Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
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बलास [ balāsa ] [ balā́sa ] m. ( also written [ balāśa ] ) a partic. disease , consumption or phthisis Lit. VS. Lit. AV.

the phlegmatic humour Lit. Suśr.

  बलासक्षयकर [ balāsakṣayakara ] [ balā́sa-kṣaya-kara ] m. f. n. destroying the phlegmatic humour Lit. Suśr.

  बलासग्रथित [ balāsagrathita ] [ balā́sa-grathita ] n. a kind of ophthalmia Lit. ib.

  बलासघ्न [ balāsaghna ] [ balā́sa-ghna ] m. f. n. = [ -kṣaya-kara ] Lit. Suśr.

  बलासनाशन [ balāsanāśana ] [ balā́sa-nā́śana ] m. f. n. destroying consumption Lit. AV.

  बलासबस्त [ balāsabasta ] [ balā́sa-basta ] m. a partic. disease of the eye Lit. L.

  बलासवर्धन [ balāsavardhana ] [ balā́sa-vardhana ] m. f. n. increasing the phlegmatic humour Lit. Suśr.

 बलासक [ balāsaka ] [ balāsaka ] m. a yellow spot in the white of the eye (caused by disease) Lit. Suśr.

 बलासिन् [ balāsin ] [ balāsí n ] m. f. n. consumptive , phthisical Lit. AV.

बलाहक [ balāhaka ] [ balāhaká ] m. or [ valāhaká ] ( Lit. Naigh. i ,10) a rain or thunder -cloud , any cloud Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .)

one of the 7 clouds appearing at the destruction of the world Lit. Cat.

a mountain Lit. L.

Cyperus Rotundus Lit. L.

a kind of crane (= [ balāka ] ) Lit. L.

a kind of snake Lit. Suśr.

a kind of metre Lit. Col.

N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

of a commander Lit. Kād.

of one of the 4 horses of Vishṇu Lit. ib.

of a brother of Jayad-ratha Lit. MBh.

of a Daitya Lit. L.

of a mountain , Lit. Kathās.

वलाहक [ valāhaka ] [ valāhaká ] m. or [ balāhaká ] ( Lit. Naigh. i ,10) a rain or thunder -cloud , any cloud Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .)

one of the 7 clouds appearing at the destruction of the world Lit. Cat.

a mountain Lit. L.

Cyperus Rotundus Lit. L.

a kind of crane (= [ balāka ] ) Lit. L.

a kind of snake Lit. Suśr.

a kind of metre Lit. Col.

N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

of a commander Lit. Kād.

of one of the 4 horses of Vishṇu Lit. ib.

of a brother of Jayad-ratha Lit. MBh.

of a Daitya Lit. L. ; of a mountain , Lit. Kathās.

बलि [ bali ] [ balí ] m. ( perhaps fr. √ [ bhṛ ] ) tribute , offering , gift , oblation ( in later language always with √ [ hṛ ] ) Lit. RV.

tax , impost , royal revenue Lit. Br. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

any offering or propitiatory oblation (esp. an offering of portions of food , such as grain , rice , to certain gods , semi-divine beings , household divinities , spirits , men , birds , other animals and all creatures including even lifeless objects ; it is made before the daily meal by arranging portions of food in a circle or by throwing them into the air outside the house or into the sacred fire ; it is also called [ bhūta-yajña ] and was one of the 5 [ mahā-yajñas ] , or great devotional acts ; cf. Lit. RTL. 411 , 421) Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Mn. esp. iii , 69 , 71 Lit. MBh. (often ifc. with the object , the receiver , the time , or the place of the offering)

fragments of food at a meal Lit. W.

a victim (often a goat or buffalo) offered to Durgā Lit. MW.

the handle of a chowrie or fly-flapper Lit. Megh.

N. of a Daitya (son of Virocana ; priding himself on his empire over the three worlds , he was humiliated by Vishṇu , who appeared before him in the form of a Vāmana or dwarf. son of Kaśyapa and Aditi and younger brother of Indra , and obtained from him the promise of as much land as he could pace in three steps , whereupon the dwarf expanding himself deprived him of heaven and earth in two steps , but left him the sovereignty of Pātāla or the lower regions) Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur. ( cf. Lit. IW. 328)

N. of Indra in the 8th Manv-antara Lit. Pur.

of a Muni Lit. MBh.

of a king Lit. ib. Lit. Pañcat.

of a son of Su-tapas Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur. ( cf. [ vali ] ) .

  बलिकर [ balikara ] [ balí -kara ] m. pl. taxes and duties Lit. MBh.

   [ balikara ] m. f. n. offering propitiatory sacrifices Lit. W. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 21) .

  बलिकरम्भ [ balikarambha ] [ balí -karambha ] m. sacrificial cake Lit. W.

  बलिकर्मन् [ balikarman ] [ balí -karman ] n. offering oblations to all creatures Lit. GṛS. Lit. Mn.

   presentation or payment of tribute Lit. MW.

  बलिकृत् [ balikṛt ] [ balí -kṛt ] m. f. n. paying taxes , tributary Lit. AitBr.

  बलिगायत्री [ baligāyatrī ] [ balí -gāyatrī ] f. N. of a Mantra employed by the Śāktas Lit. RTL. 201.

  बलिचेष्टितवर्णन [ baliceṣṭitavarṇana ] [ balí -ceṣṭita-varṇana ] n. N. of ch. of Lit. GaṇP. ii.

  बलितन्त्र [ balitantra ] [ balí -tantra ] n. the regular form of an oblation to all creatures Lit. Gobh.

  बलिदान [ balidāna ] [ balí -dāna ] n. the presentation of an offering to a deity (consisting of rice , milk , fruits when presented to Vishṇu , or of living victims when offered to Śiva or Durgā) Lit. Pur.

   presentation of grain to all creatures Lit. Cat.

   बलिदानपद्धति [ balidānapaddhati ] [ bali-dāna--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

   बलिदानविधि [ balidānavidhi ] [ bali-dāna--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  बलिद्विष् [ balidviṣ ] [ balí -dviṣ ] m. " hater of Bali " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.

  बलिध्वंसिन् [ balidhvaṃsin ] [ balí -dhvaṃsin ] m. " destroyer of Bali " id. Lit. L.

  बलिनन्दन [ balinandana ] [ balí -nandana ] m. " son of Bali " , N. of the Asura Bāṇa Lit. L.

  बलिनियमनोद्युत [ baliniyamanodyuta ] [ balí -niyamanodyuta ] m. f. n. prepared to subdue Bali Lit. MW.

  बलिंदम [ baliṃdama ] [ balí -ṃ-dama ] m. " tamer of Bali " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.

   बलिंदमप्रख्य [ baliṃdamaprakhya ] [ balí -ṃ-dama--prakhya ] m. f. n. equal to Vishṇu Lit. MW.

  बलिपीठलक्षण [ balipīṭhalakṣaṇa ] [ balí -pīṭha-lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  बलिपुत्र [ baliputra ] [ balí -putra ] m. = [ -nandana ]

   बलिपुत्रमोक्षण [ baliputramokṣaṇa ] [ balí -putra--mokṣaṇa ] n. N. of ch. of Lit. BrahmaP. iv.

  बलिपुष्ट [ balipuṣṭa ] [ balí -puṣṭa ] m. " nourished by food-offerings " , a crow Lit. Śiś.

  बलिपोदकी [ balipodakī ] [ balí -podakī ] f. Basella Cordifolia Lit. L.

  बलिप्रतिग्राहक [ balipratigrāhaka ] [ balí -pratigrāhaka ] m. f. n. receiving oblations Lit. DivyA7v.

  बलिप्रिय [ balipriya ] [ balí -priya ] m. f. n. fond of offering oblations Lit. Vishṇ.

   [ balipriya ] m. Symplocos Racemosa (fabled to grow faster if presented with oblations consisting of incense , lights ) Lit. L.

  बलिबन्धन [ balibandhana ] [ balí -bandhana ] m. " binder or killer of Bali " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.

  बलिभद्र [ balibhadra ] [ balí -bhadra ] w.r. for [ bala-bh ] .

  बलिभुज् [ balibhuj ] [ balí -bhuj ] m. f. n. devouring oblations Lit. Kāv.

   enjoying offerings (said of gods) Lit. MW.

   [ balibhuj ] m. a crow Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP.

   a sparrow Lit. L.

   a crane Lit. W.

  बलिभृत् [ balibhṛt ] [ balí -bhṛt ] m. f. n. paying tribute , tributary Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ -hṛt ] ) .

  बलिभोज [ balibhoja ] [ balí -bhoja ] m. a crow Lit. R. ( cf. [ bhuj ] ) .

  बलिभोजन [ balibhojana ] [ balí -bhojana ] m. a crow Lit. R. ( cf. [ bhuj ] ) .

  बलिमत् [ balimat ] [ balí -mát ] m. f. n. receiving taxes or tribute (said of Agni) Lit. TBr.

   provided with food -oblations (said of a house) Lit. Ragh.

  बलिमन्दिर [ balimandira ] [ balí -mandira ] n. " Bali's abode " , the infernal regions Lit. W.

  बलिमहानरेन्द्राख्यान [ balimahānarendrākhyāna ] [ balí -mahānarendrākhyāna ] n. N. of wk.

  बलिमात्र [ balimātra ] [ balí -mātra ] n. a mere offering (to all beings) , as much in quantity as an oblation to all creatures Lit. MW.

  बलिवाक [ balivāka ] [ balí -vāka ] m. N. of a Muni Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ baliv ] ) .

  बलिवाहन [ balivāhana ] [ bali-vāhana ] m. f. n. carrying tribute, Lit. JaimUp.

  बलिविधान [ balividhāna ] [ balí -vidhāna ] n. the offering of an oblation Lit. Siṃhâs.

  बलिविन्ध्य [ balivindhya ] [ balí -vindhya ] m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata Lit. BhP.

  बलिवृषहन् [ balivṛṣahan ] [ balí -vṛṣa-han ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  बलिवेश्मन् [ baliveśman ] [ balí -veśman ] n. = [ mandira ] Lit. L.

  बलिव्याकुल [ balivyākula ] [ balí -vyākula ] m. f. n. busied in offering oblations Lit. MW.

  बलिशेष [ baliśeṣa ] [ bali-śeṣa ] m. the remains of an oblation, Lit. Mn. iii, 91

  बलिषड्भाग [ baliṣaḍbhāga ] [ balí -ṣaḍ-bhāga ] m. the sixth part as tribute Lit. MBh.

   बलिषड्भागहारिन् [ baliṣaḍbhāgahārin ] [ balí -ṣaḍ-bhāga--hārin ] m. f. n. taking the sixth part as tribute Lit. Mn. viii , 308.

  बलिसद्मन् [ balisadman ] [ balí -sadman ] n. = [ -mandira ] Lit. L.

  बलिसूदन [ balisūdana ] [ balí -sūdana ] w.r. for [ bala-s ] .

  बलिहन् [ balihan ] [ balí -han ] m. " slayer of Bali " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.

  बलिहरण [ baliharaṇa ] [ balí -haraṇa ] m. f. n. adapted for the presentation of oblations , Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

   [ baliharaṇa ] n. the presentation of oblations Lit. GṛS. Lit. Suśr. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 329 )

   बलिहरणविधि [ baliharaṇavidhi ] [ balí -haraṇa--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  बलिहार [ balihāra ] [ balí -hārá ] m. f. n. paying taxes or tribute Lit. AV.

   [ balihāra ] m. = [ -haraṇa ] n. Lit. MānGṛ.

  बलिहृत् [ balihṛt ] [ balí -hṛt ] m. f. n. = [ -hāra ] mfn. Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS.

  बलिहृत् [ balihṛt ] [ bali-hṛt ] offering oblations, Lit. MānGṛ.

  बलिहोम [ balihoma ] [ balí -homa ] m. the offering of oblations Lit. Hariv.

  बलीन्द्रसहस्रनामन् [ balīndrasahasranāman ] [ balīndra-sahasra-nāman ] n. N. of wk.

  बल्युपख्यान [ balyupakhyāna ] [ baly-upakhyāna ] n. N. of ch. of the Vāsishṭha-rāmāyaṇa.

 बलिक [ balika ] [ balika ] m. ( cf. [ valika ] ) N. of a serpent-demon Lit. L.

  [ balikā ] f. Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia Lit. L.

  [ balika ] m. f. n. one who takes his food every 6th day Lit. L.

 बलीकृत [ balīkṛta ] [ balī-kṛta ] m. f. n. presented as an offering Lit. Kathās.

बलिवर्द [ balivarda ] [ balivárda ] m. a bull or ox Lit. TBr. ( also [ balīv ] ; w.r. [ °vardha ] )

[ balivardī ] f. N. of a woman g. [ kalyāṇy-ādi ] ( Lit. Kāś.)

 बलीवर्दिन् [ balīvardin ] [ balīvardin ] m. N. of a man g. [ śubhrādi- ] ( Lit. Kāś. ) .

 बलीवर्दिनेय [ balīvardineya ] [ balīvardineya ] m. metron. fr. [ balīvardī ] Lit. Vop.

बलिश [ baliśa ] [ baliśa ] n f. . ( also written [ val ] ) a hook , fish-hook Lit. L. ( cf. [ baḍiśa ] ) .

बलिष्ठ [ baliṣṭha ] [ báliṣṭha ] [ báliyas ] see p. 723 , col. 2.

बलिष्णु [ baliṣṇu ] [ baliṣṇu ] m. f. n. disregarded , despised Lit. L. ( arrogant , disrespectful Lit. W.)

बलीन [ balīna ] [ balīna ] m. a scorpion Lit. W.

N. of an Asura Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ balīvīra ] ) .

बलीवाक [ balīvāka ] [ balīvāka ] see [ bali-v ] under [ bali ] .

बलीह [ balīha ] [ balīha ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ balhika ] ) .

बलूक [ balūka ] [ balūka ] wrongly for [ valūka ] Lit. KātyŚr.

बल्कस [ balkasa ] [ bálkasa ] n. dregs or sediment left in the distillation of ardent spirits Lit. ŚBr.

बल्बज [ balbaja ] [ bálbaja ] m. ( later [ balvaja ] , or [ valvaja ] ) Eleusine Indica (a species of coarse grass not liked by cattle) Lit. TS. Lit.

  बल्बजमय [ balbajamaya ] [ bálbaja-maya ] m. f. n. made of Balbaja grass g. [ śarādi ] .

  बल्बजस्तुका [ balbajastukā ] [ bálbaja-stukā́ ] f. a bunch or tuft of Balbaja grass Lit. RV.

