Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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विश्वि [ viśvi ] [ vi-√ śvi ] P. [ -śvayati ] ( only pr. p. [ -śváyat ] ) , to swell Lit. RV.

विश्वित् [ viśvit ] [ vi-√ śvit ] Ā. [ -śvetate ] ( only 3. pl. aor. [ vy-áśvitan ] ) , to shine , be bright Lit. RV.

विष् [ viṣ ] [ viṣ ]1 Root cl. [3] P. [ viveṣṭi ] ( only Lit. RV. cf. Intens. ; here and ep. also cl. [1] P. [ véṣati ] cf. below ; Subj. [ vivéḥ ] , [ ví veṣaḥ ] Lit. RV. ; pf. [ viveṣa ] , [ viviṣuḥ ] Lit. ib. ( [ áviveṣīḥ ] , Lit. iv , 22 , 5 ) ; aor. [ aviṣat ] , [ avikṣat ] Gr. ; Impv. [ viḍḍhí ] Lit. AV. ; fut. [ vekṣyati ] , [ °te ] Lit. Br. ; [ veṣṭā ] Gr. ; inf. [ veṣṭum ] Gr. ; [ -ví ṣe ] Lit. RV. ; ind.p. [ viṣṭvī́ ] Lit. ib. ; [ -ví ṣya ] Lit. AV.) , to be active , act , work , do , perform Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. ; (cl. [1] P. [ véṣati ] cf. Lit. Dhātup. xvii , 47) to be quick , speed , run , flow (as water) Lit. ib. ; to work as a servant serve Lit. ib. ; to have done with i.e. overcome , subdue , rule Lit. ib. ; ( Lit. Naigh. ii , 8) to be contained in (acc.) , Lit. Tattvak. : Caus. [ veṣayati ] , to clothe Lit. BhP. : Intens. (or cl. [3] accord. to Lit. Dhātup. xxv , 13) [ véveṣṭi ] , [ veviṣṭe ] , to be active or busy in various ways Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; (p. [ véviṣat ] ) to consume , eat Lit. ib. ( cf. Lit. Naigh. ii , 8) ; (p. [ véviṣāṇa ] ) aided or supported by (instr.) Lit. RV. vii , 18 , 15.

 विट् [ viṭ ] [ viṭ ]2 ( for 1. see p. 989 , col. 2) in comp. for 3. [ viṣ ] .

  विट्कारिका [ viṭkārikā ] [ viṭ-kārikā ] f. " ordure maker " , a kind of bird (prob. a variety of Turdus Salica) Lit. L.

  विट्कृमि [ viṭkṛmi ] [ viṭ-kṛmi ] m. a worm bred in the bowels Lit. HPariś.

  विट्खदिर [ viṭkhadira ] [ viṭ-khadira ] m. Vachellia Farnesiana Lit. L.

  विट्चर [ viṭcara ] [ viṭ-cara ] m. " filth-goer " , a tame or village hog Lit. L.

  विट्शूल [ viṭśūla ] [ viṭ-śūla ] m. a partic. form of colic Lit. Suśr.

  विट्सङ्ग [ viṭsaṅga ] [ viṭ-saṅga ] m. coherence or obstruction of the feces , constipation Lit. ib.

  विट्सारिका [ viṭsārikā ] [ viṭ-sārikā ] f. a sort of thrush or variety of the bird inaccurately called " Maina " in Bengal Lit. L.

  विट्सारी [ viṭsārī ] [ viṭ-sārī ] f. a sort of thrush or variety of the bird inaccurately called " Maina " in Bengal Lit. L.

 विट्क [ viṭka ] [ viṭka ] (ifc.) = :3 [ viṣ ] , feces ( cf. [ karṇa- ] and [ bhinna-ví ṭka ] ) .

 विड् [ viḍ ] [ viḍ ] in comp. for 3. [ viṣ ] .

  विड्गन्ध [ viḍgandha ] [ viḍ-gandha ] n. = [ -lavaṇa ] Lit. L.

  विड्ग्रह [ viḍgraha ] [ viḍ-graha ] m. stoppage or obstruction of the feces , constipation Lit. Bhpr.

  विड्घात [ viḍghāta ] [ viḍ-ghāta ] m. a partic. urinary disease Lit. Car.

  विड्ज [ viḍja ] [ viḍ-ja ] m. f. n. produced from ordure Lit. Yājñ.

   [ viḍja ] n. a fungus Lit. W.

  विड्बन्ध [ viḍbandha ] [ viḍ-bandha ] m. constipation Lit. Suśr.

  विड्भङ्ग [ viḍbhaṅga ] [ viḍ-bhaṅga ] m. diarrhoea Lit. ib.

  विड्भव [ viḍbhava ] [ viḍ-bhava ] m. f. n. = [ -ja ] Lit. W.

  विड्भिद् [ viḍbhid ] [ viḍ-bhid ] f. = [ -bhaṅga ] Lit. Bhpr.

  विड्भुज् [ viḍbhuj ] [ viḍ-bhuj ] m. f. n. feeding on ordure Lit. Mn. xii , 56

   [ viḍbhuj ] m. a dung-beetle or a similar insect Lit. BhP.

  विड्भेद [ viḍbheda ] [ viḍ-bheda ] m. = [ -bhaṅga ] Lit. Car.

  विड्भेदिन् [ viḍbhedin ] [ viḍ-bhedin ] m. f. n. laxative Lit. Suśr.

   [ viḍbhedin ] n. (prob.) = [ -lavaṇa ] Lit. L.

  विड्भोजिन् [ viḍbhojin ] [ viḍ-bhojin ] m. f. n. = [ -bhuj ] Lit. Pañcar.

  विड्लवण [ viḍlavaṇa ] [ viḍ-lavaṇa ] n. a medicinal salt (commonly called Vitlaban or Bitnoben) Lit. L.

  विड्वराह [ viḍvarāha ] [ viḍ-varāha ] m. a tame or village hog Lit. BhP.

  विड्विघात [ viḍvighāta ] [ viḍ-vighāta ] m. = [ -ghāta ] Lit. Car.

 विण् [ viṇ ] [ viṇ ] in comp. for 3. [ viṣ ] .

  विण्मूत्र [ viṇmūtra ] [ viṇ-mūtra ] n. ( sg. or du.) feces and urine Lit. Mn. iv , 48

 विष् [ viṣ ] [ viṣ ]2 m. f. n. consuming ( cf. [ jarad-ví ṣ ] )

  = [ vyāpana ] , pervasion Lit. L.

 विष् [ viṣ ] [ viṣ ]3 f. (nom. [ viṭ ] ) feces , ordure , excrement , impure excretion , dirt Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. VarBṛS.

 विष [ viṣa ] [ ví ṣa ] m. a servant , attendant Lit. RV.

  N. of a Sādhya Lit. Hariv. ( cf. [ dur-v ] )

  [ viṣa ] n. ( also m. Lit. Siddh. ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " anything active " , poison , venom , bane , anything actively pernicious Lit. RV.

  n. a partic. vegetable poison (= [ vatsa-nābha ] ) Lit. L.

  water Lit. Naigh. i , 12

  a mystical N. of the sound [ m ] Lit. Up.

  gum-myrrh Lit. L.

  the fibres attached to the stalk of the lotus Lit. W. (see [ bisa ] )

  [ viṣā ] f. a kind of aconite Lit. L.

  a tree (commonly called Atis , its bark is used as a red dye) Lit. W.

  = [ viṣ ] 3 , feces ( cf. [ vīta-viṣa ] )

  [ viṣa ] m. f. n. poisonous Lit. AV. vii , 113 , 2. ( cf. Gk. 1 for 2 ; Lat. (virus) . )

  विषकण्टकिनी [ viṣakaṇṭakinī ] [ ví ṣa-kaṇṭakinī ] f. a kind of plant (= [ bandhya-karkoṭakī ] ) Lit. L.

  विषकण्ठ [ viṣakaṇṭha ] [ ví ṣa-kaṇṭha ] m. " poison-necked " , N. of Śiva , Lit. A. ( cf. [ viṣāgni-pā ] ) .

  विषकन्द [ viṣakanda ] [ ví ṣa-kanda ] m. a species of bulbous plant ( = [ nīla-kanda ] ) Lit. L.

  विषकन्यका [ viṣakanyakā ] [ ví ṣa-kanyakā ] f. a girl supposed to cause the death of a man who has had intercourse with her Lit. Mudr. Lit. Kathās.

  विषकन्या [ viṣakanyā ] [ ví ṣa-kanyā ] f. a girl supposed to cause the death of a man who has had intercourse with her Lit. Mudr. Lit. Kathās.

  विषकाष्ठ [ viṣakāṣṭha ] [ ví ṣa-kāṣṭha ] n. Thespesia Populnea Lit. L.

