Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
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व्यञ्ज् [ vyañj ] [ vy-√ añj ] P. Ā. [ -anakti ] , [ -aṅkte ] , (Ā.) to anoint thoroughly Lit. RV. ; to decorate , adorn , beautify Lit. ib. ; (P. Ā.) to cause to appear , manifest , display Lit. RV. : Pass. [ -ajyate ] , to be manifested or expressed Lit. RV. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Pañcat. : Caus. [ -añjayati ] , to cause to appear , make clearly visible or manifest Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

 व्यक्त [ vyakta ] [ vy-ákta ] m. f. n. adorned , embellished , beautiful Lit. RV.

  caused to appear , manifested , apparent , visible , evident ( [ am ] , ind. apparently , evidently , certainly) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  developed , evolved (see below)

  distinct , intelligible (see [ -vāc ] )

  perceptible by the senses (opp. to [ a-vyakta ] , transcendental) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  specified , distinguished Lit. L.

  specific , individual Lit. L.

  hot Lit. L.

  wise , learned Lit. Lalit.

  [ vyakta ] m. heat Lit. L.

  a learned man Lit. L.

  an initiated monk Lit. Śīl.

  " the manifested One " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

  of one of the 11 Gaṇâdhipas (with Jainas)

  n. (in Sāṃkhya) " the developed or evolved " ( as the product of [ a-vyakta ] q.v.) , Lit. Sāṃkhyak. ( cf. Lit. IW. 82)

  [ vyaktam ] ind. , see [ vyakta ] , apparently , evidently , certainly

  व्यक्तकृत्य [ vyaktakṛtya ] [ vy-ákta--kṛtya ] n. a public action or deed Lit. Rājat.

  व्यक्तगणित [ vyaktagaṇita ] [ vy-ákta--gaṇita ] n. calculation with known numbers , arithmetic Lit. IW. 176 n. 3

  व्यक्तगन्धा [ vyaktagandhā ] [ vy-ákta--gandhā ] f. ( only Lit. L.) long pepper


   a species of Sanseviera

   Clitoria Ternatea

  व्यक्तता [ vyaktatā ] [ vy-ákta--tā ] f. distinctness , manifestation (instr. " clearly , distinctly " ; acc. with √ [ gam ] , " to appear " ) Lit. Up. Lit. Kathās.

  व्यक्तत्व [ vyaktatva ] [ vy-ákta--tva ] n. distinctness , manifestation (instr. " clearly , distinctly " ; acc. with √ [ gam ] , " to appear " ) Lit. Up. Lit. Kathās.

  व्यक्ततारक [ vyaktatāraka ] [ vy-ákta--tāraka ] m. f. n. having clear stars Lit. MW.

  व्यक्तदर्शन [ vyaktadarśana ] [ vy-ákta--darśana ] m. f. n. one who has attained to right knowledge Lit. R.

  व्यक्तदृष्टार्थ [ vyaktadṛṣṭārtha ] [ vy-ákta--dṛṣṭārtha ] m. f. n. perceiving or witnessing a transaction with one's own eyes , a witness Lit. L.

  व्यक्तभुज् [ vyaktabhuj ] [ vy-ákta--bhuj ] m. f. n. consuming all manifested or visible things (said of time) Lit. MW.

  व्यक्तमय [ vyaktamaya ] [ vy-ákta--maya ] m. f. n. relating to what is perceptible by the senses Lit. MBh.

  व्यक्तमारिचिक [ vyaktamāricika ] [ vy-ákta--māricika ] m. f. n. much peppered Lit. Car.

  व्यक्तरस [ vyaktarasa ] [ vy-ákta--rasa ] m. f. n. having a perceptible taste ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Suśr.

   व्यक्तरसता [ vyaktarasatā ] [ vy-ákta--rasa--tā ] f. , see [ vyaktarasa ]

  व्यक्तराशि [ vyaktarāśi ] [ vy-ákta--rāśi ] m. (in arithm.) known or absolute quantity

  व्यक्तरूप [ vyaktarūpa ] [ vy-ákta--rūpa ] m. " having a manifested form " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

  व्यक्तरूपिन् [ vyaktarūpin ] [ vy-ákta--rūpin ] m. f. n. having a discernible shape Lit. ib.

  व्यक्तरोमोद्गमत्व [ vyaktaromodgamatva ] [ vyakta-romodgama-tva ] n. , see [ romodgama ]

  व्यक्तलक्ष्मन् [ vyaktalakṣman ] [ vy-ákta--lakṣman ] m. f. n. having evident sings or marks , clearly characterized Lit. W.

  व्यक्तलवण [ vyaktalavaṇa ] [ vy-ákta--lavaṇa ] m. f. n. much salted Lit. Car.

  व्यक्तवाच् [ vyaktavāc ] [ vy-ákta--vāc ] f. a clear or distinct speech Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 48

  व्यक्तविक्रम [ vyaktavikrama ] [ vy-ákta--vikrama ] m. f. n. displaying valour Lit. MW.

  व्यक्तावधूत [ vyaktāvadhūta ] [ vy-áktāvadhūta ] m. f. n. one who has publicly shaken off worldly ties ( opp. to [ guptāv ] q.v.) Lit. W.

  व्यक्तोदित [ vyaktodita ] [ vy-áktodita ] m. f. n. spoken clearly or plainly Lit. MW.

 व्यक्तय [ vyaktaya ] [ vy-aktaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to manifest Lit. Dharmaś.

 व्यक्ति [ vyakti ] [ vy-akti ] f. visible appearance or manifestation , becoming evident or known or public (acc. with √ [ bhaj ] , [ ā-√ gam ] , and [ ā-√ yā ] , to appear , become manifest) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  specific appearance , distinctness , individuality Lit. ib.

  an individual ( opp. to [ jāti ] ) Lit. Bhag. Lit. VarBṛS.

  (in gram.) gender Lit. Pāṇ. 1-2 , 51

  case , inflection , the proper form of any inflected word Lit. W.

  a vowel (?) Lit. MW.

  व्यक्तिता [ vyaktitā ] [ vy-akti--tā ] f. distinctness , individuality , personality Lit. ib.

  व्यक्तित्व [ vyaktitva ] [ vy-akti--tva ] n. distinctness , individuality , personality Lit. ib.

  व्यक्तिविवेक [ vyaktiviveka ] [ vy-akti--viveka ] m. N. of wk.

 व्यक्ती [ vyaktī ] [ vyaktī ] in comp. for [ vy-akta ] .

  व्यक्तीकरण [ vyaktīkaraṇa ] [ vyaktī-karaṇa ] n. the act of making manifest or clear or distinct Lit. Dhātup. Lit. Jātakam.

  व्यक्तीकृ [ vyaktīkṛ ] [ vyaktī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make manifest or clear or distinct ( [ -kṛta ] mfn. made manifest or clear or distinct) Lit. Kathās.

  व्यक्तीभाव [ vyaktībhāva ] [ vyaktī-bhāva ] m. the becoming manifest or clear or distinct , Lit. Śaṃk.

  व्यक्तीभू [ vyaktībhū ] [ vyaktī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become manifest or clear or distinct ( [ -bhūta ] mfn. become manifest or clear or distinct) Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Rājat.

 व्यङ्ग [ vyaṅga ] [ vy-áṅga ]2 m. f. n. ( for 1. see col.1) spotted , speckled Lit. AV.

  [ vyaṅga ] m. freckles in the face Lit. Suśr.

  a blot , blemish , stain Lit. Hariv.

  a frog Lit. L.

  steel Lit. L.

 व्यङ्ग्य [ vyaṅgya ] [ vy-aṅgya ] m. f. n. that which is manifested or indicated or made perceptible Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Sāh.

  ( in rhet.) indicated by allusion or insinuation , implied , suggestive Lit. Kpr.

  व्यङ्ग्यार्थकौमुदी [ vyaṅgyārthakaumudī ] [ vy-aṅgyārtha-kaumudī ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यङ्ग्यार्थदीपिका [ vyaṅgyārthadīpikā ] [ vy-aṅgyārtha-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यङ्गार्थदीपिनी [ vyaṅgārthadīpinī ] [ vy-aṅgārtha-dīpinī ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यङ्ग्योक्ति [ vyaṅgyokti ] [ vy-aṅgyokti ] f. covert language or insinuation Lit. MW.

