Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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अ |
असुख [ asukha ] [ a-sukha ] m. f. n. unhappy , sorrowful Lit. MBh.
painful Lit. N.
not easy to (Inf.) Lit. Kir. v , 49
असुखपीडित [ asukhapīḍita ] [ a-sukha-pīḍita ] m. f. n. pained with grief. Lit. N.
असुखसंचार [ asukhasaṃcāra ] [ a-sukha-saṃcāra ] m. f. n. (a place) on which it is not easy or safe to dwell Lit. Kām.
असुखावह [ asukhāvaha ] [ asukhāvaha ] m. f. n. producing unhappiness Lit. MBh. i , 4732.
असुखाविष्ट [ asukhāviṣṭa ] [ asukhāviṣṭa ] m. f. n. afflicted with grief or pain.
असुखोदय [ asukhodaya ] [ asukhodaya ] m. f. n. causing or ending in unhappiness Lit. Mn. iv , 70.
असुखोदर्क [ asukhodarka ] [ asukhodarka ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Mn.
असुखाय [ asukhāya ] [ a-sukhāya ] Nom. Ā. ° [ yate ] , to be uneasy, Lit. Jātakam.
असुखिन् [ asukhin ] [ a-sukhin ] m. f. n. unhappy , sorrowful Lit. R.
असुगन्ध [ asugandha ] [ a-sugandha ] m. a bad smell Lit. BhP.
[ asugandha ] m. f. n. not fragrant Lit. R.
असुगम [ asugama ] [ a-sugama ] m. f. n. not easily passable (as a way) Lit. BhP.
difficult to be understood Comm.
असुत [ asuta ] [ á-suta ] m. f. n. (√ 3. [ su ] ) , not pressed out , not ready (as the Soma juice) Lit. RV. Lit. VS.
असुन्व [ asunva ] [ a-sunvá ] m. f. n. " not pressing out the Soma juice " , not worshipping the gods Lit. RV. viii , 14 , 15.
असुन्वत् [ asunvat ] [ á-sunvat ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV.
असुष्वि [ asuṣvi ] [ á-suṣvi ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV. iv , 24 , 5 ; 25 , 6 ; vi , 44 , 11.
असुतर [ asutara ] [ a-sutara ] m. f. n. (√ [ tṛ ] ) , not to be easily passed Lit. Kir. v , 18.
असुतृप् [ asutṛp ] [ asu-tṛ́p ] and [ asu-tṛpa ] see [ ásu ] .
असुन्दर [ asundara ] [ a-sundara ] m. f. n. not good or right , improper Comm. on Lit. Mn. iv , 222.
असुप्त [ asupta ] [ á-supta ] m. f. n. not asleep Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
असुप्तदृश् [ asuptadṛś ] [ á-supta-dṛś ] m. f. n. never closing the eyes in sleep , ever-seeing Lit. L.
असुप्रतार [ asupratāra ] [ a-supratāra ] m. f. n. difficult to be crossed, ib.
असुम्न [ asumna ] [ á-sumna ] m. f. n. contrary , adverse Lit. VS. xxxv , 1.
असुर [ asura ] [ ásura ] see [ ásu ] .
असुरक्ष [ asurakṣa ] [ a-surakṣa ] m. f. n. difficult to guard or preserve , perishable Lit. Kir. ii , 39.
असुरसा [ asurasā ] [ a-surasā ] f. the plant Basilicum Pilosum Benth. Lit. L.
असुरि [ asuri ] [ asuri ] (prob.) m. (said to be fr. √ :2. [ as ] ) war, battle (= [ saṃgrāma ] ), Lit. L.
असुलभ [ asulabha ] [ a-sulabha ] m. f. n. difficult of attainment , rare Lit. Śak. Lit. Vikr.
असुवर्ग्य [ asuvargya ] [ á-suvargya ] m. f. n. for [ a-svargyá ] q.v. Lit. TS. v.
असुषिर [ asuṣira ] [ a-suṣira ] m. f. n. not hollow Lit. ĀpŚr.
असुषिरत्व [ asuṣiratva ] [ a-suṣira-tva ] ( [ ás ] ) n. the not being hollow Lit. MaitrS.
असुषुप्त [ asuṣupta ] [ a-suṣupta ] m. f. n. not fast asleep Lit. NṛisUp.
असुष्वि [ asuṣvi ] [ á-suṣvi ] see [ á-suta ] .
असुसमाप्त [ asusamāpta ] [ a-susamāpta ] m. f. n. imperfect Lit. Nir. vi , 9 and 28.
असुसू [ asusū ] [ asu-sū ] see [ ásu ] .
असुस्थ [ asustha ] [ a-sustha ] m. f. n. unwell , indisposed , uncomfortable Lit. Śak.
असुस्थता [ asusthatā ] [ a-sustha-tā ] f. indisposition , sickness.
असुहृद् [ asuhṛd ] [ a-suhṛd ] m. not a friend , N.
an enemy Lit. R. v , 76 , 5
[ asuhṛd ] m. f. n. having no friend Lit. MBh. xii , 6485.
असू [ asū ] [ a-sū́ ] m. f. n. (√ 3. [ sū ] ) , not bringing forth , barren Lit. RV. and Lit. AV. (acc. f. [ a-svám ] ) Lit. VS. (acc. f. [ asū́m ] ) .
असूतजरती [ asūtajaratī ] [ a-sūta-jaratī ] f. (a woman) who grows old without having brought forth a child Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 42.
असूति [ asūti ] [ a-sūti ] f. non-production , obstruction , removal Lit. Kir. ii , 56.
असूतिका [ asūtikā ] [ a-sū́tikā ] f. barren (as a woman) Lit. AV. vi , 83 , 3.
असूसू [ asūsū ] [ a-sūsū́ ] m. f. n. = [ a-sū́ ] q.v. Lit. AV. x , 10 , 23.
असूक्ष्म [ asūkṣma ] [ a-sūkṣma ] m. f. n. not fine or minute , thick , gross.
असूचीसंचार [ asūcīsaṃcāra ] [ a-sūcī-saṃcāra ] m. f. n. impenetrable even to a needle, very dense, Lit. Bhartṛ. ; Lit. Rājat.
असूत [ asūta ] [ a-sūta ] m. f. n. having no charioteer, Lit. R.
असूय [ asūya ] [ asūya ]1 Nom. P. [ °yati ] , rarely Ā. [ °yate ] (pr. p. [ °yát ] Lit. RV. x , 135 , 2 Lit. ŚBr. ; aor. [ āsūyīt ] Lit. ŚBr. iii ; 3. pl. [ asūyiṣuḥ ] Lit. Rājat.) to murmur at , be displeased or discontented with (dat. ( Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 37 , ) or acc. ( Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ) ) : Caus. (ind.p. [ asūyayitvā ] ) to cause to be displeased , irritate Lit. MBh. iii , 2624 ( Lit. N.)
असूय [ asūya ] [ asūya ]2 m. f. n. grumbling at , displeased with (loc.) Lit. MBh. xiii , 513
[ asūyā ] f. displeasure , indignation (especially at the merits or the happiness of another) , envy , jealousy Lit. Nir. Lit. Āp. Lit. Mn.
असूयक [ asūyaka ] [ asūyaka ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 146) discontented , displeased , envious , calumnious Lit. Nir. Lit. Mn.
असूयितृ [ asūyitṛ ] [ asūyitṛ ] m. f. n. displeased , envious Lit. MBh. ii , 2545
( [ an- ] neg.) Lit. i , 5611 .
असूर [ asūra ] [ a-sūrá ] n. " absence of sunlight " , only
[ asūre ] ind. loc. in the night Lit. RV. viii , 10 , 4.
असूर्क्षण [ asūrkṣaṇa ] [ asūrkṣaṇa ] n. disrespect Lit. L.
असूर्त [ asūrta ] [ a-sū́rta ] m. f. n. ( said of [ rájas ] ) , " unilluminated , enveloped in darkness " ( ( Lit. Gmn. ) ) or " unvisited , unknown , remote " ( ( Lit. Nir. Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. BR. ) ) Lit. RV. x , 82 , 4 Lit. AV. x , 3 , 9 ( cf. [ sūrta ] and [ a-sūryá ] .)
असूर्तरजस [ asūrtarajasa ] [ a-sū́rta-rajasa ] m. v.l. for [ amūrta-r ] q.v.
असूर्य [ asūrya ] [ a-sūryá ] m. f. n. ( said of [ támas ] ) sunless Lit. RV. v , 32. 6 ( (v.l. for I. [ asuryá ] in Lit. ŚBr. xiv) " demoniacal " , Lit. ĪśaUp. ; " inaccessible , unknown " , (fr. √ [ sṛ ] cf. [ a-sū́rta ] ) Lit. NBD. )
[ asūryam ] ind. at right Lit. ShaḍvBr.
असूर्यम्पश्या [ asūryampaśyā ] [ a-sūryá-m-paśyā ] f. the wife of a king (who being shut up in the inner apartments never sees the sun) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 36.
असृज् [ asṛj ] [ ásṛj ] [ k ] m. f. n. ( once [ d ] Lit. TS. vii) (m. or f. only Lit. Hariv. 9296) blood Lit. RV. i , 164 , 4 Lit. AV. ( for the weak cases see [ asán ] ; besides , in later language , forms like instr. [ asṛjā ] ( Lit. R. iii , 8 , 4) and gen. [ asṛjas ] ( Lit. Suśr.) are found )
m. ( [ k ] ) the planet Mars
N. of the 16th of the astrological Yogas, also called Siddhi Lit. L. ( 1318,2 )
असृक् [ asṛk ] [ asṛk ] ( in comp. for [ ásṛj ] ) .
असृक्कर [ asṛkkara ] [ asṛk-kara ] m. " forming blood " , lymph , chyle Lit. L.
असृक्त्व [ asṛktva ] [ asṛk-tvá ] n. the state of blood Lit. MaitrS.
असृक्प [ asṛkpa ] [ asṛk-pa ] m. " drinking blood " , a Rākshasa Lit. L.
असृक्पात [ asṛkpāta ] [ asṛk-pāta ] m. the falling of blood Lit. Yājñ. iii , 293
drops of blood (as from a wound) Lit. Mn. viii , 44 ( cf. [ asṛ-pāṭa ] .)
असृक्पावन् [ asṛkpāvan ] [ asṛk-pā́van ] m. f. n. drinking blood Lit. AV. ii , 25 , 30.
असृक्स्राव [ asṛksrāva ] [ asṛk-srāva ] m. f. n. bleeding , letting blood Lit. L.
असृक्स्राविन् [ asṛksrāvin ] [ asṛk-srāvin ] m. f. n. bleeding , taking away blood Lit. L.
असृग् [ asṛg ] [ asṛg ] ( in comp. for [ ásṛj ] ) .
असृग्ग्रह [ asṛggraha ] [ asṛg-graha ] m. " the blood-planet " , Mars Lit. VarBṛS.
असृग्दर [ asṛgdara ] [ asṛg-dara ] m. irregular or excessive menstruation , menorrhagia Lit. Suśr.
असृग्दोह [ asṛgdoha ] [ asṛg-doha ] m. f. n. shedding blood , bleeding Lit. L.
असृग्धरा [ asṛgdharā ] [ asṛg-dharā ] f. the skin Lit. L.
असृग्धारा [ asṛgdhārā ] [ asṛg-dhārā ] f. a stream of blood Lit. Kathās.
= [ -dharā ] q.v. Lit. L.
असृग्भाजन [ asṛgbhājana ] [ asṛg-bhājana ] m. f. n. receiving blood as a share, Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
असृग्वहा [ asṛgvahā ] [ asṛg-vahā ] f. a blood-vessel Lit. L.
असृग्विमोक्षण [ asṛgvimokṣaṇa ] [ asṛg-vimokṣaṇa ] n. blood-letting , bleeding Lit. L.
असृङ् [ asṛṅ ] [ asṛṅ ] ( in comp. for [ ásṛj ] ) .
असृङ्मय [ asṛṅmaya ] [ asṛṅ-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of blood Lit. Śiś. xviii , 71.
असृङ्मिश्र [ asṛṅmiśra ] [ asṛṅ-miśra ] m. f. n. mixed or covered with blood Lit. L.
असृङ्मुख [ asṛṅmukha ] [ asṛṅ-mukha ] ( [ ásṛṅ ] .) m. f. n. whose face is bloody Lit. AV. xi , 9 , 17.
असृणि [ asṛṇi ] [ a-sṛṇi ] m. f. n. unrestrained Lit. BhP.
असृण्य [ asṛṇya ] [ a-sṛṇya ] (v.l. [ aśṛ ] °) = [ a ] - [ sṛṇi ] , Lit. BhP.
असृपाट [ asṛpāṭa ] [ asṛ-pāṭa ] m. (corrupt form) for [ asṛk-pāta ] , q. Lit. L.
असेचन [ asecana ] [ a-secana ] m. f. n. ( also [ ā-sec ] q.v.) charming , lovely Lit. L.
असेचनक [ asecanaka ] [ a-secanaka ] ( ( Lit. L. ) ) ( ( Lit. Lalit. ) ) m. f. n. id.
असेचनकदर्शन [ asecanakadarśana ] [ a-secanaka-darśana ] m. f. n. lovely to see, Lit. Divyâv.
असेचनीय [ asecanīya ] [ a-secanīya ] ( ( Lit. Lalit. ) ) m. f. n. id.
असेन्य [ asenya ] [ a-senyá ] (4) m. f. n. not striking or wounding , not hurting (as words) Lit. RV. x , 108 , 6.
असेवा [ asevā ] [ a-sevā ] f. not following or practising Lit. Mn. ii , 96
disregard , inattention.
असेवित [ asevita ] [ a-sevita ] m. f. n. neglected , unattended to
abstained from.
असेवितेश्वरद्वार [ aseviteśvaradvāra ] [ aseviteśvara-dvāra ] m. f. n. not waiting at the doors of the great Lit. Hit.
असेव्य [ asevya ] [ a-sevya ] m. f. n. not to be served or attended to Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
not to be visited by (gen.) Lit. Pañcat.
not to be used or practised , not to be eaten , drunk ,
असोढ [ asoḍha ] [ a-soḍha ] m. f. n. not to be endured or mastered Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 26 ( cf. [ á-ṣāḍha ] .)
[ asoḍha ] m. an elephant with thick and short tusks, Lit. L.
असोम [ asoma ] [ a-soma ] m. not Somajuice Lit. KātyŚr.
not a Soma sacrifice Lit. ib.
[ asoma ] m. f. n. without Soma juice Lit. MBh. xiii , 1793.
असोमप [ asomapa ] [ a-soma-pa ] m. f. n. one who does not drink or is not admitted to drink the Soma juice Lit. AitBr. Lit. Mn. xi , 12.
असोमपीथ [ asomapītha ] [ a-soma-pītha ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
असोमपीथिन् [ asomapīthin ] [ a-soma-pīthin ] m. f. n. id. Lit. KātyŚr.
असोमयाजिन् [ asomayājin ] [ a-soma-yājin ] ( [ á-soma- ] ) m. f. n. one who has not offered a Soma sacrifice Lit. ŚBr. i.
असौकृ [ asaukṛ ] [ asaú-√ kṛ ] (:1 [ kṛ ] ) to do such and such a thing (g. [ sākṣād-ādi ] , q.v.)
