Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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अ |
अन्ति [ anti ] [ ánti ]1 ind. before , in the presence of near Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
( with gen.) within the proximity of , to ( ( cf. Lat. (ante) ; Gk. 1 ) ) .
अन्तिदेव [ antideva ] [ ánti-deva ] ( [ ánti- ] ) m. f. n. being in the presence of the gods , near the gods Lit. RV. i , 180 , 7.
[ antideva ] m. N. of an ancient king and sage, ib. ; Lit. Bcar.
अन्तिमित्र [ antimitra ] [ ánti-mitra ] ( [ ánti- ] ) m. f. n. having friends near one's self Lit. VS.
अन्तिवाम [ antivāma ] [ ánti-vāma ] ( [ ánti- ] ) , mt ( [ ā ] ) n. at hand with wealth or loveliness Lit. RV. vii , 77 , 4.
अन्तिषद् [ antiṣad ] [ ánti-ṣad ] m. f. n. sitting near Lit. Pat.
अन्तिसुम्न [ antisumna ] [ ánti-sumna ] ( [ ánti- ] ) m. f. n. at hand with kindness Lit. AV.
अन्त्यूति [ antyūti ] [ ánty-ūti ] (4) m. f. n. at hand with help Lit. RV. i , 138 , 1.
अन्तिक [ antika ] [ antika ]1 m. f. n. ( with gen. or abl.) near , proximate Lit. L. ( compar. [ nedīyas ] , superl. [ nediṣṭha ] )
[ antika ] n. vicinity , proximity , near e.g. [ antikastha ] , remaining near
[ antikam ] ind. ( with gen. or ifc.) until , near to , into the presence of
[ antikāt ] ind. from the proximity
in comparison with, than (gen.), Lit. Divyâv.
n. near , close by
within the presence of
[ antike ] ind. ( with gen. or ifc.) near , close by , in the proximity or presence of
[ antikena ] ind. ( with gen.) near.
अन्तिकगति [ antikagati ] [ antika-gati ] f. going near.
अन्तिकता [ antikatā ] [ antika-tā ] f. nearness , vicinity , contiguity.
अन्तिकाश्रय [ antikāśraya ] [ antikāśraya ] m. contiguous support (as that given by a tree to a creeper) Lit. L.
अन्तिम [ antima ] [ antima ]1 m. f. n. ifc. immediately following (e.g. [ daśāntima ] , " the eleventh " )
very near Lit. L.
अन्ति [ anti ] [ anti ]2 f. an elder sister (in theatrical language) Lit. L. For 1. [ ánti ] see col.2.
अन्तिका [ antikā ] [ antikā ] f. an elder sister ( in theatrical language ; perhaps a corruption of [ attikā ] ) Lit. L.
a fire-place Lit. L.
the plant Echites Scholaris.
अन्ती [ antī ] [ antī ] f. an oven Lit. L.
अन्तिक [ antika ] [ antika ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. [ anta ] ) , only ifc. reaching to the end of , reaching to (e.g. [ nāsāntika ] , reaching to the nose) , lasting till , until.
अन्तिमाङ्क [ antimāṅka ] [ antimāṅka ] m. the last unit , nine.
अन्त्य [ antya ] [ antya ] m. f. n. last in place , in time , or in order
ifc. immediately following e.g. [ aṣṭamāntya ] , the ninth
lowest in place or condition , undermost , inferior , belonging to the lowest caste
[ antya ] m. the plant Cyperus Hexastachyus Communis
n. the number 1000 billions
the twelfth sign of the zodiac
the last member of a mathematical series.
अन्त्यकर्मन् [ antyakarman ] [ antya-karman ] n. funeral rites.
अन्त्यक्रिया [ antyakriyā ] [ antya-kriyā ] f. funeral rites.
अन्त्यज [ antyaja ] [ antya-ja ] m. f. n. of the lowest caste
a man of one of seven inferior tribes (a washerman , currier , mimic , Varuḍa , fisherman , Meda or attendant on women , and mountaineer or forester) .
अन्त्यजगमन [ antyajagamana ] [ antya-ja-gamana ] n. intercourse (between a woman of the higher caste) with a man of the lowest caste.
अन्त्यजन्मन् [ antyajanman ] [ antya-janman ] m. f. n. of the lowest caste.
अन्त्यजातीय [ antyajātīya ] [ antya-jātīya ] m. f. n. of the lowest caste.
अन्त्यजागमन [ antyajāgamana ] [ antya-jā-gamana ] n. intercourse (between a man of the higher caste) with a woman of the lowest caste.
अन्त्यधन [ antyadhana ] [ antya-dhana ] n. last member of an arithmetical series.
अन्त्यपद [ antyapada ] [ antya-pada ] n. (in arithm.) the last or greatest root (in the square) .
अन्त्यमूल [ antyamūla ] [ antya-mūla ] n. (in arithm.) the last or greatest root (in the square) .
अन्त्यभ [ antyabha ] [ antya-bha ] n. the last Nakshatra (Revati)
the last sign of the zodiac , the sign Pisces.
अन्त्यमण्डन [ antyamaṇḍana ] [ antya-maṇḍana ] n. a funeral ornament, Lit. Kum.
अन्त्ययुग [ antyayuga ] [ antya-yuga ] m. the last or Kali age.
अन्त्ययोनि [ antyayoni ] [ antya-yoni ] f. the lowest origin Lit. Mn. viii , 68
[ antyayoni ] m. f. n. of the lowest origin.
अन्त्यवर्ण [ antyavarṇa ] [ antya-varṇa ] m. f. a man or woman of the last tribe , a Śūdra.
अन्त्यविपुला [ antyavipulā ] [ antya-vipulā ] f. N. of a metre.
अन्त्यावसायिन् [ antyāvasāyin ] [ antyāvasāyin ] [ ī ] , [ inī ] mf. a man or woman of low caste (the son of a Cāṇḍāla by a Nishādī , especially a Caṇḍāla , Śvapaca , Kshattṛi , Sūta , Vaidehaka , Māgadha , and Āyogava) Lit. Mn.
अन्त्यार्ध [ antyārdha ] [ an-tyārdha ] the hinder part, Lit. Mālatīm.
अन्त्याहुति [ antyāhuti ] [ antyāhuti ] f. funeral oblation or sacrifice.
अन्त्येष्टिक्रिया [ antyeṣṭikriyā ] [ antyeṣṭi-kriyā ] f. funeral ceremonies.
अन्त्यक [ antyaka ] [ antyaka ] m. a man of the lowest tribe Lit. L.
अन्तु [ antu ] [ antu ] m. (said to be fr. √ [ am ] ) a guardian, protector, Lit. L.
a mark, characteristic, Lit. L.
अन्तेवासिन् [ antevāsin ] [ ante-vāsí n ] see p. 43 , col. 1.
अन्त्र [ antra ] [ antra ] n. ( contr. of [ antara ] ; Gk. 1) , entrail , intestine (cf. [ āntrá ] )
[ antrī ] f. the plant Convolvolus Argenteus or Ipomoea Pes Caprae Roth.
अन्त्रकूज [ antrakūja ] [ antra-kūja ] m. rumbling of the bowels.
अन्त्रकूजन [ antrakūjana ] [ antra-kūjana ] n. rumbling of the bowels.
अन्त्रविकूजन [ antravikūjana ] [ antra-vikūjana ] n. rumbling of the bowels.
अन्त्रंधमि [ antraṃdhami ] [ antra-ṃ-dhami ] ( [ antraṃ- ] ) f. indigestion , inflation of the bowels from wind.
अन्त्रपाचक [ antrapācaka ] [ antra-pācaka ] m. the plant Aeschynomene Grandiflora.
अन्त्रमय [ antramaya ] [ antra-maya ] m. f. n. consisting , of entrails.
अन्त्रवर्ध्मन् [ antravardhman ] [ antra-vardhman ] n. inguinal hernia , rupture.
अन्त्रवृद्धि [ antravṛddhi ] [ antra-vṛddhi ] f. inguinal hernia , rupture.
अन्त्रशिला [ antraśilā ] [ antra-śilā ] f. N. of a river.
अन्त्रस्रज् [ antrasraj ] [ antra-sraj ] f. a kind of garland worn by Nara-siṃha.
अन्त्राद [ antrāda ] [ antrāda ] m. worms in the intestines.
अन्द् [ and ] [ and ] Root cl. [1] P. [ andati ] , to bind Lit. L.
अन्दू [ andū ] [ andū ] f. the chain for an elephant's feet
a ring or chain worn on the ancle.
अन्दुक [ anduka ] [ anduka ] m. id. Lit. L.
अन्दूक [ andūka ] [ andūka ] m. id. Lit. L.
अन्दिका [ andikā ] [ andikā ] f. ( for [ antikā ] q.v.) , fireplace.
अन्दोलय [ andolaya ] [ andolaya ] Nom. P. [ andolayati ] , to agitate , to swing.
अन्दोलित [ andolita ] [ andolita ] m. f. n. agitated , swung.
अन्द्रक [ andraka ] [ andraka ] = [ ārdraka ] q.v.
अन्ध् [ andh ] [ andh ] Root cl. [10] P. [ andhayati ] , to make blind Lit. Śiś.
अन्धकारमय [ andhakāramaya ] [ andhá-kāra-maya ] m. f. n. dark.
अन्धकारसंचय [ andhakārasaṃcaya ] [ andhá-kāra-saṃcaya ] m. intensity of darkness.
अन्धकारित [ andhakārita ] [ andhá-kārita ] m. f. n. made dark , dark Lit. Kād. ( cf. g. [ tārakādi ] .)
अन्धकारिन् [ andhakārin ] [ andha-kārin ] m. f. n. dark, Lit. Gīt.
अन्धकाल [ andhakāla ] [ andha-kāla ] m. a partic. hell, Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
अन्धकूप [ andhakūpa ] [ andhá-kūpa ] m. a well of which the mouth is hidden
a well over-grown with plants ,
a particular hell.
अन्धंकरण [ andhaṃkaraṇa ] [ andhá-ṃ-karaṇa ] ( [ andhaṃ- ] ) m. f. n. making blind.
अन्धचटकन्याय [ andhacaṭakanyāya ] [ andha-caṭaka-nyāya ] m. the rule of the blind man catching a sparrow (cf. [ ghuṇā ] [ kṣara ] - [ ny ] °), Lit. A.
अन्धतमस [ andhatamasa ] [ andhá-tamasa ] n. great , thick , or intense darkness Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 79 Lit. Ragh.
अन्धतामस [ andhatāmasa ] [ andhá-tāmasa ] n. = [ -tamasa ] Lit. L.
अन्धतामिस्र [ andhatāmisra ] [ andhá-tāmisra ] m. complete darkness of the soul
[ andhatāmisra ] n. the second or eighteenth of the twenty-one hells Lit. Mn.
doctrine of annihilation after death.
अन्धतामिस्र [ andhatāmisra ] [ andha-tāmisra ] n. darkness, Lit. Mcar.
अन्धधी [ andhadhī ] [ andhá-dhī ] m. f. n. mentally blind.
अन्धपरम्परान्याय [ andhaparamparānyāya ] [ andha-paramparā-nyāya ] m. the rule of the blind following the blind (applied to people following each other thoughtlessly), ib.
अन्धपूतना [ andhapūtanā ] [ andhá-pūtanā ] f. a female demon causing diseases in children Lit. Suśr.
अन्धमूषा [ andhamūṣā ] [ andhá-mūṣā ] f. a small covered crucible with a hole in the side.
अन्धमूषिका [ andhamūṣikā ] [ andhá-mūṣikā ] f. the grass Lepeocercis Serrata.
अन्धमेहल [ andhamehala ] [ andha-mehala ] n. the smell of being stained by urine, Lit. L.
[ andhamehala ] m. f. n. having the above smell, ib.
अन्धम्भविष्णु [ andhambhaviṣṇu ] [ andhá-m-bhaviṣṇu ] ( [ andham- ] ) m. f. n. becoming blind Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 57.
अन्धम्भावुक [ andhambhāvuka ] [ andhá-m-bhāvuka ] ( [ andham- ] ) m. f. n. id. Lit. ib. Lit. Kauś.
अन्धरात्री [ andharātrī ] [ andhá-rātrī ] f. dark night (?) Lit. AV.
अन्धव्यूह [ andhavyūha ] [ andha-vyūha ] m. a partic. Samādhi, Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
अन्धालजी [ andhālajī ] [ andhālajī ] f. a blind boil , one that does not suppurate Lit. Suśr.
अन्धाहि [ andhāhi ] [ andhāhi ] m. ( or [ andhāhika ] ) a " blind " i.e. not poisonous snake
[ andhāhi ] mf. ( [ is ] , [ is ] ) the fish called kucikā.
अन्धीकरण [ andhīkaraṇa ] [ an-dhī-karaṇa ] n. making blind, Lit. Jātakam.
अन्धीकृ [ andhīkṛ ] [ andhī-√ kṛ ] to make blind , to blind.
अन्धीकृत [ andhīkṛta ] [ andhī-kṛta ] m. f. n. made blind.
अन्धीकृतात्मन् [ andhīkṛtātman ] [ andhīkṛtātman ] m. f. n. blinded in mind.
अन्धीगु [ andhīgu ] [ andhī-gu ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. PBr.
अन्धीभू [ andhībhū ] [ andhī-√ bhū ] to become blind.
अन्धीभूत [ andhībhūta ] [ andhī-bhūta ] m. f. n. become blind.
अन्धक [ andhaka ] [ andhaka ] m. f. n. blind
[ andhaka ] m. N. of an Asura (son of Kaśyapa and Diti)
of a descendant of Yadu and ancestor of Kṛishṇa and his descendants
N. of a Muni.
अन्धकघातिन् [ andhakaghātin ] [ andhaka-ghātin ] m. " the slayer or enemy of the Asura Andhaka " , N. of Śiva.
अन्धकरिपु [ andhakaripu ] [ andhaka-ripu ] m. " the slayer or enemy of the Asura Andhaka " , N. of Śiva.
अन्धकवर्त [ andhakavarta ] [ andhaka-varta ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 91 Sch.
अन्धकवृष्णि [ andhakavṛṣṇi ] [ andhaka-vṛṣṇi ] m. pl. descendants of Andhaka and Vṛishṇi.
अन्धकान्तक [ andhakāntaka ] [ andhakāntaka ] m. N. of Śiva, Lit. Kir.
अन्धकारि [ andhakāri ] [ andhakāri ] m. " enemy of the Asura Andhaka " , N. of Śiva.
अन्धकासुहृद् [ andhakāsuhṛd ] [ andhakāsuhṛd ] m. " enemy of the Asura Andhaka " , N. of Śiva.
अन्धकी [ andhakī ] [ andhakī ] f. the south-west quarter, Lit. L.
अन्धिका [ andhikā ] [ andhikā ] f. night Lit. L.
a kind of game (blindman's buff) Lit. L.
a woman of a particular character (one of the classes of women) Lit. L.
a disease of the eye Lit. L.
another disease Lit. L.