 व्यञ्जक [ vyañjaka ] [ vy-añjaka ] m. f. n. making clear , manifesting , indicating (gen. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. BhP.

  ( in rhet.) indicating by implication , suggesting ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pratāp.

  [ vyañjaka ] m. indication of passion or feeling Lit. Mālatīm.

  a sign , mark , symbol Lit. W.

  figurative expression or insinuation Lit. ib.

  व्यञ्जकत्व [ vyañjakatva ] [ vy-añjaka--tva ] n. , see [ vyañjaka ]

  व्यञ्जकार्थ [ vyañjakārtha ] [ vy-añjakārtha ] m. ( in rhet.) suggested or implied sense.

 व्यञ्जन [ vyañjana ] [ vy-áñjana ] m. f. n. manifesting , indicating Lit. Hariv. (v.l. [ vyañcana ] )

  [ vyañjana ] m. ( once for n. ; cf. below) a consonant Lit. VPrāt.

  m. Pandanus Odoratissimus Lit. L.

  = [ vāditra-karman ] Lit. L.

  [ vyañjanā ] f. ( in rhet.) implied indication , allusion , suggestion Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pratāp.

  [ vyañjana ] m. a figurative expression ( [ °nā-vṛtti ] f. figurative style) Lit. W.

  n. decoration , ornament Lit. RV. viii , 78 , 2

  manifestation , indication Lit. Suśr. Lit. Rājat.

  n. allusion , suggestion (= [ ā ] f.) , Sah. Lit. ĀśvŚr. Sch.

  n. figurative expression , irony , sarcasm Lit. W.

  specification Lit. Nir.

  a mark , badge , spot , sign , token Lit. ĀpŚr. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

  insignia , paraphernalia Lit. Kāv.

  symptom (of a disease) Lit. Cat.

  mark of sex or gender (as the beard , breasts ) , the private organs (male or female) Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. MBh.

  anything used in cooking or preparing food , seasoning , sauce , condiment Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  a consonant Lit. Prāt. Lit. ŚrS.

  a syllable Lit. VPrāt. ( cf. [ hīnavy ] )

  the letter (as opp. to [ artha ] , " meaning " ) Lit. Mahāvy.

  a limb , member , part Lit. L.

  a day Lit. L.

  n. purification of a sacrificial animal ( also m. and f ( [ ā ] ) .) Lit. L.

  n. a fan Lit. L. (w.r. for [ vyajana ] )

  व्यञ्जनावृत्ति [ vyañjanāvṛtti ] [ vy-áñjanā-vṛtti ] f. , see [ vyañjana ] , figurative style

  व्यञ्जनकार [ vyañjanakāra ] [ vy-áñjana--kāra ] m. the preparer of a sauce or condiment Lit. MBh.

  व्यञ्जनगुण [ vyañjanaguṇa ] [ vy-áñjana--guṇa ] m. (?) N. of wk. on condiments in cookery

  व्यञ्जनसंगम [ vyañjanasaṃgama ] [ vy-áñjana--saṃgama ] m. a collection or group of consonants Lit. MW.

  व्यञ्जनसंधि [ vyañjanasaṃdhi ] [ vy-áñjana--saṃdhi ] m. (in gram.) the junction of consonants Lit. ib. ,

  व्यञ्जनसंनिपात [ vyañjanasaṃnipāta ] [ vy-áñjana--saṃnipāta ] m. a falling together or conjunction of consonants Lit. ib.

  व्यञ्जनस्थाने [ vyañjanasthāne ] [ vy-áñjana--sthāne ] ind. in the place of sauce or seasoning Lit. ib.

  व्यञ्जनहारिका [ vyañjanahārikā ] [ vy-áñjana--hārikā ] f. N. of a female demon supposed to remove the hair of a woman's pudenda Lit. MārkP.

  व्यञ्जनोदय [ vyañjanodaya ] [ vy-áñjanodaya ] m. f. n. followed by a consonant Lit. MW.

  व्यञ्जनोपध [ vyañjanopadha ] [ vy-áñjanopadha ] m. f. n. preceded by a consonant Lit. ib.

  व्यञ्जनिक [ vyañjanika ] [ vy-áñjanika ] n. ( with [ svarāṇām ] ) N. of a Pariśishṭa of the Lit. VS.

 व्यञ्जिजिषु [ vyañjijiṣu ] [ vy-añjijiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid.) wishing to make clear or manifest Lit. W.

 व्यञ्जित [ vyañjita ] [ vy-añjita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) clearly manifested or made visible

  व्यञ्जितवृत्तिभेद [ vyañjitavṛttibheda ] [ vy-añjita--vṛtti-bheda ] m. f. n. having various actions manifested Lit. MW.

व्यड [ vyaḍa ] [ vyaḍa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Vop. ( cf. [ vyāḍi ] ) .

व्यडम्बक [ vyaḍambaka ] [ vyaḍambaka ] n. the castor oil plant , Ricinus Communis Lit. L.

व्यडम्बन [ vyaḍambana ] [ vyaḍambana ] n. the castor oil plant , Ricinus Communis Lit. L.

व्यड्ड [ vyaḍḍa ] [ vyaḍḍa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat. ( also [ -maṇḍala ] Lit. ib.)

व्यति [ vyati ] [ vy-áti ] m. ( Lit. fr. 3. vi and √ 2. [ at ] ; but not dissolved in Lit. Padap.) a horse Lit. RV.

व्यतिकृ [ vyatikṛ ] [ vy-ati-√ kṛ ] only Pass. [ -kriyate ] , to be greatly changed or moved Lit. BhP.

 व्यतिकर [ vyatikara ] [ vy-atikara ]1 m. f. n. acting reciprocally , reciprocal Lit. W.

  [ vyatikara ] m. reciprocity , reciprocal action or relation Lit. ib.

  contact , contiguity , union (ifc. = joined with , spreading through or over , pervading) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  (ifc.) taking to , accomplishing , performing Lit. Amar. Lit. Daś. Lit. Rājat.

  incident , opportunity Lit. Nalac.

  reverse , misfortune , calamity , accident , fatality Lit. Hcar. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kathās.

  destruction , end Lit. BhP.

  व्यतिकृत [ vyatikṛta ] [ vy-atikṛta ] m. f. n. pervaded Lit. MW.

व्यतिकॄ [ vyatikṝ ] [ vy-ati-√ kṝ ] Pass. [ -kīryate ] , to be mixed or blended together Lit. Śaṃk.

 व्यतिकर [ vyatikara ] [ vy-atikara ]2 m. mixing or blending together , mixture Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  a confusing (or striking) resemblance Lit. Jātakam.

  व्यतिकरवत् [ vyatikaravat ] [ vy-atikara--vat ]2 m. f. n. mixed , of contrary kind or nature Lit. Mcar.

 व्यतिकरित [ vyatikarita ] [ vy-atikarita ] m. f. n. mixed or joined with (instr. or comp.) Lit. Mcar. Lit. Mālatīm.

 व्यतिकीर्ण [ vyatikīrṇa ] [ vy-atikīrṇa ] m. f. n. scattered about in different directions Lit. MBh.

  mixed together , confused Lit. MW.

व्यतिक्रम् [ vyatikram ] [ vy-ati-√ kram ] P. Ā. [ -krāmati ] , [ -kramate ] (ind.p. [ -kramya ] ) , to go or pass by , step over or beyond (lit. and fig.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Pañcat. ; to pass away , elapse , be spent (as time) Lit. ib. Lit. BhP. ; to excel , surpass , conquer Lit. R. ; to neglect , omit , violate Lit. ib.

  व्यतिक्रम [ vyatikrama ] [ vy-atikrama ] m. going or passing by Lit. Suśr.

   gaining the start Lit. MBh.

   passing away , lapse (of time) Lit. R.

   leaping or passing over , avoiding , escaping , getting rid of (gen.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   overstepping , transgressing , neglect , violation , non-performance , disregard of (gen. or comp.) Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   violation of established order , transgression , crime , vice , fault , sin against (gen. or comp.) Lit. Āpast. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   inverted order , reverse , contrary Lit. Śrs. Lit. Daś.

  व्यतिक्रमण [ vyatikramaṇa ] [ vy-atikramaṇa ] n. (ifc.) committing a sin against , wronging Lit. Kauś.

  व्यतिक्रमिन् [ vyatikramin ] [ vy-atikramin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) sinning against , wronging Lit. Āpast.

   passing over , deviating , transgressing Lit. MW.

