Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
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मध्व [ madhva ] [ madhva ] m. N. of the founder of a sect of Vaishṇavas in the south of India (he was a Kanarese Brāhman otherwise called Ānanda-tīrtha , Bhagavat-pāda or Madhu , said to have been born about 1200 ; his doctrine is commonly called Dvaita , " Duality " , in opposition to the A-dvaita , " Nonduality " , of the great Vedāntist Śaṃkarâcārya , and his sect are called Mādhvas) Lit. RTL. 130

  मध्वगुरु [ madhvaguru ] [ madhva-guru ] m. the teacher Madhva Lit. Cat.

  मध्वतन्त्रचपेटाप्रदीप [ madhvatantracapeṭāpradīpa ] [ madhva-tantra-capeṭā-pradīpa ] m. N. of wk.

  मध्वतन्त्रदूषण [ madhvatantradūṣaṇa ] [ madhva-tantra-dūṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  मध्वमत [ madhvamata ] [ madhva-mata ] n. the doctrine of Madhva

   मध्वमतखण्डन [ madhvamatakhaṇḍana ] [ madhva-mata--khaṇḍana ] n. N. of wk.

   मध्वमतप्रकरण [ madhvamataprakaraṇa ] [ madhva-mata--prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

   मध्वमतप्रदर्शन [ madhvamatapradarśana ] [ madhva-mata--pradarśana ] n. N. of wk.

   मध्वमतविध्वंसन [ madhvamatavidhvaṃsana ] [ madhva-mata--vidhvaṃsana ] n. N. of wk.

   मध्वमतसंग्रहटीका [ madhvamatasaṃgrahaṭīkā ] [ madhva-mata--saṃgraha-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.

  मध्वमाहात्म्य [ madhvamāhātmya ] [ madhva-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  मध्वमुक्तावलि [ madhvamuktāvali ] [ madhva-muktāvali ] f. N. of wk.

  मध्वमुखभङ्ग [ madhvamukhabhaṅga ] [ madhva-mukha-bhaṅga ] m. N. of wk.

  मध्वमुखमर्दन [ madhvamukhamardana ] [ madhva-mukha-mardana ] n. N. of wk.

  मध्ववंशावली [ madhvavaṃśāvalī ] [ madhva-vaṃśāvalī ] f. N. of wk.

  मध्वविजय [ madhvavijaya ] [ madhva-vijaya ] m. N. of wk.

  मध्वविध्वंसन [ madhvavidhvaṃsana ] [ madhva-vidhvaṃsana ] n. N. of wk.

  मध्ववेदान्त [ madhvavedānta ] [ madhva-vedānta ] m. N. of wk.

  मध्वसहस्रनामभाष्य [ madhvasahasranāmabhāṣya ] [ madhva-sahasra-nāma-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.

  मध्वसिद्धान्त [ madhvasiddhānta ] [ madhva-siddhānta ] m. N. of wk. ( and [ °ta-bhañjana ] n. [ °ta-sāra ] , m. )

   मध्वसिद्धान्तभञ्जन [ madhvasiddhāntabhañjana ] [ madhva-siddhānta-bhañjana ] n. , see [ madhvasiddhānta ] , N. of wk.

   मध्वसिद्धान्तसार [ madhvasiddhāntasāra ] [ madhva-siddhānta-sāra ] m. , see [ madhvasiddhānta ] , N. of wk.

  मध्वस्तुति [ madhvastuti ] [ madhva-stuti ] f. N. of wk.

  मध्वाचार्य [ madhvācārya ] [ madhvācārya ] m. = [ madhva-guru ] Lit. W.

  मध्वार्थध्वंसिनी [ madhvārthadhvaṃsinī ] [ madhvārtha-dhvaṃsinī ] n. N. of wk.

  मध्वाह्णिक [ madhvāhṇika ] [ madhvāhṇika ] n. N. of wk.

 मध्वक [ madhvaka ] [ madhvaka ] see p. 781 , col. 3.

 मध्वक्ष [ madhvakṣa ] [ madhv-akṣa ] see p. 781 , col. 2.

मन् [ man ] [ man ] Root cl. [8] [4] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxx , 9 ; xxv , 67) [ manuté ] , [ mányate ] ( ep. also [ °ti ] ; 3. pl. [ manvaté ] Lit. RV. ; pf. [ mene ] Lit. Br. ; [ mamnā́the ] , [ °nā́ts ] Lit. RV. ; aor. [ ámata ] , [ ámanmahi ] Subj. [ manāmahe ] , [ mananta ] , p. [ manāná ] q.v. Lit. RV. ; [ maṃsi ] , [ amaṃsta ] Subj. [ maṃsate ] Prec. [ maṃsīṣṭa ] , 1. pers. mc. [ masīya ] Lit. ib. ; [ māṃsta ] Lit. AV. , [ °stādm ] Lit. TĀr. ; [ mandhvam ] Lit. Br. ; [ amaniṣṭa ] Gr. ; fut. [ maṃsyate ] Lit. Br. , [ °ti ] Lit. MBh. ; [ manta ] , [ manitā ] Gr. ; [ maniṣyate ] Lit. RV. ; inf. [ mantum ] Lit. MBh. , [ mántave ] , [ °tavai ] Lit. RV. , [ mántos ] Lit. Br. ; ind.p. [ matvā́ ] Lit. Up. ; [ manitvā ] Gr. ; [ -matya ] Lit. Br. ; [ -manya ] Lit. MBh. ) , to think , believe , imagine , suppose , conjecture Lit. RV. ( [ manye ] , I think , methinks , is in later language often inserted in a sentence without affecting the construction ; cf. g. [ cādi ] and Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 106) ; to regard or consider any one or anything (acc.) as (acc. with or without [ iva ] , or adv. , often in [ -vat ] ; in later language also dat. , to express contempt ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 17 ) , e.g. g. [ rājyaṃ tṛṇaya ] [ manye ] , " I value empire at a straw " i.e. I make light of it = [ laghu ] √ [ man ] , and opp. to [ bahu ] , or [ sādhu ] √ [ man ] , to think much or well of , praise , approve) Lit. ib. ; to think one's self or be thought to be , appear as , pass for (nom. ; also with [ iva ] ) Lit. ib. ; to be of opinion , think fit or right Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to agree or be of the same opinion with (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to set the heart or mind on , honour , esteem ( with [ nau ] , disdain) , hope or wish for (acc. or gen.) Lit. RV. ; to think of (in prayer , either " to remember , meditate on " , or " mention , declare " , or " excogitate , invent " ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to perceive , observe , learn , know , understand , comprehend (acc. , Ved. also gen.) . Lit. RV. ; to offer , present Lit. MBh. : Caus. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxxiv , 36) [ mānayati ] ( ep. also [ °te ] ; aor. [ amīmanat ] ; Pass. [ mānyate ] ) , to honour , esteem , value highly ( also with [ uru ] , [ bahu ] and [ sādhu ] ) Lit. AV. ; (Ā.) [ stambhe ] Lit. Dhātup. xxxiii , 35 ; [ garvake ] Lit. ib. Lit. Vop. : Desid. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiii , 3) [ mīmāṃsate ] ( rarely [ °ti ] ; [ amīmāṃsiṣṭhās ] Lit. ŚBr. ; [ mīmāṃsyáte ] Lit. AV. ; [ mimaṃsate ] , [ mimaniṣate ] Gr.) , to reflect upon , consider , examine , investigate Lit. AV. Lit. Br. ; to call in question , doubt ( " with regard to " loc.) Lit. ib. : Desid. of Desid. [ mimāmiṣate ] Gr.: Intens. [ manmanyate ] , [ manmanti ] Lit. ib. ( cf. Zd. (man) ; Gk. 1 , 2 , Lat. (meminisse) , (monere) ; Slav. and Lith. (minéti) ; Goth. (ga-munan) ; Germ , (meinen) ; Eng. (mean) . )

 मत [ mata ] [ matá ] m. f. n. thought , believed , imagined , supposed , understood Lit. RV.

  regarded or considered as , taken or passing for (nom. or adv.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  thought fit or right , approved Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kām.

  honoured , esteemed , respected , liked (with gen. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 188) Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kām.

  desired , intended Lit. R.

  [ mata ] m. N. of a son of Śambara Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ mana ] )

  n. a thought , idea , opinion , sentiment , view , belief. doctrine Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  intention , design , purpose , wish Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  commendation , approbation , sanction Lit. L.

  knowledge Lit. W.

  agallochum Lit. L.

  मतखण्डनस्तोत्र [ matakhaṇḍanastotra ] [ matá-khaṇḍana-stotra ] n. N. of wk.

  मतंग [ mataṃga ] [ matá-ṃ-ga ] see s.v.

  मतचतुष्टयपरीक्षा [ matacatuṣṭayaparīkṣā ] [ matá-catuṣṭaya-parīkṣā ] f. N. of wk.

  मतज्ञ [ matajña ] [ matá-jña ] m. f. n. knowing a person's intention , Lit. Śṛiṅgār.

  मतपरीक्षा [ mataparīkṣā ] [ matá-parīkṣā ] f. N. of wk.

  मतभेद [ matabheda ] [ matá-bheda ] m. difference of opinion between (gen. and instr. with [ saha ] ) Lit. VarBṛS. Sch.

  मतभेदन [ matabhedana ] [ matá-bhedana ] n. N. of wk.

  मतयोगीश [ matayogīśa ] [ matá-yogīśa ] m. N. of a man Lit. L.

  मतवचस् [ matavacas ] [ matá-vacas ] m. f. n. heeding words or prayers (said of the Aśvins) Lit. RV. ( cf. [ mātavacasa ] ) .

  मतवत् [ matavat ] [ matá-vat ] ( [ matá- ] ) m. f. n. having an aim or purpose Lit. ib.

  मताक्ष [ matākṣa ] [ matākṣa ] m. f. n. one well skilled in dice (as Śakuni) Lit. MBh.

  मतानुज्ञा [ matānujñā ] [ matānujñā ] f. admission of a fault in one's own reasoning while insisting on a similar one in that of the opponent Lit. Nyāyas.

  मतान्तर [ matāntara ] [ matāntara ] n. another opinion or creed or sect Lit. MW.

  मतावलम्बन [ matāvalambana ] [ matāvalambana ] n. the embracing a particular doctrine Lit. ib.

  मतावलम्बिन् [ matāvalambin ] [ matāvalambin ] m. f. n. holding the doctrines of a particular sect Lit. ib.

 मतंग [ mataṃga ] [ mataṃga ] m. " going wilfully " or " roaming at will " , an elephant Lit. MBh. Lit. Śrutab.

  a cloud Lit. L.

  N. of a Dānava Lit. Hariv.

  of a Muni and (pl.) his family Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  मतंगज [ mataṃgaja ] [ mataṃga-ja ] m. an elephant ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kir.

   [ mataṃgajā ] f. (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Lit. Saṃgīt.

   मतंगजत्व [ mataṃgajatva ] [ mataṃga-ja--tva ] n. , see [ mataṃgaja ]

  मतंगतीर्थ [ mataṃgatīrtha ] [ mataṃga-tīrtha ] n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Lit. Cat.

  मतंगदेव [ mataṃgadeva ] [ mataṃga-deva ] m. N. of a fabulous being Lit. Kathās.

  मतंगपारमेश्वर [ mataṃgapārameśvara ] [ mataṃga-pārameśvara ] m. N. of wk.

  मतंगपुर [ mataṃgapura ] [ mataṃga-pura ] n. N. of a city Lit. Kathās.

  मतंगयज्ञाग्नि [ mataṃgayajñāgni ] [ mataṃga-yajñāgni ] m. fire from the sacrifice of Mataṃga Lit. Mcar.

  मतंगवापी [ mataṃgavāpī ] [ mataṃga-vāpī ] f. N. of a sacred tank or bathing-place Lit. Vishṇ. Lit. MBh.

  मतंगवृत्ति [ mataṃgavṛtti ] [ mataṃga-vṛtti ] f. N. of wk.

  मतंगसरस [ mataṃgasarasa ] [ mataṃga-sarasa ] m. N. of a lake Lit. R.

  मतंगहतक [ mataṃgahataka ] [ mataṃga-hataka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

  मतंगानुचर [ mataṃgānucara ] [ mataṃgānúcara ] m. the keeper or driver of an elephant Lit. Suparṇ.

 मतंगिनी [ mataṃginī ] [ mataṃginī ] f. N. of a daughter of Mandara Lit. Kathās.

 मति [ mati ] [ matí ] f. ( in Lit. ŚBr. also [ máti ] ) devotion , prayer , worship , hymn , sacred utterance Lit. RV. Lit. VS.

  thought , design , intention , resolution , determination , inclination , wish , desire ( with loc. dat. or inf.) Lit. RV. ( [ matyā ] ind. wittingly , knowingly , purposely ; [ matiṃ ] √ [ kṛ ] or [ dhā ] or [ dhṛ ] or [ ā-√ dhā ] or [ samā-√ dhā ] or [ ā-√ sthā ] or [ sam-ā-√ sthā ] , with loc. dat. acc. with [ prati ] , or [ artham ] ifc. , to set the heart on , make up one's mind , resolve , determine ; [ matim ] with Caus. of [ ni-√ vṛt ] and abl. of a verbal noun , to give up the idea of ; [ āhita-mati ] ifc. -having resolved upon ; [ vinivṛtta-mati ] with abl. = having desisted from)

  opinion , notion , idea , belief , conviction , view , creed Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( [ matyā ] ind. at will ; ifc. , " under the idea of " e.g. [ vyāghra-m ] , " under the idea of its being a tiger " )

  the mind , perception , understanding , intelligence , sense , judgement Lit. ŚBr. (in Lit. RV. also " that which is sensible " , intelligent , mindful , applied to Aditi , Indra and Agni)

  esteem , respect , regard Lit. Kir.

  memory , remembrance Lit. L.

  Opinion personified (and identified with Subalâtmajā as one of the mothers of the five sons of Pāṇḍu , or regarded as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Soma , or as the wife of Viveka) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Prab.

  a kind of vegetable or pot-herb Lit. L.

  [ mati ] m. N. of a king Lit. Buddh. ( cf. Lat. (mens) ; Angl.Sax. (ge-mynd) ; Eng. (mind) . )

  [ matyā ] ind. , see [ mati ] , wittingly , knowingly , purposely

  ind. , see [ mati ] , at will

  मतिकर्मन् [ matikarman ] [ matí -karman ] n. a matter of the intellect Lit. Kām.

  मतिगति [ matigati ] [ matí -gati ] f. " mental course " , mode of thought Lit. Kāv.

  मतिगर्भ [ matigarbha ] [ matí -garbha ] m. f. n. " filled with intelligence " , clever , intelligent Lit. Śiś.

  मतिचित्र [ maticitra ] [ matí -citra ] m. N. of Aśva-ghosha Lit. Buddh.

  मतिदत्त [ matidatta ] [ matí -datta ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

  मतिदर्शन [ matidarśana ] [ matí -darśana ] n. the act or faculty of seeing into the thoughts or intentions (of others) Lit. R.

  मतिदा [ matidā ] [ matí - ] f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum or = [ śimṛḍī ] Lit. L.

  मतिद्वैध [ matidvaidha ] [ matí -dvaidha ] n. difference of opinion Lit. MBh.

  मतिध्वज [ matidhvaja ] [ matí -dhvaja ] m. N. of a nephew of Śaskya-paṇḍita Lit. Buddh.

  मतिनार [ matināra ] [ matí -nāra ] m. N. of a king Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  मतिनिर्णय [ matinirṇaya ] [ matí -nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.

  मतिनिश्चय [ matiniścaya ] [ matí -niścaya ] m. a firm opinion Lit. L.

  मतिपथ [ matipatha ] [ matí -patha ] m. the path of reflection

   मतिपथंनी [ matipathaṃnī ] [ matí -pathaṃ-√ nī ] to think over Lit. Kāv.

  मतिपुर [ matipura ] [ matí -pura ] n. N. of a town Lit. Buddh.

