Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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अ |
अम्भिणी [ ambhiṇī ] [ ambhiṇī́ ] ( for [ °bhṛṇi ] ) f. N. of a preceptress (who transmitted the white Yajur-veda to Vāc , speech) Lit. ŚBr. xiv ( cf. [ āmbhṛṇī ] .)
अम्भृण [ ambhṛṇa ] [ ambhṛṇá ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ ámbhas ] , 1 , 2) , powerful , great ( Naigh ) Lit. RV. i , great ( ( Lit. Naigh. ) ) Lit. RV. i , 133 , 5 ( ( " roaring terribly " Lit. Sāy. ) )
[ ambhṛṇa ] m. a vessel (used in preparing the Soma juice) Lit. VS. and Lit. ŚBr.
N. of a Ṛishi (father of Vāc) Lit. RAnukr. ( cf. [ ambhṛṇī ] )
अम्मय [ ammaya ] [ am-maya ] m. f. n. ( for [ ap-maya ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 144 Lit. Siddh.) , formed from or consisting of water , watery Lit. Ragh. x , 59 Lit. BhP.
अम्मरा [ ammarā ] [ ammarā ] f. the second beam of timber over a door, Lit. L.
अम्यक् [ amyak ] [ ámyak ] ind. " towards , here " ( Lit. Nir. and Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 169 , 3) , but see √ [ myakṣ ] .
अम्र [ amra ] [ amra ] m. = [ āmra ] q.v. Lit. L.
अम्रात [ amrāta ] [ amrāta ] m. = [ āmrāta ] q.v. Lit. L.
अम्रातक [ amrātaka ] [ amrātaka ] m. = [ āmrāt ] q.v. Lit. VarBṛS.
अम्ल [ amla ] [ amla ] m. f. n. sour , acid Lit. Mn. v , 114 ,
[ amla ] m. ( with or without [ rasa ] ) acidity , vinegar Lit. Suśr., wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata) , Lit. Suśr.
अम्लकाण्ड [ amlakāṇḍa ] [ amla-kāṇḍa ] n. N. of a plant.
अम्लकेशर [ amlakeśara ] [ amla-keśara ] m. citron tree.
अम्लचुक्रिका [ amlacukrikā ] [ amla-cukrikā ] f. a kind of sorrel.
अम्लचूड [ amlacūḍa ] [ amla-cūḍa ] m. a kind of sorrel.
अम्लजम्बीर [ amlajambīra ] [ amla-jambīra ] m. lime tree.
अम्लजुण्डी [ amlajuṇḍī ] [ amla-juṇḍī ] f. the fourth change in warm milk when mixed with Takra (v.l. [ amla ] - [ duṇḍī ] ), Lit. L.
अम्लता [ amlatā ] [ amla-tā ] f. sourness Lit. Suśr.
अम्लतिक्तकषाय [ amlatiktakaṣāya ] [ amla-tikta-kaṣāya ] m. f. n. astringent (and) bitter (and) sour
[ amlatiktakaṣāya ] m. astr°ingent (and) sour (and) bitter taste, Lit. L.
अम्लद्रव [ amladrava ] [ amla-drava ] m. the acid juice (of fruits) Lit. Bhpr.
अम्लनायक [ amlanāyaka ] [ amla-nāyaka ] m. sorrel.
अम्लनिम्बूक [ amlanimbūka ] [ amla-nimbūka ] m. the lime.
अम्लनिशा [ amlaniśā ] [ amla-ní śā ] f. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet Roxb.
अम्लपञ्चक [ amlapañcaka ] [ amla-pañcaka ] n. a collection of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits.
अम्लपञ्चफल [ amlapañcaphala ] [ amla-pañca-phala ] n. a collection of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits.
अम्लपत्त्र [ amlapattra ] [ amla-pattra ] m. the plant Oxalis and other plants.
अम्लपनस [ amlapanasa ] [ amla-panasa ] m. the tree Artocarpus Lacucha Roxb.
अम्लपित्त [ amlapitta ] [ amla-pí tta ] n. acidity of stomach.
अम्लफल [ amlaphala ] [ amla-phala ] m. the tamarind tree , Magnifera Indica
[ amlaphala ] n. the fruit of this tree Lit. Suśr.
अम्लभेदन [ amlabhedana ] [ amla-bhedana ] m. sorrel Lit. L.
अम्लमेह [ amlameha ] [ amla-meha ] m. acid urine (a disease) Lit. Suśr.
अम्लरस [ amlarasa ] [ amla-rasa ] m. f. n. having a sour taste
[ amlarasa ] m. sourness , acidity.
अम्लरुहा [ amlaruhā ] [ amla-ruhā ] f. a kind of betel.
अम्ललोणिका [ amlaloṇikā ] [ amla-loṇikā ] f. wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata) .
अम्ललोणी [ amlaloṇī ] [ amla-loṇī ] f. wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata) .
अम्ललोलिका [ amlalolikā ] [ amla-lolikā ] f. wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata) .
अम्लवर्ग [ amlavarga ] [ amla-varga ] m. a class of plants with acid leaves or fruits (as the lime , orange , pomegranate , tamarind , sorrel , and others) Lit. Suśr.
अम्लवल्ली [ amlavallī ] [ amla-vallī ] f. the plant Pythonium Bulbiferum Schott.
अम्लवाटक [ amlavāṭaka ] [ amla-vāṭaka ] m. hog-plum (Spondias Magnifera) .
अम्लवाटिका [ amlavāṭikā ] [ amla-vāṭikā ] f. a kind of betel.
अम्लवास्तूक [ amlavāstūka ] [ amla-vāstūka ] n. sorrel.
अम्लवृक्ष [ amlavṛkṣa ] [ amla-vṛkṣa ] m. the tamarind tree.
अम्लवेतस [ amlavetasa ] [ amla-vetasa ] m. a kind of dock or sorrel , Rumex Vesicarius Lit. MBh. iii , 11568 Lit. Suśr.
[ amlavetasa ] n. vinegar (obtained from fruit) Lit. L.
अम्लशाक [ amlaśāka ] [ amla-śāka ] m. a sort of sorrel (commonly used as a pot-herb)
अम्लसार [ amlasāra ] [ amla-sāra ] m. the lime
a kind of sorrel
[ amlaśāka ] n. rice water after fermentation.
अम्लहरिद्रा [ amlaharidrā ] [ amla-harí drā ] f. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet Roxb.
अम्लाङ्कुश [ amlāṅkuśa ] [ amlāṅkuśa ] m. a kind of sorrel.
अम्लाध्युषित [ amlādhyuṣita ] [ amlādhyuṣita ] n. a disease of the eyes (caused by eating acid food) Lit. Suśr.
अम्लीभूत [ amlībhūta ] [ amlībhūta ] m. f. n. become sour Lit. Suśr.
अम्लोद्गार [ amlodgāra ] [ amlodgāra ] m. sour eructation Lit. L.
अम्लक [ amlaka ] [ amlaka ] m. the plant Artocarpus Lakuca
[ amlikā ] f. a sour taste in the mouth , acidity of stomach , Lit. Suśr. the tamarind tree , wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata) .
अम्लकवटक [ amlakavaṭaka ] [ amlaka-vaṭaka ] m. a sort of cake Lit. Bhpr.
अम्लिमन् [ amliman ] [ amliman ] m. sourness Lit. L.
अम्लीका [ amlīkā ] [ amlīkā ] f. (= [ amlikā ] q.v.) acidity of stomach Lit. Suśr.
wood sorrel Lit. L.
अम्लोट [ amloṭa ] [ amloṭa ] m. ebony, Diospyros Ebenaster, Lit. L.
अम्लान [ amlāna ] [ a-mlāna ] m. f. n. (√ [ mlai ] ) , unwithered , clean , clear
bright , unclouded (as the mind or the face) Lit. MBh.
[ amlāna ] m. globe-amaranth (Gomphraena Globosa Lit. L.) Lit. Hcat.
अम्लानि [ amlāni ] [ a-mlāni ] f. vigour , freshness Lit. L.
अम्लानिन् [ amlānin ] [ a-mlānin ] m. f. n. clean , clear Lit. L.
[ amlāninī ] f. an assemblage of globe amaranths Lit. L.
अम्लायिन् [ amlāyin ] [ a-mlāyin ] m. f. n. unfading Lit. Kathās.
अय् [ ay ] [ ay ] Root = √ [ i ] , only supposed to be a separate root on account of such forms of √ [ i ] , as [ ayate ] ( ( Lit. RV. i , 127 , 3 ) ) , see √ [ i ] .
अय [ aya ] [ aya ] m. going ( only ifc. cf. [ abhyastam aya ] )
( with [ gavām ] ) " the going or the turn of the cows " , N. of a periodical sacrifice Lit. MBh.
a move towards the right at chess Lit. Pat. ( cf. [ anānaya ] )
Ved. a die Lit. RV. x 166 , 9 Lit. AV.
the number " four "
good luck , favourable fortune Lit. Nalôd.
अयवत् [ ayavat ] [ aya-vat ] m. f. n. happy Lit. Kir. , 20.
अयशोभिन् [ ayaśobhin ] [ aya-śobhin ] m. f. n. bright with good fortune Lit. Śiś.
अयानय [ ayānaya ] [ ayānaya ] see s.v.
अयान्वित [ ayānvita ] [ ayānvita ] m. f. n. fortunate , lucky Lit. Ragh. iv , 26
[ ayānvita ] m. N. of Śaṃkarâcārya Lit. L.
अयथ [ ayatha ] [ ayatha ] n. a foot Lit. RV. x 28 , 10 and 11
[ ayatha ] m. f. n. prosperous Lit. PārGṛ.
अयन [ ayana ] [ áyana ] m. f. n. going Lit. VS. xxii , 7 Lit. Nir.
[ ayana ] n. walking a road a path Lit. RV. iii , 33 , 7 ( often ifc. cf. [ naimiṣāyana ] , [ puruṣāyana ] , [ prasamāyana ] , [ samudrāyaṇa ] , [ svedāyana ] ) , (in astron.) advancing , precession Lit. Sūryas.
( with gen ( e.g. [ ángirasām ] , [ ādityā́nam ] , [ gavām ] , ) or ifc.) " course , circulation " , N. of various periodical sacrificial rites Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. the sun's road north and south of the equator , the half year Lit. Mn. , the equinoctial and solstitial points Lit. VarBṛS.
way , progress , manner Lit. ŚBr.
place of refuge Lit. Mn. i , 10
a treatise ( [ śāstra ] cf. [ jyotiṣām-ayana ] ) Lit. L.
अयनकला [ ayanakalā ] [ áyana-kalā ] f. pl. the correction (in minutes) for ecliptic deviation , Lit. Sūryas.
अयनग्रह [ ayanagraha ] [ áyana-graha ] m. a planet's longitude as corrected for ecliptic deviation Lit. ib.
अयनदृक्कर्मन् [ ayanadṛkkarman ] [ áyana-dṛk-karman ] n. calculation for ecliptic deviation Lit. ib.
अयनभाग [ ayanabhāga ] [ áyana-bhāga ] m. (in astron.) the amount of precession Lit. ib.
अयनवृत्त [ ayanavṛtta ] [ áyana-vṛ́tta ] n. the ecliptic.
अयनांश [ ayanāṃśa ] [ ayanāṃśa ] m. = [ ayana-bhāga ] Lit. Sūryas.
अयक्ष्म [ ayakṣma ] [ a-yakṣmá ] m. f. n. not consumptive , not sick , healthy Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
causing health , salubrious Lit. RV. ix , 49 , 1 Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
[ ayakṣma ] n. ( [ ám ] ) health Lit. VS.
अयक्ष्मंकरण [ ayakṣmaṃkaraṇa ] [ a-yakṣmá-ṃ-káraṇa ] m. f. n. producing health Lit. AV. ix , 2 , 5.
अयक्ष्मताति [ ayakṣmatāti ] [ a-yakṣmá-tāti ] ( [ ayakṣmá ] .) f. health Lit. AV. iv , 25 , 5.
अयक्ष्मत्व [ ayakṣmatva ] [ a-yakṣmá-tvá ] n. id. Lit. ŚBr.
अयक्ष्यमाण [ ayakṣyamāṇa ] [ a-yakṣyamāṇa ] m. f. n. not wishing or not about to institute a sacrifice Lit. Jaim.
अयजमान [ ayajamāna ] [ á-yajamāna ] m. f. n. not instituting a sacrifice Lit. VS.
अयजुष्क [ ayajuṣka ] [ a-yajúṣka ] m. f. n. without a Yajus-formula Lit. ŚBr.
[ ayajuṣkam ] ind. id. Lit. TBr.
अयजुस् [ ayajus ] [ a-yajús ] n. " not a Yajus-formula " , ( [ úṣā ] ) instr. without a Yajus-formula Lit. MaitrS.
अयजुष्कृत [ ayajuṣkṛta ] [ á-yajuṣ-kṛta ] m. f. n. not consecrated with a Yajus-formula Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
अयज्ञ [ ayajña ] [ á-yajña ] m. not a real sacrifice Lit. ŚBr. and Lit. TBr.
non-performance of a sacrifice Lit. Mn. iii , 1 20 Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Gaut.
[ ayajña ] m. f. n. not offering a sacrifice Lit. RV. vii , 6 , 3 and x , 138 , 6.
अयज्ञसच् [ ayajñasac ] [ á-yajña-sac ] ( [ á-yajña ] .) , m ( nom. pl. [ ācas ] ) fn. not performing a sacrifice Lit. RV. vi , 6 7 , 9.
अयज्ञिय [ ayajñiya ] [ a-yajñiyá ] m. f. n. not fit for sacrifice Lit. ŚBr. ( once [ á-yajñya ] )
profane , unworthy Lit. RV. x , 124 , 3 and Lit. AV. xii , 2 , 37.
अयज्ञीय [ ayajñīya ] [ á-yajñīya ] m. f. n. not fit for sacrifice Lit. KapS.
अयज्यु [ ayajyu ] [ á-yajyu ] m. f. n. not sacrificing , impious Lit. RV.
अयज्वन् [ ayajvan ] [ á-yajvan ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV. Lit. Mn. xi , 14 & 20.
अयज्ञदत्त [ ayajñadatta ] [ a-yajñadatta ] m. not Yajña-datta i.e. the vile Yajñadatta Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 159 Lit. Kāś.
अयत् [ ayat ] [ a-yat ] m. f. n. (√ [ yam ] ) , not making efforts Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अयति [ ayati ] [ a-yati ] m. no ascetic Lit. Bhag.
N. of one of the six sons of Nahusha Lit. MBh. i , 3155.
अयतत् [ ayatat ] [ á-yatat ] m. f. n. (√ [ yat ] ) , not going side by side Lit. RV. ii , 24 , 5 ( ( " not making efforts " Lit. Gmn. ) )
अयत्न [ ayatna ] [ a-yatna ] m. absence of effort or exertion
[ ayatnena ] ind. without effort or exertion. ( Lit. Mn. v , 47 , )
[ ayatnāt ] ind. (or incomp. [ ayatna- ] ) without effort or exertion.
