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अ |
अरुश [ aruśa ] [ aruśa ] n. N. of a Tantra.
अरुशहन् [ aruśahan ] [ aruśa-hán ] m. ( [ aruśa ] = [ aruṣá ] ?) striking the red (clouds) , N. of Indra ( killing enemies Lit. Sāy. ) Lit. RV. x , 116 , 4.
अरुष् [ aruṣ ] [ a-ruṣ ]1 m. f. n. not angry , good-tempered Lit. Pañcat.
अरुष [ aruṣa ] [ aruṣá ]1 m. f. ( [ áruṣī ] Lit. RV. i , 92 , 1 and 2 ; x 5 , 5) n. red reddish (the colour of Agni and his horses , of cows , of the team of Ushas , the Aśvins , ) Lit. RV.& Lit. VS.
[ aruṣa ] m. the sun , the , day Lit. RV. vi , 49 , 3 and vii , 71 , 1 ( cf. [ arūṣa ] )
m. pl. ( [ ā́s ] , [ ā́sas ] ) the red horses of Agni Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
[ aruṣī ] f. ( [ áruṣī ] ) the dawn Lit. RV.
a red mare (a N. applied to the team of Agni and Ushas , and to Agni's flames) Lit. RV.
अरुषस्तूप [ aruṣastūpa ] [ aruṣá-stūpa ] ( [ aruṣá ] ) m. f. n. having a fiery tuft (as Agni) Lit. RV. iii , 29 , 3.
अरुष [ aruṣa ] [ aruṣa ]2 Nom. P. [ áruṣati ] , to go Lit. Naigh.
अरुष्य [ aruṣya ] [ aruṣya ] Nom. P. [ aruṣyati ] v.l. for [ áru ṣati ] .
अरुस् [ arus ] [ arus ] m. f. n. wounded , sore Lit. ŚBr.
[ arus ] n. ( [ us ] ) a sore or wound Lit. AV. v , 5 , 4 Lit. ŚBr.
the sun Lit. Uṇ.
ind. a joint Lit. L.
अरुस्स्राण [ arussrāṇa ] [ arus-srā́ṇa ] n. ( defectively written [ aru-sr ] ) a kind of medical preparation for wounds Lit. AV. ii , 3 ,3 and 5
accord. to some read [ aruḥ ] - [ śrāṇa ] (fr. √ [ śrā ] , to cook) = "a remedy which causes a wound to ripen or heal" , Lit. AV. ii, 3, 3.
अरूकृ [ arūkṛ ] [ arū-√ kṛ ] see s.v.
अरुष् [ aruṣ ] [ aruṣ ] ( in comp. for [ árus ] ) .
अरुष्कर [ aruṣkara ] [ aruṣ-kara ] m. f. n. causing wounds , wounding Lit. Suśr.
[ aruṣkara ] m. the tree Semecarpus Anacardium
mn. the nut of that tree Lit. Suśr.
अरुष्कृत [ aruṣkṛta ] [ aruṣ-kṛta ] ( [ áruṣ ] ) m. f. n. wounded Lit. ŚBr.
अरुष्क [ aruṣka ] [ aruṣka ] ifc. for [ árus ] Lit. Car.
[ aruṣka ] m. (= [ aruṣ-kara ] above ) Semecarpus Anacardium Lit. L.
अरुहा [ aruhā ] [ a-ruhā ] f. N. of a plant Lit. L.
अरूक्ष [ arūkṣa ] [ á-rūkṣa ] m. f. n. soft Lit. MaitrS.
अरूक्षता [ arūkṣatā ] [ á-rūkṣa-tā ] ( [ a-rūkṣá ] ) f. softness Lit. ŚBr.
अरूक्षित [ arūkṣita ] [ á-rūkṣita ] m. f. n. soft , supple Lit. RV. iv,11 , 1.
अरूक्ष्ण [ arūkṣṇa ] [ á-rūkṣṇa ] m. f. n. soft , tender Lit. AV. viii , 2 , 16.
अरूढमूलत्व [ arūḍhamūlatva ] [ a-rūḍha-mūlatva ] n. state of not having taken root, insufficient foundation, Lit. Mālav.
अरूप [ arūpa ] [ a-rūpa ] m. f. n. formless , shapeless Lit. PBr. Lit. ŚvetUp. Lit. NṛisUp.
ugly , ill-formed Lit. R.
emancipation (= [ nirvāṇa ] ), Lit. MWB. 137
अरूपज्ञ [ arūpajña ] [ a-rūpa-jña ] ( [ á-rūpa- ] ) m. f. n. not distinguishing the shape or colour Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अरूपता [ arūpatā ] [ a-rūpa-tā ] f. ugliness.
अरूपत्व [ arūpatva ] [ a-rūpa-tva ] n. id. Lit. Kathās.
want of any characteristic quality Lit. Jaim.
अरूपराग [ arūparāga ] [ a-rūpa-rāga ] m. longing for immaterial life in the higher heavens, ib. 127
अरूपलोक [ arūpaloka ] [ a-rūpa-loka ] m. a formless heaven (4 classes enumerated), ib. 213
अरूपवत् [ arūpavat ] [ a-rūpa-vat ] m. f. n. ugly.
अरूपावचर [ arūpāvacara ] [ a-rū-pāvacara ] m. pl. (with [ devāḥ ] ) the gods of the formless heaven, Lit. Dharmas. 129.
अरूपक [ arūpaka ] [ a-rūpaka ] m. f. n. shapeless , immaterial Lit. MBh. iii , 12984
(in rhetoric) without figure or metaphor , literal.
अरूपण [ arūpaṇa ] [ a-rūpaṇa ] n. not a figurative expression Lit. Kāvyâd.
अरूपिन् [ arūpin ] [ a-rūpin ] m. f. n. shapeless Lit. R. i , 23 , 15.
अरूष [ arūṣa ] [ arūṣa ] m. ( for [ aruṣa ] m. q.v.) the sun Lit. Uṇ.
a kind of snake Lit. L.
अरे [ are ] [ are ] ind. interjection of calling Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ arare ] , [ arere ] , and [ re ] ) .
अरेणु [ areṇu ] [ a-reṇú ] m. f. n. not dusty (said of the gods and their cars and roads) Lit. RV.
not earthly , celestial Lit. RV. i , 56 , 3
[ areṇu ] m. pl. ( [ ávas ] ) the gods Lit. RV. x , 143 , 2.
अरेतस् [ aretas ] [ a-retás ] m. f. n. not receiving seed Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अरेतस्क [ aretaska ] [ a-retás-ka ] m. f. n. seedless Lit. ŚBr.
अरेप [ arepa ] [ a-repa ] m. f. n. = [ a ] - [ repas ] , Lit. Baudh.
अरेपस् [ arepas ] [ a-repás ] m. f. n. spotless Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
अरेफ [ arepha ] [ a-repha ] see [ a-riphita ] .
अरेरे [ arere ] [ arere ] ind. ( probably [ are 're ] , repetition of [ are ] , q.v.) , interjection of calling to inferiors or of calling angrily Lit. L.
अरोक [ aroka ] [ a-roka ] m. f. n. (√ [ ruc ] ) , not bright , darkened Lit. L.
अरोकदत् [ arokadat ] [ a-roka-dat ] m. f. n. having black or discoloured teeth Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 1 44.
अरोकदन्त [ arokadanta ] [ a-roka-danta ] m. f. n. having black or discoloured teeth Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 1 44.
अरोचक [ arocaka ] [ a-rocaka ] m. f. n. not shining , Lit. Kauś. , causing want of appetite or disgust Lit. Suśr.
[ arocaka ] m. want or loss of appetite , disgust , indigestion Lit. Suśr.
अरोचकिन् [ arocakin ] [ a-rocakin ] m. f. n. suffering from want of appetite or indigestion Lit. Suśr. Lit. Hcat., (in rhetoric) having a fastidious or cultivated taste.
अरोचमान [ arocamāna ] [ a-rocamāna ] m. f. n. not shining Lit. Mn. iii , 62
not pleasing
[ arocamāna ] m. (g. [ cārv adi ] q.v.)
अरोचिष्णु [ arociṣṇu ] [ a-rociṣṇu ] m. f. n. dark Lit. L., disagreeable Lit. L.
अरोचुक [ arocuka ] [ a-rocuká ] m. f. n. not pleasing Lit. MaitrS.
अरोगता [ arogatā ] [ a-roga-tā ] f. health Lit. Bhpr.
अरोगत्व [ arogatva ] [ a-roga-tva ] n. id. Lit. R. vii , 36 , 16.
अरोगण [ arogaṇa ] [ á-rogaṇa ] m. f. n. freeing from disease Lit. AV. ii , 3 , 2.
अरोगिन् [ arogin ] [ a-rogin ] m. f. n. healthy Lit. L.
अरोगिता [ arogitā ] [ arogi-tā ] f. healthiness , health Lit. Hit. Lit. Vet.
अरोग्यता [ arogyatā ] [ a-rogya-tā ] f. health Lit. R. ii , 70 , 7.
अरोदन [ arodana ] [ a-rodana ] n. not weeping.
अरोध्य [ arodhya ] [ a-rodhya ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ rudh ] ) , not to be hindered or obstructed , unobstructed.
अरोपण [ aropaṇa ] [ a-ropaṇa ] n. (√ [ ruh ] ) , not planting or fixing.
अरोम [ aroma ] [ a-roma ] m. f. n. hairless Lit. MBh. i , 8010.
अरोमश [ aromaśa ] [ a-romaśa ] m. f. n. id. Lit. VarBṛS.
[ aromaśa ] n. absence of a partic. faulty pronunciation of the sibilants, Lit. MāṇḍŚ. 1.
अरोष [ aroṣa ] [ a-roṣa ] m. freedom from anger , gentleness Lit. MBh. x , 712.
अरोषण [ aroṣaṇa ] [ a-roṣaṇa ] m. f. n. not inclined to anger Lit. MBh.
अरोहिणीक [ arohiṇīka ] [ a-rohiṇī-ka ] m. f. n. without Rohiṇī Lit. Kathās.
अरौद्र [ araudra ] [ a-raudra ] m. f. n. not formidable.
अर्क् [ ark ] [ ark ] see [ arkaya ] , col.2.
अर्क [ arka ] [ arká ] m. (√ [ arc ] ) , Ved. a ray , flash of lightning Lit. RV.
the sun Lit. RV.
(hence) the number , " twelve " , Lit. Sūryas.
fire Lit. RV. ix , 50 , 4 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BṛĀrUp.
crystal Lit. R. ii , 94 , 6
membrum virile Lit. AV. vi , 72 , 1
copper Lit. L.
the plant Calotropis Gigantea (the larger leaves are used for sacrificial ceremonies ; cf. [ arka-kośī ] , [ -parṇá ] , [ palaśá ] , below) Lit. ŚBr. , a religious ceremony Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BṛĀrUp. ( cf. [ arkāśvamedha ] below)
praise , hymn , song (also said of the roaring of the Maruts and of Indra's thunder) Lit. RV. and Lit. AV.
one who praises , a singer Lit. RV.
N. of Indra Lit. L.
a learned man ( cf. Lit. RV. viii , 63 , 6) Lit. L.
an elder brother Lit. L.
N. of a physician Lit. BrahmaP. ( cf. [ arka-cikitsā ] below)
[ arka ] m. n. ( with [ agneḥ ] , [ indrasya ] , [ gautamasaḥ ] , ) N. of different Sāmans
food Lit. Naigh. and Lit. Nir. ( cf. Lit. RV. vii , 9 , 2) .
2 Nom. P. ° [ kati ] , to become a sun, Lit. Subh.
अर्ककर [ arkakara ] [ arká-kara ] m. sunbeam Lit. Naish.
अर्ककान्ता [ arkakāntā ] [ arká-kāntā ] f. the plant Polanisia Icosandra Lit. W.
अर्ककाष्ठ [ arkakāṣṭha ] [ arká-kāṣṭha ] n. wood from the Arka , Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्ककुण्डतीर्थ [ arkakuṇḍatīrtha ] [ arká-kuṇḍa-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. SkandaP.
अर्ककोशी [ arkakośī ] [ arká-kośī́ ] f. a bud of the Arka plant Lit. ŚBr. x.
अर्कक्षीर [ arkakṣīra ] [ arká-kṣīra ] n. the milky juice of the Arka plant Lit. Suśr.
अर्कक्षेत्र [ arkakṣetra ] [ arká-kṣetra ] n. " the field of the sun " , N. of a sacred place in Orissa.
अर्कग्रह [ arkagraha ] [ arká-graha ] m. eclipse of the sun Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्कग्रीव [ arkagrīva ] [ arká-grīva ] m. N. of a Sāman.
अर्कचन्दन [ arkacandana ] [ arká-candana ] n. red sanders Lit. L.
अर्कचिकित्सा [ arkacikitsā ] [ arká-cikitsā ] f. Arka's (see [ arka ] m. at end) , " medical art " i.e. work on medicine.
अर्कज [ arkaja ] [ arká-ja ] m. f. n. " sun-born " , coming from the sun
[ arkaja ] m. the planet Saturn Lit. VarBṛS.
[ arkajau ] m. du. N. of the Aśvins Lit. L.
अर्कतनय [ arkatanaya ] [ arká-tanaya ] m. = [ -ja ]
the planet Saturn Lit. VarBṛ.
N. of Karṇa Lit. L.
of Manu Vaivasvata and Manu Sāvarṇi Lit. MBh.
[ arkatanayā ] f. N. of the rivers Yamunā and Tapatī Lit. MBh.
अर्कत्व [ arkatva ] [ arká-tvá ] n. brightness Lit. ŚBr. x.
अर्कत्विष् [ arkatviṣ ] [ arká-tviṣ ] f. the light of the sun.
अर्कदिन [ arkadina ] [ arká-dina ] n. a solar day.
अर्कधाना [ arkadhānā ] [ arká-dhānā́ ] f. pl. seeds of the Arka plant Lit. ŚBr. x.
अर्कदुग्ध [ arkadugdha ] [ arka-dugdha ] n. the milk of Calotropis Gigantea, Lit. L.
अर्कनन्दन [ arkanandana ] [ arká-nandana ] m. (= [ -ja ] q.v.) N. of the planet Saturn Lit. VarBṛS.
N. of Karṇa Lit. L.
अर्कनयन [ arkanayana ] [ arká-nayana ] n. N. of an Asura Lit. Hariv.
अर्कनेत्र [ arkanetra ] [ arka-netra ] m. f. n. twelve-eyed, Lit. Kālac.
अर्कपत्त्र [ arkapattra ] [ arká-pattra ] n. the leaf of the Arka plant Lit. MBh. i 715
[ arkapattra ] m. the Arka plant
[ arkapattrā ] f. a kind of birth-wort (Aristolochia Indica) Lit. L.
अर्कपर्ण [ arkaparṇa ] [ arká-parṇá ] n. the leaf of the Arka plant Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
[ arkaparṇa ] m. the Arka plant
N. of a snake demon Lit. MBh. i , 2551.
अर्कपादप [ arkapādapa ] [ arká-pādapa ] m. the tree Melia Azadirachta Lin. Lit. L.
अर्कपुत्र [ arkaputra ] [ arká-putra ] m. (= [ ja ] q.v.) the planet Saturn Lit. VarBṛS. and Lit. VarBṛ.
N. of Karṇa Lit. L. , of Yama Lit. L.
अर्कपुष्पाद्य [ arkapuṣpādya ] [ arká-puṣpādya ] m. N. of a Saman.
अर्कपुष्पिका [ arkapuṣpikā ] [ arká-puṣpikā ] f. the plant Gynandropsis Pentaphylla Lit. L.
अर्कपुष्पी [ arkapuṣpī ] [ arká-puṣpī ] f. the plant Hibiscus Hirtus , Lit. Suśr.
अर्कपुष्पोत्तर [ arkapuṣpottara ] [ arká-puṣpottara ] n. N. of a Sāman.
अर्कप्रकाश [ arkaprakāśa ] [ arká-prakāśa ] m. f. n. bright like the sun Lit. MBh. ii,313
[ arkaprakāśa ] m. N. of a medical work ( cf. [ -cikitā ] above ) , of a work on jurisprudence.
अर्कप्रभाजाल [ arkaprabhājāla ] [ arká-prabhā-jāla ] n. (a multitude of) sun-beams Lit. MBh. iii,12541.
अर्कप्रिया [ arkapriyā ] [ arká-priyā ] f. the plant Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis Lit. L.
अर्कबन्धु [ arkabandhu ] [ arká-bandhu ] m. a N. of Buddha Śākya-muni Lit. L.
"belonging to the kindred of the Sun" , N. of Buddha, Lit. Bcar.( Page1316,2 )
अर्कबान्धव [ arkabāndhava ] [ arká-bāndhava ] m. a N. of Buddha Śākya-muni Lit. L.
