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व |
विष्पन्द [ viṣpanda ] [ vi-ṣpanda ] m. (see [ vi-√ spand ] ; prob. w.r. for [ vi-spanda ] ) throbbing , beating Lit. W.
a partic. dish (prepared from wheat-flour , Ghṛita , and milk) Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ vi-ṣyanda ] ) .
विष्पर्धस् [ viṣpardhas ] [ ví -ṣpardhas ] m. f. n. (√ [ spardh ] ; cf. [ vi-√ spardh ] ) emulating , vying , envious Lit. RV. ( Lit. Sāy. " free from emulation " ) Lit. VS.
[ viṣpardhas ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. Br.
n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ib.
विष्पर्धा [ viṣpardhā ] [ ví -ṣpardhā ] f. ( cf. [ vi-spardhā ] ) contest for superiority Lit. Vait.
विष्पश् [ viṣpaś ] [ vi-ṣpáś ] m. (nom. [ vi-ṣpáṭ ] ; fr. √ [ spaś ] ) one who espies , a spy Lit. RV. i , 189 , 6.
विष्पित [ viṣpita ] [ vi-ṣpitá ] n. (√ [ sphāy ] ?) straits , peril , difficulty Lit. RV.
विष्पुलिङ्गक [ viṣpuliṅgaka ] [ vi-ṣpuliṅgaká ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ viṣphulí nga ] below) sparkling Lit. RV. i , 191 , 12 ( Lit. Sāy. " a tongue of fire " or " a sparrow " ) .
विष्पृ [ viṣpṛ ] [ vi-ṣpṛ ] Preverb. ( for [ vi-√ spṛ ] ; only aor. Subj. [ -ṣparat ] ) , to tear asunder , separate Lit. AV.
विष्फर् [ viṣphar ] [ vi-ṣphar ] [ vi-ṣphāra ] see [ vi-√ sphar ] .
विष्फाल [ viṣphāla ] [ vi-ṣphāla ] see [ vi-√ sphal ] .
विष्फुर् [ viṣphur ] [ vi-ṣphur ] [ vi-ṣphul ] see [ vi-√ sphur ] and [ vi-√ sphul ] .
विष्फुलिङ्ग [ viṣphuliṅga ] [ vi-ṣphulí ṅga ] (√ [ sphul ] ; see [ vi-√ sphul ] and [ vi-sphuliṅga ] ) , a spark of fire Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.
विष्फुलिङ्गक [ viṣphuliṅgaka ] [ vi-ṣphuliṅgaka ] m. id. Lit. AV.Pariś.
विष्य [ viṣya ] [ viṣya ] see p. 996 , col. 2.
विष्यन्द् [ viṣyand ] [ vi-ṣyand ] Preverb. ( for [ vi-√ syand ] q.v.) Ā. [ -ṣyandate ] (accord. to Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 72 , [ vi-syandate ] is the only correct form when the reference is to living beings) , to overflow , flow out ( of a vessel ; pr. p. [ vi-ṣyandamāna ] ) Lit. VS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ; to flow in streams or abundantly Lit. Hariv. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to dissolve , melt (intr.) Lit. Car. ; to cause to flow Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -ṣyandayati ] , to cause to overflow ( in [ a-viṣyandayat ] ) Lit. ĀpŚr. ; to pour out , sprinkle Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś. ; to dissolve , melt (trans.) Lit. Car.
विष्यण्ण [ viṣyaṇṇa ] [ ví -ṣyaṇṇa ] m. f. n. overflowed , overflowing Lit. TBr.
विष्यन्द [ viṣyanda ] [ vi-ṣyanda ] m. ( also written [ vi-syanda ] and [ vi-spanda ] cf. also [ vi-ṣpanda ] ) a drop Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
flowing , trickling , issuing forth Lit. W.
विष्यन्दक [ viṣyandaka ] [ vi-ṣyandaka ] ( or [ °sy° ] ) m. or n. (?) N. of a place Lit. Pañcar.
विष्यन्दन [ viṣyandana ] [ vi-ṣyandana ] m. ( or [ °sy° ] ) a kind of sweetmeat Lit. Madanav. ( cf. [ vi-ṣpanda ] )
dripping liquid state Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
overflowing Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
dissolving , melting (trans.) Lit. Car.
विष्यन्दिन् [ viṣyandin ] [ vi-ṣyandin ] ( or [ °sy° ] ) m. f. n. liquid Lit. Suśr.
विष्व [ viṣva ] [ viṣva ] m. f. n. injurious , hurtful , mischievous (= [ hiṃsra ] ) Lit. L.
विष्वक् [ viṣvak ] [ viṣvak ] [ viṣvañc ] see p.998.
विष्वञ्ज् [ viṣvañj ] [ vi-ṣvañj ] ( Preverb. [ √ svañj ] ) Ā. [ -ṣvajate ] (impf. [ vy-aṣvajata ] , or [ vy-asvajata ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 70 ; pf. [ vy-ṣasvaje ] or [ vi-ṣasvañje ] Lit. Vop.) , to embrace Lit. R.
विष्वन् [ viṣvan ] [ vi-ṣvan ] Preverb. ( for [ vi-√ svan ] q.v.) P. [ -ṣvaṇati ] (impf. [ vy-aṣvaṇat ] ) , to make a sound in eating , smack the lips (in any other sense the dental [ s ] must be used accord. to Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 68 ) Lit. Śiś. xviii , 77.
विष्वण [ viṣvaṇa ] [ vi-ṣvaṇa ] see [ nara-viṣvaṇa ] .
विष्वणन [ viṣvaṇana ] [ vi-ṣvaṇana ] n. smacking the lips in eating Lit. L.
विष्वाण [ viṣvāṇa ] [ vi-ṣvāṇa ] m. noisy eating. Lit. L. ( cf. [ ava-ṣvāṇa ] ) .
विस् [ vis ] [ vis ] Root [ visa ] see [ bis ] , [ bisa ] .
विसंयुक्त [ visaṃyukta ] [ vi-saṃ-yukta ] m. f. n. (√ [ yuj ] ) disjoined , detached or separated from , omitting , neglecting (instr.) Lit. Mn. ii , 80.
विसंयोग [ visaṃyoga ] [ vi-saṃyoga ] m. liberation from worldly fetters Lit. Buddh.
disjunction , separation , omission Lit. W.
विसंवद् [ visaṃvad ] [ vi-saṃ-√ vad ] P. [ -vadati ] , to break one's word or promise Lit. Mn. viii , 219 ; to fail in an agreement , contradict , raise objections Lit. Kathās. Lit. Kull. : Caus. see [ -saṃvādita ] .
विसंवाद [ visaṃvāda ] [ vi-saṃvāda ] m. false assertion , breaking one's word , disappointing Lit. MBh.
contradiction , disagreement with (instr. with or without [ saha ] , loc. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विसंवादन [ visaṃvādana ] [ vi-saṃvādana ] n. the breaking one's word or promise Lit. ib. Lit. Jātakam.
विसंवादित [ visaṃvādita ] [ vi-saṃvādita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) disappointed , dissatisfied Lit. R.
not generally proved , objectionable Lit. Śak. Lit. MārkP.
विसंवादिन् [ visaṃvādin ] [ vi-saṃvādin ] m. f. n. breaking one's word , disappointing , deceiving (see [ °di-tā ] )
contradicting , disagreeing Lit. Ragh. Lit. Rājat.
विसंवादिता [ visaṃvāditā ] [ vi-saṃvādi-tā ] f. the breaking one's word , breach of promise ( in [ a-vis ] ) Lit. Kām.
contradiction , disagreement with (instr.) Lit. Sāh.
विसंशय [ visaṃśaya ] [ vi-saṃśaya ] [ vi-saṃṣṭhula ] , [ vi-saṃsthita ] see p. 953 , col. 1.
विसंसर्पिन् [ visaṃsarpin ] [ vi-saṃ-sarpin ] see [ tiryag-vis ] .
विसंहत [ visaṃhata ] [ vi-saṃ-hata ] m. f. n. (√ [ han ] ) disjoined , loosened Lit. Suśr. (v.l. [ °hita ] ) .
विसंचारिन् [ visaṃcārin ] [ vi-saṃ-cārin ] m. f. n. (√ [ car ] ) moving hither and thither Lit. MBh.
विसपर्य [ visaparya ] [ vi-saparya ] Nom. (see [ saparya ] ) P. [ °yati ] , to worship at different places Lit. RV. i , 70 , 10.
विसम्भरा [ visambharā ] [ vi-sam-bharā ] f. (√ [ bhṛ ] ) the domestic lizard Lit. L.
विसम्भोग [ visambhoga ] [ vi-sam-bhoga ] m. (√ 3. [ bhuj ] ) separation Lit. HPariś.
विसम्मूढ [ visammūḍha ] [ vi-sam-mūḍha ] m. f. n. (√ [ muh ] ) utterly bewildered Lit. Hariv.
विसर [ visara ] [ vi-sara ] [ vi-sāra ] see below.
विसर्ग [ visarga ] [ vi-sarga ] [ vi-sarjana ] see p.1001.
विसल्य [ visalya ] [ vi-salya ] [ vi-sāmagrī ] , [ vi-sārathi ] see p. 953 , col. 1.
विसिच् [ visic ] [ visic ] m. a Jaina Lit. Bādar. Sch.
विसिध् [ visidh ] [ vi-√ sidh:1 ] P. [ -sedhati ] , to resort to (acc.) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 113 Sch.
विसिस्मापयिषु [ visismāpayiṣu ] [ vi-sismāpayiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of Caus. of [ vi-√ smi ] ) wishing to astonish or surprise Lit. MBh.
विसिस्मारयिषु [ visismārayiṣu ] [ vi-sismārayiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of Caus. of [ vi-√ smṛ ] ) wishing to make forget Lit. HPariś.
विसुकल्प [ visukalpa ] [ vi-sukalpa ] [ vi-sukṛt ] , [ vi-sukha ] , [ vi-suta ] , [ vi-suhṛd ] see p. 953 , col. 1.
विसूचन [ visūcana ] [ vi-sūcana ] n. (√ [ sūc ] ) making known Lit. MW.
विसूचिका [ visūcikā ] [ vi-sūcikā ] w.r. for [ vi-ṣ ] .
विसूची [ visūcī ] [ vi-sūcī ] w.r. for [ vi-ṣ ] .
विसूत्र् [ visūtr ] [ vi-√ sūtr ] P. [ -sūtrayati ] , to drive away , remove Lit. Vās. Lit. Bālar. ; to throw into confusion Lit. Rājat.
विसूत्र [ visūtra ] [ vi-sūtra ] m. f. n. confused , disordered , disconcerted Lit. Rājat.
विसूत्रता [ visūtratā ] [ vi-sūtra--tā ] f. confusion , disorder Lit. ib.
confusion of the mind , perplexity Lit. ib.
विसूत्रण [ visūtraṇa ] [ vi-sūtraṇa ] m. driving away Lit. Vcar.
throwing into confusion or disorder Lit. Rājat.
विसूरण [ visūraṇa ] [ vi-sūraṇa ] n. (√ [ sūr ] ) sorrow , distress Lit. Vikr. iv , 19 (see the Prākṛit) .
विसूरित [ visūrita ] [ vi-sūrita ] n. id. Lit. L.
विसूर्य [ visūrya ] [ vi-sūrya ] see p. 953 , col. 1.
विसृ [ visṛ ] [ vi-√ sṛ ] P. [ -sarati ] , [ -sisarti ] ( Ved. and ep. also Ā. perf. [ vi-sasre ] Lit. RV.) , to run or flow through Lit. RV. ; to spread out in various directions , extend (intr.) Lit. R. Lit. Śiś. ; (Ā.) to open or unfold one's self ( with [ tanvām ] ) Lit. RV. x , 71 , 4 ; to be separated , part from (instr.) Lit. AV. ; to go forth in various directions , disperse Lit. MBh. ; to come forth , issue from (abl. or [ -tas ] ) Lit. ib. ; to rush upon (acc.) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -sārayati ] , to send forth Lit. R. ; to stretch forth , extend Lit. MW.
विसर [ visara ] [ vi-sara ] m. going forth or in various directions , spreading , extension Lit. L.
a multitude , quantity , plenty , abundance Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.
bitterness Lit. L.
विसरण [ visaraṇa ] [ vi-saraṇa ] n. the act of going forth or out
spreading (of a cutaneous eruption) Lit. Suśr.
becoming loose or slackened or relaxed Lit. ib.
विसर्मन् [ visarman ] [ vi-sarmán ] m. flowing asunder , dissolving , melting (acc. with √ [ kṛ ] , to dissolve) Lit. RV. v , 42 , 9.
विसार [ visāra ] [ vi-sārá ] m. spreading , extension , diffusion Lit. RV. Lit. Nalôd.
a fish Lit. L.
विसारित [ visārita ] [ vi-sārita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) made to go forth or spread , set on foot , occasioned , effected , performed Lit. W.
विसारिताङ्ग [ visāritāṅga ] [ vi-sāritāṅga ] m. f. n. one who has an expanded or extended body Lit. MW.
विसारिन् [ visārin ] [ vi-sārin ] m. f. n. coming forth , issuing from (comp.) Lit. Ragh. Lit. Śiś.
walking about Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 16 Sch.
stretching over or through , spreading , diffusing ( [ °ri-tā ] f. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
विसारिता [ visāritā ] [ vi-sāri-tā ] f. , see [ visārin ]
विसृत् [ visṛt ] [ vi-sṛ́t ] f. the act of flowing asunder Lit. RV. iv , 19 , 5.
विसृत [ visṛta ] [ vi-sṛta ] m. f. n. Lit. Kir.
gone in various directions , dispersed Lit. MBh.
come forth , issuing or proceeding from (comp.) Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Daś.
stretched out , spread , extended Lit. R.
sent forth , despatched Lit. ib.
fallen off or down Lit. Hariv.
projecting , prominent Lit. Hariv.
uttered Lit. MW.
विसृतगुण [ visṛtaguṇa ] [ vi-sṛta--guṇa ] m. f. n. one who has the string (of a bow ) stretched out Lit. Kir.
विसृतभूषण [ visṛtabhūṣaṇa ] [ vi-sṛta--bhūṣaṇa ] m. f. n. (a limb) from which the ornaments have fallen down Lit. Hariv.
विसृत्वर [ visṛtvara ] [ vi-sṛtvara ] m. f. n. spreading about , becoming diffused Lit. Kum. Lit. Śiś.
gliding along , flowing Lit. W.
विसृमर [ visṛmara ] [ vi-sṛmara ] m. f. n. spreading about Lit. Hcar.
flowing , gliding Lit. W.
