Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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ए |
ए [ e ] [ e ]1 the eleventh vowel of the alphabet ( corresponding to the letter (e) as pronounced in (prey) , (grey) ) .
ए [ e ] [ e ]2 ind. an interjection Lit. MaitrS.
a particle of recollection
compassion Lit. L.
ए [ e ] [ e ]3 m. Vishṇu Lit. L.
ए [ e ] [ e ]4 ( Preverb. [ ā-√ i ] ) P. [ -eti ] , to come near or towards , go near , approach Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ; ( with and without [ punar ] ) to come back , come again to Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. ; to reach , attain , enter , come into (a state or position) Lit. Mn. xii , 125 Lit. Megh. Lit. Prab. ; to submit , fall to one's share Lit. ChUp. v , 14 , 1 ( [ āyayanti ] ?) Lit. KaṭhUp. : Intens. Ā. ( 3. du. [ -iyāte ] ; 1. pl. [ -īmahe ] ) to hasten near Lit. RV. vii , 39 , 2 ; to request Lit. VS. iv , 5.
आय [ āya ] [ āya ] see p. 147 , col. 3.
एति [ eti ] [ éti ] f. arrival , approach Lit. RV. x , 91 , 4 ; 178 , 2.
एतिवत् [ etivat ] [ éti-vat ] m. f. n. containing a form of √ :5. [ i ] ( [ eti ] ), Lit. TBr.
एत्य [ etya ] [ étya ] ind.p. having come near Lit. RV. x , 66 , 14 Lit. AV. Lit. Mn. Lit. Ragh.
एद् [ ed ] [ éd ] ind. (accord. to some = 2. [ ā ] + [ í d ] ) behold! (followed by a partic. with an acc. and preceded by a verb of motion, e. g. [ éyāya vāyúr éd dhatám ] [ vṛtrā ] [ m ] , "Vāyur went (to see, and) behold Vṛitra was slain" ; sometimes the verb of motion must be supplied, sometimes the substantive, and sometimes the participle), Lit. Br.
एक [ eka ] [ éka ] m. f. n. ( √ [ i ] Lit. Uṇ. iii , 43, probably fr. a base [ e ] ; cf. Zd. (ae-va) ; Gk. 1 , 2 ; Goth. (ai-n-s) ; also Lat. (aequu-s) ; g. [ sarvādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 27 ; see Gr. 200) , one ( [ eko'pi ] , or [ ekaś-cana ] , with [ na ] preceding or following , no one , nobody ; the words [ ekayā na ] or [ ekān na ] are used before decade numerals to lessen them by one e.g. [ ekān na triṃśat ] , twenty-nine) Lit. RV.
( with and without [ eva ] ) alone , solitary , single , happening only once , that one only (frequently ifc. ; cf. [ dharmaika-rakṣa ] , ) Lit. RV.
the same , one and the same , identical Lit. ŚBr. v Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn.
one of two or many ( [ eka ] - [ eka ] , [ eka ] - [ dvitīya ] , the one - the other ; esp. pl. [ eke ] , some , [ eke ] - [ apare ] some - others , ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hit.
( [ eka ] repeated twice , either as a compound ( cf. [ ekaika ] ) or uncompounded , may have the sense " one and one " , " one by one " Lit. RV. i , 20 , 7 ; 123 , 8 ; v , 52 , 17 Lit. R. Lit. BhP. )
single of its kind , unique , singular , chief , pre-eminent , excellent Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Kum.
sincere , truthful Lit. MW.
little , small Lit. L.
(sometimes used as an indefinite article) , a , an Lit. R. Lit. Śak. Lit. Vet. (the fem. of [ eka ] before a Taddhita suffix and as first member of a compound is [ eka ] not [ ekā ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 62)
[ eka ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Āp.
of a son of Raya Lit. BhP.
एकऋतु [ ekaṛtu ] [ éka-ṛtú ] m. the only time , only season Lit. AV. viii , 9 , 25 ; 26.
एकऋषि [ ekaṛṣi ] [ éka-ṛṣi ] m. the only or chief Ṛishi Lit. AV. viii , 9 , 25 ; 26 ; x , 7 , 14
N. of a Ṛishi Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
एककण्टक [ ekakaṇṭaka ] [ éka-kaṇṭaka ] m. a species of Silurus Lit. L.
एककण्ठ [ ekakaṇṭha ] [ éka-kaṇṭha ] m. f. n. " having one throat " , uttering simultaneously.
एककपाल [ ekakapāla ] [ éka-kapāla ] m. f. n. contained in one cup , one cup-full Lit. AitBr. iii , 48 , 2 Lit. ŚBr.
एककर [ ekakara ] [ éka-kara ] m. f. n. doing or effecting one Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 21
[ ekakara ] m. f. n. one-handed , one-rayed Lit. L.
एककर्मकारक [ ekakarmakāraka ] [ éka-karmakāraka ] m. f. n. doing the same thing , having the same profession.
एककल्प [ ekakalpa ] [ éka-kalpa ] m. f. n. having the same method of performing ceremonial , observing the same ritual (as priests) .
एककार्य [ ekakārya ] [ éka-kārya ] n. the same business or work Lit. MBh.
[ ekakārya ] m. f. n. executing the same work , performing the same business Lit. Pañcat.
एककाल [ ekakāla ] [ éka-kāla ] m. happening at the same time , simultaneous Lit. BhP.
[ ekakālam ] ind. at one time only , once a day Lit. Mn. vi , 55.
एककालिकम् [ ekakālikam ] [ éka-kālikam ] ind. once a day Lit. Mn. xi , 123.
एककालिन् [ ekakālin ] [ éka-kālin ] m. f. n. happening only once a day Lit. MārkP.
एककुण्डल [ ekakuṇḍala ] [ éka-kuṇḍala ] m. " having one ear-ring or ring " , N. of Kuvera Lit. L.
of Śesha Lit. L.
of Bala-rāma Lit. L.
एककुष्ठ [ ekakuṣṭha ] [ éka-kuṣṭha ] n. a kind of leprosy Lit. Suśr. Lit. Car.
एककृष्ट [ ekakṛṣṭa ] [ éka-kṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. once ploughed Lit. L.
एकक्षीर [ ekakṣīra ] [ éka-kṣīra ] n. the milk of one and the same cow Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 62.
एकखुर [ ekakhura ] [ éka-khura ] m. a one-hoofed animal Lit. Āp. ii , 16 , 16.
एकगु [ ekagu ] [ éka-gu ] m. a particular Agni-shṭoma ( q.v.) Lit. GopBr.
एकगुरु [ ekaguru ] [ éka-guru ] m. having the same teacher , pupil of the same preceptor.
एकगुरुक [ ekaguruka ] [ éka-guruka ] m. having the same teacher , pupil of the same preceptor.
एकग्राम [ ekagrāma ] [ éka-grāma ] m. the same village g. [ gahādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 138 Lit. SāmavBr.
एकग्रामीण [ ekagrāmīṇa ] [ éka-grāmīṇa ] m. f. n. inhabiting the same village Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii , 16 , 5 Lit. Mn. iii , 103.
एकग्रामीय [ ekagrāmīya ] [ éka-grāmīya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Pāṇ.
एकचक्र [ ekacakra ] [ éka-cakra ] m. f. n. having one wheel (said of the sun's chariot) Lit. RV. i , 164 , 2 Lit. AV. ix , 9 , 2 ; x , 8 , 7
possessing only one army , governed by one king (as the earth) Lit. BhP.
एकचक्रवर्तिता [ ekacakravartitā ] [ éka-cakra--varti-tā ] f. the state of revolving on one wheel (said of the sun)
the state of being sole master , supremacy (of a king) Lit. Kathās. xviii , 70.
एकचक्षुस् [ ekacakṣus ] [ éka-cakṣus ] m. f. n. one-eyed (said of an animal or of a needle) .
एकचत्वारिंश [ ekacatvāriṃśa ] [ éka-catvāriṃśa ] m. f. n. the forty-first.
एकचत्वारिंशत् [ ekacatvāriṃśat ] [ éka-catvāriṃśat ] f. forty-one.
एकचन्द्रा [ ekacandrā ] [ éka-candrā ] f. N. of one of the mothers in the retinue of Skanda Lit. MBh.
एकचर [ ekacara ] [ éka-cará ] m. f. n. wandering or living alone , not living in company , solitary , segregarious Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
(said of certain animals) Lit. Mn. v , 17 Lit. BhP. v , 8 , 15
(N. of a thief) Lit. Kathās.
moving at the same time Lit. ŚBr. iii , 8 , 3 , 17 ; 18
N. of Śiva-Rudra Lit. Gaut.
of Bala-deva Lit. L.
[ ekacara ] m. a rhinoceros Lit. L.
एकचरण [ ekacaraṇa ] [ éka-caraṇa ] m. f. n. one-footed
[ ekacaraṇa ] m. pl. N. of a fabulous race Lit. VarBṛS.
एकचारिन् [ ekacārin ] [ éka-cārin ] m. f. n. living alone , solitary Lit. MBh.
[ ekacārin ] m. a Pratyeka-buddha Lit. L.
[ ekacāriṇī ] f. a woman who goes after one man only , a faithful woman Lit. Daś.
एकचिति [ ekaciti ] [ éka-citi ] m. f. n. having one layer (of wood or bricks ) Lit. Jaim.
एकचितिक [ ekacitika ] [ éka-citika ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ŚBr. ix.
एकचितीक [ ekacitīka ] [ éka-citīka ] m. f. n. id. Lit. TS. Lit. V. Lit. Śulbas.
एकचितीकत्व [ ekacitīkatva ] [ éka-citīka--tva ] n. the state of having one layer Comm. on Lit. Śulbas.
एकचित्त [ ekacitta ] [ éka-citta ] n. fixedness of thought on one single object Lit. Prab.
one and the same thought , unanimity Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
[ ekacitta ] m. f. n. thinking of one thing only , intent upon , absorbed in , Lit. Kap. Lit. Hit. Lit. Pañcat.
having the same mind , agreeing , concurring
एकचित्तता [ ekacittatā ] [ éka-citta--tā ] f. unanimity , agreement Lit. Bhartṛ.
एकचित्तीभू [ ekacittībhū ] [ éka-cittī-√ bhū ] to become unanimous Lit. Hit.
एकचिन्तन [ ekacintana ] [ éka-cintana ] n. unanimous or joint consideration Lit. MBh.
एकचिन्मय [ ekacinmaya ] [ éka-cin-maya ] ( [ cit-m ] ) m. f. n. consisting of intelligence only Lit. RāmatUp.
एकचूर्णि [ ekacūrṇi ] [ éka-cūrṇi ] m. N. of an author.
एकचेतस् [ ekacetas ] [ éka-cetas ] m. f. n. of one mind , unanimous Lit. BhP.
एकचोदन [ ekacodana ] [ éka-codana ] n. a rule concerning one act only Lit. KātyŚr. iv , 3 , 11 ; v , 6 , 8
[ ekacodana ] m. f. n. having one and the same rule Lit. KātyŚr.
एकच्छत्त्र [ ekacchattra ] [ éka-cchattra ] m. f. n. having only one (royal) umbrella , ruled by one king solely Lit. BhP. Lit. Hcat.
एकच्छन्ना [ ekacchannā ] [ éka-cchannā ] f. a kind of riddle Lit. Kāvyâd.
एकच्छाय [ ekacchāya ] [ éka-cchāya ] m. f. n. having shadow only , quite darkened Lit. MBh. iv , 1858 ; 1878.
एकच्छायाश्रित [ ekacchāyāśrita ] [ éka-cchāyāśrita ] m. f. n. involved in similarity (of debt) with one debtor (said of a surety who binds himself to an equal liability with one debtor i.e. to the payment of the whole debt , Mit.) Lit. Yājñ. ii , 56 Lit. KātyŚr.
एकज [ ekaja ] [ éka-já ] m. f. n. born or produced alone or single , solitary , single , alone of its kind Lit. RV. i , 164 , 15 ; x , 84 , 3 Lit. AV. Lit. KātyŚr.
एकजट [ ekajaṭa ] [ éka-jaṭa ] m. N. of a being in the retinue of Skanda Lit. MBh.
[ ekajaṭā ] f. N. of a goddess Lit. Tantras. ( ( Lit. T. ) )
एकजन्मन् [ ekajanman ] [ éka-janman ] m. " once-born " , a Śūdra Lit. L.
" having pre-eminent birth " , a king Lit. L.
एकजात [ ekajāta ] [ éka-jāta ] m. f. n. of one parentage , born of the same parents Lit. Mn. ix , 148 ; 182.
एकजाति [ ekajāti ] [ éka-jāti ] m. f. n. once-born (as a Śūdra) Lit. Gaut. x , 50 Lit. Mn. x , 4
of the same species or kind (as animals) Lit. Suśr.
एकजातीय [ ekajātīya ] [ éka-jātīya ] m. f. n. of the same species Lit. Suśr.
of the same family Lit. Dāyabh.
एकजीववाद [ ekajīvavāda ] [ éka-jīva-vāda ] m. (in phil.) the assertion of a living soul only.
एकज्या [ ekajyā ] [ éka-jyā ] f. the cord of an arc
sine of 30 degrees or of the radius Lit. W.
एकज्योतिस् [ ekajyotis ] [ éka-jyotis ] n. " the only light " , N. of Śiva.
एकतन्त्रिका [ ekatantrikā ] [ éka-tantrikā ] f. a lute with one chord.
एकतन्त्री [ ekatantrī ] [ éka-tantrī ] f. a lute with one chord.
एकतम [ ekatama ] [ éka-tamá ] m. f. n. (n. [ -at ] ) one of many , one (used sometimes as indef. article) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 94 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
एकतर [ ekatara ] [ éka-tara ] m. f. n. (n. [ am ] , not [ at ] by Vārtt. on Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 26) one of two , either , other Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
(rarely) one of many , Lit. Dāy. Lit. Kād.
एकतस् [ ekatas ] [ éka-tas ] see p. 230 , col. 3.
एकता [ ekatā ] [ éka-tā ] f. oneness , unity , union , coincidence , identity Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp. Lit. MBh.
( [ ekatām api-√ yā ] , to become one with ( instr. ) Lit. VP.)
एकतान [ ekatāna ] [ éka-tāna ] m. f. n. directed to one object only , having the mind fixed on one object only , closely attentive Lit. Kathās. Lit. Daś.
of the same or equal extent Lit. L.
[ ekatāna ] m. attention fixed on one object only Lit. BhP.
harmonious tone or song ( cf. [ tāna ] ) Lit. L.
एकताल [ ekatāla ] [ éka-tāla ] m. harmony , unison (of song , dance , and instrumental music)
accurate adjustment
[ ekatālī ] f. a particular time (in mus.)
an instrument for beating time
any instrument having but one note Lit. W.
[ ekatāla ] m. f. n. having a single palm tree (as a mountain) Lit. Ragh. xv , 23.
एकतालिका [ ekatālikā ] [ éka-tālikā ] f. a particular time (in mus.)