अर्कभक्ता [ arkabhaktā ] [ arká-bhaktā ] f. = [ -kāntā ] q.v.
अर्कमण्डल [ arkamaṇḍala ] [ arká-maṇḍala ] n. the disc of the sun.
अर्कमय [ arkamaya ] [ arká-maya ] m. f. n. composed of the Arka plant , Lit. ĀpŚr.
अर्कमूल [ arkamūla ] [ arká-mūlá ] n. the root of the Arka plant Lit. ŚBr. x
[ arkamūlā ] f. (= [ -pattra ] q.v.) Aristolochia Indica Lit. L.
अर्करिपु [ arkaripu ] [ arká-ripu ] m. " enemy of the sun " , Rāhu Lit. Kād.
अर्करेतोज [ arkaretoja ] [ arká-reto-ja ] m. " son of Sūrya " , Revanta Lit. L.
अर्कलवण [ arkalavaṇa ] [ arká-lavaṇa ] n. saltpetre Lit. L.
अर्कलूष [ arkalūṣa ] [ arká-lūṣa ] m. N. of a man , (g. [ karnādi ] and [ vid-adi ] q.v.)
अर्कवत् [ arkavat ] [ arká-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ arká- ] ) possessing or holding the thunderbolt Lit. TS.
containing the word [ arká ] Lit. PBr.
receiving the oblation in the Arka ceremony Lit. MaitrS.
अर्कवर्ष [ arkavarṣa ] [ arká-varṣa ] m. a solar year.
अर्कवल्लभ [ arkavallabha ] [ arká-vallabha ] m. the plant Pentapetes Phoenicea Lit. L.
अर्कविध [ arkavidha ] [ arká-vidha ] ( [ arká ] ) m. f. n. Arka like Lit. ŚBr. x.
अर्कवेध [ arkavedha ] [ arká-vedha ] m. N. of a plant Lit. L.
अर्कव्रत [ arkavrata ] [ arká-vrata ] n. the rule or law of the sun (i.e. levying taxes , subjecting the people to imposts , or drawing their wealth as imperceptibly as the sun evaporates water ) Lit. Mn. ix , 305.
अर्कशशिशत्रु [ arkaśaśiśatru ] [ arká-śaśi-śatru ] m. " enemy of sun and moon " , Rāhu Lit. VarBṛS. ( cf. [ -ripu ] above ) .
अर्कशिरस् [ arkaśiras ] [ arká--śiras ] n. N. of a Sāman.
अर्कशोक [ arkaśoka ] [ arká-śoká ] m. the heat of rays Lit. RV. vi , 4 , 7.
अर्कसमुद्ग [ arkasamudga ] [ arká-samudgá ] m. the tip of an Arka-bud (see [ -kośī́ ] ) Lit. ŚBr. x.
अर्कसाति [ arkasāti ] [ arká-sāti ] ( [ arká- ] ) f. invention of hymns , poetical inspiration Lit. RV. i , 174 , 7 ; vi , 20 , 4 and 26 , 3.
अर्कसुत [ arkasuta ] [ arká-suta ] m. (= [ -tanaya ] q.v.) N. of Karṇa Lit. L.
[ arkasutā ] f. N. of the river Yamunā Lit. L.
अर्कसूनु [ arkasūnu ] [ arká-sūnu ] m. (= [ -ja ] q.v.) the planet Saturn
N. of Yama Lit. L.
अर्कसोदर [ arkasodara ] [ arká-sodara ] m. Indra's elephant Airāvata.
अर्कस्तुभ् [ arkastubh ] [ arká-stubh ] m. f. n. singing hymns Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अर्कहिता [ arkahitā ] [ arká-hitā ] f. = [ -kāntā ] q.v. ,
अर्कांश [ arkāṃśa ] [ arkāṃśa ] m. a digit or the twelfth part of the sun's disc Lit. L.
अर्काग्रा [ arkāgrā ] [ arkāgrā ] f. the sun's measure of amplitude , Lit. Sūryas.
अर्कात्मजा [ arkātmajā ] [ ar-kātmajā ] f. "daughter of the Sun" , N. of Yamunā, Lit. L.
अर्काश्मन् [ arkāśman ] [ arkāśman ] m. heliotrope girasol , crystal Lit. L.
अर्काश्वमेध [ arkāśvamedha ] [ arkāśva-medha ] m. du. ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 4 Lit. Kāś. ) ) or [ °dhaú ] ( ( Lit. AV. xi , 7 , 7 , and Lit. ŚBr. ) ) , the Arka ceremony and the Aśvamedha sacrifice
अर्काश्वमेधवत् [ arkāśvamedhavat ] [ arkāśva-medhá-vat ] m. f. n. containing the two Lit. TS.
अर्काश्वमेधिन् [ arkāśvamedhin ] [ arkāśva-medhin ] m. f. n. performing the two Lit. TS.
अर्काष्ठीला [ arkāṣṭhīlā ] [ arkāṣṭhīlā́ ] f. a grain of the fruit of the Arka plant Lit. ŚBr. x.
अर्काहुति [ arkāhuti ] [ arkāhuti ] f. pl. N. of five sacrificial offerings Lit. ĀpŚr.
अर्काह्व [ arkāhva ] [ arkāhva ] m. " named (after) Arka " , the stone Sūryakānta Lit. L.
the plant Pinus Webbiana Lit. L.
अर्केन्दुसंगम [ arkendusaṃgama ] [ arkendu-saṃgama ] m. the instant of conjunction of the sun and moon.
अर्केष्ट [ arkeṣṭa ] [ ar-keṣṭa ] n. yellow sandal-wood, Lit. L. 2.
अर्कोपल [ arkopala ] [ arkopala ] m. (= [ arkāhva ] above ) Sūryakānta Lit. Naish.
अर्कय [ arkaya ] [ arkaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to heat Lit. L. ; to praise Lit. L.
अर्किन् [ arkin ] [ arkí n ] m. f. n. radiant with light Lit. RV. viii , 101 , 13
praising Lit. RV. i , 7 , 1 ; 10 , 1 and 38 , 15.
अर्कीय [ arkīya ] [ arkīya ] m. f. n. belonging to Arka , (g. [ utkarādi ] q.v.)
अर्क्य [ arkya ] [ arkyá ] n. N. of a Śāstra and of a Sāman Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. PBr.
अर्ग [ arga ] [ arga ] m. N. of a Ṛishi of the Lit. SV. (with the patron. Aurava) .
अर्गट [ argaṭa ] [ argaṭa ] m. N. of a poet , Lit. Śārṅg.
the plant Barleria Caerulea.
अर्गड [ argaḍa ] [ argaḍa ] ( in the word [ sā́rgaḍa ] q.v.) v.l. for [ argala ] Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अर्गल [ argala ] [ argala ] m. f. n. a wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door or the cover of a vessel Lit. Ragh.
a bar , check , impediment Lit. ib.
a wave Lit. L.
अर्गलानिर्गम [ argalānirgama ] [ argalā-nirgama ] m. N. of an astrological treatise.
अर्गलास्तुति [ argalāstuti ] [ argalā-stuti ] f. a hymn introductory to the Devīmāhātmya.
अर्गलास्तोत्र [ argalāstotra ] [ argalā-stotra ] n. a hymn introductory to the Devīmāhātmya.
अर्गलिका [ argalikā ] [ argalikā ] f. a small door pin Lit. L.
अर्गलीय [ argalīya ] [ argalīya ] (or [ argalya ] ) m. f. n. belonging to a bolt , (g. [ apūpādi ] , q.v.)
अर्गल्य [ argalya ] [ argalya ] (or [ argalīya ] ) m. f. n. belonging to a bolt , (g. [ apūpādi ] , q.v.)
अर्घ् [ argh ] [ argh ] Root cl. [1] P. [ arghati ] , to be worth, be of value, Lit. Pañcat. ; ( cf. √ [ arh ] )
अर्घ [ argha ] [ argha ] m. (√ [ arh ] ) , worth , value , price , Mn Lit. Yājñ.
( often ifc. cf. [ dhanārghá ] , [ mahārgha ] , [ śatārghá ] , [ sahasrārghá ] )
respectful reception of a guest (by the offering of rice durva-grass , flowers , or often only of water) Lit. ŚBr. xiv , ( often confounded with [ arghya ] q.v.)
a collection of twenty pearls (having the weight of a Dharaṇa) Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्घदान [ arghadāna ] [ argha-dāna ] n. presentation of a respectful offering.
अर्घपात्र [ arghapātra ] [ argha-pātra ] n. ( for [ arghya-pātra ] ) the small vessel in which water is offered to the guest on his arrival Lit. Kathās.
अर्घबलाबल [ arghabalābala ] [ argha-balābala ] n. rate of price , proper price , the cheapness or dearness of commodities Lit. Mn. ix , 329 ( cf. [ arghasya hrāsaṃ vṛddhiṃ va ] Lit. Yājñ. ii , 249) . =
अर्घसंस्थापन [ arghasaṃsthāpana ] [ argha-saṃsthāpana ] n. fixing the price of commodities , appraising , assize (it is the act of a king or ruler , in concert with the traders , and should be done once a week or once a fortnight) Lit. Mn. viii , 402.
अर्घापचय [ arghāpacaya ] [ arghāpacaya ] m. " diminution of price "
[ arghāpacayena ] ind. instr. cheaper Lit. Gaut.
अर्घार्ह [ arghārha ] [ arghārha ] m. f. n. worthy of or requiring a respectful offering , a superior.
अर्घेश्वर [ argheśvara ] [ argheśvara ] m. N. of Śiva , ( cf. [ arghīśa ] )
अर्घीश [ arghīśa ] [ arghīśa ] m. ( " [ arghin ] " for [ argha ] ) = [ argheśvara ] q.v. Lit. L.
अर्घ्य [ arghya ] [ arghya ] m. f. n. " valuable " see [ an-arghya ] , (g. [ daṇḍādi ] q.v. , " [ argham-arhati ] " ) deserving a respectful reception (as a guest) Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. Yājñ.
belonging to or used at the respectful reception of a guest Lit. Gobh. Lit. Yājñ.
[ arghya ] n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 25) water offered at the respectful reception of a guest Lit. ĀśvGṛ. , ( probably for [ ārghya ] q.v.) a kind of honey Lit. L.
अर्घ्यदान [ arghyadāna ] [ arghya-dāna ] n. a partic. act of homage to the sun, Lit. RTL. 407
अर्घ्यपात्र [ arghyapātra ] [ arghya-pātra ] n. see [ argha-p ] .
अर्घ्यशील [ arghyaśīla ] [ arghya-śīla ] m. f. n. of deferential character or disposition, Lit. R.
अर्घ्यार्ह [ arghyārha ] [ arghyārha ] m. the plant Pterospermnm Suberifolium Lit. L.
अर्घट [ arghaṭa ] [ arghaṭa ] n. ( [ -parghaṭa ] q.v.) ashes Lit. L.
अर्च् [ arc ] [ arc ]1 Root cl. [1] P. [ árcati ] (Subj. [ árcāt ] impf. [ ā́rcat ] ; aor. [ ārcīt ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ. , perf. [ ānarca ] 3. pl. [ ānarcuḥ ] ( Lit. MBh. iii , 988 , ) , but Ved. [ ānṛcúḥ ] ( Lit. RV. ) ; perf. Ā. (Pass.) [ ānarce ] ( Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ) , but Ved. [ sám ānṛce ] ( Lit. RV. i , 160 , 4 ) ; fut. p. [ arciṣyat ] ( Lit. Mn. iv , 251 ) . ind.p. , [ arcya ] ( Lit. Mn. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 38 Sch. ) or [ arcitvā ] ( Lit. R. iii , 77 , 15 ) , Ved. Inf. [ ṛcáse ] ( Lit. RV. vi , 39 , 5 and vii , 61 , 6 ) ) to shine , brilliant Lit. RV. ; to praise , sing (also used of the roaring of the Maruts , and of a bull ( Lit. RV. iv , 16 , 3 ) ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. , to praise anything to another (dat.) , recommend Lit. RV. ; to honour or treat with respect Lit. MBh. ; to adorn Lit. VarBṛS. : exceptionally Ā. ( 1. pl. [ arcāmahe ] ) to honour Lit. MBh. ii , 1383: Caus. ( 2. sg. [ arcayas ] ) to cause to shine Lit. RV. iii , 44 , 2. P. Ā. to honour or treat with respect Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. : Desid. [ arciciṣati ] , to wish to honour Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 3 Sch. Ved. Pass. [ ṛcyate ] (p. [ ṛcyámāna ] ) to be praised Lit. RV.
अर्च् [ arc ] [ árc ]2 m. (instr. [ arcā́ ] ) fn. shining , brilliant ( ( Lit. Gmn. ) ) Lit. RV. vi , 34 , 4.
अर्चत् [ arcat ] [ árcat ] m. f. n. (pr.p.) shining Lit. RV.
praising Lit. RV.
[ arcat ] m. ( [ an ] ) N. of a Ṛishi (son of Hiraṇyastūpa) Lit. Nir. x , 32 ( commenting on Lit. RV. x , 149 , 5) .
अर्चद्धूम [ arcaddhūma ] [ arcád-dhūma ] m. f. n. whose smoke is shining Lit. RV. x , 46 , 7.
अर्चत्रि [ arcatri ] [ arcátri ] m. f. n. (said of the Maruts) roaring Lit. RV. vi , 66 , 10.
अर्चत्र्य [ arcatrya ] [ arcatryá ] (4) m. f. n. ( fr. [ arcatra ] , " praise " ) to be raised Lit. RV. vi , 24 , 1.
अर्चन [ arcana ] [ arcana ] m. f. n. ifc. honouring , praising Lit. Nir.
[ arcana ] n. f. ( [ am ] , [ ā ] ) homage paid to deities and to superiors Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ vibudhārcana ] and [ surārcana ] ) .
अर्चनानस् [ arcanānas ] [ arcanā́nas ] m. " who has a rattling carriage " , N. of a Ṛishi Lit. RV. v , 64 , 7 and Lit. AV. xviii , 3 , 15.
अर्चनस् [ arcanas ] [ arca-nas ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ arcā ] below) , " one whose nose is like that of an idol " Lit. Kāś. and Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 118. ( ( The rule perhaps originally meant to explain the above N. [ arcanā́nas ] , taking it for [ arcanā́nas ] , " whose nose shows submission or devotion. " ) )
अर्चस् [ arcas ] [ arcas ] n. worship, praise, Lit. L.
अर्चा [ arcā ] [ arcā́ ] f. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 43 and 2 , 101) worship , adoration Lit. ŚBr. xi Lit. Mn.
an image or idol (destined to be worshipped) Lit. VarBṛS.
body Lit. Jain.
अर्चार्ह [ arcārha ] [ ar-cārha ] ( Lit. MBh.), m. f. n. worthy of honour or praise
अर्चार्हक [ arcārhaka ] [ ar-cārhaka ] ( Lit. Bcar.), m. f. n. worthy of honour or praise
अर्चावत् [ arcāvat ] [ arcā́-vat ] m. f. n. ( = 1. [ ārca ] q.v.) worshipped Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 101 ,Sch
अर्चाविडम्बना [ arcāviḍambanā ] [ ar-cā-viḍambanā ] f. false or feigned worship, Lit. BhP.
अर्चाविधि [ arcāvidhi ] [ arcā́-vidhi ] m. rules for worship or adoration Lit. RāmatUp.
अर्चि [ arci ] [ arcí ] m. (chiefly Ved.) ray , flame Lit. RV.
( for [ aṃśa ] ) N. of one of the twelve Ādityas Comm. on Lit. KaushBr.
अर्चिनेत्राधिपति [ arcinetrādhipati ] [ arcí -netrādhipati ] m. N. of a Yaksha Lit. L.
अर्चिमत् [ arcimat ] [ arcí -mát ] m. f. n. (m. du. [ -mántā ] ) shining , blazing Lit. RV. x , 61 , 15 Lit. MuṇḍUp.
अर्चिवत् [ arcivat ] [ arcí -vát ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV. vii , 81 , 2 and ix , 67 , 24.
अर्चित [ arcita ] [ arcita ] m. f. n. honoured , worshipped , respected , saluted Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
offered with reverence , Lit. Mn iv , 213 ( [ an- ] neg.) & Lit. 235 Lit. Yājñ. i , 167
अर्चितिन् [ arcitin ] [ arcitin ] m. f. n. honouring ( with loc.) , (g. [ iṣṭādi ] , q.v.)
अर्चितृ [ arcitṛ ] [ arcitṛ ] m. a worshipper Lit. R. v , 32 , 7.
