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अ |
अबुद्ध [ abuddha ] [ a-buddha ] m. f. n. unwise , foolish
not seen or noticed , Lit. KaushBr. Lit. R.
अबुद्धत्व [ abuddhatva ] [ a-buddha-tva ] n. foolishness.
अबुद्धि [ abuddhi ] [ a-buddhi ] f. want of understanding
[ abuddhi ] m. f. n. ignorant , stupid
[ abuddhyā ] ind. unintentionally.
अबुद्धिपूर्व [ abuddhipūrva ] [ a-buddhi-pūrva ] (or [ a=pūrvaka ] ) m. f. n. not preceded by intelligence
beginning with non-intelligence
[ abuddhipūrvam ] ind. ignorantly.
अबुद्धिपूर्वक [ abuddhipūrvaka ] [ a-buddhi-pūrvaka ] (or [ a-pūrva ] ) m. f. n. not preceded by intelligence
beginning with non-intelligence
[ abuddhipūrvakam ] ind. ignorantly.
अबुद्धिमत् [ abuddhimat ] [ a-buddhi-mat ] m. f. n. unwise , foolish.
अबुद्धिस्थ [ abuddhistha ] [ a-buddhi-stha ] m. f. n. not being in the conscience of Comm. on Lit. Mn. iii , 266.
अबुध् [ abudh ] [ a-budh ] m. f. n. ( ( Lit. BṛĀrUp. ) ) stupid , foolish
[ abudh ] ( [ a-budha ] ) m. a fool Lit. Hit.
अबुध [ abudha ] [ a-budhá ] m. f. n. ( ( Lit. ŚBr. xiv ) ) stupid , foolish
[ abudha ] m. ( [ a-budha ] ) a fool Lit. Hit.
अबुध्य [ abudhya ] [ a-budhyá ] m. f. n. not to be awakened Lit. RV. iv , 19 , 3.
अबुध्यमान [ abudhyamāna ] [ á-budhyamāna ] m. f. n. not being awake Lit. RV.
अबोध [ abodha ] [ a-bodha ] m. non-perception
ignorance , stupidity
[ abodha ] m. f. n. ignorant , stupid
puzzled , perplexed.
अबोधगम्य [ abodhagamya ] [ a-bodha-gamya ] m. f. n. incomprehensible.
अबोधनीय [ abodhanīya ] [ a-bodhanīya ] m. f. n. unintelligible
not to be awakened or aroused.
अबुध्न [ abudhna ] [ a-budhná ] m. f. n. bottomless Lit. RV. i , 24 , 7 and viii , 77 , 5.
अब्ज [ abja ] [ ab-ja ] m. f. n. ( fr. 2. [ áp ] and √ [ jan ] ) , born in water
the moon
the tree Barringtonia Acutangula
N. of Dhanvantari (physician of the gods , produced at the churning of the ocean)
a son of Viśāla
n. a lotus
a milliard ( cf. [ padma ] ) .
अब्जज [ abjaja ] [ ab-ja-ja ] m. " sprung (at the creation) from the lotus (which arose from the navel of Vishṇu) " , N. of Brahmā.
अब्जदृश् [ abjadṛś ] [ ab-ja-dṛś ] m. f. n. lotus-eyed , having large fine eyes.
अब्जनयन [ abjanayana ] [ ab-ja-nayana ] m. f. n. lotus-eyed , having large fine eyes.
अब्जनाभ [ abjanābha ] [ ab-ja-nābha ] m. " whose navel is a lotus " , N. of Vishṇu.
अब्जनेत्र [ abjanetra ] [ ab-ja-netra ] m. f. n. = [ -dṛś ] .
अब्जपाणि [ abjapāṇi ] [ abja-pāṇi ] m. N. of a Buddha, W.
अब्जबान्धव [ abjabāndhava ] [ ab-ja-bāndhava ] m. " friend of the lotus " , the sun.
अब्जभव [ abjabhava ] [ ab-ja-bhava ] ( ( Lit. BhP. ) ) ( ( Lit. Daś. ) ) m. Brahmā
अब्जभू [ abjabhū ] [ ab-ja-bhū ] ( ( Lit. Daś. ) ) m. Brahmā
अब्जभोग [ abjabhoga ] [ ab-ja-bhoga ] m. the root of a lotus Lit. L.
अब्जयोनि [ abjayoni ] [ ab-ja-yoni ] m. (= [ -ja ] above ) N. of Brahmā Lit. Hcat.
अब्जवाहन [ abjavāhana ] [ ab-ja-vāhana ] m. " carrying the moon (on his forehead) " , N. of Śiva.
अब्जसमुद्गत [ abjasamudgata ] [ abja-samudgata ] (?), Lit. Bcar. i, 33
अब्जसम्भव [ abjasambhava ] [ abja-sambhava ] m. N. of Brahmā, Lit. MBh.
अब्जसरस् [ abjasaras ] [ abja-saras ] n. a lotus pond, Lit. Hit.( Page1315,1 )
अब्जहस्त [ abjahasta ] [ ab-ja-hasta ] m. the sun (represented as holding a lotus in one hand) Lit. L.
अब्जाद [ abjāda ] [ abjāda ] m. " eating lotus-leaves " , a swan Lit. VarBṛS.
अब्जासन [ abjāsana ] [ ab-jāsana ] n. a partic. posture in sitting (= [ padmā ] [ sana ] ), Lit. HYog.
अब्जल [ abjala ] [ abjala ] m. a horse of very low breed, Lit. L.
अब्जा [ abjā ] [ ab-jā́ ] m. f. n. born , in water Lit. RV. iv , 40 , 5 and vii , 34 , 16.
अब्जित् [ abjit ] [ ab-jí t ] m. f. n. conquering waters Lit. RV.
अब्जिनी [ abjinī ] [ abjinī ] f. a multitude of lotus flowers , (g. [ puṣkarādi ] .)
अब्जिनीपति [ abjinīpati ] [ abjinī-pati ] m. the sun Lit. Kathās.
अब्द [ abda ] [ áb-da ] m. f. n. giving water Lit. L.
a cloud Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
the grass Cyperus Rotundus
N. of a mountain Lit. L.
अब्दपर्यय [ abdaparyaya ] [ abda-paryaya ] m. the change of the year, Lit. Mn. xi, 27.
अब्दभू [ abdabhū ] [ abda-bhū ] m. f. n. coming from a cloud, Lit. Śiś.
[ abdā ] f. see [ abdayā́ ] below.
अब्दतन्त्र [ abdatantra ] [ áb-da-tantra ] n. N. of an astronomical work.
अब्दवाहन [ abdavāhana ] [ áb-da-vāhana ] m. ( for [ abja-vāhana ] q.v.) , N. of Śiva Lit. L.
अब्दशत [ abdaśata ] [ áb-da-śata ] n. a century.
अब्दसहस्र [ abdasahasra ] [ áb-da-sahasra ] n. a thousand years.
अब्दसार [ abdasāra ] [ áb-da-sāra ] m. a kind of camphor.
अब्दार्ध [ abdārdha ] [ abdārdha ] n. a half year.
अब्दया [ abdayā ] [ abdayā́ ] (instr. of [ ab-dā́ ] ) ind. out of desire of giving water Lit. RV. v , 54 , 3.
अब्दिमत् [ abdimat ] [ abdi-mát ] m. f. n. possessed of clouds ( [ abdi ] = [ abda ] ) Lit. RV. v , 42 , 14.
अब्दुर्ग [ abdurga ] [ ab-durga ] n. a fortress surrounded by a moat or lake.
अब्दैवत [ abdaivata ] [ ab-daivata ] m. f. n. having the waters as divinities , praising the waters (said of certain hymns see [ abliṅga ] below) Lit. Mn. viii , 106 and xi , 132.
अब्धि [ abdhi ] [ ab-dhi ] m. (√ [ dhā ] ) , a pond , lake Lit. L.
the ocean Lit. Hit.
(hence) the numeral 4.
अब्धिकन्या [ abdhikanyā ] [ abdhi-kanyā ] f. patr. of Lakshmī, Lit. Kuval.
अब्धिकफ [ abdhikapha ] [ ab-dhi-kapha ] m. cuttle fish bone , being considered as the froth of the sea.
अब्धिज [ abdhija ] [ ab-dhi-ja ] m. f. n. born in the ocean
[ abdhijau ] m. du. the Aśvins Lit. L.
[ abdhijā ] f. spirituous liquor Lit. L.
अब्धिजीविन् [ abdhijīvin ] [ ab-dhi-jīvin ] m. a fisherman Lit. Kathās.
अब्धिझष [ abdhijhaṣa ] [ ab-dhi-jhaṣa ] m. a sea-fish.
अब्धितनय [ abdhitanaya ] [ ab-dhi-tanaya ] m. du. the Aśvins Lit. Kathās.
अब्धितनय [ abdhitanaya ] [ abdhi-tanaya ] m. du. the two Aśvins, Lit. Kathās.
अब्धिद्वीपा [ abdhidvīpā ] [ ab-dhi-dvīpā ] f. earth Lit. L.
अब्धिनगरी [ abdhinagarī ] [ ab-dhi-nagarī ] f. N. of Dvārakā , the capital of Kṛishṇa.
अब्धिनवनीतक [ abdhinavanītaka ] [ ab-dhi-navanītaka ] m. the moon.
अब्धिफेन [ abdhiphena ] [ ab-dhi-phena ] m. cuttle fish bone.
अब्धिमण्डूकी [ abdhimaṇḍūkī ] [ ab-dhi-maṇḍūkī ] f. the pearl oyster.
अब्धिमथन [ abdhimathana ] [ abdhi-mathana ] n. N. of a wk. in Apabhraṃśa
अब्धिवस्त्रा [ abdhivastrā ] [ abdhi-vastrā ] f. the earth, Lit. L.
अब्धिशयन [ abdhiśayana ] [ ab-dhi-śayana ] m. " sleeping on the ocean (at the periods of the destruction and renovation of the world) " , N. of Vishṇu.
अब्धिसार [ abdhisāra ] [ ab-dhi-sāra ] m. a gem.
अब्ध्यग्नि [ abdhyagni ] [ abdhy-agni ] m. submarine fire.
अब्बिन्दु [ abbindu ] [ ab-bindu ] m. a tear Lit. BhP.
a drop of water, Lit. BhP.
अब्भक्ष [ abbhakṣa ] [ ab-bhakṣa ] m. f. n. living upon water Lit. Yājñ. iii , 286 Lit. Gaut.
[ abbhakṣa ] m. a snake Lit. L.
अब्भक्षण [ abbhakṣaṇa ] [ ab-bhakṣaṇa ] n. living upon water (a kind of fasting) Lit. BhP.
अब्लिङ्ग [ abliṅga ] [ ab-liṅga ] n. pl. ( ( Lit. Yājñ. iii , 30 ) ) pl. ( ( Lit. Gaut. ) ) N. of some Vedic verses ( ( Lit. RV. x , 9 , 1-3 ) ) addressed to the waters ( cf. [ abdaivata ] above.)
अब्लिङ्गा [ abliṅgā ] [ abliṅgā ] f. pl. ( ( Lit. Gaut. ) ) N. of some Vedic verses ( ( Lit. RV. x , 9 , 1-3 ) ) addressed to the waters ( cf. [ abdaivata ] above.)
अब्बा [ abbā ] [ abbā ] f. a mother, Lit. L.
अब्रह्मचर्य [ abrahmacarya ] [ a-brahmacarya ] m. f. n. not keeping a vow of continence , unchaste Lit. Nir.
अब्रह्मचर्यक [ abrahmacaryaka ] [ a-brahmacaryaka ] n. incontinence Lit. L.
अब्रह्मण्य [ abrahmaṇya ] [ a-brahmaṇya ] m. f. n. not favourable to Brāhmans Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
[ abrahmaṇya ] n. an unbrahmanical or sacrilegious act , used as an exclamation , meaning " help! " " a disgraceful deed is perpetrated! " Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
(Prākṛit (abbamhaNNaM) ) Lit. Śāk.
अब्रह्मन् [ abrahman ] [ á-brahman ] m. f. n. not a [ brahmán ] Lit. ŚBr.
without devotion ( [ bráhman ] ) Lit. RV.
without Brāhmans Lit. Mn. ix , 322
[ abrahman ] n. not the [ bráhman ] Lit. TBr.
अब्रह्मता [ abrahmatā ] [ abrahmá-tā ] f. want of devotion Lit. RV. v , 33 , 3 Lit. VS.
अब्रह्मबन्धूक [ abrahmabandhūka ] [ a-brahma-bandhūka ] m. f. n. without [ brahmabandhū ] ( q.v.) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 173 Lit. Kāś.
अब्रह्मवर्चसिन् [ abrahmavarcasin ] [ á-brahma-varcasin ] m. not an excellent theologian, Lit. MaitrS.
अब्रह्मविद् [ abrahmavid ] [ a-brahma-vid ] m. f. n. not knowing Brahma or the Supreme Spirit.
अब्राह्मण्य [ abrāhmaṇya ] [ a-brāhmaṇya ] n. violation of the duty of a Brāhman Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अब्रुवत् [ abruvat ] [ a-bruvat ] m. f. n. (pr.p.) , not speaking , silent Lit. Yājñ. ii , 76.
अभक्त [ abhakta ] [ á-bhakta ] m. f. n. not received as a share Lit. RV. i , 129 , 5 and iii , 30 , 7
not attached to , detached , unconnected with
not eaten.
अभक्तच्छन्द [ abhaktacchanda ] [ á-bhakta-cchanda ] m. want of appetite.
अभक्तरुचि [ abhaktaruci ] [ á-bhakta-ruci ] f. want of appetite.
अभक्ति [ abhakti ] [ a-bhakti ] f. want of devotion to , want of faith.
अभक्तिमत् [ abhaktimat ] [ a-bhakti-mat ] m. f. n. undevoted to , unbelieving.
अभक्ष [ abhakṣa ] [ a-bhakṣa ] m. not eating anything , fasting.
अभक्षण [ abhakṣaṇa ] [ a-bhakṣaṇa ] n. not eating anything , fasting.
अभक्षित [ abhakṣita ] [ á-bhakṣita ] m. f. n. not eaten.
अभक्ष्यभक्षण [ abhakṣyabhakṣaṇa ] [ a-bhakṣya-bhakṣaṇa ] n. eating of prohibited food Lit. RāmatUp.
अभक्ष्यभक्षिन् [ abhakṣyabhakṣin ] [ a-bhakṣya-bhakṣin ] m. f. n. eating forbidden food.
अभग [ abhaga ] [ a-bhagá ] m. f. n. without enjoyment , unfortunate Lit. AV. v , 31 , 11.
अभग्नकाम [ abhagnakāma ] [ a-bhagna-kāma ] m. f. n. whose desire or wishes are not disturbed Lit. Ragh.
अभङ्गश्लेष [ abhaṅgaśleṣa ] [ a-bhaṅga-śleṣa ] m. an ambiguity without any different analysis of the words, Lit. Kpr.
अभङ्गुर [ abhaṅgura ] [ a-bhaṅgura ] m. f. n. not fragile
unchangeable , invariable , firm
(not curved) , flat , plain Lit. Suśr.
level, flat, Lit. Śuśr.
imperishable, durable, Lit. Kathās.
अभज्यमान [ abhajyamāna ] [ a-bhajyamāna ] m. f. n. (Pass.) not being detached
not being vanquished ,
अभय [ abhaya ] [ á-bhaya ] m. f. n. unfearful , not dangerous , secure
[ abhaya ] m. f. n. fearless , undaunted Lit. ŚBr. xiv
m. N. of Śiva
of a natural son of Bimbisāra
of a son of Idhmajihva Lit. BhP.
of a river in Krauñcadvīpa Lit. BhP.
[ abhayā ] f. the plant Terminalia Chebula
[ abhaya ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) absence or removal of fear , peace , safety , security Lit. RV. ( cf. [ ábhaya-tama ] below)
" safety " , (applied as proper name to) a child of Dharma and his reign in Plakshadvīpa Lit. BhP.
a kind of symbol procuring security Lit. Hcat.
a sacrificial hymn recited to obtain personal security Lit. Kauś.
the root of a fragrant grass , Andropogon Muricatum.
अभयगण [ abhayagaṇa ] [ a-bhaya-gaṇa ] m. a list of hymns that secure from danger, Lit. AV.Pariś.
अभयगिरिवासिन् [ abhayagirivāsin ] [ á-bhaya-giri-vāsin ] m. pl. " dwelling on the mountain of safety " , N. of a division of Kātyāyana's pupils Lit. Buddh.
अभयगिरिविहार [ abhayagirivihāra ] [ á-bhaya-giri-vihāra ] m. Buddhist monastery on the Abhayagiri.
