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प्रसह् [ prasah ] [ pra-√ sah ] Ā. [ -sahate ] ( rarely P. [ °ti ] : ind.p. [ -sahya ] see below) , to conquer , be victorious Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to bear up against , be a match for or able to withstand , sustain , endure (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to check , restrain Lit. R. ; to be able to (inf.) Lit. MBh.
प्रसक्षिन् [ prasakṣin ] [ pra-sakṣí n ] m. f. n. overpowering , victorious Lit. RV.
प्रसह् [ prasah ] [ pra-sáh ] ( [ °sā́h ] ) m. f. n. id. Lit. RV.
प्रसह [ prasaha ] [ pra-saha ] m. f. n. (ifc.) enduring withstanding Lit. Kām.
[ prasaha ] m. endurance , resistance (see [ duṣ-pr ] )
a beast or bird of prey Lit. Car. Lit. Suśr.
प्रसहन [ prasahana ] [ pra-sahana ] m. a beast of prey Lit. L.
[ prasahana ] n. resisting , overcoming Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 33 ( [ °ne√ kṛ ] g. [ sākṣād-ādi ] , where Lit. Kāś. )
embracing Lit. Kāvyâd. Sch.
प्रसहिष्णु [ prasahiṣṇu ] [ pra-sahiṣṇu ] see [ a-pras ] . 1.
प्रसह्य [ prasahya ] [ pra-sahya ] m. f. n. to be conquered or resisted
capable of being conquered or resisted (inf. with pass. sense) Lit. MBh. 2.
प्रसह्य [ prasahya ] [ pra-sahya ] ind. having conquered or won Lit. Mālav. i , 2
using force , forcibly , violently Lit. Mn. Lit. Gaut.
exceedingly , very much Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Mṛicch.
at once , without more ado Lit. Kathās.
necessarily , absolutely , by all means (with [ na ] , " by no means " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. Var. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
प्रसह्यकारिन् [ prasahyakārin ] [ pra-sahya--kārin ] m. f. n. acting with violence Lit. MārkP.
प्रसह्यचौर [ prasahyacaura ] [ pra-sahya--caura ] m. " violent thief " , a robber , plunderer Lit. L.
प्रसह्यहरण [ prasahyaharaṇa ] [ pra-sahya--haraṇa ] n. forcible abduction , robbing , plundering Lit. MBh.
प्रसह्योढा [ prasahyoḍhā ] [ pra-sahyoḍhā ] f. married by force Lit. ib.
प्रसह्वन् [ prasahvan ] [ pra-sahvan ] m. f. n. overpowering , defeating Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
प्रसाह [ prasāha ] [ pra-sāha ] m. overpowering , defeating , force , violence (see [ a- ] and [ duṣ-pr ] )
controlling one's self Lit. MW.
प्रसातिका [ prasātikā ] [ prasātikā ] f. pl. a kind of rice with small grains Lit. MārkP. ( [ praśāt ] Lit. Car. ; ef. [ prasādhikā ] ) .
प्रसाद [ prasāda ] [ pra-sāda ] see [ pra- ] √ [ sad ] .
प्रसाध् [ prasādh ] [ pra-√ sādh ] Caus. [ -sādhayati ] , to reduce to obedience or subjection , subdue Lit. TS. Lit. Mn. ; to reduce to order , arrange , settle Lit. AV. Lit. Kām. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Suśr. ; to adorn , decorate Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. ; to manage , perform , execute , accomplish Lit. RV. ; to gain , acquire Lit. Vcar. Lit. Pañcat. ; to find out by calculation Lit. Gaṇit. ; to prove , demonstrate Lit. Nīlak.
प्रसाधक [ prasādhaka ] [ pra-sādhaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) adorning , beautifying Lit. Vāsav. Lit. MārkP.
accomplishing , perfecting Lit. W.
cleansing , purifying Lit. ib.
[ prasādhaka ] m. an attendant who dresses his master , valet de chambre Lit. Kām. Lit. Ragh.
[ prasādhikā ] f. a lady's maid Lit. Ragh.
[ prasādhaka ] m. wild rice Lit. Bhpr. ( cf. [ pracātikā ] ) .
प्रसाधन [ prasādhana ] [ pra-sā́dhana ] m. f. n. accomplishing , effecting Lit. RV.
[ prasādhana ] m. a comb Lit. L.
[ prasādhanī ] f. id. ( [ keśa-pr ] ) , Lit. Sśr.
[ prasādhana ] m. a partic. drug (= [ siddhi ] ) Lit. L.
n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) bringing about , perfecting Lit. Nir.
n. arranging , preparing. Lit. Suśr.
embellishment , decoration , toilet and its requisites Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
w.r. for [ °sādana ]
प्रसाधनविधि [ prasādhanavidhi ] [ pra-sā́dhana--vidhi ] m. mode of decoration or embellishment Lit. Kathās.
प्रसाधनविशेष [ prasādhanaviśeṣa ] [ pra-sā́dhana--viśeṣa ] m. the highest decoration , most excellent ornament Lit. Kālid.
प्रसाधित [ prasādhita ] [ pra-sādhita ] m. f. n. accomplished , arranged , prepared ( [ a-pras ] , [ su-pr ] ) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.
proved Lit. MW.
ornamented , decorated Lit. W.
प्रसाधिताङ्ग [ prasādhitāṅga ] [ pra-sādhitāṅga ] m. f. n. having the limbs ornamented or decorated Lit. MW.
प्रसाध्य [ prasādhya ] [ pra-sādhya ] m. f. n. to be mastered or conquered Lit. R.
accomplishable , practicable Lit. W.
to be destroyed or defeated Lit. ib.
प्रसामि [ prasāmi ] [ pra-sāmí ] ind. incompletely , partially , half Lit. ŚBr.
प्रसार [ prasāra ] [ pra-sāra ] see [ pra- ] √ [ sṛ ] .
प्रसाह [ prasāha ] [ pra-sāha ] see [ pra- ] √ [ sah ] .
प्रसि [ prasi ] [ pra-√ si:1 ] ( only Ā. pf. [ siṣye ] , with pass. meaning) , to bind-render harmless Lit. Rājat.
प्रसयन [ prasayana ] [ pra-sayana ] n. used to explain [ pra-siti ] Lit. Nir. vi , 12. 1.
प्रसित [ prasita ] [ pra-sita ] m. f. n. ( for 2. see below) bound , fastened Lit. W.
diligent , attentive , attached or devoted to , engrossed by , engaged in , occupied with (loc. or instr. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 44) Lit. Ragh. Lit. Siddh.
lasting , continuous Lit. SaddhP. 1.
प्रसिति [ prasiti ] [ prá-siti ] f. ( [ prá- ] ) ( for 2. see below) a net for catching birds Lit. RV. iv , 4 , 1 ( Lit. Nir. Lit. Sāy.)
a ligament , binding , fetter Lit. L.
प्रसिच् [ prasic ] [ pra-√ sic ] P. [ -siñcati ] , to pour out , shed , emit Lit. AV. , ; to sprinkle , water Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to fill (a vessel) Lit. KaushUp.: Pass. [ -sicyate ] , to be poured out or flow forth Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. ; to be watered i.e. refreshed Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -secayati ] , to pour into (loc.) Lit. Yājñ.
प्रसिक्त [ prasikta ] [ pra-sikta ] m. f. n. poured out Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Suśr.
(ifc.) sprinkled with Lit. MBh.
प्रसेक [ praseka ] [ pra-seka ] m. flowing forth , dropping , oozing , effusion Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr.
emission , discharge Lit. Ṛitus.
sprinkling , wetting Lit. L.
exudation , resin Lit. R.
running or watering of the mouth or nose , vomiting , nausea Lit. Suśr.
( [ -tā ] f. id. Lit. ŚārṅgS. )
the bowl of a spoon or ladle Lit. KātyŚr.
प्रसेकता [ prasekatā ] [ pra-seka--tā ] f. , see [ praseka ] , id. Lit. ŚārṅgS.( 697,3 )
प्रसेकिन् [ prasekin ] [ pra-sekin ] m. f. n. discharging a fluid Lit. Suśr.
suffering from morbid flow of saliva Lit. ib.
प्रसेचन [ prasecana ] [ pra-secana ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) the bowl of a spoon or ladle Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
प्रसेचनवत् [ prasecanavat ] [ pra-secana--vat ] m. f. n. having a bowl or spout (for pouring out fluids) Lit. ĀpŚr.
प्रसित [ prasita ] [ prá-sita ]2 m. f. n. (√ 2. [ si ] ; cf. [ pra-si ] above ) darting along Lit. RV.
[ prasita ] n. pus , matter Lit. L. 2.
प्रसिति [ prasiti ] [ prá-siti ] f. ( [ prá- ] ) ( for 1. see above ) onward rush , onset , attack , assault Lit. RV.
a throw , cast , shot , missile Lit. VS. Lit. TBr.
stretch , reach , extension , sphere Lit. RV.
succession , duration Lit. VS.
dominion , power , authority , influence Lit. RV.
प्रसिध् [ prasidh ] [ pra-√ sidh:2 ] P. Ā. [ -sedhati ] , [ °te ] , to drive on Lit. RV. Lit. TāṇḍBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
प्रसिध् [ prasidh ] [ pra-√ sidh:3 ] P. [ -sidhyati ] , ( rarely Ā. [ te ] ) , to be accomplished or effected , succeed Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to result from (abl.) Lit. Mn. xii , 97 ; to be explained or made clear Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 122.
प्रसिद्ध [ prasiddha ] [ pra-siddha ] m. f. n. ( [ prá- ] ) brought about , accomplished Lit. Kum. ( [ a-pras ] )
arranged , adorned (as hair) Lit. ib.
well known , notorious , celebrated Lit. TS.
प्रसिद्धक्षत्रियप्राय [ prasiddhakṣatriyaprāya ] [ pra-siddha--kṣatriya-prāya ] m. f. n. consisting for the most part of renowned Kshatriyas Lit. MW.
प्रसिद्धता [ prasiddhatā ] [ pra-siddha--tā ] f. ( Lit. Nīlak.) celebrity , notoriety.
प्रसिद्धत्व [ prasiddhatva ] [ pra-siddha--tva ] n. ( Lit. Sarvad.) celebrity , notoriety.
प्रसिद्धक [ prasiddhaka ] [ pra-siddhaka ] m. N. of a prince descended from Janaka (son of Maru and father of Kṛitti-ratha) Lit. R.
प्रसिद्धि [ prasiddhi ] [ pra-siddhi ] f. accomplishment , success , attainment Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Kām. Lit. BhP.
proof , argument Lit. Kathās.
general opinion , publicity , celebrity , renown , fame , rumour Lit. Var. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
प्रसिद्धिमत् [ prasiddhimat ] [ pra-siddhi--mat ] m. f. n. universally known , famous Lit. Kathās.
प्रसिद्धिविद्याविरुद्ध [ prasiddhividyāviruddha ] [ prasiddhi-vidyā-viruddha ] m. f. n. contrary to common sense and science, Lit. Kpr.
प्रसिद्धिविरुद्धता [ prasiddhiviruddhatā ] [ pra-siddhi--viruddha-tā ] f. the state of being opposed to general opinion , Lit. Sāh. (= [ khyāti-v ] )
प्रसिद्धिहत [ prasiddhihata ] [ pra-siddhi--hata ] m. f. n. having no value , very trivial Lit. Kpr.
प्रसिव् [ prasiv ] [ pra-√ siv ] P. [ -sīvyati ] , to sew up Lit. ŚBr.
प्रसीदिका [ prasīdikā ] [ prasīdikā ] f. a small garden Lit. L. (v.l. [ prasedikā ] ) .
प्रसु [ prasu ] [ pra-√ su:3 ] Caus. [ -sāvayati ] , to cause continuous pressing (of Soma) Lit. Nidānas.
प्रसव [ prasava ] [ pra-savá ]1 m. ( for 2. and 3. see p. 698 , col. 1) the pressing out (Soma juice) Lit. RV. Lit. ŚrS.
प्रसवित्र [ prasavitra ] [ pra-savitra ] n. (prob.) a Soma press Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 144 Sch.
प्रसुत् [ prasut ] [ pra-sút ] m. f. n. streaming forth (as Soma from the press) Lit. SV.
[ prasut ] f. (continued) pressing (of Soma) Lit. TāṇḍBr.
प्रसुत [ prasuta ] [ prá-suta ] m. f. n. ( [ prá- ] ) pressed or pressing continuously Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.
[ prasuta ] m. the Soma so pressed
n. continued pressing of Soma Lit. ChUp.
m. or n. a partic. high number (see [ mahā-pr ] ) .
प्रसुति [ prasuti ] [ pra-suti ] f. a Soma sacrifice Lit. Hcat.
प्रसुव [ prasuva ] [ pra-suva ] m. = [ °sava ] above Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
प्रसुप् [ prasup ] [ pra-sup ] [ pra-supta ] see under [ pra-√ svap ] .
प्रसुश्रुत [ prasuśruta ] [ pra-suśruta ] m. N. of a prince (son of Maru) Lit. Pur. ( cf. [ pra-śuśruka ] ) .
प्रसुह्म [ prasuhma ] [ pra-suhma ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.
प्रसू [ prasū ] [ pra-√ sū:1 ] P. [ -suvati ] , [ -sauti ] , (Impv. [ -suhi ] with v.l. [ -sūhi ] Lit. KātyŚr.) , to set in motion , rouse to activity , urge , incite , impel , bid , command Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. ; to allow , give up to , deliver Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ; to hurl , throw , Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Sch.
प्रसव [ prasava ] [ prá-sava ]2 m. ( for 1. [ pra- ] √ 3. [ su ] ) setting or being set in motion , impulse , course , rush , flight Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr.
stimulation , furtherance , aid Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br.
pursuit , acquisition Lit. VS.
= next Lit. TBr. 1.
प्रसवितृ [ prasavitṛ ] [ pra-savitṛ ] m. ( for 2. see below) an impeller , exciter , vivifier Lit. VS. Lit. Br. 2.
प्रसविन् [ prasavin ] [ pra-savin ] m. f. n. ( for 2. see below) impelling , exciting Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 157.
प्रसवीतृ [ prasavītṛ ] [ pra-savītṛ́ ] m. = [ prasavitṛ ] Lit. RV. 1.
प्रसूति [ prasūti ] [ pra-sūti ] ( [ prá- ] ) f. ( for 2. see below) instigation , order , permission Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. Lit. Kāṭh.
प्रसू [ prasū ] [ pra-√ sū:2 ] Ā. [ -sūte ] , [ -sūyate ] , ( rarely P. [ -savati ] , [ -sauti ] ; once Pot. [ -sunuyāt ] Lit. Vajracch.) , to procreate , beget , bring forth , obtain offspring or bear fruit , produce Lit. Br. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; ( mostly Ā. [ -sūyate ] , rarely [ °ti ] ) to be born or produced , originate , arise Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
प्रसव [ prasava ] [ pra-savá ]3 m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; for 1. 2. see above ) begetting , procreation , generation , conception , parturition , delivery , birth , origin Lit. VS.
augmentation , increase Lit. MBh.
birthplace Lit. ib. Lit. Śaṃk.
offspring , posterity Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( [ kisalaya-pr ] , " a young shoot " Lit. Ragh.)
a flower Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr. ( also n. Lit. R.)
fruit Lit. L.
प्रसवकर्मकृत् [ prasavakarmakṛt ] [ pra-savá--karma-kṛt ]3 m. one who performs the act of begetting , begetter Lit. MBh.
प्रसवकाल [ prasavakāla ] [ pra-savá--kāla ]3 m. the time of delivery or bringing forth Lit. Var.
प्रसवगृह [ prasavagṛha ] [ pra-savá--gṛha ]3 n. a lying-in chamber Lit. MW.
प्रसवधर्मन् [ prasavadharman ] [ pra-sava-dharman ] m. f. n. subject to the condition of birth, Lit. Bcar.
प्रसवधर्मिन् [ prasavadharmin ] [ pra-savá--dharmin ]3 m. f. n. characterized by production , productive , prolific Lit. ib.
प्रसवबन्धन [ prasavabandhana ] [ pra-savá--bandhana ]3 n. the footstalk of a leaf or flower Lit. L.
प्रसवमास [ prasavamāsa ] [ pra-savá--māsa ]3 m. the last month of pregnancy Lit. MW.
प्रसवविकार [ prasavavikāra ] [ pra-savá--vikāra ]3 m. a prodigy happening at the birth of a child Lit. Var.
प्रसववेदना [ prasavavedanā ] [ pra-savá--vedanā ]3 f. the pangs of childbirth , throes of labour Lit. Pañcat.
प्रसवसमय [ prasavasamaya ] [ pra-savá--samaya ]3 m. = [ -kāla ] Lit. Var.
प्रसवस्थली [ prasavasthalī ] [ pra-savá--sthalī ]3 f. " birthplace " , a mother Lit. Mahān.
प्रसवस्थान [ prasavasthāna ] [ pra-savá--sthāna ]3 n. a receptacle for young. a nest Lit. MW.
प्रसवोत्थान [ prasavotthāna ] [ pra-savotthāna ]3 n. N. of the 17th Pariśishṭa of the Yajur-veda
प्रसवोन्मुख [ prasavonmukha ] [ pra-savonmukha ]3 m. f. n. expecting child. birth , about to be delivered Lit. Ragh.
प्रसवक [ prasavaka ] [ pra-savaka ] m. Buchanania Latifolia Lit. L.
प्रसवत् [ prasavat ] [ pra-savat ] m. f. n. bringing forth , bearing
[ prasavantī ] f. a woman in labour Lit. Mn. iv , 44.
प्रसवन [ prasavana ] [ pra-savana ] n. bringing forth , bearing children , fecundity Lit. Hit. (v.l.)
प्रसवापिता [ prasavāpitā ] [ pra-savāpitā ] f. delivered Lit. DivyA7v. 2.