अर्चिचयिषु [ arcicayiṣu ] [ arcicayiṣu ] m. f. n. (fr. Desid. of √ [ arc ] ) wishing to praise or worship, Lit. Kir.
अर्चिन् [ arcin ] [ arcí n ] m. f. n. (said of Varuṇa's foot) shining Lit. RV. viii , 41 , 8
= [ arcátri ] q.v. Lit. RV. ii , 34 , 1 and v , 45 , 1 N. of a man.
अर्चिस् [ arcis ] [ arcí s ] n. ray of light , flame , light , lustre Lit. RV. ( once. pl. [ arcī́nṣi ] Lit. RV. vii , 62 ,1) Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
[ arcis ] f. id. Lit. ŚBr. ii Lit. Up. , ( [ is ] ) , N. of the wife of Kṛiśāśva and mother of Dhūmaketu Lit. BhP.
अर्चिष्मत् [ arciṣmat ] [ arcí ṣ-mat ] m. f. n. brilliant , resplendent Lit. R.
[ arcisārciṣmat ] m. fire , the god of fire Lit. Hariv.
a flame Lit. VarBṛS.
[ arcisārciṣmatī ] f. one of the ten stages (through which a Bodhisattva must rise before becoming a Buddha) Lit. Buddh.
अर्च्य [ arcya ] [ arcya ] ind.p. see √ [ arc ]
अर्ज् [ arj ] [ arj ] Root cl. [1] P. [ arjati ] (perf. 3. pl. [ ānarjuḥ ] ) to procure , acquire Lit. Naish. and Lit. Bhaṭṭ. : Ā. [ arjate ] , to go Lit. L. , to stand firm Lit. L. , to procure Lit. L. ; to be of good health Lit. L. : Caus. [ arjayati ] , [ °te ] , (aor. [ arjījat ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ.) to procure , acquire , obtain Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn. ( 1316,2 )
अर्जक [ arjaka ] [ arjaka ] m. f. n. procuring , acquiring Lit. L.
[ arjaka ] m. the plant Ocimum Gratissimum Lit. L. .
अर्जन [ arjana ] [ arjana ] n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 20 Comm.) procuring , acquiring , gaining , earning Lit. Mn. xii , 79 ,
अर्जनीय [ arjanīya ] [ arjanīya ] m. f. n. to be acquired or procured Lit. Kathās.
अर्जित [ arjita ] [ arjita ] m. f. n. acquired , gained , earned ( cf. [ svārjita ] and [ svayam arjita ] .)
अर्जुन [ arjuna ] [ árjuna ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ ṛjrá ] and √ [ raj ] ) white , clear (the colour of the day Lit. RV. vi , 9 , 1 ; of the dawn Lit. RV. i , 49 , 3 ; of the lightning ; of the milk ; of silver , )
made of silver Lit. AV. iv , 37 , 4
[ arjuna ] m. the white colour Lit. L.
a peacock Lit. L.
cutaneous disease Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 122 , 5
the tree Terminalia Arjuna Lit. W. and Lit. A.
N. of a man Lit. RV. i , 122 , 5
of Indra Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
of the third of the Pāṇḍava princes (who was a son of Indra and Kuntī) Lit. MBh.
of a son of Kṛitavīrya (who was slain by Paraśurāma) , ib.
of a Śākhya (known as a mathematician)
of different other persons
the only son of his mother Lit. L.
[ arjunī ] f. a cow Lit. MBh. xiii , 3596
a kind of serpent , (voc. [ árjuni ] ) Lit. AV. ii , 24 , 7
a procuress , bawd Lit. L.
N. of Ushā (wife of Aniruddha) Lit. L.
of the river Bāhudā or Karatoyā Lit. L.
f. du. or pl. ( [ °nyau ] , or [ °nyas ] ) N. of the constellation Phalgunī Lit. RV. x , 85 , 13 Lit. ŚBr.
[ arjuna ] n. silver Lit. AV. v , 28 , 5 and 9
gold Lit. L.
slight inflammation of the conjunctiva or white of the eye Lit. Suśr.
a particular grass (used as a substitute for the Soma plant) Lit. PBr.
(= [ rūpa ] ) shape Lit. Naigh.
m. pl. the descendants of Arjuna Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 66 Sch.
अर्जुनकाण्ड [ arjunakāṇḍa ] [ árjuna-kāṇḍa ] ( [ árjuna- ] ) m. f. n. having a white appendage Lit. AV. ii , 8 , 3.
अर्जुनच्छवि [ arjunacchavi ] [ árjuna-cchavi ] m. f. n. of a white colour , white.
अर्जुनतस् [ arjunatas ] [ árjuna-tas ] ind. on the side of Arjuna.
अर्जुनध्वज [ arjunadhvaja ] [ árjuna-dhvaja ] m. " having a white banner " , N. of Hanumat Lit. L.
अर्जुनपाकी [ arjunapākī ] [ árjuna-pākī ] f. N. of a plant and its fruits , (g. [ harītaky-ādi ] q.v.)
अर्जुनपाल [ arjunapāla ] [ árjuna-pāla ] m. N. of a prince (the son of Śamika) Lit. BhP.
अर्जुनपुर [ arjunapura ] [ árjuna-pura ] n. N. of a town , Lit. BrahmâṇḍaP. ii.
अर्जुनपुरुष [ arjunapuruṣa ] [ árjuna-puruṣa ] n. the plants Arjuna (i.e. Terminalia Arjuna) and Purusha (i.e. Rottleria Tinctoria) , (g. [ gavāśvādi ] q.v.)
अर्जुनमिश्र [ arjunamiśra ] [ árjuna-miśra ] n. N. of a commentator on Lit. MBh. vi.
अर्जुनशिरीष [ arjunaśirīṣa ] [ árjuna-śirīṣa ] n. the plants Terminalia Arjuna and Śirīsha ( q.v.) , (g. [ gavāśvādi ] q.v.)
अर्जुनसखि [ arjunasakhi ] [ árjuna-sakhi ] m. " having Arjuna for his friend " , N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. L.
अर्जुनसिंह [ arjunasiṃha ] [ árjuna-siṃha ] m. N. of a prince Lit. Inscr.
अर्जुनाभ्र [ arjunābhra ] [ arjunābhra ] n. N. of a medicament.
अर्जुनारिष्टसंछन्न [ arjunāriṣṭasaṃchanna ] [ arjunāriṣṭa-saṃchanna ] m. f. n. covered with Arjuna and Nimb trees.
अर्जुनार्चनकल्पलता [ arjunārcanakalpalatā ] [ arjunārcana-kalpalatā ] f. N. of two works.
अर्जुनार्चापारिजात [ arjunārcāpārijāta ] [ arjunārcā-pārijāta ] m. N. of two works.
अर्जुनाह्व [ arjunāhva ] [ arjunāhva ] m. " named Arjuna " , N. of a tree Lit. L.
अर्जुनेश्वरतीर्थ [ arjuneśvaratīrtha ] [ arjuneśvara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP. Rev.
अर्जुनोपम [ arjunopama ] [ arjunopama ] m. " similar to the Arjuna tree " , the teak tree (Tectona Grandis) Lit. L.
अर्जुनक [ arjunaka ] [ arjunaka ] m. N. of a hunter Lit. MBh. xiii , 18
a worshipper of Arjuna Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 98 ; vi , 1 , 197 Sch.
अर्जुनस [ arjunasa ] [ arjunasa ] m. f. n. overgrown with Arjuna plants , (g. [ tṛṇādi ] q.v.)
अर्जुनाव [ arjunāva ] [ arjunāva ] m. N. of a man , (g. [ dhūmādi ] q.v.) , ( cf. [ ārjunāda ] .)
अर्जुनीयादमन [ arjunīyādamana ] [ arjunīyā-damana ] n. " the taming of Arjunīyā " , N. of the 104th chapter of Lit. PadmaP. iv.
अर्ण [ arṇa ] [ árṇa ] m. n. a wave , flood stream Lit. RV. Lit. BhP.
(figuratively applied to the) tumult of battle Lit. RV. v , 50 , 4
[ arṇa ] m. a letter , syllable Lit. RāmatUp. N. of a metre (comprising ten feet , and belonging to the class called Daṇḍaka)
the teak tree (see [ arjunāpama ] above ) Lit. L.
N. of a man (see [ arna citráratha ] below)
अर्णसाति [ arṇasāti ] [ árṇa-sāti ] ( [ árṇa- ] ) f. ( only loc. [ °tau ] ) conquering or obtaining streams ( ( Lit. NBD. ; " tumult of battle " Lit. BR. and Lit. Gmn. ) ) Lit. RV. i , 63 , 6 ii , 20 , 8 and iv , 24 , 4.
अर्णाचित्ररथा [ arṇācitrarathā ] [ árṇā-citrárathā ] m. du. Arṇa and Citraratha Lit. RV. iv,30 , 18.
अर्णोदर [ arṇodara ] [ arṇodara ] m. N. of a teacher (v.l. [ ūrṇādara ] q.v.) Lit. VāmP.
अर्णव [ arṇava ] [ arṇavá ] m. f. n. agitated , foaming , restless Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
[ arṇava ] m. a wave , flood Lit. RV.
the foaming sea Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
the ocean of air ( sometimes personified as a demon with the epithet [ mahā́n ] or [ ta nayitnús ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
mn. ( [ as ] , rarely [ am ] ( Lit. MBh. xiii , 7362 ) ) the sea
(hence) the number , " four " Lit. Sūryas.
N. of two metres ( cf. [ árṇa ] , m.) , N. of wk. on jurisprudence.
अर्णवज [ arṇavaja ] [ arṇavá-ja ] m. " sea-born " , cuttlefish Lit. L.
अर्णवनेमि [ arṇavanemi ] [ arṇavá-nemi ] f. " having the sea as a felly round itself " , the earth , Lit. Daś.
अर्णवपति [ arṇavapati ] [ arṇavá-pati ] m. " lord of the seas " , the ocean Lit. Bālar.
अर्णवपोत [ arṇavapota ] [ arṇavá-pota ] m. a boat or ship.
अर्णवभव [ arṇavabhava ] [ arṇavá-bhava ] m. existing in the sea , a muscle Lit. L.
अर्णवमन्दिर [ arṇavamandira ] [ arṇavá-mandira ] m. " whose abode is the sea " , Varuṇa Lit. L.
अर्णवमल [ arṇavamala ] [ arṇavá-mala ] n. = [ ja ] above.
अर्णवयान [ arṇavayāna ] [ arṇavá-yāna ] n. = [ -pota ] above.
अर्णववर्णन [ arṇavavarṇana ] [ arṇavá-varṇana ] n. " description of the sea " N. of a work.
अर्णवशक्करी [ arṇavaśakkarī ] [ arṇava-śakkarī ] f. (incorrect for - [ śakvarī ] ) sea-girt (the earth), Lit. Kāvyâd. iii, 149.
अर्णवसरिदाश्रित [ arṇavasaridāśrita ] [ arṇavá-sarid-āśrita ] m. f. n. living on the bank of the sea and of rivers Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्णवान्त [ arṇavānta ] [ arṇavānta ] m. the extremity of the ocean.
अर्णवोद्भव [ arṇavodbhava ] [ arṇavodbhava ] m. = [ agni-jāra ] q.v.
अर्णस् [ arṇas ] [ árṇas ] n. a wave , flood , stream Lit. RV.
the foaming sea ocean of air Lit. RV.
river Lit. Naigh.
water (ifc. [ arṇas-ka ] ) Lit. Bālar. N. of different metres Lit. RPrāt.
अर्णस्वत् [ arṇasvat ] [ árṇas-vat ] m. f. n. containing many waves Lit. Nir. x , 9.
अर्णस [ arṇasa ] [ arṇasá ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ árṇas ] ) agitated , foaming Lit. RV. v , 54 , 6
( fr. [ árṇa ] ) full of waves , (g. [ tṛṇādi ] q.v.)
अर्णो [ arṇo ] [ arṇo ] ( in Sandhi for [ árṇas ] ) .
अर्णोद [ arṇoda ] [ arṇo-da ] m. f. n. " yielding water " , a cloud Lit. L.
the plant Cyperus Rotundus.
अर्णोनिधि [ arṇonidhi ] [ arṇo-nidhi ] m. " receptacle of the waves " , the ocean Lit. Bālar. ( cf. [ arṇava-pat ] .)
अर्णोभव [ arṇobhava ] [ arṇo-bhava ] m. = [ arṇavabhava ] - above Lit. L.
अर्णोवृत् [ arṇovṛt ] [ arṇo-vṛ́t ] m. f. n. (√ 1. [ vṝ ] ) including the waters Lit. RV. ii , 19 , 2.
अर्णिका [ arṇikā ] [ arṇikā ] f. a partic. weight (= 2 Māshas), Lit. L.
अर्तगल [ artagala ] [ arta-gala ] m. = [ ārta-gala ] q.v. Lit. L.
अर्तन [ artana ] [ artaná ] m. f. n. (√ [ ṛt ] ) , reviling ( ( Lit. BR. ; = [ duhkhin ] Comm. ) ) Lit. VS. xxx , 19
[ artana ] n. censure , blame Lit. L.
अर्तुक [ artuka ] [ ártuka ] m. f. n. provoking , quarrelsome Lit. ŚBr.
अर्ति [ arti ] [ arti ] f. = [ ārti ] , pain Lit. Suśr. Lit. Kathās.
= [ artnī ] , the end of a bow Lit. L.
अर्तिका [ artikā ] [ artikā ] f. an elder sister (in theatrical language) Lit. L. ( cf. [ atti ] , [ attikā ] , and [ antikā ] .)
अर्थ् [ arth ] [ arth ] Root cl. [10] Ā. [ arthayate ] ( 2. du. [ arthayāse ] Lit. RV. x , 106 , 7 ; Subj. 2. sg. [ arthayāse ] Lit. RV. i , 82 , s) ; rarely cl. [1] Ā. ( 1. pl. [ arthāmahe ] Lit. MBh. iii , 8613) to strive to obtain , desire , wish , request , ask for (acc. ; rarely Inf. ( Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ) ) ; to supplicate or entreat any one (acc. , rarely abl. ( Lit. Kathās. ) ) ; to point out the sense of , comment upon Comm. on Lit. Mṛicch.
अर्थ [ artha ] [ ártha ] m. n. ( ( in Lit. RV. i-ix only n. ; in Lit. RV. x six times n. and thrice m. ; in later Sanskṛit only m. ) ) aim , purpose ( very often [ artham ] , [ arthena ] , [ arthāya ] , and [ arthe ] ifc. or with gen. " for the sake of , on account of , in behalf of , for " ) ( 90,2 )
cause , motive , reason Lit. Mn. ii , 213 ,
advantage , use , utility (generally named with kāma and dharma see [ tri-varga ] ; used in wishing well to another dat. or gen. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 73)
thing , object (said of the membrum virile Lit. ŚBr. xiv)
object of the senses Lit. VarBṛS.
(hence) the number " five " , Lit. Sūryas.
substance , wealth , property , opulence , money
(hence in astron.) N. of the second mansion , the mansion of wealth ( cf , [ dhana ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.
personified as the son of Dharma arid Buddhi Lit. BhP.
affair , concern (Ved. often acc. [ ártham ] with √ [ i ] , or [ gam ] , to go to one's business , take up one's work Lit. RV. )
(in law) lawsuit , action
having to do with (instr.) , wanting , needing anything (instr.) , SBr ,
sense , meaning , notion ( cf. [ artha-śabdau ] and [ arthāt ] s.v. below and [ vedatattvārtha-vid ] )
manner , kind Lit. L., prohibition , prevention Lit. L.
price ( for [ argha ] q.v.) Lit. L.
[ arthāt ] abl. ind. see s.v. below
[ arthe ] loc. ind. with √ 1. [ kṛ ] (g. [ sakṣād-ādi ] q.v.)
अर्थकथा [ arthakathā ] [ artha-kathā ] f. (fr. Pāli [ aṭṭhakathā ] ) "explaining meanings" , a class of Buddhist wks., Lit. MWB. 65
अर्थकर [ arthakara ] [ ártha-kara ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 20 Sch.) producing advantage , useful Lit. Hit.
अर्थकर्तृ [ arthakartṛ ] [ artha-kartṛ ] ( Lit. Kālac.) m. f. n. useful, profitable
अर्थकर्मन् [ arthakarman ] [ ártha-karman ] n. an action on purpose ( opposed to [ guṇa-karman ] q.v.)
अर्थकाम [ arthakāma ] [ ártha-kāma ] n. ( Lit. R. ii , 86 , 6 v.l. ) m. du. ( Lit. R. ii , 86 , 6 Lit. Mn. , iv , 176 ) m. pl. ( Lit. Mn. ii , 13 ) utility and desire , wealth and pleasure
[ arthakāma ] m. f. n. desirous of wealth , N. Lit. MBh. xii , 220, desiring to be useful.
