.
सुह्म [ suhma ] [ suhma ] m. N. of a district or (pl.) a people in the west of Bengal (called after Suhma , the son of Dīrgha-tamas and Su-deshṇā , the wife of Bali , or the son of Kāñcanêshudhi i.e. Bali in a former birth) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
सुह्मनगर [ suhmanagara ] [ suhma-nagara ] n. the city of the Suhmas Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 89 Sch.
सुह्मक [ suhmaka ] [ suhmaka ] (ifc.) = [ suhma ] Lit. Hariv.
सू [ sū ] [ sū ]1 Root ( not separable in all forms fr. √ 2. [ sū ] ; cf. 1. [ su-ṣū́ ] , [ asu-sū ] , and √ 4. [ su ] ) cl. [6] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxviii , 115) [ suváti ] ( in Lit. Br. also [ °te ] , and accord. to Lit. Dhātup. xxii , 43 and xxiv , 32 also [ savati ] and [ -sauti ] ; pf. [ suṣuvé ] Lit. AV. ; p. [ suṣuvāṇá ] q.v. ; aor. [ asāvīt ] , [ sāviṣat ] Lit. RV. : Pass. [ sūyáte ] Lit. Br. ) , to set in motion , urge , impel , vivify , create , produce Lit. RV. ; to hurl upon Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to grant , bestow (esp. said of Savitṛi) Lit. RV. ; to appoint or consecrate to (Ā. " to let one's self be consecrated " ) Lit. AV. Lit. TS. ; to allow , authorize Lit. ŚBr. : Intens. [ soṣavīti ] , to urge or impel violently (said of Savitṛi) Lit. RV.
सूक [ sūka ] [ sūka ] m. ( cf. [ sṛka ] ) an arrow Lit. L.
air , wind Lit. L.
a lotus Lit. L.
[ sūka ] m. N. of a son of Hrada (v.l. [ mūka ] ) Lit. Hariv.
सूत [ sūta ] [ sūta ]1 m. f. n. urged , impelled ( cf. 3. [ sūta ] , p. 1241 , col. 2 , 1. [ suta ] , and [ nṛ-ṣūta ] ) .
सूति [ sūti ] [ sūti ]1 see 1. [ pra-sūti ] .
सूनु [ sūnu ] [ sūnu ]1 m. one who urges or incites , an inciter Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 103 , 4
the sun (= [ savitṛ ] ) Lit. L.
सूषुवाण [ sūṣuvāṇa ] [ sūṣuvāṇá ] m. f. n. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 106 Sch.) being consecrated , consecrated Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
सू [ sū ] [ sū ]2 Root ( cf. 1. [ sū ] and √ 5. [ su ] ) cl. [2] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiv , 21) [ sūte ] ( 1. sg. pr. [ suve ] , 3. sg. impf. [ asūta ] ; in later language also [ sūyate ] ( Lit. xxvi , 31 ) and in comp. with [ pra ] also [ -savati ] and [ -sauti ] ( cf. Lit. xxiv , 31 ) ; pf. [ sasūva ] Lit. RV. ; [ suṣuvé ] Lit. AV. ; [ susāva ] Lit. MBh. ; aor. [ asuṣot ] Lit. MaitrS. ; [ °ṣavuḥ ] Lit. TBr. ; [ asoṣṭa ] Lit. ChUp. ; [ asauṣīt ] and [ asaviṣṭa ] Gr. ; fut. [ sotā ] , [ savitā ] Lit. ib. ; [ soṣyáti ] , [ °te ] Lit. Br. ; [ saviṣyati ] , [ °te ] Lit. MBh. ; p. f. [ sū́ṣyantī ] Lit. RV. ; [ soṣyántī ] ( s.v. ) Lit. ŚBr. ; inf. [ sū́tave ] Lit. RV. ; [ sūtavaí ] Lit. AV. ; [ sávitave ] Lit. ib. ; [ sotum ] or [ savitum ] Gr. ; ind.p. [ sūtvā́ ] Lit. Br. ; [ -sūya ] Lit. MBh. ; [ -sútya ] Lit. ŚBr.) , to beget , procreate , bring forth , bear , produce , yield Lit. RV. : Pass. [ sūyate ] (aor. [ asāvi ] ) , to be begotten or brought forth Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ sāvayati ] Gr.: Desid. [ -susūṣati ] Lit. ib. ( 1239,3 )
सू [ sū ] [ sū ]3 m. f. n. begetting , procreating , bringing forth , producing (mostly ifc. ; see [ a- ] , [ ambhaḥ- ] , [ karṇa-sū ] )
[ sū ] m. one who begets , a father Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
a mother Lit. RV. i , 32 , 9
child-bearing , parturition Lit. W. ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. (sus) ; Angl.Sax. (sû) ; Eng. (sow) ; Germ. (Sau) . )
सूत [ sūta ] [ sūta ]2 m. f. n. ( for 3. see p. 1241 , col. 2) born , engendered (see [ su-ṣūta ] )
one that has , brought forth (young) Lit. Mn. Lit. VarBṛS.
[ sūta ] m. quicksilver Lit. ŚārṅgS. Lit. Sarvad.
the sun Lit. W.
[ sūtā ] f. a woman who has given birth to a child Lit. MW.
[ sūta ] m. a young quadruped Lit. L.
w.r. for [ sutā ] Lit. Pañcat. iii , 192/193.
सूतमहोदधि [ sūtamahodadhi ] [ sūta-mahodadhi ] m. N. of wk. on medicine ( cf. [ sūtārṇava ] ) .
सूतराज् [ sūtarāj ] [ sūta-rāj ] m. quicksilver Lit. L.
सूतवशा [ sūtavaśā ] [ sūta-vaśā ] ( [ sūtá- ] ) f. a cow which remains barren after its first calf Lit. AV. Lit. MaitrS.
सूतार्णव [ sūtārṇava ] [ sūtārṇava ] m. N. of wk. on medicine ( cf. [ sūta-mahodadhi ] ) .
सूतक [ sūtaka ] [ sūtaka ] n. birth (also " the calving of a cow " ) Lit. GṛS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
impurity (of parents) caused by child-birth or miscarriage Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Dhūrtas.
impurity (in general) Lit. Subh.
an obstacle Lit. Tithyād.
f ( [ akā ] and [ ikā ] ) . see below
[ sūtaka ] m. n. ( [ am ] ) quick silver , mercury Lit. Sarvad.
सूतकभोजन [ sūtakabhojana ] [ sūtaka-bhojana ] n. a natal feast Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
सूतकसार [ sūtakasāra ] [ sūtaka-sāra ] m. N. of wk.
सूतकसिद्धान्त [ sūtakasiddhānta ] [ sūtaka-siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.
सूतकान्न [ sūtakānna ] [ sūtakānna ] n. food rendered impure by child-birth or miscarriage Lit. AitBr. Lit. GṛŚrS.
सूतकान्नाद्य [ sūtakānnādya ] [ sūtakānnādya ] n. id. Lit. Mn. iv , 112.
