Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
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प |
पराचर् [ parācar ] [ parā-√ car ] P. [ -carati ] , to go away. depart Lit. RV.
पराजि [ parāji ] [ parā-√ ji ] Ā. [ -jayate ] ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 19 ; pf. [ -jigye ] Lit. RV. ; p. [ -jigyāna ] Lit. TS. ; aor. [ parājaiṣṭa ] Lit. MBh. ; fut. [ -jayiṣye ] Lit. ib. ; but also P. e.g. Pot. [ -jayet ] , or [ -jayyāt ] Lit. MBh. ; pf. [ -jigyathur ] Lit. RV. ; aor. [ parājaiṣīt ] Lit. MBh. ; inf. [ -jetum ] Lit. R. ; ind.p. [ -jitya ] Lit. ib.) , to be deprived of , suffer the loss of (acc.) , be conquered , succumb Lit. RV. ; to submit to , be overcome by (abl.) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 26 ; to conquer , win , vanquish , overthrow Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to defeat in a lawsuit Lit. Yājñ. ii , 75.
पराजय [ parājaya ] [ parā-jaya ] m. the being deprived of or conquered , loss , defeat (also in a lawsuit) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Yājñ.
conquest , victory Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Ragh.
turning away from , desertion Lit. MW.
पराजित् [ parājit ] [ parā-jit ] m. N. a son of Rukma-kavaca Lit. Hariv.
पराजित [ parājita ] [ parā-jita ] ( [ párā- ] ) m. f. n. conquered , defeated , overthrown , cast (in a lawsuit) , condemned by law Lit. RV. Lit.
पराजिष्णु [ parājiṣṇu ] [ parā-jiṣṇu ] m. f. n. conquered , succumbing (see [ á-parāj ] )
victorious , triumphant Lit. MBh.
पराञ्च् [ parāñc ] [ parāñc ] m. f. n. ( fr. 2. [ añc ] ; nom. [ āṅ ] , [ ācī ] , [ āk ] , or [ āṅ ] ) directed or going away or towards some place beyond ( opp. to [ arvāñc ] )
turned away , averted , distant , turning from , being beyond or outside of (abl.) , not returning , done away with , gone , departed Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br. Lit. Up.
having any one behind
standing or going behind one another , following (abl.) Lit. ib.
directed outwards or towards the outer world (as the senses) Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. BhP.
[ parāñc ] n. the body Lit. BhP. iv , 11 , 10
[ parāk ] ind. away , off Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. AitUp.
ind. outwards , towards the outer world Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. BhP.
[ parāṅ ] ind. outwards , towards the outer world Lit. KaṭhUp. Lit. BhP.
पराक् [ parāk ] [ parāk ] in comp. for [ °rāñc ] .
पराक्त्व [ parāktva ] [ parāk-tva ] n. not turning back , non-recurrence Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
पराक्पुष्पी [ parākpuṣpī ] [ parāk-puṣpī ] f. Achyranthes Aspera Lit. L.
पराक [ parāka ] [ parāká ] m. distance (only [ e ] and [ āt ] , at or from a distance) Lit. RV. ( cf. Lit. Naigh. iii , 26)
N. of a Tri-rātra Lit. Br. Lit. ŚrS.
of a sort of religious penance (said to consist in fasting for 12 days and nights and keeping the mind attentive and organs subdued) Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.
a sacrificial sword Lit. L.
a kind of disease Lit. L.
a species of animal Lit. L.
[ parāka ] m. f. n. small Lit. L.
पराकात्तात् [ parākāttāt ] [ parākā́ttāt ] ind. from a distance Lit. RV. viii , 81 , 27.
पराग् [ parāg ] [ parāg ] in comp. for [ °rāñc ] .
पराग्दृश् [ parāgdṛś ] [ parāg-dṛś ] m. f. n. having the eye tumed towards the outer world Lit. BhP.
पराग्वसु [ parāgvasu ] [ parāg-vasu ] m. f. n. keeping off wealth Lit. Kauś. ( opp to [ arvāg-v ] ; cf. [ parā-v ] ) .
पराङ् [ parāṅ ] [ parāṅ ] in comp. for , [ °rāñc ] .
पराङावृत्त [ parāṅāvṛtta ] [ parāṅ-āvṛtta ] m. f. n. turned away , flying Lit. Āpast.
पराङ्मनस् [ parāṅmanas ] [ parāṅ-manas ] ( [ pár ] ) m. f. n. having the mind or thoughts directed backwards Lit. AV.
पराङ्मुख [ parāṅmukha ] [ parāṅ-mukha ] m. f. n. having the face turned away or averted , turning the back upon ( also [ am ] ind. )
flying from
averse from , hostile to , regardless of , shunning , avoiding (loc. ; gen. ; acc. with [ prati ] , or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
unfavourable , unkind (as fate ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kālid.
[ parāṅmukha ] m. a spell or magical formula pronounced over weapons Lit. R.
n. ( ch. of Lit. MBh.)
[ parāṅmukham ] ind. , see [ parāṅmukha ]
पराङ्मुखता [ parāṅmukhatā ] [ parāṅ-mukha--tā ] f. ( Lit. Amar.) turning away , aversion
पराङ्मुखत्व [ parāṅmukhatva ] [ parāṅ-mukha--tva ] n. ( Lit. Var.) turning away , aversion
पराङ्मुखय [ parāṅmukhaya ] [ parāṅ-mukhaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to turn back or away Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Sch.
पराङ्मुखीकृ [ parāṅmukhīkṛ ] [ parāṅ-mukhī-√ kṛ ] to cause any one to avert the face , put to flight Lit. MBh.
पराङ्मुखीभू [ parāṅmukhībhū ] [ parāṅ-mukhī-√ bhū ] to become averted , turn away the face , take to flight , retreat Lit. Kāv. Lit. Vet.
पराङ्मुखभूत [ parāṅmukhabhūta ] [ parāṅ-mukha--bhūta ] m. f. n. averse from , inauspicious , unfavourable (as fate) Lit. Pañc.
पराची [ parācī ] [ parācī ] f. of [ °rāñc ] , in
पराचीकर्मन् [ parācīkarman ] [ parācī-karman ] n. N. of wk. on funeral rites.
पराचीन [ parācīna ] [ parācī́na ] m. f. n. turned away or downwards or opposite , averted Lit. VS.
being opposite or beyond or outside of Lit. BhP. averse from , indifferent to (abl.) Lit. MBh.
unfit , improper Lit. Hcar.
[ parācīnam ] ind. away from , beyond (abl.) Lit. ŚBr.
more than Lit. Kāṭh.
after Lit. TS.
before the time Lit. L.
पराचीनरात्र [ parācīnarātra ] [ parācī́na-rātra ] n. the second half of the night Lit. ĀpŚr.
पराचैस् [ parācais ] [ parācaí s ] ind. away , aside , off Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
पराञ्चन [ parāñcana ] [ parāñcana ] n. turning away from , bending aside Lit. Nir. xi , 25.
पराञ्चिन् [ parāñcin ] [ parāñcin ] m. f. n. not returning , non-recurring Lit. Br.
पराञ्ज [ parāñja ] [ parāñja ] m. ( only Lit. L.) an oil-mill
froth or foam
the blade of a sword or knife ( cf. [ parañja ] ) .
पराण् [ parāṇ ] [ parāṇ ]1 ( Preverb. [ parā-√ an ] ) P. [ parāṇiti ] (Desid. [ parāṇiṇiṣati ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 19 2.
पराण् [ parāṇ ] [ parāṇ ] m. f. n. Lit. ib. 20.
पराणी [ parāṇī ] [ parā-ṇī ] ( Preverb. [ √ nī ] ) P. Ā. [ -ṇayati ] , [ °te ] to lead away or back Lit. AV.
पराणुद् [ parāṇud ] [ parā-ṇud ] ( Preverb. [ √ nud ] ) P. Ā. [ -ṇudáti ] , [ °te ] (Ved. inf. [ -ṇúde ] ) to push or drive away , banish , remove Lit. RV. Lit.
पराणुत्ति [ parāṇutti ] [ parā-ṇutti ] f. driving away , expulsion , removal Lit. TS.
परातंस [ parātaṃsa ] [ parā-taṃsa ] m. (√ [ taṃs ] ) the being thrust or pushed aside Lit. Kāṭh.
परातरम् [ parātaram ] [ parā-taram ] see [ parā ] , p. 589 , col. 2.
परात्रस् [ parātras ] [ parā-√ tras ] only Caus. aor. [ parātitrasat ] , to drive away Lit. AV.
परादन [ parādana ] [ parādana ] m. a horse of Persian breed Lit. L.
परादा [ parādā ] [ parā-√ dā:1 ] P. [ -dadāti ] , (pf. [ -dadātha ] aor. [ -dās ] , [ -dāt ] ( often as Subj. ) , [ -dur ] ; Ved. inf. [ -daí ] ) , to give up or over , deliver , throw away Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ; give in exchange for , barter against (dat.) Lit. RV. viii , 1 , 5 ; to exclude from Lit. BhP.
परात्त [ parātta ] [ parā-tta ] m. f. n. given up Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 47 Sch.
पराददि [ parādadi ] [ parā-dadí ] m. f. n. giving up , delivering over Lit. RV.
परादान [ parādāna ] [ parā-dā́na ] n. the act of giving up Lit. VS.
परादिश् [ parādiś ] [ parā-√ diś ] ( only pf. [ -dideśa ] ) , to order off , remove Lit. AV.
परादृश् [ parādṛś ] [ parā-√ dṛś ] (pf. [ -dadṛśur ] ind.p. [ -dṛ́śya ] ) , to perceive , behold Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
पराद्रु [ parādru ] [ parā-√ dru ] P. [ -dravati ] , to run away , flee , escape Lit. BhP.
पराधाव् [ parādhāv ] [ parā-√ dhāv:1 ] P. [ -dhāvati ] , to run away Lit. RV.
पराध्मा [ parādhmā ] [ parā-√ dhmā ] P. [ -dhamati ] , to blow away Lit. RV.
परानसा [ parānasā ] [ parānasā ] f. (fr. ?) administering remedies , medical treatment Lit. L.
पराप [ parāpa ] [ parāpa ] n. ( fr. [ parā ] + [ ap ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 97 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.
[ parāpa ] m. f. n. (a place ) whence water has retired Lit. W.
परापत् [ parāpat ] [ parā-√ pat ] P. [ -patati ] , to fly away or past , escape , depart Lit. RV. ; to fall out , fail , be missing Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. GṛS. Lit. Uttarar. ; to fly or rush along Lit. Kād. ; to fly towards , approach , arrive Lit. Hcar. Lit. Kād. : Caus. [ -pātayati ] , to drive away Lit. AV. ; [ -pā́tam ] ind.p. flying away Lit. MaitrS.
परापातिन् [ parāpātin ] [ parā-pātin ] m. f. n. flying off , getting loose Lit. ĀpŚr.
परापातुक [ parāpātuka ] [ parā-pā́tuka ] m. f. n. miscarrying , abortive Lit. TS.
परापश् [ parāpaś ] [ parā-√ paś ] P. [ -paśyati ] , to look far off (or to a distance) Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. ; to see or perceive (at a distance) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
परापू [ parāpū ] [ parā-√ pū ] P. [ -punāti ] (ind.p. [ -pāvam ] ) , to purify , cleanse away Lit. VS. Lit. AV. Lit. ĀpŚr.
परापवन [ parāpavana ] [ parā-pavana ] n. cleansing away , removing by purification Lit. ĀpŚr.
परापृष्ठीभूत्वा [ parāpṛṣṭhībhūtvā ] [ parā-pṛṣṭhī-bhūtvā ] ind. having the back turned (?) Lit. DivyA7v.
पराबब [ parābaba ] [ parābaba ] n. N. of two Sāmans Lit. L. (v.l. [ °bava ] ) .
पराभिक्ष [ parābhikṣa ] [ parābhikṣa ] w.r. for [ parṇa-bh ] .
पराभू [ parābhū ] [ parā-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] (fut. [ -bhaviṣyati ] ; Ved. inf. [ -bhúve ] ) , to perish , disappear , be lost , succumb , yield Lit. AV. Lit. Br. ; to overcome , conquer Lit. R. Lit. Kām. ; (Pass. p. [ -bhūyamāna ] Lit. BhP.) to harm , hurt , injure Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -bhāvayati ] , to overthrow , destroy Lit. AV. Lit. Br. ; (Ā.) to vanish , perish , sustain a loss Lit. BhP.
पराभव [ parābhava ] [ parā-bhavá ] m. vanishing , disappearance , dissolution , separation Lit. R.
overthrow , defeat , humiliation , mortification , contempt , injury , destruction , ruin Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
N. of the 40th (or 14th) year in Jupiter's cycle of 6o years Lit. Var. ( cf. [ parāvasu ] )
पराभवपद [ parābhavapada ] [ parā-bhavá--pada ] n. an object of contempt Lit. MW.
पराभाव [ parābhāva ] [ parā-bhāva ] m. defeat , overthrow Lit. MBh.
humiliation , contempt Lit. L.
पराभावन [ parābhāvana ] [ parā-bhāvana ] n. suppression Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.
पराभावुक [ parābhāvuka ] [ parā-bhāvuka ] m. f. n. about to decline , going to pass away Lit. Kāṭh.
पराभूत [ parābhūta ] [ párā-bhūta ] m. f. n. ( [ párā- ] ) vanished , perished , forlorn Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ á-parābh ] )
defeated , overcome , harmed , injured , degraded , humbled Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
पराभूति [ parābhūti ] [ parā-bhūti ] ( [ párā- ] ) f. defeat , overthrow , humiliation , injury Lit. AV. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
पराभृत [ parābhṛta ] [ párā-bhṛta ] m. f. n. (√ [ bhṛ ] ) borne or taken off , put aside , hidden , concealed Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
परामि [ parāmi ] [ parā-√ mi ] or [ mī ] ( only fut. p. [ -meṣyat ] ) , to come back , return Lit. AitBr.
परामृत [ parāmṛta ] [ parā-mṛta ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see p. 587 , col. 3) one who is beyond (i.e. no longer subject to) death Lit. Up. Lit. Śaṃk.
परामृश् [ parāmṛś ] [ parā-√ mṛś ] P. [ -mṛśati ] (inf. [ -marṣṭum ] ind.p. [ -mṛśya ] ) , to seize or lay hold of , touch , feel , stroke , handle , clutch Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh. ; to handle roughly , violate (as a woman or a temple) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to point or refer to (acc.) Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Nīlak. ; to consider , deliberate Lit. Bhām. : Pass. [ -mṛśyate ] , to be touched , be referred to or meant Lit. Kāś. Lit. Kull. (w.r. [ -mṛṣ ] ) .
परामर्श [ parāmarśa ] [ parā-marśa ] m. seizing , pulling ( [ keśa- ] , by the hair) Lit. MBh.
bending or drawing (of a bow) Lit. R.
violation , injury , assault , attack Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kād.
affection (by disease ) Lit. MārkP.
remembrance , recollection Lit. Vedântas.
referring or pointing touched Lit. Sāh.
reflection , consideration , judgement Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhāshāp.
(in logic) inference , conclusion , drawing conclusions from analogy or experience , knowledge of the minor premiss in its connection with the major
N. of wk.
परामर्शकारणपक्षतावाद [ parāmarśakāraṇapakṣatāvāda ] [ parā-marśa--kāraṇa-pakṣatā-vāda ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शकर्यकारणभावविचार [ parāmarśakaryakāraṇabhāvavicāra ] [ parā-marśa--karya-kāraṇa-bhāva-vicāra ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शग्रन्थ [ parāmarśagrantha ] [ parā-marśa--grantha ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शग्रन्थरहस्य [ parāmarśagrantharahasya ] [ parā-marśa--grantha-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
परामर्शटिप्पनी [ parāmarśaṭippanī ] [ parā-marśa--ṭippanī ] f. N. of wk.
परामर्शपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थटीका [ parāmarśapūrvapakṣagranthaṭīkā ] [ parā-marśa--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
परामर्शपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थक्रोड [ parāmarśapūrvapakṣagranthakroḍa ] [ parā-marśa--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थदीधितिटीका [ parāmarśapūrvapakṣagranthadīdhitiṭīkā ] [ parā-marśa--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-dīdhiti-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
परामर्शपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थप्रकाश [ parāmarśapūrvapakṣagranthaprakāśa ] [ parā-marśa--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थविवेचन [ parāmarśapūrvapakṣagranthavivecana ] [ parā-marśa--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-vivecana ] n. N. of wk.
