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ह |
हल [ hala ] [ hala ] m. n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a plough (also as a weapon , and as a land measure) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ hala ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
m. pl. N. of a country and people in the north Lit. VarBṛS.
spirituous liquor , wine Lit. L.
[ halī ] f. Methonica Superba Lit. L.
a partic. constellation (reckoned among the Ākṛiti-yogas) , Lit. VarBṛS.
ugliness , deformity (= [ vairāgya ] ) , hindrance , obstruction ( = [ prati-ṣedha ] ) Lit. L.
quarrel (= [ vivāda ] )
हलककुद् [ halakakud ] [ hala-kakud ] f. the projecting beam of a plough Lit. BhP.
हलगोलक [ halagolaka ] [ hala-golaka ] m. a kind of insect Lit. MBh. ( Lit. Nīl.)
हलदण्ड [ haladaṇḍa ] [ hala-daṇḍa ] m. the shaft or pole of a plough Lit. L.
हलधर [ haladhara ] [ hala-dhara ] m. " plough-holder " , N. of Bala-rāma (as carrying a peculiar weapon shaped like a ploughshare) Lit. MBh. Lit. Śiś.
of various authors Lit. Vcar. Lit. Rājat.
हलबन्ध [ halabandha ] [ hala-bandha ] g. [ khaṇḍikādi ]
हलभूति [ halabhūti ] [ hala-bhūti ] m. N. of Śaṃkarâcārya Lit. Gal.
हलभृति [ halabhṛti ] [ hala-bhṛti ] f. agriculture , husbandry Lit. L.
[ halabhṛti ] m. = [ -bhūti ] Lit. L.
हलमार्ग [ halamārga ] [ hala-mārga ] m. a furrow Lit. Hariv.
हलमुख [ halamukha ] [ hala-mukha ] n. a ploughshare Lit. R.
[ halamukhī ] f. a kind of metre Lit. Piṅg.
हलमुहूर्त [ halamuhūrta ] [ hala-muhūrta ] n. N. of a partic. hour Lit. Cat.
हलरद [ halarada ] [ hala-rada ] m. f. n. having teeth shaped like a plough Lit. Bhām.
हलराक्ष [ halarākṣa ] [ hala-rākṣa ] n. Tabernamontana Coronaria Lit. L.
हलवंश [ halavaṃśa ] [ hala-vaṃśa ] m. = [ -daṇḍa ] Lit. L.
हलवाहा [ halavāhā ] [ hala-vāhā ] f. " plough " , a partic. land-measure Lit. Inscr.
हलसीर [ halasīra ] [ hala-sīra ] m. (prob.) a ploughshare (others , " a furrow " ) Lit. DivyA7v.
हलहति [ halahati ] [ hala-hati ] f. striking (the soil) with a plough , ploughing , furrowing Lit. W.
हलाभ [ halābha ] [ halābha ] m. " ploughlike " , a piebald horse with a black stripe along its back Lit. L.
हलाभियोग [ halābhiyoga ] [ halābhiyoga ] m. application of a plough , the beginning of ploughing Lit. Gobh.
हलायुध [ halāyudha ] [ halāyudha ] m. " plough-weaponed " , N. of Bala-rāma (see above ; also transferred to Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
( also with [ bhaṭṭa ] , [ miśra ] ) N. of various writers (esp. of a poet , of the author of the Abhidhāna-ratnamālā , of the author of the Purāṇa-sarvasva ) Lit. Cat.
हलायुधच्छान्दोग्य [ halāyudhacchāndogya ] [ halāyudha--cchāndogya ] m. N. of wk. (?)
हलायुधस्तव [ halāyudhastava ] [ halāyudha--stava ] m. N. of wk.
हलीषा [ halīṣā ] [ halī́ṣā ] f. = [ haleṣā ] , the pole of a plough Lit. Pat.
हलक [ halaka ] [ halaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. DivyA7v.
हलका [ halakā ] [ halakā ] f. g. [ prekṣādi ] .
हलकिन् [ halakin ] [ halakin ] m. f. n. (fr. prec.) Lit. ib.
हलय [ halaya ] [ halaya ] Nom. P. [ °yaiti ] , to plough (= [ halaṃ gṛhṇāti ] ) Lit. Vop.
हलहल [ halahala ] [ halahala ] m. f. n. ploughing making furrows Lit. L.
हलाह [ halāha ] [ halāha ] m. ( prob. for [ halābha ] ) a piebald horse Lit. L.
हलि [ hali ] [ hali ]1 m. a large plough (see [ śata-h ] )
a furrow Lit. W.
agriculture Lit. ib.
N. of a man g. [ griṣṭy-ādi ] .
हलि [ hali ] [ hali ]2 in comp. for [ halin ]
हलिराम [ halirāma ] [ hali-rāma ] m. ( with [ śarman ] ) N. of an author.
हलिक [ halika ] [ halika ] m. a ploughman , husbandman Lit. L.
N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
हलिन् [ halin ] [ halin ] m. a ploughman , agriculturist Lit. Vas.
N. of Bala-rāma Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
of a Ṛishi Lit. R.
[ halinī ] f. a number of ploughs Lit. L.
Methonica Superba Lit. L.
हली [ halī ] [ halī ] see [ hala ] .
हलेद्विपदिका [ haledvipadikā ] [ hale-dvipadikā ] f. ( fr. loc. of [ hala ] + [ dv ] ) N. of a partic. tax Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 63 Sch.
हल्य [ halya ] [ halya ] m. f. n. ploughed , tilled (see [ tri- ] and [ dvih ] )
[ halya ] m. ploughing , agriculture Lit. Pāṇ. 5-l , 4 , 97
[ halyā ] f. a multitude of ploughs g. [ pāśādi ]
[ halya ] n. a ploughed field , arable land Lit. MW.
deformity Lit. R.
हाल [ hāla ] [ hāla ] m. = [ hala ] , a plough Lit. L.
a " scraper " (kind of bird) Lit. Suśr. Sch.
N. of Bala-rāma ( cf. [ haladhara ] ) Lit. L.
of Sātavāhana Lit. Cat.
of a king (son of Arishṭa-karman) Lit. VP.
[ hālā ] f. spirituous liquor ( a provincial term accord. to Lit. Vām. v , 1 , 13)
हालभृत् [ hālabhṛt ] [ hāla-bhṛt ] m. N. of Bala-rāma (= [ hala-bhṛt ] ) Lit. MW.
हालबन्ध [ hālabandha ] [ hāla-bandha ] n. g. [ khaṇḍikādi ] .
हालसप्तशतक [ hālasaptaśataka ] [ hāla-sapta-śataka ] n. N. of an anthology (containing 700 Prākṛit stanzas) .
हालास्य [ hālāsya ] [ hālāsya ] m. N. of a place sacred to Śiva
हालास्यखण्ड [ hālāsyakhaṇḍa ] [ hālāsya--khaṇḍa ] m. n. N. of wk.
हालास्यमाहात्म्य [ hālāsyamāhātmya ] [ hālāsya--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
हालास्याष्टक [ hālāsyāṣṭaka ] [ hālāsyāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.
हालक [ hālaka ] [ hālaka ] m. a horse of a yellowish brown or tawny colour Lit. L.
हालाह [ hālāha ] [ hālāha ] m. = [ halāha ] Lit. L.
हालिक [ hālika ] [ hālika ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to a plough , Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 124
[ hālika ] m. a ploughman , agriculturist Lit. Rājat. Lit. Pañcat.
a slaughterer ( used in explaining [ go-vikarta ] ) Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
हालिनी [ hālinī ] [ hālinī ] f. a kind of lizard Lit. L.
हालु [ hālu ] [ hālu ] m. a tooth Lit. Uṇ. i , i Sch.
हालेय [ hāleya ] [ hāleya ] m. ( fr. [ hali ] ) N. of a king Lit. BhP.
हल् [ hal ] [ hal ]2 m. n. (in Pāṇini's system) a technical expression for all the consonants or for any consonant.
हलदी [ haladī ] [ haladī ] or [ haladdī ] f. turmeric (= [ haridrā ] ) Lit. L.
हलद्दी [ haladdī ] [ haladdī ] or [ haladī ] f. turmeric (= [ haridrā ] ) Lit. L.
हलहला [ halahalā ] [ halahalā ] ind. an exclamation of applause or approbation Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
हलहलाशब्द [ halahalāśabda ] [ halahalā-śabda ] m. the exclamation [ halahalā ] , halloo , hallooing , shout Lit. ib.
हला [ halā ] [ halā ] ind. (in dram.) a vocative particle (used in addressing a female friend who is an equal) Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh.
हलाहल [ halāhala ] [ halāhala ] m. n. a kind of deadly poison (produced at the churning of the ocean by gods and demons) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat.
[ halāhala ] m. ( only Lit. L.) a kind of lizard
a kind of snake
a Jaina or Bauddha sage.
हालहल [ hālahala ] [ hālahala ] ( Lit. Jātakam.) and ( Lit. L.) n. the above poison.
हालहाल [ hālahāla ] [ hālahāla ]and ( Lit. L.) n. the above poison.
हालाहल [ hālāhala ] [ hālāhala ] m. a panic. poisonous plant (the seed of which is said to resemble a cow's teat) Lit. Bhpr.
a kind of lizard Lit. L.
a kind of spider Lit. L.
[ hālāhala ] n. (rarely m.) , a deadly poison prepared from the roots of the above plant accord. to Lit. R. and Lit. BhP. produced at she churning of the ocean ( cf. [ halāhala ] ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr. Lit. BhP.
[ hālāhalā ] f. a kind of small mouse Lit. L.
[ hālāhalī ] f. spirituous liquor Lit. L.
हालाहलधर [ hālāhaladhara ] [ hālāhala-dhara ] m. " having venom " , a small black snake Lit. L.
हाहल [ hāhala ] [ hāhala ] n. the above poison Lit. L.
हाहाल [ hāhāla ] [ hāhāla ] n. the above poison Lit. L.
हलीक्ष्ण [ halīkṣṇa ] [ hálīkṣṇa ] m. a kind of animal Lit. TS. (Sch.)
[ halīkṣṇa ] m. n. a partic. intestine Lit. AV.
हलिङ्गु [ haliṅgu ] [ haliṅgu ] m. N. of a man (see next) .
हालिङ्गव [ hāliṅgava ] [ hā́liṅgava ] m. patr , fr. [ haliṅgu ] Lit. ŚBr.
हलिभ [ halibha ] [ halibha ] m. or n. a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.
हलीन [ halīna ] [ halīna ] m. Tectona Grandis Lit. L.
next Lit. L.
हलीमक [ halīmaka ] [ halīmaka ] m. id. Lit. L.
a partic. form of jaundice ( in this sense prob. connected with [ hariman ] ) Lit. Suśr.
N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
हलुआण [ haluāṇa ] [ haluāṇa ] or [ halūāṇa ] N. of a place Lit. Cat.
हलुहार [ haluhāra ] [ haluhāra ] m. a horse with black testicles and a mark on its forehead Lit. L.
हल्ल [ halla ] [ halla ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
हल्लक [ hallaka ] [ hallaka ] n. the red lotus Lit. Hāsy.
हल्लन [ hallana ] [ hallana ] n. rolling or tossing about , rolling about in sleep Lit. L.
हल्लीश [ hallīśa ] [ hallīśa ] m. one of the eighteen Upa-rūpakas or minor dramatic entertainments (described as a piece in one act , consisting chiefly of singing and dancing by one male and 7 , 8 , or 10 female performers ; perhaps a kind of ballet) Lit. Sāh.
[ hallīśa ] n. a circular dance (performed by women under the direction of a man) Lit. Kāvyâd.
हल्लीशक [ hallīśaka ] [ hallīśaka ] m. n. a kind of dance ( = prec.) Lit. Kāvyâd.
हल्लीष [ hallīṣa ] [ hallīṣa ] m. n. id. Lit. L.
हल्लीषक [ hallīṣaka ] [ hallīṣaka ] m. n. id. Lit. L.
हल्लीस [ hallīsa ] [ hallīsa ] m. n. id. Lit. HPariś.
हल्लीसक [ hallīsaka ] [ hallīsaka ] m. n. id. Lit. Pañcad.
a kind of musical instrument (v.l. [ jhallīṣaka ] ) Lit. Hariv.
हल्लीसकाय [ hallīsakāya ] [ hallīsakāya ] ( only [ °yita ] n. also impers.) to perform the above dance , Lit. Kaśīkh.
हल्ह [ halha ] [ halha ] see [ vihálha ] .
हव [ hava ] [ hava ]1 m. ( fr. √ [ hu ] ) an oblation , burnt offering , sacrifice , Lit. Śiś.
fire or the god of fire Lit. L.
हवन [ havana ] [ havana ]1 m. ( for 2. see p. 1294 , col. 1) fire or Agni the god of fire Lit. L.
a fire-receptacle ( = f.) Lit. L.
[ havanī ] f. the sacrificial ladle Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
a hole made in the ground for the sacrificial fire which is to receive a burnt-oblation Lit. L.
[ havana ] n. the act of offering an oblation with fire , sacrifice Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
a sacrificial ladle Lit. Vait.
हवनपद्धति [ havanapaddhati ] [ havana-paddhati ] f. N. of a Tantra wk.
हवनायुस् [ havanāyus ] [ havanāyus ] m. " having the burnt-offering for its life " , fire Lit. L.
हवनीय [ havanīya ] [ havanīya ] m. f. n. to be offered , with fire , sacrificial Lit. W.
[ havanīya ] m. (?) an oblation Lit. Śiś. (Sch.)
n. anything fit for an oblation , clarified butter , ghee Lit. W.
हविः [ haviḥ ] [ haviḥ ] in comp. for [ havis ] .
हविःशाला [ haviḥśālā ] [ haviḥ-śālā ] f. a room where oblations are prepared Lit. L.
हविःशेषभक्ष [ haviḥśeṣabhakṣa ] [ haviḥ-śeṣa--bhakṣa ] m. f. n. eating the remnant of a sacrifice Lit. KātyŚr.
हविःश्रवस् [ haviḥśravas ] [ haviḥ-śravas ] m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. MBh.
हविःसंस्था [ haviḥsaṃsthā ] [ haviḥ-saṃsthā ] f. see [ haviryajña-ś ] .
हवित्री [ havitrī ] [ havitrī ] f. a hole made in the ground for receiving the sacred fire for an oblation Lit. L.
हविन् [ havin ] [ haví n ] see under 2. [ hava ] .
हविर् [ havir ] [ havir ] in comp. for [ havis ] .
हविरद् [ havirad ] [ havir-ád ] ( Lit. RV.) m. f. n. eating the oblation.
हविरद [ havirada ] [ havir-adá ] ( Lit. AV.) m. f. n. eating the oblation.
हविरद्य [ haviradya ] [ havir-ádya ] n. the act of eating or tasting the oblation Lit. RV. Lit. TBr.
हविरन्तरण [ havirantaraṇa ] [ havir-antaraṇa ] n. passing over an oblation Lit. KātyŚr.
