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ब |
ब्रह्मन् [ brahman ] [ bráhman ] n. (lit. " growth " , " expansion " , " evolution " , " development " " swelling of the spirit or soul " , fr. √ 2. [ bṛh ] ) pious effusion or utterance , outpouring of the heart in worshipping the gods , prayer Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
the sacred word ( as opp. to [ vāc ] , the word of man) , the Veda , a sacred text , a text or Mantra used as a spell ( forming a distinct class from the [ ṛcas ] , [ sāmāni ] and [ yajūṃṣi ] ; cf. [ brahma-veda ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. Mn. Lit. Pur.
the Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda Lit. Mn. iv , 100
the sacred syllable Om Lit. Prab. , Sch. , ( cf. Lit. Mn. ii , 83)
religious or spiritual knowledge (opp. to religious observances and bodily mortification such as [ tapas ] ) Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. Mn. Lit. R.
holy life ( esp. continence , chastity ; cf. [ brahma-carya ] ) Lit. Śak. i , 24/25 Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sarvad.
( exceptionally treated as m.) the Brahma or one self-existent impersonal Spirit , the one universal Soul (or one divine essence and source from which all created things emanate or with which they are identified and to which they return) , the Self-existent , the Absolute , the Eternal ( not generally an object of worship but rather of meditation and-knowledge ; also with [ jyéṣṭha ] , [ prathama-já ] , [ svayám-bhu ] , [ a-mūrta ] , [ para ] , [ paratara ] , [ parama ] , [ mahat ] , [ sanātana ] , [ śāśvata ] ; and = [ paramātman ] , [ ātman ] , [ adhyātma ] , [ pradhāna ] , [ kṣetra-jña ] , [ tattva ] ) Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( Lit. IW. 9 , 83 ) ( 737,3 )
[ brahman ] n. the class of men who are the repositories and communicators of sacred knowledge , the Brāhmanical caste as a body (rarely an individual Brāhman) Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.
food Lit. Naigh. ii , 7
wealth Lit. ib. 10
final emancipation Lit. L.
m. ( [ brahmán ] ) , one who Prays , a devout or religious man , a Brāhman who is a knower of Vedic texts or spells , one versed in sacred knowledge Lit. RV. ( ( cf. Lat. , (flāmen) ) )
N. of Bṛihas-pati (as the priest of the gods) Lit. RV. x , 141 , 3
one of the 4 principal priests or Ṛitvijas (the other three being the Hotṛi , Adhvaryu and Udgātṛi ; the Brahman was the most learned of them and was required to know the 3 Vedas , to supervise the sacrifice and to set right mistakes ; at a later period his functions were based especially on the Atharva-veda) Lit. RV.
Brahmā or the one impersonal universal Spirit manifested as a personal Creator and as the first of the triad of personal gods (= [ prajā-pati ] q.v. ; he never appears to have become an object of general worship , though he has two temples in India see Lit. RTL. 555 ; his wife is Sarasvatī Lit. ib. 48) Lit. TBr.
= [ brahmaṇa āyuḥ ] , a lifetime of Brahmā Lit. Pañcar.
an inhabitant of Brahmā's heaven Lit. Jātakam.
the sun Lit. L.
N. of Śiva Lit. Prab. Sch.
the Veda (?) Lit. PārGṛ.
the intellect (= [ buddhi ] ) Lit. Tattvas.
N. of a star , 1 Aurigae , Lit. Sūryat.
a partic. astron. Yoga Lit. L.
N. of the 9th Muhūrta Lit. L.
(with Jainas) a partic. Kalpa Lit. Dharmaś.
N. of the servant of the 10th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Lit. L.
of a magician Lit. Rājat.
ब्रह्म [ brahma ] [ bráhma ]1 m. a priest (see [ asura- ] , [ ku- ] , [ mahābr ] )
[ brahma ] n. the one self-existent Spirit , the Absolute Lit. R.
ब्रह्म [ brahma ] [ brahma ]2 in comp. for [ brahman ] . - Observe that in the following derivatives the nom. n. (Brahma) is used for the impersonal Spirit and the nom. m. (Brahmā) for the personal god.
ब्रह्मऋषि [ brahmaṛṣi ] [ brahma-ṛṣi ] see [ brahma-rṣi ] .
ब्रह्मकन्य [ brahmakanya ] [ brahma-kanya ] (prob.) m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L.
ब्रह्मकन्यक [ brahmakanyaka ] [ brahma-kanyaka ] m. (prob.) id. Lit. L.
[ brahmakanyakā ] f. Ruta Graveolens Lit. L.
N. of Sarasvatī Lit. L.
ब्रह्मकर [ brahmakara ] [ brahma-kara ] m. an impost paid to the Brāhmanical class Lit. Inscr.
ब्रह्मकर्मन् [ brahmakarman ] [ brahma-karman ] n. the office of the Brahman (i.e. presiding priest) or of the Brāhmans Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मकर्मपुस्तक [ brahmakarmapustaka ] [ brahma-karma-pustaka ] n. N. of a manual on ceremonies Lit. RTL. 401 n. 2
ब्रह्मकर्मप्रकाशक [ brahmakarmaprakāśaka ] [ brahma-karma-prakāśaka ] m. N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. Pañcar.
ब्रह्मकर्मप्रदायक [ brahmakarmapradāyaka ] [ brahma-karma-pradāyaka ] m. N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. Pañcar.
ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधि [ brahmakarmasamādhi ] [ brahma-karma-samādhi ] m. f. n. occupied with or meditating upon the one self-existent Spirit Lit. Bhag.
ब्रह्मकला [ brahmakalā ] [ brahma-kalā ] f. N. of Dākshāyaṇī who dwells in the heart of men Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मकल्प [ brahmakalpa ] [ brahma-kalpa ] m. f. n. like Brahmā Lit. R.
[ brahmakalpa ] m. the cosmic period of Brahmā Lit. MBh.
N. of wk.
ब्रह्मकाण्ड [ brahmakāṇḍa ] [ brahma-kāṇḍa ] n. the inner portion of the Veda which relates to sacred knowledge or the knowledge of Brahma ( = [ jñāna-k ] , and opp. to [ karma-k ] q.v.) , Lit. Sāṇḍ.
N. of wk. (or ch. of a wk.) of Bhartṛi-hari Lit. Sarvad.
ब्रह्मकाय [ brahmakāya ] [ brahma-kāya ] m. pl. N. of a partic. class of deities Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मकायिक [ brahmakāyika ] [ brahma-kāyika ] m. f. n. belonging to the Brahma-kāyas Lit. Lalit. ( Lit. Dharmas. 128 Lit. MWB. 210) .
ब्रह्मकार [ brahmakāra ] [ brahma-kārá ] m. f. n. making or offering prayers Lit. RV.
ब्रह्मकारणवाद [ brahmakāraṇavāda ] [ brahma-kāraṇa-vāda ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मकाष्ठ [ brahmakāṣṭha ] [ brahma-kāṣṭha ] m. Thespesia Populneoides Lit. L.
ब्रह्मकिलेय [ brahmakileya ] [ brahma-kileya ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. Pravar.
ब्रह्मकिल्बिष [ brahmakilbiṣa ] [ brahma-kilbiṣá ] n. an offence against Brāhmans Lit. RV.
ब्रह्मकुण्ड [ brahmakuṇḍa ] [ brahma-kuṇḍa ] n. N. of a sacred pool Lit. KālP.
ब्रह्मकुशा [ brahmakuśā ] [ brahma-kuśā ] f. a species of cumin Lit. Bhpr.
= [ aja-modā ] Lit. L.
ब्रह्मकूट [ brahmakūṭa ] [ brahma-kūṭa ] m. a thoroughly learned Brāhman Lit. MBh.
N. of a mountain , Lit. KālP.
ब्रह्मकूर्च [ brahmakūrca ] [ brahma-kūrca ] n. a partic. kind of penance ( in which the 5 products of the cow are eaten ; cf. [ pañcagavya ] ) Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मकूर्चविधि [ brahmakūrcavidhi ] [ brahma-kūrca--vidhi ] m. N. of the 38th Pariśishṭa of the Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मकृत् [ brahmakṛt ] [ brahma-kṛ́t ] m. f. n. making or offering prayers (also applied to Indra , Vishṇu , the Maruts ) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcar.
ब्रह्मकृत [ brahmakṛta ] [ brahma-kṛta ] m. N. of a man g. [ śubhrādi ] .
ब्रह्मकृति [ brahmakṛti ] [ brahma-kṛti ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) f. prayer , devotion Lit. RV.
ब्रह्मकेतु [ brahmaketu ] [ brahma-ketu ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मकैवर्तपुराण [ brahmakaivartapurāṇa ] [ brahma-kaivarta-purāṇa ] n. N. of a Purāṇa.
ब्रह्मकोश [ brahmakośa ] [ brahma-kośá ] m. the treasury of the Brahma i.e. of the sacred word or text , the entire collection of the Vedas Lit. TĀr. Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. MaitrUp.
N. of Atri Lit. VP.
[ brahmakośī ] f. a species of plant (= [ aja-modā ] ) Lit. L.
ब्रह्मक्षत्र [ brahmakṣatra ] [ brahma-kṣatra ] n. sg. and du. Brāhmans and Kshatriyas Lit. AitBr. Lit. VP.
ब्रह्मक्षत्रसव [ brahmakṣatrasava ] [ brahma-kṣatra--sava ] m. pl. N. of partic. rites Lit. Mn. v , 23.
ब्रह्मक्षेत्र [ brahmakṣetra ] [ brahma-kṣetra ] n. N. of a sacred district Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मखण्ड [ brahmakhaṇḍa ] [ brahma-khaṇḍa ] n. N. of Lit. BrahmaP. 1.
ब्रह्मगन्ध [ brahmagandha ] [ brahma-gandha ] m. the fragrance of Brahma Lit. KaushUp.
ब्रह्मगर्भ [ brahmagarbha ] [ brahma-garbha ] m. the embryo of a Brāhman (?) Lit. Cat.
N. of a law-giver ( [ -smṛti ] f. his wk.)
[ brahmagarbhā ] f. Ocimum Villosum Lit. L.
ब्रह्मगर्भस्मृति [ brahmagarbhasmṛti ] [ brahma-garbha--smṛti ] f. , see [ brahmagarbha ] , wk. by [ brahmagarbha ]
ब्रह्मगवी [ brahmagavī ] [ brahma-gavī́ ] f. a Brāhman's cow Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
du. N. of 2 classes of verses or formulas Lit. Kauś.
ब्रह्मगाथास्तुति [ brahmagāthāstuti ] [ brahma-gāthā-stuti ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मगायत्री [ brahmagāyatrī ] [ brahma-gāyatrī ] f. N. of a magical Mantra composed after the model of the Gāyatrī Lit. Pañcar. Lit. RTL. 201.
ब्रह्मगार्ग्य [ brahmagārgya ] [ brahma-gārgya ] m. N. of a man Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मगिरि [ brahmagiri ] [ brahma-giri ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. KālP.
(?) of Comms. on various Upanishads Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मगीता [ brahmagītā ] [ brahma-gītā ] f. pl. N. of partic. verses ( Lit. MBh. xiii , 2146-2152) ascribed to Brahmā
N. of wk.
ब्रह्मगीतापरात्मानुसंधान [ brahmagītāparātmānusaṃdhāna ] [ brahma-gītā--parātmānusaṃdhāna ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मगीताव्याख्या [ brahmagītāvyākhyā ] [ brahma-gītā--vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मगीतिका [ brahmagītikā ] [ brahma-gītikā ] f. " the song of Brahmā " , N. of partic. verses Lit. Yājñ.
ब्रह्मगुप्त [ brahmagupta ] [ brahma-gupta ] m. N. of a son of Brahmā (by the wife of the Vidyā-dhara Bhīma) Lit. Kathās.
of an astronomer (son of Jishṇu and author of the Brahma-sphuṭa-siddhânta , born A.D , 598) Lit. IW. 176
of a chief of the Bhakta sect Lit. Cat.
of a Trigarta-shashṭha Lit. Kār. on Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 1 16 (v.l. [ brāhma-g ] )
pl. N. of a race Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मगुप्तीय [ brahmaguptīya ] [ brahma-guptīya ] m. a prince of the Brahmaguptas Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मगोल [ brahmagola ] [ brahma-gola ] m. " Brahmā's globe " , the universe Lit. L.
ब्रह्मगौरव [ brahmagaurava ] [ brahma-gaurava ] n. the potency (of the weapon given) by Brahmā Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
ब्रह्मग्रन्थि [ brahmagranthi ] [ brahma-granthi ] m. N. of the knot which ties together the 3 threads forming the sacred cord Lit. Gobh. Sch. ( Lit. RTL. 361)
of a partic. joint of the body Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मग्रह [ brahmagraha ] [ brahma-graha ] m. = [ -rākṣasa ] Lit. L.
ब्रह्मग्राहिन् [ brahmagrāhin ] [ brahma-grāhin ] m. f. n. worthy to receive that which is holy Lit. KaushUp. (v.l. [ °mārgha ] ) .
ब्रह्मघातक [ brahmaghātaka ] [ brahma-ghātaka ] m. a Brāhman-killer Lit. Pañcat.
ब्रह्मघातिन् [ brahmaghātin ] [ brahma-ghātin ] m. id Lit. Śak. Sch.
[ brahmaghātinī ] f. a woman on the second day of the menses Lit. Vet. Lit. Bhpr.
ब्रह्मघोष [ brahmaghoṣa ] [ brahma-ghoṣa ] m. murmur (arising from the recital) of prayers ( also pl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( also [ °ṣa-rava ] m. Lit. Hcat.)
the sacred word or text , the Veda Lit. Uttarar.
N. of a Tathāgata, Lit. Sukh. i
ब्रह्मघोषरव [ brahmaghoṣarava ] [ brahma-ghoṣa-rava ] m. , see [ brahmaghoṣa ] , murmur (arising from the recital) of prayers Lit. Hcat.
ब्रह्मघ्न [ brahmaghna ] [ brahma-ghna ] m. = [ -ghātaka ] Lit. R.
[ brahmaghnī ] f. see [ -han ] .
ब्रह्मचक्र [ brahmacakra ] [ brahma-cakra ] n. " Brahmā's wheel " , the circle of the universe Lit. ŚvetUp.
N. of a partic. magical circle Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मचन्द्रिका [ brahmacandrikā ] [ brahma-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मचर्य [ brahmacarya ] [ brahma-cárya ] n. study of the Veda , the state of an unmarried religious student , a state of continence and chastity (also f ( [ ā ] ) . Lit. Hariv.) Lit. AV. (acc. with √ [ grah ] , [ car ] , [ vas ] , [ ā-√ gam ] , [ upa-√ i ] , to practise chastity ; cf. [ -cārin ] )
ब्रह्मचर्यत्व [ brahmacaryatva ] [ brahma-cárya--tva ] n. the unmarried state , continence , chastity Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मचर्यवत् [ brahmacaryavat ] [ brahma-cárya--vat ] m. f. n. leading the life of an unmarried religious student , practising chastity Lit. Āpast. Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मचर्यव्रत [ brahmacaryavrata ] [ brahma-cárya--vrata ] n. a vow of chastity , Lit. BrahmaP.
ब्रह्मचर्यस्खलन [ brahmacaryaskhalana ] [ brahma-cárya--skhalana ] n. deviating from chastity Lit. MW.
ब्रह्मचर्याश्रम [ brahmacaryāśrama ] [ brahma-cáryāśrama ] m. the period of unmarried religious studentship Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मचारणी [ brahmacāraṇī ] [ brahma-cāraṇī ] f. Clerodendrum Siphoantus Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ -cāriṇī ] ) .
ब्रह्मचारिक [ brahmacārika ] [ brahma-cārika ] n. religious studentship Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मचारिन् [ brahmacārin ] [ brahma-cārí n ] m. f. n. practising sacred study as an unmarried student , observing chastity Lit. RV.
[ brahmacārin ] m. a young Brāhman who is a student of the Veda (under a preceptor) or who practises chastity , a young Brāhman before marriage (in the first period of his life) Lit. AV. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ āśrama ] and Lit. IW. 192 Lit. RTL. 84 ; the N. Brahma-cārin is also given to older unmarried Brāhmans , esp. if versed in the Veda , and by the Tantras to any person whose chief virtue is continence)
N. of a Gandharva Lit. MBh.
of Skanda Lit. L.
of Śiva Lit. Śivag.
[ brahmacāriṇī ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. DevīP.
[ brahmacārin ] m. a woman who observes the vow of chastity Lit. W.
Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L. (v.l. [ °raṇī ] )
Thespesia Populneoides Lit. L.
= [ karuṇī ] Lit. L.
ब्रह्मचारिवास [ brahmacārivāsa ] [ brahma-cāri-vāsa ] m. the living of a Brahma-cārin , (in the house of his religious teacher) Lit. Āpast.
ब्रह्मचारिवासिन् [ brahmacārivāsin ] [ brahma-cāri-vāsí n ] m. f. n. living as a Brahma-cārin Lit. TS.
ब्रह्मचिति [ brahmaciti ] [ brahma-cití ] f. Brahmā's layer in the fire-altar Lit. ŚBr.
ब्रह्मचिन्तननिराकरण [ brahmacintananirākaraṇa ] [ brahma-cintana-nirākaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मचैतन्ययति [ brahmacaitanyayati ] [ brahma-caitanya-yati ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मचोदन [ brahmacodana ] [ brahma-códana ] m. f. n. inciting or urging Brahma or Brahmā Lit. VS. ( Lit. Mahīdh.)
ब्रह्मज [ brahmaja ] [ brahma-ja ] m. f. n. sprung from that which is holy (said of Kārttikeya) Lit. MBh.
[ brahmaja ] m. pl. N. of partic. clouds Lit. VP.
m. (with Jainas) N. of a class of divinities Lit. L.
