Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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अ |
अदेय [ adeya ] [ a-deya ] m. f. n. improper or unfit to be given
अदेयदान [ adeyadāna ] [ a-deya-dāna ] n. an illegal gift.
अदेव [ adeva ] [ á-deva ] m. f. n. not divine not of divine origin , not referring to any deity Lit. RV.
godless , impious Lit. RV.
अदेवमातृक [ adevamātṛka ] [ á-deva-mātṛka ] m. f. n. " not having the gods or clouds as mothers , not suckled by any deity " , not rained upon.
अदेवक [ adevaka ] [ a-dévaka ] m. f. n. not referring to or intended for any deity Lit. ŚBr.
अदेवता [ adevatā ] [ a-devatā ] f. one who is not a deity Lit. Nir.
अदेवत्र [ adevatra ] [ á-devatra ] m. f. n. not devoted to the gods Lit. RV. v , 61 , 6.
अदेवयत् [ adevayat ] [ á-devayat ] ( ( Lit. RV. ii , 26 , 1 ) ) m. f. n. indifferent to the gods , irreligious.
अदेवयु [ adevayu ] [ ádevayu ] ( ( Lit. RV. ) ) m. f. n. indifferent to the gods , irreligious.
अदैव [ adaiva ] [ a-daiva ] m. f. n. not referring to or connected with the gods or with their action
not predetermined by them or by fate.
अदेवृघ्नी [ adevṛghnī ] [ á-devṛ-ghnī ] f. not killing her brother-in-law Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 18.
अदेशकाल [ adeśakāla ] [ a-deśa-kāla ] n. wrong place and time.
अदेशज [ adeśaja ] [ a-deśa-ja ] m. f. n. produced in a wrong place.
अदेशस्थ [ adeśastha ] [ a-deśa-stha ] m. f. n. out of place , in the wrong place
one absent from his country , an absentee.
अदेशिक [ adeśika ] [ a-deśika ] m. f. n. guideless, homeless, Lit. MBh.
अदेश्य [ adeśya ] [ a-deśya ] m. f. n. not on the spot , not present on the occasion referred to Lit. Mn. viii , 53 (v.l. [ a-deśa ] )
not to be ordered or advised.
अदेह [ adeha ] [ a-deha ] m. "bodiless" , the god of love, Lit. Gal.
अदैतेय [ adaiteya ] [ a-daiteya ] m. "not a Daiteya" , a god, Lit. Hariv.
अदोमद [ adomada ] [ a-doma-dá ] or [ a-doma-dhá ] m. f. n. not occasioning inconvenience Lit. AV.
अदोमध [ adomadha ] [ a-doma-dhá ] or [ a-doma-dá ] m. f. n. not occasioning inconvenience Lit. AV.
अदोमय [ adomaya ] [ ado-máya ] see [ adás ] .
अदोष [ adoṣa ] [ a-doṣa ] m. f. n. faultless , guiltless, Lit. Ragh. ; Lit. Kathās.
अदोषदर्शिन् [ adoṣadarśin ] [ a-doṣa-darśin ] m. f. n. seeing or thinking no harm, Lit. Bcar.
अदोह [ adoha ] [ a-doha ] m. (√ [ duh ] ) , the season when milking is impracticable Lit. KātyŚr.
अदोग्धृ [ adogdhṛ ] [ a-dogdhṛ ] m. f. n. not milking
not exacting
not caring for Lit. BhP.
अद्ग [ adga ] [ ádga ] m. (√ [ ad ] ) , a sacrificial cake ( [ puroḍāśa ] ) made of rice Lit. Uṇ.
a cane (?) Lit. AV. i , 27 , 3.
अद्धा [ addhā ] [ ad-dhā́ ] ind. ( fr. [ ad ] , or [ a ] , this) , Ved. in this way
certainly , truly.
अद्धातम [ addhātama ] [ ad-dhā́-tama ] m. f. n. quite manifest Lit. AitĀr.
[ addhātamām ] ind. most certainly Lit. ŚBr.
अद्धापुरुष [ addhāpuruṣa ] [ ad-dhā́-puruṣa ] m. see [ an-addhāpuruṣá ] .
अद्धाबोधेय [ addhābodheya ] [ ad-dhā́-bodheya ] m. pl. adherents of a particular Śākhā or recension of the white Yajur-veda.
अद्धाति [ addhāti ] [ addhāti ] m. a sage Lit. RV. x , 85 , 16 Lit. AV.
अद्ध्यालोहकर्ण [ addhyālohakarṇa ] [ addhyā-loha-kárṇa ] m. f. n. having ears quite red Lit. VS. cf. [ adhirūḍha-kárna ] .
अद्भुत [ adbhuta ] [ adbhuta ] m. f. n. ( ( once [ adbhutá ] Lit. RV. i , 120 , 4 ) ) (see 1. [ at ] ) , supernatural , wonderful , marvellous
[ adbhuta ] m. the marvellous (in style)
N. of the Indra of the ninth Manvantara
n. a marvel , a wonder , a prodigy.
अद्भुतकर्मन् [ adbhutakarman ] [ adbhuta-karman ] m. f. n. performing wonderful works , exhibiting wonderful workmanship.
अद्भुतकृष्णराज [ adbhutakṛṣṇarāja ] [ adbhuta-kṛṣṇa-rāja ] (or [ kṛ ] °?), N. of a chief, Lit. Inscr.
अद्भुतक्रतु [ adbhutakratu ] [ adbhuta-kratu ] ( [ ádbhuta- ] ) m. f. n. possessing wonderful intelligence Lit. RV.
अद्भुतगन्ध [ adbhutagandha ] [ adbhuta-gandha ] m. f. n. having a wonderful smell.
अद्भुततम [ adbhutatama ] [ adbhuta-tama ] n. an extraordinary wonder.
अद्भुतत्व [ adbhutatva ] [ adbhuta-tva ] n. wonderfulness.
अद्भुतदर्पण [ adbhutadarpaṇa ] [ adbhuta-darpaṇa ] N. of a Nāṭaka
अद्भुतदर्शन [ adbhutadarśana ] [ adbhuta-darśana ] m. f. n. having a wonderful aspect.
अद्भुतधर्म [ adbhutadharma ] [ adbhuta-dharma ] m. " a system or series of marvels or prodigies " , N. of one of the nine aṅgas of the Buddhists.
अद्भुतब्राह्मण [ adbhutabrāhmaṇa ] [ adbhuta-brāhmaṇa ] n. N. of a portion of a Brāhmaṇa belonging to the Sāma-veda.
अद्भुतभीमकर्मन् [ adbhutabhīmakarman ] [ adbhuta-bhīma-karman ] m. f. n. performing wonderful and fearful works.
अद्भुतरङ्ग [ adbhutaraṅga ] [ adbhuta-raṅga ] N. of a Prahasana
अद्भुतरस [ adbhutarasa ] [ adbhuta-rasa ] m. the marvellous style (of poetry) .
अद्भुतरामायण [ adbhutarāmāyaṇa ] [ adbhuta-rāmāyaṇa ] n. N. of wk. ascribed to Vālmīki.
अद्भुतशान्ति [ adbhutaśānti ] [ adbhuta-śānti ] m. or f. N. of the sixty-seventh Pariśishṭa of the Atharva veda.
अद्भुतसंकाश [ adbhutasaṃkāśa ] [ adbhuta-saṃkāśa ] m. f. n. resembling a wonder.
अद्भुतसार [ adbhutasāra ] [ adbhuta-sāra ] m. " wonderful resin " of the Khadira tree (Mimosa Catechu)
N. of a book on the essence of prodigies.
अद्भुतस्वन [ adbhutasvana ] [ adbhuta-svana ] m. " having a wonderful voice " , N. of Śiva.
अद्भुतार्थ [ adbhutārtha ] [ adbhu-tārtha ] m. f. n. containing wonderful things, Lit. Kāvyâd.
अद्भुतैनस् [ adbhutainas ] [ ádbhutainas ] m. f. n. one in whom no fault is visible Lit. RV.
अद्भुतोत्तरकाण्ड [ adbhutottarakāṇḍa ] [ adbhutottarakāṇḍa ] n. N. of wk. , an appendix to or imitation of the Rāmāyaṇa.
अद्भुतोत्पात [ adbhutotpāta ] [ adbhu-totpāta ] m. pl. miracles and prodigies, Lit. ĀpGṛ.
अद्भुतोपम [ adbhutopama ] [ adbhutopama ] m. f. n. resembling a wonder.
[ adbhutopamā ] f. (in rhet.) a simile implying a miracle, ib.
अद्मन् [ adman ] [ ádman ] n. (√ [ ad ] ) , eating , a meal Lit. RV. i , 58 , 2.
अद्म [ adma ] [ adma ] ( in comp. for [ adman ] ) .
अद्मसद् [ admasad ] [ adma-sád ] m. seated (with others) at a meal , companion at table Lit. RV.
a fly (= [ makṣikā ] ), Lit. Nir., Sch.
अद्मसद्य [ admasadya ] [ adma-sádya ] n. commensality Lit. RV. viii , 43 , 19.
अद्मसद्वन् [ admasadvan ] [ adma-sádvan ] m. f. n. companion at a meal Lit. RV. vi , 4 , 4.
अद्मनि [ admani ] [ admani ] m. fire Lit. Uṇ.
अद्मर [ admara ] [ admara ] m. f. n. gluttonous Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 160.
अद्य [ adya ] [ adya ]1 m. f. n. fit or proper to be eaten
[ adya ] n. ( [ am ] ) ifc. ( cf. [ annádya ] , [ havir adya ] ) food.
अद्य [ adya ] [ a-dyá ]2 ind. ( Ved. [ adyā́ ] ) ( fr. pronom. base [ a ] , this , with [ dya ] for [ dyu ] q.v. , Lat. (ho-die) ) , to-day
अद्यतस् [ adyatas ] [ adya-tas ] ind. from to-day, Lit. Dhūrtan.
अद्यदिन [ adyadina ] [ a-dyá-dina ] m. n. the present day.
अद्यदिवस [ adyadivasa ] [ a-dyá-divasa ] m. n. the present day.
अद्यपूर्वम् [ adyapūrvam ] [ a-dyá-pūrvam ] ind. before now.
अद्यप्रभृति [ adyaprabhṛti ] [ a-dyá-prabhṛti ] ind. from and after to-day.
अद्ययज्ञ [ adyayajña ] [ adya-yajña ] m. to-day's sacrifice, Lit. ĀpŚr., Sch.
अद्यश्व [ adyaśva ] [ a-dyá-śva ] m. f. n. comprising the present and the following day Lit. PBr.
अद्यश्वीन [ adyaśvīna ] [ a-dyá-śvīna ] m. f. n. likely to happen to-day or ( [ śvas ] ) to-morrow Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 13
[ adyaśvīnā ] f. a female near delivery Lit. ib.
अद्यसुत्या [ adyasutyā ] [ a-dyá-sutyā́ ] f. preparation and consecration of the Soma on the same day Lit. ŚBr.
अद्याग्रेण [ adyāgreṇa ] [ adyāgreṇa ] ind. henceforth, Lit. Divyâv.
अद्यापि [ adyāpi ] [ adyāpi ] ind. even now , just now
to this day
down to the present time
अद्यावधि [ adyāvadhi ] [ adyāvadhi ] m. f. n. beginning or ending to-day
from or till to-day.
अद्याश्व [ adyāśva ] [ adyā-śvá ] n. the present and the following day Lit. TS.
अद्यैव [ adyaiva ] [ adyaiva ] ind. this very day.
अद्यतन [ adyatana ] [ adyatana ] m. f. n. extending over or referring to to-day
now-a-days , modern
[ adyatana ] m. the period of a current day , either from midnight to midnight , or from dawn to dark
[ adyatanī ] f. ( in Gr.) the aorist tense (from its relating what has occurred on the same day) .
अद्यतनभूत [ adyatanabhūta ] [ adyatana-bhūta ] m. the aorist.
अद्यतनीय [ adyatanīya ] [ adyatanīya ] m. f. n. extending over or referring to to-day
current now-a-days.
अद्यु [ adyu ] [ á-dyu ] m. f. n. not burning or not sharp Lit. RV. vii , 34 , 12.
अद्युत् [ adyut ] [ a-dyút ] m. f. n. destitute of brightness Lit. RV. vi , 39 , 3.
अद्यूत्य [ adyūtya ] [ a-dyūtyá ] n. (4) unlucky gambling Lit. RV. i , 112 , 24
[ adyūtya ] m. f. n. not derived from gambling , honestly obtained.
अद्रव [ adrava ] [ a-drava ] m. f. n. not liquid.
अद्रि [ adri ] [ ádri ] m. (√ [ ad ] Lit. Uṇ.) , a stone , a rock , a mountain
a stone for pounding Soma with or grinding it on
press-stone ; [ grā́vā ádriḥ ] Lit. AV. v , 20 , 10. ( 1310,3 )
a stone for a sling , a thunderbolt
a mountain-shaped mass of clouds
a cloud (the mountains are the clouds personified , and regarded as the enemies of Indra)
a tree Lit. L.
the sun Lit. L.
N. of a measure
the number seven
N. of a grandson of Pṛithu.
अद्रिकर्णी [ adrikarṇī ] [ adri-karṇī ] f. the plant Clitoria Ternatea Lin.
अद्रिकीला [ adrikīlā ] [ adri-kīlā ] f. the earth Lit. L.
अद्रिकृतस्थली [ adrikṛtasthalī ] [ adri-kṛta-sthalī ] f. N. of an Apsaras.
अद्रिज [ adrija ] [ adri-ja ] m. f. n. produced from or found among rocks or mountains
[ adrijā ] f. the plant Saiṃhalī , N. of Pārvatī or Durgā
अद्रिजा [ adrijā ] [ adri-jā́ ] m. f. n. produced from (the friction of) stones Lit. RV. iv , 40 , 5
N. of the soul Lit. KaṭhUp.
अद्रिजूत [ adrijūta ] [ adri-jūta ] ( [ ádri- ] ) m. f. n. excited by (the friction of) stones Lit. RV. iii , 58 , 8.
अद्रितनया [ adritanayā ] [ adri-tanayā ] f. " mountain-daughter " , N. of Pārvatī
N. of a metre (of four lines , each containing twenty-three syllables) .
अद्रिदुग्ध [ adridugdha ] [ adri-dugdha ] ( [ ádri- ] ) m. f. n. not pressed out or extracted with stones Lit. RV.
