Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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सशकल [ saśakala ] [ sa-śakala ] m. f. n. (i.e. 7. [ sa ] + [ ś ] ) having scales , together with scales. Lit. IndSt.

  [ sa ] [ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :

  सशङ्क [ saśaṅka ] [ sa-śaṅka ] m. f. n. fearful , doubtful , timid , shy ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   suspicious Lit. Kathās.

   [ saśaṅkam ] ind. , see [ saśaṅka ]

  सशङ्ख [ saśaṅkha ] [ sa-śaṅkha ] m. f. n. having a conch-shell Lit. MW.

   सशङ्खगोष [ saśaṅkhagoṣa ] [ sa-śaṅkha--goṣa ] m. f. n. resounding with conch-shells Lit. ib.

  सशत्रु [ saśatru ] [ sa-śatru ] m. f. n. having enemies Lit. MBh.

  सशपथम् [ saśapatham ] [ sa-śapatham ] ind. with an oath Lit. Mṛicch.

  सशब्द [ saśabda ] [ sa-śabda ] m. f. n. having sound or noise , full of cries , sounding Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

   proclaimed Lit. MW.

   [ saśabdam ] ind. with noise , noisily Lit. Gobh. Lit. MBh.

  सशयन [ saśayana ] [ sa-śayana ] m. f. n. lying or standing together , contiguous , neighbouring Lit. ShaḍvBr.

   Lit. Lāṭy.

  सशर [ saśara ] [ sa-śara ] m. f. n. furnished with an arrow , together with an arrow Lit. R. Lit. Kālid.

   सशरचापहस्त [ saśaracāpahasta ] [ sa-śara--cāpa-hasta ] m. f. n. holding a bow with an arrow in the hand Lit. Ml.

   सशरासन [ saśarāsana ] [ sa-śarāsana ] m. f. n. with a bow Lit. VarYogay.

   सशरिन् [ saśarin ] [ sa-śarin ] m. f. n. furnished with an arrow Lit. MBh.

  सशरीर [ saśarīra ] [ sa-śarīra ] m. f. n. ( [ ] .) with the body , embodied Lit. TBr. Lit. PañcavBr. Lit. R.

   with the bones Lit. KātyŚr.

  सशर्कर [ saśarkara ] [ sa-śarkara ] m. f. n. together with gravel or sand Lit. VarBṛS.

   with brown sugar. Lit. Suśr.

  सशल्क [ saśalka ] [ sa-śalka ] m. f. n. having bark or rind or scales Lit. Gaut.

   [ saśālka ] m. " scaly " , a kind of fish Lit. Mn. v , 16.

  सशल्य [ saśalya ] [ sa-śalya ] m. f. n. pierced by an arrow or dart , stung , wounded (also fig.= " pained , afflicted " ) Lit. R. Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās.

   thorny , connected with pain or sorrow , troublesome , difficult Lit. HPariś.

   [ saśalya ] m. a bear Lit. L.

  सशस्त्र [ saśastra ] [ sa-śastra ] m. f. n. having or containing an invocation (see p. 1044 , col. 1) Lit. MārkP.

   सशस्त्रमरुत्वतीय [ saśastramarutvatīya ] [ sa-śastra--marutvatīya ] m. the second Graha ( q.v.) at the midday libation Lit. VS. Sch. Lit. 2.

  सशस्त्र [ saśastra ] [ sa-śastra ] m. f. n. having arms , armed Lit. Veṇis.

  सशस्य [ saśasya ] [ sa-śasya ] m. f. n. w.r. for [ -sasya ] Lit. Hariv.

   [ saśasyā ] f. Tiaridium Indicum Lit. L.

  सशाद्वल [ saśādvala ] [ sa-śādvala ] m. f. n. covered with grass Lit. Vishṇ.

  सशाल्मल [ saśālmala ] [ sa-śālmala ] m. f. n. possessing silk-cotton trees Lit. MBh.

  सशिखण्डिन् [ saśikhaṇḍin ] [ sa-śikhaṇḍin ] m. f. n. accompanied by Śikhaṇḍin Lit. MBh.

  सशिखर [ saśikhara ] [ sa-śikhara ] m. f. n. having a top (as a tree) Lit. R.

  सशिबिर [ saśibira ] [ sa-śibira ] m. f. n. together with (his) camp , Lit. Śṛiṅgār.

  सशिरस् [ saśiras ] [ sa-śiras ] m. f. n. along with the head Lit. Āpast.

   सशिरःकम्पम् [ saśiraḥkampam ] [ sa-śiraḥ-kampam ] ind. shaking the head Lit. Mṛicch.

   सशिरस्क [ saśiraska ] [ sa-śiraska ] m. f. n. (= [ -śiras ] ) Lit. Gobh.

   सशिरावमज्जन [ saśirāvamajjana ] [ sa-śirāvamajjana ] n. ( fr. [ śira ] = [ śiras ] + [ av ] ) diving with the head foremost Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

  सशिष्य [ saśiṣya ] [ sa-śiṣya ] m. f. n. attended by pupils Lit. Śak.

  सशीत्कार [ saśītkāra ] [ sa-śītkāra ] m. f. n. uttering a murmuring sound Lit. Vikr.

   [ saśītkāram ] ind. with a murmuring sound Lit. MW.

   with a sigh Lit. ib.

  सशीर्षन् [ saśīrṣan ] [ sa-śīrṣan ] ( [ ] .) m. f. n. having a head ( opp. to [ apa-ś ] ) Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.

  सशुक्र [ saśukra ] [ sa-śukra ] ( [ ] .) m. f. n. together with brightness or with what is bright ( [ -tvá ] n. ) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

   सशुक्रत्व [ saśukratva ] [ sa-śukra--tvá ] n. , see [ saśukra ]

  सशुच् [ saśuc ] [ sa-śuc ] m. f. n. grieved , afflicted Lit. Amar.

  सशूक [ saśūka ] [ sa-śūka ] m. f. n. furnished with awns Lit. ĀpŚr.

   [ saśūka ] m. a believer in the existence of God (= [ āstika ] ) Lit. L.

  सशूलम् [ saśūlam ] [ sa-śūlam ] ind. with sharp pain (as of colic or gout) Lit. Suśr.

  सशृङ्गार [ saśṛṅgāra ] [ sa-śṛṅgāra ] m. f. n. having ornaments , adorned , decorated Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.

   सशृङ्गारकम् [ saśṛṅgārakam ] [ sa-śṛṅgārakam ] ind. with love , passionately , tenderly Lit. Mṛicch.

  सशेष [ saśeṣa ] [ sa-śeṣa ] m. f. n. having a remainder , not entirely emptied or exhausted , incomplete , unfinished Lit. KātyŚr.

   सशेषत्व [ saśeṣatva ] [ sa-śeṣa--tva ] n. the having a remainder ( [ -tvād āyuṣaḥ ] , " because life had not yet run out " ) Lit. MBh.

   सशेषान्न [ saśeṣānna ] [ sa-śeṣānna ] m. f. n. one who eats up the remnants of food (= " having a good appetite " ) Lit. Suśr.

  सशैलवनकानन [ saśailavanakānana ] [ sa-śaila-vana-kānana ] m. f. n. having mountains and woods and groves Lit. MBh.

  सशोक [ saśoka ] [ sa-śoka ] m. f. n. sorrowful , sad ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. R. Lit. Kālid.

   [ saśokam ] ind. , see [ saśoka ]

   सशोकता [ saśokatā ] [ sa-śoka--tā ] f. sorrow , sadness Lit. MBh.

  सश्मश्रु [ saśmaśru ] [ sa-śmaśru ] m. f. n. having a beard , bearded Lit. L.

   [ saśmaśru ] f. a woman with a beard Lit. L.

  सश्यापर्ण [ saśyāparṇa ] [ sa-śyāparṇa ] m. f. n. attended by the Śyāparṇas Lit. AitBr.

  सश्रद्ध [ saśraddha ] [ sa-śraddha ] m. f. n. trustful , frank , confident Lit. Kathās.

  सश्रम [ saśrama ] [ sa-śrama ] m. f. n. feeling fatigue , wearied Lit. W.

  सश्री [ saśrī ] [ sa-śrī ] m. f. n. like , similar to (comp.) Lit. KāśīKh.

  सश्रीक [ saśrīka ] [ sa-śrīka ] m. f. n. having beauty , lovely , splendid ( [ -tā ] f. [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Vikr. Lit. Ratnâv.

   having prosperity , prosperous , fortunate Lit. Śiś. Sch.

   सश्रीकता [ saśrīkatā ] [ sa-śrīka--tā ] f. , see [ saśrīka ]

   सश्रीकत्व [ saśrīkatva ] [ sa-śrīka--tva ] n. , see [ saśrīka ]

  सस्रीवृक्ष [ sasrīvṛkṣa ] [ sa-srī-vṛkṣa ] m. f. n. marked with a circular tuft or curl of hair on the breast (as a horse) Lit. Kathās.

  सश्लाघम् [ saślāgham ] [ sa-ślāgham ] ind. boastfully , pompously Lit. Vikr. Lit. Prab.

   with praise , eulogistically Lit. MW.

  सश्लेष [ saśleṣa ] [ sa-śleṣa ] m. f. n. ambiguous , having a double meaning ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kāvyâd.

   सश्लेषत्व [ saśleṣatva ] [ sa-śleṣa--tva ] n. , see [ saśleṣa ]

  सश्वास [ saśvāsa ] [ sa-śvāsa ] m. f. n. having breath , breathing , living Lit. Rājat.

सश्च् [ saśc ] [ saśc ] Root ( only [ soścat ] ) . see √ [ sac ] .

सश्यान [ saśyāna ] [ saśyāna ] w.r. for [ saṃ-śāna ] Lit. GopBr.

सषोडशिक [ saṣoḍaśika ] [ sa-ṣoḍaśika ] m. f. n. connected with the 16 partite Stotra Lit. PañcavBr.

सष्कि [ saṣki ] [ saṣki ] (?) g. [ sidhmādi ] ( Lit. Kāś. ) .

 सष्किल [ saṣkila ] [ saṣkila ] m. f. n. Lit. ib.

सष्टुभ् [ saṣṭubh ] [ sa-ṣṭúbh ] f. a kind of metre ( cf. [ anu- ] , [ pari-ṣṭubh ] ) Lit. TS.

सस् [ sas ] [ sas ] Root cl. [2] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiv , 70) [ sásti ] ( in Lit. TS. also [ sasāsti ] and in Lit. VS. [ sásasti ] , pr. p. [ sasát ] Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; Gr. also pf. [ sasāsa ] aor. [ asāsīt ] ; fut. [ sasitā ] , [ sasiṣyati ] ) , to sleep Lit. RV. ( cf. above ) Lit. Naigh. iii , 22 ; to be inactive or idle Lit. RV. : Caus. [ sāsayati ] (aor. [ asīṣasat ] ) , Gr.: Desid. [ sisasiṣati ] Lit. ib. : Intens. [ sāsasyate ] , [ sāsasti ] Lit. ib.

 सस [ sasa ] [ sasá ] m. f. n. sleeping Lit. Naigh. iv , 2

  [ sasa ] m. N. of an Ātreya (author of Lit. RV. v , 21)

  m. or n. (?) herb , grass , corn ( cf. [ sasyá ] ) Lit. RV.

ससंरम्भ [ sasaṃrambha ] [ sa-saṃrambha ] m. f. n. (i.e. 7. [ sa+s ] ) enraged , angry Lit. Kathās.

[ sasaṃrambham ] ind. angrily Lit. Prab.

hastily , hurriedly , very briefly Lit. Sarvad.

  [ sa ] [ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)

  ससंवाद [ sasaṃvāda ] [ sa-saṃvāda ] m. f. n. agreeing ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kathās.

   [ sasaṃvādam ] ind. , see [ sasaṃvāda ]

  ससंविद् [ sasaṃvid ] [ sa-saṃvid ] m. f. n. one with whom an agreement has been made Lit. ib.

  ससंशय [ sasaṃśaya ] [ sa-saṃśaya ] m. f. n. doubting doubtful , uncertain Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.

   dubious Lit. R.

   ( in rhet.) ambiguity (regarded as a fault) Lit. Kāvyâd.

  ससंहार [ sasaṃhāra ] [ sa-saṃhāra ] m. f. n. having the means of restraint (said of magical weapons which can only be made to return to the owner by repeating certain Mantras) Lit. MW.

  ससखि [ sasakhi ] [ sa-sakhi ] ind. similar to a friend Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 6

  ससखीका [ sasakhīkā ] [ sa-sakhīkā ] f. together with female friends Lit. Kathās.

  ससखीगणा [ sasakhīgaṇā ] [ sa-sakhī-gaṇā ] f. with all the company of female friends Lit. ib.

  ससंकट [ sasaṃkaṭa ] [ sa-saṃkaṭa ] m. f. n. containing difficult passes or defiles (as a road) Lit. Śaṃkar.

  ससंकेत [ sasaṃketa ] [ sa-saṃketa ] m. f. n. one with whom an agreement has been made or who is privy to any secret compact Lit. Kathās.

  ससङ्ग [ sasaṅga ] [ sa-saṅga ] m. f. n. adhering , attached ( [ -tva ] n. " adhesion , contact " ) Lit. Kap.

   ससङ्गत्व [ sasaṅgatva ] [ sa-saṅga--tva ] n. , see [ sasaṅga ] , " adhesion , contact "

  ससंग्रह [ sasaṃgraha ] [ sa-saṃgraha ] m. f. n. one who studies the Saṃgraha ( q.v.) together (i.e. subsidiarily) Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 60.

  ससचिव [ sasaciva ] [ sa-saciva ] m. f. n. along with (his) minister or ministers Lit. MBh.

  ससंज्ञ [ sasaṃjña ] [ sa-saṃjña ] m. f. n. having sense , sensible , conscious Lit. R.

