Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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मधु [ madhu ] [ mádhu ] m. f. n. (gen. n. Ved. [ mádhvas ] , [ mádhos ] , or [ mádhunas ] ; instr. [ mádhvā ] ; dat. [ mádhune ] ; loc. [ mádhau ] ) sweet , delicious , pleasant , charming , delightful Lit. RV. Lit. TS.

bitter or pungent Lit. L.

[ madhu ] m. N. of the first month of the year (= Caitra , March-April) Lit. ŚBr.

the season of spring Lit. Var. Lit. Kālid.

Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

Jonesia Asoka Lit. L.

liquorice Lit. L.

N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.

of two Asuras (the one killed by Vishṇu , the other by Śatru-ghna) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

of one of the 7 sages under Manu Cākshusha Lit. MārkP.

of a son of the third Manu Lit. Hariv.

of various princes (of a son of Vṛisha , of Deva-kshatra , of Bindu-mat , of Arjuna Kārtavīrya) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

of a son of Bhaṭṭa-nārāyaṇa , Lit. Kshitîś. ; of a teacher (= [ madhva ] or [ ananda-tīrtha ] ) Lit. Col.

of a mountain Lit. MārkP.

(pl.) the race of Madhu (= the Yādavas or Māthuras) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.

( [ u ] ) f. a partic. plant (= [ jīvā ] or [ jīvantī ] ) Lit. L.

n. anything sweet (esp. if liquid) , mead Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TBr.

Soma ( also [ somyam madhu ] ) Lit. RV.

n. honey (said to possess intoxicating qualities and to be of 8 kinds ; [ madhuno leha ] m. licker of honey a bee Lit. W.) Lit. RV.

n. milk or anything produced from milk (as butter , ghee ) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. GṛŚrS.

the juice or nectar of flowers , any sweet intoxicating drink , wine or spirituous liquor Lit. Kāv. Lit. Var. Lit. Sāh.

sugar Lit. L.

water Lit. L.

pyrites Lit. Bhpr.

N. of a Brāhmaṇa Lit. ŚBr. ; a kind of metre Lit. Col. ( cf. Gk. , 1 , 2 , Slav. (medu) ; Lith. (midu4s) , (medu4s) ; Germ , (meth) ; Eng. (mead) . )

  मधुकण्ठ [ madhukaṇṭha ] [ mádhu-kaṇṭha ] m. the Indian cuckoo (= [ kokila ] ) Lit. L.

   N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

  मधुकर [ madhukara ] [ mádhu-kara ] m. " honey-maker " , a bee Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.

   a lover , libertine Lit. L.

   Eclipta Prostrata or Asparagus Racemosus Lit. L.

   Achyranthes Aspera Lit. W.

   the round sweet lime Lit. W.

   [ madhukarī ] f. a female bee Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.)

   N. of a girl Lit. Hcar.

   मधुकरगण [ madhukaragaṇa ] [ mádhu-kara--gaṇa ] m. a swarm of bees Lit. ŚārṅgP.

   मधुकरमय [ madhukaramaya ] [ mádhu-kara--maya ] m. f. n. consisting of bees Lit. Kād.

   मधुकरराजन् [ madhukararājan ] [ mádhu-kara--rājan ] m. the king of bees i.e. the queen bees Lit. PraśnUp.

   मधुकरश्रेणि [ madhukaraśreṇi ] [ mádhu-kara--śreṇi ] f. a line of bees Lit. Megh.

   मधुकरसाह [ madhukarasāha ] [ mádhu-kara--sāha ] m. N. of a king. ( Lit. Cat.)

   मधुकरसाहि [ madhukarasāhi ] [ mádhu-kara--sāhi ] m. N. of a king. ( Lit. Inscr.)

  मधुकराय [ madhukarāya ] [ mádhu-karāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to represent a bee Lit. Daś.

  मधुकरिका [ madhukarikā ] [ mádhu-karikā ] f. N. of woman Lit. Mālav.

  मधुकरिन् [ madhukarin ] [ mádhu-karin ] m. a bee Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.)

  मधुकर्कटिका [ madhukarkaṭikā ] [ mádhu-karkaṭikā ] f. the sweet lime Lit. L.

   the date Lit. L.

  मधुकर्कटी [ madhukarkaṭī ] [ mádhu-karkaṭī ] f. the sweet Lit. L.

   the sweet cucumber Lit. L.

  मधुकर्ण [ madhukarṇa ] [ mádhu-karṇa ] g. [ kumudādi ] .

  मधुकशा [ madhukaśā ] [ mádhu-kaśā́ ] f. " whip of sweetness " , a kind of whip or lash belonging to the Aśvins with which they are said to sweeten the Soma juice (afterwards , a symbol of plenty) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

  मधुकाण्ड [ madhukāṇḍa ] [ mádhu-kāṇḍa ] n. N. of the first Kāṇḍa of the Bṛihad-āraṇyakô-panishad.

  मधुकानन [ madhukānana ] [ mádhu-kānana ] n. the forest of the Asura Madhu Lit. Pañcar.

  मधुकार [ madhukāra ] [ mádhu-kāra ] m. " honey-maker " , a bee Lit. BhP.

   [ madhukārī ] f. a female bee Lit. R.

   a partic. wind-instrument Lit. Saṃgīt.

  मधुकारिन् [ madhukārin ] [ mádhu-kārin ] m. a bee Lit. W.

  मधुकिरी [ madhukirī ] [ mádhu-kirī ] f. N. of a Rāga Lit. Saṃgīt.

  मधुकुक्कुटिका [ madhukukkuṭikā ] [ mádhu-kukkuṭikā ] f. = [ -kukkuṭi ] Lit. L.

   another plant ( = [ madhurā ] ) Lit. L.

  मधुकुक्कुटी [ madhukukkuṭī ] [ mádhu-kukkuṭī ] f. a kind of citron tree with ill-smelling blossoms Lit. L.

  मधुकुम्भा [ madhukumbhā ] [ mádhu-kumbhā ] f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.

  मधुकुल्या [ madhukulyā ] [ mádhu-kulyā́ ] f. a stream of honey , honey in stream Lit. ŚBr.

   N. of a river in Kuśa-dvīpa Lit. BhP.

  मधुकूट [ madhukūṭa ] [ mádhu-kūṭa ] m. N. of a poet.

  मधुकूल [ madhukūla ] [ mádhu-kūla ] ( [ mádhu- ] ) m. f. n. whose banks consist of butter Lit. AV.

  मधुकृत् [ madhukṛt ] [ mádhu-kṛ́t ] m. f. n. making honey or sweetness

   [ madhukṛt ] m. a bee Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. ChUp.

  मधुकेशट [ madhukeśaṭa ] [ mádhu-keśaṭa ] m. " honey-insect " , a bee Lit. L.

  मधुकैटससूदन [ madhukaiṭasasūdana ] [ mádhu-kaiṭasa-sūdana ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. Vishṇ. (w.r. for [ -kaiṭabha-s ] ) .

  मधुकोश [ madhukośa ] [ mádhu-kośa ] m. " honey-receptacle " , a beehive Lit. L.

   N. of sev. wks.

   [ madhukośa ] n. a honeycomb Lit. ĀpŚr. Comm.

  मधुक्रम [ madhukrama ] [ mádhu-krama ] m. a bee-hive Lit. L.

   a honeycomb Lit. MW.

   pl. a drinking bout Lit. L.

  मधुक्रोड [ madhukroḍa ] [ mádhu-kroḍa ] m. or n. (?) a fritter with sweet stuffing Lit. Car.

  मधुक्षीर [ madhukṣīra ] [ mádhu-kṣīra ] ( Lit. L.) (A.) m. Phoenix Silvestris.

  मधुक्षीरक [ madhukṣīraka ] [ mádhu-kṣīraka ] (A.) m. Phoenix Silvestris.

  मधुखर्जूरिका [ madhukharjūrikā ] [ mádhu-kharjūrikā ] f. a kind of date Lit. L.

  मधुखर्जूरी [ madhukharjūrī ] [ mádhu-kharjūrī ] f. a kind of date Lit. L.

  मधुगन्धिक [ madhugandhika ] [ mádhu-gandhika ] m. f. n. sweet-swelling Lit. Suśr.

  मधुगायन [ madhugāyana ] [ mádhu-gāyana ] m. the Indian cuckoo Lit. L.

  मधुगुञ्जन [ madhuguñjana ] [ mádhu-guñjana ] m. Hyperanthera Moringa Lit. L.

  मधुग्रह [ madhugraha ] [ mádhu-grahá ] m. a libation of honey Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

  मधुग्लुन्थ [ madhugluntha ] [ mádhu-gluntha ] m. a lump of honey (honeycomb?) Lit. ĀpŚr.

  मधुघोष [ madhughoṣa ] [ mádhu-ghoṣa ] m. " sweetly-sounding " , the Indian cuckoo Lit. L.

  मधुच्छत्त्र [ madhucchattra ] [ mádhu-cchattra ] m. or n. (?) = [ vṛkṣādana ] Lit. L.

  मधुच्छद [ madhucchada ] [ mádhu-cchada ] m. Flacourtia Sapida Lit. L. ( also f ( [ ā ] ) . Lit. Bhpr.)

  मधुच्छन्द [ madhucchanda ] [ mádhu-cchanda ] m. ( mostly mc.) = next Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.

  मधुच्छन्दस् [ madhucchandas ] [ mádhu-cchandas ] m. N. of the 51st of Viśvā-mitra's 101 sons Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

   pl. N. of all the sons of Viśvā Lit. BhP.

  मधुच्युत् [ madhucyut ] [ mádhu-cyut ] m. f. n. ( Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ) ( Lit. R. Lit. BhP.) dropping sweets or honey.

  मधुच्युत [ madhucyuta ] [ mádhu-cyuta ] m. f. n. ( Lit. R. Lit. BhP.) dropping sweets or honey.

  मधुज [ madhuja ] [ mádhu-ja ] m. f. n. obtained from honey Lit. L.

   [ madhujā ] f. sugar made from honey , sugar-candy Lit. L.

   the earth Lit. L.

   [ madhuja ] n. bees-wax Lit. L.

  मधुजम्बीर [ madhujambīra ] [ mádhu-jambīra ] m. a kind of sweet citron Lit. L.

  मधुजम्भ [ madhujambha ] [ mádhu-jambha ] m. a kind of sweet citron Lit. L.

  मधुजम्भल [ madhujambhala ] [ mádhu-jambhala ] m. a kind of sweet citron Lit. L.

  मधुजात [ madhujāta ] [ mádhu-jāta ] ( [ mādhu- ] ) m. f. n. sprung or produced from honey Lit. AV.

  मधुजालक [ madhujālaka ] [ mádhu-jālaka ] n. a honey-comb Lit. AV.Pariś.

  मधुजित् [ madhujit ] [ mádhu-jit ] m. " conqueror of the Daitya Madhu " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.

  मधुजिह्व [ madhujihva ] [ mádhu-jihva ] ( [ mádhu ] .) m. f. n. honey -tongued , sweet-tongued , sweetly-speaking Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.

  मधुतरु [ madhutaru ] [ mádhu-taru ] m. ( Lit. Vās. Comm.) and ( Lit. Vās.) sugar-cane.

  मधुतृण [ madhutṛṇa ] [ mádhu-tṛṇa ]and m. n. ( Lit. Vās.) sugar-cane.

  मधुत्रय [ madhutraya ] [ mádhu-traya ] n. the three sweet things ( viz. [ sitā ] , [ mākṣika ] and [ sarpis ] q.v.) Lit. L.

  मधुत्व [ madhutva ] [ mádhu-tva ] n. sweetness Lit. MaitrUp.

  मधुदला [ madhudalā ] [ mádhu-dalā ] f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana Lit. L.

  मधुदीप [ madhudīpa ] [ mádhu-dīpa ] m. " lamp of spring " , the god of love Lit. L.

  मधुदुघ [ madhudugha ] [ mádhu-dúgha ] m. f. n. milking (i.e. yielding) sweetness Lit. RV.

  मधुदूत [ madhudūta ] [ mádhu-dūta ] m. " messenger of spring " , the mango tree Lit. L.

   [ madhudūtī ] f. Bignonia Suaveolens Lit. Bhpr.

  मधुदोघ [ madhudogha ] [ mádhu-doghá ] m. f. n. = [ -dúgha ] Lit. RV.

  मधुदोहम् [ madhudoham ] [ mádhu-doham ] ind. milking out or obtaining honey Lit. MBh.

  मधुद्र [ madhudra ] [ mádhu-dra ] m. (√ 2. [ drā ] ) " hastening after honey or sweets " , a bee Lit. L.

   a libertine Lit. L.

  मधुद्रव [ madhudrava ] [ mádhu-drava ] m. a red-blossomed Hyperanthera Moringa Lit. L.

  मधुद्रुम [ madhudruma ] [ mádhu-druma ] m. the mango tree Lit. L.

   Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

  मधुद्विष् [ madhudviṣ ] [ mádhu-dviṣ ] m. " foe of the Daitya Madhu " , N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Lit. Śiś. Lit. BhP.

  मधुधा [ madhudhā ] [ mádhu-dhā́ ] m. f. n. dispensing sweetness Lit. RV.

  मधुधातु [ madhudhātu ] [ mádhu-dhātu ] m. pyrites Lit. L.

  मधुधान [ madhudhāna ] [ mádhu-dhāna ] ( [ mádhu- ] ) m. f. n. pouring out sweetness Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  मधुधान [ madhudhāna ] [ madhu-dhāna ] n. a vessel for holding honey, Lit. JaimUp.