  मतिपूर्व [ matipūrva ] [ matí -pūrva ] m. f. n. purposed , intended Lit. Mn.

   [ matipūrvam ] ind. purposingly , wittingly Lit. ib. Lit. Gaut.

   [ matipūrve ] ind. purposingly , wittingly Lit. ib. Lit. Gaut.

  मतिपूर्वक [ matipūrvaka ] [ matí -pūrvaka ] m. f. n. purposed , intended Lit. Mn.

   [ matipūrvakam ] ind. purposingly , wittingly Lit. ib. Lit. Gaut.

  मतिप्रकर्ष [ matiprakarṣa ] [ matí -prakarṣa ] m. superiority of mind , cleverness , talent Lit. Hit.

  मतिभद्रगणि [ matibhadragaṇi ] [ matí -bhadra-gaṇi ] m. N. of a scholar Lit. Cat.

  मतिभेद [ matibheda ] [ matí -bheda ] m. change of opinion Lit. MBh.

  मतिभ्रम [ matibhrama ] [ matí -bhrama ] m. ( Lit. Śak.) confusion of mind , perplexity , error , misapprehension , hallucination .

  मतिभ्रान्ति [ matibhrānti ] [ matí -bhrānti ] f. ( Lit. L.) confusion of mind , perplexity , error , misapprehension , hallucination .

  मतिमत् [ matimat ] [ matí -mat ] m. f. n. clever , intelligent , wise Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ matimat ] m. N. of a son of Janam-ejaya Lit. Hariv.

  मतिमानुष [ matimānuṣa ] [ matí -mānuṣa ] (?) m. N. of wk.

  मतिमुकुर [ matimukura ] [ matí -mukura ] m. N. of wk.

  मतिरत्नमुनि [ matiratnamuni ] [ matí -ratna-muni ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  मतिराज [ matirāja ] [ matí -rāja ] m. N. of a poet Lit. ib.

  मतिवत् [ mativat ] [ matí -vat ] w.r. for [ -mat ] .

  मतिवर्धन [ mativardhana ] [ matí -vardhana ] m. N. of an author ( also [ °na-gaṇi ] ) Lit. Cat.

  मतिविद् [ mativid ] [ matí -ví d ] m. f. n. knowing (one's) devotion or mind Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr.

  मतिविपर्यय [ mativiparyaya ] [ matí -viparyaya ] m. an erroneous opinion , illusion Lit. Vcar.

  मतिविभ्रंश [ mativibhraṃśa ] [ matí -vibhraṃśa ] m. failure or infatuation of mind Lit. L.

  मतिविभ्रम [ mativibhrama ] [ matí -vibhrama ] m. = [ -bhrama ] Lit. R.

  मतिविभ्रान्ति [ mativibhrānti ] [ matí -vibhrānti ] f. id. Lit. L.

  मतिशालिन् [ matiśālin ] [ matí -śālin ] m. f. n. " possessing intelligence " , clever , wise Lit. Pañcat.

  मतिसचिव [ matisaciva ] [ mati-saciva ] m. a wise counsellor, Lit. Bcar.

  मतिहीन [ matihīna ] [ matí -hīna ] m. f. n. deprived of sense , stupid Lit. Hit.

  मतीश्वर [ matīśvara ] [ matīśvara ] m. " lord of mind " , the wisest of the wise (Viśva-karman) Lit. Hariv.

 मत्य [ matya ] [ matya ]2 n. ( for 1. see p. 776 , col. 2) the means of acquiring knowledge (= [ jñānasya kāraṇam ] ) Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 97.

 मन [ mana ] [ mana ]1 m. Indian spikenard , Nardostachys Jatamansi Lit. L.

  N. of a son of Śambara Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ mata ] ) .

 मन [ mana ] [ mana ]2 in comp. for [ manas ] .

  मनआप [ manāapa ] [ mana-āpa ] m. f. n. gaining the heart , attracting , beautiful Lit. L. ( cf. Pāli ) .

  मनऋङ्ग [ manaṛṅga ] [ mana-ṛṅga ] ( [ mána- ] ) m. f. n. ( prob. fr. √ 2. [ ṛñj ] ) directing or guiding the mind Lit. RV. x , 106 , 8 ( Lit. Sāy. ) .

  मननी [ mananī ] [ mana- ] see [ mananyá ] below.

  मनरञ्जन [ manarañjana ] [ mana-rañjana ] m. f. n. delighting the mind of (comp.) Lit. Subh.

  मनवशस् [ manavaśas ] [ mana-vaśas ] (?) m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  मनहंस [ manahaṃsa ] [ mana-haṃsa ] m. (w.r. for [ °no-h° ] ?) a kind of metre Lit. Col.

  मनाप [ manāpa ] [ manāpa ] m. f. n. = [ mana-āpa ] Lit. Lalit.

 मनः [ manaḥ ] [ manaḥ ] in comp. for [ manas ] .

  मनःकान्त [ manaḥkānta ] [ manaḥ-kānta ] m. f. n. see [ manas-k ] .

  मनःक्षेप [ manaḥkṣepa ] [ manaḥ-kṣepa ] m. mental perplexity or confusion Lit. Sāh.

  मनःक्षोभकर [ manaḥkṣobhakara ] [ manaḥ-kṣobha-kara ] m. f. n. mind-disturbing, ib.

  मनःपति [ manaḥpati ] [ manaḥ-pati ] m. " lord of the heart " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. Pañcar.

  मनःपर्याय [ manaḥparyāya ] [ manaḥ-paryāya ] m. (with Jainas) " the state of mental perception which precedes the attainment of perfect knowledge " N. of the last stage but one in the perception of truth Lit. Sarvad.

  मनःपीडा [ manaḥpīḍā ] [ manaḥ-pīḍā ] f. pain of mind , mental agony. Lit. MW.

  मनःपूत [ manaḥpūta ] [ manaḥ-pūta ] m. f. n. pure in heart , mentally pure Lit. Mn. vi , 46.

  मनःप्रणीत [ manaḥpraṇīta ] [ manaḥ-praṇīta ] m. f. n. dear to the heart or mind Lit. MBh. xiii , 3503.

  मनःप्रसाद [ manaḥprasāda ] [ manaḥ-prasāda ] m. serenity or peace of mind Lit. MBh. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Suśr.

  मनःप्रिय [ manaḥpriya ] [ manaḥ-priya ] m. f. n. dear to the heart Lit. Kir.

  मनःप्रीति [ manaḥprīti ] [ manaḥ-prīti ] f. gladness of heart , delight Lit. Kathās.

  मनःशम [ manaḥśama ] [ manaḥ-śama ] m. tranquillity of mind, ib.

  मनःशल्य [ manaḥśalya ] [ manaḥ-śalya ] m. f. n. heart-piercing, Lit. Kum. ii, 22

  मनःशिक्षा [ manaḥśikṣā ] [ manaḥ-śikṣā ] f. N. of wk. (containing the Caitanya doctrine) Lit. Cat.

  मनःशिला [ manaḥśilā ] [ manaḥ-śilā ] f. ( L. also [ °la ] m. ; cf. comp.) realgar , red arsenic Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   मनःशिलागिरि [ manaḥśilāgiri ] [ manaḥ-śilā--giri ] f. v.l. for [ °loccaya ] Lit. R.

   मनःशिलागुहा [ manaḥśilāguhā ] [ manaḥ-śilā--guhā ] f. a cave of red arsenic Lit. MBh. ( [ °la-guhā ] Lit. Mṛicch. i , 12)

   मनःशिलाचन्दनधावन [ manaḥśilācandanadhāvana ] [ manaḥ-śilā--candana-dhāvana ] n. a fluid prepared from red arsenic and sandal Lit. MW.

   मनःशिलाविच्छुरित [ manaḥśilāvicchurita ] [ manaḥ-śilā--vicchurita ] m. f. n. inlaid with red arsenic Lit. Kum.

   मनःशिलोच्चय [ manaḥśiloccaya ] [ manaḥ-śiloccaya ] m. a quantity of red arsenic Lit. R.

  मनःशीघ्र [ manaḥśīghra ] [ manaḥ-śīghra ] m. f. n. swift as thought Lit. Kathās.

  मनःशूक [ manaḥśūka ] [ manaḥ-śūka ] n. anguish of mind Lit. DivyA7v.

  मनःषष्ठ [ manaḥṣaṣṭha ] [ manaḥ-ṣaṣṭha ] ( [ mánaḥ- ] ) m. f. n. having the mind for a sixth organ (said of the 5 organs of sense) Lit. AV.

  मनःसंवर [ manaḥsaṃvara ] [ manaḥ-saṃvara ] m. coercion of the mind Lit. Lalit.

  मनःसंकल्प [ manaḥsaṃkalpa ] [ manaḥ-saṃkalpa ] m. desire of the heart Lit. R.

  मनःसङ्ग [ manaḥsaṅga ] [ manaḥ-saṅga ] m. attachment of the mind , fixing the thoughts (on a beloved one ; second stage of love) Lit. Pratāp.

  मनःसंचेतनाहार [ manaḥsaṃcetanāhāra ] [ manaḥ-saṃcetanāhāra ] m. one of the 4 kinds of food (in a material and spiritual sense) Lit. Buddh.

  मनःसद् [ manaḥsad ] [ manaḥ-sád ] m. f. n. seated or dwelling in the mind Lit. VS.

  मनःसंताप [ manaḥsaṃtāpa ] [ manaḥ-saṃtāpa ] m. mental anguish or grief Lit. Śak.

  मनःसमुन्नति [ manaḥsamunnati ] [ manaḥ-samunnati ] f. high-mindedness Lit. R.

  मनःसमृद्धि [ manaḥsamṛddhi ] [ manaḥ-samṛddhi ] f. heart's content Lit. BhP.

  मनःसारमय [ manaḥsāramaya ] [ manaḥ-sāra-maya ] m. f. n. forming the substance of the heart or mind Lit. Hariv.

  मनःसिद्धि [ manaḥsiddhi ] [ manaḥ-siddhi ] f. N. of a goddess Lit. Siṃhâs.

  मनःसिला [ manaḥsilā ] [ manaḥ-silā ] w.r. for [ -śilā ] .

  मनःसुख [ manaḥsukha ] [ manaḥ-sukha ] m. f. n. agreeable to the mind , of pleasant taste Lit. Suśr.

   [ manaḥsukha ] n. joy of the heart Lit. BhP.

  मनःस्थ [ manaḥstha ] [ manaḥ-stha ] m. f. n. abiding or dwelling in the heart Lit. R.

  मनःस्थिरीकरण [ manaḥsthirīkaraṇa ] [ manaḥ-sthirī-karaṇa ] n. the act of strengthening or confirming the mind Lit. Cat.

  मनःस्थैर्य [ manaḥsthairya ] [ manaḥ-sthairya ] n. firmness of mind Lit. Kāv.

  मनःस्पर्श [ manaḥsparśa ] [ manaḥ-sparśa ] m. f. n. touching the heart Lit. BhP.

  मनःस्वामिन् [ manaḥsvāmin ] [ manaḥ-svāmin ] m. N. of a Brāhman Lit. Kathās.

  मनःस्वास्थ्य [ manaḥsvāsthya ] [ manaḥ-svāsthya ] n. health of mind, Lit. Bcar.

 मनक [ manaka ] [ manaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. HPariś.

 मनन [ manana ] [ manána ] m. f. n. thoughtful , careful Lit. RV.

  [ manana ] n. thinking , reflection , meditation , thought , intelligence , understanding ( esp. intrinsic knowledge or science , as one of the faculties connected with the senses Lit. Nir. viii , 6 = [ manman ] ) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sarvad. ( [ °nā́ ] ind. thoughtfully , deliberately Lit. RV.)

  n. homage , reverence Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 165 , 4.

  [ mananā ] ind. , see [ manana ] , thoughtfully , deliberately Lit. RV.

  मननग्रन्थ [ mananagrantha ] [ manána-grantha ] m. N. of wk.

  मननप्रकरण [ mananaprakaraṇa ] [ manána-prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  मननयुक्त [ mananayukta ] [ manána-yukta ] and m. f. n. attended with homage Lit. Sāy.

  मननवत् [ mananavat ] [ manána-vat ]and m. f. n. attended with homage Lit. Sāy.

  मननादिनिघण्टु [ mananādinighaṇṭu ] [ mananādi-nighaṇṭu ] m. N. of wk.

 मननीय [ mananīya ] [ mananīya ] m. f. n. (prob.) containing homage or praise (as a hymn) Lit. Nir. x , 5 (others " estimable " ) .

 मनन्य [ mananya ] [ mananyá ] m. f. n. deserving praise Lit. RV. x , 106 , 8 ( Lit. Sāy. = [ stútya ] , others " fr. [ mana-nī ] , directing the mind " ) .

 मनयितृ [ manayitṛ ] [ manayitṛ ] m. f. n. Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 124 , 3.

 मनश् [ manaś ] [ manaś ] in comp. for [ manas ] .

  मनश्चित् [ manaścit ] [ manaś-cí t ]1 m. f. n. (√ 1. [ ci ] ) piled up or constructed with the mind (= [ manasā citaḥ ] ) Lit. ŚBr.

  मनश्चित् [ manaścit ] [ manaś-cit ]2 m. f. n. (√ 2. [ cit ] ) thinking or reflecting in the mind Lit. RV. ix , 11 , 8 (others , " knowing the heart " ) .

 मनस् [ manas ] [ mánas ] n. mind (in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers) , intellect , intelligence , understanding , perception , sense , conscience , will Lit. RV. (in phil. the internal organ or [ antaḥ-karaṇa ] of perception and cognition , the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul Lit. IW. 53 ; in this sense [ manas ] is always regarded as distinct from [ ātman ] and [ puruṣa ] , " spirit or soul " and belonging only to the body , like which it is - except in the Nyāya - considered perishable ; as to its position in the various systems see for Nyāya and Vaiśeshika Lit. IW. 63 ; 67 ; 76 , for Sāṃkhya and Vedânta Lit. ib. 84 ; 109 ; 117 ; in Lit. RV. it is sometimes joined with [ hṛd ] or [ hṛdaya ] , the heart Lit. Mn. vii , 6 with [ cakṣus ] , the eye)

  the spirit or spiritual principle , the breath or living soul which escapes from the body at death (called [ asu ] in animals ; cf. above ) Lit. ib.

  thought , imagination , excogitation , invention , reflection , opinion , intention , inclination , affection , desire , mood , temper , spirit Lit. ib. (ifc. after a verbal noun or an inf. stem in [ °tu ] = having a mind or wishing to ; cf. [ draṣṭu-m ] ; [ manaḥ ] √ [ kṛ ] , to make up one's mind ; with gen. , to feel inclination for ; [ manaḥ ] √ [ kṛ ] , [ pra-√ kṛ ] , √ [ dhā ] , vi-√ [ dhā ] , √ [ dhṛ ] , √ [ bandh ] and Caus. of [ ni-√ viś ] with loc. dat. acc. with [ prati ] , or inf. , to direct the mind or thoughts towards , think of or upon ; [ manaḥ ] with [ sam-ā-√ dhā ] , to recover the senses , collect one's self ; with √ [ han ] see [ mano-hatya ] ; [ mánasā ] ind. in the mind ; in thought or imagination ; with all the heart , willingly ; with gen. , by the leave of ; with [ iva ] = [ °seva ] , as with a thought , in a moment ; with √ [ man ] , to think in one's mind , be willing or inclined ; with [ saṃ-√ gam ] , to become unanimous , agree ; [ manasi ] with √ [ kṛ ] , to bear or ponder in the mind , meditate on , remember ; with [ ni-√ dhā ] , to impress on the mind , consider ; with √ [ vṛt ] , to be passing in one's mind) ( 783,3 )

  N. of the 26th Kalpa (s.v.) Lit. Cat.

  of the lake Mānasa Lit. BhP.

