Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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आ |
आवृ [ āvṛ ] [ ā-√ vṛ:1 ]1 P. [ -vṛṇoti ] , to cover , hide , conceal ; to surround , enclose , shut , comprehend , hem in ; to keep off Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Śak. Lit. Kathās. : Caus. [ -vārayati ] , to cover , enclose ; to ward off , keep off Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. VarBṛS.
आवरक [ āvaraka ] [ ā-varaka ] m. f. n. covering , concealing , darkening Lit. Sāh. Lit. Sarvad.
आवरण [ āvaraṇa ] [ ā-varaṇa ] m. f. n. covering , hiding , concealing Lit. Ragh.
[ āvaraṇa ] n. the act of covering , concealing , hiding Lit. Suśr. Lit. Ragh.
shutting , enclosing
an obstruction , interruption Lit. Mn. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Ragh.
a covering , garment , cloth Lit. MBh. Lit. Kir. Lit. Śak. Lit. Ragh.
anything that protects , an outer bar or fence
a wall
a shield
a bolt , lock Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Ragh.
(in phil.) mental blindness Lit. Jain.
(also) envelopment (in phil.), Lit. Divyâv. 378, 4 ; Lit. Dharmas. 115 ; Lit. IW. 109
आवरणशक्ति [ āvaraṇaśakti ] [ ā-varaṇa-śakti ] f. the power of illusion (that which veils the real nature of things) Lit. Vedāntas.
आवरणिन् [ āvaraṇin ] [ āvaraṇin ] m. pl. N. of a Buddhist sect.
आवरणीय [ āvaraṇīya ] [ āvaraṇīya ] m. f. n. belonging to Āvaraṇa or mental blindness Lit. Jain.
आवरिका [ āvarikā ] [ ā-varikā ] f. a shop , stall Lit. L.
आवरीतृ [ āvarītṛ ] [ ā-va-rītṛ ] m. f. n. one who veils or covers, Lit. Kir.
आवारि [ āvāri ] [ ā-vāri ] f. a shop , stall Lit. L.
आवार्य [ āvārya ] [ ā-vārya ] ind.p. having covered or concealed Lit. BhP. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
warding off , keeping off Lit. MBh.
आवारिधि [ āvāridhi ] [ ā-vāridhi ] ind. as far as the sea, Lit. Kir.
आवृत [ āvṛta ] [ ā́-vṛta ] m. f. n. covered , concealed , hid
screened Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kathās. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
enclosed , encompassed , surrounded (by a ditch , wall , ) Lit. Mn. Lit. R. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Pañcat.
invested , involved
spread , overspread , overcast
filled with , abounding with
[ āvṛta ] m. a man of mixed origin (the son of a Brāhman by a woman of the Ugra caste) Lit. Mn. x , 15.
आवृति [ āvṛti ] [ ā-vṛti ] f. covering , closing , hiding.
आवृतीशयान [ āvṛtīśayāna ] [ āvṛtī-śayāna ] m. f. n. lying covered, Lit. JaimUp.
आवृत्य [ āvṛtya ] [ ā-vṛtya ]1 ind.p. having covered Lit. Śak. Lit. MBh.
आवृ [ āvṛ ] [ ā-√ vṛ:2 ]2 Ā. ( [ ā́-vṛṇe ] Lit. RV. i , 17 , 1 , ; 1. pl. [ -vṛṇīmáhe ] ) P. ( [ -várat ] Lit. RV. i , 143 , 6 , ) to choose , desire , prefer Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to fulfil , grant (a wish) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.
आवृज् [ āvṛj ] [ ā-√ vṛj ] Ā. [ -vṛṅkte ] (Subj. [ -várjate ] Lit. RV. i , 33 , 1 ; aor. [ ā́vṛkta ] Lit. RV. viii , 90 , 16 ; also P. aor. 1. sg. [ ā́vṛkṣam ] Lit. RV. x , 159 , 5) to turn or bring into the possession of , procure for , bestow , give Lit. RV. ; to turn or bring into one's own possession ; to appropriate Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BhP. ; to be propitiated , favour Lit. BhP. : Caus. P. [ -varjayati ] , to turn over , incline , bend Lit. Hariv. Lit. Śak. Lit. Vikr. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Megh. ; to pour out Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum. ; to deliver Lit. BhP. Lit. Ragh. ; to cause to yield , overcome ; to gain one's favour , propitiate , attract Lit. Kathās. Lit. Daś.
आवर्जक [ āvarjaka ] [ ā-varjaka ] m. f. n. attracting , propitiating Lit. Rājat.
आवर्जन [ āvarjana ] [ ā-varjana ] n. attracting , propitiating Lit. Sāh.
overcoming , victory
bending or bringing down Lit. Lalit.
pouring out a fluid, Lit. L.
आवर्जनीकृ [ āvarjanīkṛ ] [ ā-varjanī-√ kṛ ] to bring down , humble Lit. Lalit.
आवर्जित [ āvarjita ] [ ā-varjita ] m. f. n. inclined , bent down , prone Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
poured out , made to flow downwards Lit. Kum.
overcome , humbled Lit. Kathās.
[ āvarjita ] n. a particular position of the moon Lit. VarBṛS.
आवर्ज्य [ āvarjya ] [ ā-varjya ] ind.p. bending , turning down ,
आवृत् [ āvṛt ] [ ā-√ vṛt ]1 P. ( only pf. in Lit. RV. , [ -vavárta ] ) Ā. [ -vartate ] (aor. 3. sg. [ ā́vṛtsata ] Lit. RV. viii , 1 , 29 ; Inf. [ -vṛ́te ] Lit. RV. iii , 42 , 3) to turn or draw round or back or near Lit. RV. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to turn or go towards ; to turn round or back , return , revolve Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. R. : Caus. P. [ -vartayati ] ( Ved. Subj. [ -vavártati ] Pot. [ -vavṛtyāt ] , ) Ā. [ -vartayate ] ( Ved. Pot. [ -vavṛtīta ] , ) to cause to turn , roll ; to draw or turn towards ; to lead near or towards ; to bring back ; to turn round or back Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ; to repeat , recite , say repeatedly ; to pray Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Kathās. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. : Intens. [ -varīvartti ] Lit. RV. i , 164 , 31 Lit. AV. ix , 10 , 11 , , to move quickly or repeatedly.
आवर्त [ āvarta ] [ ā-varta ] m. turning , winding , turning round , revolving Lit. R. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Suśr. ( 1320,2 )
whirl , gulf , whirlpool Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Megh. Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
deliberation , revolving (in the mind) Lit. L.
a lock of hair that curls backwards (especially on a horse considered lucky) , a curl Lit. R. Lit. Śiś.
the two depressions of the forehead above the eyebrows Lit. Suśr.
a crowded place where many men live close together
a kind of jewel Lit. L.
N. of a form of cloud personified
[ āvartā ] f. N. of a river Lit. L.
[ āvarta ] n. a mineral substance , pyrites , marcasite Lit. L.
[ āvartam ] ind. repeating, Lit. KātyŚr.
आवर्तक [ āvartaka ] [ ā-vartaka ] m. a kind of venomous insect Lit. Suśr.
N. of a form of cloud personified Lit. Kum. Lit. Ragh.
a depression above the frontal ridge or over the eyebrows
excitement of the mind from the influence of the senses
a curl of hair
आवर्तन [ āvartana ] [ ā-vártana ] m. f. n. turning round or towards
revolving Lit. TS.
[ āvartana ] n. turning , turning round , returning Lit. RV. x , 19 , 4 ; 5
circular motion , gyration , churning , stirring anything in fusion
melting metals together , alligation Lit. L.
the time when the sun begins to cast shadows towards the east or when shadows are cast in an opposite direction , noon
year Lit. MBh.
repeating , doing over again
study , practising Lit. L.
m. N. of an Upa-dvīpa in Jambu-dvīpa Lit. BhP.
आवर्तनमणि [ āvartanamaṇi ] [ ā-vártana-maṇi ] m. a gem of secondary order (generally known as Rājāvarta) Lit. L.
आवर्तनीय [ āvartanīya ] [ ā-vartanīya ] m. f. n. to be turned round or whirled
to be reversed
to be repeated Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
आवर्तित [ āvartita ] [ ā-vartita ] m. f. n. turned round , stirred round Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
आवर्तिन् [ āvartin ] [ āvartin ] m. f. n. whirling or turning upon itself
[ āvartin ] m. a horse having curls of hair on various parts of his body (considered as a lucky mark)
N. of the plant Odina Pinnata
आवृत् [ āvṛt ] [ ā-vṛ́t ]2 f. turning towards or home , entering Lit. RV.
turn of path or way , course , process , direction Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
progress of an action , occurrence , a series of actions Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
doing an act without speaking or silently ( cf. [ agnihotrāvṛt ] ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
order , method Lit. ŚBr.
आवृत्वत् [ āvṛtvat ] [ ā-vṛ́t-vat ] m. f. n. turning or turned towards Lit. RV. viii , 45 , 36.
आवृत्त [ āvṛtta ] [ ā-vṛtta ] m. f. n. turned round , stirred , whirled
reverted , averted
retreated , fled
आवृत्ति [ āvṛtti ] [ ā́-vṛtti ] f. turning towards , entering , turning back or from , reversion , retreat , flight
recurrence to the same point Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Bhag. Lit. Kathās.
repetition Lit. KātyŚr.
repetition (as a figure of rhetoric) Lit. Kāvyâd.
turn of a way , course , direction
revolving , going round Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
worldly existence , the revolution of births Lit. Kap.
use , employment , application.
आवृत्तिदीपक [ āvṛttidīpaka ] [ ā́-vṛtti-dīpaka ] n. (in rhetoric) enforcing a statement by repeating it Lit. Kuval.
आवृत्य [ āvṛtya ] [ ā-vṛtya ]2 ind.p. having turned , turning towards ,
आवृध् [ āvṛdh ] [ ā-√ vṛdh ] Ā. (Subj. 3. pl. [ ā́-vardhanta ] ; pf. [ -vāvṛdhe ] ) P. (pf. 3. pl. [ -vāvṛdhús ] ) to grow up , increase Lit. RV.
आवृद्धबालकम् [ āvṛddhabālakam ] [ ā-vṛddha-bālakam ] ind. from childhood to old age.
आवृष् [ āvṛṣ ] [ ā-√ vṛṣ ] P. (pf. [ -vavarṣa ] ) to pour over ; to cover (with arrows) Lit. MBh. iv , 1688 : Ā. [ -varṣate ] , to pour in for one's self Lit. RV.
आवर्ष [ āvarṣa ] [ ā-varṣa ] m. pouring , raining.
आवृह् [ āvṛh ] [ ā-√ vṛh ] P. [ -vṛhati ] , to pull or tear out or off ; to eradicate.
आवर्ह [ āvarha ] [ ā-varhá ] m. tearing out or off , cutting out Lit. AV. iii , 9 , 2
tearing out Lit. L.
आवर्हम् [ āvarham ] [ ā-varham ] ind.p. tearing up Lit. Kāṭh.
आवर्हित [ āvarhita ] [ ā-varhita ] m. f. n. eradicated , plucked up by the roots Lit. L.
आवर्हिन् [ āvarhin ] [ āvarhin ] m. f. n. fit to be torn out Lit. L.
आवे [ āve ] [ ā-√ ve ]1 P. [ -vayati ] , to weave on to ; to interweave , string ; to sew loosely Lit. AV. Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
ओत [ ota ] [ ota ] ( [ ā-uta ] ) m. f. n. interwoven Lit. BhP. Lit. MuṇḍUp.
आवे [ āve ] [ āve ]2 ( Preverb. [ ā-ava-√ i ] ) P. ( 3. pl. [ ā́va-yanti ] Lit. RV. v,41 , 13) to rush down upon (acc.)
आवेग [ āvega ] [ ā-vega ] m. (√ [ vij ] ) , hurry or haste produced by excitement
flurry , agitation Lit. Śak. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Kir.
आवेणिक [ āveṇika ] [ āveṇika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ a-veṇi ] ) , not connected with anything else , independent Lit. Buddh.
आवेदक [ āvedaka ] [ ā-vedaka ] see [ ā- ] √ 1. [ vid ] .
आवेध [ āvedha ] [ ā-vedha ] see [ ā-√ vyadh ] .
आवेश [ āveśa ] [ ā-veśa ] see [ ā-√ viś ] .
आवेष्ट् [ āveṣṭ ] [ ā-√ veṣṭ ] Ā. [ -veṣṭate ] , to spread over Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ -veṣṭayati ] , to envelop , cover Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Suśr. ; to keep together ; to close (the hand) Lit. MBh. : Pass. [ -veṣṭyate ] , to be twisted (as a rope) Lit. Hit.
आविष्टित [ āviṣṭita ] [ ā́-viṣṭita ] (p.p. from an earlier form of the root) , m. f. n. enveloped , surrounded , covered Lit. RV. x , 51 , 1 Lit. AV. v , 18 , 3 and 28 , 1 Lit. TS. iii , 4 , 1 , 4.
आवेष्ट [ āveṣṭa ] [ ā-veṣṭa ] m. surrounding , covering with (clothes)
to strangle , throttle Lit. Yājñ. ii , 217.
आवेष्टक [ āveṣṭaka ] [ ā-veṣṭaka ] m. a snare Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr. vi , 5 , 19
a wall , fence
an enclosure Lit. L.
आवेष्टन [ āveṣṭana ] [ ā-veṣṭana ] n. wrapping round
binding , tying
a wrapper , bandage , envelope , enclosure Lit. Kauś. Lit. Pañcat.
आवेष्टित [ āveṣṭita ] [ ā-veṣṭita ] m. f. n. surrounded , enveloped ,
आवेष्ट्य [ āveṣṭya ] [ ā-veṣṭya ] ind.p. having surrounded
आवोधवै [ āvodhavai ] [ ā-vodhavaí ] (Ved.inf. of [ ā ] - √ [ vah ] ), to bring near, Lit. ŚBr.
आवीसूत्र [ āvīsūtra ] [ āvī-sūtra ] n. a woollen thread Lit. Āp. Lit. HirGṛ.
आव्यक्तिक [ āvyaktika ] [ āvyaktika ] ( fr. [ a-vyakta ] ) m. f. n. not perceivable , immaterial Comm. on Lit. Nyāyas.
आव्यञ्ज् [ āvyañj ] [ ā-vy-√ añj ]
आव्यक्त [ āvyakta ] [ ā-vy-akta ] m. f. n. quite clear or intelligible Lit. R. vii , 88 , 20.
आव्यथा [ āvyathā ] [ ā-vyathā́ ] f. slight emotion, ib.
आव्यध् [ āvyadh ] [ ā-√ vyadh ] P. [ -vidhyati ] , to throw in , fling away Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to drive or scare away ; to push away or out Lit. R. Lit. MārkP. ; to shoot at , wound Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy. ; to hit , pierce , break ; to pin on Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. ; to swing Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Hariv. ; to stir up , excite , agitate Lit. BhP.
आविद्ध [ āviddha ] [ ā́-viddha ] m. f. n. cast , thrown , sent Lit. Mn.
pierced , wounded Lit. TS. Lit. Ragh.
swung , whirled Lit. Suśr.
disappointed Lit. L.
false , fallacious Lit. L.
stupid , foolish Lit. L.
a particular manner of fencing Lit. Hariv.
आविद्धकर्ण [ āviddhakarṇa ] [ ā́-viddha-karṇa ] m. f. n. having the ears pierced
[ āviddhakarṇī ] f. N. of a plant Lit. L.
आविध [ āvidha ] [ ā-vidha ] m. an awl , a drill
a kind of gimlet worked by a string Lit. L.
आविध्य [ āvidhya ] [ ā-vidhya ] ind.p. having pierced
आवेध [ āvedha ] [ ā-vedha ] m. swinging , shaking Lit. MBh.
आवेध्य [ āvedhya ] [ ā-vedhya ] m. f. n. to be pierced or pinned on
to be put on.
आव्याध [ āvyādha ] [ ā-vyādhá ] m. the act of piercing or making an incision
breaking into for the first time Lit. TBr.
आव्याधिन् [ āvyādhin ] [ āvyādhí n ] m. f. n. shooting , attacking , wounding Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
[ āvyādhinī ] f. pl. ( [ inyas ] ) a band of robbers Lit. MaitrS.
आव्यात्त [ āvyātta ] [ ā-vyātta ] (√ 1. [ dā ] ) m. f. n. a little open Lit. VarBṛS.
आव्युषम् [ āvyuṣam ] [ ā-vyuṣam ] ind. till the dawn Lit. AV. iv , 5 , 7.
आव्ये [ āvye ] [ ā-√ vye ] P. (Pot. 1. sg. [ ā́-vyayeyam ] Lit. RV. ii , 29 , 6 ; aor. 2. pl. [ -ávyata ] Lit. RV. i , 166 , 4) Ā. (aor. 3. sg. [ -avyata ] Lit. RV. ix , 101 , 14 , 107 , 13) to cover or hide one's self ; to take refuge.
आवीत [ āvīta ] [ ā-vīta ] m. f. n. covered , invested (especially with the sacred thread) .