प्रसवितृ [ prasavitṛ ] [ pra-savitṛ ] m. ( for 1. see [ pra ] √ 1. [ sū ] ) a begetter , father Lit. Bālar. Lit. Prasannar.
[ prasavitrī ] f. ( [ trī ] ) a mother Lit. L.
bestowing progeny Lit. MBh. 2.
प्रसविन् [ prasavin ] [ pra-savin ] m. f. n. ( for 1. see [ pra- ] √ 1. [ sū ] ) bringing forth , bearing children Lit. Megh. Lit. MārkP. Lit. Car.
प्रसू [ prasū ] [ pra-sū́ ] m. f. n. bringing forth , bearing , fruitful , productive Lit. RV.
(ifc.) giving birth to ( cf. [ pitṛ-pr ] , [ putrikā-pr ] , [ strī-pr ] )
[ prasū ] f. a mother Lit. Inscr. Lit. L.
a mare Lit. L.
a young shoot , tender grass or herbs , sacrificial grass Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. KātyŚr.
a spreading creeper , the plantain Lit. L.
प्रसूतात [ prasūtāta ] [ prasū-tāta ] m. du. father and mother, Lit. L.
प्रसूमत् [ prasūmat ] [ pra-sū́--mat ] m. f. n. ( Lit. AV.) furnished with flowers.
प्रसूमय [ prasūmaya ] [ pra-sū--maya ] m. f. n. ( Lit. ĀpŚr.) furnished with flowers.
प्रसूवर [ prasūvara ] [ pra-sū́--vara ] m. f. n. (f ( [ ī ] ) . [ varī ] Lit. RV.) furnished with flowers.
प्रसूका [ prasūkā ] [ pra-sūkā ] f. a mare Lit. L.
प्रसूत [ prasūta ] [ pra-sūta ] m. f. n. ( [ prá- ] ) procreated , begotten , born , produced , sprung ( " by " or " from " abl. or gen. ; " in " loc. or comp. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 39) Lit. Up. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
[ prasūta ] m. pl. ( or sg. with [ gaṇa ] ) N. of a class of gods under Manu Cākshusha Lit. Hariv. Lit. MārkP.
n. a flower Lit. L.
any productive source Lit. MW.
(in Sāṃkhya) the primordial essence or matter Lit. Tattvas.
[ prasūtā ] f. a woman who has brought forth a child , recently delivered (also = finite verb) Lit. AV. 2.
प्रसूति [ prasūti ] [ pra-sūti ] f. ( for 1. see [ pra- ] √ 1. [ su ] ) procreation , generation , bringing forth (children or young) , laying (eggs) , parturition , birth Lit. Mn. iv , 84 ( [ -tas ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
coming forth , appearance , growth (of fruit , flowers ) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Prab.
a production , product (of plants or animals) Lit. MBh.
a procreator , father or mother Lit. Hariv. Lit. Var. Lit. Ragh.
a child , offspring , progeny Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. and e.
N. of a daughter of Manu and wife of Daksha Lit. Pur.
प्रसूतिज [ prasūtija ] [ pra-sūti--ja ] n. " birth-produced " , pain (resulting as a necessary consequence of birth) Lit. L.
प्रसूतिवायु [ prasūtivāyu ] [ pra-sūti--vāyu ] m. air generated in the womb during the pangs of childbirth Lit. MW.
प्रसूतिका [ prasūtikā ] [ pra-sūtikā ] f. recently delivered Lit. Yājñ. Sch.
(ifc.) giving birth to ( cf. [ naśyat-pr ] )
(a cow) that has calved Lit. Cāṇ. ( cf. [ sakṛt-pr ] ) .
प्रसून [ prasūna ] [ pra-sūna ] m. f. n. born , produced (= [ -sūta ] or [ jāta ] ) Lit. L.
[ prasūna ] n. (ifc. [ ā ] ) a flower , blossom Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
fruit Lit. L.
प्रसूनबाण [ prasūnabāṇa ] [ pra-sūna--bāṇa ] m. " having fruit for arrows " , the god of love Lit. Kām.
प्रसूनमाला [ prasūnamālā ] [ pra-sūna--mālā ] f. a garland of fruit Lit. Mālatīm.
प्रसूनवर्ष [ prasūnavarṣa ] [ pra-sūna--varṣa ] m. a shower of fruit (rained from heaven) Lit. BhP.
प्रसूनवितति [ prasūnavitati ] [ prasūna-vitati ] f. a nosegay, Lit. Cāṇ.
प्रसूनस्तबक [ prasūnastabaka ] [ pra-sūna--stabaka ] m. a bunch of blossoms or fruit Lit. BhP.
प्रसूनाञ्जलि [ prasūnāñjali ] [ pra-sūnāñjali ] m. f. n. presenting a nosegay held in both hands opened and hollowed (= [ puṣpāñjali ] ) Lit. Cat.
प्रसूनाशुग [ prasūnāśuga ] [ pra-sūnāśuga ] m. ( Lit. Naish.) = [ °na-bāṇa ] .
प्रसूनेषु [ prasūneṣu ] [ pra-sūneṣu ] m. ( Lit. Naish.) = [ °na-bāṇa ] .
प्रसूनक [ prasūnaka ] [ pra-sūnaka ] m. a kind of Kadamba Lit. L.
[ prasūnaka ] n. a flower Lit. L.
प्रसूयत् [ prasūyat ] [ pra-sūyat ] m. f. n. being born Lit. MBh. xiii , 5687.
प्रसूका [ prasūkā ] [ pra-sūkā ] see col.1.
प्रसूच् [ prasūc ] [ pra-√ sūc ] P. [ -sūcayati ] , to indicate , manifest Lit. MBh.
प्रसृ [ prasṛ ] [ pra-√ sṛ ] P. [ -sisarti ] , (only Ved.) and [ sarati ] ( sometimes also Ā. [ °te ] ) , to move forwards , advance ( " for " or " against " acc.) , proceed (lit. and fig.) , spring up , come forth , issue from (abl.) , appear , rise , spread , extend Lit. RV. ; to break out (as fire , a disease ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.) ; to be displaced (as the humours of the boy) Lit. Suśr. ; to be diffused (as odour) Lit. Kathās. ; to pass. elapse (as night) Lit. Vikr. ; to commence , begin Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Kathās. ( also Pass. e.g. [ prāsāri yājñah ] , " the sacrifice began " Lit. ŚBr.) ; to prevail , hold good , take place Lit. Sarvad. ; to stretch out (hands) Lit. RV. ; to agree , promise Lit. Inscr. : Caus. [ -sārayati ] , to stretch out , extend Lit. VS. ; to spread out , expose (wares for sale) Lit. Mn. Lit. R. ; to open wide (eyes , mouth , ) , Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. BhP. ; to diffuse , circulate , exhibit Lit. Var. Lit. Śaṃk. ; to prosecute , transact Lit. Kād. ; (in gram.) to change a semivowel into the corresponding vowel Lit. Pat. : Intens. ( [ -sasre ] , [ °rāte ] , [ °rāṇa ] ) to extend , be protracted , last Lit. RV.
प्रसर [ prasara ] [ pra-sara ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) going forwards , advance , progress , free course , coming forth , rising , appearing , spreading , extension , diffusion Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kād. Lit. Śaṃk.
range (of the eye) Lit. Amar.
prevalence , influence Lit. Śak.
boldness , courage Lit. Mṛicch.
a stream , torrent , flood Lit. Gīt. Lit. BhP.
(in med.) morbid displacement of the humours of the body Lit. Suśr.
multitude , great quantity Lit. Śiś.
a fight , war Lit. L.
an iron arrow Lit. L.
speed Lit. L.
affectionate solicitation Lit. L.
प्रसरयुत [ prasarayuta ] [ pra-sara--yuta ] m. f. n. possessing extension , extensive (as a forest) Lit. R.
प्रसरण [ prasaraṇa ] [ pra-saraṇa ] n. going forth , running away , escaping Lit. Mṛicch.
(in med.) = [ °sara ] Lit. Suśr.
holding good , prevailing Lit. TPrāt. Sch.
complaisance , amiability Lit. BhP.
spreading over the country to forage Lit. L.
= next Lit. L.
प्रसरणि [ prasaraṇi ] [ pra-saraṇi ] ( or [ °ṇī ] ) f. surrounding an enemy Lit. L.
प्रसार [ prasāra ] [ pra-sāra ] m. spreading or stretching out , extension Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kull.
a trader's shop Lit. Nalac.
opening (the mouth) Lit. Vop.
raising (dust) Lit. Bālar.
= prec. Lit. L.
प्रसारण [ prasāraṇa ] [ pra-sāraṇa ] n. (fr. Caus.) stretching or spreading not , extending , diffusing , displaying , developing Lit. Br. Lit. Bhāshāp. Lit. Suśr.
augmentation , increase Lit. Kām.
changing a semivowel into a vowel Lit. APrāt. Sch. ( cf. [ sam-pras ] )
= [ °saraṇi ] Lit. L.
spreading over the country for collecting forage Lit. L.
[ prasāraṇī ] f. = [ °saraṇi ] Lit. L.
Paederia Foetida Lit. L.
प्रसारणिन् [ prasāraṇin ] [ pra-sāraṇin ] m. f. n. containing a semivowel liable to be changed into a vowel Lit. Pāṇ. Vārtt.
प्रसारित [ prasārita ] [ pra-sārita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) held forth , stretched out , expanded , spread , diffused Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
laid out , exhibited , exposed (for sale) Lit. R.
published , promulgated Lit. Var. Lit. Śaṃk.
प्रसारितगात्र [ prasāritagātra ] [ pra-sārita--gātra ] m. f. n. with outstretched limbs ( [ su-pr ] ) Lit. Sāh.
प्रसारितभोग [ prasāritabhoga ] [ pra-sārita--bhoga ] m. f. n. (a serpent) with expanded coils Lit. Pañcat.
प्रसारिताग्र [ prasāritāgra ] [ pra-sāritāgra ] m. f. n. (fingers) with extended tips Lit. Cat.
प्रसारिताङ्गुलि [ prasāritāṅguli ] [ pra-sāritāṅguli ] m. f. n. (a hand) with extended fingers Lit. L.
प्रसारिन् [ prasārin ] [ pra-sārin ] m. f. n. coming forth , issuing from (comp.) Lit. Śak.
spreading , extending (trans. and intrans. ; esp. stretching one's self out in singing) . Lit. PārGṛ. ( cf. [ vāk-pras ] ) Lit. Saṃgīt.
extending over (comp.) Lit. Sāh. ( [ °ri-tva ] n. )
going along gently , gliding , flowing , creeping Lit. W.
[ prasāriṇī ] f. (in music) , N. of a Sruti Lit. Saṃgīt.
Paederia Foetida Lit. Bhpr.
Mimosa Pudica Lit. L.
N. of wk.
प्रसारित्व [ prasāritva ] [ pra-sāri-tva ] n. , see [ prasārin ]
प्रसार्य [ prasārya ] [ pra-sārya ] ind. (fr. Caus.) having stretched out or put forth Lit. MBh. 2.
प्रसार्य [ prasārya ] [ pra-sārya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be changed into a vowel Lit. Pat.
प्रसृत [ prasṛta ] [ prá-sṛta ] m. f. n. come forth , issued from (abl. or comp.) Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
displaced (as the humours of the body) Lit. Suśr.
resounding (as tones) Lit. Kathās. (n. impers. with instr. " a sound rose from " Lit. ib.)
held or stretched out Lit. TBr. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Kathās.
wide-spreading Lit. MuṇḍUp. Lit. Bhag.
extending over or to (loc.) Lit. Kathās.
intent upon , devoted to (comp.) Lit. R. Lit. Vajracch.
prevailing , ordinary Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kāṭh.
intense , mighty , strong Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Daś. Lit. Kathās.
set out , departed , fled Lit. Daś. Lit. Kathās.
w.r. for [ pra-śrita ] , humble , modest , quiet Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ prasṛta ] m. the palm of the hand stretched out and hollowed as if to hold liquids Lit. GṛŚrS.
m. ( also n. Lit. L.) a handful (as a measure = 2 Palas) Lit. ŚBr. ( also [ -mātra ] n.) Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Suśr.
m. pl. N. of a class of deities under the 6th Manu Lit. VP.
[ prasṛtā ] f. the leg Lit. L.
[ prasṛta ] n. what has sprung up or sprouted , grass , plants , vegetables Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcar.
agriculture ( prob. w.r. for [ pra-mṛta ] ) Lit. L.
प्रसृतज [ prasṛtaja ] [ prá-sṛta--ja ] m. N. of a partic. class of sons Lit. MBh.
प्रसृतमात्र [ prasṛtamātra ] [ prá-sṛta--mātra ] n. see above
प्रसृतयावक [ prasṛtayāvaka ] [ prasṛta-yāvaka ] m. n. gruel prepared from a handful of barley, Lit. Baudh.
प्रसृताग्रप्रदायिन् [ prasṛtāgrapradāyin ] [ prá-sṛtāgra-pradāyin ] m. f. n. offering the best of all that has grown Lit. MBh.
प्रसृताग्रभुज् [ prasṛtāgrabhuj ] [ prá-sṛtāgra-bhuj ] m. f. n. eating the best Lit. ib.
प्रसृति [ prasṛti ] [ prá-sṛti ] f. ( [ prá- ] ) . streaming , flowing Lit. Śak.
(successful) progress Lit. TĀr.
extension , diffusion Lit. MBh.
swiftness , haste Lit. Nīlak.
the palm of the hollowed hand Lit. Kauś.
a handful as measure (= 2 Palas) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. BhP.
प्रसृतिम्पच [ prasṛtimpaca ] [ prá-sṛti--m-paca ] f. see [ nīvāra-pr ]
प्रसृतियावक [ prasṛtiyāvaka ] [ prá-sṛti--yāvaka ] m. eating groats made of not more than a handful of barley. Lit. Gaut.
प्रसृत्वर [ prasṛtvara ] [ prá-sṛtvara ] m. f. n. breaking forth Lit. Bhām.
प्रसृमर [ prasṛmara ] [ prá-sṛmara ] m. f. n. streaming forth Lit. Bhartṛ.
being at the head of (gen.) . Lit. Hcar.
प्रसृज् [ prasṛj ] [ pra-√ sṛj ] P. [ -sṛjati ] , (aor. P. [ -asrāk ] Ā. [ -asṛkṣata ] ) , to let loose , dismiss , send off to (acc.) Lit. RV. ; to give free course to ( anger , with acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to stretch out (the arms) Lit. RV. ; to scatter , sow Lit. MārkP. ; to engage in a quarrel with (loc.) Lit. MBh. ( prob. w.r. for [ pra-sajati ] ) : Pass. [ -sṛjyate ] , to go forth or out , leave home Lit. Gobh. Lit. Lāṭy. : Desid. [ -sisrikṣati ] , to wish to dismiss or send off Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
प्रसर्ग [ prasarga ] [ pra-sargá ] m. ( or [ °sárga ] ) pouring or flowing forth Lit. RV.
dismissal Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
प्रसर्जन [ prasarjana ] [ pra-sarjana ] m. f. n. darting forth Lit. Kauś.
प्रसृष्ट [ prasṛṣṭa ] [ pra-sṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. let loose , dismissed , set free Lit. MBh.
having free course , uncontrolled Lit. ib. Lit. Car.
given up , renounced Lit. Hariv. ( [ -vaira ] mfn. " one who has given up enmity " Lit. ib.)
hurt , injured Lit. MW.
w.r. for [ pra-mṛṣṭa ] Lit. R.
[ prasṛṣṭā ] f. pl. (prob.) a partic. movement in fighting Lit. MBh. ( = [ sarvāṅgasáṃśleṣaṇa ] Lit. VP. Sch.)
प्रसृष्टवैर [ prasṛṣṭavaira ] [ pra-sṛṣṭa--vaira ] m. f. n. , see [ prasṛṣṭa ] , " one who has given up enmity " Lit. ib.
प्रसृप् [ prasṛp ] [ pra-√ sṛp ] P. [ -sarpati ] , to creep up to , glide into (acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ; to advance , proceed , move towards (acc.) Lit. Vait. Lit. MBh. ; to stream or break forth Lit. MBh. Lit. Śiś. : to set in (as darkness) Lit. Kathās. ; to spread , extend , be diffused Lit. Śatr. Lit. Uttarar. ; to set to work , act , proceed in a certain way Lit. Kām. Lit. Kathās. ; to advance , progress Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
प्रसर्प [ prasarpa ] [ pra-sarpa ] m. going to the part of the sacrificial enclosure called the Sadas Lit. MBh. (= [ agni-visarjana ] Lit. Nīlak.)
[ prasarpa ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
प्रसर्पक [ prasarpaka ] [ pra-sarpaka ] m. an assistant who is under the superintendence of the Ṛitvij or a mere spectator at a sacrifice (so designated from entering the Sadas ; cf. prec.) Lit. ŚrS.
प्रसर्पण [ prasarpaṇa ] [ pra-sárpaṇa ] n. going forwards , entering (loc.) Lit. MBh.
= [ °sarpa ] Lit. ĀśvŚr.
a place of refuge , shelter Lit. RV.
प्रसर्पित [ prasarpita ] [ pra-sarpita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) crawling along Lit. Ṛitus.
प्रसर्पिन् [ prasarpin ] [ pra-sarpin ] m. f. n. coming forth , issuing from (comp.) Lit. Śak. (v.l.)
creeping along , crawling away Lit. Var.
going to the Sadas ( cf. [ °sarpaka ] ) Lit. ĀśvŚr.
प्रसृप्त [ prasṛpta ] [ pra-sṛpta ] m. f. n. spread , diffused Lit. Uttarar.
= [ °sarpaka ] Lit. KātyŚr.
प्रसृमर [ prasṛmara ] [ pra-sṛmara ] see [ pra- ] √ [ sṛ ] .
