Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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ओ |
ओ [ o ] [ o ]1 the thirteenth vowel of the alphabet ( corresponding to English (o) ) .
ओ [ o ] [ o ]2 ind. an interjection Lit. L.
a particle of addressing
of compassion Lit. L.
ओ [ o ] [ o ]3 m. N. of Brahmā Lit. L.
ओ [ o ] [ o ]4 ( Preverb. [ ā-√ u ] ) .
ओत [ ota ] [ óta ]1 ( for 2. see col.3) m. f. n. addressed , invoked , summoned Lit. AV.
ओक [ oka ] [ oka ] m. (√ [ uc ] Comm. on Lit. Uṇ. iv , 215) , a house , refuge , asylum ( cf. [ an-oka-śāyin ] )
a bird Lit. L.
= [ vṛṣala ] Lit. T.
conjunction of heavenly bodies Lit. L.
ओकज [ okaja ] [ oka-ja ] m. f. n. born in the house , bred at home (as cows) Lit. Hcat.
ओकस् [ okas ] [ ókas ] n. house , dwelling , place of abiding , abode , home , refuge , asylum Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ divaukas ] , [ vanaukas ] , )
ओकःसारिन् [ okaḥsārin ] [ okaḥ-sārin ] m. f. n. going after or frequenting an abode Lit. AitBr.
ओकोनिधन [ okonidhana ] [ oko-nidhana ] n. N. of a Sāman.
ओकिवस् [ okivas ] [ okivas ] m. f. n. (irr. p.p. P. of √ [ uc ] ) accustomed to , used to , having a liking for Lit. RV. vi , 59 , 3.
ओक्य [ okya ] [ okyá ] m. f. n. fit for or belonging to a home Lit. RV. ix , 86 , 45
[ okya ] n. = [ ókas ] above Lit. RV.
ओकण [ okaṇa ] [ okaṇa ] [ okaṇi ] m. a bug Lit. L.
ओकोदनी [ okodanī ] [ okodanī ] f. id. Lit. L.
ओक्कणी [ okkaṇī ] [ okkaṇī ] f. id. Lit. L.
ओकुल [ okula ] [ okula ] m. wheat fried slightly Lit. L.
ओक्ष् [ okṣ ] [ okṣ ] ( Preverb. [ ā-√ ukṣ ] ) P. [ -ukṣati ] , to sprinkle over or upon Lit. RV.
ओख् [ okh ] [ okh ] Root cl. [1] P. [ okhati ] , [ okhāṃ-cakāra ] , [ okhitā ] , , to be dry or arid ; to be able , suffice ; to adorn ; to refuse , ward off Lit. Dhātup. v , 7.
ओगण [ ogaṇa ] [ ogaṇá ] m. f. n. assembled , united ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) ) Lit. RV. x , 89 , 15.
accord. to some for [ avagaṇa ] = "lonely, forsaken, wretched, miserable" .
ओगीयस् [ ogīyas ] [ ogīyas ] (= [ ójīyas ] ) , compar. of [ ugrá ] , p. 172 , col. 2 Lit. BṛĀrUp.
ओघ [ ogha ] [ ogha ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .)
(√ [ vah ] ) flood , stream , rapid flow of water Lit. MBh. Lit. Megh. Lit. Śak.
heap or quantity , flock , multitude , abundance Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.
quick time (in music) Lit. L.
uninterrupted tradition Lit. L.
instruction Lit. L. ( cf. [ augha ] .)
pl. the (four) floods (of worldly passion), Lit. Divyâv.
ओघदेव [ oghadeva ] [ ogha-deva ] m. N. of a chief, Lit. Inscr.
ओघनिर्युक्ति [ oghaniryukti ] [ ogha-niryukti ] f. N. of wk.
ओघरथ [ ogharatha ] [ ogha-ratha ] m. N. of a son of Oghavat Lit. MBh. xiii.
ओघवत् [ oghavat ] [ ogha-vat ] m. f. n. having a strong stream (as a river) Lit. MBh. iii
[ oghavat ] m. ( [ ān ] ) N. of a king Lit. MBh. xiii Lit. BhP.
[ oghavatī ] f. N. of a daughter ( Lit. MBh.) or sister ( Lit. BhP.) of Oghavat
N. of a river Lit. VP.
ओज् [ oj ] [ oj ] Root cl. [1] [10] P. [ ojati ] , [ ojayati ] , to be strong or able ; to increase , have vital power Lit. Dhātup. xxxv , 84.