आवीतिन् [ āvītin ] [ āvītin ] [ ī ] . m. (a Brāhman) who has the sacred thread on ( in the usual manner over the left shoulder and under the right arm , cf. [ prācīnāvītin ] ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
आव्रज् [ āvraj ] [ ā-√ vraj ] P. [ -vrajati ] , to come near , proceed to Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh. ; to come back or home , return Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Suśr. Lit. MBh.
आव्रजित [ āvrajita ] [ ā-vrajita ] m. f. n. come near , come home.
आव्रश्च् [ āvraśc ] [ ā-√ vraśc ] P. [ -vṛścati ] , to tear off , cut off ; to separate , remove Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. TBr. : Ā. [ -vṛścate ] Lit. AV. xii , 4 , 6 , (aor. 1. sg. [ -vṛkṣi ] Lit. RV. i , 27 , 13 Lit. TS. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.) to cut off , take away: Pass. [ -vṛścyate ] , to be torn or cut off Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TBr.
आव्रश्चन [ āvraścana ] [ ā-vráścana ] n. the stump of a tree Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Nyāyam.
आव्रस्क [ āvraska ] [ ā-vraska ] m. ( cf. [ an ] ) , the being torn off or dropping down.
a fissure, place of cutting , Lit. Kauś.
आव्रीडक [ āvrīḍaka ] [ āvrīḍaka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ a-vrīḍa ] g. [ rājanyādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 53) , inhabited by shameless people.
आश् [ āś ] [ āś ] ( Preverb. [ ā- ] :1 [ √ aś ] ) P. (aor. 3. sg. [ -ā́naṭ ] Lit. RV. i , 71 , 8) to reach , obtain.
आशिन [ āśina ] [ āśiná ] m. f. n. aged (having reached old age) Lit. RV. i , 27 , 13 ( ( eating Lit. T. ) )
आश [ āśa ] [ āśa ]2 m. (√ 2. [ aś ] ) , food
eating Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ( cf. [ prātar-āśa ] , [ sāyam-āśa ] , ; [ hutāśa ] , [ āśrayāśa ] , )
आशक [ āśaka ] [ āśaka ] m. f. n. eating ( cf. [ an ] .)
आशयितृ [ āśayitṛ ] [ āśayitṛ ] m. f. n. ( fr. the Caus. of √ 2. [ aś ] ) feeding
[ āśayitṛ ] m. ( [ tā ] ) a feeder , protector.
आशि [ āśi ] [ āśi ]1 f. eating Lit. Kauś.
आशित [ āśita ] [ ā́śita ] m. f. n. (p.p. of the Caus. of √ 2. [ aś ] ) fed , boarded , satiated Lit. RV. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. HirGṛ. Lit. R.
given to eat (as food)
आशितंगवीन [ āśitaṃgavīna ] [ ā́śita-ṃgavīna ] m. f. n. (a meadow ) where cattle have been fed Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 7.
आशितंभव [ āśitaṃbhava ] [ ā́śita-ṃ-bhava ] m. f. n. (rice ) by which one can be fed , satiating Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 45
[ āśitaṃbhava ] n. and m. satiety Lit. L.
आशितिमन् [ āśitiman ] [ āśitimán ] m. satiety Lit. TS. vii , 1 , 17 , 1.
आशितृ [ āśitṛ ] [ āśitṛ ] m. f. n. eating greedily , voracious , gluttonous Lit. L.
आशिर [ āśira ] [ āśira ]1 m. ( Lit. Uṇ. i , 53) fire
a Rākshasa
[ āśira ] m. f. n. eating , voracious Lit. L.
( for 2. [ āśira ] see [ āśí r ] .)
आशंस् [ āśaṃs ] [ ā-√ śaṃs ] P. [ -śaṃsati ] (aor. 1. sg. [ -śaṃsiṣam ] Lit. RV. x , 44 , 5) Ā. [ -śaṃsate ] , to hope for , expect ; to wish to attain , desire ; to suspect , fear Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. R. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Śak. Lit. BhP. Lit. Mn. ; to ask Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ; to praise , extol Lit. BhP. ; to tell , speak , recite ; to announce Lit. Śak. Lit. Kum. Lit. BhP. Lit. Daś. : Caus. (Impv. [ ā́-śaṃsaya ] Lit. RV. i , 29 , 1 and ( with Wh. and Ro. ) Lit. AV. xix , 64 , 4) to excite , hope for.
आशंसन [ āśaṃsana ] [ ā-śaṃsana ] n. wishing for another , wishing Lit. Sāh.
आशंसा [ āśaṃsā ] [ ā-śaṃsā ] f. hope , expectation , desire , wish Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Vikr. Lit. Sāh.
आशंसित [ āśaṃsita ] [ ā-śaṃsita ] m. f. n. hoped , expected
suspected , feared
told , announced Lit. R. Lit. Kir. Lit. BhP. Lit. Ragh.
आशंसितृ [ āśaṃsitṛ ] [ ā-śaṃsitṛ ] m. f. n. one who wishes or expects Lit. L.
[ āśaṃsitṛ ] m. one who announces , an announcer.
आशंसु [ āśaṃsu ] [ ā-śaṃsu ] m. f. n. wishing , hoping , desiring Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Kauś. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
आशस् [ āśas ] [ ā-śás ] f. ( earlier form for 1. [ āśā́ ] ) wish , desire , hope ( praise ( Lit. Sāy. ) ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. vii , 57 , 1.
आशस्त [ āśasta ] [ ā-śasta ] see [ an-ā ] .
आशा [ āśā ] [ ā-śā́ ]1 f. wish , desire , hope , expectation , prospect Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp. Lit. R. Lit. Śak. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
Hope personified as the wife of a Vasu Lit. Hariv.
as the daughter-in-law of Manas Lit. Prab.
( for 2. [ ā́śā ] see s.v.)
आशाकृत [ āśākṛta ] [ ā-śā́-kṛta ] m. f. n. " formed into expectation " , attended with the expectation (of being gratified) or with hope of success Lit. R.
आशापुरा [ āśāpurā ] [ āśā-purā ] f. N. of one of the 139 mothers of Gujarāt (who satisfies the hopes of wives by giving children), Lit. RTL. 227. 2.
आशान्वित [ āśānvita ] [ ā-śā́-nvita ] ( [ āśānvita ] ) m. f. n. having hope.
आशापिशाचिका [ āśāpiśācikā ] [ ā-śā́-piśācikā ] f. fallacious hopes Lit. Pañcat.
आशाप्राप्त [ āśāprāpta ] [ ā-śā́-prāpta ] m. f. n. successful , possessing the object hoped for.
आशाबन्ध [ āśābandha ] [ ā-śā́-bandha ] m. band of hope , confidence , trust , expectation
a spider's web Lit. Megh. 10.
आशाभङ्ग [ āśābhaṅga ] [ ā-śā́-bhaṅga ] m. disappointment.
आशावत् [ āśāvat ] [ ā-śā́-vat ] m. f. n. hoping , having hope , trusting Lit. Hit. Lit. Mn. Lit. Suśr.
आशावह [ āśāvaha ] [ ā-śā́-vaha ] m. bringing hope
N. of the sun Lit. MBh.
of a Vṛishṇi Lit. MBh.
आशाविभिन्न [ āśāvibhinna ] [ ā-śā́-vibhinna ] m. f. n. disappointed in expectation.
आशाहीन [ āśāhīna ] [ ā-śā́-hīna ] m. f. n. one who has lost all hope , desponding , despairing.
आशक् [ āśak ] [ ā-√ śak ] P. ( only Lit. RV. ; aor. Subj. [ ā́-śakat ] , Lit. viii , 32 , 12 ; pf. 3. pl. [ ā́-śekus ] , x , 88 , 17 , ) to stimulate ; to bring near , invite ; to aid , help ; to give a share of , let partake: Desid. Ā. [ -śikṣate ] , to let partake ; to give , bestow , confer Lit. RV. and Lit. TBr.
आशक्त [ āśakta ] [ ā-śakta ] m. f. n. very powerful or mighty , able Lit. L.
आशक्ति [ āśakti ] [ ā-śakti ] f. might , power , ability Lit. L.
आशिक्षा [ āśikṣā ] [ ā-śikṣā́ ] f. desire of learning Lit. VS. xxx , 10.
आशङ्क् [ āśaṅk ] [ ā-√ śaṅk ] Ā. [ -śaṅkate ] ( seldom P. [ -saṅkati ] ) to suspect , fear , doubt , hesitate Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Hit. ; to expect , suppose , conjecture , think , imagine Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat. ; (in grammatical and philosophical discussions) to object , state a possible objection ; to mistrust Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ( 157,1 )
आशङ्कनीय [ āśaṅkanīya ] [ ā-śaṅkanīya ] m. f. n. to be suspected or doubted
to be feared Lit. Vedāntas.
आशङ्का [ āśaṅkā ] [ ā-śaṅkā ] f. fear , apprehension
doubt , uncertainty
distrust , suspicion
objection Lit. Kathās. Lit. R. Lit. Śiś. (often ifc. e.g. [ vigatāśaṅka ] mfn. " fearless ; doubtless " ; [ baddhāśaṅka ] mfn. " filled with anxiety " )
[ āśaṅkā ] n. ( as the last word of a Tatpurusha compound Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 21 e.g. [ vacanāśaṅkam ] , " fear of speaking " , )
आशङ्कान्वित [ āśaṅkānvita ] [ āśaṅkānvita ] m. f. n. apprehensive , doubting
आशङ्कितव्य [ āśaṅkitavya ] [ ā-śaṅkitavya ] m. f. n. = [ ā-śaṅkanīya ] q.v.
आशङ्किन् [ āśaṅkin ] [ āśaṅkin ] m. f. n. fearing Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Prab.
suspecting Lit. Kathās.
imagining to be , thinking Lit. Kād.
doubting , hesitating.
आशङ्क्य [ āśaṅkya ] [ ā-śaṅkya ] ind.p. having suspected
आशद् [ āśad ] [ ā-√ śad ] to go Lit. Vop. on Lit. Dhātup. xx , 25.
आशन [ āśana ] [ āśana ]1 m. ( fr. [ aśani ] g. [ pārśvādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 117) , a king of the Aśanis.
आशन [ āśana ] [ āśana ]2 = [ asana ] 2 , Terminalia Tomentosa Lit. L.
आशय [ āśaya ] [ āśaya ] see 3. [ ā-√ śī ] .
आशर [ āśara ] [ ā-śara ] m. (√ [ śṝ ] ) , fire Lit. L.
a Rākshasa Lit. L.
आशरीरम् [ āśarīram ] [ ā-śarīram ] ind. to or as far as the body , (all things) including the body Lit. Kathās. 90 , 18.
आशव [ āśava ] [ āśava ] see p. 158 , col. 1.
आशसन [ āśasana ] [ ā-śásana ] n. (√ [ śas ] ) , cutting up (a killed animal) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
आशा [ āśā ] [ ā́śā ]2 f. (√ 1. [ aś ] ; for 1. [ āśā́ ] see [ ā-√ śaṃs ] ) , space , region , quarter of the heavens Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. R. Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
आशागज [ āśāgaja ] [ ā́śā-gaja ] m. elephant of the quarter
(one of the supposed four ( or eight ) mythical elephants which support the world , standing in the quarters ( and intermediate points ) of the compass) Lit. R.
आशाचक्रवाल [ āśācakravāla ] [ ā́śā-cakravāla ] n. the whole horizon Lit. Kād.
आशादामन् [ āśādāman ] [ ā́śā-dāman ] m. N. of a king.
आशादित्य [ āśāditya ] [ ā́śā-ditya ] ( [ aśāditya ] ) m. N. of a commentator.
आशापति [ āśāpati ] [ ā́śā-pati ] m. ( Lit. Naish.) and guardian or lord of the regions or quarters Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
आशापाल [ āśāpāla ] [ ā́śā-pālá ]and m. guardian or lord of the regions or quarters Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
आशापालीय [ āśāpālīya ] [ āśā-pālīya ] n. N. of the hymn Lit. AV. i, 31, Lit. Kauś.
आशापरा [ āśāparā ] [ ā́śā-parā ] f. N. of a goddess.
आशापुर [ āśāpura ] [ ā́śā-pura ] n. N. of a town
आशापुरगुग्गुलु [ āśāpuraguggulu ] [ ā́śā-pura--guggulu ] m. a kind of bdellium Lit. L.
आशापुरसम्भव [ āśāpurasambhava ] [ ā́śā-pura--sambhava ] m. a kind of bdellium Lit. L.
आशामुख [ āśāmukha ] [ āśā-mukha ] n. (= [ diṅ ] - [ m ] °), Lit. Mṛicch.
आशावासस् [ āśāvāsas ] [ ā́śā-vāsas ] m. f. n. having the sky's regions as a garment = naked Lit. Bhartṛ.
आशाविजय [ āśāvijaya ] [ ā́śā-vijaya ] m. conquering the world Lit. Kād.
आशाश [ āśāśa ] [ ā-śāśa ] m. f. n. filling the regions, of the sky, Lit. Śiś.
आशासंशित [ āśāsaṃśita ] [ ā́śā-saṃśita ] (√ [ śi ] ) m. f. n. sharpened by the quarters of the sky Lit. AV. x , 5 , 29.
आशाढ [ āśāḍha ] [ āśāḍha ] = [ āṣāḍha ] q.v. Lit. L.
आशार [ āśāra ] [ ā-śāra ] m. (√ [ śri ] ) , shelter , refuge.
आशारैषिन् [ āśāraiṣin ] [ āśāraiṣí n ] m. f. n. seeking shelter Lit. AV. iv , 15 , 6.
आशावरी [ āśāvarī ] [ āśāvarī ] and
आशावरीतरी [ āśāvarītarī ] [ āśāvarītarī ] f. a partic. Rāgiṇī or musical mode, Lit. L.
आशास् [ āśās ] [ ā-√ śās ] Ā. [ -śāste ] (aor. 1. pl. [ ā́-śiṣāmahi ] Lit. RV. viii , 24 , 1) to desire , wish , ask , pray for ; to hope , expect Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. Lit. BhP. Lit. MBh. ; to instruct , order , command Lit. Kathās. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to subdue Lit. RV. ii , 28 , 9 ( ( [ ā́-śādhi ] = " [ anuśiṣṭān kuru ] " Lit. Sāy. ) )
आशासन [ āśāsana ] [ ā-śāsana ] n. asking , praying or craving for Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
आशासनीय [ āśāsanīya ] [ ā-śāsanīya ] m. f. n. to be wished or craved for Comm. on Lit. Nyāyas.
आशास्य [ āśāsya ] [ ā-śāsya ] m. f. n. to be wished , desirable Comm. on Lit. Kum. Lit. Mālav.
[ āśāsya ] n. wish , benediction Lit. Ragh.
आशिस् [ āśis ] [ āśí s ]1 f. asking for , prayer , wish Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
blessing , benediction
wishing for any other Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum. Lit. Śak.
a particular medicament
( for 2. [ āśis ] see s.v.)
आशी [ āśī ] [ āśī ]1 f. = [ āśí s ] 1 Lit. L.
( for 2. [ āśī ] see 2. [ āśis ] .)
आशीर् [ āśīr ] [ āśīr ] ( in comp. for 1. [ āśí s ] ) .
आशीरुक्ति [ āśīrukti ] [ āśīr-ukti ] f. benediction Lit. Prasannar.
आशीर्गेय [ āśīrgeya ] [ āśīr-geya ] n. song together with benediction Lit. R.
आशीर्ग्रहण [ āśīrgrahaṇa ] [ āśīr-grahaṇa ] n. accepting a benediction.
आशीर्दा [ āśīrdā ] [ āśīr-dā́ ] and f. fulfilment of a benediction or wish Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
आशीर्दाया [ āśīrdāyā ] [ āśīr-dāyā́ ]and f. fulfilment of a benediction or wish Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
आशीर्वचन [ āśīrvacana ] [ āśīr-vacana ] n. a blessing , benediction
आशीर्वचनाक्षेप [ āśīrvacanākṣepa ] [ āśīr-vacanākṣepa ] m. a deprecatory benediction ( ( e.g. if a wife wishes " a happy journey " to her departing husband though deprecating his departure ) ) Lit. Kāvyâd.
आशीर्वाचक [ āśīrvācaka ] [ āśīr-vācaka ] m. f. n. expressing a wish Comm. on Lit. Mn.
आशीर्वाद [ āśīrvāda ] [ āśīr-vāda ] m. ( ( [ āśirvāda ] Lit. Nir. ) ) benediction Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
आशीर्वादाभिधानवत् [ āśīrvādābhidhānavat ] [ āśīr-vādābhidhāna-vat ] m. f. n. containing a word which expresses benediction (as a name) Lit. Mn. ii , 33.
आशि [ āśi ] [ ā-√ śi ]2 P. (Impv. [ ā́-śiśīhi ] ) to sharpen ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) ) i.e. to make zealous Lit. RV. vii , 16 , 6 ; viii , 21 , 8 ( ( to bestow , let partake Lit. BRD. ) ) ; ( for 1. [ āśi ] see 2. [ āśa ] .)
आशिक्षा [ āśikṣā ] [ ā-śikṣā́ ] see [ ā-√ śak ] .
