Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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श |
शैषिरि [ śaiṣiri ] [ śaiṣiri ] w.r. for [ śaiśiri ] ( q.v.)
शैष्योपाध्यायिका [ śaiṣyopādhyāyikā ] [ śaiṣyopādhyāyikā ] f. ( fr. [ śiṣya ] + [ upādhyāya ] ) the relation between pupil and teacher Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 133 Sch.
शैसीक [ śaisīka ] [ śaisīka ] and [ śaisīta ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VP.
शैसीत [ śaisīta ] [ śaisīta ] and [ śaisīka ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VP.
शो [ śo ] [ śo ] Root (cf. √ 1. [ śi ] ) cl. [3] P. Ā. [ śiśāti ] , [ śí śīte ] ( accord to Lit. Dhātup. xxvi , 36 also cl. [4] P. [ śyati ] cf. [ ni-√ śo ] ; pf. [ śaśau ] Gr. ; p. [ śaśāná ] Lit. AV. ; aor. [ aśīta ] cf. [ saṃ-√ śo ] ; [ aśāt ] or [ aśāsīt ] Gr. ; Prec. [ śāyāt ] Lit. ib. ; fut. [ śātā ] , [ śāśyati ] Lit. ib. ; ind. [ śā́ya ] Lit. AV.) , to whet , sharpen (Ā. " one's own " weapons or horns) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Hariv. : Pass. [ śāyate ] Gr.: Caus. [ śāyayati ] Lit. ib. ; Desid. [ śiśāsati ] Lit. ib. : Intens. [ śāśāyate ] , [ śaśeti ] , [ śāśāti ] Lit. ib. ( ? cf. Gk. 1 )
शात [ śāta ] [ śāta ] m. f. n. see 1. [ śāta ] , p. 1063 , col. 3.
शित [ śita ] [ śitá ]4 m. f. n. ( for 1. see p. 1069 , col. 3) whetted , sharp Lit. RV.
thin , slender , weak , feeble Lit. L.
शॐस् [ śoṃs ] [ śoṃs ] (substituted in certain formulas) for √ [ śaṃs ] .
शॐसामस् [ śoṃsāmas ] [ śoṃsāmas ] (substituted) for [ śaṃsāmas ] , [ °sāvas ] , [ °sāva ] ( cf. [ śom ] , [ śośoṃsavas ] ) Lit. TS.
शॐसावस् [ śoṃsāvas ] [ śoṃsāvas ] (substituted) for [ śaṃsāmas ] , [ °sāvas ] , [ °sāva ] ( cf. [ śom ] , [ śośoṃsavas ] ) Lit. TS.
शॐसाव [ śoṃsāva ] [ śoṃsāva ] (substituted) for [ śaṃsāmas ] , [ °sāvas ] , [ °sāva ] ( cf. [ śom ] , [ śośoṃsavas ] ) Lit. TS.
शोक [ śoka ] [ śoká ] m. f. n. (√ [ śuc ] ) burning , hot Lit. AV.
[ śoka ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) flame , glow , heat Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
sorrow , affliction , anguish , pain , trouble , grief for (gen. or comp.) Lit. RV.
Sorrow personified (as a son of Death or of Droṇa and Abhimati) Lit. Pur.
शोककर [ śokakara ] [ śoká-kara ] m. Semecarpus Anacardium Lit. L. (w.r. for [ śopha-k ] ) .
शोककर्षित [ śokakarṣita ] [ śoká-karṣita ] m. f. n. harassed by sorrow , agonized with grief Lit. R.
शोकचर्चा [ śokacarcā ] [ śoká-carcā ] f. " sorrow-repetition " , indulgence in grief Lit. L.
शोकच्छिद् [ śokacchid ] [ śoká-cchid ] m. f. n. sorrow-removing Lit. W.
शोकतर [ śokatara ] [ śoká-tará ] m. f. n. conquering sorrow Lit. ŚBr.
शोकदुःखसमन्वित [ śokaduḥkhasamanvita ] [ śoká-duḥkha-samanvita ] m. f. n. affected by sorrow and pain Lit. MW.
शोकनाश [ śokanāśa ] [ śoká-nāśa ] m. " sorrow-destroying " , the Aśoka tree Lit. L.
शोकनाशन [ śokanāśana ] [ śoká-nāśana ] m. f. n. sorrow-destroying , a remover of grief Lit. R.
शोकनिहत [ śokanihata ] [ śoká-nihata ] m. f. n. struck down or overcome with sorrow Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Hit.
शोकपङ्क [ śokapaṅka ] [ śoká-paṅka ] m. n. a slough of sorrow , sorrow compared to a quagmire Lit. MBh.
शोकपरायण [ śokaparāyaṇa ] [ śoká-parāyaṇa ] m. f. n. wholly given up to sorrow Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
शोकपरिप्लुत [ śokaparipluta ] [ śoká-paripluta ] m. f. n. overwhelmed with sorrow Lit. MBh.
शोकपात्रात्मन् [ śokapātrātman ] [ śoká-pātrātman ] m. f. n. id. (lit. " whose soul is a receptacle for sorrow " ) Lit. Śak.
शोकभङ्ग [ śokabhaṅga ] [ śoká-bhaṅga ] m. " sorrow-break " , dissipation or removal of grief Lit. MW.
शोकभार [ śokabhāra ] [ śoká-bhāra ] m. a weight or burden of sorrow Lit. MārkP.
शोकमय [ śokamaya ] [ śoká-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of or full of sorrow Lit. Kathās.
शोकमूर्छित [ śokamūrchita ] [ śoká-mūrchita ] m. f. n. stupefied or stunned by grief Lit. W.
शोकरुग्ण [ śokarugṇa ] [ śoká-rugṇa ] m. f. n. broken down with sorrow , in great distress Lit. R.
शोकलालस [ śokalālasa ] [ śoká-lālasa ] m. f. n. entirely given up to sorrow Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
शोकवर्तव्य [ śokavartavya ] [ śoká-vartavya ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ 1. [ vṛ ] ) to be involved in or exposed or obnoxious to sorrow Lit. Śak. (v.l.)
शोकविकल [ śokavikala ] [ śoká-vikala ] m. f. n. overwhelmed with sorrow Lit. A.
शोकविनाशन [ śokavināśana ] [ śoká-vināśana ] m. f. n. destroying or removing sorrow Lit. MBh.
शोकविनाशिन् [ śokavināśin ] [ śoká-vināśin ] m. f. n. destroying or removing sorrow Lit. MBh.
शोकविवर्धन [ śokavivardhana ] [ śoká-vivardhana ] m. f. n. increasing sorrow Lit. ib.
शोकविह्वल [ śokavihvala ] [ śoká-vihvala ] m. f. n. afflicted with sorrow Lit. A.
शोकसंविग्नमानस [ śokasaṃvignamānasa ] [ śoká-saṃvigna-mānasa ] m. f. n. having the heart distracted with sorrow Lit. Bhag.
शोकसंतप्तमानस [ śokasaṃtaptamānasa ] [ śoká-saṃtapta--mānasa ] m. f. n. one whose mind is consumed by sorrow Lit. MW.
शोकसागर [ śokasāgara ] [ śoká-sāgara ] m. a sea of sorrow , ocean of trouble Lit. R.
शोकस्थान [ śokasthāna ] [ śoká-sthāna ] n. any circumstance or occasion of sorrow Lit. MBh. Lit. Hit.
शोकहारी [ śokahārī ] [ śoká-hārī ] f. a kind of plant (= [ vana-barbarikā ] ) Lit. L. (w.r. for [ śopha-hārin ] ) .
शोकाकुल [ śokākula ] [ śokākula ] m. f. n. overwhelmed or overcome , with sorrow Lit. Nal.
शोकागार [ śokāgāra ] [ śokāgāra ] m. n. " lamentation-room " , an apartment to which women retire for weeping Lit. DivyA7v.
शोकाग्नि [ śokāgni ] [ śokāgni ] m. the fire of sorrow , violent grief Lit. Kāv. Lit. Hit.
शोकाग्निसंतप्त [ śokāgnisaṃtapta ] [ śokāgni--saṃtapta ] m. f. n. consumed by the fire of sorrow or grief Lit. W.
शोकातिग [ śokātiga ] [ śokātiga ] m. f. n. overcoming sorrow Lit. KaṭhUp.
शोकातिसार [ śokātisāra ] [ śokātisāra ] m. diarrhoea produced by sorrow Lit. MW.
शोकानल [ śokānala ] [ śokānala ] m. = [ śokāgni ] Lit. ib.
शोकानुशोक [ śokānuśoka ] [ śokānuśoka ] n. sorrow upon sorrow , continual sorrow Lit. R.
शोकान्तर [ śokāntara ] [ śokāntara ] m. f. n. free from sorrow , Lit. BṛĀrUp. ( [ á-ś ] Lit. ŚBr.)
शोकान्वित [ śokānvita ] [ śokānvita ] m. f. n. filled with sorrow Lit. MW.
शोकापनुद [ śokāpanuda ] [ śokāpanuda ] m. f. n. removing or alleviating sorrow Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 5.
शोकापनोद [ śokāpanoda ] [ śokāpanoda ] m. removal of sorrow Lit. MW.
[ śokāpanoda ] m. f. n. = [ °kāpanuda ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 5 Vārtt.
m. a remover of grief , teacher of wisdom Lit. W.
शोकापह [ śokāpaha ] [ śokāpaha ] m. f. n. destroying or removing sorrow Lit. Vop.
शोकापहर्तृ [ śokāpahartṛ ] [ śokāpahartṛ ] m. f. n. taking away or removing , sorrow Lit. W.
शोकाभिभूत [ śokābhibhūta ] [ śokābhibhūta ] m. f. n. afflicted with sorrow Lit. A.
शोकारातिभयत्राण [ śokārātibhayatrāṇa ] [ śokārāti-bhaya-trāṇa ] n. protection or a protector from sorrow and enemies and danger Lit. Hit.
शोकारि [ śokāri ] [ śokāri ] m. " sorrow-enemy " , Nauclea Cadamba Lit. L.
शोकाविष्ट [ śokāviṣṭa ] [ śokāviṣṭa ] m. f. n. filled with sorrow Lit. ib.
शोकावेश [ śokāveśa ] [ śokāveśa ] m. a fit or paroxysm of sorrow Lit. Śak.
शोकैकमय [ śokaikamaya ] [ śokaika-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of sorrow only Lit. MW.
शोकोत्पादन [ śokotpādana ] [ śokotpādana ] m. f. n. causing sorrow Lit. ib.
शोकोद्भव [ śokodbhava ] [ śokodbhava ] m. f. n. arising from sorrow Lit. W.
शोकोन्मथितचित्तात्मन् [ śokonmathitacittātman ] [ śokonmathita-cittātman ] m. f. n. having the thoughts and mind agitated by sorrow Lit. MBh.
शोकोपहत [ śokopahata ] [ śokopahata ] m. f. n. afflicted with sorrow Lit. ib.
शोच [ śoca ] [ śoca ] see [ a-śoca ] .
शोचन [ śocana ] [ śocana ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 150
[ śocana ] n. ( Lit. L.) and f ( [ ā ] ) . ( Lit. Hāsy.) grief , sorrow.
शोचनीय [ śocanīya ] [ śocanīya ] m. f. n. lamentable , deplorable (n. impers. " it should be lamented " ) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Rājat.
शोचनीयता [ śocanīyatā ] [ śocanīya-tā ] f. deplorableness Lit. Kum.
शोचयत् [ śocayat ] [ śocayat ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) causing to burn or causing to grieve
[ śocayantī ] f. pl. " inflaming " , " afflicting " , N. of the Āpsarasas of the Gandharva Kāma Lit. TBr.
शोचयितृ [ śocayitṛ ] [ śocayitṛ ] m. a causer of grief or pain Lit. ib.
शोचि [ śoci ] [ śocí ] f. flame , glow Lit. AV. Lit. ĀpŚr.
शोचितव्य [ śocitavya ] [ śocitavya ] m. f. n. to be lamented or mourned ( [ °vye ] ind. " when there is reason for lamentation or mourning " ) , deplorable Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat.
[ śocitavye ] ind. , see [ śocitavya ] , " when there is reason for lamentation or mourning "
शोचिष् [ śociṣ ] [ śociṣ ] in comp. for [ śocí s ] .
शोचिष्केश [ śociṣkeśa ] [ śocí ṣ-keśa ] m. f. n. ( [ śocí ṣ- ] ) " flame-haired " , having flaming locks (applied to Agni and the sun) Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.
शोचिष्मत् [ śociṣmat ] [ śociṣ-mat ] ( [ śocí ṣ- ] ) m. f. n. flaming , shining , radiant Lit. RV.
शोचिष्ठ [ śociṣṭha ] [ śociṣṭha ] m. f. n. shining very much , most brilliant ( said to be superl. of [ śukra ] ) Lit. RV.
शोचिस् [ śocis ] [ śocí s ] n. flame , glow , radiance , light Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Hariv.
colour Lit. Kpr.
splendour , beauty Lit. BhP.
शोच्य [ śocya ] [ śocya ] m. f. n. to be lamented (n. impers.) , deplorable , miserable Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
शोच्यता [ śocyatā ] [ śocya--tā ] f. deplorableness , miserable condition Lit. Kathās.
= next Lit. MW.
शोच्यक [ śocyaka ] [ śocyaka ] m. a deplorable or miserable person , wretched man Lit. L.
शोकी [ śokī ] [ śókī ] f. = [ rātri ] , night Lit. Naigh. i , 7.
शोटीर्य [ śoṭīrya ] [ śoṭīrya ] n. = [ śauṭīrya ] , valour , heroism Lit. L.
शोठ [ śoṭha ] [ śoṭha ] see p. 1081 , col. 3.
शोढ [ śoḍha ] [ śoḍha ] w.r. for [ soḍha ] Lit. Kathās.
शोण् [ śoṇ ] [ śoṇ ] Root ( rather Nom. fr. next) cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xiii , 13) [ śoṇati ] ( occurring only in pf. [ śuśoṇa ] ) , to be or become red Lit. Hcar. ; to go , move , approach Lit. Dhātup.
शोण [ śoṇa ] [ śóṇa ] m. f. n. red , crimson , purple Lit. RV.
fire Lit. L.