अभयगिरिविहार [ abhayagirivihāra ] [ a-bhaya-giri-vihāra ] m. N. of a monastery, Lit. Inscr.
अभयंकर [ abhayaṃkara ] [ á-bhaya-ṃ-kará ] ( ( Lit. RV. x , 152 , 2 Lit. AV. ) ) ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) m. f. n. causing safety.
अभयंकृत् [ abhayaṃkṛt ] [ á-bhaya-ṃ-kṛ́t ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) m. f. n. causing safety.
अभयजात [ abhayajāta ] [ á-bhaya-jāta ] m. N. of a man , (g. [ gargādi ] , q.v.)
अभयडिण्डिम [ abhayaḍiṇḍima ] [ á-bhaya-ḍiṇḍima ] m. a war-drum Lit. L.
अभयतम [ abhayatama ] [ á-bhaya-tama ] ( [ ábhaya- ] ) n. greatest safety Lit. RV. x , 17 , 5.
अभयद [ abhayada ] [ á-bhaya-da ] m. f. n. giving fearlessness or safety
[ abhayada ] m. an Arhat of the Jainas
N. of a king (the son of Manasyu and father of Sudhanvan) Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP.
अभयदक्षिणा [ abhayadakṣiṇā ] [ á-bhaya-dakṣiṇā ] f. promise or present or protection from danger Lit. Mn. iv , 247 ,
अभयदत्त [ abhayadatta ] [ a-bhaya-datta ] m. N. of a physician, Lit. Mudr.
अभयदान [ abhayadāna ] [ á-bhaya-dāna ] n. giving assurance of safety.
अभयंदद [ abhayaṃdada ] [ á-bhaya-ṃ-dada ] m. N. of Avalokiteśvara Lit. Buddh.
अभयपत्त्र [ abhayapattra ] [ á-bhaya-pattra ] n. (a modern term) , a written document or paper granting assurance of safety , a safe conduct.
अभयप्रद [ abhayaprada ] [ á-bhaya-prada ] m. f. n. giving safety Lit. Mn. iv , 232 ,
अभयप्रदान [ abhayapradāna ] [ á-bhaya-pradāna ] n. = [ -dāna ] Lit. Pañcat.
अभययाचना [ abhayayācanā ] [ á-bhaya-yācanā ] f. asking for safety Lit. Ragh. xi , 78.
अभयवचन [ abhayavacana ] [ á-bhaya-vacana ] n. ( ( Lit. Pañcat. ) ) ( ( Lit. Hit. ) ) assurance of safety.
अभयवाच् [ abhayavāc ] [ á-bhaya-vāc ] f. ( ( Lit. Hit. ) ) assurance of safety.
अभयसनि [ abhayasani ] [ á-bhaya-sáni ] m. f. n. giving safety Lit. VS. xix , 48.
अभयानन्द [ abhayānanda ] [ abhayānanda ] m. N. of a man.
अभर्तृका [ abhartṛkā ] [ a-bhartṛkā ] f. an unmarried woman
a widow.
अभवनि [ abhavani ] [ a-bhavani ] f. non-existence, death, Lit. Subh.
अभवन्मतयोग [ abhavanmatayoga ] [ a-bhavan-mata-yoga ] m. want of fitness between words and the ideas expressed by them (a defect in composition) .
अभवन्मतसम्बन्ध [ abhavanmatasambandha ] [ a-bhavan-mata-sambandha ] m. want of fitness between words and the ideas expressed by them (a defect in composition) .
अभव्य [ abhavya ] [ a-bhavya ] m. f. n. not to be , not predestined
what ought not to be , improper.
ugly, Lit. R.
wicked, Lit. MBh.
unhappy, miserable, Lit. Kathās.
अभव्यहंस [ abhavyahaṃsa ] [ a-bhavya-haṃsa ] m. a swan as it ought not to be (i.e. with black wings) Lit. L.
अभाव [ abhāva ] [ a-bhāva ] m. non-existence , nullity , absence
non-entity , negation (the seventh category in Kaṇāda's system)
proof from non-existence (one of the six pramāṇas in Vedānta phil. ( " since there are no mice , therefore there must be cats here " ) see [ pramāṇa ] )
annihilation , death.
अभावना [ abhāvanā ] [ a-bhāvanā ] f n. absence of judgement or right perception.
अभावनीय [ abhāvanīya ] [ a-bhāvanīya ] m. f. n. not to be inferred or contemplated.
अभावयत् [ abhāvayat ] [ a-bhāvayat ] m. f. n. unconscious, unwise, Lit. Bhag. 2.
अभावयितृ [ abhāvayitṛ ] [ a-bhāvayitṛ ] m. f. n. not perceiving , not inferring , not comprehending.
अभाव्य [ abhāvya ] [ a-bhāvya ] m. f. n. id.
अभवदीय [ abhavadīya ] [ a-bhavadīya ] m. f. n. not belonging to your Honour Lit. Daś.
अभस्त्र [ abhastra ] [ a-bhastra ] m. f. n. without bellows.
अभस्त्रका [ abhastrakā ] [ a-bhastrakā ] f. a badly made or inferior pair of bellows (i.e. small) , said to mean also (a woman) who has no bellows Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 47.
अभस्त्रिका [ abhastrikā ] [ a-bhastrikā ] f. a badly made or inferior pair of bellows (i.e. small) , said to mean also (a woman) who has no bellows Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 47.
अभाग [ abhāga ] [ a-bhāgá ] m. f. n. having no share Lit. RV. x , 83 , 5 ,
अभागधेय [ abhāgadheya ] [ a-bhāgadheyá ] m. f. n. receiving no share, Lit. MaitrS.
अभागिन् [ abhāgin ] [ a-bhāgin ] m. f. n. having no share
not participating in , excluded from (gen.)
अभाग्य [ abhāgya ] [ a-bhāgya ] m. f. n. unfortunate , wretched.
अभाजन [ abhājana ] [ a-bhājana ] n. not a worthy object for (gen.), Lit. Kād.
अभान [ abhāna ] [ a-bhāna ] n. non-appearance, Lit. Vedântas.
अभाषण [ abhāṣaṇa ] [ a-bhāṣaṇa ] n. not speaking , silence.
अभि [ abhi ] [ abhí ]2 ind. (a prefix to verbs and nouns , expressing) to , towards , into , over , upon. (As a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses the notion or going towards , approaching , (As a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs) it expresses superiority , intensity ,
e.g. [ abhi-tāmra ] , [ abhi-nava ] q.v. (As a separate adverb or preposition) it expresses ( with acc.) to , towards , in the direction of , against
into Lit. ŚBr. and Lit. KātyŚr.
for , for the sake of
on account of
on , upon , with regard to , by , before , in front of
over. It may even express one after the other , severally Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 91 e.g. [ vṛkṣaṃ vṛkṣam abhi ] , tree after tree ( ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (ob) ; Zend (aibi) , (aiwi) ; Goth. (bi) ; Old High Germ. (bī) ) ) .
अभिक [ abhika ] [ abhika ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 74) lustful , libidinous Lit. Ragh. xix , 4 ( cf. 1. [ abhīka ] and [ anuka ] )
अभितरम् [ abhitaram ] [ abhi-tarám ] ( ( Lit. MaitrS. ) ) ( ( Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. (see 2. [ abhī ] ) ) ) ind. nearer.
अभितराम् [ abhitarām ] [ abhi-tarā́m ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. (see 2. [ abhī ] ) ) ) ind. nearer.
अभितष्टीय [ abhitaṣṭīya ] [ abhi-taṣṭīya ] n. N. of the hymn Lit. RV. iii, 38 (beginning [ abhí ] [ táṣte ] [ va ] ), Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अभितस् [ abhitas ] [ abhí -tas ] ind. near to , towards Lit. MBh.
near , in the proximity or presence of (gen.) Lit. Bhag.
( with acc.) on both sides Lit. ŚBr.
( with acc.) before and after Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Gaut.
( with acc.) on all sides , everywhere , about , round
entirely Lit. MBh.
quickly Lit. L.
अभितःसर [ abhitaḥsara ] [ abhitaḥ-sara ] m. f. n. running on both sides Lit. Up.
अभितश्चर [ abhitaścara ] [ abhitaś-cara ] m. pl. the attendants , retinue Lit. MBh.
अभितो [ abhito ] [ abhito ] ( in Sandhi for [ abhitas ] ) .
अभितोदेवयजनमात्रदेश [ abhitodevayajanamātradeśa ] [ abhito-deva-yajana-mātra-deśa ] m. f. n. whose space on all sides suffices for a sacrificial ground Lit. KātyŚr.
अभितोभाविन् [ abhitobhāvin ] [ abhito-bhāvin ] m. f. n. being on both , sides Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 182.
अभितोरात्रम् [ abhitorātram ] [ abhito-rātrám ] ind. near (i.e. either just at the beginning or end of) the night Lit. ŚBr.
अभितोस्थि [ abhitosthi ] [ abhito-'sthi ] ( [ abhitó- ] ) m. f. n. surrounded by bones (as the eyes) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिकर्णकूपम् [ abhikarṇakūpam ] [ abhi-karṇa-kūpam ] ind. into the auditory passage, Lit. Naish.
अभिकम् [ abhikam ] [ abhi-√ kam ] (fut. [ -kamiṣyate ] ) to desire , love Lit. TBr. : Caus. [ -kāmayate ] id. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
अभिकाम [ abhikāma ] [ abhi-kāma ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) affection , desire , N. Lit. BhP.
[ abhikāma ] m. f. n. , affectionate , loving , desirous ( with acc. or ifc.)
[ abhikāmam ] ind. with desire Lit. L. , ( cf. [ ābhikāmika ] .)
अभिकम्प् [ abhikamp ] [ abhi-√ kamp ] [ -kampate ] , to tremble vehemently Lit. MBh. iii , 15721 : Caus. [ -kampayati ] , to stir , allure Lit. KātyŚr.
अभिकाङ्क्ष् [ abhikāṅkṣ ] [ abhi-√ kāṅkṣ ] [ -kāṅkṣati ] , [ °te ] , rarely Caus. [ -ayate ] , to long for , desire ; to strive.
अभिकाङ्क्षा [ abhikāṅkṣā ] [ abhi-kāṅkṣā ] f. longing for , desire ( with acc. or ifc.)
अभिकाङ्क्षित [ abhikāṅkṣita ] [ abhi-kāṅkṣita ] m. f. n. longed for , wished , desired.
अभिकाङ्क्षिन् [ abhikāṅkṣin ] [ abhi-kāṅkṣin ] m. f. n. longing for , desiring (with acc. ( Lit. BhP. ) or ifc. ( Lit. Mn. iv , 91 , ) ) .
अभिकाल [ abhikāla ] [ abhi-kāla ] m. N. of a village Lit. R. ii , 68 , 17.
अभिकाश् [ abhikāś ] [ abhi-√ kāś ] Intens. [ -cākaśīti ] ( 1. sg. [ °śīmi ] ; Imper. 2. sg. [ °śīthi ] ; impf. 1. sg. [ -acākaśam ] ) to illuminate , irradiate Lit. VS. ; to look on , to perceive Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अभिकुत्स् [ abhikuts ] [ abhi-√ kuts ] to revile , inveigh against Lit. R. ii , 75 , 2.
अभिकुष् [ abhikuṣ ] [ abhi-√ kuṣ ] [ -kuṣṇāti ] , to tear , pull at , pinch Lit. Suśr.
अभिकूज् [ abhikūj ] [ abhi-√ kūj ] to twitter , warble Lit. R.
अभिकृ [ abhikṛ ] [ abhi-√ kṛ:1 ] to do with reference to or in behalf of Lit. ŚBr. ; (perf. 2. pl. [ -cakrá ] ) to procure , effect Lit. AV. iii , 9 , 1 ; ( with [ niveśaṃ ] ) to settle.
अभिकर [ abhikara ] [ abhi-kara ] m. a performer, executor, Lit. GopBr.
अभिकरण [ abhikaraṇa ] [ abhi-karaṇa ] see [ svapnābhikáraṇa ] .
अभिकर्मन् [ abhikarman ] [ abhi-karman ] m. f. n. performing bringing about, Lit. Dharmaś.
अभिकृति [ abhikṛti ] [ abhi-kṛti ] f. N. of a metre (containing one hundred syllables) Lit. RPrāt.
अभिकृत्वरी [ abhikṛtvarī ] [ abhi-kṛ́tvarī ] f. " producing (diseases) " , a female demon Lit. AV. ii , 8 , 2.
अभिकृष् [ abhikṛṣ ] [ abhi-√ kṛṣ ] [ -karṣati ] , to overpower Lit. MBh. iii , 15064.
अभिकृष्णम् [ abhikṛṣṇam ] [ abhi-kṛṣṇam ] ind. towards Kṛishṇa, Lit. Śiś.
अभिकॄ [ abhikṝ ] [ abhi-√ kṝ:1 ] [ -kirati ] , to pour over , throw over , cover.
अभिकॢप् [ abhikḷp ] [ abhi-√ kḷp ] Ā. (p. [ -kálpamāna ] ) to be adequate to , be in accordance with (acc.) Lit. VS. xiii , 25 : Caus. [ -kalpayati ] , to put in order Lit. R.
अभिकॢप्त [ abhikḷpta ] [ abhí -kḷpta ] m. f. n. being adequate to , in accordance with Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Up.
अभिक्नूयम् [ abhiknūyam ] [ abhi-knū́yam ] ind. (√ [ knūy ] ) , so as to bemoisten Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अभिक्रतु [ abhikratu ] [ abhí -kratu ] m. f. n. insolent , haughty Lit. RV. iii , 34 , 10.
अभिक्रन्द् [ abhikrand ] [ abhi-√ krand ] (aor. 2. sg. [ -kran ] ) to shout at , roar at , neigh or whinny at Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Lāṭy. : Caus. (aor. [ -acikradat ] ) , id. Lit. RV. ix , 68 , 2 and 82 , 1 : Intens. (p. [ -kánikradat ] ) id. Lit. RV.
अभिक्रन्द [ abhikranda ] [ abhi-kranda ] m. a shout Lit. MBh.
इन्द्रस्याभिक्रन्द [ indrasyābhikranda ] [ indrasyābhikranda ] m. m. N. of a Sāman.
अभिक्रम् [ abhikram ] [ abhi-√ kram ] (aor. [ -akramīt ] ind.p. [ -krámya ] ) to step or go near to , approach Lit. RV. ; to attack , overpower Lit. RV. vi , 49 , 15 & ix , 40 , 1 ; to step upon ; to undertake , begin Lit. RPrāt. ; ( with [ gamanāya ] ) to get on one's way Lit. R. i , 77 , 18 : Caus. [ -kramayati ] , to bring near Lit. TS.
अभिक्रम [ abhikrama ] [ abhi-krama ] m. stepping near , approaching
assault , attack Lit. L.
overpowering Lit. PBr. Lit. Gaut.
undertaking , attempt , beginning.
अभिक्रमनाश [ abhikramanāśa ] [ abhi-krama-nāśa ] m. unsuccessful effort Lit. Bhag.
अभिक्रमण [ abhikramaṇa ] [ abhi-kramaṇa ] n. stepping near , approaching Lit. Gaut.
अभिक्रान्त [ abhikrānta ] [ abhi-krānta ] m. f. n. approached
[ abhikrānta ] n. = [ abhí -krānti ] Lit. PBr.
अभिक्रान्ति [ abhikrānti ] [ abhí -krānti ] f. Ved. overpowering , bringing into one's possession Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr.
अभिक्रान्तिन् [ abhikrāntin ] [ abhi-krāntin ] m. f. n. one who has undertaken (the study of) i.e. conversant with (loc.) Lit. Lāṭy.
अभिक्रामम् [ abhikrāmam ] [ abhi-krāmam ] ind. so as to step near Lit. MaitrS. Lit. KātyŚr. ( 1315,1 )
अभिक्री [ abhikrī ] [ abhi-√ krī ] to buy for a special purpose Lit. ŚBr.
अभिक्रुध् [ abhikrudh ] [ abhi-√ krudh ] to be angry with (acc.) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 38 Sch. Lit. Vikr.
अभिक्रुश् [ abhikruś ] [ abhi-√ kruś ] to cry out at , call out to , to call to (in a scolding manner) Lit. AV. ; to lament with tears , bemoan Lit. R. iv , 24 , 22.
अभिक्रोशक [ abhikrośaka ] [ abhi-króśaka ] m. a reviler ( [ nindaka ] ) Lit. VS.