= [ sarṣapī ] Lit. L.
अन्धस् [ andhas ] [ ándhas ]2 n. (Gk. 1) , a herb
the Soma plant
Soma juice Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
juice Lit. ŚBr.
grassy ground Lit. RV. vii , 96 , 2
food Lit. MBh. iii , 13244 Lit. BhP.
अन्धुल [ andhula ] [ andhula ] m. the tree Acacia Sirissa.
अन्ध्र [ andhra ] [ andhra ] m. N. of a people (probably modern Telingana)
of a dynasty
a man of a low caste (the offspring of a Vaideha father and Kārāvara mother , who lives by killing game) Lit. Mn. x , 36.
अन्ध्रजाति [ andhrajāti ] [ andhra-jāti ] f. the Andhra tribe.
अन्ध्रजातीय [ andhrajātīya ] [ andhra-jātīya ] m. f. n. belonging to the Andhra tribe.
अन्ध्रभृत्य [ andhrabhṛtya ] [ andhra-bhṛtya ] m. pl. a dynasty of the Andhras.
अन्न [ anna ] [ anna ] m. f. n. (√ [ ad ] ) , eaten Lit. L.
[ anna ] n. food or victuals , especially boiled rice
bread corn
food in a mystical sense (or the lowest form in which the supreme soul is manifested , the coarsest envelope of the Supreme Spirit)
water Lit. Naigh.
earth Lit. L.
अन्नकरण [ annakaraṇa ] [ anna-káraṇa ] m. f. n. preparing food, Lit. MaitrS.
अन्नकाम [ annakāma ] [ anna-kāma ] ( [ ánna- ] ) m. f. n. desirous of food Lit. RV. x , 117 , 3.
अन्नकाल [ annakāla ] [ anna-kāla ] m. meal-time , proper hour for eating
time at which a convalescent patient begins to take food Lit. Bhpr.
अन्नकाशिन् [ annakāśin ] [ anna-kāśin ] m. f. n. (?) yearning for food, Lit. JaimUp.
अन्नकोष्ठक [ annakoṣṭhaka ] [ anna-koṣṭhaka ] m. cupboard , granary
Vishṇu , the sun Lit. L.
अन्नगति [ annagati ] [ anna-gati ] f. the oesophagus , gullet.
अन्नगन्धि [ annagandhi ] [ anna-gandhi ] m. dysentery , diarrhoea.
अन्नज [ annaja ] [ anna-ja ] m. f. n. springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance.
अन्नजा [ annajā ] [ anna-jā ] f. a kind of hiccup, Lit. ŚārṅgS.
अन्नजात [ annajāta ] [ anna-jāta ] m. f. n. springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance.
अन्नजल [ annajala ] [ anna-jala ] n. food and water , bare subsistence.
अन्नजित् [ annajit ] [ anna-jit ] m. f. n. obtaining food by conquest ( explanation of [ vāja-jí t ] ) Lit. ŚBr.
अन्नजीवन [ annajīvana ] [ anna-jīvana ] ( [ ánna- ] ) m. f. n. living by food Lit. ŚBr.
अन्नतेजस् [ annatejas ] [ anna-tejas ] ( [ ánna- ] ) m. f. n. having the vigour of food Lit. AV.
अन्नद [ annada ] [ anna-da ] m. f. n. giving food
N. of Śiva and Durgā Lit. L.
अन्नदातृ [ annadātṛ ] [ anna-dātṛ ] m. f. n. giving food
N. of Śiva and Durgā Lit. L.
अन्नदायिन् [ annadāyin ] [ anna-dāyin ] m. f. n. = [ -da ] above.
अन्नदेवता [ annadevatā ] [ anna-devatā ] f. the divinity supposed to preside over articles of food.
अन्नद्रवशूल [ annadravaśūla ] [ anna-drava-śūla ] n. a kind of colic, Lit. Bhpr.
अन्नद्वेष [ annadveṣa ] [ anna-dveṣa ] m. want of appetite , dislike of food.
अन्नपति [ annapati ] [ anna-pati ] ( [ ánna- ] ) m. the lord of food , N. of Savitṛi , Agni , Śiva.
अन्नपत्नी [ annapatnī ] [ anna-patnī ] f. a goddess presiding over food Lit. AitBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अन्नपत्य [ annapatya ] [ anna-patya ] ( [ ánna- ] ) n. the lordship over food Lit. MaitrS.
अन्नपर्यायम् [ annaparyāyam ] [ anna-paryāyam ] ind. so that all dishes go round in turn, Lit. PārGṛ.
अन्नपाश [ annapāśa ] [ anna-pāśa ] m. the binding power of food (in binding soul and body together), Lit. Gobh.
अन्नपू [ annapū ] [ anna-pū́ ] m. f. n. ( explanation of [ keta-pū ] ) , purifying food Lit. ŚBr.
अन्नपेय [ annapeya ] [ anna-péya ] n. explains the word [ vāja-péya ] q.v. Lit. ŚBr.
अन्नप्रद [ annaprada ] [ anna-pradá ] m. f. n. = [ -da ] above Lit. ŚBr.
अन्नप्रलय [ annapralaya ] [ anna-pralaya ] m. f. n. being resolved into food or the primitive substance after death Lit. L.
अन्नप्राश [ annaprāśa ] [ anna-prāśa ] m. putting rice into a child's mouth for the first time ( one of the Saṃskāras ; see [ saṃskāra ] ) Lit. Mn. ii , 34 Lit. Yājñ. i , 12.
अन्नप्राशन [ annaprāśana ] [ anna-prāśana ] n. putting rice into a child's mouth for the first time ( one of the Saṃskāras ; see [ saṃskāra ] ) Lit. Mn. ii , 34 Lit. Yājñ. i , 12.
अन्नबुभुक्षु [ annabubhukṣu ] [ anna-bubhukṣu ] m. f. n. desirous of eating food.
अन्नब्रह्मन् [ annabrahman ] [ anna-brahman ] n. Brahma as represented by food.
अन्नभक्ष [ annabhakṣa ] [ anna-bhakṣa ] m. eating of food.
अन्नभक्षण [ annabhakṣaṇa ] [ anna-bhakṣaṇa ] n. eating of food.
अन्नभाग [ annabhāga ] [ anna-bhāgá ] m. a share of food Lit. AV. iii , 30 , 6.
अन्नभुज् [ annabhuj ] [ anna-bhuj ] m. f. n. eating food
[ annabhuj ] m. ( [ k ] ) a N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. xii , 10382.
अन्नभुज् [ annabhuj ] [ anna-bhuj ] m. (also) fire (of digestion), Lit. MārkP.
अन्नमयकोश [ annamayakośa ] [ anna-maya-kośa ] m. the gross material body ( which is sustained by food = [ sthūla-śarīra ] ) .
अन्नमल [ annamala ] [ anna-mala ] n. excrement
spirituous liquor cf. Lit. Mn. xi , 93.
अन्नयोनि [ annayoni ] [ anna-yoni ] "produced out of rice" , arrack, Lit. Kāv.
अन्नरक्षा [ annarakṣā ] [ anna-rakṣā ] f. caution in eating food.
अन्नरस [ annarasa ] [ anna-rasa ] m. essence of food , chyle
meat and drink , nutriment , taste in distinguishing food.
अन्नलिप्सा [ annalipsā ] [ anna-lipsā ] f. desire for food , appetite.
अन्नवत् [ annavat ] [ anna-vat ] ( [ ánna- ] ) m. f. n. Ved. possessed of food Lit. RV. x , 117 , 2 ,
अन्नवस्त्र [ annavastra ] [ anna-vastra ] n. food and clothing , the necessaries of life.
अन्नवाहिस्रोतस् [ annavāhisrotas ] [ anna-vāhi-srotas ] n. the oesophagus , gullet.
अन्नविकार [ annavikāra ] [ anna-vikāra ] m. transformation of food
disorder of the stomach from indigestion
the seminal secretion.
अन्नविकृति [ annavikṛti ] [ anna-vikṛti ] f. (= - [ vikāra ] ), Lit. MBh.
अन्नविद् [ annavid ] [ anna-ví d ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ vid ] ) , acquiring food Lit. AV. vi , 116 , 1
(√ 1. [ vid ] ) , knowing food.
अन्नविद्वेष [ annavidveṣa ] [ anna-vidveṣa ] m. "disgust of food" , want of appetite, Lit. Suśr.
अन्नशुभ [ annaśubha ] [ anna-śubha ] m. f. n. pleasant through food, Lit. JaimUp.
अन्नशेष [ annaśeṣa ] [ anna-śeṣa ] m. leavings , offal.
अन्नसंदेह [ annasaṃdeha ] [ anna-saṃdeha ] ( [ anná ] -), m. cementing of food, Lit. ŚBr.
अन्नसंस्कर्तृ [ annasaṃskartṛ ] [ anna-saṃskartṛ ] m. "preparer of food" , a cook, Lit. Āpast.
अन्नसंस्कार [ annasaṃskāra ] [ anna-saṃskāra ] m. consecrating of food.
अन्नहर्तृ [ annahartṛ ] [ anna-hartṛ ] m. f. n. taking away food.
अन्नहार [ annahāra ] [ anna-hāra ] m. f. n. containing food, Lit. AgP.
अन्नहोम [ annahoma ] [ anna-homá ] m. a sacrifice connected with the Aśvamedha Lit. ŚBr.
अन्नाकाल [ annākāla ] [ annākāla ] see [ anākāla ] .
अन्नाच्छादन [ annācchādana ] [ annācchādana ] n. food and clothing.
अन्नात्तृ [ annāttṛ ] [ annāttṛ ] ( ( Lit. Mn. ii , 188 ) ) m. f. n. eating food.
अन्नादिन् [ annādin ] [ annādin ] ( ( Lit. Mn. ii , 188 ) ) m. f. n. eating food.
अन्नाद [ annāda ] [ annādá ] m. f. n. eating food
Superl. of the fem. [ annādí -tamā ] , " eating the most " , N. of the fore-finger Lit. ŚBr.
[ annāda ] m. fire (at the end of a religious rite), Lit. L.
अन्नादन [ annādana ] [ annādana ] n. eating of food.
अन्नाभिरुचि [ annābhiruci ] [ an-nābhiruci ] f. desire of food, appetite, Lit. Suśr.
अन्नायु [ annāyu ] [ annāyu ] m. ( coined for the etymology of [ vāyu ] ) , " living by food , desirous of food " Lit. AitUp.
अन्नावृध् [ annāvṛdh ] [ annā-vṛ́dh ] ( final [ a ] lengthened) m. f. n. prospering by food Lit. RV. x , 1 , 4.
अन्नाशन [ annāśana ] [ annāśana ] n. (= [ anna ] - [ prā ] [ śana ] ), Lit. AgP.
अन्नाहारिन् [ annāhārin ] [ annāhārin ] m. f. n. eating food.
अन्निका [ annikā ] [ annikā ] f. N. of a woman, Lit. HPariś.
अन्नियत् [ anniyat ] [ ánniyat ] m. f. n. being desirous of food Lit. RV. iv , 2 , 7.
अन्नीय [ annīya ] [ annīya ] Nom. P. ° [ yati ] , to desire food, Lit. Āpast.( Page1313,2 )
अन्नम्भट्ट [ annambhaṭṭa ] [ annambhaṭṭa ] m. N. of the author of the Tarka-saṃgraha q.v.
अन्य [ anya ] [ ánya ]1 (3) n. inexhaustibleness (as of the milk of cows) Lit. AV. xii , 1 , 4 ( cf. [ ányā ] .) .
अन्य [ anya ] [ anyá ]2 [ as ] , [ ā ] , [ at ] other , different
other than , different from , opposed to (abl. or in comp.)
another person
one of a number
[ anya anya ] or [ eka anya ] , the one , the other
[ anyac ca ] , and another , besides , moreover ( ( cf. Zd. (anya) ; Armen. (ail) ; Lat. (alius) ; Goth. (aljis) , Theme (alja) ; Gk. 1 for 2 ; cf. also 3 ) ) .
अन्यकाम [ anyakāma ] [ anyá-kāma ] m. f. n. loving another.
अन्यकार [ anyakāra ] [ anya-kāra ] m. f. n. intent on other business, Lit. Bcar.
अन्यकारुका [ anyakārukā ] [ anyá-kārukā ] f. a worm bred in excrement Lit. L.
अन्यकृत [ anyakṛta ] [ anyá-kṛta ] ( [ anyá- ] ) m. f. n. done by another Lit. RV.
अन्यक्रिय [ anyakriya ] [ anya-kriya ] m. f. n. intent on other business, Lit. Bcar.
अन्यक्षेत्र [ anyakṣetra ] [ anyá-kṣetrá ] n. another territory or sphere Lit. AV.
अन्यग [ anyaga ] [ anyá-ga ] m. f. n. going to another , adulterous.
अन्यगामिन् [ anyagāmin ] [ anyá-gāmin ] m. f. n. going to another , adulterous.
अन्यगोत्र [ anyagotra ] [ anyá-gotra ] m. f. n. of a different family.
अन्यचोदित [ anyacodita ] [ anyá-codita ] m. f. n. moved by another.
अन्यच्छायायोनि [ anyacchāyāyoni ] [ anya-cchāyā-yoni ] m. f. n. "having its source in another's light" , borrowed, Lit. Vām. iii, 2, 7
अन्यज [ anyaja ] [ anyá-ja ] ( [ anyá- ] ) ( ( Lit. RV. ) ) m. f. n. born of another (family , ) , of a different origin.
अन्यजनता [ anyajanatā ] [ anya-janátā ] f. fellowship with others, Lit. MaitrS.
अन्यजात [ anyajāta ] [ anyá-jāta ] ( [ anyá- ] ) ( ( Lit. RV. ) ) m. f. n. born of another (family , ) , of a different origin.
अन्यजन्मन् [ anyajanman ] [ anyá-janman ] n. another birth , being born again.
अन्यतस् [ anyatas ] [ anyá-tas ] see s.v.
अन्यतीर्थिक [ anyatīrthika ] [ anya-tīrthika ] m. f. n. belonging to another sect, heterodox, Lit. Jātakam.
अन्यत्पार्श्व [ anyatpārśva ] [ anyat-pārśva ] m. f. n. showing another side, Lit. Kauś.
अन्यत्स्थानगत [ anyatsthānagata ] [ anyat-sthāna-gata ] m. f. n. being at another place, Lit. Lāṭy.
अन्यदुर्वह [ anyadurvaha ] [ anyá-durvaha ] m. f. n. difficult to be borne by another.
अन्यदेवत [ anyadevata ] [ anyá-devata ] m. f. n. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity.
अन्यदेवत्य [ anyadevatya ] [ anyá-devatyá ] ( ( Lit. MaitrS. Lit. ŚBr. ) ) m. f. n. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity.
अन्यदैवत [ anyadaivata ] [ anyá-daivata ] m. f. n. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity.
