Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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ए |
एतृ [ etṛ ] [ etṛ́ ] m. ( [ etárī ] Lit. Padap. [ etári ] loc. Lit. Sāy.) (√ [ i ] ) , one who goes or approaches (for anything)
asking , requesting Lit. RV. v , 41 , 10 ; vi , 12 , 4
[ etṛ ] m. f. n. ifc. one who goes ( cf. [ párāparaitṛ ] )
एम [ ema ] [ éma ] [ am ] n. course , way Lit. RV. Lit. VS.; ( ( cf. Gk. $ , $ Lith. (eisme) . ) )
एमन् [ eman ] [ éman ] n. course , way Lit. RV. Lit. VS.; ( ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 Lith. (eisme) . ) )
एदिधिषुःपति [ edidhiṣuḥpati ] [ edidhiṣuḥ-patí ] m. the husband of a younger sister whose elder sister has not yet been married Lit. VS. xxx , 9 ( cf. [ agre-didhiṣu ] and [ didhiṣu ] .)
एध् [ edh ] [ edh ] Root cl. [1] Ā. [ édhate ] ( rarely P. [ -ti ] ) , [ edhāṃ-cakre ] , [ edhitā ] , [ edhiṣyate ] , [ aidhiṣṭa ] , to prosper , increase , become happy , grow strong Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. ; to grow big with self-importance , become insolent ; to become intense , extend , spread , gain ground (as fire or passions) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ; to swell , rise (as waters) Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ edhayati ] , to cause to prosper or increase , wish for the welfare or happiness (of any one) , bless Lit. BhP. Lit. Kum. vi , 90 Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
एधतु [ edhatu ] [ edhatú ]1 mf. ( for 2. see p. 232 , col. 1) , [ us ] prosperity , happiness Lit. RV. viii , 86 , 3 Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
[ edhatu ] m. ( [ us ] ) man Lit. Uṇ. i , 79
mfn. increased , grown Lit. L.
एधनीय [ edhanīya ] [ edhanīya ] m. f. n. to be increased or enlarged.
एधमान [ edhamāna ] [ edhamāna ] m. f. n. (pres. p. of √ [ edh ] ) .
एधमानद्विष् [ edhamānadviṣ ] [ edhamāna-dví ṣ ] m. f. n. hating those who have become insolent or impious (through prosperity) Lit. RV. vi , 47 , 16.
एधस् [ edhas ] [ edhas ]1 n. happiness , prosperity Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. v , 1 , 8 Lit. MBh.
एधा [ edhā ] [ edhā ] f. id. Lit. L.
एधित [ edhita ] [ edhita ] m. f. n. grown , increased , enlarged , made big , made to spread , filled up Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak.
एधितृ [ edhitṛ ] [ edhitṛ ] m. f. n. one who increases
एध [ edha ] [ édha ] m. (√ [ indh ] ) , fuel Lit. RV. i , 158 , 4 ; x , 86 , 18 Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Ragh.
[ edha ] m. f. n. ifc. kindling see [ agny-edha ]
( ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Hib. (aodh) ; O. H. G. (eit) ; Angl.Sax. (âd) . ) )
एधवत् [ edhavat ] [ édha-vat ] m. f. n. kept up with fuel (as fire) Lit. Ragh. xiii , 41.
एधोदक [ edhodaka ] [ edhodaka ] n. fuel and water Lit. Mn. iv , 247.
एधतु [ edhatu ] [ edhatu ]2 ( for. 1. see p. 231 , col. 3) m. fire Lit. L.; ( ( cf. Lat. (aestus) . ) )
एधस् [ edhas ] [ édhas ]2 n. fuel Lit. AV. vii , 89 , 4 ; xii , 3 , 2 Lit. Mn. Lit. Śak.