परामर्शपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थानुगम [ parāmarśapūrvapakṣagranthānugama ] [ parā-marśa--pūrva-pakṣa-granthānugama ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शपूर्वपक्षरहस्य [ parāmarśapūrvapakṣarahasya ] [ parā-marśa--pūrva-pakṣa-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
परामर्शरहस्य [ parāmarśarahasya ] [ parā-marśa--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
परामर्शवाद [ parāmarśavāda ] [ parā-marśa--vāda ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शवादार्थ [ parāmarśavādārtha ] [ parā-marśa--vādārtha ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शविचार [ parāmarśavicāra ] [ parā-marśa--vicāra ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शसिद्धान्तग्रन्थटीका [ parāmarśasiddhāntagranthaṭīkā ] [ parā-marśa--siddhānta-grantha-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.
परामर्शसिद्धान्तग्रन्थक्रोड [ parāmarśasiddhāntagranthakroḍa ] [ parā-marśa--siddhānta-grantha-kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शसिद्धान्तग्रन्थप्रकाश [ parāmarśasiddhāntagranthaprakāśa ] [ parā-marśa--siddhānta-grantha-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शसिद्धान्तग्रन्थविवेचन [ parāmarśasiddhāntagranthavivecana ] [ parā-marśa--siddhānta-grantha-vivecana ] n. N. of wk.
परामर्शसिद्धान्तग्रन्थालोक [ parāmarśasiddhāntagranthāloka ] [ parā-marśa--siddhānta-granthāloka ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शसिद्धान्तरहस्य [ parāmarśasiddhāntarahasya ] [ parā-marśa--siddhānta-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.
परामर्शहेतुताविचार [ parāmarśahetutāvicāra ] [ parā-marśa--hetutā-vicāra ] m. N. of wk.
परामर्शन [ parāmarśana ] [ parā-marśana ] n. taking hold of , touching , seizing Lit. Kauś. Sch.
recollection , consideration Lit. L.
परामर्शिन् [ parāmarśin ] [ parā-marśin ] m. f. n. calling or bringing to mind , pointing or referring to ( [ °śitva ] n. ) Lit. Sāh.
परामर्शित्व [ parāmarśitva ] [ parā-marśi-tva ] n. , see [ parāmarśin ]
परामृष्ट [ parāmṛṣṭa ] [ párā-mṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. ( [ párā- ] ) seized or laid hold of , grasped , handled , touched , felt , roughly treated , violated , afflicted (by disease ) Lit. AV. Lit. MBh.
recollected , considered , referred to Lit. RPrāt.
borne , endured Lit. W.
परायण [ parāyaṇa ] [ parāyaṇa ]2 n. ( [ parā ] +√ [ i ] ) going away , departure or way of departure , final end , last resort Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. 1. [ parāyaṇa ] , p.587) .
परायति [ parāyati ] [ parā-yáti ] m. (√ [ yat ] ) = [ parā-gantṛ ] Lit. RV. ix , 91 , 7 ( Lit. Sāy.)
परायत्त [ parāyatta ] [ parāyatta ] see p. 587 , col. 3.
पराया [ parāyā ] [ parā-√ yā ] P. [ -yāti ] , to go away Lit. RV. Lit. AV. : Caus. [ -yāpáyati ] , to bid go away Lit. Kauś.
परारीक [ parārīka ] [ parārīka ] m. ( or [ °kā ] f.) leek Lit. Āpast. (v.l. [ palārīka ] ) .
परारु [ parāru ] [ parāru ] m. Momordica Charantia Lit. L. (v.l. [ pavāru ] ) .
परारुक [ parāruka ] [ parāruka ] m. a stone or rock Lit. L. (v.l. [ pavāruka ] ) .
परार्थ [ parārtha ] [ parārtha ] [ parārdha ] see under [ para ] , p. 587 , col. 3.
परावच् [ parāvac ] [ parā-√ vac ] P. [ -vakti ] , to contradict ( opp. to [ anu-vac ] ) Lit. ŚBr.
परावाक [ parāvāka ] [ parā-vāká ] m. contradiction Lit. AV.
परोक्त [ parokta ] [ parokta ] m. f. n. contradicted Lit. ŚBr.
परोच्य [ parocya ] [ parócya ] m. f. n. to be contradicted Lit. TS.
परावत् [ parāvat ] [ parā-vat ] see under 2. [ parā ] , p.589.
परावत [ parāvata ] [ parāvata ] m. Grewia Asiatica Lit. L.
परावद् [ parāvad ] [ parā-√ vad ] P. [ -vadati ] , to warn off or remove by speaking or reciting Lit. AV.
परावध् [ parāvadh ] [ parā-√ vadh ] ( only aor. [ -avadhīt ] , [ -vadhīt ] ) , to strike down , crush , tear Lit. RV. i , 38 , 6 ( [ párā-parā vadhīt ] ) Lit. AV. Lit. TS.
परावप् [ parāvap ] [ parā-√ vap:2 ] P. [ -vapati ] , to lay aside , remove (as dead bodies , arrows ) Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Br.
परावम् [ parāvam ] [ parā-√ vam ] P. [ -vamiti ] , or [ -vamati ] , to spit or vomit away Lit. Kāṭh.
परावर [ parāvara ] [ parāvara ] see p. 587 , col. 3.
परावर्त [ parāvarta ] [ parā-varta ] see [ parā-vṛt ] .
परावल्ग् [ parāvalg ] [ parā-√ valg ] Ā. [ -valgate ] , to jump away Lit. TS.
परावसु [ parāvasu ] [ parā-vásu ] m. f. n. keeping off wealth Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ( cf. [ parāg-v ] )
[ parāvasu ] m. N. of the 40th year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Lit. Var. ( cf. [ parābhava ] )
of a Gandharva (associated with Viśvā-vasu) Lit. BhP.
of a son of Raibhya (associated with Arvā-vasu) Lit. MBh.
परावह् [ parāvah ] [ parā-√ vah ] P. [ -vahati ] (aor. Subj. [ -vakṣat ] ) , to carry off take away , bring to (dat.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
परावह [ parāvaha ] [ parā-vaha ] m. N. of one of the 7 winds ( the other 6 being called [ ā-vaha ] , [ ud- ] , [ pari- ] , [ pra- ] , [ vi- ] and [ saṃ-vaha ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
परावा [ parāvā ] [ parā-√ vā:2 ] P. [ -vāti ] , to blow away , remove by blowing Lit. RV.
परावाक [ parāvāka ] [ parā-vāka ] see [ parā-vac ] above.
परावृज् [ parāvṛj ] [ parā-√ vṛj ] P. [ -vṛṇakti ] (impf. [ -vṛṇak ] ; pf. [ -vavṛjur ] ; aor. [ -vark ] , [ -varktam ] ) , to turn away ; ( with [ śīrṣā ] ) to flee Lit. RV. ; to wring off (as a head) Lit. ib. ; to throw away , remove , reject , abandon Lit. ib.
परावृक्त [ parāvṛkta ] [ parā-vṛkta ] ( [ párā- ] ) m. f. n. rejected , cast off Lit. RV. iv , 30 , 16.
परावृज् [ parāvṛj ] [ parā-vṛj ] m. an out-caste , wretch , miserable Lit. RV. ( Lit. Sāy. " N. of a person " ) .
परावृत् [ parāvṛt ] [ parā-√ vṛt ] Ā. [ -vartate ] (ind.p. [ -vṛtya ] ) , to turn back or round (intrans.) , return , desist from (abl.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -vartayati ] , to turn round (trans.) Lit. RV. i , 38 , 9 ; cause to return Lit. MBh. vii , 9201 (B. [ pari-vartaya ] ) . ( 590,3 )
परावर्त [ parāvarta ] [ parā-varta ] m. turning back or round
exchange , barter Lit. HPariś.
reversal of a sentence (in law) Lit. W.
restoration Lit. W.
परावर्तन [ parāvartana ] [ parā-vartana ] n. turning back or round Lit. MBh.
परावर्तिन् [ parāvartin ] [ parā-vartin ] m. f. n. turning back , taking to flight Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ( [ a-parāv ] ) .
परावर्त्य [ parāvartya ] [ parā-vartya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be turned back or exchanged or reversed (as a sentence) or restored Lit. W.
परावर्त्यव्यवहार [ parāvartyavyavahāra ] [ parā-vartya--vyavahāra ] m. appeal (in law) Lit. ib.
परावृत् [ parāvṛt ] [ parā-vṛt ] m. N. of a son of Rukmakavaca Lit. VP.
परावृत्त [ parāvṛtta ] [ parā-vṛtta ] m. f. n. turned (also to flight) returned , averted from (abl.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
passed away , disappeared Lit. R. Lit. BhP. Lit. HPariś.
wallowing , rolling ( n. as a subst.) Lit. L.
exchanged Lit. W.
reversed (as a judgement) Lit. ib.
given back , restored Lit. ib.
परावृत्ति [ parāvṛtti ] [ parā-vṛtti ] f. turning back or round , returning , revolving Lit. Hariv. ( cf. [ a-parāv ] )
change , interchange , exchange , barter Lit. Kāv.
reversion of a sentence or judgement Lit. W.
restoration of property Lit. ib.
recoiling , rebounding , not taking effect Lit. Cat.
पराव्यध् [ parāvyadh ] [ parā-√ vyadh ] P. [ -vidhyati ] , to hurl or fling away or out Lit. TS. Lit. MaitrS. ; to strike , hit , wound Lit. MBh.
पराविद्ध [ parāviddha ] [ parā-viddha ] m. N. of Kṛishṇa or Kubera Lit. L. ( cf. [ pari-viddha ] under [ pari-vyadh ] ) .
पराव्याध [ parāvyādha ] [ parā-vyādha ] m. a stone's throw , the range of any missile Lit. ŚBr.
पराशर [ parāśara ] [ parā-śara ] see [ parā-śṝ ] below.
पराशस् [ parāśas ] [ parā-śás ] f. (√ [ śaṃs ] ) calumny , curse , imprecation Lit. TS. Lit. AV.
पराशातयितृ [ parāśātayitṛ ] [ parā-śātayitṛ ] m. (√ [ śad ] , Caus.) crusher , destroyer Lit. Nir. vi , 30.
पराशॄ [ parāśṝ ] [ parā-√ śṝ ] P. [ -śṛṇāti ] (Impv. [ -śṛṇīhi ] , [ °ṇītam ] , [ °ṇantu ] Lit. RV. ; aor. [ -śarīt ] , or [ -śarait ] Lit. AV.) , to crush , destroy.
पराशर [ parāśara ] [ parā-śará ] m. a crusher , destroyer Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
a partic. wild animal Lit. Bhagavatīg. (w.r. [ °sara ] )
N. of a Nāga Lit. MBh.
N. of a son of Vasishṭha or of a son of Śakti and grandson of Vasishṭha (according to Lit. MBh. the father of Vyāsa ; said to be the author of Lit. RV. i , 65-73 and part of ix , 97)
of a son of Kuṭhumi Lit. VP.
of the author of a well-known code of laws Lit. RTL. 51
of sev. writers on medicine and astrology (with [ bhaṭṭa ] N. of a poet) Lit. Cat.
पराशरक्षेत्रमाहात्म्य [ parāśarakṣetramāhātmya ] [ parā-śará--kṣetra-māhātmya ] n. N. of wk.
पराशरतन्त्र [ parāśaratantra ] [ parā-śará--tantra ] n. N. of wk.
पराशरधर्म [ parāśaradharma ] [ parā-śará--dharma ] m. N. of wk.
पराशरपुराण [ parāśarapurāṇa ] [ parā-śará--purāṇa ] n. N. of wk.
पराशरमाधवीय [ parāśaramādhavīya ] [ parā-śará--mādhavīya ] n. N. of wk.
पराशरवंशवर्णन [ parāśaravaṃśavarṇana ] [ parā-śará--vaṃśa-varṇana ] n. N. of wk.
पराशरविजय [ parāśaravijaya ] [ parā-śará--vijaya ] m. N. of wk.
पराशरसंहिता [ parāśarasaṃhitā ] [ parā-śará--saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.
पराशरसम्पात [ parāśarasampāta ] [ parā-śará--sampāta ] m. N. of wk.
पराशरसिद्धान्त [ parāśarasiddhānta ] [ parā-śará--siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.
पराशरसूत्रवृत्ति [ parāśarasūtravṛtti ] [ parā-śará--sūtra-vṛtti ] f. N. of wk.
पराशरस्मृति [ parāśarasmṛti ] [ parā-śará--smṛti ] f. N. of wk.
पराशरस्मृतिसंग्रह [ parāśarasmṛtisaṃgraha ] [ parā-śará--smṛti-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.
पराशरोपपुराण [ parāśaropapurāṇa ] [ parā-śaropapurāṇa ] n. N. of wk.
पराशरिन् [ parāśarin ] [ parā-śarin ] m. = [ pārāśarin ] Lit. L.
पराशरेश्वर [ parāśareśvara ] [ parā-śareśvara ] m. N. of a Liṅga Lit. SkandaP.
पराशरेश्वरतीर्थ [ parāśareśvaratīrtha ] [ parā-śareśvara-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP.
पराशीर्ण [ parāśīrṇa ] [ parā-śīrṇa ] m. f. n. crushed , destroyed Lit. Nir. vi , 30.
पराश्रय [ parāśraya ] [ parāśraya ] [ parāśrita ] see under [ para ] , p. 588 , col. 1.
पराश्वस् [ parāśvas ] [ parā-√ śvas ] ( only ind.p. [ -śvasya ] ) , to confide in (loc.) Lit. MBh.
परास् [ parās ] [ parās ] ( Preverb. [ parā- ] :2 [ √ as ] ) P. [ parāsyati ] (impf. [ parāsyat ] ; pf. [ parāsa ] ) , to throw away or down , cast aside , expose (as a new-born child) , abandon , reject , leave Lit. RV. Lit.
परास [ parāsa ] [ parāsa ] m. the range or distance of anything thrown Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
परासन [ parāsana ] [ parāsana ] n. killing , slaughter , massacre Lit. L.
परासिन् [ parāsin ] [ parāsin ] m. f. n. throwing or measuring the distance of anything thrown Lit. TāṇḍBr.
परासिसिषु [ parāsisiṣu ] [ parāsisiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid.) wishing to drive away Lit. Kir.
desirous to throw or send Lit. W.
wishing to overcome Lit. ib.
परास्त [ parāsta ] [ parāsta ] m. f. n. thrown away , rejected , repudiated Lit. Sāh.
defeated Lit. W.
परास्य [ parāsya ] [ parā́sya ] or [ parāsy^a ] m. f. n. to be thrown away Lit. ŚBr.
परासिच् [ parāsic ] [ parā-√ sic ] P. [ -siñcati ] (aor. [ -asicat ] ; Pass. [ -sicyate ] aor. [ -aseci ] ) , to pour or throw away , cast aside , remove Lit. RV. Lit. TS. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.
परासिक्त [ parāsikta ] [ parā-sikta ] m. f. n. poured or thrown away , spilled Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ á-parās ] )
set aside , rendered useless Lit. MBh.
परासु [ parāsu ] [ parāsu ] m. f. n. one whose vital spirit is departed or departing
dying or dead Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परासुकर्ण [ parāsukarṇa ] [ parāsu-karṇa ] m. f. n. causing death , killing Lit. MBh.
परासुता [ parāsutā ] [ parāsu-tā ] f.
परासुत्व [ parāsutva ] [ parāsu-tva ] n. exhaustion , death Lit. MBh.
परासू [ parāsū ] [ parā-√ sū ] P. [ -suvati ] (aor. [ -sāvīḥ ] ) , to frighten away Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS.
परासृ [ parāsṛ ] [ parā-√ sṛ ] P. [ -sarati ] , to come near , approach Lit. RV.
परासृज् [ parāsṛj ] [ parā-√ sṛj ] P. [ -sṛjati ] , to give away , bestow Lit. MBh.
परासेध [ parāsedha ] [ parā-sedha ] m. (fr. √ :2. [ sidh ] ) arrest , imprisonment Lit. Nār. ( 1330,1 )
परास्तम्भ् [ parāstambh ] [ parā-√ stambh ] P. [ -stabhnāti ] , to hold back , hinder Lit. ŚBr.
पराहन् [ parāhan ] [ parā-√ han ] P. [ -hanti ] (impf. 2. 3. sg. [ párāhan ] pf. 3. pl. [ parā-jaghnúr ] ) , to strike down or away , hurl down , overthrow Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. ; to touch , feel , grope Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.
