Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
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सार्षप [ sārṣapa ] [ sārṣapa ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ sarṣapa ] ) made of or derived from mustard , Lit. Kauś.

[ sārṣapa ] n. ( with or scil. [ taila ] ) mustard oil Lit. Suśr.

सार्ष्ट [ sārṣṭa ] [ sārṣṭa ] m. f. n. ( perhaps fr. 7. [ sa ] + [ ā ] + [ ṛṣṭa ] , √ 2. [ riṣ ] ) of equal rank or condition Lit. ĀśvŚr.

 सार्ष्टि [ sārṣṭi ] [ sārṣṭi ] m. f. n. ( prob. connected with [ ārṣa ] and [ riṣi ] and [ ṛṣva ] ; cf. [ ṛṣi ] ) = prec. Lit. Pravar.

  [ sārṣṭi ] m. pl. N. of a Gotra Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  m. = next Lit. BhP.

  सार्ष्टिता [ sārṣṭitā ] [ sārṣṭi-tā ] f. equality in rank or condition or power (sometimes regarded as one of the grades of Mukti or beatitude ; cf. [ sālokya ] , col.3) Lit. TBr. Lit. Up.

 सार्ष्ट्य [ sārṣṭya ] [ sārṣṭya ] n. a partic. state of Mukti (see above ) .

साल [ sāla ] [ sāla ]1 m. ( often incorrectly written for 1. [ śāla ] ) the Śāl tree

a wall , fence

for these and other meanings and compounds such as [ salagrāma ] , see 1. [ śāla ]

[ sālā ] f. see next.

 साला [ sālā ] [ sālā ] f. ( generally written [ śālā ] ) a house (see [ niḥsālá ] ) .

  सालाकरी [ sālākarī ] [ sālā-karī ] f. a female captive won in battle Lit. W.

  सालावृक [ sālāvṛka ] [ sālā-vṛká ] m. ( in later language mostly [ śālā-vṛka ] ) " house-wolf (?) " , a kind of wolf or hyena or jackal or similar animal Lit. RV. Lit.

  सालावृकीय [ sālāvṛkīya ] [ sālā-vṛkīya ] w.r. for next.

  सालावृकेय [ sālāvṛkeya ] [ sālā-vṛkeyá ] m. the young of a wolf or hyena Lit. MaitrS. Lit. PañcavBr. Lit. KaushUp.

साल [ sāla ] [ sāla ]2 m. N. of a king Lit. Rājat.

  सालचन्द्र [ sālacandra ] [ sāla-candra ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Buddh.

  सालेन्द्रराज [ sālendrarāja ] [ sālendra-rāja ] m. N. of a man Lit. Lalit.

सालक [ sālaka ] [ sālaka ] m. f. n. adorned with locks (of hair) Lit. Kāvyâd.

सालकि [ sālaki ] [ sālaki ] m. N. of a Muni Lit. Cat.

सालक्तक [ sālaktaka ] [ sālaktaka ] m. f. n. dyed with lac Lit. Kathās.

सालक्षण्य [ sālakṣaṇya ] [ sālakṣaṇya ] n. ( fr. [ sa-lakṣaṇa ] ) sameness of characteristics or attributes Lit. Sarvad.

सालग [ sālaga ] [ sālaga ] m. (in music) a partic. Rāga Lit. Saṃgīt.

  सालगसूडक [ sālagasūḍaka ] [ sālaga-sūḍaka ] m. pl. N. of partic. measures Lit. ib.

  सालगसूडनृत्य [ sālagasūḍanṛtya ] [ sālaga-sūḍa-nṛtya ] n. a kind of dance Lit. ib.

सालग्राम [ sālagrāma ] [ sāla-grāma ] [ sālaṅka ] see [ śāl ] , p.1067 , cols. 1 and 3.

सालंकार [ sālaṃkāra ] [ sālaṃkāra ] m. f. n. having ornaments or decorations , decorated , adorned Lit. Śrutab.

सालन [ sālana ] [ sālana ] see [ śālana ] , p. 1067 , col. 2.

सालनिर्यास [ sālaniryāsa ] [ sāla-niryāsa ] [ sāla-pattrā ] see [ śāl ] , p. 1067 , col. 2.

सालबल [ sālabala ] [ sālabala ] (?) , N. of a place , Lit. Buddh.

सालम्ब [ sālamba ] [ sālamba ] m. f. n. having anything as a support (comp.) Lit. Kathās.

 सालम्बन [ sālambana ] [ sālambana ] m. f. n. belonging to or connected with a partic. mental exercise (see [ ār ] ) .

सालवन [ sālavana ] [ sāla-vana ] see [ bhadra-s ] .

सालवाहन [ sālavāhana ] [ sālavāhana ] [ sālavāhana ] or [ sālivāhana ] v.l. for s , [ sātav ] and , [ śālav ] Lit. Siṃhâs.

सालिवाहन [ sālivāhana ] [ sālivāhana ] [ sālavāhana ] or [ sālivāhana ] v.l. for s , [ sātav ] and , [ śālav ] Lit. Siṃhâs.

सालस [ sālasa ] [ sālasa ] m. f. n. having languor , languid , tired , indolent , lazy Lit. Ṛitus.

साला [ sālā ] [ sālā ] f. see 1. [ sāla ] , col.2.

सालातुरीय [ sālāturīya ] [ sālāturīya ] see [ śāl ] , p.1067.

सालिका [ sālikā ] [ sālikā ] f. a flute Lit. L.

 सालेयिका [ sāleyikā ] [ sāleyikā ] f. id. Lit. L.

 सालेयी [ sāleyī ] [ sāleyī ] f. id. Lit. L.

सालिङ्ग्य [ sāliṅgya ] [ sāliṅgya ] n. ( fr. [ sa-liṅga ] ) sameness of characteristics Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

सालिमञ्जरि [ sālimañjari ] [ sāli-mañjari ] see [ śāl ] , p.1068.

सालिवाहन [ sālivāhana ] [ sālivāhana ] see [ sālav ] above.

सालूर [ sālūra ] [ sālūra ] [ sāleya ] see [ śāl ] p.1068.

सालोक्य [ sālokya ] [ sālokya ] n. ( fr. [ sa-loka ] ) the being in the same sphere or world , residence in the same heaven with (instr. with [ saha ] , or gen. , or comp. ; this is one of the four stages of beatitude) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  सालोक्यता [ sālokyatā ] [ sālokya-tā ] f. id. Lit. MBh.

  सालोक्यादिचतुष्टय [ sālokyādicatuṣṭaya ] [ sālokyādi-catuṣṭaya ] n. the four (stages of beatitude) , viz. Salokya ( the others beings [ sāmīpya ] , [ sārūpya ] , and [ sāyujya ] ; see also [ sārṣṭi ] ) Lit. RTL. 41.

सालोप [ sālopa ] [ sālopa ] m. f. n. ( ?for [ sa-l ] , or = [ sāl ] ) having a bit or morsel (said of the mouth) Lit. Buddh.

सालोहित [ sālohita ] [ sālohita ] m. (= [ sa-l ] ) a person related by blood , kinsman Lit. DivyA7v.

साल्व [ sālva ] [ sālva ] [ sālvaṇa ] see [ śālva ] , p.1068.

साल्ह [ sālha ] [ sālha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

साल्हण [ sālhaṇa ] [ sālhaṇa ] m. f. n. belonging or peculiar to Sālhaṇi (see next) Lit. Rājat.

 साल्हणि [ sālhaṇi ] [ sālhaṇi ] m. patr. fr. [ salhaṇa ] Lit. ib.

साढृ [ sāḍhṛ ] [ sāḍhṛ ] see p. 1193 , col. 2.

साव [ sāva ] [ sāvá ] m. ( fr. √ 3. [ su ] ) a Soma libation ( cf. [ prātaḥ- ] and [ sahasra-s ] ) Lit. RV.

 सावन [ sāvana ] [ sāvana ] m. f. n. ( fr. 1. [ savana ] , p.1190) relating to or determining the three daily Soma libations i.e. corresponding to the solar time (day , month , year) Lit. VarBṛS. Sch.

  [ sāvana ] m. an institutor of a sacrifice or employer of priests at a sacrifice (= [ yajamāna ] ) Lit. L.

  the conclusion of a sacrifice or the ceremonies by which it is terminated Lit. L.

  N. of Varuṇa Lit. L.

  n. scil. ( [ māna ] ) the correct solar time Lit. Nidānas.

 साविक [ sāvika ] [ sāvika ] m. f. n. ( fr. 1. [ sava ] ) relating to the extraction of Soma Lit. Vait.

 साविन् [ sāvin ] [ sāvin ] m. f. n. preparing Soma (see [ manyu-ṣāvin ] )

  [ sāvin ] m. a kind of Mahā-purusha (v.l. [ sāmin ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.

  [ sāvinī ] f. a river Lit. Naish.

 साव्य [ sāvya ] [ sāvya ]1 m. ( for a. see s.v.) in [ sahasra-s ] ( q.v.)

सावइसिरोले [ sāvaisirole ] [ sāvaisirole ] N. of a district Lit. Inscr.

सावक [ sāvaka ] [ sāvaka ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. √ 2. [ su ] or 2. [ ] ) one who has brought forth a child Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

generative , productive Lit. W.

parturient Lit. ib.

[ sāvikā ] f. a midwife Lit. ib.

[ sāvaka ] m. the young of an animal ( or for [ śāvaka ] ) Lit. MW.

सावक [ sāvaka ] [ sā́vaka ]2 m. f. n. grown or covered over with the plant Blyxa Octandra , Lit. Lāṭy.

सावकाश [ sāvakāśa ] [ sā́vakāśa ] m. f. n. having an opportunity , applicable ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Pat. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Āp. Sch.

[ sāvakāśam ] ind. leisurely Lit. MW.

  सावकाशत्व [ sāvakāśatva ] [ sā́vakāśa--tva ] n. , see [ sāvakāśa ]

सावग्रह [ sāvagraha ] [ sā́vagraha ] m. f. n. having an obstacle , having restraint , restrained , limited Lit. Śaṃk.

(in gram.) having the mark of separation or elision called Avagraha ( q.v.) , being separated into its component parts or analyzed ( as a word in the Pada-pāṭha q.v.) Lit. VPrāt.

withholding (its water , as a cloud) Lit. Subh.

सावचारण [ sāvacāraṇa ] [ sāvacāraṇa ] m. f. n. together with the application Lit. Suśr.

सावज्ञ [ sāvajña ] [ sā́vajña ] m. f. n. feeling contempt , despising , disdainful of (loc.) Lit. Kathās.

[ sāvajñam ] ind. contemptuously , disdainfully Lit. R. Lit. Sāh.

सावदानम् [ sāvadānam ] [ sā́vadānam ] ind. ( cf. 2. [ avadāna ] ) with interruption (?) Lit. Buddh.

सावद्य [ sāvadya ] [ sā́vadya ] m. f. n. liable to blame or censure , objectionable Lit. MBh.

[ sāvadya ] n. anything blamable or objectionable Lit. HPariś.

( scil. [ aiśvarya ] ) one of the three kinds of power attainable by an ascetic ( the other two being [ nir-avadya ] and [ sūkṣma ] ) Lit. Cat.

सावधान [ sāvadhāna ] [ sāvadhāna ] m. f. n. having attention , attentive , heedful , careful Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. HPariś.

intent upon doing anything (inf.) Lit. Uttamac.

[ sāvadhānam ] ind. attentively , cautiously Lit. Śak.

  सावधानता [ sāvadhānatā ] [ sāvadhāna-tā ] f. attention , carefulness Lit. Pañcat.

  सावधानसाहित्य [ sāvadhānasāhitya ] [ sāvadhāna-sāhitya ] n. N. of wk.

 सावधानय [ sāvadhānaya ] [ sāvadhānaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to make careful , put on one's guard Lit. KāśīKh. Sch.

 सावधानी [ sāvadhānī ] [ sāvadhānī ] in comp. for [ sāvadhāna ] .

  सावधानीकृ [ sāvadhānīkṛ ] [ sāvadhānī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make attentive or careful , caution Lit. MW.

  सावधानीकृत [ sāvadhānīkṛta ] [ sāvadhānī-kṛta ] m. f. n. cautioned , apprized , made aware Lit. ib.

  सावधानीभू [ sāvadhānībhū ] [ sāvadhānī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to be attentive or careful Lit. Cat.

सावधारण [ sāvadhāraṇa ] [ sāvadhāraṇa ] m. f. n. having a limitation or restriction , limited , restricted Lit. Kād.

सावधि [ sāvadhi ] [ sāvadhi ] m. f. n. having a boundary or limit , defined , circumscribed Lit. Kathās.

सावन्तमिश्र [ sāvantamiśra ] [ sāvanta-miśra ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

सावमर्द [ sāvamarda ] [ sāvamarda ] m. f. n. painful or disagreeable or contradictory (as speech) Lit. R.

सावमान [ sāvamāna ] [ sāvamāna ] m. f. n. accompanied with contempt or disdain Lit. Bhartṛ.

सावयव [ sāvayava ] [ sāvayava ] m. f. n. having parts , composed of parts (in the Vaiśeshika phil. said of all things except the eternal substances) .

  सावयवत्व [ sāvayavatva ] [ sāvayava-tva ] n. the being composed of parts , Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sarvad.

 सावयवीकृ [ sāvayavīkṛ ] [ sāvayavī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make into parts , divide into portions Lit. Pañcar.

सावयस [ sāvayasa ] [ sāvayasá ] m. ( prob. fr. [ sa-vayasa ] ) patr. of Ashāḍha Lit. ŚBr.

सावर [ sāvara ] [ sāvara ]1 m. f. n. together with the afterbirth Lit. ŚBr.

सावर [ sāvara ] [ sāvara ]2 [ °raka ] . see [ śābara ] , p.1065.

सावरण [ sāvaraṇa ] [ sāvaraṇa ] m. f. n. barred , bolted , locked up Lit. Ragh.

concealed , secret , clandestine Lit. ib.

  सावरणसदाशिवपूजाविधि [ sāvaraṇasadāśivapūjāvidhi ] [ sāvaraṇa-sadāśiva-pūjā-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

सावरोह [ sāvaroha ] [ sāvaroha ] m. f. n. having shoots or roots sent down by the branches Lit. Hariv.

सावर्ण [ sāvarṇa ] [ sāvarṇa ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ sa-varṇa ] ) relating or belonging to one of the same colour or tribe or caste Lit. MW.

[ sāvarṇa ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. VS. Lit. MBh.

of the eighth Manu ( cf. [ sāvarṇi ] ) Lit. Hariv. Lit. MārkP.

of the Saṃhitā traced back to Sāvarṇi ( cf. under [ sāvarṇaka ] ) .

  सावर्णलक्ष्य [ sāvarṇalakṣya ] [ sāvarṇa-lakṣya ] n. " mark of sameness of colour or caste " , the skin Lit. L.

 सावर्णक [ sāvarṇaka ] [ sāvarṇaka ] m. N. of a Manu Lit. MārkP.

  [ sāvarṇikā ] f. N. of a partic. Saṃhitā Lit. Cat.

 सावर्णि [ sāvarṇi ] [ sā́varṇi ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. RV.

  metron. , of the eighth Manu ( son of the Sun by Su-varṇā q.v. , and therefore younger brother of the seventh Manu or Vaivasvata ; the succeeding Manus to the twelfth , or accord. to other authorities to the fourteenth inclusive , are all called Sāvarṇi ; cf. [ dakṣa- ] , [ brahma- ] , [ dharma-s ] ) Lit. Hariv. Lit. MārkP.

