Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
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 विषयक [ viṣayaka ] [ viṣayaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) = [ viṣaya ] , having anything for an object or subject , relating to , concerning ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Siddh. Lit. Nyāyas. Lit. Nīlak.

  विषयकत्व [ viṣayakatva ] [ viṣayaka--tva ] n. , see [ viṣayaka ]

 विषयायिन् [ viṣayāyin ] [ viṣayāyin ] m. ( only Lit. L.) a prince

  an organ of sense

  a man of the world , sensualist , materialist

  N. of the god of love.

 विषयिक [ viṣayika ] [ viṣayika ] see [ dārṣṭi- ] and [ samasta-v ] .

 विषयिन् [ viṣayin ] [ viṣayin ] m. f. n. relating or attached to worldly objects , sensual , carnal Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Kāv.

  [ viṣayin ] m. a sensualist , materialist , voluptuary (= [ vaiṣayika ] or [ kāmin ] ) Lit. L.

  a prince , king Lit. L.

  a subject of (gen.) Lit. Pañcar.

  m. (in phil.) the subject , the " Ego " Lit. MBh. Lit. Śaṃk. ( [ -tva ] n. )

  m. the god of love Lit. L.

  (in rhetor.) the object of a comparison ( cf. under [ viṣaya ] )

  n. an organ of sense Lit. L.

  विषयिन्त्व [ viṣayintva ] [ viṣayin--tva ] n. , see [ viṣayin ]

 विषयी [ viṣayī ] [ viṣayī ] in comp. for [ viṣaya ] .

  विषयीकरण [ viṣayīkaraṇa ] [ viṣayī-karaṇa ] n. the making anything an object of perception or thought Lit. Śaṃk.

  विषयीकृ [ viṣayīkṛ ] [ viṣayī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make anything an object Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. TPrāt. Sch. ; to make anything one's own , take possession of (acc.) Lit. Hcar.

  विषयीकृत [ viṣayīkṛta ] [ viṣayī-kṛta ] m. f. n. spread abroad Lit. Cat.

   made an object of sense or thought , perceived Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Vedântas.

   (ifc.) made an object of or for ( [ karṇa-viṣayī-kṛta ] , " heard " ) Lit. Cat.

  विषयीभू [ viṣayībhū ] [ viṣayī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become an object of sense or perception Lit. Śaṃk.

  विषयीभूत [ viṣayībhūta ] [ viṣayī-bhūta ] m. f. n. become the dominion of (gen.) Lit. Pañcat.

 विषयीय [ viṣayīya ] [ viṣayīya ] m. or n. = [ viṣaya ] , an object Lit. Kusum.

  [ viṣayīya ] m. f. n. relating to an object Lit. MW.

विषह् [ viṣah ] [ vi-ṣah ] ( Preverb. [ √ sah ] ) Ā. [ -ṣahate ] (impf. [ vy-aṣahata ] , or [ vy-asahata ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 71 ; inf. [ -ṣahitum ] or [ -soḍhum ] , not [ -ṣoḍhum ] Lit. ib. , 115) , to conquer , subdue , overpower , be a match for (acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to be able to or capable of (inf.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to bear , withstand , resist Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to endure , suffer , put up with (acc. also with inf.) Lit. R. Lit. Gīt. Lit. BhP. : Caus. ( only aor. [ vy-asīṣa-hat ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 116 : Intens. see [ vi-ṣāsahí ] .

 विषह्य [ viṣahya ] [ vi-ṣahya ] m. f. n. bearable , tolerable (see [ a-v ] ) , conquerable , resistible Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  ( also with [ kartum ] ) possible , practicable Lit. MBh.

  ascertainable , determinable (see [ a-v ] ) .

 विषासहि [ viṣāsahi ] [ vi-ṣāsahí ] m. f. n. victorious Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

  विषासहिव्रत [ viṣāsahivrata ] [ vi-ṣāsahí --vrata ] n. N. of a partic. observance Lit. AV. Paddh. on Lit. Kauś. 57.

 विसोढ [ visoḍha ] [ vi-soḍha ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 115) endured Lit. Kathās.

विषा [ viṣā ] [ viṣā ] ind. = [ buddhi ] Lit. Uṇ. iv , 36 Sch. ( for [ viṣā ] f. see under [ viṣa ] , p. 995 , col. 2) .

विषाक्त [ viṣākta ] [ viṣākta ] see p. 996 , col. 1.

विषाण [ viṣāṇa ] [ viṣāṇa ]1 n. ( for 2. see under [ vi-√ ṣo ] , fr. which 1. may perhaps also come ; in older language also f ( [ ā ] ) . and accord. to g. [ ardhar-cādi ] , also m. ; ifc. [ ā ] or [ ī ] ) a horn , the horn of any animal Lit. AV. ( cf. [ kharī- ] , [ śaśa-v ] )

a horn (wind-instrument) Lit. BhP.

the tusk (of an elephant or of a boar or of Gaṇêśa) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

the claws (of a crab) Lit. Pañcat.

a peak , top , point , summit Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. VarBṛS.

the horn-like tuft on Śiva's head Lit. MBh.

the tip of the breast , nipple Lit. BhP.

the chief or best of a class or kind ( cf. [ -bhūta ] ; [ dhī-v ] = " acuteness of intellect , sagacity " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.

a sword or knife Lit. R. (v.l. [ kṛpāṇa ] )

[ viṣāṇī ] f. N. of various plants ( Odina Pinnata ; the Indian tamarind ; Tragia Involucrata ; = [ ṛṣabha ] , [ karkaṭa-śṛṅgī ] and [ kṣīra-kākolī ] ) Lit. L.

Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Lit. L.

  विषाणकोश [ viṣāṇakośa ] [ viṣāṇa-kośa ] m. the hollow of a horn Lit. MW.

  विषाणभूत [ viṣāṇabhūta ] [ viṣāṇa-bhūta ] m. f. n. being the chief or best Lit. MBh. i , 3735.

  विषाणवत् [ viṣāṇavat ] [ viṣāṇa-vat ] m. f. n. horned Lit. Kathās.

   [ viṣāṇavat ] m. " having tusks " , a boar Lit. Hariv.

  विषाणान्त [ viṣāṇānta ] [ viṣāṇānta ] m. N. of Gaṇêśa Lit. Gal.

  विषाणोन्नामितस्कन्ध [ viṣāṇonnāmitaskandha ] [ viṣāṇonnā-mita-skandha ] m. f. n. one whose shoulders are raised up towards (or high enough to meet) the horns Lit. MW.

  विषाणोल्लिखितस्कन्ध [ viṣāṇollikhitaskandha ] [ viṣāṇollikhita-skandha ] m. f. n. one whose shoulders are grazed or scratched by his horns (said of the leader of a herd of cattle to mark superiority) Lit. ib.

 विषाणक [ viṣāṇaka ] [ viṣāṇaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) = [ viṣāṇa ] 1 , a horn Lit. L.

  [ viṣāṇaka ] m. an elephant Lit. Gal.

  [ viṣāṇakā ] f. ( [ akā́ ] ) a species of plant Lit. AV.

  [ viṣāṇikā ] f. ( [ ikā ] ) N. of various plants ( Odina Pinnata ; the Senna plant ; Asclepias Geminata ; = [ karkaṭa-śṛṅgī ] and [ sātalā ] ) Lit. L.

 विषाणिन् [ viṣāṇin ] [ viṣāṇí n ] m. f. n. having horns , horned Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ( [ °ṇi-tva ] n. )

  having tusks Lit. MBh.

  [ viṣāṇin ] m. an elephant Lit. Hariv. Lit. Śiś.

  any horned animal Lit. W.

  Trapa Bispinosa Lit. L.

  a partic. plant growing on the Himavat (= [ ṛṣabha ] ) Lit. L.

  pl. N. of a people Lit. RV. vii , 18 , 7 ( " holding horns in the hand " Lit. Sāy.)

  विषाणित्व [ viṣāṇitva ] [ viṣāṇi-tva ] n. , see [ viṣāṇin ]

विषातकी [ viṣātakī ] [ viṣātakī́ ] f. (meaning unknown) Lit. AV. vii , 113 , 2.

विषाद [ viṣāda ] [ vi-ṣāda ] see under [ vi-√ ṣad ] .

विषानन [ viṣānana ] [ viṣānana ] [ viṣānala ] see p. 996 , col. 1.

विषिच् [ viṣic ] [ vi-ṣic ] ( Preverb. [ √ sic ] ) P. [ -ṣiñcati ] to spill , shed Lit. ĀpŚr. : Intens. [ -sesicyate ] Lit. Vop.

 विषिक्त [ viṣikta ] [ ví -ṣikta ] m. f. n. discharged , emitted (semen) Lit. ŚBr.

विषित [ viṣita ] [ ví -ṣita ] see under [ vi-√ ṣo ] .

विषिव् [ viṣiv ] [ vi-ṣiv ] ( Preverb. [ √ siv ] ) P. [ -ṣīvyati ] to sew or sew on in different places , Lit. Kaṭh. Lit. TS.

विषु [ viṣu ] [ viṣu ]1 ind. ( only in comp. and derivatives , prob. connected with [ viśva ] accord. to Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 77 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat. a Ved. acc. [ viṣvam ] = [ viṣuvam ] ) on both sides , in both directions ( 997,3 )

in various directions

similarly , equally.

  विषुद्रुह् [ viṣudruh ] [ viṣu-drúh ] m. f. n. injuring or hurting in various parts (?) Lit. RV. viii , 26 , 15 ( Lit. Sāy. " an arrow " ) .

  विषुद्रुह [ viṣudruha ] [ viṣu-drúha ] m. f. n. injuring or hurting in various parts (?) Lit. RV. viii , 26 , 15 ( Lit. Sāy. " an arrow " ) .

  विषुपद [ viṣupada ] [ viṣu-pada ] n. the autumnal equinox (?) Lit. MW.

  विषुरूप [ viṣurūpa ] [ viṣu-rūpa ] ( [ ví ṣu- ] ) m. f. n. different in shape or colour , manifold , various Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. VS.

  विषुवत् [ viṣuvat ] [ viṣu-vát ] see below.

 विषुण [ viṣuṇa ] [ ví ṣuṇa ] m. f. n. different , various , manifold Lit. RV.

  changing (as the moon) Lit. ib.

  averse from (abl.) Lit. ib.

  [ viṣuṇe ] ind. aside , apart Lit. ib.

  [ viṣuṇa ] m. the equinox Lit. L.

 विषुणक् [ viṣuṇak ] [ viṣuṇák ] ind. to different parts or sides Lit. RV.