अयत्नकारिन् [ ayatnakārin ] [ a-yatna-kārin ] m. f. n. making no exertion , idle.
अयत्नकृत [ ayatnakṛta ] [ a-yatna-kṛta ] m. f. n. easily or readily produced , spontaneous Lit. L.
अयत्नज [ ayatnaja ] [ a-yatna-ja ] m. f. n. easily or readily produced ,. spontaneous Lit. L.
अयत्नतस् [ ayatnatas ] [ a-yatna-tas ] without effort or exertion.
अयत्नबालव्यजनीभू [ ayatnabālavyajanībhū ] [ a-yatna-bālavyajanī-√ bhū ] (perf. 3. pl. [ babhūvuḥ ] ) to become or be changed into a fan without effort Lit. Ragh. xvi , 33.
अयत्नवत् [ ayatnavat ] [ a-yatna-vat ] m. f. n. inactive , idle.
अयथ [ ayatha ] [ ayátha ] see col.2.
अयथाकृत [ ayathākṛta ] [ a-yathā-kṛta ] m. f. n. done unfitly Lit. VarBṛS.
अयथाजातीयक [ ayathājātīyaka ] [ a-yathā-jātīyaka ] m. f. n. contrary to what should be the case Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 10.
अयथातथम् [ ayathātatham ] [ a-yathā-tatham ] ind. not so as it should be Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 31 Lit. Mn. iii , 240.
अयथातथा [ ayathātathā ] [ a-yathā-tathā ] ind. given by Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 31 as the base of [ āyathātathya ] ( whereas Lit. Pāṇ. derives it from [ a-yathā-tatham ] q.v.)
अयथादेवतम् [ ayathādevatam ] [ a-yathā-devatam ] ( [ á-yathā ] ) ind. not consonant or suitable to a deity Lit. TBr.
अयथाद्योतन [ ayathādyotana ] [ a-yathā-dyotana ] n. intimation of something that should not be Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 10 Comm.
अयथापुरम् [ ayathāpuram ] [ a-yathā-puram ] ind. not as formerly Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 ,31.
अयथापूर्व [ ayathāpūrva ] [ a-yathā-pūrva ] m. f. n. not being so as before Lit. Ragh. xii , 88 Lit. BhP.
[ ayathāpūrvam ] ind. not in regular order Lit. TBr.
अयथाबलम् [ ayathābalam ] [ a-yathā-balam ] ind. not according to one's strength Lit. Śiś.
अयथाभिप्रेत [ ayathābhipreta ] [ a-yathābhipreta ] m. f. n. not desired , not agreeable Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 59.
अयथामात्रम् [ ayathāmātram ] [ a-yathā-mātram ] ind. not according to measure or quantity (a defect in the pronunciation of vowels) Lit. RPrāt.
अयथामुखीन [ ayathāmukhīna ] [ a-yathāmukhīna ] m. f. n. having the face turned away Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अयथायथम् [ ayathāyatham ] [ á-yathāyatham ] ind. not as it ought to be , unsuitably Lit. ŚBr.
अयथार्थ [ ayathārtha ] [ a-yathārtha ] m. f. n. incorrect , incongruous Lit. Śāk.
[ ayathārtham ] ind. incorrectly Lit. Jaim.
अयथावृत्त [ ayathāvṛtta ] [ a-yathāvṛtta ] m. f. n. behaving improperly, Lit. Daś.
अयथाशास्त्रकारिन् [ ayathāśāstrakārin ] [ a-yathā-śāstra-kārin ] m. f. n. not acting in accordance with the scripture.
अयथास्थित [ ayathāsthita ] [ a-yathā-sthita ] m. f. n. not being in order , deranged Lit. Kād.
अयथेष्ट [ ayatheṣṭa ] [ a-yatheṣṭa ] m. f. n. not according to wish , not intended Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 1 and 116 Comm.
अयथोक्तम् [ ayathoktam ] [ a-yathoktam ] ind. not in accordance with what has been stated Lit. RPrāt.
अयथोचित [ ayathocita ] [ a-yathocita ] m. f. n. unsuitable Lit. Pañcat.
अयदीक्षित [ ayadīkṣita ] [ aya-dīkṣita ] m. N. of an author ( nephew of Apyaya-dīkshita q.v.)
अयन [ ayana ] [ áyana ] see √ [ ay ] , col. 2.
अयन्त्र [ ayantra ] [ a-yantrá ] n. non restraint , not a means of restraining Lit. RV. x , 46 , 6 , ( cf. [ paśv-áyantra ] .)
अयन्त्रणा [ ayantraṇā ] [ a-yantraṇā ] f. not putting on a bandage , not dressing Lit. Suśr.
अयन्त्रित [ ayantrita ] [ a-yantrita ] m. f. n. unhindered , unrestrained , self-willed Lit. Mn. ii , 118
अयभ्या [ ayabhyā ] [ á-yabhyā ] f. (a woman) with whom one ought not to cohabit Lit. AV. xx , 128 , 8.
अयमास्य [ ayamāsya ] [ ayam-āsya ] m. (said to be the fuller form of a [ yāsya ] , q.v.), Lit. JaimUp.
अयमितनख [ ayamitanakha ] [ a-yamita-nakha ] m. f. n. with untrimmed nails Lit. Megh. 1.
अयव [ ayava ] [ á-yava ]1 m. the dark half of the month Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
अयवन् [ ayavan ] [ á-yavan ] m. ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) ri. ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) id.
अयवस् [ ayavas ] [ á-yavas ] n. ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) id.
अयाव [ ayāva ] [ á-yāva ]1 m. id. Lit. TS.
अयावन् [ ayāvan ] [ á-yāvan ] m. id. Lit. TS.
अयव [ ayava ] [ a-yava ]2 m. f. n. producing bad or no barley Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 108 Lit. Pat. and 172 Lit. Kāś.
[ ayava ] m. N. of one of the seven species of worms in the intestines Lit. Suśr.
अयवक [ ayavaka ] [ a-yavaka ] m. f. n. producing bad or no barley Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 117 Lit. Pat. and 174 Lit. Kāś.
अयाव [ ayāva ] [ a-yāva ]2 m. f. n. not made of barley Lit. KātyŚr.
अयवत् [ ayavat ] [ aya-vat ] see [ áya ] .
अयशस् [ ayaśas ] [ a-yaśas ] n. infamy Lit. R. Lit. Mn. viii , 128 ,
[ ayaśas ] m. f. n. devoid of fame , disgraced Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. KātyŚr.
अयशस्कर [ ayaśaskara ] [ a-yaśas-kara ] m. f. n. causing dishonour , disgraceful Lit. MBh.
अयशस्य [ ayaśasya ] [ ayaśasya ] m. f. n. = [ ayaśas-kara ] q.v. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. Suśr.
अयस् [ ayas ] [ áyas ] n. iron , metal Lit. RV.
an iron weapon (as an axe , ) Lit. RV. vi , 3 ,5 and 47 , 10
gold Lit. Naigh.
steel Lit. L.; ( ( cf. Lat. (aes) , (aer-is) for (as-is) ; Goth. (ais) , Thema (aisa) ; Old Germ. (êr) , iron ; Goth. (eisarn) ; Mod. Germ. (Eisen) . ) )
अयस्कंस [ ayaskaṃsa ] [ áyas-kaṃsa ] m. an iron goblet Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 46 Sch.
अयस्कर्णी [ ayaskarṇī ] [ áyas-karṇī ] f. ? ( cf. [ adhīloha-kárṇa ] and [ adhirūḍhā-k ] ) Lit. ib.
अयस्काण्ड [ ayaskāṇḍa ] [ áyas-kāṇḍa ] m. n. " a quantity of iron " or " excellent iron " , (g. [ kaskādi ] q.v.)
अयस्कान्त [ ayaskānta ] [ áyas-kānta ] m. (g. [ kaskādi ] ) , " iron-lover " , the loadstone ( cf. [ kāntāyasa ] ) Lit. Ragh. xvii , 63 ,
अयस्कान्तमणि [ ayaskāntamaṇi ] [ áyas-kānta-maṇi ] m. id. Lit. Mālatīm.
अयस्काम [ ayaskāma ] [ áyas-kāma ] m. a blacksmith Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 46 Sch.
अयस्कील [ ayaskīla ] [ ayas-kīla ] m. N. of a mountain, Lit. Divyâv.
[ ayaskīlā ] ( [ ā ] ), f. N. of a river, ib.
अयस्कुण्ड [ ayaskuṇḍa ] [ áyas-kuṇḍa ] m. an iron pitcher Lit. L.
अयस्कुम्भ [ ayaskumbha ] [ áyas-kumbha ] m. an iron pot or boiler Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 46 Sch.
अयस्कुम्भी [ ayaskumbhī ] [ áyas-kumbhī ] f. an iron pot or boiler Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 46 Sch.
अयस्कुशा [ ayaskuśā ] [ áyas-kuśā ] f. a rope partly consisting of iron Lit. ib.
अयस्कृति [ ayaskṛti ] [ áyas-kṛti ] f. a medical preparation of iron Lit. Suśr.
अयस्ताप [ ayastāpa ] [ áyas-tāpá ] m. f. n. one who heats iron Lit. VS.
अयस्तुण्ड [ ayastuṇḍa ] [ áyas-tuṇḍa ] m. f. n. having an iron point Lit. Hariv.
अयस्पात्र [ ayaspātra ] [ áyas-pātrá ] m. an iron vessel Lit. AV. viii , 10 , 22 Lit. Suśr. (v.l.)
[ ayaspātra ] f. n. id. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 46 Sch.
अयस्मय [ ayasmaya ] [ áyas-máya ] m. f. n. Ved. made of iron or of metal Lit. RV. v , 30 , 15 , Lit. BhP.
[ ayasmaya ] m. N. of a son of Manu Svārocisha Lit. Hariv.
[ ayasmayī ] f. N. of one of the three residences of the Asuras Lit. AitBr.
अयस्मयादि [ ayasmayādi ] [ áyas-máyādi ] a gaṇa of Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 20.
अयः [ ayaḥ ] [ ayaḥ ] ( in comp. for [ ayas ] ) .
अयःकणप [ ayaḥkaṇapa ] [ ayaḥ-kaṇapa ] m. a certain iron weapon Lit. MBh. i , 8257.
अयःकाय [ ayaḥkāya ] [ ayaḥ-kāya ] m. " of an iron body " , N. of a Daitya Lit. Kathās.
अयःकिट्ट [ ayaḥkiṭṭa ] [ ayaḥ-kiṭṭa ] n. rust of iron Lit. L.
अयःपान [ ayaḥpāna ] [ ayaḥ-pāna ] n. " iron-drink " , N. of a hell Lit. BhP.
अयःपिण्ड [ ayaḥpiṇḍa ] [ ayaḥ-piṇḍa ] m. a ball or lump of iron Lit. Suśr.
अयःप्रतिमा [ ayaḥpratimā ] [ ayaḥ-pratimā ] f. iron image Lit. L.
अयःशङ्कु [ ayaḥśaṅku ] [ ayaḥ-śaṅku ] m. an iron bolt Lit. Ragh. xii , 95 Lit. Rājat.
N. of an Asura Lit. Hariv. and Lit. MārkP.
अयःशफ [ ayaḥśapha ] [ ayaḥ-śaphá ] m. f. n. having iron hoofs Lit. TĀr.
अयःशय [ ayaḥśaya ] [ ayaḥ-śayá ] m. f. n. lying in iron (said of fire) Lit. VS. Lit. KātyŚr. ( cf. [ ayā-śayá ] )
अयःशलाका [ ayaḥśalākā ] [ ayaḥ-śalākā ] f. an iron dart, Lit. L.
अयःशिप्र [ ayaḥśipra ] [ ayaḥ-śipra ] ( [ á-yah ] ) m. f. n. (said of the Ṛibhus) having iron cheeks (on the helmet) Lit. RV. iv , 37 , 4.
अयःशिरस् [ ayaḥśiras ] [ ayaḥ-śiras ] m. N. of an Asura Lit. Hariv.
अयःशीर्षन् [ ayaḥśīrṣan ] [ ayaḥ-śīrṣan ] ( [ áyaḥ- ] ) m. f. n. having an iron head Lit. RV. viii , 101 , 3.
अयःशूल [ ayaḥśūla ] [ ayaḥ-śūla ] n. " an iron dart " , a painful or violent act Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 76.
अयःशृङ्ग [ ayaḥśṛṅga ] [ ayaḥ-śṛṅga ] ( [ áyaḥ- ] ) m. f. n. having iron horns Lit. MaitrS.
अयःस्थूण [ ayaḥsthūṇa ] [ ayaḥ-sthūṇa ] m. f. n. ( [ áyaḥ- ] ) having iron pillars Lit. RV. v , 62 , 8
[ ayaḥsthūṇa ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. ŚBr. xi
(g. [ śivādi ] q.v.)
m. pl. his descendants , (g. [ yaskādi ] , q.v.)
[ ayaḥsthūṇī ] f. (g. [ gaurādi ] q.v.)
अयश् [ ayaś ] [ ayaś ] ( in comp. for [ ayas ] ) .
अयश्चूर्ण [ ayaścūrṇa ] [ ayaś-cūrṇa ] n. a powder prepared from iron (used for curing worms) Lit. Suśr.
अयो [ ayo ] [ ayo ] ( in comp. for [ ayas ] ) .
अयोअग्र [ ayoagra ] [ áyo-agra ] ( [ áyo ] .) m. f. n. iron pointed Lit. RV. x , 99 , 6.
अयोग [ ayoga ] [ ayo-ga ] m. f. n. relating to iron, Lit. Nalac.
अयोगव [ ayogava ] [ ayo-gava ] and see s.v.
अयोगू [ ayogū ] [ ayo-gū́ ]and see s.v.
अयोग्र [ ayogra ] [ ayo-'gra ] n. a pestle Lit. L.
अयोग्रक [ ayograka ] [ ayo-'graka ] n. a pestle Lit. L.
अयोघन [ ayoghana ] [ ayo-ghana ] m. an iron hammer Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 82 Lit. Ragh. xiv , 33 ,
अयोजाल [ ayojāla ] [ ayo-jāla ] m. f. n. ( [ áyo- ] ) having or carrying iron snares (as demons) Lit. AV. xix , 66
[ ayojāla ] n. iron net work Lit. R.
अयोदंष्ट्र [ ayodaṃṣṭra ] [ ayo-daṃṣṭra ] ( [ áyo- ] ) m. f. n. iron toothed Lit. RV. i , 88 , 5 and x , 87 , 2
अयोदती [ ayodatī ] [ ayo-datī ] f. having teeth like iron , a proper name Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 143 Lit. Kāś.
अयोदर्वि [ ayodarvi ] [ ayo-darvi ] f. an iron spoon Lit. Bhpr.
अयोदाह [ ayodāha ] [ ayo-dāha ] m. the burning property of iron (used as an instance of metaphorical , speech , for iron does not possess the property of burning , but the fire by which the iron is heated) .
