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श |
श्वभ्र् [ śvabhr ] [ śvabhr ] Root ( rather Nom. fr. [ śvabhra ] below) cl. [10] P. [ śvabhrayati ] ( only Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 79) , to go , move ; to live in misery ; to pierce , bore.
श्वभ्र [ śvabhra ] [ śvábhra ] m. n. (of doubtful derivation) a chasm , gap , hole , pit , den Lit. RV.
[ śvabhra ] m. hell or a partic. hell Lit. Kāv. Lit. MārkP. Lit. Sarvad.
N. of a son of Vasudeva Lit. Hariv.
of a king of Kampanā Lit. Rājat.
श्वभ्रतिर्यञ्च् [ śvabhratiryañc ] [ śvábhra-tiryañc ] m. an animal living in holes Lit. Subh.
श्वभ्रपति [ śvabhrapati ] [ śvábhra-pati ] m. (prob.) the king of hell Lit. Śatr.
श्वभ्रमुख [ śvabhramukha ] [ śvábhra-mukha ] n. the mouth or entrance of a hole Lit. MBh.
श्वभ्रवत् [ śvabhravat ] [ śvábhra-vat ] m. f. n. full of holes , hollow , perforated Lit. Suśr. Lit. MBh.
[ śvabhravatī ] f. N. of a river Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ śubhra-vatī ] ) .
श्वभ्रित [ śvabhrita ] [ śvabhrita ] m. f. n. full of holes g. [ tārakādi ] .
श्वभ्रीय [ śvabhrīya ] [ śvabhrīya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to regard as a hole or pit Lit. VarYogay.
श्वय [ śvaya ] [ śvaya ] [ śvayatha ] see √ [ śvi ] next p.
श्वर्त् [ śvart ] [ śvart ] Root ( or [ svart ] ) = or for √ [ śvabhr ] (accord. to some authorities in Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 79) .
श्वल् [ śval ] [ śval ] Root ( or [ śvall ] ) cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xv , 42) [ śvalati ] , to go quickly , run Lit. Suśr.
श्वल्ल् [ śvall ] [ śvall ] Root ( or [ śval ] ) cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xv , 42) [ śvalati ] , to go quickly , run Lit. Suśr.
श्वल्क् [ śvalk ] [ śvalk ] Root cl. [10] P. ( only Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 34) [ śvalkayati ] , to tell , narrate.
श्वल्ल् [ śvall ] [ śvall ] Root see √ [ śval ] above.
श्वशुर [ śvaśura ] [ śváśura ] m. ( prob. for orig. [ svaśura ] ; cf. below) a father-in-law , husband's or wife's father ( in the oldest language commonly the former , in the Sūtras the latter , in Class. language both meanings ; also applied to a maternal uncle and to any venerable person) Lit. RV.
du. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 72) a father and mother-in-law Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Kathās. ( also pl. e.g. Lit. RV. x , 95 , 12 Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 27 )
[ śvaśurī ] f. ( prob. [ ī ] ) = [ brāhmī ] Lit. L.
for [ śvaśrū́ ] see below. ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (socer) ; Lith. (szészuras) ; Slav. (svekru) ; Goth. (swaihra) ; Angl.Sax. (sweór) ; Germ. (swëher) , (Schwäher) . )
श्वशुरक [ śvaśuraka ] [ śvaśuraka ] m. a dear or poor father-in-law Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Vet.
श्वशुरीय [ śvaśurīya ] [ śvaśurīya ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to a father-in-law Lit. ĀśvŚr.
श्वशुर्य [ śvaśurya ] [ śvaśurya ] m. a brother-in-law , wife's or husband's brother (esp. " a husband's younger brother " ) Lit. Kathās.
श्वश्रू [ śvaśrū ] [ śvaśrū́ ] f. ( of [ śvaśura ] ) a mother-in-law (either the wife's or the husband's mother) Lit. RV.
pl. the mother-in-law and the other wives of the father-in-law Lit. RV. ( cf. Lat. (socrus) ; Slav. (svekry) ; Angl.Sax. (swëger) ; Germ. (swigar) , (swiger) , (Schwieger) . )
श्वश्रूश्वशुर [ śvaśrūśvaśura ] [ śvaśrū́-śvaśura ] m. du. ( Lit. L.) or pl. ( Lit. Kathās.) mother and father-in-law , parents-in-law.
श्वश्रूस्नुषा [ śvaśrūsnuṣā ] [ śvaśrū́-snuṣā ] f. du. mother-in-law and daughter-in-law Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.
श्वश्रूस्नुषाधनसंवाद [ śvaśrūsnuṣādhanasaṃvāda ] [ śvaśrū́-snuṣā--dhana-saṃvāda ] m. " agreement in respect of the property of mother and daughter-in-law " , N. of wk.
श्वस् [ śvas ] [ śvas ]1 Root ( cf. √ 3 [ -śuṣ ] ) cl. [2] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiv , 61) [ śvasiti ] ( Ved. and ep. also [ śvásati ] , [ °te ] ; Impv. [ śvasihí ] Lit. AV. , [ śvasa ] Lit. MBh. ; impf. ( or aor. ) [ aśvasīt ] , ep. also [ aśvasat ] ; Pot. or Prec. [ śvasyāt ] , ep. also [ śvaset ] ; pr. p. [ śvasat ] , ep. also [ śvasamāna ] ( for [ śvasamāna ] see below ) ; pf. [ śaśvāsa ] Lit. MBh. ; fut. [ śvasitā ] Gr. ; [ śvasiṣyati ] Lit. MBh. ; inf. [ śvasitum ] Lit. ib. ; ind.p. [ -śvasya ] Lit. ib.) , to blow , hiss , pant , snort Lit. RV. ; to breathe , respire , draw breath (also = live) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to sigh , groan Lit. ib. ; to strike , kill Lit. Naigh. ii , 19 : Caus. [ śvāsayati ] (aor. [ aśiśvasat ] ) , to cause to blow or breathe ; to cause heavy breathing Lit. Suśr. : Desid. [ śiśvasiṣati ] Gr.: Intens. [ śāśvasyate ] , [ śāśvasti ] Lit. ib. (only p. [ śāśvasat ] , snorting Lit. MaitrS.)
श्वसथ [ śvasatha ] [ śvasátha ] m. the act of blowing , hissing , snorting , panting , breathing , breath Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.
श्वसन [ śvasana ] [ śvasaná ] m. f. n. blowing , hissing , panting , breathing Lit. RV. Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Lit. VarBṛS.
breathing heavily Lit. Suśr.
[ śvasana ] m. air , wind (also of the body) or the god of wind Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
N. of a Vasu (son of Śvāsā) Lit. MBh. i , 2583
( [ śvás ] ) N. of a serpent-demon Lit. Suparṇ.
Vanguieria Spinosa Lit. Car.
n. breathing , respiration , breath Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. Lit. Suśr.
heavy breathing Lit. Suśr.
clearing the throat Lit. ib.
hissing (of a serpent) Lit. Śiś.
sighing , a sigh Lit. Ratnâv.
feeling or an object of feeling Lit. BhP. (Sch.)
श्वसनमनोग [ śvasanamanoga ] [ śvasaná-mano-ga ] m. f. n. moving as (fast as) wind or thought Lit. VarYogay.
श्वसनरन्ध्र [ śvasanarandhra ] [ śvasaná-randhra ] n. " breath-hole " , a nostril Lit. BhP.
श्वसनवत् [ śvasanavat ] [ śvasaná-vat ] m. f. n. hissing , snorting Lit. Sāy.
श्वसनसमीरण [ śvasanasamīraṇa ] [ śvasaná-samīraṇa ] n. wind (caused) by breathing , breath Lit. Śiś.
श्वसनाशन [ śvasanāśana ] [ śvasanāśana ] m. " air-swallower " , a snake , serpent ( cf. [ pavanāśana ] , [ vāyubhakṣa ] ) Lit. Rājat.
श्वसनेश्वर [ śvasaneśvara ] [ śvasaneśvara ] m. " wind-lord " , the tree Pentaptera Arjuna Lit. L.
श्वसनोत्सुक [ śvasanotsuka ] [ śvasanotsuka ] m. " eager for (swallowing) air " , a serpent Lit. L.
श्वसनोर्मि [ śvasanormi ] [ śvasanormi ] mf. a wave or gust of wind Lit. MW.
श्वसय [ śvasaya ] [ śvasaya ] (?) m. f. n. Lit. Kauś. 107.
