Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
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प्रमी [ pramī ] [ pra-√ mī ] P. [ -mināti ] ( [ -mīṇāti ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 15 ; [ -miṇoti ] Lit. BhP. ; Ved. inf. [ -mí yam ] , [ -mí ye ] and [ -metos ] cf. below) , to frustrate , annul , destroy , annihilate Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. BhP. ; to change , alter Lit. RV. ; to neglect , transgress , infringe Lit. ib. ; to miss , lose (one's way or time) , forget Lit. ib. Lit. ŚBr. ; to cause to disappear , put out of sight Lit. RV. ; to leave behind , outstrip , surmount , surpass Lit. ib. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. : (Ā. or Pass. [ -mīyate ] aor. Subj. [ -meṣṭhāḥ ] ) to come to naught , perish , die Lit. AV. : Caus. [ -māpayati ] , to destroy , annihilate , kill , slay Lit. Nir. Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. ; to cause to kill Lit. Yājñ.

 प्रमय [ pramaya ] [ pra-maya ]2 m. ( for 1. see [ pra-√ mā ] ) ( only Lit. L.) ruin , downfall , death Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās.

  killing , slaughter Lit. W.

  प्रमया [ pramayā ] [ pra-mayā ] f. ( only Lit. L.) ruin , downfall , death Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās.

   killing , slaughter Lit. W.

  प्रमयु [ pramayu ] [ pra-mayú ] m. f. n. liable to be lost or destroyed , perishable Lit. AV.

 प्रमातव्य [ pramātavya ] [ pra-mātavya ] m. f. n. to be slain Lit. MBh.

 प्रमापण [ pramāpaṇa ] [ pra-māpaṇa ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. Caus. ; for 1. see col.1) murdering , a murderer Lit. Yājñ.

  [ pramāpaṇa ] n. ( also [ °māpana ] Lit. L.) slaughter Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.

  प्रमापयितृ [ pramāpayitṛ ] [ pra-māpayitṛ ] m. f. n. causing to perish

   प्रमापयितृत्व [ pramāpayitṛtva ] [ pra-māpayitṛ--tva ] n. destructiveness , murderousness Lit. Śaṃk. on Lit. ChUp.

  प्रमापित [ pramāpita ] [ pra-māpita ] m. f. n. destroyed , killed , slain Lit. Rājat.

  प्रमापिन् [ pramāpin ] [ pra-māpin ] m. f. n. destroying , killing Lit. W.

 प्रमायु [ pramāyu ] [ pra-māyu ] ( Lit. ShaḍvBr.) ( Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.) m. f. n. liable to destruction , perishable , dying away.

 प्रमायुक [ pramāyuka ] [ pra-mā́yuka ] ( Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.) m. f. n. liable to destruction , perishable , dying away.

 प्रमियम् [ pramiyam ] [ pra-mí yam ] ( Ved. inf.) , to miss , lose Lit. RV. iv , 55 , 7.

  प्रमिये [ pramiye ] [ pra-mí ye ] ( Ved. inf.) , to frustrate , annihilate Lit. ib. iv , 54 , 4.

 प्रमी [ pramī ] [ pra- ] m. f. n. in [ vā́ta-p ] q.v.

  प्रमीणत् [ pramīṇat ] [ pra-mīṇat ] m. f. n. injuring , killing

   overcoming , subduing Lit. W.

  प्रमीत [ pramīta ] [ pra-mīta ] m. f. n. deceased , dead Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. TS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   immolated Lit. L.

   [ pramīta ] m. an animal immolated Lit. A.

   प्रमीतपतिका [ pramītapatikā ] [ pra-mīta--patikā ] f. (a wife) whose husband is dead , a widow Lit. Mn.

  प्रमीति [ pramīti ] [ pra-mīti ] f. ruin , destruction Lit. Nir.

  प्रमीय [ pramīya ] [ pra-mīya ] m. f. n. see [ a-p ] .

  प्रमेतोस् [ prametos ] [ pra-metos ] ( Ved. inf.) , to perish Lit. TBr.

प्रमीढ [ pramīḍha ] [ pra-mīḍha ] see [ pra-√ mih ] above.

प्रमील् [ pramīl ] [ pra-√ mīl ] P. [ -mīlati ] , to close or shut the eyes Lit. Gīt.

  प्रमीलक [ pramīlaka ] [ pra-mīlaka ] m. ( Lit. Bhpr. Lit. Car.) shutting the eyes , sleepiness.

  प्रमीलिका [ pramīlikā ] [ pra-mīlikā ] f. ( Lit. Car.) shutting the eyes , sleepiness.

  प्रमीला [ pramīlā ] [ pra-mīlā ] f. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) id. Lit. Naish.

   lassitude , enervation , exhaustion from indolence or fatigue Lit. W.

   N. of a woman (sovereign of a kingdom of women) Lit. A.

  प्रमीलित [ pramīlita ] [ pra-mīlita ] m. f. n. one who has the eyes closed , with closed eyes Lit. MBh.

  प्रमीलिन् [ pramīlin ] [ pra-mīlin ] m. N. of a demon (who causes closed eyes or faintness) Lit. AV.

प्रमीव् [ pramīv ] [ pra-√ mīv ] P. [ -mīvati ] , to push towards , press ; to instigate , incite Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

प्रमुक्ति [ pramukti ] [ pra-mukti ] see [ pra-√ muc ] below.

प्रमुख [ pramukha ] [ pra-mukha ] m. f. n. turning the face towards , facing (acc.) Lit. R.

first , foremost , chief , principal , most excellent Lit. Hit.

( generally ifc. ; f ( [ ā ] ) .) having as foremost or chief , headed or preceded by , accompanied by or with ( ( cf. [ prīti-p ] ; [ vasiṣṭhap ] ) ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

honourable , respectable Lit. L.

[ pramukha ] m. a chief , respectable man , sage Lit. W.

a heap , multitude Lit. L.

Rottleria Tinctoria Lit. L.

n. the mouth Lit. MW.

commencement (of a chapter) Lit. BṛĀrUp. Lit. Śaṃk.

time being , the present , the same time Lit. Pratāp.

n. (ibc. or [ °khe ] ind. ) before the face of , in front of , before , opposite to ( with gen. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

n. ( with √ [ kṛ ] ) to cause to go before or precede Lit. R.

[ pramukhe ] ind. , see [ pramukha ] , before the face of , in front of , before , opposite to

  प्रमुखतस् [ pramukhatas ] [ pra-mukha-tas ] ind. at the head of , in front of , before the face of , before , opposite to ( with gen. or ifc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   before all others , first , in the first place Lit. BhP.

  प्रमुखता [ pramukhatā ] [ pra-mukha-tā ] f. superiority , predominance Lit. W.

  प्रमुखत्व [ pramukhatva ] [ pra-mukha-tva ] n. superiority , predominance Lit. W.

प्रमुग्ध [ pramugdha ] [ pra-mugdha ] see [ pra-√ muh ] .

प्रमुच् [ pramuc ] [ pra-√ muc ] P. Ā. [ -muñcati ] , [ °te ] , to set free , let go , liberate , release from (abl.) Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Yājñ. ; to loosen , loose , untie , unbind , undo Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. ChUp. ; to rid one's self of (gen.) , escape Lit. R. ; (ind.p. [ -mucya ] , having liberated one's self from ( abl. ) Lit. ChUp.) ; to drive away , banish , shake off Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. TBr. Lit. MBh. ; to give up , resign , renounce Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to discharge , emit , throw out , shed Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to hurl , fling , throw , shoot Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. ; to utter Lit. MW. ; to throw or put on (as a garland ) Lit. ib. ; to lend , bestow Lit. MBh. Lit. R. : Pass. [ -mucyate ] , to free one's self from (abl. or instr.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ; to be loosened , become loose or detached , fall off (as fruits) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; to leave off , cease Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KaṭhUp. : Caus. [ -mocayati ] , to liberate from (abl.) Lit. MBh. ; to loosen , untie Lit. Ragh. Sch.: Desid. [ -mumukṣati ] , to be about to give up or resign Lit. MBh.

 प्रमुक्त [ pramukta ] [ pra-mukta ] m. f. n. loosened , untied , released , liberated from (abl. or instr.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  free from (abl.) Lit. L.

  forsaken , abandoned Lit. R.

  given up , renounced Lit. ib.

  discharged , thrown out , shed Lit. Var. Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  hurled , shot Lit. R.

  प्रमुक्ति [ pramukti ] [ prá-mukti ] f. ( [ prá- ] ) liberation

   pl. N. of partic. sacred texts Lit. TBr. iii , 8 , 18 , 4.

 प्रमुच [ pramuca ] [ pra-muca ] ( Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.) m. N. of a Ṛishi.

  प्रमुचि [ pramuci ] [ pra-muci ] ( Lit. R.) ( Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.) m. N. of a Ṛishi.

  प्रमुचु [ pramucu ] [ pra-mucu ] ( Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.) m. N. of a Ṛishi.

  प्रमुच्यमानहोम [ pramucyamānahoma ] [ pra-mucyamāna-homa ] m. pl. N. of partic. oblations accompanied with prayers beginning with [ pramucyamānaḥ ] Lit. Vait.

 प्रमोक [ pramoka ] [ pra-moka ] m. liberation Lit. Śiś.

  प्रमोक्तव्य [ pramoktavya ] [ pra-moktavya ] m. f. n. to be liberated , to be set free Lit. MBh.

  प्रमोचन [ pramocana ] [ pra-mocana ] m. f. n. liberating from (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. MārkP.

   [ pramocanī ] f. a species of cucumber Lit. L.

   [ pramocana ] n. setting free , the act of liberating from (comp.) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Kull.

   discharging , emitting , shedding Lit. MBh. ( Cf. [ unmocana-pramocaná ] .)

प्रमुद् [ pramud ] [ pra-√ mud ] Ā. [ -modate ] , to become joyful , rejoice greatly , exult , be delighted Lit. AV. : Caus. [ -modayati ] , to make glad , delight Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Sāh.

  प्रमुद् [ pramud ] [ pra-mud ] m. f. n. pleased , happy Lit. L.

   [ pramud ] f. gladness , delight , pleasure (esp. sensual pleasure) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. ( [ °mude-√ bhū ] , to become a cause of delight) .

  प्रमुदित [ pramudita ] [ pra-mudita ] m. f. n. delighted , pleased , glad Lit. VS. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   gladsome (said of the autumn) Lit. MBh.

   w.r. for [ pracudita ] ( which mc. for [ pra-codita ] ) Lit. MBh.

   [ pramuditā ] f. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 10 Bhūmis Lit. Dharmas. 64

   [ pramudita ] n. gladness , gaiety Lit. Var. Lit. Kathās.

   N. of one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Sch.

   प्रमुदितप्रलम्बसुनयन [ pramuditapralambasunayana ] [ pra-mudita--pralamba-sunayana ] m. N. of a Gandharva prince Lit. L.

   प्रमुदितवत् [ pramuditavat ] [ pra-mudita--vat ] m. f. n. pleased Lit. Kathās.

   प्रमुदितवदना [ pramuditavadanā ] [ pra-mudita--vadanā ] f. N. of a metre Lit. Col.

   प्रमुदितहृदय [ pramuditahṛdaya ] [ pra-mudita--hṛdaya ] m. f. n. delighted in heart Lit. Gīt.

 प्रमोद [ pramoda ] [ pra-modá ] m. ( also pl. ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) excessive joy , delight , gladness Lit. VS. Lit. Up. Lit. MBh.

  (also n.) one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections Lit. Tattvas. Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Sch.

  (with Jainas) joy as exhibited in the virtuous Lit. HYog.

  Pleasure personified Lit. Hariv. ( as a child of Brahmā Lit. VP.)

  the 4th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Lit. VarBṛS. viii , 29

  a strong perfume Lit. BhP.

  a kind of rice Lit. Gal.

  N. of a being attendant upon Skanda Lit. MBh.

  of a Nāga Lit. ib.

  of an author Lit. Cat.

  of sev. men Lit. VP. Lit. Rājat.

  प्रमोदचारिन् [ pramodacārin ] [ pra-modá--cārin ] m. f. n. w.r. for [ pramāda-c ] q.v.

  प्रमोदतीर्थ [ pramodatīrtha ] [ pra-modá--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. W.

  प्रमोदनृत्य [ pramodanṛtya ] [ pra-modá--nṛtya ] n. joyous dancing , a joyful dance Lit. MW.

  प्रमोदाढ्या [ pramodāḍhyā ] [ pra-modāḍhyā ] f. a partic. plant = [ aja-modā ] Lit. Gal.

  प्रमोदक [ pramodaka ] [ pra-modaka ] m. a kind of rice (= [ ṣaṣṭikā ] ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. Car.

   N. of a man Lit. Mudr.

  प्रमोदन [ pramodana ] [ pra-modana ] m. f. n. making glad , exhilarating Lit. MBh.

   [ pramodana ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. R.

   n. making glad Lit. ib.

   gladness , joyousness Lit. ib. ( cf. [ sa-p ] ) .

  प्रमोदम् [ pramodam ] [ pra-modam ] ind. , in [ uccaiḥ-p ] , with loud expressions of joy Lit. Prab.

  प्रमोदमान [ pramodamāna ] [ pra-modamāna ] n. ( Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Sch.) ( Lit. Tattvas.) , " rejoicing " N. of one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections ( cf. [ sadā-pramudita ] ) .

  प्रमोदमाना [ pramodamānā ] [ pra-modámānā ] f. ( Lit. Tattvas.) , " rejoicing " N. of one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections ( cf. [ sadā-pramudita ] ) .

  प्रमोदित [ pramodita ] [ pra-modita ] m. f. n. delighted , rejoiced Lit. MW.

   [ pramodita ] m. N. of Kubera Lit. L.

   [ pramoditā ] f. N. of one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections Lit. Tattvas.

  प्रमोदिन् [ pramodin ] [ pra-modí n ] m. f. n. causing excessive joy , delighting Lit. AV.

   delighted , happy Lit. W.

   [ pramodin ] m. a kind of rice (= [ °modaka ] ) Lit. Vāgbh.

   [ pramodinī ] f. Odina Wodier (= [ jiṅginī ] ) Lit. Bhpr.

प्रमुर्छ् [ pramurch ] [ pra-√ murch ] P. [ -mūrchati ] , to become thick or solid , congeal Lit. ŚBr.

प्रमुष् [ pramuṣ ] [ pra-√ muṣ ] P. [ -muṣṇāti ] , to steal away , rob , carry off , take away Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. PārGṛ.

  प्रमुषित [ pramuṣita ] [ pra-muṣita ] m. f. n. stolen or taken away ( also [ °muṣṭa ] ) Lit. BhP.

   distracted , beside one's self Lit. ib. Lit. Kathās.

   [ pramuṣitā ] f. a kind of riddle Lit. Cat.

 प्रमोष [ pramoṣa ] [ pra-moṣa ] m. stealing or taking away Lit. BhP.

प्रमुह् [ pramuh ] [ pra-√ muh ] P. [ -muhyati ] , to become bewildered or infatuated Lit. MBh. ; to faint , swoon Lit. ib. Lit. Suśr. : Caus. [ -mohayati ] , to be wilder , infatuate Lit. MBh.

  प्रमुग्ध [ pramugdha ] [ pra-mugdha ] m. f. n. unconscious , fainting Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Mālatīm.

   very charming Lit. Pañcar.

  प्रमूढ [ pramūḍha ] [ pra-mūḍha ] m. f. n. bewildered , unconscious Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Uttarar.

   infatuated , foolish Lit. MuṇḍUp. Lit. ŚārṅgP.

   disjointed Lit. MBh.

   प्रमूढसंज्ञ [ pramūḍhasaṃjña ] [ pra-mūḍha--saṃjña ] m. f. n. having the mind perplexed , bewildered , infatuated Lit. R.

  प्रमोह [ pramoha ] [ pra-moha ] m. bewilderment , infatuation Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Uttarar.

   insensibility , fainting Lit. W.

   प्रमोहचित्त [ pramohacitta ] [ pra-moha--citta ] m. f. n. bewildered in mind Lit. MBh.

  प्रमोहन [ pramohana ] [ pra-mohana ] m. f. n. bewildering the mind Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  प्रमोहित [ pramohita ] [ pra-mohita ] m. f. n. bewildered , infatuated Lit. MBh.

  प्रमोहिन् [ pramohin ] [ pra-mohin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) bewildering , infatuating Lit. ib.

प्रमूत्रित [ pramūtrita ] [ pra-mūtrita ] m. f. n. begun to be urined (n. impers.) Lit. Subh. Sch.

प्रमूर [ pramūra ] [ pra-mūra ] in [ á-p ] q.v.

प्रमूर्छ् [ pramūrch ] [ pra-√ mūrch ] see [ pra-√ murch ] .

प्रमूषिका [ pramūṣikā ] [ pra-mūṣikā ] f. the external corner of the eye Lit. VarBṛS. lviii , 7 Comm.

प्रमृ [ pramṛ ] [ pra-√ mṛ ] Caus. P. [ -mārayati ] , to put to death Lit. ŚBr.