  [ manaso dohaḥ ] N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr. ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (miner-va) . )

  [ manasā ] ind. , see [ manas ] , in the mind ; in thought or imagination ; with all the heart , willingly

  मनस्कान्त [ manaskānta ] [ mánas-kānta ] m. f. n. dear to the heart pleasant , agreeable Lit. Suśr.

  मनस्कार [ manaskāra ] [ mánas-kāra ] m. consciousness (esp. of pleasure or pain) Lit. L.

   attention of the mind Lit. Lalit.

   devotion (see next)

   मनस्कारविधि [ manaskāravidhi ] [ mánas-kāra--vidhi ] m. performance of devotion Lit. Jātakam.

  मनस्केत [ manasketa ] [ mánas-ketá ] m. mental perception or conception , idea , notion Lit. AV.

  मनस्ताप [ manastāpa ] [ mánas-tāpa ] m. " burning of the mind " , mental pain , anguish , repentance Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  मनस्ताल [ manastāla ] [ mánas-tāla ] m. N. of the lion on which Durgā is carried Lit. L.

  मनस्तुष्टि [ manastuṣṭi ] [ mánas-tuṣṭi ] f. satisfaction of mind , heart's content Lit. MW.

  मनस्तेजस् [ manastejas ] [ mánas-tejas ] ( [ mánas- ] ) m. f. n. endowed with vigour of mind Lit. AV.

  मनस्तोका [ manastokā ] [ mánas-tokā ] f. N. of Durgā Lit. L.

  मनस्त्व [ manastva ] [ mánas-tva ] n. intellectual state , the state or condition of mind Lit. Sarvad.

  मनस्पाप [ manaspāpa ] [ mánas-pāpa ] n. mental sin , a sin committed only in mind Lit. AV.

  मनस्मय [ manasmaya ] [ mánas-máya ] m. f. n. spiritual (as opp. to , " material " ) Lit. RV.

  मनस्वत् [ manasvat ] [ mánas-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ mánas- ] ) full of sense or spirit Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. KaushUp.

   containing the word [ manas ] , TS Lit. Kāṭh.

   [ manasvatī ] f. ( [ atī ] ) w.r. for [ ánas-vatī ] Lit. TāṇḍBr.

  मनस्वि [ manasvi ] [ mánas-vi ] in comp. for [ -vin ]

   मनस्विगर्हित [ manasvigarhita ] [ mánas-vi--garhita ] m. f. n. censured by the wise Lit. MW.

   मनस्वितर [ manasvitara ] [ mánas-vi--tara ] m. f. n. wiser , cleverer Lit. Kāṭh.

   मनस्विता [ manasvitā ] [ mánas-vi--tā ] f. intelligence , high-mindedness , magnanimity Lit. Kir.

    hope , expectation , dependance Lit. W.

   मनस्विप्रशंसा [ manasvipraśaṃsā ] [ mánas-vi--praśaṃsā ] f. praise of the wise Lit. Cat.

  मनस्विन् [ manasvin ] [ mánas-vin ] m. f. n. full of mind or sense , intelligent , clever , wise Lit. TBr.

   in high spirits , cheerful , glad ( [ a-man ] ) Lit. R.

   fixing the mind attentive Lit. W.

   [ manasvin ] m. the fabulous animal called Śarabha Lit. L.

   N. of a Nāga Lit. Lalit.

   of a son of Devala Lit. VP.

   [ manasvinī ] f. a virtuous wife Lit. W.

   [ manasvin ] m. Momordica Mixta Lit. L.

   N. of the mother of the moon Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ manasija ] )

   of Durga Lit. L.

   of the wife of Mṛikaṇḍu Lit. Pur.

 मनस [ manasa ] [ manasá ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. RV. v , 44 , 10 ( Lit. Sāy.)

  [ manasā ] f. see 1. [ manasā ]

  [ manasa ] n. (ifc. , with f ( [ ā ] ) .) = [ manas ] , mind , heart Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. MBh.

 मनसस्पति [ manasaspati ] [ mánasas-páti ] m. the lord or presiding genius of the mental powers and life of men Lit. RV. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.

 मनसा [ manasā ] [ manasā ]1 f. N. of a partic. goddess ( described as consisting of a particle of Prakṛiti and as daughter of Kaśyapa. sister of the serpent-king Ananta , wife of the Muni Jarat-kāru , mother of the Muni Āstīka and protectress of men from the venom of serpents ; cf. [ viṣa-harī ] ) Lit. Pañcar.

  of a Kiṃ-narī Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  मनसादेवी [ manasādevī ] [ manasā-devī ] f. the goddess Manasā Lit. L.

  मनसापञ्चमी [ manasāpañcamī ] [ manasā-pañcamī ] f. the 5th day in the dark half of the month Āshāḍha (when there is a festival in honour of the goddess Manasā) Lit. Col.

  मनसाराम [ manasārāma ] [ manasā-rāma ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

 मनसा [ manasā ] [ manasā ]2 instr. of [ manas ] , in comp.

  मनसागुप्ता [ manasāguptā ] [ manasā-guptā ] f. (prob.) N. of a woman Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 4 Sch.

  मनसाज्ञायिन् [ manasājñāyin ] [ manasājñāyin ] ( [ °sājñ° ] ) m. f. n. perceiving with the soul or intellectually Lit. ib. 5 Sch. ,

  मनसादत्ता [ manasādattā ] [ manasā-dattā ] and f. (prob.) N. of women Lit. ib. 4.

  मनसासंगता [ manasāsaṃgatā ] [ manasā-saṃgatā ]and f. (prob.) N. of women Lit. ib. 4.

 मनसि [ manasi ] [ manasi ] loc. of [ manas ] , in comp.

  मनसिकार [ manasikāra ] [ manasi-kāra ] m. taking to heart Lit. Lalit.

  मनसिज [ manasija ] [ manasi-ja ] m. " heart-born " , love or the god of love Lit. Kāv.

   the moon Lit. RāmatUp.

   मनसिजतरु [ manasijataru ] [ manasi-ja--taru ] m. love conceived as a tree Lit. Mālav.

   मनसिजबृसी [ manasijabṛsī ] [ manasi-ja--bṛsī ] f. the moon Lit. Alaṃkārav.

  मनसिमन्द [ manasimanda ] [ manasi-manda ] m. f. n. slow or inert in love Lit. MW.

   मनसिमन्दरुज् [ manasimandaruj ] [ manasi-manda--ruj ] f. pain of love Lit. Vikr.

  मनसिशय [ manasiśaya ] [ manasi-śaya ] m. " lying in the heart " = [ -ja ] Lit. Vikr.

 मनसिन् [ manasin ] [ manasin ] m. f. n. having a mind or soul , having intellect Lit. TS.

 मनस्क [ manaska ] [ manaská ] n. dimin. of [ manas ] Lit. AV. vi , 18 , 3

  (ifc.) = [ manas ]

  cf. [ gata-m ] .

 मनस्य [ manasya ] [ manasya ] Nom. P. Ā. [ °syáti ] , [ °te ] (g. [ kaṇḍv-ādi ] ) , to have in mind , intend Lit. RV. Lit. ChUp. ; to think , reflect Lit. TBr. Lit. Nir.

 मनस्यु [ manasyu ] [ manasyú ] m. f. n. (prob.) wishing , desiring Lit. RV.

  [ manasyu ] m. N. of a prince (son of Pravīra) Lit. MBh.

  of a son of Mahānta Lit. VP.

 मना [ manā ] [ manā́ ] f. devotion , attachment , zeal , eagerness Lit. RV.

  envy , jealousy Lit. ib.

  मनावसु [ manāvasu ] [ manā́-vasu ] m. f. n. rich in devotion , faithful Lit. ib.

 मनाक् [ manāk ] [ manāk ] ind. ( prob. fr. [ manā ] + [ añc ] , " perceivably " ) a little , slightly , in a small degree ( [ dānam manāgapi ] , a gift however small ; [ kālam manāk ] , a little time ; [ na m ] , not at all ; [ manāg asmi na pātitaḥ ] , I was all but thrown down) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. ( 784,1 )

  shortly , immediately , at once Lit. Prasannar.

  only , merely Lit. Ratnâv.

  मनाक्कर [ manākkara ] [ manāk-kara ] m. f. n. doing little , lazy Lit. MW.

   [ manākkara ] n. a kind of Agallochum Lit. L.

  मनाक्प्रिय [ manākpriya ] [ manāk-priya ] m. f. n. a little dear Lit. MW.

 मनान [ manāna ] [ manāná ] m. f. n. devout , pious Lit. RV. vi , 67 , 10.

 मनानक् [ manānak ] [ manānák ] ind. (prob.) = [ manāk ] , a little , a short time Lit. RV. x , 61 , 6.

 मनाय [ manāya ] [ manāya ] Nom. P. [ °yáti ] , to be zealous or devoted Lit. RV. ; to think , consider Lit. ib.

 मनायी [ manāyī ] [ manā́yī ] f. ( fr. [ manu ] ) Manu's wife Lit. MaitrS. ( cf. [ manāvī́ ] ) .

 मनायु [ manāyu ] [ manāyú ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ manā ] ) zealous , devoted Lit. RV.

  desirous , praying Lit. ib.

 मनावी [ manāvī ] [ manāvī́ ] f. ( fr. [ manu ] ) Manu's wife Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ manā́yī ] ) .

 मनित [ manita ] [ manita ] m. f. n. known , understood Lit. L.

 मनीकृ [ manīkṛ ] [ manī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to take to heart Lit. Vop.

 मनीषा [ manīṣā ] [ manīṣā́ ] f. thought , reflection , consideration , wisdom , intelligence , conception , idea ( [ páro manīṣáyā ] , beyond all conception) Lit. RV.

  prayer , hymn Lit. RV.

  desire , wish , request Lit. ib.

  मनीषापञ्चक [ manīṣāpañcaka ] [ manīṣā́-pañcaka ] n. N. of two works.

 मनीषिका [ manīṣikā ] [ manīṣikā ] f. wisdom , intelligence ( [ sva-manīṣikayā ] , " according to one's own judgement " ) Lit. BhP.

  expectation Lit. Bālar.

 मनीषिणा [ manīṣiṇā ] [ manīṣiṇā ] (?) f. a kind of metre Lit. Śrutab.

 मनीषित [ manīṣita ] [ manīṣita ] m. f. n. desired , wished Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  [ manīṣita ] n. wish , desire Lit. ib. ( cf. [ yathāṃ ] ) .

  मनीषितवर्षिन् [ manīṣitavarṣin ] [ manīṣita-varṣin ] m. f. n. showering desired objects (like a rain) Lit. Rājat.

 मनीषिन् [ manīṣin ] [ manīṣin ] m. f. n. thoughtful , intelligent , wise , sage , prudent. Lit. RV.

  devout , offering prayers or praises Lit. RV.

  [ manīṣin ] m. a learned Brāhman , teacher , Paṇḍit Lit. W.

  N. of a king Lit. VP.

  मनीषिता [ manīṣitā ] [ manīṣi-tā ] f. wisdom Lit. Veṇis.

 मनु [ manu ] [ mánu ] m. f. n. thinking , wise , intelligent Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.

  [ manu ] m. " the thinking creature (?) " , man , mankind Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AitBr. Lit. TĀr. ( also as opp. to evil spirits Lit. RV. i , 130 , 8 ; viii , 98 , 6 ; the Ṛibhus are called [ manor nápātaḥ ] , the sons of man , Lit. iii , 60 , 3)

  the Man par excellence or the representative man and father of the human race (regarded in the Lit. RV. as the first to have instituted sacrifices and religious ceremonies , and associated with the Ṛishis Kaṇva and Atri ; in the Lit. AitBr. described as dividing his possessions among some of his sons to the exclusion of one called Nābhā-nedishṭha q.v. ; called Sāṃvaraṇa as author of Lit. RV. ix , 101 , 10-12 ; Āpsava as author of Lit. ib. 106 , 7-9 ; in Lit. Naigh. v , 6 he is numbered among the 31 divine beings of the upper sphere , and Lit. VS. xi , 66 as father of men even identified with Prajā-pati ; but the name Manu is esp. applied to 14 successive mythical progenitors and sovereigns of the earth , described Lit. Mn. i , 63 and in later works as creating and supporting this world through successive Antaras or long periods of time see [ manv-antara ] below ; the first is called Svāyambhuva as sprung from [ svayam-bhū ] , the Self-existent , and described in Lit. Mn. 12 , 34 as a sort of secondary creator , who commenced his work by producing 10 Prajāpatis or Maharshis , of whom the first was [ marīci ] , Light ; to this Manu is ascribed the celebrated " code of Manu " see [ manu-saṃhitā ] , and two ancient Sūtra works on Kalpa and Gṛihya i.e. sacrificial and domestic rites ; he is also called Hairaṇyagarbha as son of Hiraṇya-garbha , and Prācetasa , as son of Pra-cetas ; the next 5 Manus are called Svārocisha , Auttami , Tāmasa , Raivata , Cākshusha cf. Lit. IW. 208 n.1 ; the 7th Manu , called [ vaivasvata ] , Sun-born , or from his piety , [ satya-vrata ] , is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings , and said , like the Noah of the Old Testament , to have been preserved from a great flood by Vishṇu or Brahmā in the form of a fish: he is also variously described as one of the 12 Ādityas , as the author of Lit. RV. viii , 27-31, as the brother of Yama , who as a son of he Sun is also called Vaivasvata , as the founder and first king of Ayodhyā , and as father of Ilā who married Budha , son of the Moon , the two great solar and lunar races being thus nearly related to each other see Lit. IW. 344 ; 373 ; the 8th Manu or first of the future Manus accord. to Lit. VP. iii , 2, will be Sāvarṇi ; the 9th Daksha-sāvarṇi ; the 12th Rudra-sāvarṇi ; the 13th Raucya or Deva-sāvarṇi ; the 14th Bhautya or Indra-sāvarṇi)

  thought (= [ manas ] ) Lit. TS. Lit. Br.

  a sacred text , prayer , incantation , spell (= [ mantra ] ) Lit. RāmatUp. Lit. Pañcar. Lit. Pratāp.

  N. of an Agni Lit. MBh.

  of a Rudra Lit. Pur.

  of Kṛiśâśva Lit. BhP.

  of an astronomer Lit. Cat.

  (pl.) the mental Powers Lit. BhP.

  N. of the number " fourteen " (on account of the 14 Manus) Lit. Sūryas.

  f. Manu's wife (= [ manāvī ] ) Lit. L. ; Trigonella Corniculata Lit. L. ( cf. Goth. (manna) ; Germ. (Mannus) , son of (Tuisto) ( TM ) , mentioned by Tacitus , in his wk. (Germania) , as the mythical ancestor of the West-Germans , (mann) , (man) ; Angl.Sax. (man) ; Eng. (man) . )

  मनुकपाल [ manukapāla ] [ mánu-kapāla ] n. Manu's bowl or dish Lit. Kapishṭh.

  मनुकुलादित्य [ manukulāditya ] [ mánu-kulāditya ] m. N. of a king Lit. Cat.

  मनुग [ manuga ] [ mánu-ga ] m. N. of a son of Dyuti-mat Lit. Pur.

   [ manuga ] n. N. of the Varsha ruled by him Lit. ib.

  मनुज [ manuja ] [ mánu-ja ] m. " Manu-born " , a man Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ manujā ] f. a woman Lit. ib.

   [ manujī ] f. a woman Lit. ib.

   मनुजनाथ [ manujanātha ] [ mánu-ja--nātha ] m. " lord of men " , a prince , king ( Lit. Daś.)

   मनुजपति [ manujapati ] [ mánu-ja--pati ] m. " lord of men " , a prince , king ( Lit. R. )

   मनुजलोक [ manujaloka ] [ mánu-ja--loka ] m. " world of men " , the earth Lit. MBh.

   मनुजव्याघ्र [ manujavyāghra ] [ mánu-ja--vyāghra ] m. " man-tiger " , any eminent or illustrious man Lit. R.

   मनुजात्मज [ manujātmaja ] [ mánu-jātmaja ] m. " son of man " , a man , Lit. L.