श्वसान [ śvasāna ] [ śvasāna ] m. f. n. breathing , living , alive Lit. BhP.
श्वसित [ śvasita ] [ śvasita ] m. f. n. breathed , sighed
possessed of breath or life , vivified , revived Lit. Kathās.
[ śvasita ] n. breathing , breath , respiration , sighing , a sigh Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
श्वसीवत् [ śvasīvat ] [ śvasī-vat ] m. f. n. = [ śvasana-vat ] , hissing , snorting Lit. RV. i , 140 , 10 ( Lit. Sāy.)
श्वास [ śvāsa ] [ śvāsa ] m. hissing , snorting , panting Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP.
respiration , breath ( also as a measure of time = [ prāṇa ] , [ asu ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
breathing or aspiration (in the pronunciation of consonants) Lit. RPrāt. , Introd.
inspiration Lit. Sarvad.
sighing , a sigh Lit. Śak. Lit. Sāh.
affection of the breath , hard breathing , asthma ( of which there are five kinds , viz. [ kṣudra ] , [ tamaka ] , [ chinna ] , [ mahat ] , and [ ūrdhva ] ) Lit. Suśr.
[ śvāsā ] f. N. of the mother of Śvasana (the god of wind) Lit. MBh.
Convolvulus Turpethum Lit. L.
श्वासकर्मप्रकाश [ śvāsakarmaprakāśa ] [ śvāsa--karma-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
श्वासकास [ śvāsakāsa ] [ śvāsa-kāsa ] m. " breath-cough " , asthma ( [ °sin ] mfn. suffering from it) Lit. Hcat.
श्वासकासिन् [ śvāsakāsin ] [ śvāsa-kāsin ] m. f. n. , see [ śvāsakāsa ] , suffering from asthma
श्वासकुठार [ śvāsakuṭhāra ] [ śvāsa-kuṭhāra ] m. N. of a drug used as a remedy for asthma Lit. Bhpr.
श्वासता [ śvāsatā ] [ śvāsa-tā ] f. the being breath , the being aspirated ( cf. above ) Lit. RPrāt.
breathing , respiration , aspiration Lit. MW.
श्वासधारण [ śvāsadhāraṇa ] [ śvāsa-dhāraṇa ] n. suppression or suspension of breath Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
श्वासप्रश्वासधारण [ śvāsapraśvāsadhāraṇa ] [ śvāsa-praśvāsa-dhāraṇa ] n. suppression or suspension of inspiration and expiration (= [ prāṇāyāma ] q.v.) Lit. MW.
श्वासरोध [ śvāsarodha ] [ śvāsa-rodha ] m. obstruction of the breath , oppression of the chest Lit. BhP.
श्वासशेष [ śvāsaśeṣa ] [ śvāsa-śeṣa ] m. f. n. having nothing left but breath , consisting only in breathing (as life) Lit. Rājat.
श्वासहिक्का [ śvāsahikkā ] [ śvāsa-hikkā ] f. a kind of hiccough ( [ °kkin ] mfn. suffering from it) Lit. Car.
श्वासहिक्किन् [ śvāsahikkin ] [ śvāsa-hikkin ] m. f. n. , see [ śvāsahikkā ] , suffering from a kind of hiccough
श्वासहेति [ śvāsaheti ] [ śvāsa-heti ] f. " remedy for asthma " , sound sleep Lit. L.
श्वासाकुल [ śvāsākula ] [ śvāsākula ] m. f. n. troubled in breathing , out of breath Lit. Campak.
श्वासानिल [ śvāsānila ] [ śvāsānila ] m. wind (caused) by breathing , breath Lit. BhP.
श्वासारि [ śvāsāri ] [ śvāsāri ] m. " breath-enemy " , Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.
श्वासोच्छ्वास [ śvāsocchvāsa ] [ śvāsocchvāsa ] m. du. inspiration and expiration , respiration Lit. MW.
श्वासिक [ śvāsika ] [ śvāsika ] m. f. n. occurring in or resulting from asthma Lit. Car.
श्वासित [ śvāsita ] [ śvāsita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) caused to breathe
w.r. for [ sv-āśita ] Lit. R. ii , 84 , 18.
श्वासिन् [ śvāsin ] [ śvāsin ] m. f. n. hissing , breathing Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
breathing hard , asthmatic Lit. Suśr.
aspirated (as a sound or letter) Lit. Śiksh.
श्वस् [ śvas ] [ śvás ]2 ind. to-morrow , on the following day ( [ śváḥ śvaḥ ] , " day by day " ; [ śvó bhūté ] , " on the morrow " , " next day " ) Lit. RV.
in the future ( sec comp.)
a particle implying auspiciousness Lit. W.
श्वःकाल [ śvaḥkāla ] [ śvaḥ-kāla ] m. to-morrow's time , the morrow
( [ e ] ) loc. on the morrow , to-morrow Lit. MBh.
श्वःक्रय [ śvaḥkraya ] [ śvaḥ-kraya ] m. a purchase (to be made) on the morrow Lit. Lāṭy.
श्वःप्रभृति [ śvaḥprabhṛti ] [ śvaḥ-prabhṛti ] ind. from to-morrow onwards.
श्वःश्रेयस [ śvaḥśreyasa ] [ śvaḥ-śreyasá ] n. " better state on the morrow " , progressive improvement Lit. ŚBr.
happiness , prosperity Lit. L.
the Supreme Spirit Lit. L.
[ śvaḥśreyasa ] m. f. n. happy , progressively prosperous Lit. L.
श्वःश्व [ śvaḥśva ] [ śvaḥ-śvá ] n. putting off to the morrow , procrastination Lit. ŚBr.
श्वःसुत्या [ śvaḥsutyā ] [ śvaḥ-sutyā ] f. " tomorrow's preparation of the Soma " , the eve of the Sutyā rite Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
श्वःस्तोत्रिय [ śvaḥstotriya ] [ śvaḥ-stotriya ] n. tomorrow's Stotriya ( q.v.) Lit. AitBr.
श्वस्तन [ śvastana ] [ śvástana ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to the morrow ( [ °ne 'hani ] , " on the morrow " ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. ( ( cf. Lat. (crastinus) ) )
[ śvastanī ] f. the next day , the morrow Lit. MaitrS.
(in gram.) the terminations of the first future Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 15 Vārtt. 1
[ śvastana ] n. to-morrow , next day , the future Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ a-śv ] ) .
श्वस्तनवत् [ śvastanavat ] [ śvástana-vat ] m. f. n. having a future Lit. PañcavBr.
श्वस्तनिक [ śvastanika ] [ śvastanika ] see [ a-śv ] .
श्वस्त्य [ śvastya ] [ śvastya ] m. f. n. = [ śvastana ] Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 105.
श्वो [ śvo ] [ śvo ] in comp. for 2. [ śvás ] .
श्वोभाव [ śvobhāva ] [ śvo-bhāva ] m. to-morrow's state of affairs Lit. KātyŚr.
pl. the affairs or occurrences of to-morrow Lit. KaṭhUp.
श्वोभाविन् [ śvobhāvin ] [ śvo-bhāvin ] ( Lit. MBh. Lit. R.) m. f. n. what may happen to-morrow.
श्वोभूत [ śvobhūta ] [ śvo-bhūta ] ( Lit. Gaut.) m. f. n. what may happen to-morrow.
श्वोभूति [ śvobhūti ] [ śvo-bhūti ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pat. Sch.
श्वोमरण [ śvomaraṇa ] [ śvo-maraṇa ] n. imminent death or the thought of it Lit. MBh.
श्वोवसीय [ śvovasīya ] [ śvo-vasīya ] n. future welfare or prosperity Lit. Daś.
[ śvovasīya ] m. f. n. " happy for all future time " , auspicious , fortunate Lit. MW.
श्वोवसीयस् [ śvovasīyas ] [ śvo-vasīyas ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
श्वोवसीयस [ śvovasīyasa ] [ śvo-vasīyasa ] m. f. n. bestowing future welfare Lit. MaitrS.
[ śvovasīyasa ] n. future welfare , auspiciousness , good fortune Lit. L.
श्वोवस्यस [ śvovasyasa ] [ śvo-vasyasá ] m. f. n. = prec. Lit. TBr.
श्वोविजयिन् [ śvovijayin ] [ śvo-vijayí n ] m. f. n. one who is about to conquer on the morrow Lit. MaitrS.