  मधुधारा [ madhudhārā ] [ mádhu-dhārā ] f. a stream of honey Lit. Kād. Lit. BhP.

   a stream or plenty of sweet intoxicating drinks Lit. Vcar.

   N. of a mythical river Lit. Hariv.

   of wk.

  मधुधूलि [ madhudhūli ] [ mádhu-dhūli ] f. molasses , unrefined brown sugar Lit. L.

  मधुधेनु [ madhudhenu ] [ mádhu-dhenu ] f. honey offered to Brāhmans in the form of a cow Lit. Hcat.

  मधुध्वज [ madhudhvaja ] [ mádhu-dhvaja ] and m. N. of 2 kings Lit. VP.

  मधुनन्दि [ madhunandi ] [ mádhu-nandi ]and m. N. of 2 kings Lit. VP.

  मधुनाडी [ madhunāḍī ] [ mádhu-nāḍī ] f. a cell in a honeycomb Lit. ChUp.

   N. of Lit. RV. iii , 54 , 55 Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  मधुनारिकेरक [ madhunārikeraka ] [ mádhu-nārikeraka ] m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree Lit. L.

  मधुनालिकेरक [ madhunālikeraka ] [ mádhu-nālikeraka ] m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree Lit. L.

  मधुनालिकेरिक [ madhunālikerika ] [ mádhu-nālikerika ] m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree Lit. L.

  मधुनिघातिन् [ madhunighātin ] [ mádhu-nighātin ] m. N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Lit. VP.

  मधुनिर्गम [ madhunirgama ] [ mádhu-nirgama ] m. the departure of spring Lit. Ragh.

  मधुनिषूदन [ madhuniṣūdana ] [ mádhu-niṣūdana ] ( Lit. Hariv.) m. N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa.

  मधुनिहन् [ madhunihan ] [ mádhu-nihan ] ( Lit. MBh.) m. N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa.

  मधुनिहन्तृ [ madhunihantṛ ] [ mádhu-nihantṛ ] ( Lit. Hariv.) m. N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa.

  मधुनेतृ [ madhunetṛ ] [ mádhu-netṛ ] m. a bee Lit. L.

  मधुप [ madhupa ] [ mádhu- ] m. f. n. drinking sweetness , honey-drinker Lit. RV. Lit. R.

   [ madhupa ] m. ( with or scil. [ khaga ] ) a large black bee Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat.

   a bee or a drunkard Lit. Bhām.

   मधुपध्वज [ madhupadhvaja ] [ mádhu-pá--dhvaja ] m. N. of a king Lit. VP.

  मधुपटल [ madhupaṭala ] [ mádhu-paṭala ] m. a bee-hive Lit. Nīlak.

  मधुपति [ madhupati ] [ mádhu-pati ] m. " chief of the race of Madhu " , N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ -mati ] ) .

  मधुपर्क [ madhuparka ] [ mádhu-parká ] m. (n. Lit. L.) a mixture of honey , an offering of honey and milk , a respectful offering to a guest or to the bridegroom on his arrival at the door of the father of the bride (sometimes consisting of equal parts of curds , honey and clarified butter)

   the ceremony of receiving a guest with it Lit. AV. Lit. GṛŚrS.

   N. of a son of Garuḍa Lit. MBh.

   N. of works.

   मधुपर्कदान [ madhuparkadāna ] [ mádhu-parká--dāna ] n. the offering of the Madhu-parka Lit. MW.

   मधुपर्कनिर्णय [ madhuparkanirṇaya ] [ mádhu-parká--nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.

   मधुपर्कपाणि [ madhuparkapāṇi ] [ mádhu-parká--pāṇi ] m. f. n. having the Madhu-parka oblation in the hand , offering the Madhu-parka Lit. MW.

   मधुपर्कप्रयोग [ madhuparkaprayoga ] [ madhu-parka--prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

   मधुपर्कमन्त्र [ madhuparkamantra ] [ madhu-parka--mantra ] m. N. of wk.

   मधुपर्काचमन [ madhuparkācamana ] [ mádhu-parkācamana ] n. the tasting of the Madhu-parka.

  मधुपर्किक [ madhuparkika ] [ mádhu-parkika ] m. f. n. presenting the offering of honey Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ mādhup ] ) .

  मधुपर्क्य [ madhuparkya ] [ mádhu-parkya ] m. f. n. worthy of the honey offering , g. [ daṇḍādi ] .

  मधुपर्णि [ madhuparṇi ] [ mádhu-parṇi ] ( Lit. Car. mc.) ( Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.) f. N. of sev. plants (Gmelina Arborea , Indigofera Tinctoria , Cocculus Cordifolius Lit. L.)

  मधुपर्णी [ madhuparṇī ] [ mádhu-parṇī ] ( Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr.) f. N. of sev. plants (Gmelina Arborea , Indigofera Tinctoria , Cocculus Cordifolius Lit. L.)

  मधुपर्णिका [ madhuparṇikā ] [ mádhu-parṇikā ] f. N. of various plants Lit. Suśr. Lit. Bhpr. ( Gmelina Arborea , Indigofera Tinctoria Lit. L.)

  मधुपवन [ madhupavana ] [ mádhu-pavana ] m. a vernal breeze Lit. Gīt.

  मधुपा [ madhupā ] [ mádhu- ] m. f. n. = [ -pá ] . mfn.

   मधुपातम [ madhupātama ] [ mádhu-pā--tama ] m. f. n. drinking sweetness excessively Lit. RV.

  मधुपाका [ madhupākā ] [ mádhu-pākā ] f. sweet melon Lit. L.

  मधुपाणि [ madhupāṇi ] [ mádhu-pāṇi ] ( [ mádhu ] .) m. f. n. having sweetness in the hand Lit. RV.

  मधुपात्र [ madhupātra ] [ mádhu-pātra ] n. a drinking vessel for intoxicating drinks Lit. Vcar.

  मधुपान [ madhupāna ] [ mádhu-pāna ] n. sipping the nectar of flowers (see comp.)

   a partic. sweet drink Lit. MānGṛ.

   मधुपानकल [ madhupānakala ] [ mádhu-pāna--kala ] m. f. n. sweet through the sipping of the nectar of flowers (as the hum of bees) , Lit. Kāvyâd.

  मधुपायिन् [ madhupāyin ] [ mádhu-pāyin ] m. " honey-drinker " , a bee Lit. L.

  मधुपारी [ madhupārī ] [ mádhu-pārī ] f. = [ -pātra ] Lit. Vcar.

  मधुपाल [ madhupāla ] [ mádhu-pāla ] m. a honey keeper Lit. R.

  मधुपालिका [ madhupālikā ] [ mádhu-pālikā ] f. Gmelina Arborea Lit. L.

  मधुपिङ्गाक्ष [ madhupiṅgākṣa ] [ mádhu-piṅgākṣa ] m. f. n. having eyes as yellow as honey Lit. Var.

   [ madhupiṅgākṣa ] m. N. of a Muni Lit. Cat.

  मधुपीलु [ madhupīlu ] [ mádhu-pīlu ] m. a species of tree Lit. L.

  मधुपुर [ madhupura ] [ mádhu-pura ] n. the city of the Asura Madhu Lit. Hariv.

   N. of a city in Northern India Lit. Pañcat.

   [ madhupurī ] f. the city of the Madhus i.e. Mathurā Lit. BhP. Lit. Bhām.

   मधुपुररिपु [ madhupuraripu ] [ mádhu-pura--ripu ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. Hcat.

  मधुपुष्प [ madhupuṣpa ] [ mádhu-puṣpa ] m. ( only Lit. L.) Bassia Latifolia , Acacia Sirissa , Jonesis Asoka , Mimusops Elengi

   [ madhupuṣpā ] f. Croton Polyandrum or Croton Tiglium Tiaridium Indicum. =

  मधुपू [ madhupū ] [ mádhu-pū́ ] m. f. n. purifying itself while becoming sweet Lit. AV.

  मधुपृच् [ madhupṛc ] [ mádhu-pṛ́c ] m. f. n. dispensing sweetness Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  मधुपृष्ठ [ madhupṛṣṭha ] [ mádhu-pṛṣṭha ] ( [ mádhu- ] ) m. f. n. whose back or surface consists of sweetness or milk (said of Soma) Lit. RV.

  मधुपेय [ madhupeya ] [ mádhu-péya ] m. f. n. sweet to drink Lit. RV.

   [ madhupeya ] n. the drinking of sweetness (as Soma ) Lit. ib.

  मधुप्रणय [ madhupraṇaya ] [ mádhu-praṇaya ] m. addiction to wine Lit. MW.

  मधुप्रणयवत् [ madhupraṇayavat ] [ mádhu-praṇaya-vat ] m. f. n. addicted to wine Lit. ib.

  मधुप्रतीक [ madhupratīka ] [ mádhu-pratīka ] m. f. n. ( [ mádhu- ] ) having a sweet mouth or sweetness in the mouth Lit. RV.

   [ madhupratīkā ] f. ( with or scil. [ siddhi ] ) N. of certain supernatural powers and properties of a Yogin Lit. Cat.

  मधुप्रपात [ madhuprapāta ] [ mádhu-prapāta ] m. a precipice (met with) while seeking honey Lit. MBh.

  मधुप्रमेह [ madhuprameha ] [ mádhu-prameha ] m. honey-like or saccharine urine , diabetes Lit. MW.

  मधुप्रसङ्गमधु [ madhuprasaṅgamadhu ] [ mádhu-prasaṅga-madhu ] n. honey connected with spring Lit. Ratnâv.

  मधुप्राशन [ madhuprāśana ] [ mádhu-prāśana ] n. putting a little honey into the mouth of a new-born male infant (one of the 12 Saṃskāras or purificatory rites of the Hindūs) Lit. RTL. 358.

  मधुप्रिय [ madhupriya ] [ mádhu-priya ] m. f. n. fond of honey or the juice of flowers Lit. Hariv.

   [ madhupriya ] m. a kind of plant = [ bhūmi-jambu ] Lit. L.

   N. of Akrūra Lit. VP.

   of Bala-bhadra Lit. L.

  मधुप्लुत [ madhupluta ] [ mádhu-pluta ] m. f. n. swimming with honey , mixed with honey Lit. Vishṇ.

  मधुप्सरस् [ madhupsaras ] [ mádhu-psaras ] ( [ mádhu- ] ) m. f. n. fond of sweetness Lit. RV.

  मधुफल [ madhuphala ] [ mádhu-phala ] m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree Lit. L.

   Flacourtia Sapida Lit. L.

   [ madhuphalā ] f. water-melon Lit. L.

   a kind of grape Lit. L.

  मधुफलिका [ madhuphalikā ] [ mádhu-phalikā ] f. a kind of date Lit. L.

  मधुबहुला [ madhubahulā ] [ mádhu-bahulā ] f. Gaertnera Racemosa Lit. L.

  मधुबीज [ madhubīja ] [ mádhu-bīja ] m. a pomegranate tree Lit. L.

   मधुबीजपूर [ madhubījapūra ] [ mádhu-bīja--pūra ] m. a kind of citron Lit. L.

  मधुब्राह्मण [ madhubrāhmaṇa ] [ mádhu-brāhmaṇa ] n. N. of a Brāhmaṇa.

  मधुभक्षण [ madhubhakṣaṇa ] [ mádhu-bhakṣaṇa ] n. N. of ch. of the Bāla-kāṇḍa of the Rāmāyaṇa.

  मधुभद्र [ madhubhadra ] [ mádhu-bhadra ] m. N. of man Lit. Rājat.

  मधुभाग [ madhubhāga ] [ mádhu-bhāga ] ( [ mádhu- ] ) m. f. n. whose lot or portion is sweetness Lit. AV.

  मधुभाण्ड [ madhubhāṇḍa ] [ mádhu-bhāṇḍa ] n. = [ -pātra ] Lit. Vcar.

  मधुभाव [ madhubhāva ] [ mádhu-bhāva ] m. a partic. Prākṛit metre Lit. Col.

  मधुभिद् [ madhubhid ] [ mádhu-bhid ] m. " slayer of Madhu " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. Kād.

  मधुभुज् [ madhubhuj ] [ mádhu-bhuj ] m. f. n. enjoying sweetness or gladness Lit. BhP.

  मधुभूमिक [ madhubhūmika ] [ mádhu-bhūmika ] m. N. of a Yogin in the second order or degree Lit. Sarvad.

  मधुमक्ष [ madhumakṣa ] [ mádhu-makṣa ] m. " honey-fly " , a bee Lit. Kauś.

  मधुमक्षा [ madhumakṣā ] [ mádhu-makṣā ] f. " honey-fly " , a bee Lit. Kauś.

  मधुमक्षिका [ madhumakṣikā ] [ mádhu-makṣikā ] f. " honey-fly " , a bee Lit. Kauś.

  मधुमज्जन् [ madhumajjan ] [ mádhu-majjan ] m. a walnut tree Lit. L.

  मधुमत् [ madhumat ] [ mádhu-mat ] m. f. n. possessing or containing sweetness , sweet ( 780,1 )

   pleasant , agreeable ( [ -tama ] mfn. ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.

   mixed with honey Lit. Kum.

   rich in honey , richly provided with the juice of flowers Lit. Chandom.

   containing the word [ mádhu ] Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

   [ madhumat ] m. N. of a country g. [ kacchādi ] and [ sindhv-ādi ]

   of a city (?) Lit. MW.

   pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.

   [ madhumatī ] f. Gmelina Arborea Lit. L.