अन्यधर्म [ anyadharma ] [ anyá-dharma ] m. different characteristic
characteristic of another
[ anyadharma ] m. f. n. having different characteristics.
अन्यधी [ anyadhī ] [ anyá-dhī ] m. f. n. one whose mind is alienated Lit. L.
अन्यनाभि [ anyanābhi ] [ anyá-nābhi ] ( [ anyá- ] ) m. f. n. of another family Lit. AV. i , 29 , 1.
अन्यपदार्थप्रधान [ anyapadārthapradhāna ] [ anya-padārtha-pradhāna ] m. f. n. having as chief sense that of another word (as a Bahu-vrīhi ), Lit. Pāṇ. ii, 2, 24, Sch.
अन्यपर [ anyapara ] [ anyá-para ] m. f. n. devoted to something else , zealous in something else.
अन्यपरिग्रह [ anyaparigraha ] [ anya-parigraha ] m. the wife of another, Lit. Mn. v, 162
अन्यपुष्ट [ anyapuṣṭa ] [ anyá-puṣṭa ] m. f. ( ( Lit. Kum. i , 46 ) ) " reared by another " , the kokila or Indian cuckoo (supposed to be reared by the crow) .
अन्यपूर्वा [ anyapūrvā ] [ anyá-pūrvā ] f. a woman previously betrothed to one and married to another.
अन्यबन्धु [ anyabandhu ] [ anya-bandhu ] m. f. n. related to another, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अन्यबीजज [ anyabījaja ] [ anyá-bīja-ja ] m. " born from the seed of another " , an adopted son.
अन्यबीजसमुद्भव [ anyabījasamudbhava ] [ anyá-bīja-samudbhava ] m. " born from the seed of another " , an adopted son.
अन्यबीजोत्पन्न [ anyabījotpanna ] [ anyá-bījotpanna ] m. " born from the seed of another " , an adopted son.
अन्यभाव [ anyabhāva ] [ anya-bhāva ] m. change of state, Lit. Suśr. (° [ vin ] , mfn. changed, altered, ib.)
अन्यभृत् [ anyabhṛt ] [ anyá-bhṛt ] m. " nourishing another " , a crow (supposed to sit upon the eggs of the kokila) .
अन्यमनस् [ anyamanas ] [ anyá-manas ] m. f. n. whose mind is fixed on something else , absent , versatile
having another mind in one's self , possessed by a demon.
अन्यमनस्क [ anyamanaska ] [ anyá-manaska ] m. f. n. whose mind is fixed on something else , absent , versatile
having another mind in one's self , possessed by a demon.
अन्यमातृक [ anyamātṛka ] [ anya-mātṛka ] m. f. n. having another mother, Lit. Kathās.
अन्यमातृज [ anyamātṛja ] [ anyá-mātṛ-ja ] m. a half-brother (who has the same father but another mother) Lit. Yājñ.
अन्यमानस [ anyamānasa ] [ anya-mānasa ] see [ an ] - [ any ] °
अन्ययज्ञ [ anyayajña ] [ anya-yajña ] m. another's sacrifice, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अन्यराजन् [ anyarājan ] [ anyá-rājan ] m. f. n. having another for king , subject to another Lit. ChUp.
अन्यराष्ट्रिय [ anyarāṣṭriya ] [ anya-rāṣṭriya ] m. f. n. (= ° [ ṭrīya ] ), Lit. Kāṭh.
अन्यराष्ट्रीय [ anyarāṣṭrīya ] [ anyá-rāṣṭrī́ya ] m. f. n. from another kingdom , belonging to another kingdom Lit. ŚBr.
अन्यरूप [ anyarūpa ] [ anyá-rūpa ] n. another form
( [ eṇa ] ) , in another form , disguised
[ anyarūpa ] m. f. n. having another form , changed , altered Lit. RV.
अन्यरूपिन् [ anyarūpin ] [ anyá-rūpin ] m. f. n. having another shape.
अन्यलोक्य [ anyalokya ] [ anya-lokya ] m. f. n. destined for another world, Lit. VP.
अन्यलोह [ anyaloha ] [ anya-loha ] m. brass-metal, Lit. L.
अन्यलिङ्ग [ anyaliṅga ] [ anyá-liṅga ] m. f. n. having the gender of another (word , viz. of the substantive) , an adjective.
अन्यलिङ्गक [ anyaliṅgaka ] [ anyá-liṅgaka ] m. f. n. having the gender of another (word , viz. of the substantive) , an adjective.
अन्यवर्ण [ anyavarṇa ] [ anyá-varṇa ] ( [ anyá- ] ) m. f. n. having another colour.
अन्यवाप [ anyavāpa ] [ anyá-vāpá ] m. " sowing for others " i.e. " leaving his eggs in the nests of other birds " , the kokila or Indian cuckoo Lit. VS.
अन्यव्रत [ anyavrata ] [ anyá-vrata ] ( [ anyá- ] ) m. devoted to others , infidel Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
अन्यशङ्कित [ anyaśaṅkita ] [ anya-śaṅkita ] m. f. n. (= [ anyathā ] - [ sambhāvin ] ), Lit. Ratnâv.
अन्यशाखक [ anyaśākhaka ] [ anyá-śākhaka ] m. a Brāhman who has left his school Lit. L.
an apostate Lit. L.
अन्यशाखास्थ [ anyaśākhāstha ] [ anya-śākhā-stha ] m. f. n. one who studies in another Śākhā, Lit. L.
अन्यशृङ्ग [ anyaśṛṅga ] [ anya-śṛṅgá ] n. the horn (by which an animal is tied), Lit. MaitrS.
अन्यसंगम [ anyasaṃgama ] [ anyá-saṃgama ] m. intercourse with another , adulterous intercourse.
अन्यसाधारण [ anyasādhāraṇa ] [ anyá-sādhāraṇa ] m. f. n. common to others.
अन्यस्त्रीग [ anyastrīga ] [ anyá-strī-ga ] m. going to another's wife , an adulterer Lit. Mn.
अन्यहक [ anyahaka ] [ anya-haka ] m. brass-metal, Lit. L.
अन्यादृक्ष [ anyādṛkṣa ] [ anyā-dṛkṣa ] ( ( Lit. L. ) ) m. f. n. of another kind , like another.
अन्यादृश् [ anyādṛś ] [ anyā-dṛ́ś ] ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) m. f. n. of another kind , like another.
अन्यादृश [ anyādṛśa ] [ anyā-dṛśa ] m. f. n. of another kind , like another.
uncommon, strange, Lit. Kād.
अन्याधीन [ anyādhīna ] [ anyādhīna ] m. f. n. subject to others , dependent.
अन्यापदेश [ anyāpadeśa ] [ an-yāpadeśa ] m. (= [ anyo ] [ kti ] ), Lit. Subh.
अन्यार्थ [ anyārtha ] [ an-yārtha ] m. another's affair, Lit. Jaim.
[ anyārtha ] m. f. n. one who has another aim or object (- [ tva ] ), ib.
having another sense or meaning (also - [ vat ] ), Lit. Daśar., Sch.
n. the use of a word in an uncommon sense, Lit. Vām. ii, 1, 12
अन्यार्थत्व [ anyārthatva ] [ an-yārtha-tva ] ( n. )
अन्याश्रयण [ anyāśrayaṇa ] [ anyāśrayaṇa ] n. going to another (as an inheritance) .
अन्याश्रित [ anyāśrita ] [ anyāśrita ] m. f. n. gone to another.
अन्यासक्त [ anyāsakta ] [ anyāsakta ] m. f. n. intent on something else.
अन्यासाधारण [ anyāsādhāraṇa ] [ anyāsādhāraṇa ] m. f. n. not common to another , peculiar.
अन्योक्तिकण्ठाभरण [ anyoktikaṇṭhābharaṇa ] [ an-yokti--kaṇṭhābharaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
अन्योक्तिपरिच्छेद [ anyoktipariccheda ] [ an-yokti--pariccheda ] m. pl. N. of wk.
अन्योक्तिशतक [ anyoktiśataka ] [ an-yokti--śataka ] n. N. of wk.
अन्योढा [ anyoḍhā ] [ anyoḍhā ] f. married to another , another's wife Lit. Sāh.
अन्योत्पन्न [ anyotpanna ] [ anyotpanna ] m. f. n. begotten by another.
अन्योदर्य [ anyodarya ] [ anyódarya ] m. f. n. born from another womb Lit. RV. vii , 4 , 8
[ anyodarya ] m. a stepmother's son Lit. Yājñ.
अन्योपतापिन् [ anyopatāpin ] [ an-yopatāpin ] m. f. n. paining others, Lit. Kāvyâd.
अन्यक [ anyaka ] [ anyaká ] m. f. n. another , other Lit. RV.
अन्यतर [ anyatara ] [ anya-tará ] [ as ] , [ ā ] , [ at ] either of two , other , different
a certain one, Lit. Divyâv.
[ anyatara anyatara ] , the one , the other
[ anyatarasyām ] loc. f. either way. Lit. Pāṇ.
अन्यतरतस् [ anyataratas ] [ anya-tará-tas ] ind. on one of two sides Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
either way (= [ anyatarasyām ] ) Lit. VPrāt.
अन्यतरतोदन्त [ anyataratodanta ] [ anyataráto-danta ] m. f. n. having teeth on one side (only) Lit. ŚBr.
अन्यतरतोयुक्त [ anyataratoyukta ] [ anyataráto-yukta ] m. f. n. yoked only on one side, Lit. ŚBr.
अन्यतरेद्युस् [ anyataredyus ] [ anyatare-dyus ] ind. on either of two days Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 22.
अन्यतरान्यतर [ anyatarānyatara ] [ anyata-rānyatara ] m. f. n. of whatever kind, Lit. Vajracch.
अन्यतस् [ anyatas ] [ anyá-tas ] ind. from another
from another motive
on one side ( [ anyataḥ anyataḥ ] , on the one , on the other side)
on the other side , on the contrary , in one direction
towards some other place.
अन्यतएत [ anyataeta ] [ anyáta-eta ] m. f. n. variegated on one side Lit. VS. xxx , 19.
अन्यतःप्लक्षा [ anyataḥplakṣā ] [ anyátaḥ-plakṣā ] f. N. of a lotus pond in Kurukshetra Lit. ŚBr.
अन्यतोमुख [ anyatomukha ] [ anyato-mukha ] ( [ anyáto ] -), m. f. n. hiving a face only on one side, Lit. ŚBr.
अन्यतःसितिबाहु [ anyataḥsitibāhu ] [ anyataḥ-siti-bāhu ] ( [ anyátaḥ ] -), m. f. n. having the forefeet white only on one side, Lit. VS.
अन्यतःसितिरन्ध्र [ anyataḥsitirandhra ] [ anyataḥ-siti-randhra ] ( [ anyátaḥ ] -), m. f. n. having the ear-cavities white only on one side, ib.
अन्यतोघातिन् [ anyatoghātin ] [ anyato-ghātí n ] m. f. n. striking in one direction Lit. ŚBr.
striking against another, Lit. ŚBr.
अन्यतोज्योतिस् [ anyatojyotis ] [ anyáto-jyotis ] m. f. n. having light or a Jyotis day only on one side, ib.
अन्यतोदत् [ anyatodat ] [ anyáto-dat ] m. f. n. = [ anyataráto-danta ] q.v. Lit. TS.
अन्यतोमुख [ anyatomukha ] [ anyato-mukha ] ( [ anyáto ] -), m. f. n. hiving a face only on one side, Lit. ŚBr.
अन्यतोरण्य [ anyatoraṇya ] [ anyáto-'raṇya ] n. a land which is woody only on one side Lit. VS. xxx , 19.
अन्यतोवात [ anyatovāta ] [ anyato-vāta ] m. a disease of the eye , Lit. Śuśr.
अन्यतस्त्य [ anyatastya ] [ anyatastya ] m. " opponent , adversary " , in comp. with
अन्यतस्त्यजायिन् [ anyatastyajāyin ] [ anyatastya-jāyí n ] m. f. n. overwhelming adversaries Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अन्यत्कारक [ anyatkāraka ] [ anyat-kāraka ] m. f. n. making mistakes Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 99 ( the neut. form appears to be used in comp. when error of any kind is implied ; other examples besides the following are given) .
अन्यत्कृ [ anyatkṛ ] [ anyat-√ kṛ ] to make a mistake Lit. Pat.
अन्यदाशा [ anyadāśā ] [ anyad-āśā ] f. a bad desire or hope (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 99.
अन्यदाशिस् [ anyadāśis ] [ anyad-āśis ] f. a bad desire or hope (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 99.
अन्यत्र [ anyatra ] [ anyá-tra ] ind. (= [ anyasmin ] loc. of 2. [ anyá ] ) , elsewhere , in another place ( with abl.)
on another occasion
(ifc.) at another time than
otherwise , in another manner
to another place
except , without Lit. MānGṛ. Lit. Jain. ( ( cf. Goth. (aljathrô) ) ) .
अन्यत्रकरण [ anyatrakaraṇa ] [ anyatrakaraṇa ] m. the son of a paramour, Lit. Gaut.
अन्यत्रमनस् [ anyatramanas ] [ anyá-tra-manas ] ( [ anyátra- ] ) m. f. n. having the mind directed to something else , inattentive Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अन्यथय [ anyathaya ] [ anyathaya ] Root P. [ anyathayati ] , to alter Lit. Sāh.
अन्यथा [ anyathā ] [ anyá-thā ] ind. otherwise , in a different manner (with [ atas ] , [ itas ] , or [ tatas ] = in a manner different from this ; [ anyathā anyathā ] , in one way , in another way)
inaccurately , untruly , falsely , erroneously
from another motive ; in the contrary case , otherwise ( ( cf. Lat. (aliuta) ) ) .
अन्यथाकरण [ anyathākaraṇa ] [ anyathā-karaṇa ] n. ( Lit. Campak.) changing, change
अन्यथाकार [ anyathākāra ] [ anyá-thā-kāra ] m. doing otherwise changing
[ anyathākāram ] ind. otherwise , in a different manner Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 27.
अन्यथाकृ [ anyathākṛ ] [ anyá-thā-√ kṛ ] to act otherwise , alter , violate (a law) , destroy (a hope) ,
अन्यथाकृत [ anyathākṛta ] [ anyá-thā-kṛta ] m. f. n. changed.
अन्यथाकृति [ anyathākṛti ] [ anyathā-kṛti ] f. (L.) changing, change
अन्यथाजातीयक [ anyathājātīyaka ] [ anyathā-jātīyaka ] m. f. n. of another kind, Lit. Pat.
अन्यथाख्याति [ anyathākhyāti ] [ anyá-thā-khyāti ] f. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) the assertion that something is not really what it appears to be according to sensual perception
N. of a philosophical work.
अन्यथात्व [ anyathātva ] [ anyá-thā-tva ] n. an opposite state of the case , difference.
अन्यथादर्शन [ anyathādarśana ] [ anyathā-darśana ] n. false trial (of a lawsuit), Lit. Yājñ., Sch.