अद्रिद्विष् [ adridviṣ ] [ adri-dviṣ ] m. the enemy of mountains or clouds i.e. Indra Lit. L.
अद्रिधृत् [ adridhṛt ] [ adridhṛt ] m. "mountain-holder" , N. of Kṛishṇa (cf. [ govardhana ] , p. 366), Lit. L.
अद्रिनन्दिनी [ adrinandinī ] [ adri-nandinī ] f. N. of Pārvatī.
अद्रिपति [ adripati ] [ adri-pati ] m. " lord of mountains " , the Himālaya.
अद्रिबर्हस् [ adribarhas ] [ adri-barhas ] ( [ adri- ] ) m. f. n. fast as a rock Lit. RV. x , 63 , 3 Lit. TBr.
अद्रिबुध्न [ adribudhna ] [ adri-budhna ] ( [ ádri- ] ) m. f. n. rooted in or produced on a rock or mountain Lit. RV. x , 108 , 7 Lit. VS.
अद्रिभिद् [ adribhid ] [ adri-bhí d ] m. f. n. splitting mountains or clouds Lit. RV. vi , 73 , 1
[ adribhid ] m. ( [ t ] ) N. of Indra Lit. L.
अद्रिभू [ adribhū ] [ adri-bhū ] m. f. n. mountain-born , found or living among mountains
[ adribhū ] f. ( [ ūs ] ) the plant Salvinia Cucullata.
अद्रिभेदन [ adribhedana ] [ adri-bhedana ] n. the splitting of the Soma stone, Lit. KātyŚr.
अद्रिमातृ [ adrimātṛ ] [ adri-mātṛ ] ( [ ádri- ] ) m. f. n. having a rock or mountain for a mother Lit. RV. ix , 86 , 3.
अद्रिमूर्धन् [ adrimūrdhan ] [ adri-mūrdhan ] m. the head or summit of a mountain.
अद्रिराज् [ adrirāj ] [ adri-rāj ] m. " king of mountains " , the Himālaya.
अद्रिराज [ adrirāja ] [ adri-rāja ] m. " king of mountains " , the Himālaya.
अद्रिवह्नि [ adrivahni ] [ adri-vahni ] m. fire on or in a mountain or rock.
अद्रिशय्य [ adriśayya ] [ adri-śayya ] m. " having the mountain for a couch " , Śiva Lit. L.
अद्रिशृङ्ग [ adriśṛṅga ] [ adri-śṛṅga ] n. a mountain-peak.
अद्रिषुत [ adriṣuta ] [ adri-ṣuta ] ( [ ádri- ] ) m. f. n. prepared with stones Lit. RV.
अद्रिसंहत [ adrisaṃhata ] [ adri-saṃhata ] ( [ ádri- ] ) m. f. n. expressed with stones Lit. RV. ix , 98 , 6.
अद्रिसानु [ adrisānu ] [ adri-sānu ] m. f. n. lingering on the mountains Lit. RV. vi , 65 , 5.
अद्रिसार [ adrisāra ] [ adri-sāra ] m. " essence of stones " iron.
अद्रिसारमय [ adrisāramaya ] [ adri-sāra-maya ] m. f. n. made of iron.
अद्रीन्द्र [ adrīndra ] [ adrīndra ] m. " lord of mountains " , the Himālaya.
अद्रीश [ adrīśa ] [ adrīśa ] m. " lord of mountains " , the Himālaya.
अद्रुत [ adruta ] [ a-druta ] m. f. n. not accelerated, Lit. TPrāt.
अद्रुह् [ adruh ] [ a-drúh ] (nom. [ a-dhrúk ] ) m. f. n. free from malice or treachery Lit. RV.
अद्रुहाण [ adruhāṇa ] [ a-druhāṇa ] ( ( Lit. RV. v , 70 , 2 ) ) ( ( Lit. SV. ) ) m. f. n. id.
अद्रुह्वन् [ adruhvan ] [ a-druhvan ] ( ( Lit. SV. ) ) m. f. n. id.
अद्रोघ [ adrogha ] [ a-droghá ] m. f. n. free from falsehood , true Lit. RV.
[ adrogham ] ( [ á-drogham ] ) ind. without falsehood Lit. RV. viii , 60 , 4.
अद्रोघवाच् [ adroghavāc ] [ a-droghá-vāc ] ( [ ádrogha- ] ) m. f. n. free from malice or treachery in speech Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
अद्रोघावित [ adroghāvita ] [ ádroghāvita ] m. f. n. loving freedom from malice or treachery Lit. AV.
अद्रोहवृत्ति [ adrohavṛtti ] [ a-droha-vṛtti ] f. conduct free from malice or treachery.
अद्रोहिन् [ adrohin ] [ a-drohin ] m. f. n. free from malice or treachery.
अद्रेश्य [ adreśya ] [ a-dreśya ] m. f. n. invisible Lit. MuṇḍUp.
अद्वन् [ advan ] [ advan ] m. f. n. (√ [ ad ] ) , ifc. (e.g. [ agrādvan ] ) , eating.
अद्वय [ advaya ] [ a-dvaya ] m. f. n. not two without a second , only , unique
n. non-duality , unity
identity (especially the identity of Brahma , with the human soul or with the universe , or of spirit and matter)
the ultimate truth.
अद्वयवाद [ advayavāda ] [ a-dvaya-vāda ] m. assertion of non-duality, Lit. Naish.
अद्वयवादिन् [ advayavādin ] [ a-dvaya-vādin ] m. one who teaches [ advaya ] , or identity , a Buddha , a Jaina , ( cf. [ advaita-vadin ] .)
अद्वयानन्द [ advayānanda ] [ advayānanda ] m. N. of an author , and of a founder of the Vaishṇava sect in Bengal (who lived at the close of the fifteenth century) .
अद्वयत् [ advayat ] [ á-dvayat ] ( ( Lit. RV. iii , 29 , 5 ) ) m. f. n. free from duplicity.
अद्वयस् [ advayas ] [ á-dvayas ] ( ( Lit. RV. i , 187 , 3 and viii , 18 , 6 ) ) m. f. n. free from duplicity.
अद्वयाविन् [ advayāvin ] [ á-dvayāvin ] ( ( Lit. RV. ) ) ( ( Lit. RV. viii , 18 , 15 ) ) m. f. n. free from double-dealing or duplicity.
अद्वयु [ advayu ] [ á-dvayu ] ( ( Lit. RV. viii , 18 , 15 ) ) m. f. n. free from double-dealing or duplicity.
अद्वादशाह [ advādaśāha ] [ a-dvādaśāha ] m. f. n. not twelve days old, Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अद्वार् [ advār ] [ á-dvār ] f. not a door Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
अद्वार [ advāra ] [ á-dvāra ] n. a place without a door
an entrance which is not the proper door Lit. ŚBr. xiv ,
अद्विज [ advija ] [ a-dvija ] m. f. n. destitute of Brāhmans Lit. Mn. viii , 22.
अद्वियोनि [ adviyoni ] [ a-dvi-yoni ] m. f. n. not produced by two (vowels), not diphthongal, Lit. RPrāt.( Page1310,2 )
अद्विवर्ष [ advivarṣa ] [ a-dvi-varṣa ] m. f. n. not two years old, Lit. PārGṛ.
अद्विषेण्य [ adviṣeṇya ] [ a-dviṣeṇyá ] (5) m. f. n. (√ [ dviṣ ] ) , not malevolent Lit. RV.
अद्वीप [ advīpa ] [ a-dvīpa ] m. f. n. having no refuge or protector, Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
अद्वेष [ adveṣa ] [ a-dveṣá ] m. f. n. not malevolent (nom. du. f. [ °é ] ) Lit. RV. viii , 68 , 10 and x , 45 , 12.
अद्वेषरागिन् [ adveṣarāgin ] [ a-dveṣá-rāgin ] m. f. n. free from malevolence and passionate desire.
अद्वेषस् [ adveṣas ] [ adveṣás ] ind. without malevolence Lit. RV.
अद्वेषिन् [ adveṣin ] [ adveṣin ] m. f. n. free from malevolence.
अद्वैत [ advaita ] [ á-dvaita ] m. f. n. destitute of duality , having no duplicate Lit. ŚBr. xiv ,
sole , unique
epithet of Vishṇu
identity of Brahmā or of the Paramātman or supreme soul with the Jīvātman or human soul
identity of spirit and matter
the ultimate truth
title of an Upanishad
[ advaitena ] ind. solely.
अद्वैतदीपिका [ advaitadīpikā ] [ a-dvaita-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
अद्वैतब्रह्मसिद्धि [ advaitabrahmasiddhi ] [ a-dvaita-brahma-siddhi ] f. N. of wk.
अद्वैतमकरन्द [ advaitamakaranda ] [ a-dvaita-makaranda ] m. N. of wk.
अद्वैतवादिन् [ advaitavādin ] [ a-dvaita-vādin ] m. (also) N. of Śaṃkara, Lit. Gal.
of Buddha, Lit. Divyâv.
अद्वैतवादिन् [ advaitavādin ] [ á-dvaita-vādin ] m. one who asserts the doctrine of non-duality.
अद्वैतानन्द [ advaitānanda ] [ advaitānanda ] m. = [ advayānanda ] q.v.
अद्वैतोपनिषद् [ advaitopaniṣad ] [ advaitopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad.
अद्वैध [ advaidha ] [ a-dvaidha ] m. f. n. not divided into two parts , not shared
not disunited
free from malice , straightforward.
अध [ adha ] [ ádha ] or [ ádhā ] ind. , Ved. (= [ átha ] , used chiefly as an inceptive particle) , now , then , therefore , moreover , so much the more , and , partly. [ ádha ] [ ádha ] as well as , partly partly.
अधप्रिय [ adhapriya ] [ adha-priya ] m. f. n. (you who are) now pleased (voc. du. [ °yā ] ) Lit. RV. viii , 8 , 4.
अधईष [ adhaīṣa ] [ adha-īṣa ] n. draught-cattle, Lit. TS.
अधा [ adhā ] [ ádhā ] or [ ádha ] ind. , Ved. (= [ átha ] , used chiefly as an inceptive particle) , now , then , therefore , moreover , so much the more , and , partly. [ ádha ] [ ádha ] as well as , partly partly.
अधः [ adhaḥ ] [ ádhaḥ ] see [ adhas ] .
अधःकुम्ब [ adhaḥkumba ] [ adhaḥ-kumba ] m. f. n. having the thick end downwards, Lit. ĀpŚr., Sch.
अधःखात [ adhaḥkhāta ] [ adhaḥ-khāta ] m. f. n. dug deep (as a furrow), Lit. Vishṇ.
अधःशायिता [ adhaḥśāyitā ] [ adhaḥ-śāyi-tā ] ( f. )
अधःसंवेशिन् [ adhaḥsaṃveśin ] [ adhaḥ-saṃveśin ] m. f. n. id., Lit. Lāṭy.
अधःस्थानासन [ adhaḥsthānāsana ] [ adhaḥ-sthānāsana ] m. f. n. standing or sitting lower, Lit. Gaut.
अधन्य [ adhanya ] [ a-dhanya ] m. f. n. not richly supplied with corn or other produce , not prosperous
अधम [ adhama ] [ adhamá ] m. f. n. (see [ ádhara ] ) , lowest , vilest , worst , very low or vile or bad (often ifc. , as in [ narādhama ] , the vilest or worst of men)
[ adhama ] m. an unblushing paramour
[ adhamā ] f. a low or bad mistress ( ( cf. Lat. (infimus) ) ) .
अधमभृत [ adhamabhṛta ] [ adhamá-bhṛta ] m. a servant of the lowest class , a porter.
अधमभृतक [ adhamabhṛtaka ] [ adhamá-bhṛtaka ] m. a servant of the lowest class , a porter.
अधमर्ण [ adhamarṇa ] [ adhamá-rṇa ] ( [ ṛ ] ) ( [ ṛ ] ) m. one reduced to inferiority by debt , a debtor.
अधमर्णिक [ adhamarṇika ] [ adhamá-rṇika ] ( [ ṛ ] ) m. one reduced to inferiority by debt , a debtor.
अधमशाख [ adhamaśākha ] [ adhamá-śākha ] (?) , N. of a region , (g. [ gahādi ] , q.v.)
अधमाङ्ग [ adhamāṅga ] [ adhamāṅga ] n. " the lowest member " , the foot.
अधमाचार [ adhamācāra ] [ adhamācāra ] m. f. n. guilty of vile conduct.
अधमाधम [ adhamādhama ] [ adhamādhama ] m. f. n. lowest of all, Lit. Pañcat.
अधमार्ध [ adhamārdha ] [ adhamārdha ] n. the lower half , the lower part.
अधमार्ध्य [ adhamārdhya ] [ adhamārdhya ] m. f. n. connected with or referring to the lower part Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 5.
अधमर्ण [ adhamarṇa ] [ adhama-rṇa ] see [ adhamá ] .
अधर [ adhara ] [ ádhara ] m. f. n. ( connected with [ adhás ] ) , lower , inferior , tending downwards
low , vile
worsted , silenced
[ adhara ] m. the lower lip , the lip
[ adharāt ] ind. abl. see s.v. below
[ adharasmāt ] ind. abl. below Lit. L.
[ adharā ] f. the lower region , nadir
[ adhara ] n. the lower part , a reply , pudendum muliebre Lit. L. ( Lat. (inferus) ) .
अधरकण्ठ [ adharakaṇṭha ] [ ádhara-kaṇṭhá ] m. n. the lower neck , lower part of the throat Lit. VS.
अधरकाय [ adharakāya ] [ ádhara-kāya ] m. the lower part of the body.
अधरतस् [ adharatas ] [ ádhara-tas ] ind. below Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 35 Sch.
अधरदल [ adharadala ] [ adhara-dala ] n. a lip, Lit. Kpr.
अधरपान [ adharapāna ] [ ádhara-pāna ] n. " drinking the lip " , kissing.
अधरमधु [ adharamadhu ] [ ádhara-madhu ] n. the moisture of the lips.
अधरमूल [ adharamūla ] [ adhara-mūla ] ( [ ádh ] °), m. f. n. having the roots downwards, Lit. ŚBr.
अधररुचक [ adhararucaka ] [ adhara-rucaka ] n. lovely lips, Lit. Kād.