ब्रह्मजज्ञ [ brahmajajña ] [ brahma-ja--jña ] m. f. n. " born from and knowing Brahma " or " knowing what is Brahma-born " i.e. " knowing all things " Lit. KaṭhUp.
ब्रह्मजटा [ brahmajaṭā ] [ brahma-jaṭā ] f. Artemisia Indica Lit. L.
ब्रह्मजटिन् [ brahmajaṭin ] [ brahma-jaṭin ] m. Artemisia Indica Lit. L.
ब्रह्मजन्मन् [ brahmajanman ] [ brahma-janman ] n. " spiritual birth " , investiture with the sacred thread Lit. Mn. ii , 146 ; 170
[ brahmajanman ] m. f. n. " Brahmā -born " (said of Prajāpati) Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मजप [ brahmajapa ] [ brahma-japa ] m. a partic. formula of prayer Lit. MānGṛ.
ब्रह्मजातक [ brahmajātaka ] [ brahma-jātaka ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मजामल [ brahmajāmala ] [ brahma-jāmala ] w.r. for [ -yāmala ] .
ब्रह्मजाया [ brahmajāyā ] [ brahma-jāyā́ ] f. the wife of a Brāhman Lit. RV. x , 109
( with [ juhū ] ) N. of the supposed authoress of this hymn Lit. Anukr.
ब्रह्मजार [ brahmajāra ] [ brahma-jāra ] m. the paramour of a Brāhman's wife Lit. RāmatUp.
ब्रह्मजालसूत्र [ brahmajālasūtra ] [ brahma-jāla-sūtra ] n. N. of a Lit. Buddh. Sūtra ( cf. Lit. MWB. 106) .
ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा [ brahmajijñāsā ] [ brahma-jijñāsā ] f. the desire of knowing Brahma Lit. Bādar. ( cf. Lit. IW. 104) .
ब्रह्मजीवनिर्णय [ brahmajīvanirṇaya ] [ brahma-jīva-nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मजीविन् [ brahmajīvin ] [ brahma-jīvin ] m. f. n. subsisting by sacred learning Lit. L.
[ brahmajīvin ] m. a mercenary Brāhman (who converts his religious duties into a trade) Lit. W.
ब्रह्मजुष्ट [ brahmajuṣṭa ] [ brahma-juṣṭa ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. gratified by prayer or devotion Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मजूत [ brahmajūta ] [ brahma-jū́ta ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. incited by prayer or devotion Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मज्ञ [ brahmajña ] [ brahma-jña ] m. f. n. possessing sacred knowledge , knowing the sacred text , spiritually wise , holy (said also of gods e.g. of Vishṇu , Kārttikeya) Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhartṛ.
ब्रह्मज्ञान [ brahmajñāna ] [ brahma-jñāna ] n. divine or sacred knowledge (esp. knowledge of the universal permeation of the one Spirit as taught by the Vedânta) , spiritual wisdom Lit. Hariv. Lit. Bhartṛ.
ब्रह्मज्ञानतन्त्र [ brahmajñānatantra ] [ brahma-jñāna--tantra ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मज्ञानमहातन्त्रराज [ brahmajñānamahātantrarāja ] [ brahma-jñāna--mahātantra-rāja ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मज्ञानविप्रतिपत्ति [ brahmajñānavipratipatti ] [ brahma-jñāna--vipratipatti ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मज्ञानोपदेश [ brahmajñānopadeśa ] [ brahma-jñānopadeśa ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मज्य [ brahmajya ] [ brahma-jyá ] m. f. n. molesting or oppressing Brāhmans Lit. AV. Lit. TBr. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 3 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.)
ब्रह्मज्येय [ brahmajyeya ] [ brahma-jyéya ] n. the act of oppressing Brāhmans Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मज्येष्ठ [ brahmajyeṣṭha ] [ brahma-jyeṣṭha ] m. ( printed [ °ṭhya ] ) the elder brother of Brahmā Lit. Pañcar.
[ brahmajyeṣṭha ] m. f. n. having Brahmā as first or chief Lit. AV. Lit. TBr.
ब्रह्मज्योतिस् [ brahmajyotis ] [ brahma-jyotis ] n. the splendour of Brahma or of the Supreme Being Lit. Pañcar. ( also written [ brahma-jy ] )
[ brahmajyotis ] m. f. n. having the splendour of Brahmā (Sch. " of the presiding priest " ) Lit. TS.
m. N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.
ब्रह्मतत्त्व [ brahmatattva ] [ brahma-tattva ] n. the true knowledge of Brahma Lit. W.
ब्रह्मतत्त्वप्रश्नोत्तररत्नावली [ brahmatattvapraśnottararatnāvalī ] [ brahma-tattva--praśnottara-ratnāvalī ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मतत्त्वविवरण [ brahmatattvavivaraṇa ] [ brahma-tattva--vivaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मतत्त्वसंहितोद्दिपनी [ brahmatattvasaṃhitoddipanī ] [ brahma-tattva--saṃhitoddipanī ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मतत्त्वसुबोधिनी [ brahmatattvasubodhinī ] [ brahma-tattva--subodhinī ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मतन्त्र [ brahmatantra ] [ brahma-tantra ] n. all that is taught in the Veda Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मतन्त्रेगायत्रीपञ्जर [ brahmatantregāyatrīpañjara ] [ brahma-tantre gāyatrī-pañjara ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मतर्कस्तव [ brahmatarkastava ] [ brahma-tarka-stava ] m. N. of a Vedānta wk.
ब्रह्मतर्कस्तवविवरण [ brahmatarkastavavivaraṇa ] [ brahma-tarka-stava--vivaraṇa ] n. N. of a Comm. on it.
ब्रह्मतस् [ brahmatas ] [ brahma-tas ] ind. from the Brāhmans Lit. MW.
ब्रह्मता [ brahmatā ] [ brahma-tā ] f. the state or condition of a Brāhman , " Brahmanhood " Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 136 Sch.
the state or nature of Brahma divine nature Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मताल [ brahmatāla ] [ brahma-tāla ] m. (in music) a kind of measure , Lit. Saṃgīt.
ब्रह्मतीर्थ [ brahmatīrtha ] [ brahma-tīrtha ] n. N. of a place of pilgrimage on the Revā or Narmadā river Lit. MBh.
Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.
ब्रह्मतुङ्ग [ brahmatuṅga ] [ brahma-tuṅga ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मतुल्य [ brahmatulya ] [ brahma-tulya ] n. N. of a Jyotisha
ब्रह्मतुल्यगणित [ brahmatulyagaṇita ] [ brahma-tulya--gaṇita ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मतुल्यटीका [ brahmatulyaṭīkā ] [ brahma-tulya--ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मतुल्यसिद्धान्त [ brahmatulyasiddhānta ] [ brahma-tulya--siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मतेजस् [ brahmatejas ] [ brahma-tejas ] n. the power and glory of Brahma Lit. KaushUp. Lit. Hariv. ( [ °jo-maya ] mf ( [ ī ] ) n. formed of Brahma's glory Lit. Mn. Lit. Pañcar.)
the glory or lustre supposed to surround a Brāhman
( [ bráhma- ] ) having the glory or power of Brahma ( Lit. AV.) or of a Brāhman ( Lit. MW.)
[ brahmatejas ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. Lalit. ,
ब्रह्मतेजोमय [ brahmatejomaya ] [ brahma-tejo-maya ] m. f. n. , see [ brahmatejas ] , formed of Brahma's glory Lit. Mn. Lit. Pañcar.
ब्रह्मत्व [ brahmatva ] [ brahma-tvá ] n. the office of the Brāhman or chief priest Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Hariv.
Brāhmanhood Lit. R. Lit. Ratnâv.
the state of or identification with Brahma Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.
ब्रह्मत्वपद्धति [ brahmatvapaddhati ] [ brahma-tvá--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मत्वप्रयोग [ brahmatvaprayoga ] [ brahma-tvá--prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मत्वच् [ brahmatvac ] [ brahma-tvac ] m. or f. (?) Alstonia Scholaris Lit. L.
ब्रह्मद [ brahmada ] [ brahma-da ] m. f. n. imparting religious knowledge Lit. Mn.
ब्रह्मदण्ड [ brahmadaṇḍa ] [ brahma-daṇḍa ] m. " Brahmā's staff " , N. of a mythical weapon Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
the curse of a Brāhman Lit. Pur. Lit. Rājat. (v.l. [ brāhma-d ] )
N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L.
N. of a partic. Ketu Lit. Var.
of a prince Lit. VP.
[ brahmadaṇḍī ] f. a species of plant Lit. L. (= [ adhyāṇḍā ] Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.)
ब्रह्मदण्डिन् [ brahmadaṇḍin ] [ brahma-daṇḍin ] m. N. of a sage Lit. Kathās.
ब्रह्मदत्त [ brahmadatta ] [ brahma-dattá ] m. f. n. given by Brahma Lit. TĀr.
given by Brahmā Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ brahmadatta ] m. N. of various men ( cf. [ naḍādi ] )
of a man with the patr. Caikitāneya Lit. ŚBr.
of a king (pl. his descendants) Lit. MBh.
of a prince of the Pañcālas in Kāmpilya Lit. ib. Lit. R.
of a king of the Sālvas Lit. Hariv.
of a prince in Vārāṇasī Lit. Kathās.
of a prince in Śrāvastī Lit. Buddh.
( cf. Lit. MWB. 420 , 1) of a prince in Campā Lit. ib.
of a prince in Kusuma-pura Lit. ib.
of the 12th Cakra-vartin in Bhārata Lit. L.
of a Brāhman Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pañcat.
of a merchant Lit. Kathās.
of the father of Kṛishṇa-datta Lit. Cat.
of sev. authors Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मदर्भा [ brahmadarbhā ] [ brahma-darbhā ] f. Ptychotis Ajowan Lit. Bhpr.
ब्रह्मदातृ [ brahmadātṛ ] [ brahma-dātṛ ] m. f. n. = [ -da ] Lit. Mn. ii , 146.
ब्रह्मदान [ brahmadāna ] [ brahma-dāna ] n. the gift of the Veda or of sacred knowledge Lit. ib. iv , 232. -1.
ब्रह्मदाय [ brahmadāya ] [ brahma-dāya ] m. ( fr. 1. [ dāya ] ) = prec. Lit. MW.
[ brahmadāya ] m. f. n. imparting or teaching sacred knowledge Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मदाय [ brahmadāya ] [ brahma-dāya ]2 m. ( and . 2 , [ dāya ] ) sacred knowledge as an inheritance ( [ -hara ] mfn. receiving it from ( gen. ) Lit. Mn. iii , 3 ; [ °yāda ] mfn. ( according to Sch. ) either " enjoying sacred knowledge as an inheritance " or " Brahmā's son " Lit. BhP.)
m. the earthly possession of a Brāhman Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मदायहर [ brahmadāyahara ] [ brahma-dāya--hara ] m. f. n. , see [ brahmadāya ] , receiving it from ( gen. ) Lit. Mn. iii , 3
ब्रह्मदायाद [ brahmadāyāda ] [ brahma-dāyāda ] m. f. n. , see [ brahmadāya ] , ( according to Sch. ) either " enjoying sacred knowledge as an inheritance " or " Brahmā's son " Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मदायोपहारिन् [ brahmadāyopahārin ] [ brahma-dāyopahārin ]2 m. f. n. robbing it Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मदारु [ brahmadāru ] [ brahma-dāru ] m. n. Morus Indica Lit. L.
ब्रह्मदास [ brahmadāsa ] [ brahma-dāsa ] m. N. of the father of Nārāyaṇa-dāsa (author of the Praśnârṇava) Lit. Cat.
of a king (about 1600) Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मदिन [ brahmadina ] [ brahma-dina ] n. a day of Brahmā Lit. MW.
ब्रह्मदूषक [ brahmadūṣaka ] [ brahma-dū́ṣaka ] m. f. n. falsifying the Vedic texts Lit. Hcat.
ब्रह्मदेय [ brahmadeya ] [ brahma-deya ] m. f. n. given in marriage after the manner of Brāhmans ( cf. Lit. Mn. iii , 27) Lit. MānGṛ. Lit. MBh.
[ brahmadeya ] m. ( with [ vidhi ] ) marriage of this kind Lit. Hariv.
n. instruction in the Veda or sacred knowledge ( [ °yānusaṃtāna ] , mfn. one in whose family Vedic teachings ; is hereditary Lit. Gaut. Lit. Vishṇ. Lit. Mn. ( Lit. v , 183 , v , l. [ °yātma-saṃtāna ] , " the son of a woman married according to the Brāhma rite " ; cf. [ ātma-s ] ) ) ( 738,3 )
n. gift to Brāhmans Lit. DivyA7v.
ब्रह्मदेयात्मसंतान [ brahmadeyātmasaṃtāna ] [ brahma-deyātma-saṃtāna ], " the son of a woman married according to the Brāhma rite " ; cf. [ ātma-s ] m. f. n. , see [ brahmadeya ] ( 738,3 )
ब्रह्मदेयानुसंतान [ brahmadeyānusaṃtāna ] [ brahma-deyānusaṃtāna ] m. f. n. , see [ brahmadeya ] , one in whose family Vedic teachings ; is hereditary Lit. Gaut. Lit. Vishṇ. Lit. Mn.
ब्रह्मदेव [ brahmadeva ] [ brahma-deva ] m. ( also with [ paṇḍita ] ) N. of various authors Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मदैत्य [ brahmadaitya ] [ brahma-daitya ] m. a Brāhman changed into a Daitya Lit. L.
ब्रह्मद्वार [ brahmadvāra ] [ brahma-dvāra ] n. entrance into Brahma Lit. MaitrUp.
ब्रह्मद्वारपार [ brahmadvārapāra ] [ brahma-dvāra--pāra ] m. (= [ pāla ] ) the guardian of it Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मद्विष् [ brahmadviṣ ] [ brahma-dví ṣ ] m. f. n. hostile to sacred knowledge or religion , impious (said of men and demons) Lit. RV.
hating Brāhmans Lit. Mn. iii , 154 Lit. Kull.
ब्रह्मद्वेष [ brahmadveṣa ] [ brahma-dveṣa ] m. hatred of sacred knowledge or of Brāhmans Lit. Siṃhâs.
ब्रह्मद्वेषिन् [ brahmadveṣin ] [ brahma-dveṣin ] m. f. n. = [ -dviṣ ] Lit. MW.
ब्रह्मधर [ brahmadhara ] [ brahma-dhara ] m. f. n. possessing sacred knowledge Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मधर्मद्विष् [ brahmadharmadviṣ ] [ brahma-dharma-dviṣ ] m. f. n. hostile to sacred knowledge and the law Lit. Mn. iii , 41.
ब्रह्मधातु [ brahmadhātu ] [ brahma-dhātu ] m. an essential portion of Brahma Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मधामन् [ brahmadhāman ] [ brahma-dhāman ] n. Brahmā's place or abode Lit. BrahmUp.
ब्रह्मध्वज [ brahmadhvaja ] [ brahma-dhvaja ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. Lalit.
ब्रह्मध्वजोपनिषद् [ brahmadhvajopaniṣad ] [ brahma-dhvajopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
ब्रह्मनदी [ brahmanadī ] [ brahma-nadī ] f. " Brahmā's river " , N. of the Sarasvatī Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मनन्दिन् [ brahmanandin ] [ brahma-nandin ] and m. N. of two authors Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मनाग [ brahmanāga ] [ brahma-nāga ]and m. N. of two authors Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मनाभ [ brahmanābha ] [ brahma-nābha ] m. " having Brahmā (proceeding out of a lotus on his) navel " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
ब्रह्मनामावलि [ brahmanāmāvali ] [ brahma-nāmāvali ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मनाल [ brahmanāla ] [ brahma-nāla ] n. N. of a sacred bathing-place in Benares Lit. KāśīKh.
ब्रह्मनिरुक्त [ brahmanirukta ] [ brahma-nirukta ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मनिरूपण [ brahmanirūpaṇa ] [ brahma-nirūpaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मनिर्णय [ brahmanirṇaya ] [ brahma-nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मनिर्वाण [ brahmanirvāṇa ] [ brahma-nirvāṇa ] n. extinction in Brahma , absorption into the one self-existent Spirit Lit. Bhag. Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मनिष्ठ [ brahmaniṣṭha ] [ brahma-niṣṭha ] m. f. n. absorbed in contemplating Brahma or the one self Spirit Lit. MuṇḍUp.
[ brahmaniṣṭha ] m. the mulberry tree Lit. L.
ब्रह्मनीड [ brahmanīḍa ] [ brahma-nīḍa ] n. the resting-place of Brahma or of " the holy " Lit. MaitrUp.
ब्रह्मनुत्त [ brahmanutta ] [ brahma-nutta ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. driven away by a sacred text or spell Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मपति [ brahmapati ] [ brahma-pati ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. = [ brahmaṇas-pati ] Lit. ŚBr.
ब्रह्मपत्त्र [ brahmapattra ] [ brahma-pattra ] n. " Brahma's leaf " , the leaf of Butea Frondosa Lit. L. ( cf. [ -pādapa ] ) .
ब्रह्मपथ [ brahmapatha ] [ brahma-patha ] m. the way to Brahma or to Brahmā Lit. Up. Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मपथकोविद [ brahmapathakovida ] [ brahma-patha--kovida ] m. f. n. knowing the way to Brahma Lit. L.
ब्रह्मपद [ brahmapada ] [ brahma-pada ] n. the place of Brahma Lit. MaitrUp.
the station or rank of Brahmā or of a Brāhman Lit. W.
ब्रह्मपन्नग [ brahmapannaga ] [ brahma-pannaga ] m. N. of a Marut Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ bahu-p ] ) .
ब्रह्मपरिषद् [ brahmapariṣad ] [ brahma-pariṣad ] f. an assembly of Brāhmans Lit. A.
ब्रह्मपरिषद्य [ brahmapariṣadya ] [ brahma-pariṣadya ] m. pl. = [ -pārṣadya ] Lit. Buddh.