  व्यतिक्रान्त [ vyatikrānta ] [ vy-ati-krānta ] m. f. n. passed over

   reversed , inverted Lit. W.

   one who has wrongly taken to (acc.) Lit. MBh. xii , 6492

   [ vyatikrānta ] n. transgression , sin , fault Lit. R.

  व्यतिक्रान्ति [ vyatikrānti ] [ vy-ati-krānti ] f. (ifc.) committing a sin against , harming , wronging Lit. Sāh.

व्यतिक्षेप [ vyatikṣepa ] [ vy-ati-kṣepa ] m. ( [ kṣip ] ) mutual exchange or permutation Lit. Āpast.

mutual altercation , strife , contest Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ vy-adhi-kṣepa ] ) .

व्यतिगम् [ vyatigam ] [ vy-ati-√ gam ] P. [ -gacchati ] , to go against each other Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 15 Sch.

  व्यतिगत [ vyatigata ] [ vy-ati-gata ] m. f. n. passed by , elapsed (as time) Lit. MBh.

व्यतिगा [ vyatigā ] [ vy-ati-√ gā ] P. [ -jigāti ] ( only aor. [ vy-aty-agāt ] ) , to pass by Lit. Ragh.

व्यतिचर् [ vyaticar ] [ vy-ati-√ car ] ( only 1. sg. pr. Ā. [ -care ] ) , to transgress against , offend (acc.) Lit. R.

  व्यतिचार [ vyaticāra ] [ vy-ati-cāra ] see [ a-vyaticāra ] .

व्यतिचुम्बित [ vyaticumbita ] [ vy-ati-cumbita ] m. f. n. (√ [ cumb ] ) touched closely , in immediate contact with Lit. Naish.

व्यतिजल्प् [ vyatijalp ] [ vy-ati-√ jalp ] P. [ -jalpati ] , to chatter together , gossip Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 15 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.

व्यतिजि [ vyatiji ] [ vy-ati-√ ji ] ( only 3. sg. pf. Ā. [ -jigye ] ) , to conquer , surpass , excel Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

व्यतितन् [ vyatitan ] [ vy-ati-√ tan ] ( only 3. du. impf. Ā. [ vy-atanvāsām ] ) , to vie with each other in extending or spreading out Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

व्यतितॄ [ vyatitṝ ] [ vy-ati-√ tṝ ] ( only 3. sg. du. fut. P. [ -tariṣyati ] ) , to pass completely across , overcome Lit. Bhag.

व्यतिनी [ vyatinī ] [ vy-ati-√ nī ] P. [ -nayati ] , to let pass (time) Lit. ĀśvŚr.

व्यतिपठ् [ vyatipaṭh ] [ vy-ati-√ paṭh ] P. [ -paṭhati ] , to recite mutually Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 15 Vārtt. 1 , Pat.

व्यतिपाक [ vyatipāka ] [ vy-ati-pāka ] m. (√ [ pac ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 43 Vārtt. 1.

व्यतिपात [ vyatipāta ] [ vy-ati-pāta ] m. (√ [ pat ] ) N. of a partic. astronomical Yoga (when sun and moon are in the opposite Ayana and have the same declination , the sum of their longitudes being = 180 degrees) Lit. Var. Lit. Hcat. ( cf. [ vy-atī-pāsa ] )

  व्यतिपातजननशान्ति [ vyatipātajananaśānti ] [ vy-ati-pāta--janana-śānti ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यतिपातप्रकरण [ vyatipātaprakaraṇa ] [ vy-ati-pāta--prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यतिपातव्रतकल्प [ vyatipātavratakalpa ] [ vy-ati-pāta--vrata-kalpa ] m. N. of wk.

व्यतिभा [ vyatibhā ] [ vy-ati-√ bhā ] Ā. [ -bhāte ] (pf. [ -babhe ] ) , to shine forth fully or brightly ( used impers.) Lit. Viddh.

व्यतिभिन्न [ vyatibhinna ] [ vy-ati-bhinna ] m. f. n. (√ [ bhid ] ) inseparably joined or connected with Lit. Nyāyas. Sch.

 व्यतिभेद [ vyatibheda ] [ vy-atibheda ] m. bursting forth together or simultaneously Lit. Sāh.

  pervading , penetration Lit. Nyāyas.

व्यतिभू [ vyatibhū ] [ vy-ati-√ bhū ] Ā. [ -bhavate ] ( 3. sg. prec. [ -bhaviṣīṣṭa ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 88 Sch.) , to vie with any one (acc.) , contend for precedence or superiority Lit. Vop.

व्यतिमर्श [ vyatimarśa ] [ vy-ati-marśa ] m. (√ [ mṛś ] ) a partic. kind of Vihāra (mutual transposition of the several Pādas or half verses or whole verses of the first and second Vālakhilya hymns which are repeated in sets , two always taken together) Lit. MW.

  व्यतिमर्शम् [ vyatimarśam ] [ vy-ati-marśam ] ind. so as to encroach Lit. ĀśvŚr.

   so as to skip or take alternately Lit. MW.

व्यतिमिश्र [ vyatimiśra ] [ vy-ati-miśra ] m. f. n. mixed or confounded with one another Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.

व्यतिमूढ [ vyatimūḍha ] [ vy-ati-mūḍha ] m. f. n. (√ [ muh ] ) excessively perplexed or embarrassed , utterly distracted Lit. Hariv.

  व्यतिमोह [ vyatimoha ] [ vy-atimoha ] see [ á-vyatimoha ] .

व्यतिया [ vyatiyā ] [ vy-ati-√ yā ] P. [ -yāti ] , to go completely through , penetrate , pervade Lit. R. ; to pass by , flow on (as time) Lit. Hariv.

 व्यतियात [ vyatiyāta ] [ vy-atiyāta ] m. f. n. gone by , elapsed Lit. ib.

व्यतियु [ vyatiyu ] [ vy-ati-√ yu ] P. [ yauti ] ( only 2. du. pr. [ -yutas ] ) , to unite mutually , mix together , mingle Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

व्यतिरा [ vyatirā ] [ vy-ati-√ rā ] Ā. [ -rāte ] Lit. Siddh. ( [ vyaty-are ] Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 64 Sch.)

व्यतिरिच् [ vyatiric ] [ vy-ati-√ ric ] Pass. [ -ricyate ] , to reach far beyond , leave behind , surpass , excel (acc. or abl.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Ragh. ; to be separated from (abl.) Lit. BhP. ; to differ from Lit. ib. Lit. Śaṃk.

 व्यतिरिक्त [ vyatirikta ] [ vy-atirikta ] m. f. n. reaching beyond , excessive , immoderate (ifc. = abundantly furnished with) Lit. MBh.

  separate , different or distinct from , other than (abl. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  (ifc.) free from Lit. Sarvad.

  left remaining from Lit. Ragh. Sch. (v.l.)

  with drawn , withheld Lit. W.

  excepted Lit. ib.

  [ vyatiriktam ] ind. with the exception of , except , without (e. g. [ svara-v ] , " except the accent " ) Lit. MW.

  व्यतिरिक्तता [ vyatiriktatā ] [ vy-atirikta--tā ] f. distinction , difference. ( Lit. BhP.)

  व्यतिरिक्तत्व [ vyatiriktatva ] [ vy-atirikta--tva ] n. distinction , difference. ( Lit. Sarvad.)

  व्यतिरिक्तक [ vyatiriktaka ] [ vy-atiriktaka ] n. a partic. manner of flying Lit. MBh.

 व्यतिरेक [ vyatireka ] [ vy-atireka ] m. distinction , difference , separateness , separation , exclusion Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur. ( [ bhāvo vyatireka-tas ] , a separate or particular existence ; [ vīta-vyatireka ] , not separate or particular ; [ °keṇa ] ind. or [ °kāt ] ind. ( or [ vyatireka ] ibc. ) , with exception of , without)

  negation Lit. Kap.

  contrariety , contrast to (comp.) Lit. Kām. ( [ °ke ] ind. , on the contrary supposition)

  logical discontinuance ( opp. to [ anvaya ] q.v.) Lit. Bhāshāp.

  ( in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech (the contrasting of things compared in some respects with each other) Lit. Kāvyâd. Lit. Sāh. ; N. of wk.