एकतीर्थिन् [ ekatīrthin ] [ éka-tīrthin ] m. f. n. inhabiting the same hermitage Lit. Yājñ. ii , 137.
एकतुम्ब [ ekatumba ] [ éka-tumba ] m. f. n3. having a single bottle-gourd (for a sounding-board) .
एकत्रिंशक [ ekatriṃśaka ] [ éka-triṃśaka ] m. f. n. consisting of thirty-one elements.
एकत्रिंशत् [ ekatriṃśat ] [ éka-triṃśat ] f. thirty-one
एकत्रिंशदक्षर [ ekatriṃśadakṣara ] [ ékatriṃśad--akṣara ] m. f. n. consisting of thirty-one syllables Lit. ŚBr. iii.
एकतेजन [ ekatejana ] [ éka-tejana ] m. f. n. having a single shaft (as an arrow) Lit. AV. vi , 57 , 1.
एकत्रिक [ ekatrika ] [ éka-trika ] m. N. of a particular Ekāha sacrifice Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
एकत्व [ ekatva ] [ éka-tva ] n. oneness , unity , union , coincidence , identity Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
( in Gr.) the singular number Lit. Kāś.
singleness , soleness Lit. HYog.
एकदंष्ट्र [ ekadaṃṣṭra ] [ éka-daṃṣṭra ] m. " single-tusked " , N. of Gaṇeśa Lit. L.
a kind of fever Lit. L.
एकदण्डिन् [ ekadaṇḍin ] [ éka-daṇḍin ] m. " bearing one staff " , N. of a class of monks Comm. on Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. Lit. RāmatUp.
pl. N. of a Vedāntic school
एकदण्डिसंन्यासविधि [ ekadaṇḍisaṃnyāsavidhi ] [ éka-daṇḍi-saṃnyāsa-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
एकदीक्ष [ ekadīkṣa ] [ éka-dīkṣa ] m. f. n. (a sacrificial observance) at which only one Dīkshā or consecration takes place Lit. Lāṭy. viii , 5 , 19.
एकदुःख [ ekaduḥkha ] [ éka-duḥkha ] m. f. n. having the same sorrows Lit. MBh.
एकदुःखसुख [ ekaduḥkhasukha ] [ éka-duḥkha--sukha ] m. f. n. having the same sorrows and joys , sympathizing.
एकदुग्ध [ ekadugdha ] [ éka-dugdha ] n. = [ -kṣīra ] above.
एकदृश् [ ekadṛś ] [ éka-dṛś ] m. f. n. one-eyed Lit. L.
a crow Lit. L.
N. of Śiva Lit. L.
= [ tattva-jña ] Lit. T.
एकदृश्य [ ekadṛśya ] [ éka-dṛśya ] m. f. n. alone worthy of being beheld , sole object of vision Lit. Kum. vii , 64 Lit. Naish.
एकदृष्टि [ ekadṛṣṭi ] [ éka-dṛṣṭi ] f. gaze fixed upon one object Lit. Pañcat.
[ ekadṛṣṭi ] m. f. n. one-eyed Lit. L.
m. a crow Lit. Nigh.
एकदेव [ ekadeva ] [ éka-deva ] m. the only God , supreme Lord Lit. T.
एकदेवत [ ekadevata ] [ éka-devata ] m. f. n. devoted or offered to one deity , directed to one deity , Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
एकदेवत्य [ ekadevatya ] [ éka-devatyá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. TS. iii Lit. ŚBr.
एकदेश [ ekadeśa ] [ éka-deśa ] m. one spot or place , one passage , a certain spot or passage , some place Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Sāh.
a part , portion or division of the whole Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn.
one and the same place Lit. Kap.
[ ekadeśa ] m. f. n. being in the same place Lit. KātyŚr. xvi , 7 , 17
एकदेशत्व [ ekadeśatva ] [ éka-deśa--tva ] n. the state of being a part or portion of the whole Lit. Jaim.
एकदेशविकार [ ekadeśavikāra ] [ éka-deśa--vikāra ] m. change of only a part (of a word)
एकदेशविकृत [ ekadeśavikṛta ] [ éka-deśa--vikṛta ] m. f. n. changed in only a part
एकदेशविभावित [ ekadeśavibhāvita ] [ éka-deśa--vibhāvita ] m. f. n. convicted of one part of a charge Lit. Yājñ. ii , 20
एकदेशविवर्तिन् [ ekadeśavivartin ] [ éka-deśa--vivartin ] m. f. n. extending or relating to one part only , partial Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kpr.
एकदेशस्थ [ ekadeśastha ] [ éka-deśa--stha ] m. f. n. situated in the same place
standing or occurring in a certain place or passage.
एकदेशिन् [ ekadeśin ] [ éka-deśin ] m. f. n. consisting of single parts or portions , divided into parts (as a whole) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-2 , 1 Comm. on Lit. Bādar.
a sectary Lit. Sarvad. Comm. on Lit. Kap.
[ ekadeśin ] m. a disputant who knows only part of the true state of a case.
एकदेह [ ekadeha ] [ éka-deha ] m. f. n. having a similar body or descended from the same person (as a family) Lit. Hariv. 2532
having as it were one body Lit. Hariv. 3439
[ ekadehau ] m. du. husband and wife Lit. T.
[ ekadeha ] m. " having a singular or beautiful form " , N. of the planet Mercury Lit. L.
एकद्यू [ ekadyū ] [ éka-dyū́ ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. RV. viii , 80 , 10.
एकद्रव्य [ ekadravya ] [ éka-dravya ] n. a single object Lit. KātyŚr. i , 10 , 6
one and the same object Lit. KātyŚr. i , 7 , 9.
एकधन [ ekadhana ] [ éka-dhaná ] n. a choice portion of wealth Lit. ŚBr. xi , 4 , 1 , 1 Lit. Āp. ii , 13 , 13
( [ éka-dhana ] ) , " put down in an odd number " , N. of particular water-vessels by means of which water is taken up at certain sacrificial observances Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
[ ekadhana ] f. pl. ( scil. [ āpas ] ) the water taken up by means of those vessels Lit. AitBr. ii , 20 , 5 Lit. KātyŚr.
एकधनविद् [ ekadhanavid ] [ éka-dhaná--ví d ] m. f. n. obtaining the chief portion of wealth Lit. VS. v , 7.
एकधनिन् [ ekadhanin ] [ éka-dhanin ] m. f. n. carrying the above water-vessels Lit. ŚBr. iii
having one part of wealth , having the choice portion of wealth Lit. L.
एकधर्म [ ekadharma ] [ éka-dharma ] m. f. n. of the same properties or kind , Lit. Kāvyâd.
एकधर्मिन् [ ekadharmin ] [ éka-dharmin ] m. f. n. of the same properties or kind , Lit. Kāvyâd.
एकधातु [ ekadhātu ] [ éka-dhātu ] m. f. n. consisting of one part or element.
एकधार [ ekadhāra ] [ éka-dhāra ] m. a single or uninterrupted current Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. xiv , 4 , 7.
एकधारक [ ekadhāraka ] [ éka-dhāraka ] m. N. of a mountain.
एकधिष्ण्य [ ekadhiṣṇya ] [ éka-dhiṣṇya ] m. f. n. having the same place for the sacred fire Lit. ŚBr. iv.
एकधुर [ ekadhura ] [ éka-dhura ] m. f. n. bearing the same burden , fit for the same burden , equal , apt Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 79 Lit. Naish.
एकधुरावह [ ekadhurāvaha ] [ éka-dhurā-vaha ] m. f. n. bearing the same burden , fit for the same burden , equal , apt Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 79 Lit. Naish.
एकधुरीण [ ekadhurīṇa ] [ éka-dhurīṇa ] m. f. n. bearing the same burden , fit for the same burden , equal , apt Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 79 Lit. Naish.
एकधेनु [ ekadhenu ] [ éka-dhenu ] f. a unique or excellent cow Lit. RV. vii , 38 , 5.
एकनक्षत्र [ ekanakṣatra ] [ éka-nakṣatrá ] n. a lunar mansion consisting of only one star or one whose name occurs but once Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
एकनट [ ekanaṭa ] [ éka-naṭa ] m. the principal actor in a drama , the manager (who recites the prologue) Lit. L.
एकनयन [ ekanayana ] [ éka-nayana ] m. the planet Venus Lit. L.
एकनवतितम [ ekanavatitama ] [ éka-navati--tama ] m. f. n. the ninety-first.
एकनायक [ ekanāyaka ] [ éka-nāyaka ] m. " the only Ruler " , N. of Śiva.
एकनिपात [ ekanipāta ] [ éka-nipāta ] m. a particle which is a single word.
एकनिश्चय [ ekaniścaya ] [ éka-niścaya ] m. one and the same resolution , common resolution Lit. MBh. i , 7625
[ ekaniścaya ] m. f. n. having the same intention or resolution Lit. MBh. i , 7624.
एकनीड [ ekanīḍa ] [ éka-nīḍa ] m. f. n. having a common abode Lit. VS. xxxii , 8
having only one seat Lit. BhP.
एकनेत्र [ ekanetra ] [ éka-netra ] m. " one-eyed " , N. of Śiva
(with Śaivas) one of the eight forms of Vidyeśvara Lit. Sarvad.
एकनेत्रक [ ekanetraka ] [ éka-netraka ] m. id.
एकनेमि [ ekanemi ] [ éka-nemi ] m. f. n. having one felly Lit. AV. x , 8 , 7
Lit. xi , 4 , 22.
एकपक्ष [ ekapakṣa ] [ éka-pakṣa ] m. one side or party , the one case or alternative , the one side of an argument
[ ekapakṣe ] ind. in one point of view
[ ekapakṣa ] m. f. n. being of the same side or party , siding with , an associate Lit. L.
partial , taking one view only Lit. L.
एकपक्षीभाव [ ekapakṣībhāva ] [ éka-pakṣī-bhāva ] m. the state of being the one alternative Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
एकपक्षीभू [ ekapakṣībhū ] [ éka-pakṣī-√ bhū ] to be only one side or alternative Lit. Pat.
एकपञ्चाशत् [ ekapañcāśat ] [ éka-pañcāśat ] f. fifty-one
एकपञ्चाशत्तम [ ekapañcāśattama ] [ éka-pañcāśattama ] m. f. n. the fifty-first.
एकपति [ ekapati ] [ éka-pati ] m. one and the same husband Lit. BhP. iv , 26 , 27.
एकपतिक [ ekapatika ] [ éka-patika ] m. f. n. having the same husband Comm. on Lit. Mn. ix , 183.
एकपत्त्र [ ekapattra ] [ éka-pattra ] m. N. of a plant Lit. L.
एकपत्त्रिका [ ekapattrikā ] [ éka-pattrikā ] f. Ocimum Gratissimum Lit. L.
एकपत्निता [ ekapatnitā ] [ éka-patni-tā ] f. the state of having the same wife , ( with [ bahūnām ] ) polyandry Lit. MBh.
एकपत्नी [ ekapatnī ] [ éka-patnī ] f. a woman who has only one husband or lover , a faithful wife , one devoted to her husband or lover Lit. Pāṇ. iv , 1 , 35 Lit. AV. x , 8 , 39 Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
pl. ( [ yas ] ) women who have the same husband Lit. Mn. ix , 183
a single wife , an only wife Lit. BhP.
एकपद् [ ekapad ] [ éka-pád ] m. f. n. ( [ pāt ] , [ padī ] , [ pat ] and [ pāt ] ) having only one foot , limping , lame Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. AitBr.
incomplete Lit. ŚBr. xiv
( with 1. [ aja ] N. of one of the Maruts Lit. RV.)
[ ekapad ] m. ( [ pāt ] ) N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh. iii
of Śiva Lit. L.
of a Dānava Lit. MBh. i
एकपद [ ekapada ] [ éka-pada ] n. one and the same place or spot
the same panel Lit. AgP.
a single word Lit. VPrāt. Lit. Śiś.
a simple word , a simple nominal formation Lit. Nir.
one and the same word Lit. VPrāt. i , 111
[ ekapade ] ind. on the spot , in one moment , at once Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Vikr.
[ ekapada ] m. f. ( [ ā ] and [ ī ] ( Lit. ĀśvGṛ. ) ) n. taking one step Lit. ĀśvGṛ. i , 7 , 19
having only one foot Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BhP.
occupying only one panel Lit. Hcat.
consisting of a single word , named with a single word Lit. MBh. Lit. VPrāt. Lit. APrāt.
m. a kind of coitus
[ ekapadā ] f. ( scil. [ ṛc ] ) a verse consisting of only one Pāda or quarter stanza Lit. ŚBr. Lit. RPrāt.
N. of the twenty-fifth lunar mansion (= [ pūrva-bhādra-padā ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.
एकपदवत् [ ekapadavat ] [ éka-pada--vat ] ind. like one word
एकपदस्थ [ ekapadastha ] [ éka-pada--stha ] m. f. n. being in the same word.
एकपदि [ ekapadi ] [ éka-padi ] ind. upon or with only one foot g. [ dvidaṇḍy-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 128.
एकपदिक [ ekapadika ] [ éka-padika ] m. f. n. occupying only one panel Lit. Hcat.
एकपर [ ekapara ] [ éka-pará ] m. f. n. of singular importance , more important than any other , first of all (said of dice) Lit. RV. x , 34 , 2.
एकपर्णा [ ekaparṇā ] [ éka-parṇā ] f. " living upon one leaf " , N. of a younger sister of Durgā Lit. Hariv.
N. of Durgā Lit. L.
एकपर्णिका [ ekaparṇikā ] [ éka-parṇikā ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. DevīP.
एकपर्वतक [ ekaparvataka ] [ éka-parvataka ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. MBh.
एकपलाश [ ekapalāśa ] [ éka-palāśa ] m. a tree with one leaf g. [ gahādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 138.
एकपलाशीय [ ekapalāśīya ] [ éka-palāśīya ] m. f. n. being on or belonging to the above tree Lit. ib.
एकपशुक [ ekapaśuka ] [ éka-paśuka ] m. f. n. having the same victim Lit. ĀśvŚr. iii.
एकपाकोपजीविन् [ ekapākopajīvin ] [ éka-pākopajīvin ] m. f. n. living on food prepared by the same cooking (as a family) Comm. on Lit. Gobh. i , 4 , 24.
एकपाटला [ ekapāṭalā ] [ éka-pāṭalā ] f. " living upon a single blossom " , N. of a younger sister of Durgā Lit. Hariv.
N. of Durgā Lit. L.
एकपाण [ ekapāṇa ] [ éka-pāṇa ] m. a single wager or stake.
एकपात [ ekapāta ] [ éka-pāta ] m. f. n. happening at once , sudden , rapid
[ ekapāta ] m. the Pratīka or first word of a Mantra Lit. Sāy. on Lit. AitBr. ii , 19 , 9.
एकपातिन् [ ekapātin ] [ éka-pātin ] m. f. n. having a common or the same appearance , appearing together , belonging to each other Lit. RPrāt. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
having a single or common Pratīka or first word , quoted together as one verse (as Mantras) Lit. AitBr. i , 19 , 9 Lit. ĀśvŚr. v , 18 , 11.