आशिखम् [ āśikham ] [ ā-śikham ] ind. as far as the top lock of hair inclusively Lit. Hariv.
from head (to foot), Lit. Naish.
आशिञ्ज् [ āśiñj ] [ ā-√ śiñj ]
आशिञ्जित [ āśiñjita ] [ ā-śiñjita ] m. f. n. tinkling (as of the ornaments worn on the hands and feet) Lit. Kum.
[ āśiñjita ] n. tinkling Lit. R. Lit. Viddh.
आशित [ āśita ] [ ā́śita ] see 2. [ āśa ] , col.1.
आशिन [ āśina ] [ āśiná ] see [ āś ] , col.1.
आशिमन् [ āśiman ] [ āśiman ] see p. 158 , col. 1.
आशिर् [ āśir ] [ āśí r ] f. see [ ā-√ śrī ] , p. 158 , col. 3.
आशिरःपदम् [ āśiraḥpadam ] [ ā-śiraḥ-padam ] ind. from the foot up to the head Lit. Kathās.
आशीर्विष [ āśīrviṣa ] [ āśīr-viṣa ] m. a venomous snake Lit. L.
आशी [ āśī ] [ āśī ]2 f. = [ āśis ] 2 Lit. L.
आशीविषनदी [ āśīviṣanadī ] [ āśīviṣa-nadī ] f. id. (N. of a mythical river), ib.
आशीविषपर्वत [ āśīviṣaparvata ] [ āśīviṣa-parvata ] m. one of the 7 myth°ical mountains, ib.
आशी [ āśī ] [ ā-√ śī ]3 Ā. (irr. [ -śáye ] ( 3. sg. ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. : Impv. 3. sg. [ ā-śayām ] Lit. AV. v , 25 , 9 ; 3. pl. [ -śerate ] Lit. Vikr.) to lie or rest on or round: P. (impf. 3. pl. [ āśayan ] ) to wish Lit. BhP. ix , 1 , 37 ( ( perhaps this form is rather a Nom. from 1. [ āśā ] ? ) ) : Caus. (impf. [ ā́śīśayat ] ) to lay or put upon Lit. R.
आशय [ āśaya ] [ ā-śaya ] m. resting-place , bed Lit. ŚBr. ( 1320,2 )
seat , place
an asylum , abode or retreat Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Bhag.
a receptacle
any recipient
any vessel of the body (e.g. [ raktāśaya ] , " the receptacle of blood " i.e. the heart ; [ āmāśaya ] , the stomach ) Lit. Suśr.
the stomach
the abdomen Lit. Suśr.
the seat of feelings and thoughts , the mind , heart , soul Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
thought , meaning , intention Lit. Prab. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
disposition of mind , mode of thinking
(in Yoga phil.) " stock " or " the balance of the fruits of previous works , which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit , until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank , years , and enjoyment " (Cowell's translation of Lit. Sarvad. 168 , 16 ff.)
the will
a miser , niggard Lit. L.
N. of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia Lit. L.
आशयतस् [ āśayatas ] [ ā-śayá-tas ] ind. with intent, Lit. Divyâv. 1.
आशयाग्नि [ āśayāgni ] [ āśayāgni ] m. the fire of digestion Lit. Daś.
आशयाश [ āśayāśa ] [ āśayāśa ] m. fire Lit. L.
(v.l. for [ āśrayāśa ] q.v.)
आशयान [ āśayāna ] [ ā-śáyāna ] m. f. n. lying round , surrounding Lit. RV. i , 21 , 11 , ( said of Vṛitra , who surrounds the water = 1 ; see Kaegi , Der Ṛigveda , p.177 , l. 28 ff.)
आशीन [ āśīna ] [ āśīna ] m. f. n. = [ āśiná ] (p. 157), Lit. MaitrS.
आशु [ āśu ] [ āśú ] m. f. n. (√ 1. [ aś ] Lit. Uṇ. i , 1) , fast , quick , going quickly Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
[ āśu ] m. Ved. the quick one , a horse Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
mn. rice ripening quickly in the rainy season Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. L.
n. N. of a Sāman
[ āśu ] ind. quickly , quick , immediately , directly Lit. Suśr. Lit. Megh. Lit. Pañcat. ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. (acu) in (acupedius) , (ôcissimus) : of the same origin may be the Lat. (aquila) and (accipiter) .)
आशुकारिन् [ āśukārin ] [ āśú-kārin ] m. f. n. doing anything quickly , smart , active Lit. Kād.
(in med.) operating speedily Lit. Suśr.
आशुकोपिन् [ āśukopin ] [ āśú-kopin ] m. f. n. easily provoked , irritable.
आशुक्रिया [ āśukriyā ] [ āśú-kriyā ] f. quick procedure Lit. Suśr.
आशुक्लान्त [ āśuklānta ] [ āśú-klānta ] m. f. n. quickly faded Lit. Śak. 71 a.
आशुग [ āśuga ] [ āśú-gá ] m. f. n. going or moving quickly , swift , fleet Lit. TBr. i , 2 , 1 , 26 Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
the sun Lit. L.
an arrow Lit. MBh. : Lit. Ragh.
N. of one of the first five followers of Śākya-muni Lit. L.
आशुगतित्व [ āśugatitva ] [ āśú-gati-tva ] n. the going or moving quickly Lit. Nyāyas.
आशुगन्ध [ āśugandha ] [ āśu-gandha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva, Lit. Mahāvy.
आशुगामिन् [ āśugāmin ] [ āśú-gāmin ] m. f. n. going or moving quickly
[ āśugāmin ] m. N. of the sun Lit. MBh.
आशुंग [ āśuṃga ] [ āśú-ṃ-ga ] m. N. of an animal , perhaps a bird ( ( Lit. BRD. ) ) Lit. AV. vi , 14 , 3.
आशुतोष [ āśutoṣa ] [ āśú-toṣa ] m. f. n. easily pleased or appeased Lit. BhP.
आशुपत्त्री [ āśupattrī ] [ āśú-pattrī ] f. a tree which yields frankincense , Boswellia Serrata Lit. L.
आशुपत्वन् [ āśupatvan ] [ āśú-pátvan ] m. flying quickly Lit. RV.
आशुफल [ āśuphala ] [ āśú-phala ] m. a kind of weapon Lit. L.
आशुबोध [ āśubodha ] [ āśú-bodha ] m. " easily understood " , " teaching quickly " , N. of a grammar.
आशुभाविन् [ āśubhāvin ] [ āśú-bhāvin ] m. f. n. proceeding quickly Lit. Sāh.
आशुमत् [ āśumat ] [ āśú-mat ] m. f. n. quick
[ āśumat ] ind. quickly Lit. AV. vi , 105 , 1 ; 2 ; 3.
आशुरथ [ āśuratha ] [ āśú-ratha ] m. f. n. possessing a fast chariot Lit. VS.
आशुरथीय [ āśurathīya ] [ āśú-rathīya ] n. N. of a Sāman.
आशुविक्रम [ āśuvikrama ] [ āśú-vikrama ] m. f. n. having a quick step Lit. R.
आशुवृत्तित्व [ āśuvṛttitva ] [ āśú-vṛtti-tva ] n. the proceeding quickly Comm. on Lit. Nyāyas.
आशुव्रीहि [ āśuvrīhi ] [ āśú-vrīhi ] m. rice ripening quickly in the rainy season.
आशुशुष्कत्व [ āśuśuṣkatva ] [ āśú-śuṣka-tva ] n. getting dry quickly Lit. Kām.
आशुषेण [ āśuṣeṇa ] [ āśú-ṣeṇa ] m. f. n. having swift arrows Lit. VS. Lit. MaitrS.
आशुसंधेय [ āśusaṃdheya ] [ āśú-saṃdheya ] m. f. n. easy to be joined together or reconciled Lit. Hit. Lit. Pañcat.
आशुहेमन् [ āśuheman ] [ āśú-heman ] m. urged to fast course , running on quickly
inciting his horses (N. of Agni , especially when regarded as Apāṃ-napāt) Lit. RV. Lit. TS.
आशुहेषस् [ āśuheṣas ] [ āśú-heṣas ] m. f. n. having neighing horses
having quick horses or quickly praised ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) )
N. of the Aśvins Lit. RV. viii , 10 , 12.
आश्वपस् [ āśvapas ] [ āśv-ápas ] m. f. n. acting quickly Lit. RV.
आश्वश्व [ āśvaśva ] [ āśv-áśva ] m. f. n. possessed of quick horses
N. of the Maruts Lit. RV. ( [ °śvya ] n. possession of quick horses Lit. RV.)
आश्वश्व्य [ āśvaśvya ] [ āśv-áśvya ] n. , see [ āśvaśva ] , possession of quick horses Lit. RV.
आशिमन् [ āśiman ] [ āśiman ] m. ( Lit. ib. v , 1 , 123) id.
आशुया [ āśuyā ] [ āśuyā́ ] ind. ( Ved. instr. of the fem.) quickly Lit. RV. iv , 4 , 2 ; vi , 46 , 14.
आशुच् [ āśuc ] [ ā-√ śuc ] P. (Impv. [ ā́-śuśugdhi ] Lit. RV. i , 97 , 1) to procure or bestow by shining forth.
आशुशुक्षणि [ āśuśukṣaṇi ] [ ā-śuśukṣáṇi ] m. f. n. gleaming or shining forth or round (said of fire) Lit. RV. ii , 1 , 1
[ āśuśukṣaṇi ] m. fire Lit. Kād. Lit. Bālar.
wind , air Lit. L.
आशोचनि [ āśocani ] [ āśocani ] m. fire, Lit. L.
the moon, Lit. L.
आशुष् [ āśuṣ ] [ ā-√ śuṣ ] (√ [ śuṣ ] = √ [ śvas ] ( Lit. BRD. ) = √ 1. [ aś ] Lit. Sāy.) Ā. ( 1. sg. [ ā́-śuṣe ] Lit. RV. viii , 93 , 16) to strive after ( ( Lit. BRD. ) ) ; to incite , stimulate ( ( Lit. Gmn. ) ) ; to reach , obtain ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) )
आशुषाण [ āśuṣāṇa ] [ ā-śuṣāṇá ] m. f. n. striving after ( ( Lit. BRD. ) )
inciting , stimulating ( ( Lit. Gmn. ) )
reaching , obtaining ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) ) Lit. RV.
आशृत [ āśṛta ] [ ā-śṛta ] m. f. n. (√ [ śrā ] ) , slightly cooked Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. iv , 3 , 7.
आशेकुटिन् [ āśekuṭin ] [ āśekuṭin ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. L.
आशोका [ āśokā ] [ āśokā ] f. N. of a woman , (g. [ śubhrādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 123.)
आशोकेय [ āśokeya ] [ āśokeya ]1 m. f. , a descendant of Āśokā Lit. ib.
आशोकेय [ āśokeya ] [ āśokeya ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. [ a-śoka ] g. [ sakhy-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 80) , belonging to or coming from the Aśoka tree.
आशौच [ āśauca ] [ āśauca ] n. ( fr. [ a-śuci ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 30) , impurity Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.
आशौचनिर्णय [ āśaucanirṇaya ] [ āśauca-nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.
आशौचिन् [ āśaucin ] [ āśaucin ] m. f. n. impure.
आश्चर्य [ āścarya ] [ āścarya ]1 m. f. n. ( said to be fr. √ [ car ] with [ ā ] and a sibilant inserted Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 147) , appearing rarely , curious , marvellous , astonishing , wonderful , extraordinary Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. Prab. Lit. Śak. Lit. Ragh.
[ āścaryam ] ind. rarely , wonderfully Lit. Nir.
[ āścarya ] n. strange appearance
a wonder , miracle , marvel , prodigy
wonder , surprise , astonishment Lit. R. Lit. Bhag. Lit. Śak.
आश्चर्यता [ āścaryatā ] [ āścarya-tā ] f. wonderfulness , wonder , astonishment.
आश्चर्यत्व [ āścaryatva ] [ āścarya-tva ] n. wonderfulness , wonder , astonishment.
आश्चर्यमञ्जरी [ āścaryamañjarī ] [ āścarya-mañjarī ] f. N. of a Kāvya.
आश्चर्यभूत [ āścaryabhūta ] [ āścarya-bhūta ] m. f. n. having a marvellous appearance , wonderful Lit. R.
आश्चर्यमय [ āścaryamaya ] [ āścarya-maya ] m. f. n. wonderful , marvellous , miraculous Lit. Kathās. Lit. Bhag.
आश्चर्यरत्नमाला [ āścaryaratnamālā ] [ āścarya-ratnamālā ] f. N. of wk.
आश्चर्यरामायण [ āścaryarāmāyaṇa ] [ āścarya-rāmāyaṇa ] n. N. of a Kāvya.
आश्चर्यरूप [ āścaryarūpa ] [ āścarya-rūpa ] m. f. n. being of marvellous appearance , strange , wonderful Lit. NṛisUp.
आश्चर्य [ āścarya ] [ āścarya ]2 Nom. P. [ āścaryati ] , to be marvellous or strange Lit. L.
आश्चुत् [ āścut ] [ ā-√ ścut ] ( or [ -√ ścyut ] ) , Caus. (inf. [ -ścotayitavaí ] Lit. ŚBr. ii , 3 , 1 , 16) to sprinkle , let drop on.
आश्चुतित [ āścutita ] [ ā-ścutita ] m. f. n. trickled , dripped Lit. ŚBr.
आश्चोतन [ āścotana ] [ ā-ścotana ] n. aspersion , sprinkling
applying (ghee ) to the eyelids Lit. Suśr.
आश्च्योतन [ āścyotana ] [ ā-ścyotana ] n. aspersion , sprinkling
applying (ghee ) to the eyelids Lit. Suśr.
आश्म [ āśma ] [ āśma ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ aśman ] Lit. Kāty. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-6 , 144) , stony , made of stone.
आश्मन [ āśmana ] [ āśmana ] m. f. n. stony Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
[ āśmana ] m. N. of Aruṇa (the sun's charioteer) Lit. L.
आश्मभारक [ āśmabhāraka ] [ āśmabhāraka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ aśma-bhāra ] ) , belonging to or burdened with a mass of stones Lit. Pāṇ.
आश्मरथ्य [ āśmarathya ] [ āśmarathya ] m. ( fr. [ aśma-ratha ] ) , N. of a teacher Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
आश्मरथ [ āśmaratha ] [ āśmaratha ] m. f. ( a descendant of Āśmarathya Lit. Pāṇ.)
आश्मरिक [ āśmarika ] [ āśmarika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ aśmarī ] ) , suffering from gravel (in the bladder) Lit. Suśr.
आश्मायन [ āśmāyana ] [ āśmāyana ] m. a descendant of Aśman Lit. Pāṇ.
आश्मिक [ āśmika ] [ āśmika ] m. f. n. stony Lit. ib.
आश्मेय [ āśmeya ] [ āśmeya ] m. a descendant of Aśman Lit. ib.
आश्य [ āśya ] [ āśyá ] m. f. n. to be eaten, Lit. TS.
आश्यै [ āśyai ] [ ā-√ śyai ] Ā. [ -śyāyate ] , to become dry , dry up , shrink in drying Lit. Ragh.
आश्यान [ āśyāna ] [ ā-śyāna ] m. f. n. dried up , shrunk in drying Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum.
almost dried or shrunk up Lit. Kād.
आश्याम [ āśyāma ] [ ā-śyāma ] m. f. n. dusky, dark-coloured, Lit. Hcat.
आश्रपण [ āśrapaṇa ] [ ā-śrapaṇa ] n. (√ [ śrā ] ) , cooking slightly Lit. Nir.
आश्रम [ āśrama ] [ ā-śrama ] m. n. (√ [ śram ] ) , a hermitage , the abode of ascetics , the cell of a hermit or of retired saints or sages Lit. Mn. Lit. R. Lit. Daś. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Megh.
a stage in the life of a Brāhman (of which there are four corresponding to four different periods or conditions , viz. 1st , Brahmacārin , " student of the Veda " ; 2nd , Gṛiha-stha , " householder " ; 3rd , Vānaprastha , " anchorite " ; and 4th , Saṃnyāsin , " abandoner of all worldly concerns " , or sometimes Bhikshu , " religious beggar " ; in some places the law-givers mention only three such periods of religious life , the first being then omitted) Lit. Mn. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Ragh.
a hut built on festal occasions Lit. VarBṛS.
a college , school
a wood or thicket Lit. L.
आश्रमगुरु [ āśramaguru ] [ ā-śrama-guru ] m. the head of a religious order , a principal preceptor.
आश्रमधर्म [ āśramadharma ] [ ā-śrama-dharma ] m. the special duty of each period of life.
आश्रमपद [ āśramapada ] [ ā-śrama-pada ] n. a hermitage
a period in the life of a Brāhman Lit. R. Lit. Śak. Lit. Vikr.
आश्रमपर्वन् [ āśramaparvan ] [ ā-śrama-parvan ] n. the first section of the fifteenth book of the Mahā-bhārata.