सूतका [ sūtakā ] [ sūtakā ] f. a woman recently delivered Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 45 Vārtt. 10 Lit. Pat.
सूतकागृह [ sūtakāgṛha ] [ sūtakā-gṛha ] n. a room set apart for a woman in child-birth , lying-in chamber Lit. L.
सूतकाग्नि [ sūtakāgni ] [ sūtakāgni ] ( [ °kāgni ] ) m. a fire lighted at the ceremony performed after child-birth ( cf. [ sūtikāgni ] ) Lit. ĀpŚr.
सूतकिन् [ sūtakin ] [ sūtakin ] m. f. n. rendered impure by child-birth Lit. Saṃskārak.
सूति [ sūti ] [ sūtí ]2 f. birth , production ( generally ifc.) Lit. TBr. Lit. MBh.
parturition , delivery , lying in Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās.
yielding fruit , production of crops Lit. BhP.
place or cause or manner of production Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP.
offspring , progeny Lit. MārkP.
[ sūti ] m. a goose (?) Lit. L.
N. of a son of Viśvāmitra (v.l. [ bhūti ] ) Lit. MBh.
सूतिकाल [ sūtikāla ] [ sūtí -kāla ] m. the time of delivery Lit. Hariv.
सूतिगृह [ sūtigṛha ] [ sūtí -gṛha ] n. a lying in chamber ( also written [ sūtī-gṛ ] ) Lit. BhP.
सूतिमती [ sūtimatī ] [ sūtí -matī ] f. bringing forth children Lit. MārkP.
सूतिमारुत [ sūtimāruta ] [ sūtí -māruta ] m. the throes of child-birth (supposed to be caused by a partic. vital air) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. BhP.
सूतिमास् [ sūtimās ] [ sūtí -mās ] m. the month of delivery , the last month of gestation or pregnancy (= [ vaijanana ] ) Lit. L.
सूतिमास [ sūtimāsa ] [ sūtí -māsa ] m. the month of delivery , the last month of gestation or pregnancy (= [ vaijanana ] ) Lit. L.
सूतिरोग [ sūtiroga ] [ sūtí -roga ] m. puerperal sickness Lit. HPariś.
सूतिवात [ sūtivāta ] [ sūtí -vāta ] m. = [ -māruta ] Lit. BhP.
सूतिक [ sūtika ] [ sūtika ] g. [ purohitādi ] ( cf. [ sautikya ] ) .
सूतिका [ sūtikā ] [ sū́tikā ] f. a woman who has recently brought forth a child , lying-in woman Lit. AV.
( with or scil. [ go ] ) a cow that has recently calved Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
सूतिकागद [ sūtikāgada ] [ sū́tikā-gada ] m. puerperal sickness , fever or sickness of any kind supervening on child-birth Lit. ŚārṅgS.
सूतिकागार [ sūtikāgāra ] [ sū́tikāgāra ] ( [ °kāg° ] ) n. a lying-in chamber Lit. L.
सूतिकागृह [ sūtikāgṛha ] [ sū́tikā-gṛha ] n. id. Lit. L.
सूतिकागेह [ sūtikāgeha ] [ sū́tikā-geha ] n. id. Lit. L.
सूतिकाग्नि [ sūtikāgni ] [ sū́tikāgni ] ( [ °kāgni ] ) m. = [ sūtakāgni ] Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
सूतिकाभवन [ sūtikābhavana ] [ sū́tikā-bhavana ] n. = [ -gṛha ] Lit. W.
सूतिकामारुत [ sūtikāmāruta ] [ sū́tikā-māruta ] m. vital air of child-birth Lit. Ml.
सूतिकारोग [ sūtikāroga ] [ sū́tikā-roga ] m. = [ -gada ] Lit. MW.
सूतिकावास [ sūtikāvāsa ] [ sū́tikāvāsa ] ( [ °kāv° ] ) m. = [ -gṛha ] Lit. L.
सूतिकाषष्ठी [ sūtikāṣaṣṭhī ] [ sū́tikā-ṣaṣṭhī ] f. a goddess worshipped on the sixth day after child-birth Lit. MW.
सूतिकाषष्ठीपूजा [ sūtikāṣaṣṭhīpūjā ] [ sū́tikā-ṣaṣṭhī--pūjā ] f. the worship of the above goddess Lit. ib.
सूतिकोत्थान [ sūtikotthāna ] [ sūtikotthāna ] n. a ceremony performed after the 10th day from delivery Lit. Vishṇ.
सूती [ sūtī ] [ sūtī ] in comp. for 2. [ sūti ] .
सूतीगृह [ sūtīgṛha ] [ sūtī-gṛha ] n. = [ sūtigṛ ] Lit. BhP.
सूतीमास [ sūtīmāsa ] [ sūtī-māsa ] m. = [ sūti-m ] Lit. L.
सूतीवृत्ति [ sūtīvṛtti ] [ sūtī-vṛtti ] f. N. of a Comm. on the Uṇādi-sūtra ( v.l. for [ satī-v ] ) Lit. Cat.
सूत्य् [ sūty ] [ sūty ] in comp. for 2. [ sūti ] .
सूत्याशौच [ sūtyāśauca ] [ sūty-āśauca ] n. impurity caused by child-birth (continuing for ten days after regular parturition , and after miscarriage for a period of days equal to the number of months since conception) Lit. W.
सूत्री [ sūtrī ] [ sūtrī́ ] f. (prob.) the genitals (of a cow) Lit. AV.
सून [ sūna ] [ sūna ] m. f. n. born , produced Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 45 Sch.
blown , budded (as a flower) Lit. W.
empty , vacant ( prob. w.r. for [ śūna ] , [ śūnya ] ) Lit. ib.
[ sūna ] m. a son ( prob. w.r. for 3. [ suta ] ) Lit. Pañcat. iii , 247/248
[ sūnā ] f. a daughter Lit. L. ( for other meanings see [ sūnā ] , p. 1242 , col. 3)
[ sūna ] n. bringing forth , parturition Lit. W.
a bud , flower ( cf. [ pra-sūna ] ) Lit. Śiś.
fruit Lit. L.
सूनवत् [ sūnavat ] [ sūna-vat ] m. f. n. one who has borne or produced Lit. W.
having budded or blossomed Lit. ib.
सूनशर [ sūnaśara ] [ sūna-śara ] m. " flower-arrowed " , the god of love Lit. Ml.
सूनु [ sūnu ] [ sūnú ]2 m. a son , child , offspring Lit. RV.
a younger brother Lit. Kir. i , 24
a daughter's son Lit. W.
N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Ārbhava or Kāśyapa , author of Lit. RV. x , 176) , Auukr.
Lit. IndSt.
[ sūnu ] f. a daughter Lit. Mn. i , 10. ( cf. Zd. (hunu) ; Lith. (sūnu4s) ; Slav. (synu) ; Goth. (sunus) ; Angl.Sax. (sunu) ; Eng. (son) ; Germ. (Sohn) . )
सूनुरूप [ sūnurūpa ] [ sūnú-rūpa ] (?) m. f. n. having the form of a son Lit. JaimBr.