ओज [ oja ] [ oja ] m. f. n. odd (as the first , third , fifth , in a series) Lit. RPrāt. Lit. Sūryas. Lit. VarBṛS.
[ oja ] m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Lit. BhP.
= [ ójas ] Lit. L.
ओजस् [ ojas ] [ ójas ] n. (√ [ vaj ] , or [ uj ] ; cf. [ ugra ] ) , bodily strength , vigour , energy , ability , power Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh.
vitality (the principle of vital warmth and action throughout the body) Lit. Suśr.
( in rhet.) elaborate style (abounding with compounds)
vigorous or emphatic expression Lit. Sāh. Lit. Vām.
water Lit. L.
light , splendour , lustre Lit. L.
manifestation , appearance Lit. L.
support Lit. L.
[ ojas ] m. N. of a Yaksha Lit. BhP.; ( ( cf. Zd. (avjaṅh) , " power " ; Gk. 1 , 2 , 3 ; Lat. (vige1re) , (augere) , (augur) , (augus-tus) , (auxilium) ; Goth. (aukan) , Eng. (eke) . ) )
ओजस्तर [ ojastara ] [ ójas-tara ] m. f. n. = [ ójīyas ] Comm. on Lit. BṛĀrUp.
ओजस्वत् [ ojasvat ] [ ójas-vat ] m. f. n. vigorous , powerful , strong , energetic Lit. RV. viii , 76 , 5 Lit. AV. viii , 5 , 4 ; 16 Lit. VS.
ओजस्विता [ ojasvitā ] [ ojas-vi-tā ] f. an energetic or emphatic manner of expression or style Lit. Sāh.
ओजसीन [ ojasīna ] [ ojasī́na ] m. f. n. having strength , powerful Lit. TS. iv Lit. Pāṇ.
ओजस्य [ ojasya ] [ ojasyá ] m. f. n. vigorous , powerful Lit. MaitrS. ii Lit. Pāṇ.
ओजाय [ ojāya ] [ ojāya ] Nom. Ā. [ ojāyate ] (p. [ ojāyámāna ] ) to exhibit strength or energy , make effort Lit. RV. i , 140 , 6 ; ii , 12 , 11 ; iii , 32 , 11 Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 11 Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
ओजायित [ ojāyita ] [ ojāyita ] n. stout-heartedness , courageous behaviour.
ओजिष्ठ [ ojiṣṭha ] [ ójiṣṭha ] m. f. n. superl. of [ ugrá ] q.v.
[ ojiṣṭha ] m. N. of a Muni , Lit. BrahmaP.
m. pl. the descendants of the same Lit. ib.; ( ( cf. Zd. (aojista) . ) )
ओजो [ ojo ] [ ojo ] ( in comp. for [ ójas ] above ) .
ओजोदा [ ojodā ] [ ojo-dā́ ] m. f. n. granting power , strengthening Lit. RV. viii , 3 , 24 Lit. TS. v {;} ( ( cf. Zd. (aogazdâo) ) )
ओजोदातम [ ojodātama ] [ ojo-dā́--tama ] m. f. n. granting great power , very strengthening Lit. RV. viii , 92 , 17 ; ( ( cf. Zd. (aogazdactema) . ) )
ओजोपति [ ojopati ] [ ojo-pati ] ( with irr. Sandhi) m. N. of a deity of the Bodhi tree Lit. Lalit.
ओजोबला [ ojobalā ] [ ojo-balā ] f. N. of a goddess of the Bodhi tree Lit. ib.
ओजोमानी [ ojomānī ] [ ojo-mānī ] f. N. of a plant Lit. Kauś.
ओज्मन् [ ojman ] [ ojmán ] m. power , vigour , energy , speed velocity Lit. RV. vi , 47 , 27 Lit. AV.; ( ( cf. Lat. (augmentu-m) ; Lith. (augmu) . ) )
ओड [ oḍa ] [ oḍa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.
ओडव [ oḍava ] [ oḍava ] ( [ oḍaka ] Lit. W.) m. (in mus.) a mode which consists of five notes only (omitting Ṛishabha and Pañcama) .
ओडिका [ oḍikā ] [ oḍikā ] f. wild rice Lit. L. ( cf. [ odaná ] .)
