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पावष्टुरिकेय [ pāvaṣṭurikeya ] [ pāvaṣṭurikeya ] m. patr. fr. [ pavaṣṭurika ] g. [ śubhrādi ] .
पावापुरी [ pāvāpurī ] [ pāvā-purī ] f. id. Lit. ib. ( also written [ pāpā-p ] ) .
पाविन्दायन [ pāvindāyana ] [ pāvindāyana ] m. metron. fr. [ pavindā ] g. [ aśvādi ] ( Lit. Kāś.)
पावीरव [ pāvīrava ] [ pā́vīrava ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ pavīru ] ) proceeding from or relating to the thunderbolt
[ pāvīravī ] f. ( with or sc. [ kanyā ] ) , " daughter of lightning " , the noise of thunder Lit. RV.
पाश [ pāśa ] [ pā́śa ] m. ( once n. ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; fr. √ 3. [ paś ] ) a snare , trap , noose , tie , bond , cord , chain , fetter (lit. and fig.) Lit. RV.
(esp.) the noose as attribute of Śiva or Yama Lit. RTL. 81 ; 290
(with Jainas) anything that binds or fetters the soul i.e. the outer world , nature Lit. Sarvad. ( cf. also Lit. RTL. 89)
selvage , edge , border (of anything woven) , Lit. ŚrGṛS.
a die , dice Lit. MBh.
(in astrol.) a partic. constellation
a partic. land-measure, Lit. Inscr.
(ifc. it expresses either contempt e.g. [ chattra-p ] , " a shabby umbrella " , or admiration e.g. [ karṇa-p ] , " a beautiful ear " ; after a word signifying , " hair " abundance , quantity e.g. [ keśa-p ] , " a mass of hair " )
[ pāśī ] f. a rope , fetter Lit. Śiś. xviii , 57 ( cf. also 2. [ pāśī ] ) .
पाशकण्ठ [ pāśakaṇṭha ] [ pā́śa-kaṇṭha ] m. f. n. having a noose round the neck Lit. Kathās.
पाशकपालिन् [ pāśakapālin ] [ pā́śa-kapālin ] m. f. n. having a noose and a skull Lit. HPariś.
पाशक्रीडा [ pāśakrīḍā ] [ pā́śa-krīḍā ] f. " dice-play " , gambling Lit. Siṃhâs.
पाशजाल [ pāśajāla ] [ pā́śa-jāla ] n. the outer world conceived as a net ( cf. above ) Lit. Sarvad.
पाशत्व [ pāśatva ] [ pā́śa-tva ] n. the state or condition of the outer world or nature Lit. ib.
पाशद्युम्न [ pāśadyumna ] [ pā́śa-dyumna ] ( [ pā́ta- ] ) m. N. of a man Lit. RV.
पाशधर [ pāśadhara ] [ pā́śa-dhara ] m. " holding a noose " , N. of Varuṇa Lit. Hariv.
पाशपाणि [ pāśapāṇi ] [ pā́śa-pāṇi ] m. " noose in hand " id. Lit. ShaḍvBr.
पाशबद्ध [ pāśabaddha ] [ pā́śa-baddha ] m. f. n. noosed , snared , caught , bound Lit. W.
पाशबन्ध [ pāśabandha ] [ pā́śa-bandha ] m. a noose , snare , halter , net Lit. Hit.
पाशबन्धक [ pāśabandhaka ] [ pā́śa-bandhaka ] m. a bird-catcher Lit. Pañc.
पाशबन्धन [ pāśabandhana ] [ pā́śa-bandhana ] n. a snare , fetter Lit. BhP.
[ pāśabandhana ] m. f. n. hanging in a snare Lit. Kathās.
पाशभृत् [ pāśabhṛt ] [ pā́śa-bhṛt ] m. = [ -dhara ] Lit. Var. Lit. Ragh.
पाशरज्जु [ pāśarajju ] [ pā́śa-rajju ] f. a fetter , rope Lit. Kathās.
पाशवत् [ pāśavat ] [ pā́śa-vat ] m. f. n. having or possessing a noose (as Varuṇa) Lit. MBh.
पाशहस्त [ pāśahasta ] [ pā́śa-hasta ] m. f. n. noose in hand Lit. VP.
[ pāśahasta ] m. N. of Yama Lit. Kathās.
पाशान्त [ pāśānta ] [ pāśānta ] m. the back of a garment ( opp. to [ daśā ] ) Lit. Var.
पाशाभिधाना [ pāśābhidhānā ] [ pāśābhidhānā ] f. N. of the 12th day of a half-month Lit. Hcat.
पाशक [ pāśaka ] [ pāśaka ] m. a snare , trap , noose (ifc. ; cf. [ kaṇṭha- ] , [ daṇḍa- ] )
a die Lit. HPariś.
पाशककेवली [ pāśakakevalī ] [ pāśaka-kevalī ] f. N. of wk. ( also spelled [ pāśākevalī ] or [ pāśaka-keralī ] ) .
पाशकपीठ [ pāśakapīṭha ] [ pāśaka-pīṭha ] m. or n. a gaming-table Lit. Mṛicch.
पाशय [ pāśaya ] [ pāśaya ] Nom. P. [ °śayati ] , to bind Lit. Nir. iv , 2 Lit. Dhātup. xxxiii , 45.
पाशाय [ pāśāya ] [ pāśāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become a rope Lit. Kāv.
पाशिक [ pāśika ] [ pāśika ] m. one who snares animals , a bird-catcher Lit. Var.
N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
f. see under [ pāśaka ] .
पाशित [ pāśita ] [ pāśita ] m. f. n. tied , fettered , bound , snared Lit. Daś. Lit. AgP.
पाशिन् [ pāśin ] [ pāśí n ] m. f. n. having a net or noose , laying snares
[ pāśin ] m. a bird-catcher , trapper Lit. Āpast.
N. of Varuṇa Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
of Yama Lit. RTL. 290
of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. MBh.
पाशिल [ pāśila ] [ pāśila ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ pāśa ] ) g. [ kāśādi ] .
पाशिवाट [ pāśivāṭa ] [ pāśi-vāṭa ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.
पाशव [ pāśava ] [ pāśava ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ paśu ] ) derived from or belonging to cattle or animals (with [ māṃsa ] n. animal food) Lit. Kauś. Lit. Vet. Lit. Suśr.
[ pāśava ] n. a flock , herd Lit. W.
पाशवपालन [ pāśavapālana ] [ pāśava-pālana ] n. " nourishing flocks " , pasturage or meadow grass Lit. L.
पाशवमत [ pāśavamata ] [ pāśava-mata ] n. an erroneous doctrine Lit. Hariv.
पाशुक [ pāśuka ] [ pāśuka ] m. f. n. relating to cattle (esp. to the sacrificial animal) Lit. ŚrS. ( cf. Pan , iv , 3 , 72) .
पाशुकचातुर्मास्य [ pāśukacāturmāsya ] [ pāśuka-cāturmāsya ] n. N. of wk.
पाशुकादिप्रयोग [ pāśukādiprayoga ] [ pāśukādi-prayoga ] m. N. of ch. of Sāyaṇa's Yajña-tantra-sudhā-nidhi .
पाशुपत [ pāśupata ] [ pāśupata ] m. f. n. relating or sacred to or coming from Śiva Paśu-pati Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ pāśupata ] m. a follower or worshipper of Śiva Paśu-pati Lit. Kathās. Lit. Rājat. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 59)
Agati Grandiflora Lit. L.
Getonia Floribunda Lit. L.
n. = [ -jñāna ] Lit. MBh. N. of a celebrated weapon given by Śiva to Arjuna Lit. MBh. iii , 1650
of a place sacred to Śiva Paśu-pati Lit. Cat.
पाशुपतज्ञान [ pāśupatajñāna ] [ pāśupata-jñāna ] n. the doctrine of the Pāśupatas Lit. Cat.
पाशुपतब्रह्मोपनिषद् [ pāśupatabrahmopaniṣad ] [ pāśupata-brahmopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Lit. Up.
पाशुपतयोग [ pāśupatayoga ] [ pāśupata-yoga ] m. the system of the place Lit. Sarvad.
पाशुपतयोगप्रकरण [ pāśupatayogaprakaraṇa ] [ pāśupata-yoga--prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.
पाशुपतयोगविधि [ pāśupatayogavidhi ] [ pāśupata-yoga--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
पाशुपतव्रत [ pāśupatavrata ] [ pāśupata-vrata ] n. = [ -yoga ] Lit. MBh.
N. of the 40th Pariśishṭa of Lit. AV.
पाशुपतव्रतविवरण [ pāśupatavratavivaraṇa ] [ pāśupata-vrata--vivaraṇa ] n. N. of a ch. of Lit. LiṅgaP.
पाशुपतव्रतिन् [ pāśupatavratin ] [ pāśupata-vratin ] m. a follower of Śiva Paśu-pati
पाशुपतव्रतिविश [ pāśupatavrativiśa ] [ pāśupata-vrati-viśa ] m. f. n. wearing the dress of a follower of Śiva Paśu-pati Lit. Rājat.
पाशुपतशास्त्र [ pāśupataśāstra ] [ pāśupata-śāstra ] n. = [ -jñāna ] Lit. Sarvad.
पाशुपतास्त्र [ pāśupatāstra ] [ pāśupatāstra ] n. Śiva's trident Lit. MBh.
पाशुपतोपनिषद् [ pāśupatopaniṣad ] [ pāśupatopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Lit. Up.
पाशुपल्य [ pāśupalya ] [ pāśupalya ] n. ( fr. [ paśu-pāla ] ) the breeding and rearing of cattle Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
पाशुबन्धक [ pāśubandhaka ] [ pāśubandhaka ] m. f. n. and ( fr. [ paśu-bandha ] ) relating to the slaughter of a sacrificial animal.
पाशुबन्धिक [ pāśubandhika ] [ pāśubandhika ]and m. f. n. ( fr. [ paśu-bandha ] ) relating to the slaughter of a sacrificial animal.
पाशी [ pāśī ] [ pāśī ]2 f. ( for 1. see under [ pāśa ] ) a stone Lit. Kauś. 83 ; 85 (v.l. [ pásī ] ; cf. [ pāṣáṇa ] , [ pāṣī ] ) .
पाश्चात्त्य [ pāścāttya ] [ pāścāttya ] (or [ pāścātya ] ) m. f. n. ( fr. [ paścāt ] or [ paścā ] ) hinder , western , posterior , last Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pañc.
पाश्चात्त्यनिर्णयामृत [ pāścāttyanirṇayāmṛta ] [ pāścāttya-nirṇayāmṛta ] n. N. of wk.
पाश्चात्त्यभाग [ pāścāttyabhāga ] [ pāścāttya-bhāga ] m. the hinder part (of a needle , i.e. its eye) Lit. ŚārṅgP.
पाश्चात्त्यरात्रि [ pāścāttyarātri ] [ pāścāttya-rātri ] ( only [ °trau ] ind. ) , towards the end of the night Lit. Kathârṇ.
[ pāścāttyarātrau ] ind. , see [ pāścāttyarātri ] , towards the end of the night Lit. Kathârṇ.
पाश्चात्याकरसम्भव [ pāścātyākarasambhava ] [ pāścātyākara-sambhava ] n. a species of salt coming from the West (= [ romaka ] ) Lit. L.
पाश्चात्य [ pāścātya ] [ pāścātya ] (or [ pāścāttya ] ) m. f. n. ( fr. [ paścāt ] or [ paścā ] ) hinder , western , posterior , last Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pañc.
पाषक [ pāṣaka ] [ pāṣaka ] m. an ornament for the feet Lit. BrahmaP.
पाषण्ड [ pāṣaṇḍa ] [ pāṣaṇḍa ] m. f. n. ( wrongly spelt [ pākhaṇḍa ] ) heretical , impious Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.
[ pāṣaṇḍa ] m. a heretic , hypocrite , impostor , any one who falsely assumes the characteristics of an orthodox Hindū , a Jaina , Buddhist Lit. ib.
m. or n. false doctrine , heresy Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.
पाषण्डखण्डन [ pāṣaṇḍakhaṇḍana ] [ pāṣaṇḍa-khaṇḍana ] n. N. of wk.
पाषण्डचपेटिका [ pāṣaṇḍacapeṭikā ] [ pāṣaṇḍa-capeṭikā ] f. N. of wk.
पाषण्डता [ pāṣaṇḍatā ] [ pāṣaṇḍa-tā ] f. heresy , heterodoxy , Lit. Inscr.
पाषण्डदलन [ pāṣaṇḍadalana ] [ pāṣaṇḍa-dalana ] n. N. of wk.
पाषण्डमुखचपेटिका [ pāṣaṇḍamukhacapeṭikā ] [ pāṣaṇḍa-mukha-capeṭikā ] f. N. of wk.
पाषण्डमुखमर्दन [ pāṣaṇḍamukhamardana ] [ pāṣaṇḍa-mukha-mardana ] n. N. of wk.
पाषण्डविडम्बन [ pāṣaṇḍaviḍambana ] [ pāṣaṇḍa-viḍambana ] n. N. of a comedy.
पाषण्डस्थ [ pāṣaṇḍastha ] [ pāṣaṇḍa-stha ] m. f. n. addicted to heresy , belonging to an heretical sect Lit. Mn. ix , 225.
पाषण्डास्यचपेटिका [ pāṣaṇḍāsyacapeṭikā ] [ pāṣaṇḍāsya-capeṭikā ] f. = [ °da-mukha-capetikā ] .
पाषण्डक [ pāṣaṇḍaka ] [ pāṣaṇḍaka ] ( Lit. L.) m. a heretic ( cf. Lit. IW. 219 ; 299) .
पाषण्डिक [ pāṣaṇḍika ] [ pāṣaṇḍika ] ( Lit. L.) m. a heretic ( cf. Lit. IW. 219 ; 299) .
पाषण्डिन् [ pāṣaṇḍin ] [ pāṣaṇḍin ] ( Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. ) m. a heretic ( cf. Lit. IW. 219 ; 299) .
पाषाण्ड [ pāṣāṇḍa ] [ pāṣāṇḍa ] v.l. for [ pāṣaṇḍa ] , [ °ḍin ] .
पाषाण्डिन् [ pāṣāṇḍin ] [ pāṣāṇḍin ] v.l. for [ pāṣaṇḍa ] , [ °ḍin ] .
पाषाण्ड्य [ pāṣāṇḍya ] [ pāṣāṇḍya ] n. heresy Lit. Yājñ.
पाषाण [ pāṣāṇa ] [ pāṣāṇa ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ; according to Lit. Uṇ. ii , 90 Sch. fr. √ [ paṣ ] ; cf. [ pāśī ] ) a stone Lit. Br. Lit. MBh.
[ pāṣāṇī ] f. a small stone used as a weight Lit. L.
a spear Lit. A.