एकपातिन् [ ekapātin ] [ eka-pātin ] flying (only) in one manner, Lit. MBh.
एकपात्र [ ekapātra ] [ éka-pātra ] m. f. n. being in one and the same vessel Lit. TS. vi.
एकपाद [ ekapāda ] [ éka-pāda ] m. a single foot Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
one quarter Lit. MBh. xii
the same Pāda or quarter stanza Lit. RPrāt. 100
[ ekapāda ] m. f. n. having or using only one foot Lit. AV. xiii , 1 , 6 Lit. MBh.
m. pl. N. of a fabulous people Lit. MBh. ii
n. N. of a country ( cf. [ eka-pád ] , col.2.)
एकपादक [ ekapādaka ] [ éka-pādaka ] m. pl. N. of a fabulous people Lit. R.
[ ekapādikā ] f. a single foot Lit. Naish.
N. of the second book of the Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa.
एकपार्थिव [ ekapārthiva ] [ éka-pārthiva ] m. sole ruler or king Lit. Ragh. iii , 31.
एकपिङ्ग [ ekapiṅga ] [ éka-piṅga ] m. " having a yellow mark (in the place of one eye) " , N. of Kuvera Lit. R. Lit. Daś.
एकपिङ्गल [ ekapiṅgala ] [ éka-piṅgala ] m. " having a yellow mark (in the place of one eye) " , N. of Kuvera Lit. R. Lit. Daś.
एकपिङ्गलाचल [ ekapiṅgalācala ] [ éka-piṅgalācala ] m. " Kuvera's mountain " , N. of the Himavat Lit. Daś.
एकपिण्ड [ ekapiṇḍa ] [ éka-piṇḍa ] m. f. n. = [ sa-piṇḍa ] q.v. Lit. L.
एकपीत [ ekapīta ] [ éka-pīta ] m. f. n. quite yellow , Lit. Ratnāv.
एकपुण्डरीक [ ekapuṇḍarīka ] [ éka-puṇḍarīka ] n. " the only lotus " i.e. the only or very best Lit. ŚBr. xiv , 9 , 3 , 14.
एकपुत्र [ ekaputra ] [ éka-putra ] m. f. n. having only one son
एकपुत्रक [ ekaputraka ] [ éka-putraka ] m. a species of bird Lit. VarBṛS.
एकपुरुष [ ekapuruṣa ] [ éka-puruṣa ] m. the one supreme Spirit Lit. Prab. : one man only
a unique or excellent man Lit. L.
[ ekapuruṣa ] m. f. n. having or consisting of only one man Lit. BhP. vi , 5 , 7.
एकपुरोडाश [ ekapuroḍāśa ] [ éka-puroḍāśa ] m. f. n. receiving the same sacrificial cake Lit. ŚBr. iv.
एकपुष्कल [ ekapuṣkala ] [ éka-puṣkala ] m. ( [ -puṣkara ] ed. Bombay) a kind of musical instrument (= [ kāhala ] Lit. Nīlak.) Lit. MBh. v , 3350.
एकपुष्पा [ ekapuṣpā ] [ éka-puṣpā ] f. " producing only one blossom " , N. of a plant Lit. L.
एकपृथक्त्व [ ekapṛthaktva ] [ éka-pṛthak-tva ] n. unity and distinctness.
एकप्रकार [ ekaprakāra ] [ éka-prakāra ] m. f. n. of the same kind or manner.
एकप्रख्य [ ekaprakhya ] [ éka-prakhya ] m. f. n. having the same appearance , similar.
एकप्रतिहार [ ekapratihāra ] [ éka-pratihāra ] m. f. n. having only one Pratihāra ( q.v.) syllable Lit. Lāṭy. vi.
एकप्रदान [ ekapradāna ] [ éka-pradāna ] m. f. n. receiving the offerings at the same time or sacrifice (as deities) Lit. ĀśvŚr. i , 3 , 18.
एकप्रभुत्व [ ekaprabhutva ] [ éka-prabhu-tva ] n. the sovereignty of one , monarchy.
एकप्रयत्न [ ekaprayatna ] [ éka-prayatna ] m. one effort (of the voice) .
एकप्रस्थ [ ekaprastha ] [ éka-prastha ] m. " having one table-land " , N. of a mountain ( ( Lit. T. ) ) g. [ mālādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 88.
एकप्रहारिक [ ekaprahārika ] [ éka-prahārika ] m. f. n. (killed) by one blow.
एकप्राणभाव [ ekaprāṇabhāva ] [ éka-prāṇa-bhāva ] m. the act of breathing once Lit. TPrāt.
एकप्राणयोग [ ekaprāṇayoga ] [ éka-prāṇa-yoga ] m. union (of sounds) in one breath Lit. Vprāt.
एकप्रादेश [ ekaprādeśa ] [ éka-prādeśa ] m. f. n. one span long Lit. ŚBr. vi.
एकफला [ ekaphalā ] [ éka-phalā ] f. producing only one fruit , N. of a plant Lit. L.
एकबुद्धि [ ekabuddhi ] [ éka-buddhi ] m. f. n. of one mind , unanimous Lit. Kathās.
" having only one idea " , N. of a fish Lit. Pañcat.
एकभक्त [ ekabhakta ] [ éka-bhakta ] m. f. n. devoted or faithful to only one (husband) , faithful Lit. Mn. viii , 363
[ ekabhakta ] n. the eating only one meal (a day) Lit. Kauś. Lit. Yājñ. iii , 319 Lit. MBh.
एकभक्ति [ ekabhakti ] [ éka-bhakti ] f. id.
एकभक्तिक [ ekabhaktika ] [ éka-bhaktika ] m. f. n. eating only one meal (a day) Lit. Gaut.
एकभाग [ ekabhāga ] [ éka-bhāga ] m. one part , one-fourth , Lit. Pañcar.
एकभाव [ ekabhāva ] [ éka-bhāva ] m. the being one , oneness Lit. BhP.
simplicity , sincerity Lit. Pañcat.
[ ekabhāva ] m. f. n. of the same nature , agreeing Lit. MBh.
simple , sincere Lit. Pañcat.
एकभाविन् [ ekabhāvin ] [ éka-bhāvin ] m. f. n. becoming one , being combined Lit. RPrāt.
एकभूत [ ekabhūta ] [ éka-bhūta ] m. f. n. become one , concentrated (as the mind) Lit. BhP.
एकभूमिक [ ekabhūmika ] [ éka-bhūmika ] m. f. n. one-storied Lit. Hcat.
एकभूय [ ekabhūya ] [ éka-bhūya ] n. the becoming one , union Lit. KaushUp.
एकभोजन [ ekabhojana ] [ éka-bhojana ] n. the eating only one meal (a day) Lit. MBh.
eating together Lit. MBh. xiii , 6238.
एकभोजिन् [ ekabhojin ] [ éka-bhojin ] m. f. n. eating only one meal (a day) Lit. Subh.
एकमति [ ekamati ] [ éka-mati ] f. concentration of mind Lit. BhP.
[ ekamati ] m. f. n. unanimous Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Pañcat.
एकमनस् [ ekamanas ] [ éka-manas ] m. f. n. fixing the mind upon one object , concentrated , attentive Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Ratnāv.
unanimous Lit. AitBr. viii , 25 , 4.
एकमय [ ekamaya ] [ éka-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of one , uniform Lit. Kathās.
एकमात्र [ ekamātra ] [ éka-mātra ] m. f. n. consisting of one syllabic instant Lit. APrāt.
एकमुख [ ekamukha ] [ éka-mukha ] m. f. n. having one mouth Lit. Hcat.
having the face turned towards the same direction Lit. AV. ix , 4 , 9
having one chief or superintendent Lit. Yājñ. ii , 203
belonging to the same category Lit. Sāy. on Lit. TBr.
एकमूर्धन् [ ekamūrdhan ] [ éka-mūrdhan ] m. f. n. having the head or face turned towards the same direction Lit. AV. viii , 9 , 15.
एकमूल [ ekamūla ] [ éka-mūla ] m. f. n. having one root Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
[ ekamūlā ] f. Linum Usitatissimum Lit. L.
Desmodium Gangeticum Lit. L.
एकयकार [ ekayakāra ] [ éka-yakāra ] m. f. n. containing only one [ ya ] .
एकयज्ञ [ ekayajña ] [ éka-yajña ] m. a sacrifice offered by one person Lit. KātyŚr. xxv.
एकयम [ ekayama ] [ éka-yama ] m. f. n. monotonous Lit. TPrāt.
एकयष्टि [ ekayaṣṭi ] [ éka-yaṣṭi ] f. any ornament consisting of a single pearl Lit. L.
एकयष्टिका [ ekayaṣṭikā ] [ éka-yaṣṭikā ] f. any ornament consisting of a single pearl Lit. L.
एकयावन् [ ekayāvan ] [ éka-yā́van ] m. N. of a king Lit. TBr. ii Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
एकयूप [ ekayūpa ] [ éka-yūpá ] m. one and the same sacrificial post Lit. MaitrS. iii , 4 , 8 Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
एकयोग [ ekayoga ] [ éka-yoga ] m. one rule ( opposed to [ yoga-vibhāga ] , q.v.)
एकयोनि [ ekayoni ] [ éka-yoni ] f. the same womb
[ ekayoni ] m. f. n. of the same mother Lit. ĀśvŚr.
of the same origin or caste Lit. Mn. ix , 148.
एकरज [ ekaraja ] [ éka-raja ] m. Verbesina Scandens Lit. L.
एकरथ [ ekaratha ] [ éka-ratha ] m. an eminent warrior Lit. MBh. iii.
एकरद [ ekarada ] [ éka-rada ] m. " one-tusked " , N. of Gaṇeśa Lit. L.
एकरस [ ekarasa ] [ éka-rasa ] m. the only pleasure , only object of affection Lit. R. i
[ ekarasa ] m. f. n. having only one pleasure or object of affection , relishing or finding pleasure in only one thing or person Lit. R. iii Lit. Ragh.
having (always) the same object of affection , unchangeable Lit. Uttarar.
एकराज् [ ekarāj ] [ éka-rāj ] m. f. n. shining alone , alone visible Lit. BhP. iii , 5 , 24
[ ekarāj ] m. ( [ ṭ ] ) the only king or ruler , monarch Lit. RV. viii , 37 , 3 Lit. AV. iii , 4 , 1 Lit. AitBr.
the king alone Lit. KātyŚr. xxii , 11 , 33.
एकराज [ ekarāja ] [ éka-rājá ] m. the only king , monarch Lit. TBr. Lit. MBh.
एकराज्ञी [ ekarājñī ] [ éka-rājñī ] f. the only queen , absolute queen.
एकरात्र [ ekarātra ] [ éka-rātra ] n. duration of one night , one night , one day and night Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. Mn. iii , 102 ,
[ ekarātra ] m. a particular observance or festival Lit. AV. xi , 7 , 10 Lit. MBh. xiii
mfn. during one night.
एकरात्रिक [ ekarātrika ] [ éka-rātrika ] m. f. n. lasting for one night
lasting for one day and night (as food) Lit. Mn. iv , 223
staying one night Lit. MBh.
एकरात्रीण [ ekarātrīṇa ] [ éka-rātrīṇa ] m. f. n. during one night Lit. Lāṭy. viii , 4 , 3.
एकराशि [ ekarāśi ] [ éka-rāśi ] f. one heap , a quantity heaped together
एकराशिगत [ ekarāśigata ] [ éka-rāśi--gata ] m. f. n. heaped or collected together , mingled.
एकराशिभूत [ ekarāśibhūta ] [ éka-rāśi--bhūta ] m. f. n. heaped or collected together , mingled.
एकरिक्थिन् [ ekarikthin ] [ éka-rikthin ] m. f. n. sharing the same heritage , co-heir Lit. Mn. ix , 162.
एकरुद्र [ ekarudra ] [ éka-rudra ] m. Rudra alone
(with Śaivas) one of the eight forms of Vidyeśvara Lit. Hcat.
एकरूप [ ekarūpa ] [ éka-rūpa ] n. one form , one kind Lit. Sāṃkhyak.
[ ekarūpa ] m. f. n. having the same colour or form , one-coloured , of one kind , uniform Lit. RV. x , 169 , 2 Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
n. N. of a metre
एकरूपतस् [ ekarūpatas ] [ éka-rūpa--tas ] ind. in one form , unalterably
एकरूप्य [ ekarūpya ] [ éka-rūpya ] m. f. n. descended from one and the same man or woman Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 62.
एकर्च [ ekarca ] [ éka-rcá ] m. ( [ eka-ṛca ] ) n. a single verse g. [ ardharcādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 31 ( ( Lit. T. ) )
[ ekarca ] m. f. n. consisting of only one verse Lit. ŚBr.
n. a Sūkta of only one verse Lit. AV. xix , 23 , 20.
एकर्तु [ ekartu ] [ éka-rtú ] see [ -ṛtú ] , p. 227 , col. 3.
एकर्षि [ ekarṣi ] [ éka-rṣi ] see [ -ṛṣí ] Lit. ib.
एकलक्ष्यता [ ekalakṣyatā ] [ éka-lakṣya-tā ] f. the state of being the only aim Lit. Daś.
एकलव्य [ ekalavya ] [ éka-lavya ] m. N. of a son of Hiraṇya-dhanus and king of the Nishādas Lit. MBh.
एकलिङ्ग [ ekaliṅga ] [ éka-liṅga ] n. ( scil. [ kṣetra ] ) a field or place in which (for the distance of five Krośas) there is but one Liṅga or landmark Lit. T.
" having a singular Śiva-liṅga ( q.v.) " , N. of a Tīrtha
[ ekaliṅga ] m. N. of Kuvera Lit. L.
एकलू [ ekalū ] [ éka-lū ] m. N. of a Ṛishi g. [ gargādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 105.
एकवक्त्र [ ekavaktra ] [ éka-vaktra ] m. " one-faced " , N. of a Dānava Lit. Hariv.
[ ekavaktrā ] f. N. of a mother in the retinue of Skanda Lit. MBh. , (v.l. [ -candrā ] )
[ ekavaktra ] n. a kind of berry Lit. T.
एकवक्त्रक [ ekavaktraka ] [ éka-vaktraka ] m. f. n. one-faced Lit. Hcat.
एकवत् [ ekavat ] [ éka-vat ] ind. like one , simple
as one , as in the case of one Lit. Āp. Lit. Pāṇ.
एकवद्भाव [ ekavadbhāva ] [ éka-vad-bhāva ] m. the being or becoming like one , aggregation Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
एकवर्ण [ ekavarṇa ] [ éka-varṇa ] m. a single sound or letter , Lit. Rprāt. Lit. VPrāt.
[ ekavarṇa ] m. f. n. of one colour , one-coloured , uniform Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
having one caste only , being all one caste Lit. MBh. iii
consisting of one sound only Lit. RPrāt. 110 Lit. Vprāt. i , 151
एकवर्णसमीकरण [ ekavarṇasamīkaraṇa ] [ éka-varṇa--samīkaraṇa ] n. equalization of two uniform quantities , a kind of equation (in math.)
