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क |
काश् [ kāś ] [ kāś ] Root cl. [1] Ā. [ kāśate ] (perf. [ cakāśe ] , 3. pl. [ °śire ] ) , to be visible , appear Lit. MBh. ; to shine , be brilliant , have an agreeable appearance Lit. ib. : cl. [4] [ kāśyate ] Lit. Dhātup. xxvi , 53 : Intens. P. Ā. [ cā́kaśīti ] , [ cākaśyáte ] , to shine brightly Lit. ŚBr. ii Lit. KātyŚr. ; to see clearly , survey Lit. ŚBr. xi Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 87 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.
काश [ kāśa ] [ kāśa ]1 m. " the becoming visible , appearance " , only in [ sa-k ] q.v.
N. of a man g. [ aśvādi ]
of a prince (the son of Suhotra and father of Kāśi-rāja) Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP.
a species of grass (Saccharum spontaneum , used for mats , roofs , ; also personified , together with the Kuśa grass , as one of Yama's attendants) Lit. Kauś. Lit. R. Lit. Kum.
n. id. Lit. L.
काशकृत्स्न [ kāśakṛtsna ] [ kāśa-kṛtsna ] m. ( gaṇas and [ arīhaṇādi ] ) N. of a grammarian (quoted by Lit. Kaiy. and others)
N. of a philosopher Lit. Bādar.
[ kāśakṛtsna ] m. f. n. taught by Kāśakṛitsni Lit. Pat.
mf ( [ ā ] ) n. studying Kāśakṛitsni's doctrines Lit. Pat.
काशकृत्स्नक [ kāśakṛtsnaka ] [ kāśa-kṛtsnaka ] m. f. n. relating to Kāśa-kṛitsna , g. [ arīhaṇādi ] .
काशकृत्स्नि [ kāśakṛtsni ] [ kāśa-kṛtsni ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. KātyŚr.
of a philosopher Lit. Pat.
काशज [ kāśaja ] [ kāśa-ja ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 82.
काशपौण्ड्र [ kāśapauṇḍra ] [ kāśa-pauṇḍra ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. viii , 2084.
काशमय [ kāśamaya ] [ kāśa-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of the grass Saccharum spontaneum Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. BhP.
काशादि [ kāśādi ] [ kāśādi ] a Gaṇa of Lit. Pāṇ. ( iv , 2 , 80 Lit. Gaṇar. 296) .
काशक [ kāśaka ] [ kāśaka ] m. the grass Saccharum spontaneum Lit. L.
N. of the prince Kāśa Lit. Hariv. 1733 (v.l. [ °śika ] ) .
काशय [ kāśaya ] [ kāśaya ] m. N. of a son of Kāśa or Kāśi Lit. Hariv. 1734
of the country of the Kāśis Comm. on Lit. Uṇ. iv , 117.
काशि [ kāśi ] [ kāśí ] m. " shining " , the sun Lit. L.
the clenched hand , fist , handful Lit. RV. iii , 30 , 5 ; vii , 104 , 8 ; viii , 78 , 10 Lit. Kauś.
N. of a prince (the ancestor of the kings of Kāśi , of the family of Bharata , son of Suhotra and grandfather of Dhanvantari Lit. Hariv. 1734 ; the son of Kāśya and grandson of Suhotra Lit. BhP. ix , 17 , 4)
m. pl. ( [ áyas ] ) the descendants of this prince Lit. BhP. ix , 17 , 10
N. of the people of Kāśi Lit. ŚBr. xiii Lit. MBh.
[ kāśi ] f. " the splendid " , N. of a celebrated city and place of pilgrimage ( the modern Benares , usually written Kāśī q.v.) Lit. Uṇ. iv , 119
fine cotton or silk (from Kāśi) Lit. DivyA7v.
काशिकन्या [ kāśikanyā ] [ kāśí -kanyā ] f. a girl or virgin from Kāśi Lit. MBh. v.
काशिकोसलीय [ kāśikosalīya ] [ kāśí -kosalīya ] m. f. n. connected with or coming from Kāśi and Kosala Lit. Pat.
काशिखण्ड [ kāśikhaṇḍa ] [ kāśí -khaṇḍa ] n. the section of the Skanda-purāṇa treating of Benares.
काशिनगर [ kāśinagara ] [ kāśí -nagara ] n. " the city of the Kāśis " , Benares Lit. MBh. v.
काशिनाथ [ kāśinātha ] [ kāśí -nātha ] m. N. of a man.
काशिप [ kāśipa ] [ kāśí -pa ] m. a sovereign of the Kāśis Lit. MBh. i , 1809 Lit. VarBṛS.
काशिपति [ kāśipati ] [ kāśí -pati ] m. id. Lit. MBh. i , 4083 Lit. Bhag.
N. of Divodāsa Dhanvantari (a king of Benares , author of certain medical works and teacher of the Āyur-veda ; he is often confounded with the celestial namesake , the physician of the gods) Lit. Suśr.
काशिपुरी [ kāśipurī ] [ kāśí -purī ] f. = [ -nagara ] Lit. MBh. xiii , 7785.
काशिमनुज [ kāśimanuja ] [ kāśí -manuja ] m. a man from Kāśi Lit. VarBṛS.
काशिराज [ kāśirāja ] [ kāśí -rāja ] m. = [ -pa ] Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
N. of the Dānava Dīrgha-jihva Lit. MBh. i , 2676
of Divo-dāsa Dhanvantari Lit. Suśr.
of Pratardana Daivodāsi Lit. RAnukr.
of a grandfather of Dhanvantari Lit. VP.
of a prince who has been killed by his wife Lit. VarBṛS.
काशिराजन् [ kāśirājan ] [ kāśí -rājan ] m. = [ -pa ] Lit. MBh. v.
काशिराम [ kāśirāma ] [ kāśí -rāma ] m. N. of a scholiast (who commented on the Tithitattva and several other works) .
काशिवर्धन [ kāśivardhana ] [ kāśi-vardhana ] n. (with [ nagara ] ) the city of Benares, Lit. Buddh.
काशिविलास [ kāśivilāsa ] [ kāśí -vilāsa ] m. = [ kāśīvil ] .
काशीश [ kāśīśa ] [ kāśīśa ] m. " the lord of the Kāśis " , N. of Divo-dāsa Lit. W.
N. of Śiva Lit. W.
[ kāśīśa ] n. wrongly spelt for [ kāsīsa ] q.v.
काशीश्वर [ kāśīśvara ] [ kāśīśvara ] m. a sovereign of the Kāśis Lit. MBh. iii , 6027
N. of a grammarian.
काश्यादि [ kāśyādi ] [ kāśy-ādi ] a Gaṇa of Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 116.
काशिक [ kāśika ] [ kāśika ] m. f. ( [ ā ] , [ ī ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 116) n. coming from Kāśi Lit. Pat. : Lit. Lalit.
silken Lit. DivyA7v.
[ kāśika ] m. N. of a prince (see [ kāśaka ] )
[ kāśikā ] f. ( scil. [ purī ] ) " the city of the Kāśis " , Benares
[ kāśika ] m. ( with or without [ vṛtti ] ) " the Comm. composed or used in Kāśi " , N. of a Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ. by Vāmana and Jayâditya.
काशिकवस्त्र [ kāśikavastra ] [ kāśika-vastra ] n. fine cotton from Kāśi Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
काशिकसूक्ष्म [ kāśikasūkṣma ] [ kāśika-sūkṣma ] n. id. Lit. L.
काशिकातिलक [ kāśikātilaka ] [ kāśikā-tilaka ] n. N. of a poem by Nīla-kaṇṭha.
काशिकान्यास [ kāśikānyāsa ] [ kāśikā-nyāsa ] see [ -vivaraṇapañjikā ] .
काशिकाप्रिय [ kāśikāpriya ] [ kāśikā-priya ] m. " dear to the Kāśikā city " , N. of the king Divo-dāsa Lit. L.
काशिकाविवरणपञ्जिका [ kāśikāvivaraṇapañjikā ] [ kāśikā-vivaraṇa-pañjikā ] f. N. of a Comm. on the [ kāśikā vṛtti ] by Jinêndrabuddhi ( also called [ °kā-nyāsa ] or [ °kā-nyāsa-pañjikā ] ) .
काशिन् [ kāśin ] [ kāśin ] m. f. n. ( only ifc.) shining , appearing , having the semblance of (e.g. [ jita-k ] , appearing or behaving like a conqueror Lit. MBh. ; [ jaya-k ] id. Lit. BhP. iv , 10 , 15)
[ kāśin ] m. N. of a man (as son of Brahman Kavi) Lit. MBh. xiii , 4150.
काशिल [ kāśila ] [ kāśila ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 80.
काशिष्णु [ kāśiṣṇu ] [ kāśiṣṇu ] m. f. n. shining , brilliant Lit. BhP. iv , 30 , 6.
काशी [ kāśī ] [ kāśī ] f. = [ kāśi ] , Benares q.v.
N. of the wife of Sudeva and mother of Supārśva Lit. Hariv. 9204 Lit. VP.
काशीखण्ड [ kāśīkhaṇḍa ] [ kāśī-khaṇḍa ] n. = [ kāśi-kh ] .
काशीनाथ [ kāśīnātha ] [ kāśī-nātha ] m. " lord of Benares " , N. of Śiva Lit. L.
of several men
काशीनाथभट्ट [ kāśīnāthabhaṭṭa ] [ kāśī-nātha--bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of a man.
काशीपति [ kāśīpati ] [ kāśī-pati ] m. a sovereign of Benares Lit. R. i , 12 , 22 ( ( [ kāśi-p ] ed. Bomb i , 13 , 23 ) )
N. of a dramatist.
काशीप्रकाश [ kāśīprakāśa ] [ kāśī-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
काशीप्रघट्टक [ kāśīpraghaṭṭaka ] [ kāśī-praghaṭṭaka ] m. N. of wk.
काशीमाहात्म्य [ kāśīmāhātmya ] [ kāśī-māhātmya ] n. " the glory of Benares " , a section of the Lit. BrahmaP.
काशीमोक्ष [ kāśīmokṣa ] [ kāśī-mokṣa ] m. N. of wk.
काशीराज [ kāśīrāja ] [ kāśī-rāja ] m. a sovereign of Benares Lit. MBh. iv , 2351 ( [ kāśi-r ] ed. Bomb.)
काशीविलास [ kāśīvilāsa ] [ kāśī-vilāsa ] m. N. of wk.
काशीसेतु [ kāśīsetu ] [ kāśī-setu ] m. N. of wk.
काशीस्तोत्र [ kāśīstotra ] [ kāśī-stotra ] n. N. of a panegyric poem on Benares.
काशीय [ kāśīya ] [ kāśīya ] m. f. n. fr. [ kāśa ] g. [ utkarādi ]
fr. [ kāśi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 113
[ kāśīya ] m. N. of a prince (v.l. for [ kāśi-rāja ] ) Lit. VP.
काशेय [ kāśeya ] [ kāśeya ] m. ( fr. [ kāśi ] ) , a prince of the Kāśis Lit. R. vii , 38 , 19
[ kāśeya ] m. pl. N. of a dynasty Lit. VP.
[ kāśeyī ] f. a princess of the Kāśis Lit. MBh. i , 3785.
काश्य [ kāśya ] [ kā́śya ]1 m. " belonging to the Kāśis , ruling over the Kāśis " , a king of Kāśi (as Dhṛitarāshṭra Lit. ŚBr. xiii ; or Ajāta-śatru Lit. ib. xiv) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh.
N. of a king (the father of Kāśyapa and ancestor of Kāśi-rāja Dhanvantari Lit. Hariv. 1521 ; the son of Suhotra ( cf. [ kāśa ] ) Lit. BhP. ix , 17 , 3 ; the son of Senā-jit , Lit. Bh. ix , 21 , 23 Lit. VP.)
[ kāśyā ] f. ( Lit. Gaṇar. 37 Comm.) a princess of Kāśi Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
काश्यक [ kāśyaka ] [ kāśyaka ] m. a king of Kāśi Lit. Hariv. 1520.
काश्यायन [ kāśyāyana ] [ kāśyāyana ] m. a patr. fr. 1. [ kāśya ] g. [ naḍādi ] .
काश [ kāśa ] [ kāśa ]2 wrongly spelt for [ kāsa ] q.v.
काशफरी [ kāśapharī ] [ kāśapharī ] f. g. [ nady-ādi ] .
काशफरेय [ kāśaphareya ] [ kāśaphareya ] m. f. n. fr. [ °pharī ] Lit. ib.
काशब्द [ kāśabda ] [ kā-śabda ] m. the sound [ kā ] .
काशाल्मलि [ kāśālmali ] [ kā-śālmali ] f. a kind of silk-cotton tree , Bombax heptaphyllum Lit. L.
काशि [ kāśi ] [ kāśí ] [ kāśika ] see col 2.
काशिन् [ kāśin ] [ kāśin ] see above.
काशिष्णु [ kāśiṣṇu ] [ kāśiṣṇu ] see above.
काशी [ kāśī ] [ kāśī ] see above.
काशीत [ kāśīta ] [ kāśīta ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. Lāṭy.
काशू [ kāśū ] [ kāśū ] f. = [ vikala-dhātu ] Comm. on Lit. Uṇ. i , 87, an iron spear (= [ kāsū ] ) Lit. ib.
काशूकार [ kāśūkāra ] [ kāśū-kāra ] m. the Areca or betel-nut tree Lit. W.
काशेय [ kāśeya ] [ kāśeya ] see above.
काशेरुयज्ञिक [ kāśeruyajñika ] [ kāśeruyajñika ] m. f. n. fr. [ kaśeruyajña ] Lit. Pat.
काश्मरी [ kāśmarī ] [ kāśmarī ] f. the plant Gmelina arborea (Gambhārī) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Mālatīm.
काश्मर्य [ kāśmarya ] [ kāśmarya ] m. (= [ kārṣm ] ) id. Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
काश्मल्य [ kāśmalya ] [ kāśmalya ] n. ( fr. [ kaśmala ] ) , dejection of mind , weakness , despair Lit. Mcar.
काश्मीर [ kāśmīra ] [ kāśmīra ] m. f. n. ( gaṇas and [ sindhv-ādi ] ) born in or coming from Kaśmīra Lit. MBh. iv , 254
[ kāśmīra ] m. a king of Kaśmīra Lit. Mudr. Lit. Kathās.
the country Kaśmīra Lit. MBh.
m. pl. the inhabitants of Kaśmīra Lit. ib.
m. the country Kaśmīra Lit. ib.
[ kāśmīrā ] f. a sort of grape Lit. L.
[ kāśmīrī ] f. = [ kāśmarī ] Lit. Bhpr.
[ kāśmīra ] m. the tree Ficus elastica Lit. L.
n. the tuberous root of the plant Costus speciosus Lit. L.
saffron Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Gīt. Lit. L.
= [ ṭaṅka ] Lit. L.