अभिक्षत्तृ [ abhikṣattṛ ] [ abhi-kṣattṛ́ ] m. (√ [ kṣad ] ) , " one who carves and distributes (food) " an host Lit. RV. ii , 29 , 2 and vii , 21 , 8
( ( " a destroyer " Lit. Sāy. ) )
अभिक्षदा [ abhikṣadā ] [ a-bhikṣa-dā́ ] m. f. n. ( ( Lit. Padap. [ abhi-kṣa-dā́ ] ) ) giving without being asked Lit. RV. vi , 50 , 1
( ( according to the Lit. Padap. ( cf. [ abhi-kṣattṛ́ ] ) " destroying , a destroyer " Lit. Sāy. ) )
अभिक्षित [ abhikṣita ] [ á-bhikṣita ] m. f. n. not asked for alms Lit. ŚBr.
अभिक्षम् [ abhikṣam ] [ abhi-√ kṣam ] ( Opt. [ -kṣameta ] ; Imper. 2. pl. [ -kṣámadhvam ] ) to be gracious , propitious to (dat. or loc.) Lit. RV. ; to pardon (perf. Opt. 2. sg. [ -cakṣamīthāḥ ] ) Lit. RV. ii , 33 , 7.
अभिक्षर् [ abhikṣar ] [ abhi-√ kṣar ] (aor. 3. sg. [ -akṣah ] Lit. RV. ix , 97 , 45) to flow near or round Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. ; to pour on Lit. AV.
अभिक्षिप् [ abhikṣip ] [ abhi-√ kṣip ] ( only P. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 80 ; pr. p. [ -kṣipát ] ) to fling at (as the lash of a whip at a horse) Lit. RV. v , 83 , 3 ; to excel Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अभिक्षेप [ abhikṣepa ] [ abhi-kṣepa ] m. a partic. manner of handling a club, Lit. Nīlak.
अभिखन् [ abhikhan ] [ abhi-√ khan ] to dig up , turn up (the soil) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिख्या [ abhikhyā ] [ abhi-√ khyā ]1 (Subj. 1. 2. 3. sg. [ -khyam ] , [ -khyas ] and [ -khyás ] , [ -khyát ] ; impf. 3. sg. [ abhy ] [ ákhyat ] ; ind.p. [ -khyā́ya ] ) to see , view , perceive Lit. RV. ; to cast a kind or gracious look upon any one , to be gracious Lit. RV. ; (impf. 3. pl. [ abhí ákhyan ] ) Lit. TS. : Caus. [ -khyāpayati ] , to make known Lit. Mn. ( 61,2 )
अभिख्या [ abhikhyā ] [ abhi-khyā́ ]2 f. a gracious look Lit. RV. x , 112 , 10
splendour Lit. RV. i , 148 , 5 & viii , 23 , 5
beauty Lit. Ragh.
fame , glory Lit. Kathās.
telling Lit. L.
" calling , addressing " , a name , appellation.
अभिख्य [ abhikhya ] [ abhi-khya ] m. f. n. like, similar to (comp.), Lit. L.
अभिख्यात [ abhikhyāta ] [ abhi-khyāta ] m. f. n. become known , manifested Lit. MBh.
(neg. [ an- ] ) Lit. Yājñ. iii , 301.
अभिख्यातृ [ abhikhyātṛ ] [ abhi-khyātṛ́ ] m. a supervisor (N. of Indra) Lit. RV. iv , 17 , 17.
अभिख्यान [ abhikhyāna ] [ abhi-khyāna ] n. fame , glory Lit. L.
groundless demand, Lit. L.
अभिगम् [ abhigam ] [ abhi-√ gam ] [ -gacchati ] , to go near to , approach ( with acc.) ; to follow Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. R. ; to meet with , find ; to cohabit (said of men and women) Lit. Yājñ. ii , 205 , ; to undertake ; to get , gain , obtain Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ; ( with [ mánasā ] , or [ medháyā ] or [ hṛ́dayena ] ) to understand Lit. RV. iii , 60 , 1 Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ -gamayati ] , to study Lit. MBh. i , 1295.
अभिगच्छत् [ abhigacchat ] [ abhi-gacchat ] m. f. n. approaching ,
अभिगत [ abhigata ] [ abhi-gata ] m. f. n. approached ,
अभिगन्तृ [ abhigantṛ ] [ abhi-gantṛ́ ] m. one who understands Lit. ŚBr.
" one who pursues " , insidious Lit. Kāṭh.
one who has intercourse with a woman.
अभिगम [ abhigama ] [ abhi-gama ] m. (g. [ anuśatikādi ] q.v.) , approaching
visiting Lit. Megh. Lit. Ragh. v , 11
sexual intercourse Lit. Yājñ. ii , 291.
अभिगमन [ abhigamana ] [ abhi-gamana ] n. = [ abhi-gama ]
the act of cleansing and smearing with cow-dung the way leading to the image of the deity (one of the five parts of the [ upāsana ] with the Rāmānujas) Lit. Sarvad.
अभिगम्य [ abhigamya ] [ abhi-gamya ]1 m. f. n. to be visited Lit. Kum. vi , 56 ,
accessible , tempting (for , a visit) Lit. Ragh. i , 16.
अभिगम्य [ abhigamya ] [ abhi-gamya ]2 ind.p. having approached.
अभिगामिन् [ abhigāmin ] [ abhi-gāmin ] m. f. n. having sexual intercourse with ( in comp.) Lit. Mn. iii , 45 Lit. Yājñ. ii , 282 ,
अभिगर [ abhigara ] [ abhi-gará ] see [ abhi- ] √ 1. [ grī ] below.
अभिगर्ज् [ abhigarj ] [ abhi-√ garj ] to roar at , bawl at , raise savage or ferocious cries Lit. MBh.
अभिगर्जन [ abhigarjana ] [ abhi-garjana ] n. ferocious roaring , uproar Lit. R.
अभिगर्जित [ abhigarjita ] [ abhi-garjita ] n. a savage cry , uproar Lit. R.
अभिगा [ abhigā ] [ abhi-√ gā:1 ] [ -jí gāti ] (impf. [ -ajigāt ] ; aor. Subj. [ -gāt ] ) to go near to , to approach , arrive at Lit. RV. ; to get , gain.
अभिगाह् [ abhigāh ] [ abhi-√ gāh ] Ā. (p. [ -gā́hamāna ] ) to penetrate into (acc.) Lit. RV. x , 103 , 7.
अभिगुप्ति [ abhigupti ] [ abhí -gupti ] f. guarding , protecting Lit. ŚBr.
अभिगोप्तृ [ abhigoptṛ ] [ abhi-goptṛ́ ] m. f. n. guarding , protecting Lit. ŚBr.
अभिगुम्फित [ abhigumphita ] [ abhi-gumphita ] m. f. n. strung together , interwoven Lit. Śiś.
अभिगुर् [ abhigur ] [ abhi-√ gur ] (Subj. [ -jugurat ] ; Opt. 2. sg. [ -juguryās ] ) to assent , agree , approve of Lit. RV.
अभिगूर्त [ abhigūrta ] [ abhí -gūrta ] m. f. n. approved of Lit. RV. i , 162 , 15 Lit. TS.
अभिगूर्ति [ abhigūrti ] [ abhí -gūrti ] f. song of praise Lit. RV. i , 162 , 6 and 12.
अभिगूर्या [ abhigūryā ] [ abhi-gū́ryā ] (Ved.) ind.p. having approved of. Lit. RV. ii , 37 , 3.
अभिगृध्न [ abhigṛdhna ] [ abhi-gṛdhna ] m. f. n. see [ mithyābhi-gṛdhna ] .
अभिगॄ [ abhigṝ ] [ abhi-√ gṝ:1 ] [ -gṛṇā́ti ] , to call to or address with approbation ; to join in (acc.) ; to welcome , praise ; to approve of , accept propitiously , allow.
अभिगर [ abhigara ] [ abhi-gará ] m. a calling out in approbation (part of the sacrificial ceremony) Lit. VS. Lit. KātyŚr.
the priest who calls out approvingly (to the other priests) Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Lāṭy. ( cf. [ apagara ] .)
अभिगोपाय [ abhigopāya ] [ abhi-gopāya ] Nom. P. ° [ yáti ] , to guard, protect, Lit. ŚBr.
अभिगै [ abhigai ] [ abhi-√ gai ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -gā́ya ] , or [ -gāya ] , 2. pl. [ -gāyata ] ) to call or sing to (acc.) Lit. RV. ; to enchant Lit. AitBr. ; to sing (a hymn , ) Lit. ŚBr. ; to fill with song Lit. R. ; to celebrate in song Lit. R.
अभिगीत [ abhigīta ] [ abhí -gīta ] m. f. n. addressed or praised in song Lit. RV. ix , 96 , 23.
[ abhigīta ] n. a song, Lit. Divyâv.
अभिगेष्ण [ abhigeṣṇa ] [ abhi-geṣṇa ] m. f. n. calling to Lit. AitBr.
अभिग्रस्त [ abhigrasta ] [ abhi-grasta ] m. f. n. = [ abhi-panna ] (overcome) Lit. L.
अभिग्रह् [ abhigrah ] [ abhi-√ grah ] [ -grihṇāti ] , to take hold of , take up (from the soil) Lit. TS. ; to accept , receive Lit. MBh. ; to set (as a blossom) Lit. BhP. ; to lay together , to fold (the hands) see [ abhigṛhīta-pāṇi ] below: Caus. [ -grāhayati ] , to catch , surprise e.g. [ rūpābhigrāhita ] , taken in the very act Lit. Daś.
अभिगृहीतपाणि [ abhigṛhītapāṇi ] [ abhi-gṛhīta-pāṇi ] m. f. n. having the hands joined Lit. BhP.
अभिग्रह [ abhigraha ] [ abhi-graha ] m. seizing taking hold of
attack , onset Lit. L.
defiance , challenge Lit. L.
robbing , plundering Lit. L.
authority Lit. L.
a vow Lit. Jain.
अभिग्रहण [ abhigrahaṇa ] [ abhi-grahaṇa ] n. robbing Lit. L.
अभिग्रहीतृ [ abhigrahītṛ ] [ abhi-grahītṛ́ ] m. f. n. one who seizes Lit. MaitrS.
अभिग्राहिन् [ abhigrāhin ] [ abhi-grāhin ] m. f. n. seizing, Lit. Hir.
अभिघर्षण [ abhigharṣaṇa ] [ abhi-gharṣaṇa ] n. (√ [ ghṛṣ ] ) , rubbing , friction Lit. L.
possession by an evil spirit Lit. L.
अभिघात [ abhighāta ] [ abhi-ghāta ] m. (√ [ han ] ) , striking , attack
infliction of injury , damage Lit. Mn. xii , 77 ,
striking back , driving away , warding off
abrupt or vehement articulation (of Vedic text) Lit. VPrāt.
[ abhighāta ] n. an irregular combination of consonants i.e. the combination of the fourth letter of gutturals , cerebrals , with the first or third letter , of the second with the first letter , and of the third with the second letter of those classes of consonants.
अभिघातक [ abhighātaka ] [ abhi-ghātaka ] m. f. n. counteracting , removing.
अभिघातित [ abhighātita ] [ abhi-ghātita ] m. f. n. struck , wounded (ifc. as [ śarābhighātita ] , wounded by arrows) .
अभिघातिन् [ abhighātin ] [ abhi-ghātin ] m. f. n. ( generally ifc.) striking , attacking , hurting
inflicting injury
[ abhighātin ] m. an assailant , enemy Lit. Hit.
अभिघृ [ abhighṛ ] [ abhi-√ ghṛ ] (perf. Pass. p. [ abhí -ghṛta ] see below) . Caus. [ -ghārayati ] , to cause to trickle down Lit. TS. ; to sprinkle with Lit. ŚBr.
अभिघार [ abhighāra ] [ abhi-ghāra ] m. sprinkling over Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
scattering over , mingling with Lit. Gobh.
ghee or clarified butter Lit. L.
अभिघारण [ abhighāraṇa ] [ abhi-ghāraṇa ] n. the act of sprinkling ghee , be sprinkling Lit. Kauś. Lit. KātyŚr.
अभिघारित [ abhighārita ] [ abhi-ghārita ] m. f. n. sprinkled with Lit. AV.
अभिघार्य [ abhighārya ] [ abhí -ghārya ] m. f. n. to be sprinkled.
अभिघृत [ abhighṛta ] [ abhí -ghṛta ] m. f. n. sprinkled (as ghee) , dropped upon Lit. TS.
sprinkled with Lit. BhP.
अभिघोषम् [ abhighoṣam ] [ abhi-ghoṣam ] ind. towards a station of herdsmen, Lit. Kir.
अभिघ्रा [ abhighrā ] [ abhi-√ ghrā ] [ -jighrati ] (ind.p. [ -jighrya ] Lit. Gobh.) to snuffle , smell at ; to bring the nose close to another's forehead in caressing , or as a token of affection Lit. TS. ; to smell , scent Lit. Kād.
अभिघ्राण [ abhighrāṇa ] [ abhi-ghrāṇa ] n. smelling at , caressing Comm. on Lit. Gobh.
अभिजिघ्रण [ abhijighraṇa ] [ abhi-jighraṇa ] n. id. Lit. Gobh.
अभिजिघ्रत् [ abhijighrat ] [ abhi-jí ghrat ] mf (du. [ antī ] ) n. caressing Lit. RV. i , 185 , 5.
अभिचक्ष् [ abhicakṣ ] [ abhi-√ cakṣ ] [ -caṣṭe ] ( 2. sg. [ -cakṣase ] Lit. RV. v , 3 , 9 ; Ved. Inf. [ -cakṣase ] Lit. RV.) to look at , view , perceive Lit. RV. Lit. BhP. ; to cast a kind or gracious look upon any one Lit. RV. ; to address Lit. BhP. ; to assail with harsh language Lit. RV. vii , 104 , 8 ; to call Lit. BhP.
अभिचक्षण [ abhicakṣaṇa ] [ abhi-cákṣaṇa ] n. conjuring , incantation Lit. AV. vi , 127 , 2
[ abhicakṣaṇā ] f. (in augury or astron.) observation (of the sky) Lit. AV. ix , 2 , 21.
अभिचक्ष्य [ abhicakṣya ] [ abhi-cákṣya ] m. f. n. manifest Lit. RV. viii , 4 , 7.
अभिचर् [ abhicar ] [ abhi-√ car ] ( Ved. Inf. [ abhí -carita-vaí ] Lit. TBr. , and [ abhi-caritos ] Lit. Kāṭh. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 13 Sch.) to act wrongly towards any one ; to be faithless (as a wife) ; to charm , enchant , bewitch Lit. RV. x , 34 , 14 (Subj. 2. pl. [ -caratābhí ] ) Lit. AV. ; [ pūrvābhicaritā ] ( f. perf. Pass. p.) = [ pūrva-dig-gā-minī ] Lit. R. i , 34 , 10.
अभिचर [ abhicara ] [ abhi-cara ] m. a servant Lit. L.
अभिचरण [ abhicaraṇa ] [ abhi-caraṇa ] n. spell, incantation (see [ sā ] [ bhicaraṇika ] )
अभिचरित [ abhicarita ] [ abhi-carita ] n. exorcising, incantation, Lit. Kāṭh.
अभिचरणीय [ abhicaraṇīya ] [ abhi-caraṇī́ya ] m. f. n. fit for enchanting or exorcising Lit. ŚBr.
(neg. [ an- ] ) Comm. on Lit. Mn. xi , 197.
अभिचार [ abhicāra ] [ abhi-cārá ] m. exorcising , incantation , employment of spells for a malevolent purpose Lit. AV.
magic (one of the Upapātakas or minor crimes) .
अभिचारकल्प [ abhicārakalpa ] [ abhi-cārá-kalpa ] m. N. of wk. on incantations (belonging to the Atharva-veda) .
अभिचारज्वर [ abhicārajvara ] [ abhi-cārá-jvara ] m. a fever caused by magical spells.
अभिचारमन्त्र [ abhicāramantra ] [ abhi-cārá-mantra ] m. a formula or prayer for working a charm , an incantation.
अभिचारयज्ञ [ abhicārayajña ] [ abhi-cārá-yajña ] m. a sacrifice for the same purpose.
अभिचारहोम [ abhicārahoma ] [ abhi-cārá-homa ] m. a sacrifice for the same purpose.
अभिचारक [ abhicāraka ] [ abhi-cāraka ] m. f. n. enchanting , exorcising , conjuring Lit. VarBṛS.
a conjurer , a magician.
अभिचारणीय [ abhicāraṇīya ] [ abhi-cāraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be enchanted Lit. L.
अभिचारित [ abhicārita ] [ abhi-cārita ] m. f. n. enchanted , charmed.
अभिचार्य [ abhicārya ] [ abhi-cārya ] m. f. n. = [ abhi-cāraṇīya ] Lit. L.
अभीचार [ abhīcāra ] [ abhī-cāra ] m. exorcising , incantation Lit. Āp.