हविरशन [ haviraśana ] [ havir-aśana ] m. " consuming oblations " , fire Lit. L. =
हविरातञ्चन [ havirātañcana ] [ havir-ātañcana ] n. a kind of rennet for coagulating an oblation of milk Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
हविराहुति [ havirāhuti ] [ havir-āhuti ] f. offering an oblation Lit. GṛŚrS.
हविरुच्छिष्ट [ havirucchiṣṭa ] [ havir-ucchiṣṭá ] n. the residue of an oblation Lit. ŚBr.
हविरुच्छिष्टभुज् [ havirucchiṣṭabhuj ] [ havir-ucchiṣṭá--bhuj ] m. f. n. eating the residue of an oblation Lit. ŚrS.
हविरुच्छिष्टशेष [ havirucchiṣṭaśeṣa ] [ havir-ucchiṣṭá--śeṣa ] m. what is left from , the residue of an oblation Lit. Gobh.
हविरुच्छिष्टाश [ havirucchiṣṭāśa ] [ havir-ucchiṣṭāśa ] m. f. n. = [ havirucohiṣṭa-bhuj ] . ( Lit. ŚBr.)
हविरुच्छिष्टाशन [ havirucchiṣṭāśana ] [ havir-ucchiṣṭāśana ] m. f. n. = [ havirucohiṣṭa-bhuj ] . ( Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.)
हविर्गन्धा [ havirgandhā ] [ havir-gandhā ] f. " smelling like clarified butter " , Prosopis Spicigera Lit. L.
हविर्गृह [ havirgṛha ] [ havir-gṛha ] n. any house or chamber in which an oblation is offered , sacrificial hall Lit. L.
हविर्गेह [ havirgeha ] [ havir-geha ] n. any house or chamber in which an oblation is offered , sacrificial hall Lit. L.
हविर्ग्रहणी [ havirgrahaṇī ] [ havir-grahaṇī ] f. a sacrificial ladle Lit. KātyŚr.
हविर्दा [ havirdā ] [ havir-dā́ ] m. f. n. giving or bringing oblations Lit. RV.
हविर्धान [ havirdhāna ] [ havir-dhā́na ] m. N. of the author of Lit. RV. x , 11-15 Lit. Anukr.
of a son of Antar-dhāna ( cf. [ havir-dhāman ] ) Lit. BhP.
[ havirdhānī ] f. N. of the mythical cow Surabhi or Kāma-dhenu Lit. ib.
of the wife of Havir-dhāna Lit. ib.
[ havirdhāna ] n. " oblation-receptacle " , the vehicle in which the Soma plants are conveyed to be pressed ( generally in du.) Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
a shed for the Soma vehicles Lit. ib. Lit. KātyŚr.
a place of sacrifice Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
the earth (as the depository of oblation) Lit. AV.
( [ e ] ) , du , ( with [ prajāpateḥ ] ) N. of two Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
हविर्धानिन् [ havirdhānin ] [ havir-dhānin ] m. f. n. possessing a Soma car or shed Lit. TS.
हविर्धामन् [ havirdhāman ] [ havir-dhāman ] m. N. of a son of Antardhāman ( cf. [ havir-dhāna ] ) Lit. MBh.
हविर्धूम [ havirdhūma ] [ havir-dhūma ] m. the smoke from an oblation Lit. Bcar.
हविर्निर्वपण [ havirnirvapaṇa ] [ havir-nirvapaṇa ] n. ( with [ pātra ] ) the vessel in which an oblation is offered Lit. ĀpŚr.
हविर्भाग [ havirbhāga ] [ havir-bhāga ] ( [ haví r- ] ) , m. the share in an oblation Lit. ŚBr.
हविर्भाज् [ havirbhāj ] [ havir-bhāj ] m. f. n. partaking of an oblation Lit. Nir.
हविर्भुज् [ havirbhuj ] [ havir-bhuj ] m. " eating the oblation " , fire or Agni the god of fire (also applied to Śiva and other gods) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP.
pl. N. of the Pitṛis of the Kshatriyas Lit. Mn. iii , 197.
हविर्भू [ havirbhū ] [ havir-bhū ] f. the place of sacrifice (personified as daughter of Kardama and wife of Pulastya) Lit. BhP.
हविर्भूत [ havirbhūta ] [ havir-bhūta ] ( [ haví r ] ) , m. f. n. become an oblation Lit. ŚBr.
हविर्मथि [ havirmathi ] [ havir-máthi ] m. f. n. destroying or disturbing sacrifices Lit. RV.
हविर्मन्थ [ havirmantha ] [ havir-mantha ] m. Premna Spinosa or Longifolia Lit. L.
हविर्यज्ञ [ haviryajña ] [ havir-yajñá ] m. the offering of an oblation , a simple oblation of clarified butter ( as opp. to a [ soma-y ] ) Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS.
हविर्यज्ञकाण्ड [ haviryajñakāṇḍa ] [ havir-yajñá--kāṇḍa ] n. N. of the first (or second) book of the Lit. ŚBr.
हविर्यज्ञर्त्विज् [ haviryajñartvij ] [ havir-yajñá--rtvij ] m. ( for [ -ṛtvij ] ) , a priest officiating at a Havir-yajña Lit. KātyŚr.
हविर्यज्ञविध [ haviryajñavidha ] [ havir-yajñá--vidha ] m. f. n. ( [ °jñá- ] ) of the nature of the Havir-yajña Lit. ŚBr.
हविर्यज्ञसंस्था [ haviryajñasaṃsthā ] [ havir-yajñá--saṃsthā ] f. primary or essential form of the Havir-yajña (7 are enumerated , viz. Agny-ādheya , Agni-hotra , Darśa-pūrṇa-māsau , Cāturmāsyānī , Paśu-bandha , Sautrāmaṇī , and Pāka-yajña) Lit. Lāṭy.
हविर्याजिन् [ haviryājin ] [ havir-yājin ] m. " oblation-offerer " , a priest Lit. W.
हविर्वर्ष [ havirvarṣa ] [ havir-varṣa ] m. N. of a son of Agnîdhra and the Varsha ruled by him Lit. MārkP.
हविर्वह् [ havirvah ] [ havir-vah ] m. f. n. (nom. [ -vāṭ ] ) conveying the sacrifice Lit. RV.
हविर्हुति [ havirhuti ] [ havir-huti ] f. offering an oblation Lit. L.
हविष् [ haviṣ ] [ haviṣ ] in comp. for [ havis ] .
हविष्करण [ haviṣkaraṇa ] [ haviṣ-káraṇa ] n. the act of preparing an oblation Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
हविष्कृत् [ haviṣkṛt ] [ haviṣ-kṛ́t ] m. f. n. preparing the oblation Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.
[ haviṣkṛt ] m. the exclamation [ háviṣ-kṛd éhi ] ( Lit. VS. i , 15) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.
N. of an Āṅgirasa ( cf. [ hāviṣkṛta ] ) Lit. TS.
हविष्कृत [ haviṣkṛta ] [ haviṣ-kṛta ] ( [ haví ṣ ] .) m. f. n. made into an oblation Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn.
हविष्कृति [ haviṣkṛti ] [ haviṣ-kṛti ] ( [ haví ṣ- ] ) f. preparation of the oblation Lit. RV.
हविष्टस् [ haviṣṭas ] [ haviṣ-ṭas ] ind. ( = abl.) from the oblation Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
हविष्ट्व [ haviṣṭva ] [ haviṣ-ṭva ] n. the being an oblation Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.
हविष्पङ्क्ति [ haviṣpaṅkti ] [ haví ṣ-paṅkti ] f. ( [ haví ṣ- ] ) five oblation collectively Lit. Br.
[ haviṣpaṅkti ] m. f. n. consisting of 5 oblation Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. AitBr.
हविष्पति [ haviṣpati ] [ haviṣ-pati ] ( [ haví ṣ ] .) m. lord of the oblation Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. ShaḍvBr.
हविष्पा [ haviṣpā ] [ haviṣ-pā́ ] m. f. n. drinking the oblation Lit. RV.
हविष्पात्र [ haviṣpātra ] [ haviṣ-pātrá ] n. a vessel for the oblation Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
हविष्पान्तसूक्त [ haviṣpāntasūkta ] [ haviṣ-pānta-sūkta ] n. the hymn Lit. RV. x , 88 ( cf. next) Lit. Cat.
हविष्पान्तीय [ haviṣpāntīya ] [ haviṣ-pāntīya ] m. f. n. beginning with [ haví ṣ-pā́ntam ] ( Lit. RV. x , 88) Lit. Nir. vii , 23 Lit. Mn. xi , 252 (v.l. [ haviṣyantīya ] ) .
हविष्मत् [ haviṣmat ] [ haví ṣ-mat ] m. f. n. ( [ haví ṣ- ] ) possessing or offering an oblation Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. KaṭhUp.
attended with or containing oblation Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
[ haviṣmat ] m. N. of an Āṅgirasa Lit. TS.
of a Devarshi Lit. MBh.
of one of the 7 Ṛishis in the 6th Manv-antara or of one (or two) in the 11sth Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
pl. N. of a class of Pitṛis (regarded as progenitors of Kshatriyas and as descended from Aṅgiras) Lit. Mn. iii , 197 ; 198
[ haviṣmatī ] f. ( [ atī ] ) N. of the mythical cow Kāma-dhenu Lit. BhP.
of a daughter of Aṅgiras Lit. MBh.
हविष्य [ haviṣya ] [ haviṣyá ] m. f. n. fit or prepared for an oblation Lit. RV. Lit. TS.
worthy of an oblation or sacrifice (as Śiva) Lit. MBh.
[ haviṣya ] m. n. anything fit for an oblation (esp. rice or other kinds of grain) , sacrificial food ( cf. comp. n. = [ ghṛta ] , [ havis ] ) Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
हविष्यभक्ष [ haviṣyabhakṣa ] [ haviṣyá-bhakṣa ] m. f. n. eating sacrificial food ( rice or other grain , clarified butter ; [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
हविष्यभक्षता [ haviṣyabhakṣatā ] [ haviṣyá-bhakṣa--tā ] f. , see [ haviṣyabhakṣa ]
हविष्यभुज् [ haviṣyabhuj ] [ haviṣyá-bhuj ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Mn. xi , 78.
हविष्यशन्न [ haviṣyaśanna ] [ haviṣyá-śanna ] n. the refuse of a sacrifice Lit. KātyŚr.
हविष्यान्न [ haviṣyānna ] [ haviṣyānna ] n. food fit to be eaten during certain festival days , any particularly sacred food Lit. Yājñ.
हविष्याशिन् [ haviṣyāśin ] [ haviṣyāśin ] m. f. n. = [ haviṣya-bhuj ] Lit. Mn. xi , 219.
हविष्यन्तीय [ haviṣyantīya ] [ haviṣyantīya ] see [ haviṣ-pāntīya ] .
हविष्यन्द [ haviṣyanda ] [ haviṣyanda ] m. ( for [ haviḥ-sy ] ) N. of a son of Viśvāmitra (v.l. [ haviṣpanda ] and [ havisyanda ] ) Lit. R.
हविस् [ havis ] [ haví s ] n. an oblation or burnt offering , anything offered as an oblation with fire (as clarified butter , milk , Soma , grain ; [ haviṣ ] √ [ kṛ ] , " to prepare an oblation " , " make into an oblation " ) Lit. RV.
water Lit. Naigh. i , 12
fire Lit. Kālac.
N. of a Marutvat (?) Lit. Kālac.
हव्य [ havya ] [ havyá ]1 n. ( for 2. see col.2) anything to be offered as an oblation , sacrificial gift or food ( in later language often opp. , to [ kaivya ] q.v.) Lit. RV. Lit.
हव्यकव्य [ havyakavya ] [ havyá-kavya ] n. oblations both to the gods and to the spirits of deceased ancestors Lit. Mn. iii , 190
हव्यकव्यवह [ havyakavyavaha ] [ havyá-kavya--vaha ] m. f. n. receiving both oblations ( cf. above ) Lit. MBh. conveying both oblations Lit. ib.
हव्यकव्याश [ havyakavyāśa ] [ havyá-kavyāśa ] m. f. n. eating both oblations Lit. Pañcar.
हव्यजुष्टि [ havyajuṣṭi ] [ havyá-juṣṭi ] ( [ havyá ] .) f. delight in or enjoyment of an oblation Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr.
हव्यदाति [ havyadāti ] [ havyá-dāti ] m. f. n. ( [ havyá ] .) conveying or presenting oblations (to the gods ; said of Agni) Lit. RV.
[ havyadāti ] f. sacrificial gift , oblation Lit. ib.
हव्यप [ havyapa ] [ havyá-pa ] m. " protector of oblations " , N. of one of the 7 Ṛishis in the 13th Manv-antara Lit. Hariv.
हव्यपाक [ havyapāka ] [ havyá-pāka ] m. = [ caru ] Lit. L.
हव्यभुज् [ havyabhuj ] [ havyá-bhuj ] m. " oblations-eater " , fire or the god of fire Lit. VarBṛS.
हव्यमन्त्राधिकृत [ havyamantrādhikṛta ] [ havyá-mantrādhikṛta ] m. du . " superintendent of the sacrifice and of the council " , a priest and a minister Lit. Bcar. x , 1.
हव्ययोनि [ havyayoni ] [ havyá-yoni ] m. " source of the sacrifice " , a deity Lit. L.
हव्यलेहिन् [ havyalehin ] [ havyá-lehin ] m. " oblations-licker " , fire , the god of fire Lit. Bālar.
हव्यवह् [ havyavah ] [ havyá-váh ] m. (nom. [ vā́ṭ ] ) bearing the oblation (to the gods) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
fire or the god of fire Lit. ib.
हव्यवह [ havyavaha ] [ havyá-vaha ] m. fire Lit. L.
हव्यवाह [ havyavāha ] [ havyá-vāhá ] m. f. n. ( or [ -vā́ha ] ) = [ -vah ] (also applied to the Aśvattha tree of whose wood the Araṇi is made) Lit. AV. Lit. TBr.
[ havyavāha ] m. Agni or fire Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.
हव्यवाहन [ havyavāhana ] [ havyá-vā́hana ] m. f. n. = [ -vah ] Lit. RV. Lit. ŚrS.
[ havyavāhana ] m. N. of Agni Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
fire Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
N. of the 9th Kalpa ( q.v.)
of one of the 7 Ṛishis under Manu Rohita or Sāvarṇa Lit. Hariv. Lit. MārkP.
हव्यवाहिनी [ havyavāhinī ] [ havyá-vāhinī ] f. " oblations-bearer " , N. of the tutelary deity of the family of Kapila Lit. Cat.
हव्यशोधन [ havyaśodhana ] [ havyá-śódhana ] m. f. n. purifying the oblations Lit. TBr.
हव्यसूक्ति [ havyasūkti ] [ havyá-sūkti ] ( [ havyá- ] ) f. a sacrificial verse or formula Lit. VS. Lit. TBr.
हव्यसूद् [ havyasūd ] [ havyá-sū́d ] ( Lit. RV.) m. f. n. preparing or providing the oblation.
हव्यसूद [ havyasūda ] [ havyá-sū́da ] ( Lit. TS.) , m. f. n. preparing or providing the oblation.
हव्यसूदन [ havyasūdana ] [ havyá-sū́dana ] ( Lit. VS.) m. f. n. preparing or providing the oblation.