आश्रमभ्रष्ट [ āśramabhraṣṭa ] [ ā-śrama-bhraṣṭa ] m. f. n. fallen or apostatizing from a religious order.
आश्रममण्डल [ āśramamaṇḍala ] [ ā-śrama-maṇḍala ] n. a group or assemblage of hermitages Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
आश्रमवासिक [ āśramavāsika ] [ ā-śrama-vāsika ] m. f. n. relating to residence in a hermitage
( [ āśramavāsikam parva ] , the fifteenth book of the Mahā-bhārata.)
आश्रमवासिन् [ āśramavāsin ] [ ā-śrama-vāsin ] m. an inhabitant of a hermitage , an ascetic Lit. Śak.
आश्रमविडम्बक [ āśramaviḍambaka ] [ āśrama-viḍambaka ] m. f. n. profaning a hermitage, Lit. BhP. 2.
आश्रमसद् [ āśramasad ] [ ā-śrama-sad ] m. an inhabitant of a hermitage , an ascetic Lit. Śak.
आश्रमस्थान [ āśramasthāna ] [ ā-śrama-sthāna ] n. the abode of hermits , a hermitage Lit. R.
आश्रमालय [ āśramālaya ] [ āśramālaya ] m. an inhabitant of a hermitage , an ascetic Lit. Ragh.
आश्रमोपनिषद् [ āśramopaniṣad ] [ āśramopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
आश्रमिक [ āśramika ] [ āśramika ] m. f. n. belonging to one of the four periods of religious life
belonging to a hermitage , a hermit , anchorite , Lit. Mn. Lit. Kathās.
आश्रमिन् [ āśramin ] [ āśramin ] m. f. n. belonging to one of the four periods of religious life
belonging to a hermitage , a hermit , anchorite , Lit. Mn. Lit. Kathās.
आश्रय [ āśraya ] [ āśraya ] see [ ā-√ śri ] .
आश्रव [ āśrava ] [ ā-śrava ] see [ ā-√ śru ] .
आश्रवस्य [ āśravasya ] [ ā-śravasya ] Nom. P. ( fr. 2. [ śravas ] ) , to approach with haste , hasten towards Lit. RV. v , 37 , 3.
आश्रि [ āśri ] [ ā-√ śri ]1 P. [ -śrayati ] , to affix ; to apply anything Lit. AV. xi , 10 , 10 : Ā. [ -śrayate ] , to attach one's self to ; to join Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat. ; to adhere , rest on Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to betake one's self to , resort to ; to depend on ; to choose , prefer ; to be subject to , keep in mind ; to seek refuge in , enter , inhabit ; to refer or appeal to Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Śak. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Prab. Lit. R.
आश्रय [ āśraya ] [ ā-śraya ] m. that to which anything is annexed or with which anything is closely connected or on which anything depends or rests Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Suśr.
a recipient , the person or thing in which any quality or article is inherent or retained or received
seat , resting-place Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.
dwelling , asylum , place of refuge , shelter Lit. R. Lit. Śiś.
depending on , having recourse to
help , assistance , protection Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Ragh.
authority , sanction , warrant
a plea , excuse Lit. L.
the being inclined or addicted to , following , practising
attaching to , choosing , taking
joining , union , attachment
dependance , contiguity , vicinity Lit. RPrāt. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Mn.
appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the agent
( in Gr.) the subject , that to which the predicate is annexed
(with Buddhists) the five organs of sense with [ manas ] or mind (the six together being the recipients of the [ āśrita ] or objects which enter them by way of their [ ālambana ] or qualities)
source , origin
[ āśraya ] m. f. n. ifc. depending on , resting on , endowed or furnished with (e.g. [ aṣṭa-guṇāśraya ] see under [ aṣṭa ] ) .
आश्रयतस् [ āśrayatas ] [ ā-śraya-tas ] ind. in consequence of the proximity.
आश्रयत्व [ āśrayatva ] [ ā-śraya-tva ] n. the state of [ ā-śraya ] above Lit. Suśr. Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
आश्रयभुज् [ āśrayabhuj ] [ ā-śraya-bhuj ] m. fire
see [ āśrayāśa ] .
आश्रयभूत [ āśrayabhūta ] [ ā-śraya-bhūta ] m. f. n. one who is the refuge or support of another person , protecting , supporting Lit. Hit. Lit. Nyāyam.
आश्रयलिङ्ग [ āśrayaliṅga ] [ ā-śraya-liṅga ] m. f. n. (a word) the gender of which must agree with the gender of the word to which it refers , an adjective.
आश्रयवत् [ āśrayavat ] [ ā-śraya-vat ] m. f. n. having help or support Lit. MBh. Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
आश्रयाश [ āśrayāśa ] [ āśrayāśa ] m. " consuming everything with which it comes in contact " , fire Lit. Hit. Lit. Mn.
a forfeiter of an asylum , one who by misconduct loses patronage or protection.
आश्रयासिद्ध [ āśrayāsiddha ] [ āśrayāsiddha ] m. f. n. (an argument) in which the existence of the subject is not established Lit. Tarkas.
आश्रयण [ āśrayaṇa ] [ ā-śrayaṇa ] m. f. n. having recourse to , resorting or applying to , seeking refuge or shelter from Lit. Kum.
relating to , concerning Lit. Vikr.
[ āśrayaṇa ] n. betaking one's self or applying to
joining , accepting , choosing
refuge , asylum , means of protection or security Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. TS.
आश्रयणीय [ āśrayaṇīya ] [ āśrayaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be applied or resorted to Lit. Hit.
to be followed or practised Lit. Sarvad.
आश्रयणीयत्व [ āśrayaṇīyatva ] [ āśrayaṇīya-tva ] n. the state of being a refuge Lit. Ragh. xvii , 60.
आश्रयितव्य [ āśrayitavya ] [ ā-śrayitavya ] m. f. n. to be applied to Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
आश्रयिन् [ āśrayin ] [ āśrayin ] m. f. n. joining , attaching one's self to
following Lit. Suśr. Lit. Jaim.
dwelling in , resting on , inhabiting Lit. Ragh. Lit. Śak. Lit. Ratnāv. Lit. Sāh.
आश्रित [ āśrita ] [ ā-śrita ] m. f. n. attaching one's self to , joining
having recourse to , resorting to as a retreat or asylum , seeking refuge or shelter from
subject to , depending on Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kum.
relating or belonging to , concerning Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP. Lit. MārkP.
inhabiting , dwelling in , resting on , being anywhere , taking one's station at Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. VarBṛS.
following , practising , observing
using , employing
receiving anything as an inherent or integral part Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kum. Lit. Pañcat.
regarding , respecting Lit. Bhag. Lit. R.
taken or sought as a refuge or shelter Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP. Lit. Rājat.
inhabited , occupied Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Ragh. Lit. BhP.
chosen , preferred , taken as rule Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.
[ āśrita ] m. a dependant , subject , servant , follower Lit. Kum. Lit. Hit. Lit. Yājñ.
n. (with Buddhists) an object perceived by the senses and [ manas ] or mind.
आश्रितत्व [ āśritatva ] [ ā-śrita-tva ] n. dependance.
आश्रित्य [ āśritya ] [ ā-śritya ] ind.p. having sought or obtained an asylum
having recourse to , employing , practising ,
आश्रेतृ [ āśretṛ ] [ ā-śretṛ ] m. f. n. leaning on, resorting to (gen.), Lit. MBh.
आश्रि [ āśri ] [ āśri ]2 f. the edge of a sword (= [ aśri ] q.v.) Lit. L.
(= [ ā-aśri ] , a very sharp edge Lit. T.)
आश्री [ āśrī ] [ ā-√ śrī ] P. ( 3. pl. [ -śṛṇanti ] Lit. RV. ix , 71 , 4) Ā. (impf. [ ā́śrīṇīta ] Lit. RV. x , 61 , 3) to mix , shuffle ; to boil.
आशिर् [ āśir ] [ ā-śí r ] f. mixing , a mixture
especially the milk which is mixed with the Soma juice to purify it Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. KātyŚr.
आशीर्वत् [ āśīrvat ] [ āśī́r-vat ] m. f. n. mixed with milk (as the Soma) Lit. RV. Lit. KātyŚr.
आशिर [ āśira ] [ āśira ]2 (= [ āśí r ] ) n. (?) the milk mixed with the Soma.
आशिरदुघ् [ āśiradugh ] [ āśira-dugh ] m. f. n. milking for a mixture with Soma Lit. ĀśvŚr.
आश्रु [ āśru ] [ ā-√ śru ] P. [ -śṛṇoti ] Ā. [ -śṛṇute ] , to listen to ; to hear ; to perceive (with the ear) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BhP. ; to accept , promise Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 40 Lit. R. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. L. : Caus. [ -śrāvayati ] ( ( but [ ā́-śravayatam ] Lit. RV. vii , 62 , 5 ; aor. [ -aśuśravus ] Lit. RV. x , 94 , 12 ) ) , to cause to hear ; to announce , make known , tell Lit. RV. Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. MBh. ; to address , speak to , call to (especially at particular rites) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp. Lit. TUp. Lit. KātyŚr. : Desid. [ -śuśrūṣati ] ( ( only P. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 59 ) ) , to wish to hear ; to listen.
आश्रव [ āśrava ] [ ā-śrava ]1 m. f. n. listening to , obedient , compliant Lit. Ragh. Lit. Daś. Lit. L.
आश्राव [ āśrāva ] [ ā-śrāva ] w.r. for [ ā ] - [ srāva ] .
आश्रावण [ āśrāvaṇa ] [ ā-śrā́vaṇa ] n. causing to listen , calling out (especially with the words [ om ] , [ svadhā ] , ) Lit. ŚBr.
[ āśravaṇam ] ind. up to the ear, Lit. Naish.
आश्रावितप्रत्याश्रावित [ āśrāvitapratyāśrāvita ] [ āśrāvita-pratyāśrāvita ] n. du. address and response, Jaim Lit. Up.
आश्राव्य [ āśrāvya ] [ ā-śrāvya ] m. N. of a Muni Lit. MBh.
आश्रुत् [ āśrut ] [ ā-śrut ] m. f. n. listening.
आश्रुत्कर्ण [ āśrutkarṇa ] [ ā-śrut-karṇa ] m. f. n. having listening ears , listening attentively Lit. RV. i , 10 , 9.
आश्रुत [ āśruta ] [ ā́-śruta ] m. f. n. listened to , heard
audible Lit. TS.
promised , agreed Lit. Yājñ.
[ āśruta ] n. a calling ( at rites see [ ā-śrāvaṇa ] ) Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. TS.
आश्रुति [ āśruti ] [ ā́-śruti ] f. hearing , range of hearing Lit. VS.
promising Lit. L.
आश्रेष [ āśreṣa ] [ ā-śréṣa ] m. (√ [ śriṣ ] = √ [ śliṣ ] see below) , one who embraces
N. of an evil spirit or goblin Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 2
[ āśreṣā ] f. = [ āśleṣā́ ] q.v. Lit. TBr.
आश्लथ् [ āślath ] [ ā-√ ślath ] Ā. [ -ślathate ] , to become loose Lit. BhP. v , 5 , 9.
आश्लिष् [ āśliṣ ] [ ā-√ śliṣ ] ( cf. [ ā-śréṣa ] above ) P. [ -śliṣyati ] ( but also [ -śliṣati ] Lit. BhP. Lit. R.) and Ā. [ -śliṣyate ] ( Lit. MBh. i , 3040) to adhere or cling to Lit. TS. Lit. MBh. ; to embrace Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Śak. Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās. : Caus. [ -śleṣayati ] , to affix , stick on Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to embrace (see [ ā-śleṣita ] ) . ( 158,3 )
आश्लिष्ट [ āśliṣṭa ] [ ā-śliṣṭa ] m. f. n. adhering , clung to Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kathās.
embracing Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. Śiś.
embraced , surrounded
twisted round Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Ragh.
आश्लेष [ āśleṣa ] [ ā-śleṣa ] m. intimate connection , contact
slight contact Lit. L.
embracing , embrace
intwining Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Megh. Lit. Amar.
adherence , clinging to Lit. Nyāyam.
[ āśleṣā ] f. and ( [ ā́s ] ) f. pl. N. of the seventh Nakshatra Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. Suśr. Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.
आश्लेषण [ āśleṣaṇa ] [ ā-śleṣaṇa ] n. adherence , hanging on Lit. Nyāyam.
आश्लेषित [ āśleṣita ] [ ā-śleṣita ] m. f. n. embraced Lit. R. v , 13 , 58.
आश्व [ āśva ] [ āśva ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ aśva ] ) , belonging to a horse , equestrian Lit. Nir. Lit. Suśr.
drawn by horses (as a chariot) Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
[ āśva ] n. a number of horses Lit. Pāṇ.
the state or action of a horse Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
N. of several Sāmans.
आश्वघ्न [ āśvaghna ] [ āśvaghná ] m. ( fr. [ aśva-ghna ] ) , N. of a man Lit. RV. x , 61 , 22.
आश्वतर [ āśvatara ] [ āśvatara ] m. ( fr. [ aśva-tara ] ) , N. of Buḍila or Bulila Lit. AitBr.
आश्वतरास्वि [ āśvatarāsvi ] [ āśvatarāsvi ] m. id. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp.
आश्वत्थ [ āśvattha ] [ āśvattha ] m. f. ( [ ī́ ] g. [ gaurādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 41) n. belonging to the Aśvattha tree (Ficus Religiosa) Lit. AitBr. Lit. TS. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ŚBr.
relating to the fruit-bearing season of this tree Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
belonging to the Nakshatra Aśvattha Lit. L.
[ āśvattha ] n. the fruit of the Ficus Religiosa Lit. Pāṇ. and L.
आश्वत्थि [ āśvatthi ] [ āśvatthi ] m. f. ( [ ī́ ] g. [ gaurādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 41) n. belonging to the Aśvattha tree (Ficus Religiosa) Lit. AitBr. Lit. TS. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ŚBr.
relating to the fruit-bearing season of this tree Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
belonging to the Nakshatra Aśvattha Lit. L.
आश्वत्थिक [ āśvatthika ] [ āśvatthika ] m. f. ( [ ī́ ] g. [ gaurādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 41) n. belonging to the Aśvattha tree (Ficus Religiosa) Lit. AitBr. Lit. TS. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ŚBr.
relating to the fruit-bearing season of this tree Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
belonging to the Nakshatra Aśvattha Lit. L.
[ āśvatthika ] n. the fruit of the Ficus Religiosa Lit. Pāṇ. and L.
आश्वपदिक [ āśvapadika ] [ āśvapadika ] m. f. n. come into contact with a horse's foot, Lit. ĀpŚr., Sch.
आश्वपालिक [ āśvapālika ] [ āśvapālika ] mf. a descendant of Aśva-pālī Lit. Pāṇ.
आश्वपेयिन् [ āśvapeyin ] [ āśvapeyin ] m. followers or pupils of Āśva-peyin Lit. Pāṇ.
आश्वपेजिन् [ āśvapejin ] [ āśvapejin ] m. followers or pupils of Āśva-pejin Lit. Pāṇ.
आश्वबल [ āśvabala ] [ āśvabala ] m. f. n. coming from or made of the plant Aśva-balā Lit. Suśr.
आश्वभारिक [ āśvabhārika ] [ āśvabhārika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ aśva-bhāra ] ) , carrying a horse-load Lit. Pāṇ.
आश्वमेध [ āśvamedha ] [ āśvamedhá ] m. a descendant of Aśva-medha Lit. RV. viii , 68 , 15 and 16.
आश्वमेधिक [ āśvamedhika ] [ āśvamedhika ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) , belonging to a horse-sacrifice Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Āp.
( [ āśva-medhi-kaṃ parva ] is the N. of the fourteenth book of the Mahā-bhārata.)
Lit. ŚBr.
[ āśvamedhikī ] f., Lit. MānGṛ.
आश्वयुज् [ āśvayuj ] [ āśvayuj ] m. ( fr. [ aśva-yuj ] ) , the month Aśvinā Lit. MBh.
आश्वयुज [ āśvayuja ] [ āśvayuja ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) , born under the constellation Aśvayuj Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 36
belonging to or occurring in the month Āśvina Lit. VarBṛS.
[ āśvayuja ] m. the month Āśvina Lit. Suśr. Lit. Mn.
[ āśvayujī ] f. ( sc. [ paurṇa-māsī ] ) day of full moon in that month Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
आश्वयुजीकर्मन् [ āśvayujīkarman ] [ āśvayujī-karman ] n. Pākayajña or " small sacrifice " ( see Lit. IW., p.197 , note ) to be performed on the day called Āśvayujī Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Lit. Gaut.
आश्वयुजक [ āśvayujaka ] [ āśvayujaka ] m. f. n. sown on the day called Āśvayujī Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 45.
आश्वरथ [ āśvaratha ] [ āśvaratha ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ aśva-ratha ] ) , belonging to a chariot drawn by horses Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
आश्वलक्षणिक [ āśvalakṣaṇika ] [ āśvalakṣaṇika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ aśva-lakṣaṇa ] ) , knowing the marks of horses Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
आश्ववार [ āśvavāra ] [ āśvavāra ] and m. f. n. made of the cane Aśva-vāra Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MaitrS.