अभिचाकश् [ abhicākaś ] [ abhi-cākaś ] see [ abhi-√ kāś ] .
अभिचिन्त् [ abhicint ] [ abhi-√ cint ] (impf. [ -acintayat ] ) to reflect on Lit. MBh. xiii , 4341.
अभिचिह्नय [ abhicihnaya ] [ abhi-cihnaya ] Nom. P. (perf. Pass. p. [ -cihnita ] ) to mark , characterize Lit. R. iv , 42 , 12.
अभिचुद् [ abhicud ] [ abhi-√ cud ] Caus. [ -codayati ] , to impel , drive ; to inflame , animate , embolden ; to invite ; to fix , settle ; to announce , inquire for (acc.) Lit. MBh. i , 2913.
अभिचुम्ब् [ abhicumb ] [ abhi-√ cumb ] to kiss, Lit. Daś.
अभिचेष्टा [ abhiceṣṭā ] [ abhi-ceṣṭā ] f. activity, Lit. Kap.
अभिचैद्यम् [ abhicaidyam ] [ abhi-caidyam ] ind. against the prince of the Cedis (i.e. Śiśupāla) Lit. Śiś. ii , 1.
अभिच्छद् [ abhicchad ] [ abhi-cchad ] ( Preverb. [ √ chad ] ) , [ abhí -cchā-dayati ] to cover over Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś.
अभिच्छायम् [ abhicchāyam ] [ abhi-cchāyám ] ind. in darkness Lit. AV. xiii , 1 , 57.
[ abhicchāyā ] f. a dark line formed by a cloud's shadow, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अभिजन् [ abhijan ] [ abhi-√ jan ] cl. [4] Ā. [ -jāyate ] ( Ved. Inf. [ abhí -janitos ] Lit. ŚBr.) to be born for or to Lit. RV. i , 168 , 2 , ; to claim as one's birthright ; to be born or produced ; to be reproduced or born again Lit. Bhag. ; to become: Caus. [ -janayati ] ( with [ abhi-jñānam ] ) to reanimate , revivify Lit. Sarvad.
अभिज [ abhija ] [ abhi-ja ] m. f. n. ifc. produced all around Lit. L.
अभिजन [ abhijana ] [ abhi-jana ] m. family , race
noble descent
the head or ornament of a family Lit. L.
native country Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 90
fame , notoriety Lit. Rājat.
अभिजात [ abhijāta ] [ abhi-jāta ] m. f. n. born in consequence of
born , produced
noble , well-born
obtained by birth , inbred , fit , proper Lit. L.
wise learned Lit. L.
handsome Lit. R. Lit. Kum. i , 46
distinguished by (comp.), Lit. Jātakam.
[ abhijāta ] n. nativity Lit. BhP.
high birth , nobility.
अभिजातता [ abhijātatā ] [ abhi-jāta-tā ] f. high birth , nobility.
अभिजातवाच् [ abhijātavāc ] [ abhi-jāta-vāc ] m. f. n. pleasant-voiced, Lit. Kum.
अभिजाति [ abhijāti ] [ abhi-jāti ] f. descent , birth Comm. on Lit. Nir. ix , 4
अभिजातीय [ abhijātīya ] [ abhi-jātīya ] ifc. (f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. R. vi , 10 , 24.
अभिजप् [ abhijap ] [ abhi-√ jap ] to mutter over or whisper to Lit. R.
अभिजभ् [ abhijabh ] [ abhi-√ jabh ] Intens. ( p. [ -jáñjabhāna ] ) to try to swallow , open the mouth to do so Lit. AV. v , 20 , 6 Lit. Kauś.
अभिजल्प् [ abhijalp ] [ abhi-√ jalp ] to address ; to accompany with remarks ; to advocate ; to settle by conversation Lit. MBh. iv , 711.
अभिजि [ abhiji ] [ abhi-√ ji ] [ -jayati ] , to conquer completely , acquire by conquest Lit. AV. Lit. TS. : Desid. [ -jigīṣati ] , to try to win , attack Lit. Suśr.
अभिजित् [ abhijit ] [ abhi-jí t ] m. f. n. victorious Lit. VS. xv , 7
born under the constellation Abhijit Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 36 , ( cf. [ ābhijita ] )
[ abhijit ] m. ( [ t ] ) N. of a Soma sacrifice (part of the great sacrifice Gavām-ayana) Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
N. of a son ( ( Lit. Hariv. ) ) or of the father ( ( Lit. VP. ) ) of Punarvasu
of Vishṇu Lit. L.
N. of a star (a Lyrae) Lit. L.
of the 20th (or 22nd) Nakshatra Lit. AV.
the eighth Muhūrta of the day (about midday) Lit. Kauś.
अभिजिद्विश्वजितौ [ abhijidviśvajitau ] [ abhijid-viśvají tau ] f. du. the two Soma sacrifices called Abhijit and Viśvajit Lit. ŚBr.
अभिजिन्मुहूर्त [ abhijinmuhūrta ] [ abhijin-muhūrta ] m. the eighth Muhūrta (the period comprising twenty-four minutes before and twenty-four after midday) .
अभिजित [ abhijita ] [ abhi-jita ] m. N. of a Nakshatra (see [ abhijí t ] ) Lit. MBh.
of the eighth Muhūrta (see [ abhi-jí t ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
अभिजिति [ abhijiti ] [ abhi-jiti ] f. victory , conquest Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
अभिजिघ्रण [ abhijighraṇa ] [ abhi-jighraṇa ] see [ abhi-√ ghrā ] .
अभिजुष् [ abhijuṣ ] [ abhi-√ juṣ ] (Subj. [ -jújoṣat ] ; pr.p. [ -juṣāṇá ] ) to be pleased with , like Lit. RV. iv , 23 , 1 and 4.
अभिजुष्ट [ abhijuṣṭa ] [ abhi-juṣṭa ] m. f. n. visited , frequented , surrounded by , possessed of Lit. MBh.
अभिजृम्भ् [ abhijṛmbh ] [ abhi-√ jṛmbh ] to open the mouth wide (for swallowing) Lit. R. vi , 2 , 18.
अभिज्ञा [ abhijñā ] [ abhi-√ jñā ] [ -jānāti ] , [ °nīte ] , to recognize , perceive , know , be or become aware of ; to acknowledge , agree to , own ; to remember ( either with the fut.p. or with [ yad ] and impf.) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-2 , 112 seqq. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अभिज्ञ [ abhijña ] [ abhi-jña ] m. f. n. knowing , skilful , clever
understanding , conversant with (gen. or ifc.)
[ abhijñā ] f. remembrance , recollection Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 112
supernatural science or faculty of a Buddha (of which five or six are enumerated, viz. 1. taking any form at will ; 2. hearing to any distance ; 3. seeing to any distance ; 4. penetrating men's thoughts ; 5. knowing their state and antecedents) .cf. [ ṣaḍ ] - [ abh ] °, p. 1109 ( 1315,1 )
[ abhijña ] Nom. P. ° [ jñati ] , to become wise, Lit. Kulârṇ.
अभिज्ञता [ abhijñatā ] [ abhi-jña-tā ] f. ( ( Lit. Ragh. vii , 61 ) ) the knowledge of.
अभिज्ञेतर [ abhijñetara ] [ abhi-jñetara ] m. f. n. not familiar with (comp.), Lit. Śaṃk.
अभिज्ञत्व [ abhijñatva ] [ abhi-jña-tva ] n. the knowledge of.
अभिज्ञात [ abhijñāta ] [ abhi-jñāta ] m. f. n. known, famous, Lit. Lalit.
acquainted with, Lit. Sukh.
अभिज्ञान [ abhijñāna ] [ abhi-jñāna ] n. remembrance , recollection
knowledge Lit. L.
a sign or token of remembrance
any sign or token serving as a proof for (loc. or [ prati ] ) Lit. R.
= [ abhijñāna-śakuntala ] q.v. Lit. Sāh.
अभिज्ञानपत्त्र [ abhijñānapattra ] [ abhi-jñāna-pattra ] n. certificate.
अभिज्ञानशकुन्तल [ abhijñānaśakuntala ] [ abhi-jñāna-śakuntala ] n. title of a play of Kālidāsa i.e. ( the [ nāṭaka ] or play) on the subject of " token- (recognized) -Śakuntalā " Lit. Śāk.
अभिज्ञापक [ abhijñāpaka ] [ abhi-jñāpaka ] m. f. n. making known Lit. BhP.
अभिज्ञायम् [ abhijñāyam ] [ abhi-jñāyam ] see [ yathābhijñāyam ] .
अभिज्ञु [ abhijñu ] [ abhi-√ jñú ] √ [ jñú ] ind. on the knees Lit. RV.
up to the knees Lit. RV. i , 37 , 10 and viii , 92 , 3.
अभिज्वल् [ abhijval ] [ abhi-√ jval ] to blaze forth Lit. MBh. ; Caus. [ -jva-layati ] , to enlighten , illuminate Lit. Vait. : Intens. [ -jājvalīti ] , to blaze up , rise suddenly (as anger , )
अभिडीन [ abhiḍīna ] [ abhi-ḍīna ] n. (√ [ ḍī ] ) , act of flying towards Lit. MBh.
अभितंस् [ abhitaṃs ] [ abhi-√ taṃs ] (perf. 3. pl. [ -tatasré ] ) , to shake out of , rob Lit. RV. iv , 50 , 2 and x , 89 , 15.
अभितड् [ abhitaḍ ] [ abhi-√ taḍ ] [ -tāḍayati ] , to thump , hit , beat , wound , bruise ; (in astron.) to eclipse the greater part of a disk Lit. VarBṛS.
अभिताडित [ abhitāḍita ] [ abhi-tāḍita ] m. f. n. knocked , struck.
अभितन् [ abhitan ] [ abhi-√ tan ] to stretch or spread across or over , be prominent , (aor. 1. pl. [ -tatánāma ] ) Lit. RV. i , 160 , 5 and v , 54 , 15 ; to extend or enlarge in front of (perf. Ā. 2. sg. [ -tatniṣe ] ) Lit. RV. viii , 6 , 25 and ix , 108 , 6.
अभितप् [ abhitap ] [ abhi-√ tap ] to irradiate with heat , to heat Lit. AV. ; to pain , distress: Pass. [ -tapyate ] , to suffer intensely: Caus. [ -tāpayati ] , to distress.
अभितप्त [ abhitapta ] [ abhi-tapta ] m. f. n. scorched , burnt
afflicted about (acc.) Lit. R.
अभिताप [ abhitāpa ] [ abhi-tāpa ] m. extreme heat Lit. Śiś.
agitation , affliction , emotion
great pain.
अभितापिन् [ abhitāpin ] [ abhi-tāpin ] m. f. n. intensely hot, Lit. Dharmaś.
अभितरम् [ abhitaram ] [ abhi-tarám ] see [ abhí ] .
अभितर्ज् [ abhitarj ] [ abhi-√ tarj ] [ -tarjayati ] , to scold , abuse.
अभिताडन [ abhitāḍana ] [ abhi-tāḍana ] n. striking, a stroke, Lit. Śiś.
अभिताम्र [ abhitāmra ] [ abhi-tāmra ] m. f. n. very red , dark-red , murry-coloured Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. xv , 49 ,
अभितिग्मरश्मि [ abhitigmaraśmi ] [ abhi-tigmaraśmi ] ind. towards the sun Lit. Śiś. ix , 11.
अभितुष् [ abhituṣ ] [ abhi-√ tuṣ ] [ -tuṣyati ] , to be glad or pleased Lit. Kathās.
अभितृद् [ abhitṛd ] [ abhi-√ tṛd ] [ -tṛṇatti ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -tṛndhi ] ( for [ tṛnd-dhi ] ) ; aor. Subj. 2. sg. [ -tárdas ] Lit. RV. vi , 17 , 1) to burst open , open , procure (waters) by bursting (the clouds) or by boring (i.e. digging a well) Lit. RV. ; to procure ( [ vā́jam ] , [ vā́jān ] , [ gā́ḥ ] , [ gandharvám ] ) Lit. RV. ; [ annādyam ] , Lit. ŚBr. : Desid. (Subj. 3. pl. [ -tí tṛtsān ] ) to try to open Lit. RV. x , 74 , 4.
अभितृत्ति [ abhitṛtti ] [ abhi-tṛtti ] f. the act of procuring or gaining Lit. Kāṭh.
अभितृप् [ abhitṛp ] [ abhi-√ tṛp ] Caus. [ -tarpayati ] (pr. p. f. pl. [ -tarpáyantīḥ ] Lit. AV.) to satiate , refresh.
अभितृप्त [ abhitṛpta ] [ abhi-tṛpta ] m. f. n. satiated , refreshed.
अभितॄ [ abhitṝ ] [ abhi-√ tṝ ] to come near , approach (Ā. 3. du. [ -tarete ] ) Lit. RV. i , 140 , 3 ; to overtake , get up to Lit. MBh. vii , 280.
अभित्ति [ abhitti ] [ á-bhitti ] f. not bursting Lit. VS. xi , 64
no wall Lit. Kathās.
[ abhitti ] m. f. n. having no walls i.e. no solid foundation Lit. Śiś. iv , 53.
अभित्यज् [ abhityaj ] [ abhi-√ tyaj ] to abandon Lit. R. ii , 47 , 5 (ed. Bomb.)
अभित्रास [ abhitrāsa ] [ abhi-trāsa ] m. putting in fear , intimidating Lit. Āp.
अभित्रिपिष्टप [ abhitripiṣṭapa ] [ abhi-tripiṣṭapa ] m. f. n. being over the three worlds Lit. Hariv.
अभित्वर् [ abhitvar ] [ abhi-√ tvar ] to be in haste.
अभित्सर् [ abhitsar ] [ abhi-√ tsar ] ( 3. pl. [ -tsáranti ] ) to catch , entrap Lit. RV. viii , 2 , 6.
अभित्सार [ abhitsāra ] [ abhi-tsāra ] m. catching , entrapping Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Kāṭh. ( 1315,1 )
अभिदक्षिणम् [ abhidakṣiṇam ] [ abhi-dakṣiṇam ] ind. to or towards the right Lit. Kauś. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Lāṭy.
अभिददि [ abhidadi ] [ abhi-dadí ] see [ abhi- ] √ 1. [ dā ] .
अभिदधत् [ abhidadhat ] [ abhi-dadhat ] m. f. n. pr. p. of 1. [ abhi-√ dhā ] q.v.
अभिदर्शन [ abhidarśana ] [ abhi-darśana ] see [ abhi-√ dṛś ] .
अभिदष्ट [ abhidaṣṭa ] [ abhi-daṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ daṃś ] ) , bitten.
अभिदह् [ abhidah ] [ abhi-√ dah ] to singe , burn Lit. RV. ii , 4 , 7 (aor.p. [ abhi-dákṣat ] ( Lit. Padap. [ -dákṣat ] ) ) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिदा [ abhidā ] [ abhi-√ dā:1 ] [ -dadāti ] , to give , bestow (for a purpose) Lit. MBh. iii , 13309.
अभिददि [ abhidadi ] [ abhi-dadí ] m. an oblation of boiled rice ( [ caru ] ) upon which ghee has been sprinkled Lit. TS.
अभिदापन [ abhidāpana ] [ abhi-dāpana ] n. the being trampled on by elephants as a punishment (?) .
अभिदास् [ abhidās ] [ abhi-√ dās ] Ved. [ -dāsati ] (Subj. 3. sg. [ -dā́sat ] ( Lit. RV. vi , 5 , 4 ) or [ -dā́sāt ] Lit. AV. v , 6 , 10) to consider and treat as an enemy.
अभिदिप्सु [ abhidipsu ] [ abhi-dipsú ] m. f. n. ( [ dips ] Desid. of √ [ dambh ] ) , " wishing to deceive " , inimical , cunning Lit. RV. ii.23 , 10and13.
अभिदिश् [ abhidiś ] [ abhi-√ diś ] to point out Lit. PBr.
अभिदिह् [ abhidih ] [ abhi-√ dih ] to wrap up , envelop in Lit. ĀpŚr.
अभिदिग्ध [ abhidigdha ] [ abhí -digdha ] m. f. n. polished , glazed ( in the fire , [ tápasā ] ) i.e. sharp Lit. AV. v , 18 , 8.
अभिदी [ abhidī ] [ abhi-√ dī:2 ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -didīhi ] ) to radiate , beam forth or towards Lit. RV. ix , 108 , 9.
अभिदीक्ष् [ abhidīkṣ ] [ abhi-√ dīkṣ ] to consecrate one's self ( for a purpose , acc.) Lit. PBr.
अभिदीप् [ abhidīp ] [ abhi-√ dīp ] to blaze towards Lit. Hariv. : Caus. [ dīpayati ] , to cause to shine , make brilliant Lit. Car. ; to blaze or shine all round Lit. AV. iv , 19 , 3.