हव्याद् [ havyād ] [ havyād ] m. f. n. eating the oblation Lit. RV.
हव्याद [ havyāda ] [ havyāda ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Hariv.
[ havyāda ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. Cat.
हव्याश [ havyāśa ] [ havyāśa ] Lit. Rājat. m. " oblation-eater " , fire.
हव्याशन [ havyāśana ] [ havyāśana ] ( Lit. L.) m. " oblation-eater " , fire.
हावक [ hāvaka ] [ hāvaka ]1 m. (fr. Caus.) the institutor of a sacrifice Lit. Siṃhâs.
हावनीय [ hāvanīya ] [ hāvanīya ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) to be caused to sacrifice or to be sacrificed Lit. Baudh.
हाविन् [ hāvin ] [ hāvin ] m. f. n. offering an oblation , sacrificing ( in [ eka-h ] ) Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
हाविर्धान [ hāvirdhāna ] [ hāvirdhāna ] m. f. n. containing the word [ havirdhāna ] g. [ vimuktādi ] .
हाविर्धानि [ hāvirdhāni ] [ hāvirdhāni ] m. patr. fr. [ havir-dhāna ] Lit. BhP.
हाविर्यज्ञिक [ hāviryajñika ] [ hāvir-yajñika ] ( Lit. Lāṭy.) m. f. n. relating or belonging to or destined for the Havir-yajña.
हाविर्यज्ञिय [ hāviryajñiya ] [ hāvir-yajñiya ] ( Lit. KātyŚr.) m. f. n. relating or belonging to or destined for the Havir-yajña.
हाविष्कृत [ hāviṣkṛta ] [ hāviṣkṛta ] ( fr. [ haviṣkṛt ] ) n. N. of a Saman Lit. ĀrshBr.
हाविष्मत [ hāviṣmata ] [ hāviṣmata ] n. ( fr. [ haviṣ-mat ] ) N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
हव [ hava ] [ háva ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ hve ] or [ hū ] ; for 1. see p. 1293 , col. 2)
calling Lit. RV.
[ hava ] m. call , invocation Lit. ib. Lit. AV.
direction , order , command Lit. L.
हववत् [ havavat ] [ háva-vat ] m. f. n. containing the word [ hava ] Lit. AitBr.
हवन [ havana ] [ hávana ]2 m. N. of a Rudra Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ havana ] n. calling , invocation , summons Lit. RV. Lit. Pañcar.
challenging or challenge to battle Lit. MW.
हवनश्रुत् [ havanaśrut ] [ hávana-śrút ] m. f. n. listening to or hearing invocations Lit. RV. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
हवनस्यद् [ havanasyad ] [ hávana-syád ] m. f. n. hastening to an invocation or challenge Lit. RV.
हवस् [ havas ] [ havás ] n. an invocation , call Lit. RV.
हविन् [ havin ] [ haví n ] m. f. n. calling , invoking Lit. AV.
looking for help Lit. AitBr. ( " skilled in sacrifice " Lit. Sāy.)
हवीतु [ havītu ] [ havītu ] see [ su-havītu-nāman ] and √ [ hve ] ( for dat. [ hávītave ] ) .
हवीमन् [ havīman ] [ hávīman ] m. or n. call , invocation Lit. RV.
हव्य [ havya ] [ hávya ]2 m. f. n. ( or [ havyá ] ) to be called or invoked Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
[ havya ] m. N. of a son of Manu Svāyambhuva Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Atri Lit. VP.
हाव [ hāva ] [ hāva ] m. calling , alluring , dalliance , blandishment ( collective N. of ten coquettish gestures of women , beginning with [ līlā ] q.v.) , Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
हावक [ hāvaka ] [ hāvaka ]2 m. a caller , summoner , (in nuptial ceremonies) one who summons the bride , an attendant on the bridegroom.
हवङ्ग [ havaṅga ] [ havaṅga ] m. ( fr. [ havam ] + [ ga ] ?) eating rice and curds from a metal cup Lit. L.
हवल [ havala ] [ havala ] and [ havava ] N. of partic. high numbers Lit. Buddh.
हवन [ havana ] [ havana ] and [ havala ] N. of partic. high numbers Lit. Buddh.
हविध्र [ havidhra ] [ havidhra ] m. N. of a king Lit. MBh.
of a son of Manu Svārocisha Lit. Hariv.
हविष्ठ [ haviṣṭha ] [ haviṣṭha ] m. N. of a Dānava Lit. Hariv.
हस् [ has ] [ has ]1 Root cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xvii , 72) [ hasati ] ( mc. also [ °te ] ; pf. [ jahāsa ] , [ jahase ] Lit. MBh. ; aor. [ ahasīt ] Gr. ; fut. [ hasitā ] Lit. ib. ; [ hasiṣyati ] Lit. MBh. ; inf. [ hasitum ] Lit. ib. ; ind.p. [ hasitvā ] , [ -hasya ] Lit. ib.) , to laugh , smile , laugh at (instr.) Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. Gobh. Lit. MBh. ; to deride , mock , ridicule (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to surpass , excel Lit. Kāvyâd. ; to expand , open (as a blossom) Lit. Kuval. : Pass. [ hasyate ] (aor. [ ahāsi ] ) , to be laughed or smiled at Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ hāsayati ] (aor. [ ajīhasat ] ) , to cause to laugh Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kum. : Desid. [ jihasiṣati ] ( cf. √ 1. [ jakṣ ] ) Gr.: Intens. [ jāhasyate ] (p. [ °yamāna ] Lit. MBh.) , [ jāhasti ] , to laugh continuously or immoderately Lit. ib.
हस् [ has ] [ has ]2 ind. an exclamation of laughter or loud merriment (also employed as a Nidhana in the Sāman) .
हस्कर्तृ [ haskartṛ ] [ has-kartṛ́ ] m. a stimulator , inciter (others , " illuminator " ) Lit. RV.
हस्कार [ haskāra ] [ has-kārá ] m. " smile (of the sky) " , sheet-lightning Lit. ib.
हस्कृति [ haskṛti ] [ has-kṛti ] ( [ hás- ] .) f. loud merriment , laughter Lit. ib.
हसकृत् [ hasakṛt ] [ hása-kṛt ] m. f. n. causing mirth or laughter , Lit. Śṛiṅgār.
हसवज्र [ hasavajra ] [ hása-vajra ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
हसामुद् [ hasāmud ] [ hasā-mud ] m. f. n. laughing merrily , Lit. Hir.
हसामुद [ hasāmuda ] [ hasā-mudá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. AV.
हसत् [ hasat ] [ hasat ] m. f. n. ( pr. p. of √ [ has ] ) laughing , smiling
mocking , scorning , excelling Lit. Śiś. v , 63
[ hasantī ] f. a portable fire-vessel , small furnace , chafing-dish Lit. L.
Arabian jasmine Lit. L.
a partic. female demon Lit. L.
N. of a river (= [ hasanī ] ) Lit. DivyA7v.
हसन [ hasana ] [ hasana ] m. f. n. laughing Lit. Nir. iii , 5
jesting or sporting with Lit. Pañcar.
[ hasana ] m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.
[ hasanā ] f. a jest , encouraging shout (others , " lightning " ) Lit. RV. ix , 112 , 4
[ hasana ] n. laughter , a laugh (accord. to some , " with tremulous lips " ) Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Suśr.
हसनी [ hasanī ] [ hasanī ] f. a portable fire-place or chafing-dish Lit. L.
N. of a mythical river (= [ hasantī ] ) Lit. Divyáv.
हसनीमणि [ hasanīmaṇi ] [ hasanī-maṇi ] m. " hearth-jewel " , fire Lit. L.
हसन्तिका [ hasantikā ] [ hasantikā ] f. a portable fire-vessel , small fireplace Lit. Vcar. Lit. Rājat.
हसिका [ hasikā ] [ hasikā ] f. laughter , derision , jesting Lit. L.
हसित [ hasita ] [ hasita ] m. f. n. laughing , jesting , smiling Lit. Kathās.
one who has laughed (m. " he laughed " = [ jahāsa ] ) Lit. Vet.
mocked , ridiculed , surpassed , excelled , Lit. Kāv.
blown , expanded Lit. L.
[ hasita ] n. laughing , laughter (also impers. = " it has been laughed " ) Lit. TĀr. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
the bow of Kāma (god of love) Lit. W.
हसितृ [ hasitṛ ] [ hasitṛ ] m. f. n. one who laughs , a laugher , smiler Lit. MW.
हास [ hāsa ] [ hāsa ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) laughing , laughter , mirth ( often in pl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
mocking , derision of (gen.) Lit. R.
a jest , joke , fun ( [ ākhyāna-h ] , " a funny story " ) Lit. Kathās.
dazzling whiteness (regarded as laughter in which the teeth are shown) Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Sāh.
pride , arrogance Lit. BhP.
हासकर [ hāsakara ] [ hāsa-kara ] m. f. n. provoking laughter , causing to laugh Lit. Śiś.
laughing , merry Lit. W.
हासभूत [ hāsabhūta ] [ hāsa-bhūta ] m. f. n. representing the laughter of (gen.) Lit. Jātakam.
हासवती [ hāsavatī ] [ hāsa-vatī ] f. N. of a Tantra deity Lit. Buddh.
हासशील [ hāsaśīla ] [ hāsa-śīla ] m. f. n. prone to mirth or laughter Lit. Kathās.
हासास्पद [ hāsāspada ] [ hāsāspada ] n. an object of jest or laughter. Lit. Kathās.
हासक [ hāsaka ] [ hāsaka ] m. one who causes laughter , a buffoon , jester Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Subh.
a laugher Lit. MW.
हासन [ hāsana ] [ hāsana ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) causing laughter , funny , comical Lit. Kathās.
हासनिक [ hāsanika ] [ hāsanika ] m. a play-fellow Lit. L.
हासिन् [ hāsin ] [ hāsin ] m. f. n. laughing , smiling at (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
dazzlingly white ( cf. under [ hāsa ] ) , brilliant or adorned with Lit. ib.
हास्य [ hāsya ] [ hāsya ] m. f. n. to be laughed at , laughable , ridiculous , funny , comical Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
laughing , laughter , mirth (in rhet. one of the 10 Rasas or of the 8 Sthāyi-bhāvas , qq. vv.) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
jest , fun , amusement Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
हास्यकथा [ hāsyakathā ] [ hāsya-kathā ] f. a funny tale Lit. BhP.
हास्यकर [ hāsyakara ] [ hāsya-kara ] ( Lit. Sāh.) m. f. n. provoking laughter , causing to laugh.
हास्यकार्य [ hāsyakārya ] [ hāsya-kārya ] n. a ridiculous affair Lit. Pañcat.
हास्यतर [ hāsyatara ] [ hāsya-tara ] m. f. n. more ridiculous Lit. MBh.
हास्यदिदृक्षु [ hāsyadidṛkṣu ] [ hāsya-didṛkṣu ] m. f. n. curious to see something ridiculous Lit. Kathās.
हास्यपदवी [ hāsyapadavī ] [ hāsya-padavī ] f. the roar of laughter ( [ °vīṃ-√ yā ] , " to incur ridicule " ) Lit. Pañcat. ( [ -bhāva ] m. = [ -tā ] Lit. Kathās.)
a jest , joke (pl.) Lit. Hariv.
हास्यपदवीभाव [ hāsyapadavībhāva ] [ hāsya-padavī--bhāva ] m. , see [ hāsyapadavī ] , = [ -tā ] Lit. Kathās.
हास्यरत्नाकर [ hāsyaratnākara ] [ hāsya-ratnākara ] m. " jewel-mine of mirth " , N. of a drama.
हास्यरस [ hāsyarasa ] [ hāsya-rasa ] m. the sense of humour (see [ rasa ] )
हास्यरसवत् [ hāsyarasavat ] [ hāsya-rasa--vat ] m. f. n. funny , comical , Lit. Bālar.
हास्यस्थायिभाव [ hāsyasthāyibhāva ] [ hāsya-sthāyi-bhāva ] m. the permanent sense of humour (see [ sthāyi-bh ] ) .
हास्यहीन [ hāsyahīna ] [ hāsya-hīna ] m. f. n. destitute of a smile (or " of blossom " ) Lit. Hāsy.
हास्यार्णव [ hāsyārṇava ] [ hāsyārṇava ] m. " ocean of mirth " , N. of a Prahasana by Jagad-Īśvara.
हास्यास्पद [ hāsyāspada ] [ hāsyāspada ] n. a laughing-stock , butt ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kāv.
हास्यास्पदत्व [ hāsyāspadatva ] [ hāsyāspada--tva ] n. , see [ hāsyāspada ]
हसिर [ hasira ] [ hasira ] m. a kind of mouse ( cf. [ haṃsira ] ) Lit. Cat.
हसुराज [ hasurāja ] [ hasurāja ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
हस्कर्तृ [ haskartṛ ] [ has-kartṛ ] see col.2.
हस्त [ hasta ] [ hásta ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . , of unknown derivation) the hand (ifc. = " holding in or by the hand " ; [ haste ] √ [ kṛ ] ( as two words ) , " to take into the hand " , " get possession of " ; haste-√ [ kṛ ] ( as a comp. ) , " to take by the hand , marry " ; [ śatru-hastaṃ ] √ [ gam ] , " to fall into the hand of the enemy " ) Lit. RV.
an elephant's trunk (ifc. = " holding with the trunk " ) Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh.
the fore-arm (a measure of length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger , = 24 Aṅgulas or about 18 inches) Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Rājat.
the position of the hand (= [ hasta-vinyāsa ] ) Lit. VPrāt.
hand-writing Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Vikr.
the 11th (13th) lunar asterism (represented by a hand and containing five stars , identified by some with part of the constellation Corvus) Lit. AV.
a species of tree Lit. L.
(in prosody) an anapest Lit. Col.
quantity , abundance , mass (ifc. after words signifying " hair " ; cf. [ keśa-h ] )
N. of a guardian of the Soma Lit. Sāy.
of a son of Vasudeva Lit. BhP.
of another man Lit. Rājat.
[ hastā ] f. the hand Lit. AV. xi , 124
the Nakshatra Hasta Lit. Pur.
[ hasta ] n. a pair of leather bellows Lit. L.
mfn. born under the Nakshatra Hasta , Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3,34 ( cf. , accord. to some Gk. 1 )
हस्तकमल [ hastakamala ] [ hásta-kamala ] n. a lotus carried in the hand ( as symbolizing good fortune or prosperity ; thus when Lakshmī was churned out of the ocean , she appeared holding a lotus) Lit. Mālav.
a lotus-like hand Lit. A.
हस्तकार्य [ hastakārya ] [ hásta-kārya ] m. f. n. to be done or made with the hand Lit. PañcavBr.
हस्तकोहलि [ hastakohali ] [ hásta-kohali ] (?) f. the binding of the string round the fore-arm of the bride and bridegroom Lit. L.
हस्तकौशल [ hastakauśala ] [ hásta-kauśala ] n. skilfulness of hand , manual dexterity Lit. MW.
हस्तक्रिया [ hastakriyā ] [ hásta-kriyā ] f. any manual performance Lit. ib.