अन्यथाभाव [ anyathābhāva ] [ anyá-thā-bhāva ] m. alteration , difference.
अन्यथाभूत [ anyathābhūta ] [ anyá-thā-bhūta ] m. f. n. changed.
अन्यथावादिन् [ anyathāvādin ] [ anyá-thā-vādin ] m. f. n. ( or [ anya-vādin ] ) speaking differently
[ anyathāvādin ] m. ( [ ī ] ) speaking inconsistently
(in law) prevaricating or a prevaricator.
अन्यथावृत्ति [ anyathāvṛtti ] [ anyá-thā-vṛtti ] m. f. n. altered , disturbed by strong emotion.
अन्यथाशीलिक [ anyathāśīlika ] [ anyathā-śīlika ] m. f. n. accustomed to act differently from ( [ atas ] ), Lit. GopBr.
अन्यथासम्भाविन् [ anyathāsambhāvin ] [ anyathā-sambhāvin ] m. f. n. suspecting something else, distrustful, Lit. Ratnâv.
अन्यथासिद्ध [ anyathāsiddha ] [ anyá-thā-siddha ] m. f. n. wrongly defined , wrongly proved or established
effected otherwise , unessential.
अन्यथासिद्धत्व [ anyathāsiddhatva ] [ anyá-thā-siddha-tva ] n. wrong arguing , wrong demonstration
that demonstration in which arguments are referred to untrue causes.
अन्यथासिद्धि [ anyathāsiddhi ] [ anyá-thā-siddhi ] f. wrong arguing , wrong demonstration
that demonstration in which arguments are referred to untrue causes.
अन्यथास्तोत्र [ anyathāstotra ] [ anyá-thā-stotra ] n. irony Lit. Yājñ. ii , 204.
अन्यथाभिधान [ anyathābhidhāna ] [ anya-thābhidhāna ] n. false statement or deposition, ib.
अन्यदा [ anyadā ] [ anya-dā ] ind. at another time
one day , once
in another case. ( ( cf. Old Slav. (inogda) , (inuda) ) ) .
अन्यदाशा [ anyadāśā ] [ anyad-āśā ] see [ anyat-kāraka ] .
अन्यदाशिस् [ anyadāśis ] [ anyad-āśis ] see [ anyat-kāraka ] .
अन्यदीय [ anyadīya ] [ anyadīya ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 99) belonging to another Lit. Daś.
अन्यर्हि [ anyarhi ] [ anyarhi ] ind. at another time Lit. L.
अन्येद्युक [ anyedyuka ] [ anyedyuka ] m. f. n. ( ( Lit. Car. ) ) occurring on another day
[ anyedyuka ] m. a chronic fever.
अन्येद्युष्क [ anyedyuṣka ] [ anyedyuṣka ] m. f. n. ( ( Lit. Suśr. ) ) occurring on another day
( Lit. Suśr.), relating or belonging to the other day.
[ anyedyuṣka ] m. a chronic fever.
अन्येद्युस् [ anyedyus ] [ anye-dyús ] ind. on the other day , on the following day Lit. AV.
the other day , once Lit. Pañcat.
अन्येद्युस्क [ anyedyuska ] [ anyedyuska ] ( Lit. Car.), m. f. n. relating or belonging to the other day.
अन्योन्य [ anyonya ] [ anyonya ] [ anyonya ] or [ anyo-'nya ] m. f. n. ( said to be fr. [ anyas ] nom. sing. m. and [ anya ] ; cf. [ paraspara ] ; in most cases the first [ anya ] may be regarded as the subject of the sentence , while the latter assumes the acc. , inst. gen. , or loc. cases as required by the verb ; but there are many instances in which the first [ anya ] , originally a nominative , is equivalent to an oblique case) ; m. f. n. one another , mutual
[ anyonyam ] ind. mutually.
[ anyonyatas ] ind. mutually.
अन्योन्यकलह [ anyonyakalaha ] [ anyonya-kalaha ] m. mutual quarrel.
अन्योन्यकृत्य [ anyonyakṛtya ] [ anyonya-kṛtya ] n. mutual services, Lit. Śak.
अन्योन्यगत [ anyonyagata ] [ anyonya-gata ] m. f. n. mutual, reciprocal, Lit. Vikr.
अन्योन्यघात [ anyonyaghāta ] [ anyonya-ghāta ] m. mutual conflict , killing one another.
अन्योन्यदर्शन [ anyonyadarśana ] [ anyonya-darśana ] n. an interview, ib.
अन्योन्यधर्मिन् [ anyonyadharmin ] [ anyonya-dharmin ] m. f. n. possessing mutually each other's qualities, Lit. MBh.
अन्योन्यपक्षनयन [ anyonyapakṣanayana ] [ anyonya-pakṣa-nayana ] n. transposing (of numbers) from one side to another.
अन्योन्यभाव [ anyonyabhāva ] [ anyonya-bhāva ] m. mutual exchange of condition, Lit. Śāntiś.
अन्योन्यभेद [ anyonyabheda ] [ anyonya-bheda ] m. mutual division or enmity.
अन्योन्यमिथुन [ anyonyamithuna ] [ anyonya-mithuna ] n. mutual union
[ anyonyamithuna ] m. united mutually.
अन्योन्यमिथुन [ anyonyamithuna ] [ anyonya-mithuna ] m. f. n. living by couples, Lit. Hariv.
अन्योन्यविभाग [ anyonyavibhāga ] [ anyonya-vibhāga ] m. mutual partition (of an inheritance) .
अन्योन्यवृत्ति [ anyonyavṛtti ] [ anyonya-vṛtti ] m. mutual effect of one upon another.
अन्योन्यव्यतिकर [ anyonyavyatikara ] [ anyonya-vyatikara ] m. reciprocal action , relation or influence.
अन्योन्यसंश्रय [ anyonyasaṃśraya ] [ anyonya-saṃśraya ] m. reciprocal relation (of cause and effect) .
अन्योन्यसापेक्ष [ anyonyasāpekṣa ] [ anyonya-sāpekṣa ] m. f. n. mutually relating.
अन्योन्यस्पर्धा [ anyonyaspardhā ] [ anyonya-spardhā ] f. mutual emulation (° [ dhin ] = rivalling), Lit. Mn.
अन्योन्यस्पर्धिन् [ anyonyaspardhin ] [ anyonya-spar--dhin ] m. f. n. = rivalling
अन्योन्यहाराभिहत [ anyonyahārābhihata ] [ anyonya-hārābhihata ] m. f. n. (two quantities) mutually multiplied by their denominators.
अन्योन्यानुराग [ anyonyānurāga ] [ anyo-nyānurāga ] m. mutual affectinn, Lit. Śak.
अन्योन्यापतितत्यागिन् [ anyonyāpatitatyāgin ] [ anyo-nyāpatita-tyāgin ] m. f. n. deserting each other without either losing caste, Lit. Vishṇ.
अन्योन्यापहृत [ anyonyāpahṛta ] [ anyonyāpahṛta ] m. f. n. taken or secreted from one another , taken secretly.
अन्योन्याभाव [ anyonyābhāva ] [ anyonyābhāva ] m. mutual non-existence , mutual negation , relative difference.
अन्योन्याश्रय [ anyonyāśraya ] [ anyonyāśraya ] m. mutual or reciprocal support or connection or dependance
mutually depending.
अन्योन्याश्रित [ anyonyāśrita ] [ anyonyāśrita ] m. f. n. mutually supported or depending.
अन्योन्योक्ति [ anyonyokti ] [ anyonyokti ] f. conversation.
अन्योन्योपमा [ anyonyopamā ] [ anyo-nyopamā ] f. a reciprocal simile, Lit. Kāvyâd.
अन्यङ्ग [ anyaṅga ] [ a-nyaṅga ] m. f. n. " spotless " , in comp. with
अन्यङ्गश्वेत [ anyaṅgaśveta ] [ a-nyaṅga-śveta ] m. f. n. white and without spot (as a sacrificial animal) Lit. AitBr.
अन्यतस् [ anyatas ] [ anyá-tas ] see s.v. 2. [ anyá ] .
अन्यथा [ anyathā ] [ anyá-thā ] see Lit. ib.
अन्यदा [ anyadā ] [ anya-dā ] see Lit. ib.
अन्या [ anyā ] [ ányā ] (3) f. inexhaustible (as the milk of a cow) Lit. RV. viii , 1 , 10 and 27 , 11 Lit. SV.
अन्याय [ anyāya ] [ anyā-ya ]1 m. f. n. having intercourse with another's wife, Lit. Nalac.
अन्याय [ anyāya ] [ a-nyāya ]2 m. unjust or unlawful action
impropriety , indecorum
irregularity , disorder.
अन्यायतस् [ anyāyatas ] [ a-nyāya-tas ] ind. irregularly, improperly, Lit. BhP.
अन्यायमति [ anyāyamati ] [ a-nyāya-mati ] m. f. n. having improper thoughts, Lit. Bcar.
अन्यायवर्तिन् [ anyāyavartin ] [ a-nyāya-vartin ] m. f. n. acting unjustly
following evil courses.
अन्यायवृत्त [ anyāyavṛtta ] [ a-nyāya-vṛtta ] m. f. n. acting unjustly
following evil courses.
अन्यायवृत्ति [ anyāyavṛtti ] [ a-nyāya-vṛtti ] m. f. n. (= - [ vartin ] ), Lit. Daś.
अन्यायसमास [ anyāyasamāsa ] [ a-nyāya-samāsa ] m. an irregular compound, Lit. VPrāt.
अन्यायिन् [ anyāyin ] [ a-nyāyin ] m. f. n. unjust , improper , indecorous , unbecoming.
badly behaved, Lit. Uttamac.
अन्याय्य [ anyāyya ] [ a-nyāyya ] m. f. n. unjust , improper , indecorous , unbecoming.
अन्यून [ anyūna ] [ á-nyūna ] m. f. n. not defective , not less than ( with abl.)
entire , complete.
अन्यूनाङ्ग [ anyūnāṅga ] [ a-nyū-nāṅga ] m. f. n. not defective in limbs or organs, Lit. Lāṭy.
अन्यूनातिरिक्त [ anyūnātirikta ] [ á-nyūnātirikta ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) m. f. n. not too little and not too much
[ anyūnātirikta ] m. f. n. neither deficient nor excessive.
अन्यूनातिरिक्ताङ्ग [ anyūnātiriktāṅga ] [ a-nyū-nātiriktāṅga ] m. f. n. having neither too few nor too many limbs or organs, Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अन्यूनाधिक [ anyūnādhika ] [ a-nyūnādhika ] m. f. n. not too little and not too much
neither deficient nor excessive.
अन्यूनार्थवादिन् [ anyūnārthavādin ] [ a-nyū-nārtha-vādin ] m. f. n. adequately expressive, Lit. Kāvyâd.
अन्योकस् [ anyokas ] [ á-ny-okas ] m. f. n. not remaining in one's habitation ( [ okas ] ) Lit. AV.
अन्वक्ष [ anvakṣa ] [ anv-akṣa ] m. f. n. ( fr. 4. [ akṣa ] ) , following Lit. L.
[ anvakṣam ] ind. afterwards , immediately after Lit. R. cf. g. [ śarad-ādi ]
अन्वक्षरम् [ anvakṣaram ] [ anv-akṣaram ] ind. according to the sound or letter, Lit. SaṃhUp.
अन्वक्षरसन्धि [ anvakṣarasandhi ] [ anv-akṣara-sandhi ] m. a kind of Sandhi in the Vedas Lit. RPrāt.
अन्वग्रम् [ anvagram ] [ anv-agram ] ind. from below to above, ib.
अन्वङ्गम् [ anvaṅgam ] [ anv-aṅgám ] ind. after every member or part Lit. ŚBr.
for every part of an action, Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वञ्च् [ anvañc ] [ anváñc ] m. f. n. [ aṅ ] , [ ūcī́ ] and [ ū́cī ] , [ ak ] (√ [ añc ] ) , following the direction of another , going after , following
lying lengthwise
[ anūci ] ind. loc. in the rear , behind
[ anvak ] ind. afterwards
ind. behind ( with acc.)
अन्वक्स्थानिन् [ anvaksthānin ] [ anvak-sthānin ] m. f. n. inferior in dignity, Lit. Āpast.
अन्वक्स्थानीय [ anvaksthānīya ] [ anvak-sthānīya ] m. f. n. inferior in dignity, Lit. Āpast.
अन्वग्ज्येष्ठ [ anvagjyeṣṭha ] [ anvag-jyeṣṭha ] m. f. n. the next eldest, ib.
अन्वग्भावम् [ anvagbhāvam ] [ anvag-bhāvam ] ind. afterwards Lit. L.
friendly disposed Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 64.
अन्वग्भूय [ anvagbhūya ] [ anvag-bhūya ] ind. becoming friendly disposed Lit. ib.
अन्वञ्ज् [ anvañj ] [ anv-√ añj ] to anoint Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś.
अन्वत् [ anvat ] [ anv-√ at ] (P. - [ atati ] ), to go after, follow, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अन्वतिसिच् [ anvatisic ] [ anv-ati-√ sic ] to pour out over or along Lit. TBr.
अन्वती [ anvatī ] [ anv-atī ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) cl. [2] P. [ -atyeti ] , to pass over to , follow Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वधिरुह् [ anvadhiruh ] [ anv-adhi-√ ruh ] to ascend after another Lit. Lāṭy.
अन्वध्यस् [ anvadhyas ] [ anv-adhy-√ as:2 ] to throw upon after another Lit. MānŚr.
अन्वध्यायम् [ anvadhyāyam ] [ anv-adhyāyam ] ind. according to the chapters (of the Veda) , according to the sacred texts Lit. Nir.
अन्वपक्रम् [ anvapakram ] [ anv-apa-√ kram ] to run away after another Lit. TBr.
अन्वभिषिच् [ anvabhiṣic ] [ anv-abhi-ṣic ] ( Preverb. [ √ sic ] ) Ā. [ -siñcate ] to have one's self anointed by another ( with acc.) Lit. MBh. xii , 2803 (both editions) .
अन्वभ्यवचर् [ anvabhyavacar ] [ anvabhy-ava-√ car ] to come near, Lit. MaitrS.
अन्वभ्यवचारम् [ anvabhyavacāram ] [ anv-abhyavacā́ram ] ind. creeping after, Lit. MaitrS.
अन्वय [ anvaya ] [ anv-aya ] m. (√ [ i ] see [ anv-√ i ] ) , following , succession
connection , association , being linked to or concerned with
the natural order or connection of words in a sentence , syntax , construing
logical connection of words
logical connection of cause and effect , or proposition and conclusion
drift , tenor , purport
descendants , race , lineage , family.
अन्वयज्ञ [ anvayajña ] [ anv-aya-jña ] m. a genealogist.
अन्वयवत् [ anvayavat ] [ anv-aya-vat ] m. f. n. having a connection (as a consequence) , following , agreeing with
belonging to race or family
[ anvayavat ] ind. in connection with , in the sight of Lit. Mn. viii , 332.