ब्रह्मपर्णी [ brahmaparṇī ] [ brahma-parṇī ] f. Hemionitis Cordifolia Lit. L.
ब्रह्मपर्वत [ brahmaparvata ] [ brahma-parvata ] m. " Brahmā's mountain " , N. of a place Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मपलाश [ brahmapalāśa ] [ brahma-palāśa ] m. pl. N. of a school of the Atharva-veda , Lit. Āryav. (v.l. [ brāhma-p ] ) .
ब्रह्मपवित्र [ brahmapavitra ] [ brahma-pavitra ] n. Kuśa grass Lit. L.
ब्रह्मपाद [ brahmapāda ] [ brahma-pāda ] (ibc.) Brahmā's feet
ब्रह्मपादस्तोत्र [ brahmapādastotra ] [ brahma-pāda--stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra.
ब्रह्मपादप [ brahmapādapa ] [ brahma-pādapa ] m. " Brahmā's tree " , Butea Frondosa Lit. L. ( cf. [ -pattra ] ) .
ब्रह्मपार [ brahmapāra ] [ brahma-pāra ] m. the final object of all sacred knowledge Lit. VP.
= next Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मपारमय [ brahmapāramaya ] [ brahma-pāra--maya ] m. f. n. ( with [ japa ] , m.) a partic. prayer Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मपारस्तोत्र [ brahmapārastotra ] [ brahma-pāra--stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra
ब्रह्मपारायण [ brahmapārāyaṇa ] [ brahma-pārāyaṇa ] n. a complete study of the Veda Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Mcar.
ब्रह्मपार्षद्य [ brahmapārṣadya ] [ brahma-pārṣadya ] m. pl. (with Buddhists) Brahmā's retinue , N. of a class of deities Lit. Lalit. ( cf. Lit. Dharmas. 128) .
ब्रह्मपाश [ brahmapāśa ] [ brahma-pāśa ] m. " Brahmā's noose " , N. of a mythical weapon Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
ब्रह्मपितृ [ brahmapitṛ ] [ brahma-pitṛ ] m. " Brahmā's father " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. Pañcar. ( cf. [ -nābha ] ) .
ब्रह्मपिशाच [ brahmapiśāca ] [ brahma-piśāca ] m. = [ -rākṣasa ] Lit. L.
ब्रह्मपुत्र [ brahmaputra ] [ brahma-putrá ] m. the son of a priest or Brāhman Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
a son of Brahmā (as Sanat-kumāra , Vasishṭha ) Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. Pur. ( [ -tā ] f. )
a kind of vegetable poison Lit. Bhpr.
N. of a river (rising on the Tibet side of the Himâlaya and falling with the Ganges into the Bay of Bengal) Lit. Cat.
of a lake Lit. ib.
of a place of pilgrimage (prob. the source of the Brahma-putra river) Lit. W.
of a sacred district Lit. L.
[ brahmaputrī ] f. a kind of esculent root (= [ vārāhī ] ) Lit. L.
" Brahmā's daughter " , N. of the river Sarasvatī Lit. L. ( cf. [ -nadī ] ) .
ब्रह्मपुत्रता [ brahmaputratā ] [ brahma-putrá--tā ] f. , see [ brahmaputra ]
ब्रह्मपुर [ brahmapura ] [ brahma-pura ] n. " Brahmā's town " , N. of a city in heaven Lit. MBh. ( [ -māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.)
of a city on earth Lit. Var. Lit. Hit.
of a kingdom Lit. Buddh.
the heart Lit. MāṇḍUp.
the body Lit. ChUp. ( cf. Lit. IW. 116 , 2)
[ brahmapurī ] f. Brahmā's citadel in heaven or his capital on the mountain Kailāsa Lit. L. ( [ -māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.)
N. of a city on earth Lit. Rājat.
of the city Benares Lit. Prab.
of any city the inhabitants of which are mostly Brāhmans Lit. MW.
of a peak in the Himâlaya range Lit. L.
ब्रह्मपुरमाहात्म्य [ brahmapuramāhātmya ] [ brahma-pura--māhātmya ] n. , see [ brahmapura ] , N. of wk.
ब्रह्मपुराख्य [ brahmapurākhya ] [ brahma-purākhya ] m. f. n. named Brahma-pura Lit. Hit.
ब्रह्मपुराभिधेय [ brahmapurābhidheya ] [ brahma-purābhidheya ] m. f. n. ( with [ nāma ] ) to be called by the name Brahma-pura Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मपुरीमाहात्म्य [ brahmapurīmāhātmya ] [ brahma-purī--māhātmya ] n. , see [ brahmapurī ] , N. of wk.
ब्रह्मपुरक [ brahmapuraka ] [ brahma-puraka ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MārkP.
ब्रह्मपुरुस्तात् [ brahmapurustāt ] [ brahma-purustāt ] ind. when or where the Brāhmans have the first place Lit. AitBr.
ब्रह्मपुराण [ brahmapurāṇa ] [ brahma-purāṇa ] n. N. of one of the 18 Purāṇas (also called [ ādi-p ] ; it is supposed to have been revealed by Brahmā to Daksha , and its main object appears to be the promotion of the worship of Kṛishṇa) Lit. IW. 514.
ब्रह्मपुरुष [ brahmapuruṣa ] [ brahma-puruṣa ] m. an assistant of the Brahman or chief priest Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
a minister of Brahmā (also said of the 5 vital airs) Lit. ChUp. Lit. GṛS.
= [ -rākṣasa ] Lit. L.
ब्रह्मपुरोगव [ brahmapurogava ] [ brahma-purogava ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. preceded by Brahma or " the holy " Lit. ŚBr.
ब्रह्मपुरोहित [ brahmapurohita ] [ bráhma-purohita ] m. f. n. ( [ bráhma- ] ) having the sacerdotal class for a Purohita Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kāṭh.
[ brahmapurohita ] m. pl. " the high priests of Brahmā " , (with Buddhists) N. of a class of divinities Lit. Lalit. ( cf. Lit. Dharmas. 128) . ( Pagê39,2 )
ब्रह्मपुष्प [ brahmapuṣpa ] [ brahma-puṣpa ] m. N. of a man ( cf. [ brāhmapuṣpi ] ) .
ब्रह्मपूत [ brahmapūta ] [ bráhma-pūta ] m. f. n. ( [ bráhma- ] ) purified by devotion Lit. AV.
purified by Brahma Lit. L.
ब्रह्मपृष्ट [ brahmapṛṣṭa ] [ brahma-pṛṣṭa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Vcar.
ब्रह्मपृष्ठ [ brahmapṛṣṭha ] [ brahma-pṛṣṭha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Vcar.
ब्रह्मप्रकृतिक [ brahmaprakṛtika ] [ brahma-prakṛtika ] m. f. n. emanating from or originating in Brahma ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Śaṃk.
ब्रह्मप्रकृतिकत्व [ brahmaprakṛtikatva ] [ brahma-prakṛtika--tva ] n. , see [ brahmaprakṛtika ]
ब्रह्मप्रजापति [ brahmaprajāpati ] [ brahma-prajāpati ] m. du. Brahmā and Prajāpati Lit. Lāṭy.
ब्रह्मप्रतिष्ठाप्रयोग [ brahmapratiṣṭhāprayoga ] [ brahma-pratiṣṭhā-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मप्रभ [ brahmaprabha ] [ brahma-prabha ] m. N. of a man Lit. DivyA7v.
ब्रह्मप्रलय [ brahmapralaya ] [ brahma-pralaya ] m. " Brahmā's destruction " , the universal destruction that takes place at the end of every 100 years of Brahmā's (and in which even Brahmā himself is swallowed up) Lit. MW.
ब्रह्मप्रसूत [ brahmaprasūta ] [ brahma-prasūta ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. impelled by Brahma Lit. ŚBr.
ब्रह्मप्राप्त [ brahmaprāpta ] [ brahma-prāpta ] m. f. n. one who has obtained Brahma Lit. KaṭhUp.
ब्रह्मप्राप्ति [ brahmaprāpti ] [ brahma-prāpti ] f. obtainment of or absorption into Brahma Lit. MW.
ब्रह्मप्रायश्चित्त [ brahmaprāyaścitta ] [ brahma-prāyaścitta ] n. pl. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मप्रिय [ brahmapriya ] [ brahma-priya ] m. f. n. fond of devotion or of sacred knowledge Lit. Vishṇ. Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मप्री [ brahmaprī ] [ brahma-prī́ ] m. f. n. delighting in prayer or devotion Lit. RV.
ब्रह्मबन्धव [ brahmabandhava ] [ brahma-bandhava ] n. (prob.) the office or occupation of a nominal Brāhman ( cf. next) Lit. AitBr.
ब्रह्मबन्धु [ brahmabandhu ] [ brahma-bandhu ] m. an unworthy or merely nominal Brāhman ( Lit. Sāy. " a Brāhman who omits his Saṃdhyā devotions " ) Lit. AitBr. Lit. ChUp. Lit. GṛŚrS. ( [ °dhū ] f. Lit. Gaut. Lit. Gobh. ; [ °dhu-tā ] f. Lit. MBh. ; compar. and superl. [ °dhū-tara ] , [ °dhū-tama ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 44 Sch.)
ब्रह्मबन्धुता [ brahmabandhutā ] [ brahma-bandhu-tā ] f. , see [ brahmabandhu ] , Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मबल [ brahmabala ] [ brahma-balá ] n. Brāhmanical power Lit. MaitrS.
[ brahmabala ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मबलि [ brahmabali ] [ brahma-bali ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मबिन्दु [ brahmabindu ] [ brahma-bindu ] m. a drop of saliva sputtered while reciting the Veda Lit. L.
ब्रह्मबिन्दूपनिषद् [ brahmabindūpaniṣad ] [ brahma-bindūpaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
ब्रह्मबिलेय [ brahmabileya ] [ brahma-bileya ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मबीज [ brahmabīja ] [ brahma-bīja ] n. " seed of the Veda " , the sacred syllable [ om ] Lit. BhP.
[ brahmabīja ] m. the mulberry tree Lit. L.
ब्रह्मबोध [ brahmabodha ] [ brahma-bodha ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मबोधिनी [ brahmabodhinī ] [ brahma-bodhinī ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मबोध्या [ brahmabodhyā ] [ brahma-bodhyā ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh. (B. [ -vedhyā ] ) .
ब्रह्मब्रुव [ brahmabruva ] [ brahma-bruva ] m. = next Lit. A.
ब्रह्मब्रुवाण [ brahmabruvāṇa ] [ brahma-bruvāṇa ] m. f. n. calling one's self or pretending to be a Brāhman Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मभट्ट [ brahmabhaṭṭa ] [ brahma-bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मभद्रा [ brahmabhadrā ] [ brahma-bhadrā ] f. Ficus Heterophylla Lit. L.
ब्रह्मभवन [ brahmabhavana ] [ brahma-bhavana ] n. Brahmā's abode Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मभाग [ brahmabhāga ] [ brahma-bhāgá ] m. the share of a Brahman or chief priest Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
the mulberry tree Lit. L.
ब्रह्मभाव [ brahmabhāva ] [ brahma-bhāva ] m. absorption in the one self-existent Being or Brahma Lit. MBh. Sch.
ब्रह्मभावस्तोत्र [ brahmabhāvastotra ] [ brahma-bhāva--stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra by Śaṃkarâcārya.
ब्रह्मभावन [ brahmabhāvana ] [ brahma-bhāvana ] m. f. n. revealing or imparting religious knowledge Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मभिद् [ brahmabhid ] [ brahma-bhid ] m. f. n. dividing the one Brahma into many Lit. Prab.
ब्रह्मभुवन [ brahmabhuvana ] [ brahma-bhuvana ] n. Brahmā's world Lit. Bhag.
ब्रह्मभूत [ brahmabhūta ] [ brahma-bhūta ] m. f. n. become i.e. absorbed in Brahma Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. VP.
[ brahmabhūta ] n. identification with Brahma Lit. VP.
ब्रह्मभूति [ brahmabhūti ] [ brahma-bhūti ] f. twilight Lit. L.
ब्रह्मभूमिजा [ brahmabhūmijā ] [ brahma-bhūmi-jā ] f. " growing in Brahmā's land " , a kind of pepper Lit. L.
ब्रह्मभूय [ brahmabhūya ] [ brahma-bhūya ] n. identification with or absorption into Brahma Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( [ -tva ] n. )
Brāhmanhood Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मभूयत्व [ brahmabhūyatva ] [ brahma-bhūya--tva ] n. , see [ brahmabhūya ]
ब्रह्मभूयस् [ brahmabhūyas ] [ brahma-bhūyas ] m. f. n. becoming one with Brahma Lit. MBh.
[ brahmabhūyas ] n. absorption into Brāhmanhood Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मभ्रष्ट [ brahmabhraṣṭa ] [ brahma-bhraṣṭa ] m. f. n. one who has fallen from (i.e. who has forfeited) sacred knowledge Lit. Hcat.
ब्रह्ममङ्गलदेवता [ brahmamaṅgaladevatā ] [ brahma-maṅgala-devatā ] f. N. of Lakshmī Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्ममठ [ brahmamaṭha ] [ brahma-maṭha ] m. " Brahma's college " , N. of a theological college in Kaśmīra Lit. Rājat.
ब्रह्ममण्डूकी [ brahmamaṇḍūkī ] [ brahma-maṇḍūkī ] f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L.
ब्रह्ममति [ brahmamati ] [ brahma-mati ] m. N. of a demon Lit. Buddh.
ब्रह्ममन्त्र [ brahmamantra ] [ brahma-mantra ] m. or n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्ममय [ brahmamaya ] [ brahma-maya ] m. f. n. formed or consisting of or identified with Brahma Lit. AitBr. Lit. KaushUp. Lit. MBh.
belonging to or fit for a Brāhman Lit. W.
ब्रह्ममह [ brahmamaha ] [ brahma-maha ] m. a feast in honour of the Brāhmans Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्ममाण्डूकी [ brahmamāṇḍūkī ] [ brahma-māṇḍūkī ] f. = [ -maṇḍ ] Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
ब्रह्ममाल [ brahmamāla ] [ brahma-māla ] m. pl. N. of a forest Lit. R. (B.)
ब्रह्ममित्र [ brahmamitra ] [ brahma-mitra ] m. " having Brahmā or the Brāhmans for friends " , N. of a Muni Lit. MārkP. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 165 Sch.)
ब्रह्ममीमांसा [ brahmamīmāṃsā ] [ brahma-mīmāṃsā ] f. " investigation into Brahma or the spiritual doctrine of the Veda " , N. of the Vedânta philosophy treating of the one self-existent Spirit Lit. IW. 98 ( cf. [ -sūtra ] ) .
ब्रह्ममुख [ brahmamukha ] [ brahma-mukha ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. preceded by the priests , following or inferior to them Lit. TS. Lit. R.
ब्रह्ममुहूर्त [ brahmamuhūrta ] [ brahma-muhūrta ] m. a partic. hour of the day Lit. Siṃhâs.
ब्रह्ममूर्ति [ brahmamūrti ] [ brahma-mūrti ] m. f. n. having the figure or form of Brahmā Lit. MW.
ब्रह्ममूर्धभृत् [ brahmamūrdhabhṛt ] [ brahma-mūrdha-bhṛt ] m. " carrying Brahmā's head " , N. of Śiva (as having in a dispute cut off one of Brahmā's heads) Lit. W.
ब्रह्ममेखल [ brahmamekhala ] [ brahma-mekhala ] m. Saccharum Munjia (of which the sacred thread of a Brāhman is made) Lit. L.
ब्रह्ममेध्या [ brahmamedhyā ] [ brahma-medhyā ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ -bodhyā ] ) .
ब्रह्मयज्ञ [ brahmayajña ] [ brahma-yajñá ] m. " Vedic offering " , recitation of portions of the Veda and sacred books at the Saṃdhyā Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. (one of the 5 Mahā-yajñas or great devotional acts Lit. Mn. iii , 69 ; 70 ; cf. Lit. IW. 194 Lit. RTL. 393)
N. of the sacred texts for daily recitation
ब्रह्मयज्ञतर्पण [ brahmayajñatarpaṇa ] [ brahma-yajñá--tarpaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मयज्ञदेवर्षिपितृतर्पण [ brahmayajñadevarṣipitṛtarpaṇa ] [ brahma-yajñá--devarṣi-pitṛ-tarpaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मयज्ञप्रयोग [ brahmayajñaprayoga ] [ brahma-yajñá--prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मयज्ञसंहिता [ brahmayajñasaṃhitā ] [ brahma-yajñá--saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मयज्ञादिविधि [ brahmayajñādividhi ] [ brahma-yajñādi-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मयज्ञोपनिषद् [ brahmayajñopaniṣad ] [ brahma-yajñopaniṣad ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मयशस् [ brahmayaśas ] [ brahma-yaśas ] n. Brahma's glory Lit. KaushUp.
ब्रह्मयशःस्वामिन् [ brahmayaśaḥsvāmin ] [ brahma-yaśaḥ-svāmin ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मयशस [ brahmayaśasa ] [ brahma-yaśasa ] n. = [ °yaśas ] Lit. AitBr.
ब्रह्मयशसिन् [ brahmayaśasin ] [ brahma-yaśasin ] m. f. n. renowned for sanctity Lit. Br.
ब्रह्मयष्टि [ brahmayaṣṭi ] [ brahma-yaṣṭi ] f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus or Ligusticum Ajowan Lit. L.
ब्रह्मयाग [ brahmayāga ] [ brahma-yāga ] m. = [ -yajña ] Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मयातु [ brahmayātu ] [ brahma-yātu ] m. N. of a partic. class of demons Lit. Kāṭh.
ब्रह्मयामल [ brahmayāmala ] [ brahma-yāmala ] n. N. of a Tantra.
ब्रह्मयामिल [ brahmayāmila ] [ brahma-yāmila ] n. N. of a Tantra.