श्वाकर्ण [ śvākarṇa ] [ śvā-karṇa ] [ śvā-kunda ] see p. 1105 , col. 2.
श्वात्र् [ śvātr ] [ śvātr ] Root cl. [1] P. [ śvātrati ] , to go , move Lit. Naigh. ii , 14.
श्वात्र [ śvātra ] [ śvātrá ] m. f. n. ( prob. fr. √ [ śvi ] = [ śū ] ) invigorating , strengthening , strong ( as Soma , the waters ; accord. to native authorities = [ kṣipra ] , or [ mitra ] ; accord. to others , " savoury " , " dainty " , fr. √ [ śvad ] = [ svad ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. ( 1106,1 )
[ śvātram ] ind. = [ kṣipram ] Lit. Nir. v , 3
[ śvātra ] n. strengthening or savoury food or drink , a dainty morsel Lit. RV.
= [ dhana ] Lit. Naigh. ii , 10.
श्वात्रभाज् [ śvātrabhāj ] [ śvātrá-bhā́j ] m. f. n. = next Lit. RV. viii , 4 , 9.
श्वात्र्य [ śvātrya ] [ śvā́trya ] m. f. n. " strengthening " or " savoury " ( cf. [ śvātra ] ) Lit. RV.
श्वान [ śvāna ] [ śvāna ] see p. 1105 , col. 2.
श्वान्त [ śvānta ] [ śvāntá ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ śvam ] = [ śam ] ?) tranquil , placid Lit. RV. ( Lit. Sāy. = [ śānta ] , or [ śrānta ] ) .
श्वापद [ śvāpada ] [ śvā-pada ] [ śvā-vidh ] see p. 1105 , col. 2.
श्वाशुर [ śvāśura ] [ śvāśura ] m. f. n. relating or belonging to a father-in-law Lit. Kathās.
[ śvāśura ] m. pl. = [ śvāśurer yūnaś chāttrāḥ ] Lit. Pat.
श्वाशुरि [ śvāśuri ] [ śvāśuri ] m. the son of the father-in-law Lit. ib.
श्वाशुर्य [ śvāśurya ] [ śvāśurya ] w.r. for [ śvaśurya ] Lit. Kathās.
श्वि [ śvi ] [ śvi ] Root ( connected with √ [ śū ] ; sometimes written [ śvā ] ) cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiii , 41) [ śváyati ] (pf. [ śiśvāya ] , or [ śuśāva ] Gr. ; aor. [ áśvat ] Lit. ŚBr. , [ aśvayīt ] Lit. HPariś. ; Prec. [ śūyāt ] Gr. ; fut. [ śvayitā ] , [ śvayiṣyati ] Lit. ib. ; inf. [ śváyitum ] Lit. Br.) , to swell , grow , increase Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. : Pass. [ śūyate ] (aor. [ aśvāyi ] ) id. Lit. Car. : Caus. [ śvāyayati ] (aor. [ aśiśvayat ] ( Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ) or [ aśūśavat ] ) id. Gr.: Desid. of Caus. [ śiśvāyayiṣati ] or [ śuśāvayiṣati ] Lit. ib. : Desid. [ śiśvayiṣati ] Lit. ib. : Intens. [ śeśvīyate ] ( Lit. Bhaṭṭ.) , [ śośūyate ] ; [ śeśvayīti ] , [ śeśveti ] , to swell much.
शूथ [ śūtha ] [ śūtha ] see p. 1085 , col. 1.
शून [ śūna ] [ śūna ] see p. 1085 , col. 1.
श्वय [ śvaya ] [ śvaya ] m. swelling , increase Lit. MW.
श्वयथ [ śvayatha ] [ śvayátha ] m. swelling Lit. ŚBr.
श्वयथुकर [ śvayathukara ] [ śvayathu-kara ] m. f. n. causing intumescence Lit. ib.
श्वयथुचिकित्सा [ śvayathucikitsā ] [ śvayathu-cikitsā ] f. the cure or treatment of swelling Lit. ib.
श्वयथुमत् [ śvayathumat ] [ śvayathu-mat ] m. f. n. suffering from swelling or intumescence Lit. Car.
श्वयन [ śvayana ] [ śvayana ] n. swelling Lit. APrāt. Sch.
श्वयस् [ śvayas ] [ śvayas ] n. swelling Lit. L.
power , strength Lit. L.
श्वयीचि [ śvayīci ] [ śvayīci ] m. or f. a kind of illness Lit. Uṇ. iv , 71 Sch.
श्विक्न [ śvikna ] [ śví kna ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. ŚBr.
श्वित् [ śvit ] [ śvit ]1 Root cl. [1] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xviii , 2) [ śvetate ] ( occurring only in pr.p. [ śvetamāna ] Lit. Mālatīm. , and in aor. [ aśvait ] or [ aśvitat ] , p. [ śvitāná ] ( q.v. ) Lit. RV. ; Gr. also pf. [ śiśvite ] fut. [ śvetitā ] , [ śvetiṣyate ] , and aor. [ aśvetiṣṭa ] ) , to be bright or white: Caus. ( only aor. [ aśiśvitat ] ; but cf. [ śvetaya ] and [ śvetita ] ) id. Lit. RV. ( ( cf. Lith. (szvaily4ti) ; Goth. (hweits) ; Germ. (weiss) ; Eng. (white) . ) )
श्वित् [ śvit ] [ śvit ]2 see [ uda-śví t ] and [ sūrya-śví t ] .
श्वित [ śvita ] [ śvita ] m. f. n. white
[ śvita ] n. whiteness Lit. Sāy.
श्वितान [ śvitāna ] [ śvitāná ] m. f. n. being white , white-coloured Lit. RV. vi , 6 , 2.
श्विति [ śviti ] [ śviti ] (prob.) f. whiteness , a white colour Lit. Sāy.
श्वितीचि [ śvitīci ] [ śvitīcí ]and m. f. n. whitish Lit. RV.
श्वित्न [ śvitna ] [ śví tna ] and m. f. n. whitish Lit. RV.
श्वित्न्य [ śvitnya ] [ śvitnyá ]and m. f. n. whitish Lit. RV.
श्वित्य [ śvitya ] [ śvitya ] m. f. n. white , white-coloured Lit. MW.
[ śvitya ] m. ( cf. [ śvaitya ] ) N. of a man Lit. MBh. vii , 2183 ( Lit. Nīlak.)
श्वित्यञ्च् [ śvityañc ] [ śvityáñc ] m. f. n. whitish Lit. RV.
श्वित्र [ śvitra ] [ śvitrá ] m. f. n. whitish , white Lit. AV. Lit. TS.
having white leprosy Lit. PañcavBr.
[ śvitra ] m. a partic. white domestic animal or any white animal Lit. VS.
m. n. morbid whiteness of the skin , white leprosy , vitiligo Lit. Suśr. Lit. BhP.
m. = [ antarikṣa ] Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. v , 19 , 3
[ śvitrā ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 13 , 14.
श्वित्रघ्नी [ śvitraghnī ] [ śvitrá-ghnī ] f. " removing white leprosy " , the plant Tragia Involucrata Lit. L.
श्वित्रहर [ śvitrahara ] [ śvitrá-hara ] m. f. n. removing or curing white leprosy Lit. Suśr.
श्वित्रोपकाश [ śvitropakāśa ] [ śvitropakāśa ] m. f. n. looking whitish Lit. ĀpŚr.
श्वित्रिन् [ śvitrin ] [ śvitrin ] m. f. n. affected with whiteness of the skin , leprous , a leper Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn.
श्वित्र्य [ śvitrya ] [ śví trya ] m. metron. fr. [ śvitra ] Lit. RV. i , 33 , 15 ( Lit. Sāy.)
श्वेत [ śveta ] [ śvetá ] m. f. n. white , dressed , in white , bright (with [ párvata ] m. " snow-mountain " Lit. ŚBr. ; with [ kaṭākṣa ] m. " a bright side-glance " Lit. Saṃgīt.) Lit. RV.
[ śveta ] m. white (the colour) Lit. L.
a white horse Lit. ŚBr.
a small white shell , cowry Lit. L.
a silver coin Lit. L.
a white cloud Lit. L.
the planet Venus or its regent Śukra Lit. L.
a partic. comet ( cf. [ -ketu ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.
a partic. plant (= [ jīvaka ] ) Lit. L.
cumin seed Lit. W.