   Sanseviera Roxburghiana Lit. L.

   a partic. step or degree in the Yoga Lit. Cat.

   a partic. supernatural faculty belonging to a Yogin Lit. Prab.

   a kind of metre Lit. Chandom.

   N. of a daughter of the Asura Madhu (wife of Hary-aśva) Lit. Hariv.

   of a female servant of Lakshmi (?) Lit. Pañcar.

   of a river Lit. Hariv. Lit. Mālatīm.

   of a city in Saurāshṭra Lit. Śatr. Lit. Daś.

   N. of sev. works.

   मधुमत्तम [ madhumattama ] [ mádhu-mat--tama ] m. f. n. , see [ madhumat ]

   मधुमतीसंगमेश्वरतीर्थ [ madhumatīsaṃgameśvaratīrtha ] [ mádhu-matī--saṃgameśvara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Rājat. Lit. Cat.

  मधुमति [ madhumati ] [ mádhu-mati ] m. Mohammed Lit. Kālac. (w.r. [ -pati ] )

   मधुमतिगणेश [ madhumatigaṇeśa ] [ mádhu-mati--gaṇeśa ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  मधुमत्त [ madhumatta ] [ mádhu-matta ] m. f. n. drunk with wine Lit. L.

   intoxicated or excited by the spring Lit. Hariv.

   [ madhumatta ] m. N. of a man Lit. R.

   m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ -mat ] )

   [ madhumattā ] f. a species of Karañja Lit. L.

  मधुमथ् [ madhumath ] [ mádhu-math ] m. " crusher or destroyer of Madhu " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. Ragh. =

  मधुमथन [ madhumathana ] [ mádhu-mathana ] m. = prec. Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP. Lit. Chandom.

   मधुमथनविजय [ madhumathanavijaya ] [ mádhu-mathana--vijaya ] m. N. of wk.

  मधुमद [ madhumada ] [ mádhu-mada ] m. intoxication with wine Lit. Kāv.

  मधुमद्य [ madhumadya ] [ mádhu-madya ] n. intoxicating drink made from honey or from the blossoms of Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

  मधुमन्त [ madhumanta ] [ mádhu-manta ] n. N. of a town Lit. R.

  मधुमन्थ [ madhumantha ] [ mádhu-mantha ] m. a kind of drink mixed with honey Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Kauś. Lit. Lāṭy.

  मधुमय [ madhumaya ] [ mádhu-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of honey Lit. Hcat.

   sweet is honey , luscious Lit. Hit. Lit. Sāh.

  मधुमल्ली [ madhumallī ] [ mádhu-mallī ] ( also [ -malli ] , A.) f. Jasminum Grandiflorum Lit. L.

  मधुमस्तक [ madhumastaka ] [ mádhu-mastaka ] n. ( Lit. L.) , N. of a partic. kind of sweetmeat Lit. Suśr.

  मधुमांस [ madhumāṃsa ] [ mádhu-māṃsa ] n. honey and meat Lit. Mn. xi , 159.

  मधुमाधव [ madhumādhava ] [ mádhu-mādhava ] m. du. or n. sg. the two spring months ( [ kāle madhumādhave ] , " in the spring " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. BhP.

   मधुमाधवमास [ madhumādhavamāsa ] [ mádhu-mādhava--māsa ] m. sg. one of the 2 spring months , Lit. Pañcar.

   मधुमाधवसहाय [ madhumādhavasahāya ] [ mádhu-mādhava--sahāya ] m. N. of author Lit. Cat.

  मधुमाधवी [ madhumādhavī ] [ mádhu-mādhavī ] f. any spring flower abounding in honey or a partic. species of flower

   (perhaps) Gaertnera Racemosa Lit. BhP.

   a kind of intoxicating drink Lit. MBh.

   a kind of metre Lit. Col.

   a partic. Rāgiṇī Lit. Saṃgīt.

   N. of Comm.

  मधुमाध्वीक [ madhumādhvīka ] [ mádhu-mādhvīka ] n. any intoxicating drink Lit. L.

   a partic. intoxicating drink Lit. Hariv. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. (v.l.)

  मधुमारक [ madhumāraka ] [ mádhu-māraka ] m. " destroyer of honey " , a bee Lit. L.

  मधुमालतीनाटक [ madhumālatīnāṭaka ] [ mádhu-mālatī-nāṭaka ] n. N. of wk. (Mālatī-mādhava?) .

  मधुमालपत्त्रिका [ madhumālapattrikā ] [ mádhu-māla-pattrikā ] f. a species of small shrub Lit. L. (uncertain reading) .

  मधुमास [ madhumāsa ] [ mádhu-māsa ] m. a spring month

   मधुमासमहोत्सव [ madhumāsamahotsava ] [ mádhu-māsa--mahotsava ] m. the spring festival Lit. Kathās.

   मधुमासावतार [ madhumāsāvatāra ] [ mádhu-māsāvatāra ] m. the setting in of the parka month Lit. Prasannar.

  मधुमिश्र [ madhumiśra ] [ mádhu-miśrá ] m. f. n. mixed with honey or sweet milk Lit. TS. Lit. Kauś. Lit. Lāṭy.

   N. of man Lit. Cat.

  मधुमुरनरकविनाशन [ madhumuranarakavināśana ] [ mádhu-mura-naraka-vināśana ] m. " destroyer of (the Daityas) Madhu , Mura and Naraka " , N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Lit. Gīt.

  मधुमूल [ madhumūla ] [ mádhu-mūla ] n. the edible root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus Lit. L.

  मधुमेह [ madhumeha ] [ mádhu-meha ] m. honey-like or saccharine urine , diabetes Lit. Suśr.

   मधुमेहत्व [ madhumehatva ] [ mádhu-meha--tva ] n. the state of passing saccharine urine Lit. ib.

  मधुमेहिन् [ madhumehin ] [ mádhu-mehin ] m. f. n. suffering from saccharine urine Lit. Car. Lit. Suśr.

  मधुमैरेय [ madhumaireya ] [ mádhu-maireya ] m. an intoxicating drink made of honey Lit. BhP. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 70 Sch.

  मधुयष्टि [ madhuyaṣṭi ] [ mádhu-yaṣṭi ] f. sugar-cane Lit. L.

   liquorice Lit. L.

   = [ tiktaparvan ] Lit. L.

  मधुयष्टिका [ madhuyaṣṭikā ] [ mádhu-yaṣṭikā ] f. liquorice Lit. L.

  मधुयष्टी [ madhuyaṣṭī ] [ mádhu-yaṣṭī ] f. liquorice Lit. L.

  मधुरस [ madhurasa ] [ mádhu-rasa ] m. the juice of honey Lit. R.

   sweetness , pleasingness Lit. Bhartṛ. (v.l.)

   sugar-cane Lit. L.

   the wine palm Lit. L.

   [ madhurasā ] f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana Lit. Suśr.

   Gmelina Arborea Lit. Bhpr.

   a vine , bunch of grapes Lit. L.

   a kind of Asclepias Lit. L.

   [ madhurasa ] m. f. n. sweet Lit. L.

   मधुरसमय [ madhurasamaya ] [ mádhu-rasa--maya ] m. f. n. full of the juice of honey Lit. Hcar.

  मधुरिपु [ madhuripu ] [ mádhu-ripu ] m. " enemy of Madhu " , N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Lit. Śiś.

  मधुरुह [ madhuruha ] [ mádhu-ruha ] m. N. of a son of Ghṛita-pṛishṭha Lit. BhP.

  मधुरेणु [ madhureṇu ] [ mádhu-reṇu ] m. a species of plant Lit. L.

  मधुलग्न [ madhulagna ] [ mádhu-lagna ] m. a red-blossomed Moringa Lit. L.

  मधुलता [ madhulatā ] [ mádhu-latā ] f. a kind of liquorice Lit. L. ( cf. [ madhura-l ] ) .

  मधुलिह् [ madhulih ] [ mádhu-lih ] m. f. n. (ifc.) one who has licked the honey of. Lit. BhP.

   [ madhulih ] m. a bee Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kuval.

  मधुलेह [ madhuleha ] [ mádhu-leha ] ( Lit. MW.) m. " licking honey " or " longing after honey " , a bee.

  मधुलेहिन् [ madhulehin ] [ mádhu-lehin ] ( Lit. L.) m. " licking honey " or " longing after honey " , a bee.

  मधुलोलुप [ madhulolupa ] [ mádhu-lolupa ] ( Lit. L.) m. " licking honey " or " longing after honey " , a bee.

  मधुवचस् [ madhuvacas ] [ mádhu-vacas ] ( [ mádhu- ] ) m. f. n. sweet-voiced , sweetly or friendly speaking Lit. RV.

  मधुवटी [ madhuvaṭī ] [ mádhu-vaṭī ] f. N. of a district Lit. MBh.

  मधुवत् [ madhuvat ] [ mádhu-vat ] ind. as honey Lit. BhP.

   as through an intoxicating drink Lit. ib.

  मधुवन [ madhuvana ] [ mádhu-vana ] m. the Indian cuckoo Lit. L.

   [ madhuvana ] n. N. of the forest of the ape Su-grīva (which abounded in honey) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   of the forest of the Asura Madhu on the Yamunā (where Śatru-ghna , after slaying Lavaṇa , son of Madhu , founded the city of Mathurā or Madhurā)

   मधुवनव्रजवासिगोस्वामिगुणलेशाष्टक [ madhuvanavrajavāsigosvāmiguṇaleśāṣṭaka ] [ mádhu-vana--vraja-vāsi-go-svāmi-guṇa-leśāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.

  मधुवर्ण [ madhuvarṇa ] [ mádhu-varṇa ] m. f. n. ( [ mádhu- ] ) honey-coloured or having an agreeable aspect Lit. RV.

   [ madhuvarṇa ] m. N. of a being attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.

  मधुवर्णन [ madhuvarṇana ] [ mádhu-varṇana ] n. N. of wk.

  मधुवल्ली [ madhuvallī ] [ mádhu-vallī ] f. liquorice Lit. L.

   a kind of grape Lit. L.

   sweet citron Lit. L.

  मधुवाच् [ madhuvāc ] [ mádhu-vāc ] m. " honey-voiced " , the Indian cuckoo Lit. L.

  मधुवातीय [ madhuvātīya ] [ mádhu-vātīya ] m. f. n. beginning with the words [ mádhu-vātāḥ ] ( Lit. RV. i , 90 , 6) Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.

  मधुवार [ madhuvāra ] [ mádhu-vāra ] m. tippling , carousing Lit. Śiś. Lit. Kir. Lit. Dharmaśarm.

  मधुवाहन [ madhuvāhana ] [ mádhu-vā́hana ] m. f. n. bearing or carrying sweet things (as honey , milk ; said of the chariot of the Aśvins) Lit. RV.

  मधुवाहिन् [ madhuvāhin ] [ mádhu-vāhin ] m. f. n. bearing or carrying honey (a river) Lit. Hariv.

   [ madhuvāhinī ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh.

  मधुविद्या [ madhuvidyā ] [ mádhu-vidyā ] f. " science of sweetness " , N. of a partic. mystical doctrine Lit. BṛĀrUp. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. SV. Sch.

  मधुविद्विष् [ madhuvidviṣ ] [ mádhu-vidviṣ ] m. " enemy of Madhu " , N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Lit. VP.

  मधुविध्वंसभास्कर [ madhuvidhvaṃsabhāskara ] [ mádhu-ví dhvaṃsa-bhāskara ] m. N. of wk.

  मधुवृक्ष [ madhuvṛkṣa ] [ mádhu-vṛ́kṣa ] m. Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

  मधुवृध् [ madhuvṛdh ] [ mádhu-vṛ́dh ] " abounding in sweetness " , (perhaps) a rain-cloud (others " a partic. plant " ) Lit. RV. x , 75 , 8.

  मधुवृष [ madhuvṛṣa ] [ mádhu-vṛṣá ] m. f. n. dropping or raining sweetness Lit. TBr.

  मधुव्रत [ madhuvrata ] [ mádhu-vrata ] m. f. n. occupied with sweetness Lit. RV.

   [ madhuvrata ] m. a large black bee Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP.

   ( with [ bodha-nidhi ] ) , N. of author Lit. Cat.

   [ madhuvratī ] f. a bee regarded as female Lit. Bālar. Lit. Vcar.

   मधुव्रतपति [ madhuvratapati ] [ mádhu-vrata--pati ] m. " king of bees " i.e. the queen bee Lit. BhP.

   मधुव्रतवरूथ [ madhuvratavarūtha ] [ mádhu-vrata--varūtha ] m. n. a swarm of bees Lit. ib.

  मधुशर्करा [ madhuśarkarā ] [ mádhu-śarkarā ] f. honey-sugar Lit. Suśr.

  मधुशाख [ madhuśākha ] [ mádhu-śākha ] m. f. n. ( [ mádhu- ] ) having sweet branches Lit. VS.

   [ madhuśākha ] m. Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

  मधुशिग्रु [ madhuśigru ] [ mádhu-śigru ] ( Lit. Suśr.) or

  मधुशिग्रुक [ madhuśigruka ] [ mádhu-śigruka ] ( Lit. Car.) m. Moringa Pterygosperma (Rubriflora) .

  मधुशिष्ट [ madhuśiṣṭa ] [ mádhu-śiṣṭa ] n. wax Lit. R.

  मधुशीर्षक [ madhuśīrṣaka ] [ mádhu-śīrṣaka ] n. v.l. for [ -mastaka ] q.v. Lit. Suśr. Comm.