  विषकुम्भ [ viṣakumbha ] [ ví ṣa-kumbha ] m. a jar of poison Lit. Hit.

  विषकृत [ viṣakṛta ] [ ví ṣa-kṛta ] m. f. n. poisoned Lit. Kāv.

  विषकृमि [ viṣakṛmi ] [ ví ṣa-kṛmi ] m. " poison-worm " , a worm bred in poison Lit. Cāṇ.

   विषकृमिन्याय [ viṣakṛminyāya ] [ ví ṣa-kṛmi--nyāya ] m. the rule of the poison-worm (denoting that what may be fatal to others , is not so to those who are bred in it) Lit. A.

  विषखा [ viṣakhā ] [ ví ṣa-khā ] see [ bisa-khā ] .

  विषगिरि [ viṣagiri ] [ ví ṣa-girí ] m. " poison-mountain " , a mountain producing poison Lit. AV.

  विषग्रन्थि [ viṣagranthi ] [ ví ṣa-granthi ] N. of a plant (?) Lit. MW.

  विषघटिका [ viṣaghaṭikā ] [ ví ṣa-ghaṭikā ] f. N. of a solar month

   विषघटिकाजननशान्ति [ viṣaghaṭikājananaśānti ] [ ví ṣa-ghaṭikā--janana-śānti ] f. N. of a ch. of the Vṛiddha-gārgya-saṃhitā (describing rites for averting the evil consequences of being born at one of the 4 periods of the month Visha-ghaṭikā) .

  विषघा [ viṣaghā ] [ ví ṣa-ghā ] f. a kind of twining shrub , Menispermum Cordifolium or Cocculus Cordifolius (= [ guḍūcī ] ) Lit. L.

  विषघात [ viṣaghāta ] [ ví ṣa-ghāta ] m. " poison-destroying " , a physician who applies antidotes Lit. R.

  विषघातक [ viṣaghātaka ] [ ví ṣa-ghātaka ] m. f. n. one who kills with poison Lit. VarBṛS.

  विषघातिन् [ viṣaghātin ] [ ví ṣa-ghātin ] m. f. n. poison-destroying , antidotal , an antidote

   [ viṣaghātin ] m. Mimosa Sirissa (= [ śirīṣa ] ) Lit. L.

  विषघ्न [ viṣaghna ] [ ví ṣa-ghna ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ -han ] ) destroying or counter acting poison , antidotal , an antidote Lit. Mn. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.

   [ viṣaghna ] m. ( only Lit. L.) Mimosa Sirissa

   Hedysarum Alhagi

   Beleric Myrobalan

   Terminalia Belerica

   [ viṣaghnī ] f. ( only Lit. L.) Hingtsha Repens

   [ viṣaghna ] m. another plant (commonly called Bicchati)


   bitter apple or colocynth.

  विषघ्निका [ viṣaghnikā ] [ ví ṣa-ghnikā ] f. a species of strychnos Lit. L.

  विषज [ viṣaja ] [ ví ṣa-ja ] m. f. n. produced by poison Lit. MBh.

  विषजल [ viṣajala ] [ ví ṣa-jala ] n. poisoned water Lit. BhP.

  विषजित् [ viṣajit ] [ ví ṣa-jit ] n. " conquering or destroying poison " , a kind of honey Lit. L.

  विषजिह्व [ viṣajihva ] [ viṣá-jihva ] m. f. n. ( [ viṣá- ] ) , venom-tongued Lit. ŚBr.

   [ viṣajihva ] m. Lipeocercis Serrata Lit. L.

  विषजुष्ट [ viṣajuṣṭa ] [ ví ṣa-juṣṭa ] m. f. n. possessed of poison , poisonous Lit. W.

   poisoned Lit. Suśr.

  विषज्वर [ viṣajvara ] [ ví ṣa-jvara ] m. a buffalo Lit. L. (v.l. [ -tvara ] ) .

  विषतन्त्र [ viṣatantra ] [ ví ṣa-tantra ] n. " toxicology " , a ch. of most medical Saṃhitās.

  विषतरु [ viṣataru ] [ ví ṣa-taru ] m. a poison-tree Lit. Vās.

  विषता [ viṣatā ] [ ví ṣa-tā ] f. the state of poison , poisonousness Lit. Vishṇ. Lit. Kāv.

  विषत्व [ viṣatva ] [ ví ṣa-tva ] n. the state of poison , poisonousness Lit. Vishṇ. Lit. Kāv.

  विषतिन्दु [ viṣatindu ] [ ví ṣa-tindu ] m. Strychnos Nux Vomica Lit. L.

   a kind of ebony tree with poisonous fruit Lit. Bhpr.

  विषतिन्दुक [ viṣatinduka ] [ ví ṣa-tinduka ] m. a species of poisonous plant Lit. Bhpr.

  विषतुल्य [ viṣatulya ] [ ví ṣa-tulya ] m. f. n. resembling poison , fatal , deadly Lit. W.

  विषद [ viṣada ] [ ví ṣa-da ] m. f. n. yielding poison , poisonous Lit. W.

   [ viṣada ] m. " shedding water " , a cloud Lit. Śiś.

   n. green vitriol Lit. W.

  विषदंष्ट्रा [ viṣadaṃṣṭrā ] [ ví ṣa-daṃṣṭrā ] f. a medicinal plant and antidote ( = [ sarpa-kaṅkālī ] ) Lit. L.

  विषदण्ड [ viṣadaṇḍa ] [ ví ṣa-daṇḍa ] m. = [ viṣāpahāra-daṇḍa ] Lit. Pañcad.

  विषदन्तक [ viṣadantaka ] [ ví ṣa-dantaka ] m. " having poisonous teeth " , a snake Lit. L.

  विषदर्शनमृत्युक [ viṣadarśanamṛtyuka ] [ ví ṣa-darśana-mṛtyuka ] m. " dying at the sight of poison " , a kind of pheasant Lit. L. ( cf. [ viṣa-mṛtyu ] ) .

  विषदायक [ viṣadāyaka ] [ ví ṣa-dāyaka ] m. f. n. giving poison , poisoning , a poisoner Lit. Kām. Lit. R.

  विषदायिन् [ viṣadāyin ] [ ví ṣa-dāyin ] m. f. n. giving poison , poisoning , a poisoner Lit. Kām. Lit. R.

  विषदिग्ध [ viṣadigdha ] [ ví ṣa-digdha ] m. f. n. smeared with poison , empoisoned , poisoned Lit. MBh.

  विषदूषण [ viṣadūṣaṇa ] [ ví ṣa-dū́ṣaṇa ] m. f. n. destroying poison Lit. AV.

   [ viṣadūṣaṇa ] n. corrupting by admixture of poison , poisoning (of food) Lit. Kām.

  विषदोषहर [ viṣadoṣahara ] [ ví ṣa-doṣa-hara ] m. f. n. taking away the ill effects of poison Lit. MW.

  विषद्रुम [ viṣadruma ] [ ví ṣa-druma ] m. a kind of poison-tree , the Upas tree Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.

  विषद्विषा [ viṣadviṣā ] [ ví ṣa-dviṣā ] f. a kind of Guḍūcī Lit. L.

  विषधर [ viṣadhara ] [ ví ṣa-dhara ] m. f. n. holding or containing poison , venomous , poisonous

   [ viṣadhara ] m. or f ( [ ī ] ) . a snake Lit. Gīt. Lit. Subh.

   विषधरनिलय [ viṣadharanilaya ] [ ví ṣa-dhara--nilaya ] m. abode of snakes , Pātāla or one of the lower regions Lit. MW.

    (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " containing water " , a receptacle of water Lit. Vās.

  विषधर्मा [ viṣadharmā ] [ ví ṣa-dharmā ] f. cowach , Carpopogon Pruriens or Mucuna Pruritus Lit. L.

  विषधात्री [ viṣadhātrī ] [ ví ṣa-dhātrī ] f. " venom-preserver " , N. of a goddess who protects men from snakes ( she was wife of the Ṛishi Jarat-kāru and sister of Vāsuki ; cf. [ manasā ] ) Lit. L.

  विषधान [ viṣadhāna ] [ ví ṣa-dhā́na ] m. a receptacle of poison Lit. AV.

  विषनाडी [ viṣanāḍī ] [ ví ṣa-nāḍī ] f. a partic. inauspicious period of time (the evil consequences of being born in which are to be averted by religious rites) Lit. Saṃskārak.

   विषनाडीजननशान्ति [ viṣanāḍījananaśānti ] [ ví ṣa-nāḍī--janana-śānti ] f. N. of wk. (= [ viṣa-ghaṭikā-j ] ) .

  विषनाशक [ viṣanāśaka ] [ ví ṣa-nāśaka ] m. f. n. poison-destroying Lit. MW.