असौनामन् [ asaunāman ] [ asaú-nā́man ] m. f. n. in Lit. ŚBr. xiv [ asau-n ] °( 1318,2 )
असौयज [ asauyaja ] [ asaú-yaja ] N. of a Praisha ( with the address [ amuka yaja ] ) Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
असौन्दर्य [ asaundarya ] [ a-saundarya ] n. ugliness.
असौम्य [ asaumya ] [ a-saumya ] m. f. n. unlovely , disagreeable , displeasing Lit. VP.
unpropitious Lit. R. i , 74 , 10.
असौवर्ण [ asauvarṇa ] [ a-sauvarṇa ] m. f. n. not consisting of gold Lit. Mṛicch.
असौष्ठव [ asauṣṭhava ] [ a-sauṣṭhava ] n. want of lightness or suppleness (of body) Lit. Sāh.
असौहृद [ asauhṛda ] [ a-sauhṛda ] n. enmity Lit. MBh. xv , 895.
अस्कन्द [ askanda ] [ á-skanda ] m. the non-spilling (as of the semen virile) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
अस्कन्दत्व [ askandatva ] [ á-skanda-tva ] ( [ á-skanda- ] ) n. id. Lit. MaitrS.
अस्कन्दयत् [ askandayat ] [ a-skandayat ] m. f. n. not spilling Lit. Āp.
not neglecting Lit. Mn. vi , 9.
अस्कन्दित [ askandita ] [ a-skandita ] m. f. n. not neglected or forgotten (as time or a vow) Lit. MBh. xii , 7002 Lit. BhP.
अस्कन्दिन् [ askandin ] [ a-skandin ] m. f. n. not coagulating Lit. Suśr.
अस्कन्न [ askanna ] [ a-skanna ] m. f. n. not spilt (as an oblation) Lit. VS. ii , 8 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. xii , 2318
not covered (as a cow) Lit. AitBr.
अस्कन्नत्व [ askannatva ] [ a-skanna-tva ] ( [ á-skanna- ] ) n. the not being spilt Lit. MaitrS.
अस्कम्भन [ askambhana ] [ a-skambhaná ] n. no pillar or support ( " having no pillar or support " , the ether Lit. Gmn. ) Lit. RV. x , 149 , 1.
अस्कृधोयु [ askṛdhoyu ] [ á-skṛdhoyu ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ kṛdhú ] ) , not deficient , abundant Lit. RV. vi , 22 , 3 ; 67 , 11 and vii , 53 , 3.
अस्खल [ askhala ] [ a-skhala ] m. " not shaking or slipping " , N. of an Agni Lit. PārGṛ.
अस्खलित [ askhalita ] [ a-skhalita ] m. f. n. unshaken , unyielding , firm
not stumbling or slipping , undeviating
uninterrupted , unimpeded , undisturbed Lit. Ragh. v 20 ; xviii , 14 Lit. BhP.
अस्खलितप्रयाण [ askhalitaprayāṇa ] [ a-skhalita-prayāṇa ] m. f. n. not stumbling in progress , with unfaltering step Lit. Hit.
अस्त [ asta ] [ asta ]1 m. f. n. (perf. Pass. p. √ 2. [ as ] ) , thrown , cast Lit. Ragh. xii , 91
( [ án- ] neg.) Lit. ŚBr. iii
( only in comp.) thrown off , left off , set aside , given up (as grief , anger , a vow , ) Lit. VP. Lit. Kathās.
अस्तकरुण [ astakaruṇa ] [ asta-karuṇa ] m. f. n. pitiless, cruel, Lit. Mālatīm.
अस्तकोप [ astakopa ] [ asta-kopa ] m. f. n. one whose anger is laid aside , Comm. on Lit. Megh.
अस्ततन्द्रि [ astatandri ] [ asta-tandri ] m. f. n. who has laid aside sloth Lit. Kir. i , 9.
अस्तधी [ astadhī ] [ asta-dhī ] m. f. n. " out of one's mind " , foolish.
अस्तव्यस्त [ astavyasta ] [ asta-vyasta ] m. f. n. scattered hither and thither , confused , disordered Lit. Sūryapr. 18.
अस्तसंख्य [ astasaṃkhya ] [ asta-saṃkhya ] m. f. n. innumerable Lit. L.
अस्तृ [ astṛ ] [ ástṛ ] m. f. n. (fut. p.) one who is about or intends to throw Lit. RV. i , 61 , 7 ; x , 133 , 3
[ astṛ ] m. a thrower , shooter Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
( with [ a-pád ] ) Lit. ŚBr.
अस्त [ asta ] [ ásta ]2 n. home Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
[ asta ] m. setting (as of the sun or of luminaries) Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Sūryas.
" end , death " see [ asta-samaya ] below
the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
(in astron.) the seventh lunar mansion Lit. VarBṛ.
[ astam ] ind. at home , home Lit. RV. , especially used with verbs e.g. [ ástam-√ i ] ( ( [ ástam éti ] ; pr. p. [ astaṃ-yát ] Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ; fut. p. [ astam-eṣyát ] Lit. AV. ; perf. p. [ ástamita ] see below s.v. ) ) ; [ ástaṃ-√ gam ] ( ( [ ástam gácchati ] Lit. AV. ; perf. p. [ astaṃ-gata ] Lit. MBh. , once in reversed order [ gata astaṃ ] Lit. R. i , 33 , 21 ) ) or [ astaṃ-√ yā ] ( ( pr. p. [ -yāt ] Lit. Mn. iv , 37 ) ) to go down , set Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
m. [ astam-√ i ] , [ astaṃ-√ gam ] ( also Caus. see [ astaṃ-gamita ] below) , or √ [ prāp ] ( ( Lit. Kathās. ) ) , to go to one's eternal home , cease , vanish , perish , die Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. MBh.
[ astaṃ-√ nī ] ( ( [ -nayati ] ) ) , to lead to setting , cause to set Lit. MBh. iii , i 7330
[ astā ] ind. v.l. for [ ástam ] Lit. SV.
अस्तंयत् [ astaṃyat ] [ ásta-ṃ-yát ] and see [ ástam ] before s.v. [ ásta ] .
अस्तंयात् [ astaṃyāt ] [ ásta-ṃ-yāt ]and see [ ástam ] before s.v. [ ásta ] .
अस्तक्षितिभृत् [ astakṣitibhṛt ] [ ásta-kṣitibhṛt ] m. " the mountain Asta " , the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set) , Lit. Ratnāv.
अस्तंगच्छत् [ astaṃgacchat ] [ asta-ṃ-gacchat ] m. (= [ lagna ] ), Lit. Sūryas.
अस्तगमन [ astagamana ] [ ásta-gamana ] n. setting (of the sun) Lit. MBh. i , 6058.
अस्तगामिन् [ astagāmin ] [ asta-gāmin ] m. f. n. going down, Lit. Hāsy.
अस्तगिरि [ astagiri ] [ ásta-giri ] m. = [ -kṣitibhṛt ] q.v. , Lit. Śś. ix , 1.
अस्तंगमित [ astaṃgamita ] [ ásta-ṃ-gamita ] m. f. n. ( Caus. perf. Pass. p.) brought to an end , destroyed Lit. Megh.
अस्तताति [ astatāti ] [ ásta-tāti ] ( [ ásta- ] ) f. home Lit. RV. v , 7 , 6.
अस्तनिमग्न [ astanimagna ] [ ásta-nimagna ] m. f. n. set (as the sun) Lit. Ragh. xvi , 11.
अस्तभवन [ astabhavana ] [ ásta-bhavana ] n. the seventh lunar mansion Lit. VarBṛ.
अस्तमय [ astamaya ] [ ásta-m-ayá ] m. setting (of the sun) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp.
disappearance , vanishing , perishing Lit. KaṭhUp. (said of the senses) Lit. Ragh.
अस्तमयाचल [ astamayācala ] [ asta-m-ayācala ] m. (= [ asta ] - [ giri ] ), Lit. L.
अस्तमयन [ astamayana ] [ ásta-m-áyana ] n. setting of the sun Lit. ŚBr. xii
अस्तमस्तक [ astamastaka ] [ ásta-mastaka ] m. n. ( the head i.e.) the top of the mountain Asta , Lit. Ratnāv.
अस्तमित [ astamita ] [ ásta-m-ita ] m. f. n. set (as the sun) Lit. AV.
come to an end , ceased , dead Lit. R. Lit. Ragh.
[ astamite ] ind. loc. after sunset Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अस्तमितोदिता [ astamitoditā ] [ asta-m-itoditā ] , f. (scil. [ paurṇa ] - [ māsī ] ) the day on which the moon rises full after sunset, Lit. Gobh.( Page1318,3 )
अस्तमीके [ astamīke ] [ ásta-m-īké ] loc. ind. ( fr. 2. [ añc ] cf. [ samīká ] , ) at home Lit. RV. i , 129 , 9.
अस्तमूर्धन् [ astamūrdhan ] [ ásta-mūrdhan ] m. = [ -mastaka ] q.v. Lit. R. iii , 67 , 24.
अस्तमेष्यत् [ astameṣyat ] [ ásta-m-eṣyát ] see [ ástam ] before s.v. [ ásta ] .
अस्तराशि [ astarāśi ] [ ásta-rāśi ] m. = [ -bhavana ] q.v. Lit. VarBṛ.
अस्तलग्न [ astalagna ] [ asta-lagna ] n. the western horizon, Lit. Sūryas., Sch.
अस्तशिखर [ astaśikhara ] [ ásta-śikhara ] m. = [ mastaka ] q.v. Lit. Śak. Lit. Kathās.
अस्तसमय [ astasamaya ] [ ásta-samaya ] m. " the moment of sunset " and " the moment of end or death " Lit. Śiś. ix , 5.
अस्ताचल [ astācala ] [ astācala ] m. = [ asta-kṣitibhṛt ] q.v. Lit. Hit.
अस्ताद्रि [ astādri ] [ astādri ] m. id.
अस्ताभिलाषिन् [ astābhilāṣin ] [ as-tābhi-lāṣin ] m. f. n. verging towards sunset, Lit. Mudr.
अस्तावलम्बिन् [ astāvalambin ] [ astāvalambin ] m. f. n. reclining on the western mountain , about to set.
अस्तक [ astaka ] [ ástaka ] n. home Lit. AV. ii , 26 , 5 ( cf. [ sv-astaká ] )
[ astaka ] m. going to one's eternal home Lit. L.
अस्तमन [ astamana ] [ astamana ] n. ( a corruption of [ astam-áyana ] q.v.) , setting Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
अस्त्य [ astya ] [ astya ] n. (v.l. for [ ásta ] ) a house Lit. Naigh.
अस्तना [ astanā ] [ a-stanā́ ] f. having no breast or udder, Lit. MaitrS.
अस्तब्ध [ astabdha ] [ a-stabdha ] m. f. n. " not fixed " , moving , agile (as a bird) Lit. R. iii , 79 , 22
not arrogant or obstinate , unassuming , modest Lit. MBh. v , 1360 ; xii , 2709.
अस्तब्धता [ astabdhatā ] [ a-stabdha-tā ] f. unassumingness Lit. Kām.
अस्तब्धत्व [ astabdhatva ] [ a-stabdha-tva ] n. id. Lit. Hit.
अस्तम्भ [ astambha ] [ a-stambha ] m. f. n. without pillars Lit. Ragh. i , 41
unassuming Lit. Rājat.
अस्तर्य [ astarya ] [ astaryá ] m. f. n. not to be laid low, unconquarable, Lit. ŚBr.
अस्ताघ [ astāgha ] [ a-stāgha ] m. f. n. " not shallow " , very deep Lit. Jain. ( only in Prākṛit (atthAha) ) .
अस्ति [ asti ] [ asti ]1 ind. ( 3. sg. pr. √ 1. [ as ] ; g. [ cādi ] and [ svar-ādi ] q.v.) sometimes used as a mere particle at the beginning of fables Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.
existent , present Lit. L.
अस्तिकाय [ astikāya ] [ asti-kāya ] m. an ontological category ( of which five are distinguished , viz. [ jīvāstikāya ] , [ ajivāst ] , [ dharmāst ] , [ adharmāst ] , [ pudgalāst ] ) Lit. Jain.
अस्तिक्षीरा [ astikṣīrā ] [ asti-kṣīrā ] f. having milk (as a cow) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-2 , 24 Comm.
अस्तिनास्ति [ astināsti ] [ asti-nāsti ] ind. partly true and partly not , doubtful Lit. L.
अस्तिनास्तित्व [ astināstitva ] [ asti-nāsti-tva ] n. being and not being, Lit. Kāty.
अस्तिप्रवाद [ astipravāda ] [ asti-pravāda ] m. N. of the fourth of the fourteen Pūrvas or older writings of the Jainas.
अस्तिमत् [ astimat ] [ asti-mat ] m. f. n. possessed of property , opulent Lit. L.
अस्तीक [ astīka ] [ astīka ] m. (commonly written [ āstīka ] , q.v.), Lit. L.
अस्ति [ asti ] [ asti ]2 f. ( [ as-ti ] = [ s-ti ] q.v.) , N. of a sister of Prāpti (daughter of Jarāsandhas and wife of Kaṃsa) Lit. MBh. ii , 595 Lit. Hariv. 4955 Lit. BhP.
अस्तु [ astu ] [ astu ] ( 3. sg. Imper.) , let it be , be it so
there must be or should be (implying an order) .
existence, reality (= [ asti ] - [ bhāva ] ), Lit. L.
अस्तुंकार [ astuṃkāra ] [ astu-ṃ-kāra ] m. f. n. " one who says [ astu ] , conceding , assenting unwillingly " , or " ordering " Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 70 Comm.
अस्तुविद् [ astuvid ] [ astu-vid ] m. f. n. knowing that anything must be done Lit. Rājat.
अस्तुत [ astuta ] [ á-stuta ] m. f. n. not praised (by a hymn) Lit. AitBr.
not recited (as a hymn) Lit. ib.
not liked , not popular Lit. RV. v , 61 , 8 ; 67 , 5.
अस्तुति [ astuti ] [ a-stuti ] m. f. n. not praising anybody Lit. MBh. xii.
अस्तुत्य [ astutya ] [ a-stutya ] m. f. n. not to be praised Lit. Pañcat.
अस्तोतृ [ astotṛ ] [ a-stotṛ ] m. f. n. = [ a-stuti ] q.v. Lit. MBh. i , 3314 Lit. Kum. vi , 83.
अस्तृ [ astṛ ] [ ástṛ ] see 1. [ asta ] .
अस्तृत [ astṛta ] [ á-stṛta ] m. f. n. not overcome , invincible , indestructible Lit. RV. Lit. AV. xix , 46
(said of the gold) Lit. KaushUp. and Lit. ĀśvGṛ. ( ( v.l. [ a-srutá ] Lit. ŚBr. xiv and Lit. PārGṛ. ) )
id. Lit. AV. i , 20 , 4 and v , 9 , 7.
अस्तृतयज्वन् [ astṛtayajvan ] [ á-stṛta-yajvan ] ( [ ástṛta- ] ) m. f. n. sacrificing indefatigably or invincibly Lit. RV. viii , 43 , 1.