सूवन् [ sūvan ] [ sūvan ] m. f. n. bearing children , generating , producing (see [ bahu-sū́varī ] ) .
सोतृ [ sotṛ ] [ sotṛ ] see 2. [ sotṛ ] , p. 1248 , col. 3.
सू [ sū ] [ sū ]4 ind. , Ved. and in some comp. = [ su ] , well , good ( cf. [ sū-nara ] , [ sū-nṛta ] )
सूकर [ sūkara ] [ sū-kará ] m. ( prob. fr. [ sū ] + [ kara ] , making the sound [ sū ] ; cf. [ śū-kara ] ; accord. to others fr. 3. [ sū ] and connected with Lat. (sū-culus) , [ sū-cula ] ) a boar , hog , pig , swine (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; [ daṃṣṭrā sūkarasya ] , prob. " a partic. plant " Lit. Suśr.) Lit. RV.
a kind of deer (the hog-deer) Lit. L.
a partic. fish Lit. L.
white rice Lit. L.
a potter Lit. L.
N. of a partic. hell Lit. VP.
[ sūkarī ] f. a sow Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R.
a kind of bird Lit. VarBṛS.
a small pillar above a wooden beam Lit. L.
Batatas Edulis Lit. L.
Mimosa Pudica Lit. L.
Lycopodium Imbricatum Lit. L.
N. of a goddess Lit. Kālac.
सूकरकन्द [ sūkarakanda ] [ sū-kará-kanda ] m. " hog's root " , a kind of bulbous plant Lit. L.
सूकरक्षेत्र [ sūkarakṣetra ] [ sū-kará-kṣetra ] n. N. of a sacred district Lit. Cat.
सूकरगृह [ sūkaragṛha ] [ sū-kará-gṛha ] n. a pig-sty Lit. Pañcat.
सूकरता [ sūkaratā ] [ sū-kará-tā ] f. the state or nature of a hog Lit. Mn. iii , 190.
सूकरदंष्ट्र [ sūkaradaṃṣṭra ] [ sū-kará-daṃṣṭra ] m. " hog's tusk " , N. of a kind of disease Lit. Bhpr.
सूकरदंष्ट्रक [ sūkaradaṃṣṭraka ] [ sū-kará-daṃṣṭraka ] m. " hog's tusk " , N. of a kind of disease Lit. Bhpr.
सूकरनयन [ sūkaranayana ] [ sū-kará-nayana ] n. " hog's eye " , N. of a hole of a partic. form in timber Lit. VarBṛS.
सूकरपदी [ sūkarapadī ] [ sū-kará-padī ] f. g. [ kumbhapady-ādi ] .
सूकरपादिका [ sūkarapādikā ] [ sū-kará-pādikā ] f. a plant resembling Carpopogan Pruriens Lit. L.
सूकरपादी [ sūkarapādī ] [ sū-kará-pādī ] f. a kind of plant Lit. VarBṛS.
सूकरप्रेयसी [ sūkarapreyasī ] [ sū-kará-preyasī ] f. the beloved of the Boar (N. of the Earth as rescued from the flood by Vishṇu in the form of a boar) Lit. Kathās.
सूकरमुख [ sūkaramukha ] [ sū-kará-mukha ] n. " hog's mouth " , N. of a partic. hell Lit. BhP.
सूकरसद्मन् [ sūkarasadman ] [ sū-kará-sadman ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 144 Vārtt.
सूकराक्रान्ता [ sūkarākrāntā ] [ sūkarākrāntā ]1 f. yam's root Lit. L.
सूकराक्षिता [ sūkarākṣitā ] [ sūkarākṣitā ] f. a disease of the eye (liable to be caused by surgical operations) Lit. Suśr.
सूकरास्या [ sūkarāsyā ] [ sūkarāsyā ] f. N. of a Buddhist goddess Lit. Kālac.
सूकरेष्ट [ sūkareṣṭa ] [ sūkareṣṭa ] m. " liked by hogs " , the root of Scirpus Kysoor Lit. L.
सूकरक [ sūkaraka ] [ sūkaraka ] m. a species of rice Lit. VarBṛS.
[ sūkarikā ] f. a kind of bird Lit. ib.
[ sūkaraka ] n. = [ sūkara-nayana ] Lit. ib.
सूकरिक [ sūkarika ] [ sūkarika ] m. or n. a kind of plant Lit. VarBṛS.
[ sūkarikā ] f. see preceding.
सूक्त [ sūkta ] [ sūktá ] m. f. n. ( 5. [ su ] + [ ukta ] ) well or properly said or recited Lit. RV.
speaking well , eloquent Lit. MatsyaP.
[ sūktā ] f. a kind of bird , the Sārikā Lit. L.
[ sūkta ] n. good recitation or speech , wise saying , song of praise Lit. RV.
a Vedic hymn (as distinguished from a Ṛic or single verse of a hymn) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.
सूक्तचारिन् [ sūktacārin ] [ sūktá-cārin ] m. f. n. following a good word or advice Lit. R.
सूक्तदर्शिन् [ sūktadarśin ] [ sūktá-darśin ] m. " hymn-seer " , the author of a Vedic hymn ( [ °śi-tva ] n. ) Lit. MW.
सूक्तदर्शित्व [ sūktadarśitva ] [ sūktá-darśi-tva ] n. , see [ sūktadarśin ]
सूक्तद्रष्टृ [ sūktadraṣṭṛ ] [ sūktá-draṣṭṛ ] m. id. Lit. ib.
सूक्तपञ्चक [ sūktapañcaka ] [ sūktá-pañcaka ] n. N. of a Kāvya.
सूक्तभाज् [ sūktabhāj ] [ sūktá-bhāj ] m. f. n. one who has a hymn or hymns (addressed to him) Lit. Nir.
सूक्तमुखीय [ sūktamukhīya ] [ sūktá-mukhīya ] m. f. n. standing at the beginning of a hymn Lit. ĀśvŚr.
सूक्तरत्नाकर [ sūktaratnākara ] [ sūktá-ratnākara ] m. N. of a Mahā-kāvya ( q.v.)
सूक्तवाक [ sūktavāka ] [ sūktá-vāká ] m. pronouncing a speech or hymn , recitation Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
a partic. ceremony Lit. MW.
सूक्तवाक्य [ sūktavākya ] [ sūktá-vākya ] n. a good speech or word , wise saying Lit. BhP.
सूक्तवाच् [ sūktavāc ] [ sūktá-vā́c ] ( or [ sūktá-vāc ] ) m. f. n. uttering a good speech Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
सूक्तानुक्रमणी [ sūktānukramaṇī ] [ sūktānukramaṇī ] f. an index of Vedic hymns (attributed to Śaunaka by Shaḍ-guruśishya) .