  विषनाशन [ viṣanāśana ] [ ví ṣa-nāśana ] m. " id. " , Mimosa Sirissa Lit. L.

   [ viṣanāśana ] n. removing or curing poison Lit. W.

  विषनाशिन् [ viṣanāśin ] [ ví ṣa-nāśin ] m. f. n. poison-destroying , any antidote Lit. W.

   [ viṣanāśinī ] f. a kind of plant (= [ viṣa-daṃṣṭrā ] ) Lit. BhP.

  विषनिमित्त [ viṣanimitta ] [ ví ṣa-nimitta ] m. f. n. caused by poison Lit. MW.

  विषनुद् [ viṣanud ] [ ví ṣa-nud ] m. " poison-expeller " , Bignonia Indica Lit. L.

  विषपत्त्रिका [ viṣapattrikā ] [ ví ṣa-pattrikā ] f. a partic. plant with poisonous leaves Lit. Suśr.

  विषपन्नग [ viṣapannaga ] [ ví ṣa-pannaga ] m. a venomous serpent Lit. Kām.

  विषपर्णी [ viṣaparṇī ] [ ví ṣa-parṇī ] f. = [ nyag-rodha ] Lit. L.

  विषपर्वन् [ viṣaparvan ] [ ví ṣa-parvan ] m. N. of a Daitya Lit. Kathās.

  विषपादप [ viṣapādapa ] [ ví ṣa-pādapa ] m. a poison-tree Lit. Kām.

  विषपीत [ viṣapīta ] [ ví ṣa-pīta ] m. f. n. one who has drunk poison Lit. Hariv.

  विषपुच्छ [ viṣapuccha ] [ ví ṣa-puccha ] m. f. n. having a venomous tail Lit. L.

  विषपुट [ viṣapuṭa ] [ ví ṣa-puṭa ] m. N. of a man (pl. " his descendants " ) , g. [ yaskādi ] .

  विषपुष्प [ viṣapuṣpa ] [ ví ṣa-puṣpa ] n. a poisonous flower Lit. Kathās.

   the blue lotus Lit. L.

   [ viṣapuṣpa ] m. " having poisonous flowers " , Vanguieria Spinosa Lit. L.

  विषपुष्पक [ viṣapuṣpaka ] [ ví ṣa-puṣpaka ] m. f. n. (sickness or disease) caused by eating poisonous flowers Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 81

   [ viṣapuṣpaka ] m. Vanguieria Spinosa Lit. L.

  विषप्रदिग्ध [ viṣapradigdha ] [ ví ṣa-pradigdha ] m. f. n. smeared with poison , empoisoned Lit. VarBṛS.

  विषप्रयोग [ viṣaprayoga ] [ ví ṣa-prayoga ] m. the use or employment of poison , administering poison as a medicine (also as N. of wk. or ch. of wk.) Lit. W.

  विषप्रस्थ [ viṣaprastha ] [ ví ṣa-prastha ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. MBh.

  विषभक्षण [ viṣabhakṣaṇa ] [ ví ṣa-bhakṣaṇa ] n. the act of eating poison , taking poison Lit. W.

  विषभद्रा [ viṣabhadrā ] [ ví ṣa-bhadrā ] f. N. of a plant (= [ bṛhad-dantī ] ) Lit. L. (v.l. [ bhiṣag-bh ] ) .

  विषभद्रिका [ viṣabhadrikā ] [ ví ṣa-bhadrikā ] f. N. of a plant (= [ laghu-dantī ] ) Lit. L.

  विषभिषज् [ viṣabhiṣaj ] [ ví ṣa-bhiṣaj ] m. a poison-doctor , a dealer in antidotes , one who pretends to cure snake-bites Lit. L.

  विषभुजंग [ viṣabhujaṃga ] [ ví ṣa-bhujaṃga ] m. a poisonous snake Lit. L.

  विषभृत् [ viṣabhṛt ] [ ví ṣa-bhṛt ] m. f. n. bearing or containing poison , venomous , poisonous

   [ viṣabhṛt ] m. a snake Lit. W.

  विषमञ्जरी [ viṣamañjarī ] [ ví ṣa-mañjarī ] f. N. of a medical wk.

  विषमन्त्र [ viṣamantra ] [ ví ṣa-mantra ] m. a snake-charmer , one who pretends to charm snakes or cures the bite of snakes Lit. L.

   [ viṣamantra ] n. a chirm for curing snake-bites Lit. MW.

  विषमय [ viṣamaya ] [ ví ṣa-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of poison , poisonous Lit. Kāv.

  विषमर्दनिका [ viṣamardanikā ] [ ví ṣa-mardanikā ] f. " destroying poison " , a species of plant Lit. L.

  विषमर्दनी [ viṣamardanī ] [ ví ṣa-mardanī ] f. " destroying poison " , a species of plant Lit. L.

  विषमर्दिनी [ viṣamardinī ] [ ví ṣa-mardinī ] f. " destroying poison " , a species of plant Lit. L.

  विषमुच् [ viṣamuc ] [ ví ṣa-muc ] m. f. n. " discharging venom " , venomous (as speech) , Lit. Śāntiś.

   [ viṣamuc ] m. a serpent Lit. Hcar. Lit. Priy.

  विषमुष्टि [ viṣamuṣṭi ] [ ví ṣa-muṣṭi ] f. a kind of shrub possessing medicinal properties (commonly called Bishdori or Karsinh) Lit. Bhpr.

  विषमुष्टिक [ viṣamuṣṭika ] [ ví ṣa-muṣṭika ] m. Melia Sempervirens Lit. ib.

  विषमृत्यु [ viṣamṛtyu ] [ ví ṣa-mṛtyu ] m. " to whom poison is death " , a kind of pheasant ( cf. [ viṣa-darśana-mṛtyuka ] ) Lit. L.

  विषरस [ viṣarasa ] [ ví ṣa-rasa ] m. " poison-juice " , a poisoned draught or potion Lit. MBh.

  विषरूपा [ viṣarūpā ] [ ví ṣa-rūpā ] f. a species of plant Lit. L.

  विषरोग [ viṣaroga ] [ ví ṣa-roga ] m. sickness arising from being poisoned Lit. Cat.

  विषलड्डुक [ viṣalaḍḍuka ] [ ví ṣa-laḍḍuka ] m. f. n. poisoned Lit. Vet.

  विषलता [ viṣalatā ] [ ví ṣa-latā ] f. " poisonous creeper " , the colocynth plant Lit. L.

  विषलाङ्गल [ viṣalāṅgala ] [ ví ṣa-lāṅgala ] m. or n. a species of plant Lit. Suśr.

  विषलाटा [ viṣalāṭā ] [ ví ṣa-lāṭā ] f. N. of a place Lit. Rājat.

  विषलाण्टा [ viṣalāṇṭā ] [ ví ṣa-lāṇṭā ] f. N. of a place Lit. Rājat.

  विषवत् [ viṣavat ] [ viṣá-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ viṣá- ] ) poisonous Lit. RV.

   poisoned Lit. Cat.

  विषवल्लरी [ viṣavallarī ] [ ví ṣa-vallarī ] f. a poisonous creeper Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  विषवल्लि [ viṣavalli ] [ ví ṣa-valli ] f. a poisonous creeper Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  विषवल्ली [ viṣavallī ] [ ví ṣa-vallī ] f. a poisonous creeper Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  विषविटपिन् [ viṣaviṭapin ] [ ví ṣa-viṭapin ] m. = [ -taru ] Lit. Veṇis.

  विषविद्या [ viṣavidyā ] [ ví ṣa-vidyā ] f. " poison-science " , the administration of antidotes , cure of poison by drugs or charms Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  विषविधान [ viṣavidhāna ] [ ví ṣa-vidhāna ] n. administering poison judicially or by way of or deal Lit. W.

  विषविमुक्तात्मन् [ viṣavimuktātman ] [ ví ṣa-vimuktātman ] m. f. n. one whose soul or nature is released from poison Lit. MBh.

  विषवृक्ष [ viṣavṛkṣa ] [ ví ṣa-vṛkṣa ] m. a poison-tree , the Upas tree Lit. Rājat.

   विषवृक्षन्याय [ viṣavṛkṣanyāya ] [ ví ṣa-vṛkṣa--nyāya ] m. the rule of the poison-tree ( denoting that as a tree ought not to be cut down by the rearer of it so a noxious object should not be destroyed by the producer of it ; cf. Lit. Kum. ii , 55 , [ viṣa-vṛkṣo 'pi saṃvardhya svayaṃ chettum asāmpratam ] ) Lit. A.

  विषवेग [ viṣavega ] [ ví ṣa-vega ] m. " poison-force " , the effect of poison (shown by various bodily effects or changes) Lit. Mālav.