एन [ ena ] [ ena ]1 a pronom. base ( used for certain cases of the 3rd personal pronoun , thus in the acc. sing. du. pl. ( [ enam ] , [ enām ] , [ enad ] , ) , inst. sing. ( [ enena ] , [ enayā ] ) gen. loc. du. ( [ enayos ] , Ved. [ enos ] ) ; the other cases are formed fr. the pronom. base [ a ] see under [ idam ] ) , he , she , it
this , that , (this pronoun is enclitic and cannot begin a sentence ; it is generally used alone , so that [ enam puruṣam ] , " that man " , would be very unusual if not incorrect. Grammarians assert that the substitution of [ enam ] for [ imam ] or [ etam ] takes place when something is referred to which has already been mentioned in a previous part of the sentence ; see Gr. 223 and 836)
( ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2; Goth. (ains) ; Old Pruss. (ains) ; Lat. (oinos) , (unus) . ) )
एधिनि [ edhini ] [ edhini ] f. the earth (= [ medinī ] ), Lit. L.
एना [ enā ] [ enā́ ] ind. here , there
in this manner , thus
then , at that time Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
[ enā ] ( [ enā́ parás ] ind. further on Lit. RV. x , 27 , 21 ; 31 , 8 ; [ pará enā́ ] ind. beyond here ; there ; beyond ( with instr. ) Lit. RV. x , 125 , 8 ; [ yátra ] - [ enā́ ] , whither - thither.)
एन [ ena ] [ ena ]3 ( cf. [ eṇa ] ) , a stag. see [ an-ena ] .
एनी [ enī ] [ enī́ ] f. see under 2. [ éta ] .
एनस् [ enas ] [ énas ] n. (√ [ i ] Lit. Uṇ. iv , 197 ; √ [ in ] Lit. BRD.) , mischief, crime , sin , offence , fault Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn.
evil , unhappiness , misfortune , calamity Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
censure , blame Lit. L.; ( ( cf. Zd. (aenaGh) ; Gk. 1. ) )
एनस्वत् [ enasvat ] [ énas-vat ] m. f. n. wicked , sinful , a sinner Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn.
एनस्विन् [ enasvin ] [ énas-ví n ] m. f. n. wicked , sinful , a sinner Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn.
एनस्य [ enasya ] [ enasyá ] m. f. n. produced by sin
counted a sin or crime , wicked , sinful Lit. AV. vi , 115 , 2 ; viii , 7 , 3 Lit. ŚBr.
एनो [ eno ] [ eno ] ( in comp. for [ enas ] ) .
एनोमुच् [ enomuc ] [ eno-múc ] m. f. n. rescuing from sin or evil Lit. MaitrS. iii , 15 , 11.
एन्ध् [ endh ] [ endh ] ( Preverb. [ ā-√ indh ] ) Ā. (Subj. [ -idhate ] and [ -inádhate ] ; pf. [ īdhe ] ) to inflame , kindle Lit. RV. ; to be inflamed , flame Lit. RV. vii , 36 , 1.
एन्व् [ env ] [ énv ] ( Preverb. [ ā-√ inv ] ) P. [ -invati ] , to drive near ; to procure , bestow Lit. RV. ix , 20 , 2.
एम [ ema ] [ éma ] [ éman ] see p. 231 , col. 3.
एमुषम् [ emuṣam ] [ emuṣám ] (acc. sg. of the perf. p. of 3. [ am ] , p. 80 , col. 1) .
एमूष [ emūṣa ] [ emūṣá ] m. (formed fr. the above ) N. of the boar which raised up the earth Lit. ŚBr. xiv , 1 , 2 , 11 Lit. Kāṭh.
एर् [ er ] [ er ] ( Preverb. [ ā-√ īr ] ) , Caus. P. Ā. [ -īrayati ] , [ -te ] (pf. 3. pl. [ érire ] and [ érire ] ) to bring near , cause to obtain , procure Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. ; to procure for one's self , obtain Lit. RV. i , 6 , 4 ; iii , 60 , 3 ; to raise (as the voice in singing) Lit. RV. iii , 29 , 15 ; x , 122 , 2.
एरक [ eraka ] [ eraka ] m. N. of a Nāga Lit. MBh. i , 2154
[ erakā ] f. a kind of grass of emollient and diluent properties Lit. MBh. Lit. VP. Lit. Bhpr.
[ eraka ] f. ( ( cf. Gk. 1 ) )
[ erakī ] f. a species of plant
N. of a river
[ eraka ] n. a woollen carpet ( Lit. Buddh.)