सूक्तामृतपुनरुक्तोपदंशनदशन [ sūktāmṛtapunaruktopadaṃśanadaśana ] [ sūktāmṛta-punaruktopadaṃśana-daśana ] n. N. of a medic. wk. by Saj-jana.
सूक्तावलि [ sūktāvali ] [ sūktāvali ] f. N. of an anthology by Lakshmaṇa.
सूक्तासि [ sūktāsi ] [ sūktāsi ] m. the sword of pleasant speech Lit. MW.
सूक्तोक्ति [ sūktokti ] [ sūktokti ] f. recitation of hymns Lit. VS.
सूक्तोच्य [ sūktocya ] [ sūktocya ] m. f. n. to be pronounced in a hymn Lit. TBr.
सूक्ति [ sūkti ] [ sūkti ] f. a good or friendly speech , wise saying , beautiful verse or stanza Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. R.
सूक्तिमञ्जरीप्रकाश [ sūktimañjarīprakāśa ] [ sūkti-mañjarī-prakāśa ] m. N. of a Vedânta wk.
सूक्तिमालिका [ sūktimālikā ] [ sūkti-mālikā ] f. N. of a poem.
सूक्तिमुक्ता [ sūktimuktā ] [ sūkti-muktā ] f. pl. pearls of wise sayings Lit. Kāv.
सूक्तिमुक्तावलि [ sūktimuktāvali ] [ sūkti-muktāvali ] f. N. of various works.
सूक्तिमुक्तावली [ sūktimuktāvalī ] [ sūkti-muktāvalī ] f. N. of various works.
सूक्तिरत्नाकर [ sūktiratnākara ] [ sūkti-ratnākara ] m. a jewel-mine of beautiful sayings Lit. Sāh.
N. of a Comm. on the Mahā-bhāshya.
सूक्तिसंग्रह [ sūktisaṃgraha ] [ sūkti-saṃgraha ] m. N. of a Kāvya by Kṛishṇa-dāsa Kāyastha.
सूक्तिसहस्र [ sūktisahasra ] [ sūkti-sahasra ] n. N. of a collection of a thousand beautiful verses.
सूक्तिसाधुत्वमालिका [ sūktisādhutvamālikā ] [ sūkti-sādhutva-mālikā ] f. N. of a poem ( perhaps identical with [ sūkti-mālikā ] ) .
सूक्तिक [ sūktika ] [ sūktika ] m. (in music) a kind of cymbal Lit. Saṃgīt.
सूक्त्य् [ sūkty ] [ sūkty ] in comp. for [ sūkti ] .
सूक्त्यादर्श [ sūktyādarśa ] [ sūkty-ādarśa ] m. N. of wk. on Bhakti by Kavi-tāṇḍava.
सूक्ष्म [ sūkṣma ] [ sūkṣma ] m. f. n. ( prob. connected with [ sūci ] , p. 1241 , col. 1) minute , small , fine , thin , narrow , short , feeble , trifling , insignificant , unimportant ( with [ artha ] m. " a trifling matter " ) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
acute , subtle , keen ( understanding or mental operation ; [ am ] ind. ) Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. R.
nice , exact , precise Lit. Col.
subtle , atomic , intangible Lit. Up. Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Lit. MBh.
[ sūkṣma ] m. a partic. figure of rhetoric ( " the subtle expression of an intended act " ) Lit. Cat.
(with Śaivas) one who has attained a certain grade of emancipation Lit. Hcat.
a mystical N. of the sound [ ī ] Lit. Up.
N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
of a Dānava Lit. ib. Lit. Hariv.
m. or n. an atom , intangible matter Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Lit. Sarvad. Lit. MBh.
m. the subtle all-pervading spirit , Supreme Soul Lit. L.
the Kataka or clearing-nut plant Lit. L.
= [ kṛtaka ] , or [ kaitava ] Lit. L.
[ sūkṣma ] m. small cardamoms Lit. L.
N. of two plants (= [ yūthikā ] or [ karuṇī ] ) Lit. L.
of one of the 9 Śaktis of Vishṇu Lit. L.
n. the cavity or socket of a tooth Lit. Vishṇ.
woven silk Lit. L.
marrow Lit. L.
the Vedânta philosophy Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मकृशफला [ sūkṣmakṛśaphalā ] [ sūkṣma-kṛśa-phalā ] f. a kind of tree ( = [ madhyama-jambu-vṛkṣa ] ) Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मकृष्णफला [ sūkṣmakṛṣṇaphalā ] [ sūkṣma-kṛṣṇa-phalā ] f. a kind of tree ( = [ madhyama-jambu-vṛkṣa ] ) Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मघण्टिका [ sūkṣmaghaṇṭikā ] [ sūkṣma-ghaṇṭikā ] f. (prob.) = [ kṣudra-gh ] Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मचक्र [ sūkṣmacakra ] [ sūkṣma-cakra ] n. a partic. diagram Lit. Cat.
सूक्ष्मजातक [ sūkṣmajātaka ] [ sūkṣma-jātaka ] n. N. of wk. of Varāha-mihira ( = [ laghu-j ] ) .
सूक्ष्मटिक्क [ sūkṣmaṭikka ] [ sūkṣma-ṭikka ] m. N. of a man ( cf. [ bṛhaṭ-ṭikka ] ) Lit. Rājat.
सूक्ष्मतण्डुल [ sūkṣmataṇḍula ] [ sūkṣma-taṇḍula ] m. " having small seeds " , the poppy Lit. L.
[ sūkṣmataṇḍulā ] f. long pepper Lit. L.
Andropogon Muricatus Lit. W.
सूक्ष्मतन्त्र [ sūkṣmatantra ] [ sūkṣma-tantra ] n. N. of a Tantra.
सूक्ष्मतम [ sūkṣmatama ] [ sūkṣma-tama ] m. f. n. very feeble , scarcely audible Lit. TPrāt. Sch.
very subtle or minute Lit. BhP.
सूक्ष्मतर [ sūkṣmatara ] [ sūkṣma-tara ] m. f. n. scarcely audible (v.l. for prec.)
more (or most) subtle or minute Lit. BhP.
सूक्ष्मतुण्ड [ sūkṣmatuṇḍa ] [ sūkṣma-tuṇḍa ] m. a partic. biting insect Lit. Suśr.
सूक्ष्मदर्शिन् [ sūkṣmadarśin ] [ sūkṣma-darśin ] m. f. n. sharp-sighted , of acute discernment , quick , intelligent Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. MBh.
सूक्ष्मदर्शिता [ sūkṣmadarśitā ] [ sūkṣma-darśi--tā ] f. quick-sightedness , acuteness , wisdom Lit. Mālav.
सूक्ष्मदल [ sūkṣmadala ] [ sūkṣma-dala ] m. mustard Lit. L.
[ sūkṣmadalā ] f. Alhagi Maurorum Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मदारु [ sūkṣmadāru ] [ sūkṣma-dāru ] n. a thin plank or board Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मदृष्टि [ sūkṣmadṛṣṭi ] [ sūkṣma-dṛṣṭi ] f. a keen glance Lit. Pañcat.