अधरसपत्न [ adharasapatna ] [ ádhara-sapatna ] ( [ ádhara- ] ) m. f. n. whose enemies are worsted or silenced Lit. MaitrS.
अधरस्वस्तिक [ adharasvastika ] [ ádhara-svastika ] n. the nadir.
अधरहनु [ adharahanu ] [ ádhara-hanú ] f. the lower jaw-bone Lit. AV.
अधरामृत [ adharāmṛta ] [ adharāmṛta ] n. the nectar of the lips.
अधराम्बर [ adharāmbara ] [ adha-rāmbara ] n. (ifc. f. [ ā ] ) an undergarment, Lit. Śiś.
अधरारणि [ adharāraṇi ] [ adharāraṇi ] f. the lower of the two pieces of wood used in producing fire by friction Lit. ŚBr.
अधरावलोप [ adharāvalopa ] [ adharāvalopa ] m. biting the lip.
अधरीकृत [ adharīkṛta ] [ adharī-kṛta ] m. f. n. worsted , eclipsed , excelled Lit. Sāk. (v.l.)
अधरीभूत [ adharībhūta ] [ adharī-bhūta ] m. f. n. worsted (as in a process) Lit. Yājñ. ii , 17.
अधरेद्युस् [ adharedyus ] [ adhare-dyus ] ind. the day before yesterday Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 22.
अधरोत्तर [ adharottara ] [ adharottara ] m. f. n. lower and higher
worse and better
question and answer
nearer and further
sooner and later
upside down , topsy-turvy.
अधरोष्ठ [ adharoṣṭha ] [ adhar'-oṣṭha ] m. the lower lip
[ adharoṣṭha ] n. the lower and upper lip.
अधरौष्ठ [ adharauṣṭha ] [ adharauṣṭha ] m. the lower lip
[ adharauṣṭha ] n. the lower and upper lip.
अधरौष्ठरुचक [ adharauṣṭharucaka ] [ adha-rauṣṭha-rucaka ] n. lovely lips, Lit. R.
अधरय [ adharaya ] [ adharaya ] Nom. P. [ adharayati ] , to make inferior , put under ; eclipse , excel.
अधरस्तात् [ adharastāt ] [ adharastāt ] ind. below Lit. L.
अधराक् [ adharāk ] [ adharā́k ] ind. beneath , in the lower region i.e. in the south Lit. VS.
अधराचीन [ adharācīna ] [ adharācī́na ] ( ( Lit. RV. ii , 17 , 5 ) ) [ ā́ṅ ā́cī ] , [ ā́k ] , Ved. tending downwards , to the nadir or the lower region , tending towards the south.
अधराच्य [ adharācya ] [ adharācyá ] ( ( (5) Lit. AV. ) ) m. f. n. [ ā́ṅ ā́cī ] , [ ā́k ] , Ved. tending downwards , to the nadir or the lower region , tending towards the south.
अधराञ्च् [ adharāñc ] [ adharā́ñc ] [ ā́ṅ ā́cī ] , [ ā́k ] , Ved. tending downwards , to the nadir or the lower region , tending towards the south.
अधरात् [ adharāt ] [ adharā́t ] ind. below , beneath Lit. RV. and Lit. AV.
in the south Lit. AV.
अधरात्तात् [ adharāttāt ] [ adharā́t-tāt ] ( [ adharā́t- ] ) ind. below , beneath Lit. RV. x , 36 , 14.
अधरिम [ adharima ] [ adharima ] m. f. n. lowest, Lit. Divyâv.
अधरीण [ adharīṇa ] [ adharīṇa ] m. f. n. vilified Lit. L.
अधर्म [ adharma ] [ á-dharma ] m. unrighteousness , injustice , irreligion , wickedness
demerit , guilt
N. of a Prajāpati (son of Brahmā , husband of Hiṃsā or Mṛishā)
N. of an attendant of the sun
[ adharmā ] f. unrighteousness (personified and represented as the bride of death) .
अधर्मचरण [ adharmacaraṇa ] [ adharma-caraṇa ] n. ( Lit. Gaut.), practice of wickedness, injustice
अधर्मचर्या [ adharmacaryā ] [ adharma-caryā ] f. ( Lit. Āpast.) practice of wickedness, injustice
अधर्मचारिन् [ adharmacārin ] [ á-dharma-cārin ] m. f. n. practising wickedness.
अधर्मतस् [ adharmatas ] [ á-dharma-tas ] ind. unrighteously , unjustly.
अधर्मदण्डन [ adharmadaṇḍana ] [ á-dharma-daṇḍana ] n. unjust punishment Lit. Mn. viii , 127.
अधर्ममय [ adharmamaya ] [ á-dharma-máya ] m. f. n. made up of wickedness Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अधर्मात्मन् [ adharmātman ] [ adharmātman ] m. f. n. having a wicked spirit or disposition.
अधर्मास्तिकाय [ adharmāstikāya ] [ adharmāstikāya ] m. the category ( [ astikāya ] ) of [ adharma ] , (one of the five categories of the Jaina ontology) .
अधर्मोत्तरता [ adharmottaratā ] [ adhar-mottaratā ] f. prevalence of injustice, Lit. MBh.
अधर्मिन् [ adharmin ] [ adharmin ] m. f. n. unrighteous , wicked , impious.
अधर्मिष्ठ [ adharmiṣṭha ] [ adharmiṣṭha ] m. f. n. most wicked , impious.
अधवा [ adhavā ] [ a-dhavā ] f. one who has no husband , a widow ( usually [ vi-dhavā ] q.v.) Lit. L.
अधस् [ adhas ] [ adhás ] ind. (see [ ádhara ] ) , below , down
in the lower region
beneath , under
from under ( with acc. gen. , and abl.)
also applied to the lower region and to the pudendum muliebre ( ( cf. Lat. (infra) ) ) .
अधउपासन [ adhaupāsana ] [ adha-upāsana ] n. sexual intercourse Comm. on Lit. BṛĀrUp.
अधःकर [ adhaḥkara ] [ adhaḥ-kara ] m. the lower part of the hand.
अधःकाय [ adhaḥkāya ] [ adhaḥ-kāya ] m. the lower part of the body.
अधःकृष्णाजिनम् [ adhaḥkṛṣṇājinam ] [ adhaḥ-kṛṣṇājinam ] ind. under the black skin Lit. KātyŚr.
अधःक्रिया [ adhaḥkriyā ] [ adhaḥ-kriyā ] f. (= [ apamāna ] ) , disgrace , humiliation.
अधःखनन [ adhaḥkhanana ] [ adhaḥ-khanana ] n. undermining.
अधःपद्म [ adhaḥpadma ] [ adháḥ-padma ] n. (in architecture) a part of a cupola.
अधःपात [ adhaḥpāta ] [ adhaḥ-pāta ] m. a downfall.
अधःपुष्पी [ adhaḥpuṣpī ] [ adhaḥ-puṣpī ] f. " having flowers looking downwards " , two plants Pimpinella Anisum and Elephantopus Scaber (or Hieracium?) .
अधःप्रवाह [ adhaḥpravāha ] [ adhaḥ-pravāha ] m. a downward current.
अधःप्रस्तर [ adhaḥprastara ] [ adhaḥ-prastara ] m. seat or bed of turf or grass (for persons in a state of impurity) .
अधःप्राङ्शायिन् [ adhaḥprāṅśāyin ] [ adhaḥ-prāṅ-śāyin ] m. f. n. sleeping on the ground towards the east.
अधःशय्य [ adhaḥśayya ] [ adhaḥ-śayya ] m. f. n. having a peculiar couch on the ground
[ adhaḥśayyā ] f. act of sleeping on the ground and on a peculiar couch.
अधःशिरस् [ adhaḥśiras ] [ adhaḥ-śiras ] m. f. n. holding the head downward
head foremost
[ adhaḥśiras ] m. N. of a hell Lit. VP.
अधःस्थ [ adhaḥstha ] [ adhaḥ-stha ] m. f. n. placed low or below
अधःस्थित [ adhaḥsthita ] [ adhaḥ-sthita ] m. f. n. standing below
situated below.
अधःस्वस्तिक [ adhaḥsvastika ] [ adhaḥ-svastika ] n. the nadir.
अधश्चर [ adhaścara ] [ adhaś-cara ] m. " creeping on the ground " , a thief.
अधस्तराम् [ adhastarām ] [ adhas-tarā́m ] ind. very far down Lit. ŚBr.
अधस्तल [ adhastala ] [ adhas-tala ] n. the room below anything.
अधस्पद [ adhaspada ] [ adhas-padá ] m. f. n. Ved. placed under the feet , under foot
[ adhaspada ] ( [ ám ] ) n. the place under the feet
[ adhaspadam ] ind. under foot.
अधोक्ष [ adhokṣa ] [ adho-'kṣá ] m. f. n. being below (or not coming up to) the axle Lit. RV. iii , 33 ,9.
अधोक्षम् [ adhokṣam ] [ adho-'kṣam ] ( ( Lit. KātyŚr. ) ) ( ( Lit. ĀśvŚr. ) ) ind. under the axle.
अधोक्षेण [ adhokṣeṇa ] [ adho-'kṣeṇa ] ( ( Lit. ĀśvŚr. ) ) ind. under the axle.
अधोक्षज [ adhokṣaja ] [ adho-'kṣa-ja ] m. N. of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa
the sign Śravaṇā.
अधोगत [ adhogata ] [ adho-gata ] m. f. n. gone down , descended.
अधोगति [ adhogati ] [ adho-gati ] f. descent , downward movement , degradation.
अधोगम [ adhogama ] [ adho-gama ] m. descent , downward movement , degradation.
अधोगमन [ adhogamana ] [ adho-gamana ] n. descent , downward movement , degradation.
अधोगति [ adhogati ] [ adho-gati ] and m. f. n. going downwards , descending.
अधोगामिन् [ adhogāmin ] [ adho-gāmin ]and m. f. n. going downwards , descending.
अधोघण्टा [ adhoghaṇṭā ] [ adho-ghaṇṭā ] f. the plant Achyranthes Aspera.
अधोङ्ग [ adhoṅga ] [ adho-'ṅga ] n. the anus
pudendum muliebre.
अधोजानु [ adhojānu ] [ adho-jānú ] ind. below the knee Lit. ŚBr.
अधोजिह्विका [ adhojihvikā ] [ adho-jihvikā ] f. the uvula.
अधोदारु [ adhodāru ] [ adho-dāru ] n. the under timber.
अधोदिश् [ adhodiś ] [ adho-diś ] f. the lower region , the nadir.
अधोदृष्टि [ adhodṛṣṭi ] [ adho-dṛṣṭi ] f. a downcast look
[ adhodṛṣṭi ] m. f. n. having a downcast look.
अधोदेश [ adhodeśa ] [ adho-deśa ] m. the lower or lowest part (especially of the body) .
अधोद्वार [ adhodvāra ] [ adho-dvāra ] n. the anus , pudendum muliebre.
अधोनापित [ adhonāpita ] [ adho-nāpita ] m. the son of a Karaṇa and an Ambashṭhā (who catches fish), Lit. L.
अधोनाभम् [ adhonābham ] [ adho-nābham ] of
अधोनाभि [ adhonābhi ] [ adho-nābhí ] ( ( Lit. MaitrS. ) ) ind. below the navel.
अधोनिलय [ adhonilaya ] [ adho-nilaya ] m. " lower abode " , the lower regions , hell.
अधोनिवीत [ adhonivīta ] [ adho-nivīta ] m. f. n. having the sacred thread hanging down, Lit. ĀśvGṛ. (cf. Lit. IW. 196)
अधोनीवी [ adhonīvī ] [ adho-nīvī ] f. having the girdle slipped down, Lit. MBh.
अधोपर [ adhopara ] [ adho-'para ] n. the anus.
अधोपहास [ adhopahāsa ] [ adhopahāsa ] ( [ dhás-up ] ) m. sexual intercourse Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अधोबन्धन [ adhobandhana ] [ adho-bandhana ] n. an under girth.
अधोबाण [ adhobāṇa ] [ adho-bāṇa ] m. N. of a mountain, Lit. Divyâv.
अधोभक्त [ adhobhakta ] [ adho-bhakta ] n. a dose of medicine to be taken after eating.
अधोभव [ adhobhava ] [ adho-bhava ] m. f. n. lower.
अधोभाग [ adhobhāga ] [ adho-bhāga ] m. the lower or lowest part , especially of the body.
अधोभागदोषहर [ adhobhāgadoṣahara ] [ adho-bhāga-doṣa-hara ] m. f. n. curing or strengthening the lower part of the body.
अधोभुवन [ adhobhuvana ] [ adho-bhuvana ] n. the lower world.
अधोभूमि [ adhobhūmi ] [ adho-bhūmi ] f. lower ground
land at the foot of a hill.
अधोमयूख [ adhomayūkha ] [ adho-mayūkha ] m. f. n. shining downwards, Lit. Kum.
अधोमर्मन् [ adhomarman ] [ adho-marman ] n. the anus.
अधोमुख [ adhomukha ] [ adho-mukha ] m. f. n. having the face downwards
upside down
a division of hell Lit. VP.
अधोयन्त्र [ adhoyantra ] [ adho-yantra ] n. the lower part of an apparatus
a still.
अधोरक्तपित्त [ adhoraktapitta ] [ adho-rakta-pitta ] n. discharge of blood from the anus and the urethra.
अधोराम [ adhorāma ] [ adhó-rāma ] m. (a goat) having peculiar white or black marks on the lower part (of the body) Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
अधोलम्ब [ adholamba ] [ adho-lamba ] m. a plummet
the perpendicular.
अधोवदन [ adhovadana ] [ adho-vadana ] m. f. n. = [ adho-mukha ] .
अधोवर्चस् [ adhovarcas ] [ adhó-varcas ] m. f. n. tumbling downwards Lit. AV. v , 11 , 6.
अधोवश [ adhovaśa ] [ adho-vaśa ] m. pudendum muliebre.
अधोवासस् [ adhovāsas ] [ adho-vāsas ] n. an under garment, Lit. Mahān.
अधोवायु [ adhovāyu ] [ adho-vāyu ] m. vital air passing downwards
breaking wind.
अधोवेक्षिन् [ adhovekṣin ] [ adho-'vekṣin ] m. f. n. looking down.
अधॐशुक [ adhoṃśuka ] [ adho-'ṃśuka ] n. a lower garment, Lit. L.