 बल्बजिक [ balbajika ] [ balbajika ] m. f. n. g. [ kumudāadi ] .

बल्बला [ balbalā ] [ balbalā ] onomat. ( with √ [ kṛ ] ) to stammer , stutter Lit. PañcavBr.

  बल्बलाकार [ balbalākāra ] [ balbalā-kāra ] m. stammering , stuttering Lit. SaṃhUp.

   [ balbalākāram ] ind. Lit. ib.

बल्बूथ [ balbūtha ] [ balbūthá ] m. N. .of a man Lit. RV.

बल्बूल [ balbūla ] [ balbūlá ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. Suparṇ.

बल्य [ balya ] [ balya ] see p. 723 , col. 2.

बल्ल [ balla ] [ balla ] w.r. for [ valgā ] Lit. MBh. vii , 1217.

बल्लव [ ballava ] [ ballava ] m. ( also written [ vallava ] ) a cowherd Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. ( cf. [ go-b ] )

N. assumed by Bhīma-sena when cook to king Virāṭa Lit. MBh.

a cook Lit. L.

pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.

[ ballavī ] f. a cowherdess Lit. L.

  बल्लवता [ ballavatā ] [ ballava-tā ] f. ( Lit. Bālar.) the business or duty of a cowherd.

  बल्लवत्व [ ballavatva ] [ ballava-tva ] n. ( Lit. Hariv.) the business or duty of a cowherd.

  बल्लवयुवति [ ballavayuvati ] [ ballava-yuvati ] f. ( [ °tī ] Lit. L.) , a young cowherdess, Lit. Gīt.

बल्लाल [ ballāla ] [ ballāla ] m. N. of various men Lit. Col.

of a king Lit. Kuval.

of the father of Śaṃkara Lit. Cat.

  बल्लालदेव [ ballāladeva ] [ ballāla-deva ] ( with [ daiva-jña ] ) m. N. of the author of the Bhoja-prabandha Lit. Cat.

  बल्लालमिश्र [ ballālamiśra ] [ ballāla-miśra ] m. N. of a king , Lit. Vāsav. , Introd.

  बल्लालसेनदेव [ ballālasenadeva ] [ ballāla-sena-deva ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

बल्व [ balva ] [ balva ] n. ( also written [ valva ] , or [ valava ] ) N. of the second Karaṇa or astrological division of the day Lit. L.

[ balvī ] f. w.r. for [ vallī ] .

बल्वज [ balvaja ] [ balvaja ] see [ balbaja ] .

बल्श [ balśa ] [ balśa ] = [ valśa ] in [ śatá-balśa ] q.v.

बल्हि [ balhi ] [ balhi ] m. N. of a country , Balkh Lit. Uṇ. iv , 117 Sch. ( written [ vahli ] ) .

 बल्हिक [ balhika ] [ balhika ] n. = [ bālhīka ] , Asa Foetida Lit. L.

बव [ bava ] [ bava ] n. ( also written [ vava ] ) N. of the first Karaṇa or astrological division of the day Lit. Sūryas.

N. of a Karaṇa (half a Tithi), Lit. Inscr.

बष्कय [ baṣkaya ] [ baṣkáya ] m. f. n. (prob.) one year old , a yearling Lit. RV. i , 164 , 5 ( cf. g. [ utsādi ] ) .

 बष्कयणी [ baṣkayaṇī ] [ baṣkayaṇī ] f. a cow with a young calf. Lit. L. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 65) .

 बष्कयिणी [ baṣkayiṇī ] [ baṣkayiṇī ] f. a cow with a young calf. Lit. L. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 65) .

 बष्किह [ baṣkiha ] [ báṣkiha ] m. f. n. old , decrepit Lit. VS. Lit. MaitrS. ( [ vaṣk ] ) .

बष्ट [ baṣṭa ] [ baṣṭa ] m. (Prākṛit.) = [ mūrkha ] , a fool Lit. L.

बस्त [ basta ] [ bastá ] m. ( also written [ vasta ] ) a goat Lit. RV. Lit.

  बस्तकर्ण [ bastakarṇa ] [ bastá-karṇa ] m. Shorea Robusta Lit. L.

  बस्तगन्धा [ bastagandhā ] [ bastá-gandhā ] f. Ocimum Villosum Lit. L.

  बस्तगन्धाकृति [ bastagandhākṛti ] [ bastá-gandhākṛti ] f. a partic. plant growing in Mālava (= [ lakṣmaṇā ] ) Lit. Bhpr.

  बस्तमारम् [ bastamāram ] [ bastá-māram ] ind. after the manner of the dying of a goat Lit. Suśr.

  बस्तमुख [ bastamukha ] [ bastá-mukha ] m. f. n. goat-faced Lit. MW.

  बस्तमूत्र [ bastamūtra ] [ bastá-mūtra ] n. the urine of a goat Lit. MW.

  बस्तमोदा [ bastamodā ] [ bastá-modā ] f. N. of a plant (= [ aja-modā ] ) Lit. L.

  बस्तवाशिन् [ bastavāśin ] [ bastá-vāśin ] m. f. n. bleating like a goat Lit. AV. (w.r. [ °sí n ] ) .

  बस्तशृङ्गी [ bastaśṛṅgī ] [ bastá-śṛṅgī ] f. Odina Pinnata Lit. L.

  बस्ताजिन [ bastājina ] [ bastājina ] n. a goat-skin Lit. MaitrS.

  बस्तान्त्री [ bastāntrī ] [ bastāntrī ] f. Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea Lit. L.

  बस्ताभिवाशिन् [ bastābhivāśin ] [ bastābhivāśin ] m. f. n. (w.r. [ °sí n ] ) = [ basta-vāśí n ] Lit. AV.

  बस्ताम्बु [ bastāmbu ] [ bastāmbu ] n. = [ basta-mūtra ] Lit. Bhpr.

बस्ति [ basti ] [ basti ] see [ vasti ] .

बस्त्य [ bastya ] [ bastya ] see [ vā́ja-bastya ] .

बस्रि [ basri ] [ básri ] ind. quickly Lit. RV. i , 120 , 12 (= [ kṣipram ] Lit. Sāy.)

बह् [ bah ] [ bah ] short form of √ [ baṃh ] q.v.

 बहय [ bahaya ] [ bahaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( fr. [ bahu ] ) Lit. Pat.

 बहल [ bahala ] [ bahala ] m. f. n. thick , dense , compact , firm , solid Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Suśr.

  bushy , shaggy (as a tail) Lit. Ml.

  wide , extensive Lit. Suśr.

  deep , intense (as a colour) Lit. Śiś.

  harsh (as a tone) Lit. Prab.

  manifold , copious , abundant (ibc. = in a high degree ; ifc. = filled with , chiefly consisting of) . Lit. Kāv. ( often v.l. [ bahula ] )

  [ bahala ] m. a kind of sugar-cane Lit. L.

  [ bahalā ] f. large cardamoms Lit. L. ( cf. [ bahulā ] )

  [ bahala ] m. Anethum Sowa Lit. L.

  बहलगन्ध [ bahalagandha ] [ bahala-gandha ] n. a species of sandal Lit. L.

   [ bahalagandhā ] f. large cardamoms Lit. L.

  बहलचक्षुस् [ bahalacakṣus ] [ bahala-cakṣus ] m. Odina Pinisata Lit. L.

  बहलता [ bahalatā ] [ bahala-tā ] f. thickness Lit. Suśr.

  बहलत्वच [ bahalatvaca ] [ bahala-tvaca ] n. the white flowering Lodhra Lit. L.

  बहलवर्त्मन् [ bahalavartman ] [ bahala-vartman ] m. n. a partic. disease of the eyes , a swollen eyelid Lit. Suśr.

  बहलाङ्ग [ bahalāṅga ] [ bahalāṅga ] m. Odina Pinnata Lit. L.

  बहलानुराग [ bahalānurāga ] [ bahalānurāga ] m. f. n. deep red Lit. Śiś.

 बहलित [ bahalita ] [ bahalita ] m. f. n. grown thick or compact or strong , Lit. Kāv.

 बहलीभू [ bahalībhū ] [ bahalī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become a thick or compact mass Lit. Car.

 बहु [ bahu ] [ bahú ] m. f. n. much , many , frequent , abundant , numerous , great or considerable in quantity ( n. also as subst. with gen.) Lit. RV. (rarely in Maṇḍ. i-ix) Lit. AV. ( [ tadbahu-yad ] , " it is a great matter that " Lit. MBh. ; [ tvayā me bahu kṛtaṃ-yad ] , " you have done me a great service by - or that - " Lit. Nal. ; [ kim bahunā ] , " what occasion is there for much talk? " i.e. " in short " Lit. Śak. Lit. Hit.)

  abounding or rich in (instr.) Lit. ŚBr.

  large , great , mighty Lit. AV.

  [ bahu ] ind. much , very , abundantly , greatly , in a high degree , frequently , often , mostly Lit. RV. (often ibc. , where also = nearly , almost , rather , somewhat ; cf. [ bahu-tṛṇa ] , [ bahu-trivarṣa ] and Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 68 ; [ bahu-√ man ] = to think much of esteem highly , prize , value) ( 724,2 )

  [ bahu ] n. the pl. number Lit. AitBr.

  बहुकण्टक [ bahukaṇṭaka ] [ bahú-kaṇṭaka ] m. f. n. " many-thorned " , N. of sev. plants (a species of Asteracantha ; Alhagi Maurorum ; Phoenix Paludosa) Lit. L.

   [ bahukaṇṭakā ] f. = next Lit. L.

  बहुकण्टा [ bahukaṇṭā ] [ bahú-kaṇṭā ] f. " many-thorned " , Solanum Jacquini Lit. L.

  बहुकन्द [ bahukanda ] [ bahú-kanda ] m. " having bulbous roots " , Amorphophallus Campanulatus Lit. L.

   [ bahukandī ] f. Cucumis Utilissimus or a kind of gourd Lit. L.

  बहुकर [ bahukara ] [ bahú-kara ] m. f. n. doing much , busy , useful in many ways to (gen.) Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 21)

   one who sweeps , a sweeper Lit. L. (√ [ kṝ ] ?)

   [ bahukara ] m. a camel Lit. L.

   a species of jujube Lit. L.

   f ( [ ā ] or [ ī ] ) . a broom Lit. L. (√ [ kṝ ] ?) .

  बहुकरणीय [ bahukaraṇīya ] [ bahú-karaṇīya ] m. f. n. one who has (or complains of having) much to do , who never has time for anything Lit. L.

  बहुकर्णिका [ bahukarṇikā ] [ bahú-karṇikā ] f. Salvinia Cucullata Lit. L.

  बहुकल्क [ bahukalka ] [ bahú-kalka ] m. Buchanania Latifolia Lit. L.

  बहुकल्प [ bahukalpa ] [ bahú-kalpa ] m. f. n. manifold , multifarious Lit. MBh.

  बहुकल्याण [ bahukalyāṇa ] [ bahú-kalyāṇa ] m. f. n. very illustrious , most noble , Lit. Nal.

  बहुकाम [ bahukāma ] [ bahú-kāma ] m. f. n. having many wishes or desires Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  बहुकार [ bahukāra ] [ bahú-kāra ] m. f. n. doing or effecting much Lit. VS.

  बहुकारणीय [ bahukāraṇīya ] [ bahú-kāraṇīya ] m. f. n. = [ -karaṇīya ] Lit. L.

  बहुकालम् [ bahukālam ] [ bahú-kālam ] ind. for a long time Lit. MW.

  बहुकालीन [ bahukālīna ] [ bahú-kālīna ] m. f. n. of long standing , old , ancient Lit. ib.

  बहुकीट [ bahukīṭa ] [ bahú-kīṭa ] m. N. of a Grāma in the north g. [ palady-ādi ] .

  बहुकुलीन [ bahukulīna ] [ bahú-kulīna ] Sch. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 140 ( cf. [ bāhukuleyaka ] ) .

  बहुकुल्य [ bahukulya ] [ bahú-kulya ] Sch. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 140 ( cf. [ bāhukuleyaka ] ) .

  बहुकुसुमित [ bahukusumita ] [ bahú-kusumita ] m. f. n. full of blossoms.

  बहुकूर्च [ bahukūrca ] [ bahú-kūrca ] m. a species of cocoa-nut Lit. L.

  बहुकृत [ bahukṛta ] [ bahú-kṛta ] m. f. n. , Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 52 , Vārtt. 5 Lit. Pat.

  बहुकृत्य [ bahukṛtya ] [ bahú-kṛtya ] m. f. n. = [ -karanīya ] Lit. L.

  बहुकेतु [ bahuketu ] [ bahú-ketu ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. R.

  बहुक्रम [ bahukrama ] [ bahú-krama ] m. a Krama ( q.v.) of more than three words Lit. RPrāt.

  बहुक्षम [ bahukṣama ] [ bahú-kṣama ] m. f. n. enduring much Lit. Kum.

   [ bahukṣama ] m. a Jaina saint or a Buddha Lit. L.

  बहुक्षार [ bahukṣāra ] [ bahú-kṣāra ] m. a kind of alkali Lit. L.

  बहुक्षीरदुह् [ bahukṣīraduh ] [ bahu-kṣīra-duh ] m. f. n. yielding much milk, Lit. Bcar.

  बहुक्षीरा [ bahukṣīrā ] [ bahú-kṣīrā ] f. a cow which gives much milk Lit. L.

  बहुगन्ध [ bahugandha ] [ bahú-gandha ] m. f. n. strong-scented

   [ bahugandha ] m. the resin of Boswellia Thurifera Lit. L.

   [ bahugandhā ] f. a bud of Michelia Champaka Lit. L.

   [ bahugandha ] m. Jasminum Auriculatum Lit. L.

   Nigella Indica Lit. L.

   n. cinnamon Lit. L.

   a kind of sandal Lit. L.

   बहुगन्धदा [ bahugandhadā ] [ bahú-gandha--dā ] f. musk Lit. L.

  बहुगर्ह्यवाच् [ bahugarhyavāc ] [ bahú-garhya-vāc ] m. f. n. saying much that is to be censured , too talkative , loquacious Lit. L.

  बहुगव [ bahugava ] [ bahú-gava ] m. " having much cattle " , N. of a prince Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  बहुगिरि [ bahugiri ] [ bahú-giri ] m. N. of a district Lit. Var.

  बहुगु [ bahugu ] [ bahú- ] m. f. n. rich in cattle Lit. ĀpŚr.

  बहुगुडा [ bahuguḍā ] [ bahú-guḍā ] f. Solanum Jacquini Lit. L.