अभिदु [ abhidu ] [ abhi-√ du:2 ] (pr. p. m. nom. [ dunván ] ) to burn or pain by burning Lit. AV. v , 22 , 2.
अभिदुष् [ abhiduṣ ] [ abhi-√ duṣ ] [ -dūṣayati ] , to contaminate ; to wound.
अभिदुष्ट [ abhiduṣṭa ] [ abhi-duṣṭa ] m. f. n. contaminated Lit. MBh.
अभिदूषित [ abhidūṣita ] [ abhi-dūṣita ] m. f. n. wounded , injured Lit. Suśr.
अभिदुह् [ abhiduh ] [ abhi-√ duh ] to milk in addition to Lit. TBr. ; Caus. P. to cause to milk in addition to Lit. ĀpŚr.
अभिदोहन [ abhidohana ] [ abhi-dohana ] n. milking upon Lit. ĀpŚr.
अभिदोह्य [ abhidohya ] [ abhi-dohya ] n. (impers.) to be milked upon , Lit. ĀpŚr.
अभिदूतम् [ abhidūtam ] [ abhi-dūtam ] ind. towards the messenger, Lit. Śiś.
अभिदूति [ abhidūti ] [ abhi-dūti ] ind. to or towards a female messenger Lit. Śiś. ix , 56 ( quoted in Lit. Sāh.)
अभिदृश् [ abhidṛś ] [ abhi-√ dṛś ] (Inf. [ -draṣṭum ] ) to look at: Caus. [ -darśayati ] , to show ; to point out , denounce any one (acc.) Lit. MBh. i , 7740 : Pass. [ -dṛś-yate ] , to be visible , be in view , appear Lit. Mn. ix , 308 ,
अभिदर्शन [ abhidarśana ] [ abhi-darśana ] n. becoming visible , appearance Lit. Mn. ix , 274.
अभिदेवन [ abhidevana ] [ abhi-devana ] n. a board for playing at dice Lit. MBh. ix , 760.
अभिदोषम् [ abhidoṣam ] [ abhi-doṣam ] ind. about dusk, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अभिद्यु [ abhidyu ] [ abhí -dyu ] m. f. n. directed to heaven , tending or going to heaven Lit. RV.
heavenly , bright Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.
अभिद्रा [ abhidrā ] [ abhi-√ drā:2 ] (aor. Subj. [ -drāsat ] ) to overtake Lit. RV. viii , 47 , 7.
अभिद्रु [ abhidru ] [ abhi-√ dru:2 ] to run up to or near Lit. RV. x , 75 , 2 , ; to attack , overrun , infest.
अभिद्रुत [ abhidruta ] [ abhi-druta ] m. f. n. run towards , attacked.
अभिद्रुत्य [ abhidrutya ] [ abhi-drutya ] ind.p. having attacked.
अभिद्रुह् [ abhidruh ] [ abhi-√ druh ]1 [ -drúhyati ] (aor. Subj. 3. pl. [ -druhan ] ; perf. 1. p. [ -dudróha ] ) to hate , seek to injure or maliciously assail Lit. RV. : Desid. ( p. [ -dudrukṣat ] ) id. Lit. Kāṭh.
अभिद्रुग्ध [ abhidrugdha ] [ abhi-drugdha ] m. f. n. injured , oppressed Lit. BhP.
injuring , oppressing Lit. MBh. v , 2160 Lit. PārGṛ.
अभिद्रुह् [ abhidruh ] [ abhi-drúh ]2 m. f. n. seeking to injure , inimical Lit. RV. i , 122 , 9 (nom. [ -dhrúk ] ) Lit. and ii , 27 , 16 ( cf. [ án-abhidruh ] .)
अभिद्रुह्यमाण [ abhidruhyamāṇa ] [ abhi-druhyamāṇa ] m. f. n. being injured.
अभिधन्व् [ abhidhanv ] [ abhi-√ dhanv ] (aor. 3. pl. [ -ádhan-viṣuḥ ] and perf. Ā. [ -dadhanviré ] ) to come up in haste Lit. RV. iv , 31 , 6 , ix , 13 , 7 and 24 , 2.
अभिधम् [ abhidham ] [ abhi-√ dham ] (p. m. du. [ -dhámantā ] ) to blow towards or against Lit. RV. i , 117 , 21.
अभिध्मात [ abhidhmāta ] [ abhi-dhmāta ] m. f. n. blown on (as an instrument) Lit. Kathās.
अभिधर्म [ abhidharma ] [ abhi-dharma ] m. the dogmas of Buddhist philosophy or metaphysics.
अभिधर्मकोश [ abhidharmakośa ] [ abhi-dharma-kośa ] m. N. of wk. on the preceding.
अभिधर्मपिटक [ abhidharmapiṭaka ] [ abhi-dharma-piṭaka ] m. " basket of metaphysics " , N. of the third section of Buddhist writings.
अभिधर्षण [ abhidharṣaṇa ] [ abhi-dharṣaṇa ] n. (√ [ dhṛṣ ] ) , possession by demoniac spirits Lit. L.
अभिधा [ abhidhā ] [ abhi-√ dhā ]1 [ -dadhāti ] , to surrender any one to (dat. ; aor. Subj. 2. du. [ -dhātam ] ) Lit. RV. i , 120 , 8 ; to bring upon (dat.) Lit. RV. ii , 23 , 6 : Ā. ( rarely P.) to put on or round , put on the furniture of a horse ( cf. [ abhí -hīta ] below) Lit. RV. ; to cover (a country) with an army Lit. MBh. ii , 1090 ; to cover , protect Lit. RV. viii , 67 , 5 (aor. Pot. 2. pl. [ -dhetana ] ) , ; (in classical Sanskṛit generally) to set forth , explain , tell , speak to , address , say , name ( cf. [ abhí -hita ] below) : Pass. [ -dhīyate ] , to be named or called: Caus. [ -dhāpayate ] , to cause to name Lit. ĀśvGṛ. : Desid. Ā. [ -dhí tsate ] , to intend to cover one's self Lit. RV. x , 85 , 30.
अभिधा [ abhidhā ] [ abhi-dhā ]2 f. name , appellation
the literal power or sense of a word Lit. Sāh.
a word , sound Lit. L.
अभिधाध्वंसिन् [ abhidhādhvaṃsin ] [ abhi-dhā-dhvaṃsin ] m. f. n. losing one's , name.
अभिधामूल [ abhidhāmūla ] [ abhi-dhā-mūla ] m. f. n. founded on the literal meaning of a word.
अभिधातव्य [ abhidhātavya ] [ abhi-dhātavya ] m. f. n. to be told or named
to be manifested.
अभिधान [ abhidhāna ] [ abhi-dhāna ] n. telling , naming , speaking , speech , manifesting
a name , title , appellation , expression , word
a vocabulary , dictionary , lexicon
putting together , bringing in close connection Lit. VPrāt.
( compar. [ -tara ] ) Lit. KaushBr.
अभिधानचिन्तामणि [ abhidhānacintāmaṇi ] [ abhi-dhāna-cintāmaṇi ] m. " the jewel that gives every word " , N. of Hemacandra's vocabulary of synonyms.
अभिधानत्व [ abhidhānatva ] [ abhi-dhāna-tva ] n. the state of being used as a name.
अभिधानमाला [ abhidhānamālā ] [ abhi-dhāna-mālā ] f. a dictionary.
अभिधानरत्नमाला [ abhidhānaratnamālā ] [ abhi-dhāna-ratnamālā ] f. N. of Halāyudha's vocabulary.
अभिधानक [ abhidhānaka ] [ abhi-dhānaka ] n. a sound , noise Lit. L.
अभिधानी [ abhidhānī ] [ abhi-dhā́nī ] f. a halter Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
अभिधानीय [ abhidhānīya ] [ abhi-dhānīya ] m. f. n. to be named Lit. L.
अभिधाय [ abhidhāya ] [ abhi-dhāya ] ind.p. having said , having called.
अभिधायक [ abhidhāyaka ] [ abhi-dhāyaka ] m. f. n. naming , expressing , expressive of , denominating Lit. RPrāt.
telling , speaking.
अभिधायकत्व [ abhidhāyakatva ] [ abhi-dhāyaka-tva ] n. the state of being expressive.
अभिधायम् [ abhidhāyam ] [ abhi-dhāyam ] ind. ifc. see [ gotrābhidhāyam ] .
अभिधायिन् [ abhidhāyin ] [ abhi-dhāyin ] m. f. n. = [ abhi-dhāyaka ] ( cf. [ pṛṣṭābhidhāyin ] .)
अभिधित्सा [ abhidhitsā ] [ abhi-dhitsā ] f. desire of expressing or naming Lit. Kpr.
अभिधेय [ abhidheya ] [ abhi-dheya ] m. f. n. to be named or mentioned
to be expressed , to be spoken of Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 51 Sch.
being , spoken of , being expressed Lit. Sāh.
[ abhidheya ] n. signification , meaning
" that which is expressed or referred to " , the substantive.
अभिधेयता [ abhidheyatā ] [ abhi-dheya-tā ] f. signification , meaning.
अभिधेयरहित [ abhidheyarahita ] [ abhi-dheya-rahita ] m. f. n. having no sense or meaning , unmeaning , nonsensical.
अभिहित [ abhihita ] [ abhí -hita ] see s.v.
अभिहिति [ abhihiti ] [ abhi-hiti ] see s.v.
अभिधाव् [ abhidhāv ] [ abhi-√ dhāv ] [ -dhāvati ] , to run up towards , to rush upon , attack Lit. RV.
अभिधावक [ abhidhāvaka ] [ abhi-dhāvaka ] m. f. n. running up , hastening towards Lit. Yājñ. ii , 234
assailing , an assailant.
अभिधावन [ abhidhāvana ] [ abhi-dhāvana ] n. running up , attack.
अभिधि [ abhidhi ] [ abhi-√ dhi:3 ] (impf. 3. pl. [ abhy-adhinvan ] ) to satisfy Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. PBr.
अभिधी [ abhidhī ] [ abhi-√ dhī ] (perf. 1. sg. [ -dīdhayā ] ; p. Ā. [ -dī́dhyāna ] Lit. RV. iv , 33 , 9) to reflect upon , consider Lit. RV. iii , 38 , 1 and x , 32 , 4.
अभिधू [ abhidhū ] [ abhi-√ dhū ] ( p. [ -dhūnvat ] ) to shake Lit. TĀr.
अभिधृ [ abhidhṛ ] [ abhi-√ dhṛ ] Caus. [ -dhārayati ] , to uphold , maintain Lit. MBh.
अभिधृष् [ abhidhṛṣ ] [ abhi-√ dhṛṣ ] to overpower , (impf. 3. pl. [ -adhṛṣṇuvan ] ) Lit. Kāṭh. ; (perf. 3. pl. [ -dādhṛ-ṣuḥ ] ) Lit. AV. i , 27 , 3. Caus. [ -dharṣayati ] , id. Lit. MBh.
अभिधृष्णु [ abhidhṛṣṇu ] [ abhi-dhṛṣṇú ] m. f. n. powerful over (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिध्मात [ abhidhmāta ] [ abhi-dhmāta ] see [ abhi-√ dham ] .
अभिध्यै [ abhidhyai ] [ abhi-√ dhyai ] [ -dhyāyati ] , to direct one's intention to , set one's heart upon , intend , desire Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. ; to meditate Lit. Mn. i , 8 ,
अभिध्यान [ abhidhyāna ] [ abhi-dhyāna ] n. desiring , longing for (loc.) Lit. Mn. xii , 5 ,
meditation Lit. Up.
अभिध्यायिन् [ abhidhyāyin ] [ abhi-dhyāyin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) giving one's attention to Lit. MārkP.
अभिध्यालु [ abhidhyālu ] [ abhi-dhyālu ] m. f. n. covetous, Lit. Divyâv.
अभिध्येय [ abhidhyeya ] [ abhi-dhyeya ] m. f. n. deserving attention Lit. BhP.
(neg. [ an- ] ) Lit. MBh.
अभिध्वंस् [ abhidhvaṃs ] [ abhi-√ dhvaṃs ] Caus. [ -dhvaṃsayati ] , to sprinkle with dust , dust Lit. Kāṭh.
अभिध्वस्त [ abhidhvasta ] [ abhi-dhvasta ] m. f. n. afflicted by (instr.) Lit. MBh. v , 3230.
अभिध्वन् [ abhidhvan ] [ abhi-√ dhvan ] to resound , whiz (as arrows) Lit. Śiś. xx , 13.
अभिनक्ष् [ abhinakṣ ] [ abhi-√ nakṣ ] [ -nákṣati ] ( perf 3. pl. [ -nanakṣúḥ ] ; p. P. [ -nákṣat ] Ā. [ -nákṣamāṇa ] ) to approach , come to , arrive at Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
अभिनद् [ abhinad ] [ abhi-√ nad ] to sound towards (acc.) Lit. BhP. ; to sound , raise a noise Lit. Hariv. : Caus. [ -nādayati ] (perf. Pass. p. [ -nādita ] , or for the sake of the metre [ -nadita ] ( Lit. R. ) ) , to cause to sound , fill with noise.
अभिनद्ध [ abhinaddha ] [ abhi-naddha ] m. f. n. (√ [ nah ] ) , " tied round "
अभिनद्धाक्ष [ abhinaddhākṣa ] [ abhi-naddhākṣa ] m. f. n. blindfold Lit. ChUp.
अभिनहन [ abhinahana ] [ abhi-nahana ] n. a bandage (over the eyes) Lit. ChUp.
अभिनन्द् [ abhinand ] [ abhi-√ nand ] to please Lit. AV. ix , 2 , 2 ; to rejoice at , salute , welcome , greet , hail ; to praise , applaud , approve (often with [ na ] neg. " to refuse " ) ; to acknowledge: Caus. [ -nandayati ] , to gladden Lit. R.
अभिनन्द [ abhinanda ] [ abhi-nánda ] m. the delight , pleasure (of sensuality) Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. ChUp.
wish , desire for (ifc.) Lit. Suśr.
N. of the first month
N. of a commentator on the Amara-kosha
N. of the author of the Yoga-vāsishṭhasāra
[ abhinandā ] f. delight Lit. L.
wish Lit. L.
अभिनन्दन [ abhinandana ] [ abhi-nandana ] n. delighting Lit. L.
praising , applauding Lit. L.
wish , desire Lit. L.
[ abhinandana ] m. N. of the fourth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī.
अभिनन्दनीय [ abhinandanīya ] [ abhi-nandanīya ] m. f. n. to be acknowledged or applauded Lit. Śāk.
अभिनन्दित [ abhinandita ] [ abhi-nandita ] m. f. n. delighted , made happy , saluted , applauded ,
अभिनन्दितृ [ abhinanditṛ ] [ abhi-nanditṛ ] m. f. n. gladdening Lit. MBh.
अभिनन्द्य [ abhinandya ] [ abhi-nandya ]1 m. f. n. = [ abhi-nandanīya ] Lit. Śāk. Lit. Ragh. v , 31.
अभिनन्द्य [ abhinandya ] [ abhi-nandya ]2 ind.p. having rejoiced at
having gladdened.
अभिनभस् [ abhinabhas ] [ abhi-nabhas ] ind. towards the sky.
अभिनभ्यम् [ abhinabhyam ] [ abhi-nabhyám ] ind. near the clouds or the sky Lit. RV. x , 119 , 12.
अभिनम् [ abhinam ] [ abhi-√ nam ] (aor. 3. sg. [ -anamat ] , or [ -anān ] ( Lit. Kāṭh. ) ) to bow or bend or turn towards.
अभिनत [ abhinata ] [ abhi-nata ] m. f. n. bent , inclined, Lit. KaushBr.
अभिनम्र [ abhinamra ] [ abhi-namra ] m. f. n. deeply bowed or curved Lit. Ragh. xiii , 32.
अभिनामिन् [ abhināmin ] [ abhi-nāmin ] m. N. of a Ṛishi in the sixth Manvantara Lit. VP.
अभिनय [ abhinaya ] [ abhi-naya ] see 1. [ abhi-√ nī ] .
अभिनर्द् [ abhinard ] [ abhi-√ nard ] P. ( ep. also Ā.) to roar towards Lit. MBh. ; to roar Lit. R.
अभिनव [ abhinava ] [ abhi-nava ] m. f. n. quite new or young , very young , fresh
modern ( cf. [ -kālidāsa ] and [ -śākaṭāyana ] below)
N. of two men Lit. Rājat.
not having experience Lit. L.
अभिनवकालिदास [ abhinavakālidāsa ] [ abhi-nava-kālidāsa ] m. the modern Kālidāsa , i.e. Mādhavācārya.