  मधुशुक्त [ madhuśukta ] [ mádhu-śukta ] n. a sour drink with honey Lit. Suśr.

  मधुशेष [ madhuśeṣa ] [ mádhu-śeṣa ] n. wax Lit. Car. Lit. Bhpr.

  मधुश्चुत् [ madhuścut ] [ mádhu-ścút ] m. f. n. distilling sweetness , overflowing with sweets Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.

  मधुश्च्युत् [ madhuścyut ] [ mádhu-ścyut ] m. f. n. id.

   मधुश्च्युन्निधन [ madhuścyunnidhana ] [ mádhu-ścyun-nidhana ] n. N. of a Sāman (also called [ prajā-pater madhu-ścy ] Lit. ĀrshBr.) Lit. TāṇḍyaBr. Lit. Lāṭy.

  मधुश्च्युत [ madhuścyuta ] [ mádhu-ścyuta ] m. f. n. = [ -ścút ] Lit. MBh.

  मधुश्रव [ madhuśrava ] [ mádhu-śrava ] and w.r. for [ -srava ] and [ °vā ] q.v.

  मधुश्रवा [ madhuśravā ] [ mádhu-śravā ]and w.r. for [ -srava ] and [ °vā ] q.v.

  मधुश्री [ madhuśrī ] [ mádhu-śrī ] f. Beauty of Spring (personified) Lit. Vikr. Lit. Kum.

  मधुश्रेणि [ madhuśreṇi ] [ mádhu-śreṇi ] m. the son of a Nishṭya and a Śūdrā (identical with a Śauṇḍika and Maṇḍa-hāraka) Lit. L.

   [ madhuśreṇi ] f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana Lit. L.

  मधुश्वासा [ madhuśvāsā ] [ mádhu-śvāsā ] f. a species of plant (= [ jivantī ] ) Lit. L.

  मधुषुत् [ madhuṣut ] [ mádhu-ṣút ] m. f. n. ( [ ṣut ] for [ sut ] ) pressing out sweetness Lit. RV.

   emitting sweetness (Soma) Lit. ib.

   मधुषुत्तम [ madhuṣuttama ] [ mádhu-ṣút-tama ] m. f. n. Lit. MW.

  मधुष्ठान [ madhuṣṭhāna ] [ mádhu-ṣṭhāna ] n. = [ -sthāna ] (q.v .) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 106 Sch.

  मधुष्ठाल [ madhuṣṭhāla ] [ mádhu-ṣṭhālá ] n. a honey-pot Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. ĀpŚr.

  मधुष्ठील [ madhuṣṭhīla ] [ mádhu-ṣṭhīla ] m. Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

  मधुष्पन्द [ madhuṣpanda ] [ mádhu-ṣpanda ] and m. see [ -syanda ] .

  मधुष्यन्द [ madhuṣyanda ] [ mádhu-ṣyanda ]and m. see [ -syanda ] .

  मधुसख [ madhusakha ] [ mádhu-sakha ] m. " friend of spring " , the god of love Lit. L.

  मधुसंकाश [ madhusaṃkāśa ] [ mádhu-saṃkāśa ] ( [ mádhu- ] ) . m. f. n. looking sweet , appearing pleasant Lit. AV.

  मधुसंदृश [ madhusaṃdṛśa ] [ mádhu-saṃdṛśa ] ( [ mádhu- ] ) m. f. n. sweet-looking , appearing lovely Lit. AV.

  मधुसंधान [ madhusaṃdhāna ] [ mádhu-saṃdhāna ] n. any intoxicating drink , (esp.) brandy Lit. L.

  मधुसंश्लिष्ट [ madhusaṃśliṣṭa ] [ madhu-saṃśliṣṭa ] m. f. n. connected with h°oney, Lit. MaitrS.

  मधुसम्भव [ madhusambhava ] [ mádhu-sambhava ] m. pl. N. of partic. Jinas Lit. Lalit.

   [ madhusambhava ] n. wax Lit. L.

  मधुसम्मिश्र [ madhusammiśra ] [ mádhu-sammiśra ] m. f. n. mixed with honey Lit. Mn. iii , 273.

  मधुसर्पिस् [ madhusarpis ] [ mádhu-sarpis ] n. du. honey and ghee Lit. ib. 274.

  मधुसहाय [ madhusahāya ] [ mádhu-sahāya ] m. " having Spring for a companion " , the god of love Lit. Cat.

  मधुसात् [ madhusāt ] [ mádhu-sāt ] ind. ( with √ [ bhū ] ) to become honey Lit. W.

  मधुसारथि [ madhusārathi ] [ mádhu-sārathi ] m. " having Spring for a charioteer " , the god of love Lit. L.

  मधुसिक्थक [ madhusikthaka ] [ mádhu-sikthaka ] m. a kind of poison Lit. L.

  मधुसुहृद् [ madhusuhṛd ] [ mádhu-suhṛd ] m. " friend of spring " , the god of love Lit. ib. Sch.

  मधुसूक्त [ madhusūkta ] [ mádhu-sūkta ] n. N. of Lit. AV. ix , 1 Lit. Vait.

  मधुसूदन [ madhusūdana ] [ mádhu-sūdana ] m. " destroyer of honey " , a bee Lit. L.

   " destroyer of the demon Madhu " , N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   N. of various scholars Lit. Cat.

   [ madhusūdanī ] f. Beta Bengalensis Lit. L.

   N. of various authors ( also with [ guru ] , [ go-svāmin ] , [ ṭhakkura ] , [ dīkṣita ] , [ dujanti ] , [ paṇḍita ] and [ °ta-rāja ] , [ vācas-pati-sarasvatī ] ) Lit. Cat.

   मधुसूदनशिक्षा [ madhusūdanaśikṣā ] [ mádhu-sūdana--śikṣā ] f. N. of wk.

   मधुसूदनायतन [ madhusūdanāyatana ] [ mádhu-sūdanāyatana ] n. a temple of Vishṇu Lit. Prab.

  मधुसेन [ madhusena ] [ mádhu-sena ] m. N. of a prince of Madhupura Lit. Pañcat.

  मधुस्कन्द [ madhuskanda ] [ mádhu-skanda ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.

  मधुस्तोक [ madhustoka ] [ mádhu-stoká ] m. a drop of honey Lit. ŚBr.

  मधुस्थान [ madhusthāna ] [ mádhu-sthāna ] n. " bee-place " , a bee-hive Lit. L.

  मधुस्यन्द [ madhusyanda ] [ mádhu-syanda ] m. N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra Lit. R. (v.l. [ -ṣpanda ] , [ -ṣyanda ] ) .

  मधुस्यन्दिन् [ madhusyandin ] [ mádhu-syandin ] m. a partic. stringed instrument , Lit. Saṃgīt.

  मधुस्रव [ madhusrava ] [ mádhu-srava ] m. f. n. dropping sweetness Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

   [ madhusrava ] m. Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

   Sanseviera Zeylanica Lit. L.

   [ madhusravā ] f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana Lit. L.

   [ madhusrava ] m. liquorice Lit. L.

   Hoya Viridiflora Lit. Bhpr.

   a kind of date Lit. L.

   = [ jīvantī ] Lit. L.

   = [ haṃsa-padī ] Lit. L.

   N. of the 3rd day in the light half of the month Śrāvaṇa Lit. Cat.

   N. of a river Lit. Cat.

   n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh.

  मधुस्रवस् [ madhusravas ] [ mádhu-sravas ] m. Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

  मधुस्वर [ madhusvara ] [ mádhu-svara ] m. " sweet-voiced " , the Indian cuckoo Lit. L.

  मधुहन् [ madhuhan ] [ mádhu-han ] m. a collector of honey (accord. to Comm. " destroyer of a bee-hive " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.

   a partic. bird of prey Lit. Vāgbh. Lit. Car.

   " slayer of the Daitya Madhu " , N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Pañcar.

   a soothsayer Lit. W.

  मधुहन्तृ [ madhuhantṛ ] [ mádhu-hantṛ ] m. " slayer of the Daitya Madhu " , N. of Rāma as an incarnation of Vishṇu Lit. R.

  मधुहस्त्य [ madhuhastya ] [ mádhu-hastya ] ( [ mádhu- ] ) m. f. n. having honey or sweetness in the hand Lit. RV.

  मधूच्छिष्ट [ madhūcchiṣṭa ] [ madhūcchiṣṭa ] n. bees-wax Lit. MBh. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Suśr. ( cf. [ madhu-śiṣṭa ] , [ -śeṣa ] )

   मधूच्छिष्टस्थित [ madhūcchiṣṭasthita ] [ madhūcchiṣṭa--sthita ] m. f. n. covered on the outside with wax Lit. MBh.

  मधूत्थ [ madhūttha ] [ madhūttha ] m. f. n. made or produced from honey Lit. L.

   [ madhūttha ] n. bees-wax Lit. Naish. Lit. ib. Sch.

   mead Lit. Yājñ. Comm.

  मधूत्थित [ madhūtthita ] [ madhūtthita ] n. " produced from honey " , wax Lit. L.

  मधूत्सव [ madhūtsava ] [ madhūtsava ] m. the spring festival (on the day of the full moon in the month Caitra) Lit. Śak. (v.l.)

  मधूदक [ madhūdaka ] [ madhūdaka ] n. " honey-water " , honey diluted in water Lit. Suśr.

   मधूदकप्रस्रवण [ madhūdakaprasravaṇa ] [ madhūdaka--prasravaṇa ] m. f. n. flowing with honey and water Lit. MW.

  मधूदश्वित [ madhūdaśvita ] [ madhūdaśvita ] n. buttermilk with honey or sweet milk with water Lit. Kauś.

  मधूद्यान [ madhūdyāna ] [ madhūdyāna ] n. a spring garden Lit. Kathās.

  मधूद्युत [ madhūdyuta ] [ madhūdyutá ] m. f. n. mixed with honey Lit. MaitrS.

  मधूद्वाप [ madhūdvāpa ] [ madhūdvāpa ] m. pl. (?) Lit. Kauś.

  मधूपघ्न [ madhūpaghna ] [ madhūpaghna ] n. (m. Lit. L.) N. of a city (= Mathurā or Madhurā) Lit. Ragh.

  मधूषित [ madhūṣita ] [ madhūṣita ] n. wax Lit. L.

  मध्वालोप [ madhvālopa ] [ ma-dhv-ālopa ] m. a bite of honey, Lit. JaimUp.

 मधव्य [ madhavya ] [ madhavyá ] m. f. n. fitted or authorized to drink Soma Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.

  consisting of honey Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 139

  [ madhavya ] m. = [ mādhava ] , the second month of spring Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 129.

 मधुक [ madhuka ] [ madhuka ] (ifc.) = [ madhu ] g. [ ura-ādi ]

  [ madhuka ] m. f. n. honey-coloured (only in [ -locana ] , " having honey-coloured eyes " , N. of Śiva) Lit. MBh.

  sweet (in taste) Lit. W.

  mellifluous , melodious Lit. ib.

  m. a species of tree Lit. R. Lit. Var. ( Bassia Latifolia or Jonesia Asoka Lit. L.)

  Parra jacana or Goensis Lit. L.

  m. liquorice Lit. L. ( cf. n.)

  m. a kind of bard or panegyrist Lit. L.

  the son of a Maitreya and a married Āyogavī Lit. L.

  ( [ mádh ] ) N. of a man Lit. ŚBr.

  [ madhukā ] f. Menispermum Glabrum Lit. L.

  Glycyrrhiza Glabra Lit. L.

  black Panic Lit. L.

  N. of a river Lit. VP.

  [ madhuka ] n. liquorice Lit. Suśr. ( cf. m.)

  n. old honey Lit. L.

  tin Lit. L.

 मधुनी [ madhunī ] [ madhunī ] f. a species of shrub Lit. L.

 मधुन्तम [ madhuntama ] [ madhún-tama ] m. f. n. ( a superl. of [ madhu ] formed analogously to [ madin-tama ] ) very sweet Lit. VS. Lit. Vprāt. Sch.

 मधुर [ madhura ] [ madhura ] m. f. n. sweet , pleasant , charming , delightful Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.

  sounding sweetly or uttering sweet cries , melodious , mellifluous Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( [ am ] ind. )

  [ madhura ] m. sweetness Lit. L.

  a kind of leguminous plant Lit. Car.

  the red sugar-cane Lit. L.

  a species of mango Lit. L.

  a Moringa with red flowers Lit. L.

  rice Lit. L.

  a partic. drug (= [ jīvaka ] ) Lit. L.

  molasses Lit. L.

  m. sour gruel ( also f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. L.

  m. N. of one of the attendants of Skanda Lit. MBh.

  of a Gandharva , Lit. SaddhP.

  ( with [ ācārya ] ) , of a teacher Lit. Cat. ( cf. , [ mādhura ] )

  [ madhurā ] f. Anethum Sowa or Panmorium Lit. L.

  [ madhura ] m. Beta Bengalensis Lit. L.

  Asparagus Racemosus and other plants Lit. L.

  liquorice Lit. L.

  a kind of root similar to ginger Lit. L.

  sour rice-water Lit. L.

  N. of a town (= [ mathurā ] ) Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 51 Vārtt. 5

  of the tutelary deity of the race of Vandhula Lit. Cat.

  f. ( [ ī ] ) kind of musical instrument Lit. L.

  n. kind or friendly manner ( only [ °reṇa ] ind. ) Lit. Hariv.

  n. the quality of the throat which makes the voice sweet Lit. L.

  sweetness , syrup , treacle Lit. L.

  poison Lit. L. tin Lit. L.