 सावर्णिक [ sāvarṇika ] [ sāvarṇika ] m. f. n. belonging to the same tribe or caste Lit. MārkP.

  belonging to Manu Sāvarṇa , or Sāvarṇi Lit. Hariv.

  f. N. of a village ( printed [ sābarṇ ] ) Lit. Rājat.

 सावर्ण्य [ sāvarṇya ] [ sāvarṇyá ] m. f. n. relating to Manu Sāvarṇa or Sāvarṇi Lit. Cat.

  [ sāvarṇya ] m. Patr. fr. [ sa-varṇa ] Lit. RV.

  the eighth Manu (= [ sāvarṇi ] ) Lit. MW.

  n. identity of colour Lit. Suśr.

  identity of caste or class Lit. W.

  homogeneousness (of sounds) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 69 Sch.

  the Manv-antara presided over by the eighth Manu Lit. MW.

सावलम्ब [ sāvalamba ] [ sāvalamba ] m. f. n. having a support or prop , supported , leaning for support (on the arm of another) Lit. Ragh.

सावलेप [ sāvalepa ] [ sāvalepa ] m. f. n. having pride , proud , haughty ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Daś. Lit. Kāvyâd.

[ sāvalepam ] ind. , see [ sāvalepa ]

सावशेष [ sāvaśeṣa ] [ sāvaśeṣa ] m. f. n. having a remainder , incomplete , unfinished Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

left , remaining (see comp.)

[ sāvaśeṣa ] n. a remainder , residue Lit. MārkP.

  सावशेषजीवित [ sāvaśeṣajīvita ] [ sāvaśeṣa-jīvita ] m. f. n. one whose life is not yet finished , having yet time to live Lit. Pañcat.

  सावशेषबन्धन [ sāvaśeṣabandhana ] [ sāvaśeṣa-bandhana ] m. f. n. having bonds still remaining , still bound Lit. ib.

सावष्टम्भ [ sāvaṣṭambha ] [ sāvaṣṭambha ] m. f. n. possessing resolution , resolute , self-dependent , self-reliant , resolute ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

[ sāvaṣṭambha ] n. ( scil. [ vāstu ] ) a house with an open side-gallery Lit. VarBṛS.

[ sāvaṣṭambham ] ind. , see [ sāvaṣṭambha ]

सावस [ sāvasa ] [ sāvasá ] m. f. n. supplied with provisions Lit. ŚBr.

सावहित [ sāvahita ] [ sāvahita ] m. f. n. giving attention , attentive Lit. Uttamac.

सावहेल [ sāvahela ] [ sāvahela ] m. f. n. disdainful , contemptuous , careless ( [ am ] ind. " carelessly , quite easily " ) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

[ sāvahelam ] ind. , see [ sāvahela ] , " carelessly , quite easily "

साविक [ sāvika ] [ sāvika ] see p. 1210 , col. 3.

सावित्र [ sāvitra ] [ sāvitrá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ savitṛ ] ) relating or belonging to the sun , derived or descended from the sun , belonging to the solar dynasty Lit. TS. Lit. VS. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

relating to Sāvitra i.e. Karṇa Lit. MBh.

accompanied or effected by the Sāvitri verse ( cf. below) Lit. BhP.

[ sāvitra ] m. a partic. Agni Lit. TBr.

a partic. kind of ladleful ( cf. [ graha ] ) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

( scil. [ homa ] ) a partic. oblation Lit. Mn. iv , 150

( scil. [ kalpa ] ) N. of the 10th Kalpa ( q.v.) Lit. VP.

a Brāhman (accord. to some " a Gṛiha-stha who possesses corn in a granary " ) Lit. L.

an embryo or fetus Lit. L.

the sun Lit. L.

a son or descendant of Savitṛi (applied to Karṇa , Candra-ketu , Śiva , one of the Vasus , one of the Maruts , and one of the Rudras) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.

N. of one of the peaks of Meru Lit. VP.

[ sāvitrī ] f. see below

[ sāvitra ] n. ( scil. [ havis ] ) a partic. oblation Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

initiation into membership of the twice-born classes by reciting the Sāvitri verse and investing with the sacred thread Lit. BhP.

the sacred thread (= [ yajñopavīta ] ) Lit. L.

N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.

of a Pariśishṭa of the Yajur-veda

of a partic. Muhūrta ( q.v.) Lit. Cat.

of the Nakshatra Hasta (presided over by Savitṛi) Lit. MBh.

of a forest Lit. MārkP.

  सावित्रग्रहहोम [ sāvitragrahahoma ] [ sāvitrá-graha-homa ] m. N. of a partic. oblation Lit. Vait.

  सावित्रचयन [ sāvitracayana ] [ sāvitrá-cayana ] n. " arranging or preparing the Agni called Sāvitra " , N. of wk.

   सावित्रचयनपद्धति [ sāvitracayanapaddhati ] [ sāvitrá-cayana--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

   सावित्रचयनप्रयोग [ sāvitracayanaprayoga ] [ sāvitrá-cayana--prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

  सावित्रचिति [ sāvitraciti ] [ sāvitrá-citi ] f. = [ -cayana ] , Lit. IndSt.

  सावित्रवत् [ sāvitravat ] [ sāvitrá-vat ] ( [ °trá- ] ) m. f. n. connected with verses addressed to Savitṛi Lit. TS.

  सावित्राग्निप्रयोग [ sāvitrāgniprayoga ] [ sāvitrāgni-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

  सावित्रादिकाठकचयन [ sāvitrādikāṭhakacayana ] [ sāvitrādi-kāṭhaka-cayana ] n. N. of wk.

  सावित्रादिप्रयोगवृत्ति [ sāvitrādiprayogavṛtti ] [ sāvitrādi-prayoga-vṛtti ] f. N. of wk.

 सावित्रि [ sāvitri ] [ sāvitri ] f. (mc.) = [ -sāvitrī ] , a partic. verse ( cf. below) Lit. MBh.

 सावित्रिका [ sāvitrikā ] [ sāvitrikā ] f. a partic. Śakti Lit. Hcat.

 सावित्री [ sāvitrī ] [ sāvitrī́ ] f. a verse or prayer addressed to Savitṛi or the Sun ( esp. the celebrated verse Lit. RV. iii , 62 , 10 ; also called [ gāyatrī ] q.v.) Lit. AitBr.

  initiation as a member of the three twice-born classes by reciting the above verse and investing with the sacred thread ( cf. under [ sāvitrá ] , and [ upa-nayana ] ) Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  a partic. form of the Gāyatrī metre Lit. Ked.

  N. of Sūryā or a daughter of Savitṛi Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. MBh.

  N. of the wife of Brahmā (sometimes regarded as the above verse deified or as the mystical mother of the three twice-born classes , or as the daughter of Savitṛi by his wife Pṛiśni) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.

  of a wife of Śiva Lit. L.

  of a manifestation of Prakṛiti Lit. Cat.

  of the wife of Satya-vat ( king of Śālva ; she was daughter of Aśva-pati , king of Madra , and is regarded as a type of conjugal love ; her story is the subject of a fine episode of the Mahā-bhārata ; see [ sāvitryupākhyāna ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.

  of the wife of Dharma (daughter of Daksha) Lit. VP.

  of the wife of Kaśyapa Lit. Cat.

  of the wife of Bhoja (king of Dhārā) Lit. ib.

  of a daughter of Ashṭāvakra Lit. Kathās.

  of the Yamunā river Lit. Bālar.

  of the Sarasvatī Lit. R.

  of another river Lit. BhP.

  a ray of light , solar ray Lit. W.

  the ring-finger Lit. L.

  सावित्रीतीर्थ [ sāvitrītīrtha ] [ sāvitrī́-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.

  सावित्रीपेञ्जर [ sāvitrīpeñjara ] [ sāvitrī́-peñjara ] n. N. of wk. ( cf. [ gāyatrī-p ] ) .

  सावित्रीपतित [ sāvitrīpatita ] [ sāvitrī́-patita ] m. f. n. " fallen from or deprived of the Sāvitrī " , not invested with the sacred thread at the proper time Lit. Yājñ. i , 38.

  सावित्रीपरिणय [ sāvitrīpariṇaya ] [ sāvitrī́-pariṇaya ] m. N. of a Kāvya by Varadâcārya.

  सावित्रीपरिभ्रष्ट [ sāvitrīparibhraṣṭa ] [ sāvitrī́-paribhraṣṭa ] m. f. n. = [ -patita ] Lit. Mn. x , 20.

  सावित्रीपुत्र [ sāvitrīputra ] [ sāvitrī́-putra ] m. pl. N. of a warrior tribe g. [ dāmany-ādi ] .

  सावित्रीपुत्रीय [ sāvitrīputrīya ] [ sāvitrī́-putrīya ] m. a king of the Sāvitrī-putras Lit. ib.

  सावित्रीभाष्य [ sāvitrībhāṣya ] [ sāvitrī́-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.

  सावित्रीमहानाम्य [ sāvitrīmahānāmya ] [ sāvitrī́-mahā-nāmya ] (?) , the ceremony of investiture with recital of the Sāvitrī Lit. MW.

  सावित्रीव्रत [ sāvitrīvrata ] [ sāvitrī́-vrata ] n. a partic. fast (kept by women on the fifth day of the second half of Vaiśākha , or of the dark half of Jyaishṭha , to preserve them from widowhood) Lit. Hariv.

  सावित्रीव्रतक [ sāvitrīvrataka ] [ sāvitrī́-vrataka ] n. a partic. fast (kept by women on the fifth day of the second half of Vaiśākha , or of the dark half of Jyaishṭha , to preserve them from widowhood) Lit. Hariv.

   सावित्रीव्रतकथानक [ sāvitrīvratakathānaka ] [ sāvitrī́-vrata-kathānaka ] n. N. of wk.

   सावित्रीव्रतपूजाकथा [ sāvitrīvratapūjākathā ] [ sāvitrī́-vrata-pūjā-kathā ] f. N. of wk.

   सावित्रीव्रतोद्यापन [ sāvitrīvratodyāpana ] [ sāvitrī́-vratodyāpana ] n. N. of wk.

  सावित्रीसूत्र [ sāvitrīsūtra ] [ sāvitrī́-sūtra ] n. the sacred thread ( = [ yajñopavīta ] ) Lit. L.

 सावित्रीक [ sāvitrīka ] [ sāvitrīka ] see [ patita-s ] .

 सावित्रेय [ sāvitreya ] [ sāvitreya ] m. N. of Yama. Lit. L.

 सावित्र्य् [ sāvitry ] [ sāvitry ] in comp. for [ sāvitri ] .

  सावित्र्यवरजा [ sāvitryavarajā ] [ sāvitry-avarajā ] f. the younger daughter of Sāvitrī Lit. MW.

  सावित्र्युपनिषद् [ sāvitryupaniṣad ] [ sāvitry-upaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.

  सावित्र्युपाख्यान [ sāvitryupākhyāna ] [ sāvitry-upākhyāna ] n. the story of Sāvitrī ( Lit. MBh. iii , ch. 292-299 ; cf. above ) .

साविन् [ sāvin ] [ sāvin ] see p. 1210 , col. 3.

साविष्कार [ sāviṣkāra ] [ sāviṣkāra ] m. f. n. having manifestation , manifest Lit. W.

making an exhibition of any power or talent , proud , haughty , arrogant Lit. ib.

सावेगम् [ sāvegam ] [ sāvegam ] ind. with excitement or agitation Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Śak.

सावेतस [ sāvetasa ] [ sāvetasa ] m. a patr. Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Inscr.

सावेरी [ sāverī ] [ sāverī ] f. (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Lit. Saṃgīt.

साव्य [ sāvya ] [ sāvya ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see p. 1210 , col. 3) composed by Savya Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

साशंस [ sāśaṃsa ] [ sāśaṃsa ] m. f. n. having desire , desirous , hopeful ( [ am ] ind. " wishfully " , " hopefully " ) Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kir.

[ sāśaṃsam ] ind. , see [ sāśaṃsa ] , " wishfully " , " hopefully "

साशङ्क [ sāśaṅka ] [ sāśaṅka ] m. f. n. having fear or anxiety , apprehensive , afraid of (loc. ; [ am ] ind. " apprehensively " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

[ sāśaṅkam ] ind. , see [ sāśaṅka ] , " apprehensively "

  साशङ्कता [ sāśaṅkatā ] [ sāśaṅka-tā ] f. the state of being afraid or apprehensive , fear , terror Lit. MW.

साशन [ sāśana ] [ sāśana ] m. f. n. having food (see next) .

 साशनानशन [ sāśanānaśana ] [ sāśanānaśaná ] n. du. having and not having food , that which eats and does not eat , earthly and heavenly beings Lit. RV.

साशनार [ sāśanāra ] [ sāśanāra ] m. N. of a partic. Agrahāra or royal grant to Brāhmans Lit. MW.

साशयन्दक [ sāśayandaka ] [ sāśayandaka ] (?) m. a small house-lizard ( = [ jyeṣṭhī ] ) Lit. L.

साशिक्य [ sāśikya ] [ sāśikya ] N. of a people or country ( cf. [ śāśika ] ) Lit. Daś.

साशिर [ sāśira ] [ sāśira ] m. f. n. ( fr. 7. [ sa+āśira ] = [ āśir ] ) with admixture , mixed Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

साशीति [ sāśīti ] [ sāśīti ] m. f. n. with eighty , increased by eighty , plus eighty Lit. Yājñ.

साशीर्क [ sāśīrka ] [ sāśīrka ] m. f. n. containing a prayer or blessing Lit. TS. ( a more correct form would be [ sāśīṣka ] , but cf. [ an-āśīrka ] ) .

साशूक [ sāśūka ] [ sāśūka ] m. a blanket (= [ kambala ] ) Lit. L.

साश्चर्य [ sāścarya ] [ sāścarya ] m. f. n. astonished , surprised by (comp.) Lit. Kathās.

wonderful , marvellous , astonishing Lit. Bhartṛ.

[ sāścaryam ] ind. with astonishment or surprise Lit. Hit.

  साश्चर्यकौतुक [ sāścaryakautuka ] [ sāścarya-kautuka ] m. f. n. astonished and curious Lit. Kathās.

  साश्चर्यचर्य [ sāścaryacarya ] [ sāścarya-carya ] m. f. n. of wonderful conduct Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Rājat.

  साश्चर्यमय [ sāścaryamaya ] [ sāścarya-maya ] m. f. n. wonderful , full of marvels Lit. MW.

साश्मवर्षिन् [ sāśmavarṣin ] [ sāśma-varṣin ] m. f. n. accompanied by a shower of stones Lit. BhP.

साश्र [ sāśra ] [ sāśra ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. 7. [ sa ] + 1. [ aśra ] ) having angles or corners , angular Lit. MW.

साश्र [ sāśra ] [ sāśra ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. 7. [ sa ] + 2. [ aśra ] ; more correctly written [ sāsra ] ) tearful , weeping Lit. KāśīKh.

 साश्रु [ sāśru ] [ sāśru ] m. f. n. accompanied by tears , tearful , shedding tears ( [ °u ] ind. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  [ sāśru ] ind. , see [ sāśru ]

  साश्रुधी [ sāśrudhī ] [ sāśru-dhī ] f. " having a sad heart " , a mother-in-law Lit. L.

  साश्रुनयन [ sāśrunayana ] [ sāśru-nayana ] m. f. n. having tearful eyes Lit. MBh.