अधोश्वम् [ adhośvam ] [ adho-'śvam ] ind. under the horse Lit. KātyŚr.
अधोस्रपित्त [ adhosrapitta ] [ adho-'sra-pitta ] n. = [ adhorakta-pitta ] q.v.
अधस्तन [ adhastana ] [ adhastana ] m. f. n. lower , being underneath
preceding (in a book) .
अधस्ताद्दिश् [ adhastāddiś ] [ adhastād-diś ] f. the lower region , the nadir.
अधस्तान्नाभि [ adhastānnābhi ] [ adhastān-nābhi ] ind. below the navel, Lit. MaitrS.
अधस्तान्निर्बाधम् [ adhastānnirbādham ] [ adhastān-nirbādham ] ( [ adhástān ] -), ind. (with the knobs) turned downwards, Lit. ŚBr.
अधस्ताल्लक्ष्मन् [ adhastāllakṣman ] [ adhastāl-lakṣman ] m. f. n. having a mark at the lower part (of the body) Lit. MaitrS.
अधा [ adhā ] [ ádhā ] Ved. see [ ádha ] .
अधासनशायिन् [ adhāsanaśāyin ] [ adhāsanaśāyin ] m. f. n. (for [ adha ] - [ ās ] °) sitting or lying on the ground, Lit. Āpast.
अधामार्गव [ adhāmārgava ] [ adhāmārgava ] m. the plant Achyranthes Aspera.
अधारणक [ adhāraṇaka ] [ a-dhāraṇaka ] m. f. n. unable to support , unremunerative.
अधारयमाण [ adhārayamāṇa ] [ á-dhārayamāṇa ] m. f. n. not resisting, Lit. ŚBr.
अधाराग्रह [ adhārāgraha ] [ a-dhārāgraha ] m. a ladleful or cupful not drawn from flowing water, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अधार्मिक [ adhārmika ] [ a-dhārmika ] m. f. n. unjust , unrighteous , wicked.
अधार्य [ adhārya ] [ a-dhārya ] m. f. n. unfit or improper to be held or carried or kept up.
अधि [ adhi ] [ ádhi ]2 ind. , as a prefix to verbs and nouns , expresses above , over and above , besides. As a separable adverb or preposition
( with abl.) Ved. over
from above , from
from the presence of
after Lit. AitUp.
instead of Lit. RV. i , 140 , 11, ( with loc.) Ved. over
in comparison with
( with acc.) over , upon , concerning.
अध्यधि [ adhyadhi ] [ adhy-adhi ] ind. on high , just above Lit. KātyŚr.
अधिक [ adhika ] [ adhika ] m. f. n. additional , subsequent , later
surpassing (in number or quantity or quality) , superior , more numerous
supernumerary , redundant
secondary , inferior
[ adhika ] n. surplus , abundance , redundancy , hyperbole
[ adhikam ] ind. exceedingly , too much
n. more.
अधिकक्षयकारिन् [ adhikakṣayakārin ] [ adhika-kṣaya-kārin ] m. f. n. causing excessive waste.
अधिकतिथि [ adhikatithi ] [ adhika-tithi ] mf. an intercalary lunar day.
अधिकदन्त [ adhikadanta ] [ adhika-danta ] m. a redundant tooth which grows over another Lit. Suśr. ( cf. [ adhi-danta ] .)
अधिकदिन [ adhikadina ] [ adhika-dina ] n. a redundant i.e. an intercalated day ( cf. [ adhi-dina ] .)
अधिकमांसार्मन् [ adhikamāṃsārman ] [ adhika-māṃsārman ] n. proud flesh in the eye ( cf. [ adhimāṃsa ] .)
अधिकमास [ adhikamāsa ] [ adhika-māsa ] m. an intercalated month.
अधिकर्द्धि [ adhikarddhi ] [ adhika-rddhi ] ( [ ṛd ] ) m. f. n. abundantly prosperous.
अधिकवयस् [ adhikavayas ] [ adhika-vayas ] m. f. n. advanced in age, Lit. Veṇīs.
अधिकवाक्योक्ति [ adhikavākyokti ] [ adhika-vākyokti ] f. exaggeration , hyperbole.
अधिकषाष्टिक [ adhikaṣāṣṭika ] [ adhika-ṣāṣṭika ] m. f. n. (containing or costing) more than sixty.
अधिकसंवत्सर [ adhikasaṃvatsara ] [ adhika-saṃvatsara ] m. an intercalated month.
अधिकसाप्ततिक [ adhikasāptatika ] [ adhika-sāptatika ] m. f. n. (containing or costing) more than seventy.
अधिकाक्षर [ adhikākṣara ] [ adhikākṣara ] m. f. n. having a redundant syllable, Lit. Nir.
अधिकाङ्ग [ adhikāṅga ] [ adhikāṅga ] m. f. n. having some redundant member or members Lit. Mn. iii , 8
[ adhikāṅga ] n. belt worn over the coat of mail Lit. L.
अधिकाधि [ adhikādhi ] [ adhikādhi ] m. f. n. full of sorrow, Lit. Daś.
अधिकाधिक [ adhikādhika ] [ adhikādhika ] m. f. n. outdoing one another.
अधिकार्थ [ adhikārtha ] [ adhikārtha ] m. f. n. exaggerated.
अधिकार्थवचन [ adhikārthavacana ] [ adhikārtha-vacana ] n. exaggeration , hyperbole Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 33.
अधिकण्ठम् [ adhikaṇṭham ] [ adhi-kaṇṭham ] ind. on or round the neck, Lit. Mālatīm. ; Lit. Naish.
अधिकन्धरम् [ adhikandharam ] [ adhi-kandharam ] ind. upon or as far as the neck Lit. Śiś.
अधिकर्ण [ adhikarṇa ] [ adhi-karṇa ] m. N. of a snake demon Lit. Hariv.
[ adhikarṇam ] ind. on the ear, Lit. Śiś.
अधिकर्मकर [ adhikarmakara ] [ adhi-karmakara ] m. and see [ adhi- ] √ :1 [ kṛ ] below.
अधिकर्मकृत् [ adhikarmakṛt ] [ adhi-karmakṛt ]and [ t ] m. see [ adhi- ] √ :1 [ kṛ ] below.
अधिकल्पिन् [ adhikalpin ] [ adhi-kalpí n ] m. a sharp gambler Lit. VS.
accord. to others, "supreme umpire" .
अधिकष्ट [ adhikaṣṭa ] [ adhi-kaṣṭa ] n. great misery, Lit. BhP.
अधिकार्म [ adhikārma ] [ adhi-kārma ] n. N. of some place unknown Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 91.
अधिकृ [ adhikṛ ] [ adhi-√ kṛ:1 ] to place at the head , appoint ; to aim at , regard ; to refer or allude to ; to superintend , be at the head of (loc.) Lit. MBh. iv , 241 : Ā. [ -kurute ] , to be or become entitled to (acc.) Lit. MBh. iii , 1345 ; to be or become superior to , overcome Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 33. ( 20,2 )
Ā. - [ kurute ] , (also) to define, Lit. Bcar. xii, 36.
अधिकरण [ adhikaraṇa ] [ adhi-karaṇa ] n. the act of placing at the head or of subordinating government , supremacy , magistracy , court of justice
a receptacle , support
a claim
a topic , subject
(in philosophy) a substratum
a subject (e.g. [ ātman ] is the [ adhi-karaṇa ] of knowledge)
a category
a relation
( in Gr.) government
location , the sense of the locative case
relationship of words in a sentence (which agree together , either as adjective and substantive , or as subject and predicate , or as two substantives in apposition)
(in rhetoric) a topic
a paragraph or minor section
[ adhikaraṇa ] m. f. n. having to superintend.
अधिकरणभोजक [ adhikaraṇabhojaka ] [ adhi-karaṇa-bhojaka ] m. a judge.
अधिकरणमण्डप [ adhikaraṇamaṇḍapa ] [ adhi-karaṇa-maṇḍapa ] m. n. the hall of justice.
अधिकरणमाला [ adhikaraṇamālā ] [ adhi-karaṇa-mālā ] f. a compendium of the topics of the Vedānta by Bhāratī-tīrtha.
अधिकरणलेखक [ adhikaraṇalekhaka ] [ adhikaraṇa-lekhaka ] m. a clerk at a hall of justice, Lit. Kād.
अधिकरणसिद्धान्त [ adhikaraṇasiddhānta ] [ adhi-karaṇa-sí ddhānta ] m. a syllogism or conclusion which involves others , Lit. Nyāyad.
अधिकरणैतावत्त्व [ adhikaraṇaitāvattva ] [ adhikaraṇaitāvattva ] n. fixed quantity of a substratum.
अधिकरणिक [ adhikaraṇika ] [ adhikaraṇika ] or better
आधिकरणिक [ ādhikaraṇika ] [ ādhikaraṇika ] m. a government official
a judge or magistrate.
अधिकरण्य [ adhikaraṇya ] [ adhi-karaṇya ] n. authority , power.
अधिकर्मन् [ adhikarman ] [ adhi-karman ] n. superintendence.
अधिकर्मकर [ adhikarmakara ] [ adhi-karmakara ] m. an overseer , superintendent.
अधिकर्मकृत् [ adhikarmakṛt ] [ adhi-karmakṛt ] m. an overseer , superintendent.
अधिकर्मकृत [ adhikarmakṛta ] [ adhi-karma-kṛta ] m. person appointed to superintend an establishment.
अधिकर्मिक [ adhikarmika ] [ adhikarmika ] m. overseer of a market Lit. L.
अधिकार [ adhikāra ] [ adhi-kāra ] m. authority
government , rule , administration , jurisdiction
royalty , prerogative
claim , right , especially to perform sacrifices with benefit
privilege , ownership
reference , relation
a topic , subject
a paragraph or minor section
( in Gr.) government , a governing-rule ( the influence of which over any number of succeeding rules is called anu-vṛitti q.v.)
अधिकारपुरुष [ adhikārapuruṣa ] [ adhikāra-puruṣa ] m. an official, Lit. Ragh.
अधिकारवत् [ adhikāravat ] [ adhikāra-vat ] m. id., Lit. Mudr.
अधिकारसंग्रह [ adhikārasaṃgraha ] [ adhikāra-saṃgraha ] m. N. of a wk. on Bhakti (Rāmânuja school).
अधिकारस्थ [ adhikārastha ] [ adhi-kāra-stha ] m. f. n. established in an office.
अधिकाराढ्य [ adhikārāḍhya ] [ adhikārāḍhya ] m. f. n. invested with rights or privileges.
अधिकारक [ adhikāraka ] [ adhikāraka ] m. f. n. introductory, Lit. TPrāt.
अधिकारिन् [ adhikārin ] [ adhi-kārin ] m. f. n. possessing authority , entitled to , fit for
[ adhikārin ] m. a superintendent , governor
an official , a rightful claimant
a man Lit. L.
अधिकारिता [ adhikāritā ] [ adhi-kāri-tā ] f. authority , rightful claim , ownership ,
अधिकारित्व [ adhikāritva ] [ adhi-kāri-tva ] n. authority , rightful claim , ownership ,
अधिकृत [ adhikṛta ] [ adhi-kṛta ] m. f. n. placed at the head of , appointed
ruled , administered
[ adhikṛta ] m. a superintendent (especially a comptroller of public accounts) .
अधिकृतत्व [ adhikṛtatva ] [ adhi-kṛta-tva ] n. the being engaged in or occupied with.
अधिकृति [ adhikṛti ] [ adhi-kṛti ] f. a right , privilege
अधिकृत्य [ adhikṛtya ] [ adhi-kṛtya ] ind. ind.p. having placed at the head , having made the chief subject
regarding , concerning
with reference to.
अधिकेतनम् [ adhiketanam ] [ adhi-ketanam ] ind. on a flag, Lit. Śiś.
अधिकोपम [ adhikopama ] [ adhikopama ] m. f. n. containing a redundant simile, Lit. Sarasv.
अधिक्रम् [ adhikram ] [ adhi-√ kram ] to ascend , mount up to.
अधिक्रम [ adhikrama ] [ adhi-krama ] m. an invasion , attack Lit. L.
अधिक्रमण [ adhikramaṇa ] [ adhi-kramaṇa ] n. act of invading Lit. L.
अधिक्रीड् [ adhikrīḍ ] [ adhi-√ krīḍ ] to play or dance over (acc.) Lit. MaitrS. Lit. TBr.
अधिक्षि [ adhikṣi ] [ adhi-√ kṣi:1 ] ( 3. du. [ -kṣitáḥ ] ; 3. pl. [ -kṣiyánti ] ) to be settled in or over , be extended over or along (acc. or loc.) Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. i , 722 and 730 ; to rest upon Lit. ŚBr.
अधिक्षित् [ adhikṣit ] [ adhi-kṣí t ] m. (√ 2. [ kṣi ] ) , a lord , ruler Lit. RV. x , 92 , 14.
अधिक्षिति [ adhikṣiti ] [ adhi-kṣiti ] ind. on the earth, Lit. Naish.
अधिक्षिप् [ adhikṣip ] [ adhi-√ kṣip ] to throw upon ; to bespatter ; to insult , scold ; to superinduce (disease) .
अधिक्षिपदब्जनेत्र [ adhikṣipadabjanetra ] [ adhikṣipad-abja-netra ] m. f. n. having eyes which eclipse the lotus.
अधिक्षिप्त [ adhikṣipta ] [ adhi-kṣipta ] m. f. n. insulted , scolded , thrown down
placed , fixed
अधिक्षेप [ adhikṣepa ] [ adhi-kṣepa ] m. abuse , contempt , dismissal.
अधिगण् [ adhigaṇ ] [ adhi-√ gaṇ ] to enumerate , to value highly Lit. BhP.
अधिगम् [ adhigam ] [ adhi-√ gam ] to go up to , approach , overtake , to approach for sexual intercourse , to fall in with , to meet , find , discover , obtain ; to accomplish ; to study , read: Desid. P. [ adhi-jigamiṣati ] , to seek ; Ā. [ adhi-jigāṃsate ] , to be desirous of studying or reading.
अधिगन्तव्य [ adhigantavya ] [ adhi-gantavya ] m. f. n. attainable , to be studied.
अधिगन्तृ [ adhigantṛ ] [ adhi-gantṛ ] m. one who attains or acquires.