अयोपाष्टि [ ayopāṣṭi ] [ ayo-'pāṣṭi ] ( [ áyo- ] ) m. f. n. having iron claws Lit. RV. x , 99 , 8 ( cf. [ apaṣṭha ] .)
अयोबाहु [ ayobāhu ] [ ayo-bāhu ] m. " iron-armed " , N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra Lit. MBh. i , 2733.
अयोमणि [ ayomaṇi ] [ ayo-maṇi ] m. f. a magnet, Lit. L.
अयोमय [ ayomaya ] [ ayo-maya ] m. f. n. made of iron Lit. R. Lit. Mn. Lit. (Ved. [ ayas-máya ] q.v.)
अयोमल [ ayomala ] [ ayo-mala ] n. rust of iron Lit. L. ,
अयोमिश्र [ ayomiśra ] [ ayo-miśra ] m. f. n. set with iron, Lit. Āpast.
अयोमुख [ ayomukha ] [ áyo-mukha ] m. f. n. having an iron mouth Lit. AV. xi , 10 , 3
having an iron beak Lit. MBh. xii , 12072
iron-pointed (as a plough ( Lit. Mn. x , 84 ) or a stake for impaling criminals ( Lit. R. iii , 53 , 53 ) )
[ ayomukha ] m. an arrow Lit. Ragh. v , 55
N. of a Dānava Lit. Hariv. and Lit. VP.
of a mountain Lit. Hariv. and Lit. R.
अयोरजस् [ ayorajas ] [ ayo-rajas ] n. = [ -mala ] q.v. Lit. L.
अयोरस [ ayorasa ] [ ayo-rasá ] m. id. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
अयोविकार [ ayovikāra ] [ ayo-vikāra ] m. iron-work , any iron fabric Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 42.
अयोशन [ ayośana ] [ ayo-'śana ] m. f. n. eating or living on rust of iron Lit. Hariv.
अयोहत [ ayohata ] [ ayo-hata ] ( [ áyo ] .) m. f. n. embossed in iron-work Lit. RV. ix , 1 , 2 and 80 , 2.
अयोहनु [ ayohanu ] [ ayo-hanu ] ( [ áyo- ] ) m. f. n. iron-jawed Lit. RV. vi , 71 , 4.
अयोहृदय [ ayohṛdaya ] [ ayo-hṛdaya ] m. f. n. iron-hearted , stern Lit. Ragh. ix , 9.
अयसे [ ayase ] [ áyase ] Ved. Inf. fr. √ [ i ] q.v.
अयाचक [ ayācaka ] [ a-yācaka ] m. f. n. (√ [ yāc ] ) , " one who does not ask or solicit " ( a misspelling for [ a-pācaka ] Lit. NBD. ) Lit. MBh. xii , 342.
अयाचत् [ ayācat ] [ a-yācat ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh. xiii , 3053.
अयाचमान [ ayācamāna ] [ a-yācamāna ] m. f. n. id. Lit. KaushUp.
अयाचित [ ayācita ] [ á-yācita ] m. f. n. not asked for , unsolicited Lit. TĀr. Lit. Mn.
[ ayācita ] m. N. of the Ṛishi Upavarsha Lit. L.
अयाचितव्रत [ ayācitavrata ] [ á-yācita-vrata ] n. the obligation of eating such food only as has been obtained without solicitation
[ ayācitavrata ] m. f. n. keeping the above obligation Lit. Āp. ( quoted by Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn.)
अयाचिताहृत [ ayācitāhṛta ] [ ayācitāhṛta ] m. f. n. offered without having been solicited Lit. Yājñ. i , 215.
अयाचितोपनीत [ ayācitopanīta ] [ ayācitopanīta ] m. f. n. id. Comm. on Lit. Mn. iv , 247.
अयाचिन् [ ayācin ] [ a-yācin ] m. f. n. not soliciting , (g. [ grahādi ] .)
अयाज्य [ ayājya ] [ a-yājyá ] m. f. n. (√ [ yaj ] ) , a person for whom one must not offer sacrifices , outcast , degraded Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn. , not to be offered in a sacrifice.
अयाज्यत्व [ ayājyatva ] [ a-yājyá-tva ] n. the state of not being fit for a sacrificial offering Lit. Jaim.
अयाज्ययाजन [ ayājyayājana ] [ a-yājyá-yājana ] ( ( Lit. Mn. iii , 65 ) ) ( ( Lit. Mn. xi , 59 ) ) n. sacrificing for an outcast (one of the sins called Upapātaka)
अयाज्यसंयाज्य [ ayājyasaṃyājya ] [ a-yājyá-saṃyājya ] ( ( Lit. Mn. xi , 59 ) ) n. sacrificing for an outcast (one of the sins called Upapātaka)
अयाट्कार [ ayāṭkāra ] [ ayāṭ-kārá ] m. pronouncing the word [ áyāṭ ] (aor. fr. √ [ yaj ] , quoted fr. Lit. VS. xxi , 47) Lit. ŚBr. i.
अयात [ ayāta ] [ a-yātá ] m. f. n. not gone Lit. AV. x , 8 , 8.
अयातयाम [ ayātayāma ] [ á-yātayāma ] m. f. n. not worn out by use , not weak , fresh Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. iii 11005 and Lit. BhP.
[ ayātayāma ] n. pl. N. of certain texts of the Yajur-veda (revealed to Yājñavalkya) Lit. VP. and Lit. BhP.
अयातयामता [ ayātayāmatā ] [ á-yātayāma-tā ] ( [ ayācayāmá- ] ) f. unweakened strength , freshness Lit. ŚBr. and Lit. AitBr.
अयातयामत्व [ ayātayāmatva ] [ á-yātayāma-tva ] ( [ áyatayāma- ] ) n. id. Lit. TS. ii.
अयातयामन् [ ayātayāman ] [ á-yātayāman ] m. f. n. not weak , fresh Lit. ŚBr. and Lit. AitBr.
अयातु [ ayātu ] [ á-yātu ] m. not a demon Lit. RV. vii , 34 , 8 and 104 , 16.
अयात्रा [ ayātrā ] [ a-yātrā ] f. the state of not being passable (as the sea) Lit. R. iv , 27 , 16.
अयात्रिक [ ayātrika ] [ ayātrika ] m. f. n. inauspicious (?), Hāla, Sch.
अयात्रीय [ ayātrīya ] [ ayātrīya ] m. f. n. inauspicious (?), Hāla, Sch.
अयाथातथ्य [ ayāthātathya ] [ a-yāthātathya ] n. (= [ ā-yathātathya ] ) , the state of being [ a-yathātatham ] q.v. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 31. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अयाथापुर्य [ ayāthāpurya ] [ a-yāthāpurya ] n. (= [ āyathāpurya ] ) , the state of being [ a-yathāpuram ] q.v. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 31.
अयाथार्थिक [ ayāthārthika ] [ a-yāthārthika ] m. f. n. not suitable = [ a-yathārtha ] q.v. Lit. L.
अयाथार्थ्य [ ayāthārthya ] [ a-yāthārthya ] n. the being [ a-yathārtha ] ( q.v.) incongruousness Lit. L.
अयान [ ayāna ] [ a-yāna ] n. not moving , halting , stopping Lit. L.
(= [ sva.bhāva ] ) , " natural disposition or temperament " , Lit. L.
अयानय [ ayānaya ] [ ayānaya ] n. good and bad luck Lit. L.
[ ayānaya ] m. a particular movement of the pieces on a chess or backgammon board Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 9 ( cf. [ aya ] ) .
अयानयीन [ ayānayīna ] [ ayānayīna ] m. a piece at chess or backgammon so moved Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 9.
अयाम [ ayāma ] [ á-yāma ] m. not a path Lit. TS.
not a night-watch , any time during daylight.
अयामन् [ ayāman ] [ á-yāman ] n. ( Ved. loc. [ °man ] ) no march or expedition Lit. RV. i , 181 , 7 and viii , 52 , 5.
अयाव [ ayāva ] [ a-yāva ] 1. and 2 see 1. and 2. [ a-yava ] .
अयावन् [ ayāvan ] [ á-yāvan ] see 1. [ a-yava ] .
अयावन [ ayāvana ] [ a-yāvana ] n. not causing to mix or to unite Lit. RPrāt.
अयाशय [ ayāśaya ] [ ayā-śayá ] m. f. n. = [ ayaḥ-śaya ] q.v. Lit. MaitrS. ( cf. [ avā-śṛṅgá ] .)
अयाशु [ ayāśu ] [ a-yāśú ] m. f. n. unfit for copulation Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 15.
अयास् [ ayās ] [ ayā́s ] (2 , twice 3 ( i.e. [ ai0ā́s ] ) Lit. RV. i , 167 , 4 and , vi , 66 , 5) m. f. n. ( fr. a + √ [ yas ] ? ; see [ ayā́sya ] ) , agile , dexterous , nimble Lit. RV.
अयास्य [ ayāsya ] [ ayā́sya ] m. f. n. (4) ( = 1 Windisch ; cf. [ ayā́s ] and [ ai0ā́s ] before) , agile , dexterous , valiant Lit. RV.
[ ayāsya ] m. N. of an Aṅgiras (composer of the hymns Lit. RV. ix , 44-66 and x , 67 and 68) Lit. RV. x , 67 , 1 and 108 , 8 Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अयासोमीय [ ayāsomīya ] [ ayāsomīya ] n. N. of some verses of the Lit. SV. ( so called from their beginning with the words [ ayā́ sóma ] ) .
अयि [ ayi ] [ ayi ] ind. a vocative particle (especially used in dramas)
a particle of encouragement or introducing a kind inquiry.
अयिन् [ ayin ] [ ayin ] m. f. n. only ifc. e.g. [ aty-ayin ] , [ anv-ayin ] ,
अयुक्छद [ ayukchada ] [ a-yuk-chada ] see [ a-yúj ] .
अयुक्त [ ayukta ] [ á-yukta ] m. f. n. (√ [ yuj ] ) , not yoked Lit. RV. x , 27 , 9 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
not harnessed Lit. RV. ix , 97 , 20 Lit. ShaḍvBr.
not connected , not united (as vowels)
not added , not joined
not applied or made use of (see [ -cāra ] below)
to be supplied (see [ -padārtha ] below)
not attentive , not devout Lit. RV. v , 33 , 3 Lit. ŚBr.
not suited , unfit , unsuitable Lit. MBh.
not dexterous , silly Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
[ ayuktam ] ind. not being yoked Lit. ŚBr. xii.
अयुक्तकृत् [ ayuktakṛt ] [ á-yukta-kṛt ] m. f. n. committing wrong acts.
अयुक्तचार [ ayuktacāra ] [ á-yukta-cāra ] m. (a king ) who does not appoint spies Lit. R. iii , 37 , 7 & 10.
अयुक्तता [ ayuktatā ] [ á-yukta-tā ] f. the not being used , the not being suitable.
अयुक्तपदार्थ [ ayuktapadārtha ] [ á-yukta-padārtha ] m. the sense of a word not given but to be supplied.
अयुक्तरूप [ ayuktarūpa ] [ á-yukta-rūpa ] m. f. n. unfit , unsuitable Lit. Kum.
अयुक्ति [ ayukti ] [ a-yukti ] f. unsuitableness , unreasonableness , want of conformity (to correct principles or to analogy) Lit. Sarvad.
अयुक्तियुक्त [ ayuktiyukta ] [ a-yukti-yukta ] m. f. n. applied in an unsuitable way Lit. Bhpr.
inexpert (as a surgeon) Lit. Suśr.
अयुग [ ayuga ] [ a-yuga ] n. "not a pair " , one Lit. VarBṛS.
[ ayuga ] m. f. n. odd Lit. L.
अयुगच्छद [ ayugacchada ] [ a-yuga-cchada ] m. Echites Scholaris, Lit. L.
अयुगसप्ति [ ayugasapti ] [ a-yuga-sapti ] m. the sun (= [ sapta ] - [ s ] °), Lit. Śiś.
अयुगार्चिस् [ ayugārcis ] [ ayugārcis ] m. " having odd (i.e. seven) flames " , fire Lit. Śiś.
अयुगपद्ग्रहण [ ayugapadgrahaṇa ] [ a-yugapad-grahaṇa ] n. apprehending gradually and not simultaneously Lit. ib.
अयुगपद्भाव [ ayugapadbhāva ] [ a-yugapad-bhāva ] m. non-simultaneousness , successiveness Lit. ib.
अयुगू [ ayugū ] [ a-yugū ] f. " without a companion " , the only daughter (of a mother) Lit. Gobh.
अयुग्मच्छद [ ayugmacchada ] [ a-yugma-cchada ] m. = [ a-yuk chada ] q.v. Lit. Kir. , i , i 6.
अयुग्मनेत्र [ ayugmanetra ] [ a-yugma-netra ] m. having an odd number of eyes (i.e. three) , N. of Śiva Lit. Kum. iii , 51 and 69.
अयुग्मपत्त्र [ ayugmapattra ] [ a-yugma-pattra ] m. = [ cchada ] q.v. Lit. L.
अयुग्मपर्ण [ ayugmaparṇa ] [ a-yugma-parṇa ] m. = [ cchada ] q.v. Lit. L.
अयुग्मपादयमक [ ayugmapādayamaka ] [ a-yugma-pādayamaka ] n. (a species of alliteration) the repetition of the odd (i.e. the first and third) Pādas of a stanza (in such a manner that the sense of the sounds repeated is different in the first and third Pāda) Comm. on Lit. Bhaṭṭ. x , 10.
अयुग्मलोचन [ ayugmalocana ] [ a-yugma-locana ] m. ( [ netra ] ) , Śiva Lit. Kād.
अयुग्मशर [ ayugmaśara ] [ a-yugma-śara ] m. " having an odd number of arrows (i.e. five) " , N. of the god of love Lit. Daś.
अयुङ्ग [ ayuṅga ] [ a-yuṅga ] m. f. n. = [ a-yugma ] Lit. ŚBr. iii , xiii
अयुक्छद [ ayukchada ] [ ayuk-chada ] m. " having odd (i.e.: seven cf. [ sapta-parṇa ] ) leaves " , the plant Alstonia Scholaris Lit. Śiś. vi , 50.
अयुक्पलाश [ ayukpalāśa ] [ ayuk-palāśa ] m. id. Lit. L.
अयुक्पादयमक [ ayukpādayamaka ] [ ayuk-pāda-yamaka ] n. = [ ayugma-p ] q.v. Comm. on Lit. Bhaṭṭ. x , 10.
= [ a ] - [ yugma ] - [ p ] °, Lit. Bhaṭṭ., Sch.
अयुक्शक्ति [ ayukśakti ] [ ayuk-śakti ] m. " having an odd number of (i.e. nine) powers " , Śiva Lit. L.
अयुगक्ष [ ayugakṣa ] [ ayug-akṣa ] m. = [ ayugma-netra ] , q.v. Lit. L.
अयुगिषु [ ayugiṣu ] [ ayug-iṣu ] = [ ayugmaśara ] q.v. Lit. L.