अन्वयव्यतिरेक [ anvayavyatireka ] [ anv-aya-vyatireka ] n. agreement and contrariety
a positive and negative proposition
species and difference
rule and exception
logical connection and disconnection.
अन्वयव्यतिरेकिन् [ anvayavyatirekin ] [ anv-aya-vyatirekin ] m. f. n. (in phil.) affirmative and negative.
अन्वयव्याप्ति [ anvayavyāpti ] [ anv-aya-vyāpti ] f. an affirmative argument.
अन्वयागत [ anvayāgata ] [ anvayāgata ] m. f. n. inherited, Lit. Pañcat.
अन्वयिन् [ anvayin ] [ anvayin ] m. f. n. connected (as a consequence)
belonging to the same family Lit. Rājat.
अन्वयित्व [ anvayitva ] [ anvayi-tva ] n. the state of being a necessary consequence.
अन्वर्च् [ anvarc ] [ anv-√ arc ] to honour with shouts or songs of jubilee Lit. RV. v , 29 , 2.
अन्वर्ज् [ anvarj ] [ anv-√ arj ] to let go Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वर्त् [ anvart ] [ anvart ] ( according to Lit. NBD.) shortened for [ anu-vart ] (√ [ vṛt ] ) , to go after , demand (a girl in marriage) Lit. AV. xiv , 1 , 56. For the abbreviation cf. [ anvā ] , [ apvā́ ] , [ a-bhva ] .
अन्वर्तितृ [ anvartitṛ ] [ anvartitṛ́ ] for [ anu-vartitṛ ] m. a wooer Lit. RV. x , 109 , 2.
अनुवर्तितृ [ anuvartitṛ ] [ anu-vartitṛ́ ] m. a wooer Lit. RV. x , 109 , 2.
अन्वर्थ [ anvartha ] [ anv-artha ] m. f. n. conformable to the meaning , agreeing with the true meaning Lit. Ragh. iv , 12
having the meaning obvious , intelligible , clear.
अन्वर्थग्रहण [ anvarthagrahaṇa ] [ anv-artha-grahaṇa ] n. the literal acceptation of the meaning of a word (as opposed to the conventional) .
अन्वर्थसंज्ञा [ anvarthasaṃjñā ] [ anv-artha-saṃjñā ] f. a term whose meaning is intelligible in itself (opposed to such technical terms as [ bha ] , [ ghu ] , )
अन्वव् [ anvav ] [ anv-√ av ] to encourage Lit. RV. viii , 7 , 24.
अन्ववकृ [ anvavakṛ ] [ anv-ava-√ kṛ:1 ] to despise , refuse Lit. MaitrS.
अन्ववकॄ [ anvavakṝ ] [ anv-ava-√ kṝ:1 ] to scatter or strew about ( with instr.) Lit. Yājñ.
अन्ववकिरण [ anvavakiraṇa ] [ anv-avakiraṇa ] n. scattering about successively Lit. L.
अन्ववक्रम् [ anvavakram ] [ anv-ava-√ kram ] to descend or enter in succession Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अन्ववगा [ anvavagā ] [ anv-ava-√ gā:1 ] to go and join another Lit. ŚBr.
अन्ववचर् [ anvavacar ] [ anv-ava-√ car ] to insinuate one's self into , enter stealthily Lit. TS.
अन्ववचार [ anvavacāra ] [ anv-avacāra ] m. see [ án-anvavacāra ] .
अन्ववधा [ anvavadhā ] [ anv-ava-√ dhā ] to place into successively Lit. ĀpŚr.
अन्ववपा [ anvavapā ] [ anv-ava-√ pā:1 ] Ved. Inf. [ -pātoḥ ] , to drink after others Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
अन्ववप्लु [ anvavaplu ] [ anv-ava-√ plu ] [ -plavate ] , to dive after Lit. TBr.
अन्ववमृश् [ anvavamṛś ] [ anv-ava-√ mṛś ] to touch or come in contact with or along Lit. Gobh.
अन्ववरुह् [ anvavaruh ] [ anv-ava-√ ruh ] to ascend or enter upon after another Lit. MBh.
अन्ववलम्ब [ anvavalamba ] [ anvavalamba ] m. f. n. hanging down along (acc.), Lit. Gobh.
अन्ववलुप् [ anvavalup ] [ anv-ava-√ lup ] Pass. [ -lupyate ] , to drop off after another Lit. PBr.
अन्ववसृज् [ anvavasṛj ] [ anv-ava-√ sṛj ] to let go along or towards Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.
अन्ववसर्ग [ anvavasarga ] [ anv-avasarga ] m. letting down , slackening Lit. TPrāt. Lit. Pat.
permission to do as one likes Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 96.
अन्ववसो [ anvavaso ] [ anv-ava-√ so ] [ -syati ] , to adhere to cling to Lit. TBr. ; to long for , desire Lit. ŚBr.
अन्ववसायिन् [ anvavasāyin ] [ anv-ava-sāyí n ] m. f. n. adhering to , depending on (gen.) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
अन्ववसित [ anvavasita ] [ anv-ava-sita ] m. f. n. seized by Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
अन्ववस्था [ anvavasthā ] [ anv-ava-√ sthā ] to descend after another Lit. ŚBr.
अन्ववस्रु [ anvavasru ] [ anv-ava-√ sru ] Caus. [ -srāvayati ] , to cause to flow down upon or along Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚBr.
अन्ववहन् [ anvavahan ] [ anv-ava-√ han ] to throw down by striking Lit. ŚBr.
अन्ववहृ [ anvavahṛ ] [ anv-ava-√ hṛ ] to lower (the shoulder) Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
अन्ववार्ज् [ anvavārj ] [ anv-avārj ] ( Preverb. [ √ arj ] ) to cause to go after or in a particular direction Lit. ŚBr. ; to afflict with (instr.) Lit. AitUp.
अन्ववास् [ anvavās ] [ anv-avās ] ( Preverb.:2 [ √ as ] ) , to place upon (dat.) Lit. TS.
अन्ववे [ anvave ] [ anv-ave ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) cl. [2] P. [ -avaiti ] , to follow , walk up to or get into.
अन्ववाय [ anvavāya ] [ anv-avāya ] m. race , lineage Lit. MBh.
अन्ववायन [ anvavāyana ] [ anv-avāyana ] n. see [ án-anvavāyana ] .
अन्ववेक्ष् [ anvavekṣ ] [ anv-avekṣ ] ( Preverb. [ √ īkṣ ] ) to look at , inspect.
अन्ववेक्षण [ anvavekṣaṇa ] [ anv-avekṣaṇa ] n. looking after, inspection, Lit. MBh.
अन्ववेक्षा [ anvavekṣā ] [ anv-avekṣā ] f. regard , consideration.
अन्ववेक्षिन् [ anvavekṣin ] [ anv-avekṣin ] m. f. n. circumspect, considerate, ib.
अन्वश् [ anvaś ] [ anv-√ aś:1 ] cl. [5] P. Ā. [ -aśnoti ] , [ -nute ] , to reach , come up to , equal Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
अन्वष्टका [ anvaṣṭakā ] [ anv-aṣṭakā ] f. the ninth day in the latter half of the three (or four) months following the full moon in Āgrahāyaṇa , Pausha , Māgha (and Phālguna) Lit. Mn. iv , 150
अन्वष्टक्य [ anvaṣṭakya ] [ anvaṣṭakya ] n. a Śrāddha or funeral ceremony performed on the Anvashṭakās.
अन्वस् [ anvas ] [ anv-√ as:1 ] to be near Lit. Lāṭy. ; to be at hand Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr. ; to reach Lit. RV.
अन्वस्त [ anvasta ] [ ánv-asta ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ as ] ) , shot along , shot
interwoven (as in silk) , chequered Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वह् [ anvah ] [ anv-√ ah ] perf. [ -āha ] , to pronounce (especially a ceremonial formula Lit. ŚBr. )
अन्वहम् [ anvaham ] [ anv-ahám ] ind. day after day , every day.
अन्वा [ anvā ] [ anvā ] ( for 2. [ anu-vā ] q.v.) , blowing after Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. Lit. GopBr.
अन्वाकर्षक [ anvākarṣaka ] [ anv-ākarṣaka ] m. f. n. attracting from the preceding, Lit. TPrāt.
अन्वाकृ [ anvākṛ ] [ anv-ā-√ kṛ:1 ] to give to any one to take with him , to give a portion to a daughter Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
अन्वाकृति [ anvākṛti ] [ anv-ā-kṛti ] f. shaping after , imitation Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
अन्वाक्रम् [ anvākram ] [ anv-ā-√ kram ] Ā. to ascend towards or to Lit. TS. : P. to visit in succession Lit. BhP.
अन्वाक्शायम् [ anvākśāyam ] [ anv-ā-kśā́yam ] ind. ( [ kśā ] for [ khyā ] ) , reciting successively Lit. MaitrS.
अन्वाख्यान [ anvākhyāna ] [ anv-ākhyā́na ] n. an explanation keeping close to the text Lit. ŚBr.
a minute account or statement Lit. Pat.
अन्वाख्यायक [ anvākhyāyaka ] [ anv-ākhyāyaka ] m. f. n. stating exactly or explicitly, Lit. Pat.
अन्वागम् [ anvāgam ] [ anv-ā-√ gam ] to follow , come after Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. : Desid. [ -jigāṃsati ] , to wish or intend to follow Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वागा [ anvāgā ] [ anv-ā-√ gā ] to follow Lit. RV. i , 126 , 3.
अन्वाचक्ष् [ anvācakṣ ] [ anv-ā-√ cakṣ ] to name after Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वाचम् [ anvācam ] [ anv-ā-√ cam ] to follow in rinsing the mouth Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अन्वाचय [ anvācaya ] [ anv-ācaya ] m. (√ [ ci ] ) , laying down a rule of secondary importance (after that which is [ pradhāna ] , or primary)
connecting of a secondary action with the main action (e.g. the conjunction [ ca ] is sometimes used [ anvācaye ] ) .
अन्वाचयशिष्ट [ anvācayaśiṣṭa ] [ anv-ācaya-śiṣṭa ] m. f. n. propounded as a rule or matter of secondary importance.
अन्वाचित [ anvācita ] [ anv-ācita ] m. f. n. secondary , inferior.
अन्वाचर् [ anvācar ] [ anv-ā-√ car ] to follow or imitate in doing Lit. BhP.
अन्वाजे [ anvāje ] [ anvāje ] (√ [ aj ] ?) , only used in connection with √ 1. [ kṛ ] e.g. [ anvāje kṛ ] to support , aid , assist Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 73.
अन्वातन् [ anvātan ] [ anv-ā-√ tan ] to extend , spread Lit. RV. viii , 48 , 13 , ; to overspread , extend over Lit. VS.
अन्वादा [ anvādā ] [ anv-ā-√ dā:1 ] Ā. to resume Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वादिश् [ anvādiś ] [ anv-ā-√ diś ] to name or mention afresh Lit. Pāṇ.
अन्वादिष्ट [ anvādiṣṭa ] [ anv-ādiṣṭa ] m. f. n. mentioned again , referring to a previous rule Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 190.
अन्वादेश [ anvādeśa ] [ anv-ādeśa ] m. mentioning after , a repeated mention , referring to what has been stated previously , re-employment of the same word in a subsequent part of a sentence , the employment again of the same thing to perform a subsequent operation.
अन्वाधा [ anvādhā ] [ anv-ā-√ dhā ] to add in placing upon , place upon: Ā. and P. to add fuel (to the fire) Lit. AitBr. ; to deliver over to a third person (in law) .
अन्वाधान [ anvādhāna ] [ anv-ādhāna ] n. adding or putting fuel (on the three sacred fires)
अन्वाधि [ anvādhi ] [ anv-ādhi ]1 m. a bail or deposit given to any one for being delivered to a third person Lit. Gaut.
a deposit delivered to another person to be handed over to a third, Lit. Gaut.
अन्वाधेय [ anvādheya ] [ anv-ādheya ] n. property presented after marriage to the wife by her husband's family Lit. Mn.
अन्वाधेयक [ anvādheyaka ] [ anv-ādheyaka ] n. property presented after marriage to the wife by her husband's family Lit. Mn.
अन्वाहित [ anvāhita ] [ anv-āhita ] m. f. n. deposited with a person to be delivered ultimately to the right owner.
अन्वाधाव् [ anvādhāv ] [ anv-ā-√ dhāv:1 ] to run after Lit. Kāṭh.
अन्वाधी [ anvādhī ] [ anv-ā-√ dhī ] to recollect , remember , think of Lit. AV. Lit. TĀr.
अन्वाधि [ anvādhi ] [ anv-ādhi ]2 m. repentance , remorse Lit. L.
अन्वाध्य [ anvādhya ] [ anv-ādhyá ] m. pl. a kind of divinity Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वानी [ anvānī ] [ anv-ā-√ nī ] to lead to or along.
अन्वानु [ anvānu ] [ anv-ā-√ nu ] Intens. [ -nónavīti ] , to sound through Lit. RV. x , 68 , 12.
अन्वान्त्र्य [ anvāntrya ] [ ánv-āntrya ] m. f. n. being in the entrails Lit. AV.
अन्वाप् [ anvāp ] [ anv-√ āp ] to attain , reach Lit. AitBr. : Desid. [ anv-īpsati ] , to harmonize in opinion , agree Lit. VP.
अन्वापदीन [ anvāpadīna ] [ anv-āpadīna ] m. N. of a king (v.l. [ allāp ] °), Lit. Sāh.
अन्वाभज् [ anvābhaj ] [ anv-ā-√ bhaj ] P. and Ā. to cause to take a share after or with another Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वाभक्त [ anvābhakta ] [ anv-ā-bhakta ] m. f. n. entitled to take a share after or with another.
अन्वाभू [ anvābhū ] [ anv-ā-√ bhū ] to imitate , equal Lit. TS.
अन्वायत् [ anvāyat ] [ anv-ā-√ yat ] Caus. [ -yātayati ] , to dispose or add in regular sequence , bring into connection with (loc. or abl.) Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वायत्त [ anvāyatta ] [ anv-ā́-yatta ] m. f. n. ( with loc. or acc.) connected with , being in accordance with , being entitled to Lit. TS.
अन्वायात्य [ anvāyātya ] [ anv-āyātya ] m. f. n. to be brought in connection with , to be added , to be supplied Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अन्वायतन [ anvāyatana ] [ anv-āyatana ] m. f. n. latitudinal.
अन्वारभ् [ anvārabh ] [ anv-ā-√ rabh ] to catch or seize or touch from behind ; to place one's self behind or at the side of , keep at the side of Lit. AV. : Caus. [ -rambhayati ] , to place behind another ( with loc.) Lit. TS.
अन्वारभ्य [ anvārabhya ] [ anv-ārábhya ] m. f. n. to be touched from behind Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वारम्भ [ anvārambha ] [ anv-ārambhá ] m. touching from behind Lit. TBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
अन्वारम्भण [ anvārambhaṇa ] [ anv-ārambhaṇa ] n. id. Lit. KātyŚr.
