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अ |
अभिसंनम् [ abhisaṃnam ] [ abhi-saṃ-√ nam ] ( Opt. [ -namet ] ) to alter , modify Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अभिसंनह् [ abhisaṃnah ] [ abhi-saṃ-√ nah ] ( 3. pl. [ -nahyanti ] ) to bind or string together Lit. Kauś. : Ā. (impf. 3. du. [ -anahyetām ] ) to arm one's self against (acc.) Lit. TS.
अभिसंनद्ध [ abhisaṃnaddha ] [ abhi-saṃ-naddha ] m. f. n. armed Lit. MBh. iii , 14883.
अभिसंनिविष्ट [ abhisaṃniviṣṭa ] [ abhi-saṃ-ni-viṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ viś ] ) , being united or combined in Comm. on Lit. BṛĀrUp.
अभिसंनी [ abhisaṃnī ] [ abhi-saṃ-√ nī ] to lead to or upon (loc.) Lit. MBh. xii , 6566.
अभिसंनु [ abhisaṃnu ] [ abhi-saṃ-√ nu:4 ] Ā. ( 3. pl. [ -navante ] ; aor. 3. pl. [ -anūṣata ] ) to rejoice or cheer together at or towards (acc.) Lit. RV.
अभिसप् [ abhisap ] [ abhi-√ sap ] ( 3. pl. Ā. [ -sápante ] ) to carry on , manage Lit. RV. vii , 38 , 5.
अभिसमय [ abhisamaya ] [ abhi-samaya ] see [ abhi-sam-√ i ] .
अभिसमवाय [ abhisamavāya ] [ abhi-samavāya ] m. (√ [ i ] ) , union , association Lit. L.
अभिसमस् [ abhisamas ] [ abhi-sam-√ as:2 ] to put together , group , collect Lit. Car.
अभिसमागम् [ abhisamāgam ] [ abhi-sam-ā-√ gam ] to approach together Lit. Nir. ; to come to (acc.) Lit. MBh. xi , 445.
अभिसमापद् [ abhisamāpad ] [ abhi-sam-ā-√ pad ] Ā. (perf. [ -pede ] ) to enter upon (acc.) Lit. R. ii , 12 , 1.
अभिसमायम् [ abhisamāyam ] [ abhi-sam-ā-√ yam ] [ -yácchati ] , to fasten to (acc.) Lit. TBr.
अभिसमाया [ abhisamāyā ] [ abhi-sam-ā-√ yā ] to approach together Lit. MBh. v , 1974.
अभिसमायुक्त [ abhisamāyukta ] [ abhi-sam-ā-yukta ] m. f. n. connected or endowed with (instr.) Lit. MBh. xii , 3478.
अभिसमारुह् [ abhisamāruh ] [ abhi-sam-ā-√ ruh ] (impf. 3. pl. [ -árohan ] ) to enter upon (the sacrificial fire-place) for a purpose (acc.) Lit. TBr.
अभिसमावृत् [ abhisamāvṛt ] [ abhi-sam-ā-√ vṛt ] Ved. ( 3. pl. [ -ā́vartante ] and impf. [ -āvartanta ] ; fut. p. [ -vartsyamāna ] ) to return home Lit. TBr.
अभिसमासिच् [ abhisamāsic ] [ abhi-sam-ā-√ sic ] to pour together Lit. Kauś.
अभिसमाहित [ abhisamāhita ] [ abhi-sam-ā-hita ] m. f. n. (√ [ dhā ] ) , fastened to , connected with (instr.) Lit. R.
अभिसमाहृ [ abhisamāhṛ ] [ abhi-sam-ā-√ hṛ ] to scrape up or together Lit. Kauś.
अभिसमि [ abhisami ] [ abhi-sam-√ i ] [ -eti ] ( 3. pl. [ -yanti ] , Imper. [ -yantu ] ) , Ved. to approach together , come together or meet at (acc.) Lit. RV. i , 125 , 7 Lit. AV. ; ( Opt. 3. pl. [ -īyúḥ ] ) to invade Lit. TS.
अभिसमय [ abhisamaya ] [ abhi-samaya ] m. agreement Lit. Car.
clear understanding Lit. Buddh.
अभिसमिन्ध् [ abhisamindh ] [ abhi-sam-√ indh ] to set on fire , kindle Lit. PBr.
अभिसमीक्ष्य [ abhisamīkṣya ] [ abhi-sam-īkṣya ] ind.p. (√ [ īkṣ ] ) , seeing , viewing Lit. R.
noticing , perceiving , learning from Lit. RPrāt. Lit. Suśr.
considering , with reference to Lit. Suśr. Lit. Car.
अभिसमीर् [ abhisamīr ] [ abhi-sam-√ īr ] Caus. (perf. Pass. p. [ -īrita ] ) to put in motion Lit. MBh. x , 579.
अभिसमुब्ज् [ abhisamubj ] [ abhi-sam-√ ubj ] to spread a covering upon (acc.) Lit. PBr.
अभिसमूह् [ abhisamūh ] [ abhi-sam-√ ūh:1 ] [ -ūhati ] , to heap up Lit. PBr. ; to heap up and cover with ( as with ashes instr.) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
अभिसमृ [ abhisamṛ ] [ abhi-sam-√ ṛ ] Ā. (aor. Opt. [ -arīta ] ) to reach , seize Lit. RV. ix , 79 , 3.
अभिसमे [ abhisame ] [ abhi-sam-e ] ( Preverb. [ -ā-√ i ] ) , Ved. (Imper. [ abhí ] ... [ sam-aí tu ] ( Lit. AV. vi , 102 , 1 ) or [ ā́ ] .. [ abhí sám-etu ] ( Lit. RV. vi , 19 , 9 ) ) to join in coming near (acc.) , approach together.
अभिसमेत [ abhisameta ] [ abhi-sam-eta ] m. f. n. assembled Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अभिसम्पच् [ abhisampac ] [ abhi-sam-√ pac ] Pass. ( 3. pl [ -pacyante ] ) to become ripe up to a certain time (acc.) Lit. PBr.
अभिसम्पत् [ abhisampat ] [ abhi-sam-√ pat ] ( p. [ -patat ] ; perf. 3. pl. [ -petuḥ ] ) to fly to , hasten to (acc.) Lit. MBh. vii , 7295 ,
अभिसम्पात [ abhisampāta ] [ abhi-sampāta ] m. concourse , war , battle Lit. L.
अभिसम्पद् [ abhisampad ] [ abhi-sam-√ pad ]1 Ved. [ -padyate ] , to become ; to become similar to , be changed to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. ; to come to , arrive at , obtain Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. Up. : Caus. [ -pādayati ] , to make equal to , change into (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
अभिसम्पत्ति [ abhisampatti ] [ abhi-sampatti ] f. becoming anything , becoming similar or equal to Lit. KātyŚr.
अभिसम्पद् [ abhisampad ] [ abhi-sampád ]2 f. id. Lit. ŚBr.
अभिसम्पन्न [ abhisampanna ] [ abhi-sámpanna ] m. f. n. becoming similar to , being changed to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. RPrāt.
being in accordance with , agreeing with (instr.) Lit. Uttarar.
अभिसम्पराय [ abhisamparāya ] [ abhi-samparāya ] m. (√ [ i ] ) , futurity Lit. Lalit.
अभिसम्पू [ abhisampū ] [ abhi-sam-√ pū ] [ -pavate ] , to blow along over or towards (acc.) Lit. TBr.
अभिसम्पूज् [ abhisampūj ] [ abhi-sam-√ pūj ] ( generally ind.p. [ -pūjya ] ) to honour , revere greatly Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.
अभिसम्प्रपद् [ abhisamprapad ] [ abhi-sam-pra-√ pad ] [ -padyate ] (= [ abhi-sam-√ pad ] ) to be changed to , assume or obtain the shape of (acc.) Lit. Up.
अभिसम्प्रया [ abhisamprayā ] [ abhi-sam-pra-√ yā ] (ind.p. [ -yāya ] ) to go towards Lit. MBh. vi , 3762 (v.l. [ abhi-vārayitvā ] )
अभिसम्प्रवृत् [ abhisampravṛt ] [ abhi-sam-pra-√ vṛt ] Caus. to change ( ?as a battle-field , [ raṇājirám ] ) Lit. MBh. i , 1184.
अभिसम्प्रवृत्त [ abhisampravṛtta ] [ abhi-sam-pravṛtta ] m. f. n. having begun Lit. VarBṛS.
अभिसम्प्रहा [ abhisamprahā ] [ abhi-sam-pra-hā ] (only ind.p. - [ haya ] ), to forsake, Lit. Divyâv.
अभिसम्प्राप् [ abhisamprāp ] [ abhi-sam-prāp ] (√ [ āp ] ) to reach , come to , arrive at , obtain Lit. L.
अभिसम्प्रेक्ष् [ abhisamprekṣ ] [ abhi-sam-prekṣ ] ( Preverb. [ √ īkṣ ] ) , (ind.p. [ -prekṣya ] ) to look at , perceive Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
अभिसम्प्लु [ abhisamplu ] [ abhi-sam-√ plu ] (ind.p. [ -plutya ] ) to bathe Lit. MBh. xii , 365 ( [ an- ] neg.)
अभिसम्प्लव [ abhisamplava ] [ abhi-samplava ] m. fluctuation, Lit. Bcar.
अभिसम्प्लुत [ abhisampluta ] [ abhi-sam-pluta ] m. f. n. poured upon , overflowed with Lit. MBh. ix , 3279
deeply engaged in ( in comp.) Lit. R.
अभिसम्बन्ध् [ abhisambandh ] [ abhi-sam-√ bandh ] [ -badhnāti ] , to refer to (acc.) , mean by Comm. on Lit. BṛĀrUp. : Pass. [ -badhyate ] , " to be referred to " , belong to , require to be connected with (instr. ( Lit. Pat. ) or acc. ( Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 6 and 2 , 11 Sch. ) ) .
अभिसम्बद्ध [ abhisambaddha ] [ abhi-sambaddha ] m. f. n. connected , ( [ an- ] neg.) Lit. Suśr.
अभिसम्बन्ध [ abhisambandha ] [ abhi-sambandha ] m. connection with , relation to (instr.) Lit. Jaim.
being connected with , belonging to Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.
sexual connection Lit. MBh. xiii , 2924 Lit. Mn. v , 63.
अभिसम्बाध [ abhisambādha ] [ abhi-sambādha ] m. f. n. pressed together , crowded Lit. R.
अभिसम्बुध् [ abhisambudh ] [ abhi-sam-√ budh ] (with [ samyak ] - [ sambodhin ] ), to obtain the highest perfect knowledge, Sukh, i.
अभिसम्बुद्ध [ abhisambuddha ] [ abhi-sam-buddha ] m. f. n. deeply versed in Lit. MBh. iii , 12515
having attained the Bodhi Lit. Buddh.
अभिसम्बोधन [ abhisambodhana ] [ abhi-sam-bodhana ] n. attaining the Bodhi Lit. Buddh.
अभिसम्भग्न [ abhisambhagna ] [ abhi-sam-bhagna ] m. f. n. broken , crashed Lit. MBh. viii , 2801.
अभिसम्भू [ abhisambhū ] [ abhi-sam-√ bhū ] Ved. (perf. 2. sg. [ -babhūtha ] ) to reach , come to , arrive at Lit. RV. x , 18 , 8 , ; to obtain the shape of (acc.) , be changed into Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. to salute Lit. BhP.
अभिसम्भव [ abhisambhava ] [ abhi-sambhava ] m. attainment, Lit. Śaṃk.
अभिसम्भवन [ abhisambhavana ] [ abhi-sambhavana ] n. attainment, Lit. Śaṃk.
अभिसम्भृत [ abhisambhṛta ] [ abhi-sam-bhṛta ] m. f. n. endowed with ( in comp.) Lit. MBh. xii , 12959 (v.l. [ abhi-saṃ-vṛta ] ) .
अभिसम्मत [ abhisammata ] [ abhi-sam-mata ] m. f. n. honoured , esteemed Lit. MārkP.
अभिसम्मुख [ abhisammukha ] [ abhi-sam-mukhá ] m. f. n. looking respectfully towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिसम्मूढ [ abhisammūḍha ] [ abhi-sam-mūḍha ] m. f. n. entirely confused Lit. MBh. iii , 12219.
अभिसम्मूर्छ् [ abhisammūrch ] [ abhi-sam-√ mūrch ] (p. [ -mūrchat ] ) to assume a solid form with regard to or in connection with (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिसर [ abhisara ] [ abhi-sara ] see [ abhi-√ sṛ ] .
अभिसर्ग [ abhisarga ] [ abhi-sarga ] see [ abhi-√ sṛj ] .
अभिसर्पण [ abhisarpaṇa ] [ abhi-sarpaṇa ] see [ abhi-√ sṛp ] .
अभिसान्त्व् [ abhisāntv ] [ abhi-√ sāntv ] ( p. [ -sāntvayat ] ; ind.p. [ -sāntvya ] ) to conciliate , pacify , comfort Lit. MBh. iv , 383 Lit. R. ii , 32 , 39 Lit. MārkP.
अभिसान्त्व [ abhisāntva ] [ abhi-sāntva ] m. consolation , conciliation Lit. R. v , 56 , 44.
अभिसान्त्वित [ abhisāntvita ] [ abhi-sāntvita ] m. f. n. conciliated , pacified Lit. Kām.
अभिसायम् [ abhisāyam ] [ abhi-sāyam ] ind. about evening , at sunset Lit. ChUp. ( cf. [ abhi-prātár ] .)
अभिसार [ abhisāra ] [ abhi-sāra ] see [ abhi-√ sṛ ] .
अभिसावक [ abhisāvaka ] [ abhi-sāvaka ] see [ abhi-ṣu ] .
अभिसिध् [ abhisidh ] [ abhi-√ sidh:1 ]1 [ -sedhati ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 113 Sch.
अभिसिध् [ abhisidh ] [ abhi-√ sidh:3 ]2 [ -sidhyati ] , to be accomplished Lit. MBh. xii , 7427 ; to obtain , win ( with acc.) Lit. ChUp.
अभिसिद्धि [ abhisiddhi ] [ abhi-siddhi ] f. the state of being effected or realized Lit. AgP.
अभिसुसूष् [ abhisusūṣ ] [ abhi-susūṣ ] see [ abhi-ṣu ] .
अभिसू [ abhisū ] [ abhi-sū ] to bring forth, Lit. Bālar.
अभिसूचित [ abhisūcita ] [ abhi-sūcita ] m. f. n. pointed out Lit. MBh. iii , 2939.
अभिसृ [ abhisṛ ] [ abhi-√ sṛ ] ( 3. pl. impf. [ -asaran ] , perf. [ -sasrur ] ) to flow towards (acc.) Lit. RV. i , 52 , 5 and ix , 82 , 3 ; to approach , go towards , advance in order to meet , attack Lit. MBh. ; to go to a rendezvous (said of lovers) Lit. Sāh. : Caus. to lead towards Lit. Kathās. ; to cause to attack , lead to battle Lit. MBh. iii , 665 (v.l.) ; to invite to a rendezvous Lit. Sāh. ; to approach , visit Lit. MBh. i , 1221 Lit. Mṛicch.
अभिसर [ abhisara ] [ abhi-sara ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a companion Lit. Daś.
अभिसरण [ abhisaraṇa ] [ abhi-saraṇa ] n. meeting , rendezvous (of lovers) Lit. Sāh.
अभिसर्तृ [ abhisartṛ ] [ abhi-sartṛ́ ] m. f. n. attacking , assailant Lit. VS. xxx , 14.
अभिसार [ abhisāra ] [ abhi-sāra ] m. attack , assault Lit. R.
meeting , rendezvous (of lovers) Lit. Sāh. Lit. Gīt.
" pay for coming " , messenger's pay Lit. Buddh.
companion Lit. L.
a purificatory rite Lit. L.
( [ eṇa ] ) instr. ( with [ sarveṇa ] ) = [ sarvābhisāreṇa ] q.v. Lit. MBh. iii , 639 ( cf. [ lohābhisāra ] and [ abhīsāra ] )
N. of a people Lit. MBh.
[ abhisārī ] f. N. of a town Lit. MBh. ii , 1027.
अभिसारस्थान [ abhisārasthāna ] [ abhi-sāra-sthāna ] n. a place of rendezvous (of lovers) Lit. Sāh.
अभिसारिका [ abhisārikā ] [ abhi-sārikā ] f. a woman who goes to meet her lover or keeps an assignation Lit. Kum. vi , 43 Lit. Ragh. xvi , 12 ,
अभिसारिन् [ abhisārin ] [ abhi-sārin ] m. f. n. going to meet Lit. Vikr.
[ abhisāriṇī ] f. = [ abhi-sārikā ] Lit. L.
N. of a species of the Trishṭubh metre (as that in Lit. RV. x , 23 , 5, in which two Pāda's contain twelve instead of eleven syllables , and which therefore is said to (approach) another metre called Jagatī) Lit. RPrāt.
अभिसिसारयिषु [ abhisisārayiṣu ] [ abhi-sisārayiṣu ] m. f. n. intending to go to a rendezvous or to visit (a lover) Lit. Śiś. x , 20.
अभिसृत [ abhisṛta ] [ abhi-sṛta ] m. f. n. gone near (acc.) Lit. MBh. vii , 4449 Lit. Gīt.
one who has approached (for attacking) Lit. MBh.
directed towards ( in comp.) Lit. VarBṛS.
visited by (instr.) Lit. Kathās.
अभिसृत्य [ abhisṛtya ] [ abhi-sṛtya ] ind.p. having gone near (acc.)
अभीसार [ abhīsāra ] [ abhī-sāra ] m. assault Lit. MBh. vii , 8785.