अस्तृति [ astṛti ] [ a-stṛti ] f. invincibleness Lit. PBr. (ed. [ a-stiti ] ) .
अस्तेन [ astena ] [ á-stena ] m. not a thief Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अस्तेनमानिन् [ astenamānin ] [ á-stena-mānin ] m. f. n. not believing one's self to be a thief. Lit. Mn. viii , 197.
अस्तोक [ astoka ] [ a-stoka ] m. f. n. not slight or little , Lit. Mālatīm.
अस्तोतृ [ astotṛ ] [ a-stotṛ ] see [ á-stuta ] .
अस्तोभ [ astobha ] [ a-stobha ] m. f. n. without stoppage or pause , Lit. Lalit.
without the interjection of the sound called [ stobha ] (in the Sāman) Lit. Lāṭy.
अस्त्य [ astya ] [ astya ] see 2. [ ásta ] .
अस्त्यान [ astyāna ] [ a-styāna ] n. disregard Lit. L.
अस्त्र [ astra ] [ astrá ] n. ( exceptionally m. Lit. Hariv. 10703 , ) , (√ 2. [ as ] ) , a missile weapon , bolt , arrow Lit. AV. xi , 10 , 16 Lit. MuṇḍUp.
a weapon in general Lit. L.
a sword Lit. L.
a bow Lit. L.
the art of throwing missiles, Lit. MBh.
N. of a Mantra (pronounced , for instance , before reading a book or while kindling a fire ) Lit. BhavP.
N. of the mystical syllable [ phat ] Lit. RāmatUp. ( ( cf. Gk. 1 and 2 ) ) " that which throws out or emits rays of light " (?)
अस्त्रकण्टक [ astrakaṇṭaka ] [ astrá-kaṇṭaka ] m. an arrow Lit. L.
अस्त्रकार [ astrakāra ] [ astrá-kāra ] m. a maker of weapons , armourer Lit. L.
अस्त्रकारक [ astrakāraka ] [ astrá-kāraka ] m. a maker of weapons , armourer Lit. L.
अस्त्रकारिन् [ astrakārin ] [ astrá-kārin ] m. id. Lit. L.
अस्त्रक्षतिमत् [ astrakṣatimat ] [ astra-kṣati-mat ] m. f. n. wounded by arrows, Lit. Śiś.
अस्त्रक्षेपक [ astrakṣepaka ] [ astrá-kṣepaka ] m. f. n. shooting arrows Lit. L.
अस्त्रग्राम [ astragrāma ] [ astrá-grāma ] m. a heap or collection of different missile weapons , Lit. Veṇis.
अस्त्रचिकित्सक [ astracikitsaka ] [ astrá-cikitsaka ] m. a surgeon Lit. L.
अस्त्रचिकित्सा [ astracikitsā ] [ astrá-cikitsā ] f. surgery Lit. L.
अस्त्रजित् [ astrajit ] [ astrá-jit ] n. N. of a plant Lit. L.
अस्त्रजीव [ astrajīva ] [ astrá-jīva ] m. " living on arms " , a soldier Lit. L.
अस्त्रजीवन [ astrajīvana ] [ astra-jīvana ] m. (= - [ jīva ] ), Lit. L.
अस्त्रधारण [ astradhāraṇa ] [ astrá-dhāraṇa ] n. the bearing of arms Lit. L.
अस्त्रधारिन् [ astradhārin ] [ astrá-dhārin ] m. f. n. " bearing arms " , a soldier Lit. L.
अस्त्रनिवारण [ astranivāraṇa ] [ astrá-nivāraṇa ] n. warding off a blow.
अस्त्रबन्ध [ astrabandha ] [ astrá-bandha ] m. an uninterrupted series of arrows Lit. R.
अस्त्रभृत् [ astrabhṛt ] [ astrá-bhṛt ] m. a shooter Lit. R. v , 43 , 2.
अस्त्रमन्त्र [ astramantra ] [ astrá-mantra ] m. a Mantra used to charm arrows Lit. Ragh. v , 59.
अस्त्रमार्ज [ astramārja ] [ astrá-mārja ] m. a sword-polisher or tool-cleaner , armourer Lit. L.
अस्त्रविद् [ astravid ] [ astrá-vid ] m. f. n. skilled in shooting , a good marksman Lit. Ragh. v , 59.
अस्त्रविद्या [ astravidyā ] [ astrá-vidyā ] f. the military science Lit. L.
अस्त्रवृष्टि [ astravṛṣṭi ] [ astrá-vṛṣṭi ] f. a shower of arrows Lit. Ragh. iii , 58.
अस्त्रवेद [ astraveda ] [ astra-veda ] m. the science of archery, Lit. Dhanaṃj.
अस्त्रशस्त्र [ astraśastra ] [ astrá-śastra ] n. pl. all sorts of arms (as arrows and swords) Lit. R. i , 23 , 14.
अस्त्रशिक्षा [ astraśikṣā ] [ astrá-śikṣā ] f. military exercise Lit. L.
अस्त्रसायक [ astrasāyaka ] [ astrá-sāyaka ] m. an iron arrow Lit. L.
अस्त्रहीन [ astrahīna ] [ astrá-hīna ] m. f. n. unarmed , defenceless.
अस्त्रागार [ astrāgāra ] [ astrāgāra ] n. an arsenal , armoury , Lit. Veṇis. (quoted in Lit. Sāh.) Lit. MatsyaP.
अस्त्राघात [ astrāghāta ] [ astrāghāta ] n. a wound , cut.
अस्त्राहत [ astrāhata ] [ astrāhata ] m. f. n. wounded , killed.
अस्त्रोपनिषद् [ astropaniṣad ] [ astropaniṣad ] f. science of arms Lit. Mcar.
अस्त्राय [ astrāya ] [ astrāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] (perf. p. [ °yita ] mfn. ) to become or turn into a weapon Lit. Bālar.
अस्त्रिन् [ astrin ] [ astrin ] m. an archer Lit. BhP. Lit. Śiś. xviii , 71.
अस्त्री [ astrī ] [ a-strī ] f. not a woman Lit. MBh. ii , 1694
(with lexicographers) " not feminine " i.e. the masculine and neuter genders.
अस्त्रीजित [ astrījita ] [ a-strī-jita ] m. f. n. not wife subdued Lit. Rājat.
अस्त्रीसम्भोगिन् [ astrīsambhogin ] [ a-strī-sambhogin ] m. f. n. not enjoying women (by sexual intercourse) Comm. on Lit. Mn. vi , 26.
अस्त्र्युपायिन् [ astryupāyin ] [ a-stry-upāyin ] m. f. n. id. Lit. KātyŚr.
अस्त्रीक [ astrīka ] [ a-strīka ] m. f. n. without women, Lit. HPariś.
having no wife, Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अस्त्रैण [ astraiṇa ] [ a-straiṇá ] m. f. n. without wives Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 16.
अस्थ [ astha ] [ astha ] only ifc. for [ ásthi ] q.v. e.g. [ an-asthá ] , [ ūru-asthá ] , [ puruṣāsthá ] q.v.
अस्थन् [ asthan ] [ asthán ] the base of the weak cases of [ ásthi ] q.v. , e.g. instr. [ asthnā ] , (Ved. also instr. pl. [ asthábhis ] Lit. RV. i , 84 , 13 ; and n. pl. [ asthāni ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-i , 76) :
अस्थन्वत् [ asthanvat ] [ asthán-vát ] m. f. n. having bones , bony Lit. RV. i , 164 , 4 Lit. ŚBr. vi
vertebrated (as an animal) Lit. Gaut.
अस्था [ asthā ] [ asthā ] ind. (?) at once Lit. RV. x , 48 , 10.
अस्थाघ [ asthāgha ] [ a-sthāgha ] m. f. n. = [ a-stāgha ] q.v. Lit. L.
अस्थान [ asthāna ] [ a-sthāna ] n. non-permanency , inconstancy (as of a sound) Lit. Jaim.
not a (fit) place for (gen.) Lit. Kād.
impossibility, Lit. Divyâv.
an army which has lost its chief, Lit. L.
[ asthāne ] ind. ( ( Lit. PBr. Lit. R. ) ) or in comp. [ asthāna- ] ( ( Lit. Megh. Lit. Daś. ) ) , in a wrong place
in wrong time , unseasonably , unsuitably , ( [ a-sthāne ] ) Lit. R. Lit. MārkP.
( [ a-sthāna- ] ) Lit. R. iv , 32 , 6 Lit. Sāh.
अस्थानयुक्त [ asthānayukta ] [ a-sthāna-yukta ] m. f. n. applied in the wrong place Lit. Sāh.
अस्थानस्थपद [ asthānasthapada ] [ a-sthāna-stha-pada ] m. f. n. having a word in the wrong place Lit. Kpr.
अस्थानस्थसमास [ asthānasthasamāsa ] [ a-sthāna-stha-samāsa ] m. f. n. having a compound in the wrong place Lit. ib.
अस्थानिन् [ asthānin ] [ a-sthānin ] m. f. n. not being in one's proper place or order Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अस्थायिन् [ asthāyin ] [ a-sthāyin ] m. f. n. not permanent , transient Lit. Rājat. Lit. Śārṅg.
अस्थायित्व [ asthāyitva ] [ asthāyi-tva ] n. non-permanency , inconstancy Lit. Suśr.
अस्थावर [ asthāvara ] [ a-sthāvara ] m. f. n. not fixed , moving , movable
(in law , said of) movable (property , viz. money , cattle , as opposed to land) Lit. L.
अस्थास्नु [ asthāsnu ] [ a-sthāsnu ] m. f. n. impatient Lit. Kathās.
अस्थित [ asthita ] [ a-sthita ] m. f. n. not lasting Lit. RPrāt.
अस्थिति [ asthiti ] [ a-sthiti ] f. want of order Lit. Kād.
अस्थि [ asthi ] [ ásthi ] n. (see [ asthán ] ) , a bone Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
the kernel of a fruit Lit. Suśr. (cf. 3. [ aṣṭi ] ) ; ( Lat. (os) , [ ossis ] assimilated fr. [ ostis ] ; Gk. 1 )
अस्थिकर [ asthikara ] [ asthi-kara ] m. fat, serum of flesh, Lit. L.
अस्थिकुण्ड [ asthikuṇḍa ] [ ásthi-kuṇḍa ] n. a hole filled with bones (part of the hell) Lit. BrahmaP.
अस्थिकुम्भ [ asthikumbha ] [ asthi-kumbha ] m. an urn for preserving the bones of burned bodies, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अस्थिकृत् [ asthikṛt ] [ ásthi-kṛt ] n. marrow Lit. L.
अस्थिकेतु [ asthiketu ] [ ásthi-ketu ] m. N. of a Ketu Lit. VarBṛS.
अस्थिखाद [ asthikhāda ] [ asthi-khāda ] m. "bone-eater" , a dog, Lit. L.
अस्थिचित् [ asthicit ] [ asthi-cí t ] m. f. n. not piled up like bones, Lit. MaitrS.
अस्थिच्छल्लित [ asthicchallita ] [ ásthi-cchallita ] n. a particular fracture of the bones Lit. Suśr.
अस्थिज [ asthija ] [ ásthi-já ] m. f. n. produced in the bones Lit. AV. i , 23 , 4
(= [ -sambhava ] below) the thunderbolt Lit. L. ( cf. [ akṣaja ] ) .
अस्थितुण्ड [ asthituṇḍa ] [ ásthi-tuṇḍa ] m. " whose mouth or beak consists of bone " , a bird Lit. L.
अस्थितेजस् [ asthitejas ] [ ásthi-tejas ] n. marrow Lit. L.
अस्थितोद [ asthitoda ] [ ásthi-toda ] m. pain in the bones Lit. L.
अस्थित्वच् [ asthitvac ] [ ásthi-tvac ] f. the periosteum Lit. L.
अस्थिदन्तमय [ asthidantamaya ] [ ásthi-danta-maya ] m. f. n. made of bones or ivory Lit. Mn. v , 121.
अस्थिधन्वन् [ asthidhanvan ] [ ásthi-dhanvan ] m. a N. of Śiva Lit. L.
अस्थिपञ्जर [ asthipañjara ] [ ásthi-pañjara ] m. " cage of bones " , a skeleton Lit. L.
अस्थिबन्धन [ asthibandhana ] [ ásthi-bandhana ] n. a sinew Lit. R. v , 42 , 20.
अस्थिभक्ष [ asthibhakṣa ] [ ásthi-bhakṣa ] m. " eating bones " , a dog Lit. L.
अस्थिभङ्ग [ asthibhaṅga ] [ ásthi-bhaṅga ] m. fracture of the bones
the plant Vitis Quadrangularis Lit. L.
अस्थिभङ्ग [ asthibhaṅga ] [ asthi-bhaṅga ] m. N. of a poet, Lit. Cat.
अस्थिभुज् [ asthibhuj ] [ ásthi-bhuj ] m. = [ -bhakṣa ] q.v. Lit. L.
अस्थिभूयस् [ asthibhūyas ] [ ásthi-bhūyas ] ( [ ásthi ] .) m. f. n. consisting chiefly of bones , dried up Lit. AV. v , 18 , 3.
अस्थिभेद [ asthibheda ] [ ásthi-bheda ] m. fracturing or wounding a bone
a sort of bone.
अस्थिमत् [ asthimat ] [ ásthi-mat ] m. f. n. having bones , vertebrated Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. iii , 269.
अस्थिमय [ asthimaya ] [ ásthi-maya ] m. f. n. bony , consisting of bones , full of bones Lit. Rājat.
अस्थिमाला [ asthimālā ] [ ásthi-mālā ] f. " necklace of bones " , N. of wk.
अस्थिमालिन् [ asthimālin ] [ ásthi-mālin ] m. " having a necklace of bones i.e. of skulls " , Śiva.
अस्थियज्ञ [ asthiyajña ] [ ásthi-yajña ] m. bone-sacrifice (part of a funeral ceremony) Lit. KātyŚr.
अस्थियन्त्रवत् [ asthiyantravat ] [ asthi-yantra-vat ] like skeletons, Lit. Divyâv.
अस्थियुज् [ asthiyuj ] [ ásthi-yuj ] m. the plant Vitis Quadrangularis Lit. L.
अस्थिविलय [ asthivilaya ] [ ásthi-vilaya ] m. the dissolving of bones (in a sacred stream) .
अस्थिविलयतीर्थ [ asthivilayatīrtha ] [ asthi-vilaya-tīrtha ] n. N. of a sacred place at Nāsik, Lit. RTL. 301
अस्थिशुद्धि [ asthiśuddhi ] [ asthi-śuddhi ] f. N. of wk.
अस्थिशृङ्खला [ asthiśṛṅkhalā ] [ ásthi-śṛṅkhalā ] f. id. Lit. L.
अस्थिशेष [ asthiśeṣa ] [ asthi-śeṣa ] m. f. n. having only bones left , Lit. Kathās.
अस्थिशेषता [ asthiśeṣatā ] [ asthi-śeṣa--tā ] ( f. )
अस्थिसंघात [ asthisaṃghāta ] [ asthi-saṃghāta ]and m. N. of a plant, Lit. L.
अस्थिसंहार [ asthisaṃhāra ] [ ásthi-saṃhāra ] m. id. Lit. L.