एरङ्ग [ eraṅga ] [ eraṅga ] m. a kind of fish Lit. Bhpr.
एरण्ड [ eraṇḍa ] [ eraṇḍa ] m. the castor-oil plant , Ricinus Communis or Palma Christi Lit. Suśr. Lit. Pañcat.
[ eraṇḍā ] f. long pepper Lit. L.
N. of a charm, Lit. Divyâv.
एरण्डतैल [ eraṇḍataila ] [ eraṇḍa-taila ] n. castor-oil Lit. Suśr.
एरण्डपत्त्रक [ eraṇḍapattraka ] [ eraṇḍa-pattraka ] m. Ricinus Communis Lit. L.
[ eraṇḍapattrikā ] f. Croton Polyandron Lit. L.
एरण्डपल्ल [ eraṇḍapalla ] [ eraṇḍapalla ] N. of a town, Lit. Inscr.
एरण्डफला [ eraṇḍaphalā ] [ eraṇḍa-phalā ] f. id. Lit. L.
एरण्डीतीर्थ [ eraṇḍītīrtha ] [ eraṇḍī-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha.
एरण्डक [ eraṇḍaka ] [ eraṇḍaka ] m. Ricinus Communis Lit. L.
एरमत्तक [ eramattaka ] [ eramattaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
एरा [ erā ] [ erā ] f. a ewe ( [ eḍakā ] ), Lit. L.
एरु [ eru ] [ éru ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ ā-√ īr ] ) = [ gantṛ ] Lit. T. (?) Lit. AV. vi , 22 , 3.
accord. to some, "the penis" .
एर्वारु [ ervāru ] [ ervāru ] mf. Cucumis Utilissimus Lit. Yājñ. iii , 142 Lit. Suśr.
[ ervāru ] n. the fruit of the above plant.
एर्वारुक [ ervāruka ] [ ervāruka ] m. Cucumis Utilissimus Lit. Suśr.
एल [ ela ] [ ela ] and [ elada ] n. a particular number ( Lit. Buddh.)
एलक [ elaka ] [ elaka ] = [ eḍaka ] , q.v. Lit. L.
एलङ्ग [ elaṅga ] [ elaṅga ] = [ eraṅga ] , col.1 Lit. L.
एलवालु [ elavālu ] [ elavālu ] n. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum Lit. Suśr.
a granular substance (apparently a vegetable of a reddish-brown colour ; used as a drug and perfume) .
एलवालुक [ elavāluka ] [ elavāluka ] n. the above fragrant bark Lit. Suśr.
एलविल [ elavila ] [ elavila ] m. N. of Kuvera Lit. L. ( cf. [ ailavila ] .)
एला [ elā ] [ elā ]1 f. any species of Cardamom Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kathās.
N. of a metre (consisting of four lines of fifteen syllables each)
N. of a river Lit. Hariv.
(v.l. [ arlā ] .)
एलागन्धिक [ elāgandhika ] [ elā-gandhika ] n. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum.
एलापत्त्र [ elāpattra ] [ elā-pattra ] m. N. of a Nāga Lit. MBh.
एलापर्णी [ elāparṇī ] [ elā-parṇī ] f. Mimosa Octandra.
एलापुर [ elāpura ] [ elā-pura ] n. N. of a town.
एलाफल [ elāphala ] [ elā-phala ] n. = [ elavālu ] .
एलारसालक [ elārasālaka ] [ elā-rasālaka ] m. f. n. astringent (and) pungent (and) bitter, Lit. L.
एलावलि [ elāvali ] [ elāvali ] f. a species of plant Lit. L.
एलावालुक [ elāvāluka ] [ elā-vāluka ] n. a kind of perfume (cf. [ elav ] °), Lit. L.
एलाक [ elāka ] [ elāka ] m. N. of a man g. [ gargādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 105
एलाकपुर [ elākapura ] [ elāka-pura ] n. N. of a town.
एलीका [ elīkā ] [ elīkā ] f. small Cardamom Lit. L.
एला [ elā ] [ elā ]2 f. sport , pastime , merriness g. [ kaṇḍv-ādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 27.
एलाय [ elāya ] [ elāya ] Nom. P. [ elāyati ] , to be wanton or playful , be merry.