  ससट [ sasaṭa ] [ sa-saṭa ] m. f. n. very shaggy Lit. VarBṛS.

  ससत्त्रिन् [ sasattrin ] [ sa-sattrí n ] ( or [ sá-s ] ) m. a companion at a sacrifice or festival Lit. ŚBr.

  ससत्त्व [ sasattva ] [ sa-sattva ] m. f. n. possessing energy or vigour Lit. MBh.

   containing living creatures or animals Lit. Mn. Lit. Ragh.

   [ sasattvā ] f. " containing an embryo " , a pregnant woman Lit. Ragh. iii , 9.

  ससत्य [ sasatya ] [ sa-satya ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. accompanied with truth Lit. MaitrS.

  ससद्भाव [ sasadbhāva ] [ sa-sadbhāva ] m. f. n. accompanied with affection Lit. Kād.

  ससंततिक [ sasaṃtatika ] [ sa-saṃtatika ] ( Lit. Kull.)

  ससंतान [ sasaṃtāna ] [ sa-saṃtāna ] ( Lit. Mn. iii 15) m. f. n. with offspring.

  ससंदेह [ sasaṃdeha ] [ sa-saṃdeha ] m. f. n. having doubt or hesitation , Kashās.

   ( in rhet.) a kind of indirect praise Lit. Kāvyâd. ii , 358.

  ससंध्य [ sasaṃdhya ] [ sa-saṃdhya ] m. f. n. having or relating to the period called Saṃdhyā , vespertine Lit. R.

   ससंध्यांश [ sasaṃdhyāṃśa ] [ sa-saṃdhyāṃśa ] m. f. n. with the period called Saṃdhyâṃśa Lit. Mn. i , 70.

  ससंनाम [ sasaṃnāma ] [ sa-saṃnāma ] m. f. n. bending down , submissive , humble Lit. Nalôd.

  ससप्तक [ sasaptaka ] [ sa-saptaka ] m. f. n. containing [ ā ] heptade Lit. Jyot.

  ससप्तद्वीप [ sasaptadvīpa ] [ sa-sapta-dvīpa ] m. f. n. with the seven Dvīpas ( q.v.) Lit. NṛisUp.

  ससभ्य [ sasabhya ] [ sa-sabhya ] m. f. n. along with assessors or judges Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

  ससमिद्गण [ sasamidgaṇa ] [ sa-samid-gaṇa ] m. f. n. with a heap of fuel Lit. R.

  ससम्पद् [ sasampad ] [ sa-sampad ] m. f. n. possessing happiness or prosperity , happy Lit. Śiś.

  ससम्पद [ sasampada ] [ sa-sampada ] m. f. n. happy , delighted Lit. W.

  ससम्पातिन् [ sasampātin ] [ sa-sampātin ] m. f. n. together with (the Rākshasa) Sampātin Lit. R.

  ससम्प्रैष [ sasampraiṣa ] [ sa-sampraiṣa ] m. f. n. with a summons or invitation (to the officiating priest to commence a ceremony) Lit. Cat.

  ससम्भारयजुष्क [ sasambhārayajuṣka ] [ sa-sambhāra-yajuṣka ] m. f. n. with the Yajus called Sambhāra Lit. ĀpŚr.

  ससम्भ्रम [ sasambhrama ] [ sa-sambhrama ] m. f. n. filled with confusion or bewilderment , bewildered , flurried , agitated ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. R. Lit. Kālid.

   [ sasambhramam ] ind. , see [ sasambhrama ]

  ससर्प [ sasarpa ] [ sa-sarpa ] m. f. n. having serpents , infested by serpents Lit. MBh.

  ससस्य [ sasasya ] [ sa-sasya ] m. f. n. grown with corn Lit. Hariv.

  ससहाय [ sasahāya ] [ sa-sahāya ] m. f. n. along with associates , having companions or accomplices Lit. Mn. viii , 193.

  ससाक्षिक [ sasākṣika ] [ sa-sākṣika ] m. f. n. (happening) before witnesses ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Yājñ.

   [ sasākṣikam ] ind. , see [ sasākṣika ]

  ससागर [ sasāgara ] [ sa-sāgara ] m. f. n. together with the oceans Lit. Ratnâv.

  ससात्यक [ sasātyaka ] [ sa-sātyaka ] m. f. n. with Sātyaka Lit. Hariv.

  ससादि [ sasādi ] [ sa-sādi ] m. f. n. with charioteers Lit. MBh.

  ससाधन [ sasādhana ] [ sa-sādhana ] m. f. n. having means Lit. MBh.

   with materials or instruments (of , war ) Lit. Kām.

   ससाधनोपवर्गनिरूपण [ sasādhanopavarganirūpaṇa ] [ sa-sādhanopavarga-nirūpaṇa ] n. N. of ch. of a wk.

  ससाध्वस [ sasādhvasa ] [ sa-sādhvasa ] m. f. n. dismayed , terrified , alarmed , timid ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Śiś. Lit. Ratnâv.

   [ sasādhvasam ] ind. , see [ sasādhvasa ]

  ससाध्वीक [ sasādhvīka ] [ sa-sādhvīka ] m. f. n. with Arundhatī Lit. VarBṛS.

  ससांनाय्यक [ sasāṃnāyyaka ] [ sa-sāṃnāyyaka ] m. f. n. with the oblation called Sāṃnāyya Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

  ससार [ sasāra ] [ sa-sāra ] m. f. n. possessing strength or energy ( [ -tā ] , f) Lit. Kum. Lit. Śiś.

   with curds Lit. Suśr.

   ससारवाण [ sasāravāṇa ] [ sa-sāra--vāṇa ] m. f. n. possessing both strength and sound Lit. MW.

  ससारथि [ sasārathi ] [ sa-sārathi ] m. f. n. with the charioteer Lit. Kauś.

  ससार्थ [ sasārtha ] [ sa-sārtha ] m. f. n. with a caravan Lit. Kathās.

   containing goods , laden (as a ship) Lit. R.

  ससावर्ण [ sasāvarṇa ] [ sa-sāvarṇa ] m. f. n. with the Saṃhitā Sāvarṇikā Lit. Cat.

  ससित [ sasita ] [ sa-sita ] m. f. n. with sugar Lit. Suśr.

   ससितोपल [ sasitopala ] [ sa-sitopala ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Pañcar.

   ससितोत्पलमालिन् [ sasitotpalamālin ] [ sa-sitotpala-mālin ] m. f. n. wreathed with white lotus flowers Lit. VarBṛS.

  ससीत [ sasīta ] [ sa-sīta ] m. f. n. with Sītā Lit. R.

  ससीमक [ sasīmaka ] [ sa-sīmaka ] m. f. n. with the limit or boundary Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 7 , Vārtt. 8 Lit. Pat.

  ससीमन् [ sasīman ] [ sa-sīman ] m. f. n. having the same boundary , conterminous , near Lit. L.

  ससुगन्ध [ sasugandha ] [ sa-sugandha ] m. f. n. having a pleasant smell , fragrant Lit. VarBṛS.

   ससुगन्धिगात्र [ sasugandhigātra ] [ sa-sugandhi-gātra ] m. f. n. accompanied by perfumed men Lit. Vishṇ.

  ससुत [ sasuta ] [ sa-suta ] m. f. n. having a son , together with sons or children Lit. MBh.

  ससुत्वन् [ sasutvan ] [ sa-sutvan ] m. f. n. accompanied by Soma-offering priests Lit. MW.

  ससुदर्शन [ sasudarśana ] [ sa-sudarśana ] m. f. n. armed with Vishṇu's discus (called Sudarśana) Lit. Hcat.

  ससुन्दरीक [ sasundarīka ] [ sa-sundarīka ] m. f. n. with a beautiful woman or wife Lit. Siṃhâs.

  ससुपर्ण [ sasuparṇa ] [ sa-suparṇa ] m. f. n. with the Suparṇa texts. Lit. IndSt.

  ससुब्रह्मण्य [ sasubrahmaṇya ] [ sa-subrahmaṇya ] m. f. n. with the Subrahmaṇya Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch. Lit. 1.

  ससुर [ sasura ] [ sa-sura ] m. f. n. along with the gods Lit. Śiś.

   ससुरचापम् [ sasuracāpam ] [ sa-sura--cāpam ] ind. with Indra's bow Lit. MW. 2.

  ससुर [ sasura ] [ sa-sura ] m. f. n. with liquor , having liquor Lit. Śiś.

   intoxicated Lit. Cat.

  ससुवर्ण [ sasuvarṇa ] [ sa-suvarṇa ] m. f. n. with gold Lit. Vishṇ.

  ससुहृद् [ sasuhṛd ] [ sa-suhṛd ] m. f. n. having friends or kinsfolk Lit. MBh.

   ससुहृज्जन [ sasuhṛjjana ] [ sa-suhṛj-jana ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MW.

   ससुहृन्मित्रबान्धव [ sasuhṛnmitrabāndhava ] [ sa-suhṛn-mitra-bāndhava ] m. f. n. with friends and companions and relatives Lit. Pañcar.

  ससूक [ sasūka ] [ sa-sūka ] (of unknown meaning) Lit. HPariś.

  ससूत [ sasūta ] [ sa-sūta ] m. f. n. with the charioteer Lit. MBh.

  ससूति [ sasūti ] [ sa-sūti ] ( [ ] ) w.r. for [ sákūti ] Lit. MaitrS.

  ससूनु [ sasūnu ] [ sa-sūnu ] ( [ sá- ] ) w.r. in Lit. AV. v , 27 , 1.

  ससेन [ sasena ] [ sa-sena ] m. f. n. with an army , commanding an army Lit. MW.

  ससैन्य [ sasainya ] [ sa-sainya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. R.

   ससैन्यबलवाहन [ sasainyabalavāhana ] [ sa-sainya--bala-vāhana ] m. f. n. with guards and armies and equipages Lit. MW.

  ससोम [ sasoma ] [ sá-soma ] m. f. n. with Soma Lit. ŚBr. ( [ -tva ] n. Lit. TāṇḍBr.)

   ससोमत्व [ sasomatva ] [ sá-soma--tva ] n. , see [ sasoma ] , Lit. TāṇḍBr.

   ससोमपीथ [ sasomapītha ] [ sá-soma--pītha ] m. f. n. partaking of a draught of Soma equally with another (instr.) Lit. AitBr.

  ससौरभ [ sasaurabha ] [ sa-saurabha ] m. f. n. having perfume , fragrant Lit. Śiś.

  ससौराष्ट्र [ sasaurāṣṭra ] [ sa-saurāṣṭra ] m. f. n. with the Saurāshṭra Lit. Kathās.

  सस्तर [ sastara ] [ sa-stara ] m. having leaves strewn so as to form a bed Lit. W.

  सस्तुतशस्त्र [ sastutaśastra ] [ sa-stuta-śastra ] m. f. n. joined with a Stotra and Śastra Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सस्त्रीक [ sastrīka ] [ sa-strīka ] m. f. n. attended by a wife Lit. ib.

   having a wife , married Lit. Kāv.

  सस्थण्डिलक [ sasthaṇḍilaka ] [ sa-sthaṇḍilaka ] m. f. n. with the sacrificial places Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 7 Vārtt. 8 Lit. Pat.

  सस्थाणुजङ्गम [ sasthāṇujaṅgama ] [ sa-sthāṇu-jaṅgama ] m. f. n. along with immovables and movables Lit. MBh.

  सस्थान [ sasthāna ] [ sa-sthāna ] m. f. n. occupying the same position as (gen.) Lit. ĀrshBr.

   produced in the same part of the mouth or with the same organ as (gen. or comp.) Lit. Prāt.

  सस्थावन् [ sasthāvan ] [ sa-sthā́van ] m. f. n. standing or fixed together Lit. RV. viii , 37 , 4.

  सस्थास्नुचारिन् [ sasthāsnucārin ] [ sa-sthāsnu-cārin ] m. f. n. = [ sthāṇujaṅgama ] Lit. MBh. vii , 372 (w.r. [ saṃ-sth ] and [ saṃ-sthāna-cārin ] ) .

  सस्थूण [ sasthūṇa ] [ sá-sthūṇa ] m. f. n. ( [ sá- ] ) together with the pillar , Lit. ŚBr.

   सस्थूणच्छिन्न [ sasthūṇacchinna ] [ sá-sthūṇa--cchinna ] m. f. n. hewn down with the stump Lit. Kām.

  सस्नेह [ sasneha ] [ sa-sneha ] m. f. n. oily , greasy Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   affectionate ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ sasneham ] ind. , see [ sasneha ]

   सस्नेहबहुमान [ sasnehabahumāna ] [ sa-sneha--bahumāna ] m. f. n. with affection and esteem Lit. Kathās.

  सस्पृह [ saspṛha ] [ sa-spṛha ] m. f. n. filled with desire or longing , longing for , desirous of (loc. or inf.) , Lit. Ratnâv.

   expressing a desire Lit. Kād.

   [ saspṛham ] ind. lovingly Lit. Śiś.

   enviously Lit. Ragh.

  सस्फुर [ sasphura ] [ sa-sphura ] m. f. n. throbbing i.e. living. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  सस्फुलिङ्ग [ sasphuliṅga ] [ sa-sphuliṅga ] m. f. n. emitting sparks Lit. Nār. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  सस्मय [ sasmaya ] [ sa-smaya ] m. f. n. haughty , arrogant ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Śiś.

   [ sasmayam ] ind. , see [ sasmaya ]

  सस्मित [ sasmita ] [ sa-smita ] m. f. n. accompanied with smiles , smiling , laughing ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Śiś.

   [ sasmitam ] ind. , see [ sasmita ]

  सस्मेरम् [ sasmeram ] [ sa-smeram ] ind. smilingly Lit. Hāsy.