अभिनवगुप्त [ abhinavagupta ] [ abhi-nava-gupta ] m. N. of a well-known author.
अभिनवचन्द्रार्घविधि [ abhinavacandrārghavidhi ] [ abhi-nava-candrārgha-vidhi ] m. " a ceremony performed at the time of the new moon " , N. of the 114th chapter in the Lit. BhavP. ii.
अभिनवयौवन [ abhinavayauvana ] [ abhi-nava-yauvana ] m. f. n. youthful Lit. Hit.
अभिनववैयाकरण [ abhinavavaiyākaraṇa ] [ abhi-nava-vaiyākaraṇa ] m. a modern grammarian.
अभिनवशाकटायन [ abhinavaśākaṭāyana ] [ abhi-nava-śākaṭāyana ] m. the modern Śākaṭāyana.
अभिनवीभू [ abhinavībhū ] [ abhinavī-√ bhū ] to become new Comm. on Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अभिनवोद्भिद् [ abhinavodbhid ] [ abhinavodbhid ] m. a new bud.
अभिनश् [ abhinaś ] [ abhi-√ naś:1 ] (aor. Subj. 3. sg. [ -naṭ ] Lit. RV. vii , 104 , 23) to attain , reach Lit. RV.
अभिनहन [ abhinahana ] [ abhi-nahana ] see [ abhi-naddha ] .
अभिनामधेय [ abhināmadheya ] [ abhi-nāmadheya ] n. a surname, Lit. R.
अभिनासिकाविवरम् [ abhināsikāvivaram ] [ abhi-nāsikāvivaram ] ind. to the opening of the nose Lit. Śiś. ix , 52.
अभिनिःसृ [ abhiniḥsṛ ] [ abhi-niḥ-√ sṛ ] to stream forth , issue Lit. Suśr.
अभिनिःसृत [ abhiniḥsṛta ] [ abhi-niḥ-sṛta ] m. f. n. issued or issuing from (abl.) Lit. ChUp. ( = Lit. KaṭhUp.) Lit. Yājñ.
अभिनिःसृज् [ abhiniḥsṛj ] [ abhi-niḥ-√ sṛj ] to pour out towards Lit. ŚBr.
अभिनिःसृप् [ abhiniḥsṛp ] [ abhi-niḥ-√ sṛp ] to move towards Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अभिनिःस्तन् [ abhiniḥstan ] [ abhi-niḥ-√ stan ] to sound heavily (as a drum) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 86 Sch.
अभिनिष्टान [ abhiniṣṭāna ] [ abhi-niṣṭāna ] m. " a sound which dies away " , the Visarga Lit. APrāt. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अभिनिस्तान [ abhinistāna ] [ abhi-nistāna ] m. = [ abhi-niṣṭāna ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 86.
अभिनिक्रम् [ abhinikram ] [ abhi-ni-√ kram ] (aor. 2. sg. [ -akramīs ] ) to tread down ( with acc.) Lit. RV. x , 60 , 6.
अभिनिगद् [ abhinigad ] [ abhi-ni-√ gad ] to speak to Lit. Kauś.
अभिनिगदन [ abhinigadana ] [ abhi-nigadana ] n. the act of talking or reciting to, Lit. Kauś.
अभिनिधन [ abhinidhana ] [ abhi-nidhana ] n. N. of different verses of the Sāma-veda Lit. KātyŚr.
अभिनिधा [ abhinidhā ] [ abhi-ni-√ dhā ] P. to place upon or into (loc.) Lit. ŚBr. ; Ā. to place upon one's self (as a burden) Lit. AitBr. ; to touch slightly with (instr.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. : Pass. [ -dhīyate ] , " to be touched by each other " , be in close contact ( as the letters [ e ] , [ o ] and [ a ] in the Sandhi called [ abhiní hita ] q.v.) Lit. Prāt.
अभिनिधान [ abhinidhāna ] [ abhi-ni-dhāna ] n. placing upon Lit. KātyŚr.
[ abhinidhāna ] m. ( Lit. APrāt. and Lit. TPrāt. ) or n. ( Lit. RPrāt. ) " touching " or close contact ( of letters in pronunciation , especially in the cases where initial [ a ] is suppressed after [ e ] and [ o ] ) .
अभिनिहित [ abhinihita ] [ abhi-ní -hita ] m. f. n. touched with (instr. ; also [ án- ] neg.) Lit. ŚBr.
[ abhinihita ] m. " close contact " , N. of a special Sandhi (by which final [ e ] and [ o ] are brought into close contact with the initial [ a ] of the following word , which in the old language probably was not entirely suppressed) Lit. Prāt.
अभिनिध्यै [ abhinidhyai ] [ abhi-ni-√ dhyai ] to give attention to Lit. R.
अभिनिनर्तम् [ abhininartam ] [ abhi-ni-nartam ] ind. (√ [ nṛt ] ) , so as to accomplish step by step i.e. repeating separately , Lit. KaushBr. ( cf. [ abhy-ā-gāram ] .)
अभिनिनी [ abhininī ] [ abhi-ni-√ nī ] to pour out (water ) upon Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr. ; ( [ ni-√ nī ] .)
अभिनिपत् [ abhinipat ] [ abhi-ni-√ pat ] Caus. [ -pātayati ] , to throw down Lit. MBh.
अभिनिपात [ abhinipāta ] [ abhi-ni-pāta ] m. = [ abhini-dhāna ] m. or n. above Comm. on Lit. APrāt.
अभिनिपीड् [ abhinipīḍ ] [ abhi-ni-√ pīḍ ] to press , squeeze , trouble Lit. MBh.
अभिनिपीडित [ abhinipīḍita ] [ abhi-nipīḍita ] m. f. n. pained , tormented.
अभिनिमन्त्र् [ abhinimantr ] [ abhi-ni-√ mantr ] to summon , invite Lit. Hariv.
अभिनिम्रुच् [ abhinimruc ] [ abhi-ni-√ mruc ] [ -mrócati ] (said of the sun) to set upon anybody who is sleeping or has not finished his work Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. Lit. Kāṭh.
अभिनिम्रोक [ abhinimroka ] [ abhi-nimroka ] m. ( Lit. ĀpŚr., Sch.) the setting of the sun upon anything.
अभिनिम्रुक्त [ abhinimrukta ] [ abhi-ni-mrukta ] m. f. n. upon whom while not doing any work or while sleeping the sun has set Lit. TBr.
( wrongly written [ abhi-nir-mukta ] ) Lit. Mn. ii , 221 and Lit. BhP.
अभिनिम्लुच् [ abhinimluc ] [ abhi-ni-√ mluc ] = [ -√ mruc ] before Lit. Mn. ii , 219 ( cf. [ ni-√ mruc ] and [ ni-√ mluc ] .)
अभिनिम्लुप्त [ abhinimlupta ] [ abhi-ni-mlupta ] = [ abhi-ni-mrukta ] above Lit. Gobh.
अभिनिम्लोचन [ abhinimlocana ] [ abhi-nimlocana ] n. ( Lit. KātyŚr., Sch.) the setting of the sun upon anything.
अभिनियम [ abhiniyama ] [ abhi-niyama ] m. definiteness as to (comp.), Lit. Āpast.
अभिनियुक्त [ abhiniyukta ] [ abhi-niyukta ] m. f. n. (√ [ yuj ] ) , occupied in.
अभिनिरस् [ abhiniras ] [ abhi-nir-√ as:2 ] to throw towards Lit. Kauś.
अभिनिर्गम् [ abhinirgam ] [ abhi-nir-√ gam ] to go out or away from (abl.) Lit. R.
अभिनिर्जित [ abhinirjita ] [ abhi-nirjita ] m. f. n. (√ [ ji ] ) , conquered Lit. MBh. xiv , 2220.
अभिनिर्णुद् [ abhinirṇud ] [ abhi-nir-ṇud ] ( Preverb. [ √ nud ] ) , (Pot. [ -ṇudet ] ) to drive out , frighten away Lit. MBh. xii , 10728.
अभिनिर्दिश् [ abhinirdiś ] [ abhi-nir-√ diś ] to point out , indicate Lit. TS. ; to appoint , characterize Lit. Mn. x , 20 ; to settle , fix Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.
अभिनिर्भर्त्स् [ abhinirbharts ] [ abhi-nir-√ bharts ] (ind.p. [ -bhartsya ] ) to scold thoroughly Lit. R. ii , 78 , 19.
अभिनिर्मि [ abhinirmi ] [ abhi-nir-√ mi ] P. - [ miṇoti ] , to cause by a miracle, Lit. Divyâv.
to assume a shape, ib.
अभिनिर्मित [ abhinirmita ] [ abhi-nirmita ] m. f. n. (√ 3. [ mā ] ) , made , created Lit. R. iii , 76 , 30 Lit. Kir. v , 3.
अभिनिर्मुक्त [ abhinirmukta ] [ abhi-nir-mukta ] for [ abhi-ni-mrukta ] q.v.
अभिनिर्या [ abhiniryā ] [ abhi-nir-√ yā ] to march out , go out towards (dat.) or from (abl.) Lit. MBh.
अभिनिर्याण [ abhiniryāṇa ] [ abhi-niryāṇa ] n. march of an assailant Lit. L.
= [ abhi ] - [ niṣkramaṇa ] , Lit. Bcar.
अभिनिर्वद् [ abhinirvad ] [ abhi-nir-√ vad ] to declare with regard to (acc.) Lit. PBr.
अभिनिर्वप् [ abhinirvap ] [ abhi-nir-√ vap:2 ] to share out or add anything to another thing (either acc. and loc. ( Lit. TS. ) or instr. and acc. ( Lit. AitBr. ) ) .
अभिनिर्वृत् [ abhinirvṛt ] [ abhi-nir-√ vṛt ] to result from , proceed Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -vartayati ] , to produce , accomplish Lit. Hariv.
अभिनिर्वृत्त [ abhinirvṛtta ] [ abhi-nirvṛtta ] m. f. n. resulting from Lit. MBh.
अभिनिर्वृत्ति [ abhinirvṛtti ] [ abhi-nirvṛtti ] f. resulting , proceeding , accomplishment.
अभिनिर्हृ [ abhinirhṛ ] [ abhi-nir-√ hṛ ] to obtain (?), ib.
अभिनिलीयमानक [ abhinilīyamānaka ] [ abhi-ni-līyamānaka ] m. f. n. (√ [ lī ] ) , (a bird) lying down in its nest in the presence of (a spectator) Lit. VarBṛS.
अभिनिवर्तम् [ abhinivartam ] [ abhi-ni-vártam ] ind. (√ [ vṛt ] ) , so as to turn back towards (acc.) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kāṭh.
अभिनिविश् [ abhiniviś ] [ abhi-ni-√ viś ] [ -viśate ] , to enter ( with acc.) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 47 Sch. ; to disembogue (as a river) into (acc.) Lit. BhP. ; to devote one's self entirely to (acc.) Lit. Daś. : Caus. [ -veśayati ] , to cause to enter , lead into (acc.) Lit. BhP. ; to cause to sit down upon (loc.) Lit. Śiś. ; to cause any one to devote himself entirely to Lit. MBh. , ( with [ manas ] , or [ ātmānam ] ) to devote one's attention to (loc.) Lit. BhP.
अभिनिविष्ट [ abhiniviṣṭa ] [ abhi-niviṣṭa ] m. f. n. entered or plunged into
intent on (loc. or in comp.)
endowed with Lit. Ragh. ii , 75
determined , persevering.
अभिनिविष्टक [ abhiniviṣṭaka ] [ abhi-niviṣṭaka ] m. f. n. (prob.) stale, flat, Lit. MānGṛ.
अभिनिविष्टता [ abhiniviṣṭatā ] [ abhi-niviṣṭa-tā ] f. state of being persevering Lit. Sāh.
अभिनिवेश [ abhiniveśa ] [ abhi-niveśa ] m. application , intentness , study , affection , devotion ( with loc. or ifc.)
determination (to effect a purpose or attain an object) , tenacity , adherence to (loc.) Lit. Kum. v , 7 ,
अभिनिवेशन [ abhiniveśana ] [ abhi-niveśana ] n. application to, intentness on (comp.), Lit. Car.
अभिनिवेशित [ abhiniveśita ] [ abhi-niveśita ] m. f. n. made to enter into , plunged into.
अभिनिवेशिन् [ abhiniveśin ] [ abhi-niveśin ] m. f. n. intent upon , devoted to Lit. Yājñ. iii , 134
अभिनिवृत् [ abhinivṛt ] [ abhi-ni-√ vṛt ] to become, ib.
अभिनिशम् [ abhiniśam ] [ abhi-ni-√ śam ] (ind.p. [ -śāmya ] ) to perceive , notice Lit. Daś.
अभिनिश्चिक्रमिषा [ abhiniścikramiṣā ] [ abhi-niścikramiṣā ] f. desire of going forth from home, Lit. Bcar.
अभिनिश्चित [ abhiniścita ] [ abhi-niścita ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ ci ] ) , quite convinced of. Lit. MBh. xii , 10635
settled or fixed with regard to (acc.) Lit. MBh. iii , 1085.
अभिनिश्रि [ abhiniśri ] [ abhi-ni-√ śri ] to pass (from one thing) to another (acc.) Lit. Āp.
अभिनिषद् [ abhiniṣad ] [ abhi-ni-ṣad ] ( Preverb. [ √ sad ] ) to sit down or settle round (perf. 3. sg. [ -ṣasāda ] ) Lit. RV. vii , 15 , 2 ; ( Opt. 1. pl. [ -ṣīdema ] ) Lit. AV. xii , 1 , 29.
अभिनिषिच् [ abhiniṣic ] [ abhi-ni-ṣic ] (√ [ sic ] ), to pour out, effuse, ib.
अभिनिष्कारिन् [ abhiniṣkārin ] [ abhi-niṣ-kārí n ] m. f. n. intending anything evil against , injuring Lit. AV. x , 1 , 31 ( cf. [ abhi-kṛ́tvarī ] .)
अभिनिष्कृत [ abhiniṣkṛta ] [ abhi-ní ṣ-kṛta ] m. f. n. directed against (as an evil action) Lit. AV. x , 1 , 12.
अभिनिष्क्रम् [ abhiniṣkram ] [ abhi-niṣ-√ kram ] to go out towards ; to lead towards (as a door) Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 86 ; to leave the house in order to become an anchorite Lit. Buddh. and Lit. Jain.
अभिनिष्क्रमण [ abhiniṣkramaṇa ] [ abhi-niṣkramaṇa ] n. going forth
leaving the house in order to become an anchorite Lit. Buddh. and Lit. Jain.
अभिनिष्क्रान्त [ abhiniṣkrānta ] [ abhí -niṣkrānta ] m. f. n. gone out towards
descended from (abl.) Lit. R.
having left the house (abl.) in order to become an anchorite Lit. Mn. vi , 41 Lit. Buddh. and Lit. Jain.
अभिनिष्क्रान्तगृहावास [ abhiniṣkrāntagṛhāvāsa ] [ abhí -niṣkrānta-gṛhāvāsa ] m. f. n. having left his house (for becoming an anchorite) Lit. Buddh.
अभिनिष्टान [ abhiniṣṭāna ] [ abhi-niṣṭāna ] see [ abhi-niḥ-√ stan ] .
अभिनिष्ठिव् [ abhiniṣṭhiv ] [ abhi-ni-√ ṣṭhiv ] to spit upon Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś.
अभिनिष्पत् [ abhiniṣpat ] [ abhi-niṣ-√ pat ] to fly out towards (acc.) Lit. AV. vii , 64 , 1 ; to spring forth , shoot forth.
अभिनिष्पतन [ abhiniṣpatana ] [ abhi-niṣpatana ] n. springing forth , issuing.
अभिनिष्पद् [ abhiniṣpad ] [ abhi-niṣ-√ pad ] to come to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. ; to enter into , become ( with acc.) Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. ChUp. ; to appear Lit. ChUp. : Caus. [ -pādayati ] , to bring to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. ( 64,2 )
अभिनिष्पत्ति [ abhiniṣpatti ] [ abhi-niṣpatti ] f. appearance Comm. on Lit. ChUp.
अभिनिस्यन्द् [ abhinisyand ] [ abhi-ni-√ syand ] ( or [ -ṣyand ] ) , to trickle upon Lit. MBh. xii , 3881.
अभिनिष्यन्द [ abhiniṣyanda ] [ abhi-ni-ṣyanda ] m. trickling Lit. R.
अभिनिहन् [ abhinihan ] [ abhi-ni-√ han ] ( p. [ -ghnat ] ) to beat , strike Lit. MBh.
अभिनिहत [ abhinihata ] [ abhi-ni-hata ] m. f. n. put on (as on a spit) , ( [ abhí ní hata ] ) Lit. RV. i , 162 , 11
for [ abhi-ní -hita ] q.v. Lit. APrāt.