  [ madhuram ] ind. , see [ madhura ]

  [ madhureṇa ] ind. , see [ madhura ] , with a kind or friendly manner

  मधुरकण्टक [ madhurakaṇṭaka ] [ madhura-kaṇṭaka ] m. " having sweet bones " , a kind of fish Lit. L.

  मधुरकण्ठिन् [ madhurakaṇṭhin ] [ madhura-kaṇṭhin ] m. f. n. " sweet-throated " , singing sweetly Lit. R.

  मधुरखर्जूरिका [ madhurakharjūrikā ] [ madhura-kharjūrikā ] f. a species of plant Lit. L.

  मधुरखर्जूरी [ madhurakharjūrī ] [ madhura-kharjūrī ] f. a species of plant Lit. L.

  मधुरगात्र [ madhuragātra ] [ madhura-gātra ] m. f. n. " sweet-limbed " , lovely , beautiful Lit. Daś.

  मधुरचारुमञ्जुस्वरता [ madhuracārumañjusvaratā ] [ madhura-cāru-mañju-svaratā ] f. the having a sweet and agreeable and pleasant voice (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Lit. Dharmas. 84.

  मधुरजम्बीर [ madhurajambīra ] [ madhura-jambīra ] m. a species of citron or lime Lit. L.

  मधुरता [ madhuratā ] [ madhura-tā ] f. sweetness , suavity , pleasantness , amiability , softness Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sāh.

  मधुरत्रय [ madhuratraya ] [ madhura-traya ] n. the three sweet things (sugar , honey and butter) Lit. L.

  मधुरत्व [ madhuratva ] [ madhura-tva ] n. sweetness (in taste) Lit. Suśr.

   suavity , charm (of speech) Lit. Kāv.

  मधुरत्वच [ madhuratvaca ] [ madhura-tvaca ] m. Grislea Tomentosa Lit. L.

  मधुरनिर्घोष [ madhuranirghoṣa ] [ madhura-nirghoṣa ] m. N. of an evil spirit or demon Lit. Lalit.

  मधुरनिस्वन [ madhuranisvana ] [ madhura-nisvana ] m. f. n. sweet-voiced Lit. L.

  मधुरपटोली [ madhurapaṭolī ] [ madhura-paṭolī ] f. a species of plant Lit. L.

  मधुरप्रगीत [ madhurapragīta ] [ madhura-pragīta ] m. f. n. singing sweetly (as a bird) , Lit. Ṛitus.

  मधुरप्रलापिन् [ madhurapralāpin ] [ madhura-pralāpin ] m. f. n. singing sweetly Lit. Vikr.

  मधुरप्रियदर्शन [ madhurapriyadarśana ] [ madhura-priya-darśana ] m. " of sweet and friendly aspect " , N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.

  मधुरफल [ madhuraphala ] [ madhura-phala ] m. a species of jujube Lit. L.

   [ madhuraphalā ] f. the sweet melon Lit. L.

  मधुरबीजपूर [ madhurabījapūra ] [ madhura-bīja-pūra ] m. a kind of citron Lit. L.

  मधुरभाषितृ [ madhurabhāṣitṛ ] [ madhura-bhāṣitṛ ] m. a sweet or kind speaker Lit. Hariv.

  मधुरभाषिन् [ madhurabhāṣin ] [ madhura-bhāṣin ] m. f. n. speaking sweetly or kindly Lit. MBh.

  मधुरमय [ madhuramaya ] [ madhura-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of or full of sweetness Lit. Hcar.

  मधुरराविन् [ madhurarāvin ] [ madhura-rāvin ] m. f. n. rumbling sweetly (as a cloud) Lit. VarBṛS.

  मधुरलता [ madhuralatā ] [ madhura-latā ] f. a kind of liquorice Lit. L.

  मधुरवचन [ madhuravacana ] [ madhura-vacana ] m. f. n. sweetly-speaking Lit. MW.

  मधुरवल्ली [ madhuravallī ] [ madhura-vallī ] f. a kind of citron Lit. L.

  मधुरवाच् [ madhuravāc ] [ madhura-vāc ] m. f. n. = [ -vacana ] Lit. L.

  मधुरविपाक [ madhuravipāka ] [ madhura-vipāka ] m. f. n. sweet after digestion Lit. Suśr.

  मधुरशील [ madhuraśīla ] [ madhura-śīla ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

  मधुरशुक्लमूत्र [ madhuraśuklamūtra ] [ madhura-śukla-mūtra ] m. f. n. discharging sweet and light-coloured urine ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Suśr.

   मधुरशुक्लमूत्रता [ madhuraśuklamūtratā ] [ madhura-śukla-mūtra--tā ] f. , see [ madhuraśuklamūtra ]

  मधुरसम्भाष [ madhurasambhāṣa ] [ madhura-sambhāṣa ] m. f. n. discoursing agreeably Lit. MW.

  मधुरस्रवा [ madhurasravā ] [ madhura-sravā ] f. a kind of date tree Lit. L.

  मधुरस्वन [ madhurasvana ] [ madhura-svana ] m. f. n. sweetly-sounding Lit. L.

   [ madhurasvana ] m. a conch Lit. L.

  मधुरस्वर [ madhurasvara ] [ madhura-svara ] m. f. n. sweetly-sounding , sweet-voiced ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ madhurasvara ] m. N. of a Gandharva Lit. SaddhP.

   [ madhurasvaram ] ind. , see [ madhurasvara ]

  मधुराक्षर [ madhurākṣara ] [ madhurākṣara ] m. f. n. speaking or sounding sweetly , melodious , mellow ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. R.

   [ madhurākṣara ] n. pl. sweet or kind words Lit. Pañcat.

   [ madhurākṣaram ] ind. , see [ madhurākṣara ]

  मधुराङ्गक [ madhurāṅgaka ] [ madhurāṅgaka ] m. f. n. astringent Lit. L.

   [ madhurāṅgaka ] m. astringent taste Lit. ib.

  मधुरानिरुद्ध [ madhurāniruddha ] [ madhurāniruddha ] n. N. of a drama.

  मधुरान्तक [ madhurāntaka ] [ madhurāntaka ] m. N. of various kings, Lit. Inscr.

  मधुराम्ल [ madhurāmla ] [ madhurāmla ] m. f. n. sweet and sour , subacid Lit. Suśr.

   मधुराम्लकटुक [ madhurāmlakaṭuka ] [ madhurāmla--kaṭuka ] m. f. n. sweet and subacid and pungent Lit. ib.

   मधुराम्लकषाय [ madhurāmlakaṣāya ] [ madhurāmla--kaṣāya ] m. f. n. sweet and subacid and astringent Lit. ib.

   मधुराम्लकाव्य [ madhurāmlakāvya ] [ madhurāmla--kāvya ] n. N. of a poem Lit. Cat.

   मधुराम्लतिक्त [ madhurāmlatikta ] [ madhurāmla--tikta ] m. f. n. sweet and subacid and bitter Lit. Suśr.

   मधुराम्लफल [ madhurāmlaphala ] [ madhurāmla--phala ] m. a species of fruit-tree Lit. L.

   मधुराम्ललवण [ madhurāmlalavaṇa ] [ madhurāmla--lavaṇa ] m. f. n. sweet and subacid and salty Lit. Suśr.

  मधुराम्लक [ madhurāmlaka ] [ madhurāmlaka ] m. Spondias Mangifera Lit. L.

  मधुरालाप [ madhurālāpa ] [ madhurālāpa ] m. f. n. uttering sweet sounds Lit. A.

   [ madhurālāpa ] m. sweet or melodious notes ( [ -nisarga-paṇḍita ] mfn. acquainted with the nature of sweet notes i.e. skilled in sweet songs) Lit. Kum.

   [ madhurālāpā ] f. Turdus Salica Lit. L.

   मधुरालापनिसर्गपण्डित [ madhurālāpanisargapaṇḍita ] [ madhurālāpa--nisarga-paṇḍita ] m. f. n. , see [ madhurālāpa ] , acquainted with the nature of sweet notes i.e. skilled in sweet songs

  मधुरालाबुनी [ madhurālābunī ] [ madhurālābunī ] f. a kind of cucumber Lit. L.

  मधुरावट्ट [ madhurāvaṭṭa ] [ madhurāvaṭṭa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

  मधुराष्टक [ madhurāṣṭaka ] [ madhurāṣṭaka ] n. N. of a collection of 8 verses by Vallabhācārya ( in which various attributes of Kṛishṇa are described , each containing the word [ madhura ] ) Lit. Cat.

  मधुरास्वाद [ madhurāsvāda ] [ madhurāsvāda ] m. f. n. sweet in taste Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

  मधुरोदक [ madhurodaka ] [ madhurodaka ] m. ( scil. [ samudra ] ) " the sea of sweet or fresh water " , N. of the outermost of the seven great seas which encompass Jambu-dvīpa Lit. L.

  मधुरोपन्यास [ madhuropanyāsa ] [ madhuropanyāsa ] m. kind address or speech Lit. Mālatīm.

 मधुरक [ madhuraka ] [ madhuraka ] m. f. n. sweet , pleasant , agreeable Lit. L.

  [ madhuraka ] m. a partic. drug (= [ jīvaka ] ) Lit. L.

  [ madhurikā ] f. Anethum Panmorium (others a kind of fennel) Lit. L.

  [ madhuraka ] m. Sinapis Racemosa Lit. L.

  (prob.) n. the seed of Anethum Panmorium Lit. Suśr.

 मधुरय [ madhuraya ] [ madhuraya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( [ °rita ] mfn.) , to sweeten , render sweet Lit. Pañcar.

 मधुरिमन् [ madhuriman ] [ madhuriman ] m. sweetness , suavity , charm Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.

 मधुरिल [ madhurila ] [ madhurila ] g. [ kāśādi ] .

 मधुल [ madhula ] [ madhulá ] m. f. n. = [ madhura ] , sweet Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Kauś.

  [ madhula ] n. an intoxicating drink , spirituous liquor Lit. L.

 मधुलिका [ madhulikā ] [ madhulikā ] f. black mustard Lit. L.

  N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda Lit. MBh.

 मधुविला [ madhuvilā ] [ madhuvilā ] f. ( [ madhu ] + [ ila ] ?) N. of the river Samaṅgā Lit. MBh.

 मधुस् [ madhus ] [ mádhus ] n. = [ madhu ] , sweetness Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. (accord. to Lit. Uṇ. ii , 117 [ madhús ] = [ pavitra-dravya ] ) .

 मधुस्य [ madhusya ] [ madhusya ] Nom. P. [ °syati ] , to wish for honey Lit. Siddh. on Lit. Pāṇ. 7-1 , 51.

 मधूक [ madhūka ] [ madhūka ] m. ( fr. [ madhu ] ) a bee Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.

  Bassia Latifolia (from the blossoms and seeds of which arrac is distilled and oil extracted) Lit. ib. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  [ madhūka ] n. the blossoms or fruit of Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

  liquorice Lit. L.

  bees-wax Lit. L.

  मधूकच्छवि [ madhūkacchavi ] [ madhūka-cchavi ] m. f. n. having the colour of the flower of Bassia Latifolia Lit. Gīt.

  मधूकपुष्प [ madhūkapuṣpa ] [ madhūka-puṣpa ] n. the flower of Bassia Latifolia Lit. MBh.

  मधूकमाला [ madhūkamālā ] [ madhūka-mālā ] f. a garland of flower of Bassia Latifolia Lit. Ragh.

  मधूकरस [ madhūkarasa ] [ madhūka-rasa ] m. the juice of the seeds of Bassia Latifolia Lit. Suśr.

  मधूकव्रत [ madhūkavrata ] [ madhūka-vrata ] n. N. of a partic. observance Lit. Cat.

  मधूकसार [ madhūkasāra ] [ madhūka-sāra ] m. the pith of the Bassia Latifolia Lit. Suśr.

 मधूय [ madhūya ] [ madhūya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( fr. [ madhu ] ) Lit. Pat.

 मधूयु [ madhūyu ] [ madhūyu ] m. f. n. eager for sweetness Lit. RV.

 मधूल [ madhūla ] [ madhūla ] m. a kind of Bassia Lit. L.

  astringent , sweet and bitter taste Lit. L.

  [ madhūlī ] f. a kind of grain Lit. L.

  a species of citron Lit. L.

  the mango tree Lit. L.

  a kind of drug Lit. L.

  liquorice Lit. L.

  pollen Lit. L.

  [ madhūla ] n. honey Lit. L.

  mfn. astringent , sweet and bitter Lit. L.

 मधूलक [ madhūlaka ] [ madhūlaka ] m. f. n. sweet Lit. L.

  [ madhūlaka ] m. sweetness Lit. L. ( cf. n.)

  m. a mountain species of the Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

  [ madhūlikā ] f. a kind of bee Lit. Suśr.

  [ madhūlaka ] m. a species of grain Lit. ib.

  a species of Bassia Lit. L.

  Sanseviera Zeylanica Lit. L.

  a kind of citron Lit. L.

  Aletris Hyacinthoides or Dracaena Nervosa Lit. L.

  liquorice Lit. L.

  m. arrac distilled from the blossoms of the Bassia tree or any intoxicating drink ( also n.) Lit. L.

  ( [ madhū́l ] ) n. honey or sweetness Lit. AV.

 मधूलिक [ madhūlika ] [ madhūlika ] m. f. n. astringent , sweet and pungent Lit. L.

  [ madhūlika ] m. astringent , sweet and pungent taste Lit. ib.

  [ madhūlikā ] f. see prec.