पाषाणगर्दभ [ pāṣāṇagardabha ] [ pāṣāṇa-gardabha ] m. a hard swelling on the maxillary joint Lit. Suśr.
पाषाणघातदायिन् [ pāṣāṇaghātadāyin ] [ pāṣāṇa-ghāta-dāyin ] m. f. n. throwing or striking with a stone Lit. Kathās.
पाषाणचतुर्दशी [ pāṣāṇacaturdaśī ] [ pāṣāṇa-caturdaśī ] f. the 14th day in the light half of the month Mārgaśīrsha (on which a festival of Gaurī is celebrated , when cakes made of rice and shaped like large pebbles are eaten) Lit. BhavP.
पाषाणचयनिबद्ध [ pāṣāṇacayanibaddha ] [ pāṣāṇa-caya-nibaddha ] m. f. n. surrounded with a coping of stone (as a well) Lit. Pañc.
पाषाणदारक [ pāṣāṇadāraka ] [ pāṣāṇa-dāraka ] m. a stone-cutter's chisel Lit. L.
पाषाणदारण [ pāṣāṇadāraṇa ] [ pāṣāṇa-dāraṇa ] m. a stone-cutter's chisel Lit. L.
पाषाणभेद [ pāṣāṇabheda ] [ pāṣāṇa-bheda ] m. Plectranthus Scutellarioides Lit. Car.
पाषाणभेदरस [ pāṣāṇabhedarasa ] [ pāṣāṇa-bheda--rasa ] m. its juice Lit. Rasar.
पाषाणभेदक [ pāṣāṇabhedaka ] [ pāṣāṇa-bhedaka ] m. = [ bheda ] Lit. Bhpr.
पाषाणभेदन [ pāṣāṇabhedana ] [ pāṣāṇa-bhedana ] m. id. or Lycopodium Imbricatum Lit. L.
पाषाणभेदिन् [ pāṣāṇabhedin ] [ pāṣāṇa-bhedin ] m. id. or Coleus Aniboinicus Lit. L.
पाषाणमय [ pāṣāṇamaya ] [ pāṣāṇa-maya ] m. f. n. consisting or made of stone Lit. Kull.
पाषाणवज्रकरस [ pāṣāṇavajrakarasa ] [ pāṣāṇa-vajraka-rasa ] m. a partic. medicinal preparation Lit. Rasar.
पाषाणशिला [ pāṣāṇaśilā ] [ pāṣāṇa-śilā ] f. a flat stone Lit. Siṃhâs
पाषाणसंधि [ pāṣāṇasaṃdhi ] [ pāṣāṇa-saṃdhi ] m. a cave or chasm in a rock Lit. L.
पाषाणसेतुबन्ध [ pāṣāṇasetubandha ] [ pāṣāṇa-setu-bandha ] m. a barrier or dam of stone Lit. Rājat.
पाषी [ pāṣī ] [ pāṣī ] f. = [ silā ] , a stone or = [ śakti ] , a spear Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 56 , 6 ( cf. 2. [ pāśī ] ) .
पाष्य [ pāṣya ] [ pāṣyá ] n. pl. stones , a rampart of stones Lit. RV.
du. the two stones for pressing the Soma Lit. ib.
पाष्ठौह [ pāṣṭhauha ] [ pāṣṭhauha ] n. ( fr. [ paṣṭha-vāh ] ) N. of a Sāman Lit. Br. Lit. Lāṭy.
पास [ pāsa ] [ pāsa ] m. v.l. for [ yāsa ]
[ pāsī ] f. v.l. for [ pāśī ] .
पास्त्य [ pāstya ] [ pāstyá ] m. f. n. belonging to a house , domestic
[ pāstya ] n. (?) household Lit. RV. iv , 21 , 6.
पाहणपुर [ pāhaṇapura ] [ pāhaṇa-pura ] n. N. of a place Lit. Romakas.
पाहाडिका [ pāhāḍikā ] [ pāhāḍikā ] and [ pāhidā ] f. (in music) N. of Rāgiṇīs ( cf. [ pahāḍī ] ) .
पाहिडा [ pāhiḍā ] [ pāhiḍā ] and [ pāhāḍikā ] f. (in music) N. of Rāgiṇīs ( cf. [ pahāḍī ] ) .
पाहात [ pāhāta ] [ pāhāta ] m. the Indian mulberry tree , Morus Indicadir ( = [ brahma-dāru ] ) Lit. L.
पि [ pi ] [ pi ]1 Root cl. [6] P. [ piyati ] , to go , move Lit. Dhātup. xxviii , 112 ( cf. √ 2. [ pī ] ) .
पिंश् [ piṃś ] [ piṃś ] and [ piṃṣ ] see √ [ piś ] and [ piṣ ] .
पिंस् [ piṃs ] [ piṃs ] Root cl. [1] [10] [ piṃsati ] , [ °sayati ] , to speak ; to shine Lit. Dhātup. xxxiii , 89.
पिःपल [ piḥpala ] [ piḥpala ] ( Sch.) = [ pippala ] , Lit. Drāhy.
पिकनिकर [ pikanikara ] [ piká-nikara ] m. a pseudonym of a poet Lit. Cat.
पिकप्रिया [ pikapriyā ] [ piká-priyā ] f. " dear to the cuckoo " , a species of Jambū Lit. L.
पिकबन्धु [ pikabandhu ] [ piká-bandhu ] m. " cuckoo's friend " , the mango tree Lit. L.
पिकबान्धव [ pikabāndhava ] [ piká-bāndhava ] m. " id. " , the spring Lit. L.
पिकभक्षा [ pikabhakṣā ] [ piká-bhakṣā ] f. " cuckoo's food " = [ bhūmi-jambū ] Lit. L.
पिकवल्लभ [ pikavallabha ] [ piká-vallabha ]and m. " cuckoo's favourite " , the mango tree Lit. L.
पिकस्वरा [ pikasvarā ] [ piká-svarā ] f. " cuckoo's note " , N. of a Surâṅganā Lit. Siṃhâs.
पिकाक्ष [ pikākṣa ] [ pikākṣa ] n. " cuckoo's eye " = [ rocanī ] Lit. L.
पिकाङ्ग [ pikāṅga ] [ pikāṅga ] m. " cuckoo-shaped " , a partic. bird Lit. L.
पिकानन्द [ pikānanda ] [ pikānanda ] m. " cuckoo's joy " , the spring Lit. L.
पिकेक्षणा [ pikekṣaṇā ] [ pikekṣaṇā ] f. " cuckoo's eye " , Asteracantha Longifolia Lit. L.
पिक्क [ pikka ] [ pikka ] m. an elephant 20 years old (= [ vikka ] ) , any young elephant Lit. L.
[ pikkā ] f. a collection or string of 13 pearls weighing a Dharaṇa Lit. VarBṛS. lxxxi , 17 ( cf. [ piccā ] ) .
पिङ्ग [ piṅga ] [ piṅga ] [ piṅgara ] , [ piṅgala ] see under √ [ piñj ] , col.3.
पिचण्ड [ picaṇḍa ] [ picaṇḍa ] m. n. the belly or abdomen Lit. L.
[ picaṇḍa ] m. a partic. part or limb of an animal Lit. L.
पिचण्डक [ picaṇḍaka ] [ picaṇḍaka ] m. f. n. = [ °de kuśalaḥ ] g. [ ākarṣādi ]
[ picaṇḍikā ] f. the calf of the leg or the instep Lit. L.
पिचण्डिक [ picaṇḍika ] [ picaṇḍika ] (g. [ tundādi ] ) m. f. n. big-bellied , corpulent.
पिचण्डिन् [ picaṇḍin ] [ picaṇḍin ] (g. [ tundādi ] ) m. f. n. big-bellied , corpulent.
पिचण्डिल [ picaṇḍila ] [ picaṇḍila ] ( Lit. KāśīKh.) m. f. n. big-bellied , corpulent.
पिचिण्ड [ piciṇḍa ] [ piciṇḍa ] m. = [ picaṇḍa ] Lit. L.
पिचिण्डवत् [ piciṇḍavat ] [ piciṇḍa--vat ] m. f. n. corpulent Lit. L.
पिचिण्डिका [ piciṇḍikā ] [ piciṇḍikā ] f.
पिचिण्डिल [ piciṇḍila ] [ piciṇḍila ] m. f. n. = [ picaṇḍikā ] , [ °ḍila ] .
पिचिल [ picila ] [ picila ] m. an elephant Lit. Gal.
पिचु [ picu ] [ picu ] m. cotton Lit. Car.
Vangueria Spinosa Lit. Suśr.
a sort of grain Lit. L.
a Karsha or weight of 2 Tolas Lit. Suśr.
a kind of leprosy Lit. L.
N. of Bhairava or of one of his 8 faces Lit. L.
of an Asura Lit. L.
पिचुतूल [ picutūla ] [ picu-tūla ] n. cotton Lit. L.
पिचुमर्द [ picumarda ] [ picu-marda ] m. the Nimb tree , Azadirachta Indica Lit. L.
पिचुवक्त्रा [ picuvaktrā ] [ picu-vaktrā ] f. N. of a Yoginī Lit. Hcat.
पिचव्य [ picavya ] [ picavya ] m. the cotton plant Lit. L.
पिचुक [ picuka ] [ picuka ] m. Vangueria Spinosa Lit. Suśr.
पिचुकीय [ picukīya ] [ picukīya ] m. f. n. g. [ utkarādi ] .
पिचुल [ picula ] [ picula ] m. a species of tree (Barringtonia Acutangula or Tamarix Indica) Lit. L. ( cf. Lit. IW. 423 , 3)
cotton Lit. L.
a kind of cormorant or sea crow Lit. L.
पिच्च् [ picc ] [ picc ] Root cl. [10] P. [ piccayati ] , to press flat , squeeze Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 40 (v.l. for [ pich ] q.v.)
पिच्चट [ piccaṭa ] [ piccaṭa ] m. f. n. pressed flat , squeezed Lit. L.
[ piccaṭa ] m. inflammation of the eyes , ophthalmia Lit. L.
n. a substance pressed flat , cake ( cf. [ tila-p ] )
tin or lead Lit. L.
पिच्चित [ piccita ] [ piccita ] m. f. n. = [ piccaṭa ] Lit. Suśr.
पिच्चा [ piccā ] [ piccā ] f. a collection or string of 16 pearls weighing a Dharaṇa Lit. VarBṛS. lxxxi , 17 (v.l. [ pivā ] . ; cf. [ pikkā ] ) .
पिच्चिट [ picciṭa ] [ picciṭa ] and m. a species of venomous insect Lit. Suśr.
पिच्चिटक [ picciṭaka ] [ picciṭaka ]and m. a species of venomous insect Lit. Suśr.
पिच्छोरा [ picchorā ] [ picchorā ] f. a pipe , flute Lit. ŚrS.
पिच्छोला [ piccholā ] [ piccholā ] f. id. Lit. ib. = [ oṣadhi ] Lit. L.
पिछ् [ pich ] [ pich ] Root cl. [10] P. [ picchayati ] , to press flat , squeeze , expand , divide Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 20 (v.l. [ picc ] ; cf. above ) ; cl. [6] P. [ picchati ] , to inflict pain , hurt Lit. Dhātup. xxviii , 16 Lit. Vop.
पिच्छ [ piccha ] [ piccha ] n. a feather of a tail (esp. of a peacock , prob. from its , being spread or expanded) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
(pl.) the feathers of an arrow Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
a tail ( also m.) Lit. L.
a wing Lit. L.
a crest Lit. L.
[ picchā ] f. the scum of boiled rice and of other grain Lit. L.
the gum of Bombax Heptaphyllum Lit. L.
slimy saliva Lit. Car.
the venomous saliva of a snake Lit. L.
a multitude , mass , heap Lit. Car.
the calf of the leg Lit. Var.
a sheath or cover Lit. L.
the areca-nut Lit. L.
a row or line Lit. L.
a diseased affection of a horse's feet Lit. L.
Dalbergia Sissoo Lit. L.
= [ mocā ] and [ picchila ] Lit. L.
armour , a sort of cuirass Lit. L.
पिच्छबाण [ picchabāṇa ] [ piccha-bāṇa ] m. " arrow feathered " , a hawk Lit. L.
पिच्छलतिका [ picchalatikā ] [ piccha-latikā ] f. a tail-feather Lit. Bālar.
पिच्छवत् [ picchavat ] [ piccha-vat ] m. f. n. having a tail , tailed Lit. W.
पिच्छास्राव [ picchāsrāva ] [ picchāsrāva ] m. slimy saliva Lit. Car.
पिच्छक [ picchaka ] [ picchaka ] m. or n. a tail-feather Lit. Cat. ( cf. [ citra-p ] )
[ picchikā ] f. a bunch of peacock's tail-feathers (used by conjurors) Lit. Ratnâv.
पिच्छन [ picchana ] [ picchana ] n. pressing flat , squeezing Lit. Car.
पिच्छल [ picchala ] [ picchala ] m. f. n. slimy , slippery , smeary Lit. MBh. Lit. Kād. (v.l. [ picchila ] )
[ picchala ] m. N. of a Nāga of the race of Vāsuki Lit. MBh.
[ picchalā ] f. N. of sev. plants (Dalbergia Sissoo , Bombax Heptaphyllum ) Lit. L.
पिच्छलदला [ picchaladalā ] [ picchala-dalā ] f. Zizyphus Jujuba Lit. L.
पिच्छलाङ्ग [ picchalāṅga ] [ picchalāṅga ] m. Pimelodus Gagora (= [ gargara ] ) Lit. Gal.
पिच्छितिका [ picchitikā ] [ picchitikā ] (!) f. Dalbergia Sissoo Lit. L. (w.r. for [ picchilikā ] ?) .
पिच्छिल [ picchila ] [ picchila ] m. f. n. slimy , lubricous , slippery , smeary ( opp. to [ viśada ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. ( [ -tva ] n. ) ,
having a tail Lit. W.
[ picchila ] m. Cordia Latifolia Lit. L.
Tamarix Indica Lit. L.
[ picchilā ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ picchalā ] )
[ picchila ] m. of sev. trees and other plants (Dalbergia Sissoo , Bombax Heptaphyllum , Basella Lucida or Rubra , a kind of grass ) Lit. L.
पिच्छिलच्छदा [ picchilacchadā ] [ picchila-cchadā ] f. Basella Cordifolia Lit. L.
पिच्छिलत्व [ picchilatva ] [ picchila--tva ] n. , see [ picchila ]
पिच्छिलत्वच् [ picchilatvac ] [ picchila-tvac ] m. Grewia Elastica Lit. L.
an orange tree or orange-peel Lit. L.
पिच्छिलबीज [ picchilabīja ] [ picchila-bīja ] n. the fruit of Dillenia Indica Lit. L.
पिच्छिलसार [ picchilasāra ] [ picchila-sāra ] m. the gum of Bombax Heptaphyllum Lit. L.