  साश्रुलोचन [ sāśrulocana ] [ sāśru-locana ] m. f. n. having tearful eyes Lit. MBh.

साश्व [ sāśva ] [ sāśva ] m. f. n. with horses , possessing horses Lit. KātyŚr.

N. of a king Lit. MBh.

 साश्वमेध [ sāśvamedha ] [ sāśva-medha ] m. f. n. together with a horse-sacrifice Lit. Vait.

साषीराजन् [ sāṣīrājan ] [ sāṣī-rājan ] m. pl. N. of partic. kings Lit. Pañcad.

साष्ट [ sāṣṭa ] [ sāṣṭa ] m. f. n. with eight , increased by eight , plus eight (with [ śata ] n. = 108) Lit. L.

 साष्टाङ्ग [ sāṣṭāṅga ] [ sāṣṭāṅga ] m. f. n. performed with eight limbs or members (as a reverential prostration of the body so as to touch the ground with the hands , breast , forehead , knees , and feet) Lit. Prab.

  [ sāṣṭāṅgam ] ind. with the above prostration (with [ pra-√ nam ] " to make the above reverential prostration " ) Lit. Hit.

  साष्टाङ्गपातम् [ sāṣṭāṅgapātam ] [ sāṣṭāṅga-pātam ] ind. making the above prostration Lit. ib.

साष्टृक [ sāṣṭṛka ] [ sāṣṭṛka ] w.r. for [ soṣṭ ] Lit. MBh.

साष्ठी [ sāṣṭhī ] [ sāṣṭhī ] f. the small Banana Lit. L.

सास [ sāsa ] [ sāsa ] m. (√ 2. [ as ] ) and bow Lit. MW.

सासकर्णि [ sāsakarṇi ] [ sāsakarṇi ] w.r. for [ śāś ] Lit. Saṃskārak.

सासद्यमान [ sāsadyamāna ] [ sāsadyamāna ] pr.p. Ā. of √ [ sad ] .

सासन्दीक [ sāsandīka ] [ sāsandīka ] m. f. n. (see [ āsandī ] ) together with a chair or stool Lit. KātyŚr.

सासव [ sāsava ] [ sāsava ] m. f. n. having spirituous liquor , filled with spirituous liquor , Lit. Śāntiś.

सासहि [ sāsahi ] [ sāsahi ] [ sāsahvas ] see p.1193.

सासार [ sāsāra ] [ sāsāra ] m. f. n. having showers , rainy Lit. R.

सासि [ sāsi ] [ sāsi ] m. f. n. having a sword , armed with a sword Lit. MW.

  सासिपाणि [ sāsipāṇi ] [ sāsi-pāṇi ] ( Lit. Śiś.) and ( Lit. R.) m. f. n. sword in hand.

  सासिहस्त [ sāsihasta ] [ sāsi-hasta ]and ( Lit. R.) m. f. n. sword in hand.

सासु [ sāsu ] [ sā́su ] m. f. n. having life , living Lit. BhP.

 सासुसू [ sāsusū ] [ sāsusū ] m. f. n. (see [ asusū ] ) . having arrows Lit. Kir. xv , 5.

सासूय [ sāsūya ] [ sāsūya ] m. f. n. having envy , envious , disdainful , scornful , angry at or with ( [ prati ] ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

सास्तरण [ sāstaraṇa ] [ sāstaraṇa ] m. f. n. together with a carpet or rug , Lit. Lāṭy.

सास्थि [ sāsthi ] [ sāsthi ] m. f. n. having bones (said of any animal) see comp.

  सास्थिताम्रार्ध [ sāsthitāmrārdha ] [ sāsthi-tāmrārdha ] n. a kind of amalgam of zinc and copper , bell-metal (= [ kāṃsya ] ) Lit. L.

  सास्थिवध [ sāsthivadha ] [ sāsthi-vadha ] m. the killing of any animal having bones Lit. Yājñ. iii , 275.

  सास्थिस्वानम् [ sāsthisvānam ] [ sāsthi-svānam ] ind. with the cracking sound of bones Lit. Śiś.

सास्ना [ sāsnā ] [ sāsnā ] f. the dewlap of an ox Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Śiś.

  सास्नादिमत् [ sāsnādimat ] [ sāsnādi-mat ] ( [ sāsnād ] ) m. f. n. having a dewlap Lit. Sāh.

  सास्नालाङ्गूलककुदखुरविषाणिन् [ sāsnālāṅgūlakakudakhuraviṣāṇin ] [ sāsnā-lāṅgūla-kakuda-khura-viṣāṇin ] m. f. n. having a dewlap (and) tail (and) hump (and) claws (and) horns Lit. Pat.

  सास्नावत् [ sāsnāvat ] [ sāsnā-vat ] m. f. n. having a dewlap Lit. Kaṇ.

सास्र [ sāsra ] [ sāsra ]1 m. f. n. ( more correctly 1. [ sāśra ] q.v.) having angles or corners Lit. MW.

सास्र [ sāsra ] [ sāsra ]2 m. f. n. ( cf. 2. [ sāśra ] ) tearful , weeping , in tears ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

[ sāsram ] ind. , see [ sāsra ]

सास्रव [ sāsrava ] [ sāsrava ] m. f. n. (with Jainas) connected with the act called [ āsrava ] ( q.v.) Lit. L.

सास्वादन [ sāsvādana ] [ sāsvādana ] n. ( scil. [ sthāna ] ; with Jainas) N. of the second of the 14 stages towards supreme bliss Lit. Cat.

साह् [ sāh ] [ sāh ] see 2. [ sah ] , p. 1193 , col. 1.

 साह [ sāha ] [ sāha ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ sah ] ) powerful , mighty Lit. RV.

  ( also [ ṣāha ] ifc.) resisting , conquering , subduing Lit. MBh.

 साह्य [ sāhya ] [ sāhya ] n. conquering , overthrowing , victory (see [ abhimāti- ] , [ nṛ- ] , and [ pṛtanā-ṣāhya ] )

  aid , assistance (often v.l. [ sahya ] ; with √ [ kṛ ] or [ ] , " to give assistance " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  conjunction , society , fellowship ( in this meaning perhaps fr. [ saha ] or contracted from [ sāhāyya ] ) Lit. L.

  साह्यकर [ sāhyakara ] [ sāhya-kara ] m. f. n. rendering assistance Lit. R.

  साह्यकृत् [ sāhyakṛt ] [ sāhya-kṛt ] m. f. n. a companion , associate Lit. W.

साह [ sāha ] [ sāha ]2 m. = $ , (see [ pradīpa- ] and [ madhukara-s ] ) .

 साहि [ sāhi ] [ sāhi ] m. = prec. (see [ candra- ] , [ prema-s ] )

  साहिदेव [ sāhideva ] [ sāhi-deva ] and m. N. of kings Lit. Cat.

  साहिसुजा [ sāhisujā ] [ sāhi-sujā ]and m. N. of kings Lit. Cat.

साहकायन [ sāhakāyana ] [ sāhakāyana ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ sahaka ] v.l. for [ siṃhaka ] ) g. [ pakṣādi ] .

साहंकार [ sāhaṃkāra ] [ sāhaṃkāra ] m. f. n. having egotism or self-conceit , proud , arrogant Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās.

  साहंकारता [ sāhaṃkāratā ] [ sāhaṃkāra-tā ] f. self-conceit , arrogance Lit. Pañcad.

 साहंकृत [ sāhaṃkṛta ] [ sāhaṃkṛta ] m. f. n. self-conceited , proud , haughty Lit. Siṃhâs.

साहचर [ sāhacara ] [ sāhacara ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ saha-c ] ) belonging to the plant Saha-cara Lit. Suśr.

 साहचर्य [ sāhacarya ] [ sāhacarya ] n. companionship , fellowship , society , association with (instr. or comp.) Lit. Nir. Lit. Kāv.

साहजिक [ sāhajika ] [ sāhajika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ saha-ja ] ) innate , natural , Lit. Vṛishabhān.

[ sāhajika ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

साहजित् [ sāhajit ] [ sāhajit ] m. v.l. for [ sāhañji ] Lit. VP.

साहञ्ज [ sāhañja ] [ sāhañja ] m. N. of a king Lit. Hariv.

 साहञ्जनी [ sāhañjanī ] [ sāhañjanī ] f. N. of a town built by Sāhañja Lit. ib.

 साहञ्जि [ sāhañji ] [ sāhañji ] m. = [ sāhañja ] Lit. VP.

साहदेव [ sāhadeva ] [ sāhadeva ] m. patr. fr. [ saha-deva ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 114 Sch.

 साहदेवक [ sāhadevaka ] [ sāhadevaka ] m. a worshipper of Saha-deva Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 99 Sch.

 साहदेवि [ sāhadevi ] [ sāhadevi ] m. patr. fr. [ saha-deva ] Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat.

 साहदेव्य [ sāhadevya ] [ sāhadevyá ] m. patr. of Somaka Lit. RV.

साहन [ sāhana ] [ sāhana ] n. ( fr. Caus. of √ [ sah ] ) the act of causing to bear

sufferance , endurance Lit. W.

 साहन्त्य [ sāhantya ] [ sāhantyá ] m. f. n. = [ sáhantya ] , conquering , powerful Lit. AV. Lit. TS.

 साहय [ sāhaya ] [ sāhaya ] m. f. n. causing or enabling to bear Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 138.

साहपदीन [ sāhapadīna ] [ sāhapadīna ] m. N. of a Sultān, Lit. Inscr.

साहवदीन [ sāhavadīna ] [ sāhavadīna ] m. N. of a Sultān, Lit. Inscr.

साहस [ sāhasa ] [ sāhasa ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ sahas ] ) over-hasty , precipitate , rash , inconsiderate , foolhardy Lit. Hariv.

[ sāhasa ] m. N. of Agni at the Pāka-yajña Lit. Gṛihyās.

m. n. punishment , fine (regarded as of three kinds , the highest being called Uttama ; half of that , Madhyama ; and half of that , Adhama) Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.

n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) boldness , daring , rashness , temerity , any precipitate or reckless act Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

n. overstraining Lit. Car.

violence , force , rapine , rape , robbery , felony , aggression , cruelty Lit. Gaut. Lit. Āpast. Lit. Nār.

adultery Lit. Nār.

hatred , enmity Lit. L.

  साहसकरण [ sāhasakaraṇa ] [ sāhasa-karaṇa ] n. violence , force Lit. Daś.

  साहसकर्मता [ sāhasakarmatā ] [ sāhasa-karma-tā ] f. rashness , temerity Lit. Mṛicch.

  साहसकारिन् [ sāhasakārin ] [ sāhasa-kārin ] m. f. n. acting inconsiderately or rashly , Lit. Ratnâv.

  साहसलाञ्छन [ sāhasalāñchana ] [ sāhasa-lāñchana ] m. N. of a man ( cf. [ sāhasāṅka ] ) Lit. Vcar.

  साहसवत् [ sāhasavat ] [ sāhasa-vat ] m. f. n. inconsiderate , rash , foolhardy Lit. VarBṛS.

  साहसाङ्क [ sāhasāṅka ] [ sāhasāṅka ] m. " marked or characterized by daring " , N. of king Vikramâditya Lit. Pañcad.

   of a poet (mentioned by Rāja-śekhara)

   of a lexicographer Lit. Cat.

   साहसाङ्कचरित [ sāhasāṅkacarita ] [ sāhasāṅka--carita ] n. N. of wk.

   साहसाङ्कीय [ sāhasāṅkīya ] [ sāhasāṅkīya ] m. f. n. relating to Sāhasâṅka Lit. Cat.

  साहसाध्यवसायिन् [ sāhasādhyavasāyin ] [ sāhasādhyavasāyin ] m. f. n. acting with inconsiderate haste Lit. MW.

  साहसैकरसिक [ sāhasaikarasika ] [ sāhasaika-rasika ] m. f. n. one whose only feeling or passion is cruelty , brutal , ferocious Lit. W.

  साहसैकान्तरसानुवर्तिन् [ sāhasaikāntarasānuvartin ] [ sāhasaikānta-rasānuvartin ] m. f. n. one who follows or yields to the one passion of cruelty or rashness Lit. MW.

  साहसोपन्यासिन् [ sāhasopanyāsin ] [ sāhasopanyāsin ] m. f. n. suggesting violent deeds Lit. Mālatīm.

 साहसिक [ sāhasika ] [ sāhasika ] m. f. n. bold , daring , impetuous , rash , reckless , inconsiderate Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  using great force or violence , perpetrated with violence , cruel , brutal , ferocious , rapacious Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  overstraining or overworking one's self Lit. Car.

  punitive , castigatory Lit. W.

  [ sāhasika ] m. a robber , freebooter Lit. ib.

  N. of a cook Lit. Kathās.

  साहसिकता [ sāhasikatā ] [ sāhasika-tā ] f. cruelty , ferocity , impetuosity Lit. ib.

 साहसिक्य [ sāhasikya ] [ sāhasikya ] n. rashness , foolhardiness , temerity Lit. Naish. Lit. Śiś.

  violence , force Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 32.

 साहसिन् [ sāhasin ] [ sāhasin ] m. f. n. rash , precipitate , inconsiderate , foolhardy Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  cruel , violent , ferocious Lit. Nār.

साहस्र [ sāhasra ] [ sāhasrá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ sahasra ] ) relating or belonging to a thousand , consisting of or bought with or paid for a thousand , thousand fold , exceedingly numerous , infinite Lit. VS.

[ sāhasra ] m. an army or detachment consisting of a thousand men Lit. W.

(pl.) N. of four Ekâhas at which a thousand (cows) are given as a fee Lit. ŚrS.

n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) an aggregate of a thousand or of many thousand Lit. TBr. Lit. MBh.

  साहस्रचूडिक [ sāhasracūḍika ] [ sāhasrá-cūḍika ] m. ( with [ loka-dhātu ] ) N. of a partic. world Lit. Buddh.

  साहस्रवत् [ sāhasravat ] [ sāhasrá-vat ] ( [ °srá- ] ) m. f. n. containing a thousand Lit. TS.

  साहस्रवेधिन् [ sāhasravedhin ] [ sāhasrá-vedhin ] m. f. n. = [ sahasra-v ] Lit. Kālac.

  साहस्रशस् [ sāhasraśas ] [ sāhasrá-śas ] ind. by thousand Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  साहस्राद्य [ sāhasrādya ] [ sāhasrādya ] m. a partic. Ekâha Lit. Vait.

  साहस्रानीक [ sāhasrānīka ] [ sāhasrānīka ] m. N. of a king ( cf. [ sahasrān ] ) Lit. Buddh.

  साहस्रान्त्य [ sāhasrāntya ] [ sāhasrāntya ] m. a partic. Ekâha Lit. Vait.

 साहस्रक [ sāhasraka ] [ sāhasraka ] m. f. n. amounting to or containing a thousand Lit. Cat.

  [ sāhasraka ] n. the aggregate of a thousand Lit. Pañcar.

  N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh.

 साहस्रि [ sāhasri ] [ sāhasri ] m. (prob.) a patr. Lit. Rājat.

 साहस्रिक [ sāhasrika ] [ sāhasrika ] m. f. n. consisting of a thousand Lit. Hcat.

साहानुसाहि [ sāhānusāhi ] [ sāhānusāhi ] m. N. of a king Lit. Pañcad.

साहायक [ sāhāyaka ] [ sāhāyaka ] n. ( fr. [ sahāya ] ) assistance , aid , help Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

a number of associates or companions Lit. MW.

auxiliary troops Lit. ib.