ब्रह्मयुग [ brahmayuga ] [ brahma-yuga ] n. the age of the Brāhmans ( opp. to [ kṣatrasya yugam ] ) Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मयुज् [ brahmayuj ] [ brahma-yúj ] m. f. n. harnessed by prayer (i.e. bringing Indra in answer to prayer , said of his horses) Lit. RV.
ब्रह्मयूप [ brahmayūpa ] [ brahma-yūpa ] m. " Brahmā's sacrificial post " , N. of a place Lit. L.
ब्रह्मयोग [ brahmayoga ] [ brahma-yogá ] m. employment of devotion , binding power of devotion Lit. AV.
cultivation of spiritual knowledge Lit. W.
ब्रह्मयोगिन् [ brahmayogin ] [ brahma-yogin ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मयोनि [ brahmayoni ] [ brahma-yoni ] f. original source or home in Brahma Lit. TĀr. ( [ -stha ] mfn. " abiding in Brahma " or " intent on the means of union with Brahma " Lit. Mn. x , 74)
N. of a place of pilgrimage ( also [ °nī ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.
of a mountain (= [ -giri ] ) Lit. L.
[ brahmayoni ] m. f. n. having one's source or home in Brahma Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
descended or sprung from Brahmā Lit. Ragh. Lit. MārkP.
ब्रह्मयोनिस्थ [ brahmayonistha ] [ brahma-yoni--stha ] m. f. n. , see [ brahmayoni ] , " abiding in Brahma " or " intent on the means of union with Brahma " Lit. Mn. x , 74
ब्रह्मरक्षस् [ brahmarakṣas ] [ brahma-rakṣas ] n. a class of evil demons Lit. Kathās. ( cf. [ -rākṣasa ] ) .
ब्रह्मरत्न [ brahmaratna ] [ brahma-ratna ] n. any valuable present made to Brāhmans Lit. R.
ब्रह्मरथ [ brahmaratha ] [ brahma-ratha ] m. the chariot or carriage of a Brāhman Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मरन्ध्र [ brahmarandhra ] [ brahma-randhra ] n. " Brahma's crevice " , a suture or aperture in the crown of the head (through which the soul is said to escape on death) Lit. Pur. Lit. Siṃhâs. ( Lit. RTL. 291) .
ब्रह्मरव [ brahmarava ] [ brahma-rava ] m. muttering of prayers Lit. Hcat.
ब्रह्मरस [ brahmarasa ] [ brahma-rasa ] m. the savour of Brahma Lit. KaushUp.
ब्रह्मरसासव [ brahmarasāsava ] [ brahma-rasāsava ] m. Brahma's nectar Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मरहस्यसंहिता [ brahmarahasyasaṃhitā ] [ brahma-rahasya-saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मराक्षस [ brahmarākṣasa ] [ brahma-rākṣasa ] m. a kind of evil demon , the ghost of a Brāhman who led an unholy life Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
a species of plant Lit. L.
[ brahmarākṣasī ] f. N. of one of the 9 Samidhs Lit. Gṛihyās.
ब्रह्मराज [ brahmarāja ] [ brahma-rāja ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
of a prince Lit. Inscr.
ब्रह्मराजन्य [ brahmarājanya ] [ brahma-rājanyá ] m. du. a Brāhman and a Kshatriya Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मरात [ brahmarāta ] [ brahma-rāta ] m. " given by Brahmā " , N. of Śuka Lit. BhP.
N. of the father of Yājñavalkya Lit. VP.
ब्रह्मराति [ brahmarāti ] [ brahma-rāti ] w.r. for [ brāhma-rāti ] .
ब्रह्मरात्रि [ brahmarātri ] [ brahma-rātri ] w.r. for [ brāhma-rāti ] .
ब्रह्मरात्र [ brahmarātra ] [ brahma-rātra ] m. " Brahmā's night " , N. of a partic. hour of night Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मराशि [ brahmarāśi ] [ brahma-rāśi ] m. the whole mass of sacred texts or knowledge Lit. Vprāt. Lit. R.
a partic. constellation Lit. MBh.
N. of Paraśu-rāma Lit. MW.
ब्रह्मरीति [ brahmarīti ] [ brahma-rīti ] f. a kind of brass Lit. L.
ब्रह्मरूप [ brahmarūpa ] [ brahma-rūpa ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. Vishṇ.
ब्रह्मरूपिणी [ brahmarūpiṇī ] [ brahma-rūpiṇī ] f. a species of parasitical plant Lit. L.
ब्रह्मरेखा [ brahmarekhā ] [ brahma-rekhā ] f. " Brahmā's line " , the lines of a man's destiny supposed to be written by Brahmā on the forehead of a child on the 6th day after its birth Lit. RTL. 370 , 373.
ब्रह्मर्षि [ brahmarṣi ] [ brahma-rṣi ] m. ( = and for [ -ṛṣi ] ) " Brāhmanical sage " , N. of a partic. class of sages supposed so belong to the Brāhman caste (as Vasishṭha ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( cf. [ deva-rṣi ] , [ maha-rṣi ] , [ rāja-rṣi ] )
ब्रह्मर्षिता [ brahmarṣitā ] [ brahma-rṣi--tā ] f. the state or rank of a Brahmarshi Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मर्षित्व [ brahmarṣitva ] [ brahma-rṣi--tva ] n. the state or rank of a Brahmarshi Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मर्षिदेश [ brahmarṣideśa ] [ brahma-rṣi--deśa ] m. the country of the Brahmarshis (including Kuru-kshetra and the country of the Matsyas. Pañcālas , and Śūra-senakas) Lit. Mn. ii , 19.
ब्रह्मलक्षणवाक्यार्थ [ brahmalakṣaṇavākyārtha ] [ brahma-lakṣaṇa-vākyārtha ] m. N. of an abridgment of the Vedânta-sudhā-rahasya.
ब्रह्मलिखित [ brahmalikhita ] [ brahma-likhita ] n.
ब्रह्मलेख [ brahmalekha ] [ brahma-lekha ] m. " Brahmā's writing " = [ -rekhā ] Lit. RTL. 370.
ब्रह्मलोक [ brahmaloka ] [ brahma-loká ] m. ( also pl.) the world or heaven of Brahmā (a division of the universe and one of the supposed residences of pious spirits) Lit. AV. Lit.
ब्रह्मलौकिक [ brahmalaukika ] [ brahma-laukika ] m. f. n. inhabiting Brahmā's world Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मवक्तृ [ brahmavaktṛ ] [ brahma-vaktṛ ] m. a proclaimer or teacher of sacred knowledge Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मवत् [ brahmavat ] [ brahma-vat ]1 ind. according to the sacred text or the Veda Lit. R.
like the Veda Lit. Āpast.
ब्रह्मवत् [ brahmavat ] [ brahma-vat ]2 m. f. n. possessing Brahma or sacred knowledge Lit. TUp. Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मवद [ brahmavada ] [ brahma-vada ] ( or [ -vala ] ) m. pl. N. of a Vedic school Lit. L. ( prob. w.r.)
ब्रह्मवद्य [ brahmavadya ] [ brahma-vadya ] n. recitation of sacred texts Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
= [ brahmodya ] Lit. ib.
[ brahmavadya ] m. f. n. ( in [ °dyā-kathā ] ) Lit. Vop.
ब्रह्मवध [ brahmavadha ] [ brahma-vadha ] m. the murder of a Brāhman Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मवध्या [ brahmavadhyā ] [ brahma-vadhyā ] f. id. Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मवध्याकृत [ brahmavadhyākṛta ] [ brahma-vadhyā--kṛta ] n. act of murdering a Brāhman Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मवनि [ brahmavani ] [ brahma-váni ] m. f. n. devoted to Brāhmans Lit. VS. ( Lit. Mahīdh.)
ब्रह्मवरण [ brahmavaraṇa ] [ brahma-varaṇa ] n. election of a chief priest Lit. KātyŚr.
ब्रह्मवर्चस् [ brahmavarcas ] [ brahma-varcas ] = [ °casa ] , in [ °cas-vin ] ( m. f. n.) = [ °casin ] Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मवर्चस [ brahmavarcasa ] [ brahma-varcasá ] n. divine glory or splendour , pre-eminence in holiness or sacred knowledge , sanctity , superhuman power Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मवर्चसकाम [ brahmavarcasakāma ] [ brahma-varcasá--kāma ] m. f. n. desirous of holiness or sacred knowledge Lit. Mn. ii , 37
ब्रह्मवर्चसिन् [ brahmavarcasin ] [ brahma-varcasí n ] m. f. n. eminent in sacred knowledge , holy ( compar. [ °sí -tara ] ) Lit. VS. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मवर्चस्य [ brahmavarcasya ] [ brahma-varcasya ] m. f. n. conferring sanctity or sacred knowledge Lit. Br. Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मवर्त [ brahmavarta ] [ brahma-varta ] m. = [ °māvarta ] Lit. L.
ब्रह्मवर्धन [ brahmavardhana ] [ brahma-vardhana ] n. copper (as peculiarly suitable for sacrificial utensils) Lit. L.
ब्रह्मवर्मन् [ brahmavarman ] [ brahma-varman ] n. " Brahmā's armour. " N. of partic. oblations Lit. ĀpŚr.
ब्रह्मवल [ brahmavala ] [ brahma-vala ] see
ब्रह्मवद [ brahmavada ] [ brahma-vada ] f. " Brahmā's tendril or creeper " , N. of an Upanishad (= [ brahmānanda-vally-upaniṣad ] )
ब्रह्मवदलिपि [ brahmavadalipi ] [ brahma-vada--lipi ] f. a partic. mode of writing Lit. Buddh.
ब्रह्मवल्ली [ brahmavallī ] [ brahma-vallī ] f. " Brahmā's tendril or creeper " , N. of an Upanishad (= [ brahmānanda-vally-upaniṣad ] )
ब्रह्मवल्लीलिपि [ brahmavallīlipi ] [ brahma-vallī--lipi ] f. a partic. mode of writing Lit. Buddh.
ब्रह्मवाटीय [ brahmavāṭīya ] [ brahma-vāṭīya ] m. N. of a class of Munis Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मवाद [ brahmavāda ] [ brahma-vādá ] m. discourse on or explanation of sacred texts Lit. TBr. Lit. BhP.
N. of a Nyāya wk. (also [ °dārtha ] , m. )
[ brahmavāda ] m. f. n. (m.c. ) = next Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मवादार्थ [ brahmavādārtha ] [ brahma-vādārtha ] m. , see [ brahmavāda ] , N. of a Nyāya wk.
ब्रह्मवादिन् [ brahmavādin ] [ brahma-vādí n ] m. f. n. discoursing on sacred texts , a defender or expounder of the Veda Lit. AV. (f [ inī ] . Lit. Var. ; [ °di-tva ] n. Lit. MBh.) ( 739,3 )
one who asserts that all things are to be identified with Brahma , a Vedântin Lit. Śaṃk.
ब्रह्मवादित्व [ brahmavāditva ] [ brahma-vādi-tva ] n. , see [ brahmavādin ] , Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मवाद्य [ brahmavādya ] [ brahma-vā́dya ] n. rivalry in sacred knowledge or in magical power Lit. TS.
ब्रह्मवालुक [ brahmavāluka ] [ brahma-vāluka ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मवास [ brahmavāsa ] [ brahma-vāsa ] m. the abode or heaven of Brahmā Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मवाहस् [ brahmavāhas ] [ brahma-vāhas ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. one to whom prayers are offered Lit. RV.
ब्रह्मवित्त्व [ brahmavittva ] [ brahma-vit-tva ] n. (fr. next) knowledge of Brahma (the one self-existent Spirit of the Universe) Lit. Vedântas.
ब्रह्मविद् [ brahmavid ] [ brahma-ví d ] m. f. n. knowing the one Brahma , a Vedic philosopher Lit. AV. ( also [ -vida ] )
skilled in sacred spells or magic Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मविदाशीर्वादपद्धति [ brahmavidāśīrvādapaddhati ] [ brahma-ví d-āśīrvāda-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मविद्या [ brahmavidyā ] [ brahma-vidyā́ ] f. knowledge of " the one self-existent Being " , knowledge of Brahma , sacred knowledge Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. Lit. IW. 219)
N. of an Upanishad ( cf. below)
ब्रह्मविद्यातीर्थ [ brahmavidyātīrtha ] [ brahma-vidyā́--tīrtha ] m. N. of an author
ब्रह्मविद्यापद्धति [ brahmavidyāpaddhati ] [ brahma-vidyā́--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मविद्याभारण [ brahmavidyābhāraṇa ] [ brahma-vidyābhāraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मविद्यामहोदधि [ brahmavidyāmahodadhi ] [ brahma-vidyā́--mahodadhi ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मविद्याविजय [ brahmavidyāvijaya ] [ brahma-vidyā́--vijaya ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मविद्याविलास [ brahmavidyāvilāsa ] [ brahma-vidyā́--vilāsa ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मविद्योपनिषद् [ brahmavidyopaniṣad ] [ brahma-vidyopaniṣad ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मविद्वस् [ brahmavidvas ] [ brahma-vidvas ] m. f. n. one who knows Brahma or the one universal Spirit , Lit. KaushUp.
ब्रह्मविद्विष् [ brahmavidviṣ ] [ brahma-vidviṣ ] m. f. n. = [ -dviṣ ] Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मविवर्धन [ brahmavivardhana ] [ brahma-vivardhana ] m. f. n. " increasing sacred knowledge " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मविशेषचित्तपरिपृच्छा [ brahmaviśeṣacittaparipṛcchā ] [ brahma-viśeṣa-citta-paripṛcchā ] f. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra wk.
ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेश्वरदान [ brahmaviṣṇumaheśvaradāna ] [ brahma-ví ṣṇu-maheśvara-dāna ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मविष्ण्वर्कवत् [ brahmaviṣṇvarkavat ] [ brahma-viṣṇv-arkavat ] m. f. n. accompanied by Brahmā and Vishṇu and the Sun Lit. Hcat.
ब्रह्मविहार [ brahmavihāra ] [ brahma-vihāra ] m. pious conduct , perfect state (4 with Buddhists) Lit. Lalit. Lit. DivyA7v. Lit. Dharmas. 16.
ब्रह्मवीणा [ brahmavīṇā ] [ brahma-vīṇā ] f. a partic. stringed instrument Lit. Saṃgīt.
ब्रह्मवृक्ष [ brahmavṛkṣa ] [ brahma-vṛkṣa ] m. the divine tree , Brahma regarded as a tree Lit. Bhag. Sch.
Butea Frondosa or Ficus Glomerasa Lit. L.
ब्रह्मवृत्ति [ brahmavṛtti ] [ brahma-vṛtti ] f. the livelihood or subsistence of a Brāhman Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मवृद्ध [ brahmavṛddha ] [ brahma-vṛddha ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. grown or increased by prayer Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मवृद्धि [ brahmavṛddhi ] [ brahma-vṛddhi ] f. increase of Brāhmanical power Lit. Āpast.
[ brahmavṛddhi ] m. N. of a man Lit. L.
ब्रह्मवृन्द [ brahmavṛnda ] [ brahma-vṛnda ] n. a company or assemblage of Brāhmans Lit. MW.
[ brahmavṛndā ] f. N. of the city of Brahmā Lit. W.
ब्रह्मवेद [ brahmaveda ] [ brahma-veda ] m. " the Veda of sacred spells or charms " the Atharva-veda Lit. AV. Lit. Anukr. Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
the Veda of the Brāhmans ( as opp. to [ kṣatra-veda ] q.v.) Lit. R.
knowledge of Brahma Lit. W.
knowledge of the Vedas Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मवेदपरिशिष्ट [ brahmavedapariśiṣṭa ] [ brahma-veda--pariśiṣṭa ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मवेदमय [ brahmavedamaya ] [ brahma-veda--maya ] m. f. n. consisting of the Brahma-veda Lit. L.
ब्रह्मवेदि [ brahmavedi ] [ brahma-vedi ] f. " Brahmā's altar " , N. of the country between the 5 lakes of Rāma in Kuru-kshetra Lit. L.
ब्रह्मवेदिन् [ brahmavedin ] [ brahma-vedin ] m. f. n. = [ -vid ] , acquainted with the Veda or spiritual knowledge Lit. Mn. i , 97.
ब्रह्मवेध्या [ brahmavedhyā ] [ brahma-vedhyā ] see [ -bodhyā ] .
ब्रह्मवैवर्तक [ brahmavaivartaka ] [ brahma-vaivartaka ] n. " metamorphoses of Brahmā " (who is identified with Kṛishṇa) , N. of a Purāṇa (one of the most modern of the 18 , containing prayers and invocations addressed to Kṛishṇa with narratives about his loves for the Gopīs and Rādhā ) Lit. VP. Lit. Pañcar. ( Lit. IW. 514 )
ब्रह्मवैवर्त [ brahmavaivarta ] [ brahma-vaivarta ] n. " metamorphoses of Brahmā " (who is identified with Kṛishṇa) , N. of a Purāṇa (one of the most modern of the 18 , containing prayers and invocations addressed to Kṛishṇa with narratives about his loves for the Gopīs and Rādhā ) Lit. VP. Lit. Pañcar. ( Lit. IW. 514 )
ब्रह्मवैवर्तरहस्य [ brahmavaivartarahasya ] [ brahma-vaivarta--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मवैवर्तसार [ brahmavaivartasāra ] [ brahma-vaivarta--sāra ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मव्यवहार [ brahmavyavahāra ] [ brahma-vyavahāra ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मव्रत [ brahmavrata ] [ brahma-vrata ] n. N. of a religious observance Lit. MBh.
a vow of chastity ( [ -dhara ] mfn. practising the vow of chastity) Lit. Pañcat.