विसृज् [ visṛj ] [ vi-√ sṛj ] P. [ -sṛjati ] ( ep. also Ā.) , to send or pour forth , let go or run or flow , discharge , emit , shoot , cast , hurl (lit. and fig. ; " at " loc. dat. , or acc. with [ prati ] ) Lit. RV. ; to turn (the eye) upon (loc.) Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to shed (tears) Lit. R. Lit. Kālid. Lit. Daś. ; (Ā.) to evacuate the bowels Lit. PraśnUp. ; to utter (sounds or words) Lit. Br. Lit. MBh. ; to set free , release (Ā. " one's self " ) from (abl.) Lit. ChUp. Lit. Hariv. ; to send away , dismiss , repudiate , reject , throw or cast off Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to despatch (a messenger) Lit. R. ; to pass over , overlook Lit. MārkP. ; ( in older language Ā.) to abandon , desert , give up , renounce Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to open Lit. TS. ; (Ā.) to stretch out , extend Lit. ŚBr. ; to spread about , diffuse Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to remove Lit. TS. ; to remit , exempt from (acc.) Lit. Rājat. ; to hand over , deliver , bestow , grant Lit. MaitrS. ; to produce , create (esp. " in detail " ) Lit. Up. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -sarjayati ] , to discharge , emit , cast , hurl , throw (lit. and fig.) Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. MBh. ; to utter (a sound) Lit. ŚBr. ; to set free , release , let go , dismiss Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kālid. ; to banish , exile Lit. R. ; to send out , despatch Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to abandon , desert , relinquish , give up , renounce , avoid Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to spare , save Lit. MBh. ; to commit , entrust Lit. Kālid. ; to lay aside , remove Lit. VarBṛS. ; to divulge , publish (news) Lit. Rājat. ; to give away Lit. MBh. ; to hand over , deliver , grant , bestow Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to produce , create Lit. BhP. ; to answer questions Lit. DivyA7v.
विसर्ग [ visarga ] [ vi-sargá ] m. sending forth , letting go , liberation , emission , discharge Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. MBh.
voiding , evacuation (of excrement) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
opening (of the closed hand) Lit. KātyŚr.
getting rid of , sending away , dismissal , rejection Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
letting loose i.e. driving out ( cows ; see [ go-vis ] )
final emancipation , exemption from worldly existence Lit. BhP.
cessation , end Lit. RV. Lit. GṛS.
end of the annual course of the sun Lit. Car.
destruction of the world Lit. BhP.
giving , granting , bestowal Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
scattering , hurling , throwing , shooting , casting (also of glances) Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. Lit. BhP.
producing , creating ( esp. secondary creation or creation in detail by Purusha ; see under [ sarga ] ) Lit. Bhag. Lit. BhP.
creation (in the concrete sense) , product , offspring Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
" producer " , cause Lit. BhP.
membrum virile Lit. ib.
the sun's southern course Lit. L.
separation , parting Lit. W. ( cf. [ -cumbana ] )
light , splendour Lit. ib.
N. of a symbol in grammar (= [ vi-sarjanīya ] , which is the older term see below) Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. Lit. Śrutab. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. xiii , 1241
विसर्गचुम्बन [ visargacumbana ] [ vi-sargá--cumbana ] n. a parting kiss Lit. Ragh.
विसर्गलुप्त [ visargalupta ] [ vi-sargá--lupta ] n. elision of the Visarga Lit. Pratāp.
विसर्गिक [ visargika ] [ vi-sargika ] see [ loka-visargika ] .
विसर्गिन् [ visargin ] [ vi-sargin ] m. f. n. granting , bestowing Lit. MBh. ( cf. also [ loka-vis ] ) .
विसर्जन [ visarjana ] [ vi-sarjana ] m. pl. N. of a family Lit. BhP.
[ visarjanī ] f. " evacuating " , N. of one of the 3 folds of skin at the anus Lit. Suśr.
[ visarjana ] n. cessation , end Lit. RV. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Hariv.
relaxation (of the voice) Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
evacuation Lit. RV.
abandoning , deserting , giving up Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
discharge , emission Lit. Mn. Lit. Ragh.
sending forth , dismissal Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
driving out (cows to pasture) Lit. Vās. , Introd.
throwing (the image of a deity into holy water , as the concluding rite of a festival) Lit. Cat.
setting (a bull) at liberty (on partic. occasions) Lit. MW.
giving , bestowing Lit. Kāv.
hurting , casting , shooting Lit. R.
creating Lit. RV.
product , creation Lit. BhP.
answering a question Lit. L.
विसर्जनीय [ visarjanīya ] [ vi-sarjanīya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ vi-√ sṛj ] ) to be sent forth or emitted Lit. W.
( fr. [ vi-sarjana ] ) see [ vrata-visarjanīya ]
[ visarjanīya ] m. ( cf. [ vi-sarga ] above ) N. of a symbol in grammar (usually marked by two perpendicular dots ( : ) representing a hard and distinctly audible aspiration ; it generally , but not always , occurs at the end of a word , often taking the place of final [ s ] and [ r ] ; it is called Visarjanīya either from its liability to be " rejected " or from its being pronounced with a full " emission " of breath , or from its usually appearing at the " end " of a word or sentence ; Paṇḍits in some parts of India seem to pronounce a vowel after it , e.g. [ naraḥ ] like [ naraha ] , [ agniḥ ] like [ agnihi ] ) Lit. Prāt. Lit. Pāṇ. ( 1001,1 )
विसर्जयितव्य [ visarjayitavya ] [ vi-sarjayitavya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be (or being) discharged (into the anus) Lit. PraśnUp.
विसर्जयितृ [ visarjayitṛ ] [ vi-sarjayitṛ ] m. f. n. giving up , renouncing Lit. Jātakam.
विसर्जिका [ visarjikā ] [ vi-sarjikā ] (?) f. N. of the Tretā-yuga Lit. L.
विसर्जित [ visarjita ] [ vi-sarjita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) sent forth , emitted , dismissed , abandoned , left
exposed (in a forest) Lit. Pañcat.
विसर्ज्य [ visarjya ] [ vi-sarjya ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) to be dismissed or sent away Lit. MBh.
विसृज्य [ visṛjya ] [ vi-sṛjya ] m. f. n. to be sent out or let go
to be (or being) produced or effected (as subst. = " effect " ) Lit. BhP.
विसृष्ट [ visṛṣṭa ] [ ví -sṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. sent or poured forth , let go , allowed to flow or run , discharged , emitted , shed , cast , thrown , hurled Lit. RV.
spat out Lit. VP.
removed Lit. TS.
turned , directed Lit. Mṛicch.
deprived or destitute of (instr.) Lit. BhP.
spread , diffused Lit. AV.
opened Lit. Vait.
(ifc.) bestowed on Lit. MārkP.
produced , created , founded Lit. R. Lit. Ragh.
[ visṛṣṭa ] n. (in gram.) = [ vi-sarjanīya ] Lit. Kāt.
विसृष्टधेन [ visṛṣṭadhena ] [ ví -sṛṣṭa--dhena ] m. f. n. ( [ ví ] ) streaming or yielding milk Lit. RV.
विसृष्टभूमि [ visṛṣṭabhūmi ] [ ví -sṛṣṭa--bhūmi ] m. f. n. one who has space or room given (to sit down ) Lit. MW.
विसृष्टराति [ visṛṣṭarāti ] [ ví -sṛṣṭa--rāti ] m. f. n. ( [ ví - ] ) munificent in gifts Lit. RV.
विसृष्टवत् [ visṛṣṭavat ] [ ví -sṛṣṭa--vat ] m. f. n. one who has sent out or despatched (messengers) Lit. Kathās.
विसृष्टवाच् [ visṛṣṭavāc ] [ ví -sṛṣṭa--vāc ] m. f. n. uttering words i.e. breaking silence Lit. ĀśvŚr.
विसृष्टात्मन् [ visṛṣṭātman ] [ ví -sṛṣṭātman ] m. f. n. one who has cast off (i.e. does not care for) his own self , unselfish Lit. R.
विसृष्टि [ visṛṣṭi ] [ ví -sṛṣṭi ] f. ( [ ví - ] ) letting go , allowing to flow , discharge Lit. Kāṭh.
emission (of semen) Lit. L.
leaving , quitting Lit. W.
giving , offering Lit. ib.
creation , production Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.
secondary creation or creation in detail Lit. Pur.
offspring Lit. Hariv.
विसृप् [ visṛp ] [ vi-√ sṛp ] P. [ -sarpati ] ( mc. also Ā. ; Ved. inf. [ -sṛ́pas ] ) , to glide , move along or about , sneak , steal Lit. VS. ; to fly about (as arrows) Lit. MBh. ; to be scattered or dispersed Lit. RV. ; to be spread or diffused over (acc.) Lit. VS. Lit. MBh. ; to spread , diffuse , divulge Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -sarpayati ] , to spread , extend Lit. Hariv.
विसर्प [ visarpa ] [ vi-sarpa ] m. creeping along or about , spreading , diffusion Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Śāntiś. (v.l.)
a partic. disease (erysipelas or any similar spreading eruption) Lit. Suśr.
(in dram.) an action which leads to an unhappy or undesired issue (e.g. Lit. Veṇis. iii , 10) Lit. Sāh.
विसर्पखिन्नविग्रह [ visarpakhinnavigraha ] [ vi-sarpa--khinna-vigraha ] m. f. n. one whose body is moist with the exudation caused by the Visarpa disease Lit. Rājat.
विसर्पघ्न [ visarpaghna ] [ vi-sarpa--ghna ] n. bees' wax (prob. as removing that disease) Lit. W.
विसर्पचिकित्सा [ visarpacikitsā ] [ vi-sarpa--cikitsā ] f. the cure of the above disease Lit. MW.
विसर्पण [ visarpaṇa ] [ vi-sarpaṇa ] m. f. n. creeping along , spreading , increasing Lit. Car.
[ visarpaṇī ] f. a species of plant Lit. L.
[ visarpaṇa ] n. leaving one's place , shifting Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
spreading , diffusion , increase , growth Lit. Suśr.
विसर्पि [ visarpi ] [ vi-sarpi ] m.
विसर्पिका [ visarpikā ] [ vi-sarpikā ] f. the disease Visarpa Lit. VarBṛS.
विसर्पिन् [ visarpin ] [ ví -sarpin ] m. f. n. ( [ ví - ] ) creeping or shooting forth , issuing from or against (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kālid.
gliding or roaming or swimming or winding about Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
spreading , increasing , growing Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr.
suffering from the disease Visarpa Lit. Hcat.
[ visarpin ] m. the above disease Lit. Suśr.
a kind of hell Lit. TĀr.
विसोढ [ visoḍha ] [ vi-soḍha ] [ vi-soḍhum ] see under [ vi-ṣah ] , p. 997 , col. 1.
विसोम [ visoma ] [ vi-soma ] see p. 953 , col. 1.
विस्कन्त्तृ [ viskanttṛ ] [ vi-skanttṛ ] [ vi-skanna ] see p. 998 , col. 2.
विस्कम्भ् [ viskambh ] [ vi-√ skambh ] see [ vi-ṣkambh ] .
विस्कुम्भु [ viskumbhu ] [ viskumbhu ] see [ vi-ṣkambha ] .
विस्खल् [ viskhal ] [ vi-√ skhal ] ( only pf. [ -caskhale ] ) , to stumble , trip Lit. Śiś. xv , 57.
विस्खलित [ viskhalita ] [ vi-skhalita ] m. f. n. stumbling , stopping , faltering (as words) Lit. Kathās.
(ifc.) mistaken or blundering in Lit. Ragh.
gone astray Lit. Jātakam.
विस्त [ vista ] [ vista ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a partic. weight of gold (= 80 Raktikās or a Karsha of 16 Māshas , about half an ounce troy) , Lit. Prâyaśc.
विस्तन् [ vistan ] [ vi-√ stan ] P. [ -stanati ] , to groan aloud , sound Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Lit. Jātakam.
विस्तृ [ vistṛ ] [ vi-√ stṛ ] ( or [ stṝ ] ) P. Ā. [ -stṛṇoti ] , [ -stṛṇute ] ; [ -stṛṇāti ] , [ -stṛṇīte ] ( ep. also [ -starati ] ; ind.p. [ -stīrya ] , or [ -stṛtya ] ) , to spread out , scatter , strew (sacrificial grass) Lit. R. ; to expand , extend (wings) Lit. R. ; to spread abroad , diffuse , divulge Lit. BhP. ; to enlarge or expatiate upon , speak diffusely about (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( [ vi-stīrya ] ind. copiously , at large) ; ( with [ vacanam ] ) to exchange words , converse with (instr.) Lit. ib. : Pass. [ -stīryate ] or [ -staryate ] (fut. [ -stariṣyate ] ) , to be spread abroad or widely diffused Lit. Mn. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. BhP. ; to be explained Lit. DivyA7v. : Caus. [ -stārayati ] , to spread , extend , diffuse , display Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( [ -stārya ] , fully , copiously , at length) ; to discuss in detail Lit. Kull. ; to expose (wares for sale) Lit. Daś.
विस्तर [ vistara ] [ vi-stara ] m. f. n. extensive , long (as a story) Lit. Sāh.
[ vistara ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; cf. [ vi-stāra ] and Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 31 Lit. Vām. v , 2 , 41) spreading , extension , expansion , prolixity , diffuseness Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
m. a multitude , number , quantity , assemblage , large company Lit. Mn. Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.
becoming large or great (met. applied to the heart) Lit. Daś.
high degree , intensity , Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
(pl.) great wealth or riches Lit. MBh.
m. detail , particulars , full or detailed description , amplification (also as direction to a narrator = [ vistareṇa kāryam ] , " give full particulars " ; [ °reṇa ] ind. or [ °rāt ] ind. diffusely , at length , fully , in detail ; [ °rī-√ kṛ ] , to spread , divulge , expand) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
m. (ifc.) an extensive treatise Lit. CūlUp.
affectionate solicitation Lit. L.
a layer , bed , couch (= [ vi-ṣṭara ] ) Lit. L.
[ vistarā ] f. a partic. Śakti Lit. Hcat.
[ vistareṇa ] ind. , see [ vistara ] , diffusely , at length , fully , in detail
[ vistarāt ] ind. , see [ vistara ] , diffusely , at length , fully , in detail
विस्तरतस् [ vistaratas ] [ vi-stara--tas ] ind. diffusely , at length Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
विस्तरता [ vistaratā ] [ vi-stara--tā ] f. extension , spreading Lit. Ṛitus.
विस्तरभीरु [ vistarabhīru ] [ vi-stara--bhīru ] m. f. n. afraid of diffuseness Lit. Sarvad.
विस्तरशङ्का [ vistaraśaṅkā ] [ vi-stara--śaṅkā ] f. fear of diffuseness Lit. Sāh.
विस्तरशस् [ vistaraśas ] [ vi-stara--śas ] ind. = [ -tas ] Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
विस्तरकेण [ vistarakeṇa ] [ vi-starakeṇa ] ( or [ °staratarakeṇa ] ) ind. very diffusely , at full length Lit. Pat.
विस्तरणी [ vistaraṇī ] [ vi-staraṇī ] f. N. of a goddess Lit. MārkP.
विस्तरणीय [ vistaraṇīya ] [ vi-staraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be spread or extended , capable of being extended or expanded Lit. MW.