  [ vyatireke ] ind. , see [ vyatireka ] , , on the contrary supposition

  [ vyatirekāt ] ind. , see [ vyatireka ] , with exception of , without

  [ vyatirekeṇa ] ind. , see [ vyatireka ] , with exception of , without

  व्यतिरेकतस् [ vyatirekatas ] [ vy-atireka--tas ] ind. see above

  व्यतिरेकव्याप्ति [ vyatirekavyāpti ] [ vy-atireka--vyāpti ] f. " pervasion of difference or dissimilitude " , a comprehensive argument derived from negation or non-existence of certain qualities Lit. MW.

  व्यतिरेकालंकार [ vyatirekālaṃkāra ] [ vy-atirekālaṃkāra ] m. the rhetorical figure called Vyatireka Lit. ib.

  व्यतिरेकावली [ vyatirekāvalī ] [ vy-atirekāvalī ] f. N. of wk.

 व्यतिरेकि [ vyatireki ] [ vy-atireki ] in comp. for [ vyatirekin ]

  व्यतिरेकिपूर्वपक्षरहस्य [ vyatirekipūrvapakṣarahasya ] [ vy-atireki--pūrva-pakṣa-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यतिरेकिरहस्य [ vyatirekirahasya ] [ vy-atireki--rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यतिरेकिलिङ्ग [ vyatirekiliṅga ] [ vy-atireki--liṅga ] n. an exclusive mark , negative property (excluding its subject from the class possessing the corresponding positive property) Lit. MW.

  व्यतिरेकिसिद्धान्तरहस्य [ vyatirekisiddhāntarahasya ] [ vy-atireki--siddhānta-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यतिरेक्युदाहरण [ vyatirekyudāharaṇa ] [ vy-atireky-udāharaṇa ] n. illustration by contrast or negation (of certain properties) Lit. W.

 व्यतिरेकिन् [ vyatirekin ] [ vy-atirekin ] m. f. n. distinguishing , excluding , excepting , negative Lit. Tarkas.

  different , reverse Lit. W.

 व्यतिरेचन [ vyatirecana ] [ vy-atirecana ] n. contrasting , pointing out a contrast or difference (in a comparison) Lit. Sāh.

व्यतिरुह् [ vyatiruh ] [ vy-ati-√ ruh ] P. [ -rohati ] , to grow Lit. MBh. ; to attain to ( another state acc.) Lit. ib.

 व्यतिरोपित [ vyatiropita ] [ vy-atiropita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) ejected , expelled , dispossessed Lit. ib.

व्यतिलङ्घिन् [ vyatilaṅghin ] [ vy-ati-laṅghin ] m. f. n. (√ [ laṅgh ] ) falling or slipping away Lit. Ragh.

व्यतिलू [ vyatilū ] [ vy-ati-√ lū ] Ā. [ -lunīte ] ( or P. [ -lunāti ] , if joined with [ itaretarasya ] , or [ anyo 'nyasya ] ) , to cut mutually Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 14 ; 16 Sch.

व्यतिवह् [ vyativah ] [ vy-ati-√ vah ] Ā. [ -vahate ] , to bear mutually or reciprocally Lit. Vop.

व्यतिविद्ध [ vyatividdha ] [ vy-ati-viddha ] m. f. n. (√ [ vyadh ] ) pierced , transfixed Lit. MBh. (B.)

put through , entwined Lit. Śiś.

व्यतिवृत् [ vyativṛt ] [ vy-ati-√ vṛt ] Ā. [ -vartate ] , to go over , pass through Lit. R. ; to escape , avoid Lit. MBh. ; to glide or pass away , elapse Lit. ib. Lit. R. Lit. Hariv. ; to depart from (abl.) , leave , quit , abandon Lit. R.

व्यतिव्रज् [ vyativraj ] [ vy-ati-√ vraj ] P. [ -vrajati ] , to go past Lit. Āpast. ; to stride over , overstep Lit. Pañcat. (v.l.)

व्यतिशङ्कित [ vyatiśaṅkita ] [ vy-ati-śaṅkita ] m. f. n. (√ [ śaṅk ] ) , " suspecting " or " suspected " ( in [ mithyā-v ] ) Lit. Hariv.

व्यतिशी [ vyatiśī ] [ vy-ati-√ śī ] Ā. [ -śete ] , to extend or pass beyond , surpass Lit. Kāṭh.

व्यतिशॄ [ vyatiśṝ ] [ vy-ati-√ śṝ ] P. [ -śīryate ] (pr.p. [ -śīryat ] ) , to burst into many pieces Lit. MBh.

व्यतिषञ्ज् [ vyatiṣañj ] [ vy-ati-ṣañj ] ( Preverb. [ √ sanj ] ) P. Ā. [ -ṣajati ] , [ °te ] , (P.) to join or unite in opposite places , connect mutually , intertwine Lit. TBr. Lit. Uttarar. ; to implicate , involve in (a game) Lit. Daś. ; (Ā.) to change Lit. MW. : Pass. [ -ṣajyate ] , to be mutually connected Lit. ib.

 व्यतिषक्त [ vyatiṣakta ] [ vy-atiṣakta ] m. f. n. mutually connected or joined or related , intertwined , mixed together Lit. TBr.

  intermarried , intermarrying Lit. MW.

 व्यतिषङ्ग [ vyatiṣaṅga ] [ vy-atiṣaṅga ] m. mutual connection , reciprocal junction or relation Lit. PañcavBr. Lit. KātyŚr.

  entanglement Lit. Śiś. v , 61

  hostile encounter Lit. MBh.

  exchange , barter Lit. BhP.

  absorption Lit. MW.

  व्यतिषङ्गवत् [ vyatiṣaṅgavat ] [ vy-atiṣaṅga--vat ] m. f. n. having mutual connection , connected , united , mixed Lit. ib.

 व्यतिषङ्गम् [ vyatiṣaṅgam ] [ vy-atiṣáṅgam ] ind. so as to join or connect mutually Lit. ŚBr.

  व्यतिषङ्गिन् [ vyatiṣaṅgin ] [ vy-atiṣáṅgin ] m. f. n. (ifc.) hanging or sitting on Lit. Śiś.

  व्यतिषज्य [ vyatiṣajya ] [ vy-atiṣajya ] ind. seizing each other by the hand Lit. PañcavBr.

 व्यतिषञ्जित [ vyatiṣañjita ] [ vy-atiṣañjita ] m. f. n. = [ vy-atiṣakta ] Lit. Śiś. Sch.

व्यतिषिक्त [ vyatiṣikta ] [ vy-atiṣikta ] m. f. n. separated, Lit. ĀpY.

व्यतिसंदह् [ vyatisaṃdah ] [ vy-ati-saṃ-√ dah ] P. [ -dahati ] , to burn up entirely Lit. ChUp.

व्यतिसृ [ vyatisṛ ] [ vy-ati-√ sṛ ] only ind.p. [ -sṛtya ] , prob. " in each case " , " on every occasion " Lit. MBh. xii , 4402 ( [ gurum anu-sṛtya ] Lit. Nīlak.) : Caus. [ -sārayati ] ( with [ kathām ] ) , to converse Lit. DivyA7v.

व्यतिसृप् [ vyatisṛp ] [ vy-ati-√ sṛp ] P. [ -sarpati ] ( Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 15) , to move to and fro , fly in every direction (as arrows) Lit. MBh.

व्यतिसेव् [ vyatisev ] [ vy-ati-√ sev ] Pass. [ -sevyate ] , to be well furnished or provided with (instr.) Lit. MBh. vii , 7297.

व्यतिहन् [ vyatihan ] [ vy-ati-√ han ] P. [ -hanti ] , to strike back or in return Lit. MBh. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to strike each other , fight together Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 15 : to kill together Lit. Pat.

व्यतिहस् [ vyatihas ] [ vy-ati-√ has ] P. [ -hasati ] , to laugh at each other Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 15 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.

व्यतिहिंस् [ vyatihiṃs ] [ vy-ati-√ hiṃs ] P. [ -hiṃsati ] , to hurt or injure each other Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 15 Sch.

व्यतिहृ [ vyatihṛ ] [ vy-ati-√ hṛ ] Ā. [ -harate ] ( Lit. Vop.) , to transpose mutually Lit. Gobh.

 व्यतिहार [ vyatihāra ] [ vy-atihāra ] m. interchange , alternation , reciprocity Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Vop.

  exchange , barter Lit. Kāṭh.

  exchange of blows or abuse Lit. W.