  सस्यद् [ sasyad ] [ sa-syád ] = [ -srút ] .

  सस्रज् [ sasraj ] [ sa-sraj ] m. f. n. wreathed , garlanded Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  सस्रुत् [ sasrut ] [ sa-srút ] m. f. n. flowing , streaming Lit. RV.

  सस्रोतस् [ sasrotas ] [ sa-srotas ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. id. Lit. VS.

  सस्वध [ sasvadha ] [ sa-svadha ] m. pl. " having the Svadhā ( q.v.) " , a partic. class of deceased ancestors Lit. MW.

  सस्वन [ sasvana ] [ sa-svana ] m. f. n. sounding , loud ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. MBh.

   [ sasvanam ] ind. , see [ sasvana ]

  सस्वर [ sasvara ] [ sa-svara ] m. f. n. sounding , having the same sound with (instr. or comp.) Lit. Prāt.

   having accent , accentuated Lit. IndSt.

   [ sasvaram ] ind. loudly Lit. VP.

  सस्वाहाकार [ sasvāhākāra ] [ sa-svāhā-kāra ] m. f. n. accompanied with the exclamation Svāhā Lit. AitBr. Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सस्वेद [ sasveda ] [ sa-sveda ] m. f. n. moist with sweat , perspiring , exuding Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat.

   [ sasvedā ] f. a girl who has been recently deflowered Lit. L.

ससर्परी [ sasarparī ] [ sasarparī́ ] f. ( prob. fr. √ [ sṛp ] , of unknown meaning , accord. to Lit. Sāy. ; accord. to others = " war-trumpet " , or " N. of a mystical cow " ) Lit. RV. iii , 53 , 15 ; 16.

ससवस् [ sasavas ] [ sasavas ] see √ 1. [ san ] , p. 1140.

सस्नि [ sasni ] [ sásni ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ 1. [ san ] ) procuring , bestowing

gaining , winning Lit. RV.

= [ saṃ-snāta ] Lit. Nir. v , 1.

  सस्नितम [ sasnitama ] [ sásni-tama ] m. f. n. most bountiful ( fr. √ 1. [ san ] ) , or cleanest , purest ( fr. √ [ snā ] ) , or most firmly joined ( fr. √ [ snai ] ) Lit. ŚBr.

सस्पिञ्जर [ saspiñjara ] [ saspí ñjara ] m. f. n. = [ śasp ] , Lit. TS.

सस्य [ sasya ] [ sasyá ]1 n. ( of unknown derivation ; also written [ śasya ] ; ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) corn , grain , fruit , a crop of corn ( also pl.) Lit. AV. Lit.

  सस्यक्रेणी [ sasyakreṇī ] [ sasyá-kreṇī ] f. buying corn Lit. Uṇ. iv , 48. Sch.

  सस्यक्षेत्र [ sasyakṣetra ] [ sasyá-kṣetra ] n. a corn-field Lit. Hit.

  सस्यपाल [ sasyapāla ] [ sasyá-pāla ] m. a field-guarder Lit. Rājat.

  सस्यपूर्ण [ sasyapūrṇa ] [ sasyá-pūrṇa ] m. f. n. full of or grown with corn Lit. Hit.

  सस्यप्रद [ sasyaprada ] [ sasyá-prada ] m. f. n. yielding corn , fertile Lit. Mn. vii , 212.

  सस्यप्रवृद्धि [ sasyapravṛddhi ] [ sasyá-pravṛddhi ] f. the growth of corn Lit. VarBṛS.

  सस्यमञ्जरी [ sasyamañjarī ] [ sasyá-mañjarī ] f. an ear of corn Lit. L.

  सस्यमारिन् [ sasyamārin ] [ sasyá-mārin ] m. " corn-destroying " , a kind of rat or large mouse Lit. L.

  सस्यमालिन् [ sasyamālin ] [ sasyá-mālin ] m. f. n. " corn-wreathed " , abounding in corn or crops (as the earth) Lit. R.

  सस्यरक्षक [ sasyarakṣaka ] [ sasyá-rakṣaka ] m. = [ -pāla ] Lit. Hit.

  सस्यरक्षा [ sasyarakṣā ] [ sasyá-rakṣā ] f. guarding the fields Lit. L.

  सस्यवत् [ sasyavat ] [ sasyá-vat ] m. f. n. bearing a rich crop Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. Mārk.

  सस्यवेद [ sasyaveda ] [ sasyá-veda ] m. the science of agriculture Lit. Hcat.

  सस्यशालिन् [ sasyaśālin ] [ sasyá-śālin ] m. f. n. = [ -pūrṇa ] Lit. R. Lit. Hcat.

  सस्यशीर्षक [ sasyaśīrṣaka ] [ sasyá-śīrṣaka ] n. = [ -mañjarī ] Lit. L.

  सस्यशुक [ sasyaśuka ] [ sasyá-śuka ] n. an awn of grain Lit. L.

  सस्यसंवर [ sasyasaṃvara ] [ sasyá-saṃvara ] m. Vatica or Shorea Robusta Lit. L.

  सस्यसंवरण [ sasyasaṃvaraṇa ] [ sasyá-saṃvaraṇa ] m. Vatica or Shorea Robusta Lit. L.

  सस्यहन् [ sasyahan ] [ sasyá-han ] m. f. n. destroying crops Lit. MBh.

   [ sasyahan ] m. N. of an evil demon (the son of Duḥsaha) Lit. MārkP.

  सस्यहन्तृ [ sasyahantṛ ] [ sasyá-hantṛ ] m. = prec. Lit. ib.

  सयाकरवत् [ sayākaravat ] [ sayākara-vat ] m. f. n. (prob , ) producing abundant crops Lit. Kām.

  सस्याद् [ sasyād ] [ sasyād ] m. f. n. eating corn or fruit Lit. AV.Paipp.

  सस्यानन्द [ sasyānanda ] [ sasyānanda ] m. N. of wk.

  सस्यान्ते [ sasyānte ] [ sasyānte ] ind. when the grain is at an end i.e. eaten up Lit. Mn. iv , 27.

  सस्यावाप [ sasyāvāpa ] [ sasyāvāpa ] m. sowing of crops Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

  सस्येष्टि [ sasyeṣṭi ] [ sasyeṣṭi ] f. sacrifice offered on the ripening of new grain Lit. W.

सस्य [ sasya ] [ sasya ]2 m. ( perhaps incorrect for [ śasya ] ) a sort of precious stone Lit. L.

[ sasya ] n. a weapon Lit. L.

virtue , merit Lit. L.

 सस्यक [ sasyaka ] [ sasyaka ] m. f. n. possessed of good qualities , perfect in its kind , Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 68

  [ sasyaka ] m. a sword Lit. L.

  m. n. a kind of precious stone Lit. L.

सस्र [ sasra ] [ sasrá ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ sṛ ] ) flowing , streaming Lit. RV.

 सस्रि [ sasri ] [ sásri ] m. f. n. running rapidly , speeding along Lit. ib.

सस्रुत् [ sasrut ] [ sa-srut ] [ sa-srotas ] see above.

सस्वर् [ sasvar ] [ sasvár ] ind. (of unknown derivation) , secretly Lit. RV. ( cf. Lit. Naigh. iii , 25) .

 सस्वर्ता [ sasvartā ] [ sasvártā ] ind. id. Lit. ib.

सह् [ sah ] [ sah ]1 Root cl. [1] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xx , 22) [ sáhate ] ( Ved. and ep. also [ °ti ] and exceptionally [ sāhati ] , once in Lit. MBh. 1. sg. [ sahyāmi ] ; p. [ sáhat ] [ sáhamāna ] ( q.v. ) ; pf. [ sehe ] , [ sasāha ] ; Ved. also [ sasāhé ] and [ sāsāhat ] ; [ sāsáhat ] ; [ sāsahīṣṭā́ḥ ] , ; [ sāsahyā́ma ] , ; p. [ sehāná ] , [ sāsahāná ] , [ sāsahvás ] and [ sāhvás ] ( q.v. ) ; aor. [ asākṣi ] , [ sākṣi ] , [ sākṣate ] Lit. RV. ; [ sākṣīt ] Lit. GopBr. ; [ sakṣati ] Lit. AV. ; [ sakṣat ] , [ sā́kṣāma ] Lit. RV. ; Impv. [ sakṣi ] , [ sākṣva ] Lit. ib. ; p. [ sákṣat ] Lit. ib. ; [ ásahisṭa ] Lit. RV. ; Prec. [ sahyās ] , [ sāhyā́ma ] Lit. ib. ; [ sākṣīya ] . Lit. AV. ; [ sā́hiṣīmáhi ] Lit. RV. ; fut. [ soḍhā ] Lit. MBh. ; [ sahitā ] Gr. ; [ sakṣyati ] Lit. MBh. , [ °te ] Lit. Br. ; [ sākṣye ] ( ? ) Lit. AV. ; [ -sahiṣyati ] , [ °te ] Lit. MBh. ; Cond. [ asahisyat ] Lit. ib. ; inf. [ sáhadhyai ] Lit. RV. Lit. Kāṭh. ; [ sā́ḍhyai ] Lit. MaitrS. ; [ soḍhum ] , [ sahitum ] Lit. MBh. ; ind.p. [ soḍhvā ] Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch. ; [ sādhvā ] , [ sahitvā ] Gr. ; [ sáhya ] Lit. RV. ; [ sáham ] Lit. Br.) , to prevail , be victorious ; to overcome , vanquish , conquer , defeat (enemies) , gain , win (battles) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. R. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to offer violence to (acc.) Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. ; to master , suppress , restrain Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to be able to or capable of (inf. or loc.) Lit. ib. ; to bear up against , resist , withstand Lit. AV. ; to bear , put up with , endure , suffer , tolerate (with [ na ] , " to grudge " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to be lenient towards , have patience with any one (gen.) Lit. Bhag. ; to spare any one Lit. MārkP. Lit. Pañcat. ; to let pass , approve anything Lit. Sarvad. ; ( with [ kalam ] , [ kala-kṣepam ] ) to bide or wait patiently for the right time Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. : Caus. or cl. [10] [ sāhayati ] (aor. [ asīṣahat ] ) , to forbear Lit. Dhātup. xxxiv , 4 : Desid. of Caus. [ sisāhayiṣati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 62 ? : Desid. [ sī́kṣate ] (p. [ sī́kṣat ] ; accord. to Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 61 , also [ sisahiṣa ] ) , to wish to overcome Lit. RV. Lit. TS. : Intens. [ sāsaṣyate ] , [ sāsoḍhi ] ( cf. [ sāsahí ] ) Gr. ( ( cf. [ sahas ] and 1 for 2 ; 3 , 4. ) ) ( 1192,3 )

 सह् [ sah ] [ sah ]2 ( strong form [ sāh ] ) m. f. n. bearing , enduring , overcoming (ifc. ; see [ abhimāti-ṣā́h ] )

 सह [ saha ] [ sahá ] m. f. n. powerful , mighty Lit. RV.

  (ifc.) overcoming , vanquishing Lit. MBh.

  bearing , enduring , withstanding , defying , equal to , a match for (gen. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  causing , effecting , stimulating , exerting Lit. Śiś.

  able to , capable of (inf. cr comp.) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Śiś. Lit. Kathās.

  [ saha ] m. the month Mārgaśīrsha (see [ sahas ] ) Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Car.

  a partic. Agni Lit. MBh.

  a species of plant Lit. AV.

  N. of a son of Manu Lit. Hariv.

  of a son of Prâṇa and Ūrjasvatī Lit. BhP.

  of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra Lit. MBh.

  of a son of Kṛishṇa and Mādrī Lit. BhP.

  [ sahā ] f. the earth Lit. L.

  [ saha ] m. (with Buddhists) N. of a division of the world ( with [ loka-dhātu ] , " the world inhabited by men " ) Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  N. of various plants (accord. to Lit. L. = Aloe Perfoliata , [ daṇḍopatā ] , [ rāsnā ] ) Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Suśr.

  Unguis Odoratus Lit. L.

  n. = [ bala ] Lit. L.

  kind of salt Lit. L. 1.

  सहता [ sahatā ] [ sahá-tā ] f.

  सहत्व [ sahatva ] [ sahá-tva ] n. ( for. see under 2. [ saha ] ) sufferance , endurance , capacity of enduring , capacity , ability Lit. Kām. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās.

  सहपति [ sahapati ] [ sahá-pati ] m. " lord of the world of men " , N. of Brahmā Lit. Lalit.

  सहरक्ष [ saharakṣa ] [ sahá-rakṣa ] and see under 2. [ saha ] , p. 1194 , col. 2.

  सहरक्षस् [ saharakṣas ] [ sahá-rakṣas ]and see under 2. [ saha ] , p. 1194 , col. 2.

  सहावत् [ sahāvat ] [ sáhā-vat ] [ sáhā-vat ] or [ sahā́-vat ] , m. f. n. possessing strength , powerful , mighty Lit. RV.

  सहावन् [ sahāvan ] [ sahā́-van ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Padap. [ sahá-van ] ) id. Lit. ib.

 सहक [ sahaka ] [ sahaka ] m. f. n. patient , suffering , enduring (gen.) Lit. Nalôd.

 सहत् [ sahat ] [ sáhat ] m. f. n. mighty , strong. Lit. RV. viii , 40 , 1

  lasting , solid Lit. ib. v , 23 , 1.

 सहध्यै [ sahadhyai ] [ sáhadhyai ] see under √ 1. [ sah ] , p.1192 , col , 3.

 सहन [ sahana ] [ sahana ] m. f. n. powerful , strong ( in explanation of the etymology of [ siṃha ] ) Lit. Nir. viii , 15

  patient , enduring (see [ a-s ] )

  [ sahana ] m. ( [ saṃjñāyām ] ) (g. [ nandyādi ] )

  n. patient endurance , forbearance Lit. MārkP. Lit. Sāh.