N. of a serpent-demon (with [ vaidārva ] or [ vaidārvya ] or [ vaidarvya ] ; others give [ śvaita-vaidārava ] as signifying " a partic. deity connected with the sun " ) Lit. GṛS. Lit. Pur.
N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.
of a Daitya (son of Vipra-citti) Lit. Hariv.
of a Muni Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
of a partic. Avatāra of Śiva Lit. Cat.
of a pupil of Śiva Lit. IW. 122 n. 3
of a manifestation of Vishṇu in his Varāha incarnation (worshipped in a partic. part of India) Lit. MW.
of a Rājarshi Lit. MBh.
of a son of the king Sudeva Lit. R.
of a general Lit. MBh.
of a son of Vapushmat Lit. MārkP.
of a preceptor Lit. Cat.
of a mythical elephant Lit. MBh.
of the sixth range of mountains dividing the known continent (the white or " snowy " mountains separating the Varshas of Hiraṇmaya and Ramyaka) Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur. ( Lit. IW. 420 n. 1)
of one of the minor Dvīpas or divisions of the world ( cf. [ -dvīpa ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ śvetā ] f. one of the seven tongues of Fire Lit. Gṛihyās.
a small white shell , cowry Lit. L.
N. of various plants (accord. to Lit. L. the birch tree , a white bignonia , Boerhavia Procumbens , Achyranthes Atropurpurea ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. VarBṛS.
crystal Lit. L.
alum Lit. L.
white or candied sugar Lit. L.
bamboo-manna Lit. L.
a mystical term for the letter [ s ] Lit. Up.
N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda Lit. MBh.
of the mother of the elephant Śveta (or Śaṅkha) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
of a princess Lit. Rājat.
[ śvetī ] f. N. of a river Lit. MW.
[ śveta ] n. the white of the eye Lit. Suśr.
the growing white (of the hair) Lit. ChUp.
silver Lit. L.
butter-milk and water mixed half and half Lit. L.
श्वेतकण्टकारी [ śvetakaṇṭakārī ] [ śvetá-kaṇṭakārī ] f. a species of plant ( = [ priyaṃkarī ] ) Lit. MW.
श्वेतकण्ठिन् [ śvetakaṇṭhin ] [ śvetá-kaṇṭhin ] m. f. n. white-necked (as a jar) Lit. Hariv.
श्वेतकन्द [ śvetakanda ] [ śvetá-kanda ] m. Allium Cepa or Ascalonicum
[ śvetakandā ] f. Aconitum Ferox Lit. L.
श्वेतकपोत [ śvetakapota ] [ śvetá-kapota ] m. a kind of mouse Lit. Cat.
a kind of snake Lit. Suśr.
श्वेतकमल [ śvetakamala ] [ śvetá-kamala ] n. a white lotus Lit. MW.
श्वेतकर्ण [ śvetakarṇa ] [ śvetá-karṇa ] m. N. of a son of Satya-karṇa Lit. Hariv.
श्वेतकल्प [ śvetakalpa ] [ śvetá-kalpa ] m. a partic. Kalpa or world-period Lit. Hcat.
श्वेतकाकीय [ śvetakākīya ] [ śvetá-kākīya ] m. f. n. relating to a white crow , rare , unusual , unheard of Lit. MBh. Lit. Mṛicch.
श्वेतकाण्डा [ śvetakāṇḍā ] [ śvetá-kāṇḍā ] f. white Dūrvā grass Lit. L.
श्वेतकापोती [ śvetakāpotī ] [ śvetá-kāpotī ] f. a kind of plant Lit. Suśr.
श्वेतकाम्बोजी [ śvetakāmbojī ] [ śvetá-kāmbojī ] f. a white variety of Abrus Precatorius Lit. L.
श्वेतकिणिही [ śvetakiṇihī ] [ śvetá-kiṇihī ] f. a kind of tree Lit. L.
श्वेतकुक्षि [ śvetakukṣi ] [ śvetá-kukṣi ] m. a kind of fish Lit. L.
श्वेतकुञ्जर [ śvetakuñjara ] [ śvetá-kuñjara ] m. " white-elephant " , Indra's elephant Airāvata Lit. L.
श्वेतकुश [ śvetakuśa ] [ śvetá-kuśa ] m. white Kuśa , grass Lit. L.
श्वेतकुष्ठ [ śvetakuṣṭha ] [ śvetá-kuṣṭha ] n. white leprosy Lit. Cat.
[ śvetakuṣṭha ] m. f. n. suffering from white leprosy ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. xi , 51.
श्वेतकुष्ठत्व [ śvetakuṣṭhatva ] [ śvetá-kuṣṭha--tva ] n. , see [ śvetakuṣṭha ]
श्वेतकृष्णा [ śvetakṛṣṇā ] [ śvetá-kṛṣṇā ] f. a kind of venomous insect Lit. Suśr.
श्वेतकेतु [ śvetaketu ] [ śvetá-ketu ] m. ( [ śvetá- ] ) N. of a comet (also called Uddālaka-śvetá) Lit. VarBṛS.
a Jaina saint Lit. L.
N. of Auddālaki Lit. ŚBr.
of Āruṇeya Lit. ib.
of a son of Sena-jit Lit. Hariv.
of Gautama Buddha as a Bodhi-sattva Lit. Lalit.
श्वेतकेश [ śvetakeśa ] [ śvetá-keśa ] m. white hair Lit. ib.
a kind of red-flowering Moringa Lit. L.
श्वेतकोल [ śvetakola ] [ śvetá-kola ] m. the fish Cyprinus Sophore Lit. L.
श्वेतकोलक [ śvetakolaka ] [ śvetá-kolaka ] m. the fish Cyprinus Sophore Lit. L.
श्वेतक्षार [ śvetakṣāra ] [ śvetá-kṣāra ] m. white nitre , saltpetre , alkali Lit. L.
श्वेतखदिर [ śvetakhadira ] [ śvetá-khadira ] m. a white variety of the Khadira tree Lit. L.
श्वेतगङ्गा [ śvetagaṅgā ] [ śvetá-gaṅgā ] f. N. of a river Lit. Kād.
श्वेतगज [ śvetagaja ] [ śvetá-gaja ] m. a white elephant or the elephant of Indra Lit. ib.
श्वेतगरुत् [ śvetagarut ] [ śvetá-garut ] ( Lit. L.) ( Lit. MW.) m. " white-winged " , a goose.
श्वेतगरुत [ śvetagaruta ] [ śvetá-garuta ] ( Lit. MW.) m. " white-winged " , a goose.
श्वेतगिरि [ śvetagiri ] [ śvetá-giri ] m. white mountain , snowy range of hills (see under [ śveta ] above ) Lit. Cat.
श्वेतगिरिमाहात्म्य [ śvetagirimāhātmya ] [ śvetá-giri--māhātmya ] n. N. of chs. of two Purāṇas.
श्वेतगुञ्जा [ śvetaguñjā ] [ śvetá-guñjā ] f. a white variety of Abrus Precatorius Lit. L.
श्वेतगुणवत् [ śvetaguṇavat ] [ śvetá-guṇavat ] m. f. n. possessed of the quality of whiteness Lit. Sāh.
श्वेतगोकर्णी [ śvetagokarṇī ] [ śvetá-gokarṇī ] f. Clitoria Ternatea Lit. Dhanv.
श्वेतगोधूम [ śvetagodhūma ] [ śvetá-godhūma ] m. a kind of wheat Lit. Vās.
श्वेतघण्टा [ śvetaghaṇṭā ] [ śvetá-ghaṇṭā ] f. a kind of plant (= [ nāgadantī ] ) Lit. L.
श्वेतघण्टी [ śvetaghaṇṭī ] [ śvetá-ghaṇṭī ] f. see [ mahā-śveta-gh ] .
श्वेतघोषा [ śvetaghoṣā ] [ śvetá-ghoṣā ] f. a white Ghoshā plant Lit. MW.
श्वेतचन्दन [ śvetacandana ] [ śvetá-candana ] n. white sandal Lit. Pañcar.
श्वेतचम्पक [ śvetacampaka ] [ śvetá-campaka ] m. a kind of Campaka Lit. ib.
श्वेतचरण [ śvetacaraṇa ] [ śvetá-caraṇa ] m. a kind of bird Lit. Suśr.
श्वेतचिन्तामणि [ śvetacintāmaṇi ] [ śvetá-cintā-maṇi ] m. N. of wk.