Bignonia Indica or a variety of it Lit. L.
red sugar cane Lit. L.
a chestnut or bay horse Lit. L.
m. the river Śoṇa or Sone (also f ( [ ā ] ) . ; it rises in Gondwana in the district of Nagpore , on the table-land of Amara-kaṇṭaka , four or five miles east of the source of the Narmadā ( Nerbudda ) , and running first northerly and then easterly for 500 miles falls into the Ganges above Pāṭali-putra or Patnā) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
m. N. of a partic. ocean Lit. L.
of a man g. [ naḍādi ]
of a prince of the Pañcālas Lit. ŚBr.
red-lead Lit. L.
शोणकर्ण [ śoṇakarṇa ] [ śóṇa-karṇa ] m. f. n. having red ears Lit. Kāṭh.
शोणझिण्टिका [ śoṇajhiṇṭikā ] [ śóṇa-jhiṇṭikā ] f. a kind of red-flowering Barleria Cristata Lit. L.
शोणझिण्टी [ śoṇajhiṇṭī ] [ śóṇa-jhiṇṭī ] f. N. of two plants (= [ kurabaka ] and [ kaṇṭakinī ] ) Lit. L.
शोणता [ śoṇatā ] [ śóṇa-tā ] f. redness Lit. Kathās.
शोणनद [ śoṇanada ] [ śóṇa-nada ] m. N. of a river Lit. MW.
शोणपत्त्र [ śoṇapattra ] [ śóṇa-pattra ] m. a kind of red-flowering hogweed Lit. L.
शोणपद्म [ śoṇapadma ] [ śóṇa-padma ] m. ( Lit. Gīt.) (L.) a red lotus.
शोणपद्मक [ śoṇapadmaka ] [ śóṇa-padmaka ] n. (L.) a red lotus.
शोणपुर [ śoṇapura ] [ śóṇa-pura ] n. N. of a well-known town and place of pilgrimage.
शोणपुष्पक [ śoṇapuṣpaka ] [ śóṇa-puṣpaka ] m. Bauhinia Variegata Lit. Bhpr.
शोणपुष्पी [ śoṇapuṣpī ] [ śóṇa-puṣpī ] f. a kind of plant (= [ sindūra-p ] ) Lit. L.
शोणप्रस्थ [ śoṇaprastha ] [ śóṇa-prastha ] v.l. for [ śoṇā-pr ] .
शोणभद्र [ śoṇabhadra ] [ śóṇa-bhadra ] m. N. of a river Lit. R.
शोणमणी [ śoṇamaṇī ] [ śóṇa-maṇī ] (mc.) f. a ruby Lit. Sāh.
शोणरत्न [ śoṇaratna ] [ śóṇa-ratna ] n. a red gem , ruby Lit. L.
शोणवज्र [ śoṇavajra ] [ śóṇa-vajra ] n. a kind of steel Lit. L.
शोणशालि [ śoṇaśāli ] [ śóṇa-śāli ] m. red rice Lit. L.
शोणसंगम [ śoṇasaṃgama ] [ śóṇa-saṃgama ] m. " Śoṇa confluence " , N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage Lit. MW.
शोणसम्भव [ śoṇasambhava ] [ śóṇa-sambhava ] n. the root of long pepper Lit. L.
शोणहय [ śoṇahaya ] [ śóṇa-haya ] m. f. n. having red horses (said of Droṇa) Lit. MBh.
शोणाधर [ śoṇādhara ] [ śoṇādhara ] m. f. n. red-lipped Lit. Bhām.
शोणाप्रस्थ [ śoṇāprastha ] [ śoṇā-prastha ] g. [ mālādi ] .
शोणाम्बु [ śoṇāmbu ] [ śoṇāmbu ] m. " having crimson water " , N. of one of the seven clouds at the destruction of the world Lit. Cat.
शोणाश्मन् [ śoṇāśman ] [ śoṇāśman ] m. a red stone , ruby Lit. Vcar.
शोणाश्व [ śoṇāśva ] [ śoṇāśva ] m. f. n. = [ śoṇa-haya ] Lit. MBh.
[ śoṇāśva ] m. N. of a son of Rājâdhideva Lit. Hariv.
शोणोत्तरा [ śoṇottarā ] [ śoṇottarā ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Mudr.
शोणोपल [ śoṇopala ] [ śoṇopala ] m. a red stone Lit. MW.
a ruby Lit. Dharmaśarm.
शोणक [ śoṇaka ] [ śoṇaka ] m. Bignonia Indica Lit. Bhpr.
शोणाक [ śoṇāka ] [ śoṇāka ] m. id. Lit. VarBṛS.
शोणाय [ śoṇāya ] [ śoṇāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to redden , become red Lit. BhP.
शोणायित [ śoṇāyita ] [ śoṇāyita ] m. f. n. become red Lit. ib.
शोणित [ śoṇita ] [ śoṇita ] m. f. n. red Lit. W.
[ śoṇita ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) blood ( also pl.) Lit. GṛŚrS.
n. the sap of trees , resin Lit. Suśr.
saffron Lit. Bhpr.
शोणितचन्दन [ śoṇitacandana ] [ śoṇita-candana ] n. red sandal Lit. L.
शोणितत्व [ śoṇitatva ] [ śoṇita-tva ] n. the being blood , bloodiness Lit. MBh.
शोणितपारणा [ śoṇitapāraṇā ] [ śoṇita-pāraṇā ] f. a breakfast of bloodiness Lit. Ragh.
शोणितपित्त [ śoṇitapitta ] [ śoṇita-pitta ] n. hemorrhage Lit. Suśr.
शोणितपित्तवत् [ śoṇitapittavat ] [ śoṇita-pitta--vat ] m. f. n. subject to hemorrhage Lit. ib.
शोणितपुर [ śoṇitapura ] [ śoṇita-pura ] n. N. of the city of the Asura Bāṇa Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
शोणितप्रिया [ śoṇitapriyā ] [ śoṇita-priyā ] f. N. of a goddess Lit. Siṃhâs.
शोणितबिन्दुवर्षिन् [ śoṇitabinduvarṣin ] [ śoṇita-bindu-varṣin ] m. f. n. showering drops of blood Lit. MW.
शोणितमांससार [ śoṇitamāṃsasāra ] [ śoṇita-māṃsa-sāra ] m. f. n. having blood and flesh for essence Lit. VarBṛS.
शोणितमेहिन् [ śoṇitamehin ] [ śoṇita-mehin ] m. f. n. discharging urine mixed with bloodiness Lit. Suśr.
शोणितवर्णन [ śoṇitavarṇana ] [ śoṇita-varṇana ] n. description of the properties of blood
शोणितवर्णनीय [ śoṇitavarṇanīya ] [ śoṇita-varṇanīya ] m. f. n. relating to that subject Lit. Suśr.
शोणितवर्षिन् [ śoṇitavarṣin ] [ śoṇita-varṣin ] m. f. n. flowing with bloodiness Lit. Rājat.
शोणितशर्करा [ śoṇitaśarkarā ] [ śoṇita-śarkarā ] f. sugar of honey Lit. L.
शोणितसाह्वय [ śoṇitasāhvaya ] [ śoṇita-sāhvaya ] m. f. n. named after bloodiness
[ śoṇitasāhvaya ] n. ( with [ pura ] ) = [ -pura ] Lit. Hariv.
शोणितस्नात [ śoṇitasnāta ] [ śoṇita-snāta ] m. f. n. bathed in bloodiness Lit. MW.
शोणिताक्ष [ śoṇitākṣa ] [ śoṇitākṣa ] m. " having blood-shot eyes " , N. of a Rākshasa Lit. R.
शोणिताख्य [ śoṇitākhya ] [ śoṇitākhya ] m. f. n. = [ °ta-sāhvaya ] Lit. BhP.
शोणितादिग्ध [ śoṇitādigdha ] [ śoṇitādigdha ] m. f. n. blood-stained Lit. MBh.
शोणिताभिष्यन्द [ śoṇitābhiṣyanda ] [ śoṇitābhiṣyanda ] m. congestion of bloodiness Lit. Car.
शोणितामय [ śoṇitāmaya ] [ śoṇitāmaya ] m. a partic. disease of the bloodiness Lit. L.
शोणितार्बुद [ śoṇitārbuda ] [ śoṇitārbuda ] n. a bloody tumour Lit. Suśr.
शोणितार्शस् [ śoṇitārśas ] [ śoṇitārśas ] n. " bloody pustules " , a partic. disease of the eyelid Lit. Suśr.
शोणितार्शिन् [ śoṇitārśin ] [ śoṇitārśin ] m. f. n. suffering from the above disease Lit. Uṇ. iv , 195 Sch.
शोणिताशिन् [ śoṇitāśin ] [ śoṇitāśin ] m. f. n. drinking blood (fig.) Lit. Veṇis.
शोणिताह्वय [ śoṇitāhvaya ] [ śoṇitāhvaya ] n. " having name of bloodiness " , saffron Lit. L.
शोणितोक्षित [ śoṇitokṣita ] [ śoṇitokṣita ] m. f. n. bloodiness-stained Lit. MBh.
शोणितोत्पल [ śoṇitotpala ] [ śoṇitotpala ] n. a red lotus Lit. MW.
शोणितोत्पादक [ śoṇitotpādaka ] [ śoṇitotpādaka ] m. a spiller of blood Lit. Mn. iv , 168.
शोणितोद [ śoṇitoda ] [ śoṇitoda ] m. N. of a Yaksha Lit. MBh.
शोणितोपल [ śoṇitopala ] [ śoṇitopala ] m. " blood-stone " , a ruby Lit. L.
शोणितौघ [ śoṇitaugha ] [ śoṇitaugha ] m. a torrent of blood Lit. MW.
शोणितिन् [ śoṇitin ] [ śoṇitin ] see [ vāta-ś ] .
शोणिमन् [ śoṇiman ] [ śoṇiman ] m. redness Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kād. Lit. BhP.
शोणी [ śoṇī ] [ śoṇī ] f. N. of a town.
शोणीपुरमाहात्म्य [ śoṇīpuramāhātmya ] [ śoṇī-pura-māhātmya ] n. N. of a ch. of the Padma-purāṇa.
शोणीकृ [ śoṇīkṛ ] [ śoṇī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to colour blood-red Lit. Hcar. Lit. Kād.
शोण्ड [ śoṇḍa ] [ śoṇḍa ] [ śoṇḍa ] , [ śoṇḍī ] w.r. for [ śauṇḍa ] , [ °ḍī ] .
शोण्डी [ śoṇḍī ] [ śoṇḍī ] [ śoṇḍa ] , [ śoṇḍī ] w.r. for [ śauṇḍa ] , [ °ḍī ] .
शोथ [ śotha ] [ śotha ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; fr. √ [ śū ] = [ śvi ] ) a swelling , tumour , morbid intumescence , dropsy Lit. Suśr.
शोथकृत् [ śothakṛt ] [ śotha-kṛt ] m. " causing swellings (? w.r. for [ -hṛt ] ) " , Semecarpus Anacardium Lit. L.
शोथघ्नी [ śothaghnī ] [ śotha-ghnī ] f. " removing tumours " , Boerhavia Procumbens or Desmodium Gangeticum Lit. L.
शोथजित् [ śothajit ] [ śotha-jit ] m. id. , Boerhavia Procumbens Lit. L.
शोथजिह्म [ śothajihma ] [ śotha-jihma ] m. hogweed Lit. MW.
शोथरोग [ śotharoga ] [ śotha-roga ] m. " swelling disease " , dropsy Lit. Bhpr.
शोथशत्र [ śothaśatra ] [ śotha-śatra ] m. = [ śothāri ] Lit. L.
शोथहृत् [ śothahṛt ] [ śotha-hṛt ] m. " tumour-removing " , Semecarpus Anacardium Lit. L.
शोथारि [ śothāri ] [ śothāri ] m. " enemy of swellings " , Boerhavia Procumbens Lit. L.
शोथक [ śothaka ] [ śothaka ] m. = [ śotha ] above Lit. L.
शोद्धव्य [ śoddhavya ] [ śoddhavya ] m. f. n. (fut. p.p. see √ [ śudh ] ) to be cleansed or purified or corrected Lit. MW.
शोध [ śodha ] [ śodha ] m. purification , cleansing Lit. Vop.
correction , setting right Lit. MW.
payment Lit. ib.
retaliation Lit. ib.
शोधपत्त्र [ śodhapattra ] [ śodha-pattra ] n. a sheet or paper of corrections ( cf. [ śuddhi-p ] ) Lit. ib.
शोधक [ śodhaka ] [ śodhaka ] m. f. n. purificatory
[ śodhaka ] m. a purifier Lit. R.
corrective Lit. MW.
(in arithm. or alg.) " corrector " , the subtrahend , the quantity to be subtracted from a number (to render it capable of yielding an exact square root) Lit. Col.
[ śodhikā ] f. a red variety of Panicum Italicum Lit. L.
[ śodhaka ] n. a partic. kind of earth (= [ kaṅkuṣṭha ] ) Lit. L.
शोधन [ śodhana ] [ śodhana ] m. f. n. cleaning , purifying , cleansing , refining , purgative Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
[ śodhana ] m. the citron tree Lit. L.
Alangium Hexapetalum Lit. L.
[ śodhana ] n. the act of cleaning , purifying , correcting , improving Lit. Nir. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MBh.
refining (as of metals for chemical or medicinal purposes) Lit. W.
a means of purification Lit. Mn. Lit. Suśr.
clearing up , sifting , investigation , examination , correction Lit. Kām. Lit. Hit. Lit. Yājñ. Sch.
payment , acquittance Lit. W.
justifying , exculpating Lit. R.
expiation Lit. MW.
retaliation , punishment Lit. ib.
removal , eradication Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
(in arithm.) subtraction , Lit. Bījag.
excrement , ordure Lit. ib.
green vitriol Lit. ib.
शोधनक [ śodhanaka ] [ śodhanaka ] m. a kind of official or servant in a judge's court (charged with cleaning and keeping it in order) Lit. Mṛicch.
शोधनी [ śodhanī ] [ śodhanī ] f. a broom , brush Lit. L.
the indigo plant or = [ tāmra-vallī ] Lit. L.
शोधनीबीज [ śodhanībīja ] [ śodhanī-bīja ] n. the seed of Croton Jamalgota Lit. L.
शोधनीय [ śodhanīya ] [ śodhanīya ] m. f. n. to be cleansed or purified Lit. Kull.
to be discharged or paid Lit. Kathās.
serving for purification Lit. Suśr.
to be corrected Lit. W.
to be subtracted Lit. ib.
[ śodhanīya ] n. a means of cleansing or purifying Lit. Suśr.
शोधयितव्य [ śodhayitavya ] [ śodhayitavya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be cleansed or purified Lit. SaddhP.