विस्तार [ vistāra ] [ vi-stāra ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; cf. [ vi-stara ] ) spreading , expansion , extent , width Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
becoming large or great (met. said of the heart) Lit. Sāh.
the breadth of a circle i.e. its diameter Lit. Col.
specification , detailed enumeration or description Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Suśr. ( [ eṇa ] , diffusely , at length , prob. w.r. for [ vistareṇa ] Lit. R. iii , 4 , 4)
the branch of a tree with its new shoots Lit. L.
a shrub Lit. L.
the diameter of a circle Lit. L.
विस्तारण [ vistāraṇa ] [ vi-stāraṇa ] n. (fr. Caus.) outstretching (of the feet) Lit. Kāv.
विस्तारिका [ vistārikā ] [ vi-stārikā ] f. N. of a Comm. on the Kāvya-prakāśa.
विस्तारित [ vistārita ] [ vi-stārita ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) spread , extended Lit. Ragh.
fully stated , amplified Lit. MW.
विस्तारिन् [ vistārin ] [ vi-stārin ] m. f. n. extending , large , great , mighty Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
विस्तीर्ण [ vistīrṇa ] [ vi-stīrṇa ] m. f. n. strewn or covered or studded with (instr. or comp.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
spread out , expanded , broad , large , great , copious , numerous Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
extensive , long (as a tale) Lit. MBh.
far-sounding Lit. R.
विस्तीर्णकर्ण [ vistīrṇakarṇa ] [ vi-stīrṇa--karṇa ] m. f. n. " extending the ears " and " broad-eared " (applied to an elephant) Lit. Bhartṛ.
विस्तीर्णजानु [ vistīrṇajānu ] [ vi-stīrṇa--jānu ] f. a bandy-legged girl (unfit for marriage) Lit. L.
विस्तीर्णता [ vistīrṇatā ] [ vi-stīrṇa--tā ] f. breadth , diffusion , vastness , largeness , amplitude Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विस्तीर्णत्व [ vistīrṇatva ] [ vi-stīrṇa--tva ] n. breadth , diffusion , vastness , largeness , amplitude Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विस्तीर्णभेद [ vistīrṇabheda ] [ vi-stīrṇa--bheda ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. Lalit.
विस्तीर्णललाटा [ vistīrṇalalāṭā ] [ vi-stīrṇa--lalāṭā ] f. " having a large forehead " , N. of a Kiṃ-narī Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
विस्तीर्णवती [ vistīrṇavatī ] [ vi-stīrṇa--vatī ] f. N. of a partic. world Lit. Buddh.
विस्तृत [ vistṛta ] [ vi-stṛta ] m. f. n. strewn or covered or furnished with (comp.) Lit. Rājat. Lit. BhP.
outstretched , expanded , opened wide Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP.
displayed , developed Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. BhP.
extensive , broad , ample , wide Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
far-sounding Lit. Hariv.
spread , diffused Lit. L.
[ vistṛtam ] ind. fully , at length Lit. Śatr. Lit. BhP.
विस्तृति [ vistṛti ] [ vi-stṛti ] f. extent , width , breadth Lit. Āryabh.
the diameter of a circle Lit. Col.
spreading , expansion Lit. W.
विस्थान [ visthāna ] [ vi-sthāna ] see p. 953 , col. 1.
विस्पन्द् [ vispand ] [ vi-√ spand ] Ā. [ -spandate ] , to quiver , throb , tremble , start Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to struggle , strive , exert one's self Lit. Jātakam. ; to come forth , appear Lit. ib.
विस्पन्द [ vispanda ] [ vi-spanda ] see [ vi-ṣpanda ] and [ vi-ṣyanda ] .
विस्पन्दित [ vispandita ] [ vi-spandita ] see [ a-vispandita ] .
विस्पर्ध् [ vispardh ] [ vi-√ spardh ] Ā. [ -spardhate ] ( mc. also P.) , to emulate , vie with (acc. ; instr. with or without [ saha ] , or [ sārdham ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Jātakam. 2.
विस्पर्धा [ vispardhā ] [ vi-spardhā ] f. ( for 1. see p. 953 , col. 1) emulation , rivalry Lit. MBh. ( Cf. [ vi-ṣpardhas ] and [ °dhā ] , p. 1000 , col. 2.)
विस्पष्ट [ vispaṣṭa ] [ vi-spaṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ spaś ] ; cf. [ viṣpáś ] ) very clear or apparent , manifest , evident plain , intelligible ( [ am ] ind. clearly ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
विस्पष्टता [ vispaṣṭatā ] [ vi-spaṣṭa--tā ] f. great clearness or perspicuity Lit. Sāh.
विस्पष्टार्थ [ vispaṣṭārtha ] [ vi-spaṣṭārtha ] m. f. n. having a very clear or obvious sense Lit. Mn. ii , 33.
विस्पष्टी [ vispaṣṭī ] [ vispaṣṭī ] in comp. for [ °ṣṭa ] .
विस्पष्टीकरण [ vispaṣṭīkaraṇa ] [ vispaṣṭī-karaṇa ] n. the making clear or evident Lit. L.
विस्पष्टीकृ [ vispaṣṭīkṛ ] [ vispaṣṭī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make clear or evident Lit. Sāy.
विस्पृ [ vispṛ ] [ vi-√ spṛ ] see [ vi-ṣpṛ ] , p. 1000 , col. 2.
विस्फर् [ visphar ] [ vi-√ sphar ] ( cf. [ vi-√ sphur ] ) , Caus. [ -spharayati ] (Pass. [ °ryate ] ) , to open wide (eyes) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to draw , discharge (a bow) Lit. MBh.
विस्फार [ visphāra ] [ vi-sphāra ] m. ( also written [ vi-ṣphāra ] ) opening wide Lit. Sāh.
discharging a bow , the twang of a bow-string Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
trembling , agitation Lit. W.
विस्फारक [ visphāraka ] [ vi-sphāraka ] m. a kind of dangerous fever Lit. Bhpr. ( also [ °sphuraka ] and [ °sphoraka ] ) .
विस्फारण [ visphāraṇa ] [ vi-sphāraṇa ] n. spreading (wings) Lit. Jātakam.
विस्फारित [ visphārita ] [ vi-sphārita ] m. f. n. opened wide , torn or rent asunder Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
exhibited , manifested , displayed Lit. Śiś. Lit. Jātakam.
[ visphārita ] n. drawing or discharging (a bow) Lit. MBh.
विस्फल् [ visphal ] [ vi-√ sphal ] see next.
विस्फाल [ visphāla ] [ vi-sphāla ] m. ( also written [ vi-ṣphāla ] Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.) Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 47.
विस्फाय् [ visphāy ] [ vi-√ sphāy ] Ā. [ -sphāyate ] , to swell Lit. Sadukt.
विस्फीत [ visphīta ] [ vi-sphīta ] m. f. n. abundant , plentiful Lit. L.
विस्फुट् [ visphuṭ ] [ vi-√ sphuṭ ] P. [ -sphuṭati ] , [ -sphoṭati ] (fut. [ -sphuṭiṣyati ] ) , to burst open , be split or cleft or rent asunder Lit. R. Lit. MārkP.
विस्फुट [ visphuṭa ] [ vi-sphuṭa ] m. f. n. burst open , gaping ( [ °ṭī-kṛta ] mfn. = next) Lit. Suśr.
विस्फुटीकृत [ visphuṭīkṛta ] [ vi-sphuṭī-kṛta ] m. f. n. , see [ visphuṭa ] , = [ visphuṭita ]
विस्फोट [ visphoṭa ] [ vi-sphoṭa ] m. cracking , crashing Lit. MBh.
a blister , boil Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.
[ visphoṭa ] m. f. n. open Lit. DivyA7v.
विस्फोटक [ visphoṭaka ] [ vi-sphoṭaka ] m. a blister , boil Lit. Suśr.
a kind of leprosy Lit. AgP. Lit. ŚārṅgS.
small-pox Lit. W.
N. of a serpent-demon Lit. L.
[ visphoṭikā ] f. a blister , boil Lit. Śak. Sch.
विस्फोटन [ visphoṭana ] [ vi-sphoṭana ] n. the appearance of blisters Lit. Kaṇ.
loud roaring Lit. BhP.
विस्फुर् [ visphur ] [ vi-√ sphur ] ( cf. [ vi-√ sphar ] ) P. [ -sphurati ] , or [ -ṣphurati ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 76) , to dart asunder (intr.) Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. ; to quiver , tremble , writhe , struggle Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to vibrate , flash , glitter Lit. ib. ; to break forth , appear Lit. Subh. Lit. ŚārṅgS.
विस्फुर [ visphura ] [ vi-sphura ] m. f. n. opening the eyes wide Lit. R.
विस्फुरण [ visphuraṇa ] [ vi-sphuraṇa ] n. quivering (of lightning) Lit. Harav. ( cf. also [ buddhi-visphuraṇa ] ) .
विस्फुरित [ visphurita ] [ vi-sphurita ] m. f. n. trembling , quivering , palpitating ( [ °tādhara ] mfn. having quivering lips Lit. BhP. ; [ °tekṣaṇa ] mfn. having trembling eyes Lit. R.)
flashing , glittering ( [ -śastra ] mfn. with glittering weapons Lit. Uttarar.)
swollen , enlarged Lit. W.
[ visphurita ] n. = [ °sphuraṇa ] Lit. Jātakam.
विस्फुरितशस्त्र [ visphuritaśastra ] [ vi-sphurita--śastra ] m. f. n. , see [ visphurita ] , with glittering weapons Lit. Uttarar.
विस्फुरिताधर [ visphuritādhara ] [ vi-sphuritādhara ] m. f. n. , see [ visphurita ] , having quivering lips Lit. BhP.
विस्फुरितेक्षण [ visphuritekṣaṇa ] [ vi-sphuritekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. , see [ visphurita ] , having trembling eyes Lit. R.
विस्फुरितव्य [ visphuritavya ] [ vi-sphuritavya ] m. f. n. to be opened wide (as the eyes) Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
विस्फोरक [ visphoraka ] [ vi-sphoraka ] see [ vi-sphāraka ] .
विस्फोर्य [ visphorya ] [ vi-sphorya ] m. f. n. (fut. p.p. of [ vi-√ sphur ] ) Lit. Pat.
विस्फुर्ज् [ visphurj ] [ vi-sphurj ] see [ vi-√ sphūrj ] .
विस्फुल् [ visphul ] [ vi-√ sphul ] P. [ -sphulati ] , or [ -ṣphu-lati ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 76) , to wave or flicker to and fro , move hither and thither Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
विस्फुलिङ्ग [ visphuliṅga ] [ vi-sphuliṅga ] m. ( cf. [ vi-ṣphuliṅga ] ) a spark of fire Lit. Up. Lit. MBh. ( [ °gī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become a mere spark Lit. Inscr.)
a sort of poison Lit. L.
[ visphuliṅgā ] f. a spark (= m.) Lit. Harav.
विस्फुलिङ्गक [ visphuliṅgaka ] [ vi-sphuliṅgaka ] m. f. n. sparkling , glittering Lit. AgP.
विस्फूर्ज् [ visphūrj ] [ vi-√ sphūrj ] ( incorrectly [ -sphurj ] ) P. [ -sphūrjati ] , to resound , thunder , roar Lit. BhP. ; to snort Lit. MBh. ; to break forth , appear Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -sphūrjayati ] , to cause to resound or twang (a bow) Lit. BhP.
विस्फूर्ज [ visphūrja ] [ vi-sphūrja ] m. roaring , thundering , breaking forth like thunder Lit. Kaṇ. Lit. Ragh.
विस्फूर्जथु [ visphūrjathu ] [ vi-sphūrjathu ] m. thundering , roaring (as of waves) , a thunder-clap Lit. MW.
विस्फूर्जथुप्रख्य [ visphūrjathuprakhya ] [ vi-sphūrjathu--prakhya ] m. f. n. resembling a clap of thunder Lit. ib.
विस्फूर्जन [ visphūrjana ] [ vi-sphūrjana ] n. gaping , opening wide Lit. Sarvad.
विस्फूर्जित [ visphūrjita ] [ vi-sphūrjita ] m. f. n. resounded , resounding
broken forth , appeared Lit. Kāv.
outstretched Lit. Suśr.
shaken , agitated Lit. BhP.
[ visphūrjita ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. Buddh.
n. the act of rumbling , resounding , roaring , thundering Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
breaking forth , sudden manifestation of (comp.) Lit. Ragh. Lit. Prab.
knitting , contraction (of the brows) Lit. BhP.
विस्फोट [ visphoṭa ] [ vi-sphoṭa ] see above under [ vi-√ sphuṭ ] .
विस्मि [ vismi ] [ vi-√ smi ] Ā. [ -smayate ] ( mc. also P.) , to wonder , be surprised or astonished at (instr. loc. , or abl.) Lit. ŚBr. ; to be proud of (instr.) Lit. Mn. iv , 236 : Caus. [ -smāyayati ] , or [ -smāpayati ] , [ °te ] ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 68 ; vi , 1 , 57) , to astonish , surprise Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Desid. of Caus. see [ vi-sismāpayiṣu ] .
विस्मय [ vismaya ] [ vi-smaya ]1 m. ( for 2. see p. 953 , col. 1) wonder , surprise , amazement , bewilderment , perplexity ( in rhet. one of the [ sthāyi-bhāva ] s q.v.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Daśar.
pride , arrogance Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.
doubt , uncertainty Lit. W.
विस्मयकर [ vismayakara ] [ vi-smaya--kara ]1 m. f. n. causing astonishment or admiration , astonishing , wonderful Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit.
विस्मयकारिन् [ vismayakārin ] [ vi-smaya--kārin ]1 m. f. n. causing astonishment or admiration , astonishing , wonderful Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit.
विस्मयंकर [ vismayaṃkara ] [ vi-smaya--ṃ-kara ]1 m. f. n. causing astonishment or admiration , astonishing , wonderful Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit.
विस्मयंगम [ vismayaṃgama ] [ vi-smaya--ṃ-gama ]1 m. f. n. causing astonishment or admiration , astonishing , wonderful Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit.
विस्मयवत् [ vismayavat ] [ vi-smaya--vat ]1 m. f. n. manifesting pride or arrogance Lit. Hcat.
विस्मयविषादवत् [ vismayaviṣādavat ] [ vi-smaya--viṣāda-vat ]1 m. f. n. filled with astonishment and perplexity Lit. Kathās.
विस्मयहर्षमूल [ vismayaharṣamūla ] [ vi-smaya--harṣa-mūla ]1 m. f. n. caused by astonishment and Joy Lit. MW.
विस्मयाकुल [ vismayākula ] [ vi-smayākula ]1 m. f. n. filled with astonishment or wonder Lit. MBh.
विस्मयान्वित [ vismayānvita ] [ vi-smayānvita ]1 m. f. n. filled with astonishment or wonder Lit. MBh.
विस्मयाविष्ट [ vismayāviṣṭa ] [ vi-smayāviṣṭa ]1 m. f. n. filled with astonishment or wonder Lit. MBh.
विस्मयोत्फुल्लनयन [ vismayotphullanayana ] [ vi-smayotphulla-nayana ]1 m. f. n. ( or [ -locana ] ) having eyes wide open or staring with astonishment Lit. MW.
