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व |
विधाव् [ vidhāv ] [ vi-√ dhāv ] P. [ -dhāvati ] , to run or flow off , trickle through Lit. RV. ; to flow away , disappear Lit. Kāṭh. ; to run away , be scattered or dispersed Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. ; to run between ( [ antar ] , said of a road) Lit. Kāṭh. ; to run through , perambulate Lit. R. ; to rush upon Lit. Bhaṭṭ. (aor. [ vy-adhāviṣṭa ] v.l. [ vyabādhiṣṭa ] ) .
विधावन [ vidhāvana ] [ vi-dhāvana ] n. running hither and thither Lit. Nir. iii , 15.
विधावित [ vidhāvita ] [ vi-dhāvita ] m. f. n. run in different directions , dispersed Lit. MBh.
विधाव् [ vidhāv ] [ vi-√ dhāv ] ( only [ -dadhāvire ] ) , to wash off Lit. Śiś.
विधौत [ vidhauta ] [ vi-dhauta ] m. f. n. cleansed by washing Lit. ib.
विधी [ vidhī ] [ vi-√ dhī ] ( or [ dīdhī ] , only Subj. [ -dīdhayaḥ ] and [ -dīdhyaḥ ] ) , to be uncertain , hesitate Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
विधु [ vidhu ] [ vidhú ]1 m. f. n. ( prob. fr. √ 2. [ vidh ] ; for 2. [ vi-dhú ] see [ vi-√ dhū ] , col.3) lonely , solitary Lit. RV. x , 55 , 5 ( applied to the moon ; accord. to Lit. Sāy. = [ vi-dhātṛ ] , [ vi-dhārayitṛ ] )
[ vidhu ] m. the moon Lit. Mn. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Gīt.
( Lit. L. also , " camphor ; N. of Brahmā and of Vishṇu ; a Rākshasa ; wind ; an expiatory oblation ; time ; = [ āyudha ] " )
N. of a prince Lit. VP. (v.l. [ vipra ] ) .
विधुक्रान्त [ vidhukrānta ] [ vidhú-krānta ] m. (in music) a kind of measure Lit. Saṃgīt.
विधुक्षय [ vidhukṣaya ] [ vidhú-kṣaya ] m. the wane of the moon , the dark nights of the month Lit. Mn. iii , 127.
विधुगुप्ति [ vidhugupti ] [ vidhú-gupti ] m. N. of a man Lit. Bhadrab.
विधुत्व [ vidhutva ] [ vidhú-tva ] n. the state or condition of (being) the moon Lit. Naish.
विधुदिन [ vidhudina ] [ vidhú-dina ] n. a lunar day Lit. Gaṇit.
विधुंतुद [ vidhuṃtuda ] [ vidhú-ṃ-tuda ] m. " moon-troubler " , N. of Rāhu or the personified ascending node (causing the moon's eclipses) Lit. Kāv.
विधुपञ्जर [ vidhupañjara ] [ vidhú-pañjara ] m. a scimitar , sabre Lit. L.
विधुपरिध्वंस [ vidhuparidhvaṃsa ] [ vidhú-paridhvaṃsa ] m. distress i.e. eclipse of the moon , Lit. Śṛiṅgār.
विधुप्रिया [ vidhupriyā ] [ vidhú-priyā ] f. " dear to the moon " , a lunar mansion or Nakshatra (personified as a nymph , the daughter of Daksha and wife of the Moon) Lit. W.
विधुमण्डल [ vidhumaṇḍala ] [ vidhú-maṇḍala ] n. the moon's disc Lit. Kāv.
विधुमय [ vidhumaya ] [ vidhú-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of moons Lit. Hcar.
विधुमास [ vidhumāsa ] [ vidhú-māsa ] m. a lunar month Lit. Gaṇit.
विधुमुखी [ vidhumukhī ] [ vidhú-mukhī ] f. a moon-faced woman Lit. Kāv.
विधुवदना [ vidhuvadanā ] [ vidhú-vadanā ] f. a moon-faced woman Lit. Kāv.
विधुर [ vidhura ] [ vidhura ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see p. 951 , col. 1) bereft , bereaved (esp. of any loved person) , alone , solitary Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.
(ifc.) separated from , destitute of , wanting Lit. BhP. Lit. Sarvad.
suffering from want , miserable , helpless , distressed Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
perplexed , troubled , depressed , dejected ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.
adverse , unfavourable , hostile Lit. ib.
[ vidhura ] m. a Rākshasa Lit. L.
a widower Lit. MW.
[ vidhurā ] f. curds mixed with sugar and spices Lit. L.
[ vidhura ] n. adversity , calamity , distress Lit. Kathās. ( Lit. L. also = [ viśleṣa ] , [ praviśleṣa ] or [ pariśleṣa ] )
n. du. N. of two partic. joints of the body Lit. Bhpr.
[ vidhuram ] ind. , see [ vidhura ]
विधुरता [ vidhuratā ] [ vidhura-tā ] f.
विधुरत्व [ vidhuratva ] [ vidhura-tva ] n. want , trouble , distress Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sarvad.
विधुरदर्शन [ vidhuradarśana ] [ vidhura-darśana ] n. the sight of anything alarming , agitation , uneasiness Lit. MW.
विधुरय [ vidhuraya ] [ vidhuraya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to put in a miserable condition , deject , depress Lit. Hcar. Lit. Gīt. Lit. Subh.
विधुरित [ vidhurita ] [ vidhurita ] m. f. n. dejected , depressed Lit. Śiś.
[ vidhurita ] n. pl. adversities , calamities Lit. Rājat.
विधुरीकृत [ vidhurīkṛta ] [ vidhurī-kṛta ] m. f. n. dejected , distressed Lit. ib.
विधू [ vidhū ] [ vi-√ dhū ] P. Ā. [ -dhūnoti ] , [ -dhūnute ] ( later also [ -dhunoti ] , [ -dhunute ] ; inf. [ -dhavitum ] , or [ -dhotum ] ) , to shake about , move to and fro , agitate , toss about (Ā. also " one's self " ) Lit. RV. ; to fan , kindle (fire) Lit. MBh. ; to shake off , drive away , scatter , disperse , remove , destroy Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP. ; (Ā.) to shake off from one's self , relinquish , abandon , give up Lit. AV. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. : Pass. [ -dhūyate ] ( ep. also [ °ti ] ) , to be shaken or agitated Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -dhūnayati ] , to cause to shake about ; to shake violently , agitate , harass , annoy Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विधवन [ vidhavana ] [ vi-dhavana ] n. shaking off Lit. Nir. iii , 15
agitation , trembling Lit. W.
विधव्य [ vidhavya ] [ vi-dhavya ] n. agitation , trembling , tremor Lit. ib.
विधाव्य [ vidhāvya ] [ vi-dhāvya ] n. shaking , agitation Lit. ib.
विधु [ vidhu ] [ vi-dhú ]2 m. ( for 1. see col.2) palpitation , throbbing (of the heart) Lit. AV. ix , 8 , 22.
विधुत [ vidhuta ] [ vi-dhuta ] m. f. n. shaken about or off , dispersed , removed , abandoned , relinquished Lit. Inscr. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. BhP.
विधुतत्रिलिङ्ग [ vidhutatriliṅga ] [ vi-dhuta--triliṅga ] m. f. n. liberated from the three qualities Lit. BhP.
विधुतपक्ष [ vidhutapakṣa ] [ vi-dhuta--pakṣa ] m. f. n. shaking one's wings Lit. VarBṛS.
विधुतबन्धन [ vidhutabandhana ] [ vi-dhuta--bandhana ] m. f. n. released from bonds Lit. Rājat.
विधुतमार्त्य [ vidhutamārtya ] [ vi-dhuta--mārtya ] m. f. n. one who has shaken off what is human or corporeal Lit. BhP.
विधुति [ vidhuti ] [ vi-dhuti ] f. shaking , agitating , tossing about Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP.
removal , destruction Lit. BhP.
विधुनन [ vidhunana ] [ vi-dhunana ] n. = [ °dhūnana ] Lit. L.
विधुवन [ vidhuvana ] [ vi-dhuvana ] n. trembling , tremor Lit. W.
विधूत [ vidhūta ] [ vi-dhūta ] m. f. n. shaken or tossed about
shaken off , dispelled , removed , discarded , abandoned , relinquished Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
trembling , tremulous Lit. W.
unsteady Lit. ib.
[ vidhūta ] n. the repelling of affection , repugnance Lit. Bhar. Lit. Daśar.
विधूतकल्मष [ vidhūtakalmaṣa ] [ vi-dhūta--kalmaṣa ] m. f. n. having sin dispelled or removed , delivered from sin Lit. MW.
विधूतकेश [ vidhūtakeśa ] [ vi-dhūta--keśa ] m. f. n. having hair tossed about or dishevelled Lit. Kir.
विधूतनिद्र [ vidhūtanidra ] [ vi-dhūta--nidra ] m. f. n. roused from sleep , awakened Lit. Ragh. (v.l. [ vinīta-n ] )
विधूतपाप्मन् [ vidhūtapāpman ] [ vi-dhūta--pāpman ] m. f. n. delivered from evil or sin Lit. MBh.
विधूतवेश [ vidhūtaveśa ] [ vi-dhūta--veśa ] m. f. n. shaking one's garment Lit. R.
विधूति [ vidhūti ] [ vi-dhūti ] f. shaking or tossing about Lit. Śiś.
tremor , agitation Lit. W.
विधूनन [ vidhūnana ] [ vi-dhūnana ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) causing to move to and fro Lit. Naish.
[ vidhūnana ] n. shaking , agitation Lit. Sāh.
waving , undulating Lit. Cat.
repugnance , repulsion (as of love) Lit. Daśar. Sch.
विधूनित [ vidhūnita ] [ vi-dhūnita ] m. f. n. shaken , agitated , harassed , annoyed Lit. W.
विधूप् [ vidhūp ] [ vi-√ dhūp ] P. [ -dhūpāyati ] , to emit vapour , smoke Lit. AV. ; Pass. [ -dhūpyate ] id. Lit. Suśr.
विधृ [ vidhṛ ] [ vi-√ dhṛ ] P. Ā. [ -dharati ] , [ °te ] ( only pf. [ -dadhāra ] ) , to hold , bear , carry Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -dhārayati ] ( rarely [ °te ] ; Ved. inf. [ -dhartári ] ) , to keep asunder or apart , separate , divide , distribute Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś. ; to arrange , manage , contrive Lit. MBh. ; to keep off , withhold from (abl.) Lit. TĀr. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. ; to lay hold of , seize , hold fast Lit. Hariv. ; to check , restrain Lit. Suśr. ; to support , maintain Lit. PraśnUp. ; ( with [ vapūṃṣi ] ) to possess or have bodies Lit. MBh. ; ( with [ manas ] ) to keep the mind fixed upon (loc.) Lit. BhP. ; to preserve , take care of Lit. BhP. : Intens. ( only impf. [ vy-ádardhar ] ) to divide , separate Lit. RV.
विधर्तृ [ vidhartṛ ] [ ví -dhartṛ́ ] m. a distributer , arranger , supporter Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
विधर्मन् [ vidharman ] [ ví -dharman ]2 m. ( for 1. see p. 951 , col. 1) a maintainer , arranger , disposer Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
[ vidharman ] n. that which encircles or surrounds , receptacle , boundaries , circumference Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. PañcavBr.
disposition , arrangement , order , rule Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
विधार [ vidhāra ] [ ví -dhā́ra ] m. (prob.) a receptacle Lit. RV. ix , 110 , 4 ( others " running through " , fr. √ 1. [ dhāv ] ) .
विधारण [ vidhāraṇa ] [ ví -dhāraṇa ] m. f. n. dividing , separating Lit. Vas. Lit. BhP.
[ vidhāraṇa ] n. stopping , detaining (a carriage) Lit. Kathās.
checking , restraining , retention , suppression , Lit. APrāt. Lit. MBh.
bearing , carrying Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
maintaining , supporting Lit. MBh.
विधारय [ vidhāraya ] [ ví -dhārayá ] m. f. n. (prob.) disposing , arranging Lit. VS.
विधारयितव्य [ vidhārayitavya ] [ ví -dhārayitavya ] m. f. n. to be (or being) supported or maintained Lit. PraśnUp.
विधारयितृ [ vidhārayitṛ ] [ ví -dhārayitṛ ] m. f. n. = [ °dhāraya ] ( used to explain [ vi-dhartṛ ] ) Lit. Nir. xii , 14.
विधारिन् [ vidhārin ] [ ví -dhārin ] m. f. n. checking , restraining Lit. Vāgbh.
विधृत [ vidhṛta ] [ ví -dhṛta ] m. f. n. kept asunder , divided , separated Lit. TS.
kept off , avoided Lit. Hariv.
stopped , checked , suppressed , restrained Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
held , borne (with [ śirasā ] , [ mūrdhnā ] or [ °dhni ] , borne on the head i.e. highly esteemed ; with [ svodareṇa ] , borne in one's own body) Lit. ib.
held , possessed Lit. Bhartṛ.
saved , preserved Lit. BhP.
( with [ antare ] ) pledged Lit. Pañcat.
विधृतायुध [ vidhṛtāyudha ] [ ví -dhṛtāyudha ] m. f. n. holding weapons Lit. MW.
विधृति [ vidhṛti ] [ ví -dhṛti ] f. ( [ ví - ] ) separation , division , partition , arrangement , regulation Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TBr.
keeping away Lit. Br.
anything that separates or divides , a boundary-line , barrier Lit. TS.
N. of two blades of grass which indicate a boundary-line between Barhis and Prastara Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
[ vidhṛti ] m. a partic. Sattra Lit. ŚrS.
N. of a partic. divine being Lit. BhP.
of a king Lit. ib.
विधृष् [ vidhṛṣ ] [ vi-√ dhṛṣ ] Caus. [ -dharṣayati ] , to violate , spoil , injure , annoy , trouble Lit. MBh.
विधृष्टि [ vidhṛṣṭi ] [ vi-dhṛṣṭi ] f. (in a formula) Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
विधेय [ vidheya ] [ vi-dheya ] see p. 968 , col. 2.
विध्मा [ vidhmā ] [ vi-√ dhmā ] see [ vi-√ dham ] , p.967.
विध्य [ vidhya ] [ vidhya ] m. f. n. (fr. √ [ vyadh ] ) to be pierced or perforated, Lit. MW.
विध्यन्त [ vidhyanta ] [ vidhy-anta ] see p. 968 , col. 2.
विध्वंस् [ vidhvaṃs ] [ vi-√ dhvaṃs ] ( or [ dhvas ] ) Ā. [ -dhvaṃsate ] ( rarely [ °ti ] ) , to fall to pieces , crumble into dust or powder , be scattered or dispersed or destroyed , perish Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ -dhvaṃsayati ] (ind.p. [ -dhvaṃsya ] , or [ -dhvasya ] ) , to cause to fall to pieces or crumble , dash to pieces , crush , destroy , annihilate Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to hurt , injure Lit. R.
विध्वस् [ vidhvas ] [ vi-√ dhvas ] ( or [ dhvaṃs ] ) Ā. [ -dhvaṃsate ] ( rarely [ °ti ] ) , to fall to pieces , crumble into dust or powder , be scattered or dispersed or destroyed , perish Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ -dhvaṃsayati ] (ind.p. [ -dhvaṃsya ] , or [ -dhvasya ] ) , to cause to fall to pieces or crumble , dash to pieces , crush , destroy , annihilate Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to hurt , injure Lit. R.
विध्वंस [ vidhvaṃsa ] [ vi-dhvaṃsa ] m. ruin , destruction , hurt , injury Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
cessation (of a disease) Lit. Suśr.
insult , offence Lit. Kir.
violation (of a woman) Lit. Kathās.
विध्वंसक [ vidhvaṃsaka ] [ vi-dhvaṃsaka ] m. a debaucher , violator (of a woman) Lit. ib.
विध्वंसन [ vidhvaṃsana ] [ vi-dhvaṃsana ] m. f. n. causing to fall , ruining , destroying , removing Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ vidhvaṃsana ] n. the act of causing to fall Lit. ib.
insulting , violating (a woman) Lit. Kathās.