  विषवैद्य [ viṣavaidya ] [ ví ṣa-vaidya ] m. " poison-doctor " , a dealer in antidotes or one professing to cure the bites of snakes Lit. ib.

   N. of wk.

  विषवैरिणी [ viṣavairiṇī ] [ ví ṣa-vairiṇī ] f. " poison-enemy " , a kind of grass used as an antidote (= [ nir-viṣā ] q.v.) Lit. L.

  विषव्यवस्था [ viṣavyavasthā ] [ ví ṣa-vyavasthā ] f. the state of being poisoned Lit. Daś.

  विषशालूक [ viṣaśālūka ] [ ví ṣa-śālūka ] see [ bisa-ś ] .

  विषशूक [ viṣaśūka ] [ ví ṣa-śūka ] ( Lit. Suśr.) ( Lit. L.) m. " having a poisonous sting " , a wasp.

  विषशृङ्गिन् [ viṣaśṛṅgin ] [ ví ṣa-śṛṅgin ] ( Lit. L.) m. " having a poisonous sting " , a wasp.

  विषसंयोग [ viṣasaṃyoga ] [ ví ṣa-saṃyoga ] m. vermilion Lit. L.

  विषसूचक [ viṣasūcaka ] [ ví ṣa-sūcaka ] m. " poison-indicator " , the Greek partridge , Perdix Rufa (= [ cakora ] ) .

  विषसृक्वन् [ viṣasṛkvan ] [ ví ṣa-sṛkvan ] m. " poison-mouthed " , a wasp Lit. L.

  विषसेचन [ viṣasecana ] [ ví ṣa-secana ] m. f. n. emitting poison Lit. Nidānas.

  विषह [ viṣaha ] [ ví ṣa-ha ] m. f. n. removing poison Lit. L.

   [ viṣahā ] f. Kyllingia Monocephala Lit. L.

   a kind of gourd Lit. L.

  विषहन् [ viṣahan ] [ ví ṣa-han ] m. f. n. destroying poison

   ( [ -ghnī cikitsā ] , the science of antidotes) Lit. Car.

   [ viṣahan ] m. a kind of Kadamba Lit. L.

   [ viṣaghnī ] f. N. of various plants (see under [ viṣa-ghna ] ) .

  विषहन्तृ [ viṣahantṛ ] [ ví ṣa-hantṛ ] m. f. n. destroying or counteracting poison

   [ viṣahantṛ ] f. ( [ trī ] ) N. of various plants (= [ a-parājitā ] or [ nir-viṣā ] ) Lit. L.

  विषहर [ viṣahara ] [ ví ṣa-hara ] m. f. n. removing venom , antidotal Lit. MBh.

   [ viṣahara ] m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. ib.

   f ( [ ā ] or [ ī ] ) . the goddess who protects from the venom of snakes (see [ viṣa-dhātrī ] , [ manasā ] ) Lit. L.

   विषहरचिकित्सा [ viṣaharacikitsā ] [ ví ṣa-hara--cikitsā ] f. N. of wk.

   विषहरमन्त्रप्रयोग [ viṣaharamantraprayoga ] [ ví ṣa-hara--mantra-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

   विषहरमन्त्रौषध [ viṣaharamantrauṣadha ] [ ví ṣa-hara--mantrauṣadha ] n. N. of wk.

  विषहीन [ viṣahīna ] [ ví ṣa-hīna ] m. f. n. free from poison (as a serpent) Lit. ŚārṅgP.

  विषहृदय [ viṣahṛdaya ] [ ví ṣa-hṛdaya ] m. f. n. poison-hearted , cherishing hatred or hostility , malicious , malignant Lit. Hit.

  विषहेति [ viṣaheti ] [ ví ṣa-heti ] m. " whose weapon is poison " , a serpent Lit. Harav.

  विषाक्त [ viṣākta ] [ viṣākta ] m. f. n. smeared with poison , poisoned Lit. L.

  विषाग्नि [ viṣāgni ] [ viṣāgni ] m. the fire of poison, burning poison , Lit. Ṛitus.

   विषाग्निप [ viṣāgnipa ] [ viṣāgni-pa ] m. " drinker of burning poison " , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ viṣa-kaṇṭha ] and [ viṣāntaka ] ) .

  विषाग्रज [ viṣāgraja ] [ viṣāgraja ] m. " elder brother of poison " , a sword Lit. L.

  विषाङ्कुर [ viṣāṅkura ] [ viṣāṅkura ] m. a poisoned sprout Lit. Bhartṛ.

   " having a poisoned point " , a spear , dart Lit. L.

  विषाङ्गना [ viṣāṅganā ] [ viṣāṅganā ] f. = [ viṣakanyakā ] Lit. Mudr.

  विषाद् [ viṣād ] [ viṣād ] m. f. n. eating poison Lit. Kāṭh.

  विषादनी [ viṣādanī ] [ viṣādanī ] f. " poison-destroying " , a kind of creeper (= [ palāśī ] ) Lit. L. 1.

  विषादिन् [ viṣādin ] [ viṣādin ] m. f. n. ( for 2. see under [ vi-√ ṣad ] , col.3) swallowing poison Lit. Vcar.

  विषानन [ viṣānana ] [ viṣānana ] m. " poison-mouthed " , a snake Lit. L.

  विषानल [ viṣānala ] [ viṣānala ] m. = [ viṣāgni ] Lit. VarBṛS.

  विषान्तक [ viṣāntaka ] [ viṣāntaka ] m. f. n. " poison-destroying , antidotal "

   [ viṣāntaka ] m. N. of Śiva (so called because he swallowed the poison produced at the churning of the ocean) Lit. L.

  विषान्न [ viṣānna ] [ viṣānna ] n. poisoned food Lit. Daś.

  विषापवादिन् [ viṣāpavādin ] [ viṣāpavādin ] m. f. n. curing poison by charms

   [ viṣāpavādinī ] f. a magical formula curing poison Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.

  विषापह [ viṣāpaha ] [ viṣāpaha ] m. f. n. poison-repelling , antidotal , an antidote ( [ mantrair viṣāpahaiḥ ] , with texts or charms which have the power of repelling poison) Lit. Mn. Lit. Suśr.

   [ viṣāpaha ] m. a kind of tree (= [ muṣkaka ] ) Lit. L.

   N. of Garuḍa Lit. L.

   [ viṣāpahā ] f. ( only Lit. L.) a kind of birth-wort , Aristolochia Indica ( = [ arka-mūlā ] )

   [ viṣāpaha ] m. N. of various other plants (= [ indra-vāruṇī ] ; [ nir-viṣā ] ; [ nāga-damanī ] ; [ sarpa-kaṅkālikā ] ) .

  विषापहरण [ viṣāpaharaṇa ] [ viṣāpaharaṇa ] n. removing or destroying poison Lit. Cat.

  विषापहार [ viṣāpahāra ] [ viṣāpahāra ] m. id.

   विषापहारदण्ड [ viṣāpahāradaṇḍa ] [ viṣāpahāra--daṇḍa ] m. a magical wand for destroying poison Lit. Pañcad.

   विषापहारस्तोत्र [ viṣāpahārastotra ] [ viṣāpahāra--stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra

  विषाभावा [ viṣābhāvā ] [ viṣābhāvā ] f. " having no poison " , a species of plant (= [ kṛṣṇa-dhattūraka ] ) Lit. L.

  विषामृत [ viṣāmṛta ] [ viṣāmṛta ] n. poison and nectar (also N. of wk.)

   विषामृतमय [ viṣāmṛtamaya ] [ viṣāmṛta--maya ] m. f. n. consisting of poison and nectar , having the nature of both Lit. Kathās.

  विषायुध [ viṣāyudha ] [ viṣāyudha ] m. = [ viṣaheti ] Lit. L.

  विषायुधीय [ viṣāyudhīya ] [ viṣāyudhīya ] m. a venomous animal Lit. VarBṛS.

  विषाराति [ viṣārāti ] [ viṣārāti ] m. " enemy of poison " , a kind of thorn-apple Lit. L.

  विषारि [ viṣāri ] [ viṣāri ] m. " poison-enemy " , a kind of plant or tree ( Lit. L. = [ mahā-cañcu ] or [ ghṛta-karañja ] ) Lit. Suśr.

  विषास्त्र [ viṣāstra ] [ viṣāstra ] n. a poisoned arrow Lit. L.

  विषास्य [ viṣāsya ] [ viṣāsya ] m. " poison-mouthed " , a snake Lit. L.

   [ viṣāsyā ] f. the marking-nut plant , Semecarpus Anacardium Lit. L.

