Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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अनुनी [ anunī ] [ anu-√ nī ] (Subj. 2. sg. [ -nayas ] ; aor. Subj. 2. sg. [ -neṣi ] , 2 pl. [ -neṣathā ] ) to bring near , lead to Lit. RV. ; to induce , win over , conciliate , pacify , supplicate.

 अनुनय [ anunaya ] [ anu-naya ] m. conciliation , salutation , courtesy , civility , showing respect or adoration to a guest or a deity

  humble entreaty or supplication , reverential deportment

  regulation of conduct , discipline , tuition

  [ anunaya ] m. f. n. conciliatory , kind

  [ anunayam ] ind. fitly becomingly.

  अनुनयप्रतिघप्रहाण [ anunayapratighaprahāṇa ] [ anu-naya-pratigha-prahāṇa ] n. abandoning the obstacles to conciliatory behaviour Lit. Buddh.

  अनुनयामन्त्रण [ anunayāmantraṇa ] [ anunayāmantraṇa ] n. conciliatory address.

 अनुनयमान [ anunayamāna ] [ anu-nayamāna ] m. f. n. conciliating , honouring.

 अनुनयिन् [ anunayin ] [ anu-nayin ] m. f. n. courteous , supplicating.

 अनुनायक [ anunāyaka ] [ anu-nāyaka ] m. f. n. submissive , humble.

 अनुनायिका [ anunāyikā ] [ anu-nāyikā ] f. a female character subordinate to a [ nāyikā ] or leading female character in a drama.

 अनुनिनीषु [ anuninīṣu ] [ anu-ninīṣu ] m. f. n. desirous of conciliating.

 अनुनीत [ anunīta ] [ anu-nīta ] m. f. n. disciplined , taught



  pleased , pacified

  humbly entreated.

 अनुनीति [ anunīti ] [ anu-nīti ] f. conciliation , courtesy , supplication.

 अनुनेय [ anuneya ] [ anu-neya ] m. f. n. to be conciliated Lit. Mṛicch.

अनुनु [ anunu ] [ anu-√ nu:4 ] Intens. (impf. 3 pl. [ -nonavur ] ; pr. p. nom. pl. m. [ -nónuvatas ] ) to follow with acclamations of praise Lit. RV. i , 80 , 9 and viii , 92 , 33.

अनुनृत् [ anunṛt ] [ anu-√ nṛt ] to dance after (acc.) Lit. R. Lit. Kathās. ; to dance before (acc.) Lit. MBh.

अनुन्नत [ anunnata ] [ an-unnata ] m. f. n. not elevated , not lifted up.

  अनुन्नतगात्र [ anunnatagātra ] [ an-unnata-gātra ] m. f. n. having limbs that are not too stout , prominent or protuberant Lit. Buddh.

  अनुन्नतानत [ anunnatānata ] [ anunnatānata ] m. f. n. not raised nor lowered , level.

अनुन्मत्त [ anunmatta ] [ an-unmatta ] m. f. n. not mad , sane , sober , not wild.

 अनुन्मदित [ anunmadita ] [ án-unmadita ] m. f. n. id. Lit. AV. vi , 111 , 1-4.

 अनुन्माद [ anunmāda ] [ án-unmāda ] m. not being mad , soberness Lit. MaitrS.

  [ anunmāda ] m. f. n. = [ an-unmatta ] .

अनुपकारिन् [ anupakārin ] [ an-upakārin ] m. f. n. not assisting , disobliging , ungrateful , not making a return for benefits received

unserviceable , useless.

 अनुपकृत [ anupakṛta ] [ an-upakṛta ] m. f. n. unassisted.

अनुपकिञ्च [ anupakiñca ] [ an-upakiñca ] m. f. n. "having nothing defective" , not hoarse, not faltering (voice), Lit. Hir.

अनुपक्षित [ anupakṣita ] [ án-upakṣita ] m. f. n. uninjured , undecaying Lit. RV. iii , 13 , 7 and x , 101 , 5 Lit. AV. vi , 78 , 2.

अनुपगतजर [ anupagatajara ] [ anupagata-jara ] m. f. n. not impaired by old age or infirmity, Lit. Bcar.

अनुपगीतम् [ anupagītam ] [ án-upagītam ] ind. so that no other person accompanies in singing Lit. ŚBr.

अनुपगृहीत [ anupagṛhīta ] [ an-upagṛhīta ] m. f. n. unchanged, Lit. SaṃhUp.

अनुपघातार्जित [ anupaghātārjita ] [ an-upaghātārjita ] m. f. n. acquired without detriment (to the paternal estate) .

 अनुपघ्नत् [ anupaghnat ] [ an-upaghnat ] m. f. n. not detrimental Lit. Mn.

  not touching Lit. Lāṭy.

अनुपच् [ anupac ] [ anu-√ pac ] to make ripe by degrees Lit. BhP. : Pass. to become ripe by degrees Lit. MBh. xiv , 497.

अनुपचरित [ anupacarita ] [ an-upacarita ] m. f. n. not transferred, Sāṃkhyas., Sch.

अनुपजीवनीय [ anupajīvanīya ] [ an-upajīvanīyá ] m. f. n. yielding no livelihood , (Compar. [ -tara ] , " yielding no livelihood at all " ) Lit. ŚBr. vi

having no livelihood Lit. ŚBr. vi.

अनुपठ् [ anupaṭh ] [ anu-√ paṭh ] to say after , read through , repeat Lit. BhP. Lit. Suśr.

 अनुपठित [ anupaṭhita ] [ anu-paṭhita ] m. f. n. read through (aloud) , recited.

 अनुपठितिन् [ anupaṭhitin ] [ anu-paṭhitin ] m. (one who has read through or recited) , proficient , (g. [ iṣṭādi ] q.v.)

अनुपत् [ anupat ] [ anu-√ pat ] to pass by (acc.) flying Lit. ĀśvGṛ. ; to fly after , run after , go after , follow: Caus. ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -pātaya ] ) to fly along Lit. AV. vi , 134 , 3 ; to throw (a person) down together with oneself Lit. R.

 अनुपतन [ anupatana ] [ anu-patana ] n. falling on or upon


  (in mathem.) proportion.

 अनुपतित [ anupatita ] [ anu-patita ] m. f. n. fallen , descended


 अनुपात [ anupāta ] [ anu-pāta ] see s.v.

अनुपति [ anupati ] [ anu-pati ] ind. after the husband Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुपथ [ anupatha ] [ ánu-patha ] m. f. n. following the road Lit. RV. v , 52 , 10

[ anupatha ] m. a road followed after another Lit. BhP.

a servant Lit. BhP.

[ anupatham ] ind. along the road.

अनुपद् [ anupad ] [ anu-√ pad ]1 to follow , attend , be fond of ; to enter ; to enter upon ; to notice , understand ; to handle.

 अनुपद् [ anupad ] [ anu-pád ]2 m. f. n. coming to pass Lit. VS. xv , 8.

 अनुपद [ anupada ] [ anu-pada ] m. f. n. following closely Lit. L.

  [ anupada ] m. N. of a man or tribe , (g. [ upakādi ] q.v.)

  n. a chorus , refrain , burden of a song or words sung again after regular intervals

  N. of an Upāṅga belonging to the Sāma-veda

  [ anupadam ] ind. step by step

  word for word

  on the heels of , close behind or after.

  अनुपदसूत्र [ anupadasūtra ] [ anu-pada--sūtra ] n. a commentary explaining the text (of a Brāhmaṇa) word for word.

 अनुपदवी [ anupadavī ] [ anu-padavī ] f. a road followed after another Lit. BhP.

 अनुपदिन् [ anupadin ] [ anu-padin ] m. a searcher , an inquirer , one who follows or seeks for Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 90.

 अनुपदीना [ anupadīnā ] [ anupadīnā ] f. a boot , buskin Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 9.

अनुपदस्त [ anupadasta ] [ an-upadasta ] ( ( Lit. Kauś. ) ) or [ an-upadasya ] ( ( Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ) ) or [ án-upadasyat ] ( ( Lit. TS. ) ) or [ án-upadasvat ] ( ( Lit. AV. ) ) or [ án upadāsuka ] ( ( Lit. TS. ) ) m. f. n. not drying up , not decaying.

अनुपदिष्ट [ anupadiṣṭa ] [ an-upadiṣṭa ] m. f. n. untaught , uninstructed.

 अनुपदेष्टव्य [ anupadeṣṭavya ] [ an-upadeṣṭavya ] m. f. n. not to be commended, Lit. Mālatīm.

 अनुपदेष्टृ [ anupadeṣṭṛ ] [ an-upadeṣṭṛ ] m. one who does not teach.

अनुपध [ anupadha ] [ an-upadha ] m. " having no penultimate " , a letter or syllable ( as a sibilant or [ h ] ) not preceded by another.

अनुपधिशेष [ anupadhiśeṣa ] [ an-upadhi-śeṣa ] m. f. n. in whom there is no longer a condition of individuality Lit. Buddh.

अनुपध्मात [ anupadhmāta ] [ án-upadhmāta ] m. f. n. not blown upon, Lit. ŚBr.

अनुपनत [ anupanata ] [ an-upanata ] m. f. n. not occurred, Lit. ĀśvŚr., Sch.

अनुपनाह [ anupanāha ] [ an-upanāha ] m. want of close attachment or adherence (?) Lit. Buddh.

not a perpetual enmity, Lit. Lalit.

अनुपन्यस्त [ anupanyasta ] [ an-upanyasta ] m. f. n. not laid down clearly , not established Lit. Yājñ.

 अनुपन्यास [ anupanyāsa ] [ an-upanyāsa ] m. failure of proof or determination , uncertainty , doubt.

अनुपपत्ति [ anupapatti ] [ an-upapatti ] f. non-accomplishment

failure of proof

inconclusive argumentation

irrelevancy , inapplicability

insufficiency of means , adversity.

 अनुपपन्न [ anupapanna ] [ an-upapanna ] m. f. n. not done , unaccomplished , uneffected


  irrelevant , inconclusive , inapplicable


  inadequately supported.

 अनुपपादक [ anupapādaka ] [ an-upapādaka ] m. pl. " having no material parent " , N. of a class of Buddhas , called Dhyānibuddhas.

अनुपप्लव [ anupaplava ] [ an-upaplava ] m. f. n. free from disaster or overwhelming calamity.

 अनुपप्लुत [ anupapluta ] [ an-upapluta ] m. f. n. not overwhelmed (with calamity) .

अनुपबाध [ anupabādha ] [ an-upabādhá ] m. f. n. unobstructed Lit. ŚBr.

अनुपभुक्त [ anupabhukta ] [ an-upabhukta ] m. f. n. unenjoyed , unpossessed.

 अनुपभुज्यमान [ anupabhujyamāna ] [ an-upabhujyamāna ] m. f. n. not being enjoyed.

अनुपम [ anupama ] [ an-upama ] m. f. n. incomparable , matchless

excellent , best

[ anupamā ] f. the female elephant of the south-east or of the north-east.

  अनुपममति [ anupamamati ] [ an-upama-mati ] m. N. of a contemporary of Śākya-muni.

 अनुपमित [ anupamita ] [ an-upamita ] m. f. n. uncompared , matchless.

 अनुपमेय [ anupameya ] [ an-upameya ] m. f. n. incomparable.

अनुपमर्दन [ anupamardana ] [ an-upamardana ] n. non-demolition or refutation of a charge.

अनुपयत् [ anupayat ] [ an-upayat ] m. f. n. not going to (a wife v.l. ° [ yāt ] ), Lit. Mn. ix, 4.

अनुपयुक्त [ anupayukta ] [ an-upayukta ] m. f. n. unsuited , unsuitable , improper

useless , unserviceable

 अनुपयोग [ anupayoga ] [ an-upayoga ] m. unserviceableness , uselessness.

 अनुपयोगिन् [ anupayogin ] [ an-upayogin ] m. f. n. unsuitable , useless.

अनुपरत [ anuparata ] [ án-uparata ] m. f. n. uninterrupted , not stopped.

अनुपराग [ anuparāga ] [ an-uparāga ] m. f. n. free from passion, Lit. MBh.

अनुपरागम् [ anuparāgam ] [ anu-parā-√ gam ] to follow one who is escaping Lit. MaitrS.

अनुपरापत् [ anuparāpat ] [ anu-parā-√ pat ] to fly or hasten by the side of another Lit. AitBr.

अनुपराभू [ anuparābhū ] [ anu-parā-√ bhū ] to spoil or destroy after another Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. : Caus. [ -bhāvayati ] id. Lit. TS.

अनुपरामृश् [ anuparāmṛś ] [ anu-parā-√ mṛś ] to seize Lit. ŚBr.

अनुपरास्रु [ anuparāsru ] [ anu-parā-√ sru ] (said of a leaky vessel) to flow with water subsequently Lit. Kāṭh.

अनुपरिकॄ [ anuparikṝ ] [ anu-pari-√ kṝ:1 ] to scatter alongside , to bestrew Lit. Kauś.

अनुपरिक्रम् [ anuparikram ] [ anu-pari-√ kram ] to walk round in order , to make the circuit of , visit in a regular round.

 अनुपरिक्रमण [ anuparikramaṇa ] [ anu-parikramaṇa ] n. walking round in order Lit. AitĀr.

 अनुपरिक्रामम् [ anuparikrāmam ] [ anu-parikrā́mam ] ind. while walking round in order Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. PārGṛ.

अनुपरिगा [ anuparigā ] [ anu-pari-√ gā:1 ] to make the round of , traverse Lit. MBh.

अनुपरिग्रह् [ anuparigrah ] [ anu-pari-√ grah ] to grasp all round, surround, Lit. Divyâv.

to favour, befriend, Lit. Vajracch.

अनुपरिचारम् [ anuparicāram ] [ anu-paricāram ] ind. = [ anuparikrā́mam ] Lit. KapS.

अनुपरिणी [ anupariṇī ] [ anu-pari-ṇī ] ( Preverb. [ √ nī ] ) to lead or carry about Lit. Kauś.

अनुपरिधि [ anuparidhi ] [ anu-paridhi ] ind. along or at the three Paridhis of the sacrificial fire Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुपरिपाटिक्रम [ anuparipāṭikrama ] [ anu-paripāṭi-krama ] m. regular order Lit. VarBṛS.

अनुपरिप्लु [ anupariplu ] [ anu-pari-√ plu ] (Caus. - [ plāvayati ] ), to wash, Lit. Hir.

अनुपरिमृज् [ anuparimṛj ] [ anu-pari-√ mṛj ] (Caus. ind.p. - [ mārjya ] ), to wipe all round, Lit. Divyâv.

अनुपरिया [ anupariyā ] [ anu-pari-√ yā ] to pass through in order Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

अनुपरिवारित [ anuparivārita ] [ anu-pari-vārita ] m. f. n. surrounded, ib.

अनुपरिवृत् [ anuparivṛt ] [ anu-pari-√ vṛt ] to return , be repeated Lit. ŚBr. xiv.

अनुपरिश्रित् [ anupariśrit ] [ anu-pariśrit ] ind. along or at the surrounding fence Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुपरिसिच् [ anuparisic ] [ anu-pari-√ sic ] to pour round, Lit. MaitrS.

अनुपरिस्रु [ anuparisru ] [ anu-pari-√ sru ] to run after Lit. BhP.