विध्वंसित [ vidhvaṃsita ] [ vi-dhvaṃsita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) dashed or broken to pieces , destroyed Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
विध्वंसिन् [ vidhvaṃsin ] [ vi-dhvaṃsin ] m. f. n. falling to pieces , perishing Lit. Ragh.
causing to fall , ruining , destroying Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS.
insulting , violating (a woman) Lit. Kathās.
hostile , adverse Lit. W.
[ vidhvaṃsinī ] f. a partic. magical formula Lit. ib.
विध्वस्त [ vidhvasta ] [ vi-dhvasta ] m. f. n. fallen asunder , fallen to pieces , dispersed , ruined , destroyed Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
whirled up (as dust) Lit. R.
(in astron.) darkened obscured , eclipsed Lit. Sūryas.
विध्वस्तकवच [ vidhvastakavaca ] [ vi-dhvasta--kavaca ] m. f. n. one whose armour is destroyed Lit. R.
विध्वस्तता [ vidhvastatā ] [ vi-dhvasta--tā ] f. ruin , destruction Lit. Kathās.
विध्वस्तनगराश्रम [ vidhvastanagarāśrama ] [ vi-dhvasta--nagarāśrama ] m. f. n. containing ruined cities and hermitages Lit. MBh.
विध्वस्तपरगुण [ vidhvastaparaguṇa ] [ vi-dhvasta--para-guṇa ] m. f. n. one who detracts from the merits of another Lit. Vās.
विध्वस्तविपणापण [ vidhvastavipaṇāpaṇa ] [ vi-dhvasta--vipaṇāpaṇa ] m. f. n. (a town) whose market and trade are ruined Lit. R.
विनङ्गृस [ vinaṅgṛsa ] [ vinaṅgṛsa ] m. (of unknown origin and meaning) Lit. RV. ix , 72 , 3 ( [ kamanīyaṃ stotraṃ gṛhṇātiyaḥ ] Lit. Sāy. ; du. " the two arms " Lit. Naigh. ii , 4) .
विनटन [ vinaṭana ] [ vi-naṭana ] n. (√ [ naṭ ] ) moving to and fro , going hither and thither Lit. Vās.
विनद् [ vinad ] [ vi-√ nad ] P. [ -nadati ] , to sound forth , cry out , roar , bellow , thunder Lit. MBh. Lit. R. (with [ ravam mahā-svanam ] , to roar aloud) ; to roar or scream at or about (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to fill with cries Lit. Hariv. : Caus. [ -nādayati ] (Pass. [ -nādyate ] ) , to cause to sound or resound , fill with noise or cries Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to sound aloud Lit. R.
विनद [ vinada ] [ vi-nada ] m. sound , noise Lit. R.
Alstonia Scholaris Lit. L.
[ vinadā ] f. a partic. Śakti Lit. Pañcar.
[ vinadī ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh. Lit. VP. (v.l. [ vainadī ] ) .
विनदिन् [ vinadin ] [ vi-nadin ] m. f. n. roaring , thundering , grumbling Lit. MBh.
विनादित [ vinādita ] [ vi-nādita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) made to resound , caused to sound aloud Lit. ib.
विनादिन् [ vinādin ] [ vi-nādin ] m. f. n. sounding forth , crying out Lit. ib.
विनद्ध [ vinaddha ] [ ví -naddha ] m. f. n. (√ [ nah ] ) untied , unfastened , set free Lit. AV.
विनाह [ vināha ] [ vi-nāha ] m. a top or cover for the mouth of a well Lit. L. ( cf. [ vī-nāha ] ) .
विनन्द् [ vinand ] [ vi-√ nand ] P. Ā. [ -nandati ] , [ °te ] , to rejoice , be glad or joyful Lit. MBh.
विनम् [ vinam ] [ vi-√ nam ] P. Ā. [ -namati ] , [ °te ] , to bend down , bow down , stoop Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -nāmayati ] , or [ -namayati ] (ind.p. [ -nāmya ] and [ -namayya ] ) , to bend down , incline , bend (a bow) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; (in gram.) to cerebralize or change into a cerebral letter ( cf. [ -nāmita ] ) . ( 969,1 )
विनत [ vinata ] [ vi-nata ] m. f. n. bent , curved , bent down , bowed , stooping , inclined , sunk down , depressed , deepened ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS.
bowing to (gen.) Lit. Ghaṭ.
humble , modest Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Lit. Kathās.
dejected , dispirited Lit. MW.
(in gram.) changed into a cerebral letter Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. ( cf. [ -nāma ] )
accentuated in a partic. manner , Lit. Śāy.
[ vinata ] m. a kind of ant Lit. Kauś.
N. of a son of Su-dyumna Lit. VP.
of a monkey Lit. R.
(perhaps) n. N. of a place situated on the Go-mati Lit. R.
विनतकाय [ vinatakāya ] [ vi-nata--kāya ] m. f. n. one who has the body bent , stooping Lit. SaddhP.
विनतता [ vinatatā ] [ vi-nata--tā ] f. inclination Lit. TPrāt. Sch.
विनतानन [ vinatānana ] [ vi-natānana ] m. f. n. one who has his face bent or cast down , dejected , dispirited Lit. MBh.
विनताश्व [ vinatāśva ] [ vi-natāśva ] m. N. of a son of Su-dyumna Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP.
विनतोदर [ vinatodara ] [ vi-natodara ] m. f. n. with bending waist , bending at the waist Lit. MW.
विनतक [ vinataka ] [ vi-nataka ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. Buddh.
विनता [ vinatā ] [ ví -natā ] f. a girl with bandy legs or a hunch back Lit. GṛS.
an abscess on the back or abdomen accompanying diabetes Lit. Suśr. Lit. Car.
a sort of basket Lit. W.
N. of one of Kaśyapa's wives (and mother of Suparṇa , Aruṇa and Garuḍa ; in Lit. MBh. i , 2520 , Vinatā is enumerated among the thirteen daughters of Daksha ; the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa makes her the wife of Tārksha ; the Vāyu describes the metres of the Veda as her daughters , while the Padma gives her only one daughter , Saudāminī) Lit. Suparṇ. Lit. MBh.
N. of a female demon of illness Lit. MBh.
of a Rākshasī Lit. R.
विनतातनया [ vinatātanayā ] [ ví -natā--tanayā ] f. " daughter of Veda " , metr. of Su-mati Lit. VP.
विनतानन्द [ vinatānanda ] [ ví -natānanda ] m. N. of a drama by Go-vinda
विनतासुत [ vinatāsuta ] [ ví -natā--suta ] m. " son of Veda " , N. of Aruṇa , Garuḍa ( Lit. Śiś.)
विनतासूनु [ vinatāsūnu ] [ ví -natā--sūnu ] m. " son of Veda " , N. of Aruṇa , Garuḍa ( Lit. L.)
विनति [ vinati ] [ ví -nati ] f. bowing , obeisance to (loc.) Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Kathās.
humility , modesty Lit. W.
विनमन [ vinamana ] [ vi-namana ] n. the act of bending down ( opp. to [ un-n ] ) Lit. Suśr.
विनमित [ vinamita ] [ vi-namita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) bent or turned towards ( [ abhimukham ] ) Lit. Amar.
विनम्र [ vinamra ] [ vi-namra ] see p. 951 , col. 1.
विनाम [ vināma ] [ vi-nāma ] m. crookedness (of the body , caused by pain) Lit. Bhpr. Lit. Car. ( also [ °maka ] m. [ °mikā ] f. )
conversion into a cerebral letter , the substitution of [ ṣ ] for [ s ] and [ ṇ ] for [ n ] Lit. Prāt.
विनामक [ vināmaka ] [ vi-nāmaka ] m. , see [ vināma ] , crookedness (of the body , caused by pain) Lit. Bhpr. Lit. Car.
विनामिका [ vināmikā ] [ vi-nāmikā ] f. , see [ vināma ] , crookedness (of the body , caused by pain) Lit. Bhpr. Lit. Car.
विनामित [ vināmita ] [ vi-nāmita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) bent down , inclined Lit. MBh.
विनय [ vinaya ] [ vi-naya ]1 Preverb. ( said to be artificially formed fr. [ vi ] + [ nṛ ] ; for 2. see under [ vi-√ nī ] ) Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( with prefix 3. [ vi ] ; ind.p. [ vi-vinayya ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 1 Vārtt. 7 Lit. Pat.
विनर्द् [ vinard ] [ vi-√ nard ] P. Ā. [ -nardati ] , [ °te ] , to cry out , roar , thunder Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विनर्दिन् [ vinardin ] [ vi-nardin ] m. f. n. roaring (applied to a partic. method of chanting the Sāma-veda) Lit. ChUp.
विनश् [ vinaś ] [ vi-√ naś ] P. [ -naśati ] , or [ -naśyati ] (fut. [ -naśiṣyati ] or [ -naṅkṣyati ] ; inf. [ -naśitum ] or [ -naṃṣṭum ] ) , to be utterly lost , perish , disappear , vanish Lit. RV. ; to come to nothing , be frustrated or foiled Lit. ib. ; to be deprived of (abl.) Lit. RV. ix , 79 , 1 ; to destroy , annihilate Lit. Hariv. : Caus. [ -nāśayati ] (aor. [ vy-anīnaśat ] ) , to cause to be utterly lost or ruined or to disappear or vanish Lit. RV. ( once in Lit. Sūryas. with gen. for acc.) ; to frustrate , disappoint , render ineffective (a weapon) Lit. AV. ; to suffer to be lost or ruined Lit. Ragh. ii , 56 ; (aor.) to be lost , perish Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विनंशिन् [ vinaṃśin ] [ vi-naṃśí n ] m. f. n. disappearing , vanishing Lit. VS.
विनशन [ vinaśana ] [ vi-naśana ] n. utter loss , perishing , disappearance ( with [ sarasvatyāḥ ] N. of a district north-west of Delhi ( said to be the same as Kuru-kshetra and adjacent to the modern Paniput ) where the river Sarasvatī is lost , in the sand ; also [ sarasvatī-vin ] ) Lit. PañcavBr. Lit. ŚrS.
विनशनक्षेत्र [ vinaśanakṣetra ] [ vi-naśana--kṣetra ] n. the district of Vinaśana Lit. MW.
विनश्वर [ vinaśvara ] [ vi-naśvara ] m. f. n. liable to be destroyed or lost , perishable Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.
विनश्वरता [ vinaśvaratā ] [ vi-naśvara--tā ] f. perishableness , transitoriness Lit. Sarvad.
विनश्वरत्व [ vinaśvaratva ] [ vi-naśvara--tva ] n. perishableness , transitoriness Lit. Sarvad.
विनष्ट [ vinaṣṭa ] [ vi-naṣṭa ] m. f. n. utterly lost or ruined , destroyed , perished , disappeared Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
spoilt , corrupted Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.
विनष्टचक्षुस् [ vinaṣṭacakṣus ] [ vi-naṣṭa--cakṣus ] m. f. n. one who has lost his eyes Lit. MBh.
विनष्टतेजस् [ vinaṣṭatejas ] [ vi-naṣṭa--tejas ] m. f. n. ( [ ví -n ] ) one whose energy is lost , weak , feeble Lit. AV.
विनष्टदृष्टि [ vinaṣṭadṛṣṭi ] [ vi-naṣṭa--dṛṣṭi ] m. f. n. one who has lost his sight Lit. BhP.
विनष्टधर्म [ vinaṣṭadharma ] [ vi-naṣṭa--dharma ] m. f. n. (a country) whose laws are corrupted Lit. Rājat.
विनष्टोपजीविन् [ vinaṣṭopajīvin ] [ vi-naṣṭopajīvin ] m. f. n. living on dead carcasses or carrion Lit. GopBr.
विनष्टक [ vinaṣṭaka ] [ vi-naṣṭaka ] see [ bāla-viṇaṣṭaka ] .
विनष्टि [ vinaṣṭi ] [ vi-naṣṭi ] ( [ ví - ] ) f. loss , ruin , destruction Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KenUp. Lit. BhP.
विनाश [ vināśa ] [ vi-nāśa ] m. utter loss , annihilation , perdition , destruction , decay , death , removal Lit. TPrāt. Lit. Up. Lit. MBh.
विनाशकृत् [ vināśakṛt ] [ vi-nāśa--kṛt ] m. f. n. (ifc.) causing destruction of , destroying Lit. Yājñ.
विनाशधर्मन् [ vināśadharman ] [ vi-nāśa--dharman ] m. f. n. subject to the law of decay Lit. Ragh. viii , 10 (v.l. [ °min ] ; but cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 124)
विनाशसम्भव [ vināśasambhava ] [ vi-nāśa--sambhava ] m. a source of destruction , cause of the subsequent non-existence of a composite body ( [ avayavin ] ) Lit. MW.
विनाशहेतु [ vināśahetu ] [ vi-nāśa--hetu ] m. f. n. being the cause of death Lit. Suśr.
विनाशान्त [ vināśānta ] [ vi-nāśānta ] m. " end (caused by) destruction " , death Lit. MBh.
[ vināśānta ] m. f. n. ending in death Lit. ib.
विनाशोन्मुख [ vināśonmukha ] [ vi-nāśonmukha ] m. f. n. ready to perish , fully ripe or mature Lit. L.
विनाशक [ vināśaka ] [ vi-nāśaka ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) annihilating , destroying a destroyer Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विनाशन [ vināśana ] [ vi-nāśana ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) id. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
[ vināśana ] m. N. of an Asura (son of Kalā) Lit. MBh.
n. causing to disappear , removal , destruction , annihilation Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विनाशयितृ [ vināśayitṛ ] [ vi-nāśayitṛ ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) one who destroys , a destroyer Lit. MW.
विनाशिन् [ vināśin ] [ vi-nāśin ] m. f. n. perishing , perishable ( [ °śi-tva ] n. ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
under. going transformation Lit. W.
( mostly ifc.) destructive , destroying Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS.
(a tale) treating of the destruction of (gen.) Lit. MBh.
विनाशित्व [ vināśitva ] [ vi-nāśi-tva ] n. , see [ vināśin ]
विनाश्य [ vināśya ] [ vi-nāśya ] m. f. n. to be destroyed or annihilated ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Sarvad.
विनाश्यत्व [ vināśyatva ] [ vi-nāśya--tva ] n. , see [ vināśya ]
विना [ vinā ] [ ví nā ] or [ vinā́ ] ind. ( prob. a kind of instr. of 3. [ vi ] ) without , except , short or exclusive of (preceded or followed by an acc. instr. , rarely abl. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 32 ; exceptionally ifc. ,g. e.g. g. [ śuci-vinā ] , without honesty , [ satya-v ] , without faith Lit. Subh.) Lit. AV. xx , 136 , 13 (not in manuscript) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (sometimes [ vinā ] is used pleonastically , e.g. [ natad asti vinā deva yat te virahitaṃ hare ] , " there is nothing , O god Hari , that is without thee " Lit. Hariv. 14966) .
विनाकृत [ vinākṛta ] [ ví nā-kṛta ] m. f. n. " made without " , deprived or bereft of , separated from , left or relinquished by , lacking , destitute of , free from (instr. abl. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
standing alone , solitary. Lit. R.
विनाकृत्य [ vinākṛtya ] [ ví nā-kṛtya ] ind. setting aside , without (instr.) Lit. Subh.
विनान्योन्यम् [ vinānyonyam ] [ ví nānyonyam ] ( [ °nān° ] ) ind. (perhaps two separate words) without each other , one without the other Lit. MBh.
विनाभावम् [ vinābhāvam ] [ ví nā-bhāvam ] ind. (√ [ bhū ] ) separately Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 62 Sch.
विनाभाविन् [ vinābhāvin ] [ ví nā-bhāvin ] see [ a-vinābh ] .
विनाभाव्य [ vinābhāvya ] [ ví nā-bhāvya ] m. f. n. separable ( in [ a-vinābh ] ) Lit. RāmatUp.
विनाभूय [ vinābhūya ] [ ví nā-bhūya ] ind. = [ -bhāvam ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 62 Sch.
विनाभूत्वा [ vinābhūtvā ] [ ví nā-bhūtvā ] ind. = [ -bhāvam ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 62 Sch.