श्वेतचिल्लिका [ śvetacillikā ] [ śvetá-cillikā ] f. a kind of vegetable Lit. L.
श्वेतचिल्ली [ śvetacillī ] [ śvetá-cillī ] f. a kind of vegetable Lit. L.
श्वेतच्छत्त्र [ śvetacchattra ] [ śvetá-cchattra ] n. a white umbrella Lit. BhP.
[ śvetacchattra ] m. f. n. having a white umbrella Lit. MW.
श्वेतच्छत्त्राय [ śvetacchattrāya ] [ śvetá-cchattrāya ] Nom. to resemble a white umbrella ( [ °yita ] mfn.) Lit. Vcar.
श्वेतच्छत्त्रिन् [ śvetacchattrin ] [ śvetá-cchattrin ] m. f. n. having a white umbrella Lit. ĀpŚr.
श्वेतच्छद [ śvetacchada ] [ śvetá-cchada ] m. " white-winged " or " white-leaved " , a goose Lit. L.
a kind of plant Lit. L.
Ocymum Album Lit. W.
श्वेतजल [ śvetajala ] [ śvetá-jala ] N. of a lake Lit. VP.
श्वेतजीरक [ śvetajīraka ] [ śvetá-jīraka ] m. white cumin Lit. L.
श्वेतटङ्कक [ śvetaṭaṅkaka ] [ śvetá-ṭaṅkaka ] n. a kind of borax Lit. L.
श्वेतटङ्कण [ śvetaṭaṅkaṇa ] [ śvetá-ṭaṅkaṇa ] n. a kind of borax Lit. L.
श्वेततण्डुल [ śvetataṇḍula ] [ śvetá-taṇḍula ] m. a kind of rice Lit. L.
श्वेततन्त्री [ śvetatantrī ] [ śvetá-tantrī ] f. a kind of stringed instrument Lit. Saṃgīt.
श्वेततपस् [ śvetatapas ] [ śvetá-tapas ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
श्वेततर [ śvetatara ] [ śvetá-tara ] m. pl. N. of a school Lit. Caraṇ.
श्वेतता [ śvetatā ] [ śvetá-tā ] f. whiteness Lit. MW.
श्वेतदूर्वा [ śvetadūrvā ] [ śvetá-dūrvā ] f. white Dūrvā grass Lit. Bhpr.
श्वेतद्युति [ śvetadyuti ] [ śvetá-dyuti ] m. the moon Lit. L.
श्वेतद्रुम [ śvetadruma ] [ śvetá-druma ] m. Crataeva Roxburghii Lit. L.
श्वेतद्विप [ śvetadvipa ] [ śvetá-dvipa ] m. a white elephant or Indra's elephant Airāvata Lit. L.
श्वेतद्वीप [ śvetadvīpa ] [ śvetá-dvīpa ] m. n. " white island " , N. of a mythical abode of the blessed Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. ( cf. Lit. IW. 126 n. 1)
of a sacred place near Kāśī Lit. Cat.
[ śvetadvīpa ] m. England Lit. W.
श्वेतद्वीपाय [ śvetadvīpāya ] [ śvetá-dvīpāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to resemble the white isle Lit. Hcar.
श्वेतधातु [ śvetadhātu ] [ śvetá-dhātu ] m. chalk Lit. L.
opal or chalcedony Lit. W.
any white mineral Lit. MW.
श्वेतधामन् [ śvetadhāman ] [ śvetá-dhāman ] m. ( only Lit. L.) " having white lustre " , the moon
cuttle-fish bone
Achyranthes Atropurpurea
a white-flowering variety of Clitoria Ternatea.
श्वेतनामन् [ śvetanāman ] [ śvetá-nāman ] m. Clitoria Ternatea Lit. Car.
श्वेतनील [ śvetanīla ] [ śvetá-nīla ] m. f. n. white and black Lit. L.
[ śvetanīla ] m. a cloud Lit. L.
श्वेतन्यङ्ग [ śvetanyaṅga ] [ śvetá-nyaṅga ] m. f. n. having a white mark Lit. ĀpŚr.
श्वेतपक्ष [ śvetapakṣa ] [ śvetá-pakṣa ] m. f. n. white-winged Lit. PārGṛ.
श्वेतपट [ śvetapaṭa ] [ śvetá-paṭa ] m. N. of a Jaina teacher Lit. Piṅg. Sch.
pl. N. of a Jaina sect Lit. Hcar. Lit. Inscr.
श्वेतपत्त्र [ śvetapattra ] [ śvetá-pattra ] n. a white feather Lit. MW.
[ śvetapattra ] m. " white-feathered " , a goose (see comp.)
[ śvetapattrā ] f. a kind of tree Lit. L.
श्वेतपत्त्ररथ [ śvetapattraratha ] [ śvetá-pattra--ratha ] m. " whose vehicle is a goose " , N. of Brahmā Lit. L.
श्वेतपद्म [ śvetapadma ] [ śvetá-padma ] n. a white lotus Lit. Pañcar. Lit. Kālac.
श्वेतपर्ण [ śvetaparṇa ] [ śvetá-parṇa ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. MārkP.
[ śvetaparṇā ] f. pistia Stratiotes Lit. L.
श्वेतपर्णास [ śvetaparṇāsa ] [ śvetá-parṇāsa ] m. white basil Lit. L.
श्वेतपर्वत [ śvetaparvata ] [ śvetá-parvata ] m. " white mountain " , N. of a mountain Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
श्वेतपाकी [ śvetapākī ] [ śvetá-pākī ] f. a kind of plant or its fruit g. [ harītaky-ādi ] .
श्वेतपाटला [ śvetapāṭalā ] [ śvetá-pāṭalā ] f. a white-flowering variety of Bingnonia Lit. L.
श्वेतपाद [ śvetapāda ] [ śvetá-pāda ] m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants Lit. L.
श्वेतपिङ्ग [ śvetapiṅga ] [ śvetá-piṅga ] m. " white and tawny " , a lion Lit. L.
श्वेतपिङ्गल [ śvetapiṅgala ] [ śvetá-piṅgala ] m. f. n. tawny Lit. L.
[ śvetapiṅgala ] m. a lion Lit. L.
N. of Śiva Lit. MW.
श्वेतपिङ्गलक [ śvetapiṅgalaka ] [ śvetá-piṅgalaka ] m. a lion Lit. L.
श्वेतपिण्डीतक [ śvetapiṇḍītaka ] [ śvetá-piṇḍītaka ] m. a kind of tree Lit. L.
श्वेतपीतल [ śvetapītala ] [ śvetá-pītala ] m. yellow-whiteness
[ śvetapītala ] m. f. n. yellow-white Lit. L.
श्वेतपुङ्खा [ śvetapuṅkhā ] [ śvetá-puṅkhā ] f. a kind of shrub Lit. L.
श्वेतपुनर्नवा [ śvetapunarnavā ] [ śvetá-punarnavā ] f. white-flowering hogweed Lit. MW.
श्वेतपुष्प [ śvetapuṣpa ] [ śvetá-puṣpa ] n. a white flower Lit. Suśr.
[ śvetapuṣpa ] m. f. n. white-flowering Lit. GṛŚrS.
m. Vitex Negundo Lit. L.
[ śvetapuṣpā ] f. N. of various plants ( Crataea Roxburghii ; a white-flowering species of Clitoria Ternatea ; Artemisia Vulgaris or Alpinia Nutans ; colocynth ; a white-flowering variety of Vitex Negundo ; = [ ghoṣātakī ] or [ nāga-dantī ] ) Lit. L.
[ śvetapuṣpa ] m. ( [ ī ] ) , d. a white -flowering variety of Clitoria Ternatea Lit. Npr.
श्वेतपुष्पक [ śvetapuṣpaka ] [ śvetá-puṣpaka ] m. f. n. having white flowers Lit. MW.
[ śvetapuṣpaka ] m. white oleander Lit. L.
Nerium Odorum (the white variety) Lit. W.
[ śvetapuṣpikā ] f. two kinds of plant (= [ putra-dātrī ] or = [ mahā-saṇapuṣpikā ] ) Lit. L.
श्वेतप्रसूनक [ śvetaprasūnaka ] [ śvetá-prasūnaka ] m. f. n. having white flowers Lit. MW.
[ śvetaprasūnaka ] m. Tapia Crataeva Lit. L.