शोधयितृ [ śodhayitṛ ] [ śodhayitṛ ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) purifying , a purifier Lit. L.
शोधित [ śodhita ] [ śodhita ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) cleansed , purified refined corrected
removed Lit. Kām.
justified , exculpated Lit. Mn. viii , 202
discharged , liquidated (as a debt) Lit. W.
शोधिन् [ śodhin ] [ śodhin ] m. f. n. cleansing , purifying Lit. Suśr.
requiting , settling Lit. ib.
शोध्य [ śodhya ] [ śodhya ] m. f. n. to be cleansed or purified or refined or corrected or improved Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.
to be discharged , payable , due Lit. W.
to be subtracted Lit. VarBṛS. Sch.
[ śodhya ] m. an accused person , one to be tried or cleared Lit. W.
n. (in arith.) a constant number to be subtracted Lit. ib.
शोनाय [ śonāya ] [ śonāya ] [ śonāya ] , [ śonita ] , incorrect for [ śoṇāya ] , [ °ṇita ] .
शोनित [ śonita ] [ śonita ] [ śonāya ] , [ śonita ] , incorrect for [ śoṇāya ] , [ °ṇita ] .
शोफ [ śopha ] [ śopha ] m. ( connected with √ [ śvi ] ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; cf. [ śotha ] ) intumescence , morbid swelling , tumour Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kathās.
शोफघ्नी [ śophaghnī ] [ śopha-ghnī ] f. " removing swellings " , Desmodium Gangeticum Lit. L.
a Punar-navā with red flowers Lit. L.
शोफनाशन [ śophanāśana ] [ śopha-nāśana ] m. id. , a kind of plant (= [ nīla ] ) Lit. L.
[ śophanāśanī ] f. Boerhavia Procumbens Lit. L.
शोफहारिन् [ śophahārin ] [ śopha-hārin ] m. id. , Ocimum Pilosum Lit. L.
शोफहृत् [ śophahṛt ] [ śopha-hṛt ] m. id. , Semecarpus Anacardium Lit. L.
शोफारि [ śophāri ] [ śophāri ] m. " enemy of swellings " , a kind of bulbous plant Lit. L.
शोफित [ śophita ] [ śophita ] m. f. n. afflicted with tumours or swellings Lit. Bhadrab.
शोफिन् [ śophin ] [ śophin ] m. f. n. having tumours , subject to swellings id. Lit. Car.
शोभ [ śobha ] [ śobha ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ śubh ] ) bright , brilliant , handsome Lit. W.
[ śobha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
(pl.) of a class of gods Lit. L.
of a class of heretics Lit. L.
lustre ( in comp. for [ śobhā ] q.v.)
शोभकृत् [ śobhakṛt ] [ śobha-kṛt ] m. causing lustre beautifying Lit. W.
the 36th (or 37th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years ( cf. [ śubha-kṛt ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.
w.r. for [ śotha-kṛt ] Lit. L.
शोभजात [ śobhajāta ] [ śobha-jāta ] m. " lustre-born " , N. of a prince Lit. Buddh.
शोभक [ śobhaka ] [ śobhaka ] m. f. n. brilliant , beautiful Lit. Naish.
[ śobhaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
शोभथ [ śobhatha ] [ śobhátha ] m. splendour Lit. SV.
शोभन [ śobhana ] [ śobhaná ] m. f. n. brilliant , splendid , beautiful (at end of comp. = " beautiful by reason of " ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś. Lit. MBh.
excellent , glorious , magnificent , distinguished in or by (instr. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
(ifc.) superior to , better than Lit. BhP. propitious , auspicious Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Rājat.
virtuous , moral (see comp.)
correct , right Lit. Sarvad.
[ śobhana ] m. N. of Agni at the Śuṅgā-karman Lit. Gṛihyās.
of Śiva Lit. MBh.
a burnt offering for auspicious results Lit. W.
the fifth of the astron. Lit. Yogas. Lit. L.
a planet Lit. L.
the eleventh year of Jupiter's cycle Lit. MW.
[ śobhanā ] f. a beautiful woman ( often in voc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ śobhana ] m. turmeric Lit. L.
the yellow pigment Go-rocanā Lit. L.
N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.
n. the act of adorning , causing to look beautiful Lit. MW.
an ornament (see [ karṇa-ś ] )
anything propitious or auspicious , welfare , prosperity Lit. R. Lit. Pur.
moral good , virtue Lit. ib. brilliance Lit. MW.
a lotus Lit. L.
tin Lit. L.
( with [ kaśyapasya ] ) N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
शोभनवती [ śobhanavatī ] [ śobhaná-vatī ] f. N. of a town Lit. W.
शोभनवाह [ śobhanavāha ] [ śobhaná-vāha ] m. f. n. having splendid carriers or horses Lit. MW.
शोभनव्यूह [ śobhanavyūha ] [ śobhaná-vyūha ] (?) m. N. of a scholar Lit. Buddh.
शोभनाचरित [ śobhanācarita ] [ śobhanācarita ] n. virtuous practice Lit. ib.
शोभनक [ śobhanaka ] [ śobhanaka ] m. Moringa Pterygosperma Lit. L.
शोभनिक [ śobhanika ] [ śobhanika ] m. a kind of actor (v.l. [ śaubhika ] ) Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 26 Vārtt. 15.
शोभनीय [ śobhanīya ] [ śobhanīya ] m. f. n. to be beautified or adorned Lit. MW.
beautiful , splendid Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
शोभयितृ [ śobhayitṛ ] [ śobhayitṛ ] m. f. n. adorning , beautifying Lit. Nir.
शोभसे [ śobhase ] [ śobháse ] Ved. inf. of √ [ śubh ] q.v.
शोभा [ śobhā ] [ śobhā́ ] f. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) splendour , brilliance , lustre , beauty , grace , loveliness ( [ kā śobhā ] with loc. , " what beauty is there ( in that ) " i.e. " it has no beauty " ; [ śobhāṃ na-√ kṛ ] , " to look bad or ugly " ; ifc. often = " splendid " , " excellent " e.g. [ śaurya-śobhā ] , " splendid heroism " ; [ karma-śobhā ] , " a masterpiece " ) Lit. TS.
distinguished merit Lit. W.
colour , hue Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Mudr.
wish , desire Lit. L.
a kind of metre Lit. Col.
turmeric Lit. L.
the yellow pigment Go-rocanā Lit. L.
शोभाकर [ śobhākara ] [ śobhā́-kara ] m. f. n. causing lustre , beautifying Lit. MBh.
शोभाकरभट्ट [ śobhākarabhaṭṭa ] [ śobhā́-kara--bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
शोभाकरमित्र [ śobhākaramitra ] [ śobhā́-kara--mitra ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
शोभाञ्जन [ śobhāñjana ] [ śobhā́ñjana ] ( [ śobhāñj ] ) m. Moringa Pterygosperma ( its leaves , flowers and root are edible and are used medicinally = [ śigru ] q.v.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
शोभाञ्जनक [ śobhāñjanaka ] [ śobhā́ñjanaka ] ( [ śobhāñj ] ) m. Moringa Pterygosperma ( its leaves , flowers and root are edible and are used medicinally = [ śigru ] q.v.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
शोभामय [ śobhāmaya ] [ śobhā́-maya ] m. f. n. full of lustre or beauty , beautiful Lit. MW.
शोभावती [ śobhāvatī ] [ śobhā́-vatī ] f. a kind of metre Lit. Col.
N. of a town ( cf. [ śobhana-vatī ] ) Lit. Kathās.
शोभासिंह [ śobhāsiṃha ] [ śobhā́-siṃha ] m. N. of a king Lit. Kshitîś.
शोभाक [ śobhāka ] [ śobhāka ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
शोभाय [ śobhāya ] [ śobhāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to represent the beauty of anything Lit. Nalac.
शोभित [ śobhita ] [ śobhita ] m. f. n. ( mostly ifc.) splendid , beautiful , adorned or embellished by Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
शोभिन् [ śobhin ] [ śobhin ] m. f. n. brilliant , splendid , beautiful Lit. MBh.
(ifc.) resplendent with , beautified by Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (also for [ śobha ] = [ śobhā ] ; e.g. [ anumeya-śobhin ] , " whose splendour may be infered from " Lit. Kum. i , 37) .
शोभिष्ठ [ śobhiṣṭha ] [ śóbhiṣṭha ] m. f. n. most brilliant or splendid Lit. RV.
शोभुशुभ [ śobhuśubha ] [ śobhuśubha ] m. f. n. shining intensely or repeatedly, Lit. Uṇvṛ. 19.
शौभुशुभ [ śaubhuśubha ] [ śaubhuśubha ] m. f. n. shining intensely or repeatedly, Lit. Uṇvṛ. 19.
शोशुभ्यमान [ śośubhyamāna ] [ śośubhyamāna ] m. f. n. ( fr. Intens. of √ [ śubh ] ) shining very much , very brilliant Lit. MBh.
शोम् [ śom ] [ śom ] ind. an exclamation interposed in reciting sacred texts ( cf. [ śoṃs ] , [ śoṃsāmos ] , [ śośoṃsāvas ] ) Lit. TUp.
शोली [ śolī ] [ śolī ] f. yellow turmeric Lit. L.
शोशुचत् [ śośucat ] [ śóśucat ] m. f. n. ( fr. Intens. of √ [ śuc ] ) shining very brightly , very splendid Lit. RV.
शोशुचान [ śośucāna ] [ śóśucāna ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
शोशुच्यमान [ śośucyamāna ] [ śośucyamāna ] m. f. n. sorrowing intensely , grieving deeply Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
शोशॐसावस् [ śośoṃsāvas ] [ śośoṃsāvas ] see √ [ śaṃs ] , [ śoṃs ] .
शोष [ śoṣa ] [ śoṣa ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. √ 1. [ śuṣ ] ) drying up , desiccating (also fig. = " removing , destroying " ) Lit. BhP.
[ śoṣa ] m. the act of drying up , desiccation , dryness Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
pulmonary consumption (also personified as an evil demon) Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Hcat.
शोषसम्भव [ śoṣasambhava ] [ śoṣa-sambhava ] m. the root of long pepper Lit. L.
शोषापहा [ śoṣāpahā ] [ śoṣāpahā ] f. " removing consumption " , a kind of plant (= [ klītanaka ] ) Lit. L.
शोषक [ śoṣaka ] [ śoṣaka ] m. f. n. drying up , absorbing , removing , destroying Lit. BhP.
शोषण [ śoṣaṇa ] [ śoṣaṇa ] m. f. n. drying up , draining , parching , withering Lit. Nir. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
(ifc.) removing , destroying Lit. BhP.
[ śoṣaṇa ] m. N. of an Agni , Lit. Hariv.
of one of the arrows of Kāma-deva (god of love) Lit. Vet. Lit. Gīt. Sch.
Bignonia Indica Lit. L.
n. drying up (intr.) , desiccation Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. VarBṛS.
making dry , draining , suction Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Suśr.
dry ginger Lit. L.
शोषणीय [ śoṣaṇīya ] [ śoṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be dried or sucked up or drained or absorbed Lit. VarBṛS.
शोषयितव्य [ śoṣayitavya ] [ śoṣayitavya ] m. f. n. to be dried up Lit. MW.
शोषयितृ [ śoṣayitṛ ] [ śoṣayitṛ ] m. one who dries up or parches Lit. Sāy.
शोषित [ śoṣita ] [ śoṣita ] m. f. n. dried or sucked up , drained , desiccated , absorbed , exhausted , emptied Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
शोषितसरस् [ śoṣitasaras ] [ śoṣita-saras ] m. f. n. possessing dried-up ponds , drying up ponds (as summer) Lit. Pañcat.
शोषिन् [ śoṣin ] [ śoṣin ] m. f. n. drying up (intr.) , wasting away , consumptive Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS.
( mostly ifc.) drying up (trans.) , frying , desiccating , absorbing , exhausting Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
[ śoṣiṇī ] f. ether (one of the five Dhāraṇās) Lit. Cat.
शोषु [ śoṣu ] [ śoṣu ] m. drought , thirst Lit. L.
शोष्य [ śoṣya ] [ śoṣya ] see [ a-śoṣya ] .
शोष [ śoṣa ] [ śóṣa ]2 m. ( fr. √ [ śū ] = [ śvi ] ; cf. [ śūṣa ] ) breath , vital energy Lit. VS. ( Lit. Mahīdh.)
शोष्यन्ती [ śoṣyantī ] [ śoṣyantī ] (prob.) w.r. for [ soṣyantī ] , Lit. ĀPGṛ.
शोस् [ śos ] [ śos ] (?) ind. a particle of reproach or contempt Lit. L.
शौक [ śauka ] [ śauka ] n. ( fr. [ śuka ] ) a flight of parrots g. [ khaṇḍikādi ]
a kind of coitus Lit. L.
sorrowfulness ( perhaps w.r. for [ śoka ] ) Lit. L.
शौकि [ śauki ] [ śauki ] m. a patr. Lit. Pravar.
शौकेय [ śaukeya ] [ śaukeya ] m. patr. fr. [ śuka ] g. [ śubhrādi ] .
शौकर [ śaukara ] [ śaukara ] [ °rava ] see [ sauk ] .
शौक्त [ śaukta ] [ śaukta ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. [ śukta ] ) acid , acetic , acetous Lit. W.
शौक्तिक [ śauktika ] [ śauktika ]1 m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
relating to sour gruel Lit. Car.
शौक्त [ śaukta ] [ śaukta ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. [ śukti ] ) made of mother-of-pearl Lit. Hcat.
[ śaukta ] n. N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
शौक्तिक [ śauktika ] [ śauktika ]2 m. f. n. relating to a pearl Lit. W.
[ śauktika ] n. a pearl Lit. L.
शौक्तिकेय [ śauktikeya ] [ śauktí keya ] n. a pearl Lit. L.
शौक्तेय [ śaukteya ] [ śaukteya ] m. f. n. relating to a pearl Lit. W.
[ śaukteya ] n. a pearl Lit. L.
शौक्र [ śaukra ] [ śaukra ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śukra ] ) seminal , relating to semen or sperm Lit. MW.
relating to the planet Venus Lit. VarBṛS.
[ śaukra ] n. ( with [ ahan ] ) Tuesday Lit. Vishṇ.
शौक्रायण [ śaukrāyaṇa ] [ śaukrāyaṇa ] m. patr. fr. [ śukra ] ( also pl.) Lit. Saṃskārak.
