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स |
समिङ्ग् [ samiṅg ] [ sam-√ iṅg ] Caus. [ -iṅgayati ] , to cause to move or throb , agitate , shake about Lit. RV.
समित [ samita ] [ sa-mita ] m. f. n. ( fr. 7. [ sa ] + 2. [ mita ] ) measured , meted out ( opp. to [ a-mita ] ) Lit. Kpr.
(= [ sam-mita ] ) commensurate , equal to (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
[ samitam ] ind. continually , always Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
[ samitā ] f. wheat-flour Lit. Bhpr. Lit. DivyA7v.
समिति [ samiti ] [ sam-iti ]2 ind. ( for 1. see above ) a sacred verse beginning with [ sam ] Lit. MW.
समितृ [ samitṛ ] [ samitṛ ] w.r. for [ śamitṛ ] q.v.
समित्र [ samitra ] [ sa-mitra ] m. f. n. attended by a friend , along with friends Lit. MBh.
समिथुन [ samithuna ] [ sá-mithuna ] m. f. n. together with the pair or couple (or " with the mate " ) Lit. ŚBr.
समिद्ध [ samiddha ] [ sam-iddha ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see col.3) , Prākṛit for [ sam-ṛddha ] , perfect , full , complete Lit. HirGṛ.
समिन् [ samin ] [ samin ] m. N. of a son of Rājâdhideva (v.l. [ śamin ] ) Lit. Hariv.
समिनक्ष् [ saminakṣ ] [ sam-inakṣ ] (see [ inakṣ ] ) , [ -inakṣati ] , to wish to attain , strive to reach , be desirous of Lit. RV.
समिन्ध् [ samindh ] [ sam-√ indh ] Ā. [ -inddhe ] , or [ -indhe ] ( once in Lit. Br. 3. pl. impf. [ -aindhan ] ; cf. Lit. Nir. x , 8 ; Ved. inf. [ -í dham ] and [ -í dhe ] ) , to set fire to , set alight , light up , kindle , ignite , inflame (lit. and fig.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. Mn. ; to take fire Lit. RV. vii , 8 , 1 ; to swell , increase , exhibit , show , betray. (skill) Lit. Bhaṭṭ. : Pass. [ -idhyate ] , to be kindled , take fire , break out into flame Lit. RV. Lit.
समित् [ samit ] [ samit ] in comp. for [ samidh ] ( for [ sam-it ] see above ) .
समित्कलाप [ samitkalāpa ] [ samit-kalāpa ] m. a bundle of firewood Lit. IndSt.
समित्काष्ठ [ samitkāṣṭha ] [ samit-kāṣṭha ] n. pl. logs of wood , fuel Lit. ŚBr.
समित्कुश [ samitkuśa ] [ samit-kuśa ] n. fuel and Kuśa grass Lit. Ragh.
समित्त्व [ samittva ] [ samit-tvá ] n. the state of (being) fuel Lit. TBr. Lit. Bālar.
समित्पाणि [ samitpāṇi ] [ samí t-pāṇi ] m. f. n. ( [ samí t ] .) holding fuel in the hands Lit. ŚBr. ( 1164,2 )
[ samitpāṇi ] m. N. of a pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya Lit. Cat.
समित्पान्थ [ samitpāntha ] [ samit-pāntha ] m. fire Lit. Gal.
समित्पूल [ samitpūla ] [ samit-pūla ] m. a bundle of firewood Lit. MānGṛ.
समित्समारोपणप्रातरौपासनप्रयोग [ samitsamāropaṇaprātaraupāsanaprayoga ] [ samit-samāropaṇa-prātar-aupāsana-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
समित्समारोपणविधान [ samitsamāropaṇavidhāna ] [ samit-samāropaṇa-vidhāna ] n. N. of wk.
समिद् [ samid ] [ samid ] in comp. for [ samidh ] .
समिदन्त [ samidanta ] [ samid-anta ] m. f. n. ending with the word [ samidh ] Lit. KātyŚr.
समिदाधान [ samidādhāna ] [ samid-ādhāna ] n. the placing on of wood or fuel (for the oblation to fire) Lit. Mn. ii , 176.
समिदाहरण [ samidāharaṇa ] [ samid-āharaṇa ] n. fetching fuel Lit. Śak.
समिदिध्मव्रश्चन [ samididhmavraścana ] [ samid-idhma-vraścana ] n. splitting fire wood of various kinds Lit. Mcar.
समिद्दृषद [ samiddṛṣada ] [ samid-dṛṣadá ] n. fire. and a stone Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 106 Sch.
समिद्धार [ samiddhāra ] [ samid-dhārá ] ( for [ -hāra ] ) m. f. n. fetching fire (nom. with √ [ gam ] , " to go to fetch fire " ) Lit. Āpast.
समिद्धारिन् [ samiddhārin ] [ samiddhārin ] m. f. n. carrying a load of fuel, Lit. Baudh.
समिद्धोम [ samiddhoma ] [ samid-dhoma ] ( for [ -homa ] ) m. an oblation of fire (to fire) Lit. MW.
समिद्वत् [ samidvat ] [ samí d-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ samí d- ] ) provided with fire Lit. Śak.
containing the word [ samidh ] ( [ samid-vatī ] f. a verse containing the word [ samidh ] ) Lit. TS. Lit. Vait.
समिद्ध [ samiddha ] [ sám-iddha ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see col.2) set alight or on fire , lighted , kindled , ignited , inflamed Lit. RV. Lit.
समिद्धदर्प [ samiddhadarpa ] [ sám-iddha-darpa ] m. f. n. inflamed with pride Lit. MW.
समिद्धवत् [ samiddhavat ] [ sám-iddha-vat ] m. f. n. containing the word [ samiddha ] Lit. KātyŚr.
समिद्धशरण [ samiddhaśaraṇa ] [ sám-iddha-śaraṇa ] m. f. n. having (its) habitations set on fire (as a town) Lit. MW.
समिद्धहोम [ samiddhahoma ] [ sám-iddha-homá ] m. a libation poured out upon lighted wood Lit. ŚBr.
समिद्धाग्नि [ samiddhāgni ] [ sámiddhāgni ] m. f. n. one who has kindled his fire Lit. RV.
समिद्धार्चिस् [ samiddhārcis ] [ samiddhārcis ] n. a blazing flame Lit. MW.
समिद्धार्थक [ samiddhārthaka ] [ samiddhārthaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Mudr.
समिध् [ samidh ] [ samí dh ] m. f. n. igniting , flaming , burning Lit. RV.
[ samidh ] f. firewood , fuel , a log of wood , faggot , grass employed as fuel (7 Samidhs , or sometimes 3 x 7 are mentioned , as well as 7 Yonis , 7 flames ) Lit. RV.
kindling , flaming Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
= [ samid-ādhāna ] Lit. ŚrS.
समिध [ samidha ] [ samidha ] (ifc.) = [ samidh ] , fuel , wood Lit. R.
[ samidhā ] f. an oblation to fuel or firewood Lit. Gṛihyās.
समिधम् [ samidham ] [ samí dham ] see above under verb.
समिधे [ samidhe ] [ samí dhe ] see above under verb.
समिध्य [ samidhya ] [ sam-idhya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] (fut. [ -idhyitā ] or [ -idhitā ] ) , to wish for fuel Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 50 Sch.
समिध्यमान [ samidhyamāna ] [ sam-idhyamāna ] m. f. n. (pr. p. Pass.) being kindled or ignited
समिध्यमानवत् [ samidhyamānavat ] [ sam-idhyamāna--vat ] m. f. n. containing the word [ samidhyamāna ] Lit. KātyŚr.
समिन्धन [ samindhana ] [ sam-indhana ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
[ samindhana ] n. the act of kindling Lit. Nir.
fuel , firewood Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
a means of swelling or increasing of (gen.) Lit. MBh. xii , 4385.
समेद्धृ [ sameddhṛ ] [ sam-eddhṛ́ ] m. f. n. one who kindles , kindling Lit. RV.
समिन्व् [ saminv ] [ sam-√ inv ] P. [ -invati ] , to impart , bestow Lit. RV. ; to put together , restore Lit. ib.
समिर [ samira ] [ sam-ira ] m. = [ sam-īra ] , wind , air (see [ sam-√ īr ] ) Lit. L.
N. of Śiva Lit. L.
समिश्र [ samiśra ] [ sa-miśra ] m. f. n. mixing , mingling , undergoing mixture or combination ( in [ a-sam ] ) Lit. BhP.
समिष् [ samiṣ ] [ sam-í ṣ ] f. (√ 1. [ iṣ ] ) a dart , javelin Lit. RV.
समिषण्य [ samiṣaṇya ] [ sam-iṣaṇya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to drive together Lit. RV.
समिष्ट [ samiṣṭa ] [ sam-iṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ yaj ] ) sacrificed together , sacrificed
[ samiṣṭa ] n. sacrifice (see next)
समिष्टयजुस् [ samiṣṭayajus ] [ sam-iṣṭa--yajus ] n. sacrificial formula and sacrifice Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
समिष्टि [ samiṣṭi ] [ sám-iṣṭi ] f. a complete sacrifice or oblation Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.
समीक [ samīka ] [ samīka ] see [ samy-añc ] , p.1181.
समीकरण [ samīkaraṇa ] [ samī-karaṇa ] [ samī-√ kri ] see p. 1153 , col. 2.
समीक्ष् [ samīkṣ ] [ sam-√ īkṣ ] Ā. [ -īkṣate ] , to look at or inspect thoroughly , investigate closely , view , perceive , see Lit. VS. ; to become aware of. ascertain Lit. R. ; to find out , contrive , invent Lit. MBh. ; to think of , aim at , have in view , bear in mind Lit. MBh. ; to consider well , inquire into , investigate , examine , contemplate Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to look closely at in order to choose or destine for ( two acc.) Lit. R. : Caus. [ -īkṣayati ] , [ °te ] , to cause to look at or view or perceive Lit. AV. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to let one's self be seen , show one's self , appear Lit. AV.
समीक्ष [ samīkṣa ] [ sam-īkṣa ] n. " complete investigation " , N. of the Sāṃkhya system of philosophy Lit. L.
[ samīkṣā ] f. thorough or close inspection , perceiving , beholding (dat. " within the range of any one's ( gen. ) sight " ) Lit. Āpast.
desire or wish to see Lit. MBh.
a glance Lit. BhP.
view , opinion in regard to ( with [ prati ] ) Lit. MBh.
deep insight , understanding , intellect Lit. BhP.
investigation , search Lit. W.
the Mīmāṃsā philosophy or any work examining or explaining Vedic ritual Lit. ib.
essential nature or truth or principle (= [ tattva ] q.v.) Lit. ib.
effort Lit. ib.
समीक्षण [ samīkṣaṇa ] [ sam-īkṣaṇa ] n. looking at or looking about thoroughly , Lit. ŚrS.
search , close investigation Lit. W.
[ samīkṣaṇa ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) causing to look at or perceive Lit. BhP.
समीक्षित [ samīkṣita ] [ sam-īkṣita ] m. f. n. well looked at , perceived , considered , investigated Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. R.
समीक्षितव्य [ samīkṣitavya ] [ sam-īkṣitavya ] m. f. n. to be well considered or investigated or ascertained Lit. RPrāt. Sch.
समीच [ samīca ] [ samīca ] see under [ samy-añc ] .
समीच्छा [ samīcchā ] [ samīcchā ] w.r. for [ sam-īkṣā ] , or [ sam-īhā ] Lit. MBh. xii , 9363.
समीज् [ samīj ] [ sam-√ īj ] Ā. [ -ījate ] , to drive together , collect Lit. RV.
समीड् [ samīḍ ] [ sam-√ īḍ ] ( only 3. pl. pf. [ -īḍire ] ) , to praise together , celebrate Lit. BhP.
समीदा [ samīdā ] [ samīdā ] m. fine wheat-flour ( cf. [ samitā ] ) . Lit. L.
समीन [ samīna ] [ samīna ] see p. 1153 , col. 2.
समीप [ samīpa ] [ samīpa ] m. f. n. ( prob. fr. [ sam ] + [ áp ] and formed analogously to [ pratīpa ] , [ dvīpa ] , [ anūpa ] ; accord. to some fr. [ sam ] + [ √ āp ] and = , " easy to attain " ) near (in place or time) , contiguous , proximate , adjacent , close by , at hand , approaching , imminent Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS.
[ samīpa ] n. nearness , proximity , vicinity , presence , imminence ( with gen. or ifc. , [ am ] , " to , towards " ; [ āt ] , " from " ; [ e ] , " in the vicinity , near , close at hand , beside , in the presence of , at the time of , before , at , towards " ; cf. [ saṃdhivelā-s ] ) Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
समीपकाल [ samīpakāla ] [ samīpa-kāla ] m. nearness in time Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 7 Sch.
समीपग [ samīpaga ] [ samīpa-ga ] m. f. n. going near , accompanying , standing beside (gen. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समीपगमन [ samīpagamana ] [ samīpa-gamana ] n. the act of going near , approach Lit. R.
समीपज [ samīpaja ] [ samīpa-ja ] m. f. n. growing close by (gen.) Lit. MBh.
relating to nearness , approaching Lit. R.
समीपजल [ samīpajala ] [ samīpa-jala ] m. f. n. having water close by , being near the water Lit. VarBṛS.
समीपतरवर्तिन् [ samīpataravartin ] [ samīpa-tara--vartin ] m. f. n. being nearer at hand , neighbouring Lit. Mṛicch. Sch.
समीपतस् [ samīpatas ] [ samīpa-tas ] ind. ( with gen. or ifc.) from , from the presence of. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās.
near at hand , near , in the presence of Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
( with gen.) towards , to Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat.
immediately , very soon Lit. VarBṛS.
समीपता [ samīpatā ] [ samīpa-tā ] f.
समीपत्व [ samīpatva ] [ samīpa-tva ] n. nearness , contiguity , proximity Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sarvad.
समीपदेश [ samīpadeśa ] [ samīpa-deśa ] m. a country or place close at hand , neighbourhood Lit. Yājñ. Sch.
समीपनयन [ samīpanayana ] [ samīpa-nayana ] n. leading near to , bringing to (gen.) Lit. Śak.
समीपभाज् [ samīpabhāj ] [ samīpa-bhāj ] m. f. n. " partaking of nearness " , neighbouring Lit. Kautukar.
समीपमरणचिह्न [ samīpamaraṇacihna ] [ samīpa-maraṇa-cihna ] n. the signs of approaching death (a topic treated of in certain Purāṇas) Lit. Cat.
समीपवर्तिन् [ samīpavartin ] [ samīpa-vartin ] m. f. n. being near , living near , Lit. Ṛitus. Lit. Pañcat.
समीपसप्तमी [ samīpasaptamī ] [ samīpa-saptamī ] f. the locative case expressing nearness Lit. ĀpGṛ. Sch.
समीपसहकार [ samīpasahakāra ] [ samīpa-sahakāra ] m. a mango tree standing near Lit. Śak. iv , 13 (v.l.)
समीपस्थ [ samīpastha ] [ samīpa-stha ] m. f. n. = [ -vartin ] Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
approaching , imminent (as death) Lit. Subh.
समीपस्थान [ samīpasthāna ] [ samīpa-sthāna ] n. the being near or in the vicinity Lit. Sāy.
समीपावसित [ samīpāvasita ] [ samīpāvasita ] m. f. n. settled down in the neighbourhood Lit. KātyŚr.
समीपोपगत [ samīpopagata ] [ samīpopagata ] m. f. n. approached near Lit. MW.
समीपक [ samīpaka ] [ samīpaka ] n. nearness , vicinity ( [ e ] ifc. , " near , close by " ) Lit. Hcat.
समीपी [ samīpī ] [ samīpī ] in comp. for [ samīpa ] .