 विषुप [ viṣupa ] [ ví ṣupa ] m. or n. = [ viṣuva ] , the equinox Lit. L.

 विषुव [ viṣuva ] [ viṣuva ] m. or n. ( cf. [ viṣuvát ] ; acc. [ viṣuvam ] or [ viṣvam ] cf. 1. [ viṣu ] above ) the equinox Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.

  विषुवच्छाया [ viṣuvacchāyā ] [ viṣuva-cchāyā ] f. the shadow of the gnomon or index of a dial at noon when the sun is on the equinoctial points Lit. MW.

  विषुवदिन [ viṣuvadina ] [ viṣuva-dina ] n. the day of the equinox Lit. ib.

  विषुवरेखा [ viṣuvarekhā ] [ viṣuva-rekhā ] f. the equinoctial line Lit. ib.

  विषुवसंक्रान्ति [ viṣuvasaṃkrānti ] [ viṣuva-saṃkrānti ] f. = [ viṣuvat-s ] Lit. ib.

  विषुवसमय [ viṣuvasamaya ] [ viṣuva-samaya ] m. the equinoctial season Lit. Hit.

 विषुवत् [ viṣuvat ] [ viṣuvát ] m. f. n. having or sharing both sides equally , being in the middle , middlemost , central Lit. RV. Lit. AitBr. Lit. TS.

  [ viṣuvat ] m. the central day in a Sattra or sacrificial session Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.

  a partic. Ekâha Lit. PañcavBr.

  top , summit , vertex Lit. AV.

  m. n. equinoctial point or equinox Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.

  विषुवत्पूर्णशितांशु [ viṣuvatpūrṇaśitāṃśu ] [ viṣuvát--pūrṇa-śitāṃśu ] m. the equinoctial full moon Lit. Rājat.

  विषुवत्प्रभा [ viṣuvatprabhā ] [ viṣuvát-prabhā ] f. the equinoctial shadow Lit. Sūryas.

  विषुवत्संक्रान्ति [ viṣuvatsaṃkrānti ] [ viṣuvát-saṃkrānti ] f. the sun's equinoctial passage , the passing of the the sun into the next sign at either equinox Lit. Hit.

  विषुवत्स्तोम [ viṣuvatstoma ] [ viṣuvát--stoma ] m. a partic. Ekâha Lit. ĀśvŚr.

 विषुवत्क [ viṣuvatka ] [ viṣuvatka ] for [ °vát ] ( in [ a-viṣuvatka ] , having no central day) Lit. Lāṭy.

 विषुवद् [ viṣuvad ] [ viṣuvad ] in comp. for [ °vat ] .

  विषुवद्दिन [ viṣuvaddina ] [ viṣuvad-dina ] n.

  विषुवद्दिवस [ viṣuvaddivasa ] [ viṣuvad-divasa ] m. the equinoctial day Lit. Gaṇit.

  विषुवद्देश [ viṣuvaddeśa ] [ viṣuvad-deśa ] m. a country situated under the equator , Lit. Āryav. Sch.

  विषुवद्भा [ viṣuvadbhā ] [ viṣuvad-bhā ] f. the equinoctial shadow Lit. Sūryas.

  विषुवद्वलय [ viṣuvadvalaya ] [ viṣuvad-valaya ] n. the equinoctial circle , equator Lit. Gol.

  विषुवद्वृत्त [ viṣuvadvṛtta ] [ viṣuvad-vṛtta ] n. the equinoctial circle , equator Lit. Gol.

 विषुवन् [ viṣuvan ] [ viṣuvan ] in comp. for [ °vat ] .

  विषुवन्मण्डल [ viṣuvanmaṇḍala ] [ viṣuvan-maṇḍala ] n. the equator Lit. Sūryas.

 विषू [ viṣū ] [ viṣū ] = [ viṣu ] 1 above.

  विषूवत् [ viṣūvat ] [ viṣū-vát ] = [ viṣuvát ] above.

  विषूवृत् [ viṣūvṛt ] [ viṣū-vṛ́t ] m. f. n. rolling in various directions (as a chariot) Lit. RV. (others " balancing " )

   equally divided Lit. AV.

   indifferent to , not partaking of (gen.) Lit. RV. x , 43 , 3 ( others " averter " ) .

 विषूकुह् [ viṣūkuh ] [ viṣū-kuh ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ kuh ] ) split on both sides , divided in two Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Lāṭy.

 विषूचक [ viṣūcaka ] [ viṣūcaka ] ( only in loc. mc.) = [ ví ṣūcikā ] Lit. MBh.

 विषूचि [ viṣūci ] [ viṣūci ] m. or f. = [ manas ] Lit. BhP.

 विषूचिका [ viṣūcikā ] [ ví ṣūcikā ] f. ( fr. [ viṣūcī ] ; incorrectly [ visūcikā ] ) a partic. disease (indigestion attended with evacuation in both directions accord. to some " cholera in its sporadic form " ) Lit. VS. Lit. TBr. Lit. Suśr.

 विषूची [ viṣūcī ] [ viṣūcī ] f. see under [ viṣvañc ] , col.2.

 विषूचीन [ viṣūcīna ] [ viṣūcī́na ] m. f. n. going apart or in different directions , spreading everywhere Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. BhP.

  [ viṣūcīna ] n. = [ manas ] Lit. BhP.

  विषूचीनकरण [ viṣūcīnakaraṇa ] [ viṣūcī́na-karaṇa ] n. causing to go asunder , separating Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

  विषूचीनाग्र [ viṣūcīnāgra ] [ viṣūcīnāgra ] m. f. n. with tops or points diverging in all directions Lit. ĀpGṛ.

 विष्वक् [ viṣvak ] [ viṣvak ] in comp. for [ °vañc ] .

  विष्वक्कच [ viṣvakkaca ] [ viṣvak-kaca ] m. f. n. " one whose hair flies in all directions " , having dishevelled hair Lit. BhP.

  विष्वक्सम [ viṣvaksama ] [ viṣvak-sama ] m. f. n. equal on all sides or in all parts Lit. L.

  विष्वक्सेन [ viṣvaksena ] [ viṣvak-sena ] m. ( sometimes written [ viśvak-s ] ) " whose hosts or powers go everywhere " , N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa (or of a partic. form of that deity to whom the fragments of a sacrifice are offered) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   of Śiva Lit. MBh. xiii , 1168

   of an attendant of Vishṇu Lit. Pur.

   of a Sādhya Lit. Hariv.

   of the 14th (or 13th) Manu Lit. VP.

   of a Ṛishi Lit. MBh.

   of a king Lit. R.

   of a son of Brahma-datta Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

   of a son of Śambara Lit. Hariv.

   [ viṣvaksenā ] f. a kind of plant (= [ priyaṅgu ] or [ phalinī ] ) Lit. L.

   विष्वक्सेनकान्ता [ viṣvaksenakāntā ] [ viṣvak-sena--kāntā ] f. a kind of plant (= [ priyaṅgu ] or a Diascorea) Lit. Car.

   विष्वक्सेनप्रिया [ viṣvaksenapriyā ] [ viṣvak-sena--priyā ] f. " beloved of Vishṇu " , N. of Lakshmī Lit. L.

    a Diascorea Lit. L.

   विष्वक्सेनसंहिता [ viṣvaksenasaṃhitā ] [ viṣvak-sena--saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.

 विष्वग् [ viṣvag ] [ viṣvag ] in comp. for [ °vañc ] .

  विष्वगञ्चन [ viṣvagañcana ] [ viṣvag-añcana ] m. f. n. turned or directed everywhere Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. viii , 29 , 1.

  विष्वगवेक्षण [ viṣvagavekṣaṇa ] [ viṣvag-avekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. looking in every direction Lit. Sāh.

  विष्वगश्व [ viṣvagaśva ] [ viṣvag-aśva ] m. N. of a king (the son of Pṛithu) Lit. MBh.

  विष्वगायत् [ viṣvagāyat ] [ viṣvag-āyat ] m. f. n. spreading or going in every direction Lit. MW.

  विष्वगैड [ viṣvagaiḍa ] [ viṣvag-aiḍa ] n. N. of a Sāman Lit. PañcavBr.

  विष्वग्गत [ viṣvaggata ] [ viṣvag-gata ] m. f. n. gone all about , spread , extended Lit. W.

  विष्वग्गति [ viṣvaggati ] [ viṣvag-gati ] m. f. n. going all about or everywhere , entering into every (topic) Lit. ib.

  विष्वग्गमनवत् [ viṣvaggamanavat ] [ viṣvag-gamana-vat ] m. f. n. moving in every direction , going everywhere Lit. Vedântas.

  विष्वग्ज्योतिस् [ viṣvagjyotis ] [ viṣvag-jyotis ] m. N. of the eldest of the 100 sons of Śata-jit , Lit. VP.

  विष्वग्युज् [ viṣvagyuj ] [ viṣvag-yuj ] m. f. n. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 92 Sch.

  विष्वग्लोप [ viṣvaglopa ] [ viṣvag-lopa ] m. general disturbance or confusion Lit. MBh.

  विष्वग्वात [ viṣvagvāta ] [ viṣvag-vātá ] m. a kind of noxious wind which blows from all quarters Lit. TS. Lit. MBh.

  विष्वग्वायु [ viṣvagvāyu ] [ viṣvag-vāyu ] m. id. Lit. L.

  विष्वग्विलुप्तच्छद [ viṣvagviluptacchada ] [ viṣvag-vilupta-cchada ] m. f. n. having leaves torn off on all sides (said of a tree) Lit. ŚārṅgP.

  विष्वग्वृत [ viṣvagvṛta ] [ viṣvag-vṛta ] m. f. n. surrounded on all sides Lit. VarBṛS.

 विष्वञ्च् [ viṣvañc ] [ viṣvañc ] m. f. n. ( fr. 1. [ viṣu ] + 2. [ añc ] ) going in or turned to both (or all) directions , all-pervading , ubiquitous , general Lit. RV.

  going asunder or apart , separated or different from (instr. or abl.) Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. Up.

  getting into conditions of every kind Lit. Gaut.

  following in inverted order Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  [ viṣūcī ] f. the cholera (= [ viṣūcikā ] q.v.) Lit. Suśr. Lit. ŚārṅgS.

  [ viṣvañc ] n. the equinox Lit. W.

  [ viṣvak ] ind. on both (or all) sides , sideways Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  n. in two Lit. AV. iii , 6 , 6

  in all directions , all around , everywhere Lit. RV. Lit.

 विष्वद्रीचीन [ viṣvadrīcīna ] [ viṣvadrīcīna ] m. f. n. (fr. next) being everywhere , general Lit. Cat.