विस्मयन [ vismayana ] [ vi-smayana ] n. astonishment , wonder Lit. Cat.
विस्मयनीय [ vismayanīya ] [ vi-smayanīya ] m. f. n. astonishing , wonderful Lit. MBh.
विस्मापक [ vismāpaka ] [ vi-smāpaka ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) causing astonishment or surprise , wonderful Lit. Kāv.
विस्मापन [ vismāpana ] [ vi-smāpana ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. BhP.
[ vismāpana ] m. a juggler , conjurer Lit. L.
illusion , deceit Lit. L.
= [ gandharva-nagara ] ( q.v.) Lit. L.
the god of love Lit. L.
n. the act of astonishing or surprising Lit. Hariv.
a means of surprising Lit. Car. Lit. Bhpr.
a surprising or miraculous sign or phenomenon Lit. VarBṛS.
विस्मापनीय [ vismāpanīya ] [ vi-smāpanīya ] m. f. n. causing astonishment ( " in " or " to " gen.) Lit. Hariv.
विस्मापयनीय [ vismāpayanīya ] [ vi-smāpayanīya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh.
विस्मापिन् [ vismāpin ] [ vi-smāpin ] m. f. n. = [ °smāpana ] Lit. Harav.
विस्मित [ vismita ] [ vi-smita ] m. f. n. amazed , surprised , perplexed Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. MBh.
wondered at , surprising Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
proud , arrogant Lit. BhP.
विस्मितमानस [ vismitamānasa ] [ vi-smita--mānasa ] m. f. n. surprised or perplexed in mind Lit. MW.
विस्मितानन [ vismitānana ] [ vi-smitānana ] m. f. n. having a surprised face Lit. ib.
विस्मिति [ vismiti ] [ vi-smiti ] f. astonishment , wonder , surprise Lit. ib.
विस्मेर [ vismera ] [ vi-smera ] m. f. n. wondering , astonished , surprised Lit. Śiś.
विस्मृ [ vismṛ ] [ vi-√ smṛ ] P. [ -smarati ] ( mc. also Ā.) , to forget , be unmindful of (acc. or gen.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Pass. [ -smaryate ] (aor. [ vy-asmāri ] ) , to be forgotten Lit. Rājat. : Caus. [ -smārayati ] (fut. [ -smārayiṣyate ] ) , to cause to forget Lit. Vikr. iii , 18 : Desid. of Caus. see [ vi-sismārayiṣu ] .
विस्मरणीय [ vismaraṇīya ] [ vi-smaraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be forgotten Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
विस्मर्तव्य [ vismartavya ] [ vi-smartavya ] m. f. n. to be forgotten Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
विस्मर्य [ vismarya ] [ vi-smarya ] m. f. n. to be forgotten Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
विस्मारित [ vismārita ] [ vi-smārita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) caused to forget anything (acc.) Lit. Rājat.
caused to be forgotten , lost to memory Lit. BhP.
विस्मृत [ vismṛta ] [ vi-smṛta ] m. f. n. one who has forgotten anything , forgetful of (acc. or comp.) Lit. Kāv.
forgetful of all Lit. R. ii , 58 , 30
forgotten by (instr. or gen.) Lit. R. Lit. Kālid. Lit. Rājat.
विस्मृतपूर्वसंस्कार [ vismṛtapūrvasaṃskāra ] [ vi-smṛta--pūrva-saṃskāra ] m. f. n. forgetting a former promise or resolution Lit. MW.
[ vismṛtapūrvasaṃskāra ] m. N. of Bhava-bhūti Lit. L.
विस्मृतवत् [ vismṛtavat ] [ vi-smṛta--vat ] m. f. n. one who has forgotten Lit. Śak.
विस्मृतसंस्कार [ vismṛtasaṃskāra ] [ vi-smṛta--saṃskāra ] m. f. n. one who forgets an agreement Lit. MW.
विस्मृति [ vismṛti ] [ vi-smṛti ] f. forgetfulness , loss of memory , oblivion Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kathās.
विस्यन्द् [ visyand ] [ vi-√ syand ] [ vi-syanda ] see [ vi-ṣyand ] , p. 1000 , col. 2.
विस्र [ visra ] [ visra ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ vis ] for [ bis ] ?) musty , smelling of raw meat Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.
[ visrā ] f. a species of plant (= [ hapuṣā ] ) Lit. L.
[ visra ] n. ( only Lit. L.) a smell like that of raw meat
विस्रगन्ध [ visragandha ] [ visra-gandha ] m. a musty smell Lit. VarBṛS.
[ visragandha ] m. f. n. smelling musty or of raw meat Lit. L.
[ visragandhā ] f. = [ visrā ] Lit. L.
विस्रगन्धि [ visragandhi ] [ visra-gandhi ] m. f. n. smelling of raw meat Lit. Kād.
[ visragandhi ] n. orpiment Lit. L.
विस्रता [ visratā ] [ visra-tā ] f.
विस्रत्व [ visratva ] [ visra-tva ] n. mustiness Lit. Suśr.
विस्रक [ visraka ] [ visraka ] m. f. n. = [ visra ] , smelling of raw meat , Lit. ŚārṅgS.
विस्रंस् [ visraṃs ] [ vi-√ sraṃs ] Ā. [ -sraṃsate ] ( ep. also P. ; Ved. inf. [ -srásaḥ ] cf. [ vi-srás ] ) , to fall asunder , break down , collapse , be broken (as limbs) , fall off , become loose or unfastened (as hair) Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. Up. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pañcar. : Caus. [ -sraṃsayati ] , to cause to fall asunder , let fall , loosen , untie Lit. AV. ; to betray , publish Lit. MBh.
विस्रंस [ visraṃsa ] [ vi-sraṃsa ] m. falling asunder , dropping down , relaxation , weakness Lit. Br. Lit. Suśr.
विस्रंसजा [ visraṃsajā ] [ vi-sraṃsa--jā ] f. decrepitude Lit. L.
विस्रंसिका [ visraṃsikā ] [ vi-sraṃsikā ] f. N. of a plant, Lit. BaudhP.
विस्रंसन [ visraṃsana ] [ vi-sraṃsana ] m. f. n. causing to fall down or away , casting off Lit. MBh. Lit. Sāh.
[ visraṃsraṃsana ] n. falling down Lit. Gaut.
slackening , relaxation Lit. Suśr.
loosening , unfastening , casting off Lit. Gīt.
a laxative , aperient Lit. W.
विस्रंसिका [ visraṃsikā ] [ vi-sraṃsikā ] f. (of doubtful meaning) Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. ĀpŚr. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 110 Sch.)
विस्रंसित [ visraṃsita ] [ vi-sraṃsita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) caused to fall down or asunder , dropped , loosened , untied Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
विस्रंसितकेशबन्धन [ visraṃsitakeśabandhana ] [ vi-sraṃsita--keśa-bandhana ] m. f. n. one whose hair-band has become loose Lit. BhP.
विस्रंसितसितांशुक [ visraṃsitasitāṃśuka ] [ vi-sraṃsita--sitāṃśuka ] m. f. n. one whose white garment has slipped down Lit. Kathās.
विस्रस् [ visras ] [ vi-srás ] (prob.) f. dropping down , debility , decay (abl. [ °srásaḥ ] also as inf.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br.
विस्रसा [ visrasā ] [ vi-srásā ] f. decrepitude , infirmity , senility Lit. Bālar.
विस्रस्त [ visrasta ] [ ví -srasta ] m. f. n. fallen asunder or down , unfastened , untied , loosened , detached Lit. AV.
dishevelled (as hair) Lit. HPariś.
slackened , relaxed Lit. MBh.
विस्रस्तकुसुमस्रज् [ visrastakusumasraj ] [ ví -srasta--kusuma-sraj ] m. f. n. one whose garland of flowers has fallen off Lit. Kathās.
विस्रस्तचेतस् [ visrastacetas ] [ ví -srasta--cetas ] m. f. n. one whose spirit is dejected Lit. MBh. (B. [ vi-dhvasta-c ] )
विस्रस्तपौंस्न [ visrastapauṃsna ] [ ví -srasta--pauṃsna ] m. f. n. one whose manhood is broken or impaired Lit. BhP.
विस्रस्तबन्धन [ visrastabandhana ] [ ví -srasta--bandhana ] m. f. n. having bonds or fetters unfastened Lit. Kathās.
विस्रस्तवसन [ visrastavasana ] [ ví -srasta--vasana ] m. f. n. having loosened garments Lit. ib.
विस्रस्तशिरोरुहाम्बर [ visrastaśiroruhāmbara ] [ ví -srasta--śiroruhāmbara ] m. f. n. having dishevelled hair and loosened garments Lit. BhP.
विस्रस्तस्रग्विभूषण [ visrastasragvibhūṣaṇa ] [ ví -srasta--srag-vibhūṣaṇa ] m. f. n. one whose garland and ornaments have fallen off Lit. MBh.
विस्रस्तहार [ visrastahāra ] [ ví -srasta--hāra ] m. f. n. one whose necklace has slipped off Lit. MW.
विस्रस्ताङ्ग [ visrastāṅga ] [ ví -srastāṅga ] m. f. n. having a languid body or relaxed limbs Lit. MBh.
विस्रस्य [ visrasya ] [ vi-srásya ] m. f. n. to be loosened or untied Lit. TS.
विस्रम्भ् [ visrambh ] [ vi-√ srambh ] [ vi-srambha ] see [ vi-√ śrambh ] , p. 992 , col. 1.
विस्रि [ visri ] [ visri ] m. N. of a man g. [ śubhrādi ] (v.l. [ viśri ] ) .
विस्रु [ visru ] [ vi-√ sru ] P. [ -sravati ] , to flow forth or away , issue from (abl.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; to discharge or emit (any fluid) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to flow asunder (fig.) , melt , dissolve , come to nothing Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -srāvayati ] , to cause to flow forth or away Lit. MBh. ; to wash away Lit. Car. ; to let blood ( with gen. or acc. of pers.) Lit. Suśr.
विस्रव [ visrava ] [ vi-srava ] m. a flow , stream Lit. MBh.
efflux , issuing moisture Lit. Jātakam.
विस्रवण [ visravaṇa ] [ vi-sravaṇa ] n. flowing asunder Lit. Nir.
विस्रवन्मिश्र [ visravanmiśra ] [ vi-sravan-miśrá ] m. f. n. ( pr. p. of [ vi-√ sru ] + [ m ] ) having blood streaming forth (on it) Lit. ŚBr.
विस्राव [ visrāva ] [ vi-srāva ] m. ( also written [ -śrāva ] ) flowing forth , issuing Lit. Hariv.
विस्रावण [ visrāvaṇa ] [ vi-srāvaṇa ] n. (fr. Caus.) causing to flow (blood , matter ) , bleeding Lit. Suśr.
विस्रावित [ visrāvita ] [ vi-srāvita ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) wasted away , caused to flow out , bled Lit. ib.
विस्रावितव्य [ visrāvitavya ] [ vi-srāvitavya ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) = next Lit. MW.
विस्राव्य [ visrāvya ] [ vi-srāvya ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) to be made to flow Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ a-visr ] )
dissolving , melting , becoming liquid ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Cat.
to be bled , requiring bleeding Lit. Suśr.
विस्राव्यता [ visrāvyatā ] [ vi-srāvya--tā ] f. , see [ visrāvya ]
विस्रुत [ visruta ] [ vi-sruta ] m. f. n. flowed forth , dropped , flowing Lit. W.
spread , diffused , stretched Lit. ib.
विस्रुति [ visruti ] [ vi-sruti ] f. ( also written [ -śruti ] ) flowing forth , issuing from (abl.) Lit. VarBṛS.
विस्रुह् [ visruh ] [ vi-srúh ] f. ( prob. fr. √ [ sruh ] = [ rudh ] , to grow ; cf. [ vī-rudh ] ) a plant , shoot (?) Lit. RV. v , 44 , 3 ( read [ vi-sruhām ] ) ; Lit. vi , 7 , 6 ( Lit. Nir. [ āpaḥ ] Lit. Sāy. ) .
विस्वन् [ visvan ] [ vi-√ svan ] ( cf. [ vi-ṣvan ] ) P. [ -svanati ] , to sound forth , roar , yell Lit. Śiś. xviii , 77 ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 69 Sch.)
विस्वप् [ visvap ] [ vi-√ svap ] P. [ -svapiti ] (pf. [ -suṣvāpa ] ) Lit. Vop.
विषुप्त [ viṣupta ] [ vi-ṣupta ] m. f. n. fallen asleep , sleeping Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. ĀpŚr. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 88 Sch.)
विस्वर [ visvara ] [ vi-svara ] [ vi-svāda ] see p. 953 , col. 2.
विहग [ vihaga ] [ viha-ga ] [ vihaṃ-ga ] see under [ vi- ] √ 1. [ hā ] below.
विहत् [ vihat ] [ vihat ] f. = [ vehat ] Lit. L.
विहन् [ vihan ] [ vi-√ han ] ( often w.r. for [ ni-han ] ) P. [ -hanti ] , to strike apart or asunder , disperse , shatter , break , destroy Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. ; to beat asunder , extend (a skin) Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. ; to tear off Lit. TBr. ; to unbind , loosen (hair) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 21 Sch. ; to ward off , repel Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to keep back , withhold , refuse Lit. MBh. ; to hinder , interrupt , disturb , prevent , frustrate , annihilate Lit. ib. Lit. R. : Pass. [ -hanyate ] , to be frustrated or disappointed , exert one's self in vain Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. : Caus. [ -ghātayati ] , [ °te ] , to beat , vanquish , defeat Lit. Hit. ; (Ā.) to afflict , distress , annoy Lit. MBh. ; to interrupt , disturb Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. v , 84 : Desid. [ -jighāṃsati ] , to wish to interrupt or disturb Lit. BhP. : Intens. ( [ -jījahi ] ?) , to harm , injure Lit. MBh. vii , 2383.
विहत [ vihata ] [ ví -hata ] m. f. n. torn up , furrowed Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚBr.
struck or beaten away or dashed out (of a person's hand) Lit. BhP.
struck or touched or visited by (instr. or comp.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
warded off , repelled Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
rejected , repulsed Lit. BhP.
disturbed , impeded Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
विहति [ vihati ] [ ví -hati ] f. a stroke , blow Lit. Bālar.
striking , killing Lit. W.
prevention , removal Lit. Bālar.
repulse , defeat Lit. Ml.
विहनन [ vihanana ] [ ví -hanana ] n. ( only Lit. L.) killing , slaying
hurting , injury
opposition , obstruction
a bow-like instrument for carding cotton.
विहन्तव्य [ vihantavya ] [ ví -hantavya ] m. f. n. to be destroyed Lit. Prab.
विहन्तृ [ vihantṛ ] [ ví -hantṛ́ ] m. f. n. one who destroys or frustrates or disappoints ( with gen. or ifc.) Lit. RV. Lit. Up.
विहर [ vihara ] [ vi-hara ] see [ vi-√ hṛ ] , col.2.
विहर्य् [ vihary ] [ vi-√ hary ] P. [ -haryati ] , to scorn , repudiate Lit. Nir. vii , 17 ( cf. [ a-viharyata-kratu ] ) .