 मध्व् [ madhv ] [ madhv ] in comp. for [ madhu ] .

  मध्वक्ष [ madhvakṣa ] [ madhv-akṣa ] m. f. n. having eyes of the colour of honey (said of Agni) Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ madhuka-locana ] ) .

  मध्वञ्च् [ madhvañc ] [ madhv-añc ] m. f. n. formed to explain [ mā́dhūcī ] Lit. Mahīdh. on Lit. VS. xxxvii , 18.

  मध्वद् [ madhvad ] [ madhv-ád ] m. f. n. eating sweetness Lit. RV.

  मध्वर्णश् [ madhvarṇaś ] [ madhv-arṇaś ] ( [ mádhv- ] .) m. f. n. having sweet springs or waters (said of a river) Lit. ib.

  मध्वश्व [ madhvaśva ] [ madhv-aśva ] see [ mādhvaśvi ] .

  मध्वष्टक [ madhvaṣṭaka ] [ madhv-aṣṭaka ] n. N. of a Stotra ( cf. [ madhurāṣṭaka ] ) .

  मध्वष्ठीला [ madhvaṣṭhīlā ] [ madhv-aṣṭhīlā ] f. a lump of honey Lit. Kāṭh. ( cf. [ madhu-ṣṭhilā ] ) .

  मध्वाधार [ madhvādhāra ] [ madhv-ādhāra ] m. bees-wax Lit. Bhpr.

  मध्वापात [ madhvāpāta ] [ madhv-āpāta ] m. honey at first sight Lit. Mn. xi , 9.

  मध्वाम्र [ madhvāmra ] [ madhv-āmra ] m. a kind of mango tree Lit. L.

  मध्वालु [ madhvālu ] [ madhv-ālu ] n. a kind of sweet potato Lit. Suśr.

  मध्वालुक [ madhvāluka ] [ madhv-āluka ] n. a kind of sweet potato Lit. Suśr.

  मध्वावास [ madhvāvāsa ] [ madhv-āvāsa ] m. the mango tree Lit. L.

  मध्वाशिन् [ madhvāśin ] [ madhv-āśin ] m. f. n. eating honey or sweets Lit. KātyŚr.

  मध्वासव [ madhvāsava ] [ madhv-āsava ] m. a decoction of honey or of the blossoms of the Bassia Latifolia , sweet spirituous liquor

   मध्वासवक्षीब [ madhvāsavakṣība ] [ madhv-āsava--kṣība ] m. f. n. drunk with sweet spirituous liquor Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.

  मध्वासवनिक [ madhvāsavanika ] [ madhv-āsavanika ] m. a preparer of sweet spirituous liquor , distiller Lit. L.

  मध्वास्वाद [ madhvāsvāda ] [ madhv-āsvāda ] m. f. n. having the taste of honey Lit. MW.

  मध्वाहुति [ madhvāhuti ] [ madhv-āhuti ] f. a sacrificial offering consisting of honey or other sweet things Lit. MBh.

  मध्वृच् [ madhvṛc ] [ madhv-ṛc ] f. pl. N. of partic. hymns Lit. Vas.

 मध्वक [ madhvaka ] [ madhvaka ] m. a bee Lit. AdbhBr.

 मध्वल [ madhvala ] [ madhvala ] m. repeated tippling , carousing Lit. L.

 मध्वस्य [ madhvasya ] [ madhvasya ] Root P. [ °syati ] , to long for honey or anything sweet Lit. L.

 मध्विजा [ madhvijā ] [ madhvijā ] f. any intoxicating drink Lit. L. (prob. w.r.)

मध्य [ madhya ] [ mádhya ] m. f. n. middle (used like (medius) e.g. [ mádhye ] [ samudré ] , " in the midst of the sea " ) Lit. RV. Lit. VPrāt. Lit. KaṭhUp.

middlemost , intermediate , central Lit. Var. Lit. Megh.

standing between two , impartial , neutral Lit. Kām.

middle i.e. being of a middle kind or size or quality , middling , moderate (with [ vṛtti ] f. " a middle course " ) Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Mn. Lit. Suśr.

(in astron.) mean i.e. theoretical ( opp. to [ spaṣṭa ] , or [ sphuṭa ] ) Lit. Sūryas. ( [ -tva ] n. )

lowest , worst Lit. L.

[ madhya ] m. n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) the middle of the body , (esp.) a woman's waist Lit. ŚBr.

m. (in alg.) the middle term or the mean of progression Lit. Col.

[ madhyā ] f. a young woman , a girl arrived at puberty Lit. Sāh.

[ madhya ] m. the middle finger Lit. L.

(in music) a partic. tone Lit. Saṃgīt.

m. ( also n.) a kind of metre Lit. Col.

n. (m. g. [ ardharcādi ] ) the middle , midst , centre , inside , interior Lit. RV. ( [ am ] ind. into the midst of , into , among , with gen. or ifc. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; [ °dhyena ] ind. in or through the midst of , on the inside , through , between , with gen. acc. or ifc. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; [ °dhyāt ] ind. from the midst of , out of , from among Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. ; [ °dhye ] ind. see s.v.)

n. the middle of the sky ( with or scil. [ nabhasas ] ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

space between (e.g. [ bhruvos ] , the eye brows) Lit. MBh.

midday ( with [ ahnaḥ ] ) , Lit. Māav.

the meridian Lit. Mālatīm.

intermediate condition between (gen.) Lit. R.

the belly , abdomen Lit. Kum.

the flank of a horse Lit. L.

(in music) mean time Lit. Saṃgīt.

ten thousand billions Lit. MBh.

cessation , pause , interval Lit. L.

N. of a country between Sindh and Hindūstan proper Lit. Cat. ( cf. Zd. (maidhya) ; Gk. 1 , 2 for 3 ; Lat. (medius) ; Goth. (midjiś) ; Eng. (mid) in (midland) , (midnight) )

[ madhyam ] ind. , see [ madhya ] , into the midst of , into , among , with gen. or ifc. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

[ madhyāt ] ind. , see [ madhya ] , from the midst of , out of , from among Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.

[ madhye ] ind. , see [ madhya ] , see s.v.

[ madhyena ] ind. , see [ madhya ] , in or through the midst of , on the inside , through , between , with gen. acc. or ifc. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.

  मध्यकर्ण [ madhyakarṇa ] [ mádhya-karṇa ] m. a half diameter , radius Lit. MW.

  मध्यकुरु [ madhyakuru ] [ mádhya-kuru ] (prob.) m. pl. N. of a country Lit. Cat.

  मध्यकौमुदी [ madhyakaumudī ] [ mádhya-kaumudī ] f. = [ madhya-sid-dhānta-kaumudī ] q.v.

  मध्यक्षामा [ madhyakṣāmā ] [ mádhya-kṣāmā ] f. " slender-waisted " or , " slender in the centre " , N. of a kind of metre Lit. Col.

  मध्यग [ madhyaga ] [ mádhya-ga ] m. f. n. going or being in the middle or among ( with gen. or ifc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  मध्यगत [ madhyagata ] [ mádhya-gata ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.

   [ madhyagata ] n. the middle syllable Lit. Śrutab.

  मध्यगन्ध [ madhyagandha ] [ mádhya-gandha ] m. " having a middling scent (?) " , the mango tree Lit. L.

  मध्यग्रहण [ madhyagrahaṇa ] [ mádhya-grahaṇa ] n. the middle of an eclipse Lit. MW.

  मध्यचारिन् [ madhyacārin ] [ mádhya-cārin ] m. f. n. going in the midst or among (gen.) Lit. Hit.

  मध्यच्छाया [ madhyacchāyā ] [ mádhya-cchāyā ] f. (in astron.) mean or middle shadow Lit. MW.

  मध्यजिह्व [ madhyajihva ] [ mádhya-jihva ] n. the middle of the tongue (said to be the organ of the palatals) Lit. APrāt.

  मध्यजैनेन्द्रव्याकरण [ madhyajainendravyākaraṇa ] [ mádhya-jainendra-vyākaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  मध्यज्या [ madhyajyā ] [ mádhya-jyā ] f. the sign of the meridian Lit. Sūryas.

  मध्यतमस् [ madhyatamas ] [ mádhya-tamas ] n. circular or annular darkness , central darkness Lit. VarBṛS.

  मध्यतस् [ madhyatas ] [ mádhya-tás ] ind. from or in the middle , centrally , centrically Lit. RV.

   out of. among (gen. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   of middle sort Lit. Gaut.

   मध्यतःकारिन् [ madhyataḥkārin ] [ mádhya-táḥ--kārin ] m. N. of the 4 principal priests (viz. the Hotṛi , Adhvaryu , Brahman , and Udgātṛi) Lit. Lāṭy.

  मध्यता [ madhyatā ] [ mádhya-tā ] f. the state of being in the middle , mediocrity Lit. MBh.

  मध्यतापिनी [ madhyatāpinī ] [ mádhya-tāpinī ] f. N. of an Upanishad.

  मध्यत्व [ madhyatva ] [ mádhya-tva ] n. see under [ madhya ] .

  मध्यत्व [ madhyatva ] [ mádhya--tva ] n. , see [ madhya ]

  मध्यदन्त [ madhyadanta ] [ mádhya-danta ] m. a front tooth Lit. L.

  मध्यदिन [ madhyadina ] [ mádhya-dina ] for [ madhyaṃ-dina ] q.v.

  मध्यदीपक [ madhyadīpaka ] [ mádhya-dīpaka ] n. (in rhetoric) " illuminating in the middle " , N. of a figure in which light is thrown on a description by the use of an emphatic verb in the middle of a stanza (e.g. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. x , 24) Lit. Vām. iv , 3 , 18 ; 19.

  मध्यदेश [ madhyadeśa ] [ mádhya-deśa ] m. middle region , middle space , the central or middle part of anything Lit. ŚrS.

   (= [ madhyaṃ nabhasaḥ ] ) , the meridian Lit. MBh.

   the middle of the body , waist Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   the trunk of the body , belly , abdomen Lit. ib.

   the midland country (lying between the Himâlayas on the north , the Vindhya mountains on the south , Vinaśana on the west , Prayāga on the east , and comprising the modern provinces of Allahabad , Agra , Delhi , Oude ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( cf. Lit. IW. 226 n. 1)

   [ madhyadeśa ] m. f. n. belonging to or living in the midland country , of midland origin Lit. MBh.

   m. pl. the inhabitants of the midland country Lit. Cat.

  मध्यदेशीय [ madhyadeśīya ] [ mádhya-deśīya ] ( Lit. MBh.) ( Lit. Pur.) m. f. n. = prec. mfn.

  मध्यदेश्य [ madhyadeśya ] [ mádhya-deśya ] ( Lit. Pur.) m. f. n. = prec. mfn.

  मध्यदेह [ madhyadeha ] [ mádhya-deha ] m. the middle or trunk of the body , belly Lit. Suśr.

  मध्यनगर [ madhyanagara ] [ mádhya-nagara ] n. the interior of a city Lit. Pañcad.

  मध्यनिहित [ madhyanihita ] [ mádhya-nihita ] m. f. n. placed in the middle , inserted , fixed into (anything) Lit. Pañcat.

  मध्यंदिन [ madhyaṃdina ] [ madhyá-ṃ-dina ] m. ( [ madhyá- ] ) (n. Lit. L.) midday , noon Lit. RV.

   the midday offering (Savana or Pavamāna) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.

   Bassia Latifolia Lit. L.

   N. of a disciple of Yājñavalkya Lit. Cat.

   [ madhyaṃdina ] n. Midday (personified as a son of Pushpârṇa by Prabhā) Lit. BhP.

   mfn. = [ mādhyaṃdina ] ( q.v.) ( 781,3 )

   मध्यंदिनगत [ madhyaṃdinagata ] [ madhyá-ṃ-dina--gata ] m. f. n. having reached the meridian (as the sun) Lit. MBh.

   मध्यंदिनसमय [ madhyaṃdinasamaya ] [ madhyá-ṃ-dina--samaya ] m. midday-time , noon Lit. Pañcat.

   मध्यंदिनार्कसंतप्त [ madhyaṃdinārkasaṃtapta ] [ madhyá-ṃ-dinārka-saṃtapta ] m. f. n. burnt by the midday-sun Lit. Kāvyâd.

   मध्यंदिनीय [ madhyaṃdinīya ] [ madhyá-ṃ-dinīya ] m. f. n. meridional , meridian , belonging to noon or midday Lit. Lāṭy.

  मध्यपतित [ madhyapatita ] [ mádhya-patita ] m. f. n. fallen in the middle lying between or in the midst Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 71 Sch.

  मध्यपरिमाण [ madhyaparimāṇa ] [ mádhya-parimāṇa ] n. the middle measure or magnitude (or that between an atom and infinitude) Lit. MW.

  मध्यपात [ madhyapāta ] [ mádhya-pāta ] m. falling or going in the midst , intercourse , commerce Lit. Rājat.

   (in astron.) the mean occurrence of the aspect.

  मध्यप्रविष्ट [ madhyapraviṣṭa ] [ mádhya-praviṣṭa ] m. f. n. one who has stolen into another's confidence Lit. Kathās.

  मध्यप्रसूता [ madhyaprasūtā ] [ mádhya-prasūtā ] f. (a cow) which has had a calf not very long ago Lit. L.

  मध्यभ [ madhyabha ] [ mádhya-bha ] (in astron.) the meridian ecliptic point.

  मध्यभक्त [ madhyabhakta ] [ mádhya-bhakta ] m. f. n. eaten in the middle (a term applied to any medicine taken in the middle of a meal) Lit. Suśr.