 विष्वद्र्यञ्च् [ viṣvadryañc ] [ viṣvadryañc ] m. f. n. ( cf. [ tadryañc ] , [ madryañc ] ) going everywhere or in all directions , all-pervading Lit. Śiś.

  [ viṣvadryak ] ind. forth on both or all sides or all directions Lit. RV. vii , 25 , 1.

 विष्वम् [ viṣvam ] [ viṣvam ] see [ viṣuva ] , col.1.

 विष्वाच् [ viṣvāc ] [ viṣvā́c ] m. N. of an Asura Lit. RV. i , 117 , 16 ( Lit. Sāy.)

विषु [ viṣu ] [ vi-ṣu ]2 ( Preverb.:3 [ √ su ] ; only pf. p. Ā. [ -suṣvāṇa ] with pass. meaning Lit. RV. ix , 101 , 11 ; accord. to Lit. Vop. also aor. [ vy-aṣāvīt ] ; fut. [ vi-soṣyati ] and [ vi-saviṣyati ] ) , to press or squeeze out (the Soma plant for obtaining its juice) .

विषू [ viṣū ] [ vi-ṣū ] ( Preverb.:2 [ √ sū ] ; only impf. Ā. [ vyasūyata ] ) , to bring forth (a child) Lit. Bālar.

विषेव् [ viṣev ] [ vi-ṣev ] ( Preverb. [ √ sev ] ) Ā. [ -ṣevate ] (impf. [ vy-aṣevata ] pf. [ vi-ṣiṣeva ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 63.

विषो [ viṣo ] [ vi-ṣo ] ( Preverb. [ √ so ] ) P. [ -ṣyati ] (aor. Subj. [ -ṣāt ] ; Pot. [ -ṣīmahi ] ; Impv. [ -ṣāhi ] ) , to let loose , release , set free , flow , shed , cause to flow Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś. ; to unharness , unbridle Lit. RV. ; to open Lit. ib. ; to relax , mollify Lit. ib.

 विषाण [ viṣāṇa ] [ vi-ṣā́ṇa ]2 n. ( for 1. see p. 997 , col. 3) discharging (a fluid) Lit. RV. v , 44 , 11.

  विषायिन् [ viṣāyin ] [ vi-ṣāyin ] m. f. n. g. [ grahādi ] .

 विषित [ viṣita ] [ ví -ṣita ] m. f. n. let loose , released

  relieved (applied to the sun at the moment immediately before its setting) Lit. Lāṭy.

  विषितस्तुक [ viṣitastuka ] [ ví -ṣita--stuka ] m. f. n. one who has loose or dishevelled hair Lit. RV.

  विषितस्तुप [ viṣitastupa ] [ ví -ṣita--stupa ] m. f. n. one whose tuft of hair has been untied or loosened Lit. AV. ( Lit. Paipp. [ -stuga ] ) .

विष्क् [ viṣk ] [ viṣk ] Root cl. [10] P. [ viṣkayati ] to see , perceive Lit. Dhātup. xxxv , 34 v.l.

विष्क [ viṣka ] [ viṣka ] m. ( cf. [ vikka ] ) an elephant twenty years old Lit. Śiś. xviii , 27 (Sch.)

विष्कन्त्तृ [ viṣkanttṛ ] [ vi-ṣkanttṛ ] or [ vi-skanttṛ ] m. f. n. ( [ vi ] + √ [ skand ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 73) moving hither and thither , restless Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

विस्कन्त्तृ [ viskanttṛ ] [ viskanttṛ ] or [ vi-ṣkanttṛ ] m. f. n. ( [ vi ] + √ [ skand ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 73) moving hither and thither , restless Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  विष्कन्द [ viṣkanda ] [ vi-ṣkanda ] m. dispersing , going away Lit. W.

  विस्कन्न [ viskanna ] [ vi-skanna ] ( not [ viṣkaṇṇa ] cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 73) m. f. n. gone in different directions , dispersed , gone away Lit. ib.

विष्कन्ध [ viṣkandha ] [ vi-ṣkandha ] see p. 953 , col. 1.

विष्कम्भ् [ viṣkambh ] [ vi-ṣkambh ] ( Preverb. [ √ skambh ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 77) P. [ -skabhnoti ] , or [ -skabhnāti ] (inf. [ -ṣkábhe ] Lit. RV. ; [ -ṣkambhitum ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ.) , to fix , support , prop Lit. RV. ; to hurl , cast Lit. ib. ; to come forth , escape Lit. Bhaṭṭ. : Caus. [ -ṣkabhāyati ] to fix firmly Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

 विष्कब्ध [ viṣkabdha ] [ vi-ṣkabdha ] m. f. n. fixed , supported Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 34 Sch.

  विष्कभित [ viṣkabhita ] [ vi-ṣkabhita ] ( [ ví - ] ) m. f. n. fixed or held asunder (heaven and earth) Lit. RV.

 विष्कम्भ [ viṣkambha ] [ vi-ṣkambha ] m. a prop , support Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Suśr.

  the bolt or bar of a door Lit. Ragh. Sch.

  the supporting beam or pillar of a house Lit. W.

  a post (round which the string of a churning-stick is wound) Lit. L.

  width , extension Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. MārkP.

  the diameter of a circle Lit. Āryabh.

  a mountain-range (= [ -parvata ] ) Lit. MārkP.

  an obstacle , impediment Lit. L.

  the first of the twenty-seven astronomical periods called Yogas or the leading star of the first lunar mansion Lit. Col.

  (in dram.) an interlude or introductory scene ( coming between the acts ( [ aṅkayor madhya-vartī ] ) and performed by an inferior actor or actors ( [ nīca-pātra-prayojitaḥ ] ) , who explains to the audience the progress of the plot , and inform them of what is supposed to have happened in the intervals of the acts cf. [ praveśaka ] ) Lit. Bhar. Lit. Daśar.

  a partic. Yoga-posture Lit. L.

  a tree Lit. L.

  action , doing anything Lit. W.

  = [ pratibimba ] Lit. L.

  N. of a divine being reckoned among the Viśve Devāḥ Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ viskumbhu ] , [ nikumba ] , and [ viṣṭara ] )

  विष्कम्भपर्वत [ viṣkambhaparvata ] [ vi-ṣkambha--parvata ] m. a mountain-range Lit. MārkP.

  विष्कम्भवत् [ viṣkambhavat ] [ vi-ṣkambha--vat ] m. f. n. (prob.) wealthy , opulent Lit. Hcat.

  विष्कम्भार्ध [ viṣkambhārdha ] [ vi-ṣkambhārdha ] m. or n. the radius of a circle Lit. Āryav.

  विष्कम्भक [ viṣkambhaka ] [ vi-ṣkambhaka ] m. f. n. propping , supporting Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

   [ viṣkambhaka ] m. (in dram.) an interlude (= [ viṣkambha ] ) Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Bhar.

   a partic. astron. Yoga ( = id.) Lit. W.

   [ viṣkambhikā ] f. a piece of wood for supporting the pole of a carriage Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

   विष्कम्भककाष्ठ [ viṣkambhakakāṣṭha ] [ vi-ṣkambhaka-kāṣṭha ] n. = id. Lit. ib.

  विष्कम्भण [ viṣkambhaṇa ] [ vi-ṣkambhaṇa ] n. the act of obstructing or impeding Lit. L.

   a means of tearing open Lit. DivyA7v.

  विष्कम्भित [ viṣkambhita ] [ vi-ṣkambhita ] m. f. n. richly furnished with (comp.) Lit. Lalit.

   driven away , rejected Lit. Pañcat.

  विष्कम्भिन् [ viṣkambhin ] [ vi-ṣkambhin ] m. f. n. obstructing , impeding Lit. W.

   [ viṣkambhin ] m. the bolt or bar of a door Lit. ib.

   N. of Śiva Lit. MBh.

   of a Bodhisattva Lit. Buddh.

   of a Tāntric deity Lit. Kālac.

विष्कर [ viṣkara ] [ vi-ṣ-kara ] m. (√ [ kṛ ] , or [ kṝ ] ?) the bolt of a door Lit. L.

N. of a Dānava Lit. MBh.

[ viṣkara ] n. a partic. manner of fighting Lit. Hariv.

विष्किर [ viṣkira ] [ vi-ṣ-kira ] m. (√ [ kṝ ] ) " scatterer " , a gallinaceous bird (such as a domestic fowl , partridge , quail ) Lit. Gaut. Lit. Yājñ.

a partic. Agni Lit. ĀpŚr.

any bird Lit. W.

pulling or tearing to pieces Lit. ib.

  विष्किररस [ viṣkirarasa ] [ vi-ṣ-kira--rasa ] m. chicken-broth Lit. Suśr.

विष्कुम्भ् [ viṣkumbh ] [ vi-ṣkumbh ] ( Preverb. [ √ skumbh ] ) P. [ -ṣkubhnāti ] , or [ -ṣkubhnoti ] Lit. Vop.

विष्ट् [ viṣṭ ] [ viṣṭ ] see √ [ veṣṭ ] .

विष्ट [ viṣṭa ] [ viṣṭa ] 1. 2. [ viṣṭa ] . see under √ [ viś ] and √ 1. [ viṣ ] .

विष्टन् [ viṣṭan ] [ vi-ṣṭan ] Preverb. w.r. for [ vi-√ stan ] q.v.

विष्टम्भ् [ viṣṭambh ] [ vi-ṣṭambh ] ( Preverb. [ √ stambh ] ) P. [ -ṣṭabhnoti ] , or [ °nāti ] (impf. [ vy-aṣṭabhnot ] or [ °nāt ] pf. [ vitaṣṭambha ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 63 ; ind.p. [ -ṣṭabhya ] or [ -ṣṭambhitvā ] ) , to fix asunder , hold or keep apart , prop , fix , fasten , support Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. ; to strengthen , encourage Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ; to settle , ascertain Lit. MBh. xii , 5429 ; to make stiff or rigid Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. MārkP. ; to stop , check , restrain , suppress Lit. BhP. ; to press close against (the mouth) Lit. Yājñ. ; to plant (the feet) firmly Lit. Hit. ; to lean on or against (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to stiffen i.e. fill through and through , pervade , permeate Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to stuff (intr.) , swell , remain undigested (in the stomach) Lit. Suśr. : Caus. [ -ṣṭham-bhayati ] , [ °te ] (aor. [ vy-atastambhat ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 116) , to cause to stop , check , arrest , obstruct Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to cause or produce (illness) by obstruction Lit. Cat. ; to paralyse Lit. MW.