व्यती [ vyatī ] [ vy-atī ] ( Preverb. [ ati-√ i ] ) P. [ -atyeti ] , to pass away , elapse Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to take an irregular course Lit. PañcavBr. ; to depart or deviate or swerve from (abl.) Lit. R. Lit. Ragh. ; to go past or beyond or through (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to surpass , overcome , conquer Lit. MBh. ; to disregard , neglect Lit. Bhag.

 व्यतीत [ vyatīta ] [ vyatīta ] m. f. n. passed away , gone Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  departed , dead Lit. MBh.

  left , abandoned Lit. Prab.

  (ifc.) having disregarded or neglected Lit. R.

  tardy , negligent Lit. ib.

  व्यतीतकाल [ vyatītakāla ] [ vyatīta--kāla ] m. f. n. one whose time is past , unseasonable , inopportune Lit. Ragh.

 व्यत्यय [ vyatyaya ] [ vy-atyaya ] m. transposition , transmutation , change , reverse , inverted order , contrariety (with [ karmaṇām ] , inverted or reverse occupation ; [ e ] , in the opposite case ; [ am ] , alternately ; [ āt ] and [ ena ] , against the usual rule rule or order) Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Kāv.

  व्यत्ययग [ vyatyayaga ] [ vy-atyaya--ga ] m. f. n. moving in the opposite direction Lit. VarBṛS.

व्यतीकार [ vyatīkāra ] [ vy-atī-kāra ] m. = [ vy-atikara ] 1 , contact , hostile encounter Lit. Hariv.

व्यतीक्षा [ vyatīkṣā ] [ vy-atīkṣā ] f. ( [ vy-ati-īkṣā ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. iii , 3 , 43 Vārtt. 4.

व्यतीपात [ vyatīpāta ] [ vy-atī-pāta ] m. = [ vy-ati-pāta ] Lit. Āryabh. ( here also = [ vaidhṛta ] ) Lit. Hcat.

a great calamity or any portent indicating it Lit. L.

disrespect , contempt Lit. W.

the day of new moon (when it falls on Ravi-vāra or Sunday , and when the moon is in certain Nakshatras) Lit. ib.

व्यतीहा [ vyatīhā ] [ vy-atīhā ] f. ( fr. [ vy-ati-√ īh ] ) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 43 Vārtt. 4.

व्यतीहार [ vyatīhāra ] [ vy-atīhāra ] m. = [ vy-atihāra ] q.v.

व्यत्यस् [ vyatyas ] [ vy-aty-√ as ] Ā. [ -ati-ste ] ( 1. sg. [ -ati-he ] , 2. sg. [ -ati-se ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 50 ; 52) , to be above , excel , surpass Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

व्यत्यस्त [ vyatyasta ] [ vy-aty-asta ] m. f. n. (√ 2. [ as ] ) thrown or placed in an inverted position , reversed , inverted Lit. W.

placed across or crosswise , crossed (as the hands) Lit. Mn. ii , 72

perverse , preposterous Lit. Bhām.

 व्यत्यास [ vyatyāsa ] [ vy-atyāsa ] m. exchange , barter Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. MBh.

  change , inverted order , reverse ( [ ena ] and [ āt ] , " invettedly , alternately " ) Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Suśr.

  व्यत्यासम् [ vyatyāsam ] [ vy-atyāsám ] ind. alternating , alternately Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS.

   having inverted , having placed crosswise Lit. MW.

व्यत्यूह् [ vyatyūh ] [ vy-aty-√ ūh ] P. [ -ūhati ] , to place or arrange differently Lit. Kāṭh.

व्यथ् [ vyath ] [ vyath ] Root cl. [1] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. xix , 2) [ vyáthate ] ( ep. also [ °ti ] ; pf. [ vivyathe ] , 3. pl. [ °thuḥ ] Lit. MBh. ; aor. [ vyathiṣi ] Lit. AV. ; Subj. [ vyathiṣat ] Lit. Br. ; fut. [ vyathitā ] , [ °thiṣyate ] Gr. ; inf. [ vyathitum ] Lit. ib. , Ved. inf. [ vyathiṣyai ] ) , to tremble , waver , go astray , come to naught , fail Lit. RV. (with abl. = to be deprived of lose ; with [ caritra-tas ] , to abandon the path of virtue) ; to fall (on the ground) Lit. Mn. vii , 84 ( " to be dried up " Lit. Kull.) ; to cease , become ineffective (as poison) Lit. Kām. ; to be agitated or disturbed in mind , be restless or sorrowful or unhappy Lit. AV. ; to be afraid of (gen.) Lit. R. Caus. [ vyatháyati ] (aor. [ vivyathas ] Lit. Br. ; [ vyathayīs ] Lit. AV.) , to cause to tremble or fall Lit. RV. ; to cause to swerve from (abl.) Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to disquiet , frighten , agitate , pain , afflict Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Pass. of Caus. [ vyathyate ] , to be set in restless motion Lit. Suśr. : Desid. [ vivyathiṣate ] Gr.: Intens. [ vāvyathyate ] , [ vāvyatti ] Lit. ib.

 व्यथ [ vyatha ] [ vyatha ] see [ jala-vyatha ] .

 व्यथक [ vyathaka ] [ vyathaka ] m. f. n. agitating , frightening , afflicting Lit. Kir.

 व्यथन [ vyathana ] [ vyathana ] m. f. n. greatly disturbing or perplexing Lit. MBh.

  [ vyathana ] n. tottering , wavering Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 46

  alteration , change (of a sound) Lit. RPrāt.

  feeling pain. Lit. Suśr.

  vexing , tormenting Lit. Dharmaś.

  piercing , perforating (= [ vyadhana ] ) Lit. Āpast.

 व्यथनीय [ vyathanīya ] [ vyathanīya ] m. f. n. to be pained or afflicted or disturbed Lit. W.

 व्यथयितृ [ vyathayitṛ ] [ vyathayitṛ ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) one who inflicts torture or punishment Lit. Mṛicch.

 व्यथा [ vyathā ] [ vyathā́ ] f. agitation , perturbation , alarm , uneasiness , pain , anguish , fear Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( [ vyathāṃ-√ kṛ ] , either , " to cause pain " or " to feel pain " )

  loss , damage , ill-luck Lit. ŚBr. Lit. VarBṛS.

  ( with [ hṛdi ] or [ hṛdaye ] ) , palpitation , throbbing of the heart Lit. Suśr.

  व्यथाकर [ vyathākara ] [ vyathā́-kara ] m. f. n. causing pain (bodily or mental) , painful , excruciating Lit. W.

  व्यथाकुल [ vyathākula ] [ vyathā́kula ] ( [ vyathāk ] ) m. f. n. agitated by fear or anguish Lit. Pañcat.

  व्यथाक्रान्त [ vyathākrānta ] [ vyathā́krānta ] ( [ vyathākr ] ) m. f. n. id. Lit. Kathās.

  व्यथातुर [ vyathātura ] [ vyathā́tura ] ( [ vyathāt ] ) m. f. n. suffering pain , pained Lit. R.

  व्यथान्वित [ vyathānvita ] [ vyathā́nvita ] ( [ vyathānv ] ) m. f. n. id. Lit. MW.

  व्यथारहित [ vyathārahita ] [ vyathā́-ráhita ] m. f. n. free from pain Lit. W.

  व्यथावत् [ vyathāvat ] [ vyathā́-vat ] m. f. n. full of pain Lit. MW.

 व्यथि [ vyathi ] [ vyathi ] see [ a-vyathí ] .

 व्यथित [ vyathita ] [ vyathitá ] m. f. n. tottering , rocking , reeling Lit. R.

  troubled , changed (as colour) Lit. Daś.

  disquieted , agitated , perturbed , distressed , afflicted Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  painful , causing pain Lit. BhP.

 व्यथितव्य [ vyathitavya ] [ vyathitavya ] m. f. n. to be pained or distressed Lit. MW.

 व्यथिन् [ vyathin ] [ vyathin ] see [ a-vyathin ] .

 व्यथिष [ vyathiṣa ] [ vyathiṣa ] see [ a-vyathiṣa ] .

 व्यथिस् [ vyathis ] [ vyáthis ] m. f. n. tottering , wavering , sloping Lit. RV.

  secret , unobserved by (gen.) Lit. ib.

  insidious , fallacious , deceitful Lit. ib. Lit. AV. (accord. to some always n. = " way , course " )

  [ vyathis ] n. perturbation , anger Lit. Naigh. ii , 13.