अनुपरिहारम् [ anuparihāram ] [ anu-pari-hā́ram ] ind. surrounding Lit. TS.

अनुपरी [ anuparī ] [ anu-parī ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , [ -pary-eti ] ( 3. pl. [ -pári-yanti ] Lit. AV. xv , 17 , 8, irreg. [ -paryanti ] Lit. Kauś.) , to follow in going round , to make the round of.

अनुपरे [ anupare ] [ anu-pare ] ( Preverb. [ -parā-√ i ] ) , ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -párehi ] ; impf. [ -páraīt ] ) to follow in walking off Lit. RV. x , 18 , 1 Lit. TS.

अनुपरोध [ anuparodha ] [ an-uparodha ] m. not prejudicing or injuring , Lit. PārGṛ. ; Lit. Mn.

  अनुपरोधतस् [ anuparodhatas ] [ an-uparodha-tas ] (with gen. = "without prejudice to" ), Lit. PārGṛ. ; Lit. Mn.

अनुपर्यागा [ anuparyāgā ] [ anu-pary-ā-√ gā:1 ] (aor. 3. pl. [ -āgur ] ) to revolve , return to Lit. AitBr.

अनुपर्याधा [ anuparyādhā ] [ anu-pary-ā-√ dhā ] (Pot. [ -dadhyāt ] ) to place round in order Lit. AitBr.

अनुपर्यावृत् [ anuparyāvṛt ] [ anu-pary-ā-√ vṛt ] to follow in going off , to follow Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.

अनुपर्युक्ष् [ anuparyukṣ ] [ anu-pary-√ ukṣ:1 ] to sprinkle round Lit. Gobh. Lit. Gaut.

अनुपर्ये [ anuparye ] [ anu-pary-e ] ( Preverb. [ -ā-√ i ] ) , [ -pary-aiti ] , to make the whole round of Lit. ŚBr.

अनुपर्वत [ anuparvata ] [ anu-parvata ] m. a promontory, headland, Lit. Hcat.

अनुपलक्षित [ anupalakṣita ] [ an-upalakṣita ] m. f. n. untraced , unperceived , unmarked , indiscriminated.

 अनुपलक्ष्य [ anupalakṣya ] [ an-upalakṣya ] m. f. n. not to be traced , imperceptible.

  अनुपलक्ष्यवर्त्मन् [ anupalakṣyavartman ] [ an-upalakṣya-vartman ] m. f. n. having ways that cannot be traced.

अनुपलब्ध [ anupalabdha ] [ an-upalabdha ] m. f. n. unobtained , unperceived , unascertained.

 अनुपलब्धि [ anupalabdhi ] [ an-upalabdhi ] f. non-perception , non-recognition.

  अनुपलब्धिसम [ anupalabdhisama ] [ an-upalabdhi-sama ] m. f. trying to establish a fact (e.g. the reality and eternity of sound) from the impossibility of perceiving the non perception of it , sophistical argument Lit. Nyāyad.

 अनुपलभ्यमान [ anupalabhyamāna ] [ an-upalabhyamāna ] m. f. n. not being perceived Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 80 Sch.

 अनुपलम्भ [ anupalambha ] [ an-upalambha ] m. non-perception.

 अनुपलम्भन [ anupalambhana ] [ an-upalambhana ] n. want of apprehension or knowledge.

 अनुपलाभ [ anupalābha ] [ án-upalābha ] m. not catching Lit. TS.

अनुपलाल [ anupalāla ] [ anupalāla ] m. N. of a demon dangerous to children Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 2.

अनुपलिप्त [ anupalipta ] [ an-upalipta ] m. N. of a Tathāgata, Lit. Sukh. i.

अनुपलीढ [ anupalīḍha ] [ an-upalīḍha ] m. f. n. unlicked, Lit. Kauś.

अनुपवीतिन् [ anupavītin ] [ an-upavītin ] m. one uninvested with the sacred thread.

अनुपश् [ anupaś ] [ anu-√ paś ] P. Ā. [ -paśyati ] , [ °te ] , to look at , perceive , notice , discover Lit. RV. ; to consider , reflect upon (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to look upon as , take as Lit. ib. ; (perf. Ā. p. [ -paspaśāná ] ) to show (as the path) Lit. RV. x , 14 , 1 Lit. AV. vi , 28 , 3 ; ( Lit. Nir. x , 20.)

 अनुपश्य [ anupaśya ] [ anu-paśya ] m. f. n. perceiving , seeing Lit. Yogas.

 अनुस्पष्ट [ anuspaṣṭa ] [ anu-spaṣṭa ] m. f. n. noticed Lit. RV. x , 160 , 4.

अनुपशय [ anupaśaya ] [ an-upaśaya ] m. any aggravating circumstance (in a disease) .

अनुपशान्त [ anupaśānta ] [ an-upaśānta ] m. f. n. not calm

[ anupaśānta ] m. N. of a Buddhist mendicant.

अनुपसर्ग [ anupasarga ] [ an-upasarga ] m. a word that is not an Upasarga q.v. , or destitute of one

that which needs no additions (as a divine being)

अनुपसेचन [ anupasecana ] [ an-upasecaná ] m. f. n. having nothing that moistens (e.g. no sauce) Lit. AV. xi , 3 , 24.

अनुपस्कृत [ anupaskṛta ] [ an-upaskṛta ] m. f. n. unfinished , unpolished

not cooked




अनुपस्तीर्णशायिन् [ anupastīrṇaśāyin ] [ an-upastīrṇa-śāyin ] m. f. n. lying upon the bare ground, Lit. Kathās.

अनुपस्थान [ anupasthāna ] [ an-upasthāna ] n. not coming near Lit. Lāṭy.

not being at hand , absence.

 अनुपस्थापन [ anupasthāpana ] [ an-upasthāpana ] n. not placing near , not producing , not offering

  not having ready or at hand.

 अनुपस्थापयत् [ anupasthāpayat ] [ an-upasthāpayat ] m. f. n. not presenting , not having at hand.

 अनुपस्थापित [ anupasthāpita ] [ an-upasthāpita ] m. f. n. not placed near , not ready , not at hand , not offered or produced.

 अनुपस्थायिन् [ anupasthāyin ] [ an-upasthāyin ] m. f. n. absent , distant.

 अनुपस्थित [ anupasthita ] [ án-upasthita ] m. f. n. not come near , not present , not at hand

  not complete Lit. ŚBr.

  [ anupasthita ] n. a word not [ upasthita ] q.v.

 अनुपस्थिति [ anupasthiti ] [ án-upasthiti ] f. absence , not being at hand

  incompleteness Lit. ŚBr.

अनुपहत [ anupahata ] [ an-upahata ] m. f. n. unimpaired , unvitiated

not rendered impure.

  अनुपहतक्रुष्ट [ anupahatakruṣṭa ] [ an-upahata-kruṣṭa ] m. f. n. whose organs of hearing are unimpaired Lit. Buddh.

  अनुपहतकर्णेन्द्रियता [ anupahatakarṇendriyatā ] [ an-upahata-karṇendriyatā ] f. having the organ of hearing uninjured (one of the 80 minor marks 0f a Buddha), Lit. Dharmas. 84.

अनुपहित [ anupahita ] [ an-upahita ] m. f. n. unconditioned, Lit. Veṇīs.

अनुपहूत [ anupahūta ] [ án-upahūta ] m. f. n. not called upon or invited Lit. ŚBr.

not accompanied with invitations Lit. ib.

 अनुपहूयमान [ anupahūyamāna ] [ án-upahūyamāna ] m. f. n. not being invited Lit. MaitrS.

अनुपा [ anupā ] [ anu-√ pā:1 ]1 to drink after or there upon , follow in drinking , drink at ; Caus. (Pot. [ -pāyáyet ] ) to cause to drink afterwards Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुपान [ anupāna ] [ anu-pāna ] n. a fluid vehicle in medicine

  drink taken with or after medicine

  drink after eating

  drink to be had near at hand , (Comm. on) Lit. ChUp. i , 10 , 3.

 अनुपानीय [ anupānīya ] [ anu-pānīya ] n. drink to be had near at hand Comm. on Lit. ChUp. i , 10 , 3

  [ anupānīya ] m. f. n. fit to be drunk after

  serving as a liquid vehicle of medicine.

अनुपा [ anupā ] [ anu-√ pā:2 ]2 Caus. P. Ā. [ -pālayati ] , [ °te ] , to preserve , keep , cherish ; to wait for , expect.

 अनुपालन [ anupālana ] [ anu-pālana ] n. preserving , keeping up.

 अनुपालयत् [ anupālayat ] [ anu-pālayat ] m. f. n. keeping , maintaining.

 अनुपालिन् [ anupālin ] [ anu-pālin ] m. f. n. preserving , keeping up.

 अनुपालु [ anupālu ] [ anu-pālu ] n. N. of a plant , wild Calladium (?) .

अनुपाल्य [ anupālya ] [ anu-pālya ] m. f. n. to be guarded or kept or maintained (as truth), Lit. Kathās.

अनुपाकृत [ anupākṛta ] [ an-upākṛta ] m. f. n. not rendered fit for sacrificial purposes Lit. Mn. v , 7 Lit. Yājñ.

  अनुपाकृतमांस [ anupākṛtamāṃsa ] [ an-upākṛta-māṃsa ] n. flesh of an animal not prepared for sacrifice.

अनुपाक्रुष्ट [ anupākruṣṭa ] [ an-upākruṣṭa ] m. f. n. irreproachable, Lit. Jātakam.

अनुपाख्य [ anupākhya ] [ an-upākhya ] m. f. n. not clearly discernible Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 80.

अनुपाट [ anupāṭa ] [ anu-pāṭa ] m. splitting or cutting down (a kind of torture), Lit. Divyâv.

अनुपात [ anupāta ] [ anu-pāta ] m. falling subsequently upon , alighting or descending upon in succession


going , proceeding in order , or as a consequence

a degree of latitude opposite to one given , the Antaeci (?)

proportion (in arithm.)

arithmetical progression , rule of three.

 अनुपातक [ anupātaka ] [ anu-pātaka ] n. a crime similar to a [ mahāpātaka ] q.v. (falsehood , fraud , theft , adultery , )

 अनुपातम् [ anupātam ] [ anu-pātam ] ind. in regular succession.

 अनुपातिन् [ anupātin ] [ anu-pātin ] m. f. n. following as a consequence or result.

अनुपादे [ anupāde ] [ anu-pāde ] ind. behind (a person's feet), Lit. MBh.

अनुपाधिरामणीय [ anupādhirāmaṇīya ] [ an-upādhi-rāmaṇīya ] see :1. [ upā ] [ dhi ] (p. 213).

अनुपात्त [ anupātta ] [ an-upātta ] m. f. n. not caught (as fire), Lit. Nir. vii, 23

not mentioned explicitly, Lit. Sāh.

अनुपादान [ anupādāna ] [ an-upādāna ] n. not mentioning, omission, ib.

अनुपान [ anupāna ] [ anu-pāna ] see 1. [ anu- ] √ 1. [ ] .

अनुपानत्क [ anupānatka ] [ an-upānatka ] m. f. n. shoeless Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुपाय [ anupāya ] [ an-upāya ] m. bad means ( [ ena ] , "to no purpose" ), Lit. MBh.

[ anupāya ] m. f. n. (a Stobha) in which the chorus of chanting priests does not join, Lit. Drāhy. (Sch.)

अनुपायिन् [ anupāyin ] [ an-upāyin ] m. f. n. not using means or expedients.

अनुपार्श्व [ anupārśva ] [ anu-pārśva ] m. f. n. along or by the side


अनुपाल् [ anupāl ] [ anu-√ pāl ] see 2. [ anu- ] √ 2. [ ] .

अनुपावृत्त [ anupāvṛtta ] [ an-upāvṛtta ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh.

अनुपासन [ anupāsana ] [ an-upāsana ] n. want of attention to.

 अनुपासित [ anupāsita ] [ an-upāsita ] m. f. n. not attended to , neglected.

अनुपिण्डम् [ anupiṇḍam ] [ anu-piṇḍam ] ind. at every Piṇḍa (q.v.), Lit. ĀpŚr.

अनुपिश् [ anupiś ] [ anu-√ piś ] (perf. [ -pipeśa ] ) to fasten along Lit. AV.

अनुपिष् [ anupiṣ ] [ anu-√ piṣ ] (ind.p. [ -piṣya ] ) to strike against , to touch Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुपुरुष [ anupuruṣa ] [ anu-puruṣa ] m. the before mentioned man Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 190, a follower Lit. ib. Lit. Sch.

अनुपुष् [ anupuṣ ] [ anu-√ puṣ ] to go on prospering Lit. VS. ; to prosper after another (acc.) Lit. ShaḍvBr.

 अनुपुष्प [ anupuṣpa ] [ anu-puṣpa ] m. a kind of reed (Saccharum Sara Roxb.)

अनुपू [ anupū ] [ anu-√ pū ] Ā. ( [ ánu-pavate ] ) to purify in passing along Lit. ŚBr.

अनुपूर्व [ anupūrva ] [ anu-pūrva ] m. f. n. regular , orderly , in successive order from the preceding

[ anupūrvam ] ind. in regular order , from the first Lit. RV.

[ anupūrveṇa ] ind. in regular order or succession , from the first , from the beginning , from above downwards.

gradually, by degrees, Lit. Jātakam.

  अनुपूर्वकेश [ anupūrvakeśa ] [ anu-pūrva-keśa ] m. f. n. having regular hair , regularly shaped limbs , regular teeth , a regularly shaped navel , regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha , some of them also to Mahāvīra) Lit. Buddh. and Lit. Jain.

  अनुपूर्वगात्र [ anupūrvagātra ] [ anu-pūrva-gātra ] m. f. n. having regular hair , regularly shaped limbs , regular teeth , a regularly shaped navel , regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha , some of them also to Mahāvīra) Lit. Buddh. and Lit. Jain.

  अनुपूर्वगात्रता [ anupūrvagātratā ] [ anu-pūrva-gātratā ] f. having regular members (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha), Lit. Dharmas. 84

  अनुपूर्वदंष्ट्र [ anupūrvadaṃṣṭra ] [ anu-pūrva-daṃṣṭra ] m. f. n. having regular hair , regularly shaped limbs , regular teeth , a regularly shaped navel , regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha , some of them also to Mahāvīra) Lit. Buddh. and Lit. Jain.

  अनुपूर्वदंष्ट्रता [ anupūrvadaṃṣṭratā ] [ anu-pūrva-daṃṣṭratā ] f. having r°egular eye teeth (id.), ib.

  अनुपूर्वनाभि [ anupūrvanābhi ] [ anu-pūrva-nābhi ] m. f. n. having regular hair , regularly shaped limbs , regular teeth , a regularly shaped navel , regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha , some of them also to Mahāvīra) Lit. Buddh. and Lit. Jain.

  अनुपूर्वपाणिलेख [ anupūrvapāṇilekha ] [ anu-pūrva-pāṇi-lekha ] m. f. n. having regular hair , regularly shaped limbs , regular teeth , a regularly shaped navel , regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha , some of them also to Mahāvīra) Lit. Buddh. and Lit. Jain.

  अनुपूर्वज [ anupūrvaja ] [ anu-pūrva-ja ] m. f. n. descended in a regular line Lit. KātyŚr.