[ sūkṣmadṛṣṭi ] m. f. n. keen-sighted Lit. KāśīKh.
सूक्ष्मदेह [ sūkṣmadeha ] [ sūkṣma-deha ] m. n. = [ -śarīra ] ( q.v.) Lit. MW.
सूक्ष्मधर्म [ sūkṣmadharma ] [ sūkṣma-dharma ] m. a subtle law or duty Lit. MBh. i , 7246 ( cf. Lit. IW. 387 n. 1) .
सूक्ष्मनाभ [ sūkṣmanābha ] [ sūkṣma-nābha ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मपत्त्र [ sūkṣmapattra ] [ sūkṣma-pattra ] m. " small-leaved " , N. of various plants (a kind of fennel or anise ; a kind of sugar-cane ; Ocimum Pilosum ) Lit. L.
[ sūkṣmapattrā ] f. Asparagus Racemosus and Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea Lit. L.
[ sūkṣmapattrī ] f. a kind of Valerian Lit. L.
[ sūkṣmapattra ] n. coriander Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मपत्त्रक [ sūkṣmapattraka ] [ sūkṣma-pattraka ] m. " id. " , Ocimum Pilosum Lit. L.
[ sūkṣmapattrikā ] f. N. of various plants (Anethum Sowa ; Asparagus Racemosus ; Alhagi Maurorum ) Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मपर्णा [ sūkṣmaparṇā ] [ sūkṣma-parṇā ] f. " id. " , N. of various plants ( Hoya Viridiflora ; Argyreia Speciosa ; = [ -saṇapuṣpī ] ) Lit. L.
[ sūkṣmaparṇī ] f. a kind of basil Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मपाद [ sūkṣmapāda ] [ sūkṣma-pāda ] m. f. n. having small feet ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kathās.
सूक्ष्मपादत्व [ sūkṣmapādatva ] [ sūkṣma-pāda--tva ] n. , see [ sūkṣmapāda ]
सूक्ष्मपिप्पली [ sūkṣmapippalī ] [ sūkṣma-pippalī ] f. wild pepper Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मपुष्पी [ sūkṣmapuṣpī ] [ sūkṣma-puṣpī ] f. " having small flowers " , a kind of plant (= [ yava-tiktā ] ) Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मफल [ sūkṣmaphala ] [ sūkṣma-phala ] m. " having small fruit " , Cordia Myxa Lit. L.
[ sūkṣmaphalā ] f. Flacourtia Cataphracta Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मबदरी [ sūkṣmabadarī ] [ sūkṣma-badarī ] f. a kind of jujube Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मबीज [ sūkṣmabīja ] [ sūkṣma-bīja ] m. " having small seeds " , the poppy Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मभूत [ sūkṣmabhūta ] [ sūkṣma-bhūta ] n. a subtle element (= [ tan-mātra ] ) Lit. Vedântas. Lit. Sarvad.
सूक्ष्ममक्षिक [ sūkṣmamakṣika ] [ sūkṣma-makṣika ] m. ( or f ( [ ā ] ) .) a small fly , musquito , gnat Lit. L.
सूक्ष्ममतिमत् [ sūkṣmamatimat ] [ sūkṣma-mati-mat ] m. f. n. acute-minded Lit. Kāv.
सूक्ष्ममान [ sūkṣmamāna ] [ sūkṣma-māna ] n. minute or exact measurement , precise computation Lit. MW.
सूक्ष्ममूला [ sūkṣmamūlā ] [ sūkṣma-mūlā ] f. " having a slender root " , Sesbania Aegyptiaca Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मलोभक [ sūkṣmalobhaka ] [ sūkṣma-lobhaka ] n. ( scil. [ sthāna ] ; with Jainas) the tenth of the 14 stages leading to emancipation Lit. Cat.
सूक्ष्मवल्ली [ sūkṣmavallī ] [ sūkṣma-vallī ] f. a kind of medicinal plant ( = [ tāmravallī ] ) Lit. L.
a red Oldenlandia Lit. L.
Momordica Charantia Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मवालुक [ sūkṣmavāluka ] [ sūkṣma-vāluka ] m. f. n. abounding in fine sand Lit. R.
सूक्ष्मशरीर [ sūkṣmaśarīra ] [ sūkṣma-śarīra ] n. (in phil.) the subtle body ( = [ lingaś ] q.v. , opp. to [ sthūla-ś ] q.v.)
[ sūkṣmaśarīra ] n. pl. the six subtle principles from which the grosser elements are evolved (viz. Ahaṃ-kāra and the 5 Tan-mātras see Lit. Mn. i , 17 ; accord. to other systems " the 17 subtle principles of the 5 organs of sense , 5 organs of action , 5 elements , Buddhi and Manas " ) Lit. IW. 53 n. 2 ; 198 n. 3
सूक्ष्मशर्करा [ sūkṣmaśarkarā ] [ sūkṣma-śarkarā ] f. fine gravel , sand Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मशाक [ sūkṣmaśāka ] [ sūkṣma-śāka ] m. Acacia Arabica Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मशाख [ sūkṣmaśākha ] [ sūkṣma-śākha ] m. " having small branches " , a kind of plant (= [ jāla-varvūra ] ) Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मशालि [ sūkṣmaśāli ] [ sūkṣma-śāli ] m. a kind of fine rice Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मशिरस्क [ sūkṣmaśiraska ] [ sūkṣma-śiraska ] m. f. n. small-headed (applied as a nickname to a Buddhist) Lit. Cat.
सूक्ष्मषट्चरण [ sūkṣmaṣaṭcaraṇa ] [ sūkṣma-ṣaṭ-caraṇa ] m. a minute insect , a sort of tick or louse (said to infest the roots of the eyelashes) Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मस्फोट [ sūkṣmasphoṭa ] [ sūkṣma-sphoṭa ] m. a kind of leprosy (= [ vi-carcikā ] ) Lit. Gal.
सूक्ष्माक्ष [ sūkṣmākṣa ] [ sūkṣmākṣa ] m. f. n. keen-sighted , acute ( applied to the mind ; [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Rājat. ( 1240,3 )
सूक्ष्माक्षता [ sūkṣmākṣatā ] [ sūkṣmākṣa--tā ] f. , see [ sūkṣmākṣa ]
सूक्ष्मात्मन् [ sūkṣmātman ] [ sūkṣmātman ] m. " subtle-souled " , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
सूक्ष्मेक्षिका [ sūkṣmekṣikā ] [ sūkṣmekṣikā ] f. keen-sightedness , acuteness ( prob. for [ °kṣi-tā ] ) Lit. Rājat.
सूक्ष्मैला [ sūkṣmailā ] [ sūkṣmailā ] f. small cardamoms Lit. L.
सूक्ष्मी [ sūkṣmī ] [ sūkṣmī ] in comp. for [ sūkṣma ] .
सूक्ष्मीकृ [ sūkṣmīkṛ ] [ sūkṣmī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make thin or fine , subtilize , refine Lit. MW.