श्वेतफला [ śvetaphalā ] [ śvetá-phalā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 64 Vārtt. 2 Lit. Pat.
श्वेतबर्बर [ śvetabarbara ] [ śvetá-barbara ] n. a kind of sandal Lit. L.
श्वेतबला [ śvetabalā ] [ śvetá-balā ] f. the white Balā (a kind of plant) Lit. MW.
श्वेतबिन्दुका [ śvetabindukā ] [ śvetá-bindukā ] f. a girl with white spots (and there fore unfit for marriage) Lit. L.
श्वेतबुह्ना [ śvetabuhnā ] [ śvetá-buhnā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.
श्वेतबृहती [ śvetabṛhatī ] [ śvetá-bṛhatī ] f. a kind of white Vārtākī or egg-plant Lit. L.
श्वेतभण्डा [ śvetabhaṇḍā ] [ śvetá-bhaṇḍā ] f. a white-flowering variety of Clitoria Ternatea Lit. L.
श्वेतभद्र [ śvetabhadra ] [ śvetá-bhadra ] m. N. of a Guhyaka. Lit. MBh.
श्वेतभस्मन् [ śvetabhasman ] [ śvetá-bhasman ] n. a partic. preparation of quicksilver Lit. L.
श्वेतभानु [ śvetabhānu ] [ śvetá-bhānu ] m. f. n. white-rayed (as the moon) Lit. Hariv.
[ śvetabhānu ] m. the moon Lit. Hcar. Lit. Kād.
श्वेतभिक्षु [ śvetabhikṣu ] [ śvetá-bhikṣu ] m. a kind of mendicant Lit. Pañcat.
श्वेतभिण्डा [ śvetabhiṇḍā ] [ śvetá-bhiṇḍā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. Car.
श्वेतभुजंग [ śvetabhujaṃga ] [ śvetá-bhujaṃga ] m. N. of an incarnation of Brahmā Lit. Vīrac.
श्वेतमण्डल [ śvetamaṇḍala ] [ śvetá-maṇḍala ] m. a kind of snake Lit. Suśr.
श्वेतमध्य [ śvetamadhya ] [ śvetá-madhya ] m. Cyperus Rotundus Lit. L.
श्वेतमन्दार [ śvetamandāra ] [ śvetá-mandāra ] ( Lit. Cat.) ( Lit. L.) m. a kind of tree. ,
श्वेतमन्दारक [ śvetamandāraka ] [ śvetá-mandāraka ] ( Lit. L.) m. a kind of tree. ,
श्वेतमयूख [ śvetamayūkha ] [ śvetá-mayūkha ] m. " white-rayed " , the moon Lit. Vcar.
श्वेतमरिच [ śvetamarica ] [ śvetá-marica ] m. a kind of Moringa Pterygosperma Lit. Dhanv.
[ śvetamarica ] n. the seed of it Lit. L.
the seed of the Hyperanthera Moringa Lit. W.
white pepper Lit. MW.
श्वेतमहोटिका [ śvetamahoṭikā ] [ śvetá-mahoṭikā ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.
श्वेतमाण्डव्य [ śvetamāṇḍavya ] [ śvetá-māṇḍavya ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.
श्वेतमाधव [ śvetamādhava ] [ śvetá-mādhava ] ( Lit. Cat.) ( Lit. MW.) n. N. of a Tīrtha.
श्वेतमाधवतीर्थ [ śvetamādhavatīrtha ] [ śvetá-mādhava-tīrtha ] ( Lit. MW.) n. N. of a Tīrtha.
श्वेतमाल [ śvetamāla ] [ śvetá-māla ] m. " having white wreaths " , a cloud Lit. L.
smoke Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ khatam ] ) .
श्वेतमूत्र [ śvetamūtra ] [ śvetá-mūtra ] m. f. n. having white urine ( [ -tā ] f. ) , Lit. ŚārṅgS.
श्वेतमूत्रता [ śvetamūtratā ] [ śvetá-mūtra--tā ] f. , see [ śvetamūtra ]
श्वेतमूल [ śvetamūla ] [ śvetá-mūla ] m. ( Lit. Suśr.) ( Lit. Npr.) Boerhavia Procunibens.
श्वेतमूला [ śvetamūlā ] [ śvetá-mūlā ] f. ( Lit. Npr.) Boerhavia Procunibens.
श्वेतमृद् [ śvetamṛd ] [ śvetá-mṛd ] f. white clay , Lit. VarYogay. (pl.)
श्वेतमेह [ śvetameha ] [ śvetá-meha ] w.r. for [ śīta-m ] q.v.
श्वेतमोद [ śvetamoda ] [ śvetá-moda ] m. N. of a demon who causes diseases Lit. Hariv.
श्वेतयावरी [ śvetayāvarī ] [ śvetá-yā́varī ] f. white-flowing , (or) N. of a river Lit. RV. viii , 26 , 18.
श्वेतरक्त [ śvetarakta ] [ śvetá-rakta ] m. pale redness
[ śvetarakta ] m. f. n. pale-red Lit. L.
श्वेतरञ्जन [ śvetarañjana ] [ śvetá-rañjana ] n. " white-coloured " , lead Lit. L.
श्वेतरथ [ śvetaratha ] [ śvetá-ratha ] m. a white chariot Lit. MW.
" having a white car " , the planet Venus Lit. L.
श्वेतरश्मि [ śvetaraśmi ] [ śvetá-raśmi ] m. N. of a Gandharva transformed into a white elephant Lit. Kathās.
श्वेतरस [ śvetarasa ] [ śvetá-rasa ] m. butter-milk and water mixed in equal parts Lit. L.
श्वेतराजी [ śvetarājī ] [ śvetá-rājī ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.
श्वेतरावक [ śvetarāvaka ] [ śvetá-rāvaka ] m. Vitex Negundo Lit. L.
श्वेतरास्ना [ śvetarāsnā ] [ śvetá-rāsnā ] f. the white Rāsnā plant Lit. W.
श्वेतरूप्य [ śvetarūpya ] [ śvetá-rūpya ] n. tin Lit. L.
श्वेतरोचिस् [ śvetarocis ] [ śvetá-rocis ] m. " having white light " , the moon Lit. L.
श्वेतरोमन् [ śvetaroman ] [ śvetá-roman ] n. white hair Lit. MW.
श्वेतरोमाङ्क [ śvetaromāṅka ] [ śvetá-romāṅka ] m. a spot of white hair Lit. ib.
श्वेतरोहित [ śvetarohita ] [ śvetá-rohita ] m. " white and red " , N. of Garuḍa Lit. L.
a kind of plant Lit. L.
श्वेतलोध्र [ śvetalodhra ] [ śvetá-lodhra ] m. a kind of Lodhra Lit. L.
श्वेतलोहित [ śvetalohita ] [ śvetá-lohita ] m. N. of a Muni (a pupil of Śveta) Lit. VP.
श्वेतवक्त्र [ śvetavaktra ] [ śvetá-vaktra ] m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.
श्वेतवचा [ śvetavacā ] [ śvetá-vacā ] f. N. of two kinds of plant (= [ ativiṣā ] or = [ śukla-vacā ] ) Lit. L.
श्वेतवत्सा [ śvetavatsā ] [ śvetá-vatsā ] ( [ śvetá ] .) f. (a cow) having a white calf Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. ŚBr.
श्वेतवर्ण [ śvetavarṇa ] [ śvetá-varṇa ] m. f. n. white-coloured Lit. MW.
[ śvetavarṇā ] f. chalk Lit. DivyA7v.
श्वेतवल्कल [ śvetavalkala ] [ śvetá-valkala ] m. white bark Lit. MW.
Ficus Glomerata Lit. L.
श्वेतवस्त्रिन् [ śvetavastrin ] [ śvetá-vastrin ] m. f. n. white-clad , Lit. Kālac.
श्वेतवह् [ śvetavah ] [ śvetá-vah ] m. f. n. (nom. [ -vāḥ ] ; instr. [ -vāhā ] ( ? ) or [ śvetauhā ] du. [ -vobhyām ] ; f. [ -vāhī ] ( ? ) or [ śvetauhī ] ) borne by white horses Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 71 Vārtt. Lit. Vop. xxvi , 65
[ śvetavah ] m. N. of Indra Lit. ib.
[ śvetauhī ] f. the wife of Indra Lit. ib.
[ śvetavāhī ] f. the wife of Indra Lit. ib.