  प्रमर [ pramara ] [ pra-mará ] m. death Lit. RV.

  प्रमरण [ pramaraṇa ] [ pra-maraṇa ] n. dying , death Lit. BṛĀrUp. Lit. Śaṃk.

  प्रमार [ pramāra ] [ pra-mārá ] m. dying Lit. AV.

  प्रमृत [ pramṛta ] [ pra-mṛta ] m. f. n. deceased , dead Lit. MBh.

   withdrawn or gone out of sight

   covered , concealed Lit. W.

   [ pramṛta ] n. death Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.

   tillage , cultivation (as causing the death of many beings) Lit. Mn. iv , 4 , 5 ( cf. Lit. x , 83) .

  प्रमृतक [ pramṛtaka ] [ pra-mṛtaka ] m. f. n. dead Lit. BhP.

प्रमृगम् [ pramṛgam ] [ pra-mṛgam ] ind. (√ [ mṛg ] ) g. [ tiṣṭhadgv-ādi ] .

  प्रमृग्य [ pramṛgya ] [ pra-mṛgya ] m. f. n. to be sought or searched after

   peculiarly adapted to or fitted for (dat.) Lit. Kām.

प्रमृज् [ pramṛj ] [ pra-√ mṛj ] P. [ -mārṣṭi ] ( [ -mārjati ] , [ °te ] Lit. MBh. ; [ -mārjayati ] Lit. Suśr.) , to wipe , wipe off , wash off , clean , cleanse Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS. ; to rub , pass the hand over , rub gently , stroke Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to wipe out , wash out , remove , expel , rid one's self of Lit. ib. Lit. GopBr. Lit. Kāv. ; to render unavailing , frustrate (as a wish) Lit. Rājat. ; to destroy Lit. AitBr. ; to make ready , prepare Lit. MW.

  प्रमार्जक [ pramārjaka ] [ pra-mārjaka ] m. f. n. wiping off , causing to disappear , removing Lit. MBh.

  प्रमार्जन [ pramārjana ] [ pra-mārjana ] n. the act of rubbing off , wiping off Lit. Suśr.

   ( [ aśru-p ] , the wiping away or drying of tears , consoling Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kām. ; weeping Lit. MBh.)

   causing to disappear , removing Lit. Kāvyâd.

 प्रमृष्ट [ pramṛṣṭa ] [ pra-mṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. rubbed off , cleaned , polished Lit. MBh. Lit. Mālav.

  rubbed with (instr.) Lit. R.

  wiped away , removed , expelled Lit. Ragh.

  given up , left Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ prasṛṣṭa ] ) .

प्रमृड [ pramṛḍa ] [ pra-mṛḍa ] m. f. n. gracious , making glad or happy Lit. BhP.

प्रमृण् [ pramṛṇ ] [ pra-√ mṛṇ ] P. [ -mṛṇati ] , to crush , destroy Lit. RV.

  प्रमृण [ pramṛṇa ] [ pra-mṛṇá ] m. f. n. destroying , crushing Lit. RV. Lit. TBr.

प्रमृत [ pramṛta ] [ pra-mṛta ] see [ pra-√ mṛ ] .

प्रमृद् [ pramṛd ] [ pra-√ mṛd ] P. [ -mṛdnāti ] , to crush down , bruise , destroy , ravage , devastate Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.

  प्रमर्द [ pramarda ] [ pra-marda ] m. N. of a partic. position of the moon in the Nakshatras Lit. Sūryapr.

  प्रमर्दक [ pramardaka ] [ pra-mardaka ] m. f. n. crushing down , crushing , destroying Lit. Lalit.

   [ pramardaka ] m. N. of a demon Lit. ib.

  प्रमर्दन [ pramardana ] [ pra-mardana ] m. f. n. crushing down , crushing , destroying Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.

   expelling Lit. Suśr.

   [ pramardana ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh.

   of an attendant of Śiva Lit. L.

   of a demon causing disease Lit. Hariv.

   of a Vidyā-dhara Lit. Kathās.

   of a general-officer of Śambara Lit. Hariv.

   n. crushing , destroying Lit. ib.

  प्रमर्दित [ pramardita ] [ pra-mardita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) crushed , bruised Lit. R.

  प्रमर्दितृ [ pramarditṛ ] [ pra-marditṛ ] m. f. n. one who crushes , a destroyer Lit. MBh.

  प्रमर्दिन् [ pramardin ] [ pra-mardin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) crushing , destroying Lit. Hariv.

प्रमृश् [ pramṛś ] [ pra-√ mṛś ] P. [ -mṛśati ] , to lay hold of touch , handle Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kathās. ( to reflect , consider , deliberate Lit. Mahīdh.)

  प्रमृश [ pramṛśa ] [ pra-mṛśá ] m. f. n. laying hold of , handling Lit. VS. ( = [ paṇḍita ] Lit. Mahīdh.)

  प्रमृष्टि [ pramṛṣṭi ] [ pra-mṛṣṭi ] f. rubbing over with (comp.) Lit. Hcar.

प्रमृष् [ pramṛṣ ] [ pra-√ mṛṣ ] ( only pf. [ -mamarṣa ] aor. [ -marṣiṣṭhāḥ ] , and inf. [ -mṛ́ṣe ] ) , to forget , neglect ( with acc. or dat.) Lit. RV. ( to destroy Lit. Sāy.)

  प्रमृष्य [ pramṛṣya ] [ pra-mṛṣya ] m. f. n. in [ a-pramṛṣyá ] q.v.

प्रमॄ [ pramṝ ] [ pra-√ mṝ ] P. [ -mṛṇāti ] ( cf. [ pra-mṛṇ ] ) , to crush , destroy Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

 प्रमूर्ण [ pramūrṇa ] [ prá-mūrṇa ] m. f. n. crushed , destroyed Lit. AV.

प्रमे [ prame ] [ pra- ] ind. see under [ pra-√ mā ] .

प्रमेतोस् [ prametos ] [ pra-metos ] see under [ pra-√ mī ] .

प्रमेदित [ pramedita ] [ pra-medita ] see [ pra-√ mid ] .

प्रमेय [ prameya ] [ pra-meya ] see p. 686 , col. 1.

प्रमेह [ prameha ] [ pra-meha ] see under [ pra-√ mih ] .

प्रमोक [ pramoka ] [ pra-moka ] see [ pra-√ muc ] .

प्रमोक्ष [ pramokṣa ] [ pra-mokṣa ] m. (√ [ mokṣ ] ) letting fall , dropping , losing Lit. R.

discharging , dismissing , liberation , liberation from (comp.)

final deliverance Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  प्रमोक्षक [ pramokṣaka ] [ pra-mokṣaka ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. DivyA7v.

   of a serpent demon Lit. L.

  प्रमोक्षण [ pramokṣaṇa ] [ pra-mokṣaṇa ] n. the end of an eclipse Lit. Var.

प्रमोत [ pramota ] [ pra-móta ] ( perhaps fr. √ [ mīv ] ) , a partic. kind of disease (others , " mfn. mute " ) Lit. AV. ix , 8 , 4.

प्रमोद [ pramoda ] [ pra-moda ] see [ pra-√ mud ] .

प्रमोष [ pramoṣa ] [ pra-moṣa ] see [ pra-√ muṣ ] .

प्रमोह [ pramoha ] [ pra-moha ] see [ pra-√ muh ] .

प्रम्रद् [ pramrad ] [ pra-√ mrad ] ( only Ved. inf. [ -mradé ] ) , to destroy , kill Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ pra-mṛd ] ) .

प्रम्लुच् [ pramluc ] [ pra-√ mluc ] P. [ -mlocati ] , to go down , sink down Lit. ŚBr.

  प्रम्लोचन्ती [ pramlocantī ] [ pra-mlócantī ] ( Lit. VS.) ( Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.) f. N. of an Apsaras.

  प्रम्लोचा [ pramlocā ] [ pra-mlocā ] ( Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.) f. N. of an Apsaras.

प्रम्लै [ pramlai ] [ pra-√ mlai ] P. [ -mlāyati ] , to fade or wither away Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Lit. Kuval. ; to be sad or dejected or languid Lit. A.

 प्रम्लान [ pramlāna ] [ pramlāna ] m. f. n. faded , withered Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kām. Lit. Ragh.

  soiled , dirty Lit. Prab.

  प्रम्लानवदन [ pramlānavadana ] [ pramlāna-vadana ] m. f. n. having a sickly-looking face Lit. MBh.

  प्रम्लानशरीर [ pramlānaśarīra ] [ pramlāna-śarīra ] m. f. n. withered in body , having an exhausted frame Lit. Var.

 प्रम्लानीभू [ pramlānībhū ] [ pramlānī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to fade away Lit. Pañcar.

प्रयक्ष् [ prayakṣ ] [ pra-√ yakṣ ] P. Ā. [ -yakṣati ] , [ °te ] (inf. [ -yákṣe ] ) , to hasten forward , press onward , be eager ; ( with acc.) to strive after , pursue , attain Lit. RV.

  प्रयक्ष [ prayakṣa ] [ pra-yakṣa ] ( [ prá- ] ) m. f. n. eager , strenuous (?) Lit. RV. i , 62 , 6 (= [ pūjya ] Lit. Sāy.)

प्रयज् [ prayaj ] [ pra-√ yaj ] P. Ā. [ -yajati ] , [ °te ] (inf. [ -yájadhyai ] ) , to worship , sacrifice to (acc.) Lit. RV. ; to offer the Prayāja sacrifice ( cf. below) Lit. TS.

  प्रयज् [ prayaj ] [ pra-yáj ] f. an offering , oblation Lit. AV.

  प्रयज्यु [ prayajyu ] [ pra-yajyu ] ( [ prá- ] ) m. f. n. worshipful , adorable Lit. RV. (= [ prakarṣeṇa pūjya ] Lit. Sāy. ; others " pressing onwards , rushing on " ) .

 प्रयाग [ prayāga ] [ prayāga ] m. " place of sacrifice " , N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage (now called Allāhābād) at the confluence of the Gaṅgā and Yamunā with the supposed subterranean Sarasvatī (also [ -ka ] Lit. AgP. ; cf. [ tri-veṇī ] ; ifc. also in Deva-pilgrimage , Rudra-pilgrimage , Karṇa pilgrimage and Nanda-pilgrimage) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 375 ; as N. of a country Lit. Priy. i , 3/4 ; pl. the inhabitants of Prayāga Lit. MBh.)

  a sacrifice Lit. L.

  a horse Lit. L. ( cf. [ pra-yoga ] )

  N. of Indra Lit. L.

  N. of a man ( also [ -ka ] ) Lit. Rājat.

  प्रयागकृत्य [ prayāgakṛtya ] [ prayāga-kṛtya ] n. N. of ch. of the Tristhalī-setu ( q.v.)

  प्रयागतीर्थ [ prayāgatīrtha ] [ prayāga-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. SkandaP.

  प्रयागदास [ prayāgadāsa ] [ prayāga-dāsa ] m. N. of 2 men Lit. Cat.

  प्रयागप्रकरण [ prayāgaprakaraṇa ] [ prayāga-prakaraṇa ] n.

  प्रयागप्रघट्टक [ prayāgapraghaṭṭaka ] [ prayāga-praghaṭṭaka ] m. or n. (?) N. of chs. of the Tristhalī-setu.

  प्रयागभय [ prayāgabhaya ] [ prayāga-bhaya ] m. " fearing sacrifice " , N. of Indra Lit. L.

  प्रयागमाहात्म्य [ prayāgamāhātmya ] [ prayāga-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रयागरत्नक्रोड [ prayāgaratnakroḍa ] [ prayāga-ratna-kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयागराजाष्टक [ prayāgarājāṣṭaka ] [ prayāga-rājāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रयागवन [ prayāgavana ] [ prayāga-vana ] n. N. of a forest Lit. R.

  प्रयागसेतु [ prayāgasetu ] [ prayāga-setu ] m. N. of wk.

 प्रयाज [ prayāja ] [ prayājá ] m. " pre-sacrifice " , preliminary offering ( cf. [ anu-yāja ] q.v.) , N. of partic. texts or invocations , and of the Ājya libations at which they are employed (they form part of the Prâyaṇīya or introductory ceremony in a Soma sacrifice and are generally 5 , but also 9 and 11 in number) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. VS. Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS.

  a principal ceremony or sacrifice Lit. W.

  प्रयाजत्व [ prayājatva ] [ prayājá-tva ] n. the state or condition of a Prayāja Lit. Kapishṭh.

  प्रयाजवत् [ prayājavat ] [ prayājá-vat ] ( [ °yājá- ] ) m. f. n. accompanied by a Prayāja Lit. TS.

  प्रयाजानुयाज [ prayājānuyāja ] [ prayājānuyājá ] m. pl. preliminary offering and after-sacrifice Lit. AitBr.

  प्रयाजाहुति [ prayājāhuti ] [ prayājāhuti ] f. the offering of a Prayāja Lit. ib.

 प्रयाज्या [ prayājyā ] [ prayājyā ] f. ( also pl.) the words spoken at the moment of offering the Prayājyā Lit. TBr. Sch.

प्रयत् [ prayat ] [ pra-√ yat ] Ā. [ -yatate ] , to be active or effective Lit. TBr. ( ep. also P. [ °ti ] ) ; to strive , endeavour , exert one's self , devote or apply one's self to (loc. dat. acc. , [ arthe ] , [ artham ] , [ hetos ] , or inf.) Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  प्रयतन [ prayatana ] [ pra-yatana ] n. effort , endeavour ( used to explain [ pra-yatna ] ) Lit. Pat.

  प्रयतित [ prayatita ] [ pra-yatita ] n. (impers.) pains have been taken with (loc.) Lit. MBh.

  प्रयतितव्य [ prayatitavya ] [ pra-yatitavya ] n. (impers.) pains have to be taken with (loc.) Lit. R. Lit. Bālar. Lit. Car.

  प्रयत्त [ prayatta ] [ pra-yatta ] m. f. n. intent , eager Lit. Bhartṛ.

  प्रयत्तव्य [ prayattavya ] [ pra-yattavya ] n. (impers.) = [ °yatitavya ] Lit. Nal.

  प्रयत्न [ prayatna ] [ pra-yatna ] m. persevering effort , continued exertion or endeavour , exertion bestowed on (loc. or comp.) , activity , action , act Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (instr. sg. and pl. abl. and [ -tas ] ind. with special effort , zealously , diligently , carefully ; [ °tna ] ibc. and [ °tnāt ] ind. also = hardly , scarcely)

   great care , caution Lit. Pañcat.

   (in phil.) active efforts (of 3 kinds , viz. engaging in any act , prosecuting it , and completing it)

   pl. volitions (one of the 17 qualities of the Vaiśeshikas) Lit. IW. 68

   (in gram.) effort in uttering , mode of articulation (also [ āsya-pray ] , distinguished into [ ābhyantara-p ] and [ bāhya-p ] , internal and external effort) Lit. Prāt. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 9 Sch.

   [ prayatnā ] f. N. of a partic. Śruti Lit. Saṃgīt.

   प्रयत्नतस् [ prayatnatas ] [ pra-yatna--tas ]ind. , see [ prayatna ] , with special effort , zealously , diligently , carefully

   [ prayatnāt ] ind. , see [ prayatna ] , also = hardly , scarcely

   प्रयत्नच्छिद् [ prayatnacchid ] [ pra-yatna--cchid ] m. f. n. frustrating a person's (gen.) efforts Lit. Mudr.

   प्रयत्नप्रेक्षणीय [ prayatnaprekṣaṇīya ] [ pra-yatna--prekṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. hardly visible Lit. Śak.

   प्रयत्नमुक्तासन [ prayatnamuktāsana ] [ pra-yatna--muktāsana ] m. f. n. rising with difficulty from a seat Lit. Ragh.

   प्रयत्नवत् [ prayatnavat ] [ pra-yatna--vat ] m. f. n. assiduous , diligent , persevering Lit. Kām.

   प्रयत्नानन्द [ prayatnānanda ] [ pra-yatnānanda ] m. N. of wk.

प्रयभ् [ prayabh ] [ pra-√ yabh ] P. [ -yabhati ] , futuere Lit. TBr.

प्रयम् [ prayam ] [ pra-√ yam ] P. Ā. [ -yacchati ] , [ °te ] , to hold out towards , stretch forth , extend Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to place upon (loc.) Lit. MBh. ; to offer , present , give , grant , bestow , deliver , despatch , send , effect , produce , cause (with dat. gen. or loc. of pers. and acc. of thing) Lit. RV. (with [ vikrayeṇa ] , to sell ; with [ uttaram ] , to answer ; with [ śāpam ] , to pronounce a curse ; with [ yuddham ] , to give battle , fight ; with [ viṣam ] , to administer poison ; with [ buddhau ] , to set forth or present to the mind) ; to restore , pay (a debt) , requite (a benefit) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to give (a daughter) in marriage Lit. AitBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Mn.