अभिसृज् [ abhisṛj ] [ abhi-√ sṛj ] (impf. [ -asṛjat ] ; aor. Pass. [ -ásarji ] ( Lit. RV. ix , 106 , 12 ) and 3. pl. [ -asṛgran ] ( Lit. RV. ix , 88 , 6 ) or [ -asṛkṣata ] ( Lit. RV. i , 135 , 6 and ix , 63 , 25 ) ) to pour into or upon (acc.) , pour out for a purpose (acc.) or for the sake of (acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr. ; to let loose in a special direction Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. ; (aor. Subj. 2. sg. [ -srās ] for [ -srākṣ-s ] ) to throw upon Lit. AV. xi , 2 , 19 ; to surrender , give , grant , allow , permit Lit. R. ; to assail , attack Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अभिसर्ग [ abhisarga ] [ abhi-sarga ] m. creation Lit. MBh. xii , 13801.
अभिसर्जन [ abhisarjana ] [ abhi-sarjana ] n. for [ ati-s ] ( q.v.) Lit. L.
अभिसृष्ट [ abhisṛṣṭa ] [ abhí -sṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. " let loose in a special direction " , running towards (acc. or loc.) Lit. RV.
allowed to Lit. R.
uttered Lit. Hariv.
surrendered , given , granted Lit. R.
अभिसृप् [ abhisṛp ] [ abhi-sṛp ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -sarpa ] ) to approach silently or softly Lit. AV. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. Nir.
अभिसर्पण [ abhisarpaṇa ] [ abhi-sarpaṇa ] n. approaching
the ascent (of sap in the trees) .
अभिसेवन [ abhisevana ] [ abhi-sevana ] n. practising , cultivating Lit. Suśr.
अभिस्कन्द् [ abhiskand ] [ abhi-√ skand ] (perf. [ -caskanda ] ) to ascend Lit. AV. vii , 115 , 2.
अभिस्कन्द [ abhiskanda ] [ abhi-skanda ] accord. to some, "m. the mounting (buck)" , Lit. AV. v, 14, 11.
अभिस्कन्दम् [ abhiskandam ] [ abhi-skándam ] ind. running near Lit. AV. v , 14 , 11.
अभिस्कम्भ् [ abhiskambh ] [ abhi-√ skambh ] Caus. ( p. [ -skabhāyat ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 84 Comm.
अभिस्तृ [ abhistṛ ] [ abhi-√ stṛ ] to scatter over , cover Lit. TBr. Lit. Suśr.
अभिस्तरण [ abhistaraṇa ] [ abhi-staraṇa ] n. scattering, strewing, Lit. TBr., Sch.
अभिस्थिरम् [ abhisthiram ] [ abhi-sthirám ] ind. very firmly , intensely Lit. ŚBr.
अभिस्निग्ध [ abhisnigdha ] [ abhi-snigdha ] see [ an-abhisn ] .
अभिस्पृश् [ abhispṛś ] [ abhi-√ spṛś ] ( Opt. [ -spṛśet ] ) to touch Lit. MBh. i , 2931 ; to influence , affect Lit. Suśr.
अभिस्फुरित [ abhisphurita ] [ abhi-sphurita ] m. f. n. expanded to the full (as a blossom) .
अभिस्फूर्ज् [ abhisphūrj ] [ abhi-√ sphūrj ] [ -sphūrjati ] , to sound towards Lit. AV. xii , 5 , 20.
अभिस्मि [ abhismi ] [ abhi-√ smi ] ( p. [ -smayat ] ) to smile upon Lit. MBh. iii , 8732.
अभिस्यन्द् [ abhisyand ] [ abhi-√ syand ] see [ abhi-ṣyand ] .
अभिस्रंस् [ abhisraṃs ] [ abhi-√ sraṃs ] aor. Subj. 2. sg. [ -srās ] , which is better derived fr. [ abhi-√ srij ] q.v.
अभिस्रु [ abhisru ] [ abhi-√ sru ] ( Imper. 3. pl. [ -sravantu ] ) to cause to flow near Lit. RV. x , 9 , 4 ; ( p. [ -sravanta ] for [ -sravat ] ) Lit. MBh. xiii , 901.
अभिस्वयमातृण्णम् [ abhisvayamātṛṇṇam ] [ abhi-svayamātṛṇṇám ] ind. on the brick (used in sacrifices and called) [ svayamātṛṇṇā́ ] ( q.v.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिस्वृ [ abhisvṛ ] [ abhi-√ svṛ ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -svara ] , 3. pl. [ -svarantu ] ) to join in praising or invoking Lit. RV. ; to keep a note (in singing) up to (acc.) Lit. PBr.
अभिस्वर् [ abhisvar ] [ abhi-svár ] f. (instr. [ -svárā ] ) invocation Lit. RV. ii , 21 , 5 and viii , 97 , 12
[ abhisvare ] ind. dat. " for calling into one's presence " , just behind ( with gen.) Lit. RV. iii , 45 , 2 and x , 117 , 8 Lit. VS.
अभिस्वर्तृ [ abhisvartṛ ] [ abhi-svartṛ́ ] m. an invoker Lit. RV. x , 78 , 4.
अभिहन् [ abhihan ] [ abhi-√ han ] ( 2. sg. Imper. [ -jahi ] impf. [ -hán ] ( Lit. RV. v , 29 , 2 ) & perf. [ -jaghantha ] ) to thump at , strike , kill Lit. RV. ; to beat (as a drum , ) Lit. MBh. vi , 1535 Lit. Bhag. ; to afflict , visit with (instr.) Lit. MBh. xiii , 4375 Lit. MārkP. : Desid. [ -jí ghāṃsati ] , to intend to strike down Lit. RV. vii , 59 , 8.
अभिघात [ abhighāta ] [ abhi-ghāta ] see s.v.
अभिघातित [ abhighātita ] [ abhi-ghātita ] see s.v.
अभिहत [ abhihata ] [ abhí -hata ] m. f. n. struck , smitten , killed Lit. AV. xi , 10 , 22 ,
attacked Lit. R.
beaten (as a drum , ) Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.
afflicted , visited with Lit. MBh.
(in arithm.) multiplied.
अभिहति [ abhihati ] [ abhi-hati ] f. striking (as of an arrow) Lit. Kād.
(in arithm.) multiplication
the product of multiplied numbers.
अभिहत्य [ abhihatya ] [ abhi-hatya ] ind.p. striking , killing Lit. Mn. xi , 206 ,
अभिहर [ abhihara ] [ abhi-hara ] see [ abhi-√ hṛ ] .
अभिहर्य् [ abhihary ] [ abhi-√ hary ] ( 3. pl. [ -háryanti ] ; Subj. Ā. [ -haryata ] ( Lit. AV. iii , 30 , 1 ) ) to wish anything to be near , call it near Lit. TS. ; to like , love Lit. RV. x , 112 , 6 Lit. AV. ; ( [ -haryati ] ) Lit. ŚBr. xiv ( cf. [ abhi-√ hṛ ] , Caus. Pass.)
अभिहव [ abhihava ] [ abhi-hava ] see [ abhi-√ hu ] and √ [ hve ] .
अभिहस्य [ abhihasya ] [ abhi-hásya ] m. f. n. ridiculous Lit. AV. vi , 30 , 2.
अभिहिंसन [ abhihiṃsana ] [ abhi-hiṃsana ] n. harming, injuring, Lit. R.
अभिहा [ abhihā ] [ abhi-√ hā:2 ] (ind.p. [ -hāya ] ) to rush upon , seize hastily Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. AitBr.
अभिहिङ्कृ [ abhihiṅkṛ ] [ abhi-hiṅkṛ ] ( Preverb.:1 [ √ kṛ ] ) , Ved. ( 3. pl. [ -hiṅ-kurvanti ] ) to make a sound towards , low or roar or neigh towards Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. PBr.
अभिहिङ्कार [ abhihiṅkāra ] [ abhi-hiṅkāra ] m. the sound [ hiṅ ] (used) in addition to ( a certain [ japa ] formula) Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अभिहित [ abhihita ] [ abhí -hita ] m. f. n. (√ [ dhā ] ) , harnessed or put to (as a horse) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.
named , called Lit. Mn. iii , 141 ,
held forth , said , declared , spoken Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
spoken to Lit. Kum.
[ abhihita ] m. N. of a chief Lit. L.
n. a name , expression , word.
अभिहितता [ abhihitatā ] [ abhí -hita-tā ] f. ( ( Lit. Sarvad. ) ) the having been said or stated or named
a holding forth , declaration Lit. L.
authority , test Lit. L.
अभिहितत्व [ abhihitatva ] [ abhí -hita-tva ] n. the having been said or stated or named
a holding forth , declaration Lit. L.
authority , test Lit. L.
अभिहिति [ abhihiti ] [ abhi-hiti ] f. telling , manifesting , title Lit. L.
अभिहु [ abhihu ] [ abhi-√ hu ] to make an oblation upon (acc.) or for the sake of (acc.) , shed or pour over (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभिहव [ abhihava ] [ abhi-hava ]1 m. pouring the oblation upon.
अभिहवन [ abhihavana ] [ abhi-havana ] n. id. Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अभिहुत [ abhihuta ] [ abhí -huta ] m. f. n. poured upon with an oblation , shed or poured over Lit. AV. vi , 133 , 2 Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr.
अभिहोतवै [ abhihotavai ] [ abhí -hotavaí ] Ved. Inf. to pour upon (an oblation) Lit. MaitrS.
अभिहोम [ abhihoma ] [ abhi-homa ] m. = [ abhi-hava ] 1 Lit. Vait.
अभिहूति [ abhihūti ] [ abhi-hūti ] see [ abhi-√ hve ] .
अभिहृ [ abhihṛ ] [ abhi-√ hṛ ] to bring , offer Lit. ŚBr. ; to pull off , tear off Lit. MBh. iii , 14610 : Caus. [ -hārayati ] , to have brought to by , send by Lit. Hariv. ; to bring , offer Lit. MBh. iv , 2364 ; to put on (as a cuirass) Lit. ib. iv , 1011 seqq. ; to assail , attack Lit. MBh. : Pass. [ -hāryate ] incorrectly for [ -haryati ] (see [ abhi-√ hary ] ) Lit. BṛĀrUp.
(only in 2. sg. - [ hṛṇīthās ] ), to be angry with (acc.), Lit. RV. viii, 2, 19.
अभिहर [ abhihara ] [ abhi-hara ] m. f. n. (ifc.) carrying off , removing Lit. L.
अभिहरण [ abhiharaṇa ] [ abhi-haraṇa ] n. bringing or conveying near Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh.
अभिहरणीय [ abhiharaṇīya ] [ abhi-haraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be brought near.
अभिहर्तव्य [ abhihartavya ] [ abhi-hartavya ] m. f. n. id.
अभिहर्तृ [ abhihartṛ ] [ abhi-hartṛ ] m. one who carries off , takes by violence (ifc.) Lit. MBh. iii , 15761.
अभिहार [ abhihāra ] [ abhi-hāra ] m. bringing near Lit. Pat. ( cf. [ ābhi-hārika ] )
robbing , seizing anything (in the owner's presence) Lit. MBh. xiii , 3047
brisk attack Lit. L.
effort Lit. L.
arming , taking up arms Lit. L.
mingling together Lit. Car.
offering, sacrifice, Lit. Jātakam.
अभिहार्य [ abhihārya ] [ abhi-hārya ] m. f. n. = [ abhi-haraṇīya ] .
अभिहृष् [ abhihṛṣ ] [ abhi-√ hṛṣ ] Caus. ( p. [ -harṣayat ] ) to gladden Lit. MBh. vi , 1833 ; xii , 1894.
अभिहेष् [ abhiheṣ ] [ abhi-√ heṣ ] (p. dat. m. [ -heṣate ] ) to neigh towards Lit. AitBr. Lit. MBh. viii , 4471.
अभिह्रुत् [ abhihrut ] [ abhi-hrút ] m. f. n. (√ [ hvṛ ] ) , causing a fall or damage , injurious Lit. RV. i , 189 , 6 Lit. AV. vi , 4 , 2
[ abhihrut ] f. (abl. [ -hrútas ] ) fall , damage , injury Lit. RV. i , 128 , 5 and x , 63 , 11.
अभिह्रुति [ abhihruti ] [ abhí -hruti ] f. fall , damage , injury Lit. RV. i , 166 , 8 Lit. AV. vi , 3 , 3.
अभिह्वार [ abhihvāra ] [ abhi-hvārá ] m. a crooked or damaging way or place Lit. AV. vi , 76 , 3.
अभिह्वे [ abhihve ] [ abhi-√ hve ] to call near Lit. ŚBr.
अभिहव [ abhihava ] [ abhi-hava ]2 m. calling near Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 72.
अभिहूति [ abhihūti ] [ abhi-hūti ] f. calling near (as the gods to the sacrifice) Lit. Nir.
अभीपद [ abhīpada ] [ a-bhī-pada ] (v.l. [ -pāda ] ) m. " whose foot or step is without fear " , N. of a Ṛishi Lit. VBr.
अभीति [ abhīti ] [ a-bhīti ]1 f. fearlessness Lit. L.
अभीरु [ abhīru ] [ á-bhīru ] m. f. n. (m. acc. [ °rvam ] , 4 ; nom. pl. [ °ravas ] ) fearless Lit. RV. Lit. Mn. vii , 190
not terrific (nom. pl. f. [ °ravas ] ) Lit. RV. viii , 46 , 7
[ abhīru ] m. N. of a prince Lit. MBh. i , 2689
N. of Bhairava or Śiva
f. ( [ us ] ) ( ( Lit. L. ) ) or ( [ ū ] ) ( ( Lit. Suśr. ) ) the plant Asparagus Racemosus.
अभीरुपत्त्री [ abhīrupattrī ] [ á-bhīru-pattrī ] f. the above plant Asp. Rac.
अभीरुक [ abhīruka ] [ a-bhīruka ] m. f. n. fearless Lit. MBh. vii , 2522.
अभीरुण [ abhīruṇa ] [ a-bhī́ruṇa ] ( ( Lit. AV. vii , 89 , 3 ) ) or [ a-bhīrúṇa ] ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) , m. f. n. not terrific.
अभी [ abhī ] [ abhī ]2 ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , [ abhy-éti ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ abhī́hi ] ; impf. 3. pl. [ -āyan ] , 3. sg. Ā. [ -āyata ] ; ind.p. [ abhī́tya ] ) to come near , approach , go up to or towards (acc.) Lit. RV. ; ( with [ sakāśam ] or [ samīpam ] or [ pārśve ] ) id. Lit. Pañcat. ; to go along or after (acc.) Lit. RV. ; to enter , join , go over to Lit. Mn. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; (with a pr. p.) to begin to , (perf. 3. pl. [ abhīyúḥ ] ) Lit. ŚBr. ; to reach , obtain Lit. RV. ; to get or fall into (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to come to , fall to one's share ( with acc.) Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; (said of the sun) to rise ( as if he came nearer ; also with [ abhitarām ] ( q.v. ) instead of [ abhi ] ) Lit. AitBr. , ( with [ astam ] ) to set Lit. MBh. i , 1797 ( cf. [ abhy-aya ] ) : Pass. [ abhīyate ] to be perceived , known Lit. BhP. : Intens. ( 1. pl. [ -īmahe ] ) to ask , request Lit. RV. i , 24 , 3.
अभीति [ abhīti ] [ abhī́ti ]2 f. assault Lit. RV. ii , 33 , 3 and vii , 21 , 9.
अभीत्वन् [ abhītvan ] [ abhī́tvan ] m. f. n. attacking Lit. VS. Lit. AitBr.
अभ्यय [ abhyaya ] [ abhy-aya ] m. approaching (as of darkness) Lit. KātyŚr.
setting (of the sun) Lit. ib.
अभ्यायुक [ abhyāyuka ] [ abhy-āyuka ] m. f. n. coming up to (acc.) Lit. KapS.
अभीक [ abhīka ] [ abhīka ]2 m. f. n. (= [ abhika ] q.v.) , longing after , lustful , libidinous Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 74
a master Lit. L.
a poet Lit. L.
अभीक [ abhīka ] [ abhī́ka ]3 n. ( fr. [ abhi-añc ] ; cf. [ ánūka ] ) , meeting together , collision Lit. RV. ix , 92 , 5
[ abhīke ] ind. in the presence of (gen.) , near , towards Lit. RV.
( with √ [ muc ] or √ 1. [ as ] with [ āré ] ) away from , out of (abl.) Lit. RV.
( with verbs expressing defending from , as √ 3. [ pā ] and √ [ uruṣya ] ) from ( with abl.) Lit. RV.
before ( as before midday ; with abl.) Lit. RV. iv , 28 , 3.
अभीक्ष् [ abhīkṣ ] [ abhīkṣ ] ( Preverb. [ √ īkṣ ] ) Ā. (impf. 3. du. [ -aí kṣetām ] ) to look towards (acc.) Lit. RV. x , 121 , 6.
अभीक्ष्ण [ abhīkṣṇa ] [ abhīkṣṇa ] m. f. n. ( contr. of [ abhikṣaṇa ] cf. Lit. Nir. ii , 25) , constant , perpetual Lit. L.
in comp. for [ abhīkṣṇam ] q.v.
[ abhīkṣṇam ] ind. repeatedly , again and again , perpetually , constantly
presently , at once
very , exceedingly ( in comp. [ abhīkṣṇa- ] ) Lit. Rājat.
अभीक्ष्णशस् [ abhīkṣṇaśas ] [ abhīkṣṇa-śas ] ind. constantly Lit. R. Lit. Suśr.
अभीग [ abhīga ] [ a-bhī-ga ] m. f. n. unterrified, Lit. Śiś.
अभीचार [ abhīcāra ] [ abhī-cāra ] see [ abhi-√ car ] .
अभीज्य [ abhījya ] [ abhījya ] see [ abhi-√ yaj ] .
अभीत [ abhīta ] [ a-bhīta ] see 1. [ a-bhī ] .