समीपीकृ [ samīpīkṛ ] [ samīpī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make near , bring near.
समीपीभू [ samīpībhū ] [ samīpī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become near Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 50 Vārtt. 3 ( also with √ [ as ] ) .
समीभाव [ samībhāva ] [ samī-bhāva ] [ sāmīya ] see p. 1153 , col. 2.
समीर् [ samīr ] [ sam-√ īr ] ( only impf. [ aí rat ] ) , to join together , bring about , create Lit. RV. ; to effect , promote Lit. ib. : Caus. [ īrayati ] , [ °te ] , to cause to move , set in motion , impel , agitate , urge on , send forth Lit. RV. Lit. TBr. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to bring about , accomplish , produce , create Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to reanimate , revive Lit. ŚBr. ; to confer , bestow , endow with Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
समीर [ samīra ] [ sam-īra ] m. air , breeze , wind (also of the body see below) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
the god of wind Lit. L.
the Śamī tree Lit. MW.
pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.
समीरगजकेसरिन् [ samīragajakesarin ] [ sam-īra--gaja-kesarin ] m. a partic. mixture used as a remedy for disease of the nerves Lit. L.
समीरलक्ष्मन् [ samīralakṣman ] [ sam-īra--lakṣman ] n. " wind-sign " , dust Lit. Śiś.
समीरसार [ samīrasāra ] [ sam-īra--sāra ] m. Aegle Marmelos Lit. L.
समीरण [ samīraṇa ] [ sam-īraṇa ] m. f. n. setting in motion , causing activity , stimulating , promoting Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Car.
[ samīraṇa ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) breeze , wind , air , breath (also " the god of wind " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
wind of the body ( of which there are five see [ vāyu ] ) Lit. Suśr.
N. of the number " five " Lit. VarBṛS.
a traveller Lit. L.
marjoram or a similar plant Lit. L.
n. setting in motion Lit. TPrāt.
hurling , throwing Lit. MBh.
समीरणसहाय [ samīraṇasahāya ] [ sam-īraṇa--sahāya ] m. f. n. accompanied or fanned by the wind (as a forest fire) Lit. MW.
समीरित [ samīrita ] [ sam-īrita ] m. f. n. stirred , moved , tossed , thrown Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
sent forth , uttered (as a sound) Lit. R.
समीर्ण [ samīrṇa ] [ sam-īrṇa ] m. f. n. (accord. to Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 102 Sch. , [ sam-√ ṛ ] ) moved about , moved Lit. MW.
समीष् [ samīṣ ] [ sam-√ īṣ ] Ā. [ -īṣate ] , to become extended or lengthened out Lit. Kāṭh.
समीषन्ती [ samīṣantī ] [ sam-īṣantī ] f. a partic. Vishṭuti Lit. Lāṭy.
समीषित [ samīṣita ] [ sám-īṣita ] m. f. n. extended , stretched out , lengthened Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.
समीह् [ samīh ] [ sam-√ īh ] Ā. [ -īhate ] (pr. p. [ -īhat ] ) , to strive after , wish for , desire , endeavour to gain (acc.) Lit. VS. Lit.
समीहन [ samīhana ] [ sam-īhana ] m. f. n. zealous , eager (said of Vishṇu) Lit. MBh.
समीहा [ samīhā ] [ sam-īhā ] f. striving after , longing for , wish , desire Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
समीहित [ samīhita ] [ sam-īhita ] m. f. n. longed or wished for , desired , striven after , undertaken Lit. R. Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Pañcat.
[ samīhita ] n. great effort to obtain anything , desire , longing , wish Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Hit.
समु [ samu ] [ samu ] a metre containing 76 syllables Lit. Nidānas.
समुक्त [ samukta ] [ sam-ukta ] see [ saṃ-√ vac ] , p.1114.
समुक्ष् [ samukṣ ] [ sam-√ ukṣ ] P. [ -ukṣati ] , to sprinkle well or thoroughly , besprinkle , pour over or out Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
समुक्षण [ samukṣaṇa ] [ sam-ukṣaṇa ] n. the act of sprinkling or pouring over , shedding , effusion Lit. Mālatīm.
समुक्षित [ samukṣita ] [ sám-ukṣita ] m. f. n. sprinkled , poured out , effused Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. MBh.
strengthened , increased , encouraged ( cf. √ [ vakṣ ] ) Lit. RV.
समुख [ samukha ] [ sa-mukha ] m. f. n. " mouthy " , talkative , loquacious , eloquent Lit. L.
समुच् [ samuc ] [ sam-√ uc ] P. [ -ucyati ] (pf. [ -uvoca ] ) , to delight in , like to be together with (instr.) Lit. RV.
समुचित [ samucita ] [ sam-ucita ] m. f. n. delighted in , liked , well suited , fit , right , proper Lit. R. Lit. Megh. Lit. Inscr.
accustomed or used to (gen.) Lit. Megh.
समुच्च [ samucca ] [ sam-ucca ] m. f. n. lofty , high Lit. KāśīKh.
समुच्चर् [ samuccar ] [ sam-uc-√ car ] ( [ -ud- ] √ [ car ] ) P. [ -carati ] , to go out together Lit. Nir. ; to go up , be borne upwards , ascend Lit. MW. ; to utter , pronounce , repeat Lit. HPariś. : Caus. [ -cārayati ] , to utter sounds together , talk together Lit. MW.
समुच्चर [ samuccara ] [ sam-uccara ] m. going or coming forth together Lit. MW.
ascending , flying upwards Lit. ib.
traversing Lit. ib.
समुच्चार [ samuccāra ] [ sam-uccāra ] m. utterance , pronunciation , Lit. KāśīKh.
समुच्चारण [ samuccāraṇa ] [ sam-uccāraṇa ] n. (fr. Caus.) simultaneous utterance or pronunciation Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 48.
समुच्चल् [ samuccal ] [ sam-uc-√ cal ] ( [ -ud-√ cal ] ) P. [ -calati ] , to start or set out together Lit. Daś. Lit. Mālatīm.
समुच्चि [ samucci ] [ sam-uc-√ ci ] ( [ -ud- ] √ 1. [ ci ] ) P. Ā. [ -cinoti ] , [ -cinute ] (ind.p. [ -cayitvā ] ) , to heap or pile up together , accumulate , add together Lit. MBh. ; to collect , gather , arrange in order Lit. Baudh. : Desid. see [ sam-uccicīṣā ] .
समुच्चय [ samuccaya ] [ sam-uccaya ] m. aggregation , accumulation , collection , assemblage , multitude Lit. Kāv.
totality , aggregate Lit. Kāv. ; Lit. Suśr. ; Lit. Kathās.
conjunction of words or sentences (as by the particle [ ca ] , "and" ) , conjunctive sense (opp. to the disjunctive [ vā ] , "or" ) , Lit. Nir. Lit. GṛS. Lit. Suśr.
( in rhet.) a figure of speech (the joining together of two or more independent things associated in idea with some common action) Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kpr.
समुच्चयालंकार [ samuccayālaṃkāra ] [ sam-uccayālaṃkāra ] m. the above rhetorical figure
समुच्चयोपमा [ samuccayopamā ] [ sam-uccayopamā ] f. a simile containing the above Lit. Kāvyâd. ii , 21.
समुच्चयन [ samuccayana ] [ sam-uccayana ] n. collecting or heaping together Lit. Pat.
समुच्चिचीषा [ samuccicīṣā ] [ sam-uccicīṣā ] f. ( fr. Desid.) the wish to accumulate or collect or combine or add together Lit. VS. Sch.
समुच्चित [ samuccita ] [ sam-uccita ] m. f. n. accumulated , collected together , regularly arranged Lit. Kār. on Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 10 ( [ °tī-kṛta ] mfn. id. Lit. Naish.)
समुच्चितीकृत [ samuccitīkṛta ] [ sam-uccitī-kṛta ] m. f. n. , see [ samuccita ] , id. Lit. Naish.
समुच्चेतव्य [ samuccetavya ] [ sam-uccetavya ] m. f. n. to be taken together or collectively (i.e. one equally with the other) Lit. Nyāyam.
समुच्चेय [ samucceya ] [ sam-ucceya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib. Sch.
समुच्छद् [ samucchad ] [ sam-uc-√ chad ] ( [ -ud- ] √ 1. [ chad ] ) P. [ -chādayati ] , to uncover , undress Lit. MW.
समुच्छन्न [ samucchanna ] [ sam-ucchanna ] m. f. n. = [ sam-utsanna ] , uncovered , destroyed , annihilated Lit. Prab. (v.l.)
समुच्छल् [ samucchal ] [ sam-uc-chal ] ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ śal ] ) only in [ -ucchalat ] and [ -ucchalita ] (mfn.) jerking or jerked up Lit. Cat.
समुच्छिद् [ samucchid ] [ sam-uc-√ chid ] ( [ -ud-√ chid ] ) P. Ā. [ -chinatti ] , [ -chintte ] , to cut up or off completely , tear up , uproot , exterminate , destroy utterly Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
समुच्छित्ति [ samucchitti ] [ sam-ucchitti ] f. cutting off completely , utter destruction Lit. DivyA7v.
समुच्छिन्न [ samucchinna ] [ sam-ucchinna ] m. f. n. torn up , uprooted , eradicated , utterly destroyed , lost Lit. Sūryas.
समुच्छिन्नवासन [ samucchinnavāsana ] [ sam-ucchinna--vāsana ] m. f. n. one whose dress is torn off (or " one whose delusion is completely removed " ) Lit. Prab.
समुच्छेद [ samuccheda ] [ sam-uccheda ] m. utter destruction , extermination Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
समुच्छेदन [ samucchedana ] [ sam-ucchedana ] n. id. Lit. Subh.
समुच्छुष् [ samucchuṣ ] [ sam-uc-chuṣ ] ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ śuṣ ] ) P. [ -chuṣyati ] , to be or become completely dried up Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
समुच्छ्रि [ samucchri ] [ sam-uc-chri ] ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ śri ] ) P. Ā. [ -chrayati ] , [ °te ] ( only 3. pl. pf. [ -uc-chiśriyuḥ ] ) , to raise well up , raise aloft , erect , elevate Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
समुच्छ्रय [ samucchraya ] [ sam-ucchraya ] m. f. n. who or what rises or grows up ( [ sarvam rayam ] = " all living beings " ) Lit. R.
[ samucchraya ] m. raising aloft , erection , elevation Lit. MBh. Lit. SaddhP.
height , length Lit. Hariv. Lit. Ragh. Lit. VarBṛS.
an eminence , hill , mountain Lit. MBh.
rising , rise , exaltation , high position Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
increase , growth , high degree Lit. Hariv. Lit. Suśr.
stimulation Lit. Suśr.
accumulation , multitude Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
( with Lit. Buddh.) birth (according to others , " body " ) Lit. DivyA7v.
opposition , enmity Lit. L.
समुच्छ्राय [ samucchrāya ] [ sam-ucchrāya ] m. rising , increase , growth , height , high degree Lit. Suśr. Lit. Dhātup.
समुच्छ्रित [ samucchrita ] [ sam-ucchrita ] m. f. n. well raised or elevated Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
surging , high Lit. ib.
exalted , powerful Lit. Suśr.
समुच्छ्रितध्वजवत् [ samucchritadhvajavat ] [ sam-ucchrita--dhvaja-vat ] m. f. n. having flags hoisted (in it , said of a town) Lit. R.
समुच्छ्रितभुज [ samucchritabhuja ] [ sam-ucchrita--bhuja ] m. f. n. having arms well raised Lit. ib.
समुच्छ्रिति [ samucchriti ] [ sam-ucchriti ] f. augmentation , increase , growth Lit. Suśr.
समुच्छ्वस् [ samucchvas ] [ sam-uc-chvas ] ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ śvas ] ) P. [ -chvasiti ] , or [ -chvasati ] , to breathe well or regularly Lit. Suśr. ; to breathe again , recover , revive Lit. Kathās. ; to spring or sprout up Lit. Śiś. : Caus. see [ sam-ucchvāsita ] .
समुच्छ्वसित [ samucchvasita ] [ sam-ucchvasita ] m. f. n. breathed or sighed deeply (n. used impersonally) Lit. Amar.
[ samucchvasita ] n. breathing Lit. Kād.
a heavy or deep sigh Lit. W.
समुच्छ्वास [ samucchvāsa ] [ sam-ucchvāsa ] m. heavy expiration , sighing Lit. ib.
समुच्छ्वासित [ samucchvāsita ] [ sam-ucchvāsita ] m. f. n. raised , elevated , swelled Lit. Kum. iii , 38 (= [ vi-śleṣita ] Sch.)
समुज्जिहीर्षु [ samujjihīrṣu ] [ sam-uj-jihīrṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of 2. [ sam-ud-√ hṛ ] ) desirous of drawing up Lit. Kir.
desirous of taking away or removing Lit. BhP.
समुज्जृम्भ् [ samujjṛmbh ] [ sam-uj-√ jṛmbh ] ( [ -ud-√ jṛmbh ] ) Ā. [ -jrimbhate ] , to gape wide open , be extended or spread out Lit. Mṛicch. ; to burst forth , become visible , arise Lit. Prab. Sch. ; to begin , be about to (inf.) Lit. Bhartṛ.
समुज्ज्वल् [ samujjval ] [ sam-uj-√ jval ] ( [ -nd-√ jval ] ) P. [ -jvalati ] , to blaze up with great intensity , shine very brightly Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -jvalayate ] , to set on fire , kindle Lit. GopBr.
समुज्ज्वल [ samujjvala ] [ sam-ujjvala ] m. f. n. shining , radiant , splendid in or with (comp.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
समुज्झ् [ samujjh ] [ sam-√ ujjh ] P. [ -ujjhati ] , to abandon , renounce , give up Lit. Pañcat.
समुज्झित [ samujjhita ] [ sam-ujjhita ] m. f. n. abandoned , renounced , resigned Lit. Prab.
(ifc.) free from , rid of. Lit. ib.
[ samujjhita ] n. that which is left , a remnant , leavings (see [ bhukta-s ] ) .
समुञ्ज [ samuñja ] [ sa-muñja ] m. f. n. having Muñja grass Lit. Gobh.
furnished with reeds, Lit. MānGṛ.
समुत्क [ samutka ] [ sam-utka ] m. f. n. desirous of , longing for (comp.) Lit. Kathās.
समुत्कच [ samutkaca ] [ sam-utkaca ] m. f. n. beginning to bloom , blooming , expanded Lit. Pañcar.
समुत्कट [ samutkaṭa ] [ sam-utkaṭa ] m. f. n. high , elevated , sublime Lit. KāśīKh.
(ifc.) richly furnished with Lit. Jātakam.
समुत्कण्टकित [ samutkaṇṭakita ] [ sam-utkaṇṭakita ] m. f. n. having the hair (of the body) bristling or thrilled with joy or passion Lit. Kād.
समुत्कण्ठ [ samutkaṇṭha ] [ sam-utkaṇṭha ] Nom. Ā. [ -utkaṇṭhate ] , to think of regretfully , pine or long after Lit. Sāh.
समुत्कण्ठा [ samutkaṇṭhā ] [ sam-utkaṇṭhā ] f. wish or longing for (comp.) Lit. Vās.
समुत्कम्पिन् [ samutkampin ] [ sam-utkampin ] m. f. n. trembling vehemently Lit. Jātakam.
समुत्कीर्ण [ samutkīrṇa ] [ sam-ut-kīrṇa ] m. f. n. (√ [ kṝ ] ) completely perforated or pierced Lit. Ragh.
समुत्कृत् [ samutkṛt ] [ sam-ut-√ kṛt ] ( only ind. [ -kṛtya ] ) , to cut off or out completely Lit. MBh.
समुत्कृष् [ samutkṛṣ ] [ sam-ut-√ kṛṣ ] P. [ -karṣati ] , to draw or raise well up , elevate Lit. MBh. ; to draw tight (the bowstring) Lit. BhP.