पराहत [ parāhata ] [ párā-hata ] m. f. n. ( [ párā- ] ) turned over , tilled (the earth) Lit. RV. v , 56 , 3
struck down or back , repelled , averted , rejected Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
refuted , contradicted Lit. Nyāyam.
पराहति [ parāhati ] [ parā-hati ] f. contradiction Lit. Sarvad.
पराहा [ parāhā ] [ parā-√ hā:2 ] Ā. [ -jihīte ] , to give way , let slip , abandon , evade (acc.) Lit. TS.
पराहृत [ parāhṛta ] [ parā-hṛta ] m. f. n. (√ [ hṛ ] ) carried off , removed Lit. ĀpŚr. Lit. BhP.
परि [ pari ] [ pári ] ind. round , around , about , round about
fully , abundantly , richly (esp. ibc. ( where also [ parī ] ) to express fulness or high degree) Lit. RV.
as a prep. ( with acc.) about (in space and time) Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
against , opposite to , in the direction of , towards , to Lit. ib. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 90 ; also at the beginning of a comp. mfn. ; cf. Lit. ib. ii , 2 , 18 Vārtt. 4 Lit. Pat. and [ pary-adhyayana ] )
beyond , more than Lit. AV.
to the share of (with √ [ as ] , or [ bhū ] , to fall to a person's lot) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 90
successively , severally (e.g. [ vṛkṣam pari siñcati ] , he waters tree after tree) Lit. ib.
( with abl.) from , away from , out of Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 93)
outside of , except Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 88 Lit. Kāś. ( often repeated Lit. ib. viii , 1 , 5 ; also at the beginning or the end of an ind. comp. Lit. ib. ii , 1 , 12)
after the lapse of Lit. Mn. iii , 119 Lit. MBh. xiii , 4672 ( some read [ parisaṃvatsarāt ] )
in consequence or on account or for the sake of Lit. RV. Lit. AV.
according to (esp. [ dhármaṇas pári ] , according to ordinance or in conformity with law or right) Lit. RV. ( cf. Zd. (pairi) ; Gk. 1. )
परिंश [ pariṃśa ] [ pariṃśá ] m. ( [ pari ] + [ aṃśa ] ) the best part of (gen.) Lit. RV. i , 187 , 8.
परिकथ् [ parikath ] [ pari-√ kath ] P. [ -kathayati ] , to mention , call , name Lit. Tattvas.
परिकथा [ parikathā ] [ pari-kathā ] f. a religious tale or narrative Lit. DivyA7v.
परिकन्दल [ parikandala ] [ pari-kandala ] m. f. n. teeming with , full of (comp.) Lit. Bhojapr.
परिकम्प् [ parikamp ] [ pari-√ kamp ] Caus. [ -kampayati ] , to cause to tremble , shake Lit. BhP.
परिकम्प [ parikampa ] [ pari-kampa ] m. tremor , great fear or terror Lit. L.
परिकम्पिन् [ parikampin ] [ pari-kampin ] m. f. n. trembling violently Lit. Uttarar.
परिकर [ parikara ] [ pari-kara ] [ pari-karman ] see [ pari-kṛ ] , col.3.
परिकर्कश [ parikarkaśa ] [ pari-karkaśa ] m. f. n. very harsh Lit. Jātakam.
परिकर्त [ parikarta ] [ pari-karta ] [ °tana ] see [ pari-kṛt ] .
परिकर्ष [ parikarṣa ] [ pari-karṣa ] see [ pari-kṛṣ ] .
परिकल् [ parikal ] [ pari-√ kal:2 ] P. [ -kālayati ] , to drive about , chase , persecute Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परिकालित [ parikālita ] [ pari-kālita ] m. f. n. persecuted , dogged Lit. MBh.
परिकल् [ parikal ] [ pari-√ kal:3 ] P. [ -kalayati ] , to seize , take hold of Lit. Bālar. ix , 18 ; to swallow , devour Lit. Kād. Lit. Hcar. ; to observe , consider as Lit. Śiś. viii , 9.
परिकलयितृ [ parikalayitṛ ] [ pari-kalayitṛ ] m. f. n. surrounding , encircling Lit. Mcar. v , 10 ( read [ °yitā ] ) .
परिकलितिन् [ parikalitin ] [ pari-kalitin ] m. f. n. = [ °kalitaṃ yena saḥ ] g. [ iṣṭādi ] .
परिकल्कन [ parikalkana ] [ pari-kalkana ] n. deceit , cheating Lit. Dhātup. ( cf. [ kalkana ] ) .
परिकल्प [ parikalpa ] [ pari-kalpa ] [ °pana ] see [ pari-kḷp ] , p. 592 , col. 1.
परिकाङ्क्षित [ parikāṅkṣita ] [ pari-kāṅkṣita ] m. (√ [ kāṅkṣ ] ) a devotee , religious ascetic Lit. L. ( cf. [ pārikāṅkṣin ] ) .
परिकातर [ parikātara ] [ pari-kātara ] m. f. n. very timid or cowardly Lit. Jātakam.
परिकायन [ parikāyana ] [ parikāyana ] (?) m. pl. N. of a school Lit. L.
परिकासन [ parikāsana ] [ pari-kāsana ] n. (√ [ kās ] ) frequent coughing Lit. ĀpGṛ.
परिकिरण [ parikiraṇa ] [ pari-kiraṇa ] [ -kīrṇa ] see [ pari- ] √ 1. [ kṝ ] , p.592.
परिकीर्त् [ parikīrt ] [ pari-√ kīrt ] P. [ -kīrtayati ] , to proclaim on all sides , announce , relate , celebrate , praise , declare , call , name Lit. GṛS. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
परिकीर्तन [ parikīrtana ] [ pari-kīrtana ] n. proclaiming , announcing , talking of , boasting , naming , calling Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
परिकीर्तित [ parikīrtita ] [ pari-kīrtita ] m. f. n. proclaimed , announced , boasted of , said , called Lit. ib.
परिकुप् [ parikup ] [ pari-√ kup ] P. [ -kupyati ] , to become greatly moved or excited , to be in a rage , to be very angry Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -kopayati ] , to excite violently , to make very angry Lit. ib.
परिकुपित [ parikupita ] [ pari-kupita ] m. f. n. much excited , very angry , wrathful Lit. ib.
परिकोप [ parikopa ] [ pari-kopa ] m. violent anger , wrath Lit. Pañc.
परिकोपित [ parikopita ] [ pari-kopita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) greatly excited , very angry Lit. MBh.
परिकूट [ parikūṭa ] [ pari-kūṭa ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Lit. L.
a barrier or trench before the gate of a town Lit. L.
परिकूल [ parikūla ] [ pari-kūla ] n. (prob.) the land lying on a shore Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 82 Sch.
परिकृ [ parikṛ ] [ pari-√ kṛ:1 ] P. [ -karoti ] ( cf. [ pari-ṣ-kṛ ] ) , to surround Lit. MBh. ; to uphold Lit. DivyA7v.
परिकर [ parikara ] [ pari-kara ] m. f. n. who or what helps or assists Lit. W.
[ parikara ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) attendants , followers , entourage , retinue , train ( sg. and pl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
m. multitude , abundance Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Bālar.
a girth , zone , waist-band , (esp.) a girdle to keep up a garment ( [ °ram-√ bā4ndh ] , or [ °raṃ-√ kṛ ] , " to gird up one's loins , make preparations " , and so [ pari-kara ] = [ ārambha ] Lit. L.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.
(in dram.) covert or indirect intimation of coming events in a plot , the germ of the Bīja Lit. Daśar.
( in rhet.) a partic. figure in which many significant epithets or adjectives are employed one after the other to give force to a statement Lit. Kpr. Lit. Sāh.
परिकरश्लोक [ parikaraśloka ] [ pari-kara--śloka ] m. Lit. Alaṃkārav.
discrimination , judgement Lit. L.
परिकरबन्ध [ parikarabandha ] [ pari-kara--bandha ] m. the binding on of a girdle in order to begin any work Lit. MW.
परिकरभूत [ parikarabhūta ] [ pari-kara--bhūta ] m. f. n. being instrumental Lit. Āryabh. Sch.
परिकरविजय [ parikaravijaya ] [ pari-kara--vijaya ] m. N. of wk.
परिकरश्लोक [ parikaraśloka ] [ pari-kara--śloka ] m. versus auxiliaris Lit. Alaṃkārav.
परिकरित [ parikarita ] [ pari-karita ] m. f. n. accompanied by (instr.) Lit. Vcar.
परिकर्तृ [ parikartṛ ] [ pari-kartṛ ] m. a priest who performs the marriage ceremony for a younger brother whose elder brother is not yet married Lit. L.
परिकर्मन् [ parikarman ] [ pari-karman ] m. a servant , assistant Lit. L.
[ parikarman ] n. attendance , worship , adoration Lit. BhP.
dressing , painting or perfuming the body (esp. after bathing) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kālid.
cleansing , purification Lit. Śiś.
preparation Lit. Kathās. ( cf. [ °kara ] )
arithmetical computation or operation Lit. W.
परिकर्मकथा [ parikarmakathā ] [ pari-karma-kathā ] f. prayer (?) Lit. DivyA7v.
परिकर्माष्टक [ parikarmāṣṭaka ] [ pari-karmāṣṭaka ] n. the 8 fundamental rules of arithmetic (viz. addition , subtraction , multiplication , division , finding the square , extracting the square root , finding the cube , extracting the cube root) Lit. Col.
परिकर्मय [ parikarmaya ] [ pari-karmaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to anoint , decorate , adorn Lit. Gīt. ; to make ready Lit. DivyA7v.
परिकर्मित [ parikarmita ] [ pari-karmita ] m. f. n. arranged , prepared , put in order Lit. Var. Lit. Sarvad.
परिकर्मिन् [ parikarmin ] [ pari-karmin ] m. f. n. adorning , decorating Lit. W.
[ parikarmin ] m. an assistant , servant , slave Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Suśr.
परिकृत [ parikṛta ] [ pari-kṛta ] m. f. n. surrounded Lit. MBh.
परिक्रिया [ parikriyā ] [ pari-kriyā ] f. surrounding , inclosing , intrenching Lit. L.
attending to , care of (comp. ; cf. [ agni-parikriyā ] )
exercise , practice , enjoyment ( cf. [ rājya-parik ] )
(in dram.) illusion to future action (= [ parikara ] ) Lit. Daśar.
परिकृत् [ parikṛt ] [ pari-√ kṛt:2 ] P. [ -kṛntati ] , (ind.p. [ -kṛtya ] ) , to cut round , clip , cut off Lit. AV. Lit. R. ; to exclude from (abl.) Lit. Mn. iv , 219.
परिकर्तन [ parikartana ] [ pari-kartana ] m. f. n. cutting up or to pieces Lit. MBh.
[ parikartana ] n. cutting , cutting off or out , a circular incision Lit. Suśr.
= next Lit. ib.
परिकर्तिका [ parikartikā ] [ pari-kartikā ] f. sharp shooting pain (esp. in the rectum) Lit. Suśr.
परिकृत्त [ parikṛtta ] [ pari-kṛtta ] m. f. n. cut round , clipped , cut off Lit. ŚBr.
परिकृत् [ parikṛt ] [ pari-√ kṛt:3 ] ( only p. pres. Ā. [ -kṛtyamāna ] ) , to wind round Lit. AV.
परिकृश् [ parikṛś ] [ pari-√ kṛś ] only Caus. [ -karśayati ] , to harass , afflict Lit. BhP.
परिकृश [ parikṛśa ] [ pari-kṛśa ] m. f. n. very thin , emaciate , wasted Lit. Vop.
परिकृशत्व [ parikṛśatva ] [ pari-kṛśa--tva ] n. a slender size Lit. Lalit.
परिकृष् [ parikṛṣ ] [ pari-√ kṛṣ ] P. Ā. [ -karṣati ] , [ °te ] , to draw or drag about (Ā.. also " each other " ) Lit. MBh. ; to lead (an army) Lit. R. ; to rule , govern , be master of (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to harass , afflict Lit. ib. ; to ponder , reflect constantly upon (acc.) Lit. ib. ; (P. [ -kṛṣati ] ) to draw or make furrows , to plough Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to draw a circle Lit. Śulbas. : Caus. [ -karṣayati ] , to drag to and fro , torment , harass , vex , trouble Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to carry (as a nurse) Lit. DivyA7v. ( 591,3 )
परिकर्ष [ parikarṣa ] [ pari-karṣa ] m. dragging about Lit. MBh. ( cf. g. [ nirudakādi ] ) .
परिकर्षण [ parikarṣaṇa ] [ pari-karṣaṇa ] n. id. Lit. ib.
a circle Lit. Śulbas.
परिकर्षित [ parikarṣita ] [ pari-karṣita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) dragged about , harassed , tortured Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
परिकर्षिन् [ parikarṣin ] [ pari-karṣin ] m. f. n. dragging away , carrying about (to different places) Lit. R.
परिकृष्ट [ parikṛṣṭa ] [ pari-kṛṣṭa ] m. N. of a teacher Lit. VāyuP.
परिकॄ [ parikṝ ] [ pari-√ kṝ:1 ] P. [ -kirati ] , (ind.p. [ -kīrya ] ) , to scatter or strew about Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to throw upon , impose , deliver over to (loc.) , Lit. Rāgh. xviii , 32.
परिकिरण [ parikiraṇa ] [ pari-kiraṇa ] n. scattering or strewing about Lit. Kauś. Sch.
परिकीर्ण [ parikīrṇa ] [ pari-kīrṇa ] m. f. n. spread , diffused , scattered around , surrounded , crowded Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परिकॢप् [ parikḷp ] [ pari-√ kḷp ] Caus. [ -kalpayati ] (Pass. [ -kalpyate ] ) , to fix , settle , determine , destine for (with acc. , [ artham ] ifc. , loc. or an inf. with pass. sense) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to choose Lit. VarBṛS. lix , 11 ; to perform , execute , accomplish , contrive , arrange , make Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās. ; to distribute , divide ( with an adv. in [ dhā ] ) Lit. Mn. Lit. Var. Lit. MBh. ; to admit or invite to (loc.) Lit. MBh. ; to suppose , presuppose Lit. Sarvad.
परिकल्पन [ parikalpana ] [ pari-kalpana ] n. fixing , settling , contriving , making , inventing , providing , dividing , distributing
[ parikalpanā ] f. making , forming , assuming (see [ rūpa-parik ] )
reckoning , calculation Lit. Var.
परिकल्पित [ parikalpita ] [ pari-kalpita ] m. f. n. settled , decided
fixed upon , chosen , wished for , expected , made , created , imagined , invented , contrived , arranged , distributed , divided (with [ khaṇḍa-śaḥ ] , cut or broken in pieces) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परिकल्प्य [ parikalpya ] [ pari-kalpya ] m. f. n. to be settled
to be calculated Lit. Var.
परिकॢप्त [ parikḷpta ] [ pari-kḷpta ] m. f. n. distributed , scattered , found here and there Lit. MBh.
परिकेश [ parikeśa ] [ pari-keśa ] m. g. [ nirudakādi ] .
परिक्रन्द् [ parikrand ] [ pari-√ krand ] ( only aor. Caus. [ -acikradat ] ) , to cry or make a noise round about (acc.) Lit. RV.
परिक्रम् [ parikram ] [ pari-√ kram ] P. [ -krāmati ] ( rarely Ā. [ °te ] ; p. [ -krāmat ] ; pf. [ -cakrāma ] , [ -cakramur ] ; aor. [ -akramīt ] ; inf. [ -krāntum ] ; ind.p. [ -krā́mam ] , or [ -kramya ] ) , to step or walk round or about , circumambulate , roam over , walk through , visit ( with acc.) Lit. RV. ; to go past , escape Lit. AitBr. ; to outstrip , overtake Lit. R. : Intens. [ -caṅkramati ] , to move or walk about perpetually Lit. BhP.
परिक्रम [ parikrama ] [ pari-krama ] m. roaming about , circumambulating , walking through , pervading Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.
transition Lit. RPrāt. (v.l. [ parā-kr ] )
following the course of a river down from its source to its mouth and then on the other bank up to its source again Lit. RTL. 348
succession , series , order Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Kauś. Lit. Mn. iii , 214 ( read [ āvṛt-parikramam ] )
a remedy , medicine Lit. Car.
परिक्रमसह [ parikramasaha ] [ pari-krama--saha ] m. " one who bears running about " , a goat Lit. L.