  मध्यभाग [ madhyabhāga ] [ mádhya-bhāga ] m. the middle part or portion Lit. Kathās.

   the middle of the body , waist Lit. Bhartṛ.

  मध्यभाव [ madhyabhāva ] [ mádhya-bhāva ] m. middle state or condition , mediocrity Lit. MW.

   a middling or moderate distance Lit. ŚārṅgP.

  मध्यमणि [ madhyamaṇi ] [ mádhya-maṇi ] m. the central or principal gem of a necklace Lit. MW.

  मध्यमध्या [ madhyamadhyā ] [ mádhya-madhyā ] f. (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Lit. Saṃgīt.

  मध्यमनोरमा [ madhyamanoramā ] [ mádhya-manoramā ] f. N. of a grammatical work (an abridgement of the Manoramā) .

  मध्यमन्दिर [ madhyamandira ] [ mádhya-mandira ] m. N. of the author of the Mahābhārata-tātparya-nirṇaya Lit. Cat.

   of Madhvâcārya Lit. IW. 119

   [ madhyamandira ] n. pudendum muliebre and anus Lit. Subh.

  मध्ययव [ madhyayava ] [ mádhya-yava ] m. a weight of six white mustard seeds Lit. W.

  मध्ययोगिन् [ madhyayogin ] [ mádhya-yogin ] m. f. n. (in astron.) being in the middle of a conjunction , completely covered or obscured Lit. VarBṛS.

  मध्यरात्र [ madhyarātra ] [ mádhya-rātrá ] m. midnight Lit. Br. Lit. MBh.

  मध्यरात्रि [ madhyarātri ] [ mádhya-rātri ] f. midnight ( [ °trau ] ind. at midnight) Lit. Br. Lit. MBh.

   [ madhyarātrau ] ind. , see [ madhyarātri ] , at midnight

  मध्यरेखा [ madhyarekhā ] [ mádhya-rekhā ] f. the middle line the central or first meridian (the line conceived by the Hindūs to be drawn through Laṅkā , Ujjayinī , Kurukshetra , and other places to mount Meru) Lit. Siddhântaś.

  मध्यलग्न [ madhyalagna ] [ mádhya-lagna ] n. the point of the ecliptic situated on the meridian Lit. ib.

  मध्यलीला [ madhyalīlā ] [ mádhya-līlā ] f. N. of wk.

  मध्यलोक [ madhyaloka ] [ mádhya-loka ] m. the middle world , earth , abode of mortals

   मध्यलोकेश [ madhyalokeśa ] [ mádhya-lokeśa ] m. " lord of the middle world or earth " , a king Lit. L.

  मध्यवयस् [ madhyavayas ] [ mádhya-vayas ] m. f. n. middle-aged Lit. Hariv.

  मध्यवर्तिन् [ madhyavartin ] [ mádhya-vartin ] m. f. n. being in the middle or between or among , middle , central Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

   [ madhyavartin ] m. a mediator Lit. W.

  मध्यवल्ली [ madhyavallī ] [ mádhya-vallī ] f. N. of a Vallī of the Lit. TUp. (probably from being in the middle of the book) .

  मध्यविदरण [ madhyavidaraṇa ] [ mádhya-vidaraṇa ] n. N. of one of the ten ways in which an eclipse ends Lit. VarBṛS.

  मध्यविवर्तिन् [ madhyavivartin ] [ mádhya-vivartin ] m. f. n. = [ -vartin ] Lit. L.

   impartial , a mediator Lit. L.

  मध्यविवेकिन् [ madhyavivekin ] [ mádhya-vivekin ] m. f. n. of mediocre discernment , Sāṃkhyas. Sch.

  मध्यवृत्त [ madhyavṛtta ] [ mádhya-vṛtta ] n. the navel Lit. L.

  मध्यशरीर [ madhyaśarīra ] [ mádhya-śarīra ] m. f. n. having a middle-sized body or one of moderately full habit Lit. Suśr.

  मध्यशायिन् [ madhyaśāyin ] [ mádhya-śāyin ] m. f. n. lying in the midst lying within Lit. Rājat.

  मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी [ madhyasiddhāntakaumudī ] [ mádhya-siddhānta-kaumudī ] f. " the middle-sized Lit. Siddh. " N. of an abridgment of the Lit. Siddh. by Varada-rāja. =

  मध्यसूत्र [ madhyasūtra ] [ mádhya-sūtra ] n. the central meridian Lit. Sūryas. ( cf. [ madhya-rekhā ] ) .

  मध्यस्थ [ madhyastha ] [ mádhya-stha ] m. f. n. being in the middle , being between or among (gen. or comp.) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.

   being in the middle space i.e. in the air Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.

   standing between two persons or parties mediating , a mediator Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 179 Sch.

   belonging to neither or both parties , (only) a witness , impartial , neutral , indifferent Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   being of a middle condition or kind , middling Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ madhyastha ] m. " arbitrator , umpire " , N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.

   मध्यस्थता [ madhyasthatā ] [ mádhya-stha--tā ] f. intermediate situation , indifference , impartiality Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  मध्यस्थल [ madhyasthala ] [ mádhya-sthala ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ī ] ) . ) a middle place or region , (esp.) the middle of the body , the waist or hip Lit. L.

  मध्यस्थान [ madhyasthāna ] [ mádhya-sthāna ] n. the middle space i.e. the air ( [ -devatā ] f. a deity of the air Lit. Nir.)

   a neutral soil Lit. MW.

   मध्यस्थानदेवता [ madhyasthānadevatā ] [ mádhya-sthāna--devatā ] f. , see [ madhyasthāna ] , a deity of the air Lit. Nir.

  मध्यस्थित [ madhyasthita ] [ mádhya-sthita ] m. f. n. being in the middle , being among or between (gen.) Lit. Kathās.

   [ madhyasthitā ] f. indifference Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ -stha-tā ] ) .

  मध्यस्थित्यर्ध [ madhyasthityardha ] [ mádhya-sthity-ardha ] m. or n. (in astron.) the mean half duration.

  मध्यस्वरित [ madhyasvarita ] [ mádhya-svarita ] m. f. n. having the Svarita accent on the middle syllable Lit. VPrāt. Sch.

  मध्याक्षरविस्तरलिपि [ madhyākṣaravistaralipi ] [ madhyākṣara-vistara-lipi ] f. N. of a partic. kind of written character Lit. Lalit.

  मध्याङ्गुलि [ madhyāṅguli ] [ madhyāṅguli ] ( or [ °lī ] ) f. the middle finger Lit. L.

  मध्यादित्य [ madhyāditya ] [ madhyāditya ] m. the midday sun ( [ -gate' hani ] , " when the day has reached the mid-sun " i.e. at noon) Lit. R.

  मध्याधिदेवन [ madhyādhidevana ] [ madhyādhidevaná ] n. the middle of a playing-ground Lit. MaitrS.

  मध्यान्त [ madhyānta ] [ madhyānta ] (ibc.) middle and end

   मध्यान्तयमक [ madhyāntayamaka ] [ madhyānta--yamaka ] n. a Yamaka (s.v.) in the midland and end of averse (e.g. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. x , 17)

   मध्यान्तविभङ्गशास्त्र [ madhyāntavibhaṅgaśāstra ] [ madhyānta--vibhaṅga-śāstra ] n. N. of wk.

   मध्यान्तविभागशास्त्र [ madhyāntavibhāgaśāstra ] [ madhyānta--vibhāga-śāstra ] n. N. of wk.

  मध्यान्तिक [ madhyāntika ] [ madhyāntika ] m. N. of an Arhat Lit. Buddh.

  मध्याम्लकेसर [ madhyāmlakesara ] [ madhyāmla-kesara ] m. or n. the citron Lit. L.

  मध्यार्जुन [ madhyārjuna ] [ madhyārjuna ] m. or n. N. of a district Lit. Cat.

   मध्यार्जुनक्षेत्रमाहात्म्य [ madhyārjunakṣetramāhātmya ] [ madhyārjuna--kṣetra-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk. Lit. ib.

   मध्यार्जुनतीर्थ [ madhyārjunatīrtha ] [ madhyārjuna--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha on the southern bank of the Kāverī Lit. ib.

  मध्यावर्ष [ madhyāvarṣa ] [ madhyā-varṣa ] n. the middle of the rainy season Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS ,

  मध्यास्थि [ madhyāsthi ] [ madhyāsthi ] n. Grewia Asiatica Lit. L.

  मध्याहारिणीलिपि [ madhyāhāriṇīlipi ] [ madhyāhāriṇī-lipi ] f. N. of a partic. kind of written character Lit. Lalit. (C. [ adhyāh ] ) .

  मध्याह्न [ madhyāhna ] [ madhyāhna ] m. midday , noon Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   N. of a pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya Lit. Śaṃkar.

   मध्याह्नकाल [ madhyāhnakāla ] [ madhyāhna--kāla ] m. midday time , noon Lit. Kathās.

   मध्याह्नकृत्य [ madhyāhnakṛtya ] [ madhyāhna--kṛtya ] n. midday duty or business or observance Lit. Cat.

   मध्याह्नक्रिया [ madhyāhnakriyā ] [ madhyāhna--kriyā ] f. id. Lit. MW.

   मध्याह्नवेला [ madhyāhnavelā ] [ madhyāhna--velā ] f. = [ -kāla ] Lit. Pañcat.

   मध्याह्नसंध्या [ madhyāhnasaṃdhyā ] [ madhyāhna--saṃdhyā ] f. the midland Saṃdhyā Lit. RTL. 407

   मध्याह्नसमय [ madhyāhnasamaya ] [ madhyāhna--samaya ] m. = [ -kāla ] Lit. Pañcat.

   मध्याह्नसवन [ madhyāhnasavana ] [ madhyāhna--savana ] n. midland sacrifice Lit. Kathās.

   मध्याह्नस्नानविधि [ madhyāhnasnānavidhi ] [ madhyāhna--snāna-vidhi ] m. midland ablution Lit. Cat.

   मध्याह्नेन्दुप्रभाकर्ण [ madhyāhnenduprabhākarṇa ] [ madhyāhnendu-prabhā-karṇa ] m. or n. the hypotenuse of the moon's midland shadow Lit. MW.

  मध्याह्निक [ madhyāhnika ] [ madhyāhnika ] m. Pentapetes Phoenicea Lit. Bhpr.

  मध्येभबन्धन [ madhyebhabandhana ] [ madhyebha-bandhana ] n. a band or rope round an elephant's body Lit. L.

  मध्योदात्त [ madhyodātta ] [ madhyodātta ] m. f. n. having the Udātta or acute accent on the middle syllable Lit. VPrāt.

 मध्यन्य [ madhyanya ] [ madhyanya ] m. f. n. occupying a middle place , having a middle rank or position (in any caste ) Lit. L.

 मध्यम [ madhyama ] [ madhyamá ] m. f. n. ( superl. of [ mádhya ] ) middle (used like Lat. (medius) e.g. [ madhyame gulme ] , " in the midst of the troop " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  being or placed in the middle , middlemost , intermediate , central Lit. RV.

  middle-born (neither youngest nor oldest) , Lit. Veṇis.

  of a middle kind or size or quality , middling , moderate Lit. TS.

  standing between two persons or parties , impartial , neutral Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  (in astron.) mean ( cf. [ madhya ] ) Lit. Sūryas.

  relating to the meridian Lit. ib.

  [ madhyama ] m. the middlemost prince (whose territory lies between that of a king seeking conquest and that of his foe) Lit. Mn. vii , 155

  the middle character in plays Lit. IW. 473

  the midland country (= [ madhya-deśa ] ) Lit. L.

  (in music) the 4th or 5th note Lit. Saṃgīt.

  the middlemost of the 3 scales Lit. ib.

  a partic. Rāga Lit. ib.

  (in gram.) the 2nd person (= [ -puruṣa ] ) Lit. Pāṇ.

  the governor of a province Lit. L.

  a kind of antelope Lit. L.

  N. of the 18th Kalpa (s.v.) Lit. Cat.

  pl. a class of gods Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  (with Buddhists) N. of a partic. Lit. Buddh. sect Lit. Sarvad.

  m. n. the middle of the body , waist Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  [ madhyamā ] f. the womb Lit. TBr.

  [ madhyama ] m. the middle finger Lit. Kauś. Lit. Suśr.

  midnight Lit. L.

  a girl arrived at puberty Lit. L.

  the pericarp of a lotus Lit. L.

  a central blossom Lit. W.

  a kind of metre Lit. L.

  (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Lit. Saṃgīt.

  n. the middle Lit. APrāt.

  mediocrity , defectiveness , Lit. Śṛiṅgār.

  N. of the 12th (14th) Kāṇḍa of the Lit. ŚBr.

  (in astron.) the meridian ecliptic point Lit. Sūryas.

  मध्यमकक्षा [ madhyamakakṣā ] [ madhyamá-kakṣā ] f. the middle enclosure or courtyard Lit. MBh.

  मध्यमकाण्ड [ madhyamakāṇḍa ] [ madhyamá-kāṇḍa ] n. N. of the 2nd Kāṇḍa of the Lit. MaitrS.

  मध्यमखण्ड [ madhyamakhaṇḍa ] [ madhyamá-khaṇḍa ] n. (in alg.) the middle term of an equation

   N. of part ii of the Lit. ŚārṅgS.

  मध्यमगति [ madhyamagati ] [ madhyamá-gati ] f. (in astron.) mean motion of a planet Lit. Cat.