समुत्कर्ष [ samutkarṣa ] [ sam-utkarṣa ] m. self-elevation , setting one's self up (as belonging to a higher rank than one's own tribe) Lit. Mn. xi , 55
pre-eminence , excellence Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhar.
laying aside (a girdle) Lit. MBh.
समुत्क्रम् [ samutkram ] [ sam-ut-√ kram ] P. Ā. [ -krāmati ] , [ -kramate ] , to go upwards , depart (from life) , Lit. NādabUp. ; to overstep , transgress , violate Lit. MBh.
समुत्क्रम [ samutkrama ] [ sam-utkrama ] m. going upwards , rise , ascent Lit. W.
transgressing proper bounds Lit. MW.
समुत्क्रुष्ट [ samutkruṣṭa ] [ sam-ut-kruṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ kruś ] ) cried out , called out Lit. R.
समुत्क्रोश [ samutkrośa ] [ sam-utkrośa ] m. crying out aloud , clamour Lit. MW.
an osprey Lit. L.
समुत्क्लिष्ट [ samutkliṣṭa ] [ sam-ut-kliṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ kliś ] ) greatly distressed or disturbed , very uneasy or uncomfortable , Lit. Suśr.
समुत्क्लेश [ samutkleśa ] [ sam-utkleśa ] m. great uneasiness or disturbance Lit. Car.
समुत्क्षिप् [ samutkṣip ] [ sam-ut-√ kṣip ] P: Ā. [ -kṣipati ] , [ °te ] , to throw or raise or lift up Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. MārkP. ; to throw or scatter about , throw aside , loosen Lit. R. ; to liberate Lit. Pañcat. ; to waste , destroy Lit. R.
समुत्क्षेप [ samutkṣepa ] [ sam-utkṣepa ] m. throwing in (a word) , allusion to (dat.) Lit. MBh. ii , 2513.
समुत्क्षेपण [ samutkṣepaṇa ] [ sam-utkṣepaṇa ] n. the altitude above the horizon ( opp. to [ nāmana ] ) Lit. Gol.
समुत्खन् [ samutkhan ] [ sam-ut-√ khan ] P. Ā. [ -khanati ] , [ °te ] (ind.p. [ -khāya ] ) , to dig up by the roots Lit. Kauś. ; to eradicate , exterminate or destroy utterly Lit. Prab. ; to draw forth , draw (a sword) Lit. Prasannar.
समुत्तर [ samuttara ] [ sam-uttara ] n. = [ uttara ] , answer , reply Lit. Sāh.
समुत्तान [ samuttāna ] [ sam-uttāna ] m. f. n. = [ uttāna ] , having the palms turned upwards (said of the hands) Lit. Cat.
समुत्तिज् [ samuttij ] [ sam-ut-√ tij ] Caus. [ -tijayati ] , to excite , fire with enthusiasm Lit. DivyA7v.
समुत्तेजक [ samuttejaka ] [ sam-uttejaka ] m. f. n. exciting , stimulating Lit. SaddhP.
समुत्तेजन [ samuttejana ] [ sam-uttejana ] n. the act of exciting or inflaming greatly Lit. Mudr.
समुत्तेजित [ samuttejita ] [ sam-uttejita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) greatly excited or inflamed or irritated Lit. W.
समुत्तुङ्ग [ samuttuṅga ] [ sam-uttuṅga ] m. f. n. = [ uttuṅga ] , lofty , high Lit. L.
समुत्तॄ [ samuttṝ ] [ sam-ut-√ tṝ ] P. [ -tarati ] (ind.p. [ -tīrya ] ) , to pass or come out of (abl. ; with or without [ jalāt ] , " to step or emerge out of the water " ) Lit. GṛS. Lit. MBh. ; to escape from , get rid of (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to break through , pass over or beyond , cross over , cross Lit. ib.
समुत्तार [ samuttāra ] [ sam-uttāra ] m. passing over safely , deliverance from (comp.) Lit. DivyA7v.
समुत्तीर्ण [ samuttīrṇa ] [ sam-uttīrṇa ] m. f. n. come forth from , escaped from , passed through , crossed , landed Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
broken through Lit. MBh. vii , 5219.
समुत्त्रस् [ samuttras ] [ sam-ut-√ tras ] Caus. [ -trāsayati ] , to frighten thoroughly , terrify Lit. Sāh.
समुत्त्रस्त [ samuttrasta ] [ sam-uttrasta ] m. f. n. thoroughly frightened , greatly alarmed Lit. ŚBr.
समुत्था [ samutthā ] [ sam-ut-thā ] ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ sthā ] ) P. Ā. [ -tiṣṭhati ] [ °te ] , to rise up together Lit. Jātakam. ; to rise up (as from death) , get up (from sleep ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; to recover (from sickness) Lit. Car. ; to rise (in the sky) , gather (as clouds) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. ; to come forth , spring from (abl.) , appear , become visible Lit. ŚBr. ; to arise for action , prepare for or to (loc. or inf.) Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS. : Caus. [ -thāpayati ] to cause to rise together , lift or raise up , elevate Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to awaken , excite , arouse Lit. R. Lit. Jātakam.
समुत्थ [ samuttha ] [ sam-uttha ] m. f. n. rising up , risen , appearing , occurring in , occasioned by , sprung or Produced or derived from (comp. , rarely abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
समुत्थान [ samutthāna ] [ sam-utthāna ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) the act of rising up together , getting up Lit. R.
hoisting (of a flag) Lit. Tithyād.
recovering from sickness or injury Lit. MBh.
healing , cure Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.
swelling (of the abdomen) Lit. R.
augmentation , increase , growth (of property) Lit. Yājñ.
rise , origin (ifc. = " rising or springing from " ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
performance of work , active operation , effort , industry ( [ ekī-s ] or [ sambhūya-s ] " common enterprise " , " co-operation " , " partnership " Lit. Mn. viii , 4) Lit. Mn. Lit. Kām. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
indication or symptom of disease Lit. L.
समुत्थानव्यय [ samutthānavyaya ] [ sam-utthāna--vyaya ] m. the expense of recovery or cure Lit. Mn. viii , 287.
समुत्थापक [ samutthāpaka ] [ sam-utthāpaka ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) rousing up , awakening , stirring Lit. Buddh.
समुत्थाप्य [ samutthāpya ] [ sam-utthāpya ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) to be raised or elevated Lit. VarBṛS.
समुत्थित [ samutthita ] [ sam-utthita ] m. f. n. risen up together , risen , raised (as dust) , towering above (as a peak) , surging (as waves) , gathered (as clouds) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. appeared , grown , sprung or obtained or derived from (abl. or comp. ; [ dhanaṃ daṇa-samutthitam ] , " money derived from fines " ) Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
ready , prepared for (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
one who withstands all (opponents) Lit. R.
cured , healed Lit. W.
swollen up Lit. MW.
समुत्थेय [ samuttheya ] [ sam-uttheya ] n. (impers.) it is to be risen (for action) Lit. MBh.
समुत्पट् [ samutpaṭ ] [ sam-ut-√ paṭ ] P. [ -pāṭayati ] , to tear completely out or up , uproot , detach , sever Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. ; to expel , dethrone Lit. Rājat.
समुत्पाट [ samutpāṭa ] [ sam-utpāṭa ] m. tearing out or away , severing , detaching Lit. W.
समुत्पाटित [ samutpāṭita ] [ sam-utpāṭita ] m. f. n. torn completely out or away , uprooted , detached Lit. ib.
समुत्पत् [ samutpat ] [ sam-ut-√ pat ] P. [ -patati ] , to fly up together , spring up , ascend , rise (as the sun , clouds ) Lit. AV. ; to rush upon , attack , assail Lit. Kām. ; to rush out of. burst forth Lit. MBh. ; to arise , appear Lit. ib. ; to fly away , depart , disappear Lit. Pañcat. : Desid. see below.
समुत्पतन [ samutpatana ] [ sam-utpatana ] n. the act of flying up together , rising , ascending Lit. Pañcat.
making effort , energy , exertion Lit. W.
समुत्पतित [ samutpatita ] [ sam-utpatita ] m. f. n. flown up together , sprung up , risen , appeared Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
flown away , departed , gone Lit. Pañcat.
exerted , vigorous Lit. W.
समुत्पतिष्णु [ samutpatiṣṇu ] [ sam-utpatiṣṇu ] m. f. n. desirous of standing or rising up Lit. Harav.
समुत्पात [ samutpāta ] [ sam-utpāta ] m. a portent (boding some calamity) Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
समुत्पिपतिषु [ samutpipatiṣu ] [ sam-utpipatiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid.) about to start or spring up Lit. Kir.
समुत्पद् [ samutpad ] [ sam-ut-√ pad ] Ā. [ -padyate ] ( ep. also [ °ti ] ) , to spring up together , be brought forth or born of (loc.) , arise , appear , occur , take place , happen Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -pādayati ] , to cause to arise , produce , effect , cause Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pur.
समुत्पत्ति [ samutpatti ] [ sam-utpatti ] f. rising together , rise , birth , origin Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
समुत्पन्न [ samutpanna ] [ sam-utpanna ] m. f. n. sprung up together , arisen , produced , begotten by (abl.) or on (loc.) , occurred , happened , taking place Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
समुत्पादन [ samutpādana ] [ sam-utpādana ] n. (fr. Caus.) the act of bringing forth , producing , effecting Lit. W.
समुत्पाद्य [ samutpādya ] [ sam-utpādya ] m. f. n. to be produced or caused Lit. Pañcat.
समुत्पिञ्ज [ samutpiñja ] [ sam-utpiñja ] m. f. n. excessively confused or confounded , bewildered , disturbed Lit. L.
[ samutpiñja ] m. complete confusion Lit. MBh. vii , 8514.
समुत्पिञ्जल [ samutpiñjala ] [ sam-utpiñjala ] ( Lit. W.) and ( Lit. MBh.) m. id.
समुत्पिञ्जलक [ samutpiñjalaka ] [ sam-utpiñjalaka ]and ( Lit. MBh.) m. id.
समुत्पिष्ट [ samutpiṣṭa ] [ sam-ut-piṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ piṣ ] ) crushed or squeezed together , greatly crushed Lit. Suśr.
समुत्पीडन [ samutpīḍana ] [ sam-ut-pīḍana ] n. (√ [ pīd ] ) the act of pressing together , great pressure or distress Lit. Dhūrtas.
समुत्पुंसन [ samutpuṃsana ] [ sam-ut-puṃsana ] n. (see √ [ puṃs ] and [ utpuṃsaya ] ) wiping away , removing , destroying Lit. Alaṃkārav.
समुत्पृ [ samutpṛ ] [ sam-ut-√ pṛ ] Caus. [ -pārayati ] , to spread out , stretch forth Lit. MW.
समुत्प्लु [ samutplu ] [ sam-ut-√ plu ] Ā. [ -plavate ] , to jump or leap up together , move by jumps Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
समुत्फाल [ samutphāla ] [ sam-utphāla ] m. a jump , canter , gallop Lit. L.
समुत्फुल्ल [ samutphulla ] [ sam-utphulla ] m. f. n. (having the eyes) opened wide Lit. Kād.
समुत्सद् [ samutsad ] [ sam-ut-√ sad ] Caus. [ -sādayati ] , to destroy utterly , overturn , overthrow Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समुत्सन्न [ samutsanna ] [ sam-utsanna ] m. f. n. utterly destroyed see [ samucchanna ] .
समुत्सव [ samutsava ] [ sam-utsava ] m. a great festival or festivity Lit. R.
समुत्सह् [ samutsah ] [ sam-ut-√ sah ] Ā. [ -sahate ] ( rarely P [ °ti ] ) , to be able to or capable of , have energy to do anything (inf.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. MārkP. : Caus. [ -sāhayati ] , to strengthen or encourage together , animate , incite Lit. MBh.
समुत्साह [ samutsāha ] [ sam-utsāha ] m. energy , force of will Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
समुत्साहता [ samutsāhatā ] [ sam-utsāha--tā ] f. id , (with [ dāne ] , " alacrity in giving , great liberality " ) Lit. Cāṇ.
समुत्सिक्त [ samutsikta ] [ sam-ut-sikta ] m. f. n. (√ sic) overflowing with , proud of (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समुत्सुक [ samutsuka ] [ sam-utsuka ] m. f. n. very uneasy or anxious , anxiously desirous , longing for (comp.) , eager to (inf.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
समुत्सुकता [ samutsukatā ] [ sam-utsuka-tā ] f. desire , longing Lit. Daś.
समुत्सुकत्व [ samutsukatva ] [ sam-utsuka-tva ] n. agitation , emotion Lit. R.
= prec. Lit. Ṛitus.
समुत्सुकय [ samutsukaya ] [ sam-utsukaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to cause to long for or yearn after Lit. Kir.
समुत्सृ [ samutsṛ ] [ sam-ut-√ sṛ ] Caus. [ -sārayati ] , to send away , dismiss Lit. MBh. ; to drive away , disperse , dispel Lit. Kād. Lit. Hcar. Lit. Prab.
समुत्सारक [ samutsāraka ] [ sam-utsāraka ] m. f. n. driving away , dispelling Lit. Hcar.
समुत्सारण [ samutsāraṇa ] [ sam-utsāraṇa ] n. the act of driving away Lit. Kād. Lit. Vās.
समुत्सृज् [ samutsṛj ] [ sam-ut-√ sṛj ] P. [ -sṛjati ] , to pour out or send forth together , hurl , throw , shoot oft (arrows) Lit. R. ; to give forth , emit , discharge (urine ) , shed (tears) , utter (a curse ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to leave or abandon or completely put aside , put off or down , throw into (loc.) Lit. ib. ; to let loose , release Lit. ib. ; to give up , renounce (together or at the same time) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to deliver over , Present to (dat.) , give Lit. R. Lit. Hcat.
समुत्सर्ग [ samutsarga ] [ sam-utsarga ] m. pouring out or shedding forth together (of urine) Lit. Mn. iv , 50
emission (of semen ; [ °gaṃ-√ kṛ ] with loc. , " to have sexual intercourse with " ) Lit. Kull.
समुत्सृष्ट [ samutsṛṣṭa ] [ sam-utsṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. altogether poured or shed forth , given away , wholly given up or abandoned Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
समुत्सृप् [ samutsṛp ] [ sam-ut-√ sṛp ] P. [ -sarpati ] , to glide or soar upwards together , to rise up to (acc.) Lit. Ragh. ; to rise , set in , begin (as darkness) Lit. Amar. (v.l.)
समुत्सर्पण [ samutsarpaṇa ] [ sam-utsarpaṇa ] n. getting along , proceeding , being accomplished Lit. Inscr.
समुत्सेध [ samutsedha ] [ sam-utsedha ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) elevation , height Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
swelling up , intumescence , fatness , thickness Lit. MW.
समुद् [ samud ] [ sam-√ ud ] ( or [ und ] ) P. [ -unatti ] (ind.p. [ -udya ] , " having well moistened " ) , to moisten thoroughly , sprinkle all over , water , wet Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. Nir.
accord. to some = "conversation" , Lit. AV.viii, 1, 15.
समुद्र [ samudra ] [ sam-udrá ] m. (n. only Lit. RV. vi , 72 , 3 ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . cf. [ udrá ] , [ an-udrá ] ; for [ sa-mudra ] see p. 1168 , col. 2) " gathering together of waters " , the sea , ocean (in Veda also " the aerial waters " , " atmospheric ocean or sky " ( cf. Lit. Naigh. i , 3 ) ; in Lit. VP. ii , 4, seven circular concentric ( elsewhere 3 or 4 ) oceans are named , viz. [ lavaṇa ] , " salt-water " ; [ ikṣu ] , " syrup " ; [ surā ] , " wine " ; [ ghṛta ] , " clarified butter " ; [ dadhi ] , " curds " ; [ dugdha ] , " milk " ; [ jala ] , " fresh water " ; in later language the Ocean is often personified as king of the rivers) Lit. RV.