 विष्टप् [ viṣṭap ] [ vi-ṣṭáp ] f. top , summit , surface , highest part , height (esp. of heaven) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. PañcavBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  विष्टप [ viṣṭapa ] [ vi-ṣṭápa ] n. (rarely m.) id. Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. Br. ( with [ ṛṣabhasya ] , " a hump " Lit. ŚBr. ; [ °pe ] ind. in heaven Lit. Āpast.)

   forking or bifurcation (of an Udumbara branch) Lit. VS. Sch.

   a world Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   [ viṣṭape ] ind. , see [ viṣṭapa ] , in heaven Lit. Āpast.

   विष्टपत्रय [ viṣṭapatraya ] [ vi-ṣṭápa--traya ] n. the three worlds ( cf. [ loka-tr ] ) Lit. Ragh.

   विष्टपहारिन् [ viṣṭapahārin ] [ vi-ṣṭápa--hārin ] m. f. n. world-ravishing Lit. Bhartṛ.

 विष्टब्ध [ viṣṭabdha ] [ ví -ṣṭabdha ] m. f. n. firmly set or bound Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  rigid , stiff Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Suśr.

  checked , stopped , restrained , arrested , obstructed , paralysed Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.

  propped , supported Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.

  filled , stuffed Lit. PañcavBr.

  undigested Lit. Suśr.

  विष्टब्धगात्र [ viṣṭabdhagātra ] [ ví -ṣṭabdha--gātra ] m. f. n. with rigid limbs Lit. Hariv.

  विष्टब्धचरण [ viṣṭabdhacaraṇa ] [ ví -ṣṭabdha--caraṇa ] m. f. n. with rigid feet Lit. MBh.

  विष्टब्धता [ viṣṭabdhatā ] [ ví -ṣṭabdha--tā ] f. firmness , confidence Lit. MW.

  विष्टब्धाक्ष [ viṣṭabdhākṣa ] [ ví -ṣṭabdhākṣa ] m. f. n. with rigid eyes Lit. Suśr.

  विष्टब्धाजीर्ण [ viṣṭabdhājīrṇa ] [ ví -ṣṭabdhājīrṇa ] n. indigestion arising from obstruction Lit. ib.

  विष्टब्धि [ viṣṭabdhi ] [ ví -ṣṭabdhi ] f. fixing firmly , propping , supporting Lit. Anup.

 विष्टभ [ viṣṭabha ] [ vi-ṣṭabha ] m. " fixed or planted firmly " , the world Lit. W.

  विष्टभित [ viṣṭabhita ] [ vi-ṣṭabhita ] ( [ ví - ] ) m. f. n. fixed firmly , well founded Lit. AV.

 विष्टम्भ [ viṣṭambha ] [ vi-ṣṭambhá ] m. fixing , planting firmly ( [ pada-v ] ) Lit. Kir.

  prop , support Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. Lit. Śaṃk.

  " supporters " , N. of partic. syllables inserted in sacred texts Lit. PañcavBr.

  checking , stopping , restraint , impediment , suppression Lit. Kām. Lit. BhP.

  endurance , resistance Lit. MBh.

  obstruction of the urine or feces , ischury , constipation Lit. Suśr.

  a partic. disease of the fetus Lit. ŚārṅgS.

  paralysis , loss of motion Lit. W.

  विष्टम्भकर [ viṣṭambhakara ] [ vi-ṣṭambhá--kara ] m. f. n. stopping , restraining , obstructing Lit. Suśr.

  विष्टम्भन [ viṣṭambhana ] [ vi-ṣṭambhana ] m. f. n. propping , supporting Lit. VS.

   [ viṣṭambhana ] n. checking , restraining , suppressing Lit. MaitrUp.

  विष्टम्भयिषु [ viṣṭambhayiṣu ] [ vi-ṣṭambhayiṣu ] m. f. n. wishing to stop or cause to stand still (a fleeing army) Lit. MBh. vii , 1746 (B. [ saṃstambhayiṣu ] ) .

  विष्टम्भित [ viṣṭambhita ] [ vi-ṣṭambhita ] m. f. n. fixed firmly

   entirely filled or covered with (instr.) Lit. Hariv.

  विष्टम्भिन् [ viṣṭambhin ] [ vi-ṣṭambhin ] m. f. n. supporting (lit. and fig.) Lit. Hcat.

   checking , stopping , obstructing Lit. Suśr.

   chilling Lit. W.

   making motionless Lit. ib.

विष्टर [ viṣṭara ] [ vi-ṣṭara ] m. (√ [ stṛ ] ) anything spread out , a handful of rushes or grass for sitting on (esp. the seat of the presiding Brāhman at a sacrifice) Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. MBh.

a seat made of 25 shoots of Kuśa grass tied up in a sheaf Lit. W.

a tree Lit. L.

N. of a divine being reckoned among the Viśve Devāḥ Lit. Hariv.

[ viṣṭara ] m. n. any seat or couch , chair , stool Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

mfn. = [ vi-stara ] , extensive , wide (?) see comp.

  विष्टरभाज् [ viṣṭarabhāj ] [ vi-ṣṭara--bhāj ] m. f. n. occupying a seat , seated Lit. Ragh.

  विष्टरश्रव [ viṣṭaraśrava ] [ vi-ṣṭara--śrava ] m. = next Lit. Hcat.

  विष्टरश्रवस् [ viṣṭaraśravas ] [ vi-ṣṭara--śravas ] m. " broad-eared " or " far-famed " , N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Śiś.

   of Śiva Lit. Śivag.

  विष्टरस्थ [ viṣṭarastha ] [ vi-ṣṭara--stha ] m. f. n. sitting on a seat , reclining on a bed (of leaves ) Lit. W.

  विष्टराश्व [ viṣṭarāśva ] [ vi-ṣṭarāśva ] m. N. of a son of Pṛithu Lit. Hariv.

  विष्टरोत्तर [ viṣṭarottara ] [ vi-ṣṭarottara ] m. f. n. covered with Kuśa grass Lit. MW.

 विष्टार [ viṣṭāra ] [ vi-ṣṭārá ] m. a layer of grass (?) Lit. RV. v , 52 , 10 ( others " the far spread host , scil. of the Maruts " )

  a kind of metre ( cf. next and Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 34 ; viii , 3 , 94)

  विष्टारपङ्क्ति [ viṣṭārapaṅkti ] [ vi-ṣṭārá--paṅkti ] f. ( [ °ṭārá- ] ) a partic. form of Paṅkti metre (consisting of 8 x 12 x 12 x 8 syllables) Lit. VS. Lit. RPrāt.

  विष्टारबृहती [ viṣṭārabṛhatī ] [ vi-ṣṭārá--bṛhatī ] f. a species of Bṛihatī (8 x 10 x 10 x 8 syllables) Lit. RPrāt.

  विष्टारिन् [ viṣṭārin ] [ vi-ṣṭārin ] m. f. n. (prob.) spread , extended (applied to a partic. oblation) Lit. AV.

 विष्टिर् [ viṣṭir ] [ vi-ṣṭí r ] f. expansion ( opp. to [ saṃ-stir ] ) Lit. RV.

विष्टि [ viṣṭi ] [ viṣṭi ]2 f. ( for 1. see p. 996 , col. 2) = [ vṛṣṭi ] , rain Lit. L.

विष्टु [ viṣṭu ] [ vi-ṣṭu ] ( Preverb. [ √ stu ] ) P. [ -ṣṭauti ] , or [ -ṣṭavīti ] (impf. [ vy-astaut ] or [ vy-aṣṭaut ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 70) , to praise very much , extol with praises Lit. MBh.

 विष्टुत [ viṣṭuta ] [ ví -ṣṭuta ] m. f. n. praised highly , extolled Lit. TBr.

 विष्टुति [ viṣṭuti ] [ ví -ṣṭuti ] f. a variety of arrangement for reciting the verses of the Tri-vṛit Stoma ( 3 such varieties are enumerated , viz. [ udyatī ] , [ parivartinī ] , and [ kulāyinī ] ) Lit. Br. Lit. Lāṭy.

  pl. N. of a treatise on Vedic ritual.

विष्टुभ् [ viṣṭubh ] [ vi-ṣṭubh ] ( Preverb. [ √ stubh ] ) Ā. [ -ṣṭobhate ] (aor. [ vy-aṣṭobhiṣṭa ] ) Lit. Vop.

विष्ठल [ viṣṭhala ] [ vi-ṣṭhala ] see p. 953 , col. 1.

विष्ठा [ viṣṭhā ] [ vi-ṣṭhā ]2 ( Preverb. [ √ sthā ] ; for 1. [ viṣṭhā ] see p. 996 , col. 2) Ā. [ -tiṣṭhate ] ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 22 ; Ved. and ep. also P.) , to stand or go apart , be spread or diffused or scattered over or through (acc. or [ adhi ] with loc.) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV. ; to be removed or separated from (instr.) Lit. TS. Lit. AV. ; to stand , be stationary stand still , remain firm , abide , dwell , stop Lit. RV. ; to keep ground , not to budge Lit. R. ; to be present or near Lit. MBh. ; to be engaged in (loc.) Lit. Hariv. : Caus. ( only aor. [ -tiṣṭhipaḥ ] ) to spread , expand Lit. RV. i , 56 , 5.

 विष्ठा [ viṣṭhā ] [ vi-ṣṭhā́ ]3 f. place , position , station , form , kind Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚrS.

  a rope (?) Lit. DivyA7v.

  विष्ठाव्राजिन् [ viṣṭhāvrājin ] [ vi-ṣṭhā́--vrājí n ]3 m. f. n. remaining in one place , stationary Lit. ŚBr.

 विष्ठित [ viṣṭhita ] [ ví -ṣṭhita ] m. f. n. standing apart Lit. RV.

  scattered , spread , diffused Lit. ib. Lit. TBr. Lit. AV.

  standing , fixed , stationary ( opp. to [ jagat ] ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  standing or being on or in (loc. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  being present or near Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.

विष्ण [ viṣṇa ] [ viṣṇa ] (dat. [ viṣṇāya ] = [ viṣṇave ] ) Lit. Pañcar. (wrong form used by uneducated persons) .

विष्णापू [ viṣṇāpū ] [ viṣṇāpū́ ] m. N. of a son of Viśvaka Lit. RV.