हस्तग [ hastaga ] [ hásta-ga ] m. f. n. being in one's (comp.) hand or possession Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.
हस्तगत [ hastagata ] [ hásta-gata ] m. f. n. come to hand , fallen into one's possession , procured , obtained , secured ( [ para-hasta-g ] , " being in the hand or possession of another " ) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Ragh.
हस्तगामिन् [ hastagāmin ] [ hásta-gāmin ] m. f. n. = [ -ga ] Lit. Ragh.
हस्तगिरि [ hastagiri ] [ hásta-giri ] m. N. of a mountain ( [ -māhātmya ] n. ) Lit. Cat.
हस्तगिरिमाहात्म्य [ hastagirimāhātmya ] [ hásta-giri--māhātmya ] n. , see [ hastagiri ]
हस्तगृह्य [ hastagṛhya ] [ hásta-gṛhya ] ind. having taken the hand Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
हस्तग्रह [ hastagraha ] [ hásta-graha ] m. the taking of the hand Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
the marriage ceremony Lit. Kathās.
the putting hand to or engaging in , Lit. Pracaṇḍ.
हस्तग्राभ [ hastagrābha ] [ hásta-grābhá ] m. f. n. one who takes or has taken a girl's hand (= " one who marries or has married a wife " ) Lit. RV.
हस्तग्राह [ hastagrāha ] [ hásta-grāha ] m. f. n. taking (or able to take) any one by the hand ( " being in the immediate neighbourhood " Lit. R. ; [ hasta-grāhaṃ ] √ [ grah ] , " to take any one by the hand " Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 39)
[ hastagrāha ] m. a husband ( cf. [ -grābhá ] ) Lit. Nir. Lit. BhP.
हस्तग्राहक [ hastagrāhaka ] [ hásta-grāhaka ] m. f. n. taking any one by the hind (= very importunate) Lit. Rājat.
हस्तघ्न [ hastaghna ] [ hásta-ghná ] m. a kind of hand-guard (protecting the hand in archery) Lit. RV.
हस्तचरण [ hastacaraṇa ] [ hásta-caraṇa ] m. du. hands and feet Lit. Mn. ix , 277.
हस्तचाप [ hastacāpa ] [ hásta-cāpa ] w.r. for [ -vāpa ] Lit. MBh.
हस्तचापल्य [ hastacāpalya ] [ hásta-cāpalya ] n. = [ -kauśala ] Lit. MW.
हस्तच्छेदन [ hastacchedana ] [ hásta-cchedana ] m. the amputation of a hand Lit. Mn. viii , 322.
हस्तच्युत [ hastacyuta ] [ hásta-cyuta ] ( [ hásta- ] .) m. f. n. shaken or moved with the hand Lit. RV.
हस्तच्युति [ hastacyuti ] [ hásta-cyuti ] ( [ hásta- ] ) f. quick motion of the hand Lit. RV. Lit. MaitrS.
हस्तज्योडि [ hastajyoḍi ] [ hásta-jyoḍi ] m. a kind of plant Lit. L.
हस्ततल [ hastatala ] [ hásta-tala ] n. the (palm of the) hand (see comp.)
the tip of an elephant's trunk Lit. MW.
हस्ततलगत [ hastatalagata ] [ hásta-tala--gata ] m. f. n. being (al. ready) in one's hand Lit. Mudr.
हस्तताल [ hastatāla ] [ hásta-tāla ] m. clapping the hand together (see [ sa-hasta-tālam ] ) .
हस्ततुला [ hastatulā ] [ hásta-tulā ] f. the hand as a balance or instrument for weighing anything Lit. Pañcat.
हस्तत्र [ hastatra ] [ hásta-tra ] m. or n. a hand-guard ( cf. [ -ghná ] ) Lit. Lāṭy.
हस्तत्रयसम्मिते [ hastatrayasammite ] [ hásta-traya-sammite ] ind. at a distance of 3 Hastas Lit. VarBṛS.
हस्तदक्षिण [ hastadakṣiṇa ] [ hásta-dakṣiṇa ] m. f. n. situated on the right hand (as a road) Lit. Pat.
right , correct Lit. MBh.
हस्तदत्त [ hastadatta ] [ hásta-datta ] m. f. n. reached with the hand Lit. Cat.
हस्तदीप [ hastadīpa ] [ hásta-dīpa ] m. a hand lantern Lit. Kathās.
हस्तदोष [ hastadoṣa ] [ hásta-doṣa ] m. a slip of the hand , mistake committed by the hand Lit. MW.
हस्तद्वय [ hastadvaya ] [ hásta-dvaya ] n. a distance of 2 Hastas or 48 inches Lit. L.
हस्तधात्री [ hastadhātrī ] [ hásta-dhātrī ] f. N. of wk.
हस्तधारण [ hastadhāraṇa ] [ hásta-dhāraṇa ] n. holding by the hand , supporting , helping Lit. L.
warding off a blow Lit. MW.
stopping a blow with the hand Lit. ib.
[ hastadhāraṇā ] f. supporting , helping Lit. MBh.
taking to wife , marrying Lit. Hariv. Lit. Naish.
हस्तपर्ण [ hastaparṇa ] [ hásta-parṇa ] m. Palma Christi or Ricinus Communis Lit. L.
हस्तपाद [ hastapāda ] [ hásta-pāda ] m. du. or n. sg. hands and feet Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.
हस्तपादादि [ hastapādādi ] [ hásta-pādādi ] m. the hand and feet , the extremities , limbs of the body Lit. MW.
हस्तपुच्छ [ hastapuccha ] [ hásta-puccha ] n. the hand below the wrist Lit. L.
हस्तपृष्ठ [ hastapṛṣṭha ] [ hásta-pṛṣṭha ] n. the back of the hand ( also called [ apa-pṛ ] ) Lit. L.
हस्तप्रद [ hastaprada ] [ hásta-prada ] m. f. n. giving the hand , supporting , helping Lit. MBh.
हस्तप्राप्त [ hastaprāpta ] [ hásta-prāpta ] m. f. n. = [ -gata ] Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
हस्तप्राप्य [ hastaprāpya ] [ hásta-prāpya ] m. f. n. to be reached with the hand Lit. R. Lit. Megh.
हस्तबन्ध [ hastabandha ] [ hásta-bandha ] m. = [ haste-b ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 13 Sch.
हस्तबिम्ब [ hastabimba ] [ hásta-bimba ] n. anointing the body with perfumes Lit. L.
हस्तभ्रंशिन् [ hastabhraṃśin ] [ hásta-bhraṃśin ] ( Lit. Śak.) m. f. n. slipped from the hand , escaped
हस्तभ्रष्ट [ hastabhraṣṭa ] [ hásta-bhraṣṭa ] ( Lit. Kathās.) m. f. n. slipped from the hand , escaped
हस्तमणि [ hastamaṇi ] [ hásta-maṇi ] m. a jewel worn on the wrist Lit. MW.
हस्तमात्र [ hastamātra ] [ hásta-mātra ] a cubit in length Lit. ib.
हस्तमुक्तावली [ hastamuktāvalī ] [ hásta-muktāvalī ] f. N. of wk.
हस्तयत [ hastayata ] [ hásta-yata ] ( [ hásta- ] ) m. f. n. held or guided by the hand Lit. RV.
हस्तयुगल [ hastayugala ] [ hásta-yugala ] n. the two hands Lit. MW.
हस्तयोग [ hastayoga ] [ hásta-yoga ] m. employment or practice of the hand Lit. MBh.
हस्तरत्नावली [ hastaratnāvalī ] [ hásta-ratnāvalī ] f. N. of wk. on mimetic gestures with one or both hand.
हस्तरेखा [ hastarekhā ] [ hásta-rekhā ] f. a line on the hand Lit. MW.
हस्तलक्षण [ hastalakṣaṇa ] [ hásta-lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of the 28th Pariśishṭa of the Lit. AV.
हस्तलाघव [ hastalāghava ] [ hásta-lāghava ] n. lightness of hand , manual readiness , cleverness (reckoned among the 64 Kalās) Lit. Cat.
a real injury Lit. MBh.
हस्तलेख [ hastalekha ] [ hásta-lekha ] m. hand-drawing ( [ °khī√ kṛ ] , " to draw , sketch " ) Lit. Naish.
हस्तलेपन [ hastalepana ] [ hásta-lepana ] n. an ointment for the hands Lit. L.
हस्तवत् [ hastavat ] [ hásta-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ hásta- ] ) having hand Lit. RV.
dexterous with the hand (as an archer or thief) Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Daś.
हस्तवर्तम् [ hastavartam ] [ hásta-vartam ] ind. ( with Caus. of √ [ vṛt ] ) to turn or crush with the hand , Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ,
हस्तवर्तिन् [ hastavartin ] [ hásta-vartin ] m. f. n. being or remaining in the hand , seized , held , caught hold of Lit. W.
[ hastavartin ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Daś.
हस्तवाप [ hastavāpa ] [ hásta-vāpa ] m. scattering or shooting a shower of arrows with the hand Lit. MBh.
हस्तवाम [ hastavāma ] [ hásta-vāma ] m. f. n. situated on the left hand (also " wrong " ) Lit. MBh.
हस्तवारण [ hastavāraṇa ] [ hásta-vāraṇa ] n. taking or holding by the hand Lit. L.
warding off a blow Lit. L.
हस्तविन्यास [ hastavinyāsa ] [ hásta-vinyāsa ] m. position of the hand Lit. VPrāt.
हस्तवेष्य [ hastaveṣya ] [ hásta-veṣya ] n. handiwork , manual labour Lit. TāṇḍBr.
हस्तश्राद्ध [ hastaśrāddha ] [ hásta-śrāddha ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तसंलग्निका [ hastasaṃlagnikā ] [ hásta-saṃlagnikā ] f. (instr.) with the hand put together Lit. Mahāvy.
हस्तसंवाहन [ hastasaṃvāhana ] [ hásta-saṃvāhana ] n. rubbing or shampooing with the hand Lit. MW.
हस्तसंजीवनी [ hastasaṃjīvanī ] [ hásta-saṃjīvanī ] f. N. of a wk. on palmistry.
हस्तसंज्ञा [ hastasaṃjñā ] [ hásta-saṃjñā ] f. a sign a with the hand Lit. Jātakam.
हस्तसंधुनकम् [ hastasaṃdhunakam ] [ hásta-saṃdhunakam ] ind. tossing or shaking the hand , Lit. Mahāvy.
हस्तसिद्धि [ hastasiddhi ] [ hásta-siddhi ] f. earnings gained by manual labour , salary Lit. VP.
हस्तसूत्र [ hastasūtra ] [ hásta-sūtra ] ( Lit. Kum.) ( Lit. L.) n. a bangle or ornament put on the wrist of a girl before her wedding.
हस्तसूत्रक [ hastasūtraka ] [ hásta-sūtraka ] ( Lit. L.) n. a bangle or ornament put on the wrist of a girl before her wedding.
हस्तस्थ [ hastastha ] [ hásta-stha ] m. f. n. being in or held with the hand , Lit. Kathās.
हस्तस्थयुग [ hastasthayuga ] [ hásta-stha--yuga ] m. f. n. holding a yoke in the hand Lit. Bcar.
हस्तस्थित [ hastasthita ] [ hásta-sthita ] m. f. n. being in hand , held Lit. MW.
हस्तस्वरलक्षण [ hastasvaralakṣaṇa ] [ hásta-svara-lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तस्वस्तिक [ hastasvastika ] [ hásta-svastika ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) crossing the hand , Lit. Mālatīm. Lit. Bālar.
हस्तहार्य [ hastahārya ] [ hásta-hārya ] m. f. n. to be grasped with the hands , manifest Lit. Bālar.
हस्तहोम [ hastahoma ] [ hásta-homa ] m. an oblation offered with the hand Lit. Kauś.
हस्ताक्षर [ hastākṣara ] [ hastākṣara ] m. f. n. written with the hand (opp. to [ mudrāṅkita ] , " printed " ) Lit. L.
हस्ताग्नि [ hastāgni ] [ hastāgni ] m. N. of a man
pl. his family Lit. Saṃskārak.
हस्ताग्र [ hastāgra ] [ hastāgra ] n. " tip of the hand " , the fingers ( [ -lagnā ] f. ( with gen. ) = " clasping the fingers of " , i.e. " married to " ) Lit. Pañcat.
the tip of the trunk of an elephant Lit. Śiś.
हस्ताग्रलग्ना [ hastāgralagnā ] [ hastāgra--lagnā ] f. , see [ hastāgra ] , ( with gen. ) = " clasping the fingers of" , i.e. " married to "
हस्ताङ्गुलि [ hastāṅguli ] [ hastāṅguli ] f. a finger of the hand Lit. Hariv. Lit. GāruḍaP.
हस्ताङ्गुली [ hastāṅgulī ] [ hastāṅgulī ] f. a finger of the hand Lit. Hariv. Lit. GāruḍaP.
हस्ताञ्जलि [ hastāñjali ] [ hastāñjali ] m. the hands joined together and hollowed (see [ añjali ] ) Lit. Mṛicch.
हस्तादान [ hastādāna ] [ hástādāna ] m. f. n. taking or seizing with the hand (or trunk , as men , monkeys , or elephants) Lit. TS.
[ hastādāna ] n. the act of seizing with the hand Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 40.
हस्ताभरण [ hastābharaṇa ] [ hastābharaṇa ] n. an ornament for the hand Lit. MBh.
a kind of snake Lit. Suśr.
हस्तामलक [ hastāmalaka ] [ hastāmalaka ] n. " the fruit or seed of the Myrobalan in the hand " (as a symbol of something palpable or clear) . Lit. R.
N. of wk. on the Vedânta by the next
[ hastāmalaka ] m. N. of a son of PrabhĀkara (pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya)
हस्तामलकटीका [ hastāmalakaṭīkā ] [ hastāmalaka--ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
हस्तामलकभाष्य [ hastāmalakabhāṣya ] [ hastāmalaka--bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तामलकवेदान्तप्रकरण [ hastāmalakavedāntaprakaraṇa ] [ hastāmalaka--vedānta-prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तामलकसंवादस्तोत्र [ hastāmalakasaṃvādastotra ] [ hastāmalaka--saṃvāda-stotra ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तामलकस्तोत्र [ hastāmalakastotra ] [ hastāmalaka--stotra ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तारूढ [ hastārūḍha ] [ hastārūḍha ] m. f. n. lying on the hand , clear , manifest Lit. Hariv.
हस्तालम्ब [ hastālamba ] [ hastālamba ] m. " hand-support " , material support or refuge Lit. Kathās.
हस्तालम्बन [ hastālambana ] [ hastālambana ] n. id. Lit. Pañcat.
हस्तालिङ्गन [ hastāliṅgana ] [ hastāliṅgana ] n. an embrace Lit. Hariv.
हस्तालिङ्गनक [ hastāliṅganaka ] [ hastāliṅganaka ] n. an embrace Lit. Hariv.
हस्तावनेजन [ hastāvanejana ] [ hastāvané-jana ] n. water for washing the hand Lit. AV.