विहर्ष [ viharṣa ] [ vi-harṣa ] [ vi-hasta ] see p. 953 , col. 2.
विहल्ह [ vihalha ] [ vihálha ] m. (of unknown meaning) Lit. AV. vi , 16 , 1.
विहव [ vihava ] [ vi-hava ] see [ vi-√ hve ] , p.1004.
विहस् [ vihas ] [ vi-√ has ] P. [ -hasati ] , to laugh loudly , burst out laughing Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to laugh at (acc. , rarely gen.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP. Lit. Pañcat.
विहसतिका [ vihasatikā ] [ vi-hasatikā ] f. gentle laughter , smiling Lit. Hcar. (v.l. [ °sitikā ] ) .
विहसन [ vihasana ] [ vi-hasana ] n. id. Lit. W.
विहसित [ vihasita ] [ vi-hasita ] m. f. n. laughing , smiling Lit. Hariv. Lit. Caurap.
laughed , smiled at Lit. Kathās.
[ vihasita ] n. laughter , laughing , smiling Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sāh.
विहसितिका [ vihasitikā ] [ vi-hasitikā ] see [ °hasatikā ] .
विहा [ vihā ] [ vi-√ hā:1 ] Ā. [ -jihīte ] , to go apart , become expanded , start asunder , open , fly open , gape , yawn Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. : Caus: [ -hāpayati ] , to cause to gape , open Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr.
विहग [ vihaga ] [ viha-ga ] m. " sky-goer " , a bird Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
an arrow Lit. MBh. vii , 9021
the sun Lit. L.
the moon Lit. L.
a planet Lit. L.
a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are situated in the 4th and 10th houses) Lit. VarBṛS.
विहगपति [ vihagapati ] [ viha-ga--pati ] m. " king of birds " , N. of Garuḍa Lit. Kāv.
विहगवेग [ vihagavega ] [ viha-ga--vega ] m. " having the swiftness of a bird " , N. of a Vidyā-dhara Lit. Bālar.
विहगगाधिप [ vihagagādhipa ] [ viha-ga--gādhipa ] m. (= [ -pati ] ) Lit. L.
विहगालय [ vihagālaya ] [ viha-gālaya ] m. " abode of birds. " the air , sky Lit. R.
विहगेन्द्र [ vihagendra ] [ vihá-gendra ] m. (= [ -pati ] ) , Lit. Supraṇ.
विहगेन्द्रसंहिता [ vihagendrasaṃhitā ] [ vihá-gendra-saṃhitā ] f. N. of Tāntric wk.
विहगेन्द्रसम्पात [ vihagendrasampāta ] [ vihá-gendra-sampāta ] m. N. of Tāntric wk.
विहगोपघुष्ट [ vihagopaghuṣṭa ] [ viha-gopaghuṣṭa ] m. f. n. resonant with birds Lit. MW.
विहंग [ vihaṃga ] [ viha-ṃ-ga ] m. f. n. sky-going , flying Lit. W.
[ vihaṃga ] m. = [ vihaga ] , a bird Lit. Mn. Lit. R.
an arrow Lit. MBh. viii , 3343
a cloud Lit. L.
the sun Lit. L.
the moon Lit. L.
N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
विहंगराज [ vihaṃgarāja ] [ viha-ṃ-ga--rāja ] m. (= [ vihaga-pati ] ) Lit. L.
विहंगहन् [ vihaṃgahan ] [ viha-ṃ-ga--han ] m. a bird-killer , bird-catcher Lit. MBh.
विहंगाराति [ vihaṃgārāti ] [ viha-ṃ-gārāti ] m. " bird-enemy " , a falcon or hawk.
विहंगक [ vihaṃgaka ] [ viha-ṃ-gaka ] m. a little bird , any bird Lit. Hcar.
[ vihaṃgikā ] f. a sort of pole or yoke for carrying burdens Lit. L.
N. of a woman Lit. Veṇis.
विहंगम [ vihaṃgama ] [ viha-ṃ-gama ] m. f. n. moving in the sky , flying Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
[ vihaṃgama ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a bird Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
m. the sun Lit. MBh.
N. of a class of gods under the 11th Manu Lit. Pur.
विहंगमिका [ vihaṃgamikā ] [ viha-ṃ-gamikā ] f. a sort of yoke (= [ vihaṃ-gikā ] ) Lit. L.
विहायस् [ vihāyas ] [ vi-hāyas ]2 m. n. ( for 1. see p. 953 , col. 2) the open space ( cf. [ vi-yat ] ) , air , sky , atmosphere Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (also [ °saḥ-sthalī ] f. or [ °sas-tala ] n. ; instr. [ °sā ] , " through the sky " )
विहायसःस्थली [ vihāyasaḥsthalī ] [ vi-hāyasaḥ-sthalī ] f. , see [ vihāyas ] , the open space ( cf. [ vi-yat ] ) , air , sky , atmosphere Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
विहायसस्तल [ vihāyasastala ] [ vi-hāyasas-tala ] n. , see [ vihāyas ] , the open space ( cf. [ vi-yat ] ) , air , sky , atmosphere Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
विहायसागामिन् [ vihāyasāgāmin ] [ vi-hāyasā-gāmin ]2 m. f. n. able to move through the sky Lit. L.
विहायस [ vihāyasa ] [ vi-hāyása ] m. n. heaven , sky , atmosphere Lit. TĀr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ vihāyasa ] m. a bird Lit. L.
विहा [ vihā ] [ vi-√ hā:3 ] P. [ -jahāti ] , (ind.p. [ -hāya ] see below) , to leave behind , relinquish , quit , abandon Lit. RV. (with [ śarīram ] , [ prāṇan ] , " to abandon the body or life " , to die) ; to give up , cast off , renounce , resign Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to be deprived of , lose Lit. Ragh. Lit. Sarvad. ; to get rid of or free from (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to desist from (abl.) Lit. Subh. ; to stop , pause Lit. VarBṛS. : Pass. [ -hīyate ] (aor. [ -hāyi ] ) , to be left behind Lit. ŚBr. ; to be inferior to (abl.) Lit. MBh. ; to be lost Lit. AV. : Caus. [ -hāpayati ] see next: Desid. [ -jihāsati ] , to wish to leave or abandon Lit. HPariś.
विहापित [ vihāpita ] [ vi-hāpita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) caused to abandon or give up
given Lit. W.
extorted Lit. ib.
[ vihāpita ] n. a gift , donation Lit. Pārśvan.
विहाय [ vihāya ] [ vi-hāya ] ind. leaving behind i.e. at a distance from (acc.) Lit. VarBṛS.
disregarding , overlooking , setting aside = more than (acc.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
in spite of , notwithstanding (acc.) Lit. Pañcat.
excepting , with the exception of (acc.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. VarBṛS.
विहीन [ vihīna ] [ vi-hīna ] m. f. n. entirely abandoned or left
low , vulgar Lit. MBh.
(ibc.) wanting , missing , absent Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.
destitute or deprived of , free from (instr. abl. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विहीनता [ vihīnatā ] [ vi-hīna--tā ] f. abandonment Lit. MW.
(ifc.) absence or want of Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pañcat.
विहीनतिलक [ vihīnatilaka ] [ vi-hīna--tilaka ] m. f. n. having no coloured sectarian mark (see [ tilaka ] ) on the forehead Lit. R.
विहीनयोनि [ vihīnayoni ] [ vi-hīna--yoni ] m. f. n. of low origin Lit. MBh.
विहीनवर्ण [ vihīnavarṇa ] [ vi-hīna--varṇa ] m. f. n. of low caste Lit. Gaut.
विहीनित [ vihīnita ] [ vi-hīnita ] m. f. n. deprived of (with inst.) Lit. Hariv.
विहान [ vihāna ] [ vihāna ] (?) m. n. morning , dawn Lit. L.
विहारुहा [ vihāruhā ] [ vihāruhā ] f. a species of plant Lit. L.
विहिंस् [ vihiṃs ] [ vi-√ hiṃs ] P. [ -hiṃsati ] , to injure severely , hurt , damage Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -hiṃsayati ] id. Lit. MBh.
विहिंसक [ vihiṃsaka ] [ vi-hiṃsaka ] m. f. n. injuring , hurting , harming ( with gen. or ifc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विहिंसता [ vihiṃsatā ] [ vi-hiṃsa-tā ] f. the act of harming or injuring ( with loc.) Lit. MBh.
विहिंसन [ vihiṃsana ] [ vi-hiṃsana ] n. ( Lit. BhP.) id. ( with gen. or ifc.)
विहिंसा [ vihiṃsā ] [ vi-hiṃsā ] f. ( Lit. MBh. Lit. R.) id. ( with gen. or ifc.)
विहिंसित [ vihiṃsita ] [ vi-hiṃsita ] m. f. n. injured , hurt , damaged Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
विहिंस्र [ vihiṃsra ] [ vi-hiṃsra ] see [ a-vihiṃsra ] .
विहित [ vihita ] [ ví -hita ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. , [ vi- ] √ 1. [ dhā ] , p.967 ; for 1. [ vi-hita ] see p. 953 , col. 2) distributed , divided , apportioned , bestowed , supplied
put in order , arranged , determined , fixed , ordained , ordered Lit. RV.
prescribed , decreed , enjoined Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
destined or meant for (nom.) Lit. MBh.
contrived , performed , made , accomplished , done Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
supplied , endowed , furnished with or possessed of (instr.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( cf. [ su-vihita ] )
विहितक्षण [ vihitakṣaṇa ] [ ví -hita--kṣaṇa ]2 m. f. n. eager for the right moment , intent upon ( [ artham ] ) Lit. Vcar. ( cf. [ kṛta-kṣ ] )
विहितत्व [ vihitatva ] [ ví -hita--tva ]2 n. the being enjoined or prescribed , prescription , direction Lit. Hcat.
विहितदुर्गरचन [ vihitadurgaracana ] [ ví -hita--durga-racana ]2 m. f. n. one who has enjoined the building of a fortress Lit. MW.
विहितप्रतिषिद्ध [ vihitapratiṣiddha ] [ ví -hita--pratiṣiddha ]2 m. f. n. enjoined and prohibited ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
विहितप्रतिषिद्धत्व [ vihitapratiṣiddhatva ] [ ví -hita--pratiṣiddha--tva ] n. , see [ vihitapratiṣiddha ]
विहितयज्ञ [ vihitayajña ] [ ví -hita--yajña ]2 m. f. n. performing sacrifices Lit. Śak. (v.l. for [ vitata-y ] )
विहितवत् [ vihitavat ] [ ví -hita--vat ]2 m. f. n. one who has performed or undertaken Lit. W.
विहितवृत्ति [ vihitavṛtti ] [ ví -hita--vṛtti ]2 m. f. n. one who is maintained or nourished by (instr.) Lit. Rājat.
विहितसेन [ vihitasena ] [ ví -hita--sena ]2 m. N. of a prince Lit. Kathās.
विहितागस् [ vihitāgas ] [ ví -hitāgas ]2 m. f. n. one who has committed a fault , faulty , wicked Lit. W.
विहिताञ्जलि [ vihitāñjali ] [ ví -hitāñjali ]2 m. f. n. making a respectful obeisance Lit. Śiś.
विहितेन्द्रिय [ vihitendriya ] [ ví -hitendriya ]2 m. f. n. possessed of one's senses Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
विहिति [ vihiti ] [ ví -hiti ] f. procedure , way of acting Lit. AitBr.
action , performance , accomplishment Lit. Kāvyâd. Lit. Bālar.
विहित्रिम [ vihitrima ] [ ví -hitrima ] m. f. n. done according to rule Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
विहीन [ vihīna ] [ vi-hīna ] see above.
विहुण्डन [ vihuṇḍana ] [ vi-huṇḍana ] m. (√ [ huṇḍ ] ) N. of one of Śiva's attendants Lit. L.
विहुर्छ् [ vihurch ] [ vi-√ hurch ] ( or [ -hūrch ] ) P. [ -hūrchati ] , to waddle , toddle , sway from one side to another (applied to a corpulent person's gait) Lit. ŚBr. ; to stagger , totter , stumble Lit. Kāṭh.
विहृ [ vihṛ ] [ vi-√ hṛ ] P. [ -harati ] ( rarely Ā.) , to put asunder , keep apart , separate , open Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ; to distribute and transpose (verses or parts of verses) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ; to disperse ( clouds , opp. to [ saṃ-√ hṛ ] ) Lit. Hariv. ; ( with [ talāt talam ] ) to shift , let pass from hand to hand Lit. MBh. ; to divide (also arithmetically) Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Gol. ; to construct (in geom.) Lit. Śulbas. ; to cut off , sever Lit. MBh. ; to extract from (abl.) Lit. ib. ; to carry away , remove Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat. ; to tear in pieces , lacerate Lit. RV. ; to move on , walk Lit. ĀśvŚr. ; to spend or pass (time) Lit. Gobh. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to roam , wander through (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; (esp.) to walk or roam about for pleasure , divert one's self Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (with [ mṛgayām ] , " to go about hunting " Lit. R.) ; to shed (tears) Lit. Śak. : Desid. see [ vi-jihīrṣā ] , [ °ṣu ] (p. 960 , col. 3) .
विहर [ vihara ] [ vi-hara ] m. taking away , removing , shifting , changing Lit. Bhartṛ.
separation , disunion , absence Lit. W.
विहरण [ viharaṇa ] [ vi-haraṇa ] n. the act of taking away or removing or changing or transposing Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. MārkP.
opening , expanding Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 20
stepping out Lit. ib. i , 3 , 41
going about for pleasure or exercise , roaming , strolling Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. Lit. Suśr.
taking out for a walk or for airing Lit. Gobh.
moving to and fro , brandishing Lit. MBh.
विहरणीय [ viharaṇīya ] [ vi-haraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be taken away Lit. W.
to be rambled or sported Lit. ib.
विहर्तृ [ vihartṛ ] [ vi-hartṛ ] m. one who takes away , a robber Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
one who rambles about or enjoys himself Lit. Ragh.
विहार [ vihāra ] [ vi-hāra ] m. ( once in Lit. BhP. n.) distribution , transposition (of words) Lit. AitBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
arrangement or disposition (of the 3 sacred fires ; also applied to the fires themselves or the space between them) , Lit. ŚrS.
too great expansion of the organs of speech ( consisting in too great lengthening or drawling in pronunciation , opp. to [ saṃ-hāra ] q.v.) Lit. RPrāt.
walking for pleasure or amusement , wandering , roaming Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
sport , play , pastime , diversion , enjoyment , pleasure ( " in " or " with " comp. ; ifc. also = taking delight in) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a place of recreation , pleasure-ground Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
(with Buddhists or Jainas) a monastery or temple ( originally a hall where the monks met or walked about ; afterwards these halls were used as temples) Lit. Lalit. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Kathās. ( cf. Lit. MWB. 68 ; 81 )
consecration for a sacrifice Lit. Āpast.
N. of the country of Magadha (called Bihār or Behār from the number of Buddhist monasteries see Lit. MWB. 68) Lit. Cat.
the shoulder Lit. L.
a partic. bird (= [ bindurekaka ] ) Lit. L.