  अनुपूर्ववत्सा [ anupūrvavatsā ] [ anu-pūrva-vatsā ] ( [ anupūrvá- ] ) f. a cow which calves regularly Lit. AV. ix , 5 , 29.

  अनुपूर्वशस् [ anupūrvaśas ] [ anu-pūrva-śas ] ind. = [ anu-pūrvám ] .

  अनुपूर्वाङ्गुलिता [ anupūrvāṅgulitā ] [ anu-pūr-vāṅgulitā ] f. having regular fingers (id.), ib.

 अनुपूर्व्य [ anupūrvya ] [ anupūrvya ] m. f. n. regular , orderly Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुपृक्त [ anupṛkta ] [ anu-pṛkta ] m. f. n. mixed with Lit. MBh.

अनुपृष्ठ्य [ anupṛṣṭhya ] [ anu-pṛṣṭhya ] m. f. n. (held or extended) lengthwise Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुपॄ [ anupṝ ] [ anu-√ pṝ ] Caus. ( Imper. [ -pūrayatu ] ) to fill Lit. Gīt.

अनुपूरण [ anupūraṇa ] [ anu-pūraṇa ] n. subsequent filling, Sāṃkhyas., Sch.

अनुपेत [ anupeta ] [ án-upeta ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) or [ anupeta-pūrva ] ( ( Lit. ĀśvGṛ. ) ) , m. f. n. not yet entered at a teacher's (for instruction) .

not affected by, devoid of (comp.), Lit. Bcar. 3

 अनुपेय [ anupeya ] [ an-upeya ] m. f. n. not to be married, Lit. Mn. xi, 173

  अनुपेयमान [ anupeyamāna ] [ an-upeyamāna ] m. f. n. not being approached (sexually), Lit. MBh.

अनुपोप्त [ anupopta ] [ án-upopta ] m. f. n. not filled up or covered by heaping up, Lit. TS.

अनुपोषण [ anupoṣaṇa ] [ an-upoṣaṇa ] n. not fasting.

अनुप्त [ anupta ] [ an-upta ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ vap ] ) , unsown (as seed) .

  अनुप्तसस्य [ anuptasasya ] [ an-upta-sasya ] m. f. n. fallow , meadow (ground , ) Lit. L.

 अनुप्त्रिम [ anuptrima ] [ an-uptrima ] m. f. n. grown without being sown Lit. L.

अनुप्रकम्प् [ anuprakamp ] [ anu-pra-√ kamp ] Caus. (Pot. [ -kampayet ] , 3. pl. [ °yeyur ] ) to follow in shaking or agitating Lit. AitBr. Lit. ĀpŚr.

अनुप्रछ् [ anuprach ] [ anu-√ prach ] ( with acc. of the person and thing) , to ask , to inquire after.

 अनुप्रश्न [ anupraśna ] [ anupraśna ] see s.v.

अनुप्रजन् [ anuprajan ] [ anu-pra-√ jan ] to be born after ; ( with [ prajām ] ) to propagate again and again Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -janayati ] , to cause to be born subsequently.

अनुप्रज्ञा [ anuprajñā ] [ anu-pra-jñā ] (pr. p. [ -jānát ] ) to track , trace , discover Lit. RV. iii , 26 , 8 ,

 अनुप्रज्ञान [ anuprajñāna ] [ anu-prajñāna ] n. tracking , tracing.

अनुप्रणुद् [ anupraṇud ] [ anu-pra-ṇud ] ( Preverb. [ √ nud ] ) to push away from one's self ; to frighten away , put to flight.

अनुप्रतिक्रामम् [ anupratikrāmam ] [ anu-prati-krā́mam ] ind. (√ [ kram ] ) , returning Lit. TS. v.

अनुप्रतिधा [ anupratidhā ] [ anu-prati-√ dhā ] to offer after another (acc.) Lit. AitBr. (Pass. [ -dhīyate ] ) .

अनुप्रतिष्ठा [ anupratiṣṭhā ] [ anu-prati-ṣṭhā ] ( Preverb. [ √ sthā ] ) to follow in getting a firm footing or in prospering Lit. TS. Lit. ChUp. : Desid. [ -tiṣṭhāsati ] , to wish to get a firm footing after Lit. Gobh.

अनुप्रथ् [ anuprath ] [ anu-√ prath ] Ā. [ -prathate ] , to extend or spread along (acc.) Lit. TS. ; to praise , (Comm. on) Lit. VS. viii , 30.

अनुप्रदा [ anupradā ] [ anu-pra-√ dā:1 ] to surrender , make over Lit. Buddh. ; to add.

 अनुप्रदातृ [ anupradātṛ ] [ anu-pradātṛ́ ] m. an increaser, Lit. TS.

 अनुप्रदान [ anupradāna ] [ anu-pradāna ] n. a gift , donation Lit. Buddh.

  addition , increase Lit. Prāt.

अनुप्रधाव् [ anupradhāv ] [ anu-pra-√ dhāv:1 ] to rush after Lit. RV. x , 145 , 6 , : Caus. (perf. [ -dhāvayā́ṃ cakāra ] ) to drive after Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुप्रधावित [ anupradhāvita ] [ anu-pradhāvita ] m. f. n. hurried , eager Lit. Daś.

अनुप्रपत् [ anuprapat ] [ anu-pra-√ pat ] (aor. 3. pl. [ -paptan ] ) to fly towards Lit. RV. vi , 63 , 6.

 अनुप्रपत्तव्य [ anuprapattavya ] [ anu-prapattavya ] n. (impers.) it is to be followed or conformed to, Lit. AitBr.

 अनुप्रपातम् [ anuprapātam ] [ anu-prapātam ] ind. going in succession Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 56 Sch.

अनुप्रपद् [ anuprapad ] [ anu-pra-√ pad ] to enter or approach or arrive after ; to follow , act in conformance to.

 अनुप्रपन्न [ anuprapanna ] [ anu-prapanna ] m. f. n. following after , conformed to.

 अनुप्रपादम् [ anuprapādam ] [ anu-prapādam ] ind. going in succession Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 56 Sch.

अनुप्रपा [ anuprapā ] [ anu-pra-√ pā:1 ] P. ( 3. pl. [ -pibanti ] ) to drink one after the other Lit. AitBr. ; Ā. ( 3. pl. [ -pipate ] ( sic ) and [ -pibate ] ) to drink after another (acc.) Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.

अनुप्रभा [ anuprabhā ] [ anu-pra-√ bhā ] to shine upon Lit. TBr.

अनुप्रभूत [ anuprabhūta ] [ anu-pra-bhūta ] m. f. n. passing through , penetrating , ( [ ánu prá-bhuta ] ) Lit. RV. viii , 58 , 2

penetrated Lit. ChUp.

अनुप्रभूष् [ anuprabhūṣ ] [ anu-pra-√ bhūṣ ] ( p. [ -bhū́ṣat ] ) to serve , attend , offer Lit. RV. ix , 29 , 1.

अनुप्रमाण [ anupramāṇa ] [ anu-pramāṇa ] m. f. n. having a suitable size or length.

अनुप्रमुच् [ anupramuc ] [ anu-pra-√ muc ] to let loose or go successively Lit. RV. iv , 22 , 7.

अनुप्रमुद् [ anupramud ] [ anu-pra-√ mud ] Caus. [ -modayati ] , to consent Lit. MārkP.

अनुप्रयम् [ anuprayam ] [ anu-pra-√ yam ] to offer Lit. TS.

अनुप्रया [ anuprayā ] [ anu-pra-√ yā ] to follow after Lit. TBr. ; to start after , accompany.

अनुप्रयुज् [ anuprayuj ] [ anu-pra-√ yuj ] to employ after , add after (abl.) Lit. Pāṇ. to join , follow Lit. AV.

 अनुप्रयुज्यमान [ anuprayujyamāna ] [ anu-prayujyamāna ] m. f. n. being employed in addition or after or afterwards.

 अनुप्रयोक्तव्य [ anuprayoktavya ] [ anu-prayoktavya ] m. f. n. to be joined or employed in addition or after.

 अनुप्रयोग [ anuprayoga ] [ anu-prayoga ] m. additional use.

अनुप्ररुह् [ anupraruh ] [ anu-pra-√ ruh ] to grow in accordance with Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुप्ररोह [ anupraroha ] [ anu-praroha ] m. f. n. coming up or growing in accordance with.

अनुप्रवचन [ anupravacana ] [ anu-pra-vacana ] n. study of the Veda with a teacher.

  अनुप्रवचनादि [ anupravacanādi ] [ anupravacanādi ] a g. of Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 111.

 अनुप्रवचनीय [ anupravacanīya ] [ anupravacanīya ] m. f. n. belonging to , or necessary for [ anupravacana ] Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. Gobh.

अनुप्रवद् [ anupravad ] [ anu-pra-√ vad ] to repeat another's words Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. ; to speak of Lit. Nir. : Caus. [ -vādayati ] , to cause to resound , to play (an instrument) Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

अनुप्रवप् [ anupravap ] [ anu-pravap ] (Ā. - [ vapate ] ), to shave or be shaved in turn, Lit. TāṇḍBr.

अनुप्रवह् [ anupravah ] [ anu-pra-√ vah ] to drag (or carry) about ; to go or get forward Lit. RV. x , 2 , 3.

अनुप्रविश् [ anupraviś ] [ anu-pra-√ viś ] to follow in entering , enter ; to attack.

(Caus. - [ veśayati ] ), to send home, ib.

 अनुप्रविश्य [ anupraviśya ] [ anu-praviśya ] ind.p. having entered into.

 अनुप्रवेश [ anupraveśa ] [ anu-praveśa ] m. entrance into

  imitation Lit. L.

 अनुप्रवेशन [ anupraveśana ] [ anu-praveśana ] n. ( ( gaṇa q.v. ) ) entrance into

   imitation Lit. L.

 अनुप्रवेशनीय [ anupraveśanīya ] [ anu-praveśanīya ] m. f. n. connected with entering , (g. [ anupravacanādi ] q.v.)

अनुप्रवृज् [ anupravṛj ] [ anu-pra-√ vṛj ] [ -prá-vṛṇakti ] , to send or throw after Lit. ŚBr.

अनुप्रवृत् [ anupravṛt ] [ anu-pra-√ vṛt ] (impf. [ -prā́vartata ] ; perf. [ -vāvṛte ] ) to proceed along or after Lit. RV.

 अनुप्रवर्तन [ anupravartana ] [ anu-pravartana ] n. urging to (loc.), Lit. Bcar.

 अनुप्रवर्तित [ anupravartita ] [ anu-pra-vartita ] m. f. n. set going again, Lit. Divyâv.

 अनुप्रवृत्त [ anupravṛtta ] [ anu-pravṛtta ] m. f. n. following after (acc.) Lit. BhP.

 अनुप्रवृत्ति [ anupravṛtti ] [ anu-pra-vṛtti ] f. (acc. with √ [ kṛ ] , "to pay attention to" ), ib.

अनुप्रव्रज् [ anupravraj ] [ anu-pra-√ vraj ] to follow into exile Lit. R. v , 36 , 61.

to become an ascetic after, ib.

 अनुप्रव्रजन [ anupravrajana ] [ anu-pravrajana ] n. the becoming an ascetic after (another), ib.

अनुप्रशुच् [ anupraśuc ] [ anu-pra-√ śuc:1 ] [ -śocate ] , to regret or mourn deeply Lit. MBh.

अनुप्रश्न [ anupraśna ] [ anu-praśna ] m. a subsequent question (having reference to what has been previously said by the teacher) .

अनुप्रष्टृ [ anupraṣṭṛ ] [ anu-praṣṭṛ ] m. f. n. (fr. [ anu ] -√ [ prach ] ) inquiring after all things, desirous of knowledge, Lit. MBh.

अनुप्रसञ्ज् [ anuprasañj ] [ anu-pra-√ sañj ] to adhere to , fasten Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुप्रसक्त [ anuprasakta ] [ anu-prasakta ] m. f. n. strongly attached Lit. Śiś.

 अनुप्रसक्ति [ anuprasakti ] [ anu-prasakti ] f. close connection with.

अनुप्रसद् [ anuprasad ] [ anu-pra-√ sad ] to be content or satisfied with (acc.)

अनुप्रसूत [ anuprasūta ] [ anu-prasūta ] m. f. n. (√ 4. [ su ] ) , created afterwards Lit. MBh. xiii , 7361.

अनुप्रसृ [ anuprasṛ ] [ anu-pra-√ sṛ ] Caus. (impf. 3. pl. [ -prāsārayanta ] ) to extend over Lit. RV. x , 56 , 5 : Intens. part. [ -sársrāṇa ] , moving along (acc.) Lit. RV. v , 44 , 3.

अनुप्रसृप् [ anuprasṛp ] [ anu-pra-√ sṛp ] to creep towards or after Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. (Opt. 3. pl. [ -sarpayeyuḥ ] ) to cause to pass round (acc.) , Lit. ĀśvŚr.

 अनुप्रसर्पक [ anuprasarpaka ] [ anu-prasarpaka ] creeping after ( Lit. Lāṭy., Sch.)

 अनुप्रसर्पिन् [ anuprasarpin ] [ anu-prasarpin ] ( Lit. Jaim.), m. f. n. creeping after

 अनुप्रसृप्तिन् [ anuprasṛptin ] [ anu-pra-sṛptin ] m. f. n. one who has crept after, Lit. Lāṭy.

अनुप्रस्तृ [ anuprastṛ ] [ anu-pra-√ stṛ ] to scatter along or upon Lit. Kauś.

अनुप्रस्था [ anuprasthā ] [ anu-pra-√ sthā ] to start after another: Caus. [ -sthāpayati ] , to cause to follow Lit. BhP.

 अनुप्रस्थ [ anuprastha ] [ anu-prastha ] m. f. n. latitudinal

  according to width , following the breadth or latitude.

अनुप्रहित [ anuprahita ] [ anu-pra-hita ] m. f. n. (√ [ hi ] ) , sent after Lit. Uttarar.

shot off, Lit. Kir.

अनुप्रहृ [ anuprahṛ ] [ anu-pra-√ hṛ ] to throw into the fire Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

  अनुप्रहृतभाजन [ anuprahṛtabhājana ] [ anu-prahṛta-bhājaná ] n. the substitute for what is thrown into the fire, Lit. ŚBr.

  अनुप्रहृत्य [ anuprahṛtya ] [ anu-prahṛ́tya ] m. f. n. to be th°rown into the fire, ib.

 अनुप्रहरण [ anupraharaṇa ] [ anu-praháraṇa ] n. throwing into the fire Lit. ŚBr.

अनुप्राण् [ anuprāṇ ] [ anu-prāṇ ] ( Preverb. [ √ an ] ) cl. [2] P. [ -prāṇiti ] , to breathe after Lit. TUp.

अनुप्राप् [ anuprāp ] [ anu-prāp ] ( Preverb. [ √ āp ] ) to come or go up to , reach , attain ; to arrive ; to get ; to get back ; to get by imitating.

 अनुप्राप्त [ anuprāpta ] [ anu-prāpta ] m. f. n. arrived , returned


  having reached , having got.

अनुप्रास् [ anuprās ] [ anu-prās ] ( Preverb.:2 [ √ as ] ) , [ -prā́syati ] , to throw after Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

 अनुप्रास [ anuprāsa ] [ anu-prāsa ] m. alliteration , repetition of similar letters , syllables , and words Lit. Kpr.