काश्मीरज [ kāśmīraja ] [ kāśmīra-ja ] n. " coming from Kāśmīra " , saffron Lit. Naish. xxii , 56 Lit. Bhām.
the tuberous root of the plant Costus speciosus
[ kāśmīrajā ] f. birch (or Aconitum ferox?) Lit. L.
काश्मीरजन्मन् [ kāśmīrajanman ] [ kāśmīra-janman ] n. saffron Lit. L.
काश्मीरजीरका [ kāśmīrajīrakā ] [ kāśmīra-jīrakā ] f. a sort of cummin Lit. L.
काश्मीरदेश [ kāśmīradeśa ] [ kāśmīra-deśa ] m. the country Kaśmīra.
काश्मीरपुर [ kāśmīrapura ] [ kāśmīra-pura ] n. the city of the Kaśmīras.
काश्मीरमण्डल [ kāśmīramaṇḍala ] [ kāśmīra-maṇḍala ] n. = [ -deśa ] .
काश्मीरलिङ्ग [ kāśmīraliṅga ] [ kāśmīra-liṅga ] n. N. a Liṅga.
काश्मीरवाणिज [ kāśmīravāṇija ] [ kāśmīra-vāṇija ] m. a merchant who goes to Kaśmīra, Lit. Pāṇ. vi, 2, 13, Lit. Kāś.
काश्मीरवृक्ष [ kāśmīravṛkṣa ] [ kāśmīra-vṛkṣa ] m. N. of a tree with oily seeds Lit. Npr.
काश्मीरसम्भव [ kāśmīrasambhava ] [ kāśmīra-sambhava ] n. saffron Lit. L.
काश्मीरक [ kāśmīraka ] [ kāśmīraka ] m. f. n. (g. [ kacchādi ] ) born or produced in Kaśmīra , relating to Kaśmīra Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat.
[ kāśmīraka ] m. a prince of Kaśmīra Lit. VarBṛS.
m. pl. the inhabitants of Kaśmīra Lit. MBh. iii , 1991
[ kāśmīrikā ] f. a princess of Kaśmīra Lit. Rājat. vi , 254.
काश्मीरिक [ kāśmīrika ] [ kāśmīrika ] m. f. n. born or produced in Kaśmīra Lit. Rājat.
काश्मीरिकनिवास [ kāśmīrikanivāsa ] [ kāśmīrika-nivāsa ] m. the residence of the Kaśmīras Lit. Rājat. iii , 480.
काश्मीर्य [ kāśmīrya ] [ kāśmīrya ] m. f. n. g. [ saṃkāśādi ] .
काश्य [ kāśya ] [ kāśya ]2 n. = [ kaśya ] , a spirituous liquor Lit. L.
काश्यप [ kāśyapa ] [ kā́śyapa ] m. f. n. belonging to Kaśyapa , relating to or connected with him (e.g. [ kāśyapī devī ] , the earth Lit. Hariv. 10645 ; see [ kāśyapī ] below) Lit. MBh.
(g. [ bidādi ] ) a patr. fr. Kaśyapa ( designating an old grammarian ( Lit. VPrāt. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 67 ) and many other persons , including some , whose family-name was unknown ( Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr. ) ; many subdivisions of Kāśyapa families are known e.g. [ urubilvā-k ] , [ gayā-k ] , [ daśabala-k ] , [ nadī-k ] , [ mahā-k ] [ hasti-k ] )
N. of Aruṇa (the sun) Lit. VP. iii , 12 , 41
of Vishṇu Lit. L.
a sort of deer Lit. L.
a fish Lit. L.
N. of a Buddha, Lit. Inscr.
[ kāśyapī ] f. a female descendant of Kaśyapa Lit. VarBṛS.
the earth (according to a legend of the Purāṇas , Paraśu-rāma , after the destruction of the Kshatriya race and the performance of an Aśvamedha sacrifice , presented the sovereignty of the earth to Kaśyapa) Lit. MBh. viii , 3164 Lit. Hcar.
काश्यपद्वीप [ kāśyapadvīpa ] [ kā́śyapa-dvīpa ] m. N. of a Dvīpa Lit. MBh. vi.
काश्यपनन्दन [ kāśyapanandana ] [ kā́śyapa-nandana ] m. pl. " the children of Kaśyapa " , N. of the gods Lit. MBh. xiii , 3330.
काश्यपपरिवर्त [ kāśyapaparivarta ] [ kā́śyapa-parivarta ] m. N. of a section of the Ratnakūṭa -text Lit. Buddh.
काश्यपस्मृति [ kāśyapasmṛti ] [ kā́śyapa-smṛti ] f. N. of wk.
काश्यपक [ kāśyapaka ] [ kāśyapaka ] m. f. n. relating to or connected with Kaśyapa Lit. VāyuP.
काश्यपायन [ kāśyapāyana ] [ kāśyapāyana ] m. a patr. fr. Kāśyapa g. 1. [ naḍāḍi ]
काश्यपि [ kāśyapi ] [ kāśyapi ] m. id.
N. of Tārkshya Lit. Kathās. xc , 110
N. of Garuḍa Lit. L.
N. of Aruṇa Lit. L.
काश्यपिन् [ kāśyapin ] [ kāśyapin ] m. pl. the school of Kāśyapa Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 103.
काश्यपी [ kāśyapī ] [ kāśyapī ] ( f. of [ kāśyapa ] q.v.)
काश्यपीबालाक्यामाठरीपुत्र [ kāśyapībālākyāmāṭharīputra ] [ kāśyapī-bālākyā-māṭharī-pútra ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
काश्यपीभुज् [ kāśyapībhuj ] [ kāśyapī-bhuj ] m. " enjoying the earth " , a king Lit. Rājat. i , 45.
काश्यपीय [ kāśyapīya ] [ kāśyapīya ] m. pl. the school of Kāśyapa Lit. Buddh.
काश्यपेय [ kāśyapeya ] [ kāśyapeya ] m. a patr. of the twelve Ādityas Lit. MBh. xiii , 7094
of Garuḍa Lit. MBh. i , 1247
of Aruṇa (the sun) Lit. L.
काश्यायन [ kāśyāyana ] [ kāśyāyana ] see p. 280 , col. 3.
काश्वरी [ kāśvarī ] [ kāśvarī ] f. = [ kāśmarī ] Lit. L.
काष [ kāṣa ] [ kāṣa ] see [ kapola-k ] .
काषण [ kāṣaṇa ] [ kāṣaṇa ] m. f. n. unripe Lit. DivyA7v.
काषाय [ kāṣāya ] [ kāṣāya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ kaṣ ] ) , brown-red , dyed of a reddish colour Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Kauś. Lit. MBh.
[ kāṣāyī ] f. ( with [ makṣikā ] ) a sort of fly or wasp Lit. Suśr.
[ kāṣāya ] n. a brown-red cloth or garment Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Yājñ. iii , 157.
काषायग्रहण [ kāṣāyagrahaṇa ] [ kāṣāya-grahaṇa ] n. N. of a Caitya Lit. Lalit.
काषायधारण [ kāṣāyadhāraṇa ] [ kāṣāya-dhāraṇa ] n. wearing a brown-red garment Lit. MBh. xii , 11898.
काषायवसन [ kāṣāyavasana ] [ kāṣāya-vasana ] m. f. n. = [ -vāsas ] Lit. Nal. xxiv , 9
[ kāṣāyavasanā ] f. a widow Lit. L.
काषायवासस् [ kāṣāyavāsas ] [ kāṣāya-vāsas ] m. f. n. wearing a brown garment Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
काषायवासिक [ kāṣāyavāsika ] [ kāṣāya-vāsika ] m. (= [ kaṣ ] ) , a kind of poisonous insect Lit. Suśr.
काषायण [ kāṣāyaṇa ] [ kāṣāyaṇá ] m. ( a patr. fr. [ kaṣāya ] or [ kāṣ ] ) , N. of a teacher Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
काषायिन् [ kāṣāyin ] [ kāṣāyin ] m. " wearing a brown-red garment " , a Buddhist monk Lit. Car. Lit. Vishṇ.
m. pl. ( [ iṇas ] ) the school of Kashāya g. [ śaunakādi ] .
काषि [ kāṣi ] [ kāṣi ] m. a ploughman (= [ karṣaka ] ),L.
काषिन् [ kāṣin ] [ kāṣin ] see [ pat-k ] .
काषेय [ kāṣeya ] [ kāṣeya ] m. pl. N. of a dynasty Lit. VP.
काष्टायन [ kāṣṭāyana ] [ kāṣṭāyana ] m. a patr. fr. [ kaṣṭa ] Lit. Pravar.
काष्ठ [ kāṣṭha ] [ kāṣṭha ] m. N. of one of Kubera's attendants Lit. MBh. ii , 415
[ kāṣṭha ] n. a piece of wood or timber , stick Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn.
wood or timber in general
an instrument for measuring lengths
a kind of measure Lit. SaddhP.
[ kāṣṭham ] ind. ( [ kāṣṭha- ] , in comp. ) with a verb expresses excellence or superiority Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 67 and 68.
काष्ठकदली [ kāṣṭhakadalī ] [ kāṣṭha-kadalī ] f. the wild plantain Lit. L.
काष्ठकलाप [ kāṣṭhakalāpa ] [ kāṣṭha-kalāpa ] m. a bundle of fire-wood, Lit. Hir.
काष्ठकीट [ kāṣṭhakīṭa ] [ kāṣṭha-kīṭa ] m. a small insect or worm found in decayed wood Lit. L.
काष्ठकुट्ट [ kāṣṭhakuṭṭa ] [ kāṣṭha-kuṭṭa ] m. a sort of woodpecker (Picus bengalensis) Lit. Pañcat.
काष्ठकुद्दाल [ kāṣṭhakuddāla ] [ kāṣṭha-kuddāla ] m. a kind of wooden shovel or scraper (used for baling water out of a boat , or for scraping and cleaning its bottom) Lit. L.
(vv.ll. [ -kudāla ] and [ -kūddāla ] .)
काष्ठकूट [ kāṣṭhakūṭa ] [ kāṣṭha-kūṭa ] m. = [ -kuṭṭa ] Lit. Pañcat.
काष्ठखण्ड [ kāṣṭhakhaṇḍa ] [ kāṣṭha-khaṇḍa ] n. a stick , spar , piece of wood Lit. Megh. Lit. Śiś. Lit. Hit.
काष्ठगर्भ [ kāṣṭhagarbha ] [ kāṣṭha-garbha ] m. f. n. woody in the interior Lit. Bhpr.
काष्ठघटन [ kāṣṭhaghaṭana ] [ kāṣṭha-ghaṭana ] m. framing and joining timber.
काष्ठघटित [ kāṣṭhaghaṭita ] [ kāṣṭha-ghaṭita ] m. f. n. framed or formed of wood , wooden.
काष्ठचिता [ kāṣṭhacitā ] [ kāṣṭha-citā ] f. a funeral pile Lit. Pañcad.
काष्ठजम्बू [ kāṣṭhajambū ] [ kāṣṭha-jambū ] f. the plant Premna herbacea Lit. L.
काष्ठतक्ष् [ kāṣṭhatakṣ ] [ kāṣṭha-takṣ ] m. " cutting and framing timber " , a carpenter Lit. L.
काष्ठतक्षक [ kāṣṭhatakṣaka ] [ kāṣṭha-takṣaka ] m. id. Lit. L.
काष्ठतन्तु [ kāṣṭhatantu ] [ kāṣṭha-tantu ] m. a caterpillar (which secretes itself in wood and there passes into a chrysalis) Lit. L.
a small worm found in timber Lit. W.
काष्ठदारु [ kāṣṭhadāru ] [ kāṣṭha-dāru ] m. the tree Pinus Deodora Lit. L.
काष्ठद्रु [ kāṣṭhadru ] [ kāṣṭha-dru ] m. the plant Butea frondosa Lit. L.
काष्ठधात्रीफल [ kāṣṭhadhātrīphala ] [ kāṣṭha-dhātrī-phala ] n. the fruit of the plant Emblica officinalis Lit. L.
काष्ठपट्ट [ kāṣṭhapaṭṭa ] [ kāṣṭha-paṭṭa ] m. a wooden board Lit. Bhpr.
काष्ठपत्त्रोपजीविन् [ kāṣṭhapattropajīvin ] [ kāṣṭha-pattropajīvin ] m. f. n. living by working on wood and leaves Lit. Sāh.
काष्ठपाटला [ kāṣṭhapāṭalā ] [ kāṣṭha-pāṭalā ] f. N. of a plant (= [ sita-pāṭalikā ] ) Lit. L.
काष्ठपाषाणवासस् [ kāṣṭhapāṣāṇavāsas ] [ kāṣṭha-pāṣāṇa-vāsas ] n. pl. wood , stone , and clothes.
काष्ठपुत्तलिका [ kāṣṭhaputtalikā ] [ kāṣṭha-puttalikā ] f. a wooden image ,
काष्ठपुष्प [ kāṣṭhapuṣpa ] [ kāṣṭha-puṣpa ] n. pl. a kind of flower Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
काष्ठप्रदान [ kāṣṭhapradāna ] [ kāṣṭha-pradāna ] n. piling up wood , forming a funeral pile Lit. Pañcat.
काष्ठभक्षण [ kāṣṭhabhakṣaṇa ] [ kāṣṭha-bhakṣaṇa ] n. " devouring of wood (of the funeral pile) " , [ kāṣṭhādhirohaṇa ] Lit. Pañcad.
काष्ठभार [ kāṣṭhabhāra ] [ kāṣṭha-bhāra ] m. a particular weight of wood Lit. Hariv. 4356 Lit. R. i , 4 , 21.
काष्ठभारिक [ kāṣṭhabhārika ] [ kāṣṭha-bhārika ] m. f. n. a wood-carrier , bearer of wood Lit. Kathās. vi , 42.
काष्ठभिद् [ kāṣṭhabhid ] [ kāṣṭha-bhid ] m. f. n. cleaving wood Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 61 Lit. Kāś.
काष्ठभूत [ kāṣṭhabhūta ] [ kāṣṭha-bhūta ] m. f. n. one who has become wood or stands stock still (as an ascetic) Lit. R. i , 65 , 3
[ kāṣṭhabhūta ] m. N. of a demon who causes diseases Lit. Hariv. 9559.
काष्ठभृत् [ kāṣṭhabhṛt ] [ kāṣṭha-bhṛ́t ] see s.v. [ kā́ṣṭhā ] .
काष्ठभेद [ kāṣṭhabheda ] [ kāṣṭha-bheda ] m. cleaving of wood Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 144 Lit. Kāś.
काष्ठमठी [ kāṣṭhamaṭhī ] [ kāṣṭha-maṭhī ] f. a funeral pile Lit. L.
काष्ठमय [ kāṣṭhamaya ] [ kāṣṭha-maya ] m. f. n. made of wood , wooden , consisting of pieces of wood Lit. Mn. ii , 157 Lit. MBh.