अस्थिसंहारी [ asthisaṃhārī ] [ ásthi-saṃhārī ] f. id. Lit. L.
अस्थिसंहारक [ asthisaṃhāraka ] [ ásthi-saṃhāraka ] m. id. Lit. Bhpr.
" bone-seizer " , the adjutant bird Lit. L.
अस्थिसंचय [ asthisaṃcaya ] [ ásthi-saṃcaya ] m. the ceremony of collecting the bones (after burning a corpse) Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr. see Lit. RTL. 284 ( 1318,3 )
अस्थिसंचयन [ asthisaṃcayana ] [ ásthi-saṃcayana ] n. the ceremony of collecting the bones (after burning a corpse) Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
अस्थिसंनहन [ asthisaṃnahana ] [ asthi-saṃnahana ] and m. N. of a plant, Lit. L.
अस्थिसंयोग [ asthisaṃyoga ] [ asthi-saṃyoga ] m. a joint, Lit. Car.
अस्थिसन्धि [ asthisandhi ] [ ásthi-sandhi ] m. a joint Lit. Car.
अस्थिसमर्पण [ asthisamarpaṇa ] [ ásthi-samarpaṇa ] n. throwing the bones of a dead body into the Ganges Lit. L.
अस्थिसम्भव [ asthisambhava ] [ ásthi-sambhava ] m. f. n. consisting of bones (said of the Vajra or thunder bolt) Lit. MBh. i , 1514
" produced in the bones " , marrow Lit. L.
अस्थिसार [ asthisāra ] [ ásthi-sāra ] m. marrow Lit. L.
अस्थिस्थूण [ asthisthūṇa ] [ ásthi-sthūṇa ] m. f. n. having the bones for its pillars (as the body) Lit. Mn. vi , 76.
अस्थिस्नेह [ asthisneha ] [ ásthi-sneha ] m. marrow Lit. L.
अस्थिस्नेहक [ asthisnehaka ] [ ásthi-snehaka ] m. marrow Lit. L.
अस्थिस्रंस [ asthisraṃsa ] [ ásthi-sraṃsá ] m. f. n. causing the bones to fall asunder Lit. AV. vi , 14 , 1.
अस्थ्युद्धरण [ asthyuddharaṇa ] [ as-thy-uddharaṇa ] n. N. of wk.
अस्थिक [ asthika ] [ asthika ] n. (g. [ yāvādi ] q.v.) a bone ( generally only ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . e.g. Lit. R. Lit. Yājñ. iii , 89 ; cf. [ an-asthika ] s.v. [ an-asthá ] ) .
अस्थिर [ asthira ] [ á-sthira ] m. f. n. unsteady , trembling , shaking Lit. ŚBr.
not permanent , transient Lit. R.
uncertain , unascertained , doubtful Lit. Mn. viii , 71 Lit. MBh. ii , 1965
not steady (in character) , changeable , not deserving confidence Lit. R. ii , 21 , 19 Lit. Pañcat.
अस्थिरत्व [ asthiratva ] [ á-sthira-tva ] n. the not being hard Lit. Suśr.
unsteadiness , fickleness Lit. MBh.
inconstancy Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. Mn. viii , 77.
अस्थिरीभू [ asthirībhū ] [ asthirī-√ bhū ] to become weak , decrease Lit. Suśr.
अस्थूरि [ asthūri ] [ a-sthūrí ] [ a-sthūrí ] or [ á-sthūri ] ( ( only Lit. TS. vii ) ) m. f. n. not single-horsed Lit. RV. vi , 15 , 19 Lit. VS.
अस्थूल [ asthūla ] [ á-sthūla ] m. f. n. not gross or bulky , delicate Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. Pañcat.
अस्थेयस् [ astheyas ] [ á-stheyas ] m. f. n. (compar.) not firmer Lit. TS. v
not firm Lit. RV. x , 159 , 5.
अस्थैर्य [ asthairya ] [ á-sthairya ] n. instability , unsteadiness Lit. Rājat. Lit. Sarvad.
अस्नात [ asnāta ] [ a-snāta ] m. f. n. not bathed Lit. BhP.
अस्नातृ [ asnātṛ ] [ a-snātṛ́ ] m. f. n. not fond of bathing , fearing the water , not a swimmer Lit. RV. ii , 15 , 5 ; iv , 30 , 17 ; x , 4 , 5.
अस्नान [ asnāna ] [ a-snāna ] n. not bathing , (= [ naiṣṭhikabrahmacarya ] Comm.) Lit. MBh. xiv , 1353.
अस्नायिन् [ asnāyin ] [ a-snāyin ] m. f. n. one who has not bathed Lit. Hcat.
अस्नावक [ asnāvaka ] [ a-snāváka ] m. f. n. without sinews Lit. TS. vii.
अस्नाविर [ asnāvira ] [ a-snāvirá ] m. f. n. id. Lit. VS. xl , 8.
अस्निग्ध [ asnigdha ] [ a-snigdha ] m. f. n. not smooth , harsh , hard.
अस्निग्धदारुक [ asnigdhadāruka ] [ a-snigdha-dāruka ] m. a kind of pine tree Lit. L.
अस्नेह [ asneha ] [ a-snehá ] m. f. n. without unctuousness Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Ragh. iv , 75
without affection , unkind Lit. L.
[ asneha ] m. want of affection Lit. L.
अस्नेहवत् [ asnehavat ] [ a-snehá-vat ] m. f. n. without affection Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.)
अस्नेहन [ asnehana ] [ a-snehana ] m. " without affection " , a N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. xiii , 1203.
अस्नेह्य [ asnehya ] [ a-snehya ] m. f. n. not to be made unctuous Lit. Suśr.
अस्पन्द [ aspanda ] [ a-spanda ] m. f. n. not quivering or moving , fixed , Uttaras. Lit. Rājat.
unvariable (as love) Lit. BhP.
अस्पन्दासु [ aspandāsu ] [ aspandāsu ] m. f. n. having motionless or suppressed breath Lit. BhP.
अस्पन्दन [ aspandana ] [ a-spandana ] m. f. n. not quivering or moving Lit. Suśr. ( cf. [ garbhāspandana ] .)
अस्पन्दनस्थिति [ aspandanasthiti ] [ a-spandana-sthiti ] f. fainting, Lit. L.
अस्पन्दमान [ aspandamāna ] [ á-spandamāna ] m. f. n. id. v.l.for [ á-syand ] , q.v.
अस्पन्दयत् [ aspandayat ] [ a-spandayat ] m. f. n. not causing to move , Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अस्पर्श [ asparśa ] [ a-sparśá ] m. f. n. not having the faculty of perception by touch Lit. ŚBr. xiv
intangible Lit. Āp. Lit. NṛisUp.
[ asparśa ] m. non-contact with (instr.) Lit. MBh. iii , 11087.
अस्पर्शपर [ asparśapara ] [ a-sparśá-para ] m. f. n. not followed by a letter called [ sparśa ] q.v. Lit. VPrāt.
अस्पर्शन [ asparśana ] [ a-sparśana ] n. non-contact , avoiding the contact of anything (especially of one who is impure) .
अस्पृश्य [ aspṛśya ] [ a-spṛśya ] m. f. n. not to be touched Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
not tangible Lit. MBh. xiv , 610
अस्पृश्यत्व [ aspṛśyatva ] [ a-spṛśya-tva ] n. intangibleness , imperceptibleness Lit. Mn. v , 62.
अस्पृष्ट [ aspṛṣṭa ] [ a-spṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. untouched , not brought into contact Lit. BhP. Lit. Kāvyâd.
not touched or referred to (as by a word) Lit. Kum. vi , 75
not touched by the organs of articulation (as the vowels , the Anusvāra , and the sibilants) Lit. RPrāt. Lit. VPrāt.
अस्पृष्टपुरुषान्तर [ aspṛṣṭapuruṣāntara ] [ a-spṛṣṭapuruṣāntara ] m. f. n. not belonging to another, Lit. Kum.
अस्पृष्टमैथुना [ aspṛṣṭamaithunā ] [ a-spṛṣṭa-maithunā ] f. a virgin Lit. MānGṛ.
अस्पृष्टरजस्तमस्क [ aspṛṣṭarajastamaska ] [ a-spṛṣṭa-rajas-tamaska ] m. f. n. perfectly pure Lit. BhP.
अस्पृष्टि [ aspṛṣṭi ] [ a-spṛṣṭi ] f. not touching , avoiding contact.
अस्प्रष्टृ [ aspraṣṭṛ ] [ a-spraṣṭṛ ] m. f. n. one who does not touch Lit. MaitrUp.
अस्पष्ट [ aspaṣṭa ] [ a-spaṣṭa ] m. f. n. indistinct Lit. BhP. Lit. Suśr.
अस्पष्टकीर्ति [ aspaṣṭakīrti ] [ a-spaṣṭa-kīrti ] m. f. n. not famous , unknown Lit. BhP.
अस्पृत [ aspṛta ] [ á-spṛta ] m. f. n. not forcibly carried off (as the Soma) Lit. RV. viii , 82 , 9 and ix , 3 , 8.
अस्पृशत् [ aspṛśat ] [ a-spṛśat ] see [ a-sparśa ] .
अस्पृह [ aspṛha ] [ a-spṛha ] m. f. n. undesirous Lit. Mn. vi , 96
[ aspṛhā ] f. no desire Lit. Gaut. Lit. BhavP. i.
अस्पृहत्व [ aspṛhatva ] [ a-spṛha-tva ] n. id. Lit. Hcat.
अस्पृहणीय [ aspṛhaṇīya ] [ a-spṛhaṇīya ] m. f. n. undesirable.
अस्फुट [ asphuṭa ] [ a-sphuṭa ] m. f. n. indistinct Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
not quite correct , approximate (as a number) Lit. Sūryas.
[ asphuṭa ] n. (in rhetoric) indistinct speech.
अस्फुटफल [ asphuṭaphala ] [ a-sphuṭa-phala ] n. approximate result (as the gross area of a triangle )
अस्फुटभाषण [ asphuṭabhāṣaṇa ] [ a-sphuṭa-bhāṣaṇa ] m. f. n. lisping, Lit. L.
अस्फुटालंकार [ asphuṭālaṃkāra ] [ asphuṭālaṃkāra ] m. an indistinct embellishment of speech Lit. Sāh.
अस्म [ asma ] [ asma ] ( fr. [ a-sma ] ) , a pronom. base from which some forms (dat. [ ásmai ] , or [ asmaí ] abl. [ asimā́t ] loc. [ asmin ] ) of [ idám ] ( q.v.) are formed
also the base of the first person pl. acc. [ asmā́n ] ( ( = 1 ) ) , instr. [ asmā́bhis ] dat. [ asmábhyam ] abl. [ asmát ] , in later , language also [ asmat-tas ] ( ( Lit. MBh. ) ) gen. [ asmā́kam ] ( ( exceptionally [ asmā́ka ] Lit. RV. i , 173 , 10 Lit. AV. ) ) loc. [ asmā́su ]
dat. loc. [ asmé ] ( only Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.)
अस्मत्रा [ asmatrā ] [ asma-trā́ ] ind. ( for [ asmat-trā́ ] by defective spelling) , to us , with us , among us Lit. RV.
अस्मत्राञ्च् [ asmatrāñc ] [ asma-trāñc ] m. f. n. turned towards us Lit. RV. vi , 44 , 19.
अस्मद्रुह् [ asmadruh ] [ asma-drúh ] (nom. [ -dhrúh ] ) , (nom. [ -dhrúk ] ) , m. f. n. ( fur [ asmad-drúh ] by defective spelling) , forming a plot against us , inimical to us Lit. RV. i , 36 , 16 ; 176 , 3 ; viii , 60 , 7.
अस्मेहिति [ asmehiti ] [ asmé-hiti ] f. errand or message for us Lit. RV. x , 108 , 1.
अस्मत् [ asmat ] [ asmat ] ( in comp. for [ asmad ] below) .
अस्मत्प्रेषित [ asmatpreṣita ] [ asmat-preṣita ] ( [ asmát- ] ) m. f. n. sent or driven towards us Lit. ŚBr. vi.
अस्मत्सखि [ asmatsakhi ] [ asmat-sakhi ] ( [ asmát- ] ) m (nom. [ °khā ] ) f. n. having us as friends Lit. RV. vi , 47 , 26.
अस्मद् [ asmad ] [ asmad ] base of the first person pl. , as used in comp.
also by native grammarians considered to be the base of the cases [ asmā́n ] (see above ) .
अस्मद्देवत्य [ asmaddevatya ] [ asmad-devatya ] m. f. n. having us as deities Lit. PBr.
अस्मद्रात [ asmadrāta ] [ asmad-rāta ] ( [ asmád- ] ) m. f. n. given by us Lit. VS. vii , 46.
given by us, Lit. TS.
अस्मद्वत् [ asmadvat ] [ asmad-vat ] ind. like us Lit. Kathās.
अस्मद्विध [ asmadvidha ] [ asmad-vidha ] m. f. n. one similar to or like us , one of us Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
अस्मद्र्यञ्च् [ asmadryañc ] [ asmadryañc ] m. f. n. (4) turned towards us Lit. RV. vii , 19 , 10
[ asmadryak ] ind. ( [ °dryák ] ) towards us Lit. RV.
अस्मय [ asmaya ] [ asmaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to desire us Lit. Pat.
अस्मयु [ asmayu ] [ asmayú ] m. f. n. endeavouring to attain us , desiring us , liking us Lit. RV.
अस्माक [ asmāka ] [ asmā́ka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ asma ] + [ añc ] ? cf. [ ápāka ] ) our , ours Lit. RV. ( cf. [ āsmāká ] .)
अस्मरण [ asmaraṇa ] [ a-smaraṇa ] n. not remembering ( with gen.) Lit. MBh. iii , 10811 ,
अस्मरत् [ asmarat ] [ a-smarat ] m. f. n. not remembering. Lit. Lāṭy.
अस्मर्तव्य [ asmartavya ] [ a-smartavya ] m. f. n. not to be recollected.
अस्मार्त [ asmārta ] [ a-smārta ] m. f. n. not traditional , illegal.
अस्मृत [ asmṛta ] [ a-smṛta ] m. f. n. forgotten Lit. L.
not mentioned in authoritative texts , not traditional Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
अस्मृतध्रु [ asmṛtadhru ] [ a-smṛta-dhru ] ( [ á-smṛta- ] ) , m ( nom. du. [ -dhrū ] ) fn. ( for [ -druh ] Lit. NBD.) not thinking of or caring for enemies Lit. RV. x , 61 , 4.
अस्मृति [ asmṛti ] [ a-smṛti ] f. non-remembrance , forgetting Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. MBh.
want of memory , forgetfulness Lit. MBh. xiv , 999
the not being part of the institutes of law Lit. L.
[ asmṛti ] ind. inattentively Lit. AV. vii , 106 , 1.
अस्मि [ asmi ] [ asmi ] " I am " , √ 1. [ as ] q.v.
अस्मिमान [ asmimāna ] [ asmi-māna ] m. self-conceit Lit. L.
अस्मेर [ asmera ] [ á-smera ] m. f. n. not bashful or confused , confiding Lit. RV. ii , 35 , 4
not smiling , not merry Lit. Bālar.
अस्मेहिति [ asmehiti ] [ asmé-hiti ] see [ asma ] .