अभीन्ध् [ abhīndh ] [ abhīndh ] (√ [ indh ] ) , [ abhī́dhe ] ( for [ °nddhe ] ) to surround with flames , inflame Lit. AV. xi , 3 , 18 Lit. ŚBr.
अभीद्ध [ abhīddha ] [ abhī́ddha ] m. f. n. inflamed Lit. RV. i , 164 , 26 and x , 190 , 1 Lit. VS.
अभीप [ abhīpa ] [ abhīpa ] m. or n. ( fr. 2. [ áp ] with [ abhí ] ; cf. [ anūpá ] ) , only in comp. with
अभीपतस् [ abhīpatas ] [ abhīpa-tás ] ind. from the waters or clouds ( ( Lit. Gmn. ) ) , " at the right time " ( ( Lit. NBD. ( fr. √ [ āp ] with [ abhi ] ) ) ) Lit. RV. i , 164 , 52.
अभीपद [ abhīpada ] [ abhī-pada ] see 1. [ a-bhī ] .
अभीपाद [ abhīpāda ] [ abhī-pāda ] see 1. [ a-bhī ] .
अभीम [ abhīma ] [ a-bhīma ] m. f. n. unterrific , causing no fear
अभीमान [ abhīmāna ] [ abhī-māna ] see [ nir-abhīmāna ] .
अभीमानिन् [ abhīmānin ] [ abhī-mānin ] see [ abhi-√ man ] .
अभीमोदमुद् [ abhīmodamud ] [ abhīmoda-múd ] ( or [ abhī-modamúd ] , fr. irreg. Intens.) m. f. n. (√ [ mud ] ) , excessively joyful Lit. AV. xi , 7 , 26 and 8 , 24 ( cf. [ abhīlāpa-láp ] .)
अभीर् [ abhīr ] [ abhīr ] (√ [ īr ] ) , Caus. ( p. [ -īráyat ] ) to bring near Lit. TBr.
अभीरणी [ abhīraṇī ] [ abhīraṇī ] f. a kind of serpent Lit. L.
अभीर [ abhīra ] [ abhīra ] (incorrectly) for [ ābhīra ] q.v.
अभीराजी [ abhīrājī ] [ abhīrājī ] f. N. of a poisonous insect Lit. Suśr.
अभीरु [ abhīru ] [ á-bhīru ] see 1. [ a-bhī ] .
अभीलापलप् [ abhīlāpalap ] [ abhīlāpa-láp ] ( or [ abhī-lāpaláp ] , fr. irreg. Intens.) m. f. n. (√ [ lap ] ) , excessively whimpering Lit. AV. xi , 8 , 25 ( cf. [ abhīmoda-múd ] .)
अभीवर्ग [ abhīvarga ] [ abhī-vargá ] m. (√ [ vṛj ] ) , circuit , compass Lit. AV. iii , 5 , 2 ; vi , 54 , 2 and xi , 2 , 4.
अभीवर्त [ abhīvarta ] [ abhī-vartá ] see [ abhi-√ vṛt ] .
अभीवृत [ abhīvṛta ] [ abhī́-vṛta ] see 1. [ abhi- ] √ 1. [ vṛ ] .
अभीशाप [ abhīśāpa ] [ abhī-śāpa ] see [ abhi-√ śap ] .
अभीशु [ abhīśu ] [ abhī́śu ] m. ( fr. √ 1. [ aś ] with [ abhi ] Lit. Nir. iii , 9) , chiefly Ved. rein , bridle Lit. RV.
ray of light Lit. Naigh.
( through incorrect interpretation of [ dáśābhīśu ] q.v.) arm , finger Lit. Naigh.
N. of a Ṛishi Lit. VBr.
अभीषु [ abhīṣu ] [ abhīṣu ] m. ( incorrectly for [ abhīśu ] ) rein , bridle Lit. MBh. vii , 8180
ray of light Lit. Śiś. i , 22.
अभीषुमत् [ abhīṣumat ] [ abhīṣu-mat ] m. f. n. " having rays of light " , radiant , bright Lit. Śiś. xvi , 50
अभीष् [ abhīṣ ] [ abhīṣ ] (√ :3. [ iṣ ] ) , [ abhīcchati ] (Subj. [ abhī́cchāt ] ) to seek for , long for (acc.) Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr. ; to intend to (Inf.) Lit. Kathās.
अभीष्ट [ abhīṣṭa ] [ abhī́ṣṭa ] m. f. n. wished , desired , dear Lit. TS.
[ abhīṣṭa ] m. a lover Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Sāh. ( cf. [ -tama ] below)
n. wish.
अभीष्टतम [ abhīṣṭatama ] [ abhī́ṣṭa-tama ] m. f. n. (superl.) dearest Lit. Pañcat.
[ abhīṣṭatama ] m. a dearest lover Lit. Sāh.
अभीष्टता [ abhīṣṭatā ] [ abhī́ṣṭa-tā ] f. state of being desired.
अभीष्टतृतीया [ abhīṣṭatṛtīyā ] [ abhīṣṭa-tṛtīyā ] f. the third day in the light half of Mārga-śīrsha, Lit. Cat.
अभीष्टदेवता [ abhīṣṭadevatā ] [ abhī́ṣṭa-devatā ] f. beloved goddess , favourite deity (invoked in the last prayer before death) Lit. Pañcat.
अभीष्टलाभ [ abhīṣṭalābha ] [ abhī́ṣṭa-lābha ] m. the gaining a desired object.
अभीष्टसिद्धि [ abhīṣṭasiddhi ] [ abhī́ṣṭa-siddhi ] f. the gaining a desired object.
अभीष्टि [ abhīṣṭi ] [ abhīṣṭi ] f. wish Lit. PBr.
अभ्येषण [ abhyeṣaṇa ] [ abhy-eṣaṇa ] n. ( only for the explan. of [ abhiṣṭi ] ) approaching (either in a friendly or hostile manner) Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. vii , 19 , 8 and i , 9 , 1
desiring , wishing for Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 116 , 11 and iv , 11 , 4.
अभ्येषणीय [ abhyeṣaṇīya ] [ abhy-eṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. ( only for the explan. of [ abhiṣṭi ] ) to be desired Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 119 , 8.
अभीषङ्ग [ abhīṣaṅga ] [ abhī-ṣaṅga ] see [ abhi-ṣañj ] .
अभीषह् [ abhīṣah ] [ abhī-ṣáh ] see [ abhi-ṣah ] .
अभीष्मद्रोण [ abhīṣmadroṇa ] [ a-bhīṣma-droṇa ] m. f. n. without Bhīshma and Droṇa Lit. Veṇis.
अभीसार [ abhīsāra ] [ abhī-sāra ] see [ abhi-√ sṛ ]
अभुक्त [ abhukta ] [ a-bhukta ] m. f. n. uneaten
unenjoyed , unused , unexpended
one who has not eaten , enjoyed or expended.
अभुक्तपूर्व [ abhuktapūrva ] [ a-bhukta-pūrva ] m. f. n. what has not been enjoyed before Lit. MBh. xii , 180 , 32.
अभुक्तवत् [ abhuktavat ] [ a-bhukta-vat ] m. f. n. one who has not eaten Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.
अभुज् [ abhuj ] [ a-bhúj ] m. f. n. one who has not experienced or enjoyed Lit. RV. x , 95 , 11.
अभुजिष्य [ abhujiṣya ] [ a-bhujiṣya ] mf. not liberal , stingy Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
not a servant.
अभुजिष्यात्व [ abhujiṣyātva ] [ abhujiṣyā-tva ] n. the state of a woman who lives independently Lit. Mṛicch. ( cf. [ a-bhaújiṣya ] .)
अभुञ्जत् [ abhuñjat ] [ á-bhuñjat ] m. f. n. not being useful to , not liberal , stingy Lit. RV. i , 120 , 12 and viii , 1 , 6
not eating.
अभुञ्जान [ abhuñjāna ] [ a-bhuñjāna ] m. f. n. not eating , fasting Lit. R. Lit. Gaut.
अभुग्न [ abhugna ] [ a-bhugna ] m. f. n. not bent , straight
free from disease , well.
अभुग्नकुक्षिता [ abhugnakukṣitā ] [ a-bhugna-kukṣitā ] f. the having the loins not bent (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha), Lit. Dharmas. 84.
अभुज [ abhuja ] [ a-bhuja ] m. f. n. armless , maimed.
अभुजंगवत् [ abhujaṃgavat ] [ a-bhujaṃga-vat ] m. f. n. without snakes (and "withont libertines" ), Lit. Kāvyâd. ii, 322.
अभुव [ abhuva ] [ a-bhuva ] n. (√ [ bhū ] ) , " no real or common being " , a monster Lit. MaitrS. ( cf. [ a-bhva ] .)
अभू [ abhū ] [ a-bhū ] m. " unborn " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. L.
अभूततद्भाव [ abhūtatadbhāva ] [ a-bhūta-tadbhāva ] m. the becoming or changing into anything which one has not been before Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 12 , Comm.
अभूतत्व [ abhūtatva ] [ a-bhūta-tva ] n. " the state of not having existed or happened any time " , impossibility Comm. on Lit. Kāvyâd.
अभूतदोष [ abhūtadoṣa ] [ a-bhūta-doṣa ] m. f. n. faultless.
अभूतपूर्व [ abhūtapūrva ] [ a-bhūta-pūrva ] m. f. n. unprecedented Lit. R.
अभूतप्रादुर्भाव [ abhūtaprādurbhāva ] [ a-bhūta-prādurbhāva ] m. the becoming manifest of what has not been before.
अभूतरजस् [ abhūtarajas ] [ a-bhūta-rajas ] m. pl. N. of a class of deities (supposed to have existed in the fifth Manvantara) Lit. VP.
अभूतशत्रु [ abhūtaśatru ] [ a-bhūta-śatru ] m. f. n. having no enemy.
अभूतार्थ [ abhūtārtha ] [ abhūtārtha ] m. anything unheard of or impossible Lit. Sāh. (v.l.)
अभूताहरण [ abhūtāharaṇa ] [ abhūtāharaṇa ] n. relating anything which in fact has not happened , a wrong account (given for deceiving or puzzling anybody) Lit. Sāh. Lit. Daśar.
अभूतोपमा [ abhūtopamā ] [ a-bhū-topamā ] f. a simile implying an impossibility, ib. ii, 38.
अभूतलस्पर्शता [ abhūtalasparśatā ] [ a-bhūtala-sparśatā ] f. not touching the ground, Lit. Śak.
अभूति [ abhūti ] [ á-bhūti ] f. non-existence Lit. ŚBr. xiv, " want of power " , wretchedness Lit. AV. Lit. VS.
mischief , calamity Lit. MBh.
अभूमि [ abhūmi ] [ a-bhūmi ] f. non-earth , anything but earth Lit. KātyŚr.
no proper place or receptacle or object for (gen.) Lit. Śāk.
अभूमिज [ abhūmija ] [ a-bhūmi-ja ] m. f. n. produced in unfit or unsuitable ground Lit. Suśr.
अभूमिसाह्वय [ abhūmisāhvaya ] [ a-bhūmi-sāhvaya ] m. " named [ a-bhūmi ] ( [ bhūmi-dharā ] , earth) i.e. [ adhara ] " , lip Lit. Kāvyâd.
अभूयःसंनिवृत्ति [ abhūyaḥsaṃnivṛtti ] [ a-bhūyaḥ-saṃnivṛtti ] f. no return any more Lit. Ragh. x , 28.
अभूयिष्ठ [ abhūyiṣṭha ] [ a-bhūyiṣṭha ] m. f. n. few , scanty.
अभूरि [ abhūri ] [ a-bhūri ] m. f. n. few , some.
अभूष [ abhūṣa ] [ a-bhūṣa ] m. f. n. unadorned Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अभूषित [ abhūṣita ] [ a-bhūṣita ] m. f. n. id.
अभृत [ abhṛta ] [ a-bhṛta ] m. f. n. not receiving hire , not paid Lit. Mn. viii , 231.
अभृतक [ abhṛtaka ] [ a-bhṛtaka ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh. vii , 4463.
अभृत्यात्मन् [ abhṛtyātman ] [ a-bhṛtyātman ] m. f. n. " not behaving as a servant " , disobedient towards (loc.) Lit. Kād.
अभृश [ abhṛśa ] [ a-bhṛśa ] m. f. n. not much , little , few.
अभेद [ abheda ] [ a-bheda ] m. non-fracture , compactness , closeness of array Lit. RPrāt.
absence of difference or distinction , identity
अभेदक [ abhedaka ] [ a-bhedaka ] m. f. n. not dividing , not causing any distinction Lit. Pat.
अभेदिन् [ abhedin ] [ a-bhedin ] m. f. n. not different Lit. Sarvad.
अभेद्य [ abhedya ] [ a-bhedya ] m. f. n. not to be divided or broken or pierced
not to be betrayed (as a secret formula) Lit. BhP.
not to be seduced, Lit. Kām.
अभेद्यता [ abhedyatā ] [ a-bhedya-tā ] f. ( ( Lit. R. ) ) indivisibility , impenetrability.
अभेद्यत्व [ abhedyatva ] [ a-bhedya-tva ] n. ( ( Lit. R. ) ) indivisibility , impenetrability.
अभोक्तृ [ abhoktṛ ] [ a-bhoktṛ ] m. f. n. not enjoying , not using , abstemious.
अभोक्तव्य [ abhoktavya ] [ a-bhoktavya ] m. f. n. not to be enjoyed or used.
अभोग्घन् [ abhogghan ] [ abhog-ghán ] m ( nom. pl. [ -ghánas ] ) f. n. ( fr. [ abhoj ] = [ á-bhuñjat ] ) , killing the stingy Lit. RV. i , 64 , 3.
अभोग्य [ abhogya ] [ a-bhogya ] m. f. n. not to be enjoyed Lit. Megh. ( v l. for [ a-bhoga ] q.v.)
not to be enjoyed sexually Lit. MBh. xiii , 4529.
अभोजित [ abhojita ] [ a-bhojita ] m. f. n. not fed , not feasted.
अभोजिन् [ abhojin ] [ a-bhojin ] m. f. n. not eating , fasting.
अभोज्य [ abhojya ] [ a-bhojya ] m. f. n. uneatable Lit. Hariv.
not to be eaten , prohibited as food Lit. Gaut.
one whose food is not allowed to be eaten Lit. Mn. xi , 152.
अभोज्यान्न [ abhojyānna ] [ abhojyānna ] m. f. n. one whose food is not allowed to be eaten Lit. Mn. iv , 221.
अभौजिष्य [ abhaujiṣya ] [ a-bhaújiṣya ] n. " not the state of a servant " , independence Lit. Suparṇ. ( cf. [ a-bhujiṣya ] s.v. [ a-bhukta ] .)
अभैषज्य [ abhaiṣajya ] [ a-bhaiṣajya ] n. unwholesome food, Lit. Divyâv.
अभौतिक [ abhautika ] [ a-bhautika ] m. f. n. not relating to or produced by the gross elements , not material Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
अभ्यग्नि [ abhyagni ] [ abhy-agni ] m. N. of a son of Etaśa or Aitaśa Lit. AitBr. Lit. KaushBr.
[ abhyagni ] ind. towards the fire Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 14 Sch.
अभ्यग्र [ abhyagra ] [ abhy-agra ] m. f. n. having the point turned or directed towards (acc.) Lit. ĀpŚr.
quick , Lit. KaushBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
constant , perpetual Lit. Āp.
fresh (as blood) Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
near Lit. L.
[ abhyagra ] n. proximity Lit. L.
अभ्यघाय [ abhyaghāya ] [ abhy-aghāya ] Nom. P. [ -aghāyáti ] , to intend to injure Lit. AV. vii , 70 , 3.
अभ्यङ्क [ abhyaṅka ] [ abhy-aṅka ] m. f. n. recently marked (as cattle) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 14 Lit. Kāś.
अभ्यज् [ abhyaj ] [ abhy-aj ] ( Preverb. [ √ aj ] ) , ( Imper. or Subj. 1. du. [ -ájāva ] ) to combine , unite Lit. RV. i , 179 , 3.
अभ्यञ्ज् [ abhyañj ] [ abhy-√ añj ] P. to smear , anoint Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. : Ā. to anoint one's self: Ā. ( 3. pl. [ abhy áñjate ] ) to decorate Lit. RV. ix , 86 , 43 : Ā. [ -aṅkté ] , to decorate one's self Lit. TS. ( quoted in Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 62 Lit. Kāś.) ; ( in Pass. sense ; p. [ -añjāná ] ) to be decorated Lit. RV. ii , 8 , 4.
अभ्यक्त [ abhyakta ] [ abhy-ákta ] m. f. n. oiled , anointed Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn. iv , 44 ,
decorated Lit. AV. x , 1 , 25.
अभ्यङ्ग [ abhyaṅga ] [ abhy-aṅga ] m. rubbing with unctuous substances , inunction Lit. Mn. ii , 178 ,
unguent Lit. Suśr.
अभ्यञ्जक [ abhyañjaka ] [ abhy-añjaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) rubbing (the feet) with unctuous substances Lit. Kathās.
अभ्यञ्जन [ abhyañjana ] [ abhy-áñjana ] n. rubbing with unctuous substances , inunction (especially of the feet , once ( Lit. BhP. ) said of the hairs) Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn.
unguent ( used for rubbing the feet ; cf. [ ā́ñjana ] ) Lit. ŚBr.
(5) ornament , embellishment Lit. RV.
अभ्यञ्जन्य [ abhyañjanya ] [ abhy-añjanyá ] m. f. n. whose feet are to be rubbed with unguents Lit. TBr.
अभ्यञ्ज्य [ abhyañjya ] [ abhy-añjya ] m. f. n. to be rubbed with unguents (as a foot) Lit. Kathās.