 साहाय [ sāhāya ] [ sāhāya ] w.r. for [ sahāya ] .

 साहाय्य [ sāhāyya ] [ sāhāyya ] n. help , succour ( [ °yyaṃ-√ kṛ ] and √ [ sthā ] , " to give assistance " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  friendship , fellowship , alliance Lit. W.

  (in dram.) helping another in danger Lit. Sāh.

  साहाय्यकर [ sāhāyyakara ] [ sāhāyya-kara ] m. f. n. giving assistance , helping Lit. Daś.

  साहाय्यदान [ sāhāyyadāna ] [ sāhāyya-dāna ] n. the giving of aid or assistance Lit. ib.

 साहाय्यक [ sāhāyyaka ] [ sāhāyyaka ] n. aid , assistance Lit. Daś.

साहि [ sāhi ] [ sāhi ] m. = [ sāha ] 2 (see [ candra- ] , [ prema- ] , [ rāma-s ] )

साहिती [ sāhitī ] [ sāhitī ] f. see below.

साहित्य [ sāhitya ] [ sāhitya ] n. ( fr. [ sahita ] ) association , connection , society , combination , union with (instr. or comp. ; [ °yena ] ind. " in combination with , together with " ) Lit. Kām. Lit. Kap. Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

agreement , harmony Lit. Prab.

literary or rhetorical composition , rhetoric , poetry Lit. Sāh. Lit. Cat.

[ sāhityena ] ind. , see [ sāhitya ] , " in combination with , together with "

  साहित्यकण्ठोद्धार [ sāhityakaṇṭhoddhāra ] [ sāhitya-kaṇṭhoddhāra ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यकल्पद्रुम [ sāhityakalpadruma ] [ sāhitya-kalpadruma ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यकल्पपल्लवी [ sāhityakalpapallavī ] [ sāhitya-kalpapallavī ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यकौथूहल [ sāhityakauthūhala ] [ sāhitya-kauthūhala ] n. N. of wk.

  साहित्यकौमुदी [ sāhityakaumudī ] [ sāhitya-kaumudī ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यचन्द्रिका [ sāhityacandrikā ] [ sāhitya-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यचिन्तामणि [ sāhityacintāmaṇi ] [ sāhitya-cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यचूडामणि [ sāhityacūḍāmaṇi ] [ sāhitya-cūḍāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यतरंगिणी [ sāhityataraṃgiṇī ] [ sāhitya-taraṃgiṇī ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यदर्पण [ sāhityadarpaṇa ] [ sāhitya-darpaṇa ] m. " mirror of composition " , N. of a treatise on literary or rhetorical composition by Viśvanātha-kavi-rāja (15th century A.D.)

  साहित्यदीपिका [ sāhityadīpikā ] [ sāhitya-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यबोध [ sāhityabodha ] [ sāhitya-bodha ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यमीमांसा [ sāhityamīmāṃsā ] [ sāhitya-mīmāṃsā ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यमुक्तामणि [ sāhityamuktāmaṇi ] [ sāhitya-muktāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यरत्नमाला [ sāhityaratnamālā ] [ sāhitya-ratnamālā ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यरत्नाकर [ sāhityaratnākara ] [ sāhitya-ratnākara ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यविचार [ sāhityavicāra ] [ sāhitya-vicāra ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यविध्याधर [ sāhityavidhyādhara ] [ sāhitya-vidhyādhara ] m. N. of Cāritra-vardhana Muni (author of a Comm. on the Naishadha-caritra) Lit. Cat.

  साहित्यशार्ङ्गधर [ sāhityaśārṅgadhara ] [ sāhitya-śārṅgadhara ] m. (prob.) = [ śārṅgadharapaddhati ] .

  साहित्यशास्त्र [ sāhityaśāstra ] [ sāhitya-śāstra ] n. a treatise on rhetoric or composition (or any work explaining the figures of rhetoric or giving rules for literary or poetical composition) Lit. MW.

  साहित्यसंग्रह [ sāhityasaṃgraha ] [ sāhitya-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यसरणीव्याख्या [ sāhityasaraṇīvyākhyā ] [ sāhitya-saraṇī-vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यसर्वस्व [ sāhityasarvasva ] [ sāhitya-sarvasva ] n. N. of wk.

  साहित्यसाम्राज्य [ sāhityasāmrājya ] [ sāhitya-sāmrājya ] n. N. of wk.

  साहित्यसार [ sāhityasāra ] [ sāhitya-sāra ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यसुधा [ sāhityasudhā ] [ sāhitya-sudhā ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यसुधासमुद्र [ sāhityasudhāsamudra ] [ sāhitya-sudhā-samudra ] m. N. of wk.

  साहित्यसूक्ष्मसरणि [ sāhityasūkṣmasaraṇi ] [ sāhitya-sūkṣma-saraṇi ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यसूची [ sāhityasūcī ] [ sāhitya-sūcī ] f. N. of wk.

  साहित्यहृदयदर्पण [ sāhityahṛdayadarpaṇa ] [ sāhitya-hṛdaya-darpaṇa ] m. N. of wk.

 साहिती [ sāhitī ] [ sāhitī ] f. = [ sāhitya ] above Lit. Cat.

 साह्य [ sāhya ] [ sāhya ] see col.1.

साहिल [ sāhila ] [ sāhila ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

साहिवीचि [ sāhivīci ] [ sāhi-vīci ] m. f. n. having waves of serpents Lit. MW.

साहुडियान [ sāhuḍiyāna ] [ sāhuḍi-yāna ] or [ sāhuḍī-pāla ] m. N. of Śūla-pāṇi Lit. Cat.

साहुडीपाल [ sāhuḍīpāla ] [ sāhuḍī-pāla ] or [ sāhuḍi-yāna ] m. N. of Śūla-pāṇi Lit. Cat.

साहुल [ sāhula ] [ sāhula ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

साहेब्राम् [ sāhebrām ] [ sāheb-rām ] m. N. of the author of the Kāśmīra-rāja-vaṃśa (died before 1883) Lit. Cat.

साह्न [ sāhna ] [ sāhná ] m. f. n. connected with a day , terminating with a day or lasting a day ( opp. to 1. [ ahīna ] ) Lit. Br.

[ sāhna ] m. = [ ekāha ] Lit. TS. Lit. TāṇḍBr. Lit. ĀpŚr.

 साह्नातिरात्र [ sāhnātirātra ] [ sāhnātirātrá ] m. f. n. terminating with a day and exceeding a day Lit. AV.

साह्नोक [ sāhnoka ] [ sāhnoka ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

साह्लाद [ sāhlāda ] [ sāhlāda ] m. f. n. having joy or gladness , cheerful , glad ( [ am ] ind. " joyfully " ) Lit. Pañcat.

[ sāhlādam ] ind. , see [ sāhlāda ] , " joyfully "

साह्व [ sāhva ] [ sāhva ] m. f. n. having a name , named , called (see [ iṣu- ] , [ rathāṅga-s ] )

 साह्वय [ sāhvaya ] [ sāhvaya ] m. f. n. = prec. (see [ kāla- ] , [ gaja-s ] )

  [ sāhvaya ] m. gambling with fighting animals , setting animals to fight for sport (= [ sam-āhvaya ] ) Lit. L.

साह्वन् [ sāhvan ] [ sāhvan ] see [ viśva-s ] , p. 994 , col. 1.

साह्वस् [ sāhvas ] [ sāhvas ] see p. 1193 , col. 2.

साह्व्य [ sāhvya ] [ sāhvya ] m. N. of a village Lit. Rājat.

सि [ si ] [ si ]1 Root (cf. √ 4. [ ] ) cl. [5] [9] P. Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxvii , 2 ; xxxi , 5) [ sinoti ] , [ sinute ] ; [ sinā́ti ] , [ sinite ] ( really occurring only in pres. [ sinā́ti ] , impf. [ asinot ] ; pf. [ siṣāya ] Lit. RV. ; aor. ( ? ) [ siṣet ] Lit. ib. ; [ asaiṣīt ] , [ aseṣṭa ] Gr. ; fut. [ setā ] Lit. ib. ; [ siṣyati ] Lit. MBh. ; [ seṣyati ] , [ °te ] Gr. ; inf. [ sétave ] Lit. AV. ; [ setum ] Gr.) , to bind , tie , fetter Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. KaṭhUp. : Caus. [ sāyayati ] (aor. [ asīṣayat ] ) Gr.: Desid. [ sisīṣati ] , [ °te ] Lit. ib. : Intens. [ seṣīyate ] , [ seṣayīti ] , [ seṣeti ] Lit. ib. ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lett. (sinu) , " to bind " ; Angl.Sax. (sâl) ; Germ. (Seil) . ) ( 1212,3 )

 सित [ sita ] [ sitá ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see below ; for 3. p. 1214 , col. 2) bound , tied , fettered Lit. RV.

  joined with , accompanied by (instr.) Lit. Prab. Lit. Rājat. Lit. BhP.

 सितक [ sitaka ] [ sitaka ] m. f. n. g. [ ṛśyādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 80.

 सिति [ siti ] [ siti ]1 f. ( for 2. see p. 1214 , col. 3) binding , fastening ( in 1. [ prá-siti ] , p. 697 , col. 3) .

 सिन [ sina ] [ sina ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see s.v.) stuck fist (as food in the throat) Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 47 Vārtt. 4

  [ sina ] m. a bond , fetter Lit. L.

सि [ si ] [ si ]2 (see [ sāyaka ] , [ senā ] ) , to hurl , cast.

 सित [ sita ] [ sita ]2 see 2. [ prá-sita ] p. 697 , col. 3.

सि [ si ] [ si ]3 ind. g. [ cādi ] .

सिंसपा [ siṃsapā ] [ siṃsapā ] see [ śiṃśapā ] , p. 1069 , col. 3.

सिंह [ siṃha ] [ siṃhá ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; prob. fr. √ [ sah ] ) " the powerful one " , a lion ( also identified with [ ātman ] ) Lit. RV.

the zodiacal sign Leo or its Lagna Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. MārkP.

a hero or eminent person (ifc. = " chief or lord of " , to express excellence of any kind ; cf. [ puruṣa-s ] , [ rāja-s ] , and the similar use of [ ṛṣabha ] , [ vyāghra ] ; sometimes also = " prince , king " e.g. [ nāga-pura-s ] , the king of Nāga-pura ; cf. [ siṃhadvār ] and [ siṃhāsana ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

a partic. form of temple Lit. VarBṛS.

a partic. place prepared for the building of a house Lit. Jyot.

a Moringa with red flowers (= [ rakta-śigru ] ) Lit. L.

(in music) a kind of tune Lit. Saṃgīt.

the symbol or emblem of the 24th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Lit. MW.

N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Lit. BhP.

of a king of the Vidyā-dharas Lit. Kathās.

of a king (the father of Sāhi-deva) Lit. Cat.

of the Veṅkaṭa mountain Lit. L.

( with [ ācārya ] ) of an astronomer Lit. VarBṛS. Sch.

of various other persons Lit. Buddh. Lit. Rājat.

a partic. mythical bird Lit. R.

[ siṃhā ] f. a partic. grass or plant (= [ nāḍī ] ) Lit. L.

[ siṃhī ] f. see below.

  सिंहकर्ण [ siṃhakarṇa ] [ siṃhá-karṇa ] m. (prob.) N. of a place g. [ takṣaśilādi ]

   [ siṃhakarṇī ] f. a partic. position of the right hand in shooting an arrow Lit. ŚārṅgP.

  सिंहकर्मन् [ siṃhakarman ] [ siṃhá-karman ] m. f. n. acting like a lion , achieving lion-like deeds Lit. Viddh.

  सिंहकल्पा [ siṃhakalpā ] [ siṃhá-kalpā ] f. N. of a (prob. imaginary) town Lit. DivyA7v.

  सिंहकारक [ siṃhakāraka ] [ siṃhá-kāraka ] m. a creator of lions Lit. Pañcat.

  सिंहकेतु [ siṃhaketu ] [ siṃhá-ketu ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lit. Lalit.

   of another man Lit. ib.

  सिंहकेलि [ siṃhakeli ] [ siṃhá-keli ] m. N. of a celebrated Bodhi-sattva (= Mañju-śrī) Lit. L.

  सिंहकेसर [ siṃhakesara ] [ siṃhá-kesara ] m. ( less correctly [ -keś ] ) a lion's mane Lit. W.

   Mimusops Elengi Lit. L.

   a kind of sweetmeat Lit. Śīl.

  सिंहकेसरिन् [ siṃhakesarin ] [ siṃhá-kesarin ] ( less correctly [ -keśar ] ) m. N. of a king Lit. Buddh.

  सिंहकोश [ siṃhakośa ] [ siṃhá-kośa ] m. N. of a king Lit. ib.

  सिंहग [ siṃhaga ] [ siṃhá-ga ] m. " going like a lion " , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.

  सिंहगामिनी [ siṃhagāminī ] [ siṃhá-gāminī ] f. N. of a Gandharva maiden Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  सिंहगिरि [ siṃhagiri ] [ siṃhá-giri ] m. (with Jainas) N. of a Sthavira Lit. HPariś.

   सिंहगिरीश्वर [ siṃhagirīśvara ] [ siṃhá-girīśvara ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. W.

  सिंहगुप्त [ siṃhagupta ] [ siṃhá-gupta ] m. N. of a king Lit. Kathās.

   of the father of Vāg-bhaṭa Lit. Cat. (v.l. [ saṃgha-g ] ) .

  सिंहग्रीव [ siṃhagrīva ] [ siṃhá-grīva ] m. f. n. lion-necked Lit. MBh.

  सिंहघोष [ siṃhaghoṣa ] [ siṃhá-ghoṣa ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. Buddh.

   of various other men Lit. Daś.

  सिंहचन्द्र [ siṃhacandra ] [ siṃhá-candra ] m. N. of various men Lit. MBh. Lit. Buddh.

   [ siṃhacandrā ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Buddh.

  सिंहचर्मन् [ siṃhacarman ] [ siṃhá-carman ] n. a lion's skin Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सिंहजटि [ siṃhajaṭi ] [ siṃhá-jaṭi ] m. N. of a king Lit. Buddh.

  सिंहतल [ siṃhatala ] [ siṃhá-tala ] m. the open hands joined Lit. L. ( cf. [ saṃha-t ] ) .

  सिंहता [ siṃhatā ] [ siṃhá-tā ] f. the being a lion , leonine state Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.

  सिंहताल [ siṃhatāla ] [ siṃhá-tāla ] m. = [ -tala ] Lit. L.

  सिंहतालाख्य [ siṃhatālākhya ] [ siṃhá-tālākhya ] m. = [ -tala ] Lit. L.

  सिंहतिलकसूरि [ siṃhatilakasūri ] [ siṃhá-tilaka-sūri ] m. N. of a Jaina author Lit. Cat.

  सिंहतुण्ड [ siṃhatuṇḍa ] [ siṃhá-tuṇḍa ] m. " lion-faced " , a kind of fish Lit. Mn. v , 16

   Euphorbia Ligularia Lit. Bhpr.

  सिंहतुण्डक [ siṃhatuṇḍaka ] [ siṃhá-tuṇḍaka ] m. a kind of fish (= [ -tuṇḍa ] ) Lit. Yājñ.

  सिंहत्व [ siṃhatva ] [ siṃhá-tva ] n. the state of a lion Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.

  सिंहदंष्ट्र [ siṃhadaṃṣṭra ] [ siṃhá-daṃṣṭra ] m. f. n. lion-toothed Lit. R.