पिच्छिलातन्त्र [ picchilātantra ] [ picchilā-tantra ] n. N. of a Tantra.
पिच्छिलक [ picchilaka ] [ picchilaka ] m. Grewia Elastica Lit. L.
पिच्छिलीकृ [ picchilīkṛ ] [ picchilī-√ kṛ ] to make slippery or smeary Lit. Kād.
पिञ्छ [ piñcha ] [ piñcha ] n. a wing (= [ piccha ] ) Lit. L.
पिजवन [ pijavana ] [ pijavana ] m. N. of a man Lit. Nir. ii , 24 ( cf. [ paijavana ] ) .
पिजूल [ pijūla ] [ pijūla ] m. N. of a man g. [ aśvādi ] .
पिञ्चदेव [ piñcadeva ] [ piñca-deva ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
पिञ्ज् [ piñj ] [ piñj ] Root cl. [2] Ā. [ piṅkte ] , to tinge , dye , paint Lit. Dhātup. xxiv , 18 ; 20 ; to join Lit. ib. (cf. √ [ pṛc ] ) ; to sound Lit. ib. ; to adore Lit. ib. Lit. Vop. ; cl. [10] P. [ piñjayati ] , to kill ; to be strong ; to give or to take (?) ; to dwell Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 31 ; to shine ; to speak , Lit. xxxiii , 84 ; to emit a sound Lit. Nir. iii , 18. ( cf. Lat. (pingo) ? )
पिङ्ग [ piṅga ] [ piṅga ] m. f. n. yellow , reddish-brown , tawny Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( cf. g. [ kaḍārādi ] )
[ piṅga ] m. yellow (the colour) Lit. L.
a buffalo Lit. L. : a mouse Lit. L.
N. of one of the sun's attendants Lit. L.
of a man Lit. ĀśvŚr. ( cf. [ paiṅgi ] , [ °gin ] )
( [ piṅgá ] , in one place [ pí nga ] ) , N. of a kind of divine being (?) Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 6 ; 18
[ piṅgā ] f. a bow-string Lit. RV. viii , 58 , 9 ( Lit. Sāy. ; cf. [ piṅgala-jya ] )
[ piṅga ] m. a kind of yellow pigment ( cf. [ go-rocanā ] )
the stalk of Ferula Asa Foetida Lit. L.
turmeric , Indian saffron Lit. L.
bamboo manna Lit. W.
N. of a woman Lit. MBh.
of Durgā Lit. W.
a tubular vessel of the human body which according to the Yoga system is the channel of respiration and circulation for one side Lit. ib.
[ piṅgī ] f. Mimosa Suma Lit. ib.
a young animal Lit. MW.
पिङ्गकपिशा [ piṅgakapiśā ] [ piṅga-kapiśā ] f. " reddish-brown " , a species of cockroach Lit. L.
पिङ्गचक्षुस् [ piṅgacakṣus ] [ piṅga-cakṣus ] m. " yellow-eyed " , a crab Lit. L.
पिङ्गजट [ piṅgajaṭa ] [ piṅga-jaṭa ] m. " having yellow-braided hair " , N. of Śiva Lit. L.
पिङ्गतीर्थ [ piṅgatīrtha ] [ piṅga-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh.
पिङ्गदन्त [ piṅgadanta ] [ piṅga-danta ] m. " yellow-toothed " , N. of a man Lit. Kathās.
पिङ्गदृश् [ piṅgadṛś ] [ piṅga-dṛś ] m. " yellow-eyed " , N. of Śiva Lit. Gal.
पिङ्गदेह [ piṅgadeha ] [ piṅga-deha ] m. " yellow-bodied " id. Lit. Śivag.
पिङ्गमूल [ piṅgamūla ] [ piṅga-mūla ] m. " having a reddish root " , a carrot Lit. L.
पिङ्गलोचन [ piṅgalocana ] [ piṅga-locana ] m. f. n. having reddish-brown eyes Lit. Var.
पिङ्गवर्णवती [ piṅgavarṇavatī ] [ piṅga-varṇavatī ] f. turmeric Lit. L.
पिङ्गसार [ piṅgasāra ] [ piṅga-sāra ] m. yellow orpiment Lit. L.
पिङ्गस्फटिक [ piṅgasphaṭika ] [ piṅga-sphaṭika ] m. " yellow-crystal " , a kind of gem Lit. L.
पिङ्गाक्ष [ piṅgākṣa ] [ piṅgākṣá ] m. f. n. = [ °ga-locana ] Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
[ piṅgākṣa ] m. an ape Lit. R.
N. of Agni Lit. MBh.
of Śiva Lit. L.
of a Rakshas Lit. Cat.
of a Daitya Lit. Kathās.
of a wild man Lit. KāśīKh.
of a bird (one of the 4 sons of Droṇa) Lit. MārkP.
[ piṅgākṣī ] f. N. of a deity presiding over families Lit. Cat.
[ piṅgākṣa ] m. of one of Skanda's attendant Mātṛis Lit. MBh.
पिङ्गास्य [ piṅgāsya ] [ piṅgāsya ] m. " tawny-faced " , a species of fish , Pilemodius Pangasius Lit. L.
पिङ्गेक्षण [ piṅgekṣaṇa ] [ piṅgekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. = [ °ga-locana ] Lit. Var.
N. of Śiva Lit. L.
पिङ्गेश [ piṅgeśa ] [ piṅgeśa ] m. " lord of the yellow hue " , N. of Agni Lit. MBh.
पिङ्गेश्वर [ piṅgeśvara ] [ piṅgeśvara ] m. " id. " , N. of a being attendant on Pārvatī Lit. L.
पिङ्गर [ piṅgara ] [ piṅgara ] m. N. of a man Lit. MW.
पिङ्गल [ piṅgala ] [ piṅgalá ] m. f. n. ( cf. g. [ gaurādi ] and [ kaḍārādi ] ) , reddish-brown , tawny , yellow , gold-coloured Lit. AV. ,
(in alg. also as N. of the 10th unknown quantity)
having reddish-brown eyes Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
[ piṅgala ] m. yellow colour Lit. W.
fire. Lit. L.
an ape Lit. L.
an ichneumon Lit. L.
a small kind of owl Lit. L.
a small kind of lizard Lit. L.
a species of snake Lit. Suśr.
a partic. vegetable poison Lit. L.
(with Jainas) N. of a treasure
the 51st (or 25th) year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Lit. Var.
N. of Śiva or a kindred being Lit. GṛS. Lit. Gaut.
of an attendant of Śiva Lit. Kathās.
of an attendant of the Sun Lit. L.
of a Rudra Lit. VP.
of a Yaksha Lit. MBh.
of a Dānava Lit. Kathās.
of a Nāga or serpent-demon Lit. MBh. i , 1554 (the supposed author of the Chandas or treatise on metre regarded as one of the Vedâṅgas , identified by some with Patañjali , author of the Mahā-bhāshya)
of sev. ancient sages Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MārkP.
[ piṅgalā ] f. a species of bird Lit. L.
a kind of owl Lit. Var.
Dalbergia Sissoo Lit. L.
= [ karṇikā ] Lit. L.
a kind of brass Lit. L.
a partic. vessel of the body (the right of 3 tubular vessels which according to the Yoga philosophy are the chief passages of breath and air ; cf. Lit. ChUp. viii , 6 , 1)
a kind of yellow pigment (= [ go-rocanā ] ) Lit. L.
N. of Lakshmī Lit. Gal.
of a courtezan who became remarkable for her piety Lit. MBh.
of the female elephant of the South quarter Lit. L.
of an astrological house or period Lit. W.
heart-pea Lit. W.
[ piṅgala ] n. a partic. metal Lit. L.
yellow orpiment Lit. L.
पिङ्गलकाण्व [ piṅgalakāṇva ] [ piṅgalá-kāṇva ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Pat.
पिङ्गलगान्धार [ piṅgalagāndhāra ] [ piṅgalá-gāndhāra ] m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Lit. Kathās.
पिङ्गलच्छन्दःसूत्र [ piṅgalacchandaḥsūtra ] [ piṅgalá-cchandaḥ-sūtra ] n. N. of Piṅgala's work on metrics
पिङ्गलच्छन्दोवृत्ति [ piṅgalacchandovṛtti ] [ piṅgalá-cchando-vṛtti ] f. N. of Comm. on this wk.
पिङ्गलच्छन्दोवृत्तिव्याख्या [ piṅgalacchandovṛttivyākhyā ] [ piṅgalá-cchando-vṛtti-vyākhyā ] n. N. of Comm. on this wk.
पिङ्गलज्य [ piṅgalajya ] [ piṅgalá-jya ] m. f. n. having a brown string (Śiva's bow) Lit. MBh. vii , 6148 ( cf. [ piṅgā ] ) .
पिङ्गलतत्त्वप्रकाशिका [ piṅgalatattvaprakāśikā ] [ piṅgalá-tattva-prakāśikā ] f. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलतत्त्वप्रकाशिनी [ piṅgalatattvaprakāśinī ] [ piṅgalá-tattva-prakāśinī ] f. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलत्व [ piṅgalatva ] [ piṅgalá-tva ] n. a tawny or yellow colour Lit. R.
पिङ्गलनाग [ piṅgalanāga ] [ piṅgalá-nāga ] m. the serpent-demon Piṅgala Lit. IW. 153.
पिङ्गलप्रकाश [ piṅgalaprakāśa ] [ piṅgalá-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलप्रणवोपनिषद् [ piṅgalapraṇavopaniṣad ] [ piṅgalá-praṇavopaniṣad ] f. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलप्रदीप [ piṅgalapradīpa ] [ piṅgalá-pradīpa ] m. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलभावोद्द्योत [ piṅgalabhāvoddyota ] [ piṅgalá-bhāvoddyota ] m. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलमतप्रकाश [ piṅgalamataprakāśa ] [ piṅgalá-mata-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलरोमन् [ piṅgalaroman ] [ piṅgalá-roman ] m. f. n. tawny-haired (said of a Piśāca) Lit. Hariv.
पिङ्गललोह [ piṅgalaloha ] [ piṅgalá-loha ] n. a kind of metal Lit. L.
पिङ्गलवत्साजीव [ piṅgalavatsājīva ] [ piṅgalá-vatsājīva ] m. N. of a man Lit. Divyāv.
पिङ्गलवार्त्तिक [ piṅgalavārttika ] [ piṅgalá-vārttika ] n. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलवृत्ति [ piṅgalavṛtti ] [ piṅgalá-vṛtti ] f. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलसार [ piṅgalasāra ] [ piṅgalá-sāra ] m. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलसारविकाशिनी [ piṅgalasāravikāśinī ] [ piṅgalá-sāra--vikāśinī ] f. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलसूत्र [ piṅgalasūtra ] [ piṅgalá-sūtra ] n. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलाक्ष [ piṅgalākṣa ] [ piṅgalākṣa ] m. f. n. having reddish-brown eyes Lit. TPrāt. Sch.
[ piṅgalākṣa ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MW.
पिङ्गलातन्त्र [ piṅgalātantra ] [ piṅgalā-tantra ] n. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलामत [ piṅgalāmata ] [ piṅgalā-mata ] n. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलामृत [ piṅgalāmṛta ] [ piṅgalāmṛta ] n. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलार्थदीप [ piṅgalārthadīpa ] [ piṅgalārtha-dīpa ] m. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलार्या [ piṅgalāryā ] [ piṅgalāryā ] f. N. of wk.
पिङ्गलेश्वर [ piṅgaleśvara ] [ piṅgaleśvara ] n. N. of a Liṅga Lit. Cat. ( [ -tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ib. ; [ -māhātmya ] n. N. of wk. Lit. ib.)
[ piṅgaleśvarī ] f. a form of Dākshāyaṇī Lit. ib.
पिङ्गलेश्वरतीर्थ [ piṅgaleśvaratīrtha ] [ piṅgaleśvara--tīrtha ] n. , see [ piṅgaleśvara ] , N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ib.
पिङ्गलेश्वरमाहात्म्य [ piṅgaleśvaramāhātmya ] [ piṅgaleśvara--māhātmya ] n. , see [ piṅgaleśvara ] , N. of wk. Lit. ib.
पिङ्गलक [ piṅgalaka ] [ piṅgalaka ] m. f. n. reddish-brown , yellow , tawny Lit. AV.
[ piṅgalaka ] m. N. of a Yaksha Lit. MBh.
of a man (pl. his descendants) g. [ upakādi ]
of a lion Lit. Pañc.
[ piṅgalikā ] f. a variety of the owl (= [ piṅgalā ] ) Lit. Var.
[ piṅgalaka ] m. a sort of crane Lit. L.
a kind of bee Lit. Suśr.
N. of a woman Lit. Kathās.
पिङ्गलित [ piṅgalita ] [ piṅgalita ] m. f. n. made reddish-brown , become tawny Lit. Kathās.
पिङ्गलिमन् [ piṅgaliman ] [ piṅgaliman ] m. tawny or yellow colour Lit. Kāv.
पिङ्गाश [ piṅgāśa ] [ piṅgāśa ] m. ( only Lit. L.) the chief of a community of wild tribes
the head man or proprietor of a village
a kind of fish , Pimelodius Pangasius (= [ piṅgāsya ] )
[ piṅgāśī ] f. = [ nālikā ] or [ nīlikā ]
पिङ्गिमन् [ piṅgiman ] [ piṅgiman ] m. tawny or yellow colour Lit. Hariv.
पिञ्ज [ piñja ] [ piñja ] m. f. n. confused , disturbed in mind Lit. L.
full of ( cf. [ pari-p ] )
a species of camphor Lit. L.
[ piñjā ] f. hurting , injuring Lit. L.
cotton Lit. L.
a species of tree resembling the vinepalm Lit. L.
a switch Lit. L.
[ piñjī ] f. see [ tila-piñjī ]
पिञ्जट [ piñjaṭa ] [ piñjaṭa ] m. the concrete rheum of the eyes Lit. L.
पिञ्जन [ piñjana ] [ piñjana ] n. a bow or bow-shaped instrument used for cleaning cotton Lit. L.
पिञ्जर [ piñjara ] [ piñjara ] m. f. n. reddish-yellow , yellow or tawny , of a golden colour Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ piñjara ] m. a tawny-brown colour Lit. W. ( also [ -tā ] f. Lit. Kathās. ; [ -tva ] n. Lit. Kād.)
m. a horse (prob. bay or chestnut) Lit. L.
N. of a mountain Lit. MārkP.
n. ( only Lit. L.) gold
yellow orpiment
the flower of Mesua Roxburghii
w.r. for [ pañjara ] ( " skeleton " or " cage " ) .
पिञ्जरक [ piñjaraka ] [ piñjaraka ] m. N. of a Nāga Lit. MBh.
[ piñjaraka ] n. orpiment Lit. L.
पिञ्जरता [ piñjaratā ] [ piñjara--tā ] f. , see [ piñjara ] , a tawny-brown colour , Lit. Kathās.