अभ्यतिक्रम् [ abhyatikram ] [ abhy-ati-√ kram ] (ind.p. [ -kramya ] ; Inf. [ -krāntuṃ ] ) to step over , walk through Lit. R. ; to overpower Lit. MBh. xiv , 1551 ; to transgress , violate Lit. MBh. i , 199.
अभ्यतिक्षर् [ abhyatikṣar ] [ abhy-ati-√ kṣar ] (impf. [ -akṣarat ] ) to flow over to (acc.) Lit. TBr. Lit. AitBr.
अभ्यतित [ abhyatita ] [ abhy-atita ] m. f. n. (√ [ at ] ) , one who has walked towards (acc.) , one who visits ( used for the etym. of [ atithi ] ) Lit. Nir.
अभ्यतिनी [ abhyatinī ] [ abhy-ati-√ nī ] to bring or place upon (loc.) Lit. Kauś.
अभ्यतिरिच् [ abhyatiric ] [ abhy-ati-√ ric ] Pass. [ -áti-ric-yate ] , or [ -ati-ricyáte ] (Subj. [ abhy-áti-rí cyātai ] ; Pot. [ -áti-ricyeta ] ) Ved. to remain for the sake of (acc.) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यतिवद् [ abhyativad ] [ abhy-ati-√ vad ] P. (= [ ati-√ vad ] q.v.) " to speak louder or better " , surpass in disputing Lit. PBr.
अभ्यतिवृत् [ abhyativṛt ] [ abhy-ati-√ vṛt ] [ -vartate ] , to drive past Lit. MBh. vii , 1391 (v.l.)
अभ्यतिसृज् [ abhyatisṛj ] [ abhy-ati-√ sṛj ] ( 1. pl. [ -áti-sṛjāmas ] ) to let pass Lit. AV. x , 5 , 15=xvi , 1 , 5.
अभ्यती [ abhyatī ] [ abhy-atī ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , (ind.p. [ -atītya ] ) to pass over (acc.) Lit. R. ; to get through towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यतीत [ abhyatīta ] [ abhy-atīta ] m. f. n. passed away (as time) Lit. MBh. iii , 12547
dead Lit. Mn. iv , 252 Lit. MBh. vii , 1061.
अभ्यत्यृज् [ abhyatyṛj ] [ abhy-aty-√ ṛj ] to carry over or transfer upon (acc.) Lit. AitBr.
अभ्यधिक [ abhyadhika ] [ abhy-adhika ] m. f. n. surpassing (in number , power , kind) Lit. R.
exceeding the common measure , pre-eminent , extraordinary Lit. MBh.
superior to , more excellent than , having more authority or power than , more than (abl. or instr. or in comp.) Lit. MBh.
augmented by (abl. ( Lit. VarBṛS. ) or instr. or in comp.)
[ abhyadhikam ] ind. exceedingly Lit. MBh. xiii , 580 ,
अभ्यधिकाधिक [ abhyadhikādhika ] [ abhy-adhikādhika ] m. f. n. always or progressively increasing, Lit. Naish.
अभ्यध्ययन [ abhyadhyayana ] [ abhy-adhyayana ] n. studying (the Veda ) at any place (comp.), Lit. Gaut.
अभ्यध्वम् [ abhyadhvam ] [ abhy-adhvam ] ind. upon the way Lit. KātyŚr.
[ abhyadhve ] ind. loc. on the way Lit. AV. iv , 28 , 2.
अभ्यनुज्ञा [ abhyanujñā ] [ abhy-anu-√ jñā ]1 to assent to , approve , allow , permit , concede Lit. MBh. ; to authorize , direct Lit. MBh. ii , 1225 ; to allow one to depart , dismiss Lit. MBh. ; (ind.p. [ -jñaya ] ; Inf. [ -jñātum ] ) to take leave , ask for leave to depart Lit. MBh. xiv , 146 Lit. R. : Caus. (ind.p. [ -jñāpya ] ; fut. p. [ -jñāpayiṣyat ] ) to ask for leave to depart Lit. MBh.
अभ्यनुज्ञा [ abhyanujñā ] [ abhy-anujñā ]2 f. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) assent , approval Lit. Ragh. ii , 69 Lit. Nyāyad.
authorization , permission Lit. RPrāt. Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
granting leave of absence , dismissing Lit. R.
अभ्यनुज्ञात [ abhyanujñāta ] [ abhy-anujñāta ] m. f. n. assented to , approved Lit. Mn. ii , 1
authorized , allowed to Lit. MBh.
( [ an- ] neg.) Lit. Mn. ii , 229
favoured by (instr.) Lit. R. iii , 36 , 19
allowed to depart , dismissed Lit. MBh.
अभ्यनुज्ञान [ abhyanujñāna ] [ abhy-anujñāna ] n. assenting to , approval Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
authorization , permission Lit. R. i , 3 , 14.
अभ्यनुज्ञापन [ abhyanujñāpana ] [ abhy-anujñāpana ] n. causing to assent to.
अभ्यनुज्ञेय [ abhyanujñeya ] [ abhy-anujñeya ] m. f. n. to be admitted or assented to, Lit. Nyāyam.
अभ्यनुप्रछ् [ abhyanuprach ] [ abhy-anu-√ prach ] to inquire after , ask for Lit. MBh. xii , 1933 and xiii , 2169.
अभ्यनुमुद् [ abhyanumud ] [ abhy-anu-√ mud ] Caus. (perf. Pass. p. [ -modita ] ; p. necess. [ -modanīya ] ) to assent to , approve of. Lit. MBh. i , 4447 Lit. Inscr.
अभ्यनुमोदन [ abhyanumodana ] [ abhy-anumodana ] n. agreement with, approval, Lit. Jātakam.
अभ्यनुयुज् [ abhyanuyuj ] [ abhy-anu-√ yuj ] (ind.p. [ -yujya ] ) to apply to , ask Lit. MBh. xii , 5667.
अभ्यनुवच् [ abhyanuvac ] [ abhy-anu-√ vac ] (perf. [ -anūvāca ] ) to declare or state or utter with reference to (acc.) Lit. AitBr. : Pass. ( 3. pl. [ -anūcyante ] ) to be referred to by some statement or verse Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यनूक्त [ abhyanūkta ] [ abhy-anūkta ] m. f. n. stated or uttered with reference to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. Lit. ChUp. ( cf. [ abhyukta ] .)
अभ्यनुवद् [ abhyanuvad ] [ abhy-anu-√ vad ] P. (= [ abhy-anu-√ vac ] ) to utter with reference to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यनुशास् [ abhyanuśās ] [ abhy-anu-√ śās ] ( Imper. 1. p. [ -śāsāni ] ) to indicate , denote Lit. ChUp.
अभ्यनुसृ [ abhyanusṛ ] [ abhy-anu-√ sṛ ] (ind.p. [ -sṛtya ] v.l. [ -sṛjya ] ) to learn by investigating Lit. Hariv. 1440.
अभ्यनुसृज् [ abhyanusṛj ] [ abhy-anu-√ sṛj ] (ind.p. [ -sṛjya ] ) id. Lit. ib.
अभ्यन्तर [ abhyantara ] [ abhy-antara ] m. f. n. interior , being inside of , included in (loc. ; gen. or in comp. ( cf. [ gaṇābhyantara ] ) ) Lit. MBh. ii , 2282 ,
initiated in , conversant with (loc.) Lit. R. Lit. Megh.
next , nearly related , intimate Lit. Pañcat.
[ abhyantara ] n. inner part , interior , inside , middle Lit. Śāk.
( generally loc. ; ifc.) interval , space of time Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Hit.
[ abhyantaram ] ind. (ifc.) into Lit. Kathās.
m. "on intimate terms" , a lover, Lit. Divyâv.
अभ्यन्तरकला [ abhyantarakalā ] [ abhy-antara-kalā ] f. pl. the secret arts or the arts of coquetry Lit. Daś.
अभ्यन्तरचारिन् [ abhyantaracārin ] [ abhy-antara-cārin ] m. f. n. moving inside, Lit. Bhag.
अभ्यन्तरतस् [ abhyantaratas ] [ abhy-antara-tas ] ind. in the interior , inwards Lit. Suśr.
अभ्यन्तरदोषकृत् [ abhyantaradoṣakṛt ] [ abhy-antara-doṣa-kṛt ] m. f. n. " doing a wrong to one's own land " , raising a sedition or mutiny Lit. VarBṛS.
अभ्यन्तरायाम [ abhyantarāyāma ] [ abhyantarāyāma ] m. curvature of the spine by spasm , emprosthonos Lit. Suśr. ( cf. [ bāhyāyāma ] .)
अभ्यन्तरक [ abhyantaraka ] [ abhy-antaraka ] m. an intimate friend Lit. L.
अभ्यन्तरी [ abhyantarī ] [ abhyantarī ] ( for [ abhyantara ] in comp. with √ 1. [ kṛ ] and its derivatives) .
अभ्यन्तरीकरण [ abhyantarīkaraṇa ] [ abhyantarī-karaṇa ] n. initiating in (loc.) Lit. Daś.
अभ्यन्तरीकृ [ abhyantarīkṛ ] [ abhyantarī-√ kṛ ] to put between , insert Lit. Pat.
अभ्यन्तरीकृत [ abhyantarīkṛta ] [ abhyantarī-kṛta ] m. f. n. initiated in (loc.) Lit. R.
made intimate Lit. Pañcat.
अभ्यपक्रम् [ abhyapakram ] [ abhy-apa-√ kram ] [ -kram ] , [ -krāmati ] , to go away towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. ; (aor. Subj. 2. sg. [ -ápakramīs ] ) to come up to Lit. AV. xii , 2 , 18.
अभ्यपश्रि [ abhyapaśri ] [ abhy-apa-√ śri ] Ā. to retire towards (acc.) Lit. ShaḍvBr.
अभ्यपान् [ abhyapān ] [ abhy-apān ] ( Preverb. [ √ an ] ) to breathe towards (acc.) Lit. AitBr.
अभ्यम् [ abhyam ] [ abhy-√ am ] [ abhy-ámīti ] ( Lit. VS. ( quoted in Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 34 Sch. ; cf. also Lit. ib. 3 , 95 Sch. ) ; 2. sg. [ -ámīṣi ] ; 3. pl. Subj. [ -amánti ] and impf. Ā. [ -ámanta ] ) to advance violently against , pain , hurt Lit. RV. i , 189 , 3 ; vii , 25 , 2 and x , 86 , 8 Lit. VS.
अभ्यमन [ abhyamana ] [ abhy-amana ] n. paining , oppression Lit. Nir.
अभ्यमनवत् [ abhyamanavat ] [ abhy-amana-vat ] m. f. n. paining , hurting Lit. ib.
अभ्यमित [ abhyamita ] [ abhy-amita ] or [ abhyānta ] m. f. n. (perf. Pass. p.) diseased , sick Lit. L.
अभ्यान्त [ abhyānta ] [ abhy-ānta ] or [ abhyamita ] , m. f. n. (perf. Pass. p.) diseased , sick Lit. L.
अभ्यमित्रीण [ abhyamitrīṇa ] [ abhy-amitrīṇa ] ( ( Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ) ) m. f. n. ( ( apparently derivatives fr. [ abhy-amitram ] (see below s.v.) , but probably originally derived from the root , which is also indicated by the parallel form [ abhy-amin ] (see below) ) ) advancing against or attacking (the enemy) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 17.
अभ्यमित्रीणता [ abhyamitrīṇatā ] [ abhy-amitrīṇa-tā ] f. a good opportunity to attack the enemy Lit. Rājat.
अभ्यमित्रीय [ abhyamitrīya ] [ abhy-amitrīya ] ( ( Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ) ) m. f. n. ( ( apparently derivatives fr. [ abhy-amitram ] (see below s.v.) , but probably originally derived from the root , which is also indicated by the parallel form [ abhy-amin ] (see below) ) ) advancing against or attacking (the enemy) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 17.
अभ्यमित्र्य [ abhyamitrya ] [ abhy-amitrya ] ( ( Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ) ) m. f. n. ( ( apparently derivatives fr. [ abhy-amitram ] (see below s.v.) , but probably originally derived from the root , which is also indicated by the parallel form [ abhy-amin ] (see below) ) ) advancing against or attacking (the enemy) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 17.
अभ्यमिन् [ abhyamin ] [ abhy-amin ] m. f. n. attacking Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 157.
अभ्यमित्र [ abhyamitra ] [ abhy-amitra ] ( basis of [ abhy-amitram ] and its derivatives [ °trīṇa ] , ) Lit. Pāṇ. 5-2 , 17
[ abhyamitram ] ind. against the enemy Lit. Veṇis.
अभ्यमित्रीण [ abhyamitrīṇa ] [ abhy-amitrīṇa ] see [ abhy-√ am ] .
अभ्यय [ abhyaya ] [ abhy-aya ] see 2. [ abhī ] .
अभ्ययोध्यम् [ abhyayodhyam ] [ abhy-ayodhyam ] ind. towards or against Ayodhyā Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अभ्यरि [ abhyari ] [ abhy-ari ] ind. towards or against the enemy Lit. L.
अभ्यर्कबिम्बम् [ abhyarkabimbam ] [ abhy-arkabimbam ] ind. towards the disk of the sun Lit. Śāk.
अभ्यर्च् [ abhyarc ] [ abhy-√ arc ] ( 3. pl. [ -arcanti ] and impf. [ -arcan ] ( Lit. RV. iv , 1 , 14 ) ; Imper. 2. sg. [ -arca ] , 2. pl. [ -arcata ] ; Ā. 1. sg. [ -arce ] and aor. [ -arcase ] ( Lit. RV. x , 64 , 3 ) ) to praise , celebrate in song (instr.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. ; (ind.p. [ -arcya ] ) to worship , reverence Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.
अभ्यर्चन [ abhyarcana ] [ abhy-arcana ] n. worship , reverence Lit. Mn. ii , 176 ,
अभ्यर्चनीय [ abhyarcanīya ] [ abhy-arcanīya ] m. f. n. = [ abhy-arcya ] .
अभ्यर्चा [ abhyarcā ] [ abhy-arcā ] f. = [ abhy-arcana ] above Lit. L.
अभ्यर्चित [ abhyarcita ] [ abhy-arcita ] m. f. n. reverenced Lit. MBh. ii , 1390 ,
incorrectly for [ abhy-arthita ] Lit. MBh. v , 1532.
अभ्यर्च्य [ abhyarcya ] [ abhy-arcya ] m. f. n. to be reverenced Lit. VarBṛS.
अभ्यर्ण [ abhyarṇa ] [ abhy-arṇa ] m. f. n. ( fr. √ [ ṛ ] , or according to Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 25 fr. √ [ ard ] , in which case it should be written [ abhy-arṇṇa ] ) near , proximate Lit. Ragh. ii , 32 ,
[ abhyarṇa ] n. proximity Lit. Mālatīm.
अभ्यर्णता [ abhyarṇatā ] [ abhy-arṇa-tā ] f. proximity Lit. Kād.
अभ्यर्त् [ abhyart ] [ abhy-√ art ] (aor. Ā. 2. pl. [ -artiḍhvam ] ) ( ( Lit. NBD. ) ) incorrectly for [ abhy-√ arth ] Lit. PBr. ; cf. [ anvart ] ( [ anv-art ] ?) .
अभ्यर्थ् [ abhyarth ] [ abhy-√ arth ] Ā. ( Opt. 2. sg. [ -arthayethās ] ; rarely P. e.g. fut. [ -arthayiṣyati ] Lit. Kathās.) to request , ask for (acc. or dat. or loc. or in comp. with [ artham ] ) Lit. MBh. iii , 16990 , ; (see also [ abhy-√ art ] .)
अभ्यर्थन [ abhyarthana ] [ abhy-arthana ] n. asking , requesting
[ abhyarthanā ] generally ( [ ā ] ) f. id. Lit. Kum. i , 53 ,
अभ्यर्थनीय [ abhyarthanīya ] [ abhy-arthanīya ] m. f. n. to be requested or asked.
अभ्यर्थित [ abhyarthita ] [ abhy-arthita ] m. f. n. asked , invited Lit. Mn. ii , 189 ,
[ abhyarthita ] n. request Lit. Yājñ. ii , 88 ( cf. [ yathābhyarthitam ] .)
अभ्यर्थिन् [ abhyarthin ] [ abhy-arthin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) asking Lit. Kathās.
अभ्यर्थ्य [ abhyarthya ] [ abhy-arthya ]1 m. f. n. = [ abhy-arthanīya ] .
अभ्यर्थ्य [ abhyarthya ] [ abhy-arthya ]2 ind.p. asking , requesting Lit. Kathās.
अभ्यर्द् [ abhyard ] [ abhy-√ ard ] to oppress , afflict , pain Lit. R. : Caus. id. Lit. BhP.
अभ्यर्ण्ण [ abhyarṇṇa ] [ abhy-arṇṇa ] m. f. n. ( as [ ni-ṣaṇṇa ] fr. [ ni-ṣad ] ) . see [ abhy-arṇa ] .
अभ्यर्दित [ abhyardita ] [ abhy-ardita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) distressed , oppressed Lit. MBh. i , 4116 Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 25 Sch.
अभ्यर्ध [ abhyardha ] [ abhy-ardhá ] m. only ( [ é ] ) loc. ind. opposite to , in the face of (abl.) Lit. ŚBr.
[ abhyardham ] ind. beside, apart from (abl.), Lit. MaitrS.
अभ्यर्धयज्वन् [ abhyardhayajvan ] [ abhy-ardhá-yájvan ] (6) m. f. n. (said of Pūshan) receiving sacrifices apart or separate ones Lit. RV. vi , 50 , 5.
अभ्यर्धस् [ abhyardhas ] [ abhy-ardhas ] ind. apart , separate from (abl.) Lit. MaitrS. Lit. TS.
अभ्यर्ष् [ abhyarṣ ] [ abhy-√ arṣ ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -arṣā ] (most frequently in Lit. RV.) ; p. [ -árṣat ] ) to flow or run near (acc.) Lit. RV. ; to cause to flow near , afford Lit. RV. ; (aor. or plusq. [ -ānarṣat ] ) Lit. TĀr.