विनावास [ vināvāsa ] [ ví nā-vāsa ] m. abiding separate from a beloved person Lit. R.
विनोक्ति [ vinokti ] [ vinokti ] f. ( in rhet.) a figure of speech (using) [ vinā ] (e.g. [ kā niśā śaśinā vinā ] , " what is the night without the moon? " ) Lit. Kpr.
विनाट [ vināṭa ] [ ví nāṭa ] m. ( cf. [ nāḍa ] ) a leather-bag Lit. ŚBr.
विनायक [ vināyaka ] [ vi-nāyaka ] see under [ vi-√ nī ] .
विनारुहा [ vināruhā ] [ vināruhā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.
विनाल [ vināla ] [ vi-nāla ] [ vi-nāsa ] see p. 951 , col. 1.
विनिःश्वस् [ viniḥśvas ] [ vi-niḥ-√ śvas ] ( cf. [ vi-ni-√ śvas ] ) P. [ -śvasiti ] , to breathe hard , heave a deep sigh Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. ; to hiss (as a serpent) Lit. R. ; to snort (as an elephant) Lit. ib.
विनिःसृ [ viniḥsṛ ] [ vi-niḥ-√ sṛ ] P. Ā. [ -sarati ] , [ °te ] , to go forth , issue out , spring from (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विनिःसरण [ viniḥsaraṇa ] [ vi-niḥsaraṇa ] n. the act of going forth or out , issuing forth Lit. MW.
विनिःसृत [ viniḥsṛta ] [ vi-niḥsṛta ] m. f. n. ( often [ vi-nisṛta ] ) gone forth or out , issued forth , sprung from (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
escaped Lit. Hariv.
विनिःसृति [ viniḥsṛti ] [ vi-niḥsṛti ] f. escaping , flight Lit. Lalit.
विनिःसृप्ताहुति [ viniḥsṛptāhuti ] [ vi-niḥsṛptāhuti ] f. (√ [ sṛp ] ) a kind of sacrifice Lit. ĀśvŚr.
विनिःसृष्ट [ viniḥsṛṣṭa ] [ vi-niḥ-sṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ sṛj ] ) discharged , shot off , thrown , hurled Lit. R.
विनिकषण [ vinikaṣaṇa ] [ vi-ni-kaṣaṇa ] n. (√ [ kaṣ ] ) scratching , scraping Lit. Daśar.
विनिकृ [ vinikṛ ] [ vi-ni-√ kṛ ] P. Ā. [ -karoti ] , [ -kurute ] , to act badly towards , ill-treat , offend Lit. Mn. ix , 213.
विनिकार [ vinikāra ] [ vi-nikāra ] m. offence , injury Lit. MBh.
विनिकृत [ vinikṛta ] [ vi-nikṛta ] m. f. n. ill-treated , injured , damaged Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विनिकृत् [ vinikṛt ] [ vi-ni-√ kṛt ] P. [ -kṛntati ] , to cut or hew in pieces , cut away , tear off , destroy Lit. MBh.
विनिकर्त्तव्य [ vinikarttavya ] [ vi-nikarttavya ] m. f. n. to be cut down Lit. ib.
विनिकृत्त [ vinikṛtta ] [ vi-nikṛtta ] m. f. n. cut away , torn off Lit. R.
विनिकृन्तन [ vinikṛntana ] [ vi-nikṛntana ] m. f. n. cutting in pieces , hewing down Lit. ib.
विनिकॄ [ vinikṝ ] [ vi-ni-√ kṝ ] ( only ind.p. [ -kīrya ] ) , to cast off , abandon Lit. Kum.
विनिकीर्ण [ vinikīrṇa ] [ vi-nikīrṇa ] m. f. n. thrown asunder , scattered , dispersed , broken Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
covered , filled , crowded with (instr. or comp.) Lit. R. Lit. Ragh.
विनिकोचन [ vinikocana ] [ vi-ni-kocana ] n. (√ [ kuc ] ) contraction (of the brows) Lit. Bhpr.
विनिक्ष् [ vinikṣ ] [ vi-√ nikṣ ] P. [ -nikṣati ] ( Ved. inf. [ -ní kṣe ] ) , to pierce , penetrate Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
विनिक्षण [ vinikṣaṇa ] [ vi-nikṣaṇa ] n. the act of piercing Lit. Nir. iv , 18.
विनिक्षिप् [ vinikṣip ] [ vi-ni-√ kṣip ] P. Ā. [ -kṣipati ] , [ °te ] , to throw or put down , infix , insert , fasten Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R. ; ( with [ manas ] ) to fix the mind upon (loc.) Lit. MBh. ; to deposit , entrust with Lit. ib. ; to charge with , appoint to (loc.) Lit. ib.
विनिक्षिप्त [ vinikṣipta ] [ vi-nikṣipta ] m. f. n. thrown or put down
(ifc.) placed in or under Lit. ŚārṅgP.
विनिक्षेप [ vinikṣepa ] [ vi-nikṣepa ] m. tossing , throwing , sending Lit. W.
separation , isolation ( [ guṇa-vinikṣepa-tas ] , with regard to the qualities singly or separately) Lit. Car.
विनिक्षेप्य [ vinikṣepya ] [ vi-nikṣepya ] m. f. n. to be thrown into (loc.) Lit. MBh.
विनिगद् [ vinigad ] [ vi-ni-√ gad ] P. [ -gadati ] , to speak to , address Lit. Sāh. : Pass. [ -gadyate ] , to be called or named Lit. ib.
विनिगमक [ vinigamaka ] [ vi-ni-gamaka ] m. f. n. (√ [ gam ] ) deciding between two alternatives Lit. Kap. Sch.
विनिगमना [ vinigamanā ] [ vi-ni-gamanā ] f. decision between two alternatives Lit. Śaṃk.
विनिगुह् [ viniguh ] [ vi-ni-√ guh ] P. [ -gūhati ] , to cover over , conceal , hide Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विनिगूहित [ vinigūhita ] [ vi-nigūhita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) covered , concealed , hidden Lit. VarBṛS.
विनिगूहितृ [ vinigūhitṛ ] [ vi-nigūhitṛ ] m. one who conceals , keeper (of a secret) Lit. MBh.
विनिग्रह् [ vinigrah ] [ vi-ni-√ grah ] ( only ind.p. [ -gṛhya ] ) , to lay hold of , seize , keep back , restrain , impede Lit. MBh.
विनिग्रह [ vinigraha ] [ vi-nigraha ] m. separation , division Lit. Nir.
restraining , checking , stopping , subduing , controlling Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
restriction , limitation Lit. L.
disjunction , mutual opposition , an antithesis which implies that when two propositions are antithetically stated peculiar stress is laid on one of them Lit. MW.
विनिग्रहार्थ [ vinigrahārtha ] [ vi-nigrahārtha ] m. the sense of the above antithesis Lit. ib.
विनिग्रहार्थीय [ vinigrahārthīya ] [ vi-nigrahārthīya ] m. f. n. standing in the sense of the above antithesis Lit. ib.
विनिग्राह्य [ vinigrāhya ] [ vi-nigrāhya ] m. f. n. to be stopped or restrained Lit. MBh.
विनिघूर्णित [ vinighūrṇita ] [ vi-ni-ghūrṇita ] m. f. n. (√ [ ghūrṇ ] ) moving to and fro , agitated Lit. MBh. viii , 4665 (w.r. [ vi-nicūrṇita ] ) .
विनिघ्न [ vinighna ] [ vi-nighna ] m. f. n. (√ [ han ] ) multiplied Lit. Gaṇit. ( cf. [ ni-ghna ] ) .
विनिघ्नत् [ vinighnat ] [ vi-nighnat ] see under [ vi-ni-√ han ] .
विनिज् [ vinij ] [ vi-√ nij ] ( only aor. [ vy-ánijam ] ) , to wipe off Lit. AV. x , 4 , 19.
विनिद्र [ vinidra ] [ vi-nidra ] see p. 951 , col. 1.
विनिधा [ vinidhā ] [ vi-ni-√ dhā ] P. Ā. [ -dadhāti ] , [ -dhatte ] , to put or place or lay down in different places , distribute Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. ; to put off , lay down or aside Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. ; to put by , store up Lit. VarBṛS. ; to put or place on , fix upon , direct (mind , eyes ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat. ; ( with [ hṛdi ] ) to fix in the heart , bear in mind Lit. Gīt.
विनिहित [ vinihita ] [ vi-nihita ] m. f. n. put or laid down , placed or fixed upon , directed towards (loc. or comp.) Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Gīt.
appointed to (loc.) . Lit. Hariv.
separated , turned off (see [ °tātman ] )
विनिहितदृष्टि [ vinihitadṛṣṭi ] [ vi-nihita--dṛṣṭi ] m. f. n. one who has the eyes fixed upon , eagerly looking at Lit. Mṛicch.
विनिहितमनस् [ vinihitamanas ] [ vi-nihita--manas ] m. f. n. one who has the mind fixed upon , intent upon , devoted to Lit. Gīt.
विनिहितात्मन् [ vinihitātman ] [ vi-nihitātman ] m. f. n. disagreeing (in mind) , not assenting Lit. Āpast.
विनिधृ [ vinidhṛ ] [ vi-ni-√ dhṛ ] P. [ -dhārayati ] , to fix (the eyes) upon , Lit. AmṛitUp.
विनिध्वंस् [ vinidhvaṃs ] [ vi-ni-√ dhvaṃs ] ( or [ dhvas ] ) P. Ā. [ -dhvaṃsati ] , [ °te ] , to fall to pieces , disappear , vanish (2. sg. Impv. [ -dhvaṃsa ] , begone , take thyself off) Lit. R.
विनिध्वस् [ vinidhvas ] [ vi-ni-√ dhvas ] ( or [ dhvaṃs ] ) P. Ā. [ -dhvaṃsati ] , [ °te ] , to fall to pieces , disappear , vanish (2. sg. Impv. [ -dhvaṃsa ] , begone , take thyself off) Lit. R.
विनिध्वस्त [ vinidhvasta ] [ vi-nidhvasta ] m. f. n. destroyed , ruined , struck down Lit. ib.
विनिन्द् [ vinind ] [ vi-√ nind ] ( or [ nid ] ) P. [ -nindati ] , to reproach , revile , abuse Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.
विनिद् [ vinid ] [ vi-√ nid ] ( or [ nind ] ) P. [ -nindati ] , to reproach , revile , abuse Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.
विनिन्द [ vininda ] [ vi-ninda ] m. f. n. mocking (= surpassing , exceeding) Lit. Pañcar.
[ vinindā ] f. reproach , abuse Lit. VP.
विनिन्दक [ vinindaka ] [ vi-nindaka ] m. f. n. blaming , censuring Lit. Subh.
scoffing , deriding Lit. MārkP.
mocking i.e. surpassing Lit. Gīt.
विनिपट् [ vinipaṭ ] [ vi-ni-√ paṭ ] ( only ind.p. [ -pāṭya ] ) , to split open , cleave , sever Lit. BhP.
विनिपत् [ vinipat ] [ vi-ni-√ pat ] P. [ -patati ] , to fall down , fall in or into (loc.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Sāh. ; to flow down , alight upon (loc.) Lit. Hariv. ; to fall upon , attack , assail Lit. Kathās. : Caus. [ -pātayati ] (Pass. [ -pātyate ] ) , to cause to fall down , strike off (a man's head) Lit. MBh. ; to throw down , kill , destroy , annihilate Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
विनिपतित [ vinipatita ] [ vi-nipatita ] m. f. n. fallen or flown down Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
विनिपात [ vinipāta ] [ vi-nipāta ] m. falling down , falling Lit. L.
a great fall , ruin , loss , calamity Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
death Lit. Hcar.
frustration Lit. Subh.
failure (see [ a-vin ] )
विनिपातगत [ vinipātagata ] [ vi-nipāta--gata ] m. f. n. fallen into misfortune Lit. R.
विनिपातप्रतिक्रिया [ vinipātapratikriyā ] [ vi-nipāta--pratikriyā ] f. ( Lit. Kathās.) a remedy against misfortune
विनिपातप्रतीकार [ vinipātapratīkāra ] [ vi-nipāta--pratīkāra ] m. ( Lit. Pañcat.) a remedy against misfortune
विनिपातशंसिन् [ vinipātaśaṃsin ] [ vi-nipāta--śaṃsin ] m. f. n. announcing misfortune or destruction , portentous Lit. W.
विनिपातक [ vinipātaka ] [ vi-nipātaka ] m. f. n. throwing down , causing to fall , destroying Lit. MBh.
विनिपातन [ vinipātana ] [ vi-nipātana ] n. causing miscarriage Lit. Harav.
विनिपातित [ vinipātita ] [ vi-nipātita ] m. f. n. thrown down , killed , destroyed Lit. R.
विनिपातिन् [ vinipātin ] [ vi-nipātin ] see [ a-vin ] .
विनिपीड् [ vinipīḍ ] [ vi-ni-√ pīḍ ] Caus. [ -pīḍayati ] , to torment , harass , annoy Lit. MBh. vi , 3515 (ind.p. [ vinipīḍya ] , with v.l. [ ca nipīḍya ] ) .
विनिबन्ध [ vinibandha ] [ vi-ni-bandha ] m. (√ [ bandh ] ) the being attached or attachment to anything Lit. Buddh.
विनिबर्हण [ vinibarhaṇa ] [ vi-ni-barhaṇa ] m. f. n. (√ 1. [ bṛh ] ) throwing down , crushing Lit. MBh.
विनिबर्हिन् [ vinibarhin ] [ vi-nibarhin ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
विनिमग्न [ vinimagna ] [ vi-ni-magna ] m. f. n. (√ [ majj ] ) dived under , bathed or immersed in (loc.) Lit. BhP.
विनिमय [ vinimaya ] [ vi-ni-maya ] m. (√ [ me ] ) exchange , barter ( [ ena ] , alternately) Lit. Āpast. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
mutual engagement , reciprocity (see [ kārya-vin ] )
a pledge , deposit , security Lit. L.
transmutation (of letters) Lit. MW.
विनिमीलन [ vinimīlana ] [ vi-ni-mīlana ] n. (√ [ mīl ] ) shutting , closure (of a flower , of the eyes ) , Lit. Ratnāv. Lit. Dharmaś.
विनिमीलित [ vinimīlita ] [ vi-nimīlita ] m. f. n. closed , shut
विनिमीलितेक्षण [ vinimīlitekṣaṇa ] [ vi-nimīlitekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. having the eyes closed Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Lit. Kathās.
विनिमेष [ vinimeṣa ] [ vi-ni-meṣa ] m. (√ [ miṣ ] ) winking or twinkling of the eyes , a wink , sign Lit. Kir.
विनिमेषण [ vinimeṣaṇa ] [ vi-nimeṣaṇa ] n. id. Lit. ib.
विनियम् [ viniyam ] [ vi-ni-√ yam ] P. [ -yacchati ] , to restrain , check , control , keep in check , regulate Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to draw in , withdraw Lit. MBh. ; to keep off Lit. ib. Lit. Kir.
विनियत [ viniyata ] [ vi-niyata ] m. f. n. restrained , checked , regulated Lit. Bhag.
retrenched , limited Lit. R. (see comp.)
विनियतचेतस् [ viniyatacetas ] [ vi-niyata--cetas ] m. f. n. one who has a controlled or regulated mind Lit. MārkP.
विनियताहार [ viniyatāhāra ] [ vi-niyatāhāra ] m. f. n. moderate in food or diet , abstemious Lit. R.
विनियम [ viniyama ] [ vi-niyama ] m. limitation , restriction to (loc.) Lit. MBh.
restraint , government Lit. W.
विनियम्य [ viniyamya ] [ vi-niyamya ] m. f. n. to be restricted or limited Lit. Pat.