एकवर्णक [ ekavarṇaka ] [ éka-varṇaka ] m. f. n. consisting of one syllable.
एकवर्त्मन् [ ekavartman ] [ éka-vartman ] n. a by-way , path Lit. Naish.
एकवर्षिका [ ekavarṣikā ] [ éka-varṣikā ] f. a heifer one year old Lit. L.
एकवस्त्र [ ekavastra ] [ éka-vastra ] m. f. n. having but a single garment , clothed in only one garment Lit. Āp. Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. Hcat.
एकवस्त्रता [ ekavastratā ] [ éka-vastra--tā ] f. the state of having but a single garment Lit. MBh.
एकवस्त्रस्नानविधि [ ekavastrasnānavidhi ] [ éka-vastra--snānavidhi ] m. N. of wk.
एकवाक्य [ ekavākya ] [ éka-vākya ] n. a single expression or word
a single sentence Comm. on Lit. Jaim.
the same sentence , an identical sentence (either by words or meanings) Lit. T.
a speech not contradicted , unanimous speech Lit. Ragh.
एकवाक्यता [ ekavākyatā ] [ éka-vākya--tā ] f. unanimity
( in Gr.) the being one sentence.
एकवाचक [ ekavācaka ] [ éka-vācaka ] m. f. n. denoting the same thing , synonymous Comm. on Lit. VarBṛS.
एकवाद [ ekavāda ] [ éka-vāda ] m. a kind of drum Lit. L.
(with Vedāntins) a particular theory (establishing the identity of all objects with Brahman) Lit. T.
एकवाद्या [ ekavādyā ] [ éka-vādyā́ ] f. a kind of spirit or demon ( ( Lit. BRD. ) ) Lit. AV. ii , 14 , 1.
एकवारम् [ ekavāram ] [ éka-vāram ] ind. only once , at one time Comm. on Lit. Mn. Lit. Pañcat.
at once , suddenly Lit. Pañcat.
एकवारे [ ekavāre ] [ éka-vāre ] ind. id. Lit. L.
एकवास [ ekavāsa ] [ éka-vāsa ] m. f. n. living on the same place.
एकवासस् [ ekavāsas ] [ éka-vāsas ] m. f. n. clothed in only one garment Lit. Āp. Lit. MBh.
एकविंश [ ekaviṃśa ] [ éka-viṃśá ] m. f. n. the twenty-first Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
consisting of twenty-one parts (as the Ekaviṃśa-stoma) Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
[ ekaviṃśa ] m. the Ekaviṃśa-stoma Lit. AV. viii , 9 , 20 Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
N. of one of the six Pṛishṭhya-stomas Lit. KātyŚr. xx , 6 , 26 ; xxiii , 1 , 18
एकविंशवत् [ ekaviṃśavat ] [ éka-viṃśá--vat ] m. f. n. accompanied with the Ekaviṃśa-stoma Lit. ŚBr. viii
एकविंशसंपद् [ ekaviṃśasaṃpad ] [ éka-viṃśá--saṃpád ] f. accomplishing the number twenty-one Lit. ŚBr.
एकविंशस्तोम [ ekaviṃśastoma ] [ éka-viṃśá--stoma ] m. a Stoma ( q.v.) consisting of twenty-one parts Lit. TS. v Lit. ŚBr. xiii.
एकविंशक [ ekaviṃśaka ] [ éka-viṃśaka ] m. f. n. the twenty-first Lit. Mn. iii , 37 Lit. Hcat.
consisting of twenty-one (syllables) Lit. RPrāt. 880
[ ekaviṃśaka ] n. the number twenty-one Lit. Yājñ. iii , 224.
एकविंशति [ ekaviṃśati ] [ éka-viṃśati ] f. twenty-one , a collection or combination of twenty-one Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
एकविंशतितम [ ekaviṃśatitama ] [ éka-viṃśati--tama ] m. f. n. the twenty-first
एकविंशतिधा [ ekaviṃśatidhā ] [ éka-viṃśati--dhā́ ] ind. twenty-one-fold , in twenty-one parts Lit. ŚBr.
एकविंशतिविध [ ekaviṃśatividha ] [ éka-viṃśati--vidha ] m. f. n. twenty-one times , twenty-one-fold Lit. MaitrS.
एकविंशत्क [ ekaviṃśatka ] [ éka-viṃśatka ] n. the number twenty-one Lit. Kām.
एकविंशिनी [ ekaviṃśinī ] [ éka-viṃśinī ] f. id. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
एकविध [ ekavidha ] [ éka-vidha ] m. f. n. of one kind , simple Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Sāṃkhyak.
identical Lit. Sāh.
एकविभक्ति [ ekavibhakti ] [ éka-vibhakti ] m. f. n. that (member of a compound) which (when the compound is resolved) appears throughout in one and the same case Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 44.
एकविलोचन [ ekavilocana ] [ éka-vilocana ] m. pl. " one-eyed " , N. of a fabulous people Lit. VarBṛS.
एकविषयिन् [ ekaviṣayin ] [ éka-viṣayin ] m. f. n. having one common object or aim , a rival.
एकवीर [ ekavīra ] [ éka-vīrá ] m. a unique or pre-eminent hero Lit. RV. x , 103 , 1 Lit. AV. xix , 13 , 2 ; xx , 34 , 17 Lit. MBh.
a species of tree Lit. L.
[ ekavīrā ] f. N. of a daughter of Śiva
a species of gourd Lit. Nigh.
एकवीरकल्प [ ekavīrakalpa ] [ éka-vīrá--kalpa ] m. N. of wk.
एकवीर्य [ ekavīrya ] [ éka-vīrya ] m. f. n. of equal strength Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
एकवृक [ ekavṛka ] [ éka-vṛka ] m. a solitary wolf Comm. on Lit. TĀr.
एकवृक्ष [ ekavṛkṣa ] [ éka-vṛkṣa ] m. an isolated tree Lit. MānGṛ. Lit. VarYogay.
one and the same tree Lit. Subh.
a country or place in which (for the distance of four Krośas) there is but one tree Lit. L.
एकवृक्षीय [ ekavṛkṣīya ] [ éka-vṛkṣīya ] m. f. n. belonging to an isolated tree or to one and the same tree , belonging to a country like the above g. [ gahādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 138.
एकवृत् [ ekavṛt ] [ éka-vṛ́t ] m. f. n. " being one " , simple Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
एकवृत्त [ ekavṛtta ] [ éka-vṛtta ] n. the same metre Lit. Sāh.
एकवृन्द [ ekavṛnda ] [ éka-vṛnda ] m. a particular disease of the throat Lit. Suśr.
एकवृष [ ekavṛṣa ] [ éka-vṛṣá ] m. the chief bull , the best or most excellent of a number Lit. AV.
एकवेणि [ ekaveṇi ] [ éka-veṇi ] f. a single braid of hair (worn by women , as a sign of mourning , when their husbands are dead or absent for a long period) Lit. Śak. Lit. R. Lit. Megh.
a woman wearing her hair in the above manner.
एकवेणी [ ekaveṇī ] [ éka-veṇī ] f. a single braid of hair (worn by women , as a sign of mourning , when their husbands are dead or absent for a long period) Lit. Śak. Lit. R. Lit. Megh.
a woman wearing her hair in the above manner.
एकवेश्मन् [ ekaveśman ] [ éka-veśmán ] n. a unique building Lit. ŚBr. i , 3 , 2 , 14
one and the same house Lit. Mn. iii , 141
a solitary house or room Lit. Mn. xi , 176.
एकव्यवसायिन् [ ekavyavasāyin ] [ éka-vyavasāyin ] m. f. n. following the same employment.
एकव्याख्यान [ ekavyākhyāna ] [ éka-vyākhyāna ] m. f. n. having the same explanation Lit. ŚBr.
एकव्यावहारिक [ ekavyāvahārika ] [ éka-vyāvahārika ] m. pl. " living solitary (?) " , N. of a Buddhist school.
एकव्रत [ ekavrata ] [ éka-vrata ] m. f. n. obedient or devoted to one person only Lit. ĀśvGṛ. i , 21 , 7
keeping a fast in which food is taken only once a day Lit. TS. vi.
एकव्रात्य [ ekavrātya ] [ éka-vrātyá ] m. the only or supreme Vrātya ( q.v.) Lit. AV. xv , 1 , 6.
एकशत [ ekaśata ] [ éka-śata ] n. 101
[ ekaśata ] m. f. n. the 101st Lit. MBh. iii , 101
एकशततम [ ekaśatatama ] [ éka-śata--tamá ] m. f. n. the 101st
एकशतधा [ ekaśatadhā ] [ éka-śata--dhā ] ind. 101-fold , in 101 parts
एकशतविध [ ekaśatavidha ] [ éka-śata--vidha ] m. f. n. 101-fold.
एकशफ [ ekaśapha ] [ éka-śapha ] m. f. n. whole-hoofed , not cloven-hoofed , solidungulate Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
[ ekaśapha ] m. a whole-hoofed animal (as a horse )
n. the race of solidungulate animals Lit. AV. v , 31 , 3 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn.
एकशरीर [ ekaśarīra ] [ éka-śarīra ] m. f. n. descended from one body , consanguineous Lit. W.
एकशरीरान्वय [ ekaśarīrānvaya ] [ éka-śarīrānvaya ] m. consanguineous descent Lit. W.
एकशरीरारम्भ [ ekaśarīrārambha ] [ éka-śarīrārambha ] m. beginning of consanguinity (by union of father and mother) Lit. W.
एकशरीरावयव [ ekaśarīrāvayava ] [ éka-śarīrāvayava ] m. a descendant in right line , kinsman by blood Lit. W.
एकशरीरावयवत्व [ ekaśarīrāvayavatva ] [ éka-śarīrāvayava-tva ] n. consanguineous descent or connexion.
एकशलाका [ ekaśalākā ] [ éka-śalākā́ ] f. a single staff Lit. ŚBr. ii.
एकशस् [ ekaśas ] [ éka-śas ] see p. 231 , col. 1.
एकशाख [ ekaśākha ] [ éka-śākha ] m. f. n. being of the same branch or school (as a Brāhman) Lit. W.
having but one branch (as a tree) Lit. T.
g. [ gahādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 138.
एकशाखीय [ ekaśākhīya ] [ éka-śākhīya ] m. f. n. belonging to the above Lit. ib.
एकशायिन् [ ekaśāyin ] [ éka-śāyin ] m. f. n. sleeping alone , chaste Lit. MBh. xiii , 355.
एकशाला [ ekaśālā ] [ éka-śālā ] f. a single hall or room Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 109
N. of a place , Lit. ŚivP.
[ ekaśālā ] n. a house consisting of one hall Lit. MatsyaP.
N. of a town Lit. R. ii.
एकशालिक [ ekaśālika ] [ éka-śālika ] m. f. n. like a single hall or room Lit. Pāṇ.
एकशितिपद् [ ekaśitipad ] [ éka-śiti-pad ] ( [ pāt ] , [ padī ] , [ pat ] ) m. f. n. having one white foot Lit. TS. ii Lit. VS.
एकशीर्षन् [ ekaśīrṣan ] [ éka-śīrṣan ] m. f. n. having the face turned towards the same direction Lit. AV. xiii , 4 , 6.
एकशील [ ekaśīla ] [ éka-śīla ] m. f. n. of one and the same nature or character Lit. MBh.
एकशुङ्ग [ ekaśuṅga ] [ éka-śuṅga ] m. f. n. having but one sheath (as a bud) Lit. AV. viii , 7 , 4.
एकशुल्क [ ekaśulka ] [ éka-śulka ] n. one and the same purchase-money (given to the parents of a bride) Lit. Mn. viii , 204.
एकशृङ्ग [ ekaśṛṅga ] [ éka-śṛṅga ] m. f. n. having but one horn , unicorn Lit. L.
having but one peak (as a mountain) Lit. T.
being of singular eminence , pre-eminent
[ ekaśṛṅga ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
m. pl. a class of Manes Lit. MBh. ii
[ ekaśṛṅgā ] f. N. of the first wife of Śuka Lit. Hariv. 987.
एकशेप [ ekaśepa ] [ éka-śepa ] m. N. of a man.
एकशेष [ ekaśeṣa ] [ éka-śeṣa ] m. the only remainder Lit. Naish. Lit. Veṇis. Lit. Kathās.
" the remaining of one " , ( in Gr.) a term denoting that of two or more stems (alike in form and followed by the same termination) only one remains (e.g. the pl. [ vṛkṣās ] is the only remainder of [ vṛkṣas ] [ vṛkṣas ] [ vṛkṣas ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 64 ff.
एकश्रुतधर [ ekaśrutadhara ] [ éka-śruta-dhara ] m. f. n. keeping in mind what one has heard once Lit. Kathās.
एकश्रुति [ ekaśruti ] [ éka-śruti ] f. an only Śruti or Vedic passage , the same Śruti
an enunciation in the singular Lit. Lāṭy. i , 1 , 4 Lit. Jaim.
the hearing of only one sound , monotony Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 33 Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
the neutral accentless tone
[ ekaśruti ] m. f. n. of only one sound , monotonous Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 33 Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
एकश्रुतिमूलत्व [ ekaśrutimūlatva ] [ éka-śruti--mūla-tva ] n. the state of being based on the same Vedic passage
एकश्रुत्युपदेश [ ekaśrutyupadeśa ] [ éka-śruty-upadeśa ] m. N. of wk.
एकश्रुष्टि [ ekaśruṣṭi ] [ éka-śruṣṭi ] m. f. n. obedient to one command Lit. AV. iii , 30 , 7.
एकषष्ट [ ekaṣaṣṭa ] [ éka-ṣaṣṭá ] m. f. n. (fr. the next) , the 61st
connected or together with 61 Lit. ŚBr.
एकषष्टितम [ ekaṣaṣṭitama ] [ éka-ṣaṣṭi--tama ] m. f. n. the 61st.
एकसंवत्सर [ ekasaṃvatsara ] [ éka-saṃvatsará ] m. duration of one year Lit. MaitrS. i , 9 , 7.
एकसंश्रय [ ekasaṃśraya ] [ éka-saṃśraya ] m. f. n. keeping together , closely allied Lit. Vikr. Lit. Pañcat.
एकसती [ ekasatī ] [ éka-satī ] f. the only Satī or faithful wife Lit. Naish.
एकसप्तति [ ekasaptati ] [ éka-saptati ] f. 71
एकसप्ततिगुण [ ekasaptatiguṇa ] [ eka-saptati-guṇa ] m. f. n. multiplied by 71, Lit. Mn. i, 79
एकसप्ततितम [ ekasaptatitama ] [ éka-saptati--tama ] m. f. n. the 71st.
एकसप्ततिक [ ekasaptatika ] [ éka-saptatika ] m. f. n. consisting of 71.
एकसभ [ ekasabha ] [ éka-sabhá ] n. the only meeting-place or resort Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
एकसर्ग [ ekasarga ] [ éka-sarga ] m. f. n. closely attentive , having the mind intent upon one object Lit. L.