अनुप्रिय [ anupriya ] [ anu-priya ] m. f. n. liked, dear, Lit. MBh.

अनुप्रे [ anupre ] [ anu-pre ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) cl. [2] P. [ -praiti ] , to follow Lit. RV. ; to follow in death Lit. ŚBr. ; to seek after Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr.

अनुप्रेक्ष् [ anuprekṣ ] [ anu-prekṣ ] ( Preverb. [ √ īkṣ ] ) to follow with the eyes.

अनुप्रेष् [ anupreṣ ] [ anu-preṣ ] ( Preverb. [ √ iṣ ] ) , Caus. P. [ -preṣayati ] to send forth after.

 अनुप्रेषण [ anupreṣaṇa ] [ anu-preṣaṇa ] n. sending after, Lit. Prab., Sch.

 अनुप्रैष [ anupraiṣa ] [ anu-praiṣá ] m. a subsequent invitation Lit. ŚBr.

अनुप्रोह् [ anuproh ] [ anu-proh ] ( Preverb.:1 [ √ ūh ] ) , to insert Lit. ĀpŚr.

अनुप्लु [ anuplu ] [ anu-√ plu ] to float (as clouds) after ; to follow.

 अनुप्लव [ anuplava ] [ anu-plava ] m. a companion or follower Lit. Ragh.

अनुबन्ध् [ anubandh ] [ anu-√ bandh ] to attach , tie ; to bind (by an obligation) ; to stick , adhere , follow , endure ; to be followed by Lit. BhP.

 अनुबद्ध [ anubaddha ] [ anu-baddha ] m. f. n. bound to , obliged to , connected with , related to , belonging to

  followed by.

 अनुबध्नत् [ anubadhnat ] [ anu-badhnat ] m. f. n. following , seeking Lit. Kir.

 अनुबन्ध [ anubandha ] [ anu-bandha ] m. binding , connection , attachment



  uninterrupted succession

  sequence , consequence , result

  intention , design

  motive , cause


  inseparable adjunct or sign of anything , secondary or symptomatic affection (supervening on the principal disease)

  an indicatory letter or syllable attached to roots , (marking some peculiarity in their inflection ; e.g. an [ i ] attached to roots , denotes the insertion of a nasal before their final consonant)

  a child or pupil who imitates an example set by a parent or preceptor

  commencement , beginning

  anything small or little , a part , a small part

  (in arithm.) the junction of fractions

  (in phil.) an indispensable element of the Vedānta

  [ anubandhī ] f. hickup Lit. L.

  thirst Lit. L.

 अनुबन्धक [ anubandhaka ] [ anu-bandhaka ] m. f. n. connected , allied


 अनुबन्धन [ anubandhana ] [ anu-bandhana ] n. binding , connection , succession , unbroken series.

 अनुबन्धिन् [ anubandhin ] [ anu-bandhin ] m. f. n. connected with , attached

  having in its train or as a consequence , resulting

  continuous , lasting , permanent.

  अनुबन्धित्व [ anubandhitva ] [ anubandhi-tva ] n. the state of being accompanied or attended or followed.

 अनुबन्ध्य [ anubandhya ] [ anu-bandhya ] m. f. n. principal , primary , liable to receive an adjunct (as a root , a disease) ( cf. [ anū-bándhya ] .)

अनुबल [ anubala ] [ anu-bala ] n. rear-guard , an auxiliary army following another.

अनुबाध् [ anubādh ] [ anu-√ bādh ] Pass. ( p [ -bādhyamāna ] ) to be oppressed or tormented Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās.

 अनुबिम्ब [ anubimba ] [ anu-bimba ] m. n. reflected image, Lit. Naish.

  अनुबिम्बन [ anubimbana ] [ anu-bi-mbana ] n. the being a refl°ected im°age, ib.

  अनुबिम्बित [ anubimbita ] [ anu-bi-mbita ] m. f. n. reflected, ib.

अनुबुध् [ anubudh ] [ anu-√ budh ] to awake ; to recollect ; to learn (by information) : Caus. [ -bodhayati ] , to communicate , to remind , Lit. Śāk.

 अनुबोध [ anubodha ] [ anu-bodha ] m. recollection

  an after-thought Lit. L.

  reviving the scent of a faded perfume , replacing perfumes.

  perception, Lit. ĀpŚr.

 अनुबोधन [ anubodhana ] [ anu-bodhana ] n. recollecting , reminding.

 अनुबोधित [ anubodhita ] [ anu-bodhita ] m. f. n. reminded

  convinced by recollection.

अनुब्राह्मण [ anubrāhmaṇa ] [ anu-brāhmaṇa ] n. a work resembling a Brāhmaṇa Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 62

[ anubrāhmaṇam ] ind. according to the Brāhmaṇa Lit. Lāṭy.

 अनुब्राह्मणिक [ anubrāhmaṇika ] [ anu-brāhmaṇika ] ( ( Comm. on Lit. Lāṭy. ) ) ( ( Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Vait. ) ) m. a knower of an [ anu-brāhmaṇa ] .

 अनुब्राह्मणिन् [ anubrāhmaṇin ] [ anu-brāhmaṇin ] ( ( Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Vait. ) ) m. a knower of an [ anu-brāhmaṇa ] .

अनुब्रू [ anubrū ] [ anu-√ brū ] cl. [2] P. [ -bravīti ] to pronounce , recite ; to utter ; to address , invite ( with dat.) Lit. ŚBr. ; to repeat another's words , learn by heart (by repeating another's words) Lit. RV. v , 44 , 13 Lit. ŚBr.

अनुभ [ anubha ] [ an-ubha ] m. f. n. (du.) neither, no one (of two), Lit. MBh.

  अनुभय [ anubhaya ] [ an-ubhaya ] m. f. n. id., Lit. Sarvad.

   अनुभयात्मन् [ anubhayātman ] [ an-ubha--yātman ] m. f. n. of neither kind , Lit. Sāh.

   अनुभयात्मता [ anubhayātmatā ] [ an-ubha--yātma--tā ] ( f. )

अनुभज् [ anubhaj ] [ anu-√ bhaj ] to worship Lit. BhP.

अनुभा [ anubhā ] [ anu-√ bhā ] to shine after another (acc.) Lit. RV. iii , 6 , 7 Lit. Up.

अनुभाष् [ anubhāṣ ] [ anu-√ bhāṣ ] to speak to , address ; to confess.

 अनुभाषण [ anubhāṣaṇa ] [ anu-bhāṣaṇa ] [ am ] . see [ an-anubhāṣaṇa ] .

 अनुभाषित [ anubhāṣita ] [ anu-bhāṣita ] n. spoken words, talk, speech, Lit. BhP.

 अनुभाषितृ [ anubhāṣitṛ ] [ anu-bhāṣitṛ ] m. f. n. speaking to , saying Lit. Ragh.

अनुभास [ anubhāsa ] [ anu-bhāsa ] m. a kind of crow.

अनुभिद् [ anubhid ] [ anu-√ bhid ] to split or break along Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुभित्ति [ anubhitti ] [ anu-bhitti ] ind. along a mat Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुभुज् [ anubhuj ] [ anu-√ bhuj ] to suffer the consequence of one's actions ; to enjoy successively Lit. Kum. ; to enjoy , participate ; to pass (an asterism) Lit. BhP.

 अनुभोग [ anubhoga ] [ anu-bhoga ] m. (in law) enjoyment , a grant of hereditary land in return for service.

अनुभू [ anubhū ] [ anu-√ bhū ] to enclose , embrace Lit. ChUp. ; to be after , attain , equal Lit. RV. ; to be useful , to help Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to turn or incline to Lit. RV. x , 147 , 1 ; to notice , perceive , understand ; to experience , to attempt. ( 36,2 )

 अनुभव [ anubhava ] [ anu-bhava ] m. perception , apprehension , fruition


  impression on the mind not derived from memory

  experience , knowledge derived from personal observation or experiment

  result , consequence.

  cognition, consciousness, Lit. L.

  custom, usage, Lit. Lalit.

  [ anubhavam ] ind. at every birth, Lit. BhP.

  अनुभवसिद्ध [ anubhavasiddha ] [ anu-bhava-siddha ] m. f. n. established by experience or perception.

  अनुभवारूढ [ anubhavārūḍha ] [ anubhavārūḍha ] m. f. n. subjected to trial or experiment.

 अनुभाव [ anubhāva ] [ anu-bhāva ] m. sign or indication of a feeling ( [ bhāva ] ) by look or gesture Lit. Kpr.

  dignity , authority , consequence

  firm opinion , ascertainment , good resolution , belief.

 अनुभावक [ anubhāvaka ] [ anu-bhāvaka ] m. f. n. causing to apprehend , making to understand.

  अनुभावकता [ anubhāvakatā ] [ anu-bhāvaka-tā ] f. understanding.

 अनुभावन [ anubhāvana ] [ anu-bhāvana ] n. the act of indicating feelings by sign or gesture Lit. Sāh.

 अनुभाविन् [ anubhāvin ] [ anu-bhāvin ] m. f. n. perceiving , knowing

  being an eye-witness Lit. Mn. viii , 69 Lit. Āp.

  showing signs of feeling.

 अनुभाव्य [ anubhāvya ] [ anu-bhāvya ] m. f. n. to be (or being) perceived, Lit. Sarvad.

 अनुभू [ anubhū ] [ anu-bhū ] m. f. n. perceiving , understanding (ifc.)

 अनुभूत [ anubhūta ] [ anu-bhūta ] m. f. n. perceived , understood , apprehended

  resulted , followed as a consequence

  that has experienced , tasted , tried or enjoyed.

 अनुभूति [ anubhūti ] [ anu-bhūti ] f. perception

  knowledge from any source but memory

  (in phil.) knowledge gained by means of the four Pramāṇas (perception by the senses , inference , comparison , and verbal authority)

  dignity , consequence.

  अनुभूतिप्रकाश [ anubhūtiprakāśa ] [ anu-bhūti-prakāśa ] m. N. of a metrical paraphrase of the twelve principal Upanishads by Vidyāraṇya-muni.

  अनुभूतिस्वरूपाचार्य [ anubhūtisvarūpācārya ] [ anu-bhūti-svarūpācārya ] m. N. of the author of the grammar Sārasvatī-prakriyā.

 अनुभूय [ anubhūya ] [ anu-bhūya ] ind. having experienced.

 अनुभूयमान [ anubhūyamāna ] [ anu-bhūyamāna ] m. f. n. being under trial

  being experienced or enjoyed.

अनुभृ [ anubhṛ ] [ anu-√ bhṛ ] to support Lit. Kāṭh. ; to insert , enter Lit. RV. x , 61 , 5 Lit. AV.

 अनुभर्तृ [ anubhartṛ ] [ anu-bhartṛ́ ] m. f. n. supporting , strengthening ( Lit. Gmn.) , penetrating ( Lit. NBD.) Lit. RV. i , 88 , 6.

अनुभ्राज् [ anubhrāj ] [ anu-√ bhrāj ] to illuminate.

अनुभ्रातृ [ anubhrātṛ ] [ anu-bhrātṛ ] m. a younger brother.

अनुमद् [ anumad ] [ anu-√ mad ] to rejoice over , to gladden , to praise Lit. RV.

 अनुमाद्य [ anumādya ] [ anu-mā́dya ] (4 , 5) m. f. n. to be praised in succession , to be granted with acclamation or praise Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

अनुमध्यम [ anumadhyama ] [ anu-madhyama ] m. f. n. next oldest to the middle Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 189 Sch.

अनुमन् [ anuman ] [ anu-√ man ] to approve , assent to , permit , grant: Caus. P. [ -mānayati ] , to ask for permission or leave , ask for (acc.) Lit. Yājñ. ; to honour.

 अनुमत [ anumata ] [ anu-mata ] m. f. n. approved , assented to , permitted , allowed , agreeable , pleasant

  loved , beloved

  concurred with , being of one opinion

  [ anumata ] n. consent , permission , approbation

  [ anumate ] ind. with consent of.

  अनुमतकर्मकारिन् [ anumatakarmakārin ] [ anu-mata-karma-kārin ] m. f. n. doing what is allowed. acting according to an agreement.

  अनुमतवज्र [ anumatavajra ] [ ánumata-vajra ] m. f. n. one who has received the thunderbolt by consent (?), Lit. MaitrS.

 अनुमति [ anumati ] [ ánu-mati ] f. assent , permission , approbation

  personified as a goddess Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  the fifteenth day of the moon's age (on which it rises one digit less than full , when the gods or manes receive oblations with favour)

  also personified as a goddess Lit. VP., oblation made to this goddess.

  अनुमतिपत्त्र [ anumatipattra ] [ ánu-mati-pattra ] n. (in law) a deed expressing assent.

 अनुमनन [ anumanana ] [ anu-manana ] n. assenting Lit. Nir.

 अनुमन्तव्य [ anumantavya ] [ anu-mantavya ] m. f. n. to be consented to or acknowledged, Lit. Inscr.

 अनुमन्तृ [ anumantṛ ] [ anu-mantṛ́ ] m. f. n. consenting to , permitting Lit. TBr.

 अनुमन्यमान [ anumanyamāna ] [ anu-manyamāna ] m. f. n. minding , assenting.

 अनुमान [ anumāna ] [ anu-māná ]1 m. permission , consent Lit. TBr. Lit. Kāṭh.

अनुमन्त्र् [ anumantr ] [ anu-√ mantr ] to accompany with or consecrate by magic formulas ; to dismiss with a blessing.

 अनुमन्त्रण [ anumantraṇa ] [ anu-mantraṇa ] n. consecration by hymns and prayers.

  अनुमन्त्रणमन्त्र [ anumantraṇamantra ] [ anu-mantraṇa-mantra ] m. a hymn used in consecrating.

 अनुमन्त्रित [ anumantrita ] [ anu-mantrita ] m. f. n. so consecrated.

अनुमरण [ anumaraṇa ] [ anu-maraṇa ] see [ anu-√ mṛ ] .

अनुमरु [ anumaru ] [ anu-maru ] m. ( used in the pl.) a country next to a desert Lit. R. iv , 43 , 19.

अनुमा [ anumā ] [ anu-√ mā:2 ]1 Intens. (impf. [ amīmed ánu ] ) to roar or bleat towards Lit. RV. i , 164 , 28.

अनुमा [ anumā ] [ anu-√ mā:3 ]2 to be behind in measure , to be unable to equal Lit. RV. ; to infer , conclude , guess , conjecture: Pass. [ -mīyate ] , to be inferred or supposed. ( 36,3 )

 अनुमा [ anumā ] [ anu- ]3 f. inference , a conclusion from given premises.

 अनुमातृ [ anumātṛ ] [ anu-mātṛ ] m. f. n. drawing inferences, Lit. Śaṃk., Sch.

 अनुमान [ anumāna ] [ anu-māna ]2 n. the act of inferring or drawing a conclusion from given premises

  inference , consideration , reflection

  guess , conjecture

  one of the means of obtaining true knowledge (see [ pramāṇa ] ) .

  अनुमानखण्ड [ anumānakhaṇḍa ] [ anu-māna-khaṇḍa ] n. works on [ anumāna ] .

  अनुमानचिन्तामणि [ anumānacintāmaṇi ] [ anu-māna-cintāmaṇi ] m. works on [ anumāna ] .

  अनुमानप्रकाश [ anumānaprakāśa ] [ anu-māna-prakāśa ] m. works on [ anumāna ] .