सूक्ष्मीकृत [ sūkṣmīkṛta ] [ sūkṣmī-kṛta ] m. f. n. subtilized , made thin or minute Lit. ib.
सूक्ष्मीभूत [ sūkṣmībhūta ] [ sūkṣmī-bhūta ] m. f. n. become subtle or fine , minute Lit. ib.
सूक्ष्म्य [ sūkṣmya ] [ sūkṣmya ] ( prob. w.r. for [ sūkṣma ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.
सूखर [ sūkhara ] [ sūkhara ] m. pl. N. of a Śaiva sect Lit. W.
सूच् [ sūc ] [ sūc ] Root ( rather Nom. fr. [ sūca ] and [ sūci ] below) cl. [10] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxxv , 21) [ sūcayati ] , to point out , indicate , show , manifest , reveal , betray (in dram. = " to indicate by gesture , communicate by signs , represent " ) Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to trace out , ascertain , espy Lit. MW. : Pass. [ sūcyate ] (aor. [ asūci ] ) , to be pointed out or indicated Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. : Intens. [ sosūcyate ] Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 22.
सूच [ sūca ] [ sūca ] m. f. n. pointing out , indicating (ifc.) Lit. Jātakam.
[ sūca ] m. a pointed shoot or blade of Kuśa grass (= [ darbhāṅkura ] ) Lit. L.
[ sūcā ] f. pointing out , indication Lit. Jātakam.
gesticulation Lit. L.
spying out , sight , seeing Lit. L.
सूचक [ sūcaka ] [ sūcaka ] m. f. n. pointing out , indicating , showing , designating Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
pointing to (acc.) Lit. Hariv.
informing , betraying , treacherous Lit. Car.
[ sūcaka ] m. a denouncer , informer Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
( the following only in Lit. L.) the manager or chief actor of a company
a narrator , teacher
the son of an Āyogava and a Kshatriyā
a Buddha
a Siddha
demon , imp
villain , dog
balustrade , parapet
kind of rice.
सूचन [ sūcana ] [ sūcana ] m. f. n. pointing out , indicating (see [ śubha-sūcanī ] )
[ sūcanā ] f. (= [ sūcā ] ) pointing out , indication , communication Lit. Suśr. Lit. Sāh.
piercing Lit. L.
[ sūcanī ] f. a short index or table of contents Lit. L.
[ sūcana ] n. indication Lit. Jātakam.
bodily exertion Lit. Car.
सूचनीय [ sūcanīya ] [ sūcanīya ] m. f. n. to be pointed out or indicated Lit. Sāh.
सूचयितव्य [ sūcayitavya ] [ sūcayitavya ] m. f. n. to be found out Lit. Vikr.
सूचि [ sūci ] [ sūci ] f. ( prob. to be connected with [ sūtra ] , [ syūta ] fr. √ [ siv ] , " to sew " cf. [ sūkṣma ] ; in Lit. R. once [ sūcinā ] instr.) , a needle or any sharp-pointed instrument (e.g. " a needle used in surgery " , " a magnet " ) Lit. RV.
the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object Lit. Kāv. Lit. Car. Lit. BhP.
a rail or balustrade Lit. DivyA7v.
a small door-bolt Lit. L.
" sharp file or column " , a kind of military array (accord. to Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. vii , 187, " placing the sharpest and most active soldiers in front " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kām.
an index , table of contents (in books printed in India ; cf. [ -pattra ] below)
a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet Lit. Col.
a cone , pyramid Lit. ib.
(in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or " the corrected diameter of the earth " ) Lit. Sūryas.
gesticulation , dramatic action Lit. L.
a kind of coitus Lit. L.
sight , seeing (= [ dṛṣṭi ] ) Lit. L.
[ sūci ] m. ( only [ sūci ] ) the son of Nishāda and a Vaiśyā Lit. L.
a maker of winnowing baskets ( cf. [ sūnā ] ) Lit. L.
सूची [ sūcī ] [ sūcī́ ] f. ( prob. to be connected with [ sūtra ] , [ syūta ] fr. √ [ siv ] , " to sew " cf. [ sūkṣma ] ; in Lit. R. once [ sūcinā ] instr.) , a needle or any sharp-pointed instrument (e.g. " a needle used in surgery " , " a magnet " ) Lit. RV.
the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object Lit. Kāv. Lit. Car. Lit. BhP.
a rail or balustrade Lit. DivyA7v.
a small door-bolt Lit. L.
" sharp file or column " , a kind of military array (accord. to Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. vii , 187, " placing the sharpest and most active soldiers in front " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kām.
an index , table of contents (in books printed in India ; cf. [ -pattra ] below)
a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet Lit. Col.
a cone , pyramid Lit. ib.
(in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or " the corrected diameter of the earth " ) Lit. Sūryas.
gesticulation , dramatic action Lit. L.
a kind of coitus Lit. L.
sight , seeing (= [ dṛṣṭi ] ) Lit. L.
[ sūcī ] m. ( only [ sūci ] ) the son of Nishāda and a Vaiśyā Lit. L.
a maker of winnowing baskets ( cf. [ sūnā ] ) Lit. L.
सूचिकुलाय [ sūcikulāya ] [ sūci-kulāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to appear like a multitude of needles Lit. Mahān.
सूचिखात [ sūcikhāta ] [ sūci-khāta ] m. a sharp pyramid or pyramidal excavation , a pyramid , cone Lit. W.
सूचिगृहक [ sūcigṛhaka ] [ sūci-gṛhaka ] n. a needle-case Lit. L.
सूचिता [ sūcitā ] [ sūci-tā ] f. needlework Lit. ib.
सूचिपत्त्र [ sūcipattra ] [ sūci-pattra ] n. an index (see above ) .
सूचिपत्त्रक [ sūcipattraka ] [ sūci-pattraka ] m. Marsilea Quadrifolia Lit. L.
सूचिपत्त्रिक [ sūcipattrika ] [ sūci-pattrika ] m. Marsilea Quadrifolia Lit. L.
सूचिपुष्प [ sūcipuṣpa ] [ sūci-puṣpa ] m. the Ketaka tree , Pandanus Odoratissimus Lit. L.
सूचिभिन्न [ sūcibhinna ] [ sūci-bhinna ] m. f. n. divided into needle-like points at the ends of the buds Lit. Megh.
सूचिभेद्य [ sūcibhedya ] [ sūci-bhedya ] m. f. n. capable of being pierced with a needle , very dense , palpable (as darkness) Lit. Megh. Lit. Hit.
सूचिमल्लिका [ sūcimallikā ] [ sūci-mallikā ] f. Jasminum Sambac Lit. L.
सूचिरदन [ sūciradana ] [ sūci-radana ] m. " needle-toothed " , the mungoose Lit. L.
सूचिरोमन् [ sūciroman ] [ sūci-roman ] m. " having needle-like bristles " , a hog Lit. L.
सूचिवत् [ sūcivat ] [ sūci-vat ] m. N. of Garuḍa Lit. L.