प्रसृष्ट [ prasṛṣṭa ] [ pra-sṛṣṭa ] see [ pra- ] √ [ srṛj ] .
प्रसेक [ praseka ] [ pra-seka ] [ pra-secana ] see under [ pra- ] .√ [ sic ] , p.697.
प्रसेकम् [ prasekam ] [ pra-sekam ] (ind.p. of [ pra ] -√ [ sic ] ) pouring out, Lit. BaudhP.
प्रसेदिका [ prasedikā ] [ prasedikā ] v.l. for [ prasīdikā ] q.v.
प्रसेदिवस् [ prasedivas ] [ pra-sedivas ] see [ pra- ] √ [ sad ] , p.696.
प्रसेन [ prasena ] [ pra-sena ]2 m. N. of a prince (son of Nighna or Nimna) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
of a king of Ujjayinī (succeeded by Vikramârka or Vikramâditya) . Lit. Inscr.
प्रसेनजित् [ prasenajit ] [ prasena-jit ] m. N. of sev. princes (esp. of a sovereign of Śrāvastī contemporary with Gautama Buddha Lit. MWB. 407) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
प्रसेव [ praseva ] [ pra-seva ] m. (√ [ siv ] ) a sack or a leather bottle Lit. L.
the damper on the neck of a lute Lit. L.
प्रसेवक [ prasevaka ] [ pra-sevaka ] m. a sack , bag Lit. Suśr. Lit. Nalac.
a damper ( = prec.) Lit. L.
[ prasevikā ] f. see [ carma-prasevikā ] .
प्रस्कण्व [ praskaṇva ] [ prá-s-kaṇva ] m. N. of a Vedic Ṛishi with the patr. Kāṇva (author of Lit. RV. i , 44-50 ; viii , 49 ; ix , 95 ; according to Lit. BhP. grandson of Kaṇva) Lit. RV. Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Nir.
pl. the descendants of Praskaṇva Lit. BrahmaP.
प्रस्कन्द् [ praskand ] [ pra-√ skand ] P. [ -skandati ] (ind.p. [ -skandya ] , or [ -skadya ] ) , to leap forth or out or up or down Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. MBh. ; to gush forth (as tears) Lit. Gaut. ; to fall into (acc.) Lit. R. ; to fall upon , attack Lit. MBh. ; to shed , spill Lit. Br. Lit. Up. : Caus. [ -skandayati ] . to cause to flow (a river ; others " to cross " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to pour out (as an oblation) Lit. MBh.
प्रस्कन्द [ praskanda ] [ pra-skanda ] m. a kind of root Lit. MBh. (v.l.)
प्रस्कन्दन [ praskandana ] [ pra-skandana ] m. f. n. leaping forward , attacking (said of Śiva) Lit. MBh.
one who has diarrhoea Lit. Car.
[ praskandana ] n. leaping over or across (comp.) Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
voiding excrement Lit. L.
a purgative Lit. Car.
प्रस्कन्दिका [ praskandikā ] [ pra-skandikā ] f. diarrhoea Lit. Car.
प्रस्कन्दिन् [ praskandin ] [ pra-skandin ] m. f. n. leaping into (comp.) . Lit. GopBr.
attacking , daring , bold Lit. Jātakam.
[ praskandin ] m. N. of a man Lit. L.
प्रस्कन्न [ praskanna ] [ pra-skanna ] m. f. n. shed , spilt Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
lost , gone Lit. BhP.
having attacked or assailed Lit. MBh.
[ praskanna ] m. a transgressor , sinner , one who has violated the rules of his caste or order Lit. W.
प्रस्कुन्द [ praskunda ] [ pra-skunda ] m. a support Lit. MBh. v , 2700 ( " an altar or elevated floor of a circular shape " Lit. Nīlak.)
प्रस्खल् [ praskhal ] [ pra-√ skhal ] P. [ -skhalati ] , to stagger forwards , reel , totter , stumble , tumble Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
प्रस्खलत् [ praskhalat ] [ pra-skhalat ] m. f. n. reeling , tottering Lit. Kathās.
प्रस्खलद्गति [ praskhaladgati ] [ pra-skhalad-gati ] m. f. n. with a tottering step Lit. ib.
प्रस्खलन [ praskhalana ] [ pra-skhalana ] n. the act of stumbling , reeling. falling Lit. BhP. Lit. Suśr.
प्रस्खलित [ praskhalita ] [ pra-skhalita ] m. f. n. staggering , stumbling Lit. MBh.
one who has failed Lit. Kām.
प्रस्तन् [ prastan ] [ pra-√ stan ] only Caus. [ -stanayati ] , to thunder forth Lit. RV.
प्रस्तब्ध [ prastabdha ] [ prá-stabdha ] m. f. n. (√ [ stambh ] ) stiff , rigid Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Suśr.
प्रस्तब्धगात्र [ prastabdhagātra ] [ prá-stabdha--gātra ] m. f. n. having stiff or rigid limbs Lit. Suśr.
प्रस्तम्भ [ prastambha ] [ prá-stambha ] m. becoming stiff or rigid Lit. ib.
प्रस्तर [ prastara ] [ pra-stara ] see [ pra- ] √ [ stṛ ] .
प्रस्तव [ prastava ] [ pra-stava ] see [ pra-√ stu ] .
प्रस्तिघ् [ prastigh ] [ pra-√ stigh ] to rise, Lit. MaitrS.
प्रस्तीत [ prastīta ] [ pra-stīta ] m. f. n. or [ pra-stīma ] (√ [ styai ] ; see Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 54) crowded together , swarming , clustering Lit. W.
sounded , making a noise Lit. ib.
प्रस्तीम [ prastīma ] [ pra-stīma ] m. f. n. or [ pra-stīta ] (√ [ styai ] ; see Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 54) crowded together , swarming , clustering Lit. W.
sounded , making a noise Lit. ib.
प्रस्तु [ prastu ] [ pra-√ stu ] P. [ -stauti ] ( in Lit. RV. also Ā. [ -stavate ] , with act. and pass. sense , and 1. sg. [ -stuṣe ] ) , to praise before (anything else) or aloud Lit. RV. ; to sing , chant (in general , esp. said of the Prastotṛi) Lit. Br. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. ChUp. ; to come to speak of introduce as a topic Lit. Prab. Lit. Hit. Lit. BhP. ; to undertake , commence , begin Lit. Mālav. Lit. Dhūrtas. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to place at the head or at the beginning Lit. Sarvad. : Caus. [ -stāvayati ] , to introduce as a topic , suggest Lit. MBh. Lit. Mālatīm.
प्रतुष्टुषु [ pratuṣṭuṣu ] [ pra-tuṣṭuṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid.) wishing to praise Lit. W.
wishing to begin Lit. MW.
प्रस्तव [ prastava ] [ pra-stava ] m. a hymn of praise , chant , song Lit. MārkP.
a favourable moment ( cf. [ a-pr ] ) Lit. R.
प्रस्ताव [ prastāva ] [ pra-stāva ] m. introductory eulogy , the introduction or prelude of a Sāman (sung by the Pra-stotṛi) Lit. Br. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. ChUp.
the prologue of a drama (= [ prasstāvanā ] ) Lit. Hariv.
introducing a topic , preliminary mention , allusion , reference Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat.
the occasion or subject of a conversation , topic Lit. ib.
occasion , opportunity , time , season , turn , convenience Lit. ib. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Hit. ( [ e ] or [ eṣu ] , on a suitable occasion , opportunity ; [ ena ] , incidentally , occasionally , suitably ; with [ tava ] , at your convenience)
beginning , commencement Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Hit.
sport , ease (= [ helā ] ) Lit. L.
N. of a prince (son of Udgītha) . Lit. BhP.
प्रस्तावक्रमेण [ prastāvakrameṇa ] [ pra-stāva--krameṇa ] ind. by way of introduction Lit. Hit.
प्रस्तावचिन्तामणि [ prastāvacintāmaṇi ] [ pra-stāva--cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.
प्रस्तावतरंगिणी [ prastāvataraṃgiṇī ] [ pra-stāva--taraṃgiṇī ] f. N. of wk.
प्रस्तावतस् [ prastāvatas ] [ pra-stāva--tas ] ind. on the occasion of ( [ kathā-pr ] , in course of conversation) Lit. Kathās.
प्रस्तावपाठक [ prastāvapāṭhaka ] [ pra-stāva--pāṭhaka ] m. = [ vaitālika ] , the herald or bard of a king Lit. Nalac.
प्रस्तावमुक्तावती [ prastāvamuktāvatī ] [ pra-stāva--muktāvatī ] f. N. of wk.
प्रस्तावयज्ञ [ prastāvayajña ] [ pra-stāva--yajña ] m. a topic of conversation to which each person present offers a contribution (as at a sacrifice) Lit. MW.
प्रस्तावरत्नाकर [ prastāvaratnākara ] [ pra-stāva--ratnākara ] m. N. of wk.
प्रस्तावश्लोक [ prastāvaśloka ] [ pra-stāva--śloka ] m. pl. N. of wk.
प्रस्तावसदृश [ prastāvasadṛśa ] [ pra-stāva--sadṛśa ] m. f. n. suited to the occasion , appropriate , seasonable Lit. Hit.
प्रस्तावसूत्र [ prastāvasūtra ] [ pra-stāva--sūtra ] n. N. of wk.
प्रस्तावानुगतम् [ prastāvānugatam ] [ pra-stāvānugatam ] ind. on a suitable occasion Lit. Pañcat.
प्रस्तावान्तरगत [ prastāvāntaragata ] [ pra-stāvāntara-gata ] m. f. n. occupied with something else , [ jātakam ] .
प्रस्तावना [ prastāvanā ] [ pra-stāvanā ] f. sounding forth , blazing abroad Lit. Daś.
introduction , commencement , beginning , preface , exordium Lit. MBh. Lit. Mālav. Lit. Mcar.
a dramatic prologue , an introductory dialogue spoken by the manager and one of the actors (of which several varieties are enumerated , viz. the Udghāṭyaka , Kaṭhôdghāṭa , Prayogâtiśaya , Pravartaka , and Avalagita) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pratāp. ( 699,1 )
प्रस्तावित [ prastāvita ] [ pra-stāvita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) caused to be told or related , mentioned Lit. Mālatīm.
प्रस्ताव्य [ prastāvya ] [ pra-stāvya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be preluded or introduced with a Prastāva (as a Sāman) Lit. Lāṭy.
प्रस्तुत [ prastuta ] [ prá-stuta ] m. f. n. praised Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
proposed , propounded , mentioned , introduced as a topic or subject under discussion , in question Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
commenced , begun Lit. R. Lit. Mālav. Lit. Hit.
( with inf. , one who has commenced or begun Lit. Kathās.) Lit. Rājat.
ready , prepared Lit. W.
happened Lit. ib.
made or consisting of Lit. ib.
approached , proximate Lit. ib.
done with effort or energy Lit. ib.
[ prastuta ] n. beginning , undertaking Lit. Mālatīm.
( in rhet.) the chief subject-matter , that which is the subject of any statement or comparison ( = [ upameya ] ; cf. Lit. IW. 109 , 457 , and [ °tāṅkura ] )
प्रस्तुतत्व [ prastutatva ] [ prá-stuta--tva ] n. the being a topic under discussion Lit. Kull.
प्रस्तुतयज्ञ [ prastutayajña ] [ prá-stuta--yajña ] m. f. n. prepared for a sacrifice Lit. MW.
प्रस्तुताङ्कुर [ prastutāṅkura ] [ prá-stutāṅkura ] m. a figure of , speech , allusion by the mention of any passing circumstance to something latent in the hearer's mind Lit. Kuval.
प्रस्तोतृ [ prastotṛ ] [ pra-stotṛ́ ] m. N. of the assistant of the Udgātṛi (who chants the Prastāva) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. MBh.
प्रस्तोतृप्रयोग [ prastotṛprayoga ] [ pra-stotṛ́--prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
प्रस्तोतृसामन् [ prastotṛsāman ] [ pra-stotṛ́--sāman ] n. N. of wk.
प्रस्तोत्रीय [ prastotrīya ] [ pra-stotrīya ] m. f. n. relating to the Prastotṛi Lit. Lāṭy. Sch.
प्रस्तुभ् [ prastubh ] [ pra-√ stubh ] ( only pr. p. Ā. [ -stubhāná ] , with pass. sense) , to urge on with shouts Lit. RV. : Caus. [ -stobhayati ] , to greet with shouts Lit. BhP. ; to scoff , deride , insult Lit. ib.
प्रस्तोभ [ prastobha ] [ pra-stobha ] m. allusion or reference to (gen.) Lit. BhP.
du. ( with [ rajer ] [ aṅgirasasya ] ) N. of 2 Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
प्रस्तुम्प् [ prastump ] [ pra-s-√ tump ] P. [ -tumpati ] g. [ pāraskarādi ] .
प्रस्तृ [ prastṛ ] [ pra-√ stṛ ] P. Ā. [ -stṛṇoti ] , [ -stṛṇute ] , or [ -stṛṇāti ] , [ -stṛṇīte ] , to spread , extend (trans. and intrans.) Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś. ; ( with [ giraḥ ] ) to pour out i.e. utter words , speak Lit. Naish.
प्रस्तर [ prastara ] [ pra-stará ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) anything strewed forth or about , a couch of leaves and flowers , (esp.) a sacrificial seat Lit. RV.
(ifc.) a couch of any material Lit. MBh.
a flat surface , flat top , level , a plain Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a rock , stone Lit. Kāv. Lit. Hit.
a gem , jewel Lit. L.
a leather bag Lit. Mṛicch. Sch.
a paragraph , section Lit. Cat.
a tabular representation of the long and short vowels of a metre Lit. W.
musical notation Lit. ib.
pl. N. of a people Lit. R. (v.l. for [ pra-cara ] )
प्रस्तरघतनोपकरण [ prastaraghatanopakaraṇa ] [ pra-stará--ghatanopakaraṇa ] n. an instrument for breaking or splitting stones Lit. Hit.
प्रस्तरभाजन [ prastarabhājana ] [ pra-stará--bhājaná ] n. a substitute for sacrificial grass. Lit. ŚBr.
प्रस्तरस्वेद [ prastarasveda ] [ pra-stará--sveda ] m. inducing perspiration by lying on a straw-bed Lit. Car.
प्रस्तरस्वेदन [ prastarasvedana ] [ pra-stará--svedana ] n. inducing perspiration by lying on a straw-bed Lit. Car.
प्रस्तरेष्ठ [ prastareṣṭha ] [ pra-stare-ṣṭhá ] m. f. n. ( or [ -ṣṭhā́ ] ) being on a couch or bed Lit. VS.
प्रस्तरण [ prastaraṇa ] [ pra-staraṇa ] m. ( or f ( [ ā ] ) .) a couch , seat Lit. Hariv. ( cf. [ rukma-pr ] ) .
प्रस्तरिणी [ prastariṇī ] [ pra-stariṇī ] f. Elephantopus Scaber Lit. L.
प्रस्तार [ prastāra ] [ pra-stāra ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) strewing , spreading out , extension (also fig. = abundance , high degree) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a litter , bed of straw Lit. Hariv.
a layer Lit. Śulbas.
a flight of steps (leading down to water) Lit. MBh.
a flat surface , plain Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ °stara ] )
a jungle or wood overgrown with grass Lit. L.
a process in preparing minerals Lit. Cat.
a representation or enumeration of all the possible combinations of certain given numbers or of short and long syllables in a metre Lit. Col.
(in music) a kind of measure Lit. Saṃgīt.
N. of a prince (son of Udgītha) Lit. VP. ( prob. w.r. for [ prastāva ] )
प्रस्तारचिन्तामणि [ prastāracintāmaṇi ] [ pra-stāra--cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.
प्रस्तारपङ्क्ति [ prastārapaṅkti ] [ pra-stāra--paṅkti ] f. a kind of metre Lit. RPrāt.
प्रस्तारपत्तन [ prastārapattana ] [ pra-stāra--pattana ] n. N. of wk.
प्रस्तारिन् [ prastārin ] [ pra-stārin ] m. f. n. spreading out , extending to (comp.)
[ prastārin ] n. a partic. disease of the white of the eye Lit. Suśr.
प्रस्तिर [ prastira ] [ pra-stira ] m. a bed or couch made of flowers and leaves Lit. L.
प्रस्तीर्ण [ prastīrṇa ] [ prá-stīrṇa ] m. f. n. ( [ prá- ] .) spread out , extended Lit. ŚBr.
flat (as the tip of the tongue) Lit. AV.
प्रस्तृत [ prastṛta ] [ pra-stṛta ] w.r. for [ °mṛta ] Lit. L.
प्रस्था [ prasthā ] [ pra-√ sthā ] P. [ -tiṣṭhati ] , ( rarely Ā. [ te ] ) . to stand or rise up (esp. before the gods. an altar ) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. VS. ; to advance towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; (Ā. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. i , 3 , 22) to be awake Lit. MBh. ; ( Ā. mc. also P.) to set out , depart from (abl.) , proceed or march to (acc. with or without [ prati ] ) or with a view to or in order to (dat. or inf) Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; ( with [ ākāśe ] ) to move or abide in the open air Lit. R. : Caus. [ -sthāpayati ] , to put aside Lit. AV. ; to send out , send to (acc. with or without [ prati ] ) or for the purpose of (dat. or loc.) , send away or home , dispatch messengers , dismiss , banish Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; drive , urge on (horses) Lit. Kum. Desid. Ā. [ -tiṣṭhāsate ] , to wish to set out Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ( 699,2 )
प्रस्थ [ prastha ] [ pra-stha ] m. f. n. going on a march or journey , going to or abiding in ( cf. [ vana-pr ] )
stable , firm , solid Lit. W.
expanding , spread Lit. ib.