N. of the number , four (four principal oceans being reckoned by some , one for every quarter of the sky) Lit. Gaṇit.
a large Soma vessel Lit. RV. vi , 69 , 6 ; ix , 29 , 3
N. of an immensely high number (1 with 14 cyphers) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh.
a partic. configuration of the stars and planets (when the 7 planets are situated in the and , 4th , 6th , 8th , 10th and 12th houses) Lit. VarBṛS.
= [ rukma ] Lit. VS. Sch.
N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
of a Daitya Lit. Hariv.
of various authors ( also with [ sūri ] ) Lit. Cat.
of the son of a merchant born on the sea Lit. Buddh.
of other men Lit. HPariś.
of a wk. quoted by Padmanābha Lit. Cat.
of a place Lit. ib.
[ samudrā ] f. N. of two plants (= [ śaṭī ] and [ śamī ] ) Lit. L.
[ samudra ] m. n. N. of two Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
of various metres Lit. TS. Lit. Nidānas.
समुद्रकटक [ samudrakaṭaka ] [ sam-udrá-kaṭaka ] a ship Lit. VarYogay. Sch.
समुद्रकफ [ samudrakapha ] [ sam-udrá-kapha ] m. N. of wk. = [ -phena ] Lit. L.
समुद्रकर [ samudrakara ] [ sam-udrá-kara ] n. N. of wk.
समुद्रकरभाष्य [ samudrakarabhāṣya ] [ sam-udrá-kara-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.
समुद्रकल्लोल [ samudrakallola ] [ sam-udrá-kallola ] m. " ocean-wave " , N. of an elephant Lit. Kathās.
समुद्रकाञ्ची [ samudrakāñcī ] [ sam-udrá-kāñcī ] f. " sea-girdled " , the earth Lit. L.
समुद्रकान्ता [ samudrakāntā ] [ sam-udrá-kāntā ] f. " sea-beloved " , a river Lit. L.
Trigonella Corniculata Lit. L.
समुद्रकुक्षि [ samudrakukṣi ] [ sam-udrá-kukṣi ] f. the sea-shore Lit. MBh.
समुद्रग [ samudraga ] [ sam-udrá-ga ] m. f. n. ocean-going , seafaring Lit. VarBṛS.
flowing towards the ocean Lit. MārkP.
[ samudraga ] m. a seafarer , seaman Lit. W.
[ samudragā ] f. a river Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
समुद्रगमन [ samudragamana ] [ sam-udrá-gamana ] n. going or voyaging by sea , sea-roving Lit. MW.
समुद्रगामिन् [ samudragāmin ] [ sam-udrá-gāmin ] m. f. n. sea-going , seafaring Lit. ib.
समुद्रगुप्त [ samudragupta ] [ sam-udrá-gupta ] m. N. of a king of Northern India (who reigned from about 345 till 380 A.D.) Lit. Inscr.
समुद्रगृह [ samudragṛha ] [ sam-udrá-gṛha ] n. a bath-house , bath-room Lit. L.
समुद्रचुलुक [ samudraculuka ] [ sam-udrá-culuka ] m. " holding the ocean in his mouth " , N. of the sage Agastya (fabled to have drunk up the ocean) Lit. L.
समुद्रज [ samudraja ] [ sam-udrá-já ] m. f. n. produced or found in the sea Lit. AV. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Pañcat.
समुद्रज्येष्ठ [ samudrajyeṣṭha ] [ sam-udrá-jyeṣṭha ] ( [ °drá- ] ) m. f. n. having the ocean as chief (said of waters) Lit. RV.
समुद्रतट [ samudrataṭa ] [ sam-udrá-taṭa ] n. the seacoast Lit. W.
समुद्रतता [ samudratatā ] [ sam-udrá-tatā ] f. a kind of metre Lit. Col.
समुद्रतस् [ samudratas ] [ sam-udrá-tás ] ind. from the sea Lit. RV.
समुद्रतीर [ samudratīra ] [ sam-udrá-tīra ] n. the sea-shore Lit. Hit.
समुद्रतीरीय [ samudratīrīya ] [ sam-udrá-tīrīya ] m. f. n. dwelling on the sea-shore Lit. Buddh.
समुद्रत्व [ samudratva ] [ sam-udrá-tva ] n. the state or condition of the ocean Lit. Pat.
समुद्रदत्त [ samudradatta ] [ sam-udrá-datta ] m. N. of various persons Lit. Kathās. Lit. Hit.
समुद्रदयिता [ samudradayitā ] [ sam-udrá-dayitā ] f. " sea-beloved " , a river Lit. L.
समुद्रदेव [ samudradeva ] [ sam-udrá-deva ] m. the god of the ocean Lit. Siṃhâs.
समुद्रदेवता [ samudradevatā ] [ sam-udrá-devatā ] f. an ocean-deity Lit. Uttamac.
समुद्रनवनीत [ samudranavanīta ] [ sam-udrá-navanīta ] n. " ocean ghee " , the nectar (produced at the churning of the ocean) Lit. L.
the moon Lit. ib. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 108) .
समुद्रनवनीतक [ samudranavanītaka ] [ sam-udrá-navanītaka ] n. " ocean ghee " , the nectar (produced at the churning of the ocean) Lit. L.
the moon Lit. ib. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 108) .
समुद्रनिष्कुट [ samudraniṣkuṭa ] [ sam-udrá-niṣkuṭa ] m. a pleasure-ground near the sea
N. of a pleasure-ground Lit. MBh.
समुद्रनेमि [ samudranemi ] [ sam-udrá-nemi ] m. f. n. surrounded by the ocean (as the earth) Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
[ samudranemi ] f. ( also a , [ °mī ] ) the earth Lit. MBh.
समुद्रनेमीपति [ samudranemīpati ] [ sam-udrá-nemī-pati ] m. " earth-lord " , a king Lit. MBh.
समुद्रनेमीश्वर [ samudranemīśvara ] [ sam-udrá-nemīśvara ] m. " earth-lord " , a king Lit. MBh.
समुद्रपत्नी [ samudrapatnī ] [ sam-udrá-patnī ] f. wife of the sea , a river Lit. Ragh.
समुद्रपर्यन्त [ samudraparyanta ] [ sam-udrá-paryanta ] m. f. n. sea-bound (as the earth) Lit. AitBr. Lit. Pañcat.
समुद्रप्रिय [ samudrapriya ] [ sam-udrá-priya ] m. N. of a man Lit. HPariś.
समुद्रफल [ samudraphala ] [ sam-udrá-phala ] n. " sea-fruit " , a partic. drug Lit. L.
समुद्रफेण [ samudrapheṇa ] [ sam-udrá-pheṇa ] (w.r.) m. " sea-foam " , the bone of the cuttle-fish (so light that it floats) Lit. Ragh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
समुद्रफेन [ samudraphena ] [ sam-udrá-phena ] m. " sea-foam " , the bone of the cuttle-fish (so light that it floats) Lit. Ragh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.
समुद्रबन्धयज्वन् [ samudrabandhayajvan ] [ sam-udrá-bandha-yajvan ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
समुद्रभव [ samudrabhava ] [ sam-udrá-bhava ] m. f. n. being in the ocean , produced from or in the sea Lit. MW.
समुद्रमथन [ samudramathana ] [ sam-udrá-mathana ] m. N. of a Daitya Lit. Hariv.
[ samudramathana ] n. the churning of the ocean , Lit. Nītis.
N. of a drama.
समुद्रमहिषी [ samudramahiṣī ] [ sam-udrá-mahiṣī ] f. " chief wife of the ocean " , N. of the Ganges Lit. MBh.
समुद्रमात्र [ samudramātra ] [ sam-udrá-mātra ] n. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 14 Sch.
समुद्रमालिन् [ samudramālin ] [ sam-udrá-mālin ] m. f. n. sea-wreathed (the earth) Lit. R.
समुद्रमीङ्खय [ samudramīṅkhaya ] [ sam-udrá-m-īṅkhaya ] m. f. n. causing the Soma-vessel to shake or move (as Soma) Lit. RV.
समुद्रमेखला [ samudramekhalā ] [ sam-udrá-mekhalā ] f. " sea-girdled " , the earth Lit. L.
समुद्रयात्रा [ samudrayātrā ] [ sam-udrá-yātrā ] f. a sea-voyage Lit. Hariv.
समुद्रयान [ samudrayāna ] [ sam-udrá-yāna ] n. id. Lit. Mn. viii , 157
a vessel , ship Lit. MW.
समुद्रयानमीमांसा [ samudrayānamīmāṃsā ] [ sam-udrá-yāna--mīmāṃsā ] f. N. of wk.
समुद्रयोषित् [ samudrayoṣit ] [ sam-udrá-yoṣit ] f. " wife of the sea " , a river Lit. Vcar.
समुद्ररशन [ samudraraśana ] [ sam-udrá-raśana ] m. f. n. ( also written [ -ras ] ) sea-girdled (said of the earth) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Ragh. Lit. VarBṛS.
[ samudraraśanā ] f. the earth Lit. L.
समुद्रलवण [ samudralavaṇa ] [ sam-udrá-lavaṇa ] n. sea-salt Lit. L.
समुद्रवर्णन [ samudravarṇana ] [ sam-udrá-varṇana ] n. N. of the 68th ch. of the Sundara-kāṇḍa of the Rāmâyaṇa.
समुद्रवर्मन् [ samudravarman ] [ sam-udrá-varman ] m. N. of a king Lit. Kathās.
समुद्रवल्लभा [ samudravallabhā ] [ sam-udrá-vallabhā ] f. " mistress of the sea " , a river Lit. Vcar.
समुद्रवसन [ samudravasana ] [ sam-udrá-vasana ] m. f. n. sea-clothed , seagirt (the earth) Lit. Hariv.
[ samudravasanā ] f. the earth Lit. L.
समुद्रवस्त्र [ samudravastra ] [ samudra-vastra ] m. f. n. (= [ vasana ] ), Lit. Bcar.
समुद्रवह्नि [ samudravahni ] [ sam-udrá-vahni ] m. submarine tire Lit. L.
समुद्रवाक्य [ samudravākya ] [ sam-udrá-vākya ] n. N. of wk.
समुद्रवासस् [ samudravāsas ] [ sam-udrá-vāsas ] ( [ °drá ] .) m. f. n. " sea-clothed " veiled or concealed in the waters (said of Agni) Lit. RV.
समुद्रवासिन् [ samudravāsin ] [ sam-udrá-vāsin ] m. f. n. dwelling near the sea Lit. MBh.
समुद्रविजय [ samudravijaya ] [ sam-udrá-vijaya ] m. N. of the father of the 22nd Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Lit. L.
समुद्रवेला [ samudravelā ] [ sam-udrá-velā ] f. the flood-tide Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. Hit.
an ocean-wave Lit. W.
समुद्रव्यचस् [ samudravyacas ] [ sam-udrá-vyacas ] ( [ °drá- ] ) m. f. n. whose capacity equals that of the sea or a Somavessel (said of Indra) Lit. VS.
समुद्रव्यवहारिन् [ samudravyavahārin ] [ sam-udrá-vyavahārin ] m. f. n. trading by sea Lit. Śak.
समुद्रशुक्ति [ samudraśukti ] [ sam-udrá-śukti ] f. a sea-shell Lit. Mālav. Lit. Siṃhâs.
समुद्रशूर [ samudraśūra ] [ sam-udrá-śūra ] m. N. of a merchant Lit. Kathās.
समुद्रशोष [ samudraśoṣa ] [ sam-udrá-śoṣa ] m. the creeping plant Convolvolus Argenteus Lit. MW.
समुद्रश्री [ samudraśrī ] [ sam-udrá-śrī ] f. N. of a woman Lit. HPariś.
समुद्रसंयान [ samudrasaṃyāna ] [ samudra-saṃyāna ] n. going to sea, Lit. Baudh.
समुद्रसलिलेशय [ samudrasalileśaya ] [ sam-udrá-salile-śaya ] m. f. n. lying in sea-water (a kind of penance) Lit. Hariv.
समुद्रसार [ samudrasāra ] [ sam-udrá-sāra ] n. " quintessence of the sea " , a pearl Lit. MBh.
समुद्रसुभगा [ samudrasubhagā ] [ sam-udrá-subhagā ] f. " ocean's-favourite " , the Ganges Lit. MW.
समुद्रसूरि [ samudrasūri ] [ sam-udrá-sūri ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
समुद्रसेन [ samudrasena ] [ sam-udrá-sena ] m. N. of a king Lit. MBh.
of a merchant Lit. Kathās.
समुद्रस्थली [ samudrasthalī ] [ sam-udrá-sthalī ] f. g. [ dhūmādi ] .
समुद्रस्नान [ samudrasnāna ] [ sam-udrá-snāna ] n. ablution in the sea
समुद्रस्नानविधि [ samudrasnānavidhi ] [ sam-udrá-snāna--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
समुद्रादि [ samudrādi ] [ samudrādi ] the 4th or other syllable in a stanza when a caesura follows Lit. Piṅg. Sch.
समुद्रान्त [ samudrānta ] [ samudrānta ] m. the sea-shore Lit. Cāṇ.
[ samudrānta ] m. f. n. reaching to the sea (said of the earth) Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
falling into the sea (as a river) Lit. BhP.
[ samudrāntā ] f. the earth ,
[ samudrānta ] m. f. n. the shrub Alhagi Maurorum Lit. Bhpr.
the cotton plant Lit. ib.
Trigonella Corniculata Lit. ib.
n. nutmeg Lit. L.
समुद्राभिसारिणी [ samudrābhisāriṇī ] [ samudrābhisāriṇī ] f. a maiden going to meet the god of the ocean Lit. Vikr.
समुद्राम्बरा [ samudrāmbarā ] [ samudrāmbarā ] f. " sea-clothed " , the earth Lit. L.
समुद्राम्भस् [ samudrāmbhas ] [ samudrāmbhas ] n. sea water Lit. MW.
समुद्रायण [ samudrāyaṇa ] [ samudrāyaṇa ] m. f. n. flowing to the sea Lit. PraśnUp.
समुद्रारु [ samudrāru ] [ samudrāru ] m. " sea-torment " , a large fabulous fish (= [ grāha-bheda ] )
also = [ setubandha ] Lit. L.
समुद्रार्थ [ samudrārtha ] [ samudrārtha ] m. f. n. tending , to the sea Lit. RV.
समुद्रावगाहन [ samudrāvagāhana ] [ samudrāvagāhana ] m. a partic. Samādhi Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
समुद्रावरण [ samudrāvaraṇa ] [ samudrāvaraṇa ] m. f. n. sea-clothed (the earth) Lit. BhP.
समुद्रावरोहण [ samudrāvarohaṇa ] [ samudrāvarohaṇa ] m. a partic. Samādhi Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
समुद्रेष्ठ [ samudreṣṭha ] [ samudre-ṣṭhá ] m. f. n. being in the waters Lit. TS.
समुद्रोन्मादन [ samudronmādana ] [ samudronmādana ] m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.
समुद्रोपप्लुत [ samudropapluta ] [ samudropapluta ] m. f. n. inundated or submerged by the ocean Lit. BhP.
समुद्राय [ samudrāya ] [ samudrāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to resemble the sea , appear like the ocean Lit. Mṛicch.
समुद्रिय [ samudriya ] [ samudrí ya ] m. f. n. belonging to or flowing into the sea Lit. RV.
relating to or being in the Soma vessel Lit. ib. ix , 107 , 16
[ samudriya ] n. (prob.) a kind of metre Lit. ŚBr.