  सहनशील [ sahanaśīla ] [ sahana-śīla ] m. f. n. of a patient disposition Lit. MW.

 सहनीय [ sahanīya ] [ sahanīya ] m. f. n. to be borne or endured , pardonable Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.

 सहन्तम [ sahantama ] [ sáhantama ] m. f. n. ( superl. of [ sahat ] ) strongest , most powerful Lit. RV.

 सहन्त्य [ sahantya ] [ sahantya ] m. f. n. prevailing , conquering Lit. ib.

 सहमान [ sahamāna ] [ sáhamāna ] m. f. n. ( for [ saha-m ] see under 2. [ saha ] ) conquering , victorious Lit. AV. Lit. TBr.

  [ sahamānā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. AV.

  N. of that part of the frame enshrining the Universal Spirit which faces the south ( the 3 others being [ juhū ] , [ rājñī ] , and [ su-bhūta ] ) Lit. ChUp. xv , 2.

 सहस् [ sahas ] [ sáhas ] m. f. n. powerful , mighty , victorious ( superl. [ tama ] ) Lit. RV.

  [ sahas ] m. the month Mārgaśīrsha or Agrahāyaṇa (November-December) , the winter season Lit. VS. Lit. Suśr. Lit. Pur.

  n. strength , power , force , victory ( [ sahasas putra ] or [ °sah sūnu ] m. " son of strength " , N. of Agni in Lit. RV. ; [ sahasā ] ind. see below ; [ sahobhiḥ ] ind. = " mightily , intensely " ) Lit. RV.

  n. water Lit. Naigh. i , 12

  light Lit. L. ; N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr. ( cf. Goth. (sigis) ; Angl.Sax. (sigor) , (sege) ; Germ. (Sieg) ) ,

  [ sahasā ] ind. , see [ sahas ]

  [ sahobhiḥ ] ind. , see [ sahas ] , = " mightily , intensely "

  सहस्कृत् [ sahaskṛt ] [ sáhas-kṛt ] m. f. n. bestowing strength or power Lit. VS. Lit. TS. (v.l.)

  सहस्कृत [ sahaskṛta ] [ sáhas-kṛta ] m. f. n. ( [ sáhas- ] ) produced by strength (said of Agni) Lit. RV.

   invigorated , increased , excited Lit. ib.

  सहस्वत् [ sahasvat ] [ sáhas-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ sáhas- ] .) powerful , mighty , victorious Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. BhP. ( [ °vat ] ind. mightily) Lit. RV.

   containing the word [ sahas ] Lit. AitBr.

   [ sahasvat ] m. N. of a king (v.l. [ mahas-vat ] ) Lit. VP.

   [ sahasvatī ] f. (prob.) ( [ atī ] ) N. of a plant. Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

   [ sahasvat ] ind. , see [ sahasvat ] , mightily

 सहसा [ sahasā ] [ sahasā ] (instr. of [ sahas ] ) , forcibly , vehemently , suddenly , quickly , precipitately , immediately , at once , unexpectedly , at random , fortuitously , in an unpremeditated manner , inconsiderately (with instr. " together with " ) .

  सहसादृष्ट [ sahasādṛṣṭa ] [ sahasā-dṛṣṭa ] m. " seen fortuitously " , an adopted son Lit. L.

  सहसोद्गत [ sahasodgata ] [ sahasodgata ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

 सहसान [ sahasāna ] [ sahasāná ] m. f. n. powerful , mighty. Lit. RV.

  [ sahasāna ] m. a peacock Lit. Uṇ. ii , 87 Sch.

  a sacrifice , oblation Lit. ib.

 सहसानु [ sahasānu ] [ sahasānu ] m. f. n. patient , enduring Lit. L.

   [ sahasānu ] m. = prec. Lit. L.

 सहसावत् [ sahasāvat ] [ sahasā-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ -sahas-vat ] ) strong , mighty (mostly said of Agni) Lit. RV.

 सहसिन् [ sahasin ] [ sahasin ] m. f. n. powerful , mighty Lit. RV.

 सहस्य [ sahasya ] [ sahasyá ] m. f. n. mighty , strong Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  [ sahasya ] m. the month Pausha (December-January) Lit. VS. Lit.

  सहस्यचन्द्र [ sahasyacandra ] [ sahasyá-candra ] m. the wintry moon Lit. MW.

 सहा [ sahā ] [ sahā ] see under 1. [ saha ] , col.1.

 सहावत् [ sahāvat ] [ sahā-vat ] see under 1. [ saha ] , col.1.

 सहान्य [ sahānya ] [ sahānya ] m. a mountain Lit. L.

 सहाम्पति [ sahāmpati ] [ sahām-pati ] m. ( rather fr. acc. of [ sahā ] than fr. gen. pl. of 2. [ sah+p ] ; cf. [ saka-pati ] ) N. of Brahmā (with Buddhists) Lit. Lalit. ( Lit. MWB. 210 ; 211)

  of a Bodhi-sattva Lit. Kāraṇḍ.

  of a serpent-demon Lit. ib.

  [ sahāmpati ] f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Lit. ib.

 सहित [ sahita ] [ sahita ]1 m. f. n. ( for 2. see p. 1195 , col. 1) borne , endured , supported Lit. W.

 सहितव्य [ sahitavya ] [ sahitavya ] m. f. n. to be borne or endured Lit. MBh.

 सहितृ [ sahitṛ ] [ sahitṛ ] m. f. n. = [ soḍhṛ ] Lit. Siddh.

 सहित्र [ sahitra ] [ sahitra ] n. patience , endurance Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Vop.

 सहिर [ sahira ] [ sahira ] m. a mountain Lit. L.

 सहिष्ठ [ sahiṣṭha ] [ sahiṣṭha ] m. f. n. strongest , most mighty or powerful Lit. RV.

 सहिष्णु [ sahiṣṇu ] [ sahiṣṇu ] m. f. n. patient , forbearing

  bearing , enduring , putting up with (acc. gen. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  [ sahiṣṇu ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. Hariv.

  of one of the 7 Ṛishis under the 6th Manu Lit. ib. Lit. MārkP.

  of a son of Pulaha Lit. Pur.

  of Vishṇu Lit. RTL. 106 n. 1.

  सहिष्णुता [ sahiṣṇutā ] [ sahiṣṇu-tā ] f.

  सहिष्णुत्व [ sahiṣṇutva ] [ sahiṣṇu-tva ] n. patience , resignation , forbearance Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

 सहीयस् [ sahīyas ] [ sáhīyas ] m. f. n. more (or most) mighty or powerful Lit. RV. Lit. Kauś. Lit. BhP.

 सहुरि [ sahuri ] [ sáhuri ] m. f. n. mighty , strong , victorious Lit. RV.

  [ sahuri ] m. the sun , Lit. Uṇ , ii , 73 Sch.

  f. the earth Lit. ib.

  N. of Agni Lit. L.

 सहो [ saho ] [ saho ] in comp. for [ sahas ] .

  सहोजा [ sahojā ] [ saho-jā́ ] m. f. n. strength born , produced by strength Lit. RV.

  सहोजित् [ sahojit ] [ saho-jí t ] m. f. n. victorious by strength Lit. AV.

  सहोदा [ sahodā ] [ saho-dā́ ] m. f. n. bestowing strength Lit. RV.

  सहोदैर्घतमस [ sahodairghatamasa ] [ saho-dairghatamasa ] n. du. N. of two Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.

  सहोबल [ sahobala ] [ saho-bala ] n. great force or violence , cruelty Lit. MW.

  सहोभरि [ sahobhari ] [ saho-bhári ] m. f. n. supporting strength Lit. RV.

  सहोरयिष्ठीय [ sahorayiṣṭhīya ] [ saho-rayiṣṭhīya ] n. N. of two Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.

  सहोवन् [ sahovan ] [ saho-van ] ( [ sáho- ] ) m. f. n. mighty , superior Lit. AV.

  सहोवृध् [ sahovṛdh ] [ saho-vṛ́dh ] m. f. n. increasing strength Lit. RV.

 सह्य [ sahya ] [ sahya ] m. f. n. to be borne or endured , endurable , tolerable , resistible Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  able to bear , equal to Lit. W.

  powerful , strong Lit. ib.

  sweet , agreeable Lit. W.

  [ sahya ] m. N. of one of the 7 principal ranges of mountains in India (see [ kula-giri ] )

  of a mountainous district (in which the Go-dāvarī rises in the N. W of the Deccan) Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.

  of a son of Vivasvat (v.l. [ mahya ] ) Lit. MBh.

  mn. help. assistance ( oftener [ sāhya ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  m. health , convalescence Lit. L.

  सह्यकर्मन् [ sahyakarman ] [ sahya-karman ] n. help , assistance Lit. MBh.

  सह्यता [ sahyatā ] [ sahya-tā ] f. endurableness Lit. Mālav. Lit. Kād.

  सह्यपर्वत [ sahyaparvata ] [ sahya-parvata ] m. the Sahya range of mountains Lit. MBh.

  सह्यमहीभृत् [ sahyamahībhṛt ] [ sahya-mahībhṛt ] m. the Sahya range of mountains Lit. MBh.

  सह्यवर्णन [ sahyavarṇana ] [ sahya-varṇana ] n. N. of a ch. of the Lit. SkandaP. (containing a description of the Sahya mountains) .

  सह्यवासिनी [ sahyavāsinī ] [ sahya-vāsinī ] f. " inhabiting the Sahya mountains " N. of Durgā Lit. Mālatīm.

  सह्यात्मजा [ sahyātmajā ] [ sahyātmajā ] f. " Sahya's daughter " , N. of the river Kāverī Lit. Cat.

  सह्याद्रि [ sahyādri ] [ sahyādri ] m. the Sahya mountain

   सह्याद्रिखण्ड [ sahyādrikhaṇḍa ] [ sahyādri--khaṇḍa ] m. N. of a ch. of the Lit. SkandaP.

 सह्यस् [ sahyas ] [ sáhyas ] m. f. n. = [ sahīyas ] Lit. RV.

 सह्यु [ sahyu ] [ sáhyu ] m. f. n. conquering , victorious Lit. RV.

 सह्र [ sahra ] [ sahra ] m. a mountain Lit. L.

 सह्वन् [ sahvan ] [ sáhvan ] m. f. n. powerful , mighty Lit. ŚBr.

 साढ [ sāḍha ] [ sāḍhá ] m. f. n. = [ soḍhá ] , overcome , conquered ( cf. [ a-ṣāḍha ] , [ aṣāṭha ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

 साढृ [ sāḍhṛ ] [ sā́ḍhṛ ] m. f. n. = [ sodhṛ ] , conquering , a conqueror Lit. RV.

 साढृ [ sāḍhṛ ] [ sāḍhṛ ] m. f. n. = [ sodhṛ ] , conquering , a conqueror Lit. RV.

 साढ्यै [ sāḍhyai ] [ sā́ḍhyai ] see under √ 1. [ sah ] , p. 1192 , col. 3.

 सासहान [ sāsahāna ] [ sāsahāná ] m. f. n. ( for [ sa-s ] ) overcoming , conquering Lit. RV.

 सासहि [ sāsahi ] [ sāsahí ] m. f. n. (fr. Intens.) conquering , victorious Lit. ib.

  (ifc.) able to bear Lit. Naish.

 सासह्वस् [ sāsahvas ] [ sāsahvás ] and [ sāhvás ] m. f. n. = [ -sāsahāna ] Lit. RV.

 साह्वस् [ sāhvas ] [ sāhvás ] and [ sāsahvás ] m. f. n. = [ -sāsahāna ] Lit. RV.

 सीक्षत् [ sīkṣat ] [ sī́kṣat ] see Desid. of √ 1. [ sah ] .

 सेहन [ sehana ] [ sehaná ] m. f. n. = [ sāsahāṇa ] Lit. RV.

 सोढ [ soḍha ] [ soḍha ] see s.v.

सह् [ sah ] [ sah ]3 Root cl. [4] P. [ sahyati ] , to satisfy , delight Lit. Dhātup. xxvi , 20 ; to be pleased Lit. ib. ; to bear , endure ( cf. √ 1. [ sah ] ) Lit. ib.

सह [ saha ] [ sahá ]2 ind. ( prob. fr. 7. [ sa+dhā ] , which in Veda may become [ dha ] ; cf. 1. [ sadha ] ) together with , along with , with (with √ [ grah ] and [ ā-√ dā ] , " to take with one " ; with √ [ ] , " to give to take away with one " ; with [ kṛtvā ] and acc. , " taking with one " , " in the company of " ; often as a prep. governing instr. case , but generally placed after the governed word e.g. [ tena saha ] , " along with him " ; exceptionally with abl. e.g. [ aiśvaryāt saha ] , " with sovereignty " Lit. Cāṇ. 104) ( 1193,2 )

in common , in company , jointly , conjointly , in concert ( often used as a prefix in comp. , expressing " community of action " , e.g. [ sahādhyayana ] q.v. ; or forming adjectives expressing " the companion of an action " , e.g. [ saha-cara ] q.v.)

at the same time or simultaneously with (prefixed to adverbs of time e.g. [ saha-pūrvāhṇam ] q.v. ; rarely ifc. e.g. [ vainateya-s ] , " with Vainateya " Lit. Hariv.) Lit. RV.

[ saha ] m. a companion Lit. L.

[ sahā ] f. a female companion Lit. BhP.

  सहऋषभ [ sahaṛṣabha ] [ sahá-ṛṣabha ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ saharṣ ] ) together with a bull , Lit. ŚaṅkhSr.

  सहकण्ठक [ sahakaṇṭhaka ] [ sahá-kaṇṭhaka ] ( [ saha- ] ) m. f. n. with the throat Lit. AV.