[ prastha ] m. n. table-land on the top of a mountain Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
m. a level expanse , plain (esp. at the end of names of towns and villages ; cf. [ indra- ] , [ oṣadhi- ] , [ karīra-pr ] and see Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 110)
a partic. weight and measure of capacity (= 32 Palas or = 1/4 of an Āḍhaka ; or = 16 Palas = 4 Kuḍavas = 1/4 of an Āḍhaka ; or = 2 Śarāvas ; or = 6 Palas ; or = 1/16 of a Droṇa) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr.
N. of a monkey Lit. R.
प्रस्थकुसुम [ prasthakusuma ] [ pra-stha--kusuma ] m. " flowering on mountain-tops " , a species of plant , a variety of Tulasi or basil Lit. L.
प्रस्थपुष्प [ prasthapuṣpa ] [ pra-stha--puṣpa ] m. " flowering on mountain-tops " , a species of plant , a variety of Tulasi or basil Lit. L.
प्रस्थम्पच [ prasthampaca ] [ pra-stha--m-paca ] m. f. n. cooking the amount of a Prastha (said of a cooking utensil capable of containing one Prastha) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 33 Sch.
प्रस्थवत् [ prasthavat ] [ pra-stha--vat ] m. a mountain Lit. L.
प्रस्था [ prasthā ] [ pra-sthā́ ] f. = [ °stha ] in [ -vat ] mfn. having a platform Lit. AV.
प्रस्थावती [ prasthāvatī ] [ pra-sthā́--vatī ] f. N. of a river Lit. Hariv.
प्रस्थान [ prasthāna ] [ pra-sthāna ] n. setting out , departure , procession , march (esp. of an army or assailant) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
walking , moving , journey , advent Lit. ib.
sending away , dispatching Lit. Yājñ.
departing this life , dying ( cf. [ mahā-pr ] )
religious mendicancy Lit. MBh.
a way to attain (any object) , course , method , system Lit. Madhus. Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
a sect Lit. Sarvad.
an inferior kind of drama (the character of which are slaves and outcasts) Lit. Sāh.
starting-point , place of origin , source , cause (in [ jñāna-pr ] , N. of wk.)
प्रस्थानत्रयभाष्य [ prasthānatrayabhāṣya ] [ pra-sthāna--traya-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.
प्रस्थानदुन्दुभि [ prasthānadundubhi ] [ pra-sthāna--dundubhi ] m. a drum giving the signal for marching Lit. Kād.
प्रस्थानभेद [ prasthānabheda ] [ pra-sthāna--bheda ] m. N. of wk.
प्रस्थानरत्नाकर [ prasthānaratnākara ] [ pra-sthāna--ratnākara ] m. N. of wk.
प्रस्थानवत् [ prasthānavat ] [ pra-sthāna--vat ] ind. as in setting forth , as on a departure Lit. Var.
प्रस्थानविक्लवगति [ prasthānaviklavagati ] [ pra-sthāna--viklava-gati ] m. f. n. one whose step falters in walking Lit. Śak.
प्रस्थानविघ्न [ prasthānavighna ] [ pra-sthāna--vighna ] m. an obstacle to proceeding or to sending anything ( [ -kṛt ] mfn. causing an obstacle ) Lit. Yājñ.
non-attendance at a festival , impeding its taking place Lit. W.
प्रस्थानविघ्नकृत् [ prasthānavighnakṛt ] [ pra-sthāna--vighna--kṛt ] m. f. n. , see [ prasthānavighna ] , causing an obstacle
प्रस्थानक [ prasthānaka ] [ pra-sthānaka ] n. setting out , departure Lit. Nalac.
प्रस्थानावली [ prasthānāvalī ] [ pra-sthānāvalī ] f. N. of wk.
प्रस्थानिक [ prasthānika ] [ pra-sthānika ] m. f. n. see [ cátuṣ-pr ]
also w.r. for [ prāsthānika ]
प्रस्थानीय [ prasthānīya ] [ pra-sthānīya ] m. f. n. belonging or relating to a departure Lit. Lāṭy.
प्रस्थापन [ prasthāpana ] [ pra-sthāpana ] n. (fr. Caus.) causing to depart , sending away , dismissing , dispatching Lit. MBh. ( also f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. Kāv. (with [ diśaḥ ] , " sending into all quarters of the world " Lit. R.)
[ dhvanipr ] , " giving currency to an expression " Lit. Sāh.
प्रस्थापनीय [ prasthāpanīya ] [ pra-sthāpanīya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be sent or dispatched Lit. W.
to be carried or driven off Lit. ib.
प्रस्थापित [ prasthāpita ] [ pra-sthāpita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) sent away , dismissed , dispatched Lit. Kum.
held , celebrated (as a feast) Lit. DivyA7v.
प्रस्थाप्य [ prasthāpya ] [ pra-sthāpya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be sent away or dispatched Lit. MBh.
प्रस्थायिन् [ prasthāyin ] [ pra-sthāyin ] m. f. n. setting forth , departing , marching , going Lit. Kathās. ( cf. g. [ gaimy-ādi ] ) .
प्रस्थायीय [ prasthāyīya ] [ pra-sthāyīya ] and in [ sākaṃ-sth ] q.v.
प्रस्थाय्य [ prasthāyya ] [ pra-sthāyya ]and in [ sākaṃ-sth ] q.v.
प्रस्थावत् [ prasthāvat ] [ pra-sthā́vat ] see above under [ pra-stha ] .
प्रस्थावन् [ prasthāvan ] [ pra-sthāvan ] m. f. n. swift , rapid Lit. RV.
प्रस्थिक [ prasthika ] [ prasthika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ pra-stha ] ) see [ ardha-pr ]
[ prasthikā ] f. the sounding-board of a lute Lit. Harav. Sch.
[ prasthika ] f. (prob.) Hibiscus Cannabhinus Lit. Bhpr.
प्रस्थित [ prasthita ] [ prá-sthita ] m. f. n. set forth , prepared , ready (as sacrifice) Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
rising , upright Lit. RV.
standing forth , prominent Lit. AV.
appointed , installed Lit. R.
set out , departed , gone to (acc. with or without [ prati ] dat. or loc.) or for the purpose of (dat.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
( [ -vat ] mfn. = [ pra-tasthe ] , " he has set out " Lit. Kathās.)
(ifc.) reaching to , Lit. Śak. vii , 4/3 (v.l. [ prati-ṣṭhita ] )
[ prasthitam ] ind. impers. a person (instr.) has set out Lit. BhP.
[ prasthita ] n. setting out , going away , departure Lit. Bhartṛ.
N. of partic. Soma vessels (see next)
प्रस्थितयाज्या [ prasthitayājyā ] [ prá-sthita--yājyā ] f. a verse pronounced on offering the Prasthita vessels , Lit. ŚrS. ( [ -homa ] m. the oblation connected with it Lit. Vait.)
प्रस्थितयाज्याहोम [ prasthitayājyāhoma ] [ prá-sthita--yājyā--homa ] m. , see [ prasthitayājyā ] , the oblation connected with [ prasthitayājyā ] Lit. Vait.
प्रस्थितवत् [ prasthitavat ] [ prá-sthita--vat ] m. f. n. , see [ prasthita ] , = [ pra-tasthe ] , " he has set out " Lit. Kathās.( 699,3 )
प्रस्थेय [ prastheya ] [ prá-stheya ] n. (impers.) it ought to be set out Lit. MBh.
प्रस्नव [ prasnava ] [ pra-snava ] [ pra-snāvin ] see under [ pra-√ snu ] .
प्रस्ना [ prasnā ] [ pra-√ snā ] P. [ -snāti ] , to enter the water ( with or without an acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Br. : Caus. [ -snapayati ] , to bathe (intrans.) in (acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
प्रस्नपित [ prasnapita ] [ pra-snapita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) bathed Lit. AV.
प्रस्नातृ [ prasnātṛ ] [ pra-snātṛ ] m. one who bathes , a bather Lit. Nir.
प्रस्नेय [ prasneya ] [ pra-snéya ] m. f. n. suitable for bathing Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Nir.
प्रस्निग्ध [ prasnigdha ] [ pra-snigdha ] m. f. n. (√ [ snih ] ) very oily or greasy Lit. Śak.
very soft or tender Lit. Ragh.
प्रस्नु [ prasnu ] [ pra-√ snu ] P. Ā. [ -snauti ] , [ -snute ] , to emit fluid , pour forth , flow , drip , distil Lit. TS. Lit. Kathās. ; (Ā.) to yield milk (aor. [ prāsnoṣṭa ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 89 Sch.: Desid. [ -susnūṣiṣyate ] , Lit. vii , 2 , 36 Vārtt. 2 Lit. Pat.
प्रस्नव [ prasnava ] [ pra-snava ] m. ( often v.l. [ °srava ] ) a stream or flow (of water , milk ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
pl. tears Lit. MBh.
urine Lit. ib.
प्रस्नवसंयुक्त [ prasnavasaṃyukta ] [ pra-snava--saṃyukta ] m. f. n. flowing in streams , gushing forth (tears) Lit. MBh.
प्रस्नवन [ prasnavana ] [ pra-snavana ] n. emitting fluid Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
प्रस्नवित्रीय [ prasnavitrīya ] [ pra-snavitrīya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] = [ prasnavitevācarati ] Lit. Pat.
प्रस्नाविन् [ prasnāvin ] [ pra-snāvin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) dropping , pouring forth Lit. Nir.
प्रस्नुत [ prasnuta ] [ pra-snuta ] m. f. n. yielding milk Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रस्नुतस्तनी [ prasnutastanī ] [ pra-snuta--stanī ] f. having breasts that distil milk (through excess of maternal love) Lit. MW.
प्रस्नुषा [ prasnuṣā ] [ pra-snuṣā ] f. the wife of a grandson Lit. MBh.
प्रस्पन्द् [ praspand ] [ pra-√ spand ] Ā. [ -spandate ] ( ep. also P. [ °ti ] ) , to quiver , throb , palpitate Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Suśr.
प्रस्पन्दन [ praspandana ] [ pra-spandana ] n. quivering , trembling , throbbing Lit. Suśr.
प्रस्पर्ध् [ praspardh ] [ pra-√ spardh ] Ā. [ -spardhate ] , emulate , compete , vie with (instr. or loc.) or in (loc.) Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
प्रस्पर्धिन् [ praspardhin ] [ pra-spardhin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) rivalling with , equalling Lit. Mcar.
प्रस्फार [ prasphāra ] [ pra-sphāra ] m. f. n. (√ [ sphar ] ) swollen , puffed up , self-conceited Lit. Nalac.
प्रस्फिज् [ prasphij ] [ pra-sphij ] m. f. n. large-hipped Lit. Pat.
प्रस्फुट् [ prasphuṭ ] [ pra-√ sphuṭ ] P. [ -sphuṭati ] , to burst open , be split or rent Lit. MBh. Lit. R. : Caus. [ -sphoṭayati ] , to cleave through , split , pierce. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās. ; to slap or clap the arms Lit. MBh.
प्रस्फुट [ prasphuṭa ] [ pra-sphuṭa ] m. f. n. cleft open , burst , expanded , blown Lit. L.
divulged , published , known , open , evident , clear , plain Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. Lit. Kathās.
प्रस्फोटक [ prasphoṭaka ] [ pra-sphoṭaka ] m. N. of a Nāga Lit. L.
प्रस्फोटन [ prasphoṭana ] [ pra-sphoṭana ] n. splitting , bursting (intrans. ) Lit. Var.
opening. expanding , causing to blow or bloom Lit. L.
making evident or manifest Lit. L.
striking , beating Lit. L.
winnowing corn , a winnowing basket Lit. L.
wiping away , rubbing out Lit. L.
प्रस्फुर् [ prasphur ] [ pra-√ sphur ] P. [ -sphurati ] (pr. p. Ā. [ -sphuramāṇa ] Lit. MBh.) , to spurn or push away Lit. AV. ; to become tremulous , throb , quiver , palpitate Lit. RV. ; to glitter , sparkle , flash , shine forth (lit. and fig.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. ; to be displayed , become clear or visible , appear Lit. Kāv. Lit. Var.
प्रस्फुरित [ prasphurita ] [ pra-sphurita ] m. f. n. become tremulous , quivering , vibrating Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( [ °tādhara ] mfn. one whose lower lip quivers Lit. MBh.)
clear , evident Lit. L.
प्रस्फुरिताधर [ prasphuritādhara ] [ pra-sphuritādhara ] m. f. n. , see [ prasphurita ] , one whose lower lip quivers Lit. MBh.
प्रस्फुलिङ्ग [ prasphuliṅga ] [ pra-sphuliṅga ] m. or n. (?) a glittering spark Lit. Mcar.
प्रस्मि [ prasmi ] [ pra-√ smi ] Ā. [ -smayate ] ( ep. P. pr. p. [ -smayat ] ) , to burst into laughter Lit. Nir. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
प्रस्मृ [ prasmṛ ] [ pra-√ smṛ ] P. [ -smarati ] , to remember Lit. MBh. ; to forget (Pass. [ smaryate ] ) Lit. Bālar.
प्रस्मर्तव्य [ prasmartavya ] [ pra-smartavya ] m. f. n. to be forgotten Lit. ib.
प्रस्मृत [ prasmṛta ] [ pra-smṛta ] m. f. n. forgotten Lit. Naish.
प्रस्मृति [ prasmṛti ] [ pra-smṛti ] f. forgetting , forgetfulness Lit. W.
प्रस्यन्द् [ prasyand ] [ pra-√ syand ] P. Ā. [ -syandati ] , [ °te ] ( often w.r. for [ -spand ] ) , to flow forth , run away , dart , fly Lit. RV. Lit. GṛS. Lit. MBh. ; to drive off (in a carriage) Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ -syandayati ] , to make flow Lit. MBh.
प्रस्यन्द [ prasyanda ] [ pra-syanda ] m. flowing forth , trickling out Lit. L.
प्रस्यन्दन [ prasyandana ] [ pra-syandana ] n. id. Lit. MBh.
exudation Lit. Rājat.
प्रस्यन्दिन् [ prasyandin ] [ pra-syándin ] m. f. n. oozing forth Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀpŚr. Lit. MBh.
shedding (tears) Lit. Ratnâv.
[ prasyandin ] m. a shower of rain Lit. Gaut.
प्रस्रंस् [ prasraṃs ] [ pra-√ sraṃs ] Ā. [ -sraṃsate ] , to fall down , miscarry (said of the fetus) Lit. Suśr.
प्रस्रंस [ prasraṃsa ] [ pra-sraṃsa ] m. falling down or asunder Lit. Br.
प्रस्रंसन [ prasraṃsana ] [ pra-sraṃsana ] n. a dissolvent Lit. Car.
प्रस्रंसिन् [ prasraṃsin ] [ pra-sraṃsin ] m. f. n. letting fall , dropping , miscarrying Lit. Suśr.
प्रस्रु [ prasru ] [ pra-√ sru ] P. [ -sravati ] ( rarely Ā. [ °te ] ) , to flow forth , flow from (abl.) Lit. AV. ; to flow with , let flow , pour out (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. Ā. [ -srāvayate ] , to make water Lit. ŚBr.
प्रस्रव [ prasrava ] [ pra-srava ] m. ( often v.l. [ °snava ] ) flowing forth Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a stream , flow , gush (lit.and fig.) Lit. ib.
a flow of milk (loc. " when the milk flows from the udder " ) Lit. Mn. (esp. v , 130) Lit. MBh.
(pl.) gushing tears Lit. MBh.
(pl.) urine Lit. ib. (v.l.)
(pl.) morbid matter in the body Lit. Car.
the overflow of boiling rice Lit. L.
प्रस्रवयुक्त [ prasravayukta ] [ pra-srava--yukta ] m. f. n. flowing with milk (breasts) Lit. Hariv.
प्रस्रवसंयुक्त [ prasravasaṃyukta ] [ pra-srava--saṃyukta ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
flowing in a stream (as tears) Lit. MBh.
प्रस्रवण [ prasravaṇa ] [ pra-srávaṇa ] n. ( sometimes w.r. [ °śravaṇa ] ) streaming or gushing forth , trickling , oozing , effusion , discharge. Lit. RV. ( often ifc. , with f ( [ ā ] ) . )
the flowing of milk from the udder Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MārkP.
milk Lit. Gal.
sweat , perspiration Lit. L.
voiding urine Lit. L.
a well or spring Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Ṛitus.
a cascade , cataract Lit. L.
a spout , the projecting mouth of a vessel (out of which any fluid is poured) Lit. RV.
( also with [ plākṣa ] n.) N. of a place where the Sarasvatī takes its rise Lit. ŚrS. Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat.
[ prasravaṇa ] m. N. of a man Lit. L.
of a range of mountains on the confines of Malaya Lit. R.
प्रस्रवणजल [ prasravaṇajala ] [ pra-srávaṇa--jala ] n. spring-water Lit. L.
प्रस्रविन् [ prasravin ] [ pra-sravin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) streaming forth , discharging Lit. Nir. Lit. Rājat.
(a cow) yielding milk Lit. Ragh.
प्रस्राव [ prasrāva ] [ pra-srāva ] m. flowing , dropping Lit. W.
urine Lit. Car. (w.r. [ °śrāva ] )
the overflowing scum of boiling rice Lit. L.
प्रस्रावकरण [ prasrāvakaraṇa ] [ pra-srāva--karaṇa ] n. the urethra Lit. L.
प्रस्रुत [ prasruta ] [ pra-sruta ] m. f. n. flowed forth , oozed out , issued Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
discharging fluid , humid , moist , wet Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr.
प्रस्रुति [ prasruti ] [ pra-sruti ] f. flowing forth , oozing out Lit. L.
प्रस्वन [ prasvana ] [ pra-svana ] m. (√ [ svan ] ) sound , noise Lit. MBh.
प्रस्वनित [ prasvanita ] [ pra-svanita ] ( [ prá ] . , fr. Caus.) , sounding , roaring Lit. RV.