= [ vaijayanta ] Lit. L.
विहारकारिका [ vihārakārikā ] [ vi-hāra--kārikā ] f. pl. N. of wk.
विहारक्रीडामृग [ vihārakrīḍāmṛga ] [ vi-hāra--krīḍā-mṛga ] m. a toy-antelope to play with Lit. BhP.
विहारगृह [ vihāragṛha ] [ vi-hāra--gṛha ] n. a pleasure-house , play-house , theatre Lit. MW.
विहारदासी [ vihāradāsī ] [ vi-hāra--dāsī ] f. a female attendant of a convent or temple Lit. Mālatīm.
विहारदेश [ vihāradeśa ] [ vi-hāra--deśa ] m. a place of recreation , pleasure-ground Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. MārkP.
विहारभद्र [ vihārabhadra ] [ vi-hāra--bhadra ] m. N. of a man Lit. Daś.
विहारभूमि [ vihārabhūmi ] [ vi-hāra--bhūmi ] f. = [ -deśa ] Lit. Hariv.
a grazing-ground , pasturage Lit. Kir.
विहारयात्रा [ vihārayātrā ] [ vi-hāra--yātrā ] f. a pleasure-walk Lit. MBh.
विहारवत् [ vihāravat ] [ vi-hāra--vat ] m. f. n. possessing a place of recreation Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
(ifc.) delighting in Lit. Mn. x , 9
विहारवन [ vihāravana ] [ vi-hāra--vana ] n. a pleasure-grove Lit. Daś.
विहारवापी [ vihāravāpī ] [ vi-hāra--vāpī ] f. " pleasure-pond " , N. of wk.
विहारवारि [ vihāravāri ] [ vi-hāra--vāri ] n. water for sporting or playing about in Lit. Ragh.
विहारशयन [ vihāraśayana ] [ vi-hāra--śayana ] n. a pleasure-couch Lit. R.
विहारशैल [ vihāraśaila ] [ vi-hāra--śaila ] m. a pleasure-mountain Lit. R.
विहारस्थली [ vihārasthalī ] [ vi-hāra--sthalī ] f. ( Lit. Vās.)
विहारस्थान [ vihārasthāna ] [ vi-hāra--sthāna ] n. ( Lit. BhP.)
विहाराजिर [ vihārājira ] [ vi-hārājira ] n. (= [ °radeśa ] )
विहारावसथ [ vihārāvasatha ] [ vi-hārāvasatha ] m. (= [ °ra-gṛha ] ) Lit. MBh.
विहारक [ vihāraka ] [ vi-hāraka ] m. f. n. delighting in (comp.) Lit. Pañcar.
serving for the amusement of (comp.) Lit. Mālatīm.
roaming or walking about , a roamer Lit. MW.
belonging to a Buddhist temple or convent Lit. ib.
विहारण [ vihāraṇa ] [ vi-hāraṇa ] n. pleasure , delight (ifc. = delighting in) Lit. Pañcar.
विहारिन् [ vihārin ] [ vi-hārin ] m. f. n. wandering about for pleasure , roaming , strolling Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
going as far as , extending to (comp.) Lit. R. Lit. Rājat.
dependent on (comp.) Lit. MBh.
enjoying one's self with , delighting in , given or addicted to , fond of (comp.) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
charming , beautiful Lit. Bhartṛ. (v.l.)
[ vihāriṇī ] f. a girl too fond of gadding about (unfit for marriage) Lit. L.
विहारिसिंह [ vihārisiṃha ] [ vi-hāri-siṃha ] m. N. of a king Lit. Inscr.
विहृत [ vihṛta ] [ vi-hṛta ] m. f. n. set or put asunder , distributed , disposed
transposed , varied (as words or Pādas) Lit. ŚrS.
hesitation , reluctance , bashful silence (one of the 10 Hāvas or feminine modes of indicating love) Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh.
विहृतषोडशी [ vihṛtaṣoḍaśī ] [ vi-hṛta--ṣoḍaśī ] f. N. of wk.
विहृति [ vihṛti ] [ vi-hṛti ] f. expansion , increase , growth Lit. Kir.
sport , pastime , pleasure Lit. Nalôd.
taking away Lit. MW.
विहेठ् [ viheṭh ] [ vi-√ heṭh ] Caus. P. [ -heṭhayati ] , to hurt , injure Lit. Lalit.
विहेठ [ viheṭha ] [ vi-heṭha ] m. hurt , injury Lit. ib.
विहेठक [ viheṭhaka ] [ vi-heṭhaka ] m. f. n. hurting , injuring , an injurer Lit. MBh.
a reviler Lit. W.
विहेठन [ viheṭhana ] [ vi-heṭhana ] n. the act of hurting , injuring , distressing , afflicting Lit. L.
विहेल् [ vihel ] [ vi-√ hel ] Caus. Ā. [ -helayate ] , to vex , annoy Lit. MBh. xiii , 6720 (B. [ -ghātayate ] ) .
विह्नु [ vihnu ] [ vi-√ hnu ] Ā. [ -hnute ] Sch. on Lit. APrāt. i , 100.
विह्मल् [ vihmal ] [ vi-√ hmal ] Caus. [ -hmalayati ] Lit. ib.
विह्रु [ vihru ] [ vi-√ hru ] ( cf. [ vi-√ hvṛ ] below) P. [ -hruṇāti ] , to cause to deviate , turn aside , frustrate , spoil Lit. RV.
विह्रुत् [ vihrut ] [ vi-hrút ] f. a serpent-like animal , worm Lit. VS.
विह्रुत [ vihruta ] [ vi-hruta ] ( [ ví - ] ) m. f. n. crooked , dislocated , hurt , injured Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
विह्लण [ vihlaṇa ] [ vihlaṇa ] see [ bilhaṇa ] .
विह्वरित [ vihvarita ] [ vi-hvarita ] see [ vi-√ hvṛ ] .
विह्वल् [ vihval ] [ vi-√ hval ] P. [ -hvalati ] , to shake or sway to and fro , tremble , be agitated or unsteady , stagger Lit. MantraBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विह्वल [ vihvala ] [ vi-hvala ] m. f. n. agitated , perturbed , distressed , afflicted , annoyed ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
विह्वलचेतन [ vihvalacetana ] [ vi-hvala--cetana ] ( Lit. MBh.) m. f. n. distressed in mind , low-spirited
विह्वलचेतस् [ vihvalacetas ] [ vi-hvala--cetas ] ( Lit. Kathās.) m. f. n. distressed in mind , low-spirited
विह्वलतनु [ vihvalatanu ] [ vi-hvala--tanu ] m. f. n. one whose body is exhausted by (comp.) Lit. Pañcat.
विह्वलता [ vihvalatā ] [ vi-hvala--tā ] f. agitation , perturbation , consternation , anxiety Lit. MBh.
विह्वलत्व [ vihvalatva ] [ vi-hvala--tva ] n. agitation , perturbation , consternation , anxiety Lit. MBh.
विह्वललोचन [ vihvalalocana ] [ vi-hvala--locana ] m. f. n. one who has unsteady or rolling eyes Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
विह्वलसालसाङ्ग [ vihvalasālasāṅga ] [ vi-hvala--sālasāṅga ] m. f. n. one whose body is exhausted and languid Lit. Caurap.
विह्वलहृदय [ vihvalahṛdaya ] [ vi-hvala--hṛdaya ] m. f. n. (= [ -cetana ] ) Lit. BhP.
विह्वलाक्ष [ vihvalākṣa ] [ vi-hvalākṣa ] m. f. n. (= [ °la-locana ] ) Lit. ib.
विह्वलाङ्ग [ vihvalāṅga ] [ vi-hvalāṅga ] m. f. n. (= [ °la-tanu ] ) Lit. MārkP. Lit. Pañcat.
विह्वलात्मन् [ vihvalātman ] [ vi-hvalātman ] m. f. n. (= [ °la-cetana ] ) Lit. BhP.
विह्वलितसर्वाङ्ग [ vihvalitasarvāṅga ] [ vi-hvalita--sarvāṅga ] m. f. n. trembling with the whole body Lit. MBh.
विह्वलीकृत [ vihvalīkṛta ] [ vihvalī-kṛta ] m. f. n. made confused or agitated Lit. MW.
fused , liquid Lit. ib.
विह्वृ [ vihvṛ ] [ vi-√ hvṛ ] ( cf. [ vi-√ hru ] ) , to stagger , stumble , fall Lit. TĀr. ( cf. [ a-vihvarat ] ) : Caus. ( only aor. Subj. [ -jihvaraḥ ] ) , to cause to fall , overthrow Lit. RV.
विह्वरित [ vihvarita ] [ vi-hvarita ] m. f. n. staggered , fallen (Vedic accord. to Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 33) .
विह्वारुक [ vihvāruka ] [ vi-hvā́ruka ] m. f. n. tumbling , falling Lit. MaitrS.
विह्वे [ vihve ] [ vi-√ hve ] Ā. [ -hvayate ] ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 30) , to call in different places , call , invoke , vie in calling , contend for anything Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
विहवीय [ vihavīya ] [ vi-havīya ] n. " containing the word [ vihava ] " , N. of the hymn Lit. RV. x , 128.
विहव्य [ vihavya ] [ vi-hávya ] [ vi-hávya ] or [ vi-havyá ] , m. f. n. to be invoked or invited or desired Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
[ vihavya ] m. ( with [ āṅgirasa ] ) N. of the supposed author of Lit. RV. x , 128 Lit. Anukr.
of a son of Varcas Lit. MBh.
[ vihavyā ] f. N. of partic. bricks Lit. TS.
( scil. [ sūkta ] ) N. of Lit. RV. x , 128 ( cf. [ °havīya ] ) Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. Lāṭy.
वी [ vī ] [ vī ]1 Root cl. [2] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiv , 39) [ veti ] (accord. to some in the conjug. tenses substituted for √ [ aj ] ; 2. sg. [ véṣi ] also as Impv. Lit. RV. ; 3. pl. [ vyánti ] Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. ; Subj. 2. 3. sg. [ ves ] Lit. RV. ; Impv. [ vīhí ] , [ vītāt ] Lit. ib. ; 3. pl. [ viyantu ] Lit. TS. ; p. Ā. [ vyāná ] Lit. RV. ; pf. [ vivāya ] , [ vivye ] Lit. ib. ; aor. [ avaiṣīt ] Gr. ; 3. pl. [ aveṣan ] Subj. [ veṣat ] Lit. RV. ; fut. [ vetā ] , [ veṣyati ] inf. [ vetum ] Gr.) , to go , approach , (either as a friend i.e. " seek or take eagerly , grasp , seize , accept , enjoy " , or as an enemy i.e. " fall upon , attack , assail , visit , punish , avenge " ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br. ; to set in motion , arouse , excite , impel Lit. RV. ; to further , promote , lead or bring or help any one to ( two acc.) Lit. ib. ; to get , procure Lit. ib. : Pass. [ -vīyáte ] Lit. AV. Lit. Br. : Caus. [ vāyayati ] or [ vāpayati ] (aor. [ avīvayat ] ) , to cause to go or approach ; to impregnate Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 55 : Desid. [ vivīṣati ] Gr.: Intens. , see [ ā-√ vī ] and √ [ vevī ] . ( ( cf. accord. to some , Lat. (ve-nari) ; Germ. (weida) , (Weide) , (weiden) . ) )
वी [ vī ] [ vī́ ]2 m. f. n. going to , eager for , desirous or fond of (gen.) Lit. RV. i , 143 , 5 ( cf. [ deva-vī́ ] , [ pada-vī́ ] )
set in motion (see [ parṇa-v ] )
वीत [ vīta ] [ vītá ]1 m. f. n. gone , approached
desired , liked , loved , pleasant Lit. RV. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
straight , smooth Lit. RV. iv , 2 , 11 ; ix , 97 , 17
trained , quiet Lit. Rājat.
[ vītā ] f. a line , row (= [ rāji ] ) . Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
[ vīta ] n. a wish , desire Lit. TĀr.
the driving or guiding of an elephant (with a goad) Lit. Śiś. v , 47.
वीततम [ vītatama ] [ vītá-tama ] ( [ vītá- ] ) m. f. n. most acceptable or pleasant Lit. RV.
वीतपृष्ठ [ vītapṛṣṭha ] [ vītá-pṛṣṭha ] ( [ vītá- ] ) m. f. n. straight-backed (as a horse) Lit. ib.
वीतवत् [ vītavat ] [ vītá-vat ] m. f. n. containing the word [ vīta ] or other forms fr. √ [ vī ] Lit. ĀśvŚr.
वीतवार [ vītavāra ] [ vītá-vāra ] ( [ vītá- ] ) m. f. n. straight-tailed (as a horse) Lit. ib.
वीतहव्य [ vītahavya ] [ vītá-havya ] m. f. n. ( [ vītá- ] ) one whose offerings are acceptable Lit. ib.
[ vītahavya ] m. N. of a man with the patr. [ āṅgirasa ] ( author of Lit. RV. vi , 15) Lit. Anukr.
of a man with the patr. [ śrāyasa ] Lit. TS. Lit. PañcavBr.
of a king who obtained the rank of a Brāhman Lit. MBh.
of a son of Śunaka and father of Dhṛiti Lit. Pur.
of Kṛishṇa Lit. Pañcar.
pl. the sons of Vīta-havya Lit. MBh.
वीतहव्योपाख्यान [ vītahavyopākhyāna ] [ vītá-havyopākhyāna ] n. N. of a ch. of the Vāsishṭha-rāmâyaṇa.
वीति [ vīti ] [ vītí ]1 f. (dat. [ vītáye ] often used as inf.) enjoyment , feast , dainty meal , full draught Lit. RV.
advantage , profit Lit. ib. ( Lit. L. also light , lustre = [ gati ] , [ prajana ] , [ dhāvana ] )
वीतिराधस् [ vītirādhas ] [ vītí -rādhas ] ( [ vītí - ] ) m. f. n. affording enjoyment Lit. RV.
वीतिहोत्र [ vītihotra ] [ vītí -hotra ] m. f. n. ( [ vītí - ] ) inviting to enjoyment or to a feast Lit. ib.
invited to a feast (as gods) Lit. VS.
[ vītihotra ] m. fire or the god of fire Lit. Rājat. Lit. BhP. (pl. the worshippers of fire in any form Lit. Cat.)
the sun Lit. L.
N. of a king Lit. MBh.
of a son of Priya-vrata Lit. BhP.
of a son of Indra-sena Lit. ib.
of a son of Su-kumāra Lit. ib.
of a son of Tāla-jaṅgha Lit. ib. Lit. VP. (pl. his descendants)
of a priest Lit. Cat.
वीतिहोत्रदयिता [ vītihotradayitā ] [ vītí -hotra--dayitā ] f. " beloved of Vīti-hotra i.e. Agni " , N. of a Svāhā Lit. Pañcar.
वीतिहोत्रप्रिया [ vītihotrapriyā ] [ vītí -hotra--priyā ] f. " beloved of Vīti-hotra i.e. Agni " , N. of a Svāhā Lit. Pañcar.