पिञ्जरत्व [ piñjaratva ] [ piñjara--tva ] n. , see [ piñjara ] , a tawny-brown colour , Lit. Kād.
पिञ्जरय [ piñjaraya ] [ piñjaraya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to dye reddish-yellow , Lit. Ratnâv.
पिञ्जरिक [ piñjarika ] [ piñjarika ] n. a kind of musical instrument Lit. Kathās.
पिञ्जरिमन् [ piñjariman ] [ piñjariman ] m. a reddish-yellow colour Lit. Kād.
पिञ्जरीकृ [ piñjarīkṛ ] [ piñjarī-√ kṛ ] to dye reddish-yellow Lit. ib.
पिञ्जल [ piñjala ] [ piñjala ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ piñja ] ) extremely confused or disordered ( cf. [ ut-piñjala ] )
[ piñjalā ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh.
[ piñjala ] f. ( [ ī ] ) . a bunch of stalks or grass Lit. Gobh. ( cf. [ piñjula ] )
n. ( Lit. L.) id.
Curcuma Zerumbet
yellow orpiment.
पिञ्जलक [ piñjalaka ] [ piñjalaka ] m. f. n. see [ ut-piñjalaka ] , [ samut-p ] .
पिञ्जान [ piñjāna ] [ piñjāna ] n. gold Lit. L.
पिञ्जिका [ piñjikā ] [ piñjikā ] f. a roll of cotton from which threads are spun Lit. L.
पिञ्जुल [ piñjula ] [ piñjula ] n. a bunch of stalks or grass ( in [ darbha-piñjulai ] ) Lit. MaitrS.
पिञ्जूलक [ piñjūlaka ] [ piñjūlaka ] m. N. of a man
pl. his descendants g. [ upaskādi ] .
पिञ्जेट [ piñjeṭa ] [ piñjeṭa ] n. the excretion or concrete rheum of the eyes Lit. L. ( cf. [ piñjaṭa ] ) .
पिञ्जोता [ piñjotā ] [ piñjotā ] f. the rustling of leaves Lit. L.
पिट् [ piṭ ] [ piṭ ] Root cl. [1] P. [ peṭati ] , to sound , to assemble or heap together Lit. Dhātup. ix , 24.
पिट [ piṭa ] [ piṭa ] m. or n. a basket (from √ [ piṭ ] in the sense of gathering together), box Lit. L. ( 1330,2 )
a roof Lit. L.
a sort of cupboard or granary made of bamboos or canes Lit. W.
पिटक [ piṭaka ] [ piṭaka ] m. f. n. ( usually n.) a basket (from √ [ piṭ ] in the sense of gathering together) or box Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( 1330,2 )
(ifc. [ ikā ] Lit. MānGṛ.)
a granary Lit. W.
a collection of writings ( cī. )
a boil , blister Lit. Car. ( printed [ piṭhaka ] ) Lit. Jātakam.
a kind of ornament on Indra's banner Lit. MBh. Lit. Var.
[ piṭaka ] m. N. of a man ( also [ piṭāka ] ) g. [ śivādi ] Lit. L.
पिटाक्या [ piṭākyā ] [ piṭākyā ] f. a multitude of baskets g. [ pāśādi ] .
पिटक्या [ piṭakyā ] [ piṭakyā ] f. a multitude of baskets g. [ pāśādi ] .
पिटङ्काकी [ piṭaṅkākī ] [ piṭaṅkākī ] or [ piṭaṅkokī ] f. Cucumis Colocynthis Lit. L.
पिटङ्कोकी [ piṭaṅkokī ] [ piṭaṅkokī ] or [ piṭaṅkokī ] f. Cucumis Colocynthis Lit. L.
पिटङ्काश [ piṭaṅkāśa ] [ piṭaṅkāśa ] m. Silurus Pabda Lit. L.
पिट्टक [ piṭṭaka ] [ piṭṭaka ] n. the tartar or secretion of the teeth Lit. L. ( cf. [ kiṭṭa ] , [ kiṭṭaka ] , [ pippikā ] ) .
पिट्टय [ piṭṭaya ] [ piṭṭaya ] Nom. P. ( fr. [ piṭṭa ] = [ piṣṭa ] ?) [ °yati ] , to stamp or press into a solid mass Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
पिट्टित [ piṭṭita ] [ piṭṭita ] m. f. n. pressed flat Lit. L.
पिठ् [ piṭh ] [ piṭh ] Root cl. [1] P. [ peṭhati ] , to inflict or feel pain Lit. Dhātup. ix , 54.
पिठ [ piṭha ] [ piṭha ] m. pain , distress Lit. W.
पिठक [ piṭhaka ] [ piṭhaka ] w.r. for [ piṭaka ] .
पिठन [ piṭhana ] [ piṭhana ] n. = [ anu-śāsana ] (?) Lit. Lalit.
पिठर [ piṭhara ] [ piṭhara ] m. f. n. a pot , pan Lit. MBh. Lit. Var.
[ piṭhara ] m. an addition to a building shaped like a hollow vessel Lit. L.
a kind of hut or store-room Lit. W.
N. of a partic. Agni Lit. Hariv.
of a Dānava Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
n. a churning stick Lit. L.
the root of Cyperus Rotundus Lit. L.
पिठरपाक [ piṭharapāka ] [ piṭhara-pāka ] m. the union of cause and effect (i.e. of atoms) by means of heat Lit. Sarvad.
पिठरक [ piṭharaka ] [ piṭharaka ] m. f. n. ( [ ikā ] f. Lit. DivyA7v.) a pot , pan ( cf. next)
[ piṭharaka ] m. N. of a Nāga Lit. Hariv.
पिठरककपाल [ piṭharakakapāla ] [ piṭharaka-kapāla ] n. a fragment of a pot , potsherd Lit. Bhartṛ.
पिठीनस् [ piṭhīnas ] [ pí ṭhīnas ] m. N. of a man Lit. RV. ( cf. [ paiṭhīnasi ] ) .
पिडक [ piḍaka ] [ piḍaka ] m. ( and f ( [ ā ] ) .) a small boil , pimple , pustule Lit. Rājat. Lit. Suśr.
पिडकावत् [ piḍakāvat ] [ piḍakā-vat ] and m. f. n. having boils or pustules Lit. Suśr.
पिडकिन् [ piḍakin ] [ piḍakin ]and m. f. n. having boils or pustules Lit. Suśr.
पिण्ड् [ piṇḍ ] [ piṇḍ ] Root cl. [1] Ā. cl. [10] P. [ piṇḍate ] , [ °ḍayati ] , to roll into a lump or ball , put together , join , unite , gather , assemble Lit. Dhātup. viii , 21 ; Lit. xxxii , 110 (prob. Nom. fr. next) .
पिण्ड [ piṇḍa ] [ pí ṇḍa ] m. ( rarely n.) any round or roundish mass or heap , a ball , globe , knob , button , clod , lump , piece ( cf. [ ayaḥ- ] . , [ māṃsa- ] ) Lit. RV. (only Lit. i , 162 , 19 and here applied to lumps of flesh) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
a roundish lump of food , a bite , morsel , mouthful
(esp.) a ball of rice or flour offered to the Pitṛis or deceased ancestors , a Śrāddha oblation ( Lit. RTL. 293 ; 298-310) Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
food , daily bread , livelihood , subsistence Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
any solid mass or material object , the body , bodily frame Lit. Ragh. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Vajracch.
the calf of the leg Lit. Mālatīm. v , 16
the flower of a China rose Lit. L.
a portico or partic. part of a house Lit. L.
power , force , an army Lit. L.
[ piṇḍa ] m. (du.) the fleshy parts of the shoulder situated above the collar-bone Lit. MBh.
(du.) the two projections of an elephant's frontal sinus Lit. L.
the embryo in an early stage of gestation Lit. L.
a partic. kind of incense Lit. Var. ( " myrrh " or " olibanum " Lit. L.)
meat , flesh Lit. L.
alms Lit. Mālatīm. ( cf. [ -pāta ] below)
Vangueriya Spinosa Lit. L.
quantity , collection Lit. L.
(in arithm.) sum , total amount
(in astron.) a sine expressed in numbers
(in music) a sound , tone
N. of a man g. [ naḍādi ]
n. ( Lit. L.) iron
fresh butter
पिण्डकन्द [ piṇḍakanda ] [ pí ṇḍa-kanda ] m. a species of bulbous plant ( = [ piṇḍāí u ] ) Lit. L.
पिण्डकरण [ piṇḍakaraṇa ] [ pí ṇḍa-karaṇa ] n. = [ -nirvapaṇa ] , Lit. PSrGṛ.
पिण्डखर्जूर [ piṇḍakharjūra ] [ pí ṇḍa-kharjūra ] m. f. . ( Lit. Kād.) ( Lit. L.) a species of date tree.
पिण्डगोस [ piṇḍagosa ] [ pí ṇḍa-gosa ] m. gum myrrh Lit. W.
पिण्डतर्कक [ piṇḍatarkaka ] [ pí ṇḍa-tarkaka ] m. pl. " inquirers for the Śrāddha oblation (?) " , ancestors preceding , the great-grandfather (who eat the remnants of the oblation made to the Pitṛis) Lit. Gṛihyās. Lit. Baudh. (v.l. [ -tarkuka ] ( also [ para-tarkaka ] or [ °kuka ] ) , [ -takṣaka ] , [ -takṣuka ] , [ piṇḍa-tarkya ] , [ piṇḍidaka ] ) .
पिण्डतस् [ piṇḍatas ] [ pí ṇḍa-tas ] ind. from a ball or lump Lit. MW.
पिण्डता [ piṇḍatā ] [ pí ṇḍa-tā ] f. condition of a body Lit. Mcar.
पिण्डतैलक [ piṇḍatailaka ] [ pí ṇḍa-tailaka ] m. incense , olibanum Lit. L.
पिण्डतैल [ piṇḍataila ] [ piṇḍa-taila ] m. incense , olibanum Lit. L.
पिण्डत्व [ piṇḍatva ] [ pí ṇḍa-tva ] n. being a lump or ball , density , condensation ( [ -tvam ā-√ gam ] , to become thick or intense) Lit. Kathās.
पिण्डद [ piṇḍada ] [ pí ṇḍa-da ] m. f. n. offering or qualified to offer oblations to deceased ancestors Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
[ piṇḍada ] m. the nearest male relation Lit. W.
a son Lit. Gal.
a patron or master Lit. Bhartṛ.
[ piṇḍadā ] f. a mother Lit. MBh. ( Lit. Nīlak.) Cf. [ sa-piṇḍa ] .
पिण्डदातृ [ piṇḍadātṛ ] [ pí ṇḍa-dātṛ ] m. f. n. = [ -da ] mfn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
पिण्डदान [ piṇḍadāna ] [ pí ṇḍa-dāna ] n. the offering of balls of rice (to deceased ancestors) Lit. Baudh. Lit. Sāh.
the offering of Śrāddha oblations on the evening of new moon Lit. Nir. Lit. KātyŚr. Sch. Lit. Kull.
-giving alms Lit. Kāv.
पिण्डनिधान [ piṇḍanidhāna ] [ pí ṇḍa-ní dhāna ] n. = [ -nirapaṇa ] , Lit. ApGr.
पिण्डनिर्युक्ति [ piṇḍaniryukti ] [ pí ṇḍa-niryukti ] f. N. of wk.
पिण्डनिर्वपण [ piṇḍanirvapaṇa ] [ pí ṇḍa-nirvapaṇa ] n. the oblation of balls of rice to deceased ancestors Lit. Mn. iii , 248 ; 261.
पिण्डनिवृत्ति [ piṇḍanivṛtti ] [ pí ṇḍa-nivṛtti ] f. cessation of relationship by the Śrāddha oblations ( cf. [ -sambandha ] ) Lit. Gaut.
पिण्डपद [ piṇḍapada ] [ pí ṇḍa-pada ] n. a kind of arithmetical calculation Lit. Jyot.
पिण्डपात [ piṇḍapāta ] [ pí ṇḍa-pāta ] m. giving alms
पिण्डपातवेला [ piṇḍapātavelā ] [ pí ṇḍa-pāta--velā ] f. the hour for giving alms Lit. Mālatīm. iii , 0/1
पिण्डपातिक [ piṇḍapātika ] [ pí ṇḍa-pātika ] m. a receiver of alms Lit. Buddh.
पिण्डपात्र [ piṇḍapātra ] [ pí ṇḍa-pātra ] n. the vessel in which Śrāddha oblations are offered Lit. L.
an alms-dish Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
alms Lit. ib.
पिण्डपात्रनिर्हारक [ piṇḍapātranirhāraka ] [ pí ṇḍa-pātra-nirhāraka ] m. a class of attendants in a monastery Lit. Divyāv.
पिण्डपाद [ piṇḍapāda ] [ pí ṇḍa-pāda ] and m. " thick-footed " , an elephant Lit. L.
पिण्डपाद्य [ piṇḍapādya ] [ pí ṇḍa-pādya ]and m. " thick-footed " , an elephant Lit. L.
पिण्डपितृयज्ञ [ piṇḍapitṛyajña ] [ pí ṇḍa-pí tṛ-yajña ] m. the oblation to deceased ancestors on the evening of new moon Lit. GṛŚrS.
पिण्डपितृयज्ञप्रयोग [ piṇḍapitṛyajñaprayoga ] [ pí ṇḍa-pí tṛ-yajña--prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
पिण्डपुष्प [ piṇḍapuṣpa ] [ pí ṇḍa-puṣpa ] m. (L) Jonesia Asoka
the China rose
the pomegranate tree
[ piṇḍapuṣpa ] n. ( Lit. L.) the flower of Jonesia Asoka
of the China rose
of Tibernaemonsana Coronaria
of a lotus.
पिण्डपुष्पक [ piṇḍapuṣpaka ] [ pí ṇḍa-puṣpaka ] m. Chenopodium Album Lit. L.
पिण्डप्रद [ piṇḍaprada ] [ pí ṇḍa-prada ] m. f. n. = [ -da ] mfn. Lit. Kād.
पिण्डफल [ piṇḍaphala ] [ pí ṇḍa-phala ] m. f. n. bearing (long) round fruits Lit. MBh.
[ piṇḍaphalā ] f. a kind of bitter gourd Lit. Car.
पिण्डबीज [ piṇḍabīja ] [ pí ṇḍa-bīja ] m. Nerium Odorum Lit. L.
पिण्डबीजक [ piṇḍabījaka ] [ pí ṇḍa-bījaka ] m. Pterospermum Acerifolium Lit. L.
पिण्डभञ्जनशान्ति [ piṇḍabhañjanaśānti ] [ pí ṇḍa-bhañjana-śānti ] f. N. of wk.