   [ siṃhadaṃṣṭra ] m. a kind of arrow Lit. ib.

   N. of Śiva Lit. MW.

   of an Asura Lit. Kathās.

   of a king of the Śabaras Lit. ib.

  सिंहदत्त [ siṃhadatta ] [ siṃhá-datta ] m. " lion-given " , N. of an Asura Lit. ib.

   of a poet Lit. Cat.

  सिंहदर्प [ siṃhadarpa ] [ siṃhá-darpa ] m. f. n. having a lion's pride Lit. MW.

  सिंहदेव [ siṃhadeva ] [ siṃhá-deva ] m. N. of a king Lit. Rājat.

   of an author Lit. Cat.

  सिंहद्वार् [ siṃhadvār ] [ siṃhá-dvār ] f. a palace-gate Lit. Kathās.

  सिंहद्वार [ siṃhadvāra ] [ siṃhá-dvāra ] n. id. Lit. ib. Lit. Rājat.

   a principal or chief gate , any gate or entrance Lit. W.

  सिंहद्वीप [ siṃhadvīpa ] [ siṃhá-dvīpa ] m. N. of an island Lit. Buddh.

  सिंहध्वज [ siṃhadhvaja ] [ siṃhá-dhvaja ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. ib.

  सिंहध्वनि [ siṃhadhvani ] [ siṃhá-dhvani ] m. the roar of a lion Lit. W.

   a sound like the roar of a lion Lit. MW.

   a cry challenging to battle , war-cry Lit. Kum.

  सिंहनन्दन [ siṃhanandana ] [ siṃhá-nandana ] m. (in music) a kind of measure Lit. Saṃgīt.

  सिंहनर्दिन् [ siṃhanardin ] [ siṃhá-nardin ] m. f. n. roaring like a lion Lit. MW.

  सिंहनाद [ siṃhanāda ] [ siṃhá-nāda ] m. a lion's roar Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās.

   a war-cry Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   a confident assertion Lit. Pañcat.

   recital of the Buddhist doctrine Lit. Buddh.

   a kind of bird Lit. VarBṛS.

   a kind of metre Lit. Col.

   (in music) , a kind of time Lit. Saṃgīt.

   N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.

   of an Asura Lit. Kathās.

   of a son of Rāvaṇa Lit. Bālar.

   of a Śākya Lit. Buddh.

   of a king of Malaya Lit. Mudr.

   of the general of an army Lit. Vās. , Introd.

   of a Buddhist saint , Lit. Buddh.

   सिंहनादगुग्गुलु [ siṃhanādaguggulu ] [ siṃhá-nāda--guggulu ] m. a partic. mixture Lit. Bhpr.

   सिंहनादनादिन् [ siṃhanādanādin ] [ siṃhá-nāda--nādin ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lit. Buddh.

   सिंहनादसाधन [ siṃhanādasādhana ] [ siṃhá-nāda--sādhana ] n. N. of wk.

  सिंहनादक [ siṃhanādaka ] [ siṃhá-nādaka ] m. a lion's roar Lit. L.

   a war-cry Lit. W.

   [ siṃhanādikā ] f. Alhagi Maurorum Lit. L.

  सिंहनादिन् [ siṃhanādin ] [ siṃhá-nādin ] m. N. of a Māra-putra Lit. Lalit.

  सिंहनृप [ siṃhanṛpa ] [ siṃhá-nṛpa ] m. N. of a king Lit. Cat.

  सिंहपराक्रम [ siṃhaparākrama ] [ siṃhá-parākrama ] m. N. of a man Lit. Kathās.

  सिंहपरिपृच्छा [ siṃhaparipṛcchā ] [ siṃhá-paripṛcchā ] f. N. of wk.

  सिंहपर्णिका [ siṃhaparṇikā ] [ siṃhá-parṇikā ] f. Phaseolus Trilobus Lit. L.

  सिंहपर्णी [ siṃhaparṇī ] [ siṃhá-parṇī ] f. Justicia Ganderussa Lit. L.

  सिंहपिप्पली [ siṃhapippalī ] [ siṃhá-pippalī ] f. a kind of plant (= [ saiṃhalī ] ) Lit. MW.

  सिंहपुच्छिका [ siṃhapucchikā ] [ siṃhá-pucchikā ] f. Hemionitis Cordifolia Lit. L.

  सिंहपुच्छी [ siṃhapucchī ] [ siṃhá-pucchī ] f. id. Lit. ib.

   Glycine Debilis Lit. ib.

  सिंहपुर [ siṃhapura ] [ siṃhá-pura ] n. N. of a town (Singapur) Lit. MBh. Lit. Buddh.

  सिंहपुरक [ siṃhapuraka ] [ siṃhá-puraka ] m. an inhabitant of that town Lit. VarBṛS.

  सिंहपुष्पी [ siṃhapuṣpī ] [ siṃhá-puṣpī ] f. Hemionitis Cordifolia Lit. L.

  सिंहपूर्वार्धकायता [ siṃhapūrvārdhakāyatā ] [ siṃhá-pūrvārdha-kāya-tā ] f. having the forepart of the body like a lion (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Lit. Dharmas. 83.

  सिंहप्रगर्जन [ siṃhapragarjana ] [ siṃhá-pragarjana ] m. f. n. roaring like a lion Lit. MBh.

  सिंहप्रगर्जित [ siṃhapragarjita ] [ siṃhá-pragarjita ] n. the roaring of a lion Lit. MW.

  सिंहप्रणाद [ siṃhapraṇāda ] [ siṃhá-praṇāda ] m. a war-whoop Lit. R.

  सिंहप्रतीक [ siṃhapratīka ] [ siṃhá-pratīka ] ( [ siṃhá- ] ) m. f. n. having a lion's appearance Lit. AV.

  सिंहप्रदीप [ siṃhapradīpa ] [ siṃhá-pradīpa ] m. N. of wk.

  सिंहबल [ siṃhabala ] [ siṃhá-bala ] m. N. of a king Lit. Kathās.

   सिंहबलदत्त [ siṃhabaladatta ] [ siṃhá-bala--datta ] m. N. of a man Lit. Mudr.

  सिंहबाहु [ siṃhabāhu ] [ siṃhá-bāhu ] m. N. of the father of Vijaya (the founder of the first Buddhist dynasty in Ceylon) Lit. Buddh.

  सिंहभट [ siṃhabhaṭa ] [ siṃhá-bhaṭa ] m. N. of an Asura Lit. Kathās.

  सिंहभद्र [ siṃhabhadra ] [ siṃhá-bhadra ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Buddh.

  सिंहभूपाल [ siṃhabhūpāla ] [ siṃhá-bhūpāla ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  सिंहभूभृत् [ siṃhabhūbhṛt ] [ siṃhá-bhūbhṛt ] m. N. of a king Lit. Rājat.

  सिंहमति [ siṃhamati ] [ siṃhá-mati ] m. N. of a Māra-putra Lit. Lalit.

  सिंहमल [ siṃhamala ] [ siṃhá-mala ] n. a kind of brass (= [ pañca-loha ] ) Lit. L.

  सिंहमल्ल [ siṃhamalla ] [ siṃhá-malla ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  सिंहमहीपति [ siṃhamahīpati ] [ siṃhá-mahīpati ] m. N. of a king Lit. Rājat.

   of an author Lit. Cat.

  सिंहमाया [ siṃhamāyā ] [ siṃhá-māyā ] f. an illusory form shaped like a lion Lit. Hariv.

  सिंहमुख [ siṃhamukha ] [ siṃhá-mukha ] m. f. n. lion-faced

   [ siṃhamukha ] m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants Lit. Hariv.

   of a scholar Lit. Buddh.

   [ siṃhamukhī ] f. Glycine Debilis Lit. L.

   [ siṃhamukha ] m. Gendarussa Vulgaris Lit. ib.

  सिंहयाना [ siṃhayānā ] [ siṃhá-yānā ] f. " having a car drawn by lions " , N. of Durgā Lit. L.

  सिंहरथ [ siṃharatha ] [ siṃhá-ratha ] m. f. n. having a car drawn by lion Lit. L.

   [ siṃharatha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

   [ siṃharathā ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. Hariv.

  सिंहरव [ siṃharava ] [ siṃhá-rava ] m. a lion's roar Lit. Kāv.

   a war-cry Lit. MBh.

  सिंहरश्मि [ siṃharaśmi ] [ siṃhá-raśmi ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

  सिंहराज् [ siṃharāj ] [ siṃhá-rāj ] m. N. of a grammarian MS.

  सिंहराज [ siṃharāja ] [ siṃhá-rāja ] m. N. of a king Lit. Rājat.

   of a grammarian MS.

  सिंहरोत्सिका [ siṃharotsikā ] [ siṃhá-rotsikā ] (?) f. N. of a village Lit. Rājat.

  सिंहर्षभ [ siṃharṣabha ] [ siṃhá-rṣabha ] ( [ °ha ] + [ ṛṣ ] ) m. a noble lion Lit. R.

  सिंहलग्न [ siṃhalagna ] [ siṃhá-lagna ] n. the Lagna ( q.v.) of the sign Leo Lit. MW.

  सिंहलम्ब [ siṃhalamba ] [ siṃhá-lamba ] m. N. of a place Lit. Cat.

  सिंहलील [ siṃhalīla ] [ siṃhá-līla ] m. (in music) a kind of time Lit. Saṃgīt.

   a partic. kind of sexual union Lit. L.

  सिंहलोमन् [ siṃhaloman ] [ siṃhá-lomán ] n. a lion's hair Lit. ŚBr.

  सिंहवक्त्र [ siṃhavaktra ] [ siṃhá-vaktra ] m. N. of a Rākshasa Lit. R.

   [ siṃhavaktra ] n. a lion's face Lit. Cat.

   N. of a town Lit. Buddh. (w.r. [ -vakta ] )

  सिंहवत्स [ siṃhavatsa ] [ siṃhá-vatsa ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. ib.

  सिंहवर्मन् [ siṃhavarman ] [ siṃhá-varman ] m. N. of a man Lit. Inscr. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Daś.

  सिंहवाह [ siṃhavāha ] [ siṃhá-vāha ] m. f. n. riding on a lion Lit. BhP.

  सिंहवाहन [ siṃhavāhana ] [ siṃhá-vāhana ] m. f. n. id.

   [ siṃhavāhana ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.

   [ siṃhavāhanā ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. L.

  सिंहवाहिन् [ siṃhavāhin ] [ siṃhá-vāhin ] m. f. n. = [ -vāha ]

   [ siṃhavāhinī ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. DevībhP.

  सिंहविक्रम [ siṃhavikrama ] [ siṃhá-vikrama ] m. a horse Lit. L.

   (in music) a kind of time Lit. Saṃgīt.

   N. of Candra-gupta Lit. Inscr.

   of a king of the Vidyā-dharas Lit. Kathās.

   of a thief Lit. ib.

   = [ vikrama-siṃha ] Lit. MW.

  सिंहविक्रान्त [ siṃhavikrānta ] [ siṃhá-vikrānta ] m. f. n. valiant as a lion Lit. MBh.

   [ siṃhavikrānta ] m. a horse Lit. L.

   n. a lion's gait Lit. Buddh.

   a kind of metre Lit. Col.

   सिंहविक्रान्तगति [ siṃhavikrāntagati ] [ siṃhá-vikrānta--gati ] m. f. n. having a lion's gait Lit. MW.

   सिंहविक्रान्तगामिन् [ siṃhavikrāntagāmin ] [ siṃhá-vikrānta--gāmin ] m. f. n. having a lion's gait Lit. MW.

   सिंहविक्रान्तगामिता [ siṃhavikrāntagāmitā ] [ siṃhá-vikrānta--gāmi-tā ] f. the having such a gait (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Lit. Dharmas. 84.

  सिंहविक्रीडित [ siṃhavikrīḍita ] [ siṃhá-vikrīḍita ] m. (in music) a kind of time Lit. Saṃgīt.

   a kind of Samādhi Lit. Dharmas. 136

   N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lit. ib.

   [ siṃhavikrīḍita ] n. a kind of metre Lit. Ked.

  सिंहविजृम्भित [ siṃhavijṛmbhita ] [ siṃhá-vijṛmbhita ] m. (with Buddhists) a kind of Samādhi Lit. Kāraṇḍ. ( cf. [ -viṣkambhita ] ) .

  सिंहविन्ना [ siṃhavinnā ] [ siṃhá-vinnā ] f. Glycine. Debilis Lit. L.

  सिंहविष्कम्भित [ siṃhaviṣkambhita ] [ siṃhá-viṣkambhita ] m. (with Buddhists) a kind of Samādhi Lit. Kāraṇḍ. ( perhaps only w.r. for [ -vijṛmbhita ] ) .

  सिंहविष्टर [ siṃhaviṣṭara ] [ siṃhá-viṣṭara ] (prob.) a throne Lit. Rājat.

  सिंहव्याघ्र [ siṃhavyāghra ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra ] m. " lion and tiger " , a partic. philosophical term Lit. Cat.

   [ siṃhavyāghrī ] f. N. of various works.

   सिंहव्याघ्रक्रोड [ siṃhavyāghrakroḍa ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra--kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.

   सिंहव्याघ्रटिप्पणी [ siṃhavyāghraṭippaṇī ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra--ṭippaṇī ] f. N. of wk.

   सिंहव्याघ्रटीका [ siṃhavyāghraṭīkā ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra--ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.

   सिंहव्याघ्रनिषेवित [ siṃhavyāghraniṣevita ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra--niṣevita ] m. f. n. inhabited by lions and tigers Lit. MW.

   सिंहव्याघ्ररहस्य [ siṃhavyāghrarahasya ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   सिंहव्याघ्रलक्षण [ siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇa ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra--lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

   सिंहव्याघ्रलक्षणप्रकाश [ siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇaprakāśa ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra--lakṣaṇa-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

   सिंहव्याघ्रलक्षणरहस्य [ siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇarahasya ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra--lakṣaṇa-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   सिंहव्याघ्रलक्षणी [ siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇī ] [ siṃhá-vyāghra--lakṣaṇī ] f. N. of wk.

  सिंहव्याघ्रामिषीकृ [ siṃhavyāghrāmiṣīkṛ ] [ siṃhá-vyāghrāmiṣī-√ kṛ ] to make a prey to lions and tigers Lit. Kathās.

  सिंहव्याघ्रीय [ siṃhavyāghrīya ] [ siṃhá-vyāghrīya ] n. N. of wk.

  सिंहशाव [ siṃhaśāva ] [ siṃhá-śāva ] ( Lit. Hariv.) ( Lit. Śak.) m. a lion's cub.

  सिंहशिशु [ siṃhaśiśu ] [ siṃhá-śiśu ] ( Lit. Śak.) m. a lion's cub.

  सिंहश्री [ siṃhaśrī ] [ siṃhá-śrī ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Kathās.

  सिंहसंवत् [ siṃhasaṃvat ] [ siṃha-saṃvat ] a year of the Siṃha era (used in Gujarāt and converted into the corresponding Lit. A.D. year by the addition of 1113-14 ; e.g. the Siṃha year 96 corresponds to Lit. A.D. 1209-10).

  सिंहसंहनन [ siṃhasaṃhanana ] [ siṃhá-saṃhanana ] n. the killing of a lion Lit. MW.

   [ siṃhasaṃhanana ] m. f. n. lion-shaped , having a strong and noble frame Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  सिंहसाहि [ siṃhasāhi ] [ siṃhá-sāhi ] m. N. of a king Lit. Inscr.