काष्ठमल्ल [ kāṣṭhamalla ] [ kāṣṭha-malla ] m. a bier or plank on which dead bodies are carried Lit. L.
काष्ठरजनी [ kāṣṭharajanī ] [ kāṣṭha-rajanī ] f. = [ dāru-haridrā ] Lit. L.
काष्ठरज्जु [ kāṣṭharajju ] [ kāṣṭha-rajju ] f. a cord for binding together a load of wood Lit. R. i , 4 , 20.
काष्ठलेखक [ kāṣṭhalekhaka ] [ kāṣṭha-lekhaka ] m. a small worm found in wood Lit. L.
काष्ठलोष्टमय [ kāṣṭhaloṣṭamaya ] [ kāṣṭha-loṣṭa-maya ] m. f. n. made of wood or clay Lit. Mn. viii , 289.
काष्ठलोहिन् [ kāṣṭhalohin ] [ kāṣṭha-lohin ] m. a club , short cudgel (especially if bound with iron) Lit. L.
काष्ठवत् [ kāṣṭhavat ] [ kāṣṭha-vat ] m. f. n. having wood for fuel ,
[ kāṣṭhavat ] ind. like a piece of wood , like a stick (as when petrified with fear , )
काष्ठवल्लिका [ kāṣṭhavallikā ] [ kāṣṭha-vallikā ] f. N. of a plant (= [ kaṭukā ] ) Lit. L.
काष्ठवल्ली [ kāṣṭhavallī ] [ kāṣṭha-vallī ] f. id. Lit. L.
काष्ठवाट [ kāṣṭhavāṭa ] [ kāṣṭha-vāṭa ] m. a wall made of wood Lit. Rājat. vi , 202.
काष्ठवास्तुक [ kāṣṭhavāstuka ] [ kāṣṭha-vāstuka ] n. a sort of spinage Lit. Npr.
काष्ठविवर [ kāṣṭhavivara ] [ kāṣṭha-vivara ] n. the hollow of a tree Comm. on Lit. Śak.
काष्ठशालिक [ kāṣṭhaśālika ] [ kāṣṭha-śālika ] m. (prob.) a dealer in wood, Lit. Campak.
काष्ठसारिवा [ kāṣṭhasārivā ] [ kāṣṭha-sārivā ] f. the plant Ichnocarpus frutescens Lit. L.
काष्ठस्तम्भ [ kāṣṭhastambha ] [ kāṣṭha-stambha ] m. a beam of wood Lit. Hit.
काष्ठागत [ kāṣṭhāgata ] [ kāṣṭhā-gata ] m. f. n. excessive, vehement, Lit. Kum. iii, 35. 1.
काष्ठागार [ kāṣṭhāgāra ] [ kāṣṭhāgāra ] m. a wooden house Lit. L.
काष्ठागुरु [ kāṣṭhāguru ] [ kāṣṭhāguru ] m. Agallochum Lit. L.
काष्ठादि [ kāṣṭhādi ] [ kāṣṭhādi ] a Gaṇa of Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 67.
काष्ठाधिरोहण [ kāṣṭhādhirohaṇa ] [ kāṣṭhādhirohaṇa ] n. ascending the funeral pile Lit. Pañcad.
काष्ठाम्बुवाहिनी [ kāṣṭhāmbuvāhinī ] [ kāṣṭhāmbu-vāhinī ] f. a wooden bucket or baling vessel Lit. L.
काष्ठालुक [ kāṣṭhāluka ] [ kāṣṭhāluka ] n. a species of Āluka Lit. Suśr. Lit. Hcar.
काष्ठीभू [ kāṣṭhībhū ] [ kāṣṭhī-√ bhū ] to stand stock still or become immovable like a piece of wood Lit. Bhpr.
काष्ठीरस [ kāṣṭhīrasa ] [ kāṣṭhī-rasa ] m. the wild plantain , Musa sapientum Lit. L. ( cf. [ kāṣṭhīlā ] .)
काष्ठेक्षु [ kāṣṭhekṣu ] [ kāṣṭhekṣu ] m. a kind of sugar-cane Lit. L.
काष्ठक [ kāṣṭhaka ] [ kāṣṭhaka ]1 m. a kind of wheat Lit. L.
[ kāṣṭhikā ] f. a small piece of wood Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
wild Pisang Lit. L.
[ kāṣṭhaka ] n. aloe wood or Agallochum Lit. L.
काष्ठिन् [ kāṣṭhin ] [ kāṣṭhin ] m. f. n. wooden Lit. W.
having wood Lit. W.
काष्ठा [ kāṣṭhā ] [ kā́ṣṭhā ] f. a place for running , race-ground , course (also the course , path or track of the wind and clouds in the atmosphere) Lit. RV.
the mark , goal , limit Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
the highest limit , top , summit , pitch Lit. Kum. Lit. Daś.
a quarter or region of the world , cardinal point Lit. Naigh. Lit. Nir. Lit. MBh.
the sixteenth part of the disk of the moon Lit. BhP. i , 12 , 31
a measure of time (= 1/30 Kalā Lit. Mn. i , 64 Lit. Suśr. ; = 1/12 Kalā Lit. Jyot. ; = 1/15 Laghu , = 1/225 Nāḍikā , = 1/450 Muhūrta Lit. BhP. iii , 11 , 7) Lit. MBh. i , 1292
form , form of appearance Lit. BhP. iii , 28 , 12 ; vii , 4 , 22
the sun Lit. Nir. ii , 15
water Lit. ib.
the plant Curcuma xanthorrhiza Lit. L.
N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa (mother of the solidungulous quadrupeds) . Lit. BhP. vi , 6 , 25 ff.
N. of a town.
काष्ठभृत् [ kāṣṭhabhṛt ] [ kāṣṭha-bhṛ́t ] m. f. n. leading to a mark or aim Lit. ŚBr. xi.
काष्ठक [ kāṣṭhaka ] [ kāṣṭhaka ]2 m. f. n. relating to [ kāṣṭhakīya ] g. [ bilvakādi ] .
काष्ठकीय [ kāṣṭhakīya ] [ kāṣṭhakīya ] n. ( ( Lit. Kāś. ) ) f. fr. [ kāṣṭhā ] (a mark , goal) g. 2. [ naḍādi ] .
काष्ठील [ kāṣṭhīla ] [ kāṣṭhīla ] m. a large kind of Calotropis Lit. L.
[ kāṣṭhīlā ] f. a plantain , Musa sapientum Lit. L.
कास् [ kās ] [ kās ]1 Root cl. [1] Ā. [ kāsate ] (perf. [ kāsāṃ cakre ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 35 (see also Comm. on Lit. Bhaṭṭ. v , 105) ; [ cakāse ] or [ kāsām āsa ] Lit. Vop.) , to cough Lit. Suśr. ( once P. Pot. [ kāset ] ) .
कास [ kāsa ] [ kāsa ]1 m. id. Lit. Suśr. Lit. BhP.
[ kāsā ] f. id. Lit. AV. vi , 105 , 1-3.
(also) going, motion, Lit. Śiś. xix, 27.
कासकन्द [ kāsakanda ] [ kāsa-kanda ] m. a species of root (= [ kāsālu ] ) Lit. L.
कासकुण्ठ [ kāsakuṇṭha ] [ kāsa-kuṇṭha ] m. f. n. " afflicted with cough " , N. of Yama.
कासघ्न [ kāsaghna ] [ kāsa-ghna ] m. f. n. removing or alleviating cough , pectoral Lit. Suśr.
[ kāsaghnī ] f. a sort of prickly nightshade (Solanum Jacquini) Lit. L.
कासजित् [ kāsajit ] [ kāsa-jit ] f. " removing cough " , Clerodendrum siphonanthus Lit. L.
कासनाशिनी [ kāsanāśinī ] [ kāsa-nāśinī ] f. N. of a thorny plant ( = [ karkaṭa-śṛṅgī ] ) Lit. L.
कासमर्द [ kāsamarda ] [ kāsa-marda ] m. " cough-destroying " , Cassia Sophora Lit. Suśr.
a remedy against cough (an acid preparation , mixture of tamarinds and mustard) Lit. L.
कासमर्दक [ kāsamardaka ] [ kāsa-mardaka ] m. Cassia Sophora Lit. L.
कासमर्दन [ kāsamardana ] [ kāsa-mardana ] m. Trichosanthes dioeca Lit. L.
कासारि [ kāsāri ] [ kāsāri ] m. " enemy of cough " , Cassia Sophora Lit. L.
कासालु [ kāsālu ] [ kāsālu ] m. an esculent root (sort of yam) Lit. L.
कासिका [ kāsikā ] [ kā́sikā ] f. cough Lit. AV. v , 22 , 12 , xi , 2 , 22.
कासिन् [ kāsin ] [ kāsin ] m. f. n. having a cough Lit. Suśr.
कासुन्दीवटिका [ kāsundīvaṭikā ] [ kāsundī-vaṭikā ] f. a remedy against cough ( = [ kāsa-marda ] ) Lit. L.
कास [ kāsa ] [ kāsa ]2 m. n. for [ kāśa ] (the grass Saccharum spontaneum) Lit. L.
[ kāsa ] m. the plant Moringa pterygosperma Lit. L.
कास [ kāsa ] [ kāsa ]3 m. f. n. fr. √ [ kas ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 140.
कासक [ kāsaka ] [ kāsaka ] m. pl. N. of a dynasty Lit. VP.
कासक्तिक [ kāsaktika ] [ kā-saktika ] m. f. n. wearing a turban ( or = [ baddha-parikara kañcukin ] ) Lit. Gobh. i , 2 , 25.
कासर [ kāsara ] [ kā-sara ] m. ( cf. [ kā-sṛti ] ) a buffalo Lit. L.
कासार [ kāsāra ] [ kāsāra ] m. ( [ am ] n. Lit. L. ) a pond , pool Lit. Hariv. Lit. Daś. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Gīt.
N. of a teacher Lit. BhP. xii , 6 , 59.
कासिका [ kāsikā ] [ kā́sikā ] [ kāsin ] see √ [ kās ] .
कासीस [ kāsīsa ] [ kāsīsa ] n. green vitriol , green sulphate of iron Lit. Car. Lit. Suśr.
कासुन्दीवटिका [ kāsundīvaṭikā ] [ kāsundī-vaṭikā ] see √ [ kās ] .
कासू [ kāsū ] [ kāsū ] f. ( cf. [ kāśū ] ) a sort of spear or lance Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 90 Lit. Uṇ. i , 85
indistinct speech Lit. L.
speech in general Lit. L.
light , lustre Lit. L.
disease Lit. L.
devotion Lit. W.
understanding Lit. L.
कासूतरी [ kāsūtarī ] [ kāsū-tarī ] f. a short spear , javelin Lit. L.
कासृति [ kāsṛti ] [ kā-sṛti ] f. a by-way , secret path Lit. L.
कासेरुयज्ञिक [ kāseruyajñika ] [ kāseruyajñika ] see [ kās ] .
कास्तम्बर [ kāstambara ] [ kāstambara ] m. N. of a man , (pl.) his family Lit. Saṃskārak.
कास्तीर [ kāstīra ] [ kāstīra ] n. N. of a village of the Bāhīkas Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 155.
कास्तीरिक [ kāstīrika ] [ kāstīrika ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 104 Lit. Pat.
कास्तूरिक [ kāstūrika ] [ kāstūrika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ kastūrikā ] ) , made or consisting of musk Lit. Hcat.
काहका [ kāhakā ] [ kāhakā ] f. ( cf. [ kāhalā ] ) a kind of musical instrument Lit. L.
काहन् [ kāhan ] [ kāhan ] n. ( fr. 3. [ ká ] ) , a day of Brahmā ( or one thousand Yugas see [ kalpa ] ) Lit. Āryabh.
काहय [ kāhaya ] [ kāhaya ] m. a patr. fr. [ kahaya ] g. [ śivādi ] .
काहल [ kāhala ] [ kāhala ] m. f. n. speaking unbecomingly Lit. HYog.
speaking indistinctly Lit. L.
mischievous Lit. L.
large , excessive Lit. L.
dry , withered Lit. L.
[ kāhala ] m. a large drum Lit. Pañcat.
a sound Lit. L.
a cat Lit. L.
a cock Lit. L.
N. of an author
[ kāhalā ] f. a kind of musical instrument Lit. Rājat. v , 464
[ kāhala ] m. N. of an Apsaras Lit. L.
[ kāhalī ] f. a young woman Lit. L.
[ kāhala ] m. N. of Varuṇa's wife Lit. L.
n. unbecoming speech Lit. SāmavBr.
a kind of musical instrument Lit. L.
काहलापुष्प [ kāhalāpuṣpa ] [ kāhalā-puṣpa ] n. a thorn-apple ( Datura Metel , = [ dhustūra ] ) Lit. L.
काहलि [ kāhali ] [ kāhali ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. xiii , 1179.
काहलिन् [ kāhalin ] [ kāhalin ] m. N. of a Ṛishi , Lit. Tantr.
काहस् [ kāhas ] [ kāhas ] see [ kāhan ] .
काहाबाह [ kāhābāha ] [ kā́hābāha ] n. a rumbling noise in the bowels Lit. AV. ix , 8 , 11.
काहारक [ kāhāraka ] [ kā-hāraka ] m. a bearer of a palanquin.
काही [ kāhī ] [ kāhī ] f. the plant Wrightia antidysenterica Lit. L.
काहूजी [ kāhūjī ] [ kāhūjī ] m. N. of the author of an astronomical work (father of the writer Mahā-deva) .
काहूय [ kāhūya ] [ kāhūya ] m. a patr. fr. [ kahūya ] g. [ śivādi ] ( [ kāhūṣa ] Lit. Kāś.)
काहूष [ kāhūṣa ] [ kāhūṣa ] see [ kāhūya ] .
काहोड [ kāhoḍa ] [ kāhoḍa ] m. a patr. fr. [ kahoḍa ] g. [ śivādi ] .
काहोडि [ kāhoḍi ] [ kāhoḍi ] m. id. Lit. Kāṭh. xxv , 7.
काह्लार [ kāhlāra ] [ kāhlāra ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ kahl ] ) , coming from the white water-lily Lit. Kuval.
कि [ ki ] [ ki ]1 a pronominal base , like 2. [ ká ] and 1. [ ku ] , in the words [ kí m ] , [ kí yat ] , [ kis ] , [ kī-dṛkṣa ] , [ kī-dṛ́ś ] , [ kī-dṛśa ] , [ kī́vat ] .
कि [ ki ] [ ki ]2 Root cl. [3] P. [ cikéti ] . see √ [ ci ] .
किंयु [ kiṃyu ] [ kiṃ-yú ] [ kim-rāja ] , see [ kí m ] .
किंशारु [ kiṃśāru ] [ kiṃ-śāru ] see Lit. ib.