शौक्रि [ śaukri ] [ śaukri ] m. f. n. g. [ sutaṃgamādi ] .
शौक्रेय [ śaukreya ] [ śaukreya ] m. patr. fr. [ śukra ] g. [ śubhrādi ]
(pl.) N. of a warrior-tribe Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 117
(sg.) a king of the Śaukreyas Lit. ib. iv , 1 , 178 Sch.
शौक्र्य [ śaukrya ] [ śaukrya ] n. ( fr. [ śukra ] ) g. [ dṛḍhādi ] .
शौक्ल [ śaukla ] [ śaukla ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śukla ] ) relating to what is clean or pure or undefiled (with [ janman ] n. " birth from pure or blameless parents " ) Lit. BhP.
[ śaukla ] n. N. of a Sāman (w.r. for 2. [ śaukta ] ) .
शौक्ल्य [ śauklya ] [ śauklya ] n. whiteness , brightness , clearness Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Vedântas.
शौक्लिकेय [ śauklikeya ] [ śauklikeya ] m. a sort of poison Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ śaulkikeya ] q.v.)
शौङ्ग [ śauṅga ] [ śauṅga ] m. (patr. fr. [ śuṅga ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 117) N. of various men (pl. of a Gotra) Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Vās. , Introd.
[ śauṅga ] f ( [ ā ] and [ ī ] ) . see below.
शौङ्गायनि [ śauṅgāyani ] [ śauṅgāyani ] and m. patr. fr. [ śuṅga ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 117 ; 2 , 138 ,
शौङ्गि [ śauṅgi ] [ śauṅgi ]and m. patr. fr. [ śuṅga ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 117 ; 2 , 138 ,
शौङ्गीपुत्र [ śauṅgīputra ] [ śaúṅgī-pútra ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. ŚBr.
शौङ्गीय [ śauṅgīya ] [ śauṅgīya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śauṅgi ] ) g. [ gahādi ] .
शौङ्गेय [ śauṅgeya ] [ śauṅgeyá ] m. ( metron. fr. [ śuṅgā ] ) N. of Garuḍa Lit. Suparṇ.
a falcon or hawk Lit. Daś.
शौङ्ग्य [ śauṅgya ] [ śauṅgya ] m. patr. fr. [ śuṅga ] Lit. Pravar.
शौच [ śauca ] [ śaucá ] m. ( fr. [ śuci ] ) N. of a man (also called Āhneya) Lit. TĀr.
[ śauca ] n. cleanness , purity , purification (esp. from defilement caused by the death of a relation) Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
purity of mind , integrity , honesty (esp. in money-matters) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
(with Buddhists) self-purification (both external and internal) Lit. MWB. 240
evacuation of excrement Lit. MW.
शौचकल्प [ śaucakalpa ] [ śaucá-kalpa ] m. mode of purification , purificatory rite Lit. ib.
शौचकूप [ śaucakūpa ] [ śaucá-kūpa ] m. " excretion-pit " , a privy Lit. ib.
शौचतस् [ śaucatas ] [ śaucá-tas ] n. by way of purification Lit. Āpast.
शौचत्व [ śaucatva ] [ śaucá-tva ] n. purity Lit. Hit. (v.l.)
शौचवत् [ śaucavat ] [ śaucá-vat ] m. f. n. clean , pure (lit. and fig.) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
शौचविधि [ śaucavidhi ] [ śaucá-vidhi ] m. rule of purification (after defilement by the death of a relation) Lit. W.
शौचसंग्रहविवृति [ śaucasaṃgrahavivṛti ] [ śaucá-saṃgraha-vivṛti ] f. N. of wk.
शौचाचमनविधि [ śaucācamanavidhi ] [ śaucācamana-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
शौचाचार [ śaucācāra ] [ śaucācāra ] m. purificatory rite , mode of cleansing the person by ablution (after voiding excrement or contracting any defilement) Lit. W.
शौचाचारपद्धति [ śaucācārapaddhati ] [ śaucācāra--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
शौचेप्सु [ śaucepsu ] [ śaucepsu ] m. f. n. wishing or intending to obtain purification Lit. MW.
शौचक [ śaucaka ] [ śaucaka ] m. f. n. pure ( in [ a-ś ] ) Lit. Hcat.
[ śaucaka ] n. purity ( in [ a-ś ] ) Lit. MBh.
शौचकीय [ śaucakīya ] [ śaucakīya ] n. N. of wk. Lit. Hcat.
शौचिक [ śaucika ] [ śaucika ] m. a cleaner , cleanser Lit. MW.
a partic. mixed caste (the son of a Śauṇḍika and a Kaivarta woman) Lit. ib.
शौचिकर्णिक [ śaucikarṇika ] [ śaucikarṇika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śuci-karṇa ] ) g. [ kumudādi ] .
शौचिन् [ śaucin ] [ śaucin ] m. f. n. pure ( in [ a-ś ] ) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. v , 84.
शौचिवृक्षि [ śaucivṛkṣi ] [ śaucivṛkṣi ] m. patr. fr. [ śuci-vṛkṣa ] Lit. Nidānas. (pl. [ °kṣās ] Lit. ib. ; f ( [ °kṣī ] or [ °kṣyā ] ) . Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 81) .
शौचेय [ śauceya ] [ śauceya ] m. a washerman Lit. L.
[ śauceya ] m. a patr. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
शौचद्रथ [ śaucadratha ] [ śaucadrathá ] m. ( fr. [ śucad-ratha ] ) patr. of Su-nītha Lit. RV.
शौचादिरेय [ śaucādireya ] [ śaucādireya ] m. a patr. Lit. Nidānas.
शौट् [ śauṭ ] [ śauṭ ] Root ( also written [ śauḍ ] , prob. artificial) cl. [1] P. to be proud or haughty Lit. Dhātup. ix , 1.
शौट [ śauṭa ] [ śauṭa ] m. ( cf. [ śauḍa ] ) N. of a country Lit. Inscr.
शौटीर [ śauṭīra ] [ śauṭīra ] m. f. n. haughty , arrogant , proud of (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
liberal , munificent Lit. L.
an ascetic (who has given up worldly pursuits) Lit. Uṇ. iv , 30 Sch.
n. pride , manliness Lit. R. ( perhaps w.r. for [ śauṭīrya ] ) .
शौटीरता [ śauṭīratā ] [ śauṭīra-tā ] f. heroism ( in [ yuddha-ś ] ) Lit. R.
शौटीर्य [ śauṭīrya ] [ śauṭīrya ] n. manliness , haughtiness
pride in (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
शौड् [ śauḍ ] [ śauḍ ] = √ [ śauṭ ] q.v.
शौड [ śauḍa ] [ śauḍa ] m. ( cf. [ śauṭa ] ) N. of a country Lit. Rājat.
शौण्डर्य [ śauṇḍarya ] [ śauṇḍarya ] n. = [ śauṭīrya ] Lit. L.
शौण्डीर [ śauṇḍīra ] [ śauṇḍīra ] m. f. n. ( also written [ śauṇḍira ] and [ śauḍīra ] ) proud , haughty , bold , arrogant Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ śauṇḍīra ] n. haughtiness , pride Lit. BhP.
शौण्डीरता [ śauṇḍīratā ] [ śauṇḍīra-tā ] f. id. Lit. MW.
शौण्डीर्य [ śauṇḍīrya ] [ śauṇḍīrya ] n. haughtiness , pride Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Mṛicch.
शौण्ड [ śauṇḍa ] [ śauṇḍa ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śuṇḍā ] ) fond of spirituous liquor , addicted to drinking Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.
drunk , intoxicated Lit. L.
(ifc.) passionately fond of or devoted to ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
skilled in , familiar with Lit. BhP.
being the pride of Lit. Bālar. x , 0/1
[ śauṇḍā ] f. spirituous liquor (ifc. perhaps w.r. for [ śuṇḍa ] ) Lit. R.
[ śauṇḍī ] f. long pepper or Piper Chaba Lit. Bhpr.
[ śauṇḍa ] m. = [ kaṭabhī ] (a tree) Lit. L.
a line of clouds Lit. L.
शौण्डता [ śauṇḍatā ] [ śauṇḍa--tā ] f. , see [ śauṇḍa ]
शौण्डक [ śauṇḍaka ] [ śauṇḍaka ] see [ tṛṇa-śauṇḍikā ] and [ madaśauṇḍaka ] .
शौण्डायन [ śauṇḍāyana ] [ śauṇḍāyana ] m. pl. N. of a warrior-tribe g. [ kuñjādi ] .
शौण्डायन्य [ śauṇḍāyanya ] [ śauṇḍāyanya ] m. a king of the Śauṇḍāyanas Lit. ib.
शौण्डिक [ śauṇḍika ] [ śauṇḍika ] m. a distiller and vendor of spirituous liquors (considered as a mixed caste ; accord. to some " the son of a Kaivarta and a Gāndhika woman " ; accord. to others " the son of a Nishṭhya and a Śūdra woman " ) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.
pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. (C. [ śauṇḍīka ] )
[ śauṇḍikī ] f. a female keeper of a liquor-shop (regarded as one of the eight Akulas , accord. to the Śāktas) Lit. MW.
शौण्डिकागार [ śauṇḍikāgāra ] [ śauṇḍikāgāra ] m. n. a liquor-shop Lit. Cat.
शौण्डिकेय [ śauṇḍikeya ] [ śauṇḍikeya ] m. N. of a demon hostile to children Lit. PārGṛ.
शौण्डिन् [ śauṇḍin ] [ śauṇḍin ] m. = [ śauṇḍika ] Lit. L.
[ śauṇḍinī ] f. = [ śauṇḍikī ] Lit. ŚārṅgP.
शौण्डीक [ śauṇḍīka ] [ śauṇḍīka ] see [ śauṇḍika ] .
शौण्डेय [ śauṇḍeya ] [ śauṇḍeya ] m. ( only in pl.) a patr. or a metron. Lit. Saṃskārak.
शौण्ड्रिन् [ śauṇḍrin ] [ śauṇḍrin ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pravar. ( perhaps w.r. for [ śauṇḍin ] ) .
शौद्धाक्षर [ śauddhākṣara ] [ śauddhākṣara ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śuddha ] + [ akṣara ] ) relating to a pure vowel (without consonant or Anusvāra) Lit. RPrāt.
शौद्धोदनि [ śauddhodani ] [ śauddhodani ] m. ( fr. [ śuddhodana ] ) patr. of Gautama Buddha Lit. Buddh.
शौद्र [ śaudra ] [ śaúdra ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to a Śūdra Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
[ śaudra ] m. the son of a man of either of the first three classes by a Śūdra woman (the last of the twelve kinds of sons acknowledged in the ancient Hindū law) Lit. Mn. ix , 160.
शौद्रायण [ śaudrāyaṇa ] [ śaudrāyaṇa ] m. patr. fr. [ śūdra ] g. [ aiṣukāryādi ] .
शौद्रायणभक्त [ śaudrāyaṇabhakta ] [ śaudrāyaṇa-bhakta ] m. f. n. inhabited by the Śaudrāyaṇas Lit. ib.
शौद्रकायण [ śaudrakāyaṇa ] [ śaudrakāyaṇa ] m. patr. fr. [ śūdraka ] g. [ aśvādi ] .
शौधिका [ śaudhikā ] [ śaudhikā ] f. incorrect for [ śodhikā ] (see under [ śodhaka ] ) .
शौन [ śauna ] [ śauna ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śvan ] ) relating or belonging to a dog Lit. MBh.
w.r. for [ sauna ] q.v.
शौनःशेप [ śaunaḥśepa ] [ śaunaḥśepá ] m. ( fr. [ śunaḥ-śepa ] ) patr. of Nicumpuṇa Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. Anukr.
[ śaunaḥśepa ] n. ( scil. [ ākhyāna ] ) the story of Śunaḥ-śepa Lit. Br.
N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
शौनःशेपि [ śaunaḥśepi ] [ śaunaḥśepi ] m. patr. fr. [ śuṇaḥ-śepa ] Lit. ĀrshBr.
शौनिक [ śaunika ] [ śaunika ] m. f. n. relating to dogs or hunting (see comp.)
w.r. for [ saunika ] q.v.
शौनिकशास्त्र [ śaunikaśāstra ] [ śaunika-śāstra ] n. N. of wk. on dogs or hunting.
शौनक [ śaunaka ] [ śaúnaka ] m. (patr. fr. [ śunaka ] g. [ bidādi ] ) N. of various authors and teachers (also with Indrôta and Svaidāyana ; esp. of the celebrated grammarian , author of the Ṛig-veda Prātiśākhya , the Bṛihad-devatā , and various other works ; he is described as the teacher of Kātyāyana and especially of Āśvalāyana ; he is said to have united the Bāshkala and Śākala Śākhās , and is sometimes identified with the Vedic Ṛishi Gṛitsa-mada ; but according to the Vishṇu-Purāṇa , Śaunaka was a son of Gṛitsamada , and originated the system of four castes ; he is quoted in Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. APrāt. and Lit. VPrāt. ; the various legends about him are very confused) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Up. Lit. MBh.
pl. the descendants and pupils of Śaunaka Lit. Hariv.
[ śaunakī ] f. a wk. of Śākhās ( cf. [ laghu- ] and [ vṛddhaśaunakī ] ) .
शौनककल्पसूत्र [ śaunakakalpasūtra ] [ śaúnaka-kalpa-sūtra ] n. N. of wk.
शौनककारिका [ śaunakakārikā ] [ śaúnaka-kārikā ] f. pl. N. of wk.
शौनकगृह्यपरिशिष्ट [ śaunakagṛhyapariśiṣṭa ] [ śaúnaka-gṛhya-pariśiṣṭa ] n. N. of wk.
शौनकगृह्यसूत्र [ śaunakagṛhyasūtra ] [ śaúnaka-gṛhya-sūtra ] n. N. of wk.
शौनकपञ्चसूत्र [ śaunakapañcasūtra ] [ śaúnaka-pañca-sūtra ] n. N. of wk. attributed to Śaunaka.
शौनकयज्ञ [ śaunakayajña ] [ śaúnaka-yajña ] m. a kind of sacrifice Lit. Vait.
शौनकसूत्र [ śaunakasūtra ] [ śaúnaka-sūtra ] n. N. of wk.
शौनकस्मृति [ śaunakasmṛti ] [ śaúnaka-smṛti ] f. N. of wk.
शौनकाथर्वणसूत्र [ śaunakātharvaṇasūtra ] [ śaunakātharvaṇa-sūtra ] n. N. of wk.