 प्रयत [ prayata ] [ prá-yata ] m. f. n. outstretched , far-extended Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  placed upon (loc.) Lit. RV.

  offered , presented , given , granted , bestowed Lit. RV.

  piously disposed , intent on devotion , well prepared for a solemn rite ( with loc. or ifc.) , ritually pure (also applied to a vessel and a place Lit. Āpast. Lit. R.) , self-subdued , dutiful , careful , prudent Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  [ prayata ] m. a holy or pious person Lit. W.

  प्रयतता [ prayatatā ] [ prá-yata--tā ] f. purity , holiness Lit. MBh.

  प्रयतत्व [ prayatatva ] [ prá-yata--tva ] n. purity , holiness Lit. MBh.

  प्रयतदक्षिण [ prayatadakṣiṇa ] [ prá-yata--dakṣiṇa ] m. f. n. ( [ práy ] ) one who has made presents (to the priests at a sacrifice) , a giver , donor Lit. RV.

  प्रयतपरिग्रहद्वितीय [ prayataparigrahadvitīya ] [ prá-yata--parigraha-dvitīya ] m. f. n. accompanied by a pious or chaste wife Lit. MW.

  प्रयतमानस [ prayatamānasa ] [ prá-yata--mānasa ] m. f. n. pious-minded , devout , ascetic Lit. MBh.

  प्रयतवस्त्र [ prayatavastra ] [ pra-yata-vastra ] m. f. n. clothed in clean garments, Lit. Hir.

  प्रयताञ्जलि [ prayatāñjali ] [ pra-ya-tāñjali ] m. f. n. closely joining the hands, Lit. Baudh.

  प्रयतात्मन् [ prayatātman ] [ prá-yatātman ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Mn. Lit. R.

  प्रयतात्मवत् [ prayatātmavat ] [ prá-yatātma-vat ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Mn. Lit. R.

  प्रयति [ prayati ] [ prá-yati ] f. ( [ prá- ] ) offering , gift , donation Lit. RV.

   intention , will , effort , exertion Lit. ib. Lit. VS.

  प्रयन्तृ [ prayantṛ ] [ prá-yantṛ́ ] m. f. n. one who offers or presents , a giver , bringer ( with gen. or acc.) Lit. RV.

   a guide , driver ( [ gaja- ] , of elephants) Lit. MBh.

  प्रयमण [ prayamaṇa ] [ prá-yamaṇa ] n. purification Lit. Āpast.

  प्रयाम [ prayāma ] [ prá-yāma ] m. dearth , scarcity (= [ nīvāka ] ) Lit. L.

   checking , restraining Lit. W.

   extension , length (in space or time) Lit. Jātakam.

   progress Lit. ib.

  प्रयाम्य [ prayāmya ] [ prá-yāmya ] m. f. n. to be checked or controlled Lit. ib.

प्रयस् [ prayas ] [ pra-√ yas ]1 P. [ -yásyati ] ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 71) , to begin to bubble Lit. AV. ; to endeavour , labour , strive after (dat.) Lit. Naish.

  प्रयस्त [ prayasta ] [ prá-yasta ] m. f. n. ( [ prá- ] ) bubbling over Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

   striving , eager Lit. Śak.

   well cooked or prepared Lit. L. ( cf. 2. [ práyas ] ) .

  प्रयास [ prayāsa ] [ pra-yāsá ] m. exertion , effort , pains , trouble (ibc. , with loc. or gen. , [ -arthāya ] or [ -nimittena ] ) Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. Kāv. ( cf. [ a-prayāsena ] )

   high degree Lit. Jātakam.

   प्रयासभाज् [ prayāsabhāj ] [ pra-yāsá--bhāj ] m. f. n. capable of exertion , active , energetic Lit. W.

  प्रयासित [ prayāsita ] [ pra-yāsita ] n. (fr. Caus.) effort , exertion Lit. Mālatīm. (v.l. [ ā-yāsita ] ) .

प्रयस् [ prayas ] [ práyas ]2 n. (√ [ prī ] ) pleasure , enjoyment , delight Lit. RV. ( [ prā́yase ] , iv , 21 , 7 = [ práyase ] )

object of delight , pleasant food or drink , dainties , libations ( [ práyāṃsi nadī́nām ] , " refreshing waters " ) Lit. ib.

[ prayas ] m. f. n. valuable , precious (?) Lit. W.

  प्रयस्वत् [ prayasvat ] [ práyas-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ práyas- ] ) having or bestowing pleasant food , offering libations Lit. RV. ( [ °svanto 'trayaḥ ] N. of the authors of Lit. v , 20)

   [ prayasvat ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.

 प्रयोग [ prayoga ] [ prayo- ]1 m. f. n. ( Lit. Padap. [ pra-yóga ] ) ( for 2. see under. [ pra-√ yuj ] ) coming to a meal Lit. RV. x , 7 , 5 ( Lit. Sāy. = [ pra-yoktavya ] )

  [ prayoga ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. TS.

  ( with [ bhārgava ] ) author of Lit. RV. viii , 91 Lit. Anukr.

प्रया [ prayā ] [ pra-√ yā ] P. [ -yāti ] , to go forth , set out , progress , advance towards or against , go or repair to (acc. , also with [ accha ] , or [ prati ] , or loc.) Lit. RV. ; to walk , roam , wander Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to part , go asunder , be dispersed , pass away , vanish , die Lit. ib. ; to get into a partic. state or condition , enter , undergo , incur (acc.) Lit. ib. ; to proceed i.e. behave Lit. Bhartṛ. (v.l.) ; to cause to go i.e. to lead into (acc.) Lit. Hcat. : Caus. [ -yāpayati ] , to cause to set out Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 29 ; 30 Sch.) : Desid. [ -yiyāsati ] , to wish to set out Lit. ib. : Caus. of Desid. [ -yiyāsayati ] , to cause a person to wish to set out Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

 प्रया [ prayā ] [ pra-yā́ ] f. onset Lit. RV.

 प्रयाण [ prayāṇa ] [ pra-yā́ṇa ] n. ( Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 29) setting out , starting , advancing , motion onwards , progress , journey , march , invasion Lit. RV. (with [ gardabhena ] , " riding on an ass " Lit. Pañcat.)

  departure , death ( cf. [ prāṇa-pray ] )

  onset , beginning , commencement Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. ŚBr.

  प्रयाणकाल [ prayāṇakāla ] [ pra-yā́ṇa--kāla ] m. time of departure , death Lit. Bhag.

  प्रयाणपटह [ prayāṇapaṭaha ] [ pra-yā́ṇa--paṭaha ] m. a drum beaten while marching Lit. Hcar.

  प्रयाणपुरी [ prayāṇapurī ] [ pra-yā́ṇa--purī ] f. N. of a town ( [ °rī-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.)

   प्रयाणपुरीमाहात्म्य [ prayāṇapurīmāhātmya ] [ pra-yā́ṇa--purī-māhātmya ] n. , see [ prayāṇapurī ] , N. of wk.

  प्रयाणभङ्ग [ prayāṇabhaṅga ] [ pra-yā́ṇa--bhaṅga ] m. the breaking or suspending of a journey , a halt Lit. Pañcat.

  प्रयाणविचार [ prayāṇavicāra ] [ pra-yā́ṇa--vicāra ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयाणार्ह [ prayāṇārha ] [ pra-yā́ṇārha ] m. f. n. deserving death Lit. W.

  प्रयाणक [ prayāṇaka ] [ pra-yāṇaka ] n. a journey , march Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat. ( cf. [ a-pray ] )

  प्रयाणि [ prayāṇi ] [ pra-yāṇi ] see [ a-prayāṇi ] .

  प्रयाणीय [ prayāṇīya ] [ pra-yāṇīya ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 30 Sch.

  प्रयानीय [ prayānīya ] [ pra-yānīya ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 30 Sch.

  प्रयात [ prayāta ] [ pra-yāta ] m. f. n. set out , gone , advanced Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. R.

   arrived at , come to (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   gone or passed away , vanished , deceased , dead Lit. Kathās.

  प्रयातव्य [ prayātavya ] [ pra-yātavya ] m. f. n. to be attacked or assailed Lit. MBh.

   [ prayātavya ] n. (impers.) one should set out Lit. ib. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

  प्रयातृ [ prayātṛ ] [ pra-yātṛ ] m. one who goes or can go or fly Lit. Kathās.

   setting out on a march or journey Lit. Var.

  प्रयात्रा [ prayātrā ] [ pra-yātrā ] f. see [ prāyātrika ] .

  प्रयापण [ prayāpaṇa ] [ pra-yāpaṇa ] n. (fr. Caus.) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 30 Sch.

  प्रयापन [ prayāpana ] [ pra-yāpana ] n. (fr. Caus.) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 30 Sch.

  प्रयापणि [ prayāpaṇi ] [ pra-yāpaṇi ] see [ a-prayāpaṇi ] .

  प्रयापणीय [ prayāpaṇīya ] [ pra-yāpaṇīya ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 30 Sch.

  प्रयापनीय [ prayāpanīya ] [ pra-yāpanīya ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 30 Sch.

  प्रयापित [ prayāpita ] [ pra-yāpita ] m. f. n. driven or sent away , made to go or pass away Lit. W.

  प्रयापिन् [ prayāpin ] [ pra-yāpin ] m. f. n. (du. [ °piṇau ] or [ °pinau ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 30 Sch.

  प्रयाप्य [ prayāpya ] [ pra-yāpya ] m. f. n. to be caused to go , to be sent away Lit. AitBr.

  प्रयाप्यमाण [ prayāpyamāṇa ] [ pra-yāpyamāṇa ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 30 Sch.

  प्रयाप्यमान [ prayāpyamāna ] [ pra-yāpyamāna ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 30 Sch.

  प्रयामन् [ prayāman ] [ pra-yāman ] ( [ prá- ] ) n. setting out , start Lit. RV.

  प्रयायिन् [ prayāyin ] [ pra-yāyin ] m. f. n. (du. [ °yeṇau ] Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 29) going forwards , marching , driving , riding Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  प्रयावन् [ prayāvan ] [ pra-yāvan ] see [ vṛṣa ] and [ supra-yāvan ] .

  प्रयियु [ prayiyu ] [ pra-yí yu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid.) used for driving (as a horse) Lit. RV. ( Lit. Nir. iv , 15) .

प्रयाग [ prayāga ] [ pra-yāga ] [ °yāja ] see [ pra-√ yaj ] .

प्रयाच् [ prayāc ] [ pra-√ yāc ] P. Ā. [ -yācati ] , [ °te ] , to ask for , beg , solicit , request (with acc. of pers. and thing) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.

  प्रयाचक [ prayācaka ] [ pra-yācaka ] m. f. n. asking , requesting , imploring ( with [ artham ] ifc.) Lit. MBh.

  प्रयाचन [ prayācana ] [ pra-yācana ] n. asking , begging , imploring Lit. ib.

प्रयाण [ prayāṇa ] [ pra-yāṇa ] see under [ pra-√ yā ] .

प्रयास [ prayāsa ] [ pra-yāsa ] see under [ pra-√ yas ] .

प्रयु [ prayu ] [ pra-√ yu:1 ] ( only aor. Subj. [ -yoṣat ] ) , to remove , keep away Lit. RV. viii , 31 , 17. 1.

  प्रयुत [ prayuta ] [ prá-yuta ] m. f. n. ( [ prá- ] ) absent in mind , inattentive , heedless , careless ( cf. [ a-pray ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. VS.

   [ prayuta ] n. ( [ pra-yúta ] ) (also m. Lit. Siddh.) a million Lit. VS. Lit. ( cf. 2. [ ayúta ] ) .

  प्रयुति [ prayuti ] [ pra-yuti ] ( [ prá- ] ) f. absence (with [ manasaḥ ] = thoughtlessness) Lit. RV.

  प्रयुत्वन् [ prayutvan ] [ pra-yutvan ] see [ á-prayutvan ] .

  प्रयोतृ [ prayotṛ ] [ pra-yotṛ́ ] m. a remover , expeller Lit. RV.

प्रयु [ prayu ] [ pra-√ yu:2 ] P. [ -yauti ] , to stir , mingle Lit. TS. Lit. MaitrS. ; to disturb , destroy Lit. Nir.

  प्रयुत् [ prayut ] [ pra-yút ] m. f. n. stirring , mingling Lit. TBr. , 2.

  प्रयुत [ prayuta ] [ prá-yuta ] m. f. n. ( [ prá- ] ) mingled with (instr.) Lit. MānŚr.

   confused (as a dream) Lit. MānGṛ.

   destroyed , annihilated Lit. MaitrS.

   m. N. of a Deva-gandharva Lit. MBh.

   प्रयुतेश्वरतीर्थ [ prayuteśvaratīrtha ] [ prá-yuteśvara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a place of pilgrimage Lit. SkandaP.

  प्रयुवन [ prayuvana ] [ pra-yuvana ] n. stirring , mingling Lit. Hcat.

प्रयुछ् [ prayuch ] [ pra-√ yuch ] P. [ -yucchati ] , to be absent ; ( with or scil. [ manasā ] ) to be absent in mind , be careless or heedless Lit. RV.

प्रयुज् [ prayuj ] [ pra-√ yuj ] Ā. [ -yuṅkte ] ( rarely P. [ -yunakti ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 64) , to yoke or join or harness to (loc.) Lit. RV. ; to unite with (instr.) Lit. AV. ; to turn (the mind) to (loc.) Lit. RV. ; to prepare for (dat.) Lit. ib. ; to set in motion , throw , cast (also dice) , discharge , hurl at (loc. or dat.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to utter , pronounce , speak , recite Lit. ib. ; to fix , place in or on (loc.) Lit. BhP. ; to direct , order , urge to (dat. or loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to choose for ( two acc.) Lit. Kum. ; to lead towards , bring into (acc.) Lit. BhP. ; to use , employ , practise , display , exhibit , perform , accomplish , contrive , do Lit. Br. ; to undertake , commence , begin Lit. Vait. Lit. R. ; to cause , effect , produce Lit. Kum. Lit. BhP. Lit. Sarvad. ; to represent on the stage , act Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Kālid. ; to lend (for use or interest) Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. : Pass. [ -yujyate ] , to be fit or suitable , conduce to (dat.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat. : Caus. [ -yojayati ] , to throw , discharge , hurl at or against (loc.) Lit. MBh. ; to utter , pronounce Lit. R. ; to show , display , exhibit Lit. BhP. ; ( with [ manas ] ) to concentrate the mind Lit. ŚvetUp. ; to urge , direct , appoint to (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ; to transfer or entrust to (dat.) Lit. MBh. ; to undertake , begin Lit. Kām. ; to represent on the stage Lit. Hariv. Lit. Sāh. ; to cause to be represented by (instr.) Lit. Uttarar. ; to use , employ Lit. MBh. Lit. Kām. Lit. Suśr. ; to perform , practise Lit. Mn. iii , 112 ; ( with [ vṛddhim ] ) to take interest Lit. ib. x , 117 ; ( with [ prayogam ] ) to invest capital Lit. SaddhP. ; to be applicable g. [ kṣubhnādi ] ; to aim at , have in view Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 62 Sch.: Desid. [ -yuyukṣate ] , to wish to use , want , require Lit. Pat.

 प्रयुक्त [ prayukta ] [ pra-yukta ] m. f. n. yoked , harnessed Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  stirred (by wind) Lit. Ragh.

  directed , thrown , hurled Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  drawn (as a sword) Lit. BhP.

  vented (as anger) Lit. MBh.

  uttered , pronounced , recited Lit. Up. Lit. Śiksh.

  urged , ordered , bidden Lit. Gobh. Lit. Bhag.

  used , employed , practised , performed , done Lit. Br. Lit. Kauś. Lit. MBh.

  undertaken , begun , contrived Lit. R. Lit. Mālav. Lit. Prab.

  made , prepared Lit. Kum.

  (n. impers.) behaved or acted towards (loc. or acc. with [ prati ] ) Lit. Śak.

  lent (on interest) Lit. Yājñ.

  suitable , appropriate Lit. Pañcat. (see [ a-pray ] )

  resulting from (comp.) Lit. ib.

  [ prayukta ] n. a cause Lit. W.

  प्रयुक्ततम [ prayuktatama ] [ pra-yukta--tama ] m. f. n. most used Lit. AitBr.

  प्रयुक्तसंस्कार [ prayuktasaṃskāra ] [ pra-yukta--saṃskāra ] m. f. n. to which polish has been applied , polished (as a gem) Lit. Ragh.

  प्रयुक्ति [ prayukti ] [ prá-yukti ] f. ( [ prá- ] ) impulse , motive Lit. RV.

   setting in motion , employment Lit. TBr. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Rājat.

  प्रयुग [ prayuga ] [ pra-yuga ] n. orig. form of [ prau0ga ] ( q.v.) Lit. Vprāt.

 प्रयुज् [ prayuj ] [ pra-yúj ] f. (prob.) a team Lit. RV.

  impulse , motive Lit. VS. Lit. AV.

  acquisition Lit. RV.

  ( [ °yujāṃ havīṃṣi ] or [ °yug-ghav° ] N. of 12 oblations , one of which is offered each month Lit. ŚBr.)