  बहुगुण [ bahuguṇa ] [ bahú-guṇa ] m. f. n. many-threaded (as a rope) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 176 Sch.

   manifold , multifarious , much Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   having many good qualities or virtues , Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 176 Sch.

   [ bahuguṇa ] m. N. of a Deva-gandharva Lit. MBh.

  बहुगुरु [ bahuguru ] [ bahú-guru ] m. one who has read much but superficially , a sciolist (= [ cumbaka ] ) Lit. L.

  बहुगुहा [ bahuguhā ] [ bahú-guhā ] f. = [ -guḍā ] Lit. L.

  बहुगो [ bahugo ] [ bahú-go ] m. f. n. having much cattle Lit. MW.

  बहुगोत्रज [ bahugotraja ] [ bahú-gotra-ja ] m. f. n. having many blood relations Lit. Kathās.

  बहुग्रन्थि [ bahugranthi ] [ bahú-granthi ] m. " many-knotted " , Tamarix Indica Lit. L.

  बहुग्रह [ bahugraha ] [ bahú-graha ] m. f. n. receiving or holding much (said of a minister and a water-jar) Lit. Hit.

  बहुचर्मक [ bahucarmaka ] [ bahú-carmaka ] m. f. n. Lit. Pat.

  बहुचारिन् [ bahucārin ] [ bahú-cārí n ] m. f. n. roaming much or widely Lit. AV.

  बहुचित्र [ bahucitra ] [ bahú-citra ] m. f. n. very various or manifold Lit. Pañcat.

  बहुच्छद [ bahucchada ] [ bahú-cchada ] m. Alstonia Scholaris Lit. L.

  बहुच्छल [ bahucchala ] [ bahú-cchala ] m. f. n. deceitful Lit. Kir.

   बहुच्छलत्व [ bahucchalatva ] [ bahú-cchala--tva ] n. Lit. Veṇis.

  बहुच्छिन्ना [ bahucchinnā ] [ bahú-cchinnā ] f. a species of Cocculus Lit. L.

  बहुजन [ bahujana ] [ bahú-jana ] m. a great multitude of people ( [ -parivāra ] m. a partic. Samādhi ; [ -hita ] n. the common weal) Lit. Buddh.

   [ bahujana ] m. f. n. surrounded by many people Lit. ĀpŚr.

   बहुजनपरिवार [ bahujanaparivāra ] [ bahú-jana--parivāra ] m. , see [ bahujana ] , a partic. Samādhi

   बहुजनहित [ bahujanahita ] [ bahú-jana--hita ] n. , see [ bahujana ] , the common weal

  बहुजन्मभाज् [ bahujanmabhāj ] [ bahú-janma-bhāj ] m. f. n. subject to many births Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 164 , 3.

  बहुजन्य [ bahujanya ] [ bahú-janya ] ( [ bāhu-j ] ?) , prob. n. a multitude of people Lit. L.

  बहुजल्प [ bahujalpa ] [ bahú-jalpa ] m. f. n. very talkative , loquacious Lit. ŚārṅgP.

  बहुजल्पितृ [ bahujalpitṛ ] [ bahú-jalpitṛ ] m. a talker , prattler Lit. R.

  बहुजव [ bahujava ] [ bahú-java ] m. f. n. very swift Lit. Nir.

  बहुजात [ bahujāta ] [ bahú-jāta ] m. f. n. grown mighty Lit. ib.

  बहुजाली [ bahujālī ] [ bahú-jālī ] f. a kind of cucumber Lit. L.

  बहुज्ञ [ bahujña ] [ bahú-jña ] m. f. n. possessed of great knowledge

   बहुज्ञता [ bahujñatā ] [ bahú-jña--tā ] f. great knowledge Lit. MW.

  बहुतनय [ bahutanaya ] [ bahú-tanaya ] m. f. n. one who has many sons Lit. Daś.

  बहुतन्त्री [ bahutantrī ] [ bahú-tantrī ] m. f. n. (nom. [ īs ] ) many-fibred (said only of the body Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 159) .

  बहुतन्त्रीक [ bahutantrīka ] [ bahú-tantrīka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ bahu ] + [ tantrī ] ) having many strings (as a musical instrument) Lit. L.

  बहुतम [ bahutama ] [ bahú-tama ] m. f. n. very many , most , most numerous

   farthest , remotest (e.g. [ ā bahutamāt puruṣāt ] , as far as the remotest descendant) Lit. ShaḍvBr.

  बहुतर [ bahutara ] [ bahú-tara ] m. f. n. more (or most) abundant or numerous

   greater or very great Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ bahutaram ] ind. more , very or too much , for the greater part , chiefly Lit. Vet. Lit. SaddhP.

   बहुतरक [ bahutaraka ] [ bahú-tara--ka ] m. f. n. very -much or numerous Lit. Pat.

   बहुतरकणिश [ bahutarakaṇiśa ] [ bahú-tara--kaṇiśa ] m. a kind of corn or grain ( cf. [ gucchakaṇiśa ] ) .

  बहुतराम् [ bahutarām ] [ bahú-tarām ] ind. in a high degree , exceedingly , much , Lit. Caur.

  बहुतस् [ bahutas ] [ bahú-tas ] ind. from or by much or many

   from many sides Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 7 , 8 Sch.

  बहुता [ bahutā ] [ bahú-tā ] f. numerousness , muchness , abundance , plenty , multiplicity , plurality Lit. Vet. ( cf. [ -tva ] ) .

  बहुतिक्ता [ bahutiktā ] [ bahú-tiktā ] f. Solanum Indicum Lit. L.

  बहुतिथ [ bahutitha ] [ bahú-titha ] see p. 726 , col. 1.

  बहुतृण [ bahutṛṇa ] [ bahú-tṛṇa ] m. f. n. abounding in grass Lit. Kathās. ( 724,3 )

   [ bahutṛṇa ] n. much like grass , almost grass , a mere blade of grass Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Śiś.

   m. Saccharum Munjia Lit. L.

  बहुतृष्ण [ bahutṛṣṇa ] [ bahú-tṛṣṇa ] m. f. n. having great thirst Lit. Kāv.

  बहुत्र [ bahutra ] [ bahú-tra ] ind. in many ways or places , amongst many Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 10 Sch.

  बहुत्रा [ bahutrā ] [ bahú-trā́ ] ind. amongst many , to many Lit. RV. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 56 Sch.)

  बहुत्रिवर्ष [ bahutrivarṣa ] [ bahú-trivarṣa ] m. f. n. well-nigh three years old , Lit. Lāṭy.

  बहुत्व [ bahutva ] [ bahú-tva ] n. muchness , abundance , multitude Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   plurality , majority Lit. Mn. viii , 73

   (in gram.) the pl. number ( cf. [ bahu-tā ] ) .

  बहुत्वक्क [ bahutvakka ] [ bahú-tvakka ] m. ( fr. [ bahu ] + [ tvac ] ) , " having much bark " , Betula Bhojpatra Lit. L.

  बहुत्वच् [ bahutvac ] [ bahú-tvac ] m. id. Lit. L.

   Astonia Scholaris Lit. L.

  बहुथा [ bahuthā ] [ bahú-thā ] ind. in numerous ways , in various manners Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 23 Sch.

  बहुद [ bahuda ] [ bahú-da ] m. f. n. " much-giving " , liberal , munificent Lit. W.

  बहुदक्षिण [ bahudakṣiṇa ] [ bahú-dakṣiṇá ] m. f. n. marked by many fees or donations (as a religious ceremony) , liberal , lavish , bountiful Lit. ŚBr.

  बहुदण्डिक [ bahudaṇḍika ] [ bahú-daṇḍika ] m. f. n. having many staff-bearers Lit. W.

  बहुदण्डिन् [ bahudaṇḍin ] [ bahú-daṇḍin ] m. f. n. having many staff-bearers Lit. W.

  बहुदन्ती [ bahudantī ] [ bahú-dantī ] f. N. of a woman

   बहुदन्तीसुत [ bahudantīsuta ] [ bahú-dantī--suta ] m. " the son of Bahu-dantī " , N. of an author Lit. Kām. (v.l. [ valgndantī-sukha ] ) .

  बहुदर्शक [ bahudarśaka ] [ bahú-darśaka ] m. f. n. seeing much , prudent , circumspect Lit. L.

  बहुदर्शिन् [ bahudarśin ] [ bahú-darśin ] m. f. n. seeing much , prudent , circumspect Lit. L.

   बहुदर्शिता [ bahudarśitā ] [ bahú-darśi-tā ] f. circumspection Lit. ib.

  बहुदलकनिश [ bahudalakaniśa ] [ bahú-dala-kaniśa ] m. a partic. species of grain Lit. L.

  बहुदान [ bahudāna ] [ bahú-dāna ] n. a rich gift Lit. Kāv.

   [ bahudāna ] m. f. n. = [ -dāyin ] Lit. ŚBr.

  बहुदामन् [ bahudāman ] [ bahú-dāman ] f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.

  बहुदामा [ bahudāmā ] [ bahú-dāmā ] f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.

  बहुदायिन् [ bahudāyin ] [ bahú-dāyin ] m. f. n. " much giving " , liberal , munificent Lit. ChUp.

  बहुदासपुरुष [ bahudāsapuruṣa ] [ bahú-dāsa-puruṣa ] m. f. n. having many slaves and servants Lit. ĀpŚr.

  बहुदासपूरुष [ bahudāsapūruṣa ] [ bahú-dāsa-pūruṣá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. TBr.

  बहुदुःखवासम् [ bahuduḥkhavāsam ] [ bahú-duḥkha-vāsam ] ind. ( with √ [ vas ] ) to have a very painful abode Lit. BhP.

  बहुदुग्ध [ bahudugdha ] [ bahú-dugdha ] m. f. n. having much milk Lit. L.

   [ bahudugdhā ] f. (a cow) giving much milk Lit. L. ( also [ -vatī ] Lit. Hcat.)

   [ bahudugdha ] m. wheat Lit. L.

  बहुदुग्धिका [ bahudugdhikā ] [ bahú-dugdhikā ] f. " having much milk " , Tithymalus Antiquorum (which yields a caustic milky juice) Lit. L.

  बहुदृश्वन् [ bahudṛśvan ] [ bahú-dṛśvan ] m. one who has seen much , a great observer , very experienced Lit. L.

  बहुदृष्ट [ bahudṛṣṭa ] [ bahú-dṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. = prec. Lit. W.

  बहुदेय [ bahudeya ] [ bahú-deya ] n. munificence , liberality Lit. GopBr.

  बहुदेवत [ bahudevata ] [ bahú-devata ] m. f. n. (a hymn) addressed to many deities ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Nir. Lit. ŚrS

   [ bahudevatā ] f. an offering for many deities, Lit. ĀpY.

   बहुदेवतत्व [ bahudevatatva ] [ bahú-devata--tva ] n. , see [ bahudevata ]

  बहुदेवत्य [ bahudevatya ] [ bahú-devatya ] m. f. n. belonging to many deities Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

  बहुदेशदर्शिन् [ bahudeśadarśin ] [ bahú-deśa-darśin ] m. f. n. one who has seen many countries , a great traveller Lit. W.

  बहुदैवत [ bahudaivata ] [ bahú-daivata ] m. f. n. relating to many deities Lit. Nir.

  बहुदैवत्य [ bahudaivatya ] [ bahú-daivatya ] m. f. n. = prec. Lit. Cat.

   [ bahudaivatya ] n. N. of wk.

  बहुदोष [ bahudoṣa ] [ bahú-doṣa ] m. great harm or disadvantage Lit. Mṛicch.

   [ bahudoṣa ] m. f. n. having many faults or drawbacks , very wicked or bad Lit. R. Lit. Mṛicch.

  बहुदोहना [ bahudohanā ] [ bahú-dohanā ] f. yielding much milk Lit. MBh.

  बहुधन [ bahudhana ] [ bahú-dhana ] m. f. n. possessing much wealth , wealthy , rich ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Śak.

   [ bahudhana ] m. N. of a man Lit. L.

   बहुधनत्व [ bahudhanatva ] [ bahú-dhana--tva ] n. , see [ bahudhana ]

   बहुधनेश्वर [ bahudhaneśvara ] [ bahú-dhanéśvara ] m. a very rich man Lit. Kathās.

  बहुधन्य [ bahudhanya ] [ bahú-dhanya ] w.r. for [ dhānya ] .

  बहुधन्विन् [ bahudhanvin ] [ bahú-dhanvin ] m. f. n. having many bows (said of Śiva) Lit. MBh.

  बहुधा [ bahudhā ] [ bahú-dhā ] see p. 726 , col. 2.

  बहुधान्य [ bahudhānya ] [ bahú-dhānya ] m. " abounding in corn " , N. of the 12th or 46th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Lit. Var.

  बहुधान्यक [ bahudhānyaka ] [ bahú-dhānyaka ] m. or n. (?) N. of a place Lit. MBh.

  बहुधार [ bahudhāra ] [ bahú-dhāra ] n. " many-edged " , a diamond or the thunderbolt of Indra Lit. L.

  बहुधीवन् [ bahudhīvan ] [ bahú-dhīvan ] mf (= m. or [ arī ] ) n. rather skilful Lit. Vop. iv , 10.

  बहुधेनूक [ bahudhenūka ] [ bahú-dhenūka ] n. a great multitude of milch cows Lit. MBh.

  बहुधेय [ bahudheya ] [ bahú-dheya ] (!) m. pl. N. of a school Lit. L. ,

  बहुध्मात [ bahudhmāta ] [ bahú-dhmātá ] m. f. n. often annealed or cast (as iron) Lit. ŚBr.

  बहुनाद [ bahunāda ] [ bahú-nāda ] m. " loud-sounding " , a conch shell Lit. L.

  बहुनामन् [ bahunāman ] [ bahú-nāman ] m. f. n. having many names Lit. BhP.

  बहुनिःश्रित [ bahuniḥśrita ] [ bahú-niḥśrita ] w.r. for [ bāhu-n ] , q.v

  बहुनिष्क [ bahuniṣka ] [ bahú-niṣka ] m. f. n. worth many Nishkas Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 30 Sch.

  बहुनैष्किक [ bahunaiṣkika ] [ bahú-naiṣkika ] m. f. n. worth many Nishkas Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 30 Sch.

  बहुपटु [ bahupaṭu ] [ bahú-paṭu ] m. f. n. rather clever Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 68 Sch.

  बहुपत्त्र [ bahupattra ] [ bahú-pattra ] m. f. n. many-leaved

   [ bahupattra ] m. an onion Lit. L.