ओड्र [ oḍra ] [ oḍra ] m. N. of a country (the modern Orissa ; see Lit. Lassen. , IA. i , 224 , note 2)
[ oḍra ] m. pl. the inhabitants of that country Lit. Hariv. Lit. Mn. x , 44 Lit. R.
m. the China rose Lit. L.
ओड्रपुष्प [ oḍrapuṣpa ] [ oḍra-puṣpa ] n. the flower of the China rose Lit. L.
ओड्राख्या [ oḍrākhyā ] [ oḍrākhyā ] f. the China rose Lit. L.
ओढ [ oḍha ] [ óḍha ] m. f. n. (p.p. of [ ā-√ vah ] q.v.) brought or carried near.
ओण् [ oṇ ] [ oṇ ] Root cl. [1] P. [ oṇati ] , [ oṇāṃ-cakāra ] , [ oṇitā ] , , to remove , take away , drag along Lit. Dhātup. xiii , 11.
ओणि [ oṇi ] [ oṇí ] m. ( or f. ?) protection (from misfortune) , shelter ( Lit. Sāy. ) Lit. RV. i , 61 , 14
[ oṇi ] mf. du. " the two protectors " , the parents Lit. RV. ix , 101 , 14
du. (metaphorically) heaven and earth Lit. RV. ix , 16 , 1 ; 65 , 11 Lit. AV. vii , 14 , 1 ( = Lit. VS. iv , 25) .
ओण्ड्र [ oṇḍra ] [ oṇḍra ] m. N. of a king Lit. Bālar.
ओतप्रोत [ otaprota ] [ óta-prota ] see id.
ओतु [ otu ] [ ótu ]1 m. (√ [ ve ] ) , the woof or cross-threads of a web Lit. RV. vi , 9 , 2 Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 51 Lit. TS. vi Lit. Kauś.
[ otu ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. ĀrshBr.
ओतवे [ otave ] [ ótave ] Ved. inf.
ओतवै [ otavai ] [ ótavai ] Ved. inf.
ओतु [ otu ] [ otu ]2 mf. (√ [ av ] Lit. Uṇ. i , 70) , a cat Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 94.
ओत्सूर्यम् [ otsūryam ] [ otsūryám ] ind. ( [ ā ] + [ utsūryam ] ) until the sun rises Lit. AV. iv , 5 , 7. ( 1323,2 )
ओदक [ odaka ] [ odaká ] n. ( probably irr. for [ audaka ] ) an animal living in water Lit. TĀr. i , 26 , 7.
ओदती [ odatī ] [ ódatī ] f. (pres. p. of √ [ ud ] ) " sprinkling or refreshing " , N. of Ushas or the dawn Lit. RV. i , 48 , 6 ; viii , 69 , 2.
ओदन [ odana ] [ odaná ] m. n. (√ [ ud ] Lit. Uṇ. ii , 76) , grain mashed and cooked with milk , porridge , boiled rice , any pap or pulpy substance Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
ओदनपचन [ odanapacana ] [ odaná-pacana ] m. N. of the fire on the southern altar Lit. Kāṭh.
ओदनपाकी [ odanapākī ] [ odaná-pākī ] f. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 64) Barleria Caerulea Lit. Bhpr. Lit. Nigh.
ओदनपाणिनीय [ odanapāṇinīya ] [ odaná-pāṇinīya ] m. one who becomes a pupil of or studies the work of Pāṇini only for the sake of getting boiled rice Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 69 Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 73.
ओदनपिण्ड [ odanapiṇḍa ] [ odana-piṇḍa ] m. a ball of boiled rice, Lit. ĀpGṛ.
ओदनप्रति [ odanaprati ] [ odana-prati ] ind. Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. ii, 1, 9.
ओदनभोजिका [ odanabhojikā ] [ odaná-bhojikā ] f. eating boiled rice Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 111.
ओदनसव [ odanasava ] [ odaná-sava ] m. a particular oblation Comm. on Lit. TBr. ii , 7 , 7.
ओदनाह्वया [ odanāhvayā ] [ odanāhvayā ] and f. N. of a plant Lit. L.
ओदनाह्वा [ odanāhvā ] [ odanāhvā ]and f. N. of a plant Lit. L.
ओदनिक [ odanika ] [ odanika ] m. f. n. receiving boiled rice Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-4 , 67
[ odanikā ] f. Sida Cordifolia Lit. L.