  [ prayuj ] m. f. n. joining , connected with (lit. or fig. , as a cause , motive ) Lit. W.

  प्रयोक्तव्य [ prayoktavya ] [ pra-yoktavya ] m. f. n. to be thrown or discharged Lit. MBh.

   to be used or employed , applicable , suitable Lit. ib. Lit. R.

   to be exhibited or represented Lit. Mālav.

   to be uttered or pronounced or recited Lit. Śiksh. Lit. Śaṃk.

  प्रयोक्तृ [ prayoktṛ ] [ pra-yoktṛ ] m. a hurler , shooter (of missiles) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   an executor , agent (of an action) Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.

   an undertaker (of a sacrifice) Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

   a procurer Lit. MBh.

   an employer Lit. ib. Lit. Kām.

   an actor , mime Lit. Ragh.

   a speaker , reciter Lit. RPrāt. Lit. Kāvyâd.

   a performer (of music) Lit. R.

   a composer , author , poet Lit. Uttarar.

   a money-lender Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

   प्रयोक्तृता [ prayoktṛtā ] [ pra-yoktṛ--tā ] f. the state or condition of an employer Lit. Sarvad.

   प्रयोक्तृत्व [ prayoktṛtva ] [ pra-yoktṛ--tva ] n. the state or condition of an employer Lit. Sarvad.

  प्रयोक्त्र [ prayoktra ] [ pra-yoktra ] n. harness Lit. DivyA7v.

 प्रयोग [ prayoga ] [ prayoga ]2 m. ( for 1. see under 2. [ práyas ] , col.1) joining together , connection Lit. Var.

  position , addition (of a word) Lit. Vprāt. Lit. Pāṇ. (loc. often = in the case of Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 25 ; 26 )

  hurling , casting (of missiles) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  offering , presenting Lit. Hariv.

  undertaking , beginning , commencement Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.

  a design , contrivance , device , plan Lit. Mālav. Lit. Rājat.

  application , employment (esp. of drugs or magic ; cf. Lit. IW. 402 , 1) , use Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. MBh. ( [ ena ] , [ āt ] and [ °ga-tas ] ifc. = by means of)

  practice , experiment (opp. to , " theory " ) Lit. Mālav.

  a means (only [ ais ] , by use of means) Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.

  (in gram.) an applicable or usual form Lit. Siddh. Lit. Vop.

  exhibition (of a dance) , representation (of a drama) Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Kālid. ( [ °ga-to-√ dṛś ] , to see actually represented see on the stage Lit. Ratnâv.)

  a piece to be represented Lit. Kālid. Lit. Prab.

  utterance , pronunciation , recitation , delivery Lit. ŚrS. Lit. RPrāt. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.

  a formula to be recited , sacred text Lit. Śiksh.

  lending at interest or on usury , investment Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  principal , loan bearing interest Lit. Gaut.

  an example Lit. L.

  cause , motive , affair , object Lit. W.

  consequence , result Lit. ib.

  ceremonial form , course of proceeding Lit. ib.

  a horse ( cf. [ pra-yāga ] ) Lit. L.

  प्रयोगकारिका [ prayogakārikā ] [ prayoga-kārikā ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगकौस्तुभ [ prayogakaustubha ] [ prayoga-kaustubha ] m. or n. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगग्रहण [ prayogagrahaṇa ] [ prayoga-grahaṇa ] n. acquirement of practice Lit. Daś.

  प्रयोगचन्द्रिका [ prayogacandrikā ] [ prayoga-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगचिन्तामणि [ prayogacintāmaṇi ] [ prayoga-cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगचूडामणि [ prayogacūḍāmaṇi ] [ prayoga-cūḍāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगज्ञ [ prayogajña ] [ prayoga-jña ] m. f. n. skilful in practice Lit. Suśr.

  प्रयोगतत्त्व [ prayogatattva ] [ prayoga-tattva ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगदर्पण [ prayogadarpaṇa ] [ prayoga-darpaṇa ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगदीप [ prayogadīpa ] [ prayoga-dīpa ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगदीपिका [ prayogadīpikā ] [ prayoga-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगदीपिकावृत्ति [ prayogadīpikāvṛtti ] [ prayoga-dīpikā-vṛtti ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगनिपुण [ prayoganipuṇa ] [ prayoga-nipuṇa ] m. f. n. = [ -jña ] Lit. Bhartṛ.

  प्रयोगपञ्चरत्न [ prayogapañcaratna ] [ prayoga-pañcaratna ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगपद्धति [ prayogapaddhati ] [ prayoga-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगपाद [ prayogapāda ] [ prayoga-pāda ] n. smoking for the sake of one's health Lit. Car.

  प्रयोगपारिजात [ prayogapārijāta ] [ prayoga-pārijāta ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगपुस्तक [ prayogapustaka ] [ prayoga-pustaka ] m. n. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगप्रधान [ prayogapradhāna ] [ prayoga-pradhāna ] m. f. n. consisting chiefly in practice (not in theory) Lit. Mālav.

  प्रयोगमञ्जरी [ prayogamañjarī ] [ prayoga-mañjarī ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगमणिमालिका [ prayogamaṇimālikā ] [ prayoga-maṇi-mālikā ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगमन्त्र [ prayogamantra ] [ prayoga-mantra ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगमयूख [ prayogamayūkha ] [ prayoga-mayūkha ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगमुक्तावली [ prayogamuktāvalī ] [ prayoga-muktāvalī ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगमुखव्याकरण [ prayogamukhavyākaraṇa ] [ prayoga-mukha-vyākaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगरत्न [ prayogaratna ] [ prayoga-ratna ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगरत्नक्रोड [ prayogaratnakroḍa ] [ prayoga-ratna-kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगरत्नमाला [ prayogaratnamālā ] [ prayoga-ratna-mālā ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगरत्नमालिका [ prayogaratnamālikā ] [ prayoga-ratna-mālikā ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगरत्नसंस्कार [ prayogaratnasaṃskāra ] [ prayoga-ratna-saṃskāra ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगरत्नाकर [ prayogaratnākara ] [ prayoga-ratnākara ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगरत्नावली [ prayogaratnāvalī ] [ prayoga-ratnāvalī ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगविधि [ prayogavidhi ] [ prayoga-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगविवेक [ prayogaviveka ] [ prayoga-viveka ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रह [ prayogavivekasaṃgraha ] [ prayoga-viveka-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगवीर्य [ prayogavīrya ] [ prayoga-vīrya ] n. (with Buddhists) energy in practice (one of the 3 energies) Lit. Dharmas. 108.

  प्रयोगवृत्ति [ prayogavṛtti ] [ prayoga-vṛtti ] f.

  प्रयोगवैजयन्ती [ prayogavaijayantī ] [ prayoga-vaijayantī ] f.

  प्रयोगशिखामणि [ prayogaśikhāmaṇi ] [ prayoga-śikhāmaṇi ] m.

  प्रयोगसंग्रह [ prayogasaṃgraha ] [ prayoga-saṃgraha ] m.

  प्रयोगसंग्रहविवेक [ prayogasaṃgrahaviveka ] [ prayoga-saṃgraha-viveka ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगसरणि [ prayogasaraṇi ] [ prayoga-saraṇi ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगसार [ prayogasāra ] [ prayoga-sāra ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगसारणी [ prayogasāraṇī ] [ prayoga-sāraṇī ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगसारसमुच्चय [ prayogasārasamuccaya ] [ prayoga-sāra-samuccaya ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगाण्डबिला [ prayogāṇḍabilā ] [ prayogāṇḍabilā ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगातिशय [ prayogātiśaya ] [ prayogātiśaya ] m. (in dram.) " excess in representation " , pronouncing the name of a character the moment that he enters the stage Lit. Pratāp.

   the useless appearance of a character on the stage during the prelude Lit. Sāh.

  प्रयोगामृत [ prayogāmṛta ] [ prayogāmṛta ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रयोगार्थ [ prayogārtha ] [ prayogārtha ] m. f. n. having the sense of [ prayoga ] Lit. L.

 प्रयोगिन् [ prayogin ] [ prayogin ] m. f. n. being employed or used , applicable , usual ( [ °gi-tva ] n. ) Lit. KātyŚr.

  having some object in view Lit. W.

  performing (on the stage)

  [ prayogin ] m. an actor Lit. Bhar.

  प्रयोगित्व [ prayogitva ] [ prayogi-tva ] n. , see [ prayogin ]

  प्रयोगीय [ prayogīya ] [ prayogīya ] m. f. n. treating of the application (of medicines ) Lit. Cat.

  प्रयोग्य [ prayogya ] [ prayogya ] m. any animal harnessed to a carriage , draught animal Lit. ChUp.

  प्रयोजक [ prayojaka ] [ prayojaka ] m. f. n. causing , effecting , leading to (gen. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Sarvad.

   (ifc.) prompting , instigating , instigator , promoter Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 55

   effective , essential Lit. Sāh.

   deputing , anointing Lit. W.

   [ prayojaka ] m. an author , composer Lit. Yājñ.

   a money-lender , creditor Lit. ib.

   a founder or institutor of any ceremony Lit. W.

   an employer Lit. A.

   प्रयोजककर्तृत्व [ prayojakakartṛtva ] [ prayojaka--kartṛ-tva ] n. the acting as instigator or promoter Lit. W.

   प्रयोजकता [ prayojakatā ] [ prayojaka--tā ] f. ( Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.) agency

   प्रयोजकत्व [ prayojakatva ] [ prayojaka--tva ] n. ( Lit. Kāś.) agency

   प्रयोजकाध्यायभाष्य [ prayojakādhyāyabhāṣya ] [ prayojakādhyāya-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.

 प्रयोजन [ prayojana ] [ pra-yojana ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) occasion , object , cause , motive , opportunity , purpose , design , aim , end Lit. Prāt. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  [ prayojanena ] , with a particular intention , on purpose Lit. MBh.

  [ °na-vaśāt ] id. Lit. Pañcat.

  [ kena prayojanena ] , from what cause or motive ? Lit. Prab.

  [ kasmai prayojanāya ] , [ kasmāt prayojanāt ] , [ kasya prayojanasya ] and [ kasmin prayojane ] id. Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 27

  [ °nam ati-√ kram ] , to neglect an opportunity Lit. MBh.

  profit , use or need of , necessity for Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat. (with instr. , [ taruṇā kim prayojanam ] , what is the use of the tree? Lit. Kuval. ; [ bhavatv etaiḥ kusumaiḥ prayojanam ] , let these flowers be used Lit. Śak. ; with gen. or dat. Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 27 ; ii , 3 , 72)

  means of attaining Lit. Mn. vii , 100

  (in phil.) a motive for discussing the point in question Lit. IW. 64

  प्रयोजनवत् [ prayojanavat ] [ pra-yojana--vat ] m. f. n. having or connected with or serving any purpose or interest , interested Lit. R.

   serviceable , useful Lit. Suśr. ( [ °ttva ] n. Lit. Sarvad.)

   having a cause , caused , produced Lit. W.

   प्रयोजनवत्त्व [ prayojanavattva ] [ pra-yojana--vat-tva ] n. , see [ prayojanavat ] , Lit. Sarvad.

  प्रयोजयितृ [ prayojayitṛ ] [ pra-yojayitṛ ] m. (fr. Caus.) a causer , occasioner Lit. Āpast.

  प्रयोज्य [ prayojya ] [ pra-yojya ] m. f. n. to be cast or shot (missile) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   to be used or employed or practised ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   to be appointed or commissioned , dependent , a servant or slave Lit. Sarvad.

   to be represented (on the stage) Lit. Sāh.

   [ prayojya ] n. capital (to be lent on interest)

   प्रयोज्यत्व [ prayojyatva ] [ pra-yojya--tva ] n. , see [ prayojya ]

   प्रयोज्यत्व [ prayojyatva ] [ pra-yojya--tva ] n. the state of being used or employed ( [ a-pray ] ) Lit. Vām.

    the state of being appointed or commissioned , dependence ( [ a-pray ] ) Lit. Sarvad.

प्रयुध् [ prayudh ] [ pra-√ yudh ] Ā. [ -yudhyate ] ( rarely P. [ °ti ] ) , to begin to fight , attack , fight with (acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. : Caus. [ -yodhayati ] , to cause to begin to fight Lit. ĀśvGṛ. ; to attack , combat Lit. Hariv. : Desid. Ā. [ -yuyutsate ] , to wish to fight with (instr.) Lit. MBh.

  प्रयुत्सु [ prayutsu ] [ pra-yutsu ] m. ( only Lit. W.) a warrior

   a ram

   an ascetic

   air , wind

   N. of Indra ( for [ °yuyutsu ] ) .

  प्रयुद्ध [ prayuddha ] [ pra-yuddha ] m. f. n. fighting , one who has fought Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

   [ prayuddha ] n. fight , battle Lit. Kathās.

   प्रयुद्धार्थ [ prayuddhārtha ] [ pra-yuddhārtha ] m. f. n. having the sense of [ pra-yuddha ] (accord. to others m. = [ pratyutkrama ] , war , battle , going to war or battle ; accord. to others v.l. for [ prayogārtha ] ) Lit. L. ( 688,3 )

  प्रयुध् [ prayudh ] [ pra-yúdh ] m. f. n. attacking , assailing Lit. RV. v , 59 , 5.

  प्रयोद्धृ [ prayoddhṛ ] [ pra-yoddhṛ ] m. f. n. one who fights , a combatant Lit. Sāy.

प्रयुवन [ prayuvana ] [ pra-yuvana ] see under [ pra- ] √ 2. [ yu ] .

प्रयै [ prayai ] [ pra-yaí ] see under [ pra-√ yā ] .

प्रयोक्तव्य [ prayoktavya ] [ pra-yoktavya ] [ pra-yoga ] , [ pra-yojaka ] see [ pra-√ yuj ] .

प्रयोतृ [ prayotṛ ] [ pra-yotṛ́ ] see under [ pra- ] √ 1. [ yu ] .

प्रय्यमेध [ prayyamedha ] [ prayyamedha ] = [ praiyyamedha ] (w.r. for [ praiyamedha ] q.v.) Lit. AitBr.

प्ररक्ष् [ prarakṣ ] [ pra-√ rakṣ ] P. [ -rakṣati ] , to protect against , save from (abl. ; see [ -rakṣita ] below) .

  प्ररक्ष [ prarakṣa ] [ pra-rakṣa ] m. f. n. one from whom any one is protected Lit. Siddh.

  प्ररक्षण [ prarakṣaṇa ] [ pra-rakṣaṇa ] n. protecting , protection Lit. Pañcat.

  प्ररक्षित [ prarakṣita ] [ pra-rakṣita ] m. f. n. protected against , saved from (abl.) Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.)

प्ररथम् [ praratham ] [ pra-ratham ] ind. g. [ tiṣṭhadgv-ādi ] .

प्ररद् [ prarad ] [ pra-√ rad ] P. [ -radati ] , to scratch or cut in , dig out (as a channel) , mark out (as a path) Lit. RV.

प्ररप् [ prarap ] [ pra-√ rap ] P. [ -rapati ] , to prate , talk Lit. RV.

प्ररप्श् [ prarapś ] [ pra-√ rapś ] ( only Ā. pf. [ -rarapśe ] ) , to reach beyond (abl.) Lit. RV.

प्ररम् [ praram ] [ pra-√ ram ] Caus. P. [ -ramayati ] , to delight or gladden greatly , exhilarate Lit. Nir. ii , 18.

प्रराधस् [ prarādhas ] [ pra-rādhas ] m. (√ [ rādh ] ) N. of a descendant of Aṅgiras Lit. SV. (v.l. [ purādhas ] ) .

  प्रराध्य [ prarādhya ] [ pra-rā́dhya ] m. f. n. to be satisfied or made content Lit. RV. v , 39 , 3.

प्ररिच् [ praric ] [ pra-√ ric ] Ā. [ -ricyate ] , to excel , surpass , be superior to (abl.) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. ; to empty excessively , become excessively empty Lit. TĀr. : Caus. [ -recayati ] , to leave remaining Lit. RV. ; to quit , abandon Lit. ib.

  प्ररिक्वन् [ prarikvan ] [ pra-rí kvan ] m. f. n. reaching beyond , surpassing ( with abl.) Lit. RV. i , 100 , 15.

  प्ररेक [ prareka ] [ pra-reká ] m. Lit. iii , 30 , 19 and (i , 17 , 6) abundance , plenty Lit. RV.

  प्ररेचन [ prarecana ] [ pra-récana ]and n. Lit. i , 17 , 6 abundance , plenty Lit. RV.

प्ररी [ prarī ] [ pra-√ rī ] P. [ -riṇāti ] , to sever , detach , take away Lit. RV. ii , 22 , 4 ; Ā. [ -rīyate ] , to penetrate , enter (?) , Lit. v , 7 , 8.

प्ररु [ praru ] [ pra-√ ru ] P. [ -rauti ] , to roar or cry out loudly Lit. RV.