शौनकारण्यक [ śaunakāraṇyaka ] [ śaunakāraṇyaka ] n. N. of wk.
शौनकोपनिषद् [ śaunakopaniṣad ] [ śaunakopaniṣad ] f. N. of wk.
शौनकायन [ śaunakāyana ] [ śaunakāyana ] m. patr. fr. [ śaunaka ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 2.
शौनकि [ śaunaki ] [ śaunaki ] m. patr. fr. id. , Lit. Siṇhâs.
शौनकीपुत्र [ śaunakīputra ] [ śaúnakī-pútra ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. ŚBr.
शौनकीय [ śaunakīya ] [ śaunakīya ] m. f. n. belonging to or composed by Śaunaka or the Śaunakīyas
[ śaunakīya ] n. a wk. of Śaunaka or the Śaunakīyas Lit. Hcat.
शौनकीयचतुराध्यायिका [ śaunakīyacaturādhyāyikā ] [ śaunakīya-caturādhyāyikā ] f. " Śaunaka's treatise in four chapters " , N. of the Atharva-veda Prātiśākhya.
शौनकीयचरण [ śaunakīyacaraṇa ] [ śaunakīya-caraṇa ] n. N. of a Caraṇa ( q.v.)
शौनकीयप्रयोग [ śaunakīyaprayoga ] [ śaunakīya-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
शौनकीयस्वराष्टक [ śaunakīyasvarāṣṭaka ] [ śaunakīya-svarāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.
शौनहोत्र [ śaunahotra ] [ śaunahotra ] ( Lit. ĀśvŚr. ) m. ( fr. [ śuna-hotra ] ) patr. of the Ṛishi Gṛitsa-mada.
शौनहोत्रि [ śaunahotri ] [ śaunahotri ] ( Lit. Hariv.) m. ( fr. [ śuna-hotra ] ) patr. of the Ṛishi Gṛitsa-mada.
शौनायन [ śaunāyana ] [ śaunāyana ] m. ( only pl.) a patr. Lit. Saṃskārak.
शौनासीर्य [ śaunāsīrya ] [ śaunāsīrya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śunā-sīra ] ) Lit. Lāṭy.
शौभ [ śaubha ] [ śaubha ] m. ( fr. [ śubha ] ) a god , divinity Lit. L.
the Areca or betel-nut tree Lit. L.
w.r. for [ saubha ] q.v.
शौभायन [ śaubhāyana ] [ śaubhāyana ] m. ( fr. id.) N. of a warrior-tribe g. [ kuñjādi ] .
शौभायनि [ śaubhāyani ] [ śaubhāyani ] m. a patr. ( fr. id.) g. [ tikādi ] .
शौभायन्य [ śaubhāyanya ] [ śaubhāyanya ] m. a king of the Śaubhāyanas g. [ kuñjādi ] .
शौभनेय [ śaubhaneya ] [ śaubhaneya ] m. ( fr. [ śobhanā ] ) the son of a handsome mother Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 113 Sch.
[ śaubhaneya ] m. f. n. relating to anything handsome or brilliant Lit. W.
शौभाञ्जन [ śaubhāñjana ] [ śaubhāñjana ] m. = [ śobhāñjana ] Lit. Hcar. Sch.
शौभिक [ śaubhika ] [ śaubhika ] m. ( cf. [ saubhika ] ) a kind of actor Lit. Pat. ( v.l. [ śobhanika ] )
the sacrificial post at a Homa Lit. L.
शौभ्रायण [ śaubhrāyaṇa ] [ śaubhrāyaṇa ] m. pl. ( fr. [ śubhra ] ) N. of a partic. association or company g. [ aiṣukāry-ādi ] .
शौभ्रायणभक्त [ śaubhrāyaṇabhakta ] [ śaubhrāyaṇa-bhakta ] m. f. n. inhabited by the Śaubhrāyaṇas Lit. ib.
शौभ्रेय [ śaubhreya ] [ śaubhreya ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to anything white or shining Lit. MW.
[ śaubhreya ] m. patr. fr. [ śubhra ] or metron. fr. [ śubhrā ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 123
m. pl. N. of a warrior-tribe g. [ yaudheyādi ]
m. (sg.) a king of the Śaubhreyas Lit. ib.
शौभ्र्य [ śaubhrya ] [ śaubhrya ] m. patr. fr. [ śubhra ] g. [ kurv-ādi ] .
शौर [ śaura ] [ śaura ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śūra ] ; also as Vṛiddhi form in comp.) relating to a hero , heroic Lit. MW.
शौरदेव्य [ śauradevya ] [ śaura-devyá ] m. patr. fr. [ śūra-deva ] Lit. RV. viii , 70 , 15.
शौरसेन [ śaurasena ] [ śaura-sena ] m. f. n. relating to the Śūra-senas , g. [ palady-ādi ]
[ śaurasenī ] f. ( scil. [ bhāṣā ] ) the language of the Śūra (a Prākṛit dialect supposed to have been spoken at Mathurā and sometimes substituted for Sanskṛit in the plays , esp. as representing the speech of women of high rank) Lit. Bhar. Lit. Sāh.
शौरसेनिका [ śaurasenikā ] [ śaura-senikā ] f. = [ -senī ] Lit. MBh.
शौरसेन्य [ śaurasenya ] [ śaura-senya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -sena ] ) g. [ saṃkāśādi ] .
शौरि [ śauri ] [ śauri ] m. patr. of Vasu-deva Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa (also among the names of the sun) Lit. ib.
of Prajāti Lit. MārkP.
of Bala-deva Lit. MW.
Terminalia Tomentosa Lit. L. (v.l. [ sauri ] )
the planet Saturn (w.r. for [ sauri ] ) .
शौरिदत्त [ śauridatta ] [ śauri-datta ] and m. N. of two authors Lit. Cat.
शौरिसूनु [ śaurisūnu ] [ śauri-sūnu ]and m. N. of two authors Lit. Cat.
शौर्य [ śaurya ] [ śaúrya ] n. heroism , valour , prowess , might Lit. ŚBr.
the heroic branch of dramatic art (= [ ārabhaṭī ] ) Lit. W.
N. of a village Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 7 Vārtt. 2.
शौर्यकरण [ śauryakaraṇa ] [ śaúrya-karaṇa ] n. prowess Lit. L.
शौर्यकर्मन् [ śauryakarman ] [ śaúrya-karman ] n. an heroic deed Lit. Mn. ix , 268.
शौर्यनगर [ śauryanagara ] [ śaúrya-nagara ] n. N. of a town Lit. HPariś.
शौर्यराशि [ śauryarāśi ] [ śaúrya-rāśi ] m. a collection or aggregate (= paragon) of heroism Lit. Veṇis.
शौर्यवत् [ śauryavat ] [ śaúrya-vat ] m. f. n. heroic , courageous , valiant Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kathās.
शौर्यवर्धन [ śauryavardhana ] [ śaúrya-vardhana ] m. f. n. strengthening or increasing heroic Lit. BhP.
शौर्यव्रत [ śauryavrata ] [ śaúrya-vrata ] n. a partic. observance Lit. Cat.
शौर्यसागर [ śauryasāgara ] [ śaúrya-sāgara ] m. " ocean of heroic " , a collection (= paragon) of heroic Lit. Veṇis.
शौर्यादिमत् [ śauryādimat ] [ śauryādi-mat ] m. f. n. endowed with heroic and other virtues Lit. Sāh.
शौर्योन्मादिन् [ śauryonmādin ] [ śauryonmādin ] m. f. n. " intoxicated by heroic " , foolhardy Lit. Daś.
शौर्योपार्जित [ śauryopārjita ] [ śauryopārjita ] m. f. n. acquired by heroism Lit. W.
शौर्यौदर्यशृङ्गारमय [ śauryaudaryaśṛṅgāramaya ] [ śauryaudarya-śṛṅgāra-maya ] m. f. n. composed of heroism and generosity and love Lit. Kathās.
शौरण [ śauraṇa ] [ śauraṇa ] see [ sauraṇa ] .
शौर्प [ śaurpa ] [ śaurpa ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śūrpa ] ) belonging to or measured by a winnowing basket Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 26.
शौर्पणाय्य [ śaurpaṇāyya ] [ śaurpaṇāyya ] m. ( fr. [ śūrpa-ṇāya ] g. [ kurvādi ] ) N. of a teacher Lit. ŚBr.
शौर्पिक [ śaurpika ] [ śaurpika ] m. f. n. = [ śaurpa ] above Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 26.
शौल [ śaula ] [ śaula ] m. ( fr. [ śūla ] ) a partic. part of a plough Lit. Kṛishis.
शौलायन [ śaulāyana ] [ śaulāyana ] m. ( only pl.) a patr. Lit. Saṃskārak.
शौलिक [ śaulika ] [ śaulika ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VarBṛS. (v.l. [ śūlika ] , [ sūlika ] , [ maulika ] ) .
शौल्क [ śaulka ] [ śaulka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śulka ] ) relating to tolls or customs or taxes , levied (as a tax ) Lit. W.
[ śaulka ] m. a superintendent of tolls or customs , custom-house officer Lit. ib.
n. N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
शौल्कशालिक [ śaulkaśālika ] [ śaulkaśālika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śulka-śālā ] ) belonging to or derived from a custom-house Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 50 ; 75 Sch.
शौल्कायनि [ śaulkāyani ] [ śaulkāyani ] m. patr. of a teacher Lit. Pur.
शौल्किक [ śaulkika ] [ śaulkika ] m. f. n. relating to taxes or tolls Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 104 Vārtt. 13
eating fish and flesh Lit. L.
[ śaulkika ] m. a superintendent of tolls or customs Lit. Yājñ.
शौल्किकेय [ śaulkikeya ] [ śaulkikeya ] m. ( fr. [ śulkikā ] ) a kind of poison (said to be produced in a country called Śulkikā ; accord. to some " the venom of a kind of snake " ) Lit. L. (v.l. [ śauklikeya ] ) .
शौल्फ [ śaulpha ] [ śaulpha ] n. Anethum Sowa Lit. L.
शौल्ब [ śaulba ] [ śaulba ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śulba ] ) Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
शौल्बायन [ śaulbāyana ] [ śaulbāyaná ] m. patr. fr. [ śulba ] Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
शौल्बिक [ śaulbika ] [ śaulbika ] m. a coppersmith Lit. L.
शौव [ śauva ] [ śauva ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. [ śvan ] ) relating or belonging to dogs , doggish , canine Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. Lit. Vop.
[ śauva ] m. N. of a partic. Udgītha Lit. MW.
n. a multitude or pack of dogs g. [ khaṇḍikādi ]
the nature or state of a dog Lit. MW.
शौवदंष्ट्र [ śauvadaṃṣṭra ] [ śauvadaṃṣṭra ] v.l. for [ śauvādaṃṣṭra ] .
शौवन [ śauvana ] [ śauvana ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to a dog , canine Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. Lit. Vop.
[ śauvana ] n. a pack of dogs g. [ khaṇḍikādi ]
the nature of a dog Lit. MW.
the progeny of a dog Lit. ib.
शौवनि [ śauvani ] [ śauvani ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śvan ] ) g. [ sutaṃgamādi ] .
शौवनेय [ śauvaneya ] [ śauvaneya ] m. patr. fr. [ śvan ] g. [ śubhrādi ] .
शौवहान [ śauvahāna ] [ śauvahāna ] n. ( fr. [ śva-hāna ] ) N. of a town Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 8 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.
शौवादंष्ट्र [ śauvādaṃṣṭra ] [ śauvādaṃṣṭra ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śvā-daṃṣṭrā ] ) Lit. ib.
शौवापद [ śauvāpada ] [ śauvāpada ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śvā-pada ] ) relating to or coming from a wild beast , ferocious , savage , wild Lit. Anarghar.
शौवावतान [ śauvāvatāna ] [ śauvāvatāna ] (prob.) w.r. for [ saudhāv ] .
शौवावतानिक [ śauvāvatānika ] [ śauvāvatānika ] (prob.) w.r. for [ saudhāv ] .
शौवाविध [ śauvāvidha ] [ śauvāvidha ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śvā-vidh ] ) Lit. Pat.
शौव [ śauva ] [ śauva ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. 2. [ śvas ] ) relating to the morrow , occurring to-morrow Lit. L.
शौवस्तिक [ śauvastika ] [ śauvastika ] m. f. n. of or belonging to the morrow , lasting till to-morrow , ephemeral Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 15.
शौवस्तिकत्व [ śauvastikatva ] [ śauvastika-tva ] n. the lasting or enduring till tomorrow , ephemeralness Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
शौषिर [ śauṣira ] [ śauṣira ] see [ sauṣira ] .
शौष्कल [ śauṣkala ] [ śaúṣkala ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śuṣkala ] ) living on dried flesh or fish or by selling it (accord. to some catching fish) Lit. VS.
[ śauṣkala ] m. N. of the chief priest of Rāvaṇa Lit. Anarghar.
शौष्कुल [ śauṣkula ] [ śauṣkula ] v.l. for prec.
शौष्कास्य [ śauṣkāsya ] [ śauṣkāsyá ] n. ( fr. [ śuṣkāsya ] ) dryness of the mouth Lit. AV.
श्चन्द् [ ścand ] [ ścand ] ( cf. √ [ cand ] ) , only in Intens. p. [ cániścadat ] , " shining brilliantly " Lit. RV.
श्चन्द्र [ ścandra ] [ ścandra ] m. f. n. shining , radiant ( only ifc. ; see [ aśva-ścandra ] , [ puru-ścandrá ] , [ viśvá-ścandra ] , [ suścandrá ] , [ śvá-ścandra ] , and [ hári-ścandra ] ) .
श्चम् [ ścam ] [ ścam ] ( prob. to be connected with √ [ śam ] rather than with √ [ cam ] ) , only in [ ścamnan ] , " they may quench or appease " Lit. RV. i , 104 , 2.
श्चर् [ ścar ] [ ścar ] Root ( for [ car ] ) in [ upa-√ ścar ] , to come near , approach ( only in [ upāścarat ] ) Lit. MaitrS.