वी [ vī ] [ vī ]3 ( Preverb. [ vi- ] :5 [ √ i ] ) P. [ vy-eti ] ( 3. pl. [ viyanti ] ; impf. [ vy-ait ] ; pf. [ vīyāya ] ; inf. [ vy-etum ] ; for [ vyayati ] , [ vyayayati ] see √ [ vyay ] ) , to go apart or in different directions , diverge , be diffused or scattered or distributed or divided or extended Lit. RV. ; to be lost , perish , disappear Lit. Up. Lit. MBh. ; to go through , traverse Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AitBr. : Intens. (or cl. [4] Ā.) [ vīyate ] , to pass through , traverse Lit. RV. ( 1004,1 )
वीत [ vīta ] [ vīta ]2 m. f. n. gone away , departed , disappeared , vanished , lost (often ibc. = free or exempt from , without , -less) Lit. Up. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
वीतकल्मष [ vītakalmaṣa ] [ vīta-kalmaṣa ] m. f. n. freed from taint or sin Lit. Mn. xii , 22.
वीतकाम [ vītakāma ] [ vīta-kāma ] m. f. n. free from desire Lit. W.
वीतघृणता [ vītaghṛṇatā ] [ vīta-ghṛṇa--tā ] f. mercilessness Lit. ib.
वीतचिन्त [ vītacinta ] [ vīta-cinta ] m. f. n. free from anxiety about (loc.) Lit. Śak.
वीतजन्मजरस [ vītajanmajarasa ] [ vīta-janma-jarasa ] m. f. n. not subject to birth or old age Lit. Kir.
वीतत्रसरेणु [ vītatrasareṇu ] [ vīta-trasareṇu ] m. f. n. = [ -rāga ] , free from passions or affections Lit. Bālar. iv , 11/12 ( printed [ -trās ] ) .
वीततृष्ण [ vītatṛṣṇa ] [ vīta-tṛṣṇa ] m. f. n. free from all passions or desires Lit. L.
वीतदम्भ [ vītadambha ] [ vīta-dambha ] m. f. n. free from pride , humble Lit. L.
वीतभय [ vītabhaya ] [ vīta-bhaya ] m. " fearless , undaunted " , N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.
of Vishṇu Lit. L.
वीतमत्सर [ vītamatsara ] [ vīta-matsara ] m. f. n. free from envy or passion Lit. Mn. xi , 111.
वीतमन्यु [ vītamanyu ] [ vīta-manyu ] m. f. n. free from resentment or anger Lit. KaṭhUp.
exempt or free from sorrow Lit. MBh.
वीतमल [ vītamala ] [ vīta-mala ] m. f. n. free from obscurity or darkness , clear , pure Lit. MW.
वीतमोह [ vītamoha ] [ vīta-moha ] m. f. n. freed from illusion Lit. MW.
वीतमोहोपाख्यान [ vītamohopākhyāna ] [ vīta-mohopākhyāna ] n. N. of wk.
वीतराग [ vītarāga ] [ vīta-rāga ] m. f. n. free from passions or affections , dispassionate , desireless , calm , tranquil Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (also applied to 8 partic. Bodhi-sattvas and their attributes)
not attached to (loc.) Lit. HPariś.
colourless , bleached Lit. W.
[ vītarāga ] m. a sage with subdued passions (esp. applied to a Buddhist or Jaina saint) . Lit. L.
वीतरागभयक्रोध [ vītarāgabhayakrodha ] [ vīta-rāga--bhaya-krodha ] m. f. n. free from passions and fear and anger Lit. Bhag.
वीतरागभूमि [ vītarāgabhūmi ] [ vīta-rāga--bhūmi ] f. one of the 7 stages in the life of a Śrāvaka Lit. Buddh.
वीतरागस्तुति [ vītarāgastuti ] [ vīta-rāga--stuti ] f. N. of a Jaina wk.
वीतविरुद्धबुद्धि [ vītaviruddhabuddhi ] [ vīta-viruddha-buddhi ] m. f. n. one whose hostile feelings have passed away , peaceable Lit. W.
वीतविष [ vītaviṣa ] [ vīta-viṣa ] m. f. n. free from impurities , clear (as water) Lit. Dhanaṃj.
वीतव्रीड [ vītavrīḍa ] [ vīta-vrīḍa ] m. f. n. shameless Lit. Bhartṛ.
वीतशङ्क [ vītaśaṅka ] [ vīta-śaṅka ] m. f. n. fearless , intrepid ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Śiś.
[ vītaśaṅkam ] ind. , see [ vītaśaṅka ]
वीतशोक [ vītaśoka ] [ vīta-śoka ] m. f. n. free from sorrow Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. MBh.
[ vītaśoka ] m. the Aśoka tree , Jonesia Asoka Lit. MBh.
[ vītaśokā ] f. N. of a town Lit. HPariś.
वीतशोकता [ vītaśokatā ] [ vīta-śoka-tā ] f. freedom from sorrow Lit. Yājñ.
वीतशोकभय [ vītaśokabhaya ] [ vīta-śoka-bhaya ] m. f. n. free from sorrow and fear Lit. Mn. vi , 32
वीतशोकभयाबाध [ vītaśokabhayābādha ] [ vīta-śoka-bhayābādha ] m. f. n. free from the disturbance of sorrow and fear Lit. MW.
वीतस्पृह [ vītaspṛha ] [ vīta-spṛha ] m. f. n. free from wish or desire Lit. W.
वीतहिरण्मय [ vītahiraṇmaya ] [ vīta-hiraṇmaya ] m. f. n. one who does not possess any golden vessels ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Ragh. v , 2.
वीतहिरण्मयत्व [ vītahiraṇmayatva ] [ vīta-hiraṇmaya--tva ] n. , see [ vītahiraṇmaya ]
वीतार्चि [ vītārci ] [ vītārci ] ( or [ °cis ] ) m. f. n. one whose flame is extinguished Lit. ĀpŚr.
वीताशोक [ vītāśoka ] [ vītāśoka ] m. a proper N. (= [ vigatāśoka ] ) Lit. Buddh.
वीतोच्चयबन्ध [ vītoccayabandha ] [ vītoccaya-bandha ] m. f. n. having the fastening of the knot gone Lit. Kir.
वीतोत्तर [ vītottara ] [ vītottara ] m. f. n. having no answer , unable to reply ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Amar.
[ vītottaram ] ind. , see [ vītottara ]
वीति [ vīti ] [ vītí ]2 f. separation Lit. TS.
वी [ vī ] [ vī ]4 m. f. n. ( weak form of √ [ vye ] ) covered ( cf. [ hiraṇya-vī́ ] ) .
वीत [ vīta ] [ vītá ]3 m. f. n. covered , hidden , concealed Lit. RV. ( cf. [ kṛtsna-v ] )
covered or wrapped in , girt with (instr.) Lit. ib. Lit. BhP.
वीतसूत्र [ vītasūtra ] [ vītá-sūtra ] n. the sacred thread or cord Lit. Vikr. v , 19 ( cf. [ ni- ] and [ upa-vīta ] ) .
वीतक [ vītaka ] [ vītaka ] n. a vessel for camphor and sandal powder Lit. L.
( in [ a-v ] ) = [ vi-vīta ] , an inclosed spot of ground Lit. Yājñ. ii , 291.
वीतिन् [ vītin ] [ vītin ] m. N. of a man (pl. his family) Lit. Saṃskārak.
वी [ vī ] [ vī ]5 m. = [ vi ] 1 , a bird (see [ takva-vī́ ] )
[ vī ] f. a female bird Lit. L.
वीक [ vīka ] [ vīka ] m. a " bird " or " wind " Lit. Uṇ. iii , 47 Sch.
= [ manas ] Lit. L.
वी [ vī ] [ vī ]6 in comp.= 3. [ vi ] ( in [ vī-kāśa ] , [ -cayana ] , [ -taṃsa ] , [ -nāha ] , [ -barha ] , [ -mārga ] , [ -rudh ] , [ -vadha ] , [ -vāha ] , [ -vidha ] , [ -vṛta ] , [ -sarpa ] , [ -hāra ] , qq.vv.)
वीकाश [ vīkāśa ] [ vī-kāśa ] m. = [ vi-k ] 1 Lit. L.
= [ vi-k ] 2 , brightness , light , lustre Lit. Daś.
वीकृड [ vīkṛḍa ] [ vīkṛḍa ] m. f. n. (applied to Rudra) Lit. MaitrS. (v.l.)
वीक्ष् [ vīkṣ ] [ vīkṣ ] ( Preverb. [ vi-√ īkṣ ] ) Ā. [ vīkṣate ] ( ep. also P.) , to look at , see , behold Lit. ŚBr. ; to look upon , regard ( [ pitṛ-vat ] , as a father) Lit. R. ; ( with [ hṛdi ] ) to see in the heart , ponder Lit. R. ; to consider , observe , discern , ascertain , understand Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to think fit or proper Lit. Suśr. ; to look over , peruse , study Lit. VarBṛS. : Pass. [ vīkṣyate ] , to be looked at ; to look like , appear Lit. Vikr.
वीक्ष [ vīkṣa ] [ vīkṣa ] m. sight , seeing Lit. W.
investigation Lit. Cat.
knowledge , intelligence Lit. BhP.
unconsciousness , fainting Lit. L.
[ vīkṣa ] n. surprise , astonishment Lit. W.
any visible object Lit. ib.
वीक्षापन्न [ vīkṣāpanna ] [ vīkṣāpanna ] m. f. n. ( or [ °kṣāp° ] ) astonished , surprised Lit. ib.
वीक्षारण्यमाहात्म्य [ vīkṣāraṇyamāhātmya ] [ vīkṣāraṇya-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
वीक्षण [ vīkṣaṇa ] [ vīkṣaṇa ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) looking at , seeing , inspection , investigation Lit. ŚrS. Lit. MBh.
a glance , gaze Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. BhP.
the eye Lit. Śiś. xviii , 30
(in astrol.) aspect of the planets Lit. VarBṛS.
वीक्षणीय [ vīkṣaṇīya ] [ vīkṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be looked at or regarded or considered , visible , observable Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
वीक्षितव्य [ vīkṣitavya ] [ vīkṣitavya ] m. f. n. = [ vīkṣaṇīya ] (n. impers. it should be looked ) Lit. Kathās.
वीक्षितृ [ vīkṣitṛ ] [ vīkṣitṛ ] m. f. n. one who looks at or sees (ifc.) Lit. BhP.
वीक्ष्य [ vīkṣya ] [ vīkṣya ] m. f. n. = [ vīkṣaṇīya ] Lit. L.
astonishing , wonderful Lit. W.
[ vīkṣya ] m. a dancer , actor Lit. L.
a horse Lit. L.
n. wonder , surprise , wonderful object Lit. L.
वीखा [ vīkhā ] [ vīkhā ] f. ( cf. [ vīṅkhā ] ) a partic. motion Lit. Siṃhâs.
वीङ्क [ vīṅka ] [ vīṅka ] n. N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
वीङ्ख् [ vīṅkh ] [ vīṅkh ] ( Preverb. [ vi-√ īṅkh ] ) , Caus. [ vīṅkhayati ] ( only 3. du. impf. [ vy-aiṅkhayatām ] ) , to toss to and fro , swing Lit. PañcavBr.
वीङ्खा [ vīṅkhā ] [ vīṅkhā ] f. a partic. mode of moving , dancing (also " one of a horse's paces " ) Lit. L.
= [ saṃdhi ] Lit. L.
Carpopogon Pruriens Lit. L.
वीङ्गित [ vīṅgita ] [ vī́ṅgita ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ vi-√ iṅg ] ) tossed , moved to and fro Lit. TBr. (w.r. [ vīṅkita ] ) .
वीच [ vīca ] [ vīca ] see under [ vīci ] .
वीचयन [ vīcayana ] [ vī-cayana ] n. = [ vi-c ] (see [ vi- ] √ 2. [ ci ] ) , research , inquiry Lit. W.
वीचि [ vīci ] [ vī́ci ] f. ( prob. fr. [ vi ] + 2. [ añc ] ) going or leading aside or astray , aberration , deceit , seduction Lit. RV. x , 10 , 6
also m. ( Lit. L.) and f ( [ ī ] ) . (ifc. [ °ci ] , or [ °cika ] ) a wave , ripple Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS.
" wave " as N. of a subdivision of a chapter (called [ pravāha ] , " river " ) Lit. Sadukt.
( prob. for [ a-vīci ] ) a partic. hell Lit. R. ( Lit. L. also = [ sukha ] , [ avakāśa ] , [ svalpa ] , [ alpa ] , [ āli ] , [ kiraṇa ] ) .
वीचिक्षोभ [ vīcikṣobha ] [ vī́ci-kṣobha ] m. agitation or roughness of waves Lit. Megh.
वीचितरंगन्याय [ vīcitaraṃganyāya ] [ vī́ci-taraṃga-nyāya ] m. wave-undulation-method (or the rule by which sound reaches the ear , a term used to denote successive operation) Lit. Bhāshāp.
वीचिमालिन् [ vīcimālin ] [ vī́ci-mālin ] m. " wave-garlanded " , the ocean Lit. L.
वीच [ vīca ] [ vīca ] prob. for [ vīci ] ( in [ ambu-vīca ] N. of a king Lit. MBh. i , 7476) .
वीचीकाक [ vīcīkāka ] [ vīcī-kāka ] m. a partic. bird Lit. MārkP.
वीज् [ vīj ] [ vīj ] Root ( cf. √ 1. [ vij ] ) cl. [1] P. Ā. [ vījati ] , [ °te ] (pf. [ vivyajuḥ ] ) , to fan , cool by blowing upon or fanning , Lit. Hariv. ; to sprinkle with water Lit. MBh. ( according to Lit. Dhātup. vi , 24 only Ā. " to go " ) : Caus. or cl. [10] ( Lit. Dhātup. xxxv , 84) , [ vījayati ] (Pass. [ vījyate ] ) , to fan , blow , kindle (fire) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to stroke , caress Lit. Suśr.
वीजन [ vījana ] [ vījana ] m. N. of two kinds of bird (= [ koka ] and [ jīvaṃ-jīva ] ) Lit. L.
[ vījana ] n. fanning , wafting Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
a fan Lit. Bhpr.
= [ vastu ] Lit. L.
वीजित [ vījita ] [ vījita ] m. f. n. fanned , cooled
sprinkled with water , wetted Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ vejita ] ) .
वीज्य [ vījya ] [ vījya ] see [ sukha-v ] .
वीज [ vīja ] [ vīja ] see [ bīja ] .
वीट [ vīṭa ] [ vīṭa ] n. ( only in Lit. Siddh.) or [ vīṭā ] f. a small piece of wood shaped like a barley-corn and about a span long (it was struck with a stick or bat in a kind of game , like tip-cat , played by boys ; accord. to some it was a kind of metal ball ; others say it was held in the mouth as a form of penance) Lit. MBh. i , 5050 (Sch.)