अर्थकाम्य [ arthakāmya ] [ artha-kāmya ] Nom. P. ° [ yati ] , to wish for money, Lit. Śiś.
अर्थकारक [ arthakāraka ] [ ártha-kāraka ] m. N. of a son of Dyutimat Lit. MārkP. ( v.l. [ andha-k ] Lit. VP.)
अर्थकारणात् [ arthakāraṇāt ] [ ártha-kāraṇāt ] ind. ifc. for the sake or on account of. Lit. R. Lit. Hcat.
अर्थकार्श्य [ arthakārśya ] [ ártha-kārśya ] n. poverty Lit. Ragh. v , 21.
अर्थकाशिन् [ arthakāśin ] [ ártha-kāśin ] m. f. n. only apparently (i.e. not really) of use or utility Lit. BhP.
अर्थकिल्बिषिन् [ arthakilbiṣin ] [ ártha-kilbiṣin ] m. f. n. dishonest in money matters Lit. Mn. viii , 141.
अर्थकृच्छ्र [ arthakṛcchra ] [ ártha-kṛcchra ] n. sg. ( ( Lit. R. iv , 7 , 9 ) ) or pl. ( ( Lit. N. ) ) a difficult matter.
अर्थकृत् [ arthakṛt ] [ ártha-kṛt ] m. f. n. causing profit , useful.
अर्थकृत [ arthakṛta ] [ ártha-kṛta ] m. f. n. made for a special purpose Lit. Jaim.
made only with regard to utility , interested (as friendship) Lit. BhP.
caused by the sense of a word ( opposed to [ śabda-k ] and [ desa-k ] ) Comm. on Lit. VPrāt.
अर्थकृत्य [ arthakṛtya ] [ ártha-kṛtya ] n. ( ( Lit. R. ) ) ( ( Lit. Megh. ) ) settling a matter or affair.
अर्थकृत्या [ arthakṛtyā ] [ ártha-kṛtyā ] f. ( ( Lit. Megh. ) ) settling a matter or affair.
अर्थकोविद [ arthakovida ] [ ártha-kovida ] m. f. n. expert in any matter , experienced Lit. R. vi , 4 , 8.
अर्थक्रिया [ arthakriyā ] [ ártha-kriyā ] f. an action performed with a special purpose Lit. Sarvad.
the being useful (to others) Lit. Lalit.
अर्थगति [ arthagati ] [ ártha-gati ] f. understanding the sense Lit. Pat.
अर्थगति [ arthagati ] [ artha-gati ] f. meaning, sense, Lit. SaddhP.
अर्थगरीयस् [ arthagarīyas ] [ ártha-garīyas ] m. f. n. (compar.) highly significant.
अर्थगुण [ arthaguṇa ] [ ártha-guṇa ] m. preference or advantage in regard to the sense Lit. Kpr.
अर्थगृह [ arthagṛha ] [ ártha-gṛha ] n. a treasury Lit. Hariv.
अर्थग्रहण [ arthagrahaṇa ] [ ártha-grahaṇa ] n. abstraction , of money
( in Gr.) apprehension of meaning
अर्थग्राहिन् [ arthagrāhin ] [ ártha-grāhin ] m. f. n. choosing advantage Lit. Āp.
अर्थघ्न [ arthaghna ] [ ártha-ghna ] m. f. n. destroying wealth , wasteful , extravagant Lit. Mn. ix , 80 and Lit. Yājñ. i , 73
destroying advantage , causing loss , or damage Lit. Vātsy.
अर्थचर्या [ arthacaryā ] [ artha-caryā ] doing business, Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
promoting another's affairs (one of the 7 elements of popularity), Lit. Jātakam. ( Lit. Dharmas. 19)
अर्थचित्त [ arthacitta ] [ ártha-citta ] m. f. n. thinking on or desirous of wealth.
अर्थचित्र [ arthacitra ] [ ártha-citra ] n. " variety in sense " , a pun Lit. Kpr.
अर्थचिन्तक [ arthacintaka ] [ ártha-cintaka ] m. f. n. knowing or considering what is useful Lit. Vātsy. ( cf. [ sarvārtha-c ] .)
अर्थचिन्तन [ arthacintana ] [ ártha-cintana ] n. attention or consideration of affairs Lit. Sāh.
अर्थचिन्ता [ arthacintā ] [ ártha-cintā ] f. attention or consideration of affairs Lit. Sāh.
अर्थजात [ arthajāta ] [ ártha-jāta ] n. sg. and pl. collection of goods , money Lit. Mṛicch.
things , objects , Lit. Śak. Lit. Daś.
अर्थज्ञ [ arthajña ] [ ártha-jña ] m. f. n. = [ -kovida ] above Lit. R. iii , 71 , 1
understanding the sense (of a word) Lit. Nir.
अर्थतत्त्व [ arthatattva ] [ ártha-tattva ] n. the real object or nature or cause of anything ( in comp.) Lit. Mn. xii , 102 Lit. R. i , 1 , 16
the true state of a case , fact of the matter.
अर्थतन्त्र [ arthatantra ] [ ártha-tantra ] n. the doctrine of utility Lit. BhP.
[ arthatantra ] m. f. n. subject to i.e. acting according to one's interest Lit. BhP.
अर्थतस् [ arthatas ] [ ártha-tas ] ind. towards a particular object , Lit. Sāṅkhyak. Lit. Mcar.
(ifc.) for the sake of. Lit. Pañcat.
in fact , really , truly Lit. R.
for the profit of
with respect to the sense Lit. VarBṛS. ( opposed to [ grantha-tas ] and [ sūtra-tas ] Lit. Jain.)
अर्थतृष् [ arthatṛṣ ] [ ártha-tṛṣ ] m. f. n. greedy after money Lit. BhP.
अर्थतृष्णा [ arthatṛṣṇā ] [ ártha-tṛṣṇā ] f. desire for wealth or money Lit. VP. Lit. BhP.
अर्थद [ arthada ] [ ártha-da ] m. f. n. conferring advantage , profitable Lit. Kathās.
munificent Lit. Mn. ii , 109.
अर्थदत्त [ arthadatta ] [ ártha-datta ] m. N. of wealthy merchants Lit. Kathās.
अर्थदर्पण [ arthadarpaṇa ] [ artha-darpaṇa ] m. N. of a wk. on Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
अर्थदर्शक [ arthadarśaka ] [ ártha-darśaka ] m. " seeing lawsuits " , a judge Lit. L. ( cf. [ akṣa-d ] .)
अर्थदर्शन [ arthadarśana ] [ ártha-darśana ] n. consideration of a case Lit. Mālav.
अर्थदर्शिन् [ arthadarśin ] [ artha-darśin ] m. N. of one of the 14 mythical Buddhas, Lit. MWB. 136. n. 1
अर्थदान [ arthadāna ] [ ártha-dāna ] n. donation of money , present Lit. MBh.
a present given with a (selfish) purpose Lit. Hcat.
अर्थदायाद [ arthadāyāda ] [ artha-dāyāda ] m. an heir to wealth, Lit. Bcar.
अर्थदूषण [ arthadūṣaṇa ] [ ártha-dūṣaṇa ] n. spoiling of (another's or one e own) property , either " unjust seizure of property " or " prodigality " , Lit. Mn. vii , 48 & 51 ,
अर्थदृश् [ arthadṛś ] [ ártha-dṛś ] f. an eye on (i.e. consideration of) the truth , Lit. BhP.
अर्थदृष्टि [ arthadṛṣṭi ] [ ártha-dṛṣṭi ] f. seeing profit Lit. BhP.
अर्थदोष [ arthadoṣa ] [ ártha-doṣa ] m. a mistake with regard to the meaning Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kpr.
अर्थद्योतनिका [ arthadyotanikā ] [ artha-dyotanikā ] f. N. of a wk. on dramatic art
अर्थद्रव्यविरोध [ arthadravyavirodha ] [ ártha-dravya-virodha ] m. opposition between the purpose and the thing , Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Jaim.
अर्थनाश [ arthanāśa ] [ ártha-nāśa ] m. loss of money.
अर्थनाशक [ arthanāśaka ] [ artha-nāśaka ] m. f. n. wasting money, prodigal, Lit. Daś.
अर्थनिबन्धन [ arthanibandhana ] [ ártha-nibandhana ] m. f. n. having its cause in wealth , contingent on affluence and respectability Lit. MBh. i , 5141.
अर्थनिर्वृत्ति [ arthanirvṛtti ] [ ártha-nirvṛtti ] f. fulfilling of a purpose , Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. R.
अर्थनिश्चय [ arthaniścaya ] [ ártha-niścaya ] m. decision of a matter Lit. R. iv , 31 , 32
determinate view of a matter Lit. L.
अर्थन्यून [ arthanyūna ] [ ártha-nyūna ] m. f. n. " deficient in wealth " , poor Lit. MBh.
अर्थपञ्चक [ arthapañcaka ] [ artha-pañcaka ] n. N. of a wk. on Bhakti
अर्थपति [ arthapati ] [ ártha-pati ] m. " lord of wealth " , a rich man Lit. VarBṛS.
a king Lit. Ragh.
N. of Kubera Lit. L.
of the grandfather of the poet Bāṇa Lit. Kād. ( cf. [ ārtha-patya ] .)
अर्थपद [ arthapada ] [ ártha-pada ] n. N. of the Vārttikas on Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. R. vii , 36 , 45.
अर्थपदवी [ arthapadavī ] [ artha-padavī ] f. the path of advantage (° [ vīṃ ] √ [ gam ] , "to be intent on one's adv°antage" ), Lit. BhP.
अर्थपरिग्रह [ arthaparigraha ] [ ártha-parí graha ] m. possession of wealth Lit. R. v , 43 , 6
[ arthaparigraha ] m. f. n. dependent on money Lit. MBh. iii , 1292.
अर्थपाठ [ arthapāṭha ] [ artha-pāṭha ] m. the reading required by the sense, Lit. ĀpGṛ., Sch.
अर्थपुनरुक्त [ arthapunarukta ] [ artha-punarukta ] n. (in Nyāya) repetition of the same meaning in other words
अर्थपूर्वक [ arthapūrvaka ] [ artha-pūrvaka ] m. f. n. having a particular aim or object , Lit. VPrāt., Sch.
अर्थपूर्वकत्व [ arthapūrvakatva ] [ artha-pūrvaka--tva ] ( n. )
अर्थप्रकृति [ arthaprakṛti ] [ ártha-prakṛti ] f. " the principal thing required for a special aim " , N. of the five constituent elements of a drama Lit. Sāh. Lit. Daśar.
अर्थप्रयोग [ arthaprayoga ] [ ártha-prayoga ] m. application of wealth to usury
अर्थप्रसंख्या [ arthaprasaṃkhyā ] [ ártha-prasaṃkhyā ] f. considering the aim Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्थप्राप्ति [ arthaprāpti ] [ ártha-prāpti ] f. acquisition of wealth
" attainment of meaning " i.e. the state of being clear by itself. Lit. Car.
अर्थबन्ध [ arthabandha ] [ ártha-bandha ] m. " binding the sense together " , a word or sentence Lit. Śāk. Lit. Vikr.
अर्थभाज् [ arthabhāj ] [ ártha-bhāj ] m. f. n. entitled to a share in the division of property.
अर्थभृत [ arthabhṛta ] [ ártha-bhṛta ] m. f. n. having high wages (as a servant) .
अर्थभेद [ arthabheda ] [ ártha-bheda ] m. distinction or difference of meaning.
अर्थभ्रंश [ arthabhraṃśa ] [ ártha-bhraṃśa ] m. loss of fortune , ruin Lit. VarBṛS.
failing of an aim or of an intention.
अर्थमत्त [ arthamatta ] [ ártha-matta ] m. f. n. proud of money Lit. Daś.
अर्थमनस् [ arthamanas ] [ ártha-manas ] m. f. n. having an aim in view Lit. Gobh.
अर्थमय [ arthamaya ] [ ártha-maya ] m. f. n. useful Lit. Bhām.
अर्थमात्र [ arthamātra ] [ ártha-mātra ] f n. property , money Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
[ arthamātra ] m. f. n. being only the matter itself. Lit. Yogas.
अर्थयुक्त [ arthayukta ] [ ártha-yukta ] m. f. n. significant Lit. Kum. i , 13.
अर्थयुक्ति [ arthayukti ] [ ártha-yukti ] f. gain , profit.
अर्थयोग्य [ arthayogya ] [ artha-yogya ] m. f. n. useful, profitable, Lit. Daś.
अर्थरचन [ artharacana ] [ artha-racana ] n. pursuing an aim, exertion, endeavour, Lit. BhP.
अर्थराशि [ artharāśi ] [ ártha-rāśi ] m. great wealth Lit. Daś.
अर्थरुचि [ artharuci ] [ ártha-ruci ] m. f. n. = [ -citta ] Lit. Mudr.
अर्थलाघव [ arthalāghava ] [ artha-lāghava ] n. taking a thing easily, Lit. Naish.
अर्थलाभ [ arthalābha ] [ ártha-lābha ] m. acquisition of wealth.
अर्थलुब्ध [ arthalubdha ] [ ártha-lubdha ] m. f. n. greedy of wealth , covetous , niggardly Lit. Daś.
अर्थलेश [ arthaleśa ] [ ártha-leśa ] m. a little wealth.
अर्थलोप [ arthalopa ] [ ártha-lopa ] m. failing or non-existence of an aim Lit. Jaim. Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्थलोप [ arthalopa ] [ artha-lopa ] loss of property, Lit. MBh.
अर्थलोभ [ arthalobha ] [ ártha-lobha ] m. desire of wealth , avarice.
अर्थलोल [ arthalola ] [ artha-lola ] m. f. n. coveting money, Lit. Kālac.
अर्थवत् [ arthavat ] [ ártha-vat ] m. f. n. wealthy
full of sense , significant Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 45 ,
suitable to the object , fitting Lit. RPrāt. Lit. KātyŚr.
full of reality , real
[ arthavat ] m. ( [ ān ] ) a man Lit. L.
ind. according to a purpose Lit. Mn. v , 134 Lit. Yājñ. iii , 2.
अर्थवत्ता [ arthavattā ] [ ártha-vat-tā ] f. significance , importance.
अर्थवत्त्व [ arthavattva ] [ ártha-vat-tva ] n. significance , importance.
अर्थवर्गीय [ arthavargīya ] [ ártha-vargīya ] [ ās ] or [ āṇi ] m. or n. pl. " treating of the category of objects " , N. of certain Buddhist texts.
अर्थवर्जित [ arthavarjita ] [ ártha-varjita ] m. f. n. unimportant Lit. Kathās.
अर्थवर्मन् [ arthavarman ] [ ártha-varman ] m. N. of a rich merchant Lit. Kathās.
अर्थवश [ arthavaśa ] [ artha-vaśa ] cause and effect, Lit. Sukh. i
अर्थवाद [ arthavāda ] [ ártha-vāda ] m. explanation of the meaning (of any precept) Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Nyāyad.
praise , eulogium Lit. Uttarar.
अर्थवादिन् [ arthavādin ] [ ártha-vādin ] m. f. n. " relating facts " Lit. Pañcat.
अर्थविज्ञान [ arthavijñāna ] [ ártha-vijñāna ] n. comprehension of meaning (one of the six or eight exercises of the understanding) Lit. L.
अर्थविद् [ arthavid ] [ ártha-vid ] m. f. n. knowing the sense Lit. Ragh. iii , 21.
अर्थविद्या [ arthavidyā ] [ ártha-vidyā ] f. knowledge of practical life Lit. MBh. vii , 169.
अर्थविनाश [ arthavināśa ] [ ártha-vināśa ] m. loss of one's fortune Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्थविनाशन [ arthavināśana ] [ ártha-vināśana ] m. f. n. causing a loss or disadvantage Lit. MBh.
अर्थविनिश्चय [ arthaviniścaya ] [ ártha-viniścaya ] m. " a disquisition treating of the objects " , N. of a , Buddhist text.
अर्थविपत्ति [ arthavipatti ] [ ártha-vipatti ] f. failing of an aim Lit. R. ii , 19 , 40.
अर्थविशेषण [ arthaviśeṣaṇa ] [ artha-viśeṣaṇa ] n. (prob.) specification of any matter, Lit. Sāh.
अर्थवृद्धि [ arthavṛddhi ] [ ártha-vṛddhi ] f. accumulation of wealth.
अर्थवैकल्य [ arthavaikalya ] [ ártha-vaikalya ] n. incongruity in the facts , deviation from truth Lit. Mn. viii , 95.
अर्थव्यक्ति [ arthavyakti ] [ ártha-vyakti ] f. clearness of the sense Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kpr.