समुद्रीय [ samudrīya ] [ samudrīya ] m. f. n. relating to the sea , marine , oceanic Lit. MW.
समुद्र्य [ samudrya ] [ samudryá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. SV.
समुन्दन [ samundana ] [ sam-undana ] n. becoming thoroughly wet , moisture , wetness Lit. L.
समुन्न [ samunna ] [ sam-unna ] m. f. n. well moistened or sprinkled , thoroughly wet Lit. L.
समुद् [ samud ] [ sa-mud ] m. f. n. joyful , glad Lit. Śiś.
समुदञ्च् [ samudañc ] [ sam-ud-√ añc ] P. [ -añcati ] , to rise , draw up , come near , begin Lit. Bhām.
समुदक्त [ samudakta ] [ sam-udakta ] m. f. n. lifted up , raised up , thrown up Lit. L.
समुदन्त [ samudanta ] [ sam-údanta ] m. f. n. rising above the edge , about to overflow Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
समुदस्त [ samudasta ] [ sam-ud-asta ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ as ] ) drawn or raised from a deep place Lit. L.
समुदागम् [ samudāgam ] [ sam-ud-ā-√ gam ] P. [ -gacchati ] , to rise together Lit. DivyA7v. ; to arrive at full knowledge (see next) .
समुदागत [ samudāgata ] [ sam-udāgata ] m. f. n. one who has attained full knowledge , excelling in (comp.) Lit. Lalit.
समुदागम [ samudāgama ] [ sam-udāgama ] m. full or complete knowledge Lit. Buddh.
समुदाचर् [ samudācar ] [ sam-ud-ā-√ car ] Ā. [ -carate ] , to move or travel about (e.g. [ rathena ] , " in a chariot " ) Lit. Siddh. ; P. [ -carati ] , to act towards , treat Lit. MBh. ; to practise , accomplish , do Lit. ib. ; to speak to , address Lit. DivyA7v.
समुदाचरित [ samudācarita ] [ sam-udācarita ] m. f. n. addressed Lit. DivyA7v.
समुदाचार [ samudācāra ] [ sam-udācāra ] m. presentation , offering , entertainment (of a guest ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
proper or right practice or usage or conduct or behaviour Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
intercourse with (instr.) Lit. MBh.
address Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
salutation Lit. DivyA7v.
intention , purpose , design , motive Lit. L.
[ samudācāra ] m. f. n. = next Lit. BhP.
समुदाचारवत् [ samudācāravat ] [ sam-udācāra--vat ] m. f. n. one who conducts himself well Lit. MBh.
समुदाचारिन् [ samudācārin ] [ sam-udācārin ] m. f. n. accosting , addressing Lit. DivyA7v.
समुदानय [ samudānaya ] [ sam-ud-ā-naya ]1 m. (√ [ nī ] ) bringing together , assembly Lit. MBh.
bringing about , accomplishment , perfection Lit. Lalit.
समुदानयता [ samudānayatā ] [ sam-ud-ā-naya--tā ]1 f. id. Lit. DivyA7v.
समुदानय [ samudānaya ] [ sam-udānaya ]2 Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to collect Lit. DivyA7v. ; to bring about , attain Lit. ib.
समुदानयन [ samudānayana ] [ sam-udānayana ] n. bringing near Lit. Jātakam.
समुदानयितव्य [ samudānayitavya ] [ sam-udānayitavya ] m. f. n. to be mastered thoroughly Lit. SaddhP.
समुदानित [ samudānita ] [ sam-udānita ] m. f. n. attained (v.l. [ °nīta ] ) Lit. Lalit. Lit. DivyA7v.
समुदानीतत्व [ samudānītatva ] [ sam-udānīta-tva ] n. the being accomplished Lit. Jātakam.
समुदानेतव्य [ samudānetavya ] [ sam-udānetavya ] m. f. n. to be brought near Lit. DivyA7v
समुदावह् [ samudāvah ] [ sam-ud-ā-√ vah ] P. [ -vahati ] , to lead or conduct out , draw or carry away Lit. Hariv. ; to draw along (said of horses) Lit. R. ; to conduct home , marry Lit. MBh.
समुदाहृ [ samudāhṛ ] [ sam-ud-ā-√ hṛ ] P. [ -harati ] , to utter together , pronounce , declare Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
समुदाहरण [ samudāharaṇa ] [ sam-udāharaṇa ] n. declaring , uttering Lit. W.
illustrating , illustration Lit. ib.
समुदाहार [ samudāhāra ] [ sam-udāhāra ] m. ( in [ kathās ] ) conversation Lit. DivyA7v.
समुदाहृत [ samudāhṛta ] [ sam-udāhṛta ] m. f. n. talked to , addressed Lit. Hariv.
talked about , mentioned as , named , called Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Mn. Lit. R.
stated , declared Lit. Yājñ.
illustrated Lit. W.
समुदि [ samudi ] [ sam-ud-√ i ] P. [ -eti ] , to go upwards or rise up together , come together or prepare (for battle ) Lit. MBh. ; to rise (as the sun) Lit. ib.
समुदय [ samudaya ] [ sam-udaya ] m. ( rarely n.) coming together , union , junction , combination , collection , assemblage , multitude , aggregation , aggregate (acc. with √ [ kṛ ] , " to collect or assemble " ) Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. MBh.
(with Buddhists) the aggregate of the constituent elements or factors of any being or existence (in later times equivalent to " existence " itself) Lit. Buddh. Lit. Sarvad.
a producing cause (e.g. [ duḥkhas ] " the cause of suffering " ) Lit. Dharmas. 22
income , revenue Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
success , prosperity Lit. Mṛicch.
war , battle Lit. L.
a day Lit. L.
= [ udgama ] or [ samudgama ] Lit. L.
rising (of the sun ) Lit. W.
समुदाय [ samudāya ] [ sam-udāya ] m. combination , collection , multitude , mass , totality , a whole Lit. Prāt. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat.
(with Buddhists) = [ sam-udaya ] Lit. Sarvad.
a partic. Nakshatra Lit. VarYogay.
war , battle Lit. L.
the rear or reserve of an army Lit. L.
समुदायप्रकरण [ samudāyaprakaraṇa ] [ sam-udāya--prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
समुदायिन् [ samudāyin ] [ sam-udāyin ] m. f. n. combining , forming an aggregate Lit. Śaṃk.
समुदित [ samudita ] [ sam-udita ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see [ saṃ-√ vad ] , p. 1114 , col. 2) gone up , risen , elevated , lofty Lit. R. Lit. Kir.
collected , gathered together , united , assembled Lit. R. Lit. Daś. Lit. Siddh.
possessed of , furnished with (instr. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
furnished with everything , well supplied , wanting nothing Lit. ib.
समुदितृ [ samuditṛ ] [ sam-uditṛ ] m. f. n. rising , surging ( used to explain [ samudrá ] ) Lit. Nir. x , 32.
समुदित्वर [ samuditvara ] [ sam-uditvara ] m. f. n. going up , rising Lit. KāśīKh.
समुदीक्ष् [ samudīkṣ ] [ sam-ud-√ īkṣ ] Ā. [ -īkṣate ] , to look up at , look at attentively , perceive , observe Lit. R. Lit. Amar. ; to have regard or respect for (acc.) Lit. MBh.
समुदीर् [ samudīr ] [ sam-ud-√ īr ] Caus. [ -īrayati ] , to drive out , expel Lit. MBh. ; to raise (dust) Lit. MBh. ; to hurl , throw Lit. ib. ; to utter , speak , declare Lit. Kathās.
समुदीरण [ samudīraṇa ] [ sam-udīraṇa ] n. setting in motion or getting into motion Lit. MārkP.
raising the voice , uttering pronouncing , reciting Lit. W.
समुदीरित [ samudīrita ] [ sam-udīrita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) set in motion , raised , uttered , pronounced Lit. MBh.
समुदीर्ण [ samudīrṇa ] [ sam-udīrṇa ] m. f. n. greatly moved or agitated or excited Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
समुदीर्णखर [ samudīrṇakhara ] [ sam-udīrṇa--khara ] m. f. n. agitated and sharp or pungent Lit. Suśr.
समुदीर्णमानस [ samudīrṇamānasa ] [ sam-udīrṇa--mānasa ] m. f. n. agitated or excited in mind Lit. R.
समुदीष् [ samudīṣ ] [ sam-ud-√ īṣ ] P. [ -īṣati ] , to rise well upwards Lit. ChUp.
समुदेत [ samudeta ] [ sam-udeta ] m. f. n. ( cf. 2. [ sam-udita ] above ) excelling in (comp.) Lit. Āpast.
possessed of all good qualities Lit. ib.
समुद्ग [ samudga ] [ samudga ] m. ( of doubtful derivation ; for [ sam-udga ] see below) the point of a bud ( in [ arka-s ] q.v.)
a round box or casket ( said to be also n. ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kathās.
a round form of a temple Lit. VarBṛS.
( in rhet.) a kind of paronomasia (in which a verse or part of a verse identical in sound but different in meaning is repeated) Lit. Kāvyâd. iii , 54-56
समुद्गयमक [ samudgayamaka ] [ samudga--yamaka ] n. id. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Sch.
समुद्गक [ samudgaka ] [ samudgaka ] m. n. a round box or casket Lit. Daś. Lit. Ratnâv.
( in rhet.) = prec. Lit. L.
समुद्गल [ samudgala ] [ samudgala ] see [ ratna-s ] .
समुद्गम् [ samudgam ] [ sam-ud-√ gam ] P. [ -gacchati ] , to go or rise up together , come or break forth Lit. MW.
समुद्ग [ samudga ] [ sam-udga ] m. f. n. ( for [ samudga ] see above ) going up or rising together Lit. W.
समुद्गत [ samudgata ] [ sam-udgata ] m. f. n. risen up , come forth , appeared , begun Lit. Ṛitus. Lit. Lalit.
समुद्गम [ samudgama ] [ sam-udgama ] m. going up , rising , ascending Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
समुद्गार [ samudgāra ] [ sam-ud-gāra ] m. (√ 2. [ gṝ ] ) vomiting or spitting out , ejection Lit. Hariv.
समुद्गीर्ण [ samudgīrṇa ] [ sam-udgīrṇa ] m. f. n. vomited forth , ejected , raised
uttered , exclaimed ( in these senses perhaps fr. √ 1- , [ grī ] ) Lit. L.
समुद्गीत [ samudgīta ] [ sam-ud-gīta ] m. f. n. (√ [ gai ] ) sung out loud , chanted loudly Lit. MW.
[ samudgīta ] n. a loud song , chant Lit. ib.
समुद्गुञ्ज् [ samudguñj ] [ sam-ud-√ guñj ] P. [ -guñjati ] , to begin to hum Lit. Prasannar.
समुद्ग्रन्थ् [ samudgranth ] [ sam-ud-√ granth ] ( only ind.p. [ -grathya ] ) , to bind up together , tie or fasten up Lit. MBh.
समुद्ग्रह् [ samudgrah ] [ sam-ud-√ grah ] P. [ -gṛhṇāti ] , to raise or lift up , take hold of. seize on Lit. ŚBr.
समुद्घट् [ samudghaṭ ] [ sam-ud-√ ghaṭ ] Caus. [ -ghāṭayati ] , to open Lit. R. ; to uncover (one's head i.e. " be able to show one's self in public " ) Lit. Kād.
समुद्घाट [ samudghāṭa ] [ sam-udghāṭa ] m. taking away , removal ( perhaps w.r. for [ °ghāta ] ) Lit. Lalit.
समुद्घात [ samudghāta ] [ sam-udghāta ] m. destruction , extermination Lit. Buddh.
समुद्घातिन् [ samudghātin ] [ sam-udghātin ] see [ vimati-s ] , p. 979 , col. 3.
समुद्घृष् [ samudghṛṣ ] [ sam-ud-√ ghṛṣ ] P. [ -gharṣati ] , to rub together , grind , pound Lit. Prasannar.
समुद्दण्ड [ samuddaṇḍa ] [ sam-uddaṇḍa ] m. f. n. uplifted (as an arm) Lit. Daś.
समुद्दिधीर्षु [ samuddidhīrṣu ] [ sam-uddidhīrṣu ] see below.
समुद्दिश् [ samuddiś ] [ sam-ud-√ diś ] P. [ -diśati ] (ind.p. [ diśya ] q.v.) , to point out or indicate fully , mention at full , state , declare , communicate Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to designate as , name ( two acc.) Lit. VarBṛS. ; to enter into discussion with (instr.) Lit. AitĀr. ; to refer or relate to (see next) .
समुद्दिश्य [ samuddiśya ] [ sam-uddiśya ] ind. having fully pointed out
( with acc.) with reference or regard to , on account or in behalf or in honour of. at , against , towards , to Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
समुद्दिष्ट [ samuddiṣṭa ] [ sam-uddiṣṭa ] m. f. n. fully pointed out or declared or indicated , shown , explained , enumerated , particularized Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
designated as , named , called Lit. VarBṛS.
समुद्देश [ samuddeśa ] [ sam-uddeśa ] m. f. n. full exposition , accurate or complete description , theory , doctrine Lit. MBh. Lit. Sarvad.
a place , locality , abode of (gen.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
समुद्देशीय [ samuddeśīya ] [ sam-uddeśīya ] see [ vyādhi-samuddeśīya ] .
समुद्दीप् [ samuddīp ] [ sam-ud-√ dīp ] Caus. [ -dīpayati ] , to light up , inflame Lit. R.
समुद्दृप्त [ samuddṛpta ] [ sam-ud-dṛpta ] m. f. n. (√ [ dṛp ] ) haughty , arrogant Lit. R.
समुद्दॄ [ samuddṝ ] [ sam-ud-√ dṝ ] Pass. [ -diryate ] , to be completely rent or torn in pieces , burst asunder Lit. MW.
समुद्द्युत् [ samuddyut ] [ sam-ud-√ dyut ] Ā. [ -dyotate ] , to blaze up , shine very brilliantly Lit. Prab.
समुद्द्रु [ samuddru ] [ sam-ud-√ dru ] P. [ -dravati ] , to run forth together , escape together Lit. ŚBr.
समुद्धत [ samuddhata ] [ sam-ud-dhata ] m. f. n. (√ [ han ] ) raised well up , uplifted , elevated , whirled up (as dust) , flowing (as a river) high up on (comp.) , heaving , swelling (as waters) , towering , lofty , high Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
increased , intense , violent Lit. R. Lit. Jātakam.
puffed up with pride , arrogant , impudent Lit. L.
swelling with , abounding in , full of (comp.) Lit. R. Lit. Śiś.
w.r. for [ sam-ud-dhuta ] and [ -dhṛta ]
समुद्धततरंगिन् [ samuddhatataraṃgin ] [ sam-ud-dhata--taraṃgin ] m. f. n. (a river) whose waves are heaving or swelling Lit. MBh.
समुद्धतलाङ्गूल [ samuddhatalāṅgūla ] [ sam-ud-dhata--lāṅgūla ] m. f. n. (an animal) whose tail is raised or cocked up (v.l. [ sam-un-nata ] ) Lit. Hit.
समुद्धस्त [ samuddhasta ] [ sam-ud-dhasta ] ( for [ -ud-hasta ] ) m. f. n. wiped off with the hand Lit. W.
समुद्धा [ samuddhā ] [ sam-ud-dhā ] ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ hā ] ) Ā. [ -ujjihīte ] , to rise together , come forth , appear Lit. BhP. ; to burst forth , be heard , sound Lit. Prasannar.
समुद्धुर [ samuddhura ] [ sam-uddhura ] m. f. n. lifted up , stretched out Lit. Caurap.