एकसहस्र [ ekasahasra ] [ éka-sahasra ] n. 1001
( [ ( v ) ṅśaBEkasahasraM ] ( Lit. MBh. xii ) or [ °hasrās ] scil. [ gāvas ] , a thousand cows and one bull Lit. Gaut. xxii , 14 Lit. Mn. xi , 127.)
एकसाक्षिक [ ekasākṣika ] [ éka-sākṣika ] m. f. n. witnessed by one.
एकसार्थप्रयात [ ekasārthaprayāta ] [ éka-sārtha-prayāta ] m. f. n. going after one and the same object , having the same aim Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat.
एकसाल [ ekasāla ] [ éka-sāla ] n. N. of a place (v.l. for [ -śāla ] ) Lit. R. ed. Bombay.
एकसूत्र [ ekasūtra ] [ éka-sūtra ] n. a small double drum (played by a string and ball attached to the body of it) Lit. L.
एकसूनु [ ekasūnu ] [ éka-sūnu ] m. an only son.
एकसृक [ ekasṛka ] [ éka-sṛka ] m. a kind of jackal (having solitary habits) Lit. Āp.
एकस्तम्भ [ ekastambha ] [ éka-stambha ] m. f. n. resting upon one pillar Lit. MBh.
एकस्तोम [ ekastoma ] [ éka-stoma ] m. f. n. accompanied or celebrated by only one Stoma Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Jaim.
एकस्थ [ ekastha ] [ éka-sthá ] m. f. n. standing together , remaining in the same place , conjoined , combined , assembled Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kum.
standing in or occupying only one panel Lit. AgP.
एकस्थान [ ekasthāna ] [ éka-sthāna ] n. one place , one and the same place
[ ekasthāne ] ind. loc. together Lit. Hit.
[ ekasthāna ] m. f. n. having the same place of production , uttered by the same organ of speech Comm. on Lit. TPrāt.
एकस्थानाश्रय [ ekasthānāśraya ] [ eka-sthānāśraya ] m. f. n. , see [ sthānāśraya ] , " being in the same place " Lit. Kathās.
एकस्फ्या [ ekasphyā ] [ éka-sphyā ] f. ( scil. [ lekhā ] ) a line scratched with one piece of wood Lit. ŚBr. iii , ix.
एकहंस [ ekahaṃsa ] [ éka-haṃsá ] m. " the only destroyer of ignorance " ( Śaṃkara on Lit. ŚvetUp. vi , 15 ; cf. [ haṃsa ] ) , the Supreme Soul Lit. ŚBr. xiv
[ ekahaṃsa ] n. " inhabited by a solitary or unique swan " , N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh. iii.
एकहल्य [ ekahalya ] [ éka-halya ] m. f. n. once ploughed Lit. L.
एकहस्त [ ekahasta ] [ éka-hasta ] m. f. n. one hand long Lit. AgP. Lit. Hcat.
एकहायन [ ekahāyana ] [ éka-hāyana ] m. f. n. one year old Lit. TS. Lit. Mn.
[ ekahāyanī ] f. a heifer one year old Lit. Kāṭh.
[ ekahāyana ] n. the duration or period of one year Lit. TS. vi , 6 , 3 , 1.
एकहार्य [ ekahārya ] [ éka-hārya ] m. f. n. v.l. for [ ekāhārya ] q.v.
एकहेला [ ekahelā ] [ éka-helā ] f. see [ eka-helayā ]
[ ekahelayā ] (instr.) ind. by one stroke , at once Lit. Pañcat.
एकाक्ष [ ekākṣa ] [ ekākṣa ] m. f. n. ( fr. 1. [ akṣa ] with [ eka ] ) , having only one axle Lit. BhP. iv , 26 , 1. 2.
एकाक्ष [ ekākṣa ] [ ekākṣa ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ akṣi ] with [ eka ] ) , one-eyed Lit. VarYogay.
having an excellent eye Lit. L.
N. of Śiva
of a Dānava
of a being attending on Skanda.
एकाक्षर [ ekākṣara ] [ ekākṣará ] n. the sole imperishable thing Lit. AV. v , 28 , 8
a single syllable Lit. Subh.
a monosyllabic word Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. RPrāt.
the sacred monosyllable [ om ] Lit. Mn. ii , 83 Lit. MBh.
N. of an Upanishad
[ ekākṣara ] m. f. n. of an Upanishad
एकाक्षरकोश [ ekākṣarakośa ] [ ekākṣará--kośa ] m. N. of a vocabulary of monosyllabic words
एकाक्षरगणपतिस्तोत्र [ ekākṣaragaṇapatistotra ] [ ekākṣará--gaṇapati-stotra ] n. a hymn in honour of Gaṇeśa (a portion of the Rudrayāmala)
एकाक्षरनाममाला [ ekākṣaranāmamālā ] [ ekākṣará--nāmamālā ] f. N. of vocabulary of monosyllabic words.
एकाक्षरनिघण्ट [ ekākṣaranighaṇṭa ] [ ekākṣará--nighaṇṭa ] m. N. of vocabulary of monosyllabic words.
एकाक्षरमालिका [ ekākṣaramālikā ] [ ekākṣará--mālikā ] f. N. of vocabulary of monosyllabic words.
एकाक्षराभिधानकोश [ ekākṣarābhidhānakośa ] [ ekākṣarābhidhānakośa ] m. N. of vocabulary of monosyllabic words.
एकाक्षरीभाव [ ekākṣarībhāva ] [ ekākṣarī-bhāva ] m. " the becoming one syllable " , contraction of two syllables into one Lit. RPrāt.
एकाक्षिपिङ्गलिन् [ ekākṣipiṅgalin ] [ ekākṣi-piṅgalin ] m. N. of Kubera, Lit. R.
एकाग्नि [ ekāgni ] [ ekāgni ] m. one and the same fire Lit. Lāṭy. iv , 9 , 2
[ ekāgni ] m. f. n. keeping only one fire Lit. Āp. ii , 21 , 21
एकाग्निकाण्ड [ ekāgnikāṇḍa ] [ ekāgni--kāṇḍa ] n. N. of a section of the Kāṭhaka.
एकाग्निक [ ekāgnika ] [ ekāgnika ] m. one and the same fire Lit. Hcat.
एकाग्र [ ekāgra ] [ ekāgra ] m. f. n. one-pointed , having one point , fixing one's attention upon one point or object , closely attentive , intent , absorbed in Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn. i , 1 Lit. BhP. Lit. Bhag.
undisturbed , unperplexed
known , celebrated Lit. L.
[ ekāgra ] n. (in math.) the whole of the long side of a figure which is subdivided
[ ekāgram ] ind. with undivided attention Lit. MBh.
एकाग्रचित्त [ ekāgracitta ] [ ekāgra--citta ] m. f. n. having the mind intent on one object
एकाग्रतस् [ ekāgratas ] [ ekāgra--tas ] ind. with undivided attention Lit. Vet.
एकाग्रता [ ekāgratā ] [ ekāgra--tā ] f. intentness in the pursuit of one object , close and undisturbed attention
एकाग्रत्व [ ekāgratva ] [ ekāgra--tva ] n. intentness in the pursuit of one object , close and undisturbed attention
एकाग्रदृष्टि [ ekāgradṛṣṭi ] [ ekāgra--dṛṣṭi ] m. f. n. fixing one's eyes on one spot Lit. Suśr.
एकाग्रधी [ ekāgradhī ] [ ekāgra--dhī ] m. f. n. fixing one's mind on one object , closely attentive Lit. BhP.
एकाग्रमति [ ekāgramati ] [ ekāgra--mati ] m. f. n. id.
[ ekāgramati ] m. N. of a man Lit. Lalit.
एकाग्रमनस् [ ekāgramanas ] [ ekāgra--manas ] m. f. n. fixing one's mind on one object , closely attentive Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
एकाग्र्य [ ekāgrya ] [ ekāgrya ] m. f. n. closely attentive Lit. L.
[ ekāgrya ] n. close attention Lit. L.
एकाङ्ग [ ekāṅga ] [ ekāṅga ] n. a single member , single part Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
the most excellent member of the body , the head Lit. T.
sandal-wood Lit. L.
[ ekāṅga ] m. " having a unique or beautiful shape " , N. of the planet Mercury Lit. L.
of the planet Mars Lit. L.
of Vishṇu Lit. L.
[ ekāṅgau ] m. du. " forming a single body " , a married couple Lit. T.
[ ekāṅga ] m. pl. " constituting one body " , body-guard Lit. Rājat.
[ ekāṅgī ] f. a particular perfume Lit. Bhpr.
[ ekāṅga ] m. f. n. relating to or extending over one part only , incomplete
एकाङ्गग्रह [ ekāṅgagraha ] [ ekāṅga-graha ] m. paralysis, Lit. L.
एकाङ्गरूपक [ ekāṅgarūpaka ] [ ekāṅga--rūpaka ] n. an incomplete simile Lit. Kāvyâd.
एकाण्ड [ ekāṇḍa ] [ ekāṇḍa ] m. " having only one testicle " , a kind of horse Lit. T.
एकातपत्र [ ekātapatra ] [ ekātapatra ] m. f. n. having only one royal umbrella , ruled by one king only Lit. Vikr.
एकात्मन् [ ekātman ] [ ekātman ] m. the one spirit Lit. MāṇḍUp.
[ ekātman ] m. f. n. depending solely on one's self , being without any friend , only , alone Lit. MBh.
having the same nature , of one and the same nature Lit. BhP.
एकात्मपक्ष [ ekātmapakṣa ] [ ekātma-pakṣa ] m. the Vedânta doctrine, Sāṃkhyas., Sch.
एकात्मपक्षवाद [ ekātmapakṣavāda ] [ ekātma-pakṣa-vāda ] m. a teacher of the Vedânta, ib. 2.
एकात्मता [ ekātmatā ] [ ekātma-tā ] f. the unity of spiritual essence , the doctrine of one universal spirit.
एकात्म्य [ ekātmya ] [ ekātmya ] m. f. n. only , alone Lit. MāṇḍUp.
homogeneous Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ aikātmya ] .) 1.
एकादश [ ekādaśa ] [ ekādaśá ] m. f. n. the eleventh Lit. RV. x , 85 , 45 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn.
( [ ( v ) ṅśaBEkAdaSA gAvas ] , " cows that have a bull as the eleventh " i.e. ten cows and one bull Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. )
together with eleven , plus eleven Lit. Vop.
consisting of eleven , lasting eleven (e.g. months) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. v , 16 , 11 Lit. MBh.
[ ekādaśī ] f. the eleventh day of a fortnight (on which fasting is considered an indispensable observance and very efficacious) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
presentation of offerings to Pitṛis or deceased ancestors on the eleventh day after their death (on which occasion Brāhmans are fed , and the period of impurity for a Brāhman terminates)
एकादश [ ekādaśa ] [ ékādaśa ] ( in comp. for [ ékādaśan ] below)
एकादशकपाल [ ekādaśakapāla ] [ ékādaśa--kapāla ] m. f. n. distributed in eleven dishes Lit. VS. xx , 16
एकादशकृत्वस् [ ekādaśakṛtvas ] [ ékādaśa--kṛtvas ] ind. eleven times Lit. KātyŚr.
एकादशच्छदि [ ekādaśacchadi ] [ ékādaśa--cchadi ] m. f. n. having eleven roofs Lit. TS. vi
एकादशत्व [ ekādaśatva ] [ ékādaśa--tva ] n. the number eleven Lit. BhP.
एकादशद्वार [ ekādaśadvāra ] [ ékādaśa--dvāra ] m. f. n. having eleven doors Lit. KaṭhUp.
एकादशमारिका [ ekādaśamārikā ] [ ékādaśa--mārikā ] f. " killing eleven " , N. of a woman Lit. Kathās. lxvi , 97
एकादशरात्र [ ekādaśarātra ] [ ékādaśa--rātra ] n. duration of eleven nights (and days ; the period of a Kshatriya's impurity through the death of a relative) Lit. Gaut. xiv , 2
एकादशराशिक [ ekādaśarāśika ] [ ékādaśa--rāśika ] n. (in math.) the rule of eleven Lit. Līl.
एकादशर्च [ ekādaśarca ] [ ekādaśa-rcá ] (fr. [ ṛc ] ), a hymn of 11 verses, Lit. AV.
एकादशवर्ष [ ekādaśavarṣa ] [ ekādaśa-varṣa ] m. f. n. 11 years old, Lit. Hir.
एकादशविध [ ekādaśavidha ] [ ékādaśa--vidha ] m. f. n. eleven-fold Lit. BhP.
एकादशविष्णुगणश्राद्ध [ ekādaśaviṣṇugaṇaśrāddha ] [ ékādaśa--viṣṇu-gaṇa-śrāddha ] n. a particular Śrāddha
एकादशव्यूह [ ekādaśavyūha ] [ ekādaśa-vyūha ] m. f. n. appearing in 11 forms (Rudra), Lit. BhP.
एकादशस्कन्धार्थनिरूपणकारिका [ ekādaśaskandhārthanirūpaṇakārikā ] [ ékādaśa--skandhārthanirūpaṇa-kārikā ] f. N. of a Kārikā on the Lit. BhP.
एकादशाक्ष [ ekādaśākṣa ] [ ékādaśākṣa ] m. N. of a man Lit. GopBr.
एकादशाक्षर [ ekādaśākṣara ] [ ékādaśākṣara ] m. f. n. consisting of eleven syllables Lit. VS.
एकादशारत्नि [ ekādaśāratni ] [ ékādaśāratni ] m. f. n. eleven cubits long Lit. ŚBr.
एकादशाह [ ekādaśāha ] [ ékādaśāha ] n. duration or period of eleven days Lit. R.
[ ekādaśāha ] m. a sacrifice lasting eleven days
एकादशोत्तम [ ekādaśottama ] [ ékādaśottama ] m. " chief among (the) eleven (Rudras) " , N. of Śiva Lit. L.
एकादशक [ ekādaśaka ] [ ekādaśaka ] m. f. n. the eleventh Lit. Kap. Lit. Sāṃkhyak.
consisting of eleven Lit. MBh.
[ ekādaśaka ] n. the number eleven Lit. Vop.
एकादशधा [ ekādaśadhā ] [ ekādaśadhā́ ] ind. eleven-fold , in eleven parts Lit. ŚBr. x.
एकादशम [ ekādaśama ] [ ekādaśama ] m. f. n. the eleventh.
एकादशिन् [ ekādaśin ] [ ekādaśí n ] m. f. n. consisting of eleven
[ ekādaśinī ] f. the number eleven Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Yājñ.
एकादशीव्रत [ ekādaśīvrata ] [ ekādaśī-vrata ] n. fasting on the eleventh day of a fortnight.
एकादेश [ ekādeśa ] [ ekādeśa ] m. substitution of one sound for two or more
the one sound substituted for two or more (as in contraction of vowels ) , Lit. APrāt. Lit. Pāṇ.