अधिगम [ adhigama ] [ adhi-gama ] m. the act of attaining , acquisition ( Page21,1 )
acquirement , mastery , study , knowledge
mercantile return , profit ,
अधिगमन [ adhigamana ] [ adhi-gamana ] n. acquisition
acquirement , reading , study
marriage , copulation.
अधिगमनीय [ adhigamanīya ] [ adhi-gamanīya ] m. f. n. attainable
practicable to be learnt.
अधिगर्त्य [ adhigartya ] [ ádhi-gartya ] (5) m. f. n. being on the driver's seat Lit. RV. v , 62 , 7.
अधिगव [ adhigava ] [ adhi-gavá ] m. f. n. being on or in a cow , derived from a cow Lit. AV. ix , 6 , 39.
अधिगा [ adhigā ] [ adhi-√ gā:1 ] P. to obtain ; P. (aor. Subj. 2. pl. [ -gāta ] , or [ -gātana ] ) to remember , notice Lit. RV. and Lit. AV. ; P. or generally Ā. ( [ -jage ] , [ -agīṣṭa ] , [ -agīṣyata ] Lit. Pāṇ.) to go over , learn , read , study ; to attempt , resolve: Caus. P. [ -gāpayati ] , to cause to go over or teach: Desid. Caus. [ -jigāpayiṣati ] , to be desirous of teaching Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 51.
अधिगुप्त [ adhigupta ] [ adhi-gupta ] m. f. n. protected.
अधिगृहम् [ adhigṛham ] [ adhi-gṛham ] ind. in the house , in the houses Lit. Śiś. iii , 45.
अधिगोप्तृ [ adhigoptṛ ] [ adhigoptṛ ] see [ dhanā ] [ dh ] °.
अधिग्रीवम् [ adhigrīvam ] [ adhi-grīvam ] ind. upon the neck , up to the neck.
अधिचङ्क्रम [ adhicaṅkrama ] [ adhi-caṅkramá ] m. f. n. (√ [ kram ] ) , walking or creeping over Lit. AV. xi , 9 , 16.
अधिचर् [ adhicar ] [ adhi-√ car ] to walk or move on or over Lit. RV. vii , 88 , 3 , , to be superior to (acc.) Lit. AitĀr.
अधिचर [ adhicara ] [ adhi-cara ] m. f. n. redundant, superfluous, Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
अधिचरण [ adhicaraṇa ] [ adhi-caraṇa ] n. the act of walking or moving or being on or over.
अधिचि [ adhici ] [ adhi-√ ci:1 ] to pile upon Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
अधिचित्तशिक्षा [ adhicittaśikṣā ] [ adhicitta-śikṣā ] f. (with Buddhists) training in higher thought (one of the 3 kinds of training), Lit. Dharmas. 140.
अधिजन् [ adhijan ] [ adhi-√ jan ] to be born.
अधिज [ adhija ] [ adhi-ja ] m. f. n. born , superior by birth Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 101 Sch.
अधिजनन [ adhijanana ] [ adhi-janana ] n. birth Lit. Mn. ii , 169.
अधिजङ्घम् [ adhijaṅgham ] [ adhi-jaṅgham ] ind. on the legs, Lit. Naish.
अधिजरायु [ adhijarāyu ] [ adhi-jarāyu ] f. (a cow) having the after-birth in itself or part of it, Lit. AV.Paipp.
अधिजागृ [ adhijāgṛ ] [ adhi-√ jāgṛ ] (only - [ jāgarat ] ), to watch over (loc.), Lit. Hir.
अधिजानु [ adhijānu ] [ adhi-jānu ] ind. on the knees Lit. Śiś.
अधिजि [ adhiji ] [ adhi-√ ji ] (Subj. 2. sg. [ -jayāsi ] ) to , win in addition Lit. RV. vi , 35 , 2.
(Prec. 1. pl. - [ jīyāsma ] ), to overcome, Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अधिजिगांसु [ adhijigāṃsu ] [ adhi-jigāṃsu ] m. f. n. (fr. Desid. of [ adhi ] -√ [ gam ] ) wishing to learn, Lit. HPariś.
अधिजिह्व [ adhijihva ] [ adhi-jihva ] m. a peculiar swelling of the tongue or epiglottis Lit. Suśr.
अधिजिह्विका [ adhijihvikā ] [ adhi-jihvikā ] f. a peculiar swelling of the tongue or epiglottis Lit. Suśr.
अधिज्य [ adhijya ] [ ádhi-jya ] m. f. n. having the bowstring ( [ jyā ] ) up or stretched , strung Lit. ŚBr.
अधिज्योतिषम् [ adhijyotiṣam ] [ adhi-jyotiṣam ] ind. on the luminaries (treated of in the Upanishads) Lit. TUp.
अधितिष्ठति [ adhitiṣṭhati ] [ adhi-tiṣṭhati ] see [ adhi-ṣṭhā ] .
अधित्यका [ adhityakā ] [ adhityakā ] f. ( fr. [ adhi-tya ] , a derivation of [ adhi ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 34) , land on the upper part of a mountain , table land Lit. Śiś. Lit. Ragh.
अधिदण्डनेतृ [ adhidaṇḍanetṛ ] [ adhi-daṇḍa-netṛ ] m. " presiding over punishment " , N. of Yama Lit. BhP.
अधिदन्त [ adhidanta ] [ adhi-danta ] m. a redundant tooth Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 188 Sch. Lit. Suśr.
अधिदार्व [ adhidārva ] [ adhi-dārva ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ dāru ] ) , wooden.
अधिदिन [ adhidina ] [ adhi-dina ] n. an intercalated day.
अधिदिश् [ adhidiś ] [ adhi-√ diś ] (aor. Subj. Ā. 3 sg. [ -didiṣṭa ] ) to bestow Lit. RV. x , 93 , 15.
अधिदीधिति [ adhidīdhiti ] [ adhi-dīdhiti ] m. f. n. having excessive lustre Lit. Śiś. i , 24.
अधिदेव [ adhideva ] [ adhi-deva ] (or [ adhi-devatā ] ) m. a presiding or tutelary deity.
[ adhidevam ] (or [ adhi-devatam ] ) ind. concerning the gods or the deity.
अधिदेवता [ adhidevatā ] [ adhi-devatā ](or [ adhi-deva ] ) f. a presiding or tutelary deity.
[ adhidevatam ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) (or [ adhi-devam ] ) ind. concerning the gods or the deity.
अधिदेवन [ adhidevana ] [ adhi-dévana ] n. a table or board for gambling Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
अधिदैव [ adhidaiva ] [ adhi-daiva ] (or [ daivata ] ) n. a presiding or tutelary deity , the supreme deity , the divine agent operating in material objects
[ adhidaivam ] ind. on the subject of the deity or the divine agent.
अधिदैवत [ adhidaivata ] [ adhi-daivata ](or [ daiva ] ) n. a presiding or tutelary deity , the supreme deity , the divine agent operating in material objects
अधिदैवत्य [ adhidaivatya ] [ adhi-daivatya ] n. the highest divine rank among (abl.), Lit. MaitrUp.
अधिद्यो [ adhidyo ] [ ádhi-dyo ] f. (nom. [ aus ] ) a kind of brick, Lit. MaitrS.
अधिद्रु [ adhidru ] [ adhi-√ dru:2 ] to cover (said of a bull) Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ -drāvayati ] , to cause to cover Lit. ŚBr.
अधिधा [ adhidhā ] [ adhi-√ dhā ] (Pass. 3. sg. [ -dhāyi ] Lit. RV.) Ved. to place upon ; to give , share between (dat. or loc.) Lit. RV. ; Ā. (aor. [ -adhita ] ; perf. [ -dadhe ] , p. [ -dádhāna ] ) to acquire additionally Lit. RV.
अधिधृ [ adhidhṛ ] [ adhi-√ dhṛ ] Caus. P. [ -dhārayati ] , Ved. to carry over or across.
अधिनम् [ adhinam ] [ adhi-√ nam ] Intens. Ā. [ -námnate ] , to incline over Lit. RV. i , 140 , 6.
अधिनागम् [ adhināgam ] [ adhi-nāgam ] ind. "on elephants" and "on snakes" , Lit. Śiś.
अधिनाथ [ adhinātha ] [ adhi-nātha ] m. a supreme lord , chieftain
N. of the author of the Kālayogaśāstra.
अधिनिधा [ adhinidhā ] [ adhi-ni-√ dhā ] Ved. to place upon ; to impart , grant.
अधिनिर्णिज् [ adhinirṇij ] [ ádhi-nirṇij ] m. f. n. covered over , veiled Lit. RV. viii , 41 , 10.
अधिनिर्मुच् [ adhinirmuc ] [ adhi-nir-√ muc ] Pass. [ -mucyate ] , to escape from Lit. PBr.
अधिनिर्हन् [ adhinirhan ] [ adhi-nir-√ han ] (perf. 2. sg. [ -jaghantha ] ) to destroy , root out from Lit. RV. i , 80 , 4.
अधिनिवस् [ adhinivas ] [ adhi-ni-√ vas:5 ] to dwell in.
अधिनिव्यध् [ adhinivyadh ] [ adhi-ni-√ vyadh ] ( Imper. 3. du. [ -vidhyatām ] ) to pierce through Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 24.
अधिनिशम् [ adhiniśam ] [ adhi-niśam ] ind. by night, ib.
अधिनिषद् [ adhiniṣad ] [ adhi-ni-ṣad ] ( Preverb. [ √ sad ] ) , (perf. 3. pl. [ -ṣedúḥ ] ) to settle in a place Lit. RV. i , 164 , 39.
अधिनी [ adhinī ] [ adhi-√ nī ] (aor. 2. pl. [ -naiṣṭa ] ) to lead away from (abl.) Lit. RV. viii , 30 , 3 , to raise above the ordinary measure , enhance Lit. RV. x , 89 , 6.
अधिनृत् [ adhinṛt ] [ adhi-√ nṛt ] ( Imper. [ -nṛtyatu ] ) to dance upon (acc.) Lit. AV.
अधिन्यस् [ adhinyas ] [ adhi-ny-√ as:2 ] to throw upon Lit. KapS.
अधिपति [ adhipati ] [ ádhi-pati ] m. = [ adhi-pa ]
(in med.) a particular part of the head (where a wound proves instantly fatal) .
अधिपतिवती [ adhipativatī ] [ ádhi-pati-vatī ] ( [ ádhipati- ] ) f. containing the lord in herself Lit. MaitrUp.
अधिपत्नी [ adhipatnī ] [ ádhi-patnī ] f. a female sovereign or ruler.
अधिपा [ adhipā ] [ adhi-pā́ ] m. Ved. a ruler , king , sovereign.
अधिपथम् [ adhipatham ] [ adhi-pathám ] ind. over or across a road Lit. ŚBr.
अधिपश्य [ adhipaśya ] [ adhi-paśya ] m. an overseer, Lit. AV.Paipp.
अधिपांशुल [ adhipāṃśula ] [ adhi-pāṃśula ] m. f. n. being dusty above ; dusty
अधिपांसुल [ adhipāṃsula ] [ adhi-pāṃsula ] m. f. n. being dusty above ; dusty
अधिपाश [ adhipāśa ] [ adhipāśa ] m. a short, stick, Lit. Kauś.
अधिपुरन्ध्रि [ adhipurandhri ] [ adhi-purandhri ] ind. towards a wife Lit. Śiś. vi , 32.
अधिपुरुष [ adhipuruṣa ] [ adhi-puruṣa ] m. the Supreme Spirit.
अधिपूरुष [ adhipūruṣa ] [ adhi-pūruṣa ] ( ( Lit. VP. ) ) m. the Supreme Spirit.
अधिपूतभृतम् [ adhipūtabhṛtam ] [ adhi-pūta-bhṛtam ] ind. over the (vessel) full of purified Soma Lit. KātyŚr.
अधिपेषण [ adhipeṣaṇa ] [ adhi-péṣaṇa ] m. f. n. serving to pound or grind upon Lit. ŚBr.
अधिप्रजम् [ adhiprajam ] [ adhi-prajam ] ind. on procreation as a means of preserving the world (treated of in the Upanishads) Lit. TUp.
अधिप्रज्ञम् [ adhiprajñam ] [ adhi-prajñam ] ind. with regard to knowledge, Lit. KaṭhUp.
अधिप्रज्ञाशिक्षा [ adhiprajñāśikṣā ] [ adhi-prajñā-śikṣā ] f. (with Buddhists) training in higher knowledge, Lit. Dharmas. 140.
अधिप्रधाव् [ adhipradhāv ] [ adhi-pra-√ dhāv:1 ] to approach hastily from Lit. TBr.
अधिप्रष्टियुग [ adhipraṣṭiyuga ] [ ádhi-praṣṭi-yuga ] n. yoke for attaching a fourth horse laid upon the [ praṣṭi ] , or foremost of three horses (used on sacrificial occasions) Lit. ŚBr.
अधिप्रसू [ adhiprasū ] [ adhi-pra-√ sū:1 ] to send away from Lit. Kāṭh.
अधिबल [ adhibala ] [ adhi-bala ] n. (in dram.) a violent altercation, Lit. Bhar. ; Lit. Daśar. ; Lit. Sāh.
pursuing an aim by an indirect course, ib.
अधिबाध् [ adhibādh ] [ adhi-√ bādh ] to vex , annoy.
अधिब्रू [ adhibrū ] [ adhi-√ brū ] Ved. to speak in favour of (dat.) or favourably to (dat.) , intercede for.
अधिभुज् [ adhibhuj ] [ adhi-√ bhuj:3 ] to enjoy.
अधिभोजन [ adhibhojana ] [ ádhi-bhojana ] n. an additional gift Lit. RV. vi , 47 , 23.
अधिभूत [ adhibhūta ] [ adhi-bhūta ] n. the spiritual or fine substratum of material or gross objects
the all penetrating influence of the Supreme Spirit
the Supreme Spirit itself
[ adhibhūtam ] ind. on material objects (treated of in the Upanishads) Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. TUp.
अधिमखम् [ adhimakham ] [ adhimakham ] ind. in regard to a sacrifice, Lit. BhP.
अधिमन् [ adhiman ] [ adhi-√ man ] to esteem highly.
अधिमन्थ [ adhimantha ] [ adhi-mantha ] or [ adhī-mantha ] m. " great irritation of the eyes " , severe ophthalmia.