  विषास्वाद [ viṣāsvāda ] [ viṣāsvāda ] m. f. n. tasting poison Lit. Mn. xi , 9 ( cf. [ madhv-āpāta ] ) .

  विषोद्धार [ viṣoddhāra ] [ viṣoddhāra ] m. N. of wk. on toxicology.

  विषोल्बण [ viṣolbaṇa ] [ viṣolbaṇa ] m. f. n. full of poison Lit. MBh.

  विषौषधी [ viṣauṣadhī ] [ viṣauṣadhī ] f. Tiaridium Indicum Lit. L.

 विषणि [ viṣaṇi ] [ viṣaṇi ] m. a kind of snake Lit. L.

 विषल [ viṣala ] [ viṣala ] n. poison , venom Lit. L.

 विषाय [ viṣāya ] [ viṣāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] ( mc. also P. [ °yati ] ) , to become poison , turn into poison Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Subh.

 विषार [ viṣāra ] [ viṣāra ] m. a venomous snake Lit. L.

 विषालु [ viṣālu ] [ viṣālu ] m. f. n. venomous , poisonous Lit. L.

 विषिन् [ viṣin ] [ viṣin ] m. f. n. poisoned Lit. Pañcar.

 विषीभूत [ viṣībhūta ] [ viṣī-bhūta ] m. f. n. become poison (as food) Lit. Kathās.

 विष्ट [ viṣṭa ] [ viṣṭa ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see p. 989 , col. 2) only in [ pari- ] and [ saṃ-v ] q.v.

  [ viṣṭā ] f. the feces , excrement (w.r. for [ viṣṭhā ] ) .

 विष्टि [ viṣṭi ] [ viṣṭi ]1 f. ( for 2. see p. 999 , col. 1) service , (esp.) forced service , compulsory work , drudgery (also collectively " servants , slaves , bondsmen " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Inscr. (ifc. also [ °ṭika ] )

  [ viṣṭi ] m. N. of one of the seven Ṛishis in the 11th Manv-antara Lit. MārkP.

  [ viṣṭī ] ind. changing , alternatively , by turns Lit. RV. ( in this sense accord. to some from [ vi ] + √ 1. [ as ] ; cf. [ abhi- ] , [ pari-ṣṭi ] ) .

  [ viṣṭibhis ] ind. changing , alternatively , by turns Lit. RV. ( in this sense accord. to some from [ vi ] + √ 1. [ as ] ; cf. [ abhi- ] , [ pari-ṣṭi ] ) .

  विष्टिकर [ viṣṭikara ] [ viṣṭi-kara ] m. the lord of bondsmen or slaves Lit. MBh. ( Lit. Nīlak.)

   = next Lit. VarBṛS.

  विष्टिकृत् [ viṣṭikṛt ] [ viṣṭi-kṛt ] m. a servant , slave , bondsman Lit. ib.

 विष्टीमिन् [ viṣṭīmin ] [ vi-ṣṭīmin ] m. f. n. (√ [ stīm ] ) making or becoming wet, Lit. VS.

 विष्ठा [ viṣṭhā ] [ viṣṭhā ]1 f. ( for 2. 3. see p. 999 , col. 1) = 3. [ viṣ ] , feces , excrement (acc. with √ [ kṛ ] or [ vi-√ dhā ] , to void excrement) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( often w.r. [ viṣṭā ] ) .

  विष्ठाकरण [ viṣṭhākaraṇa ] [ viṣṭhā-karaṇa ] n. voiding excrement Lit. VarBṛS.

  विष्ठाभू [ viṣṭhābhū ] [ viṣṭhā-bhū ] m. a worm living in ordure Lit. BhP.

  विष्ठाभूदारक [ viṣṭhābhūdāraka ] [ viṣṭhā-bhūdāraka ] m. a tame or village hog Lit. L. ( cf. [ viḍ-varāha ] ) .

  विष्ठासात् [ viṣṭhāsāt ] [ viṣṭhā-sāt ] ind. into excrement or ordure (with √ [ as ] , to be turned into excrement or ordure) Lit. HYog.

 विष्य [ viṣya ] [ viṣya ] m. f. n. worthy of poison , deserving death by poison Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 91.

विष् [ viṣ ] [ viṣ ]4 Root cl. [9] P. [ viṣṇāti ] , to separate , disjoin Lit. Dhātup. xxxi , 54.

विषञ्ज् [ viṣañj ] [ vi-ṣañj ] ( Preverb. [ √ sañj ] ) P. [ -ṣajati ] to hang on , hang to , attach Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. ; ( [ -ṣajjate ] ) , to be attached or devoted to Lit. BhP. (pr. p. [ -ṣajjat ] , addicted to worldly objects Lit. ib. ; [ -ṣajjantī ] f. devoted to a man Lit. ib.) ; to be stuck to or clung to i.e. be followed at the heels by (instr.) Lit. ib.

 विषक्त [ viṣakta ] [ ví -ṣakta ] m. f. n. hung to or on or upon , hung or suspended to , hanging or sticking on or in , firmly fixed or fastened or adhering to (loc.) Lit. AV.

  turned or directed towards (loc. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  spread or extended over (loc.) Lit. Jātakam.

  (ifc.) dependent on Lit. Daś.

  produced , implanted Lit. Uttarar.

  stopped , interrupted (said of a cow that has ceased to give milk) Lit. RV. i , 117 , 20

  विषक्तत्व [ viṣaktatva ] [ ví -ṣakta--tva ] n. the being occupied with (loc.) Lit. MBh.

 विषङ्ग [ viṣaṅga ] [ vi-ṣaṅga ] m. the hanging on or being attached to (see [ nir-v ] ) .

  विषङ्गिन् [ viṣaṅgin ] [ vi-ṣaṅgin ] m. f. n. adhering , clinging or crowded together Lit. Śiś.

   (ifc.) smeared or anointed with Lit. Pañcar.

 विषज्जित [ viṣajjita ] [ vi-ṣajjita ] m. f. n. clinging or sticking or adhering to Lit. BhP.

विषण्ड [ viṣaṇḍa ] [ viṣaṇḍa ] n. = [ mṛṇāla ] , the fibres of the stalk of the water-lily Lit. L.

विषत्वर [ viṣatvara ] [ viṣatvara ] v.l. for [ viṣa-jvara ] (see p. 995 , col. 3) .

विषद् [ viṣad ] [ vi-ṣad ] ( Preverb. [ √ sad ] ) P. [ -ṣīdati ] (impf. Class. [ vy-aṣīdat ] , Ved. [ vya-ṣīdat ] , or [ vy-asīdat ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 119 ; pf. [ vi-ṣasāda ] Lit. ib. 118 ; inf. [ -ṣattum ] or [ -ṣīditum ] Lit. MBh.) , to be exhausted or dejected , despond , despair Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to sink down , be immersed in (loc.) Lit. R. v , 95 , 15 ( perhaps [ vi-ṣeduḥ ] w.r. for [ ni-ṣ ] ) : Caus. [ -ṣādayati ] , to cause to despond or despair , vex , grieve , afflict Lit. MBh. ; B.

 विषण्ण [ viṣaṇṇa ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇa ] m. f. n. dejected , sad , desponding , sorrowful , downcast , out of spirits or temper Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP.

  विषण्णचेतस् [ viṣaṇṇacetas ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇa--cetas ] m. f. n. dejected in mind , low-spirited , downcast Lit. R.

  विषण्णता [ viṣaṇṇatā ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇa--tā ] f. dejection , sadness , languor , lassitude (esp. as one of the effects of unsuccessful love) Lit. L.

  विषण्णत्व [ viṣaṇṇatva ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇa--tva ] n. dejection , sadness , languor , lassitude (esp. as one of the effects of unsuccessful love) Lit. L.

  विषण्णभाव [ viṣaṇṇabhāva ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇa--bhāva ] m. id. Lit. Daś.

  विषण्णमनस् [ viṣaṇṇamanas ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇa--manas ] m. f. n. = [ -cetas ] Lit. BhP.

  विषण्णमुख [ viṣaṇṇamukha ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇa--mukha ] m. f. n. dejected in countenance , looking sad or dejected Lit. R.

  विषण्णरूप [ viṣaṇṇarūpa ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇa--rūpa ] m. f. n. having a sorrowful aspect , being in a dejected mood Lit. R.

  विषण्णवदन [ viṣaṇṇavadana ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇa--vadana ] m. f. n. = [ -mukha ] Lit. ib.

  विषण्णात्मन् [ viṣaṇṇātman ] [ vi-ṣaṇṇātman ] m. f. n. low-spirited , desponding , downcast Lit. BhP.