ओदनीय [ odanīya ] [ odanīya ]1 Nom. P. [ odanīyati ] , to wish for boiled rice Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
ओदनीय [ odanīya ] [ odanīya ]2 m. f. n. consisting of or belonging to boiled rice , g. [ apūpādi ] , [ pāṇ ] . Lit. v , 1 , 4.
ओदन्य [ odanya ] [ odanya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.
ओद्म [ odma ] [ odma ] m. the act of wetting , moistening Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 29.
ओद्मन् [ odman ] [ ódman ] n. flowing , flooding Lit. VS. xiii , 53 Lit. Kāś. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 94
( ( cf. [ olla ] (= [ od-la ] ) ; also Zd. (aodha) pl. " waters " , " flood. " ) )
wetness, rain, Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
ओधस् [ odhas ] [ odhas ] n. = [ ūdhas ] q.v. Lit. L.
ओपद्रु [ opadru ] [ opa-√ dru ] P. (Impv. 2. sg. [ -drava ] ) to hasten near to Lit. RV. vi , 48 , 16.
ओपश [ opaśa ] [ opaśá ] m. ( fr. [ upa-√ śī ] ) , that on which any one rests , a cushion , pillow Lit. RV. ix , 71 , 1 ; x , 85 , 8 Lit. AV. ix , 3 , 8 ; xiv , 1 , 8
top-knot , plume ( perhaps for [ avapaśa ] , √ [ paś ] )
accord. to some also, "a horn" .
[ opaśa ] n. a support , stay , pillar Lit. RV. i , 173 , 6 ; viii , 14 , 5.
ओपशिन् [ opaśin ] [ opaśí n ] m. f. n. provided with or lying upon cushions or pillows , effeminate Lit. AV. vi , 138 , 1 ; 2.
ओप्य [ opya ] [ opya ] ( [ ā-upya ] ) ind.p. of [ ā-√ vap ] ( q.v.) , having scattered or thrown into , pouring down Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
ओम् [ om ] [ óm ] ind. (√ [ av ] Lit. Uṇ. i , 141 ; originally [ oṃ ] = [ āṃ ] , which may be derived from [ ā ] Lit. BRD.) , a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent , sometimes translated by " yes , verily , so be it " ( and in this sense compared with Amen ; it is placed at the commencement of most Hindū works , and as a sacred exclamation may be uttered ( but not so as to be heard by ears profane ) at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas or previously to any prayer ; it is also regarded as a particle of auspicious salutation ( Hail! ) ; [ om ] appears first in the Upanishads as a mystic monosyllable , and is there set forth as the object of profound religious meditation , the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds [ a ] , [ u ] , [ m ] , of which it consists ; in later times [ om ] is the mystic name for the Hindū triad , and represents the union of the three gods , viz. a (Vishṇu) , [ u ] (Śiva) , [ m ] (Brahmā) ; it may also be typical of the three Vedas ; [ om ] is usually called [ praṇava ] , more rarely [ akṣara ] , or [ ekākṣara ] , and only in later times [ oṃkāra ] ) Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp.
( Buddhists place [ om ] at the beginning of their [ vidyā ṣaḍakṣarī ] or mystical formulary in six syllables ( viz. [ om maṇi padme hūṃ ] ) ; according to Lit. T. [ om ] may be used in the following senses: [ praṇave ] , [ ārambhe ] , [ svīkāre ] , [ anumatau ] , [ apākṛtau ] , [ asvīkāre ] , [ maṅgale ] , [ śubhe ] , [ jñeye ] , [ brahmaṇi ] ; with preceding [ a ] or [ ā ] , the [ o ] of [ om ] does not form Vṛiddhi ( [ au ] ) , but Guṇa ( [ o ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 95.)
ॐकार [ oṃkāra ] [ óṃ-kāra ] m. ( [ oṃ-k ] ) the sacred and mystical syllable [ om ] , the exclamation [ om ] , pronouncing the syllable [ om ] Lit. Mn. ii , 75 ; 81 Lit. Kathās. Lit. Bhag. , ( cf. [ vijayoṃkāra ] , [ kṛtoṃkāra ] )
a beginning , prosperous or auspicious beginning of (e.g. a science) Lit. Bālar.
N. of a Liṅga
[ oṃkārā ] f. a Buddhist Śakti or female personification of divine energy Lit. L.