अर्थव्यय [ arthavyaya ] [ ártha-vyaya ] m. expenditure
अर्थव्ययसह [ arthavyayasaha ] [ ártha-vyaya--saha ] m. f. n. " allowing expenditure " , prodigal Lit. L.
अर्थव्यवहार [ arthavyavahāra ] [ artha-vyavahāra ] m. a pecuniary suit, Lit. Yājñ., Sch.
अर्थशब्दौ [ arthaśabdau ] [ ártha-śabdau ] m. du. = [ śabdārthau ] , word and sense , (g. [ rājadantādi ] .)
अर्थशालिन् [ arthaśālin ] [ ártha-śālin ] m. f. n. wealthy
[ arthaśālin ] m. a wealthy man.
अर्थशास्त्र [ arthaśāstra ] [ ártha-śāstra ] n. a book treating of practical life ( cf. [ -vidyā ] above ) and political government ( cf. [ -cintana ] above ) Lit. MBh.
अर्थशास्त्रक [ arthaśāstraka ] [ ártha-śāstraka ] n. id. Lit. AgP.
अर्थशौच [ arthaśauca ] [ ártha-śauca ] n. purity , honesty in money matters ( cf. [ -prayoga ] above ) Lit. Mn. v , 106 Lit. Kām.
अर्थश्री [ arthaśrī ] [ ártha-śrī ] f. great wealth Lit. Kathās.
अर्थश्लेष [ arthaśleṣa ] [ artha-śleṣa ] m. a pun or quibble based upon the sense (not upon the form of words, as opp. to [ śabda ] - [ śl ] °), Lit. Śiś. ix, 31, Sch.
अर्थसंशय [ arthasaṃśaya ] [ ártha-saṃśaya ] m. danger in regard to one's fortune Lit. MBh.
अर्थसंस्थान [ arthasaṃsthāna ] [ ártha-saṃsthāna ] n. accumulation of wealth
treasury Lit. L.
अर्थसंग्रह [ arthasaṃgraha ] [ ártha-saṃgraha ] m. accumulation of wealth Lit. Ragh. xvii , 60
treasury Lit. L.
" compendium of objects (treated of) " , N. of one of the Pūrva-mīmāṃsā texts.
अर्थसंग्रहिन् [ arthasaṃgrahin ] [ ártha-saṃgrahin ] m. f. n. accumulating wealth Lit. MBh. ii , 2569.
अर्थसंचय [ arthasaṃcaya ] [ ártha-saṃcaya ] m. sg. and pl. collection of wealth , property Lit. MBh.
अर्थसंदेह [ arthasaṃdeha ] [ artha-saṃdeha ] m. a dubious or critical matter, Lit. Hit. (v.l.)
अर्थसंन्यासिन् [ arthasaṃnyāsin ] [ ártha-saṃnyāsin ] m. f. n. renouncing an advantage.
अर्थसम [ arthasama ] [ artha-sama ] m. f. n. having the same sense, synonymous, Lit. L.
अर्थसमाहर्तृ [ arthasamāhartṛ ] [ artha-samāhartṛ ] m. a collector of money, Lit. Mn. vii, 60
अर्थसम्पादन [ arthasampādana ] [ ártha-sampādana ] n. carrying out an affair Lit. Mn. vii , ,168.
अर्थसम्बन्ध [ arthasambandha ] [ ártha-sambandha ] m. possession of wealth Lit. Mudr.
connection of the sense with the word or sentence ( cf. [ -bandha ] above ) Lit. L.
अर्थसम्बन्धिन् [ arthasambandhin ] [ ártha-sambandhin ] m. f. n. concerned or interested in an affair Lit. Mn. viii , 64 Lit. Yājñ. ii , 71.
अर्थसम्भव [ arthasambhava ] [ artha-sambhava ] m. f. n. (a meaning) derived from the (mere) object of thought (without regard to the sense or context of the phrase), Lit. Kpr. ; Lit. Sāh.
अर्थसाधक [ arthasādhaka ] [ ártha-sādhaka ] m. f. n. promoting an aim , useful , profitable Lit. MBh. i , 4785 , ( cf. [ svārthasādhaka ] )
[ arthasādhaka ] m. the plant Putraṃjīva Roxburghii Lit. N.
N. of a minister of king Daśaratha Lit. R. i , 7 , 3.
अर्थसाधन [ arthasādhana ] [ artha-sādhana ] n. accomplishment of a purpose, means of attaining an object, Lit. Ragh. ; Lit. Kathās.
अर्थसार [ arthasāra ] [ ártha-sāra ] m. n. a considerable property Lit. Pañcat.
( Lit. Hit.)
अर्थसिद्ध [ arthasiddha ] [ ártha-siddha ] m. f. n. clear in itself. self-evident
[ arthasiddha ] m. N. of the tenth day of the Karma-māsa , Lit. Sūryapr.
N. of Śākyamuni in one of his previous births (as a Bodhisattva) .
अर्थसिद्धक [ arthasiddhaka ] [ ártha-siddhaka ] m. the plant Vitex Negundo Lit. L.
अर्थसिद्धि [ arthasiddhi ] [ ártha-siddhi ] f. acquisition of wealth Lit. Car.
success Lit. Ragh. ii 21
N. of a particular magical faculty
[ arthasiddhi ] m. N. of a son of Pushya Lit. Hariv.
अर्थहर [ arthahara ] [ ártha-hara ] m. f. n. inheriting wealth Lit. Vishṇus.
अर्थहानि [ arthahāni ] [ ártha-hāni ] f. loss of wealth Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्थहारक [ arthahāraka ] [ ártha-hāraka ] m. f. n. stealing money
[ arthahārikā ] f. N. of a female demon Lit. MārkP.
अर्थहारिन् [ arthahārin ] [ ártha-hārin ] m. f. n. stealing money Lit. Kathās.
अर्थहीन [ arthahīna ] [ ártha-hīna ] m. f. n. " deprived " of sense , unmeaning , nonsensical
deprived of wealth , poor Lit. L.
अर्थाक्षिप्त [ arthākṣipta ] [ ar-thākṣipta ] m. f. n. effected by any cause, Lit. Śaṃk.
अर्थागम [ arthāgama ] [ arthāgama ] m. sg. ( ( Lit. Vātsy. ) ) or pl. ( ( Lit. MBh. iii , 88 ) ) receipt or collection of property , income , acquisition of wealth.
अर्थाधिकार [ arthādhikāra ] [ arthādhikāra ] m. office of treasurer Lit. Hit.
अर्थाधिकारिन् [ arthādhikārin ] [ arthādhikārin ] m. f. n. a treasurer.
अर्थाधिनाथ [ arthādhinātha ] [ ar-thādhinātha ] m. "lord of wealth" , N. of Kubera, Lit. Kāv.
अर्थानर्थ [ arthānartha ] [ ar-thānartha ] m. du. what is expedient or not expedient, Lit. Mn. viii, 24
अर्थान्तर [ arthāntara ] [ arthāntara ] n. another matter , a different or new circumstance , a similar case (often with [ ny- ] √ 2. [ as ] , to introduce some other matter as an illustration see [ arthāntara-nyāsa ] below)
a different meaning Lit. Nyāyad.
opposite or antithetical meaning , difference of meaning or purport Lit. L.
अर्थान्तरन्यास [ arthāntaranyāsa ] [ arthāntara-nyāsa ] m. introduction of some other matter (an illustration of a particular case by a general truth or of a general truth by a particular case) Lit. Sāh. Lit. Kāvyâd.
अर्थान्तराक्षेप [ arthāntarākṣepa ] [ arthāntarākṣepa ] m. " throwing in another fact " i.e. establishing any disagreement with a statement by introducing a similar case (showing the impossibility of that statement) , Lit. Kāvyâd.
अर्थान्तर्य [ arthāntarya ] [ ar-thāntarya ] n. repetition required by the sense of one or more words successively, Lit. IndSt.
अर्थान्वित [ arthānvita ] [ arthānvita ] m. f. n. possessed of wealth , rich
possessed of sense , significant.
अर्थापत्ति [ arthāpatti ] [ arthāpatti ] f. inference from circumstances , a disjunctive hypothetical syllogism.
अर्थापत्तिसम [ arthāpattisama ] [ arthāpatti-sama ] f n. an inference by which the quality of any object is attributed to another object because of their sharing some other quality in common Lit. Nyāyad. Lit. Sarvad.
अर्थापेक्ष [ arthāpekṣa ] [ ar-thāpekṣa ] m. f. n. pursuing (worldly) objects, Lit. Hir.
अर्थाभाव [ arthābhāva ] [ arthābhāva ] m. absence or want of an aim Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्थाभिनिर्वृत्ति [ arthābhinirvṛtti ] [ arthābhinirvṛtti ] f. accomplishment or successful issue of any matter Lit. MBh. v , 4548.
अर्थाभिपत्ति [ arthābhipatti ] [ ar-thābhipatti ] f. resulting from the facts, Lit. MBh.
अर्थाभिप्रापण [ arthābhiprāpaṇa ] [ arthābhiprāpaṇa ] n. obtaining or pointing out the sense.
अर्थार्जन [ arthārjana ] [ arthārjana ] n. acquisition of property Lit. Hit.
अर्थार्थ [ arthārtha ] [ arthārtha ] m. f. n. effective for the accomplishment of the aim in view Lit. Gobh.
[ arthārtham ] ind. on account of money , Lit. Kathās.
अर्थार्थतत्त्वज्ञ [ arthārthatattvajña ] [ arthārtha-tattva-jña ] m. f. n. " knowing the essence of the very aim of anything " , knowing thoroughly Lit. R.
अर्थार्थिन् [ arthārthin ] [ arthārthin ] m. f. n. desirous of gaining wealth Lit. MBh. iii , 1288, desirous of making a profit , selfish
अर्थार्थिता [ arthārthitā ] [ arthārthi-tā ] f. desire of wealth.
अर्थालंकार [ arthālaṃkāra ] [ arthālaṃkāra ] m. embellishment of the sense by poetical figures , (opposed to [ śabdālaṃkāra ] , embellishment of the sound by rhymes , ) , N. of wk.
अर्थावमर्द [ arthāvamarda ] [ arthāvamarda ] m. " wasting of wealth " , prodigality.
अर्थावृत्ति [ arthāvṛtti ] [ arthāvṛtti ] f. (in rhetoric) re-occurrence of words of the same sense Lit. Kāvyâd.
अर्थेग [ arthega ] [ ar-the-ga ] m. f. n. following one's business or vocation, Lit. Āpast.
अर्थेत् [ arthet ] [ arthét ] m. f. n. (√ [ i ] ) , active , hasty (said of running waters) Lit. VS. x , 3.
अर्थेप्सुता [ arthepsutā ] [ arthepsu-tā ] f. desire of wealth Lit. MBh. i , 6126.
अर्थेहा [ arthehā ] [ arthehā ] f. id.
अर्थैकत्व [ arthaikatva ] [ arthaika-tva ] n. congruity or harmony of the purpose (with the thing) Lit. Jaim.
अर्थैक्य [ arthaikya ] [ arthaikya ] n. id. Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
अर्थोत्पाद [ arthotpāda ] [ arthotpāda ] m. (in rhetoric) , production of a (different) sense , putting words in an artificial order so that they give a different sense.
अर्थोत्सर्ग [ arthotsarga ] [ arthotsarga ] m. expenditure of money Lit. Mudr.
अर्थोद्द्योतनिका [ arthoddyotanikā ] [ ar-thoddyotanikā ] f. N. of a Comm. on Lit. Śak. by Rāghava-bhaṭṭa.
अर्थोपक्षेपक [ arthopakṣepaka ] [ arthopakṣepaka ] m. f. n. " indicating or suggesting a matter (so as to facilitate the understanding of the plot) " , a N. applied to the parts of a drama called [ viṣkambha ] , [ cūlikā ] , [ aṅkāsya ] , [ aṅkāvatāra ] , and [ praveśaka ] , qq.vv. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Daśar.
अर्थोपक्षेपण [ arthopakṣepaṇa ] [ arthopakṣepaṇa ] n. suggesting or indicating a matter Lit. Sāh.
अर्थोपम [ arthopama ] [ arthopama ] n. a simile which merely states the object of comparison (without adding the tertium comparationis or any particle of comparison e.g. " he is a lion " , said in praise) Lit. Nir.
अर्थोपार्जन [ arthopārjana ] [ arthopārjana ] n. = [ arthārjana ] above.
अर्थोष्मन् [ arthoṣman ] [ arthoṣman ] m. glow or pride of wealth , condition of being wealthy Lit. L.
अर्थौघ [ arthaugha ] [ arthaugha ] m. a heap of effects or property Lit. MBh. iii , 15307
a treasure Lit. L.
अर्थना [ arthanā ] [ arthanā ] f. request , entreaty Lit. Kathās. Lit. Naish.
अर्थम् [ artham ] [ artham ] acc. ind. see s.v. [ ártha ] .
अर्थात् [ arthāt ] [ arthāt ] ind. abl. according to the state of the case , according to the circumstance , as a matter of fact
according to the sense , that is to say Lit. Sāh.
अर्थापय [ arthāpaya ] [ arthāpaya ] Nom. P. [ arthāpayati ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. iii , 1 , Comm.) to treat as money i.e. to hide cautiously Lit. Naish.
(accord. to others) to esteem highly, make much of anything, Lit. Naish.
अर्थिक [ arthika ] [ arthika ] m. f. n. wanting anything Lit. MBh. i , 5619 ( cf. [ kanyāthika ] )
( [ as ] )
a prince's watchman (announcing by song or music the hours of the day especially those of rising and going to rest) Lit. L.
अर्थितव्य [ arthitavya ] [ arthitavya ] m. f. n. = [ artkanīya ] q.v. Lit. MBh. iii , 3038.
अर्थिन् [ arthin ] [ arthí n ] m. f. n. active , industrious Lit. RV.
( cf [ arthét ] above )
one who wants or desires anything (instr. or in comp. ; cf. [ putrārthin ] , [ balārthin ] )
supplicating or entreating any one (gen.)
longing for , libidinous Lit. R. i , 48 , 18
[ arthin ] m. one who asks for a girl in marriage , a wooer Lit. Yājñ. i , 60 Lit. Kathās.
a beggar , petitioner , suitor Lit. Mn. xi , 1 ,
one who supplicates with prayers Lit. VarBṛS.
a plaintiff , prosecutor Lit. Mn. viii , 62 and 79 Lit. Yājñ. ii , 6
a servant Lit. L.
a follower , companion Lit. L.
अर्थि [ arthi ] [ arthi ] ( in comp. for [ arthí n ] ) .
अर्थिता [ arthitā ] [ arthi-tā ] f. the condition of a suppliant Lit. Kād.
wish , desire for (instr. Lit. Mn. ix , 203) , asking , request Lit. MBh.
अर्थित्व [ arthitva ] [ arthi-tva ] n. condition of a suppliant Lit. Megh.
request Lit. Mālav. Lit. Kathās.
अर्थिभाव [ arthibhāva ] [ arthi-bhāva ] m. condition of a beggar Lit. VarYogay.
अर्थिसात् [ arthisāt ] [ arthi-sāt ] ind. with √ 1. [ kṛ ] , to grant anything (acc.) to one who asks for it Lit. Kathās.
अर्थीय [ arthīya ] [ arthīya ] m. f. n. ifc. destined for Lit. Mn. xii , 16
relating to ( cf. [ evam-arthīya and tad-arthīya ] ) .
अर्थुष्य [ arthuṣya ] [ arthuṣya ] m. f. n. having a purpose, desirous of (= [ arthin ] ), Lit. L.
अर्थ्य [ arthya ] [ arthya ] m. f. ( [ ā ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 92) n. = [ arthanīya ] q.v. Lit. L.
proper , fit Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kum.
rich Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
intelligent , wise Lit. L.
= [ dhruva ] Lit. L.
अर्द् [ ard ] [ ard ] Root Ved. cl. [6] P. ( Imper. 3. pl. [ ṛdantu ] ; impf. 3. pl. [ ā́rdan ] ) to move , be moved , be scattered (as dust) , Lit. RV. iv , 17 , 2 and vii , 104 , 24. cl. [1] P. [ ardati ] ( [ árdati ] , " to go , move " Lit. Naigh.) to dissolve Lit. AV. xii , 4 , 3 , (aor. [ ārdīt ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ. , perf. [ anarda ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 71 Sch.) to torment , hurt , kill Lit. L. ; to ask , beg for (acc.) Lit. Ragh. v , 17. cl. [7] [ ṛṇatti ] , to kill Lit. Naigh. : Caus. [ ardayati ] (Subj. [ ardayāsi ] , Imper. 2. sg. [ ardaya ] , impf. [ ā́dayat ] , 2. sg. [ ardáyas ] ; aor. [ ārdidat ] , or ( after [ ma ] ) [ ardayit ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 51) to make agitated , stir up , shake vehemently Lit. AV. iv , 15 , 6 & 11 , vi , 49 , 2 , to do harm , torment , distress Lit. MBh. ( generally used in perf. Pass. p. [ ardita ] q.v.) , to strike , hurt , kill , destroy Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Desid. [ ardidiṣati ] ; ( Lat. (ardeo) . )
अर्दन [ ardana ] [ ardana ] m. f. n. moving restlessly Lit. Nir. vi , 3
ifc. ( [ janārdana ] ) disturbing , distressing , tormenting Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
annihilating , destroying Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ mahīṣārdana ] )
अर्दनि [ ardani ] [ ardani ] m. sickness , disease Lit. L.
asking , request Lit. L.
fire Lit. L.