एलान [ elāna ] [ elāna ] n. orange Lit. Nigh.
एलु [ elu ] [ elu ] n. a particular number Lit. Buddh.
एलुक [ eluka ] [ eluka ] n. a kind of fragrant substance Lit. Suśr.
एल्ववालुक [ elvavāluka ] [ elvavāluka ] n. = [ elavālu ] Lit. L.
एल्वालु [ elvālu ] [ elvālu ] n.
एल्वालुक [ elvāluka ] [ elvāluka ] n. id. Lit. Bhpr. Lit. Car.
एव [ eva ] [ evá ]1 ind. ( in the Saṃhitā also [ evā́ ] ) (√ [ i ] Lit. Uṇ. i , 152 ; fr. pronom. base [ e ] Lit. BRD. , probably connected with 2. [ éva ] ) , so , just so , exactly so ( in the sense of the later [ evam ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
indeed , truly , really ( often at the beginning of a verse in conjunction with other particles , as [ id ] , [ hi ] ) Lit. RV.
( in its most frequent use of strengthening the idea expressed by any word , [ eva ] must be variously rendered by such adverbs as) just , exactly , very , same , only , even , alone , merely , immediately on , still , already , (e.g. [ tvam eva yantā nānyo 'sti pṛthivyām ] , thou alone art a charioteer , no other is on earth , i.e. thou art the best charioteer Lit. MBh. iii , 2825 ; [ tāvatīm eva rātrim ] , just so long as a night ; [ evam ] [ eva ] or [ tathaiva ] , exactly so , in this manner only ; in the same manner as above ; [ tenaiva mantreṇa ] , with the same Mantra as above ; [ apaḥ spṛṣṭvaiva ] , by merely touching water ; [ tān eva ] , these very persons ; [ na cirād eva ] , in no long time at all ; [ japyenaiva ] , by sole repetition ; [ abhuktvaiva ] , even without having eaten ; [ iti vadann eva ] , at the very moment of saying so ; [ sa jīvann eva ] , he while still living , ) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.
( sometimes , esp. in connection with other adverbs , [ eva ] is a mere expletive without any exact meaning and not translatable e.g. [ tv eva ] , [ caiva ] , [ eva ca ] , ; according to native authorities [ eva ] implies emphasis , affirmation , detraction , diminution , command , restrainment) ; ( ( cf. Zd. (aeva) ; Goth. (aiv) ; Old Germ. (eo) , (io) ; Mod. Germ. (je) . ) )
एवथा [ evathā ] [ eváthā ] ind. so , just so , like Lit. RV. viii , 24 , 15.
एव [ eva ] [ éva ]2 m. f. n. (√ [ i ] ) , going , moving , speedy , quick Lit. TBr. iii Lit. Uṇ.
[ eva ] m. course , way ( generally instr. pl.) Lit. RV.
the earth , world Lit. VS. xv , 4 ; 5 ( ( Lit. Mahīdh. ) )
a horse Lit. RV. i , 158 , 3 ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) )
m. pl. way or manner of acting or proceeding , conduct , habit , usage , custom Lit. RV.
m. ( ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. (aevu-m) ; Goth. (aivs) ; O.H.G (êwa) and Angl.Sax. (êu) , (êo) , " custom " , " law " ; Germ. (ehe) . ) )
एवया [ evayā ] [ éva-yā́ ] m. f. n. going quickly (said of Vishṇu) Lit. RV. i , 156 , 1
(of the Maruts) Lit. RV. v , 41 , 16
एवयामरुत् [ evayāmarut ] [ éva-yā́--marut ] m. " accompanied or protected by the quick Maruts " , N. of a Ṛishi Lit. RV. v , 87 , 1 ff.
N. of a hymn ( Lit. RV. v , 87) Lit. AitBr. vi , 30 , 1 ff. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
एवयावन् [ evayāvan ] [ éva-yā́van ] m. f. n. going quickly (said of Vishṇu and the Maruts) Lit. RV.