   [ bahupattrā ] f. a partic. fragrant flower Lit. L.

   [ bahupattrī ] f. N. of various plants (Aloe Perfoliata Lit. L. ; basil ; a species of Solanum ) Lit. L.

   [ bahupattra ] n. talc Lit. L.

  बहुपत्त्रिका [ bahupattrikā ] [ bahú-pattrikā ] f. Flacourtia Cataphracta Lit. L.

   Trigonella Foenum Graecum Lit. Bhpr.

   = [ mahā-śatāvarī ] Lit. L.

  बहुपत्नीक [ bahupatnīka ] [ bahú-patnīka ] m. f. n. having many wives Lit. Śak.

   performed by many wives Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

   बहुपत्नीकता [ bahupatnīkatā ] [ bahú-patnīka--tā ] f. polygamy Lit. MBh.

  बहुपत्नीकृत् [ bahupatnīkṛt ] [ bahú-patnī-kṛt ] m. one who takes many wives Lit. MW.

  बहुपत्नीता [ bahupatnītā ] [ bahú-patnī-tā ] f. polygamy Lit. ib.

  बहुपद् [ bahupad ] [ bahú-pad ] ( strong form [ -pād ] ) m. " many-rooted " , the Indian fig-tree Lit. L.

  बहुपद [ bahupada ] [ bahú-pada ] m. f. n. many-footed Lit. BhP.

  बहुपन्नग [ bahupannaga ] [ bahú-pannaga ] m. N. of a Marut Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ brahma-p ] ) .

  बहुपर्ण [ bahuparṇa ] [ bahú-parṇá ] m. f. n. many-leaved Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.

   [ bahuparṇa ] m. Alstonia Scholaris Lit. L.

   [ bahuparṇā ] f. Trigonella Foenum Graecum Lit. L.

  बहुपर्णिका [ bahuparṇikā ] [ bahú-parṇikā ] f. Salvinia Cucullata Lit. L.

  बहुपशु [ bahupaśu ] [ bahú-paśu ] m. f. n. rich in cattle Lit. Br. Lit. GṛS.

  बहुपाक्य [ bahupākya ] [ bahú-pākya ] m. f. n. one at whose house much is cooked (for the poor) Lit. ChUp.

  बहुपाद् [ bahupād ] [ bahú-pād ] see [ -pad ] .

  बहुपाद [ bahupāda ] [ bahú-pāda ] m. f. n. many-footed Lit. MBh.

   composed of several Pādas ( q.v.) Lit. RPrāt.

   [ bahupāda ] m. the Indian fig. tree Lit. L.

  बहुपाय्य [ bahupāyya ] [ bahú-pā́yya ] m. f. n. protecting many

   [ bahupāyya ] n. a large hall Lit. RV. ( cf. [ nṛ-pārya ] ) .

  बहुपुत्र [ bahuputra ] [ bahú-putra ] m. f. n. one who has many sons or children Lit. MānGṛ. ( [ -tā ] f. [ -tva ] n. Lit. MW.)

   [ bahuputra ] m. Alstonia Scholaris

   N. of a Prajā-pati Lit. R. Lit. Pur.

   [ bahuputrī ] f. Asparagus Racemosus Lit. Bhpr.

   [ bahuputra ] m. Flacourtia Cataphracta Lit. L.

   N. of Durgā Lit. L.

   बहुपुत्रता [ bahuputratā ] [ bahú-putra--tā ] f. , see [ bahuputra ] , Lit. MW.

   बहुपुत्रत्व [ bahuputratva ] [ bahú-putra--tva ] n. , see [ bahuputra ] , Lit. MW.

  बहुपुत्रिका [ bahuputrikā ] [ bahú-putrikā ] f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.

   w.r. for [ -pattrikā ] .

  बहुपुष्ट [ bahupuṣṭa ] [ bahú-puṣṭá ] m. f. n. being in great prosperity Lit. MaitrS.

  बहुपुष्प [ bahupuṣpa ] [ bahú-puṣpa ] m. " many-blossomed " , Erythrina Indica Lit. L. (f ( [ ī ] or [ ikā ] ) . Grislea Tomentosa Lit. Bhpr.)

   बहुपुष्पप्रबालवत् [ bahupuṣpaprabālavat ] [ bahú-puṣpa--prabāla-vat ] m. f. n. having many flowers and young shoots Lit. R.

   बहुपुष्पफलोपेत [ bahupuṣpaphalopeta ] [ bahú-puṣpa--phalopeta ] m. f. n. having many flowers and fruits Lit. MW.

  बहुप्रकार [ bahuprakāra ] [ bahú-prakāra ] m. f. n. of many kinds , manifold Lit. MārkP.

   [ bahuprakāram ] ind. in many ways , manifoldly Lit. R.

  बहुप्रकृति [ bahuprakṛti ] [ bahú-prakṛti ] m. f. n. consisting of many primary parts or verbal elements (as a compound) Lit. VPrāt.

  बहुप्रज [ bahupraja ] [ bahú-praja ] m. f. n. having a numerous progeny Lit. R. ( also [ °jás ] Lit. RV.) cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 123

   [ bahupraja ] m. ( only Lit. L.) a hog

   a mouse

   Saccharum Munjia.

  बहुप्रज्ञ [ bahuprajña ] [ bahú-prajña ] m. f. n. very wise Lit. Ml.

  बहुप्रज्ञानशालिन् [ bahuprajñānaśālin ] [ bahú-prajñāna-śālin ] m. f. n. possessed of much knowledge Lit. Kathās.

  बहुप्रतिग्राह्य [ bahupratigrāhya ] [ bahu-pratigrāhya ] m. f. n. one who is able to give presents to many, Lit. Baudh.

  बहुप्रतिज्ञ [ bahupratijña ] [ bahú-pratijña ] m. f. n. containing more than one proposition , complicated Lit. W.

   (in law) comprising many counts (as a plaint) Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

  बहुप्रत्यर्थिक [ bahupratyarthika ] [ bahú-pratyarthika ] m. f. n. having many adversaries or opponents Lit. MW.

  बहुप्रत्यवाय [ bahupratyavāya ] [ bahú-pratyavāya ] m. f. n. connected with many difficulties Lit. Nāg.

  बहुप्रद [ bahuprada ] [ bahú-prada ] m. f. n. " much-bestowing " , liberal , munificent , bountiful Lit. L.

  बहुप्रपञ्च [ bahuprapañca ] [ bahú-prapañca ] m. f. n. very diffuse or prolix Lit. Hit.

  बहुप्रलापिन् [ bahupralāpin ] [ bahú-pralāpin ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Var.)

   बहुप्रलापिता [ bahupralāpitā ] [ bahú-pralāpi-tā ] f. ( Lit. Prasannar.) = [ -bhāṣin ] , [ °ṣi-tā ] .

  बहुप्रवाह [ bahupravāha ] [ bahú-pravāha ] m. f. n. " many-streamed " , flowing in many streams Lit. W.

  बहुप्रसू [ bahuprasū ] [ bahú-prasū ] f. a mother of many children Lit. L.

  बहुप्राश्निक [ bahuprāśnika ] [ bahú-prāśnika ] m. f. n. containing many questions Lit. MW.

  बहुप्रिय [ bahupriya ] [ bahú-priyá ] m. f. n. dear to many (= [ purupriyá ] ) Lit. ŚBr.

  बहुप्रेयसी [ bahupreyasī ] [ bahú-preyasī ] m. f. n. having many loved ones Lit. Vop.

  बहुफल [ bahuphala ] [ bahú-phála ] m. f. n. " many-fruited " , fertile Lit. W.

   [ bahuphala ] m. a partic. fruit tree Lit. L.

   Nauclea Cadamba Lit. L.

   [ bahuphalā ] f. N. of various plants (Solanum Indicum or another variety of Solanum ; Glycine Debilis ; a species of Convolvulus Turpethum ; various kinds of cucurbitaceous plants , Flacourtia Cataphracta) Lit. L.

   [ bahuphalī ] f. N. of various plants (Emblica Officinalis ; Ficus Oppositifolia ) Lit. L.

  बहुफलिका [ bahuphalikā ] [ bahú-phalikā ] f. a species of jujube Lit. L.

  बहुफेना [ bahuphenā ] [ bahú-phenā ] f. a species of plant (= [ sātala ] )

   बहुफेनरसा [ bahuphenarasā ] [ bahú-phena-rasā ] f. = [ saptalā ] Lit. Car.

  बहुबल [ bahubala ] [ bahú-bala ] m. f. n. possessing great strength

   [ bahubala ] m. a lion Lit. L.

  बहुबाहु [ bahubāhu ] [ bahú-bāhu ] m. f. n. many-armed

   [ bahubāhu ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Hariv.

  बहुबीज [ bahubīja ] [ bahú-bīja ] m. f. n. having much seed Lit. VarYogay.

   [ bahubīja ] n. the fruit of Anona Reticulata or Squamosa Lit. L.

   [ bahubījā ] f. Trigonella Foenum Graecum Lit. Bhpr.

   [ bahubīja ] n. a kind of Musa Lit. L.

  बहुबोल्लक [ bahubollaka ] [ bahú-bollaka ] m. a great talker Lit. DivyA7v.

  बहुभक्ष [ bahubhakṣa ] [ bahú-bhakṣa ] m. f. n. eating much , a great eater Lit. MW.

  बहुभद्र [ bahubhadra ] [ bahú-bhadra ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MārkP.

  बहुभस्त्रक [ bahubhastraka ] [ bahú-bhastraka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ bahu ] + [ bhastrā ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 47 Sch.

  बहुभाग्य [ bahubhāgya ] [ bahú-bhāgya ] m. f. n. of great good fortune , fortunate Lit. W.

  बहुभाषिन् [ bahubhāṣin ] [ bahú-bhāṣin ] m. f. n. talking much , garrulous Lit. ĀśvŚr. ( [ a-b ] )

   बहुभाषिता [ bahubhāṣitā ] [ bahú-bhāṣi-tā ] f. talkativeness , garrulity.

   बहुभाष्य [ bahubhāṣya ] [ bahú-bhāṣya ] n. talkativeness , garrulity.

  बहुभुज् [ bahubhuj ] [ bahú-bhuj ] m. f. n. = [ -bhakṣa ] Lit. MBh.

  बहुभुज [ bahubhuja ] [ bahú-bhuja ] m. f. n. having many arms

   [ bahubhujā ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. L.

  बहुभूमि [ bahubhūmi ] [ bahú-bhūmi ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  बहुभूमिक [ bahubhūmika ] [ bahú-bhūmika ] m. f. n. having many floors or stories Lit. Hcat.

  बहुभृज्ज् [ bahubhṛjj ] [ bahú-bhṛjj ] m. f. n. (nom. [ -bhṛṭ ] ) roasting or frying much Lit. Vop.

  बहुभोक्तृ [ bahubhoktṛ ] [ bahú-bhoktṛ ] m. a great eater Lit. Gobh. Sch.

  बहुभोग्या [ bahubhogyā ] [ bahú-bhogyā ] f. " to be enjoyed by many " , a courtesan , prostitute Lit. Daś.

  बहुभोजक [ bahubhojaka ] [ bahú-bhojaka ] m. f. n. eating much Lit. Subh.

  बहुभोजन [ bahubhojana ] [ bahú-bhojana ] w.r. for [ -bhojaka ] .

  बहुभोजिन् [ bahubhojin ] [ bahú-bhojin ] m. f. n. eating much , voracious ( [ °ji-tā ] f. ) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. ii , 57.

   बहुभोजिता [ bahubhojitā ] [ bahú-bhoji-tā ] f. , see [ bahubhojin ]

  बहुभौम [ bahubhauma ] [ bahú-bhauma ] m. f. n. = [ -bhūmika ] Lit. R.

  बहुमञ्जरी [ bahumañjarī ] [ bahú-mañjarī ] f. basil Lit. Bhpr.

  बहुमत [ bahumata ] [ bahú-mata ] m. f. n. much thought of , highly esteemed , valued Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   having many different opinions Lit. W.

  बहुमति [ bahumati ] [ bahú-mati ] f. high opinion or esteem Lit. Kir.

  बहुमत्स्य [ bahumatsya ] [ bahú-matsya ] m. f. n. having many fish

   [ bahumatsya ] n. a place abounding in fish Lit. Kauś.

  बहुमध्यग [ bahumadhyaga ] [ bahú-madhya-ga ] m. f. n. going among or belonging to many Lit. Mn. ix , 199.

  बहुमन्तव्य [ bahumantavya ] [ bahú-mantavya ] m. f. n. to be thought much of or esteemed highly , estimable Lit. MBh.

  बहुमल [ bahumala ] [ bahú-mala ] m. " having much dross " , lead Lit. L.

  बहुमान [ bahumāna ] [ bahú-māna ] m. high esteem or estimation , great respect or regard for ( with loc. of pers. or thing , rarely with gen. of pers.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ bahumāna ] n. a gift made by a superior to an inferior Lit. MW.

  बहुमानिन् [ bahumānin ] [ bahú-mānin ] m. f. n. thought much of , highly esteemed Lit. MBh.

  बहुमानुषसंकीर्ण [ bahumānuṣasaṃkīrṇa ] [ bahú-mānuṣa-saṃkīrṇa ] n. " crowded with many people " , an arbour , bower Lit. Gal.

  बहुमान्य [ bahumānya ] [ bahú-mānya ] m. f. n. to be thought much of , to be highly esteemed , estimable Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. ii , 117.

  बहुमाय [ bahumāya ] [ bahú-māya ] m. f. n. artful , deceitful , treacherous Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.

  बहुमार्गी [ bahumārgī ] [ bahú-mārgī ] f. a place where many roads meet ; (v.l. [ °ga ] n.) Lit. L.

  बहुमाल [ bahumāla ] [ bahú-māla ] m. f. n. possessing many necklaces Lit. MW.

  बहुमालक [ bahumālaka ] [ bahú-mālaka ] m. f. n. possessing many necklaces Lit. MW.

  बहुमाल्यफल [ bahumālyaphala ] [ bahú-mālya-phala ] m. f. n. rich in garlands and fruits Lit. Pat.

  बहुमाषतिल [ bahumāṣatila ] [ bahú-māṣa-tilá ] m. f. n. rich in beans and sesamum Lit. TS. Lit. ĀpŚr.

  बहुमित्र [ bahumitra ] [ bahú-mitra ] m. f. n. having many friends Lit. Āpast.

   [ bahumitra ] m. N. of a man (see [ bāhumitrāyaṇa ] ) .