अर्दित [ ardita ] [ ardita ] m. f. n. asked , requested , begged Lit. L.
injured , pained , afflicted , tormented , wounded Lit. MBh.
killed , destroyed Lit. ib.
[ ardita ] n. N. of a disease (spasm of the jaw-bones , trismus , tetanus ; or hemiplegia i.e. paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face and neck) Lit. Suśr.
अर्दितिन् [ arditin ] [ arditin ] m. f. n. having spasms of the jaw-bones Lit. Suśr.
अर्द्यमान [ ardyamāna ] [ ardyamāna ] m. f. n. (Pass. p. fr. Caus.) being distressed or afflicted or troubled.
अर्दिधिषु [ ardidhiṣu ] [ ardidhiṣu ] m. f. n. (√ [ ṛdh ] Desid.) , desirous of increasing or making anything (acc.) prosperous Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अर्ध [ ardha ] [ árdha ]1 m. Ved. side , part
place , region , country (cf. [ ápy-ardham ] , [ abhy-ardhá ] , [ parārdhá ] ) ; ( Lat. (ordo) ; Germ. (ort) . )
अर्ध [ ardha ] [ ardhá ]2 m. f. n. (m. pl. [ ardhe ] or [ ardhās ] Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 33) half , halved , forming a half ( ( cf. Osset. (ardag) ) )
[ ardhá ] .. [ ardhá ] ( or [ néma ] .. [ ardhá ] Lit. RV. x , 27 , 18) , one part , the other part
[ ardha ] m. n. f ( [ ā ] ) . the half. Lit. RV. vi , 30 , 1 ,
n. " one part of two " , with √ 1. [ kṛ ] , to give or leave to anybody (acc.) an equal share of (gen.) Lit. RV. ii , 30 , 5 and vi , 44 , 18
a part , party Lit. RV. iv , 32 , 1 and vii , 18 , 16
[ ardhe ] ind. in the middle , Lit. Śāk. ( [ ardha ] in comp. with a subst. means " the half part of anything " ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-2 , 2 ) , with an adj. or past Pass. p. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 5 ) " half " ; also with an adj. indicating measure ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. vii , 3 , 26 and 27 ) ; a peculiar kind of compound is formed with ordinals ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 23 Comm. ) e.g. [ ardha-tṛtīya ] , containing a half for its third , i.e. two and a half ; [ ardha-caturtha ] , having a half for its fourth , three and a half.)
अर्धऋच [ ardhaṛca ] [ ardha-ṛcá ] m. = [ ardha-rcá ] below Lit. VS. xix , 25.
अर्धकंसिक [ ardhakaṃsika ] [ ardhá-kaṃsika ] m. f. n. = [ ārdhak ] q.v. , measuring half a [ kaṃsa ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 27 Sch.
अर्धकथन [ ardhakathana ] [ ardhá-kathana ] n. relating only half (not to the end of a story) Lit. Veṇis. (v.l. [ -ka-thita ] , " half-related " ) .
अर्धकपिश [ ardhakapiśa ] [ ardha-kapiśa ] m. f. n. half-brown, brownish, Lit. Daśar., Sch.
अर्धकर्ण [ ardhakarṇa ] [ ardhá-karṇa ] m. " half the diameter " , radius.
अर्धकार्षिक [ ardhakārṣika ] [ ardhá-kārṣika ] m. f. n. having the weight of half a [ karṣa ] Lit. Suśr.
अर्धकाल [ ardhakāla ] [ ardhá-kāla ] m. a N. of Śiva Lit. L.
अर्धकील [ ardhakīla ] [ ardhá-kīla ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh. iii , 7024.
अर्धकूट [ ardhakūṭa ] [ ardhá-kūṭa ] m. a N. of Śiva Lit. L.
अर्धकृत [ ardhakṛta ] [ ardhá-kṛta ] m. f. n. half done , half performed.
अर्धकृष्ट [ ardhakṛṣṭa ] [ ardhá-kṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. half drawn out from ( in comp.) Lit. Śāk.
अर्धकेतु [ ardhaketu ] [ ardhá-ketu ] m. N. of a Rudra Lit. VāyuP.
अर्धकैशिक [ ardhakaiśika ] [ ardhá-kaiśika ] m. f. n. having half the breadth of a hair Lit. Suśr.
अर्धकोटी [ ardhakoṭī ] [ ardhá-koṭī ] f. half a [ koṭī ] i.e. five millions Lit. Hit.
अर्धकोष [ ardhakoṣa ] [ ardhá-koṣa ] m. a moiety of one's treasure.
अर्धकौडविक [ ardhakauḍavika ] [ ardhá-kauḍavika ] m. f. n. = [ ārdhak ] q.v. , measuring half a [ kuḍava ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 27 Sch.
अर्धक्रोश [ ardhakrośa ] [ ardhá-krośa ] m. half a league.
अर्धक्षेत्र [ ardhakṣetra ] [ ardhá-kṣetra ] n. pl. N. of particular lunar mansions Lit. Sūryapr.
अर्धखार [ ardhakhāra ] [ ardhá-khāra ] n. half a [ khārī ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 101.
अर्धखारी [ ardhakhārī ] [ ardhá-khārī ] f. half a [ khārī ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 101.
अर्धगङ्गा [ ardhagaṅgā ] [ ardhá-gaṅgā ] f. " half the Gaṅgā " , N. of the river Kāverī Lit. L. ( cf. [ ardhajāhnavī ] below) .
अर्धगर्भ [ ardhagarbha ] [ ardhá-garbhá ] m. half a descendant (?) Lit. RV. i , 164 , 36.
अर्धगुच्छ [ ardhaguccha ] [ ardhá-guccha ] m. a necklace of sixteen (or twenty-four) strings Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्धगोल [ ardhagola ] [ ardhá-gola ] m. a hemisphere.
अर्धचक्रवर्तिन् [ ardhacakravartin ] [ ardhá-cakravartin ] m. " half a [ cakravartin ] " , N. of the nine black Vāsudevas (of the Jainas) Lit. L.
अर्धचक्रिन् [ ardhacakrin ] [ ardhá-cakrin ] m. " half a [ cakravartin ] " , N. of the nine black Vāsudevas (of the Jainas) Lit. L.
अर्धचतुर्थ [ ardhacaturtha ] [ ardhá-catúrtha ] m. f. n. pl. (see above 2. [ ardhá ] tend) three and a half Lit. Suśr. , ( Jaina Prākṛit (addhuTTha) see s.v. [ adhyuṣṭa ] .)
अर्धचन्दनलिप्त [ ardhacandanalipta ] [ ardhá-candana-lipta ] m. f. n. half rubbed with sandal Lit. MBh. xiii , 888.
अर्धचन्द्र [ ardhacandra ] [ ardhá-candra ] m. half moon
the semi circular marks on a peacock's tail Lit. L.
the semicircular scratch of the finger nail Lit. L.
an arrow , the head of which is like a half-moon Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. ( cf. [ ardhacandra-mukha ] and [ ardha candrāpama ] below)
the hand bent into a semicircle or the shape of a claw (as for the purpose of seizing anybody by the neck ; generally acc. [ °am ] with √ 1. [ dā ] , to seize any one by his neck) Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Vet.
N. of the Anusvāra (from its being written in the older MSS. in a semilunar form) Lit. RāmatUp.
N. of a constellation Lit. VarBṛS.
[ ardhacandrā ] f. the plant Convolvulus Torpethum
[ ardhacandra ] m. f. n. crescent shaped , of a semilunar form Lit. Hcat.
अर्धचन्द्रकुण्ड [ ardhacandrakuṇḍa ] [ ardha-candra--kuṇḍa ] n. N. of a mystical figure of semilunar form
अर्धचन्द्रभागिन् [ ardhacandrabhāgin ] [ ardhá-candra--bhāgin ] m. f. n. seized by the neck
अर्धचन्द्रमुख [ ardhacandramukha ] [ ardhá-candra--mukha ] m. f. n. (an arrow) the head of which is like a half-moon Lit. Ragh. xii , 96
अर्धचन्द्राकार [ ardhacandrākāra ] [ ardha-candrākāra ] m. f. n. half moon shaped , crescent shaped
अर्धचन्द्राकृत [ ardhacandrākṛta ] [ ardha-candrākṛta ] m. f. n. half moon shaped , crescent shaped
अर्धचन्द्रोपम [ ardhacandropama ] [ ardha-candropama ] m. f. n. " like a half-moon " , of semilunar form (said of an arrow , the head of which is like a half moon) Lit. R.
अर्धचन्द्रक [ ardhacandraka ] [ ardhá-candraka ] m. (= [ ardhacandra ] ) the hand bent into a semicircle for grasping any one's throat , ifc. ( [ dattārdhacandraka ] mfn. ) " seized at the throat " Lit. Kaṭhās.
[ ardhacandraka ] n. the semilunar point of an arrow , Lit. Śārṅg.
[ ardhacandrikā ] f. N. of a climbing plant (Gynandropsis Pentaphylla or Convolvulus Torpethum ; see [ ardhacandrā ] above ) .
अर्धचोलक [ ardhacolaka ] [ ardhá-colaka ] m. a short bodice Lit. L.
अर्धजरतीय [ ardhajaratīya ] [ ardhá-jaratīya ] n. ( fr. pr. p. [ jarat ] , √ [ jrs ] ) , (according to the rule of half an aged woman) incompatibility in argument Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 78
अर्धजाह्नवी [ ardhajāhnavī ] [ ardhá-jāhnavī ] f. = [ gaṅgā ]
अर्धजीवका [ ardhajīvakā ] [ ardhá-jīvakā ] f. = [ jyārdha ] , the sine of in arc.
अर्धज्या [ ardhajyā ] [ ardhá-jyā ] f. = [ jyārdha ] , the sine of in arc.
अर्धतनु [ ardhatanu ] [ ardhá-tanu ] f. half a body.
अर्धतिक्त [ ardhatikta ] [ ardhá-tikta ] m. f. n. " half-bitter " , the plant Gentiana Chirata.
अर्धतूर [ ardhatūra ] [ ardhá-tūra ] m. a particular kind of musical instrument Lit. L.
अर्धतृतीय [ ardhatṛtīya ] [ ardhá-tṛtīya ] m. f. n. pl. (see above , 2. [ ardhá ] at end) two and a half. Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. AitĀr.
अर्धत्रयोदश [ ardhatrayodaśa ] [ ardhá-trayodaśa ] m. f. n. pl. twelve arid a half. Lit. AitĀr. Lit. Yājñ. ii ,165 and 204.
अर्धदग्ध [ ardhadagdha ] [ ardhá-dagdha ] m. f. n. half-burnt.
अर्धदण्ड [ ardhadaṇḍa ] [ ardha-daṇḍa ] m. h°alf the fine, Lit. Mn. viii, 243
अर्धदिवस [ ardhadivasa ] [ ardhá-divasa ] m. " half a day " , midday Lit. R. ( cf. [ ardha-rātra ] below.)
अर्धदेव [ ardhadeva ] [ ardhá-devá ] m. demi-god Lit. RV. iv , 42 , 8 and 9.
अर्धदेवता [ ardhadevatā ] [ ardha-devatā ] f. a half-deity, demigod, Lit. JaimUp.
अर्धद्रौणिक [ ardhadrauṇika ] [ ardhá-drauṇika ] m. f. n. = [ ārdhadr ] q.v. , measuring half a [ droṇa ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 26 Sch.
अर्धद्विचतुरस्क [ ardhadvicaturaska ] [ ardha-dvi-caturaska ] n. a partic. posture, Lit. Vikr.
अर्धधार [ ardhadhāra ] [ ardhá-dhāra ] n. " half-edged i.e. single-edged " , a knife or lancet with a single edge (the blade two inches long , the handle six , used by surgeons) Lit. Suśr.
अर्धनाकुल [ ardhanākula ] [ ardha-nākula ] n. a kind of Yoga posture, Lit. L.
अर्धनाराच [ ardhanārāca ] [ ardhá-nārāca ] m. a particular kind of arrow Lit. MBh. ii , 1855.
अर्धनारीनरवपुस् [ ardhanārīnaravapus ] [ ardhá-nārī-nara-vapus ] m. f. n. having a body half man and half woman (said of Rudra) Lit. VāyuP. ii.
अर्धनारीनाटेश्वर [ ardhanārīnāṭeśvara ] [ ardhá-nārī-nāṭeśvara ] m. Śiva. ,
अर्धनारीश [ ardhanārīśa ] [ ardhá-nārīśa ] m. " the lord who is half female (and half male) " , a form of Śiva.
अर्धनारीश्वर [ ardhanārīśvara ] [ ardhá-nārīśvara ] m. " the lord who is half female (and half male) " , a form of Śiva.
अर्धनाव [ ardhanāva ] [ ardhá-nāva ] n. half a boat Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 100.
अर्धनिशा [ ardhaniśā ] [ ardhá-niśā ] f. midnight.
अर्धनिष्पन्न [ ardhaniṣpanna ] [ ardha-niṣpanna ] m. f. n. h°alf-finished, Lit. Rājat.
अर्धपक्व [ ardhapakva ] [ ardhá-pakva ] m. f. n. half ripe Lit. Bhpr.
अर्धपञ्चदश [ ardhapañcadaśa ] [ ardhá-pañcadaśa ] m. f. n. pl. fourteen and a half. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अर्धपञ्चन् [ ardhapañcan ] [ ardhá-pañcan ] m. f. n. pl. four and a half Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्धपञ्चम [ ardhapañcama ] [ ardhá-pañcama ] m. f. n. pl. id. Lit. Mn. iv , 95 Lit. Āp. Lit. Gaut.
अर्धपञ्चमक [ ardhapañcamaka ] [ ardhá-pañcamaka ] m. f. n. bought for four and a half. Lit. Pat.
अर्धपञ्चाशत् [ ardhapañcāśat ] [ ardhá-pañcāśat ] f. twenty-five Lit. Mn. viii , 268.
अर्धपण [ ardhapaṇa ] [ ardhá-paṇa ] m. a measure containing half a [ paṇa ] Lit. Mn. viii , 404.
अर्धपथ [ ardhapatha ] [ ardhá-patha ] m. " half-way "
[ ardhapathe ] ind. loc. midway Lit. Yājñ. ii , 198.
अर्धपद [ ardhapada ] [ ardhá-pada ] n. half a Pāda (or the fourth part of a verse) Lit. Lāṭy.
अर्धपद्या [ ardhapadyā ] [ ardhá-padyā ] f. a brick measuring half a foot Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धपर्यङ्क [ ardhaparyaṅka ] [ ardhá-paryaṅka ] m. sitting half (i.e. partly) upon the hams ( a particular posture practised in meditation ; cf. [ paryaṅka ] ) Lit. Lalit.
अर्धपाञ्चालक [ ardhapāñcālaka ] [ ardhá-pāñcālaka ] m. f. n. belonging to half the Pañcālas (as a country) Lit. Pat.
अर्धपाद [ ardhapāda ] [ ardhá-pāda ] m. half the fourth part
[ ardhapādā ] f. the plant Phyllanthus Niruri Lit. L.
अर्धपादिक [ ardhapādika ] [ ardhá-pādika ] m. f. n. having only half a foot Lit. Mn. viii , 325.
अर्धपारावत [ ardhapārāvata ] [ ardhá-pārāvata ] m. a kind of pigeon Lit. L.
partridge Lit. L.
अर्धपीत [ ardhapīta ] [ ardhá-pīta ] m. f. n. half-drunk Lit. Śāk.
अर्धपुरुष [ ardhapuruṣa ] [ ardhá-puruṣa ] m. half the length of a man Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धपुरुषीय [ ardhapuruṣīya ] [ ardhá-puruṣīya ] m. f. n. having half the length of a man Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धपुलायित [ ardhapulāyita ] [ ardhá-pulāyita ] n. a half-gallop , canter.
अर्धपुष्पा [ ardhapuṣpā ] [ ardhá-puṣpā ] f. the plant Sida Rhomboidea Lit. L.