एवम् [ evam ] [ evám ] ind. ( fr. pronom. base [ e ] Lit. BRD. ; probably connected with 1. [ evá ] ) , thus , in this way , in such a manner , such , (it is not found in the oldest hymns of the Veda , where its place is taken by 1. [ evá ] , but occurs in later hymns ind. in the Brāhmaṇas , especially in connection with √ [ vid ] , " to know " , and its derivatives ( e.g. [ ya evaṃ veda ] , he who knows so ; cf. [ evaṃ-ví d ] , col.3 ) ; in classical Sanskṛit occurs very frequently , especially in connection with the roots [ vac ] , " to speak " , and [ śru ] , " to hear " , and refers to what precedes as well as to what follows ( e.g. [ evam uktvā ] , having so said ; [ evam evaitat ] , this is so ; [ evam astu ] or [ evam bhavatu ] , be it so , I assent ; [ asty evam ] , it is so ; [ yady evam ] , if this be so ; [ kim evam ] , how so? what is the meaning of it? what does this refer to? [ maivam ] , not so! [ evam ] - [ yathā ] or [ yathā ] - [ evam ] , so - as ) ) Lit. Mn. Lit. Śak. ( 232,2 )
( it is also often used like an adjective ( e.g. [ evaṃ te vacane rataḥ ] , rejoicing in such words of thine ; where [ evam ] = [ evaṃ-vidhe ] ) ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak.
sometimes [ evam ] is merely an expletive
according to lexicographers [ evam ] may imply likeness (so)
sameness of manner (thus)
assent (yes , verily)
affirmation (certainly , indeed , assuredly)
command (thus , )
and be used as an expletive.
एवंयुक्तम् [ evaṃyuktam ] [ eváṃ-yuktam ] ( [ °ṃ-yuktam ] ) ind. in such a manner Lit. Pat.
एवंविद् [ evaṃvid ] [ eváṃ-ví d ] m. f. n. knowing so or thus , well instructed , familiar with what is right Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. Lit. TUp.
एवंविदुस् [ evaṃvidus ] [ evaṃ-vidus ] m. f. n. (= [ vidvas ] ), Lit. Kāṭh.
एवंविद्वस् [ evaṃvidvas ] [ eváṃ-vidvas ] ( once [ -vidvás ] Lit. ŚBr. xiv , 8 , 6 , 2) id.
एवंविध [ evaṃvidha ] [ eváṃ-vidha ] m. f. n. of such a kind , in such a form or manner , such Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
एवंविशेषण [ evaṃviśeṣaṇa ] [ eváṃ-viśeṣaṇa ] m. f. n. having such an attribute , thus defined Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
एवंविषय [ evaṃviṣaya ] [ eváṃ-viṣaya ] m. f. n. having such an object , referring to that Comm. on Lit. Mn.
एवंवीर्य [ evaṃvīrya ] [ eváṃ-vīrya ] m. f. n. strong in that respect Lit. ŚBr. xiii
possessed of such a power Lit. BhP.
एवंवृत्त [ evaṃvṛtta ] [ eváṃ-vṛtta ] and m. f. n. acting or behaving in such a manner , of such a kind Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.
एवंवृत्ति [ evaṃvṛtti ] [ eváṃ-vṛtti ]and m. f. n. acting or behaving in such a manner , of such a kind Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.
एवंव्रत [ evaṃvrata ] [ eváṃ-vrata ] m. f. n. fulfilling such duties Lit. SāmavBr.
of such a behaviour , acting thus Lit. BhP. xi , 2 , 40.
एवंशील [ evaṃśīla ] [ evaṃ-śīla ] m. f. n. of such a character or disposition, Lit. MBh.
एवंसंस्थितिक [ evaṃsaṃsthitika ] [ eváṃ-saṃsthitika ] m. f. n. of such a nature or kind Lit. MBh. iii.
एवंसंज्ञक [ evaṃsaṃjñaka ] [ eváṃ-saṃjñaka ] m. f. n. having such a name or term , named thus Lit. Pat.
एवंसमृद्ध [ evaṃsamṛddha ] [ eváṃ-samṛddha ] m. f. n. so complete Lit. ŚBr. v.