श्चुत् [ ścut ] [ ścut ]1 Root ( often in later language written [ ścyut ] ; cf. √ [ cyut ] ) cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. iii , 4) [ ścótati ] (pf. [ cuścota ] Lit. Br. ; aor. [ aścotīt ] or [ aścutat ] Gr. ; fut. [ ścotitā ] , [ ścotiṣyati ] Lit. ib.) , to ooze , trickle , exude , drop , distil Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. BhP. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to shed , pour out , sprinkle Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. : Caus. [ ścotayati ] (aor. [ -acuścutat ] inf. [ -ścotayitavaí ] ; cf. [ abhi- ] and [ ā-√ ścut ] ) , to cause to drop or flow , shed Lit. ŚBr. : Desid. [ cuścotiṣati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 61 Sch. ( 1093,3 )
श्चुत् [ ścut ] [ ścut ]2 (ifc.) distilling , sprinkling , shedding (ifc. see [ ghṛta- ] [ madhu-ścút ] )
श्चोतन्मयूख [ ścotanmayūkha ] [ ścotan-mayūkha ] m. f. n. ( pr. p. of √ [ ścut ] + [ m ] ) diffusing light Lit. MW.
श्चोति [ ścoti ] [ ścoti ] f. id. Lit. L.
श्च्युत् [ ścyut ] [ ścyut ] Root see √ [ ścut ] , p. 1093 , col. 3.
श्नथ् [ śnath ] [ śnath ] Root cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xix , 37) [ śnathati ] ( only occurring in pr. Subj. [ śnathat ] Impv. [ śnathihi ] , and aor. [ śnathiṣṭam ] , [ °ṭana ] ; Gr. also pf. [ śaśnātha ] ; fut. [ śnathitā ] , [ °thiṣyati ] ) , to pierce , strike , injure , kill Lit. RV. : Caus. [ śnatháyati ] , [ °te ] (aor. [ aśiśnat ] , [ śiśnáthat ] ) id. Lit. ib. : Desid. [ śiśnathiṣati ] Gr.: Intens. [ śāśnathyate ] , [ śāśnatti ] Lit. ib.
श्नथन [ śnathana ] [ śnáthana ] m. f. n. piercing , transfixing Lit. RV.
श्नथित [ śnathita ] [ śnathitá ] m. f. n. pierced , transfixed Lit. ib.
श्नथितृ [ śnathitṛ ] [ śnáthitṛ ] m. a piercer , killer , slayer Lit. ib.
श्नप्त्र [ śnaptra ] [ śnáptra ] ( Lit. VS.) or [ śnyáptra ] ( Lit. TS.) n. the corner of the mouth ( Lit. Mahīdh.)
श्नम् [ śnam ] [ śnam ] (in gram.) a technical term for the verbal affix [ na ] (inserted in roots of the 7th class) .
श्ना [ śnā ] [ śnā ] (in gram.) a technical term for the affix [ nā ] (the characteristic sign of the 9th class of verbs) .
श्नाभाश्नौष्टीय [ śnābhāśnauṣṭīya ] [ śnābhāśnauṣṭīya ] n. du. N. of two Sāmans ( cf. [ śnauṣṭa ] below) Lit. ĀrshBr.
श्नु [ śnu ] [ śnu ] (in gram.) a technical term for the affix [ nu ] (added to the root in the 5th class of verbs) .
श्नुष्टि [ śnuṣṭi ] [ śnuṣṭi ] f. (prob.) either " a little heap " or " a small measure " (for measuring grain) Lit. Kāṭh.
[ śnuṣṭi ] m. N. of an Āṅgirasa Lit. PañcavBr.
श्नौष्ट [ śnauṣṭa ] [ śnauṣṭa ] n. (fr. prec.) N. of various Sāmans ( cf. [ śnabhāśnauṣṭīya ] above ) Lit. ĀrshBr.
श्नौष्टीगव [ śnauṣṭīgava ] [ śnauṣṭī-gava ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ib.
श्न्यप्त्र [ śnyaptra ] [ śnyáptra ] see [ śnáptra ] above.
श्मन् [ śman ] [ śman ] n. the body Lit. Nir.
the mouth Lit. L.
( both meanings prob. invented to explain [ śmaśāna ] and [ śmaśru ] ) .
श्मशयन [ śmaśayana ] [ śma-śayana ] n. ( a compound artificially formed to explain [ śmaśāna ] ) place of repose for dead bodies or the bones of burnt corpses , cemetery Lit. Nir. iii , 5.
श्मश [ śmaśa ] [ śmaśá ] ( a word invented to serve as the source of [ śmaśāna ] ) .
श्मशा [ śmaśā ] [ śmaśā́ ] f. ( prob. connected with [ aśman ] ) the elevated ridge or edge of a trench or ditch or channel for water or of a vessel Lit. RV. x , 105 , 1 ( but in Lit. ŚBr. the m. pl. [ śmaśā́ḥ ] is said to mean those deceased ancestors who consume or eat the oblations ( ? ) , and a comp. [ śmaśānná ] is formed to explain [ śmaśāna ] )
श्मशान [ śmaśāna ] [ śmaśāna ] n. (accord. to Lit. Kir. iii , 5 for [ śmaśayana ] above ; but prob. for [ aśma-śayana ] ) an elevated place for burning dead bodies , crematorium , cemetery or burial-place for the bones of cremated corpses Lit. AV.
an oblation to deceased ancestors (= [ pitṛ-medha ] see above ) Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
= [ brahma-randhra ] .
श्मशानकरण [ śmaśānakaraṇa ] [ śmaśāna-karaṇá ] n. the laying out of a burning-ground Lit. ShaḍvBr.
श्मशानकालिका [ śmaśānakālikā ] [ śmaśāna-kālikā ] f. a form of Durgā Lit. Cat.
श्मशानकाली [ śmaśānakālī ] [ śmaśāna-kālī ] f. id. Lit. ib.
श्मशानकालीकवच [ śmaśānakālīkavaca ] [ śmaśāna-kālī--kavaca ] n. N. of wk.
श्मशानकालीमन्त्र [ śmaśānakālīmantra ] [ śmaśāna-kālī--mantra ] m. N. of wk.
श्मशानगोचर [ śmaśānagocara ] [ śmaśāna-gocara ] m. f. n. frequenting burning-grounds , going about in places for burning the dead Lit. Mn. x , 39.
श्मशानचित् [ śmaśānacit ] [ śmaśāna-cí t ] m. f. n. piled up like a pyre or a burning-grounds ( [ a-śmaśāna-cí t ] , " not piled up like a pyre " Lit. MaitrS. ; [ á-śmaśāna-cit ] , " not piling up a pyre " Lit. TS.) Lit. TS. Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Śulbas.
श्मशाननिलय [ śmaśānanilaya ] [ śmaśāna-nilaya ] m. f. n. dwelling in burning-grounds (Śiva) Lit. Śivag.
श्मशाननिवासिन् [ śmaśānanivāsin ] [ śmaśāna-nivāsin ] m. f. n. dwelling in burning-grounds , a ghost , spectre Lit. MW.
श्मशानपति [ śmaśānapati ] [ śmaśāna-pati ] m. (prob.) N. of a magician Lit. Buddh.
श्मशानपाल [ śmaśānapāla ] [ śmaśāna-pāla ] m. a guardian of a burning-grounds. Lit. Kathās.
श्मशानभाज् [ śmaśānabhāj ] [ śmaśāna-bhāj ] m. " inhabiting burning-grounds " N. of Śiva Lit. MW.
श्मशानभैरवी [ śmaśānabhairavī ] [ śmaśāna-bhairavī ] f. a form of Durgā Lit. Cat.
श्मशानलोष्ट [ śmaśānaloṣṭa ] [ śmaśāna-loṣṭa ] n. a clod of earth from a cemetery, Lit. ĀpGṛ.
श्मशानवर्तिन् [ śmaśānavartin ] [ śmaśāna-vartin ] m. f. n. abiding in burning grounds , a ghost , spectre Lit. MW.
श्मशानवाट [ śmaśānavāṭa ] [ śmaśāna-vāṭa ] m. the enclosure of a burning-grounds Lit. Mālatīm.
श्मशानवासिन् [ śmaśānavāsin ] [ śmaśāna-vāsin ] m. f. n. dwelling in burning-grounds Lit. L.
[ śmaśānavāsin ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. L.
[ śmaśānavāsinī ] f. N. of Kālī Lit. L.
श्मशानवीथी [ śmaśānavīthī ] [ śmaśāna-vīthī ] f. a row of trees in a cemetery Lit. Mṛicch.
श्मशानवेताल [ śmaśānavetāla ] [ śmaśāna-vetāla ] m. N. of a gambler Lit. Kathās.
श्मशानवेश्मन् [ śmaśānaveśman ] [ śmaśāna-veśman ] m. " inhabiting burning-grounds " , N. of Śiva Lit. L.
a ghost Lit. W.
श्मशानवैराग्य [ śmaśānavairāgya ] [ śmaśāna-vairāgya ] n. momentary abandonment of worldly desires at the sight of a burning-grounds Lit. ib.
श्मशानशूल [ śmaśānaśūla ] [ śmaśāna-śūla ] m. n. a stake used for impaling criminals in a burning-grounds Lit. Kum.
श्मशानसाधन [ śmaśānasādhana ] [ śmaśāna-sādhana ] n. magical rites performed in a burning-grounds to obtain control over evil spirits Lit. MW.
N. of wk.
श्मशानसुमनस् [ śmaśānasumanas ] [ śmaśāna-sumanas ] n. a flower from a burning-grounds Lit. Mṛicch.
श्मशानाग्नि [ śmaśānāgni ] [ śmaśānāgni ] m. the fire of a burning-grounds Lit. MW.
श्मशानाधिव्यतिक्रम [ śmaśānādhivyatikrama ] [ śmaśā-nādhivyatikrama ] m. passing over a cemetery, ib
श्मशानालय [ śmaśānālaya ] [ śmaśānālaya ] m. a place for burning the dead , a burning-grounds
श्मशानालयवासिन् [ śmaśānālayavāsin ] [ śmaśānālaya--vāsin ] m. f. n. inhabiting burning grounds (N. of Śiva) Lit. Śivag.
[ śmaśānālayavāsinī ] f. N. of Kālī Lit. Tantras.
श्मशानिक [ śmaśānika ] [ śmaśānika ] m. f. n. ( prob. w.r. for [ śmāś ] ) abiding in burning-grounds (as a bird) Lit. Car.
श्माशानिक [ śmāśānika ] [ śmāśānika ] m. f. n. frequenting burning-grounds Lit. Buddh.
= [ śmaśāne 'dhīte ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 71 Sch.
श्मश्रु [ śmaśru ] [ śmáśru ] n. ( of unknown derivation , but cf. [ śman ] )
the beard , (esp.) moustache , the hairs of the beard (pl.) Lit. RV. Lit. ( cf. Lith. (smakrá) ; accord. to some also Lat. (maxilla) . )
श्मश्रुकर [ śmaśrukara ] [ śmáśru-kara ] m. " beard-maker " , " beard-cutter " , a barber Lit. VarBṛS.
श्मश्रुकर्मन् [ śmaśrukarman ] [ śmáśru-karman ] n. " beard-cutting " , shaving Lit. MārkP.
श्मश्रुजात [ śmaśrujāta ] [ śmáśru-jāta ] m. f. n. one whose beard has grown ( = [ jāta-śmaśru ] ) g. [ āhitāgny-ādi ] .
श्मश्रुधर [ śmaśrudhara ] [ śmáśru-dhara ] m. f. n. wearing a beard , bearded Lit. BhP.
pl. N. of a people Lit. VarBṛS.
श्मश्रुधारिन् [ śmaśrudhārin ] [ śmáśru-dhārin ] m. f. n. wearing a beard Lit. MBh.
pl. N. of a people Lit. MārkP.
श्मश्रुप्रवृद्धि [ śmaśrupravṛddhi ] [ śmáśru-pravṛddhi ] f. the growth of a beard Lit. Ragh.
श्मश्रुमुखी [ śmaśrumukhī ] [ śmáśru-mukhī ] f. " a beard-faced woman " , woman with a beard Lit. L.
श्मश्रुयज्ञोपवीतिन् [ śmaśruyajñopavītin ] [ śmáśru-yajñopavītin ] m. f. n. wearing a beard and invested with the sacred thread Lit. Hcat.
श्मश्रुवत् [ śmaśruvat ] [ śmáśru-vat ] m. f. n. having a beard , bearded Lit. GopBr.
श्मश्रुवर्धक [ śmaśruvardhaka ] [ śmáśru-vardhaka ] m. " beard-cutter " , a barber Lit. R.
श्मश्रुशेखर [ śmaśruśekhara ] [ śmáśru-śekhara ] m. the cocoa-nut tree Lit. L.
श्मश्रुण [ śmaśruṇa ] [ śmaśruṇá ] m. f. n. bearded (as a goat) Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. ĀpŚr.
श्मश्रूय [ śmaśrūya ] [ śmaśrūya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] ( only pr. p. [ °yamāṇa ] ) , to appear as if bearded , look like a beard Lit. Śiś.
श्मसि [ śmasi ] [ śmasi ] in Lit. RV. ii , 31 , 6. see √ [ vaś ] .
श्मील् [ śmīl ] [ śmīl ] Root ( also written [ smīl ] ; cf. √ [ mīl ] ) cl. [1] P. [ śmīlati ] , to wink , twinkle Lit. Dhātup. xv , 12.
श्मील [ śmīla ] [ śmīla ] n. winking , blinking , twinkling Lit. W.
श्मीलित [ śmīlita ] [ śmīlita ] m. f. n. winked , blinked Lit. W.
[ śmīlita ] n. a wink , blink , winking Lit. ib.
श्मे [ śme ] [ śme ] ind. (used as an abbreviation) for [ pārthuraśme ] ( q.v.)
श्मेत्र [ śmetra ] [ śmetra ] m. = [ śvetra ] Lit. L.
श्यन् [ śyan ] [ śyan ] (in gram.) a technical term for the syllable [ ya ] (inserted after the root in the 4th class of verbs) .
श्यान [ śyāna ] [ śyāna ] see under √ [ śyai ] , p.1095.
श्यापर्ण [ śyāparṇa ] [ śyā́parṇa ] m. ( cf. g. [ bidādi ] ) N. of a man (pl. his family) Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Br.
श्यापर्णीय [ śyāparṇīya ] [ śyāparṇīya ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to the Śyāparṇas Lit. AitBr.
श्यापर्णेय [ śyāparṇeya ] [ śyāparṇeya ] m. ( also pl.) patr. fr. [ śyāparṇa ] g. [ kārta-kaujapādi ] .
श्यापीय [ śyāpīya ] [ śyāpīya ] (?) m. pl. N. of a school.
श्याम [ śyāma ] [ śyāmá ] m. f. n. ( said to be connected with √ [ śyai ] ) black , dark-coloured , dark blue or brown or grey or green , sable , having a dark or swarthy complexion (considered a mark of beauty) Lit. AV.