  बहुमुख [ bahumukha ] [ bahú-mukha ] m. f. n. " many-mouthed " , speaking variously Lit. BhP.

  बहुमूत्र [ bahumūtra ] [ bahú-mūtra ] m. f. n. making water in excess

   बहुमूत्रता [ bahumūtratā ] [ bahú-mūtra--tā ] f. diabetes Lit. L.

  बहुमूत्रक [ bahumūtraka ] [ bahú-mūtraka ] m. a kind of chameleon Lit. L.

  बहुमूर्ति [ bahumūrti ] [ bahú-mūrti ] m. f. n. multiform

   [ bahumūrti ] f. the wild cotton shrub Lit. L.

  बहुमूर्धन् [ bahumūrdhan ] [ bahú-mūrdhan ] m. f. n. many-headed Lit. W.

   [ bahumūrdhan ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.

  बहुमूल [ bahumūla ] [ bahú-mūla ] m. f. n. many-rooted Lit. W.

   [ bahumūla ] m. a sort of reed or grass Lit. L.

   Hyperanthera Moringa Lit. L.

   [ bahumūlā ] f. AsparagusRacemosus Lit. L.

   [ bahumūlī ] f. Emblica Officinalis Lit. L.

   बहुमूलफलान्वित [ bahumūlaphalānvita ] [ bahú-mūla-phalānvita ] m. f. n. provided or furnished with many roots and fruits Lit. MW.

  बहुमूलक [ bahumūlaka ] [ bahú-mūlaka ] m. a species of reed Lit. L.

   N. of a Nāga Lit. MBh.

   [ bahumūlaka ] n. the sweet-scented root of Andropogon Muricatus Lit. Bhpr.

  बहुमूल्य [ bahumūlya ] [ bahú-mūlya ] m. f. n. high-priced , precious ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Pañcat.

   [ bahumūlya ] n. a large sum of money Lit. Rājat.

   बहुमुल्यता [ bahumulyatā ] [ bahú-mulya--tā ] f. , see [ bahumūlya ]

  बहुमृग [ bahumṛga ] [ bahú-mṛga ] m. f. n. abounding in deer Lit. MW.

  बहुमौल्य [ bahumaulya ] [ bahú-maulya ] w.r. for [ -mūlya ] Lit. MBh.

  बहुयज्वन् [ bahuyajvan ] [ bahú-yajvan ] m. f. n. Lit. Vop. iv , 5.

  बहुयज्वा [ bahuyajvā ] [ bahú-yajvā ] f. Lit. Vop. iv , 5.

  बहुयाजिन् [ bahuyājin ] [ bahú-yājin ] m. f. n. one who has offered many sacrifices Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. Lit. GṛS.

  बहुयाज्य [ bahuyājya ] [ bahú-yājya ] m. f. n. one who has many institutors of a sacrifice , one who sacrifices on behalf of many Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. iii , 151.

  बहुयोजना [ bahuyojanā ] [ bahú-yojanā ] f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.

  बहुरजस् [ bahurajas ] [ bahú-rajas ] m. f. n. very dusty or containing much pollen Lit. Kāvyâd.

  बहुरत्न [ bahuratna ] [ bahú-ratna ] m. f. n. rich in gems or jewels Lit. Siṃhâs.

   बहुरत्नाय [ bahuratnāya ] [ bahú-ratnāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to contain many jewels Lit. ib.

  बहुरथ [ bahuratha ] [ bahú-ratha ] m. N. of a king Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  बहुरन्ध्रिका [ bahurandhrikā ] [ bahú-randhrikā ] f. " much perforated " , N. of a particular medicinal root Lit. L.

  बहुरम्य [ bahuramya ] [ bahú-ramya ] m. f. n. very delightful Lit. MW.

  बहुरस [ bahurasa ] [ bahú-rasá ] m. f. n. having much juice. juicy Lit. ŚBr.

   [ bahurasā ] f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum Lit. L.

  बहुराजन् [ bahurājan ] [ bahú-rājan ] m. f. n.

  बहुराजा [ bahurājā ] [ bahú-rājā ] f. Lit. Vop. iv , 5.

  बहुरायस्पोष [ bahurāyaspoṣa ] [ bahú-rāyaspoṣá ] m. f. n. possessing much wealth Lit. TS. Lit. ĀpŚr.

  बहुराशि [ bahurāśi ] [ bahú-rāśi ] m. f. n. (in arithm.) composed of numerous terms

   [ bahurāśi ] m. ( with [ pakṣa ] ) a series of many terms Lit. Col.

  बहुरिपु [ bahuripu ] [ bahú-ripu ] m. f. n. one who has many foes Lit. MW.

  बहुरुहा [ bahuruhā ] [ bahú-ruhā ] f. a species of Cocculus Lit. L.

  बहुरूप [ bahurūpa ] [ bahú-rūpá ] m. f. n. multiform , variegated , checkered

   manifold Lit. VS.

   [ bahurūpa ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.

   of Rudra Lit. ib. Lit. Pur.

   of a son of Medhātithi Lit. BhP.

   ( only Lit. L.) a chameleon


   the resin of Shorea Robusta

   the sun

   N. of Brahmā

   of Vishṇu

   of the god of love

   of a Buddha

   [ bahurūpā ] f. N. of one of the seven tongues of fire Lit. L.

   [ bahurūpa ] n. N. of a Varsha Lit. BhP.

   बहुरूपकल्प [ bahurūpakalpa ] [ bahú-rūpá--kalpa ] m. N. of wk.

   बहुरूपगर्भस्तोत्र [ bahurūpagarbhastotra ] [ bahú-rūpá--garbha-stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra

   बहुरूपाष्टकतन्त्र [ bahurūpāṣṭakatantra ] [ bahú-rūpāṣṭaka-tantra ] n. a collective N. for eight Tantras ( viz. the [ brāhmītantra ] , [ māheśvarī-t ] , [ kaumārika-t ] , [ vaiṣṇavī-t ] , [ vārāhī-t ] , [ indrāṇī-t ] , [ cāmuṇḍā-t ] , [ śiva-dūtī-t ] ) Lit. Cat.

  बहुरूपक [ bahurūpaka ] [ bahú-rūpaka ] m. f. n. multiform , manifold Lit. MBh.

   [ bahurūpaka ] m. a kind of animal Lit. L.

   बहुरूपकशोभित [ bahurūpakaśobhita ] [ bahú-rūpaka--śobhita ] m. f. n. , adorned in many ways , variously decorated Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ °pāṅgaś° ] ) .

  बहुरूपिन् [ bahurūpin ] [ bahú-rūpin ] m. f. n. = [ -rūpaka ] mfn. Lit. BhP.

  बहुरेख [ bahurekha ] [ bahú-rekha ] m. pl. many lines or wrinkles , marks of care or pain Lit. W.

  बहुरेतस् [ bahuretas ] [ bahú-retas ] m. " having much seed " , N. of Brahmā Lit. L.

  बहुरै [ bahurai ] [ bahú-rai ] m. f. n. having great riches , very rich Lit. MW.

  बहुरोमन् [ bahuroman ] [ bahú-roman ] m. " having much hair or wool "

   a sheep Lit. L.

  बहुलवण [ bahulavaṇa ] [ bahú-lavaṇa ] n. " containing much salt "

   a soil impregnated with salt Lit. L.

  बहुवक्तव्य [ bahuvaktavya ] [ bahú-vaktavya ] m. f. n. to be said much about Lit. Rājat.

  बहुवचन [ bahuvacana ] [ bahú-vacana ] n. the pl. number , the case-endings and personal terminations in the pl. number Lit. ŚBr.

  बहुवत् [ bahuvat ] [ bahú-vat ] ind. plurally , in the pl. number (e.g. [ api ] [ dvi-vad api bahu-vat ] , both in the dual and plural) Lit. Nir.

  बहुवर्ण [ bahuvarṇa ] [ bahú-varṇa ] m. f. n. many-coloured ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Suśr.

   बहुवर्णता [ bahuvarṇatā ] [ bahú-varṇa--tā ] f. , see [ bahuvarṇa ]

  बहुवर्त [ bahuvarta ] [ bahú-varta ] N. of a place (see [ bāhuvartaka ] ) .

  बहुवर्षसहस्रिक [ bahuvarṣasahasrika ] [ bahú-varṣa-sahasrika ] m. f. n. lasting many thousand years Lit. MBh.

  बहुवर्षसहस्रिन् [ bahuvarṣasahasrin ] [ bahú-varṣa-sahasrin ] m. f. n. id. , many thousand years old Lit. ib.

  बहुवल्क [ bahuvalka ] [ bahú-valka ] m. " having much bark " , Buchanania Latifolia Lit. L.

  बहुवल्कल [ bahuvalkala ] [ bahú-valkala ] m. id. Lit. Bhpr.

  बहुवल्ली [ bahuvallī ] [ bahú-vallī ] f. Hoya Viridiflora Lit. L.

  बहुवादिन् [ bahuvādin ] [ bahú-vādí n ] m. f. n. talking much , garrulous , babbling Lit. VS.

  बहुवार [ bahuvāra ] [ bahú-vāra ] m. Cordia Myxa Lit. Bhpr.

  बहुवारक [ bahuvāraka ] [ bahú-vāraka ] m. Cordia Myxa Lit. Bhpr. ( [ °ka-phala ] n. its fruit Lit. Kull.)

   बहुवारकफल [ bahuvārakaphala ] [ bahú-vāraka-phala ] n. , see [ bahuvāraka ] , fruit of Cordia Myxa Lit. Kull.

  बहुवारम् [ bahuvāram ] [ bahú-vāram ] ind. many times , often , Lit. Caur.

  बहुवार्षिक [ bahuvārṣika ] [ bahú-vārṣika ] m. f. n. lasting many years , many years old Lit. R. Lit. Hcat.

  बहुवि [ bahuvi ] [ bahú-vi ] m. f. n. containing many birds Lit. Uṇ. iv , 133 , Sch.

  बहुविक्रम [ bahuvikrama ] [ bahú-vikrama ] m. f. n. very powerful Lit. MW.

  बहुविघ्न [ bahuvighna ] [ bahú-vighna ] m. f. n. presenting many obstacles or difficulties ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Cāṇ.

   बहुविघ्नता [ bahuvighnatā ] [ bahú-vighna--tā ] f. , see [ bahuvighna ]

  बहुविद् [ bahuvid ] [ bahú-ví d ] m. f. n. much-knowing , very learned Lit. TBr. Lit. ChUp.

  बहुविद्य [ bahuvidya ] [ bahú-ví dya ] m. f. n. id. ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Kāv.

   बहुविद्यता [ bahuvidyatā ] [ bahú-ví dya--tā ] f. , see [ bahuvidya ]

  बहुविध [ bahuvidha ] [ bahú-vidha ] m. f. n. of many sorts or kinds , manifold , various Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ bahuvidham ] ind. diversely , in several directions , up and down Lit. R. Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Pañcat.

   [ bahuvidha ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  बहुविधाकार [ bahuvidhākāra ] [ bahu-vidhākāra ] m. f. n. multiform, manifold, Lit. R.

  बहुविस्त [ bahuvista ] [ bahu-vista ] m. f. n. weighing many Vistas, Lit. L.

  बहुविस्तर [ bahuvistara ] [ bahú-vistara ] m. great extension Lit. Subh.

   ( [ -yuktam ] ind. in all directions , everywhere Lit. R. )

   [ bahuvistara ] m. f. n. of wide extent , widely spread Lit. ib. ( also [ °tāra ] Lit. Ml.)

   manifold , various Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   mf ( [ ā ] ) n. very detailed ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. R.

   [ bahuvistaram ] ind. , see [ bahuvistara ]

   बहुविस्तरयुक्तम् [ bahuvistarayuktam ] [ bahú-vistara-yuktam ]ind. , see [ bahuvistara ] , in all directions , everywhere Lit. R. ( 725,3 )

  बहुविस्तीर्ण [ bahuvistīrṇa ] [ bahú-vistīrṇa ] m. f. n. widespread , widely diffused ( [ -tā ] , f) Lit. Vcar.

   [ bahuvistīrṇā ] f. Abrus precatorius (a shrub bearing a small red and black berry and commonly called Kucai) Lit. L.

  बहुवीज [ bahuvīja ] [ bahú-vīja ] see [ -bija ] .

  बहुवीर्य [ bahuvīrya ] [ bahú-vīrya ] m. f. n. very powerful or efficacious Lit. MBh.

   [ bahuvīrya ] m. N. of various plants (Terminalia Bellerica ; Bombax Heptaphyllum ) Lit. L.

   [ bahuvīryā ] f. Flacourtia Cataphracta Lit. L.

  बहुवेलम् [ bahuvelam ] [ bahu-velam ] m. f. n. oftentimes, Lit. Pañcad.

  बहुवैस्तिक [ bahuvaistika ] [ bahu-vaistika ] m. f. n. weighing many Vistas, Lit. L.

  बहुव्यय [ bahuvyaya ] [ bahú-vyaya ] m. f. n. spending much , prodigal Lit. L.

  बहुव्ययिन् [ bahuvyayin ] [ bahú-vyayin ] m. f. n. spending much , prodigal Lit. L.

  बहुव्यापिन् [ bahuvyāpin ] [ bahú-vyāpin ] m. f. n. far-spreading , extending wide Lit. Sāh.

  बहुव्यालनिषेवित [ bahuvyālaniṣevita ] [ bahú-vyāla-niṣevita ] m. f. n. infested or inhabited by many snakes or wild beasts Lit. MBh.

  बहुव्रीहि [ bahuvrīhi ] [ bahú-vrīhi ] m. f. n. possessing much rice

   [ bahuvrīhi ] m. a relative or adjective compound (in which , as in the word [ bahu-vrīhi ] itself ( cf. [ tat-puruṣa ] ) , the last member loses its character of a substantive and together with the first member serves to qualify a noun) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-2 , 23 ; 35

   बहुव्रीहिवत् [ bahuvrīhivat ] [ bahú-vrīhi--vat ] ind. like a Bahu-vrīhi or relative compound Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 9.

  बहुशक्ति [ bahuśakti ] [ bahú-śakti ] m. f. n. possessing great power

   [ bahuśakti ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Pañcat.

  बहुशत्रु [ bahuśatru ] [ bahú-śatru ] m. f. n. having many enemies Lit. Kām. Lit. Hit.

   [ bahuśatru ] m. a sparrow Lit. L.

  बहुशब्द [ bahuśabda ] [ bahú-śabda ] m. the pl. number Lit. Lāṭy.

  बहुशल्य [ bahuśalya ] [ bahú-śalya ] m. a variety of Khadira with red blossoms Lit. L.