एवंकर्मन् [ evaṃkarman ] [ evaṃ-karman ] m. f. n. one who has done so, Lit. Mn. viii, 314
एवंकारम् [ evaṃkāram ] [ eváṃ-kāram ] ind. in this manner Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 27.
एवंकार्य [ evaṃkārya ] [ eváṃ-kārya ] m. f. n. having such an aim , aiming at that Lit. Car.
एवंकाल [ evaṃkāla ] [ eváṃ-kāla ] m. f. n. containing so many syllabic instants Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 27.
एवंकॢप्त [ evaṃkḷpta ] [ evaṃ-kḷpta ] m. f. n. so prescribed or enjoined, Lit. RPrāt.
एवंक्रतु [ evaṃkratu ] [ eváṃ-kratú ] m. f. n. thus minded Lit. ŚBr. x.
एवंगत [ evaṃgata ] [ eváṃ-gata ] m. f. n. being in such a condition or state , so circumstanced , of such kind Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ evaṃgate ] ind. under such circumstances Lit. MBh. iii , 15109 Lit. Daś.
एवंगुण [ evaṃguṇa ] [ eváṃ-guṇa ] m. f. n. possessing such qualities or good qualities Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
एवंगुणजातीय [ evaṃguṇajātīya ] [ eváṃ-guṇa--jātīya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak.
एवंगुणसंपन्न [ evaṃguṇasaṃpanna ] [ eváṃ-guṇa--saṃpanna ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak.
एवंगुणोपेत [ evaṃguṇopeta ] [ eváṃ-guṇopeta ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak.
एवंगोत्र [ evaṃgotra ] [ evaṃ-gotra ]and m. f. n. of such a family, Lit. Lalit.
एवंजाति [ evaṃjāti ] [ evaṃ-jāti ] and m. f. n. of such a family, Lit. Lalit.
एवंजातीय [ evaṃjātīya ] [ eváṃ-jātīya ] m. f. n. of such a kind or nature , such Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Gobh.
एवंतर्किन् [ evaṃtarkin ] [ eváṃ-tarkin ] m. f. n. concluding , reasoning thus Lit. Śak.
एवंद्रव्य [ evaṃdravya ] [ eváṃ-dravya ] m. f. n. consisting of such substances Lit. Car.
एवंनामन् [ evaṃnāman ] [ eváṃ-nāman ] m. f. n. so called Lit. ŚBr. v.
एवंन्यङ्ग [ evaṃnyaṅga ] [ eváṃ-nyaṅga ] m. f. n. having such a characteristic , of such a kind Lit. AitBr. vi , 14 , 2.
एवंन्याय [ evaṃnyāya ] [ eváṃ-nyāya ] m. f. n. following this manner or rule of performance Lit. ĀśvŚr. ii , 5 , 1 , 13.
एवमभ्यनूक्त [ evamabhyanūkta ] [ evám-abhyanūkta ] m. f. n. so stated or spoken about Lit. ŚBr. viii.
एवमवस्थ [ evamavastha ] [ evám-avastha ] m. f. n. so situated Lit. Prab.
एवमाकृति [ evamākṛti ] [ evám-ākṛti ] m. f. n. so shaped Lit. Daś.
एवमाचार [ evamācāra ] [ evám-ācāra ] m. f. n. behaving or acting in such a manner Lit. Gaut.
एवमात्मक [ evamātmaka ] [ evám-ātmaka ] m. f. n. of such a nature , so conditioned Lit. Pat.
एवमादि [ evamādi ] [ evám-ādi ] and m. f. n. beginning with such a one , of such qualities or kind , such Lit. Mn. Lit. Śak.
एवमाद्य [ evamādya ] [ evám-ādya ]and m. f. n. beginning with such a one , of such qualities or kind , such Lit. Mn. Lit. Śak.
एवम्परिणाम [ evampariṇāma ] [ evam-pariṇāma ] m. f. n. having such a conclusion, Lit. Mcar.
एवम्पूर्व [ evampūrva ] [ evám-pūrva ] m. f. n. preceded by this Lit. Kāś.
एवम्प्रकार [ evamprakāra ] [ evám-prakāra ] and m. f. n. of such a kind , such Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
एवम्प्रत्यय [ evampratyaya ] [ evam-pratyaya ] m. f. n. having such a belief, Lit. Śaṃk.