 व्यथ्य [ vyathya ] [ vyathya ] see [ a-vyathyá ] .

 व्यथ्ययस् [ vyathyayas ] [ vyathyayas ] w.r. for [ a-vyatháyas ] (see [ a-yathí ] ) Lit. Naigh. i , 14.

व्यद् [ vyad ] [ vy-√ ad ] P. [ -atti ] , to bite through or on all sides , gnaw , nibble , eat Lit. R.

 व्यद्वर [ vyadvara ] [ vy-advará ] m. (f ( [ vy-ádvarī ] ) . Lit. AV.) a gnawing animal Lit. ŚBr. ( cf. [ vyadhvará ] ) .

व्यद्य [ vyadya ] [ vyadya ] n. a partic. Sûkta Lit. Kauś.

व्यध् [ vyadh ] [ vyadh ] Root cl. [4] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxvi , 72) [ ví dhyati ] ( ep. also [ °te ] ; pf. p. [ vivyādha ] Lit. Br. ; 3. pl. [ vivyadhuḥ ] Lit. MBh. , [ vividhuḥ ] Lit. Up. ; Ā. [ vivyadhe ] Lit. MBh. ; p. [ vividhvás ] Lit. RV. ; aor. [ vyātsīḥ ] Lit. Br. ; Prec. [ vidhyāt ] Gr. ; fut. [ veddhā ] , [ vetsyati ] , [ °te ] Lit. MBh. ; [ vyaddhā ] , [ vyatsyati ] Gr. ; inf. [ veddhum ] Lit. MBh. ; [ -vidhe ] Lit. RV. ; ind.p. [ viḍḍhvā ] , [ -vidhya ] Lit. MBh.) , to pierce , transfix , hit , strike , wound Lit. RV. ; ( with [ sirām ] ) to open a vein , bleed Lit. Suśr. ; to pelt with (instr.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. MBh. ; to inflict , attach to , affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. Up. ; to shake , wave Lit. MBh. ; (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body Lit. Gol. ; to cling to (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. : Caus. [ vyādhayati ] , ( ep. also [ vedhayati ] ; aor. [ avīvidhat ] or [ avivyadhat ] ) , to pierce , open (a vein) Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. ; to cause to pierce or perforate Lit. AitĀr. : Desid. [ vivyatsati ] , to wish to affect or taint with (instr.) Lit. ŚBr. : Intens. [ vevidhyate ] or [ vāvyaddhi ] (?) Gr. ( 1031,1 )

 विद्ध [ viddha ] [ viddhá ] see p. 966 , col. 2.

 वेध [ vedha ] [ vedha ] see 2. [ vedha ] , p. 1018 , col. 1.

 वेधक [ vedhaka ] [ vedhaka ] see 2. [ vedha ] , p. 1018 , col. 1.

 व्यध [ vyadha ] [ vyadha ] m. piercing , hitting , striking , a stroke , wound Lit. Śiś.

  cutting , opening (of a vein) Lit. Suśr.

  [ vyadhā ] f. bleeding Lit. MW.

 व्यधन [ vyadhana ] [ vyadhana ] m. f. n. piercing , perforating Lit. Suśr.

  [ vyadhana ] n. the act of piercing or perforating or severing (a vein) Lit. ib.

  (ifc.) chase , hunting Lit. Hcar.

 व्यध्य [ vyadhya ] [ vyadhya ] m. f. n. to be pierced or perforated Lit. Suśr. ( [ -sira ] mfn. one who is to be bled Lit. ib.)

  a bowstring Lit. L.

  a butt , mark to shoot at Lit. W.

  व्यध्यसिर [ vyadhyasira ] [ vyadhya--sira ] m. f. n. , see [ vyadhya ] , one who is to be bled Lit. ib.

 व्यध्वर [ vyadhvara ] [ vyadhvará ] m. f. n. piercing , perforating , boring (as a worm) Lit. AV. ( cf. [ vy-advará ] ) .

 व्याध [ vyādha ] [ vyādha ] m. " one who pierces or wounds " , a hunter , one who lives by killing deer (said to be the son of a Kshatriya by a low-caste mother) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  a low man , wicked person Lit. L.

  व्याधगीति [ vyādhagīti ] [ vyādha-gīti ] f. a hunter's cry (in calling animals) Lit. Kād.

  व्याधता [ vyādhatā ] [ vyādha-tā ] f. the state or business of a hunter Lit. Vishṇ.

  व्याधभीत [ vyādhabhīta ] [ vyādha-bhīta ] m. " afraid of hunters " , a deer Lit. W.

 व्याधक [ vyādhaka ] [ vyādhaka ] m. a hunter Lit. Kauś.

 व्याधाय [ vyādhāya ] [ vyādhāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to become or be like a hunter , Lit. Śṛiṅgār.

 व्याधि [ vyādhi ] [ vyādhi ] see [ vy-ādhi ] , p. 1037 , col. 1.

 व्याधिन् [ vyādhin ] [ vyādhí n ]1 m. f. n. piercing , perforating Lit. VS.

 व्याधिन् [ vyādhin ] [ vyādhin ]2 m. f. n. ( fr. [ vyadha ] ) possessing (i.e. frequented by) hunters Lit. Nalôd.

 व्याध्य [ vyādhya ] [ vyādhya ] m. f. n. to be pierced or cut (as a vein) Lit. Suśr.

  [ vyādhya ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MBh. vii , 2877 (v.l. [ vyādha ] ) .

व्यधिक [ vyadhika ] [ vyadhika ] ( prob. w.r. for [ hy-adhika ] ) Lit. Kām.

व्यधिकरण [ vyadhikaraṇa ] [ vy-adhikaraṇa ] [ vy-adhva ] see p. 1028 , col. 3.

व्यधिक्षेप [ vyadhikṣepa ] [ vy-adhi-kṣepa ] m. (√ [ kṣip ] ) invective , harsh language Lit. MBh.

व्यन् [ vyan ] [ vy-√ an ] P. [ -aniti ] , to respire , breathe , inhale and exhale Lit. RV. ; to draw in the breath through the whole body Lit. ŚBr.

 व्यान [ vyāna ] [ vy-āna ] m. one of the five vital airs ( that which circulates or is diffused through the body ; personified as a son of Udāna and father of Apâna ; cf. [ prāṇa ] ) Lit. AV.

  व्यानदा [ vyānadā ] [ vy-āna--dā́ ] m. f. n. giving breath Lit. VS.

  व्यानदृह् [ vyānadṛh ] [ vy-āna--dṛ́h ] m. f. n. (nom. [ -dhṛ́k ] ) making the Vyāna strong or durable Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh.

  व्यानभृत् [ vyānabhṛt ] [ vy-āna--bhṛ́t ] m. f. n. maintaining the Vyāna Lit. ŚBr.

  व्यानोदान [ vyānodāna ] [ vy-ānodāná ] m. du. Vyāna and Udāna Lit. AV.

व्यनुधा [ vyanudhā ] [ vy-anu-√ dhā ] ( only 3. pl. pf. Ā. [ -dhire ] ) , to unfold , display Lit. RV. i , 166 , 10.

व्यनुनद् [ vyanunad ] [ vy-anu-√ nad ] Caus. [ -nādayati ] , to cause to resound , fill with noise or cries Lit. Bhag.

  व्यनुनाद [ vyanunāda ] [ vy-anu-nāda ] m. reverberation , loud and extending sound or noise Lit. W.

व्यनुसृ [ vyanusṛ ] [ vy-anu-√ sṛ ] P. [ -sarati ] , to roam or wander through (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to pervade Lit. Suśr.

व्यन्त [ vyanta ] [ vy-anta ] [ vy-antara ] see p. 1028 , col. 3.

व्यन्वारभ् [ vyanvārabh ] [ vy-anv-ā-√ rabh ] Ā. [ -rabhate ] , to lay hold of or touch on both sides Lit. AitBr.

  व्यन्वारम्भण [ vyanvārambhaṇa ] [ vy-anv-ārambhaṇa ] n. laying hold of or touching on both sides Lit. Sāy.

व्यप् [ vyap ] [ vyap ] Root (v.l. [ vyay ] see 2. [ vyay ] ) cl. [10] P. [ vyāpayati ] , to throw Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 95 ; to throw away , waste , diminish ( cf. [ vyay ] ) Lit. L.