किंशिल [ kiṃśila ] [ kiṃ-śilá ] see Lit. ib.
किंस्तुघ्न [ kiṃstughna ] [ kiṃ-s-tu-ghna ] see Lit. ib.
किंस्त्य [ kiṃstya ] [ kiṃstya ] n. a kind of fruit (?) Lit. Kauś.
accord. to Sch., "a conch-shell" = [ śankha ] .
किकि [ kiki ] [ kiki ] m. a blue jay. Lit. L.
the cocoa tree (Nārikela) Lit. L.
किकिदिव [ kikidiva ] [ kiki-diva ] m. a blue jay Lit. L.
किकिदिवि [ kikidivi ] [ kiki-divi ] m. a blue jay Lit. L.
किकिदीवि [ kikidīvi ] [ kiki-dīví ] m. id. Lit. RV. x , 97 , 13
a partridge Lit. TS. v , 6 , 22 , 1.
किकिन् [ kikin ] [ kikin ] m. a blue jay Lit. L.
किकी [ kikī ] [ kikī ] f. id. Lit. L.
किकीदिव [ kikīdiva ] [ kikī-diva ] m. id. Lit. L.
किकीदिवि [ kikīdivi ] [ kikī-divi ] m. id. Lit. L.
किकीदीवि [ kikīdīvi ] [ kikī-dīvi ] m. id. Lit. L.
किकिरा [ kikirā ] [ kikirā́ ] ind. with √ 1. [ kṛ ] , to tear into pieces , rend into rags and tatters Lit. RV. vi , 53 , 7 and 8.
किकिवि [ kikivi ] [ kikivi ] m. or f. a kind of bird, Lit. L.
किक्किटा [ kikkiṭā ] [ kikkiṭā́ ] ind. a particular exclamation Lit. TS. iii , 4 , 2 , 1 Lit. Kāṭh.
किक्किटाकारम् [ kikkiṭākāram ] [ kikkiṭā́-kā́ram ] ind.p. with the exclamation [ kikkiṭā ] Lit. TS. iii.
किक्किश [ kikkiśa ] [ kikkiśa ] m. a kind of worm (pernicious to the hair , nails , and teeth) Lit. Suśr.
किक्किस [ kikkisa ] [ kikkisa ] m. id. Lit. Car.
किक्किसाद [ kikkisāda ] [ kikkisāda ] m. " eating the Kikkisa " , a species of snake Lit. Suśr.
किक्नस [ kiknasa ] [ kiknasa ] m. particles of ground corn , bruised grain , groats Lit. AitBr. ii , 9.
किक्विश [ kikviśa ] [ kikviśa ] v.l. for [ kikkiśa ] .
किखि [ kikhi ] [ kikhi ] m. a monkey Lit. L.
[ kikhi ] f. a small kind of jackal or fox Lit. L.
किङ्कणी [ kiṅkaṇī ] [ kiṅkaṇī ] v.l. for [ kiṅkiṇī ] .
किंकर [ kiṃkara ] [ kiṃ-kara ] see [ kí m ] .
किङ्किण [ kiṅkiṇa ] [ kiṅkiṇa ] m. a kind of drum Lit. L.
N. of a son of Bhajamāna Lit. BhP. ix , 24 , 7
[ kiṅkiṇī ] f. a small bell Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
N. of an acid sort of grape (= Vikaṅkata) Lit. L.
N. of a goddess Lit. Tantras.
किङ्किणि [ kiṅkiṇi ] [ kiṅkiṇi ] f. (= [ °ṇī ] ) a small bell Lit. L.
किङ्किणिका [ kiṅkiṇikā ] [ kiṅkiṇikā ] f. id. Lit. Śiś. v , 58 Lit. Hcat.
किङ्किणीजालमालिन् [ kiṅkiṇījālamālin ] [ kiṅkiṇī-jāla-mālin ] m. f. n. having a circlet of small bells Lit. MBh. Lit. Hcat.
किङ्किणीसायक [ kiṅkiṇīsāyaka ] [ kiṅkiṇī-sāyaka ] m. an arrow ornamented with small bells Lit. MBh. iv , 1336.
किङ्किणीक [ kiṅkiṇīka ] [ kiṅkiṇīka ] id. Lit. Kum. vii , 49.
किङ्किणीकाश्रम [ kiṅkiṇīkāśrama ] [ kiṅkiṇīkāśrama ] m. N. of an hermitage Lit. MBh. xiii , 1709.
किङ्किणीकिन् [ kiṅkiṇīkin ] [ kiṅkiṇīkin ] m. f. n. decorated with small bells Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. 2023.
किङ्किर [ kiṅkira ] [ kiṅkira ] m. a horse Lit. L.
the Indian cuckoo (Kokila or Koïl) Lit. L.
a large black bee Lit. L.
the god of love Lit. L.
[ kiṅkira ] n. the frontal sinus of an elephant Lit. L.
किङ्किरात [ kiṅkirāta ] [ kiṅkirāta ] m. ( or [ kiṃ-k ] ; g. [ kiṃśukādi ] ) a parrot Lit. L.
the Indian cuckoo
the god of love Lit. L.
Jonesia Aśoka Lit. L.
red or yellow amaranth Lit. Kād.
किङ्किराल [ kiṅkirāla ] [ kiṅkirāla ] m. N. of a plant (= [ varvūra ] ) Lit. L.
किङ्किरिन् [ kiṅkirin ] [ kiṅkirin ] m. the plant Flacourtia sapida Lit. L.
किंकृते [ kiṃkṛte ] [ kiṃ-kṛte ] see [ kí m ] .
किंक्षण [ kiṃkṣaṇa ] [ kiṃ-kṣaṇa ] see Lit. ib.
किञ्चिलिक [ kiñcilika ] [ kiñcilika ] m. an earth-worm Lit. L.
किञ्चुलक [ kiñculaka ] [ kiñculaka ] m. id. Lit. Bhpr.
किञ्चुलुक [ kiñculuka ] [ kiñculuka ] m. id. Lit. ib.
किंज [ kiṃja ] [ kiṃ-ja ] [ -jopya ] see [ kí m ] .
किञ्जल्क [ kiñjalka ] [ kiñjalka ] m. n. ( or [ kiṃ-j ] ; g. [ kiṃśukādi ] ) the filament of a plant (especially of a lotus) Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ kiñjalka ] n. the flower of Mesua ferrea Lit. L.
किञ्जल्किन् [ kiñjalkin ] [ kiñjalkin ] m. f. n. having filaments Lit. Devīm.
किट् [ kiṭ ] [ kiṭ ] Root cl. [1] P. [ keṭati ] , to go or approach Lit. Dhātup. ; to alarm or terrify Lit. ib. ; to fear Lit. ib.
किट [ kiṭa ] [ kiṭa ] m. a kind of ape Lit. Gal.
the son of a Vaiśya and a Kīlushī (cf. [ kīluṣa ] below), Lit. L.
किटक [ kiṭaka ] [ kiṭaka ] n. see [ kiṭika ] .
किटकिटापय [ kiṭakiṭāpaya ] [ kiṭakiṭāpaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to gnash the teeth Lit. Car.
किटकिटाय [ kiṭakiṭāya ] [ kiṭakiṭāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] id. Lit. Suśr.
किटिमूलक [ kiṭimūlaka ] [ kiṭi-mūlaka ] m.
किटिमूलाभ [ kiṭimūlābha ] [ kiṭi-mūlābha ] m. Batatas edulis Lit. Npr.
किटिवरवदना [ kiṭivaravadanā ] [ kiṭi-vara-vadanā ] f. N. of a deity Lit. Buddh.
किटिक [ kiṭika ] [ kiṭika ] n. (v.l. [ °ṭaka ] ) , a kind of weapon (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 85 Vārtt. 3 Lit. Pat.
किटिभ [ kiṭibha ] [ kiṭibha ] m. a bug Lit. L.
a louse Lit. L.
[ kiṭibha ] n. a kind of exanthema Lit. Suśr.
किटिभक [ kiṭibhaka ] [ kiṭibhaka ] m. a louse Lit. DivyA7v.
किटिम [ kiṭima ] [ kiṭima ] n. a kind of leprosy Lit. Suśr.
किट्ट [ kiṭṭa ] [ kiṭṭa ] n. secretion , excretion Lit. Suśr.
dirt , rust (of iron) Lit. ib. ( cf. [ tila-k ] , [ taila-k ] .)
किट्टवर्जित [ kiṭṭavarjita ] [ kiṭṭa-varjita ] n. " free from any impurity " , semen virile Lit. L.
किट्टाल [ kiṭṭāla ] [ kiṭṭāla ] m. rust of iron Lit. L.
a copper vessel Lit. L.
किट्टिम [ kiṭṭima ] [ kiṭṭima ] n. unclean water Lit. L.
किण [ kiṇa ] [ kiṇa ] m. a corn , callosity Lit. MBh. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Śak.
a scar , cicatrix Lit. Bhpr. : Lit. Hcar.
an insect found in wood Lit. L.
किणकृत [ kiṇakṛta ] [ kiṇa-kṛta ] m. f. n. ( for [ kṛta-kiṇa ] ) callous Lit. MBh. iv , 53.
किणजात [ kiṇajāta ] [ kiṇa-jāta ] m. f. n. ( for [ jāta-kiṇa ] ) id. Lit. ib. iii , 11005.
किणवत् [ kiṇavat ] [ kiṇa-vat ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh. iv , 633 and 639.
किणि [ kiṇi ] [ kiṇi ] f. Achyranthes aspera Lit. L.
किणिही [ kiṇihī ] [ kiṇihī ] f. id. Lit. Suśr.
किण्व [ kiṇva ] [ kiṇva ] n. ( [ as ] m. Lit. L. ) ferment , drug or seed used to produce fermentation in the manufacture of spirits from sugar , bassia , Lit. Āp. Lit. Mn. viii , 326 Lit. Suśr. ( cf. [ taṇḍula-k ] )
किण्विन् [ kiṇvin ] [ kiṇvin ] m. a horse Lit. L. ( cf. [ kindhin ] .)
किण्वीय [ kiṇvīya ] [ kiṇvīya ] m. f. n. fr. [ kiṇva ] g. [ apūpādi ] .
किण्व्य [ kiṇvya ] [ kiṇvya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
कित् [ kit ] [ kit ] Root cl. [3] [ cí ketti ] see 2. [ cit ] and [ ketaya ] .
कित [ kita ] [ kita ] m. N. of a man g. [ aśvādi ] .
कितव [ kitava ] [ kitavá ] m. (g. [ śauṇḍādi ] ( also [ vyāghrādi ] , but not in Lit. Kāś. and Lit. Gaṇar. ) ) a gamester , gambler Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
a cheat , fraudulent man Lit. BhP. viii , 20 , 3 Lit. Megh. Lit. Amar.
( also ifc. e.g. [ yājñika-k ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 53 Lit. Kāś.)
(= [ matta ] ) a crazy person Lit. L.
thorn-apple ( cf. [ dhūrta ] and [ unmatta ] ) Lit. L.
a kind of perfume (commonly Rocana) Lit. Bhpr.
N. of a man g. [ tikādi ] , [ utkarādi ] , [ aśvādi ]
कितवीय [ kitavīya ] [ kitavīya ] m. f. n. g. [ utkarādi ] .
किदर्भ [ kidarbha ] [ kidarbha ] m. N. of a man g. [ bidādi ] (vv.ll. [ kiṃ-d ] , [ vid ] , ; cf. Lit. Gaṇar. 243) .
किनाट [ kināṭa ] [ kí nāṭa ] n. the inner part of a tree Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
किनारिलिपि [ kinārilipi ] [ kināri-lipi ] f. a kind of writing Lit. Lalit.
किंतनु [ kiṃtanu ] [ kiṃ-tanu ] [ -tu-ghna ] , see [ kí m ] .
किन्दुबिल्व [ kindubilva ] [ kindu-bilva ] N. of the place where Jaya-deva was born and where his family resided Lit. Gīt. iii , 10 (vv.ll. [ kinduvilla ] , [ kenduvilla ] , and [ tinduvilla ] ) .
किंदेव [ kiṃdeva ] [ kiṃ-deva ] see [ kí m ] .
किन्धिन् [ kindhin ] [ kindhin ] m. a horse Lit. L. ( v.l. for [ kilkin ] ) .
किंनर [ kiṃnara ] [ kiṃ-nara ] see [ kí m ] .
किंनु [ kiṃnu ] [ kiṃ-nu ] see s.v. [ kí m ] .
किप्प [ kippa ] [ kippa ] m. a kind of worm Lit. Suśr. (v.l. [ kiṣya ] ) .
किम् [ kim ] [ kí m ] ind. ( fr. 1. [ ki ] , originally nom. and acc. sg. n. of 2. [ ká ] q.v.) , what? how? whence? wherefore? why?
किम् [ kim ] [ kim ] is much used as a particle of interrogation like the Lat. (num) , (an) , sometimes translatable by " whether? " but oftener serving only like a note of interrogation to mark a question (e.g. [ kiṃ vyādhā vane 'smin saṃcaranti ] , " do hunters roam about in this wood? " In an interrogation the verb , if uncompounded with a preposition , generally retains its accent after [ kim ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 44) . To this sense may be referred the [ kim ] expressing inferiority , deficiency , at the beginning of compounds (e.g. [ kiṃ-rājan ] , what sort of king? i.e. a bad king Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 64 ; v , 4 , 70)
also the [ kim ] prefixed to verbs with a similar meaning (e.g. [ kim-adhīte ] , he reads badly Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 44 Lit. Kāś.) [ kim-uta ] , or [ kim-uta-vā ] or [ kim-athavā-uta ] , whether-or-or Lit. R. Lit. Śak. Lit. Bhartṛ. ( cf. [ utá ] .)
किम् [ kim ] [ kim ] is very frequently connected with other particles , as follows: [ kí m aṅgá ] , wherefore then? Lit. RV.
[ kim api ] , somewhat , to a considerable extent , rather , much more , still further Lit. Śak. Lit. Megh.
[ kim iti ] , why? Lit. Śak. Lit. Kum. Lit. Pañcat.
[ kim-iva ] , what for? Lit. Śiś. xvi , 31
[ kí m-u ] or [ kí m-utá ] how much more? how much less? Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
[ kiṃ kila ] , what a pity! (expressing dissatisfaction) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 146
[ kiṃ-ca ] , moreover , further Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
what more (expressing impatience) Lit. Śak.
[ kiṃ-cana ] ( originally [ -ca na ] , negative = " in no way " ) , to a certain degree , a little Lit. Kathās.
(with a negation) in no way , not at all Lit. MBh. i , 6132
[ kiṃ-cid ] , somewhat , a little Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ kiṃ tarhi ] , how then? but , however Lit. Pāṇ. 2-2 , 4 Lit. Pat. Lit. 4-1 , 163 , Lit. Kaś.