एकाधिपति [ ekādhipati ] [ ekādhipati ] m. a sole monarch.
एकाध्यायिन् [ ekādhyāyin ] [ ekādhyāyin ] m. a single pupil Lit. Āp. i , 16 , 24.
एकानंशा [ ekānaṃśā ] [ ekānaṃśā ] f. ( scil. [ kalā ] ) " the single portionless one " , N. of Kuhū or the new moon Lit. MBh. iii , 14129
personified as Durgā Lit. Hariv. Lit. VarBṛS.
N. of Durgā Lit. Kathās.
एकानर्थ [ ekānartha ] [ ekānartha ] m. f. n. having the same evils Lit. MBh.
एकानुगान [ ekānugāna ] [ ekānugāna ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
एकानुदिष्ट [ ekānudiṣṭa ] [ ekānudiṣṭa ] n. N. ( scil. [ śrāddha ] ) a funeral ceremony having reference to only one ancestor recently dead Lit. Mn. iv , 111.
एकानृच [ ekānṛca ] [ ekānṛca ] Atharva-veda xix , 23.
एकानेकस्वरूप [ ekānekasvarūpa ] [ ekāneka-svarūpa ] m. f. n. simple yet manifold Lit. VP. i , 2 , 3.
एकान्त [ ekānta ] [ ekānta ] m. a lonely or retired or secret place , ( [ °e ] ind. in a lonely or solitary place , alone , apart , privately) Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn. Lit. Śak.
a single part , part , portion Lit. Pat.
the only end or aim , exclusiveness , absoluteness , necessity Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
devotion to one object , worship of one Being , monotheistic doctrine Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
[ ekāntam ] ind. solely , only , exclusively , absolutely , necessarily , by all means , in every respect , invariably Lit. MBh. Lit. Megh. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Kap.
[ ekāntena ] ind. solely , only , exclusively , absolutely , necessarily , by all means , in every respect , invariably Lit. MBh. Lit. Megh. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Kap.
[ ekāntāt ] ind. solely , only , exclusively , absolutely , necessarily , by all means , in every respect , invariably Lit. MBh. Lit. Megh. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Kap.
[ ekānta ] m. f. n. directed towards or devoted to only one object or person Lit. BhP. Lit. R.
[ ekānte ] ind. , see [ ekānta ] , in a lonely or solitary place , alone , apart , privately
एकान्तकरुण [ ekāntakaruṇa ] [ ekānta--karuṇa ] m. f. n. wholly and solely compassionate , wholly charitable Lit. Hit.
एकान्तग्रहण [ ekāntagrahaṇa ] [ ekānta--grahaṇa ] n. partial comprehension Lit. Car.
एकान्तग्राहिन् [ ekāntagrāhin ] [ ekānta--grāhin ] m. f. n. comprehending partially Lit. ib.
एकान्ततस् [ ekāntatas ] [ ekānta--tas ] ind. lonely , alone
solely , exclusively , invariably ,
एकान्तता [ ekāntatā ] [ ekānta--tā ] f. exclusive worship Lit. BhP.
the state of being a part or portion Lit. Pat.
एकान्तत्व [ ekāntatva ] [ ekānta--tva ] n. exclusive worship Lit. BhP.
the state of being a part or portion Lit. Pat.
एकान्तदुःख [ ekāntaduḥkha ] [ ekānta-duḥkha ] m. f. n. absolutely unhappy, Lit. Bcar. xi, 43.
एकान्तदुःषमा [ ekāntaduḥṣamā ] [ ekānta--duḥṣamā ] f. " containing only bad years " , (with Jainas) N. of two spokes in the wheel of time (the sixth of the Avasarpiṇī and the first of the Utsarpiṇī , qq.v.)
एकान्तभाव [ ekāntabhāva ] [ ekānta--bhāva ] m. devotedness to only one object Lit. MBh.
एकान्तभूत [ ekāntabhūta ] [ ekānta--bhūta ] m. f. n. one who is alone or solitary Lit. BhP.
एकान्तमति [ ekāntamati ] [ ekānta--mati ] m. f. n. having the mind fixed on one object
एकान्तरहस्य [ ekāntarahasya ] [ ekānta--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
एकान्तराज् [ ekāntarāj ] [ ekānta--rāj ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva
एकान्तविहारिन् [ ekāntavihārin ] [ ekānta--vihārin ] m. f. n. wandering alone
एकान्तशील [ ekāntaśīla ] [ ekānta--śīla ] m. f. n. fond of loneliness Lit. MBh.
एकान्तसुषमा [ ekāntasuṣamā ] [ ekānta--suṣamā ] f. " containing only good years " , (with Jainas) N. of two spokes in the wheel of time (the first of Avasarpiṇī and the sixth of Utsarpiṇī , qq. v.)
एकान्तस्थित [ ekāntasthita ] [ ekānta--sthita ] m. f. n. staying or remaining alone or apart.
एकान्तर [ ekāntara ] [ ekāntara ] m. f. n. separated by one intermediate (caste) Lit. Gaut. iv , 16
next but one , one removed from Lit. Śak. 191 d.
एकान्तरितिन् [ ekāntaritin ] [ ekāntaritin ] (?) m. f. n. one who fasts every second day, L
एकान्तरिन् [ ekāntarin ] [ ekāntarin ] m. f. n. one who fasts every second day, Lit. L.
एकान्तिक [ ekāntika ] [ ekāntika ] m. f. n. devoted to one aim or object or person or theory.
एकान्तिन् [ ekāntin ] [ ekāntin ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
एकान्तित्व [ ekāntitva ] [ ekānti-tva ] n. devotion to only one object or thing Lit. BhP.
एकान्न [ ekānna ] [ ekānna ] n. one and the same food
only one meal
food given by only one person
[ ekānna ] m. f. n. having or eating the same food , a messmate
एकान्ननक्तभोजन [ ekānnanaktabhojana ] [ ekānna--nakta-bhojana ] m. f. n. taking one's only meal at night Lit. Hcat.
एकान्नभोजिन् [ ekānnabhojin ] [ ekānna-bhojin ] m. f. n. taking food but once a day Lit. Hcat.
एकान्नादिन् [ ekānnādin ] [ ekānnādin ] m. f. n. eating food given by only one person Lit. Mn. ii , 188.
एकान्नपञ्चाशद्रात्र [ ekānnapañcāśadrātra ] [ ekān-na-pañcāśad-rātra ] m. n. a sacrifice lasting 49 nights (and days) Lit. KātyŚr.
एकान्नविंस [ ekānnaviṃsa ] [ ekān-na-viṃsa ] m. a Stoma consisting of 19 parts Lit. Lāṭy.
एकान्नविंसतिधा [ ekānnaviṃsatidhā ] [ ekān-na-viṃsati-dhā́ ] ind. 19-fold , in 19 parts Lit. ŚBr. x.
एकान्वय [ ekānvaya ] [ ekānvaya ] m. f. n. of the same family Lit. Śak. 292 , 13.
एकापचय [ ekāpacaya ] [ ekāpacaya ] m. diminution (of one's food) by one (mouthful) Lit. Gaut. xxvii , 12.
एकाब्दा [ ekābdā ] [ ekābdā ] f. a heifer one year old.
एकाम्रचन्द्रिका [ ekāmracandrikā ] [ ekāmra-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.
एकाम्रनाथ [ ekāmranātha ] [ ekāmra-nātha ] m. " matchless lord of the mango " , N. of Śiva as worshipped at Kāñjīvaram.
[ ekāmranātha ] (cf. Lit. RTL. 446) n. N. of wk.
एकाम्रपुराण [ ekāmrapurāṇa ] [ ekāmra-purāṇa ] n. N. of wk.
एकाम्रवण [ ekāmravaṇa ] [ ekāmra-vaṇa ] n. " matchless mango grove " , N. of a sacred grove.
एकाम्रवनमाहात्म्य [ ekāmravanamāhātmya ] [ ekāmra-vana-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
एकायन [ ekāyana ] [ ekāyaná ] n. a narrow way or path accessible for only one person Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
the only way or manner of conduct , worldly wisdom Lit. ChUp. vii , 1 , 2
meeting-place , centre of union Lit. ŚBr.
absorption in one , absolute devotedness to one , unity Lit. MBh. Lit. ChUp.
[ ekāyana ] m. f. n. passable for only one (as a foot-path) Lit. MBh.
fixing one's thoughts on one object , closely attentive , absorbed in Lit. L.
एकायनगत [ ekāyanagata ] [ ekāyaná--gata ] m. f. n. walking on a foot-path only wide enough for one Lit. MBh. i
one who has fixed all his thoughts on one object Lit. L.
एकायनीभाव [ ekāyanībhāva ] [ ekāyanī-bhāva ] m. unanimity, Lit. Mcar.
एकायु [ ekāyu ] [ ékāyu ] m. f. n. affording excellent food or the chief vigour of life Lit. RV. i , 31 , 5.
एकारत्नि [ ekāratni ] [ ékāratni ] m. f. n. one cubit long Lit. ŚBr. xi.
एकाराम [ ekārāma ] [ ekārāmá ] m. f. n. having but one object of pleasure Lit. Yājñ. iii , 58
एकारामता [ ekārāmatā ] [ ekārāmá--tā ] f. the state of the above Lit. ŚBr. xi.
एकार्णव [ ekārṇava ] [ ekārṇava ] m. only one ocean , nothing but ocean , general inundation Lit. VS.
एकार्थ [ ekārtha ] [ ekārtha ] m. one and the same object Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat.
one and the same purpose
one and the same meaning
[ ekārtha ] m. f. n. having the same purpose or aim Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MBh. i , iii Lit. R.
having the same meaning , denoting the same thing , synonymous Lit. Nir.
( in rhet.) tautological (as a sentence) Lit. Vām. ii , 2 , 11 Lit. Kāvyâd.
expressing one thing , forming only one notion (as a compound)
m. N. of a glossary of synonymous words
एकार्थता [ ekārthatā ] [ ekārtha--tā ] f. the state of having the same object or purpose Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mit.
the act of expressing only one thing or notion Lit. Pat.
एकार्थत्व [ ekārthatva ] [ ekārtha--tva ] n. the state of having the same object or purpose Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mit.
the act of expressing only one thing or notion Lit. Pat.
एकार्थदीपक [ ekārthadīpaka ] [ ekārtha-dīpaka ] n. a Dīpaka (q.v.) of simple meaning, Lit. Kāvyâd. ii, 112.
एकार्थनाममाला [ ekārthanāmamālā ] [ ekārtha--nāma-mālā ] f. N. of a glossary of synonymous words
एकार्थसमुपेत [ ekārthasamupeta ] [ ekārtha--samupeta ] m. f. n. arrived at one object.
एकार्थीभाव [ ekārthībhāva ] [ ekārthī-bhāva ] m. the act of conveying only one idea Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
एकार्षेय [ ekārṣeya ] [ ekārṣeya ] m. f. n. having only one sacred ancestor, Lit. MānŚr.
एकालापक [ ekālāpaka ] [ ekālāpaka ] m. f. n. having one sound , sounding as one (but expressing more than one thing) Lit. Bālar. vi , 1.
एकावम [ ekāvama ] [ ekāvama ] m. f. n. inferior or less by one , diminishing by one Lit. RPrāt.
एकावयव [ ekāvayava ] [ ekāvayava ] m. f. n. made up of the same members or constituent parts.
एकावर्त [ ekāvarta ] [ ekāvarta ] m. f. n. forming one whirl Lit. Vāgbh.
एकावलि [ ekāvali ] [ ekāvali ] f. a single row , single string of pearls or beads or flowers , Lit. Vikr. Lit. Naish. Lit. Kād.
( in rhet.) a series of sentences where the subject of each following sentence has some characteristic of the predicate of the preceding one Lit. Kpr. x , 45 Lit. Sāh.
N. of wk. on rhetoric
एकावलितरल [ ekāvalitarala ] [ ekāvali--tarala ] m. N. of commentary on the above works.
एकावलिप्रकाश [ ekāvaliprakāśa ] [ ekāvali--prakāśa ] m. N. of commentary on the above works.
एकावली [ ekāvalī ] [ ekāvalī ] f. a single row , single string of pearls or beads or flowers , Lit. Vikr. Lit. Naish. Lit. Kād.
( in rhet.) a series of sentences where the subject of each following sentence has some characteristic of the predicate of the preceding one Lit. Kpr. x , 45 Lit. Sāh.
N. of wk. on rhetoric
एकावलीतरल [ ekāvalītarala ] [ ekāvalī--tarala ] m. N. of commentaries on the above work.
एकावलीप्रकाश [ ekāvalīprakāśa ] [ ekāvalī--prakāśa ] m. N. of commentaries on the above work.
एकावाञ्च् [ ekāvāñc ] [ ekāvāñc ] m. f. n. diminishing by one.
एकाशिन् [ ekāśin ] [ ekāśin ] m. f. n. eating alone Lit. Suśr.
एकाश्रम [ ekāśrama ] [ ekāśrama ] m. a solitary hermitage.
एकाश्रय [ ekāśraya ] [ ekāśraya ] and m. f. n. resting upon or clinging to one object or person ( cf. [ an-ekāśr ] ) , Lit. Bhāshāp.
एकाश्रयगुण [ ekāśrayaguṇa ] [ ekāśraya--guṇa ] m. a simple attribute or predicate (as form , smell , taste , )
एकाश्रित [ ekāśrita ] [ ekāśrita ]and m. f. n. resting upon or clinging to one object or person ( cf. [ an-ekāśr ] ) , Lit. Bhāshāp.
एकाश्रितगुण [ ekāśritaguṇa ] [ ekāśrita--guṇa ] m. a simple attribute or predicate (as form , smell , taste , )
एकाष्टका [ ekāṣṭakā ] [ ekāṣṭakā́ ] f. the eighth day after full moon (esp. of the month Māgha ; personified as Śacī Lit. T.) Lit. AV. iii , 10 , 5 ; 8 ; 12 Lit. TS. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
एकाष्टी [ ekāṣṭī ] [ ekāṣṭī ] f. a pod or seed of cotton Lit. W.
एकाष्ठील [ ekāṣṭhīla ] [ ekāṣṭhīla ] m. " having one kernel " , Agati Grandiflora Lit. L.
[ ekāṣṭhīlā ] f. a species of Calotropis Lit. Car.
Clypea Hernandifolia Lit. L.
एकासनिक [ ekāsanika ] [ ekāsanika ] m. f. n. having only one seat.
एकास्य [ ekāsya ] [ ekāsya ] m. f. n. one-faced Lit. Hcat.
एकाह [ ekāha ] [ ekāhá ] m. the period or duration of one day Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 90 Lit. Mn.
a ceremony or religious festival lasting one day
a Soma sacrifice in which Soma is prepared during one day only (as the Agnishṭoma ) Lit. ŚBr. iv , vi , xii , xiii Lit. AitBr. vi Lit. ĀśvŚr. ii , 3 Lit. KātyŚr.
[ ekāham ] ind. during one day
[ ekāhnā ] ind. during one day
एकाहगम [ ekāhagama ] [ ekāhá--gama ] m. a day's journey Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 19.