अभ्यर्हण [ abhyarhaṇa ] [ abhy-arhaṇa ] n. reverencing , honouring Lit. BhP.
अभ्यर्हणीयता [ abhyarhaṇīyatā ] [ abhy-arhaṇīya-tā ] f. honourableness Lit. Mn. ix , 23.
अभ्यर्हित [ abhyarhita ] [ abhy-arhita ] m. f. n. greatly honoured , venerable Lit. Kād. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 2-2 , 34 Comm.)
more honoured Lit. Kād.
more important than (abl.)
fit , proper , becoming Lit. L.
अभ्यलंकृत [ abhyalaṃkṛta ] [ abhy-alaṃkṛta ] m. f. n. decorated Lit. R. iii , 53 , 36.
अभ्यलंकार [ abhyalaṃkāra ] [ abhy-alaṃkāra ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) , decoration Lit. MBh. iii , 16166.
अभ्यल्प [ abhyalpa ] [ abhy-alpa ] m. f. n. very small Lit. AitBr.
अभ्यव् [ abhyav ] [ abhy-√ av ] (aor. [ -āvīt ] ) to refresh Lit. RV. ix , 97 , 35.
अभ्यवकर्षण [ abhyavakarṣaṇa ] [ abhy-avakarṣaṇa ] n. (√ [ kṛṣ ] ) , extraction , drawing out Lit. L.
अभ्यवकाश [ abhyavakāśa ] [ abhy-avakāśa ] m. (√ [ kāś ] ) , an open space. Lit. Kauś.
अभ्यवकॄ [ abhyavakṝ ] [ abhy-ava-√ kṝ ] (Pass. 3. pl. [ -kīryante ] ) to throw or cast on , pour on , cover Lit. R. Lit. Lalit.
अभ्यवकीर्ण [ abhyavakīrṇa ] [ abhy-ava-kīrṇa ] m. f. n. covered Lit. R.
अभ्यवक्रन्द् [ abhyavakrand ] [ abhy-ava-√ krand ] to call out towards (acc.) Lit. Kāṭh.
अभ्यवगाह् [ abhyavagāh ] [ abhy-ava-√ gāh ] Caus. to ride or walk (horses) into the ford Comm. on Lit. TBr.
to enter, Lit. Divyâv.
अभ्यवचर् [ abhyavacar ] [ abhy-ava-√ car ] (Subj. 3. pl. [ -cárān ] ) to approach , assail Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. ( Opt. [ -cārayet ] ) to send away Lit. MBh. xii , 3779.
अभ्यवज्वल् [ abhyavajval ] [ abhy-ava-√ jval ] Caus. [ -jvālayate ] , to enlighten , illumine Lit. GopBr.
अभ्यवतन् [ abhyavatan ] [ abhy-ava-√ tan ] [ -tanoti ] , to send out or spread ( as rays instr.) towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. : Pass. ( 3. pl. [ -tāyante ] ) to be sent out or spread (as rays) towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यवदा [ abhyavadā ] [ abhy-ava-√ dā:1 ]1 to place into (loc.) Lit. Car.
अभ्यवदा [ abhyavadā ] [ abhy-ava-√ dā:3 ]2 to cut off in addition to Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यवदान्य [ abhyavadānya ] [ abhy-ava-dānyá ] ( or [ -dā́nya ] ) m. f. n. depriving of (gen.) Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अभ्यवदुग्ध [ abhyavadugdha ] [ abhy-ava-dugdha ] m. f. n. that upon which milk has been milked Lit. Kauś.
अभ्यवधा [ abhyavadhā ] [ abhy-ava-√ dhā ] (perf. Pass. p. [ -hita ] ) to allay , lay (as dust) Lit. R. ii , 40 , 33.
अभ्यवनम् [ abhyavanam ] [ abhy-ava-√ nam ] Caus. (ind.p. [ -nāmya ] ) to bow , incline Lit. MBh. iii , 10062.
अभ्यवनिज् [ abhyavanij ] [ abhy-ava-√ nij ] P. [ -nenekti ] , to wipe or wash , clean Lit. Kauś. ; (aor. Ā. 1. sg. [ -nikṣi ] ) Lit. AV. x , 5 , 15: Caus. to cause to wash Lit. Kauś.
अभ्यवनी [ abhyavanī ] [ abhy-ava-√ nī ] to lead down (into water) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. ; (perf. [ -nināya ] ) to pour into or upon (acc.) Lit. AitBr. Lit. PBr.
अभ्यवपत् [ abhyavapat ] [ abhy-ava-√ pat ] to fly near Lit. AitBr.
अभ्यवपात [ abhyavapāta ] [ abhy-avapāta ] m. gravitation, Lit. Bcar. xii, 24.
अभ्यवमन् [ abhyavaman ] [ abhy-ava-√ man ]1 [ -manyate ] , to despise , reject Lit. Mn. iv , 249.
अभ्यवरुह् [ abhyavaruh ] [ abhy-ava-√ ruh ] to step down upon Lit. ŚBr. ; (perf. p. [ -rūḍhavat ] ) Lit. R. v , 52 , 15.
अभ्यववृत् [ abhyavavṛt ] [ abhy-ava-√ vṛt ] Ā. ( Opt. 3. pl [ -várteran ] ) to turn one's self away from (abl.) Lit. TBr. : Caus. P. to turn towards or to this side Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यवसृ [ abhyavasṛ ] [ abhy-ava-√ sṛ ] (ind.p. [ -sṛtya ] ) to retire from (abl.) towards (acc.) Lit. MBh. vii , 8479.
अभ्यवसृज् [ abhyavasṛj ] [ abhy-ava-√ sṛj ] ( 1. p. [ -sṛjāmi ] ) to dismiss towards (acc.) Lit. AV. xvi , 1 , 6 ; to dismiss (as rays) Lit. MBh. xii , 3295 ; to throw , shoot (as arrows) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.
अभ्यवस्कन्द् [ abhyavaskand ] [ abhy-ava-√ skand ] (ind.p. [ -skandya ] ) to jump down or into Lit. MBh. ; to meet , encounter Lit. MBh. iv , 1549. ( 76,2 )
अभ्यवस्कन्द [ abhyavaskanda ] [ abhy-avaskanda ] m. impetuous assault Lit. L.
judgment, Lit. L.
अभ्यवस्कन्दन [ abhyavaskandana ] [ abhy-avaskandana ] n. impetuous assault Lit. L.
अभ्यवस्थित [ abhyavasthita ] [ abhy-ava-sthita ] m. f. n. resisting ( with acc.) Lit. BhP.
अभ्यवस्यन्द् [ abhyavasyand ] [ abhy-ava-√ syand ] to drive (on a carriage) towards Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यवहृ [ abhyavahṛ ] [ abhy-ava-√ hṛ ] to throw down into water (acc. ; [ apáḥ ] or [ samudrám ] or [ hradám ] ) Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr. ( cf. [ abhy-ava-√ nī ] ) ; to bring near Lit. ŚBr. ; to take food , eat Lit. Suśr. Lit. Car. : Caus. to cause to throw down (into water) Lit. Lāṭy. ; to attack (as an enemy) Lit. MBh. iii , 16369 ; to take food , eat Lit. MBh. iii , 15905 ; to cause to eat Lit. Daś.
अभ्यवहरण [ abhyavaharaṇa ] [ abhy-avaháraṇa ] n. throwing away or down Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
taking food , eating Lit. Vishṇus. Comm. on Lit. Yājñ.
अभ्यवहार [ abhyavahāra ] [ abhy-avahāra ] m. taking food Lit. Mn. vi , 59 ,
food, Lit. R.
अभ्यवहृत [ abhyavahṛta ] [ abhy-avahṛta ] m. f. n. eaten, Lit. L.
अभ्यवहारिन् [ abhyavahārin ] [ abhy-avahārin ] see [ satṛṇābh ] .
अभ्यवहार्य [ abhyavahārya ] [ abhy-avahārya ] m. f. n. eatable Lit. R. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. and Comm.
[ abhyavahārya ] n. ( ( Lit. Vikr. ) ) or ( [ āṇi ] ) n. pl. ( ( Lit. MBh. ) ) food , eating.
अभ्यवास् [ abhyavās ] [ abhy-avās ] ( Preverb.:2 [ √ as ] ) , ( Opt. [ -avāsyet ] ) to throw upon (acc.) Lit. Kauś.
अभ्यवे [ abhyave ] [ abhy-ave ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , [ -avaiti ] to go down , descend (into water , as in bathing) Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ; (fut. 3. pl. [ -avaiṣyanti ] ) to condescend Lit. ŚBr. ; (impf. 3. pl. [ -avā́yan ] ) to perceive Lit. TS.
अभ्यवायन [ abhyavāyana ] [ abhy-avā́yana ] n. going down Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यवायिन् [ abhyavāyin ] [ abhy-avāyin ] m. f. n. going down, Lit. Āpast.
अभ्यवेक्ष् [ abhyavekṣ ] [ abhy-avekṣ ] ( Preverb. [ √ īkṣ ] ) , [ -avekṣate ] to look at or upon Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ii , 2686.
अभ्यश् [ abhyaś ] [ abhy-√ aś:1 ] [ -aśnoti ] , ( frequently Opt. or Prec. 1. sg. [ -aśyām ] , 3. sg. [ -aśyās ] ( Lit. RV. iv , 5 , 7 ) , 1. pl. [ -aśyāma ] ; aor. P. [ -ānaṭ ] and Ā. [ -ā́ṣṭa ] ; perf. 1. pl. [ -ānaśma ] , 3. pl. [ -ānaśúḥ ] ) to pervade , reach to , gain Lit. RV. ; (Subj. 1. du. [ -aśnávāva ] , 1. pl. [ -aśnávāma ] ) to overpower Lit. RV.
अभ्यशन [ abhyaśana ] [ abhy-aśana ] n. reaching to , gaining Lit. Nir.
अभ्याश [ abhyāśa ] [ abhy-āśa ] m. (also written :1. [ abhy-āsa ] ) reaching to , pervading Lit. Yājñ. iii , 114
( with [ yad ] and Pot.) prospect , any expected result or consequence Lit. ChUp.
proximity ( with gen. or abl.) Lit. R.
[ abhyāśa ] m. f. n. near Lit. Kum. vi , 2
[ abhyāśam ] ind. near , at hand Lit. AitBr. Lit. PBr.
[ abhyāśe ] ind. loc. near ( with gen. or abl.) Lit. R.
[ abhyāśāt ] ind. abl. in comp. with (a perf. Pass. p. , as) [ āgata ] , , arrived from near at hand , Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 39 Sch. & Lit. vi , 3 , 2 , Sch.
अभ्यास [ abhyāsa ] [ abhy-āsa ]1 m. (also written [ abhy-āśa ] ) reaching to , pervading Lit. Yājñ. iii , 114
अभ्याशीभू [ abhyāśībhū ] [ abhyāśī-√ bhū ] to come near to Lit. Pat.
अभ्याश्रावण [ abhyāśrāvaṇa ] [ abhy-āśrāvaṇa ] n. (in ritual) calling out or to, Lit. Vait.
अभ्यस् [ abhyas ] [ abhy-√ as:1 ]1 [ -ásti ] ( 1. pl. [ abhí ṣmas ] , but 3. pl. [ abhí sánti ] and pr. p. [ abhí sát ] ( according to Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 87 [ abhismas ] , but [ abhiṣanti ] and [ abhiṣat ] ) ; Subj. [ -asat ] , 1. pl. [ -ásāma ] , 3. pl. [ -ásan ] ; Pot. sg. [ -ṣyām ] , [ -ṣyās ] , [ -ṣyāt ] , 1. and 3. pl. [ -ṣyāma ] , [ -ṣyuḥ ] or [ -ṣyúḥ ] ; perf. 1. sg. [ -āsa ] ) to be over , reign over , excel , surpass , overpower Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to fall to one's share Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 91.
अभिष्टि [ abhiṣṭi ] [ abhi-ṣṭí ] see s.v.
अभ्यस् [ abhyas ] [ abhy-√ as:2 ]2 (ind.p. [ -asya ] ) to throw towards or upon Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. ; (p. gen. sg. [ -asyatas ] ) to throw (as arrows) Lit. MBh. i , 5479 ; to add , Lit. Śulb.: P. ( rarely Ā.) [ -asyati ] ( but also Pot. [ -aset ] Lit. Mn. ; p. [ -asat ] Lit. MBh. iii , 1450 Lit. R. Lit. Yājñ. iii , 204 : Ā. [ -asate ] Lit. Mn. iv , 149) to concentrate one's attention upon (acc.) , practise , exercise , study Lit. MBh. ; to repeat , double ; to multiply Lit. Sūryas. : Caus. to cause to practise or study , teach Comm. on Lit. Śiś. ix , 79.
अभ्यसनीय [ abhyasanīya ] [ abhy-asanīya ] m. f. n. to be practised Lit. Kathās.
to be studied
to be repeated
( in Gr.) to be reduplicated.
अभ्यसितव्य [ abhyasitavya ] [ abhy-asitavya ] m. f. n. to be practised Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
अभ्यस्त [ abhyasta ] [ abhy-asta ] m. f. n. accumulated by repeated practice (as food) Lit. Suśr.
practised , exercised Lit. Mṛicch.
learnt by heart , repeated , studied Lit. Ragh. i , 8 ,
multiplied Lit. Nir. Lit. Sūryas.
( in Gr.) reduplicated (as roots) Lit. Nir.
अभ्यास [ abhyāsa ] [ abhy-āsa ]2 m. the act of adding anything , Lit. Śulb.
( in Gr.) " what is prefixed " , the first syllable of a reduplicated radical Lit. Pāṇ.
reduplication Lit. Nir.
repetition Lit. Mn. xii , 74 ,
(in poetry) repetition of the last verse of a stanza ( ( Lit. Nir. ) ) or of the last word of a chapter ( Comm. on Lit. AitBr. )
(in arithm.) multiplication
repeated or permanent exercise , discipline , use , habit , custom ( Pagê7,1 )
repeated reading , study
military practice Lit. L.
(in later Vedānta phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or the same passage
(in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva) .
अभ्यासता [ abhyāsatā ] [ abhy-āsa-tā ] f. constant practice , use , habit.
अभ्यासनिमित्त [ abhyāsanimitta ] [ abhy-āsa-nimitta ] n. the cause of the reduplication-syllable Lit. Pāṇ. Comm.
अभ्यासपरिवर्तिन् [ abhyāsaparivartin ] [ abhy-āsa-parivartin ] ( for [ abhyāśa- ] ) m. f. n. wandering about or near Lit. N.
अभ्यासयोग [ abhyāsayoga ] [ abhy-āsa-yoga ] m. the practice of frequent and repeated meditation on any deity or on abstract spirit , repeated recollection.
अभ्यासवत् [ abhyāsavat ] [ abhy-āsa-vat ] m. (in Yoga phil.) " being in the condition called [ abhyāsa ] " i.e. a Yogin of the first degree.
अभ्यासव्यवाय [ abhyāsavyavāya ] [ abhy-āsa-vyavāya ] m. interval caused by the reduplication-syllable Lit. Pāṇ. Comm.
अभ्यासाकूपार [ abhyāsākūpāra ] [ abhyāsākūpāra ] n. " the sea of meditation " , N. of a verse of the Lit. SV.
अभ्यासिन् [ abhyāsin ] [ abhyāsin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) practising , repeating Lit. Gaut.
= [ abhyāsa-vat ] q.v. Lit. Sarvad.
अभ्यसूय [ abhyasūya ] [ abhy-asūya ] Nom. P. Ā. [ -asūyati ] , [ °te ] , to show indignation , be indignant at Lit. MBh.
अभ्यसूया [ abhyasūyā ] [ abhy-asūyā ] f. indignation , anger Lit. Megh.
envy , jealousy Lit. Kum. iii , 4 Lit. Ragh.
अभ्यस्तम् [ abhyastam ] [ abhy-ástam ] with √ [ i ] ( ( Pot. [ -iyāt ] Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. ) ) or √ 1. [ gā ] ( ( aor. [ -agāt ] Lit. ŚBr. ) ) , (said of the sun) to set upon anybody (acc.) who is not working or while anything (acc.) is not done or performed ( cf. [ abhi-ni-√ mruc ] .)
अभ्यस्तमय [ abhyastamaya ] [ abhy-astam-aya ] m. see [ anuddhṛtābh ] .
अभ्यस्तमित [ abhyastamita ] [ abhy-astam-ita ] m. f. n. one on whom while not (working or) being asleep the sun has set Lit. Gaut.
अभ्याकर्ष [ abhyākarṣa ] [ abhy-ākarṣa ] m. (√ [ kṛṣ ] ) , a striking of the flat of the hand upon the breast in defiance (a practice common to wrestlers and pugilists) Lit. MBh. i , 7109.
अभ्याकाङ्क्षित [ abhyākāṅkṣita ] [ abhy-ākāṅkṣita ] n. a groundless complaint , false accusation Lit. L.
अभ्याकारम् [ abhyākāram ] [ abhy-ā-kāram ]1 ind. (√ 1. [ kṛ ] ) , by or in drawing near to one's self Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚBr. (Kāṇva Rec.)
अभ्याकारम् [ abhyākāram ] [ abhy-ākāram ]2ind. (√ :1. [ kṝ ] ) sweeping together, Lit. ĀpŚr.
अभ्याक्रामम् [ abhyākrāmam ] [ abhy-ā-krā́mam ] ind. (√ [ kram ] ) , by or in stepping towards repeatedly Lit. AV. x , 7 , 42.
अभ्याक्रुश् [ abhyākruś ] [ abhy-ā-√ kruś ] (impf. 3. pl. [ -ākrośan ] ) to assail with harsh language , revile Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अभ्याख्या [ abhyākhyā ] [ abhy-ā-√ khyā ] ( Inf. [ -khyātum ] = [ mithyābhiyoktum ] ) to accuse falsely Comm. on Lit. Kir. xiii , 58.