  सहकरण [ sahakaraṇa ] [ sahá-karaṇa ] n. acting together , common action or performance Lit. Saṃskārak.

  सहकर्तृ [ sahakartṛ ] [ sahá-kartṛ ] m. a co-worker , assistant Lit. Mn. viii , 206 ,

  सहकार [ sahakāra ] [ sahá-kāra ] m. ( for [ sa-hakāra ] see p. 1195 , col. 1) acting with , co-operation , assistance , Lit. Kusum. Lit. Bhāshāp. Sch.

   a kind of fragrant mango tree Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ sahakāra ] n. a mango blossom Lit. Hariv.

   mango juice Lit. VarBṛS.

   सहकारता [ sahakāratā ] [ sahá-kāra--tā ] f. the state of a mango tree Lit. Mālav.

   सहकारतैल [ sahakārataila ] [ sahá-kāra--taila ] n. mango oil Lit. Suśr.

   सहकारभञ्जिका [ sahakārabhañjikā ] [ sahá-kāra--bhañjikā ] f. " the breaking of mango blossoms " , a kind of game Lit. Cat.

   सहकारमञ्जरी [ sahakāramañjarī ] [ sahá-kāra--mañjarī ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Vās.

   सहकारोपदेश [ sahakāropadeśa ] [ sahá-kāropadeśa ] m. N. of wk.

  सहकारिन् [ sahakārin ] [ sahá-kārin ] m. f. n. acting together , co-operating , concurrent

   [ sahakārin ] m. a concurrent agent , expedient , assistant Lit. Sāh. Lit. Bhāshāp. Lit. Sarvad.

   सहकारिता [ sahakāritā ] [ sahá-kāri-tā ] f. ( Lit. Sāh.) concurrence , co-operation , assistance.

   सहकारित्व [ sahakāritva ] [ sahá-kāri-tva ] n. ( Lit. TS.) concurrence , co-operation , assistance.

   सहकारिभाव [ sahakāribhāva ] [ sahá-kāri-bhāva ] m. ( Lit. Nīlak.) concurrence , co-operation , assistance.

  सहकृत् [ sahakṛt ] [ sahá-kṛt ] m. f. n. co-operating , assisting , an assistant Lit. W.

  सहकृत [ sahakṛta ] [ sahá-kṛta ] m. f. n. co-operated with , accompanied by , assisted , aided Lit. Kusum. Lit. Bhāshāp. Lit. Sarvad.

  सहकृत्वन् [ sahakṛtvan ] [ sahá-kṛtvan ] m. f. n. co-operating , assisting , a coadjutor Lit. Naish.

  सहक्रम्य [ sahakramya ] [ sahá-kramya ] m. f. n. to be taken into or concluded in the Krama-text Lit. RPrāt.

  सहखट्वासन [ sahakhaṭvāsana ] [ sahá-khaṭvāsana ] n. sitting together on a bed Lit. Mn. viii , 357.

  सहगत [ sahagata ] [ sahá-gata ] m. f. n. gone or going with , accompanied , associated Lit. W.

  सहगमन [ sahagamana ] [ sahá-gamana ] n. going with or accompanying (esp. a widow's going with her deceased husband i.e. burning herself with his dead body) Lit. ib.

  सहगामिन् [ sahagāmin ] [ sahá-gāmin ] m. f. n. = [ -gata ]

   [ sahagāminī ] f. a woman who burns herself with her deceased husband Lit. ib.

  सहगु [ sahagu ] [ sahá-gu ] m. f. n. together with cows Lit. AV.Paipp.

  सहगुड [ sahaguḍa ] [ sahá-guḍa ] m. f. n. provided with sugar Lit. VarBṛS.

  सहगोप [ sahagopa ] [ sahá-gopa ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. with the cowherd Lit. RV.

  सहचन्द्रललाम [ sahacandralalāma ] [ sahá-candra-lalāma ] m. f. n. along with the moon-crested i.e. Śiva Lit. BhP.

  सहचर [ sahacara ] [ sahá-cara ] m. f. n. going with , accompanying , associating with Lit. Kālid. Lit. Prab.

   belonging together Lit. AitBr.

   similar , like Lit. Subh.

   [ sahacara ] m. a companion , friend , follower Lit. Kālid. Lit. Śiś. Lit. BhP.

   a surety Lit. W.

   Barleria Prionitis and Cristata Lit. Car.

   = [ pratibandhaka ] Lit. L.

   [ sahacarī ] f. a female companion or friend , mistress , wife Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās.

   [ sahacara ] m. Barleria Prionitis or Cristata Lit. L.

   सहचरभिन्न [ sahacarabhinna ] [ sahá-cara--bhinna ] m. ( in rhet.) separation of what belongs together , joining discordant things or ideas ( also [ °nna-tā ] f. [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kpr. Lit. Sāh.

   सहचरभिन्नता [ sahacarabhinnatā ] [ sahá-cara--bhinna-tā ] f. , see [ sahacarabhinna ]

   सहचरभिन्नत्व [ sahacarabhinnatva ] [ sahá-cara--bhinna--tva ] n. , see [ sahacarabhinna ]

   सहचरीधर्म [ sahacarīdharma ] [ sahá-carī-dharma ] m. " the wife's duty " , sexual intercourse Lit. Hariv.

  सहचरण [ sahacaraṇa ] [ sahá-caraṇa ] m. f. n. going or belonging together Lit. GopBr.

  सहचरत् [ sahacarat ] [ sahá-carat ] m. f. n. going with , accompanying , attending Lit. W.

  सहचरित [ sahacarita ] [ sahá-carita ] m. f. n. gone or going with

   congruent , homogeneous ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Pat. Lit. Sāh. Lit. TPrāt. Sch.

   सहचरितत्व [ sahacaritatva ] [ sahá-carita--tva ] n. , see [ sahacarita ]

  सहचार [ sahacāra ] [ sahá-cārá ] m. going together Lit. AV.

   agreement , harmony. congruence , concomitance (esp. in logic " the invariable accompaniment of the [ hetu ] or middle term by the [ sādhya ] or major term " , as opp. to [ vyabhicāra ] ; [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Bhāshāp. Lit. Kusum.

   = [ saha-gamana ] (see [ -vidhi ] ) , N. of various phil. works.

   सहचारग्रन्थप्रकाश [ sahacāragranthaprakāśa ] [ saha-cāra--grantha-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

   सहचारत्व [ sahacāratva ] [ sahá-cārá--tva ] n. , see [ sahacāra ]

   सहचाररहस्य [ sahacārarahasya ] [ saha-cāra--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   सहचारवाद [ sahacāravāda ] [ saha-cāra--vāda ] m. N. of wk.

   सहचारविधि [ sahacāravidhi ] [ saha-cāra--vidhi ] m. N. of wk. on the ceremonies enjoined upon a widow burning herself on the pyre of her husband.

  सहचारिन् [ sahacārin ] [ sahá-cārin ] m. f. n. going or living together , gregarious Lit. Car.

   connected or associated together , essentially belonging to (comp) Lit. Sāh.

   [ sahacārin ] m. a follower , associate , companion Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   [ sahacāriṇī ] f. a female companion , confidante , friend Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

   सहचारिग्रन्थरहस्य [ sahacārigrantharahasya ] [ sahá-cāri-grantha-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   सहचारित्व [ sahacāritva ] [ sahá-cāri-tva ] n. the being connected together , concomitance , inseparability Lit. TPrāt. Sch.

  सहचैत्यवत् [ sahacaityavat ] [ sahá-caitya-vat ] m. f. n. together with sanctuaries Lit. R.

  सहच्छन्दस् [ sahacchandas ] [ sahá-cchandas ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. along with metre Lit. RV. x , 130 , 7.

  सहज [ sahaja ] [ sahá- ] m. f. n. born or produced together or at the same time as (gen.) Lit. TS. Lit. Mn. Lit. Kathās.

   congenital , innate , hereditary , original , natural (ibc. , by birth , " by nature " , " naturally " ; with [ deśa ] m. " birthplace " , " home " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   always the same as from the beginning Lit. Hariv. 4238

   [ sahaja ] m. natural state or disposition ( said to be also n.) Lit. L.

   m. a brother of whole blood Lit. L.

   N. of various kings and other men Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat.

   of a Tāntric teacher Lit. Cat.

   [ sahajā ] f. N. of various women Lit. Rājat. Lit. Buddh.

   [ sahaja ] n. N. of the third astrol. mansion ( said to be also m.) Lit. VarBṛS.

   n. emancipation during life Lit. Cat.

   सहजकीर्ति [ sahajakīrti ] [ sahá-já--kīrti ] m. N. of a Jaina author Lit. Cat.

   सहजधार्मिक [ sahajadhārmika ] [ sahá-já--dhārmika ] m. f. n. innately honest Lit. Hit.

   सहजपाल [ sahajapāla ] [ sahá-já--pāla ] m. N. of various men Lit. Rājat.

   सहजमलिन [ sahajamalina ] [ sahá-já--malina ] m. f. n. naturally dirty , spotty by nature Lit. Kuval.

   सहजललित [ sahajalalita ] [ sahá-já--lalita ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

   सहजमित्र [ sahajamitra ] [ sahá-já--mitra ] m. a natural friend (as a sister's son , cousin ) Lit. W.

   सहजवत्सल [ sahajavatsala ] [ sahá-já--vatsala ] m. f. n. fond or tender by nature Lit. Hit.

   सहजविलास [ sahajavilāsa ] [ sahá-já--vilāsa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

   सहजशत्रु [ sahajaśatru ] [ sahá-já--śatru ] m. = [ °jāri ] Lit. MW.

   सहजसिद्धि [ sahajasiddhi ] [ sahá-já--siddhi ] f. N. of wk.

   सहजसुहृद् [ sahajasuhṛd ] [ sahá-já--suhṛd ] m. a natural friend Lit. Prab.

   सहजाधिनाथ [ sahajādhinātha ] [ sahá-jādhí nātha ] m. N. of a king Lit. Cat.

   सहजानन्द [ sahajānanda ] [ sahá-jānanda ] m. N. of the founder of a Vaishṇava sect (also called Svāmi-nārāyaṇa , born about 1780 A.D.) Lit. RTL. 148 ; 149

    of an author ( also [ da-tīrtha ] and [ -nātha ] ) Lit. Cat.

   सहजान्धदृश् [ sahajāndhadṛś ] [ sahá-jāndha-dṛś ] m. f. n. blind by nature or from birth Lit. Śiś.

   सहजारि [ sahajāri ] [ sahá-jāri ] m. a natural enemy , one hostile by birth (as the son of the same father by another mother , the son of a paternal uncle ) Lit. W.

   सहजाष्टक [ sahajāṣṭaka ] [ sahá-jāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk. by Śaṃkarâcārya

   सहजेतर [ sahajetara ] [ sahá-jetara ] m. f. n. other than natural , not innate or inherent or congenital , accidental Lit. W.

   सहजेन्द्र [ sahajendra ] [ sahá-jendra ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

   सहजोदासीन [ sahajodāsīna ] [ sahá-jodāsīna ] m. one who is born neutral or who is naturally neither an enemy nor a friend , a common acquaintance , friend , unconnected by birth Lit. W.

  सहजग्धि [ sahajagdhi ] [ sahá-jagdhi ] f. eating together ( used in explaining [ sa-gdhi ] ) Lit. Nir. ix , 43.

  सहजन्मन् [ sahajanman ] [ sahá-janman ] m. f. n. inherited from birth (as a servant) Lit. MārkP.

  सहजन्य [ sahajanya ] [ sahá-janya ] m. N. of a Yaksha Lit. BhP. (Sch.)

   [ sahajanyī ] f. N. of an Apsaras Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  सहजा [ sahajā ] [ sahá-jā́ ] m. f. n. born or produced together Lit. RV.

  सहजात [ sahajāta ] [ sahá-jāta ] m. f. n. born together or at the same time , equal in age Lit. Kathās.

   innate , natural Lit. ib.

   both from the same mother , twin-born Lit. L.

  सहजानि [ sahajāni ] [ sahá-jāni ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. together with a wife Lit. TS.

  सहजानुष [ sahajānuṣa ] [ sahá-jānuṣa ] ( [ sahd- ] ) m. f. n. with offspring Lit. RV. i , 108 , 4. ,

  सहजित् [ sahajit ] [ sahá-jit ] m. f. n. victorious at once (said of princes) Lit. MBh.

  सहजीविन् [ sahajīvin ] [ sahá-jīvin ] m. f. n. living together Lit. ib.

  सहजोषण [ sahajoṣaṇa ] [ sahá-joṣaṇa ] m. f. n. ( used in explaining [ sa-joṣas ] ) Lit. Nir. viii , 8-2.

  सहता [ sahatā ] [ sahá-tā ] f. ( for 1. see 1. [ saha ] ) association , connection , communion Lit. MW. 2.

  सहत्व [ sahatva ] [ sahá-tva ] n. ( for 1. see Lit. ib.) id. Lit. ŚrS.

   सहत्वकर्मन् [ sahatvakarman ] [ sahá-tva--karman ] n. an action to be performed together Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सहदण्ड [ sahadaṇḍa ] [ sahá-daṇḍa ] m. f. n. with an army Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  सहदान [ sahadāna ] [ sahá-dāna ] n. common oblation (to various gods) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 26 Sch.

  सहदानु [ sahadānu ] [ sahá-dānu ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. with a Dānu or with Dānus Lit. RV.

  सहदार [ sahadāra ] [ sahá-dāra ] m. f. n. along with a wife , having a wife , married Lit. MBh.