अयुग्धातु [ ayugdhātu ] [ ayug-dhātu ] m. f. n. having an odd number of elements or component parts Lit. KātyŚr.
अयुग्बाण [ ayugbāṇa ] [ ayug-bāṇa ] m. = [ ayugma-śara ] q.v. Lit. L.
अयुङ्नेत्र [ ayuṅnetra ] [ ayuṅ-netra ] m. = [ ayugma-netra ] q.v. Lit. L.
अयुज [ ayuja ] [ a-yujá ] m. f. n. " without a companion " , not having an equal Lit. RV. viii , 62 , 2
= [ a-yugma ] q.v. Lit. ĀśvŚr. and Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अयुजकारम् [ ayujakāram ] [ a-yuja-kāram ] ind. in an odd number of times, Lit. HirP.
अयुजाक्षर [ ayujākṣara ] [ a-yu-jākṣara ] m. f. n. having an odd number of syllables, Lit. ĀpGṛ.
अयुजिन् [ ayujin ] [ a-yujin ] m. f. n. = [ a-yugma ] q.v. Lit. PBr.
अयोग [ ayoga ] [ a-yoga ]1 m. separation , disjunction
separation from a lover Lit. Daśar.
unfitness , unsuitableness , nonconformity Lit. Kāvyâd.
impossibility Comm. on Lit. Kum. iii , 14
inefficacy of a remedy Lit. Suśr.
medical treatment counter to the symptoms , non-application or mis-application of remedies Lit. Suśr.
vigorous effort , exertion Lit. L.
inauspicious conjunction of planets Lit. L.
N. of a certain conjunction of planets.
अयोगक्षेम [ ayogakṣema ] [ a-yoga-kṣema ] ( [ á-yoga ] ) m. no secure possession of what has been acquired , no prosperity Lit. ŚBr. and Lit. AitBr.
अयोगपेशल [ ayogapeśala ] [ a-yoga-peśala ] m. f. n. unskilled in emergencies, Lit. Bcar. viii, 35.
अयोगवाह [ ayogavāha ] [ a-yoga-vāha ] m. " (sounds) which occur (in the actual language) without being given (by grammarians) together with (the other letters of the alphabet) " , a term for Anusvāra , Visarjanīya , Upadhmānīya , Jihvāmūlīya , and the Yamas Lit. Pat. on Śivasūtra 5 and on Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 5.
अयोगिन् [ ayogin ] [ a-yogin ] m. f. n. separated (from a beloved object), Lit. Naish.
अयोग्य [ ayogya ] [ a-yogya ] m. f. n. unfit , unsuitable , useless Lit. KātyŚr.
incapable , not qualified for Lit. Yājñ. ii , 235 Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
not adequate to , not a match for (loc.) Lit. Veṇis.
(in Sāṅkhya phil.) not ascertainable by the senses , immaterial.
अयोग्यता [ ayogyatā ] [ a-yogya-tā ] f. unfitness , unsuitableness.
अयोग्यत्व [ ayogyatva ] [ a-yogya-tva ] n. unfitness , unsuitableness.
अयौक्तिक [ ayauktika ] [ a-yauktika ] m. f. n. incongruous Lit. Kap.
अयौगपद्य [ ayaugapadya ] [ a-yaugapadya ] n. non-contemporaneous existence , unsimultaneousness Lit. Nyāyad.
अयौगिक [ ayaugika ] [ a-yaugika ] m. f. n. having no regular derivation.
not being applied, Lit. Kām.
अयुत [ ayuta ] [ á-yuta ]1 m. f. n. (√ 1. [ yu ] ) , unimpeded Lit. AV. xix , 51 , 1
N. of a son of Rādhika Lit. BhP.
अयुतसिद्ध [ ayutasiddha ] [ á-yuta-siddha ] m. f. n. (in phil.) proved to be not separated (by the intervention of space) , proved to be essentially united (as organic bodies , )
अयुतसिद्धि [ ayutasiddhi ] [ á-yuta-siddhi ] f. establishing by proof that certain objects or ideas are essentially united and logically inseparable.
अयुत [ ayuta ] [ a-yúta ]2 n. ( ( [ as ] m. only Lit. MBh. iii , 801 ) ) , " unjoined , unbounded " , ten thousand , a myriad Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
in comp. a term of praise (see [ ayutādhyāpaka ] ) , (g. [ kāṣṭhādi ] q.v.)
अयुतजित् [ ayutajit ] [ a-yúta-jit ] m. v.l. for [ ayutā-jit ] below.
अयुतधा [ ayutadhā ] [ a-yuta-dhā ] ind. ten thousand fold, Lit. JaimUp.
अयुतधार [ ayutadhāra ] [ a-yuta-dhāra ] m. f. n. possessing ten thousand streams, ib.
अयुतनायिन् [ ayutanāyin ] [ a-yúta-nāyin ] m. N. of a king Lit. MBh. i , 3773.
अयुतशस् [ ayutaśas ] [ a-yúta-śas ] ind. by myriads Lit. MBh. iii , 1763.
अयुतहोम [ ayutahoma ] [ a-yúta-homa ] m. N. of a sacrifice Lit. BhavP.
अयुताजित् [ ayutājit ] [ ayutā-jit ] m. N. of a king (son of Sindhudvīpa and father of Ṛituparṇa) Lit. BrahmaP.
of another king (son of Bhaj-amāna) Lit. VP.
अयुताध्यापक [ ayutādhyāpaka ] [ ayutādhyāpaka ] m. an excellent teacher Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 67, Lit. Kāś.
अयुतायु [ ayutāyu ] [ ayutāyu ] m. N. of a son of Jayasena Ārāvin Lit. VP.
of a son of Śrutavat , Lit. VP.
अयुताश्व [ ayutāśva ] [ ayutāśva ] m. (= [ ayutā-jit ] above ) N. of a son of Sindhudvīpa Lit. VP.
अयुद्ध [ ayuddha ] [ á-yuddha ] m. f. n. (√ [ yudh ] ) , unconquered , irresistible Lit. RV. viii , 45 , 3 &x , 27 , 10
अयुद्धसेन [ ayuddhasena ] [ á-yuddha-sena ] m. f. n. whose arrows or armies are un conquered , irresistible Lit. RV. x , 138 , 5.
अयुद्ध्वी [ ayuddhvī ] [ á-yuddhvī ] Ved. ind. without fighting Lit. RV. x , 108 , 5.
अयुध [ ayudha ] [ a-yudha ] m. a non-fighter Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 121.
अयुध्य [ ayudhya ] [ a-yudhyá ] m. f. n. unconquerable Lit. RV. x , 103 , 7.
अयोध्य [ ayodhya ] [ a-yodhyá ] m. f. n. (3 , 4) not to be warred against , irresistible Lit. AV. Lit. R.
[ ayodhyā ] f. the capital of Rāma (the modern Oude on the river Sarayu described in Lit. R.i , 5) .
अयोध्याकण्ड [ ayodhyākaṇḍa ] [ ayodhyā-kaṇḍa ] n. N. of Lit. R. ii
अयोध्याधिपति [ ayodhyādhipati ] [ ayodhyādhipati ] m. the sovereign of Ayodhyā.
अयोध्यावासिन् [ ayodhyāvāsin ] [ ayodhyā-vāsin ] m. f. n. inhabiting Ayodhyā.
अयौधिक [ ayaudhika ] [ a-yaudhika ] m. not a warrior , (g. [ cārvādi ] q.v.)
अयुपित [ ayupita ] [ á-yupita ] m. f. n. not confused or troubled Lit. MaitrS.
अयुवमारिन् [ ayuvamārin ] [ a-yuva-mārin ] m. f. n. ( ( Lit. NBD. ) ) where no young people die Lit. AitBr.
अयूथिक [ ayūthika ] [ a-yūthika ] m. f. n. separated from the herd or flight, Lit. KāṭhGṛ.
अयूप [ ayūpa ] [ a-yūpa ] m. not a sacrificial post Lit. Jaim.
without sacrificial posts Lit. MānGṛ.
अये [ aye ] [ aye ] ind. a vocative particle , an interjection ( of surprise , recollection , fatigue , fear , passion , especially used in dramas , cf. [ ayi ] ) .
अयोग [ ayoga ] [ ayoga ]2 m. ( ( Lit. NBD. ) ) = [ ayogava ] Lit. MBh. xii.
अयोगव [ ayogava ] [ ayogava ] m. the offspring of a Śūdra man and Vaiśya woman (whose business is carpentry) Lit. Mn. x , 32, ( since the word occurs only the loc. [ ayogave ] and is by both commentaries said to imply the female of this mixed tribe , the original reading is probably , as suggested by Lit. BR. [ ayoguvi ] loc. fr. [ ayogū ] q.v.)
अयोगू [ ayogū ] [ ayogū́ ] m. id. , Lit. VS. xxx , 5
cf. [ ā́yogava ]
[ ayogū ] f. ( [ ūs ] ) id.? see [ ayogava ] .
अयोद्धृ [ ayoddhṛ ] [ a-yoddhṛ ] see [ á-yuddha ] .
अयोनि [ ayoni ] [ á-yoni ] m. f. any place other than the pudendum muliebre Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. xi , 173 Lit. Gaut.
[ ayoni ] m. f. n. = [ a-yoni-ja ] below Lit. MaitrS.
without origin or beginning (said of Brahma) Lit. Kum. ii , 9
(= [ antya-yoni ] ) of an unworthy or unimportant origin Lit. MBh. xiii , 1885
(in rhetoric) " having no source that can be traced " , original
m. N. of Brahma (see before)
of Śiva Lit. PadmaP.
अयोनिज [ ayonija ] [ á-yoni-ja ] m. f. n. not born from the womb , not produced in the ordinary course of generation , generated equivocally Lit. MBh.
अयोनिजतीर्थ [ ayonijatīrtha ] [ á-yoni-ja-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. VāyuP.
अयोनिजत्व [ ayonijatva ] [ á-yoni-ja-tva ] n. the state of not being born from a womb , Lit. Rājat.
अयोनिजेश [ ayonijeśa ] [ á-yoni-jeśa ] m. N. of Śiva.
अयोनिजेश्वरतीर्थ [ ayonijeśvaratīrtha ] [ á-yoni-jeśvara-tīrtha ] n. = [ -ja-tīrtha ] , q.v. Lit. VāyuP.
अयोनिसम्भव [ ayonisambhava ] [ á-yoni-sambhava ] m. f. n. = [ a-yoni-ja ] q.v. Lit. L.
अयोनिक [ ayonika ] [ a-yonika ] m. f. n. without the verse containing the word [ yoni ] (i.e. Lit. VS. xxiii , 2) Lit. KātyŚr.
अयौधिक [ ayaudhika ] [ a-yaudhika ] see [ á-yuddha ] .
अय्मन् [ ayman ] [ ay-man ] n. (√ [ ay ] ) = [ saṃgrāma ] , Lit. L.
अर [ ara ] [ ara ] m. f. n. (√ [ ṛ ] ) , swift , speedy Lit. L.
little ( only for the etym. of [ udara ] ) Comm. on Lit. TUp.
ifc. " going " cf. [ samará ]
[ ara ] m. the spoke or radius of a wheel Lit. RV.
the spoke of an altar formed like a wheel , Lit. Śulb.
a spoke of the time-wheel , viz. a Jaina division of time (the sixth of an Avasarpiṇī or Utsarpiṇī)
the eighteenth Jaina saint of the present Avasarpiṇī
N. of an ocean in Brahmā's world ( only for a mystical interpretation of [ araṇya ] ) Lit. ChUp.
n. the spoke of a wheel Lit. L.
[ aram ] ind. see s. v.
अरघट्ट [ araghaṭṭa ] [ ara-ghaṭṭa ] m. a wheel or machine for raising water from a well (Hind. $) Lit. Pañcat.
a well Lit. Rājat.
अरघट्टक [ araghaṭṭaka ] [ ara-ghaṭṭaka ] m. = [ -ghaṭṭa ] q.v. Lit. L.
अरनेमि [ aranemi ] [ ara-nemi ] m. N. of Brahmadatta (king of Kośala) Lit. Buddh.
अरमणस् [ aramaṇas ] [ ara-maṇas ] ( [ ará- ] ) see s.v. [ áram ] .
अरमति [ aramati ] [ ara-mati ] ( [ ará ] ) see s.v. [ áram ] .
अरान्तर [ arāntara ] [ arāntara ] n. pl. the intervals of the spokes.
अरान्तरगता [ arāntaragatā ] [ arāntara-gatā ] f. (with [ nābhi ] ) N. of a mythical place, Lit. Divyâv.
अरक [ araka ] [ araka ] m. the spoke of a wheel Lit. Suśr.
the Jaina division of time called [ ará ] Lit. L., the plant Blyxa Octandra
another plant , Gardenia Enneandra.
अरक्त [ arakta ] [ a-rakta ] m. f. n. undyed, Lit. Mn. x, 87
अरक्तताम्र [ araktatāmra ] [ a-rakta-tāmra ] m. f. n. unstained by red, Lit. Bcar. viii, 22.
अरि [ ari ] [ ari ] m. v.l. for [ arin ] below.
अरक्षत् [ arakṣat ] [ a-rakṣat ] m. f. n. (√ 1. [ rakṣ ] ) , not guarding Lit. Mn. viii , 304 and 307.
अरक्षित [ arakṣita ] [ a-rakṣita ] m. f. n. not guarded Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
अरक्षितृ [ arakṣitṛ ] [ a-rakṣitṛ ] m. f. n. one who does not guard Lit. R.
अरक्षस् [ arakṣas ] [ a-rakṣás ] m. f. n. (√ 3. [ rakṣ ] ) , harmless , honest Lit. RV.
अरक्षस्य [ arakṣasya ] [ a-rakṣasyá ] m. f. n. free from evil spirits Lit. MaitrS.
अरगराट [ aragarāṭa ] [ aragárāṭa ] m. (? a valley) Lit. AV. vi , 69 , 1.
अरंकृ [ araṃkṛ ] [ araṃ-√ kṛ:1 ] see [ áram ] .
अरंगम् [ araṃgam ] [ araṃ-√ gam ] see [ áram ] .
अरंगर [ araṃgara ] [ araṃ-gará ] and see [ áram ]
अरंघुष [ araṃghuṣa ] [ araṃ-ghuṣá ]and see [ áram ]
अरङ्गिन् [ araṅgin ] [ a-raṅgin ] m. f. n. passionless Lit. L.
अरङ्गिसत्त्व [ araṅgisattva ] [ araṅgi-sattva ] m. pl. a class of deities Lit. Buddh.
अरज [ araja ] [ a-raja ] m. f. n. ( for [ a-rajás ] below) , dustless Lit. R. vi
[ arajā ] f. N. of a daughter of Uśanas Lit. R. vii,80,8seqq.
अरजस् [ arajas ] [ a-rajás ] m. f. n. dustless Lit. ŚBr. xiv , N., free from passion or desire Lit. MBh. xiv , 1283
[ arajas ] f. " not having the monthly courses " , a young girl.