व्यपकृष् [ vyapakṛṣ ] [ vy-apa-√ kṛṣ ] P. [ -karṣati ] , to draw or drag away or off Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to lead astray , seduce Lit. MBh. ; to take off (as clothes) , undress Lit. ib. ; to take away , remove , give up , abandon Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  व्यपकर्ष [ vyapakarṣa ] [ vy-apakarṣa ] m. exception (from a rule) , Lit. Patr.

  व्यपकृष्ट [ vyapakṛṣṭa ] [ vy-apakṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. drawn off , taken away , removed Lit. MBh.

व्यपक्रम् [ vyapakram ] [ vy-apa-√ kram ] P. [ -krāmati ] , to go off retire , depart Lit. R.

व्यपगम् [ vyapagam ] [ vy-apa-√ gam ] P. [ -gacchati ] , to go away , retreat , escape , disappear Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to move away from , be entirely removed or distant Lit. VarBṛS.

  व्यपगत [ vyapagata ] [ vy-apa-gata ] m. f. n. gone away , disappeared (see comp.)

   fallen away from (abl.) Lit. R.

   व्यपगततिलकगात्रता [ vyapagatatilakagātratā ] [ vy-apa-gata--tilakagātra-tā ] f. the having limbs free from freckles (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Lit. Dharmas. 84

   व्यपगतरश्मिवत् [ vyapagataraśmivat ] [ vy-apa-gata--raśmi-vat ] m. f. n. whose rays have disappeared , ray less Lit. Sūryas. Sch.

   व्यपगतशुच् [ vyapagataśuc ] [ vy-apa-gata--śuc ] m. f. n. whose sorrow his departed , free from grief. Lit. MW.

  व्यपगम [ vyapagama ] [ vy-apa-gama ] m. passing away , lapse (of time) Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. v , 66

   disappearance Lit. Amar.

व्यपत्रप् [ vyapatrap ] [ vy-apa-√ trap ] Ā. [ -trapate ] ( rarely [ °ti ] ) , to turn away through shame , become shy or timid Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  व्यपत्रपा [ vyapatrapā ] [ vy-apa-trapā ] f. ( for [ vy-apatrapa ] see p. 1028 , col. 3) shame , embarrassment Lit. R.

  व्यपत्राप्य [ vyapatrāpya ] [ vy-apa-trāpya ] (?) n. id. Lit. DivyA7v.

व्यपदिश् [ vyapadiś ] [ vy-apa-√ diś ] P. [ -diśati ] , to point out , indicate , intend , mean , designate , name , mention Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (often Pass. [ -diśyate ] , " so it is represented or intended or signified " ) ; to represent falsely , feign , pretend Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Prasannar.

 व्यपदिष्ट [ vyapadiṣṭa ] [ vyapadiṣṭa ] m. f. n. pointed out

  informed Lit. W.

  tricked Lit. ib.

  pleaded as an excuse Lit. ib.

 व्यपदेश [ vyapadeśa ] [ vy-apadeśa ] m. representation , designation , information , statement Lit. RPrāt. Lit. ŚrS.

  a name , title Lit. Uttarar.

  a family , race Lit. Śak.

  summons (of an army) Lit. R.

  appeal to (gen.) Lit. Pañcat.

  talk , speech Lit. MBh. iii , 8665 ( Lit. Nīlak.)

  a partic. form of speech Lit. MW.

  fame , renown (see comp.)

  fraud , stratagem , pretext , excuse ( [ ena ] , under pretext or excuse ( also [ -tas ] ) ifc. = under the pretext of) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  व्यपदेशवत् [ vyapadeśavat ] [ vy-apadeśa--vat ] m. f. n. having a partic. designation or name (with [ pitṛ-tas ] , designated by the name of the father) Lit. Pat.

  व्यपदेशार्थम् [ vyapadeśārtham ] [ vy-apadeśārtham ] ind. for the purpose of (acquiring) renown Lit. Mn. vii , 168.

  व्यपदेशक [ vyapadeśaka ] [ vy-apadeśaka ] m. f. n. designating , indicating Lit. BhP.

  व्यपदेशिन् [ vyapadeśin ] [ vy-apadeśin ] m. f. n. having a name or designation Lit. L.

   (ifc.) denoting , indicating Lit. Śaṃk.

   (ifc.) conforming to , following the advice of. Lit. R.

  व्यपदेश्य [ vyapadeśya ] [ vy-apadeśya ] m. f. n. to be designated or indicated or named Lit. R. Lit. Pat. Lit. Śaṃk.

   to be censured or blamed Lit. Hariv.

  व्यपदेष्टृ [ vyapadeṣṭṛ ] [ vy-apadeṣṭṛ ] m. f. n. one who represents or shows or names Lit. W.

   one who represents falsely , a cheat , impostor Lit. ib.

व्यपदृश् [ vyapadṛś ] [ vy-apa-√ dṛś ] Pass. [ -dṛśyate ] , to be clearly seen , be distinctly visible Lit. MBh.

व्यपनश् [ vyapanaś ] [ vy-apa-√ naś ] Caus. [ -nāśayati ] to cause to disappear or perish , drive away , remove Lit. MBh.

व्यपनी [ vyapanī ] [ vy-apa-√ nī ] P. [ -nayati ] (inf. [ -netum ] , or [ -nayitum ] ) , to lead or take away Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to drive away , remove , banish Lit. ib. ; to pour out or away Lit. AitBr. ; to take off , lay aside , get rid of (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -nāyayati ] , to cause to take away or remove Lit. MBh.

 व्यपनय [ vyapanaya ] [ vy-apanaya ] m. taking away , removal Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ vy-apayana ] ) .

  व्यपनयन [ vyapanayana ] [ vy-apanayana ] n. tearing off , removing Lit. Veṇis.

 व्यपनीत [ vyapanīta ] [ vy-apanīta ] m. f. n. led off , taken away , removed Lit. R.

  व्यपनेय [ vyapaneya ] [ vy-apaneya ] m. f. n. to be taken away or removed Lit. MBh.

व्यपनुद् [ vyapanud ] [ vy-apa-√ nud ] P. [ -nudati ] , to drive away , remove Lit. MBh.

  व्यपनुत्ति [ vyapanutti ] [ vy-apanutti ] f. driving away , removal Lit. AitBr.

व्यपमुच् [ vyapamuc ] [ vy-apa-√ muc ] P. [ -muñcati ] , to loosen , take off Lit. R.

व्यपया [ vyapayā ] [ vy-apa-√ yā ] P. [ -yāti ] , to go away , retire , withdraw Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. ; to pass away , vanish Lit. R.

  व्यपयात [ vyapayāta ] [ vy-apa-yāta ] m. f. n. gone away , retired Lit. MBh.

  व्यपयान [ vyapayāna ] [ vy-apayāna ] n. retreat , flight Lit. ib.

व्यपरुध् [ vyaparudh ] [ vy-apa-√ rudh ] ( only 2. sg. Intens. [ -rorudhaḥ ] ) , to exclude from sovereignty , dethrone Lit. R. (B.)

व्यपरुह् [ vyaparuh ] [ vy-apa-√ ruh ] Caus. [ -ropayati ] , to lay aside , remove , take off Lit. R. ; to deprive of. expel from (instr. or abl.) Lit. MBh. ; to root up , eradicate , extirpate (see next) .

 व्यपरोपण [ vyaparopaṇa ] [ vy-aparopaṇa ] n. rooting up , extirpating , removing , destroying Lit. Kām. Lit. Sarvad.

  tearing out , pulling ( cf. [ keśa-vy ] ) .

  व्यपरोपित [ vyaparopita ] [ vy-aparopita ] m. f. n. rooted up , extirpated , removed , expelled Lit. W.

व्यपवह् [ vyapavah ] [ vy-apa-vah ] see [ vy-apoh ] .

व्यपविद्ध [ vyapaviddha ] [ vy-apa-viddha ] m. f. n. (√ [ vyadh ] ) thrown about , broken to pieces ( [ -bṛśī-maṭha ] mfn. with abandoned seats and cells) Lit. MBh.

cast away , rejected Lit. MBh.

pierced , transfixed Lit. MBh.

  व्यपविद्धबृशीमठ [ vyapaviddhabṛśīmaṭha ] [ vy-apa-viddha--bṛśī-maṭha ] m. f. n. , see [ vyapaviddha ] , with abandoned seats and cells

व्यपवृज् [ vyapavṛj ] [ vy-apa-vṛj ] Caus. [ -varjayati ] , to give up entirely , relinquish Lit. Ragh.