विनियुज् [ viniyuj ] [ vi-ni-√ yuj ] Ā. [ -yuṅkte ] ( rarely P. [ -yunakti ] ; cf. Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 64) , to unyoke , disjoin , loose , detach , separate Lit. MBh. ; to discharge (an arrow) at (loc.) Lit. R. ; to assign , commit , appoint to , charge or entrust with , destine for (dat. loc. , or [ artham ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. (with [ sakhye ] , to chose for a friend) ; to apply , use , employ Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Car. ; to eat Lit. Dhūrtas. : Pass. [ -yujyate ] , to be unyoked ; to fall to pieces , decay Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -yojayati ] , to appoint or assign to , commit to (loc. , or [ arthāya ] , or [ ártham ] ) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Hariv. ; to entrust anything (acc.) to (loc.) Lit. Mn. vii , 226 ; to offer or present , anything (acc.) to (dat.) Lit. Pañcar. ; to use , employ Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. Car. ; to perform Lit. Pañcar.
विनियुक्त [ viniyukta ] [ vi-niyukta ] m. f. n. unyoked , disjoined
appointed to , destined for (loc.) Lit. Sarvad.
enjoined , commanded Lit. MW.
विनियुक्तात्मन् [ viniyuktātman ] [ vi-niyuktātman ] m. f. n. one who has his mind fixed on or directed towards Lit. Kum.
विनियोक्तव्य [ viniyoktavya ] [ vi-niyoktavya ] m. f. n. to be appointed to or employed in Lit. W.
to be enjoined or commanded Lit. MW.
विनियोक्तृ [ viniyoktṛ ] [ vi-niyoktṛ ] m. f. n. one who appoints
appointer to (loc.) , employer Lit. MBh. Lit. Kām.
[ viniyoktṛ ] m. f. n. containing the special disposition of anything Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
विनियोग [ viniyoga ] [ vi-niyoga ] m. apportionment , distribution , division Lit. Nir.
appointment to (loc.) , commission , charge , duty , task , occupation Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
employment , use , application (esp. of a verse in ritual) Lit. TĀr. Lit. Hariv.
relation , correlation Lit. VPrāt. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 61
= [ adhikāra ] , " governing rule " Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 11
separation , abandonment Lit. W.
impediment Lit. ib.
विनियोगमाला [ viniyogamālā ] [ vi-niyoga--mālā ] f. N. of wk.
विनियोगसंग्रह [ viniyogasaṃgraha ] [ vi-niyoga--saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
विनियोगसत्क्रिया [ viniyogasatkriyā ] [ vi-niyoga--satkriyā ] f. N. of wk.
विनियोजित [ viniyojita ] [ vi-niyojita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) appointed or directed or applied to , destined for , chosen as ( with loc. , [ artham ] or [ arthāya ] ) Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. ( [ paśu-tve ] , destined for a sacrificial victim ; [ adhipati-tve ] , appointed to the sovereignty)
commissioned , charged , deputed Lit. R.
विनियोज्य [ viniyojya ] [ vi-niyojya ] m. f. n. to be applied or used or employed Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
विनिरोधिन् [ vinirodhin ] [ vi-ni-rodhin ] m. f. n. (√ [ rudh ] ) checking , obstructing Lit. Harav.
विनिर्गम् [ vinirgam ] [ vi-nir-√ gam ] P. [ -gacchati ] , to go out or away , depart or escape from (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to be beside one's self Lit. BhP.
विनिर्गत [ vinirgata ] [ vi-nirgata ] m. f. n. gone out , come forth , issued Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.
liberated or freed from (abl.) Lit. Mn. viii , 65.
विनिर्गति [ vinirgati ] [ vi-nirgati ] f. coming forth , issuing Lit. Car.
विनिर्गम [ vinirgama ] [ vi-nirgama ] m. going out , departure from (abl.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
being spread or divulged , spreading abroad Lit. MārkP.
the last of the three divisions of an astrological house Lit. VarBṛS.
विनिर्घोष [ vinirghoṣa ] [ vi-nir-ghoṣa ] m. (√ [ ghuṣ ] ) sound Lit. MBh.
विनिर्जि [ vinirji ] [ vi-nir-√ ji ] P. [ -jayati ] , to conquer completely , win Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to vanquish , defeat , overpower , subdue Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
विनिर्जय [ vinirjaya ] [ vi-nirjaya ] m. complete victory , conquest Lit. MBh.
विनिर्जित [ vinirjita ] [ vi-nirjita ] m. f. n. entirely conquered , subdued , won Lit. ib. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
विनिर्ज्ञा [ vinirjñā ] [ vi-nir-√ jñā ] ( only Pass. [ -jñāyate ] ) , to distinguish , discern , find out Lit. ŚBr.
विनिर्णी [ vinirṇī ] [ vi-nir-ṇī ] ( Preverb. [ √ nī ] ; only ind.p. [ -ṇīya ] ) , to decide or determine clearly Lit. BhP.
विनिर्णय [ vinirṇaya ] [ vi-nirṇaya ] m. complete settlement or decision , certainty , a settled rule Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
विनिर्दह् [ vinirdah ] [ vi-nir-√ dah ] P. [ -dahati ] , to burn completely , consume by fire , destroy Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
विनिर्दग्ध [ vinirdagdha ] [ vi-nirdagdha ] m. f. n. completely burned up or consumed , utterly destroyed Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
विनिर्दहन [ vinirdahana ] [ vi-nirdahana ] n. the act of burning or destroying utterly Lit. MW.
[ vinirdahanī ] f. a partic. remedy Lit. Suśr.
विनिर्दिश् [ vinirdiś ] [ vi-nir-√ diś ] P. [ -diśati ] , to assign , destine for (loc.) Lit. BhP. ; to point out , indicate , state , declare , designate as ( two acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Suśr. ; to announce , proclaim Lit. Yājñ. Lit. VarBṛS. ; to determine , resolve , fix upon Lit. MBh.
विनिर्दिष्ट [ vinirdiṣṭa ] [ vi-nirdiṣṭa ] m. f. n. pointed out
charged or entrusted with (loc.) Lit. R.
विनिर्धू [ vinirdhū ] [ vi-nir-√ dhū ] ( only ind.p. [ -dhūya ] ) , to shake off , drive or blow away , scatter Lit. R. ; to shake about , agitate Lit. ib. ; to reject , repudiate Lit. Vcar.
विनिर्धुत [ vinirdhuta ] [ vi-nirdhuta ] m. f. n. shaken off or about , tossed , agitated Lit. ib.
विनिर्धूत [ vinirdhūta ] [ vi-nirdhūta ] m. f. n. shaken off Lit. BhP.
driven away Lit. MBh.
विनिर्बन्ध [ vinirbandha ] [ vi-nir-bandha ] m. (√ [ bandh ] ) persistence or perseverance in (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.
विनिर्बाहु [ vinirbāhu ] [ vi-nirbāhu ] [ vi-nirbhaya ] see p. 951 , col. 1.
विनिर्भग्न [ vinirbhagna ] [ vi-nir-bhagna ] m. f. n. (√ [ bhañj ] ) broken asunder , broken down Lit. MBh.
विनिर्भग्ननयन [ vinirbhagnanayana ] [ vi-nir-bhagna--nayana ] m. f. n. one who has his eyes dashed out Lit. R.
विनिर्भर्त्स् [ vinirbharts ] [ vi-nir-√ bharts ] ( only ind.p. [ -bhartsya ] ) , to threaten or revile Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
विनिर्भिद् [ vinirbhid ] [ vi-nir-√ bhid ] ( only ind.p. [ -bhidya ] ) , to split asunder , pierce , shoot through Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
विनिर्भिन्न [ vinirbhinna ] [ vi-nirbhinna ] m. f. n. split asunder , cleft , opened , pierced Lit. MBh. Lit. Daś. Lit. BhP.
विनिर्भुज् [ vinirbhuj ] [ vi-nir-√ bhuj ] ( only ind.p. [ -bhujya ] ) , to bend or turn on one side Lit. Suśr.
विनिर्भोग [ vinirbhoga ] [ vi-nir-bhoga ] m. ( prob. fr. √ 3. [ bhuj ] ) N. of a partic. cosmic period Lit. Buddh.
विनिर्मथ् [ vinirmath ] [ vi-nir-√ math ] ( or [ manth ] ; only ind.p. [ -mathya ] ) , to churn out Lit. Suśr. ; to crush , annihilate Lit. Kathās. ( 970,3 )
विनिर्मा [ vinirmā ] [ vi-nir-√ mā ] ( only pf. [ -mame ] , with act. and pass. meaning) , to fabricate , create , fashion , form , build , construct out of (instr. or abl.) Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Lit. Kathās.
विनिर्माण [ vinirmāṇa ] [ vi-nirmāṇa ] n. meting out , measuring Lit. MBh.
building , forming , creating (ifc. made of formed according to) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Pañcar.
विनिर्मातृ [ vinirmātṛ ] [ vi-nirmātṛ ] m. a maker , builder , creator Lit. MBh.
विनिर्मित [ vinirmita ] [ vi-nirmita ] m. f. n. formed , created , constructed , built , prepared , made from or fashioned out of (abl. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
laid out (as a garden) Lit. Kathās.
fixed , appointed , destined to be (nom.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
kept , celebrated , observed (as a feast) Lit. R.
विनिर्मिति [ vinirmiti ] [ vi-nirmiti ] f. formation , building , creation Lit. Hcat.
विनिर्मित्सु [ vinirmitsu ] [ vi-nirmitsu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid.) wishing to form or create Lit. Kpr.
विनिर्मुच् [ vinirmuc ] [ vi-nir-√ muc ] P. [ -muñcati ] ( only ind.p. [ -mucya ] ) , to abandon , relinquish (the body i.e. to die) Lit. Hariv. : Pass. [ -mucyate ] , to be liberated or set free , be delivered from , be rid of (instr.) Lit. PraśnUp.
विनिर्मुक्त [ vinirmukta ] [ vi-nirmukta ] m. f. n. liberated , escaped , free or exempt from (instr. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Suśr.
discharged , shot off , hurled Lit. R.
विनिर्मुक्ति [ vinirmukti ] [ vi-nirmukti ] f. (ifc.) liberation Lit. W.
विनिर्मोक्ष [ vinirmokṣa ] [ vi-nir-mokṣa ] m. (√ [ mokṣ ] ) emancipation , liberation , release from (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
exclusion , exemption Lit. L.
विनिर्यत् [ viniryat ] [ vi-nir-yat ] m. f. n. (√ 5. [ i ] ) going forth , issuing Lit. W.
विनिर्या [ viniryā ] [ vi-nir-√ yā ] P. [ -yāti ] , to go forth , go out , issue , set out Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विनिर्याण [ viniryāṇa ] [ vi-niryāṇa ] n. the act of going forth , setting out Lit. R.
विनिर्यात [ viniryāta ] [ vi-niryāta ] m. f. n. gone forth or out , set out Lit. W.
विनिर्युज् [ viniryuj ] [ vi-nir-√ yuj ] ( only fut. [ -yokṣyāmi ] ) , to discharge , shoot off Lit. R. ii , 23 , 37 (B. [ vi-ni-yokṣyāmi ] ) .
विनिर्लिख् [ vinirlikh ] [ vi-nir-√ likh ] P. [ -likhati ] , to make incisions in , scarify Lit. Suśr. ; to scratch or scrape off , free from dirt Lit. Car.
विनिर्वम् [ vinirvam ] [ vi-nir-√ vam ] P. [ -vamati ] , to vomit or spit out Lit. R.
विनिर्वर्ण् [ vinirvarṇ ] [ vi-nir-√ varṇ ] ( only ind.p. [ -varṇya ] ) , to look closely at , contemplate Lit. Śak. v , 17/18 (v.l. for [ nir-varṇya ] ) .
विनिर्वृत्त [ vinirvṛtta ] [ vi-nir-vṛtta ] m. f. n. (√ [ vṛt ] ) proceeded , come forth , issued from (abl.) Lit. R.
completed , finished Lit. Yājñ. ii , 31.
विनिर्हत [ vinirhata ] [ vi-ní r-hata ] m. f. n. (√ [ han ] ) completely destroyed Lit. AV.
विनिर्हृ [ vinirhṛ ] [ vi-nir-√ hṛ ] P. Ā. [ -harati ] , [ °te ] , to take out , extract Lit. Suśr. ; to remove , destroy Lit. MBh.
विनिविद् [ vinivid ] [ vi-ni-√ vid ] Caus. [ -vedayati ] , to make known , announce , inform , report Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. ; to offer , present Lit. Hcat.
विनिवेदन [ vinivedana ] [ vi-nivedana ] n. the act of announcing , announcement Lit. Kathās.
विनिवेदित [ vinivedita ] [ vi-nivedita ] m. f. n. made known , announced Lit. MBh.
विनिविश् [ viniviś ] [ vi-ni-√ viś ] Caus. [ -veśayati ] , to cause to enter into , set down or place in , put on Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat. ; to apply Lit. Kāv. ; to appoint to , institute or instal in (loc.) Lit. MBh. ; to fix (the eyes or thoughts) upon (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to fix or erect (a statue) Lit. Rājat. ; to establish or found (a city) Lit. Kum. ; to draw up in array (as troops) Lit. MBh. ; ( with [ kare ] ) to place in tribute , make tributary Lit. MBh. ; ( with [ hṛdaye ] ) to impress on the heart Lit. Rājat.
विनिविष्ट [ viniviṣṭa ] [ vi-niviṣṭa ] m. f. n. dwelling or residing in (comp.) Lit. VarBṛS.
occurring in (loc.) Lit. Sāh.
placed on or in (loc.) Lit. Kām.
drawn on (loc.) Lit. R.
laid out (as tanks) Lit. MBh.
divided i.e. various or different Lit. Lāṭy. Sch.
विनिवेश [ viniveśa ] [ vi-niveśa ] m. putting down , placing upon Lit. Śiś. Lit. Gīt.
an impression (as of the fingers ) Lit. Śak.
putting down (in a book) i.e. mentioning Lit. Sarvad.
suitable apportionment or disposition Lit. ŚrS. Sch.
entrance , settling down Lit. MW.
विनिवेशन [ viniveśana ] [ vi-niveśana ] n. setting down Lit. Dharmaś.
raising , erection , building Lit. Rājat.
arrangement , disposition Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
impressing Lit. Yogas. Sch.
विनिवेशित [ viniveśita ] [ vi-niveśita ] m. f. n. raised , erected , built Lit. Rājat.
placed or fixed in or on (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विनिवृ [ vinivṛ ] [ vi-ni-√ vṛ ] Caus. [ -vārayati ] (Pass. [ -vāryate ] ) , to keep or ward off , check , prevent , suppress Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to prohibit , forbid Lit. Rājat. ; to remove , destroy Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to dismiss (a minister) , depose (a king) Lit. Rājat.
विनिवारण [ vinivāraṇa ] [ vi-nivāraṇa ] n. keeping off , restraining Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
विनिवारित [ vinivārita ] [ vi-nivārita ] m. f. n. kept off , prevented , hindered , opposed Lit. W.
screened , covered Lit. ib.
विनिवार्य [ vinivārya ] [ vi-nivārya ] m. f. n. to be removed or supplanted Lit. Rājat.
विनिवृत् [ vinivṛt ] [ vi-ni-√ vṛt ] Ā. [ -vartate ] , to turn back , return Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to turn away , desist or cease from (abl.) Lit. ib. ; to cease , end , disappear Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to be extinguished (as fire) Lit. Yājñ. ; to be omitted Lit. Lāṭy. : Caus. [ -vartayati ] , to cause to return , call or lead back from (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to cause to cease or desist from (abl.) Lit. R. Lit. MārkP. ; to draw back (a missile) Lit. MBh. ; to avert , divert (the gaze) Lit. R. Lit. Mālav. ; to give up , abandon Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to cause to cease , remove Lit. R. ; to render ineffective , annul (a curse , fraudulent transactions ) Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
विनिवर्तक [ vinivartaka ] [ vi-nivartaka ] m. f. n. reversing , annulling Lit. TPrāt.
विनिवर्तन [ vinivartana ] [ vi-nivartana ] n. turning back , return Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
coming to an end , cessation Lit. Daśar. Sch.
विनिवर्ति [ vinivarti ] [ vi-nivarti ] f. ceasing , cessation Lit. DivyA7v.
विनिवर्तित [ vinivartita ] [ vi-nivartita ] m. f. n. caused to turn back or to desist from anything Lit. MBh.
turned away , averted Lit. Mālav.
विनिवर्तिन् [ vinivartin ] [ vi-nivartin ] see [ a-vinivartin ] .