ब्रह्मव्रतधर [ brahmavratadhara ] [ brahma-vrata--dhara ] m. f. n. , see [ brahmavrata ] , practising the vow of chastity
ब्रह्मशब्द [ brahmaśabda ] [ brahma-śabda ] (ibc.) , Brahmā's word
ब्रह्मशब्दवाद [ brahmaśabdavāda ] [ brahma-śabda--vāda ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मशब्दशक्तिवाद [ brahmaśabdaśaktivāda ] [ brahma-śabda--śakti-vāda ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मशब्दार्थवाद [ brahmaśabdārthavāda ] [ brahma-śabdārtha-vāda ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मशब्दार्थविचार [ brahmaśabdārthavicāra ] [ brahma-śabdārtha-vicāra ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मशम्भु [ brahmaśambhu ] [ brahma-śambhu ] m. N. of an astronomer Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मशल्य [ brahmaśalya ] [ brahma-śalya ] m. Acacia Arabica Lit. L.
ब्रह्मशायिन् [ brahmaśāyin ] [ brahma-śāyin ] m. f. n. resting in Brahma Lit. L.
ब्रह्मशाला [ brahmaśālā ] [ brahma-śālā ] f. Brahmā's hall Lit. MaitrUp.
N. of a place Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मशासन [ brahmaśāsana ] [ brahma-śāsana ] m. N. of a Grāma Lit. L.
[ brahmaśāsana ] n. a command of Brahmā or of a Brāhman Lit. L.
an edict addressed to the Brāhmans (= [ dharmakīlaka ] ) Lit. L.
ब्रह्मशिरस् [ brahmaśiras ] [ brahma-śiras ] n. " Brahmā's head " , N. of a mythical weapon Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. ( also [ -śīrṣan ] Lit. BhP.)
ब्रह्मशिरःखण्डन [ brahmaśiraḥkhaṇḍana ] [ brahma-śiraḥ-khaṇḍana ] n. N. of ch. of Lit. KūrmaP.
ब्रह्मशुम्भित [ brahmaśumbhita ] [ brahma-śumbhita ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. purified or adorned by devotion Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मश्री [ brahmaśrī ] [ brahma-śrī ] f. N. of a Sāman Lit. Br.
ब्रह्मसंशित [ brahmasaṃśita ] [ brahma-saṃśita ] ( [ bráhma- ] ) m. f. n. sharpened by prayer or by a sacred text Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
ब्रह्मसंसद् [ brahmasaṃsad ] [ brahma-saṃsad ] f. Brahmā's hall of assembly Lit. Pañcar.
an assembly of Brahmans Lit. KaṭhUp.
ब्रह्मसंस्थ [ brahmasaṃstha ] [ brahma-saṃstha ] m. f. n. wholly devoted to Brahma or sacred knowledge Lit. ChUp.
ब्रह्मसंहिता [ brahmasaṃhitā ] [ brahma-saṃhitā ] f. a collection of prayers Lit. Hariv.
N. of sev. works. ( also [ -vyākhyā ] f. )
ब्रह्मसंहिताव्याख्या [ brahmasaṃhitāvyākhyā ] [ brahma-saṃhitā--vyākhyā ] f. , see [ brahmasaṃhitā ] , N. of sev. works.
ब्रह्मसती [ brahmasatī ] [ brahma-satī ] f. N. of. the river Sarasvatī Lit. L.
ब्रह्मसत्त्र [ brahmasattra ] [ brahma-sattra ] n. sacrifice of devotion or meditation , constant repetition of Vedic texts Lit. Mn. ii , 106 Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मसत्त्रिन् [ brahmasattrin ] [ brahma-sattrin ] m. f. n. offering the sacrifice of devotion
absorbed in the self-existent One Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मसदन [ brahmasadana ] [ brahma-sadana ] n. the seat of the chief priest , Lit. ŚrS.
= [ -sadas ] Lit. BhP.
N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मसदस् [ brahmasadas ] [ brahma-sadas ] n. the residence or court of Brahmā Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मसभा [ brahmasabhā ] [ brahma-sabhā ] f. the hall or court of Brahmā Lit. Ragh. Lit. Pañcar.
N. of a lotus pond Lit. DivyA7v.
ब्रह्मसम्बन्ध [ brahmasambandha ] [ brahma-sambandha ] m. union with the Supreme Spirit Lit. RTL. 136
= [ -rākṣasa ] Lit. L.
ब्रह्मसम्भव [ brahmasambhava ] [ brahma-sambhava ] m. f. n. sprung from Brahmā Lit. Hariv.
[ brahmasambhava ] m. (with Jainas) N. of the second black Vāsudeva Lit. L.
N. of the author of a law-book Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मसम्भवस्मृति [ brahmasambhavasmṛti ] [ brahma-sambhava--smṛti ] f. N. of his wk.
ब्रह्मसरस् [ brahmasaras ] [ brahma-saras ] n. " Brahmā's lake " , N. of a very sacred bathing-place Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मसर्प [ brahmasarpa ] [ brahma-sarpa ] m. " Brahmā's serpent " , a kind of snake Lit. L.
ब्रह्मसव [ brahmasava ] [ brahma-savá ] m. purification of prayer Lit. RV. ix , 17 , 24
N. of a partic. libation Lit. Mn. v , 23 (= [ brahma-kṣatra-s ] ) .
ब्रह्मसागर [ brahmasāgara ] [ brahma-sāgara ] m. N. of a place Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मसात्कृत [ brahmasātkṛta ] [ brahma-sāt-kṛta ] m. f. n. brought into union with Brahmā Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मसाम [ brahmasāma ] [ brahma-sāmá ] n. N. of a Sāman (sung to a text recited by the chief priest or by the Brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsin) Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
ब्रह्मसामिक [ brahmasāmika ] [ brahma-sāmika ] m. f. n. relating to it , Lit. PañcavBr. Sch.
ब्रह्मसामन् [ brahmasāman ] [ brahma-sāmán ] n. N. of a Sāman (sung to a text recited by the chief priest or by the Brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsin) Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
ब्रह्मसायुज्य [ brahmasāyujya ] [ brahma-sāyujya ] n. intimate union or identification with Brahma Lit. L.
ब्रह्मसार्ष्टिता [ brahmasārṣṭitā ] [ brahma-sārṣṭitā ] f. union or equality with Brahma Lit. Mn. iv , 232.
ब्रह्मसावर्ण [ brahmasāvarṇa ] [ brahma-sāvarṇa ] m. N. of the 10th Manu Lit. Pur. ( also [ °ṇi ] Lit. ib.)
[ brahmasāvarṇa ] n. his Manv-antara Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मसिद्धान्त [ brahmasiddhānta ] [ brahma-siddhānta ] m. N. of various astron. works. ( also [ -paddhati ] f. )
ब्रह्मसिद्धान्तपद्धति [ brahmasiddhāntapaddhati ] [ brahma-siddhānta--paddhati ] f. , see [ brahmasiddhānta ] , N. of various astron. works.
ब्रह्मसिद्धि [ brahmasiddhi ] [ brahma-siddhi ] m. N. of a Muni Lit. Kathās.
of a Vedânta wk.
ब्रह्मसिद्धिव्याख्यारत्न [ brahmasiddhivyākhyāratna ] [ brahma-siddhi--vyākhyā-ratna ] n. N. of a Comm. on it.
ब्रह्मसुत [ brahmasuta ] [ brahma-suta ] m. " Brahmā's son " , N. of the Ketu Brahmadaṇḍa Lit. Var.
[ brahmasutā ] f. Brahmā's daughter Lit. Hcat.
ब्रह्मसुवर्चला [ brahmasuvarcalā ] [ brahma-suvarcalā ] f. a species of plant Lit. Suśr. ( Helianthus or Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L.)
an infusion of it (drunk as a penance) Lit. Mn. xi , 160.
ब्रह्मसू [ brahmasū ] [ brahma-sū ] m. " Brahmā's son " , N. of Kāma-deva or of Aniruddha (Kāma-deva's son) Lit. L.
ब्रह्मसूक्त [ brahmasūkta ] [ brahma-sūkta ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मसूत्र [ brahmasūtra ] [ brahma-sūtra ] n. the sacred thread worn over the shoulder Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
a Sūtra work treating of the knowledge of Brahma ( esp. the aphorisms of the Vedânta philosophy ascribed to Bādarāyaṇa or Vyāsa , also called [ bādarāyaṇa- ] or [ vedānta- ] or [ vyāsa- ] or [ śārīraka-sūtra ] , and [ uttara- ] or [ brahma-mīmāṃsā ] )
ब्रह्मसूत्रऋजुव्याख्या [ brahmasūtraṛjuvyākhyā ] [ brahma-sūtra--ṛju-vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मसूत्रकारिका [ brahmasūtrakārikā ] [ brahma-sūtra--kārikā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मसूत्रचन्द्रिका [ brahmasūtracandrikā ] [ brahma-sūtra--candrikā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मसूत्रतन्त्रदीपिका [ brahmasūtratantradīpikā ] [ brahma-sūtra--tantra-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मसूत्रतात्पर्य [ brahmasūtratātparya ] [ brahma-sūtra--tātparya ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मसूत्रपद [ brahmasūtrapada ] [ brahma-sūtra--pada ] n. the word or statement of a Brahma-sūtra Lit. Bhag. Lit. Hariv.
[ brahmasūtrapada ] m. f. n. consisting of such a word or statement Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मसूत्रप्रदीप [ brahmasūtrapradīpa ] [ brahma-sūtra--pradīpa ] m. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रभाष्य [ brahmasūtrabhāṣya ] [ brahma-sūtra--bhāṣya ] n. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रभाष्यदीपिका [ brahmasūtrabhāṣyadīpikā ] [ brahma-sūtra--bhāṣya-dīpikā ] f. N. of Comm. on Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रभाष्यवार्त्तिक [ brahmasūtrabhāṣyavārttika ] [ brahma-sūtra--bhāṣya-vārttika ] n. N. of Comm. on Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रभाष्यसार [ brahmasūtrabhāṣyasāra ] [ brahma-sūtra--bhāṣya-sāra ] m. N. of Comm. on Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रलघुवार्त्तिक [ brahmasūtralaghuvārttika ] [ brahma-sūtra--laghu-vārttika ] n. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रवृत्ति [ brahmasūtravṛtti ] [ brahma-sūtra--vṛtti ] f. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रवृत्तिवार्त्तिक [ brahmasūtravṛttivārttika ] [ brahma-sūtra--vṛtti-vārttika ] n. N. of Comm. on Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रसंगति [ brahmasūtrasaṃgati ] [ brahma-sūtra--saṃgati ] f. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्राद्वैतवृत्ति [ brahmasūtrādvaitavṛtti ] [ brahma-sūtrādvaita-vṛtti ] f. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रानुभाष्य [ brahmasūtrānubhāṣya ] [ brahma-sūtrānubhāṣya ] n. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रानुभाष्यप्रदीप [ brahmasūtrānubhāṣyapradīpa ] [ brahma-sūtrānubhāṣya-pradīpa ] m. N. of Comm. on Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रानुभाष्यविवरण [ brahmasūtrānubhāṣyavivaraṇa ] [ brahma-sūtrānubhāṣya-vivaraṇa ] n. N. of Comm. on Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रानुव्याख्यान [ brahmasūtrānuvyākhyāna ] [ brahma-sūtrānuvyākhyāna ] n. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रार्थप्रकाशिका [ brahmasūtrārthaprakāśikā ] [ brahma-sūtrārtha-prakāśikā ] f. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रार्थमणिमाला [ brahmasūtrārthamaṇimālā ] [ brahma-sūtrārtha-maṇi-mālā ] f. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रोपन्यास [ brahmasūtropanyāsa ] [ brahma-sūtropanyāsa ] m. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रोपन्यासवृत्ति [ brahmasūtropanyāsavṛtti ] [ brahma-sūtropanyāsa-vṛtti ] f. N. of Comm. on Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
ब्रह्मसूत्रिन् [ brahmasūtrin ] [ brahma-sūtrin ] m. f. n. invested with the Brāhmanical cord Lit. Yājñ.
ब्रह्मसूनु [ brahmasūnu ] [ brahma-sūnu ] m. (with Jainas) N. of the 12th king of Bhārata Lit. L.
ब्रह्मसृज् [ brahmasṛj ] [ brahma-sṛj ] m. " Brahmā's creator " , N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.
ब्रह्मसोम [ brahmasoma ] [ brahma-soma ] m. N. of a sage Lit. Kathās.
ब्रह्मस्तम्ब [ brahmastamba ] [ brahma-stamba ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat. ( cf. [ brāhmastambi ] ) .
ब्रह्मस्तुति [ brahmastuti ] [ brahma-stuti ] f. N. of a hymn of praise ( also [ °ti-stotra ] ) Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मस्तेन [ brahmastena ] [ brahma-stena ] m. a thief of that which is sacred , one who obtains a knowledge of the Veda by illicit means Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मस्तेय [ brahmasteya ] [ brahma-steya ] n. unlawful acquisition of the Veda ( cf. prec.) Lit. Mn. ii , 116.
ब्रह्मस्थल [ brahmasthala ] [ brahma-sthala ] n. N. of a city Lit. Cat. ( cf. [ -pura ] )
of a village Lit. Kathās.
ब्रह्मस्थान [ brahmasthāna ] [ brahma-sthāna ] n. " Brahmā's place " , N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh.
[ brahmasthāna ] m. the mulberry tree Lit. L.
ब्रह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त [ brahmasphuṭasiddhānta ] [ brahma-sphuṭa-siddhānta ] m. N. of an astron. wk. by Brahma-gupta ( also called [ brahma-siddhānta ] ) :
ब्रह्मस्व [ brahmasva ] [ brahma-sva ] n. the property i.e. lands or money of Brāhmans Lit. Caṇḍ. Lit. Pañcar.
ब्रह्मस्वरूप [ brahmasvarūpa ] [ brahma-svarūpa ] m. f. n. of the nature or essence of the one self-existing Spirit Lit. W.
ब्रह्मस्वामिन् [ brahmasvāmin ] [ brahma-svāmin ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्महंसोपनिषद् [ brahmahaṃsopaniṣad ] [ brahma-haṃsopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
ब्रह्महत्या [ brahmahatyā ] [ brahma-hatyā́ ] f. murder of a Brāhman (or any crime equally heinous) Lit. VS. Lit.
ब्रह्महन् [ brahmahan ] [ brahma-hán ] m. f. n. " Brāhman-slaying " , the murderer of a Brāhman Lit. TS.
[ brahmaghnī ] f. Aloe Perfoliata Lit. L.
ब्रह्महरि [ brahmahari ] [ brahma-hari ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्महुत [ brahmahuta ] [ brahma-huta ] n. " offering to Brahmā or the Brāhmans " , hospitality Lit. L. ( cf. [ brāhmya-huta ] ) .
ब्रह्महृदय [ brahmahṛdaya ] [ brahma-hṛdaya ] m. n. the star Capella Lit. Sūryas.
N. of a partic. Anuvāka ( Lit. TĀr. x, 28), Lit. Baudh.
ब्रह्मह्रद [ brahmahrada ] [ brahma-hrada ] m. N. of a lake Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्माक्षर [ brahmākṣara ] [ brahmākṣara ] n. the sacred syllable [ om ] Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्माक्षरमय [ brahmākṣaramaya ] [ brahmākṣara--maya ] m. f. n. consisting of sacred syllables Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मागार [ brahmāgāra ] [ brahmāgāra ] n. the house of the chief priest Lit. KātyŚr.
ब्रह्माग्रभू [ brahmāgrabhū ] [ brahmāgra-bhū ] m. a horse Lit. L. ( cf. next and [ brahmātma-bhū ] ) .
ब्रह्माङ्गभू [ brahmāṅgabhū ] [ brahmāṅga-bhū ] m. f. n. one who has touched the several parts of his body during the repetition of Mantras Lit. Kum. iii , 15 ( Lit. Mall.)
[ brahmāṅgabhū ] m. = prec. Lit. A.
ब्रह्माञ्जलि [ brahmāñjali ] [ brahmāñjali ] m. joining the hollowed hands while repeating the Veda Lit. Mn. ii , 71
ब्रह्माञ्जलिकृत [ brahmāñjalikṛta ] [ brahmāñjali--kṛta ] m. f. n. one who has joined the hands hands in token of homage to the Veda Lit. ib. , 70 Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
ब्रह्माण्ड [ brahmāṇḍa ] [ brahmāṇḍa ] n. " Brahmā's egg " , the universe , world ( also pl.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Sūryas. Lit. Pur. ( also [ -kaṭāha ] m. Lit. Āryabh. Sch.)
N. of a Purāṇa and an Upapurāṇa
ब्रह्माण्डकटाह [ brahmāṇḍakaṭāha ] [ brahmāṇḍa--kaṭāha ] m. , see [ brahmāṇḍa ] , Lit. Āryabh. Sch.
ब्रह्माण्डकपाल [ brahmāṇḍakapāla ] [ brahmāṇḍa--kapāla ] m. the skull or hemisphere of the world , the inhabited earth Lit. Hcar.
ब्रह्माण्डकल्प [ brahmāṇḍakalpa ] [ brahmāṇḍa--kalpa ] m. N. of Tāntric wk.
ब्रह्माण्डज्ञानमहाराजतन्त्र [ brahmāṇḍajñānamahārājatantra ] [ brahmāṇḍa--jñāna-mahārāja-tantra ] n. N. of Tāntric wk.
ब्रह्माण्डतन्त्र [ brahmāṇḍatantra ] [ brahmāṇḍa--tantra ] n. N. of Tāntric wk.
ब्रह्माण्डपुराण [ brahmāṇḍapurāṇa ] [ brahmāṇḍa--purāṇa ] n. N. of one of the 18 Purāṇas (so called as revealed by Brahmā and containing an account of the egg of Brahmā and the future Kalpas. ; cf. Lit. IW. 514 ; 521)
ब्रह्माण्डभाण्डोदर [ brahmāṇḍabhāṇḍodara ] [ brahmāṇḍa--bhāṇḍodara ] n. the interior of the vessel-like egg of Brahmā Lit. MW.