परिक्रमण [ parikramaṇa ] [ pari-kramaṇa ] n. walking or roaming about Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
परिक्रान्त [ parikrānta ] [ pari-krānta ] m. f. n. walked round , stepped upon , trod
[ parikrānta ] n. the place stepped upon , foot-steps , traces Lit. R.
परिक्रान्ति [ parikrānti ] [ pari-krānti ] f. moving round , revolution Lit. BhP.
परिक्रामितक [ parikrāmitaka ] [ pari-krāmitaka ] n. (fr. Caus.) walking about ( only [ °kena ] ind. , in stage-directions) Lit. Bālar. Lit. Viddh. Lit. Pracaṇḍ.
[ parikrāmitakena ] ind. , see [ parikrāmitaka ] , , in stage-directions
परिक्रिया [ parikriyā ] [ pari-kriyā ] see [ pari-kṛ ] .
परिक्री [ parikrī ] [ pari-√ krī ] Ā. [ -krīṇīte ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 18 ; really more frequent in P. e.g. impf. [ -akrīṇam ] Lit. AV. ; Pot. [ -krīṇīyāt ] Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; ind.p. [ -krīya ] Lit. Gobh.) , to purchase , buy , barter , gain , acquire Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Gobh. ( with instr. or dat. of the price e.g. [ śatena ] , or [ śatāya ] , to buy for a hundred Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 44) ; to hire , engage for stipulated wages Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS. ; to recompense , reward ( only p. Ā. [ -krīṇāna ] ) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
परिक्रय [ parikraya ] [ pari-kraya ] m. giving up at the cost of ( cf. [ prāṇaparikr ] )
hire , wages Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.
redemption , buying off Lit. W.
a peace purchased with money Lit. Kām. Lit. Hit.
परिक्रयण [ parikrayaṇa ] [ pari-krayaṇa ] n. hiring , engaging Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 44.
परिक्री [ parikrī ] [ pari-krī ] m. N. of an Ekāha Lit. ŚrS.
परिक्रीत [ parikrīta ] [ pari-krīta ] m. f. n. purchased , bought , hired Lit. MBh. ( applied to a son = [ reto-mūlya-dānena tasyām eva ] ( i.e. [ bhāryāyām ] ) [ janitaḥ ] Lit. Nīlak.)
परिक्रीड् [ parikrīḍ ] [ pari-√ krīḍ ] Ā. [ -krīḍate ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 21 ; but P. p. [ -krīḍat ] pf. [ -cikrīḍuḥ ] Lit. ŚBr.) , to play about (Impv. Ā. [ -krīḍasva ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ.)
परिक्रुध् [ parikrudh ] [ pari-√ krudh ] P. [ -krudhyati ] , to fly into a rage , become enraged Lit. R.
परिक्रुश् [ parikruś ] [ pari-√ kruś ] P. [ -krośati ] ( cf. [ -cukruśur ] ind.p. [ -kruśya ] ) , to go about crying , to wail , lament Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परिक्रुष्ट [ parikruṣṭa ] [ pari-kruṣṭa ] m. f. n. lamented
[ parikruṣṭa ] n. lamentation has been made by (instr.) Lit. R.
परिक्रोश [ parikrośa ] [ pari-krośá ] m. " crier " , prob. N. of a demon Lit. RV. i , 29 , 7.
परिक्लम् [ pariklam ] [ pari-√ klam ] P. [ -klāmati ] , [ °myati ] , to be tired out or exhausted Lit. Kād.
परिक्लान्त [ pariklānta ] [ pari-klānta ] m. f. n. very tired , tired out , exhausted Lit. MBh.
परिक्लिन्न [ pariklinna ] [ pari-klinna ] m. f. n. (√ [ klid ] ) very wet , excessively moist or humid Lit. R.
परिक्लेद [ parikleda ] [ pari-kleda ] m. humidity , wetness Lit. MBh.
परिक्लेदिन् [ parikledin ] [ pari-kledin ] m. f. n. wetting or wet Lit. Suśr.
परिक्लिश् [ parikliś ] [ pari-√ kliś ] P. Ā. [ -kliśyati ] , [ °te ] (p. [ -kliśyamāna ] Lit. Pāṇ. 3-4 , 55) , to suffer , feel pain , be troubled or vexed Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; ( only ind.p. [ -kliśya ] ) to pain , torment , vex , harass Lit. R.
परिक्लिश [ parikliśa ] [ pari-kliśa ] m. (?) vexation , trouble Lit. W.
परिक्लिष्ट [ parikliṣṭa ] [ pari-kliṣṭa ] m. f. n. much vexed or troubled , pained , harassed , afflicted , exhausted Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
[ parikliṣṭa ] n. = [ °kleśa ] Lit. L.
[ parikliṣṭam ] ind. with uneasiness or reluctance , unwillingly.
परिक्लेष्टृ [ parikleṣṭṛ ] [ pari-kleṣṭṛ ] m. a tormentor , torturer Lit. MBh.
परिक्वणन [ parikvaṇana ] [ pari-kvaṇana ] m. f. n. (√ [ kvaṇ ] ) loud-sounding , loud Lit. Nir. vi , 1.
परिक्वथ् [ parikvath ] [ pari-√ kvath ] P. [ -kvathati ] , to become boiling hot Lit. Bālar. v , 48/49.
परिक्षत [ parikṣata ] [ pari-kṣata ] m. f. n. (√ [ kṣan ] ) wounded , hurt , injured , killed Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परिक्षतव्रत [ parikṣatavrata ] [ pari-kṣata-vrata ] m. f. n. one who has broken his vow, Lit. Bcar.
परिक्षति [ parikṣati ] [ pari-kṣati ] f. wounding , injury , lesson Lit. Śiś.
परिक्षय [ parikṣaya ] [ pari-kṣaya ] see [ pari- ] √ 4. [ kṣi ] .
परिक्षर् [ parikṣar ] [ pari-√ kṣar ] P. [ -kṣarati ] (aor. [ -akṣār ] ) , to cause to flow round (in a stream) Lit. RV. ; to bestow by pouring forth in a stream Lit. ib.
परिक्षल् [ parikṣal ] [ pari-√ kṣal:2 ] P. [ -kṣālayati ] , (ind.p. [ -kṣālya ] ) , to wash out , rinse , wash off Lit. ŚBr.
परिक्षालन [ parikṣālana ] [ pari-kṣālana ] n. water for washing Lit. KātyŚr.
परिक्षव [ parikṣava ] [ pari-kṣavá ] m. (√ [ kṣu ] ) frequent or ill-omened sneezing Lit. AV.
परिक्षा [ parikṣā ] [ pari-kṣā ] f. (√ [ kṣai ] ) clay , mud , dirt Lit. L.
परिक्षाण [ parikṣāṇa ] [ pari-kṣāṇa ] m. f. n. charred or burnt to a cinder Lit. AitBr.
परिक्षाम [ parikṣāma ] [ pari-kṣāma ] m. f. n. excessively emaciated , dried up , fallen away Lit. Kād. Lit. Rājat.
परिक्षि [ parikṣi ] [ pari-√ kṣi:4 ] P. [ -kṣiṇoti ] , to destroy Lit. BhP. : Pass. [ -kṣīyate ] , to waste away , decay , become exhausted Lit. Hit.
परिक्षय [ parikṣaya ] [ pari-kṣaya ] m. disappearing , ceasing , dissolution , decay , destruction , loss , ruin , end Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परिक्षीण [ parikṣīṇa ] [ pari-kṣīṇa ] m. f. n. vanished , disappeared , wasted , exhausted , diminished , ruined , lost , destroyed
(in law) insolvent Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.
परिक्षि [ parikṣi ] [ pari-√ kṣi:2 ] P. [ -kṣeti ] , to dwell around ( with acc.) Lit. AitBr. vi , 32.
परिक्षि [ parikṣi ] [ pari-kṣi ] m. v.l. for next Lit. VP.
परिक्षित् [ parikṣit ] [ pari-kṣí t ] m. f. n. dwelling or spreading around , surrounding , extending (as Agni , heaven and earth ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr.
[ parikṣit ] m. N. of an ancient king (son of Abhimanyu and father of Janam-ejaya) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
of a son of Kuru and father of another Janam Lit. Hariv.
of a son of A-vikshit and brother of Janam-ejaya Lit. MBh.
of a king of A-yodhyā Lit. ib. ( cf. [ parī-kṣit ] under 1. [ parī ] , p. 605 , col. 1) .
परिक्षित [ parikṣita ] [ pari-kṣita ] w.r. for [ pari-cita ] , or [ -kṣit ] .
परिक्षिप् [ parikṣip ] [ pari-√ kṣip ] P. [ -kṣipati ] (pf. [ -cikṣepa ] ; ind.p. [ -kṣipya ] ) , to throw over or beyond Lit. R. ; to put or lay or wind round Lit. Suśr. ; to throw about , surround , encircle , embrace Lit. ib. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to throw or put or fix in (loc.) Lit. MBh. ; to throw away , squander (as a treasure) Lit. Kathās.
परिक्षिप्त [ parikṣipta ] [ pari-kṣipta ] m. f. n. thrown , thrown about , scattered , surrounded , overspread Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
left , abandoned Lit. W.
परिक्षेप [ parikṣepa ] [ pari-kṣepa ] m. throwing about , moving to and fro Lit. Hariv.
surrounding , encircling , being (or that by which anything is) surrounded Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
circumference , extent Lit. Car.
abandoning , leaving Lit. W.
परिक्षेपक [ parikṣepaka ] [ pari-kṣepaka ] m. f. n. hung with (ifc.) Lit. Kāraṇḍ. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 146) .
परिक्षेपिन् [ parikṣepin ] [ pari-kṣepin ] m. f. n. who or what scatters or distributes Lit. W. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 142) .
परिक्षीब [ parikṣība ] [ pari-kṣība ] m. f. n. drunk , quite intoxicated Lit. W.
परिक्षीव [ parikṣīva ] [ pari-kṣīva ] m. f. n. drunk , quite intoxicated Lit. W.
परिखचित [ parikhacita ] [ pari-khacita ] m. f. n. (√ [ khac ] ) strewn or inlaid with (comp.) Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
परिखण्ड [ parikhaṇḍa ] [ pari-khaṇḍa ] see [ pari-ṣaṇḍa ] .
परिखण्डन [ parikhaṇḍana ] [ pari-khaṇḍana ] see [ māna-parikh ] .
परिखण्डय [ parikhaṇḍaya ] [ pari-khaṇḍaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to make small , break , conquer Lit. Bālar. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
परिखन् [ parikhan ] [ pari-√ khan ] ( only ind.p. [ -khāya ] ) , to dig round , dig up Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
परिखा [ parikhā ] [ pari-khā ] f. ( once ibc. [ °kha ] Lit. BhP.) a moat , ditch , trench or fosse round a town or fort (also applied to the sea surrounding the earth) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
N. of a village in the North country g. [ palady-ādi ] (iv , 2 , 110)
परिखास्थित [ parikhāsthita ] [ pari-khā--sthita ] m. f. n. impregnable , secure Lit. MBh. xii , 6250
परिखीकृत [ parikhīkṛta ] [ pari-khī-kṛta ] m. f. n. made into a moat or ditch Lit. Ragh. i , 30.
परिखात [ parikhāta ] [ pari-khāta ] m. f. n. dug round
[ parikhāta ] m. a furrow , rut Lit. BhP.
परिखिद् [ parikhid ] [ pari-√ khid ] P. [ -khidyati ] , to be depressed or afflicted , feel uneasy Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -khedayati ] , to trouble , afflict , destroy Lit. ib.
परिखिन्न [ parikhinna ] [ pari-khinna ] m. f. n. depressed , afflicted , exhausted Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परिखेद [ parikheda ] [ pari-kheda ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) lassitude , weariness , exhaustion Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परिखेदित [ parikhedita ] [ pari-khedita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) afflicted , exhausted , ruined , destroyed Lit. Kāv. Lit. BhP.
परिख्या [ parikhyā ] [ pari-√ khyā ] P. [ -khyāti ] (Subj. [ -khyatam ] , [ -khyan ] Lit. RV.) , to look round , look at , perceive Lit. RV. ; to observe , regard , consider Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to overlook , disregard Lit. RV. : Pass. [ -khyāyate ] , to be perceived Lit. ChUp.
परिख्यात [ parikhyāta ] [ pari-khyāta ] m. f. n. regarded as , passing for (nom.)
called , named
celebrated , famous Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परिख्याति [ parikhyāti ] [ pari-khyāti ] f. fame , reputation Lit. W.
परिगण् [ parigaṇ ] [ pari-√ gaṇ ] P. [ -gaṇayati ] (ind.p. [ -gaṇya ] ) , to count over , reckon up completely , ascertain by calculation Lit. Suśr. Lit. Hcar. Lit. BhP. ; to calculate , reckon , consider , reflect Lit. Megh. ( cf. [ aparigaṇayat ] ) .
परिगणन [ parigaṇana ] [ pari-gaṇana ] n.
परिगणना [ parigaṇanā ] [ pari-gaṇanā ] f. complete enumeration , accurate calculation or statement Lit. Megh. Lit. Kull.
परिगणनीय [ parigaṇanīya ] [ pari-gaṇanīya ] (Kull.) m. f. n. to be enumerated completely or stated accurately.
परिगण्य [ parigaṇya ] [ pari-gaṇya ] (see [ a-parig ] ) m. f. n. to be enumerated completely or stated accurately.
परिगणित [ parigaṇita ] [ pari-gaṇita ] m. f. n. enumerated , calculated , reckoned Lit. BhP. ( cf. [ a-parig ] ) .
परिगणितिन् [ parigaṇitin ] [ pari-gaṇitin ] m. f. n. one who has well considered everything Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 36 , Lit. Kāś.
परिगण [ parigaṇa ] [ parigaṇa ] m. or n. (?) , a house Lit. L.
परिगद् [ parigad ] [ pari-√ gad ] ( only inf. [ -gaditum ] ) , to describe , relate , tell Lit. Bhām. ii , 75.
परिगदितिन् [ parigaditin ] [ pari-gaditin ] m. f. n. = [ parigaditaṃ yena saḥ ] g. [ iṣṭādi ] .
परिगम् [ parigam ] [ pari-√ gam ] P. [ -gacchati ] (aor. [ -agamat ] Lit. AV. ; [ -gman ] Lit. RV. ; pf. [ -jagmatuḥ ] Lit. MBh. ; p. [ -jaganvas ] Lit. RV. ; ind.p. [ -gátyā ] Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. ; [ -gamya ] Lit. MBh. ; inf. [ -gantum ] Lit. R. ) , to go round or about or through , circumambulate , surround , inclose Lit. RV. ; to come to any state or condition , get , attain (acc.) Lit. MBh. : Pass. [ -gamyate ] Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -gamayati ] , to cause to go round , to pass or spend (time) Lit. Ragh. viii , 91.
परिग [ pariga ] [ pari-ga ] m. f. n. going round , surrounding Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 38 Sch.
परिगधिता [ parigadhitā ] [ páriga-dhitā ] f. firmly embraced, Lit. RV. i, 126, 6.
परिगत [ parigata ] [ pari-gata ] m. f. n. gone round or through , surrounded , encompassed Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
filled , possessed of , visited by , afflicted with (instr. or comp.) Lit. ib.
diffused , spread Lit. Kāv.
deceased , dead Lit. Bhartṛ. iii , 49
experienced , known , learnt from (abl.) Lit. Kāv.
forgotten Lit. L.
obtained Lit. L.
= [ ceṣṭita ] Lit. L.
परिगतार्ठ [ parigatārṭha ] [ pari-gatārṭha ] m. f. n. acquainted or familiar with anything Lit. Kālid.
परिगन्तव्य [ parigantavya ] [ pari-gantavya ] m. f. n. to be got or obtained Lit. L.
परिगम [ parigama ] [ pari-gama ] m. going round , surrounding Lit. Bālar.
knowing , ascertaining , partaking of , occupation with (comp.) Lit. ib. Lit. Pracaṇḍ.
spreading , extending Lit. W.
obtaining Lit. ib.
परिगमन [ parigamana ] [ pari-gamana ] n. id. Lit. MW.
परिगमित [ parigamita ] [ pari-gamita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) brought , conducted , driven , passed , spent (time) . Lit. Ragh.
परिगम्य [ parigamya ] [ pari-gamya ] m. f. n. accessible , to be circumambulated ( [ a-parig ] ) Lit. KātyŚr.
परिगर्ज् [ parigarj ] [ pari-√ garj ] P. [ -garjati ] , to roar , cry , scold Lit. R.