प्रस्वान [ prasvāna ] [ pra-svāna ] m. a loud noise Lit. L.
प्रस्वप् [ prasvap ] [ pra-√ svap ] P. [ -svapiti ] , or [ °pati ] (Pot. Ā. [ -svapīta ] or [ °peta ] Lit. MBh.) , to fall asleep , go to sleep , sleep Lit. Br. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
प्रसुप् [ prasup ] [ pra-súp ] m. f. n. asleep Lit. RV.
प्रसुप्त [ prasupta ] [ pra-supta ] m. f. n. fallen into sleep , fast asleep , sleeping , slumbering Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
closed (said of flowers) Lit. Kālid.
having slept Lit. Hit.
asleep i.e. insensible Lit. Suśr.
quiet , inactive , latent Lit. BhP.
प्रसुप्तता [ prasuptatā ] [ pra-supta--tā ] f. = next Lit. Suśr.
प्रसुप्ति [ prasupti ] [ pra-supti ] f. sleepiness Lit. ŚārṅgS. ( paralysis Lit. W.)
प्रस्वाप [ prasvāpa ] [ pra-svāpa ] m. f. n. causing sleep , soporific Lit. MBh.
[ prasvāpa ] m. falling asleep , sleep Lit. BhP.
a dream Lit. ib.
प्रस्वापक [ prasvāpaka ] [ pra-svāpaka ] m. f. n. causing to fall asleep Lit. MW.
causing to die , slaying Lit. ib.
प्रस्वापन [ prasvāpana ] [ pra-svāpana ] m. f. n. causing sleep Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( [ °nī daśā ] f. condition of sleep Lit. MārkP.)
[ prasvāpana ] n. the act of sending to sleep Lit. R.
प्रस्वापिनी [ prasvāpinī ] [ pra-svāpinī ] f. " sending to sleep " , N. of a daughter of Sattra-jit and wife of Kṛishṇa Lit. Hariv.
प्रस्वादस् [ prasvādas ] [ prá-svādas ] m. f. n. (√ [ svad ] ) very pleasant or agreeable Lit. RV.
प्रस्वार [ prasvāra ] [ pra-√ svāra ] see [ pra- ] √ [ svṛ ] .
प्रस्विद् [ prasvid ] [ pra-√ svid ] Ā. [ -svedate ] , to begin to sweat , get into perspiration Lit. Suśr. ; to become wet or moist Lit. L.
प्रस्विन्न [ prasvinna ] [ pra-svinna ] m. f. n. covered with perspiration , sweated , perspired Lit. R.
प्रस्वेद [ prasveda ] [ pra-sveda ] m. great or excessive perspiration , sweat Lit. MBh. Lit. Vet. Lit. Sāh.
प्रस्वेदकणिका [ prasvedakaṇikā ] [ pra-sveda--kaṇikā ] f. a drop of sweat Lit. Prab.
प्रस्वेदजल [ prasvedajala ] [ pra-sveda--jala ] n. sweat-water Lit. MārkP.
प्रस्वेदबिन्दु [ prasvedabindu ] [ pra-sveda--bindu ] m. = [ -kaṇikā ] , Lit. Caur.
प्रस्वेदित [ prasvedita ] [ pra-svedita ] m. f. n. sweated , perspired Lit. W.
hot , causing perspiration Lit. ib.
प्रस्वेदितवत् [ prasveditavat ] [ pra-svedita--vat ] m. f. n. suffering or producing perspiration Lit. ib. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 19 Sch.)
प्रस्वेदिन् [ prasvedin ] [ pra-svedin ] m. f. n. sweating , covered with perspiration Lit. Hit.
प्रस्वृ [ prasvṛ ] [ pra-√ svṛ ] P. [ -svarati ] , to lengthen or prolate a tone in uttering it Lit. RPrāt.
प्रस्वार [ prasvāra ] [ pra-svāra ] m. the prolated syllable Om (repeated by a religious teacher at the beginning of a lesson) Lit. ib.
प्रहण [ prahaṇa ] [ prahaṇa ] w.r. for [ pra-haraṇa ] Lit. Hariv.
प्रहणेमि [ prahaṇemi ] [ praha-ṇemi ] or [ praha-nemi ] m. the moon Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ graha-nemi ] q.v.)
प्रहनेमि [ prahanemi ] [ praha-nemi ] or [ praha-ṇemi ] m. the moon Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ graha-nemi ] q.v.)
प्रहन् [ prahan ] [ pra-√ han ] P. [ -hanti ] , (pf. Ā. [ -jaghnire ] Lit. MBh.) , to strike , beat , slay , kill , destroy Lit. RV. ( with acc. ; according to Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 56 also with gen.)
प्रहणन [ prahaṇana ] [ pra-haṇana ] n. striking Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 22 Sch.
a kind of amorous sport (= [ jaghana-dvayatāḍana ] ) Lit. L.
प्रहत [ prahata ] [ pra-hata ] m. f. n. struck , beaten (as a drum) , killed , slain Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
cut to pieces Lit. BhP.
hewn down Lit. Subh.
repelled , defeated Lit. W.
spread , expanded Lit. ib.
contiguous Lit. ib.
learned , accomplished (= [ śāstra-vid ] Lit. Gal.) Lit. ib.
(ifc.) a blow or stroke with g. [ akṣa-dyūtādi ]
प्रहतमुरज [ prahatamuraja ] [ pra-hata--muraja ] m. f. n. having drums beaten , resounding with the beating of drums Lit. Megh.
प्रहति [ prahati ] [ pra-hati ] f. a stroke , blow Lit. Kād. Lit. Bālar.
प्रहन् [ prahan ] [ pra-han ] see [ a-prahan ] .
प्रहन्तव्य [ prahantavya ] [ pra-hantavya ] m. f. n. to be killed or slain Lit. Hariv.
प्रहन्तृ [ prahantṛ ] [ pra-hantṛ́ ] m. f. n. striking (or " he will strike " ) down , killing , slaying Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.
प्रहर [ prahara ] [ pra-hara ] see [ pra- ] √ [ hṛ ] .
प्रहरित [ praharita ] [ pra-harita ] m. f. n. of a beautiful greenish colour Lit. Car.
प्रहर्ष [ praharṣa ] [ pra-harṣa ] see [ pra- ] √ [ hṛṣ ] .
प्रहस् [ prahas ] [ pra-√ has ] P. [ -hasati ] ( ep. also Ā. [ °te ] ) , to burst into laughter ( also with [ hāsam ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to laugh with (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. ; to laugh at , mock , deride , ridicule Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रहसत् [ prahasat ] [ pra-hasat ] m. f. n. laughing , smiling Lit. MBh.
[ prahasantī ] f. a species of jasmine Lit. L.
another plant Lit. L.
a large chafing-dish or fire-pan Lit. L.
प्रहसन [ prahasana ] [ pra-hasana ] n. laughter , mirth , mockery , derision Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Hit. ( [ °nam ] , enclit. after a finite verb g. [ gotrādi ] ; [ °ne ] √ [ kṛ ] , to mock , deride g. [ sākṣād-ādi ] Lit. Kāś.)
( in rhet.) satire , sarcasm
(esp.) a kind of comedy or farce Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh.
प्रहसननाटक [ prahasananāṭaka ] [ pra-hasana-nāṭaka ] n. N. of a comedy ascribed to Kālidāsa.
प्रहसित [ prahasita ] [ pra-hasita ] m. f. n. laughing , cheerful Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
[ prahasita ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. Lalit.
of a prince of the Kiṃ-naras Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
n. bursting into laughter Lit. BhP.
displaying bright gaudy colours Lit. Jātakam.
प्रहसितनेत्र [ prahasitanetra ] [ pra-hasita--netra ] m. " laughing-eyed " , N. of a Buddha Lit. Lalit.
प्रहसितवदन [ prahasitavadana ] [ pra-hasita--vadana ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pañcat.) with laughing face.
प्रहसितानन [ prahasitānana ] [ pra-hasitānana ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Hariv. ) with laughing face.
प्रहास [ prahāsa ] [ pra-hāsa ] m. loud laughter , laughter Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
derision , irony Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 106
appearance , display Lit. Veṇis.
splendour , of colours Lit. Jātakam.
an actor , dancer Lit. L.
N. of Śiva Lit. L. ( cf. [ °hasa ] )
of an attendant of Śiva Lit. MBh.
of a Nāga Lit. ib.
of a minister of Varuṇa Lit. R.
of a Tīrtha (w.r. for [ °bhāsa ] ?) Lit. L.
[ prahāsa ] n. ( with [ bharad-vājasya ] ) N. of a Sāman (w.r. for [ prāsāha ] ) Lit. L.
प्रहासक [ prahāsaka ] [ pra-hāsaka ] m. one who causes laughter , a jester Lit. L.
प्रहासित [ prahāsita ] [ pra-hāsita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) caused to laugh Lit. MW.
प्रहासिन् [ prahāsin ] [ pra-hāsí n ] m. f. n. laughing , derisive , satirical Lit. AV.
shining bright Lit. Jātakam.
[ prahāsin ] m. the buffoon of a drama (= [ vidūṣaka ] ) Lit. L.
प्रहस्त [ prahasta ] [ pra-hasta ] m. f. n. long-handed Lit. Inscr.
[ prahasta ] m. (n. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 183 Sch.) the open hand with the fingers extended Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
N. of a Rākshasa Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
of a companion of Sūrya-prabha (son of Candra-prabha , king of Śākala ; he had been an Asura before) Lit. Kathās.
प्रहस्तवाद [ prahastavāda ] [ pra-hasta--vāda ] m. N. of work.
प्रहस्तक [ prahastaka ] [ pra-hastaka ] m. the extended hand Lit. L.
[ prahastaka ] m. n. ( scil. [ tṛca ] ) N. of Lit. RV. viii , 95 , 13-15.
प्रहा [ prahā ] [ pra-√ hā:2 ] Ā. , [ -jihīte ] , to drive off , haste away Lit. RV. ; to spring up Lit. ŚBr.
प्रहा [ prahā ] [ pra-√ hā:3 ] P. [ -jahāti ] , ( 3. pl. pr. irreg. [ -jahanti ] Lit. MBh. ; fut. 3. du. Ā. [ -hāsyete ] Lit. R.) , to leave Lit. ŚBr. ; to desert , quit , abandon , give up , renounce , violate (a duty) , break (a promise) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to send off , throw , hurl Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; ( incorrectly for Pass.) to cease , disappear Lit. MBh. : Pass. [ -hīyate ] , to be relinquished or neglected , be lost , fail , cease , perish Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to be vanquished , succumb Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -hāpayati ] , to drive away , remove , destroy Lit. BhP.
प्रजहित [ prajahita ] [ pra-jahitá ] m. f. n. ( irreg. fr. the pres. stem) quitted , abandoned Lit. RV. viii , 1 , 13 ( applied to a fire that has been abandoned Lit. TāṇḍBr. Lit. ŚrS.)
प्रहा [ prahā ] [ pra-hā́ ] f. a good throw at dice , any gain or advantage Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TāṇḍBr. (= [ pra-hantṛ ] Lit. Sāy.)
प्रहावत् [ prahāvat ] [ pra-hā́--vat ] m. f. n. acquiring gain , gaining Lit. RV. (= [ praharaṇa-vat ] Lit. Sāy.)
प्रहाण [ prahāṇa ] [ pra-hā́-ṇa ] n. relinquishing , abandoning , avoiding Lit. Śiś. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Lalit.
abstraction , speculation , meditation Lit. Lalit. Lit. Vajracch.
exertion Lit. Dharmas. 45.
प्रहाणि [ prahāṇi ] [ pra-hāṇi ] f. cessation , disappearance Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. Pur.
want , deficiency Lit. MW.
प्रहातव्य [ prahātavya ] [ pra-hātavya ] m. f. n. to be relinquished or abandoned Lit. Vajracch.
प्रहान [ prahāna ] [ pra-hāna ] w.r. for [ °hāṇa ]
प्रहानि [ prahāni ] [ pra-hāni ] w.r. for [ °hāṇi ] .
प्रहापण [ prahāpaṇa ] [ pra-hāpaṇa ] n. (fr. Caus.) driving away , forced abandonment or departure Lit. W.
प्रहीण [ prahīṇa ] [ prahīṇa ] m. f. n. ( cf. Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 29) left , remaining Lit. BhP.
standing alone i.e. having no relatives Lit. Vas.
cast off , worn out (as a garment) Lit. Gaut.
failing in (instr.) Lit. MBh.
ceased , vanished Lit. Jātakam.
(ifc.) wanting , destitute of Lit. MBh.
प्रहीणजीवित [ prahīṇajīvita ] [ prahīṇa-jīvita ] m. f. n. one who has abandoned life , dead , slain Lit. W.
प्रहीणदोष [ prahīṇadoṣa ] [ prahīṇa-doṣa ] m. f. n. one whose sins have vanished , sinless Lit. Vedântas.
प्रहाय्य [ prahāyya ] [ pra-hāyyá ] see 1. [ pra- ] √ [ hi ] .
प्रहार [ prahāra ] [ pra-hāra ] see [ pra- ] √ [ hṛ ] .
प्रहि [ prahi ] [ pra-√ hi ]1 P. Ā. [ -hiṇoti ] , [ -hiṇute ] : [ -hiṇvati ] , [ -hiṇvate ] ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 15 ; pf. [ -jighāya ] Lit. KaushUp. ; 1. sg. pr. Ā. [ -hiṣe ] Lit. RV. ; Aor.P. [ prā́hait ] Lit. AV. ; Impv. [ prá-hela ] Lit. RV. ; inf. [ pra-hyé ] Lit. ib.) , to urge on , incite Lit. RV. ; to direct , command Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. KaushUp. ; to convey or send to , furnish , procure. bestow on (dat.) Lit. RV. ; to hurl , cast , throw upon , discharge at (dat. or loc ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. ; to turn the eyes towards (acc.) Lit. Kād. ; to dispatch (messengers) , drive away , dismiss , send to (acc. with or without [ prati ] dat. gen. with or without [ antikam ] or [ pārśvam ] ) or in order to (dat. or inf.) Lit. RV. ; (Ā.) to rush on Lit. RV. ; to forsake (= [ pra ] . √ 3. [ hā ] ) Lit. BhP. : Caus. aor. [ prājīhayat ] Lit. Pat. : Desid. of Caus. [ pra-jighāyayiṣati ] Lit. ib. ( 700,3 )
प्रहाय्य [ prahāyya ] [ pra-hāyyá ] m. one who is to be sent , a messenger Lit. AV. (v.l. [ °hāya ] ; cf. [ °heya ] ) .
प्रहित [ prahita ] [ práhita ] m. f. n. urged on incited , stirred up Lit. RV. Lit. BhP.
hurled , discharged at Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. Pur.
thrown forward i.e. stretched out (as an arm) Lit. MBh.
imbedded (as nails) Lit. Sāh.
(ifc.) directed or turned towards , cast upon (as eyes , the mind ) , Lit. Kālid. Lit. BhP.
conveyed , sent , procured Lit. Daś. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
sent out , dispatched (as messengers) Lit. RV.
sent away , expelled , banished to (dat.) Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
sent to or towards or against (loc. gen. with or without [ pārśve ] , or dat.) , appointed , commissioned Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ prahita ] m. du. ( with [ gaurīviteḥ ] and [ śyāvāśvasya ] ) N. of 2 Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
n. sauce , gravy , condiment Lit. L.
प्रहितंगम [ prahitaṃgama ] [ práhita-ṃ-gama ] m. f. n. going on an errand or mission to (gen.) Lit. PārGṛ.
प्रहितंगमवत् [ prahitaṃgamavat ] [ práhita-ṃ-gama--vat ] m. f. n. one who has sent out , (= fin. verb) he sent out Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
प्रहितात्मन् [ prahitātman ] [ prahitātman ] m. f. n. resolute Lit. DivyA7v.
प्रहेतव्य [ prahetavya ] [ prá-hetavya ] m. f. n. to be sent out or dismissed Lit. Campak.
प्रहेति [ praheti ] [ prá-heti ] m. a missile , weapon Lit. VS.
N. of. a king of the Rākshasas Lit. Pur.
of an Asura Lit. ib.
प्रहेतृ [ prahetṛ ] [ prá-hetṛ́ ] m. one who sends forth or impels Lit. RV.
प्रहेय [ praheya ] [ prá-héya ] m. f. n. to be sent away or dispatched. serving as a messenger Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
प्रहि [ prahi ] [ pra-hi ]2 m. ( according to Lit. Uṇ. , iv , 134 fr. [ pra- ] √ [ hṛ ] , but cf. [ pra-dhi ] ) a well.
प्रहितु [ prahitu ] [ prahitu ] ( only [ °tó saṃyojane ] ) , N. of 2 Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr. ( cf. [ pra-hita ] above ) .
प्रहिम [ prahima ] [ pra-hima ] m. f. n. having severe winters (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 16 Lit. Pat.
प्रहीण [ prahīṇa ] [ pra-hīṇa ] see [ pra ] .√ 3. [ hā ] .
प्रहु [ prahu ] [ pra-√ hu ] P. Ā. [ -juhoti ] , [ -juhute ] , to sacrifice continually , offer up Lit. RV. : Caus. [ -hāvayati ] , to pour out or down Lit. ĀpŚr.
प्रहुत [ prahuta ] [ prá-huta ] m. f. n. offered up Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. GṛS.
[ prahuta ] m. ( scil. [ yajña ] ) sacrificial food offered to all created beings Lit. Mn. iii , 73 (n. Lit. L.)
प्रहुति [ prahuti ] [ prá-huti ] ( [ prá- ] .) f. an oblation , sacrifice Lit. RV.
प्रहोष [ prahoṣa ] [ pra-hoṣá ] m. id. Lit. ib.
प्रहोषिन् [ prahoṣin ] [ pra-hoṣí n ] m. f. n. offering oblations or sacrifices Lit. ib.