प्ररुच् [ praruc ] [ pra-√ ruc ] Ā. [ -rocate ] , to shine forth Lit. RV. ; to be liked , please Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ -rocayati ] , to enlighten , illuminate Lit. RV. ; to cause to shine Lit. ib. ; to make apparent or specious , make pleasing Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br.

  प्ररोचन [ prarocana ] [ pra-rocana ] m. f. n. exciting or inciting to love (as a spell) , seductive Lit. Kathās.

   [ prarocanā ] f. highest praise Lit. Bālar.

   (in dram.) exciting interest by praising an author in the Prologue of a drama Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pratāp. ( also n.)

   favourable description of that which is to follow in a play Lit. ib.

   [ prarocana ] n. stimulating , exciting Lit. Mālatīm.

   seduction Lit. Prab.

   praising Lit. ChUp. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Kap. Sch. Lit. Mālatīm.

   illustration , explanation Lit. PañcavBr.

  प्ररोचित [ prarocita ] [ pra-rocita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) commended , praised , approved , liked Lit. MBh.

प्ररुज् [ praruj ] [ pra-√ ruj ] P. [ -rujati ] , to break down , break Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  प्ररुज [ praruja ] [ pra-ruja ] m. N. of a mythical being conquered by Garuḍa Lit. MBh.

   of a Rākshasa Lit. ib.

प्ररुद् [ prarud ] [ pra-√ rud ] P. [ -roditi ] , to begin to mourn or cry or weep , lament or cry aloud Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to weep with any one (acc.) Lit. MBh.

  प्ररुदित [ prarudita ] [ pra-rudita ] m. f. n. one who has begun to weep , weeping Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Vikr. Lit. Kathās.

प्ररुध् [ prarudh ] [ pra-√ rudh ] P. Ā. [ -ruṇaddhi ] , [ -runddhe ] , to keep or hold back , check , stop Lit. Br. Lit. MBh.

प्ररुह् [ praruh ] [ pra-√ ruh ] P. [ -rohati ] , to grow up , shoot forth , shoot up Lit. VS. Lit. Br. Lit. ChUp. ; to heal up (as a wound) Lit. MBh. (v.l.) ; to grow , increase Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat. Lit. ŚārṅgP. : Caus. [ -ropayati ] , to fasten to , put into or on (loc.) Lit. Var.

  प्ररुह् [ praruh ] [ pra-rúh ] m. f. n. shooting forth , growing up (like a plant)

   [ praruh ] m. ( with [ giri ] ) a mountain which rises in the foreground Lit. Hariv. 5327

   f. a shoot , a new branch Lit. AV.

  प्ररूढ [ prarūḍha ] [ pra-rūḍha ] m. f. n. grown up , full-grown Lit. R. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Var.

   (ifc.) overgrown with Lit. Hariv.

   filled up , healed up Lit. R.

   grown , widely spread , become great or strong Lit. Sāh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.

   old Lit. L.

   growing or proceeding from a root , rooted , fastened Lit. L.

   arisen or proceeded from (comp.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. Śak. Lit. BhP.

   प्ररूढकक्ष [ prarūḍhakakṣa ] [ pra-rūḍha--kakṣa ] m. f. n. a place where shrubs have grown Lit. ĀpŚr.

   प्ररूढकेश [ prarūḍhakeśa ] [ pra-rūḍha--keśa ] m. f. n. one whose hair has grown long , having long having Lit. Pañcat.

   प्ररूढमूल [ prarūḍhamūla ] [ pra-rūḍha--mūla ] m. f. n. having roots gone deep Lit. A.

   प्ररूढशालि [ prarūḍhaśāli ] [ pra-rūḍha--śāli ] m. full-grown rice Lit. MW.

  प्ररूढि [ prarūḍhi ] [ pra-rūḍhi ] f. the having shot up Lit. Hcar.

   growth , increase Lit. Rājat.

  प्ररोधन [ prarodhana ] [ pra-ródhana ] n. rising , ascending Lit. TS.

  प्ररोपित [ praropita ] [ pra-ropita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) sown , planted Lit. R. Lit. Sāh.

   shown or done (as a kindness) Lit. Rājat.

  प्ररोह [ praroha ] [ pra-roha ] m. germinating , sprouting , growing or shooting forth (lit. and fig. ; cf. [ dṛḍhap ] ) Lit. Kum. Lit. Kull.

   a bud , shoot , sprout , sprig Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Suśr.

   an excrescence Lit. Suśr.

   a new leaf or branch Lit. MW.

   (fig.) a shoot = ray ( of light ; see [ prabhā-p ] ) Lit. Kum. Lit. Ragh. Lit. BhP.

   प्ररोहवत् [ prarohavat ] [ pra-roha--vat ] m. f. n. possessing vegetation , covered with vegetation Lit. Suśr.

  प्ररोहक [ prarohaka ] [ pra-rohaka ] m. f. n. causing to grow Lit. Nalac.

  प्ररोहण [ prarohaṇa ] [ pra-rohaṇa ] n. germinating , sprouting , growing or shooting forth , growth (lit. and fig.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Sch. Lit. Siṃhâs.

   a bud , shoot , sprig Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  प्ररोहिन् [ prarohin ] [ pra-rohin ] m. f. n. growing or shooting up , shooting up from (comp.) Lit. Mn. i , 46

   (ifc.) causing to grow , propagating Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Hcat.

   प्ररोहिशाखिन् [ prarohiśākhin ] [ pra-rohi-śākhin ] m. f. n. (a tree) whose branches grow again Lit. Yājñ. ii , 227.

प्ररूप् [ prarūp ] [ pra-√ rūp ] P. [ -rūpayati ] , to expound , expose , explain (esp. in the Jaina system) Lit. Sarvad.

  प्ररूपण [ prarūpaṇa ] [ pra-rūpaṇa ] n. f. exposing , teaching Lit. Siṃhâs.

प्ररेक [ prareka ] [ pra-reká ] [ °récana ] see [ pra-√ ric ] .

प्ररेज् [ prarej ] [ pra-√ rej ] Ā. [ -rejate ] , to tremble at (acc.) Lit. RV. i , 38 , 10 : Caus. [ -rejayati ] , to cause to tremble Lit. ib. iv , 22 , 3.

प्रर्क्षीय [ prarkṣīya ] [ pra-rkṣīya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( fr. [ prarkṣa ] = [ pra ] + [ ṛkṣa ] ) Lit. Vop. ii , 4 ; ( also [ prārkṣīya ] .)

प्रर्च्छक [ prarcchaka ] [ prarcchaka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ pra ] + [ ṛcchaka ] ) Lit. Pat.

प्रर्षभीय [ prarṣabhīya ] [ prarṣabhīya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( fr. [ prarṣabha ] = [ pra ] + [ ṛṣabha ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 22 Sch. ; ( also [ prārṣabhīya ] .)

प्रलघु [ pralaghu ] [ pra-laghu ] m. f. n. very inconsiderable , very small (as an attendance) Lit. Kād.

  प्रलघुता [ pralaghutā ] [ pra-laghu--tā ] f. Lit. Mudr.

प्रलप् [ pralap ] [ pra-√ lap ] P. [ -lapati ] , to speak forth (inconsiderately or at random) , prattle , talk idly or incoherently , trifle Lit. TBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to talk , converse Lit. BhP. ; to speak forth , speak Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. ; to exclaim Lit. Bhartṛ. ; to lament , bewail Lit. Pañcat. ; to speak or tell in a doleful manner Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to call upon or invoke in piteous tones Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -lāpayati ] , to cause or incite to speak Lit. Mṛicch.

  प्रलपन [ pralapana ] [ pra-lapana ] n. prattling , talking Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Sāh.

   lamentation Lit. Uttarar.

  प्रलपित [ pralapita ] [ pra-lapita ] m. f. n. spoken forth , spoken , said Lit. W.

   spoken dolefully , invoked piteously Lit. Sāh.

   [ pralapita ] n. prattling , talk Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Nītis.

   lamentation Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Sāh.

  प्रलाप [ pralāpa ] [ pra-lāpá ] m. talk , discourse , prattling , chattering Lit. AV.

   (also n.) lamentation ( [ ārta-p ] , lamentation of one in pain) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat.

   incoherent or delirious speech , raving Lit. Cat.

   प्रलापवत् [ pralāpavat ] [ pra-lāpá--vat ] m. f. n. one who speaks confusedly or incoherently Lit. Suśr.

   प्रलापहन् [ pralāpahan ] [ pra-lāpá--han ] m. a kind of medic. preparation Lit. L.

   प्रलापैकमय [ pralāpaikamaya ] [ pra-lāpaika-maya ] m. f. n. " consisting only of lamentation " , doing nothing but lament Lit. MW.

  प्रलापक [ pralāpaka ] [ pra-lāpaka ] m. speaking incoherently Lit. Bhpr.

  प्रलापन [ pralāpana ] [ pra-lāpana ] n. (fr. Caus.) causing or teaching to speak Lit. Cat.

  प्रलापिन् [ pralāpin ] [ pra-lāpin ] m. f. n. ( generally ifc. ; [ °pi-tva ] n. ) chattering , talking much or unmeaningly , talking , speaking Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Yājñ.

   lamenting , wailing Lit. R.

   (fever) attended with delirium Lit. Bhpr.

   प्रलापित्व [ pralāpitva ] [ pra-lāpi-tva ] n. , see [ pralāpin ]

   प्रलापिता [ pralāpitā ] [ pra-lāpi-tā ] f. amorous conversation or prattle Lit. Pratāp.

प्रलभ् [ pralabh ] [ pra-√ labh ] Ā. [ -labhate ] , to lay hold of , seize Lit. MBh. ; to get , obtain Lit. Kathās. ; to overreach , cheat , deceive , befool Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -lambhayati ] , to cheat , deceive Lit. BhP.

  प्रलब्ध [ pralabdha ] [ pra-labdha ] m. f. n. seized Lit. MBh.

   overreached , cheated , deceived Lit. MW.

  प्रलब्धव्य [ pralabdhavya ] [ pra-labdhavya ] m. f. n. to be cheated or fooled Lit. MBh.

  प्रलब्धृ [ pralabdhṛ ] [ pra-labdhṛ ] m. f. n. a cheat , deceiver Lit. MBh.

  प्रलम्भ [ pralambha ] [ pra-lambha ] m. obtaining. gaining Lit. R.

   ( also pl.) overreaching , deceiving Lit. MBh.

  प्रलम्भन [ pralambhana ] [ pra-lambhana ] n. overreaching , deceiving Lit. BhP.

   that by which any one is deceived Lit. Jātakam.

प्रलम्फन [ pralamphana ] [ pra-lamphana ] n. a jump Lit. L.

प्रलम्ब् [ pralamb ] [ pra-√ lamb ] Ā. [ -lambate ] , to hang down Lit. Daś. Lit. Suśr.

 प्रलम्ब [ pralamba ] [ pralamba ] m. f. n. hanging down , depending , pendent , pendulous ( generally ibc.) Lit. KātyŚr. Sch. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.

  bending the upper part of the body forward Lit. MBh.

  prominent Lit. MW.

  slow , dilatory Lit. W.

  [ pralamba ] m. hanging on or from , depending Lit. L.

  a branch Lit. L.

  a shoot of the vine-palm Lit. L.

  a cucumber Lit. Bhpr.

  a garland of flowers worn round the neck Lit. W.

  a kind of necklace of pearls Lit. L.

  the female breast Lit. L.

  tin (?) Lit. W.

  N. of a Daitya slain by Balarāma or Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās.

  of a mountain Lit. R.

  m. (f ( [ ā ] ) . N. of a Rākshasī Lit. Buddh.)

  प्रलम्बकेश [ pralambakeśa ] [ pralamba--keśa ] m. f. n. one whose hair hangs down Lit. VP.

  प्रलम्बघ्न [ pralambaghna ] [ pralamba--ghna ] m. " slayer of Pralamba " , N. of Bala-rāma and of Kṛishṇa Lit. L.

  प्रलम्बता [ pralambatā ] [ pralamba--tā ] f. the hanging down , being pendulous Lit. Kād.

  प्रलम्बनासिक [ pralambanāsika ] [ pralamba--nāsika ] m. f. n. one who has a prominent nose Lit. A.

  प्रलम्बबाहु [ pralambabāhu ] [ pralamba--bāhu ] m. f. n. one whose arms hang down Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP. Lit. Buddh. ( [ -tā ] f. one of the 32 signs of perfection Lit. Dharmas. 83)

   [ pralambabāhu ] m. N. of a man Lit. Kathās.

   प्रलम्बबाहुता [ pralambabāhutā ] [ pralamba--bāhu--tā ] f. , see [ pralambabāhu ] , one of the 32 signs of perfection Lit. Dharmas. 83

  प्रलम्बभिद् [ pralambabhid ] [ pralamba--bhid ] m. " crusher of Pralamba " , N. of Bala-rāma Lit. L.

  प्रलम्बभुज [ pralambabhuja ] [ pralamba--bhuja ] m. f. n. one whose arms hang down Lit. L.

   [ pralambabhuja ] m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Lit. Kathās.

  प्रलम्बमथन [ pralambamathana ] [ pralamba--mathana ] m. ( Lit. Hariv.) " slayer of Pralamba " , N. of Bala-rāma and of Kṛishṇa

  प्रलम्बहन् [ pralambahan ] [ pralamba--han ] m. ( Lit. MBh.) " slayer of Pralamba " , N. of Bala-rāma and of Kṛishṇa

  प्रलम्बहन्तृ [ pralambahantṛ ] [ pralamba--hantṛ ] m. ( Lit. MBh.) " slayer of Pralamba " , N. of Bala-rāma and of Kṛishṇa

  प्रलम्बाण्ड [ pralambāṇḍa ] [ pralambāṇḍa ] m. a man with pendent testicles Lit. Vet.

  प्रलम्बारि [ pralambāri ] [ pra-lambāri ] m. N. of Bala-rāma, Lit. L.

  प्रलम्बोज्ज्वलचारुघोण [ pralambojjvalacārughoṇa ] [ pralambojjvala-cāru-ghoṇa ] m. f. n. having a prominent and bright and handsome nose Lit. MBh.

  प्रलम्बोदर [ pralambodara ] [ pralambodara ] m. " having a pendent belly " , N. of a prince of the Kiṃ-naras Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

   N. of a fabulous mountain Lit. ib.

  प्रलम्बक [ pralambaka ] [ pralambaka ] m. fragrant Rohisha grass Lit. L.

  प्रलम्बन [ pralambana ] [ pralambana ] n. hanging down , depending Lit. L.

  प्रलम्बित [ pralambita ] [ pralambita ] m. f. n. hanging down , pendulous Lit. Kathās.

   ( [ alaṃ-kāra-p ] for [ pralambitālaṃ-k ] , having pendent ornaments Lit. Lalit.)

  प्रलम्बिन् [ pralambin ] [ pralambin ] m. f. n. hanging down , depending Lit. Suśr. Lit. Hariv. ( cf. [ tri-pr ] ) .

 प्रलम्बीकृ [ pralambīkṛ ] [ pralambī-√ kṛ ] to make to hang down Lit. R.

प्रलम्भ [ pralambha ] [ pra-lambha ] [ °lambhana ] see [ pra√ labh ] .

प्रलय [ pralaya ] [ pra-laya ] see under [ pra-√ lī ] .

प्रललाट [ pralalāṭa ] [ pra-lalāṭa ] m. f. n. having a prominent forehead Lit. MBh.

प्रलव [ pralava ] [ pra-lavá ] see under [ pra-√ lū ] .

प्रलाप [ pralāpa ] [ pra-lāpa ] see under [ pra-√ lap ] .

प्रलिख् [ pralikh ] [ pra-√ likh ] P. Ā. [ -likhati ] , [ °te ] , (P.) to scratch , draw lines in (acc.) Lit. Mn. iv , 55 ; ( to draw lines , write Lit. Hcat. ; Ā.) to comb one's head (Sch. " to draw lines " ) Lit. Kauś. Lit. PārGṛ. ( 1330,3 )

प्रलिप् [ pralip ] [ pra-√ lip ] P. Ā. [ -limpati ] , [ °te ] , to smear , besmear , stain (Ā. to smear one's self) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Kauś. : Caus. [ -lepayati ] , to smear , besmear Lit. MBh. Lit. Var.

  प्रलिप [ pralipa ] [ pra-lipa ] m. f. n. one who smears or plasters Lit. W.

  प्रलिप्त [ pralipta ] [ pra-lipta ] m. f. n. cleaving or sticking to (loc.) Lit. MBh.

  प्रलेप [ pralepa ] [ pra-lepa ] m. cleaving to (comp.) Lit. Bhpr.

   an unguent , ointment , salve , plaster Lit. Suśr. Lit. MārkP. Lit. Var.

   a hectic or slow fever Lit. Car.

  प्रलेपक [ pralepaka ] [ pra-lepaka ] m. f. n. anointing , smearing , plastering Lit. W.

   [ pralepaka ] m. a plasterer , an anointer Lit. W.

   a partic. marine substance , lime made of calcined shells (?) Lit. L.

   a hectic or slow fever Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.