आश्ववाल [ āśvavāla ] [ āśvavāla ]and m. f. n. made of the cane Aśva-vāla Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MaitrS.
आश्वसूक्त [ āśvasūkta ] [ āśvasūkta ] n. N. of a Sāman = [ aśva- ] q.v.
आश्वसूक्ति [ āśvasūkti ] [ āśvasūkti ] m. a descendant of Aśva-sūktin Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
आश्वायन [ āśvāyana ] [ āśvāyana ] m. a descendant of Aśva Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 110.
आश्विक [ āśvika ] [ āśvika ] m. f. n. equestrian
relating to a horse
carrying a load of horses Lit. Pāṇ.
आश्विन [ āśvina ] [ ā́śvina ]1 m. f. n. like riders or horsemen Lit. RV. ix , 86 , 4
[ āśvina ] n. a day's journey for a horseman Lit. AV. vi , 131 , 3.
आश्विन [ āśvina ] [ āśviná ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. [ aśvin ] ) , belonging or devoted to the Aśvins Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
m. N. of a month in the rainy season (during which the moon is near to the constellation Aśvinī)
[ āśvinī ] f. N. of a kind of brick ( [ iṣṭakā ] ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
[ āśvina ] n. the Nakshatra Aśvinī Lit. VarBṛS.
n. (also) a cup of Soma consecrated to the Aśvins, Lit. Lāṭy.
आश्विनचिह्नित [ āśvinacihnita ] [ āśviná-cihnita ] n. the autumnal equinox Lit. L.
आश्विनपात्र [ āśvinapātra ] [ āśviná-pātrá ] n. the vessel belonging to the Aśvins Lit. ŚBr. iv , 1 , 5 , 19.
आश्विनाग्र [ āśvināgra ] [ āśvi-nāgra ] m. f. n. beginning with a cup , Lit. Kāṭh.
आश्विनेय [ āśvineya ] [ āśvineya ] m. ( fr. [ aśvin ] ) , N. of Nakula
of Saha-deva Lit. MBh.
( fr. [ aśvinī ] ) , N. of either of the two Aśvins Lit. Naish.
आश्वीन [ āśvīna ] [ āśvīna ] m. f. n. as much as can be passed over by a horse in one day (as a way or road) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 19
[ āśvīna ] n. a day's journey for a horse Lit. AitBr. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
आश्वीय [ āśvīya ] [ āśvīya ] n. a multitude of horses, Lit. L.
आश्वेय [ āśveya ] [ āśveya ] m. (g. [ śubhrādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 123) , a descendant of Aśva.
आश्वपस् [ āśvapas ] [ āśv-apas ] see under [ āśu ] .
आश्वलायन [ āśvalāyana ] [ āśvalāyana ] m. ( fr. [ aśvala ] g. [ naḍādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 99) , N. of a pupil of Śaunaka's , author of Sūtra or ritual works (relating to the Ṛig-veda) and founder of a Vedic school
[ āśvalāyana ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to Āśvalāyana
m. the school of Āśvalāyana.
आश्वलायनगृह्यकारिका [ āśvalāyanagṛhyakārikā ] [ āśvalāyana-gṛhya-kārikā ] f. and N. of wk.
आश्वलायनब्राह्मण [ āśvalāyanabrāhmaṇa ] [ āśvalāyana-brāhmaṇa ]and n. N. of wk.
आश्वलायनशाखा [ āśvalāyanaśākhā ] [ āśvalāyana-śākhā ] f. the school of Āśvalāyana. ( [ °khin ] mfn. belonging to the school of Āśvalāyana.)
आश्वलायनशाखिन् [ āśvalāyanaśākhin ] [ āśvalāyana-śākhin ] m. f. n. , see [ āśvalāyanaśākhā ] , belonging to the school of Āśvalāyana.
आश्वस् [ āśvas ] [ ā-√ śvas ] P. [ -śvasiti ] and [ -śvasati ] (Impv. 2. sg. [ -śvasihi ] and [ -śvasa ] ( Lit. MBh. vi , 490 ) ; impf. [ -aśvasīt ] ( Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ) and [ -aśvasat ] ( Lit. Kathās. xxxiii , 129 ) ) Ā. [ -śvasate ] , to breathe , breathe again or freely ; to take or recover breath , take heart or courage ; to revive Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -śvāsayati ] , to cause to take breath ; to encourage , comfort ; to calm , console , cheer up Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum.
आश्वस्य [ āśvasya ] [ ā-śvasya ] ind.p. taking heart or confidence Lit. MBh.
आश्वास [ āśvāsa ] [ ā-śvāsa ] m. breathing again or freely , taking breath
recovery Lit. Suśr.
cheering up , consolation
relying on Lit. Kathās.
a chapter or section of a book Lit. Sāh.
आश्वासक [ āśvāsaka ] [ ā-śvāsaka ] m. f. n. causing to take breath or courage , consolatory , comforting Lit. L.
आश्वासन [ āśvāsana ] [ ā-śvāsana ] n. causing to revive , refreshing , reviving
consoling , encouraging , cheering up Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
refreshment , recreation , consolation , comfort Lit. Bālar. Lit. Veṇis.
आश्वासनशील [ āśvāsanaśīla ] [ ā-śvāsana-śīla ] m. f. n. disposed to encouraging another , Lit. Mālatīm.
आश्वासनशीलता [ āśvāsanaśīlatā ] [ ā-śvāsana-śīla-tā ] ( f. )
आश्वासनी [ āśvāsanī ] [ ā-śvāsanī ] f. N. of a Kiṃnarī, Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
आश्वासनीय [ āśvāsanīya ] [ ā-śvāsanīya ] m. f. n. to be refreshed or cheered up Lit. Uttarar.
आश्वासित [ āśvāsita ] [ ā-śvāsita ] m. f. n. encouraged , animated , comforted , consoled Lit. Daś. Lit. BhP. Lit. Pañcat.
आश्वासिन् [ āśvāsin ] [ āśvāsin ] m. f. n. breathing freely , reviving , becoming cheerful Lit. Śak. 35 a.
आश्वास्य [ āśvāsya ] [ ā-śvāsya ] m. f. n. to be acquiesced in Lit. Megh.
आषाढ [ āṣāḍha ] [ āṣāḍha ] m. ( fr. [ a-ṣāḍhā ] ) , N. of a month (corresponding to part of June and July) in which the full moon is near the constellation Ashāḍhā Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Megh. Lit. Kathās.
a staff of the wood of the Palāśa (carried by an ascetic during certain religious observances in the month Āshāḍha) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 110 Lit. Kum.
N. of a prince Lit. MBh.
the Malaya mountain Lit. L.
a festival (of Indra) Lit. Āp. i , 11 , 20
N. of Śiva (cf. [ su ] - [ ṣ ] °), Lit. MBh.
[ āṣāḍhā ] f. ( for [ a-ṣāḍhā ] q.v.) the twenty-first and twenty-second lunar mansions ( commonly compounded with [ pūrva ] and [ uttara ] ) Lit. L.
[ āṣāḍhī ] f. the day of full moon in the month Āshāḍha Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Vait.
[ āṣāḍha ] m. f. n. belonging to the month Āshāḍha Lit. VarBṛS.
आषाढपुर [ āṣāḍhapura ] [ āṣāḍha-pura ] n. N. of a mythical mountain Lit. Kathās.
आषाढभव [ āṣāḍhabhava ] [ āṣāḍha-bhava ] m. f. n. produced in the month Āshāḍha
[ āṣāḍhabhava ] m. the planet Mars Lit. L.
आषाढभूति [ āṣāḍhabhūti ] [ āṣāḍha-bhūti ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pañcat.
आषाढाद्रिपुर [ āṣāḍhādripura ] [ āṣāḍhādri-pura ] n. N. of a mythical mountain Lit. Kathās.
आषाढाभू [ āṣāḍhābhū ] [ āṣāḍhā-bhū ] m. produced in the month Āshāḍha
the planet Mars Lit. L.
आषाढि [ āṣāḍhi ] [ ā́ṣāḍhi ] m. a descendant of Ashāḍha Lit. ŚBr.
आषाढीय [ āṣāḍhīya ] [ āṣāḍhīya ] m. f. n. born under the constellation Ashāḍhā Lit. Kāty. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 34.
आष्टक [ āṣṭaka ] [ āṣṭaka ] n. N. of a district Lit. Pat. on Lit. Kāty. Vart. 31 on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 104.
आष्टकीय [ āṣṭakīya ] [ āṣṭakīya ] m. f. n. belonging to or coming from the above country Lit. ib.
आष्टम [ āṣṭama ] [ āṣṭama ] m. ( fr. [ aṣṭama ] ) , the eighth part Lit. Pāṇ.
आष्टमिक [ āṣṭamika ] [ āṣṭamika ] m. f. n. taught in the eighth (book of Pāṇini) Lit. Pat.
आष्ट्र [ āṣṭra ] [ āṣṭra ] n. ( fr. √ 1. [ aś ] Lit. Uṇ. iv , 159) , ether , sky , atmosphere
[ āṣṭrā ] f. a prick or goad for driving cattle (= [ aṣṭrā ] q.v.) Lit. Kāṭh.
[ āṣṭrī ] f. an extensive forest ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) ) Lit. RV. x , 165 , 3.
आष्ट्रादंष्ट्र [ āṣṭrādaṃṣṭra ] [ āṣṭrā-daṃṣṭrá ] n. N. of a Sāman, Lit. MaitrS.
आष्ठा [ āṣṭhā ] [ āṣṭhā ] f. region , quarter Lit. L.
आस् [ ās ] [ ās ]1 ind. (an interjection implying joy , anger , menace , pain , affliction , recollection) Ah! Oh!
आस् [ ās ] [ ās ]2 Root cl. [2] Ā. [ ā́ste ] ( and [ ā́sate ] Lit. AV. xi , 8 , 32 , ; Impv. 2. sg. [ ās-sva ] , [ āsva ] , and [ āsasva ] ; 2. pl. [ ādhvam ] ; p. [ āsāná ] , [ āsat ] ( Lit. R. ) , and [ āsīna ] ( see below ) ; [ āsāṃ-cakre ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 87 ) ; [ āsiṣyate ] ; [ āsiṣṭa ] ; [ āsitum ] ) to sit , sit down , rest , lie Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak. ; to be present ; to exist ; to inhabit , dwell in ; to make one's abode in Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. MBh. ; to sit quietly , abide , remain , continue Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to cease , have an end Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Daś. Lit. Hit. ; to solemnize , celebrate ; to do anything without interruption ; to continue doing anything ; to continue in any situation ; to last ; (it is used in the sense of " continuing " , with a participle , adj. , or subst. e.g. [ etat sāma gāyann āste ] , " he continues singing this verse " ; with an indeclinable participle in [ tvā ] , [ ya ] , or [ am ] e.g. [ upa-rudhya arim āsīta ] , " he should continue blockading the foe " ; with an adverb e.g. [ tūṣṇīm āste ] , " he continues quiet " ; [ sukham āsva ] , " continue well " ; with an inst. case e.g. [ sukhenāste ] , " he continues well " ; with a dat. case e.g. [ āstāṃ tuṣṭaye ] , " may it be to your satisfaction " ) : Caus. [ āsayati ] , to cause any one to sit down Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ. : Desid. Ā. [ āsisiṣate ] Lit. ib.; ( ( cf. Gk. 1 , (2) -3 , 4-5: Lat. (âsa) changed to (A7ra) ; (A7-nus) for (A7s-nus) . ) )
आस [ āsa ] [ āsa ]1 m. seat ( in [ sv-āsa-sthá ] q.v.) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
the lower part of the body behind , posteriors Lit. ChUp.
आसन [ āsana ] [ ā́sana ]1 n. ( but [ āsaná ] Lit. ŚBr.) sitting , sitting down Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn.
sitting in peculiar posture according to the custom of devotees , (five or , in other places , even eighty-four postures are enumerated ; see [ padmāsana ] , [ bhadrāsana ] , [ vajrāsana ] , [ vīrāsana ] , [ svastikāsana ] : the manner of sitting forming part of the eightfold observances of ascetics)
halting , stopping , encamping
abiding , dwelling Lit. AV. xx , 127 , 8 Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Hit.
seat , place , stool Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. Kum. Lit. Mn.
the withers of an elephant , the part where the driver sits Lit. L.
maintaining a post against an enemy
[ āsanā ] f. stay , abiding Lit. L.
[ āsanī ] f. stay , abiding , sitting Lit. L.
a shop , a stall Lit. L.
a small seat , a stool Lit. Kauś.
आसनपट्टि [ āsanapaṭṭi ] [ āsanapaṭṭi ] m. a flat seat, Lit. KātyŚr., Sch.
आसनबन्ध [ āsanabandha ] [ ā́sana-bandha ] m. the act of sitting down Lit. Ragh. ii , 6.
आसनमन्त्र [ āsanamantra ] [ ā́sana-mantra ] m. a Mantra or sacred formula to be spoken at taking a seat Lit. T.
आसनविधि [ āsanavidhi ] [ ā́sana-vidhi ] m. the ceremony of offering a seat to a visitor.
आसनस्थ [ āsanastha ] [ ā́sana-stha ] m. f. n. abiding on a seat , sitting Lit. Mn. Lit. Ratnāv.
आसनीकृ [ āsanīkṛ ] [ ā́san-ī-√ kṛ:1 ] to make a seat of anything (e.g. of a lotus) Lit. Kād.
आसिका [ āsikā ] [ āsikā ] f. turn or order of sitting Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
sitting Lit. ib.
आसित [ āsita ] [ āsita ] m. f. n. seated , being at rest
one who has sat down , one who is seated or dwells Lit. Kathās. Lit. R.
[ āsita ] n. sitting , sitting down Lit. Sāh. Lit. MBh.
a seat
a place where one has lived , an abode Lit. R.
way or manner of sitting ( cf. [ dur- ] )
N. of several Sāmans.
आसितव्य [ āsitavya ] [ āsitavya ] only n. (used impersonally) to be seated Lit. BhP.
आसीनप्रचलायित [ āsīnapracalāyita ] [ āsīna-pracalāyita ] n. nodding when seated , falling asleep on a seat Lit. Rājat.
आस् [ ās ] [ ās ]3 ( Preverb. [ ā- ] :2 [ √ as ] ) P. [ ásyati ] , to throw upon , lay or put upon Lit. TBr. Lit. Kāṭh. : Ā. (Impv. 2. pl. [ ā́syadhvam ] ) to cause to flow in , pour in Lit. RV. x , 30 , 2 Lit. ŚBr. i ; to put or throw on for one's self Lit. MaitrS.
आस् [ ās ] [ ās ]4 n. (?) mouth , face , ( only in abl. and instr.) [ āsás ] ( with the prep. [ ā ] ) , from mouth to mouth , in close proximity Lit. RV. vii , 99 , 7
[ āsā́ ] and [ āsayā́ ] ( generally used as an adv.) , before one's eyes
by word of mouth
in one's own person
immediately Lit. RV. vi , 16 , 9 ,
आस्पात्र [ āspātra ] [ ās-pā́tra ] n. a vessel fit for the mouth , a drinking vessel Lit. ŚBr.
आसन् [ āsan ] [ āsán ]1 n. ( defective Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 63) , mouth , jaws Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr.
आसनिषु [ āsaniṣu ] [ āsán-iṣu ] ( [ āsánn- ] ) m. f. n. having arrows in the mouth Lit. RV. i , 84 , 16.
आसन्वत् [ āsanvat ] [ āsán-vát ] m. f. n. having a mouth (?)
showing the mouth
present Lit. AV. vi , 12 , 2.
आसन्य [ āsanya ] [ āsanyá ] m. f. n. being in the mouth Lit. ŚBr. xiv , 4 , 1 , 8.
आस्य [ āsya ] [ āsyá ] n. ( ( ifc. mf ( [ ā ] ) n. ) ) mouth , jaws Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. MBh.
face Lit. Yājñ.
[ āsya ] m. f. n. belonging to the mouth or face , belonging to that part of the mouth or face , belonging to that part of the mouth which is the organ of uttering sounds or letters Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Siddh. Lit. Kāś.
आस्यगर्त [ āsyagarta ] [ āsya-garta ] m. the hollow of the mouth, Lit. Mālatīm.
आस्यजाह [ āsyajāha ] [ āsya-jāha ] n. (= - [ mukha ] ), Lit. Gaṇar. 354, Sch.
आस्यदघ्न [ āsyadaghna ] [ āsyá-daghna ] m. f. n. reaching to the mouth Lit. Kāṭh.
आस्यंधय [ āsyaṃdhaya ] [ āsyá-ṃ-dhaya ] m. f. n. sucking the mouth , kissing the mouth.
आस्यपत्त्र [ āsyapattra ] [ āsyá-pattra ] n. " leaf-faced " , lotus Lit. L.
आस्यप्रयत्न [ āsyaprayatna ] [ āsya-prayatna ] see [ pra ] - [ yatna ] , p. 687
आस्यमोदक [ āsyamodaka ] [ āsyá-modaka ] n. a mythical weapon Lit. MBh. v , 3491.
आस्यमैथुनिक [ āsyamaithunika ] [ āsya-maithunika ] m. f. n. using the mouth as a vulva, Lit. MBh.