परिगर्वित [ parigarvita ] [ pari-garvita ] m. f. n. (√ [ garv ] ) very proud or arrogant Lit. Cāṇ.
परिगर्ह् [ parigarh ] [ pari-√ garh ] Ā. [ -garhate ] , to blame greatly , censure , despise , abuse Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -garhayati ] id. Lit. ib.
परिगर्हण [ parigarhaṇa ] [ pari-garhaṇa ] n. excessive blame , censure Lit. ib.
परिगलित [ parigalita ] [ pari-galita ] m. f. n. (√ [ gal ] ) fallen down Lit. MBh.
sunk Lit. Pañc.
flowing , fluid , melted Lit. W.
परिगहन [ parigahana ] [ pari-gahana ] n. g. [ kṣubhnādi ] .
परिगा [ parigā ] [ pari-√ gā ] P. [ -jigāti ] (aor. [ -agāt ] , [ -gāt ] , [ -agur ] ) , to go round or through , circumambulate , permeate Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to enter (acc.) Lit. VS. Lit. ĪśUp. ; to come near , approach , reach , visit , afflict Lit. RV. Lit. MBh. ; to go out of the way , avoid , shun Lit. RV. ; to disregard , neglect Lit. AitBr. ; to fail , miss , not to master or understand Lit. BhP.
परिगुणित [ pariguṇita ] [ pari-guṇita ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -guṇaya ] ) reiterated , repeated Lit. BhP.
augmented by addition of (comp.) Lit. VarBṛS. lxv , 5.
परिगुण्ठित [ pariguṇṭhita ] [ pari-guṇṭhita ] m. f. n. (√ [ guṇṭh ] ) veiled in , hidden by (instr.) Lit. R.
परिगुण्डित [ pariguṇḍita ] [ pari-guṇḍita ] m. f. n. covered with dust , Lit. Śīl.
परिगुप् [ parigup ] [ pari-√ gup ] only Desid. [ -jugupsate ] , to beware of , be on one's guard against (abl.) Lit. MBh.
परिगूढक [ parigūḍhaka ] [ pari-gūḍhaka ] m. f. n. g. [ ṛśyādi ] .
परिगृद्ध [ parigṛddha ] [ pari-gṛddha ] m. f. n. very greedy Lit. DivyA7v.
परिग्रेध [ parigredha ] [ pari-gredha ] (!) m. excessive greediness Lit. L.
परिगै [ parigai ] [ pari-√ gai ] P. [ -gāyati ] , to go about singing , sing or celebrate everywhere Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS. ; to proclaim aloud ( esp. Pass. [ -gīyate ] ) Lit. MBh.
परिगीत [ parigīta ] [ pari-gīta ] m. f. n. sung , celebrated , proclaimed , declared Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
परिगीति [ parigīti ] [ pari-gīti ] f. a kind of metre Lit. Col.
परिग्रस् [ parigras ] [ pari-√ gras ] P. Ā. [ -grasati ] , [ °te ] , to devour Lit. NṛisUp.
परिग्रह् [ parigrah ] [ pari-√ grah ] P. Ā. [ -gṛhṇāti ] , [ °ṇīte ] (Impv. 2. sg. [ -gṛhāṇa ] Lit. MBh. Lit. Kālid. ; impf. [ -agṛhṇāḥ ] Lit. RV. ; 3. sg. [ -agṛhṇat ] Lit. TS. ; 3. pl. [ -agṛhṇan ] Lit. AV. ; Ā. [ -agṛhṇanta ] Lit. MBh. ; pf. 1. sg. [ -jagrábha ] Lit. RV. ; 3. sg. [ -jagrāha ] Lit. MBh. ; ind.p. [ -gṛhya ] Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ) , to take hold of on both sides , embrace , surround , enfold , envelop Lit. VS. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. MBh. ; to fence round , hedge round Lit. TS. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ; to occupy on both sides ( [ sarasvatīm ] ) Lit. MBh. ; to seize , clutch , grasp , catch Lit. ib. ; to put on , wear (as a dress or ornament) Lit. ib. ; to take or carry along with one Lit. ib. Lit. Kāv. ; to take possession of , master , overpower Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. Var. ; to take (in war) , take prisoner , conquer Lit. MBh. ; to take (food) Lit. ŚBr. ; to receive , (also as a guest) accept Lit. ib. Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak. Lit. BhP. ; to take , adopt , conform to , follow Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to take by the hand , assist Lit. MBh. ; to take (a wife) , marry Lit. Śak. Lit. Pañc. ; to surpass , excel Lit. Mn. Lit. Prab. ; (in Ved. gram.) to enclose ( [ iti ] ) between a word twice repeated Lit. RPrāt. ( cf. [ pari-graha ] ) .
परिगृहीत [ parigṛhīta ] [ pari-gṛhīta ] m. f. n. taken hold of on both sides Lit. AV.
surrounded , embraced , enclosed , enveloped , fenced Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.
seized , grasped , taken , received , obtained , accepted , adopted , admitted , followed , obeyed Lit. Br. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
opposed , checked Lit. W.
[ parigṛhīta ] m. g. [ ācitādi ] .
परिगृहीति [ parigṛhīti ] [ pari-gṛhīti ] ( [ pári- ] ) f. grasping , comprehension Lit. TS. Lit. Br.
परिगृहीतृ [ parigṛhītṛ ] [ pari-gṛhītṛ ] w.r. for [ °grah° ] . 1.
परिगृह्य [ parigṛhya ] [ pari-gṛhya ] ind. having taken or seized , in company or along with (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
considering , regarding Lit. W.
परिगृह्यवत् [ parigṛhyavat ] [ pari-gṛ́hya--vat ] m. f. n. ( [ °gṛ́hya- ] ) containing the word [ parigṛhya ] Lit. TS. 2.
परिगृह्य [ parigṛhya ] [ pari-gṛhya ] m. f. n. to be taken or accepted or regarded Lit. W.
[ parigṛhyā ] f. designation of a partic. kind of Vedi or sacrificial mound Lit. Kauś.
a married woman Lit. L.
परिग्रह [ parigraha ] [ pari-grahá ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) laying hold of on all sides , surrounding , enclosing , fencing round (esp. the Vedi or sacrificial altar by means of three lines or furrows) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
wrapping round , putting on (a dress ) , assuming (a form ) Lit. Kāv.
comprehending , summing up , sum , totality , Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. Lit. Mn.
taking , accepting , receiving or anything received , 2 gift or present Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
getting , attaining , acquisition , possession , property (ifc. " being possessed of or furnished with " ) Lit. ib.
household , family , attendants , retinue , the seraglio of a prince Lit. ib.
a house , abode Lit. Hariv.
root , origin , foundation Lit. MBh.
admittance (into one's house) , hospitable reception Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
taking (a wife) , marrying , marriage Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
a wife (also collect.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
choice , selection Lit. ib.
understanding , conception Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
undertaking , beginning , commission or performance of , occupation with Lit. Mn. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv.
homage , reverence , grace , favour , help , assistance Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
dominion , control (ifc. " dependent on , subject to " ) Lit. R. Lit. Var. Lit. MārkP.
force , constraint , punishment ( opp. to [ anu-graha ] ) Lit. R.
claim on , relation to , concern with (loc.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
(in Ved. gram.) the double mention of a word both before and after [ iti ]
the form which precedes [ iti ] Lit. RPrāt.
a curse , imprecation , oath Lit. L.
an eclipse of the sun Lit. L.
the rear or reserve of an army Lit. L. (v.l. [ prati-gr ] )
परिग्रहत्व [ parigrahatva ] [ pari-grahá--tva ] n. state of a wife , marriage Lit. Daś.
परिग्रहद्वितीय [ parigrahadvitīya ] [ pari-grahá--dvitīya ] m. f. n. accompanied by one's wife or family Lit. MW.
परिग्रहबहुत्व [ parigrahabahutva ] [ pari-grahá--bahu-tva ] n. multitude of wives Lit. Śak.
परिग्रहमय [ parigrahamaya ] [ pari-grahá--maya ] m. f. n. consisting of a family Lit. Prab.
परिग्रहवत् [ parigrahavat ] [ pari-grahá--vat ] m. f. n. possessed of , wealth , having property Lit. MBh.
परिग्रहिन् [ parigrahin ] [ pari-grahin ] m. f. n. possessed of , wealth , having property Lit. MBh.
परिग्रहार्थीय [ parigrahārthīya ] [ pari-grahārthīya ] m. f. n. having the sense of comprehension i.e. generalization Lit. Nir. i , 7.
परिग्रहक [ parigrahaka ] [ pari-grahaka ] m. f. n. grasping , taking hold of , undertaking (ifc.) Lit. L.
परिग्रहण [ parigrahaṇa ] [ pari-grahaṇa ] n. wrapping round , putting on Lit. Prab.
परिग्रहीतव्य [ parigrahītavya ] [ pari-grahītavya ] m. f. n. to be admitted or supposed , Lit. Śaṃk.
to be ruled or controlled Lit. Pat.
to be taken hold of or got into possession Lit. Vajracch.
परिग्रहीतृ [ parigrahītṛ ] [ pari-grahītṛ ] m. f. n. taking hold of , seizing
[ parigrahītṛ ] m. assister , helper Lit. VāyuP.
ruler Lit. Pat.
an adoptive father Lit. Pravar. Lit. Kull.
a husband Lit. Śak.
परिग्राह [ parigrāha ] [ pari-grāhá ] m. the surrounding or fencing round of the Vedi or sacrificial altar with three lines or furrows Lit. TS.
परिग्राहक [ parigrāhaka ] [ pari-grāhaka ] m. f. n. favouring , befriending Lit. Bālar.
परिग्राह्य [ parigrāhya ] [ pari-grāhya ] m. f. n. to be treated or addressed kindly Lit. MBh.
परिग्लान [ pariglāna ] [ pari-glāna ] m. f. n. (√ [ glai ] ) wearied out , languid , exhausted Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
averse from (dat.) Lit. Pat.
परिघ [ parigha ] [ pari-gha ] m. (√ [ han ] ) an iron bar or beam used for locking or shutting a gate (= [ argala ] ) Lit. ChUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
(fig.) a bar , obstacle , hindrance Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās.
( once n.) an iron bludgeon or club studded with iron Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
a child which presents a peculiar cross position in birth Lit. Suśr.
a line of clouds crossing the sun at sunrise or sunset Lit. Var. Lit. MBh.
(du.) two birds flying on each side of a traveller (regarded as an omen) Lit. Var.
the gate of a palace , any gate Lit. R.
a house Lit. L.
(in astrol.) N. of the 19th Yoga Lit. L.
a pitcher , water-jar Lit. L.
a glass pitcher Lit. L.
killing , striking , a blow Lit. L.
N. of one of the attendants of Skanda Lit. MBh.
of a Cāṇḍāla Lit. ib.
of a virtuous man Lit. Cat.
परिघगुरु [ parighaguru ] [ pari-gha-guru ] m. f. n. as heavy as an iron bar Lit. Mālav.
परिघप्रांशुबाहु [ parighaprāṃśubāhu ] [ pari-gha-prāṃśu-bāhu ] in one whose arm is as long as an iron bar Lit. Śak.
परिघबाहु [ parighabāhu ] [ pari-gha-bāhu ] m. one whose arm resembles an iron bar Lit. MBh.
परिघसंकाश [ parighasaṃkāśa ] [ pari-gha-saṃkāśa ] m. f. n. resembling an iron bar Lit. MBh.
परिघस्तम्भ [ parighastambha ] [ pari-gha-stambha ] m. a door-post Lit. Mālav.
परिघोपम [ parighopama ] [ parighopama ] m. f. n. resembling an iron beam Lit. Nal.
परिघात [ parighāta ] [ pari-ghāta ] m. killing , destroying. removing Lit. Var.
a club , an iron bludgeon Lit. L.
परिघातन [ parighātana ] [ pari-ghātana ] n. id. Lit. L.
परिघातिन् [ parighātin ] [ pari-ghātin ] m. f. n. destroying , setting at nought , transgressing (a command ) Lit. R.
परिघट् [ parighaṭ ] [ pari-√ ghaṭ ] Caus. P. [ -ghāṭayati ] , to strike , cause to vibrate (as the strings of a musical instrument) Lit. Mṛicch.
परिघट्ट् [ parighaṭṭ ] [ pari-√ ghaṭṭ ] P. [ -ghaṭṭayati ] , to press or rub on all sides , stir , excite , affect (as the ear with a tale) Lit. Śiś. ix , 64.
परिघट्टन [ parighaṭṭana ] [ pari-ghaṭṭana ] n. stirring round , stirring up Lit. MBh.
rubbing Lit. Śiś. Sch.
[ parighaṭṭanā ] f. (in dram.) striking (or tuning?) the musical instruments, Lit. Bhar.
परिघट्टित [ parighaṭṭita ] [ pari-ghaṭṭita ] m. f. n. stirred about , touched or rubbed repeatedly Lit. MW.
परिघर्घरम् [ parighargharam ] [ pari-ghargharam ] ind. with loud murmuring or grunting Lit. VP. (w.r. [ °ghurgharam ] , or [ °ghurghuram ] ) .
परिघर्म्य [ parigharmya ] [ pari-gharmya ] m. a vessel for preparing any hot sacrificial beverage Lit. ŚrS.
परिघात [ parighāta ] [ pari-ghāta ] see under [ pari-gha ] .
परिघुष् [ parighuṣ ] [ pari-√ ghuṣ ] ( only p. [ -ghuṣyat ] ) , to proclaim aloud Lit. Sarvad.
परिघोष [ parighoṣa ] [ pari-ghoṣa ] m. ( Lit. L.) sound , noise
improper speech.
परिघूर्ण् [ parighūrṇ ] [ pari-√ ghūrṇ ] P. [ -ghūrṇati ] , to whirl about , flutter , tremble Lit. MBh.
परिघृष् [ parighṛṣ ] [ pari-√ ghṛṣ ] P. [ -gharṣati ] , to rub or pound to pieces Lit. Hariv.
परिघृष्टिक [ parighṛṣṭika ] [ pari-ghṛṣṭika ] w.r. for [ °pṛcchika ] , or [ °pṛṣṭika ] .
परिघ्रा [ parighrā ] [ pari-√ ghrā ] ( only p. Ā. [ -jighramāṇa ] ) , to kiss passionately , cover with kisses Lit. MBh.
परिचक्र [ paricakra ] [ pari-cakra ] m. N. of a ch. of the Dvā-viṃśaty-avadānaka
[ paricakrā ] f. N. of a town (v.l. [ °vakra ] ) Lit. L.
परिचक्ष् [ paricakṣ ] [ pari-√ cakṣ ] Ā. [ -caṣṭe ] ( 3. pl. [ -cakṣate ] ; Pot. [ -cakṣīta ] Pass. [ -cakṣyate ] ; Ved. inf. [ -cákṣi ] ) , to overlook , pass over , despise , reject Lit. Br. Lit. Up. Lit. BhP. ; to declare guilty , condemn Lit. ŚBr. ; to forbid Lit. Āpast. ; to mention , relate , own , acknowledge Lit. MBh. ; to call , name Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to address (acc.) , answer Lit. BhP.
परिचक्षा [ paricakṣā ] [ pari-cakṣā́ ] f. rejection , disapprobation Lit. ŚBr.
परिचक्ष्य [ paricakṣya ] [ pari-cákṣya ] m. f. n. to be despised or disapproved Lit. RV.
परिचतुर्दश [ paricaturdaśa ] [ pari-caturdaśa ] and [ °śan ] (nom. acc. [ °śa ] instr. [ °śais ] ) , fully fourteen , more than fourteen Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ( Page593,3 )
परिचतुर्दशन् [ paricaturdaśan ] [ paricaturdaśan ] and [ °śa ] (nom. acc. [ °śa ] instr. [ °śais ] ) , fully fourteen , more than fourteen Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ( Page593,3 )
परिचपल [ paricapala ] [ pari-capala ] m. f. n. always moving about , very volatile Lit. MBh.
परिचय [ paricaya ] [ pari-caya ] see under [ pari- ] √ 1. 2. [ ci ] .
परिचर् [ paricar ] [ pari-√ car ] P. [ -carati ] (pf. [ -cacāra ] ind.p. [ -carya ] ) , to move or walk about , go round (acc.) , circumambulate Lit. RV. ; to attend upon or to (acc. , rarely gen.) , serve , honour Lit. ib. : Caus. P. [ -cārayati ] (ind.p. [ -cārya ] ) , to surround Lit. Kauś. ; to wait on , attend to Lit. DivyA7v. ; to cohabit Lit. ib. ; (Ā. [ °te ] ) , to be served or waited upon Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KaṭhUp.