अधीमन्थ [ adhīmantha ] [ adhī-mantha ] or [ adhi-mantha ] m. " great irritation of the eyes " , severe ophthalmia.
अधिमन्थन [ adhimanthana ] [ adhi-mánthana ] n. friction for producing fire Lit. RV. iii , 29 , 1
[ adhimanthana ] m. f. n. suitable for such friction (as wood) Lit. ŚBr.
अधिमन्थित [ adhimanthita ] [ adhi-manthita ] m. f. n. suffering from ophthalmia.
अधिमांस [ adhimāṃsa ] [ adhi-māṃsa ] (or [ adhi-māṃsaka ] ) m. proud flesh or cancer (especially in the eyes or the back part of the gums) .
अधिमांसार्मन् [ adhimāṃsārman ] [ adhimāṃsārman ] n. ophthalmic disease produced by proud flesh or cancer.
अधिमांसक [ adhimāṃsaka ] [ adhi-māṃsaka ] (or [ adhi-māṃsa ] ) m. proud flesh or cancer (especially in the eyes or the back part of the gums) .
अधिमात्र [ adhimātra ] [ adhi-mātra ] m. f. n. above measure , excessive
[ adhimātram ] ind. on the subject of prosody.
अधिमात्रकारुणिक [ adhimātrakāruṇika ] [ adhi-mātra-kāruṇika ] m. " exceedingly merciful " , N. of a Mahā-brāhmaṇa Lit. Buddh.
अधिमित्र [ adhimitra ] [ adhimitra ] n. an occasional friend , Lit. VarBṛS.
अधिमित्रता [ adhimitratā ] [ adhimitra-tā ] ( f. )
अधिमुक्त [ adhimukta ] [ adhi-mukta ] m. f. n. (√ [ muc ] ) , inclined , propense Lit. Buddh.
confident Lit. ib.
also "intent on" , Lit. Divyâv.
अधिमुक्तिक [ adhimuktika ] [ adhi-muktika ] m. N. of Mahā-kāla Lit. Buddh.
अधिमोक्ष [ adhimokṣa ] [ adhi-mokṣa ] m. = [ adhi ] - [ mukti ] , Lit. Buddh.
अधिमुह्य [ adhimuhya ] [ adhi-muhya ] m. N. of Śākyamuni in one of his thirty-four former births.
अधियज्ञ [ adhiyajña ] [ adhi-yajña ] m. the chief or principal sacrifice Lit. Bhag., influence or agency affecting a sacrifice
[ adhiyajña ] m. f. n. relating to a sacrifice Lit. Mn.
[ adhiyajñam ] ind. on the subject of sacrifice Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Nir.
अधियत् [ adhiyat ] [ adhi-√ yat ] to fasten Lit. RV. i , 64 , 4 : Caus. Ā. [ -yātáyate ] , to reach , join Lit. RV. vi , 6 , 4.
अधियम् [ adhiyam ] [ adhi-√ yam ] ( Imper. 2. pl. [ -yacchata ] ) to erect or stretch out over Lit. RV. i , 85 , 11 Ā. (aor. 3. pl. [ -ayaṃsata ] ) to strive up to (loc.) Lit. RV. x , 64 , 2.
अधिया [ adhiyā ] [ adhi-√ yā ] to escape Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अधियुज् [ adhiyuj ] [ adhi-√ yuj ] to put on , load.
अधियोग [ adhiyoga ] [ adhi-yoga ] m. a partic. constellation, Lit. VarBṛS.
अधिरजनि [ adhirajani ] [ adhi-rajani ] ind. by night, Lit. Śiś.
अधिरज्जु [ adhirajju ] [ ádhi-rajju ] m. f. n. carrying a rope , fastening , fettering Lit. AV.
अधिरथ [ adhiratha ] [ ádhi-ratha ] m. f. n. being upon or over a car
N. of a charioteer who was a prince of Aṅga and Karṇa's foster-father
n. a cart-load Lit. RV.
अधिरथ्यम् [ adhirathyam ] [ adhi-rathyam ] ind. on the high road.
अधिराज [ adhirāja ] [ adhi-rājá ] m. an emperor.
अधिराजन् [ adhirājan ] [ adhi-rājan ] m. an emperor.
अधिराज्य [ adhirājya ] [ adhi-rājya ] n. supremacy , imperial dignity
an empire
N. of a country.
अधिराज्यभाज् [ adhirājyabhāj ] [ adhi-rājya-bhāj ] m. possessor of imperial dignity.
अधिराष्ट्र [ adhirāṣṭra ] [ adhi-rāṣṭra ] n. = [ adhi-rājya ] .
अधिरुक्म [ adhirukma ] [ adhi-rukma ] m. f. n. wearing gold Lit. RV. viii , 46 , 33.
अधिरुह् [ adhiruh ] [ adhi-√ ruh ] cl. [1] P. or poet. Ā. to rise above , ascend , mount: Caus. [ -ropayati ] , to raise , place above.
अधिरूढ [ adhirūḍha ] [ adhi-rūḍha ] m. f. n. ascended , mounted.
[ adhirūḍhā ] f. (also) a woman from her 33rd to her 50th year, Lit. Bhpr.
अधिरूढसमाधियोग [ adhirūḍhasamādhiyoga ] [ adhi-rūḍha-samādhi-yoga ] m. f. n. engaged in profound meditation.
अधिरूढाकर्ण [ adhirūḍhākarṇa ] [ adhirūḍhā-kárṇa ] m. f. n. = [ addhyā-loha-kárṇa ] , q.v. Lit. MaitrS.
cf. [ adhīloha-kárṇa ] .
अधिरूढक [ adhirūḍhaka ] [ adhi-rūḍhaka ] m. a parasitical plant, Lit. Hcat.
अधिरूढि [ adhirūḍhi ] [ adhi-rūḍhi ] f. becoming thicker upwards, Lit. Naith.
अधिरोढव्य [ adhiroḍhavya ] [ adhi-roḍhavya ] n. (impers.) it is to be mounted on (loc.), Lit. Kathās.
अधिरोपण [ adhiropaṇa ] [ adhi-ropaṇa ] n. the act of raising or causing to mount.
transferring to (loc.), Lit. Sarasv.
अधिरोपित [ adhiropita ] [ adhi-ropita ] m. f. n. raised , placed above.
अधिरोह [ adhiroha ] [ adhi-roha ] m. ascent , mounting , overtopping
[ adhiroha ] m. f. n. riding , mounted Lit. Śiś.
अधिरोहण [ adhirohaṇa ] [ adhi-róhaṇa ] n. act of ascending or mounting or rising above
[ adhirohaṇī ] f. a ladder , flight of steps Lit. L.
अधिरोहिन् [ adhirohin ] [ adhi-rohin ] m. f. n. rising above , ascending ,
[ adhirohiṇī ] f. a ladder , flight of steps.
अधिलङ्कम् [ adhilaṅkam ] [ adhi-laṅkam ] ind. over Laṅkā, Lit. Mcar.
अधिलुठ् [ adhiluṭh ] [ adhi-√ luṭh ] (P. - [ luṭhati ] ), to leap up and down, spring about, Lit. Bālar. x, 54.
अधिलोकम् [ adhilokam ] [ adhi-lokám ] ind. on the universe (treated of in the Upanishads) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TUp.
अधिलोकनाथ [ adhilokanātha ] [ adhi-loka-nātha ] m. lord of the universe.
अधिवच् [ adhivac ] [ adhi-√ vac ] (aor. Imper. 2. sg. [ -vocā ] , 2 du. [ -vocatam ] , 2. pl. [ -vocata ] ) to speak in favour of , advocate Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
अधिवचन [ adhivacana ] [ adhi-vacana ] n. an appellation , epithet.
अधिवाक [ adhivāka ] [ adhi-vāká ] m. advocacy , protection Lit. RV. viii , 16 , 5 Lit. AV.
अधिवक्षस् [ adhivakṣas ] [ adhi-vakṣas ] ind. on the breast, Lit. Śiś.
अधिवद् [ adhivad ] [ adhi-√ vad ] to speak , pronounce over or at Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TBr.
अधिवाद [ adhivāda ] [ adhi-vādá ] m. offensive words Lit. MaitrS.
अधिवप् [ adhivap ] [ adhi-√ vap:2 ] Ā. [ -vapate ] , to put on , fasten Lit. RV. i , 92 , 4 ; to scatter Lit. TS.
अधिवर्चस् [ adhivarcas ] [ adhivarcas ] n. a latrine (v.l. ° [ rca ] ), Lit. Gobh.
अधिवस् [ adhivas ] [ adhi-√ vas:4 ]1 Ā. [ -vaste ] , to put on or over (as clothes , ) Lit. RV. x , 75 , 8.
अधिवस्त्र [ adhivastra ] [ ádhi-vastra ] m. f. n. clothed Lit. RV. viii , 26 , 13.
अधीवास [ adhīvāsa ] [ adhī-vāsá ] ( ( Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ) ) m. an upper garment , mantle. ( 1310,3 )
अधीवासस् [ adhīvāsas ] [ adhī-vāsas ]1 ( ( Lit. Vait. ) ) n. an upper garment , mantle.
अधिवस् [ adhivas ] [ adhi-√ vas:5 ]2 to inhabit ; to settle or perch upon.
(Caus. - [ vāsayati ] ), to accept (esp. an invitation), Lit. Divyâv.
अधिवसति [ adhivasati ] [ adhi-vasati ] f. a dwelling, habitation, Lit. Sāh. ( Page1310,3 )
अधिवासना [ adhivāsanā ] [ adhivāsanā ] f. obedience, compliance, Lit. Lalit.
अधिवास [ adhivāsa ] [ adhi-vāsa ]2 m. an inhabitant
a neighbour
one who dwells above
a habitation , abode , settlement , site
sitting before a person's house without taking food till he ceases to oppose or refuse a demand (commonly called " sitting in dharṇā " )
अधिवासभूमि [ adhivāsabhūmi ] [ adhi-vāsa-bhūmi ] f. a dwelling-place , settlement.
अधिवासन [ adhivāsana ] [ adhi-vāsana ]1 n. causing a divinity to dwell in an image
sitting in dharṇā (see above ) .
अधिवासनीय [ adhivāsanīya ] [ adhivāsanīya ] m. f. n. to be consecrated (cf. :1. [ adhivāsana ] , p. 22), Lit. Hcat.
अधिवासिता [ adhivāsitā ] [ adhi-vāsi-tā ] f. settled residence.
अध्युषित [ adhyuṣita ] [ adhy-uṣita ] see s.v.
अधिवाज्यकुलाद्य [ adhivājyakulādya ] [ adhivājya-kulādya ] m. N. of a country Lit. MBh.
अधिवास् [ adhivās ] [ adhi-√ vās ] to scent , perfume.
अधिवास [ adhivāsa ] [ adhi-vāsa ]3 m. perfume , fragrance
application of perfumes or fragrant cosmetics.
अधिवासन [ adhivāsana ] [ adhi-vāsana ]2 n. application of perfumes ,
the ceremony of touching a vessel containing fragrant objects (that have been presented to an idol)
preliminary purification of an image.
अधिवाह [ adhivāha ] [ adhi-vāha ] m. the leader of a team, Lit. Kuval.
अधिवाहन [ adhivāhana ] [ adhi-vāhana ] m. N. of a man (said to be a son of Aṅga) .
अधिविकर्तन [ adhivikartana ] [ adhi-vi-kártana ] n. the act of cutting off or cutting asunder Lit. RV. x , 85 , 35.
अधिविक्रम् [ adhivikram ] [ adhi-vi-√ kram ] Ā. to come forth on behalf of (dat.) Lit. KātyŚr.
अधिविज्ञान [ adhivijñāna ] [ adhi-vijñāna ] n. the highest knowledge.
अधिविद् [ adhivid ] [ adhi-√ vid:3 ] cl. [6] P. [ -vindati ] , to obtain , to marry in addition to.
अधिविन्ना [ adhivinnā ] [ adhi-vinnā ] f. a wife whose husband has married again
a neglected or superseded wife.
अधिवेत्तव्या [ adhivettavyā ] [ adhi-vettavyā ] f. a wife in addition to whom it is proper to marry another.
अधिवेत्तृ [ adhivettṛ ] [ adhi-vettṛ ] m. a husband who marries an additional wife.
अधिवेदन [ adhivedana ] [ adhi-vedana ] n. marrying an additional wife.
अधिवेदनीया [ adhivedanīyā ] [ adhi-vedanīyā ] f. = [ -vettavyā ] .
अधिवेद्या [ adhivedyā ] [ adhi-vedyā ] f. = [ -vettavyā ] .
अधिविद्यम् [ adhividyam ] [ adhi-vidyam ] ind. on the subject of science (treated of in the Upanishads) Lit. TUp.
अधिविधा [ adhividhā ] [ adhi-vi-√ dhā ] to distribute or scatter over Lit. ŚBr.
अधिवियत् [ adhiviyat ] [ adhi-vi-√ yat ] Caus. [ -yātayati ] , to subjoin , annex Lit. Kāṭh.
अधिविराज् [ adhivirāj ] [ adhi-vi-√ rāj ] to surpass in brightness Lit. RV.
अधिविवाहम् [ adhivivāham ] [ adhi-vivāham ] ind. with regard to marriage, Lit. GṛS.
अधिवेश्म [ adhiveśma ] [ adhi-veśma ] in the house, Lit. Śiś.
अधिवृज् [ adhivṛj ] [ adhi-√ vṛj ] cl. [7] P. , [ -vṛṇákti ] , to place near or over (the fire) Lit. ŚBr.
अधिवर्जन [ adhivarjana ] [ adhivarjana ] n. placing near the fire, Lit. Sāy.
अधिवृत् [ adhivṛt ] [ adhi-√ vṛt ] (Pot. 3. pl. [ -vavṛtyuḥ ] ) to move or pass along or over (loc.) Lit. RV. x , 27 , 6. Caus. id. Lit. TBr.
अधिवर्तन [ adhivartana ] [ adhi-vartana ] n. rolling on, Lit. Āpast.
अधिवृध् [ adhivṛdh ] [ adhi-√ vṛdh ] P. (Subj. [ -vardhat ] ) to refresh , gladden Lit. RV. vi , 38 , 3 ; Ā. [ -várdhate ] , to prosper through or by (loc.) Lit. RV. ix , 75 , 1.