अभिनिहित [ abhinihita ] [ abhi-ní -hita ] see [ abhi-ni-√ dhā ] .
अभिनिह्नव [ abhinihnava ] [ abhi-nihnava ] m. (√ [ hnu ] ) , denial Lit. L.
N. of a Sāman.
अभिनी [ abhinī ] [ abhi-√ nī ]1 (perf. Opt. [ -ninīyāt ] Lit. RV. vii , 88 , 2 ; aor. Subj. 2. sg. [ -neṣi ] Lit. RV. vi , 61 , 14) to conduct towards , bring near Lit. RV. ; to represent dramatically , act ; to adduce , quote Lit. L.
अभिनय [ abhinaya ] [ abhi-naya ] m. (indication of a passion or purpose by look , gesture , ) acting , dramatic action (expressive of sentiment)
अभिनीत [ abhinīta ] [ abhi-nīta ] m. f. n. brought near
performed Lit. L.
highly finished or ornamented Lit. L.
fit , proper Lit. MBh.
= [ marṣin ] or [ amarṣin ] (? patient or impatient) Lit. L.
अभिनीति [ abhinīti ] [ abhi-nīti ] f. gesture , expressive gesticulation Lit. L.
friendship , civility Lit. L.
persuasion, Lit. Kir.
अभिनेतव्य [ abhinetavya ] [ abhi-netavya ] m. f. n. to be represented dramatically.
अभिनी [ abhinī ] [ abhi-nī ]2 ( Preverb. [ -ni-√ i ] ) , ( Imper. [ -nyétu ] ) to enter into (as in approaching a woman) Lit. RV. x , 149 , 4.
अभिनील [ abhinīla ] [ abhi-nīla ] m. f. n. very black or dark.
अभिनीलनेत्रता [ abhinīlanetratā ] [ abhi-nīla-netratā ] f. having dark-blue eyes (one of the 32 signs of perfection), Lit. Dharmas. 83.
अभिनु [ abhinu ] [ abhi-√ nu:3 ]1 Ā. ( 3. pl. [ abhī́navante ] ) to turn one's self towards (acc.) Lit. RV. ix , 100 , 1.
अभिनु [ abhinu ] [ abhi-√ nu:4 ]2 P. Ā. ( pr. 1. pl. [ -navāmahe ] , 3. pl. [ -navante ] ; impf. P. 3. pl. [ -anāvan ] ; aor. 1. sg. [ -anūṣi ] , 3. du. [ -anūṣātām ] , 3. pl. [ -anūṣata ] ( very frequently ) or [ -nūṣata ] Lit. RV. ix , 103 , 3) to shout towards (acc.) Lit. RV. : Intens. ( 1. pl. [ -nonumas ] ) id. Lit. RV.
अभिनुद् [ abhinud ] [ abhi-√ nud ] to push , press: Caus. [ -nodayati ] , to excite , spur or urge on.
अभिनृत् [ abhinṛt ] [ abhi-√ nṛt ] [ -nṛtyati ] , to dance towards (acc.) or in imitation of (acc.) Lit. BhP.
अभिनृम्ण [ abhinṛmṇa ] [ abhi-nṛmṇa ] m. f. n. exceedingly propitious Lit. BhP.
अभिन्न [ abhinna ] [ á-bhinna ] m. f. n. (√ [ bhid ] ) , uncut , unbroken Lit. ŚBr.
uninterrupted Lit. RV. vi , 28 , 2
( [ a-bhinná ] ) Lit. AV.
(in arithm.) " undivided " , integer , whole (as numbers)
unchanged , unaltered , not different from (abl. or in comp.)
अभिन्नकाल [ abhinnakāla ] [ a-bhinna-kāla ] m. f. n. occurring at the same time, Lit. BhP.
अभिन्नगति [ abhinnagati ] [ á-bhinna-gati ] m. f. n. not changing its course Lit. Śāk.
अभिन्नतरक [ abhinnataraka ] [ á-bhinna-taraka ] m. f. n. (compar.) not at all different Lit. Pat.
अभिन्नता [ abhinnatā ] [ á-bhinna-tā ] f. ( ( Lit. R. ) ) " non-difference " , identity
(with numbers) wholeness.
अभिन्नत्व [ abhinnatva ] [ á-bhinna-tva ] n. ( ( Lit. R. ) ) " non-difference " , identity
(with numbers) wholeness.
अभिन्नपरिकर्माष्टक [ abhinnaparikarmāṣṭaka ] [ á-bhinna-parikarmāṣṭaka ] n. the eight processes in working whole numbers.
अभिन्नवेल [ abhinnavela ] [ a-bhinna-vela ] m. f. n. not breaking bounds, Lit. Kāvyâd.
अभिन्नस्थिति [ abhinnasthiti ] [ á-bhinna-sthiti ] m. f. n. not breaking its rules Lit. Śāk.
अभिन्नात्मन् [ abhinnātman ] [ abhinnātman ] m. f. n. " of undaunted spirit " , firm.
अभिन्नाण्ड [ abhinnāṇḍa ] [ a-bhinnāṇḍa ] m. f. n. having a whole egg, Lit. MānGṛ.
अभिन्यस् [ abhinyas ] [ abhi-ny-√ as:2 ] [ -asyati ] , to depress (as fire) Lit. KātyŚr.
अभिन्यास [ abhinyāsa ] [ abhi-nyāsa ] m. a kind of fever Lit. Bhpr.
अभिन्युब्ज् [ abhinyubj ] [ abhi-ny-√ ubj ] to press down , hold down Lit. AV. viii , 8 , 6 Lit. Kauś.
अभिपच् [ abhipac ] [ abhi-√ pac ] to boil up (as milk) Lit. Suśr.
अभिपठित [ abhipaṭhita ] [ abhi-paṭhita ] m. f. n. denominated , named Lit. Suśr.
अभिपत् [ abhipat ] [ abhi-√ pat:1 ]1 [ -patyate ] , to be lord over (acc.) Lit. RV. viii , 102 , 9 ; pr. p. [ -pātyamāna ] , possessing Lit. RV. x , 132 , 3.
अभिपत् [ abhipat ] [ abhi-√ pat:2 ]2 to fly near , hasten near ; to rush towards , assail ; to fall down upon (acc.) Lit. AV. vi , 124 , 1 and 2 (aor. [ abhy-ápapta ] & [ abhy-ápaptat ] ) , ; to fall or come into (acc.) ; to fly through or over Lit. MBh. v , 3051 ; to overtake in flying Lit. MBh. viii , 1910 : Caus. [ -pātayati ] , to throw after with (instr.) Lit. TBr. ; to throw upon (dat. or loc.) ; to throw down ; to pass (time) . ( 64,3 )
अभिपतन [ abhipatana ] [ abhi-patana ] n. flying towards.
अभिपात [ abhipāta ] [ abhi-pāta ] m. hastening near Lit. Kād.
अभिपातिन् [ abhipātin ] [ abhi-pātin ] m. f. n. hastening near
running to the help of ( in comp.) Lit. MBh. iii , 284.
अभिपित्व [ abhipitva ] [ abhi-pitvá ] n. ( cf. [ apa-pitvá ] ) , approaching , visiting , putting up (for the night at an inn) Lit. RV.
( with or without the gen. pl. [ áhnām ] ) close or departure of the day , evening Lit. RV.
अभिपद् [ abhipad ] [ abhi-√ pad ] to come near or towards , approach ; to approach (a deity) for imploring her help Lit. Śiś. ix , 27 ; to come up (as an auxiliary) , assist ; to seize , catch , overpower , master Lit. RV. x , 71 , 9 Lit. ŚBr. ; to take possession of Lit. Mn. i , 30 , ; to accept Lit. R. ; to undertake , devote one's self to (acc.)
अभिपत्ति [ abhipatti ] [ abhí -patti ] f. seizing Lit. ŚBr.
अभिपत्तिमत् [ abhipattimat ] [ abhi-patti-mat ] m. f. n. possessed of, Lit. Jātakam.
अभिपन्न [ abhipanna ] [ abhí -panna ] m. f. n. approaching for imploring the help of Lit. L.
assisted Lit. MBh.
seized , overpowered Lit. ŚBr.
undertaking , taking in hand
undertaken , taken in hand
one who has acted wrongly towards ( in comp.) Lit. MBh. xii , 68 , 50 and 58
distant Lit. L.
dead Lit. L.
अभिपद्म [ abhipadma ] [ abhi-padma ] m. f. n. (said of elephants) having red spots on the skin Lit. MBh. i , 7013.
अभिपरावद् [ abhiparāvad ] [ abhi-parā-√ vad ] to speak to , address Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KaushBr.
अभिपरिग्रह् [ abhiparigrah ] [ abhi-pari-√ grah ] to clasp , embrace Lit. MānGṛ.
अभिपरिग्लान [ abhipariglāna ] [ abhi-pari-glāna ] m. f. n. (√ [ glai ] ) , tired , exhausted Lit. MBh. i , 4489.
अभिपरिप्लुत [ abhiparipluta ] [ abhi-paripluta ] m. f. n. overflowed with (as [ medasā ] , [ rajasā ] ( said of a wife during menstruation Lit. MBh. iii , 523 ; cf. [ abhi-pluta ] below ) , )
attacked , afflicted by (instr. ; as by anger , sorrow , compassion , ) Lit. MBh.
अभिपरिष्वञ्ज् [ abhipariṣvañj ] [ abhi-pari-ṣvañj ] ( Preverb. [ √ svañj ] ) , (p. [ -ṣvajat ] ) to embrace Lit. R.
अभिपरिहन् [ abhiparihan ] [ abhi-pari-√ han ] to overpower entirely Lit. ŚBr.
अभिपरिहृ [ abhiparihṛ ] [ abhi-pari-√ hṛ ] P. to move round (in a circle) Lit. ŚBr. : P. with [ ātmānam ] ( ( Lit. Kauś. ) ) or Caus. Ā. ( Opt. 3. pl. [ -hārayeran ] ) ( ( Lit. ĀśvŚr. ) ) to move round one's self.
अभिपरिहार [ abhiparihāra ] [ abhi-pari-hāra ] m. moving round , ( [ an- ] neg.) Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अभिपरीत [ abhiparīta ] [ abhi-parīta ] m. f. n. (√ [ i ] ) , filled or taken with , seized by (instr. , in comp.) Lit. MBh.
अभिपरीवृत [ abhiparīvṛta ] [ abhi-parī-vṛta ] m. f. n. (√ [ vṛ ] ) , filled or taken with (instr. ; as with anger) Lit. R.
अभिपरे [ abhipare ] [ abhi-pare ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -párehi ] ) to go away towards (acc.) Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 34 and 35.
अभिपर्याधा [ abhiparyādhā ] [ abhi-pary-ā-√ dhā ] (= [ pary-ā-√ dhā ] q.v.) , to surround (as a pan with fire) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिपर्यावृत् [ abhiparyāvṛt ] [ abhi-pary-ā-√ vṛt ] Ā. to turn one's self towards (acc.) Lit. AV. Lit. TS. ; to turn one's self round (acc.) Lit. AitBr.
अभिपर्यावर्त [ abhiparyāvarta ] [ abhi-paryāvartá ] m. turning towards, coming near, Lit. MaitrS.
अभिपर्यासिच् [ abhiparyāsic ] [ abhi-pary-ā-√ sic ] to pour out round Lit. AitBr.
अभिपर्यूह् [ abhiparyūh ] [ abhi-pary-√ ūh:1 ] [ abhí páry ūhate ] , to carry or bring towards (acc.) Lit. TS.
अभिपर्ये [ abhiparye ] [ abhi-pary-e ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , (said of the time) " to pass round " (acc.) i.e. to pass away or elapse Lit. ŚBr.
अभिपले [ abhipale ] [ abhi-pale ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) to follow after any one running away (acc.) , PBr. ( cf. [ pale ] .)
अभिपश् [ abhipaś ] [ abhi-√ paś ] [ -paśyati ] , to look upon or at , view Lit. RV. ; to perceive , notice Lit. MBh. i , 5002 , ; ( with gen.) Lit. BhP. ; to know Lit. ChUp.
अभिपा [ abhipā ] [ abhi-√ pā:1 ]1 to drink of Lit. Gobh.
अभिपीत [ abhipīta ] [ abhi-pīta ] m. f. n. watered (as the earth by rain) Lit. MBh. xii , 12844.
अभिपा [ abhipā ] [ abhi-√ pā:2 ]2 [ -pā́ti ] , to guard Lit. RV. Lit. VS. ; to behold with attention Lit. RV. viii , 59 , 3 : Caus. P. [ -pālayati ] , to protect , assist Lit. MBh.
अभिपाण्डु [ abhipāṇḍu ] [ abhi-pāṇḍu ] m. f. n. quite pale , Lit. Kir.
अभिपाण्डुता [ abhipāṇḍutā ] [ abhi-pāṇḍu-tā ] ( f. )
अभिपाल [ abhipāla ] [ abhi-pāla ] m. protector Lit. MBh.
अभिपालन [ abhipālana ] [ abhi-pālana ] n. protecting Lit. R.
अभिपालिन् [ abhipālin ] [ abhi-pālin ] see [ gṛhā ] [ bh ] ° (p. 362).
अभिपिङ्गल [ abhipiṅgala ] [ abhi-piṅgala ] m. f. n. " very red " , reddish-brown Lit. Hariv.
अभिपित्व [ abhipitva ] [ abhi-pitvá ] see [ abhi ] -√ :2. [ pat ] . ( 1315,1 )
अभिपिश् [ abhipiś ] [ abhi-√ piś ] (impf. [ -apiṃśat ] , perf. Ā. 3. pl. [ -pipiśre ] ) to adorn with (instr.) Lit. RV. v , 60 , 4 ; x , 68 , 11 Lit. TBr.
अभिपीड् [ abhipīḍ ] [ abhi-√ pīḍ ] to oppress , torment.
अभिपीडित [ abhipīḍita ] [ abhi-pīḍita ] m. f. n. pressed (as the soil by the foot or by an army) Lit. ShaḍvBr.
oppressed , tormented , afflicted Lit. MBh.
अभिपुथ् [ abhiputh ] [ abhi-√ puth ] Caus. [ -pothayati ] , to throw with violence upon (loc.) Lit. Hariv.
अभिपुष्प [ abhipuṣpa ] [ abhi-puṣpa ] m. f. n. covered with flowers Lit. R.
[ abhipuṣpa ] n. an excellent flower Lit. L.
अभिपू [ abhipū ] [ abhi-√ pū ] [ -pavate ] , to flow purified towards or for (acc. or dat.) Lit. RV. ; to blow towards Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. ; to make bright , glorify Lit. AV. Lit. TS.
अभिपूज् [ abhipūj ] [ abhi-√ pūj ] to honour , reverence greatly ; to approve of.
अभिपूजित [ abhipūjita ] [ abhi-pūjita ] m. f. n. honoured
approved , assented to Lit. Mn. vi , 58 ,
अभिपूर्व [ abhipūrva ] [ abhi-pūrva ] m. f. n. following in regular order Lit. PBr.
[ abhipūrvam ] ind. in regular order , successively. ( Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. )
[ abhipūrveṇa ] ind. in regular order , successively. ( PBr. )
अभिपृष्ठे [ abhipṛṣṭhe ] [ abhi-pṛṣṭhe ] ind. at the back of , behind Lit. Kum.
अभिपॄ [ abhipṝ ] [ abhi-√ pṝ ] (Imper. 2. sg. [ -pṛṇīhi ] ) to fill up Lit. PārGṛ. ; [ -pūryate ] , to become full or abundant Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -pūrayati ] , to make full , fill Lit. ŚBr. ; to load with Lit. Kathās. ; to cover with (as with arrows) Lit. MBh. vi , 1721 ; to present with (instr.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās. ; (said of sorrows , ) to fill the heart of any one , overwhelm ; to accomplish Lit. R. vii , 35 , 14.
अभिपूरण [ abhipūraṇa ] [ abhi-pūraṇa ] n. filling Lit. KātyŚr.
अभिपूर्त [ abhipūrta ] [ abhi-pūrta ] n. that which has been fulfilled Lit. AV. ix , 5 , 13.
अभिपूर्य [ abhipūrya ] [ abhi-pū́rya ] m. f. n. to be filled Lit. MaitrS.
अभिप्यै [ abhipyai ] [ abhi-√ pyai ] (perf. Ā. p. [ -pī́pyāna ] ) to swell , abound with (instr.) Lit. RV. vii , 36 , 6.
अभिप्रकम्प् [ abhiprakamp ] [ abhi-pra-√ kamp ] Caus. [ -kampayati ] , to stir , allure Lit. ŚBr.