प्रहृ [ prahṛ ] [ pra-√ hṛ ] P. Ā. [ -harati ] , [ °te ] , to offer ( esp. praise , 1. sg. pr. [ -harmi ] ) . Lit. RV. i , 61 , 1 ; to thrust or move forward , stretch out Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. ; to put into , fix in (loc.) Lit. RV. ; to hurl , throw , discharge at (loc.) . Lit. AV. ; to throw or turn out Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to throw (into the fire) Lit. Br. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to strike , hit , hurt , attack , assail (with acc. loc. dat. or gen. ; Ā. also , " to fight with each other " ) Lit. AV. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. : Caus. Ā. [ -harayate ] , to stir up , excite , rouse Lit. RV. iv , 37 , 2 : Desid. [ -jihīrṣati ] , to wish to take away , Lit. MBh. ; to wish to throw Lit. ŚBr. ; to wish to strike or assail Lit. MBh. Lit. Daś. ( cf. [ jihīrṣu ] , p.659) .
प्रहर [ prahara ] [ pra-hara ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a division of time (about 3 hours = 6 or 7 Nāḍikās ; lit. " stroke " , scil. on a gong) Lit. Var. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
the 8th part of a day , a watch Lit. Kathās.
N. of the subdivisions in a Śākuna ( q.v.)
प्रहरकुटुम्बी [ praharakuṭumbī ] [ pra-hara--kuṭumbī ] f. a species of plant Lit. L.
प्रहरविरति [ praharavirati ] [ pra-hara--virati ] f. the end of a watch (at 9 o'clock in the forenoon) , Lit. Amar.
प्रहरक [ praharaka ] [ pra-haraka ] m. striking the hours Lit. Vet.
a period of about 3 hours , watch Lit. Śiś. ( cf. [ ardha-praharikā ] ) .
प्रहरण [ praharaṇa ] [ pra-haraṇa ] n. striking , beating , pecking Lit. Pañcat. attack , combat Lit. MBh.
throwing (of grass into the fire) Lit. TS. Sch.
removing , dispelling Lit. Śaṃk.
a weapon (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( cf. [ kṛta-pr ] )
a carriage-box Lit. BhP.
w.r. for [ pra-vahaṇa ] Lit. L.
[ praharaṇa ] m. the verse spoken in throwing grass into the fire Lit. ĀpŚr.
N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Lit. BhP.
प्रहरणकलिका [ praharaṇakalikā ] [ pra-haraṇa--kalikā ] f. a kind of metre Lit. Chandom. Lit. Col.
प्रहरणकलिता [ praharaṇakalitā ] [ pra-haraṇa--kalitā ] f. a kind of metre Lit. Chandom. Lit. Col.
प्रहरणवत् [ praharaṇavat ] [ pra-haraṇa--vat ] m. f. n. fighting Lit. Sāy.
प्रहरणीय [ praharaṇīya ] [ pra-haraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be attacked or fought Lit. MBh.
to be removed or dispelled or destroyed Lit. Prab.
[ praharaṇīya ] n. a weapon Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
प्रहरिन् [ praharin ] [ pra-harin ] m. one who announces the hours by beating a gong , a watchman , bellman Lit. L.
प्रहर्तव्य [ prahartavya ] [ pra-hartavya ] m. f. n. to be attacked or fought Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ prahartavya ] n. (impers.) one should strike or attack (dat. or loc.) Lit. ib. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
प्रहर्तृ [ prahartṛ ] [ pra-hartṛ ] m. a sender , dispatcher Lit. Śiś.
an assailant , combatant , warrior Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
प्रहार [ prahāra ] [ pra-hāra ] m. striking , hitting , fighting Lit. Vcar.
a stroke , blow , thump , knock , kick ( " with " comp. ; " on " loc. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
प्रहारकरण [ prahārakaraṇa ] [ pra-hāra--karaṇa ] n. dealing blows , beating Lit. MW.
प्रहारद [ prahārada ] [ pra-hāra--da ] m. f. n. (ifc.) giving a blow to , striking Lit. Yājñ.
प्रहारवर्मन् [ prahāravarman ] [ pra-hāra--varman ] m. N. of a prince of Mithilā Lit. Daś.
प्रहारवल्ली [ prahāravallī ] [ pra-hāra--vallī ] f. a kind of perfume Lit. Bhpr.
प्रहारार्त [ prahārārta ] [ pra-hārārta ] m. f. n. hurt by a blow , wounded Lit. Yājñ.
[ prahārārta ] n. chronic and acute pain from a wound or hurt Lit. W.
प्रहारण [ prahāraṇa ] [ pra-hāraṇa ] n. a desirable gift Lit. L. (v.l. for 2. [ pravāraṇa ] ) .
प्रहारिन् [ prahārin ] [ pra-hārin ] m. f. n. striking , smiting , beating with (comp.) , attacking , fighting against (gen. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ prahārin ] m. a good fighter , champion , hero Lit. Nir. v , 12
प्रहारिता [ prahāritā ] [ pra-hāri-tā ] f. striking , hitting Lit. DivyA7v.
प्रहारुक [ prahāruka ] [ pra-hāruka ] m. f. n. carrying off , tearing away Lit. Kāṭh.
प्रहाय [ prahāya ] [ pra-hā́ya ] ( or [ °hāryá ] ) m. f. n. to be taken away or removed Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ pra-hāyyā ] , under [ pra-√ hi ] ) to be beaten Lit. MW.
प्रहृत [ prahṛta ] [ prá-hṛta ] m. f. n. thrown (as a stone) Lit. AV.
stretched out or lifted up (as a stick) Lit. ŚBr.
struck , beaten , hurt , wounded , hit , smitten Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ prahṛta ] m. N. of a man g. [ aśvādi ]
n. a stroke , blow
m. (impers. " a blow has been struck " Lit. Hariv. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Sāh. ; [ °te sati ] , " when a blow has been struck " Lit. Mn. viii , 286)
a fight with (comp.) Lit. Ragh. xvi , 16 ( cf. g. [ akṣa-dyūtādi ] ) .
प्रहृष् [ prahṛṣ ] [ pra-√ hṛṣ ] P. [ -hṛṣyati ] , ( mc. also Ā. [ °te ] ) , to rejoice , be glad or cheerful , exult Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -harṣayati ] , to set (the teeth) on edge Lit. Car. ; to cause to rejoice , gladden , inspirit , encourage Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रहर्ष [ praharṣa ] [ pra-harṣa ] m. erection (or greater erection) of the male organ Lit. Car.
erection of the hair , extreme joy , thrill of delight , rapture ( [ °ṣaṃ ] √ [ kṛ ] , with loc. " to delight in " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
प्रहर्षवत् [ praharṣavat ] [ pra-harṣa--vat ] m. f. n. delighted , glad Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रहर्षण [ praharṣaṇa ] [ pra-harṣaṇa ] m. f. n. causing erection of the hair of the body , enrapturing , delighting Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ praharṣaṇa ] m. the planet Mercury or its ruler Lit. L. ( cf. [ °ṣula ] )
[ praharṣaṇī ] f. ( cf. [ °ṣiṇī ] ) turmeric Lit. L.
[ praharṣaṇa ] m. a kind of metre Lit. Chandom.
n. erection (of the hair of the body) Lit. Car.
rapture , joy , delight Lit. MBh.
gladdening , delighting. Lit. ib.
the attainment of a desired object Lit. Kuval.
प्रहर्षणकर [ praharṣaṇakara ] [ pra-harṣaṇa--kara ] m. f. n. causing great joy , enrapturing Lit. MBh.
प्रहर्षित [ praharṣita ] [ pra-harṣita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) stiffened (as reed) . Lit. Suśr.
made desirous of sexual intercourse Lit. Car.
greatly delighted , enraptured , very happy Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रहर्षिन् [ praharṣin ] [ pra-harṣin ] m. f. n. gladdening ( with gen.) Lit. MBh.
[ praharṣiṇī ] f. ( cf. [ °ṣaṇī ] ) turmeric Lit. L.
a kind of metre Lit. Śrutab.
प्रहर्षुल [ praharṣula ] [ pra-harṣula ] m. the planet Mercury Lit. L. ( cf. [ °ṣaṇa ] ) .
प्रहृष्ट [ prahṛṣṭa ] [ pra-hṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. erect , bristling (as the hair of the body) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
thrilled with delight , exceedingly pleased , delighted Lit. ib. Lit. Var. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
प्रहृष्टचित्त [ prahṛṣṭacitta ] [ pra-hṛṣṭa--citta ] m. f. n. delighted at heart , exceedingly glad. Lit. A.
प्रहृष्टमनस् [ prahṛṣṭamanas ] [ pra-hṛṣṭa--manas ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh.
प्रहृष्टमुख [ prahṛṣṭamukha ] [ pra-hṛṣṭa--mukha ] m. f. n. having a cheerful face , looking pleased ( [ a-pr ] ) . Lit. MārkP.
प्रहृष्टमुदित [ prahṛṣṭamudita ] [ pra-hṛṣṭa--mudita ] m. f. n. exceedingly pleased and cheerful Lit. R.
प्रहृष्टरूप [ prahṛṣṭarūpa ] [ pra-hṛṣṭa--rūpa ] m. f. n. of pleasing form Lit. MBh.
erect in form Lit. MW.
प्रहृष्टरोमन् [ prahṛṣṭaroman ] [ pra-hṛṣṭa--roman ] m. f. n. one who has erected hair Lit. R.
[ prahṛṣṭaroman ] m. N. of an Asura Lit. Kathās.
प्रहृष्टवदन [ prahṛṣṭavadana ] [ pra-hṛṣṭa--vadana ] m. f. n. = [ -mukha ] Lit. MārkP.
प्रहृष्टात्मन् [ prahṛṣṭātman ] [ pra-hṛṣṭātman ] m. f. n. = [ °ṭa-citta ] . Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रहृष्टक [ prahṛṣṭaka ] [ pra-hṛṣṭaka ] m. a crow Lit. W.
प्रहेणक [ praheṇaka ] [ pra-heṇaka ] n. a kind of pastry , Lit. Divyáv. ( cf. [ pra-helaka ] ) .
प्रहेति [ praheti ] [ pra-heti ] see [ pra-√ hi ] .
प्रहेलक [ prahelaka ] [ pra-helaka ] n. (√ [ hil ] ?) a kind of pastry. sweetmeat distributed at a festival Lit. L. ( cf. [ pra-heṇaka ] ) .
प्रहेला [ prahelā ] [ pra-helā ] f. playfulness , free or unrestrained behaviour
प्रहेलया [ prahelayā ] [ pra-helayā ] ind. freely , without constraint Lit. Pañcat.
प्रहेलि [ praheli ] [ pra-heli ] ( Lit. L.) f. an enigma , riddle , puzzling question.
प्रहेलिका [ prahelikā ] [ pra-helikā ] ( Lit. Kāvyâd., 6 kinds) f. an enigma , riddle , puzzling question.
प्रहेली [ prahelī ] [ pra-helī ] f. id.
प्रहेलीज्ञान [ prahelījñāna ] [ pra-helī--jñāna ] n. the art or science of proposing riddles Lit. L.
प्रहोष [ prahoṣa ] [ pra-hoṣa ] [ °ṣin ] see under [ pra-√ hu ] .
(accord. to some = [ pra ] - [ ghoṣá ] , "a hymn of praise"
प्रहोषिन् [ prahoṣin ] [ pra-ho-ṣí n ] "accompanied by h°ymns of pr°aise"
प्रह्ये [ prahye ] [ pra-hye ] see under [ pra-√ hi ] .
प्रह्राद [ prahrāda ] [ pra-hrāda ] m. (√ [ hrād ] ) N. of the chief of the Asuras (with the patr. Kāyādhava. and father of Virocana) Lit. TBr.
of a son of Hiraṇyakaśipu (he was an enemy of Indra and friend of Vishṇu) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ pra-hlāda ] ) .
प्रह्रादि [ prahrādi ] [ pra-hrādi ] m. pl. v.l. for [ pra-hlādīya ] . Lit. KaushUp.
प्रह्रास [ prahrāsa ] [ pra-hrāsa ] m. (√ [ hras ] ) shortening , diminution , wane Lit. MBh.
प्रह्लाद् [ prahlād ] [ pra-√ hlād ] Ā. [ -hlādate ] , to be refreshed or comforted , to rejoice Lit. Kir. : Caus. [ -hlādayati ] [ °te ] to refresh , comfort , delight Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रह्ल [ prahla ] [ pra-hla ] m. f. n. pleased , glad Lit. Gal.
प्रह्लत्ति [ prahlatti ] [ pra-hlatti ] f. pleasure , delight Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 95 Sch.
प्रह्लन्न [ prahlanna ] [ pra-hlanna ] m. f. n. pleased , glad , happy Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 95 Sch.
प्रह्लन्नि [ prahlanni ] [ pra-hlanni ] f. = [ °hlatti ] Lit. Siddh.
प्रह्लाद [ prahlāda ] [ pra-hlāda ] m. joyful excitement , delight , joy. happiness Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
sound , noise Lit. L.
a species of rice Lit. Gal.
N. of a pious Daitya ( son of Hiraṇya-kaśipu ; he was made king of the Daitya by Vishṇu , and was regent of one of the divisions of Pātāla ; cf. [ pra-hrāda ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. VP. ( Lit. RTL. 109)
of a Nāga. Lit. MBh.
of a Prajā-pati Lit. ib.
pl. N. of a people. Lit. ib.
प्रह्लादचम्पू [ prahlādacampū ] [ pra-hlāda--campū ] f. N. of wk.
प्रह्लादचरित [ prahlādacarita ] [ pra-hlāda--carita ] n. N. of wk.
प्रह्लादविजय [ prahlādavijaya ] [ pra-hlāda--vijaya ] n. N. of wk.
प्रह्लादस्तुति [ prahlādastuti ] [ pra-hlāda--stuti ] f. N. of wk.
प्रह्लादस्तोत्र [ prahlādastotra ] [ pra-hlāda--stotra ] n. N. of wk.
प्रह्लादक [ prahlādaka ] [ pra-hlādaka ] m. f. n. causing joy or pleasure , refreshing Lit. Ṛitus.
प्रह्लादन [ prahlādana ] [ pra-hlādana ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr.
[ prahlādana ] m. ( with [ yuva-rāja ] ) N. of a poet (brother of king Dhārā-varsha , 1208) Lit. Cat.
n. ( Lit. Hariv. Lit. Suśr.) and ( [ ā ] ) f. ( Lit. Bālar.) the act of causing joy or pleasure , refreshment.
प्रह्लादनीय [ prahlādanīya ] [ pra-hlādanīya ] m. f. n. refreshing , comforting Lit. Lalit.
प्रह्लादित [ prahlādita ] [ pra-hlādita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) rejoiced , delighted Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
प्रह्लादिन् [ prahlādin ] [ pra-hlādin ] m. f. n. delighting , refreshing Lit. MBh.
प्रह्लादीय [ prahlādīya ] [ pra-hlādīya ] m. pl. the attendants of the Asura Prahlāda Lit. KaushUp. ( cf. [ pra-hrādi ] ) .
प्रह्व [ prahva ] [ pra-hva ] m. f. n. (√ [ hvṛ ] ) inclined forwards , sloping , slanting , bent Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. MBh. ( [ -tva ] n. Lit. VP. Sch.)
bowed , stooping , bowing before (gen.) Lit. MBh. ( [ °vāñjali ] mfn. bowing with hands joined in token of respect Lit. R.)
humble , modest Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
inclined towards i.e. intent upon , devoted to , engaged in Lit. L.
प्रह्वण [ prahvaṇa ] [ pra-hvaṇa ] n. bowing down in reverence Lit. BhP.
प्रह्वत्व [ prahvatva ] [ pra-hva--tva ] n. , see [ prahva ] , Lit. VP. Sch.
प्रह्वय [ prahvaya ] [ pra-hvaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to render humble Lit. Uttarar.
प्रह्वाञ्जलि [ prahvāñjali ] [ pra-hvāñjali ] m. f. n. , see [ prahva ] , bowing with hands joined in token of respect Lit. R.
प्रह्वाण [ prahvāṇa ] [ pra-hvāṇa ] m. f. n. bent , bowing Lit. TāṇḍBr.
प्रह्वी [ prahvī ] [ prahvī ] in comp for [ pra-hva ] .
प्रह्वीकृत [ prahvīkṛta ] [ prahvī-kṛta ] m. f. n. bent forwards , bowed Lit. W.
conquered , won Lit. ib.
प्रह्वीभूत [ prahvībhūta ] [ prahvī-bhūta ] m. f. n. bowing , humble , modest Lit. Bālar.
प्रह्वल् [ prahval ] [ pra-√ hval ] P. [ -hvalati ] , to begin to reel , quake , tremble Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
प्रह्वलिका [ prahvalikā ] [ pra-hvalikā ] n. a for beautiful body Lit. L. ( cf. [ prakula ] ) .
प्रह्वलीका [ prahvalīkā ] [ pra-hvalīkā ] w.r. for [ pra-valhikā ] .
प्रह्वे [ prahve ] [ pra-√ hve ] (Ā. [ -havate ] ; 1. sg. impf. [ -ahve ] ) , to invoke Lit. RV.
प्रह्वाय [ prahvāya ] [ pra-hvāya ] m. call , invocation Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 72.
प्रा [ prā ] [ prā ]1 Root cl. [2] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiv , 53) [ prāti ] (pf. P. [ papraú ] or [ paprā ] , 2. sg. [ paprātha ] , p. [ paprivás ] f. [ °prúṣī ] Lit. RV. ; Ā. [ papre ] , 2. sg. [ °priṣe ] Lit. ib. Lit. AV. ; [ papre ] as Pass. , Bhatt aor 3. sg. [ aprāt ] or [ aprās ] Lit. RV. ; Subj. [ prā́s ] or [ prā́si ] Lit. ib. ; aor. Pass. [ aprāyi ] Lit. AV.) , to fill Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ( cf. Gk. , 1 ; Lat. (ple1-nus) . )
प्रा [ prā ] [ prā ]2 m. f. n. filling (ifc.= 2. [ pra ] ; cf. [ antarikṣa- ] , [ kāma- ] , [ kratu- ] )
प्राण [ prāṇa ] [ prāṇa ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see p. 705 , col. 1.) filled , full Lit. L.