   [ pralepikā ] f. g. [ mahiṣy-ādi ] .

  प्रलेपन [ pralepana ] [ pra-lepana ] n. the act of anointing or smearing Lit. MW.

   an unguent , salve , plaster Lit. Car.

  प्रलेप्य [ pralepya ] [ pra-lepya ] m. clean or well trimmed hair ( perhaps correctly for a form [ pralebhya ] ) Lit. L.

प्रलिश [ praliśa ] [ prá-liśa ] m. N. of a mystic being Lit. Suparṇ.

प्रलिह् [ pralih ] [ pra-√ lih ] P. Ā. [ -leḍhi ] , [ -līḍhe ] , to lick up , cause to melt on the tongue Lit. Suśr.

  प्रलेह [ praleha ] [ pra-leha ] m. a kind of broth Lit. L.

  प्रलेहन [ pralehana ] [ pra-lehana ] n. the act of licking Lit. Gobh.

प्रली [ pralī ] [ pra-√ lī ] Ā. [ -līyate ] (ind.p. [ -līya ] , or [ -lāya ] ) , to become dissolved or reabsorbed into (loc.) , disappear , perish , die Lit. Br. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

 प्रलय [ pralaya ] [ pra-laya ] m. dissolution , reabsorption , destruction , annihilation


  (esp.) the destruction of the whole world , at the end of a Kalpa (s.v.) Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. ChUp. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  setting (of the stars) Lit. Subh.

  end ( [ saṃjāta-nidrā-pra-laya ] mfn. having done sleeping Lit. Pañcat.)

  cause of dissolution Lit. Bhag. Lit. Bṛih.

  fainting , loss of sense or consciousness Lit. Pratāp. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Suśr.

  sleepiness Lit. Gal.

  N. of the syllable [ om ] , Lit. AtharvaśUp.

  प्रलयकाल [ pralayakāla ] [ pra-laya--kāla ] m. the time of universal dissolution Lit. MW.

  प्रलयकेवल [ pralayakevala ] [ pra-laya--kevala ] m. f. n. = [ °layākala ] ( q.v.) Lit. Sarvad.

  प्रलयघन [ pralayaghana ] [ pra-laya--ghana ] m. the cloud which causes the destruction of the world Lit. Hit.

  प्रलयंकर [ pralayaṃkara ] [ pra-laya--ṃ-kara ] m. f. n. causing destruction or ruin Lit. Up. Lit. Kāv.

  प्रलयजलधरध्वान [ pralayajaladharadhvāna ] [ pra-laya--jaladhara-dhvāna ] m. the rumbling or muttering of clouds at the dissolution of the world Lit. MW.

  प्रलयता [ pralayatā ] [ pra-laya--tā ] f. dissolution ( [ -tāṃ-√ gam ] , to perish , be annihilated) Lit. Hariv.

  प्रलयत्व [ pralayatva ] [ pra-laya--tva ] n. id. ( [ -tvāya-√ kḷp ] = [ -tāṃ-√ gam ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  प्रलयदहन [ pralayadahana ] [ pra-laya--dahana ] m. the fire causing the destruction of the world , Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Amar.

  प्रलयस्थितिसर्ग [ pralayasthitisarga ] [ pra-laya--sthiti-sarga ] m. pl. destruction , preservation and creation (of the world) . Lit. Kum.

  प्रलयाकल [ pralayākala ] [ pra-layākala ] m. f. n. (an individual soul) to which [ mala ] and [ karman ] still adhere (with Śaivas) Lit. Sarvad.

  प्रलयान्तग [ pralayāntaga ] [ pra-layānta-ga ] m. f. n. perishing only at the destruction of the world (the sun) Lit. MārkP.

  प्रलयोदय [ pralayodaya ] [ pra-layodaya ] m. du. dissolution and creation Lit. Bhag. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kathās.

  प्रलयन [ pralayana ] [ pra-láyana ] n. a place of repose , a bed Lit. AV.

  प्रलायम् [ pralāyam ] [ pra-lā́yam ] ind. ( with √ [ i ] or [ car ] ) to hide one's self , be hidden Lit. Br. Lit. Kāṭh.

 प्रलीन [ pralīna ] [ pralīna ] m. f. n. dissolved , reabsorbed into (loc.) , disappeared , lost , died Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.

  slacked , tired , wearied Lit. AitBr.

  unconscious , insensible Lit. W.

  flown away Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ pra-ḍīna ] ) .

  प्रलीनता [ pralīnatā ] [ pralīna-tā ] f. dissolution , destruction , annihilation , the end of the universe Lit. L.

   unconsciousness , fainting Lit. L.

  प्रलीनत्व [ pralīnatva ] [ pralīna-tva ] n. dissolution , destruction , annihilation , the end of the universe Lit. L.

   unconsciousness , fainting Lit. L.

  प्रलीनभूपाल [ pralīnabhūpāla ] [ pralīna-bhū-pāla ] m. f. n. whose monarchs have been destroyed Lit. MW.

  प्रलीनेन्द्रिय [ pralīnendriya ] [ pralīnendriya ] m. f. n. one whose senses have slacked or languished ( [ °ya-tva ] n. Lit. Sāy.)

   प्रलीनेन्द्रियत्व [ pralīnendriyatva ] [ pralīnendriya-tva ] n. , see [ pralīnendriya ] , Lit. Sāy.

प्रलुठ् [ praluṭh ] [ pra-√ luṭh ] P. [ -luṭhati ] , to roll forwards , roll , roll along the ground , roll round Lit. Pañcat. ; to be agitated , heave , toss , wallow Lit. MW.

  प्रलुठित [ praluṭhita ] [ pra-luṭhita ] m. f. n. rolling about Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  प्रलोठन [ praloṭhana ] [ pra-loṭhana ] n. the act of rolling

   heaving , tossing (as of the ocean) Lit. W.

  प्रलोठित [ praloṭhita ] [ pra-loṭhita ] m. f. n. (anything) that has begun to roll Lit. Bhaṭṭ.


   heaving , tossing Lit. W.

प्रलुप् [ pralup ] [ pra-√ lup ] P. [ -lumpati ] , to pluck or pull out Lit. Hariv. : Pass. [ -lupyate ] , to be robbed Lit. MBh. ; to be interrupted or disturbed or violated or destroyed Lit. MW.

  प्रलुप्त [ pralupta ] [ pra-lupta ] m. f. n. robbed Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Rājat.

   having lost ( with abl.) Lit. MārkP.

  प्रलोप [ pralopa ] [ pra-lopa ] m. destruction , annihilation Lit. Lalit.

प्रलुभ् [ pralubh ] [ pra-√ lubh ] P. Ā. [ -lubhyati ] , [ °te ] , (Ā.) to lust after , be lustful , follow one's lusts , go astray sexually (said of a wife) Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Lit. Mn. ; to allure , entice , seduce , pollute Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -lobhayati ] , to cause to lust after , allure , entice , attempt , to seduce Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pur. ; to divert the attention of any one by (instr.) Lit. Suśr.

  प्रलुब्ध [ pralubdha ] [ pra-lubdha ] m. f. n. seduced Lit. MBh.

   [ pralubdhā ] f. (a woman) who has conceived an illicit affection for ( [ saha ] ) Lit. Pañcat.

 प्रलोभ [ pralobha ] [ pra-lobha ] m. allurement , seduction Lit. Pañcat. Lit. BhP.

  desire , cupidity Lit. W.

  प्रलोभक [ pralobhaka ] [ pra-lobhaka ] m. " allurer " , N. of a jackal Lit. Pañcat.

  प्रलोभन [ pralobhana ] [ pra-lobhana ] m. f. n. causing to lust after , alluring , seducing Lit. BhP.

   [ pralobhanī ] f. gravel , sand Lit. L.

   [ pralobhana ] n. allurement , inducement Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

   that which allures , a lure , bait Lit. MW.

   ( also w.r. for [ pralambhana ] Lit. Bhag.)

  प्रलोभित [ pralobhita ] [ pra-lobhita ] m. f. n. allured , enticed Lit. BhP.

  प्रलोभिन् [ pralobhin ] [ pra-lobhin ] m. f. n. alluring , seducing Lit. MārkP.

   lusting after Lit. MW.

  प्रलोभ्य [ pralobhya ] [ pra-lobhya ] m. f. n. to be lusted after , alluring Lit. Subh.

प्रलू [ pralū ] [ pra-√ lū ] P. Ā. [ -lunāti ] , [ -lunīte ] , to cut off Lit. HPariś.

 प्रलव [ pralava ] [ pra-lavá ] m. a part cut off , chip , fragment (as of a reed ; others " the sheath of a leaf " ; others " a dead leaf " ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

  प्रलवन [ pralavana ] [ pra-lavana ] n. the reaping of corn Lit. GṛS.

  प्रलवितृ [ pralavitṛ ] [ pra-lavitṛ ] m. f. n. one who cuts off Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 174 Sch.

  प्रलवित्र [ pralavitra ] [ pra-lavitra ] n. an instrument for cutting off Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 144 Sch.

  प्रलून [ pralūna ] [ pra-lūna ] m. f. n. cut off Lit. MW.

   [ pralūna ] m. a kind of insect Lit. Suśr.

प्रलेप [ pralepa ] [ pra-lepa ] see under [ pra-√ lip ] .

प्रलेह [ praleha ] [ pra-leha ] [ °lehana ] see [ pra-√ lih ] .

प्रलोल [ pralola ] [ pra-lola ] m. f. n. being in violent motion , agitated Lit. R.

प्रलोलुप [ pralolupa ] [ pra-lolupa ] m. N. of a Kunti (a descendant of Garuḍa) Lit. MārkP.

प्रल्कारीय [ pralkārīya ] [ pralkārīya ] Nom. ( fr. [ pra ] + [ ḷkāra ] ) P. [ °yati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 92 Sch. ( also [ prālkārīya ] ) .

प्रव [ prava ] [ pravá ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ pru ] ) fluttering , hovering Lit. RV.

  प्रवग [ pravaga ] [ pravá-ga ] m. = [ plava-ga ] , a monkey Lit. L.

  प्रवंग [ pravaṃga ] [ pravá-ṃ-ga ] m. = [ plavaṃ-ga ] id. Lit. L.

  प्रवंगम [ pravaṃgama ] [ pravá-ṃ-gama ] m. = [ plavaṃ-g ] id. Lit. L.

 प्रवक [ pravaka ] [ pravaka ] m. f. n. one who goes Lit. W.

प्रवङ्ग [ pravaṅga ] [ pra-vaṅga ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MārkP.

प्रवच् [ pravac ] [ pra-√ vac ] P. [ -vakti ] (inf. [ -vā́ce ] Lit. RV. ix , 95 , 2) , to proclaim , announce , praise , commend , mention , teach , impart , explain (with acc. of thing and dat. or gen. of person) Lit. RV. ; to tell of betray Lit. TS. ; to give , deliver ( with acc. and dat.) Lit. RV. Lit. Br. ; to speak , say , tell (with acc. , rarely dat. of person , and acc. of thing) Lit. PraśnUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to declare to be , call ( 2 acc.) Lit. Śrutab. : Caus. [ -vācayati ] , to cause to announce Lit. Gobh. : Desid. [ -vivakṣati ] Lit. MBh. xii , 3767 (w.r. [ -vivakṣataḥ ] for [ -vivikṣataḥ ] ) . ( 690,1 )

  प्रवक्तव्य [ pravaktavya ] [ pra-vaktavya ] m. f. n. to be announced or imparted or taught or explained Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  प्रवक्तृ [ pravaktṛ ] [ pra-vaktṛ ] m. f. n. one who tells or imparts or relates Lit. Yājñ.

   a good speaker Lit. MBh.

   an announcer , expounder , teacher ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Mn. Lit. R.

   the first relater of a legend (ifc. [ -ka ] ) Lit. L.

   प्रवक्तृत्व [ pravaktṛtva ] [ pra-vaktṛ--tva ] n. , see [ pravaktṛ ]

 प्रवचन [ pravacana ] [ pra-vacana ] m. one who exposes , propounds Lit. BhP.

  [ pravacana ] n. speaking , talking Lit. Pañcat.

  recitation , oral instruction , teaching , expounding , exposition , interpretation ( cf. [ sāṃkhya-pravacana-bhāṣya ] ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Up. Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. RPrāt.

  announcement , proclamation Lit. Lāṭy.

  excellent speech or language , eloquence Lit. W.

  an expression , term Lit. Nir.

  a system of doctrines propounded in a treatise or dissertation

  sacred writings (esp. the Brāhmaṇas or the Vedâṅgas) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ( cf. Lit. IW. 145)

  the sacred writings of Buddhists (ninefold) Lit. Dharmas. 62

  the sacred writings of the Jainas Lit. Hemac. Sch.

  ( [ am ] , enclitic after a finite verb g. [ gotrādi ] )

  प्रवचनकर्तृ [ pravacanakartṛ ] [ pra-vacana-kartṛ ] m. a proclaimer, Lit. Hir.

  प्रवचनपटु [ pravacanapaṭu ] [ pra-vacana--paṭu ] m. f. n. skilled in speaking , eloquent Lit. Bhartṛ.

  प्रवचनसारगाथा [ pravacanasāragāthā ] [ pra-vacana--sāra-gāthā ] f. N. of wk.

  प्रवचनसारोद्धार [ pravacanasāroddhāra ] [ pra-vacana--sāroddhāra ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रवचनीय [ pravacanīya ] [ pra-vacanīya ] m. f. n. to be taught or propounded Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.

   to be well or elegantly spoken Lit. W.

   [ pravacanīya ] m. a propounder , teacher Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. L.

   a good speaker Lit. W.

 प्रवाक [ pravāka ] [ pra-vāka ] m. a proclaimer (see [ soma-p ] ) .

  प्रवाच् [ pravāc ] [ pra-vāc ] m. f. n. eloquent Lit. L.

   talkative Lit. Mudr.

   boastful , bragging Lit. Bālar.

  प्रवाचक [ pravācaka ] [ pra-vācaka ] m. f. n. declaratory , explanatory Lit. MW.

   speaking well , eloquent Lit. W.

  प्रवाचन [ pravācana ] [ pra-vā́cana ] n. a proclamation , promulgation Lit. RV. x , 35 , 8

   fame , renown Lit. RV. iv , 36 , 1

   a designation , name (see [ dvi-p ] ) .

  प्रवाच्य [ pravācya ] [ pra-vā́cya ] m. f. n. to be proclaimed aloud , praiseworthy , glorious Lit. RV.

   to be spoken to Lit. Hariv.

   [ pravācya ] n. a literary production Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 66 Sch.

 प्रोक्त [ prokta ] [ prokta ] m. f. n. announced , told , taught , mentioned Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP. Lit. Var. Lit. Pāṇ.

  said , spoken , spoken to , addressed Lit. MBh. Lit. Prab. Lit. Var. Lit. Hit.

  called , declared , said Lit. Mn. Lit. Bhag. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pañcat.

  meaning , signifying ( with loc.) Lit. L.

  [ prokte ] ind. it having been announced Lit. KātyŚr.

  प्रोक्तकारिन् [ proktakārin ] [ prokta-kārin ] m. f. n. doing what one has been told Lit. BhP.

  प्रोक्तवत् [ proktavat ] [ prokta-vat ] m. f. n. one who has said or declared Lit. W.

प्रवट [ pravaṭa ] [ pra-vaṭa ] m. (√ [ vaṭ ] ?) wheat Lit. L.

प्रवण [ pravaṇa ] [ pra-vaṇá ] m. ( prob. fr. 1. [ pra ] and suffix [ vana ] cf. [ vag-vaná ] , [ sat-vaná ] , [ śuśuk-vaná ] ; but according to Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 5 fr. [ pra ] and [ vana ] , " wood " ; according to others from √ [ pru ] ) or n. (?) the side of a hill , slope , declivity , abyss , depth Lit. RV. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. MBh. ( in Lit. RV. only loc. sg. and once pl. ; in Lit. MBh. viii , 2369 also abl. sg.)

[ pravaṇa ] m. a place where four roads meet Lit. L.

a moment Lit. L.

a whirlpool Lit. L.

n. an access to (loc.) Lit. MBh.

[ pravaṇe ] ind. in a precipitous course , hurriedly , hastily Lit. MBh.

mf ( [ ā ] ) n. declining , bent , sloping down , steep , abrupt Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Mn.

(ifc.) directed towards ( cf. [ udak- ] , [ dakṣiṇā- ] , [ nimna- ] )

inclined or disposed or devoted to , intent upon , full of (loc. , dat. gen. inf. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

wasted , decayed , disappeared Lit. R.

generous Lit. L.

humble , modest Lit. L. ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (pro1nus) . )

  प्रवणता [ pravaṇatā ] [ pra-vaṇá-tā ] f. inclination , propensity , proneness to (comp.) Lit. Prab. Lit. Kuval.

  प्रवणप्रहर्ष [ pravaṇapraharṣa ] [ pra-vaṇá-praharṣa ] m. f. n. one whose joy or happiness has disappeared Lit. R. (v.l. in B. [ pravinaṣṭa-harṣa ] ) .