    [ manujātmajā ] f. a woman Lit. MBh.

   मनुजाधिप [ manujādhipa ] [ mánu-jādhipa ] m. " sovereign of men " , a prince , king Lit. MBh.

   मनुजाधिपति [ manujādhipati ] [ mánu-jādhipati ] m. " sovereign of men " , a prince , king Lit. MBh.

   मनुजीकृ [ manujīkṛ ] [ mánu-jī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to change into a man Lit. Kathās.

   मनुजेन्द्र [ manujendra ] [ mánu-jendra ] m. " lord of men " , a prince , king Lit. MBh. ( [ °jendra-putra ] m. [ °jendra-putrī ] f. a prince , princess Lit. Kathās.)

   मनुजेन्द्रपुत्र [ manujendraputra ] [ mánu-jendra-putra ] m. , see [ manujendra ] , a prince Lit. Kathās.

   मनुजेन्द्रपुत्री [ manujendraputrī ] [ mánu-jendra-putrī ] f. , see [ manujendra ] , a princess Lit. Kathās.

   मनुजेश्वर [ manujeśvara ] [ mánu-jeśvara ] m. = [ manujóndra ] Lit. VarBṛS.

   मनुजोत्तम [ manujottama ] [ mánu-jottama ] m. best of men Lit. MBh.

  मनुजात [ manujāta ] [ mánu-jāta ] m. f. n. ( [ mánu- ] ) descended from men or from Manu Lit. AV.

   [ manujāta ] m. a man Lit. MBh.

  मनुज्येष्ठ [ manujyeṣṭha ] [ mánu-jyeṣṭha ] m. a sword Lit. L.

  मनुतन्तु [ manutantu ] [ mánu-tantu ] m. N. of a man Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  मनुतीर्थ [ manutīrtha ] [ mánu-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. BhP.

  मनुत्व [ manutva ] [ mánu-tva ] n. the rank or office of a Manu Lit. ib.

  मनुदिवि [ manudivi ] [ mánu-divi ] (?) , N. of wk.

  मनुप्रणीत [ manupraṇīta ] [ mánu-praṇīta ] m. f. n. taught or promulgated by Manu ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. i , 4.

   मनुप्रणीतत्व [ manupraṇītatva ] [ mánu-praṇīta--tva ] n. , see [ manupraṇīta ]

  मनुप्रवर्ह [ manupravarha ] [ mánu-pravarha ] m. N. of Lit. RV. viii , 29 Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  मनुप्रवल्ह [ manupravalha ] [ mánu-pravalha ] m. N. of Lit. RV. viii , 29 Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  मनुप्रीत [ manuprīta ] [ mánu-prīta ] ( [ mánu- ] ) m. f. n. beloved by men Lit. RV.

  मनुभू [ manubhū ] [ mánu-bhū ] m. a man Lit. L.

  मनुमुक्तावलि [ manumuktāvali ] [ mánu-muktāvali ] f. N. of wk.

  मनुयुग [ manuyuga ] [ mánu-yuga ] n. the age or period of a Manu (= 311 , 040 , 000 years) Lit. Col.

  मनुराज् [ manurāj ] [ mánu-rāj ] m. " king of men " , N. of Kubera Lit. L.

  मनुवत् [ manuvat ] [ mánu-vát ] ind. like men or as becomes men Lit. RV.

   as with Manu Lit. KātyŚr.

  मनुवश [ manuvaśa ] [ mánu-vaśa ] m. N. of a king Lit. VP.

  मनुवृत [ manuvṛta ] [ mánu-vṛta ] m. f. n. chosen by men Lit. AitBr.

  मनुश्रेष्ठ [ manuśreṣṭha ] [ mánu-śreṣṭha ] m. " best among men " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. Pañcar.

  मनुसंहिता [ manusaṃhitā ] [ mánu-saṃhitā ] f. N. of the collection of laws commonly known as " the laws or institutes of Manu "

   of a Tantra wk. Lit. Cat.

  मनुसव [ manusava ] [ mánu-savá ] m. = [ manuṣya-sava ] Lit. TS. ( others " Manu's libation " ) .

  मनुस्मृति [ manusmṛti ] [ mánu-smṛti ] f. Manu's law-book

   मनुस्मृतिमाहात्म्य [ manusmṛtimāhātmya ] [ mánu-smṛti--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

 मनुर्हित [ manurhita ] [ mánur-hita ] ( [ °nus ] + [ h ] ) m. f. n. friendly to men , good for men Lit. RV.

 मनुष [ manuṣa ] [ mánuṣa ] m. ( or [ °ṣá ] Lit. MaitrS.) ( fr. [ manus ] ) a man Lit. RV.

  [ manuṣī ] f. a woman Lit. L.

  मनुषेन्द्र [ manuṣendra ] [ manuṣendra ] w.r. for [ manujendra ] q.v.

 मनुष्य [ manuṣya ] [ manuṣyá ] m. f. n. human , manly , useful or , friendly to man Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

  [ manuṣya ] m. a man , human being Lit. RV.

  a man (as opp. to woman) Lit. Mn. Lit. MārkP.

  a husband Lit. VarBṛS.

  a class of deceased ancestors (those who receive the Piṇḍa offering) Lit. TBr.

  मनुष्यकाय [ manuṣyakāya ] [ manuṣya-kāya ] m. f. n. having a human body, Lit. Bcar.

  मनुष्यकार [ manuṣyakāra ] [ manuṣyá-kāra ] m. the deed of a man , human exertion Lit. MBh.

  मनुष्यकिल्बिष [ manuṣyakilbiṣa ] [ manuṣyá-kilbiṣá ] n. transgression against men Lit. ŚBr.

  मनुष्यकृत [ manuṣyakṛta ] [ manuṣyá-kṛta ] ( [ °ṣyá- ] .) m. f. n. committed against men Lit. VS.

  मनुष्यगन्ध [ manuṣyagandha ] [ manuṣyá-gandha ] m. human odour Lit. AitBr.

  मनुष्यगन्धर्व [ manuṣyagandharva ] [ manuṣyá-gandharva ] m. pl. the human Gandharvas (inferior to the Deva-gandha) Lit. TUp. ,

  मनुष्यगवी [ manuṣyagavī ] [ manuṣyá-gavī ] f. pl. N. of partic. verses or formulas Lit. ĀpŚr.

  मनुष्यग्रन्थि [ manuṣyagranthi ] [ manuṣyá-granthi ] m. a knot formed by men Lit. Kapishṭh.

  मनुष्यचर [ manuṣyacara ] [ manuṣyá-cará ] m. f. n. having dealings or intercourse with men Lit. TS.

  मनुष्यचित्त [ manuṣyacitta ] [ manuṣyá-cittá ] n. the thought or will of men Lit. ŚBr.

  मनुष्यच्छन्दस [ manuṣyacchandasa ] [ manuṣyá-cchandasá ] n. the metre of men Lit. TS.

  मनुष्यजन्मन् [ manuṣyajanman ] [ manuṣyá-janman ] m. f. n. begotten by a man Lit. Śiś.

  मनुष्यजा [ manuṣyajā ] [ manuṣyá-jā́ ] m. f. n. born of men Lit. RV.

  मनुष्यजात [ manuṣyajāta ] [ manuṣyá-jāta ] n. the human race , mankind Lit. Gaut.

  मनुष्यजातक [ manuṣyajātaka ] [ manuṣyá-jātaka ] n. N. of wk.

  मनुष्यजाति [ manuṣyajāti ] [ manuṣyá-jāti ] f. = [ -jāta ] Lit. Hit.

  मनुष्यता [ manuṣyatā ] [ manuṣyá-tā ] f. manhood , humanity , the state or condition of man (acc. with [ ā-√ i ] , to become a man) Lit. R. Lit. MārkP.

  मनुष्यत्रा [ manuṣyatrā ] [ manuṣyá-trā́ ] ind. among men , to men Lit. ŚBr.

  मनुष्यत्व [ manuṣyatva ] [ manuṣyá-tvá ] n. = [ -tā ] f. (acc. with √ [ ] , to become a man) Lit. TBr. Lit. Mn.

  मनुष्यदुर्ग [ manuṣyadurga ] [ manuṣyá-durga ] m. f. n. inaccessible owing to men

   [ manuṣyadurga ] n. a place inaccessible Lit. MBh.

  मनुष्यदेव [ manuṣyadeva ] [ manuṣyá-devá ] m. " man-god " , a Brāhman Lit. ŚBr.

   a prince , king Lit. Ragh.

  मनुष्यधर्म [ manuṣyadharma ] [ manuṣyá-dharma ] m. the law or duty or state or character of man Lit. MW.

   ( with [ uttara ] ) , highest condition Lit. DivyA7v.

  मनुष्यधर्मन् [ manuṣyadharman ] [ manuṣyá-dharman ] m. " having the nature or character of man " , N. of Kubera Lit. Śiś.

   = child of men Lit. Jātakam.

  मनुष्यनाम [ manuṣyanāma ] [ manuṣyá-nāmá ] m. pl. N. of partic. verses or formulas Lit. TĀr.

  मनुष्यनामन् [ manuṣyanāman ] [ manuṣyá-nāmán ] n. a human name Lit. ib.

  मनुष्यपात्र [ manuṣyapātra ] [ manuṣyá-pātra ] n. cup or bowl of men , Lit. TāṇḍBr.

  मनुष्यपोत [ manuṣyapota ] [ manuṣyá-pota ] m. a little boy Lit. Mcar.

  मनुष्यप्रकृति [ manuṣyaprakṛti ] [ manuṣyá-prakṛti ] m. f. n. of human origin Lit. Āpast.

  मनुष्यमात्र [ manuṣyamātra ] [ manuṣyá-mātra ] m. f. n. only a man Lit. MBh.

  मनुष्यमारण [ manuṣyamāraṇa ] [ manuṣyá-māraṇa ] n. manslaughter , (unintentionally) killing a man Lit. Mn. viii , 296.

  मनुष्ययज्ञ [ manuṣyayajña ] [ manuṣyá-yajñá ] m. " man-offering " , the act of devotion due to men (i.e. [ atithi-pūjana ] , the honouring of guests or hospitality , one of the 5 [ mahā-yājñas ] q.v.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

  मनुष्ययशस [ manuṣyayaśasa ] [ manuṣyá-yaśasá ] n. human glory or splendour

   मनुष्ययशसिन् [ manuṣyayaśasin ] [ manuṣyá-yaśasin ] m. f. n. possessing human glory Lit. TS.

  मनुष्ययान [ manuṣyayāna ] [ manuṣyá-yāna ] n. a litter , palanquin Lit. MBh.

  मनुष्ययोनि [ manuṣyayoni ] [ manuṣyá-yoní ] m. human womb Lit. ŚBr.

  मनुष्यरथ [ manuṣyaratha ] [ manuṣyá-rathá ] m. chariot of men Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr.

  मनुष्यराज् [ manuṣyarāj ] [ manuṣya-rā́j ] m. a king of men, Lit. MaitrS.

  मनुष्यराज [ manuṣyarāja ] [ manuṣyá-rājá ] m. a human king Lit. VS.

  मनुष्यराजन् [ manuṣyarājan ] [ manuṣyá-rājan ] m. id. Lit. Br.

  मनुष्यरूप [ manuṣyarūpa ] [ manuṣyá-rūpá ] n. human form Lit. ŚBr.

  मनुष्यलोक [ manuṣyaloka ] [ manuṣyá-loká ] m. the world of men Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.

  मनुष्यविश् [ manuṣyaviś ] [ manuṣyá-viś ] f. ( Lit. AitBr.) mankind , the human race.

  मनुष्यविश [ manuṣyaviśa ] [ manuṣyá-viśá ] n. ( Lit. TS.) mankind , the human race.

  मनुष्यविशा [ manuṣyaviśā ] [ manuṣyá-viśā ] f. ( Lit. Kāṭh.) mankind , the human race.

  मनुष्यशिरस् [ manuṣyaśiras ] [ manuṣyá-śiras ] m. a partic. aquatic animal with a human head Lit. Āpast.

  मनुष्यशृङ्ग [ manuṣyaśṛṅga ] [ manuṣyá-śṛṅga ] n. " man's-horn " (as an example of what cannot exist) , impossibility , Sāṃkhyas. Sch.

  मनुष्यशोणित [ manuṣyaśoṇita ] [ manuṣyá-śoṇita ] n. human blood Lit. R.

  मनुष्यसभा [ manuṣyasabhā ] [ manuṣyá-sabhā ] f. an assembly or crowd or meeting-place of men Lit. L.

  मनुष्यसव [ manuṣyasava ] [ manuṣyá-savá ] m. libation or sacrifice (performed) by men Lit. TBr. Lit. Kāṭh.

  मनुष्यसाक्ष्य [ manuṣyasākṣya ] [ manuṣyá-sākṣya ] n. the presence of men as witnesses

   [ manuṣyasākṣye ] ind. in the presence of men Lit. Nidānas.

  मनुष्यहार [ manuṣyahāra ] [ manuṣyá-hāra ] m. man-stealing Lit. Siṃhâs.

  मनुष्यहारिन् [ manuṣyahārin ] [ manuṣyá-hārin ] m. a man-stealer Lit. L.

  मनुष्यामनुष्य [ manuṣyāmanuṣya ] [ manu-ṣyāmanuṣya ] m. pl. men and not men, Lit. Sukh. i.

  मनुष्यायुष [ manuṣyāyuṣa ] [ manuṣyāyuṣa ] n. the life-time of men Lit. ŚBr.

  मनुष्यालय [ manuṣyālaya ] [ manuṣyālaya ] (ibc.) human dwelling , house

   मनुष्यालयचन्द्रिका [ manuṣyālayacandrikā ] [ manuṣyālaya--candrikā ] f. N. of wk.

   मनुष्यालयलक्षण [ manuṣyālayalakṣaṇa ] [ manuṣyālaya--lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  मनुष्येन्द्र [ manuṣyendra ] [ manuṣyendra ] m. " best of men " (in addressing a good man) Lit. Nal. xxii , 6.

  मनुष्येश्वर [ manuṣyeśvara ] [ manuṣyeśvara ] m. " lord of men " , a prince , king Lit. Ragh.

  मनुष्येषु [ manuṣyeṣu ] [ manuṣyeṣu ] m. or f. (?) an arrow thrown by men Lit. AV.

  मनुष्यैनस [ manuṣyainasa ] [ manuṣyainasá ] n. sin of men Lit. ib.

 मनुष्यत् [ manuṣyat ] [ manuṣyát ] ind. = next Lit. AV. v , 12 , 8 (printed [ °ṣvát ] ; cf. Lit. APrāt. iv , 65) .

 मनुष्वत् [ manuṣvat ] [ manuṣ-vát ] ind. ( fr. [ manus ] ) as (among or for or with) men Lit. RV.

  like or as (with) Manu Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

 मनुस् [ manus ] [ mánus ] m. man or Manu (the father of men) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. ( cf. [ mánur-hita ] , [ manuṣ-vát ] , and [ mā́nuṣa ] ) .

 मनो [ mano ] [ mano ] in comp. for [ manas ] .

  मनोगत [ manogata ] [ mano-gata ] m. f. n. " mind-gone " , existing or passing or concealed in the mind or heart Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ manogata ] n. thought , opinion , notion , idea , wish , desire Lit. ib.

  मनोगति [ manogati ] [ mano-gati ] f. " heart's course " , wish , desire Lit. MBh.

   [ manogati ] m. f. n. going where one will Lit. R.

  मनोगम्य [ manogamya ] [ mano-gamya ] m. f. n. accessible to (i.e. conceivable by) the mind Lit. MW.

  मनोगवी [ manogavī ] [ mano-gavī ] f. wish , desire Lit. L.

  मनोगुप्त [ manogupta ] [ mano-gupta ] m. f. n. cherished or concealed in the mind , thought or meditated on secretly Lit. W.

   [ manoguptā ] f. red arsenic (= [ manaḥ-śilā ] ) Lit. L.

   a species of sugar-cane Lit. L.