अस्यग्र [ asyagra ] [ asy-agra ] , see under [ asi ] (col. 2).
अस्यन्दमान [ asyandamāna ] [ á-syandamāna ] ( or [ a-spand ] ) m. f. n. not gliding away Lit. RV. iv , 3 , 10.
अस्पन्दमान [ aspandamāna ] [ a-spandamāna ] ( or [ a-syand ] ) m. f. n. not gliding away Lit. RV. iv , 3 , 10.
अस्यवामीय [ asyavāmīya ] [ asyavāmīya ] n. the hymn beginning with the words [ asyá vāmásya ] ( Lit. RV. i , 164) Lit. Mn. xi , 250 Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 59 Sch.
अस्यहत्य [ asyahatya ] [ asya-hatya ] ( or [ -ha-tya ] ) g. [ anuśatikādi ] q.v.
(see [ āsyahātya ] .)
अस्यहेति [ asyaheti ] [ asya-heti ] Lit. ib.
(see [ ásyahaitika ] .)
अस्यूतनासिक [ asyūtanāsika ] [ a-syūta-nāsika ] m. f. n. (a draught ox) whose nose is not pierced, Lit. Baudh.
अस्र [ asra ] [ asrá ]1 m. f. n. (√ 2. [ as ] ) , throwing Lit. TBr.
[ asra ] n. a tear Lit. Mn. Lit. R. ( often spelt [ aśra ] ) .
अस्रखदिर [ asrakhadira ] [ asra-khadira ] m. a red Mimosa Lit. L.
अस्रज [ asraja ] [ asra-ja ] n. " formed by blood " , flesh Lit. L.
अस्रजन्मन् [ asrajanman ] [ asra-janman ] n. " formed by blood " , flesh Lit. L.
अस्रप [ asrapa ] [ asra-pa ] m. (= [ asṛk-pa ] q.v.) a Rākshasa Lit. Mcar.
a D2ākinī or female imp Lit. L.
अस्रपत्त्रक [ asrapattraka ] [ asra-pattraka ] m. the plant Abelmoschus Esculentus Lit. L.
अस्रपित्त [ asrapitta ] [ asra-pitta ] n. = [ rakta-pitta ] q.v. Lit. L.
अस्रफला [ asraphalā ] [ asra-phalā ] f. the plant Boswellia Thurifera Roxb. Lit. L.
अस्रबिन्दुच्छदा [ asrabinducchadā ] [ asra-bindu-cchadā ] f. N. of a tuberous plant.
अस्रमातृ [ asramātṛ ] [ asra-mātṛ ] f. (= [ asṛk-kara ] q.v.) chyle Lit. L.
अस्रमातृका [ asramātṛkā ] [ asra-mātṛkā ] f. (= [ asṛk-kara ] q.v.) chyle Lit. L.
अस्ररोधिनी [ asrarodhinī ] [ asra-rodhinī ] f. the plant Mimosa Pudica Lit. L.
अस्रार्जक [ asrārjaka ] [ asrārjaka ] m. the white Tulasi plant Lit. L.
अस्राय [ asrāya ] [ asrāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to shed tears , (g. [ sukhādi ] q.v.)
अस्रायमाणक [ asrāyamāṇaka ] [ asrāyamāṇaka ] m. f. n. shedding tears Lit. MBh. iii , 16834.
अस्रिन् [ asrin ] [ asrin ] m. f. n. id. (g. [ sukhādi ] q.v.)
अस्र [ asra ] [ asra ]3 m. hair of the head Lit. L.
अस्रवत् [ asravat ] [ á-sravat ] m. f. n. " not flowing " , not leaky (as a ship) . Lit. RV. x , 63 , 10 Lit. VS. xxi , 7.
अस्रुत [ asruta ] [ a-srutá ] m. f. n. " inexhaustible " v.l. for [ á-stṛta ] , q.v.
imperishable, Lit. Pār.
अस्रुव [ asruva ] [ a-sruva ] n. granulation (of a running sore) Lit. L.
अस्राम [ asrāma ] [ á-srāma ] m. f. n. not lame Lit. AV. i , 31 , 3
not withered Lit. Gobh.
अस्रिध् [ asridh ] [ a-srí dh ] m. f. n. not failing , not erring Lit. RV.
अस्रिधान [ asridhāna ] [ á-sridhāna ] m. f. n. (aor. p. Ā.) id. Lit. RV. vii , 69 , 7.
अस्रेधत् [ asredhat ] [ á-sredhat ] m. f. n. (pr. p. P.) id. Lit. RV.
अस्रीवयस् [ asrīvayas ] [ asrī-váyas ] n. ( fr. 1. [ váyas ] ?) Lit. VS. xiv , 8 Lit. ŚBr. viii.
अस्रीवि [ asrīvi ] [ asrī-ví ] m. ( cf. [ rāja-vi ] ) ? Lit. TS. iv.
अस्रीवी [ asrīvī ] [ asrī-vī́ ] m. ( cf. [ vī ] = [ √ ví ] ) Lit. MaitrS.
अस्रेमन् [ asreman ] [ a-sremán ] m. f. n. (said of Agni) faultless , perfect Lit. RV. iii , 29 , 13 and x , 8 , 2.
अस्व [ asva ] [ a-sva ] m. f. n. having no property Lit. MBh.
अस्वग [ asvaga ] [ á-sva-ga ] m. f. n. not going to one's own home , homeless Lit. AV. xii , 5 , 45
अस्वगता [ asvagatā ] [ a-sva-gá--tā ] f. homelessness Lit. AV. ix , 2 , 3 ; xii , 5 , 40.
accord. to some = [ a ] - [ svasthatā ] , "ill health" , others, "dependence" , Lit. AV. ix, 2, 3.
अस्वच्छन्द [ asvacchanda ] [ a-sva-cchanda ] m. f. n. not self-willed , dependant Lit. L.
docile Lit. L.
अस्वजाति [ asvajāti ] [ a-sva-jāti ] m. f. n. of a different caste Lit. Mn. ix , 86.
अस्वतन्त्र [ asvatantra ] [ a-sva-tantra ] m. f. n. not self-willed , dependant , subject Lit. Mn. ix , 2 Lit. Gaut. Lit. BhP.
अस्वतन्त्रता [ asvatantratā ] [ a-sva-tantra--tā ] f. the not being master of one's feelings or passions Lit. Kād.
अस्वता [ asvatā ] [ a-sva-tā ] f. the having no property Lit. L.
unselfishness, Lit. Bcar. vi, 10.
अस्वत्व [ asvatva ] [ a-sva-tva ] n. id. Lit. Kathās.
अस्वदृश् [ asvadṛś ] [ a-sva-dṛś ] m. f. n. not seeing one's self or soul Lit. BhP.
अस्वधर्म [ asvadharma ] [ a-sva-dharma ] m. neglect of one's duty , Diś.
अस्वभाव [ asvabhāva ] [ a-sva-bhāva ] m. unnatural or unusual character or temperament
[ asvabhāva ] m. f. n. of a different nature Lit. L.
अस्वरूप [ asvarūpa ] [ a-sva-rūpa ] m. f. n. essentially different Lit. L.
shapeless ( opposed to [ rūpa-vat ] ) Lit. BhP.
अस्ववेश [ asvaveśa ] [ a-sva-veśa ] ( [ á-sva- ] ) m. f. n. having no home of one's own Lit. RV. vii , 37 , 7.
अस्वस्थ [ asvastha ] [ a-sva-stha ] m. f. n. not in good health , sick , feeling uneasy Lit. Mn. vii , 226 Lit. MBh.
not being firm in itself. Lit. MBh. xii , 276 ( Lit. Hit.)
अस्वस्थता [ asvasthatā ] [ a-sva-stha--tā ] f. illness , Lit. Ratnāv. (Prākṛit (assatthadA) )
अस्वस्थशरीर [ asvasthaśarīra ] [ a-sva-stha--śarīra ] m. f. n. ill Lit. Kād.
अस्वस्थान [ asvasthāna ] [ a-svasthāna ] m. f. n. occurring out of its proper place, Lit. Drāhy.
अस्वाङ्गपूर्वपद [ asvāṅgapūrvapada ] [ a-svāṅga-pūrva-pada ] m. f. n. (a compound) the first part of which is not (a word denoting) part of the body Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 53.
अस्वाधीन [ asvādhīna ] [ a-svādhīna ] m. f. n. = [ a-svatantra ] above Lit. R. iii , 33 , 5 (ed. Bomb.)
not independent , not doing one's own will Lit. R. ii , 30 , 33.
अस्वाध्याय [ asvādhyāya ] [ a-svādhyāya ] m. f. n. (a Brāhman) who has not performed his repetition of the Veda , who has not repeated or does not repeat the Vedas Lit. L.
[ asvādhyāya ] m. interruption or interval of repetition (prohibited on certain days of the moon , at eclipses , ) Lit. L.
अस्वाध्यायपर [ asvādhyāyapara ] [ a-svādhyāya--para ] m. f. n. not devoted to the repetition of the Vedas Lit. MBh. xiii , 4563.
अस्वार्थ [ asvārtha ] [ a-svārtha ] m. f. n. not fit for a proper object , useless Lit. BhP.
unselfish , disinterested Lit. L.
useless, Lit. BhP.
अस्वीकार [ asvīkāra ] [ a-svīkāra ] m. non-acquiescence , dissent Lit. L.
अस्वीकृत [ asvīkṛta ] [ a-svīkṛta ] m. f. n. refused Lit. L.
अस्वक [ asvaka ] [ a-svaka ] m. f. ( [ akā ] or [ ikā ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 47) n. = [ asva ] , q.v. Lit. L.
अस्वातन्त्र्य [ asvātantrya ] [ a-svātantrya ] n. dependence Lit. MaitrUp.
अस्वास्थ्य [ asvāsthya ] [ a-svāsthya ] n. indisposition , sickness , discomfort Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
अस्वदित [ asvadita ] [ á-svadita ] m. f. n. not made agreeable to the taste or sweet Lit. ŚBr. i.
अस्वादु [ asvādu ] [ a-svādu ] m. f. n. tasteless Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh.
अस्वन [ asvana ] [ a-svana ] m. f. n. not having a clear sound Lit. VarBṛS.
अस्वन्त [ asvanta ] [ a-svanta ] m. f. n. ( [ sv-anta ] ) , ending ill , having an unfavourable issue
(see also [ asv-anta ] s.v. [ aśvanta ] .)
अस्वप्न [ asvapna ] [ á-svapna ] m. sleeplessness Lit. ŚBr. iii Lit. ShaḍvBr. ( [ am ] , n.) Lit. VarBṛS.
[ asvapna ] m. f. n. (= 1) not sleeping , watchful Lit. AV.
not dreaming Lit. NṛisUp.
m. " sleepless " , a god Lit. L.
अस्वप्नज् [ asvapnaj ] [ á-svapnaj ] m. f. n. not sleepy , sleepless Lit. RV. ii , 27 , 9 ; iv , 4 , 12 Lit. VS.
अस्वर [ asvara ] [ a-svara ] m. f. n. not loud (as the voice) , indistinct Lit. R. ii , 42 , 26
having no vowel Up having no accent Lit. APrāt. Sch.
having a bad or croaking voice Lit. L.
[ asvaram ] ind. in low tone , indistinctly Lit. ŚBr. xi.
अस्वरादि [ asvarādi ] [ a-svarādi ] m. f. n. not beginning with a vowel.
अस्वरक [ asvaraka ] [ a-svaraka ] m. f. n. unaccentuated Lit. Pat.
अस्वरित [ asvarita ] [ a-svarita ] m. f. n. not having the accent called Svarita Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
अस्वर्य [ asvarya ] [ a-svarya ] m. f. n. not good for the voice, Lit. Suśr.
अस्वर्योग्य [ asvaryogya ] [ a-svar-yogya ] m. f. n. unworthy of heaven, Lit. VP.
अस्वस्थ [ asvastha ] [ a-svastha ] see [ a-sva ] .
अस्वादु [ asvādu ] [ a-svādu ] see [ á-svadita ] .
अस्वाधीन [ asvādhīna ] [ a-svādhīna ] see [ a-sva ] .
अस्वामिक [ asvāmika ] [ a-svāmika ] m. f. ( [ ā ] Lit. Kāraṇḍ.) n. having no possessor , unowned Lit. MBh. xiii , 2633 Lit. Gaut.
अस्वामिन् [ asvāmin ] [ a-svāmin ] m. not an owner , not the owner Lit. Mn. viii , 4.
अस्वामिविक्रय [ asvāmivikraya ] [ a-svāmi-vikraya ] m. sale of property by one who is not the rightful owner, Lit. Mn. viii, 4 (cf. Lit. IW. 261).
अस्वार्थ [ asvārtha ] [ a-svārtha ] [ a-svāsthya ] see [ a-sva ] .
अस्वाहाकृत [ asvāhākṛta ] [ á-svāhākṛta ] m. f. n. not dedicated to the gods by the exclamation Svāhā Lit. ŚBr.
अस्विन्न [ asvinna ] [ a-svinna ] m. f. n. not thoroughly boiled Lit. MārkP.
[ asvinna ] n. non-application of sudorifics Lit. Suśr.
अस्वेद्य [ asvedya ] [ a-svedya ] m. f. n. where the application of sudorifics is prohibited Lit. Car.
अह् [ ah ] [ ah ]1 Root (defect. verb , only perf. 3. sg. [ ā́ha ] and 3. pl. [ āhúḥ ] Lit. RV. Lit. AV. , 2. sg. [ āttha ] Lit. ŚBr. xiv ( Lit. BṛĀrUp.) Lit. N. Lit. Ragh. iii , 48 3. du. [ āhatuḥ ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 35) to say , speak Lit. RV. ; (with lexicographers) to express , signify ; to call ( by name , [ nāmnā ] ) Lit. MBh. iii , 16065 ; to call , hold , consider , regard as ( with two acc. , for one of which may be substituted a phrase with [ iti ] ) Lit. RV. ; to state or declare with reference to (acc.) Lit. BṛĀrUp. Lit. Śak. Lit. Megh. ; to acknowledge , accept , state Lit. AitBr. Lit. Mn. ; to adjudge anything (acc.) to any one (gen.) , Lit. Mn. ix , 44. ( cf. Hib. (ag-all) , " speech " ; (eigh-im) , " I call " ; Goth. (af-aika) , " I deny " ; Lat. (nego) for (n'-ego) , " to say no " ; (ad-ag-ium) , (ajo) , )
अह् [ ah ] [ ah ]2 Root cl. [5] P. [ ahnoti ] , to pervade or occupy Lit. L.
अह [ aha ] [ áha ]1 ind. (as a particle implying ascertainment , affirmation , certainty , ) surely , certainly Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
(as explaining , defining) namely Lit. ŚBr.
(as admitting , limiting , ) it is true , I grant , granted , indeed , at least Lit. ŚBr. ( ( For the rules of accentuation necessitated in a phrase by the particle [ áha ] cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 24 seqq. ) )
अह [ aha ] [ áha ]2 n. ( only Ved. ; nom. pl. [ áhā ] Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; gen. pl. [ áhānām ] Lit. RV. viii , 22 , 13) = [ áḥar ] q.v. , a day
often ifc. m ( [ ahá ] ) . (e.g. [ dvādaśāhá ] , [ try-ahá ] , [ ṣaḍ-ahá ] , ) or n. (e.g. [ puṇyāhá ] , [ bhadrāhá ] , and [ sudināha ] )
see also [ ahna ] s.v.