  बहुशस् [ bahuśas ] [ bahú-śas ] see col.2.

  बहुशस्त [ bahuśasta ] [ bahú-śasta ] m. f. n. very excellent

   very right or good or happy Lit. MW.

  बहुशाख [ bahuśākha ] [ bahú-śākha ] m. f. n. , " many-branched " , having many branches or ramifications , multifarious , manifold Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.

   [ bahuśākha ] m. Euphorbia Antiquorum Lit. L. ( [ -tva ] n. )

   बहुशाखत्व [ bahuśākhatva ] [ bahú-śākha--tva ] n. , see [ bahuśākha ]

  बहुशाखिन् [ bahuśākhin ] [ bahú-śākhin ] m. f. n. = prec. mfn. Lit. MBh.

  बहुशाल [ bahuśāla ] [ bahú-śāla ] m. Euphorbia Antiquorum.

  बहुशास्त्रज्ञ [ bahuśāstrajña ] [ bahú-śāstra-jña ] m. f. n. acquainted with many books or sciences Lit. MW.

  बहुशिख [ bahuśikha ] [ bahú-śikha ] m. f. n. " many-pointed "

   [ bahuśikhā ] f. Commelina Salicifolia and another species Lit. L. (v.l. [ vahni-ś ] ) .

  बहुशुभाय [ bahuśubhāya ] [ bahú-śubhāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to be or become a great blessing Lit. Śatr.

  बहुशून्य [ bahuśūnya ] [ bahú-śūnya ] m. f. n. very empty or void Lit. MW.

  बहुशृङ्ग [ bahuśṛṅga ] [ bahú-śṛṅga ] m. f. n. many-horned Lit. L.

   [ bahuśṛṅga ] m. N. of Vishṇu.

  बहुश्रुत [ bahuśruta ] [ bahú-śruta ] m. f. n. one who has studied much , very learned , well versed in the Vedas Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   [ bahuśruta ] m. N. of a minister Lit. Siṃhâs.

  बहुश्रुति [ bahuśruti ] [ bahú-śruti ] f. the occurrence of the pl. in a text , Lit. ŚrS.

  बहुश्रुतीय [ bahuśrutīya ] [ bahú-śrutīya ] m. pl. " having deep erudition " , N. of a Buddhist school.

  बहुश्रेयसी [ bahuśreyasī ] [ bahú-śreyasī ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 48 Vārtt. 3 Lit. Pat.

  बहुसंवत्सर [ bahusaṃvatsara ] [ bahú-saṃvatsara ] n. a Soma sacrifice that lasts many years Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  बहुसंख्याक [ bahusaṃkhyāka ] [ bahú-saṃkhyāka ] m. f. n. numerous Lit. Sāy.

  बहुसत्त्व [ bahusattva ] [ bahú-sattva ] m. f. n. abounding in animals Lit. MBh.

  बहुसत्य [ bahusatya ] [ bahú-satya ] m. N. of the tenth Muhūrta Lit. Var.

  बहुसदाचार [ bahusadācāra ] [ bahú-sadācāra ] m. f. n. Lit. Siddh. ( cf. [ -samudā́cāra ] ) .

  बहुसदृश [ bahusadṛśa ] [ bahú-sadṛśa ] m. f. n. very similar , very fit or right Lit. Pañcat.

  बहुसंतति [ bahusaṃtati ] [ bahú-saṃtati ] m. f. n. having a numerous posterity or after-growth

   [ bahusaṃtati ] m. Bambusa Spinosa Lit. L.

  बहुसंस्थित [ bahusaṃsthita ] [ bahu-saṃsthita ] m. f. n. much frequented, Mn viii, 371

  बहुसमुदाचार [ bahusamudācāra ] [ bahú-samudācāra ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 176 Sch.

  बहुसम्पुट [ bahusampuṭa ] [ bahú-sampuṭa ] m. a species of bulbous root Lit. L.

  बहुसर्पिष्क [ bahusarpiṣka ] [ bahú-sarpiṣka ] m. f. n. prepared with much ghee Lit. Vishṇ.

  बहुसव [ bahusava ] [ bahú-sava ] m. f. n. offering many sacrifices or doing anything for many years Lit. BhP. Sch.

   containing many sacrifices or years Lit. ib.

  बहुसस्य [ bahusasya ] [ bahú-sasya ] m. f. n. rich in grain

   [ bahusasya ] m. N. of a village Lit. Kathās.

  बहुसाधन [ bahusādhana ] [ bahú-sādhana ] m. f. n. possessing many resources ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Śiś.

   बहुसाधनता [ bahusādhanatā ] [ bahú-sādhana--tā ] f. , see [ bahusādhana ]

  बहुसाधार [ bahusādhāra ] [ bahú-sādhāra ] m. f. n. having many supports Lit. Kathās. ( cf. [ niḥ-sādh ] ) .

  बहुसाधारण [ bahusādhāraṇa ] [ bahú-sādhāraṇa ] m. f. n. common to many Lit. MW.

  बहुसामि [ bahusāmi ] [ bahú-sāmi ] N. of wk.

  बहुसार [ bahusāra ] [ bahú-sārá ] m. f. n. containing much pith , pithy. substantial Lit. ŚBr.

   [ bahusāra ] m. Acacia Catechu Lit. L.

  बहुसाहस्र [ bahusāhasra ] [ bahú-sāhasra ] m. f. n. amounting to many thousands Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   (a sacrifice) of which many thousands partake Lit. R.

   [ bahusāhasrī ] f. many thousands Lit. R. (B.)

  बहुसु [ bahusu ] [ bahú-su ] m. f. n. much-bearing , fertile

   [ bahusu ] m. a hog , boar

   f. a sow Lit. L.

  बहुसुत [ bahusuta ] [ bahú-suta ] m. f. n. having a large progeny or after-growth

   [ bahusutā ] f. Asparagus Racemosus Lit. L.

  बहुसुवर्ण [ bahusuvarṇa ] [ bahú-suvarṇa ] m. f. n. rich in gold ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Rājat.

   बहुसुवर्णता [ bahusuvarṇatā ] [ bahú-suvarṇa--tā ] f. , see [ bahusuvarṇa ]

  बहुसुवर्णक [ bahusuvarṇaka ] [ bahú-suvarṇaka ] m. f. n. costing or possessing much gold Lit. R.

   [ bahusuvarṇaka ] m. N. of an Agrahāra on the Ganges Lit. Kathās.

   of a prince Lit. ib.

  बहुसू [ bahusū ] [ bahú- ] see [ -su ]

  बहुसूक्त [ bahusūkta ] [ bahú-sūkta ] m. f. n. consisting of many hymns g. [ guṇādi ] ,

  बहुसूति [ bahusūti ] [ bahú-sūti ] f. a female who has borne many children ( also [ °tikā ] ) Lit. L.

   बहुसूतिगो [ bahusūtigo ] [ bahú-sūti--go ] f. a cow that calves often Lit. L.

  बहुसूवरी [ bahusūvarī ] [ bahu-sū́varī ] f. bearing many children Lit. RV. ii , 32 , 7. ( 1331,1 )

  बहुस्तवावलि [ bahustavāvali ] [ bahú-stavāvali ] f. N. of a collection of hymns.

  बहुस्पृश् [ bahuspṛś ] [ bahú-spṛś ] m. f. n. reaching to many , generally spread or diffused Lit. Śiś.

  बहुस्वन [ bahusvana ] [ bahú-svana ] m. f. n. " much-sounding " , making many sounds

   [ bahusvana ] m. an owl Lit. L.

  बहुस्वर [ bahusvara ] [ bahú-svara ] m. f. n. many-syllabled , containing more than two syllables

   बहुस्वरत्व [ bahusvaratva ] [ bahú-svara--tva ] n. Lit. TPrāt.

  बहुस्वर्णलक्षमूल्य [ bahusvarṇalakṣamūlya ] [ bahú-svarṇa-lakṣa-mūlya ] m. f. n. worth many hundred thousand pieces of gold , Lit. Kathās.

  बहुस्वामिक [ bahusvāmika ] [ bahú-svāmika ] m. f. n. having many owners or proprietors Lit. MW.

  बहुहस्तिक [ bahuhastika ] [ bahú-hastí ka ] m. f. n. rich in elephants Lit. TBr.

  बहुहिरण्य [ bahuhiraṇya ] [ bahú-hiraṇyá ] m. f. n. rich in gold Lit. ĀpŚr.

   [ bahuhiraṇya ] m. N. of an Ekāha commonly called Dū-ṇāśa Lit. KātyŚr.

  बहूदक [ bahūdaka ] [ bahūdaka ] m. f. n. ( [ °hu-ud° ] ) having much water Lit. R.

   [ bahūdaka ] m. a kind of mendicant who begs his food at bathing-places Lit. MBh.

  बहूदन [ bahūdana ] [ bahūdana ] ( [ °hu-od° ] ?) n. collection of various kinds of food (?) Lit. BhP.

  बहूदित [ bahūdita ] [ bahūdita ] ( [ °hu-ud° ] ) n. loquacity. Lit. L.

  बहूपमा [ bahūpamā ] [ ba-hūpamā ] f. a kind of comparison (in which many Upamānas are contained), Lit. Kāvyâd.

  बहूर्ज् [ bahūrj ] [ bahūrj ] m. f. n. possessing much strength Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 72 Vārtt. 4 Lit. Pat.

 बहुक [ bahuka ] [ bahuka ] m. f. n. bought at a high price , dear-bought Lit. L.

  [ bahuka ] m. Calotropis Gigantea Lit. L.

  a crab Lit. L.

  a kind of gallinule Lit. L.

  the digger of a tank Lit. L.

 बहुतय [ bahutaya ] [ bahútaya ] m. f. n. manifold , various Lit. TS.

 बहुतिथ [ bahutitha ] [ bahutitha ] m. f. n. manifold , various , many , much Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 5 2)

  [ bahutithe ] [ hani ] , on the " manieth " day , during many days Lit. Nal. ix , 12

  [ bahutitham ] ind. much , greatly Lit. MBh.

 बहुधा [ bahudhā ] [ bahudhā́ ] ind. in many ways or parts or forms or directions , variously , manifoldly , much , repeatedly Lit. RV. (with √ [ kṛ ] , to make manifold , multiply Lit. MBh. ; to make public , divulge Lit. ib.)

  बहुधागत [ bahudhāgata ] [ bahudhā́-gata ] m. f. n. gone in various directions , dispersed , scattered Lit. MW.

  बहुधात्मक [ bahudhātmaka ] [ bahudhātmaka ] m. f. n. existing in various forms , manifold in essence Lit. R.

 बहुरमध्य [ bahuramadhya ] [ bahura-madhya ] m. f. n. ( [ bahura ] = [ bahula ] + [ m ] ) thick in the middle (said of the Soma juice during the process of fermentation) Lit. AitBr. ( Lit. Sāy.)

 बहुल [ bahula ] [ bahulá ] m. f. n. thick , dense , broad , wide , spacious , ample , large Lit. RV.

  abundant , numerous , many , much Lit. ib. ( [ am ] ind. often , frequently Lit. Nir. Lit. Prāt. Lit. Pāṇ.)

  accompanied by , attended with Lit. ChUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  (in gram.) variously applicable , comprehensive (as a rule)

  born under the Pleiades Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 33

  black Lit. L.

  [ bahula ] m. ( or n. ?) the dark half of a month Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  m. Agni or fire Lit. L.

  N. of a Prajāpati Lit. VP.

  of a king of the Tāla-jaṅghas Lit. MBh.

  m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MārkP.

  [ bahulā ] f. a cow Lit. L.

  [ bahula ] m. cardamoms Lit. Bhpr.

  the indigo plant Lit. L.

  N. of the twelfth Kalā of the moon Lit. Cat.

  of a goddess Lit. Pur.

  of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.

  of the wife of Uttama who was son of Uttāna-pāda Lit. MārkP.

  of the mother of a Samudra Lit. HPariś.

  of a mythical cow Lit. Col.

  of a river Lit. MBh.

  f. pl.= [ kṛttikās ] , the Pleiades Lit. Var. Lit. L.

  n. the sky Lit. L.

  factitious black salt Lit. L.

  white pepper Lit. L.

  a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.

  [ bahulam ] ind. , see [ bahula ] , often , frequently Lit. Nir. Lit. Prāt. Lit. Pāṇ.

  बहुलगन्ध [ bahulagandha ] [ bahulá-gandha ] n. " richly-scented " , a kind of sandal wood Lit. Gal.

   [ bahulagandhā ] f. cardamoms.

  बहुलच्छद [ bahulacchada ] [ bahulá-cchada ] m. a red-flowering Hyperanthera Lit. L.

  बहुलतर [ bahulatara ] [ bahulá-tara ] m. f. n. thicker , denser ( [ dvi-gnṇo bahula-tarah ] , twice as thick) Lit. ŚBr.

  बहुलता [ bahulatā ] [ bahulá-tā ] f. ( Lit. Suśr.) ( Lit. MBh. ) muchness , multiplicity , abundance , numerousness

   the being rich in , abounding in (comp.)


  बहुलत्व [ bahulatva ] [ bahulá-tva ] n. ( Lit. MBh. ) muchness , multiplicity , abundance , numerousness

   the being rich in , abounding in (comp.)


  बहुलतृण [ bahulatṛṇa ] [ bahulá-tṛṇa ] m. f. n. rich in grass Lit. KātyŚr.

  बहुलपर्ण [ bahulaparṇa ] [ bahulá-parṇa ] m. f. n. many-leaved Lit. ib.

  बहुलपलाश [ bahulapalāśa ] [ bahulá-palāśa ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.

  बहुलवर्मन् [ bahulavarman ] [ bahulá-varman ] m. f. n. enveloped in a thick covering Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  बहुलान्त [ bahulānta ] [ bahulānta ] m. f. n. " thick at the end " , having a thick sediment ( as Soma juice ; cf. [ bahura-madhya ] ) Lit. RV.

  बहुलाभिमान [ bahulābhimāna ] [ bahulābhimāna ] m. f. n. much-threatening , menacing (said of Indra) Lit. ib.

  बहुलायास [ bahulāyāsa ] [ bahulāyāsa ] m. f. n. involving much trouble Lit. Bhag.

  बहुलालाप [ bahulālāpa ] [ bahulālāpa ] " much-talking " , talkative , garrulous , loquacious Lit. ŚārṅgP.

  बहुलाविष्ट [ bahulāviṣṭa ] [ bahulāviṣṭa ] m. f. n. thickly peopled , densely populated Lit. AitBr.