  सिंहसिद्धान्तसिन्धु [ siṃhasiddhāntasindhu ] [ siṃhá-siddhānta-sindhu ] m. N. of wk.

  सिंहसेन [ siṃhasena ] [ siṃhá-sena ] m. N. of various men Lit. MBh. Lit. L.

  सिंहस्कन्ध [ siṃhaskandha ] [ siṃhá-skandha ] m. f. n. having the shoulders of a lion Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.

  सिंहस्थ [ siṃhastha ] [ siṃhá-stha ] m. " being in the constellation Leo " , the planet Jupiter when so situated , (also) the festival celebrated at that time (called Siṃhasth) Lit. MW.

   सिंहस्थमकरस्थगुरुनिर्णय [ siṃhasthamakarasthagurunirṇaya ] [ siṃha-stha--makarastha-guru-nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.

   सिंहस्थमाहात्म्य [ siṃhasthamāhātmya ] [ siṃha-stha--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

   सिंहस्थस्नानपद्धति [ siṃhasthasnānapaddhati ] [ siṃha-stha--snāna-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

  सिंहस्वामिन् [ siṃhasvāmin ] [ siṃhá-svāmin ] m. N. of a temple erected in honour of Siṃha-rāja Lit. Rājat.

  सिंहहनु [ siṃhahanu ] [ siṃhá-hanu ] m. f. n. having the jaws of a lion Lit. Buddh. ( [ -tā ] f. one of the 32 signs of perfection Lit. Dharmas. 83)

   [ siṃhahanu ] m. N. of the grandfather of Gautama Buddha Lit. ib.

   सिंहहनुता [ siṃhahanutā ] [ siṃhá-hanu--tā ] f. , see [ siṃhahanu ] , one of the 32 signs of perfection Lit. Dharmas. 83

  सिंहाक्ष [ siṃhākṣa ] [ siṃhākṣa ] m. N. of a king Lit. Kathās.

  सिंहाचल [ siṃhācala ] [ siṃhācala ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. Cat.

   सिंहाचलमाहात्म्य [ siṃhācalamāhātmya ] [ siṃhācala--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  सिंहाचार्य [ siṃhācārya ] [ siṃhācārya ] m. N. of an astronomer Lit. VarBṛS. Sch.

  सिंहाजिन [ siṃhājina ] [ siṃhājina ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 82 Sch.

  सिंहाढ्य [ siṃhāḍhya ] [ siṃhāḍhya ] m. f. n. abounding in lions Lit. W.

  सिंहानन [ siṃhānana ] [ siṃhānana ] m. Gendarussa Vulgaris Lit. Bhpr.

  सिंहानुवाक [ siṃhānuvāka ] [ siṃhānuvāka ] m. N. of wk.

  सिंहावलोक [ siṃhāvaloka ] [ siṃhāvaloka ] m. a kind of metre Lit. Col.

  सिंहावलोकन [ siṃhāvalokana ] [ siṃhāvalokana ] n. a lion's backward look Lit. BhP.

   N. of wk.

   सिंहावलोकनेन [ siṃhāvalokanena ] [ siṃhāvalokanena ] ind. accord. to the rule of the lion's look (i.e. casting a retrospective glance while at the same time proceeding onwards) Lit. TPrāt. , Sch. Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Sch. Lit. MBh. Sch.

   सिंहावलोकनन्यायेन [ siṃhāvalokananyāyena ] [ siṃhāvalokana-nyāyena ] ind. accord. to the rule of the lion's look (i.e. casting a retrospective glance while at the same time proceeding onwards) Lit. TPrāt. , Sch. Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Sch. Lit. MBh. Sch.

  सिंहावलोकित [ siṃhāvalokita ] [ siṃhāvalokita ] n. = prec. Lit. Gṛihyās. Lit. Piṅg. Sch.

  सिंहासन [ siṃhāsana ] [ siṃhāsana ] n. " lion's-seat " , " king's seat " , " a throne " Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   a partic. sedent posture Lit. Cat.

   [ siṃhāsana ] m. a kind of sexual union Lit. L.

   सिंहासनचक्र [ siṃhāsanacakra ] [ siṃhāsana--cakra ] n. N. of three astrological diagrams shaped like a man and marked with the 27 Nakshatras Lit. MW.

   सिंहासनत्रय [ siṃhāsanatraya ] [ siṃhāsana--traya ] n. N. of an astrological diagram Lit. L.

   सिंहासनद्वात्रिंशत् [ siṃhāsanadvātriṃśat ] [ siṃhāsana--dvātriṃśat ] f. N. of a wk. consisting of 32 stories in praise of Vikramâditya ( = [ vikrama-carita ] )

   सिंहासनद्वात्रिंशति [ siṃhāsanadvātriṃśati ] [ siṃhāsana--dvātriṃśati ] f. N. of a wk. consisting of 32 stories in praise of Vikramâditya ( = [ vikrama-carita ] )

   सिंहासनद्वात्रिंशतिका [ siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatikā ] [ siṃhāsana--dvātriṃśatikā ] f. N. of a wk. consisting of 32 stories in praise of Vikramâditya ( = [ vikrama-carita ] )

   सिंहासनद्वात्रिंशत्कथा [ siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatkathā ] [ siṃhāsana--dvātriṃśat-kathā ] f. N. of a wk. consisting of 32 stories in praise of Vikramâditya ( = [ vikrama-carita ] )

   सिंहासनद्वात्रिंशत्पुत्तलिकावार्त्ता [ siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatputtalikāvārttā ] [ siṃhāsana--dvātriṃśat-puttalikā-vārttā ] f. N. of a wk. consisting of 32 stories in praise of Vikramâditya ( = [ vikrama-carita ] )

   सिंहासनद्वात्रिंशत्पुत्रिकावार्त्ता [ siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatputrikāvārttā ] [ siṃhāsana--dvātriṃśat-putrikā-vārttā ] f. N. of a wk. consisting of 32 stories in praise of Vikramâditya ( = [ vikrama-carita ] )

   सिंहासनद्वात्रिंशिका [ siṃhāsanadvātriṃśikā ] [ siṃhāsana--dvātriṃśikā ] f. N. of a wk. consisting of 32 stories in praise of Vikramâditya ( = [ vikrama-carita ] )

   सिंहासनभ्रष्ट [ siṃhāsanabhraṣṭa ] [ siṃhāsana--bhraṣṭa ] m. f. n. fallen from a throne , dethroned Lit. MW.

   सिंहासनरण [ siṃhāsanaraṇa ] [ siṃhāsana--raṇa ] m. n. a strife or struggle for the throne Lit. R.

   सिंहासनस्थ [ siṃhāsanastha ] [ siṃhāsana--stha ] m. f. n. sitting on a throne Lit. MBh.

  सिंहास्त्र [ siṃhāstra ] [ siṃhāstra ] n. N. of a mythical weapon Lit. Dhanaṃj.

  सिंहास्य [ siṃhāsya ] [ siṃhāsya ] m. f. n. lion-faced Lit. MW.

   [ siṃhāsya ] m. a kind of fish Lit. Vajras.

   Gendarussa Vulgaris Lit. Bhpr.

   Bauhinia Variegata Lit. L.

   a partic. position of the hands Lit. Cat.

   [ siṃhāsyā ] f. Gendarussa Vulgaris or Adhatoda Vasika Lit. L.

  सिंहेन्द्र [ siṃhendra ] [ siṃhendra ] m. a mighty lion Lit. Pañcar.

  सिंहोद्धता [ siṃhoddhatā ] [ siṃhoddhatā ] ( Lit. Piṅg.) f. a kind of metre.

  सिंहोन्नता [ siṃhonnatā ] [ siṃhonnatā ] ( Lit. ib. Lit. Col.) f. a kind of metre.

 सिंहक [ siṃhaka ] [ siṃhaka ] m. endearing form of [ siṃha ] Lit. DivyA7v.

  of [ siṃhājina ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 81 sq. Sch.

  [ siṃhikā ] f. see below.

 सिंहल [ siṃhala ] [ siṃhala ] m. the island of Ceylon (perhaps so called as once abounding in lions) Lit. BhP. Lit. Rājat.

  N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

  pl. the people of Ceylon Lit. AV. Lit. Pariś. Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.

  [ siṃhalā ] f. the island of Ceylon (see [ sthāna ] )

  [ siṃhala ] n. id. Lit. W.

  tin Lit. L.

  brass ( more correctly [ siṃhalaka ] ) Lit. L.

  bark , rind Lit. MW.

  Cassia bark ( more correctly [ saiṃhala ] ) Lit. L.

  सिंहलद्वीप [ siṃhaladvīpa ] [ siṃhala-dvīpa ] m. the island of Ceylon Lit. Buddh. Lit. Kathās.

  सिंहलस्थ [ siṃhalastha ] [ siṃhala-stha ] m. f. n. being or dwelling in Ceylon Lit. MW.

   [ siṃhalasthā ] f. a species of pepper Lit. L.

  सिंहलास्थान [ siṃhalāsthāna ] [ siṃhalā-sthāna ] m. a kind of palm tree Lit. L.

 सिंहलक [ siṃhalaka ] [ siṃhalaka ] m. f. n. relating to Ceylon (with [ dvīpa ] m. " Ceylon " Lit. Cat.) Lit. VarBṛS.

  [ siṃhalaka ] n. Ceylon Lit. MW.

  brass Lit. L.

 सिंहाय [ siṃhāya ] [ siṃhāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to behave like a lion Lit. Hit. Lit. Kathās.

 सिंहिका [ siṃhikā ] [ siṃhikā ] f. N. of the mother of Rāhu (she was a daughter of Daksha ( or Kaśyapa ) and wife of Kaśyapa ( or Vipra-citti ) ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  N. of a form of Dākshāyaṇī Lit. Cat.

  of a Rākshasī Lit. R.

  a knock-kneed girl unfit for marriage Lit. L.

  Gendarussa Vulgaris Lit. L.

  सिंहिकातनय [ siṃhikātanaya ] [ siṃhikā-tanaya ] m. " son of Siṃhikā " , metron , of Rāhu Lit. ŚārṅgP.

   pl. N. of certain Asuras Lit. MBh.

  सिंहिकापुत्र [ siṃhikāputra ] [ siṃhikā-putra ] m. metron. of Rāhu Lit. A.

  सिंहिकासुत [ siṃhikāsuta ] [ siṃhikā-suta ] m. metron. of Rāhu Lit. A.

  सिंहिकासूनु [ siṃhikāsūnu ] [ siṃhikā-sūnu ] m. Lit. ib. Lit. ŚārṅgP.

 सिंहिकेय [ siṃhikeya ] [ siṃhikeya ] m. metron. of Rāhu (w.r. for [ saiṃh ] ) Lit. Hariv.

 सिंहिनी [ siṃhinī ] [ siṃhinī ] f. (with Buddhists) N. of a goddess Lit. W.

 सिंहिय [ siṃhiya ] [ siṃhiya ] m. endearing forms of [ siṃha ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 81 Sch.

 सिंहिल [ siṃhila ] [ siṃhila ] m. endearing forms of [ siṃha ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 81 Sch.

 सिंही [ siṃhī ] [ siṃhī́ ]1 f. a lioness Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS.

  N. of the Uttara-vedi (nom. [ siṃhī́h ] ) Lit. TS.

  of various plants (Solanum Jacquini ; Solanum Melongena ; Gendarussa Vulgaris ; Hemionitis Cordifolia ; Phaseolus Trilobus) Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. Suśr.

  a vein Lit. L.

  N. of the mother of Rāhu (= [ siṃhikā ] ) Lit. L.

  सिंहीलता [ siṃhīlatā ] [ siṃhī́-latā ] f. the egg-plant Lit. Bhpr.

 सिंही [ siṃhī ] [ siṃhī ]2 in comp. for [ siṃha ] .

  सिंहीकृ [ siṃhīkṛ ] [ siṃhī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to turn into a lion Lit. MBh. Lit. NṛisUp.

  सिंहीभू [ siṃhībhū ] [ siṃhī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become or be turned into a lion Lit. Kathās.

सिंहाण [ siṃhāṇa ] [ siṃhāṇa ] n. ( corrupted fr. [ śṛṅkhāṇa ] ) the mucus of the nose Lit. L.

rust of iron Lit. L.

a glass vessel Lit. L.

 सिंहाणक [ siṃhāṇaka ] [ siṃhāṇaka ] m. the mucus of the nose Lit. DivyA7v. ( printed [ siṃhānaka ] ) .

 सिङ्घाण [ siṅghāṇa ] [ siṅghāṇa ] m. = [ siṃhāṇa ] , rust of iron Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

 सिङ्घाणक [ siṅghāṇaka ] [ siṅghāṇaka ] m. the mucus of the nose Lit. ib.

  [ siṅghāṇikā ] f. id. Lit. Āpast.

 सिङ्घिणी [ siṅghiṇī ] [ siṅghiṇī ] f. = [ śiṅghiṇī ] , the nose Lit. L.

सिक् [ sik ] [ sik ] a Sautra root meaning " to scatter about , sprinkle " ( cf. √ [ sic ] , [ sīk ] ) .

 सिकता [ sikatā ] [ sí katā ] f. ( said to be fr. the above , but prob fr. √ [ sic ] , p.1214) sand , gravel ( mostly pl. sg. also " a grain of sand " ) Lit. VS.

  sandy soil Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 105

  gravel or stone (as a disease) Lit. Suśr.

  pl. N. of a race of Ṛishis Lit. MBh. ( part of Lit. RV. ix , 86 is attributed to [ sikatā nivāvarī ] ) .

  सिकतात्व [ sikatātva ] [ sí katā-tva ] n. the condition or nature of sand Lit. Ragh.

  सिकताप्राय [ sikatāprāya ] [ sí katā-prāya ] n. a sandbank Lit. L.

  सिकतामय [ sikatāmaya ] [ sí katā-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of sand , full of sand , sandy Lit. L.

   [ sikatāmaya ] n. a sandbank or an island with sandy shores Lit. W.

  सिकतामेह [ sikatāmeha ] [ sí katā-meha ] m. a partic. urinary disease , gravelly sediment in the urine Lit. Suśr.

   सिकतामेहिन् [ sikatāmehin ] [ sí katā-mehin ] m. f. n. suffering from the above disease Lit. ib.

  सिकतावत् [ sikatāvat ] [ sí katā-vat ] ( [ sí k ] ) m. f. n. abounding in sand , sandy Lit. AV.

  सिकतावर्त्मन् [ sikatāvartman ] [ sí katā-vartman ] n. partic. disease of the eyelid. Lit. ŚārṅgS.

  सिकतासिन्धु [ sikatāsindhu ] [ sí katā-sindhu ] N. of a place Lit. Rājat.

  सिकतासेतु [ sikatāsetu ] [ sí katā-setu ] m. a bank of sand Lit. R. (v.l.)

  सिकतोत्तर [ sikatottara ] [ sikatottara ] m. f. n. abounding in sand , sandy Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

  सिकतोपोप्त [ sikatopopta ] [ sikatopopta ] m. f. n. strewn with sand, Lit. Hir.

 सिकतिल [ sikatila ] [ sikatila ] m. f. n. consisting of sand , sandy , Lit. Bhart. Lit. Prab.

 सिकत्य [ sikatya ] [ sikatyá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. VS.

 सिगता [ sigatā ] [ sigatā ] f. = [ sikatā ] Lit. Kap.

सिक्त [ sikta ] [ sikta ] [ sikti ] , [ siktha ] see below.