पिण्डभाज् [ piṇḍabhāj ] [ pí ṇḍa-bhāj ] m. f. n. partaking of the Śrāddha oblation
[ piṇḍabhāj ] m. pl. deceased ancestors Lit. Śak.
पिण्डभाक्त्व [ piṇḍabhāktva ] [ pí ṇḍa-bhāk-tva ] n. Lit. Śaṃk.
पिण्डभृति [ piṇḍabhṛti ] [ pí ṇḍa-bhṛti ] f. means of subsistence , livelihood Lit. R.
पिण्डमय [ piṇḍamaya ] [ pí ṇḍa-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of a lump of clay Lit. Mṛicch.
पिण्डमात्रोपजीविन् [ piṇḍamātropajīvin ] [ pí ṇḍa-mātropajīvin ] m. f. n. subsisting on a mere morsel Lit. Yājñ.
पिण्डमुस्ता [ piṇḍamustā ] [ pí ṇḍa-mustā ] f. Cyperus Pertenuis Lit. L.
पिण्डमूल [ piṇḍamūla ] [ pí ṇḍa-mūla ] and n. Daucus Cirota Lit. L.
पिण्डमूलक [ piṇḍamūlaka ] [ pí ṇḍa-mūlaka ]and n. Daucus Cirota Lit. L.
पिण्डयज्ञ [ piṇḍayajña ] [ pí ṇḍa-yajña ] m. oblation of balls of rice to deceased ancestors Lit. Yājñ.
पिण्डरोहिणिक [ piṇḍarohiṇika ] [ pí ṇḍa-rohiṇika ] m. Flacourtia Sapida Lit. L.
पिण्डलक्षण [ piṇḍalakṣaṇa ] [ pí ṇḍa-lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
पिण्डशिक्षा [ piṇḍaśikṣā ] [ pí ṇḍa-śikṣā ] f. N. of wk.
पिण्डलेप [ piṇḍalepa ] [ pí ṇḍa-lepa ] m. the particles or fragments of the Śrāddha oblations which cling to the hands (they are offered to the three ancestors preceding the great-grandfather) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. v , 69 ( cf. [ -tarkaka ] ) .
पिण्डलोप [ piṇḍalopa ] [ pí ṇḍa-lopa ] m. a neglect or cessation of Śrāddha oblations Lit. MW.
पिण्डविशुद्धिदीपिका [ piṇḍaviśuddhidīpikā ] [ pí ṇḍa-viśuddhi-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.
पिण्डवेणु [ piṇḍaveṇu ] [ pí ṇḍa-veṇu ] m. a species of bamboo Lit. L.
पिण्डशर्करा [ piṇḍaśarkarā ] [ pí ṇḍa-śarkarā ] f. sugar prepared from Yavanāla Lit. Gal.
पिण्डशीर्ष [ piṇḍaśīrṣa ] [ pí ṇḍa-śīrṣa ] m. f. n. having a (long) round head Lit. MBh.
पिण्डसम्बन्ध [ piṇḍasambandha ] [ pí ṇḍa-sambandha ] m. relationship qualifying a living individual to offer Śrāddha oblations to a dead person Lit. Gaut.
पिण्डसम्बन्धिन् [ piṇḍasambandhin ] [ pí ṇḍa-sambandhin ] m. f. n. qualified to receive the Śrāddha oblations from a living person Lit. MārkP.
पिण्डसेक्तृ [ piṇḍasektṛ ] [ pí ṇḍa-sektṛ ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.
पिण्डस्थ [ piṇḍastha ] [ pí ṇḍa-stha ] m. f. n. " mingled in a lump " , mixed together Lit. Var.
पिण्डस्वेद [ piṇḍasveda ] [ pí ṇḍa-sveda ] m. a hot poultice Lit. Car.
पिण्डहरिताल [ piṇḍaharitāla ] [ pí ṇḍa-haritāla ] n. a partic. kind of orpiment Lit. Bhpr.
पिण्डाक्षर [ piṇḍākṣara ] [ piṇḍākṣara ] m. f. n. containing a conjunct consonant Lit. Vām.
पिण्डाग्र [ piṇḍāgra ] [ piṇḍāgra ] n. a small morsel of a Piṇḍa Lit. Mn.
पिण्डान्वाहार्य [ piṇḍānvāhārya ] [ piṇḍānvāhārya ] n. a partic. Śrāddha ceremony in which meat is eaten after offering the balls of rice Lit. Mn. iv , 122 ; 123.
पिण्डान्वाहार्यक [ piṇḍānvāhāryaka ] [ piṇḍānvāhāryaka ] n. a partic. Śrāddha ceremony in which meat is eaten after offering the balls of rice Lit. Mn. iv , 122 ; 123.
पिण्डाभ्र [ piṇḍābhra ] [ piṇḍābhra ] n. hail Lit. L.
पिण्डायस [ piṇḍāyasa ] [ piṇḍāyasa ] n. steel Lit. L.
पिण्डालक्तक [ piṇḍālaktaka ] [ piṇḍālaktaka ] m. a red dye Lit. Mālatīm.
पिण्डालु [ piṇḍālu ] [ piṇḍālu ] m. a species of Cocculus Lit. L.
Dioscorea Globosa Lit. L.
पिण्डालुक [ piṇḍāluka ] [ piṇḍāluka ] n. a kind of bulbous plant Lit. L.
पिण्डालूक [ piṇḍālūka ] [ piṇḍālūka ] m. or n. a batatas Lit. L.
पिण्डाश [ piṇḍāśa ] [ piṇḍāśa ]and m. " eating morsels " , a beggar Lit. L.
पिण्डाशक [ piṇḍāśaka ] [ piṇḍāśaka ] and m. " eating morsels " , a beggar Lit. L.
पिण्डाशिन् [ piṇḍāśin ] [ piṇḍāśin ]and m. " eating morsels " , a beggar Lit. L.
पिण्डाश्म [ piṇḍāśma ] [ piṇḍāśma ] m. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 94 Lit. Kāś.
पिण्डाह्वा [ piṇḍāhvā ] [ piṇḍāhvā ] f. the resin of Gardenia Gummifera Lit. L.
पिण्डोदकक्रिया [ piṇḍodakakriyā ] [ piṇḍodaka-kriyā ] f. the ceremony of offering balls of rice and water Lit. MW.
पिण्डोद्धरण [ piṇḍoddharaṇa ] [ piṇḍoddharaṇa ] n. participating in Śrāddha offerings , presenting them to common ancestors Lit. W.
पिण्डोपजीविन् [ piṇḍopajīvin ] [ piṇḍopajīvin ] m. f. n. living on morsels offered by another , nourished by another Lit. Mcar.
पिण्डोपनिषद् [ piṇḍopaniṣad ] [ piṇḍopaniṣad ] f. N. of an Lit. UP.
पिण्डक [ piṇḍaka ] [ piṇḍaka ] m. n. a lump , ball , knob Lit. Hariv. Lit. Suśr.
a fragment , morsel Lit. L.
a round protuberance (esp. on an elephant's temples) Lit. MBh.
the ball of rice offered at Śrāddhas ( cf. [ tri-p ] )
[ piṇḍaka ] m. a species of bulbous plant ( = [ piṇḍālu ] ) Lit. L.
Daucus Carota Lit. L.
incense , myrrh Lit. L.
a sine expressed in numbers Lit. Sūryas.
a Piśāca Lit. L.
[ piṇḍikā ] f. a globular fleshy swelling (in the shoulders , arms , legs , ; esp. the calf of the leg) Lit. Vishṇ. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
a base or pedestal for the image of a deity or for a Liṅga Lit. Var. Lit. Kād. Lit. AgP.
a bench for lying on Lit. Car.
the nave of a wheel Lit. L.
a species of musk Lit. L.
पिण्डन [ piṇḍana ] [ piṇḍana ] n. forming globules or round masses Lit. BhP.
forming balls of rice for a Śrāddha (?) Lit. Cat.
[ piṇḍana ] m. a mound or bank Lit. W. ( cf. [ piṇḍala ] ) .
पिण्डय [ piṇḍaya ] [ piṇḍaya ] see √ [ piṇḍ ] .
पिण्डयति [ piṇḍayati ] [ piṇḍayati ] see √ [ piṇḍ ] .
पिण्डरक [ piṇḍaraka ] [ piṇḍaraka ] m. or n. a bridge Lit. MW. ( cf. next) .
पिण्डल [ piṇḍala ] [ piṇḍala ] m. a bridge , causeway
a passage over a stream or a raised path across inundated fields Lit. L. ( cf. [ piṇḍana ] , [ piṇḍila ] ) .
पिण्डश [ piṇḍaśa ] [ piṇḍaśa ] m. a beggar , mendicant living on alms ( cf. [ piṇḍāśa ] under [ piṇḍa ] ) .
पिण्डात [ piṇḍāta ] [ piṇḍāta ] m. incense Lit. L.
पिण्डार [ piṇḍāra ] [ piṇḍāra ] m. a beggar , religious mendicant Lit. L.
a buffalo-herdsman or cowherd Lit. L.
Trewia Nudiflora Lit. Var.
an expression of censure Lit. L.
N. of a Nāga Lit. MBh.
पिण्डारक [ piṇḍāraka ] [ piṇḍāraka ] m. N. of a Nāga Lit. MBh.
of a Vṛishṇi Lit. MBh.
of a son of Vasu-deva and Rohiṇī Lit. Hariv.
[ piṇḍāraka ] n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.
पिण्डितैलिक [ piṇḍitailika ] [ piṇḍi-tailika ] m. incense Lit. Gal. ( cf. [ piṇḍatailaka ] ) .
पिण्डिपाल [ piṇḍipāla ] [ piṇḍi-pāla ] w.r. for [ bhinadipāla ] .
पिण्डित [ piṇḍita ] [ piṇḍita ] m. f. n. rolled into a ball or lump , thick , massy , densified Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
mixed , mingled with (comp.) Lit. Var.
heaped , collected , united , added Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
(ifc. after a numeral) repeated , counted , numbered Lit. Var.
multiplied Lit. L.
पिण्डितद्रुम [ piṇḍitadruma ] [ piṇḍita-druma ] m. f. n. full of trees Lit. R.
पिण्डितमूल्य [ piṇḍitamūlya ] [ piṇḍita-mūlya ] n. a payment in a lump sum Lit. DivyA7v.
पिण्डितस्नेह [ piṇḍitasneha ] [ piṇḍita-sneha ] m. f. n. containing a thick fatty substance (as the brain) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. v , 133.
पिण्डितार्थ [ piṇḍitārtha ] [ piṇḍitārtha ] m. the condensed i.e. abridged meaning , the chief point or matter Lit. Mālav. i , 16.
पिण्डिन् [ piṇḍin ] [ piṇḍin ] m. f. n. possessing or receiving the Śrāddha oblations Lit. L.
[ piṇḍin ] m. an offerer of balls of rice to the Pitṛis Lit. L.
a beggar Lit. L.
a male creature (lit. " having a body " ) Lit. JaimBr.
Vangueria Spinosa Lit. Bhpr.
[ piṇḍinī ] f. N. of an Apsaras Lit. VP.
पिण्डिल [ piṇḍila ] [ piṇḍila ] m. f. n. ( only Lit. L.) having large calves
skilled in calculations
[ piṇḍila ] m. a skilful arithmetician , an astrologer or astronomer
a bridge , causeway , mound
[ piṇḍilā ] f. Cucumis Maderaspatanus.
पिण्डी [ piṇḍī ] [ piṇḍī ]1 f. (g. [ gaurādi ] ) a ball , lump , lump of food Lit. ĀpŚr.
a pill Lit. L.
the nave of a wheel Lit. L.
a kind of tree Lit. Daś. ( Tabernaemontina Coronaria or a species of date tree Lit. L.)
Cucurbita Lagenaria Lit. L.
performance of certain gesticulations accompanying the silent repetition of prayers in meditation on real or divine knowledge Lit. W.
N. of a woman g. [ kurv-ādi ] .
पिण्डीखण्ड [ piṇḍīkhaṇḍa ] [ piṇḍī-khaṇḍa ] m. or n. a small wood of Tabernaemontana Coronaria trees (or " of Aśoka trees " Lit. W.) Lit. Daś.
पिण्डीजङ्घ [ piṇḍījaṅgha ] [ piṇḍī-jaṅgha ] m. N. of a man
pl. his descendants g. [ yaskādi ] .
पिण्डीतगर [ piṇḍītagara ] [ piṇḍī-tagara ] m. a species of Tabernaemontana Coronaria Lit. L.
पिण्डीतगरक [ piṇḍītagaraka ] [ piṇḍī-tagaraka ] m. a species of Tabernaemontana Coronaria Lit. L.
पिण्डीतरु [ piṇḍītaru ] [ piṇḍī-taru ] m. a thorny Gardenia Lit. L.
पिण्डीपुष्प [ piṇḍīpuṣpa ] [ piṇḍī-puṣpa ] m. Jonesia Asoka Lit. L.
पिण्डीलेप [ piṇḍīlepa ] [ piṇḍī-lepa ] m. a kind of unguent.
पिण्डीकरण [ piṇḍīkaraṇa ] [ piṇḍī-karaṇa ] n. making into a lump or ball Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. i , 18.
पिण्डीकृ [ piṇḍīkṛ ] [ piṇḍī-√ kṛ ] (ind.p. [ -kṛtya ] ) , to make into a lump or ball , press together , join , unite , concentrate Lit. MBh. ; to identify with ( [ raha ] ) Lit. Śaṃk.
पिण्डीकृत [ piṇḍīkṛta ] [ piṇḍī-kṛta ] m. f. n. made into a lump or ball , heaped , collected , joined , united Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
पिण्डीभाव [ piṇḍībhāva ] [ piṇḍī-bhāva ] m. the being rolled together in to a ball Lit. Tarkas.
पिण्डीभू [ piṇḍībhū ] [ piṇḍī-√ bhū ] to be made into a lump or ball , to become a solid body Lit. L.
पिण्डीतक [ piṇḍītaka ] [ piṇḍītaka ] m. Vangtieria Spinosa (n. the fruit) Lit. Bhpr.
Tabernaemontana Coronaria Lit. L.
a species of basil Lit. L.
पिण्डीर [ piṇḍīra ] [ piṇḍīra ] m. f. n. sapless , arid , dry Lit. L.
[ piṇḍīra ] m. the pomegranate tree Lit. Hariv.
= [ hiṇḍīra ] Lit. L.
पिण्डूष [ piṇḍūṣa ] [ piṇḍūṣa ] m. ear-wax, Lit. L.
पिण्डोल [ piṇḍola ] [ piṇḍola ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
पिण्डोलि [ piṇḍoli ] [ piṇḍoli ] and f. leavings of a meal Lit. L.
पिण्डोलिका [ piṇḍolikā ] [ piṇḍolikā ]and f. leavings of a meal Lit. L.
पिण्डिपाल [ piṇḍipāla ] [ piṇḍipāla ] w.r. for [ bhindipāla ] q.v.