  बहुलाश्व [ bahulāśva ] [ bahulāśva ] m. " having many horses " , N. of a king Lit. Pur.

  बहुलेतरपक्ष [ bahuletarapakṣa ] [ bahuletara-pakṣa ] m. du. the dark and the other (i.e. light) half of a month Lit. Var.

  बहुलौषदिक [ bahulauṣadika ] [ báhulauṣadika ] m. f. n. overgrown with herbs Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

 बहुलक [ bahulaka ] [ bahulaka ] incorrect for [ bāhulaka ] q.v.

 बहुलिका [ bahulikā ] [ bahulikā ] f. pl. the Pleiades (= [ bahulās ] ) Lit. L.

 बहुलित [ bahulita ] [ bahulita ] m. f. n. augmented , increased Lit. Śiś.

 बहुली [ bahulī ] [ bahulī ] in comp. for [ bahula ]

  बहुलीकरण [ bahulīkaraṇa ] [ bahulī-karaṇa ] n. multiplying , magnifying Lit. W.

   winnowing ( for [ phalīkaraṇa ] ?) Lit. ib.

  बहुलीकरिष्णु [ bahulīkariṣṇu ] [ bahulī-kariṣṇu ] m. f. n. striving or endeavouring to increase Lit. BhP.

  बहुलीकार [ bahulīkāra ] [ bahulī-kāra ] m. great zeal or care for Lit. Lalit.

  बहुलीकृत [ bahulīkṛta ] [ bahulī-kṛta ] m. f. n. made much or manifold or wide , extended , increased , augmented , aggrandized Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

   made much of , much practised or cared for Lit. Prab.

   made public , promulgated Lit. Śak. Lit. MBh. Lit. Prab.

   distracted Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   threshed , winnowed ( for [ phalī-kṛta ] ?) Lit. L.

  बहुलीभाव [ bahulībhāva ] [ bahulī-bhāva ] m. the becoming wide-spread , public , general notoriety Lit. Kathās.

  बहुलीभू [ bahulībhū ] [ bahulī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to be come widespread , spread , increase (intrans.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat. ; to become public or known Lit. Ragh.

  बहुलीभूत [ bahulībhūta ] [ bahulī-bhūta ] m. f. n. become spread or public or known Lit. Śak.

 बहुशस् [ bahuśas ] [ bahuśás ] ind. manifoldly , repeatedly , much , often Lit. TS. Lit.

 बह्व् [ bahv ] [ bahv ] in comp. for [ bahu ] .

  बह्वक्षर [ bahvakṣara ] [ bahv-akṣara ] m. f. n. many-syllabled , polysyllabic Lit. RPrāt.

   बह्वक्षरत्व [ bahvakṣaratva ] [ bahv-akṣara--tva ] n. polysyllableness Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

   बह्वक्षरान्त्य [ bahvakṣarāntya ] [ bahv-akṣarāntya ] m. f. n. being at the end of a polysyllabic word Lit. MW.

  बह्वग्नि [ bahvagni ] [ bahv-agni ] m. f. n. N. of partic. verses in which various Agnis are mentioned Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.

  बह्वच् [ bahvac ] [ bahv-ac ] m. f. n. (in gram.) having several vowels , polysyllabic.

  बह्वच्क [ bahvacka ] [ bahv-ac-ka ] m. f. n. (in gram.) having several vowels , polysyllabic.

  बह्वजविक [ bahvajavika ] [ bahv-ajaviká ] m. f. n. having many goats and sheep Lit. TBr.

  बह्वध्ययन [ bahvadhyayana ] [ bahv-adhyayana ] ( Lit. Siddh.) m. f. n. consisting of many chapters g. [ guṇādi ] .

  बह्वध्याय [ bahvadhyāya ] [ bahv-adhyāya ] m. f. n. consisting of many chapters g. [ guṇādi ] .

  बह्वनर्थ [ bahvanartha ] [ bahv-anartha ] m. f. n. attended with many evils Lit. MW.

  बह्वन्न [ bahvanna ] [ bahv-anná ] m. f. n. rich in food Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.

  बह्वप् [ bahvap ] [ bahv-ap ] m. f. n. containing much water , watery Lit. Uṇ. ii , 58 , Sch.

  बह्वप [ bahvapa ] [ bahv-apa ] m. f. n. containing much water , watery Lit. Uṇ. ii , 58 , Sch.

  बह्वपत्य [ bahvapatya ] [ bahv-apatya ] m. f. n. having a numerous progeny

   (in astrol.) promising or foretelling a numerous progeny

   [ bahvapatya ] m. a hog or a mouse Lit. L.

   [ bahvapatyā ] f. a cow that has often calved Lit. W. =

  बह्वपाय [ bahvapāya ] [ bahv-apāya ] m. f. n. attended with many dangers Lit. Pañcat.

  बह्वबद्धप्रलापिन् [ bahvabaddhapralāpin ] [ bahv-abaddha-pralāpin ] m. f. n. talking much that is unmeaning Lit. MW.

  बह्वभिधान [ bahvabhidhāna ] [ bahv-abhidhāna ] n. the pl. number Lit. RPrāt.

  बह्वमित्र [ bahvamitra ] [ bahv-amitra ] m. f. n. having many enemies Lit. Kām.

  बह्वर्थ [ bahvartha ] [ bahv-artha ] m. f. n. having much meaning or import , important Lit. L.

   having many meanings or objects Lit. L.

  बह्वर्ह [ bahvarha ] [ bahv-árhá ] m. f. n. extremely precious Lit. MaitrS.

  बह्ववरोध [ bahvavarodha ] [ bahv-avarodha ] m. f. n. having many wives Lit. Daś.

  बह्वश्व [ bahvaśva ] [ bahv-aśvá ] m. f. n. having many horses Lit. TBr.

   [ bahvaśva ] m. N. of a son of Mudgala Lit. VP.

  बह्वाज्य [ bahvājya ] [ bahv-ājya ] m. f. n. abounding in ghee Lit. ĀpŚr.

  बह्वादिन् [ bahvādin ] [ bahv-ādin ] m. f. n. eating much , a great eater Lit. Nir.

  बह्वाशिन् [ bahvāśin ] [ bahv-āśin ] m. f. n. id. ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Cāṇ.

   [ bahvāśin ] m. N. of one of the sons of Dhṛitarāshṭra Lit. MBh.

   बह्वासिन्त्व [ bahvāsintva ] [ bahv-āsin--tva ] n. , see [ bahvāśin ]

  बह्वाश्चर्य [ bahvāścarya ] [ bahv-āścarya ] m. f. n. containing many wonderful objects Lit. MBh.

   बह्वाश्चर्यमय [ bahvāścaryamaya ] [ bahv-āścarya--maya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Kathās.

  बह्वाश्रया [ bahvāśrayā ] [ bahv-āśrayā ] f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  बह्वीश्वर [ bahvīśvara ] [ bahv-īśvara ] m. N. of a sacred place on the bank of the Revā or Narmadā river

   बह्वीश्वरमाहात्म्य [ bahvīśvaramāhātmya ] [ bahv-īśvara--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  बह्वृच् [ bahvṛc ] [ bahv-ṛc ] m. f. n. " many-versed " , containing many verses Lit. Siddh.

   [ bahvṛc ] f. a N. of the Ṛigveda or of a Śākhā of the Lit. RV. Lit. Col.

  बह्वृच [ bahvṛca ] [ bahv-ṛca ] m. f. n. id. Lit. BhP.

   [ bahvṛca ] m. (f ( [ ī ] ) .) one conversant with the Ṛigveda , a priest of it or the Hotṛi priest who represents it in the sacrificial ceremonies Lit. Br. Lit.

   बह्वृचकारिका [ bahvṛcakārikā ] [ bahv-ṛca--kārikā ] f. pl. N. of wk.

   बह्वृचगृह्यकारिका [ bahvṛcagṛhyakārikā ] [ bahv-ṛca--gṛhya-kārikā ] f. pl. N. of wk.

   बह्वृचगृह्यपरिशिष्ट [ bahvṛcagṛhyapariśiṣṭa ] [ bahv-ṛca--gṛhya-pariśiṣṭa ] n. N. of wk.

   बह्वृचपद्धति [ bahvṛcapaddhati ] [ bahv-ṛca--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

   बह्वृचब्राह्मण [ bahvṛcabrāhmaṇa ] [ bahv-ṛca--brāhmaṇa ] n. ( = [ aitareya-br ] ) N. of wk.

   बह्वृचश्राद्धप्रयोग [ bahvṛcaśrāddhaprayoga ] [ bahv-ṛca--śrāddha-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

   बह्वृचषोडशकर्ममन्त्रविवरण [ bahvṛcaṣoḍaśakarmamantravivaraṇa ] [ bahv-ṛca--ṣoḍaśa-karma-mantra-vivaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

   बह्वृचसंध्याभाष्य [ bahvṛcasaṃdhyābhāṣya ] [ bahv-ṛca--saṃdhyā-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.

   बह्वृचाह्निक [ bahvṛcāhnika ] [ bahv-ṛcāhnika ] n. N. of wk.

   बह्वृचाह्निकोपनिषद् [ bahvṛcāhnikopaniṣad ] [ bahv-ṛcāhnikopaniṣad ] f. (= [ aitareyop ] ) N. of wk.

  बह्वेनस् [ bahvenas ] [ bahv-enas ] m. f. n. very sinful Lit. Mn. xi , 234.

  बह्वौषधिक [ bahvauṣadhika ] [ bahv-auṣadhika ] m. f. n. abounding in herbs Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. ( prob. w.r. for [ oṣ ] ) .

बहनक [ bahanaka ] [ bahanaka ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VP.

बहादुर [ bahādura ] [ bahādura ] see [ bāhādura ] .

बहिष्क [ bahiṣka ] [ bahiṣka ] w.r. for [ barhiṣka ] .

बहिस् [ bahis ] [ bahí s ] ind. ( the final [ s ] is changed before [ k ] and [ p ] into [] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 41) out , forth , outwards , outside (a house , village , city , kingdom ; also with abl. or ifc. = out of , apart from , except , beside) Lit. Br. ( with √ [ kṛ ] , to place outside , expel , banish , exclude ; with √ [ bhū ] , to come forth ; with √ [ gam ] , or [ ] , to go out ; cf. comp.)

  बहिस्तन्व [ bahistanva ] [ bahí s-tanva ] m. f. n. one whose limbs extend over the body (of the fire-altar) Lit. Śulbas.

  बहिस्तपस् [ bahistapas ] [ bahí s-tapas ] n. outward penance , Lit. Yogaś.

 बहिः [ bahiḥ ] [ bahiḥ ] in comp. for [ bahí s ] .

  बहिःप्रयाण [ bahiḥprayāṇa ] [ bahiḥ-prayāṇa ] n. going outside, Lit. Bcar.

  बहिर्वैश्रवण [ bahirvaiśravaṇa ] [ bahir-vaiśravaṇa ] m. N. of a partic. divinity, Lit. MānGṛ.

  बहिःशाला [ bahiḥśālā ] [ bahiḥ-śālā ] f. an outer hall Lit. GṛS.

  बहिःशीत [ bahiḥśīta ] [ bahiḥ-śīta ] m. f. n. cool or cooling on the outside Lit. Suśr.

  बहिःशौच [ bahiḥśauca ] [ bahiḥ-śauca ] n. external purification, Lit. Baudh.

  बहिःश्रि [ bahiḥśri ] [ bahiḥ-śri ] ( [ °hí h- ] ) ind. said of a partic. pronunciation Lit. ŚBr.

  बहिःसंस्थ [ bahiḥsaṃstha ] [ bahiḥ-saṃstha ] m. f. n. lying or situated outside (the town) Lit. Kathās.

  बहिःसद् [ bahiḥsad ] [ bahiḥ-sád ] m. f. n. one who sits outside (said of a person held in low esteem) Lit. TBr.

  बहिःसदस् [ bahiḥsadas ] [ bahiḥ-sadas ] ind. outside the Sadas , Lit. ŚrS.

  बहिःसदसम् [ bahiḥsadasam ] [ bahiḥ-sadasam ] ind. outside the Sadas , Lit. ŚrS.

  बहिःसंध्य [ bahiḥsaṃdhya ] [ bahiḥ-saṃdhya ] m. f. n. one who performs his morning and evening prayers outside (the village) Lit. Gaut. ( [ -tva ] n. )

   बहिःसंध्यत्व [ bahiḥsaṃdhyatva ] [ bahiḥ-saṃdhya--tva ] n. , see [ bahiḥsaṃdhya ]

  बहिःस्तोमभागम् [ bahiḥstomabhāgam ] [ bahiḥ-stoma-bhāgám ] ind. outside the bricks called Stoma-bhāgā Lit. ŚBr.

  बहिःस्थ [ bahiḥstha ] [ bahiḥ-stha ] m. f. n. being outside , external , outer Lit. MW.

  बहिःस्थायिन् [ bahiḥsthāyin ] [ bahiḥ-sthāyin ] m. f. n. being outside , external , outer Lit. MW.

  बहिर्माला [ bahirmālā ] [ bahir-mālā ] f. an outer, i.e. visible garland, Lit. Baudh.

  बहिःस्थित [ bahiḥsthita ] [ bahiḥ-sthita ] m. f. n. being outside , external , outer Lit. MW.

 बहिर् [ bahir ] [ bahir ] in comp. for [ bahí s ] .

  बहिरङ्ग [ bahiraṅga ] [ bahir-aṅga ] m. f. n. relating to the exterior , external , unessential ( opp. to [ antaraṅga ] ) . Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. ( [ -tā ] , f. ; [ -tva ] n. )

   [ bahiraṅga ] m. an external part , outer limb or member , property , , W

   a stranger , indifferent person Lit. ib.

   the preliminary part of a religious ceremony Lit. MW.

   बहिरङ्गता [ bahiraṅgatā ] [ bahir-aṅga--tā ] f. , see [ bahiraṅga ]

   बहिरङ्गत्व [ bahiraṅgatva ] [ bahir-aṅga--tva ] n. , see [ bahiraṅga ]

  बहिरन्ते [ bahirante ] [ bahir-ante ] ind. externally and internally Lit. ib.

  बहिरर्गल [ bahirargala ] [ bahir-argala ] ( only ifc. f ( [ ī ] ) . ) , an outer bolt or bar Lit. Kathās.

  बहिरर्थ [ bahirartha ] [ bahir-artha ] m. an external object Lit. BhP.

  बहिरात्मम् [ bahirātmam ] [ bahir-ātmám ] ind. outside one's own person , away from one's self. Lit. MaitrS.