समुद्धू [ samuddhū ] [ sam-ud-√ dhū ] P. Ā. [ -dhūnoti ] , [ -dhūnute ] , to shake up , raise (dust) , agitate , move hither and thither Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
समुद्धूत [ samuddhūta ] [ sam-uddhūta ](or [ samuddhuta ] ) m. f. n. shaken up , agitated , moved hither and thither Lit. ib.
hurled or thrown near Lit. MBh.
समुद्धुत [ samuddhuta ] [ sam-uddhuta ] (or [ samuddhūta ] ) m. f. n. shaken up , agitated , moved hither and thither Lit. ib.
hurled or thrown near Lit. MBh.
समुद्धूषर [ samuddhūṣara ] [ sam-uddhūṣara ] m. f. n. (prob.) dust-coloured , grey ( = [ dhūsara ] ) Lit. Pañcar.
समुद्धृ [ samuddhṛ ] [ sam-ud-√ dhṛ ]1 (only in next) .
समुद्दिधीर्षु [ samuddidhīrṣu ] [ sam-uddidhīrṣu ] m. f. n. wishing to save Lit. Cat.
समुद्धृ [ samuddhṛ ] [ sam-ud-dhṛ ]2 ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ hṛ ] ) P. Ā. [ -uddharati ] , [ °te ] , to take quite out , draw well out , extract from (abl.) Lit. Kauś. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to root out , extirpate , exterminate , destroy utterly Lit. MBh. ; to rescue , save , deliver from (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Jātakam. Lit. Pañcat. ; to lift , hold up Lit. MBh. Lit. Mṛicch. ; to pick up (a coin) Lit. Hit. ; to raise up , strengthen , restore Lit. MBh. ; to divide , Lit. Bījag. Lit. R. : Desid. see [ sam-uj-jihīrṣu ] (s.v.)
समुद्धरण [ samuddharaṇa ] [ sam-uddharaṇa ] n. the act of drawing well out or up , extricating , raising , lifting Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
taking off or away , removal Lit. Cat.
eradication , extirpation Lit. W.
taking out from (as a part or share) , deduction Lit. ib.
food thrown up (from the stomach) , vomit Lit. L.
समुद्धर्तृ [ samuddhartṛ ] [ sam-uddhartṛ ] m. f. n. one who lifts up or raises or extricates from (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.
[ samuddhartṛ ] m. an uptearer , extirpator Lit. Ragh.
समुद्धार [ samuddhāra ] [ sam-uddhāra ] m. drawing out , extraction from (abl.) Lit. MārkP.
extrication from any danger , rescue , delivery Lit. Śatr.
removal , destruction Lit. Kāv.
N. of a prince ( for [ hari-kṛṣṇa-s ] ) , Lit. Kshîś.
समुद्धृत [ samuddhṛta ] [ sam-uddhṛta ] m. f. n. well raised or drawn up or uplifted
taken out from (as a share) , deducted ( [ °toddhāre ] , loc " if a deduction be made " ) Lit. Mn. ix , 116.
समुद्धृष् [ samuddhṛṣ ] [ sam-ud-dhṛṣ ] ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ hṛṣ ] ) Caus. [ -uddharṣayati ] , to excite joyfully , gladden , delight Lit. Kāṭh.
समुद्धर्ष [ samuddharṣa ] [ sam-uddharṣa ] m. war , battle ( perhaps w.r. for [ sam-udgharṣa ] ) Lit. MBh.
समुद्ध्वस्त [ samuddhvasta ] [ sam-ud-dhvasta ] m. f. n. (√ [ dhvaṃs ] ) completely overspread , sprinkled or covered with (comp.) Lit. R.
समुद्बन्ध् [ samudbandh ] [ sam-ud-√ bandh ] ( only ind.p. [ -badhya ] ) , to bind up firmly Lit. MBh.
समुद्बन्धन [ samudbandhana ] [ sam-udbandhana ] is. hanging up ( [ ātmanaḥ ] , " one's self " ) Lit. Kād.
समुद्बुध् [ samudbudh ] [ sam-ud-√ budh ] Caus. [ -bodhayati ] , to rouse up thoroughly , awaken , animate Lit. Nīlak.
समुद्बोध [ samudbodha ] [ sam-udbodha ] m. becoming consciousness Lit. Sāh.
समुद्बोधन [ samudbodhana ] [ sam-udbodhana ] n. (fr. Caus.) thorough rousing up , awakening (from a swoon) , resuscitation Lit. Prasannar.
समुद्बृह् [ samudbṛh ] [ sam-ud-√ bṛh ] P. [ -bṛhati ] , to draw out together , pull out Lit. MBh.
समुद्भासन [ samudbhāsana ] [ sam-udbhāsana ] n. lighting up , illuminating Lit. Kād.
समुद्भू [ samudbhū ] [ sam-ud-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to spring up from , arise , be produced , exist Lit. Kāv. ; to increase , augment , grow Lit. Suśr.
समुद्भव [ samudbhava ] [ sam-udbhava ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) existence , production , origin (ifc. either " arisen or produced from " or " being the source of " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
coming to life again , revival Lit. MBh.
N. of Agni at the Vratâdeśa Lit. Gṛihyās.
समुद्भूत [ samudbhūta ] [ sam-udbhūta ] m. f. n. sprung up , arisen , born , produced , derived Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pur.
existing Lit. Pratāp.
v.l. or w.r. for [ sam-uddhūta ] or [ sam-uddhata ] Lit. MBh.
समुद्भूति [ samudbhūti ] [ sam-udbhūti ] f. arising , appearance Lit. Sāh.
समुद्भेद [ samudbheda ] [ sam-udbheda ] m. bursting forth , appearance , development , growth Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh. ; iii , 8522.
समुद्भ्रान्त [ samudbhrānta ] [ sam-ud-bhrānta ] m. f. n. (√ [ bhram ] ) roused up , excited , bewildered Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
समुद्य [ samudya ] [ sam-udya ] see [ saṃ-√ vad ] and [ sam-√ ud ] , pp. 1114 , 1166.
समुद्यम् [ samudyam ] [ sam-ud-√ yam ] P. [ -yacchati ] , to raise up , lift up Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to rein in , curb , restrain , drive (horses ) Lit. MBh.
समुद्यत [ samudyata ] [ sam-udyata ] m. f. n. raised up , lifted up Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
offered , presented Lit. R. Lit. MārkP.
intended , prepared , begun Lit. ib.
ready or eager for action , prepared to or about to (inf. or dat.) , engaged in (loc.) Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
ready to march against ( [ prati ] ) Lit. MBh. vi , 5166.
समुद्यम [ samudyama ] [ sam-udyama ] m. lifting up Lit. MBh.
great effort or exertion , setting about , readiness to or for (loc. dat. , or comp.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
समुद्यमिन् [ samudyamin ] [ sam-udyamin ] m. f. n. exerting one's self. strenuous , eager , zealous Lit. Kām.
समुद्या [ samudyā ] [ sam-ud-√ yā ] P. [ -yāti ] , to rise up against (acc.) , assail Lit. MBh.
समुद्यात [ samudyāta ] [ sam-udyāta ] m. f. n. risen up against (acc.)
समुद्युज् [ samudyuj ] [ sam-ud-√ yuj ] Caus. [ -yojayati ] , to excite , animate Lit. Mālav. Lit. Prab.
समुद्योग [ samudyoga ] [ sam-udyoga ] m. thorough preparation , making ready , setting about (acc. with Caus. of √ [ kṛ ] and gen. , " to undertake anything against " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
employment , use Lit. MBh.
concurrence (of many causes) Lit. Pratāp.
समुद्र [ samudra ] [ sa-mudra ] m. f. n. ( for [ sam-udra ] see p. 1166 , col. 3) having a stamp or seal , stamped , sealed , marked Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Mudr.
समुद्रलेखक [ samudralekhaka ] [ sa-mudra-lekhaka ] m. f. n. marked with partic. inauspicious signs ( perhaps w.r. for [ sām ] ) Lit. Buddh.
समुद्रिक्त [ samudrikta ] [ sam-ud-rikta ] m. f. n. (√ [ ric ] ) abundantly furnished with (instr.) Lit. VP.
समुद्वस् [ samudvas ] [ sam-ud-√ vas ] Caus. [ -vāsayati ] , to expel , remove , Lit. ŚBr.
समुद्वह् [ samudvah ] [ sam-ud-√ vah ] P. Ā. [ -vahati ] , [ °te ] , to lift out , carry forth Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to lead away , lead home , marry Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to lift up , raise Lit. MBh. ; to bear (with [ manasā ] , or [ hṛdayena ] , " in the heart " ) , tolerate , suffer , endure Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. ; to wear , possess Lit. Ratnâv. ; to exhibit , show , display Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.
समुद्वह [ samudvaha ] [ sam-udvaha ] m. f. n. who or what lifts up Lit. W.
moving up and down Lit. ib.
समुद्वाह [ samudvāha ] [ sam-udvāha ] m. bearing up Lit. MW.
leading away , marriage Lit. MBh.
समुद्विज् [ samudvij ] [ sam-ud-√ vij ] Ā. [ -vijate ] , to tremble greatly , shrink or start back together Lit. MBh.
समुद्विग्न [ samudvigna ] [ sam-udvigna ] m. f. n. greatly agitated or disturbed , terrified , anxious Lit. R. Lit. Pur.
समुद्वेग [ samudvega ] [ sam-udvega ] m. great agitation or perturbation , terror , alarm , fear Lit. MBh.
समुद्वीक्ष् [ samudvīkṣ ] [ sam-ud-vīkṣ ] ( Preverb. [ -vi-√ īkṣ ] ) Ā. [ -vīkṣate ] , to look at together , look at , perceive Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.
समुद्वृत् [ samudvṛt ] [ sam-ud-√ vṛt ] Caus. [ -vartayati ] , to cause to rise or swell Lit. R.
समुद्वृत्त [ samudvṛtta ] [ sam-udvṛtta ] m. f. n. risen up , swollen Lit. MBh.
समुद्वृह् [ samudvṛh ] [ sam-ud-√ vṛh ] see [ sam-ud-√ bṛh ] .
समुन्द् [ samund ] [ sam-√ und ] see [ sam-√ ud ] , p.1166.
समुन्नद् [ samunnad ] [ sam-un-√ nad ] ( [ -ud-√ nad ] ) P. [ -nadati ] , to cry out together , shout out , roar out Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
समुन्नद [ samunnada ] [ sam-unnada ] m. N. of a Rākshasa Lit. R.
समुन्नाद [ samunnāda ] [ sam-unnāda ] m. simultaneous roaring or shouting Lit. MBh.
समुन्नम् [ samunnam ] [ sam-un-√ nam ] ( [ -ud-√ nam ] ) P. [ -namati ] , to rise up or ascend together , rise aloft , ascend Lit. Bhaṭṭ. : Caus. [ -nāmayati ] , to raise well up , erect , lift completely up , elevate Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak. Lit. Śuśr.
समुन्नत [ samunnata ] [ sam-unnata ] m. f. n. risen up , lifted up , raised aloft Lit. Kāv.
arched , vaulted Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Rājat.
high , sublime Lit. Kām.
proud , arrogant Lit. W.
समुन्नतलाङ्गुल [ samunnatalāṅgula ] [ sam-unnata--lāṅgula ] m. f. n. having the tail erect Lit. Hit. ( cf. [ sam-uddhata-l ] ) .
समुन्नति [ samunnati ] [ sam-unnati ] f. rising , swelling Lit. Subh.
exaltation , eminence , high position Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
elevation , increase , growth (with [ manasaḥ ] , " elevation of mind " ; [ cittaṃ samunnatim aśnute ] , " the spirit experiences elevation " ) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Pañcat.
समुन्नमन [ samunnamana ] [ sam-unnamana ] n. raising , arching (as the brows) Lit. Sāh.
समुन्नस [ samunnasa ] [ sam-unnasa ] m. f. n. having a prominent nose Lit. Hariv.
समुन्नह् [ samunnah ] [ sam-un-√ nah ] ( [ -ud-√ nah ] ) P. Ā. [ -nahyati ] , [ °te ] , to bind or tie up (see next) .
समुन्नद्ध [ samunnaddha ] [ sam-unnaddha ] m. f. n. tied or bound up ( = [ ūrdhva-baddha ] ) Lit. L.
swollen , pressed up or out Lit. Suśr.
raised up , elevated , exalted Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
full , excessive Lit. BhP.
proud , arrogant Lit. ib.
unfettered , loosened Lit. ib.
produced , born Lit. L.
समुन्नाह [ samunnāha ] [ sam-unnāha ] m. pressing up or out Lit. Suśr.
height , elevation Lit. BhP.
समुन्निद्र [ samunnidra ] [ sam-unnidra ] m. f. n. wide awake , opened wide (as eyes) Lit. Dharmaś.
समुन्नी [ samunnī ] [ sam-un-√ nī ] ( [ -ud-√ nī ] ) P. Ā. [ -nayati ] , [ °te ] , to lead or conduct upward , together , raise completely up , elevate , increase Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ; to instigate , stimulate Lit. Kām. ; to deduce , infer Lit. Rājat. Lit. Sāh. ; to pay off (a debt) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. ix , 107.
समुन्नय [ samunnaya ] [ sam-unnaya ] m. bringing out , inference , deduction Lit. Cat.
occurrence , event , advent Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
समुन्नयन [ samunnayana ] [ sam-unnayana ] n. raising up , arching (as the brows) Lit. Daśar.
समुन्नीत [ samunnīta ] [ sam-unnīta ] m. f. n. raised up , elevated , increased Lit. MBh.
समुन्नेय [ samunneya ] [ sam-unneya ] m. f. n. to be brought out or deduced Lit. Sāh.
समुन्मज्ज् [ samunmajj ] [ sam-un-majj ] ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ majj ] only ind.p. [ -majjya ] ) , to dive under , bathe Lit. MBh.
समुन्मिश्र [ samunmiśra ] [ sam-unmiśra ] m. f. n. mixed or mingled with , accompanied by (instr.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
समुन्मिष् [ samunmiṣ ] [ sam-un-√ miṣ ] ( [ -ud-√ miṣ ] ) P. [ -miṣati ] , to rise up , spring up from (abl.) Lit. Rājat. ; to shine forth , shine bright , Lit. HYogay.
समुन्मील् [ samunmīl ] [ sam-un-√ mīl ] ( [ -ud-√ mīl ] ) P. [ -milati ] , to become fully expanded or unfolded or displayed Lit. Amar. Lit. Prab. : Caus. [ -mīlayati ] to open (the eyes) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to expand , display , exhibit Lit. Uttarar.
समुन्मीलित [ samunmīlita ] [ sam-unmīlita ] m. f. n. opened , expanded , displayed Lit. Prab.
समुन्मुख [ samunmukha ] [ sam-unmukha ] m. f. n. " having the face erected " , upright , high ( [ °khī-√ kṛ ] , " to lift up " ) Lit. Naish.
समुन्मूल् [ samunmūl ] [ sam-un-√ mūl ] ( [ ud-√ mūl ] ) P. [ -mūlayati ] , to uproot or eradicate completely , exterminate or destroy utterly Lit. Rājat. Lit. Hit.
समुन्मूलन [ samunmūlana ] [ sam-unmūlana ] n. the act of uprooting or eradicating completely , utter destruction , extermination Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Prab.
समुन्मृज् [ samunmṛj ] [ sam-un-mṛj ] ( Preverb. [ -ud-√ mṛj ] ) to rub up Lit. MaitrS. Lit. MānŚr. ; to rub completely off or out Lit. Kāṭh.
समुपकृष् [ samupakṛṣ ] [ sam-upa-√ kṛṣ ] P. [ -karṣati ] , to draw towards at one time or together , draw near Lit. R.
समुपकॢप् [ samupakḷp ] [ sam-upa-√ kḷp ] Ā. [ -kalpate ] , to be prepared or made ready together Lit. MW. : Caus. [ -kalpayati ] , to make ready together , prepare , make ready , accomplish Lit. MBh.