[ kiṃ-tu ] , but , however , nevertheless ( bearing the same relation to [ tu ] that [ kiṃ-ca ] bears to [ ca ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ kiṃ-nu ] , whether indeed? (a stronger interrogative than [ kim ] alone) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
how much more? how much less? Lit. Bhag. i , 35
[ kiṃ nu khalu ] , how possibly? (a still stronger interrogative) Lit. Śak.
[ kim punar ] , how much more? how much less? Lit. R. Lit. Bhag. ix , 33
however Lit. Bālar.
but Lit. ib.
[ kiṃ vā ] , whether? or whether? Lit. Śak. Lit. Pañcat.
or (often a mere particle of interrogation)
[ kí ṃ svid ] , why? Lit. Kathās. xxvi , 75
a stronger interrogative than [ kim ] alone Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
किं [ kiṃ ] [ kiṃ ]1 ( in comp. for [ kí m ] ) .
किंयु [ kiṃyu ] [ kiṃ-yú ] m. f. n. what wishing? Lit. RV. iii , 33 , 4.
किंराज [ kiṃrāja ] [ kiṃ-rāja ] m. whose sovereign? Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 70 Lit. Pat.
किंलक्षणक [ kiṃlakṣaṇaka ] [ kiṃ-lakṣaṇaka ] m. f. n. distinguished by what marks? Comm. on Lit. Bādar.
किंवत् [ kiṃvat ] [ kiṃ-vat ] m. f. n. having what? Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 59 Lit. Pat.
[ kiṃvat ] ind. like what? Lit. Sarvad.
किंवदन्त [ kiṃvadanta ] [ kiṃ-vadanta ] m. N. of an imp (inimical to children) Lit. PārGṛ. i , 16
[ kiṃvadantī ] f. ( Lit. Uṇ. iii , 50) " what do they say? " the common saying or rumour , report , tradition , tale Lit. Prab. Lit. Dhūrtas. Lit. Hit.
किंवदन्ति [ kiṃvadanti ] [ kiṃ-vadanti ] f. = [ -vadantī ] before Lit. L.
किंवराटक [ kiṃvarāṭaka ] [ kiṃ-varāṭaka ] m. one who says " what is a cowrie? " i.e. a spendthrift who does not value small coins Lit. Hit. ii , 87.
किंवर्ण [ kiṃvarṇa ] [ kiṃ-varṇa ] m. f. n. of what colour? Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
किंविद् [ kiṃvid ] [ kiṃ-vid ] m. f. n. what knowing? Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
किंविद्य [ kiṃvidya ] [ kiṃ-vidya ] m. f. n. possessing the science of what? Lit. MBh. xii.
किंविध [ kiṃvidha ] [ kiṃ-vidha ] m. f. n. of what kind? Lit. Bālar.
किंविभाग [ kiṃvibhāga ] [ kiṃ-vibhāga ] m. f. n. having what subdivisions? Lit. Sūryas.
किंविशेषण [ kiṃviśeṣaṇa ] [ kiṃ-viśeṣaṇa ] m. f. n. distinguished by what? Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
किंविषयक [ kiṃviṣayaka ] [ kiṃ-viṣayaka ] m. f. n. relating to what? Comm. on Lit. Bādar.
किंवीर्य [ kiṃvīrya ] [ kiṃ-vīrya ] m. f. n. of what power? Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
किंवृत्त [ kiṃvṛtta ] [ kiṃ-vṛtta ] m. who says " what is an event? " i.e. who does not wonder at any event (N. of the attendants of a lion) Lit. Pañcat.
[ kiṃvṛtta ] n. any form derived from the pron. [ ká ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 6 and 144 ; viii , 1 , 48.
किंव्यापार [ kiṃvyāpāra ] [ kiṃ-vyāpāra ] m. f. n. following what occupation? Lit. Śak.
किंशारु [ kiṃśāru ] [ kiṃ-śāru ] ( m. Lit. Uṇ. ) n. the beard of corn Lit. AitBr. ii , 9
[ kiṃśāru ] m. ( [ us ] ) an arrow Lit. L.
a heron Lit. L.
किंशिल [ kiṃśila ] [ kiṃ-śilá ] m. f. n. (land) having small stones or gravelly particles Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Kāṭh.
किंशील [ kiṃśīla ] [ kiṃ-śīla ] m. f. n. of what habits? in what manner generally existing or living? Lit. MBh.
किंशुक [ kiṃśuka ] [ kiṃ-śuka ] m. the tree Butea frondosa (bearing beautiful blossoms , hence often alluded to by poets) Lit. MBh.
[ kiṃśuka ] n. the blossom of this tree Lit. R. Lit. Suśr. ( cf. [ palāśá ] and [ sukiṃśuká ] )
किंशुकादि [ kiṃśukādi ] [ kiṃ-śukādi ] m. a Gaṇa of Bhoja ( Lit. Gaṇar. 107)
किंशुकोदक [ kiṃśukodaka ] [ kiṃ-śukodaka ] n. a decoction made from the blossoms of the tree Butea frondosa Lit. Suśr.
किंशुलक [ kiṃśulaka ] [ kiṃ-śulaka ] m. a variety of the tree Butea frondosa Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 117
किंशुलकागिरि [ kiṃśulakāgiri ] [ kiṃ-śulakā-giri ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. ib.
किंशुलकादि [ kiṃśulakādi ] [ kiṃ-śulakādi ] m. a Gaṇa of Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. ib.
किंशुलुक [ kiṃśuluka ] [ kiṃ-śuluka ] v.l. for [ -śulaka ] q.v.
किंस [ kiṃsa ] [ kiṃ-sa ] m. f. n. = [ kiṃ syati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 110 Lit. Kāś.
किंसखि [ kiṃsakhi ] [ kiṃ-sakhi ] nom. [ °khā ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 64 Lit. Kāś.) a bad friend Lit. Kir. i , 5.
किंसंनिश्रय [ kiṃsaṃniśraya ] [ kiṃ-saṃniśraya ] m. f. n. having what support or substratum? Comm. on Lit. Bādar.
किंसमाचार [ kiṃsamācāra ] [ kiṃ-samācāra ] m. f. n. of what behaviour? Lit. MBh. xii.
किंसाधन [ kiṃsādhana ] [ kiṃ-sādhana ] m. f. n. having what proof? Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
किंसुहृद् [ kiṃsuhṛd ] [ kiṃ-suhṛd ] m. = [ -sakhi ] Lit. Hit.
किंस्तुघ्न [ kiṃstughna ] [ kiṃ-s-tu-ghna ] m. n. = [ kiṃ-tu-ghna ] (below) Lit. Jyot. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Sūryas.
किंस्थ [ kiṃstha ] [ kiṃ-stha ] m. f. n. occupied with what?, Lit. Rājat.
किंस्वरूप [ kiṃsvarūpa ] [ kiṃ-svarūpa ] m. f. n. of what characteristics? Comm. on Lit. Sūryas.
किं [ kiṃ ] [ kiṃ ]2 ( in comp. for [ kí m ] ) .
किंकर [ kiṃkara ] [ kiṃ-kara ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 21) a servant , slave Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
(probably) a particular part of a carriage Lit. AV. viii , 8 , 22
a kind of Rākshasa Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
N. of one of Śiva's attendants Lit. Kathās. cxviii , 5
[ kiṃkara ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. R. iv , 44 , 13
[ kiṃkarā ] f. a female servant Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 21 Vārtt.
[ kiṃkarī ] f. the wife of a servant Lit. ib.
a female servant Lit. MBh. iv , 634 Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
किंकरत्व [ kiṃkaratva ] [ kiṃ-kara--tva ] n. the condition of a servant or slave Lit. Pañcat.
किंकरपाणि [ kiṃkarapāṇi ] [ kiṃ-kara--pāṇi ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ kiṃ karavāṇi ] , " what am l to do? " ) , having hands ready to attend any one Lit. MBh. iii , 303
किंकरीभू [ kiṃkarībhū ] [ kiṃ-karī-√ bhū ] to become a slave Comm. on Lit. Naish. vi , 81
किंकरीय [ kiṃkarīya ] [ kiṃ-karīya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to think (any one) to be a slave Lit. HYog.
किंकराल [ kiṃkarāla ] [ kiṃ-karāla ] m. the tree Acacia arabica Lit. L.
किंकर्तव्यता [ kiṃkartavyatā ] [ kiṃ-kartavya-tā ] f. any situation or circumstances in which one asks one's self what ought to be done? Lit. Daś. ( cf. [ iti-kart ] .)
किंकर्मन् [ kiṃkarman ] [ kiṃ-karman ] m. f. n. of what occupation? Lit. R. iii , 73 , 9.
किंकल [ kiṃkala ] [ kiṃ-kala ] m. N. of a man g. 1. [ naḍādi ] .
किंकाम्य [ kiṃkāmya ] [ kiṃ-kāmya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to wish what? Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 9. Lit. Siddh.
किंकाम्या [ kiṃkāmyā ] [ kiṃ-kāmyā́ ] ( old instr.) ind. from a desire for what? Lit. ŚBr. i , 2 , 5 , 25.
किंकारण [ kiṃkāraṇa ] [ kiṃ-kāraṇa ] m. f. n. having what reason or cause? Lit. ŚvetUp.
किंकार्यता [ kiṃkāryatā ] [ kiṃ-kārya-tā ] f. = [ -kartavya-tā ] Lit. Kathās. x , 101
Lit. lxxx , 50 .
किंकृते [ kiṃkṛte ] [ kiṃ-kṛte ] loc. ind. what for? Lit. Kathās. lxxi , 79.
किंक्षण [ kiṃkṣaṇa ] [ kiṃ-kṣaṇa ] m. who says " what is a moment? " i.e. a lazy fellow who does not value moments Lit. Hit. ii , 87.
किंगोत्र [ kiṃgotra ] [ kiṃ-gotra ] m. f. n. belonging to what family? Lit. Kauś. 55.
किंचन [ kiṃcana ] [ kiṃ-cana ] see 2. [ ká ] and [ kí m ] above
(= [ kiṃ-śuka ] ) Butea frondosa Lit. L.
किंचनता [ kiṃcanatā ] [ kiṃ-cana--tā ] f. something , somewhat.
किंचनक [ kiṃcanaka ] [ kiṃ-canaka ] m. N. of a Nāga demon Lit. Buddh.
किंचन्य [ kiṃcanya ] [ kiṃ-canya ] n. property Lit. MBh. xii , 11901 ( cf. [ a-kiṃcana ] .)
किंचिद् [ kiṃcid ] [ kiṃ-cid ] n. (see 2. [ ká ] ) " something " , N. of a particular measure (= eight handfuls) Comm. on Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
किंचिच्चीरितपत्त्रिका [ kiṃciccīritapattrikā ] [ kiṃ-cic-cīrita-pattrikā ] f. the plant Beta bengalensis ( = [ cīrita-cchadā ] ) Lit. Npr.
किंचिद्छेष [ kiṃcidcheṣa ] [ kiṃ-cid--cheṣa ] m. f. n. ( [ °cid-ś° ] ) of which only a small remainder is left Lit. MBh. ix , 34 and 1442 Lit. Kathās.
किंचिज्ज्ञ [ kiṃcijjña ] [ kiṃ-cij-jña ] m. f. n. knowing a little , a mere smatterer
किंचित्क [ kiṃcitka ] [ kiṃ-cit-ka ] m. f. n. ( with the pron. [ ya ] preceding) whatever Lit. AitBr. ii , 9
किंचित्कर [ kiṃcitkara ] [ kiṃ-cit-kara ] m. f. n. significant Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 27 Vārtt. 6 Lit. Pat.
अकिंचित्कर [ akiṃcitkara ] [ a-kiṃ-cit-kara ] m. f. n. not able to do anything , insignificant Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Veṇis.
किंचित्परे [ kiṃcitpare ] [ kiṃ-cit--pare ] ind. loc. a little after
किंचित्पाणि [ kiṃcitpāṇi ] [ kiṃ-cit-pāṇi ] m. N. of a particular weight (= [ karṣa ] ) Lit. ŚārṅgS.
किंचित्प्राण [ kiṃcitprāṇa ] [ kiṃ-cit--prāṇa ] m. f. n. having a little life left
किंचिन्मात्र [ kiṃcinmātra ] [ kiṃ-cin-mātra ] n. only a little.
किंछन्दस् [ kiṃchandas ] [ kiṃ-chandas ] m. f. n. conversant with which Veda? Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
having what metre? Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
किंज [ kiṃja ] [ kiṃ-ja ] m. f. n. of low origin Lit. Bhaṭṭ. vi , 133
[ kiṃja ] n. the blossom of Mesua ferrea Lit. L.
किंजप्य [ kiṃjapya ] [ kiṃ-japya ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh. iii , 6049 ( cf. [ kiṃ-dāna ] .)
किंज्योतिस् [ kiṃjyotis ] [ kiṃ-jyotis ] ( [ kí ṃ- ] ) m. f. n. having which light? Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
किंतनु [ kiṃtanu ] [ kiṃ-tanu ] m. an insect (described as having eight legs and a very slender body) , a species of spider Lit. L.
किंतमाम् [ kiṃtamām ] [ kiṃ-tamām ] ind. whether? whether of many?
किंता [ kiṃtā ] [ kiṃ-tā ] f. " the state of whom? " any despicable state or condition , contemptibleness
[ kiṃtayā ] ind. instr. contemptibly.
किंतुघ्न [ kiṃtughna ] [ kiṃ-tu-ghna ] m. " destroying all but " , one of the eleven periods called Karaṇa ( cf. [ kiṃ-s-tu-ghna ] before.)
किंत्व [ kiṃtva ] [ kiṃ-tvá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ kí m tvám ] . " what thou? " ) questioning impudently (as a drunken man) Lit. VS. xx , 28.
किंदत्त [ kiṃdatta ] [ kiṃ-datta ] m. N. of a sacred well Lit. MBh. iii , 6069 (v.l. [ °data ] ) .
किंदर्भ [ kiṃdarbha ] [ kiṃ-darbha ] v.l. for [ kidarbha ] q.v.
किंदान [ kiṃdāna ] [ kiṃ-dāna ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh. iii , 6049.
किंदास [ kiṃdāsa ] [ kiṃ-dāsa ] m. N. of a man g. [ bidādi ] .
किंदेव [ kiṃdeva ] [ kiṃ-deva ] m. an inferior god , demi-god Lit. BhP. xi , 14 , 6.
किंदेवत [ kiṃdevata ] [ kiṃ-devata ] ( [ kí ṃ- ] ) m. f. n. having what deity? Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
किंदेवत्य [ kiṃdevatya ] [ kiṃ-devatyá ] m. f. n. belonging to or devoted to what deity? Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
किंधर्मक [ kiṃdharmaka ] [ kiṃ-dharmaka ] m. f. n. of what nature or character? Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
किंनर [ kiṃnara ] [ kiṃ-nara ] m. " what sort of man? " a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (or with a horse's body and the head of a man Lit. Śiś. iv , 38 ; originally perhaps a kind of monkey cf. [ vā-nara ] ; in later times (like the Naras) reckoned among the Gandharvas or celestial choristers , and celebrated as musicians ; also attached to the service of Kubera ; (with Jains) one of the eight orders of the Vyantaras) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
N. of a prince Lit. VP.
of Nara (a son of Vibhīshaṇa) Lit. Rājat. i , 197
of the attendant of the fifteenth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Lit. Jain.