  अनुमानमणिदीधिति [ anumānamaṇidīdhiti ] [ anu-māna-maṇi-dīdhiti ] f. a similar work written by Raghunātha.

  अनुमानोक्ति [ anumānokti ] [ anumānokti ] f. inferential argument , reasoning.

 अनुमापक [ anumāpaka ] [ anu-māpaka ] m. f. n. causing an inference (as an effect) .

 अनुमित [ anumita ] [ anu-mita ] m. f. n. inferred , conjectured.

 अनुमिति [ anumiti ] [ anu-miti ] f. conclusion from given premises.

 अनुमिमान [ anumimāna ] [ anu-mimāna ] m. f. n. p. Ā. concluding , inferring.

 अनुमीयमान [ anumīyamāna ] [ anu-mīyamāna ] m. f. n. Pass. p. being inferred.

 अनुमेय [ anumeya ] [ anu-méya ] m. f. n. to be measured Lit. AV. vi , 137 , 2

  inferable , to be inferred , proved or conjectured.

अनुमार्ग् [ anumārg ] [ anu-√ mārg ] to search through, Lit. R.

 अनुमार्ग [ anumārga ] [ anu-mārga ] m. following, seeking ( [ eṇa ] , with gen. = "after" ), Lit. Kād. ; Lit. Kathās.

  अनुमार्गागत [ anumārgāgata ] [ anu-mār-gāgata ] m. f. n. met half-way, Lit. Jātakam. ( Page1312,2 )

अनुमालिनीतीरम् [ anumālinītīram ] [ anu-mālinī-tīram ] ind. on the bank of the Mālinī, Lit. Śak.

अनुमाद्य [ anumādya ] [ anu-mā́dya ] see [ anu-√ mad ] .

अनुमाषम् [ anumāṣam ] [ anu-māṣam ] ind. like a kidney bean , (g. [ parimukhādi ] q.v.)

अनुमिद् [ anumid ] [ anu-√ mid:2 ] [ -medyati ] , to become fat after another Lit. TBr.

अनुमुद् [ anumud ] [ anu-√ mud ] to join in rejoicing Lit. RV. viii , 1 , 14 , ; to sympathize with , to rejoice ; to allow with pleasure , express approval , applaud , permit: Caus. [ -modayati ] , to express approval , permit.

 अनुमोद [ anumoda ] [ anu-moda ] m. a subsequent pleasure , the feeling of pleasure from sympathy.

 अनुमोदक [ anumodaka ] [ anu-modaka ] m. f. n. assenting , showing sympathetic joy.

 अनुमोदन [ anumodana ] [ anu-modana ] n. pleasing , causing pleasure , applauding

  assent , acceptance

  sympathetic joy.

 अनुमोदित [ anumodita ] [ anu-modita ] m. f. n. pleased , delighted , applauded

  agreeable , acceptable.

 अनुमोदिन् [ anumodin ] [ anu-modin ] m. f. n. causing pleasure to (gen.), Lit. Jātakam.

अनुम्रोक [ anumroka ] [ anu-mroka ] see [ mrokā ] [ numroka ] (p. 837).

अनुमुह् [ anumuh ] [ anu-√ muh ] to feel distressed at , to be troubled about or after another Lit. MBh. i , 143.

अनुमृ [ anumṛ ] [ anu-√ mṛ ] to follow in death Lit. TBr.

 अनुमरण [ anumaraṇa ] [ anu-maraṇa ] n. following in death

  post-cremation or concremation of a widow

  the burning of a widow with ( her husband's corpse or with part of his dress when his body is not on the spot ; cf. [ saha-maraṇa ] ) .

 अनुमरिष्यत् [ anumariṣyat ] [ anu-mariṣyat ] m. f. n. about to follow in death.

 अनुमृता [ anumṛtā ] [ anu-mṛtā ] f. the woman who burns with a part of her husband's dress.

अनुमृग्य [ anumṛgya ] [ anumṛgya ] m. f. n. (√ [ mṛg ] ) , to be sought after Lit. BhP.

  अनुमृग्यदाशु [ anumṛgyadāśu ] [ anumṛgya-dāśu ] m. f. n. granting all that is sought.

अनुमृज् [ anumṛj ] [ anu-√ mṛj ] to rub lengthways for polishing or cleaning Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Intens. part. [ -mármṛjāna ] , stretching (the arms) repeatedly towards Lit. RV. x , 142 , 5.

अनुमृत् [ anumṛt ] [ anu-mṛt ] m. f. n. dying after, following in death, Lit. Ragh.

अनुमृश् [ anumṛś ] [ anu-√ mṛś ] to grasp , seize Lit. RV. ; to consider , think of , reflect: Caus. [ -marśayati ] , to touch or take hold of for the sake of examining Lit. Kāṭh.

 अनुमर्शम् [ anumarśam ] [ anu-márśam ] ind. so as to seize or take hold of Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुम्लुच् [ anumluc ] [ anu-√ mluc ] ( only used for the etymol. of [ anu-mlócantī ] , below) , to rise from the resting-place (?) Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुम्लोचन्ती [ anumlocantī ] [ anu-mlócantī ] ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) ( ( Lit. Hariv. ) ) f. N. of an Apsaras.

 अनुम्लोचा [ anumlocā ] [ anu-mlocā ] ( ( Lit. Hariv. ) ) f. N. of an Apsaras.

अनुयजुस् [ anuyajus ] [ anu-yajus ] ind. according to the Yajus-formula Lit. KātyŚr.

 अनुयाग [ anuyāga ] [ anu-yāga ] m. a subsequent or after sacrifice Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 62 Sch.

 अनुयाज [ anuyāja ] [ anu-yājá ] m. a secondary or final sacrifice Lit. RV. x , 51 , 8 &9 and 182 , 2 Lit. ŚBr.

  अनुयाजप्रसव [ anuyājaprasava ] [ anu-yājá-prasava ] m. permission to perform an Anuyāja Lit. KātyŚr.

  अनुयाजप्रैष [ anuyājapraiṣa ] [ anu-yājá-praiṣa ] m. pl. the formulas belonging to the Anuyāja Lit. KātyŚr.

  अनुयाजवत् [ anuyājavat ] [ anu-yājá-vat ] ( [ anuyājá- ] ) m. f. n. having secondary sacrifices Lit. MaitrS. Lit. AitBr.

  अनुयाजानुमन्त्रण [ anuyājānumantraṇa ] [ anuyājānumantraṇa ] n. reciting those formulas Lit. KātyŚr.

  अनुयाजार्थ [ anuyājārtha ] [ anuyājārtha ] m. f. n. belonging to or used at an Anuyāja Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुयत् [ anuyat ] [ anu-√ yat ] Ā. [ -yatate ] , to strive to attain to or to reach Lit. RV. ix , 92 , 3.

अनुयम् [ anuyam ] [ anu-√ yam ] ( 3. pl. [ -yacchanti ] ; Imper. [ -yacchatu ] ; p. fem. [ -yácchamānā ] ) to direct , guide , give a direction to Lit. RV. i , 123 , 13 ; iv , 57 , 7 and vi , 75 , 6 ; (perf. 3. pl. [ -yemuḥ ] Ā. 3. du. [ -yemā́te ] ) to follow Lit. RV.

अनुयम् [ anuyam ] [ anu-√ yam ] to give over, Lit. Divyâv.

 अनुयत [ anuyata ] [ ánu-yata ] m. f. n. followed (in hostile manner) Lit. RV. v , 41 , 13.

अनुयवम् [ anuyavam ] [ anu-yavam ] ind. like barley , (g. [ parimukhādi ] , q.v.)

अनुया [ anuyā ] [ anu-√ yā ]1 to go towards or after , follow ; to imitate , equal.

 अनुया [ anuyā ] [ anu-yā́ ]2 m. f. n. following Lit. VS. xv , 6.

 अनुयात [ anuyāta ] [ anu-yāta ] m. f. n. following



 अनुयातव्य [ anuyātavya ] [ anu-yātavya ] m. f. n. to be followed.

 अनुयातृ [ anuyātṛ ] [ anu-yātṛ ] m. a follower , companion.

 अनुयात्र [ anuyātra ] [ anu-yātra ] f. n. retinue , attendance

  that which is required for a journey.

 अनुयात्रिक [ anuyātrika ] [ anu-yātrika ] m. f. n. following , attendant Lit. Śāk.

 अनुयान [ anuyāna ] [ anu-yāna ] n. going after , following.

 अनुयायिन् [ anuyāyin ] [ anu-yāyin ] m. f. n. going after

  a follower , a dependant , attendant

  following , consequent upon.

  अनुयायिता [ anuyāyitā ] [ anuyāyi-tā ] f. succession.

  अनुयायित्व [ anuyāyitva ] [ anuyāyi-tva ] n. succession.

 अनुयियासु [ anuyiyāsu ] [ anu-yiyāsu ] m. f. n. wishing to follow, Lit. HPariś.

अनुयुज् [ anuyuj ] [ anu-√ yuj ] to join again Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. ; to question , examine ; to order ; to enjoin: Caus. [ -yojayati ] , to place upon ; to add Lit. Kauś. : Desid. [ -yuyukṣati ] , to intend to question Lit. MBh.

 अनुयुक्त [ anuyukta ] [ anu-yukta ] m. f. n. ordered , enjoined

  asked , inquired

  examined , questioned


 अनुयुक्तिन् [ anuyuktin ] [ anu-yuktin ] m. one who has enjoined , examined , ( [ gaṇaiṣṭādi ] q.v.)

 अनुयुगम् [ anuyugam ] [ anu-yugam ] ind. according to the Yugas or four ages Lit. Mn. i , 84.

 अनुयोक्तृ [ anuyoktṛ ] [ anu-yoktṛ ] m. an examiner , inquirer , teacher.

 अनुयोक्तव्य [ anuyoktavya ] [ anu-yoktavya ] m. f. n. to be questioned, Lit. MBh.

 अनुयोग [ anuyoga ] [ anu-yoga ] m. a question , examination

  censure , reproof Lit. Nyāyad.

  religious meditation , spiritual union.

  अनुयोगकृत् [ anuyogakṛt ] [ anu-yoga-kṛt ] m. an Ācārya or spiritual teacher.

 अनुयोगद्वार [ anuyogadvāra ] [ anuyogadvāra ] N. of a sacred book, Lit. Jain.

 अनुयोगिन् [ anuyogin ] [ anu-yogin ] m. f. n. ifc. combining , uniting

  connected with


 अनुयोजन [ anuyojana ] [ anu-yojana ] n. question , questioning.

 अनुयोज्य [ anuyojya ] [ anu-yojya ] m. f. n. to be examined or questioned Lit. Mn.

  to be enjoined or ordered


  a servant , agent , delegate Lit. Śāk.

अनुयू [ anuyū ] [ anu-yū́ ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ yu ] ) , depending , dependent Lit. ŚBr. xi.

अनुयूपम् [ anuyūpam ] [ anu-yūpam ] ind. along the Yūpa or sacrificial post , (g. [ parimukhādi ] q.v.)

अनुरक्ष् [ anurakṣ ] [ anu-√ rakṣ:1 ] to guard while following Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to guard , take care of.

 अनुरक्षण [ anurakṣaṇa ] [ anu-rakṣaṇa ] n. the act of guarding.

अनुरज्जु [ anurajju ] [ anu-rajju ] ind. along the rope Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुरञ्ज् [ anurañj ] [ anu-√ rañj ] to become red in imitation of ; to be attached or devoted: Caus. P. [ -rañjayati ] , to win , conciliate , gratify.

 अनुरक्त [ anurakta ] [ anu-rakta ] m. f. n. fond of , attached , pleased


  अनुरक्तप्रज [ anuraktapraja ] [ anu-rakta-praja ] m. f. n. beloved by his subjects.

  अनुरक्तलोक [ anuraktaloka ] [ anu-rakta-loka ] m. a person to whom every one is attached.

 अनुरक्ति [ anurakti ] [ anu-rakti ] f. affection , love , devotion.

 अनुरञ्जक [ anurañjaka ] [ anu-rañjaka ] m. f. n. attaching , conciliating.

 अनुरञ्जन [ anurañjana ] [ anu-rañjana ] n. the act of attaching or conciliating affection , love


 अनुरञ्जित [ anurañjita ] [ anu-rañjita ] m. f. n. conciliated , delighted.

 अनुराग [ anurāga ] [ anu-rāga ] m. attachment , affection , love , passion

  red colour Lit. Śiś. ix , 8 ,

  अनुरागवत् [ anurāgavat ] [ anu-rāga-vat ] m. f. n. affectionate , attached , in love with

   red Lit. Śiś. ix , 10

  अनुरागेङ्गित [ anurāgeṅgita ] [ anurāgeṅgita ] n. gesture expressive of passion.

 अनुरागिन् [ anurāgin ] [ anu-rāgin ] m. f. n. impassioned , attached

  causing love

  [ anurāgiṇī ] f. personification of a musical note.

  अनुरागिता [ anurāgitā ] [ anurāgi-tā ] f. the state of being in love with.

अनुरणन [ anuraṇana ] [ anu-raṇana ] n. sounding conformably to , echoing Lit. Sāh.

अनुरथ [ anuratha ] [ anu-ratha ] m. N. of a son of Kuruvatsa and father of Puruhotra Lit. VP.

[ anuratham ] ind. behind the carriage Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 6 Sch.

 अनुरथ्या [ anurathyā ] [ anu-rathyā ] f. a path along the margin of a road , side road Lit. R. ii , 6 , 17.

अनुरम् [ anuram ] [ anu-√ ram ] P. [ -ramati ] , to cease to go or continue , stop Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. : Ā. to be fond of

 अनुरत [ anurata ] [ anu-rata ] m. f. n. fond of , attached to.

 अनुरति [ anurati ] [ anu-rati ] f. love , affection


अनुरस् [ anuras ] [ anu-√ ras:1 ] to answer to a cry or to a sound.

 अनुरसित [ anurasita ] [ anu-rasita ] n. echo Lit. Mālatīm. Lit. Uttarar.

अनुरस [ anurasa ] [ anu-rasa ] m. (in poetry) a subordinate feeling or passion

a secondary flavour (as a little sweetness in a sour fruit , ) Lit. Suśr.

अनुरहसम् [ anurahasam ] [ anu-rahasam ] ind. in secret , apart Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 81.

अनुराज् [ anurāj ] [ anu-√ rāj ] to be brilliant or shine in accordance with (said of corresponding metres) Lit. RV.

अनुरात्रम् [ anurātram ] [ anu-rātram ] ind. in the night Lit. AitBr.

अनुराध् [ anurādh ] [ anu-√ rādh ] to carry to an end ; to finish with (gen.) Lit. TBr.

 अनुराद्ध [ anurāddha ] [ anu-rāddha ] m. f. n. effected , accomplished

  obtained Lit. BhP.

 अनुराध [ anurādha ] [ anu-rādha ] m. f. n. see [ anūrādhá ]

  born under the asterism Anurādhā Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 34

  [ anurādha ] m. N. of a Buddhist

  m. pl. the seventeenth of the twenty-eight Nakshatras or lunar mansions (a constellation described as a line of oblations) .

  [ anurādhā ] ( ( Lit. AV. ) ) f. the seventeenth of the twenty-eight Nakshatras or lunar mansions (a constellation described as a line of oblations) .