[ śyāma ] m. black or blue or green (the colour) Lit. L.
a cloud Lit. L.
the Kokila or Indian cuckoo Lit. L.
a black bull Lit. TS. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
N. of various plants (fragrant grass ; thorn-apple ; Artemisia Indica ; Careya Arborea ) Lit. L.
(in music) a partic. Rāga Lit. Saṃgīt.
N. of a son of Śūra and brother of Vasudeva Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP.
of a modern prince Lit. Cat.
of a mountain Lit. MBh.
of a sacred fig-tree at Prayāga or Allahābād Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Uttarar.
pl. N. of a Vedic school (a subdivision of the Maitrāyaṇīyas)
[ śyāmā ] f. a woman with peculiar marks or characteristics (accord. to some " a girl who has the marks of puberty " ; accord. to others " a woman who has not borne children " ; also described as " a female of slender shape " ) Lit. Śiś. Lit. Siṃhâs.
a N. or form of Durgā (worshipped by the Tāntrikas) Lit. W.
N. of Yamunā Lit. L.
of a daughter of Meru (an incarnation of Gaṅgā) Lit. BhP.
of a princess , Lit. Vās. , Introd.
of another woman Lit. MBh.
of a goddess who executes the commands of the 6th Arhat or of the mother of the 13th Arhat (with Jainas)
a kind of bird (either " the female of the Indian cuckoo " or " a hen-sparrow " ) Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Pañcat.
N. of various plants (= [ gundrā ] , [ priyaṅgu ] , [ sārivā ] ) Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
night (see [ śyāmā-cara ] )
the earth Lit. Gal.
N. of a river Lit. MārkP.
[ śyāma ] n. black pepper Lit. L.
sea-salt Lit. L.
श्यामकङ्गु [ śyāmakaṅgu ] [ śyāmá-kaṅgu ] m. black Panic Lit. L.
श्यामकण्ठ [ śyāmakaṇṭha ] [ śyāmá-kaṇṭha ] m. " black-throated " , a peacock Lit. L.
a kind of small bird Lit. W.
N. of Śiva Lit. ib.
श्यामकन्दा [ śyāmakandā ] [ śyāmá-kandā ] f. Aconitum Ferox Lit. L.
श्यामकर्ण [ śyāmakarṇa ] [ śyāmá-karṇa ] m. f. n. black-cared Lit. BhP.
[ śyāmakarṇa ] m. a horse suitable for a horse-sacrifice Lit. MW.
श्यामकाण्डा [ śyāmakāṇḍā ] [ śyāmá-kāṇḍā ] f. a kind of Dūrvā grass Lit. L.
श्यामग्रन्थि [ śyāmagranthi ] [ śyāmá-granthi ] f. a kind of Dūrvā grass Lit. L.
श्यामचटक [ śyāmacaṭaka ] [ śyāmá-caṭaka ] m. a kind of sparrow Lit. L.
श्यामजयन्त [ śyāmajayanta ] [ śyāma-jayanta ] and
श्यामजित् [ śyāmajit ] [ śyāmá-jit ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
श्यामता [ śyāmatā ] [ śyāmá-tā ] f. ( Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP. Lit. Kād.) ( Lit. MBh. Lit. R.) blackness , dark colour.
श्यामदास [ śyāmadāsa ] [ śyāmá-dāsa ] m. N. of various men Lit. Cat.
श्यामदेव [ śyāmadeva ] [ śyāmá-deva ] m. a proper N. Lit. MW.
श्यामपत्त्र [ śyāmapattra ] [ śyāmá-pattra ] m. Xanthochymus Pictorius Lit. L.
श्यामफेन [ śyāmaphena ] [ śyāmá-phena ] m. f. n. having black foam or froth ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Kām.
श्यामफेनता [ śyāmaphenatā ] [ śyāmá-phena--tā ] f. , see [ śyāmaphena ]
श्यामभट्ट [ śyāmabhaṭṭa ] [ śyāmá-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
श्यामभास् [ śyāmabhās ] [ śyāmá-bhās ] m. f. n. of a brilliant black , glossy black Lit. W.
श्याममुख [ śyāmamukha ] [ śyāmá-mukha ] m. f. n. black-faced (as a cloud) Lit. Kāv.
having black nipples Lit. Kathās.
श्यामरुचि [ śyāmaruci ] [ śyāmá-ruci ] m. f. n. = [ -bhās ] Lit. A.
श्यामलता [ śyāmalatā ] [ śyāmá-latā ] f. a kind of climbing plant (= [ sārivā ] or Echites Frutescens Lit. L.) Lit. Kālid.
श्यामवर्णत्व [ śyāmavarṇatva ] [ śyāmá-varṇa--tva ] n. , see [ śyāmavarṇa ]
श्यामवल्ली [ śyāmavallī ] [ śyāmá-vallī ] f. black pepper Lit. L.
श्यामव्रत [ śyāmavrata ] [ śyāmá-vrata ] n. a partic. ceremony Lit. Hāl. Sch.
श्यामशबल [ śyāmaśabala ] [ śyāmá-śabalá ] m. du. " black and spotted " , Yama's two watch-dogs (regarded as sons of Saramā cf. Lit. RV. x , 14 , 10-12) Lit. TS. ( Lit. RTL. 283 , 289 , 329 , 422) .
श्यामशिंशपा [ śyāmaśiṃśapā ] [ śyāmá-śiṃśapā ] f. Dalbergia Sissoo Lit. L.
श्यामसार [ śyāmasāra ] [ śyāmá-sāra ] m. a kind of Acacia Catechu Lit. L.
श्यामसाह्शंकर [ śyāmasāhśaṃkara ] [ śyāmá-sāh śaṃkara ] ( with preceding [ mahā-rāja ] ) m. N. of a king and author Lit. Cat.
श्यामसुजयन्त [ śyāmasujayanta ] [ śyāma-sujayanta ] m. N. of teachers, Lit. JaimUp.
श्यामसुन्दर [ śyāmasundara ] [ śyāmá-sundara ] m. " dark and beautiful " , N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. MW.
( also with [ cakravartin ] ) N. of various men Lit. Cat.
श्यामाङ्ग [ śyāmāṅga ] [ śyāmāṅga ] m. f. n. black-bodied Lit. W.
[ śyāmāṅga ] m. the planet Mercury Lit. L.
N. of Buddha Lit. L.
[ śyāmāṅgī ] f. N. of Bāhu-dā ( q.v.) Lit. L.
श्यामाचार्य [ śyāmācārya ] [ śyāmācārya ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
श्यामाम्ली [ śyāmāmlī ] [ śyāmāmlī ] f. a kind of shrub Lit. L.
श्यामार्य [ śyāmārya ] [ śyāmārya ] m. N. of a Jaina saint Lit. Cat.
श्यामावदात [ śyāmāvadāta ] [ śyāmāvadāta ] m. f. n. dazzling black or blackish white Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
श्यामेक्षु [ śyāmekṣu ] [ śyāmekṣu ] m. a kind of sugar-cane Lit. L.
श्यामक [ śyāmaka ] [ śyāmaka ] m. f. n. dark-coloured , dark Lit. VarBṛS.
[ śyāmaka ] m. Panicum Frumentaceum (a kind of cultivated millet) Lit. L.
a gramineous plant Lit. MW.
N. of a man g. [ bidādi ]
of a brother of Vasu-deva Lit. BhP.
a patr. g. [ bidādi ] (pl. g. [ gopa-vanādi ] )
pl. N. of a People Lit. MārkP.
[ śyāmikā ] f. blackness Lit. Kum. Lit. Kād. Lit. Hcar.
impurity Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kād. Lit. Hcar.
a white-spotted blackish deer Lit. L.
श्यामल [ śyāmala ] [ śyāmala ] m. f. n. dark-coloured Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
[ śyāmala ] m. black (the colour) Lit. W.
a kind of bee Lit. L.
Terminalia Arjuna Lit. PañcavBr. Sch.
a species of plant serving as a substitute for the Soma plant ( = [ pūtīka ] ) Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
the sacred fig-tree Lit. L.
black pepper Lit. W.
N. of a poet Lit. Sadukt. Lit. Kshem.
of another man , Lit. Vās. , Introd.
[ śyāmalā ] f. N. of various plants ( Physalis Flexuosa ; = [ kaṭa-ohī ] ; = [ kastūrī ] ; = [ jambū ] ) Lit. L.
[ śyāmala ] m. a form of Durgā Lit. L.
N. of a woman Lit. Buddh.
श्यामलचूडा [ śyāmalacūḍā ] [ śyāmala-cūḍā ] f. a kind of shrub (= [ guñjā ] ) Lit. MW.
श्यामलता [ śyāmalatā ] [ śyāmala-tā ] f. ( Lit. Naish.) ( Lit. Sarvad.) blackness , dark colour.
श्यामलत्व [ śyāmalatva ] [ śyāmala-tva ] n. ( Lit. Sarvad.) blackness , dark colour.
श्यामलदेवी [ śyāmaladevī ] [ śyāmala-devī ] f. N. of a princess Lit. Inscr.
श्यामलाङ्गी [ śyāmalāṅgī ] [ śyāmalāṅgī ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Vīrac.
श्यामलेक्षु [ śyāmalekṣu ] [ śyāmalekṣu ] m. a sort of sugar-cane Lit. L.
श्यामलक [ śyāmalaka ] [ śyāmalaka ] m. f. n. dark-coloured , dark (as N. of the 14th unknown quantity) Lit. Col.
[ śyāmalaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Dhanaṃj.
[ śyāmalikā ] f. the indigo plant Lit. L.
श्यामलकचूडा [ śyāmalakacūḍā ] [ śyāmalaka-cūḍā ] f. Abrus Precatorius Lit. L.
श्यामला [ śyāmalā ] [ śyāmalā ] f. ( of [ śyāmala ] ) in comp.
श्यामलागीता [ śyāmalāgītā ] [ śyāmalā-gītā ] f. N. of a Stotra.
श्यामलादण्डक [ śyāmalādaṇḍaka ] [ śyāmalā-daṇḍaka ] m. N. of wk.
श्यामलानवरत्न [ śyāmalānavaratna ] [ śyāmalā-nava-ratna ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामलामन्त्रसाधन [ śyāmalāmantrasādhana ] [ śyāmalā-mantra-sādhana ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामलाम्बास्तोत्र [ śyāmalāmbāstotra ] [ śyāmalāmbā-stotra ] n. N. of wk. ( [ °lāmb° ] )
श्यामलारहस्य [ śyāmalārahasya ] [ śyāmalā-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामलाष्टक [ śyāmalāṣṭaka ] [ śyāmalāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk. ( [ °lāṣṭ° ] )
श्यामलासहस्रनामन् [ śyāmalāsahasranāman ] [ śyāmalā-sahasra-nāman ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामलित [ śyāmalita ] [ śyāmalita ] m. f. n. darkened , obscured Lit. Hariv. Lit. Prab. Lit. Kād.
श्यामलिमन् [ śyāmaliman ] [ śyāmaliman ] m. blackness , darkness Lit. Kpr. Lit. Vcar. Lit. Śiś.
श्यामली [ śyāmalī ] [ śyāmalī ] in comp. for [ śyāmala ] .
श्यामलीकृ [ śyāmalīkṛ ] [ śyāmalī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to darken , obscure Lit. Prab. Lit. Kathās.
श्यामा [ śyāmā ] [ śyāmā ] f. ( of [ śyāma ] ) in comp.
श्यामाकल्पलता [ śyāmākalpalatā ] [ śyāmā-kalpa-latā ] f. N. of wk.
श्यामाकल्पलतिका [ śyāmākalpalatikā ] [ śyāmā-kalpa-latikā ] f. N. of wk.
श्यामाकवच [ śyāmākavaca ] [ śyāmā-kavaca ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामाचर [ śyāmācara ] [ śyāmā-cara ] m. " night-goer " , a Rakshas Lit. Bālar.
श्यामाचारतन्त्र [ śyāmācāratantra ] [ śyāmā-cāra-tantra ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामातापन्युपनिषद् [ śyāmātāpanyupaniṣad ] [ śyāmā-tāpany-upaniṣad ] f. N. of wk.
श्यामादीपदान [ śyāmādīpadāna ] [ śyāmā-dīpa-dāna ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामादेवी [ śyāmādevī ] [ śyāmā-devī ] f. N. of a princess Lit. Hcar.
श्यामानित्यपूजापद्धति [ śyāmānityapūjāpaddhati ] [ śyāmā-nitya-pūjā-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
श्यामापद्धति [ śyāmāpaddhati ] [ śyāmā-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
श्यामापूजा [ śyāmāpūjā ] [ śyāmā-pūjā ] f. the worship of Śyāmā or Durgā (on the new moon of the month Kārttika) Lit. W.
श्यामापूजापद्धति [ śyāmāpūjāpaddhati ] [ śyāmā-pūjā--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
श्यामाप्रकरण [ śyāmāprakaraṇa ] [ śyāmā-prakaraṇa ] n.
श्यामाप्रदीप [ śyāmāpradīpa ] [ śyāmā-pradīpa ] m.
श्यामाप्रयोगविधि [ śyāmāprayogavidhi ] [ śyāmā-prayoga-vidhi ] m.
श्यामामन्त्र [ śyāmāmantra ] [ śyāmā-mantra ] m. pl. N. of wk.
श्यामामानसार्चन [ śyāmāmānasārcana ] [ śyāmā-mānasārcana ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामारत्न [ śyāmāratna ] [ śyāmā-ratna ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामारहस्य [ śyāmārahasya ] [ śyāmā-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामारुत [ śyāmāruta ] [ śyāmā-ruta ] n. the song of the bird Śyāmā Lit. Cat.
श्यामार्चनचन्द्रिका [ śyāmārcanacandrikā ] [ śyāmārcana-candrikā ] ( [ °mār° ] ) f. N. of wk.
श्यामालता [ śyāmālatā ] [ śyāmā-latā ] f. (prob.) = [ śyāma-l ] Lit. VarBṛS.
श्यामावती [ śyāmāvatī ] [ śyāmā-vatī ] f. N. of a woman Lit. DivyA7v.
श्यामासपर्याक्रम [ śyāmāsaparyākrama ] [ śyāmā-saparyā-krama ] m. N. of wk.
श्यामासपर्याविधि [ śyāmāsaparyāvidhi ] [ śyāmā-saparyā-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
श्यामासहस्रनामन् [ śyāmāsahasranāman ] [ śyāmā-sahasra-nāman ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामास्तोत्र [ śyāmāstotra ] [ śyāmā-stotra ] n. N. of wk.