प्रात [ prāta ] [ prātá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV.
प्राति [ prāti ] [ prāti ] f. filling (= [ pūrti ] ) Lit. L.
the span of the thumb and forefinger. Lit. L.
प्रा [ prā ] [ prā ]3 Vṛiddhi or lengthened form of 1. [ pra ] in comp. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. vi , 3 , 122) . Observe in the following derivatives , only the second member of the simple compound from which they come is given in the parentheses , leaving the preposition [ pra ] ( lengthened to [ prā ] in the derivatives) to be supplied.
प्राकरणिक [ prākaraṇika ] [ prā-karaṇika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -karaṇa ] ) belonging to the matter in question or to a chapter or to a class or genus Lit. MānGṛ. Lit. KātyŚr.
being the subject of any statement Lit. MW.
प्राकर्ष [ prākarṣa ] [ prā-karṣa ] n. N. of Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
प्राकर्षिक [ prākarṣika ] [ prā-karṣika ] m. f. n. deserving preference g. [ chedādi ] .
प्राकषिक [ prākaṣika ] [ prā-kaṣika ] m. ( fr. [ -kaṣa ] ; see Lit. Uṇ. ii , 41 Sch.) a dancer employed by a woman or one supported by another's wives Lit. L.
प्राकाम्य [ prākāmya ] [ prā-kāmya ] n. ( fr. [ -kāma ] ) freedom of will , wilfulness Lit. MBh. Lit. Kum. Lit. MārkP.
irresistible will or fiat (one of the 8 supernatural powers) Lit. MWB. 245.
प्राकार [ prākāra ] [ prā-kāra ] see s.v.
प्राकाश [ prākāśa ] [ prā-kāśá ] m. a metallic mirror (others " a kind of ornament " ) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
प्राकाश्य [ prākāśya ] [ prā-kāśya ] n. ( fr. [ -kāśa ] ) the being evident , manifestness , celebrity , renown Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr.
प्राकृत [ prākṛta ] [ prā-kṛta ] see s.v.
प्राक्रमिक [ prākramika ] [ prā-kramika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -krama ] ) one who undertakes much (without finishing anything) Lit. Gaut. Sch.
प्राक्षालन [ prākṣālana ] [ prā-kṣālana ] w.r. for [ pra-kṣ ] .
प्राखर्य [ prākharya ] [ prā-kharya ] n. ( fr. [ -khara ] ) sharpness (of an arrow) Lit. Naish. Sch.
wickedness Lit. W.
प्रागद्य [ prāgadya ] [ prā-gadya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -gadin ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 80.
प्रागल्भी [ prāgalbhī ] [ prā-galbhī ] f. ( fr. [ galbha ] ) boldness , confidence , resoluteness , determination Lit. Bālar.
प्रागल्भ्य [ prāgalbhya ] [ prā-galbhya ] n. id. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
importance , rank Lit. W.
manifestation , appearance Lit. Kpr.
proficiency Lit. MW.
प्रागल्भ्यबुद्धि [ prāgalbhyabuddhi ] [ prā-galbhya--buddhi ] f. boldness of judgement Lit. Pañcat.
प्रागल्भ्यवत् [ prāgalbhyavat ] [ prā-galbhya--vat ] m. f. n. possessed of confidence , bold , arrogant Lit. Kathās.
प्रागाङ्गम् [ prāgāṅgam ] [ prā-gāṅgam ] w.r. for [ prāggaṅgam ] Lit. Pat.
प्रागाथ [ prāgātha ] [ prā-gātha ] m. f. n. belonging to the Pragāthas (i.e. to Lit. RV. viii) Lit. ĀśvŚr.
[ prāgātha ] m. patr. of Kali and Bharga and Haryata Lit. RAnukr.
प्रागाथक [ prāgāthaka ] [ prā-gāthaka ] m. f. n. = prec. mfn. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr
प्रागाथिक [ prāgāthika ] [ prā-gāthika ] m. f. n. derived from Pragātha Lit. ŚrS.
प्रागीत्य [ prāgītya ] [ prā-gītya ] n. ( fr. [ -gīta ] ) notoriety , celebrity , excellence Lit. Nalac.
प्रागुण्य [ prāguṇya ] [ prā-guṇya ] n. ( fr. [ -guṇa ] ) right position or direction Lit. Car.
प्राघर्मसद् [ prāgharmasad ] [ prā-gharma-sád ] m. f. n. sitting in a region of fire or light Lit. RV. vi , 73 , 1 ( Lit. Sāy.)
प्राघात [ prāghāta ] [ prā-ghāta ] w.r. for [ pra-gh ] Lit. L.
प्राघार [ prāghāra ] [ prā-ghāra ] m. sprinkling , aspersion Lit. L.
प्राचण्ड्य [ prācaṇḍya ] [ prā-caṇḍya ] n. ( fr. [ -caṇḍa ] ) violence , passion , Lit. Mālatīm.
प्राचिन्वत् [ prācinvat ] [ prā-cinvat ] m. N. of a son of Janam-ejaya ( = [ pra-cinvat ] ) Lit. MBh.
प्राचुर्य [ prācurya ] [ prā-curya ] n. ( fr. [ -cura ] ) multitude , abundance , plenty Lit. Bādar. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Pañcat.
amplitude , prolixity Lit. TPrāt. Sch.
prevalence , currency Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Rājat.
[ prācuryeṇa ] ind. in a mass , fully , mostly Lit. MārkP.
in detail Lit. BhP.
प्राचेतस् [ prācetas ] [ prā-cetas ] m. pl. N. of the 10 sons of Prācīna-barhis ( = [ pra-cetas ] ) Lit. MBh.
प्राचेतस [ prācetasa ] [ prā-cetasa ] m. f. n. relating to Varuṇa (= [ pra-cetas ] ; with [ āśā ] f. the west) Lit. Hcar.
descended from Pracetas (m. patr. of Manu , Daksha , and Vālmīki) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
pl. = [ -cetas ] pl. Lit. L.
प्राचेतसस्तव [ prācetasastava ] [ prā-cetasa--stava ] m. N. of Lit. VP. xiv.
प्राजहित [ prājahita ] [ prā-jahita ] m. = [ pra-j ]
[ prājahita ] m. a Gārhapatya fire maintained during a longer period of time , Lit. SrS.
प्राजापत [ prājāpata ] [ prā-jāpata ] see s.v.
प्राजापत्य [ prājāpatya ] [ prā-jāpatya ] see s.v.
प्राजावत [ prājāvata ] [ prā-jāvata ] see s.v.
प्राजेश [ prājeśa ] [ prā-jeśa ] see s.v.
प्राजेश्वर [ prājeśvara ] [ prā-jeśvara ] see s.v.
प्राज्ञ [ prājña ] [ prā-jñá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ jñā ] ) intellectual ( opp. to [ śārīra ] , [ taijasa ] ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Nir. Lit. MāṇḍUp.
intelligent , wise , clever Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
[ prājña ] m. a wise or learned man Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
intelligence dependent on individuality Lit. Vedântas.
a kind of parrot with red stripes on the neck and wings Lit. L.
प्राज्ञकथा [ prājñakathā ] [ prā-jñá--kathā ] f. a story about a wise man Lit. MW.
प्राज्ञत्व [ prājñatva ] [ prā-jñá--tva ] n. ( Lit. Vedântas.) wisdom , learning , intelligence
प्राज्ञभूतनाथ [ prājñabhūtanātha ] [ prā-jñá--bhūta-nātha ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
प्राज्ञमान [ prājñamāna ] [ prā-jñá--māna ] m. respect for learned men Lit. W.
प्राज्ञमानिन् [ prājñamānin ] [ prā-jñá--mānin ] m. f. n. thinking one's self wise. ( Lit. Śaṃk.)
प्राज्ञम्मानिन् [ prājñammānin ] [ prā-jñá--m-mānin ] m. f. n. thinking one's self wise. ( Lit. Kathās.)
प्राज्ञवादिक [ prājñavādika ] [ prā-jñá--vādika ] m. f. n. thinking one's self wise. ( Lit. MBh.)
प्राणाय्य [ prāṇāyya ] [ prā-ṇāyya ] m. f. n. proper , fit , suited Lit. ChUp. iii , 11 , 5 (v.l. [ pra-ṇ ] ) .
प्राणाह [ prāṇāha ] [ prā-ṇāhá ] m. cement (used in building) Lit. AV.
प्राणीत्य [ prāṇītya ] [ prā-ṇītya ] n. prob. w.r. for [ mītya ] q.v.
प्रातर्दन [ prātardana ] [ prā-tardana ] m. f. n. belonging to or derived from Pratardana Lit. L.
प्रातिथेयी [ prātitheyī ] [ prā-titheyī ] f. ( fr. [ -tithi ] ) N. of a female sage Lit. GṛS. (v.l. [ -tītheyī ] ) .
प्रातुद [ prātuda ] [ prā-tuda ] m. f. n. derived from the Pratudas or peckers (a kind of bird) Lit. Car.
प्रातृद [ prātṛda ] [ prā-tṛdá ] m. patr. fr. [ pratṛd ] Lit. ŚBr. ( Lit. Sāy.)
प्रादक्षिण्य [ prādakṣiṇya ] [ prā-dakṣiṇya ] n. ( fr. [ -dakṣiṇa ] ) circumambulation while keeping one's right side towards an object Lit. MBh.
respectful behaviour Lit. Car.
प्रादानिक [ prādānika ] [ prā-dānika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -dāna ] ) relating to an oblation Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
प्रादुर् [ prādur ] [ prā-dúr ] see s.v.
प्रादेश [ prādeśa ] [ prā-deśá ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) the span of the thumb and forefinger (also a measure = 12 Aṅgulas) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS. : Lit. MBh.
place , country Lit. L. (v.l. for [ pra-d ] )
प्रादेशपाद [ prādeśapāda ] [ prā-deśá--pāda ] m. f. n. (a seat) whose legs are a span long Lit. KātyŚr.
प्रादेशमात्र [ prādeśamātra ] [ prā-deśá--mātrá ] n. the measure of a span Lit. ŚBr. ( with [ bhūmeḥ ] , " a mere span of land " Lit. MBh.)
[ prādeśamātra ] m. f. n. a span long Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS.
प्रादेशसम [ prādeśasama ] [ prā-deśá--sama ] m. f. n. id. Lit. KātyŚr.
प्रादेशायाम [ prādeśāyāma ] [ prā-deśāyāma ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Gobh.
प्रादेशन [ prādeśana ] [ prā-deśana ] n. = [ pra-deśana ] , a gift Lit. L.
प्रादेशिक [ prādeśika ] [ prā-deśika ] m. f. n. having precedents Lit. Nir. ( with [ guṇa ] m. the authorized function or meaning of a word)
local , limited Lit. Rājat.
[ prādeśika ] m. ( also [ °kevara ] ) a small land-owner , chief of a district Lit. Kauś.
प्रादेशिन् [ prādeśin ] [ prā-deśin ] m. f. n. a span long Lit. Gṛihyās.
[ prādeśinī ] f. the forefinger Lit. KātyŚr. Sch. ( prob. w.r. for [ pra-deśinī ] )
प्रादोष [ prādoṣa ] [ prā-doṣa ] m. f. n. belonging or relating to the evening , vespertine Lit. Bhpr.
प्रादोषिक [ prādoṣika ] [ prā-doṣika ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Pañcat. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 14) .
प्रादोहनि [ prādohani ] [ prā-dohani ] m. patr. fr. [ pra-dohana ] g. [ taulvalyādi ] .
प्राद्युम्नि [ prādyumni ] [ prā-dyumni ] m. patr. fr. [ pra-dyumna ] Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ( cf. g. [ bahv-ādi ] ) .
प्राद्योति [ prādyoti ] [ prā-dyoti ] m. patr. fr. [ pradyota ] Lit. Cat.
प्राधनिक [ prādhanika ] [ prā-dhanika ] n. ( fr. [ -dhana ] ) an implement of war , weapon Lit. BhP.
प्राधा [ prādhā ] [ prā-dhā ] f. ( cf. [ pra-dhā ] ) N. of a daughter of Daksha and mother of sev. Apsaras and Gandharvas Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
प्राधानिक [ prādhānika ] [ prā-dhānika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -dhāna ] ) pre-eminent , distinguished , superior Lit. BhP.
(in Sāṃkhya) derived from or relating to Pradhāna or primary matter Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
प्राधान्य [ prādhānya ] [ prā-dhānya ] n. predominance , prevalence , ascendency , supremacy Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Suśr.
ibc. in regard to the highest object or chief matter , chiefly, mainly , summarily Lit. Nir. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ( [ -stuti ] mfn. chiefly praised)
[ prādhānyena ] ind. in regard to the highest object or chief matter , chiefly, mainly , summarily Lit. Nir. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ prādhānyāt ] ind. in regard to the highest object or chief matter , chiefly, mainly , summarily Lit. Nir. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ prādhānyatas ] ind. in regard to the highest object or chief matter , chiefly, mainly , summarily Lit. Nir. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ prādhānya ] m. a chief or most distinguished person Lit. Vet.
प्राधान्यस्तुति [ prādhānyastuti ] [ prā-dhānya--stuti ] m. f. n. , see [ prādhānya ] , chiefly praised
प्राधेय [ prādheya ] [ prā-dheya ] m. f. n. descended from Prādhā Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ karṇa-prādheya ] ) .
प्राध्वन्सन [ prādhvansana ] [ prā-dhvánsana ] m. patr. fr. [ pra-dhváṃsana ] , Lit. ŚBr.
प्रानाडी [ prānāḍī ] [ prā-nāḍī ] f. = (or w.r. for) [ pra-ṇāḍī ] = [ pra-ṇālī ] Lit. MBh.
प्रापणिक [ prāpaṇika ] [ prā-paṇika ] m. ( fr. [ -paṇa ] ; but cf. Lit. Uṇ. ii , 42) a trader , dealer Lit. MBh. Lit. Śiś.
प्राप्राबन्ध [ prāprābandha ] [ prā-prābandha ] see [ késara-prābandhā ]
प्राबल्य [ prābalya ] [ prā-balya ] n. ( fr. [ -bala ] ) superiority of power , predominance , ascendency Lit. Vedântas. Lit. Suśr.
force , validity (of a rule) Lit. TPrāt. Sch.
प्राबालिक [ prābālika ] [ prā-bālika ] see [ -vālika ] .
प्राबोधक [ prābodhaka ] [ prā-bodhaka ] m. = (and v.l. for) [ pra-b ] , a minstrel employed to wake the king in the morning Lit. R.
= next Lit. L.
प्राबोधिक [ prābodhika ] [ prā-bodhika ] m. ( fr. [ -bodha ] ) dawn , daybreak Lit. L.
प्राभञ्जन [ prābhañjana ] [ prā-bhañjana ] n. the Nakshatra Svāti (presided over by Prabhañjana , the god of wind) Lit. Var. Lit. Var.
प्राभञ्जनि [ prābhañjani ] [ prā-bhañjani ] m. patr. of Hanūmat (son of Prabhañjana) Lit. Mcar.
प्राभव [ prābhava ] [ prā-bhava ] n. ( fr. [ -bhu ] ) superiority Lit. L.
प्राभवत्य [ prābhavatya ] [ prā-bhavatya ] n. ( fr. [ -bhavat ] ) id. Lit. Mn. viii , 412.
प्राभाकर [ prābhākara ] [ prā-bhākara ] m. f. n. derived from [ prabhā-kara ] Lit. Dharmaś.
[ prābhākara ] m. a follower of Pradhāna Lit. Vedântas.
n. the work of Pradhāna Lit. Pratāp. Sch.
प्राभाकरखण्डन [ prābhākarakhaṇḍana ] [ prā-bhākara--khaṇḍana ] n. N. of wk.
प्राभाकरि [ prābhākari ] [ prā-bhākari ] m. patr. of the planet Saturn Lit. Var.
प्राभातिक [ prābhātika ] [ prā-bhātika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -bhāta ] ) relating to morning , matutinal Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Suśr.
प्राभासिक [ prābhāsika ] [ prā-bhāsika ] ( with [ kṣetra ] ) n. = [ pra-bhāsa-kṣ ] Lit. Cat.
प्राभूतिक [ prābhūtika ] [ prā-bhūtika ] m. f. n. = [ pra-bhūtam āha ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 1 Vārtt. 2 Lit. Pat.
प्राभृत [ prābhṛta ] [ prā-bhṛta ] n. once in Lit. DivyA7v. m. ( fr. [ -bhṛti ] ) a present , gift. offering (esp. to a deity or a sovereign) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat. ( [ cikitsā-prābhṛta ] m. a man whose gift is the art of medicine , a skilful physician Lit. Car.)
N. of the chapters of the Sūryaprajñapti ( the subdivisions are called [ prābhṛta-prābhṛta ] )
प्राभृतक [ prābhṛtaka ] [ prā-bhṛta-ka ] n. a present , gift Lit. Mālav.
प्राभृतीकृ [ prābhṛtīkṛ ] [ prā-bhṛtī-√ kṛ ] to make a present of offer Lit. Kathās.
प्रामति [ prāmati ] [ prā-mati ] m. N. of one of the 7 sages in the 10th Manv-antara Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ pra-mati ] and [ prāptati ] ) .
प्रामाणिक [ prāmāṇika ] [ prā-māṇika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -māṇa ] ) forming or being a measure Lit. Hcat. ( cf. [ pra-māṇika ] )
founded on evidence or authority , admitting of proof , authentic , credible Lit. Dāyabh.
one who accepts proof or rests his arguments on authority Lit. Sarvad.
a president , the chief or head of a trade Lit. W.