अभ्याख्यात [ abhyākhyāta ] [ abhy-ākhyāta ] m. f. n. accused falsely , calumniated Lit. Kauś. Lit. TUp.
अभ्याख्यान [ abhyākhyāna ] [ abhy-ākhyāna ] n. a false or groundless accusation , calumny Lit. Buddh. Lit. Jain.
अभ्यागम् [ abhyāgam ] [ abhy-ā-√ gam ] (fut. p. neg. [ ánabhyāgamiṣyat ] Lit. ŚBr.) to come near to , approach , visit Lit. ŚBr. ; ( with [ cintām ] ) to happen to think Lit. R. iii , 4 , 20.
अभ्यागत [ abhyāgata ] [ abhy-āgata ] m. f. n. come , arrived Lit. MBh.
( with [ kramāt ] ) inherited Lit. Yājñ. ii , 119
[ abhyāgata ] m. ( opposed to [ atithi ] ) an uninvited guest Lit. BhP.
a guest in general Lit. Hit.
अभ्यागम [ abhyāgama ] [ abhy-āgama ] m. approaching , arrival , visit , visitation Lit. Ragh.
arriving at or enjoying a result Lit. Nyāyad.
neighbourhood Lit. L.
rising (to receive a guest) Lit. L.
war , battle Lit. L.
encountering , striking , killing Lit. L.
enmity Lit. L.
अभ्यागमन [ abhyāgamana ] [ abhy-ā-gamana ] m. f. n. arrival , visit Lit. R. i , 8 , 24 Lit. Kir. ( cf. [ kalābh ] .)
अभ्यागामिन् [ abhyāgāmin ] [ abhy-āgāmin ] m. f. n. approaching, Lit. Ked.
अभ्यागा [ abhyāgā ] [ abhy-ā-√ gā:1 ] (aor. [ abhy-ā́gāt ] ) to approach , come to (acc.) Lit. RV. i , 164 , 27 Lit. MBh. ; (gen.) Lit. BhP. ; (said of evil) to visit Lit. MBh. iii , 1120 ; to begin to (Inf.) Lit. Mn. x , 108.
अभ्यागारम् [ abhyāgāram ] [ abhy-ā-gāram ] ind. (√ 1. [ gṝ ] ) , so as to call or shout to each other (at the different steps of a dance) i.e. repeating separately , Lit. KaushBr. (see also [ abhi-ni-nartam ] )
cf. [ -apa-gāram ] .
अभ्यागारे [ abhyāgāre ] [ abhy-āgāre ] ind. loc. in the house Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
v.l. [ abhy-ācāre ] ( ( Lit. PārGṛ. ) ) and [ abhy-ācare ] ( ( Lit. MānGṛ. ) ) , " in the reach or compass. "
अभ्यागारिक [ abhyāgārika ] [ abhy-āgārika ] m. f. n. diligent in supporting a family Lit. L.
अभ्याघात [ abhyāghāta ] [ abhy-āghāta ] m. (√ [ han ] ) , assault , attack Lit. Mn. ix , 272
interruption Comm. on Lit. PBr.
अभ्याघातिन् [ abhyāghātin ] [ abhy-āghātin ] m. f. n. attacking Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 142.
अभ्याघात्य [ abhyāghātya ] [ abhy-āghātya ] m. f. n. recited with interruption Lit. PBr.
अभ्याघारम् [ abhyāghāram ] [ abhy-ā-ghāram ] see [ punar-abh ] .
अभ्याचक्ष् [ abhyācakṣ ] [ abhy-ā-√ cakṣ ] (impf. [ -ācaṣṭa ] ) to look at (acc.) Lit. BhP. ; to speak Lit. BhP.
अभ्याचर् [ abhyācar ] [ abhy-ā-√ car ] (pr. p. acc. pl. f. [ abhy-ā́-cárantīs ] ) to approach ( with acc.) Lit. RV. viii , 96 , 15 ; to undertake , practise Lit. MBh. xii , 9719.
अभ्याचरे [ abhyācare ] [ abhy-ācare ] loc. ind. see [ abhy-āgāre ] .
अभ्याचार [ abhyācāra ] [ abhy-ācārá ] m. approaching (as an enemy) , assault Lit. AV. x , 3 , 2
mishap , an accident , Lit. KaushBr.
[ abhyācāre ] ind. see [ abhy.āgāre ] .
अभ्याज् [ abhyāj ] [ abhy-āj ] ( Preverb. [ √ aj ] ) , ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -āja ] ) to drive near Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 8 Sch.
अभ्याज्ञाय [ abhyājñāya ] [ abhy-ā-jñāyá ] m. order , command Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यातन् [ abhyātan ] [ abhy-ā-√ tan ] Ā. (impf. 3. pl. [ -ā́tanvata ] ) to take aim at , shoot Lit. TS.
अभ्यातान [ abhyātāna ] [ abhy-ātāná ] m. pl. " aiming at " , N. of certain war-songs Lit. TS. Lit. Kauś.
अभ्यातानत्व [ abhyātānatva ] [ abhy-ātāná-tvá ] n. the state of those war-songs Lit. TS.
अभ्यातप् [ abhyātap ] [ abhy-ā-√ tap ] ( 3. pl. [ -tapanti ] ) to torment , pain Lit. RV. vii , 83 , 5.
अभ्यातॄ [ abhyātṝ ] [ abhy-ā-√ tṝ ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -tara ] ) to come up to (acc.) Lit. RV. viii , 75 , 15.
अभ्यात्मम् [ abhyātmam ] [ abhy-ātmám ] ind. , Ved. towards one's self Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यात्मतरम् [ abhyātmataram ] [ abhyātma-taram ] ind. more towards one's self Lit. ĀśvŚr.
अभ्यात्माग्र [ abhyātmāgra ] [ abhyātmāgra ] m. f. n. having the points turned towards one's self , Lit. ĀŚvGṛ.
अभ्यादा [ abhyādā ] [ abhy-ā-√ dā:1 ] Ā. ( rarely P. Lit. Hariv.) to seize , snatch away , (Pot. [ -dadīta ] ) Lit. MBh. i , 3558=xii , 10999=xiii , 4985 : Ā. to put on (as a wreath) Lit. Hariv. ; ( with [ vākyam ] ) to take up the word , commence to speak Lit. MBh. v , 3384.
अभ्यात्त [ abhyātta ] [ abhy-ā-tta ] m. f. n. encompassing Lit. ChUp.
अभ्यादान [ abhyādāna ] [ abhy-ādāna ] n. beginning Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 87.
अभ्यादाव्य [ abhyādāvya ] [ abhy-ā-dāvyá ] m. (√ 2. [ du ] ) , N. of the non-sacrificial fire which in coming close to the sacrificial one blazes up together with it Lit. MaitrS.
अभ्यादिश् [ abhyādiś ] [ abhy-ā-√ diś ] (Intens. p. [ -dédiśāna ] ) to aim at (in hostile manner) Lit. RV. vi , 44 , 17.
अभ्याद्रु [ abhyādru ] [ abhy-ā-√ dru:2 ] (perf. [ -dudrāva ] ) to run towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्याधा [ abhyādhā ] [ abhy-ā-√ dhā ] chiefly Ved. to lay on (fuel , ) Lit. VS. , ; to place the fire upon Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्याधान [ abhyādhāna ] [ abhy-ādhā́na ] n. laying on (fuel) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś.
अभ्याहित [ abhyāhita ] [ abhy-ā́hita ] m. f. n. laid on (as fuel) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ChUp.
अभ्याहितपशु [ abhyāhitapaśu ] [ abhy-ā́hita-paśu ] m. a present or duty (usual in some districts of India) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 10 Sch.
(v.l. [ abhyarhitapaśu ] .)
अभ्याहिताग्नि [ abhyāhitāgni ] [ abhy-āhitāgni ] m. f. n. (a house) containing a sacred fire, Lit. MānGṛ.
अभ्यानन [ abhyānana ] [ abhy-ānana ] m. f. n. having the face turned towards Lit. BhP.
अभ्यानन्द्य [ abhyānandya ] [ abhyā-nandya ] ind. having thanked and praised, Lit. Divyâv.
अभ्यानी [ abhyānī ] [ abhy-ā-√ nī ] (ind.p. [ -nīya ] ) to pour into , mix with Lit. AitBr.
अभ्यानृत् [ abhyānṛt ] [ abhy-ā-√ nṛt ] (pr. p. [ -nṛ́tyat ] ) to dance towards , hasten near Lit. TBr.
अभ्यान्त [ abhyānta ] [ abhy-ānta ] = [ abhy-amita ] q.v.
अभ्याप् [ abhyāp ] [ abhy-√ āp ] [ -āpnóti ] , to reach to , get , obtain Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ -āpáyati ] , to bring to an end Lit. ŚBr. : Desid. P. [ abhīpsati ] ( rarely Ā. Lit. MBh. v , 17) , to strive to reach , ask for , desire Lit. MBh.
अभीप्सत् [ abhīpsat ] [ abhīpsat ] m. f. ( [ atī ] Lit. MBh. i , 6469 Lit. R. ; [ antī ] Lit. Mn. v , 156) n. (pr.p.) longing for , desiring.
अभीप्सित [ abhīpsita ] [ abhīpsita ] m. f. n. desired , acceptable , dear.
अभीप्सिन् [ abhīpsin ] [ abhīpsin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) = [ abhīpsat ] Lit. KaṭhUp.
अभ्याप्ति [ abhyāpti ] [ abhy-āpti ] f. obtaining Lit. AitĀr.
अभ्यापत् [ abhyāpat ] [ abhy-ā-√ pat ] to jump on , hasten near to , rush towards (acc. without or with [ prati ] ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās. : Caus. to extend (a string) towards (acc.) , Lit. Śulb.
अभ्यापात [ abhyāpāta ] [ abhy-āpāta ] m. calamity , misfortune Lit. L.
अभ्यापद् [ abhyāpad ] [ abhy-ā-√ pad ] (Pot. [ -padyeta ] ) to enter into , come to (acc.) Lit. ĀśvGṛ.
अभ्यापादम् [ abhyāpādam ] [ abhy-ā-pādam ] ind. so as to enter into or pass through (acc.) Lit. Nir. vii , 26.
अभ्याभू [ abhyābhū ] [ abhy-ā-√ bhū ] (Pot. [ -bhávet ] ) to happen to , occur to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
अभ्यामर्द [ abhyāmarda ] [ abhy-āmarda ] m. war , battle Lit. L.
अभ्याम्नाय [ abhyāmnāya ] [ abhy-āmnāya ] m. mentioning, mention, Lit. Nir.
अभ्यायम् [ abhyāyam ] [ abhy-ā-√ yam ] P. ( 3. pl. [ -yacchanti ] ) to lengthen (as a syllable in speaking) Lit. AitBr. ; to draw or pull (as the udder in sucking) Lit. Kāṭh. : Ā. ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -yacchasva ] ) to assume ( " to grant " Comm.) Lit. VS. iii , 38 : P. (Subj. 3. pl. [ -yaman ] ; ind.p. [ -yátya ] ) to aim at Lit. RV. viii , 92 , 31 Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. ; for [ abhy-ā-√ gam ] , Lit. KaushBr.
अभ्यायंसेन्य [ abhyāyaṃsenya ] [ abhy-ā-yaṃsénya ] m. f. n. (said of the Aśvins) one who allows himself to be drawn near (for accepting the sacrificial oblation) Lit. RV. i , 34 , 1.
अभ्याया [ abhyāyā ] [ abhy-ā-√ yā ] to come up to , approach Lit. MBh.
अभ्यायु [ abhyāyu ] [ abhy-ā-√ yu:2 ] Ā. ( 3. pl. [ -yuvate ] ) to strive towards (acc.) Lit. AitBr.
अभ्यायुक [ abhyāyuka ] [ abhy-āyuka ] see 2. [ abhī ] .
अभ्यारभ् [ abhyārabh ] [ abhy-ā-√ rabh ] Ā. to lay hold of (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. : P. (impf. [ -ārabhat ] ) to commence Lit. MBh. iii , 10724.
अभ्यारम्भ [ abhyārambha ] [ abhy-ārambhá ] m. beginning Lit. ŚBr.
rebeginning , repetition Lit. PBr.
अभ्यारम् [ abhyāram ] [ abhy-ā́ram ] ind. ( cf. [ ārá ] ) near , at hand Lit. RV. viii , 72 , 11.
अभ्यारुह् [ abhyāruh ] [ abhy-ā-√ ruh ] [ -ā́-rohati ] , to ascend , mount , step upon Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. (Subj. 1. sg. [ -roháyāṇi ] ) to cause to ascend Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्यारूढ [ abhyārūḍha ] [ abhy-ā́rūḍha ] m. f. n. ascended Lit. TS. ( cf. [ án- ] neg.)
very fortunate, Lit. L.
अभ्यारोह [ abhyāroha ] [ abhy-ārohá ] m. ascending Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ ánneg ] .)
increase , growth (as of days) Lit. ŚBr.
" ascending in devotion " , praying Lit. ŚBr. xiv.
अभ्यारोहणीय [ abhyārohaṇīya ] [ abhy-ārohaṇīya ] m. N. of a sacrificial ceremony Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Lāṭy.
अभ्यारोहुक [ abhyārohuka ] [ abhy-āróhuka ] m. f. n. ascending Lit. MaitrS.
अभ्यारोह्य [ abhyārohya ] [ abhy-ārohya ] see [ an- ] neg.
अभ्यावध् [ abhyāvadh ] [ abhy-ā-√ vadh ] (aor. [ -āvadhīt ] ) to strike Lit. R. i , 45 , 17 (v.l.)
अभ्यावह् [ abhyāvah ] [ abhy-ā-√ vah ] ( 3. pl Imper. [ -vahantu ] and impf. [ -avahan ] ) to convey , bring towards (acc.) Lit. RV. i , 51 , 10 , 134 , 1 and vi , 63 , 7.
अभ्याविश् [ abhyāviś ] [ abhy-ā-√ viś ] (impf. [ -āviśat ] ) to rush into (acc.) Lit. MBh. vii , 5812 ; P. Ā. to enter into , penetrate Lit. MBh.
अभ्यावृत् [ abhyāvṛt ] [ abhy-ā-√ vṛt ] [ -vártate ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -vavṛtsva ] ; P. impf. 3. sg. [ -āvart ] ( Lit. RV. vii , 59 , 4 ) ) to roll (as a cart) towards , come up to or towards (acc.) , approach Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. : Caus. (Ved.) [ -vavartati ] id. Lit. RV. x , 64 , 1 ; [ -vartayati ] , to repeat Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
अभ्यावर्तम् [ abhyāvartam ] [ abhy-ā-vártam ] ind. so as to repeat , repeatedly Lit. ŚBr. Lit. PBr.
अभ्यावर्तिन् [ abhyāvartin ] [ abhy-āvartin ] m. f. n. coming near , coming repeatedly Lit. VS. (voc.) Lit. Kauś. ( 1315,2 )
returning (as days) Lit. AitBr. ( [ an- ] neg.)
[ abhyāvartin ] m. N. of a king (son of Cāyamāna and descendant of Pṛithu) Lit. RV. vi , 27 , 5 and 8.
अभ्यावृत्त [ abhyāvṛtta ] [ abhy-ā́vṛtta ] m. f. n. come near , approached Lit. VS. viii , 58
( with acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
turned towards Lit. KātyŚr.
अभ्यावृत्ति [ abhyāvṛtti ] [ abhy-āvṛtti ] f. repetition Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Jaim.
अभ्यावृत्य [ abhyāvṛtya ] [ abhy-ā-vṛtya ] ind.p. turning one's self towards (acc.) Lit. MBh. v , 4128.
अभ्यास [ abhyāsa ] [ abhy-āsa ] see ( [ abhy- ] √ 1. [ aś ] and) 2. [ abhy- ] √ 2. [ as ] .
अभ्यासक्त [ abhyāsakta ] [ abhy-ā-sakta ] m. f. n. (√ [ sañj ] ) , closely linked together (as days by beginning a day with the same ceremony which has been performed at the end of the preceding day) Lit. ĀśvŚr. Comm. on Lit. PBr.
अभ्यासङ्ग्य [ abhyāsaṅgya ] [ abhy-āsaṅgya ] m. f. n. to be closely linked together (as days ; see before) Lit. PBr. Lit. Vait.
[ abhyāsaṅgya ] m. N. of a Pañcāha Lit. PBr. Lit. ĀpŚr.
अभ्यासद् [ abhyāsad ] [ abhy-ā-√ sad ] ( Ved. Inf. [ -sádam ] ) to sit down into (acc.) Lit. RV. ix , 3 , 1 and 30 , 4 ; to attain , obtain Lit. Kir. v , 52.
अभ्यासादन [ abhyāsādana ] [ abhy-āsādana ] n. attacking an enemy Lit. L.
अभ्यासादयितव्य [ abhyāsādayitavya ] [ abhy-āsādayitavya ] m. f. n. to be allowed to approach Lit. MBh. iii , 17101.
अभ्यासारिणी [ abhyāsāriṇī ] [ abhy-āsāriṇī ] f. = [ abhi ] - [ s ] °, Lit. Kāṭh.
अभ्यासिच् [ abhyāsic ] [ abhy-ā-√ sic ] to pour on Lit. Gobh. Lit. Suśr.
अभ्याहन् [ abhyāhan ] [ abhy-ā-√ han ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -jahí ] ; perf. Ā. [ -jaghne ] ) to strike , wound Lit. RV. ix , 85 , 2 Lit. MBh. Lit. ChUp. ; to impede ( Inf. [ -hanitum ] ) Lit. Hariv.