परिचर [ paricara ] [ pari-cará ] m. f. n. moving , flowing Lit. VS. Lit. AV.
[ paricara ] m. an attendant , servant , follower Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Suśr.
a patrol or body-guard Lit. L.
homage , service Lit. Hariv.
[ paricarā ] f. N. of partic. verses which may be put at the beginning or middle or end of a hymn Lit. TāṇḍBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
परिचरण [ paricaraṇa ] [ pari-cáraṇa ] m. an assistant , servant Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
[ paricaraṇa ] n. going about Lit. ŚBr.
serving , attending to , waiting upon Lit. Kauś. Lit. GṛS. Lit. MBh.
परिचरणीय [ paricaraṇīya ] [ pari-caraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be served or attended to Lit. Kull.
belonging to attendance Lit. Gobh.
परिचरितव्य [ paricaritavya ] [ pari-caritavya ] m. f. n. to be attended on or served or worshipped Lit. Bhartṛ.
परिचरितृ [ paricaritṛ ] [ pari-caritṛ ] m. an attendant or servant Lit. ChUp.
परिचर्य [ paricarya ] [ pari-carya ] m. f. n. = [ °caritavya ] Lit. ChUp. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ paricaryā ] f. circumambulation , wandering about or through (comp.) Lit. Hāsy. i , 9 (w.r. [ °carcā ] )
attendance , service , devotion , worship Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परिचर्यावत् [ paricaryāvat ] [ pari-caryā-vat ] m. f. n. one who attends upon or worships Lit. MBh.
परिचार [ paricāra ] [ pari-cāra ] m. attendance , service , homage Lit. MBh.
a place for walking Lit. ib.
an assistant or servant Lit. ib.
परिचारक [ paricāraka ] [ pari-cāraka ] m. an assistant or attendant Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
executor (of an order ) Lit. Hariv.
[ paricārikā ] f. a female attendant , a waiting maid Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परिचारण [ paricāraṇa ] [ pari-cāraṇa ] n. ( mc. for [ °caraṇa ] ) attendance Lit. MBh. Lit. Daśar.
परिचारय [ paricāraya ] [ pari-cāraya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to take a walk , roam about Lit. SaddhP. ; to cohabit Lit. DivyA7v. ; to attend to , wait on Lit. ib.
परिचारिक [ paricārika ] [ pari-cārika ] m. a servant , assistant Lit. MBh.
pl. fried grain Lit. L.
परिचारित [ paricārita ] [ pari-cārita ] n. amusement , sport Lit. DivyA7v.
परिचारिन् [ paricārin ] [ pari-cārin ] m. f. n. moving about , moveable Lit. MBh.
attending on or to , serving , worshipping Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
[ paricārin ] m. man-servant ( [ °cāriṇī ] f. maid) Lit. TāṇḍBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परिचारिणी [ paricāriṇī ] [ pari-cāriṇī ] f. , see [ paricārin ] , maid
परिचारिता [ paricāritā ] [ pari-cāri-tā ] f. Lit. Kām.
परिचार्य [ paricārya ] [ pari-cārya ] m. f. n. to be served or obeyed or worshipped Lit. W.
परिचीर्ण [ paricīrṇa ] [ pari-cīrṇa ] m. f. n. attended to , taken care of Lit. MBh.
परिचर्तन [ paricartana ] [ pari-cartana ] see [ pari-cṛt ] .
परिचर्मण्य [ paricarmaṇya ] [ pari-carmaṇya ] n. ( [ p ] + [ carman ] ) a strip of leather Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.
परिचल् [ parical ] [ pari-√ cal ] Caus. [ -cālayati ] , to cause to move round , turn round Lit. MBh.
परिचि [ parici ] [ pari-√ ci:1 ] P. Ā. [ -cinoti ] , [ °nute ] , to pile up Lit. ŚBr. ; to surround or enclose with (instr.) , Sulb. ; to heap up , accumulate , augment , increase Lit. RV. : Pass. [ -cīyate ] , to be increased or augmented , to grow Lit. Ragh. 1.
परिचयवत् [ paricayavat ] [ pari-caya--vat ] m. f. n. being at its height , complete , finished Lit. Mālav. iii , 20. 1.
परिचयनीय [ paricayanīya ] [ pari-cayanīya ] m. f. n. to be collected or accumulated Lit. W.
परिचाय्य [ paricāyya ] [ pari-cāyya ] m. ( sc. [ agni ] ) a sacrificial fire arranged in a circle Lit. ŚBr. Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. Śulbas.
raising the rent or revenue of a land Lit. W.
परिचित् [ paricit ] [ pari-cí t ] m. f. n. piling up or arranging all around Lit. VS. 1.
परिचित [ paricita ] [ pari-cita ] m. f. n. heaped up , accumulated , gathered Lit. Megh. Lit. Rājat. Lit. BhP.
( with instr.) filled with , containing Lit. BhP. 1.
परिचेतव्य [ paricetavya ] [ pari-cetavya ] m. f. n. to be collected together Lit. W. 1.
परिचेय [ pariceya ] [ pari-ceya ] m. f. n. to be collected all round or from every side Lit. ib.
परिचि [ parici ] [ pari-√ ci:2 ] ( 2. sg. Impv. [ -cinu ] ; p. [ -cinvat ] ; inf. [ -cetum ] ) , to examine , investigate , search Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to find out , know , learn , exercise , practise , become acquainted with (acc.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Pañc. : Pass. [ -cīyate ] Lit. Kāv. Lit. Hit. : Caus. Ā. [ -cāyayate ] , to search , seek for Lit. Kāv. 2.
परिचय [ paricaya ] [ pari-caya ] m. acquaintance , intimacy , familiarity with , knowledge of (gen. loc. instr. with or sc. [ samam ] , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
trial , practice , frequent repetition Lit. Kāv. ( cf. [ rati-p ] )
meeting with a friend Lit. W.
परिचयावस्था [ paricayāvasthā ] [ pari-cayāvasthā ] f. (with Yogins) a partic. state of ecstasy Lit. Cat. 2.
परिचयनीय [ paricayanīya ] [ pari-cayanīya ] m. f. n. to be known Lit. W. 2.
परिचित [ paricita ] [ pari-cita ] m. f. n. known , familiar ( [ °taṃ-√ kṛ ] , to make a person's acquaintance) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.
परिचितभू [ paricitabhū ] [ pari-cita--bhū ] m. f. n. having (its) place well known Lit. MW.
परिचितविविक्त [ paricitavivikta ] [ pari-cita--vivikta ] m. f. n. familiarised to seclusion Lit. Śak. v , 10.
परिचिति [ pariciti ] [ pari-citi ] f. acquaintance , familiarity , intimacy , Lit. Śāntiś. 2.
परिचेतव्य [ paricetavya ] [ pari-cetavya ] m. f. n. to be known
to be investigated or searched Lit. W.
परिचेय [ pariceya ] [ pari-ceya ] m. f. n. to be known
to be investigated or searched Lit. W.
परिचिन्त् [ paricint ] [ pari-√ cint ] P. [ -cintayati ] (ind.p. [ -cintya ] ) , to think about , meditate on , reflect , consider Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to call to mind , remember Lit. ib. ; to devise , invent Lit. ib.
परिचिन्तक [ paricintaka ] [ pari-cintaka ] m. f. n. reflecting about , meditating on (gen. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.
परिचिन्तनीय [ paricintanīya ] [ pari-cintanīya ] m. f. n. to be well considered Lit. Kāv.
परिचिन्तित [ paricintita ] [ pari-cintita ] m. f. n. thought of , found out Lit. R.
परिचिह्नित [ paricihnita ] [ pari-cihnita ] m. f. n. marked , signed , subscribed Lit. MBh. Lit. Yājñ.
परिचुद् [ paricud ] [ pari-√ cud ] Caus. [ -codayati ] , to set in motion , urge , impel , exhort Lit. Mn. iii , 233.
परिचोदित [ paricodita ] [ pari-codita ] m. f. n. set in motion , brandished Lit. Hariv.
impelled , incited Lit. MBh.
परिचुम्ब् [ paricumb ] [ pari-√ cumb ] P. [ -cumbati ] (ind.p. [ -cumbya ] ) , to kiss heartily or passionately , cover with kisses Lit. Kāv. ; to touch closely Lit. ib.
परिचुम्बन [ paricumbana ] [ pari-cumbana ] n. the act of kissing heartily Lit. Bālar. Lit. Caurap.
परिचुम्बित [ paricumbita ] [ pari-cumbita ] m. f. n. kissed passionately or touched closely Lit. Caurap.
परिचृत् [ paricṛt ] [ pari-√ cṛt ] P. [ -cṛtati ] (ind.p. [ -cṛtya ] ) , to wind round ; to tie or fasten together Lit. Kauś.
परिचर्तन [ paricartana ] [ pari-cártana ] n. pl. the part of a horse's harness from the girth to the breast and the tail Lit. TS.
परिच्छद् [ paricchad ] [ pari-cchad ] ( Preverb. [ √ chad ] ) , Caus. [ -cchādayati ] (ind.p. [ -cchādya ] ) to envelop , cover , conceal Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañc.
परिच्छद् [ paricchad ] [ pari-cchad ] m. f. n. furnished or provided or adorned with (comp.) Lit. Ragh. i , 19.
परिच्छद [ paricchada ] [ pari-cchada ] m. a cover , covering , garment , dress , Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh.
paraphernalia , external appendage , insignia of royalty Lit. R.
goods and chattels , personal property , furniture Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
retinue , train , attendants , necessaries for travelling Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ paricchada ] m. f. n. ifc. = [ -cchad ] Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
परिच्छन्द [ paricchanda ] [ pari-cchanda ] m. train , retinue Lit. L.
परिच्छन्न [ paricchanna ] [ pari-cchanna ] m. f. n. covered , clad , veiled , concealed , disguised Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Hit.
परिच्छिद् [ paricchid ] [ pari-cchid ] ( Preverb. [ √ chid ] ; inf. [ -cchettum ] ind.p. [ -cchidya ] ) , to cut on both sides , clip round , cut through or off or to pieces , mutilate Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. MBh. ; to mow or reap (corn) , Lit. Kāraṇḍ. ; to limit on all sides , define or fix accurately , discriminate , decide , determine Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañc. Lit. Pur. ; to separate , divide , part Lit. Siddh. ; to avert , obviate Lit. MW.
परिच्छित्ति [ paricchitti ] [ pari-cchitti ] f. accurate definition Lit. Kap.
limitation , limit , measure Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 20 Sch.
partition , separation Lit. W.
परिच्छिन्न [ paricchinna ] [ pari-cchinna ] m. f. n. cut off , divided , detached , confined , limited , circumscribed ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. R. Lit. BhP.
determined , ascertained Lit. Kum.
obviated , remedied Lit. W.
परिच्छिन्नत्व [ paricchinnatva ] [ pari-cchinna--tva ] n. , see [ paricchinna ]
परिच्छेद [ pariccheda ] [ pari-ccheda ] m. cutting , severing , division , separation Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Suśr.
accurate definition , exact discrimination (as between false and true , right and wrong ) , decision , judgement Lit. Kāv. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Kull.
resolution , determination Lit. Kād.
a section or chapter of a book Lit. Cat.
limit , boundary. Lit. W.
obviating , remedying Lit. ib.
परिच्छेदकर [ paricchedakara ] [ pari-ccheda--kara ] m. N. of a Samādhi Lit. L.
परिच्छेदव्यक्ति [ paricchedavyakti ] [ pari-ccheda--vyakti ] f. distinctness of perception Lit. Mālatīm.
परिच्छेदाकुल [ paricchedākula ] [ pari-cchedākula ] m. f. n. perplexed (through inability) to decide Lit. Śak.
परिच्छेदातीत [ paricchedātīta ] [ pari-cchedātīta ] m. f. n. surpassing all definition Lit. Mālatīm.
परिच्छेदक [ paricchedaka ] [ pari-cchedaka ] m. f. n. ascertaining , defining Lit. Sarvad.
[ paricchedaka ] n. limitation , limit , measure Lit. L.
परिच्छेदन [ paricchedana ] [ pari-cchedana ] n. ( Lit. L.) discriminating , dividing
the division of a book
joyful laughter (?) .
परिच्छेद्य [ paricchedya ] [ pari-cchedya ] m. f. n. to be defined or estimated or weighed or measured Lit. Ragh. ( [ a-paricch ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. Lit. Kull.
परिच्यवन [ paricyavana ] [ pari-cyavana ] n. (√ [ cyu ] ) descending from heaven (to be born as a man) Lit. HPariś.
loss , deprivation of (abl.) Lit. Āpast. Sch.
परिच्युत [ paricyuta ] [ pari-cyuta ] m. f. n. fallen or descended from (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
fallen from heaven (to be born as a man) Lit. HPariś.
swerved or deviated from (abl.) Lit. R.
deprived or rid of (abl.) Lit. Gaut. Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.
ruined , lost , miserable ( opp. to [ sam-ṛddha ] ) Lit. MBh.
streaming with (instr.) Lit. ib.
परिच्युति [ paricyuti ] [ pari-cyuti ] f. falling down Lit. Kathās.
परिजग्ध [ parijagdha ] [ pari-jagdha ] m. (√ [ jakṣ ] ) a proper name Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 146 Sch.
परिजन [ parijana ] [ pari-jana ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a surrounding company of people , entourage , attendants , servants , followers , suite , train , retinue (esp. of females) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
a single servant Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Pañc.
परिजनता [ parijanatā ] [ pari-jana-tā ] f. the condition of a servant , service Lit. Kir. x , 9.
परिजन्मन् [ parijanman ] [ pari-janman ] m. the moon Lit. L.
fire Lit. L. ( cf. [ pari-jman ] ) .
परिजपित [ parijapita ] [ pari-japita ] m. f. n. (√ [ jap ] ) muttered , whispered , prayed over in a low voice Lit. Gobh.
परिजप्त [ parijapta ] [ pari-japta ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Var.
enchanted Lit. DivyA7v.
परिजय्य [ parijayya ] [ pari-jayya ] see [ pari-ji ] .
परिजर्भुराण [ parijarbhurāṇa ] [ pari-járbhurāṇa ] m. f. n. (fr. Intens. of √ [ bhur ] ) quivering, flickering, Lit. RV. i,140,10.
परिजल्प् [ parijalp ] [ pari-√ jalp ] P. [ -jalpati ] , to chatter , talk about , speak of (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
परिजल्पित [ parijalpita ] [ pari-jalpita ] n. the covert reproaches of a mistress neglected by her lover Lit. W.
परिजात [ parijāta ] [ pári-jāta ] m. f. n. ( [ pári- ] ) begotten by , descended from (abl.) Lit. ib.
fully developed ( [ a-parij ] ) Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
परिजातक [ parijātaka ] [ pari-jātaka ] n. N. of wk. on domestic rites.
परिजि [ pariji ] [ pari-√ ji ] P. [ -jayati ] (inf. [ -jetum ] ) , to conquer , overpower Lit. MBh.
परिजय्य [ parijayya ] [ pari-jayya ] m. f. n. to be conquered or mastered Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 93.
परिजेतृ [ parijetṛ ] [ pari-jetṛ ] m. a victor , conqueror Lit. L.
परिजिहीर्षा [ parijihīrṣā ] [ pari-jihīrṣā ] f. (√ [ hṛ ] Desid.) desire of avoiding or removing Lit. Kād.
परिजिहीर्षित [ parijihīrṣita ] [ pari-jihīrṣita ] m. f. n. kept away , avoided , shunned Lit. Gobh.
परिजिहीर्षु [ parijihīrṣu ] [ pari-jihīrṣu ] m. f. n. wishing to avoid Lit. L.
परिजृम्भ् [ parijṛmbh ] [ pari-√ jṛmbh ] Ā. [ -jṛmbhate ] , to spread all around Lit. Prasannar.
परिजॄ [ parijṝ ] [ pari-√ jṝ:1 ] P. Ā. [ -jīryati ] , [ °te ] , to become worn out or old or withered ; to be digested Lit. Suśr.
परिजीर्ण [ parijīrṇa ] [ pari-jīrṇa ] m. f. n. worn out , old , withered , faded , decayed Lit. MBh.
परिजीर्यत् [ parijīryat ] [ pari-jīryat ] m. f. n. becoming old Lit. MBh.