  मनोगृहीत [ manogṛhīta ] [ mano-gṛhītá ] m. f. n. seized by the mind , captivated by the mind Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Kāṭh.

  मनोग्रहण [ manograhaṇa ] [ mano-gráhaṇa ] m. the act of seizing or captivating the mind Lit. MaitrS. Lit. TS.

  मनोग्राहिन् [ manogrāhin ] [ mano-grāhin ] m. f. n. captivating the mind , fascinating Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  मनोग्राह्य [ manogrāhya ] [ mano-grāhya ] m. f. n. to be grasped by the mind Lit. Bhāshāp.

   = prec. Lit. MBh.

  मनोग्लानि [ manoglāni ] [ mano-glāni ] f. depression of mind Lit. Daś.

  मनोघ्न [ manoghna ] [ mano-ghna ] m. f. n. intimidating the mind Lit. Bhpr.

  मनोज [ manoja ] [ mano-ja ] m. " mind-born " love or the god of love Lit. Kāv.

   मनोजवृद्धि [ manojavṛddhi ] [ mano-ja--vṛddhi ] f. a kind of shrub Lit. L.

  मनोजन्मन् [ manojanman ] [ mano-janman ] m. = [ -ja ] Lit. Kāv.

  मनोजल्प [ manojalpa ] [ mano-jalpa ] m. " mind-talk " , imagination Lit. L.

  मनोजव [ manojava ] [ mano-javá ] m. the speed or swiftness of thought Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.

   [ manojava ] m. f. n. swift as thought Lit. RV. ( [ am ] ind. ; [ -tā ] f. )

   quick in thought or apprehension Lit. W.

   resembling a father , fatherly , parental Lit. L.

   m. N. of a son of Anila or the Wind Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   of a son of Rudra Īśāna Lit. Pur.

   of Indra in the 6th Manv-antara Lit. ib.

   of a son of Medhātithi Lit. BhP.

   of a fabulous horse Lit. Vās. , Introd.

   a person whose parents are a Brāhman and a Nishādī Lit. L.

   [ manojavā ] f. N. of one of the 7 tongues of Agni Lit. MuṇḍUp.

   Methonica Superba Lit. L.

   N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.

   of a river in Krauñca-dvīpa Lit. VP.

   [ manojava ] m. or n. a kind of magic Lit. DivyA7v.

   n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh.

   of the Varsha ruled by Medhâtithi Lit. BhP.

   [ manojavam ] ind. , see [ manojava ]

   मनोजवता [ manojavatā ] [ máno-javá--tā ] f. , see [ manojava ]

  मनोजवस् [ manojavas ] [ máno-javas ] m. f. n. ( [ máno- ] ) swift as thought Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.

   N. of Yama Lit. VS. ( Lit. Mahīdh.)

  मनोजवस [ manojavasa ] [ mano-javasa ] m. f. n. resembling a father , fatherly Lit. L.

  मनोजविन् [ manojavin ] [ mano-javin ] m. f. n. swift as thought ( [ °vi-tva ] n. ) Lit. Cat.

   मनोजवित्व [ manojavitva ] [ mano-javi-tva ] n. , see [ manojavin ]

  मनोजविष्ठ [ manojaviṣṭha ] [ mano-javiṣṭha ] ( [ máno- ] ) m. f. n. very swift , as thought Lit. RV. vi , 9 , 6 ( read so for [ mánojáv ] ) .

  मनोजात [ manojāta ] [ mano-jātá ] m. f. n. " mind-born " , sprung up in the mind or soul Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.

  मनोजिघ्र [ manojighra ] [ mano-jighra ] m. f. n. scenting out or guessing (a person's) thoughts Lit. Sāh.

  मनोजू [ manojū ] [ mano-jū́ ] m. f. n. swift as thought Lit. RV.

  मनोज्ञ [ manojña ] [ mano-jña ] m. f. n. agreeable to the mind , pleasing , lovely , beautiful , charming Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ manojña ] m. a pleasant spot Lit. Vishṇ.

   Pinus Longifolia Lit. L.

   N. of a Gandharva Lit. SaddhP.

   [ manojñā ] f. ( only Lit. L.) the senna plant

   [ manojña ] m. a kind of cumin

   Jasminum Grandiflorum

   = [ vandhyā-karkoṭakī ]

   an intoxicating drink

   red arsenic

   a princess

   n. the wood of Pinus Longifolia Lit. L.

   मनोज्ञघोष [ manojñaghoṣa ] [ mano-jña--ghoṣa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

   मनोज्ञता [ manojñatā ] [ mano-jña--tā ] f. loveliness , beauty Lit. Cāṇ.

   मनोज्ञशब्दाभिगर्जित [ manojñaśabdābhigarjita ] [ mano-jña--śabdābhigarjita ] m. N. of a Kalpa Lit. Buddh.

   मनोज्ञस्वर [ manojñasvara ] [ mano-jña--svara ] m. N. of a Gandharva Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  मनोज्योतिस् [ manojyotis ] [ mano-jyotis ] ( [ máno- ] ) m. f. n. one whose light is the intellect Lit. ŚBr.

  मनोज्वर [ manojvara ] [ mano-jvara ] m. heart-ache, Lit. Bcar.

  मनोज्वला [ manojvalā ] [ mano-jvalā ] f. Jasminum Auriculatum Lit. L.

  मनोदण्ड [ manodaṇḍa ] [ mano-daṇḍa ] m. complete control over the thoughts Lit. Mn. xii , 10.

  मनोदत्त [ manodatta ] [ mano-datta ] m. f. n. " given by the mind " , mentally given , wished Lit. BhP.

   N. of an author Lit. Cat.

   [ manodattā ] f. (prob.) N. of a woman Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 4 , Sch.

  मनोदाहिन् [ manodāhin ] [ mano-dāhin ] m. " heart-inflamer " , the god of love , Lit. L.

  मनोदुःख [ manoduḥkha ] [ mano-duḥkha ] n. heart-ache , mental affliction Lit. MW.

  मनोदुष्ट [ manoduṣṭa ] [ mano-duṣṭa ] m. f. n. defiled with evil thoughts , depraved in mind Lit. Mn. v , 108.

  मनोदूतकाव्य [ manodūtakāvya ] [ mano-dūta-kāvya ] n. N. of wk.

  मनोदूतिका [ manodūtikā ] [ mano-dūtikā ] f. N. of wk.

  मनोधर [ manodhara ] [ mano-dhara ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  मनोधातु [ manodhātu ] [ mano-dhātu ] m. the sphere of the mind or intellect (with Lit. Buddh. one of the 18 elementary spheres) Lit. Dharmas. 25.

  मनोधिनाथ [ manodhinātha ] [ mano-'dhinātha ] m. " heart-lord " , a lover , husband Lit. MW.

  मनोधृत् [ manodhṛt ] [ mano-dhṛ́t ] m. f. n. " having the mind restrained or controlled " , prudent , intelligent Lit. RV.

  मनोनवस्थान [ manonavasthāna ] [ mano-'navasthāna ] n. absence of mind , inattention Lit. Sāṃkhyak.

  मनोनाश [ manonāśa ] [ mano-nāśa ] m. loss of mind Lit. Cat.

  मनोनीत [ manonīta ] [ mano-nīta ] m. f. n. " taken by the mind " , chosen , approved , preferred Lit. W.

  मनोनुकूल [ manonukūla ] [ mano-'nukūla ] m. f. n. pleasant to the mind , Lit. VarYogay.

  मनोनुग [ manonuga ] [ mano-'nuga ] m. f. n. " suiting the mind " , agreeable , pleasing Lit. Hariv.

   [ manonuga ] m. N. of a district Lit. MBh.

  मनोनेत्र [ manonetra ] [ mano-netra ] m. f. n. having the mind as a guide, Lit. JaimUp.

  मनोपहारिन् [ manopahārin ] [ mano-'pahārin ] m. f. n. ravishing or captivating the mind , gratifying Lit. Kām.

  मनोपेत [ manopeta ] [ mano-'peta ] m. f. n. destitute of understanding Lit. KaushUp.

  मनोभव [ manobhava ] [ mano-bhava ] m. f. n. " mind-born " , arising or being in the mind , imaginary Lit. BhP.

   [ manobhava ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) love ( opp. to [ krodha ] ) Lit. MBh.

   m. sexual love or the god of love Lit. ib. Lit. Kāv.

   मनोभवद्रुम [ manobhavadruma ] [ mano-bhava--druma ] m. love compared to a tree , Lit. Kāv.

   मनोभवशासन [ manobhavaśāsana ] [ mano-bhava--śāsana ] m. " chastiser of the god of love " , N. of Śiva Lit. Bhām.

   मनोभवागार [ manobhavāgāra ] [ mano-bhavāgāra ] n. " abode of love " , pudendum muliebre Lit. Bhpr.

  मनोभिधा [ manobhidhā ] [ mano-'bhidhā ] f. red arsenic Lit. L.

  मनोभिनिवेश [ manobhiniveśa ] [ mano-'bhiniveśa ] m. close application of mind , tenacity of purpose Lit. MW.

  मनोभिप्राय [ manobhiprāya ] [ mano-'bhiprāya ] m. heart's desire

   मनोभिप्रायग [ manobhiprāyaga ] [ mano-'bhiprāya--ga ] m. f. n. agreeable , pleasant Lit. MBh.

  मनोभिराम [ manobhirāma ] [ mano-'bhirāma ] m. f. n. pleasing the mind , delightful Lit. Kāv.

   [ manobhirāma ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

   m. or n. (?) N. of the spot where Buddha Tamāla-pattra-candana-gandha (Mahā-maudgalyāyana) will appear Lit. SaddhP.

  मनोभिलाष [ manobhilāṣa ] [ mano-'-bhilāṣa ] m. the heart's desire or wish Lit. MW.

  मनोभू [ manobhū ] [ mano-bhū ] m. " mind-born " , love or the god of love Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  मनोभृत् [ manobhṛt ] [ mano-bhṛ́t ] m. f. n. supporting the mind Lit. ŚBr.

  मनोमथन [ manomathana ] [ mano-mathana ] m. " heart-agitator " , the god of love Lit. Pañcar.

  मनोमय [ manomaya ] [ mano-máya ] m. f. n. consisting of spirit or mind , spiritual , mental Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Up.

   मनोमयकोश [ manomayakośa ] [ mano-máya--kośa ] m. the mental sheath (the 2nd of the subtle sheaths in which the soul is encased) Lit. Vedântas.

  मनोमुषिगृहीत [ manomuṣigṛhīta ] [ mano-múṣi-gṛhīta ] m. f. n. seized by the stealer of the mind (a demon) Lit. ŚBr.

  मनोमुह् [ manomuh ] [ mano-múh ] m. f. n. perplexing or bewildering the mind Lit. AV.

  मनोमृग [ manomṛga ] [ mano-mṛga ] m. the heart conceived of as a deer Lit. Subh.

  मनोमोहिनी [ manomohinī ] [ mano-mohinī ] f. N. of a Surâṅganā Lit. Siṃhâs.

  मनोयायिन् [ manoyāyin ] [ mano-yāyin ] m. f. n. going at will or wherever one likes ( [ °yi-tva ] n. ) Lit. Pañcar.

   मनोयायित्व [ manoyāyitva ] [ mano-yāyi-tva ] n. , see [ manoyāyin ]

  मनोयुज् [ manoyuj ] [ mano-yúj ] m. f. n. yoked by a mere thought or wish (i.e. without effort) Lit. RV.

   adapted to the understanding , wise Lit. ib. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.

  मनोयोनि [ manoyoni ] [ mano-yoni ] m. " mind-born " , N. of the god of love Lit. L.

  मनोरञ्जन [ manorañjana ] [ mano-rañjana ] n. N. of wk.

  मनोरञ्जिनी [ manorañjinī ] [ mano-rañjinī ] f. N. of wk.

  मनोरथ [ manoratha ] [ mano-ratha ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " heart's joy " (see 2. [ ratha ] ) , a wish , desire (also = desired object) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   fancy , illusion Lit. Śaṃk.

   (in dram.) a wish expressed in an indirect manner , hint Lit. Sāh.

   the heart compared to a car (see 1. [ ratha ] ) Lit. R.

   N. of a teacher Lit. Buddh.

   of a poet Lit. Cat.

   of various men Lit. Rājat.

  मनोरथ [ manoratha ] [ mano-ratha ] accord. to some orig. Prākṛit for [ mano'rtha ] , "heart-matter"

   [ manorathā ] f. N. of a woman ( = [ -prabhā ] ) Lit. Kathās.

   मनोरथकुसुम [ manorathakusuma ] [ mano-ratha--kusuma ] n. wish or desire compared to a flower Lit. MW.

   मनोरथकृत [ manorathakṛta ] [ mano-ratha--kṛta ] m. f. n. chosen or taken at will (as a husband) Lit. Hariv.

   मनोरथतीर्थ [ manorathatīrtha ] [ mano-ratha--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.

   मनोरथतृतीया [ manorathatṛtīyā ] [ mano-ratha--tṛtīyā ] f. the 3rd day in the light half of the month Caitra ( [ -vrata ] n. N. of wk.) Lit. Cat.

   मनोरथतृतीयाव्रत [ manorathatṛtīyāvrata ] [ mano-ratha--tṛtīyā--vrata ] n. , see [ manorathatṛtīyā ] , N. of wk.

   मनोरथदायक [ manorathadāyaka ] [ mano-ratha--dāyaka ] m. " fulfilling wishes " , N. of a Kalpa-vṛiksha Lit. Kathās.

   मनोरथद्रुम [ manorathadruma ] [ mano-ratha--druma ] m. w.r. for [ mano-bhava-dr ] Lit. Mālav. iii , 11

   मनोरथद्वादशी [ manorathadvādaśī ] [ mano-ratha--dvādaśī ] f. the 12th day in a partic. half month Lit. Cat.

   मनोरथप्रभा [ manorathaprabhā ] [ mano-ratha--prabhā ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Kathās.

   मनोरथबन्ध [ manorathabandha ] [ mano-ratha--bandha ] m. the cherishing or entertaining of desires ( [ °dha-bandhu ] m. the friend of ( i.e. one who satisfies ) wishes , Lit. Māatim. i , 34)

   मनोरथबन्धबन्धु [ manorathabandhabandhu ] [ mano-ratha--bandha-bandhu ] m. , see [ manorathabandha ] , the friend of ( i.e. one who satisfies ) wishes , Lit. Māatim. i , 34

   मनोरथमय [ manorathamaya ] [ mano-ratha--maya ] m. f. n. consisting of wishes , having many wishes Lit. Bhām.

    being the object of a wish Lit. Naish.

   मनोरथसिद्ध [ manorathasiddha ] [ mano-ratha--siddha ] m. w.r. for [ -siddhi ] Lit. Kathās.

   मनोरथसिद्धि [ manorathasiddhi ] [ mano-ratha--siddhi ] f. the fulfilment of a wishes Lit. Kathās.

    [ manorathasiddhi ] m. ( also [ °dhika ] ) N. of a man Lit. ib.

   मनोरथसृष्टि [ manorathasṛṣṭi ] [ mano-ratha--sṛṣṭi ] f. creation of the fancy , phantasm of the imagination Lit. MW.

   मनोरथान्तर [ manorathāntara ] [ mano-rathāntara ] m. " innermost desire " , beloved object or person Lit. Mṛicch.

  मनोरम [ manorama ] [ mano-rama ] m. f. n. gratifying the mind , attractive , pleasant , charming , beautiful Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ manorama ] m. N. of a Nāga Lit. L.

   of a mountain Lit. ib.

   [ manoramā ] f. see next

   [ manorama ] n. a kind of house Lit. L.

   N. of a pleasure-garden Lit. HPariś.

  मनोरमा [ manoramā ] [ mano-ramā ] f. a beautiful woman Lit. L.

   a kind of pigment ( = [ gorocanā ] ) Lit. L.

   a kind of metre Lit. Col.