विष्णु [ viṣṇu ] [ ví ṣṇu ] m. (prob. fr. √ [ viṣ ] , " All-pervader " or " Worker " ) N. of one of the principal Hindū deities (in the later mythology regarded as " the preserver " , and with Brahmā " the creator " and Śiva " the destroyer " , constituting the well-known Tri-mūrti or triad ; although Vishṇu comes second in the triad he is identified with the supreme deity by his worshippers ; in the Vedic period , however , he is not placed in the foremost rank , although he is frequently invoked with other gods ( esp. with Indra whom he assists in killing Vṛitra and with whom he drinks the Soma juice ; cf. his later names Indrânuja and Upêndra ) ; as distinguished from the other Vedic deities , he is a personification of the light and of the sun , esp. in his striding over the heavens , which he is said to do in three paces ( see [ tri-vikrama ] and cf. [ bali ] , [ vāmana ] ) , explained as denoting the threefold manifestations of light in the form of fire , lightning , and the sun , or as designating the three daily stations of the sun in his rising , culminating , and setting ; Vishṇu does not appear to have been included at first among the Ādityas ( q.v. ) , although in later times he is accorded the foremost place among them ; in the Brāhmaṇas he is identified with sacrifice , and in one described as a dwarf ; in the Mahā-bhārata and Rāmâyaṇa he rises to the supremacy which in some places he now enjoys as the most popular deity of modern Hindū worship ; the great rivalry between him and Śiva ( cf. [ vaiṣṇava ] and [ śaiva ] ) is not fully developed till the period of the Purāṇas: the distinguishing feature in the character of the Post-vedic Vishṇu is his condescending to become incarnate in a portion of his essence on ten principal occasions , to deliver mankind from certain great dangers ( cf. [ avatāra ] and Lit. IW. 327 ) ; some of the Purāṇas make 22 incarnations , or even 24 , instead of 10 ; the Vaishṇavas regard Vishṇu as the supreme being , and often identify him with Nārāyaṇa , the personified Purusha or primeval living spirit ( described as moving on the waters , reclining on Śesha , the serpent of infinity , while the god Brahmā emerges from a lotus growing from his navel ; cf. Lit. Manu i , 10 ) ; the wives of Vishṇu are Aditi and Sinīvālī , later Lakshmī or Śrī and even Sarasvatī ; his son is Kāma-deva , god of love , and his paradise is called Vaikuṇṭha ; he is usually represented with a peculiar mark on his breast called Śrī-vatsa , and as holding a [ śaṅkha ] , or conch-shell called Pāñcajanya , a [ cakra ] or quoit-like missile-weapon called Su-darśana , a [ gadā ] or club called Kaumodakī and a [ padma ] or lotus ; he has also a bow called Śārṅga , and a sword called Nandaka ; his [ vāhana ] or vehicle is Garuḍa q.v. ; he has a jewel on his wrist called Syamantaka , another on his breast called Kaustubha , and the river Ganges is said to issue from his foot ; the demons slain by him in his character of " preserver from evil " , or by Kṛishṇa as identified with him , are Madhu , Dhenuka , Cāṇūra , Yamala , and Arjuna ( see [ yamalārjuna ] ) , Kāla-nemi , Haya-grīva , Śakaṭa , Arishṭa , Kaiṭabha , Kaṃsa , Keśin , Mura , Śālva , Mainda , Dvi-vida , Rāhu , Hiraṇya-kaśipu , Bāṇa , Kāliya , Naraka , Bali ; he is worshipped under a thousand names , which are all enumerated in Lit. MBh. xiii , 6950-7056 ; he is sometimes regarded as the divinity of the lunar mansion called Śravaṇa) Lit. RV. ( cf. Lit. RTL. 44 Lit. IW. 324) ( 999,1 )

N. of the month Caitra Lit. VarBṛS.

( with [ prājāpatya ] ) of the author of Lit. RV. x , 84

of a son of Manu Sāvarṇa and Bhautya Lit. MārkP.

of the writer of a law-book Lit. Yājñ.

of the father of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Lit. L.

( also with [ gaṇaka ] , [ kavi ] , [ daivajña ] , [ paṇḍita ] , [ bhaṭṭa ] , [ miśra ] , [ yatīndra ] , [ vājapeyin ] , [ śāstrin ] ) of various authors and others Lit. Inscr. Lit. Cat.

= [ agni ] Lit. L.

= [ vasu-devatā ] Lit. L.

= [ śuddha ] Lit. L.

[ viṣṇu ] f. N. of the mother of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Lit. L.

n. pl. (in a formula) Lit. ĀpŚr.

( [ viṣṇor ] with [ apamarṇam ] , [ ājya-doham ] , [ vratam ] ; ( [ oḥ ] ) [ sāma ] , [ svarīyaḥ ] N. of Sāmans ; with [ ṣoḍaśa-nāma-stotram ] , [ anusmṛtiḥ ] , [ aṣṭāviṃśati-nāma-stotram ] , and [ mahā-stutiḥ ] N. of works.)

  विष्णुऋक्ष [ viṣṇuṛkṣa ] [ ví ṣṇu-ṛkṣa ] n. the lunar mansion Śravaṇa (presided over by Vishṇu) Lit. Tithyād.

  विष्णुकन्द [ viṣṇukanda ] [ ví ṣṇu-kanda ] m. a species of bulbous plant Lit. L.

  विष्णुकरण [ viṣṇukaraṇa ] [ ví ṣṇu-karaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुकवच [ viṣṇukavaca ] [ ví ṣṇu-kavaca ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुकाञ्ची [ viṣṇukāñcī ] [ ví ṣṇu-kāñcī ] f. N. of a town Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुकान्ती [ viṣṇukāntī ] [ ví ṣṇu-kāntī ] f. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ib.

  विष्णुकान्तीतीर्थ [ viṣṇukāntītīrtha ] [ ví ṣṇu-kāntī-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ib.

  विष्णुकुतूहल [ viṣṇukutūhala ] [ ví ṣṇu-kutūhala ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुकोशल [ viṣṇukośala ] [ ví ṣṇu-kośala ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुक्रम [ viṣṇukrama ] [ ví ṣṇu-kramá ] m. the step of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

   pl. N. of the three steps to be taken by the sacrificer between the Vedi and the Āhavanīya Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛS. Lit. ŚrS.

  विष्णुक्रमीय [ viṣṇukramīya ] [ ví ṣṇu-kramī́ya ] m. f. n. relating to the prec. Lit. ŚBr.

  विष्णुक्रान्त [ viṣṇukrānta ] [ ví ṣṇu-krānta ] m. f. n. bestridden by Vishṇu Lit. TĀr.

   [ viṣṇukrānta ] m. a kind of measure Lit. Saṃgīt.

   [ viṣṇukrāntā ] f. N. of various plants (accord. to Lit. L. Clitoria Ternatea ; Evolvulus Alsinoides ; a kind of dark Śaṅkha-pushpī) Lit. Pañcar. Lit. ŚārṅgS.

  विष्णुक्रान्ति [ viṣṇukrānti ] [ ví ṣṇu-krānti ] f. Evolvulus Alsinoides Lit. L.

  विष्णुक्षेत्र [ viṣṇukṣetra ] [ ví ṣṇu-kṣetra ] n. N. of a sacred district Lit. L.

  विष्णुगङ्गा [ viṣṇugaṅgā ] [ ví ṣṇu-gaṅgā ] f. N. of a river Lit. L.

  विष्णुगाथा [ viṣṇugāthā ] [ ví ṣṇu-gāthā ] f. pl. a song in honour of Vishṇu Lit. BhP.

  विष्णुगायत्री [ viṣṇugāyatrī ] [ ví ṣṇu-gāyatrī ] f. N. of a Gāyatrī celebrating Vishṇu Lit. Hcat.

  विष्णुगुप्त [ viṣṇugupta ] [ ví ṣṇu-gupta ] m. " hidden by Vishṇu " , N. of the Muni Vātsyāyana Lit. MW.

   of the saint Kauṇḍinya (said to have been concealed by Vishṇu when pursued by Śiva , whom he had incensed) Lit. L.

   of the minister and sage Cāṇakya Lit. Kām. Lit. VarBṛS.

   of a follower of Śaṃkarâcārya Lit. Cat.

   of an astronomer Lit. Cat.

   of a Buddhist Lit. Kathās.

   a species of bulbous plant Lit. L.

   विष्णुगुप्तसिद्धान्त [ viṣṇuguptasiddhānta ] [ ví ṣṇu-gupta--siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुगुप्तक [ viṣṇuguptaka ] [ ví ṣṇu-guptaka ] n. a kind of radish Lit. L.

  विष्णुगूढ [ viṣṇugūḍha ] [ ví ṣṇu-gūḍha ] m. N. of wk.

   विष्णुगूढस्वामिन् [ viṣṇugūḍhasvāmin ] [ ví ṣṇu-gūḍha--svāmin ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

   विष्णुगूढार्थ [ viṣṇugūḍhārtha ] [ ví ṣṇu-gūḍhārtha ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुगृह [ viṣṇugṛha ] [ ví ṣṇu-gṛha ] n. " Vishṇu's abode " , N. of Tāmra-lipta Lit. L.

  विष्णुगोपवर्मन् [ viṣṇugopavarman ] [ ví ṣṇu-gopa-varman ] m. N. of a king Lit. Inscr.

  विष्णुगोल [ viṣṇugola ] [ ví ṣṇu-gola ] m. the equator Lit. Vīrac.

  विष्णुग्रन्थि [ viṣṇugranthi ] [ ví ṣṇu-granthi ] m. a partic. joint of the body Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुचक्र [ viṣṇucakra ] [ ví ṣṇu-cakra ] n. Vishṇu's discus Lit. R.

   a partic. mystical circle (formed from the lines in the hand) Lit. VP.

  विष्णुचन्द्र [ viṣṇucandra ] [ ví ṣṇu-candra ] m. N. of various authors Lit. VarBṛ. Sch. Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुचित्त [ viṣṇucitta ] [ ví ṣṇu-citta ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

   विष्णुचित्तीय [ viṣṇucittīya ] [ ví ṣṇu-cittīya ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुज [ viṣṇuja ] [ ví ṣṇu-ja ] m. f. n. born under Vishṇu (i.e. in the first lustrum of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years) Lit. VarBṛS.

   [ viṣṇuja ] m. N. of the 18th Kalpa or day of Brahmā Lit. L.

  विष्णुजामल [ viṣṇujāmala ] [ ví ṣṇu-jāmala ] n. w.r. for [ -yāmala ] .

  विष्णुजामातृ [ viṣṇujāmātṛ ] [ ví ṣṇu-jāmātṛ ] m. (prob.) Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa's brother-in-law (see [ kṛṣṇa-svasṛ ] ) .

  विष्णुतत्त्व [ viṣṇutattva ] [ ví ṣṇu-tattva ] n. Vishṇu's real essence Lit. Sarvad.

   N. of wk.

   विष्णुतत्त्वनिर्णय [ viṣṇutattvanirṇaya ] [ ví ṣṇu-tattva--nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.