श्यामाक [ śyāmāka ] [ śyāmā́ka ] m. a kind of cultivated millet (Panicum Frumentaceum ; pl. grains of it) Lit. VS.
N. of a man Lit. DivyA7v.
pl. N. of a people Lit. VarBṛS.
[ śyāmāka ] m. f. n. made of Panicum Frumentaceum Lit. TS. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. MBh.
m. a patr. g. [ vidādi ]
[ gopa-vanādi ] (pl.)
श्यामाकतण्डुल [ śyāmākataṇḍula ] [ śyāmā́ka-taṇḍulá ] m. a grain of Panicum Frumentaceum Lit. ŚBr.
श्यामाकमुष्टिम्पच [ śyāmākamuṣṭimpaca ] [ śyāmā́ka-muṣṭim-paca ] m. f. n. cooking (a mere) handful of millet i.e. living very frugally Lit. Bālar.
श्यामाकाग्रयण [ śyāmākāgrayaṇa ] [ śyāmākāgrayaṇa ] n. the firstlings of millet
श्यामाकाग्रयणेष्टि [ śyāmākāgrayaṇeṣṭi ] [ śyāmākāgrayaṇeṣṭi ] f. an oblation of the firstlings of millet Lit. KātyŚr. Paddh.
श्यामाकेष्टि [ śyāmākeṣṭi ] [ śyāmākeṣṭi ] f. an oblation of millet Lit. ĀpŚr. Lit. KātyŚr. Paddh.
श्यामाकौदन [ śyāmākaudana ] [ śyāmākaudana ] m. rice with millet Lit. KātyŚr.
श्यामाय [ śyāmāya ] [ śyāmāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °māyate ] , to assume a dark colour ( [ °māyita ] mfn. become dark) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sāh.
श्यामायन [ śyāmāyana ] [ śyāmāyana ] m. a patr. g. [ aśvādi ]
N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra Lit. MBh.
श्यामायनि [ śyāmāyani ] [ śyāmāyani ] m. patr. of a teacher Lit. Cat.
श्यामायनिन् [ śyāmāyanin ] [ śyāmāyanin ] m. pl. N. of a school Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 104 Sch.
श्यामायनीय [ śyāmāyanīya ] [ śyāmāyanīya ] m. pl. N. of a school of the Black Yajus Lit. Hcat. Lit. Caraṇ.
श्यामित [ śyāmita ] [ śyāmita ] m. f. n. blackened , darkened Lit. Kir.
श्यामी [ śyāmī ] [ śyāmī ] in comp. for [ śyāma ] .
श्यामीकृ [ śyāmīkṛ ] [ śyāmī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] to darken Lit. Kāv.
श्यामीभू [ śyāmībhū ] [ śyāmī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become dark-coloured Lit. Kir. Lit. Naish. Lit. Hcar.
श्यामेय [ śyāmeya ] [ śyāmeya ] m. a patr. g. [ śubhrādi ] .
श्याव [ śyāva ] [ śyāvá ] m. f. n. ( connected with [ śyāma ] ) dark-brown , brown , dark-coloured , dark Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br.
drawn by brown or bay horses (said of chariots , Ved.) Lit. MW.
pungent and sweet and sour Lit. L.
[ śyāva ] m. a brown horse Lit. RV.
brown (the colour) Lit. W.
a partic. disease of the outer ear Lit. Suśr.
pungent and sweet and sour taste Lit. L.
N. of a man Lit. RV.
pl. the horses of the Sun Lit. Naigh.
[ śyāvī ] f. a brown or bay mare Lit. RV.
night Lit. ib. ( Lit. Naigh. i , 7)
[ śyāva ] m. N. of a man Lit. RV.
श्यावता [ śyāvatā ] [ śyāvá-tā ] f. brownness Lit. Suśr. Lit. ŚārṅgS.
श्यावतैल [ śyāvataila ] [ śyāvá-taila ] m. the mango-tree Lit. L.
श्यावद [ śyāvada ] [ śyāvá-da ] (w.r.) = next Lit. Āpast.
श्यावदत् [ śyāvadat ] [ śyāvá-dat ] m. f. n. ( [ śyāvá- ] Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. ) having dark or discoloured teeth (accord. to some " having a little tooth growing over the two front teeth " ) .
श्यावदन्त [ śyāvadanta ] [ śyāvá-danta ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. MārkP. ; [ -tā ] f. Lit. Mn. Lit. Suśr.) having dark or discoloured teeth (accord. to some " having a little tooth growing over the two front teeth " ) .
श्यावदन्तता [ śyāvadantatā ] [ śyāvá-danta--tā ] f. , see [ śyāvadanta ] , Lit. Mn. Lit. Suśr.
श्यावदन्तक [ śyāvadantaka ] [ śyāvá-dantaka ] ( Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Suśr. Lit. ŚārṅgS.) , m. f. n. having dark or discoloured teeth (accord. to some " having a little tooth growing over the two front teeth " ) .
श्यावनाय [ śyāvanāya ] [ śyāvá-nāya ] m. N. of a man g. [ kurv-ādi ] .
श्यावनायीय [ śyāvanāyīya ] [ śyāvá-nāyīya ] m. f. n. g. [ utkarādi ] .
श्यावनाय्य [ śyāvanāyya ] [ śyāvá-nāyya ] m. patr. fr. [ -nāya ] g. [ kurv-ādi ] .
श्यावपुत्र [ śyāvaputra ] [ śyāvá-putra ] m. N. of a man g. [ kurv-ādi ]
श्यावपुत्र्य [ śyāvaputrya ] [ śyāvá-putrya ] m. patr. fr. it Lit. ib.
श्यावरथ [ śyāvaratha ] [ śyāvá-ratha ] m. N. of a man Lit. ib.
श्यावरथ्य [ śyāvarathya ] [ śyāvá-rathya ] m. patr. fr. that N. Lit. ib.
श्याववर्त्मन् [ śyāvavartman ] [ śyāvá-vartman ] n. a partic. disease of the eyelid Lit. Suśr. Lit. ŚārṅgS.
श्यावाक्ष [ śyāvākṣa ] [ śyāvākṣa ] m. f. n. brown-eyed Lit. VarBṛS.
श्यावाश्व [ śyāvāśva ] [ śyāvā́śva ] m. f. n. having brown horses Lit. AV. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. TĀr.
[ śyāvāśva ] m. N. of a Vedic Ṛishi (having the patr. Ātreya ; he was the supposed author of various hymns in the 5th , 8th , and 9th Maṇḍalas ; [ °vāśvasya prahitau ] N. of two Sāmans) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
n. the story of Śyāvâśva Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
N. of various Sāmans Lit. SV. Lit. Br. Lit. Lāṭy.
श्यावाश्वस्तुत [ śyāvāśvastuta ] [ śyāvā́śvá--stuta ] m. f. n. praised by Śyāvâśva Lit. RV.
श्यावाश्वि [ śyāvāśvi ] [ śyāvāśvi ] m. patr. of the Vedic Ṛishi Andhīgu Lit. RAnukr.
श्यावास्य [ śyāvāsya ] [ śyāvāsya ] m. f. n. brown-faced ( [ -tā ] f. Lit. Suśr.) Lit. PārGṛ.
श्यावास्यता [ śyāvāsyatā ] [ śyāvāsya--tā ] f. , see [ śyāvāsya ] , Lit. Suśr.
श्यावक [ śyāvaka ] [ śyā́vaka ] m. f. n. brown , dark-coloured Lit. MW.
[ śyāvaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. RV.
m. pl. the horses of the Sun Lit. MW.
श्यावय [ śyāvaya ] [ śyāvaya ] Nom. P. [ śyāvayati ] , to embrown , make brown Lit. Car.
श्यावल [ śyāvala ] [ śyāvala ] m. patr. fr. next g. [ vidādi ] .
श्यावलि [ śyāvali ] [ śyāvali ] m. N. of a man Lit. ib.
श्याव्या [ śyāvyā ] [ śyāvyā́ ] f. (prob.) darkness Lit. RV. vi , 15 , 17.
श्याव [ śyāva ] [ śyāva ] see above.
श्येत [ śyeta ] [ śyetá ] m. f. n. ( prob. connected with [ śveta ] q.v.) reddish white , white Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.
[ śyeta ] m. white (the colour) Lit. L.
[ śyenī ] f. a white cow (see [ śyaineya ] )
accord. to, Lit. Sāy. and others in Lit. RV. i,140, 9 - "black, dark" .
[ śyeta ] m. a woman with a lily-white complexion (= [ kumuda-pattrābhā ] ) Lit. L.
श्येतकोलक [ śyetakolaka ] [ śyetá-kolaka ] m. the Saphara fish , Cyprinus Saphore (commonly called Puṇṭī) Lit. L.
श्येताक्ष [ śyetākṣa ] [ śyetākṣá ] m. f. n. having reddish-white eyes Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kāṭh.
श्येतीकृ [ śyetīkṛ ] [ śyetī-√ kṛ ] Ā. [ -kurute ] , to master , overcome Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. (Sch.)
श्येन [ śyena ] [ śyená ] m. a hawk , falcon , eagle , any bird of prey (esp. the eagle that brings down Soma to man) Lit. RV.
firewood laid in the shape of an eagle Lit. Śulbas.
a kind of array (in battle) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kām.
a partic. part of the sacrificial victim Lit. Kauś.
a partic. Ekâha Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
a horse Lit. L.
N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Āgneya and author of Lit. RV. x , 188) Lit. Anukr.
( with or without [ indraśya ] ) N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
[ śyenā ] f. a female hawk Lit. L.
[ śyenī ] f. a female hawk Lit. L.
N. of a daughter of Kaśyapa (regarded as the mother of hawks) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
a kind of metre Lit. Piṅg.
[ śyena ] m. f. n. eagle-like Lit. AitBr.
coming from an eagle (as " eagle's flesh " ) , Lit. Kṛishṇaj. ( prob. w.r. for [ śyaina ] ) .
श्येनकपोतीय [ śyenakapotīya ] [ śyená-kapotīya ] m. f. n. (the story) of the hawk and the pigeon ( cf. [ śibi ] ) Lit. MBh.
श्येनकरण [ śyenakaraṇa ] [ śyená-karaṇa ] n. " acting like a hawk " , acting with precipitation Lit. W.
burning on a separate funeral pile Lit. ib.
श्येनगामिन् [ śyenagāmin ] [ śyená-gāmin ] m. " flying like a hawk " , N. of a Rākshasa Lit. R.
श्येनघण्टा [ śyenaghaṇṭā ] [ śyená-ghaṇṭā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.
श्येनचित [ śyenacita ] [ śyená-cita ] m. f. n. = prec.
[ śyenacita ] m. a partic. Agni Lit. MBh.
श्येनचित्र [ śyenacitra ] [ śyená-citra ] m. N. of a man Lit. ib.
श्येनजित् [ śyenajit ] [ śyená-jit ] m. N. of a man Lit. ib.
श्येनजिदाख्यान [ śyenajidākhyāna ] [ śyená-jid-ākhyāna ] n. " hawk-story " , N. of an episode in the Mahā-bhārata.
श्येनजीविन् [ śyenajīvin ] [ śyená-jīvin ] m. one who lives by selling or training hawk , a falconer Lit. Mn. iii , 164.
श्येनजूत [ śyenajūta ] [ śyená-jūta ] ( [ śyená- ] ) m. f. n. swift as an eagle Lit. RV.
श्येनपत्त्र [ śyenapattra ] [ śyená-pattrá ] n. an eagle's feather Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
श्येनपत्वन् [ śyenapatvan ] [ śyená-patvan ] ( [ śyená- ] ) m. f. n. " flying by means of eagles " , borne or drawn along by eagles Lit. RV.
श्येनपात [ śyenapāta ] [ śyená-pāta ] m. an eagle's flight (a favourite feat of jugglers) Lit. Daś. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 71)
श्येनबृहत् [ śyenabṛhat ] [ śyená-bṛhat ] m. N. of a Sāman ( cf. [ -vṛṣaka ] ) .
श्येनभृत [ śyenabhṛta ] [ śyená-bhṛta ] m. f. n. brought by the eagle (Soma) Lit. RV.
श्येनवृषक [ śyenavṛṣaka ] [ śyená-vṛṣaka ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
श्येनहृत [ śyenahṛta ] [ śyená-hṛta ] ( [ śyená- ] ) m. f. n. brought by the eagle (Soma or some similar plant) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
श्येनाख्य [ śyenākhya ] [ śyenākhya ] m. Ardea Sibirica Lit. L.
श्येनाभृत [ śyenābhṛta ] [ śyenābhṛta ] m. f. n. = [ śyena-bhṛta ] Lit. RV.
श्येनावपातम् [ śyenāvapātam ] [ śyenāvapātam ] ind. swooping down like an eagle or hawk Lit. Prab.
श्येनाश्वश्येन [ śyenāśvaśyena ] [ śyenāśva-śyena ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
श्येनाश्वश्यैन [ śyenāśvaśyaina ] [ śyenāśva-śyaina ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
श्येनाहृत [ śyenāhṛta ] [ śyenāhṛta ] m. = [ śyenahṛta ] Lit. L.
श्येनोपदेश [ śyenopadeśa ] [ śyenopadeśa ] m. injunction to women to burn on a separate funeral pile ( cf. [ śyena-karaṇa ] ) Lit. W.
श्येनिका [ śyenikā ] [ śyenikā ] f. a female hawk or eagle (said to be a N. of two metres) Lit. Piṅg. Sch. Lit. Ked.
श्येनी [ śyenī ] [ śyenī ] see [ śyeta ] and [ śyena ] above.
श्यैत [ śyaita ] [ śyaitá ] m. ( also pl.) , a patr. Lit. AV. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
[ śyaita ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
श्यैन [ śyaina ] [ śyaina ] m. f. n. coming from a hawk (see [ śyena ] ) .
श्यैनम्पात [ śyainampāta ] [ śyainampāta ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śyena-pāta ] ) any place fit for the flying of hawks (= [ śyena-pāto 'syām vartate ] ; with [ mṛgayā ] f. " hawking , hunting with hawks " ) Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 58 Sch.
श्यैनिक [ śyainika ] [ śyainika ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to the Ekâha Śyena Lit. PañcavBr. Sch.
श्यैनेय [ śyaineya ] [ śyaineyá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śyenī ] ) descended from a white cow Lit. MaitrS.
metron. of Jaṭāyu Lit. Mcar.