ब्रह्माण्डयामलेपञ्चमीसाधन [ brahmāṇḍayāmalepañcamīsādhana ] [ brahmāṇḍa--yāmale pañcamī-sādhana ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मातिथि [ brahmātithi ] [ brahmātithi ] m. " Brahmā's guest " , N. of a Kāṇva (author of Lit. RV. viii , 5) .
ब्रह्मात्मभू [ brahmātmabhū ] [ brahmātma-bhū ] m. a horse ( cf. [ brahmāṅga- ] and [ °māgra-bhū ] ) .
ब्रह्मादनी [ brahmādanī ] [ brahmādanī ] f. a species of plant (= [ haṃsa-padī ] ) Lit. L.
ब्रह्मादर्श [ brahmādarśa ] [ brahmādarśa ] m. " Brahmā's mirror " , N. of wk.
ब्रह्मादिजाता [ brahmādijātā ] [ brahmādi-jātā ] f. the river Go-dāvarī Lit. L. (v.l. [ mādri-j ] ) .
ब्रह्मादित्य [ brahmāditya ] [ brahmāditya ] m. N. of an author ( also called [ brahmārka ] ) Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मादिशीर्ष [ brahmādiśīrṣa ] [ brahmādi-śīrṣa ] m. or n. (?) N. of a place Lit. Cat. 1.
ब्रह्माद्य [ brahmādya ] [ brahmādya ] m. f. n. ( fr. 1. [ ādya ] ) beginning with Brahmā Lit. Mn. i , 50. 2.
ब्रह्माद्य [ brahmādya ] [ brahmādya ] m. f. n. ( fr. 2. [ ādya ] ) to be eaten by priests or Brāhmans Lit. Br.
ब्रह्माद्रिजाता [ brahmādrijātā ] [ brahmādri-jātā ] f. see [ °mādi-jātā ] .
ब्रह्माधिगम [ brahmādhigama ] [ brahmādhigama ] m. devotion to sacred study or the Veda (also [ °mana ] n. Lit. W.)
ब्रह्माधिगमन [ brahmādhigamana ] [ brahmādhigamana ] n. , see [ brahmādhigama ] , devotion to sacred study or the Veda Lit. W.
ब्रह्माधिगमिक [ brahmādhigamika ] [ brahmādhigamika ] m. f. n. relating to it Lit. Mn. ii , 64.
ब्रह्मानन्द [ brahmānanda ] [ brahmānanda ] m. " joy in Brahma " , the rapture of absorption into the one self-existent Spirit Lit. RāmatUp.
N. of various men and authors (also [ -giri ] m. , [ -parama-haṃsa ] m. , [ -bhāratī ] m. , [ -yogin ] m. , [ -yogīndra ] m. , [ -sārasvatī ] m. , and [ °din ] , m. )
N. of wk.
ब्रह्मानन्दगिरि [ brahmānandagiri ] [ brahmānanda--giri ] m. , see [ brahmānanda ] , N. of man or author
ब्रह्मानन्दपरमहंस [ brahmānandaparamahaṃsa ] [ brahmānanda--parama-haṃsa ] m. , see [ brahmānanda ] , N. of man or author
ब्रह्मानन्दभारती [ brahmānandabhāratī ] [ brahmānanda--bhāratī ] m. , see [ brahmānanda ] , N. of man or author
ब्रह्मानन्दयोगिन् [ brahmānandayogin ] [ brahmānanda--yogin ] m. , see [ brahmānanda ] , N. of man or author
ब्रह्मानन्दयोगीन्द्र [ brahmānandayogīndra ] [ brahmānanda--yogīndra ] m. , see [ brahmānanda ] , N. of man or author
ब्रह्मानन्दसारस्वती [ brahmānandasārasvatī ] [ brahmānanda--sārasvatī ] m. , see [ brahmānanda ] , N. of man or author
ब्रह्मानन्दिन् [ brahmānandin ] [ brahmānandin ] m. , see [ brahmānanda ] , N. of man or author
ब्रह्मानन्दवल्ली [ brahmānandavallī ] [ brahmānanda--vallī ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मानन्दविलास [ brahmānandavilāsa ] [ brahmānanda--vilāsa ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मानन्दसूत्रमुक्तावलि [ brahmānandasūtramuktāvali ] [ brahmānanda--sūtra-muktāvali ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मानन्दस्तव [ brahmānandastava ] [ brahmānanda--stava ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मानन्दीय [ brahmānandīya ] [ brahmānandīya ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मानन्दीयखण्डन [ brahmānandīyakhaṇḍana ] [ brahmānandīya-khaṇḍana ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मापेत [ brahmāpeta ] [ brahmāpeta ] m. N. of one of the Rākshasas said to dwell in the sun during the month Māgha Lit. VP.
ब्रह्माभ्यास [ brahmābhyāsa ] [ brahmābhyāsa ] m. study and repetition of the Veda Lit. Mn. iv , 149.
ब्रह्मामृत [ brahmāmṛta ] [ brahmāmṛta ] n. N. of a Vedânta wk.
ब्रह्मामृतवर्षिणी [ brahmāmṛtavarṣiṇī ] [ brahmāmṛta--varṣiṇī ] f. N. of a Comm. on the Brahma-sūtras.
ब्रह्माम्भस् [ brahmāmbhas ] [ brahmāmbhas ] n. " holy water " , the urine of a cow Lit. L.
ब्रह्मायण [ brahmāyaṇa ] [ brahmāyaṇa ] m. N. of Nārāyaṇa Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मायन [ brahmāyana ] [ brahmāyana ] m. N. of Nārāyaṇa Lit. Hariv.
ब्रह्मायतन [ brahmāyatana ] [ brahmāyatana ] n. a temple of Brahmā Lit. Var.
ब्रह्मायतनीय [ brahmāyatanīya ] [ brahmāyatanīya ] m. f. n. leaning on or supported by Brāhmans Lit. Lāṭy.
ब्रह्मायुस् [ brahmāyus ] [ brahmāyus ] n. Brahmā's life-time Lit. Vishṇ.
[ brahmāyus ] m. f. n. living as long as Brahmā Lit. Siṃhâs.
m. N. of a Brāhman Lit. Buddh.
ब्रह्मारण्य [ brahmāraṇya ] [ brahmāraṇya ] n. " holy forest " , a grove in which the Veda is studied Lit. L.
N. of a forest Lit. Hit.
ब्रह्मारण्यमाहात्म्य [ brahmāraṇyamāhātmya ] [ brahmāraṇya--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मारम्भ [ brahmārambha ] [ brahmārambha ] m. beginning to repeat the Veda Lit. Mn. ii , 71.
ब्रह्मार्क [ brahmārka ] [ brahmārka ] m. see [ °māditya ] .
ब्रह्मार्घ [ brahmārgha ] [ brahmārgha ] m. f. n. worthy of Brahmā or of sacred knowledge Lit. KaushUp. (v.l. for [ °ma-grāhin ] ) .
ब्रह्मार्पण [ brahmārpaṇa ] [ brahmārpaṇa ] n. the offering of sacred texts Lit. Pañcar.
N. of a magical spell Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मालंकार [ brahmālaṃkāra ] [ brahmālaṃkāra ] m. the ornament of Brahmā Lit. KaushUp.
ब्रह्मावती [ brahmāvatī ] [ brahmā-vatī ] f. N. of a woman Lit. DivyA7v.
of a lotus pond Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मावबोध [ brahmāvabodha ] [ brahmāvabodha ] m. N. of wk. (also [ -viveka-sindhu ] , m. )
ब्रह्मावबोधविवेकसिन्धु [ brahmāvabodhavivekasindhu ] [ brahmāvabodha--viveka-sindhu ] m. , see [ brahmāvabodha ] , N. of wk.
ब्रह्मावर्त [ brahmāvarta ] [ brahmāvarta ] m. " the holy land " , N. of the country situated between the rivers Sarasvatī and Dṛishadvatī to the N. Lit. W. of Hastinā-pura Lit. Mn. ii , 17 ; 19 Lit. AV.Pariś. ( Lit. IW. 209)
N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh. ( also [ -tīrtha ] n. Lit. Cat.)
of a son of Ṛishabha Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मावर्ततीर्थ [ brahmāvartatīrtha ] [ brahmāvarta--tīrtha ] n. , see [ brahmāvarta ] , N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मावलीभाष्य [ brahmāvalībhāṣya ] [ brahmāvalī-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मावादनगर [ brahmāvādanagara ] [ brahmā-vāda-nagara ] n. N. of a city Lit. Siṃhâs.
ब्रह्मावास [ brahmāvāsa ] [ brahmāvāsa ] m. " home of or in Brahmā " , N. of a wk. (on salvation to be attained in Benares) .
ब्रह्मासन [ brahmāsana ] [ brahmāsana ] n. the seat of the chief priest Lit. ŚrS.
[ brahmāsanā ] f. a partic. posture suited to devout religious meditation Lit. Kād.
ब्रह्मासननिविष्ट [ brahmāsananiviṣṭa ] [ brahmāsana--niviṣṭa ] m. f. n. seated in that posture Lit. Rājat.
ब्रह्मासन्दी [ brahmāsandī ] [ brah-māsandī ] f. the throne of Brahman, Lit. JaimUp.
ब्रह्मास्त्र [ brahmāstra ] [ brahmāstra ] n. " Brahmā's missile " , N. of a mythical weapon (which deals infallible destruction) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
of a partic. kind of incantation Lit. Cat. ( cf. Lit. IW. 402 , 1)
ब्रह्मास्त्रकल्प [ brahmāstrakalpa ] [ brahmāstra--kalpa ] m. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मास्त्रकवच [ brahmāstrakavaca ] [ brahmāstra--kavaca ] m. n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मास्त्रकार्यसाधन [ brahmāstrakāryasādhana ] [ brahmāstra--kārya-sādhana ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मास्त्रपद्धति [ brahmāstrapaddhati ] [ brahmāstra--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मास्त्रविद्यापूजापद्धति [ brahmāstravidyāpūjāpaddhati ] [ brahmāstra--vidyā-pūjā-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मास्त्रविधानपद्धति [ brahmāstravidhānapaddhati ] [ brahmāstra--vidhāna-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मास्य [ brahmāsya ] [ brahmāsya ] n. the mouth of Brahmā Lit. MBh.
the mythical of a Brāhman Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्माहुत [ brahmāhuta ] [ bráhmāhuta ] m. f. n. one to whom oblations of prayer and devotion have been made Lit. AV.
ब्रह्माहुति [ brahmāhuti ] [ brahmāhuti ] f. the offering of prayer or devotion Lit. Mn. ii , 106.
ब्रह्मेद्ध [ brahmeddha ] [ bráhmeddha ] m. f. n. lighted or kindled with prayers Lit. AV.
ब्रह्मेन्द्र [ brahmendra ] [ brahmendra ] m. ( with [ sarasvatī ] or [ °dra-svāmin ] ) N. of authors Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मेशय [ brahmeśaya ] [ brahme-śaya ] m. ( for [ °maṇi-ś° ] ) " resting in Brahma " , N. of Kārttikeya Lit. MBh.
of Vishṇu Lit. ib.
ब्रह्मेशवैष्णव [ brahmeśavaiṣṇava ] [ brahmeśa-vaiṣṇava ] m. f. n. descended from Brahmā and Śiva and Vishṇu Lit. MārkP.
ब्रह्मेश्वर [ brahmeśvara ] [ brahmeśvara ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मेश्वरतीर्थ [ brahmeśvaratīrtha ] [ brahmeśvara--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha on the Revā or Narmadā river Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मैक्यप्रकरण [ brahmaikyaprakaraṇa ] [ brahmaikya-prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
ब्रह्मोज्झ [ brahmojjha ] [ brahmojjha ] m. f. n. one who has neglected or forgotten the Veda Lit. Gaut.
ब्रह्मोज्झ [ brahmojjha ] [ brahmojjha ] n. ( Lit. Āpast.) = [ -tā ] f. ( Lit. Mn.) , [ -tva ] n. ( Lit. Yājñ. Sch.) neglecting or forgetting the Veda , ( cf. Lit. IW. 270)
ब्रह्मोज्झता [ brahmojjhatā ] [ brahmojjha-tā ] f. , see [ brahmojjha ] , ( Lit. Mn.) neglecting or forgetting the Veda , ( cf. Lit. IW. 270)
ब्रह्मोज्झत्व [ brahmojjhatva ] [ brahmojjha-tva ] n. , see [ brahmojjha ] , ( Lit. Yājñ. Sch.) neglecting or forgetting the Veda , ( cf. Lit. IW. 270)
ब्रह्मोडुम्बर [ brahmoḍumbara ] [ brahmoḍumbara ] w.r. for [ °modumbara ] .
ब्रह्मोत्तर [ brahmottara ] [ brahmottara ] m. f. n. treating principally of Brahmā or consisting chiefly of Brāhmans
[ brahmottara ] m. N. of a superhuman being Lit. Lalit.
(with Jainas) of a partic. Kalpa Lit. Dharmaś.
pl. N. of a people Lit. MārkP.
n. N. of a town Lit. DivyA7v.
n. of ch. of Lit. Skandap. ( also called [ -khaṇḍa ] n. or [ laghu-śiva-purāṇa ] n. )
n. (also, prob.) the sanctuary of a temple, Lit. Inscr.
ब्रह्मोत्तरखण्ड [ brahmottarakhaṇḍa ] [ brahmottara--khaṇḍa ] n. , see [ brahmottara ] , N. of ch. of Lit. Skandap.
ब्रह्मोदतीर्थ [ brahmodatīrtha ] [ brahmoda-tīrtha ] n. ( Lit. Cat.) and
ब्रह्मोदुम्बर [ brahmodumbara ] [ brahmodumbara ] m. or n. ( Lit. MBh. ; C. [ °moḍ° ] ) N. of Tīrthas.
ब्रह्मोद्य [ brahmodya ] [ brahmódya ] n. rivalry in sacred knowledge , playful discussion of theological questions or problems Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
[ brahmodya ] m. f. n. relating to sacred questions or problems Lit. Vop.
[ brahmodyā ] f. ( with [ kathā ] ) a story or riddle from the Veda Lit. Mn. iii , 231 ( cf. [ brahmavadya ] ) .
ब्रह्मोपदेश [ brahmopadeśa ] [ brahmopadeśa ] m. instruction in sacred knowledge , Lit. A.
ब्रह्मोपदेशनेतृ [ brahmopadeśanetṛ ] [ brahmopadeśa--netṛ ] m. Butea Frondosa Lit. ib. ( cf. [ -mopanetṛ ] ) .
ब्रह्मोपनिषद् [ brahmopaniṣad ] [ brahmopaniṣad ] f. mystical teaching concerning Brahma ( Lit. ChUp.) or the Brāhmans ( Lit. MBh. xv , 940)
N. of 2 Upanishads.
ब्रह्मोपनेतृ [ brahmopanetṛ ] [ brahmopanetṛ ] m. Butea Frondosa Lit. L. ( cf. [ °padeśa-netṛ ] ) .
ब्रह्मोपासना [ brahmopāsanā ] [ brahmopāsanā ] f. worship of Brahmā Lit. RTL. 493.
ब्रह्मोपेत [ brahmopeta ] [ brahmopeta ] m. N. of a Rakshas Lit. VP. ( cf. [ brahmāpeta ] ) .
ब्रह्मौदन [ brahmaudana ] [ brahmaudaná ] m. boiled rice distributed to Brāhmans and esp. to the chief priest at a sacrifice Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
ब्रह्मौपगव [ brahmaupagava ] [ brahmaupagava ] m. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 88 Sch.
ब्रह्मणस्पति [ brahmaṇaspati ] [ bráhmaṇas-páti ] m. ( fr. [ brahmaṇas ] gen. of [ brahman ] + [ p ] ) = [ bṛ́has-páti ] Lit. RV. ( [ -sūkta ] n. N. of wk.)
ब्रह्मणस्पतिसूक्त [ brahmaṇaspatisūkta ] [ bráhmaṇas-páti--sūkta ] n. , see [ brahmaṇaspati ] , N. of wk.
ब्रह्मणस्पत्नी [ brahmaṇaspatnī ] [ bráhmaṇas-pátnī ] f. the wife of the priest called Brahman Lit. TS.
ब्रह्मण्य [ brahmaṇya ] [ brahmaṇya ]1 Nom. P. [ °yáti ] ( only pr. p. [ °yát ] ) to pray , be devout or religious Lit. RV.
ब्रह्मण्य [ brahmaṇya ] [ brahmaṇyá ]2 m. f. n. relating to Brahma or Brahmā , devoted to sacred knowledge or friendly to Brāhmans , religious , pious Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ brahmaṇya ] m. N. of Kārttikeya Lit. MBh.
of the planet Saturn Lit. W.
the mulberry tree Lit. L.
Saccharum Munjia Lit. L.
[ brahmaṇyā ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. L.
[ brahmaṇya ] ( [ °ṇyá ] ) n. (pl.) " praise " or " sacrificial food " (?) Lit. RV. viii , 6 , 33 ( Lit. Sāy.)
ब्रह्मण्यता [ brahmaṇyatā ] [ brahmaṇyá-tā ] f. friendliness towards Brāhmans , piety Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
ब्रह्मण्यतीर्थ [ brahmaṇyatīrtha ] [ brahmaṇyá-tīrtha ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मण्यदेव [ brahmaṇyadeva ] [ brahmaṇyá-deva ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. Hariv. ( = [ brahmaṇyānāṃ śreṣṭhaḥ ] Sch.)
ब्रह्मण्यभास्कर [ brahmaṇyabhāskara ] [ brahmaṇyá-bhāskara ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
ब्रह्मण्वत् [ brahmaṇvat ] [ bráhmaṇ-vat ]1 m. f. n. ( [ °vát ] Lit. TBr.) accompanied by prayer , devout Lit. AV. Lit. Br.
practising a sacred work (and " having a Brāhman " ) Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.
including or representing the Brāhmans (as Agni) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
containing the word [ brahman ] Lit. AitBr.