एवम्प्राय [ evamprāya ] [ evám-prāya ]and m. f. n. of such a kind , such Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
एवम्प्रभाव [ evamprabhāva ] [ evám-prabhāva ] m. f. n. possessed of such power Lit. R.
एवम्प्रवाद [ evampravāda ] [ evam-pravāda ] m. f. n. having such a grammatical form, Lit. RPrāt.
एवम्भूत [ evambhūta ] [ evám-bhūta ] m. f. n. of such a quality or nature , such Lit. MBh.
एवम्भूतवत् [ evambhūtavat ] [ evám-bhūta--vat ] m. f. n. furnished with anything of this kind.
एवार [ evāra ] [ evā́ra ] m. (etym. doubtful) N. of a kind of Soma ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) ) Lit. RV. viii , 45 , 38.
एवावद [ evāvada ] [ evāvada ] m. ( fr. 1. [ eva ] and [ ā-√ vad ] Lit. T. ?) , N. of a Ṛishi ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) ) Lit. RV. v , 44 , 10.
एवास्ह [ evāsha ] [ évāsha ] m. a kind of small animal (cf. [ yév ] ° and [ yav ] °), Lit. MaitrS.
एष् [ eṣ ] [ eṣ ]1 Root ( probably connected with 3. [ iṣ ] ) cl. [1] P. Ā. [ eṣati ] (Impv. [ éṣatu ] p. [ éṣat ] inf. [ éṣe ] ) , [ -te ] , [ eṣāṃ-cakre ] , [ eṣitā ] , , to go , move Lit. Dhātup. xvi , 17 ; to creep , glide Lit. RV. x , 89 ; 14 Lit. AV. vi , 67 , 3 ; to glide or hasten towards , attain , obtain Lit. RV. v , 41 , 5 ; 66 , 3 ; 86 , 4.
एष [ eṣa ] [ eṣá ]1 m. f. n. gliding , running , hastening Lit. RV.
एष् [ eṣ ] [ eṣ ]2 ( Preverb. [ ā-√ īṣ ] ) P. Ā. [ -īṣati ] , [ -te ] , to hasten near or towards , fly at ; to endeavour to reach or obtain ; to desire , request Lit. RV.
एषण [ eṣaṇa ] [ eṣaṇa ]1 f. n. impulse , ardent desire Lit. BhP.
एष्ट [ eṣṭa ] [ éṣṭa ] m. f. n. ( or fr. [ ā-√ iṣ ] ) , that which is desired or asked for Lit. RV. i , 184 , 2.
एष्टवै [ eṣṭavai ] [ eṣṭavaí ] (Ved.inf. of [ ā ] -√ :3. [ iṣ ] ), Lit. ŚBr.
एष्टव्य [ eṣṭavya ] [ eṣṭávya ] m. f. n. (see above ) to be striven after , desirable , wished for Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
to be approved Lit. Sarvad.
एष्टि [ eṣṭi ] [ éṣṭi ] f. (see above ) seeking to go towards , wish , desire Lit. RV. vi , 21 , 8 Lit. VS.
एष्य [ eṣya ] [ eṣya ]1 m. f. n. (see the last) to be striven after , to be sought for Lit. AV. xii , 2 , 39 ; 4 , 16 Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
एषवीर [ eṣavīra ] [ eṣá-vīra ] m. N. of a despised Brāhmaṇic family Lit. Sāy. on Lit. ŚBr. xi , 2 , 7 , 32.
एषका [ eṣakā ] [ eṣakā ] f. sg. of the dimin. of [ etad ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 47.
एषिका [ eṣikā ] [ eṣikā ] f. sg. of the dimin. of [ etad ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 47.
एष [ eṣa ] [ éṣa ]3 m. f. n. ( fr. √ 3. [ iṣ ] ) ifc. seeking Lit. ŚBr. xiii
[ eṣa ] m. the act of seeking or going after Lit. RV. x , 48 , 9
( [ eṣá ] ) , wish , option Lit. RV. i , 180 , 4 , ( cf. [ svaīṣá ] )
[ eṣā ] f. wish Lit. L.; ( ( cf. Zd. (aêsha) ; O. H. G. (e1rā) . ) )
एषैष्य [ eṣaiṣya ] [ eṣaiṣy^a ] m. f. n. to be sought for , desirable Lit. RV. x , 102 , 11.
accord. to some the word is [ eṣai ] [ ṣā ] , "impetuous" , and ° [ ṣyā́ ] the instr. of the fem. ° [ ṣi ] .