सिक्ष्य [ sikṣya ] [ sikṣya ] m. crystal , glass Lit. L.

सिगृडी [ sigṛḍī ] [ sigṛḍī ] or [ sigruḍī ] f. ( cf. [ śimṛḍī ] and [ śigru ] ) a kind of plant Lit. L.

सिग्रुडी [ sigruḍī ] [ sigruḍī ] or [ sigṛḍī ] f. ( cf. [ śimṛḍī ] and [ śigru ] ) a kind of plant Lit. L.

सिङ्गभूपाल [ siṅgabhūpāla ] [ siṅga-bhūpāla ] m. N. of an author ( cf. [ siṃha-bh ] ) Lit. Cat.

 सिङ्गाभट्ट [ siṅgābhaṭṭa ] [ siṅgā-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of an author ( [ °ṭīya ] n. his wk.) Lit. Cat.

  सिङ्गाभट्टीय [ siṅgābhaṭṭīya ] [ siṅgā-bhaṭṭīya ] n. , see [ siṅgābhaṭṭa ] , wk. by [ siṅgābhaṭṭa ]

सिङ्गापिदि [ siṅgāpidi ] [ siṅgāpidi ] m. N. of a poet Lit. ŚārṅgP.

सिङ्घणदेव [ siṅghaṇadeva ] [ siṅghaṇa-deva ] m. N. of a king.

सिङ्घाण [ siṅghāṇa ] [ siṅghāṇa ] see p. 1213 , col. 3.

सिच् [ sic ] [ sic ]1 Root cl. [6] P. Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxviii , 140) [ siñcáti ] , [ °te ] ( once in Lit. RV. x , 96 , 1 , [ sécate ] pf. [ siṣeca ] , [ siṣice ] ( in Lit. RV. also [ sisicuḥ ] , [ sisice ] ) ; aor. [ asicat ] , [ °cata ] ( Gr. also [ asikta ] ) ; Subj. [ sicāmahe ] Lit. RV. ; Prec. [ sicyāt ] Lit. Br. ; fut. [ sekṣyati ] , [ °te ] Lit. ib. ; inf. [ sektum ] Lit. MBh. [ sektavai ] Lit. Br. ; ind.p. [ siktvā ] Lit. ib. ; [ -sí cya ] Lit. AV. ; [ -secam ] or [ -sekam ] , Lit. GṛŚrS.) , to pour out , discharge , emit , shed , infuse or pour into or on (loc.) Lit. RV. ; to emit semen , impregnate Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. Mn. ; to scatter in small drops , sprinkle , besprinkle or moisten with (instr.) Lit. RV. ; to dip , soak , steep Lit. Bhpr. ; to cast or form anything out of molten metal ( 2 acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr. : Pass. [ sicyate ] ( ep. also [ °ti ] ; aor. [ aseci ] ) , to be poured out or sprinkled Lit. RV. : Caus. [ secayati ] , [ °te ] ( ep. also [ siñcayati ] ; aor. [ asīṣicat ] or [ asīsicat ] ) , to cause to pour out ; to sprinkle , water (plants ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Desid. [ siṣikṣati ] or [ sisikṣati ] ; [ °te ] Gr. (cf. [ sisikṣā ] ) : Intens. [ sesicyate ] , [ sesekti ] . ( ( cf. Zd. (hincaiti) ; Gk. 1 ( ? ) ; Angl.Sax. (seón) ; Germ. (seihen) , (seichen) . ) )

 सिक्त [ sikta ] [ siktá ] m. f. n. poured out , sprinkled , wetted , impregnated Lit. RV.

  [ siktā ] f. = [ sikatā ] Lit. L.

  सिक्तता [ siktatā ] [ siktá-tā ] f. the being sprinkled or watered Lit. Rājat.

 सिक्ति [ sikti ] [ siktí ] f. sprinkling , discharge , effusion Lit. RV.

 सिक्थ [ siktha ] [ siktha ] m. n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) boiled rice from which the water has been poured off Lit. Suśr.

  a lump or mouthful of boiled rice kneaded into a ball Lit. Kathās.

  [ siktha ] n. ( also written [ śiktha ] ) beeswax Lit. Kālac.

  a collection of pearls (weighing a Dhāraṇa) Lit. VarBṛS.

  indigo (= [ nīlī ] ) Lit. L.

 सिक्थक [ sikthaka ] [ sikthaka ] m. n. (ifc. f ( [ akā ] or [ ikā ] ) . ) = prec. Lit. Hcat.

  [ sikthaka ] n. beeswax Lit. L.

 सिग् [ sig ] [ sig ] in comp. for 2. [ sic ] .

  सिग्वात [ sigvāta ] [ sig-vāta ] m. wind from the hem of a dress Lit. ĀpGṛ.

 सिच् [ sic ] [ sí c ]2 f. the border or hem of a dress Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS.

  (du.) the two borders or boundaries i.e. the horizon Lit. RV. i , 95 , 7

  (du. and pl.) the wings of an army Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

 सिचय [ sicaya ] [ sicaya ] m. robe , raiment , cloth , clothes Lit. Vikr. Lit. Kād. Lit. Rājat.

  old or ragged raiment Lit. W.

 सिञ्चन [ siñcana ] [ siñcana ] n. sprinkling , watering Lit. Hcat.

 सेक [ seka ] [ seka ] see s.v.

सिच् [ sic ] [ sic ]3 f. = [ śic ] , a net Lit. BhP.

सिजि [ siji ] [ siji ] g. [ yavādi ] .

  सिजिमत् [ sijimat ] [ siji-mat ] m. f. n. Lit. ib.

सिञ्चता [ siñcatā ] [ siñcatā ] f. long pepper (v.l. [ siñcitā ] ) Lit. L.

सिञ्जा [ siñjā ] [ siñjā ] [ siñjā ] , [ siñjāśvattha ] , [ siñjita ] , incorrect for [ śiñjā ]

सिञ्जाश्वत्थ [ siñjāśvattha ] [ siñjāśvattha ] [ siñjā ] , [ siñjāśvattha ] , [ siñjita ] , incorrect for [ śiñjā ]

सिञ्जित [ siñjita ] [ siñjita ] [ siñjā ] , [ siñjāśvattha ] , [ siñjita ] , incorrect for [ śiñjā ]

सिट् [ siṭ ] [ siṭ ] Root ( cf. √ [ śiṭ ] ) cl. [1] P. [ seṭati ] , to despise Lit. Dhātup. ix , 18.

सिण्डाकी [ siṇḍākī ] [ siṇḍākī ] incorrect for [ śiṇḍākī ] .

सित [ sita ] [ sita ]3 m. f. n. ( prob. formed fr. [ a-sita ] as [ sura ] fr. [ asura ] ; for 1. and 2. [ sita ] see p. 1213 , col. 1 ; for 4. see √ 1. [ so ] ) white , pale , bright , light (said of a day in the light half of a month and of the waxing moon) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

candid , pure (see [ -karman ] )

[ sita ] m. white (the colour) Lit. L.

the light half of the month from new to full moon Lit. VarBṛS.

the planet Venus or its regent (= [ śukra ] ) Lit. ib.

sugar Lit. ib.

Bauhinia Candida Lit. L.

N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.

[ sitā ] f. white sugar , refined sugar Lit. Suśr. : Lit. Hcat.

[ sita ] m. moonlight Lit. L.

a handsome woman.

spirituous liquor Lit. L.

N. of various plants (a species of Aparājitā ; white Kaṇṭakārī ; white Dūrvā grass ; Arabian jasmine ) Lit. Suśr.

bamboo juice Lit. L.

N. of the Ganges ( in [ sitāsitā ] , under [ sitā ] )

one of the 8 Devis ( Lit. Buddh.) Lit. Kālac.

n. silver Lit. L.

sandal Lit. L.

a radish Lit. L.

  सितकटभी [ sitakaṭabhī ] [ sita-kaṭabhī ] f. a kind of tree Lit. L.

  सितकण्टा [ sitakaṇṭā ] [ sita-kaṇṭā ] f. a white-blossomed Kaṇṭakārī Lit. L.

  सितकण्टारिका [ sitakaṇṭārikā ] [ sita-kaṇṭārikā ] f. a white-blossomed Kaṇṭakārī Lit. L.

  सितकण्ठ [ sitakaṇṭha ] [ sita-kaṇṭha ] m. f. n. white-necked Lit. MW.

   [ sitakaṇṭha ] m. a gallinule Lit. L.

  सितकमल [ sitakamala ] [ sita-kamala ] n. a white lotus

   सितकमलमय [ sitakamalamaya ] [ sita-kamala--maya ] m. f. n. consisting of white lotus Lit. Kālac.

  सितकर [ sitakara ] [ sita-kara ] m. " white-rayed " , the moon Lit. Rājat.

   camphor Lit. L.

   सितकरानन [ sitakarānana ] [ sita-karānana ] m. f. n. moon-faced Lit. Rājat.

  सितकर्णिका [ sitakarṇikā ] [ sita-karṇikā ] ( Lit. Suśr.) ( Lit. L.) f. Gendarussa Vulgaris.

  सितकर्णी [ sitakarṇī ] [ sita-karṇī ] ( Lit. L.) f. Gendarussa Vulgaris.

  सितकर्मन् [ sitakarman ] [ sita-karman ] m. f. n. pure in action Lit. MBh.

  सितकाच [ sitakāca ] [ sita-kāca ] m. f. n. dark-yellowish white Lit. L.

   [ sitakāca ] m. dark-yellowish whiteness Lit. L.

   rock-crystal Lit. L.

  सितकाचर [ sitakācara ] [ sita-kācara ] m. f. n. dark-smoky white Lit. L.

   [ sitakācara ] m. dark-smoky whiteness Lit. L.

  सितकुञ्जर [ sitakuñjara ] [ sita-kuñjara ] m. a white elephant Lit. L.

   N. of Indra's lotus Lit. W.

   [ sitakuñjara ] m. f. n. riding on a white lotus

   m. N. of Indra Lit. L.

  सितकुम्भी [ sitakumbhī ] [ sita-kumbhī ] f. a white Bignonia Lit. L.

  सितकृष्ण [ sitakṛṣṇa ] [ sita-kṛṣṇa ] m. f. n. white and black Lit. L.

   [ sitakṛṣṇa ] m. white and black colour Lit. L.

  सितकेश [ sitakeśa ] [ sita-keśa ] m. " white-haired " , N. of a Dānava Lit. Hariv.

  सितक्षार [ sitakṣāra ] [ sita-kṣāra ] n. a kind of Borax Lit. L.

  सितक्षुद्रा [ sitakṣudrā ] [ sita-kṣudrā ] f. a white-blossomed Kaṇṭakārī Lit. ib.

  सितखण्ड [ sitakhaṇḍa ] [ sita-khaṇḍa ] m. white lump-sugar Lit. Hcat. Lit. Dhūrtan.

  सितगुञ्जा [ sitaguñjā ] [ sita-guñjā ] f. a white-blossomed Abrus Precatorius Lit. L.

  सितचिह्न [ sitacihna ] [ sita-cihna ] m. a sort of fish Lit. L.

  सितच्छत्त्र [ sitacchattra ] [ sita-cchattra ] n. a white umbrella Lit. L.

   [ sitacchattrā ] f. Anethum Sowa Lit. ib.

   [ sitacchattrī ] f. Anethum Sowa Lit. ib.

  सितच्छत्त्रित [ sitacchattrita ] [ sita-cchattrita ] m. f. n. turned into or representing a white umbrella Lit. Naish.

   [ sitacchattrita ] m. having a white umbrella , possessed of the insignia of royalty Lit. MW.

  सितच्छद [ sitacchada ] [ sita-cchada ] m. f. n. white-winged , having white leaves Lit. L.

   [ sitacchada ] m. a goose Lit. L.

   [ sitacchadā ] f. white Dūrvā grass Lit. ib.

  सितजा [ sitajā ] [ sita- ] f. sugar in lumps , lump-sugar Lit. ib.

  सिततर [ sitatara ] [ sita-tara ] m. f. n. extremely white Lit. Ml.

  सिततुरग [ sitaturaga ] [ sita-turaga ] m. " white-horsed " , N. of Arjuna Lit. Kir.

  सिततेजस् [ sitatejas ] [ sita-tejas ] m. f. n. having a white light Lit. VP.

  सितदर्भ [ sitadarbha ] [ sita-darbha ] m. white Kuśa grass Lit. L.

  सितदीधिति [ sitadīdhiti ] [ sita-dīdhiti ] m. " white-rayed " , the moon Lit. Śiś.

  सितदीप्य [ sitadīpya ] [ sita-dīpya ] m. white cumin Lit. L.

  सितदूर्वा [ sitadūrvā ] [ sita-dūrvā ] f. white Dūrvā grass Lit. ib.

  सितद्रु [ sitadru ] [ sita-dru ] m. a kind of creeper Lit. ib.

  सितद्रुम [ sitadruma ] [ sita-druma ] m. (perhaps) a species of birch-tree Lit. Hariv.

  सितद्विज [ sitadvija ] [ sita-dvija ] m. " white bird " , a goose Lit. Subh.

  सितधातु [ sitadhātu ] [ sita-dhātu ] m. a white mineral Lit. MW.

   chalk Lit. L.

  सितपक्ष [ sitapakṣa ] [ sita-pakṣa ] m. the light half of a month Lit. VarBṛS.

   a white wing Lit. MW.

   " white-winged " , a goose Lit. L.

  सितपट [ sitapaṭa ] [ sita-paṭa ] m. N. of an author , Lit. Praśnôt.

  सितपद्म [ sitapadma ] [ sita-padma ] n. a white lotus Lit. BhP.

  सितपर्णी [ sitaparṇī ] [ sita-parṇī ] f. a kind of plant (= [ arka-puṣpikā ] ) Lit. MW.

  सितपाटलिका [ sitapāṭalikā ] [ sita-pāṭalikā ] f. a white Bignonia Lit. L.

  सितपिङ्गाण [ sitapiṅgāṇa ] [ sita-piṅgāṇa ] m. f. n. dark-yellowish-whitish white Lit. L.

   [ sitapiṅgāṇa ] m. dark-yellowish-whitish whiteness Lit. L.

  सितपीत [ sitapīta ] [ sita-pīta ] m. f. n. white and yellow Lit. Śaṃk.

   सितपीतहरिन्नील [ sitapītaharinnīla ] [ sita-pīta--harin-nīla ] m. f. n. bluish-green , yellowish-white Lit. L.

    [ sitapītaharinnīla ] m. bluish-green-yellowish-whiteness Lit. L.

  सितपुङ्खा [ sitapuṅkhā ] [ sita-puṅkhā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.

  सितपुण्डरीक [ sitapuṇḍarīka ] [ sita-puṇḍarīka ] n. a white lotus Lit. Kāv.

  सितपुष्प [ sitapuṣpa ] [ sita-puṣpa ] m. Tabernaemontana Coronaria Lit. L.

   Saccharum Spontaneum Lit. ib.

   Acacia Sirissa Lit. ib.

   = [ śveta-rohita ] Lit. ib.

   [ sitapuṣpā ] f. a kind of jasmine (Jasminum Sambac or Sida Cordifolia) Lit. Suśr.

   [ sitapuṣpī ] f. = [ śvetāparājitā ] Lit. L.

   [ sitapuṣpa ] n. Cyperus Rotundus Lit. ib.

  सितपुष्पाय [ sitapuṣpāya ] [ sita-puṣpāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to resemble jasmine Lit. Kāv.