   विष्णुतत्त्वरहस्य [ viṣṇutattvarahasya ] [ ví ṣṇu-tattva--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   विष्णुतत्त्वरहस्यखण्डन [ viṣṇutattvarahasyakhaṇḍana ] [ ví ṣṇu-tattva--rahasya-khaṇḍana ] n. N. of wk.

   विष्णुतत्त्वसंहिता [ viṣṇutattvasaṃhitā ] [ ví ṣṇu-tattva--saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुतन्त्र [ viṣṇutantra ] [ ví ṣṇu-tantra ] n.

  विष्णुतर्पण [ viṣṇutarpaṇa ] [ ví ṣṇu-tarpaṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुतर्पणविधि [ viṣṇutarpaṇavidhi ] [ ví ṣṇu-tarpaṇa-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुतात्पर्यनिर्णय [ viṣṇutātparyanirṇaya ] [ ví ṣṇu-tātparya-nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुतिथि [ viṣṇutithi ] [ ví ṣṇu-tithi ] mf. N. of the 11th and 12th lunar day of each fortnight Lit. Inscr.

  विष्णुतीर्थ [ viṣṇutīrtha ] [ ví ṣṇu-tīrtha ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

   [ viṣṇutīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ib.

  विष्णुतीर्थीयव्याख्यान [ viṣṇutīrthīyavyākhyāna ] [ ví ṣṇu-tīrthīya-vyākhyāna ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुतुल्यपराक्रम [ viṣṇutulyaparākrama ] [ ví ṣṇu-tulya-parākrama ] m. f. n. having prowess equal to that of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

  विष्णुतैल [ viṣṇutaila ] [ ví ṣṇu-taila ] n. a kind of oil Lit. BrahmaP.

  विष्णुतोषिणी [ viṣṇutoṣiṇī ] [ ví ṣṇu-toṣiṇī ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुत्रिशती [ viṣṇutriśatī ] [ ví ṣṇu-triśatī ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुत्व [ viṣṇutva ] [ ví ṣṇu-tva ] n. Vishṇu's nature Lit. R. Lit. NṛisUp.

  विष्णुदत्त [ viṣṇudatta ] [ ví ṣṇu-datta ] m. f. n. given by Vishṇu Lit. BhP.

   [ viṣṇudatta ] m. N. of Parīkshit Lit. ib.

   of various men Lit. Kathās. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Cat.

   विष्णुदत्ताग्निहोत्रिन् [ viṣṇudattāgnihotrin ] [ ví ṣṇu-dattāgni-hotrin ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुदत्तक [ viṣṇudattaka ] [ ví ṣṇu-dattaka ] m. N. of a scribe Lit. MW.

  विष्णुदास [ viṣṇudāsa ] [ ví ṣṇu-dāsa ] m. " Vishṇu's slave " , N. of a king Lit. Cat.

   of another man Lit. ib.

  विष्णुदेव [ viṣṇudeva ] [ ví ṣṇu-deva ] m. N. of an author Lit. ib.

   विष्णुदेवाराध्य [ viṣṇudevārādhya ] [ ví ṣṇu-devārādhya ] m. N. of a man Lit. ib.

  विष्णुदेवत्य [ viṣṇudevatya ] [ ví ṣṇu-devatya ] m. f. n. having Vishṇu for a deity Lit. ShaḍvBr.

  विष्णुदैवत [ viṣṇudaivata ] [ ví ṣṇu-daivata ] m. f. n. = [ -devatya ] Lit. L.

  विष्णुदैवत्य [ viṣṇudaivatya ] [ ví ṣṇu-daivatya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ib.

   [ viṣṇudaivatyā ] f. = [ -tithi ] Lit. ib.

  विष्णुद्वादशनामस्तोत्र [ viṣṇudvādaśanāmastotra ] [ ví ṣṇu-dvādaśa-nāma-stotra ] n. N. of a ch. of the Āraṇya-parvan ( q.v.)

  विष्णुद्विष् [ viṣṇudviṣ ] [ ví ṣṇu-dviṣ ] m. foe of Vishṇu (nine in number , accord. to Jainas) Lit. L.

  विष्णुद्वीप [ viṣṇudvīpa ] [ ví ṣṇu-dvīpa ] m. N. of an island Lit. W.

  विष्णुधर्म [ viṣṇudharma ] [ ví ṣṇu-dharma ] m. a kind of Śrāddha Lit. MW.

   N. of various works.

   विष्णुधर्ममीमांसा [ viṣṇudharmamīmāṃsā ] [ ví ṣṇu-dharma--mīmāṃsā ] f. N. of wk.

   विष्णुधर्मोत्तर [ viṣṇudharmottara ] [ ví ṣṇu-dharmottara ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुधर्मन् [ viṣṇudharman ] [ ví ṣṇu-dharman ] m. N. of a son of Garuḍa Lit. MBh.

  विष्णुधारा [ viṣṇudhārā ] [ ví ṣṇu-dhārā ] f. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुध्यानस्तोत्रादि [ viṣṇudhyānastotrādi ] [ ví ṣṇu-dhyāna-stotrādi ] N. of wk.

  विष्णुनदी [ viṣṇunadī ] [ ví ṣṇu-nadī ] f. N. of a river Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुनाममाहात्म्यसंग्रह [ viṣṇunāmamāhātmyasaṃgraha ] [ ví ṣṇu-nāma-māhātmya-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुनामरत्नस्तोत्र [ viṣṇunāmaratnastotra ] [ ví ṣṇu-nāma-ratna-stotra ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुनीराजन [ viṣṇunīrājana ] [ ví ṣṇu-nīrājana ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुन्यङ्ग [ viṣṇunyaṅga ] [ ví ṣṇu-nyaṅga ] m. f. n. containing incidental mention of Vishṇu Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  विष्णुपञ्चक [ viṣṇupañcaka ] [ ví ṣṇu-pañcaka ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुपञ्चकव्रतकथा [ viṣṇupañcakavratakathā ] [ ví ṣṇu-pañcaka-vrata-kathā ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुपञ्जर [ viṣṇupañjara ] [ ví ṣṇu-pañjara ] n. a kind of mystical prayer or charm for securing Vishṇu's favour Lit. MW.

   N. of wk.

   विष्णुपञ्जरयन्त्रविधि [ viṣṇupañjarayantravidhi ] [ viṣṇu-pañjara--yantra-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

   विष्णुपञ्जरस्तोत्र [ viṣṇupañjarastotra ] [ viṣṇu-pañjara--stotra ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुपति [ viṣṇupati ] [ ví ṣṇu-pati ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुपत्नी [ viṣṇupatnī ] [ ví ṣṇu-patnī ] ( [ ví ṣṇu- ] ) f. " Vishṇu's wife " N. of Aditi Lit. VS. Lit. TS. Lit. TBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  विष्णुपद [ viṣṇupada ] [ ví ṣṇu-pada ] n. " station or footmark of Vishṇu " , the zenith Lit. Nir. Lit. BhP.

   the sky Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.

   the mark of Vishṇu's foot worshipped at Gayā Lit. RTL. 309

   N. of a sacred hill (also called [ °da-giri ] , m. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   a lotus Lit. L.

   [ viṣṇupada ] m. n. the sea of milk Lit. L.

   [ viṣṇupadī ] f. the sun's passage (into the zodiacal signs of Taurus , Leo , Scorpio and Aquarius) Lit. Tithyād.

   [ viṣṇupada ] m. N. of the Ganges (as issuing from Vishṇu's foot) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.

   of the town Dvārikā Lit. L.

   विष्णुपदगिरि [ viṣṇupadagiri ] [ ví ṣṇu-pada-giri ] m. , see [ viṣṇupada ] , N. of a sacred hill

   विष्णुपदतीर्थ [ viṣṇupadatīrtha ] [ ví ṣṇu-pada--tīrtha ] n. the sacred place called Gayā (= [ viṣṇu-pada ] ) Lit. Cat.

   विष्णुपदश्राद्ध [ viṣṇupadaśrāddha ] [ ví ṣṇu-pada--śrāddha ] n. N. of a partic. Śrāddha (performed in the temple containing Vishṇu's footprint) Lit. RTL. 312

   विष्णुपदीचक्र [ viṣṇupadīcakra ] [ ví ṣṇu-padī-cakra ] n. a partic. astrological circle or diagram Lit. MW.

   विष्णुपद्युत्पत्ति [ viṣṇupadyutpatti ] [ ví ṣṇu-pady-utpatti ] f. N. of ch. in the Padma-Purāṇa.

  विष्णुपद्धति [ viṣṇupaddhati ] [ ví ṣṇu-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुपरायण [ viṣṇuparāyaṇa ] [ ví ṣṇu-parāyaṇa ] m. N. of an author of mystical prayers (with Tāntrikas) Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुपर्णिका [ viṣṇuparṇikā ] [ ví ṣṇu-parṇikā ] f. Hedysarum Lagopodioides Lit. L.

  विष्णुपादादिकेशान्तस्तुति [ viṣṇupādādikeśāntastuti ] [ ví ṣṇu-pādādi-keśānta-stuti ] f. N. of sev. works.

  विष्णुपुत्र [ viṣṇuputra ] [ ví ṣṇu-putra ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुपुर् [ viṣṇupur ] [ ví ṣṇu-pur ] f. N. of a city Lit. L.

  विष्णुपुर [ viṣṇupura ] [ ví ṣṇu-pura ] n. Vishṇu's city Lit. Vop.

   N. of a city (= [ -pur ] ) Lit. L.

   [ viṣṇupurī ] f. N. of a city Lit. MW.

   n. N. of a mountain in the Himâlaya Lit. L.

   m. N. of a scholar Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुपुराण [ viṣṇupurāṇa ] [ ví ṣṇu-purāṇa ] n. N. of one of the most celebrated of the 18 Purāṇas (it conforms more than any other to the definition [ pañca-lakṣaṇa ] ( q.v. ) ; and consists of 6 books , the 1st treating of the creation of the universe from Prakṛiti , and the peopling of the world by the Prajā-patis ; the 2nd giving a list of kings with many curious geographical and astronomical details ; the 3rd treating of the Vedas and caste ; the 4th continuing the chronicle of dynasties ; the 5th giving the life of Kṛishṇa ; the 6th describing the dissolution of the world) Lit. IW. 517.