  अनुराधग्राम [ anurādhagrāma ] [ anu-rādha-grāma ] m. the ancient capital of Ceylon founded by the above-named Anurādha.

  अनुराधपुर [ anurādhapura ] [ anu-rādha-pura ] n. the ancient capital of Ceylon founded by the above-named Anurādha.

अनुरिच् [ anuric ] [ anu-√ ric ] Pass. [ -ricyate ] , to be emptied after Lit. TS.

अनुरिष् [ anuriṣ ] [ anu-√ riṣ ] cl. [4] P. [ -riṣyati ] , to be injured after (acc.) Lit. ChUp.

अनुरी [ anurī ] [ anu-√ rī ] cl. [4] Ā. [ -rīyate ] , to flow after Lit. RV. i , 85 , 3 ; (p. [ -rī́yamāṇa ] ) Lit. VS. x , 19.

अनुरु [ anuru ] [ anu-√ ru ]1 to imitate the cry or answer to the cry of (acc.)

 अनुरुत [ anuruta ] [ anu-ruta ] m. f. n. resounding with Lit. VarBṛS.

अनुरु [ anuru ] [ an-uru ]2 m. f. n. not great.

अनुरुच् [ anuruc ] [ anu-√ ruc ] Caus. P. [ -rocayati ] , to choose , prefer Lit. MBh.

अनुरुद् [ anurud ] [ anu-√ rud ] to lament , bewail.

अनुरुध् [ anurudh ] [ anu-√ rudh ]1 to bar (as a way) Lit. MBh. xiii , 1649 ; to surround , confine , overcome Lit. BhP. ; cl. [4] Ā. [ -rudhyate ] or ep. P. [ -rudhyati ] ( 2. sg. [ -rudhyase ] Lit. RV. viii , 43 , 9 , ) , to adhere to , be fond of , love ; to coax , soothe , entreat.

 अनुरुद्ध [ anuruddha ] [ anu-ruddha ] m. f. n. checked , opposed

  soothed , pacified

  [ anuruddha ] m. N. of a cousin of Śākyamuni.

 अनुरुध् [ anurudh ] [ anu-rúdh ]2 m. f. n. adhering to , loving Lit. VS. xxx , 9 ( cf. [ anū-rúdh ] .)

 अनुरोध [ anurodha ] [ anu-rodha ] m. obliging or fulfilling the wishes (of any one)

  obligingness , compliance

  consideration , respect

  reference or bearing of a rule.

 अनुरोधन [ anurodhana ] [ anu-ródhana ] n. obliging or fulfilling the wishes of

  means for winning the affection of. Lit. AV.

 अनुरोधिन् [ anurodhin ] [ anu-rodhin ] m. f. n. complying with , compliant , obliging , having respect or regard to.

  अनुरोधिता [ anurodhitā ] [ anurodhi-tā ] f. the state of being so Lit. Kathās.

अनुरुह् [ anuruh ] [ anu-√ ruh ] P. to ascend , mount Lit. RV. x , 13 , 3 ; Ā. to grow Lit. RV.

 अनुरुहा [ anuruhā ] [ anu-ruhā ] f. a grass (Cyperus Pertenius) .

 अनुरोह [ anuroha ] [ anu-rohá ] m. mounting or growing up to Lit. MaitrS. Lit. PBr.

अनुरूप [ anurūpa ] [ ánu-rūpa ] m. f. n. following the form , conformable , corresponding , like , fit , suitable

adapted to , according to

[ anurūpa ] m. the Antistrophe which has the same metre as the Stotriya or Strophe

the second of three verses recited together

n. conformity , suitability

[ anurūpam ] ind. ifc. conformably , according.

[ anurūpeṇa ] ind. ifc. conformably , according.

  अनुरूपचेष्ट [ anurūpaceṣṭa ] [ ánu-rūpa-ceṣṭa ] m. f. n. endeavouring to act becomingly.

  अनुरूपतस् [ anurūpatas ] [ ánu-rūpa-tas ] ind. conformably.

अनुरेवती [ anurevatī ] [ anu-revatī ] f. N. of a plant.

अनुलक्ष्य [ anulakṣya ] [ anu-lakṣya ] ind.p. conforming to.

अनुलग्न [ anulagna ] [ anu-lagna ] m. f. n. attached to


intent on , pursuing after.

अनुलभ् [ anulabh ] [ anu-√ labh ] to grasp or take hold of (from behind) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. : Desid. [ -lipsate ] , to intend to grasp Lit. ib.

अनुलम्ब [ anulamba ] [ anulamba ] m. f. n. dependent, subordinate, Lit. TāṇḍBr.

अनुला [ anulā ] [ anulā ] f. N. of a female Arhat or Buddhist saint

also of a queen of Ceylon.

अनुलाप [ anulāpa ] [ anu-lāpa ] m. (√ [ lap ] ) , repetition of what has been said , tautology.

अनुलास [ anulāsa ] [ anu-lāsa ] a peacock.

अनुलास्य [ anulāsya ] [ anu-lāsya ] m. a peacock.

अनुलिप् [ anulip ] [ anu-√ lip ] P. to anoint , besmear ; Ā. to anoint one's self after (bathing) : Caus. [ -lepayati ] , to cause to be anointed.

 अनुलिप्त [ anulipta ] [ anu-lipta ] m. f. n. smeared , anointed.

  अनुलिप्ताङ्ग [ anuliptāṅga ] [ anuliptāṅga ] m. f. n. having the limbs anointed.

 अनुलेप [ anulepa ] [ anu-lepa ] m. unction , anointing , bedaubing.

 अनुलेपक [ anulepaka ] [ anu-lepaka ] m. f. n. anointing the body with unguents Lit. L.

  [ anulepikā ] f. (g. [ mahiṣy-ādi ] q.v.)

 अनुलेपन [ anulepana ] [ anu-lepana ] n. anointing the body

  unguent so used

  oily or emollient application.

 अनुलेपिन् [ anulepin ] [ anulepin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) smeared or anointed with, Lit. MBh.

अनुली [ anulī ] [ anu-√ lī ] to disappear after Lit. BhP.

अनुलुभ् [ anulubh ] [ anu-√ lubh ] Caus. [ -lobhayati ] , to long for , desire Lit. R.

अनुलोम [ anuloma ] [ anu-loma ] m. f. n. " with the hair or grain " ( opposed to [ prati-loma ] q.v.) , in a natural direction , in order , regular , successive


[ anulomā ] f. a woman of a lower caste than that of the man's with whom she is connected Lit. Yājñ.

[ anuloma ] m. pl. " descendants of an anulomā " , mixed castes , (g. [ upakādi ] q.v.)

[ anulomam ] ind. in regular order Lit. ŚBr.

  अनुलोमकल्प [ anulomakalpa ] [ anu-loma-kalpa ] m. the thirty-fourth of the Atharva-pariśishṭas.

  अनुलोमकृष्ट [ anulomakṛṣṭa ] [ anu-loma-kṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. ploughed in the regular direction (with the grain) .

  अनुलोमज [ anulomaja ] [ anu-loma-ja ] m. f. n. offspring of a mother inferior in caste to the father ( ( Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. ) ) , (as the Mūrdhāvasikta of a Brāhman father and Kshatriyā mother , and so on with the Ambashṭha Nishāda or Pāraśava , Māhishya , Ugra , Karaṇa.)

  अनुलोमपरिणीता [ anulomapariṇītā ] [ anu-loma-pariṇītā ] f. married in regular gradation.

  अनुलोमप्रतिलोम [ anulomapratiloma ] [ anuloma-pratiloma ] (said of a mythical sea and mountain), Lit. Divyâv.

  अनुलोमाय [ anulomāya ] [ anulomāya ] m. f. n. having fortune favourable.

  अनुलोमार्थ [ anulomārtha ] [ anulomārtha ] m. f. n. one who holds favourable views on any question.

 अनुलोमन [ anulomana ] [ anu-lomana ] n. due regulation , sending or putting in the right direction Lit. Suśr.

  carrying off by the right channels , purging Lit. Suśr.

 अनुलोमय [ anulomaya ] [ anu-lomaya ] Nom. P. [ anu-lomayati ] , to stroke or rub with the hair Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 25 Sch. ; to send in the right direction or so as to carry off by the right channels Lit. Suśr.

  to make favourable, Lit. MBh.

 अनुलोमिकी [ anulomikī ] [ anu-lomikī ] f. (with [ kṣānti ] ) resignation to natural consequences, Lit. Sukh. i (cf. [ an ] - [ utpattika ] - [ dharma ] - [ kṣānti ] , and [ ghoṣā ] [ nugā ] , Lit. Dharmaś. 107).

अनुल्बण [ anulbaṇa ] [ an-ulbaṇá ] m. f. n. not excessive , not prominent , keeping the regular measure Lit. RV.

अनुवंश [ anuvaṃśa ] [ anu-vaṃśa ] m. a genealogical list or table

collateral branch of a family Lit. Hariv.

[ anuvaṃśam ] ind. according to race or family

[ anuvaṃśa ] m. f. n. , of a corresponding family , of equal birth.

  अनुवंशश्लोक [ anuvaṃśaśloka ] [ anu-vaṃśa-śloka ] m. pl. Ślokas containing genealogies (e.g. Lit. MBh. i, 3759 ), Lit. IW. 511, n. 1.

 अनुवंश्य [ anuvaṃśya ] [ anuvaṃśya ] m. f. n. relating to a genealogical list.

अनुवक्र [ anuvakra ] [ anu-vakra ] m. f. n. somewhat crooked or oblique.

  अनुवक्रग [ anuvakraga ] [ anu-vakra-ga ] m. f. n. having a somewhat oblique course (as a planet , ) Lit. Suśr.

अनुवच् [ anuvac ] [ anu-√ vac ] to recite the formulas inviting to the sacrificial ceremony ; to repeat , reiterate , recite ; to communicate ; to study: Caus. [ -vacayati ] , to cause to recite the inviting formulas , to cause to invite for some sacrificial act Lit. KātyŚr.

 अनुवक्तव्य [ anuvaktavya ] [ anu-vaktávya ] m. f. n. to be repeated Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुवक्तृ [ anuvaktṛ ] [ anu-vaktṛ ] m. f. n. speaking after


 अनुवचन [ anuvacana ] [ anu-vácana ] n. speaking after , repetition , reciting , reading


  a chapter , a section

  recitation of certain texts in conformity with injunctions ( [ praiṣa ] ) spoken by other priests.

 अनुवचनीय [ anuvacanīya ] [ anu-vacanīya ] m. f. n. referring to the [ anuvacana ] , (g. [ anupravacanādi ] q.v.)

 अनुवाक [ anuvāka ] [ anu-vāká ] m. saying after , reciting , repeating , reading

  a chapter of the Vedas , a subdivision or section.

  अनुवाकसङ्ख्या [ anuvākasaṅkhyā ] [ anu-vāká-saṅkhyā ] f. the fourth of the eighteen Pariśishṭas of the Yajur-veda.

  अनुवाकानुक्रमणी [ anuvākānukramaṇī ] [ anuvākānukramaṇī ] f. a work referring to the Ṛig-veda , attributed to Śaunaka.

 अनुवाक्य [ anuvākya ] [ anu-vākyá ] m. f. n. to be recited Lit. TBr.

  to be repeated , reiterated Lit. Gobh.

 अनुवाक्या [ anuvākyā ] [ anu-vākyā́ ] f. the verse to be recited by the Hotṛi or Maitrāvaruṇa priest , in which the god is invoked to partake of the offering intended for him Lit. ŚBr.

  अनुवाक्यवत् [ anuvākyavat ] [ anuvākyá-vat ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) ( ( Lit. ĀśvŚr. ) ) m. f. n. furnished or accompanied with an Anuvākyā.

  अनुवाक्यावत् [ anuvākyāvat ] [ anuvākyā-vat ] ( ( Lit. ĀśvŚr. ) ) m. f. n. furnished or accompanied with an Anuvākyā.

 अनुवाच् [ anuvāc ] [ anu-vā́c ] f. = [ anu-vākyā́ ] Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.

 अनुवाचन [ anuvācana ] [ anu-vācana ] n. the act of causing the Hotṛi to recite the passages of the Ṛig-veda in obedience to the injunction ( [ praiṣa ] ) of the Adhvaryu priest Lit. KātyŚr.

  अनुवाचनप्रैष [ anuvācanapraiṣa ] [ anu-vācana-praiṣa ] m. an injunction to recite as above Lit. KātyŚr.

 अनूक्त [ anūkta ] [ anūkta ] see s.v. , p.42.

अनुवत्सर [ anuvatsara ] [ anu-vatsará ] m. the fourth year in the Vedic cycle of five years Lit. TBr.

a year Lit. L.

[ anuvatsaram ] ind. every year , yearly.

 अनुवत्सरीण [ anuvatsarīṇa ] [ anuvatsarī́ṇa ] ( ( Lit. TBr. ) ) ( ( Lit. MānŚr. ) ) m. f. n. referring to the [ anuvatsará ] .

 अनुवत्सरीय [ anuvatsarīya ] [ anuvatsarīya ] ( ( Lit. MānŚr. ) ) m. f. n. referring to the [ anuvatsará ] .

अनुवद् [ anuvad ] [ anu-√ vad ] P. ( with acc.) to repeat the words of ; to imitate (in speaking) ; to resound ; to repeat , insist upon ; ( according to Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 49, also Ā. if without object or followed by a Gen.) Pass. ( [ anūdyate ] ) to be expressed correspondingly ; cf. [ anudita ] s.v.

 अनुवाद [ anuvāda ] [ anu-vāda ] m. saying after or again , repeating by way of explanation , explanatory repetition or reiteration with corroboration or illustration , explanatory reference to anything already said


  a passage of the Brāhmaṇas which explains or illustrates a rule ( [ vidhi ] ) previously propounded ( such a passage is sometimes called [ anuvāda-vacana ] )

  confirmation Lit. Nir.

  slander , reviling Lit. L.

  (used in explaining [ dhvani ] ), Lit. Kpr.

 अनुवादक [ anuvādaka ] [ anu-vādaka ] m. f. n. repeating with comment and explanation , corroborative , concurrent , conformable , in harmony with

  (the masculine of the last is also the name of any one of the three notes of the gamut.)

 अनुवादिन् [ anuvādin ] [ anu-vādin ] m. f. n. repeating with comment and explanation , corroborative , concurrent , conformable , in harmony with

  (the masculine of the last is also the name of any one of the three notes of the gamut.)

  [ anuvādinī ] f. a lute, Lit. L.

 अनुवादित [ anuvādita ] [ anu-vādita ] m. f. n. translated.

 अनुवाद्य [ anuvādya ] [ anu-vādya ] m. f. n. to be explained by an anuvāda , to be made the subject of one

  [ anuvādya ] n. the subject of a predicate.

  अनुवाद्यत्व [ anuvādyatva ] [ anu-vādya-tva ] n. the state of requiring to be explained by an anuvāda.

 अनूदित [ anūdita ] [ anūdita ] see s.v.

अनुवनम् [ anuvanam ] [ anu-vanam ] ind. along side of a wood Lit. Kir. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 15.)

 अनुवनान्तम् [ anuvanāntam ] [ anu-vanāntam ] ind. along or in the forest, Lit. Kir.