श्वेतवाजिन् [ śvetavājin ] [ śvetá-vājin ] m. a white horse Lit. MW.
" having white horses " , the moon Lit. L.
N. of Arjuna Lit. L.
श्वेतवाराह [ śvetavārāha ] [ śvetá-vārāha ] m. a partic. Kalpa , the first day in the month of Brahmā (also [ °ha-kalpa ] m. ) Lit. Cat.
N. of ch. of the Vāyu-purāṇa
श्वेतवाराहकल्प [ śvetavārāhakalpa ] [ śvetá-vārāha-kalpa ] m. , see [ śvetavārāha ] , a partic. Kalpa , the first day in the month of Brahmā
श्वेतवाराहतीर्थ [ śvetavārāhatīrtha ] [ śvetá-vārāha--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.
श्वेतवारिज [ śvetavārija ] [ śvetá-vārija ] n. a white lotus-flower Lit. L.
श्वेतवार्त्ताकी [ śvetavārttākī ] [ śvetá-vārttākī ] f. a kind of plant Lit. L.
श्वेतवासस् [ śvetavāsas ] [ śvetá-vāsas ] m. an ascetic who wears white garments Lit. L.
श्वेतवाह् [ śvetavāh ] [ śvetá-vāh ] see [ -vah ] .
श्वेतवाह [ śvetavāha ] [ śvetá-vāha ] m. f. n. driving white horses or drawn by white horses
[ śvetavāha ] m. N. of Indra Lit. L.
of Arjuna Lit. MBh.
श्वेतवाहन [ śvetavāhana ] [ śvetá-vāhana ] m. f. n. = prec.
[ śvetavāhana ] m. the moon Lit. L.
a marine monster (= [ makara ] ) Lit. W.
a form of Śiva Lit. Hariv.
N. of Arjuna Lit. MBh.
of Bhadrâśva Lit. Cat.
of a son of Rājâdhideva Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Śūra , Lit. VP.
श्वेतवाहिन् [ śvetavāhin ] [ śvetá-vāhin ] m. " borne by white horses " , N. of Arjuna Lit. L.
श्वेतवृक्ष [ śvetavṛkṣa ] [ śvetá-vṛkṣa ] m. Crataeva Roxburghii Lit. L.
श्वेतव्रत [ śvetavrata ] [ śvetá-vrata ] m. pl. a partic. sect ( prob. for [ -paṭa ] ) Lit. Vās. , Introd.
श्वेतशरपुङ्खा [ śvetaśarapuṅkhā ] [ śvetá-śara-puṅkhā ] f. a kind of shrub Lit. L.
श्वेतशाल [ śvetaśāla ] [ śvetá-śāla ] m. white rice Lit. L.
श्वेतशिंशपा [ śvetaśiṃśapā ] [ śvetá-śiṃśapā ] f. a kind of tree Lit. L.
श्वेतशिख [ śvetaśikha ] [ śvetá-śikha ] m. N. of a pupil of Śveta Lit. IW. 122 n. 3
श्वेतशिग्रु [ śvetaśigru ] [ śvetá-śigru ] m. a white-flowering variety of Moringa Lit. Bhpr.
श्वेतशिम्बिका [ śvetaśimbikā ] [ śvetá-śimbikā ] f. white bean Lit. L.
श्वेतशीर्ष [ śvetaśīrṣa ] [ śvetá-śīrṣa ] m. N. of a Daitya Lit. Hariv.
श्वेतशुङ्ग [ śvetaśuṅga ] [ śvetá-śuṅga ] m. " having white awns " , barley Lit. L.
श्वेतशूरण [ śvetaśūraṇa ] [ śvetá-śūraṇa ] m. a kind of bulbous plant ( = [ vana-ś ] ) Lit. L.
श्वेतशृङ्ग [ śvetaśṛṅga ] [ śvetá-śṛṅga ] m. " having white awns " , barley Lit. MW.
श्वेतशैल [ śvetaśaila ] [ śvetá-śaila ] m. a snow-mountain ( or N. of a range see under [ śveta ] ) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās.
श्वेतशैलमय [ śvetaśailamaya ] [ śvetá-śaila--maya ] m. f. n. made of white stone or marble Lit. Rājat.
श्वेतश्याम [ śvetaśyāma ] [ śvetá-śyāma ] m. f. n. white and black (applied to a side-glance) Lit. Saṃgīt.
श्वेतसर्प [ śvetasarpa ] [ śvetá-sarpa ] m. a white snake Lit. W.
Crataeva Roxburghii Lit. L.
Tapia Crataeva Lit. W.
श्वेतसर्षप [ śvetasarṣapa ] [ śvetá-sarṣapa ] m. white mustard , a grain of white mustard Lit. Suśr.
श्वेतसार [ śvetasāra ] [ śvetá-sāra ] m. Acacia Catechu or a white-flowering species of it Lit. L.
Mimosa Catechu Lit. W.
sandal Lit. L.
श्वेतसिंही [ śvetasiṃhī ] [ śvetá-siṃhī ] f. a kind of pot-herb Lit. L.
श्वेतसिद्ध [ śvetasiddha ] [ śvetá-siddha ] m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.
श्वेतसुरसा [ śvetasurasā ] [ śvetá-surasā ] f. a white -flowering variety of the Vitex Negundo or Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis Lit. L.
श्वेतस्पन्दा [ śvetaspandā ] [ śvetá-spandā ] f. Clitoria Ternatea or a white-flowering variety of it Lit. L.
श्वेतहनु [ śvetahanu ] [ śvetá-hanu ] m. a kind of snake Lit. Suśr.
श्वेतहय [ śvetahaya ] [ śvetá-haya ] m. a white horse (N. of the horse of Indra) Lit. L.
" having white horse " , N. of Arjuna Lit. L.
श्वेतहस्तिन् [ śvetahastin ] [ śvetá-hastin ] m. a white elephant Lit. W.
N. of Airāvata (elephant of Indra) Lit. L.
श्वेतहूण [ śvetahūṇa ] [ śvetá-hūṇa ] m. pl. the white Huns Lit. VarBṛS.
श्वेतांशु [ śvetāṃśu ] [ śvetāṃśu ] m. " white-rayed " , the moon Lit. ŚārṅgP.
श्वेतांशुक [ śvetāṃśuka ] [ śvetāṃśuka ] m. f. n. clad in white Lit. Rājat.
श्वेताक्ष [ śvetākṣa ] [ śvetākṣa ] m. a kind of Soma plant Lit. Suśr.
श्वेताञ्जन [ śvetāñjana ] [ śvetāñjana ] n. white paint Lit. Pañcad.
श्वेताण्ड [ śvetāṇḍa ] [ śvetāṇḍa ] m. f. n. having a white scrotum (as a kind of stallion) Lit. MBh.
श्वेतातपत्र [ śvetātapatra ] [ śvetātapatra ] n. a white umbrella Lit. Vās.
श्वेतातपत्राय [ śvetātapatrāya ] [ śvetātapatrāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to resemble a white umbrella Lit. Kād.
श्वेतात्रिवृत् [ śvetātrivṛt ] [ śvetā-trivṛt ] f. the white Trivṛit plant Lit. MW.
श्वेतात्रेय [ śvetātreya ] [ śvetātreya ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.
श्वेताद्रि [ śvetādri ] [ śvetādri ] m. N. of a mountain or mountain range Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP. (accord. to Sch. = [ kailāsa ] )
श्वेताद्रिवासाष्टक [ śvetādrivāsāṣṭaka ] [ śvetādri--vāsāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.
श्वेतानुकाश [ śvetānukāśa ] [ śvetānukāśa ] see [ śvetānūkāśa ] .
श्वेतानुलेपन [ śvetānulepana ] [ śvetānulepana ] m. f. n. covered with white ointment
[ śvetānulepana ] m. N. of Bala-rāma Lit. MBh.
श्वेतानूकाश [ śvetānūkāśa ] [ śvetā́nūkāśa ] m. f. n. shining white Lit. TS. Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
श्वेतापराजितकल्प [ śvetāparājitakalpa ] [ śvetāparājita-kalpa ] m. N. of wk.
श्वेताम्बर [ śvetāmbara ] [ śvetāmbara ] m. f. n. clad in white
[ śvetāmbara ] m. N. of the second great Jaina sect ( opp. to the Dig-ambara , q.v.) Lit. MWB. 532
a form of Śiva Lit. Cat.