  प्रवणवत् [ pravaṇavat ] [ pra-vaṇá-vat ] m. f. n. having a steep descent or declivity. Lit. Nir.

  प्रवणविधेयीभू [ pravaṇavidheyībhū ] [ pra-vaṇá-vidheyī-√ bhū ] to obey gladly Lit. Inscr.

  प्रवणेज [ pravaṇeja ] [ pravaṇe-ja ] m. f. n. = [ pravāte-já ] Lit. Nir. viii , 9.

 प्रवणय [ pravaṇaya ] [ pravaṇaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to become inclined or attached to Lit. Dharmaś. ; to make ready , prepare , accomplish , effect , produce Lit. ib.

 प्रवणायित [ pravaṇāyita ] [ pravaṇāyita ] n. ( fr. Nom. [ °ṇāya ] ) inclination , propensity , bias Lit. Sāh.

 प्रवणीकृ [ pravaṇīkṛ ] [ pravaṇī-√ kṛ ] to dispose favourably Lit. Kum.

  प्रवणीभू [ pravaṇībhū ] [ pravaṇī-√ bhū ] to become favourably disposed Lit. GopBr.

 प्रवत् [ pravat ] [ pravát ] f. the side or slope of a mountain , elevation , height Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  heavenly height (7 or 3 in number) Lit. ib.

  ( [ pravato napāt ] , " son of the heavenly height " i.e. Agni Lit. AV.)

  a sloping path , smooth or swift course (instr. sg. or pl. " downhill , precipitately , swiftly " ) Lit. RV. Lit. TUp.

  [ pravat ] m. f. n. directed forwards or towards , blazing forth (said of Agni) Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr.

  containing the syllable [ pra ] or [ pṛ ] Lit. Br.

  (accord. to some also, "a river, stream"

  प्रवत्वत् [ pravatvat ] [ pravát-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ °vát-v° ] ) abounding in heights , hilly Lit. RV.

   sloping downwards , affording a swift motion Lit. ib.

   "swift, rapid" ).

 प्रवद् [ pravad ] [ pravad ] in comp. for [ °vat ] .

  प्रवद्भार्गव [ pravadbhārgava ] [ pravad-bhārgava ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.

  प्रवद्यामन् [ pravadyāman ] [ pravad-yāman ] ( [ °vád- ] ) m. f. n. having a downward path , rapid in its course (as a chariot) Lit. RV.

प्रवणि [ pravaṇi ] [ pra-vaṇi ] see [ niṣ-pravaṇi ] .

प्रवत्स्यत् [ pravatsyat ] [ pra-vatsyat ] see [ pra- ] √ 5. [ vas ] .

प्रवद् [ pravad ] [ pra-√ vad ] P. Ā. [ -vadati ] , [ °te ] ( Ved. inf. [ prá-vaditos ] ) , to speak out , pronounce , proclaim , declare , utter , say , tell Lit. RV. ; to speak to (acc.) Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to raise the voice (said of birds and animals) Lit. R. Lit. Var. ; to roar , splash (said of water) Lit. ĀśvGṛ. ; ( cf. [ a-pravadat ] ) to assert , affirm , state Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. Var. ; to pronounce to be , call , name ( 2 acc.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to offer for sale (with instr. of price) Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.) : Caus. [ -vādayati ] , to cause to sound , play (with acc. of the instrument) Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh. ; (without an object) to play , make music Lit. Hariv. ( also [ -vādyati ] , with act. meaning Lit. MBh. xii , 1899) .

  प्रवद [ pravada ] [ pra-vadá ] m. f. n. sounding forth , sounding (as a drum) Lit. Kauś.

   [ pravada ] m. a herald , bard (?) Lit. AV. v , 20 , 9.

  प्रवदन [ pravadana ] [ pra-vadana ] n. a proclamation , announcement Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  प्रवदितृ [ pravaditṛ ] [ pra-vaditṛ́ ] m. f. n. one who speaks out , uttering (gen. or acc.) Lit. TS. Lit. MBh.

  प्रवदिषु [ pravadiṣu ] [ pra-vadiṣu ] see [ vāk-pravadiṣu ] .

 प्रवाद [ pravāda ] [ pra-vāda ] m. speaking forth , uttering Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. MBh.

  expressing , mentioning Lit. Nir.

  talk , report , rumour , popular saying or belief Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( [ °dāya ] , in order to spread the rumour Lit. Kathās. ; [ °dena ] , according to rumour , as the saying goes Lit. MBh.)

  ill rumour about (gen.) , slander , calumny (pl.) Lit. Kāv.

  mutual defiance , words of challenge (prior to combat) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  (ifc.) passing one's self off as Lit. R.

  (in gram.) any form or case of (gen. or comp. ; opp. to a specified form or case) Lit. Prāt.

  [ pravādā ] f. anything belonging to (comp.) Lit. Vait.

  प्रवादक [ pravādaka ] [ pra-vādaka ] m. f. n. causing to sound , playing (a musical instrument) Lit. Hariv.

  प्रवादिन् [ pravādin ] [ pra-vādin ] m. f. n. giving forth a sound , uttering a cry Lit. MBh.

   (ifc.) stating , declaring , reporting , speaking of Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. MBh.

   ( fr. [ °vāda ] ) , being in some grammatical form or case Lit. RPrāt.

  प्रवाद्य [ pravādya ] [ pra-vādya ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 56 Sch.

 प्रोदित [ prodita ] [ prodita ] m. f. n. spoken out , uttered Lit. Hariv.

प्रवध् [ pravadh ] [ pra-√ vadh ] ( only Pass. pr. 3. pl. [ -vadhyante ] and ind.p. [ -vadhya ] ) , to kill or slay Lit. Pañcat.

प्रवन् [ pravan ] [ pra-√ van ] Ā. [ -vanute ] ( Ved. inf. [ právantave ] ) , to vanquish , conquer , gain , procure Lit. RV.

प्रवप् [ pravap ] [ pra-√ vap:1 ] P. Ā. [ -vapati ] , [ °te ] , to shave off (the beard ) Lit. RV. : Lit. TS. Lit. GṛS. 1.

  प्रवपण [ pravapaṇa ] [ pra-vapaṇa ] n. shaving off Lit. GṛS.

प्रवप् [ pravap ] [ pra-√ vap:2 ] P. [ -vapati ] , to scatter , strew , throw Lit. RV. : Caus. [ -vāpayati ] , to scatter , strew Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. 2.

  प्रवपण [ pravapaṇa ] [ pra-vapaṇa ] n. scattering , sowing Lit. GṛS.

  प्रवापयितृ [ pravāpayitṛ ] [ pra-vāpayitṛ ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) one who scatters forth or pours out Lit. Kāṭh.

  प्रवापिन् [ pravāpin ] [ pra-vāpin ] m. f. n. scattering , sowing in (comp.) Lit. Mn. ix , 51.

प्रवप [ pravapa ] [ pra-vapa ] m. f. n. ( [ pra ] + [ vapā ] ) having a thick membrane or omentum Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 16 Sch.

प्रवभ्र [ pravabhra ] [ pravabhrá ] m. N. of Indra Lit. MaitrS. ( cf. [ prababhra ] ) .

प्रवयण [ pravayaṇa ] [ pra-vayaṇa ] 1. 2. [ pra-vayaṇa ] . see [ pra-√ vī ] and [ pra-√ ve ] .

प्रवयस् [ pravayas ] [ prá-vayas ] m. f. n. strong , vigorous , in the prime of life Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.

advanced in age , aged , old , ancient Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Car.

प्रवय्या [ pravayyā ] [ pra-vayyā ] see under [ pra-√ vī ] .

प्रवर [ pravara ] [ pra-vara ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. [ pra ] + [ vara ] or fr. [ pra ] √ 2. [ vṛ ] ; for 2. and 3. see p.693) most excellent , chief , principal , best Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

eldest (son) Lit. MBh.

better than (abl.) Lit. BhP.

greater (opp. to [ sama ] , " equal " , and [ nyūna ] , " smaller " ) Lit. Var.

(ifc.) eminent , distinguished by Lit. Hariv.

[ pravara ] m. a black variety of Phaseolus Mungo Lit. L.

Opuntia Dillenii Lit. L.

N. of a messenger of the gods and friend of Indra Lit. Hariv.

of a Dānava Lit. ib.

[ pravarā ] f. N. of a river (which falls into the Godāvarī and is celebrated for the sweetness of its water) Lit. MBh. Lit. VP.

[ pravara ] n. aloe wood Lit. Bhpr.

a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.

  प्रवरकल्याण [ pravarakalyāṇa ] [ pra-vara-kalyāṇa ] m. f. n. eminently beautiful Lit. Hariv.

  प्रवरजन [ pravarajana ] [ pra-vara-jana ] m. a person of quality Lit. Mṛicch.

  प्रवरधातु [ pravaradhātu ] [ pra-vara-dhātu ] m. precious metal Lit. Var.

  प्रवरनृपति [ pravaranṛpati ] [ pra-vara-nṛpati ] m. N. of a prince (= [ -sena ] ) Lit. Vcar.

  प्रवरपुर [ pravarapura ] [ pra-vara-pura ] n. N. of a town in Kaśmīra Lit. ib.

  प्रवरभूपति [ pravarabhūpati ] [ pra-vara-bhūpati ] m. = [ -sena ] Lit. Rājat.

  प्रवरमूर्धज [ pravaramūrdhaja ] [ pra-vara-mūrdhaja ] m. f. n. having beautiful hair Lit. R.

  प्रवररूप [ pravararūpa ] [ pra-vara-rūpa ] m. f. n. having a beautiful form Lit. MBh.

  प्रवरललित [ pravaralalita ] [ pra-vara-lalita ] n. N. of a metre Lit. Chandom.

  प्रवरवंशज [ pravaravaṃśaja ] [ pra-vara-vaṃśa-ja ] m. f. n. descended from a noble family Lit. Hariv.

  प्रवरवाहन [ pravaravāhana ] [ pra-vara-vāhana ] m. du. " having the best horses " , N. of the Aśvins Lit. L.

  प्रवरसेन [ pravarasena ] [ pra-vara-sena ] m. N. of 2 princes of Kaśmīra ( cf. [ -nṛpati ] and [ -bhūpati ] ) Lit. Rājat. ( cf. Lit. IW. 494 , 2) .

  प्रवरेश [ pravareśa ] [ pravareśa ] m. a noble lord (?) Lit. Rājat.

   N. of a prince (= [ °ra-sena ] ) Lit. ib.

  प्रवरेश्वर [ pravareśvara ] [ pravareśvara ] m. N. of a temple built by Pravara-sena Lit. ib.

प्रवर्ग [ pravarga ] [ pra-varga ] [ pra-vargya ] , [ pra-varjana ] see under [ pra- ] √ [ vṛj ] .

प्रवर्ण् [ pravarṇ ] [ pra-√ varṇ ] P. [ -varṇayati ] , to communicate Lit. MBh.

प्रवर्त [ pravarta ] [ pra-varta ] see under [ pra- ] √ [ vṛt ] .

प्रवर्दक [ pravardaka ] [ pra-vardaka ] see [ pra- ] √ [ vṛdh ] .

प्रवर्ष [ pravarṣa ] [ pra-varṣa ] see under [ pra- ] √ [ vṛh ] .

प्रवर्हम् [ pravarham ] [ pra-várham ] see under [ pra- ] √ [ vrih ] .

प्रवलाकिन् [ pravalākin ] [ pravalākin ] m. a peacock Lit. L.

a snake Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ pra-calākin ] ) .

प्रवल्ग् [ pravalg ] [ pra-√ valg ] P. Ā. [ -valgati ] , [ °te ] , to move the limbs quickly , bound , leap Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  प्रवल्गित [ pravalgita ] [ pra-valgita ] m. f. n. bounding , leaping , fluttering Lit. Hariv.

प्रवल्ह् [ pravalh ] [ pra-√ valh ] Ā. [ -valhate ] , to test with a question or a riddle , puzzle ( with acc.) Lit. AitBr.

  प्रवल्ह [ pravalha ] [ pra-valha ] m. a riddle , enigma Lit. ŚrS.

  प्रवल्हिका [ pravalhikā ] [ pra-valhikā ] f. id. ( N. of Lit. AV. xx , 133) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.

  प्रवल्हित [ pravalhita ] [ pra-valhita ] m. f. n. enigmatical Lit. Nir.

प्रवस् [ pravas ] [ pra-√ vas:4 ] Ā. [ -vaste ] , to put on (clothes) , to dress Lit. R.

प्रवस् [ pravas ] [ pra-√ vas:5 ] P. [ -vasati ] , ( rarely Ā. ; e.g. pf. [ -vāsāṃ ] [ cakre ] Lit. ChUp. ; fut. [ -vatsyati ] Lit. ĀśvŚr. ; ind.p. [ proṣya ] Lit. ŚBr.) , to go or sojourn abroad , leave home , depart Lit. RV. ; to disappear vanish , cease Lit. Hariv. ; to stop at a place , abide , dwell Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; (= Caus.) to banish to (loc.) Lit. R. : Caus. [ -vāsayati ] , to make to dwell in Lit. DivyA7v. ; to order to live abroad , turn out , expel , banish Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. : Desid. [ -vivatsati ] , to intend to set out on a journey Lit. Śiś. ; to be about to depart from (abl.) Lit. Car.

  प्रवत्स्यत् [ pravatsyat ] [ pra-vatsyat ] m. f. n. about to dwell abroad

   प्रवत्स्यत्पतिका [ pravatsyatpatikā ] [ pra-vatsyat-patikā ] f. the wife of a man who intends to make a journey Lit. L.

  प्रवसथ [ pravasatha ] [ pra-vasathá ] n. departure , separation from (abl.) Lit. RV. Lit. TBr. Lit. ĀpŚr.

  प्रवसन [ pravasana ] [ pra-vasana ] n. setting out on a journey , departing. Lit. Amar.

   dying , decease Lit. Hcar.

  प्रवस्तव्य [ pravastavya ] [ pra-vastavy^a ] n. (impers.) it is to be set out on a journey Lit. TS.

 प्रवास [ pravāsa ] [ pra-vāsa ] m. dwelling abroad , foreign residence , absence from home Lit. RV. (acc. with √ [ gam ] or [ ] . [ pra- ] √ [ vas ] or [ ā- ] √ [ pad ] ; to go abroad ; abl. with [ ā- ] √ [ i ] , [ upā- ] . or [ parā-√ vṛt ] , to return from abroad)

  (in astron.) heliacal setting of the planets Lit. Var.

  प्रवासकृत्य [ pravāsakṛtya ] [ pra-vāsa--kṛtya ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रवासगत [ pravāsagata ] [ pra-vāsa--gata ] m. f. n. gone abroad , being away from home Lit. MW.

  प्रवासगमनविधि [ pravāsagamanavidhi ] [ pra-vāsa--gamana-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रवासपर [ pravāsapara ] [ pra-vāsa--para ] m. f. n. addicted to living abroad Lit. MW.

  प्रवासपरिशिष्ट [ pravāsapariśiṣṭa ] [ pra-vāsa--pariśiṣṭa ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रवासविधि [ pravāsavidhi ] [ pra-vāsa--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रवासस्थ [ pravāsastha ] [ pra-vāsa--stha ] m. f. n. being absent from home ( Lit. Ragh.)

  प्रवासस्थित [ pravāsasthita ] [ pra-vāsa--sthita ] m. f. n. being absent from home ( Lit. Kathās.)

  प्रवासोपस्थान [ pravāsopasthāna ] [ pra-vāsopasthāna ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रवासोपस्थानप्रयोग [ pravāsopasthānaprayoga ] [ pra-vāsopasthāna-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रवासोपस्थानविधि [ pravāsopasthānavidhi ] [ pra-vāsopasthāna-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  प्रवासोपस्थानहविर्यज्ञप्रायश्चित्त [ pravāsopasthānahaviryajñaprāyaścitta ] [ pra-vāsopasthāna-haviryajña-prāyaścitta ] n. N. of wk.

  प्रवासन [ pravāsana ] [ pra-vāsana ] n. (fr. Caus.) sending away from home , exile , banishment from (abl.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   killing , slaying Lit. L.

  प्रवासनीय [ pravāsanīya ] [ pra-vāsanīya ] n. ( scil. [ karman ] ) the punishment of exile Lit. L.

  प्रवासित [ pravāsita ] [ pra-vāsita ] m. f. n. sent abroad , exiled , banished Lit. MBh.

  प्रवासिन् [ pravāsin ] [ pra-vāsin ] m. f. n. dwelling abroad , absent from home Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. MBh.

  प्रवास्य [ pravāsya ] [ pra-vāsya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be sent abroad , to be banished Lit. Mn. viii , 284.

 प्रोषित [ proṣita ] [ proṣita ] m. f. n. one who has set out on a journey , absent from home , abroad Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  effaced Lit. Ragh.

  set (as the sun) Lit. Var.

  deceased , dead Lit. Hcar.