  विष्णुपुराणक [ viṣṇupurāṇaka ] [ ví ṣṇu-purāṇaka ] n. N. of one of the most celebrated of the 18 Purāṇas (it conforms more than any other to the definition [ pañca-lakṣaṇa ] ( q.v. ) ; and consists of 6 books , the 1st treating of the creation of the universe from Prakṛiti , and the peopling of the world by the Prajā-patis ; the 2nd giving a list of kings with many curious geographical and astronomical details ; the 3rd treating of the Vedas and caste ; the 4th continuing the chronicle of dynasties ; the 5th giving the life of Kṛishṇa ; the 6th describing the dissolution of the world) Lit. IW. 517.

  विष्णुपूजन [ viṣṇupūjana ] [ ví ṣṇu-pūjana ] n. " worship of Vishṇu " , N. of wk.

  विष्णुपूजा [ viṣṇupūjā ] [ ví ṣṇu-pūjā ] f. N. of wk.

   विष्णुपूजाक्रम [ viṣṇupūjākrama ] [ viṣṇu-pūjā--krama ] m. N. of wk.

   विष्णुपूजादीपिका [ viṣṇupūjādīpikā ] [ viṣṇu-pūjā--dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

   विष्णुपूजापद्धति [ viṣṇupūjāpaddhati ] [ viṣṇu-pūjā--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

   विष्णुपूजामन्त्र [ viṣṇupūjāmantra ] [ viṣṇu-pūjā--mantra ] m. N. of wk.

   विष्णुपूजाविधान [ viṣṇupūjāvidhāna ] [ viṣṇu-pūjā--vidhāna ] n. N. of wk.

   विष्णुपूजाविधि [ viṣṇupūjāvidhi ] [ viṣṇu-pūjā--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुप्रतिमासम्प्रोक्षणविधि [ viṣṇupratimāsamprokṣaṇavidhi ] [ ví ṣṇu-pratimā-samprokṣaṇa-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुप्रतिष्ठा [ viṣṇupratiṣṭhā ] [ ví ṣṇu-pratiṣṭhā ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुप्रतिष्ठापद्धति [ viṣṇupratiṣṭhāpaddhati ] [ ví ṣṇu-pratiṣṭhā-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुप्रिया [ viṣṇupriyā ] [ ví ṣṇu-priyā ] f. basil Lit. Dhanv.

  विष्णुप्रीति [ viṣṇuprīti ] [ ví ṣṇu-prīti ] f. land granted rent-free to Brāhmans for the worship of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

   विष्णुप्रीतिवाद [ viṣṇuprītivāda ] [ ví ṣṇu-prīti--vāda ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुब्रह्ममहेश्वरदानप्रयोग [ viṣṇubrahmamaheśvaradānaprayoga ] [ ví ṣṇu-brahma-maheśvara-dāna-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुभ [ viṣṇubha ] [ ví ṣṇu-bha ] n. = [ -ṛkṣa ] Lit. VP.

  विष्णुभक्त [ viṣṇubhakta ] [ ví ṣṇu-bhakta ] m. a worshipper of Vishṇu Lit. RāmatUp.

   विष्णुभक्तलक्षण [ viṣṇubhaktalakṣaṇa ] [ ví ṣṇu-bhakta--lakṣaṇa ] n. N. of a part of the Mahā-bhārata.

  विष्णुभक्ति [ viṣṇubhakti ] [ ví ṣṇu-bhakti ] f. the worship of Vishṇu (personified as a Yoginī) Lit. Prab.

   विष्णुभक्तिकल्पलता [ viṣṇubhaktikalpalatā ] [ viṣṇu-bhakti--kalpa-latā ] f. N. of wk.

   विष्णुभक्तिचन्द्रोदय [ viṣṇubhakticandrodaya ] [ viṣṇu-bhakti--candrodaya ] m. N. of wk.

   विष्णुभक्तिप्रबन्ध [ viṣṇubhaktiprabandha ] [ viṣṇu-bhakti--prabandha ] m. N. of wk.

   विष्णुभक्तिमाहात्म्य [ viṣṇubhaktimāhātmya ] [ viṣṇu-bhakti--māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

   विष्णुभक्तिरहस्य [ viṣṇubhaktirahasya ] [ viṣṇu-bhakti--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   विष्णुभक्तिलता [ viṣṇubhaktilatā ] [ viṣṇu-bhakti--latā ] f. N. of wk.

   विष्णुभक्तिस्तुति [ viṣṇubhaktistuti ] [ viṣṇu-bhakti--stuti ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुभागवतपुराण [ viṣṇubhāgavatapurāṇa ] [ ví ṣṇu-bhāgavata-purāṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुभुजंग [ viṣṇubhujaṃga ] [ ví ṣṇu-bhujaṃ-ga ] n.

  विष्णुभुजंगस्तोत्र [ viṣṇubhujaṃgastotra ] [ ví ṣṇu-bhujaṃga-stotra ] n.

  विष्णुभुजंगी [ viṣṇubhujaṃgī ] [ ví ṣṇu-bhujaṃ-gī ] f. N. of Stotras.

  विष्णुमत् [ viṣṇumat ] [ ví ṣṇu-mat ] m. f. n. containing the word " Vishṇu " Lit. PañcavBr.

   [ viṣṇumatī ] f. N. of a princess Lit. Kathās.

  विष्णुमन्त्र [ viṣṇumantra ] [ ví ṣṇu-mantra ] m. a hymn addressed to Vishṇu Lit. Cat.

   विष्णुमन्त्रविधानादि [ viṣṇumantravidhānādi ] [ ví ṣṇu-mantra--vidhānādi ] m. N. of wk.

   विष्णुमन्त्रविशेष [ viṣṇumantraviśeṣa ] [ ví ṣṇu-mantra--viśeṣa ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुमन्दिर [ viṣṇumandira ] [ ví ṣṇu-mandira ] n. Vishṇu's temple Lit. Cat.

   = [ -griha ] Lit. MW.

  विष्णुमय [ viṣṇumaya ] [ ví ṣṇu-maya ] m. f. n. emanating from Vishṇu , belonging to Vishṇu , having the nature of Vishṇu Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. VP.

  विष्णुमहिमन् [ viṣṇumahiman ] [ ví ṣṇu-mahiman ] m. the glory or majesty of Vishṇu Lit. Cat.

   N. of wk.

   विष्णुमहिम्नःस्तव [ viṣṇumahimnaḥstava ] [ ví ṣṇu-mahimnaḥ stava ] m. N. of a Stotra in praise of Vishṇu.

  विष्णुमानस [ viṣṇumānasa ] [ ví ṣṇu-mānasa ] n. N. of a Stotra.

  विष्णुमाया [ viṣṇumāyā ] [ ví ṣṇu-māyā ] f. " Vishṇu's illusion " , a form of Durgā Lit. KālP.

  विष्णुमाहात्म्य [ viṣṇumāhātmya ] [ ví ṣṇu-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुमाहात्म्यपद्धति [ viṣṇumāhātmyapaddhati ] [ ví ṣṇu-māhātmya-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुमित्र [ viṣṇumitra ] [ ví ṣṇu-mitra ] m. a common name (used like the Lat. Caius) Lit. Kaṇ. Lit. BhP.

   N. of a priest Lit. Cat.

   ( with [ kumāra ] ) N. of a Scholiast Lit. RPrāt. , Introd.

  विष्णुमुख [ viṣṇumukha ] [ ví ṣṇu-mukha ] ( [ ví ṣṇu- ] ) m. f. n. pl. having Vishṇu as chief Lit. TS. Lit. MaitrS.

  विष्णुयन्त्रप्रकरण [ viṣṇuyantraprakaraṇa ] [ ví ṣṇu-yantra-prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुयशस् [ viṣṇuyaśas ] [ ví ṣṇu-yaśas ] m. N. of Kalkin or Kalki Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   of the father of Kalkin Lit. Pur. Lit. Pañcar.

   of a teacher Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुयाग [ viṣṇuyāga ] [ ví ṣṇu-yāga ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुयागप्रयोग [ viṣṇuyāgaprayoga ] [ ví ṣṇu-yāga-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुयामल [ viṣṇuyāmala ] [ ví ṣṇu-yāmala ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुयामलतन्त्र [ viṣṇuyāmalatantra ] [ ví ṣṇu-yāmala-tantra ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुयामिल [ viṣṇuyāmila ] [ ví ṣṇu-yāmila ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुरथ [ viṣṇuratha ] [ ví ṣṇu-ratha ] m. " Vishṇu's chariot " , N. of Garuḍa (the bird and vehicle of Vishṇu) Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुरहस्य [ viṣṇurahasya ] [ ví ṣṇu-rahasya ] n. N. of various works.

  विष्णुराज [ viṣṇurāja ] [ ví ṣṇu-rāja ] m. N. of a king Lit. Buddh.

  विष्णुरात [ viṣṇurāta ] [ ví ṣṇu-rāta ] m. " Vishṇu-given " , N. of Parīkshit Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ -datta ] ) .

  विष्णुराम [ viṣṇurāma ] [ ví ṣṇu-rāma ] m. N. of authors Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुरामसिद्धान्तवागीश [ viṣṇurāmasiddhāntavāgīśa ] [ ví ṣṇu-rāma-siddhānta-vāg-īśa ] m. N. of authors Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुलहरी [ viṣṇulaharī ] [ ví ṣṇu-laharī ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुलिङ्गी [ viṣṇuliṅgī ] [ ví ṣṇu-liṅgī ] f. a quail Lit. L.

  विष्णुलोक [ viṣṇuloka ] [ ví ṣṇu-loka ] m. Vishṇu's world Lit. Rājat. Lit. VP. Lit. Pañcar. (accord. to some = [ brahma-l ] , or accord. to others , " placed above it " Lit. MW.)

  विष्णुवत् [ viṣṇuvat ] [ ví ṣṇu-vat ]1 m. f. n. ( [ ví ṣṇu- ] ) attended by Vishṇu Lit. RV.

   [ viṣṇuvat ] n. ( with [ ahar ] ) a partic. 11th or 12th day Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुवत् [ viṣṇuvat ] [ ví ṣṇu-vat ]2 ind. as with Vishṇu Lit. ĀpŚr.

  विष्णुवर्णनध्यानादि [ viṣṇuvarṇanadhyānādi ] [ ví ṣṇu-varṇanadhyānādi ] N. of wk.

  विष्णुवर्धन [ viṣṇuvardhana ] [ ví ṣṇu-vardhana ] m. N. of various kings ( also [ kali-viṣṇu-va ] , [ kubja-viṣṇuva ] ) Lit. Inscr.

  विष्णुवर्मन् [ viṣṇuvarman ] [ ví ṣṇu-varman ] m. N. of a king Lit. ib.