N. of an author Lit. ib.
श्वेताम्बरचन्द्र [ śvetāmbaracandra ] [ śvetāmbara--candra ] m. N. of a man Lit. ib.
श्वेताम्ली [ śvetāmlī ] [ śvetāmlī ] f. Tamarindus Indica Lit. L.
श्वेतारण्य [ śvetāraṇya ] [ śvetāraṇya ] n. N. of a forest Lit. R.
of a Tīrtha situated on the northern bank of the Kāverī ( also [ -tīrtha ] ) Lit. Cat.
श्वेतारण्यमाहात्म्य [ śvetāraṇyamāhātmya ] [ śvetāraṇya--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
श्वेतार्ककल्प [ śvetārkakalpa ] [ śvetārka--kalpa ] m. N. of wk.
श्वेतार्चिस् [ śvetārcis ] [ śvetārcis ] m. " white-rayed " , the moon , Lit. Kāvyâd.
श्वेतार्धवक्त्र [ śvetārdhavaktra ] [ śvetārdha-vaktra ] m. f. n. having half the face white, Lit. Bcar.
श्वेतावर [ śvetāvara ] [ śvetāvara ] m. a kind of vegetable Lit. L.
श्वेताश्व [ śvetāśva ] [ śvetāśva ] m. a white horse Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. R.
[ śvetāśva ] m. f. n. yoked with white steeds (as a car) Lit. ib.
m. " drawn by white steeds " , N. of Arjuna Lit. MBh.
of a pupil of Śiva Lit. IW. 122 n. 3
of pupil of Śveta Lit. W. (v.l. [ śvetāsya ] )
श्वेताश्वदानविधि [ śvetāśvadānavidhi ] [ śvetāśva--dāna-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.
श्वेताश्वतर [ śvetāśvatara ] [ śvetāśvatara ] m. " having white mules " , N. of a teacher Lit. ŚvetUp.
pl.his school Lit. TĀr. Sch.
श्वेताश्वतरशाखा [ śvetāśvataraśākhā ] [ śvetāśvatara--śākhā ] f. , pl. id. Lit. Cat.
श्वेताश्वतरशाखिन् [ śvetāśvataraśākhin ] [ śvetāśvatara--śākhin ] f. , pl. id. Lit. Cat.
श्वेताश्वतरोपनिषद् [ śvetāśvataropaniṣad ] [ śvetāśvataropaniṣad ] f. N. of an Upanishad Lit. IW. 43 ( [ °ṣat-prakāśikā ] f. [ °ṣaddīpikā ] f. N. of Comms.)
श्वेताश्वतरोपनिषत्प्रकाशिका [ śvetāśvataropaniṣatprakāśikā ] [ śvetāśvataropaniṣat-prakāśikā ] f. , see [ śvetāśvataropaniṣad ] , N. of Commentary on [ śvetāśvataropaniṣad ]
श्वेताश्वतरोपनिषद्दीपिका [ śvetāśvataropaniṣaddīpikā ] [ śvetāśvataropaniṣaddīpikā ] f. , see [ śvetāśvataropaniṣad ] , N. of Commentary on [ śvetāśvataropaniṣad ]
श्वेतास्थि [ śvetāsthi ] [ śvetāsthi ] n. a partic. kind of famine Lit. DivyA7v.
श्वेतास्य [ śvetāsya ] [ śvetāsya ] m. " white-faced " , N. of a pupil of Śveta Lit. Cat.
श्वेताह्वा [ śvetāhvā ] [ śvetāhvā ] f. a white flowering variety of Bignonia ( = [ śukla-pāṭalā ] ) Lit. L.
श्वेतेक्षु [ śvetekṣu ] [ śvetekṣu ] m. a species of sugar-cane Lit. L.
श्वेतैरण्ड [ śvetairaṇḍa ] [ śvetairaṇḍa ] m. white Ricinus Lit. L.
श्वेतोत्पल [ śvetotpala ] [ śvetotpala ] m. N. of an astronomer Lit. Col.
श्वेतोदर [ śvetodara ] [ śvetodara ] m. " having a white belly " , a kind of snake Lit. Suśr.
N. of Kubera Lit. L.
of a mountain Lit. MārkP.
श्वेतोपकाश [ śvetopakāśa ] [ śvetopakāśa ] m. f. n. = [ śvitrop ] Lit. MaitrS.
श्वेतक [ śvetaka ] [ śvetaka ] m. f. n. whitish , white Lit. VarBṛS. ( applied to the 7th unknown quantity Lit. Col.)
[ śvetaka ] m. a cowry Lit. L.
N. of a serpent-demon Lit. Buddh.
n. silver Lit. L.
श्वेतना [ śvetanā ] [ śvetanā́ ] f. dawn Lit. RV. i , 122 , 4.
श्वेतय [ śvetaya ] [ śvetaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] = [ śvetāśvam ācaṣṭe ] or [ śvetāśvenātikrāmati ] Lit. Dhātup. Lit. Vop.
श्वेतयत् [ śvetayat ] [ śvetayat ] m. f. n. making white , whitening Lit. MW.
श्वेताय [ śvetāya ] [ śvetāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become white Lit. Kād.
श्वेतायिन् [ śvetāyin ] [ śvetāyin ] m. f. n. belonging to the race of Śveta Lit. Cat.
श्वेतिक [ śvetika ] [ śvetika ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
श्वेतित [ śvetita ] [ śvetita ] m. f. n. (prob.) whitened Lit. MW. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 16 , 17) .
श्वेतिमन् [ śvetiman ] [ śvetiman ] m. whiteness , white colour Lit. Car. Lit. Kād.
श्वेतौही [ śvetauhī ] [ śvetauhī ] see [ śveta-vah ] , cols. 1 , 2.
श्वेत्य [ śvetya ] [ śvetyá ] m. f. n. white , brilliant (as the dawn) Lit. RV. Lit. Naigh. Lit. Nir.
[ śvetyā ] f. N. of a river Lit. RV.
श्वेत्र [ śvetra ] [ śvetra ] n. white leprosy Lit. L.
श्वैत [ śvaita ] [ śvaita ] n. N. of the country Hiraṇmaya Lit. L.
श्वैतच्छत्त्रिक [ śvaitacchattrika ] [ śvaitacchattrika ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śveta-cchattra ] ) having a claim to a white umbrella Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 63 Sch.
श्वैतरी [ śvaitarī ] [ śvaí tarī ] f. (accord. to Lit. Sāy.) a cow abounding in milk Lit. RV. iv , 33 , 1.
श्वैतवैदारव [ śvaitavaidārava ] [ śvaita-vaidārava ] see under [ śveta ] , p.1106.
श्वैतांशव [ śvaitāṃśava ] [ śvaitāṃśava ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ śvetāṃśu ] ) lunar Lit. Bālar.
श्वैति [ śvaiti ] [ śvaiti ] ( fr. [ śveta ] ) g. [ sutaṃgamādi ] .
श्वैत्य [ śvaitya ] [ śvaitya ] m. patr. of Sṛiñjaya Lit. MBh.
[ śvaitya ] n. whiteness Lit. Kāv. Lit. Vāgbh. Lit. Sāh.
white leprosy , vitiligo Lit. W.
श्वैत्र [ śvaitra ] [ śvaitra ] n. ( fr. [ śvitra ] ) white leprosy , vitiligo Lit. W.
श्वैत्रेय [ śvaitreya ] [ śvaitreyá ] m. ( fr. [ śvitra ] ) the fire or brilliancy of lightning Lit. RV. v , 19 , 3 ( Lit. Sāy.)
metron. fr. [ śvitrā ] Lit. RV. i , 33 , 14 ( Lit. Sāy.)
श्वैत्र्य [ śvaitrya ] [ śvaitrya ] n. ( fr. [ śvitra ] ) white leprosy Lit. Mn. xi , 51
श्विन्द् [ śvind ] [ śvind ] Root ( connected with √ [ śvit ] ) cl. [1] Lit. A. ( Lit. Dhātup. ii , 9) [ śvindate ] ( only pf. [ śiśvinde ] ) , to be white Lit. Hcar. ; to be cold Lit. Dhātup. ( cf. Lith. (szvintu4) . )
श्वैक्न [ śvaikna ] [ śvaikna ] m. a king of the Śviknas Lit. ŚBr.
श्वोभाव [ śvobhāva ] [ śvo-bhāva ] [ śvo-bhāvin ] see p. 1106 , col. 1.