ॐकारग्रन्थ [ oṃkāragrantha ] [ óṃ-kāra--grantha ] m. N. of wk. of Nārāyaṇa
ॐकारतीर्थ [ oṃkāratīrtha ] [ óṃ-kāra--tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha
ॐकारपीठ [ oṃkārapīṭha ] [ óṃ-kāra--pīṭha ] n. N. of a place
ॐकारभट्ट [ oṃkārabhaṭṭa ] [ óṃ-kāra--bhaṭṭa ] m. N. of a man.
ओम्कारीय [ omkārīya ] [ óm-kārīya ] Nom. P. [ oṃkārīyati ] , to be an Oṃkāra (?) Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 95.
ओम [ oma ] [ oma ] ( [ omāsas ] voc. pl.) m. (√ [ av ] ) , a friend helper , protector Lit. RV. i , 3 , 7.
ओमन् [ oman ] [ omán ] m. help , protection , favour , kindness Lit. RV.
[ oman ] m. ( [ óman ] , [ ā ] ) a friend , helper , protector Lit. RV. v , 43. 13.
ओमन्वत् [ omanvat ] [ óman-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ óman- ] ) helping , useful Lit. RV. x , 39 , 9
favourable , propitious Lit. MaitrS. iv , 3 , 9 Lit. ŚBr. i.
ओमात्रा [ omātrā ] [ ómātrā ] f. protection , favour , readiness to help Lit. RV. x , 50 , 5.
ओम्या [ omyā ] [ omyā́ ] f. id. Lit. MaitrS. i 8 , 9 Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
ओम्यावत् [ omyāvat ] [ omyā́-vat ] m. f. n. helping , useful , favourable Lit. RV. i , 112 , 7 ; 20.
ओमला [ omalā ] [ omalā ] f. N. of a Śakti Lit. NṛisUp.
(v.l. [ aupalā ] .)
ओमिल [ omila ] [ omila ] m. N. of a man.
ओरिमिका [ orimikā ] [ orimikā ] f. N. of a section of the Kāṭhaka recension of the Yajur-veda.
ओल [ ola ] [ ola ] m. f. n. or [ olla ] wet , damp Lit. L.
[ ola ] n. Arum Campanulatum Lit. L.
ओलण्ड् [ olaṇḍ ] [ olaṇḍ ] Root cl. [1] [8] [10] P. [ olaṇḍati ] , [ olaṇḍayati ] , [ olaṇḍāṃ- ] , or [ olaṇḍayām-babhūva ] , [ aulaṇḍīt ] , to throw out , eject Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 9 ( cf. [ ulaḍ ] .)
ओलज् [ olaj ] [ olaj ] vv.ll. for the above.
ओल्ज् [ olj ] [ olj ] vv.ll. for the above.
ओवा [ ovā ] [ ovā ] f. a particular exclamation at sacrifices Lit. Lāṭy. vii , ix.
ओविली [ ovilī ] [ ovilī ] f. or [ ovīlī ] that in which the upper part of the churning-stick turns Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
(vv.ll. [ aupavīlī ] and [ auvīlī ] .)
ओष [ oṣa ] [ oṣa ] m. (√ [ uṣ ] ) , burning , combustion Lit. Suśr.
[ oṣa ] m. f. n. burning , shining Lit. RV. x , 119 , 10
[ oṣam ] ind. with ardour or vehemence , eagerly , quickly Lit. AV.
ओषदावन् [ oṣadāvan ] [ oṣa-dā́van ] m. f. n. (prob.) giving quickly, Lit. AV. xix, 42, 3 (cf. [ oṣiṣṭha ] - [ d ] °).
ओषण [ oṣaṇa ] [ oṣaṇa ] m. pungent taste , sharp flavour , pungency Lit. L.
[ oṣaṇī ] f. a kind of vegetable Lit. L.
ओषम् [ oṣam ] [ óṣam ] ind.p. while burning Lit. ŚBr. ii , 2 , 4 , 5.
ओषिष्ठ [ oṣiṣṭha ] [ oṣiṣṭha ] m. f. n. ( superl. of [ oṣá ] above ) .
ओषिष्ठदावन् [ oṣiṣṭhadāvan ] [ oṣiṣṭha-dā́van ] m. f. n. giving eagerly or immediately Lit. TS. i , 6 , 12 , 3.