अरजस्क [ arajaska ] [ a-rajas-ka ] m. f. n. dustless , without the quality called [ rajas ] Lit. NṛisUp. Lit. HPariś. ( 1316,1 )
free from impurity (others, "meek, gentle" ), Lit. Bcar. ii, 5.
अरजाय [ arajāya ] [ arajāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , " to become dustless " or " to lose the monthly courses " , (g. [ bhṛśādi ] q.v.)
अरजनीकृत [ arajanīkṛta ] [ a-rajanīkṛta ] m. f. n. not coloured or dyed, Lit. Baudh.
अरजोवित्ता [ arajovittā ] [ a-rajo-vittā ] f. not yet having the monthly courses, Lit. Kauś.
अरज्जु [ arajju ] [ a-rajjú ] m. f. n. not having or consisting of cords ( " not a cord or rope " Lit. NBD. ) Lit. RV. ii , 13 , 9 and vii , 84 , 2.
अरटु [ araṭu ] [ araṭu ] m. the tree Colosanthes Indica Bl. ( cf. [ aralu ] .)
अरट्व [ araṭva ] [ araṭvá ] m. f. n. made of the wood of the above tree
[ araṭva ] m. N. of a man Lit. RV. viii , 46 , 27.
अरड [ araḍa ] [ a-raḍa ] m. (said to be fr. √ [ ṛ ] ) a tree, Lit. L.
अरडु [ araḍu ] [ áraḍu ] m. = [ araṭu ] above Lit. AV. xx , 131 , 18.
अरडुक [ araḍuka ] [ araḍuka ] m. f. n. made of the wood of the above tree , (g. [ ṛśyādi ] q.v.)
अरडा [ araḍā ] [ araḍā ] f. N. of a goddess Lit. Gobh.
अरण [ araṇa ] [ áraṇa ]1 m. f. n. (√ [ ṛ ] ) , foreign , distant Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
[ araṇa ] n. ( only for the etym. of [ araṇi ] ) the being fitted (as a piece of wood) Lit. Nir.
a refuge Lit. BhP.
अरणि [ araṇi ] [ aráṇi ]1 f. " being fitted into " or " turning round " , the piece of wood (taken from the Ficus Religiosa or Premna Spinosa) used for kindling fire by attrition Lit. RV. ( generally distinction is made between the lower one and the upper one , [ adharāraṇí ] and [ uttarāraṇi ] , the former may also be meant by [ araṇi ] alone without [ adhara ] )
(figuratively) a mother Lit. Hariv. ( cf. [ pāṇḍávāraṇi ] and [ surāraṇi ] )
[ araṇi ] m. the plant Premna Spinosa Lit. L.
the sun Lit. L.
[ araṇī ] du. f. the two Araṇis (used for kindling the fire) Lit. RV.
अरणिमत् [ araṇimat ] [ aráṇi-mat ] m. f. n. being contained in the Araṇis (as fire) Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अरणिका [ araṇikā ] [ araṇikā ] f. the plant Premna Spinosa Lit. L.
अरणी [ araṇī ] [ aráṇī ] f. = [ aráṇi ] 1 Lit. RV. v , 9 , 3 ,
अरणीकेतु [ araṇīketu ] [ aráṇī-ketu ] m. the plant Premna Spinosa Lit. L.
अरण [ araṇa ] [ a-raṇa ]2 m. f. n. without fighting (as death i.e. natural death) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अरणाविहारिन् [ araṇāvihārin ] [ araṇāvihārin ] m. f. n. dwelling in virtue (others, "dwelling in a forest" ), Lit. Buddh. 2.
अरणि [ araṇi ] [ á-raṇi ]2 f. discomfort , pain Lit. AV. i , 18 , 2.
accord. to some, "uncouthness" ( Lit. Sāy. reads [ araṇīm ] ), Lit. AV. i, 18, 2.
अरण्य [ araṇya ] [ áraṇya ] n. ( fr. 1. [ áraṇa ] ; fr. √ [ ṛ ] Lit. Uṇ.) , a foreign or distant land Lit. RV. i , 163 , 11 and vi , 24 , 10
a wilderness , desert , forest Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
[ araṇya ] m. the tree also called Kaṭphala Lit. L.
N. of a son of the Manu Raivata Lit. Hariv. 434
of a Sādhya Lit. ib. 11536
of a teacher (disciple of Pṛithvīdhara) .
अरण्यकणा [ araṇyakaṇā ] [ áraṇya-kaṇā ] f. wild cumin seed Lit. L.
अरण्यकदली [ araṇyakadalī ] [ áraṇya-kadalī ] f. the wood or wild plantain Lit. L.
अरण्यकर्पासी [ araṇyakarpāsī ] [ áraṇya-karpāsī ] f. = [ -kāpāsī ] below.
अरण्यकाक [ araṇyakāka ] [ áraṇya-kāka ] m. the wood-crow Lit. L.
अरण्यकाण्ड [ araṇyakāṇḍa ] [ áraṇya-kāṇḍa ] n. N. of Lit. R. iii (describing Rāma's life in the wilderness) .
अरण्यकार्पासी [ araṇyakārpāsī ] [ áraṇya-kārpāsī ] f. the wild cotton-shrub Lit. L.
अरण्यकुलथिका [ araṇyakulathikā ] [ áraṇya-kulathikā ] f. the plant Glycine Labialis Lin. Lit. L.
अरण्यकुसुम्भ [ araṇyakusumbha ] [ áraṇya-kusumbha ] m. the plant Carthamus Tinctorius Lit. L.
अरण्यकेतु [ araṇyaketu ] [ áraṇya-ketu ] m. N. of a plant Lit. L. ( cf. [ araṇī-ketu ] .)
अरण्यगज [ araṇyagaja ] [ áraṇya-gaja ] m. a wild elephant Lit. Pañcat.
अरण्यगत [ araṇyagata ] [ áraṇya-gata ] m. f. n. gone into a forest Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 24 Comm.
अरण्यघोली [ araṇyagholī ] [ áraṇya-gholī ] f. N. of a vegetable Lit. L.
अरण्यचटक [ araṇyacaṭaka ] [ áraṇya-caṭaka ] m. a wood-sparrow Lit. L.
अरण्यचर [ araṇyacara ] [ áraṇya-cara ] m. f. n. living in forests , wild Lit. Pañcat.
अरण्यज [ araṇyaja ] [ áraṇya-ja ] m. f. n. produced or born in a forest Lit. L.
अरण्यजार्द्रका [ araṇyajārdrakā ] [ áraṇya-jārdrakā ] f. wild ginger Lit. L.
अरण्यजीर [ araṇyajīra ] [ áraṇya-jīra ] m. wild cumin Lit. L.
अरण्यजीव [ araṇyajīva ] [ áraṇya-jīva ] m. f. n. = [ cara ] Lit. L.
अरण्यतुलसी [ araṇyatulasī ] [ áraṇya-tulasī ] f. the plant Ocimum Adscendens
अरण्यद्वादशी [ araṇyadvādaśī ] [ áraṇya-dvādaśī ] f. the twelfth day of the month Mārgaśīrsha
with or without [ -vrata ] n. N. of a ceremony performed on this day Lit. BhavP.
अरण्यधर्म [ araṇyadharma ] [ áraṇya-dharma ] m. forest usage , wild or savage state Lit. Pañcat.
अरण्यधान्य [ araṇyadhānya ] [ áraṇya-dhānya ] n. wild rice Lit. L.
अरण्यनित्य [ araṇyanitya ] [ araṇya-nitya ] m. f. n. used to dwell in a forest, Lit. MBh.
अरण्यनृपति [ araṇyanṛpati ] [ áraṇya-nṛpati ] m. " king of the forest" , the tiger Lit. N.
अरण्यपर्वन् [ araṇyaparvan ] [ áraṇya-parvan ] n. N. of the first section of Lit. MBh. iii.
अरण्यभव [ araṇyabhava ] [ áraṇya-bhava ] m. f. n. growing in a forest , wild Lit. Pañcat.
अरण्यभाग [ araṇyabhāga ] [ áraṇya-bhāga ] ( [ áraṇya- ] ) m. f. n. forming part of the forest Lit. ŚBr. xiii.
अरण्यमक्षिका [ araṇyamakṣikā ] [ áraṇya-makṣikā ] f. the gad fly Lit. L.
अरण्यमार्जार [ araṇyamārjāra ] [ áraṇya-mārjāra ] m. wild cat Lit. Pañcat.
अरण्यमुद्ग [ araṇyamudga ] [ áraṇya-mudga ] m. a kind of bean Lit. L.
अरण्ययान [ araṇyayāna ] [ áraṇya-yāna ] n. going into a forest Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ( cf. [ -gata ] above )
अरण्यरक्षक [ araṇyarakṣaka ] [ áraṇya-rakṣaka ] m. forest-keeper , superintendent of a forest district Lit. L.
अरण्यरजनी [ araṇyarajanī ] [ áraṇya-rajanī ] f. the plant Curcuma Aromatica Lit. L.
अरण्यराज् [ araṇyarāj ] [ áraṇya-rāj ] m. = [ -nṛpati ] Lit. N.
a lion Lit. ib.
अरण्यराज्य [ araṇyarājya ] [ áraṇya-rājya ] n. the sovereignty of the forest Lit. Hit.
अरण्यरुदित [ araṇyarudita ] [ áraṇya-rudita ] n. " weeping in a forest " i.e. weeping in vain , with no one to hear , Lit. Pañcat.
अरण्यवत् [ araṇyavat ] [ áraṇya-vat ] ind. like a wilderness Lit. Hit.
अरण्यवायस [ araṇyavāyasa ] [ áraṇya-vāyasa ] m. a raven Lit. L.
अरण्यवास [ araṇyavāsa ] [ áraṇya-vāsa ] m. living in a forest Lit. R.
अरण्यवासिन् [ araṇyavāsin ] [ áraṇya-vāsin ] m. f. n. living in a forest Lit. MBh. iii , 15632
[ araṇyavāsin ] m. a forest beast Lit. Hit.
" forest-dweller " , a hermit Lit. MBh. iii ,
[ araṇyavāsinī ] f. N. of a plant.
अरण्यवास्तुक [ araṇyavāstuka ] [ áraṇya-vāstuka ] m. N. of a plant.
अरण्यवास्तूक [ araṇyavāstūka ] [ áraṇya-vāstūka ] m. N. of a plant.
अरण्यशालि [ araṇyaśāli ] [ áraṇya-śāli ] m. wild rice.
अरण्यशूरण [ araṇyaśūraṇa ] [ áraṇya-śūraṇa ] m. N. of a plant.
अरण्यश्वन् [ araṇyaśvan ] [ áraṇya-śvan ] m. a wolf Lit. L.
a jackal Lit. L.
अरण्यषष्ठिका [ araṇyaṣaṣṭhikā ] [ áraṇya-ṣaṣṭhikā ] f. N. of a festival celebrated by females on the sixth day of the light half of the month Jyaishṭha.
अरण्यषष्ठी [ araṇyaṣaṣṭhī ] [ áraṇya-ṣaṣṭhī ] f. N. of a festival celebrated by females on the sixth day of the light half of the month Jyaishṭha.
अरण्यहलदी [ araṇyahaladī ] [ áraṇya-haladī ] f. the plant Curcuma Aromatica Lit. Bhpr.
अरण्याधीति [ araṇyādhīti ] [ araṇyādhīti ] f. reading or study in a forest Lit. Sāy. on Lit. TĀr.
अरण्याध्ययन [ araṇyādhyayana ] [ araṇyādhyayana ] n. reading or study in a forest Lit. Sāy. on Lit. TĀr.
अरण्यायन [ araṇyāyana ] [ araṇyāyana ] n. going into a forest becoming a hermit Lit. ChUp.
अरण्येगेय [ araṇyegeya ] [ araṇye-geya ] see s.v. [ araṇye ] .
अरण्योपनिषद् [ araṇyopaniṣad ] [ ara-ṇyopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
अरण्यौकस् [ araṇyaukas ] [ araṇyaukas ] m. " whose abode is the forest " , a Brāhman who has left his family and become an anchorite Lit. Śāk.
अरण्यक [ araṇyaka ] [ araṇyaka ] n. a forest Lit. Yājñ. iii , 192, the plant Melia Sempervirens Lit. L.
अरण्यानि [ araṇyāni ] [ araṇyāní ] f. a , desert , large forest Lit. RV. x , 146 , 4 Lit. AV.
the goddess of the wilderness and desert Lit. RV. x , 146 , 1-6.
अरण्यानी [ araṇyānī ] [ araṇyānī́ ] f. a , desert , large forest Lit. RV. x , 146 , 4 Lit. AV.
the goddess of the wilderness and desert Lit. RV. x , 146 , 1-6.
अरण्यीय [ araṇyīya ] [ araṇyīya ] m. f. n. " containing a forest " or " near to a forest " , (g. [ utkarādi ] q.v.)
अरण्ये [ araṇye ] [ araṇye ] ( in comp. for [ áraṇya ] chiefly used for figurative expressions or as names Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 44 and vi , 3 , 9) .
अरण्येगेय [ araṇyegeya ] [ araṇye-geya ] m. f. n. to be sung in the forest Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Up.
अरण्येतिलक [ araṇyetilaka ] [ araṇye-tilaka ] m. pl. " wild , sesamum growing in a forest and containing no oil " , anything which disappoints expectation Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 44 Sch. and vi , 3 , 9Sch.
अरण्येनुवाक्य [ araṇyenuvākya ] [ araṇye-'nuvākyá ] m. f. n. to be recited in the forest Lit. TBr.
अरण्येनूच्य [ araṇyenūcya ] [ araṇye-'nū́cya ] m. " to be recited in a forest " , N. of an oblation (so called because of its being offered with a verse which is to be recited in a forest) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
अरत [ arata ] [ a-rata ] m. f. n. (√ [ ram ] ) , dull , languid , apathetic Lit. L.
disgusted , displeased with Lit. Nalôd.
[ arata ] n. non-copulation Lit. L.
अरतत्रप [ aratatrapa ] [ a-rata-trapa ] m. " not ashamed of copulation " , a dog , Lit. L.
अरति [ arati ] [ a-rati ]1 f. dissatisfaction , discontent , dulness , languor Lit. Buddh. Lit. Jain.
anxiety , distress , regret Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
anger , passion Lit. L.
a bilious disease Lit. L.
अरतिज्ञ [ aratijña ] [ a-rati-jña ] m. f. n. " not knowing pleasure " , dull , spiritless Lit. BhP.
अरतिक [ aratika ] [ a-ratika ] m. f. n. without Rati (the wife of Kāma) Lit. Kathās.
अरत्नि [ aratni ] [ a-ratní ]1 m. f. n. " disgusted , discontented " ( ( Lit. NBD. ) ) Lit. RV. viii , 80 , 8.
अरन्तोस् [ arantos ] [ a-rantos ] Ved. Inf. not to like Lit. AitBr.
अरमणीयता [ aramaṇīyatā ] [ a-ramaṇīya-tā ] f. unpleasantness Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 121 Lit. Kāś.