एकाहधनिन् [ ekāhadhanin ] [ ekāha-dhanin ] m. f. n. having food for one day, Lit. Baudh.
एकाहन् [ ekāhan ] [ ekāhan ] n. a single day (= [ ekā ] [ ha ] ), Lit. MBh. xvii, 67.
एकाहातान [ ekāhātāna ] [ ekāhātāná ] n. the continued series of Ekāhas Lit. ŚBr. xiii.
एकाहार [ ekāhāra ] [ ekāhāra ] m. a single meal during the day
[ ekāhāra ] m. f. n. taking food only once a day Lit. MBh.
एकाहार्य [ ekāhārya ] [ ekāhārya ] m. f. n. having but one kind of food , eating anything , making no difference between allowed and forbidden food ( ( Lit. Nīlak. ) ) Lit. MBh. (ed. Bombay) Lit. iii , 190 , 41.
एकेक्षण [ ekekṣaṇa ] [ ekekṣaṇa ] m. " one-eyed " , N. of Śukra or Venus (the teacher of the Asuras) Lit. T.
एकेन्द्रिय [ ekendriya ] [ ekendriya ] m. f. n. having but one organ of sense Lit. L.
एकेष [ ekeṣa ] [ ékeṣa ] m. f. n. furnished with only one pole Lit. RV. x , 135 , 3.
एकेष्टक [ ekeṣṭaka ] [ ékeṣṭaka ] m. f. n. (fr. the next) , having but one sacrificial brick Lit. ŚBr. vi , x.
एकेष्टका [ ekeṣṭakā ] [ ekeṣṭakā́ ] f. a single sacrificial brick Lit. ŚBr. ii.
एकैक [ ekaika ] [ ékaika ] m. f. n. one by one , single , every single one Lit. AV. iii , 28 , 1 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
[ ekaikam ] ind. singly , one by one Lit. R.
एकैकतर [ ekaikatara ] [ ékaika--tara ] m. f. n. one by one (out of many) Lit. BhP.
एकैकत्र [ ekaikatra ] [ ekaika-tra ] ind. singly, Lit. ĀpŚr., Sch.
एकैकवत् [ ekaikavat ] [ ekaika-vat ] m. f. n. possessing (only) one (of several things), ib.
एकैकवृत्ति [ ekaikavṛtti ] [ ékaika--vṛtti ] m. f. n. existing in only one object Lit. Bhāshāp.
एकैकश्य [ ekaikaśya ] [ ekaikaśya ] n. single state , severalty Lit. MBh.
[ ekaikaśyena ] ind. seriatim , severally Lit. BhP.
एकैश्वर्य [ ekaiśvarya ] [ ekaiśvarya ] n. sole monarchy Lit. Mālav.
एकैषिका [ ekaiṣikā ] [ ekaiṣikā ] f. N. of a medicinal plant Lit. Suśr.
एकोक्ति [ ekokti ] [ ekokti ] f. a single expression , single word.
एकोच्चय [ ekoccaya ] [ ekoccaya ] m. increase (of food) by one (mouthful) Lit. Gaut. xxvii , 13.
एकोति [ ekoti ] [ ékoti ] m. f. n. having one and the same object of desire or aim (course) , tending to one single purpose Lit. ŚBr. xii , 2 , 2 , 4
एकोतिभाव [ ekotibhāva ] [ ékoti--bhāva ] m. ( the thread-like continuity of personality or individual life running through the whole cycle of re-births ) , ( Lit. Buddh.) ( 1323,1 )
एकोत्तर [ ekottara ] [ ékottara ] m. f. n. greater or more by one , increasing by one Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Suśr. Lit. RPrāt.
एकोत्तरिका [ ekottarikā ] [ ekottarikā ] f. N. of the fourth Āgama or sacred book of the Buddhists
एकोत्तरिकागम [ ekottarikāgama ] [ ekottarikāgama ] m. id.
एकोदक [ ekodaka ] [ ekodaka ] m. f. n. offering water as funeral oblation to the same deceased ancestor , a kind of relative Lit. Mn. v , 71.
एकोदात्त [ ekodātta ] [ ekodātta ] m. f. n. having one Udātta accent Lit. VPrāt.
एकोद्दिष्ट [ ekoddiṣṭa ] [ ekoddiṣṭa ] n. ( scil. [ śrāddha ] ) a funeral ceremony having reference to one individual recently dead (not including ancestors generally) Lit. ĀśvGṛ. iv , 7 , 1 Lit. Mn. iv , 110 Lit. VP.
एकोद्दिष्टश्राद्धपद्धति [ ekoddiṣṭaśrāddhapaddhati ] [ ekoddiṣṭa--śrāddha-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
एकोन [ ekona ] [ ekona ] m. f. n. less by one , minus one (used in comp. with [ viṃśati ] and the succeeding decade numerals , thus [ -viṃśatí ] f. nineteen )
एकोनविंशति [ ekonaviṃśati ] [ ekona--viṃśatí ] f. , see [ ekona ] , nineteen
एकोन्नत [ ekonnata ] [ ékonnata ] m. f. n. having one elevation Lit. TS. vi.
एकोल्मुक [ ekolmuka ] [ ekolmuká ] n. a single fire-brand Lit. MaitrS.
एकौघ [ ekaugha ] [ ekaugha ] m. a single flight (of arrows) Lit. Śiś. xviii , 55
एकौघभूत [ ekaughabhūta ] [ ekaugha--bhūta ] m. f. n. collected into one mass , heaped or crowded together.
एककर्मन् [ ekakarman ] [ eka-karman ] ( Lit. Daś.) m. f. n. having one and the same business
एकक्रिय [ ekakriya ] [ eka-kriya ] ( Lit. Mcar.), m. f. n. having one and the same business
एकक्रियाविधि [ ekakriyāvidhi ] [ eka-kriyā-vidhi ] m. employment of the same verb, Lit. Kāvyâd.
एकग [ ekaga ] [ eka-ga ] m. f. n. attentive to only one object, Lit. L.
एकगर्भ [ ekagarbha ] [ eka-garbha ] m. f. n. bringing forth only one child, Lit. BhP.
एकग्रन्थ [ ekagrantha ] [ eka-grantha ] m. an aggregate of 32 letters, Lit. L.
एकच्छायाप्रविष्ट [ ekacchāyāpraviṣṭa ] [ eka-cchāyā-praviṣṭa ] m. f. n. jointly liable, Lit. Kāty.
एकतीर्थिन् [ ekatīrthin ] [ eka-tīrthin ] (L.), m. one who has the same teacher, fellow-student
एकतीर्थ्य [ ekatīrthya ] [ eka-tīrthya ] ( Lit. Baudh.), m. one who has the same teacher, fellow-student
एकतृंश [ ekatṛṃśa ] [ eka-tṛṃśa ] ° [ śaka ] , ° [ śat ] (read [ éka ] - [ triṃśa ] , ° [ śaka ] , ° [ śat ] )
एकद्वार [ ekadvāra ] [ eka-dvāra ] m. f. n. having (only) one access or approach, Lit. MBh.
एकनिभ [ ekanibha ] [ eka-nibha ] m. f. n. uniform, Lit. VarBṛS.
एकपति [ ekapati ] [ eka-pati ] f. having only one husband, Lit. HPariś.
एकपतित्व [ ekapatitva ] [ eka-pati-tva ] ( n. )
एकपदम् [ ekapadam ] [ eka-padam ] ind. (= - [ pade ] ), Lit. Mālatīm.
एकपलाधिक [ ekapalādhika ] [ eka-palādhika ] n. one Pala more, Lit. Mn. viii, 397
एकपातिन् [ ekapātin ] [ eka-pātin ] being alone or solitary, ib.
एकभूयस् [ ekabhūyas ] [ eka-bhūyas ] m. f. n. having one over, odd, Lit. Gobh.
एकभोग [ ekabhoga ] [ eka-bhoga ]and m. sole and entire right of enjoyment, Lit. Inscr.
एकभोग्य [ ekabhogya ] [ eka-bhogya ] and n. sole and entire right of enjoyment, Lit. Inscr.
एकमूर्ति [ ekamūrti ] [ eka-mūrti ] f. one person, Lit. Subh.
एकलोक [ ekaloka ] [ éka-loka ] m. f. n. possessing one world, Lit. MaitrS.
एकवर्तनिन् [ ekavartanin ] [ eka-vartanin ] m. f. n. one-wheeled, Lit. ShaḍvBr.
एकविंशतिच्छदि [ ekaviṃśaticchadi ] [ eka-viṃśati-cchadi ] ( [ éka ] -), m. f. n. having 21 roofs, Lit. TS.
एकवृकीहीय [ ekavṛkīhīya ] [ eka-vṛkīhīya ] m. f. n. derived trom the same tree or wood, Lit. KātyŚr.
एकवेद [ ekaveda ] [ eka-veda ] m. f. n. knowing (or studying) only one Veda, ib.
एकव्यूह [ ekavyūha ] [ eka-vyūha ] m. f. n. appearing (only) in one form, Lit. Vishṇ.
एकशरीरिन् [ ekaśarīrin ] [ eka-śarīrin ] m. f. n. standing alone, i.e. having no relatives, Lit. Daś.
एकशूल [ ekaśūla ] [ eka-śūla ] m. f. n. onepointed, Lit. Hir.
एकश्नुष्टि [ ekaśnuṣṭi ] [ eka-śnuṣṭi ] v.l. for - [ śruṣṭi ] , Lit. AV. iii, 30, 7
एकसम्प्रत्यय [ ekasampratyaya ] [ eka-sampratyaya ] m. having the same signification, Lit. VarBṛS.
एकस्थानाश्रय [ ekasthānāśraya ] [ eka-sthānāśraya ] see [ sthān ] °, page 1263.
एकक [ ekaka ] [ ekaká ] m. f. n. single , alone , solitary Lit. RV. x , 59 , 9 Lit. AV. xx , 132 , 1.
एककशत [ ekakaśata ] [ ekaká-śata ] n. one percent.
एकत [ ekata ] [ ekatá ] m. N. of one of the three Āptyas Lit. VS. i , 23 Lit. ŚBr. i Lit. Kāṭh.
of a Brāhman Lit. MBh.
एकतय [ ekataya ] [ ékataya ] m. f. n. single , one by one Lit. MaitrS. ii , 2 , 1.
एकतस् [ ekatas ] [ ekatas ] ind. from one , from one and the same Lit. Rājat.
from one view , from one side , on one side , on one part , on the one hand Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh.
( the correlative to [ ekatas ] is either [ ekatas ] repeated or [ aparatas ] or [ anyatas ] or [ vā ] e.g. [ ekatas ] - [ ekatas ] or [ ekatas ] - [ aparatas ] , on the one hand - on the other)
in one body , all together Lit. MBh. xiii , 2230 Lit. Suśr.
एकतो [ ekato ] [ ekato ] ( by Sandhi for [ ekatas ] ) .
एकतोदत् [ ekatodat ] [ ekato-dat ] m. f. n. having teeth in only one (i.e. the lower) jaw Lit. Mn. v , 18.
एकतोमुख [ ekatomukha ] [ ekató-mukha ] m. f. n. turned to one side, Lit. TBr.
(a vessel) having a spout only on one side, Lit. ĀpŚr., Sch.
एकत्र [ ekatra ] [ ekatra ] ind. in one , in one and the same Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
in one place , in the same place , in a single spot (with the force of the locative) Lit. MBh. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Mṛicch.
on the one side
( the correlative is [ aparatra ] or sometimes [ anyasmin ] , on the one side - on the other side , here - there)
in one and the same place , all together Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.
एकदा [ ekadā ] [ ekadā ] ind. at the same time , at once Lit. Sāh.
sometimes , once , one time , some time ago Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Hit.
एकधा [ ekadhā ] [ ekadhā́ ] ind. simply , singly
in one way , together , at once Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. MBh.
एकधाभूय [ ekadhābhūya ] [ ekadhā́-bhū́ya ] n. the becoming one or simple Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
एकल [ ekala ] [ ekala ] m. f. n. alone , solitary Lit. ChUp. Lit. BhP.
(in mus.) a solo singer.
एकाकिन् [ ekākin ] [ ekākí n ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 52) alone , solitary Lit. AV. xix , 56 , 1 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
एकायनीभू [ ekāyanībhū ] [ ekāyanī-√ bhū ] ( cf. [ ekāyana ] ) , to become the centre of union , become the only object (of affection ) Lit. Mālav.
एकिन् [ ekin ] [ ekin ] m. f. n. simple , consisting of one Lit. Lāṭy.
एकी [ ekī ] [ ekī́ ] ( in comp. for [ eka ] ) .
एकीकरण [ ekīkaraṇa ] [ ekī́-karaṇa ] n. the act of making one , uniting , combination Comm. on Lit. TPrāt.
एकीकृ [ ekīkṛ ] [ ekī́-√ kṛ ] to unite , combine , associate Lit. R. Lit. RāmatUp.
एकीभाव [ ekībhāva ] [ ekī́-bhāva ] m. the becoming one , coalition Lit. Vedāntas. Lit. RPrāt.
एकीभावस्तोत्र [ ekībhāvastotra ] [ ekī-bhāva-stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra.
एकीभाविन् [ ekībhāvin ] [ ekī́-bhāvin ] m. f. n. relating to coalition or blending (of vowels) Lit. RPrāt.
एकीभू [ ekībhū ] [ ekī́-√ bhū ] to become one , be blended or combined Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. RPrāt.
एकीय [ ekīya ] [ ekīya ] m. f. n. belonging to or proceeding from or resting upon one Lit. Gṛihyās.
belonging to the same party , a partisan , associate , companion.
single in its kind, Lit. Jātakam.
एक्ष् [ ekṣ ] [ ekṣ ] ( Preverb. [ ā-√ īkṣ ] ) .
एक्ष्य [ ekṣya ] [ ekṣya ] ind.p. having looked at , looking at Lit. MBh. ii , 2389.
एज् [ ej ] [ ej ] Root cl. [1] P. [ éjati ] , to stir , move , tremble , shake Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BhP. : cl. [1] Ā. [ ejate ] , [ ejāṃ-cakre ] , [ ejitā ] , to shine Lit. Dhātup. vi , 20 : Caus. P. Ā. [ ejayati ] , [ -te ] , to agitate , shake Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BhP.
एजत् [ ejat ] [ éjat ] m. f. n. (pres. p. of the above )
[ ejat ] n. ( [ t ] ) anything moving or living Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
एजत्क [ ejatka ] [ ejatká ] m. f. n. trembling , moving (the head) Lit. BhP. ix , 6 , 42
[ ejatka ] m. a kind of insect Lit. AV. v , 23 , 7.
एजथु [ ejathu ] [ ejáthu ] m. trembling , motion , shaking (of the earth) Lit. AV. xii , 1 , 18.
एजन [ ejana ] [ ejana ] n. tremor, Lit. L.
एजय [ ejaya ] [ ejaya ] m. f. n. causing to shake or tremble ( forming irr. compounds with preceding acc. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 28 ; cf. [ janam-ejaya ] ) .