1 (also) a particle answering to [ ha ] in a preceding sentence ( [ ha ] - [ aha ] = $), Lit. Gaṇar.
अहंयाति [ ahaṃyāti ] [ ahaṃ-yāti ] see [ ahám ] .
अहंयु [ ahaṃyu ] [ ahaṃ-yú ] see [ ahám ] .
अहःपति [ ahaḥpati ] [ ahaḥ-pati ] see s.v. [ áhar ] .
अहकम् [ ahakam ] [ ahakam ] see [ ahám ] .
अहंकरण [ ahaṃkaraṇa ] [ ahaṃ-karaṇa ] see [ ahám ] .
अहत [ ahata ] [ á-hata ] m. f. n. unhurt , uninjured Lit. AV. xii , 1 , 11 Lit. VS.
not beaten (as a drum) Lit. AdbhBr.
unbeaten (as clothes in washing) , unwashed , new Lit. ŚBr.
unblemished , unsoiled Lit. BhP.
अहतता [ ahatatā ] [ á-hata-tā ] f. uninjured condition Lit. GopBr.
अहतमार्ग [ ahatamārga ] [ a-hatamārga ] m. f. n. one whose course is free, Lit. Mṛicch.
अहतवासस् [ ahatavāsas ] [ á-hata-vāsas ] ( [ áhata- ] ) m. f. n. wearing new clothes Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. KātyŚr.
अहति [ ahati ] [ á-hati ] f. = [ ahata-tā ] q.v. Lit. RV. ix , 96 , 4.
अहन्ति [ ahanti ] [ á-hanti ] f. id. Lit. VS. xvi , 18 ( ( vv.ll. [ á-hantya ] mfn. " indestructible " Lit. TS. iv , and [ á-hantva ] mfn. id. Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Kāṭh. ) )
अहन्त्य [ ahantya ] [ á-hantya ] m. f. n. , see [ ahanti ] , " indestructible " Lit. TS. iv
अहन्त्व [ ahantva ] [ á-hantva ] m. f. n. , see [ ahanti ] , id. Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Kāṭh.
अहन्त्य [ ahantya ] [ á-hantya ] see the preceding.
अहन्त्व [ ahantva ] [ á-hantva ] see the preceding.
अहन्यमान [ ahanyamāna ] [ a-hanyamāna ] m. f. n. (Pass. p.) not being struck Lit. Āp. Lit. BhP.
अहन् [ ahan ] [ áhan ] n. the base of the weak and some other cases of [ áhar ] , q.v. e.g. instr. [ áhnā ] ( ( once [ ahanā́ ] Lit. RV. i , 123 , 4 ) )
dat. [ áhne ]
loc. [ áhan ] (Ved.) or [ áhani ] , or [ ahni ] ,
nom. du. [ áhanī ] (see also s.v. [ áhar ] ) and pl. [ áhāni ]
only Ved. are the middle cases of the pl. [ áhabhyas ] ( ( Lit. RV. ) ) , [ áhabhis ] ( ( Lit. RV., nine times ) ) , and [ áhasu ] ( ( Lit. RV. i , 124 , 9 ) ) , while the later language forms them fr. the base [ áhas ] q.v.
अह्निज [ ahnija ] [ ahni-ja ] m. f. n. originating or appearing during the day Lit. VarBṛS.
अहना [ ahanā ] [ ahanā́ ] instr. with an earlier form of accentuation for [ áhnā ] . see before.
अहन्य [ ahanya ] [ ahanyá ] (4) m. f. n. daily Lit. RV. i , 168 , 5 ; 190 , 3 ; v , 48 , 3.
अहभून [ ahabhūna ] [ ahabhū́na ] m. N. of a Ṛishi Lit. TS. iv.
अहम् [ aham ] [ ahám ] nom. sg. , " I " Lit. RV.
= [ ahaṃkaraṇa ] q.v. , ( hence declinable gen. [ ahamas ] , ) Lit. BhP. ( Zd. (aSem) ; Gk. 1 ; Goth. (ik) ; Mod. Germ. (ich) ; Lith. (asz) ; Slav. (az) ) .
अहंघात [ ahaṃghāta ] [ ahaṃ-ghāta ] m. a self-murderer, Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
अहमग्रिका [ ahamagrikā ] [ ahám-agrikā ] f. = [ ahaṃśreṣṭhikā ] below Lit. L.
अहमहमिका [ ahamahamikā ] [ ahám-ahamikā ] f. (g. [ mayū-ravyaṃsakādi ] q.v.) assertion or conceit of superiority Lit. Pañcat.
अहमिन्द्र [ ahamindra ] [ aham-indra ] m. N.of a divine being, Lit. Dharmaś.
अहमुत्तर [ ahamuttara ] [ ahám-uttará ] n. id. Lit. AV. iv , 22 , 1 and xii , 4 , 50
अहमुत्तरत्व [ ahamuttaratva ] [ ahám-uttará--tva ] n. id. Lit. AV. iii , 8 , 3.
अहम्पदार्थ [ ahampadārtha ] [ aham-padārtha ] m. the Ego, Sāṃkhyas., Sch.
अहम्पूर्व [ ahampūrva ] [ ahám-pūrvá ] m. f. n. desirous of being first Lit. RV. i , 181 , 3 Lit. R. ii , 12 , 92.
अहम्पूर्विका [ ahampūrvikā ] [ ahám-pūrvikā ] f. emulation , desire of being first Lit. Kir. xiv , 32.
अहम्प्रथमिका [ ahamprathamikā ] [ ahám-prathamikā ] f. id. Lit. Kathās.
अहम्बुद्धि [ ahambuddhi ] [ ahám-buddhi ] f. = [ ahaṃ-karaṇa ] below Lit. BhP.
pride , haughtiness , ( [ an-ahám-buddhi ] neg. mfn. " free from pride " ) Lit. MBh. xiii , 5354.
अहम्भद्र [ ahambhadra ] [ ahám-bhadrá ] n. = [ ahaṃ-śreyas ] below Lit. ŚBr. i.
अहम्मति [ ahammati ] [ ahám-mati ] f. id. Lit. ib.
अहम्मति [ ahammati ] [ aham-mati ] m. f. n. egoistic, arrogant, Lit. BrahmavP.
अहम्ममता [ ahammamatā ] [ ahám-mama-tā ] f. id. Lit. ib.
अहम्ममाभिमान [ ahammamābhimāna ] [ ahám-mamābhimāna ] m. id. Comm. on Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अहम्मान [ ahammāna ] [ ahám-māna ] m. id. Lit. ib.
egotism Lit. VP.
[ ahammāna ] m. f. n. having the conceit of individuality Lit. VP. Lit. MārkP.
अहं [ ahaṃ ] [ ahaṃ ] ( in comp. for [ ahám ] ) .
अहंयाति [ ahaṃyāti ] [ ahaṃ-yāti ] m. N. of a son of Saṃyāti Lit. MBh. i , 3767seq. Lit. VP.
अहंयु [ ahaṃyu ] [ ahaṃ-yú ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 140) proud , haughty Lit. RV. i , 167 , 7.
अहंवादिन् [ ahaṃvādin ] [ ahaṃ-vādin ] m. f. n. " speaking of one's self , presumptuous " , see [ an-ahaṃv ] .
अहंश्रेयस् [ ahaṃśreyas ] [ ahaṃ-śreyas ] n. claiming superiority for one's self Lit. ChUp. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अहंश्रेयस [ ahaṃśreyasa ] [ ahaṃ-śréyasa ] n. id. Lit. ŚBr. xiv ( Lit. BṛĀrUp.) Lit. KaushUp.
अहंश्रेष्ठिका [ ahaṃśreṣṭhikā ] [ ahaṃ-śreṣṭhikā ] f. id. Lit. L.
अहंसन [ ahaṃsana ] [ ahaṃ-sana ] m. f. n. obtaining or claiming for one's self Lit. RV. ( Lit. v , 72 , 2 voc. du. incorrectly written in two words [ aháṃ sánā ] ) and viii , 61 , 9 (voc. sg.)
अहंकरण [ ahaṃkaraṇa ] [ ahaṃ-karaṇa ] n. conceit or conception of individuality Lit. BhP.
अहंकर्तव्य [ ahaṃkartavya ] [ ahaṃ-kartavya ] m. f. n. " to be done by self " , being the object of Ahaṃkāra , Lit. PraśnaUp.
अहंकार [ ahaṃkāra ] [ ahaṃ-kāra ] m. conception of one's individuality , self-consciousness Lit. ChUp.
the making of self , thinking of self , egotism Lit. MBh.
pride , haughtiness Lit. R.
(in Sāṅkhya phil.) the third of the eight producers or sources of creation , viz. the conceit or conception of individuality , individualization
अहंकारवत् [ ahaṃkāravat ] [ ahaṃ-kāra--vat ] m. f. n. selfish , proud Lit. L.
अहंकारिन् [ ahaṃkārin ] [ ahaṃ-kārin ] m. f. n. proud Lit. Kathās. Lit. Daśar.
अहंकार्य [ ahaṃkārya ] [ ahaṃ-kārya ] m. f. n. = [ -kartavya ] q.v. Lit. Vedāntas.
[ ahaṃkārya ] n. " that which is to be done by one's self " , any personal object or business Lit. MBh. iii , 11206.
अहंकृ [ ahaṃkṛ ] [ ahaṃ-√ kṛ ]1 (Pot. [ -kuryāt ] ) to have the conceit of individuality Lit. BhP.
अहंकृत [ ahaṃkṛta ] [ ahaṃ-kṛta ] m. f. n. conscious of one's individuality Lit. Yājñ. iii , 151
egotistic Lit. Bhag. xviii , 17 Lit. VP.
proud , haughty Lit. MBh. i , 8252 ,
अहंकृति [ ahaṃkṛti ] [ ahaṃ-kṛti ] f. = [ -karaṇa ] q.v. , Lit. Bh. ( [ an- ] neg. , adj. , free from the conceit of individuality) .
अहंक्रिया [ ahaṃkriyā ] [ ahaṃ-kriyā ] see [ nir-ahaṃkriya ] .
अहंचन्द्रसूरि [ ahaṃcandrasūri ] [ ahaṃ-candrasūri ] m. N. of an author Lit. Sarvad.
अहंजुष् [ ahaṃjuṣ ] [ ahaṃ-juṣ ] m. f. n. thinking only of one's self Lit. Kum. xv , 51.
अहंता [ ahaṃtā ] [ ahaṃ-tā ] f. self-consciousness Comm. on Lit. BhP.
अहंत्व [ ahaṃtva ] [ ahaṃ-tva ] n. the being a self or an individuality Lit. NṛisUp.
अहंधी [ ahaṃdhī ] [ ahaṃ-dhī ] f. = [ -karaṇa ] q.v. Lit. BhP.
अहंनामन् [ ahaṃnāman ] [ ahaṃ-nā́man ] m. f. n. named " self " Lit. ŚBr. , xiv.
अहंपूर्व [ ahaṃpūrva ] [ ahaṃ-pūrvá ] see s.v. [ ahám ] .
अहकम् [ ahakam ] [ ahakam ] dimin. for [ ahám ] , " I " Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 29 Lit. Pat.
अहमद [ ahamada ] [ ahamada ] m. = Ahmad, Lit. Cat.
अहर् [ ahar ] [ áhar ] n. ( the weak cases come fr. [ áhan ] q.v. , the middle ones fr. [ áhas ] ( see below ) or in Lit. RV. also fr. [ áhan ] , q.v.) a day Lit. RV.
a sacrificial or festival day , portion of a sacrifice appointed for one day's performance Lit. AitBr. ( often ifc. , as [ dvādaśāhá ] , see s.v. 2. [ áha ] )
day personified as one of the eight Vasus Lit. MBh. i , 2582 seqq.
N. of an Āṅgirasa , Lit. KāṭhAnukr.
of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh. iii , 6070
( [ áhanī ] ) nom. du. day and night Lit. RV. Lit. AV. xiii , 2 ,3 ( cf. [ áhaś ca kṛṣṇám áhar árjunam ca ] , " the black and the white day " i.e. night and day Lit. RV. vi , 9 , 1)
[ tadahar ] ind. [ tád áhar ] acc. on that very day Lit. ŚBr.
[ yadahar ] ind. [ yád áhar ] acc. on which day Lit. ŚBr.
अहरहर् [ aharahar ] [ áhar-ahar ] ind. day by day , daily Lit. RV.
अहरहःकर्मन् [ aharahaḥkarman ] [ áhar-ahaḥ-karmán ] n. daily-work Lit. ŚBr. ix.
अहरागम [ aharāgama ] [ áhar-āgama ] m. the approach of the day Lit. Bhag. viii , 18 seq.
अहरादि [ aharādi ] [ áhar-ādi ] a gaṇa Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 70.
अहरादि [ aharādi ] [ ahar-ādi ] m. daybreak, Lit. Śiś.
अहर्गण [ ahargaṇa ] [ áhar-gaṇa ] m. a series of sacrificial days Lit. KātyŚr.
a series of days Lit. BhP. Lit. Jaim.
any calculated term Lit. L.
a month Lit. L.
अहर्जरम् [ aharjaram ] [ áhar-jaram ] ind. " so that the days become old " , by and by Lit. MantraBr. Lit. TUp.
अहर्जात [ aharjāta ] [ áhar-jāta ] ( [ áhar ] .) m. f. n. born in the day or from day , not belonging to night or to the spirits of darkness Lit. AV.
अहर्दल [ ahardala ] [ áhar-dala ] n. midday Lit. Sūryas.
अहर्दिव [ ahardiva ] [ áhar-divá ] m. f. n. ( [ áhar- ] ) ( Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 77) daily Lit. VS. xxxviii , 12
[ ahardivam ] ind. day by day Lit. Śiś. i , 51 Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 77 Sch.
अहर्दिवि [ ahardivi ] [ áhar-divi ] ( [ áhar- ] ) ind. day by day Lit. RV. ix , 86 , 41 Lit. AV. v , 21 , 6.
अहर्दृश् [ ahardṛś ] [ áhar-dṛ́ś ] m. f. n. beholding the day , living Lit. RV. viii , 66 , 10 ( Lit. Nir. vi , 26) .
अहर्निश [ aharniśa ] [ áhar-niśa ] n. day and night , a whole day Lit. Mn. i , 74 ; iv , 97
[ aharniśam ] ind. day and night , continually Lit. Mn. iv , 126 Lit. Pañcat.
अहर्पति [ aharpati ] [ áhar-páti ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 70 Comm.) lord of the day Lit. VS. Lit. MaitrS.
the sun Lit. Ragh. x , 55
a N. of Śiva Lit. L.
अहर्बान्धव [ aharbāndhava ] [ áhar-bāndhava ] m. the sun Lit. L.
अहर्भाज् [ aharbhāj ] [ áhar-bhā́j ] m. f. n. (said of a sacrificial brick) partaking of the day Lit. ŚBr. x.
अहर्मणि [ aharmaṇi ] [ áhar-maṇi ] m. " the jewel of the day " , the sun Lit. L.