हस्तावलम्ब [ hastāvalamba ] [ hastāvalamba ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) = [ hastālamba ] Lit. Vikr. Lit. Ratnâv.
[ hastāvalamba ] m. f. n. supported by the hand of another Lit. MW.
हस्तावलम्बन [ hastāvalambana ] [ hastāvalambana ] n. = prec. Lit. HPariś.
हस्तावलेहकम् [ hastāvalehakam ] [ hastāvalehakam ] ind. licking the hands , Lit. Mahāvy.
हस्तावाप [ hastāvāpa ] [ hastāvāpa ] m. " hand-covering " , a hand-guard or finger. guard (used by archers) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
seizing an arrow with the hand Lit. L.
हस्तावापिन् [ hastāvāpin ] [ hastāvāpin ] m. f. n. provided with a hand-guard Lit. MBh. Lit. Jātakam.
हस्ताहस्ति [ hastāhasti ] [ hastā-hasti ] ind. ( cf. [ keśā-keśi ] ) hand to hand , in close fight Lit. MBh.
हस्ताहस्तिका [ hastāhastikā ] [ hastā-hastikā ] f. close fight Lit. Anarghar.
हस्तोच्छ्रय [ hastocchraya ] [ hastocchraya ] m. " lifting up the hand " , an oblation (?) Lit. DivyA7v.
हस्तोदक [ hastodaka ] [ hastodaka ] n. water held in the hand Lit. Kathās.
हस्तक [ hastaka ] [ hastaka ] m. the hand (ifc.with f ( [ ikā ] ) . = " holding in the hand " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
the hand as a support Lit. Gīt.
the hand as a measure of length Lit. ŚārṅgS.
position of the hand Lit. Cat.
a turn-spit (v.l. [ hastika ] ) Lit. Hcar.
[ hastikā ] f. a kind of stringed instrument , Lit. Saṃgīt.
हस्तकवप्र [ hastakavapra ] [ hastaka-vapra ] N. of a place Lit. Inscr.
हस्तकित [ hastakita ] [ hastakita ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ hastaka ] ) g. [ tārakādi ] .
हस्ति [ hasti ] [ hasti ] in comp. for [ hastin ]
हस्तिकक्ष [ hastikakṣa ] [ hasti-kakṣa ] m. a kind of venomous insect Lit. Suśr.
[ hastikakṣa ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तिकक्ष्य [ hastikakṣya ] [ hasti-kakṣya ] m. a lion Lit. L.
a tiger Lit. ib.
[ hastikakṣya ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तिकच्छ [ hastikaccha ] [ hasti-kaccha ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. Buddh.
हस्तिकन्द [ hastikanda ] [ hasti-kanda ] a kind of bulbous plant Lit. L.
हस्तिकरञ्ज [ hastikarañja ] [ hasti-karañja ] m. Galedupa Piscidia Lit. L.
हस्तिकरञ्जक [ hastikarañjaka ] [ hasti-karañjaka ] m. Galedupa Piscidia Lit. L.
हस्तिकर्कोटक [ hastikarkoṭaka ] [ hasti-karkoṭaka ] m. a kind of big Momordica Mixa Lit. L.
हस्तिकर्ण [ hastikarṇa ] [ hasti-karṇa ] m. " elephant-eared " , N. of various plants (accord. to Lit. L. " the castor-oil tree ( also the red kind ) ; Butea Frondosa ; Arum Macrorrhizum " ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS.
of one of Śiva's attendants Lit. L.
a partic. class of semi-divine beings ( forming one of the Gaṇa-devatās q.v.) Lit. MW.
N. of a Rākshasa Lit. R.
of a serpent-demon Lit. Buddh.
of a locality Lit. Rājat.
हस्तिकर्णदल [ hastikarṇadala ] [ hasti-karṇa--dala ] m. a sort of Butea Lit. L.
हस्तिकर्णपलाश [ hastikarṇapalāśa ] [ hasti-karṇa--palāśa ] m. Butea Frondosa Lit. Suśr.
हस्तिकर्णक [ hastikarṇaka ] [ hasti-karṇaka ] m. a sort of Butea Lit. L.
हस्तिकर्णिक [ hastikarṇika ] [ hasti-karṇika ] n. a partic. sedent posture (with Yogins) Lit. Cat.
हस्तिकर्षू [ hastikarṣū ] [ hasti-karṣū ] g. [ kāśy-ādi ] .
हस्तिकाश्यप [ hastikāśyapa ] [ hasti-kāśyapa ] m. N. of a man Lit. MBh.
हस्तिकुम्भ [ hastikumbha ] [ hasti-kumbha ] m. N. of a grotto Lit. Inscr.
हस्तिकोलि [ hastikoli ] [ hasti-koli ] m. or f. a sort of jujube Lit. L.
हस्तिकोशातकी [ hastikośātakī ] [ hasti-kośātakī ] f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant Lit. L.
हस्तिगर्ता [ hastigartā ] [ hasti-gartā ] f. N. of a cavity in the earth Lit. Buddh.
हस्तिगवाश्व [ hastigavāśva ] [ hasti-gavāśva ] n. sg. elephants (and) cows (and) horses Lit. MBh.
हस्तिगवाश्वोष्ट्रदमक [ hastigavāśvoṣṭradamaka ] [ hasti-gavāśvoṣṭra-damaka ] m. a trainer of elephants and cows and horses and camels Lit. Mn. iii , 162.
हस्तिगिरि [ hastigiri ] [ hasti-giri ] m. the city and district of Kāñcī ( q.v.) Lit. L.
N. of a mountain (see comp.)
हस्तिगिरिचम्पू [ hastigiricampū ] [ hasti-giri--campū ] f. N. of wk.
हस्तिगिरिमाहात्म्य [ hastigirimāhātmya ] [ hasti-giri--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तिगिरीशमङ्गलाशासन [ hastigirīśamaṅgalāśāsana ] [ hasti-girīśa-maṅgalāśāsana ] n. N. of wk.
हस्तिगौरीव्रतोद्यापनविधि [ hastigaurīvratodyāpanavidhi ] [ hasti-gaurī-vratodyāpana-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
हस्तिघट [ hastighaṭa ] [ hasti-ghaṭa ] m. N. of the 7th book of the Śata-patha-Brāhmaṇa.
हस्तिघात [ hastighāta ] [ hasti-ghāta ] m. f. n. killing elephants Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 54 Sch.
हस्तिघोषा [ hastighoṣā ] [ hasti-ghoṣā ] f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant Lit. L.
हस्तिघोषातकी [ hastighoṣātakī ] [ hasti-ghoṣātakī ] f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant Lit. L.
हस्तिघ्न [ hastighna ] [ hasti-ghna ] m. f. n. able to kill elephants Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 54.
हस्तिचर्म [ hasticarma ] [ hasti-carma ] (Ved.) the skin of an elephant Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 103.
हस्तिचार [ hasticāra ] [ hasti-cāra ] m. a kind of weapon (resembling a Śarabha and used for frightening elephants) Lit. L.
हस्तिचारिन् [ hasticārin ] [ hasti-cārin ] m. an elephants-driver Lit. Śiś.
[ hasticāriṇī ] f. Galedupa Piscidia Lit. L.
हस्तिजनप्रकाश [ hastijanaprakāśa ] [ hasti-jana-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
हस्तिजागरिक [ hastijāgarika ] [ hasti-jāgarika ] m. a keeper of elephants Lit. Hcar. Sch.
हस्तिजिह्वा [ hastijihvā ] [ hasti-jihvā ] f. " elephants-tongue " , a partic. vein Lit. Cat.
हस्तिजीविन् [ hastijīvin ] [ hasti-jīvin ] m. an elephants-driver Lit. Hariv.
हस्तिदन्त [ hastidanta ] [ hasti-danta ] m. the tusk of an elephant (see [ hāstidanta ] )
a pin or peg projecting from a wall Lit. MW.
[ hastidanta ] m. n. a radish Lit. L.
[ hastidantī ] f. a radish Lit. Suśr.
Tiaridium Indicum Lit. Car.
[ hastidanta ] n. ivory Lit. MW.
हस्तिदन्तफला [ hastidantaphalā ] [ hasti-danta--phalā ] f. Cucumis Utilissimus Lit. L.
हस्तिदन्तवस्त्रमय [ hastidantavastramaya ] [ hasti-danta--vastra-maya ] m. f. n. made of ivory or cloth Lit. Hcat.
हस्तिदन्तक [ hastidantaka ] [ hasti-dantaka ] m. n. a radish Lit. L.
हस्तिदाय [ hastidāya ] [ hasti-dāya ] m. N. of a man (see [ hāstidāyi ] ) .
हस्तिद्वयस [ hastidvayasa ] [ hasti-dvayasa ] m. f. n. as high or as big as an elephant Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 37 Sch.
हस्तिनख [ hastinakha ] [ hasti-nakha ] m. " elephant's nail " , a sort of turret or raised mound of earth or masonry protecting the access to the gate of a city or fort (described as furnished with an inner staircase and with loopholes for discharging arrows ) Lit. Śiś.
हस्तिनाग [ hastināga ] [ hasti-nāga ] m. a princely elephant Lit. DivyA7v.
हस्तिनायक [ hastināyaka ] [ hasti-nāyaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
हस्तिनासा [ hastināsā ] [ hasti-nāsā ] f. an elephant's trunk Lit. L.
हस्तिनिषदन [ hastiniṣadana ] [ hasti-niṣadana ] n. a partic. posture in sitting Lit. Yogas. Sch.
हस्तिप [ hastipa ] [ hasti-pá ] m. an elephant-driver , elephants-keeper Lit. VS. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
हस्तिपक [ hastipaka ] [ hasti-paka ] m. id. Lit. Śiś. Lit. Hit. N. of a poet Lit. Subh.
हस्तिपत्त्र [ hastipattra ] [ hasti-pattra ] m. = [ -kanda ] Lit. L.
हस्तिपद [ hastipada ] [ hasti-pada ] n. the track of an elephants Lit. MBh.
[ hastipada ] m. " elephants-footed " , N. of a serpent-demon Lit. ib.
हस्तिपर्णिका [ hastiparṇikā ] [ hasti-parṇikā ] f. Luffa Foetida or another species Lit. L.
हस्तिपर्णिनी [ hastiparṇinī ] [ hasti-parṇinī ] f. Luffa Foetida or another species Lit. L.
हस्तिपर्णी [ hastiparṇī ] [ hasti-parṇī ] f. N. of two plants (= [ karkaṭī ] or = [ moraṭā ] ) Lit. ib.
हस्तिपाद [ hastipāda ] [ hasti-pāda ] m. f. n. elephants-footed Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Vop.
हस्तिपादिका [ hastipādikā ] [ hasti-pādikā ] f. a kind of medicinal plant Lit. L.
हस्तिपाल [ hastipāla ] [ hasti-pāla ] m. = next Lit. Kathās.
N. of a king Lit. Col. Lit. Buddh.
हस्तिपालक [ hastipālaka ] [ hasti-pālaka ] m. an elephant-keeper , elephants-driver Lit. Kathās.
हस्तिपिण्ड [ hastipiṇḍa ] [ hasti-piṇḍa ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
हस्तिपिप्पली [ hastipippalī ] [ hasti-pippalī ] f. Scindapsus Officinalis Lit. Suśr. Lit. Car.
हस्तिपूरणी [ hastipūraṇī ] [ hasti-pūraṇī ] f. a kind of very small hogweed Lit. L.
हस्तिपृष्ठक [ hastipṛṣṭhaka ] [ hasti-pṛṣṭhaka ] n. the back of an elephants Lit. MW.
N. of a village Lit. R.
हस्तिबन्ध [ hastibandha ] [ hasti-bandha ] m. a place for entrapping elephants , Lit. Vās.
हस्तिभद्र [ hastibhadra ] [ hasti-bhadra ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
हस्तिमकर [ hastimakara ] [ hasti-makara ] m. a sea-monster shaped like an elephants Lit. L.
हस्तिमत् [ hastimat ] [ hasti-mat ] m. f. n. provided with elephants Lit. Pat.
हस्तिमद [ hastimada ] [ hasti-mada ] m. the exudation from an elephant's temples Lit. L.
हस्तिमल्ल [ hastimalla ] [ hasti-malla ] m. N. of Airāvata (Indra's elephants) Lit. Śiś.
of Gaṇêśa Lit. L.
of Śaṅkha (the 8th of the chief Nāgas or serpents of Pātāla) Lit. W.
a heap of ashes Lit. ib.
a shower of dust Lit. ib.
frost , cold Lit. ib.
हस्तिमल्लसेन [ hastimallasena ] [ hasti-malla--sena ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
हस्तिमात्र [ hastimātra ] [ hasti-mātra ] m. f. n. as great as an elephants Lit. MW.
हस्तिमाया [ hastimāyā ] [ hasti-māyā ] f. N. of a charm Lit. Hariv.
हस्तिमुख [ hastimukha ] [ hasti-mukha ] m. " elephant-faced " , N. of Gaṇêśa Lit. L.
of a Rākshasa Lit. R.
हस्तिमृडिता [ hastimṛḍitā ] [ hasti-mṛḍitā ] f. [ saṃjñāyām ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 146 Sch.
हस्तिमेह [ hastimeha ] [ hasti-meha ] m. a kind of diabetes ( [ °hin ] mfn. = " suffering from it " ) Lit. Car.
हस्तिमेहिन् [ hastimehin ] [ hasti-mehin ] m. f. n. , see [ hastimeha ] , = " suffering from a kind of diabetes"
हस्तियशस् [ hastiyaśas ] [ hasti-yaśas ] n. the magnificence of an elephants Lit. PārGṛ.
हस्तियशसिहस्तिवर्चसिन् [ hastiyaśasihastivarcasin ] [ hasti-yaśasi-hasti-varcasin ] m. f. n. (?) having an elephant's magnificence and splendour Lit. Hir.
हस्तियूथ [ hastiyūtha ] [ hasti-yūtha ] n. a herd of elephants Lit. MBh.
हस्तिरथ [ hastiratha ] [ hasti-ratha ] n. sg. elephants and chariots Lit. ib.
हस्तिरथदान [ hastirathadāna ] [ hasti-ratha--dāna ] n. N. of the 13th Pariśishṭa of the Lit. AV.
हस्तिराज [ hastirāja ] [ hasti-rāja ] m. a powerful elephants Lit. Śiś.
the chief of a herd of elephants Lit. Hit.
हस्तिरुचि [ hastiruci ] [ hasti-ruci ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
हस्तिरोध्रक [ hastirodhraka ] [ hasti-rodhraka ] m. Symplocos Racemosa Lit. L.
हस्तिरोहणक [ hastirohaṇaka ] [ hasti-rohaṇaka ] m. Galedupa Piscidia Lit. ib.
हस्तिलोध्रक [ hastilodhraka ] [ hasti-lodhraka ] m. Symplocos Racemosa Lit. ib.
हस्तिवक्त्र [ hastivaktra ] [ hasti-vaktra ] m. " elephants-faced " , N. of Gaṇêśa Lit. Daś.
हस्तिवध [ hastivadha ] [ hasti-vadha ] m. the killing of an elephants (esp. by a lion , which incurs the guilt of murder , whilst others carry off the spoils , such as the tusks and the pearls said to be found in the head) Lit. MW.