एजि [ eji ] [ eji ] m. N. of a man g. [ kurv-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 151 (not in Lit. Kāś.)
एजितव्य [ ejitavya ] [ ejitavya ] m. f. n. to be shaken.
एजितृ [ ejitṛ ] [ ejitṛ ] m. f. n. a shaker , causing to tremble.
एज्य [ ejya ] [ éjya ] m. f. n. (irr. fut. >pass. p. fr. [ ā-√ yaj ] ) to be offered (as an oblation) Lit. ŚBr. i , 7 , 3 , 14.
एठ् [ eṭh ] [ eṭh ] Root cl. [1] Ā. [ eṭhate ] , [ eṭhāṃ-cakre ] , [ eṭhitā ] , , to be a rogue or rascal ; to cheat Lit. Dhātup. viii , 14.
एड [ eḍa ] [ eḍa ] m. a kind of sheep Lit. KātyŚr.
[ eḍī ] f. a female sheep , ewe Lit. MW.
N. of a woman in the retinue of Skanda Lit. MBh.
एडगज [ eḍagaja ] [ eḍa-gaja ] m. the plant Cassia Tora or Alata (used for the cure of ringworm) Lit. Car.
एडक [ eḍaka ] [ eḍaka ] m. a kind of sheep , ram , wild goat Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhpr.
a kind of medicinal plant Lit. Suśr.
[ eḍaka ] f. . ( [ ā ] g. [ ajādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 4 , and [ ikā ] ) the female of the above sheep , a ewe Lit. Bhpr. ( cf. [ aiḍaka ] .)
एडिकाक्षी [ eḍikākṣī ] [ eḍikākṣī ] f. N. of a certain plant (= [ eḍa-gaja ] ?) Comm. on Lit. VarBṛS.
एडकीय [ eḍakīya ] [ eḍakīya ] Nom. P. [ eḍakīyati ] , to behave like a sheep Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 94.
एडूक [ eḍūka ] [ eḍūka ] ( and [ eḍuka ] Lit. L.) m. (n. Lit. L.) a building constructed of or enclosing rubbish or bones or hard substances resembling bones , a Buddhist shrine (filled with relics) Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ buddhaiḍūka ] ) .
एडोक [ eḍoka ] [ eḍoka ] n. id. Lit. L.
[ eḍoka ] m. f. n. deaf. Lit. L.
एण [ eṇa ] [ eṇa ] m. f. . a species of deer or antelope (described as being of a black colour with beautiful eyes and short legs) Lit. AV. v , 14 , 11 Lit. VS. xxiv , 36 Lit. Mn. iii , 269 Lit. MBh.
एणजङ्घ [ eṇajaṅgha ] [ eṇa-jaṅgha ] m. " deer-legged " , N. of a running messenger Lit. Daś.
एणतिलक [ eṇatilaka ] [ eṇa-tilaka ] m. " deer-marked " , the moon Lit. L.
एणदृश् [ eṇadṛś ] [ eṇa-dṛś ] f. the eye of an antelope Lit. Naish.
[ eṇadṛś ] m. ( [ k ] ) (in astron.) Capricorn.
एणनेत्र [ eṇanetra ] [ eṇa-netra ] m. f. n. deer-eyed.
एणभृत् [ eṇabhṛt ] [ eṇa-bhṛt ] m. " bearing an antelope " , the moon Lit. L.
एणविलोचन [ eṇavilocana ] [ eṇa-vilocana ] m. f. n. deer-eyed.
एणशिरस् [ eṇaśiras ] [ eṇa-śiras ] n. N. of the Nakshatra Mṛigaśiras.
एणाक्ष [ eṇākṣa ] [ eṇākṣa ] m. f. n. deer-eyed , Lit. Śāntiś. Lit. Viddh.
एणाङ्क [ eṇāṅka ] [ eṇāṅka ] m. " deer-marked " , the moon Lit. BhP.
एणाङ्कमणि [ eṇāṅkamaṇi ] [ eṇāṅka--maṇi ] m. the moon-gem Lit. Kuval.
एणाजिन [ eṇājina ] [ eṇājina ] n. deer-skin.
एणेक्षण [ eṇekṣaṇa ] [ eṇekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. deer-eyed Lit. Naish. Lit. Viddh.
एणक [ eṇaka ] [ eṇaka ] m. a species of deer (= [ eṇa ] above ) Lit. VarBṛS.
एणी [ eṇī ] [ eṇī ] f. see [ eṇa ] above.
एणीदाह [ eṇīdāha ] [ eṇī-dāha ] m. a kind of fever Lit. Bhpr.
एणीदृश् [ eṇīdṛś ] [ eṇī-dṛś ] m. f. n. deer-eyed Lit. Bālar. Lit. Prasannar. Lit. Viddh.
एणीनयन [ eṇīnayana ] [ eṇī-nayana ] m. f. n. id.
एणीपचन [ eṇīpacana ] [ eṇī-pacana ] m. pl. " cooking antelopes for food " , N. of a tribe.
एणीपचनीय [ eṇīpacanīya ] [ eṇī-pacanīya ] m. f. n. belonging to the above tribe Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 75.
एणीपद [ eṇīpada ] [ eṇī-pada ] m. a kind of snake Lit. Suśr.
[ eṇīpadī ] f. a kind of poisonous insect Lit. ib.
एणीक [ eṇīka ] [ eṇīka ] Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. ii, 4, 14.
एणीकीय [ eṇīkīya ] [ eṇīkīya ] Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. ii, 4, 14.
एत [ eta ] [ éta ]2 ( for 1. see 4. [ e ] ) m. f. ( [ ā ] and [ énī ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 39) n. (√ [ i ] Lit. Uṇ. iii , 86) , " rushing " , " darting "
of a variegated colour , varying the colour , shining , brilliant Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. VS.
[ eta ] m. a kind of deer or antelope Lit. RV.
the hide of the same Lit. RV.
variegated colour Lit. T.
एतग्व [ etagva ] [ éta-gva ] m. f. n. of variegated colour , shining (said of horses) Lit. RV. i , 115 , 3 ; vii , 70 , 2 ; viii , 70 , 7.
एतक [ etaka ] [ etaka ] m. f. n. = [ éta ] above Lit. Pat.
एतश [ etaśa ] [ étaśa ] [ étaśa ] and [ etaśá ] m. f. n. of variegated colour , shining , brilliant (said of Brahmaṇas-pati) Lit. RV. x , 53 , 9
[ etaśa ] m. a horse of variegated colour , dappled horse (esp. said of the Sun's horse) Lit. RV.
N. of a man (protected by Indra) Lit. RV.
a Brāhman Lit. Uṇ. iii , 149.
एतशस् [ etaśas ] [ etaśas ] m. a Brāhman Lit. Uṇ.
एतद् [ etad ] [ etád ] m. f. n. (Gr. 223 ; g. [ sarvādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 27) this , this here , here (especially as pointing to what is nearest to the speaker e.g. [ eṣa bāṇaḥ ] , this arrow here in my hand ; [ eṣa yāti panthāḥ ] , here passes the way ; [ eṣa kālaḥ ] , here i.e. now , is the time ; [ etad ] , this here i.e. this world here below)
sometimes used to give emphasis to the personal pronouns (e.g. [ eṣo'ham ] , I , this very person here) or with omission of those pronouns (e.g. [ eṣa tvāṃ svargaṃ nayāmi ] , I standing here will convey thee to heaven ; [ etau praviṣṭau svaḥ ] , we two here have entered)
as the subject of a sentence it agrees in gender and number with the predicate without reference to the noun to be supplied (e.g. [ etad eva hi me dhanam ] , for this ( scil. cow ) is my only wealth Lit. MBh.)
but sometimes the neuter sing. remains (e.g. [ etad guruṣu vṛttiḥ ] , this is the custom among Gurus Lit. Mn. ii , 206)
[ etad ] generally refers to what precedes , esp. when connected with [ idam ] , the latter then referring to what follows (e.g. [ eṣa vai prathamaḥ kalpaḥ ] [ anukalpas tv ayaṃ jñeyaḥ ] , this before-mentioned is the principal rule , but this following may be considered a secondary rule Lit. Mn. iii , 147)
it refers also to that which follows , esp. when connected with a relative clause (e.g. [ eṣa caiva gurur dharmo yam pravakṣyāmy ahaṃ tava ] , this is the important law , which I will proclaim to you Lit. MBh.) Lit. RV.
[ etad ] ind. in this manner , thus , so , here , at this time , now (e.g. [ ná vā́ u etán mriyase ] , thou dost not die in this manner or by that Lit. RV. i , 162 , 21) Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ; ( ( cf. Zd. (aêta) ; Old Pers. (aita) ; Armen. (aid) ; Osk. (eiso) . ) )
एतदतिरिक्त [ etadatirikta ] [ etád-atirikta ] m. f. n. besides this.
एतदन्त [ etadanta ] [ etád-anta ] m. f. n. terminating with this , ending thus Lit. Mn. i , 50.
एतदर्थम् [ etadartham ] [ etád-artham ] ind. on this account , for this end , therefore Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
( [ etad ] - [ arthaṃ yad ] , to this end - that Lit. R.)
एतदवधि [ etadavadhi ] [ etád-avadhi ] ind. to this limit , so far.
एतदवस्थ [ etadavastha ] [ etád-avastha ] m. f. n. of such a state or condition Lit. Vikr. Lit. Ratnāv.
एतदात्म्य [ etadātmya ] [ etád-ātmya ] n. Lit. ChUp. vi , 8 , 7, misprint for [ aitadātmya ] ( q.v. ; cf. Śaṃkara's Comm. on the passage) .
एतदादि [ etadādi ] [ etád-ādi ] m. f. n. beginning with this , and so forth.
एतदुपनिषद् [ etadupaniṣad ] [ etad-upaniṣad ] m. f. n. following this Upanishad, Lit. ChUp.
एतद्दा [ etaddā ] [ etád-dā́ ] m. f. n. granting or bestowing this Lit. ŚBr. ix.
एतद्देवत्य [ etaddevatya ] [ etád-devatyá ] m. f. n. having this as deity Lit. ŚBr. viii.
एतद्द्वितीय [ etaddvitīya ] [ etád-dvitīya ] m. f. n. doing this for the second time Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 162.
एतद्वत् [ etadvat ] [ etád-vat ] ind. like this , thus.
एतज् [ etaj ] [ etaj ] ( in comp. for [ etad ] ) .
एतज्ज [ etajja ] [ etaj-ja ] m. f. n. arising from this.
एतत् [ etat ] [ etat ] ( in comp. for [ etad ] ) .
एतत्कालम् [ etatkālam ] [ etat-kālam ] ind. now.
एतत्कालीन [ etatkālīna ] [ etat-kālīna ] m. f. n. belonging to or happening in the present time.
एतत्क्षणात् [ etatkṣaṇāt ] [ etat-kṣaṇāt ] ind. from this moment , henceforth
एतत्क्षणे [ etatkṣaṇe ] [ etat-kṣaṇe ] ind. in this moment , now.
एतत्तुल्य [ etattulya ] [ etat-tulya ] m. f. n. similar to this.
एतत्तृतीय [ etattṛtīya ] [ etat-tṛtīya ] m. f. n. doing this for the third time Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 162.
एतत्पर [ etatpara ] [ etat-para ] m. f. n. intent on or absorbed in this Comm. on Lit. Mn.
एतत्प्रथम [ etatprathama ] [ etat-prathama ] m. f. n. doing this for the first time Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 162.
एतत्प्रभृति [ etatprabhṛti ] [ etat-prabhṛti ] m. f. n. beginning with this, Lit. Gobh.
एतत्सम [ etatsama ] [ etat-sama ] m. f. n. equal to this.
एतत्समीप [ etatsamīpa ] [ etat-samīpa ] n. presence of this one.
एतदीय [ etadīya ] [ etadīya ] m. f. n. belonging or relating to this (person or thing) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Hcat.
एतन् [ etan ] [ etan ] ( by Sandhi for [ etad ] ) .
एतन्मय [ etanmaya ] [ etan-máya ] m. f. n. made or consisting of this , of such a kind Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
एतर्हि [ etarhi ] [ etárhi ] ind. now , at this time , at present , now-a-days Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
then ( correlating to [ yárhi ] ) Lit. ib.
[ etarhi ] n. ( [ i ] ) a measure of time (fifteen Idānis , or the fifteenth part of a Kshipra) Lit. ŚBr. xii , 3 , 2 , 5.
एतादृक्ष [ etādṛkṣa ] [ etādṛ́kṣa ]and m. f. n. such , such like , so formed , of this kind , similar to this Lit. RV. viii , 102 , 19 ; x , 27 , 24 Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
एतादृश् [ etādṛś ] [ etādṛ́ś ] and m. f. n. such , such like , so formed , of this kind , similar to this Lit. RV. viii , 102 , 19 ; x , 27 , 24 Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
एतादृश [ etādṛśa ] [ etādṛ́śa ]and m. f. n. such , such like , so formed , of this kind , similar to this Lit. RV. viii , 102 , 19 ; x , 27 , 24 Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
एतावच् [ etāvac ] [ etāvac ] ( by Sandhi for [ etā́vat ] below) .
एतावच्छस् [ etāvacchas ] [ etāvac-chás ] ( [ °t-śas ] ) ind. so many times , so often Lit. MaitrS. i , 9 , 8.
एतावत् [ etāvat ] [ etā́vat ] m. f. n. so great , so much , so many , of such a measure or compass , of such extent , so far , of such quality or kind Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
( often in connection with a relative clause , the latter generally following ; [ etāvān eva puruṣo yaj jāyātmā prajā ] , a man is of such measure as ( i.e. made complete by ) his wife , himself , and his progeny Lit. Mn. ix , 45) Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Hit.
[ etāvat ] ind. so far , thus far , so much , in such a degree , thus Lit. RV. vii , 57 , 3 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Hit.
एतावतिथ [ etāvatitha ] [ etāvatitha ] m. f. n. the so-manieth (v.l. ° [ tima ] ), Lit. Drāhy., Sch.( Page1323,2 )
एतावत्त्व [ etāvattva ] [ etā́vat-tva ] n. the being so great or so much , quantity , number , size Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 15 Lit. BhP.
( with following [ yad ] , such a state or quantity , that.)
एतावद् [ etāvad ] [ etāvad ] ( by Sandhi for [ etā́vat ] ) .
एतावदावास [ etāvadāvāsa ] [ etāvad-āvāsa ] m. f. n. having so many abodes, Lit. JaimUp.
एतावद्धा [ etāvaddhā ] [ etāvad-dhā́ ] ind. so many fold Lit. TS. vi.
एतावन् [ etāvan ] [ etāvan ] ( by Sandhi for [ etā́vat ] ) .
एतावन्मात्र [ etāvanmātra ] [ etāvan-mātrá ] m. f. n. of this measure , of this quantity , so great , such Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
एतन [ etana ] [ etana ] m. expiration , breathing out , discharging air from the lungs Lit. L.
the fish Silurus Pelorius Lit. L.