अभिप्रकाश् [ abhiprakāś ] [ abhi-pra-√ kāś ] [ -kāśate ] , to become visible Lit. MBh. ( [ cakṣuṣā ] , " to the eye " ) Lit. R.
अभिप्रक्रम् [ abhiprakram ] [ abhi-pra-√ kram ] P. [ -krāmati ] , to go up to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś.
अभिप्रक्रम्य [ abhiprakramya ] [ abhi-pra-kramya ] m. f. n. to be stepped upon or walked on Lit. PBr.
अभिप्रक्षर् [ abhiprakṣar ] [ abhi-pra-√ kṣar ] to stream towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिप्रक्षरित [ abhiprakṣarita ] [ abhi-pra-kṣarita ] m. f. n. poured out Lit. ŚBr.
अभिप्रक्षल् [ abhiprakṣal ] [ abhi-pra-√ kṣal ] [ -kṣālayati ] , to clean thoroughly , polish up (as a jewel) Lit. Vikr.
अभिप्रगाह् [ abhipragāh ] [ abhi-pra-√ gāh ] [ -gā́hate ] , to dip or plunge into , penetrate Lit. RV. ix , 99 , 2 and 110 , 2 : Caus. (ind.p. [ -gāhya ] ) to immerse , dip Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अभिप्रगै [ abhipragai ] [ abhi-pra-√ gai ] ( Imper. 2. pl. [ -gāyata ] ) to begin to praise Lit. RV.
अभिप्रचक्ष् [ abhipracakṣ ] [ abhi-pra-√ cakṣ ] ( Ved. Inf. [ -cákṣe ] ) to see Lit. RV. i , 113 , 6.
अभिप्रचुद् [ abhipracud ] [ abhi-pra-√ cud ] Caus. [ -codayati ] , to impel , induce , persuade Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
अभिप्रच्यु [ abhipracyu ] [ abhi-pra-√ cyu ] ( Imper. 2. sg. Ā. [ -cyavasva ] ) to move towards , arrive at (acc.) Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
अभिप्रछ् [ abhiprach ] [ abhi-√ prach ] to ask or inquire after Lit. MBh.
अभिपृष्ट [ abhipṛṣṭa ] [ abhi-pṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. inquired after Lit. BhP.
अभिप्रश्निन् [ abhipraśnin ] [ abhi-praśní n ] m. f. n. inclined to ask , inquisitive Lit. VS.
अभिप्रजन् [ abhiprajan ] [ abhi-pra-√ jan ] ( 3. pl. Ā. [ -jāyante ] ) to bring forth , bear Lit. RV. v , 19 , 1 : Caus. [ -janayati ] , to generate for the sake of (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिप्रज्वल् [ abhiprajval ] [ abhi-pra-√ jval ] (perf. [ -jajvāla ] ) to flare up Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रणक्ष् [ abhipraṇakṣ ] [ abhi-pra-ṇakṣ ] ( Preverb. [ √ nakṣ ] ) , (perf. Ā. [ -nanakṣé ] ) to overpower Lit. RV. viii , 51 , 8.
अभिप्रणद् [ abhipraṇad ] [ abhi-pra-ṇad ] ( Preverb. [ √ nad ] ) , (perf. 3. pl. [ -ṇeduḥ ] ) to begin to roar or sound Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अभिप्रणम् [ abhipraṇam ] [ abhi-pra-ṇam ] ( Preverb. [ √ nam ] ) to bow before (dat. or acc.) Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रणत [ abhipraṇata ] [ abhi-praṇata ] m. f. n. bent , bowing before.
अभिप्रणी [ abhipraṇī ] [ abhi-pra-ṇī ] ( Preverb. [ √ nī ] ) , (aor. Subj. 2. sg. [ -ṇeṣi ] ) to bring towards (acc.) Lit. RV. i , 31 , 18.
अभिप्रणय [ abhipraṇaya ] [ abhi-praṇaya ] m. affection Lit. L. ( cf. [ praṇaya ] .)
अभिप्रणीत [ abhipraṇīta ] [ abhi-praṇīta ] m. f. n. brought to (as fire to the altar) Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ( cf. [ pra-ṇī ] .)
अभिप्रणु [ abhipraṇu ] [ abhi-pra-ṇu ] ( Preverb.:4 [ √ nu ] ) , (aor. Ā. 3. pl. [ -ánūṣata ] ) to shout towards , praise highly Lit. RV. iv , 32 , 9 : Intens. ( 1. pl. [ -ṇonumas ] ( frequently ) ; perf. 3. pl. [ -ṇonuvuḥ ] ) id. Lit. RV.
अभिप्रतन् [ abhipratan ] [ abhi-pra-√ tan ] to spread over (acc.) Lit. KaushUp.
अभिप्रतप्त [ abhipratapta ] [ abhi-pratapta ] m. f. n. " intensely heated " , dried up Lit. Suśr.
exhausted with pain or fever Lit. R.
अभिप्रतारिन् [ abhipratārin ] [ abhi-pratārin ] m. N. of a descendant of Kaksha-sena Lit. ChUp.
अभिप्रतिगॄ [ abhipratigṝ ] [ abhi-prati-√ gṝ:1 ] " to call out to (acc.) alternately " , answer in singing Lit. TS. ; ( cf [ prati- ] √ 1 [ -gṝ ] .)
अभिप्रतिपद् [ abhipratipad ] [ abhi-prati-√ pad ] P. (fut. [ -patsyati ] ) to begin with or at (acc.) Lit. AitBr.
अभिप्रतिपिष् [ abhipratipiṣ ] [ abhi-prati-√ piṣ ] (perf. [ -pipeṣa ] ) to dash or crush out Lit. ŚBr.
अभिप्रत्यवरुह् [ abhipratyavaruh ] [ abhi-praty-ava-√ ruh ] to step down upon (acc.) Lit. AitBr.
अभिप्रत्यवे [ abhipratyave ] [ abhi-praty-ave ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) to move down towards Lit. ŚBr.
अभिप्रत्ये [ abhipratye ] [ abhi-praty-e ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) to come back towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिप्रथ् [ abhiprath ] [ abhi-√ prath ] (perf. Ā. [ -paprathe ] ) to spread , extend itself towards (acc.) Lit. RV. ix , 80 , 3 : Caus. [ -prathayati ] , to spread or scatter over (acc.) Lit. TS. ; to spread (as one's fame) Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रथन [ abhiprathana ] [ abhi-prathana ] n. spreading over Lit. L.
अभिप्रदक्षिणम् [ abhipradakṣiṇam ] [ abhi-pra-dakṣiṇam ] ind. to the right (e.g. with √ 1. [ kṛ ] , to circumambulate keeping the object on the right) Lit. R.
अभिप्रदर्शन [ abhipradarśana ] [ abhi-pra-darśana ] n. pointing out , indicating Lit. Sāh.
अभिप्रदिश् [ abhipradiś ] [ abhi-pra-√ diś ] Caus. [ -deśayati ] , to urge on Lit. R.
Caus. - [ darśayati ] , to point to (acc.), Lit. Jātakam.
अभिप्रदॄ [ abhipradṝ ] [ abhi-pra-√ dṝ ] (perf. 3. pl. [ -dadrur ] = [ abhi-jagmuḥ ] , Sā. fr. -√ 2. [ drā ] , " to run towards " ) to put forth by bursting or opening Lit. RV. iv , 19 , 5 : Pass. [ -dīryate ] , to be scattered or divided asunder Lit. MBh. viii , 3976.
अभिप्रद्रा [ abhipradrā ] [ abhi-pra-√ drā:2 ] see -√ [ dṝ ] .
अभिप्रद्रु [ abhipradru ] [ abhi-pra-√ dru:2 ] (perf. Ā. [ -dudruve ] ) to rush towards (acc.) , assail Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रधर्षण [ abhipradharṣaṇa ] [ abhi-pra-dharṣaṇa ] n. oppressing , injuring Lit. MBh. iii , 14937.
अभिप्रपच् [ abhiprapac ] [ abhi-pra-√ pac ] Pass. [ -pacyate ] , " to get ripe " , develop itself Lit. Suśr.
अभिप्रपद् [ abhiprapad ] [ abhi-pra-√ pad ] to come towards , reach at , enter into (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. ; to resort to (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to undertake Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रपन्न [ abhiprapanna ] [ abhi-prapanna ] m. f. n. approached , attained.
अभिप्रपश् [ abhiprapaś ] [ abhi-pra-√ paś ] (impf. [ -prā́paśyat ] ) to look out after (acc.) Lit. RV. x , 113 , 4.
अभिप्रपीड् [ abhiprapīḍ ] [ abhi-pra-√ pīḍ ] Caus. [ -pīḍayati ] , to cause pain , torture Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रपॄ [ abhiprapṝ ] [ abhi-pra-√ pṝ ] [ -pūryate ] , to be filled , fill one's self completely Lit. MBh. xv , 678.
अभिप्रबुध् [ abhiprabudh ] [ abhi-pra-√ budh ] Ā. - [ budhyate ] , to feel, experience, Lit. Hir.
अभिप्रभङ्गिन् [ abhiprabhaṅgin ] [ abhi-pra-bhaṅgí n ] m. f. n. (√ [ bhañj ] ) , breaking completely Lit. RV. viii , 45 , 35.
अभिप्रभू [ abhiprabhū ] [ abhi-pra-√ bhū ] ( Ved. Inf. aor. [ abhí -pra-bhūṣáṇi ] ) to assist Lit. RV. x , 132 , 1.
अभिप्रभृ [ abhiprabhṛ ] [ abhi-pra-√ bhṛ ] ( 1. pl. [ -bharāmahe ] ) to offer to (dat.) Lit. RV. iv , 56 , 5 ; ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -bhara ] ) to throw , dart Lit. RV. viii , 89 , 4.
अभिप्रमथ् [ abhipramath ] [ abhi-pra-√ math ] Caus. [ -manthayati ] , to churn thoroughly Lit. Suśr.
अभिप्रमन् [ abhipraman ] [ abhi-pra-√ man ] Ā. ( 3. pl. [ -manvate ] ) to take any one for , look upon him as Lit. AV. vi , 84 , 1.
अभिप्रमन्द् [ abhipramand ] [ abhi-pra-√ mand:1 ] ( 1. and 2. sg. Ā. [ -mande ] , [ -mandase ] ; perf. P. 3. pl. [ -mandúḥ ] ) to gladden Lit. RV. ; P. ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -manda ] ) to confuse , infatuate Lit. RV. vi , 18 , 9.
अभिप्रमुर् [ abhipramur ] [ abhi-pra-múr ] m. f. n. (√ [ mṝ ] ) , bruising , crushing Lit. RV. x , 115 , 2.
अभिप्रमृश् [ abhipramṛś ] [ abhi-pra-√ mṛś ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -mṛsa ] ; aor. Subj. 2. sg. [ -mṛkṣas ] and 2. pl. [ -mṛkṣata ] ) to seize , grasp: Intens. (p. nom. m. [ -marmṛśat ] ) id. Lit. RV. i , 140 , 5.
अभिप्रया [ abhiprayā ] [ abhi-pra-√ yā ] ( Imper. 2. pl. [ -yāthána ] ) to come towards , approach Lit. RV. viii , 27 , 6 ; to set out , march off , go to battle Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रयायम् [ abhiprayāyam ] [ abhi-pra-yāyam ] ind. so as to approach Lit. KātyŚr.
अभिप्रयायिन् [ abhiprayāyin ] [ abhi-pra-yāyí n ] m. f. n. approaching Lit. TS.
अभिप्रयुज् [ abhiprayuj ] [ abhi-pra-√ yuj ] [ -prá-yuṅkte ] , to seize , grasp , bring in one's possession Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. Lit. KaushBr.
अभिप्ररुह् [ abhipraruh ] [ abhi-pra-√ ruh ] to put forth or produce shoots Lit. Suśr.
अभिप्रवह् [ abhipravah ] [ abhi-pra-√ vah ] to carry or bring towards Lit. AitBr.
अभिप्रविप् [ abhipravip ] [ abhi-pra-√ vip ] ( Opt. 3. pl. [ -véperan ] ) to move against (acc.) , threaten Lit. TS.
अभिप्रविश् [ abhipraviś ] [ abhi-pra-√ viś ] to disembogue into (acc.) Lit. BhP.
अभिप्रविष्ट [ abhipraviṣṭa ] [ abhi-pra-viṣṭa ] m. f. n. fallen or come into (acc.) Lit. R.
अभिप्रवेश [ abhipraveśa ] [ abhi-pra-veśa ] m. entering into Lit. MBh. i , 2871.
अभिप्रवृत् [ abhipravṛt ] [ abhi-pra-√ vṛt ] Ā. to advance up to (acc.) Lit. AitBr. Lit. KaushUp. ; to disembogue into (acc.) Lit. R. ; to go forth , advance Lit. ĀśvGṛ. ; (see also [ abhi-pra-vṛtta ] ) : Caus. [ -vartayati ] , to cause to advance against , throw against (acc.) Lit. TS. ; (dat.) Lit. SV.
अभिप्रवर्तन [ abhipravartana ] [ abhi-pravartana ] n. coming or flowing forth (said of the sweat) Lit. Suśr.
अभिप्रवृत्त [ abhipravṛtta ] [ abhi-pravṛtta ] m. f. n. being performed , advancing , proceeding Lit. MBh. viii , 3464
occupied or engaged in Lit. Bhag.
अभिप्रवृध् [ abhipravṛdh ] [ abhi-pra-√ vṛdh ] Caus. [ -vardhayati ] ( generally used in the perf. Pass. p. [ -vardhita ] ) to enlarge Lit. Suśr. ; render prosperous Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रवृष् [ abhipravṛṣ ] [ abhi-pra-√ vṛṣ ] to pour down rain Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रव्रज् [ abhipravraj ] [ abhi-pra-√ vraj ] to step or advance towards Lit. ChUp. Lit. KaushUp.
अभिप्रव्रजन [ abhipravrajana ] [ abhi-pravrajana ] n. advancing, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अभिप्रशंस् [ abhipraśaṃs ] [ abhi-pra-√ śaṃs ] to praise highly Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रशुध् [ abhipraśudh ] [ abhi-pra-√ śudh ] Caus. [ -śodhayati ] , to clean thoroughly Lit. Suśr.
अभिप्रश्निन् [ abhipraśnin ] [ abhi-praśní n ] see [ abhi-√ prach ] .
अभिप्रश्वस् [ abhipraśvas ] [ abhi-pra-√ śvas ] to blow towards (acc.) Lit. AitBr.
अभिप्रसद् [ abhiprasad ] [ abhi-pra-√ sad ] ( p. [ -sī́dat ] ; perf. 3. pl. [ -seduḥ ] ) to sit down or settle along (acc.) Lit. RV. iv , 1 , 13 and x , 32 , 1 : Caus. [ -sādayati ] , to cause to be well-disposed or gracious , pray for grace or favour Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रसन्न [ abhiprasanna ] [ abhi-prasanna ] m. f. n. believing in (loc. or gen.), Lit. Divyâv.
अभिप्रसह् [ abhiprasah ] [ abhi-pra-√ sah ] to be able to (Inf.) Lit. Kir. xii , 18.
अभिप्रसुप्त [ abhiprasupta ] [ abhi-pra-supta ] m. f. n. (√ [ svap ] ) , fallen asleep Lit. MBh.
अभिप्रसू [ abhiprasū ] [ abhi-pra-√ sū:1 ] ( 3. pl. [ -suvanti ] ) to drive towards (acc.) Lit. Nir.
अभिप्रसूत [ abhiprasūta ] [ abhi-pra-sūta ]1 m. f. n. engaged , induced , ordered Lit. Nir.
अभिप्रसूत [ abhiprasūta ] [ abhi-pra-sūta ]2 m. f. n. (√ 4. [ su ] ) , generated , born Lit. MBh. v , 964.
अभिप्रसृ [ abhiprasṛ ] [ abhi-pra-√ sṛ ] Caus. (ind.p. [ -sārya ] ) to stretch one's self out towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. ; Ā. (Pot. [ -sārayīta ] ) to stretch out (as a foot) towards or upon (loc.) Lit. Āp.
अभिप्रसारण [ abhiprasāraṇa ] [ abhi-pra-sāraṇa ] n. stretching out the feet towards (gen.) Lit. Āp.
अभिप्रसृत [ abhiprasṛta ] [ abhi-pra-sṛta ] m. f. n. devoted to Lit. R. ( cf. [ prasṛta ] .)
अभिप्रसृप् [ abhiprasṛp ] [ abhi-pra-√ sṛp ] ( p. [ -sárpat ] ) to creep near Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 22.
अभिप्रस्कन्द् [ abhipraskand ] [ abhi-pra-√ skand ] to jump into (acc.) Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.