विनिवृत्त [ vinivṛtta ] [ vi-nivṛtta ] m. f. n. turned back , returned , retired , withdrawn Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R.
turned away or averted or adverse from , (abl. or comp.) Lit. R. Lit. MārkP.
(ifc.) freed from Lit. MBh.
desisting from (abl.) , having abandoned or given up Lit. R., disappeared , ended , ceased to be Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
विनिवृत्तकाम [ vinivṛttakāma ] [ vi-nivṛtta--kāma ] m. f. n. one whose desires have ceased , foiled in one's wishes Lit. Bhag.
विनिवृत्तशाप [ vinivṛttaśāpa ] [ vi-nivṛtta--śāpa ] m. f. n. freed from (the evil effects of) a curse Lit. Kathās.
विनिवृत्ति [ vinivṛtti ] [ vi-nivṛtti ] f. cessation , coming to an end Lit. Mn. Lit. Hariv.
omission , discontinuance Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. Car.
विनिवृत्ति [ vinivṛtti ] [ vi-nivṛtti ] cessation of work, inactivity, Lit. Bcar.
विनिशम् [ viniśam ] [ vi-ni-√ śam ] ( only ind.p. [ -śamya ] ) , to hear , learn Lit. MBh.
विनिश्चर् [ viniścar ] [ vi-niś-√ car ] P. [ -carati ] , to go forth in all directions Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
विनिश्चि [ viniści ] [ vi-niś-√ ci ] ( only ind.p. [ -citya ] ) , to debate about , deliberate , consider Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to determine , resolve , decide Lit. BhP.
विनिश्चय [ viniścaya ] [ vi-niścaya ] m. deciding , settling , ascertainment , settled opinion , decision , firm resolve regarding (gen. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( [ aṅga-v ] , the fixing or settling of a horoscope Lit. MW.)
विनिश्चयज्ञ [ viniścayajña ] [ vi-niścaya--jña ] m. f. n. knowing the certainty of anything Lit. MBh.
विनिश्चायिन् [ viniścāyin ] [ vi-niścāyin ] m. f. n. settling finally , deciding Lit. Sarvad.
विनिश्चित [ viniścita ] [ vi-niścita ] m. f. n. firmly resolved upon (comp.) Lit. MBh.
ascertained , determined , settled , certain Lit. ib. Lit. R.
[ viniścitam ] ind. most certainly , decidedly Lit. Amar.
विनिश्चितार्थ [ viniścitārtha ] [ vi-niścitārtha ] m. f. n. having a decided meaning Lit. Bhartṛ.
विनिश्वस् [ viniśvas ] [ vi-ni-√ śvas ] ( cf. [ vi-niḥ-√ śvas ] ) P. [ -śvasita ] , to breathe hard , snort , hiss Lit. R. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to sigh deeply Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विनिश्वसित [ viniśvasita ] [ vi-niśvasita ] n. exhalation Lit. Jātakam.
विनिषद् [ viniṣad ] [ vi-ni-ṣad ] ( Preverb. [ √ sad ] ) P. [ -ṣīdati ] to sit down separately.
विनिषूदित [ viniṣūdita ] [ vi-ni-ṣūdita ] m. f. n. (√ [ sūd ] ) destroyed utterly Lit. MBh. (C. [ -sūdita ] ) .
विनिष्कम्प [ viniṣkampa ] [ vi-niṣkampa ] [ vi-niṣkriya ] see p. 951 , col. 1.
विनिष्कृ [ viniṣkṛ ] [ vi-niṣ-√ kṛ ] Caus. [ -kārayati ] , to cause to be mended or repaired Lit. Kauś.
विनिष्क्रम् [ viniṣkram ] [ vi-niṣ-√ kram ] P. Ā. [ -krāmati ] , [ -kramate ] (ind.p. [ -kramya ] ) , to step forth , go out , issue from (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विनिष्क्रान्त [ viniṣkrānta ] [ vi-niṣkrānta ] m. f. n. gone forth , come out Lit. MBh.
विनिष्टन् [ viniṣṭan ] [ vi-ni-ṣṭan ] Preverb. ( prob. for [ vi-niḥ-ṣṭan ] ; [ ṣṭan ] = [ √ stan ] ) P. [ -ṣṭanati ] , to groan loudly Lit. Car.
विनिष्टप्त [ viniṣṭapta ] [ vi-niṣ-ṭapta ] m. f. n. (√ [ tap ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 102) well roasted or fried Lit. R.
विनिष्ठिव् [ viniṣṭhiv ] [ vi-ni-√ ṣṭhiv ] P. [ -ṣṭhīvati ] , or [ °vyati ] , to spit out Lit. Suśr.
विनिष्पट् [ viniṣpaṭ ] [ vi-niṣ-√ paṭ ] P. [ -pāṭayati ] to split or cleave asunder Lit. BhP.
विनिष्पत् [ viniṣpat ] [ vi-niṣ-√ pat ] P. [ -patati ] , to fall out of , fly forth from , rush forth , issue Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to fly or run away Lit. Mn. vii , 106 ( Lit. Kull. " to double or flee or move crookedly , as a hare " ) .
विनिष्पतित [ viniṣpatita ] [ vi-niṣpatita ] m. f. n. rushed forth , lept out Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विनिष्पात [ viniṣpāta ] [ vi-niṣpāta ] m. rushing forth or out , pushing on ( [ muṣṭi-vi-niṣ ] , a blow with the fist) Lit. BhP.
विनिष्पाद्य [ viniṣpādya ] [ vi-niṣ-pādya ] m. f. n. (√ [ pad ] ) to be accomplished or effected Lit. MārkP.
विनिष्पिष् [ viniṣpiṣ ] [ vi-niṣ-√ piṣ ] P. [ -pinaṣṭi ] , to grind to pieces , crush , bruise Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; ( [ pāṇau pāṇim ] ) , to rub the hands together Lit. MBh.
विनिष्पिष्ट [ viniṣpiṣṭa ] [ vi-niṣpiṣṭa ] m. f. n. ground down , crushed into powder , smashed Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
विनिष्पेष [ viniṣpeṣa ] [ vi-niṣpeṣa ] m. grinding to pieces , rubbing together , friction Lit. MBh.
विनिष्पीड् [ viniṣpīḍ ] [ vi-niṣ-√ pīḍ ] P. [ pīḍayati ] , to squeeze out Lit. Suśr.
विनिसूद् [ vinisūd ] [ vi-ni-√ sūd ] see [ vi-ni-ṣūdita ] .
विनिसृत [ vinisṛta ] [ vi-ni-sṛta ] see [ vi-niḥ-sṛta ] .
विनिस्तप् [ vinistap ] [ vi-nis-tap ] see [ vi-niṣ-ṭapta ] .
विनिस्मृत [ vinismṛta ] [ vi-ni-smṛta ] m. f. n. (√ [ smṛ ] ) recorded , mentioned Lit. Pañcar.
विनिहन् [ vinihan ] [ vi-ni-√ han ] P. [ -hanti ] , to strike down , slay , slaughter , kill , destroy Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विनिघ्नत् [ vinighnat ] [ vi-nighnat ] m. f. n. striking down , destroying Lit. R.
विनिहत [ vinihata ] [ vi-nihata ] m. f. n. struck down
dispelled (as darkness) Lit. MBh.
disregarded (as a command) Lit. R.
afflicted , distressed (as the mind) Lit. MBh.
[ vinihata ] m. a great or unavoidable calamity , infliction caused by fate or heaven Lit. W.
a portent , comet , meteor Lit. ib.
विनिह्नु [ vinihnu ] [ vi-ni-√ hnu ] P. [ -hnauti ] , to deny , disown Lit. MBh. xiii , 5521 (w.r. [ hnoti ] ) .
विनिह्नुत [ vinihnuta ] [ vini-hnuta ] m. f. n. denied , disowned , hidden , concealed Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
विनी [ vinī ] [ vi-√ nī ] P. Ā. [ -nayati ] , [ °te ] , to lead or take away , remove , avert Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to throw off , drive away , dispel , expel (a disease) Lit. Car. ; (Ā.) to elicit , draw from (abl.) Lit. RV. ; to stir up (the Soma) Lit. RV. ; to part (the hair) Lit. GṛŚrS. ; to stretch , extend Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Lit. R. ; to train , tame , guide (horses) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to educate , instruct , direct Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to chastise , punish Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Kum. ; to induce , lead or cause to (inf.) Lit. RV. i , 1 , 64 , 6 ; to spend , pass (time) Lit. Gīt. ; to perform , accomplish Lit. MBh. ; (Ā.) to pay off , restore (a debt) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 36 ; to expand (esp. for religious purposes) Lit. ib. Sch. ; to get rid of. give up , cease from (anger) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 37 : Desid. Lit. A. [ -ninīṣate ] , to wish to get rid of or give up (egoism) Lit. ŚāṅkhSr.
विनय [ vinaya ] [ vi-nayá ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see p.969) leading away or asunder , separating Lit. RV. ii , 24 , 9
cast , thrown Lit. L.
secret Lit. L.
[ vinaya ] m. taking away , removal , withdrawal Lit. Śiś. x , 42
leading , guidance , training (esp. moral training) , education , discipline , control Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
(with Buddhists) the rules of discipline for monks Lit. MWB. 55
good breeding , propriety of conduct , decency , modesty , mildness Lit. ib. (in the Purāṇas sometimes personified as son of Kriyā or of Lajjā)
an office , business Lit. Śiś. xi , 36
N. of a son of Sudyumna Lit. MārkP.
a man of subdued senses Lit. L.
a merchant , trader Lit. L.
विनयकर्मन् [ vinayakarman ] [ vi-nayá--karman ]2 n. instruction Lit. Ragh.
विनयक्षुद्रक [ vinayakṣudraka ] [ vi-nayá--kṣudraka ]2 n. N. of a Buddhist wk.
विनयक्षुद्रकवस्तु [ vinayakṣudrakavastu ] [ vi-nayá--kṣudraka-vastu ]2 n. N. of a Buddhist wk.
विनयग्राहिन् [ vinayagrāhin ] [ vi-nayá--grāhin ]2 m. f. n. conforming to rules of discipline , compliant , tractable Lit. L.
[ vinayagrāhin ] m. an elephant which obeys orders Lit. L.
विनयज्योतिस् [ vinayajyotis ] [ vi-nayá--jyotis ]2 m. (?) N. of a Muni Lit. Kathās.
विनयता [ vinayatā ] [ vi-nayá--tā ]2 f. good behaviour
modesty Lit. Cāṇ.
विनयदत्त [ vinayadatta ] [ vi-nayá--datta ]2 m. N. of a man Lit. Mṛicch.
विनयदेव [ vinayadeva ] [ vi-nayá--deva ]2 m. N. of a teacher Lit. Buddh.
N. of a poet Lit. Sadukt.
विनयनन्दिन् [ vinayanandin ] [ vi-nayá--nandin ]2 m. N. of the leader of a Jaina sect Lit. Inscr.
विनयंधर [ vinayaṃdhara ] [ vi-nayá--ṃ-dhara ]2 m. N. of a chamberlain Lit. Veṇis.
विनयपत्त्र [ vinayapattra ] [ vi-nayá--pattra ]2 n. = [ -sūtra ] (below) Lit. Buddh.
विनयपिटक [ vinayapiṭaka ] [ vi-nayá--piṭaka ]2 m. " basket of discipline " , (with Buddhists) the collection of treatises on discipline ( cf. above )
विनयप्रधान [ vinayapradhāna ] [ vi-nayá--pradhāna ]2 m. f. n. having humility pre-eminent , of which modesty is chief. Lit. MW.
विनयप्रमाथिन् [ vinayapramāthin ] [ vi-nayá--pramāthin ]2 m. f. n. violating propriety , behaving ill or improperly Lit. W.
विनयभाज् [ vinayabhāj ] [ vi-nayá--bhāj ]2 m. f. n. possessing propriety or modesty Lit. ib.
विनयमय [ vinayamaya ] [ vi-nayá--maya ]2 m. f. n. consisting of propriety Lit. Kād.
विनययोगिन् [ vinayayogin ] [ vi-nayá--yogin ]2 m. f. n. possessing humility Lit. MW.
विनयराम [ vinayarāma ] [ vi-nayá--rāma ]2 m. = [ -sundara ] Lit. Cat.
विनयवत् [ vinayavat ] [ vi-nayá--vat ]2 m. f. n. well-behaved ( in [ a-vin ] ) Lit. Vet.
[ vinayavatī ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Kathās. Lit. Daś. Lit. Pañcat.
विनयवल्ली [ vinayavallī ] [ vi-nayá--vallī ]2 f. N. of wk.
विनयवस्तु [ vinayavastu ] [ vi-nayá--vastu ]2 n. (with Buddhists) N. of a section of the works which treat of Vinaya ( q.v.)
विनयवाच् [ vinayavāc ] [ vi-nayá--vāc ]2 m. f. n. speaking modestly Lit. W.
[ vinayavāc ] f. modest speech Lit. ib.
विनयविजय [ vinayavijaya ] [ vi-nayá--vijaya ]2 m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
विनयविभङ्ग [ vinayavibhaṅga ] [ vi-nayá--vibhaṅga ]2 m. N. of wk.
विनयविभाषाशास्त्र [ vinayavibhāṣāśāstra ] [ vi-nayá--vibhāṣā-śāstra ]2 n. N. of a Buddhist wk.
विनयश्री [ vinayaśrī ] [ vi-nayá--śrī ]2 f. N. of a woman Lit. HPariś.
विनयसागर [ vinayasāgara ] [ vi-nayá--sāgara ]2 m. N. of author Lit. Cat.
विनयसुन्दर [ vinayasundara ] [ vi-nayá--sundara ]2 m. N. of author Lit. Cat.
विनयसूत्र [ vinayasūtra ] [ vi-nayá--sūtra ]2 n. (with Buddhists) the Sūtra treating of discipline ( cf. above )
विनयस्थ [ vinayastha ] [ vi-nayá--stha ]2 m. f. n. conforming to discipline , compliant , tractable Lit. L.
विनयस्वामिनी [ vinayasvāminī ] [ vi-nayá--svāminī ]2 f. N. of a woman Lit. Kathās.
विनयादित्य [ vinayāditya ] [ vi-nayāditya ]2 m. N. of Jayâpīḍa , Lit. Rājat.
N. of a king of the race of the Cālukyas Lit. Inscr.
विनयादित्यपुर [ vinayādityapura ] [ vi-nayāditya-pura ]2 n. N. of a town built by Jayâpīḍa Lit. Rājat.
विनयादिधर [ vinayādidhara ] [ vi-nayādi-dhara ]2 m. (i.e. [ vinaya-dh ] ) N. of a man Lit. Kāv.
विनयान्वित [ vinayānvita ] [ vi-nayānvita ]2 m. f. n. endowed with modesty , humble Lit. L.
विनयावनत [ vinayāvanata ] [ vi-nayāvanata ]2 m. f. n. bending down modestly , bowing low with modesty Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
विनयोक्ति [ vinayokti ] [ vi-nayokti ]2 f. pl. modest speech Lit. Bālar.
विनयन [ vinayana ] [ vi-nayana ] m. f. n. taking away , removing Lit. MBh. Lit. Megh.
[ vinayana ] n. the act of taming or training , education , instruction Lit. Daś.
विनायक [ vināyaka ] [ vi-nāyaka ] m. f. n. taking away , removing Lit. MW.
[ vināyaka ] m. " Remover (of obstacles) " , N. of Gaṇêśa Lit. Yājñ. Lit. VarBṛS.
a leader , guide Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a Guru or spiritual preceptor Lit. L.
a Buddha Lit. L.
N. of Garuḍa Lit. L.
an obstacle , impediment Lit. L.
= [ anātha ] (?) Lit. L.
N. of various authors Lit. Cat.
m. pl. a partic. class of demons Lit. MānGṛ. Lit. MBh.
m. pl. N. of partic. formulas recited over weapons Lit. R.
विनायकचतुर्थी [ vināyakacaturthī ] [ vi-nāyaka--caturthī ] f. the fourth day of the festival in honour of Gaṇêśa Lit. Cat.