  प्रोषितत्रास [ proṣitatrāsa ] [ proṣita--trāsa ] m. fear of one who is absent Lit. MW.

  प्रोषितभर्तृका [ proṣitabhartṛkā ] [ proṣita--bhartṛkā ] f. (a wife) whose husband is abroad

  प्रोषितमरण [ proṣitamaraṇa ] [ proṣita--maraṇa ] n. dying abroad or in a foreign country. Lit. W.

  प्रोषितवत् [ proṣitavat ] [ proṣita--vat ] m. f. n. sojourning away from home , strange , a stranger Lit. ib.

  प्रोषुष [ proṣuṣa ] [ proṣúṣa ] m. f. n. one who has been absent or abroad Lit. ŚBr.

 प्रोष्य [ proṣya ] [ proṣya ]1 ind. having set out on a journey , abroad , absent Lit. ŚBr.

  प्रोष्यपापीयस् [ proṣyapāpīyas ] [ proṣya--pāpīyas ]1 m. f. n. one who has become worse by living abroad Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

 प्रोष्य [ proṣya ] [ proṣyá ]2 m. f. n. roaming , wandering Lit. TBr.

प्रवसु [ pravasu ] [ pra-vasu ] m. N. of a son of Īlina Lit. MBh.

प्रवह् [ pravah ] [ pra-√ vah ] P. [ -vahati ] , ( Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 81) , to carry forwards , draw or drag on wards Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. R. ; to carry off in flowing , wash away Lit. RV. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. R. ; to lead or bring to (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to bear Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to exhibit , show , utter Lit. BhP. ; (Ā.) to drive onwards Lit. RV. ; to flow along Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat. ; to rush , blow (as wind) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -vāhayati ] , to cause to go away , send off , dismiss Lit. ĀśvŚr. ; to cause to swim away (Pass. , to be washed away) Lit. MārkP. Lit. HPariś. ; to set in motion or on foot Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. ( 691,1 )

  प्रवह [ pravaha ] [ pra-váha ] m. f. n. bearing along , carrying (ifc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   [ pravaha ] m. N. of one of the 7 winds said to cause the motion of the planets Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ( cf. Lit. IW. 179)

   wind , air Lit. L.

   N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire Lit. Col.

   a reservoir into which water is carried Lit. Yājñ.

   flowing or streaming forth Lit. L. ( cf. [ -vāka ] )

   going forth , going from a town Lit. W.

  प्रवहण [ pravahaṇa ] [ pra-vahaṇa ] n. sending away i.e. giving (a girl) in marriage Lit. SāmavBr.

   creation , Lit. Hariv. (v.l.)

   a carriage (for women) Lit. Mṛicch.

   a kind of litter Lit. L.

   [ pravahaṇa ] f. n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a ship Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

   प्रवहणभङ्ग [ pravahaṇabhaṅga ] [ pra-vahaṇa-bhaṅga ] m. shipwreck Lit. Ratnâv.

 प्रवाह [ pravāha ] [ pra-vāhá ] mf. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ) a stream , river , current , running water ( [ °he-mūtrita ] n. " making water in a river " , doing a useless action Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1, 47 Sch.)

  met. = continuous flow or passage , unbroken series or succession , continuity Lit. ŚBr.

  continuous use or employment Lit. Śaṃk.

  continuous train of thought Lit. Sarvad.

  N. of ch. in Sad-ukti-karṇâmṛita

  flowing or streaming forth Lit. L. ( cf. [ -vaha ] )

  course of action , activity Lit. L.

  course or direction towards Lit. W.

  a pond , lake Lit. ib.

  a beautiful horse Lit. L.

  N. of one of the attendants of Skanda Lit. MBh.

  (pl.) N. of a people Lit. VP.

  [ pravāhī ] f. sand Lit. L. ( also [ °hotthā ] f. Lit. Gal.)

  प्रवाहेमूत्रित [ pravāhemūtrita ] [ pra-vāhe-mūtrita ] n. , see [ pravāha ] , " making water in a river " , doing a useless action Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1, 47 Sch.

  प्रवाहोत्था [ pravāhotthā ] [ pra-vāhotthā ] f. , see [ pravāhī ] , sand Lit. Gal.

  प्रवाहक [ pravāhaka ] [ pra-vāhaka ] m. f. n. carrying forwards , bearing or carrying well Lit. W.

   [ pravāhaka ] m. a Rākshasa , imp , goblin ( also [ ika ] ) Lit. L.

   [ pravāhikā ] f. a sudden desire to evacuate , diarrhoea Lit. Suśr. ( [ °ikā ] ind. g. [ svar-ādi ] ) .

   [ pravāhikā ] ind. , see [ pravāhikā ] , g. [ svar-ādi ]

  प्रवाहण [ pravāhaṇa ] [ pra-vā́haṇa ] m. f. n. carrying off or away Lit. VS.

   [ pravāhaṇa ] m. N. of a man Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp.

   [ pravāhaṇī ] f. the sphincter muscle (which contracts the orifice of the rectum) Lit. Suśr.

   [ pravāhaṇa ] n. driving forth , protrusion Lit. ib.

   evacuation (esp. if from sudden desire) Lit. ib. Lit. Car.

  प्रवाहणेय [ pravāhaṇeya ] [ pra-vāhaṇeya ] m. f. . ( [ ī ] f. Lit. Pat.) patr. fr. [ °vahaṇa ] Lit. Pāṇ. vii , 3 , 28 ; 29 Sch. ( cf. g. [ śubhrādi ] ) .

  प्रवाहणेयि [ pravāhaṇeyi ] [ pra-vāhaṇeyi ] m. f. . ( [ ī ] f. Lit. Pat.) patr. fr. [ °vahaṇa ] Lit. Pāṇ. vii , 3 , 28 ; 29 Sch. ( cf. g. [ śubhrādi ] ) .

  प्रवाहणेयक [ pravāhaṇeyaka ] [ pra-vāhaṇeyaka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ °vāhaṇa ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 29 Sch.

  प्रवाहयितृ [ pravāhayitṛ ] [ pra-vāhayitṛ ] m. (ft. Caus.) one who bears or carries away ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. VS. Sch.

   प्रवाहयितृत्व [ pravāhayitṛtva ] [ pra-vāhayitṛ--tva ] n. , see [ pravāhayitṛ ]

  प्रवाहित [ pravāhita ] [ pra-vāhita ] m. (fr. Caus.) N. of a Ṛishi in the third Manv-antara Lit. VP.

   [ pravāhita ] n. the " bearing down " (of a woman in labour) Lit. Car.

  प्रवाहिन् [ pravāhin ] [ pra-vāhí n ] m. f. n. drawing , carrying , bearing along or away Lit. AV.

   (ifc.) streaming Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   ( fr. [ °vāha ] ) abounding in streams g. [ puṣkarādi ]

   [ pravāhin ] m. a draught animal Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  प्रवाह्य [ pravāhya ] [ pra-vāhyá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ °vāha ] ) fluviatic Lit. VS.

 प्रवोढृ [ pravoḍhṛ ] [ pra-voḍhṛ ] m. one who carries off ( with gen. or ifc.) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.

 प्रवोढृ [ pravoḍhṛ ] [ pra-voḍhṛ ] m. one who carries off ( with gen. or ifc.) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh.

 प्रौढ [ prauḍha ] [ prauḍha ] see s.v.

प्रवह्लि [ pravahli ] [ pra-vahli ] f. a riddle , enigma Lit. L. ( cf. [ pravalha ] , [ °hikā ] ) .

प्रवह्लिका [ pravahlikā ] [ pra-vahlikā ] f. a riddle , enigma Lit. L. ( cf. [ pravalha ] , [ °hikā ] ) .

प्रवह्ली [ pravahlī ] [ pra-vahlī ] f. a riddle , enigma Lit. L. ( cf. [ pravalha ] , [ °hikā ] ) .

प्रवा [ pravā ] [ pra-√ vā ] P. [ -vāti ] , to blow forth , blow Lit. RV. ; to smell , yield a scent Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

 प्रवा [ pravā ] [ pra-vā́ ] f. blowing forth , blowing Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS.

  N. of a daughter of Daksha , Lit. Vāyup.

  प्रवात [ pravāta ] [ pra-vātá ] m. f. n. blown forward , agitated by the wind (see below)

   [ pravāta ] n. a current or draught of air , windy weather or a windy place Lit. TS.

   प्रवातदीपचपल [ pravātadīpacapala ] [ pra-vātá--dīpa-capala ] m. f. n. flickering or unsteady like a lamp agitated by the wind Lit. Kathās.

   प्रवातनीलोत्पल [ pravātanīlotpala ] [ pra-vātá--nīlotpala ] n. a lotus flower agitated by the wind Lit. Kum.

   प्रवातशयन [ pravātaśayana ] [ pra-vātá--śayana ] n. a bed placed in the middle of a current of air Lit. Mālav.

   प्रवातसार [ pravātasāra ] [ pra-vātá--sāra ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. Lalit. (v.l. [ pravāṭa-sāgara ] i.e. [ pravāḍas ] )

   प्रवातसुभग [ pravātasubhaga ] [ pra-vātá--subhaga ] m. f. n. (a spot) , delightful by (reason of) a fresh breeze Lit. Śak.

   प्रवातेजा [ pravātejā ] [ pra-vāte-jā́ ] m. f. n. growing in an airy place Lit. RV.

   प्रवातेज [ pravāteja ] [ pra-vāte-já ] m. f. n. growing in an airy place Lit. RV.

  प्रवाय्य [ pravāyya ] [ pra-vāyyá ] n. (prob.) flight , fleetness Lit. AV.

प्रवाक [ pravāka ] [ pra-vāka ] [ pra-vāc ] see under [ pra ] . √ [ vac ] .

प्रवाड [ pravāḍa ] [ pra-vāḍa ] m. or n. (?) = [ pra-vāla ] , coral Lit. SaddhP.

  प्रवाडसागर [ pravāḍasāgara ] [ pra-vāḍa-sāgara ] m. N. of a Buddha Lit. Lalit. (v.l. for [ pravāta-sāra ] ) .

प्रवाण [ pravāṇa ] [ pra-vāṇa ] [ °ṇi ] see under [ pra-√ ve ] .

प्रवाद [ pravāda ] [ pra-vāda ] see under [ pra-√ vad ] .

प्रवापयितृ [ pravāpayitṛ ] [ pra-vāpayitṛ ] [ °pin ] see under [ pra- ] √ 2. [ vap ] .

प्रवायक [ pravāyaka ] [ pra-vāyaka ] see under [ pra- ] √ [ ] .

प्रवाय्य [ pravāyya ] [ pra-vāyya ] see under [ pra- ] √ [ ] .

प्रवार [ pravāra ] [ pra-vāra ] [ °raṇa ] see under [ pra ] √ 1. 2. [ vṛ ] .

प्रवाल [ pravāla ] [ pra-vāla ] m. n. ( prob. fr. √ [ val ] , but also written [ pra-bāla ] ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a young shoot , sprout , new leaf or branch (to which feet and lips are often compared) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

coral Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( in this sense also written [ pra-vāḍa ] )

the neck of the Indian lute Lit. L.

[ pravāla ] m. an animal Lit. L.

a pupil Lit. L.

mfn. having shoots or sprouts Lit. Dharmaś.

having long or beautiful hair (= [ prakṛṣṭa-keśa yukta ] ) Lit. ib.

  प्रवालपद्म [ pravālapadma ] [ pra-vāla-padma ] n. a red lotus-flower Lit. Suśr.

  प्रवालफल [ pravālaphala ] [ pra-vāla-phala ] n. red sandal-wood Lit. Bhpr.

  प्रवालभस्मन् [ pravālabhasman ] [ pra-vāla-bhasman ] n. calx of coral Lit. MW.

  प्रवालमणिशृङ्ग [ pravālamaṇiśṛṅga ] [ pra-vāla-maṇi-śṛṅga ] m. f. n. having horns of coral and gems Lit. ib.

  प्रवालवत् [ pravālavat ] [ pra-vāla-vat ] m. f. n. having new leaves or shoots Lit. W. ( cf. [ bahu-puṣpa-pravāla-vat ] ) .

  प्रवालवर्ण [ pravālavarṇa ] [ pra-vāla-varṇa ] m. f. n. coral-coloured , red Lit. Suśr.

  प्रवालाश्मन्तक [ pravālāśmantaka ] [ pravālāśmantaka ] m. or n. (prob.) coral Lit. ib.

 प्रवालक [ pravālaka ] [ pravālaka ] n. coral Lit. Hcat. (see also [ prabālaka ] ) .

प्रवाश् [ pravāś ] [ pra-√ vāś ] P. [ -vāśati ] , to begin to croak or make a croaking noise Lit. Var.

प्रवास [ pravāsa ] [ pra-vāsa ] and e. see col.1.

प्रवाह् [ pravāh ] [ pra-√ vāh ] Ā. [ -vāhate ] , to bear down (said of a woman in labour) Lit. Suśr. : Caus. [ -vāhayati ] id. Lit. ib. 2.

  प्रवाहित [ pravāhita ] [ pra-vāhita ] n. ( for 1. see [ pra-√ vah ] ) bearing down Lit. Car.

प्रवाह [ pravāha ] [ pra-vāha ] see [ pra-√ vah ] .

प्रविक [ pravika ] [ pravika ] g. [ purohitādi ] ( Lit. Kāś.)

प्रविकट [ pravikaṭa ] [ pra-vikaṭa ] m. f. n. very large , huge Lit. Harav.

प्रविकर्ष [ pravikarṣa ] [ pra-vikarṣa ] m. drawing (the bowstring) Lit. Kir.

  प्रविकर्षण [ pravikarṣaṇa ] [ pra-vikarṣaṇa ] n. drawing , dragging Lit. Jātakam.

प्रविकस् [ pravikas ] [ pra-vi-√ kas ] P. [ -kasati ] , to open , expand (intr.) Lit. Śiś. ; to appear , become manifest , Lit. Prasannar.

प्रविकॄ [ pravikṝ ] [ pra-vi-√ kṝ ] P. [ -kirati ] , (ind.p. [ -kīrya ] ) , to scatter about , disperse , diffuse Lit. MBh.

  प्रविकीर्ण [ pravikīrṇa ] [ pra-vikīrṇa ] m. f. n. scattered , dispersed , diffused Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.

   प्रविकीर्णकामा [ pravikīrṇakāmā ] [ pra-vikīrṇa--kāmā ] f. a woman who has various lovers Lit. Var.

प्रविख्यात [ pravikhyāta ] [ pra-vi-khyāta ] m. f. n. (√ [ khyā ] ) universally known , renowned Lit. MBh.

known as , named , called (nom.) Lit. MārkP.

  प्रविख्याति [ pravikhyāti ] [ pra-vikhyāti ] f. renown , celebrity Lit. L.

प्रविगत [ pravigata ] [ pra-vi-gata ] m. f. n. (√ [ gam ] ) passed away , disappeared Lit. Var.

प्रविगल् [ pravigal ] [ pra-vi-√ gal ] P. [ -galati ] , to stream forth Lit. Mālatīm. ; to cease , disappear Lit. ib.

  प्रविगलित [ pravigalita ] [ pra-vigalita ] m. f. n. oozing Lit. Divyāv.

प्रविगाह् [ pravigāh ] [ pra-vi-√ gāh ] Ā. [ -gāhate ] , to dive into , enter (acc.) Lit. R.

प्रविग्रह [ pravigraha ] [ pra-vi-graha ] m. (√ [ grah ] ) separation of words by dividing or breaking up the Saṃdhi Lit. RPrāt.

प्रविघट् [ pravighaṭ ] [ pra-vi-√ ghaṭ ] P. [ -ghāṭayati ] , to divide , disunite Lit. Kir.

  प्रविघटन [ pravighaṭana ] [ pra-vighaṭana ] n. hewing off or asunder Lit. Mcar.

  प्रविघटित [ pravighaṭita ] [ pra-vighaṭita ] m. f. n. hewn off , severed Lit. Mcar.

प्रविचक्ष् [ pravicakṣ ] [ pra-vi-√ cakṣ ] Ā. [ -caṣṭe ] , to declare , mention , name Lit. MBh.

प्रविचय [ pravicaya ] [ pra-vicaya ] see below.

प्रविचर् [ pravicar ] [ pra-vi-√ car ] P. [ -carati ] , to go forwards , advance Lit. MBh. Lit. Hit. ; to roam about Lit. Mṛicch. ; to walk or wander through (acc.) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -cārayati ] see below.

  प्रविचार [ pravicāra ] [ pra-vicāra ] m. distinction , division , species , kind Lit. Suśr.

   प्रविचारमार्ग [ pravicāramārga ] [ pra-vicāra--mārga ] m. pl. springing from side to side (an artifice in fighting) Lit. Kir.

  प्रविचारणा [ pravicāraṇā ] [ pra-vicāraṇā ] f. id. Lit. Car.

  प्रविचारित [ pravicārita ] [ pra-vicārita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) examined or investigated accurately Lit. Pañcat.

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