समुपकल्पित [ samupakalpita ] [ sam-upakalpita ] m. f. n. made ready , prepared , arranged Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समुपकॢप्त [ samupakḷpta ] [ sam-upakḷpta ] m. f. n. prepared or made ready together Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
समुपक्रम् [ samupakram ] [ sam-upa-√ kram ] P. Ā. [ -krāmati ] , [ -kramate ] , to go up to , approach Lit. MW. ; to begin , commence to (inf.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समुपक्रम [ samupakrama ] [ sam-upakrama ] m. commencement Lit. L.
commencement of medical treatment Lit. Car.
समुपक्रम्य [ samupakramya ] [ sam-upakramya ] m. f. n. to be treated medically Lit. ib.
समुपक्रान्त [ samupakrānta ] [ sam-upakrānta ] m. f. n. approached Lit. MW.
one who has begun Lit. R.
समुपगम् [ samupagam ] [ sam-upa-√ gam ] P. [ -gacchati ] , to go or proceed together towards , go or come near to (acc.) , approach , have recourse to Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to go to any state or condition , undergo Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
समुपगन्तव्य [ samupagantavya ] [ sam-upagantavya ] m. f. n. to be gone to
[ samupagantavya ] n. it is to be gone to ( [ asya viśvāse samupagantavyam ] , " one should place confidence in him " ) Lit. Pañcat.
समुपगम [ samupagama ] [ sam-upagama ] m. going near , approach , contact Lit. W.
समुपगुह् [ samupaguh ] [ sam-upa-√ guh ] P. Ā. [ -gūhati ] , [ °te ] , to embrace , surround Lit. Caurap.
समुपघ्रा [ samupaghrā ] [ sam-upa-√ ghrā ] P. [ -jighrati ] , to smell at , kiss Lit. R.
समुपचार [ samupacāra ] [ sam-upacāra ] m. attention , homage Lit. Pañcar.
समुपचि [ samupaci ] [ sam-upa-√ ci ] P. [ -cinoti ] , to heap up , gather Lit. Nāg. : Pass. [ -cīyate ] , to grow up , increase Lit. Suśr.
समुपचित [ samupacita ] [ sam-upacita ] m. f. n. collected , heaped Lit. W.
abundant Lit. Ratnâv.
thick Lit. Car.
समुपचितजल [ samupacitajala ] [ sam-upacita--jala ] m. f. n. having accumulated waters (as the ocean) Lit. MW.
समुपच्छाद [ samupacchāda ] [ sam-upa-cchāda ] m. (√ 1. [ chad ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 96 Sch.
समुपजन् [ samupajan ] [ sam-upa-√ jan ] Ā. [ -jāyate ] , to arise , spring up , take place Lit. Kāv. ; to be born again Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -janayati ] , to generate , cause , produce Lit. Ṛitus.
समुपजनित [ samupajanita ] [ sam-upajanita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) generated , produced , caused Lit. ib.
समुपजात [ samupajāta ] [ sam-upajāta ] m. f. n. arisen , produced Lit. Prab.
aroused Lit. MW.
समुपजातकोप [ samupajātakopa ] [ sam-upajāta--kopa ] m. f. n. one whose anger is roused , provoked or moved to anger Lit. ib.
समुपजाताभिनिवेशम् [ samupajātābhiniveśam ] [ sam-upajātābhiniveśam ]ind. after having formed a determined resolution Lit. Prab.
समुपजोषम् [ samupajoṣam ] [ sam-upajoṣam ] ind. entirely according to wish or liking , quite contentedly (= [ upaj ] q.v.) Lit. L.
समुपज्ञा [ samupajñā ] [ sam-upa-√ jñā ] P. Ā. [ -jānāti ] , [ -janite ] , to ascertain fully , find out Lit. MBh. ; to perceive , learn Lit. W.
समुपतप् [ samupatap ] [ sam-upa-√ tap ] Pass. [ -tapyate ] , to feel pain Lit. MBh.
समुपदिश् [ samupadiś ] [ sam-upa-√ diś ] P. [ -diśati ] , to point out or indicate fully , show Lit. MBh. ; to assign (with acc. of person and of thing) Lit. R.
समुपदृश् [ samupadṛś ] [ sam-upa-√ dṛś ] Caus. [ -darśayati ] , to cause to see or be seen , show , exhibit Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
समुपद्रु [ samupadru ] [ sam-upa-√ dru ] P. [ -dravati ] ( ep. also Ā. [ °te ] ) , to run together towards , rush upon (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to run up to , assail , attack Lit. VarBṛS.
समुपद्रुत [ samupadruta ] [ sam-upadruta ] m. f. n. assailed , attacked , overrun Lit. ib.
समुपधा [ samupadhā ] [ sam-upa-√ dhā ] P. Ā. [ -dadhāti ] , [ -dhatte ] , to put together , construct , create , produce Lit. MW.
समुपधाव् [ samupadhāv ] [ sam-upa-√ dhāv ] P. [ -dhāvati ] , to run near or towards (acc.) Lit. MBh.
समुपनी [ samupanī ] [ sam-upa-√ nī ] P. Ā. [ -nayati ] , [ °te ] , to lead up to together , bring or draw near to , lead to (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. VarBṛS. ; to take away , carry off Lit. MBh. ; to offer (a sacrifice) Lit. R. ; to bring about , cause Lit. Hariv.
समुपनयन [ samupanayana ] [ sam-upanayana ] n. the act of leading near to Lit. Dharmaśarm.
समुपनीत [ samupanīta ] [ sam-upanīta ] m. f. n. brought or led to (acc.) Lit. R.
समुपन्यस् [ samupanyas ] [ sam-upa-ny-√ as ] P. [ -asyati ] , to lay down fully , state at full length Lit. Hit.
समुपन्यस्त [ samupanyasta ] [ sam-upanyasta ] m. f. n. fully stated Lit. ib.
समुपपद् [ samupapad ] [ sam-upa-√ pad ] Ā. [ -padyate ] , to come to pass , be brought about or accomplished Lit. MBh. ; to meet with (acc.) , experience Lit. ib. : Caus. [ -pādayati ] , to bring about , make ready , prepare. Lit. R.
समुपपादित [ samupapādita ] [ sam-upapādita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) made ready , prepared Lit. ib.
समुपप्लुत [ samupapluta ] [ sam-upa-pluta ] m. f. n. (√ [ plu ] ) overwhelmed , assailed , distressed Lit. R.
समुपबृह् [ samupabṛh ] [ sam-upa-√ bṛh ] Caus. [ -bṛṃhayati ] , to cause to increase , augment , strengthen , complete Lit. MBh. Lit. VāyuP.
समुपभुज् [ samupabhuj ] [ sam-upa-√ bhuj ] Ā. [ -bhuṅkte ] , to enjoy sexually , have sexual union with (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समुपभोग [ samupabhoga ] [ sam-upabhoga ] m. enjoying , eating Lit. MBh.
cohabitation , sexual union Lit. MW.
समुपया [ samupayā ] [ sam-upa-√ yā ] P. [ -yāti ] , to go up to or approach ( with acc.) Lit. R. ; to betake one's self to (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS. ; to go to any state or condition ( with acc.) Lit. VarBṛS.
समुपयात [ samupayāta ] [ sam-upayāta ] m. f. n. gone up to , approached ( with acc.) Lit. ib.
समुपयुज् [ samupayuj ] [ sam-upa-√ yuj ] P. [ -yunakti ] , to make complete use of , consume Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -yojayati ] id. Lit. ib.
समुपयुक्त [ samupayukta ] [ sam-upayukta ] m. f. n. completely used up or consumed , eaten Lit. MW.
समुपयुक्तवत् [ samupayuktavat ] [ sam-upayukta-vat ] m. f. n. one who has consumed Lit. MBh.
समुपयोषम् [ samupayoṣam ] [ sam-upayoṣam ] ind. = [ samupajoṣam ] , col.1.
समुपरुज् [ samuparuj ] [ sam-upa-√ ruj ] P. [ -rujati ] , to break or cut up Lit. MW. ; to press hardly upon Lit. Hariv.
समुपरुध् [ samuparudh ] [ sam-upa-√ rudh ] P. [ -ruṇaddhi ] , to hinder greatly , disturb , obstruct: Pass. , [ -rudhyate ] , to be hindered or interrupted Lit. MBh.
समुपलक्ष् [ samupalakṣ ] [ sam-upa-√ lakṣ ] P. Ā. [ -lakṣayati ] , [ °te ] , to look at or observe attentively Lit. Kām. ; to see , perceive Lit. MBh.
समुपलभ् [ samupalabh ] [ sam-upa-√ labh ] Ā. [ -labhate ] ( ep. also P. [ -labhati ] ) , to take or receive fully , obtain Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to acquire by experience , learn , Perceive Lit. VarBṛS.
समुपवस् [ samupavas ] [ sam-upa-√ vas ] P. [ -vasati ] , to abide wholly in , engage in , devote one's self to (see below) ; to abide in a state of abstinence , fast Lit. Hcat.
समुपोषक [ samupoṣaka ] [ sam-upoṣaka ] m. f. n. fasting , Lit. Kṛishṇaj.
समुपोषित [ samupoṣita ] [ sam-upoṣita ] m. f. n. engaged in , devoted to (acc.) Lit. MārkP.
one who has fasted Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. BhP.
समुपवह् [ samupavah ] [ sam-upa-√ vah ] P. [ -vahati ] , to bear or carry along with , flow with Lit. MBh. : Pass. [ -upohyate ] , to be borne near , approach Lit. Hariv.
समुपोढ [ samupoḍha ] [ sam-upoḍha ] see p.1170 , col , 2.
समुपविश् [ samupaviś ] [ sam-upa-√ viś ] P. [ -viśati ] , to sit down together or near , sit down on (loc. acc. , or gen. with [ upari ] ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. ChUp. ; to lie down upon (acc.) Lit. ib. ; to encamp Lit. ib. ; to oversleep (the right time for anything) Lit. R. : Caus. [ -veśayati ] , to cause to sit down , ask to be seated Lit. Hit. ; to cause to encamp Lit. Rājat.
समुपवेश [ samupaveśa ] [ sam-upaveśa ] m. sitting down together Lit. MW.
inviting any one to sit down or rest , entertaining Lit. W.
a seat Lit. Uttarar.
समुपवेशन [ samupaveśana ] [ sam-upaveśana ] n. the act of causing to sit down Lit. MW.
a habitation , building Lit. ib.
a seat Lit. Uttarar.
समुपवेशित [ samupaveśita ] [ sam-upaveśita ] m. f. n. made to sit down , invited to rest Lit. W.
समुपवृत् [ samupavṛt ] [ sam-upa-√ vṛt ] Ā. [ -vartate ] , to go together towards , proceed together Lit. MW. ; to behave Lit. R.
समुपशम् [ samupaśam ] [ sam-upa-√ śam ] P. [ -sāmyati ] , to become quiet , cease Lit. MBh. Lit. Car.
समुपश्रु [ samupaśru ] [ sam-upa-√ śru ] P. [ -sṛṇoti ] , to listen to anything (acc.) , hear , hear or perceive any one (gen.) , hear from or be told by any one (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
समुपष्टम्भ [ samupaṣṭambha ] [ sam-upaṣṭambha ] m. = [ sam-uvastambha ] below Lit. MBh.
समुपसंहृ [ samupasaṃhṛ ] [ sam-upa-saṃ-√ hṛ ] P. Ā. [ -harati ] , [ °te ] , to restrain , stop (see next) .
समुपसंहृत [ samupasaṃhṛta ] [ sam-upasaṃhṛta ] m. f. n. restrained , stopped Lit. Uttarar.
समुपसद् [ samupasad ] [ sam-upa-√ sad ] P. [ -sīdati ] to go to , approach (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to get at , obtain (acc.) Lit. Śiś.
समुपसृप् [ samupasṛp ] [ sam-upa-√ sṛp ] P. [ -sarpati ] , to go to (acc.) , approach Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Bālar. ; to attack Lit. MW.
समुपसेव् [ samupasev ] [ sam-upa-√ sev ] Ā. [ -sevate ] , to make use of together Lit. MW. ; to be addicted to , enjoy Lit. R.
समुपस्तम्भ [ samupastambha ] [ sam-upastambha ] m. propping , supporting Lit. MBh.
a support Lit. Car.
समुपस्था [ samupasthā ] [ sam-upa-√ sthā ] P. Ā. [ -tiṣṭhati ] , [ °te ] , to stand near (at any one's service) Lit. R. ; to lean on (acc.) Lit. ib. ; to go to , approach (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to occur , arise , befall Lit. Śak. : Caus. [ sthāpayati ] , to set up Lit. Suśr.
समुपस्था [ samupasthā ] [ sam-upasthā ] f. standing near , approximation , proximity Lit. W.
happening , befalling Lit. ib.
समुपस्थान [ samupasthāna ] [ sam-upasthāna ] n. approximation , approach Lit. ib.
nearness Lit. ib.
happening , occurring Lit. ib.
समुपस्थित [ samupasthita ] [ sam-upasthita ] m. f. n. approximated , approached , come to ( [ teṣām agrato nadī samupasthitā ] = " they came upon a river " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
sitting or lying on (loc.) Lit. R.
arisen Lit. Hariv.
appeared , begun , imminent Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
seasonable , opportune Lit. MBh.
come upon , fallen to , fallen to one's share ( with acc. or gen.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Bhag.
ready for (dat. or loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
undertaken , resolved Lit. R.
attained , acquired Lit. W.
समुपस्थिति [ samupasthiti ] [ sam-upasthiti ] f. = [ °upasthāna ] above. Lit. ib.
समुपस्पृश् [ samupaspṛś ] [ sam-upa-√ spṛś ] P. [ -spṛśati ] , to touch Lit. R. ; to touch (water for ablution) , touch with water (instr.) , bathe in (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Yājñ. ; to sip water Lit. MW.
समुपहत [ samupahata ] [ sam-upa-hata ] m. f. n. (√ [ han ] ) stricken , impaired (as reason) Lit. VarYogay.
समुपहव [ samupahava ] [ sam-upahava ] see [ sam-upa-√ hve ] below.
समुपहृ [ samupahṛ ] [ sam-upa-√ hṛ ] P. Ā. [ -harati ] , [ °te ] , to bring towards , offer Lit. R. Lit. Jātakam. ; to pay (honour) Lit. Jātakam. ; to perform (a sacrifice) Lit. MW.
समुपह्वर [ samupahvara ] [ sam-upahvara ] m. a hidden place , hiding-place Lit. MBh.
समुपह्वे [ samupahve ] [ sam-upa-√ hve ] P. Ā. [ -hvayati ] , [ °te ] (ind.p. [ -hūya ] , or [ -hāvam ] ) , to call together , invite Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. ; to challenge (to fight) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समुपहव [ samupahava ] [ sam-upahavá ] m. an invitation together with others , common invitation Lit. Br. Lit. Lāṭy.
समुपाकृ [ samupākṛ ] [ sam-upā-√ kṛ ] P. Ā. [ -karoti ] , [ -kurute ] , to satisfy , pay off Lit. MBh.
समुपाक्रान्त [ samupākrānta ] [ sam-upā-krānta ] m. f. n. (√ [ kram ] ) one who has approached or attained to or arrived at (acc.) Lit. R.
समुपागम् [ samupāgam ] [ sam-upā-√ gam ] P. [ -gacchati ] , to go up to together , go near to , resort to , approach , meet Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to undergo , incur , get into any state or condition (acc.) Lit. R.
समुपागत [ samupāgata ] [ sam-upāgata ] m. f. n. gone near to , approached , met , come , arrived Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
one who has attained Lit. R.
one who has incurred or undergone Lit. ib.