पिण्या [ piṇyā ] [ piṇyā ] f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum Lit. L.
पिण्याक [ piṇyāka ] [ piṇyāka ] m. n. oil-cake Lit. Mn. Lit. Āpast. Lit. MBh.
Asa Foetida Lit. L.
incense Lit. L.
saffron Lit. L.
पित् [ pit ] [ pit ] see 1. 2. [ a-pit ] .
पितरिशूर [ pitariśūra ] [ pitari-śūra ] [ pitā-putra ] see under [ pitṛ ]
पितु [ pitu ] [ pitú ] m. once n. (√ [ pī ] , [ pyai ] ) juice , drink , nourishment , food Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. VS. Lit. AitBr. ( cf. Lit. Naigh. ii , 7.)
पितुकृत् [ pitukṛt ] [ pitú-kṛ́t ] m. f. n. providing food Lit. RV.
पितुभाज् [ pitubhāj ] [ pitú-bhā́j ] m. f. n. enjoying food Lit. ib.
पितुभृत् [ pitubhṛt ] [ pitú-bhṛt ] m. f. n. bringing food Lit. ib.
पितुमत् [ pitumat ] [ pitú-mát ] m. f. n. abounding in or accompanied by meat and drink , nourishing Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. TBr.
पितुषणि [ pituṣaṇi ] [ pitú-ṣáṇi ] ( [ ṣ ] for [ s ] ) m. f. n. bestowing food Lit. RV.
पितुस्तोम [ pitustoma ] [ pitú-stoma ] m. " praise of food " , N. of Lit. RV. i , 187.
पितूय [ pitūya ] [ pitūya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( only p. gen. [ °yatás ] ) , to desire food Lit. RV.
पितुःपुत्र [ pituḥputra ] [ pituḥ-putra ] see under [ pitṛ ] .
पितृ [ pitṛ ] [ pitṛ́ ] m. ( irreg. acc. pl. [ pitaras ] Lit. MBh. ; gen. pl. [ pitriṇām ] Lit. BhP.) a father Lit. RV. (in the Veda N. of Bṛihas-pati , Varuṇa , Prajā-pati , and esp. of heaven or the sky ; [ antarā pitaraṃ mātaraṃ ca ] , " between heaven and earth " Lit. RV. x , 88 , 15)
[ pitṛ ] m. du. ( [ °tarau ] ) father and mother , parents Lit. RV. (in the Veda N. of the Araṇis ( q.v. ) and of heaven and earth)
( [ °taras ] ) the fathers , forefathers , ancestors , (esp.) the Pitṛis or deceased ancestors (they are of 2 classes , viz. the deceased father , grandfathers and great-grandfathers of any partic. person , and the progenitors of mankind generally ; in honour of both these classes rites called Śrāddhas are performed and oblations called Piṇḍas ( q.v. ) are presented ; they inhabit a peculiar region , which , according to some , is the Bhuvas or region of the air , according to others , the orbit of the moon , and are considered as the regents of the Nakshatras Maghā and Mūla ; cf. Lit. RTL. 10 ) Lit. RV.
a father and his brothers , father and uncles , paternal ancestors Lit. Mn. ii , 151 Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
a partic. child's-demon Lit. Suśr. ( Origin fr. √ 3 [ pā ] very doubtful ; cf. Zd. (pita) ; Gk. 1 ; Lat. (pater) , (Jup-piter) ; Goth. (fadar) ; Germ. (Vater) ; Eng. (father) . )
पितृकर्मन् [ pitṛkarman ] [ pitṛ́-karman ] n. a rite. performed in honour of the Pitṛis , obsequial rites , Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. Mn.
पितृकल्प [ pitṛkalpa ] [ pitṛ́-kalpa ] m. precepts relating to rites in honour of the Pitṛis Lit. Hariv.
N. of a partic. Kalpa (s.v.) , Brahmā's day of new moon Lit. L.
पितृकाण्ड [ pitṛkāṇḍa ] [ pitṛ́-kāṇḍa ] m. or n. N. of wk.
पितृकानन [ pitṛkānana ] [ pitṛ́-kānana ] n. " ancestor-grove " , place frequented by the Pitṛis , place of the departed Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
पितृकार्य [ pitṛkārya ] [ pitṛ́-kārya ] n. = [ -karman ] Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
पितृकिल्बिष [ pitṛkilbiṣa ] [ pitṛ́-kilbiṣá ] n. an offence committed against the Pitṛis Lit. ŚBr.
पितृकुल्या [ pitṛkulyā ] [ pitṛ́-kulyā ] f. " rivulet of the Pitṛis " , N. of a river rising in the Malaya mountains Lit. MārkP.
पितृकृत [ pitṛkṛta ] [ pitṛ́-kṛta ] m. f. n. ( [ °tṛ́- ] ) done against or by a father Lit. AV.
committed against the Pitṛis Lit. VS.
पितृकृत्य [ pitṛkṛtya ] [ pitṛ́-kṛtya ] n. ( Lit. Hariv.) = [ -karman ]
पितृक्रिया [ pitṛkriyā ] [ pitṛ́-kriyā ] f. ( Lit. Ragh.) = [ -karman ]
पितृगण [ pitṛgaṇa ] [ pitṛ́-gaṇa ] m. a group or class of Pitṛis Lit. Mn. iii , 194
[ pitṛgaṇā ] f. N. of Durgā (?) Lit. L.
पितृगाथा [ pitṛgāthā ] [ pitṛ́-gāthā ] f. pl. " songs of the Pitṛis " , N. of partic. songs Lit. MārkP.
पितृगामिन् [ pitṛgāmin ] [ pitṛ́-gāmin ] m. f. n. belonging or pertaining to a father Lit. W.
पितृगीत [ pitṛgīta ] [ pitṛ́-gīta ] n. pl. = [ -gāthā ] Lit. VP. Sch.
पितृगीताकथन [ pitṛgītākathana ] [ pitṛ́-gītā-kathana ] n. N. of wk.
पितृगृह [ pitṛgṛha ] [ pitṛ́-gṛha ] n. house of the fathers , place of the dead Lit. L.
पितृग्रह [ pitṛgraha ] [ pitṛ́-graha ] m. " Pitri-demon " , a partic. demon causing diseases Lit. MBh.
पितृग्राम [ pitṛgrāma ] [ pitṛ́-grāma ] m. " Pitṛi village " , place of the dead Lit. L.
पितृघातक [ pitṛghātaka ] [ pitṛ́-ghātaka ] ( Lit. Kathās.) m. a parricide.
पितृघातिन् [ pitṛghātin ] [ pitṛ́-ghātin ] ( Lit. Rājat.) m. a parricide.
पितृघ्न [ pitṛghna ] [ pitṛ́-ghna ] ( Lit. RāmatUp.) m. a parricide.
पितृचेट [ pitṛceṭa ] [ pitṛ́-ceṭa ] (?) m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.
पितृतम [ pitṛtama ] [ pitṛ́-tama ] ( [ °tṛ́-tama ] ) m. ( with [ pitṝṇām ] ) the most fatherly of fathers Lit. RV. iv , 17 , 17.
पितृतर्पण [ pitṛtarpaṇa ] [ pitṛ́-tarpaṇa ] n. the refreshing of the Pitṛis (with water thrown from the right hand) , offering water to deceased ancestors Lit. Mn. ii , 171 ( cf. Lit. RTL. 394 , 1 ; 410)
the part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger (sacred to the Pitṛis) Lit. L.
sesamum Lit. L.
पितृतस् [ pitṛtas ] [ pitṛ́-tas ] ind. from the father , on the father side Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
पितृतिथि [ pitṛtithi ] [ pitṛ́-tithi ] f. the day of new-moon (sacred to the Pitṛis) Lit. L.
पितृतीर्थ [ pitṛtīrtha ] [ pitṛ́-tīrtha ] n. " Tīrtha (s.v.) of the Pitṛis " , N. of the place called Gayā Lit. L.
a partic. part of the hand (= [ -tarpaṇa ] ) , Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
पितृतीर्थमाहात्म्य [ pitṛtīrthamāhātmya ] [ pitṛ́-tīrtha-māhātmya ] n. N. of ch. of Lit. ŚivaP.
पितृत्व [ pitṛtva ] [ pitṛ́-tva ] n. fatherhood , paternity
the state or condition of a Pitṛi or deified progenitor Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
पितृदत्त [ pitṛdatta ] [ pitṛ́-datta ] m. f. n. given by a father (as a woman's peculiar property) Lit. MW.
N. of a man ( [ -ka ] , endearing form ; cf. [ pitṛka ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 83 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.
पितृदयिता [ pitṛdayitā ] [ pitṛ́-dayitā ] f. N. of wk.
पितृदान [ pitṛdāna ] [ pitṛ́-dāna ] n. an oblation to the Pitṛis Lit. L.
पितृदानक [ pitṛdānaka ] [ pitṛ́-dānaka ] n. an oblation to the Pitṛis Lit. L.
पितृदाय [ pitṛdāya ] [ pitṛ́-dāya ] m. property inherited from a father , patrimony Lit. R.
पितृदिन [ pitṛdina ] [ pitṛ́-dina ] n. the day of new moon ( cf. [ -tithi ] ) Lit. A.
पितृदेव [ pitṛdeva ] [ pitṛ́-deva ] m. pl. the Pitṛis and the gods Lit. Mn. iii , 18
a partic. class of divine beings Lit. R. (= [ kavyavāhanādayaḥ ] Sch.)
[ pitṛdeva ] m. f. n. worshipping a father Lit. TĀr.
connected with the Pitṛis and the gods Lit. BhP.
पितृदेवत [ pitṛdevata ] [ pitṛ́-devata ] m. f. n. having the Pitṛis for deities , sacred to them , Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
[ pitṛdevatā ] f. pl. the Pitṛis and the gods Lit. R.
पितृदेवत्य [ pitṛdevatya ] [ pitṛ́-devatyá ] m. f. n. = prec. mfn. Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. Kauś.
[ pitṛdevatya ] n. = [ daivatya ] Lit. Pāṇ. 5-3 , 45 Vārtt.9 Lit. Pat.
पितृदैवत [ pitṛdaivata ] [ pitṛ́-daivata ] m. f. n. relating to the worship of the Pitṛis , Lit. ŚāṅkhGr. Lit. R.
[ pitṛdaivata ] n. N. of the 10th lunar mansion Maghā (presided over by the Pitṛis) Lit. Var.
= next Lit. R.
पितृदैवत्य [ pitṛdaivatya ] [ pitṛ́-daivatya ] n. a sacrifice offered to the Pitṛis on the day called Ashṭakā Lit. R.
पितृद्रव्य [ pitṛdravya ] [ pitṛ́-dravya ] n. " father's substance " , patrimony Lit. Yājñ. n. 118.
पितृद्रोहिन् [ pitṛdrohin ] [ pitṛ́-drohin ] m. f. n. plotting against one's father Lit. Daś.
पितृनामन् [ pitṛnāman ] [ pitṛ́-nāman ] m. f. n. called after a father's name Lit. MW.
पितृपक्ष [ pitṛpakṣa ] [ pitṛ́-pakṣa ] m. the half month of the Pitṛis , N. of the dark half in the Gauṇa Āśvina (particularly dedicated to the performance of the Śrāddha ceremonies) Lit. RTL. 388
the paternal side or party or relationship Lit. MBh.
pl. the fathers or ancestors Lit. Hariv.
[ pitṛpakṣa ] m. f. n. being on the father's side Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. ii , 32.
पितृपङ्क्तिविधान [ pitṛpaṅktividhāna ] [ pitṛ́-paṅkti-vidhāna ] n. conferring the rights of a Sa-piṇḍa (s.v.) Lit. Gal.
पितृपति [ pitṛpati ] [ pitṛ́-pati ] m. " lord of the Pitṛis " , N. of Yama Lit. MārkP.
pl. the Pitṛis and the Prajā-pati Lit. BhP.
पितृपद [ pitṛpada ] [ pitṛ́-pada ] n. the world or state of the Pitṛis Lit. W.
पितृपद्धति [ pitṛpaddhati ] [ pitṛ́-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.
पितृपाण [ pitṛpāṇa ] [ pitṛ́-pāṇa ] w.r. for [ -yāṇa ] .
पितृपात्र [ pitṛpātra ] [ pitṛ́-pātra ] n. a cup or vessel used at Śrāddha rites Lit. W.
पितृपितृ [ pitṛpitṛ ] [ pitṛ́-pitṛ ] m. a father's father Lit. L.
पितृपीत [ pitṛpīta ] [ pitṛ́-pīta ] ( [ pitṛ ] .) m. f. n. drunk by the Pitṛis Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.
पितृपूजन [ pitṛpūjana ] [ pitṛ́-pūjana ] n. worship of the Pitṛis Lit. Mn. iii , 262.
पितृपैतामह [ pitṛpaitāmaha ] [ pitṛ́-paitāmaha ] m. f. n. inherited or derived from father and grandfather , ancestral (with [ nāman ] n. the names of father and grand father) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ pitṛpaitāmaha ] m. pl. ( and ibc.) father and grand father , ancestors Lit. ib. ( mostly mc. for [ -pitāmaha ] ) .
पितृपैतामहिक [ pitṛpaitāmahika ] [ pitṛ́-paitāmahika ] m. f. n. = prec. mfn. , Lit. Pañc.
पितृप्रसू [ pitṛprasū ] [ pitṛ́-prasū ] f. a father's mother Lit. W.
" mother of the Pitṛis " , twilight (the time when the Pitṛis are abroad) Lit. L.
पितृप्राप्त [ pitṛprāpta ] [ pitṛ́-prāpta ] m. f. n. received from a father , inherited patrimonially Lit. W.
पितृप्रिय [ pitṛpriya ] [ pitṛ́-priya ] m. " dear to the Pitṛis " , Eclipta Prostrata Lit. L.
पितृबन्धु [ pitṛbandhu ] [ pitṛ́-bandhu ] m. a kinsman by the father's side Lit. L.
[ pitṛbandhu ] n. relationship by the father's side Lit. AV.
पितृबान्धव [ pitṛbāndhava ] [ pitṛ́-bāndhava ] m. = ( prec. m.) Lit. L.
पितृभक्त [ pitṛbhakta ] [ pitṛ́-bhakta ] m. f. n. devoted to a father Lit. A.
पितृभक्ति [ pitṛbhakti ] [ pitṛ́-bhakti ] f. filial duty to a father Lit. W.
N. of wk.
पितृभक्तितरंगिणी [ pitṛbhaktitaraṃgiṇī ] [ pitṛ́-bhakti--taraṃgiṇī ] f. N. of wk.
पितृभूति [ pitṛbhūti ] [ pitṛ́-bhūti ] m. N. of Sch. on Lit. KātyŚr.
पितृभोगीण [ pitṛbhogīṇa ] [ pitṛ́-bhogīṇa ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -bhoga ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 9 Sch.