अर्धपूर्ण [ ardhapūrṇa ] [ ardhá-pūrṇa ] m. f. n. half-full.
अर्धप्रस्थिक [ ardhaprasthika ] [ ardhá-prasthika ] m. f. n. = [ ārdhapr ] q.v. , measuring half a [ prastha ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 27 Sch.
अर्धप्रहर [ ardhaprahara ] [ ardhá-prahara ] m. half a watch (one hour and a half) .
अर्धप्रहरिका [ ardhapraharikā ] [ ardhá-praharikā ] f. id. (?) Lit. PSarv.
अर्धफालक [ ardhaphālaka ] [ ardha-phālaka ] m. or n. N. of a partic. garment, Lit. Bhadrab.
[ ardhaphālaka ] m. pl. a partic. Jaina sect, ib.
अर्धफालकमत [ ardhaphālakamata ] [ ardha-phālaka--mata ] n. (its doctrine), ib.
अर्धबृगल [ ardhabṛgala ] [ ardhá-bṛgalá ] n. half a portion Lit. ŚBr.
अर्धबृहती [ ardhabṛhatī ] [ ardhá-bṛhatī ] f. " having half the usual breadth " , a kind of sacrificial brick Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धभाग [ ardhabhāga ] [ ardhá-bhāga ] m. a half. Lit. Kum. v , 50.
अर्धभागिक [ ardhabhāgika ] [ ardhá-bhāgika ] m. f. n. receiving half a share Lit. Yājñ. ii , 134.
अर्धभागिन् [ ardhabhāgin ] [ ardhá-bhāgin ] m. f. n. receiving half a share Lit. Yājñ. ii , 134.
अर्धभाज् [ ardhabhāj ] [ ardhá-bhāj ] m. f. n. containing the half of (gen.) Lit. PBr.
taking or sharing half. Lit. Mn. viii , 39
[ ardhabhāj ] ( [ -bhā́j ] ) m. a sharer , companion Lit. AV. vi , 86 , 3.
अर्धभास्कर [ ardhabhāskara ] [ ardhá-bhāskara ] m. midday Lit. R.
अर्धभूमि [ ardhabhūmi ] [ ardhá-bhūmi ] f. half the land Lit. MBh. i , 7444.
अर्धभेद [ ardhabheda ] [ ardhá-bheda ] m. hemiplegia ( cf. [ ardita ] n.) Lit. Suśr. , ( cf. [ ava-bhedaka ] .)
अर्धमकुट [ ardhamakuṭa ] [ ardha-makuṭa ] m. N. of Śiva, Lit. L.
अर्धमागधक [ ardhamāgadhaka ] [ ardhá-māgadhaka ] m. f. n. belonging to half the Magadhas (as a country) Lit. Pat.
अर्धमागधी [ ardhamāgadhī ] [ ardhá-māgadhī ] f. a variety of the Māgadhī dialect (being the language of the sacred literature of the Jains) .
अर्धमाणव [ ardhamāṇava ] [ ardhá-māṇava ] ( ( Lit. L. ) ) ( ( Lit. VarBṛS. ) ) m. a necklace of twelve strings.
an actor dressed like Kṛishṇa, Lit. L.
अर्धमाणवक [ ardhamāṇavaka ] [ ardhá-māṇavaka ] ( ( Lit. VarBṛS. ) ) m. a necklace of twelve strings.
अर्धमानुष [ ardhamānuṣa ] [ ardha-mānuṣa ] m. an actor dressed as a god, Lit. L.
अर्धमात्र [ ardhamātra ] [ ardhá-mātra ] n. the half. middle Lit. VPrāt.
[ ardhamātrā ] f. half a short syllable
[ ardhamātra ] m. f. n. having the quantity of half a short syllable Lit. TPrāt.
m. hence , a N. of the peculiar sound called [ yama ] ( q.v.) Lit. RāmatUp.
अर्धमात्रिक [ ardhamātrika ] [ ardhá-mātrika ] m. f. n. (= [ mātra ] mfn.) having the quantity of half a short syllable Comm. on Lit. VPrāt.
[ ardhamātrikā ] f. half a short syllable Lit. RPrāt.
अर्धमायूरी [ ardhamāyūrī ] [ ardha-māyūrī ] f. (in music) one of the three Mārjanās (q.v.), Lit. L.
अर्धमार्गे [ ardhamārge ] [ ardhá-mārge ] loc. ind. half-way , mid-way Lit. Kathās.
अर्धमास [ ardhamāsa ] [ ardhá-māsá ] m. half a month Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
अर्धमासतम [ ardhamāsatama ] [ ardhá-māsá--tama ] m. f. n. done or happening every half month or fortnight Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 57
अर्धमासशस् [ ardhamāsaśas ] [ ardhá-māsá--śás ] ind. every half month Lit. ŚBr.
अर्धमाससहस्र [ ardhamāsasahasra ] [ ardhá-māsá--sahasra ] n. a thousand of half months Lit. ŚBr.
अर्धमासिक [ ardhamāsika ] [ ardhá-māsika ] m. f. n. lasting half a month Lit. Yājñ. ii , 177.
अर्धमुण्ड [ ardhamuṇḍa ] [ ardha-muṇḍa ] m. f. n. h°alf-bald, Lit. Bcar.
अर्धमुष्टि [ ardhamuṣṭi ] [ ardhá-muṣṭi ] m. a half-clenched hand Lit. L.
अर्धयाम [ ardhayāma ] [ ardhá-yāma ] m. (= [ -prahara ] above ) half a watch Lit. Bhpr. =
अर्धरथ [ ardharatha ] [ ardhá-ratha ] m. a warrior who fights on a car along with another Lit. MBh. v , 5816 and 5820.
अर्धराज [ ardharāja ] [ ardhá-rāja ] m. N. of a Prākṛit poet.
अर्धरात्र [ ardharātra ] [ ardhá-rātra ] m. midnight Lit. Mn.
अर्धरात्रार्धदिवस [ ardharātrārdhadivasa ] [ ardhá-rātrārdhadivasa ] m. the time when day and night are half and half. i.e. equal , the equinox Lit. R.
अर्धरूढ [ ardharūḍha ] [ ardhá-rūḍha ] m. f. n. half grown or developed Lit. Megh.
अर्धरूप [ ardharūpa ] [ ardha-rūpa ] m. f. n. forming a h°alf , Lit. Sarvad.
अर्धरूपता [ ardharūpatā ] [ ardha-rūpa--tā ] ( f. )
अर्धर्च [ ardharca ] [ ardhá-rcá ] m. ( [ ṛsc ] ; cf. [ -ṛcá ] above ) half a verse Lit. AV. ix , 10 , 19 Lit. ŚBr.
अर्धर्चशस् [ ardharcaśas ] [ ardhá-rcá--śás ] ind. by hemistichs , Lit. AV. xx , 135 5 Lit. ŚBr.
अर्धर्चस्य [ ardharcasya ] [ ardha-rcasya ] (for - [ ṛc ] °), n. recitation by half-verses, Lit. Vait.
अर्धर्चशस्य [ ardharcaśasya ] [ ardhá-rcá--śasya ] m. f. n. to be recited in hemistichs Lit. Vait.
अर्धर्चादि [ ardharcādi ] [ ardhá-rcādi ] m. f. n. a g. of Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 31
अर्धर्चान्तर [ ardharcāntara ] [ ardhá-rcāntara ] n. another hemistich Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धर्च्य [ ardharcya ] [ ardhá-rcya ] ( [ ṛ ] ) m. f. n. = [ ardharca-śasya ] above , Lit. AitĀr.
अर्धलक्ष्मीहरि [ ardhalakṣmīhari ] [ ardhá-lakṣmī-hari ] m. " half Lakshmī and half Hari " , one of the forms of Vishṇu Lit. L. ( cf. [ ardha-nārīṇāteśvara ] above ) .
अर्धलिखित [ ardhalikhita ] [ ardhá-likhita ] m. f. n. half painted Lit. Śāk.
अर्धवर्त्मन् [ ardhavartman ] [ ardhá-vartman ] n. = [ -patha ] above Lit. Naish.
अर्धवशा [ ardhavaśā ] [ ardhá-vaśā́ ] f. half a cow Lit. MaitrS.
अर्धवस्त्रसंवीत [ ardhavastrasaṃvīta ] [ ardhá-vastra-saṃvīta ] m. f. n. clothed or enveloped in half-garments.
अर्धविधु [ ardhavidhu ] [ ardhá-vidhu ] m. the half-moon Lit. Bālar.
अर्धविसर्ग [ ardhavisarga ] [ ardhá-visarga ] m. the sound Visarga before k , kh , p , ph (so called because its sign ( $ ) is the half of that of the Visarga ( [ ḥ ] ) ) .
अर्धवीक्षण [ ardhavīkṣaṇa ] [ ardhá-vīkṣaṇa ] n. a side-look , glance , leer Lit. L.
अर्धवृद्धि [ ardhavṛddhi ] [ ardhá-vṛddhi ] f. the half of the interest or rent Lit. Mn. viii , 150.
अर्धवैनाशिक [ ardhavaināśika ] [ ardhá-vaí nāśika ] m. " arguing half-perishableness " , N. of the followers of Kaṇāda.
अर्धवैशस [ ardhavaiśasa ] [ ardha-vaiśasa ] n. h°alf a murder, Lit. Kum.
अर्धव्याम [ ardhavyāma ] [ ardhá-vyāma ] m. half a fathom (see [ vyāma ] ) Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धव्यास [ ardhavyāsa ] [ ardhá-vyāsa ] m. " half the diameter " , radius.
अर्धव्रत [ ardhavrata ] [ ardhá-vratá ] n. the half portion of milk Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धशत [ ardhaśata ] [ ardhá-śata ] n. fifty Lit. Mn. viii , 311
one hundred and fifty Lit. ib. 267.
अर्धशफर [ ardhaśaphara ] [ ardhá-śaphara ] m. a kind of fish Lit. L.
अर्धशब्द [ ardhaśabda ] [ ardhá-śabda ] m. f. n. having a low voice.
अर्धशस् [ ardhaśas ] [ ardhá-śas ] ind. by halves Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धशिरस् [ ardhaśiras ] [ ardhá-śiras ] n. the half head Lit. ĀpŚr.
अर्धशेष [ ardhaśeṣa ] [ ardhá-śeṣa ] m. f. n. half left Lit. R. ( cf. [ ardhāvaśeṣa ] below) .
अर्धश्याम [ ardhaśyāma ] [ ardhá-śyāma ] m. f. n. half dark or clouded Lit. Śāk.
अर्धश्रुत [ ardhaśruta ] [ ardhá-śruta ] m. f. n. half heard Lit. Veṇis.
अर्धश्लोक [ ardhaśloka ] [ ardhá-śloka ] m. half a Śloka.
अर्धषष्ठ [ ardhaṣaṣṭha ] [ ardhá-ṣaṣṭha ] m. f. n. pl. five and a half. Lit. PārGṛ.
अर्धसंजातसस्य [ ardhasaṃjātasasya ] [ ardhá-saṃjāta-sasya ] m. f. n. having its crops half grown Lit. MBh. iii , 3007.
अर्धसप्तदश [ ardhasaptadaśa ] [ ardhá-saptadaśa ] m. f. n. pl. sixteen and a half. Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धसप्तम [ ardhasaptama ] [ ardhá-saptama ] m. f. n. pl. six and a half. Lit. PārGṛ.
अर्धसप्तशत [ ardhasaptaśata ] [ ardhá-sapta-śata ] m. f. n. pl. or [ āni ] n. pl. three hundred and fifty Lit. R.
अर्धसम [ ardhasama ] [ ardhá-sama ] m. f. n. " half equal " , N. of metres , in which the first and third and the second and fourth Pādas are equal
अर्धसममुक्तावली [ ardhasamamuktāvalī ] [ ardhá-sama--muktāvalī ] f. N. of wk.
अर्धसमस्या [ ardhasamasyā ] [ ardhá-samasyā ] f. supplying an idea which is only half expressed Lit. Naish.
अर्धसीरिन् [ ardhasīrin ] [ ardhá-sīrin ] m. f. n. a cultivator (who takes half the crop for his labour) Lit. Yājñ. i , 166.
अर्धसुप्तक [ ardhasuptaka ] [ ardha-suptaka ] m. f. n. h°alf-asleep, Lit. Kṛishṇaj.
अर्धसोम [ ardhasoma ] [ ardhá-soma ] m. half the Soma Lit. KātyŚr.
अर्धस्पृष्ट [ ardhaspṛṣṭa ] [ ardha-spṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. (in gram.) half-touched (see [ spṛṣṭa ] ), Lit. Vprāt., Sch.
अर्धहर [ ardhahara ] [ ardha-hara ] m. f. n. inheriting half a property, Lit. Vishṇ.
अर्धहस्तक [ ardhahastaka ] [ ardha-hastaka ] m. a distance of 120 inches, Lit. L.
अर्धहार [ ardhahāra ] [ ardhá-hāra ] m. a necklace of sixty-four (or of forty) strings Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्धह्रस्व [ ardhahrasva ] [ ardhá-hrasva ] n. the quantity of half a short vowel Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 32.
अर्धांश [ ardhāṃśa ] [ ardhāṃśa ] m. a half , the half.
अर्धांशिन् [ ardhāṃśin ] [ ardhāṃśin ] m. f. n. sharing a half.
अर्धाकार [ ardhākāra ] [ ardhākāra ] m. " half the letter [ a ] " , a N. of the [ avagraha ] q.v.
अर्धाक्षि [ ardhākṣi ] [ ardhākṣi ] n. = [ ardha-vīkṣaṇa ] above Lit. Mṛicch.
अर्धाङ्ग [ ardhāṅga ] [ ardhāṅga ] n. half the body.
अर्धाचित [ ardhācita ] [ ardhācita ] m. f. n. (said of a girdle , ) half-set (as with gems) Lit. Ragh. vii , 10 Lit. Kum. vii , 61.
अर्धाणुमात्रा [ ardhāṇumātrā ] [ ardhāṇumātrā ] f. " half a small [ mātrā ] " i.e. the eighth part of the quantity of a short syllable Lit. VPrāt.
अर्धाध्वे [ ardhādhve ] [ ardhādhve ] loc. ind. = [ ardha-mārge ] above Lit. ĀpŚr.
अर्धान्तरैकपदता [ ardhāntaraikapadatā ] [ ardhāntaraikapadatā ] f. (in rhetoric) placing a single word (which belongs grammatically to one hemistich) into the other half or hemistich of the verse Lit. Sāh.
अर्धान्तरैकवाचक [ ardhāntaraikavācaka ] [ ar-dhāntaraika-vācaka ] m. (scil. [ doṣa ] ) = [ ardhā ] [ ntarai ] [ kapadatā ] , Lit. Kpr.
अर्धाम्बु [ ardhāmbu ] [ ardhāmbu ] m. f. n. consisting half of water Lit. L.
अर्धार्ध [ ardhārdha ] [ ardhārdha ] m. f. n. " half of , the half of " , the fourth part of. Lit. Pañcat.
अर्धार्धभाग [ ardhārdhabhāga ] [ ardhārdha--bhāga ] m. a quarter Lit. Ragh. x , 57
अर्धार्धहानि [ ardhārdhahāni ] [ ardhārdha--hāni ] f. deduction of a half in every case Lit. Yājñ. ii , 207.
अर्धावभेद [ ardhāvabheda ] [ ardhāvabheda ] and m. = [ ardhabheda ] above Lit. Car.
[ ardhāvabheda ] m. f. n. dividing into halves.
अर्धावभेदक [ ardhāvabhedaka ] [ ardhāvabhedaka ]and m. = [ ardhabheda ] above Lit. Car.
[ ardhāvabhedaka ] m. f. n. dividing into halves.
अर्धावलीढ [ ardhāvalīḍha ] [ ardhāvalīḍha ] m. f. n. half chewed Lit. Śāk.
अर्धाविष्ट [ ardhāviṣṭa ] [ ar-dhāviṣṭa ] m. f. n. h°alf-faltering (speech), Lit. Kathās.
अर्धावशेष [ ardhāvaśeṣa ] [ ardhāvaśeṣa ] m. f. n. = [ ardha-śeṣa ] above Lit. R.
अर्धाशन [ ardhāśana ] [ ardhāśana ] n. half a meal Lit. L.
अर्धासन [ ardhāsana ] [ ardhāsana ] n. half a seat (it is considered a mark of high respect to make room for a guest on one's own seat) Lit. Śāk. Lit. Ragh. vi , 73 ,
greeting kindly Lit. L.
अर्धासि [ ardhāsi ] [ ar-dhāsi ] m. "half-sword" , a dagger, Lit. MBh. ( "a one-edged sword" , Lit. Nīlak.)