अरमति [ aramati ] [ a-rámati ]1 m. f. n. without relaxation or repose Lit. RV. ii , 38 , 4 and viii , 31 , 12.
अरममाण [ aramamāṇa ] [ á-rámamāṇa ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV. ix , 72 , 3.
अरति [ arati ] [ aratí ]2 m. (√ [ ri ] cf. [ ara ] , [ áram ] ) , " moving quickly " , a servant , assistant , manager , administrator Lit. RV. ( for Lit. RV. v , 2 , 1 see 2. [ aratní ] )
अरत्नि [ aratni ] [ aratní ]2 m. the elbow Lit. RV. v , 2,1 ( according to the emendation of Lit. BR.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
a corner Lit. RV. x , 160 , 4
a cubit of the middle length , from the elbow to the tip of the little finger , a fist Lit. RV. viii , 80 , 8 ( cf. 1. [ a-ratni ] ) Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
[ aratni ] m. f. n. ifc. with numbers (e.g. [ pañcāratnyas ] , " five fists " ) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 58 Comm. and vi , 2 , 29 and 30 Sch.
f. the elbow Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ ratni ] .)
अरत्निमात्र [ aratnimātra ] [ aratní -mātrá ] m. f. n. one ell in length Lit. ŚBr.
[ aratnimātra ] n. a distance of only an ell Lit. ŚBr.
अरत्निक [ aratnika ] [ aratnika ] m. the elbow , Lit. Yājñ. iii , 86.
अरत्निन् [ aratnin ] [ á-ratnin ] m. f. n. not possessing wealth or precious things Lit. TBr.
अरथ [ aratha ] [ á-rathá ] m. f. n. having no car Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
अरथिन् [ arathin ] [ a-rathin ] m. a warrior who does not fight in a car , or owns no car Lit. MBh.
अरथी [ arathī ] [ á-rathī ] m. not a charioteer Lit. RV. vi , 66 , 7.
अरध्र [ aradhra ] [ á-radhra ] m. f. n. not pliant or obedient Lit. RV. vi 18 , 4 and 62 , 3.
(accord. to others, "rich, liberal"
cf. [ radhra ] ).
अरन्तुक [ arantuka ] [ arantuka ] m. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh. iii , 7078.
अरन्तोस् [ arantos ] [ a-rantos ] see [ a-rata ] .
अरप [ arapa ] [ a-rapá ] m. f. n. unhurt Lit. VS. viii , 5.
अरपस् [ arapas ] [ a-rapás ] m. f. n. unhurt , safe Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
not hurting , beneficial Lit. RV. viii , 18 , 9.
अरपचन [ arapacana ] [ arapacana ] m. a mystical collective N. of the five Buddhas (each being represented by a letter) .
अरम् [ aram ] [ áram ] ind. (√ [ ṛ ] ; see [ ara ] ) , readily , fitly , suitably , so as to answer a purpose ( with dat.) Lit. RV.
( with [ purú ] , or [ prithú ] ) enough , sufficiently Lit. RV. i , 142 , 10 and v , 66 , 5 with dat. e.g. ( [ bhaktaya ] ) id. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 18 Lit. Kāś. ( ( cf. [ álam ] and Gk. 1 ) ) .
अरमिष् [ aramiṣ ] [ áram-iṣ ] ( [ áram- ] ) m. f. n. hastening near (to help) Lit. RV. viii , 46 , 17.
अर [ ara ] [ ará ] ( in comp. [ -áram ] ) .
अरमणस् [ aramaṇas ] [ ará-maṇas ] ( [ ará- ] ) m. f. n. ready to serve , obedient Lit. RV. vi , 17 , 10. 2.
अरमति [ aramati ] [ arámati ] f. " readiness to serve , obedience , devotion" (generally personified as) a goddess protecting the worshippers of the gods and pious works in general Lit. RV.
[ aramati ] (mfn.) patient ( Lit. NBD. ) Lit. RV. x , 92 , 4 and 5.
अरं [ araṃ ] [ áraṃ ] ( in comp. for [ áram ] ) .
अरंकृ [ araṃkṛ ] [ áraṃ-√ kṛ ] (Subj. [ -kárat ] or [ -karat ] , 1. pl. [ -kṛṣṇavāma ] ; Imper. 1. sg. [ -karaṇ ] aor. 3. pl. [ -ákran ] ) to prepare , make ready Lit. RV. ; to serve ( with or without dat.) Lit. RV.
अरंकृत् [ araṃkṛt ] [ áraṃ-kṛ́t ] m. f. n. preparing (a sacrifice) , serving (as a worshipper) Lit. RV.
अरंकृत [ araṃkṛta ] [ áraṃ-kṛta ] ( [ áraṃ- ] ) m. f. n. prepared , ready Lit. RV. and Lit. AV.
अरंकृति [ araṃkṛti ] [ áraṃ-kṛti ] (áraṃ-) f. service Lit. RV. vii , 29-3.
अरंकृत्या [ araṃkṛtyā ] [ áraṃ-kṛ́tyā ] Ved. ind.p. having prepared , being ready Lit. RV. x , 51 , 5.
अरंगम् [ araṃgam ] [ áraṃ-√ gam ] ( Imper. 2. du. [ gantam ] ; Opt. 2. sg. [ -gamyās ] , 1. pl. [ -gaméma ] ) to come near (in order to help) , assist , attend ( with dat.) Lit. RV. and Lit. SV.
अरंगम [ araṃgama ] [ áraṃ-gamá ] m. f. n. coming near (in order to help) , ready to help Lit. RV. vi , 42 , 1 and viii , 46 , 17 Lit. AV.
accord. to some, "going fast" , "quick" .
अरंगर [ araṃgara ] [ áraṃ-gará ] m. (√ 1. [ gṝ ] ) " one who bestows praise , who hymns the gods? " Lit. AV. xx , 135 , 13.
अरंघुष [ araṃghuṣa ] [ áraṃ-ghuṣá ] m. f. n. sounding aloud Lit. AV. x , 4 , 4.
अरममाण [ aramamāṇa ] [ á-ramamāṇa ] see [ a-rata ] .
अरमुडि [ aramuḍi ] [ aramuḍi ] m. a king of Nepal Lit. Rājat.
अरर [ arara ] [ arará ] n. a covering , a sheath Lit. L. ,
[ arara ] m. f. . the leaf of a door , a door Lit. L.
n. id. Lit. Mcar.
m. an awl Lit. L.
a part of a sacrifice Lit. L.
fighting , war.
अररि [ arari ] [ arari ] m. a door-leaf. Lit. Rājat. ( cf. [ dvārārari ] .)
अरराका [ ararākā ] [ ararākā ] (or [ ararakā ] ) f. N. of the ancestress of a celebrated Hindū family , (g. [ gargādi ] q.v.)
[ ararāka ] m. pl. the descendants of Ararā8kā Lit. Pat. ( cf. [ ārarākya ] .)
अररका [ ararakā ] [ ararakā ] (or [ ararākā ] ) f. N. of the ancestress of a celebrated Hindū family , (g. [ gargādi ] q.v.)
[ araraka ] m. pl. the descendants of Ararā8kā Lit. Pat. ( cf. [ ārarākya ] .)
अररिन्द [ ararinda ] [ ararí nda ] n. a vessel or a utensil used in preparing the Soma juice Lit. RV. i , 139 , 10
water Lit. Naigh.
अररिवस् [ ararivas ] [ á-rarivas ] m ( nom. [ °vān ] ; gen. abl. [ á-raruṣas ] ) f. n. (√ [ rā ] ) , , " not liberal " , envious , hard , cruel , unfriendly (N. of evil spirits , who strive to disturb the happiness of man) Lit. RV.
अररु [ araru ] [ a-ráru ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV. i , 129 , 3
[ araru ] m. Ved. N. of a demon or Asura Lit. RV. x , 99 , 10 Lit. VS.
a weapon Lit. Uṇ.
अररे [ arare ] [ arare ] ind. a vocative particle (expressing haste) Lit. L.
अरर्य [ ararya ] [ ararya ] Nom. P. [ °ryati ] , to work with an awl ( [ ā́rā ] , q.v. ; cf. [ arā ] below) , (g. [ kaṇḍvādi ] q.v.)
अरलु [ aralu ] [ aralu ] = [ araṭu ] q.v. Lit. Kauś. Lit. Suśr.
अरलुक [ araluka ] [ araluka ] m. id. Lit. Suśr.
अरव [ arava ] [ a-rava ] m. f. n. noiseless.
अरविन्द [ aravinda ] [ aravinda ] n. ( fr. [ ara ] and [ vinda ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 138 Lit. Kāś.) , a lotus , Nelumbium Speciosum or Nymphaea Nelumbo Lit. Śāk.
[ aravinda ] m. the Indian crane Lit. L.
copper Lit. L.
अरविन्ददलप्रभ [ aravindadalaprabha ] [ aravinda-dala-prabha ] n. copper Lit. L.
अरविन्दनाभ [ aravindanābha ] [ aravinda-nābha ] m. Vishṇu (from whose navel sprung the lotus that bore Brahmā at the creation) Lit. BhP.
अरविन्दसद् [ aravindasad ] [ aravinda-sad ] m. " sitting on a lotus " , N. of Brahmā Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अरविन्दिनी [ aravindinī ] [ aravindinī ] f. (g. [ puṣkarādi ] q.v.) an assemblage of lotus flowers Lit. Kād.
अरशन [ araśana ] [ a-raśaná ] m. f. n. having no girdle, Lit. MaitrS.
अरश्मन् [ araśman ] [ a-raśmán ] m (nom. pl. [ ā́nas ] ) f. n. having no ropes or reins Lit. RV. ix , 97 , 20.
अरश्मिक [ araśmika ] [ a-raśmika ] m. f. n. without reins Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अरस [ arasa ] [ a-rasá ] m. f. n. sapless , tasteless Lit. NṛisUp.
not having the faculty of tasting Lit. ŚBr. xiv
weak , effectless , having no strength Lit. RV. i,191,16 Lit. AV.
अरसज्ञ [ arasajña ] [ a-rasá-jña ] m. f. n. having no taste for , not taking interest in Lit. MBh. xii , 6719
अरसाश [ arasāśa ] [ arasāśa ] m. the eating , of sapless or dry food Lit. Kauś.
अरसाशिन् [ arasāśin ] [ arasāśin ] m. f. n. eating sapless or dry food Lit. Kauś.
अरसयितृ [ arasayitṛ ] [ a-rasayitṛ́ ] m. f. n. one who does not taste Lit. MaitrUp.
अरसिक [ arasika ] [ a-rasika ] m. f. n. devoid of taste , unfeeling , dull.
अरसीठक्कुर [ arasīṭhakkura ] [ arasī-ṭhakkura ] m. N. of a poet (mentioned in Śārṅgadhara's anthology) .
अरहस् [ arahas ] [ a-rahas ] n. absence of secrecy Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 12 Lit. Kāś. (v.l.)
अरहाय [ arahāya ] [ arahāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become public Lit. ib. (v.l.)
अरहित [ arahita ] [ a-rahita ] m. f. n. not deprived of , possessed of.
अरा [ arā ] [ arā ] f. (= [ ā́rā ] ) , an awl Comm. on Lit. MBh. xv , 19.
अराक्षस [ arākṣasa ] [ a-rākṣasa ] m. f. n. freed from Rākshasas, Lit. MBh.
अरागद्वेष [ arāgadveṣa ] [ a-rāga-dveṣa ] (in comp.)
अरागद्वेषतस् [ arāgadveṣatas ] [ a-rāga-dveṣa-tas ] ind. not from psssion or anger, Lit. Bhag.
अरागद्वेषिन् [ arāgadveṣin ] [ a-rāga-dve-ṣin ] m. f. n. neither loving nor hating, Lit. Vishṇ.
अरागिन् [ arāgin ] [ a-rāgin ] m. f. n. id.
not coloured Lit. Suśr.
अरागिता [ arāgitā ] [ arāgi-tā ] f. indifference with regard to (loc.) Lit. Sāh.
अराजन् [ arājan ] [ a-rājan ] m. not a king Lit. ŚBr. and Lit. AitBr.
अराजता [ arājatā ] [ arāja-tā ] f. the want of a king Lit. AitBr.
अराजान्वयिन् [ arājānvayin ] [ a-rājānvayin ] m. f. n. not belonging to the family of a king , Lit. Rājat.
अराजन्य [ arājanya ] [ a-rājanyá ] m. f. n. without the Rājanya-or Kshatriya-caste Lit. ŚBr.
अराजिन् [ arājin ] [ a-rājí n ] m. f. n. without splendour Lit. RV. viii , 7 , 2 3.
अराटकी [ arāṭakī ] [ arāṭakī́ ] f. N. of a plant Lit. AV. iv , 37 , 6.
a kind of plant, Lit. AV.
अराड [ arāḍa ] [ arā́ḍa ] m. f. n. (= [ ucchrita-śṛṅga ] ) having high horns Lit. MaitrS.
( compar. of fem. [ °dī́tara ] ) Lit. ŚBr. iv.
[ arāḍa ] m. N. of a Muni, Lit. Bcar.
अराड्य [ arāḍya ] [ arāḍyá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. TS.
अराण [ arāṇa ] [ arāṇá ] aor. p. √ [ ṛ ] q.v.
अराणि [ arāṇi ] [ arāṇi ] or [ arāli ] m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra Lit. MBh. xiii , 257.
अरालि [ arāli ] [ arāli ] or [ arāṇi ] m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra Lit. MBh. xiii , 257.
अराति [ arāti ] [ á-rāti ] f. " non liberality " , enviousness , malignity Lit. RV.
failure , adversity Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr.
particular evil spirits (who frustrate the good intentions and disturb the happiness of man) Lit. ib.
[ arāti ] m. (is) an enemy Lit. Ragh. xii , 89
(in arithm.) the number six ( there being six sins or internal enemies cf. [ ṣaḍ-varga ] ) .
अरातिदूषण [ arātidūṣaṇa ] [ á-rāti-dū́ṣaṇa ] m. f. n. destroying adversity Lit. AV. xix , 34 , 4.
अरातिदूषि [ arātidūṣi ] [ á-rāti-dū́ṣi ] m. f. n. id. Lit. AV. ii , 4 , 6.
अरातिनुद् [ arātinud ] [ á-rāti-nud ] m. f. n. expelling enemies Lit. MBh. iii , 1702.
अरातिभङ्ग [ arātibhaṅga ] [ á-rāti-bhaṅga ] m. defeat of a foe Lit. L.
अरातिह [ arātiha ] [ á-rāti-há ] m. f. n. = [ -dūṣaṇa ] q.v. Lit. AV. xix , 35 , 2.
अरातीवन् [ arātīvan ] [ arātī-ván ] m. f. n. hostile , inimical Lit. RV.
अरातिय [ arātiya ] [ arātiya ] Nom. P. (Subj. [ °tsyā́t ] ) to be malevolent , have hostile intentions against (dat.) Lit. AV. iv , 36 , 1.
अरातीय [ arātīya ] [ arātīya ] Nom. P. [ °tīyáti ] (p. [ °tīyát ] ( Lit. RV. i , 99 , 1 , ) ; Subj. [ °tīyā́t ] ) , Ved. id.