ओषिष्ठहन् [ oṣiṣṭhahan ] [ oṣiṣṭha-hán ] m. f. n. killing vehemently or suddenly.
ओषधि [ oṣadhi ] [ óṣa-dhi ] f. (etym. doubtful ; probably fr. [ oṣa ] above , " light-containing " see Lit. ŚBr. ii , 2 , 4 , 5 Lit. Nir. ix , 27) a herb , plant , simple , esp. any medicinal herb Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
an annual plant or herb (which dies after becoming ripe) Lit. Mn. i , 46 , Lit. Suśr. i , 4 , 16 ; 18 Lit. Yājñ.
a remedy in general Lit. Suśr. i , 4 , 15.
ओषधिगर्भ [ oṣadhigarbha ] [ óṣa-dhi-garbha ] m. " producer of herbs " , the moon Lit. L.
the sun Lit. T. ( with reference to Lit. RV. i , 164 , 52) .
ओषधिज [ oṣadhija ] [ óṣa-dhi-já ] m. f. n. born or living amongst herbs (as snakes) Lit. AV. x , 4 , 23
produced from plants (as fire) Lit. Kir. v , 14.
ओषधिनामावली [ oṣadhināmāvalī ] [ oṣadhi-nāmāvalī ] f. N. of wk.
ओषधिपति [ oṣadhipati ] [ óṣa-dhi-pati ] m. " lord of herbs " , the moon Lit. Śiś. Lit. Kād.
the Soma plant
camphor Lit. T.
" master of plants " , a physician.
ओषधिप्रस्थ [ oṣadhiprastha ] [ óṣa-dhi-prastha ] n. N. of the city of Himālaya Lit. Kum.
ओषधिलोक [ oṣadhiloka ] [ óṣa-dhi-loká ] m. the world of plants Lit. ŚBr. xiii.
ओषधिवनस्पति [ oṣadhivanaspati ] [ óṣa-dhi-vanaspatí ] n. herbs and trees Lit. ŚBr. vi
[ oṣadhivanaspati ] m. pl. id. Lit. AitUp.
ओषधिवल्लभ [ oṣadhivallabha ] [ oṣadhi-vallabha ] m. the moon, Lit. Alaṃkārar.
ओषधिहोम्न [ oṣadhihomna ] [ oṣadhi-homna ] m. a kind of oblation, Lit. ĀpŚr.
ओषधीत्वर [ oṣadhītvara ] [ oṣa-dhītvara ] m. the moon, Lit. Dharmas.
ओषधीश [ oṣadhīśa ] [ oṣadhīśa ] m. " lord of herbs " , the moon Lit. L.
ओषध्यनुवाक [ oṣadhyanuvāka ] [ oṣadhy-anuvāka ] m. a particular Anuvāka.
ओषधी [ oṣadhī ] [ óṣadhī ] f. ( only Ved. and not in nom. c. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 132 ; but occasional exceptions are found) = [ óṣa-dhi ] above.
ओषधीपति [ oṣadhīpati ] [ óṣadhī-pati ] m. " lord of herbs " , the moon Lit. MBh.
the Soma plant Lit. Suśr.
ओषधीमत् [ oṣadhīmat ] [ óṣadhī-mat ] m. f. n. provided with herbs Lit. AV. xix , 17 , 6 ; 18 , 6.
ओषधीसंशित [ oṣadhīsaṃśita ] [ óṣadhī-saṃśita ] m. f. n. sharpened by herbs (used in a formula) Lit. AV. x , 5 , 32.
ओषधीसूक्त [ oṣadhīsūkta ] [ óṣadhī-sūkta ] n. N. of a hymn.
ओष्टृ [ oṣṭṛ ] [ oṣṭṛ ] v.l. for [ uṣṭṛ ] q.v. Lit. KātyŚr. v , 11 , 13.
ओष्ठ [ oṣṭha ] [ óṣṭha ] m. (etym. doubtful ; √ [ uṣ ] Lit. Uṇ. ii , 4) the lip ( generally du.) Lit. RV. ii , 39 , 6 Lit. AV. x , 9 , 14 ; xx , 127 , 4 Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn.
the forepart of an Agnikuṇḍa q.v. Lit. Hcat.
[ oṣṭhī ] f. the plant Coccinia Grandis (to whose red fruits lips are commonly compared) Lit. L.