हस्तिवर्चस [ hastivarcasa ] [ hasti-varcasá ] n. the vigour of an elephants Lit. AV.
the magnificence of an elephants Lit. MW.
हस्तिवर्मन् [ hastivarman ] [ hasti-varman ] m. N. of a king Lit. Inscr.
हस्तिवातिङ्गण [ hastivātiṅgaṇa ] [ hasti-vātiṅgaṇa ] m. Solanum Melougena Lit. L.
हस्तिवानर [ hastivānara ] [ hasti-vānara ] m. f. n. (a battle) in which elephants and monkeys take or took part Lit. R.
हस्तिवाह [ hastivāha ] [ hasti-vāha ] m. an elephant-driver Lit. MW.
a hook for driving elephants Lit. L.
हस्तिविषाणी [ hastiviṣāṇī ] [ hasti-viṣāṇī ] f. Musa Sapientum Lit. ib.
हस्तिवैद्यक [ hastivaidyaka ] [ hasti-vaidyaka ] n. the art of healing elephants (as N. of wk.)
हस्तिवैद्यककार [ hastivaidyakakāra ] [ hasti-vaidyaka--kāra ] m. the composer of such a wk.
हस्तिशाला [ hastiśālā ] [ hasti-śālā ] f. an elephants-stable Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
N. of a place Lit. Rājat. ( could be also [ -śāla ] ) .
हस्तिशिक्षक [ hastiśikṣaka ] [ hasti-śikṣaka ] m. a breaker in or trainer of elephants Lit. MBh.
हस्तिशिक्षा [ hastiśikṣā ] [ hasti-śikṣā ] f. the art of training elephants Lit. R. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Kād.
हस्तिशिरस् [ hastiśiras ] [ hasti-śiras ] m. N. of a man (see [ hāstiśīrṣi ] ) .
हस्तिशुण्ड [ hastiśuṇḍa ] [ hasti-śuṇḍa ] m. an elephant's trunk Lit. MW.
[ hastiśuṇḍā ] f. id. Lit. ib.
Heliotropium Indicum Lit. L.
[ hastiśuṇḍī ] f. id. Lit. ib.
colocynth Lit. Npr.
हस्तिश्यामाक [ hastiśyāmāka ] [ hasti-śyāmāka ] m. a kind of millet Lit. Car.
हस्तिषड्गव [ hastiṣaḍgava ] [ hasti-ṣaḍgava ] n. a yoke or collection of 6 elephants Lit. MBh.
हस्तिसूत्र [ hastisūtra ] [ hasti-sūtra ] n. a Sūtra. treating of elephants Lit. ib.
हस्तिसेन [ hastisena ] [ hasti-sena ] m. N. of a king Lit. Śatr.
हस्तिसोमा [ hastisomā ] [ hasti-somā ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh.
हस्तिस्नान [ hastisnāna ] [ hasti-snāna ] n. the washing of an elephants Lit. Hit.
हस्तिहस्त [ hastihasta ] [ hasti-hasta ] m. an elephant's trunk Lit. MBh.
हस्तिहस्तपरामृष्ट [ hastihastaparāmṛṣṭa ] [ hasti-hasta--parāmṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. seized or struck by the trunk of an elephant Lit. ib.
हस्तिक [ hastika ] [ hastika ] n. a multitude of elephants (or m. " an elephant " ) Lit. MBh. ix , 2839 (B.)
[ hastika ] m. a toy-elephant , Lit. Jātakam.
a turn-spit (v.l. for [ hastaka ] ) Lit. Hcar.
हस्तिन् [ hastin ] [ hastin ] m. f. n. having hands , clever or dexterous with the hands Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
( with [ mṛga ] , " the animal with a hands i.e. with a trunk " , an elephant ; cf. [ dantah ] ) Lit. ib.
having (or sitting on) an elephant Lit. MārkP.
[ hastin ] m. an elephant (four kinds of elephant are enumerated ; see [ bhadra ] , [ mandra ] , [ mṛga ] , [ miśtra ] ; some give [ kiliñja-h ] , " a straw elephant " , " effigy of an elephant made of grass " ) Lit. AV.
(ifc.) the chief or best of its kind g. [ vyāghrādi ]
a kind of plant (= [ aja-modā ] ) Lit. L.
N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. MBh.
of a son of Suhotra , (a prince of the Lunar race , described as founder of Hastinā-pura) Lit. ib. Lit. VP.
of a son of Bṛihat-kshatra Lit. BhP.
of a son of Kuru Lit. Śatr.
[ hastinī ] f. a female elephant Lit. AV.
[ hastin ] m. a kind of drug and perfume (= [ haṭṭa-vilāsinī ] ) Lit. L.
a woman of a partic. class (one of the 4 classes into which women are divided , described as having thick lips , thick hips , thick fingers , large breasts , dark complexion , and strong sexual passion) Lit. Siṃhâs.
N. of Hastinā-pura Lit. L.
हस्तिनापुर [ hastināpura ] [ hastinā-pura ] n. ( less correctly [ hastina-p ] or [ hastinī ] .) N. of a city founded by king Hastin q.v. ( it was situated about fifty-seven miles north-east of the modern Delhi on the banks of an old channel of the Ganges , and was the capital of the kings of the Lunar line , as Ayodhyā was of the Solar dynasty ; hence it forms a central scene of action in the Mahābhārata ; here Yudhi-shṭhira was crowned after a triumphal progress through the streets of the city ; see Lit. MBh. xii , 1386-1410 : other names for this celebrated town are [ gajāhvaya ] , [ nāga-sāhvaya ] , [ nāgāhva ] , [ hāctina ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur. ( 1295,3 )
हस्तीकृ [ hastīkṛ ] [ hastī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to hand over , deliver Lit. Mālatīm.
हस्तीन [ hastīna ] [ hastīna ] see [ antar-h ] , p.43.col.3.
हस्ते [ haste ] [ haste ] (loc. of [ hasta ] ) , in comp.
हस्तेकरण [ hastekaraṇa ] [ haste-karaṇa ] n. taking (the bride's) hand , marrying Lit. L. √
हस्तेकृ [ hastekṛ ] [ haste-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to take in hand , take possession of. make one's own Lit. MW.
हस्तेगृह्य [ hastegṛhya ] [ haste-gṛhya ] ind. (= [ hasta-gr ] ) [ mayūra-vyaṃsakādi ] .
हस्तेबन्ध [ hastebandha ] [ haste-bandha ] m. = [ hasta-b ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 13 Sch.
हस्त्य् [ hasty ] [ hasty ] (before vowels) , in comp. for [ hasti ] .
हस्त्यध्यक्ष [ hastyadhyakṣa ] [ hasty-adhyakṣa ] m. a superintendent of elephants Lit. MW.
हस्त्यशना [ hastyaśanā ] [ hasty-aśanā ] f. Boswellia Serrata or Thurifera Lit. L.
हस्त्यश्व [ hastyaśva ] [ hasty-aśva ] n. sg. elephants and horses Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.
हस्त्यश्वदीक्षा [ hastyaśvadīkṣā ] [ hasty-aśva--dīkṣā ] f. N. of the 16th and 17th Pariśishṭas of the Lit. AV.
हस्त्यश्वरथघोष [ hastyaśvarathaghoṣa ] [ hasty-aśva--ratha-ghoṣa ] m. the sound of chariots (and) horses (and) elephants Lit. Ml.
हस्त्यश्वरथसम्बाध [ hastyaśvarathasambādha ] [ hasty-aśva--ratha-sambādha ] m. f. n. crowded with carriages (and) horses (and) elephants Lit. R.
हस्त्यश्वारोहबन्धक [ hastyaśvārohabandhaka ] [ hasty-aśvāroha-bandhaka ] m. pl. elephants-riders (and) horsemen (and) their servants Lit. ib. ,
हस्त्याजीव [ hastyājīva ] [ hasty-ājīva ] m. an elephants-driver Lit. MBh.
हस्त्यायुर्वेद [ hastyāyurveda ] [ hasty-āyurveda ] m. a work on the treatment of elephants diseases Lit. Cat.
हस्त्यारोह [ hastyāroha ] [ hasty-āroha ] m. an elephants-rider , elephants-driver Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.
हस्त्यालुक [ hastyāluka ] [ hasty-āluka ] n. a kind of large bulbous plant Lit. Suśr.
हस्त्यृषभ [ hastyṛṣabha ] [ hasty-ṛṣabha ] m. f. n. accompanied by an elephant-like bull (as cows) Lit. ŚBr.
हस्त्य [ hastya ] [ hástya ] m. f. n. being on the hand (as the fingers) Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
prepared with the hand Lit. RV.
held in the hand Lit. TBr.
हास्त [ hāsta ] [ hāsta ] m. f. n. formed with the hands ( with [ mukūla ] n. = [ añjali ] ) Lit. Nalôd.
हास्तायन [ hāstāyana ] [ hāstāyana ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ hasta ] ) g. [ pakṣādi ] .
हास्तिक [ hāstika ] [ hāstika ] m. f. n. consisting of elephants Lit. Ratnâv.
[ hāstika ] m. an elephants-rider , elephants-driver Lit. W.
n. a multitude of elephants Lit. MBh. ix , 2839 (B. [ hastika ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 47
a multitude of female elephants Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 35 Vārtt. 11 Lit. Pat.
हास्तिकर्षूक [ hāstikarṣūka ] [ hāstikarṣūka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ hasti-karṣū ] ) g. [ kāśy-ādi ] .
हास्तिदन्त [ hāstidanta ] [ hāstidanta ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ hasti-d ] ) consisting or made of ivory Lit. Kauś.
हास्तिदायि [ hāstidāyi ] [ hāstidāyi ] m. patr. fr. [ hasti-d ] Lit. Pravar.
हास्तिन [ hāstina ] [ hāstina ] m. f. n. belonging to an elephant Lit. AV.
having the depth of an elephant (as water) Lit. Daś.
हास्तिनपुर [ hāstinapura ] [ hāstina-pura ] n. = [ hastinā-pura ] ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
हास्तिनपुरत्व [ hāstinapuratva ] [ hāstina-pura--tva ] n. , see [ hāstinapura ]
हास्तिनायन [ hāstināyana ] [ hāstināyana ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ hastin ] ) g. [ pakṣādi ]
[ hāstināyana ] m. a patr. g. [ naḍādi ] .
हास्तिपद [ hāstipada ] [ hāstipada ] m. ( fr. [ hasti-p ] ) N. of a man Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 132
[ hāstipada ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to Hasti-pada Lit. ib.
हास्तिशीर्षि [ hāstiśīrṣi ] [ hāstiśīrṣi ] m. patr. fr. [ hasti-śiras ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 62 , Vārtt. 3 Lit. Pat.
हस्र [ hasra ] [ hasra ] see p. 1294 , col. 2.
हहल [ hahala ] [ hahala ] n. a sort of deadly poison ( cf. [ halāhala ] ) Lit. L.
हहव [ hahava ] [ hahava ] n. a partic. hell ( cf. [ hāhava ] ) Lit. Buddh.
हहा [ hahā ] [ hahā ]1 ind. an exclamation (= " alas! " in [ hahā dhik ] ) , Lit. Ratnâv.
हहा [ hahā ] [ hahā ]2 m. N. of a Gandharva ( mc. for [ hāhā ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
हहाल [ hahāla ] [ hahāla ] m. pl. N. of the Caidya country Lit. L.
हहाहा [ hahāhā ] [ hahāhā ] ind. = 1. [ hahā ] Lit. Sāh.
हहे [ hahe ] [ hahe ] ind. g. [ cādi ] .
हा [ hā ] [ hā ]1 ind. an exclamation expressive of pain , anger , astonishment , satisfaction (= ah! alas! oh! ha! often before or after a voc. case , also repeated [ hā-hā ] cf. 1. [ hahā ] above , or followed by other particles , esp. [ dhik ] , [ hanta ] , [ kaṣṭam ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ,
हाकष्टशब्द [ hākaṣṭaśabda ] [ hā-kaṣṭa-śabda ] m. the exclamation [ hā kaṣṭam ] Lit. Kād.
हाकार [ hākāra ] [ hā-kāra ] m. the exclamation [ hā ] Lit. Śiś.
हाहाकृत [ hāhākṛta ] [ hā-hā-kṛta ] m. f. n. filled with cries Lit. Bcar.
हाहारव [ hāhārava ] [ hā-hā-rava ] m. the exclamation [ hā hā ] Lit. Kathās.
हाहाशब्द [ hāhāśabda ] [ hā-hā-śabda ] m. the exclamation [ hā hā ] Lit. Kathās.
हा [ hā ] [ hā ]2 Root ( not always separable fr. √ 3. [ hā ] ) cl. [3] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxv , 7) [ jí hīte ] (p. [ jí hāna ] ( q.v. ) ; pf. [ jahiré ] Lit. AV. ; aor. [ ahāsta ] Lit. RV. ; fut. [ hātā ] Gr. ; [ hāsyate ] Lit. Br. Lit. MBh. ; inf. [ -hātum ] Lit. ib. ; ind.p. [ hātvā ] Gr. ; [ -hā́ya ] Lit. RV.) , to start or spring forward , bound away , give way to (dat.) Lit. RV. ; to spring or leap upon (?) Lit. RV. x , 49 , 5 ; to go or depart or betake one's self to have recourse to (acc.) Lit. Nalôd. ; to fall or come into any state Lit. Kir. : Pass. [ hāyate ] (aor. [ ahāyi ] ) Gr.: Caus. [ hāpayati ] (aor. [ ajīhapat ] ) Lit. ib. : Desid. [ jihāsate ] Lit. ib. : Intens. [ jahāyate ] , [ jāhāti ] , [ jāheti ] Lit. ib. ( 1296,1 )
जिहान [ jihāna ] [ jí hāna ] m. f. n. bounding forward (as a horse) Lit. RV.
flying (as an arrow) Lit. Kir.
हायस् [ hāyas ] [ hāyas ] see [ ví - ] and [ sárva-hāyas ] .
हेय [ heya ] [ heya ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see p. 1297 , col. 1) to be gone Lit. MW.