अरातीयु [ arātīyu ] [ arātīyú ] m. f. n. hostile Lit. AV. x , 6 , 1.
अराधस् [ arādhas ] [ a-rādhás ] m. f. n. not liberal , hard , stingy , selfish Lit. RV. and Lit. AV.
अराय [ arāya ] [ á-rāya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV. viii , 61 , 11 ( Lit. Nir. vi , 25)
[ arāya ] m. an evil spirit Lit. AV.
[ arāyī ] f. id. Lit. RV. x , 555 , 1 and 2 Lit. AV.
अरायक्षयण [ arāyakṣayaṇa ] [ á-rāya-kṣáyaṇa ] n. anything that serves to destroy evil spirits Lit. AV. ii , 18 , 3.
अरायचातन [ arāyacātana ] [ á-rāya-cā́tana ] n. id. Lit. ib.
अराल [ arāla ] [ arāla ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ ará ] , fr. √ [ ṛ ] ; Intens. for [ arāra ] ?) , crooked , curved Lit. Uttarar. ( [ an- ] neg. " straight " ) ,
crisped or curled (as hair) Lit. Ragh.
(g. [ śārṅgaravādi ] q.v.) " Crispus " , N. of a Vedic teacher Lit. VBr.
[ arāla ] m. a bent or crooked arm or hand Lit. L.
the resin of the plant Shorea Robusta Lit. L.
m. an elephant in rut Lit. L.
[ arālā ] f. (g. [ bahv-ādi ] q.v.) a disloyal or unchaste woman Lit. L.
[ arālī ] f. (g. [ bahv-ādi ] q.v.) a disloyal or unchaste woman Lit. L.
a modest woman Lit. L.
अरालपक्ष्मनयन [ arālapakṣmanayana ] [ arāla-pakṣma-nayana ] m. f. n. whose eyelashes are curved Lit. , N. xi , 33.
अरालकेशी [ arālakeśī ] [ arāla-keśī ] f. a woman with curled hair, Lit. Ragh.
अरालहस्त [ arālahasta ] [ arāla-hasta ] m. a partic. position of the hands, Lit. Cat.
अरालि [ arāli ] [ arāli ] v.l. for [ araṇs ] q.v.
अरावन् [ arāvan ] [ a-rāvan ]1 m. f. n. " not liberal " , envious , hostile Lit. RV.
अरावन् [ arāvan ] [ árāvan ]2 m. = [ arvan ] , a steed , horse ( ( Lit. NBD. ; = [ ara-vat ] , " having spokes or wheels , a cart " , Ludwig. = [ gamana-vat ] , " moving " , Lit. Sāy. ) ) Lit. RV. vii,68 , 7.
अराष्ट्र [ arāṣṭra ] [ á-rāṣṭra ] [ am ] , and n. not a kingdom Lit. ŚBr.
अरिगूर्त [ arigūrta ] [ arí -gūrtá ] m. f. n. praised by devoted men Lit. RV. i , 186 , 3.
अरिधायस् [ aridhāyas ] [ arí -dhāyas ] ( [ arī- ] ) mf (acc. pl. [ °yasas ] ) n. willingly yielding milk (as a cow) Lit. RV. i , 126 , 5.
अरिशासिन् [ ariśāsin ] [ ari-śāsin ] m. f. n. chastising enemies, Lit. Hariv.
अरिष्टुत [ ariṣṭuta ] [ arí -ṣṭutá ] m. f. n. (√ [ stu ] ) , praised with zeal (Indra) Lit. RV. viii , 1 , 22.
अरि [ ari ] [ a-ri ]2 m. f. n. (√ [ rā ] ; = :1 [ arí ] , assiduous , , Lit. Gmn.) , not liberal , envious , hostile Lit. RV.
m. ( [ í s ] ) an enemy Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.
( [ áris ] ) id. Lit. AV. vii , 88 , 1 and xiii , 1 , 29, (in astron.) a hostile planet Lit. VarBṛS.
N. of the sixth astrological mansion Lit. ib. (in arithm.) the number six ( cf. [ arāti ] )
a species of Khadira or Mimosa Lit. L.
अरिकर्षण [ arikarṣaṇa ] [ a-ri-karṣaṇa ] m. harasser of enemies Lit. N.
अरिघ्न [ arighna ] [ a-ri-ghna ] m. a destroyer of enemies Lit. R. v.
अरिचिन्तन [ aricintana ] [ a-ri-cintana ] n. plotting against an enemy , administration of foreign affairs Lit. L.
अरिचिन्ता [ aricintā ] [ a-ri-cintā ] f. plotting against an enemy , administration of foreign affairs Lit. L.
अरिजन [ arijana ] [ a-ri-jana ] n. a number of enemies Lit. Kathās.
अरिजित् [ arijit ] [ a-ri-jit ] m. " conquering enemies " , N. of a son of Kṛishṇa (and of Bhadrā) Lit. BhP.
अरिदान्त [ aridānta ] [ a-ri-dānta ] " enemy-subdued " , N. of a prince Lit. Hariv. 6628 (v.l. [ ati-dānta ] q.v.)
अरिनन्दन [ arinandana ] [ a-ri-nandana ] m. f. n. gratifying or affording triumph to an enemy Lit. Hit.
अरिनिपात [ arinipāta ] [ a-ri-nipāta ] m. invasion or incursion of enemies Lit. Hit.
अरिनुत [ arinuta ] [ a-ri-nuta ] m. f. n. praised even by enemies Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अरिंदम [ ariṃdama ] [ a-ri-ṃ-dama ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 46 Sch.) foe-conquering , victorious , N.
of the father of Sanaśruta Lit. AitBr.
of a Muni Lit. Kathās.
अरिपुर [ aripura ] [ a-ri-pura ] n. an enemy's town.
अरिमर्द [ arimarda ] [ a-ri-marda ] m. the plant Cassia Sophora.
अरिमर्दन [ arimardana ] [ a-ri-mardana ] m. f. n. foe-trampling , enemy destroying Lit. MBh.
[ arimardana ] m. N. of a son of Śvaphalka Lit. Hariv.
of a king of owls Lit. Pañcat.
अरिमित्र [ arimitra ] [ a-ri-mitra ] m. an ally or friend of an enemy
अरिमेजय [ arimejaya ] [ a-ri-m-ejaya ] m. " shaking enemies " , N. of a Naga priest Lit. PBr.
of a son of Śvaphalka Lit. Hariv.
of Kuru Lit. ib.
अरिमेद [ arimeda ] [ a-ri-meda ] m. a fetid Mimosa , Vachellia Farnesiana Lit. L.
[ arimeda ] m. pl. N. of a people , Lit. VaṛB-S.
अरिमेदक [ arimedaka ] [ a-ri-medaka ] m. N. of an insect Lit. Suśr.
अरिराष्ट्र [ arirāṣṭra ] [ a-ri-rāṣṭra ] n. an enemy's country.
अरिलोक [ ariloka ] [ a-ri-loka ] m. a hostile tribe or an enemy's country Lit. L.
अरिसिंह [ arisiṃha ] [ a-ri-siṃha ] m. N. of an author.
अरिसूदन [ arisūdana ] [ a-ri-sūdana ] m. destroyer of foes.
अरिसोम [ arisoma ] [ a-ri-soma ] m. a kind of Soma plant Lit. MBh. xiv , 247.
अरिह [ ariha ] [ a-ri-ha ] m. " killing enemies " , N. of a prince , (son of Avācīna) Lit. MBh. i , 3771
of another prince (son of Devātithi) Lit. ib. , 3776.
अरिहन् [ arihan ] [ a-ri-han ] m. f. n. killing or destroying enemies , N. Lit. Ragh. ix , 23.
अरिक्त [ arikta ] [ a-rikta ] m. f. n. not empty Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. BhP.
not with empty hands Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
abundant Lit. BhP. iv , 22 , 11.
अरिक्थभाज् [ arikthabhāj ] [ a-riktha-bhāj ] m. f. n. not entitled to a share of property , not an heir , (in a verse quoted by the) Comm. on Lit. Yājñ.
अरिक्थीय [ arikthīya ] [ a-rikthīya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Mn. ix , 147.
अरितृ [ aritṛ ] [ aritṛ́ ] m. (√ [ ṛ ] ) , a rower Lit. RV. ii , 42 , 1 and ix , 95 , 2
( ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. (ratis) , (remex) , ) )
अरित्र [ aritra ] [ arí tra ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 184) propelling , driving Lit. RV. x , 46 , 7
[ aritra ] m. an oar Lit. ŚBr. iv
n. (f [ ā ] .) ( [ arí tra ] ( Lit. RV. i , 46 , 8 ) or [ áritra ] ( Lit. AV. v , 4 , 5 ) ) an oar (cf. [ dáśāritra ] , [ ní tyār ] , [ śátār ] , [ sv-aritrá ] ) ; ( Lat. (aratrum) . )
अरित्रगाध [ aritragādha ] [ arí tra-gādha ] m. f. n. oar-deep , shallow Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 4 Lit. Kāś.
अरित्रपरण [ aritraparaṇa ] [ arí tra-páraṇa ] m. f. n. crossing over by means of oars Lit. RV. x , 101 , 2.
अरिप्र [ aripra ] [ a-riprá ] m. f. n. spotless , clear Lit. RV. and Lit. AV.
faultless , blameless Lit. RV.
अरिफित [ ariphita ] [ a-riphita ] m. f. n. (said of the Visarga) not changed into [ r ] Lit. Prāt.
अरेफ [ arepha ] [ a-repha ] m. f. n. without the letter r.
अरेफजात [ arephajāta ] [ a-repha-jāta ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Up.
अरेफवत् [ arephavat ] [ a-repha-vat ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RPrāt.
अरेफिन् [ arephin ] [ a-rephin ] m. f. n. = [ a-riphita ] Lit. RPrāt.
अरिषण्य [ ariṣaṇya ] [ á-riṣaṇya ] m. f. n. not failing , certain , to be depended upon Lit. RV. ii , 39 , 4.
अरिषण्यत् [ ariṣaṇyat ] [ á-riṣaṇyat ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV.
अरिष्ट [ ariṣṭa ] [ á-riṣṭa ] m. f. n. unhurt Lit. RV.
proof against injury or damage Lit. RV.
secure , safe Lit. RV.
boding misfortune (as birds of ill omen , ) , Lit. AdbhBr. Lit. Hariv.
fatal , disastrous (as a house) Lit. R. ii , 42 , 22
a crow Lit. L.
the soapberry tree , Sapindus Detergens Roxb. ( the fruits of which are used in washing Lit. Yājñ. i,186)
cf. [ arī ṣṭaka ]
Azadirachta Indica Lit. R. ii , 94 , 9
garlic Lit. L.
a distilled mixture , a kind of liquor Lit. Suśr.
N. of an Asura (with the shape of an ox , son of Bali , slain by Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu) Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
of a son of Manu Vaivasvata Lit. VP. (v.l. for [ deṣṭa ] )
m. ill-luck , misfortune (see [ ariṣṭa ] n.) Lit. MBh. xii , 6573
[ ariṣṭā ] f. a bandage Lit. Suśr.
[ ariṣṭa ] m. a medical plant Lit. L.
N. of Durgā Lit. SkandaP.
N. of a daughter of Daksha and one of the wives of Kaśyapa Lit. Hariv.
n. bad or ill-luck. misfortune
a natural phenomenon boding approaching death
good fortune , happiness Lit. MBh. iv , 2126, buttermilk Lit. L.
vinous spirit Lit. L.
a woman's apartment , the lying-in chamber ( cf. [ ariṣṭagriha ] and [ -śayyā ] below) Lit. L.
अरिष्टकर्मन् [ ariṣṭakarman ] [ á-riṣṭa-karman ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.
अरिष्टगातु [ ariṣṭagātu ] [ á-riṣṭa-gātu ] ( [ áreṣṭa ] ) m. f. n. having a secure residence Lit. RV. v , 44 , 3.
अरिष्टगु [ ariṣṭagu ] [ á-riṣṭa-gu ] ( [ árlṣṭa ] ) m. f. n. whose cattle are unhurt Lit. AV. x , 3 , 10.
अरिष्टगृह [ ariṣṭagṛha ] [ á-riṣṭa-gṛha ] n. a lying-in chamber Lit. L.
अरिष्टग्राम [ ariṣṭagrāma ] [ á-riṣṭa-grāma ] ( [ áriṣṭa ] .) m. f. n. (said of the Maruts) whose troop is unbroken i.e. complete in number Lit. RV. i , 166 , 6.
अरिष्टताति [ ariṣṭatāti ] [ á-riṣṭá-tāti ] f. safeness , security Lit. RV. x and Lit. AV.
[ ariṣṭatāti ] m. f. n. = [ ariṣṭasya kara ] making fortunate auspicious Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 143.
अरिष्टदुष्टधी [ ariṣṭaduṣṭadhī ] [ á-riṣṭa-duṣṭa-dhī ] m. f. n. (= [ vīvaśa ] ) apprehensive of death , alarmed at its approach Lit. L.
अरिष्टनेमि [ ariṣṭanemi ] [ á-riṣṭa-nemi ] m. f. n. the felly of whose wheel is unhurt (N. of Tārkshya) Lit. RV.
[ ariṣṭanemi ] ( [ is ] ) m. N. of a man (named together with Tārkshya) Lit. VS. xv , 18, ( said to be the author of the hymn Lit. RV. x , 178) Lit. RAnukr.
m. N. of various princes Lit. MBh. Lit. VP.
of a Gandharva Lit. BhP.
of the twenty-second of the twenty four Jaina Tīrthaṃkaras of the present Avasarpiṇī.
अरिष्टनेमि [ ariṣṭanemi ] [ ariṣṭa-nemi ] N. of Vishṇu, Lit. L.
अरिष्टनेमिन् [ ariṣṭanemin ] [ á-riṣṭa-nemin ] m. N. of a brother of Gauḍa (= Aruṇa Comm.) Lit. R. v , 2 , 10
of a Muni Lit. R. vii , 90 , 5
of the twenty-second Tīrthaṃkara (see [ nemi ] ) Lit. L.
अरिष्टपुर [ ariṣṭapura ] [ á-riṣṭa-pura ] n. N. of a town Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 100.
अरिष्टभर्मन् [ ariṣṭabharman ] [ á-riṣṭa-bharman ] m. f. n. yielding security Lit. RV. viii , 1 8 , 4 (voc.)
अरिष्टमथन [ ariṣṭamathana ] [ á-riṣṭa-mathana ] m. " killer of the Asura Arishṭa " , N. of Śiva (i.e. Vishṇu) .
अरिष्टरथ [ ariṣṭaratha ] [ á-riṣṭa-ratha ] ( [ áriṣṭa- ] ) m. f. n. whose carriage is unhurt Lit. RV. x , 6 , 3.
अरिष्टरोग [ ariṣṭaroga ] [ ariṣṭa-roga ] m. a partic. disease, Lit. KātyŚr., Sch (also ° [ ṭy ] - [ āmaya ] , Lit. KātyŚr.).