N. of a locality g. [ takṣaśilādi ]
[ kiṃnarā ] f. a kind of musical instrument Lit. L. ( cf. 1)
[ kiṃnarī ] f. a female Kiṃnara Lit. R. Lit. Megh.
a female Kimpurusha Lit. R. vii , 89 , 3
the lute of the Caṇḍālas Lit. L.
किंनरकण्ठ [ kiṃnarakaṇṭha ] [ kiṃ-nara--kaṇṭha ] m. f. n. singing like a Kiṃnara Lit. Viddh.
किंनरनगर [ kiṃnaranagara ] [ kiṃ-nara--nagara ] n. a town of the Kiṃnaras Lit. DivyA7v.
किंनरपति [ kiṃnarapati ] [ kiṃ-nara--pati ] m. " the lord of the Kiṃnaras " , N. of Kubera Lit. Bālar.
किंनरवर्ष [ kiṃnaravarṣa ] [ kiṃ-nara--varṣa ] m. a division of the earth (said to be north of the Himālaya mountains)
किंनरेश [ kiṃnareśa ] [ kiṃ-nareśa ] m. " the lord of the Kiṃnaras " , N. of Kubera Lit. L.
किंनरेश्वर [ kiṃnareśvara ] [ kiṃ-nareśvara ] m. " the lord of the Kiṃnaras " , N. of Kubera Lit. L.
किंनामक [ kiṃnāmaka ] [ kiṃ-nāmaka ] m. f. n. having what name? Lit. Sāh.
किंनामधेय [ kiṃnāmadheya ] [ kiṃ-nāmadheya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Pañcat.
किंनामन् [ kiṃnāman ] [ kiṃ-nāman ] m. f. n. id. , Lit. Śāntiś. Lit. Kuval.
किंनिमित्त [ kiṃnimitta ] [ kiṃ-nimitta ] m. f. n. having what cause or reason? Lit. Mālav. Lit. BhP.
[ kiṃnimittam ] ind. from what cause? for what reason? why? Lit. R.
किम् [ kim ] [ kim ] ( in comp.)
किमधिकरण [ kimadhikaraṇa ] [ kim-adhikaraṇa ] m. f. n. referring to what? Lit. Śāntiś.
किमद्यक [ kimadyaka ] [ kim-adyaka ] m. f. n. not valuing the present day, Lit. MBh.
किमन्तर [ kimantara ] [ kim-antara ] m. f. n. being at what distance from each other? Lit. Sūryas.
किमभिधान [ kimabhidhāna ] [ kim-abhidhāna ] m. f. n. having what name? Lit. Kād. Lit. Sāh.
किमर्थ [ kimartha ] [ kim-artha ] m. f. n. having what aim? Lit. AitĀr. Lit. MBh.
[ kimartham ] ind. from what motive? what for? wherefore? why? Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. MBh.
किमवस्थ [ kimavastha ] [ kim-avastha ] m. f. n. being in what condition (of health) ? Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 1 Vārtt. 11.
किमाकार [ kimākāra ] [ kim-ākāra ] m. f. n. of what shape? Lit. Sūryas.
किमाख्य [ kimākhya ] [ kim-ākhya ] m. f. n. how named? Lit. Śak.
किमाचार [ kimācāra ] [ kim-ācāra ] m. f. n. being of what conduct or behaviour? Lit. R. vii , 62 , 1.
किमात्मक [ kimātmaka ] [ kim-ātmaka ] m. f. n. of what particularity? Comm. on Lit. Sūryas.
किमाधार [ kimādhāra ] [ kim-ādhāra ] m. f. n. referring to what? Lit. Śāntiś.
किमायुस् [ kimāyus ] [ kim-āyus ] m. f. n. reaching what age? Lit. R. vii , 51 , 9.
किमाश्रय [ kimāśraya ] [ kim-āśraya ] m. f. n. being supported by what? Lit. Sūryas.
किमाहार [ kimāhāra ] [ kim-āhāra ] m. f. n. taking what food? Lit. R. vii , 62 , 1.
किमिच्छक [ kimicchaka ] [ kim-icchaka ] n. what one wishes or desires , anything desired Lit. MBh. xii , xiii
[ kimicchaka ] m. N. of a particular form of austerity (by which any object is obtained) Lit. MārkP.
किमुत्सेध [ kimutsedha ] [ kim-utsedha ] m. f. n. of what height? Lit. Sūryas.
किम्पच [ kimpaca ] [ kim-paca ] m. f. n. " who cooks nothing " , miserly , avaricious Lit. L.
किम्पचान [ kimpacāna ] [ kim-pacāna ] m. f. n. id. Lit. L.
किम्पराक्रम [ kimparākrama ] [ kim-parākrama ] m. f. n. of what power? Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
किम्परिवार [ kimparivāra ] [ kim-parivāra ] m. f. n. having what attendance? Lit. Daś.
किम्पर्यन्तम् [ kimparyantam ] [ kim-paryantam ] ind. to what extent? how far? how long?
किम्पवित्र [ kimpavitra ] [ kim-pavitra ] ( [ kí m ] -), m. f. n. purified by what? Lit. TS.
किम्पाक [ kimpāka ] [ kim-pāka ] m. f. n. not mature , childish , ignorant , stupid Lit. L.
[ kimpāka ] m. a Cucurbitaceous plant (of a very bad taste , Trichosanthes palmata) Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. MārkP.
Strychnos nux vomica Lit. L.
n. the fruit of Trichosanthes palmata Lit. R. ii , 66 , 6 Lit. Jain. Lit. Prasannar.
किम्पुना [ kimpunā ] [ kim-punā ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh. ii , 373 ; iii , 12910.
किम्पुरुष [ kimpuruṣa ] [ kim-puruṣá ] [ -puruṣá ] ( Lit. ŚBr. i ) or [ -púruṣa ] ( Lit. ŚBr. vii ) , m. " what sort of a man? " a mongrel being (according to the Brāhmaṇas an evil being similar to man ; perhaps originally a kind of monkey ( cf. Lit. BhP. xi , 16 , 29 ) ; in later times the word is usually identified with [ kiṃ-nara ] , though sometimes applied to other beings in which the figure of a man and that of an animal are combined ; these beings are supposed to live on Hema-kūṭa and are regarded as the attendants of Kubera ; with Jains the Kimpurushas , like the Kiṃnaras , belong to the Vyantaras)
N. of one of the nine sons of Āgnīdhra (having the Varsha Kimpurusha as his hereditary portion) Lit. VP.
a division of the earth (one of the nine Khaṇḍas or portions into which the earth is divided , and described as the country between the Himâcala and Hema-kūṭa mountains , also called [ kimpuruṣa-varṣa ] Lit. Kād.) Lit. VP. Lit. BhP. Lit. MatsyaP.
[ kimpuruṣī ] f. a female Kimpurusha Lit. R. vii , 88 , 22
किम्पुरुषीकृ [ kimpuruṣīkṛ ] [ kim-puruṣī́--√ kṛ ] [ kimpuruṣī- ] √ 1. [ kṛ ] , to change into a Kimpurusha Lit. ib.
किम्पुरुषेश [ kimpuruṣeśa ] [ kim-puruṣeśa ] m. " lord of the Kimpurushas " , N. of Druma Lit. MBh. ii , 410 Lit. Hariv. 5014 = 5495
किम्पुरुषेश्वर [ kimpuruṣeśvara ] [ kim-puruṣeśvara ] m. N. of Kubera Lit. L.
किम्पुरुषीकृ [ kimpuruṣīkṛ ] [ kim-púruṣī-√ kṛ ] [ kimpuruṣī- ] √ 1. [ kṛ ] , to change into a Kimpurusha Lit. ib.
किम्पुरुषीय [ kimpuruṣīya ] [ kim-puruṣīya ] n. story about a Kimpurusha Lit. R.
किम्पूरुष [ kimpūruṣa ] [ kim-pūruṣá ] m. " what sort of a man? " (probably) a low and despicable man Lit. VS. xxx , 16
a mongrel being (= [ -puruṣá ] ) Lit. BhP.
[ kimpūruṣa ] n. N. of the Kimpurusha-varsha Lit. L.
किम्प्रकारम् [ kimprakāram ] [ kim-prakāram ] ind. in what manner? Lit. Vop. vii , 110.
किम्प्रभाव [ kimprabhāva ] [ kim-prabhāva ] m. f. n. possessing what power? Lit. Pañcat.
किम्प्रभु [ kimprabhu ] [ kim-prabhu ] m. a bad lord or master Lit. Hit.
किम्प्रमाण [ kimpramāṇa ] [ kim-pramāṇa ] n. what circumference? Lit. R. vii , 51 , 9
[ kimpramāṇa ] m. f. n. of what circumference? Lit. R. Lit. Sūryas. Lit. Hcat.
किम्फल [ kimphala ] [ kim-phala ] m. f. n. giving what kind of fruit? Lit. Daś.
किम्बल [ kimbala ] [ kim-bala ] m. f. n. possessing what strength or power? Lit. BhP. vii , 8 , 7.
किम्भरा [ kimbharā ] [ kim-bharā ] f. a kind of perfume (commonly called Nalī) Lit. L.
किम्भूत [ kimbhūta ] [ kim-bhūta ] m. f. n. being what? Comm. on Lit. VS. , on Lit. Ragh.
[ kimbhūtam ] ind. how? in what manner or degree? like what?
किम्भृत्य [ kimbhṛtya ] [ kim-bhṛtya ] m. a bad servant Lit. Hit.
किम्मन्त्रिन् [ kimmantrin ] [ kim-mantrin ] m. a bad minister Lit. Hit.
किम्मय [ kimmaya ] [ kim-máya ] m. f. n. consisting of what? Lit. RV. iv , 35 , 4.
किम्मात्र [ kimmātra ] [ kim-mātra ] m. f. n. of what circuit? Lit. Sūryas.
किमीय [ kimīya ] [ kimīya ] m. f. n. belonging to whom or what? Lit. Daś.
किमीदिन् [ kimīdin ] [ kimīdí n ] m. N. of a class of evil spirits Lit. RV. vii , 104 , 2 and 23 ; x , 87 , 24 Lit. AV.
[ kimīdinī ] f. id. Lit. AV. ii , 24 , 5-8.
किम्पल [ kimpala ] [ kimpala ] (= 1?) , a kind of musical instrument Lit. Lalit.
किम्ब [ kimba ] [ kimba ] m. a kind of tree, Lit. Nalac.
कियत् [ kiyat ] [ kí yat ] m. f. n. ( fr. 1. [ ki ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 40 ; vi , 3 , 90) , how great? how large? how far? how much? of what extent? of what qualities? Lit. RV. Lit. AV. (Ved. loc. [ kí yāti ] with following [ ā́ ] , how long ago? since what time? Lit. RV. i , 113 , 10 ; ii , 30 , 1 ; [ kiyaty adhvani ] , at what distance? how far off? Lit. MBh. xiv , 766 ; [ kiyad etad ] , of what importance is this to (gen.) Lit. Kathās. iii , 49 ; [ tena kiyān arthah ] , what profit arises from that? Lit. BhP. ; [ kiyac ciram ] ind. how long? Lit. Kathās. ; [ kiyac cireṇa ] , in how long a time? how soon? Lit. Śak. ; [ kiyad dūre ] , how far? Lit. Pañcat. lii , 4 ; [ kiyad rodimi ] , what is the use of my weeping? Lit. Kād. ; [ kiyad asubhis ] , what is the use of living? Lit. BhP. i , 13 , 22)
little , small , unimportant , of small value (often in comp. , e.g. [ kiyad-vakra ] , a little bent Comm. on Lit. Yājñ. ; [ kiyad api ] , how large or how far soever Lit. Pañcat. ; [ yā́vat kí yac ca ] , how large or how much soever , of what qualities soever Lit. AV. viii , 7 , 13 Lit. ŚBr.)
[ kiyat ] ind. how far? how much? how? Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
a little Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Hit.
कियत्कालम् [ kiyatkālam ] [ kí yat-kālam ] ind. how long? some little time ago.
कियद् [ kiyad ] [ kiyad ] ( in comp. for [ kiyat ] ) .
कियदेतिका [ kiyadetikā ] [ kiyad-etikā ] f. effort , vigorous or persevering exertions according to one's strength Lit. L.
कियदेहिका [ kiyadehikā ] [ kiyad-ehikā ] f. effort , vigorous or persevering exertions according to one's strength Lit. L.
कियद्दूर [ kiyaddūra ] [ kiyad-dūra ] n. " what distance? " see [ -dūre ] above s.v. [ kí yat ]
" some small distance " , ( [ °re ] ind. , [ am ] ind. , or in comp.) ind. not far , a little way Lit. Hit.
[ kiyaddūre ] ind. , see [ kiyaddūra ] , not far , a little way Lit. Hit.
[ kiyaddūram ] ind. , see [ kiyaddūra ] , not far , a little way Lit. Hit.
कियन् [ kiyan ] [ kiyan ] ( in comp. for [ kiyat ] ) .
कियन्मात्र [ kiyanmātra ] [ kiyan-mātra ] m. f. n. of little importance Lit. Pañcat.
[ kiyanmātra ] n. trifle , small matter Lit. Kathās. lxv , 139.
कियेधा [ kiyedhā ] [ kiyedhā́ ] m. f. n. ( for [ kiyad-dhā́ ] ) containing or surrounding much (N. of Indra) Lit. RV. i , 61 , 6 and 12 ( Lit. Nir. vi , 20) .
कियाम्बु [ kiyāmbu ] [ kiyā́mbu ] m. a kind of aquatic plant (= [ kyā́mbū ] ) Lit. RV. x , 16 , 13.
कियाह [ kiyāha ] [ kiyāha ] m. a chestnut-coloured horse Lit. L.
कियेधा [ kiyedhā ] [ kiyedhā́ ] see [ kí yat ] .
किर् [ kir ] [ kir ] m. f. n. (√ 1. [ kṝ ] ) ifc. pouring out Lit. Viddh.
किरक [ kiraka ] [ kiraka ] m. a scribe Lit. L.
[ kirikā ] f. ink-stand Lit. Gal.
किरण [ kiraṇa ] [ kiráṇa ] m. dust , very minute dust Lit. RV.
a rein (a meaning drawn probably fr. Lit. RV. iv , 38 , 6) Lit. Naigh. i , 5
a ray or beam of light , a sun- or moonbeam Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
(perhaps) thread Lit. RV. x , 106 , 4 Lit. AV. xx , 133 , 1 and 2
N. of a kind of Ketu (of which twenty-five are named) Lit. VarBṛS.
the sun Lit. L.