अनुवप् [ anuvap ] [ anu-√ vap:2 ] P. to scatter over Lit. Nir. ; Ā. to scatter as dust Lit. AV. : Pass. [ ánu upyáte ] , to be scattered as dust Lit. RV. i , 176 , 2.

अनुवप्रम् [ anuvapram ] [ anu-vapram ] ind. along the shore, ib.

अनुवर्ण् [ anuvarṇ ] [ anu-√ varṇ ] to mention , describe , recount ; to praise.

अनुवर्तन [ anuvartana ] [ anu-vartana ] see [ anu-√ vṛt ] .

अनुवश [ anuvaśa ] [ anu-vaśa ] m. obedience to the will of

[ anuvaśa ] m. f. n. obedient to the will of.

अनुवषट्कृ [ anuvaṣaṭkṛ ] [ anu-vaṣaṭ-kṛ ] ( Preverb.:1 [ √ kṛ ] ) , [ -karoti ] (Pot. [ -kuryāt ] ) to make a secondary exclamation of [ vaṣaṭ ] Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. Lit. KaushBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

 अनुवषट्कार [ anuvaṣaṭkāra ] [ anu-vaṣaṭkāra ] m. a secondary exclamation of [ vaṣaṭ ] .

 अनुवषट्कृत [ anuvaṣaṭkṛta ] [ anu-váṣaṭkṛta ] n. a secondary exclamation of [ vaṣaṭ ] .

अनुवस् [ anuvas ] [ anu-√ vas:4 ]1 to clothe , cover Lit. RV. vi , 75 , 18 Lit. AV.

 अनुवसित [ anuvasita ] [ anu-vasita ] m. f. n. dressed up , wrapped.

अनुवस् [ anuvas ] [ anu-√ vas:5 ]2 to settle after another (acc.) ; to dwell near to ; to inhabit along with: Caus. [ -vāsayati ] , to leave (the calf) with (the cow) Lit. TBr.

 अनुवासिन् [ anuvāsin ] [ anu-vāsin ] m. f. n. residing , resident.

अनुवह् [ anuvah ] [ anu-√ vah ] to convey or carry along ; to take after Comm. on Lit. Mn. iii , 7.

 अनुवह [ anuvaha ] [ anu-vaha ] m. " bearing after " , one of the seven tongues of fire.

अनुवस् [ anuvas ] [ anu-√ vas ]7 (only - [ vāvase ] ), to rush at, Lit. RV. viii, 4, 8.

अनुवा [ anuvā ] [ anu-√ vā ]1 cl. [2] P. [ -vāti ] , to blow upon , blow along or after Lit. RV.

 अनुवा [ anuvā ] [ anu-vā́ ]2 f. blowing after Lit. TS. ( cf. [ anuvā ] .) .

 अनुवाते [ anuvāte ] [ anu-vāte ] ind. with the wind blowing in the same direction , to windward Lit. Mn. ii , 203.

अनुवाक [ anuvāka ] [ anu-vāká ] see [ anu-√ vac ] .

अनुवारम् [ anuvāram ] [ anu-vāram ] ind. time after time.

अनुवाश् [ anuvāś ] [ anu-√ vāś ] to roar in reply to (acc.) Lit. VarBṛS.

अनुवास् [ anuvās ] [ anu-√ vās ] to perfume.

 अनुवास [ anuvāsa ] [ anu-vāsa ] m. perfuming (especially the clothes)

  an oily enema

  administering oily enemata.

 अनुवासन [ anuvāsana ] [ anu-vāsana ] n. id.

 अनुवासित [ anuvāsita ] [ anu-vāsita ] m. f. n. scented , perfumed , fumigated

  prepared or administered as an enema.

 अनुवास्य [ anuvāsya ] [ anu-vāsya ] m. f. n. to be scented or fumigated

  requiring an enema.

 अनुवासनीय [ anuvāsanīya ] [ anu-vāsanīya ] m. f. n. to be scented or fumigated

  requiring an enema.

अनुवासरम् [ anuvāsaram ] [ anuvāsaram ] ind. day by day, Lit. Ragh.

अनुविकस् [ anuvikas ] [ anu-vi-√ kas ] to blow , expand , as a flower.

अनुविकाश् [ anuvikāś ] [ anu-vi-√ kāś ] Intens. [ -cākaśīti ] , to penetrate with one's vision Lit. AV.

अनुविकृ [ anuvikṛ ] [ anu-vi-√ kṛ:1 ] to shape after Lit. ŚBr.

अनुविकॄ [ anuvikṝ ] [ anu-vi-√ kṝ:1 ] to bestrew Lit. ŚBr. ; to scatter separately Lit. ĀpŚr.

अनुविक्रम् [ anuvikram ] [ anu-vi-√ kram ] Ā. to step or walk after , follow Lit. AV.

अनुविचर् [ anuvicar ] [ anu-vi-√ car ] to walk or pass through Lit. RV. vi , 28 , 4 ; to walk up to Lit. RV. viii , 32 , 19.

अनुविचल् [ anuvical ] [ anu-vi-√ cal ] to follow in changing place Lit. AV.

अनुविचिन्त् [ anuvicint ] [ anu-vi-√ cint ] to recall to mind Lit. Buddh. ; to meditate upon Lit. ib.

अनुवितन् [ anuvitan ] [ anu-vi-√ tan ] to extend all along or all over Lit. ŚBr.

अनुविद् [ anuvid ] [ anu-√ vid:1 ]1 cl. [2] P. , Ved. [ -vetti ] , to know thoroughly Lit. RV.

अनुविद् [ anuvid ] [ anu-√ vid:3 ]2 cl. [6] P. Ā. [ -vindati ] , [ °te ] , to find , obtain , discover Lit. RV. ; to marry Lit. MBh. ; to deem Lit. Gīt.

 अनुवित्त [ anuvitta ] [ ánu-vitta ] m. f. n. found , obtained , at hand Lit. ŚBr. xiv ,

 अनुवित्ति [ anuvitti ] [ ánu-vitti ] f. finding Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुविद्वस् [ anuvidvas ] [ anu-vidvás ] m. f. n. perf. p. having found Lit. AV.

अनुविधा [ anuvidhā ] [ anu-vi-√ dhā ] to assign to in order ; to regulate , lay down a rule: Pass. [ -dhīyate ] , to be trained to follow rules ; to yield or conform to (gen.)

 अनुविध [ anuvidha ] [ anu-vidha ] m. f. n. conforming or adhering to, Lit. BhP.

 अनुविधातव्य [ anuvidhātavya ] [ anu-vidhātavya ] m. f. n. to be performed according to an order.

 अनुविधान [ anuvidhāna ] [ anu-vidhāna ] n. acting conformably to order , obedience.

 अनुविधायिन् [ anuvidhāyin ] [ anu-vidhāyin ] m. f. n. conforming to , compliant

  imitating Lit. Śiś. vi , 23.

  अनुविधेय [ anuvidheya ] [ anu-vidheya ] m. f. n. to be followed, Lit. Bhartṛ.

   to be prescribed according to (instr.), Lit. Pat.

अनुविधाव् [ anuvidhāv ] [ anu-vi-√ dhāv:1 ] to flow or run along (acc.or loc.) Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. KaṭhUp. ; to flow through Lit. RV. viii , 17 , 5.

अनुविनद् [ anuvinad ] [ anu-vi-√ nad ] Caus. P. [ -nādayati ] , to make resonant or musical.

अनुविनर्द् [ anuvinard ] [ anu-vi-√ nard ] to answer with roars Lit. Hariv.

अनुविनश् [ anuvinaś ] [ anu-vi-√ naś:2 ] to disappear , perish , vanish after or with another (acc.) Lit. AV.

 अनुविनाश [ anuvināśa ] [ anu-vi-nāśa ] m. perishing after.

अनुविनिःसृ [ anuviniḥsṛ ] [ anu-vi-niḥ-√ sṛ ] to go or come out in order Lit. MārkP.

अनुविन्द [ anuvinda ] [ anu-vinda ] m. N. of a king of Oujein.

अनुविपश् [ anuvipaś ] [ anu-vi-√ paś ] [ -ví -paśyati ] , to look at , view Lit. ŚBr. Lit. PBr.

अनुविभू [ anuvibhū ] [ anu-vi-√ bhū ] to equal , correspond to Lit. ŚBr.

अनुविमृश् [ anuvimṛś ] [ anu-vi-√ mṛś ] to consider Lit. Daś.

अनुविराज् [ anuvirāj ] [ anu-vi-√ rāj ] to be bright after or along Lit. RV. v , 81 , 2.

अनुविली [ anuvilī ] [ anu-vi-√ lī ] to dissolve (as salt in water) Lit. ŚBr. xiv.

अनुविलोक् [ anuvilok ] [ anu-vi-√ lok ] (P. - [ lokayati ] ), to survey, Lit. Divyâv.

अनुविवा [ anuvivā ] [ anu-vi-√ vā ] to blow while passing through Lit. TBr.

अनुविविश् [ anuviviś ] [ anu-vi-√ viś ] to settle along separately Lit. TS.

अनुविवृत् [ anuvivṛt ] [ anu-vi-√ vṛt ] to run along Lit. RV. viii , 103 , 2 : Caus. Ā. [ -vartayate ] , to follow hastily Lit. AV.

अनुविश् [ anuviś ] [ anu-√ viś ] to enter after ; to enter ; to follow.

 अनुवेश [ anuveśa ] [ anu-veśa ] m. entering after , following.

 अनुवेशन [ anuveśana ] [ anu-veśana ] n. entering after , following.

अनुविश्व [ anuviśva ] [ anu-viśva ] m. pl. N. of a people in the north-east Lit. VarBṛS.

अनुविषण्ण [ anuviṣaṇṇa ] [ anu-vi-ṣaṇṇa ] m. f. n. (√ [ sad ] ) , fixed upon Lit. ChUp.

अनुविषिच् [ anuviṣic ] [ anu-vi-ṣic ] ( Preverb. [ √ sic ] ) to pour in addition to (acc.) Lit. AV.

अनुविष्टम्भ [ anuviṣṭambha ] [ anu-viṣṭambha ] m. the being impeded in consequence of Lit. Nir.

अनुविष्ठा [ anuviṣṭhā ] [ anu-vi-ṣṭhā ] ( Preverb. [ √ sthā ] ) to extend over Lit. RV.

अनुविष्णु [ anuviṣṇu ] [ anu-viṣṇu ] ind. after Vishṇu.

after Vishṇu, Lit. Laghuk. 972.

अनुविष्यन्द् [ anuviṣyand ] [ anu-vi-ṣyand ] ( Preverb. [ √ syand ] ) to flow over or along or upon Lit. ŚBr.

अनुविसृ [ anuvisṛ ] [ anu-vi-√ sṛ ] to extend or stream over Lit. TBr.

अनुविसृज् [ anuvisṛj ] [ anu-vi-√ sṛj ] to shoot at or towards ; to send along (acc.) Lit. RV. v , 53 , 6.

अनुविस्तृत [ anuvistṛta ] [ anu-vistṛta ] m. f. n. (√ [ stṛ ] ) , " extended , spread out " , large , roomy Lit. R.

अनुविस्मित [ anuvismita ] [ anu-vismita ] m. f. n. one who is astonished after another Lit. R.

अनुविस्रंस् [ anuvisraṃs ] [ anu-vi-√ sraṃs ] Caus. [ -sraṃsayati ] , to separate , loose Lit. ŚBr.

अनुविहन् [ anuvihan ] [ anu-vi-√ han ] to interrupt , derange Lit. MBh.

अनुवी [ anuvī ] [ anu- ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) cl. [2] P. [ -vyeti ] , to follow or join in going off or separating Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. ; to extend along Lit. TBr.

अनुवीक्ष् [ anuvīkṣ ] [ anu-vīkṣ ] ( Preverb. [ √ īkṣ ] ) to survey , examine.

अनुवीज् [ anuvīj ] [ anu-√ vīj ] to fan.

अनुवृ [ anuvṛ ] [ anu-√ vṛ ] to cover , Lit. KaushBr. ; to surround: Caus. Ā. [ -vārayate ] , to hinder , prevent.

अनुवृत् [ anuvṛt ] [ anu-√ vṛt ] Ā. to go after ; to follow , pursue ; to follow from a previous rule , be supplied from a previous sentence ; to attend ; to obey , respect , imitate ; to resemble ; to assent ; to expect ; Caus. P. [ -vartayati ] , to roll after or forward ; to follow up , carry out ; to supply.

 अनुवर्तन [ anuvartana ] [ anu-vartana ] n. obliging , serving or gratifying another

  compliance , obedience

  following , attending


  consequence , result


  supplying from a previous rule.

 अनुवर्तनीय [ anuvartanīya ] [ anu-vartanīya ] m. f. n. to be followed

  to be supplied from a previous rule.

 अनुवर्तिन् [ anuvartin ] [ anu-vartin ] m. f. n. following , compliant , obedient , resembling.

  अनुवर्तिता [ anuvartitā ] [ anuvarti-tā ] f. compliance, Lit. Bcar.

  अनुवर्तित्व [ anuvartitva ] [ anuvarti-tva ] n. the state of being so.

 अनुवर्त्मन् [ anuvartman ] [ ánu-vartman ] m. f. n. following attending Lit. AV.

  [ anuvartman ] n. a path previously walked by another Lit. BhP.

 अनुवर्त्य [ anuvartya ] [ anu-vartya ] m. f. n. to be followed, Lit. Kathās.

  to be supplied from the preceding, Lit. Pat.

 अनुवृत् [ anuvṛt ] [ anu-vṛ́t ] m. f. n. walking after , following Lit. MaitrS. Lit. PBr.

 अनुवृत्त [ anuvṛtta ] [ anu-vṛtta ] m. f. n. following , obeying , complying

  rounded off

  [ anuvṛtta ] n. obedience , conformity , compliance.

 अनुवृत्ति [ anuvṛtti ] [ anu-vṛtti ] f. following , acting suitably to , having regard or respect to , complying with , the act of continuance

  ( in Pāṇini's Gr.) continued course or influence of a preceding rule on what follows

  reverting to

  imitating , doing or acting in like manner.

  (in dram.) politeness, courtesy, Lit. Sāh.

अनुवृध् [ anuvṛdh ] [ anu-√ vṛdh ] to grow , increase.

अनुवृष् [ anuvṛṣ ] [ anu-√ vṛṣ ] to rain upon or along Lit. AV. Lit. TS.

अनुवेदि [ anuvedi ] [ anu-vedi ] ind. along the ground prepared for sacrifice Lit. KātyŚr.

  अनुवेद्यन्तम् [ anuvedyantam ] [ anu-vedy-antám ] ind. along the edge of the sacrificial ground Lit. ŚBr.

अनुवेन् [ anuven ] [ anu-√ ven ] to allure , entice Lit. RV.

अनुवेलम् [ anuvelam ] [ anu-velam ] ind. now and then.

अनुवेल्लित [ anuvellita ] [ anu-vellita ] n. (√ [ vell ] ) , bandaging , securing with bandages (in surgery)

a kind of bandage applied to the extremities Lit. Suśr.

[ anuvellita ] m. f. n. bent in conformity with , bent under.

अनुवेष्ट् [ anuveṣṭ ] [ anu-√ veṣṭ ] to be fixed to , cling to Lit. Kāṭh. : Caus. P. [ -veṣṭayati ] , to wind round , cover.

अनुवैनेय [ anuvaineya ] [ anuvaineya ] N. of a country.