 विषाद [ viṣāda ] [ vi-ṣāda ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) drooping state , languor , lassitude Lit. Mālatīm.

  dejection , depression , despondency (esp. as the result of unrequited love) Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  disappointment , despair ( one of the Vyabhicāras q.v.) Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh.

  aversion , disgust Lit. Bhartṛ.

  fear , weakness Lit. MW.

  dulness , stupidity , insensibility (= [ moha ] ) Lit. ib.

  विषादकृत् [ viṣādakṛt ] [ vi-ṣāda--kṛt ] m. f. n. causing depression or grief. Lit. R.

  विषादजनक [ viṣādajanaka ] [ vi-ṣāda--janaka ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Prab. Sch.

  विषादवत् [ viṣādavat ] [ vi-ṣāda--vat ] m. f. n. dejected , downcast , sad Lit. Kathās.

  विषादार्तवदन [ viṣādārtavadana ] [ vi-ṣādārta-vadana ] m. f. n. looking depressed with care or sorrow Lit. R.

  विषादन [ viṣādana ] [ vi-ṣādana ] m. f. n. causing depression or grief Lit. R.

   [ viṣādanī ] f. see [ viṣādanī ] , col.1

   [ viṣādana ] n. the causing despondency or sadness Lit. Car.

   affliction , grief , despair Lit. BhP.

   a distressing experience Lit. Kuval.

  विषादित [ viṣādita ] [ vi-ṣādita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) caused to sink down , made sorrowful , dejected Lit. MW.

 विषादिन् [ viṣādin ] [ vi-ṣādin ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see col.1) dejected , dismayed , disconsolate , sad Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  विषादिता [ viṣāditā ] [ vi-ṣādi-tā ]2 f. ( Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.) dejection , despondency , grief , despair.

  विषादित्व [ viṣāditva ] [ vi-ṣādi-tva ]2 n. ( Lit. Suśr.) dejection , despondency , grief , despair.

विषम [ viṣama ] [ vi-ṣama ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ vi ] + [ sama ] ) uneven , rugged , rough Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.

unequal , irregular , dissimilar , different , inconstant Lit. Br. Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Lit. Mn.

odd , not even (in numbers ) Lit. Var. Lit. Kāvyâd.

that which cannot be equally divided (as a living sheep among three or four persons) Lit. Mn. ix , 119

hard to traverse , difficult , inconvenient , painful , dangerous , adverse , vexatious , disagreeable , terrible , bad , wicked (ibc. " terribly " Lit. Śiś.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

hard to be understood Lit. Gol. Lit. Kāv.

unsuitable , wrong Lit. Suśr. Lit. Sarvad.

unfair , dishonest , partial Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

rough , coarse , rude , cross Lit. MW.

odd , unusual , unequalled Lit. W.

[ viṣama ] m. a kind of measure Lit. Saṃgīt.

N. of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

[ viṣamī ] f. N. of various works.

[ viṣama ] n. unevenness , uneven or rough ground or place ( [ sama-viṣameṣu ] , " on even and uneven ground " Lit. Śiś.) , bad road Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

oddness (of numbers) Lit. W.

a pit , precipice Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

difficulty , distress , misfortune Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

n. unevenness , inequality ( [ °meṇa ] ind. " unequally " ) Lit. Kāś.

n. ( in rhet.) incongruity , incompatibility Lit. Kāvyâd. Lit. Pratāp. Lit. Kuval.

pl. ( with [ bharad-vājasya ] ) , N. of Sāmans Lit. SV. Lit. ĀrshBr.

[ viṣamam ] ind. unequally , unfairly Lit. MW.

[ viṣameṇa ] ind. , see [ viṣama ] , " unequally "

  विषमकर्ण [ viṣamakarṇa ] [ vi-ṣama--karṇa ] m. f. n. having unequal diagonals Lit. Col.

   [ viṣamakarṇa ] m. or n. (?) any four-sided figure with unequal diagonals Lit. MW.

   m. the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle (esp. as formed between the gnomon of a dial and the extremities of the shadow) Lit. W.

  विषमकर्मन् [ viṣamakarman ] [ vi-ṣama--karman ] n. an odd or unequalled act Lit. W.

   a dissimilar operation

   the finding of two quantities when the difference of their squares is given and either the sum or the difference of the quantities Lit. Col.

  विषमकाल [ viṣamakāla ] [ vi-ṣama--kāla ] m. an unfavourable time , inauspicious season Lit. MW.

  विषमक्रिय [ viṣamakriya ] [ vi-ṣama--kriya ] m. f. n. undergoing unequal (medical) treatment ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Suśr.

   विषमक्रियत्व [ viṣamakriyatva ] [ vi-ṣama--kriya--tva ] n. , see [ viṣamakriya ]

  विषमखात [ viṣamakhāta ] [ vi-ṣama--khāta ] n. an irregular cavity or a solid with unequal sides Lit. Col.

  विषमगत [ viṣamagata ] [ vi-ṣama--gata ] m. f. n. situated or placed on an uneven place (higher or lower) Lit. Āpast.

   fallen into distress Lit. ib.

  विषमचक्रवाल [ viṣamacakravāla ] [ vi-ṣama--cakra-vāla ] n. (in math.) an ellipse Lit. Sūryapr.

  विषमचतुरश्र [ viṣamacaturaśra ] [ vi-ṣama--catur-aśra ] m. an unequal four-sided figure , trapezium Lit. Sūryapr.

  विषमचतुर्भुज [ viṣamacaturbhuja ] [ vi-ṣama--catur-bhuja ] m. an unequal four-sided figure , trapezium Lit. Sūryapr.

  विषमचतुष्कोण [ viṣamacatuṣkoṇa ] [ vi-ṣama--catuṣ-koṇa ] m. an unequal four-sided figure , trapezium Lit. Sūryapr.

  विषमच्छद [ viṣamacchada ] [ vi-ṣama--cchada ] m. = [ sapta-cch ] , Alstonia Scholaris Lit. L.

   Echites Scholaris Lit. W.

  विषमच्छाया [ viṣamacchāyā ] [ vi-ṣama--cchāyā ] f. " uneven-shadow " , the shadow of the gnomon at noon when the sun is on the equinoctial line Lit. W.

  विषमज्वर [ viṣamajvara ] [ vi-ṣama--jvara ] m. irregular (chronic) fever Lit. Suśr.

   विषमज्वराङ्कुशलौह [ viṣamajvarāṅkuśalauha ] [ vi-ṣama--jvarāṅkuśa-lauha ] m. a partic. ferruginous preparation Lit. Rasêndrac.

   विषमज्वरान्तकलौह [ viṣamajvarāntakalauha ] [ vi-ṣama--jvarāntaka-lauha ] m. id. Lit. L.

  विषमत्रिभुज [ viṣamatribhuja ] [ vi-ṣama--tri-bhuja ] m. a scalene triangle Lit. Col.

  विषमत्व [ viṣamatva ] [ vi-ṣama--tva ] n. inequality , difference Lit. MaitrUp.

   dangerousness , terribleness Lit. Vishṇ.

  विषमदृष्टि [ viṣamadṛṣṭi ] [ vi-ṣama--dṛṣṭi ] m. f. n. looking obliquely , squint-eyed Lit. ĀpGṛ. Sch.

  विषमधातु [ viṣamadhātu ] [ vi-ṣama--dhātu ] m. f. n. having the bodily humors unequally proportioned , unhealthy Lit. MW.

  विषमनयन [ viṣamanayana ] [ vi-ṣama--nayana ] m. f. n. " having an odd number of eyes " , " three-eyed " , N. of Śiva Lit. L.

  विषमनेत्र [ viṣamanetra ] [ vi-ṣama--netra ] m. f. n. " having an odd number of eyes " , " three-eyed " , N. of Śiva Lit. L.

  विषमपद [ viṣamapada ] [ vi-ṣama--pada ] m. f. n. having unequal steps (as a path) Lit. Kir.

   having unequal Pādas (a stanza) Lit. RPrāt. Lit. RAnukr. Lit. VS. Lit. Anukr.

  विषमपदवृत्ति [ viṣamapadavṛtti ] [ vi-ṣama--pada-vṛtti ] f. N. of various commentaries

  विषमपलाश [ viṣamapalāśa ] [ vi-ṣama--palāśa ] m. Alstonia Scholaris (= [ sapta-pal ] ) Lit. L.

  विषमपाद [ viṣamapāda ] [ vi-ṣama--pāda ] m. f. n. consisting of unequal Pādas Lit. Nidānas.

  विषमबाण [ viṣamabāṇa ] [ vi-ṣama--bāṇa ] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love Lit. L.

   विषमबाणलीला [ viṣamabāṇalīlā ] [ vi-ṣama--bāṇa-līlā ] f. N. of a poem

  विषमभोजन [ viṣamabhojana ] [ vi-ṣama--bhojana ] n. eating at irregular hours Lit. MW.