परिज्ञा [ parijñā ] [ pari-√ jñā ] P. Ā. [ -jānāti ] , [ °nīte ] (inf. [ -jñātum ] ind.p. [ -jñāya ] ) , to notice , observe , perceive , learn , understand , comprehend , ascertain , know or recognise as ( 2 acc.) Lit. RV. Lit.
परिज्ञप्ति [ parijñapti ] [ pari-jñapti ] f. (fr. Caus.) recognition or conversation Lit. Kathās. xxi , 128.
परिज्ञात [ parijñāta ] [ pari-jñāta ] m. f. n. thoroughly known , recognised , ascertained , learned Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परिज्ञातृ [ parijñātṛ ] [ pari-jñātṛ ] m. f. n. one who knows or perceives , an observer , knower Lit. Bhag.
wise , intelligent Lit. W.
परिज्ञान [ parijñāna ] [ pari-jñāna ] n. perception , thorough knowledge , ascertainment , experience , discrimination Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
परिज्ञानमय [ parijñānamaya ] [ pari-jñāna--maya ] m. f. n. consisting in knowledge Lit. BhP.
परिज्ञानिन् [ parijñānin ] [ pari-jñānin ] m. f. n. having much knowledge , wise Lit. Kathās.
परिज्ञेय [ parijñeya ] [ pari-jñeya ] m. f. n. to be recognised or ascertained , comprehensible Lit. MBh. Lit. Var.
परिज्मन् [ parijman ] [ pári-jman ] m. f. n. (√ [ gam ] ) running or walking or driving round , surrounding , being everywhere , omnipresent (said of the sun , of the clouds , of sev. gods ) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ( as loc. or ind. all around , everywhere Lit. RV.)
[ parijman ] m. the moon Lit. L.
fire Lit. L. ( cf. [ pari-janman ] ) .
परिज्यानि [ parijyāni ] [ pari-jyāni ] see [ a-p ] .
परिज्रि [ parijri ] [ pári-jri ] m. f. n. (√ [ jri ] ) running round , spreading everywhere Lit. RV.
परिज्वन् [ parijvan ] [ pari-jvan ] m. ( Lit. Uṇ. i , 158) the moon Lit. L.
fire Lit. L. ( cf. [ pari-jman ] )
a servant Lit. L.
a sacrificer Lit. L.
Indra Lit. W.
परिज्वल् [ parijval ] [ pari-√ jval ] P. [ -jvalati ] , to burn brightly , blaze , glare Lit. Kir.
परिडीन [ pariḍīna ] [ pari-ḍīna ] n. (√ [ ḍī ] ) the flight of a bird in circles , flying round Lit. MBh.
परिडीनक [ pariḍīnaka ] [ pari-ḍīnaka ] n. (√ [ ḍī ] ) the flight of a bird in circles , flying round Lit. MBh.
परिणति [ pariṇati ] [ pari-ṇati ] see [ pari-ṇam ] .
परिणद् [ pariṇad ] [ pari-ṇad ] ( Preverb. [ √ nad ] ) P. [ -ṇadati ] to utter loud cries Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 14 ( [ -nadya ] Lit. MBh. vi , 3256 prob. w.r.)
परिणम् [ pariṇam ] [ pari-ṇam ] ( Preverb. [ √ nam ] ) P. Ā. [ -ṇamati ] , [ °te ] (aor. [ pary-aṇaṃsīt ] ind.p. [ pari-ṇamya ] ) , to bend or turn aside Lit. AV. ; to bend down , stoop Lit. Kāv. ; to change or be transformed into (instr.) Lit. Vedântas. Lit. Madhus. ; to develop , become ripe or mature Lit. Bālar. ; to become old Lit. Kir. ; to be digested Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañc. ; to be fulfilled (as a word) Lit. Pañc. : Caus. [ -ṇāmayati ] (ind.p. [ -ṇāmya ] ; Pass. [ -ṇāmyate ] , p. [ ṇāmyamāna ] , or [ °myat ] ) , to make ripe , ripen , mature Lit. ŚvetUp. ; to bring to an end , pass (as a night) Lit. R. ; to bend aside or down , stoop Lit. MBh.
परिणत [ pariṇata ] [ pari-ṇata ] m. f. n. bent down (is an elephant stooping to strike with its tusks) Lit. Megh.
bent down or inclined by (comp.) Lit. Bhartṛ.
changed or transformed into (instr. or comp.) Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kād. Lit. Sāh.
developed , ripened , mature , full-grown , perfect
full (as the moon)
set (as the sun) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
advanced ( [ vayasā ] , in age Lit. R. ; also impers. [ °taṃ vayasā ] , " life is advanced , old age has come " Lit. Kathās.)
digested (as food) Lit. Suśr.
elapsed (as time) Lit. BhP.
[ pariṇata ] n. capital , wealth accumulated for the sake of profit (?) Lit. W.
परिणतदिक्करिक [ pariṇatadikkarika ] [ pari-ṇata--dik-karika ] m. f. n. containing mythical elephants (see [ dik-karin ] ) stooping to strike with their tusks Lit. Śiś.
परिणतद्विरद [ pariṇatadvirada ] [ pari-ṇata--dvirada ] m. an elephant stooping Lit. Kir.
परिणतप्रज्ञ [ pariṇataprajña ] [ pari-ṇata--prajña ] m. f. n. of mature understanding Lit. MBh.
परिणतप्रत्यय [ pariṇatapratyaya ] [ pari-ṇata--pratyaya ] m. f. n. (an action) whose results are matured Lit. DivyA7v.
परिणतवयस् [ pariṇatavayas ] [ pari-ṇata--vayas ] m. f. n. advanced in age Lit. Veṇis. Lit. Suśr.
परिणतशरद् [ pariṇataśarad ] [ pari-ṇata--śarad ] f. the latter part of the autumn Lit. Megh.
परिणतारुण [ pariṇatāruṇa ] [ pari-ṇatāruṇa ] m. the setting sun Lit. Śak.
परिणति [ pariṇati ] [ pari-ṇati ] f. bending , bowing Lit. W.
change , transformation , natural development Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pañc. Lit. Sarvad.
ripeness , maturity Lit. Megh. Lit. Mcar.
mature or old age Lit. Vikr. Lit. Śiś.
result , consequence , issue , end , termination (ibc. finally , at last ; [ śravaṇa-pariṇatiṃ-√ gam ] , to come at last to a person's ears ; [ pariṇatiṃ-√ yā ] , to attain one's final aim) Lit. Kāv.
fulfilment (of a promise) , Lit. Śāntiś.
digestion Lit. L.
परिणमन [ pariṇamana ] [ pari-ṇamana ] n. change , transformation , changing into (instr.) Lit. Kap. Sch.
[ pariṇamanā ] f. ( with Lit. Buddh.) a kind of worship Lit. Dharmas. xiv.
परिणमयितृ [ pariṇamayitṛ ] [ pari-ṇamayitṛ ] m. f. n. causing to bend or to ripen Lit. Megh. Lit. Viddh.
परिणाम [ pariṇāma ] [ pari-ṇāma ] m. change , alteration , transformation into (instr.) , development , evolution Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Lit. Yogas. Lit. Pur. Lit. Suśr.
ripeness , maturity Lit. Kir. Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Mālatīm.
alteration of food , digestion Lit. Suśr. Lit. Tarkas.
withering , fading Lit. ŚārṅgP.
lapse (of time) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
decline (of age) , growing old Lit. ib. Lit. Suśr.
result , consequence , issue , end (ibc. and [ °me ] ind. finally , at last , in the end) Lit. Kāv.
( in rhet.) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared Lit. Kuval.
N. of a holy man Lit. RTL. 269
[ pariṇāme ] ind. , see [ pariṇāma ] , finally , at last , in the end
परिणामदर्शिन् [ pariṇāmadarśin ] [ pari-ṇāma--darśin ] m. f. n. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event) , prudent , fore-sighted Lit. MBh.
परिणामदृष्टि [ pariṇāmadṛṣṭi ] [ pari-ṇāma--dṛṣṭi ] f. foresight , providence Lit. MW.
परिणामनिरोध [ pariṇāmanirodha ] [ pari-ṇāma--nirodha ] m. obstruction (of felicity caused) by human vicissitude (as birth , growth , death ) Lit. W.
परिणामपथ्य [ pariṇāmapathya ] [ pari-ṇāma--pathya ] m. f. n. suited to a future state or condition Lit. ib.
परिणाममुख [ pariṇāmamukha ] [ pari-ṇāma--mukha ] m. f. n. tending or verging towards the end , about to terminate Lit. Śak.
परिणामरमणीय [ pariṇāmaramaṇīya ] [ pari-ṇāma--ramaṇīya ] m. f. n. (a day) delightful at its close Lit. ib.
परिणामवत् [ pariṇāmavat ] [ pari-ṇāma--vat ] m. f. n. having a natural development ( [ °ttva ] n. ) Lit. Śaṃk.
परिणामवत्त्व [ pariṇāmavattva ] [ pari-ṇāma--vat-tva ] n. , see [ pariṇāmavat ]
परिणामवाद [ pariṇāmavāda ] [ pari-ṇāma--vāda ] m. the " doctrine of evolution " , the Sāṃkhya doctrine Lit. Sarvad.
परिणामशूल [ pariṇāmaśūla ] [ pari-ṇāma--śūla ] n. violent and painful indigestion Lit. Cat.
परिणामक [ pariṇāmaka ] [ pari-ṇāmaka ] m. f. n. effecting vicissitudes (as time) Lit. Hariv.
परिणामन [ pariṇāmana ] [ pari-ṇāmana ] n. bringing to full development Lit. Jātakam.
the turning of things destined for the community to one's own use ( Lit. Buddh.) Lit. L.
परिणामिक [ pariṇāmika ] [ pari-ṇāmika ] m. f. n. resulting from change Lit. L.
easily digestible Lit. Subh. (w.r. for [ pāriṇ ] ?) .
परिणामिन् [ pariṇāmin ] [ pari-ṇāmin ] m. f. n. changing , altering , subject to transformation , developing Lit. VP. Lit. Śaṃk. ( [ °mi-tva ] n. Lit. ib.)
ripening , bearing fruits or consequences Lit. BhP.
परिणामित्व [ pariṇāmitva ] [ pari-ṇāmi-tva ] n. , see [ pariṇāmin ] , Lit. ib.
परिणामित्व [ pariṇāmitva ] [ pari-ṇāmi-tva ] n. Lit. ib.
परिणामिनित्य [ pariṇāminitya ] [ pari-ṇāmi-nitya ] m. f. n. eternal but continually changing Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Sch.
परिणिनंसु [ pariṇinaṃsu ] [ pari-ṇinaṃsu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid.) about to stoop or to make a side thrust (with the tusks , as an elephant) Lit. Śiś.
परिणय [ pariṇaya ] [ pari-ṇaya ] [ °yana ] see under [ pari-ṇī ] .
परिणश् [ pariṇaś ] [ pari-ṇaś ] ( Preverb.:2 [ √ naś ] ) P. [ -ṇasyati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 36 Sch.
परिनष्ट [ parinaṣṭa ] [ pari-naṣṭa ] (!) m. f. n. Lit. ib.
परिणह् [ pariṇah ] [ pari-ṇah ] ( Preverb. [ √ nah ] ; only Pot. [ -ṇahet ] ) , to bind round , gird , embrace , surround Lit. MBh.
परिणद्ध [ pariṇaddha ] [ pari-ṇaddha ] m. f. n. bound or wrapped round Lit. Kālid. Lit. Var.
broad , large Lit. Ragh.
परिणह् [ pariṇah ] [ pari-ṇah ] = [ parīṇah ] q.v.
परिणहन [ pariṇahana ] [ pari-ṇahana ] n. binding or girding or wrapping round , veiling , covering Lit. Gobh. Lit. MānGṛ.
परिणाह [ pariṇāha ] [ pari-ṇāha ] m. compass , circumference , extent , width , breadth , circumference of a circle , periphery Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sūryas. Lit. Suśr.
N. of Śiva Lit. L. ( cf. [ parī-ṇāha ] )
परिणाहवत् [ pariṇāhavat ] [ pari-ṇāha--vat ] m. f. n. = expensive , large Lit. Vikr.
परिणाहिन् [ pariṇāhin ] [ pari-ṇāhin ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kum.
(ifc.) having the extent of , as large as Lit. Pañc.
परिणाय [ pariṇāya ] [ pari-ṇāya ] [ °yaka ] see [ pari-ṇī ] .
परिणि [ pariṇi ] [ pari-ṇi ] for [ pari-ni ] , according to Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 17 before a number of roots , viz. [ gad ] , [ ci ] , [ dā ] , [ dih ] , [ drā ] , [ dhā ] (see below) , [ nad ] , [ pat ] , [ pad ] , [ psā ] , [ mā ] , [ me ] , [ yam ] , [ yā ] , [ vap ] , [ vah ] , [ viś ] (see below) , [ śam ] , [ so ] , [ han ] (see below) .
परिणिंसक [ pariṇiṃsaka ] [ pari-ṇiṃsaka ] m. f. n. (√ [ niṃs ] ) tasting , eating , an eater ( with gen.) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
kissing Lit. W.
परिणिंसा [ pariṇiṃsā ] [ pari-ṇiṃsā ] f. eating , kissing Lit. W.
परिणिधा [ pariṇidhā ] [ pari-ṇi-√ dhā ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 17) P. [ -dadhāti ] , to place or lay round Lit. ŚBr. ; ind.p. [ -ni-dhāya ] (l) Lit. KātyŚr.
परिणिविश् [ pariṇiviś ] [ pari-ṇi-√ viś ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. ib.) , to sit down about Lit. ŚBr.
परिणिष्ठा [ pariṇiṣṭhā ] [ pari-ṇiṣṭhā ] see [ pari-niṣṭhā ] .
परिणिहन् [ pariṇihan ] [ pari-ṇi-√ han ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-4 , 17) P. [ -hanti ] , to encompass (with stakes fixed in) around Lit. ŚBr. ; to strike , smite Lit. MBh. (B. and C. [ -nighnantyaḥ ] !) .
परिणी [ pariṇī ] [ pari-ṇī ] ( Preverb. [ √ nī ] ) P. Ā. [ -ṇayati ] , [ °te ] (pf. Ā. [ -ṇinye ] Lit. Daś. ; [ -ṇayām āsa ] Lit. MBh. ; 3. pl. aor. [ -aneṣata ] Lit. RV. ; ind.p. [ -ṇīya ] Lit. Kum.) , to lead or bear or carry about or round Lit. RV. , (esp.) to lead a bride and bridegroom round the sacrificial fire ( with 2 acc.) to marry (said of a bridegroom) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to lead forward to , put or place anywhere ( [ agram ] , at the head) , Lit. Bṛ. ; to carry away Lit. RV. ; to trace out , discover , investigate Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; ( with [ anyathā ] ) to explain otherwise Lit. Śaṃk. : Caus. [ -ṇāyayati ] , to pass or spend (time) Lit. MBh. ; ( also [ ṇāpayati ] ) , to cause a man to marry a woman (acc.) Lit. Pañcad.
परिणय [ pariṇaya ] [ pari-ṇaya ] m. leading round , (esp.) leading the bride round the fire , marriage Lit. Gṛihyās. ( cf. [ nava-pariṇayā ] )
[ pariṇayena ] ind. round about Lit. ĀpŚr.
परिणयविधि [ pariṇayavidhi ] [ pari-ṇaya--vidhi ] m. marriage-ceremony Lit. Vcar.
परिणयन [ pariṇayana ] [ pari-ṇayana ] n. the act of leading round ( cf. prec.) , marrying , marriage Lit. ŚrS.
परिणायक [ pariṇāyaka ] [ pari-ṇāyaka ] m. a leader , guide (in [ a-parīṇ ] , being without a guide) Lit. R.
a husband Lit. Śiś.
= [ -ratna ] Lit. DivyA7v.
परिणीत [ pariṇīta ] [ pari-ṇīta ] m. f. n. led round , married Lit. MBh.
completed , finished , executed Lit. ib.
परिणीतपूर्वा [ pariṇītapūrvā ] [ pari-ṇīta--pūrvā ] f. a woman married before Lit. Śak.
परिणीतभर्तृ [ pariṇītabhartṛ ] [ pari-ṇīta--bhartṛ ] m. (prob.) a husband who has married (but not yet led home) his wife Lit. Vet.
परिणीतरत्न [ pariṇītaratna ] [ pari-ṇīta--ratna ] n. ( with Lit. Buddh.) one of the 7 treasures of a Cakra-vartin Lit. Dharmas. lxxxv.