पितृभोजन [ pitṛbhojana ] [ pitṛ́-bhojana ] n. a father's food Lit. W.
[ pitṛbhojana ] m. Phaseolus Radiatus Lit. T.
पितृभ्रातृ [ pitṛbhrātṛ ] [ pitṛ́-bhrātṛ ] m. a father's brother Lit. W.
पितृमत् [ pitṛmat ] [ pitṛ́-mát ] m. f. n. ( Lit. AV. [ pitṛ-mat ] ) having a father Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
having an illustrious father Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
accompanied by or connected with the Pitṛis Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
mentioning the Pitṛis (as a hymn) Lit. AitBr.
पितृमन्दिर [ pitṛmandira ] [ pitṛ́-mandira ] n. = [ gṛha ] Lit. MārkP. Lit. W.
पितृमातृगुरुशुश्रूषाध्यानवत् [ pitṛmātṛguruśuśrūṣādhyānavat ] [ pitṛ́-mātṛ-guru-śuśrūṣā-dhyānavat ] m. f. n. only intent on obeying father and mother and teacher Lit. SaṃhUp.
पितृमातृमय [ pitṛmātṛmaya ] [ pitṛ́-mātṛ-maya ] m. f. n. one who thinks only of father and mother Lit. Subh.
पितृमातृहीन [ pitṛmātṛhīna ] [ pitṛ́-mātṛ-hīna ] m. f. n. destitute of father and mother , orphan Lit. MW.
पितृमात्रर्थ [ pitṛmātrartha ] [ pitṛ́-mātr-artha ] m. f. n. one who begs for his father and mother Lit. Mn. xi , 1.
पितृमेध [ pitṛmedha ] [ pitṛ́-medha ] m. oblation made to the Pitṛis Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
N. of wk.
पितृमेधसार [ pitṛmedhasāra ] [ pitṛ-medha--sāra ] m. N. of wk.
पितृमेधसूत्र [ pitṛmedhasūtra ] [ pitṛ-medha--sūtra ] n. N. of wk.
पितृयाण [ pitṛyāṇa ] [ pitṛ́-yā́ṇa ] (Ved.) and m. f. n. trodden by or leading to the Pitṛis (path) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ChUp.
[ pitṛyāṇa ] m. (Ved.) ( with or scil. [ pathin ] ) the path leading to the Pitṛis Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. MBh.
n. (Ved.) the vehicle of the Pitṛis , a car to convey virtuous persons after their decease to heaven Lit. W.
पितृयान [ pitṛyāna ] [ pitṛ́-yāna ]and m. f. n. trodden by or leading to the Pitṛis (path) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ChUp.
m. ( with or scil. [ pathin ] ) the path leading to the Pitṛis Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. MBh.
the vehicle of the Pitṛis , a car to convey virtuous persons after their decease to heaven Lit. W.
पितृराज् [ pitṝāj ] [ pitṛ́-rāj ] m. " king of the Pitṛis " , N. of Yama Lit. MBh.
पितृराज [ pitṝāja ] [ pitṛ́-rāja ] m. " king of the Pitṛis " , N. of Yama Lit. MBh.
पितृराजन् [ pitṝājan ] [ pitṛ́-rājan ] m. " king of the Pitṛis " , N. of Yama Lit. MBh.
पितृरूप [ pitṝūpa ] [ pitṛ́-rūpa ] m. f. n. appearing in the shape of an ancestor , Lit. ĀpŚr.
[ pitṝūpa ] m. N. of a Rudra Lit. MBh.
पितृलिङ्ग [ pitṛliṅga ] [ pitṛ́-liṅga ] m. ( scil. , [ mantra ] ) a verse or formula addressed to the Pitṛis Lit. L.
पितृलोक [ pitṛloka ] [ pitṛ́-loká ] m. a father's house Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 52
the world or sphere of the Pitṛis Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 28) .
पितृवंश [ pitṛvaṃśa ] [ pitṛ́-vaṃśa ] m. the paternal family Lit. GṛS.
पितृवंश्य [ pitṛvaṃśya ] [ pitṛ́-vaṃśya ] m. f. n. belonging to it Lit. Kāv.
पितृवत् [ pitṛvat ] [ pitṛ́-vát ]2 ind. like a father Lit. Mn. vii , 80
like the Pitṛis , as if for the Pitṛis Lit. RV. Lit. GṛŚrS.
पितृवध [ pitṛvadha ] [ pitṛ́-vadha ] n. murder of a father , parricide Lit. RāmatUp.
पितृवन [ pitṛvana ] [ pitṛ́-vana ] n. = [ -kānana ] Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
पितृवनेचर [ pitṛvanecara ] [ pitṛ́-vane-cara ] m. " haunting the groves of the dead " , N. of Śiva Lit. W.
a demon , goblin , Vetāla Lit. L.
पितृवर्तिन् [ pitṛvartin ] [ pitṛ́-vartin ] m. " staying with ancestors " , N. of king Brahma-datta Lit. Hariv.
पितृवसति [ pitṛvasati ] [ pitṛ́-vasati ] f. " abode of Pitṛis " , place of the dead Lit. L.
पितृवाक्पर [ pitṛvākpara ] [ pitṛ́-vāk-para ] m. f. n. obedient to (the voice of) parents Lit. W.
पितृवित्त [ pitṛvitta ] [ pitṛ́-vittá ] m. f. n. acquired by ancestors Lit. RV.
[ pitṛvitta ] n. patrimony Lit. Var.
पितृवेश्मन् [ pitṛveśman ] [ pitṛ́-veśman ] n. a father's house Lit. Pañc.
पितृव्रत [ pitṛvrata ] [ pitṛ́-vrata ] m. a worshipper of the Pitṛis Lit. Bhag.
[ pitṛvrata ] n. worship of the Pitṛis Lit. W.
पितृशर्मन् [ pitṛśarman ] [ pitṛ́-śarman ] m. N. of a Dānava Lit. Kathās.
पितृश्रवण [ pitṛśravaṇa ] [ pitṛ́-śrávaṇa ] m. f. n. bringing honour to a father Lit. RV.
पितृश्राद्ध [ pitṛśrāddha ] [ pitṛ́-śrāddha ] n. N. of the rites in which the Pitṛis are worshipped Lit. W.
पितृषद् [ pitṛṣad ] [ pitṛ́-ṣád ] m. f. n. living unmarried with a father Lit. RV.
" dwelling with the Pitṛis " , N. of Rudra Lit. PārGṛ.
पितृषदन [ pitṛṣadana ] [ pitṛ́-ṣádana ] m. f. n. inhabited by the Pitṛis Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
पितृष्वसृ [ pitṛṣvasṛ ] [ pitṛ́-ṣvasṛ ] f. a father's sister Lit. MBh.
पितृष्वसामातुल [ pitṛṣvasāmātula ] [ pitṛ́-ṣvasā-mātula ] m. (ibc.) , paternal aunt and maternal uncle Lit. ib.
पितृष्वस्रीय [ pitṛṣvasrīya ] [ pitṛ́-ṣvasrīya ] m. a father's sister's son Lit. ib.
पितृसंयुक्त [ pitṛsaṃyukta ] [ pitṛ́-saṃyukta ] m. f. n. connected with (the worship of) the Pitṛis Lit. ĀpGṛ.
पितृसंहिता [ pitṛsaṃhitā ] [ pitṛ́-saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.
पितृसद्मन् [ pitṛsadman ] [ pitṛ́-sadman ] n. = [ -vasati ] Lit. MBh.
पितृसंनिभ [ pitṛsaṃnibha ] [ pitṛ́-saṃnibha ] m. f. n. like a father , fatherly Lit. L.
पितृसामान्य [ pitṛsāmānya ] [ pitṛ́-sāmānya ] n. the Pitṛis collectively Lit. W.
पितृसू [ pitṛsū ] [ pitṛ́-sū ] f. = [ -prasū ] Lit. L.
पितृसूक्त [ pitṛsūkta ] [ pitṛ́-sūkta ] n. N. of a Vedic hymn Lit. Cat.
पितृस्थान [ pitṛsthāna ] [ pitṛ́-sthāna ] m. " one who takes the place of a father " , a guardian ( also [ °nīya ] ) Lit. W.
the sphere of the Pitṛis Lit. ib.
पितृस्वस्रीय [ pitṛsvasrīya ] [ pitṛ́-svasrīya ] incorrect for [ -ṣvasṛ ] , [ °rīya ] .
पितृहत्या [ pitṛhatyā ] [ pitṛ́-hatyā ] f. = [ -vadha ] Lit. MW.
पितृहन् [ pitṛhan ] [ pitṛ́-han ] m. a parricide Lit. AV.Paipp.
पितृहू [ pitṛhū ] [ pitṛ́-hū ] m. f. n. invoking the Pitṛis
f. ( sc. [ dvār ] ) N. of the southern aperture of the human body i.e. the right ear Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ deva-hū ] ) .
पितृहूय [ pitṛhūya ] [ pitṛ́-hū́ya ] n. invoking or summoning the Pitṛis Lit. ŚBr.
पितरि [ pitari ] [ pitari ] loc. of [ pitṛ ] in comp.
पितरिशूर [ pitariśūra ] [ pitari-śūra ] m. " a hero against his father " , a cowardly boaster g. [ pātre-samitādi ] .
पिता [ pitā ] [ pitā ] nom. of [ pitṛ ] in comp.
पितापुत्र [ pitāputra ] [ pitā-putrá ] m. du. father and son Lit. AV.
m. pl. father and sons Lit. MaitrS.
पितापुत्रविरोध [ pitāputravirodha ] [ pitā-putrá--virodha ] m. a contest between father and sons Lit. Yājñ.
पितापुत्रसमागम [ pitāputrasamāgama ] [ pitā-putrá--samāgama ] m. N. of a Lit. Buddh. Sūtra
पितापुत्रीय [ pitāputrīya ] [ pitā-putrīya ] m. f. n. relating to father and sons (with [ sampradāna ] n. transmission of bodily capacities and powers from father to sons) Lit. L.
containing the words [ pitṛ ] and [ putra ] Lit. Anup.
पितामह [ pitāmaha ] [ pitā-mahá ] m. a paternal grandfather Lit. AV.
N. of Brahmā Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
of sev. authors Lit. Cat.
pl. the Piṭris or ancestors Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
[ pitāmahī ] f. a paternal grandmother Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pur.
पितामहसंहिता [ pitāmahasaṃhitā ] [ pitā-mahá--saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.
पितामहसरस् [ pitāmahasaras ] [ pitā-mahá--saras ] n. N. of a place of pilgrimage ( also [ °hasya saraḥ ] ) Lit. MBh.
पितामहस्मृति [ pitāmahasmṛti ] [ pitā-mahá--smṛti ] f. N. of wk.
पितासुमतिसंवाद [ pitāsumatisaṃvāda ] [ pitā-sumati-saṃvāda ] m. N. of ch. of Lit. BrahmavP.
पितुः [ pituḥ ] [ pituḥ ] gen. of [ pitṛ ] in comp.
पितुःपुत्र [ pituḥputra ] [ pituḥ-putra ] m. the father's son Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 23 Sch.
पितुःष्वसृ [ pituḥṣvasṛ ] [ pituḥ-ṣvasṛ ] father's the father's sister Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 24 ; viii , 3 , 85.
पितुःस्वसृ [ pituḥsvasṛ ] [ pituḥ-svasṛ ] father's the fathers's sister Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 24 ; viii , 3 , 85.
पितृक [ pitṛka ] [ pitṛka ] ifc. (f ( [ ā ] ) .) = [ pitṛ ] , father ( cf. [ jīva- ] , [ aneka- ] , [ sa ] .)
endearing dimin. for [ pitṛ-datta ] q.v.
पितृव्य [ pitṛvya ] [ pitṛvya ] m. a father's brother , paternal uncle Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (also [ -ka ] Lit. HPariś.)
any elderly male relation Lit. Pañc. ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (patruus) . )
पितृव्यघातिन् [ pitṛvyaghātin ] [ pitṛvya-ghātin ] m. the murderer of his father's brother Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 86 Sch.
पितृव्यपुत्र [ pitṛvyaputra ] [ pitṛvya-putra ] m. a father's brother's son , cousin Lit. Mālav.
पित्र् [ pitr ] [ pitr ] in comp. for [ pitṛ ] before vowels.
पित्रर्जित [ pitrarjita ] [ pitr-arjita ] m. f. n. acquired by or derived from a father (as property) Lit. MW.
पित्रर्थम् [ pitrartham ] [ pitr-artham ] ind. for a father's sake Lit. ib.
पित्राद्यन्त [ pitrādyanta ] [ pitr-ādy-anta ] m. f. n. beginning and ending with (a rite to) the Pitṛis (as a Śrāddha) , Lit. Mn. iii , 205.
पित्र्य [ pitrya ] [ pitrya ] m. f. n. derived from or relating to a father , paternal , patrimonial , ancestral Lit. RV.
relating or consecrated to the Pitṛis Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. (with [ tīrtha ] n. = [ pitṛ-t ] Lit. Mn. ii , 59 ; with [ diś ] f. the south Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. ; with [ pra-diś ] id. Lit. RV.)
[ pitrya ] m. the eldest brother (who takes the place of a father) Lit. L.
the month Māgha Lit. L.
the ritual for oblations to the Pitṛis Lit. ChUp. Sch.
Phaseolus Radiatus Lit. L.
[ pitryā ] f. pl. the Nakshatra called Maghā (presided over by the Pitṛis) Lit. L.
[ pitrya ] m. the day of full moon and the worship of the Pitṛis on that day Lit. L.
n. the nature or character of a father Lit. R.
( with or sc: [ karman ] ) worship of the Pitṛis , obsequial ceremony Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn
the Nakshatra Maghā Lit. Var.
honey Lit. L.
= [ pitṛ-tīrtha ] ( cf. above ) Lit. W.
पित्र्यपित्र्यावत् [ pitryapitryāvat ] [ pitrya-pitryā-vat ] m. f. n. (prob.) possessing property inherited from a father Lit. R.
पित्र्युपवीत [ pitryupavīta ] [ pitryupavīta ] n. ( for [ °yāp° ] ) investiture with the thread sacred to the Pitṛis Lit. GopBr. Lit. Vait.
पित्र्युपवीतिन् [ pitryupavītin ] [ pitryupavītin ] m. f. n. invested with it Lit. Vait.
पित्त [ pitta ] [ pittá ] n. (etym. unknown) bile , the bilious humour ( one of the three humours ( cf. [ kapha ] and [ vāyu ] ) or that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen , heart , eyes , and skin ; its chief quality is heat) Lit. AV. Lit.
पित्तकुष्ठ [ pittakuṣṭha ] [ pittá-kuṣṭha ] n. a kind of leprosy Lit. Gal.
पित्तकोश [ pittakośa ] [ pittá-kośa ] ( or [ °ṣa ] ) m. the gall-bladder Lit. MW.