अरिष्टवीर [ ariṣṭavīra ] [ á-riṣṭa-vīra ] (árishṭa-) m. f. n. whose heroes are unhurt Lit. RV. i,114 , 3 , Lit. AV. iii , 12 , 1.
अरिष्टशय्या [ ariṣṭaśayyā ] [ á-riṣṭa-śayyā ] f. a lying-in couch Lit. Ragh. iii , 15.
अरिष्टसूदन [ ariṣṭasūdana ] [ á-riṣṭa-sūdana ] m. (= [ -mathana ] q.v.) N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
अरिष्टहन् [ ariṣṭahan ] [ á-riṣṭa-han ] m. (= [ -mathana ] q.v.) N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
अरिष्टाश्रितपुर [ ariṣṭāśritapura ] [ ariṣṭāśrita-pura ] n. N. of a town Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 100 Sch.
अरिष्टासु [ ariṣṭāsu ] [ á-riṣṭāsu ] m. f. n. whose vital power is unhurt Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 72.
अरिष्टक [ ariṣṭaka ] [ a-riṣṭaka ] m. (= [ á-riṣṭa ] , m.) the soapberry tree ( the fruits of which are used in washing Lit. Mn. v , 120) Lit. Suśr.
[ ariṣṭakā ] f. N. of a plant Lit. VarBṛS.
[ ariṣṭikā ] f. N. of a plant Lit. VarBṛS.
[ ariṣṭaka ] m. f. n. suffering from the disease Arishṭa, Lit. Kauś.
अरिष्टि [ ariṣṭi ] [ á-riṣṭi ] f. Ved. safeness , security Lit. RV.
अरिष्यत् [ ariṣyat ] [ á-riṣyat ] m. f. n. not being hurt Lit. RV. and Lit. AV.
अरीढ [ arīḍha ] [ á-rīḍha ] m. f. n. ( for [ á-rīḍha ] , √ [ rih ] = [ lih ] ) , not licked Lit. RV. iv , 18 , 10.
अरीण [ arīṇa ] [ a-rīṇa ] m. f. n. not wanting, full of, Lit. Naish.
अरीति [ arīti ] [ a-rīti ] f. (in rhetoric) deficiency of style , a defect in the choice of expressions.
अरीतिक [ arītika ] [ a-rītika ] n. id. Lit. L.
अरीहण [ arīhaṇa ] [ arīhaṇa ] m. the first N. of the following gaṇa.
अरीहणादि [ arīhaṇādi ] [ arīhaṇādi ] a g. of Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 80.
अरुंतुद [ aruṃtuda ] [ aru-ṃ-tuda ] ( m. f. n.) ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 35 and vi , 3 , 67) " beating or hurting a wound " , causing torments , painful Lit. Mn. ii , 161 ,
अरूकृ [ arūkṛ ] [ arū-√ kṛ ] to wound Lit. L.
अरुंषिका [ aruṃṣikā ] [ aruṃṣikā ] f. ( fr. [ arūṃṣi ] pl. of [ arus ] n.) , scab on the head Lit. Suśr.
अरुग्ण [ arugṇa ] [ á-rugṇa ] m. f. n. unbroken Lit. RV. vi , 39 , 2.
अरुज् [ aruj ] [ a-ruj ] m. f. n. painless (as a tumour) Lit. Suśr.
free from disease , sound , healthy.
अरुज [ aruja ] [ a-ruja ] m. f. n. painless (as a tumour , ) Lit. Suśr.
free from disease , sound Lit. Suśr.
brisk , gay Lit. R. vii , 84 , 16
[ aruja ] m. the plant Cassia Fistula
N. of a Dānava Lit. Hariv. 14286.
अरुच् [ aruc ] [ a-rúc ] m. f. n. lightless Lit. RV. vi , 39 , 4.
अरुचि [ aruci ] [ a-ruci ] f. want of appetite , disgust Lit. Suśr.
aversion , dislike Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kād. ( with [ upari ] ) .
अरुचित [ arucita ] [ á-rucita ] m. f. n. not agreeable or suitable to Lit. ŚBr. xiv
अरुचिर [ arucira ] [ a-rucira ] m. f. n. disagreeable , disgusting.
अरुच्य [ arucya ] [ a-rucya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. L.
अरुज् [ aruj ] [ a-ruj ] and [ a-ruja ] see [ á-rugṇa ] .
अरुण [ aruṇa ] [ aruṇá ] m. f. Lit. 95 , 6 ) ) n. (√ [ ṛ ] Lit. Uṇ.) , reddish-brown , tawny , red , ruddy (the colour of the morning opposed to the darkness of night) Lit. RV.
perplexed Lit. L.
dumb Lit. L.
coarse (as food), Lit. Jātakam.
full of, mixed with (instr. or comp.), ib.
[ aruṇa ] m. red colour Lit. BhP.
the dawn (personified as the charioteer of the sun) Lit. Mn. x , 33 ,
the sun Lit. Śāk.
a kind of leprosy (with red ( cf. Lit. AV. v , 22 , 3 and vi , 20 , 3 ) spots and insensibility of the skin) Lit. L.
a little poisonous animal Lit. Suśr.
the plant Rottleria Tinctoria Lit. L.
molasses Lit. L.
N. of a teacher Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr.
of the composer of the hymn Lit. RV. x , 91 (with the patron. Vaitahavya) Lit. RAnukr.
of the Nāga priest Āṭa Lit. PBr.
of a son of Kṛishṇa Lit. BhP.
of the Daitya Mura Lit. ib.
of an Asura Lit. MBh. xvi , 119 (v.l. [ varuṇa ] ) , of the father of the fabulous bird Jaṭāyu Lit. MBh. iii , 16045
m. ( [ áruṇa ] ) N. of a pupil of Upaveśi ( cf. [ aruṇá ] m. above) Lit. ŚBr. xiv
m. pl. N. of a class of Ketus (seventy seven in number) Lit. VarBṛS.
m. (named as the composers of certain Mantras) . Lit. Kāṭh.
[ aruṇā ] f. the plants Betula , madder (Rubia Manjith) , Teori , a black kind of the same , Colocynth or bitter apple , the plant that yields the red and black berry used for the jewellers weight (called Retti) Lit. L.
[ aruṇa ] m. N. of a river Lit. MBh. iii , 7022 and ix , 2429 seq.
[ aruṇī ] f. . red cow (in the Vedic myths) Lit. RV. and Lit. SV.
[ aruṇa ] m. the dawn Lit. RV.
n. red colour Lit. RV. x , 168 , 1 , gold Lit. AV. xiii , 4 , 51
m. a ruby Lit. BhP.
अरुणकमल [ aruṇakamala ] [ aruṇá-kamala ] n. the red lotus.
अरुणकर [ aruṇakara ] [ aruṇá-kara ] m. " having red rays " , the sun Lit. Kād.
अरुणकिरण [ aruṇakiraṇa ] [ aruṇá-kiraṇa ] m. id. Lit. VarBṛS.
अरुणकेतुब्राह्मण [ aruṇaketubrāhmaṇa ] [ aruṇá-ketu-brāhmaṇa ] n. the Brāhmaṇa of the Aruṇāḥ Ketavaḥ (see [ aruṇās ] above ) , Lit. AitrAnukr.
अरुणचूड [ aruṇacūḍa ] [ aruṇá-cūḍa ] m. " red-combed " , a cock Lit. L.
अरुणज्योतिस् [ aruṇajyotis ] [ aruṇá-jyotis ] m. N. of Śiva:
अरुणता [ aruṇatā ] [ aruṇá-tā ] f. red colour Lit. Śiś. ix , 14 Lit. Suśr.
अरुणत्व [ aruṇatva ] [ aruṇá-tva ] n. id Lit. Hcat.
अरुणदती [ aruṇadatī ] [ aruṇa-datī ] f. a girl with reddish teeth, Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अरुणदत्त [ aruṇadatta ] [ aruṇá-datta ] m. N. of an author Comm. on Lit. Uṇ. iii , 159;iv , 117and184.
अरुणदूर्वा [ aruṇadūrvā ] [ aruṇá-dūrvā́ ] f. reddish fennel Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
अरुणनेत्र [ aruṇanetra ] [ aruṇá-netra ] m. " red-eyed " , a pigeon Lit. L.
अरुणपिशङ्ग [ aruṇapiśaṅga ] [ aruṇá-piśaṅgá ] m. f. n. reddish-brown Lit. TS.
अरुणपुष्प [ aruṇapuṣpa ] [ aruṇá-puṣpa ] m. f. n. ( [ aruṇá- ] ) having red flowers Lit. ŚBr.
the blossom of a certain grass Lit. KātyŚr.
[ aruṇapuṣpī ] f. the plant Pentapetes Phoenicea Lit. L.
अरुणप्रिया [ aruṇapriyā ] [ aruṇá-priyā ] f. N. of an Apsaras Lit. Hariv. 12470.
अरुणप्सु [ aruṇapsu ] [ aruṇá-psu ] ( [ aruṇá- ] ) m. f. n. of a red appearance Lit. RV.
अरुणबभ्रु [ aruṇababhru ] [ aruṇá-babhru ] ( [ aruṇá- ] ) m. f. n. reddish-yellow Lit. VS. xxiv , 2.
अरुणयुज् [ aruṇayuj ] [ aruṇá-yúj ] m. f. n. furnished with red (rays of light) Lit. RV. vi , 65 , 2.
अरुणलोचन [ aruṇalocana ] [ aruṇá-locana ] m. f. n. red-eyed (as in anger) Lit. MārkP.
[ aruṇalocana ] m. = [ -netra ] q.v. Lit. L.
अरुणसारथि [ aruṇasārathi ] [ aruṇá-sārathi ] m. " whose charioteer is Aruṇa " , the sun Lit. L.
अरुणस्मृति [ aruṇasmṛti ] [ aruṇá-smṛti ] f. N. of wk.
अरुणाग्रज [ aruṇāgraja ] [ aruṇāgraja ] m. " the first of Aruṇa " , Garuḍa (the bird of Vishṇu) Lit. L. ( cf. [ aruṇánuja ] below.) ,
अरुणात्मज [ aruṇātmaja ] [ aruṇātmaja ] m. " son of Aruṇa " , Jaṭāyu (see [ aruṇa ] m. above ) Lit. L.
अरुणादित्य [ aruṇāditya ] [ aruṇāditya ] m. one of the twelve shapes of the sun Lit. SkandaP.
अरुणानुज [ aruṇānuja ] [ aruṇānuja ] m. " the younger brother of Aruṇa " , Garuḍa Lit. Kād. ( cf. [ aruṇāgraja ] above and [ aruṇāvaraja ] below)
अरुणाम्नायविधि [ aruṇāmnāyavidhi ] [ aruṇāmnāya-vidhi ] m. N. of part of the Lit. Kāṭh. ( cf. [ aruṇīya-vidhi ] )
अरुणार्चिस् [ aruṇārcis ] [ aruṇārcis ] m. the rising sun Lit. Daś.
अरुणावरज [ aruṇāvaraja ] [ aruṇāvaraja ] m. = [ aruṇānuja ] above Lit. L.
अरुणाश्व [ aruṇāśva ] [ aruṇā́śva ] m. f. n. driving with red horses (N. of the Maruts) Lit. RV. v , 57 , 4.
अरुणीकृत [ aruṇīkṛta ] [ aruṇī-kṛta ] m. f. n. reddened , turned or become red Lit. Kād. Lit. Sāh.
अरुणैत [ aruṇaita ] [ aruṇaitá ] m. f. n. yellow-dappled Lit. TS.
अरुणोद [ aruṇoda ] [ aruṇoda ] n. N. of a lake Lit. VP.
of one of the seas surrounding the world Lit. Jain.
अरुणोदय [ aruṇodaya ] [ aruṇodaya ] m. break of day , dawn Lit. Mn. x , 33
अरुणोदयसप्तमी [ aruṇodayasaptamī ] [ aruṇodaya--saptamī ] f. the seventh day in the bright half of Māgha Lit. L.
अरुणोपल [ aruṇopala ] [ aruṇopala ] m. a ruby Lit. L.
अरुणय [ aruṇaya ] [ aruṇaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to redden Lit. Kād. ; (perf. Pass. p. [ aruṇita ] ) reddened Lit. Śiś. vi , 32 Lit. Kum. v , 11.
अरुणिमन् [ aruṇiman ] [ aruṇiman ] m. redness , ruddiness Lit. Sāh. Lit. Bālar.
अरुणीयविधि [ aruṇīyavidhi ] [ aruṇīya-vidhi ] m. = [ aruṇāmnāya-vidhi ] above Lit. Sāy. on Lit. TĀr.
अरुतहनु [ arutahanu ] [ á-ruta-hanu ] m. f. n. one whose cheeks or jaws are not broken Lit. RV. x , 105 , 7.
अरुद्ध [ aruddha ] [ a-ruddha ] m. f. n. not hindered.
अरुंतुद [ aruṃtuda ] [ aruṃ-tuda ] see [ aru ] .
अरुन्धती [ arundhatī ] [ a-rundhatī́ ] f. a medicinal climbing plant Lit. AV.
the wife of Vasishṭha Lit. R.
the wife of Dharma Lit. Hariv.
the little and scarcely visible star Alcor (belonging to the Great Bear , and personified as the wife of one of its seven chief stars , Vasishṭha , or of all the seven , the so-called seven Ṛishis ; at marriage ceremonies Arundhatī is invoked as a pattern of conjugal excellence by the bridegroom) Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
N. of a kind of super natural faculty (also called kuṇḍalinī) .
अरुन्धतीजानि [ arundhatījāni ] [ a-rundhatī́-jāni ] m. " husband of Arundhatī " , Vasishṭha (one of the seven Ṛishis or saints , and stars in the Great Bear) Lit. L.
अरुन्धतीदर्शनन्याय [ arundhatīdarśananyāya ] [ arundhatī-darśana-nyāya ] m. the rule of the view of the star Arundhatī, Lit. A.
अरुन्धतीनाथ [ arundhatīnātha ] [ a-rundhatī́-nātha ] m. " husband of Arundhatī " , Vasishṭha (one of the seven Ṛishis or saints , and stars in the Great Bear) Lit. L.
अरुन्धतीवट [ arundhatīvaṭa ] [ a-rundhatī́-vaṭa ] m. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh. iii , 8019.
अरुन्धतीसहचर [ arundhatīsahacara ] [ a-rundhatī́-sahacara ] m. companion of Arundhatī , Vasishṭha.
अरुन्मुख [ arunmukha ] [ arun-mukha ] m. pl. ( an irregular form developed fr. [ arur-magha ] below) N. of certain Yatis Lit. KaushUp.
अरुर्मघ [ arurmagha ] [ arur-magha ] m. pl. ( cf. [ pūnar-magha ] ) , N. of certain miserly evil spirits (as the Paṇis , ) Lit. AitBr.
अरुल [ arula ] [ arula ] n. water, Lit. L.
a small boat, Lit. L.