  सहदीक्षितिन् [ sahadīkṣitin ] [ sahá-dīkṣitin ] m. f. n. undertaking the Dīkshā ( q.v.) together , Lit. TāṇḍBr. ,

  सहदेव [ sahadeva ] [ sahá-deva ] m. f. n. ( [ sahá- ] ) with the gods Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

   [ sahadeva ] m. N. of a Ṛishi ( with the patr. [ vārṣāgira ] ) Lit. RV. i , 107

   of a man ( with the patr. [ śāñjaya ] ) Lit. ŚBr.

   of the youngest of the five Pāṇḍava princes (son of Mādrī and reputed son of Pāṇḍu , but really son of the Aśvins , and twin-brother of Nakula ; see [ mādrī ] Lit. MBh.)

   of a son of Haryaśvata Lit. Hariv.

   of a son of Harsha-vardhana Lit. VP.

   of a son of Haryavana Lit. BhP.

   of a son of Soma-datta Lit. Hariv.

   of a son of Jarā-saṃdha Lit. ib.

   of a son of Divā-kara Lit. VP.

   of a son of Devâpi Lit. ib.

   of a son of Divârka Lit. BhP.

   of a son of Su-dāsa Lit. VP.

   of a son of Su-prabuddha and uncle of Gautama Buddha Lit. Buddh.

   of a Rājaputra (mentioned together with Yudhi-shṭhira) Lit. Rājat.

   of an author ( also with [ bhaṭṭa ] ) . Lit. Cat.

   [ sahadevā ] f. N. of various plants (accord. to Lit. L. Sida Cordifolia Echites Frutescens = [ daṇḍotpalā ] ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS. (v.l.)

   of a daughter of Devaka and wife of Vasudeva Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

   [ sahadevī ] f. N. of various plants (accord. to Lit. L. " Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia = [ sarpākṣī ] " ) Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Pañcat.

   सहदेवज [ sahadevaja ] [ sahá-deva--ja ] m. f. n. together with Deva-ja

   सहदेवज [ sahadevaja ] [ sahá-deva--ja ] m. " N. of Kṛiśâśva " Lit. BhP.

   सहदेवशास्त्र [ sahadevaśāstra ] [ sahá-deva--śāstra ] n. N. of wk.

   सहदेवीगण [ sahadevīgaṇa ] [ sahá-devī-gaṇa ] m. a collection of herbs used in certain ablutions at the consecration of an idol Lit. MW.

  सहदेवत [ sahadevata ] [ sahá-devata ] ( [ sahá ] ) m. f. n. together with the deities Lit. AV.

  सहदेवि [ sahadevi ] [ sahá-devi ] w.r. for [ sāhad ] Lit. Rājat.

  सहद्रोण [ sahadroṇa ] [ sahá-droṇa ] m. f. n. along with Droṇa Lit. MW.

  सहधर्म [ sahadharma ] [ sahá-dharma ] m. community of duty or law , common usage or characteristic Lit. MBh.

   सहधर्मचर [ sahadharmacara ] [ sahá-dharma--cara ] m. f. n. one following the same law or duties Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

    [ sahadharmacarī ] f. a wife who helps in the fulfilment of duties Lit. ib.

   सहधर्मचरण [ sahadharmacaraṇa ] [ sahá-dharma--caraṇa ] n. the fulfilment of duties (in common with a husband) Lit. Śak.

   सहधर्मचारिन् [ sahadharmacārin ] [ sahá-dharma--cārin ] m. f. n. sharing the duties of (gen.) Lit. Śak.

    [ sahadharmacāriṇī ] f. a wife who helps a husband in fulfilling duties , a helpmate , lawful or legitimate wife Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Uttarar.

  सहधर्मन् [ sahadharman ] [ sahá-dharman ] m. f. n. along with duties , sharing duties Lit. BhP.

  सहधर्मिन् [ sahadharmin ] [ sahá-dharmin ] m. f. n. following the same duties or customs Lit. L.

   [ sahadharmiṇī ] f. a wife who shares duties , a lawful or legitimate wife Lit. ib.

  सहधान्य [ sahadhānya ] [ sahá-dhānya ] m. f. n. provided with corn or grain or food Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.

  सहनर्तन [ sahanartana ] [ sahá-nartana ] n. the act of dancing together Lit. L.

  सहनिर्वाप [ sahanirvāpa ] [ sahá-nirvāpa ] m. a common oblation Lit. Pat.

  सहनिवासिन् [ sahanivāsin ] [ sahá-nivāsin ] m. f. n. dwelling together with (instr. ; [ °si-tā ] f. ) Lit. Mālatīm.

   सहनिवासिता [ sahanivāsitā ] [ sahá-nivāsi-tā ] f. , see [ sahanivāsin ]

  सहनृत्य [ sahanṛtya ] [ sahá-nṛtya ] n. = [ -nartana ] Lit. Gaut.

  सहनौ [ sahanau ] [ sahá-nau ] m. f. n. with the ship Lit. BhP.

  सहपत्नि [ sahapatni ] [ sahá-patni ] m. f. n. with a wife Lit. R.

  सहपत्नी [ sahapatnī ] [ sahá-patnī ] ( [ sahá ] .) f. along with a husband Lit. AV.

  सहपत्नीक [ sahapatnīka ] [ sahá-patnīka ] m. f. n. with a wife Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सहपथिन् [ sahapathin ] [ sahá-pathin ] m. and f. (nom. [ -panthās ] , [ pathī ] ) going by the same road , a companion on a journey , fellow-traveller Lit. MW.

  सहपांसुकिल [ sahapāṃsukila ] [ sahá-pāṃsu-kila ] m. " one who has played with another in the dust or sand " , a friend from childhood , cotemporary Lit. L.

  सहपांसुक्रीडन [ sahapāṃsukrīḍana ] [ sahá-pāṃsu-krīḍana ] n. playing together with dust or sand (in childhood) Lit. Mālatīm.

  सहपांसुक्रीडित [ sahapāṃsukrīḍita ] [ sahá-pāṃsu-krīḍita ] m. f. n. one with whom another has played (see above ) , a friend from childhood Lit. Kād.

  सहपाठ [ sahapāṭha ] [ sahá-pāṭha ] m. the being mentioned together Lit. KātyŚr.

  सहपान [ sahapāna ] [ sahá-pāna ] ( Lit. ib. Sch.) (L) n. drinking together.

  सहपानक [ sahapānaka ] [ sahá-pānaka ] (L) n. drinking together.

  सहपिण्डक्रिया [ sahapiṇḍakriyā ] [ sahá-piṇḍa-kriyā ] f. offering of the Piṇḍa ( q.v.) in common Lit. Mn. iii , 248.

  सहपीति [ sahapīti ] [ sahá-pīti ] f. ( used in explaining [ sá-pīti ] ) Lit. Nir. ix , 43.

  सहपुत्र [ sahaputra ] [ sahá-putra ] m. f. n. with a son or children Lit. MBh.

  सहपुरुष [ sahapuruṣa ] [ sahá-puruṣa ] m. f. n. with men Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  सहपूरुष [ sahapūruṣa ] [ sahá-pūruṣa ] ( [ sahd- ] ) m. f. n. id. Lit. AV.

  सहपूर्वाह्णम् [ sahapūrvāhṇam ] [ sahá-pūrvāhṇam ] ind. simultaneously with the beginning of forenoon Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 81 Sch.

  सहप्रकृति [ sahaprakṛti ] [ sahá-prakṛti ] f. a precept about simultaneousness or concomitance Lit. KātyŚr. ( and v.l.)

  सहप्रकॢप्ति [ sahaprakḷpti ] [ sahá-prakḷpti ] f. a precept about simultaneousness or concomitance Lit. KātyŚr. ( and v.l.)

  सहप्रम [ sahaprama ] [ sahá-prama ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. with the measure Lit. RV. x , 130 , 7.

  सहप्रयायिन् [ sahaprayāyin ] [ sahá-prayāyin ] m. f. n. setting out together , a fellow-traveller Lit. Kathās.

  सहप्रयोग [ sahaprayoga ] [ sahá-prayoga ] m. simultaneous practice or application Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

  सहप्रवाद [ sahapravāda ] [ sahá-pravāda ] m. f. n. with the case-forms (= [ sa-pr ] ) Lit. RPrāt.

  सहप्रथायिन् [ sahaprathāyin ] [ sahá-prathāyin ] m. f. n. = [ -prayāyin ] Lit. Kathās.

  सहबान्धव [ sahabāndhava ] [ sahá-bāndhava ] m. f. n. with relatives Lit. R.

  सहभक्ष [ sahabhakṣa ] [ sahá-bhakṣa ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. eating or enjoying together Lit. MaitrS. Lit. AV. Lit. Lāṭy.

  सहभस्मन् [ sahabhasman ] [ sahá-bhasman ] m. f. n. with the ashes Lit. AitBr.

  सहभार्य [ sahabhārya ] [ sahá-bhārya ] m. f. n. with a wife Lit. MW.

  सहभाव [ sahabhāva ] [ sahá-bhāva ] m. the being together , companionship , community Lit. Kuval.

   connection together , concomitance , inseparability Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sarvad.

  सहभावनिक [ sahabhāvanika ] [ sahá-bhāvanika ] m. f. n. along with Bhāvanikā Lit. Kathās.

  सहभाविन् [ sahabhāvin ] [ sahá-bhāvin ] m. f. n. connected together , coherent , connected with (comp.) Lit. Śaṃk.

   [ sahabhāvin ] m. a friend , adherent , partisan Lit. W.

  सहभुज् [ sahabhuj ] [ sahá-bhuj ] m. f. n. eating together with (comp.) , Lit. Kusum.

  सहभू [ sahabhū ] [ sahá-bhū ] m. f. n. being together ( used in explaining [ sacā-bhū ] ) Lit. Nir. v , 5

   appearing together with (comp.) Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

   innate , natural Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Kād.

   counterpart of (gen.) Lit. Kād.

  सहभूत [ sahabhūta ] [ sahá-bhūta ] m. f. n. being together , joined , connected Lit. Pat.

  सहभूति [ sahabhūti ] [ sahá-bhūti ] f. Lit. AV. iv , 31 , 6 (v.l. for [ abhi-bh ] in Lit. RV.)

  सहभोजन [ sahabhojana ] [ sahá-bhojana ] n. eating together , commensality with (comp.) Lit. Gaut.

   common enjoyment or possession of (gen.) Lit. MBh.

  सहभोजिन् [ sahabhojin ] [ sahá-bhojin ] m. one who eats together , a messmate Lit. ib.

  सहभ्रातृ [ sahabhrātṛ ] [ sahá-bhrātṛ ] m. f. n. together with a brother or brothers Lit. W.

  सहमनस् [ sahamanas ] [ sahá-manas ] m. f. n. with intelligence Lit. Rājat.

  सहमरण [ sahamaraṇa ] [ sahá-maraṇa ] n. dying together , concremation , burning with the corpse of a husband Lit. W.

  सहमर्मास्थिसंघात [ sahamarmāsthisaṃghāta ] [ sahá-marmāsthi-saṃghāta ] m. f. n. with the joints and the whole frame of bones Lit. R.

  सहमातृक [ sahamātṛka ] [ sahá-mātṛka ] m. f. n. along with the mother Lit. Vop.

  सहमाद [ sahamāda ] [ sahá-māda ] m. ( used in explaining [ sadha-m ] ) Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. iii , 35 , 4.

  सहमान [ sahamāna ] [ sahá-māna ] m. f. n. ( for [ saham ] see p. 1193 , col. 1) possessing pride , full of arrogance Lit. MW.

  सहमारीच [ sahamārīca ] [ sahá-mārīca ] m. f. n. with Mārīca Lit. R.

  सहमित्र [ sahamitra ] [ sahá-mitra ] m. N. of a man Lit. HPariś.

  सहमुख [ sahamukha ] [ sahá-mukha ] m. f. n. with the mouth Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सहमूर [ sahamūra ] [ sahá-mūra ] and ( [ sahá ] .) m. f. n. along with the root ( cf. [ sa-mūla ] ) Lit. RV.

  सहमूल [ sahamūla ] [ sahá-mūla ]and ( [ sahá ] .) m. f. n. along with the root ( cf. [ sa-mūla ] ) Lit. RV.

  सहमृता [ sahamṛtā ] [ sahá-mṛtā ] f. a woman who has burned herself with her dead husband ( cf. [ saha-maraṇa ] ) Lit. Pañcar.

  सहयज्ञ [ sahayajña ] [ sahá-yajña ] m. f. n. with sacrifices Lit. Bhag.

  सहयशस् [ sahayaśas ] [ sahá-yaśas ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. glorious , splendid Lit. TS.

  सहयात [ sahayāta ] [ sahá-yāta ] w.r. for [ -jāta ] Lit. Kathās.

  सहयायिन् [ sahayāyin ] [ sahá-yāyin ] m. f. n. going together , a fellow-traveller Lit. Śak. Lit. Kathās.

  सहयुज् [ sahayuj ] [ sahá-yuj ] m. f. n. yoked or harnessed together Lit. Nir. ix , 24.

  सहयुध्वन् [ sahayudhvan ] [ sahá-yudhvan ] m. f. n. fighting together , a brother-in-arms Lit. Śiś.

  सहयोषित् [ sahayoṣit ] [ sahá-yoṣit ] m. f. n. with a wife Lit. R.

  सहयौगंधरायण [ sahayaugaṃdharāyaṇa ] [ sahá-yaugaṃdharāyaṇa ] m. f. n. with Yaugaṃdharāyaṇa Lit. Kathās.

  सहरक्ष [ saharakṣa ] [ sahá-rakṣa ] ( Lit. VP.) ( [ sahá- ] TS) m. one of the three kinds of sacrificial fire (that which receives the offering to the Rākshasas ; the latter also , " a forest fire " , L) .

  सहरक्षस् [ saharakṣas ] [ sahá-rakṣas ] ( [ sahá- ] TS) m. one of the three kinds of sacrificial fire (that which receives the offering to the Rākshasas ; the latter also , " a forest fire " , L) .