[ brahmaṇvatī ] f. ( [ ī ] ) N. of an Ishṭakā Lit. TS.
ब्रह्मण्वत् [ brahmaṇvat ] [ brahmaṇ-vát ]2 ind. like Brahma or Brahmā or a Brāhman Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
ब्रह्माणी [ brahmāṇī ] [ brahmāṇī ] f. the Śakti or personified female energy of Brahmā , the wife of Brahmā Lit. Pur. ( cf. Lit. IW. 522)
N. of Durgā Lit. Hariv. Lit. DevīP. (w.r. [ brāhmānī ] or [ brāhmaṇī ] )
a kind of perfume Lit. L.
a kind of brass Lit. L.
N. of a river Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ brāhmaṇī ] ) .
ब्रह्माणीमन्त्र [ brahmāṇīmantra ] [ brahmāṇī-mantra ] m. a partic. verse or formula Lit. MārkP.
ब्रह्माय [ brahmāya ] [ brahmāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become Brahmā Lit. Vās.
ब्रह्मिन् [ brahmin ] [ brahmin ] m. f. n. belonging or relating to Brahma or Brahmā Lit. TĀr.
" possessing sacred knowledge " N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh.
ब्रह्मिष्ठ [ brahmiṣṭha ] [ bráhmiṣṭha ] m. f. n. ( superl. fr. [ brahmán ] ) a Brāhman in the highest degree (as a N. of Bṛihaspati or Prajā-pati and of very learned and pious Brāhmans or princes) Lit. TS.
[ brahmiṣṭha ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Ragh.
[ brahmiṣṭhā ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. DevīP.
ब्रह्मी [ brahmī ] [ bráhmī ]1 f. holy , devout (?) Lit. RV. ix , 33 , 5 ( Lit. Sāy. = [ brāhmaṇa-prerita ] )
a kind of fish , Macrognathus Pancalus (commonly called Pancal) Lit. L.
a kind of vegetable Lit. L.
Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L.
ब्रह्मी [ brahmī ] [ brahmī ]2 in comp. for [ °ma ] or [ °man ] .
ब्रह्मीभूत [ brahmībhūta ] [ brahmī-bhūta ] m. N. of Śaṃkarâcārya Lit. Gal.
ब्रह्मीयस् [ brahmīyas ] [ bráhmīyas ] m. f. n. ( compar. fr. [ brahmán ] ) more or most devout or skilled in sacred knowledge
[ brahmīyas ] m. a pious or learned Brāhman Lit. Br.
ब्राह्म [ brāhma ] [ brāhmá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ brahman ] , for which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) relating to Brahma or Brahmā , holy , sacred , divine Lit. AV.
relating to sacred knowledge , prescribed by the Veda , scriptural Lit. Mn. ii , 150
sacred to the Veda (with or scil. [ tīrtha ] n. the part of the hand situated at the root of the thumb) , Lit. ii , 59
relating or belonging to the Brāhmans or the sacerdotal class peculiar or favourable to or consisting of Brāhmans Brahmanical Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (with [ nidhi ] m. money bestowed on the sacerdotal class Lit. Mn. vii , 89)
belonging to an inhabitant of Brahmā's world Lit. Jātakam.
[ brāhma ] m. ( with or scil. [ vivāha ] ) N. of a form of marriage (in which the bride is bestowed on the bridegroom without requiring anything from him) Lit. Mn. iii , 21
N. of a man (son of Kṛishṇa and father of Mahêśvara) Lit. Cat.
patr. of Nārada Lit. L.
of Kavi Lit. MBh.
of Ūrdhva-nābhan and Raksho-han Lit. RAnukr.
[ brāhma ] n. sacred study , study of the Veda Lit. BhP.
( with or scil. [ tīrtha ] ) see above.
ब्राह्मकारिका [ brāhmakārikā ] [ brāhmá-kārikā ] f. pl. N. of partic. Kārikās Lit. Cat.
ब्राह्मकृतेय [ brāhmakṛteya ] [ brāhmá-kṛteya ] m. patr. fr. [ brahma-kṛta ] g. [ śubhrādi ] .
ब्राह्मगुप्त [ brāhmagupta ] [ brāhmá-gupta ] m. pl. ( fr. [ brahma-gupta ] ) N. of a race Lit. Kār. on Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 116 (v.l. [ brahma-g ] )
ब्राह्मगुप्तीय [ brāhmaguptīya ] [ brāhmá-guptīya ] m. a prince of the Brāhmaguptas Lit. ib. (v.l. [ brahma-g ] ) .
ब्राह्मदण्ड [ brāhmadaṇḍa ] [ brāhmá-daṇḍa ] m. (prob.) w.r. for [ brahma-d ] Lit. Rājat.
ब्राह्मदत्तायन [ brāhmadattāyana ] [ brāhmá-dattāyana ] m. patr. fr. [ brahma-datta ] g. [ śubhrādi ] .
ब्राह्मदेय [ brāhmadeya ] [ brāhmá-deya ] m. f. n. = [ brahma-d ] mfn. Lit. MBh. iii , 12729 (B.) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. iii , 585.
ब्राह्मपर्वन् [ brāhmaparvan ] [ brāhmá-parvan ] n. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मपलाश [ brāhmapalāśa ] [ brāhmá-palāśa ] m. pl. N. of a school ( also read [ brahma-p ] q.v.)
ब्राह्मपिङ्गा [ brāhmapiṅgā ] [ brāhmá-piṅgā ] (?) f. silver Lit. W.
ब्राह्मपुराण [ brāhmapurāṇa ] [ brāhmá-purāṇa ] n. = [ brahma-p ] Lit. VP.
ब्राह्मपुष्पि [ brāhmapuṣpi ] [ brāhmá-puṣpi ] m. patr. fr. [ brahma-puṣpa ] Lit. Cat. (w.r. [ brahma-puṣpi ] ) .
ब्राह्मप्रजापत्य [ brāhmaprajāpatya ] [ brāhmá-prajāpatya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ brahma-prajāpati ] ) Lit. L.
ब्राह्ममुहूर्त [ brāhmamuhūrta ] [ brāhmá-muhūrta ] m. n. a partic. period of the day (that included between the 4th Ghaṭikā and the 2nd before sunrise) , dawn Lit. L. ( cf. Lit. Mn. iv , 92) .
ब्राह्मराति [ brāhmarāti ] [ brāhmá-rāti ] m. ( fr. [ brahma-rāta ] ) patr. of Yājñavalkya Lit. VāyuP.
ब्राह्मलौकिक [ brāhmalaukika ] [ brāhmá-laukika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ brahma-loka ] ) possessing claims to Brahmā's world Lit. R.
ब्राह्मविवाह [ brāhmavivāha ] [ brāhmá-vivāha ] m. = [ °mo viv° ] above.
ब्राह्मसिद्धान्त [ brāhmasiddhānta ] [ brāhmá-siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.
ब्राह्माहोरात्र [ brāhmāhorātra ] [ brāhmāho-rātra ] m. a day and night of Brahmā (a period of 2000 ages of the gods or 2 Kalpasof mortals) Lit. L. ( cf. Lit. Mn. i , 72)
ब्राह्मेष्टि [ brāhmeṣṭi ] [ brāhmeṣṭi ] f. a partic. Ishṭi Lit. Up.
ब्राह्मोढा [ brāhmoḍhā ] [ brāhmoḍhā ] f. a woman married according to the Brāhma rite Lit. Vishṇ. Sch.
ब्राह्मोत्सव [ brāhmotsava ] [ brāhmotsava ] m. a class of periodical religious festivals Lit. RTL. 510.
ब्राह्मौदनिक [ brāhmaudanika ] [ brāhmaudanika ] m. ( fr. [ brahmaudana ] ; with or scil. [ agni ] ) the fire on which the rice for the priests is boiled Lit. ĀpŚr.
ब्राह्मक [ brāhmaka ] [ brāhmaka ] n. = [ -brahmaṇā kṛtam ] ( [ saṃjñāyām ] ) g. [ kulālādi ]
[ brāhmikā ] f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L.
ब्राह्मण [ brāhmaṇa ] [ brā́hmaṇa ] m. f. n. relating to or given by a Brāhman , befitting or becoming a Brāhman , Brāhmanical Lit. AV. Lit. TBr. Lit. MBh.
[ brāhmaṇa ] m. one who has divine knowledge (sometimes applied to Agni) , a Brāhman , a man belonging to the 1st of the 3 twice-born classes and of the 4 original divisions of the Hindū body (generally a priest , but often in the present day a layman engaged in non-priestly occupations although the name is strictly only applicable to one who knows and repeats the Veda) Lit. RV.
= [ brāhmaṇācchaṃsin ] Lit. KātyŚr.
a Brāhman in the second stage (between Mātra and Śrotriya) Lit. Hcat.
N. of the 28th lunar mansion Lit. L.
[ brāhmaṇī ] f. see [ brāhmaṇī ]
[ brāhmaṇa ] n. that which is divine , the divine Lit. AV.
sacred or divine power Lit. ib. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
Brāhmanical explanation , explanations of sacred knowledge or doctrine (esp. for the use of the Brāhmans in their sacrifices) Lit. Br.
the Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda (as distinct from its Mantra and Upanishad portion) and consisting of a class of works called Brāhmaṇas (they contain rules for the employment of the Mantras or hymns at various sacrifices , with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends ; they are said by Sāyaṇa to contain two parts: 1. [ vidhi ] , rules or directions for rites ; 2. [ artha-vāda ] , explanatory remarks ; each Veda has its own Brāhmaṇa , that of the Lit. RV. is preserved in 2 works , viz. the Aitareya , sometimes called Āśvalāyana , and the Kaushītaki or Śāṅkhāyana-Brāhmaṇa ; the white Yajur-veda has the Śata-patha-Brāhmaṇa ; the black Yajur-veda has the Taittirīya-Brāhmaṇa which differs little from the text of its Saṃhitā ; the Lit. SV. has 8 Brāhmaṇas , the best known of which are the Prauḍha or Pañca-viṃśa and the Shaḍviṃśa ; the Lit. AV. has one Brāhmaṇa called Go-patha) Lit. Nir. Lit. GṛŚrS.
the Soma vessel of the Brahman priest Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
a society or assemblage of Brāhmans , a conclave Lit. W.
ब्राह्मणकल्प [ brāhmaṇakalpa ] [ brā́hmaṇa-kalpa ] m. pl. the Brāhmaṇas and Kalpas (two kinds of Vedic texts) Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 105
[ brāhmaṇakalpa ] m. f. n. like a Brāhman Lit. AitBr.
ब्राह्मणकाम्या [ brāhmaṇakāmyā ] [ brā́hmaṇa-kāmyā ] f. love for Brāhmaṇa Lit. Mṛicch.
ब्राह्मणकारक [ brāhmaṇakāraka ] [ brā́hmaṇa-kāraka ] m. f. n. making a person a Brāhmaṇa Lit. Pat. , on Lit. Pāṇ. 2-2 , 6.
ब्राह्मणकुमार [ brāhmaṇakumāra ] [ brā́hmaṇa-kumāra ] m. a Brāhmaṇa boy Lit. TāṇḍBr.
ब्राह्मणकुल [ brāhmaṇakula ] [ brā́hmaṇa-kula ] n. the house of a Brāhmaṇa Lit. Gobh.
ब्राह्मणकृत [ brāhmaṇakṛta ] [ brā́hmaṇa-kṛta ] m. N. of a man
ब्राह्मणकृतेय [ brāhmaṇakṛteya ] [ brā́hmaṇa-kṛteya ] m. patr. fr. prec. (f ( [ ī ] ) .) g. [ śārṅgaravādi ] .
ब्राह्मणगृह [ brāhmaṇagṛha ] [ brā́hmaṇa-gṛha ] n. = [ -kula ] Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
ब्राह्मणघ्न [ brāhmaṇaghna ] [ brā́hmaṇa-ghna ] m. the killer of a Brāhman Lit. Mn. ix , 232.
ब्राह्मणचाण्डाल [ brāhmaṇacāṇḍāla ] [ brā́hmaṇa-cāṇḍāla ] m. " Cāṇḍāla among Brāhmaṇa " , a degraded or out-caste Brāhmaṇa Lit. Mn. ix , 87
the son of a Śūdra father by a Brāhmaṇī mother Lit. W.
ब्राह्मणचेल [ brāhmaṇacela ] [ brāhmaṇa-cela ] m. , see [ cela ] , " a bad Brahman " Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Lit. Kāś. Lit. Gaṇar. 114 Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 126
ब्राह्मणज [ brāhmaṇaja ] [ brā́hmaṇa-ja ] m. f. n. , said of an Ishṭi Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 101 Sch.)
[ brāhmaṇaja ] n. = next Lit. MW.
ब्राह्मणजात [ brāhmaṇajāta ] [ brā́hmaṇa-jātá ] n. ( Lit. ŚBr.) the Brāhmanical caste or race
ब्राह्मणजाति [ brāhmaṇajāti ] [ brā́hmaṇa-jāti ] f. ( Lit. W.) the Brāhmanical caste or race
ब्राह्मणजातीय [ brāhmaṇajātīya ] [ brā́hmaṇa-jātīya ] m. f. n. belonging to it Lit. W.
ब्राह्मणजीविका [ brāhmaṇajīvikā ] [ brā́hmaṇa-jīvikā ] f. the occupation or subsistence of , a Brāhman Lit. ib.
ब्राह्मणजुष्ट [ brāhmaṇajuṣṭa ] [ brā́hmaṇa-juṣṭa ] m. f. n. pleasing to Brāhmaṇa Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
ब्राह्मणडिम्भ [ brāhmaṇaḍimbha ] [ brā́hmaṇa-ḍimbha ] m. a Brāhmaṇa lad , young Brāhmaṇa Lit. Mālatīm.
ब्राह्मणतर्पण [ brāhmaṇatarpaṇa ] [ brā́hmaṇa-tarpaṇa ] n. the feeding or satisfying of Brāhmaṇa Lit. SāmavBr.
ब्राह्मणता [ brāhmaṇatā ] [ brā́hmaṇa-tā ] f. the rank or condition of a Brāhmaṇa Lit. AitBr. Lit. Mn.
ब्राह्मणत्रा [ brāhmaṇatrā ] [ brā́hmaṇa-trā ] ind. among the Brāhmaṇa Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 55 Sch.
ब्राह्मणत्व [ brāhmaṇatva ] [ brā́hmaṇa-tva ] n. = [ -tā ] Lit. Lāṭy. Sch. Lit. Māllin.
ब्राह्मणत्वविचार [ brāhmaṇatvavicāra ] [ brā́hmaṇa-tva--vicāra ] m. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणदारिका [ brāhmaṇadārikā ] [ brā́hmaṇa-dārikā ] f. a Brāhmaṇa girl Lit. Buddh.
ब्राह्मणद्रव्य [ brāhmaṇadravya ] [ brā́hmaṇa-dravya ] n. the property of a Brāhmaṇa Lit. Mn. ix , 198.
ब्राह्मणद्वेषिन् [ brāhmaṇadveṣin ] [ brā́hmaṇa-dveṣin ] m. f. n. hating Brāhmaṇa Lit. R.
ब्राह्मणधन [ brāhmaṇadhana ] [ brā́hmaṇa-dhana ] n. the fee bestowed on Brāhmaṇa Lit. Vait.
ब्राह्मणनिन्दक [ brāhmaṇanindaka ] [ brā́hmaṇa-nindaka ] m. f. n. reviling Brāhmaṇa Lit. MBh.
ब्राह्मणपञ्चिका [ brāhmaṇapañcikā ] [ brā́hmaṇa-pañcikā ] f. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणपद्धति [ brāhmaṇapaddhati ] [ brā́hmaṇa-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणपथ [ brāhmaṇapatha ] [ brā́hmaṇa-patha ] m. a Brāhmaṇa text , Lit. Rprāt. Sch.
ब्राह्मणपाल [ brāhmaṇapāla ] [ brā́hmaṇa-pāla ] m. N. of a prince Lit. L.
ब्राह्मणपुत्रक [ brāhmaṇaputraka ] [ brā́hmaṇa-putraka ] m. a Brāhman boy Lit. Kathās.
ब्राह्मणप्रसङ्ग [ brāhmaṇaprasaṅga ] [ brā́hmaṇa-prasaṅga ] m. the applicability of the term Brāhmaṇa , the idea of Brāhman Lit. Vajras.
ब्राह्मणप्रातिवेश्य [ brāhmaṇaprātiveśya ] [ brā́hmaṇa-prātiveśya ] m. a neighbouring Brāhman Lit. Yājñ. ii , 263.
ब्राह्मणप्रिय [ brāhmaṇapriya ] [ brā́hmaṇa-priya ] m. a friend of Brāhmaṇa (said of Vishṇu) Lit. Vishṇ.
ब्राह्मणब्रुव [ brāhmaṇabruva ] [ brā́hmaṇa-bruva ] m. " calling one's self a Brāhman " , a Brāhmaṇa only by name or a Brāhmaṇa who disgraces his caste Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ dvija-bruva ] and [ brahma-bruvāṇa ] ) .
ब्राह्मणभक्त [ brāhmaṇabhakta ] [ brāhmaṇa-bhakta ] m. f. n. apportioned to Brāhmans, Lit. JaimUp.
ब्राह्मणभाव [ brāhmaṇabhāva ] [ brā́hmaṇa-bhāva ] m. the rank or condition of a Brāhmaṇa Lit. L.
ब्राह्मणभाष्य [ brāhmaṇabhāṣya ] [ brā́hmaṇa-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणभूयिष्ठ [ brāhmaṇabhūyiṣṭha ] [ brā́hmaṇa-bhūyiṣṭha ] m. f. n. principally consisting of (or containing) Brāhmaṇa Lit. R.