विनायकचतुर्थीव्रत [ vināyakacaturthīvrata ] [ vi-nāyaka--caturthī-vrata ] n. N. of wk.
विनायकचरित [ vināyakacarita ] [ vi-nāyaka--carita ] n. N. of the 73rd ch. of the Krīḍā-khaṇḍa or 2nd part of the Gaṇêśa-Purāṇa.
विनायकद्वादशनामस्तोत्र [ vināyakadvādaśanāmastotra ] [ vi-nāyaka--dvādaśa-nāma-stotra ] n. N. of wk.
विनायकपण्डित [ vināyakapaṇḍita ] [ vi-nāyaka--paṇḍita ] m. N. of a poet Lit. ŚārṅgP.
= [ nanda-paṇḍ ] Lit. Cat.
विनायकपुराण [ vināyakapurāṇa ] [ vi-nāyaka--purāṇa ] n. N. of wk.
विनायकपूजाविधि [ vināyakapūjāvidhi ] [ vi-nāyaka--pūjā-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
विनायकभट्ट [ vināyakabhaṭṭa ] [ vi-nāyaka--bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of various authors Lit. Cat.
विनायकभोजनवर्णना [ vināyakabhojanavarṇanā ] [ vi-nāyaka--bhojana-varṇanā ] f. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकमाहात्म्य [ vināyakamāhātmya ] [ vi-nāyaka--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकव्रतकल्प [ vināyakavratakalpa ] [ vi-nāyaka--vrata-kalpa ] m. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकव्रतपूजा [ vināyakavratapūjā ] [ vi-nāyaka--vrata-pūjā ] f. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकशान्ति [ vināyakaśānti ] [ vi-nāyaka--śānti ] f. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकशान्तिपद्धति [ vināyakaśāntipaddhati ] [ vi-nāyaka--śānti-paddhati ] f. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकशान्तिप्रयोग [ vināyakaśāntiprayoga ] [ vi-nāyaka--śānti-prayoga ] m. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकशान्तिसंग्रह [ vināyakaśāntisaṃgraha ] [ vi-nāyaka--śānti-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकसंहिता [ vināyakasaṃhitā ] [ vi-nāyaka--saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकसहस्रनामन् [ vināyakasahasranāman ] [ vi-nāyaka--sahasra-nāman ] n. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकस्तवराज [ vināyakastavarāja ] [ vi-nāyaka--stava-rāja ] m. N. of wk. or ch. from wk.
विनायकस्नपनचतुर्थी [ vināyakasnapanacaturthī ] [ vi-nāyaka--snapana-caturthī ] f. the fourth day of the Gaṇêśa festival (when his image is bathed) Lit. Cat.
विनायकावतारवर्णन [ vināyakāvatāravarṇana ] [ vi-nāyakāvatāra-varṇana ] n. N. of part of wk.
विनायकाविर्भाव [ vināyakāvirbhāva ] [ vi-nāyakāvir-bhāva ] m. N. of part of wk.
विनायकोत्पत्ति [ vināyakotpatti ] [ vi-nāyakotpatti ] f. N. of part of wk.
विनीत [ vinīta ] [ vi-nīta ] m. f. n. led or taken away , removed
stretched , extended Lit. R.
tamed , trained , educated , well-behaved , humble , modest Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
versed in , acquainted or familiar with (loc. or comp.) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R.
performed , accomplished Lit. MBh.
one who has subdued his passions Lit. L.
lovely , handsome Lit. W.
plain , neat (in dress ) Lit. A.
[ vinīta ] m. a trained horse Lit. L.
a merchant , trader Lit. L.
N. of a son of Pulastya Lit. VP.
विनीतता [ vinītatā ] [ vi-nīta--tā ] f. ( Lit. Kām.) , modesty , decency , decorum
विनीतत्व [ vinītatva ] [ vi-nīta--tva ] n. ( Lit. Ragh.) modesty , decency , decorum
विनीतदत्त [ vinītadatta ] [ vi-nīta--datta ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
विनीतदेव [ vinītadeva ] [ vi-nīta--deva ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
विनीतप्रभ [ vinītaprabha ] [ vi-nīta--prabha ] m. N. of a Buddhist scholar
विनीतमति [ vinītamati ] [ vi-nīta--mati ] m. N. of two men Lit. Kathās.
विनीतवेष [ vinītaveṣa ] [ vi-nīta--veṣa ] m. modest or plain attire Lit. Śak.
विनीतवेषाभरण [ vinītaveṣābharaṇa ] [ vi-nīta--veṣābharaṇa ] m. f. n. humble or modest in dress and ornaments Lit. Mn. viii , 2
विनीतसत्त्व [ vinītasattva ] [ vi-nīta--sattva ] m. f. n. (a grove) containing tame animals Lit. Ragh.
विनीतसेन [ vinītasena ] [ vi-nīta--sena ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
विनीतात्मन् [ vinītātman ] [ vi-nītātman ] m. f. n. having a well-controlled mind , well-behaved , modest Lit. Mn. vii , 39
विनीताश्व [ vinītāśva ] [ vi-nītāśva ] m. N. of a man Lit. Hcat.
विनीतेश्वर [ vinīteśvara ] [ vi-nīteśvara ] m. N. of a divine being Lit. Buddh.
विनीतक [ vinītaka ] [ vi-nītaka ] m. n. = [ vainītaka ] .
विनीति [ vinīti ] [ vi-nīti ] f. training , good behaviour , modesty Lit. Hit.
विनेतृ [ vinetṛ ] [ vi-netṛ ] m. a leader , guide , instructor , teacher Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a chastiser , punisher Lit. Ragh. Lit. Mcar.
a tamer , trainer Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. iii , 162
a prince , king Lit. L.
विनेत्र [ vinetra ] [ vi-netra ]2 m. ( for 1. see p. 951 , col. 1) a teacher , preceptor Lit. Hariv.
विनेय [ vineya ] [ vi-neya ] m. f. n. to be taken away or removed Lit. Hariv.
to be trained or educated or instructed Lit. Sāh. Lit. Sarvad.
to be chastised Lit. L.
[ vineya ] m. a pupil , disciple Lit. L.
विनील [ vinīla ] [ vi-nīla ] [ vi-nīvi ] see p. 951 , col. 1.
विनु [ vinu ] [ vi-√ nu ] Ā. [ -navate ] , to go or spread in different directions Lit. RV. x , 22 , 9.
विनुद् [ vinud ] [ vi-√ nud ] P. Ā. [ -nudati ] , [ °te ] , to drive away or asunder , scare away , dispel , remove Lit. RV. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to strike (cords) , play (on a musical instrument) Lit. BhP. (v.l. [ vi-tud ] ) , Caus. [ -nodayati ] , to drive asunder or away , dispel Lit. Śiś. Lit. Gīt. ; to spend (time) Lit. MBh. ; to divert , amuse , entertain Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. ; to amuse one's self with , delight in (instr.) Lit. Ragh. v , 67.
विनुत्ति [ vinutti ] [ vi-nutti ] f. dispelling , removal Lit. Kāṭh.
N. of an Ekâha Lit. ŚrS.
विनुद् [ vinud ] [ vi-núd ] f. a stroke , thrust , blow Lit. RV. ii , 13 , 3.
विनोद [ vinoda ] [ vi-noda ] m. driving away , removal Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kathās.
diversion , sport , pastime , pleasure , playing or amusing one's self with (comp.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat. ( [ °dāya ] ind. for pleasure)
eagerness , vehemence Lit. L.
a kind of embrace Lit. L.
a kind of palace Lit. L.
N. of wk. on music
विनोदकल्लोल [ vinodakallola ] [ vinoda--kallola ] m. N. of wk.
विनोदमञ्जरि [ vinodamañjari ] [ vinoda--mañjari ] f. N. of wk.
विनोदरङ्ग [ vinodaraṅga ] [ vinoda--raṅga ] m. N. of wk.
विनोदरसिक [ vinodarasika ] [ vi-noda--rasika ] m. f. n. given or addicted to pleasure Lit. Kathās.
विनोदवत् [ vinodavat ] [ vi-noda--vat ] m. f. n. amusing , delightful Lit. ib.
विनोदस्थाण [ vinodasthāṇa ] [ vi-noda--sthāṇa ] n. ground (lit. and fig.) for pleasure or enjoyment Lit. Śak.
विनोदार्थम् [ vinodārtham ] [ vi-nodārtham ] ind. for the sake of sport or pleasure Lit. Kathās.
विनोदापपादिन् [ vinodāpapādin ] [ vi-nodāpapādin ] m. f. n. causing pleasure or delight Lit. ib.
विनोदन [ vinodana ] [ vi-nodana ] n. diversion , play , amusement , pastime ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
विनोदनता [ vinodanatā ] [ vi-nodana--tā ] f. , see [ vinodana ]
विनोदनशत [ vinodanaśata ] [ vi-nodana--śata ] n. pl. hundreds of amusements Lit. Vikr.
विनोदित [ vinodita ] [ vi-nodita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) driven away , dispelled Lit. Śiś. Lit. Gīt.
diverted , amused , delighted Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
allayed , soothed Lit. W.
विनोदिन् [ vinodin ] [ vi-nodin ] m. f. n. driving away , dispelling Lit. Śak. Lit. Kathās.
amusing , diverting Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcar.
विनृत् [ vinṛt ] [ vi-√ nṛt ] P. [ -nṛtyati ] , to begin to dance Lit. TBr.
विनोक्ति [ vinokti ] [ vinokti ] see under [ vinā ] , p.969.
विन्त [ vinta ] [ vinta ] m. N. of a partic. divine being Lit. MārkP.
विन्द् [ vind ] [ vind ] Root P. [ vindati ] see √ 3. [ vid ] .
विन्द [ vinda ] [ vinda ] m. f. n. finding , getting , gaining (ifc. ; see [ go- ] , [ cāru-v ] )
[ vinda ] m. a partic. hour of the day Lit. R.
N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. MBh.
of a king of Avanti Lit. ib.
विन्दक [ vindaka ] [ vindaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
विन्दत्वत् [ vindatvat ] [ vindát-vat ] m. f. n. containing a form of √ 3. [ vid ]
[ vindatvatī ] f. a verse of this kind Lit. MaitrS.
विन्दु [ vindu ] [ vindu ]1 m. f. n. finding , getting , acquiring , procuring Lit. PañcavBr. ( cf. [ go- ] , [ loka-v ] ) .
विन्दु [ vindu ] [ vindu ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. √ 1. [ vid ] ) knowing , acquainted or familiar with (ifc.) Lit. Vās.
= [ veditavya ] Lit. L.
विन्दु [ vindu ] [ vindu ]3 [ °duka ] , [ °dula ] . see [ bindu ] .
विन्ध् [ vindh ] [ vindh ] Root Ā. [ vindhate ] see √ 2. [ vidh ] .
विन्ध [ vindha ] [ vindha ] [ vindha ] , [ vindha-culaka ] w.r. for [ vindhya ] , [ vindhya-culika ] .
विन्धचुलक [ vindhaculaka ] [ vindhaculaka ] [ vindha ] , [ vindha-culaka ] w.r. for [ vindhya ] , [ vindhya-culika ] .
विन्धपत्त्र [ vindhapattra ] [ vindha-pattra ] m. ( or f ( [ ī ] ) .) a plant (commonly called Bel Suṇṭh) Lit. L.
विन्धस [ vindhasa ] [ vindhasa ] (?) m. the moon Lit. L.
विन्ध्य [ vindhya ] [ vindhya ] m. (of doubtful derivation) N. of a low range of hills connecting the Northern extremities of the Western and Eastern Ghauts , and separating Hindūstān proper from the Dekhan (the Vindhya range is reckoned among the seven principal ranges of Bhārata-varsha ( see [ kulagiri ] , p. 294 , col. 3 ) , and according to Lit. Manu ii , 21 , forms the Southern limit of Madhya-deśa or the middle region ; according to a legend related in Lit. MBh. iii , 8782 , the personified Vindhya , jealous of Himâlaya , demanded that the sun should revolve round him in the same way as about Meru , which the sun declining to do , the Vindhya then began to elevate himself that he might bar the progress of both sun and moon ; the gods alarmed , asked the aid of the saint Agastya , who approached the Vindhya and requested that by bending down he would afford him an easy passage to the South country , begging at the same time that he would retain a low position till his return ; this he promised to do , but Agastya never returned , and the Vindhya range consequently never attained the elevation of the Himâlaya) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
N. of a prince Lit. HPariś.
a hunter Lit. L.
[ vindhyā ] f. Averrhoa Acida Lit. L.
small cardamoms Lit. L.
विन्ध्यकन्दर [ vindhyakandara ] [ vindhya-kandara ] n. N. of a place Lit. Cat.
विन्ध्यकूट [ vindhyakūṭa ] [ vindhya-kūṭa ] m. N. of the saint Agastya Lit. L.
विन्ध्यकूटक [ vindhyakūṭaka ] [ vindhya-kūṭaka ] m. N. of the saint Agastya Lit. L.
विन्ध्यकूटन [ vindhyakūṭana ] [ vindhya-kūṭana ] m. N. of the saint Agastya Lit. L.
विन्ध्यकेतु [ vindhyaketu ] [ vindhya-ketu ] m. N. of a king of the Pulindas Lit. Kathās.
विन्ध्यकैलासवासिनी [ vindhyakailāsavāsinī ] [ vindhya-kailāsa-vāsinī ] f. a form of Durgā Lit. Hariv.
विन्ध्यगिरि [ vindhyagiri ] [ vindhya-giri ] m. the Vindhya range of hills Lit. Vās.
विन्ध्यचुलिक [ vindhyaculika ] [ vindhya-culika ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ -pulika ] ) .
विन्ध्यनिलया [ vindhyanilayā ] [ vindhya-nilayā ] f. a form of Durgā Lit. L.
विन्ध्यनिवासिन् [ vindhyanivāsin ] [ vindhya-nivāsin ] m. N. of Vyāḍi Lit. L. ( cf. [ -vāsin ] ) .
विन्ध्यपर [ vindhyapara ] [ vindhya-para ] m. N. of a king of the Vidyādharas Lit. Kathās.
विन्ध्यपर्वत [ vindhyaparvata ] [ vindhya-parvata ] m. = [ -giri ] Lit. Vīrac.
विन्ध्यपालक [ vindhyapālaka ] [ vindhya-pālaka ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VP.
विन्ध्यपुलिक [ vindhyapulika ] [ vindhya-pulika ] m. pl. id. Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ -culika ] ) .
विन्ध्यमूलिक [ vindhyamūlika ] [ vindhya-mūlika ] ( Lit. VP.) ( Lit. MārkP.) m. pl. id.
विन्ध्यमौलेय [ vindhyamauleya ] [ vindhya-mauleya ] ( Lit. MārkP.) m. pl. id.
विन्ध्यवत् [ vindhyavat ] [ vindhya-vat ] m. N. of a man Lit. MārkP.
विन्ध्यवन [ vindhyavana ] [ vindhya-vana ] n. a forest in the Vindhya Lit. R.
विन्ध्यवर्मन् [ vindhyavarman ] [ vindhya-varman ] m. N. of a king Lit. Inscr.
विन्ध्यवासक [ vindhyavāsaka ] [ vindhya-vāsaka ] m. N. of a Sāṃkhya teacher.
विन्ध्यवासिन् [ vindhyavāsin ] [ vindhya-vāsin ] m. f. n. dwelling in the Vindhya Lit. L.
[ vindhyavāsin ] m. N. of Vyāḍi Lit. Cat. Lit. Vās. , Introd.
of a medical writer Lit. Cat.
[ vindhyavāsinī ] f. ( with or without [ devī ] ) a form of Durgā Lit. Kathās. Lit. Daś.
[ vindhyavāsin ] m. N. of a place Lit. VP.
m. N. of a Sāṃkhya teacher.
विन्ध्यवासिनीदशक [ vindhyavāsinīdaśaka ] [ vindhya-vāsinī-daśaka ] n. N. of wk.
विन्ध्यशक्ति [ vindhyaśakti ] [ vindhya-śakti ] m. of a king Lit. VP. Lit. Inscr.