परिणेतव्य [ pariṇetavya ] [ pari-ṇetavya ] m. f. n. to be led round or married Lit. Pañcad.
to be exchanged or bartered against (instr.) Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.
परिणेय [ pariṇeya ] [ pari-ṇeya ] m. f. n. to be led round Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
[ pariṇeyā ] f. to be led round the fire or married (as a bride) Lit. Kathās.
to be investigated or found out Lit. Pat.
to be exchanged for or bartered against (instr.) Lit. Sāy.
परिणुत [ pariṇuta ] [ pari-ṇuta ] m. f. n. (√ 4. [ nu ] ) praised , celebrated Lit. BhP.
परिणुद् [ pariṇud ] [ pari-ṇud ] ( Preverb. [ √ nud ] ) P. [ -ṇudati ] to pierce , hurt , wound Lit. Suśr.
परितंस् [ paritaṃs ] [ pari-√ taṃs ] ( only inf. of Caus. [ -taṃsayádhyai ] ) , to stir up Lit. RV.
परितकन [ paritakana ] [ pari-takana ] n. (√ [ tak ] ) running round or about Lit. L.
परितक्म्य [ paritakmya ] [ pári-takmya ] m. f. n. wandering , unsteady , uncertain , dangerous Lit. RV.
[ paritakmyā ] f. travelling , peregrination Lit. ib.
accord. to some also, "going round or overtaking an adversary's chariot" .
night (as the wandering cf. Lit. x , 127) Lit. ib.
परितड् [ paritaḍ ] [ pari-√ taḍ ] P. [ -tāḍayati ] , to strike against , touch Lit. Kathās.
परिताडिन् [ paritāḍin ] [ pari-tāḍin ] m. f. n. striking or hurting everywhere Lit. Bālar.
परितन् [ paritan ] [ pari-√ tan ] P. Ā. [ -tanoti ] , [ °nute ] (aor. [ -atanat ] ; ind.p. [ -tatya ] ) , to stretch round , embrace , surround Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
परितत्नु [ paritatnu ] [ pari-tatnú ] m. f. n. embracing , surrounding Lit. AV.
परितप् [ paritap ] [ pari-√ tap ] P. [ -tapati ] (fut. [ -tapiṣyati ] Lit. MBh. ; [ -tapsyati ] Lit. R. ; ind.p. [ -tápya ] Lit. RV.) , to burn all round , set on fire , kindle ; to feel or suffer pain ; ( with [ tapas ] ) to undergo penance , practise austerities Lit. RV. : Pass. [ -tapyate ] ( [ °ti ] ) , to be purified (as by fire) Lit. Sarvad. ; to feel or suffer pain , do penance , practise austerities Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -tāpayati ] , to scorch , cause great pain , torment Lit. R. Lit. Pañc. Lit. Hit.
परितप्त [ paritapta ] [ pari-tapta ] ( [ pári- ] ) m. f. n. surrounded with heat , heated , burnt , tormented , afflicted Lit. RV. Lit.
परितप्ति [ paritapti ] [ pari-tapti ] f. great pain or torture , anguish Lit. L.
परिताप [ paritāpa ] [ pari-tāpa ] m. glow , scorching , heat Lit. Kālid. Lit. MārkP.
pain , agony , grief , sorrow Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP.
repentance Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañc.
N. of a partic. hell Lit. L.
परितापिन् [ paritāpin ] [ pari-tāpin ] m. f. n. burning hot , scorching Lit. Kām.
causing pain or sorrow , tormenting Lit. R. Lit. Śiś.
परितम् [ paritam ] [ pari-√ tam ] P. [ -tāmyati ] , to gasp for breath , be oppressed Lit. Suśr.
परितर्क् [ paritark ] [ pari-√ tark ] P. [ -tarkayati ] , to think about , reflect , consider Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परितर्कण [ paritarkaṇa ] [ pari-tarkaṇa ] n. consideration , reflection Lit. MBh.
परितर्कित [ paritarkita ] [ pari-tarkita ] m. f. n. thought about , expected ( [ a-parit ] ) Lit. Hariv.
examined (judicially) Lit. R.
परितर्ज् [ paritarj ] [ pari-√ tarj ] Caus. [ -tarjayati ] , to threaten , menace Lit. R. Lit. Bhartṛ.
परितस् [ paritas ] [ parí -tas ] ind. ( fr. [ pari ] ) round about , all around , everywhere ( [ na-paritaḥ ] , by no means , not at all) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
as prep. ( with acc. , once with gen.) round about , round , throughout Lit. AV. Lit.
परिताडिन् [ paritāḍin ] [ pari-tāḍin ] m. f. n. (√ [ tāḍ ] ) striking or hitting everywhere Lit. Bālar.
परितारणीय [ paritāraṇīya ] [ pari-tāraṇīya ] m. f. n. (√ [ tṝ ] , Caus.) to be delivered or saved (?) Lit. Cat. ( perhaps w.r. for [ -cāraṇīya ] = [ -caraṇīya ] ) .
परितिक्त [ paritikta ] [ pari-tikta ] m. f. n. extremely bitter , [ jātakam ] .
[ paritikta ] m. Melia Azedarach Lit. L.
परितीर [ paritīra ] [ pari-tīra ] n. (prob.) = [ pari-kūla ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 182 Sch.
परितुद् [ paritud ] [ pari-√ tud ] P. [ -tudati ] , to trample down , pound , crush Lit. MBh.
परितुष् [ parituṣ ] [ pari-√ tuṣ ] P. [ -tuṣyati ] ( [ °te ] Lit. BhP.) , to be quite satisfied with (gen. or loc. or instr.) , to be much pleased or very glad Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -toṣayati ] , to satisfy completely , to appease , delight , flatter Lit. ib.
परितुष्ट [ parituṣṭa ] [ pari-tuṣṭa ] m. f. n. completely satisfied , delighted , very glad Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
परितुष्टात्मन् [ parituṣṭātman ] [ pari-tuṣṭātman ] m. f. n. contented in mind Lit. MW.
परितुष्टार्थ [ parituṣṭārtha ] [ pari-tuṣṭārtha ] m. f. n. completely satisfied Lit. Kathās.
परितुष्टि [ parituṣṭi ] [ pari-tuṣṭi ] f. complete satisfaction , contentment , delight Lit. Tattvas.
परितुष्य [ parituṣya ] [ pari-tuṣya ] ind. being delighted or glad Lit. Kathās.
परितोष [ paritoṣa ] [ pari-toṣa ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) = [ °tuṣṭi ]
( with loc. or gen.) delight in Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
N. of a man Lit. Cat.
परितोषवत् [ paritoṣavat ] [ pari-toṣa--vat ] m. f. n. satisfied , delighted Lit. Kathās.
परितोषक [ paritoṣaka ] [ pari-toṣaka ] m. f. n. satisfying , pleasing Lit. Siṃhâs.
परितोषण [ paritoṣaṇa ] [ pari-toṣaṇa ] m. f. n. id. Lit. BhP.
[ paritoṣaṇa ] n. satisfaction , gratification Lit. ib.
परितोषयितृ [ paritoṣayitṛ ] [ pari-toṣayitṛ ] m. f. n. any one or anything that gratifies , pleasing Lit. Śiś. (v.l. [ para-t ] ) .
परितोषित [ paritoṣita ] [ pari-toṣita ] m. f. n. satisfied , gratified , delighted Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.
परितोषिन् [ paritoṣin ] [ pari-toṣin ] m. f. n. contented or delighted with (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.
परितृद् [ paritṛd ] [ pari-√ tṛd ] P. [ -tṛṇatti ] (Impv. [ -tṛndhi ] ) , to pierce or thrust through Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.
परितृप् [ paritṛp ] [ pari-√ tṛp ] Caus. [ -tarpayati ] , to satiate or satisfy completely Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परितर्पण [ paritarpaṇa ] [ pari-tarpaṇa ] m. f. n. satisfying , contenting Lit. BhP.
[ paritarpaṇa ] n. the act of satisfying Lit. Dhātup.
a restorative Lit. Car.
परितृप्त [ paritṛpta ] [ pari-tṛpta ] m. f. n. completely satisfied or contented Lit. Śaṃk.
परितृप्ति [ paritṛpti ] [ pari-tṛpti ] f. complete satisfaction Lit. Up.
परितृषित [ paritṛṣita ] [ pari-tṛṣita ] m. f. n. (√ [ tṛṣ ] ) anxiously longing for (comp.) Lit. Kāraṇḍ.
परित्यज् [ parityaj ] [ pari-√ tyaj ] P. [ -tyajati ] ( [ °te ] Lit. R. Lit. MārkP. ; ind.p. [ -tyajya ] ) , to leave , quit , abandon , give up , reject , disregard , not heed Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; ( with [ deham ] ) to forsake the body i.e. die Lit. BhP. ; ( with [ prāṇān ] , or [ jīvitam ] ) to resign the breath , give up the ghost Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. Daś. Lit. Vet. ; ( with [ nāvam ] ) to disembark Lit. MW. : Pass. [ -tyajyate ] , to be deprived or bereft of (instr.) Lit. Mn. Lit. Pañc. Lit. Hit. : Caus. [ -tyājayati ] , to deprive or rob a person of ( 2 acc.) Lit. R.
परित्यक्त [ parityakta ] [ pari-tyakta ] m. f. n. left , quitted
let go , let fly (as an arrow) Lit. W.
deprived of , wanting (instr. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
[ parityakta ] n. anything to spare Lit. DivyA7v.
परित्यक्तम् [ parityaktam ] [ pari-tyaktam ] ind. without (comp.) Lit. Pañc.
परित्यक्तृ [ parityaktṛ ] [ pari-tyaktṛ ] m. f. n. one who leaves or abandons , a forsaker Lit. Mn.
परित्यज् [ parityaj ] [ pari-tyaj ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh.
परित्यजन [ parityajana ] [ pari-tyajana ] n. abandoning , giving away , distributing Lit. W.
परित्यज्य [ parityajya ] [ pari-tyajya ] ind. having left or abandoned
leaving a space , at a distance from (acc.) Lit. Var.
with she exception of , excepting Lit. ib.
परित्याग [ parityāga ] [ pari-tyāga ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) the act of leaving , abandoning , deserting , quitting , giving up , neglecting , renouncing Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
separation from ( [ sakāśāt ] ) Lit. R.
(pl.) liberality , a sacrifice Lit. Hit.
N. of wk.
परित्यागिन् [ parityāgin ] [ pari-tyāgin ] m. f. n. leaving , quitting , forsaking , renouncing ( mostly ifc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परित्याजन [ parityājana ] [ pari-tyājana ] n. causing to abandon or give up Lit. MW.
परित्याज्य [ parityājya ] [ pari-tyājya ] m. f. n. to be left or abandoned or deserted Lit. MBh.
to be given up or renounced Lit. ib.
to be omitted Lit. Sāh.
परित्रस्त [ paritrasta ] [ pari-trasta ] m. f. n. (√ [ tras ] ) terrified , frightened , much alarmed Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.
परित्रास [ paritrāsa ] [ pari-trāsa ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) terror , fright , fear Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परित्रिगर्तम् [ paritrigartam ] [ pari-trigartam ] ind. round about or outside Tri-garta Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 11 ; 12 Sch.
परित्रै [ paritrai ] [ pari-√ trai ] P. Ā. [ -trāti ] , or [ -trāyate ] (Impv. [ -trāhi ] , [ -trātu ] , [ -trāyasva ] ; fut. [ -trāsyate ] ; inf. [ -trātum ] ) , to rescue , save , protect , defend ( [ -trāyatām ] or [ °yadhvam ] , help! to the rescue!) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परित्राण [ paritrāṇa ] [ pari-trāṇa ] n. rescue , preservation , deliverance from (abl.) , protection or means of protection , refuge , retreat Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.
self-defence Lit. L.
the hair of the body Lit. L.
moustaches Lit. Gal.
परित्रात [ paritrāta ] [ pari-trāta ] m. f. n. protected , saved , rescued , preserved Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.
परित्रातव्य [ paritrātavya ] [ pari-trātavya ] m. f. n. to be protected or defended or saved from (abl.) Lit. Vikr. Lit. Bālar.
परित्रातृ [ paritrātṛ ] [ pari-trātṛ ] m. f. n. protecting , a protector or defender ( with gen. or acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pañc.
परिदंशित [ paridaṃśita ] [ pari-daṃśita ] m. f. n. (√ [ daṃś ] ) completely armed or covered with mail Lit. MBh.
परिदष्ट [ paridaṣṭa ] [ pari-daṣṭa ] m. f. n. bitten to pieces , bitten
परिदष्टदच्छद [ paridaṣṭadacchada ] [ pari-daṣṭa--dacchada ] m. f. n. biting the lips Lit. BhP.
परिदश [ paridaśa ] [ pari-daśa ] m. f. n. pl. full ten Lit. Jātakam.
परिदह् [ paridah ] [ pari-√ dah ] P. [ -dahati ] , to burn round or through or entirely , consume by fire , dry up Lit. Suśr. : Pass. [ -dahyate ] ( [ °ti ] Lit. DivyA7v.) , to be burnt through or wholly consumed , to burn (lit. and fig.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Ṛit.
परिदग्ध [ paridagdha ] [ pari-dagdha ] m. f. n. burnt , scorched Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
परिदहन [ paridahana ] [ pari-dahana ] n. burning Lit. W. ( cf. [ parīd ] ) Lit. W.
परिदाह [ paridāha ] [ pari-dāha ] m. burning hot Lit. Suśr.
mental anguish , pain , sorrow Lit. MBh.
परिदाहिन् [ paridāhin ] [ pari-dāhin ] m. f. n. burning hot Lit. L.
परिदा [ paridā ] [ pari-√ dā:1 ] P. Ā. [ -dadāti ] , [ -datte ] , ( pr. 1. pl. [ -dadmasi ] Lit. RV. ; Impv. [ -dehi ] ; pf. [ -dadau ] , [ -dade ] ; ind.p. [ -dāya ] ; inf. [ -dātum ] ) , to give , grant , bestow , surrender , intrust to or deposit with (dat. loc. or gen.) Lit. RV. : Caus. [ -dāpayati ] (ind.p. [ -dāpya ] ) . to cause to be delivered or given up Lit. MBh.
परिदा [ paridā ] [ pari-dā́ ] f. giving one's self up to the favour or protection of another , devotion Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
परिदान [ paridāna ] [ pari-dāna ] n. id. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Kauś.
restitution of a deposit Lit. L. (v.l. [ prati-d ] ) .
परिदायिन् [ paridāyin ] [ pari-dāyin ] m. a father (or another relation) who marries his daughter or ward to a man whose elder brother is not yet married Lit. L.
परीत्त [ parītta ] [ párī-tta ]1 ( for :2. see p. 605 , col. 1) m. f. n. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 124) given away , given up , delivered up to (loc.) Lit. VS. Lit. MBh.
परीत्ति [ parītti ] [ parī-tti ] f. delivering Lit. TBr.
परिदिव् [ paridiv ] [ pari-√ div:1 ] P. [ -devati ] , [ °vayati ] , ( rarely Ā. ; pr. p. f. [ -devatīm ] Lit. MBh. ; aor. [ paryadeviṣṭa ] pf. [ pari-didevire ] Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; inf. [ -devitum ] Lit. R.) , to wail , lament , cry , bemoan , weep for (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
परिदेवक [ paridevaka ] [ pari-devaka ] m. f. n. who or what laments or complains Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 147) .
परिदेवन [ paridevana ] [ pari-devana ] n. (w.r. [ -vedana ] ) lamentation , bewailing , complaint Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.
[ paridevanā ] f. id. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh. Lit. Hit.
परिदेवित [ paridevita ] [ pari-devita ] m. f. n. (w.r. [ -vedita ] ) lamented , bewailed Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
plaintive , miserable ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. ib.
[ paridevita ] n. wailing , lamentation Lit. ib.
impers. with instr. e.g. [ °taṃ-rāmeṇa ] , " wailing was made by R. "
[ paridevitam ] ind. , see [ paridevita ]
परिद्यून [ paridyūna ] [ pari-dyūna ] m. f. n. sorrowful , sad Lit. ŚBr.
made miserable by (instr. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
परिदिश् [ paridiś ] [ pari-√ diś ] (pf. [ -dideśa ] ) , to announce , make known , point out Lit. Br.
परिदिष्ट [ paridiṣṭa ] [ pari-diṣṭa ] m. f. n. made known , pointed out Lit. MBh.