अनुव्यञ्जन [ anuvyañjana ] [ anu-vyañjana ] n. a secondary mark or token Lit. Buddh.

अनुव्यध् [ anuvyadh ] [ anu-√ vyadh ] cl. [4] P. [ -vidhyati ] , to strike afterwards Lit. Mn. ; to penetrate , pierce through , wound.

 अनुविद्ध [ anuviddha ] [ anu-viddha ] m. f. n. pierced , penetrated

  intermixed , full of , abounding in

  set (as a jewel) .

 अनुवेध [ anuvedha ] [ anu-vedha ] m. piercing


  blending , intermixture.

 अनुव्याध [ anuvyādha ] [ anu-vyādha ] m. piercing


   blending , intermixture.

अनुव्यापिन् [ anuvyāpin ] [ anu-vyāpin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) spreading over, covering, filling, Lit. Jātakam.

अनुव्यम् [ anuvyam ] [ anu-vyám ] ind. (√ [ ] ) , behind , after , inferior to Lit. ŚBr. Lit. PBr.

अनुव्यवगा [ anuvyavagā ] [ anu-vy-ava-√ gā:1 ] cl. [3] P. [ -jigāti ] , to come between in succession to another Lit. ŚBr.

अनुव्यवसो [ anuvyavaso ] [ anu-vy-ava-√ so ] to perceive.

अनुव्यवे [ anuvyave ] [ anu-vy-ave ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) cl. [2] P. [ -avaiti ] , to follow in intervening or coming between Lit. ŚBr.

अनुव्यश् [ anuvyaś ] [ anu-vy-√ aś:1 ] to overtake , reach Lit. ŚBr.

अनुव्याख्या [ anuvyākhyā ] [ anu-vy-ā-√ khyā ] to explain further Lit. ShaḍvBr. Lit. ChUp.

 अनुव्याख्यान [ anuvyākhyāna ] [ anu-vyākhyā́na ] n. that portion of a Brāhmaṇa which explains or illustrates difficult Sûtras , texts or obscure statements occurring in another portion Lit. ŚBr. xiv.

अनुव्यास्था [ anuvyāsthā ] [ anu-vy-ā-√ sthā ] Caus. [ -sthāpayati ] , to send away in different directions Lit. TBr.

अनुव्याहृ [ anuvyāhṛ ] [ anu-vy-ā-√ hṛ ] to utter in order or repeatedly Lit. MaitrUp. ; to curse Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुव्याहरण [ anuvyāharaṇa ] [ anu-vyāharaṇa ] n. repeated utterance Lit. R.

 अनुव्याहार [ anuvyāhāra ] [ anu-vyāhāra ] m. cursing , execration Lit. KātyŚr.

 अनुव्याहारिन् [ anuvyāhārin ] [ anu-vyāhārí n ] m. f. n. execrating , cursing Lit. ŚBr.

 अनुव्याहृत [ anuvyāhṛta ] [ anu-vyāhṛta ] n. curse, imprecation, Lit. MBh.

अनुव्युच्चर् [ anuvyuccar ] [ anu-vy-uc-√ car ] to follow in going forth Lit. ŚBr.

अनुव्यूह् [ anuvyūh ] [ anu-vy-√ ūh:1 ] to move apart after Lit. PBr. ; to distribute Lit. ŚBr.

अनुव्रज् [ anuvraj ] [ anu-√ vraj ] to go along Lit. ĀśvŚr. ; to follow (especially a departing guest , as a mark of respect) ; to visit seriatim ; to obey , do homage.

 अनुव्रजन [ anuvrajana ] [ anu-vrajana ] n. following as above , Heat.

 अनुव्रज्य [ anuvrajya ] [ anu-vrajya ] m. f. n. to be followed (as by the relatives of a dead person to the cemetery) Lit. Yājñ. iii , 1

 अनुव्रज्या [ anuvrajyā ] [ anu-vrajyā ] f. = [ anu-vrajana ] Lit. Mn.

अनुव्रत [ anuvrata ] [ ánu-vrata ] m. f. n. devoted to , faithful to , ardently attached to ( with gen. or acc.)

अनुशंस् [ anuśaṃs ] [ anu-√ śaṃs ] to recite or praise after another Lit. TS. ; ( Ved. Inf. (dat.) [ anu-śáse ] ) to join in praising Lit. RV. v , 50 , 2.

 अनुशंस [ anuśaṃsa ] [ anu-śaṃsa ] m. speaking ill, Lit. TĀr.

  comfort, privilege, Lit. Divyâv.

  अनुशंसशंसन [ anuśaṃsaśaṃsana ] [ anu-śaṃsa-śaṃsana ] n. subsequent recitation, Lit. TāṇḍBr., Sch.

अनुशक् [ anuśak ] [ anu-√ śak ] to be able to imitate or come up with Lit. RV. x , 43 , 5 : Desid. Caus. P. [ -śikṣayati ] , to teach , instruct.

 अनुशिक्षिन् [ anuśikṣin ] [ anu-śikṣin ] m. f. n. exercising one's self in , practising Lit. Daś.

अनुशतिक [ anuśatika ] [ anu-śatika ] m. f. n. accompanied with or bought for a hundred.

  अनुशतिकादि [ anuśatikādi ] [ anuśatikādi ] a g. of Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 20, containing the compounds the derivatives of which have Vṛiddhi in both parts , as [ ānuśātika ] ,

अनुशप् [ anuśap ] [ anu-√ śap ] to curse Lit. MBh.

अनुशब्दित [ anuśabdita ] [ anu-śabdita ] m. f. n. verbally communicated

spoken of.

 अनुशब्द्य [ anuśabdya ] [ anu-śabdya ] ind.p. having communicated Lit. Hariv.

अनुशम् [ anuśam ] [ anu-√ śam ] to become calm after or in consequence of Lit. BhP.

अनुशय [ anuśaya ] [ anu-śaya ] see [ anu- ] √ 1. [ śī ] .

अनुशर [ anuśara ] [ anu-śara ] m. (√ [ śṝ ] ) , N. of a Rākshasa.

अनुशस्त्र [ anuśastra ] [ anu-śastra ] n. any subsidiary weapon or instrument , anything used in place of a regular surgical instrument (as a finger-nail) Lit. Suśr.

अनुशास् [ anuśās ] [ anu-√ śās ] to rule , govern ; to order ; to teach , direct , advise , address ; to punish , chastise , correct.

 अनुशासक [ anuśāsaka ] [ anu-śāsaka ] m. f. n. one who governs , instructs , directs or punishes.

 अनुशासत् [ anuśāsat ] [ anu-śā́sat ] m. f. n. showing (the way) Lit. RV. i , 139 , 4.

 अनुशासन [ anuśāsana ] [ anu-śā́sana ] n. instruction , direction , command , precept Lit. RV. x , 32 , 7 ,

  अनुशासनपर [ anuśāsanapara ] [ anu-śā́sana-para ] m. f. n. obedient.

 अनुशासनीय [ anuśāsanīya ] [ anu-śāsanīya ] m. f. n. to be instructed.

 अनुशास्य [ anuśāsya ] [ anu-śāsya ] m. f. n. to be instructed.

 अनुशासित [ anuśāsita ] [ anu-śāsita ] m. f. n. directed

  defined by rule.

 अनुशासितृ [ anuśāsitṛ ] [ anu-śāsitṛ ] m. f. n. governing , instructing Lit. Bhag.

 अनुशासिन् [ anuśāsin ] [ anu-śāsin ] m. f. n. punishing Lit. Vikr.

  ruling, Lit. VarP.

  अनुशास्ति [ anuśāsti ] [ anu-śāsti ] f. instruction, Lit. L.

 अनुशिष्ट [ anuśiṣṭa ] [ anu-śiṣṭa ] m. f. n. taught , revealed

  adjudged , done conformably to law.

  giving false evidence (?), Lit. L.

 अनुशिष्टि [ anuśiṣṭi ] [ anu-śiṣṭi ] f. instruction , teaching , ordering.

 अनुशिष्य [ anuśiṣya ] [ anu-śiṣya ] ind.p. having ruled or ordered.

अनुशिक्ष् [ anuśikṣ ] [ anu-śikṣ ] see [ anu-√ śak ] .

 अनुशिक्षा [ anuśikṣā ] [ anu-śikṣā ] f. learning or striving after, Lit. Jātakam.

अनुशिख [ anuśikha ] [ anu-śikha ] m. N. of a Nāga or snake priest Lit. PBr.

अनुशिवम् [ anuśivam ] [ anu-śivam ] ind. after Śiva.

अनुशिशु [ anuśiśu ] [ ánu-śiśu ] f. followed by its young (as by a foal , ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

अनुशी [ anuśī ] [ anu-√ śī:1 ] cl. [2] Ā. [ -śete ] , to sleep with , lie along or close , adhere closely to.

 अनुशय [ anuśaya ] [ anu-śaya ] m. close connection as with a consequence , close attachment to any object

  (in phil.) the consequence or result of an act (which clings to it and causes the soul after enjoying the temporary freedom from transmigration to enter other bodies)

  repentance , regret


  ancient or intense enmity

  [ anuśayī ] f. a disease of the feet , a boil or abscess on the upper part

  a boil on the head.

  अनुशयवत् [ anuśayavat ] [ anu-śaya-vat ] m. f. n. = [ anu-śayin ] .

  अनुशयाक्षेप [ anuśayākṣepa ] [ anuśayākṣepa ] m. (in rhet.) objection expressing (or resulting from) repenting, Lit. Kāvyâd. ii, 162.

 अनुशयान [ anuśayāna ] [ anu-śayāna ] m. f. n. repenting , regretting

  [ anuśayānā ] f. a heroine or female character who regrets the loss of her lover (in dramas) .

 अनुशयितव्य [ anuśayitavya ] [ anu-śayitavya ] m. f. n. to be regretted.

 अनुशयिन् [ anuśayin ] [ anu-śayin ] m. f. n. having the consequence of an act , connected as with a consequence

  devotedly attached to , faithful

  repentant , penitent , regretful , sorry for

  hating deeply.

  indifferent to everything, Lit. Kap.

 अनुशायिन् [ anuśāyin ] [ anu-śāyin ] m. f. n. lying or extending along Lit. Nir.

अनुशीलय [ anuśīlaya ] [ anu-śīlaya ] Nom. P. [ -śīlayati ] , to practise in imitation of Lit. BhP.

 अनुशीलन [ anuśīlana ] [ anu-śīlana ] n. constant practice or study (of a science , ) , repeated and devoted service.

 अनुशीलित [ anuśīlita ] [ anu-śīlita ] m. f. n. studied carefully , attended to.

अनुशुच् [ anuśuc ] [ anu-√ śuc:1 ] to mourn over , regret , bewail: Caus. P. [ -śocayati ] , to mourn over.

 अनुशोक [ anuśoka ] [ anu-śoka ] m. sorrow , repentance , regret Lit. L.

 अनुशोचक [ anuśocaka ] [ anu-śocaka ] m. f. n. grieving , one who repents

  occasioning repentance.

 अनुशोचन [ anuśocana ] [ anu-śocana ] n. sorrow , repentance.

 अनुशोचित [ anuśocita ] [ anu-śocita ] m. f. n. regretted , repented of.

 अनुशोचिन् [ anuśocin ] [ anu-śocin ] m. f. n. regretful , sorrowful.

अनुशुष् [ anuśuṣ ] [ anu-√ śuṣ ] to dry up gradually Lit. ŚBr. ; to become emaciated by gradual practice of religious austerity Lit. Kauś. ; to languish after another.

 अनुशुश्रूषा [ anuśuśrūṣā ] [ anu-śuśrūṣā ] f. obedience, Lit. MBh.

अनुशोभिन् [ anuśobhin ] [ anu-śobhin ] m. f. n. shining.

अनुश्रथ् [ anuśrath ] [ anu-√ śrath ] cl. [6] P. [ -śṛnthati ] , to untie Lit. TS. : Caus. P. (aor. Subj. 2. sg. [ -śiśrathaḥ ] ) to frighten ( ( Lit. BR. ; " to abolish " Lit. Sāy. ) ) Lit. RV. iv , 32 , 22 : Ā. [ -śrathayate ] , to annihilate or soften the effect of. Lit. RV. v , 59 , 1.

अनुश्रु [ anuśru ] [ anu-√ śru ] cl. [5] P. [ -śṛṇoti ] , to hear repeatedly (especially what is handed down in the Veda) : Desid. Ā. [ -śuśrūṣate ] , to obey.

(Caus. - [ śrāvayati ] ), to announce, Lit. Divyâv.

 अनुश्रव [ anuśrava ] [ anu-śrava ] m. Vedic tradition (acquired by repeated hearing) Lit. L.

 अनुश्रुत [ anuśruta ] [ anu-śruta ] m. f. n. handed down by Vedic tradition.

 अनुश्रोतव्य [ anuśrotavya ] [ anu-śrotavya ] m. f. n. to be heard, Lit. Suśr.

अनुश्वस् [ anuśvas ] [ anu-√ śvas ] to breathe continually.

अनुश्लोक [ anuśloka ] [ ánu-śloka ] m. N. of a Sāman, Lit. TS.

अनुष [ anuṣa ] [ anuṣa ] m. a demon, Lit. L.

अनुषच् [ anuṣac ] [ anu-ṣac ] ( Preverb. [ √ sac ] ) to adhere to , keep at the side of Lit. RV.

अनुषञ्ज् [ anuṣañj ] [ anu-ṣañj ] ( Preverb. [ √ sañj ] ) cl. [1] Ā. or Pass. [ -ṣajjate ] , [ -ṣajyate ] , to cling to , adhere , be attached to.

 अनुषक् [ anuṣak ] [ anu-ṣak ] ind. in continuous order , one after the other , (g. [ svar-ādi ] q.v.)

  cf. [ ānuṣák ] .

 अनुषट् [ anuṣaṭ ] [ anu-ṣaṭ ] ind. in continuous order , one after the other (g. [ svar-ādi ] q.v.)

   cf. [ ānuṣák ] .

 अनुषक्त [ anuṣakta ] [ anu-ṣakta ] m. f. n. closely connected with , supplied from something preceding.

 अनुषक्ति [ anuṣakti ] [ anu-ṣakti ] f. clinging to, adherence, Lit. Cat.

 अनुषङ्ग [ anuṣaṅga ] [ anu-ṣaṅga ] m. close adherence , connection , association , conjunction , coalition , commixture

  connection of word with word , or effect with cause

  necessary consequence , the connection of a subsequent with a previous act

  (in the Dhātupāṭha) the nasals connected with certain roots ending in consonants ( as in [ tṛmph ] )

  tenderness , compassion Lit. L.

 अनुषङ्गिक [ anuṣaṅgika ] [ anu-ṣaṅgika ] m. f. n. consequent , following as a necessary result

  connected with , adhering to , inherent , concomitant.

 अनुषङ्गिन् [ anuṣaṅgin ] [ anu-ṣaṅgin ] m. f. n. addicted or attached to , connected with , or " common , prevailing " Lit. Mn. vii , 52.

 अनुषञ्जन [ anuṣañjana ] [ anu-ṣañjana ] n. connection with what follows , concord

  grammatical relation.

 अनुषञ्जनीय [ anuṣañjanīya ] [ anu-ṣañjanīya ] m. f. n. to be connected , supplied.

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