अभ्याहत [ abhyāhata ] [ abhy-āhata ] m. f. n. struck , wounded Lit. MBh.
seized by , afflicted with Lit. MBh.
impeded Lit. Bhaṭṭ. , ( [ an- ] neg.) Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. MārkP.
अभ्याहनन [ abhyāhanana ] [ abhy-āhanana ] n. impeding , interruption Comm. on Lit. PBr.
अभ्याहित [ abhyāhita ] [ abhy-ā́hita ] see [ abhy-ā-√ dhā ] .
अभ्याहृ [ abhyāhṛ ] [ abhy-ā-√ hṛ ] to bring near , hand over Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to carry off Lit. R. ed. Bomb. i , 61 , 7.
अभ्याहार [ abhyāhāra ] [ abhy-āhā́ra ] m. bringing near Lit. ŚBr.
carrying off , robbery Lit. L.
अभ्याह्वे [ abhyāhve ] [ abhy-ā-√ hve ] [ -hváyate ] , to address (with the [ āhāva ] formula) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. ; (pr. p. [ -hvayat ] ) to shout at , challenge , attack Lit. PBr.
अभ्युक्त [ abhyukta ] [ abhy-ukta ] m. f. n. declared or uttered (as a verse) with reference to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Up.
अभ्युक्ष् [ abhyukṣ ] [ abhy-√ ukṣ:1 ] P. [ -ukṣáti ] , (ind.p. [ -ukṣya ] ) to sprinkle over , besprinkle Lit. ŚBr. and c.: Ā. (perf. [ -vavakṣe ] ) to cover with sparks Lit. RV. i , 146 , 2.
अभ्युक्षण [ abhyukṣaṇa ] [ abhy-ukṣaṇa ] n. sprinkling over , wetting Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Ragh. xvi , 57.
अभ्युक्षित [ abhyukṣita ] [ abhy-ukṣita ] m. f. n. besprinkled Lit. R. Lit. Mṛicch.
अभ्युच् [ abhyuc ] [ abhy-√ uc ] [ -ucyati ] , to like , take pleasure in visiting Lit. TS.
अभ्युचित [ abhyucita ] [ abhy-ucita ] m. f. n. usual , customary Lit. R.
अभ्युच्चर् [ abhyuccar ] [ abhy-uc-√ car ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -carā ] ) to rise over (acc.) Lit. RV. viii , 25 , 21.
अभ्युच्चि [ abhyucci ] [ abhy-uc-√ ci:1 ] to bring together in one place Comm. on Lit. Bād. ; to treat (a subject) in connection with (another) Lit. ib.
अभ्युच्चय [ abhyuccaya ] [ abhy-uccaya ] m. increase Lit. Nir. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
अभ्युच्चित [ abhyuccita ] [ abhy-uccita ] m. f. n. increased Comm. on Lit. Nir.
अभ्युच्छ्रय [ abhyucchraya ] [ abhy-ucchraya ] m. (√ [ śri ] ) , " elevation " , in comp. with
अभ्युच्छ्रयवत् [ abhyucchrayavat ] [ abhy-ucchraya-vat ] m. f. n. having a great elevation , being higher than (abl.) Lit. MBh. iii , 11699.
अभ्युच्छ्रित [ abhyucchrita ] [ abhy-úcchrita ] m. f. n. raised aloft , elevated Lit. ŚBr.
prominent Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Ragh. ix , 62
excellent through (instr.) Lit. Ragh. xvi , 2.
अभ्युच्छ्रितकर [ abhyucchritakara ] [ abhy-úcchrita-kara ] m. f. n. with uplifted proboscis Lit. MBh. iii , 15735.
अभ्युज्जयिनि [ abhyujjayini ] [ abhy-ujjayini ] ind. towards Ujjayinī, Lit. Kathās.
अभ्युज्जि [ abhyujji ] [ abhy-uj-√ ji ] to obtain by conquering Lit. GopBr.
अभ्युज्जीव् [ abhyujjīv ] [ abhy-uj-√ jīv ] [ -jīvati ] , to preserve life Lit. MBh. v , 4538.
अभ्युज्ज्वल् [ abhyujjval ] [ abhy-uj-√ jval ] Caus. - [ jvalayati ] , to inflame, Lit. BaudhP.
अभ्युत्क्रम् [ abhyutkram ] [ abhy-ut-√ kram ] to go upto , ascend Lit. Vait. : P. (fut. 1. pl. [ -kramiṣyāmas ] Lit. ŚBr.) and Caus. P. [ -kramayati ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) or [ -krāmayati ] ( ( Lit. ĀśvGṛ. ) ) to cause to go or step towards (loc.)
अभ्युत्क्रुश् [ abhyutkruś ] [ abhy-ut-√ kruś ] (Subj. 1. pl. [ -krośāma ] ) to raise loud acclamations towards (acc.) Lit. AitBr.
अभ्युत्क्रुष्ट [ abhyutkruṣṭa ] [ abhy-utkruṣṭa ] m. f. n. applauded with loud acclamations Lit. AitBr. ( [ an- ] neg.)
अभ्युत्क्रोशन [ abhyutkrośana ] [ abhy-utkrośana ] n. loud acclamation Lit. Sāy. on Lit. AitBr.
अभ्युत्क्रोशनमन्त्र [ abhyutkrośanamantra ] [ abhy-utkrośana-mantra ] m. a hymn of applause (with which Indra is addressed) Lit. ib.
अभ्युत्तॄ [ abhyuttṝ ] [ abhy-ut-√ tṝ ] ( 3. pl. [ -út-taranti ] ) to cross Lit. ŚBr. ; ( 1. pl. [ -tarema ] ) to cross over towards , penetrate to (acc.) Lit. RV. x , 53 , 8.
अभ्युत्था [ abhyutthā ] [ abhy-ut-thā ] ( Preverb. [ √ sthā ] ) , (impf. [ -údatiṣṭhat ] ; perf. [ -út-tasthau ] ) to rise for going towards (acc.) Lit. AV. xv , 8 , 5 Lit. ŚBr. ; to rise from a seat to do any one (acc.) honour Lit. Śāk. ; ( with [ ātithya-karma ] ) id. Lit. MBh. viii , 634 ; to rise in rebellion Lit. MārkP. ; to leave off , desist from (abl.) Comm. on Lit. ChUp.
अभ्युत्थान [ abhyutthāna ] [ abhy-utthāna ] n. rising from a seat through politeness Lit. Pañcat.
rising , setting out Lit. R.
rebellion Lit. Hariv.
elevation , gaining a high position , gaining authority , respectability Lit. Bhag. Lit. Ragh.
(said of destiny) gaining efficacy , power Lit. MBh. xiii , 343
rise , origin , birth Lit. MBh. xii.
अभ्युत्थायिन् [ abhyutthāyin ] [ abhy-utthāyin ] m. f. n. rising from a seat to do any one honour Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr. ( [ an- ] neg.)
अभ्युत्थित [ abhyutthita ] [ abhy-utthita ] m. f. n. risen Lit. R.
risen from the seat to do any one (acc.) honour Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
appeared , visible Lit. Ragh. i , 53 ,
risen for doing anything , making one's self ready for (acc.) Lit. Nir.
(Inf.) Lit. MBh. xii , 4130
ready Lit. Hariv. Lit. BhP.
अभ्युत्थिति [ abhyutthiti ] [ abhy-utthiti ] f. rising from a seat, Lit. Naish.
अभ्युत्थेय [ abhyuttheya ] [ abhy-uttheya ] m. f. n. to be greeted reverentially (i.e. by rising from one's seat) Comm. on Lit. KātyŚr.
अभ्युत्पत् [ abhyutpat ] [ abhy-ut-√ pat ] (p. [ -patat ] ; perf. [ -papāta ] ) to fly or jump or rush up to (acc.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kathās. : Caus. [ -út-pātayati ] , to cause to fly up to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्युत्पतन [ abhyutpatana ] [ abhy-utpatana ] n. springing or leaping against any one Lit. Ragh. ii , 27.
अभ्युत्सद् [ abhyutsad ] [ abhy-ut-√ sad ] Caus. ( Ved. aor. [ -sādayām akaḥ ] ( [ akar ] , √ 1. [ kṛ ] ) ) to cause to set out towards (acc. ; for obtaining) Lit. MaitrS. ( quoted by Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 42) .
अभ्युत्सर्ज् [ abhyutsarj ] [ abhy-ut-√ sarj ] (Pot. [ -út-sarjet ] ) to rattle towards (acc.) Lit. TS.
अभ्युत्सह् [ abhyutsah ] [ abhy-ut-√ sah ] to be able to resist ( with acc.) Lit. MBh. vi , 2351 ; to feel competent , venture (with Inf.) Lit. MBh. iii , 13206 Lit. Ragh. v , 22.
अभ्युत्साह [ abhyutsāha ] [ abhy-utsāha ] m. energy, exertion, Lit. Buddh.
अभ्युत्सिच् [ abhyutsic ] [ abhy-ut-√ sic ] (ind.p. [ -sí cya ] ) to fill up by pouring Lit. ŚBr. ; to sprinkle with (instr. , [ adbhis ] ) Lit. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
अभ्युत्सृज् [ abhyutsṛj ] [ abhy-ut-√ sṛj ] to throw (as an arrow) towards (dat.) Lit. MBh. vii , 8852 : Desid. (p. [ -sisṛkṣat ] ) to be about to give up (as one's life) Lit. MBh. xii , 833.
अभ्युत्स्मि [ abhyutsmi ] [ abhy-ut-√ smi ] ( only p. [ -smayat ] ) to smile on (acc.) , smile Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.
अभ्युद् [ abhyud ] [ abhy-√ ud ] (p. [ -undát ] ; Imper. 2. pl. [ -unátta ] ( for [ unttá ] see Whitney's Gr. section 690 ) ) to wet , flow over Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
अभ्युदन् [ abhyudan ] [ abhy-ud-√ an ] [ -ániti ] , to breathe towards or upon (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्युदवसो [ abhyudavaso ] [ abhy-ud-ava-√ so ] [ -syati ] , to set out or go towards (acc.) Lit. AitBr.
अभ्युदाचारिन् [ abhyudācārin ] [ abhy-udācārin ] m. f. n. rising against (acc.), Lit. AitBr.
अभ्युदानी [ abhyudānī ] [ abhy-ud-ā-√ nī ] to lead up (out of water) Lit. MānŚr. Lit. MānGṛ. Lit. Gobh. ( cf. [ ud-ā√ nī ] ) ; to fetch out from Lit. MānŚr.
अभ्युदाहृ [ abhyudāhṛ ] [ abhy-ud-ā-√ hṛ ] to give an example in addition Lit. Āp.
अभ्युदाहरण [ abhyudāharaṇa ] [ abhy-udāharaṇa ] n. an example or illustration of a thing by its reverse Lit. L.
अभ्युदि [ abhyudi ] [ abhy-ud-√ i ] ( 2. sg. [ -eṣi ] ; Imper. 2. sg. [ -úd-ihi ] ; Pot. [ -iyāt ] ( Lit. ŚBr. ) , [ -īyāt ] ( Lit. MBh. iii , 2010 and 10272 ) ; fut. [ -ud-ayiṣyati ] Lit. MBh. iv , 688) , (said of the sun) to rise over (acc.) , rise Lit. RV. viii , 93 , 1 Lit. AV. ; to engage in combat with (acc.) Lit. MBh. (Pot. [ -īyāt ] see before) ; to finish off at (acc.) Lit. PBr.
अभ्युदय [ abhyudaya ] [ abhy-udaya ] m. sunrise or rise of luminaries (during or with reference to some other occurrence) Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Jaim.
beginning , commencing (as of darkness , ) Lit. R.
elevation , increase , prosperity , happiness , good result Lit. Mn. iii , 254 Lit. R.
a religious celebration , festival Lit. Mn. ix , 84.
अभ्युदयावह [ abhyudayāvaha ] [ abhy-udayāvaha ] m. bringing prosperity, Lit. Bcar.
अभ्युदयेष्टि [ abhyudayeṣṭi ] [ abhyudayeṣṭi ] f. N. of an expiatory sacrifice Lit. Jaim. ( cf. [ abhyuditeṣṭi ] .)
अभ्युदयिन् [ abhyudayin ] [ abhy-udayin ] m. f. n. rising Lit. Rājat.
अभ्युदित [ abhyudita ] [ abhy-udita ]1 m. f. n. risen (as the sun or luminaries) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Mn. iv , 104
one over whom (while sleeping) the sun has risen Lit. Mn. ii , 221 Comm. on Lit. TS.
engaged in combat Lit. MBh. iii , 15362
arisen , happened
elevated , prosperous
[ abhyudita ] n. (said of the sun or the moon) rising (during some other occurrence) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
[ abhyuditā ] f. N. of the ceremony ( to be performed at the [ abhyúdita ] ) , Lit. KaushBr.
अभ्युदितशायिता [ abhyuditaśāyitā ] [ abhy-udita-śāyi-tā ] f. the state of lying asleep while the sun has risen Lit. MBh. xiii , 5093.
अभ्युदितेष्टि [ abhyuditeṣṭi ] [ abhyuditeṣṭi ] f. = [ abhyudayeṣṭi ] , Lit. KaushBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अभ्युदित [ abhyudita ] [ abhy-udita ]2 m. f. n. (√ [ vad ] ) , expressed (in words) , Lit. KenaUp. ( [ an- ] neg.)
see [ abhi-√ vad ] .
अभ्युदीक्ष् [ abhyudīkṣ ] [ abhy-ud-√ īkṣ ] Ā. (impf. [ -aikṣata ] ) to look towards (acc.) Lit. R.
अभ्युदीर् [ abhyudīr ] [ abhy-ud-√ īr ] Caus. (p. [ -īrayat ] ) to raise (one's voice) Lit. MBh. i , 2570 : Pass. [ -īryate ] , to be stirred up , be intensified Lit. Suśr.
अभ्युदीरित [ abhyudīrita ] [ abhy-udīrita ] m. f. n. " raised (as the voice) , said "
[ abhyudīrite ] ind. loc. after it had been said by (instr.) Lit. Kathās.
अभ्युदूह् [ abhyudūh ] [ abhy-ud-√ ūh:1 ] (impf. [ auhat ] ) to move or push farther out Lit. AitBr.
अभ्युदे [ abhyude ] [ abhy-ud-e ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , (ind.p. [ -étya ] ) to go out in order to meet any one (acc.) Lit. AV. xv , 11 , 2 and 12 , 2.
अभ्युद्ग [ abhyudga ] [ abhy-udga ] m. f. n. fr. √ [ ubj ] Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. Śivasūtra 5 and viii , 3 , 38.
अभ्युद्गत [ abhyudgata ] [ abhy-ud-gata ] m. f. n. risen (as the moon)
one who has gone out in order to meet any one (acc.) Lit. MBh. i , 3572
extended (as fame) Lit. R. Lit. Lalit.
अभ्युद्गतराज [ abhyudgatarāja ] [ abhy-ud-gata-rāja ] m. N. of a Kalpa Lit. Buddh.
अभ्युद्गति [ abhyudgati ] [ abhy-udgati ] f. going to meet, Lit. Daś.
अभ्युद्गम [ abhyudgama ] [ abhy-udgama ] m. rising from a seat to honour any one Lit. Kathās.
अभ्युद्गमन [ abhyudgamana ] [ abhy-udgamana ] n. id. Lit. L.
अभ्युद्गा [ abhyudgā ] [ abhy-ud-√ gā:1 ] (aor. 2. sg. [ -ágās ] , 3. sg. [ -úd-agāt ] ) to rise over or during (acc.) Lit. RV. viii , 93 , 4 Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्युद्दिश् [ abhyuddiś ] [ abhy-ud-√ diś ] to point at anything above with reference to Lit. MānGṛ.
अभ्युद्दृष्ट [ abhyuddṛṣṭa ] [ abhy-ud-dṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. having become visible (as the moon) during anything Lit. KātyŚr.
[ án- ] (neg.) , one during the sacrifice of whom the moon has not become visible Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
[ abhyuddṛṣṭa ] f. N. of a ceremony , Lit. KaushBr.
अभ्युद्दृष्टेष्टि [ abhyuddṛṣṭeṣṭi ] [ abhy-uddṛṣṭeṣṭi ] f. N. of a ceremony (beginning only after the moon has become visible) , Lit. KaushBr. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.
अभ्युद्द्रु [ abhyuddru ] [ abhy-ud-√ dru:2 ] [ -drávati ] , to run up to (acc.) Lit. TBr.
अभ्युद्द्रवण [ abhyuddravaṇa ] [ abhy-uddravaṇa ] n. running forth, Lit. TBr., Sch.
अभ्युद्धा [ abhyuddhā ] [ abhy-ud-dhā ] ( Preverb.:2 [ √ hā ] ) Ā. ( 3. pl. [ -ujjihate ] ) to rise together with Lit. ChUp.
अभ्युद्धृ [ abhyuddhṛ ] [ abhy-ud-dhṛ ] ( Preverb. [ √ hṛ ] ) , Ved. to take out (especially one fire in order to add it to another) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. ; to take or draw out , draw (as water) Lit. MBh. ; to take up , lift up Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh. xii , 12322 ; to re-obtain Lit. Yājñ. ii , 119 ; to elevate , render prosperous Lit. MBh. Lit. Sāh. : Caus. (ind.p. [ -uddhārya ] ) to raise , lift up Lit. MBh. iii , 13326.
अभ्युद्धरण [ abhyuddharaṇa ] [ abhy-uddharaṇa ] n. ( Lit. MBh.)
अभ्युद्धार [ abhyuddhāra ] [ abhy-uddhāra ] m. ( Lit. Divyâv.) rescuing, deliverance.
अभ्युद्धृत [ abhyuddhṛta ] [ abhy-uddhṛta ] m. f. n. taken up ,
drawn (as water) Lit. Yājñ. i , 17
collected (for a purpose) Lit. Mṛicch.