सूचिवदन [ sūcivadana ] [ sūci-vadana ] m. ( perhaps w.r. for [ -radana ] ) " needle-faced " , the mungoose Lit. L.
a musquito Lit. L.
सूचिशालि [ sūciśāli ] [ sūci-śāli ] m. a sort of rice Lit. L.
सूचिशिखा [ sūciśikhā ] [ sūci-śikhā ] f. the point of a needle Lit. Naish.
सूचिसूत्र [ sūcisūtra ] [ sūci-sūtra ] n. a thread for a needle or for sewing ( v.l. [ sūcī-ś ] ) Lit. L.
सूचिक [ sūcika ] [ sūcika ] m. one who lives by his needle , a tailor ( cf. [ saucika ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.
सूचिका [ sūcikā ] [ sūcikā ] f. a needle Lit. L.
an elephant's trunk or proboscis Lit. L.
Pandanus Odoratissimus Lit. L.
N. of an Apsaras ( cf. [ śūcikā ] ) Lit. L.
सूचिकाधर [ sūcikādhara ] [ sūcikā-dhara ] m. " having a trunk " , an elephant Lit. L.
सूचिकाभरण [ sūcikābharaṇa ] [ sūcikābharaṇa ] ( [ °kābh° ] ) n. a partic. drug (used as a remedy for the bite of a serpent) Lit. Rasêndrac.
सूचिकामुख [ sūcikāmukha ] [ sūcikā-mukha ] m. " having a pointed end " , a shell , conch shell Lit. L.
सूचित [ sūcita ] [ sūcita ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. [ sūcita ] see below) pointed out , indicated , hinted , communicated , shown , betrayed , made known by (instr. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
pierced , perforated Lit. MW.
सूचितव्य [ sūcitavya ] [ sūcitavya ] m. f. n. = [ sūcya ] Lit. MW.
सूचिन् [ sūcin ] [ sūcin ] m. f. n. spying , informing Lit. W.
piercing perforating Lit. ib.
[ sūcin ] m. a spy , informer Lit. MBh. Lit. VP.
[ sūcinī ] f. a needle Lit. W.
सूची [ sūcī ] [ sūcī ] f. (= [ sūcī ] ) , in comp.
सूचीकटाहन्याय [ sūcīkaṭāhanyāya ] [ sūcī-kaṭāha-nyāya ] m. the rule of the needle and the caldron (a phrase implying that when two things have to be done , one easy and the other difficult , the easier should be done first) Lit. MW.
सूचीकपिश [ sūcīkapiśa ] [ sūcī-kapiśa ] m. f. n. (applied to a kind of arrow the use of which is prohibited) Lit. MBh.
सूचीकर्मन् [ sūcīkarman ] [ sūcī-karman ] n. needle-work (one of the 64 Kalās) Lit. BhP. Sch.
सूचीखात [ sūcīkhāta ] [ sūcī-khāta ] see [ sūci-kh ] .
सूचीतुण्ड [ sūcītuṇḍa ] [ sūcī-tuṇḍa ] m. " needle-mouthed " , a gnat Lit. Bālar.
सूचीदल [ sūcīdala ] [ sūcī-dala ] m. Marsilea Quadrifolia Lit. L.
सूचीपत्त्र [ sūcīpattra ] [ sūcī-pattra ] m. a kind of sugar-cane ( also [ °ttraka ] ) Lit. L.
[ sūcīpattrā ] f. a kind of Dūrvā grass (= [ gaṇḍadūrvā ] ) Lit. L.
[ sūcīpattra ] n. see [ sūci-p ] .
सूचीपदी [ sūcīpadī ] [ sūcī-padī ] f. g. [ kumbhapady-ādi ] .
सूचीपद्म [ sūcīpadma ] [ sūcī-padma ] n. a kind of military array ( cf. under [ sūci ] ) Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ śūc ] ) .
सूचीपाश [ sūcīpāśa ] [ sūcī-pāśa ] m. the eye of a needle Lit. Suśr.
सूचीपुष्प [ sūcīpuṣpa ] [ sūcī-puṣpa ] see [ sūci-p ] .
सूचीप्रोत [ sūcīprota ] [ sūcī-prota ] m. f. n. threaded Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
सूचीभेद्य [ sūcībhedya ] [ sūcī-bhedya ] see [ sūci-bh ] .
सूचीमुख [ sūcīmukha ] [ sūcī-mukha ] n. the point of a needle ( also [ °khāgra ] ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr.
a partic. hell Lit. BhP.
[ sūcīmukha ] m. f. n. having a beak as sharp as a needle Lit. AV. Lit. Pañcat.
pointed or sharp as a needle Lit. MBh.
narrow ( cf. [ -vaktra ] ) Lit. Car. Lit. ŚārṅgS.
( only Lit. L.) a bird (or a partic. bird or N. of a bird) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
a kind of Kuśa grass
a gnat or some other stinging insect
a partic. position of the hands
[ sūcīmukhī ] f. a female bird Lit. MW.
[ sūcīmukha ] n. a diamond Lit. L.
सूचीमुखाग्रसम्भेद्य [ sūcīmukhāgrasambhedya ] [ sūcī-mukhāgra-sambhedya ] m. f. n. very thick or dense (= [ sūcibhedya ] , q.v.) Lit. Sarasv.
सूचीरोमन् [ sūcīroman ] [ sūcī-roman ] see [ sūci-r ]
सूचीवक्त्र [ sūcīvaktra ] [ sūcī-vaktra ] m. f. n. having a mouth or aperture as pointed as a needle , too narrow Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
[ sūcīvaktra ] m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.
of an Asura Lit. Hariv.
सूचीवानकर्मन् [ sūcīvānakarman ] [ sūcī-vāna-karman ] n. pl. the arts of sewing and weaving Lit. Cat.
सूचीसूत्र [ sūcīsūtra ] [ sūcī-sūtra ] see [ sūci-s ] .
सूचीक [ sūcīka ] [ sūcī́ka ] m. a stinging insect Lit. R.
सूच्य् [ sūcy ] [ sūcy ] in comp , for [ sūci ] or [ sūcī ] .
सूच्यग्र [ sūcyagra ] [ sūcy-agra ] n. the point of a needle Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
as much land as is pierced by the point of a needle i.e. very little (= [ °grabhedyam bhūmi-talam ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Inscr.
[ sūcyagra ] m. " pointed or sharp as a needle " , a thorn Lit. L.
सूच्यग्रविद्ध [ sūcyagraviddha ] [ sūcy-agra--viddha ] m. f. n. pierced by the point of a needle Lit. Pañcat.
सूच्यग्रस्थूलक [ sūcyagrasthūlaka ] [ sūcy-agra--sthūlaka ] m. Saccharum Cylindricum Lit. L.
सूच्यास्य [ sūcyāsya ] [ sūcy-āsya ] m. f. n. needle-mouthed Lit. L.
a gnat or musquito Lit. L.
a partic. position of the hands Lit. L.
सूच्याह्व [ sūcyāhva ] [ sūcy-āhva ] m. a kind of culinary herb Lit. L.