अधिवेदम् [ adhivedam ] [ adhi-vedám ] ind. concerning the Veda Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अधिवेलम् [ adhivelam ] [ adhi-velam ] ind. on the shore Lit. Śiś. iii , 71.
अधिव्यतिक्रम [ adhivyatikrama ] [ adhi-vyatikrama ] m. passing over or through (comp.), Lit. ĀpGṛ.
अधिव्ये [ adhivye ] [ adhi-√ vye ] to envelop.
अधिव्रत [ adhivrata ] [ adhivratá ] n. anything accessory to a vow or observance, Lit. MaitrS.
अधिवीत [ adhivīta ] [ adhi-vīta ] m. f. n. wrapped up , enveloped in.
अधिवीर [ adhivīra ] [ adhi-vīra ] m. the chief hero among (comp.), Lit. Uttamac.
अधिवृक्षसूर्ये [ adhivṛkṣasūrye ] [ adhi-vṛkṣa-sūrye ] ind. when the sun is (still) shining on the tops of trees (° [ rya ] -, in comp.), Lit. Gaut.
अधिशस्त [ adhiśasta ] [ adhi-śasta ] m. f. n. (√ [ śaṃs ] ) , (= [ abhiśasta ] ) , notorious Lit. MBh. xiii , 3139.
अधिशिरस् [ adhiśiras ] [ adhi-śiras ] ind. on the head, Lit. Kauś.
अधिशिरोधरम् [ adhiśirodharam ] [ adhi-śirodharam ] ind. on the neck, Lit. Kir.
अधिशी [ adhiśī ] [ adhi-√ śī ] to lie down upon , to lie upon , to sleep upon (loc. , but generally acc.)
अधिशय [ adhiśaya ] [ adhi-śaya ] m. addition , anything added or given extra Lit. Lāṭy.
अधिशयन [ adhiśayana ] [ adhi-śayana ] m. f. n. lying on , sleeping on.
अधिशयित [ adhiśayita ] [ adhi-śayita ] m. f. n. recumbent upon
used for lying or sleeping upon.
अधिशीलशिक्षा [ adhiśīlaśikṣā ] [ adhiśīla-śikṣā ] f. (with Buddhists) training in higher morality (cf. [ adhicitta ] - [ ś ] ° above), Lit. Dharmas. 140.
अधिश्रि [ adhiśri ] [ adhi-√ śri ] ( Ved. Inf. [ ádhi-śrayitavaí ] Lit. ŚBr.) to put in the fire ; to spread over Lit. AV.
अधिश्रय [ adhiśraya ] [ adhi-śraya ] m. a receptacle.
अधिश्रयण [ adhiśrayaṇa ] [ adhi-śrayaṇa ] n. the act or ceremony of putting on the fire
[ adhiśrayaṇī ] f. a fire-place , oven.
अधिश्रयणीय [ adhiśrayaṇīya ] [ adhi-śrayaṇīya ] m. f. n. relating to or connected with the Adhi-śrayaṇa.
अधिश्रित [ adhiśrita ] [ adhi-śrita ] m. f. n. put on the fire (as a pot)
resided in , dwelt in
occupied by.
अधिश्री [ adhiśrī ] [ adhi-śrī ] m. f. n. being at the height of fortune or glory, Lit. Kālid.
अधिश्रोत्रम् [ adhiśrotram ] [ adhi-śrotram ] ind. over the ears, Lit. Rājat.
अधिषु [ adhiṣu ] [ adhi-ṣu ] ( Preverb.:3 [ √ su ] ) , to extract or prepare the Soma juice Lit. RV. ix , 91 , 2.
अधिषवण [ adhiṣavaṇa ] [ adhi-ṣávaṇa ] n. (generally used in the dual) , hand-press for extracting and straining the Soma juice
[ adhiṣavaṇa ] m. f. n. used for extracting and straining the Soma juice.
अधिषवणफलक [ adhiṣavaṇaphalaka ] [ adhi-ṣavaṇa-phalaka ] n. du. N. of two boards used in pressing the Soma, Lit. ŚrS.
अधिषवण्य [ adhiṣavaṇya ] [ adhi-ṣavaṇyá ] (6) m. du. the two parts of the hand-press for extracting and straining the Soma juice Lit. RV. i , 28 , 2.
अधिषादम् [ adhiṣādam ] [ adhiṣādam ] ind. sitting down upon, Lit. Kāṭh.
अधिष्कन्द् [ adhiṣkand ] [ adhi-ṣkand ] ( Preverb. [ √ skand ] ) , (aor. 3. sg. [ -ṣkán ] ) to cover in copulation Lit. RV. x , 61 , 7 Lit. AV.
अधिष्कन्ना [ adhiṣkannā ] [ ádhi-ṣkannā ] f. (a cow) covered (by the bull) Lit. TS.
अधिष्ठा [ adhiṣṭhā ] [ adhi-ṣṭhā ] ( Preverb. [ √ sthā ] ) to stand upon , depend upon to inhabit abide to stand over ; to superintend , govern ; to step over or across ; to overcome ; to ascend , mount ; to attain , arrive at.
( Preverb. [ √ sthā ] ; P. - [ tiṣṭhati ] ), to bless (?), Lit. Divyâv.
अधिष्ठातृ [ adhiṣṭhātṛ ] [ adhi-ṣṭhātṛ́ ] m. f. n. superintending , presiding , governing , tutelary
[ adhiṣṭhātṛ ] m. a ruler
the Supreme Ruler (or Providence personified and identified with one or other of the Hindū gods)
a chief
a protector.
अधिष्ठान [ adhiṣṭhāna ] [ adhi-ṣṭhā́na ] n. standing by , being at hand , approach
standing or resting upon
a basis , base
the standing-place of the warrior upon the car Lit. SāmavBr.
a position , site , residence , abode , seat
a settlement , town , standing over
government , authority , power
a precedent , rule
a benediction Lit. Buddh.
(with Buddhists) steadfast resolution (one of the 6 or 10 Pāramitās, q.v.), Lit. MWB. 128
a king's court, Lit. Divyâv.
अधिष्ठानदेह [ adhiṣṭhānadeha ] [ adhi-ṣṭhā́na-deha ] n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the Pitṛi-loka or world of spirits (also called the Preta-śarīra) .
अधिष्ठानशरीर [ adhiṣṭhānaśarīra ] [ adhi-ṣṭhā́na-śarīra ] n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the Pitṛi-loka or world of spirits (also called the Preta-śarīra) .
अधिष्ठायक [ adhiṣṭhāyaka ] [ adhi-ṣṭhāyaka ] m. f. n. governing , superintending , guarding.
अधिष्ठित [ adhiṣṭhita ] [ adhi-ṣṭhita ] m. f. n. settled
(in Lit. Bhag. xiii, 17, the text has [ dhi ] - [ ṣṭhita ] , with elision of [ a ] ).
अधिष्ठेय [ adhiṣṭheya ] [ adhi-ṣṭheya ] m. f. n. to be superintended or governed.
अधिष्वन् [ adhiṣvan ] [ adhi-ṣvan ] ( Preverb. [ √ svan ] ) to roar along or over ( 3. sg. aor. Pass. in the sense of P. [ adhiṣváṇi ] ) Lit. RV. ix , 66 , 9.
अधिसंवस् [ adhisaṃvas ] [ adhi-saṃ-√ vas:5 ] ( 3. pl. [ vásante ] ) to dwell or reside together Lit. TS. ( quoted in Lit. TBr.)
अधिसंवृत् [ adhisaṃvṛt ] [ adhi-saṃ-√ vṛt ] (impf. [ sám-avar-tatādhi ] ) to originate from Lit. RV. x , 129 , 4.
अधिसंधा [ adhisaṃdhā ] [ adhi-saṃ-√ dhā ] (perf. 3. pl. [ -dadhúḥ ] ) to put or join together Lit. RV. iii , 3 , 3.
अधिसृप् [ adhisṛp ] [ adhi-√ sṛp ] to glide along Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अधिसेनापति [ adhisenāpati ] [ adhi-senāpati ] f. the chief commander of an army, Lit. MBh.
अधिस्पर्ध् [ adhispardh ] [ adhi-√ spardh ] ( 3. pl. p. [ -spárdhante ] and perf. [ -paspṛdhre ] ) to compete for an aim , strive at (loc.) Lit. RV.
अधिस्पृश् [ adhispṛś ] [ adhi-√ spṛś ] to touch lightly or slightly Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. (Pot. [ -sparśáyet ] ) to cause to reach to , to extend to Lit. TS.
अधिस्यद [ adhisyada ] [ adhi-syada ] m. f. n. very swift, Lit. Kir.
अधिस्रु [ adhisru ] [ adhi-√ sru ] to trickle or drop off Lit. ŚBr.
अधिहस्त्य [ adhihastya ] [ adhi-hastya ] n. a present held in the hand, Lit. Āpast.
अधिहु [ adhihu ] [ adhi-√ hu ] (impf. 3. pl. [ -ájuhvata ] ) to make an oblation upon or over Lit. RV. i , 51 , 5.
अधिहृ [ adhihṛ ] [ adhi-√ hṛ ] to procure , furnish.
अधी [ adhī ] [ adhī ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , [ adhy-éti ] , or [ ádhy-eti ] ( exceptionally [ adhīyati ] Lit. RV. x , 32 , 3) , to turn the mind towards , observe , understand Lit. RV. and Lit. AV. ; chiefly Ved. ( with gen. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 72 ) or acc.) to mind , remember , care for , long for Lit. RV. ; to know , know by heart Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Up. ; to go over , study Lit. MBh. iii , 13689 ; to learn from ( a teacher's mouth abl.) Lit. MBh. iii , 10713 ; to declare , teach Lit. ŚBr. x Lit. Up. : Ā. [ adhīté ] or (more rarely) [ adhīyate ] ( Lit. Mn. iv , 125 ; Pot. 3. pl. [ adhīyīran ] Lit. Kauś. Lit. Mn. x , 1) to study , learn by heart , read , recite: Caus. [ adhy-āpayati ] (aor. [ -āpipat ] Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 51) to cause to read or study , teach , instruct: Caus. Desid. [ adhy-āpipa-yiṣati ] , to be desirous of teaching Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 51 : Desid. [ adhīṣiṣati ] , to be desirous of studying Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 61 Sch.
अधीतवेद [ adhītaveda ] [ adhīta-véda ] m. one who has studied the Vedas or whose studies are finished Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अधीति [ adhīti ] [ ádhīti ] f. perusal , study Lit. TĀr.
desire , recollection Lit. RV. ii , 4 , 8 Lit. AV.
अधीतिन् [ adhītin ] [ adhītin ] m. f. n. well read , proficient , (g. [ iṣṭādi ] , q.v.)
occupied with the study of the Vedas Lit. Kum.
अधीत्य [ adhītya ] [ adhītya ] ind.p. having gone over , having studied.
अधीयान [ adhīyāna ] [ adhīyāná ] m. f. n. reading , studying
one who goes over the Veda either as a student or a teacher.
अध्ययन [ adhyayana ] [ adhy-ayana ] n. reading , studying , especially the Vedas (one of the six duties of a Brāhman) ,
also going over, recitation, repetition (of the Veda )
अध्ययनसंवृत्ति [ adhyayanasaṃvṛtti ] [ adhyayana-saṃvṛtti ] f. community of occupation in reciting (the Veda ), Lit. Āpast.
अध्ययनतपसी [ adhyayanatapasī ] [ adhy-ayana-tapasī ] n. du. study and penance.
अध्ययनपुण्य [ adhyayanapuṇya ] [ adhy-ayana-puṇya ] n. religious merit acquired by studying.
अध्ययनीय [ adhyayanīya ] [ adhy-ayanīya ] m. f. n. fit to be read or studied.
अध्यापकोदित [ adhyāpakodita ] [ adhyāpakodita ] m. styled a teacher.
अध्यापयितृ [ adhyāpayitṛ ] [ adhy-āpayitṛ ] m. a teacher Lit. RPrāt.
अध्यापित [ adhyāpita ] [ adhy-āpita ] m. f. n. instructed Lit. Mn. Lit. Kum. iii , 6.
अध्याप्य [ adhyāpya ] [ adhy-āpya ] m. f. n. fit or proper to be instructed.
अध्याय [ adhyāya ] [ adhy-āya ] m. a lesson , lecture , chapter
proper time for reading or for a lesson
ifc. a reader (see [ vedādhyāya ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 1 Sch.
अध्यायशतपाठ [ adhyāyaśatapāṭha ] [ adhy-āya-śata-pāṭha ] m. " Index of One Hundred Chapters " , N. of wk.
अध्यायोपाकर्मन् [ adhyāyopākarman ] [ adhyāyopākarman ] n. the opening ceremony of the annual course of Vedic recitation, Lit. Hir.
अध्येतव्य [ adhyetavya ] [ adhy-etavya ] m. f. n. to be read.
अध्येय [ adhyeya ] [ adhy-eya ] m. f. n. to be read.
अध्येतृ [ adhyetṛ ] [ adhy-etṛ ] m. a student , reader.
अध्येय [ adhyeya ] [ adhyeya ] :1 m. f. n. (it is) to be studied or learned (n. impers.), Lit. Mn. ; Lit. Naish.
अध्येष्यमाण [ adhyeṣyamāṇa ] [ adhy-eṣyamāṇa ] m. f. n. (fut. p.) intending to study , about to read Lit. Mn.
अधीकार [ adhīkāra ] [ adhī-kāra ] m. (= [ adhi-kāra ] ) superintendence over (loc.) Lit. Mn. xi , 63
authorization , capability Lit. MBh.
अधीक्ष् [ adhīkṣ ] [ adhīkṣ ] (√ [ īkṣ ] ) to expect.
अधीक्षेप [ adhīkṣepa ] [ adhī-kṣepa ] m. = [ adhi ] - [ kṣ ] °, Hāla, Sch.
अधीतरस [ adhītarasa ] [ a-dhīta-rasa ] m. f. n. having the juice not sucked out, Lit. AitBr.
अधीन [ adhīna ] [ adhīna ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ adhi ] ) ifc. resting on or in , situated
depending on , subject to , subservient to.
अधीमन्थ [ adhīmantha ] [ adhī-mantha ] = [ adhi-mantha ] q.v.
अधीर [ adhīra ] [ á-dhīra ] m. f. n. imprudent Lit. RV. i , 179 , 4 Lit. AV.
not fixed , movable
deficient in calm self-command
weak-minded , foolish
a capricious or bellicose mistress.