एषण [ eṣaṇa ] [ éṣaṇa ]2 m. f. n. seeking for , wishing Lit. Nir.
[ eṣaṇa ] m. an iron arrow Lit. L.
[ eṣaṇā ] f. seeking with , desire , begging , solicitation , request Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Rājat.
[ eṣaṇa ] m. (with Jainas) right behaviour when begging food Lit. Sarvad. 39 , 9
[ eṣaṇī ] f. an iron or steel probe Lit. Suśr.
[ eṣaṇa ] m. a goldsmith's scale Lit. L.
n. the act of seeking , begging , solicitation Lit. MBh.
medical examination , probing Lit. Suśr.
एषणासमिति [ eṣaṇāsamiti ] [ eṣaṇā-samiti ] f. correct behaviour when begging food Lit. HYog.
एषणिका [ eṣaṇikā ] [ eṣaṇikā ] f. a goldsmith's scale Lit. L.
एषणिन् [ eṣaṇin ] [ eṣaṇin ] m. f. n. seeking , striving Lit. Nir.
एषणीय [ eṣaṇīya ] [ eṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be sought or aimed at , desirable Lit. Kum.
ifc. belonging to the medical examination of Lit. Suśr.
एषितव्य [ eṣitavya ] [ eṣitavya ] m. f. n. to be sought Comm. on Lit. Bādar.
to be approved Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
एषितृ [ eṣitṛ ] [ eṣitṛ ] m. f. n. one who seeks or strives after , desiring Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
एषिन् [ eṣin ] [ eṣin ] m. f. n. ( generally ifc.) going after , seeking , striving for , desiring Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
एष्टृ [ eṣṭṛ ] [ eṣṭṛ́ ] m. f. n. hastening on, advancing, ib.
एष्टृ [ eṣṭṛ ] [ eṣṭṛ ] = [ eṣitṛ ] above Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
एष्य [ eṣya ] [ eṣya ]2 m. f. n. (fr. the Caus.) , to be examined medically or probed Lit. Suśr.
एष्य [ eṣya ] [ eṣya ]3 m. f. n. (√ [ i ] fut.) , what is to come , future Lit. Sūryas.
एष्यत्कालीय [ eṣyatkālīya ] [ eṣyat-kālīya ] m. f. n. belonging to future time , future.
एहस् [ ehas ] [ ehas ] n. anger Lit. Nigh.
emulation , rivalry ( cf. [ an-ehás ] .)
एहि [ ehi ] [ ehi ]1 (Impv. 2. sg. of [ ā-√ i ] ) , come near!
एहिकटा [ ehikaṭā ] [ ehi-kaṭā ] f.
एहिद्वितीया [ ehidvitīyā ] [ ehi-dvitīyā ] f. g. [ mayūra-vyaṃsakādi ] . Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 72.
एहिभिक्षुका [ ehibhikṣukā ] [ ehibhikṣukā ] f. the call [ e ] [ hi ] [ bhikṣo ] , "come, monk!" , Lit. Divyâv.
एहिवत् [ ehivat ] [ ehi-vat ] m. f. n. containing the word [ ehi ] Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
एहि [ ehi ] [ ehi ]2 m. N. of a man g. [ śārṅgaravādi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 73.
एहिमाय [ ehimāya ] [ éhi-māya ] m. f. n. ( Lit. RV. i , 3 , 9) erroneous for [ áhi-māya ] ( ( Lit. BRD. ) ) , of all-pervading intelligence
( ( [ yad vā saucīkam agnim apsu praviṣṭam éhi mā yāsīr!' iti yad avocan ] , [ tadanukaraṇahetuko 'yaṃ viśveṣāṃ devānāṃ vyapadeśa ehimāyāsa iti ] Lit. Sāy. ) )