  विषममय [ viṣamamaya ] [ vi-ṣama--maya ] m. f. n. = [ viṣamād āgataḥ ] Lit. L.

  विषमराग [ viṣamarāga ] [ vi-ṣama--rāga ] m. f. n. differently nasalized ( [ -tā ] f. ) . Lit. RPrāt.

   विषमरागता [ viṣamarāgatā ] [ vi-ṣama--rāga--tā ] f. , see [ viṣamarāga ]

  विषमरूप्य [ viṣamarūpya ] [ vi-ṣama--rūpya ] m. f. n. unequal quantities or qualities Lit. W.

  विषमर्च [ viṣamarca ] [ vi-ṣama--rca ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ viṣama ] + [ ṛc ] ) having an unequal number of verses Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  विषमलक्ष्मी [ viṣamalakṣmī ] [ vi-ṣama--lakṣmī ] f. adverse fortune , bad luck Lit. VarBṛS.

  विषमविभाग [ viṣamavibhāga ] [ vi-ṣama--vibhāga ] m. unequal division of property amongst co-heirs Lit. W.

  विषमविलोचन [ viṣamavilocana ] [ vi-ṣama--vilocana ] m. " three-eyed " , N. of Śiva ( cf. [ -nayana ] above ) Lit. Siddh.

  विषमविशिख [ viṣamaviśikha ] [ vi-ṣama--viśikha ] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love Lit. Cat.

  विषमवृत्त [ viṣamavṛtta ] [ vi-ṣama--vṛtta ] n. a kind of metre with unequal Pādas Lit. Piṅg.

  विषमव्याख्या [ viṣamavyākhyā ] [ vi-ṣama--vyākhyā ] f. N. of Comm.

  विषमव्याप्तिक [ viṣamavyāptika ] [ vi-ṣama--vyāptika ] m. f. n. furnishing an example of partial or one-sided invariable concomitance , Sāṃkhyas. Sch.

  विषमशर [ viṣamaśara ] [ vi-ṣama--śara ] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love Lit. Daś.

  विषमशायिन् [ viṣamaśāyin ] [ vi-ṣama--śāyin ] m. f. n. sleeping irregularly Lit. W.

  विषमशिष्ट [ viṣamaśiṣṭa ] [ vi-ṣama--śiṣṭa ] m. f. n. inaccurately prescribed ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. L.

   left-unfairly , unjustly divided (as property at death) Lit. W.

   विषमशिष्टत्व [ viṣamaśiṣṭatva ] [ vi-ṣama--śiṣṭa--tva ] n. , see [ viṣamaśiṣṭa ]

  विषमशील [ viṣamaśīla ] [ vi-ṣama--śīla ] m. f. n. having an unequable disposition , cross-tempered , rough , difficult Lit. W.

   [ viṣamaśīla ] m. N. of Vikramâditya Lit. Kathās.

   of the 18th Lambaka of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara called after him

   (w.r. for [ viṣama-śilā ] , " an uneven rock " Lit. Pañcat. iii , 310/311)

  विषमश्लोकटीका [ viṣamaślokaṭīkā ] [ vi-ṣama--śloka-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.

  विषमश्लोकव्याख्या [ viṣamaślokavyākhyā ] [ vi-ṣama--śloka-vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.

  विषमसाहस [ viṣamasāhasa ] [ vi-ṣama--sāhasa ] n. irregular boldness , temerity Lit. W

  विषमस्थ [ viṣamastha ] [ vi-ṣama--stha ] m. f. n. standing unevenly Lit. W.

   being in an inaccessible position Lit. ib.

   standing on a precipice , standing in a dangerous place Lit. Pañcat.

   being in difficulty or misfortune Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  विषमस्पृहा [ viṣamaspṛhā ] [ vi-ṣama--spṛhā ] f. coveting wrongly another's property Lit. L.

  विषमाक्ष [ viṣamākṣa ] [ vi-ṣamākṣa ] m. " three-eyed " , N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.

  विषमादित्य [ viṣamāditya ] [ vi-ṣamāditya ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Subh.

  विषमान्न [ viṣamānna ] [ vi-ṣamānna ] n. irregular or unusual food Lit. MW.

  विषमायुध [ viṣamāyudha ] [ vi-ṣamāyudha ] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love Lit. Siṃhâs.

  विषमार्थदीपिका [ viṣamārthadīpikā ] [ vi-ṣamārtha-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  विषमावतार [ viṣamāvatāra ] [ vi-ṣamāvatāra ] m. descending on uneven ground Lit. MW.

  विषमाशन [ viṣamāśana ] [ vi-ṣamāśana ] n. eating irregularly (either as to quantity or time) Lit. Vāgbh. Lit. Siṃhâs. Lit. Bhpr.

  विषमाशय [ viṣamāśaya ] [ vi-ṣamāśaya ] m. f. n. having an unfair disposition , dishonest , crafty Lit. W.

  विषमेक्षण [ viṣamekṣaṇa ] [ vi-ṣamekṣaṇa ] m. " three-eyed " , N. of Śiva Lit. Śiś.

  विषमेषु [ viṣameṣu ] [ vi-ṣameṣu ] m. " five-arrowed " , N. of the god of love Lit. Śiś. Lit. Hit.

  विषमोन्नत [ viṣamonnata ] [ vi-ṣamonnata ] m. f. n. raised unevenly Lit. L.

  विषमोपल [ viṣamopala ] [ vi-ṣamopala ] m. f. n. having rough stones or rocks Lit. MW.

 विषमक [ viṣamaka ] [ viṣamaka ] m. f. n. rather uneven , not properly polished (as pearls) Lit. VarBṛS.

 विषमाय [ viṣamāya ] [ viṣamāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become or appear uneven Lit. Cāṇ.

 विषमित [ viṣamita ] [ viṣamita ] m. f. n. made uneven or impassable Lit. Kir.

  made crooked , disarranged Lit. ib. Lit. Śiś. Lit. Vās.

  become dangerous or hostile Lit. BhP.

 विषमी [ viṣamī ] [ viṣamī ] in comp. for [ vi-ṣama ] ,

  विषमीकृ [ viṣamīkṛ ] [ viṣamī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make uneven Lit. MBh. ; to make unequal or crooked Lit. Śiś. Sch. ; to make hostile Lit. BhP.

  विषमीभाव [ viṣamībhāva ] [ viṣamī-bhāva ] m. derangement of equilibrium Lit. MBh.

  विषमीभू [ viṣamībhū ] [ viṣamī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become uneven or irregular Lit. Śak.

 विषमीय [ viṣamīya ] [ viṣamīya ] m. f. n. connected with or produced by unevenness or inequality , uneven , unequal g. [ gahādi ] .

विषय [ viṣaya ] [ viṣaya ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; prob. either fr √ 1. [ viṣ ] , " to act " , or fr. [ vi ] + √ [ si ] , " to extend " cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 70 Sch.) sphere (of influence or activity) , dominion , kingdom , territory , region , district , country , abode (pl. = lands , possessions) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

scope , compass , horizon , range , reach (of eyes , ears , mind ) Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh.

period or duration (of life) Lit. Pañcat.

special sphere or department , peculiar province or field of action , peculiar element , concern (ifc. = " concerned with , belonging to , intently engaged on " ; [ viṣaye ] , with gen. or ifc. = " in the sphere of , with regard or reference to " ; [ atra viṣaye ] , " with regard to this object " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

space or room (sometimes = fitness) for (gen.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat.

an object of sense ( these are five in number , the five [ indriya ] , or organs of sense having each their proper [ viṣaya ] or object , viz. 1. [ śabda ] , " sound " , for the ear cf. [ śruti-viṣaya ] ; 2. [ sparśa ] , " tangibility " , for the skin ; 3. [ rūpa ] , " form " or " colour " , for the eye ; 4. [ rasa ] , " savour " , for the tongue ; 5. [ gandha ] , " odour " for the nose: and these five Vishayas are sometimes called the Guṇas or " properties " of the five elements , ether , air , fire , water , earth , respectively ; cf. [ śruti-viṣaya-guṇa ] ) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sarvad. Lit. IW. 83

a symbolical N. of the number " five " Lit. VarBṛS.

anything perceptible by the senses , any object of affection or concern or attention , any special worldly object or aim or matter or business , (pl.) sensual enjoyments , sensuality Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

any subject or topic , subject-matter Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

an object (as opp. to " a subject " ) Lit. Sarvad.

a fit or suitable object ( " for " dat. gen. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

(in phil.) the subject of an argument , category , general head (one of the 5 members of an Adhikaraṇa ( q.v. ) , the other 4 being [ viśaya ] or [ saṃśaya ] , [ pūrva-pakṣa ] , [ uttara-pakṣa ] or [ siddhānta ] , and [ saṃgati ] or [ nirṇaya ] ) Lit. Sarvad.

un-organic matter Lit. IW. 73

(in gram.) limited or restricted sphere (e.g. [ chandasi viṣaye ] , " only in the Veda " ) Lit. Kāś. (ifc. = restricted or exclusively belonging to)

( in rhet.) the subject of a comparison (e.g. in the comp. " lotus-eye " the second member is the [ viṣaya ] , and the first the [ viṣayin ] ) Lit. Kuval. Lit. Pratāp.

a country with more than 100 villages Lit. L.

a refuge , asylum Lit. W.

a religious obligation or observance Lit. ib.

a lover , husband Lit. ib.

semen virile Lit. ib.