N. of a Śaiva work Lit. Sarvad.
किरणपति [ kiraṇapati ] [ kiráṇa-pati ] m. " the lord of rays " , the sun Lit. VarBṛS.
किरणपाणि [ kiraṇapāṇi ] [ kiráṇa-pāṇi ] m. " whose hands are rays " , she sun Lit. ShaḍvBr.
किरणमय [ kiraṇamaya ] [ kiráṇa-maya ] m. f. n. radiant , bright.
किरणमालिन् [ kiraṇamālin ] [ kiráṇa-mālin ] m. " garlanded with rays " , the sun Lit. L.
किरणाख्यतन्त्र [ kiraṇākhyatantra ] [ kiraṇākhya-tantra ] n. N. of wk. on architecture Comm. on Lit. VarBṛS.
किरणावली [ kiraṇāvalī ] [ kiraṇāvalī ] f. N. of a Comm. by Udayana
of another Comm. by Dādābhāi on the Lit. Sūryas.
किरणावलीप्रकाश [ kiraṇāvalīprakāśa ] [ kiraṇāvalī--prakāśa ] m. N. of comments on the preceding commentaries.
किरणावलीप्रकाशव्याख्या [ kiraṇāvalīprakāśavyākhyā ] [ kiraṇāvalī--prakāśa-vyākhyā ] f. N. of comments on the preceding commentaries.
किरत् [ kirat ] [ kirat ] m. f. n. (pr.p.) scattering , spreading
pouring out Lit. Amar.
throwing (as arrows) Lit. MBh.
strewing , pouring over , filling with Lit. MBh.
किरि [ kiri ] [ kiri ] m. " a pile " see [ ākhu-kirí ]
a hog (= [ kiṭi ] ) Lit. Uṇ. iv , 144
Batatas edulis Lit. Npr.
for [ giri ] q.v.
किरिक [ kirika ] [ kiriká ] m. f. n. sparkling , beaming Lit. VS. xvi , 46 ( cf. [ gir ] )
[ kirikā ] f. see [ kiraka ] .
किर्याणी [ kiryāṇī ] [ kiryāṇī ] f. a wild hog Lit. L.
किराट [ kirāṭa ] [ kirāṭa ] m. a merchant Lit. Rājat. viii , 132 ( cf. [ kirīṭa ] .)
किरात [ kirāta ] [ kí rāta ] m. pl. N. of a degraded mountain-tribe (inhabiting woods and mountains and living by hunting , having become Śūdras by their neglect of all prescribed religious rites ; also regarded as Mlecchas ; the Kirrhadae of Arrian) Lit. VS. xxx , 16 Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. Lit. Mn. x , 44 Lit. MBh.
[ kirāta ] m. a man of the Kirāta tribe
a prince of the Kirātas Lit. VarBṛS. xi , 60
a dwarf. Lit. L. ( cf. [ kubja-k ] )
a groom , horseman Lit. L.
the plant Agathotes Chirayta ( also called [ kirāta-tikta ] ) Lit. L.
N. of Śiva (as a mountaineer opposed to Arjuna , described in Bhāravi's poem Kirātârjunīya)
[ kirātī ] f. a woman of the Kirāta tribe
a low-caste woman who carries a fly-flap or anything to keep off flies Lit. Ragh. xvi , 57
a bawd , procuress Lit. L.
N. of the goddess Durgā Lit. Hariv. 10248
of the river Gaṅgā Lit. L.
of the celestial Gaṅgā as river of Svarga Lit. L.
किरातकुल [ kirātakula ] [ kí rāta-kula ] m. f. n. belonging to the Kirāta tribe Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
(see [ kilāta ] .)
किराततिक्त [ kirātatikta ] [ kí rāta-tikta ] m. the plant Agathotes Chirayta (a kind of gentian) Lit. Suśr.
किराततिक्तक [ kirātatiktaka ] [ kí rāta-tiktaka ] m. id. Lit. ib.
किरातवल्लभ [ kirātavallabha ] [ kí rāta-vallabha ] n. a kind of sandalwood Lit. Gal.
किरातार्जुनीय [ kirātārjunīya ] [ kirātārjunīya ] n. N. of a poem by Bhāravi (describing the combat of Arjuna with the god Śiva in the form of a wild mountaineer or Kirāta ; this combat and its result is described in the Lit. MBh. iii , 1538-1664) .
किराताशिन् [ kirātāśin ] [ kirātāśin ] m. " swallowing the Kirātas " , N. of Vishṇu's bird Garuḍa Lit. L.
किरातक [ kirātaka ] [ kirātaka ] m. ifc. a man of the mountain-tribe of the Kirātas
Agathotes Chirayta Lit. L.
किराति [ kirāti ] [ kirāti ] f. (= [ kirātī ] ) , N. of Gaṅgā Lit. L.
किरातिनी [ kirātinī ] [ kirātinī ] f. Indian spikenard (Nardostachys Jaṭāmāṃsī) Lit. L.
किरि [ kiri ] [ kiri ] [ kiriká ] see [ kir ] .
किरिट [ kiriṭa ] [ kiriṭa ] see [ áti-kir ] .
किरिटि [ kiriṭi ] [ kiriṭi ] n. the fruit of the marshy date tree (Phoenix paludosa) Lit. L.
किरिश [ kiriśa ] [ kiriśa ] m. the ancestor of Kairiśi q.v.
किरीट [ kirīṭa ] [ kirīṭa ] m. f. n. see [ ati-kir ]
[ kirīṭa ] n. ( [ as ] m. g. [ ardharcādi ] ) , a diadem , crest , any ornament used as a crown , tiara Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
n. N. of a metre of four lines (each containing twenty-four syllables)
m. (= [ kirāṭa ] ) a merchant Lit. BhP. xii , 3 , 35
किरीटधारण [ kirīṭadhāraṇa ] [ kirīṭa-dhāraṇa ] n. wearing a diadem , assuming the crown.
किरीटधारिन् [ kirīṭadhārin ] [ kirīṭa-dhārin ] m. f. n. crowned , having a tiara
[ kirīṭadhārin ] m. a king.
किरीटभृत् [ kirīṭabhṛt ] [ kirīṭa-bhṛt ] m. " wearing a diadem " , N. of Arjuna Lit. MBh. xiv , 2436.
किरीटमालिन् [ kirīṭamālin ] [ kirīṭa-mālin ] m. ornamented with a diadem Lit. Hariv. 13018
N. of Arjuna Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
किरीटिन् [ kirīṭin ] [ kirīṭin ] m. f. n. decorated with a diadem Lit. MBh.
[ kirīṭin ] m. N. of Indra Lit. MBh. i , 1525 ; xiii , 765
of Arjuna Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhag. Lit. Pañcat.
of Nara ( according to the Comm. ) Lit. MBh. i
of an attendant of Skanda Lit. MBh. ix , 2573
of an attendant of Śiva Comm. on Lit. Kum. vii , 95.
किरोडाट्य [ kiroḍāṭya ] [ kiroḍāṭya ] Nom. P. [ °ṭyati ] , to cheat g. [ kaṇḍv-ādi ] .
किर्बिर [ kirbira ] [ kirbira ] m. f. n. variegated Lit. Gal.
किर्मिर [ kirmira ] [ kirmirá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. VS. xxx , 21 ( cf. [ karbara ] .)
किर्मीर [ kirmīra ] [ kirmīra ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Hcar.
[ kirmīra ] m. a variegated colour Lit. L.
the orange tree Lit. L.
N. of a Rākshasa conquered by Bhīma-sena Lit. MBh. iii , 368 ff.
किर्मीरजित् [ kirmīrajit ] [ kirmīra-jit ] m. " conquering the Rākshasa Kirmīra " N. of Bhīmasena Lit. L.
किर्मीरत्वच् [ kirmīratvac ] [ kirmīra-tvac ] m. " having a variegated rind " , the orange tree Lit. L.
किर्मीरनिषूदनभिद् [ kirmīraniṣūdanabhid ] [ kirmīra-niṣūdana-bhid ] m. = [ -jit ] Lit. L.
किर्मीरसूदन [ kirmīrasūdana ] [ kirmīra-sūdana ] m. id. Lit. Gal.
किर्मीरारि [ kirmīrāri ] [ kirmīrāri ] m. " the enemy of Kirmīra " , N. of Bhīma-sena Lit. L.
किर्मीरित [ kirmīrita ] [ kirmīrita ] m. f. n. " variegated " , mingled with ( in comp.) Lit. Naish. vi , 97
variegated , spotted Lit. Prab.
किर्मी [ kirmī ] [ kirmī ] f. a hall Lit. L.
an image of gold or iron Lit. L.
(= [ karmin ] ) the Palāśa tree (Butea frondosa) Lit. L.
किर्मीर [ kirmīra ] [ kirmīra ] see [ kirbira ] .
किर्याणी [ kiryāṇī ] [ kiryāṇī ] see [ kir ] .
किल् [ kil ] [ kil ] Root cl. [6] P. [ kilati ] , to be or become white (or " to freeze " ) Lit. Dhātup. xxviii , 61 ; to play Lit. ib. : cl. [10] P. [ kelayati ] , to send , throw Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 64.
किल [ kila ] [ kila ]1 m. play , trifling Lit. L.
किलकिञ्चित [ kilakiñcita ] [ kila-kiñcita ] n. amorous agitation (such as weeping , laughing , being angry , merry , in the society of a lover) Lit. Sāh. Lit. Daśar. ii , 30 and 37.
किल [ kila ] [ kí la ]2 ind. (a particle of asseveration or emphasis) indeed , verily , assuredly Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
(or of explanation) namely Lit. ŚBr.
" so said " " so reported " , pretendedly Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kād.
( [ kila ] is preceded by the word on which it lays stress , and occurs very rarely at the beginning of a sentence or verse ( Lit. R. iv , 14 , 14 Lit. Pañcat. lxxxix , 4 ) ; according to native lexicographers [ kila ] may be used in communicating intelligence , and may imply " probably " , " possibly " , " agreement " , " dislike " , " falsehood " , " inaccuracy " , and " reason. " )
किल [ kila ] [ kila ]3 m. N. of a man Lit. Pravar.
किलकिल [ kilakila ] [ kilakila ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. xii , 10365
[ kilakila ] m. pl. N. of a Yavana tribe Lit. VP. ( cf. [ kilikila ] )
[ kilakilā ] f. (an onomatopoetic word) , sounds or cries expressing joy , or the expression of joy by any sound or cry Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Mcar. Lit. Bālar.
किलकिलाय [ kilakilāya ] [ kilakilāya ] Nom. P. Ā. [ °yati ] , [ °yate ] , to raise sounds expressing joy Lit. Bhaṭṭ. vii , 102 Lit. Kāraṇḍ. ; to cry , give a shriek Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
किलिकिलय [ kilikilaya ] [ kilikilaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to raise sounds expressing joy Lit. Bālar.
किलिकिलाय [ kilikilāya ] [ kilikilāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] id. Lit. Hcar.
किलिकिलित [ kilikilita ] [ kilikilita ] n. sounds expressing joy Lit. Bālar.
किलञ्ज [ kilañja ] [ kilañja ] m. (= [ kiliñja ] ) a mat Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
किलाट [ kilāṭa ] [ kilāṭa ] m. inspissated milk Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ kilāda ] ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
किलाटिन् [ kilāṭin ] [ kilāṭin ] m. " having white juice like [ kilāṭa ] milk " , a bamboo Lit. L.
किलात [ kilāta ] [ kilāta ] m. (= [ kí r ] ) a dwarf. Lit. L.
(g. [ bidādi ] ) , " N. of an Asura priest " , only in comp.
किलाताकुली [ kilātākulī ] [ kilātākulī́ ] m. du. the two Asura priests Kilāta and Ākuli Lit. ŚBr. i , 1 , 4 , 14 (v.l. [ kirāta-kulyau ] f. du. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.)
किलास [ kilāsa ] [ kilā́sa ] m. f. n. leprous Lit. VS. xxx , 21 Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
[ kilāsī ] f. a kind of spotted deer (described as the vehicle of the Maruts) Lit. RV. v , 53 , 1
[ kilāsa ] n. a white leprous spot Lit. AV. i , 23 , 1 and 2 ; 24 , 2
(in med.) a species of leprosy (resembling the so-called white leprosy in which the skin becomes spotted without producing ulcers) Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Suśr.
किलासघ्न [ kilāsaghna ] [ kilā́sa-ghna ] m. " removing leprosy " , a sort of gourd (Momordica Mixta) Lit. L.
किलासत्व [ kilāsatva ] [ kilā́sa-tva ] n. the state of being leprous Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
किलासनाशन [ kilāsanāśana ] [ kilā́sa-nā́śana ] m. f. n. removing leprosy Lit. AV. i , 24 , 2.
किलासभेषज [ kilāsabheṣaja ] [ kilā́sa-bheṣajá ] n. a remedy against leprosy Lit. ib.
किलासमय [ kilāsamaya ] [ kilā́sa-maya ] m. f. n. scabby (as a dog) , Lit. Kauś. 13.
किलासिन् [ kilāsin ] [ kilāsin ] m. f. n. leprous Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Lit. Gaut. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 128 Lit. Kāś.
किलिकिल [ kilikila ] [ kilikila ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VP.
[ kilikilā ] f. N. of a town Lit. BhP. xii , 1 , 30
[ kilikila ] f. (= [ °lak° ] ) cries expressing joy Lit. DivyA7v.
किलिकिलय [ kilikilaya ] [ kilikilaya ] see [ kilakila ] .
किलिञ्च [ kiliñca ] [ kiliñca ] m. a thin plank , board Lit. L.
(= [ vaṃśa ] ) a bamboo Lit. L.
किलिञ्चन [ kiliñcana ] [ kiliñcana ] m. a sort of fish Lit. Npr.
किलिञ्ज [ kiliñja ] [ kiliñja ] m. a thin plank of green wood Lit. L.
a mat Lit. Suśr.
किलिञ्जहस्तिन् [ kiliñjahastin ] [ kiliñja-hastin ] m. an elephant formed by mats Lit. Sāh.
किलिञ्जक [ kiliñjaka ] [ kiliñjaka ] m. a mat Lit. L.
किलिन [ kilina ] [ kilina ] m. f. n. = [ klinna ] , Lit. Gobh., Sch.
किलिम [ kilima ] [ kilima ] n. a kind of pine ( Pinus Deodar cf. [ deva-dāru ] ) Lit. Car.
किल्किन् [ kilkin ] [ kilkin ] m. (= [ kindhin ] ) a horse Lit. L.
किल्बिष [ kilbiṣa ] [ kí lbiṣa ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) fault , offence , sin , guilt Lit. RV. v , 34 , 4 Lit. AV. Lit. VS. (once m. Lit. BhP. iii , 28 , 11)
injustice , injury Lit. MBh. i , 882
disease Lit. L.