  मध्यमग्राम [ madhyamagrāma ] [ madhyamá-grāma ] m. (in music) the middle scale Lit. Saṃgīt.

  मध्यमजात [ madhyamajāta ] [ madhyamá-jāta ] m. f. n. middle-born , born between (two other children) , middlemost.

  मध्यमटीका [ madhyamaṭīkā ] [ madhyamá-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk. by Kumārila Lit. Cat.

  मध्यमपद [ madhyamapada ] [ madhyamá-pada ] n. the middle number (which is sometimes omitted and requires to be supplied in a compound consisting of two words)

   मध्यमपदलोप [ madhyamapadalopa ] [ madhyamá-pada--lopa ] m. the omission of the middle member of a compound (as in , [ śāka-pārthiva ] , the king of the era , for [ sākapriya-pārthiva ] , the king dear to the era) Lit. Vām. v , 2 , 16

   मध्यमपदलोपिन् [ madhyamapadalopin ] [ madhyamá-pada--lopin ] m. ( scil. [ samāsa ] ) a compound which omits the middle member Lit. ib. ( 1331,2 )

  मध्यमपर्ण [ madhyamaparṇa ] [ madhyamá-parṇá ] n. (prob.) a middle-sized leaf Lit. MaitrS.

  मध्यमपाण्डव [ madhyamapāṇḍava ] [ madhyamá-pāṇḍava ] m. " the middlemost of the five Pāṇḍavas " , Arjuna Lit. W.

  मध्यमपुरुष [ madhyamapuruṣa ] [ madhyamá-puruṣa ] m. a partic. personification Lit. Gaut.

   (in gram.) the second person in verbal conjugation , a termination of the second person ( cf. [ prathama-puruṣa ] , [ uttama-puruṣa ] ) .

  मध्यमपूरुष [ madhyamapūruṣa ] [ madhyamá-pūruṣa ] m. a mediocre person Lit. MBh.

  मध्यमभृतक [ madhyamabhṛtaka ] [ madhyamá-bhṛtaka ] m. a husbandman , a farm-labourer who works both for his master and himself Lit. W.

  मध्यमयान [ madhyamayāna ] [ madhyamá-yāna ] n. " the middle passage " , the middle way to salvation Lit. MWB. 159.

  मध्यमरात्र [ madhyamarātra ] [ madhyamá-rātra ] m. midnight Lit. AitBr. Lit. Kauś.

  मध्यमरेखा [ madhyamarekhā ] [ madhyamá-rekhā ] f. (in astron.) the central meridian of the earth ( a line conceived to be drawn through Laṅkā , Ujjayinī , Kuru-kshetra , and Meru ; cf. [ madhya-rekhā ] ) .

  मध्यमलोक [ madhyamaloka ] [ madhyamá-loka ] m. the middle world (between heaven and the nether world) , the earth

   मध्यमलोकपाल [ madhyamalokapāla ] [ madhyamá-loka--pāla ] m. " protector of the middle world " , a king Lit. Kāv.

   मध्यमलोकेन्दु [ madhyamalokendu ] [ madhyamá-lokendu ] m. " moon of the middle world " , a king Lit. Rājat.

  मध्यमवयस् [ madhyamavayas ] [ madhyamá-vayas ] n. middle age Lit. ŚBr.

  मध्यमवयस्क [ madhyamavayaska ] [ madhyamá-vayaska ] m. f. n. middle-aged Lit. W.

  मध्यमवाह् [ madhyamavāh ] [ madhyamá-vā́h ] m. f. n. driving at middling or slow speed (= [ manda-gamanena vāhaka ] ) Lit. RV. ii , 29 , 4 Lit. Sāy. ( prob. " driving in the middle " , scil. between gods and men) .

  मध्यमशी [ madhyamaśī ] [ madhyamá-śī ] m. " lying or being in the middle " , (prob.) an intercessor Lit. RV. x , 97 , 12.

  मध्यमसंग्रह [ madhyamasaṃgraha ] [ madhyamá-saṃgraha ] m. the middle method of intriguing with another's wife (presenting flowers ) Lit. W.

  मध्यमसाहस [ madhyamasāhasa ] [ madhyamá-sāhasa ] m. the middlemost penalty or amercement , punishment for crimes of a middle degree Lit. Mn. viii , 138 , 263

   [ madhyamasāhasa ] m. n. violence or outrage of the middle class (injuring buildings , throwing down walls ) Lit. W.

  मध्यमस्थ [ madhyamastha ] [ madhyamá-stha ] m. f. n. standing or being in the middle g. [ brāhmaṇādi ] .

  मध्यमस्था [ madhyamasthā ] [ madhyamá-sthā́ ] m. f. n. standing in the middle , forming the centre (of a community) Lit. VS.

  मध्यमस्थेय [ madhyamastheya ] [ madhyamá-sthéya ] n. the state of standing in the middle or forming the centre Lit. TS.

  मध्यमस्वभाव [ madhyamasvabhāva ] [ madhyama-sva-bhāva ] m. f. n. indifferent, neutral, Lit. Bcar.

  मध्यमस्वर [ madhyamasvara ] [ madhyamá-svara ] m. the middle or dominant note Lit. Mālav. i , 21

   [ madhyamasvara ] m. f. n. spoken in a middle tone (not too loud and not too low) Lit. R.

  मध्यमागम [ madhyamāgama ] [ madhyamāgama ] m. one of the 4Āgamas Lit. Buddh.

  मध्यमाङ्गिरस् [ madhyamāṅgiras ] [ madhyamāṅgiras ] m. the middle-sized Aṅgiras Lit. Cat.

  मध्यमाङ्गुलि [ madhyamāṅguli ] [ madhyamāṅguli ] m. the middle finger Lit. L.

  मध्यमात्रेय [ madhyamātreya ] [ madhyamātreya ] m. the middle sized Ātreya Lit. Cat.

  मध्यमादि [ madhyamādi ] [ madhyamādi ] m. (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Lit. Saṃgīt.

  मध्यमादी [ madhyamādī ] [ madhyamādī ] f. (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Lit. Saṃgīt.

  मध्यमाधिकार [ madhyamādhikāra ] [ madhyamādhikāra ] m. N. of the 1st ch. of Lit. Sūryas.

  मध्यमाहरण [ madhyamāharaṇa ] [ madhyamāharaṇa ] n. the elimination of the middle term of an equation Lit. Col.

  मध्यमेश्वर [ madhyameśvara ] [ madhyameśvara ] m. N. of a Liṅga of Śiva in Benares Lit. KūrmaP.

  मध्यमेषा [ madhyameṣā ] [ madhyameṣā́ ] f. a partic. part of a chariot Lit. MaitrS. Lit. TS.

  मध्यमोच्चैस्तर [ madhyamoccaistara ] [ madhyamoccais-tara ] m. f. n. half loud and very loud Lit. Vait.

  मध्यमोत्खात [ madhyamotkhāta ] [ madhyamotkhāta ] m. a particular division of time Lit. L.

 मध्यमक [ madhyamaka ] [ madhyamaka ] m. f. n. middlemost Lit. Mṛicch.

  common (as property) Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

  [ madhyamikā ] f. a marriageable woman Lit. L.

  N. of the 2nd or middle Grantha of the Kāṭhaka ( cf. [ mādhyamika ] )

  [ madhyamaka ] n. the interior of anything ( [ °kam pra-√ viś ] , to enter) Lit. Mṛicch.

  मध्यमकवृत्ति [ madhyamakavṛtti ] [ madhyamaka-vṛtti ] f. N. of wk. ( also [ madhyamika v ] ) .

  मध्यमकालंकार [ madhyamakālaṃkāra ] [ madhyamakālaṃkāra ] m. N. of wk.

  मध्यमकालोक [ madhyamakāloka ] [ madhyamakāloka ] m. N. of wk.

 मध्यमकेय [ madhyamakeya ] [ madhyamakeya ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.

 मध्यमिक [ madhyamika ] [ madhyamika ] prob. w.r. for [ mādhyamika ] q.v.

  मध्यमिकवृत्ति [ madhyamikavṛtti ] [ madhyamika-vṛtti ] see under [ madhyamaka ] .

 मध्यमीय [ madhyamīya ] [ madhyamīya ] m. f. n. relating to the middle , middlemost , central g. [ gahādi ] .

 मध्यमेष्ठ [ madhyameṣṭha ] [ madhyame-ṣṭhá ] ( Lit. MaitrS.) m. f. n. = [ madhyama-sthā ] .

 मध्यमेष्ठा [ madhyameṣṭhā ] [ madhyame-ṣṭhā́ ] ( Lit. AV.) m. f. n. = [ madhyama-sthā ] .

 मध्यमेष्ठेय [ madhyameṣṭheya ] [ madhyame-ṣṭhéya ] ( Lit. MaitrS.) m. f. n. = [ madhyama-sthā ] .

 मध्या [ madhyā ] [ madhyā́ ] ind. in the middle , between , among (gen.) Lit. RV. i , 89 , 9

  meanwhile Lit. ib. x , 61 , 6.

 मध्यायिन् [ madhyāyin ] [ madhyāyin ] m. f. n. recited in the middle tone Lit. SaṃhUp.

 मध्यायु [ madhyāyu ] [ madhyāyu ] ( Lit. Padap. [ °ya-yu ] ) m. f. n. intermediate , being a mediator or seeking a mediation Lit. RV. i , 173 , 10.

 मध्ये [ madhye ] [ madhye ] ind. in the middle , in the midst , within , between , among , in the presence of (with gen. or ifc. ; sometimes also ibc. ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 18 and comp. below) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (with √ [ kṛ ] ( ind.p. [ -kṛtya ] or [ -kṛtvā ] Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 76 ) , to place in the middle , make an intermediary of. Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. iv , 80 ; to count among Lit. Kād.)

  मध्येकृत्य [ madhyekṛtya ] [ madhye-kṛtya ] ind. with regard to Lit. Mālav. v , 2.

  मध्येगङ्गम् [ madhyegaṅgam ] [ madhye-gaṅgam ] ind. in or into the Ganges. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 18 Sch.

  मध्येगुरु [ madhyeguru ] [ madhye-guru ] m. f. n. (prob.) having a long syllable in the middle , Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 11.

  मध्येच्छन्दस् [ madhyecchandas ] [ madhye-cchandas ] n. ( prob.) said to mean " the sun " or " the middle of the year " Lit. PārGṛ. iii , 3 , 5 Sch.

  मध्येजठरम् [ madhyejaṭharam ] [ madhye-jaṭharam ] ind. in the middle of the body Lit. Bhām.

  मध्येजलात् [ madhyejalāt ] [ madhye-jalāt ] ind. from out of the middle of the water Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  मध्येज्योतिस् [ madhyejyotis ] [ madhye-jyotis ] f. a kind of Vedic metre Lit. RPrāt.

  मध्येनगरम् [ madhyenagaram ] [ madhye-nagaram ] ind. in the middle of the city Lit. Rājat.

  मध्येनदि [ madhyenadi ] [ madhye-nadi ] ind. in or into the river Lit. Kathās.

  मध्येनरेश्वरसभम् [ madhyenareśvarasabham ] [ madhye-nareśvara-sabham ] ind. in the middle of the assembly of princes Lit. Bālar.

  मध्येनिधन [ madhyenidhana ] [ madhye-nidhana ] m. f. n. having the passage called Nidhana (s.v.) in the middle Lit. Lāṭy.

  मध्येपद्मम् [ madhyepadmam ] [ madhye-padmam ] ind. in a lotus flower Lit. Vām.

  मध्येपृष्ठम् [ madhyepṛṣṭham ] [ madhye-pṛṣṭham ] ind. having the sacrificial days called Pṛishṭhya (s.v.) in the middle Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

   [ madhyepṛṣṭam ] n. a partic. Ajana Lit. TāṇḍBr.

  मध्येमध्यमाङ्गुलिकर्पूरम् [ madhyemadhyamāṅgulikarpūram ] [ madhye-madhyamāṅguli-karpūram ] ind. between middle finger and elbow Lit. L.

  मध्येयज्ञम् [ madhyeyajñam ] [ madhye-yajñam ] ind. in the middle of the sacrifice Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

  मध्येरणम् [ madhyeraṇam ] [ madhye-raṇam ] ind. in the battle Lit. Bhām.

  मध्येरथ्यम् [ madhyerathyam ] [ madhye-rathyam ] ind. in the middle of the street Lit. ib.

  मध्येवारि [ madhyevāri ] [ madhye-vāri ] ind. in or under the water Lit. R.

  मध्येवार्धि [ madhyevārdhi ] [ madhye-vārdhi ] ind. = [ -samudram ] Lit. HPariś.

  मध्येविन्ध्याटवि [ madhyevindhyāṭavi ] [ madhye-vindhyāṭavi ] ind. in the forests of the Vindhya range Lit. KāśīKh.

  मध्येविन्ध्यान्तर् [ madhyevindhyāntar ] [ madhye-vindhyāntar ] ind. in the middle of the Vindhya Lit. Kathās.

  मध्येव्योम [ madhyevyoma ] [ madhye-vyoma ] ind. in the air Lit. Bālar.

  मध्येश्मशानम् [ madhyeśmaśānam ] [ madhye-śmaśānam ] ind. on the burial-place , Lit. Svapnac.

  मध्येसभम् [ madhyesabham ] [ madhye-sabham ] ind. in the assembly , in public Lit. Dhanaṃj.

  मध्येसमुद्रम् [ madhyesamudram ] [ madhye-samudram ] ind. in the middle of the sea , Lit. Śiś.

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