  सहरसा [ saharasā ] [ sahá-rasā ] f. Phaseolus Trilobus (a sort of bean) Lit. L.

  सहराजक [ saharājaka ] [ sahá-rājaka ] m. f. n. together with the king Lit. MBh.

  सहर्षभ [ saharṣabha ] [ sahá-rṣabha ] ( for [ -ṛṣabha ] ; [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. along with the bull Lit. TS.

  सहलक्ष्मण [ sahalakṣmaṇa ] [ sahá-lakṣmaṇa ] m. f. n. with Lakshmaṇa Lit. R.

  सहलोकधातु [ sahalokadhātu ] [ sahá-loka-dhātu ] m. the world inhabited by men , the earth Lit. Buddh.

  सहवत्स [ sahavatsa ] [ sahá-vatsa ] m. f. n. with the calf Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सहवर्तिन् [ sahavartin ] [ sahá-vartin ] m. f. n. being together , keeping company Lit. MW.

  सहवसति [ sahavasati ] [ sahá-vasati ] f. dwelling together Lit. Śak.

  सहवसु [ sahavasu ] [ sahá-vasu ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. with wealth or with one's property (accord. to Lit. Sāy. " N. of an Asura " ) Lit. RV. ii , 13 , 8.

  सहवह् [ sahavah ] [ sahá-vah ] ( strong form [ -vāh ] ) m. f. n. drawing together (said of horses) Lit. RV. vii , 97 , 6.

  सहवाच्य [ sahavācya ] [ sahá-vācya ] m. f. n. to be spoken together Lit. Lāṭy.

  सहवाद [ sahavāda ] [ sahá-vāda ] m. " speaking together " , colloquy , disputation Lit. MBh. ,

  सहवार्ष्णेयजीवल [ sahavārṣṇeyajīvala ] [ sahá-vārṣṇeya-jīvala ] m. f. n. with Vārshṇeya and Jīvala Lit. MBh.

  सहवार्ष्णेयबाहुक [ sahavārṣṇeyabāhuka ] [ sahá-vārṣṇeya-bāhuka ] m. f. n. with Vārshṇeya and Bāhuka Lit. ib. = [ vārṣṇeya-sārathi ]

  सहवार्ष्णेयसारथि [ sahavārṣṇeyasārathi ] [ sahá-vārṣṇeya-sārathi ] m. f. n. with the charioteer Vārshṇeya Lit. ib.

  सहवास [ sahavāsa ] [ sahá-vāsa ] m. dwelling together , common abode Lit. ib. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās.

   = next Lit. MW.

  सहवासिक [ sahavāsika ] [ sahá-vāsika ] m. f. n. one who lives with another , a fellow-lodger or neighbour Lit. MBh.

  सहवासिन् [ sahavāsin ] [ sahá-vāsin ] m. f. n. one who lives with another , a fellow-lodger or neighbour Lit. MBh.

  सहवाहन [ sahavāhana ] [ sahá-vāhana ] m. f. n. along with vehicles Lit. MBh.

  सहविवक्षा [ sahavivakṣā ] [ sahá-vivakṣā ] f. the intention to utter anything together or at once Lit. Pat.

  सहवीर [ sahavīra ] [ sahá-vīra ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. together with men or heroes Lit. RV. Lit. VS.

  सहवीर्य [ sahavīrya ] [ sahá-vīrya ] n. fresh butter Lit. L.

  सहवृद्धिक्षयभाव [ sahavṛddhikṣayabhāva ] [ sahá-vṛddhi-kṣaya-bhāva ] m. f. n. possessing or partaking of the increase and wane (of the moon) Lit. Subh.

  सहवैशिक्य [ sahavaiśikya ] [ sahá-vaiśikya ] m. f. n. with the Vaiśikyas Lit. MārkP.

  सहव्रत [ sahavrata ] [ sahá-vrata ] m. f. n. having common observances or duties

   [ sahavratā ] f. = [ -dharmacāriṇī ] , col.1 Lit. Hariv.

   a religious community , sect Lit. Lalit.

  सहशय [ sahaśaya ] [ sahá-śaya ] see [ digdha-s ] .

  सहशय्या [ sahaśayyā ] [ sahá-śayyā ] f. the lying together with Lit. Āpast.

  सहशय्यासनाशन [ sahaśayyāsanāśana ] [ sahá-śayyāsanāśana ] m. f. n. lying and sitting and eating together Lit. BhP.

  सहशिष्ट [ sahaśiṣṭa ] [ sahá-śiṣṭa ] m. f. n. taught or enjoined together or at once ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

   सहशिष्टत्व [ sahaśiṣṭatva ] [ sahá-śiṣṭa--tva ] n. , see [ sahaśiṣṭa ]

  सहशेय्य [ sahaśeyya ] [ sahá-śéyya ] n. = [ -śayyā ] Lit. RV.

  सहसंवाद [ sahasaṃvāda ] [ sahá-saṃvāda ] m. speaking together , conversation Lit. BhP.

  सहसंवास [ sahasaṃvāsa ] [ sahá-saṃvāsa ] m. dwelling together Lit. Rājat. -

  सहसंवेग [ sahasaṃvega ] [ sahá-saṃvega ] m. f. n. vehemently excited Lit. MBh.

  सहसंसर्ग [ sahasaṃsarga ] [ sahá-saṃsarga ] m. carnal contact or intercourse with (instr.) Lit. MBh.

  सहसंजातवृद्ध [ sahasaṃjātavṛddha ] [ sahá-saṃjāta-vṛddha ] m. f. n. born and grown up together Lit. ib.

  सहसम्भला [ sahasambhalā ] [ sahá-sambhalā ] ( [ sahá ] ) f. with (her) suitor Lit. RV.

  सहसम्भव [ sahasambhava ] [ sahá-sambhava ] m. f. n. born or produced together or at the same time (with [ janmanā ] = " innate " ) Lit. Kāv.

  सहसामन् [ sahasāman ] [ sahá-sāman ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. accompanied with songs or hymns , rich in songs Lit. RV.

  सहसिद्ध [ sahasiddha ] [ sahá-siddha ] m. f. n. innate ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Śaṃk. (quot)

   सहसिद्धत्व [ sahasiddhatva ] [ sahá-siddha--tva ] n. , see [ sahasiddha ]

  सहसुरललनाललामयूथपति [ sahasuralalanālalāmayūthapati ] [ sahá-sura-lalanā-lalāma-yūtha-pati ] m. f. n. with the leaders of the troops who form the ornament of the gods' wives Lit. BhP.

  सहसूक्तवाक [ sahasūktavāka ] [ sahá-sūkta-vāka ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. accompanied with sacred hymns or formulas Lit. AV.

  सहसेविन् [ sahasevin ] [ sahá-sevin ] m. f. n. having intercourse with Lit. MBh.

  सहसोम [ sahasoma ] [ sahá-soma ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. with Soma draughts Lit. VS.

  सहसौमित्रि [ sahasaumitri ] [ sahá-saumitri ] m. f. n. with Saumitri (i.e. Lakshmaṇa) Lit. R.

  सहस्तोम [ sahastoma ] [ sahá-stoma ] ( [ sahá- ] ) m. f. n. with hymns , having hymns Lit. RV.

  सहस्थ [ sahastha ] [ sahá-stha ] m. f. n. being together with , being present

   [ sahastha ] m. a companion. Lit. Kathās.

  सहस्थान [ sahasthāna ] [ sahá-sthāna ] n. ( used in explaining [ sadha-stha ] and [ sadana ] ) Lit. Nir.

  सहस्थित [ sahasthita ] [ sahá-sthita ] m. f. n. = [ -stha ] Lit. Kathās.

  सहस्थिति [ sahasthiti ] [ sahá-sthiti ] f. abiding together in (comp.) Lit. Naish.

  सहस्फ्य [ sahasphya ] [ sahá-sphya ] m. f. n. with the sacrificial implement called Sphya ( q.v.) Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सहहुत [ sahahuta ] [ sahá-huta ] m. f. n. with the oblation Lit. Kauś.

  सहाचर [ sahācara ] [ sahā-cara ] m. ( for [ saha-c ] ) a Baeleria with yellow flowers Lit. Car.

  सहाज्य [ sahājya ] [ sahājya ] m. f. n. along with clarified butter Lit. KātyŚr.

  सहादरम् [ sahādaram ] [ sahādaram ] ind. with reverence , reverentially Lit. Pañcar.

  सहाध्ययन [ sahādhyayana ] [ sahādhyayana ] n. studying together , companionship in study Lit. MBh.

  सहाध्यायिन् [ sahādhyāyin ] [ sahādhyāyin ] m. a fellow-student , condisciple Lit. Kauś. Lit. Hariv.

   one who studies the same science Lit. VarBṛS.

  सहानुगमन [ sahānugamana ] [ sahānugamana ] n. = [ saha-maraṇa ] Lit. L.

  सहानुज [ sahānuja ] [ sahānuja ] m. f. n. with a younger brother Lit. MW.

  सहानुमरण [ sahānumaraṇa ] [ sahānumaraṇa ] n. (= [ saha-maraṇa ] )

   सहानुमरणविवेक [ sahānumaraṇaviveka ] [ sahānumaraṇa--viveka ] m. N. of wk. on widow-burning.

  सहापत्य [ sahāpatya ] [ sahāpatya ] m. f. n. accompanied with offspring Lit. Āpast.

  सहापवाद [ sahāpavāda ] [ sahāpavāda ] m. f. n. containing contradictions , disagreeing Lit. RPrāt.

  सहामात्य [ sahāmātya ] [ sahāmātya ] m. f. n. with a minister or councillor or councillor , attended by ministers Lit. R.

  सहाय [ sahāya ] [ sahāya ] see p.1195.

  सहायतन [ sahāyatana ] [ sahāyatana ] m. f. n. with the fire-shrine Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

  सहारम्भ [ sahārambha ] [ sáhārámbha ] m. f. n. beginning together Lit. GopBr.

  सहारोग्य [ sahārogya ] [ sahārogya ] (?) m. f. n. possessing freedom from disease , healthy Lit. L.

  सहार्जुन [ sahārjuna ] [ sahārjuna ] m. f. n. with Arjuna Lit. MBh.

  सहार्थ [ sahārtha ] [ sahārtha ] m. accompanying or accessory matter Lit. Kpr.

   a common object Lit. MW.

   [ sahārtha ] m. f. n. having the same object or meaning , synonymous Lit. W.

   सहार्थत्व [ sahārthatva ] [ sahārtha--tva ] n. (prob.) co-operation Lit. Car.

   सहार्थनाश [ sahārthanāśa ] [ sahārtha--nāśa ] m. f. n. one who is the same (i.e. unchanged) in profit and loss or fortune and misfortune Lit. Kir.

   सहार्थीभाव [ sahārthībhāva ] [ sahārthī-bhāva ] m. , see [ sahārthībhū ] , " companionship , community "

   सहार्थीभू [ sahārthībhū ] [ sahārthī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to accompany , attend ( [ °rthī-bhāva ] m. " companionship , community " ) Lit. Pat.on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 23 Vārtt. 3.

  सहार्ध [ sahārdha ] [ sahārdha ] m. f. n. together with a half Lit. Rājat.

  सहालाप [ sahālāpa ] [ sahālāpa ] m. colloquy , conversation with (comp.) Lit. Pañcar.

  सहावस्थित [ sahāvasthita ] [ sahāvasthita ] m. f. n. staying or being together ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Sarvad.

   सहावस्थितता [ sahāvasthitatā ] [ sahāvasthita-tā ] f. , see [ sahāvasthita ]

  सहाश्राय [ sahāśrāya ] [ sahāśrāya ] m. N. of a king Lit. VP.

  सहासन [ sahāsana ] [ sahāsana ] n. sitting or abiding together Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  सहास्या [ sahāsyā ] [ sahāsyā ] f. id. ( with instr.) Lit. Suśr. Lit. BhP.

  सहेति [ saheti ] [ saheti ] m. f. n. with the particle [ iti ] , followed by it

  सहेतिकरण [ sahetikaraṇa ] [ saheti-karaṇa ] m. f. n. followed by the particle [ iti ] Lit. RPrāt.

  सहेतिकार [ sahetikāra ] [ saheti-kāra ] m. f. n. ( or n. scil. [ pada ] , a word) followed by the particle [ iti ] Lit. RPrāt.

  सहेन्द्र [ sahendra ] [ sahendra ] m. f. n. with Indra Lit. MBh.

  सहैकस्थन [ sahaikasthana ] [ sahaika-sthana ] n. the standing or being alone with (any one) Lit. Yājñ. ii , 284.

  सहोक्ति [ sahokti ] [ sahokti ] f. speaking together or at the same time Lit. Vop.

   ( in rhet.) a comparison of many objects by using the word [ saha ] ( opp. to [ vinokti ] q.v.) Lit. Kāvyâd. Lit. Sāh. ( cf. Lit. IW. 458) .

  सहोटज [ sahoṭaja ] [ sahoṭaja ] m. a kind of hut made of leaves (sometimes but with the body of an ascetic) Lit. L.

  सहोढ [ sahoḍha ] [ sahoḍha ] m. ( for [ sa-hodha ] see p.1195) , " brought with (a woman pregnant at her marriage) " , a son by another man than her husband Lit. Vishṇ. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   सहोढज [ sahoḍhaja ] [ sahoḍha--ja ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Yājñ.

    [ sahoḍhajā ] f. a woman married at the same time with another Lit. R.

  सहोत्थ [ sahottha ] [ sahottha ] m. f. n. innate (= [ sahaja ] ) Lit. L.

   [ sahottha ] m. N. of the third astrol. mansion Lit. VarBṛS.