किल्बिषस्पृत् [ kilbiṣaspṛt ] [ kí lbiṣa-spṛ́t ] m. f. n. removing or avoiding sins Lit. RV. x , 71 , 10 Lit. AitBr. i , 13.
किल्बिषिन् [ kilbiṣin ] [ kilbiṣin ] m. f. n. one who commits an offence , wicked , culpable , sinful Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (often ifc. e.g. [ artha-k ] q.v. , [ rāja-k ] , who as a king commits an offence Lit. MBh. i , 1703) .
किल्बिषी [ kilbiṣī ] [ kilbiṣī ] f. a courtezan, Lit. L.
night, ib.
a Piśācī, ib.
किल्विन् [ kilvin ] [ kilvin ] m. (= [ °lkin ] ) a horse Lit. L.
किशरादि [ kiśarādi ] [ kiśarādi ] a Gaṇa of Lit. Pāṇ. ( iv , 4 , 53 Lit. Gaṇar. 387) .
किशरावत् [ kiśarāvat ] [ kiśarā-vat ] m. f. n. g. [ madhv-ādi ] .
किशल [ kiśala ] [ kiśala ] v.l. for [ kisala ] Lit. L.
किशोर [ kiśora ] [ kiśorá ] m. a colt Lit. AV. xii , 4 , 7 Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
a youth , lad Lit. BhP.
the sun Lit. L.
Benjamin or Styrax Benzoin (= [ taila-parṇy-oṣadhi ] ) Lit. L.
N. of a Dānava Lit. Hariv.
[ kiśorī ] f. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 107 Lit. Pat.) a female colt Lit. R.
a maiden Lit. BhP.
किशोरक [ kiśoraka ] [ kiśoraka ] m. a colt Lit. L.
the young of any animal Lit. Daś. Lit. Kād. Lit. Prasannar. Lit. Kathās.
[ kiśorikā ] f. " a female colt " or " a maiden " g. [ śubhrādi ] .
किष्क् [ kiṣk ] [ kiṣk ] Root cl. [10] Ā. [ °ṣkayate ] , to injure , kill Lit. Dhātup. xxxiii , 12.
किष्किन् [ kiṣkin ] [ kiṣkin ] see [ śva-kiṣkí n ] .
किष्किन्ध [ kiṣkindha ] [ kiṣkindha ] m. N. of a mountain (in the south of India , in Oḍra , containing a cave , the residence of the monkey-prince Vālin who was slain by Rāma ; the territory which is said to be in the northern part of Mysore , near the sources of the Pampā river , was transferred after the conquest by Rāma to Su-grīva , brother of Vālin and rightful king) Lit. VarBṛS.
[ kiṣkindha ] m. pl. , " N. of a people " see [ -gandika ]
[ kiṣkindhā ] f. ( gaṇas and [ sindhv-ādi ] ) , N. of the cave contained in the mountain Kishkindha (the city of Vālin and Sugrīva) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
N. of the mountain Kishkindha.
किष्किन्धगन्दिक [ kiṣkindhagandika ] [ kiṣkindha-gandika ] n. (v.l. [ °ndhika ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 10 Lit. Pat.
किष्किन्धाकाण्ड [ kiṣkindhākāṇḍa ] [ kiṣkindhā-kāṇḍa ] n. N. of the fourth book of the Rāmāyaṇa.
किष्किन्धाधिप [ kiṣkindhādhipa ] [ kiṣkindhādhipa ] m. " the ruler of Kishkindha " , N. of Vālin Lit. L.
किष्किन्धक [ kiṣkindhaka ] [ kiṣkindhaka ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. Hariv. 784.
किष्किन्ध्य [ kiṣkindhya ] [ kiṣkindhya ] m. incorrect reading for [ °ndha ]
[ kiṣkindhyā ] f. likewise for [ °ndhā ] .
किष्किश [ kiṣkiśa ] [ kiṣkiśa ] v.l. for [ kikk ] .
किष्कु [ kiṣku ] [ kiṣku ] m. ( ( f. Lit. L. ) ) the fore-arm Lit. R. v , 32 , 11
the handle (of an axe) Lit. TāṇḍyaBr.
a kind of linear measure (= [ hasta ] , or [ kara ] = twenty-four thumbs' breadths = 1/400 of a Nalva) Lit. MBh.
g. [ pāraskarādi ]
[ kiṣku ] m. f. n. contemptible , bad Lit. L.
किष्कुपर्वन् [ kiṣkuparvan ] [ kiṣku-parvan ] m. a bamboo Lit. L.
sugar-cane Lit. L.
Arundo tibialis Lit. L.
किष्कुरु [ kiṣkuru ] [ kiṣkuru ] a staff, club (v.l. [ kiḥk ] ° and [ kiṃk ] °,) Lit. Kauś.
किस् [ kis ] [ kí s ] ind. ( fr. 1. [ ki ] cf. [ nákis ] , [ mā́kis ] ) , a particle of interrogation , " whether " ( ( = [ kartṛ ] , " a doer " Lit. Nir. vi , 34 ) ) Lit. RV. x , 52 , 3.
किस [ kisa ] [ kisa ] m. N. of an attendant of the sun Lit. L.
किसर [ kisara ] [ kisara ] see [ kiśara ] .
किसल [ kisala ] [ kisala ] m. n. = [ kisalaya ] 1. Lit. L.
किसलय [ kisalaya ] [ kisalaya ]1 n. ( [ as ] m. Lit. L. ) a sprout or shoot , the extremity of a branch bearing new leaves Lit. Gaut. Lit. R. Lit. Śak.
किसलयकरा [ kisalayakarā ] [ kisalaya-karā ] f. (a woman) having hands as tender as buds Lit. Gaṇar. 43 Comm.
किसलय [ kisalaya ] [ kisalaya ]2 Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to cause to shoot or spring forth Lit. Prasannar.
किसलयित [ kisalayita ] [ kisalayita ] m. f. n. (g. [ tārakādi ] ) furnished with leaf-buds or young shoots Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. ŚārṅgP.
कीकट [ kīkaṭa ] [ kī́kaṭa ] m. N. of a son of Ṛishabha Lit. BhP. v , 4 , 10
of a son of Saṃkaṭa Lit. BhP. vi , 6 , 6
a horse (perhaps originally a horse of the Kīkaṭas) Lit. L.
[ kīkaṭa ] m. pl. N. of a people not belonging to the Āryan race Lit. RV. iii , 53 , 14 Lit. BhP.
mfn. , poor Lit. L.
avaricious Lit. L.
कीकटक [ kīkaṭaka ] [ kīkaṭaka ] m. a horse Lit. Npr.
कीकटिन् [ kīkaṭin ] [ kīkaṭin ] m. a hog Lit. Npr.
कीकस [ kīkasa ] [ kīkasa ] m. f. n. hard , firm Lit. L.
[ kīkasa ] m. the breast-bone and the cartilages of the ribs connected with it (cartilagines costarum) Lit. ĀrshBr.
a kind of worm (= [ kikkiśa ] ?) Lit. L.
[ kīkasā ] f. Ved. vertebra or a rib (of which six are enumerated) Lit. RV. x , 163 , 2 Lit. AV. Lit. TS.
[ kīkasa ] n. id. Lit. VS. xxv , 6
a bone Lit. L. ( cf. [ kaikasa ] .)
कीकसमुख [ kīkasamukha ] [ kīkasa-mukha ] m. " having a mouth of bone " , a bird Lit. L.
कीकसास्थि [ kīkasāsthi ] [ kīkasāsthi ] n. vertebra Lit. L.
कीकसास्य [ kīkasāsya ] [ kīkasāsya ] m. = [ kīkasa-mukha ] Lit. L.
कीकि [ kīki ] [ kīki ] m. (= [ kiki ] ) the blue jay Lit. L.
कीचक [ kīcaka ] [ kīcaka ] m. (√ [ cīk ] . Lit. Uṇ. v , 36) a hollow bamboo (whistling or rattling in the wind , Arundo Karka) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
N. of a chief of the army of king Virāṭa (conquered by Bhīma-sena) Lit. MBh. i , 328 ; iv , 376 ff. Lit. Pañcat.
N. of a Daitya Lit. L.
of a Rākshasa Lit. L.
a kind of bird, Lit. R.
[ kīcaka ] m. pl. N. of a people (a tribe of the Kekayas) Lit. MBh.
कीचकजित् [ kīcakajit ] [ kīcaka-jit ] m. " conquering Kīcaka " , Bhīma-sena Lit. L.
कीचकनिषूदन [ kīcakaniṣūdana ] [ kīcaka-niṣūdana ] m. id. Lit. L.
कीचकभिद् [ kīcakabhid ] [ kīcaka-bhid ] m. id. Lit. L.
कीचकवध [ kīcakavadha ] [ kīcaka-vadha ] m. " the killing of Kīcaka " , N. of a poem.
कीचकसूदन [ kīcakasūdana ] [ kīcaka-sūdana ] m. = [ -jit ] Lit. Gal.
कीज [ kīja ] [ kī́ja ] m. a kind of instrument ( " spur " Lit. Gmn. ) Lit. RV. viii , 66 , 3.
कीट् [ kīṭ ] [ kīṭ ] Root cl. [10] P. [ kīṭayati ] , to tinge or colour Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 98 ; to bind Lit. ib.
कीट [ kīṭa ] [ kīṭa ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . Lit. Hcat.) a worm , insect Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. ĀśvŚr.
the scorpion in the zodiac Lit. VarBṛS.
(ifc.) an expression of contempt ( cf. [ śūra-k ] ) Lit. Mcar.
[ kīṭī ] f. a worm , insect Lit. L.
(= [ kiṭṭa ] ) feces Lit. L.
कीटगर्दभक [ kīṭagardabhaka ] [ kīṭa-gardabhaka ] m. N. of a particular insect Lit. Suśr.
कीटघ्न [ kīṭaghna ] [ kīṭa-ghna ] m. " killing insects " , sulphur Lit. L.
कीटज [ kīṭaja ] [ kīṭa-ja ] n. " coming from insects " , silk Lit. Mn. xi , 168 Lit. MBh. ii , 1847
[ kīṭajā ] f. an animal dye of red colour , lac Lit. L.
कीटनामन् [ kīṭanāman ] [ kīṭa-nāman ] the plant Cissus pedata Lit. Npr.
कीटपक्षोद्गम [ kīṭapakṣodgama ] [ kīṭa-pakṣodgama ] m. the change from chrysalis or pupa to butterfly Lit. W.
कीटपक्षोद्भव [ kīṭapakṣodbhava ] [ kīṭa-pakṣodbhava ] m. id. Lit. W.
कीटपतंग [ kīṭapataṃga ] [ kīṭa-pataṃgá ] m. pl. Kīṭa worms and pilsers Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
कीटपाडिका [ kīṭapāḍikā ] [ kīṭa-pāḍikā ] f. = [ -nāman ] Lit. L.
कीटमातृ [ kīṭamātṛ ] [ kīṭa-mātṛ ] f. a female bee Lit. Gal.
the plant Cissus pedata Lit. Bhpr.
कीटमारी [ kīṭamārī ] [ kīṭa-mārī ] f. = [ -nāman ] Lit. L.
कीटयोनि [ kīṭayoni ] [ kīṭa-yoni ] f. (= [ -mātṛ ] ) a female bee Lit. Gal.
कीटशत्रु [ kīṭaśatru ] [ kīṭa-śatru ] m. " enemy of worms " , the plant Embelia Ribes Lit. Suśr.
कीटारि [ kīṭāri ] [ kīṭāri ] m. id. Lit. ib.
sulphur Lit. Gal.
कीटावपन्न [ kīṭāvapanna ] [ kīṭāvapanna ] m. f. n. anything on which an insect has fallen Lit. Kapishṭh. Lit. MānŚr. ( cf. [ keśa-kīṭāvapatita ] .)
कीटोत्कर [ kīṭotkara ] [ kīṭotkara ] m. an ant-hill Lit. Kathās. ci , 290.
कीटक [ kīṭaka ] [ kīṭaka ] m. a worm , insect Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. MārkP.
a kind of bard , panegyrist (descended from a Kshatriya father and Vaiśya mother) Lit. L.
N. of a prince Lit. MBh. i , 2696
[ kīṭaka ] m. f. n. hard , harsh Lit. L.
कीडेर [ kīḍera ] [ kīḍera ] m. the plant Amaranthus polygonoides Lit. L.
कीदृक्ष [ kīdṛkṣa ] [ kīdṛkṣa ] m. f. ( [ ī ] Gr.) n. ( fr. 1. [ ki ] , or [ kid ] and [ dṛkṣa ] , √ [ dṛś ] cf. [ īdṛkṣa ] ) , of what kind? of what description? of what qualities?
कीदृग् [ kīdṛg ] [ kīdṛg ] ( in comp. for [ kīdṛś ] ) .
कीदृगाकार [ kīdṛgākāra ] [ kīdṛg-ākāra ] m. f. n. of what appearance? Lit. Pañcad.
कीदृग्रूप [ kīdṛgrūpa ] [ kīdṛg-rūpa ] m. f. n. of what shape? Lit. MBh. xiii , 4086.
कीदृग्वर्ण [ kīdṛgvarṇa ] [ kīdṛg-varṇa ] m. f. n. of what colour? Lit. ib.
कीदृग्व्यापारवत् [ kīdṛgvyāpāravat ] [ kīdṛg-vyāpāra-vat ] m. f. n. of what occupation? Lit. Hit.
कीदृश् [ kīdṛś ] [ kīdṛ́ś ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 90) of what kind? who or what like? Lit. RV. x , 108 , 3 Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
[ yādṛk-kīdrik-ca ] , of whatsoever kind Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
कीदृश [ kīdṛśa ] [ kīdṛśa ] m. f. ( [ ī ] Gr.) n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 90) of what kind? what like? Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
of what use? i.e. useless Lit. Bhartṛ.
कीन [ kīna ] [ kīna ] n. flesh Lit. L. ( cf. [ kīra ] .)
कीनार [ kīnāra ] [ kīnā́ra ] m. ( perhaps = [ kīnā́śa ] ) a cultivator of the soil ( " a vile man " Lit. Sāy. ) Lit. RV. x , 106 , 10.
कीनाश [ kīnāśa ] [ kīnā́śa ] m. (√ [ kliś ] Lit. Uṇ. v , 56) a cultivator of the soil Lit. RV. iv , 57 , 8 Lit. VS. xxx , 11 Lit. AV.
niggard Lit. MBh.
Das. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
N. of Yama Lit. Naish. vi , 75 Lit. Bālar.
(= [ kīśa ] ) a kind of monkey Lit. L.
a kind of Rākshasa Lit. L.
[ kīnāśa ] m. f. n. killing animals (or " killing secretly " ) Lit. L.