  विष्णुवल्लभ [ viṣṇuvallabha ] [ ví ṣṇu-vallabha ] m. f. n. beloved by Vishṇu Lit. W.

   [ viṣṇuvallabhā ] f. N. of Lakshmī Lit. Tantras.

   basil Lit. L.

   = [ agni-śikhā ] (a kind of plant) Lit. L.

   Echites Caryophyllata Lit. W.

   Ocymum Sanctum Lit. ib.

   N. of wk.

  विष्णुवाहन [ viṣṇuvāhana ] [ ví ṣṇu-vāhana ] n. ( Lit. Siṃhâs.) ( Lit. L.) " Vishṇu's vehicle " , N. of Garuḍa.

  विष्णुवाह्य [ viṣṇuvāhya ] [ ví ṣṇu-vāhya ] m. ( Lit. L.) " Vishṇu's vehicle " , N. of Garuḍa.

  विष्णुविग्रहशंसनस्तोत्र [ viṣṇuvigrahaśaṃsanastotra ] [ ví ṣṇu-vigraha-śaṃsana-stotra ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुविजय [ viṣṇuvijaya ] [ ví ṣṇu-vijaya ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुवृद्ध [ viṣṇuvṛddha ] [ ví ṣṇu-vṛddha ] m. N. of a man

   (pl.) his descendants Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Inscr.

   विष्णुवृद्धसहस्रनामस्तोत्र [ viṣṇuvṛddhasahasranāmastotra ] [ ví ṣṇu-vṛddha--sahasra-nāma-stotra ] n. N. of ch. of the Padma-purāṇa.

  विष्णुव्रतकल्प [ viṣṇuvratakalpa ] [ ví ṣṇu-vrata-kalpa ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुशक्ति [ viṣṇuśakti ] [ ví ṣṇu-śakti ] f. " Vishṇu's energy " , Lakshmī Lit. Rājat.

   [ viṣṇuśakti ] m. N. of a king Lit. Kathās.

  विष्णुशतनामस्तोत्र [ viṣṇuśatanāmastotra ] [ ví ṣṇu-śata-nāma-stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra.

  विष्णुशयनबोधदिन [ viṣṇuśayanabodhadina ] [ ví ṣṇu-śayana-bodha-dina ] n. (ifc.) the day of Vishṇu's lying down and of his awaking Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Sch.

  विष्णुशर्मन् [ viṣṇuśarman ] [ ví ṣṇu-śarman ] m. N. of various authors and other persons (esp. of the narrator of the Pañca-tantra and the Hitôpadeśa) Lit. IW. 531

   विष्णुशर्मदीक्षित [ viṣṇuśarmadīkṣita ] [ ví ṣṇu-śarma-dīkṣita ] m. N. of author Lit. Cat.

   विष्णुशर्ममिश्र [ viṣṇuśarmamiśra ] [ ví ṣṇu-śarma-miśra ] m. N. of author Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुशिला [ viṣṇuśilā ] [ ví ṣṇu-śilā ] f. the sacred stone of Vishṇu which contains an ammonite (= [ śāla-grāma ] q.v.) Lit. L.

  विष्णुशृङ्खल [ viṣṇuśṛṅkhala ] [ ví ṣṇu-śṛṅkhala ] m. a partic. astrological Yoga Lit. L.

  विष्णुश्राद्ध [ viṣṇuśrāddha ] [ ví ṣṇu-śrāddha ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुश्राद्धपद्धति [ viṣṇuśrāddhapaddhati ] [ ví ṣṇu-śrāddha-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुश्रुत [ viṣṇuśruta ] [ ví ṣṇu-śruta ] m. N. of a man Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 148 Sch.

  विष्णुषट्पदी [ viṣṇuṣaṭpadī ] [ ví ṣṇu-ṣaṭpadī ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुसंहिता [ viṣṇusaṃhitā ] [ ví ṣṇu-saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुसमुच्चय [ viṣṇusamuccaya ] [ ví ṣṇu-samuccaya ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुसरस् [ viṣṇusaras ] [ ví ṣṇu-saras ] ( Lit. Cat.) ( Lit. MW.) n. N. of a Tīrtha.

  विष्णुसरस्तीर्थ [ viṣṇusarastīrtha ] [ ví ṣṇu-saras-tīrtha ] ( Lit. MW.) n. N. of a Tīrtha.

  विष्णुसर्वजन [ viṣṇusarvajana ] [ ví ṣṇu-sarvajana ] w.r. for next Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुसर्वज्ञ [ viṣṇusarvajña ] [ ví ṣṇu-sarva-jña ] m. N. of a teacher ( also [ sarvajña-viṣṇu ] ) Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुसहस्रनामन् [ viṣṇusahasranāman ] [ ví ṣṇu-sahasra-nāman ] n. the thousand names of Vishṇu Lit. Cat.

   N. of a portion of the Anuśāsana-parvan Lit. ii , 6936-7078 of the Mahā-bhārata ( also [ °ma-kathana ] n. or [ °ma-stotra ] n. ) and of a ch. of the Lit. PadmaP.

   विष्णुसहस्रनामकथन [ viṣṇusahasranāmakathana ] [ ví ṣṇu-sahasranāma-kathana ] n. , see [ viṣṇusahasranāman ] , N. of a portion of the Anuśāsana-parvan Lit. ii , 6936-7078 of the Mahā-bhārata

   विष्णुसहस्रनामस्तोत्र [ viṣṇusahasranāmastotra ] [ ví ṣṇu-sahasranāma-stotra ] n. , see [ viṣṇusahasranāman ] , N. of a portion of the Anuśāsana-parvan Lit. ii , 6936-7078 of the Mahā-bhārata

   विष्णुसहस्रनामभाष्य [ viṣṇusahasranāmabhāṣya ] [ ví ṣṇu-sahasra-nāma-bhāṣya ] n. N. of Śaṃkara's Comm. on the thousand names of Vishṇu.

  विष्णुसिंह [ viṣṇusiṃha ] [ ví ṣṇu-siṃha ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुसिद्धान्त [ viṣṇusiddhānta ] [ ví ṣṇu-siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुसिद्धान्तलीलावती [ viṣṇusiddhāntalīlāvatī ] [ ví ṣṇu-siddhānta-līlā-vatī ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुसूक्त [ viṣṇusūkta ] [ ví ṣṇu-sūkta ] n. a hymn addressed to Vishṇu Lit. Cat.

  विष्णुसूत्र [ viṣṇusūtra ] [ ví ṣṇu-sūtra ] n. = [ -smṛti ] .

  विष्णुस्तव [ viṣṇustava ] [ ví ṣṇu-stava ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुस्तवराज [ viṣṇustavarāja ] [ ví ṣṇu-stava-rāja ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्णुस्तुति [ viṣṇustuti ] [ ví ṣṇu-stuti ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुस्तोत्र [ viṣṇustotra ] [ ví ṣṇu-stotra ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुस्मृति [ viṣṇusmṛti ] [ ví ṣṇu-smṛti ] f. N. of wk.

  विष्णुस्वरूपध्यानादिवर्णन [ viṣṇusvarūpadhyānādivarṇana ] [ ví ṣṇu-sva-rūpa-dhyānādi-varṇana ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्णुस्वामिन् [ viṣṇusvāmin ] [ ví ṣṇu-svāmin ] m. a temple or statue of Vishṇu Lit. Rājat.

   N. of various men Lit. Kathās. Lit. Sarvad. (esp. of a celebrated Vaishṇava teacher , predecessor of Vallabhâcārya Lit. RTL. 134) .

  विष्णुहरि [ viṣṇuhari ] [ ví ṣṇu-hari ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Sadukt.

  विष्णुहारदेव [ viṣṇuhāradeva ] [ ví ṣṇu-hāra-deva ] m. N. of a man Lit. Inscr.

  विष्णुहिता [ viṣṇuhitā ] [ ví ṣṇu-hitā ] f. basil Lit. L.

  विष्णुहृदय [ viṣṇuhṛdaya ] [ ví ṣṇu-hṛdaya ] n. N. of a Stotra.

  विष्णुहृदयस्तोत्र [ viṣṇuhṛdayastotra ] [ ví ṣṇu-hṛdaya-stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra.

  विष्णूत्तर [ viṣṇūttara ] [ viṣṇūttara ] a grant of land rent-free for the worship of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

  विष्णूत्सव [ viṣṇūtsava ] [ viṣṇūtsava ] m. a festival in honour of Vishṇu Lit. Vop.

   a partic. day sacred to Vishṇu Lit. MW.

  विष्णूपाध्याय [ viṣṇūpādhyāya ] [ viṣṇūpādhyāya ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. Cat.

  विष्णूवरुण [ viṣṇūvaruṇa ] [ viṣṇū-varuṇa ] m. du. Vishṇu and Varuṇa Lit. TBr.

 विष्णूय [ viṣṇūya ] [ viṣṇūya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to act towards any one (loc.) as towards Vishṇu Lit. Vop.

 विष्ण्व् [ viṣṇv ] [ viṣṇv ] in comp. before vowels for [ viṣṇu ] .

  विष्ण्वङ्गिरस् [ viṣṇvaṅgiras ] [ viṣṇv-aṅgiras ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  विष्ण्वतिक्रम [ viṣṇvatikrama ] [ viṣṇv-atikrama ] m. pl. N. of partic. texts of the Taittirīya-saṃhitā Lit. iii , 5 , 3 Lit. ĀpŚr.

  विष्ण्वनुष्ठित [ viṣṇvanuṣṭhita ] [ viṣṇv-anuṣṭhita ] ( [ ví ṣṇv- ] Lit. MaitrS.) ( [ ví ṣṇv- ] Lit. TS.) m. f. n. attended by Vishṇu.

  विष्ण्वनुस्थित [ viṣṇvanusthita ] [ viṣṇv-anusthita ] ( [ ví ṣṇv- ] Lit. TS.) m. f. n. attended by Vishṇu.

  विष्ण्ववतार [ viṣṇvavatāra ] [ viṣṇv-avatāra ] m. a descent or incarnation of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

  विष्ण्वष्टोत्तरशतनामन् [ viṣṇvaṣṭottaraśatanāman ] [ viṣṇv-aṣṭottara-śata-nāman ] n. N. of wk.

  विष्ण्वादिदेवतापूजाप्रकार [ viṣṇvādidevatāpūjāprakāra ] [ viṣṇv-ādi-devatā-pūjā-prakāra ] m. N. of wk.

  विष्ण्वावरणपूजा [ viṣṇvāvaraṇapūjā ] [ viṣṇv-āvaraṇa-pūjā ] f. N. of wk.

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