अन्वारम्भणीया [ anvārambhaṇīyā ] [ anv-ārambhaṇīyā ] f. an initiatory ceremony Lit. KātyŚr.
अन्वारुह् [ anvāruh ] [ anv-ā-√ ruh ] to follow or join by ascending ; to ascend: Caus. [ -rohayati ] , to place upon.
अन्वारोह [ anvāroha ] [ anv-ārohá ] m. pl. N. of certain Japas uttered at the Soma-libations Lit. TS.
अन्वारोहण [ anvārohaṇa ] [ anv-ārohaṇa ] n. (a widow's) ascending the funeral pile after or with the body of a husband , (g. [ anupravacanādi ] q.v.)
अन्वारोहणीय [ anvārohaṇīya ] [ anv-ārohaṇīya ] m. f. n. belonging to the Anvārohaṇa , or rite of cremation Lit. ib.
अन्वालभ् [ anvālabh ] [ anv-ā-√ labh ] to lay hold of grasp , handle , take in the hand or with the hand Lit. RV. x , 130 , 7 ,
अन्वालभन [ anvālabhana ] [ anv-ālabhana ] n. a handle (?) Lit. MBh. iii , 17156.
अन्वालम्भन [ anvālambhana ] [ anv-ālambhana ] n. a handle (?) Lit. MBh. iii , 17156.
अन्वालोच् [ anvāloc ] [ anv-ā-√ loc ] Caus. [ -locayair ] , to consider attentively.
अन्वावप् [ anvāvap ] [ anv-ā-√ vap:2 ] " to scatter in addition " , to add Lit. Kauś.
अन्वावह् [ anvāvah ] [ anv-ā-√ vah ] to convey to or in the proximity of Lit. RV. x , 29 , 2.
अन्वाविश् [ anvāviś ] [ anv-ā-√ viś ] to enter , occupy , possess ; to follow , act according to Lit. ChUp.
अन्वावृत् [ anvāvṛt ] [ anv-ā-√ vṛt ] to roll near or along Lit. RV. v , 62 , 2 ; to revolve or move after , follow Lit. VS. : Intens. [ -varīvartti ] (impf. 3. pl. [ ánv ā́varīvuḥ ] for [ °vṛtuḥ ] ) , to drive or move after or along Lit. RV. x , 51 , 6 Lit. TS.
(Caus. - [ vartayati ] to change, Lit. Divyâv.( Page1313,3 )
अन्वावृतम् [ anvāvṛtam ] [ anv-āvṛtám ] ind. with regard to order or succession, Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वाशी [ anvāśī ] [ anv-ā-√ śī ] to lie along , be extended over Lit. AV.
अन्वाश्रित [ anvāśrita ] [ anv-ā-śrita ] m. f. n. (√ [ śri ] ) , one who has gone along
placed or situated along.
अन्वास् [ anvās ] [ anv-√ ās ] to take a seat subsequently ; to be seated at or near or round ( with acc.) ; to live in the proximity of ( with gen.) Lit. Hcat. ; to be engaged in (especially in a religious act) .
अन्वासन [ anvāsana ] [ anv-āsana ] n. sitting down after (another)
regret , affliction Lit. L.
a place where work is done , manufactory , house of industry Lit. L.
an unctuous or cooling enema Lit. L.
अन्वासीन [ anvāsīna ] [ anv-āsīna ] m. f. n. sitting down after , seated alongside of.
अन्वास्यमान [ anvāsyamāna ] [ anv-āsyamāna ] m. f. n. being accompanied by , attended by.
अन्वासेचन [ anvāsecana ] [ anvāsecana ] n. sprinkling, Lit. Kauś.
अन्वास्था [ anvāsthā ] [ anv-ā-√ sthā ] to go towards , to meet , attain Lit. VS.
अन्वास्थान [ anvāsthāna ] [ anv-āsthāna ] n. ( Lit. TBr., Sch.) attainment.
अन्वास्थाय [ anvāsthāya ] [ anv-āsthāya ] m. ( Lit. TBr.) attainment.
अन्वाहित [ anvāhita ] [ anv-ā-hita ] see [ anv-ā-√ dhā ] .
अन्वाहृ [ anvāhṛ ] [ anv-ā-√ hṛ ] to make up , supply Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वाहरण [ anvāharaṇa ] [ anv-ā-haraṇa ] n. making up , supplying Comm. on Lit. Lāṭy.
अन्वाहार [ anvāhāra ] [ anv-ā-hāra ] m. id. Lit. Lāṭy.
अन्वाहार्य [ anvāhārya ] [ anv-āhāryá ] m. a gift , consisting of food prepared with rice , presented to the Ṛitvij priest at the Darśapūrṇamāsa ceremonies Lit. TS.
[ anvāhārya ] ( [ am ] or [ akam ] ) , n. the monthly Śrāddha ( q.v.) held on the day of new moon (according to Lit. Mn. iii , 123 it should be of meat eaten after the presentation of a Piṇḍa or ball of rice) .
अन्वाहार्यक [ anvāhāryaka ] [ anv-āhāryáka ] n. the monthly Śrāddha ( q.v.) held on the day of new moon (according to Lit. Mn. iii , 123 it should be of meat eaten after the presentation of a Piṇḍa or ball of rice) .
अन्वाहार्यपचन [ anvāhāryapacana ] [ anv-āhāryá-pácana ] m. the southern sacrificial fire , used in the Anvāhārya sacrifice Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वाहिण्ड् [ anvāhiṇḍ ] [ anv-ā-√ hiṇḍ ] (P. - [ hiṇḍati ] ), to wander, Lit. Divyâv.
अन्वाह्वे [ anvāhve ] [ anv-ā-√ hve ] to call to one's side in order or after another Lit. Kauś.
अन्वि [ anvi ] [ anv-√ i ] to go after or alongside , to follow ; to seek ; to be guided by ; to fall to one's share Lit. RV. iv , 4 , 11 ; Ved. Inf. [ ánv-etave ] to reach or join ( ( Lit. BR. ) ) , to imitate ( ( Lit. Gmn. ) ) Lit. RV. vii , 33 , 8 ; [ ánv-etavaí ] , to go along ( with acc.) Lit. RV. i , 24 , 8 ; vii , 44 , 5.
अन्वय [ anvaya ] [ anv-aya ] see p. 46 , col. 1.
अन्वित [ anvita ] [ anv-ita ] m. f. n. gone along with
joined , attended , accompanied by , connected with , linked to
having as an essential or inherent part , endowed with , possessed of , possessing
reached by the mind , understood
connected as in grammar or construction.
अन्वितार्थ [ anvitārtha ] [ anvitārtha ] m. f. n. having a clear meaning understood from the context , perspicuous.
अन्विति [ anviti ] [ ánv-iti ] f. following after Lit. VS.
अन्वीयमान [ anvīyamāna ] [ anv-īyamāna ] m. f. n. being followed.
अन्विच्छा [ anvicchā ] [ anvicchā ] f. seeking after, ib.
अन्विध् [ anvidh ] [ anv-√ idh ] or [ anv-√ indh ] , to kindle Lit. AV.
अन्विष् [ anviṣ ] [ anv-√ iṣ:3 ] cl. [1] P. [ -icchati ] , to desire , seek , seek after , search , aim at Lit. AV. : cl. [4] P. [ -iṣyati ] id. Lit. R. , Caus. [ -eṣayati ] id. Lit. Mṛicch.
अन्विष्यमाण [ anviṣyamāṇa ] [ anv-iṣyamāṇa ] m. f. n. sought , required.
अन्वेषक [ anveṣaka ] [ anv-eṣaka ] m. f. n. searching , inquiring.
अन्वेष्टृ [ anveṣṭṛ ] [ anv-eṣṭṛ ] ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 90 , ) ) m. f. n. searching , inquiring.
अन्वेष्टृ [ anveṣṭṛ ] [ anv-eṣṭṛ ] m. f. n. searching, pursuing, Lit. L.
अन्वेष्टव्य [ anveṣṭavya ] [ anv-eṣṭavya ] m. f. n. to be searched , to be investigated.
अन्वेष्य [ anveṣya ] [ anv-eṣya ] m. f. n. to be searched , to be investigated.
अन्वीक्ष् [ anvīkṣ ] [ anv-√ īkṣ ] to follow with one's looks , to keep looking or gazing Lit. AV. ; to keep in view Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वीक्षक [ anvīkṣaka ] [ anv-īkṣaka ] m. f. n. careful, anxious, Lit. R.
अन्वीक्षण [ anvīkṣaṇa ] [ anv-īkṣaṇa ] n. examining , inquiry Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
meditation Lit. BhP.
अन्वीक्षा [ anvīkṣā ] [ anv-īkṣā ] f. examining , inquiry Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
meditation Lit. BhP.
अन्वीक्षितव्य [ anvīkṣitavya ] [ anv-īkṣitávya ] m. f. n. to be kept in view or in mind Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वीत [ anvīta ] [ anv-īta ] = [ anv-ita ] q.v. Lit. Bālar. Lit. Kir.
[ anvīta ] m. f. n. = [ anvita ] , Lit. Bālar.
अन्वीपम् [ anvīpam ] [ anv-īpám ] ind. ( fr. 2. [ ap ] ) , along the water , along the river Lit. MaitrS.
cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 98 Sch.
अन्वृ [ anvṛ ] [ anv-√ ṛ ] (cl. [3] P. [ -iyarti ] ) aor. Ā. [ -arta ] , to follow in rising Lit. RV. v , 52 , 6.
अन्वृचम् [ anvṛcam ] [ anv-ṛcám ] ind. verse after verse Lit. ŚBr.
अन्वृजु [ anvṛju ] [ ánv-ṛju ] m. f. n. moving straight forwards or in the right way (N. of Indra) Lit. MaitrS.
अन्वृध् [ anvṛdh ] [ anv-√ ṛdh ] cl. [6] P. [ -ṛdháti ] , to carry out , accomplish Lit. RV. vii , 87 , 7.
अन्वे [ anve ] [ anv-e ] ( Preverb. [ ā-√ i ] ) cl. [2] P. [ -aiti ] , to come after , to follow as an adherent or attendant Lit. RV. i , 161 , 3 ,
अन्वेतवे [ anvetave ] [ ánv-etave ] see [ anv-√ i ] .
अप् [ ap ] [ áp ]1 n. (gen. [ apás ] ) , work (according to Lit. NBD.) Lit. RV. i , 151 , 4.
अप् [ ap ] [ áp ]2 f. ( in Ved. used in sing. and pl. , but in the classical language only in pl. , [ ā́pas ] ) water
air , the intermediate region Lit. Naigh.
the star 1 (Delta) Virginis
the Waters considered as divinities. ifc. [ ap ] may become [ apa ] or [ īpa ] , [ ūpa ] after [ i- ] and [ u- ] stems respectively. ( cf. Lat. (agua) ; Goth. (ahva) , " a river " ; Old Germ. (aha) , and (affa) at the end of compounds ; Lith. (uppê) , " a river " ; perhaps Lat. (amnis) , " a river " , for (apnis) cf. also 1 )
अपवत् [ apavat ] [ ápa-vat ] m. f. n. watery Lit. AV. xviii , 4 , 24.
अपःसंवर्त [ apaḥsaṃvarta ] [ apaḥ-saṃvarta ] m. destruction (of the world) by water Lit. Buddh.
अपांवत्स [ apāṃvatsa ] [ apāṃ-vatsa ] m. " calf of the waters " , N. of a star.
अपांनपात् [ apāṃnapāt ] [ apā́ṃ-nápāt ] ( ( Lit. RV. Lit. VS. ) ) m. " grandson of the waters. " N. of Agni or fire as sprung from water.
अपांनप्तृ [ apāṃnaptṛ ] [ apāṃ-naptṛ ] ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 27 ) ) m. " grandson of the waters. " N. of Agni or fire as sprung from water.
अपांगर्भ [ apāṃgarbha ] [ apā́ṃ-garbha ] ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 27 ) ) m. " grandson of the waters. " N. of Agni or fire as sprung from water.
अपोनप्तृ [ aponaptṛ ] [ apo-naptṛ ] ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 27 ) ) m. " grandson of the waters. " N. of Agni or fire as sprung from water.
अपांनप्त्रिय [ apāṃnaptriya ] [ apāṃ-naptriya ] ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 27 ) ) m. f. n. relating to Agni.
अपांनप्त्रीय [ apāṃnaptrīya ] [ apāṃ-naptrīya ] ( ( Lit. Kāṭh. ) ) m. f. n. relating to Agni.
अपोनप्त्रिय [ aponaptriya ] [ apo-naptriya ] ( ( PBr. ) ) ( ( Lit. MaitrS. Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. ) ) m. f. n. relating to Agni.
अपोनप्त्रीय [ aponaptrīya ] [ apo-naptrī́ya ] ( ( Lit. MaitrS. Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. ) ) m. f. n. relating to Agni.
अपांनाथ [ apāṃnātha ] [ apāṃ-nātha ] m. the ocean Lit. L.
अपांनिधि [ apāṃnidhi ] [ apāṃ-nidhi ] m. the ocean Lit. L.
N. of a Sāman.
अपाम्पति [ apāmpati ] [ apām-pati ] m. the ocean
N. of Varuṇa.
अप्पति [ appati ] [ ap-pati ] m. ( ( Lit. Mn. ) ) the ocean
N. of Varuṇa.
अपाम्पित्त [ apāmpitta ] [ apām-pitta ] n. fire
a plant Lit. L.
अप्पित्त [ appitta ] [ ap-pitta ] n. fire
a plant Lit. L.
अप्कृत्स्न [ apkṛtsna ] [ ap-kṛtsna ] n. deep meditation performed by means of water Lit. Buddh.
अप्सरस् [ apsaras ] [ ap-saras ] see s.v.
अप्त्य [ aptya ] [ aptyá ] (3) m. f. n. watery Lit. RV. i , 124 , 5.
अप्य [ apya ] [ ápya ] (2 , 3) m. f. ( [ ápyā ] ; once [ ápī ] Lit. RV. vi , 67 , 9) n being in water , coming from water , connected with water Lit. RV. ( cf. 3. [ ā́pya ] ) .
अप्सव [ apsava ] [ apsavá ] see s.v.
अप्सव्य [ apsavya ] [ apsavyá ] see s.v.
अप्सा [ apsā ] [ apsā́ ] see s.v.
अप्सु [ apsu ] [ apsu ] for words beginning thus see s.v. [ apsu ] .
अब् [ ab ] [ ab ] for words beginning thus see s.v. [ ab-indhana ] , [ ab-ja ] ,
अप [ apa ] [ ápa ] ind. (as a prefix to nouns and verbs , expresses) away , off , back ( opposed to [ úpa ] , [ ánu ] , [ sam ] , [ pra ] )
down ( opposed to [ ud ] ) .