   N. of an Apsaras Lit. MBh.

   of a goddess Lit. Buddh.

   of a Gandharvī Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

   of a daughter of the Vidyā-dhara Indīvara (wife of Sva-rocis and mother of Vijaya) Lit. MārkP.

   of various other women Lit. Cat.

   of a river Lit. MBh.

   of various works. Lit. Cat.

   मनोरमाकुचमर्दिनी [ manoramākucamardinī ] [ mano-ramā--kuca-mardinī ] f. N. of wk.

   मनोरमाखण्ड [ manoramākhaṇḍa ] [ mano-ramā--khaṇḍa ] m. n. N. of wk.

   मनोरमापरिणयनचरित [ manoramāpariṇayanacarita ] [ mano-ramā--pariṇayana-carita ] n. N. of wk.

   मनोरमाव्याख्या [ manoramāvyākhyā ] [ mano-ramā--vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.

  मनोराग [ manorāga ] [ mano-rāga ] m. affection , passion (of the heart) , Lit. Mālatīm.

  मनोराज्य [ manorājya ] [ mano-rājya ] n. the realm of fancy Lit. Sarvad. ( [ °jyāni-√ kṛ ] , to build castles in the air , Lit. Rājat.)

  मनोरुज् [ manoruj ] [ mano-ruj ] f. pain or grief of the heart Lit. Mālatim.

  मनोरूप [ manorūpa ] [ mano-rūpa ] n. character of mind, Lit. JaimUp.

  मनोर्ति [ manorti ] [ mano-'rti ] ( fr. [ ārti ] ) f. id. Lit. L.

  मनोलक्षण [ manolakṣaṇa ] [ mano-lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  मनोलय [ manolaya ] [ mano-laya ] m. loss of consciousness Lit. Cat.

  मनोलौल्य [ manolaulya ] [ mano-laulya ] n. a freak of the mind , whim , caprice Lit. Hit.

  मनोवती [ manovatī ] [ mano-vatī ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Hariv.

   of an Apsaras Lit. ib.

   of a daughter of the Vidyā-dhara Citrâṅgada Lit. Kathās.

   of a daughter of the Asura-pati Su-māya Lit. ib.

   of a mythical town on mount Meru Lit. BhP. Sch.

  मनोवलम्बिका [ manovalambikā ] [ mano-'valambikā ] f. N. of wk.

  मनोवल्लभा [ manovallabhā ] [ mano-vallabhā ] f. " heart's beloved " , a beloved woman Lit. Daś.

  मनोवहा [ manovahā ] [ mano-vahā ] f. the heart-artery Lit. MBh.

  मनोवाक्कर्मन् [ manovākkarman ] [ mano-vāk-karman ] n. pl. thoughts and words and deeds Lit. Mn. xii , 242.

  मनोवाग्देहज [ manovāgdehaja ] [ mano-vāg-deha-ja ] m. f. n. resulting from thoughts and wishes and deeds (lit. mind , speech and body) Lit. MW.

  मनोवाञ्छा [ manovāñchā ] [ mano-vāñchā ] f.

  मनोवाञ्छित [ manovāñchita ] [ mano-vāñchita ] n. heart'swish , the mind's desire Lit. ib.

  मनोवात [ manovāta ] [ mano-vāta ] ( [ máno- ] ) m. f. n. desired by the mind , agreeable Lit. RV.

  मनोवाद [ manovāda ] [ mano-vāda ] m. N. of wk.

  मनोविकार [ manovikāra ] [ mano-vikāra ] m. change or emotion of the mind Lit. L.

  मनोविद् [ manovid ] [ mano-vid ] m. " spirit-knower " (500 are reckoned as followers of the Jina Mahā-vīra) Lit. W.

  मनोविनयन [ manovinayana ] [ mano-vinayana ] n. mental discipline Lit. Inscr.

  मनोविनोद [ manovinoda ] [ mano-vinoda ] and m. N. of poets Lit. Cat.

  मनोविनोदकृत् [ manovinodakṛt ] [ mano-vinoda-kṛt ]and m. N. of poets Lit. Cat.

  मनोविरुद्ध [ manoviruddha ] [ mano-viruddha ] m. pl. " opposed to thought , incomprehensible " , N. of a group of divine beings Lit. MBh.

  मनोवृत्ति [ manovṛtti ] [ mano-vṛtti ] f. activity or disposition of the mind , volition , fancy Lit. Kāv. Lit. Śaṃk.

  मनोवेग [ manovega ] [ mano-vega ] m. speed or velocity of thought Lit. MW.

   N. of a hero Lit. Vcar.

  मनोवेदशिरस् [ manovedaśiras ] [ mano-veda-śiras ] n. pl. N. of partic. verses or formulas Lit. VarBṛS.

  मनोव्यथा [ manovyathā ] [ mano-vyathā ] f. mental pain or anguish Lit. MW.

  मनोहत [ manohata ] [ mano-hata ] m. f. n. frustrated in expectation , disappointed Lit. L.

  मनोहन् [ manohan ] [ mano-hán ] m. f. n. mind-destroying Lit. AV.

   [ manohan ] m. N. of a destructive Agni Lit. ib. Lit. PārGṛ.

  मनोहर [ manohara ] [ mano-hara ] m. f. n. " heart-stealing " , taking the fancy , fascinating , attractive , charming , beautiful Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   Jasminum Multiflorum or Pubescens Lit. L.

   the third day of the civil month ( [ karma-māsa ] ) Lit. Sūryapr.

   N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

   of a wk. Lit. ib.

   [ manoharā ] f. yellow jasmine or Jasminum Grandiflorum Lit. L.

   N. of an Apsaras Lit. MBh.

   of a Kiṃ-narī Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

   of the wife of Varcasvin and mother of Śiśira Lit. MBh.

   of the wife of Dhara and mother of Śiśira Lit. Hariv.

   of a Comm. on the Rāmāyaṇa by Loka-nātha

   [ manoharī ] f. Piper Longum Lit. L.

   [ manohara ] n. gold Lit. L.

   मनोहरकाव्य [ manoharakāvya ] [ mano-hara--kāvya ] n. N. of a poem

   मनोहरकृष्ण [ manoharakṛṣṇa ] [ mano-hara--kṛṣṇa ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

   मनोहरतर [ manoharatara ] [ mano-hara--tara ] m. f. n. more or most fascinating or beautiful Lit. MBh. ( [ °ratva ] n. Lit. Mālatīm.)

   मनोहरतरत्व [ manoharataratva ] [ mano-hara--tara-tva ] n. , see [ manoharatara ] , Lit. Mālatīm.

   मनोहरदास [ manoharadāsa ] [ mano-hara--dāsa ] m. N. of a king (patron of Sadā-śiva) Lit. Cat.

   मनोहरवीरेश्वर [ manoharavīreśvara ] [ mano-hara--vīreśvara ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. ib.

   मनोहरशर्मन् [ manoharaśarman ] [ mano-hara--śarman ] m. N. of an author Lit. ib.

   मनोहरसिंह [ manoharasiṃha ] [ mano-hara--siṃha ] m. N. of a king Lit. Inscr.

   मनोहराकार [ manoharākāra ] [ mano-harākāra ] m. f. n. beautiful in form Lit. Kāv.

  मनोहर्तृ [ manohartṛ ] [ mano-hartṛ ] m. a heart-stealer Lit. BhP.

  मनोहा [ manohā ] [ mano- ] m. = [ -han ] m. Lit. MantraBr.

  मनोहारिका [ manohārikā ] [ mano-hārikā ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Kathās.

  मनोहारिन् [ manohārin ] [ mano-hārin ] m. f. n. = [ -hara ] Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  मनोहारी [ manohārī ] [ mano-hārī ] f. an unfaithful or inconstant woman Lit. L.

  मनोहृत् [ manohṛt ] [ mano-hṛt ] m. f. n. " stealing the life " and " gladdening the heart " Lit. Śiś. xix , 109.

  मनोह्लाद [ manohlāda ] [ mano-hlāda ] m. joy of the heart Lit. R.

  मनोह्लादिन् [ manohlādin ] [ mano-hlādin ] m. f. n. gladdening the heart Lit. Kām.

  मनोह्वा [ manohvā ] [ mano-'hvā ] ( fr. [ āhvā ] ) f. red arsenic Lit. L. ( cf. [ mano 'bhidhā ] ) .

 मनोक [ manoka ] [ manoka ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

 मनोत [ manota ] [ manota ] prob. n. ( Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.) ( Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. ) the hymn Lit. RV. vi , i (containing the word [ manótā ] nom. of [ manotṛ ] and used in sacrificing ; also [ °tā-sūkta ] Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.)

  [ manotā ] f. the deity to whom the offering during the recitation of that hymn is dedicated (accord. to the Brāhmaṇas = Agni or = Vāc and Go) Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. KātyŚr.

  मनोता [ manotā ] [ manótā ] f. ( Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. ) the hymn Lit. RV. vi , 1 ( containing the word [ manótā ] nom. of [ manotṛ ] and used in sacrificing ; also [ °tā-sūkta ] Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.)

   the deity to whom the offering during the recitation of that hymn is dedicated (accord. to the Brāhmaṇas = Agni or = Vāc and Go) Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. KātyŚr.

 मनोतृ [ manotṛ ] [ manótṛ ] or [ manotṛ́ ] , m. (√ [ man ] , [ manute ] ) an inventor , discoverer , disposer , manager Lit. RV. ( in Lit. TS. nom. [ °tā ] also as f ( [ ā ] ) .)

 मनोन्मनी [ manonmanī ] [ manonmanī ] f. a form of Durgā Lit. Hcat.

 मनोर्हत [ manorhata ] [ manor-hata ] m. N. of a patriarchal sage Lit. Buddh. ( cf. [ mánur-hita ] ) .

 मनोर्हित [ manorhita ] [ manor-hita ] m. N. of a patriarchal sage Lit. Buddh. ( cf. [ mánur-hita ] ) .

 मन्तव्य [ mantavya ] [ mantavy^a ] m. f. n. to be thought Lit. ŚBr.

  to be regarded or considered as (nom.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat.

  ( with [ doṣeṇa ] ) , to be accused of a fault Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ gantavya ] )

  to be admitted or assumed or stated Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  to be approved or sanctioned Lit. Hit. (v.l. [ anu-m ] )

  [ mantavya ] n. (impers.) one should think or suppose Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

 मन्ति [ manti ] [ manti ] f. g. [ tanoty-ādi ] ( cf. [ mati ] ) .

 मन्तु [ mantu ] [ mántu ] m. an adviser , manager , disposer , ruler , arbiter Lit. RV. ( also as f.)

  advice , counsel Lit. ib.

  a fault , offence , transgression Lit. L.

  a man , mankind Lit. L.

  lord of men (= [ prajā-pati ] ) Lit. L.

  a king Lit. W.

  [ mantu ] f. thought , understanding , intellect Lit. ib.

  मन्तुमत् [ mantumat ] [ mántu-mat ] m. f. n. ( only voc. [ mántu-mas ] ) wise , intelligent Lit. RV.

 मन्तूय [ mantūya ] [ mantūya ] Nom. P. Ā. [ °yati ] , [ °te ] , to become angry or to transgress against Lit. L. ; to be offended or be jealous Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

 मन्तृ [ mantṛ ] [ mantṛ́ ] m. a thinker , adviser , counsellor Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KaushUp. Lit. MBh.

  one who consents or agrees Lit. Āpast. ( cf. Gk. 1. )

 मन्त्र [ mantra ] [ mántra ] m. ( rarely n. ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) , " instrument of thought " , speech , sacred text or speech , a prayer or song of praise Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS.

  a Vedic hymn or sacrificial formula , that portion of the Veda which contains the texts called [ ṛc ] or [ yajus ] or [ sāman ] ( q.v.) as opp. to the Brāhmaṇa and Upanishad portion (see Lit. IW. 5 ) Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS.

  a sacred formula addressed to any individual deity (e.g. [ om ] [ śivāya ] [ namaḥ ] ) Lit. RTL. 61

  a mystical verse or magical formula (sometimes personified) , incantation , charm , spell (esp. in modern times employed by the Śāktas to acquire superhuman powers ; the primary Mantras being held to be 70 millions in number and the secondary innumerable Lit. RTL. 197-202) Lit. RV. (i , 147 , 4) Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Mn. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Suśr.

  consultation , resolution , counsel , advice , plan , design , secret Lit. RV.

  N. of Vishṇu Lit. Vishṇ.

  of Śiva Lit. MBh.

  (in astrol.) the fifth mansion Lit. VarYogay.

  मन्त्रकमलाकर [ mantrakamalākara ] [ mántra-kamalākara ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रकरण [ mantrakaraṇa ] [ mántra-karaṇa ] n. the recital of a sacred text Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 25

   a Vedic text or verse Lit. Cat.

  मन्त्रकल्पद्रुम [ mantrakalpadruma ] [ mántra-kalpa-druma ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रकल्पलता [ mantrakalpalatā ] [ mántra-kalpa-latā ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रकार [ mantrakāra ] [ mántra-kāra ] m. a composer or reciter of sacred text Lit. MānGṛ.

  मन्त्रकार्य [ mantrakārya ] [ mántra-kārya ] n. subject of consultation Lit. MW.

  मन्त्रकाल [ mantrakāla ] [ mántra-kāla ] m. the time of deliberation Lit. Mn. vii , 149.

  मन्त्रकाशीखण्ड [ mantrakāśīkhaṇḍa ] [ mántra-kāśī-khaṇḍa ] m. or n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रकुशल [ mantrakuśala ] [ mántra-kuśala ] m. f. n. experienced in counsel Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.

  मन्त्रकृत् [ mantrakṛt ] [ mántra-kṛ́t ] m. a composer of hymns Lit. RV. Lit. Br.

   one who recites a sacred text Lit. BhP.

   a counsellor , adviser Lit. Ragh.

   an emissary , ambassador Lit. BhP.

  मन्त्रकृत [ mantrakṛta ] [ mántra-kṛta ] m. f. n. consecrated by Mantras Lit. MW.

  मन्त्रकोविद [ mantrakovida ] [ mántra-kovida ] m. f. n. knowing sacred text Lit. ib.

  मन्त्रकोश [ mantrakośa ] [ mántra-kośa ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रकौमुदी [ mantrakaumudī ] [ mántra-kaumudī ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रखण्ड [ mantrakhaṇḍa ] [ mántra-khaṇḍa ] m. n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रगणपतितत्त्वरत्न [ mantragaṇapatitattvaratna ] [ mántra-gaṇapati-tattva-ratna ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रगण्डक [ mantragaṇḍaka ] [ mántra-gaṇḍaka ] m. (prob.) a kind of amulet Lit. Kād.

   knowledge Lit. L.

  मन्त्रगुप्त [ mantragupta ] [ mántra-gupta ] m. N. of a man Lit. Daś.

  मन्त्रगुप्ति [ mantragupti ] [ mántra-gupti ] f. secret counsel Lit. Kām.

  मन्त्रगूढ [ mantragūḍha ] [ mántra-gūḍha ] m. a secret agent , spy Lit. L.

  मन्त्रगृह [ mantragṛha ] [ mántra-gṛha ] n. a council chamber Lit. MBh.

  मन्त्रचन्द्रिका [ mantracandrikā ] [ mántra-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रचिन्तामणि [ mantracintāmaṇi ] [ mántra-cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रचूडामणि [ mantracūḍāmaṇi ] [ mántra-cūḍāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रजल [ mantrajala ] [ mántra-jala ] n. water consecrated by charms or sacred text Lit. BhP.

  मन्त्रजागर [ mantrajāgara ] [ mántra-jāgara ] m. recital of Vedic texts (accord. to their different Pāṭhas) at night Lit. L.

  मन्त्रजिह्व [ mantrajihva ] [ mántra-jihva ] m. " having sacred text for tongues " , fire or N. of Agni Lit. Śiś. Lit. L.

  मन्त्रज्ञ [ mantrajña ] [ mántra-jña ] m. f. n. knowing sacred text Lit. Var. Lit. BhP.

   experienced in counsel Lit. Mn. Lit. R.