सूच्य [ sūcya ] [ sūcya ] m. f. n. to be indicated or pointed out , to be made known or communicated Lit. Sāh.
सूचित [ sūcita ] [ sūcita ]2 m. f. n. ( 5. [ su ] [ ucita ] ; for 1. [ sūcita ] see above ) very fit or suitable Lit. Nalôd.
सूच्चैस् [ sūccais ] [ sūccais ] ind. ( 5. [ su ] + [ uc ] ) very loud Lit. ĀpŚr.
सूच्छ्रित [ sūcchrita ] [ sūcchrita ] m. f. n. well raised or lifted up or erected Lit. R.
सूड [ sūḍa ] [ sūḍa ] (of unknown meaning) Lit. Saṃgīt.
सूत्कार [ sūtkāra ] [ sūt-kāra ] m. making the sound [ sūt ] , snorting , roaring Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
सूत [ sūta ] [ sūtá ]3 m. ( of doubtful derivation , prob. to be connected with √ 1. [ sū ] ; for 1. 2. [ sūta ] see pp. 1239 and 1240) a charioteer , driver , groom , equerry , master of the horse ( esp. an attendant on a king who in earlier literature is often mentioned together with the [ grāma-ṇī́ ] ; in the epics also a royal herald or bard , whose business was to proclaim the heroic actions of the king and his ancestors , while he drove his chariot to battle , or on state occasions , and who had therefore to know by heart portions of the epic poems and ancient ballads ; he is the son of a Kshatriya by a Brāhmaṇī or of a Brāhman ( accord. to Śāśvata also of a Śūdra ) and a Kshatriyā ; the most celebrated Sūta was Loma-harshaṇa who was a pupil of Vyāsa) Lit. AV. ( Lit. IW. 510 n.)
a carpenter or wheelwright Lit. L.
N. of a son of Viśvāmitra Lit. MBh.
[ sūtyā ] f. g. [ krauḍy-ādi ]
[ sūtī ] f. the wife of a Sūta Lit. MW.
a female bard Lit. ib.
सूतकर्मन् [ sūtakarman ] [ sūtá-karman ] n. the office or service of a charioteer Lit. MBh.
सूतग्रामणी [ sūtagrāmaṇī ] [ sūtá-grāmaṇī́ ] m. pl. ( cf. Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 56) an equerry and the chief of a village Lit. ŚBr.
सूतज [ sūtaja ] [ sūtá-ja ] m. the son of a chief Lit. MBh.
= next Lit. Hariv.
सूततनय [ sūtatanaya ] [ sūtá-tanaya ] m. " son (i.e. adopted son) of the Sūta (Adhiratha) " , N. of Karṇa Lit. L.
सूतता [ sūtatā ] [ sūtá-tā ] f.
सूतत्व [ sūtatva ] [ sūtá-tva ] n. the business or condition of a chief Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
सूतदुहितृ [ sūtaduhitṛ ] [ sūtá-duhitṛ ] f. = [ -putrī ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 70 Vārtt. 9 Lit. Pat.
सूतनन्दन [ sūtanandana ] [ sūtá-nandana ] m. " son of Sūta " , N. of Ugra-śravas Lit. MBh.
सूतपुत्र [ sūtaputra ] [ sūtá-putra ] m. the son of a chief (also " a charioteer " ) Lit. MBh.
N. of Karṇa ( cf. [ sūta-ja ] ) Lit. ib.
N. of Kīcaka Lit. ib.
[ sūtaputrī ] f. the daughter of a chief Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 70 Vārtt. 9 Lit. Pat.
सूतपुत्रक [ sūtaputraka ] [ sūtá-putraka ] m. N. of Karṇa ( cf. [ sūta-ja ] ) Lit. L.
सूतमुख [ sūtamukha ] [ sūtá-mukha ] ( [ sūtá- ] ) m. f. n. having a Sūta for a head Lit. MaitrS.
सूतव्यसनिन् [ sūtavyasanin ] [ sūtá-vyasanin ] m. f. n. suffering some mishap from the unskilfulness of a chief Lit. MBh. v , 7223.
सूतसंहिता [ sūtasaṃhitā ] [ sūtá-saṃhitā ] f. N. of a ch. of the Skanda-purāṇa
सूतसंहितातात्पर्यदीपिका [ sūtasaṃhitātātparyadīpikā ] [ sūta-saṃhitā--tātparya-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
सूतसंहिताव्याख्या [ sūtasaṃhitāvyākhyā ] [ sūta-saṃhitā--vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.
सूतसंहितासंग्रह [ sūtasaṃhitāsaṃgraha ] [ sūta-saṃhitā--saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
सूतसव [ sūtasava ] [ sūtá-sava ] m. N. of a partic. Ekâha Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
सूतवे [ sūtave ] [ sū́tave ] [ sūtavaí ] see √ 2. [ sū ] .
सूति [ sūti ] [ sūti ]3 f. ( fr. √ 3. [ su ] ; for 1. 2. [ sūti ] see pp. 1239 and 1240) pressing out the Soma-juice , or the place where it is pressed out Lit. VP.
सूत्य [ sūtya ] [ sūtya ] n. = [ sutya ] Lit. MBh. v , 4802 (v.l. [ sutya ] and [ sūya ] )
[ sūtyā ] f. ( cf. 3. [ sūta ] ) = [ sutyā ] Lit. L.
सूनु [ sūnu ] [ sūnú ]3 m. ( for 1. 2. see under √ 1. 2. [ sū ] ) one who presses out or extracts the Soma-juice Lit. RV. iii , 1 , 12 ( = [ sotṛ ] 1 Lit. Sāy.)
सूय [ sūya ] [ sūya ] n. extraction of the Soma-juice , libation , sacrifice ( cf. [ rāja-s ] ) Lit. MBh.
सूति [ sūti ] [ sūti ]4 f. ( fr. √ [ siv ] ) = [ syūti ] Lit. L.
सूत्त [ sūtta ] [ sūtta ] m. f. n. (= [ su-datta ] ) well given , entirely given ( cf. [ ātta ] , [ nītta ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 47 Sch.
सूत्तर [ sūttara ] [ sūttara ] m. f. n. ( 5. [ su ] + [ uttara ] ) very superior Lit. W.
well towards the north , northern Lit. ib.
सूत्थान [ sūtthāna ] [ sūtthāna ] m. f. n. ( 5. [ su ] + [ utthāna ] ) good effort Lit. MW.
[ sūtthāna ] m. f. n. making good efforts , clever Lit. Kām.
सूत्थित [ sūtthita ] [ sūtthita ] m. N. of a man ( cf. [ sautthiti ] ) .
सूत्पर [ sūtpara ] [ sūtpara ] (?) n. the distilling of spirituous liquor ( = [ surā-saṃdhāna ] ) Lit. L.
सूत्पलावती [ sūtpalāvatī ] [ sūtpalāvatī ] f. N. of a river Lit. MārkP.