आस्यलाङ्गल [ āsyalāṅgala ] [ āsyá-lāṅgala ] m. " having a plough-like face "
a hog , boar Lit. L.
आस्यलोमन् [ āsyaloman ] [ āsyá-loman ] n. the hair of the face , beard Lit. L.
आस्यवैरस्य [ āsyavairasya ] [ āsya-vairasya ] n. bad taste in the mouth, Lit. Suśr.
आस्यसम्मित [ āsyasammita ] [ āsya-sammita ] m. f. n. on a level with the mouth, Lit. ĀśvŚr.
आस्यस्रवण [ āsyasravaṇa ] [ āsyá-sravaṇa ] n. watering the mouth Lit. Car.
आस्यासव [ āsyāsava ] [ āsyāsava ] m. spittle , saliva Lit. L.
आस्यासुख [ āsyāsukha ] [ āsyāsukha ] m. f. n. disagreeable to the mouth , tasting ill Lit. Car.
आस्योपलेप [ āsyopalepa ] [ āsyopalepa ] m. obstruction of the mouth by phlegm Lit. Suśr.
आसन [ āsana ] [ āsana ]2 = [ asana ] 2 Terminalia Tomentosa.
आसंसारम् [ āsaṃsāram ] [ ā-saṃsāram ] ind. (√ [ sṛ ] ) , from the beginning of the world , ever Lit. Kathās. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Kāvyâd.
till the end of the world , for ever Lit. Rājat.
आसंगत्य [ āsaṃgatya ] [ āsaṃgatya ] n. ( fr. [ a-saṃgata ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 121) , non-union , non-relation.
आसंग्रह् [ āsaṃgrah ] [ ā-saṃ-√ grah ] (Impv. 2. sg. [ -sáṃgṛbhāya ] Lit. RV. viii , 81 , 1) to seize.
आसंज्ञिक [ āsaṃjñika ] [ āsaṃjñika ] n. unconsciousness, Lit. Mahāvy.
आसच् [ āsac ] [ ā-√ sac ] Ā. [ -sacate ] , to seek for Lit. RV. i , 136 , 3 ,
आसञ्ज् [ āsañj ] [ ā-√ sañj ] P. [ -sajati ] , to fasten on , attach , fix ; to fasten on one's self , put on (as dress , armour , ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. R. Lit. Kum. ; to fix one's self to , adhere to Lit. Kir. xiii , 44 ; to take up Lit. MBh. ; to take hold of , cling to Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -sañjayati ] , to cause to attach or put or fix on Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. Ragh. ; to employ Lit. MBh. : Pass. [ -sajyate ] , to adhere , cohere , be attached: Desid. [ -sisaṅkṣati ] , to wish to attach Lit. ŚBr. i , 6 , 1 , 12 ; 15.
आसक्त [ āsakta ] [ ā-sakta ] m. f. n. fixed or fastened to
attached to , lying on or upon Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kum. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
attached strongly to , intent on
zealously following or pursuing Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛ. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
wound round , encircled
accompanied or furnished with
following directly , immediately proceeding from (acc.) Lit. MBh.
आसक्तचित्त [ āsaktacitta ] [ ā-sakta-citta ] and m. f. n. having the mind deeply engaged in or fixed upon (any object) , intent on , devoted to , absorbed in.
आसक्तचेतस् [ āsaktacetas ] [ ā-sakta-cetas ] and m. f. n. having the mind deeply engaged in or fixed upon (any object) , intent on , devoted to , absorbed in.
आसक्तमनस् [ āsaktamanas ] [ ā-sakta-manas ]and m. f. n. having the mind deeply engaged in or fixed upon (any object) , intent on , devoted to , absorbed in.
आसक्तभाव [ āsaktabhāva ] [ ā-sakta-bhāva ] m. f. n. having one's affection fixed on , being in love with Lit. Daś.
आसक्ति [ āsakti ] [ ā-saktí ] f. the act of adhering or attaching one's self firmly behind
placing behind
waylaying Lit. RV.
devotedness , attachment
diligence , application
[ āsakti ] ind. uninterruptedly , wholly , throughout Lit. ŚBr.
आसङ्ग [ āsaṅga ] [ ā-saṅgá ] m. the act of clinging to or hooking on , association , connection Lit. Śak. Lit. Kum. Lit. BhP.
attachment , devotedness Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kathās.
waylaying Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.
N. of a man Lit. RV. viii , 1 , 32 ; 33
of a son of Śva-phalka Lit. BhP. ix , 24 , 15
a cloak (see [ citrā ] [ s ] °, p. 397)
a sword, Lit. L.
one of the 7 islands of Antara-dvīpa, Lit. L.
[ āsaṅga ] n. a kind of fragrant earth Lit. L.
mfn. uninterrupted Lit. L.
[ āsaṅgam ] ind. uninterruptedly Lit. L.
आसङ्गकाष्ठ [ āsaṅgakāṣṭha ] [ ā-saṅga-kāṣṭha ] n. a peg, Lit. Bcar. xi, 45.
आसङ्गिन् [ āsaṅgin ] [ āsaṅgin ] m. f. n. clinging to , attached Lit. Kād.
[ āsaṅginī ] f. a whirlwind Lit. L.
आसङ्गिम [ āsaṅgima ] [ ā-saṅgima ] m. (in surgery) a kind of bandage Lit. Suśr.
आसज [ āsaja ] [ ā-sajá ] m. f. n. clinging to
dragging (a wheel) Lit. RV. v , 34 , 6.
आसज्य [ āsajya ] [ ā-sajya ] ind.p. having attached one's self or clinging to Lit. Kir.
आसञ्जन [ āsañjana ] [ ā-sañjana ] n. the act of clinging to , being hooked on Lit. ŚBr. ( 1320,2 )
adherence , fixing , fastening to Lit. AitBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
a handle , hook Lit. ŚBr.
attaching (an Anubandha to an affix) Lit. Pat.
आसञ्जनवत् [ āsañjanavat ] [ ā-sañjana-vat ] m. f. n. having a handle Lit. KātyŚr.
आसञ्जित [ āsañjita ] [ ā-sañjita ] m. f. n. fastened on , put on.
आसट [ āsaṭa ] [ āsaṭa ] m. N. of a king (also - [ deva ] ), Lit. Inscr.
आसड [ āsaḍa ] [ āsaḍa ] m. N. of the author of a Comm. on Lit. Megh. (12th cent. Lit. A.D.).
आसंज्ञित [ āsaṃjñita ] [ ā-saṃjñita ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ saṃ-jñā ] ) , one with whom one has agreed or concerted Lit. Kām.
आसद् [ āsad ] [ ā-√ sad ] P. [ -sīdati ] ( Ved. also [ -sadati ] ; Inf. [ -sádam ] and [ -sáde ] Lit. RV. ; pf. [ -sasāda ] ; fut. [ -satsyati ] ) Ā. ( Ved. aor. 1. sg. [ -satsi ] and 3. sg. [ -sādi ] ) to sit , sit down , sit near Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to preside over Lit. RV. viii , 42 , 1 ; to lie in wait for Lit. RV. x , 85 , 32 ; to go to , go towards , approach ; to meet with , reach , find ; to encounter , attack ; to commence , undertake Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kum. Lit. Ragh. : Caus. [ -sādayati ] , to cause to sit down ; to set down , put down , place Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BhP. ; to cause , effect Lit. BhP. ; to approach , meet with , find , reach , obtain Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Megh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
आसत्ति [ āsatti ] [ ā-satti ] f. vicinity , proximity
intimate union
uninterrupted sequence ( of words = [ saṃ-nidhi ] q.v.) , continual succession Lit. Sāh. Lit. Nyāyak. Lit. Ragh.
perplexity Lit. MBh.
reaching , obtaining
gain , profit Lit. L.
आसन्न [ āsanna ] [ ā́-sanna ] m. f. n. seated down , set down Lit. AV. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. AitBr.
near , proximate Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Megh. Lit. Kathās.
reached , obtained , occupied Lit. BhP.
[ āsanna ] n. nearness , vicinity , proximity Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
end , death Lit. L.
आसन्नकाल [ āsannakāla ] [ ā́-sanna-kāla ] m. the hour of death
[ āsannakāla ] m. f. n. one who has reached his time or hour (of death) .
आसन्नकालिक [ āsannakālika ] [ āsanna-kālika ] m. f. n. near in time, Lit. Pāṇ. v, 4, 20, Sch.
आसन्नक्षय [ āsannakṣaya ] [ ā́-sanna-kṣaya ] m. f. n. one whose ruin is near.
आसन्नचर [ āsannacara ] [ ā́-sanna-cara ] m. f. n. moving round about in the proximity Lit. Kum.
आसन्नतर [ āsannatara ] [ ā́-sanna-tara ] m. f. n. nearer
आसन्नतरता [ āsannataratā ] [ ā́-sanna-tara--tā ] f. greater nearness Lit. Hit.
आसन्ननिवासिन् [ āsannanivāsin ] [ ā́-sanna-nivāsin ] m. f. n. living in the vicinity , a neighbour Lit. L.
आसन्नप्रसवा [ āsannaprasavā ] [ ā́-sanna-prasavā ] f. a female (of an animal) whose (time of) parturition is near or who is about to bring forth (young ones) Lit. Hit.
आसन्नयोधिन् [ āsannayodhin ] [ āsanna-yodhin ] m. f. n. (an arrow) employed in close fight, Lit. MBh.
आसन्नवर्तिन् [ āsannavartin ] [ ā́-sanna-vartin ] m. f. n. being or abiding in the neighbourhood or vicinity Lit. Kathās.
आसाद [ āsāda ] [ ā-sādá ] m. a footstool , cushion Lit. AV. xv , 3 , 8 Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
an eating-room, kitchen, Lit. Kauś.
आसादन [ āsādana ] [ ā-sādana ] n. putting or laying down Lit. KātyŚr.
reaching , getting possession of Lit. MBh. Lit. Ratnāv.
आसादयितव्य [ āsādayitavya ] [ ā-sādayitavya ] m. f. n. accessible , attainable
to be attacked or encountered Lit. R. Lit. Ragh.
आसादित [ āsādita ] [ ā-sādita ] m. f. n. put down
आसाद्य [ āsādya ] [ ā-sādya ]2 ind. ind.p. having put down
आसिसादयिषु [ āsisādayiṣu ] [ ā-sisādayiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of the Caus.) , being about or wishing to attack Lit. R.
आसन् [ āsan ] [ ā-√ san ]2 P. (Impv. 2. sg. [ ā́-sanuhi ] Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 70) to gain , obtain ; ( for 1. [ āsan ] and [ āsanya ] see under 3. [ ās ] .)
आसन [ āsana ] [ āsana ] see 2. √ [ ās ] .
आसन्द [ āsanda ] [ āsanda ] m. ( probably fr. √ [ sad ] ) , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
[ āsandī ] f. a chair or stool (generally made of basket work) Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. TS.
आसन्दीवत् [ āsandīvat ] [ āsandī-vat ] m. N. of a country Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. ( 1320,2 )
आसन्दीसद् [ āsandīsad ] [ āsandī-sád ] m. f. n. sitting on a chair Lit. ŚBr. xii , 8 , 3 , 4.
आसन्दिका [ āsandikā ] [ āsandikā ] f. a little chair Lit. Kād.
आसपिण्डक्रियाकर्म [ āsapiṇḍakriyākarma ] [ ā-sapiṇḍa-kriyā-karma ] ind. till the Śrāddha or funeral ceremony of which the Sapiṇḍas ( q.v.) partake Lit. Mn. iii , 247.
आसपुट [ āsapuṭa ] [ āsa-puṭá ] m. (fr. 2. [ āsa ] + [ p ] °) ashes wrapped in a leaf, Lit. TBr.
आसप्तम [ āsaptama ] [ ā-saptama ] m. f. n. reaching or extending to the seventh Lit. MuṇḍUp. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R.
आसफखान [ āsaphakhāna ] [ āsapha-khāna ] m. = Āsaf Khān, Lit. Inscr.
आसमञ्ज [ āsamañja ] [ āsamañja ] m. a descendant of Asamañja Lit. R. i , 42 , 9.
आसमाप्ति [ āsamāpti ] [ ā-samāpti ] ind. (from the beginning) to the end, Lit. Rājat.
आसमुद्रान्तम् [ āsamudrāntam ] [ ā-samudrāntam ] ind. as far as the shore of the ocean (including it) Lit. R.
आसंबाध [ āsaṃbādha ] [ ā-saṃbādha ] crowded , blocked up Lit. R.
आसया [ āsayā ] [ āsayā ] see 4. [ ās ] .
आसात् [ āsāt ] [ āsā́t ] ind. ( fr. an ideal base [ āsa ] ) , from or in the proximity , near Lit. RV.
आसाद [ āsāda ] [ āsāda ] see [ ā-√ sad ] .
आसादना [ āsādanā ] [ āsā-danā ] f. attacking, assailing, Lit. Jātakam.
आसायम् [ āsāyam ] [ ā-sāyam ] ind. till evening.
आसर्वा [ āsarvā ] [ āsarvā ] f. N. of a queen of Kṛishṇapa, Lit. Inscr.
आसार [ āsāra ] [ ā-sāra ] see [ ā-√ śri ] .
आसि [ āsi ] [ ā-√ si ] P. (pf. [ ā́-siṣāya ] Lit. RV. x , 28 , 10) to wrap or pack up.
आसिक [ āsika ] [ āsika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ asi ] ) , combating with a sword Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
आसिका [ āsikā ] [ āsikā ] see 2. √ [ ās ] .
आसिच् [ āsic ] [ ā-√ sic ]1 P. Ā. [ -siñcati ] , [ -te ] , to pour in , fill up Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to pour on , be sprinkle , water , wet Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās. Lit. : Caus. [ -secayati ] , to pour in or on Lit. ĀśvGṛ. and Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Mn.
आसिक्त [ āsikta ] [ ā́-sikta ] m. f. n. poured in or on Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
आसिच् [ āsic ] [ ā-sí c ]2 f. pouring in or towards
an oblation of Soma or butter (poured out towards or for the gods) Lit. RV. ii , 37 , 1 and vii , 16 , 11.
आसेक [ āseka ] [ ā-seka ] m. wetting , sprinkling , watering Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
आसेक्य [ āsekya ] [ āsekya ] see s.v. 1.
आसेचन [ āsecana ] [ ā-sécana ] n. pouring into , wetting , sprinkling Lit. KātyŚr.
a reservoir or vessel for fluids Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
आसेचनवत् [ āsecanavat ] [ ā-sécana-vat ] m. f. n. serving for sprinkling Lit. ĀśvGṛ. iv , 3 , 16 Lit. KātyŚr.
आसिध् [ āsidh ] [ ā-√ sidh ] Caus. [ -sedhayati ] , to imprison Comm. on Lit. Yājñ.
आसिद्ध [ āsiddha ] [ ā-siddha ] m. f. n. put under restraint , imprisoned Comm. on Lit. Yājñ.
आसेद्धृ [ āseddhṛ ] [ ā-seddhṛ ] m. one who confines , imprisons Lit. ib.
आसेध [ āsedha ] [ ā-sedha ] m. arrest , custody , legal restraint of four kinds , ( [ kālāsedha ] , limitation of time ; [ sthānāsedha ] , confinement to a place ; [ pravāsāsedha ] , prohibition against removal or departure ; [ karmāsedha ] , restriction from employment) Lit. ib.
आसिधार [ āsidhāra ] [ āsidhāra ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ asi-dhārā ] ) , relating to or being like the edge of a sword (e.g. [ °ṃ vratam ] , a vow as difficult as standing on the edge of a sword Lit. Ragh. xii , 67) Lit. Kathās.
आसिनासि [ āsināsi ] [ āsināsi ] m. ( fr. [ asi-nāsa ] g. [ taulvaly-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 61) , a descendant of Asināsa.
आसिबन्धिक [ āsibandhika ] [ āsibandhika ] m. ( fr. [ asi-bandha ] Lit. ib.) , a descendant of Asi-bandha.
आसिव् [ āsiv ] [ ā-√ siv ] P. [ -sīvyati ] , to sew together.
आसीवन [ āsīvana ] [ ā-sīvana ] n. sewing together or on Lit. Kāṭh.
आस्यूत [ āsyūta ] [ ā-syūta ] m. f. n. sewn together Lit. Bhartṛ.
आसीतकी [ āsītakī ] [ āsītakī ] f. a kind of plant Lit. Lalit.
आसीमान्तम् [ āsīmāntam ] [ ā-sīmāntam ] ind. extending to the boundary Lit. Kathās. lvi , 306.
आसु [ āsu ] [ ā-√ su:3 ] P. [ -sunóti ] , (Subj. 2. pl. [ -sunótā ] Lit. AV. xx , 127 , 7 and [ ā́-sotā ] Lit. RV. ix , 108 , 7) to press out (Soma juice) ; to distil Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp.