   [ mantrajña ] m. a spy Lit. L.

   a learned Brahman , priest Lit. W.

  मन्त्रज्येष्ठ [ mantrajyeṣṭha ] [ mántra-jyeṣṭha ] m. f. n. one whose superiority is dependent on his knowledge of sacred text Lit. MBh.

  मन्त्रज्योतिस् [ mantrajyotis ] [ mántra-jyotis ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रतत्त्व [ mantratattva ] [ mántra-tattva ] n. the essence of counsel

   मन्त्रतत्त्वनेत्र [ mantratattvanetra ] [ mántra-tattva--netra ] n. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रतत्त्वप्रकाश [ mantratattvaprakāśa ] [ mántra-tattva--prakāśa ] m. N. of works. (v.l. [ -tantra-n ] and [ -pr ] )

   मन्त्रतत्त्वविद् [ mantratattvavid ] [ mántra-tattva--vid ] m. f. n. very experienced in counsel Lit. MBh.

  मन्त्रतन्त्रमेरुरत्नावली [ mantratantrameruratnāvalī ] [ mántra-tantra-meru-ratnāvalī ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रतस् [ mantratas ] [ mántra-tas ] ind. with respect to sacred text , from or by the Mantras Lit. Mn. Lit. R.

   from advice , deliberately Lit. W.

  मन्त्रतोय [ mantratoya ] [ mántra-toya ] n. water consecrated by Mantras or spells Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रद [ mantrada ] [ mántra-da ] m. f. n. teaching sacred text Lit. Mn. ii , 153

   giving advice Lit. MārkP.

  मन्त्रदर्पण [ mantradarpaṇa ] [ mántra-darpaṇa ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रदर्शिन् [ mantradarśin ] [ mántra-darśin ] m. f. n. knowing sacred text , Lit. SaṃhitUp.

   [ mantradarśin ] m. a Brāhman learned in the Vedas Lit. Mn. iii , 212.

  मन्त्रदातृ [ mantradātṛ ] [ mántra-dātṛ ] m. a teacher of sacred text Lit. BrahmaP.

  मन्त्रदीधिति [ mantradīdhiti ] [ mántra-dīdhiti ] m. " having sacred text for rays " , fire Lit. L.

  मन्त्रदीपक [ mantradīpaka ] [ mántra-dīpaka ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रदीपिका [ mantradīpikā ] [ mántra-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रदृश् [ mantradṛś ] [ mántra-dṛś ] m. f. n. seeing i.e. knowing or composing sacred text Lit. BhP.

   skilled in counsel , a counsellor Lit. ib.

  मन्त्रदेवता [ mantradevatā ] [ mántra-devatā ] f. the deity invoked in a sacred text

   मन्त्रदेवताप्रकाश [ mantradevatāprakāśa ] [ mántra-devatā--prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रदेवताप्रकाशिका [ mantradevatāprakāśikā ] [ mántra-devatā--prakāśikā ] f. ( also , [ deva-pr ] ) N. of wk.

  मन्त्रद्रष्टृ [ mantradraṣṭṛ ] [ mántra-draṣṭṛ ] m. a seer or composer of so text Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 114 Sch.

  मन्त्रद्रुम [ mantradruma ] [ mántra-druma ] m. N. of Indra in the 6th Manv-antara Lit. BhP.

  मन्त्रधर [ mantradhara ] [ mántra-dhara ] ( Lit. Hariv.) m. a counsellor , adviser.

  मन्त्रधारिन् [ mantradhārin ] [ mántra-dhārin ] ( Lit. MBh.) m. a counsellor , adviser.

  मन्त्रनिर्णय [ mantranirṇaya ] [ mántra-nirṇaya ] m. decision or settlement of counsel Lit. MW.

   मन्त्रनिर्णयप्रबन्ध [ mantranirṇayaprabandha ] [ mántra-nirṇaya--prabandha ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रनेत्र [ mantranetra ] [ mántra-netra ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रपति [ mantrapati ] [ mántra-pati ] ( [ mántra- ] ) m. lord or owner of a sacred text Lit. TĀr.

  मन्त्रपत्त्र [ mantrapattra ] [ mántra-pattra ] n. a leaf inscribed with a sacred text Lit. Vikr.

   N. of wk.

  मन्त्रपद [ mantrapada ] [ mántra-pada ] n. a sacred or magical word Lit. Kir.

  मन्त्रपद्धति [ mantrapaddhati ] [ mántra-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रपाठ [ mantrapāṭha ] [ mántra-pāṭha ] m. the recitation of a sacred text , Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

   N. of wk.

  मन्त्रपाद [ mantrapāda ] [ mántra-pāda ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रपारायण [ mantrapārāyaṇa ] [ mántra-pārāyaṇa ] n. ( [ °ṇa-krama ] m. and [ °ṇe vidyārtha-dīpikā ] f.) N. of wk.

   मन्त्रपारायणक्रम [ mantrapārāyaṇakrama ] [ mántra-pārāyaṇa-krama ] m. , see [ mantrapārāyaṇa ] , N. of wk.

  मन्त्रपुरश्चरणप्रकार [ mantrapuraścaraṇaprakāra ] [ mántra-puraścaraṇa-prakāra ] m. pl. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रपुष्प [ mantrapuṣpa ] [ mántra-puṣpa ] n. flowers with recitation of sacred text Lit. RTL. 415

   मन्त्रपुष्पाञ्जलि [ mantrapuṣpāñjali ] [ mántra-puṣpāñjali ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रपुस्तिका [ mantrapustikā ] [ mántra-pustikā ] f. a book of spells Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रपूत [ mantrapūta ] [ mántra-pūta ] m. f. n. purified by sacred text Lit. Ragh.

   मन्त्रपूतात्मन् [ mantrapūtātman ] [ mántra-pūtātman ] m. N. of Garuḍa Lit. Gal.

  मन्त्रप्रकरण [ mantraprakaraṇa ] [ mántra-prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रप्रकाश [ mantraprakāśa ] [ mántra-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रप्रदीप [ mantrapradīpa ] [ mántra-pradīpa ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रप्रभाव [ mantraprabhāva ] [ mántra-prabhāva ] m. the power of a spell , Lit. Ratnâv.

  मन्त्रप्रयोग [ mantraprayoga ] [ mántra-prayoga ] m. " the employment of a sacred text or spell " , N. of wk. ( also [ -tantra ] n. )

   magical means or agency Lit. Kathās.

   मन्त्रप्रयोगतन्त्र [ mantraprayogatantra ] [ mántra-prayoga--tantra ] n. , see [ mantraprayoga ]

  मन्त्रप्रश्न [ mantrapraśna ] [ mántra-praśna ] m. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रप्रश्नकाण्ड [ mantrapraśnakāṇḍa ] [ mántra-praśna--kāṇḍa ] n. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रप्रश्नभाष्य [ mantrapraśnabhāṣya ] [ mántra-praśna--bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रप्रस्तार [ mantraprastāra ] [ mántra-prastāra ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रफल [ mantraphala ] [ mántra-phala ] n. fruit of counsel or advice Lit. W.

  मन्त्रबद्ध [ mantrabaddha ] [ mantra-baddha ] m. f. n. bound by spells, Lit. Bcar.

  मन्त्रबल [ mantrabala ] [ mántra-bala ] n. the superiority or precedence of a sacred text Lit. KātyŚr.

   magical power Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रबीज [ mantrabīja ] [ mántra-bīja ] n. the seed (i.e. first syllable) of a spell Lit. RāmatUp. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 197-202)

   the germ or origin of counsel Lit. Kām.

  मन्त्रब्राह्मण [ mantrabrāhmaṇa ] [ mántra-brāhmaṇa ] n. the hymns and Brāhmaṇas ( [ -vid ] mfn. knowing them Lit. Gaut.)

   N. of wk.

   मन्त्रब्राह्मणविद् [ mantrabrāhmaṇavid ] [ mántra-brāhmaṇa--vid ] m. f. n. , see [ mantrabrāhmaṇa ] , knowing the hymns and Brāhmaṇas Lit. Gaut.

  मन्त्रभागवत [ mantrabhāgavata ] [ mántra-bhāgavata ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रभाष्य [ mantrabhāṣya ] [ mántra-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रभूषण [ mantrabhūṣaṇa ] [ mántra-bhūṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रभेद [ mantrabheda ] [ mántra-bheda ] m. breach of counsel , betrayal of a design Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   a partic. kind of spell or incantation Lit. Cat.

  मन्त्रमय [ mantramaya ] [ mántra-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of spells Lit. MBh.

  मन्त्रमयूख [ mantramayūkha ] [ mántra-mayūkha ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रमहोदधि [ mantramahodadhi ] [ mántra-mahodadhi ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रमार्तण्ड [ mantramārtaṇḍa ] [ mántra-mārtaṇḍa ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रमाला [ mantramālā ] [ mántra-mālā ] f. N. of wk.

   of a river in Kuśadvīpa Lit. BhP.

  मन्त्रमुक्तावली [ mantramuktāvalī ] [ mántra-muktāvalī ] f. N. of various works.

  मन्त्रमूर्ति [ mantramūrti ] [ mántra-mūrti ] m. " whose body consists of sacred texts " , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.

  मन्त्रमूल [ mantramūla ] [ mántra-mūla ] m. f. n. rooted in counsel or in spells Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Kathās. Lit. ŚārṅgP.

  मन्त्रयन्त्र [ mantrayantra ] [ mántra-yantra ] n. an amulet with a magical formula Lit. Pañcar.

   मन्त्रयन्त्रप्रकाश [ mantrayantraprakāśa ] [ mántra-yantra--prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रयुक्ति [ mantrayukti ] [ mántra-yukti ] f. application of spells , magical means Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रयोग [ mantrayoga ] [ mántra-yoga ] m. employment of a sacred text Lit. Var.

   magic (?) Lit. Cat.

   मन्त्रयोगप्रकरण [ mantrayogaprakaraṇa ] [ mántra-yoga--prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्ररत्न [ mantraratna ] [ mántra-ratna ] n. " the jewel of magic "

   मन्त्ररत्नकोश [ mantraratnakośa ] [ mántra-ratna--kośa ] m. N. of wk.

   मन्त्ररत्नदीपिका [ mantraratnadīpikā ] [ mántra-ratna--dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

   मन्त्ररत्नप्रकाश [ mantraratnaprakāśa ] [ mántra-ratna--prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

   मन्त्ररत्नमञ्जूषा [ mantraratnamañjūṣā ] [ mántra-ratna--mañjūṣā ] f. N. of wk.

   मन्त्ररत्नाकर [ mantraratnākara ] [ mántra-ratnākara ] m. N. of wk.

   मन्त्ररत्नावली [ mantraratnāvalī ] [ mántra-ratnāvalī ] f. N. of wk.

   मन्त्ररत्नावलीकोश [ mantraratnāvalīkośa ] [ mántra-ratnāvalī-kośa ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्ररहस्यप्रकाशिका [ mantrarahasyaprakāśikā ] [ mántra-rahasya-prakāśikā ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रराज [ mantrarāja ] [ mántra-rāja ] m. " king of spells " , N. of a partic. magical formula Lit. RāmatUp.

   मन्त्रराजविधि [ mantrarājavidhi ] [ mántra-rāja--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रराजात्मकस्तोत्र [ mantrarājātmakastotra ] [ mántra-rājātmaka-stotra ] n. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रराजानुष्ठानक्रम [ mantrarājānuṣṭhānakrama ] [ mántra-rājānuṣṭhāna-krama ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्ररामायण [ mantrarāmāyaṇa ] [ mántra-rāmāyaṇa ] n. N. of a Tāntric text and Comm. by Nīla-kaṇṭha.

  मन्त्रवचन [ mantravacana ] [ mántra-vacana ] n. the recitation of a sacred text Lit. KātyŚr.

  मन्त्रवत् [ mantravat ] [ mántra-vat ]1 ind. in conformity with or accompanied by the recitation of sacred text Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   according to all rules of consultation Lit. MBh.

  मन्त्रवत् [ mantravat ] [ mántra-vat ]2 m. f. n. attended with sacred text or hymns Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.

   enchanted (as a weapon) Lit. Ragh.

   entitled to use the Mantras , initiated Lit. W.

   having or hearing counsel Lit. ib.

  मन्त्रवर्जम् [ mantravarjam ] [ mántra-varjam ] ind. without any sacred text Lit. Mn. x , 127.

  मन्त्रवर्ण [ mantravarṇa ] [ mántra-varṇa ] m. the wording of a sacred text Lit. GṛŚrS.

   pl. the single letters of a sacred text or a magical formula Lit. Pañcar. Lit. Sarvad.

   [ mantravarṇa ] m. f. n. having the nature of i.e. resembling a sacred text or spell Lit. BhP.

  मन्त्रवर्णन [ mantravarṇana ] [ mántra-varṇana ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रवल्लरी [ mantravallarī ] [ mántra-vallarī ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रवशीकृ [ mantravaśīkṛ ] [ mántra-vaśī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to subdue by a spell Lit. HPariś.

  मन्त्रवह [ mantravaha ] [ mántra-váha ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. Vishṇ.

  मन्त्रवाद [ mantravāda ] [ mántra-vāda ] m. the substance or contents of a sacred text (pl. with [ ślokāḥ ] = verses containing a sacred text) Lit. MBh.

   magic art Lit. Kāv.

  मन्त्रवादिन् [ mantravādin ] [ mántra-vādin ] m. a reciter of sacred text or spells , enchanter Lit. Vet. Lit. Pañcat.

  मन्त्रविद् [ mantravid ] [ mántra-vid ] m. f. n. knowing sacred text Lit. GṛŚrS.

   knowing magical formulas ( superl. [ -vittarma ] ) Lit. Daś.

   skilled in counsel Lit. MBh.

   [ mantravid ] m. a counsellor or a learned Brāhman or a spy Lit. L.

  मन्त्रविद्या [ mantravidyā ] [ mántra-vidyā ] f. the science of Mantras , magic art Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रविधि [ mantravidhi ] [ mántra-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रविभाग [ mantravibhāga ] [ mántra-vibhāga ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रविषय [ mantraviṣaya ] [ mántra-viṣaya ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रशक्ति [ mantraśakti ] [ mántra-śakti ] f. magical power , charm Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रशारीरक [ mantraśārīraka ] [ mántra-śārīraka ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रशास्त्र [ mantraśāstra ] [ mántra-śāstra ] n. " magic science " , N. of wk.

   मन्त्रशास्त्रप्रत्यङ्गिरा [ mantraśāstrapratyaṅgirā ] [ mantra-śāstra--pratyaṅgirā ] f. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रशास्त्रसारसंग्रह [ mantraśāstrasārasaṃgraha ] [ mantra-śāstra--sāra-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रशोधन [ mantraśodhana ] [ mántra-śodhana ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रश्रुति [ mantraśruti ] [ mántra-śruti ] f. a consultation overheard Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रश्रुत्य [ mantraśrutya ] [ mántra-śrútya ] n. following counsel , obedience Lit. RV.

   tradition respecting the correct use of sacred texts Lit. MW.

  मन्त्रसंवरण [ mantrasaṃvaraṇa ] [ mántra-saṃvaraṇa ] n. concealment of a consultation or design Lit. R.

  मन्त्रसंस्कार [ mantrasaṃskāra ] [ mántra-saṃskāra ] m. a (nuptial) rite performed with sacred text Lit. Mn. v , 153

   मन्त्रसंस्कारकृत् [ mantrasaṃskārakṛt ] [ mántra-saṃskāra--kṛt ] m. ( with [ pati ] ) a consecrated husband Lit. ib.

  मन्त्रसंस्क्रिया [ mantrasaṃskriyā ] [ mántra-saṃskriyā ] f. the preparation of magical formulas Lit. Cat.

  मन्त्रसंहिता [ mantrasaṃhitā ] [ mántra-saṃhitā ] f. the collection of the Vedic hymns Lit. Cat.

   " collection of magical formulas " , N. of a Tāntric wk. Lit. ib.