वीटक [ vīṭaka ] [ vīṭaka ] n. ( also written [ bīṭaka ] ) a preparation of the Areca nut with spices and lime rolled up together in a leaf of the betel plant (commonly called betel or Pān) Lit. Pañcad.
[ vīṭikā ] f. id. Lit. Daś. Lit. Kathās.
a tie or fastening (of a garment) Lit. Amar.
वीटि [ vīṭi ] [ vīṭi ] f. the betel plant , Piper Betel Lit. L.
वीड् [ vīḍ ] [ vīḍ ] Root (accord. to some connected with √ [ viṣ ] ) , only Caus. [ vīḍáyati ] , or [ vīḍayati ] , [ °te ] , (P.) to make strong or firm , strengthen , fasten Lit. RV. viii , 45 , 6 ; (Ā.) to be strong or firm or hard Lit. ib. ii , 37 , 3
वीडित [ vīḍita ] [ vī́ḍita ] m. f. n. made strong , strengthened , firm , hard Lit. RV.
वीडित [ vīḍita ] [ vī́ḍita ] m. f. n. made strong , strengthened , firm , hard Lit. RV.
वीडु [ vīḍu ] [ vīḍú ] (or [ vīḍu ] ) m. f. n. strong , firm , hard Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
[ vīḍu ] n. anything firmly fixed or strong , stronghold Lit. RV.
वीडु [ vīḍu ] [ vīḍú ] (or [ vīḍu ] ) m. f. n. strong , firm , hard Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
[ vīḍu ] n. anything firmly fixed or strong , stronghold Lit. RV.
वीडुजम्भ [ vīḍujambha ] [ vīḍú-jambha ] ( [ vīḍú- ] ) m. f. n. strong-jawed Lit. RV.
वीडुद्वेषस् [ vīḍudveṣas ] [ vīḍú-dvéṣas ] m. f. n. hating the strong or hating strongly Lit. ib.
वीडुपत्मन् [ vīḍupatman ] [ vīḍú-pátman ] m. f. n. flying strongly or incessantly Lit. ib.
वीडुपवि [ vīḍupavi ] [ vīḍú-paví ] m. f. n. having strong tires (as the Maruts) Lit. ib.
वीडुपाणि [ vīḍupāṇi ] [ vīḍú-pāṇí ] ( or [ vīḍú-p ] ) m. f. n. strong-handed , strong-hoofed Lit. ib.
वीडुहरस् [ vīḍuharas ] [ vīḍú-haras ] ( [ vīḍú- ] ) m. f. n. seizing firmly , holding fast Lit. ib.
वीडुहर्षिन् [ vīḍuharṣin ] [ vīḍú-harṣí n ] m. f. n. (prob.) fiercely passionate , refractory Lit. ib.
वीड्वङ्ग [ vīḍvaṅga ] [ vīḍv-aṅga ] m. f. n. strong-limbed , firm in body Lit. ib.
वीणा [ vīṇā ] [ vī́ṇā ] f. (of doubtful derivation) the Vīṇā or Indian lute ( an instrument of the guitar kind , supposed to have been invented by Nārada q.v. , usually having seven wires or strings raised upon nineteen frets or supports fixed on a long rounded board , towards the ends of which are two large gourds ; its compass is said to be two octaves , but it has many varieties according to the number of strings ) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
(in astrol.) a partic. configuration of the stars (when all planets are situated in 7 houses) Lit. VarBṛS.
lightning Lit. L.
N. of a Yoginī Lit. Cat.
of a river Lit. MBh.
वीणाकर्ण [ vīṇākarṇa ] [ vī́ṇā-karṇa ] m. " Lute-ear " , N. of a man Lit. Hit.
वीणागणकिन् [ vīṇāgaṇakin ] [ vī́ṇā-gaṇakin ] m. a music-master , the leader of a musical band Lit. ĀpŚr.
वीणागणगिन् [ vīṇāgaṇagin ] [ vī́ṇā-gaṇagin ] ( [ vī́ṇā- ] ) m. id. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. KātyŚr.
वीणागाथिन् [ vīṇāgāthin ] [ vī́ṇā-gāthí n ] m. a lute-player Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS.
वीणातन्त्र [ vīṇātantra ] [ vī́ṇā-tantra ] n. N. of a Tantra.
वीणातूणव [ vīṇātūṇava ] [ vī́ṇā-tūṇava ] n. sg. lutes and flutes Lit. ĀpŚr.
वीणादण्ड [ vīṇādaṇḍa ] [ vī́ṇā-daṇḍa ] m. " lute-stick " , the neck or long rounded board of a lute Lit. L.
वीणादत्त [ vīṇādatta ] [ vī́ṇā-datta ] m. N. of a Gandharva Lit. Kathās.
वीणानुबन्ध [ vīṇānubandha ] [ vī́ṇānubandha ] ( [ vīṇān ] ) m. the tie of a lute (or lower part of one of its ends where the wires are fixed) Lit. L.
वीणापणवतूणवत् [ vīṇāpaṇavatūṇavat ] [ vī́ṇā-paṇava-tūṇa-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ tūṇa ] for [ tūnava ] ) furnished with a lute and a drum and a flute Lit. R.
वीणापाणि [ vīṇāpāṇi ] [ vī́ṇā-pāṇi ] m. " Lute-hand " , N. of Nārada Lit. Pañcar.
वीणाप्रसेव [ vīṇāpraseva ] [ vī́ṇā-praseva ] m. the damper on a lute Lit. L.
वीणाभिद् [ vīṇābhid ] [ vī́ṇā-bhid ] f. a kind of lute Lit. MW.
वीणारव [ vīṇārava ] [ vī́ṇā-rava ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) the sound of a lute Lit. Kathās.
[ vīṇārava ] m. f. n. humming like a lute ( [ ā ] f. N. of a fly) Lit. Pañcat.
वीणावंशशलाका [ vīṇāvaṃśaśalākā ] [ vī́ṇā-vaṃśa-śalākā ] f. around-headed peg round which the string of a lute is bound Lit. L.
वीणावत् [ vīṇāvat ] [ vī́ṇā-vat ] m. f. n. possessed of a lute ( [ atī ] f. N. of a woman) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 219 Sch.
= [ pravīṇa ] , Lit. Drāhy., Sch.
वीणावत्सराज [ vīṇāvatsarāja ] [ vī́ṇā-vatsa-rāja ] m. N. of a king Lit. Pañcat.
वीणावाद [ vīṇāvāda ] [ vī́ṇā-vādá ] m. a lute-player , lutanist Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀpŚr.
playing on a lute Lit. Bhartṛ.
वीणावादक [ vīṇāvādaka ] [ vī́ṇā-vādaka ] m. a lutanist Lit. L.
वीणावादन [ vīṇāvādana ] [ vī́ṇā-vādana ] n. a plectrum for sounding a lute Lit. L.
वीणावाद्य [ vīṇāvādya ] [ vī́ṇā-vādya ] n. playing on a lute Lit. L.
वीणाविनोद [ vīṇāvinoda ] [ vī́ṇā-vinoda ] m. N. of a Vidyādhara Lit. Bālar.
वीणाशिल्प [ vīṇāśilpa ] [ vī́ṇā-śilpa ] n. the art of playing on the lute Lit. Pañcar.
वीणास्य [ vīṇāsya ] [ vī́ṇāsya ] ( [ vīṇāsya ] ) m. " Lute-faced " , N. of Nārada Lit. L.
वीणाहस्त [ vīṇāhasta ] [ vī́ṇā-hasta ] m. f. n. holding a lute in his hand (Śiva) Lit. Śivag.
वीणाल [ vīṇāla ] [ vīṇāla ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ vīṇā ] ) g. [ sidhmādi ] .
वीणिन् [ vīṇin ] [ vīṇin ] m. f. n. ( fr. id. ; g. [ vrīhy-ādi ] ) furnished with a lute , playing on a lute Lit. Megh. Lit. Kathās.
वीत [ vīta ] [ vīta ]4 m. f. n. ( prob. fr. √ [ vai ] ; for 1. 2. 3. [ vīta ] see under √ 1. 3. 4. [ vī ] ) worn out , useless Lit. L.
[ vīta ] n. a useless horse or elephant Lit. L.
वीतंस [ vītaṃsa ] [ vī-taṃsa ] m. ( fr. 1. [ vi ] + [ t ] ; cf. [ vi-t ] ) a cage or net or any enclosure for catching or confining or keeping birds or beasts Lit. Hcar.
वीतन [ vītana ] [ vītana ] m. du. ( possibly fr. [ vi ] + √ [ tan ] ) the sides or cartilages of the larynx or throat Lit. L.
वीति [ vīti ] [ vīti ]3 m. = [ pīti ] 1 , a horse Lit. Rājat.
वीत्त [ vītta ] [ vī-tta ] m. f. n. ( for [ vi-datta ] , √ 1. [ dā ] ) Lit. APrāt. Sch. ( cf. [ parī-tta ] ) .
वीथि [ vīthi ] [ vīthi ] f. or [ vīthī ] ( perhaps fr. √ [ vī ] ; cf. 1. [ vīta ] ) a row , line Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.
a road , way , street Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a race-course Lit. Śiś. v , 60
a market , stall , shop Lit. ib. ix. 32
a row of pictures , pictures-gallery Lit. Uttarar. (v.l. [ vīthikā ] )
a partic. division of the planetary sphere (comprising 3 asterisms) Lit. VarBṛS.
a terrace in front of a house Lit. L.
a sort of drama (having an amatory intrigue for its plot and said to be in one act and performed by one or two players) Lit. Bhar. Lit. Daśar.
वीथी [ vīthī ] [ vīthī ] f. or [ vīthi ] ( perhaps fr. √ [ vī ] ; cf. 1. [ vīta ] ) a row , line Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.
a road , way , street Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a race-course Lit. Śiś. v , 60
a market , stall , shop Lit. ib. ix. 32
a row of pictures , pictures-gallery Lit. Uttarar. (v.l. [ vīthikā ] )
a partic. division of the planetary sphere (comprising 3 asterisms) Lit. VarBṛS.
a terrace in front of a house Lit. L.
a sort of drama (having an amatory intrigue for its plot and said to be in one act and performed by one or two players) Lit. Bhar. Lit. Daśar.
वीथिक [ vīthika ] [ vīthika ] m. or n. ( only mc.) a row , line Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Kathās.
a road , street Lit. R.
a terrace in front of a house Lit. Hariv. Lit. VarBṛS.
a picture-gallery Lit. Uttarar. (v.l. for [ vīthi ] )
a sort of drama (see under [ vīthi ] ) Lit. Bhar.
वीथिका [ vīthikā ] [ vīthikā ] f. a row , line Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Kathās.
a road , street Lit. R.
a terrace in front of a house Lit. Hariv. Lit. VarBṛS.
a picture-gallery Lit. Uttarar. (v.l. for [ vīthi ] )
a sort of drama (see under [ vīthi ] ) Lit. Bhar.
वीथी [ vīthī ] [ vīthī ] in comp. for [ vīthi ] .
वीथीकृत [ vīthīkṛta ] [ vīthī-kṛta ] m. f. n. placed or arranged in rows Lit. MBh.
वीथीमार्ग [ vīthīmārga ] [ vīthī-mārga ] m. one of an elephant's paces Lit. L.
वीथीक [ vīthīka ] [ vīthīka ] (ifc.) = [ vīthī ] Lit. Bhar.
वीथ्य् [ vīthy ] [ vīthy ] in comp. for [ vīthi ] .
वीथ्यङ्ग [ vīthyaṅga ] [ vīthy-aṅga ] n. a division of the Vīthi drama (described as a kind of dialogue consisting in quibble , equivoque , jest , abuse , and the like) Lit. W.
वीध्र [ vīdhra ] [ vīdhra ] m. f. n. (accord. to Lit. Uṇ. ii , 26 fr. [ vi ] + √ [ indh ] ) clean , clear , pure Lit. L.
[ vīdhra ] n. ( only in loc.) a clear sky , sunshine Lit. AV. Lit. Kāṭh.
wind Lit. L.
fire Lit. L.
वीध्रबिन्दु [ vīdhrabindu ] [ vīdhra-bindu ] m. a rain-drop fallen in sunshine Lit. Kāṭh.
वीध्रसमृद्ध [ vīdhrasamṛddha ] [ vīdhra-samṛddha ] m. f. n. said to = [ nabhas ] , [ vāyu ] , [ agni ] Lit. ib.
वीध्र्य [ vīdhrya ] [ vī́dhrya ] m. f. n. relating to the clear sky Lit. VS.
वीन् [ vīn ] [ vīn ] ( Preverb. [ vi-√ in ] , or [ inv ] ) P. [ vīnoti ] , to drive away , scatter , disperse Lit. RV. ; to send forth in various ways , bestow Lit. ib.
वीना [ vīnā ] [ vīnā ] f. N. of a river Lit. MW. ( cf. [ vīṇā ] ) .
वीनाह [ vīnāha ] [ vī-nāha ] m. ( for 3. [ vi ] + [ n ] ; √ [ nah ] ) the top or cover of a well Lit. MBh.
a kind of small sacrificial grass Lit. L.
वीनाहिन् [ vīnāhin ] [ vī-nāhin ] m. (fr. prec.) a well Lit. L.
वीन्द्र [ vīndra ] [ vī́ndra ] m. f. n. ( for 3. [ vi ] + [ indra ] ) that from which Indra is excluded Lit. TS. ( cf. [ apendra ] ) .
वीन्द्वर्क [ vīndvarka ] [ vīndv-arka ] m. f. n. ( fr. 3. [ vi ] + [ indu ] + [ arka ] ) without or exclusive of the moon and the sun Lit. Laghuj.
वीप [ vīpa ] [ vīpa ] m. f. n. ( fr. 3. [ vi ] + [ ap ] ) destitute of water , waterless Lit. Pat.
वीप्स् [ vīps ] [ vīps ] Root (Desid. of [ vy-√ āp ] ) P. [ vī́psati ] , to wish to pervade Lit. Pat.
वीप्सा [ vīpsā ] [ vīpsā ] f. " the desire of pervading " (with any property or quality simultaneously or continuously) , several or successive order or series , distributiveness , repetition (esp. repetition of words to imply continuous or successive action ; e.g. [ vṛkṣaṃ vṛkṣaṃ siñcati ] , he waters tree after tree ; [ mandam mandaṃ nudati pavanaḥ ] , " gently , gently breathes the wind " cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 4 Lit. Vām. v , 2 , 87) , Lit. APrāt. Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Śaṃk.
वीप्साविचार [ vīpsāvicāra ] [ vīpsā-vicāra ] m. N. of wk.
वीबर्ह [ vībarha ] [ vī-barhá ] m. ( for 3. [ vi ] + [ b ] ; √ 1. [ bṛh ] ) scattering , dispersing Lit. AV.
वीबुकोश [ vībukośa ] [ vībukośa ] (?) m. = [ cāmara ] , a chowrie Lit. W.
वीभ् [ vībh ] [ vībh ] see √ [ bībh ] .
वीमार्ग [ vīmārga ] [ vī-mārga ] m. ( for 3. [ vi ] + [ m ] ; √ [ mṛj ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 122 Sch.