विन्ध्यशैल [ vindhyaśaila ] [ vindhya-śaila ] m. the Vindhya hills Lit. MW.
विन्ध्यसेन [ vindhyasena ] [ vindhya-sena ] m. N. of a king Lit. VP. (v.l. [ bimbisāra ] ) .
विन्ध्यस्थ [ vindhyastha ] [ vindhya-stha ] m. f. n. residing in the Vindhya Lit. L.
[ vindhyastha ] m. N. of Vyāḍi Lit. Cat.
विन्ध्याचल [ vindhyācala ] [ vindhyācala ] m. = [ °ya-giri ] Lit. Var.
विन्ध्याचलवासिनी [ vindhyācalavāsinī ] [ vindhyācala--vāsinī ] f. a form of Durgā Lit. RTL. 575.
विन्ध्याटवी [ vindhyāṭavī ] [ vindhyāṭavī ] f. a forest in the Vindhya Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kathās.
विन्ध्याद्रि [ vindhyādri ] [ vindhyādri ] m. = [ °ya-giri ] Lit. Ragh. Lit. VarBṛS.
विन्ध्याद्रिवासिनी [ vindhyādrivāsinī ] [ vindhyādri--vāsinī ] f. = [ vindhya-vās ] ? Lit. MW.
विन्ध्याधिवासिनी [ vindhyādhivāsinī ] [ vindhyādhivāsinī ] f. a form of Durgā Lit. Cat.
विन्ध्यान्तवासिन् [ vindhyāntavāsin ] [ vindhyānta-vāsin ] m. pl. the inhabitants of the inner Vindhya Lit. VarBṛS.
विन्ध्यारि [ vindhyāri ] [ vindhyāri ] m. N. of Agastya Lit. KāśīKh.
विन्ध्यावलि [ vindhyāvali ] [ vindhyāvali ] f. N. of the wife of the Asura Bali and mother of Bāṇa Lit. Pur.
विन्ध्यावलिसुत [ vindhyāvalisuta ] [ vindhyāvali--suta ] m. ( Lit. W.) N. of the Asura Bāṇa.
विन्ध्यावली [ vindhyāvalī ] [ vindhyāvalī ] f. N. of the wife of the Asura Bali and mother of Bāṇa Lit. Pur.
विन्ध्यावलीपुत्र [ vindhyāvalīputra ] [ vindhyāvalī-putra ] m. N. of the Asura Bāṇa. (C.)
विन्ध्यावलीसुत [ vindhyāvalīsuta ] [ vindhyāvalī--suta ] m. N. of the Asura Bāṇa. ( Lit. W.)
विन्ध्येश्वरीप्रसाद [ vindhyeśvarīprasāda ] [ vindhyeśvarī-prasāda ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
विन्ध्यक [ vindhyaka ] [ vindhyaka ] m. pl. N. of a dynasty Lit. VP.
विन्ध्याय [ vindhyāya ] [ vindhyāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to represent or act the part of the Vindhya mountains Lit. Śiś.
विन्न [ vinna ] [ vinna ] see pp. 964 , 965.
विन्निभट्ट [ vinnibhaṭṭa ] [ vinni-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
विन्यय [ vinyaya ] [ vi-ny-aya ] m. (√ 5. [ i ] ) position , situation Lit. TPrāt.
विन्यस् [ vinyas ] [ vi-ny-√ as ] P. [ -asyati ] ( rarely [ -asati ] ) , to put or place down in different places , spread out , distribute , arrange Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to put down , deposit , place or lay on , fix in , turn or direct towards , apply to (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to mark or designate by (instr.) Lit. Megh. ; to entrust or make over to (loc.) Lit. Vikr.
विन्यसन [ vinyasana ] [ vi-nyasana ] n. putting down ( [ pada-vinyasaṇam-√ kṛ ] , to put down the feet , step , stride) Lit. Vcar.
विन्यस्त [ vinyasta ] [ vi-nyasta ] m. f. n. put or placed down
directed to (as the mind , eyes) Lit. R.
entrusted , delivered Lit. Yājñ.
विन्यस्य [ vinyasya ] [ vi-nyasya ] m. f. n. to be put or placed upon ( [ upari ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.
विन्यास [ vinyāsa ] [ vi-nyāsa ] m. putting or placing down
a deposit Lit. W.
putting on (ornaments) Lit. Kāvyâd.
movement , position (of limbs) , attitude Lit. TPrāt. Lit. Kāv.
arrangement , disposition , order Lit. Pur.
scattering , spreading out Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
establishment , foundation Lit. MārkP.
putting together , connecting (words ) , composition (of literary works) Lit. Vās. Lit. Sāh.
exhibition , display (ifc. = showing , displaying) Lit. MBh.
the utterance of words of despair Lit. Sāh.
assemblage , collection Lit. W.
any site or receptacle on or in which anything is deposited Lit. ib.
विन्यासरेखा [ vinyāsarekhā ] [ vi-nyāsa--rekhā ] f. a line drawn Lit. Bālar.
विन्याक [ vinyāka ] [ vinyāka ] m. the tree Echites Scholaris Lit. L.
विप् [ vip ] [ vip ]1 Root ( or [ vep ] ) cl. [1] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. x , 6) [ vepate ] ( ep. also [ °ti ] ; p. [ vipāná ] Lit. RV. ; pf. [ vivepe ] Gr. ; [ vivipre ] Lit. RV. ; aor. [ avepiṣṭa ] Lit. Br. ; fut. [ vepitā ] , [ vepiṣyate ] Gr. ; inf. [ vepitum ] Lit. ib.) , to tremble , shake , shiver , vibrate , quiver , be stirred Lit. RV. ; to start back through fear Lit. Pañcar. Lit. Kathās. : Caus. [ vipáyati ] or [ vepayati ] (aor. [ avīvipat ] ) , to cause to tremble or move , shake , agitate Lit. RV. Lit. ( cf. Lat. (vibrare) ; Goth. (weipan) ; Germ. (wîfen) , (weifen) , (Wipfel) Eng. (whiffle) . )
विप् [ vip ] [ ví p ]2 m. f. n. inwardly stirred or excited , inspired Lit. RV.
[ vip ] f. " easily moved or bent , flexible (?) " , a switch , rod , the shaft (of an arrow) , the rods (which form the bottom of the Soma filter , and support the straining cloth) Lit. RV.
a finger Lit. Naigh. ii , 5.
विप [ vipa ] [ vipá ] m. a learned man (= [ medhāvin ] ) Lit. Naigh. iii , 15
[ vipā ] f. speech (= [ vāc ] ) Lit. ib. i , 11.
विपश् [ vipaś ] [ vipaś ] in comp. for [ vipas ] .
विपश्चि [ vipaści ] [ vipaś-cí ] m. f. n. = next Lit. TBr.
विपश्चित् [ vipaścit ] [ vipaś-cí t ] m. f. n. inspired , wise , learned , versed in or acquainted with (comp.) Lit. RV.
[ vipaścit ] m. N. of Indra under Manu Svārocisha Lit. Pur.
of the Supreme Spirit Lit. Sarvad.
of a Buddha ( prob. w.r. for [ vipaśyin ] ) Lit. Lalit.
विपिन [ vipina ] [ vipina ] n. " stirring or waving (scil. in the wind) " , a wood , forest , thicket , grove Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a multitude , quantity Lit. Bālar.
विपिनतिलक [ vipinatilaka ] [ vipina--tilaka ] n. a kind of metre Lit. Col.
विपिनौकस् [ vipinaukas ] [ vipinaukas ] m. " wood-dweller " , an ape , monkey Lit. Mcar.
विपिनाय [ vipināya ] [ vipināya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become or be like a forest Lit. Gīt.
विपोधा [ vipodhā ] [ vipo-dhā ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ vipas ] + [ dhā ] ) bestowing inspiration Lit. RV. x , 46 , 5.
विप्र [ vipra ] [ ví pra ] m. f. n. stirred or excited (inwardly) , inspired , wise ( said of men and gods , esp. of Agni , Indra , the Aśvins , Maruts ; cf. [ paṇḍita ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
learned (esp. in theology) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
a sage , seer , singer , poet , learned theologian Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
a Brāhman ( [ ā ] f. a Brâhman woman) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
a priest , domestic priest Lit. R.
the moon Lit. L.
the month Bhādrapada Lit. L.
Ficus Religiosa Lit. L.
Acacia Sirissa Lit. L.
(in prosody) a proceleusmatic Lit. Col.
N. of a son of Ślīshṭi Lit. VP. (v.l. [ ripra ] )
of a son of Śrutaṃ-jaya (or Śṛitaṃ-jaya) Lit. BhP.
of a son of Dhruva Lit. ib.
pl. a class of demi-gods (mentioned with the Sādhyas , Yakshas and Rākshasas) Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
विप्रकन्या [ viprakanyā ] [ ví pra-kanyā ] f. a Brāhman girl Lit. MW.
विप्रकाष्ठ [ viprakāṣṭha ] [ ví pra-kāṣṭha ] n. Thespesia Populneoides Lit. L.
विप्रकुण्ड [ viprakuṇḍa ] [ ví pra-kuṇḍa ] m. adulterous offspring of Brāhman parents Lit. L.
विप्रचित् [ vipracit ] [ ví pra-cit ] m. N. of a Dānava (father of Rāhu) Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ -citti ] ) .
विप्रचित [ vipracita ] [ ví pra-cita ] g. [ sutaṃ-gamādi ] .
विप्रचित्त [ vipracitta ] [ ví pra-citta ] w.r. for next.
विप्रचित्ति [ vipracitti ] [ ví pra-citti ] m. f. n. ( [ ví pra- ] ) sagacious Lit. TBr.
[ vipracitti ] m. N. of a preceptor Lit. BṛĀrUp.
of a Dānava (father of Rāhu) Lit. Suparṇ. Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ -cit ] )
f. N. of an Apsaras Lit. VP.
विप्रचूडामणि [ vipracūḍāmaṇi ] [ ví pra-cūḍāmaṇi ] m. " Brahman-jewel " , an excellent Brahman Lit. MW.
विप्रजन [ viprajana ] [ ví pra-jana ] m. a Brāhman or a priest (also collectively) Lit. MBh.
N. of a man (with the patr. Saurāki) , Lit. Kāṭh.
विप्रजूत [ viprajūta ] [ ví pra-jūta ] ( [ ví pra- ] ) m. f. n. impelled or urged by the wise Lit. RV.
विप्रजूति [ viprajūti ] [ ví pra-jūti ] m. N. of a man (with the patr. Vātaraśana , author of Lit. RV. x , 136 , 3) Lit. Anukr.
विप्रतम [ vipratama ] [ ví pra-tama ] ( [ ví pra- ] ) m. f. n. most wise , wisest Lit. RV.
विप्रता [ vipratā ] [ ví pra-tā ] f. the rank or condition of a Brāhman ( [ -tām upa-√ gam ] , to become a Brāhman) Lit. VP.
विप्रतापस [ vipratāpasa ] [ ví pra-tāpasa ] m. a Brāhman ascetic Lit. Kathās.
विप्रदमन [ vipradamana ] [ ví pra-damana ] m. " Brāhman-tamer " , N. of a man (in a farce) Lit. Kautukas.
विप्रदह [ vipradaha ] [ ví pra-daha ] m. ( possibly [ vi ] + [ pra ] + [ daha ] ) dried fruit or roots Lit. L.
विप्रदेव [ vipradeva ] [ ví pra-deva ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Inscr.
of a chief of the Bhāgavatas Lit. Cat.
विप्रपुत्र [ vipraputra ] [ ví pra-putra ] m. a Brāhman's son Lit. Kathās.
विप्रप्रिय [ viprapriya ] [ ví pra-priya ] m. f. n. dear to Brâhman Lit. R.
[ viprapriya ] m. the Palāśa tree Lit. L.
n. thick sour milk Lit. L.
विप्रबन्धु [ viprabandhu ] [ ví pra-bandhu ] m. " Brāhman's friend " , N. of the author of Lit. RV. v , 24 , 4 ; x , 57-60 (having the patr. Gaupāyana or Laupāyana) Lit. Anukr.
विप्रभाव [ viprabhāva ] [ ví pra-bhāva ] m. the rank or dignity of a Brāhman Lit. Daś.
विप्रमठ [ vipramaṭha ] [ ví pra-maṭha ] m. a Brâhman monastery Lit. Kathās.
विप्रमन्मन् [ vipramanman ] [ ví pra-manman ] ( [ ví pra- ] ) m. f. n. having an inspired mind Lit. RV.
विप्रराज्य [ viprarājya ] [ ví pra-rā́jya ] n. the reign of the wise or pious Lit. RV.
the kingdom or sovereignty of the Brāhman or priests Lit. Pañcar.
विप्रर्षभ [ viprarṣabha ] [ ví pra-rṣabha ] ( for [ ṛṣ ] ) m. bull i.e. chief among Brāhman Lit. MBh.
विप्रर्षि [ viprarṣi ] [ ví pra-rṣi ] ( for [ ṛṣi ] ) m. a Brāhman Ṛishi , priestly sage (e.g. Vasishṭha) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pur.
विप्रलोभिन् [ vipralobhin ] [ ví pra-lobhin ] m. " Brāhman-enticing " , N. of the Kiṅkirāta tree Lit. L.
विप्रवचस् [ vipravacas ] [ ví pra-vacas ] ( [ ví pra- ] ) m. f. n. one whose words are inspired Lit. RV.
विप्रवत् [ vipravat ] [ ví pra-vat ] ind. like a Brāhman Lit. Mn. iii , 220.
विप्रवाचन [ vipravācana ] [ ví pra-vācana ] n. = [ órāhmaṇa-v ] Lit. Hcat.
विप्रवाहस् [ vipravāhas ] [ ví pra-vāhas ] m. f. n. receiving the homage and offerings of the wise Lit. RV.
विप्रवित्ति [ vipravitti ] [ ví pra-vitti ] v.l. for [ -citti ] .
विप्रवीर [ vipravīra ] [ ví pra-vīra ] m. a heroic Brāhman Lit. Kathās.
[ vipravīra ] m. f. n. having inspired men or inspiring men Lit. RV.
विप्रशेषित [ vipraśeṣita ] [ ví pra-śeṣita ] n. the remainder of a Brāhman food Lit. L.
विप्रसमागम [ viprasamāgama ] [ ví pra-samāgama ] m. a concourse of Brâhman Lit. MW.
विप्रसात्कृ [ viprasātkṛ ] [ ví pra-sāt-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to present anything (acc.) to Brāhman Lit. Ragh.
विप्रसेवा [ viprasevā ] [ ví pra-sevā ] f. service of a Brāhman master Lit. Mn. x , 123.
विप्रस्व [ viprasva ] [ ví pra-sva ] n. the property of a Brāhman Lit. Mṛicch.
विप्राधिप [ viprādhipa ] [ viprādhipa ] m. the moon
विप्राधिपमुखा [ viprādhipamukhā ] [ viprādhipa--mukhā ] f. a moon-faced woman Lit. Hcat.
विप्रानुमदित [ viprānumadita ] [ viprānumadita ] m. f. n. rejoiced at by seer or poets Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚBr.
विप्रापवाद [ viprāpavāda ] [ viprāpavāda ] m. abuse of a Brāhman Lit. W.
विप्रावमन्यक [ viprāvamanyaka ] [ viprāvamanyaka ] m. f. n. despising Brāhmans Lit. VP.
विप्रेन्द्र [ viprendra ] [ viprendra ] m. chief of Brāhmans Lit. MBh.
विप्रक [ vipraka ] [ vipraka ] m. a contemptible Brāhman Lit. Kautukas.
विपक्त्रिम [ vipaktrima ] [ vi-paktrima ] [ vi-pakva ] see p. 951 , col. 1.
विपक्ष [ vipakṣa ] [ vi-pakṣa ] m. f. n. deprived of wings Lit. R.
[ vipakṣa ] m. " being on a different side. " , an opponent , adversary , enemy (mfn. " counteracting " Lit. Jātakam.) Lit. Inscr. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
a disputant Lit. Kir.
a female rival Lit. Ragh. Lit. Śiś.
the day of transition from one half of a lunar month to another Lit. KātyŚr.