अहर्मुख [ aharmukha ] [ áhar-mukha ] n. commencement of the day , dawn Lit. L.
अहर्लोका [ aharlokā ] [ áhar-lokā ] ( [ áhar- ] ) f. N. of a sacrificial brick Lit. ŚBr. x ( cf. [ bhā́j ] before.)
अहर्विद् [ aharvid ] [ áhar-ví d ] m. f. n. knowing the (right) days or the fit season Lit. RV.
अहर्व्यत्यासम् [ aharvyatyāsam ] [ áhar-vyatyāsam ] ind. so that the order of the days is reversed Lit. KātyŚr.
अहः [ ahaḥ ] [ ahaḥ ] ( in comp. for [ áhar ] ) .
अहःक्षान्त [ ahaḥkṣānta ] [ ahaḥ-kṣānta ] m. f. n. patient during the day, Lit. Hir.
अहःपति [ ahaḥpati ] [ ahaḥ-pati ] m. = [ aharpáti ] q.v. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 70 Comm.
अहःशेष [ ahaḥśeṣa ] [ ahaḥ-śeṣa ] m. the remaining part of the day Lit. Mn. xi , 204.
अहःसंस्था [ ahaḥsaṃsthā ] [ ahaḥ-saṃsthā́ ] f. completion of the day Lit. TBr. iii Lit. Lāṭy.
अहःसहस्र [ ahaḥsahasra ] [ ahaḥ-sahasrá ] n. a thousand days Lit. ŚBr. x.
अहःसामन् [ ahaḥsāman ] [ ahaḥ-sāmán ] n. a liturgy that is to be sung during the day Lit. ŚBr. xi.
अहःस्तोम [ ahaḥstoma ] [ ahaḥ-stoma ] m. a Stoma belonging to a partic. day, Lit. Drāhy.
अहश् [ ahaś ] [ ahaś ] ( in comp. for [ áhar ] ) .
अहश्चर [ ahaścara ] [ ahaś-cara ] m. f. n. wandering during the day , Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
अहश्शस् [ ahaśśas ] [ ahaś-śas ] ind. day by day Lit. AitBr.
अहस् [ ahas ] [ áhas ] the base of the middle cases of [ áhar ] instr. pl. [ áhobhis ] ( ( Lit. RV. (twice) Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. ) ) dat. abl. [ áhobhyas ] ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) loc. [ áhassu ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. x Lit. AitBr. ) )
अहस्कर [ ahaskara ] [ áhas-kara ] m. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 21 ; g. [ kaskādi ] q.v.) " producing the day " , the sun Lit. Rājat. Lit. Bālar.
अहस्त्रियाम [ ahastriyāma ] [ áhas-triyāma ] n. day and night Lit. Ragh. vii , 21.
अहो [ aho ] [ aho ] ( instead of [ ahā ] ( = [ áhar ] ) in comp. before the letter [ r ] ) .
अहोरथन्तर [ ahorathantara ] [ aho-rathantara ] n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 68 Comm.
अहोरात्र [ ahorātra ] [ aho-rātrá ] m. ( pl. Lit. VS. ; du. Lit. AV. & Lit. PBr. ; sg. or pl. Lit. MBh. ) or n. ( pl. Lit. RV. x , 190 , 2 Lit. VS. ; du. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. ; sg. or du. or pl. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ) = [ ahar-nisa ] ( q.v.) , a day and night , 1 (having twenty-four hours or thirty Muhūrtas)
[ ahorātram ] ind. day and night , continually Lit. L.
अहोरूप [ ahorūpa ] [ aho-rūpa ] n. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 68 Comm.
अहर [ ahara ] [ a-hara ] m. N. of an Asura Lit. MBh. i , 2660 (v.l. [ su-hara ] ) Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Manu Lit. Hariv. 484 (v.l. [ a-dūra ] ) .
अहरणीय [ aharaṇīya ] [ a-haraṇīya ] m. f. n. not to be taken away.
अहारयत् [ ahārayat ] [ a-hārayat ] m. f. n. (Caus. p.) not losing (in play) Lit. Kathās.
अहारिन् [ ahārin ] [ a-hārin ] m. f. n. g. [ grāhy-ādi ] q.v.
अहार्य [ ahārya ] [ a-hārya ] m. f. n. not to be stolen , not to be removed Lit. Mn. ix , 189
unalterable (as a resolution or the mind ) Lit. MBh. v , 953 Lit. Kum. v , 8 Lit. Daś.
not to be bribed Lit. Mn. vii , 217 Lit. MBh.
[ ahārya ] m. a mountain Lit. L.
N. of a king Lit. VP.
अहार्यत्व [ ahāryatva ] [ a-hārya-tva ] n. the state of not being liable to be taken away Lit. Hit.
अहरित [ aharita ] [ á-harita ] m. f. n. not yellow Lit. AV.
अहरीत [ aharīta ] [ a-harīta ] n. N. of a Sāman.
अहर्ष [ aharṣa ] [ a-harṣa ] m. f. n. unhappy , gloomy , sorrowful.
अहर्षमय [ aharṣamaya ] [ a-harṣa-máya ] m. f. n. not consisting of joy Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अहल [ ahala ] [ a-hala ] m. f. n. unploughed , unfurrowed? Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 121 ( cf. Lit. AV. xx , 131 , 9.)
अहलि [ ahali ] [ a-hali ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
अहल्या [ ahalyā ] [ a-halyā ] f. N. of the wife of Gautama or Śaradvat Lit. ŚBr. iii , Lit. MBh.
N. of an Apsaras Lit. L.
of a lake ( cf. Lit. MBh. iii , 8087) Lit. L.
अहल्याकामधेनु [ ahalyākāmadhenu ] [ ahalyā-kāmadhenu ] f. N. of a modern law-book
अहल्याजार [ ahalyājāra ] [ a-halyā-jāra ] m. " lover of Ahalyā ( cf. Lit. R. i , 48 , 15 seqq.) " , Indra Lit. Bālar.
अहल्यापति [ ahalyāpati ] [ a-halyā-pati ] m. id. Lit. ib.
अहल्यासंक्रन्दन [ ahalyāsaṃkrandana ] [ ahalyā-saṃkrandana ] n. N. of a drama.
अहल्याह्रद [ ahalyāhrada ] [ a-halyā-hrada ] m. N. of a lake Lit. SkandaP. ( cf. Lit. MBh. iii , 8087.)
अहल्येश्वरतीर्थ [ ahalyeśvaratīrtha ] [ ahalyeśvara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP. Rev.
अहल्लिक [ ahallika ] [ ahallika ] m. a talker (?) Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अहविस् [ ahavis ] [ á-havis ] m. f. n. not offering oblations Lit. RV. i , 182 , 3.
अहविर्याजिन् [ ahaviryājin ] [ a-havir-yājin ] m. f. n. offering a sacrifice without oblations Lit. Āp.
अहविष्य [ ahaviṣya ] [ a-haviṣya ] m. n. objects that are not fit to be offered as an oblation Lit. Āp.
अहव्यवह् [ ahavyavah ] [ á-havya-vah ] m (nom. [ -vāṭ ] ) f. n. not offering a sacrifice Lit. ŚBr. i.
अहश्चर [ ahaścara ] [ ahaś-cara ] and [ ahaś-śas ] see [ áhar ] .
अहस् [ ahas ] [ ahas ] see Lit. ib.
अहस्कर [ ahaskara ] [ ahas-kara ] see Lit. ib.
अहस्त्रियाम [ ahastriyāma ] [ ahas-triyāma ] see Lit. ib.
अहह [ ahaha ] [ ahaha ] ind. an interjection , as Ah! Aha! (implying surprise , fatigue , pain , sorrow , pleasure , calling) Lit. Vikr. Lit. Hit.
अहहारे [ ahahāre ] [ ahahāre ] ind. id. Lit. ChUp.
अहहा [ ahahā ] [ ahahā ] ind. id. Lit. L.
अहापयत् [ ahāpayat ] [ a-hāpayat ] m. f. n. not omitting or losing, Lit. Kām. ; Lit. MārkP.
अहारयत् [ ahārayat ] [ a-hārayat ] see [ a-hara ] .
अहावस् [ ahāvas ] [ ahā́vas ] ind. an interjection said to sound like a flourish at the end of a Sāman verse Lit. ŚBr. iv.
अहि [ ahi ] [ áhi ] m. (√ [ aṃh ] ) , a snake Lit. RV.
the serpent of the sky , the demon Vṛitra Lit. RV.
(see also [ áhirbudhnyás ] below)
a cloud Lit. Naigh.
water Lit. ib.
the sun Lit. L.
a N. of Rāhu Lit. L.
a traveller Lit. L.
the navel Lit. L.
lead Lit. L.
(in arithm.) the number eight
N. of a Ṛishi ( with the patron. [ auśanasa ] ) and of another ( with the patron. [ paidva ] ) . ( ( Zd. (az8i) ; Lat. (angui-s) ; Gk. 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 ; Lith. (ungury-s) ; Russ. $; Armen. (ôz) ; Germ. (unc) . ) )
अहिकञ्चुक [ ahikañcuka ] [ ahi-kañcuka ] m. a snake's skin, Lit. Svapnac.
अहिकान्त [ ahikānta ] [ áhi-kānta ] m. " liked by snakes (which are supposed to feed upon air) " , wind , air Lit. L.
अहिकोश [ ahikośa ] [ áhi-kośa ] m. the slough or cast-off skin of a snake Lit. L.
अहिक्षत्र [ ahikṣatra ] [ áhi-kṣatra ] m. (= [ -cchattra ] q.v.) N. of a country Lit. MBh. iii , 15244.
अहिघ्न [ ahighna ] [ áhi-ghna ] n. the slaying of the serpent or demon Vṛitra Lit. RV. vi , 18 , 14 (loc. [ -ghne ] )
(see [ -hán ] below.)
अहिचक्र [ ahicakra ] [ áhi-cakra ] n. a certain Tāntric diagram.
अहिचुम्बक [ ahicumbaka ] [ áhi-cumbaka ] m. N. of a man , and [ ahicumbakāyani ] m. a descendant of his Lit. Pat.
अहिचुम्बकायनि [ ahicumbakāyani ] [ ahicumbakāyani ] m. , see [ ahicumbaka ] , a descendant of [ ahicumbaka ] Lit. Pat.
अहिच्छत्त्र [ ahicchattra ] [ áhi-cchattra ] m. a kind of vegetable poison Lit. L.
the plant Odina Pennata Lit. L.
N. of a country Lit. MBh. i , 5515 Lit. Hariv.
[ ahicchattrā ] f. sugar Lit. L.
the city of Ahicchattra Lit. MBh. i , 5516 Lit. Kathās.
अहिच्छत्त्रक [ ahicchattraka ] [ áhi-cchattraka ] n. a mushroom Lit. Nir. v , 16.
अहिजम्भन [ ahijambhana ] [ ahi-jambhana ] n. a means of destroying snakes, Lit. MantraBr.
अहिजित् [ ahijit ] [ áhi-jit ] m. " conquering the serpent " , N. of Kṛishṇa Lit. L.
of Indra Lit. L.
अहितुण्डिक [ ahituṇḍika ] [ áhi-tuṇḍika ] m. (= [ āhituṇḍika ] q.v.) a snake-catcher , snake-exhibitor Lit. L.
अहिदत् [ ahidat ] [ áhi-dat ] m. f. n. having the teeth of a serpent Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 145 Sch.
अहिदन्त [ ahidanta ] [ áhi-danta ] m. f. n. having the teeth of a serpent Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 145 Sch.
अहिदेव [ ahideva ] [ áhi-deva ] n. " having serpents as deities " , N. of the Nakshatra Aśleshā Lit. VarBṛS.
अहिदैवत [ ahidaivata ] [ áhi-daivata ] n. " having serpents as deities " , N. of the Nakshatra Aśleshā Lit. VarBṛS.
अहिद्विष् [ ahidviṣ ] [ áhi-dviṣ ] m. " enemy of serpents " , an ichneumon Lit. L.
a peacock Lit. L.
" enemy of Vṛitra " , Garuḍa Lit. L.
Indra Lit. L. ( cf. [ -jit ] above ) .
अहिनकुलिका [ ahinakulikā ] [ áhi-nakulikā ] f. the natural enmity between a snake and an ichneumon Lit. Pat.
अहिनस् [ ahinas ] [ áhi-nas ] m. f. n. having a nose like a snake Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 118 Comm.
अहिनामन् [ ahināman ] [ áhi-nāman ] n. any animal named snake Lit. RV. ix , 88 , 4
अहिनामभृत् [ ahināmabhṛt ] [ áhi-nāma-bhṛt ] m. " bearing the name snake " , N. of Baladeva (as identified with Śesha) Lit. L.
अहिनिर्व्लयनी [ ahinirvlayanī ] [ áhi-nirvlayanī́ ] f. the cast-off skin of a snake Lit. ŚBr. xiv ( Lit. BṛĀrUp.)
अहिनिल्वयनी [ ahinilvayanī ] [ ahi-nilvayanī ] f. (cf. - [ nirvlayanī́ ] ) a snake's skin, Lit. L.
अहिपताक [ ahipatāka ] [ áhi-patāka ] m. a kind of snake (not venomous) Lit. Suśr.
अहिपति [ ahipati ] [ áhi-pati ] m. " sovereign of the snakes " , N. of Śesha , Vāsuki , and others Lit. L.
अहिपुत्रक [ ahiputraka ] [ áhi-putraka ] m. a kind of boat Lit. L.
अहिपुष्प [ ahipuṣpa ] [ áhi-puṣpa ] m. the plant Mesua Roxburghii Lit. L.
अहिपूतन [ ahipūtana ] [ áhi-pūtana ] m. sores on the hinder part of the body (of children) Lit. Suśr.
अहिपूतना [ ahipūtanā ] [ áhi-pūtanā ] f. sores on the hinder part of the body (of children) Lit. Suśr.
अहिपृष्ठ [ ahipṛṣṭha ] [ ahi-pṛṣṭha ] n. an iron machine like a snake's backbone, Lit. L.
अहिफेन [ ahiphena ] [ áhi-phena ] n. (= [ a-phena ] q.v.) " the saliva or venom of a snake " , opium Lit. L.
अहिब्रध्न [ ahibradhna ] [ áhi-bradhna ] m. ( corrupted for [ ahirbudhnya ] see below) N. of Śiva Lit. L.
one of the Rudras Lit. L.
अहिभय [ ahibhaya ] [ áhi-bhaya ] n. " fear of a lurking snake " , a king's apprehension of treachery Lit. L.
अहिभयदा [ ahibhayadā ] [ áhi-bhaya--dā ] f. the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta Roxb. Lit. L.
अहिभानु [ ahibhānu ] [ áhi-bhānu ] m. f. n. shining like serpents (N. of the Maruts) Lit. RV. i , 172 , 1 (voc.)
अहिभुज् [ ahibhuj ] [ áhi-bhuj ] m. " eating snakes " , a peacock Lit. L.
the ichneumon plant Lit. L.
a N. of Garuḍa Lit. L.
अहिभृत् [ ahibhṛt ] [ áhi-bhṛt ] m. " carrying serpents " , Śiva Lit. L.