पित्तक्षोभ [ pittakṣobha ] [ pittá-kṣobha ] m. excess and disturbance of the bilious humour Lit. ib.
पित्तगदिन् [ pittagadin ] [ pittá-gadin ] m. f. n. suffering from bilious complaints , bilious Lit. Suśr.
पित्तगुल्म [ pittagulma ] [ pittá-gulma ] m. a swelling of the abdomen caused by (excess of) bile Lit. ib.
पित्तघ्न [ pittaghna ] [ pittá-ghna ] m. f. n. " bile-destroying " , antibilious
[ pittaghna ] n. an antidote to bilious complaints Lit. Suśr. ( cf. [ -han ] ) .
पित्तज्वर [ pittajvara ] [ pittá-jvara ] and m. a bilious fever Lit. L.
पित्तदाह [ pittadāha ] [ pittá-dāha ]and m. a bilious fever Lit. L.
पित्तद्राविन् [ pittadrāvin ] [ pittá-drāvin ] m. " bile-dispersing " , the sweet citron Lit. L.
पित्तधर [ pittadhara ] [ pittá-dhara ] m. f. n. containing bilious , bilious Lit. Suśr.
पित्तनिबर्हण [ pittanibarhaṇa ] [ pittá-nibarhaṇa ] m. f. n. destroying bilious Lit. MW.
पित्तप्रकृति [ pittaprakṛti ] [ pittá-prakṛti ] m. f. n. being of a bilious temperament Lit. Var.
पित्तप्रकोप [ pittaprakopa ] [ pittá-prakopa ] m. excess and vitiation of the bilious humour Lit. MW.
पित्तरक्त [ pittarakta ] [ pittá-rakta ] n. plethora Lit. L. ( cf. [ rakta-pitta ] ) .
पित्तरोगिन् [ pittarogin ] [ pittá-rogin ] m. f. n. = [ -gadin ] Lit. Suśr.
पित्तवत् [ pittavat ] [ pittá-vat ] m. f. n. having bilious , bilious Lit. L.
पित्तवायु [ pittavāyu ] [ pittá-vāyu ] m. flatulence arising from excess and vitiation of the bilious humour Lit. MW.
पित्तविदग्ध [ pittavidagdha ] [ pittá-vidagdha ] m. f. n. burnt or impaired by bile (as sight) Lit. Suśr.
पित्तविनाशन [ pittavināśana ] [ pittá-vināśana ] and m. f. n. " bilious-destroying " , antibilious Lit. ib.
पित्तशमन [ pittaśamana ] [ pittá-śamana ]and m. f. n. " bilious-destroying " , antibilious Lit. ib.
पित्तशोणित [ pittaśoṇita ] [ pittá-śoṇita ] n. = [ -rakta ] Lit. L.
पित्तशोफ [ pittaśopha ] [ pittá-śopha ] m. a swelling caused by (excess of) bilious Lit. Suśr.
पित्तश्लेष्मल [ pittaśleṣmala ] [ pittá-śleṣmala ] m. f. n. producing bile and phlegm Lit. Car.
पित्तसारक [ pittasāraka ] [ pittá-sāraka ] m. Azadirachta Indica Lit. L.
पित्तस्थान [ pittasthāna ] [ pittá-sthāna ] n. = [ -kośa ] Lit. GarbhUp.
पित्तस्यन्द [ pittasyanda ] [ pittá-syanda ] m. a bilious form of ophthalmia Lit. Suśr.
पित्तहन् [ pittahan ] [ pittá-han ] m. f. n. bile-destroying Lit. ib.
[ pittaghnī ] f. Cocculus Cordifolius Lit. L. ( cf. [ -ghna ] ) .
पित्तहर [ pittahara ] [ pittá-hara ] m. f. n. bilious removing , antibilious Lit. Suśr.
पित्तातीसार [ pittātīsāra ] [ pittātīsāra ] m. a bilious form of dysentery
पित्तातीसारिन् [ pittātīsārin ] [ pittātīsārin ] m. f. n. suffering from it Lit. ib.
पित्तान्तकरस [ pittāntakarasa ] [ pittānta-karasa ] m. a partic. medicinal preparation Lit. L.
पित्ताभिष्यन्द [ pittābhiṣyanda ] [ pittābhiṣyanda ] m. = [ pittasyanda ] Lit. Suśr.
पित्तारि [ pittāri ] [ pittāri ] m. " bile-enemy " , anything antibilious , N. of sev. plants and vegetable substances (e.g. [ parpaṭa ] , [ takṣā ] ) Lit. L.
पित्तास्र [ pittāsra ] [ pittāsra ] n. = [ pitta-rakta ] Lit. L.
पित्तोदर [ pittodara ] [ pittodara ] n. = [ pitta-gulma ] Lit. Bhpr.
पित्तोदरिन् [ pittodarin ] [ pittodarin ] m. f. n. suffering from a bilious swelling of the abdomen Lit. Suśr.
पित्तोपसृष्ट [ pittopasṛṣṭa ] [ pittopasṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. suffering from bile Lit. Yājñ. Sch.
पित्तोपहत [ pittopahata ] [ pittopahata ] m. f. n. = [ pittavidagdha ] Lit. Suśr.
पित्तल [ pittala ] [ pittala ] m. f. n. bilious , secreting bile Lit. Suśr. (g. [ sidhmādi ] )
[ pittalā ] f. Jussiaea Repens Lit. L.
[ pittalī ] f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana Lit. L.
[ pittala ] n. brass , bell-metal Lit. L.
Betula Bhojpatra ( its bark is used for writing upon ; cf. [ bhūrja-pattra ] ) Lit. L.
पित्थ [ pittha ] [ pittha ] and [ pitthaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
पित्थक [ pitthaka ] [ pitthaka ] and [ pittha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
पित्सत् [ pitsat ] [ pitsat ] m. f. n. (√ [ pat ] Desid.) being about to fly or fall
पित्सल [ pitsala ] [ pitsala ] n. a road , path , way Lit. L.
पित्सु [ pitsu ] [ pitsu ] m. f. n. being about to fly or fall Lit. L.
पिपतिषत् [ pipatiṣat ] [ pipatiṣat ] = [ pitsat ] Lit. L.
पिपतिषा [ pipatiṣā ] [ pipatiṣā ] f. wish to come down or fall Lit. W.
पिपतिषु [ pipatiṣu ] [ pipatiṣu ] = [ pitsat ] Lit. L.
पित्सरु [ pitsaru ] [ pitsaru ] see [ soma-p ] .
पिथय [ pithaya ] [ pithaya ] [ °yati ] , to shut (a door) Lit. Lalit.
पिथित [ pithita ] [ pithita ] m. f. n. shut , covered Lit. ib. ( Prob. connected with [ pi-dhā ] .)
पिदाकु [ pidāku ] [ pidāku ] m. prob. w.r. for [ pṛ́dāku ] Lit. MaitrS.
पिदृभ् [ pidṛbh ] [ pi-dṛbh ] for [ api- ] √ [ dṛbh ] √ ( only. [ -dṛhmas ] ) , to adhere firmly to or hope in (acc.) Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
पिद्व [ pidva ] [ pidvá ] m. a species of animal Lit. VS.
पिदधत् [ pidadhat ] [ pi-dadhat ] m. f. n. covering , veiling , hiding Lit. W.
पिधातव्य [ pidhātavya ] [ pi-dhātavya ] m. f. n. to be covered or shut or closed Lit. Mn. ii , 200.
पिधान [ pidhāna ] [ pi-dhāna ] n. (m. g. [ ardharcādi ] ) covering , stopping , shutting , closing Lit. Mālav. Lit. Sāh.
a cover , lid , sheath Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; ( [ -vat ] mfn. covered with a lid Lit. Rājat.)
a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected Lit. Sarvad.
पिधानवत् [ pidhānavat ] [ pi-dhāna--vat ] m. f. n. , see [ pidhāna ] , covered with a lid Lit. Rājat.
पिधानक [ pidhānaka ] [ pi-dhānaka ] n. a cover , sheath (see [ khaḍga-pidh ] )
[ pidhānikā ] f. a cover , lid Lit. L.
पिधायक [ pidhāyaka ] [ pi-dhāyaka ] m. f. n. covering , hiding , concealing ( [ -tā ] f. ) , Lit. Vedântas.
पिधायकता [ pidhāyakatā ] [ pi-dhāyaka--tā ] f. , see [ pidhāyaka ]
पिधायिन् [ pidhāyin ] [ pi-dhāyin ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Dharmaśarm.
पिधित्सु [ pidhitsu ] [ pi-dhitsu ] m. f. n. wishing to cover conceal Lit. Naish.
पिहित [ pihita ] [ pi-hita ] m. f. n. shut , hidden , concealed , covered or filled with (instr.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ pihita ] n. a partic. figure of speech which consists in insinuating to a person that one knows his secrets Lit. Kuval.
पिहिति [ pihiti ] [ pi-hiti ] f. covering , stopping Lit. TāṇḍBr.
पिनस [ pinasa ] [ pinasa ] v.l. for [ pīnasa ] .
पिनह् [ pinah ] [ pi-nah ] Preverb. = [ api-√ nah ] ( q.v.)
पिनद्ध [ pinaddha ] [ pi-naddha ] m. f. n. tied or put on , fastened , wrapped , covered , dressed , armed Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
पिनद्धक [ pinaddhaka ] [ pi-naddhaka ] m. f. n. dressed , clothed , covered Lit. Hariv. 11164 (m. ornament Lit. Nīlak.)
पिनह्य [ pinahya ] [ pi-nahya ] ind. having put on or dressed Lit. MBh.
पिनाक [ pināka ] [ pí nāka ] m. n. a staff or bow , (esp.) the staff or bow of Rudra-Śiva Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. MBh.
Śiva's trident or three-pronged spear (= [ śūla ] and [ tri-śūla ] ) Lit. L.
falling dust Lit. L.
[ pinākī ] f. (in music) a kind of stringed instrument
[ pināka ] n. a species of talc Lit. Bhpr. ( Perhaps fr. [ pi-api-√ nam ] ; cf. [ nāka ] .)
पिनाकगोप्तृ [ pinākagoptṛ ] [ pí nāka-goptṛ ] m. " preserver of Pināka " , N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
पिनाकधृक् [ pinākadhṛk ] [ pí nāka-dhṛk ] m. " bearer of Pināka " , id. , Lit. ib.
पिनाकपाणि [ pinākapāṇi ] [ pí nāka-pāṇi ] m. " Pināka in hand " id. Lit. Kum. Sch.
पिनाकभृत् [ pinākabhṛt ] [ pí nāka-bhṛt ] m. = [ -dhṛk ] Lit. L.
पिनाकसेन [ pinākasena ] [ pí nāka-sena ] m. " armed with Pināka " , N. of Skanda Lit. AV.Pariś.
पिनाकहस्त [ pinākahasta ] [ pí nāka-hasta ] ( [ pin ] ) m. = = [ -pāṇi ] N. of Rudra Lit. TS.
पिनाकावस [ pinākāvasa ] [ pí nākāvasa ] m. N. of Rudra ( " concealing Pināka " , Lit. Mahīdh.) Lit. VS.
पिनाकि [ pināki ] [ pināki ]1 m. ( only acc. [ °kim ] ) = [ pinākin ] N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.
पिनाकि [ pināki ] [ pināki ]2 in comp. for [ °kin ] .
पिनाकिदिश् [ pinākidiś ] [ pināki-diś ] f. " Śiva's quarter " , the north-east Lit. Var.
पिनाकिन् [ pinākin ] [ pinākin ] m. " armed with the bow or spear Pināka " , N. of Rudra-Śiva Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
of one of the 11 Rudras Lit. MBh. Lit. Hār.
पिनाकिनीमाहात्म्य [ pinākinīmāhātmya ] [ pinākinī-māhātmya ] n. N. of ch. of Lit. BrahmâṇḍaP.
पिनी [ pinī ] [ pi-√ nī ] P. [ -nayati ] , to put into (acc.) , introduce Lit. ĀpGṛ.
पिन्यास [ pinyāsa ] [ pi-nyāsa ] m. (√ 2 , [ as ] with [ pi-ni ] ) Asa Foetida Lit. L. ( cf. [ piṇyāka ] ) .
पिन्व् [ pinv ] [ pinv ] Root cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xv , 79) [ pí nvati ] (p. [ pí nvat ] Lit. RV. ; [ pinvát ] Lit. AV. ; pf. [ pipinva ] Lit. RV. ; Ā. 3. pl. [ pinviré ] ; p. [ pinvāná ] Lit. ib. ; aor. [ apinvīt ] Gr. ; fut. [ pinviṣyati ] , [ °vitā ] Lit. ib.) , to cause to swell , distend ; to cause to overflow or abound Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. GṛŚrS. ; Ā. [ pí nvate ] , to swell , be distended , abound , overflow Lit. ib. ( also Ā. P. and in Lit. ŚBr. P. for Ā.) : Caus. [ pinváyati ] = P. [ pinvati ] Lit. ŚBr.
पिन्व [ pinva ] [ pinva ] m. f. n. causing to swell or flow (see [ dānu-p ] ) .
पिन्वन [ pinvana ] [ pí nvana ] n. a partic. vessel used in religious ceremonies Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
पिन्वन्त्यपीया [ pinvantyapīyā ] [ pinvantyapīyā ] f. ( sc. [ ṛc ] ) N. of Lit. RV. i , 64 , 6 ( beginning [ pinvaty apo ] ) .
पिन्वमान [ pinvamāna ] [ pinvamāna ] and m. f. n. swollen , swelling , full Lit. ŚBr.
पिन्वित [ pinvita ] [ pí nvita ]and m. f. n. swollen , swelling , full Lit. ŚBr.
पिपक्ष् [ pipakṣ ] [ pipakṣ ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ 2. [ pac ] Desid.) Lit. Vop.
पिपतिषत् [ pipatiṣat ] [ pipatiṣat ] [ °ṣā ] , [ °ṣu ] see [ pitsat ] .
पिपविषु [ pipaviṣu ] [ pipaviṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ 1. [ pū ] Desid.) wishing to purify Lit. W.
पिपाठक [ pipāṭhaka ] [ pipāṭhaka ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. MārkP.
पिपासत् [ pipāsat ] [ pipāsat ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ 1. [ pā ] Desid.) wishing to drink , thirsty Lit. Śak.
पिपासावत् [ pipāsāvat ] [ pipāsā́--vat ] m. f. n. thirsty Lit. Vedântas.
पिपासाल [ pipāsāla ] [ pipāsāla ] m. f. n. always thirsty Lit. Car.
पिपासिन् [ pipāsin ] [ pipāsin ] ( Lit. MW.) m. f. n. thirsty , athirst.
पिपिली [ pipilī ] [ pipilī ] f. = [ pipīlī ]
an ant Lit. L.