  मन्त्रसंकलना [ mantrasaṃkalanā ] [ mántra-saṃkalanā ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रसंध्या [ mantrasaṃdhyā ] [ mántra-saṃdhyā ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रसंनाम [ mantrasaṃnāma ] [ mantra-saṃnāma ] m. altering the Mantras, Lit. ĀpGṛ.

  मन्त्रसमुच्चय [ mantrasamuccaya ] [ mántra-samuccaya ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रसाधक [ mantrasādhaka ] [ mántra-sādhaka ] m. the Performer of an incantation , magician Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रसाधन [ mantrasādhana ] [ mántra-sādhana ] n. ( or [ °nā ] f ( [ ā ] ) .) the performance of an incantation Lit. ib. Lit. Siṃhâs.

  मन्त्रसाध्य [ mantrasādhya ] [ mántra-sādhya ] m. f. n. to be subdued or effected by incantations or spells ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Pañcat.

   to be attained by consulation Lit. Kathās.

   मन्त्रसाध्यत्व [ mantrasādhyatva ] [ mántra-sādhya--tva ] n. , see [ mantrasādhya ]

  मन्त्रसार [ mantrasāra ] [ mántra-sāra ] m. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रसारसमुच्चय [ mantrasārasamuccaya ] [ mántra-sāra--samuccaya ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रसिद्ध [ mantrasiddha ] [ mántra-siddha ] m. f. n. accomplished by a spell Lit. RāmatUp.

   thoroughly versed in spells Lit. MBh.

  मन्त्रसिद्धि [ mantrasiddhi ] [ mántra-siddhi ] f. the effect of a spell Lit. Kathās.

   the carrying out a resolution or advice Lit. Hit.

  मन्त्रसूत्र [ mantrasūtra ] [ mántra-sūtra ] n. a charm fastened on a string Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रस्नान [ mantrasnāna ] [ mántra-snāna ] n. the recitation of partic. texts as a substitute for ablution Lit. VP.

  मन्त्रस्पृश् [ mantraspṛś ] [ mántra-spṛś ] m. f. n. obtaining anything by means of spells (= [ mantreṇa spṛśati ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 58 Sch.

  मन्त्रहीन [ mantrahīna ] [ mántra-hīna ] m. f. n. destitute of hymns , contrary to sacred texts Lit. MW.

  मन्त्रहेमाद्रि [ mantrahemādri ] [ mántra-hemādri ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्राक्षर [ mantrākṣara ] [ mantrākṣara ] n. a syllable in a spell Lit. Sarvad.

   मन्त्राक्षरिभवानीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र [ mantrākṣaribhavānīsahasranāmastotra ] [ mantrākṣari-bhavānī-sahasra-nāma-stotra ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्राङ्गनाटक [ mantrāṅganāṭaka ] [ mantrāṅga-nāṭaka ] n. N. of a drama.

  मन्त्राधिराज [ mantrādhirāja ] [ mantrādhirāja ] m. supreme over all spells (a Vetāla) Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रानुक्रमणिका [ mantrānukramaṇikā ] [ mantrānukramaṇikā ] f.

  मन्त्रानुष्ठान [ mantrānuṣṭhāna ] [ mantrānuṣṭhāna ] n. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रानुष्ठानाङ्गतर्पण [ mantrānuṣṭhānāṅgatarpaṇa ] [ mantrānuṣṭhānāṅga-tarpaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रान्त [ mantrānta ] [ mantrānta ] m. the end of a sacred text Lit. MānŚr.

  मन्त्राराधन [ mantrārādhana ] [ mantrārādhana ] n. accomplishment by spells and incantations , conjuring Lit. Bhartṛ.

  मन्त्रार्ण [ mantrārṇa ] [ mantrārṇa ] m. = [ mantrākṣara ] Lit. Sarvad.

  मन्त्रार्णव [ mantrārṇava ] [ mantrārṇava ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रार्थ [ mantrārtha ] [ mantrārtha ] m. " the contents or object of a sacred text or a spell " , N. of wk.

   मन्त्रार्थकौमुदी [ mantrārthakaumudī ] [ mantrārtha--kaumudī ] f. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रार्थादीप [ mantrārthādīpa ] [ mantrārthā--dīpa ] m. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रार्थादीपिका [ mantrārthādīpikā ] [ mantrārthā--dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रार्थापद्धति [ mantrārthāpaddhati ] [ mantrārthā--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रार्थाभाष्य [ mantrārthābhāṣya ] [ mantrārthā--bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रार्थामञ्जरी [ mantrārthāmañjarī ] [ mantrārthā--mañjarī ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रार्षाध्याय [ mantrārṣādhyāya ] [ mantrārṣādhyāya ] m. " chapter on the Vedic Ṛishis " , a Ṛishy-anukramaṇī of the Kāṭhaka Yajur-veda Lit. Cat.

  मन्त्रावली [ mantrāvalī ] [ mantrāvalī ] f. a series of sacred texts Lit. Gīt.

  मन्त्राशीर्वादसंहिता [ mantrāśīrvādasaṃhitā ] [ mantrāśīrvāda-saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रेश [ mantreśa ] [ mantreśa ] m. " supreme lord of spells " , (with Śaivas) N. of a partic. superhuman being Lit. Sarvad.

  मन्त्रेश्वर [ mantreśvara ] [ mantreśvara ] m. " supreme lord of spells " , (with Śaivas) N. of a partic. superhuman being Lit. Sarvad.

  मन्त्रोक्त [ mantrokta ] [ mantrokta ] m. f. n. mentioned in a hymn Lit. Vait.

  मन्त्रोदक [ mantrodaka ] [ mantrodaka ] n. water consecrated by holy texts Lit. R.

  मन्त्रोद्धार [ mantroddhāra ] [ mantroddhāra ] m. selection or extract from sacred text or magical formulas (?)

   मन्त्रोद्धारकोश [ mantroddhārakośa ] [ mantroddhāra--kośa ] m. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रोद्धारप्रकरण [ mantroddhāraprakaraṇa ] [ mantroddhāra--prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

   मन्त्रोद्धारविधि [ mantroddhāravidhi ] [ mantroddhāra--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्त्रोपनिषद् [ mantropaniṣad ] [ mantropaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad Lit. Cat.

   [ mantropaniṣad ] n. hymns and Upanishads Lit. Up.

  मन्त्रोपष्टम्भ [ mantropaṣṭambha ] [ mantropaṣṭambha ] m. encouragement by counsel , advice , direction Lit. W.

 मन्त्रण [ mantraṇa ] [ mantraṇa ] n. consultation , deliberation Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. MārkP. ( also f ( [ ā ] ) . Lit. Pañcar.)

  advising , counselling in private Lit. W.

  मन्त्रणाह [ mantraṇāha ] [ mantraṇāha ] g. [ utkarādi ] .

  मन्त्रणार्हीय [ mantraṇārhīya ] [ mantraṇārhīya ] m. f. n. Lit. ib.

 मन्त्रणक [ mantraṇaka ] [ mantraṇaka ] n. invitation , Divyâ v.

 मन्त्रि [ mantri ] [ mantri ]1 m. = [ mantrin ] , a king's counsellor , minister ( only acc. pl. [ °trīn ] ) Lit. R.

 मन्त्रि [ mantri ] [ mantri ]2 in comp. for [ mantrin ] .

  मन्त्रिता [ mantritā ] [ mantri-tā ] f.

  मन्त्रित्व [ mantritva ] [ mantri-tva ] n. the office or vocation of a minister , ministership , ministry Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Pañcat.

  मन्त्रिधुर [ mantridhura ] [ mantri-dhura ] m. f. n. able to bear the burden of the office of a counsellor Lit. MW.

  मन्त्रिपति [ mantripati ] [ mantri-pati ] m. a prime minister Lit. R.

  मन्त्रिपुत्र [ mantriputra ] [ mantri-putra ] m. the son of a minister Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रिप्रकाण्ड [ mantriprakāṇḍa ] [ mantri-prakāṇḍa ] m. an excellent counsellor or minister , Lit. Rājat.

  मन्त्रिप्रधान [ mantripradhāna ] [ mantri-pradhāna ] m. = [ -pati ] Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रिमुख्य [ mantrimukhya ] [ mantri-mukhya ] m. = [ -pati ] Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रिवत् [ mantrivat ] [ mantri-vat ] ind. like a counsellor or minister Lit. Rājat.

  मन्त्रिवर [ mantrivara ] [ mantri-vara ] ( Lit. Kathās.) m. = [ -pati ] .

  मन्त्रिश्रेष्ठ [ mantriśreṣṭha ] [ mantri-śreṣṭha ] ( Lit. R.) m. = [ -pati ] .

  मन्त्रिश्रोत्रिय [ mantriśrotriya ] [ mantri-śrotriya ] m. a minister who is also a Śrotriya (or conversant with the Vedas) Lit. MW.

  मन्त्रिसुत [ mantrisuta ] [ mantri-suta ] m. = [ -putra ] Lit. Kathās.

  मन्त्रिसूनु [ mantrisūnu ] [ mantri-sūnu ] m. = [ -putra ] Lit. Kathās.

 मन्त्रिक [ mantrika ] [ mantrika ] (ifc.) = [ mantrin ] (see [ sa-m ] ) .

 मन्त्रिका [ mantrikā ] [ mantrikā ] f. N. of an Upanishad ( also [ °kopan° ] ; cf. [ mantropaniṣad ] ) .

 मन्त्रिणी [ mantriṇī ] [ mantriṇī ] f. of [ °trí n ] .

  मन्त्रिणीरहस्य [ mantriṇīrahasya ] [ mantriṇī-ráhasya ] n. N. of wk.

 मन्त्रित [ mantrita ] [ mantrita ] m. f. n. discussed , deliberated , determined Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  advised , counselled (said of Persons and things) Lit. ib.

  consecrated with sacred texts , enchanted , charmed Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  [ mantrita ] n. counsel , deliberation , plan Lit. ib.

 मन्त्रिन् [ mantrin ] [ mantrin ] m. f. n. wise or eloquent Lit. VS.

  [ mantrin ] m. " knowing sacred texts or spells " , a conjurer , enchanter Lit. Bhartṛ.

  a king's counsellor , minister Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  (in chess) the queen Lit. Pañcad.

  (in astrol.) the 12th mansion Lit. VarYogay.

 मन्म [ manma ] [ manma ] in comp. for [ manman ] .

  मन्मशस् [ manmaśas ] [ manma-śás ] ind. each according to his heart's desire Lit. RV.

  मन्मसाधन [ manmasādhana ] [ manma-sā́dhana ] m. f. n. accomplishing the heart's desires or wishes Lit. ib.

 मन्मन् [ manman ] [ mánman ] n. thought , understanding , intellect , wisdom Lit. RV.

  expression of thought i.e. hymn , prayer , petition Lit. ib.

 मन्मोक [ manmoka ] [ manmoka ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

 मन्य [ manya ] [ manya ] m. f. n. ( only ifc. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 83 ; vi , 3 , 68 Sch.) thinking one's self to be , passing for , appearing as (see [ kālim- ] , [ dhanyam- ] , [ naram-m ] )

 मन्यन्ती [ manyantī ] [ manyantī ] f. N. of a daughter of Agni Manyu Lit. MBh.

 मन्यु [ manyu ] [ manyú ] m. ( Lit. L. also f.) spirit , mind , mood , mettle (as of horses) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br.

  high spirit or temper , ardour , zeal , passion Lit. RV.

  rage , fury , wrath , anger , indignation Lit. ib. ( also personified , esp. as Agni or Kāma or as a Rudra ; [ manyuṃ ] √ [ kṛ ] , with loc. or acc. with [ prati ] , " to vent one's anger on , be angry with " )

  grief , sorrow , distress , affliction Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  sacrifice Lit. Nalac.

  N. of a king (son of Vitatha) Lit. BhP.

  ( with [ tāpasa ] ) , N. of the author of Lit. RV. x , 83 ; 84

  ( with [ vāsiṣṭha ] ) , N. of the author of Lit. RV. ix , 97 , 10-12.

  मन्युतस् [ manyutas ] [ manyú-tás ] ind. from anger , in a rage Lit. AV.

  मन्युदेव [ manyudeva ] [ manyú-deva ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

  मन्युपरित [ manyuparita ] [ manyú-parita ] m. f. n. filled with anger Lit. MBh.

  मन्युपरोप्त [ manyuparopta ] [ manyú-paropta ] ( [ manyú- ] .) m. f. n. thrown away in a rage Lit. MaitrS.

  मन्युप्रतिक्रिया [ manyupratikriyā ] [ manyú-pratikriyā ] f. venting of anger ( [ yāṃkṛ ] , with loc. , " to vent one's anger on " ) Lit. Kathās.

  मन्युमत् [ manyumat ] [ manyú-mát ] m. f. n. spirited , ardent , zealous , passionate , vehement , enraged ( superl. [ -mát-tanma ] ) Lit. RV.

   [ manyumat ] m. N. of Agni Lit. MBh.

  मन्युमय [ manyumaya ] [ manyú-maya ] m. f. n. formed or consisting of wrath , filled with resentment Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  मन्युमी [ manyumī ] [ manyú-mī́ ] m. f. n. " destroying hostile fury " or " destroying in fury " Lit. RV.

  मन्युशमन [ manyuśamana ] [ manyú-śámana ] m. f. n. appeasing or pacifying anger Lit. AV.

  मन्युषाविन् [ manyuṣāvin ] [ manyú-ṣāví n ] ( for [ -sāví n ] ) m. f. n. preparing Soma in anger or with zeal Lit. RV.

  मन्युसूक्त [ manyusūkta ] [ manyú-sūkta ] n. the hymns of Manyu (prob. Lit. RV. x , 83 ; 84) Lit. Cat.

   मन्युसूक्तविधान [ manyusūktavidhāna ] [ manyú-sūkta--vidhāna ] n. N. of wk.

 मन्यूय [ manyūya ] [ manyūya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] . see [ á-pratimanyūyamāna ] .

 मन्व् [ manv ] [ manv ] in comp. for [ manu ] .

  मन्वन्तर [ manvantara ] [ manv-antara ] n. the period or age of a Manu (it comprises about 71 [ mahā-yugas ] ( q.v. ) , which are held equal to 12 , 000 years of the gods or 4 , 320 , 000 human years or 1/14th of a day of Brahmā ; each of these periods is presided over by its own special Manu ( see [ manu ] , p. 784 , col. 2 ) ; six such Manv-antaras have already elapsed , and the 7th , presided over by Manu Vaivasvata , is now going on ; 7 more are to come , making 14 Manv-antaras , which together make up one day of Brahmā) Lit. Mn. (esp. i , 79) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh. ( 786,3 )

   [ manvantarā ] f. N. of various festivals (of the 10th day of the light half of the month Āshāḍha , of the 8th in the dark half of the same month , and of the 3rd in the light half of Bhādra) Lit. Col.

   मन्वन्तरवर्णन [ manvantaravarṇana ] [ manv-antara-varṇana ] n. N. of ch. of Lit. MatsyaP.

  मन्वर्थचन्द्रिका [ manvarthacandrikā ] [ manv-artha-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्वर्थमुक्तावली [ manvarthamuktāvalī ] [ manv-artha-muktāvalī ] f. N. of wk.

  मन्वर्थसार [ manvarthasāra ] [ manv-artha-sāra ] m. N. of wk.

  मन्वादि [ manvādi ] [ manv-ādi ] N. of partic. Tithis (which are anniversaries of the 14 Manus), Lit. Inscr.

  मन्विद्ध [ manviddha ] [ manv-iddha ] ( [ mánv- ] ) m. f. n. kindled by men Lit. Br.

  मन्वीश [ manvīśa ] [ manv-īśa ] prob. w.r. for [ manīṣā ] (= [ °ṣayā ] ) Lit. ŚvetUp. iii , 13.

मन [ mana ] [ maná ]3 m. du. ( for 1. and 2. see p. 783 , col. 2) a partic. ornament Lit. RV. viii , 78 , 2.

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