प्रामाणिकत्व [ prāmāṇikatva ] [ prā-māṇika--tva ] n. is. authoritativeness , cogency , Lit. Mallin.
प्रामाणिकवार्त्तिक [ prāmāṇikavārttika ] [ prā-māṇika--vārttika ] n. N. of wk.
प्रामाण्य [ prāmāṇya ] [ prā-māṇya ] n. ( fr. [ -māṇa ] ) the being established by proof. resting upon authority , authoritativeness , authenticity , evidence , credibility Lit. Nir. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
प्रामाण्यवाद [ prāmāṇyavāda ] [ prā-māṇya--vāda ] m. N. of sev. works.
प्रामाण्यवादक्रोड [ prāmāṇyavādakroḍa ] [ prā-māṇya--vāda--kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.
प्रामाण्यवादटीका [ prāmāṇyavādaṭīkā ] [ prā-māṇya--vāda--ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
प्रामाण्यवादरहस्य [ prāmāṇyavādarahasya ] [ prā-māṇya--vāda--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
प्रामाण्यवादविचार [ prāmāṇyavādavicāra ] [ prā-māṇya--vāda--vicāra ] m. N. of wk.
प्रामाण्यवादशिरोमणि [ prāmāṇyavādaśiromaṇi ] [ prā-māṇya--vāda--śiromaṇi ] m. N. of wk.
प्रामाण्यवादसंग्रह [ prāmāṇyavādasaṃgraha ] [ prā-māṇya--vāda--saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रामाण्यवादार्थ [ prāmāṇyavādārtha ] [ prā-māṇya--vādārtha ] m. N. of wk.
प्रामाण्यवादिन् [ prāmāṇyavādin ] [ prā-māṇya--vādin ] m. f. n. one who affirms or believes in proof Lit. Sarvad.
प्रामादिक [ prāmādika ] [ prā-mādika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -māda ] ) arising from carelessness , erroneous , faulty , wrong (with [ pāṭha ] m. a wrong reading) Lit. Mallin. Lit. Siddh. Lit. Cat.
प्रामादिकत्व [ prāmādikatva ] [ prā-mādika--tva ] n. erroneousness , incorrectness Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Sch.
प्रामाद्य [ prāmādya ] [ prā-mādya ] m. ( fr. [ -māda ] ) Adhatoda Vasica or Gendarussa Vulgaris. Lit. L.
[ prāmādya ] n. madness , fury. intoxication Lit. W.
प्रामीत्य [ prāmītya ] [ prā-mītya ] n. ( fr. [ -mīta ] ) debt (lit. " death " ?) Lit. L.
प्रामोदिक [ prāmodika ] [ prā-modika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -mīta ] ) charming , enchanting Lit. Mcar.
प्रायत्य [ prāyatya ] [ prā-yatya ] n. ( fr. [ -yata ] ) purity , pious disposition or preparation for any rite Lit. ĀpŚr. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. BhP. ( [ a-prāy ] ) .
प्रायाणिक [ prāyāṇika ] [ prā-yāṇika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -yāṇa ] ) fit for a march or journey Lit. MBh.
प्रायात्रिक [ prāyātrika ] [ prā-yātrika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -yātrā ] ) id. Lit. ib. Lit. Hariv.
प्रायास [ prāyāsa ] [ prā-yāsá ] m. = [ pra-y ] , Lit. VS.
प्रायु [ prāyu ] [ prā-yu ] see [ a-prāyu ] [ °yus ] .
प्रायुस् [ prāyus ] [ prā-yus ] see [ a-prāyu ] [ °yus ] .
प्रायुध् [ prāyudh ] [ prā-yudh ] f. (?) fight , battle
प्रायुध्युद्धेषिन् [ prāyudhyuddheṣin ] [ prā-yudh--yud-dheṣin ] m. ( for [ -heṣin ] ) or [ -yudh-eṣin ] a horse Lit. L. (lit. " neighing in or longing for the battle " ) .
प्रायोक्त्र [ prāyoktra ] [ prā-yoktra ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -yoktṛ ] ) relating to an employer Lit. Pat.
प्रायोगि [ prāyogi ] [ prā-yogi ] ( [ prā́- ] ) m. patr. fr. [ pra-yoga ] Lit. MaitrS.
प्रायोगिक [ prāyogika ] [ prā-yogika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -yoga ] ) applied. used , applicable Lit. Kām. ( cf. g. [ chedādi ] )
( with [ dhūma ] , m.) a kind of sternutatory Lit. Suśr.
प्रायोज्य [ prāyojya ] [ prā-yojya ] m. f. n. belonging to things requisite or necessary. Lit. Dhāyabh.
प्रारोह [ prāroha ] [ prā-roha ] m. a shoot , sprout (= [ pra-r ] ) Lit. Cat.
[ prāroha ] m. f. n. accustomed to rise or ascend g. [ chattrādi ] .
प्रालम्ब [ prālamba ] [ prā-lamba ] m. f. n. hanging down Lit. R.
[ prālamba ] m. a kind of pearl ornament Lit. L.
the female breast Lit. L.
a species of gourd Lit. L.
n. (?) a garland hanging down to the breast Lit. Ragh. ( also [ °baka ] , n. and [ °bikā ] f. Lit. L.)
प्रालम्बक [ prālambaka ] [ prā-lambaka ] n. , see [ prālamba ] , a garland hanging down to the breast
प्रालम्बिका [ prālambikā ] [ prā-lambikā ] f. , see [ prālamba ] , a garland hanging down to the breast Lit. L.
प्रालेपिक [ prālepika ] [ prā-lepika ] m. f. n. = [ pralepikāyā dharmyam ] , g. , [ mahiṣy-ādi ] .
प्रालेय [ prāleya ] [ prā-leya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -laya ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 3) produced by melting Lit. ib. Sch.
[ prāleya ] m. fever in goat or sheep Lit. Gal.
n. (?) hail , snow , frost , dew Lit. Megh. Lit. Var. Lit. Rājat. (also as Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to resemble hail Lit. Dhūrtas.)
प्रालेयभूधर [ prāleyabhūdhara ] [ prā-leya--bhū-dhara ] m. " snow-mountain " , Hima-vat Lit. Vcar.
प्रालेयरश्मि [ prāleyaraśmi ] [ prā-leya--raśmi ] m. " frosty-rayed. " the moon
प्रालेयरोचिस् [ prāleyarocis ] [ prā-leya--rocis ] ( Lit. Prasannar.) m. " frosty-rayed. " the moon
प्रालेयवर्ष [ prāleyavarṣa ] [ prā-leya--varṣa ] m. falling (lit. " raining " ) of snow , Lit. Veṇis.
प्रालेयशैल [ prāleyaśaila ] [ prā-leya--śaila ] m. = [ -bhūdhara ] Lit. Kathās.
प्रालेयांशु [ prāleyāṃśu ] [ prā-leyāṃśu ] m. = [ °yaraśmi ] Lit. Var.
प्रालेयाद्रि [ prāleyādri ] [ prā-leyādri ] m. = [ °ya-bhū-dhara ] Lit. Vcar.
प्रावचन [ prāvacana ] [ prā-vacana ] ( Lit. VPrāt.) and ( Lit. TS. Sch.) , usual while reciting Vedic texts.
प्रावचनिक [ prāvacanika ] [ prā-vacanika ]and ( Lit. TS. Sch.) , usual while reciting Vedic texts.
प्रावट [ prāvaṭa ] [ prā-vaṭa ] m. barley Lit. L. ( cf. [ pra-vaṭa ] and [ pra-veṭa ] ) .
प्रावण [ prāvaṇa ] [ prā-vaṇá ] m. f. n. being among the crags (fire) Lit. RV. lii , 22 , 4
प्रावणि [ prāvaṇi ] [ prā-vaṇi ] (?) m. f. n. Lit. Uṇ. ii , 103 Sch.
प्रावर [ prāvara ] [ prā-vara ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. 3. [ pra-vará ] , p.693 ; for 2. see [ prā- ] √ 1. [ vṛ ] ) Lit. Pat.
प्रावरेय [ prāvareya ] [ prā-vareya ] m. patr. fr. [ pra-vara ] Lit. Kāṭh.
प्रावर्ग [ prāvarga ] [ prā-vargá ] m. f. n. distinguished , eminent Lit. RV.
प्रावर्तक [ prāvartaka ] [ prā-vartaka ] see under [ prā- ] √ [ vṛt ] , p.709.
प्रावर्षिन् [ prāvarṣin ] [ prā-varṣin ] m. f. n. raining , Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
प्रावहणि [ prāvahaṇi ] [ prā-vahaṇi ] m. w.r. for [ -vāhaṇi ]
प्रावादुक [ prāvāduka ] [ prā-vāduka ] m. an opponent in philosophical discussion Lit. Nyāyas. Sch.
प्रावालिक [ prāvālika ] [ prā-vālika ] m. ( fr. [ -vāla ] ) a vendor of coral Lit. R.
प्रावास [ prāvāsa ] [ prā-vāsa ] m. f. n. g. [ vyuṣṭādi ]
प्रावासिक [ prāvāsika ] [ prā-vāsika ] m. f. n. g. [ guḍādi ] and [ saṃtāpādi ] .
प्रावाहणि [ prāvāhaṇi ] [ prā́-vāhaṇi ] m. ( [ prā́- ] ) . patr. fr. [ pra-vāhaṇa ] Lit. TS. Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch. (w.r. [ prāvahaṇi ] and [ prāhaṇi ] ; cf. g. [ taulvaiy-ādi ] Lit. Kāś.)
प्रावाहणेय [ prāvāhaṇeya ] [ prā́-vāhaṇeya ] m. patr. fr. [ °ṇi ] Lit. Pravar. ( cf. g. [ śbhrādi ] ; also [ pravāhaṇeya ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 28)
प्रावाहणेयक [ prāvāhaṇeyaka ] [ prā́-vāhaṇeyaka ] m. ( also [ prav ] ) patr. fr. [ °ṇeya ] Lit. Pāṇ. vii , 3 , 29 Lit. Kāś.
प्रावाहणेयि [ prāvāhaṇeyi ] [ prā́-vāhaṇeyi ] m. ( also [ prav ] ) id. Lit. ib.
प्रावीण्य [ prāvīṇya ] [ prā-vīṇya ] n. ( fr. [ -vīṇa ] ) cleverness , dexterity , skill , proficiency in (loc. or comp.) Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās.
प्रावृत्तिक [ prāvṛttika ] [ prā-vṛttika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -vṛtti ] ) corresponding to a former mode of action Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
(ifc.) well acquainted with Lit. Hariv.
प्रावृष् [ prāvṛṣ ] [ prā-vṛ́ṣ ] , see s.v.
प्रावेण्य [ prāveṇya ] [ prā-veṇya ] n. ( fr. [ -veṇī ] ) a fine woollen covering Lit. R. (v.l. [ °ṇī ] ) .
प्रावेप [ prāvepa ] [ prā-vepá ] m. the swaying of pendent fruit (on a tree) Lit. RV.
प्रावेशन [ prāveśana ] [ prā-veśana ] m. f. n. g. [ vyuṣṭādi ] .
[ prāveśana ] n. a workshop Lit. L.
प्रावेशिक [ prāveśika ] [ prā-veśika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -veśa ] ) relating to entrance (into a house or on the stage) Lit. Vikr. Lit. Bālar. Lit. Pracaṇḍ. ( with [ ākṣiptikā ] and [ dhruvā ] f. N. of partic. airs sung by a person on entering the stage Lit. ib.)
auspicious for entrance Lit. Var.
प्रावेश्य [ prāveśya ] [ prā-veśya ] n. the being accessible , accessibility ( only [ a-prāv ] ) Lit. L.
प्राव्राज्य [ prāvrājya ] [ prā-vrājya ] n. ( fr. [ -vrāj ] ) the life of a religious mendicant , vagrancy Lit. MBh. (w.r. [ -vrajya ] ) Lit. MārkP.
प्राशस्त्य [ prāśastya ] [ prā-śastya ] n. ( fr. [ -śasta ] ) the being praised , celebrity , excellence Lit. Mālatīm. Lit. Kathās.
प्राशास्त्र [ prāśāstra ] [ prā-śāstra ] n. the office of Praśāstṛi Lit. KātyŚr. ( cf. g. [ udgātr-ādi ] )
government , rule , dominion Lit. MW.
प्राशृङ्ग [ prāśṛṅga ] [ prā-śṛṅga ] m. f. n. having the horns bent forwards Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
प्राश्रवण [ prāśravaṇa ] [ prā-śravaṇa ] v.l. for [ -sravaṇa ] m.
प्राश्लिष्ट [ prāśliṣṭa ] [ prā-śliṣṭa ] m. f. n. N. of a kind of Svarita produced by the combination of 2 short 's Lit. APrāt. (w.r. [ prāk-śl ] ) .
प्राष्ठ [ prāṣṭha ] [ prā-ṣṭha ] m. f. n. Lit. Pat.
प्रासङ्गवाहीवाह् [ prāsaṅgavāhīvāh ] [ prā-saṅga--vāhīvā́h ] m. f. n. = [ uṣṭṛ ] Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
प्रासङ्गिक [ prāsaṅgika ] [ prā-saṅgika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -saṅga ] ) resulting from attachment or close connection Lit. BhP.
incidental , casual , occasional Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Sāh. ( opp. to [ ādhikārika ] )
inherent , innate Lit. W.
relevant Lit. ib.
opportune , seasonable Lit. MW.
प्रासङ्ग्य [ prāsaṅgya ] [ prā-saṅgya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -saṅga ] ) harnessed with a yoke Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 76
प्रासच [ prāsaca ] [ prā-sacá ] m. f. n. congealed (water) Lit. TBr. (Sch.)
[ prāsaca ] m. congealing , freezing Lit. TS. (Sch.)
प्रासर्पक [ prāsarpaka ] [ prā-sarpaka ] m. = [ pra-s ] Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
प्रासह् [ prāsah ] [ prā-sáh ] m. f. n. mighty , strong. Lit. RV. i , 129. 4
[ prāsahā ] ind. by force , violently , mightily Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
प्रासह [ prāsaha ] [ prā-saha ] m. force , power Lit. ŚBr. ( [ °hāt ] ind. by force Lit. MānGṛ.)
[ prāsahā ] f. N. of the wife of Indra Lit. AitBr.
[ prāsahāt ] ind. , see [ prāsaha ] , by force Lit. MānGṛ.
प्रासाद [ prāsāda ] [ prā-sāda ] see s.v.
प्रासाह [ prāsāha ] [ prā-sāha ] m. f. n. see [ jagat-prās ]
[ prāsāha ] n. ( with [ bharad-vājasya ] ) N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
प्रासूतिक [ prāsūtika ] [ prā-sū́tika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ sūti ] ) relating to childbirth Lit. MW.
प्रासेनजिती [ prāsenajitī ] [ prā-senajitī ] f. patr. fr. [ prasena-jit ] Lit. MBh.
प्रासेव [ prāseva ] [ prā-seva ] m. a rope (as part of a horse's harness) Lit. TBr. ( cf. [ pra-s ] ) ,
प्रास्कण्व [ prāskaṇva ] [ prā-skaṇva ] m. f. n. derived from Praskaṇva Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
[ prāskaṇva ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
प्रास्तारिक [ prāstārika ] [ prā-stārika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -stāra ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 72 Lit. Kāś.
प्रास्तावि [ prāstāvi ] [ prā-stāvi ] m. patr. fr. (and v.l. for) [ -stāva ] Lit. VP.
प्रास्ताविक [ prāstāvika ] [ prā-stāvika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -stava ] ) introductory Lit. L.
having a prelude (as a hymn) Lit. Lāṭy.
opportune ( [ apr ] ) , Lit. Mālatim.
प्रास्तुत्य [ prāstutya ] [ prā-stutya ] n. ( fr. [ -stuta ] ) the being propounded or discussed , M Lit. W.
प्रास्थानिक [ prāsthānika ] [ prā-sthānika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -sthāna ] ) relating or favourable to departure Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ prāsthānika ] n. preparations for departure Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ mahā-pr ] ) .
प्रास्थिक [ prāsthika ] [ prā-sthika ] m. f. n. containing or weighing or bought for a Prastha Lit. KātyŚr. Sch. Lit. Suśr.
[ prāsthika ] n. ( with [ kṣetra ] ) a field sown with a Pradhāna of grain Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 45 (?) Sch.
प्रास्रवण [ prāsravaṇa ] [ prā-sravaṇa ] m. f. n. coming from a spring (as water) Lit. Suśr.
[ prāsravaṇa ] m. ( with [ plakṣa ] ) the source of the Sarasvatī or the place where the Sarasvatī reappears Lit. TāṇḍBr. Lit. ŚrS.
patr. fr. [ pra-sravaṇa ] Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. (v.l. [ prāśr ] ) .
प्राहणि [ prāhaṇi ] [ prā-haṇi ] w.r. for [ -vāhaṇi ] .
प्राहरिक [ prāharika ] [ prā-harika ] ( Lit. Dharmaś. Lit. Kād. ; cf. [ cātuṣ-prāh ] ) .
प्राहारिक [ prāhārika ] [ prā-hārika ] ( Lit. Cat.) m. ( ft. [ -hāra ] ) a police officer , watchman.
प्राहृतायन [ prāhṛtāyana ] [ prā-hṛtāyana ] m. patr. fr. [ pra-hṛta ] g. [ aśvādi ] .
प्राह्रादि [ prāhrādi ] [ prā-hrādi ] ( [ prā́- ] ) m. patr. fr. [ pra-hrāda ] (N. of Virocana and Bali) Lit. AV. Lit. MBh.
प्राह्लादनीय [ prāhlādanīya ] [ prā-hlādanīya ] w.r. for [ pra-ht ] Lit. Lalit.