समुपाघ्रा [ samupāghrā ] [ sam-upā-√ ghrā ] ( only ind.p. [ -ghrāya ] ) , to smell at , kiss Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समुपाचर् [ samupācar ] [ sam-upā-√ car ] P. [ -carati ] , to attend , wait on , treat (medically) Lit. Suśr. ; to practise , attend to , be intent upon (acc.) Lit. MBh.
समुपादा [ samupādā ] [ sam-upā-√ dā ] Ā. [ -datte ] (ind.p. [ -dāya ] q.v.) , to gain , receive , acquire Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP. ; to take away from , deprive of. Lit. MBh. ; to collect , heap together Lit. R. ; to assume , put on Lit. MBh.
समुपात्त [ samupātta ] [ sam-upātta ] m. f. n. gained , acquired , taken , robbed , gathered , collected Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समुपादाय [ samupādāya ] [ sam-upādāya ] ind. having gained
having used or employed (with acc. = " with the help of. " , " by means of " ) Lit. R.
समुपानी [ samupānī ] [ sam-upā-√ nī ] P. [ -nayati ] , to conduct or lead together towards , bring or gather together , assemble Lit. R.
समुपानयन [ samupānayana ] [ sam-upānayana ] n. bringing near , procuring Lit. MBh.
समुपानीत [ samupānīta ] [ sam-upānīta ] m. f. n. brought together , gathered , assembled Lit. MBh.
समुपाभिच्छाद [ samupābhicchāda ] [ sam-upābhi-cchāda ] m. ( fr. √ 1. [ chad ] ) Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 96.
समुपाया [ samupāyā ] [ sam-upā-√ yā ] P. [ -yāti ] , to go up to together , go or resort to (acc.) , approach , meet Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
समुपायात [ samupāyāta ] [ sam-upāyāta ] m. f. n. come near , approached , arrived Lit. Kāv.
समुपायुक्त [ samupāyukta ] [ sam-upā-yukta ] m. f. n. (√ [ yuj ] ) furnished with , possessed of. surrounded by , full of (instr.) Lit. MBh.
समुपारब्ध [ samupārabdha ] [ sam-upā-rabdha ] m. f. n. (√ [ rabh ] ) begun , commenced , undertaken Lit. MBh.
समुपारुज् [ samupāruj ] [ sam-upā-√ ruj ] = [ sam-upa-√ ruj ]
समुपारुह् [ samupāruh ] [ sam-upā-√ ruh ] P. [ -rohati ] , to mount up , ascend Lit. MBh.
समुपारूढ [ samupārūḍha ] [ sam-upārūḍha ] m. f. n. mounted upon , ascended Lit. R.
समुपार्ज् [ samupārj ] [ sam-upārj ] ( Preverb. [ -upa-√ arj ] ) Caus. [ -upārjayati ] , to gain or acquire together , procure Lit. Bhpr.
समुपार्जन [ samupārjana ] [ sam-upārjana ] n. the act of gaining or acquiring together , simultaneous acquisition Lit. Mn. vii , 152.
समुपार्जित [ samupārjita ] [ sam-upārjita ] m. f. n. brought together , prepared Lit. MW.
acquired , gained Lit. ib.
stored up Lit. ib.
समुपालम्भ [ samupālambha ] [ sam-upālambha ] m. reproach , censure Lit. MBh.
समुपाविश् [ samupāviś ] [ sam-upā-√ viś ] P. [ -viśati ] , to enter upon together , undertake , begin , commence Lit. R. : Caus. [ -veśayati ] , to conceal , hide Lit. HPariś.
समुपावृ [ samupāvṛ ] [ sam-upā-√ vṛ ] (prob.) w.r. for [ sam-apā-√ vṛ ] ( q.v.)
समुपाश् [ samupāś ] [ sam-upāś ] ( Preverb. [ -upa- ] :2 [ √ aś ] ) P. [ -upāślnāti ] , to taste fully or completely , enjoy Lit. MBh.
समुपाश्रित [ samupāśrita ] [ sam-upā-śrita ] m. f. n. (√ [ śri ] ) leaning against , supported by , resting on (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
resorted to , one who has recourse to (acc.) Lit. ib.
occupied by (instr.) Lit. Rājat.
visited or afflicted by (instr.) Lit. MBh.
समुपास् [ samupās ] [ sam-upās ] ( Preverb. [ -upa-√ ās ] ) Ā. [ -upāste ] (pr. p. [ -upāsīna ] ) , to sit near together or near each other Lit. R. ; to engage in or devote one's self to anything together , practise in common (or singly) Lit. Gṛihyās. Lit. R. ; to serve or honour together , revere , worship , adore Lit. MBh. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Ragh.
समुपास्था [ samupāsthā ] [ sam-upā-√ sthā ] P. Ā. [ -tiṣṭhati ] , [ °te ] , to stand near to Lit. Hariv. ; to practise , observe Lit. MBh.
समुपास्थित [ samupāsthita ] [ sam-upāsthita ] m. f. n. come near , approached Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
समुपाहृ [ samupāhṛ ] [ sam-upā-√ hṛ ] P. Ā. [ -harati ] , [ °te ] , to bring near , fetch , procure Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to offer , sacrifice Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to sacrifice one's self. Lit. Rājat. ; to enter upon (initiation) Lit. R.
समुपे [ samupe ] [ sam-upe ] ( Preverb. [ -upa- ] :5 [ √ i ] ) [ -upaīti ] , to come together , meet (as friends or foes) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat. ; to have sexual intercourse Lit. MBh. ; to come near , approach , go to (acc.) Lit. ib. ; to have recourse to , apply to , Lit. ŚārṅgP. ; to attain , incur , partake of Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Śiś. ; to occur , happen , appear Lit. MBh. ; to come upon , befall Lit. R. ; to be absorbed in Lit. RPrāt. ( 1170,1 )
समुपेत [ samupeta ] [ sam-upeta ] m. f. n. come together
come , arrived Lit. MBh.
furnished or supplied with , abounding in (instr. or comp.) Lit. ib.
समुपेक्ष् [ samupekṣ ] [ sam-upekṣ ] ( Preverb. [ -upa-√ īkṣ ] ) Ā. [ -upekṣate ] ( ep. also [ °ti ] ) , to look completely over or beyond , take no notice of , disregard , neglect , abandon Lit. MBh. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Amar.
समुपेक्षक [ samupekṣaka ] [ sam-upekṣaka ] m. f. n. overlooking , not heeding , disregarding. neglecting (gen.) Lit. BhP.
समुपेप्सु [ samupepsu ] [ sam-upepsu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of [ sam-upa-√ āp ] ) wishing to obtain , striving after (acc.) Lit. Kāv.
समुपोढ [ samupoḍha ] [ sam-upoḍha ] m. f. n. (√ 1. [ ūh ] ) brought near , presented , offered Lit. Mn. vi , 41
commenced , begun (as a battle) Lit. R. ( also [ -upolha ] Lit. ĀśvGṛ.)
risen (as the moon) Lit. Uttarar.
समुपोपविष्ट [ samupopaviṣṭa ] [ sam-upopa-viṣṭa ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ upopa ] ( for [ upa-upa ] ) -√ [ viś ] ) seated together , sitting down Lit. Hariv. 7042.
समुपोष् [ samupoṣ ] [ sam-upoṣ ] ( Preverb. [ -upa-√ uṣ ] ) P. [ -upoṣati ] , to burn or consume together , burn up completely Lit. ŚBr.
समुब्ज् [ samubj ] [ sam-√ ubj ] P. [ -ubjati ] , to cover over , close up , press together Lit. ŚBr.
समुब्जित [ samubjita ] [ sám-ubjita ] m. f. n. covered over , closed up Lit. AV.
समुभ् [ samubh ] [ sam-√ ubh ] P. [ -ubhnāti ] , [ -unapti ] (impf. [ -unap ] ) , to confine , shut up , keep closed , cover up Lit. RV.
समुब्ध [ samubdha ] [ sám-ubdha ] m. f. n. confined , closed , covered up Lit. ib.
समुल्बण [ samulbaṇa ] [ sam-ulbaṇa ] m. f. n. strong , big , brawny Lit. VarBṛS.
समुल्लङ्घ् [ samullaṅgh ] [ sam-ul-√ laṅgh ] ( [ -ud-√ laṅgh ] ) P. [ -laṅghayati ] , to leap beyond , violate , transgress , neglect Lit. MārkP. ; to carry over , transport Lit. Hcar.
समुल्लम्बित [ samullambita ] [ sam-ul-lambita ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ samud-√ lamb ] ) , hanging up , hanging Lit. Mṛicch.
समुल्लस् [ samullas ] [ sam-ul-√ las ] ( [ -ud-√ las ] ) P. [ -lasati ] , to shine forth , gleam , glitter Lit. Śiś. ; to break forth , appear Lit. Kir. Lit. Pañcat. ; to sound , resound Lit. Prasannar. : Caus. [ -lāsayati ] , to cause to jump or sport , exhilarate , make glad Lit. MW.
समुल्लसित [ samullasita ] [ sam-ullasita ] m. f. n. shining forth , gleaming , brilliant , beautiful Lit. Gīt.
sportive , sporting Lit. W.
समुल्लास [ samullāsa ] [ sam-ullāsa ] m. sporting , dancing , prancing (of a horse) Lit. L.
excessive brilliance , exhilaration Lit. MW.
समुल्लासिन् [ samullāsin ] [ sam-ullāsin ] m. f. n. shining forth , glittering Lit. Kpr.
समुल्लिख् [ samullikh ] [ sam-ul-√ likh ] ( [ -ud-√ likh ] ) P. [ -likhati ] , to scratch up all round , dig up. Lit. ŚBr. ; to scratch , furrow Lit. Kum. ; to rub against , graze Lit. R. ; to write down , mention (in a book) Lit. L.
समुल्लेख [ samullekha ] [ sam-ullekha ] m. digging up all round , extermination ( = [ utsādana ] ) Lit. L.
समुल्लुप् [ samullup ] [ sam-ul-√ lup ] ( [ -ud-√ lup ] ) P. [ -lumpati ] , to seize upon , lay hold of , pick up Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
समुष् [ samuṣ ] [ sam-√ uṣ ] P. [ -oṣati ] , to burn up , consume by fire Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
समुषित [ samuṣita ] [ sam-uṣita ] see [ saṃ-√ vas ] , p. 1114 , col. 3.
समुष्क [ samuṣka ] [ sa-muṣka ] m. f. n. having testicles , uncastrated Lit. Baudh.
समुष्यल [ samuṣyala ] [ sam-uṣyalá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ sam ] + [ √ uṣ ] = [ vaś ] ) desirous , loving or exciting love Lit. AV.
समुहितृ [ samuhitṛ ] [ samuhitṛ ] v.l. for [ sam-uditṛ ] ( q.v.)
समुह्य [ samuhya ] [ sam-uhya ] [ sam-ūḍha ] see [ sam-√ ūh ] .
समूर [ samūra ] [ samūra ] or [ samūru ] m. a kind of deer ( the skin of which may be used as a student's seat ; accord. to some it has a white mane ; cf. [ camūru ] ) Lit. L.
समूरु [ samūru ] [ samūru ] or [ samūra ] m. a kind of deer ( the skin of which may be used as a student's seat ; accord. to some it has a white mane ; cf. [ camūru ] ) Lit. L.
समूरुक [ samūruka ] [ samūruka ] m. id. Lit. W.
समूर्तक [ samūrtaka ] [ samūrtaka ] (prob.) w.r. for [ saṃvartaka ] Lit. MārkP.
समूल [ samūla ] [ sá-mūla ] m. f. n. having roots , overgrown , grassy , green , verdant Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś. Lit. R.
together with the root , root and branch , entire or entirely ( also ibc. and [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Br.
based upon , founded Lit. Gobh. Sch.
[ samūlam ] ind. , see [ samūla ] , entirely
समूलकाषम् [ samūlakāṣam ] [ sá-mūla-kāṣam ] ind. with root and branch (with √ [ kaṣ ] , " to exterminate completely " ) Lit. Mcar. Lit. Sarvad.
समूलघातम् [ samūlaghātam ] [ sá-mūla-ghātam ] ind. with utter extirpation (with √ [ han ] , " to destroy utterly " ) Lit. Śiś. Lit. Sarvad.
समूलक [ samūlaka ] [ sa-mūlaka ] m. f. n. together with the roots Lit. MBh.
together with radish-root Lit. ib.
समूह् [ samūh ] [ sam-√ ūh ] ( cf. [ saṃ-√ vah ] ) P. Ā. [ -ūhati ] , [ °te ] (ind.p. [ -bham ] q.v.) , to sweep together , bring or gather together , collect , unite Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. Up. Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -ūhayati ] , to sweep together , heap up , Lit. Kauś.
समुह्य [ samuhya ] [ sam-uhyá ] m. f. n. in comp. for [ sam-ūhya ] .
समुह्यपुरीष [ samuhyapurīṣa ] [ sam-uhyá-purīṣa ] ( [ °hyá ] .) m. f. n. consisting of rubbish swept or heaped together Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
समूढ [ samūḍha ] [ sám-ūḍha ] m. f. n. ( or [ -ūlha ] ) swept or pressed together , brought together , collected , united Lit. RV. Lit. TS.
regularly arranged , restored to order (as opp. to [ vy-ūḍha ] , " disarranged " , " transposed " ) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
purified Lit. L.
tamed Lit. L.
समूढच्छन्दस् [ samūḍhacchandas ] [ sám-ūḍha--cchandas ] m. f. n. having metres restored to their order Lit. ŚBr.
समूढद्वादशाहपद्धति [ samūḍhadvādaśāhapaddhati ] [ sám-ūḍha--dvādaśāha-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
समूढपुण्डरीकपद्धति [ samūḍhapuṇḍarīkapaddhati ] [ sám-ūḍha--puṇḍarīka-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
समूढरूपिन् [ samūḍharūpin ] [ samūḍha-rūpin ] m. N. of a partic. form of the Dvādaśâha sacrifice, Lit. Drāhy. (Sch.).
समूह [ samūha ] [ sam-ūhá ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a collection , assemblage , aggregate , heap , number , multitude Lit. AV.
an association , corporation , community Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.
sum , totality , essence Lit. MBh.
N. of a divine being (?) Lit. MBh. xiii , 4355
[ samūhā ] f. ( scil. [ vṛtti ] ) a partic. mode of subsistence Lit. Baudh.
समूहकार्य [ samūhakārya ] [ sam-ūhá--kārya ] n. the business or affairs of a community Lit. MW.
समूहक्षारक [ samūhakṣāraka ] [ sam-ūhá--kṣāraka ] m. civet Lit. L.
समूहगन्ध [ samūhagandha ] [ sam-ūhá--gandha ] m. civet Lit. L.
समूहन [ samūhana ] [ sam-ūhana ] m. f. n. sweeping together , collecting , gathering Lit. Mn. iv , 102
[ samūhanī ] f. a broom Lit. Āpast. Lit. Baudh.
[ samūhana ] n. the act of Sweeping together Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
placing an arrow on the bowstring Lit. L.
समूहिन् [ samūhin ] [ sam-ūhin ] m. f. n. forming an aggregate or fit for the formation of an aggregate Lit. Nyāyas. Sch.
समूह्य [ samūhya ] [ sam-ūhyá ]1 m. f. n. to be swept together (in Lit. Śulbas. = [ samuhyá-purīṣa ] above ) Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.
[ samūhya ] m. ( scil. [ agni ] ) a kind of sacrificial fire (to be brought or carried by the priest) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 131
a place prepared for the reception of the sacrificial fire Lit. W.
समूह्य [ samūhya ] [ sam-ūhya ]2 ind. having brought together.
समोह [ samoha ] [ sam-ohá ] m. hostile encounter , conflict , war Lit. RV.
समोहम् [ samoham ] [ sam-óham ] ind. bringing or sweeping together Lit. ib.