(in a compound the [ o ] of [ oṣṭha ] forms with a preceding [ a ] either Vṛiddhi , or Guṇa Lit. Kāty. on Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 94) ; ( ( cf. Zd. (aoshtra) ; O. Pruss. (austa) , " mouth " ; O. Slav. (usta) , " mouth. " ) ) ( 236,1 )
ओष्ठकर्णक [ oṣṭhakarṇaka ] [ óṣṭha-karṇaka ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VP. Lit. R.
ओष्ठकोप [ oṣṭhakopa ] [ óṣṭha-kopa ] m. disease of the lips Lit. Suśr.
ओष्ठज [ oṣṭhaja ] [ óṣṭha-ja ] m. f. n. produced by the lips , labial.
ओष्ठजाह [ oṣṭhajāha ] [ óṣṭha-jāha ] n. the root of the lips (?) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 24.
ओष्ठपल्लव [ oṣṭhapallava ] [ óṣṭha-pallava ] n. " lip-bud " , a lip.
ओष्ठप्रकोप [ oṣṭhaprakopa ] [ óṣṭha-prakopa ] m. = [ -kopa ] above.
ओष्ठफला [ oṣṭhaphalā ] [ óṣṭha-phalā ] f. bearing lip-like fruits , the plant Coccinia Grandis Lit. Nigh.
ओष्ठमुद्रा [ oṣṭhamudrā ] [ oṣṭha-mudrā ] f. sealed, i.e. closed lips, Lit. Uttarar.
ओष्ठरुचक [ oṣṭharucaka ] [ oṣṭha-rucaka ] ( Lit. Hariv.), - [ rucira ] ( Lit. Vishṇ.), n. lovely lips
ओष्ठरोग [ oṣṭharoga ] [ óṣṭha-roga ] m. = [ -kopa ] above.
ओष्ठशतक [ oṣṭhaśataka ] [ oṣṭha-śataka ] n. N. of a poem.
ओष्ठाधर [ oṣṭhādhara ] [ oṣṭhādhara ] m. du. the upper and lower lip.
ओष्ठापिधान [ oṣṭhāpidhāna ] [ oṣṭhāpidhāna ] m. f. n. covered by the lips Lit. MantraBr. Lit. AitĀr.
ओष्ठोपमफला [ oṣṭhopamaphalā ] [ oṣṭhopama-phalā ] f. = [ oṣṭha-phalā ] above Lit. L.
ओष्ठक [ oṣṭhaka ] [ oṣṭhaka ] m. f. n. ifc. = [ óṣṭha ] , lip
taking care of the lips Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 66.
ओष्ठ्य [ oṣṭhya ] [ oṣṭhya ] m. f. n. being at the lips , belonging to the lips Lit. Suśr.
esp. produced by the lips , labial (as certain sounds) Lit. RPrāt. Lit. APrāt. Comm. on Lit. Pāṇ.
ओष्ठ्ययोनि [ oṣṭhyayoni ] [ oṣṭhya-yoni ] m. f. n. produced from labial sounds.
ओष्ठ्यस्थान [ oṣṭhyasthāna ] [ oṣṭhya-sthāna ] m. f. n. pronounced with the lips.
ओष्ण [ oṣṇa ] [ oṣṇa ] ( fr. [ uṣṇa ] with 4. [ ā ] in the sense of diminution) , m. f. n. a little warm , tepid.
ओह [ oha ] [ óha ] m. ( fr. √ [ vah ] , or [ ā-√ vah ] ; fr. √ 2. [ ūh ] Lit. BRD.) , a vehicle , means Lit. RV. i , 180 , 5
[ oha ] m. f. n. bringing near , causing to approach Lit. RV. iv , 10 , 1
worthy to be approached , excellent Lit. RV. i , 61 , 1 ( ( Lit. Sāy. ) )
( attention , consideration Lit. NBD.)
ओहब्रह्मन् [ ohabrahman ] [ óha-brahman ] m. (a priest) possessing or conveying Brahman or sacred knowledge ( [ uhyamānam brahma ] .. [ yeṣāṃ te ] Lit. Sāy.) Lit. RV. x , 71 , 8.
ओहस् [ ohas ] [ óhas ] n. a vehicle , means (fig. said of a Stotra Lit. Sāy.) Lit. RV. vi , 67 , 9.