ब्राह्मणभोजन [ brāhmaṇabhojana ] [ brā́hmaṇa-bhojana ] n. the feeding of Brāhmaṇa (as a religious act) Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. GṛS.
ब्राह्मणभोजनविधि [ brāhmaṇabhojanavidhi ] [ brā́hmaṇa-bhojana--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणमहिमादर्श [ brāhmaṇamahimādarśa ] [ brā́hmaṇa-mahimādarśa ] m. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणमुखीन [ brāhmaṇamukhīna ] [ brā́hmaṇa-mukhīna ] m. pl. N. of partic. verses or formulas Lit. TĀr. Sch.
ब्राह्मणयज्ञ [ brāhmaṇayajña ] [ brā́hmaṇa-yajñá ] m. a sacrifice intended for Brāhmaṇa Lit. ŚBr.
a sacrifice offered by Brāhmaṇa Lit. MBh.
ब्राह्मणयष्टिका [ brāhmaṇayaṣṭikā ] [ brā́hmaṇa-yaṣṭikā ] f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L.
ब्राह्मणयष्टी [ brāhmaṇayaṣṭī ] [ brā́hmaṇa-yaṣṭī ] f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L.
ब्राह्मणयोनि [ brāhmaṇayoni ] [ brāhmaṇa-yoni ] f. a Brahman's form of existence, Lit. ChUp.
ब्राह्मणरूपभृत् [ brāhmaṇarūpabhṛt ] [ brā́hmaṇa-rūpa-bhṛt ] m. f. n. bearing the form of a Brāhmaṇa Lit. MW.
ब्राह्मणलक्षण [ brāhmaṇalakṣaṇa ] [ brā́hmaṇa-lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणलिङ्ग [ brāhmaṇaliṅga ] [ brā́hmaṇa-liṅga ] m. f. n. resembling the texts called Brāhmaṇas (said of verses or formulas) Lit. Kauś.
ब्राह्मणवचन [ brāhmaṇavacana ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vacana ] n. the statement of a Brāhmaṇa text Lit. Āpast.
ब्राह्मणवत् [ brāhmaṇavat ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vát ] m. f. n. connected with a Brāhmaṇa Lit. TS.
( [ brā́h ] ) , possessed of or in accordance with a Brāhmaṇa , correct Lit. TBr.
[ brāhmaṇavatī ] f. N. of partic. Ishṭakās Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.
ब्राह्मणवध [ brāhmaṇavadha ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vadha ] m. the murder of a Brāhman Lit. Mn. xi , 89.
ब्राह्मणवर [ brāhmaṇavara ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vara ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Kathās.
ब्राह्मणवर्चस [ brāhmaṇavarcasa ] [ brā́hmaṇa-varcasá ] n. the excellence or dignity of a Brāhman Lit. AV. ( cf. [ brahma-v ] ) .
ब्राह्मणवर्णिन् [ brāhmaṇavarṇin ] [ brāhmaṇa-varṇin ] m. f. n. belonging to the caste of Br°ahmans, Lit. Pāṇ. v, 2, 132, Sch.
ब्राह्मणवाक्य [ brāhmaṇavākya ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vākya ] n. = [ -vacana ] Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
ब्राह्मणवाचन [ brāhmaṇavācana ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vācana ] n. the recitation of benedictions (as becomes Brāhmaṇa) Lit. Hcat. (w.r. [ brahmaṇa-v ] ) .
ब्राह्मणविधि [ brāhmaṇavidhi ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vidhi ] m. any injunction (contained) in a Brāhmaṇa work Lit. Kauś.
ब्राह्मणविलाप [ brāhmaṇavilāpa ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vilāpa ] m. " the Brāhman's lament " , N. of an episode of the Lit. MBh. ( Lit. i , 6104 , more usually called Baka-vadha-parva) .
ब्राह्मणविहित [ brāhmaṇavihita ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vihita ] m. f. n. prescribed in a Brāhmaṇa Lit. Lāṭy.
ब्राह्मणवेदम् [ brāhmaṇavedam ] [ brā́hmaṇa-vedam ] ind. (to feed ) as many Brāhmans as one knows Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 29 Sch.
ब्राह्मणश्रमणन्याय [ brāhmaṇaśramaṇanyāya ] [ brā́hmaṇa-śramaṇa-nyāya ] m. the rule or phrase of the Brāhman Śramaṇa
[ brāhmaṇaśramaṇanyāyāt ] ind. according to the phrase " a Brāhmaṇa Śramaṇa " ( which involves a contradiction as it expresses a Brāhmaṇa Buddhist ; cf. [ śramaṇa ] ) Lit. Sāh.
ब्राह्मणसंस्थ [ brāhmaṇasaṃstha ] [ brā́hmaṇa-saṃstha ] m. f. n. belonging to or abiding with a Brāhmaṇa Lit. W.
ब्राह्मणसत्तम [ brāhmaṇasattama ] [ brā́hmaṇa-sattama ] m. the best of Brāhmaṇa Lit. MW.
ब्राह्मणसम्भाष [ brāhmaṇasambhāṣa ] [ brāhmaṇa-sambhāṣa ] m. f. n. speaking with a Br°ahman, Lit. Hir.
ब्राह्मणसंतर्पण [ brāhmaṇasaṃtarpaṇa ] [ brā́hmaṇa-saṃtarpaṇa ] n. = [ -tarpaṇa ] Lit. ib.
ब्राह्मणसर्वस्व [ brāhmaṇasarvasva ] [ brā́hmaṇa-sarvasva ] n. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणसव [ brāhmaṇasava ] [ brā́hmaṇa-sava ] m. N. of a partic. sacrifice Lit. TBr. Sch.
ब्राह्मणसात् [ brāhmaṇasāt ] [ brā́hmaṇa-sāt ] ind. to the Brāhmans (with √ [ kṛ ] , to present to or bestow on the Brāhmaṇa Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās. ; with √ [ as ] , to belong to the Brāhmaṇa) Lit. MBh.
ब्राह्मणस्तुति [ brāhmaṇastuti ] [ brā́hmaṇa-stuti ] f. " praise of the Brāhmaṇa " , N. of ch. of Lit. PurS.
ब्राह्मणस्व [ brāhmaṇasva ] [ brā́hmaṇa-sva ] n. the property of Brāhmaṇa Lit. Āpast.
ब्राह्मणस्वर [ brāhmaṇasvara ] [ brā́hmaṇa-svara ] m. the accent usual in a Brāhmaṇa Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
ब्राह्मणहित [ brāhmaṇahita ] [ brā́hmaṇa-hita ] m. f. n. suitable to or fit for a Brāhman Lit. W.
ब्राह्मणाक्रिय [ brāhmaṇākriya ] [ brāhmaṇākriya ] m. an initiated Brāhmaṇa who is not familiar with sacrifices Lit. Hcat.
ब्राह्मणाच्छंसिन् [ brāhmaṇācchaṃsin ] [ brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsí n ] m. ( fr. [ °ṇāt-śaṃ° ] ) " reciting after the Brāhmaṇa or the Brahman " , a priest who assists the Brahman or chief priest at a Soma sacrifice Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
ब्राह्मणाच्छंसिनउक्थ्य [ brāhmaṇācchaṃsinaukthya ] [ brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsina ukthya ] n. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणाच्छंसिप्रयोग [ brāhmaṇācchaṃsiprayoga ] [ brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsi-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणाच्छंसिशस्त्र [ brāhmaṇācchaṃsiśastra ] [ brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsi-śastra ] n. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मणाच्छंसीय [ brāhmaṇācchaṃsīya ] [ brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsīya ] n. the office of the Brāhmaṇa-chief
[ brāhmaṇācchaṃsīyā ] f. the office of the Brāhmaṇa-chief
ब्राह्मणाच्छंस्य [ brāhmaṇācchaṃsya ] [ brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsyá ] m. f. n. relating to the [ brāhmaṇācchaṃsin ] Lit. ŚBr.
[ brāhmaṇācchaṃsya ] n. his office Lit. ib.
ब्राह्मणातिक्रम [ brāhmaṇātikrama ] [ brāhmaṇātikrama ] m. disrespect towards Brāhmans Lit. Mn. iii , 63.
ब्राह्मणात्मक [ brāhmaṇātmaka ] [ brāhmaṇātmaka ] m. f. n. belonging to Brāhmaṇa Lit. W.
containing an account of the Brāhmaṇa Lit. ib.
ब्राह्मणाद [ brāhmaṇāda ] [ brāhmaṇāda ] m. f. n. devouring Brāhmaṇa (said of a Rākshasa) Lit. MBh.
ब्राह्मणादर्शन [ brāhmaṇādarśana ] [ brāhmaṇādarśana ] n. absence of Brāhmanical instruction or guidance Lit. Mn. x , 43 (others " not seeing or consulting Brāhmans " ) .
ब्राह्मणापश्रय [ brāhmaṇāpaśraya ] [ brāhmaṇāpaśraya ] m. f. n. seeking refuge in Brāhmaṇa Lit. MW.
ब्राह्मणाभाषण [ brāhmaṇābhāṣaṇa ] [ brāhmaṇābhāṣaṇa ] n. N. of a kind of artifical composition ( contained in the Kavi-kalpa-latā q.v.)
ब्राह्मणाभ्युपपत्ति [ brāhmaṇābhyupapatti ] [ brāhmaṇābhyupapatti ] f. protection or preservation of a Brāhman Lit. Mn. viii , 112.
ब्राह्मणावेक्ष [ brāhmaṇāvekṣa ] [ brāhma-ṇāvekṣa ] m. f. n. based on the Brāhmaṇas, Lit. ĀpGṛ.
ब्राह्मणेष्ट [ brāhmaṇeṣṭa ] [ brāhmaṇeṣṭa ] m. the mulberry tree Lit. L.
ब्राह्मणोक्त [ brāhmaṇokta ] [ brāhmaṇokta ] m. f. n. prescribed in a Brāhmaṇa Lit. ŚrS.
ब्राह्मणक [ brāhmaṇaka ] [ brāhmaṇaka ] m. a bad Brāhman , a Brāhmaṇaka only by name Lit. MBh.
a country inhabited by warlike Brāhmaṇaka Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 71 ( [ °kīya ] mfn. Lit. iv , 2 , 104 Vārtt. 30 Lit. Pat.)
[ brāhmaṇikā ] f. (prob.) a species of lizard Lit. Cat. ( cf. [ brāhmaṇī ] )
Trigonella Corniculata Lit. L.
ब्राह्मणकीय [ brāhmaṇakīya ] [ brāhmaṇakīya ] m. f. n. , see [ brāhmaṇaka ] , Lit. iv , 2 , 104 Vārtt. 30 Lit. Pat.
ब्राह्मणायन [ brāhmaṇāyana ] [ brāhmaṇāyaná ] m. a mere descendant of a Brāhman Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś. (Sch. " a Brāhman whose father or elder brother or any elder relative is still alive " )
a Brāhman sprung from learned and holy progenitors Lit. W.
ब्राह्मणि [ brāhmaṇi ] [ brāhmaṇi ] in comp. for [ °ṇī ] .
ब्राह्मणिकल्पा [ brāhmaṇikalpā ] [ brāhmaṇi-kalpā ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Sch.
ब्राह्मणिगोत्रा [ brāhmaṇigotrā ] [ brāhmaṇi-gotrā ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Sch.
ब्राह्मणिचेली [ brāhmaṇicelī ] [ brāhmaṇi-celī ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Sch.
f. , see [ cela ] , " a bad wife of a Brahman "
ब्राह्मणितमा [ brāhmaṇitamā ] [ brāhmaṇi-tamā ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Sch.
ब्राह्मणितरा [ brāhmaṇitarā ] [ brāhmaṇi-tarā ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Sch.
ब्राह्मणिब्रुवा [ brāhmaṇibruvā ] [ brāhmaṇi-bruvā ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Sch.
ब्राह्मणिमता [ brāhmaṇimatā ] [ brāhmaṇi-matā ] f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Sch.
ब्राह्मणिरूपा [ brāhmaṇirūpā ] [ brāhmaṇi-rūpā ] and f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Sch.
ब्राह्मणिहता [ brāhmaṇihatā ] [ brāhmaṇi-hatā ]and f. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 43 Sch.
ब्राह्मणिक [ brāhmaṇika ] [ brāhmaṇika ] m. f. n. derived from or relating to the Brāhmaṇas Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 72.
ब्राह्मणी [ brāhmaṇī ] [ brāhmaṇī ] f. ( of [ °ṇa ] ) a Brāhmaṇī woman or a Brāhman's wife Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. MBh. (ifc. [ °ṇīka ] cf. [ sa-brāhmaṇika ] )
a kind of lizard with a red tail Lit. R. Sch. ( cf. [ brāhmaṇikā ] )
a kind of large-headed ant Lit. L.
a kind of wasp Lit. L.
Clerodendrum Siphonantus Lit. L.
Trigonella Corniculata Lit. L.
Ruta Graveolens Lit. L.
a kind of brass Lit. L.
= [ buddhi ] Lit. Nīlak.
N. of a river Lit. MBh.
w.r. for [ brahmāṇī ] .
ब्राह्मणीगामिन् [ brāhmaṇīgāmin ] [ brāhmaṇī-gāmin ] m. the paramour of a Brāhmaṇī woman or of a Brahman's wife Lit. W.
ब्राह्मणीत्व [ brāhmaṇītva ] [ brāhmaṇī-tva ] n. the state or condition of a Brāhmaṇi woman Lit. Vop.
ब्राह्मणीसत्तमा [ brāhmaṇīsattamā ] [ brāhmaṇī-sattamā ] f. the best of Brāhmaṇī women Lit. MW.
ब्राह्मणीभू [ brāhmaṇībhū ] [ brāhmaṇī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] (ind.p. [ -bhū́ya ] ) , to become a Brāhman Lit. ŚBr.
ब्राह्मण्य [ brāhmaṇya ] [ brā́hmaṇya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ brāhmaṇá ] ) fit for Brāhmans Lit. MBh.
[ brāhmaṇya ] m. the planet Saturn Lit. L. ( cf. 2. [ brahmaṇya ] )
n. the state or rank of a Brāhman , Brāhmanhood , priestly rank or character Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ a-br ] )
a multitude or assembly of Brāhmans Lit. R. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 42) .
ब्राह्माणी [ brāhmāṇī ] [ brāhmāṇī ] w.r. for [ brahmāṇī ] q.v.
ब्राह्मि [ brāhmi ] [ brā́hmi ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ bráhman ] ) holy , divine Lit. VS.
ब्राह्मी [ brāhmī ] [ brāhmī ] f. ( of [ brāhmá ] q.v.) the Śakti or personified energy of Brahmā (regarded as one of the 8 Mātṛis or divine mothers of created beings ; in Lit. MBh. ix , 2655 they are said to attend Skanda) Lit. L.
speech or the goddess of speech (= Sarasvatī) Lit. MBh. i , 19
N. of Durgā Lit. DevīP.
the wife of a Brāhman Lit. W.
(in music) N. of a Mūrchanā Lit. Saṃgīt.
a religious practice , pious usage ( [ °myā ] ind. according to pious usage) Lit. R.
a woman married according to the Brāhma rite Lit. Gaut. Lit. Vishṇ. ( cf. [ -putra ] ) , the constellation Rohiṇi Lit. L.
a female fish or frog Lit. W.
a species of ant Lit. L.
N. of various plants (Clerodendrum Siphonantus , Ruta Graveolens , Enhydra Hingcha ) Lit. L.
a kind of brass Lit. L.
N. of a river Lit. Śatr.
( with [ saṃhitā ] ) N. of wk.
[ brāhmyā ] ind. , see [ brāhmī ] , according to pious usage
ब्राह्मीकन्द [ brāhmīkanda ] [ brāhmī-kanda ] m. a species of bulbous plant Lit. L.
ब्राह्मीकुन्द [ brāhmīkunda ] [ brāhmī-kunda ] n. N. of a sacred cavity in the ground Lit. Cat.
ब्राह्मीतन्त्र [ brāhmītantra ] [ brāhmī-tantra ] n. N. of a Tantra.
ब्राह्मीपुत्र [ brāhmīputra ] [ brāhmī-putra ] m. the son of a woman married according to the Brāhma rite Lit. Mn. iii , 37.
ब्राह्मीशान्तिसंकल्प [ brāhmīśāntisaṃkalpa ] [ brāhmī-śānti-saṃkalpa ] m. N. of wk.
ब्राह्मीशान्त्यवधानक्रम [ brāhmīśāntyavadhānakrama ] [ brāhmī-śānty-avadhāna-krama ] m. N. of wk.
ब्राह्म्य [ brāhmya ] [ brāhmya ] m. f. n. relating to Brahma or Brahmā or to the Brāhmans Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( often v.l. [ brāhma ] )
[ brāhmya ] m. ( with [ muhūrta ] or [ °taka ] ) dawn , the hour preceding sunrise Lit. HYog. Lit. Pañcar.
n. ( with or scil. [ huta ] ) worship or veneration paid to Brāhmans ( considered as one of the 5 great sacraments = [ dvijāgryārcā ] or [ manuṣya-yajña ] ) Lit. Mn. iii , 73 , 74
= [ dṛśya ] or [ vismaya ] Lit. L.
ब्राह्म्यतीर्थ [ brāhmyatīrtha ] [ brāhmya-tīrtha ] n. a partic. part of the hand ( cf. under [ brāhma ] ) Lit. MārkP.
ब्राह्म्यमुहूर्त [ brāhmyamuhūrta ] [ brāhmya-muhūrta ] m. = [ °myo muhūrtaḥ ] Lit. MW.
ब्राह्म्यहुत [ brāhmyahuta ] [ brāhmya-huta ] n. = [ °myaṃ hutam ] , Lit. W.
ब्रुड् [ bruḍ ] [ bruḍ ] Root (see [ vruḍ ] [ vrūs ] )