आसव [ āsava ] [ ā-sava ]1 m. distilling , distillation Lit. L.
rum , spirit distilled from sugar or molasses , spirituous liquor in general
juice Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Vikr. Lit. Prab. Lit. Yājñ.
the nectar or juice of a flower Lit. Śiś. vi , 7
the nectar or juice of the lips (of a woman) , Lit. Śāntiś.
आसवद्रु [ āsavadru ] [ ā-sava-dru ] m. N. of the Palmyra tree Borassus Flabelliformis (its juice , on fermenting , affords a spirituous liquor Lit. L.)
आसाव [ āsāva ] [ ā-sāva ] m. (a priest) who presses out the Soma juice Lit. RV. viii , 103 , 10.
आसाविन् [ āsāvin ] [ ā-sāvin ] m. f. n. one who is about to generate, Lit. L.
आसाव्य [ āsāvya ] [ ā-sāvya ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 26) m. f. n. to be pressed out.
आसुत् [ āsut ] [ ā-sut ] m. f. n. pressing out , distilling , (g. [ gahādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 138.)
आसुत [ āsuta ] [ ā-suta ] n. a manner of pressing the Soma Lit. ChUp. v , 12 , 1
a mixture Lit. Bhpr.
आसुति [ āsuti ] [ ā-sutí ]1 f. a brew , mixture Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
distillation Lit. L.
आसुतिमत् [ āsutimat ] [ ā-sutí -mat ] m. f. n. (g. [ madhv-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 86) mixed with liquors (?) .
आसुतीवल [ āsutīvala ] [ āsutī-vala ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 112) , a priest (who prepares the Soma)
one who prepares or sells spirituous liquors , a distiller , brewer Lit. L.
आसुक [ āsuka ] [ āsuka ] n. N. of a Sāman.
आसुर [ āsura ] [ āsurá ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. [ asura ] ) , spiritual , divine Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
belonging or devoted to evil spirits
belonging or relating to the Asuras Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Prab. Lit. Daś.
infernal , demoniacal
[ āsura ] m. an Asura or demon Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. Pāṇ.
a form of marriage (in which the bridegroom purchases the bride from her father and paternal kinsmen) Lit. ĀśvGṛ. i , 6 , 6 Lit. Mn. iii , 31 ( cf. [ vivāha ] )
m. pl. the stars of the southern hemisphere Lit. Sūryas.
m. a prince of the warrior-tribe Asura Lit. Pāṇ.
[ āsura ] m. a division of medicine (surgery , curing by cutting with instruments , applying the actual cautery)
N. of the plant Sinapis Ramosa Lit. L.
the urethra Lit. BhP.
n. blood
black salt Lit. L.
आसुर [ āsura ] [ āsura ]2 m. f. n. belonging to Āsuri (below) .
आसुरस्व [ āsurasva ] [ āsura-sva ] n. the property of the A°, Lit. Mn. xi, 20( Page1320,3 )
आसुरायण [ āsurāyaṇa ] [ āsurāyaṇá ] m. ( fr. [ ā́suri ] below) , a descendant of Āsuri Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BṛĀrUp. Lit. MBh.
N. of a school.
आसुरायणीय [ āsurāyaṇīya ] [ āsurāyaṇīya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ āsurāyaṇa ] ) , belonging to or coming from Āsurāyaṇa.
आसुरि [ āsuri ] [ ā́suri ] m. ( f ( [ ī ] ) . Lit. L. ) , ( fr. [ asura ] ) , N. of a teacher Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BṛĀrUp.
आसुरिवासिन् [ āsurivāsin ] [ ā́suri-vāsin ] m. N. of Prāśnī-putra Lit. ŚBr.
आसुरीकल्प [ āsurīkalpa ] [ āsurī-kalpa ] m. N. of a Tantra.
N. of the 35th Pariśishṭa of the Lit. AV.
आसुरीय [ āsurīya ] [ āsurīya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ āsuri ] ) Lit. Pat. on Lit. Kāty. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 19.
आसू [ āsū ] [ ā-√ sū ] P. [ ā́-suvati ] √ 1. (p. [ -suvāná ] ) to excite towards ; to throw to , send off towards ; to assign to , bring quickly , procure ; to yield , grant Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ( 160,3 )
आसव [ āsava ] [ ā-savá ]2 m. exciting , enlivening Lit. VS.
आसवितृ [ āsavitṛ ] [ ā-savitṛ ] m. exciting , exciter Lit. ŚBr.
आसुति [ āsuti ] [ ā-sutí ]2 f. exciting , enlivening Lit. RV. i , 104 , vii , 97 , 7.
आसूत्रय [ āsūtraya ] [ ā-sūtraya ] Nom. ( fr. [ sūtra ] ) .
आसूत्रित [ āsūtrita ] [ ā-sūtrita ] m. f. n. tied on or round , forming or wearing a garland.
आसृ [ āsṛ ] [ ā-√ sṛ ] P. [ -sarati ] , to hasten towards , come running Lit. RV. Lit. AV. : Caus. Pass. [ -śāryate ] , to be undertaken or begun Lit. Hariv.
आसार [ āsāra ] [ ā-sāra ] m. surrounding an enemy
incursion , attack Lit. L.
a hard shower Lit. MBh. Lit. Megh. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Mālav. Lit. Kathās.
a king whose dominions are separated by other states and who is an ally in war Lit. Kām.
आसारशर्करा [ āsāraśarkarā ] [ ā-sāra-śarkarā ] f. pl. hailstorm Lit. BhP.
a particular metre.
आसारण [ āsāraṇa ] [ ā-sāraṇa ] m. N. of a Yaksha Lit. BhP.
आसृज् [ āsṛj ] [ ā-√ sṛj ] P. (Impv. 2. sg. [ ā́-sṛja ] ) Ā. (pf. 3. pl. [ ā́-sasṛjire ] ) to pour out upon , pour in Lit. RV. ; to admit (a stallion to a mare) Lit. RV. ix , 97 , 18 ; to adorn , decorate Lit. RV. v , 52 , 6 ; to carry near ; to procure Lit. KātyŚr.
आसृष्टि [ āsṛṣṭi ] [ ā-sṛṣṭi ] ind. since the creation of the world, Lit. Kathās.
आसेक्य [ āsekya ] [ āsekya ] m. ( fr. [ a-seka ] ) , impotent , a man of slight generative power Lit. Suśr. i , 318 , 8.
आसेचन [ āsecana ] [ āsecana ]2 m. f. n. = [ a-secana ] qq.v. Lit. L.
( for 1. [ ā-secana ] see [ ā-√ sic ] .)
आसेचनक [ āsecanaka ] [ āsecanaka ]2 m. f. n. = [ a-secanaka ] qq.v. Lit. L.
आसेद्धृ [ āseddhṛ ] [ ā-seddhṛ ] see [ ā-√ sidh ] .
आसेव् [ āsev ] [ ā-√ sev ] ( rarely P.) Ā. [ -sevati ] , [ -te ] , to frequent ; to abide in , inhabit , dwell on Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kāvyâd. ; to attend to , serve ; to honour ; to take the part of , side with Lit. BhP. ; to enjoy (sexual intercourse) ; to indulge in , like ; to perform assiduously , practise Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Megh. Lit. Kum.
आसेवन [ āsevana ] [ ā-sevana ] n. abiding in Lit. Rājat.
assiduous practice or performance of anything Lit. Pāṇ.
आसेवा [ āsevā ] [ ā-sevā ] f. id. Lit. ib.
आसेवित [ āsevita ] [ ā-sevita ] m. f. n. frequented
practised assiduously.
आसेविन् [ āsevin ] [ ā-sevin ] m. f. n. frequenting , inhabiting Lit. Kathās.
zealously cultivating or performing anything Lit. Rājat.
आसेव्य [ āsevya ] [ ā-sevya ] m. f. n. to be frequented or visited , Lit. Kāvyapr.
आस्कन्द् [ āskand ] [ ā-√ skand ] P. [ -skandati ] , to leap , skip (see [ ā-skándam ] ) ; to invade , attack , assault Lit. Mālatīm. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP.
आस्कन्द [ āskanda ] [ ā-skandá ] m. ascending , mounting , jumping upon Lit. Kathās.
attack , assault Lit. Rājat.
a die (especially the fourth) Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
a manner of recitation Lit. Lāṭy.
आस्कन्दन [ āskandana ] [ ā-skandana ] n. going towards
assailing , attack
battle , combat Lit. Kathās.
reproach , abuse Lit. L.
drying Lit. L.
आस्कन्दम् [ āskandam ] [ ā-skándam ] ind.p. leaping , skipping Lit. VS.
आस्कन्दित [ āskandita ] [ ā-skandita ] m. f. n. subject to or burdened with
[ āskandita ] n. ( [ am ] ) a horse's gallop Lit. L.
[ āskanditaka ] n. ( [ °akam ] ) a horse's gallop Lit. L.
आस्कन्दिन् [ āskandin ] [ ā-skandin ] m. f. n. jumping upon Lit. Ragh.
causing to jump away , giving away , granting Lit. Kathās.
a robber Lit. L.
आस्कभ् [ āskabh ] [ ā-√ skabh ] P. ( [ -skabhnā́ti ] Lit. RV. x , 6 , 3) to fix firmly into , stick into.
आस्कु [ āsku ] [ ā-√ sku ] P. ( [ -skauti ] Lit. ŚBr. and [ -skunóti ] Lit. AV. xii , 4 , 6) to pull , pluck , tear.
आस्क्र [ āskra ] [ ā́skra ] m. f. n. (√ [ kram ] Lit. Sāy. , fr. [ skṛ ] = √ 1. [ kṛ ] Lit. BRD.) , attacking , assaulting ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) )
joined , united ( ( Lit. BRD. ) ) Lit. RV. i , 186 , 2 ,
आस्तर [ āstara ] [ ā-stara ] see [ ā-√ stṛ ] .
आस्तायन [ āstāyana ] [ āstāyana ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ asti ] , " existent " g. [ pakṣādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 80) , belonging to something existent.
आस्ताव [ āstāva ] [ ā-stāvá ] m. (√ [ stu ] ) , the place where a particular Stotra is sung Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
आस्तिक [ āstika ] [ āstika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ asti ] , " there is or exists " Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 60) , one who believes in the existence (of God , of another world , )
believing , pious , faithful Lit. MBh. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Suśr.
आस्तिकार्थद [ āstikārthada ] [ āstikārtha-da ] m. " granting Āstika's request " , N. of the king Janamejaya (who at the request of the sage Āstika ( see [ āstīka ] ) excepted the Nāga Takshaka from the destruction to which he had doomed the serpent-race) Lit. L.
आस्तिक्य [ āstikya ] [ āstikya ] n. ( fr. [ āstika ] ) , belief in God , piety , faithfulness
a believing nature or disposition Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhag. Lit. BhP.
आस्तेय [ āsteya ] [ āsteya ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 56) belonging to something existent.
आस्तीक [ āstīka ] [ āstīka ] m. N. of a Muni (the son of Jaratkāru and Bhaginī Jaratkāru) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ āstīka ] m. f. n. relating to or treating of the Muni Āstika
( [ āstīkaṃ parva ] , a section of the first book of the Mahā-bhārata.)
आस्तुभ् [ āstubh ] [ ā-√ stubh ] P. [ -stobhati ] , to receive or attend with shouts of joy ; to huzza to Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
आस्तृ [ āstṛ ] [ ā-√ stṛ ] P. Ā. [ -stṛṇoti ] , [ -stṛṇute ] , [ -starati ] , [ -te ] ( generally ind.p. [ ā-stīrya ] q.v.) to , scatter over , cover , bestrew , spread Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛ. Lit. KātyŚr.
आस्तर [ āstara ] [ ā-stara ] m. covering
a coverlet , blanket , carpet
a bed , cushion , Lit. Śāntiś. Lit. Kathās.
N. of a man.
आस्तरण [ āstaraṇa ] [ ā-stáraṇa ] f. n. the act of spreading
[ āstaraṇa ] n. a carpet , rug
a cushion , quilt , bed-clothes
a bed
a layer of sacred grass spread out at a sacrifice Lit. AV. xv , 3 , 7 Lit. AitBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
an elephant's housings , a painted cloth or blanket worn on his back.
आस्तरणवत् [ āstaraṇavat ] [ ā-stáraṇa-vat ] m. f. n. covered with a cloth or carpet Lit. R. Lit. MBh.
आस्तरणिक [ āstaraṇika ] [ āstaraṇika ] m. f. n. resting on a cloth or carpet Lit. R.
आस्तार [ āstāra ] [ ā-stāra ] m. spreading , strewing , scattering.
आस्तारपङ्क्ति [ āstārapaṅkti ] [ ā-stāra-paṅkti ] f. N. of a metre (the first verse of which consists of two Pādas of eight syllables each , the second of two Pādas of twelve syllables each) Lit. RAnukr.
आस्तारक [ āstāraka ] [ ā-stāraka ] m. a fire-receptacle , grate Lit. Bhpr.
आस्तीर्ण [ āstīrṇa ] [ ā-stīrṇa ] m. f. n. spread , strewed , scattered Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Ragh.
covered Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
आस्तीर्य [ āstīrya ] [ ā-stīrya ] ind.p. having scattered over or strewed
covering , spreading Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Kauś.
आस्तृत [ āstṛta ] [ ā́-stṛta ] m. f. n. = [ ā-stīrṇa ] above Lit. VS. Lit. VP. Lit. BhP.
आस्त्रबुध्न [ āstrabudhna ] [ āstrabudhná ] m. N. of a man Lit. RV. x , 171 , 3.
आस्था [ āsthā ] [ ā-√ sthā ]1 P. Ā. [ -tiṣṭhati ] , [ -te ] , to stand or remain on or by ; to ascend , mount ; to stay near , go towards , resort to Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kum. ; to act according to , follow Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to undertake , perform , do , carry out , practise , use Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās. ; to side or take part with , be of the opinion of ; to maintain , affirm Lit. Pat. ; to acknowledge ; to take care for , have regard for Lit. MBh. Lit. Sarvad. : Caus. [ -sthāpayati ] , to cause to ascend Lit. Kauś. ; to cause to stay or stop ; to arrest , stop Lit. RV. Lit. Kauś. ; to fix into , put into Lit. AitBr. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās. ; to hurt Lit. RV. ; to constipate ; to strengthen Lit. Suśr. ; to introduce Lit. Sāh.
आस्था [ āsthā ] [ ā-sthā ]2 f. consideration , regard , care , care for (with loc. e.g. [ mayy āsthā ] , care for me) Lit. Hit. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās.
assent , promise Lit. L.
confidence , hope
prop , stay , support Lit. L.
place or means of abiding Lit. L.
an assembly Lit. L.
state , condition Lit. L.
आस्थातृ [ āsthātṛ ] [ ā-sthātṛ́ ] m. f. n. standing on , mounting on Lit. RV. vi , 47 , 26.
आस्थान [ āsthāna ] [ ā-sthā́na ] n. place , site , ground , base Lit. VS. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
an assembly
a hall of audience Lit. Kathās. Lit. L.
आस्थानगृह [ āsthānagṛha ] [ ā-sthā́na-gṛha ] n. an assembly-room Lit. L.
आस्थानमण्डप [ āsthānamaṇḍapa ] [ ā-sthā́na-maṇḍapa ] m. and n. a hall of audience Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kād.
आस्थानीय [ āsthānīya ] [ āsthānīya ] m. f. n. belonging to an assembly
[ āsthānīya ] m. chamberlain Lit. Rājat.
आस्थापन [ āsthāpana ] [ ā-sthāpana ] n. placing , fixing , causing to stay or remain
a strengthening remedy
an enema of oil , ghee , Lit. Suśr.
आस्थापित [ āsthāpita ] [ ā-sthāpita ] m. f. n. placed , fixed ,
[ āsthāpita ] n. ( gaṇa Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 146) , a particular Sandhi Lit. RPrāt. Lit. APrāt.
आस्थाय [ āsthāya ] [ ā-sthāya ] ind.p. having recourse to , using , employing
having ascended
standing , standing by.
आस्थायिका [ āsthāyikā ] [ ā-sthāyikā ] f. access , audience
(e.g. [ āsthāyikāṃ dā ] , to give an audience.)
आस्थित [ āsthita ] [ ā-sthita ] m. f. n. staying or sitting on , dwelling on , abiding Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
come or fallen into
one who has undertaken or performed Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Mn. Lit. Śiś.
being , existing Lit. BhP. Lit. Hit.
acknowledging , believing Lit. Sarvad.
stayed , dwelt , inhabited
ascended Lit. Ragh. Lit. BhP.
undertaken , performed Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
brought , carried to Lit. BhP.
आस्थेय [ āstheya ] [ ā-stheya ] m. f. n. to be approached
to be seized
to be applied or practised Lit. R.
to be regarded as
to be acknowledged or adopted (as an opinion) Lit. Sarvad.
आस्नान [ āsnāna ] [ ā-snā́na ] n. (√ [ snā ] ) , water for washing , a bath Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 65.
आस्नेय [ āsneya ] [ ā́sneya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ asan ] ) , bloody , being in blood Lit. AV. xi , 8 , 28.