(in gram.) an exception Lit. MW.
(in logic) a counter-statement , counter-instance , argument proving the contrary (e.g. " there cannot be fire in a lake , because there is no smoke there " ) Lit. Tarkas. Lit. Bhāshāp. Lit. Sāh.
विपक्षतस् [ vipakṣatas ] [ vi-pakṣa--tas ] ind. from or after a rival Lit. Kir.
विपक्षतस् [ vipakṣatas ] [ vi-pakṣa--tas ] hostilely , inimically Lit. W.
विपक्षत्व [ vipakṣatva ] [ vi-pakṣa--tva ] n. hostility , enmity , opposition Lit. R.
विपक्षभाव [ vipakṣabhāva ] [ vi-pakṣa--bhāva ] m. hostile disposition , state of hostility Lit. Ragh.
विपक्षरमणी [ vipakṣaramaṇī ] [ vi-pakṣa--ramaṇī ] f. a female rival Lit. Amar.
विपक्षशूल [ vipakṣaśūla ] [ vi-pakṣa--śūla ] m. N. of a chief of a sect called Ārādhya Lit. Cat.
विपक्षाक्रान्त [ vipakṣākrānta ] [ vi-pakṣākrānta ] m. f. n. seized by an enemy Lit. MW.
विपक्षीकृ [ vipakṣīkṛ ] [ vi-pakṣī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to deprive of wings Lit. Kathās.
विपक्षीय [ vipakṣīya ] [ vi-pakṣīya ] m. f. n. hostile , inimical Lit. BhP.
विपक्षय [ vipakṣaya ] [ vipakṣaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to make enemies (p.p. [ vi-pakṣita ] ) Lit. MBh.
विपच् [ vipac ] [ vi-√ pac ] P. [ -pacati ] , to cook thoroughly , dissolve by cooking or boiling Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Suśr. ; Pass. [ -pacyate ] , to be cooked or baked or roasted Lit. MBh. ; to be digested Lit. ib. ; to be completely matured or ripened or developed Lit. Ragh. Lit. Suśr. ; to bear fruit , develop consequences Lit. VarBṛS. : Caus. [ -pācayati ] , to cook thoroughly , dissolve by cooking , melt , liquefy Lit. Suśr. ( 973,1 )
विपक्तव्य [ vipaktavya ] [ vi-paktavya ] m. f. n. to be cooked or boiled Lit. Car.
विपाक [ vipāka ] [ ví -pāka ] m. f. n. ripe , mature Lit. RV.
[ vipāka ] m. cooking , dressing (= [ pacana ] ) Lit. L.
ripening , maturing (esp. of the fruit of actions) , effect , result , consequence (of actions in the present or former births pursuing those who commit them through subsequent existences) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
maturing of food (in the stomach) , digestion conversion of food into a state for assimilation Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Suśr.
bad digestion Lit. Car.
any change of form or state Lit. Uttarar.
calamity , distress , misfortune Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Uttarar.
withering , fading Lit. Śiś.
" sweat " or " flavour " ( [ sveda ] or [ svāda ] ) Lit. L.
(ibc.) subsequently , afterwards (see comp.)
विपाककटुक [ vipākakaṭuka ] [ ví -pāka--kaṭuka ] m. f. n. sharp or bitter in its consequences Lit. Kathās.
विपाककाल [ vipākakāla ] [ ví -pāka--kāla ] m. the time of ripening or maturing Lit. Rājat.
विपाकतीव्र [ vipākatīvra ] [ ví -pāka--tīvra ] m. f. n. sharp or terrible in consequence of (comp.) Lit. BhP.
विपाकदारुण [ vipākadāruṇa ] [ ví -pāka--dāruṇa ] m. f. n. terrible or dangerous in results Lit. Prab.
विपाकदोष [ vipākadoṣa ] [ ví -pāka--doṣa ] m. morbid affection of the digestive powers Lit. Suśr.
विपाकविस्फूर्जथु [ vipākavisphūrjathu ] [ ví -pāka--visphūrjathu ] m. the consequences (of sins committed in a former birth) compared to a thunder stroke Lit. Ragh.
विपाकश्रुत [ vipākaśruta ] [ ví -pāka--śruta ] n. N. of a sacred book of the Jainas Lit. W.
विपाकिन् [ vipākin ] [ ví -pākin ] m. f. n. ripening , maturing bearing fruits or having consequences , Lit. Mālatīm.
difficult to be digested ( in [ a-vip ] ) Lit. Car.
विपञ्चय [ vipañcaya ] [ vi-√ pañcaya ] P. [ -pañcayati ] , to divulge , proclaim Lit. HPariś. ( cf. [ pra-pañcaya ] ) .
विपञ्चनक [ vipañcanaka ] [ vi-pañcanaka ] m. a soothsayer Lit. DivyA7v.
विपञ्चिक [ vipañcika ] [ vi-pañcika ] m. a soothsayer Lit. DivyA7v.
विपञ्चिका [ vipañcikā ] [ vi-pañcikā ] [ vi-patāka ] see p. 951 , col. 2.
विपट् [ vipaṭ ] [ vi-√ paṭ ] P. [ -pāṭayati ] , to split in two , tear open , tear out , destroy Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to drive asunder , scare away Lit. Kād. Lit. Rājat.
विपाट [ vipāṭa ] [ vi-pāṭa ] m. a kind of arrow Lit. MBh. Lit. Śiś.
N. of a man Lit. MBh.
विपाटक [ vipāṭaka ] [ vi-pāṭaka ] m. f. n. (prob.) opening , unfolding , bringing Lit. MārkP.
विपाटन [ vipāṭana ] [ vi-pāṭana ] n. the act of splitting in two , tearing open Lit. Nir.
eradication , destruction Lit. Rājat.
acute pain Lit. Car.
विपाटित [ vipāṭita ] [ vi-pāṭita ] m. f. n. split in two , torn asunder , uprooted , eradicated , destroyed Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
separated , divided Lit. Shaḍguruś.
विपठ् [ vipaṭh ] [ vi-√ paṭh ] P. [ -paṭhati ] , to read through , peruse Lit. BhP.
विपण् [ vipaṇ ] [ vi-√ paṇ ] P. [ -paṇati ] , to sell Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pañcat. ; Ā. [ -paṇate ] , to bet , wager for (gen.) Lit. MBh.
विपण [ vipaṇa ] [ vi-paṇa ]2 m. ( for 1. see p. 951 , col. 2) selling , sale Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
a wager Lit. MBh.
a trading-place , shop , market-place Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.
" market " (fig. applied to speech , the organ of speech , or the energy of activity) Lit. MārkP.
N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. (= [ nirvyavahāra ] or [ daṇḍādi-rahita ] )
विपणापणवत् [ vipaṇāpaṇavat ] [ vi-paṇāpaṇa-vat ]2 m. f. n. furnished with shops and markets Lit. MBh.
विपणन [ vipaṇana ] [ vi-paṇana ] n. selling , traffic Lit. Śiś. Sch.
विपणि [ vipaṇi ] [ vi-paṇi ] f. sale , traffic Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
a place where things are sold , shop , stall , fair , market-place Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( also f ( [ ī ] ) .)
any article or commodity for sale Lit. L.
a street of shops Lit. L.
विपणिगत [ vipaṇigata ] [ vi-paṇi--gata ] m. f. n. being on the market Lit. Mālav.
विपणिजीविका [ vipaṇijīvikā ] [ vi-paṇi--jīvikā ] f. subsistence by traffic Lit. MBh.
विपणिजीविन् [ vipaṇijīvin ] [ vi-paṇi--jīvin ] m. f. n. subsisting by traffic Lit. Hariv.
विपणिपथ [ vipaṇipatha ] [ vi-paṇi--patha ] m. a shop-street Lit. Kād.
विपणिमध्यग [ vipaṇimadhyaga ] [ vi-paṇi--madhya-ga ] m. f. n. being in the midst of a market Lit. Kathās.
विपणिस्थपण्य [ vipaṇisthapaṇya ] [ vi-paṇi--stha-paṇya ] m. f. n. (a town) containing commodities exposed for sale Lit. Ragh.
विपत् [ vipat ] [ vi-√ pat ] P. [ -patati ] , to fly or dash or rush through Lit. RV. i , 168 , 6 ; to fly apart , fall off , burst asunder , be divided or separated Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp. ; to fly along Lit. RV. x , 96 , 9 : Caus. [ -patayati ] , to fly in various directions Lit. RV. iii , 55 , 3 ; to fall asunder , be opened Lit. ib. , vi , 9 , 6 ; [ -pātayati ] , to cause to fly away , shoot off (arrows) Lit. AV. ; to cause to fly asunder or off , split or strike off (a head) Lit. ib. ; to strike down , kill Lit. MBh.
विपतित [ vipatita ] [ ví -patita ] m. f. n. ( [ ví - ] ) flown away , fallen off
विपतितलोमन् [ vipatitaloman ] [ ví -patita--loman ] m. f. n. one whose hair has fallen out Lit. ŚBr.
विपत्मन् [ vipatman ] [ ví -patman ] see under 1. [ vi ] , p. 949 , col. 3.
विपात [ vipāta ] [ vi-pāta ] g. [ brāhmaṇādi ] .
विपातक [ vipātaka ] [ vi-pātaka ] m. f. n. (fr. prec.) g. [ yāvādi ] .
विपातन [ vipātana ] [ vi-pātana ] n. (fr. Caus.) melting , liquefying Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 39.
विपथ [ vipatha ] [ vi-patha ] m. n. a different path , wrong road , evil course Lit. L.
a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.
[ vipatha ] m. n. a kind of chariot (fit for untrodden paths) Lit. AV. Lit. PañcavBr. Lit. ŚrS.
विपथगामिन् [ vipathagāmin ] [ vi-patha--gāmin ] m. f. n. going in a wrong way or evil course Lit. MW.
विपथगति [ vipathagati ] [ vi-patha--gati ] f. the going in a wrong way Lit. MBh.
विपथयमक [ vipathayamaka ] [ vi-patha--yamaka ] n. a kind of Yamaka ( q.v.) in which the paronomasia is only at the beginning and end of the verse (e.g. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. x , 16)
विपथयुग [ vipathayuga ] [ vi-patha--yuga ] n. a yoke fit for bad roads Lit. ĀpŚr.
विपथवाह [ vipathavāha ] [ vi-patha--vāhá ] m. drawing a chariot called Vipatha (see above ) Lit. AV.
विपथावपातपरता [ vipathāvapātaparatā ] [ vi-pathāvapāta-paratā ] f. the inclination to go in wrong ways (or pursue evil courses) Lit. Rājat.
विपथय [ vipathaya ] [ vi-pathaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to lead upon the wrong way Lit. Lalit.
विपथि [ vipathi ] [ vi-pathi ] m. f. n. ( [ vi- ] ) going in wrong ways Lit. RV.
going on paths that spread in different directions Lit. MW.
विपद् [ vipad ] [ vi-√ pad ] Ā. [ -padyate ] , to fall or burst asunder Lit. MBh. xi , 95 ; to come between , intervene , prevent , hinder Lit. Kauś. ; to go wrongly , fail , miscarry , come to nought , perish die Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ pādayati ] , to cause to perish , destroy , kill Lit. Rājat.
विपत् [ vipat ] [ vi-pat ] in comp. for [ vi-pad ]
विपत्कर [ vipatkara ] [ vi-pat--kara ] m. f. n. causing misfortune Lit. Harav.
[ vipatkarī ] f. ( [ ī ] ) N. of a goddess Lit. ib.
विपत्काल [ vipatkāla ] [ vi-pat--kāla ] m. season of misfortune or calamity Lit. Hit.
विपत्फल [ vipatphala ] [ vi-pat--phala ] m. f. n. resulting in misfortune , calamitous Lit. MW.
विपत्सागर [ vipatsāgara ] [ vi-pat--sāgara ] m. " ocean of misfortune " , heavy calamity Lit. W.
विपत्ति [ vipatti ] [ vi-patti ] f. going wrongly , adversity , misfortune , failure , disaster ( opp. to [ sam-pattí ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
unfavourableness (of time) Lit. Kām.
ruin , destruction , death Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
cessation , end Lit. MBh. xii , 9140
agony , torment (= [ yātanā ] ) Lit. L.
विपत्तिकर [ vipattikara ] [ vi-patti--kara ] m. f. n. causing misfortune or calamity Lit. VarBṛS.
विपत्तिकाल [ vipattikāla ] [ vi-patti--kāla ] m. a season of adversity or misfortune Lit. Pañcat.
विपत्तियुक्त [ vipattiyukta ] [ vi-patti--yukta ] m. f. n. attended with misfortune , unfortunate Lit. W.
विपत्तिरहित [ vipattirahita ] [ vi-patti--rahita ] m. f. n. free from misfortune , prosperous , happy Lit. ib.
विपद् [ vipad ] [ vi-pad ] f. going wrongly , misfortune , adversity , calamity , failure , ruin , death Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विपदाक्रान्त [ vipadākrānta ] [ vi-pad--ākrānta ] m. f. n. fallen into misfortune Lit. L.
विपद्गत [ vipadgata ] [ vi-pad--gata ] m. f. n. fallen into misfortune Lit. L.
विपदुद्धरण [ vipaduddharaṇa ] [ vi-pad--uddharaṇa ] n. extrication from misfortune Lit. W.
विपदुद्धार [ vipaduddhāra ] [ vi-pad--uddhāra ] m. extrication from misfortune Lit. W.
विपद्ग्रस्त [ vipadgrasta ] [ vi-pad--grasta ] m. f. n. seized by misfortune , unfortunate Lit. ib.
विपद्दशा [ vipaddaśā ] [ vi-pad--daśā ] f. a state of misfortune , calamitous position Lit. MW.
विपद्युक्त [ vipadyukta ] [ vi-pad--yukta ] m. f. n. attended with misfortune , unfortunate Lit. W.
विपद्रहित [ vipadrahita ] [ vi-pad--rahita ] m. f. n. free from misfortune , prosperous Lit. ib.
विपदा [ vipadā ] [ vi-padā ] f. misfortune , adversity , calamity Lit. L.
विपदी [ vipadī ] [ vi-padī ] f. g. [ kumbha-pady-ādi ] .
विपन्न [ vipanna ] [ vi-panna ] m. f. n. gone wrong , failed , miscarried ( opp. to [ sam-panna ] ) Lit. MBh.
afflicted , distressed Lit. Hit.
ruined , destroyed , decayed , dead , gone Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विपन्नकृत्य [ vipannakṛtya ] [ vi-panna--kṛtya ] m. f. n. (a deity) whose rites have been disturbed or neglected Lit. VarBṛS.
विपन्नता [ vipannatā ] [ vi-panna--tā ] f. misfortune , ruin , destruction Lit. VarBṛS. ( [ -tāṃgataḥ ] , ruined Lit. R.)
विपन्नदीधिति [ vipannadīdhiti ] [ vi-panna--dīdhiti ] m. f. n. one whose splendour or glory is gone. Lit. Bhartṛ.
विपन्नदेह [ vipannadeha ] [ vi-panna--deha ] m. f. n. " having a decomposed body " , dead , defunct Lit. Mṛicch. i , 30
विपन्नापत्या [ vipannāpatyā ] [ vi-pannāpatyā ] f. a woman who has lost her child by abortion Lit. MW.
विपन्नार्थ [ vipannārtha ] [ vi-pannārtha ] m. f. n. one whose property or fortune is ruined Lit. R. (v.l. [ °nnātman ] ) .
विपन्नक [ vipannaka ] [ vi-pannaka ] m. f. n. unfortunate , dead , destroyed Lit. MW.
विपादन [ vipādana ] [ vi-pādana ] n. the act of destroying , killing , destruction Lit. W.
विपादनीय [ vipādanīya ] [ vi-pādanīya ] m. f. n. to be killed , destructible Lit. ib.
विपादितव्य [ vipāditavya ] [ vi-pāditavya ] m. f. n. to be killed , destructible Lit. ib.
विपाद्य [ vipādya ] [ vi-pādya ] m. f. n. to be killed , destructible Lit. ib.
विपादित [ vipādita ] [ vi-pādita ] m. f. n. destroyed , killed Lit. ib.