हा [ hā ] [ hā ]3 Root cl. [3] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxv , 8) [ jáhāti ] ( rarely cl. [1] [ jahati ] 3. du. [ jahītaḥ ] Impv. [ jahīhi ] ( or [ jahāhi ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 117 ) ; [ jahītāt ] Lit. AV. ; Pot. [ jahyāt ] Lit. AV. ; pf. [ jahau ] , [ jahúḥ ] Lit. RV. ; [ jahe ] Lit. Br. ; aor. [ ahāt ] Lit. ib. ; [ ahāsīt ] Gr. ; 3. sg. [ ahās ] Lit. RV. ; [ áhāsi ] Lit. AV. ; [ hāsiṣṭa ] Lit. ib. , ; fut. [ hātā ] Gr. ; [ hāsyati ] , [ °te ] Lit. AV. , [ jahiṣyati ] Lit. MBh. ; inf. [ hātum ] Lit. ib. ; ind.p. [ hitvā́ ] . ( q.v. ) Lit. RV. ; [ hitvī́ ] [ °tvā́ya ] Lit. RV. ; [ -hītvā ] Gr. ; [ -hā́ya ] Lit. Br. , [ hī́yam ] Lit. TS.) , to leave , abandon , desert , quit , forsake , relinquish (with [ śarīram ] , [ deham ] , [ prāṇān ] , [ asūn ] , [ jīvitam ] - " to die " ) Lit. RV. , ; to discharge , emit Lit. ib. ; to put away , take off , remove , lay aside , give up , renounce , resign , avoid , shun , abstain or refrain from Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to disregard , neglect Lit. ib. ; to lose , be deprived of. Lit. R. Lit. Kām. ; to get rid of. escape from Lit. Up. Lit. MBh. ; to cause to emit (with [ śardham ] , " to cause to break wind " ) Lit. Vop. : Pass. [ hīyáte ] or [ hī́yate ] ( ep. also [ hīyati ] ; aor. [ ahāyi ] ) , to be left or abandoned or deserted ; to be left behind , fall short of (abl.) Lit. RV. ; to be excluded from or bereft of (abl. or instr. ; with [ prāṇaiḥ ] , " to die " ) Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to be overtaken by (instr.) Lit. MBh. ; to be deficient or wanting , suffer loss or injury , fail (also in a lawsuit) , decrease , wane , decline , come to an end Lit. ChUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to weigh less (at the ordeal of the balance) Lit. Yājñ. Sch. ; to be given up or avoided Lit. Bhartṛ. (v.l.) ; to be subtracted Lit. VarBṛS. ; to become detached from ( with abl. or instr.) , fall out (as hair) Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ hāpayati ] ( mc. also [ °te ] aor. [ ajīhapat ] ; [ -jīhipaḥ ] Lit. RV.) , to cause to leave or abandon ; to omit , neglect Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to fall short of. be wanting in (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Cāṇ. ; to give up ( [ asūn ] , " life " ) Lit. Hariv. ; to lose ( [ kālam ] , " time " ) Lit. Kām. ; to abandon ( [ pratijñām ] , " a thesis " ) Lit. Jātakam. : Desid. [ jihāsati ] , to wish to leave or abandon Lit. Daś. Lit. BhP. Lit. HPariś. ; to wish to reject or disdain Lit. Prab. ; to wish to escape Lit. Sarvad. : Intens. [ jehīyate ] , [ jāhāti ] , [ jāheti ] Gr.
जहित [ jahita ] [ jahitá ] m. f. n. rejected , forsaken , forlorn Lit. RV. Lit. ĀpŚr.
ह [ ha ] [ ha ] see 5. [ ha ] , p. 1286 , col. 1.
हातव्य [ hātavya ] [ hātavya ] m. f. n. to be abandoned or left , relinquishable Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
to be left behind i.e. overtaken Lit. MBh.
हातु [ hātu ] [ hātu ] m. or f. death Lit. L.
a road Lit. L.
हान [ hāna ] [ hāna ]2 n. the act of abandoning , relinquishing , giving up , escaping , getting rid of Lit. Gaut. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sarvad.
want , lack Lit. Kap.
cessation Lit. ib. Lit. Bhartṛ. (v.l.)
हानि [ hāni ] [ hāni ] f. (accord. to some fr. √ [ han ] ) abandonment , relinquishment Lit. Kuval.
taking off , laying aside (ornaments) Lit. Subh.
decrease , diminution Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
deprivation of (abl.) Lit. Gaut.
damage , loss , failure (also in a lawsuit) , ruin Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
insufficiency , deficit , a minus Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. MBh. cessation , disappearance , non-existence Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
हानिकर [ hānikara ] [ hāni-kara ] m. f. n. injurious , detrimental Lit. Pañcat.
causing to disappear Lit. Śiś.
हानिकृत् [ hānikṛt ] [ hāni-kṛt ] m. f. n. causing loss , prejudicial , destructive Lit. Kathās.
हानीय [ hānīya ] [ hānīya ] m. f. n. = [ hātavya ] Lit. MW.
हापन [ hāpana ] [ hāpana ] n. (fr. Caus.) the act of causing to quit or abandon
diminution Lit. Suśr.
हापित [ hāpita ] [ hāpita ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) caused to be left or abandoned
injured (as a deposit) Lit. Yājñ.
deprived of (instr.) Lit. BhP.
हायक [ hāyaka ] [ hāyaka ] m. f. n. giving up , abandoning Lit. MBh.
हायन [ hāyana ] [ hāyana ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see p. 1297 , col. 1) quitting , leaving Lit. MW.
passing away Lit. ib.
हायिन् [ hāyin ] [ hāyin ] m. f. n. leaving , abandoning , neglecting Lit. ib.
हासस् [ hāsas ] [ hāsas ] m. the moon Lit. Uṇ. iv , 220 Sch.
हित्वा [ hitvā ] [ hitvā ] ind. having left or abandoned
letting alone , slighting , disregarding Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
excepting , with the exception of (acc.) Lit. VarBṛS.
हीन [ hīna ] [ hīná ] m. f. n. left , abandoned , forsaken Lit. RV.
left behind , excluded or shut out from , lower or weaker than , inferior to (abl.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
left out , wanting , omitted Lit. MBh.
defeated or worsted (in a lawsuit) Lit. Yājñ.
deficient , defective , faulty , insufficient , short , incomplete , poor , little , low , vile , bad , base , mean Lit. ŚBr.
bereft or deprived of , free from , devoid or destitute of , without (instr. abl. loc. acc. , or comp. ; [ prāṇair ] [ hīnaḥ ] , " bereft of breath or life " ; [ mantrād ] or [ mantrato h ] , " devoid of sacred knowledge " ) Lit. MuṇḍUp. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
lost or strayed from (a caravan) Lit. Pāṇ. i , 4 , 23 Lit. Kāś.
brought low , broken down in circumstances Lit. ŚrS.
[ hīna ] m. a faulty or defective witness ( of five kinds , viz. [ anya-vādin ] , [ kriyā-dveṣin ] , [ nopasthāyin ] , [ nir-uttara ] , [ āhūsa-prapalāyin ] ) Lit. Yājñ. Sch.
subtraction ( = = [ vyavakalana ] ) Lit. MW.
Mesua Ferrea Lit. L.
[ hīnā ] f. a female mouse (w.r. for [ dīna ] ) Lit. L.
[ hīna ] n. deficiency , want , absence ( [ velā-hīne ] " before the right time " , " unseasonably " ) Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Yājñ.
हीनकर्मन् [ hīnakarman ] [ hīná-karman ] m. f. n. engaged in low Practices , neglecting or omitting customary rites or religious acts Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
हीनकुल [ hīnakula ] [ hīná-kula ] m. f. n. of low family , base-born , plebeian ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. MW.
हीनकुलत्व [ hīnakulatva ] [ hīná-kula--tva ] n. , see [ hīnakula ]
हीनकुष्ट [ hīnakuṣṭa ] [ hīná-kuṣṭa ] n. (prob.) = [ kṣudra-k ] Lit. Cat.
हीनक्रतु [ hīnakratu ] [ hīná-kratu ] m. f. n. one who neglects to sacrifice Lit. Mn. xi , 12.
हीनक्रम [ hīnakrama ] [ hīná-krama ] m. diminishing series or order of succession Lit. Suśr.
हीनक्रिय [ hīnakriya ] [ hīná-kriya ] m. f. n. = [ -karman ] Lit. Mn. iii , 7.
हीनगुण [ hīnaguṇa ] [ hīná-guṇa ] m. f. n. of inferior virtue or merit Lit. R.
हीनचक्षुस् [ hīnacakṣus ] [ hīná-cakṣus ] m. f. n. one who has lost an eye or whose sight is dimmed Lit. R.
हीनचरित [ hīnacarita ] [ hīná-carita ] n. (pl.) base or mean conduct , Lit. Śāntiś.
हीनजाति [ hīnajāti ] [ hīná-jāti ] m. f. n. of low caste , outcaste , degraded , vile Lit. Mn. iii , 15.
हीनतर्पित [ hīnatarpita ] [ hīná-tarpita ] m. f. n. insufficiently satiated Lit. ŚārṅgP.
हीनतस् [ hīnatas ] [ hīná-tas ] ind. = [ hīnena ] or [ hīnāt ] Lit. MBh.
of less value Lit. Vas.
हीनता [ hīnatā ] [ hīná-tā ] f.
हीनत्व [ hīnatva ] [ hīná-tva ] n. defectiveness , deprivation , destitution , the state of being without , want or absence of (instr. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
हीनदग्ध [ hīnadagdha ] [ hīná-dagdha ] m. f. n. insufficiently burned or cauterized Lit. Suśr.
हीनदर्शनसामर्थ्य [ hīnadarśanasāmarthya ] [ hīná-darśana-sāmarthya ] m. f. n. destitute of the power of seeing , blind Lit. Rājat.
हीनदीनानुकम्पक [ hīnadīnānukampaka ] [ hīná-dīnānukampaka ] m. f. n. feeling compassion for the wretched and miserable Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
हीननायक [ hīnanāyaka ] [ hīná-nāyaka ] m. f. n. having a low or base hero (said of a drama) Lit. MW.
हीनपक्ष [ hīnapakṣa ] [ hīná-pakṣa ] m. f. n. unprotected Lit. Yājñ. Sch.
हीनप्रतिज्ञ [ hīnapratijña ] [ hīná-pratijña ] m. f. n. faithless Lit. Hariv.
हीनबल [ hīnabala ] [ hīná-bala ] m. f. n. deficient in strength , weak , feeble Lit. Pañcat.
हीनबाहु [ hīnabāhu ] [ hīná-bāhu ] m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants Lit. L.
हीनबुद्धि [ hīnabuddhi ] [ hīná-buddhi ] m. f. n. of weak understanding Lit. R.
हीनमूल्य [ hīnamūlya ] [ hīná-mūlya ] n. a low price Lit. Yājñ.
हीनयान [ hīnayāna ] [ hīná-yāna ] n. " simpler or lesser vehicle " , N. of the earliest system of Buddhist doctrine ( opp. to [ mahāyāna ] ; see [ yāna ] ) .
हीनयोनि [ hīnayoni ] [ hīná-yoni ] m. or f. an inferior womb , low birth or origin Lit. MW.
हीनरात्र [ hīnarātra ] [ hīná-rātra ] m. f. n. having shorter nights Lit. Gaut.
हीनरूप [ hīnarūpa ] [ hīná-rūpa ] m. f. n. deficient in form or beauty Lit. R.
हीनरोमन् [ hīnaroman ] [ hīná-roman ] m. f. n. deprived of hair , bald Lit. MBh.
हीनवर्ग [ hīnavarga ] [ hīná-varga ] ( Lit. Jātakam.) m. f. n. of low caste , outcaste.
हीनवर्ण [ hīnavarṇa ] [ hīná-varṇa ] ( Lit. Hit.) m. f. n. of low caste , outcaste.
हीनवाद [ hīnavāda ] [ hīná-vāda ] m. defective statement , insufficient or contradictory evidence , prevarication Lit. W.
हीनवादिन् [ hīnavādin ] [ hīná-vādin ] m. f. n. defeated or worsted (in a lawsuit) Lit. Pañcat.
making a defective statement , insufficient or inadmissible (as a witness ; see [ hīna ] above ) Lit. W.
contradictory , prevaricating Lit. ib.
destitute of speech , speechless , dumb Lit. ib.
हीनवीर्य [ hīnavīrya ] [ hīná-vīrya ] m. f. n. = [ -bala ] ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. R. Lit. Bhpr.
हीनवीर्यत्व [ hīnavīryatva ] [ hīná-vīrya--tva ] n. , see [ hīnavīrya ]
हीनवृत्ति [ hīnavṛtti ] [ hīná-vṛtti ] m. f. n. of base conduct Lit. MBh.
हीनव्यञ्जन [ hīnavyañjana ] [ hīná-vyañjana ] m. f. n. (speech) deficient or indistinct in its consonants Lit. R.
हीनसख्य [ hīnasakhya ] [ hīná-sakhya ] n. making friends with low people Lit. L.
हीनसंधि [ hīnasaṃdhi ] [ hīná-saṃdhi ] m. f. n. destitute of peace or reconciliation Lit. W.
हीनस्वर [ hīnasvara ] [ hīná-svara ] m. f. n. defective in sound , soundless ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Suśr.
हीनस्वरता [ hīnasvaratā ] [ hīná-svara--tā ] f. , see [ hīnasvara ]
हीनांशु [ hīnāṃśu ] [ hīnāṃśu ] m. f. n. destitute of rays , dark Lit. Kāv.
हीनाङ्ग [ hīnāṅga ] [ hīnāṅga ] m. f. n. defective in limb , crippled , lame , mutilated Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. VarBṛS.
incomplete in parts , imperfect Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
हीनातिरिक्त [ hīnātirikta ] [ hīnātirikta ] m. f. n. defective or excessive , too few or too many
हीनातिरिक्तकाले [ hīnātiriktakāle ] [ hīnātirikta--kāle ] ind. too late or too soon Lit. VarBṛS.
हीनातिरिक्तगात्र [ hīnātiriktagātra ] [ hīnātirikta--gātra ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Mn.) having a limb too few or too many.
हीनातिरिक्ताङ्ग [ hīnātiriktāṅga ] [ hīnātiriktāṅga ] m. f. n. (f ( [ ī ] ) . Lit. Yājñ.) having a limb too few or too many.
हीनाधिक [ hīnādhika ] [ hīnādhika ] m. f. n. smaller or greater than (abl.) Lit. VarBṛS.
too little or too much
[ hīnādhike ] ind. too late or too soon Lit. ib.
हीनाधिकता [ hīnādhikatā ] [ hīnādhika--tā ] f. ( Lit. Kāvyâd.) deficiency or excess
हीनाधिकत्व [ hīnādhikatva ] [ hīnādhika--tva ] n. ( Lit. ib. Sch.) deficiency or excess
हीनाधिकाङ्ग [ hīnādhikāṅga ] [ hīnādhikāṅga ] m. f. n. having too few or too many limbs Lit. VarBṛS.
हिनान्नवस्त्रवेष [ hinānnavastraveṣa ] [ hinānna-vastra-veṣa ] m. f. n. (a Brahma-cārin) eating less food (than his preceptor) and wearing an inferior dress Lit. Mn. ii , 194.
हीनार्थ [ hīnārtha ] [ hīnārtha ] m. f. n. one who has fallen short of his object or lost his advantage Lit. MBh.
हीनोद्गत [ hīnodgata ] [ hīnodgata ] m. f. n. insufficiently emerged or come forth Lit. Suśr.
हीनोपमा [ hīnopamā ] [ hīnopamā ] f. comparison with something inferior , Lit. Śaṃkar. Lit. Pratāp.
हीनक [ hīnaka ] [ hīnaka ] m. f. n. deprived of (see [ kara-saṃdaṃśah ] , add)
हीनित [ hīnita ] [ hīnita ] m. f. n. deprived of one's own Lit. MBh. i , 3558 ; iv , 226 (conj.)
separated from (comp.) Lit. Hariv.
subtracted (= [ vy-avakalita ] ) Lit. L.