  सितपुष्पिक [ sitapuṣpika ] [ sita-puṣpika ] a kind of leprosy Lit. L.

  सितप्रभ [ sitaprabha ] [ sita-prabha ] m. f. n. white Lit. MBh.

   [ sitaprabha ] n. silver Lit. L.

  सितमणि [ sitamaṇi ] [ sita-maṇi ] m. a crystal

   सितमणिमय [ sitamaṇimaya ] [ sita-maṇi--maya ] m. f. n. made of crystal Lit. Megh.

  सितमनस् [ sitamanas ] [ sita-manas ] m. f. n. pure-hearted Lit. VP.

  सितमरिच [ sitamarica ] [ sita-marica ] n. white pepper Lit. L.

  सितमारक [ sitamāraka ] [ sita-māraka ] (prob.) w.r. for [ -sāraka ] Lit. Car.

  सितमाष [ sitamāṣa ] [ sita-māṣa ] m. Dolichos Catjang Lit. L.

  सितमेघ [ sitamegha ] [ sita-megha ] m. a white cloud Lit. R.

  सितयज्ञोपवीतिन् [ sitayajñopavītin ] [ sita-yajñopavītin ] m. f. n. invested with a white sacred thread Lit. Hcat.

  सितयामिनी [ sitayāminī ] [ sita-yāminī ] f. a bright night , moonlight Lit. Bhām.

  सितरक्त [ sitarakta ] [ sita-rakta ] m. f. n. white and red Lit. NṛisUp.

  सितरञ्जन [ sitarañjana ] [ sita-rañjana ] m. f. n. yellow Lit. L.

   [ sitarañjana ] m. yellow (the colour) Lit. W.

  सितरश्मि [ sitaraśmi ] [ sita-raśmi ] m. " white-rayed " , the moon Lit. L.

  सितरुचि [ sitaruci ] [ sita-ruci ] m. f. n. bright-coloured , white Lit. Śiś.

   [ sitaruci ] m. the moon Lit. Subh.

  सितलता [ sitalatā ] [ sita-latā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.

  सितलशुन [ sitalaśuna ] [ sita-laśuna ] garlic Lit. L.

  सितलोहित [ sitalohita ] [ sita-lohita ] m. f. n. white and red Lit. L.

   [ sitalohita ] m. white and red colour Lit. L.

  सितवर्मन् [ sitavarman ] [ sita-varman ] m. N. of a minister Lit. Daś.

  सितवर्षाभू [ sitavarṣābhū ] [ sita-varṣābhū ] f. Boerhavia Procumbens Lit. L.

  सितवल्लीज [ sitavallīja ] [ sita-vallīja ] n. white pepper Lit. ib.

  सितवाजिन् [ sitavājin ] [ sita-vājin ] m. " having white horses " , N. of Arjuna Lit. Kir.

  सितवारण [ sitavāraṇa ] [ sita-vāraṇa ] m. a white elephant Lit. BhP.

  सितशर्करा [ sitaśarkarā ] [ sita-śarkarā ] f. white ground sugar , lump-sugar Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pañcar.

  सितशायका [ sitaśāyakā ] [ sita-śāyakā ] w.r. for [ -sāyakā ] Lit. L.

  सितशिंशपा [ sitaśiṃśapā ] [ sita-śiṃśapā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.

  सितशिम्बिक [ sitaśimbika ] [ sita-śimbika ] m. a kind of wheat Lit. ib.

  सितशिव [ sitaśiva ] [ sita-śiva ] n. rock-salt Lit. ib.

  सितशूक [ sitaśūka ] [ sita-śūka ] m. barley Lit. ib.

  सितशूरण [ sitaśūraṇa ] [ sita-śūraṇa ] m. or n. a species of Arum Lit. ib.

  सितश्मश्रु [ sitaśmaśru ] [ sita-śmaśru ] m. f. n. having a white beard Lit. MBh.

  सितश्याम [ sitaśyāma ] [ sita-śyāma ] m. f. n. blackish-white Lit. L.

   [ sitaśyāma ] m. blackish-white colour Lit. L.

  सितसप्ति [ sitasapti ] [ sita-sapti ] m. f. n. having white steeds

   [ sitasapti ] m. N. of Arjuna Lit. Kir.

  सितसर्षप [ sitasarṣapa ] [ sita-sarṣapa ] m. white mustard , a grain of white mustard-seed Lit. VarBṛS.

  सितसायका [ sitasāyakā ] [ sita-sāyakā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.

  सितसार [ sitasāra ] [ sita-sāra ] m. Achyranthes Triandra Lit. ib. ( cf. [ -māraka ] ) .

  सितसारक [ sitasāraka ] [ sita-sāraka ] m. Achyranthes Triandra Lit. ib. ( cf. [ -māraka ] ) .

  सितसिंही [ sitasiṃhī ] [ sita-siṃhī ] f. a white-blossomed Kaṇṭakārī Lit. ib.

  सितसिद्धार्थ [ sitasiddhārtha ] [ sita-siddhārtha ] m. white mustard (or a grain of white mustard-seed) Lit. Pañcat.

  सितसिद्धार्थक [ sitasiddhārthaka ] [ sita-siddhārthaka ] m. white mustard (or a grain of white mustard-seed) Lit. Pañcat.

  सितसिन्धु [ sitasindhu ] [ sita-sindhu ] f. the Ganges Lit. L.

  सितसिव [ sitasiva ] [ sita-siva ] v.l. for [ -śiva ] Lit. ib.

  सितसूरण [ sitasūraṇa ] [ sita-sūraṇa ] v.l. for [ -śur ] Lit. ib.

  सितहूण [ sitahūṇa ] [ sita-hūṇa ] m. pl. the white Huns Lit. VarBṛS.

  सितांशु [ sitāṃśu ] [ sitāṃśu ] m. " white-rayed " , the moon Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Kuval.

   camphor Lit. L.

   सितांशुतैल [ sitāṃśutaila ] [ sitāṃśu--taila ] n. camphor-oil Lit. ib.

  सितांशुक [ sitāṃśuka ] [ sitāṃśuka ] m. f. n. dressed in a white mantle or garment Lit. Vikr.

  सिताख्य [ sitākhya ] [ sitākhya ] n. white pepper Lit. L.

   [ sitākhyā ] f. white Dūrvā grass Lit. ib.

  सिताग्र [ sitāgra ] [ sitāgra ] m. or n. a thorn ( for [ śil ] ) Lit. ib.

  सिताङ्क [ sitāṅka ] [ sitāṅka ] m. a kind of fish Lit. ib.

  सिताङ्ग [ sitāṅga ] [ sitāṅga ] m. a kind of plant Lit. ib.

   camphor Lit. ib.

   N. of Śiva Lit. ib. ( printed [ mit ] )

   सिताङ्गराग [ sitāṅgarāga ] [ sitāṅga--rāga ] m. a white cosmetic. or pigment for the limbs or body Lit. Kum.

  सिताजाजी [ sitājājī ] [ sitājājī ] f. white cumin Lit. L.

  सितातपत्र [ sitātapatra ] [ sitātapatra ] n. a white umbrella (emblem of royalty) Lit. Siṃhâs.

  सितातपवारण [ sitātapavāraṇa ] [ sitātapavāraṇa ] n. id. Lit. Ragh.

  सितानन [ sitānana ] [ sitānana ] m. f. n. white-faced

   [ sitānana ] m. N. of Garuḍa Lit. L.

   of one of Śiva's attendants Lit. Hariv.

  सितापाङ्ग [ sitāpāṅga ] [ sitāpāṅga ] m. " having white eye-corners " , a peacock Lit. L.

  सिताब्ज [ sitābja ] [ sitābja ] n. a white lotus Lit. ib.

  सिताभ [ sitābha ] [ sitābha ] m. " white-looking " , camphor Lit. ib.

   (prob.) sugar Lit. Pañcar.

   [ sitābhā ] f. a kind of shrub Lit. L.

  सिताभिकटभी [ sitābhikaṭabhī ] [ sitābhikaṭabhī ] f. (v.l. for [ sitālikaṭ ] ) .

  सिताभ्र [ sitābhra ] [ sitābhra ] m. a white cloud Lit. MBh.

   [ sitābhra ] m. n. camphor Lit. Kāv.

  सिताभ्रक [ sitābhraka ] [ sitābhraka ] m. or n. camphor Lit. L.

  सितामोघा [ sitāmoghā ] [ sitāmoghā ] f. a white-blossomed Bignonia Lit. ib.

  सिताम्बर [ sitāmbara ] [ sitāmbara ] m. f. n. clothed in white garments Lit. ŚārṅgP.

   [ sitāmbara ] m. " a monk wearing white garments " , N. of one of the two great divisions of Jaina monks (= [ śvet ] q.v.) Lit. L.

  सिताम्बुज [ sitāmbuja ] [ sitāmbuja ] n. a white lotus Lit. ib.

  सिताम्भोज [ sitāmbhoja ] [ sitāmbhoja ] n. a white lotus Lit. ib.

  सितायुध [ sitāyudha ] [ sitāyudha ] m. a kind of fish Lit. L.

  सितार्कक [ sitārkaka ] [ sitārkaka ] m. a white-blossomed Calotropis Lit. L.

  सितार्जक [ sitārjaka ] [ sitārjaka ] m. white basil Lit. L.

  सितालक [ sitālaka ] [ sitālaka ] m. a white Calotropis Lit. L. (w.r. for [ °tālarka ] ) .

  सितालर्क [ sitālarka ] [ sitālarka ] m. a white Calotropis Lit. L.

  सितालि [ sitāli ] [ sitāli ] m. f. n. having white lines Lit. MW.

   सितालिकटभी [ sitālikaṭabhī ] [ sitāli--kaṭabhī ] f. a species of Achyranthes Lit. L.

   सितालिका [ sitālikā ] [ sitālikā ] f. " white-lined " , a cockle Lit. MW.

  सितावर [ sitāvara ] [ sitāvara ] m. a species of culinary plant ( also written [ śit ] ) Lit. Bhpr.

   [ sitāvarī ] f. Venonia Anthelminthica Lit. L.

  सिताश्व [ sitāśva ] [ sitāśva ] m. f. n. having white horses

   [ sitāśva ] m. N. of Arjuna Lit. MBh.

   the moon Lit. L.

  सितासित [ sitāsita ] [ sitāsita ] m. f. n. ( for [ sitās ] see under [ sitā ] below) white and black Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.

   good and evil , Lit. MaitrUp.

   [ sitāsita ] m. N. of Bala-deva Lit. L.

   m. du. Venus and Saturn Lit. ib.

   सितासितकमलदलनयनता [ sitāsitakamaladalanayanatā ] [ sitāsita--kamala-dala-nayana-tā ] f. having eyes like the petals of a dark and white lotus (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Lit. Dharmas. 84

   सितासितरोग [ sitāsitaroga ] [ sitāsita--roga ] m. a partic. disease of the eyes Lit. Cat.

  सिताह्वय [ sitāhvaya ] [ sitāhvaya ] m. " white-named " , the planet Venus ( cf. [ śukra ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.

   N. of various plants (= [ śveta-rohita ] ; = [ śveta-śigru ] , a white-blossomed Tulasī) Lit. L.

  सितेक्षु [ sitekṣu ] [ sitekṣu ] m. a species of sugarcane Lit. ib.

  सितेतर [ sitetara ] [ sitetara ] m. f. n. " other than white " , black , dark , blue Lit. Śiś. Lit. Kum. Lit. Laghuj.

   white and black Lit. BhP.

   [ sitetara ] m. a kind of dark-coloured rice Lit. L.

   Dolichos Uniflorus Lit. ib.

   सितेतरगति [ sitetaragati ] [ sitetara--gati ] m. " having a black course " , fire Lit. ib.

   सितेतरसरोज [ sitetarasaroja ] [ sitetara--saroja ] n. a blue lotus Lit. Śiś.

  सितैरण्ड [ sitairaṇḍa ] [ sitairaṇḍa ] m. the white Ricinus Lit. L.

  सितोत्पल [ sitotpala ] [ sitotpala ] n. a white lotus Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Hit. Lit. Vet.

  सितोदक [ sitodaka ] [ sitodaka ] w.r. for [ śīt ] Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  सितोदर [ sitodara ] [ sitodara ] m. " white-bellied " , N. of Kubera Lit. L.

  सितोद्भव [ sitodbhava ] [ sitodbhava ] m. f. n. produced from sugar Lit. MW.

   [ sitodbhava ] n. white sandal Lit. L.

  सितोपल [ sitopala ] [ sitopala ] m. " white stone " , chalk Lit. L.

   crystal Lit. ib.

   rock-crystal Lit. ib.

   [ sitopalā ] f. sugar Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Pañcar. ( mc. also [ °pala ] )

   white or refined sugar Lit. MW.

   [ sitopala ] n. chalk Lit. ib.

  सितोष्णवारण [ sitoṣṇavāraṇa ] [ sitoṣṇa-vāraṇa ] n. " white heat-protector " , a white umbrella Lit. ib.

 सितक [ sitaka ] [ sitaka ] m. f. n. g. [ ṛsyādi ] .

 सिता [ sitā ] [ sitā ] f. of 3. [ sita ] , col.2.

  सिताखण्ड [ sitākhaṇḍa ] [ sitā-khaṇḍa ] m. sugar in lumps , lump-sugar Lit. L.

   a kind of refined sugar (said to be prepared from honey) Lit. MW.

  सितात्रय [ sitātraya ] [ sitā-traya ] n. three kinds of white sugar ( = [ tri-sitā ] ) Lit. L.

  सितादि [ sitādi ] [ sitādi ] ( [ °tādi ] ) m. molasses Lit. ib.

  सितापाक [ sitāpāka ] [ sitā-pāka ] m. refined sugar Lit. Bhpr.

  सितालता [ sitālatā ] [ sitā-latā ] f. white Dūrvā grass Lit. Car.

  सितासित [ sitāsita ] [ sitāsita ] n. ( [ °tās° ] ) ( for [ sitās ] see above ) N. of Prayāga Lit. KāśīKh.

   [ sitāsitā ] f. du. the Ganges and Jumnā rivers at Prayāga Lit. ib.

 सिति [ siti ] [ siti ]2 m. f. n. (w.r. for [ śiti ] ; for 1. see p. 1213 , col. 1 ; for 3. see √ 1. [ so ] ) white Lit. L.

  black Lit. ib.

  सितिकण्ठ [ sitikaṇṭha ] [ siti-kaṇṭha ] m. f. n. having a white throat Lit. MW.

   dark-necked Lit. ib.

   [ sitikaṇṭha ] m. Śiva Lit. ib. ( cf. [ śiti-k ] ) .

  सितिमारक [ sitimāraka ] [ siti-māraka ] (prob.) w.r. for [ sita-sāraka ] Lit. Car.

  सितिवार [ sitivāra ] [ siti-vāra ] m. = [ śiti-v ] Lit. MW.

  सितिवासस् [ sitivāsas ] [ siti-vāsas ] m. f. n. clad in black Lit. ib.

   [ sitivāsas ] m. N. of Bala-rāma ( for [ śiti-v ] ) Lit. Śiś.

 सितिमन् [ sitiman ] [ sitiman ] m. whiteness Lit. Kāv.

 सितीकृ [ sitīkṛ ] [ sitī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make white or bright Lit. Sāh. Lit. Naish.

 सितीवार [ sitīvāra ] [ sitī-vāra ] a kind of plant (v.l. [ sitār ] ( q.v. ) ; cf. [ siti-v ] above ) Lit. Kauś.

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