अभ्युद्यत [ abhyudyata ] [ abhy-ud-yata ] m. f. n. (√ [ yam ] ) , raised , lifted up Lit. MBh.
offered Lit. Mn. iv , 247 seq.
prepared for , engaged in , ready for ( Inf. ( Lit. Hariv. ) or dat. ( Lit. VarBṛS. ) or loc. ( Lit. Mn. ix , 302 ) or in comp. ( Lit. Megh. ) )
( for [ abhy-udgata ] ) , received kindly , welcomed Lit. BhP.
अभ्युन्नत [ abhyunnata ] [ abhy-unnata ] m. f. n. (√ [ nam ] ) , raised , elevated Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Śāk.
अभ्युन्नी [ abhyunnī ] [ abhy-un-√ nī ] to pour upon , scoop towards Lit. ŚBr. Lit. PBr. Lit. Lāṭy.
अभ्युन्मोदनीय [ abhyunmodanīya ] [ abhy-unmodanīya ] m. f. n. to be assented to or aquiesced in, Lit. Col.
अभ्युपगम् [ abhyupagam ] [ abhy-upa-√ gam ] to go near to , approach , arrive at (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to obtain ; to assent , agree to Lit. Daś. : Caus. (ind.p. [ -gamayya ] ) to prevail on any one to assent Lit. Daś. (see also [ abhy-upagamita ] ) .
अभ्युपगत [ abhyupagata ] [ abhy-upagata ] m. f. n. gone near to , approached , arrived at
agreed , assented to , admitted Lit. MBh. Lit. Śāk.
अभ्युपगन्तव्य [ abhyupagantavya ] [ abhy-upagantavya ] m. f. n. to be gone to or set out for (dat.) Lit. MBh. xiv , 327
to be assented to or agreed upon Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 55 Lit. Kāś.
to be admitted Comm. on Lit. Bād. and on Lit. Nyāyam.
अभ्युपगन्तृ [ abhyupagantṛ ] [ abhy-upagantṛ ] m. f. n. one who assents or admits Comm. on Lit. ChUp.
अभ्युपगम [ abhyupagama ] [ abhy-upagama ] m. going near to , approaching , arriving at Lit. L.
an agreement , contract Lit. Mn. ix , 53
assenting to , admitting Lit. Sāh.
(as a statement) Comm. on Lit. Bād.
अभ्युपगमसिद्धान्त [ abhyupagamasiddhānta ] [ abhy-upagama-siddhānta ] m. an admitted axiom Lit. Nyāyad.
अभ्युपगमित [ abhyupagamita ] [ abhy-upagamita ] m. f. n. " made to consent " , obtained by assent or free consent (as a slave for a fixed term) Comm. on Lit. Yājñ.
अभ्युपधा [ abhyupadhā ] [ abhy-upa-√ dhā ] [ -úpa-dadhāti ] , to place upon Lit. TS. ; to cover with (instr.) Lit. ŚBr. : P. Ā. ( 3. pl. [ -úpa-dadhati ] , Subj. 1. pl. [ -dádhāmahai ] ) to place upon (the fire) in addition or together with Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्युपनिवृत् [ abhyupanivṛt ] [ abhy-upa-ni-√ vṛt ] to return , be repeated , Lit. KaushBr.
अभ्युपपद् [ abhyupapad ] [ abhy-upa-√ pad ] Ā. [ -padyate ] , to approach in order to help Lit. MBh. ; to ask for help Lit. R. iii , 14 , 7 ; to furnish with Lit. MBh. ii , 187.
अभ्युपपत्ति [ abhyupapatti ] [ abhy-upapatti ] f. approaching in order to assist , protection , defence (ifc. ( Lit. Mn. Lit. Daś. ) or with gen. ( Lit. MBh. i , 112 ) )
favour , the conferring of a benefit or kindness
agreement , assent Comm. on Lit. Nyāyad.
impregnation of a woman (especially of a brother's widow , as an act of duty) Lit. L.
(also) confession of faith, Lit. Divyâv.
अभ्युपपत्तृ [ abhyupapattṛ ] [ abhy-upapattṛ ] m. one who approaches to help, Lit. Car.
अभ्युपपन्न [ abhyupapanna ] [ abhy-upapanna ] m. f. n. protected , rescued
asking for protection or help Lit. Mṛicch.
agreed to , admitted
agreeing to.
अभ्युपपादन [ abhyupapādana ] [ abhy-upapādana ] n. coming to aid, Lit. Daś.
अभ्युपमन्त्र् [ abhyupamantr ] [ abhy-upa-√ mantr ] (impf. [ -mantrayat ] ) to address with a formula Lit. MBh. viii , 4720.
अभ्युपया [ abhyupayā ] [ abhy-upa-√ yā ] to approach , go towards (acc. or dat.) Lit. MBh. vii , 1967 Lit. R. ; ( with [ śamam ] ) to enter the state of rest Lit. MārkP.
अभ्युपयुक्त [ abhyupayukta ] [ abhy-upayukta ] m. f. n. (√ [ yuj ] ) , employed , used Comm. on Lit. Pat.
अभ्युपलक्ष् [ abhyupalakṣ ] [ abhy-upa-√ lakṣ ] (perf. Pass. p. [ -lakṣita ] ) to perceive , notice Lit. R. v , 28 , 11.
अभ्युपविश् [ abhyupaviś ] [ abhy-upa-√ viś ] to sit down upon (acc.) Lit. MBh. v , 3244 Lit. Gobh. (v.l. [ adhy-upa-√ viś ] ) ; to sit down Lit. Rājat.
अभ्युपशान्त [ abhyupaśānta ] [ abhy-upa-śānta ] m. f. n. (√ [ śam ] ) , allayed , calmed.
अभ्युपसद् [ abhyupasad ] [ abhy-upa-√ sad ] Caus. (ind.p. [ -sādya ] ) to reach (as a town) .
अभ्युपसृ [ abhyupasṛ ] [ abhy-upa-√ sṛ ] to come near Lit. R.
अभ्युपसेव् [ abhyupasev ] [ abhy-upa-√ sev ] [ -sevate ] , to observe religiously Lit. MBh. iii , 13432.
अभ्युपस्था [ abhyupasthā ] [ abhy-upa-√ sthā ] to honour Lit. BhP. : Caus. to cause to bring near Lit. R. iv , 38 , 28.
अभ्युपस्थित [ abhyupasthita ] [ abhy-upa-sthita ] m. f. n. come , arrived Lit. Kathās.
attended or accompanied by (instr.) Lit. MBh. iii , 16132.
अभ्युपाकृ [ abhyupākṛ ] [ abhy-upā-√ kṛ:1 ] to prepare or make preparations ( for a sacred action see [ upā- ] √ 1. [ kṛ ] ) with reference to (acc.) or in connection with (acc.) Lit. MaitrS. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. KātyŚr.
अभ्युपाकृष् [ abhyupākṛṣ ] [ abhy-upā-√ kṛṣ ] to draw towards one's self Lit. BhP.
अभ्युपागत [ abhyupāgata ] [ abhy-upā-gata ] m. f. n. come near , approached Lit. Lalit.
( with [ vyasanāya ] , said of a sad fate) Lit. R.
अभ्युपादा [ abhyupādā ] [ abhy-upā-√ dā:1 ] (ind.p. [ -dāya ] ) to pick up (as fruits from the ground) Lit. MBh. xii , 672.
अभ्युपाया [ abhyupāyā ] [ abhy-upā-√ yā ] to come up to , approach Lit. Kathās.
अभ्युपावहृ [ abhyupāvahṛ ] [ abhy-upāva-√ hṛ ] [ -upā́va-hara-ti ] , to bring or set down upon (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. ; to lower ( as one's arms , [ bāhū́ ] ) Lit. VS. x , 25 Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्युपावृत् [ abhyupāvṛt ] [ abhy-upā-√ vṛt ] [ -upā́-vartate ] ( also P. aor. Subj. 1. and 3. sg. [ -upā́-vṛtam ] , [ -upā́-vṛtat ] ) to turn one's self or go towards (acc.) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.
अभ्युपावृत्त [ abhyupāvṛtta ] [ abhy-upā́-vṛtta ] m. f. n. turned or gone towards (acc.) Lit. ŚBr.
returned Lit. R.
अभ्युपाहृ [ abhyupāhṛ ] [ abhy-upā-√ hṛ ] (impf. [ -upāharat ] , which might also be [ -upāharat ] fr. [ abhy-upa-√ hṛ ] ) to bring near , offer Lit. MBh. xv , 11.
अभ्युपे [ abhyupe ] [ abhy-upe ]1 ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , [ -upaiti ] ( 3. pl. [ -úpayanti ] ) to go near , approach , arrive at , enter Lit. RV. vi , 28 , 4 Lit. ŚBr. ; ( with [ apaḥ ] ) to bathe Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn. xi , 259 Lit. Yājñ. ; to approach (in copulation) Lit. Hit. ; to go to meet any one (acc.) Lit. BhP. ; to enter a state or condition , obtain , share Lit. AitBr. ( Ved. Inf. [ -upaitos ] ) Lit. MBh. ; to admit as an argument or a position Lit. RPrāt. (perf. p. gen. pl. [ -upeyuṣām ] ) Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam. and on Lit. Bād. ; to select as (acc.) Lit. MBh. i , 811 ; to agree with , approve of Lit. Daś. (see [ abhy-upeta ] ) : Pass. [ -upeyate ] to be approved of , admitted Lit. Sarvad.
अभ्युपाय [ abhyupāya ] [ abhy-upāya ] m. an agreement , promise , engagement , Lit. Āp.
a means , an expedient Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn. xi , 210 ,
अभ्युपायन [ abhyupāyana ] [ abhy-upāyana ] n. a complimentary gift , an inducement Lit. BhP.
अभ्युपेत [ abhyupeta ] [ abhy-upeta ] m. f. n. approached , arrived at (acc.) Lit. MBh. i , 3592 Lit. Ragh. v , 14
( with [ gṛham ] ) staying in a house Lit. VarBṛS.
furnished with ( in comp. ( Lit. VarBṛS. ) or instr.)
agreed upon , assented to Lit. Daś.
promised Lit. Megh.
अभ्युपेतव्य [ abhyupetavya ] [ abhy-upetavya ] m. f. n. to be admitted or assented to Comm. on Lit. Nyāyam.
अभ्युपेत्य [ abhyupetya ] [ abhy-upetya ] ind.p. having arrived at (acc.)
having entered Lit. Nir.
having assented or agreed to.
अभ्युपेत्याशुश्रूषा [ abhyupetyāśuśrūṣā ] [ abhyupetyāśuśrūṣā ] f. breach of a contracted service , a title of law treating of disputes between the master and a servant who has broken his agreement Comm. on Lit. Yājñ. ii , 182 seqq.
अभ्युपेयिवस् [ abhyupeyivas ] [ abhy-upeyivas ] m. f. n. (perf. p.) having approached , arrived at (acc.) Lit. R. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.
having admitted Lit. RPrāt. (see 1. [ abhy-upe ] ) .
अभ्युपे [ abhyupe ] [ abhy-upe ]2 ( [ -upā ] √ [ i ] ) , ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -upaihi ] ) to approach ( for refuge , [ śaraṇam ] ) Lit. R. vi , 9 , 39.
अभ्युपेक्ष् [ abhyupekṣ ] [ abhy-upekṣ ] ( Preverb. [ √ īkṣ ] ) , (perf. p. [ -upekṣitavat ] ) to overlook , allow Lit. MBh. xvi , 160.
अभ्युल्लसत् [ abhyullasat ] [ abhy-ullasat ] m. f. n. (√ [ las ] ) , gleaming , flashing Lit. Śiś. v , 2.
अभ्युष् [ abhyuṣ ] [ abhy-√ uṣ ] (impf. 3. pl. [ -uṣṇán ] ; Ved. Inf. [ -uṣas ] ) to burn , consume by fire Lit. RV. ix , 97 , 39 Lit. Kāṭh.
अभ्युष [ abhyuṣa ] [ abhy-uṣa ] m. a kind of cake of grain (half dressed , slightly scorched , or parched so as to be eaten from the hand) , (g. [ apūpādi ] q.v.)
अभ्यूष [ abhyūṣa ] [ abhy-ūṣa ] m. a kind of cake of grain (half dressed , slightly scorched , or parched so as to be eaten from the hand) , (g. [ apūpādi ] q.v.)
अभ्योष [ abhyoṣa ] [ abhy-oṣa ] m. a kind of cake of grain (half dressed , slightly scorched , or parched so as to be eaten from the hand) , (g. [ apūpādi ] q.v.)
अभ्युषीय [ abhyuṣīya ] [ abhyuṣīya ] m. f. n. consisting of , or belonging to , or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain , (g. [ apūpādi ] , q.v.)
अभ्यूषीय [ abhyūṣīya ] [ abhyūṣīya ] m. f. n. consisting of , or belonging to , or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain , (g. [ apūpādi ] , q.v.)
अभ्युष्य [ abhyuṣya ] [ abhyuṣya ] m. f. n. consisting of , or belonging to , or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain , (g. [ apūpādi ] , q.v.)
अभ्यूष्य [ abhyūṣya ] [ abhyūṣya ] m. f. n. consisting of , or belonging to , or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain , (g. [ apūpādi ] , q.v.)
अभ्योषीय [ abhyoṣīya ] [ abhy-oṣīya ] m. f. n. consisting of , or belonging to , or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain , (g. [ apūpādi ] , q.v.)
अभ्योष्य [ abhyoṣya ] [ abhy-oṣya ] m. f. n. consisting of , or belonging to , or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain , (g. [ apūpādi ] , q.v.)
अभ्युष्टमिश्र [ abhyuṣṭamiśra ] [ abhy-uṣṭa-miśrá ] m. f. n. partly burnt Lit. ŚBr.
अभ्युषित [ abhyuṣita ] [ abhy-uṣita ] m. f. n. (√ 5. [ vas ] ) , having dwelt , having passed the night with Lit. R. iii , 17 , 2.
अभ्यूढि [ abhyūḍhi ] [ abhy-ū́ḍhi ] see [ abhi-√ vah ] .
अभ्यूर्णु [ abhyūrṇu ] [ abhy-√ ūrṇu ] [ abhy-ū́rṇoti ] ( Imper. 2. sg. [ -ūrṇuhi ] ) to cover , conceal Lit. RV. viii , 79 , 2 and x , 18 , 11 Lit. AV. : Ā. [ -ūrṇuté ] (p. f. [ -urṇvānā́ ] ) to cover or conceal one's self Lit. AV. xiv , 1 , 27 Lit. RV. v , 41 , 19.
अभ्यूष [ abhyūṣa ] [ abhy-ūṣa ] see [ abhy-uṣa ] .
अभ्यूषखादिका [ abhyūṣakhādikā ] [ abhy-ūṣa-khādikā ] f. " eating of [ abhyūṣa ] -grains " , N. of a play Lit. Vātsyāy.
अभ्यूह् [ abhyūh ] [ abhy-√ ūh:1 ]1 to cover with (instr.) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. KātyŚr.
अभ्यूह् [ abhyūh ] [ abhy-√ ūh:2 ]2 Ā. aor. [ -auhiṣṭa ] , (p. [ -óhasāna ] ) to watch for , lie in ambush for (acc.) Lit. RV. vi , 17 , 8 and 9 : P. [ -ūhati ] , to infer , guess Lit. Nir.
अभ्यूढ [ abhyūḍha ] [ abhy-ūḍha ] m. f. n. concluded , inferred Lit. Nir.
अभ्यूह [ abhyūha ] [ abhy-ūha ] m. reasoning , deduction , inference , conjecture Lit. Nir. Lit. Mālatīm.
अभ्यूहितव्य [ abhyūhitavya ] [ abhy-ūhitavya ] m. f. n. to be inferred Lit. Nir.
अभ्यूह्य [ abhyūhya ] [ abhy-ūhya ]1 m. f. n. id. Lit. L.
अभ्यूह्य [ abhyūhya ] [ abhy-ūhya ]2 ind.p. having deduced by reasoning , having inferred Lit. Suśr. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 23 Lit. Kāś.
अभ्यृ [ abhyṛ ] [ abhy-√ ṛ ] [ -ṛṇoti ] (perf. 3. pl. [ abhy-ā́ruḥ ] ) to run towards , reach Lit. RV. i , 35 , 9 and iii , 1 , 4.
अभ्यर्ण [ abhyarṇa ] [ abhy-arṇa ] see s.v. , p. 76 , col. 1.
अभ्यृछ् [ abhyṛch ] [ abhy-√ ṛch ] [ -archati ] , to come to , visit or afflict with Lit. MBh. iii , 11875 ; (impf. [ -ārchat ] ) to strive against (acc.) , strive to overpower Lit. MBh. iii , 11726.
अभ्यृञ्ज् [ abhyṛñj ] [ abhy-√ ṛñj ] Ā. [ -ṛjyate ] (P. pr. p. [ -ṛ́jyat ] ) to stretch out the hand for , hasten towards (acc.) Lit. RV. i , 140 , 2 and vi , 37 , 3.
अभ्यृष् [ abhyṛṣ ] [ abhy-√ ṛṣ ] see [ abhy-√ arṣ ] .
अभ्ये [ abhye ] [ abhy-e ] ( Preverb. [ √ i ] ) , [ -ā́yati ] ( ( Lit. RV. viii , 55 , 1 ) ) or [ -aí ti ] ( ( Lit. VS. ) ) , to go near , come to , approach Lit. RV.
अभ्येत्य [ abhyetya ] [ abhy-etya ] ind.p. having approached , N. Lit. Pañcat.
अभ्येषण [ abhyeṣaṇa ] [ abhy-eṣaṇa ] see [ abhīṣ ] .
अभ्र् [ abhr ] [ abhr ] Root cl. [1] P. [ abhrati ] (perf. [ ānabhra ] ) to err or wander about Lit. Bhaṭṭ.