When prefixed to nouns , it may sometimes = the neg. particle [ a ] e.g. [ apa-bhī ] , fearless ; or may express deterioration , inferiority , (cf. [ apa-pāṭha ] ) .
( As a separable particle or adverb in Ved. , with abl.) away from , on the outside of , without , with the exception of ( ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (ab) ; Goth. (af) ; Eng. (of) ) ) .
अपतरम् [ apataram ] [ ápa-tarám ] ind. farther off Lit. MaitrS.
further away, Lit. MaitrS.
अपकण्टक [ apakaṇṭaka ] [ apa-kaṇṭaka ] m. f. n. free from thorns or dangers, Lit. Dharmaś.
अपकरुण [ apakaruṇa ] [ apa-karuṇa ] m. f. n. cruel.
अपकलङ्क [ apakalaṅka ] [ apa-kalaṅka ] m. a deep stain or mark of disgrace Lit. L.
अपकल्मष [ apakalmaṣa ] [ apa-kalmaṣa ] m. f. n. stainless , sinless.
अपकष् [ apakaṣ ] [ apa-√ kaṣ ] to scrape off Lit. AV.
अपकषाय [ apakaṣāya ] [ apa-kaṣāya ] m. f. n. sinless Lit. MārkP.
sinless , Lit. MārkP.
अपकषायत्व [ apakaṣāyatva ] [ apa-kaṣāya-tva ] ( n. )
अपकाम [ apakāma ] [ apa-kāmá ] m. aversion , abhorrence Lit. RV. vi , 75 , 2 Lit. AV.
abominableness Lit. AV.
[ apakāmam ] ind. against one's liking , unwillingly Lit. AV.
अपकीर्ति [ apakīrti ] [ apa-kīrti ] f. infamy , disgrace.
अपकुक्षि [ apakukṣi ] [ apa-kukṣi ] m. a bad or ill-shaped belly (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 187
( also used as a [ bahu-vrīhi ] and [ avyayī-bhāva ] .)
अपकुञ्ज [ apakuñja ] [ apa-kuñja ] m. N. of a younger brother of the serpent-king Śesha Lit. Hariv.
अपकृ [ apakṛ ] [ apa-√ kṛ:1 ] to carry away , remove , drag away ; ( with gen. or acc.) to hurt , wrong , injure: Caus. [ -kārayati ] , to hurt , wrong , injure: Caus. [ -kārayati ] , to hurt wrong.
अपकरण [ apakaraṇa ] [ apa-karaṇa ] n. acting improperly
doing wrong Lit. L.
ill-treating , offending , injuring Lit. L.
अपकर्तृ [ apakartṛ ] [ apa-kartṛ ] m. f. n. injurious , offensive.
अपकर्मन् [ apakarman ] [ apa-karman ] n. discharge (of a debt) Lit. Mn. viii , 4
evil doing Lit. L.
violence Lit. L.
any impure or degrading act Lit. L.
अपकारगिर् [ apakāragir ] [ apa-kāra-gir ] ( ( Lit. L. ) ) f. an offending or menacing speech.
अपकारशब्द [ apakāraśabda ] [ apa-kāra-śabda ] ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 8 Sch. ) ) m. an offending or menacing speech.
अपकारता [ apakāratā ] [ apa-kāra-tā ] f. wrong , offence.
अपकारार्थिन् [ apakārārthin ] [ apakārārthin ] m. f. n. malicious , malevolent.
अपकारक [ apakāraka ] [ apa-kāraka ] m. f. n. acting wrong , doing ill to ( with gen.)
offending , injuring.
अपकारिन् [ apakārin ] [ apa-kārin ] m. f. n. acting wrong , doing ill to ( with gen.)
offending , injuring.
अपकृत् [ apakṛt ] [ apa-kṛt ] m. f. n. doing harm or injury, Lit. Mcar.
अपकृत [ apakṛta ] [ apa-kṛta ] m. f. n. done wrongly or maliciously , offensively or wickedly committed
practised as a degrading or impure act (e.g. menial work , funeral rites , )
अपकृति [ apakṛti ] [ apa-kṛti ] f. oppression , wrong , injury.
अपकृत्य [ apakṛtya ] [ apa-kṛtya ] n. damage , hurt Lit. Pañcat.
[ apakṛtya ] m. f. n. deserving to be harmed or injured, ib.
अपक्रिया [ apakriyā ] [ apa-kriyā ] f. a wrong or improper act
delivery , clearing off (debts) Lit. Yājñ. iii , 234
अपकृत् [ apakṛt ] [ apa-√ kṛt:2 ] cl. [6] P. [ -kṛntati ] , to cut off Lit. Kauś.
अपकर्तन [ apakartana ] [ apa-kartana ] n. cutting in pieces, dismembering, Lit. Mcar.
अपकृष् [ apakṛṣ ] [ apa-√ kṛṣ ] cl. [1] P. [ -karṣati ] , to draw off or aside , drag down , carry away , take away , remove ; to omit , diminish ; to put away ; to anticipate a word which occurs later (in a sentence) ; to bend (a bow) ; to detract , debase , dishonour: Caus. [ -karṣayati ] , to remove , diminish , detract.
अपकर्ष [ apakarṣa ] [ apa-karṣa ] m. drawing or dragging off or down , detraction , diminution , decay
lowering , depression
decline , inferiority , infamy
anticipation Lit. Nyāyam.
(in poetry) anticipation of a word occurring later.
अपकर्षसम [ apakarṣasama ] [ apa-karṣa-sama ] m. f. a sophism in the Nyāya (e.g. " sound has not the quality of shape as a jar has , therefore sound and a jar have no qualities in common " ) .
अपकर्षक [ apakarṣaka ] [ apa-karṣaka ] m. f. n. drawing down , detracting ( with gen.) Lit. Sāh.
अपकर्षण [ apakarṣaṇa ] [ apa-karṣaṇa ] m. f. n. taking away , forcing away , removing , diminishing
[ apakarṣaṇa ] n. taking away , depriving of
drawing down
abolishing , denying
anticipation Lit. Nyāyam.
अपकर्षिन् [ apakarṣin ] [ apa-karṣin ] m. f. n. drawing along (as a plough), Lit. Pañcat.
अपकृष्ट [ apakṛṣṭa ] [ apa-kṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. drawn away , taken away , removed lost
dragged down , brought down , depressed
low , vile , inferior
अपकृष्टचेतन [ apakṛṣṭacetana ] [ apa-kṛṣṭa-cetana ] m. f. n. mentally debased.
अपकृष्टजाति [ apakṛṣṭajāti ] [ apa-kṛṣṭa-jāti ] m. f. n. of a low tribe.
अपकृष्टता [ apakṛṣṭatā ] [ apa-kṛṣṭa-tā ] f. inferiority , vileness.
अपकृष्टत्व [ apakṛṣṭatva ] [ apa-kṛṣṭa-tva ] n. inferiority , vileness.
अपकॄ [ apakṝ ] [ apa-√ kṝ:1 ] Ā. [ apa-s-kirate ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 142) to scrape with the feet Lit. Uttarar. ; ( cf. [ ava-√ s-kṝ ] ) : P. [ apa-kirati ] , to spout out , spurt , scatter Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 21 Comm. ; to throw down Lit. L.
अपकोश [ apakośa ] [ apa-kośa ] m. f. n. unsheathed, Lit. Bhojac.
अपक्ति [ apakti ] [ a-pakti ] f. (√ [ pac ] ) , immaturity
अपक्वता [ apakvatā ] [ a-pakva-tā ] f. immaturity
अपक्वबुद्धि [ apakvabuddhi ] [ a-pakva-buddhi ] m. f. n. of immature understanding.
अपक्वाशिन् [ apakvāśin ] [ apakvāśin ] m. f. n. eating raw , uncooked food.
अपक्रम् [ apakram ] [ apa-√ kram ] to go away , retreat , retire from Lit. RV. x , 164 , 1 ; to glide away ; to measure off by steps Lit. Kauś. : Caus. [ -kramayati ] , to cause to run away Lit. PBr. : Desid. [ -cikramiṣati ] , to intend to run away or escape ( with abl.) Lit. ŚBr.
अपक्रम [ apakrama ] [ apa-kramá ] m. going away Lit. ŚBr.
flight , retreat Lit. L.
[ apakrama ] m. f. n. not being in the regular order (a fault in poetry) .
[ apakrāmam ] ind. going away, Lit. MaitrS.
अपक्रममण्डल [ apakramamaṇḍala ] [ apa-krama-maṇḍala ] n. ecliptic, Lit. Āryabh., Sch.
अपक्रमण [ apakramaṇa ] [ apa-krámaṇa ] n. passing off or away , retiring.
अपक्राम [ apakrāma ] [ apa-krāma ] m. passing off or away , retiring.
अपक्रमिन् [ apakramin ] [ apa-kramin ] m. f. n. going away , retiring.
अपक्रान्त [ apakrānta ] [ apa-krānta ] m. f. n. gone away
abused (?), Lit. Divyâv.
[ apakrānta ] n. (= [ atītam ] ) that which is past Lit. Bālar.
अपक्रान्तमेध [ apakrāntamedha ] [ apakrānta-medha ] ( [ áp ] °-), m. f. n. sapless, pithless, Lit. ŚBr.
अपक्रान्ति [ apakrānti ] [ ápa-krānti ] f. = [ apa-krámaṇa ] Lit. MaitrS.
अपक्रामुक [ apakrāmuka ] [ apa-krā́muka ] m. f. n. = [ apa-kramin ] Lit. TS. Lit. PBr.
अपक्री [ apakrī ] [ apa-√ krī ] to buy Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. (see [ ava-√ krī ] ) .
अपक्रुश् [ apakruś ] [ apa-√ kruś ] to revile.
अपक्रोश [ apakrośa ] [ apa-krośa ] m. reviling , abusing Lit. L.
अपक्ष [ apakṣa ] [ a-pakṣá ] m. f. n. without wings Lit. AV.
without followers or partisans Lit. MBh.
not on the same side or party
adverse , opposed to.
अपक्षता [ apakṣatā ] [ a-pakṣá-tā ] f. opposition , hostility.
अपक्षपात [ apakṣapāta ] [ a-pakṣá-pāta ] m. impartiality.
अपक्षपातिन् [ apakṣapātin ] [ a-pakṣapātin ] m. f. n. not flying with wings (and "a partisan of A i.e. Vishṇu" ), Lit. Vās.
अपक्षपुच्छ [ apakṣapuccha ] [ a-pakṣá-pucchá ] m. f. n. without wings and tail Lit. ŚBr.
अपक्षि [ apakṣi ] [ apa-√ kṣi:4 ] Pass. [ -kṣī́yate ] , to decline , wane (as the moon) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
अपक्षय [ apakṣaya ] [ apa-kṣaya ] m. decline , decay , wane Lit. VP.
अपक्षित [ apakṣita ] [ apa-kṣita ] m. f. n. waned Lit. BhP.
अपक्षीण [ apakṣīṇa ] [ apa-kṣīṇa ] m. f. n. declined , decayed Lit. L.
अपक्षिप् [ apakṣip ] [ apa-√ kṣip ] to throw away or down , take away , remove.
अपक्षिप्त [ apakṣipta ] [ apa-kṣipta ] m. f. n. thrown down or away.
अपक्षेपण [ apakṣepaṇa ] [ apa-kṣepaṇa ] n. throwing down ,
अपग [ apaga ] [ apa-ga ] m. f. n. going away , turning away from (abl.) Lit. AV. i , 34 , 5 ( cf. [ án-apaga ] )
[ apagā ] f. = [ āpa-gā ] Lit. L.
अपगतकालक [ apagatakālaka ] [ apagata-kālaka ] m. f. n. (a robe) free from black spots, Lit. Divyâv.
अपगतव्याधि [ apagatavyādhi ] [ apa-gata-vyādhi ] m. f. n. one who has recovered from a disease.
अपगम [ apagama ] [ apa-gama ] m. going away
giving way
departure , death.
अपगमन [ apagamana ] [ apa-gamana ] n. id.
अपगर [ apagara ] [ apa-gara ] m. (√ 1. [ gṝ ] ) , reviler (special function of a priest at a sacrifice) Lit. PBr. Lit. Lāṭy. ( cf. [ abhigará ] .)
अपगर्जित [ apagarjita ] [ apa-garjita ] m. f. n. thunderless (as a cloud) Lit. Kathās.
अपगल्भ [ apagalbha ] [ apa-galbhá ] m. f. n. wanting in boldness , embarrassed , perplexed Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
अपगा [ apagā ] [ apa-√ gā:1 ] to go away , vanish , retire ( with abl.) Lit. VS.
अपगुर् [ apagur ] [ apa-√ gur ] to reject , disapprove , threaten Lit. RV. v , 32 , 6 , ; to inveigh against any one: Intens. part. [ apa-járgurāṇa ] (see s.v. [ apa- ] √ 2. [ gṝ ] ) .
अपगारम् [ apagāram ] [ apa-gāram ] ind. disapproving , threatening (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 53.
अपगोरम् [ apagoram ] [ apa-goram ] ind. disapproving , threatening (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 53.
अपगोरण [ apagoraṇa ] [ apa-goraṇa ] n. threatening Comm. on Lit. TS.
अपगुह् [ apaguh ] [ apa-√ guh ] (Subj. 2. sg. P. [ -gūhas ] Ā. [ -gūhathāś ] ; impf. 3. pl. [ ápāgūhan ] ; aor. [ -aghu-kṣat ] ) to conceal , hide Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
अपगूढ [ apagūḍha ] [ ápa-gūḍha ] m. f. n. hidden , concealed Lit. RV.
अपगूहमान [ apagūhamāna ] [ apa-gū́hamāna ] m. f. n. hiding Lit. AV. xix , 56 , 2
( [ ápa gū́h ] ) Lit. RV. vii , 104 , 17.
अपगोह [ apagoha ] [ apa-gohá ] m. hiding-place , secret Lit. RV. ii , 15 , 7.
अपगॄ [ apagṝ ] [ apa-√ gṝ:2 ] Intens.part. [ -járgurāṇa ] (mfn.) ( Lit. Gmn. and Lit. NBD.) devouring Lit. RV. v , 29 , 4.
अपगोपुर [ apagopura ] [ apa-gopura ] m. f. n. without gates (as a town)
अपगै [ apagai ] [ apa-√ gai ] to break off singing , cease to sing Lit. GopBr. Lit. Vait.
अपग्रह् [ apagrah ] [ apa-√ grah ] to take away , disjoin , tear off.
अपगृह्य [ apagṛhya ] [ apa-gṛhya ] m. f. n. being outside a house, Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
अपघृण [ apaghṛṇa ] [ apa-ghṛṇa ] m. f. n. pitiless, cruel, Lit. Kāv.
अपघट् [ apaghaṭ ] [ apa-√ ghaṭ ] Caus. [ -ghāṭayati ] , to shut up.
अपघन [ apaghana ] [ apa-ghana ]1 m. (√ [ han ] ) , ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 81) a limb or member (as a hand or foot) Lit. Naish.