  विषयकर्मन् [ viṣayakarman ] [ viṣaya-karman ] n. worldly business or act Lit. W.

  विषयकाम [ viṣayakāma ] [ viṣaya-kāma ] m. desire of worldly goods or pleasures Lit. ib.

  विषयग्राम [ viṣayagrāma ] [ viṣaya-grāma ] m. the multitude or aggregate of objects of sense Lit. Sāh.

  विषयचन्द्रिका [ viṣayacandrikā ] [ viṣaya-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.

  विषयज्ञ [ viṣayajña ] [ viṣaya-jña ] m. one who has a partic. domain of knowledge , a specialist Lit. Rājat.

  विषयज्ञान [ viṣayajñāna ] [ viṣaya-jñāna ] n. acquaintance with worldly affairs Lit. MW.

  विषयता [ viṣayatā ] [ viṣaya-tā ] f. the character or condition of being an object or having anything for an object , the relation between an object and the knowledge of it Lit. Sāh. Lit. Vedântas. Lit. Sarvad.

   विषयतारहस्य [ viṣayatārahasya ] [ viṣaya-tā--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   विषयतावाद [ viṣayatāvāda ] [ viṣaya-tā--vāda ] m. ( or [ -vicāra ] ) N. of wk.

   विषयतावादटिप्पण [ viṣayatāvādaṭippaṇa ] [ viṣaya-tā--vāda-ṭippaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

   विषयतावादार्थ [ viṣayatāvādārtha ] [ viṣaya-tā--vādārtha ] m. N. of wk.

  विषयत्व [ viṣayatva ] [ viṣaya-tva ] n. = [ -tā ] Lit. Sarvad. Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

   (ifc.) the being restricted to , occurring only in Lit. Pat.

  विषयनिरति [ viṣayanirati ] [ viṣaya-nirati ] f. attachment to sensual objects Lit. A.

  विषयनिह्नुति [ viṣayanihnuti ] [ viṣaya-nihnuti ] f. negation with regard to an object (not as to one's self) Lit. Kāvyâd. ii , 306.

  विषयपति [ viṣayapati ] [ viṣaya-pati ] m. the governor of a province Lit. Inscr.

  विषयपथक [ viṣayapathaka ] [ viṣaya-pathaka ] m. or n. (?) N. of a district Lit. ib.

  विषयपराङ्मुख [ viṣayaparāṅmukha ] [ viṣaya-parāṅmukha ] m. f. n. averted or averse from mundane affairs Lit. Śak.

  विषयप्रत्यभिज्ञान [ viṣayapratyabhijñāna ] [ viṣaya-pratyabhijñāna ] n. (in phil.) the recognition of objects Lit. MW.

  विषयप्रवण [ viṣayapravaṇa ] [ viṣaya-pravaṇa ] m. f. n. attached to objects of sense Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. ii , 99.

  विषयप्रसङ्ग [ viṣayaprasaṅga ] [ viṣaya-prasaṅga ] m. = [ -nirati ] Lit. A.

  विषयलोलुप [ viṣayalolupa ] [ viṣaya-lolupa ] m. f. n. eager for sensual enjoyment Lit. Kathās.

  विषयलौकिकप्रत्यक्षकार्यकारणभावरहस्य [ viṣayalaukikapratyakṣakāryakāraṇabhāvarahasya ] [ viṣaya-laukika-pratyakṣa-kārya-kāraṇa-bhāva-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

  विषयवत् [ viṣayavat ] [ viṣaya-vat ] m. f. n. directed to objects of sense Lit. MBh.

   objective Lit. Yogas.

  विषयवर्तिन् [ viṣayavartin ] [ viṣaya-vartin ] m. f. n. directed to anything (gen.) as an object Lit. R.

  विषयवाक्यदीपिका [ viṣayavākyadīpikā ] [ viṣaya-vākya-dīpikā ] ( also [ -vāg-d ] ) f.

  विषयवाक्यसंग्रह [ viṣayavākyasaṃgraha ] [ viṣaya-vākya-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.

  विषयवाद [ viṣayavāda ] [ viṣaya-vāda ] m. N. of wk.

  विषयवासिन् [ viṣayavāsin ] [ viṣaya-vāsin ] m. f. n. inhabiting a country ( [ anya-viṣaya-v ] , the inhabitant of another country) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat.

   engaged in the affairs of life Lit. W.

  विषयविचार [ viṣayavicāra ] [ viṣaya-vicāra ] m. N. of a treatise by Gadādhara (also called [ viṣayatā-vic ] see [ -tā ] above ) .

  विषयविषयिन् [ viṣayaviṣayin ] [ viṣaya-viṣayin ] m. du. object and subject Lit. Bādar.

  विषयसङ्ग [ viṣayasaṅga ] [ viṣaya-saṅga ] m. addiction to sensual objects , sensual

   विषयसङ्गज [ viṣayasaṅgaja ] [ viṣaya-saṅga--ja ] m. f. n. sprung from addiction to sensual objects Lit. Mn. xii , 18.

  विषयसप्तमी [ viṣayasaptamī ] [ viṣaya-saptamī ] f. the locative case in the sense of " with regard to " Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 57.

  विषयसुख [ viṣayasukha ] [ viṣaya-sukha ] n. the pleasures of sense Lit. MW.

  विषयस्नेह [ viṣayasneha ] [ viṣaya-sneha ] m. desire for sensual objects Lit. Ragh.

  विषयस्पृहा [ viṣayaspṛhā ] [ viṣaya-spṛhā ] f. id. Lit. MW.

  विषयाज्ञान [ viṣayājñāna ] [ viṣayājñāna ] n. " non-recognition of objects " , exhaustion , lassitude Lit. L.

  विषयात्मक [ viṣayātmaka ] [ viṣayātmaka ] m. f. n. consisting of or identified with wordly objects , sensual carnal Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.

  विषयाधिकृत [ viṣayādhikṛta ] [ viṣayādhikṛta ] m. the governor of a province Lit. Kathās.

  विषयाधिपति [ viṣayādhipati ] [ viṣayādhipati ] m. id. Lit. ib.

   " lord of a country " , a king , sovereign Lit. R.

  विषयानन्तर [ viṣayānantara ] [ viṣayānantara ] m. f. n. immediately adjacent or adjoining , next neighbour Lit. L.

  विषयानन्द [ viṣayānanda ] [ viṣayānanda ] m. N. of various works.

  विषयान्त [ viṣayānta ] [ viṣayānta ] m. the boundary of a country Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

  विषयाभिमुखीकृति [ viṣayābhimukhīkṛti ] [ viṣayābhimukhī-kṛti ] f. directing (the senses) towards sensual objects Lit. Cat.

  विषयाभिरति [ viṣayābhirati ] [ viṣayābhirati ] f. and the enjoyment of sensual pleasures Lit. Kir.

  विषयाभिलाष [ viṣayābhilāṣa ] [ viṣayābhilāṣa ]and m. the enjoyment of sensual pleasures Lit. Kir.

  विषयार्ह [ viṣayārha ] [ viṣayārha ] m. f. n. entitled to sensual pleasures (as youth) Lit. HPariś.

  विषयासक्त [ viṣayāsakta ] [ viṣayāsakta ] m. f. n. attached to sensual pleasures

   विषयासक्तमनस् [ viṣayāsaktamanas ] [ viṣayāsakta--manas ] m. f. n. one whose mind is devoted to the world Lit. Śukas.

  विषयासक्ति [ viṣayāsakti ] [ viṣayāsakti ] f. attachment to sensual pleasures Lit. ib.

  विषयासिद्धदीपिका [ viṣayāsiddhadīpikā ] [ viṣayāsiddha-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  विषयैषिन् [ viṣayaiṣin ] [ viṣayaiṣin ] m. f. n. addicted to sensual pleasures , devoted to worldly pursuits Lit. L.

  विषयोपरम [ viṣayoparama ] [ viṣayoparama ] m. cessation or abandonment of sensual pleasures Lit. Sāṃkhyak.

  विषयोपसेवा [ viṣayopasevā ] [ viṣayopasevā ] f. addiction to sensual pleasures , sensuality Lit. Ragh.

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