हीयमान [ hīyamāna ] [ hīyamāna ] m. f. n. being left or deserted
weaker , inferior Lit. MBh.
being lost Lit. MW.
sinking , giving in Lit. ib.
हेय [ heya ] [ heya ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. and 3. see p.1296 and 1304) to be left or quitted or abandoned or rejected or avoided ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
to be subtracted Lit. L.
हेयत्व [ heyatva ] [ heya--tva ] n. , see [ heya ]
हाइकार [ hāikāra ] [ hāi-kāra ] m. the exclamation [ hāi ] Lit. Lāṭy.
हाउकार [ hāukāra ] [ hāu-kāra ] m. the exclamation [ hāu ] Lit. Lāṭy.
हाउयवादारसृत् [ hāuyavādārasṛt ] [ hāuyavādāra-sṛt ] and [ hāuhuvaivā-sāman ] n. N. of Sāmans Lit. IndSt.
हाउहुवैवासामन् [ hāuhuvaivāsāman ] [ hāuhuvaivā-sāman ] and [ hāuyavādāra-sṛt ] n. N. of Sāmans Lit. IndSt.
हांस [ hāṃsa ] [ hāṃsa ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ haṃsa ] ) relating to a goose or swan Lit. Car.
हांसकायन [ hāṃsakāyana ] [ hāṃsakāyana ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ haṃsaka ] ) g. [ pakṣādi ]
[ hāṃsakāyana ] m. a patr. g. [ naḍādi ]
हाकिनी [ hākinī ] [ hākinī ] f. a partic. female demon ( cf. [ ḍākinī ] and [ śākinī ] ) Lit. Tantras.
हाङ्गर [ hāṅgara ] [ hāṅgara ] m. a large fish , shark Lit. L.
हाज्यखान [ hājyakhāna ] [ hājya-khāna ] m. N. of a Khan Lit. Cat.
हाट [ hāṭa ] [ hāṭa ] see [ karahāṭa ] , p. 255 , col. 1.
हाटक [ hāṭaka ] [ hāṭaka ] m. ( said to be fr. √ [ haṭ ] ; perhaps connected with [ hiraṇya ] ) N. of a country and people Lit. MBh.
a partic. magical drink Lit. BhP.
[ hāṭakī ] f. N. of a river in the lower world Lit. BhP.
[ hāṭaka ] n. " found in Hāṭaka " , gold Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
mf ( [ ī ] ) n. = next Lit. Śiś.
हाटकमय [ hāṭakamaya ] [ hāṭaka-maya ] m. f. n. golden , made of gold Lit. Hcar.
हाटकेश [ hāṭakeśa ] [ hāṭakeśa ] m. N. of a form of Śiva (worshipped on the banks of the Godāvarī) Lit. Kathās.
हाटकेशान [ hāṭakeśāna ] [ hāṭakeśāna ] m. N. of a form of Śiva (worshipped on the banks of the Godāvarī) Lit. Kathās.
हाटकेश्वर [ hāṭakeśvara ] [ hāṭakeśvara ] m. id Lit. ib. Lit. Pur.
[ hāṭakeśvara ] n. a partic. incantation Lit. Rājat.
हाटकेश्वरमाहात्म्य [ hāṭakeśvaramāhātmya ] [ hāṭakeśvara--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
हाटकीय [ hāṭakīya ] [ hāṭakīya ] m. f. n. made or consisting of gold Lit. Alaṃkāraś.
हाडि [ hāḍi ] [ hāḍi ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
[ hāḍī ] f. a kind of written character Lit. Jaim.
हाडिग्राम [ hāḍigrāma ] [ hāḍi-grāma ] m. N. of a village Lit. Rājat.
हाडिका [ hāḍikā ] [ hāḍikā ] f. an earthen pot ( cf. [ haṇḍikā ] ) Lit. Kathârṇ.
हात [ hāta ] [ hāta ] [ hātavya ] , [ hātu ] see p. 1296 , col. 2.
हात्कृत [ hātkṛta ] [ hāt-kṛta ] n. uttering the sound [ hāt ] Lit. L.
हात्र [ hātra ] [ hātra ] n. (?) wages , hire Lit. L.
= (or w.r. for) [ hāntra ] Lit. L.
हान [ hāna ] [ hāna ] [ hāni ] see p. 1296 , col. 2.
हानव्य [ hānavya ] [ hānavya ] [ hānu ] see p. 1288 , col. 2.
हानुक [ hānuka ] [ hānuka ] [ hāntra ] see p. 1288 , col. 1.
हान्दण [ hāndaṇa ] [ hāndaṇa ] N. of a place Lit. Cat.
हापन [ hāpana ] [ hāpana ] [ hāpita ] see p. 1296 , col. 2.
हापुत्री [ hāputrī ] [ hāputrī ] f. a kind of wagtail Lit. L.
हापुत्रिका [ hāputrikā ] [ hāputrikā ] f. id. Lit. W.
हाफिका [ hāphikā ] [ hāphikā ] f. gaping , yawning Lit. L.
हामिग्राम [ hāmigrāma ] [ hāmi-grāma ] m. N. of a village Lit. Rājat.
हाम्फ [ hāmpha ] [ hāmpha ] (?) Lit. Pañcad.
हाम्बीरी [ hāmbīrī ] [ hāmbīrī ] f. (in music) a kind of Rāgiṇī ( cf. [ naṭṭa-hambīrā ] ) Lit. Saṃgīt.
हायक [ hāyaka ] [ hāyaka ] [ hāyin ] see p. 1296 , col. 2.
हायति [ hāyati ] [ hāyati ] m. N. of a man Lit. Saṃskārak.
हायन [ hāyana ] [ hāyaná ]2 m. n. (accord. to native authorities fr. √ 1. or 2. [ hā ] ; but cf. [ hayana ] ) a year (ifc. f ( [ ī ] ) . , and accord. to Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 27 also f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. AV.
[ hāyana ] m. a sort of red rice (pl. its grains) Lit. MaitrS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
a flame , ray Lit. L.
[ hāyanī ] f. a year Lit. AV. xii , 1 , 36
[ hāyana ] m. f. n. lasting a year or returning every year ( applied to Takman , q.v.) Lit. AV.
हायनग्रन्थ [ hāyanagrantha ] [ hāyaná-grantha ] m. N. of wk.
हायनफल [ hāyanaphala ] [ hāyaná-phala ] n. N. of wk.
हायनरत्न [ hāyanaratna ] [ hāyaná-ratna ] n. N. of wk.
हायनसिन्धु [ hāyanasindhu ] [ hāyaná-sindhu ] m. N. of wk.
हायनसुन्दर [ hāyanasundara ] [ hāyaná-sundara ] m. or n. N. of wk.
हायनोत्तम [ hāyanottama ] [ hāyanóttama ] m. or n. N. of wk.
हायनक [ hāyanaka ] [ hāyanaka ] m. a kind of red rice Lit. Car.
हायि [ hāyi ] [ hāyi ] ind. an exclamation used in chanting a Sāman ( cf. [ hāi ] ) Lit. MBh.
हायिकार [ hāyikāra ] [ hāyi-kāra ] m. the exclamation [ hāyas ] Lit. Lāṭy.
हायीशब्द [ hāyīśabda ] [ hāyī-śabda ] m. id. Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.
हार [ hāra ] [ hāra ] [ hāraka ] , [ hārin ] see p.1289 , cols. 2 and 3.
हारयु [ hārayu ] [ hārayu ] N. of a place Lit. Cat.
हारव [ hārava ] [ hārava ] m. N. of an inhabitant of hell Lit. L.
हारायण [ hārāyaṇa ] [ hārāyaṇa ] n. N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.
हारिक [ hārika ] [ hārika ] [ hāriṇa ] , [ hārita ] , [ hāridra ] see p. 1292 , col. 1.
हारिस [ hārisa ] [ hārisa ] m. or n. a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.
हार्ग [ hārga ] [ hārga ] (?) m. ( said to lie fr. √ 1. [ hṛ ] ) satisfaction Lit. L.
हार्द् [ hārd ] [ hārd ] ( fr. and = [ hṛd ] ) . see [ dur- ] and [ su-hā́rd ] .
हार्द [ hārda ] [ hā́rda ] m. f. n. relating to or being in the heart Lit. Suparṇ. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. BhP.
[ hārda ] n. love , kindness , affection for (loc. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
meaning , intention , purpose Lit. BhP.
हार्दवत् [ hārdavat ] [ hā́rda-vat ] m. f. n. feeling affection for (loc.) Lit. MārkP.
हार्दविद्या [ hārdavidyā ] [ hā́rda-vidyā ] f. N. of wk.
हार्दि [ hārdi ] [ hā́rdi ] m. the heart Lit. AV.
contentment , ease , comfort Lit. VarBṛS.
[ hārdi ] n. the heart or interior of the body (also applied to the intestines) Lit. RV.
हार्दिका [ hārdikā ] [ hārdikā ] see [ yama-h ] .
हार्दिक्य [ hārdikya ] [ hārdikya ] m. patr. of Kṛita-varman Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
friendship Lit. R.
हार्दिन् [ hārdin ] [ hārdin ] m. f. n. feeling affection for (loc.) Lit. MārkP.
हार्दिवन् [ hārdivan ] [ hārdivan ] ( Lit. TĀr.) ( Lit. VS.) m. f. n. hearty , cordial , having an affection for (loc.)
हार्द्वन् [ hārdvan ] [ hārdvan ] ( Lit. VS.) m. f. n. hearty , cordial , having an affection for (loc.)
हार्म्य [ hārmya ] [ hārmyá ] n. v.l. for [ harmyá ] Lit. TĀr.
हार्य [ hārya ] [ hārya ] see p. 1289 , col. 3.
हार्ष्टेय [ hārṣṭeya ] [ hārṣṭeya ] [ hārṣṇi ] see p. 1293 , col. 1.
हाल [ hāla ] [ hāla ] [ hālaka ] , [ hālika ] see p.1293 , cols. 1 and 2.
हालहल [ hālahala ] [ hālahala ] [ hālāhala ] , [ hāhala ] see p. 1293 , col. 2.
हावक [ hāvaka ] [ hāvaka ] [ hāvanīya ] , [ hāvin ] see p.1294 , cols. 1 and 2.
हावु [ hāvu ] [ hāvu ] ind. an exclamation of joy (used in chanting a Sāman) Lit. TUp.
हास [ hāsa ] [ hāsa ] [ hāsya ] see p.1294 , cols. 2 and 3.
हास्त [ hāsta ] [ hāsta ] [ hāstika ] , [ hāstina ] see p. 1296 , col. 1.
हाहव [ hāhava ] [ hāhava ] m. a kind of hell ( cf [ hahava ] ) Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
हाहस् [ hāhas ] [ hāhas ] m. a Gandharva Lit. L.
हाहा [ hāhā ] [ hāhā ] m. ( for [ hā hā ] see under 1. [ hā ] , p.1296 , col , 1) a Gandharva or N. of a Gandharva Lit. ŚrS. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
a partic. high number , ten thousand billions ( [ mahā-hāhā ] , " a hundred thousand billions " ) Lit. MW.
हि [ hi ] [ hi ]1 Root ( cf. √ [ hay ] ) cl. [5] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxvii , 11) [ hinóti ] ( Ved. also [ hinuté ] , [ hí nvati ] and [ hinváti ] , [ °te ] ; p. [ hinvāná ] ( with act. and pass. sense ) Lit. RV. ; [ háyat ] Lit. RV. Lit. TS. ; 1 : sg. [ hiṣe ] Lit. RV. ; pf. [ jighāya ] , [ jighyuḥ ] Lit. Br. ; [ jighye ] ( with pass. sense ) Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; aor. [ áhema ] [ áhema ] , [ ahyan ] , [ heta ] p. [ hiyāná ] ( with pass. sense ) Lit. RV. ; [ ahyam ] ( ? ) , [ áhait ] Lit. AV. ; [ ahaiṣīt ] Lit. Br. ; [ aheṣata ] Lit. RV. ; fut. [ hetā ] Gr. ; [ heṣyati ] Lit. MBh. ; inf. [ -hyé ] Lit. RV.) , to send forth , set in motion , impel , urge on , hasten on (Ā. also intrans.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to stimulate or incite to (dat.) Lit. RV. ; to assist or help to (dat.) Lit. ib. ; to discharge , hurl , cast , shoot Lit. RV. ; to convey , bring , procure Lit. ib. Lit. ŚBr. ; to forsake , abandon , get rid of Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; ( [ hinvati ] ) to gladden , delight Lit. Dhātup. xv , 82 : Pass. [ hīyate ] (aor. [ ahāyi ] ) Gr.: Caus. [ hāyuyati ] (aor. [ ajīhayat ] ) Lit. ib. : Desid. of Caus. [ jihāpayiṣati ] Lit. ib. : Desid. [ jighīṣati ] Lit. ib. : Intens. [ jeghīyate ] , [ jeghayīti ] , [ jegheti ] Lit. ib.
हय [ haya ] [ haya ] see p.1288 , cols. 2 , 3.
हयन [ hayana ] [ hayana ] see p.1288 , cols. 2 , 3.
हित [ hita ] [ hitá ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see p. 1298 , col. 2) sent , impelled , urged on , set in motion
going , running , speeding Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
हिति [ hiti ] [ hiti ] f. sending , errand , direction (see [ asmé- ] and [ devá-h ] ) .
हित्वन् [ hitvan ] [ hí tvan ] m. f. n. speedy , swift Lit. RV.
हिन्व [ hinva ] [ hinvá ] m. " Inciter " , N. of Indra's father ( [ prīṇayitri ] Lit. Sāy.) Lit. RV.
हिन्वान [ hinvāna ] [ hinvāná ] see root , col.2.
हियान [ hiyāna ] [ hiyāná ] see root , col.2.
हेति [ heti ] [ hetí ] see p. 1303 , col. 3.
हेतु [ hetu ] [ hetú ] see p. 1303 , col. 3.
हि [ hi ] [ hí ]2 ind. ( used as a particle ( cf. [ ha ] and [ gha ] ) and usually denoting) for , because , on account of ( never standing first in a sentence , but generally after the first word and used enclitically , sometimes after pronouns ; e.g. [ sárvo hí pṛ́tanā jigīṣati ] , " for everybody wishes to win battles " ; [ bhavān hi pramāṇam ] , " for your honour is the authority " ; [ tahā hi ] , " for example " , " accordingly " ; [ ná hí ] or [ nahī́ ] , " for not " , " not at all " ) Lit. RV.
just , pray , do (with an Impv. or Pot. emphatically ; sometimes with Indic. , e. g. [ pasyāmo hi ] , " we will just see " ) Lit. ib.
indeed , assuredly , surely , of course , certainly ( [ hí vaí ] , " most assuredly " ; [ hi-tu ] or [ hi-punar ] , " indeed-but " ; often a mere expletive , esp. to avoid a hiatus , sometimes repeated in the same sentence ; [ hi ] is also said to be an interjection of " envy " , " contempt " , " hurry " ) Lit. ib.
हिन [ hina ] [ hiná ] ind. for , because ( = 2. [ hí ] ) Lit. RV. vi , 48 , 2.