अपघात [ apaghāta ] [ apa-ghā́ta ] m. striking off
warding off. Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 81 Sch.)
अपघातक [ apaghātaka ] [ apa-ghātaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) warding off.
अपघातिन् [ apaghātin ] [ apa-ghātin ] m. f. n. id. see [ apa-√ han ] .
अपघाटिला [ apaghāṭilā ] [ apa-ghāṭilā ] f. a kind of musical instrument (cf. [ ava ] - [ ghaṭarikā ] ), Lit. Lāṭy.
अपघन [ apaghana ] [ apa-ghana ]2 m. f. n. cloudless.
अपङ्क [ apaṅka ] [ a-paṅka ] m. f. n. mudless, dry , Lit. Kir.
अपङ्कता [ apaṅkatā ] [ a-paṅka-tā ] ( f. )
अपचन [ apacana ] [ a-pacana ] n. the not being cooked, Lit. MBh. ix, 2780
अपचमान [ apacamāna ] [ a-pa-camāna ] ( Lit. Mn.), m. f. n. one who does not cook for himself.
अपचमानक [ apacamānaka ] [ a-pa-camānaka ] ( Lit. Gaut.), m. f. n. one who does not cook for himself.
अपचार [ apacāra ] [ apa-cāra ] m. want , absence
fault , improper conduct , offence
unwholesome or improper regimen.
अपचारिन् [ apacārin ] [ apa-cārin ] m. f. n. departing from , disbelieving in , infidel Lit. Mn.
doing wrong , wicked.
अपचाय् [ apacāy ] [ apa-√ cāy ] to fear Lit. TBr. ; to respect , honour Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr.
अपचायक [ apacāyaka ] [ apa-cāyaka ] m. f. n. honouring, Lit. Divyâv.
अपचायित [ apacāyita ] [ apa-cāyita ] m. f. n. honoured , respected Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 30 Sch.
अपचायिन् [ apacāyin ] [ apa-cāyin ] m. f. n. not rendering due respect , showing want of respect Lit. MBh.
वृद्धापचायित्व [ vṛddhāpacāyitva ] [ vṛddhāpacāyi-tva ] n. the not rendering due respect to old men Lit. MBh. xiii , 6705.
अपचि [ apaci ] [ apa-√ ci:2 ]1 ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -cikīhi ] ) to pay attention to , to respect Lit. AV. i , 10 , 4.
अपचित [ apacita ] [ ápa-cita ]1 m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 30) honoured , respected Lit. ŚBr.
respectfully invited Lit. BhP.
[ apacita ] n. honouring , esteeming.
अपचिति [ apaciti ] [ apa-citi ]1 f. honouring , reverence Lit. Śiś.
अपचितिमत् [ apacitimat ] [ apa-citi-mat ] ( [ ápaciti- ] ) m. f. n. honoured Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
अपचि [ apaci ] [ apa-√ ci:1 ]2 [ -cinoti ] , to gather , collect: Pass. [ -cīyate ] , to be injured in health or prosperity ; to grow less ; to wane ; ( with abl.) to lose anything Lit. MBh.
अपचय [ apacaya ] [ apa-caya ] m. diminution , decay , decrease , decline
N. of several planetary mansions.
अपचित [ apacita ] [ apa-cita ]2 m. f. n. diminished , expended , wasted
emaciated , thin Lit. Śāk.
अपचिति [ apaciti ] [ apa-citi ]2 f. loss Lit. L.
expense Lit. L.
N. of a daughter of Marīci Lit. VP.
( for 3. [ ápa-citi ] see below.)
अपची [ apacī ] [ apa-cī ] f. a disease consisting in an enlargement of the glands of the neck Lit. Suśr.
अपचेतृ [ apacetṛ ] [ apa-cetṛ ] m. a spendthrift Lit. L.
अपचिकीर्षा [ apacikīrṣā ] [ apa-cikīrṣā ] f. (√ 1. [ kṛ ] Desid.) , desire of hurting any one.
अपचिकीर्षु [ apacikīrṣu ] [ apa-cikīrṣu ] m. f. n. wishing to do harm or injury, Lit. KāśīKh. 2.
अपचित् [ apacit ] [ apa-√ cit ]1 Caus. Ā. (Subj. [ -cetáyātai ] ) to abandon , turn off from (abl.) Lit. VS. ii , 17 : Desid. [ -cikitsati ] , to wish to leave or to abandon any one (abl.) Lit. AV. xiii , 2 , 15.
अपचित् [ apacit ] [ apa-cí t ]2 f. a sore, boil, = [ apacī ] , fr. 2. [ apa ] -√ [ ci ] , Lit. AV. ( 1313,3 )
अपचेतस् [ apacetas ] [ apa-cetas ] m. f. n. not favourable to ( with abl.) Lit. TBr.
averse from (abl.), Lit. TBr.
अपचिति [ apaciti ] [ ápa-citi ]3 f. ( = 1 , √ 3. [ ci ] ) , compensation , either recompense ( ( Lit. TS. ) ) or retaliation , revenge , punishing Lit. RV. iv , 28 , 4 ,
अपच्छद् [ apacchad ] [ apa-cchad ] ( Preverb. [ √ chad ] ) , Caus. [ -cchādayati ] to take off a cover Lit. ĀpŚr.
अपच्छत्त्र [ apacchattra ] [ apa-cchattra ] m. f. n. not having a parasol Lit. Kathās.
अपच्छाय [ apacchāya ] [ apa-cchāya ] m. f. n. shadowless , having no shadow (as a deity or celestial being)
having a bad or unlucky shadow
[ apacchāyā ] f. an unlucky shadow , a phantom , apparition.
अपच्छिद् [ apacchid ] [ apa-cchí d ]2 f. a cutting , shred , chip Lit. ŚBr. Lit. PBr.
अपच्छेद [ apaccheda ] [ apa-ccheda ] m. n. cutting off or away
अपच्छेदन [ apacchedana ] [ apa-cchedana ] n. id.
अपच्यु [ apacyu ] [ apa-√ cyu ] (aor. Ā. 2. sg. [ -cyoṣṭhaḥ ] ) to fall off , go off , desert Lit. RV. x , 173 , 2 : Caus. (aor. [ -cucyavat ] ) to expel Lit. RV. ii , 41 , 10.
अपच्यव [ apacyava ] [ apa-cyavá ] m. pushing away Lit. RV. i , 28 , 3.
अपजात [ apajāta ] [ apa-jāta ] m. a bad son who has turned out ill Lit. Pañcat.
अपजि [ apaji ] [ apa-√ ji ] to ward off , keep off or out Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. PBr.
to win from (with [ punaḥ ] , "to reconquer" ), Lit. TS.
अपजय [ apajaya ] [ apa-jaya ] m. defeat , discomfiture Lit. L.
अपजय्य [ apajayya ] [ apa-jayya ] m. f. n. see [ an-apajayyám ] .
अपजिघांसु [ apajighāṃsu ] [ apa-jighāṃsu ] m. f. n. (√ [ han ] Desid.) , desirous of keeping off. wishing to avert Lit. AitBr.
अपजिहीर्षा [ apajihīrṣā ] [ apa-jihīrṣā ] f. the wish to take away, Lit. Kathās.
अपजिहीर्षु [ apajihīrṣu ] [ apa-jihīrṣu ] m. f. n. (√ [ hṛ ] Desid.) , wishing to carry off or take away Lit. Rājat.
अपज्ञा [ apajñā ] [ apa-√ jñā ] [ -jānīte ] , to dissemble , conceal Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 44.
अपज्ञान [ apajñāna ] [ apa-jñāna ] n. denying , concealing Lit. L.
अपज्य [ apajya ] [ apa-jya ] m. f. n. without a bowstring Lit. MBh.
अपज्वर [ apajvara ] [ apajvara ] m. f. n. free from fever, Lit. MBh.
अपञ्चम [ apañcama ] [ a-pañcama ] m. not a nasal, Lit. VPrāt.
अपञ्चयज्ञ [ apañcayajña ] [ a-pañca-yajña ] m. f. n. one who does not perform the 5 Mahā-yajñas (q.v.), Lit. L.
अपञ्चीकृत [ apañcīkṛta ] [ a-pañcī-kṛta ] n. (in Vedānta phil.) " not compounded of the five gross elements " , the five subtle elements.
अपटान्तर [ apaṭāntara ] [ a-paṭāntara ] m. f. n. " not separated by a curtain " , adjoining (v.l. [ a-padāntara ] q.v.) Lit. L.
अपटी [ apaṭī ] [ apaṭī ] f. a screen or wall of cloth (especially surrounding a tent) Lit. L.
अपटीक्षेप [ apaṭīkṣepa ] [ apaṭī-kṣepa ] m. " tossing aside the curtain "
[ apaṭīkṣepeṇa ] ind. with a toss of the curtain , precipitate entrance on the stage (indicating hurry and agitation) ( cf. [ paṭīkṣepa ] .)
अपटीका [ apaṭīkā ] [ apaṭīkā ] f. dissimulation, Lit. L.
अपटु [ apaṭu ] [ a-paṭu ] m. f. n. not clever , awkward , uncouth
sick , diseased Lit. L.
अपटुता [ apaṭutā ] [ a-paṭu-tā ] f. awkwardness.
अपटुत्व [ apaṭutva ] [ a-paṭu-tva ] n. awkwardness.
अपठ [ apaṭha ] [ a-paṭha ] m. unable to read Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 157seq. Sch.
अपण्य [ apaṇya ] [ a-paṇya ] m. f. n. unfit for sale
[ apaṇya ] n. an unsaleable article Lit. Gaut.
अपतंसन [ apataṃsana ] [ apa-taṃsana ] n. falling out, Lit. Cat.
अपतक्ष् [ apatakṣ ] [ apa-√ takṣ ] ( 3. pl. [ -takṣṇuvanti ] and Impf. [ apātakṣan ] ) to chip off Lit. AV. x , 7 , 20 Lit. ŚBr.
अपतनधर्मिन् [ apatanadharmin ] [ a-patana-dharmin ] m. f. n. not liable to fall out , Lit. Suśr.
अपतनधर्मित्व [ apatanadharmitva ] [ a-patana-dharmi-tva ] ( n. )
अपतनीय [ apatanīya ] [ a-patanīya ] m. f. n. not causing loss of caste, Lit. Āpast.
अपतन्त [ apatanta ] [ apatanta ] = [ āpatantá ] (p. 1319), Lit. MānŚr.
अपतन्त्र [ apatantra ] [ apa-tantra ] m. spasmodic contraction (of the body or stomach) , emprosthotonos Lit. Hcat.
अपतन्त्रक [ apatantraka ] [ apa-tantraka ] m. id. Lit. Suśr.
अपतानक [ apatānaka ] [ apa-tānaka ] m. id. Lit. Suśr.
अपतानकिन् [ apatānakin ] [ apa-tānakin ] m. f. n. affected with spasmodic contraction Lit. Suśr.
अपति [ apati ] [ á-pati ] m. not a husband or master Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 16
[ apati ] f. " without a husband or master " , either an unmarried person or a widow.
अपतिघ्नी [ apatighnī ] [ á-pati-ghnī ] ( [ á-pati- ] ) f. not killing a husband Lit. RV. x , 85 , 44 Lit. AV.
अपतिता [ apatitā ] [ á-pati-tā ] f. state of being without a husband.
अपतिपुत्रा [ apatiputrā ] [ á-pati-putrā ] f. without a husband and children.
अपतिव्रता [ apativratā ] [ á-pati-vratā ] f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife.
अपतिका [ apatikā ] [ a-patikā ] = [ a-pati ] f. Lit. Nir.
अपतित [ apatita ] [ a-patita ] (in comp.)
अपतितान्योन्यत्यागिन् [ apatitānyonyatyāgin ] [ a-pati-tānyonya-tyāgin ] m. f. n. deserting one another (as the father deserting a son, the teacher a pupil ) without (the latter) being ejected from caste, Lit. Yājñ. ii, 237.
अपतीर्थ [ apatīrtha ] [ apa-tīrtha ] m. n. a bad or improper Tīrtha q.v.
अपतुरीय [ apaturīya ] [ apa-turīyá ] m. f. n. not containing the last quarter, Lit. MaitrS.
अपतुषार [ apatuṣāra ] [ apa-tuṣāra ] m. f. n. free from mist or fog , Lit. Ragh.
अपतुषारता [ apatuṣāratā ] [ apa-tuṣāra-tā ] ( f. )
अपतूल [ apatūla ] [ ápa-tūla ] m. f. n. without a tuft , without a panicle Lit. TS.
अपतृप् [ apatṛp ] [ apa-√ tṛp ] Caus. [ -tarpayati ] , to starve , cause to fast Lit. Car. Lit. Suśr.
अपतर्पण [ apatarpaṇa ] [ apa-tarpaṇa ] n. fasting (in sickness) Lit. Suśr.
अपतान [ apatāna ] [ apa-tāna ] m. cramp. Lit. Divyâv.
अपत्त्र [ apattra ] [ a-pattra ] m. f. n. leafless
अपत्नीक [ apatnīka ] [ a-patnīka ] m. f. n. not having a wife Lit. AitBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
where the wife is not present Lit. KātyŚr.
अपत्य [ apatya ] [ ápatya ] n. ( fr. [ ápa ] ) , offspring , child , descendant
a patronymical affix Lit. Sāh.
अपत्यकाम [ apatyakāma ] [ ápatya-kāma ] m. f. n. desirous of offspring.
अपत्यजीव [ apatyajīva ] [ ápatya-jīva ] m. N. of a plant.
अपत्यद [ apatyada ] [ ápatya-da ] m. f. n. giving offspring
[ apatyadā ] f. N. of various plants.
अपत्यनाथ [ apatyanātha ] [ apatya-nātha ] m. f. n. accompanied or protected by one's own child, Lit. Bcar. i, 92
अपत्यपथ [ apatyapatha ] [ ápatya-patha ] m. " path of offspring " , the vulva Lit. Suśr.
अपत्यप्रत्यय [ apatyapratyaya ] [ ápatya-pratyaya ] m. a patronymical affix Lit. Sāh.
अपत्यवत् [ apatyavat ] [ ápatya-vat ] ( [ ápatya- ] ) m. f. n. possessed of offspring Lit. AV. xii , 4 , 1.
अपत्यविक्रयिन् [ apatyavikrayin ] [ ápatya-vikrayin ] m. " seller of his offspring " , a father who receives a gratuity from his son-in-law.
अपत्यशत्रु [ apatyaśatru ] [ ápatya-śatru ] m. " having his descendants for enemies " , a crab (said to perish in producing young) .
अपत्यसच् [ apatyasac ] [ ápatya-sác ] m. (acc. sg. [ -sā́cam ] ) fn. accompanied with offspring Lit. RV.
अपत्यस्नेह [ apatyasneha ] [ apatya-sneha ] m. love for one's own children, Lit. Mālatīm.
अपत्यार्थशब्द [ apatyārthaśabda ] [ apatyārtha-śabda ] m. a patronymic.