  सहोत्थायिन् [ sahotthāyin ] [ sahotthāyin ] m. f. n. rising together , conspiring with , accomplice in a plot Lit. Mudr.

  सहोत्पत्ति [ sahotpatti ] [ sahotpatti ] f. simultaneous birth or origin Lit. MBh.

  सहोदक [ sahodaka ] [ sahodaka ] m. f. n. = [ samānodaka ] Lit. MārkP.

  सहोदकुम्भ [ sahodakumbha ] [ sahoda-kumbha ] m. f. n. together with the water-jar Lit. Gobh.

  सहोदन [ sahodana ] [ sahódana ] m. f. n. together with rice Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

  सहोदय [ sahodaya ] [ sahodaya ] m. f. n. together with the following (words , letters ) Lit. RPrāt.

  सहोदर [ sahodara ] [ sahodara ] m. f. n. co-uterine , born of the same womb Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   closely resembling or similar Lit. Vcar. Lit. Bālar.

   [ sahodara ] m. uterine brother Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   f ( [ ā ] or [ ī ] ) . a uterine sister Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  सहोदित [ sahodita ] [ sahodita ] m. f. n. said together , declared comprehensively or collectively Lit. W.

  सहोपध [ sahopadha ] [ sahopadha ] m. f. n. together with a penultimate sound or letter Lit. RPrāt.

  सहोपपतिवेश्मन् [ sahopapativeśman ] [ sahopapati-veśman ] m. f. n. living together with a wife's paramour Lit. Vishṇ. Lit. Yājñ.

  सहोपमा [ sahopamā ] [ sahopamā ] f. " comparison by the word [ saha ] " , = [ sahokti ] above Lit. MW.

  सहोपलम्भ [ sahopalambha ] [ sahopalambha ] m. simultaneous perception Lit. Sarvad.

  सहोरु [ sahoru ] [ sahoru ] m. f. n. = [ saṃhitāru ] Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-5 , 70.

  सहोषित [ sahoṣita ] [ sahoṣita ] m. f. n. one who has dwelt with another Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  सहौजस् [ sahaujas ] [ sahaújas ] m. f. n. endowed with strength or power Lit. VS.

 सहाय [ sahāya ] [ sahāya ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . prob. fr. [ saha ] + [ aya ] cf. [ sahāyana ] ; but accord. to some , a Prākṛit form of [ sakhāya ] see [ sakhi ] , p.1130) " one who goes along with (another) " , a companion , follower , adherent , ally , assistant , helper in or to (loc. or comp. ; ifc. " having as a companion or assistant , accompanied or supported by " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  (ibc.) companionship , assistance (see comp.)

  N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.

  the ruddy goose Lit. L.

  a kind of drug or perfume Lit. L.

  सहायकरण [ sahāyakaraṇa ] [ sahāya-karaṇa ] n. the act of rendering assistance , aiding Lit. MW.

  सहायकृत् [ sahāyakṛt ] [ sahāya-kṛt ] m. " rendering assistance " , a friend , companion Lit. KāśīKh.

  सहायकृत्य [ sahāyakṛtya ] [ sahāya-kṛtya ] n. = [ karaṇa ] Lit. R.

  सहायता [ sahāyatā ] [ sahāya-tā ] f. a number of companions Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 43

   = next Lit. R. Lit. Kālid.

  सहायत्व [ sahāyatva ] [ sahāya-tva ] n. companionship , association , friendship , assistance , help Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.

  सहायवत् [ sahāyavat ] [ sahāya-vat ] m. f. n. having a companion or assistant , accompanied or befriended or assisted by , provided with (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  सहायार्थम् [ sahāyārtham ] [ sahāyārtham ] ind. for the sake of company Lit. Mn. iv,239.

  सहायार्थिन् [ sahāyārthin ] [ sahāyārthin ] m. f. n. seeking a companion , desirous of an ally Lit. MW.

 सहायक [ sahāyaka ] [ sahāyaka ] (ifc.) = [ sahāya ] Lit. MBh.

 सहायन [ sahāyana ] [ sahāyana ] n. going together , fellowship , company Lit. R.

 सहायिन् [ sahāyin ] [ sahāyin ] m. f. n. going together , a companion , follower (mostly [ inī ] f. " a female companion " ) Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat.

 सहायी [ sahāyī ] [ sahāyī ] in comp. for [ sahāya ] .

  सहायीभाव [ sahāyībhāva ] [ sahāyī-bhāva ] m. the being or becoming a companion Lit. L.

  सहायीभू [ sahāyībhū ] [ sahāyī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to be or become a companion Lit. ib.

 सहित [ sahita ] [ sahita ]2 m. f. ( [ ā ] .) n. ( for 1. see p. 1193 , col. 2) = [ saṃhita ] ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 144 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.) , joined , conjoined , united (du. " both together " ; pl. ( also with [ sarve ] ) , " all together " )

  accompanied or attended by , associated or connected with , possessed of (instr. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  attached or cleaving to Lit. KātyŚr.

  being quite near Lit. ib. Lit. MBh.

  (in astron.) being in conjunction with (instr , or comp) Lit. VarBṛS.

  [ sahitā ] f. N. of a river Lit. VP.

  [ sahita ] n. a bow weighing 300 Palas Lit. L.

  [ sahitam ] ind. together ,along with Lit. MBh.

  near , close by Lit. KātyŚr.

  सहितकुम्भक [ sahitakumbhaka ] [ sahita-kumbhaka ] m. a partic. mode of suppressing the breath (see [ prāṇāyāma ] ) .

  सहितत्व [ sahitatva ] [ sahita-tva ] n. the being joined together , junction with (comp.) Lit. TPrāt.

  सहितस्थित [ sahitasthita ] [ sahita-sthita ] m. f. n. standing together Lit. Kathās.

  सहिताङ्गुलि [ sahitāṅguli ] [ sahitāṅguli ] m. f. n. having fingers which have grown together Lit. L.

  सहितोत्तर [ sahitottara ] [ sahitottara ] n. a bow weighing 500 Palas Lit. L.

  सहितोरु [ sahitoru ] [ sahitoru ] m. f. n. [ saṃhitoru ] Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 70

सहंसपात [ sahaṃsapāta ] [ sa-haṃsa-pāta ] m. f. n. (i.e. 7. [ sa ] + [ h ] ) accompanied with , flights of swans or geese Lit. Ragh.

  [ sa ] [ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :

  सहंसवालव्यजन [ sahaṃsavālavyajana ] [ sa-haṃsa-vāla-vyajana ] m. f. n. with swans as chowries or fly-whisks , Lit. ŚārṅgP.

  सहकार [ sahakāra ] [ sa-hakāra ] m. f. n. ( for [ saha-k ] see p. 1193 , col. 3) having the sound [ ha ] (i.e. the sound used in calling) Lit. Nalôd.

  सहनन [ sahanana ] [ sa-hanana ] m. f. n. with the drum-stick Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  सहय [ sahaya ] [ sa-haya ] m. f. n. with horses Lit. MBh.

  सहर [ sahara ] [ sa-hara ] m. N. of a Dānava (v.l. [ saṃ-h ] ) Lit. Hariv.

  सहरि [ sahari ] [ sa-hari ] m. a bull Lit. L.

   the sun Lit. L.

   [ sahari ] ind. like Hari i.e. Vishṇu Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 6 , Sch.

  सहर्ष [ saharṣa ] [ sa-harṣa ] m. f. n. joyful , glad ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās. ( also w.r. for [ saṃ-harṣa ] )

   [ saharṣam ] ind. , see [ saharṣa ]

   सहर्षमृगयुग्रामनिनादमय [ saharṣamṛgayugrāmaninādamaya ] [ sa-harṣa--mṛgayu-grāma-nināda-maya ] m. f. n. resounding with the shouts of the joyful troop of hunters Lit. Kathās.

   सहर्षवैराग्यम् [ saharṣavairāgyam ] [ sa-harṣa--vairāgyam ] ind. joyfully and (yet) with disgust Lit. Dhūrtas.

   सहर्षसाध्वसम् [ saharṣasādhvasam ] [ sa-harṣa--sādhvasam ] ind. with joy and (yet) trepidation Lit. Mālatīm.

   सहर्षाकूतम् [ saharṣākūtam ] [ sa-harṣākūtam ] ind. with joy and eagerness Lit. ib.

  सहर्षित [ saharṣita ] [ sa-harṣita ] m. f. n. joyful , glad Lit. MBh.

  सहलनीय [ sahalanīya ] [ sa-halanīya ] m. (prob.) a plough-mate ( used in explaining [ sāmanta ] ) Lit. IndSt.

  सहस [ sahasa ] [ sa-hasa ] m. f. n. having laughter , laughing , smiling. Lit. Śiś. vi , 57.

  सहस्त [ sahasta ] [ sa-hasta ] m. f. n. having hands Lit. BhP.

   dexterous or skilled in handling weapons Lit. L.

   सहस्ततलम् [ sahastatalam ] [ sa-hasta--talam ] ind. with clapping of hands , Lit. Mṛicch.

  सहस्र [ sahasra ] [ sa-hasra ] see below.

  सहालिन् [ sahālin ] [ sa-hālin ] m. " plough-mate (?) " , N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

  सहार्द [ sahārda ] [ sa-hārda ] m. f. n. feeling or betraying affection , affectionate Lit. Śiś. Lit. MārkP.

  सहाव [ sahāva ] [ sa-hāva ] m. f. n. employing amorous gestures , wanton ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

   [ sahāvam ] ind. , see [ sahāva ]

  सहास [ sahāsa ] [ sa-hāsa ] m. f. n. accompanied with a laugh , laughing ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Śiś. Lit. MārkP.

   [ sahāsam ] ind. , see [ sahāsa ]

   सहासरभस [ sahāsarabhasa ] [ sa-hāsa--rabhasa ] m. f. n. (ibc.) laughingly and violently Lit. Amar.

   सहासहाकारम् [ sahāsahākāram ] [ sa-hāsa--hā-kāram ] ind. laughing and uttering the exclamation [ ] Lit. Śiś.

  सहिम [ sahima ] [ sa-hima ] m. f. n. having ice or snow Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās.

   cold (as wind) Lit. R.

  सहिरण्य [ sahiraṇya ] [ sá-hiraṇya ] m. f. n. ( [ sá- ] ) provided with gold Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś.

   सहिरण्यपात्र [ sahiraṇyapātra ] [ sá-hiraṇya--pātra ] m. f. n. ( [ sá-h ] ) with a golden vessel Lit. ŚBr.

  सहील [ sahīla ] [ sa-hīla ] m. " having semen (?) " , N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

  सहुड [ sahuḍa ] [ sa-huḍa ] m. f. n. having a ram , with rams Lit. MBh.

  सहूति [ sahūti ] [ sa-hūti ] ( [ sá- ] ) f. ( instr , [ °tī ] ) conjoint or united invocation Lit. RV.

  सहृद् [ sahṛd ] [ sa-hṛd ] m. f. n. accompanied with the formula [ hṛdā hri ] Lit. KāśīKh.

   सहृल्लेख [ sahṛllekha ] [ sa-hṛl-lekha ] m. f. n. " having distress of heart " , doubtful , restless Lit. MBh.

    questionable , causing doubt or suspicion , suspected , Lit. Prâyaśc.

    [ sahṛllekha ] n. questionable food Lit. MW.

  सहृदय [ sahṛdaya ] [ sá-hṛdaya ] m. f. n. ( [ sá- ] ) with the heart Lit. TBr. Lit. Vikr.

   hearty , sincere Lit. AV.

   possessing a heart , good-hearted , full of feeling , sensible , intelligent Lit. Kāv. Lit. Daśar. Lit. Sāh.

   [ sahṛdaya ] m. a learned man Lit. W.

   mn. (?) N. of wk. on Ācāra

   सहृदयलीला [ sahṛdayalīlā ] [ sa-hṛdaya--līlā ] f. N. of a rhet. wk. by Rucaka

  सहृदयालोक [ sahṛdayāloka ] [ sa-hṛdayāloka ] m. N. of wk. also called Dhvany-āloka.

  सहृष्टकम् [ sahṛṣṭakam ] [ sa-hṛṣṭakam ] ind. with bristling hair , with a thrill Lit. Kāv.

  सहेतु [ sahetu ] [ sa-hetu ] m. f. n. having a cause or reason , well-founded , reasonable , Lit. Kāvyâd.

  सहेतुक [ sahetuka ] [ sa-hetuka ] m. f. n. id Lit. Bhāshāp.

   together with a reason Lit. Rājat.

  सहेमक [ sahemaka ] [ sa-hemaka ] m. f. n. together with the gold pieces Lit. Kathās.

  सहेमकक्ष्य [ sahemakakṣya ] [ sa-hema-kakṣya ] m. f. n. having golden girths Lit. MW.

  सहेल [ sahela ] [ sa-hela ] m. f. n. full of play or sport , wanton , careless , unconcerned ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

   [ sahela ] m. N. of a man ( also [ °laka ] ) Lit. Rājat.

   [ sahelam ] ind. , see [ sahela ]

  सहोढ [ sahoḍha ] [ sa-hoḍha ] m. f. n. ( for [ sahāḍha ] see p.1194 , col , 3) one who has the stolen property with him , Vaś. Lit. Mn.

  सहौत्र [ sahautra ] [ sa-hautra ] m. f. n. together with the functions of the Hotṛi Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

   सहौत्रनक्षत्रसत्त्वप्रयोग [ sahautranakṣatrasattvaprayoga ] [ sa-hautra--nakṣatra-sattva-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

  सह्लादम् [ sahlādam ] [ sa-hlādam ] ind. joyfully , gladly Lit. Prab.

सहण्डुक [ sahaṇḍuka ] [ sahaṇḍuka ] n. a partic. condiment prepared with meat Lit. L.

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