आस्पद [ āspada ] [ āspada ] n. (ifc. mf ( [ ā ] ) n. fr. [ pada ] with [ ā ] prefixed , [ s ] being inserted) , place , seat , abode Lit. Śak. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Daś.
the tenth lunar mansion Lit. VarBṛ.
business , affair
dignity , authority
power Lit. L.
आस्पदता [ āspadatā ] [ āspada-tā ] f. and the state of being the place or abode of.
आस्पदत्व [ āspadatva ] [ āspada-tva ]and n. the state of being the place or abode of.
आस्पन्द् [ āspand ] [ ā-√ spand ] Ā. [ -spandate ] , to palpitate , quiver Lit. R.
आस्पन्दन [ āspandana ] [ ā-spandana ] n. trembling , quivering Lit. BhP.
आस्पात्र [ āspātra ] [ ās-pātra ] see 3. [ ās ] .
आस्पृ [ āspṛ ] [ ā-√ spṛ ] P. [ -spṛṇoti ] , to procure for one's self Lit. ŚBr.
आस्पृश् [ āspṛś ] [ ā-√ spṛś ]
आश्पृश्य [ āśpṛśya ] [ ā-śpṛśya ] ind.p. having touched softly Lit. BhP.
आस्पृष्ट [ āspṛṣṭa ] [ ā-spṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. touched softly or gently Lit. ŚBr.
आस्फल् [ āsphal ] [ ā-√ sphal ] Caus. [ -sphālayati ] , to cause to flap ; to rock , shake , throw Lit. Hariv. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Uttarar. ; to tear asunder Lit. BhP.
आस्फाल [ āsphāla ] [ ā-sphāla ] m. causing to flap or move
flapping , clapping
rebounding , recoiling Lit. Naish.
the flapping motion of an elephant's ears towards each other Lit. L.
आस्फालन [ āsphālana ] [ ā-sphālana ] n. rubbing , stirring , flapping
clashing , colliding , collision Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak. Lit. Hit. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Śiś.
pride , arrogance Lit. L.
आस्फालित [ āsphālita ] [ ā-sphālita ] m. f. n. struck gently
caused to move
flapped , clapped , struck together.
आस्फानक [ āsphānaka ] [ ā-sphānaka ] n. a partic. meditation (?), Lit. Lalit.
आस्फाय् [ āsphāy ] [ ā-√ sphāy ] Ā. [ -sphāyate ] , to grow , increase Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
आस्फार [ āsphāra ] [ ā-sphāra ] m. ( fr. √ [ sphar ] = √ [ sphal ] ?) , a dice-board Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. x , 34 , 1 and 8.
आस्फुजित् [ āsphujit ] [ āsphujit ] = 1 N. of the planet Venus.
आस्फुट् [ āsphuṭ ] [ ā-√ sphuṭ ] Caus. [ -sphoṭayati ] , to split open , crush , grind Lit. Kathās. ; to move , agitate quickly ; to shake Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.
आस्फोट [ āsphoṭa ] [ ā-sphoṭa ] m. ( and f ( [ ā ] ) . Lit. L.) moving or flapping to and fro
quivering , trembling , shaking
the sound of clapping or striking on the arms (as made by combatants , wrestlers , ) Lit. MBh.
a species of plant Lit. L.
आस्फोटक [ āsphoṭaka ] [ ā-sphoṭaka ] m. a species of plant Lit. L.
आस्फोटन [ āsphoṭana ] [ ā-sphoṭana ] n. shaking , moving to and fro Lit. R. Lit. MBh.
slapping or clapping the arms or the noise made by it
stretching Lit. VarBṛ. Lit. Suśr.
blowing , expanding Lit. L.
closing , sealing Lit. L.
[ āsphoṭanī ] f. a gimlet or auger Lit. L.
आस्फोत [ āsphota ] [ ā-sphota ] m. ( probably for [ ā-sphoṭa ] above ) , N. of several plants , viz. Calotropis Gigantea ( Lit. Suśr.) , Bahinia Variegata , Echites Dichotoma Lit. L.
[ āsphotā ] f. N. of several plants , viz. Jasminum Sambac ( Lit. Suśr.) , Clitoria Ternatea (of two kinds , with white and blue flowers Lit. Bhpr.) , Echites Frutescens , Echites Dichotoma Lit. L.
आस्फोतक [ āsphotaka ] [ ā-sphotaka ] m. Calotropis Gigantea Lit. L.
आस्फुर [ āsphura ] [ ā-sphura ] m. a place for gambling with dice (cf. [ ā ] - [ sphāra ] ), Lit. MBh.
आस्फुल् [ āsphul ] [ ā-√ sphul ] = [ ā-√ sphal ] above.
आस्माक [ āsmāka ] [ āsmāká ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ asmākam ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 1 and 2) , our , ours Lit. VS. Lit. Sāh.
आस्य [ āsya ] [ āsyá ] see 4. [ ās ] .
आस्यन्द् [ āsyand ] [ ā-√ syand ] Ā. [ -syandate ] (p. [ -syándamāna ] ) , to stream or flow towards or near Lit. AV. iii , 12 , 3 Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. and Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
आस्यन्दन [ āsyandana ] [ ā-syandana ] n. flowing near Lit. Nir.
आस्यहात्य [ āsyahātya ] [ āsyahātya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ asy-a-hatya ] g. [ vimuktādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 61) , containing the word [ asy-a-hatya ] , " non-killing with a sword " (as a chapter) or (g. [ anuśatikādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 20) belonging to a non-massacre ( ( [ asi-hatya ] and [ āsihātya ] Lit. Kāś. ) )
आस्यूत [ āsyūta ] [ ā-syūta ] see [ ā-√ siv ] .
आस्र [ āsra ] [ āsra ] m. distress, Lit. L.
[ āsra ] n. "a tear" or "blood" (cf. 1. 2. [ asra ] ), Lit. L.
आस्रंस् [ āsraṃs ] [ ā-√ sraṃs ]
आस्रस्त [ āsrasta ] [ ā-srasta ] m. f. n. fallen off , loose Lit. MBh.
आस्रप [ āsrapa ] [ āsrapa ] m. ( fr. [ asra-pa ] ) , the nineteenth lunar mansion (presided over by the Rākshasa Asra-pa) Lit. L.
= [ asra-pa ] ( q.v.) Lit. T.
आस्रु [ āsru ] [ ā-√ sru ]1 P. [ -sravati ] , to flow near or towards ; to flow , stream , flow from Lit. BhP. Lit. Sarvad. ; to spring a leak ; to flow off , go off , deteriorate Lit. AV. v , 19 , 8 ; ii , 29 , 7 : Caus. [ -srāvayati ] and [ -sravayati ] , to cause to flow ; to bleed , cup Lit. Kām. ; to impel Lit. Sarvad.
आस्रव [ āsrava ] [ ā-srava ] m. the foam on boiling rice Lit. L.
a door opening into water and allowing the stream to descend through it Lit. Sarvad.
(with Jainas) the action of the senses which impels the soul towards external objects ( one of the seven Sattvas or substances ; it is two fold , as good or evil) Lit. Sarvad.
distress , affliction , pain Lit. L.
(with Lit. Buddh.) impurity, defilement, sin
(with Jainas) the influence or action of body and mind and speech in impelling the soul to generate Karma.
आस्राव [ āsrāva ] [ ā-srāvá ] m. flow , issue , running , discharge Lit. Suśr.
suppuration Lit. MBh.
pain , affliction
a particular disease of the body Lit. AV. i , 2 , 4 ; ii , 3 , 3-5
the objects of sense Lit. Āp.
accord. to some in Lit. AV.= "diarrhoea" .
आस्रावभेषज [ āsrāvabheṣaja ] [ ā-srāvá-bheṣajá ] n. a medicament , medicine Lit. AV. vi , 44 , 2.
आस्राविन् [ āsrāvin ] [ ā-srāvin ] m. f. n. flowing , emitting fluid , discharging humour (as an elephant who emits fluid from his temples during the rutting time) Lit. MBh.
suppurating , festering Lit. Suśr.
आस्रु [ āsru ] [ ā-sru ]2 m. f. n. flowing or streaming in abundance.
आस्रुपयस् [ āsrupayas ] [ ā-sru-payas ] m. f. n. one whose milk is streaming away in abundance (as a cow) Lit. BhP. x , 13 , 30.
आस्वद् [ āsvad ] [ ā-√ svad ] P. [ -svadati ] , to eat , consume Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -svādayati ] , to taste , enjoy , eat with a relish Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. VarBṛ. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Pañcat.
आस्वाद [ āsvāda ] [ ā-svāda ] m. eating with a relish , tasting , enjoying (also metaphorically) Lit. Mn. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Yājñ.
flavour , taste Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Megh.
आस्वादवत् [ āsvādavat ] [ ā-svāda-vat ] m. f. n. having a good taste , palatable
delicious in flavour Lit. Ragh.
आस्वादक [ āsvādaka ] [ ā-svādaka ] m. f. n. tasting , enjoying Lit. Sāh.
आस्वादन [ āsvādana ] [ ā-svādana ] n. the act of eating , tasting , enjoying Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Hit.
आस्वादनीय [ āsvādanīya ] [ ā-svādanīya ] m. f. n. pleasant, Lit. Mahāvy.
आस्वाद्य [ āsvādya ] [ ā-svādya ] m. f. n. to be eaten
to be tasted or enjoyed Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
having a good taste , palatable delicious.
आस्वाद्य [ āsvādya ] [ ā-svādya ] n. food, Lit. Daś.
आस्वाद्यतोय [ āsvādyatoya ] [ ā-svādya-toya ] m. f. n. having sweet or palatable water (as a stream) Lit. Hit.
आस्वन् [ āsvan ] [ ā-√ svan ] P. (pf. 3. pl. [ -svenus ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ.) to resound.
आस्वनित [ āsvanita ] [ ā-svanita ] and m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 28) sounded , resounded.
आस्वान्त [ āsvānta ] [ ā-svānta ]and m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 28) sounded , resounded.
आस्वापन [ āsvāpana ] [ āsvāpana ] n. sleep, Lit. Divyâv.
आस्विद् [ āsvid ] [ ā-√ svid ] Ā. (p. pf. [ -siṣvidāná ] Lit. RV. x , 106 , 10) to sweat , perspire.
आह [ āha ] [ āha ]1 ind. an interjection
a particle implying reproof
sending Lit. L.
आह [ āha ] [ ā́ha ]2 perf. 3. sg. of the defect. √ 1. [ ah ] q.v.
आहक [ āhaka ] [ āhaka ] m. a peculiar disease of the nose , inflammation of the Schneiderian membrane.
आहंकारिक [ āhaṃkārika ] [ āhaṃkārika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ ahaṃkāra ] ) , belonging to Ahaṃ-kāra or self-consciousness Lit. MBh.
आहंकार्य [ āhaṃkārya ] [ āhaṃkārya ] erroneously for [ ahaṃkārya ] q.v.
आहन् [ āhan ] [ ā-√ han ] P. [ -hanti ] (Impv. [ ā́-jahi ] Lit. AV. ; pf. [ ā́-jaghāna ] Lit. RV. ) Ā. [ -hate ] ( only if no object follows Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 28, or if the object is a part of one's own body Lit. Kāty. ; Pot. 1. sg. [ -ghnīya ] Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 62 Lit. Daś.) to strike at , hit , beat ; to attack , assault Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. : (Ā.) to strike one's self (or any part of one's body) Lit. BhP. Lit. Pāṇ. and Comm. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to make away with one's self Lit. Daś. 91 , 15 ; to fasten Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ; to beat or cause to sound (a drum ) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. : Intens. [ ā́-jaṅghanti ] Lit. RV. vi , 75 , 13 , to strike at or beat violently.
आहत [ āhata ] [ ā́-hata ] m. f. n. struck , beaten , hit , hurt Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum. Lit. Kathās. Lit. VarBṛ.
fastened , fixed Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
beaten , caused to sound (as a drum ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Ragh.
crushed , rubbed Lit. Śiś.
rendered null , destroyed , frustrated Lit. BhP. Lit. VarBṛS.
multiplied Lit. VarBṛS.
hit , blunted ( said of a Visarga , when changed to [ o ] ) Lit. Sāh.
uttered falsely Lit. L.
known , understood Lit. L.
repeated , mentioned Lit. L.
n. old cloth or raiment Lit. L.
new cloth or clothes Lit. L.
assertion of an impossibility Lit. L.
आहतलक्षण [ āhatalakṣaṇa ] [ ā́-hata-lakṣaṇa ] m. f. n. one whose marks or characteristics are mentioned , famed , reputed Lit. L.
आहतविसर्गता [ āhatavisargatā ] [ ā́-hata-visarga-tā ] f. the deadening of a Visarga or its change into [ o ] Lit. Sāh.
आहति [ āhati ] [ ā-hati ] f. hitting , striking
a blow , hit Lit. Kathās. Lit. Ratnāv. Lit. Kpr.
(in arith.) a product , Lit. Āryabh. Lit. Bījag.
आहत्यवचन [ āhatyavacana ] [ ā-hatya-vacana ] n. and an explicit or energetic explanation.
आहत्यवाद [ āhatyavāda ] [ ā-hatya-vāda ]and m. an explicit or energetic explanation.
आहनन [ āhanana ] [ ā-hánana ] n. the act of striking at , beating Lit. KātyŚr.
killing (an animal) Lit. AV.
a stick for beating a drum Lit. AV. xx , 133 , 1.
आहननप्रकार [ āhananaprakāra ] [ ā-hánana-prakāra ] m. f. n. fit for beating Lit. ĀpŚr.
आहनन्य [ āhananya ] [ āhananyá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ ā-hanana ] ) , being in the act of beating (a drum ) Lit. VS. xvi , 35.
आहनस् [ āhanas ] [ ā-hanás ] m. f. n. to be beaten or pressed out (as Soma)
to be skimmed (as milk) Lit. RV.
to be beaten (as an unchaste woman)
unchaste , wanton
obscene , lascivious , profligate Lit. RV. v , 42 , 13 ; x , 10 , 6. 8.
आहनस्य [ āhanasya ] [ ā-hanasya ] n. unchasteness , lasciviousness Lit. AitBr.
lascivious words , obscenity Lit. ŚBr.
[ āhanasyā ] f. pl. ( scil. [ ṛcas ] ) verses of a lascivious character
f. a chapter of the Kuntāpa hymns in the Atharva-veda Lit. AitBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
f. (with [ an-ā-hanasya ] mfn. chaste , decent Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Lit. HirGṛ.)
आहर [ āhara ] [ ā-hara ] see [ ā-√ hṛ ] .
आहर्य् [ āhary ] [ ā-√ hary ] P. (p. [ -háryat ] Lit. RV. x , 105 , 1) Ā. (p. [ -háryamāṇa ] Lit. RV. x , 96 , 11) to like ; to foster.
आहलक् [ āhalak ] [ āhálak ] [ āhalak ] ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) and [ āhálam ] ( ( Lit. TS. ) ) ind. a smacking sound.
आहलम् [ āhalam ] [ āhálam ] [ āhalak ] ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) and [ āhálam ] ( ( Lit. TS. ) ) ind. a smacking sound.
आहव [ āhava ] [ ā-hava ] see [ ā-√ hu ] & [ ā-√ hve ] .
आहस [ āhasa ] [ ā-hasa ] m. a quiet laugh, Lit. Vās.
आहस्पत्य [ āhaspatya ] [ āhaspatya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ ahas-pati ] ) , belonging to the lord of the day or to the sun , Lit. MantraBr. Lit. Gobh.
आहार [ āhāra ] [ ā-hāra ] see [ ā-√ hṛ ] .
आहाव [ āhāva ] [ ā-hāva ] see [ ā-√ hu ] & [ ā-√ hve ] .
आहि [ āhi ] [ ā-√ hi ] Ā. ( 3. pl. [ ā́-hinvire ] Lit. RV. ix , 74 , 8) to carry near ; to procure.
आहिंस् [ āhiṃs ] [ ā-√ hiṃs ] Ā. [ -hiṃsate ] , to attack , make war upon Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
आहिंसि [ āhiṃsi ] [ āhiṃsi ] m. a descendant of Ahiṃsā.
आहिंसायन [ āhiṃsāyana ] [ āhiṃsāyana ] m. ( fr. [ āhiṃsi ] g. [ taulvalyādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 61) , a descendant of Āhiṃsi.
आहिच्छत्त्र [ āhicchattra ] [ āhicchattra ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ ahi-cchattra ] , or [ °ā ] ) , coming from the country Ahicchattra or its city Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pat.
आहिच्छत्त्रिक [ āhicchattrika ] [ āhicchattrika ] m. an inhabitant of the country Ahicchattra or its city.
आहिण्ड् [ āhiṇḍ ] [ ā-√ hiṇḍ ] to roam, Lit. Divyâv.
आहिण्डक [ āhiṇḍaka ] [ āhiṇḍaka ] m. and [ āhiṇḍika ] a man of mixed origin (the son of a Nishāda father and a Vaidehī mother Lit. Mn. x , 37 ; employed as a watchman outside gaols Comm. on Lit. Mn.)
a traveller ( in Prākṛit ) Lit. Mṛicch.
आहित [ āhita ] [ ā-hita ] and [ ā-hiti ] see [ ā-√ dhā ] .