अधीलोहकर्ण [ adhīlohakarṇa ] [ adhīloha-kárṇa ] m. f. n. = [ addhyāloha-kárna ] q.v. Lit. TS.
अधीवास [ adhīvāsa ] [ adhī-vāsá ] = [ adhi-vāsá ] 1 , q.v.
अधीवासस् [ adhīvāsas ] [ adhī-vāsas ]2 ind. over the garment Lit. KātyŚr.
अधीशितृ [ adhīśitṛ ] [ adhīśitṛ ] m. a chief lord, Lit. Śiś.
अधीश्वर [ adhīśvara ] [ adhīśvara ] m. a supreme lord or king , an emperor
an Arhat Lit. Jain.
अधीष् [ adhīṣ ] [ adhīṣ ] ( [ adhi ] -:3. Preverb. [ √ iṣ ] , Ā. [ adhy ] - [ eṣate ] ), to seek, Lit. Divyâv.
अधीष्ट [ adhīṣṭa ] [ adhīṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ 3. [ iṣ ] ) , solicited , asked for instruction (as a teacher) Lit. Pāṇ.
[ adhīṣṭa ] m. n. instruction given by a teacher solicited for it Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
अधुनातन [ adhunātana ] [ adhunātána ] m. f. n. belonging to or extending over the present time Lit. ŚBr.
अधून्वत् [ adhūnvat ] [ adhūnvat ] m. f. n. not moving, not agitating, ib.
अधूमक [ adhūmaka ] [ a-dhūmaka ] m. f. n. smokeless.
अधृत [ adhṛta ] [ á-dhṛta ] m. f. n. not held , unrestrained , uncontrolled
unquiet , restless Lit. TS.
अधृति [ adhṛti ] [ á-dhṛti ] f. want of firmness or fortitude
laxity , absence of control or restraint
अधृष्ट [ adhṛṣṭa ] [ á-dhṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ dhṛṣ ] ) , not bold , modest
not overcome , invincible , irresistible.
अधेनु [ adhenu ] [ á-dhenu ] m. f. n. yielding no milk Lit. RV. i , 117 , 20 Lit. AV.
not nourishing Lit. RV. x , 71 , 5.
अधैर्य [ adhairya ] [ a-dhairya ] n. want of self-command
[ adhairya ] m. f. n. without self-command
अध्यक्त [ adhyakta ] [ adhy-akta ] m. f. n. (√ [ añj ] ) , equipped , prepared.
अध्यक्ष [ adhyakṣa ] [ ádhy-akṣa ] m. f. n. perceptible to the senses , observable
exercising supervision
[ adhyakṣa ] m. an eye-witness
an inspector , superintendent
the plant Mimusops Kauki ( [ kṣīrikā ] ) .
अध्यक्षरम् [ adhyakṣaram ] [ adhy-akṣaram ] ind. on the subject of syllables
above all syllables ( as the mystic [ om ] ) .
अध्यग्नि [ adhyagni ] [ adhy-agni ] ind. over or by the nuptial fire (property given to the bride) .
अध्यग्नीकृत [ adhyagnīkṛta ] [ adhyagnī-kṛta ] n. property given to the wife at the wedding.
अध्यग्न्युपागत [ adhyagnyupāgata ] [ adhyagny-upāgata ] n. property received by a wife at the wedding.
अध्यञ्च् [ adhyañc ] [ adhy-añc ] [ aṅ ] , [ īcī ] , [ ak ] , tending upwards , eminent , superior Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 53.
अध्यण्डा [ adhyaṇḍā ] [ adhy-aṇḍā ] f. the plants Carpopogon Pruriens (cowage) and Flacourtia Cataphracta.
अध्यधिक्षेप [ adhyadhikṣepa ] [ adhy-adhikṣepa ] m. excessive censure Lit. Yājñ. iii , 228
gross abuse.
अध्यधीन [ adhyadhīna ] [ adhy-adhīna ] m. f. n. completely subject to or dependent on (as a slave) Lit. Mn.
अध्यध्वम् [ adhyadhvam ] [ adhy-adhvam ] ind. on the road, Lit. Śiś.
अध्यन्तेन [ adhyantena ] [ adhy-anténa ] ind. close to Lit. ŚBr.
अध्यपविच् [ adhyapavic ] [ adhy-apa-√ vic ] [ -vinákti ] , to put into by singling out from Lit. ŚBr.
अध्ययन [ adhyayana ] [ adhy-ayana ] see [ adhī ] .
अध्यर्ध [ adhyardha ] [ adhy-ardha ] m. f. n. " having an additional half " , one and a half.
अध्यर्धकंस [ adhyardhakaṃsa ] [ adhy-ardha-kaṃsa ] m. n. one and a half kaṃsa
[ adhyardhakaṃsa ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half kaṃsa.
अध्यर्धकाकिणीक [ adhyardhakākiṇīka ] [ adhy-ardha-kākiṇīka ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half kākiṇī.
अध्यर्धकार्षापण [ adhyardhakārṣāpaṇa ] [ adhy-ardha-kārṣāpaṇa ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half [ kārṣāpaṇa ] .
अध्यर्धकार्षापणिक [ adhyardhakārṣāpaṇika ] [ adhy-ardha-kārṣāpaṇika ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half [ kārṣāpaṇa ] .
अध्यर्धखारीक [ adhyardhakhārīka ] [ adhy-ardha-khārīka ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half khārī.
अध्यर्धपण्य [ adhyardhapaṇya ] [ adhy-ardha-paṇya ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half paṇa.
अध्यर्धपाद्य [ adhyardhapādya ] [ adhy-ardha-pādya ] m. f. n. amounting to one foot and a half.
अध्यर्धप्रतिक [ adhyardhapratika ] [ adhy-ardha-pratika ] m. f. n. amounting to one and a half kārshāpaṇa.
अध्यर्धमाष्य [ adhyardhamāṣya ] [ adhy-ardha-māṣya ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half māsha.
अध्यर्धविंशतिकीन [ adhyardhaviṃśatikīna ] [ adhy-ardha-viṃśatikīna ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half score or thirty.
अध्यर्धशत [ adhyardhaśata ] [ adhy-ardha-śata ] m. f. n. amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty.
अध्यर्धशत्य [ adhyardhaśatya ] [ adhy-ardha-śatya ] m. f. n. amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty.
अध्यर्धशतमान [ adhyardhaśatamāna ] [ adhy-ardha-śatamāna ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna.
अध्यर्धशातमान [ adhyardhaśātamāna ] [ adhy-ardha-śātamāna ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna.
अध्यर्धशाण [ adhyardhaśāṇa ] [ adhy-ardha-śāṇa ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half śāṇa.
अध्यर्धशाण्य [ adhyardhaśāṇya ] [ adhy-ardha-śāṇya ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half śāṇa.
अध्यर्धशूर्प [ adhyardhaśūrpa ] [ adhy-ardha-śūrpa ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half śūrpa.
अध्यर्धसहस्र [ adhyardhasahasra ] [ adhy-ardha-sahasra ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred.
अध्यर्धसाहस्र [ adhyardhasāhasra ] [ adhy-ardha-sāhasra ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred.
अध्यर्धसुवर्ण [ adhyardhasuvarṇa ] [ adhy-ardha-suvarṇa ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṇa.
अध्यर्धसौवर्णिक [ adhyardhasauvarṇika ] [ adhy-ardha-sauvarṇika ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṇa.
अध्यर्धोपा [ adhyardhopā ] [ adhy-ardhopā ] f. an Ūpā and a half, Lit. Drāhy., Sch.
अध्यर्धक [ adhyardhaka ] [ adhy-ardhaka ] m. f. n. amounting to or worth one and a half.
अध्यर्बुद [ adhyarbuda ] [ adhy-arbuda ] n. a congenital tumour , goitre.
अध्यर्वुद [ adhyarvuda ] [ adhy-arvuda ] n. a congenital tumour , goitre.
अध्यवरुह् [ adhyavaruh ] [ adhy-ava-√ ruh ] to step downwards upon Lit. TBr.
अध्यवसो [ adhyavaso ] [ adhy-ava-√ so ] cl. [4] P. [ -syati ] , to undertake , attempt , accomplish ; to determine , consider , ascertain.
अध्यवसान [ adhyavasāna ] [ adhy-ava-sāna ] n. attempt , effort , exertion
energy , perseverance
(in rhetoric) concise and forcible language.
अध्यवसाय [ adhyavasāya ] [ adhy-ava-sāya ] m. id.
(in phil.) mental effort , apprehension.
clinging to (earthly things), Lit. Divyâv.
अध्यवसाययुक्त [ adhyavasāyayukta ] [ adhy-ava-sāya-yukta ] m. f. n. resolute.
अध्यवसायित [ adhyavasāyita ] [ adhy-ava-sāyita ] m. f. n. attempted.
अध्यवसिति [ adhyavasiti ] [ adhy-ava-siti ] f. exertion , effort.
अध्यवसेय [ adhyavaseya ] [ adhy-avaseya ] m. f. n. only to be conceived in the mind, Lit. Buddh.
अध्यवहन् [ adhyavahan ] [ adhy-ava-√ han ] to thrash upon Lit. TBr.
अध्यवहनन [ adhyavahanana ] [ adhy-avahánana ] m. f. n. serving as an implement on which anything is thrashed Lit. ŚBr.
अध्यशन [ adhyaśana ] [ adhy-aśana ] n. eating too soon after a meal (before the last meal is digested) .
अध्यस् [ adhyas ] [ adhy-√ as:2 ] to throw or place over or upon ; (in phil.) to attribute or impute wrongly.
अध्यस्त [ adhyasta ] [ adhy-asta ] m. f. n. placed over
अध्यस्थ [ adhyastha ] [ adhy-asthá ] n. the upper part of a bone Lit. TS.
अध्यस्थि [ adhyasthi ] [ adhy-asthi ] n. a bone growing over another Lit. Suśr.
अध्यह् [ adhyah ] [ adhy-√ ah ] perf. [ -āha ] , to speak on behalf of (dat.) Lit. AV. i , 16 , 2.
अध्याकाशम् [ adhyākāśam ] [ adhy-ākāśam ] ind. in the air, Lit. Śiś.
अध्याक्रम् [ adhyākram ] [ adhy-ā-√ kram ] to attack ; to choose Lit. Śāk.
अध्याक्रमण [ adhyākramaṇa ] [ adhy-ākramaṇa ] n. stepping over, Lit. Jātakam.
अध्यागम् [ adhyāgam ] [ adhy-ā-√ gam ] to meet with.
अध्याचर् [ adhyācar ] [ adhy-ā-√ car ] -to use Lit. Mn.
अध्याचार [ adhyācāra ] [ adhy-ācāra ] m. reach, range, Lit. PārGṛ.
अध्याज्य [ adhyājya ] [ adhy-ājya ] m. f. n. sprinkled with ghee, Lit. MānGṛ.
अध्याण्डा [ adhyāṇḍā ] [ ádhy-āṇḍā ] f. = [ adhy-aṇḍā ] Lit. ŚBr.
अध्यात्म [ adhyātma ] [ adhy-ātma ] n. the Supreme Spirit
[ adhyātma ] m. f. n. own , belonging to self
[ adhyātmam ] ind. concerning self or individual personality.
अध्यात्मचिन्तामणि [ adhyātmacintāmaṇi ] [ adhyātma-cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of a Vedânta wk.
अध्यात्मचेतस् [ adhyātmacetas ] [ adhy-ātma-cetas ] m. one who meditates on the Supreme Spirit.
अध्यात्मज्ञान [ adhyātmajñāna ] [ adhy-ātma-jñāna ] n. knowledge of the Supreme Spirit or of [ ātman ] .
अध्यात्मदृश् [ adhyātmadṛś ] [ adhy-ātma-dṛś ] m. f. n. knowing the Supreme Spirit.
अध्यात्मरति [ adhyātmarati ] [ adhy-ātma-rati ] m. a man delighting in the contemplation of the Supreme Spirit.
अध्यात्मरामायण [ adhyātmarāmāyaṇa ] [ adhy-ātma-rāmāyaṇa ] n. a Rāmāyaṇa , in which Rāma is identified with the universal spirit (it forms part of the Brahmāṇḍa-Purāṇa) .
अध्यात्मविद् [ adhyātmavid ] [ adhy-ātma-vid ] m. f. n. = [ -dṛś ] .
अध्यात्मविद्या [ adhyātmavidyā ] [ adhy-ātma-vidyā ] f. = [ -jñana ] .
अध्यात्मशास्त्र [ adhyātmaśāstra ] [ adhy-ātma-śāstra ] n. N. of wk.
अध्यात्मोत्तरकाण्ड [ adhyātmottarakāṇḍa ] [ adhyātmottara-kāṇḍa ] n. the last book of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa.
अध्यात्मिक [ adhyātmika ] [ adhy-ātmika ] or better [ ādhyātmika ] , m. f. n. relating to the soul or the Supreme Spirit.
आध्यात्मिक [ ādhyātmika ] [ ādhyātmika ] or [ adhyātmika ] , m. f. n. relating to the soul or the Supreme Spirit.
अध्याधा [ adhyādhā ] [ adhy-ā-√ dhā ] to place upon.
अध्यापक [ adhyāpaka ] [ adhy-āpaka ] see [ adhī ] .
अध्याभृ [ adhyābhṛ ] [ adhy-ā-√ bhṛ ] (impf. [ ádhy-ābharat ] ) to bring near from Lit. VS.
अध्यारुह् [ adhyāruh ] [ adhy-ā-√ ruh ] to ascend up on high , mount: Caus. [ -ropayati ] , to cause to mount.
अध्यारूढ [ adhyārūḍha ] [ adhy-ārūḍha ] m. f. n. mounted up , ascended
above , superior to (instr.)
below , inferior to (abl.)
अध्यारोप [ adhyāropa ] [ adhy-āropa ] m. (in Vedānta phil.) wrong attribution , erroneous transferring of a statement from one thing to another.
अध्यारोपण [ adhyāropaṇa ] [ adhy-āropaṇa ] f. n. id.
अध्यारोपित [ adhyāropita ] [ adhy-āropita ] m. f. n. (in Vedānta phil.) erroneously transferred from one thing to another.
अध्यारोहण [ adhyārohaṇa ] [ adhy-ārohaṇa ] n. ascending, Lit. Svapnac.