अहिमत् [ ahimat ] [ áhi-mat ] m. f. n. " possessed of snakes " , the base of [ āhimata ] q.v.
अहिमन्यु [ ahimanyu ] [ áhi-manyu ] ( [ áhi- ] ) m. f. n. enraged like serpents (N. of the Maruts) Lit. RV. i , 64 , 8 and 9.
अहिमर्दनी [ ahimardanī ] [ áhi-mardanī ] f. " killing snakes " , the ichneumon plant Lit. L.
अहिमाय [ ahimāya ] [ áhi-māya ] ( [ áhi- ] ) m. f. n. multiform or versatile like a snake , showing the same variety of colour and shape Lit. RV.
अहिमार [ ahimāra ] [ áhi-māra ] m. (= [ asi-meda ] q.v.) the plant Vachellia Farnesiana Lit. L.
अहिमारक [ ahimāraka ] [ áhi-māraka ] m. (= [ asi-meda ] q.v.) the plant Vachellia Farnesiana Lit. L.
अहिमेद [ ahimeda ] [ áhi-meda ] m. id. Lit. L.
अहिमेदक [ ahimedaka ] [ áhi-medaka ] m. id. Lit. L.
अहिलता [ ahilatā ] [ áhi-latā ] f. = [ -mardanī ] Lit. L.
the plant Betel Lit. L.
अहिलोचन [ ahilocana ] [ áhi-locana ] m. N. of a servant of Śiva Lit. L.
अहिलोलिका [ ahilolikā ] [ áhi-lolikā ] f. = [ ahibhaya-dā ] above Lit. L.
अहिवल्ली [ ahivallī ] [ áhi-vallī ] f. the plant Betel Lit. L.
अहिविद्विष् [ ahividviṣ ] [ áhi-vidviṣ ] m. (= [ -dviṣ ] q.v.) Garuḍa Lit. L.
Indra Lit. L.
अहिविद्विष् [ ahividviṣ ] [ ahi-vidviṣ ] m. N. of Indra, Lit. Kir.
अहिविषापहा [ ahiviṣāpahā ] [ áhi-viṣāpahā ] f. " neutralizing the poison of snakes " , the ichneumon plant Lit. L.
अहिव्रतिन् [ ahivratin ] [ ahi-vratin ] m. f. n. one who lives like a snake (only on air), Lit. L.
अहिशुष्मसत्वन् [ ahiśuṣmasatvan ] [ áhi-śuṣma-sátvan ] m. one whose attendants (the Maruts) hiss like serpents (N. of Indra) Lit. RV. v , 33 , 5 ( ( the Pada as well as the Saṃhitā Text takes [ ahiśuṣma ] as a voc. by itself , and Lit. Sāy. translates accordingly ) ) .
अहिहन् [ ahihan ] [ áhi-hán ] m. ( dat [ -ghné ] ) f ( [ ghnī́ ] ) . n. killing serpents or Vṛitra Lit. RV. Lit. AV. x , 4 , 7.
अहिह्रद [ ahihrada ] [ áhi-hrada ] m. N. of a mythical lake (named in connection with Śālivāhana) .
अहीन्द्र [ ahīndra ] [ ahīndra ] m. " lord of the snakes " , Patañjali (mentioned under this name in Mahīpa's Anekārthatilaka) .
अहीवती [ ahīvatī ] [ ahī-vatī ] f. " filled with snakes " , N. of a river (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 120.
अहीश्वर [ ahīśvara ] [ ahīśvara ] m. " lord of the serpents " i.e. Śesha Lit. L.
अह्यर्षु [ ahyarṣu ] [ ahy-árṣu ] m. f. n. gliding or shooting like a snake (perhaps N. of a bird) Lit. RV. ii , 38 , 3.
अहिर्बुध्न्यस् [ ahirbudhnyas ] [ áhir budhnyás ] nom. sg. m. (instr. [ áhinā budhnyéna ] Lit. RV. iv , 55 , 6) = 1 2, the serpent of the deep (enumerated in Lit. Naigh. v , 4 and Lit. Nir. x , 44 among the divinities of the middle region , the abyss in which he lives being that of the region of mist) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. x , 19
nom. sg. allegorically identified with Agni Gārhapatya Lit. VS. v , 33 Lit. TBr. Lit. AitBr.
nom. sg. in later times:
अहिर्बुध्न्य [ ahirbudhnya ] [ ahir-budhnya ] m. ( considered as one word and therefore declinable as follows dat. [ ahir-budhnyāya ] Lit. PārGṛ. ; instr. pl. [ ahir-budhnyaiḥ ] Lit. MBh. v , 3899 ; often incorrectly written [ ahir-budhna ] or [ -bradhna ] ) N. of a Rudra Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
N. of the Rudras Lit. MBh. v , 3899 (see before)
[ ahirbudhnya ] n. N. of a hymn of the Lit. RV. (i , 186 , 5 or vi , 50 , 14) , Lit. KaushBr.
अहिर्बुध्न्यदेवता [ ahirbudhnyadevatā ] [ ahir-budhnya-devatā ] f. pl. " having Ahirbudhnya as deity " , the Nakshatra Uttara-Bhadrapadā Lit. L.
अहिर्बुध्न्यदेवत्य [ ahirbudhnyadevatya ] [ ahir-budhnya-devatya ] n. " having Ahirbudhnya as deity " , the Nakshatra Uttara-Bhadrapadā Lit. L.
अही [ ahī ] [ ahī́ ] m. ( only gen. sg. nom. and acc. pl. [ ahyás ] ; gen. pl. [ ahī́nām ] ) a snake Lit. RV. ix , 77 , 3 ; x , 139 , 6
N. of a demon conquered by Indra and his companions Lit. RV. x , 138 , 1 and 144 , 4 ( cf. [ ahīśúva ] s.v.)
f. du. heaven and earth Lit. Naigh.
अहीनर [ ahīnara ] [ ahī́-nara ] m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.
अहिंकार [ ahiṃkāra ] [ a-hiṃkāra ] m. f. n. not accompanied by the exclamation [ hiṅ ] .
अहिंकृति [ ahiṃkṛti ] [ a-hiṃkṛti ] m. f. n. not accompanied by the exclamation [ hiṅ ] .
अहिंसक [ ahiṃsaka ] [ a-hiṃsaka ] m. f. n. not hurting , harmless , innocuous Lit. Mn. v , 45 Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
अहिंसत् [ ahiṃsat ] [ á-hiṃsat ] m. f. n. not hurting Lit. RV. x , 22 , 13 Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
अहिंसा [ ahiṃsā ] [ á-hiṃsā ] f. not injuring anything , harmlessness (one of the cardinal virtues of most Hindū sects , but particularly of the Buddhists and Jains ; also personified as the wife of Dharma Lit. VāmP.) Lit. ChUp. Lit. Nir. Lit. Mn.
security , safeness Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
अहिंसानिरत [ ahiṃsānirata ] [ á-hiṃsā-nirata ] m. f. n. devoted to harmlessness or gentleness Lit. MBh. iii , 2248.
अहिंसान [ ahiṃsāna ] [ á-hiṃsāna ] m. f. n. not hurting Lit. RV. v , 64 , 3.
अहिंस्य [ ahiṃsya ] [ a-hiṃsya ] m. f. n. not to be hurt Lit. MBh. xii , 13088 Lit. Ragh. ii , 57.
अहिंस्यमान [ ahiṃsyamāna ] [ á-hiṃsyamāna ] m. f. n. being unharmed Lit. RV. i , 141 , 5.
अहिंस्र [ ahiṃsra ] [ a-hiṃsra ] m. f. n. innocuous , harmless Lit. Kauś. Lit. KātyŚr.
[ ahiṃsra ] n. harmless behaviour Lit. Mn. i , 29
[ ahiṃsrā ] f. the plant Momordica Cochinchinensis Spreng. (commonly called Kūrkavāli) Lit. L.
[ ahiṃsra ] n. the plant Capparis Sepiaria Lit. L.
Cactus Opuntia Lit. Bhpr.
अहिका [ ahikā ] [ ahikā ] f. the silk-cotton tree (Salmalia Malabarica) Lit. L.
अहिण्डुका [ ahiṇḍukā ] [ a-hiṇḍukā ] f. a kind of small venomous animal Lit. Suśr.
अहित [ ahita ] [ á-hita ] m. f. n. unfit , improper Lit. RV. viii , 62 , 3
unadvantageous Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn. iii , 20 ,
noxious , hostile Lit. Kathās.
[ ahita ] m. an enemy Lit. Bhag. ii , 36 Lit. Ragh.
n. damage , disadvantage , evil Lit. Āp. Lit. R.
[ ahitā ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh. vi , 328
[ ahita ] n. N. of certain veins ( cf. also [ hitā́ ] ) Lit. Yājñ. iii , 108.
अहितकारिन् [ ahitakārin ] [ á-hita-kārin ] m. f. n. adverse , inimical , noxious Lit. Sāh.
अहितनामन् [ ahitanāman ] [ á-hita-nāman ] ( [ á-hita- ] ) m. f. n. having as yet no name Lit. ŚBr.
अहितमनस् [ ahitamanas ] [ á-hita-manas ] m. f. n. not friendly-minded , inimical.
अहितेच्छु [ ahitecchu ] [ ahitecchu ] m. f. n. wishing evil , malevolent.
अहिन [ ahina ] [ ahí na ] = 1. [ áhīna ] , Lit. MaitrS.
अहिमकिरण [ ahimakiraṇa ] [ á-hima-kiraṇa ] m. id. Lit. VarBṛS.
अहिमत्विष् [ ahimatviṣ ] [ á-hima-tviṣ ] m. id.
अहिमदीधिति [ ahimadīdhiti ] [ á-hima-dīdhiti ] m. id. Lit. Śiś. vi , 41.
अहिममयूख [ ahimamayūkha ] [ á-hima-mayūkha ] m. id. Lit. Kir. vii , 9.
अहिमरश्मि [ ahimaraśmi ] [ á-hima-raśmi ] m. id. Lit. Śiś. xi , 64.
अहिमरोचिस् [ ahimarocis ] [ a-hima-rocis ] m. "hot-rayed" , the sun, Lit. Śiś.
अहिमांशु [ ahimāṃśu ] [ ahimāṃśu ] m. id. Lit. Kir. xii , 15.
अहिरण्य [ ahiraṇya ] [ a-hiraṇya ] m. f. n. without gold Lit. Āp.
अहिरण्यवत् [ ahiraṇyavat ] [ a-hiraṇya-vat ] ( [ á-h ] ) m. f. n. having no gold Lit. AV. xx , 128 , 6.
अहिरण्यव [ ahiraṇyava ] [ a-hiraṇyava ] m. f. n. possessing no golden ornaments, Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अहिर्बुध्न्य [ ahirbudhnya ] [ ahir-budhnya ] see [ áhi ] .
अही [ ahī ] [ ahī́ ] see Lit. ib.
अहीन [ ahīna ] [ áhīna ]1 m. ( fr. [ áhan ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 145) " lasting several days " , a sacrifice lasting several days Lit. AitBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
[ ahīna ] n. id. Comm. on Lit. Mn. xi , 197
mfn. only ifc. with numerals ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 87 and vi , 4 , 145) e.g. [ try-ahīna ] , [ dvyahīna ] , qq. vv.
अहीन [ ahīna ] [ á-hīna ]2 m. f. n. unimpaired , whole , entire , full Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
" not deprived of " , not withdrawing from (instr.) Lit. Mn. ii , 183
not defective or inferior , excellent Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Ragh. xviii , 13
m. N. of a prince Lit. VP.
अहीनकर्मन् [ ahīnakarman ] [ á-hīna-karman ] m. f. n. " not devoted to inferior or vile work " (or " not neglecting one's regular actions " ) Lit. Gaut.
अहीनगु [ ahīnagu ] [ á-hīna-gu ] m. N. of a prince (son of Devānīka) Lit. Hariv. 825 Lit. Ragh. xviii , 13.
अहीनवादिन् [ ahīnavādin ] [ á-hīna-vādin ] m. f. n. a witness capable of giving evidence Lit. L.
अहीनाह [ ahīnāha ] [ a-hīnāha ] m. f. n. one whose days are not lessened, Lit. BaudhP.
अहीनर [ ahīnara ] [ ahī-nara ] see [ ahī́ ] s.v. [ áhi ] .
अहीर [ ahīra ] [ ahīra ] m. (= [ abhīra ] ) a cowherd Lit. L.
अहीरणि [ ahīraṇi ] [ ahīraṇi ] m. ( cf. [ áhi ] and [ ahī́ ] ) a two-headed snake Lit. L.
अहीरमणि [ ahīramaṇi ] [ ahī-ramaṇi ] f. a two-headed snake (= [ ahīraṇi ] ), Lit. Hcar.
अहीवती [ ahīvatī ] [ ahī-vatī ] see [ áhi ] .
अहीशुव [ ahīśuva ] [ ahīśúva ] m. N. of a demon conquered by Indra Lit. RV. viii , 32 , 2 and 26 ; 77 , 2 ; x , 144 , 3.
अहु [ ahu ] [ ahu ] m. f. n. only in [ paró-'hu ] q.v.
अहुत [ ahuta ] [ á-huta ] m. f. n. unoffered , not yet offered (as a sacrificial oblation) Lit. AV. xii , 4 , 53 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. xii , 68
one who has not received any sacrifice Lit. AV. vii , 97 , 7
(the fire) through or in which no sacrificial oblation has been offered Lit. Āp.
not obtained by sacrifice Lit. AV. vi , 71 , 2
[ ahuta ] m. religious meditation , prayer (considered as one of the five great sacraments , otherwise called Brahma-yajña) Lit. Mn. iii , 73 seq.
अहुताद् [ ahutād ] [ ahutā́d ] m. f. n. not eating or not allowed to partake of a sacrifice Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
अहुताभ्युदिते [ ahutābhyudite ] [ a-hutābhyudite ] ind. when the sun has risen before the sacrifice, Lit. KātyŚr.
अहुताश [ ahutāśa ] [ a-hutāśa ] m. not a fire Lit. VarBṛS.
अहुर [ ahura ] [ ahura ] m. the fire in the stomach Lit. MantraBr. Lit. Gobh.
अहूत [ ahūta ] [ á-hūta ] m. f. n. uncalled , unsummoned Lit. RV. x , 107 , 9.
अहृणान [ ahṛṇāna ] [ á-hṛṇāna ] m. f. n. not being angry , friendly Lit. RV. vii , 86 , 2 ; x , 116 , 7.
अहृणीयमान [ ahṛṇīyamāna ] [ á-hṛṇīyamāna ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV. v , 62 , 6 ; x , 109 , 2 Lit. AV.
[ ahṛṇīyamānam ] ind. willingly Lit. TBr. iii.
अहृत [ ahṛta ] [ a-hṛta ] m. f. n. not captivated or carried away by (instr.) Lit. Ragh. viii , 68.
अहृदय [ ahṛdaya ] [ á-hṛdaya ] m. f. n. without a heart Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अहृदयज्ञ [ ahṛdayajña ] [ á-hṛdaya-jña ] m. f. n. not pleasing to the heart Lit. ChUp.
अहृद्य [ ahṛdya ] [ a-hṛdya ] m. f. n. not pleasing , not being to one's taste (as food) Lit. Suśr.