अर्धास्तमय [ ardhāstamaya ] [ ardhāstamaya ] m. half (i.e. partial) setting of the sun or the moon Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्धीकृत [ ardhīkṛta ] [ ardhī-kṛta ] m. f. n. divided into halves.
अर्धेडा [ ardheḍā ] [ ardheḍā ] f. " half the [ iḍā ] " , the syllable [ up ] inserted in some Sāman verses Lit. PBr.
अर्धेन्दु [ ardhendu ] [ ardhendu ] m. ( [ -ardha-candra ] above ) a half moon or crescent Lit. Naish.
the semicircular impression of a finger nail Lit. L.
an arrow with a crescent-shaped head Lit. L.
the hand expanded in a semicircular from like a claw Lit. L.
the constellation also called [ ardhacandra ] ( q.v.) Lit. VarBṛS.
अर्धेन्दुमौलि [ ardhendumauli ] [ ardhendu--mauli ] m. " whose diadem is a half-moon " , Śiva Lit. Megh. Lit. Bālar.
अर्धेन्द्र [ ardhendra ] [ ardhendrá ] m. f. n. that of which a half belongs to Indra Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
अर्धेष्टका [ ardheṣṭakā ] [ ar-dheṣṭakā ] f. half a brick, Lit. Śulbas.
अर्धोक्ति [ ardhokti ] [ ardhokti ] f. " half-speech " , speaking incompletely , broken or interrupted speech.
अर्धोच्छिष्ट [ ardhocchiṣṭa ] [ ar-dhocchiṣṭa ] m. f. n. having the half left, Lit. Kathās.( Page1316,3 )
अर्धोदय [ ardhodaya ] [ ardhodaya ] m. half (i.e. partial) rising of the sun or the moon.
अर्धोदित [ ardhodita ] [ ardhodita ] m. f. n. ( fr. 1. [ ud-ita ] ) half risen Lit. Pañcat.
( fr. 2. [ udita ] ) half-uttered.
अर्धोन [ ardhona ] [ ardhona ] m. f. n. diminished by half a short syllable Lit. RPrāt.
अर्धोपा [ ardhopā ] [ ar-dhopā ] f. half an Ūpā, Lit. Drāhy., Sch.
अर्धोरुक [ ardhoruka ] [ ardhoruka ] m. f. n. reaching to the middle of the thighs
[ ardhoruka ] n. a short petticoat Lit. Daś. Lit. Rājat.
अर्धक [ ardhaka ] [ ardhaka ] m. f. n. forming a half. Lit. Bhpr.
[ ardhaka ] n. the half. Lit. Hcat.
N. of a wrong pronunciation of the vowels Lit. Pat.
m. water-snake Lit. L.
अर्धकघातिन् [ ardhakaghātin ] [ ardhaka-ghātí n ] m. f. n. " killing the water-snake " (?) , N. of Rudra Lit. AV. xi , 2 , 7 ( [ adhvaga-gh ] Lit. AV.Paipp.)
अर्धय [ ardhaya ] [ ardhaya ] Nom. P. ° [ yati ] , to halve, Lit. Līl.
अर्धिक [ ardhika ] [ ardhika ] m. f. ( [ ī ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 48) n. measuring a half. Lit. Yājñ. ii , 296
(ifc. cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 4 Comm.) forming the half of. Lit. Mn. iii , 1 ,
(= [ ardha-sīrin ] above ) receiving half the crop for his labour Lit. Vishṇus. ( cf. [ ārdhika ] ) .
अर्धिन् [ ardhin ] [ ardhí n ] m. f. n. forming a half. Lit. TS.
giving half (the dakshiṇā) Lit. Lāṭy.
receiving half ( the [ dakṣiṇā ] ) Lit. Mn. viii , 210.
अर्ध्य [ ardhya ] [ ardhya ]1 m. f. n. forming the half of (gen.) , Lit. Śulb.
अर्धुक [ ardhuka ] [ árdhuka ] m. f. n. (√ [ ṛdh ] ) , prospering Lit. ŚBr.
अर्ध्य [ ardhya ] [ árdhya ]2 m. f. n. (3) to be accomplished Lit. RV. i , 156 , 1
to be obtained Lit. RV. v , 44 , 10.
अर्पय [ arpaya ] [ arpaya ] Root Caus. of √ [ ṛ ] , q.v.
अर्पण [ arpaṇa ] [ arpaṇa ] m. f. n. procuring Lit. MBh. xiii , 1007
consigning , entrusting
[ arpaṇa ] n. inserting , fixing Lit. R.
piercing Lit. AV. xii , 3 , 22
placing in or upon Lit. Ragh. ii , 35
offering , delivering , consigning , entrusting of (gen. or in comp.)
giving back Lit. Hit.
अर्पणमीमांसा [ arpaṇamīmāṃsā ] [ arpaṇamīmāṃsā ] f. N. of wk.
अर्पणीय [ arpaṇīya ] [ arpaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be delivered or entrusted Lit. Kathās.
अर्पित [ arpita ] [ árpita ] [ árpita ] ( eight times in Lit. RV. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 209 seq. ) or [ arpitá ] ( Lit. RV. i , 164 , 48 , ) m. f. n. inserted , fixed , Lit. RV. ; Lit. VS.
fixed upon (as the eyes or the mind)
thrown , cast into (loc. ; said of an arrow) Lit. Ragh. viii , 87
placed in or upon Lit. Ragh. ix , 78 ,
(said of a document or of a sketch) transferred to ( a plate or portrait i.e. , " engraved " or " painted " ) Lit. Ragh. xvii , 79 Lit. Śāk. Lit. Kum. iii , 42
offered , delivered , entrusted Lit. Yājñ. ii , 164 ,
given back Lit. Ragh. xix , 10 ,
अर्पितकर [ arpitakara ] [ arpitá-kara ] m. f. n. " having given one's hand " , married Lit. L.
अर्पितोप्त [ arpitopta ] [ arpitopta ] m. f. n. (g. [ rājadantādi ] q.v.)
अर्पिम [ arpima ] [ arpima ] n. milk from a cow which has a diminutive calf, Lit. L.
अर्पिश [ arpiśa ] [ arpiśa ] n. = prec. and next, Lit. L.
अर्पिष [ arpiṣa ] [ arpiṣa ] n. fresh meat, Lit. L.
अर्प्य [ arpya ] [ arpya ]1 ind. p. see [ prārpyā ] .
अर्प्य [ arpya ] [ arpya ]2 m. f. n. to be delivered , consignable.
अर्पिस [ arpisa ] [ arpisa ] m. the heart Lit. Uṇ.
अर्ब् [ arb ] [ arb ] Root cl. [1] P. [ arbati ] (perf. [ ānarba ] Lit. L.) to go Lit. L. ; to hurt Lit. L.
अर्बुक [ arbuka ] [ arbuka ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. ii , 1119.
अर्बुद [ arbuda ] [ árbuda ] m. Ved. a serpent-like demon (conquered by Indra , a descendant of Kadrū therefore called Kādraveya Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. ; said to be the author of Lit. RV. x , 94 Lit. RAnukr.) Lit. RV.
[ arbuda ] m. id. Lit. RV. i , 51 , 6 and x , 67 , 12
n. N. of the above-named hymn Lit. RV. x , 94 Lit. ĀśvŚr.
mn. a long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month ( Lit. Nir. xiv , 6 ) or in the second month ( Lit. Yājñ. iii , 75 and 89 ) )
a swelling , tumour , polypus Lit. Suśr.
the cartilage of a rib, Lit. Vishṇ.
n. ( [ árbuda ] ) , (also m. Lit. L.) ten millions Lit. VS. xvii , 2 , (or 100 millions, see [ mahārbuda ] )
m. N. of a mountain in the west of India (commonly called Abū , a place of pilgrimage of the Jainas , and celebrated for its Jaina temples)
m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. BhP.
(with Buddhists) N. of one of the 8 cold hells, Lit. Dharmas. 122
अर्बुदधा [ arbudadhā ] [ arbuda-dhā ] ind. millionfold, Lit. JaimUp.
अर्बुदपर्वत [ arbudaparvata ] [ árbuda-parvata ] m. the mountain Arbuda.
अर्बुदमाहात्म्य [ arbudamāhātmya ] [ arbuda-māhātmya ] n. N. of a ch. of the Lit. SkandaP.
अर्बुदशिखर [ arbudaśikhara ] [ árbuda-śikhara ] m. id. Lit. Hit.
अर्बुदाकार [ arbudākāra ] [ arbudākāra ] m. " shaped like a tumour " , the plant Cordia Myxa Lit. L.
अर्बुदारण्य [ arbudāraṇya ] [ arbudāraṇya ] n. N. of a forest Lit. NarasP.
अर्बुदोदासर्पिणी [ arbudodāsarpiṇī ] [ arbu-dodāsarpiṇī ] f. "creeping near of Arbuda " , N. of a partic. sacrificial path, Lit. AitBr.
अर्बुदि [ arbudi ] [ árbudi ] m. a serpent like demon ( probably = [ árbuda ] and [ arbudá ] m. above , but called [ í ndramedhin ] q.v.) Lit. AV. xi , 9 and 10 (in almost every verse) ( cf. [ ny-árbudi ] .)
अर्बुदिन् [ arbudin ] [ arbudin ] m. f. n. afflicted with a swelling or tumour Lit. Suśr.
अर्बुध [ arbudha ] [ arbudha ] m. = [ árbuda ] m. above Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. Anukr.
अर्भ [ arbha ] [ árbha ] m. f. n. little , small , unimportant Lit. RV.
[ arbha ] m. f. n. id. Lit. AV. vii 56 , 3
m. child , boy Lit. BhP. ( Lat. (orbus) ; Gk. 1 ) .
अर्भक [ arbhaka ] [ arbhaká ] m. f. n. small , minute Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
weak Lit. RV. vii , 33 , 6 Lit. AV.
( used together with [ kumāraká ] ) young , childish Lit. RV. viii , 30 , 1 and 69 , 15
emaciated Lit. L.
similar Lit. L.
[ arbhaka ] m. a boy , child Lit. Ragh. , the young of any animal Lit. Śak. (v.l.) Lit. Kād. a fool , idiot Lit. L.
N. of a poet, Lit. Subh.
अर्भग [ arbhaga ] [ árbhaga ] m. f. n. youthful Lit. RV. i , 116 , 1.
अर्म [ arma ] [ árma ] m. pl. ruins , rubbish Lit. VS. xxx , 11 Lit. TS. , often ifc. in names of old villages half or entirely gone to ruin (e.g. [ guptārma ] , [ kukkuṭārma ] , [ bṛhad-arma ] , , qq. vv.) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 90 seq and viii , 2 , 2 Sch.
= [ arman ] q.v. Lit. Uṇ.
अर्मकपाल [ armakapāla ] [ arma-kapālá ] m. n. a potsherd from a heap of rubbish, Lit. TS.
अर्मण [ armaṇa ] [ armaṇa ] m. n. a measure of one droṇa Lit. Suśr.
अर्मन् [ arman ] [ arman ] n. a disease of the eyes Lit. Suśr.
अर्य [ arya ] [ aryá ]1 m. f. n. ( 2 , once 3 Lit. RV. iv , 1 , 7) (√ [ ṛ ] ) kind , favourable Lit. RV.
attached to , true , devoted , dear Lit. RV.
excellent Lit. L.
[ arya ] m. a master , lord Lit. Naigh. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 103 ( cf. 3. [ árya ] .)
अर्यपति [ aryapati ] [ aryá-pati ] ( [ aryá- ] ) m. f. n. (said of the dawns and of the waters) having kind or favourable lords (?) Lit. RV. vii , 6 , 5 and x , 43 , 8.
अर्य [ arya ] [ aryá ]2 m. f. n. ( = 1. [ aryá ] ) kind , favourable Lit. RV. i , 123 , 1.
अर्य [ arya ] [ árya ]3 m. ( = 1. [ aiyá ] ) " master , lord " , a Vaiśya Lit. VS. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 103
[ aryā ] f. a woman of the third caste , the wife of a Vaiśya Lit. VS. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 49 Comm.
[ aryī ] f. the wife of any particular Vaiśya Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 49 Lit. Siddh. ( cf. [ aryāṇī ] .)
अर्यजारा [ aryajārā ] [ árya-jārā ] ( [ árya- ] ) f. the mistress of a Vaiśya Lit. VS. xxiii , 30.
अर्यपत्नी [ aryapatnī ] [ árya-patnī ] see [ -pati ] s.v. 1. [ aryá ] .
अर्यवर्य [ aryavarya ] [ árya-varya ] m. a Vaiśya of rank Lit. Daś.
अर्यश्वेत [ aryaśveta ] [ árya-śveta ] m. (v.l. [ ārya-sv ] ) , N. of a man , (g. [ śivādi ] q.v.)
अर्यक [ aryaka ] [ aryaka ] m. N. of a demon causing disease, Lit. Hariv.
अर्यमन् [ aryaman ] [ aryamán ] m. a bosom friend , play-fellow , companion , (especially) a friend who asks a woman in marriage for another Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr.
N. of an Āditya (who is commonly invoked together with Varuṇa and Mitra , also with Bhaga , Bṛihaspati , and others ; he is supposed to be the chief of the Manes Lit. Bhag. , the milky way is called his path ( [ aryamṇáḥ pánthāḥ ] Lit. TBr. ) ; he presides over the Nakshatra Uttaraphalgunī Lit. VarBṛS. ; his name is used to form different male names Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 84) Lit. RV.
the sun Lit. Śiś. ii , 39
the Asclepias plant Lit. L.
अर्यमनन्दन [ aryamanandana ] [ aryama-nandana ] m. patr. of Yama, Lit. Naish.
अर्यम [ aryama ] [ aryama ] ( in comp. for [ aryamán ] ) .
अर्यमगृहपति [ aryamagṛhapati ] [ aryama-gṛhapati ] ( [ aryamá- ] ) m. f. n. having Aryaman as [ gṛhapati ] (i.e. as keeper of the precedence in a grand sacrifice) Lit. MaitrS.
अर्यमदत्त [ aryamadatta ] [ aryama-datta ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 84 Sch.
अर्यमदेवा [ aryamadevā ] [ aryama-devā ] f. " having Aryaman for its deity " , N. of the mansion Uttaraphalgunī Lit. L.
अर्यमदैवत [ aryamadaivata ] [ aryama-daivata ] n. " having Aryaman for its deity " , N. of the mansion Uttaraphalgunī Lit. L.
अर्यमभूति [ aryamabhūti ] [ aryama-bhūti ] and m. N. of two Vedic teachers Lit. VBr.
अर्यमराध [ aryamarādha ] [ aryama-rādha ]and m. N. of two Vedic teachers Lit. VBr.
अर्यमाख्य [ aryamākhya ] [ aryamākhya ] n. the mansion Uttaraphalgunī Lit. VarYogay.
अर्यमिक [ aryamika ] [ aryamika ] m. a shortened name for [ aryama-datta ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 84.
अर्यमिय [ aryamiya ] [ aryamiya ] m. id. Lit. ib.
अर्यमिल [ aryamila ] [ aryamila ] m. id. Lit. ib.
अर्यम्य [ aryamya ] [ aryamyá ] (4) m. f. n. intimate , very friendly Lit. RV. v , 85 , 7.
अर्याणी [ aryāṇī ] [ aryāṇī ] f. a mistress Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 49 Lit. Siddh.
a woman of the third or Vaiśya caste Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 49 Comm.
अर्व् [ arv ] [ arv ] Root cl. [1] P. [ arvati ] (perf. [ ānarva ] Lit. L.) to hurt , kill Lit. L.
अर्वत् [ arvat ] [ árvat ] m. f. n. running , hasting Lit. RV. v , 54 , 14 and Lit. AV. iv , 9 , 2
low , inferior , vile Lit. Uṇ.
[ arvat ] m. ( [ ān ] ) a courser , horse Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV. Lit. BhP.
the driver of a horse Lit. RV. x , 40 , 5 and 74 , 1
N. of a part of the sacrificial action Lit. RV. ii , 33 , i and viii , 71 , 12
[ arvatī ] f. a mare Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
a bawd , procuress. Lit. L.
अर्वन् [ arvan ] [ árvan ] m. f. n. running , quick (said of Agni and Indra) Lit. RV.
low , inferior , vile Lit. Uṇ.
[ arvan ] m. a courser , horse Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. N. of Indra (see before) Lit. L.
one of the ten horses of the moon Lit. L.
a short span Lit. L. ( cf. [ árāvan ] .)
अर्वश [ arvaśa ] [ árvaśa ] [ árvaśa ] or [ arvaśá ] m. f. n. running , quick (said of Indra and of the gods) Lit. RV. x , 92 , 6.