  बहिरिन्द्रिय [ bahirindriya ] [ bahir-indriya ] n. an outer organ , organ of sense or perception (as the eye) or of action (as the hand) Lit. W.

  बहिर्गत [ bahirgata ] [ bahir-gata ] m. f. n. gone out or forth , externally manifested Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

   बहिर्गतत्व [ bahirgatatva ] [ bahir-gata--tva ] n. Lit. Mṛicch. Sch.

  बहिर्गमन [ bahirgamana ] [ bahir-gamana ] n. the act of going out or forth Lit. W.

  बहिर्गामिन् [ bahirgāmin ] [ bahir-gāmin ] m. f. n. going out or forth Lit. MW.

  बहिर्गिर [ bahirgira ] [ bahir-gira ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MārkP. ( cf. next) .

  बहिर्गिरि [ bahirgiri ] [ bahir-giri ] m. a country situated on the other side of a mountain Lit. MBh.

   pl. the inhabitants of that country Lit. ib. ( also [ °girya ] pl. Lit. ib.)

  बहिर्गीत [ bahirgīta ] [ bahir-gīta ] n. a song accompanied by a stringed instrument Lit. L.

  बहिर्गेहम् [ bahirgeham ] [ bahir-geham ] ind. outside the house , abroad Lit. ib.

  बहिर्ग्रामम् [ bahirgrāmam ] [ bahir-grāmam ] ind. outside the village Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 12 Sch.

   बहिर्ग्रामप्रतिश्रय [ bahirgrāmapratiśraya ] [ bahir-grāma-pratiśraya ] m. f. n. living outside the village Lit. Mn. x , 36.

  बहिर्जानु [ bahirjānu ] [ bahir-jānu ] ind. so that the hands are outside (not between) the knees Lit. Hcat.

  बहिर्णिधन [ bahirṇidhana ] [ bahir-ṇidhana ] w.r. for [ -nidh ] q.v.

  बहिर्दृश् [ bahirdṛś ] [ bahir-dṛś ] m. f. n. seeing only what is outside , superficial (in judgement) Lit. Śak. Sch.

  बहिर्देश [ bahirdeśa ] [ bahir-deśa ] m. a foreign country Lit. W.

   a place without a town or village Lit. ib.

  बहिर्द्वार [ bahirdvāra ] [ bahir-dvāra ] n. an outer gate or the space outside a door or gate Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.

   बहिर्द्वारप्रकोष्ठक [ bahirdvāraprakoṣṭhaka ] [ bahir-dvāra--prakoṣṭhaka ] n. a portico , a covered terrace in front of the door of a house Lit. W.

  बहिर्द्वारिन् [ bahirdvārin ] [ bahir-dvārin ] m. f. n. being out-of-doors Lit. Nār.

  बहिर्धा [ bahirdhā ] [ bahir-dhā́ ] ind. out , outward , outside of or away from (abl.) Lit. VS. Lit. Br. Lit. ChUp. ( 726,3 )

   बहिर्धाभाव [ bahirdhābhāva ] [ bahir-dhā́--bhāva ] m. the being outward or external Lit. KātyŚr.

  बहिर्ध्वजा [ bahirdhvajā ] [ bahir-dhvajā ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. L.

  बहिर्निःसारण [ bahirniḥsāraṇa ] [ bahir-niḥsāraṇa ] n. taking out , removal Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 62 Sch.

  बहिर्निधन [ bahirnidhana ] [ bahir-nidhana ] n. the singing of a finale outside or apart Lit. TāṇḍBr.

  बहिर्निर्गमन [ bahirnirgamana ] [ bahir-nirgamana ] n. going out of (abl.) Lit. Cat.

  बहिर्न्याससूत्र [ bahirnyāsasūtra ] [ bahir-nyāsa-sūtra ] n. N. of wk.

  बहिर्भव [ bahirbhava ] [ bahir-bhava ] m. f. n. being outside , external ( opp. to [ antar-ja ] ) Lit. L.

  बहिर्भवन [ bahirbhavana ] [ bahir-bhavana ] n. the being outside , coming forth , emanation Lit. MW.

  बहिर्भाग [ bahirbhāga ] [ bahir-bhāga ] m. the outer side or part , exterior Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

  बहिर्भाव [ bahirbhāva ] [ bahir-bhāva ] m. the being outside (abl.) Lit. ib.

  बहिर्भूत [ bahirbhūta ] [ bahir-bhūta ] m. f. n. being out , expelled or excluded from (ifc.) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 119 Sch.

   expired (as a period of time) Lit. MW.

   inattentive , careless Lit. ib.

  बहिर्मण्डलस्थ [ bahirmaṇḍalastha ] [ bahir-maṇḍala-stha ] m. f. n. standing outside a circle Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.

  बहिर्मनस् [ bahirmanas ] [ bahir-manas ] m. f. n. being outside the mind , external Lit. Sarvad.

  बहिर्मनस्क [ bahirmanaska ] [ bahir-manaska ] m. f. n. out of mind Lit. DivyA7v.

  बहिर्मातृका [ bahirmātṛkā ] [ bahir-mātṛkā ] f. N. of wk.

  बहिर्मुख [ bahirmukha ] [ bahir-mukha ] m. f. n. coming out of the mouth ( opp. to [ antarm ] ) Lit. L.

   (ifc.) one who turn his face away , indifferent to ( [ °khī-√ bhū ] , to turn away from) Lit. Śaṃk. ( also with loc. Lit. DivyA7v.)

   one who has his mind directed to external things Lit. Śaṃk.

   [ bahirmukha ] m. a deity ( prob. w.r. for [ barhir-m ] ) ,L

  बहिर्मुद्र [ bahirmudra ] [ bahir-mudra ] m. (?) N. of a form of devotion ( opp. to [ antar-m ] ) Lit. Cat.

  बहिर्यागपुजा [ bahiryāgapujā ] [ bahir-yāga-pujā ] f. N. of wk.

  बहिर्यागरत्न [ bahiryāgaratna ] [ bahir-yāga-ratna ] n. N. of wk.

  बहिर्यात्रा [ bahiryātrā ] [ bahir-yātrā ] f. ( Lit. R.) going or driving out , excursion.

  बहिर्यान [ bahiryāna ] [ bahir-yāna ] n. ( Lit. Mṛicch.) going or driving out , excursion.

  बहिर्यूति [ bahiryūti ] [ bahir-yūti ] m. f. n. placed or fastened outside Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  बहिर्योग [ bahiryoga ] [ bahir-yoga ] m. relation to " outside " , sense or meaning of " [ bahis ] , outside " Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 36

   external meditation ( cf. [ antar-y ] ) Lit. Cat.

   N. of a man (pl. his descendants) g. [ yaskādi ] .

  बहिर्योनि [ bahiryoni ] [ bahir-yoní ] ind. outside the fire-place Lit. ŚBr.

  बहिर्लम्ब [ bahirlamba ] [ bahir-lamba ] m. f. n. obtuse-angular

   [ bahirlambā ] f. an obtuse-angular triangle Lit. Col.

  बहिर्लापिका [ bahirlāpikā ] [ bahir-lāpikā ] f. a kind of enigma ( not containing a solution ; opp. to [ antar-l ] ) Lit. L.

  बहिर्लोम [ bahirloma ] [ bahir-loma ] ( [ °hí r- ] ) m. f. n. having the hair turned outwards Lit. MaitrS.

  बहिर्लोमन् [ bahirloman ] [ bahir-loman ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Āpast.

  बहिर्वर्तिन् [ bahirvartin ] [ bahir-vartin ] m. f. n. being on the outside Lit. L.

  बहिर्वासस् [ bahirvāsas ] [ bahir-vāsas ] n. an outer or upper garment ( cf. [ a-bahirv ] )

  बहिर्विकार [ bahirvikāra ] [ bahir-vikāra ] m. " outward change or disfigurement " , syphilis Lit. L.

   [ bahirvikāra ] m. f. n. (in Sāṃkhya) external to the Vikāras , free from change Lit. MW. ( cf. Lit. IW. 83)

   [ bahirvikāram ] ind. Lit. Śiś. i , 33.

  बहिर्वृत्ति [ bahirvṛtti ] [ bahir-vṛtti ] f. occupation with external objects Lit. Kathās.

  बहिर्वेदि [ bahirvedi ] [ bahir-vedi ] f. the space outside the Vedi or sacrificial altar Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.

   बहिर्वेदि [ bahirvedi ] [ bahir-vedí ] ind. outside the sacrificial altar Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Br. Lit. MBh.

  बहिर्वेदिक [ bahirvedika ] [ bahir-vedika ] m. f. n. being or taking place outside the Vedi (see prec.) Lit. Kull.

  बहिर्व्यसन [ bahirvyasana ] [ bahir-vyasana ] n. external vice , licentiousness , immorality Lit. L.

   बहिर्व्यसनिन् [ bahirvyasanin ] [ bahir-vyasanin ] m. f. n. immoral , dissolute Lit. L.

 बहिश् [ bahiś ] [ bahiś ] in comp. for [ bahis ] .

  बहिश्चर [ bahiścara ] [ bahiś-cara ] m. f. n. going out , moving or appearing outside , external Lit. MBh.

   [ bahiścara ] m. ( with [ prāṇa ] m. or [ hṛdaya ] n. another life or heart outside one's self dear as one's own life or heart Lit. ib. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās. )

   m. " crawling out of its shell " , a crab Lit. L.

   an external spy Lit. MBh.

 बहिष् [ bahiṣ ] [ bahiṣ ] in comp. for [ bahis ] .

  बहिष्करण [ bahiṣkaraṇa ] [ bahiṣ-karaṇa ] n. expulsion , exclusion from (abl.) Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 10

   an external organ ( opp. to [ antaḥ-k ] ) Lit. Kām.

  बहिष्कर्मन् [ bahiṣkarman ] [ bahiṣ-karman ] n. a sacred rite performed outside the sacrificial place Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  बहिष्कार [ bahiṣkāra ] [ bahiṣ-kāra ] m. expulsion , removal Lit. L.

  बहिष्कार्य [ bahiṣkārya ] [ bahiṣ-kārya ] m. f. n. to be removed or excluded from (abl.) Lit. Mn. ii , 11 ; 103.

  बहिष्कुटीचर [ bahiṣkuṭīcara ] [ bahiṣ-kuṭī-cara ] m. a crab ( cf. [ bahiś-cara ] ) .

  बहिष्कृत [ bahiṣkṛta ] [ bahiṣ-kṛta ] m. f. n. turned out , expelled or excluded from , rejected or abandoned by (abl. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   shut off by = dwelling beyond (instr.) Lit. MBh.

   restraining or free from , deprived or destitute of (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

   become apparent , embodied , manifest Lit. Kathās.

  बहिष्कृति [ bahiṣkṛti ] [ bahiṣ-kṛti ] f. = [ -kāra ] Lit. L.

  बहिष्क्रतु [ bahiṣkratu ] [ bahiṣ-kratu ] ind. outside or apart from the sacrifice Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

  बहिष्क्रिय [ bahiṣkriya ] [ bahiṣ-kriya ] m. f. n. excluded from sacred rites Lit. MārkP.

  बहिष्क्रिया [ bahiṣkriyā ] [ bahiṣ-kriyā ] f. an outer act external rite or ceremony Lit. MBh.

  बहिष्त्व [ bahiṣtva ] [ bahiṣ-tva ] n. outwardness , the being external Lit. Pat.

  बहिष्पट [ bahiṣpaṭa ] [ bahiṣ-paṭa ] m. = [ -vāsas ] Lit. Cat.

  बहिष्पत्नीसंयाज [ bahiṣpatnīsaṃyāja ] [ bahiṣ-patnī-saṃyāja ] n. being outside the Patnī-saṃyāja (s.v.) Lit. Lāṭy. ( [ -tva ] n. )

   बहिष्पत्नीसंयाजत्व [ bahiṣpatnīsaṃyājatva ] [ bahiṣ-patnī-saṃyāja--tva ] n. , see [ bahiṣpatnīsaṃyāja ]

  बहिष्पथम् [ bahiṣpatham ] [ bahiṣ-pathám ] ind. outside the road Lit. MaitrS.

  बहिष्परिधि [ bahiṣparidhi ] [ bahiṣ-paridhí ] ind. outside the enclosure Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

  बहिष्पवमान [ bahiṣpavamāna ] [ bahiṣ-pavamāná ] m. N. of a Stoma or Stotra (generally consisting of 3 Tricas and sung outside the Vedi during the morning libation) Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. ChUp.

   [ bahiṣpavamānī ] f. ( scil. [ stotriyā ] i.e. [ ṛc ] ) its single verses Lit. PañcavBr.

   बहिष्पवमानास्ताव [ bahiṣpavamānāstāva ] [ bahiṣ-pavamānāstāva ] m. the place where the Bahish Stotra is sung Lit. ĀpŚr.

  बहिष्पवित्र [ bahiṣpavitra ] [ bahiṣ-pavitrá ] m. f. n. destitute of or wanting the Pavitra (s.v.) Lit. Śr.

  बहिष्पिण्ड [ bahiṣpiṇḍa ] [ bahiṣ-piṇḍa ] m. f. n. having the knots outside Lit. KātyŚr.

  बहिष्प्रज्ञ [ bahiṣprajña ] [ bahiṣ-prajña ] m. f. n. one whose knowledge is directed towards external objects Lit. Up.

  बहिष्प्राकार [ bahiṣprākāra ] [ bahiṣ-prākāra ] m. an outer wall or rampart Lit. MBh.

  बहिष्प्राण [ bahiṣprāṇa ] [ bahiṣ-prāṇa ] m. external breath or life , anything near the heart or as dear as life Lit. R.

   money Lit. BhP.

   [ bahiṣprāṇa ] m. f. n. one whose breath or life is outside Lit. TS.

 बहिष्टात् [ bahiṣṭāt ] [ bahí ṣṭāt ] ind. outside Lit. TS. Lit. Br.

  बहिष्टाज्ज्योतिस् [ bahiṣṭājjyotis ] [ bahí ṣṭāj-jyotis ] n. N. of a Trishṭubh the last Pāda of which contains 8 syllables Lit. RPrāt.

  बहिष्टाद्विशसन [ bahiṣṭādviśasana ] [ bahí ṣṭād-viśasana ] n. (a hide) the flesh-side of which is turned outwards Lit. ĀpŚr.

 बही [ bahī ] [ bahī ] in comp. before [ r ] for [ bahis ] .

  बहीरज्जु [ bahīrajju ] [ bahī-rajju ] ind. outside a rope Lit. KātyŚr.

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