 व्यपवर्ग [ vyapavarga ] [ vy-apavarga ] m. separation , division , difference Lit. Pat.

  cessation , termination , Lit. Jaim.

 व्यपवृक्त [ vyapavṛkta ] [ vy-apavṛkta ] m. f. n. separated , divided Lit. Pat.

व्यपवृत् [ vyapavṛt ] [ vy-apa-√ vṛt ] Ā. [ -vartate ] , to turn away , desist from (abl.) , Uttarar

व्यपसंसृ [ vyapasaṃsṛ ] [ vy-apa-saṃ-√ sṛ ] ( only ind.p. [ -sṛtya ] ) , to go through (a series of existences) Lit. DivyA7v.

व्यपसृ [ vyapasṛ ] [ vy-apa-√ sṛ ] P. [ -sarati ] , to go asunder or in different directions Lit. MBh. ; to depart from (abl.) Lit. Sarasv.

  व्यपसारण [ vyapasāraṇa ] [ vy-apasāraṇa ] n. (fr. Caus.) driving away , dispelling Lit. Rāghav.

व्यपसृज् [ vyapasṛj ] [ vy-apa-√ sṛj ] P. [ -sṛjati ] , to hurl , cast , discharge (arrows ) Lit. MBh. ; to take off , relinquish (a garment) Lit. ib.

व्यपसृप् [ vyapasṛp ] [ vy-apa-√ sṛp ] P. [ -sarpati ] , to go or creep or run away , escape Lit. MBh.

व्यपस्फुर् [ vyapasphur ] [ vy-apa-√ sphur ] Ā. [ -sphurate ] , to break (intr.) or burst asunder Lit. KātyŚr. Sch.

  व्यपस्फुरण [ vyapasphuraṇa ] [ vy-apasphuraṇa ] n. bursting asunder Lit. KātyŚr.

व्यपहन् [ vyapahan ] [ vy-apa-√ han ] P. [ -hanti ] , to strike off Lit. R. (B.) ; to keep off , prevent Lit. Sāh.

व्यपहा [ vyapahā ] [ vy-apa-√ hā ] ( only ind.p. [ -hāya ] ) , to relinquish , abandon Lit. Hariv.

व्यपहृ [ vyapahṛ ] [ vy-apa-√ hṛ ] P. Ā. [ -harati ] , [ °te ] , to cut off Lit. MBh. ; to take away , remove , destroy Lit. Rājat.

व्यपाकृत [ vyapākṛta ] [ vy-apā-kṛta ] m. f. n. (√ I. [ kṛ ] ) free from (comp.) Lit. Naish.

  व्यपाकृति [ vyapākṛti ] [ vy-apākṛti ] f. driving away , repelling , denial Lit. W.

व्यपाकृष् [ vyapākṛṣ ] [ vy-apā-√ kṛṣ ] ( only inf. [ -kraṣṭum ] ) , to drag or draw away , tear off Lit. MBh.

व्यपानुद् [ vyapānud ] [ vy-apā-√ nud ] ( [ apā ] m.c. for [ apa ] ) P. [ -nudati ] , to drive away , remove Lit. MBh.

व्यपाशृ [ vyapāśṛ ] [ vy-apā-√ śṛ ] P. Ā. [ -śrayati ] , [ °te ] , to go to for refuge , have recourse to (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to adhere to any doctrine , confess (acc.) Lit. Śaṃk.

 व्यपाश्रय [ vyapāśraya ] [ vyapāśraya ]2 m. ( for 1 . see p. 1028 , col. 3) going away , secession Lit. MW.

  seat , place (ifc. = being in or on) Lit. R. Lit. Kām. Lit. Suśr.

  place of refuge , shelter , support (ifc.= having recourse to , trusting in) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  expectation Lit. W.

  व्यपाश्रित [ vyapāśrita ] [ vy-apāśrita ] m. f. n. one who has taken refuge with (acc. or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kathās.

   having taken or assumed Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

व्यपाहृ [ vyapāhṛ ] [ vy-apā-√ hṛ ] P. [ -harati ] , to withdraw from (abl.) Lit. MBh.

व्यपे [ vyape ] [ vy-ape ] ( Preverb. [ -apa- ] :5 [ √ i ] ) P. [ -apaiti ] , to go apart or asunder , separate Lit. MBh. ; to cease , disappear Lit. Mn. Lit. Prab.

 व्यपाय [ vyapāya ] [ vy-apāya ] m. cessation , stop , end Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  absence , want Lit. Kathās.

 व्यपेत [ vyapeta ] [ vy-apeta ] m. f. n. gone apart or asunder , separated Lit. MBh.

  passed away , disappeared , ceased Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  (ifc.) opposed to Lit. Yājñ.

  व्यपेतकल्मष [ vyapetakalmaṣa ] [ vy-apeta--kalmaṣa ] m. f. n. having taint or guilt removed , free from sin Lit. Mn. iv , 260

  व्यपेतघृण [ vyapetaghṛṇa ] [ vy-apeta--ghṛṇa ] m. f. n. devoid of compassion , pitiless Lit. Amar.

  व्यपेतधैर्य [ vyapetadhairya ] [ vy-apeta--dhairya ] m. f. n. one who has abandoned firmness Lit. MBh.

  व्यपेतभय [ vyapetabhaya ] [ vy-apeta--bhaya ] m. f. n. free from fear Lit. ib.

  व्यपेतभी [ vyapetabhī ] [ vy-apeta--bhī ] m. f. n. free from fear Lit. ib.

  व्यपेतमदमत्सर [ vyapetamadamatsara ] [ vy-apeta--mada-matsara ] m. f. n. free from infatuation and selfishness Lit. Yājñ.

  व्यपेतहर्ष [ vyapetaharṣa ] [ vy-apeta--harṣa ] m. f. n. devoid of joy Lit. R.

व्यपेक्ष् [ vyapekṣ ] [ vy-apekṣ ] ( Preverb. [ -apa-√ īkṣ ] ) Ā. [ -apeṣate ] , to look about , look for , regard , mind , pay regard or attention to (acc.) Lit. R. Lit. Ragh.

  व्यपेक्ष [ vyapekṣa ] [ vy-apekṣa ] (ifc.) see [ °apekṣā ] below.

  व्यपेक्षक [ vyapekṣaka ] [ vy-apekṣaka ] m. f. n. mindful of (comp.) Lit. MBh.

  व्यपेक्षण [ vyapekṣaṇa ] [ vy-apekṣaṇa ] n. looking for , expectation , regard , consideration Lit. W.

  व्यपेक्षणीय [ vyapekṣaṇīya ] [ vy-apekṣaṇīya ] m. f. n. to be looked for or expected Lit. ib.

  व्यपेक्षा [ vyapekṣā ] [ vy-apekṣā ] f. regard , consideration (ifc. regarding , minding) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   looking for , expectation (ifc. expectant of) Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.

   requisite , supposition (see [ sa-vy ] )

   application , use Lit. W.

   (in gram.) rection Lit. Pāṇ. 2-1 , 1 Sch.

   the mutual application of two rules Lit. W.

  व्यपेक्षित [ vyapekṣita ] [ vy-apekṣita ] m. f. n. looked for , expected Lit. MW.

   mutually expected or looked to Lit. ib.

   mutually related

   employed , applied Lit. ib.

  व्यपेक्ष्य [ vyapekṣya ] [ vy-apekṣya ] m. f. n. to be looked for or expected Lit. ib.

व्यपोह् [ vyapoh ] [ vy-apoh ] ( Preverb. [ -apa- ] :1 [ √ ūh ] ) P. [ -apohati ] ( ep. also [ °te ] ) , to drive away , keep off , remove , destroy Lit. TUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to atone for , expiate (guilt) Lit. Mn. ii , 102 ; to heal , cure (sickness) Lit. Suśr.

  व्यपोढ [ vyapoḍha ] [ vy-apoḍha ] m. f. n. driven away , removed , destroyed ( [ °ḍhābhra ] mfn. having the clouds driven away) Lit. MBh.

   manifested , displayed , exhibited Lit. ib.

   opposite , contrary , reverse Lit. W.

   व्यपोढाभ्र [ vyapoḍhābhra ] [ vy-apoḍhābhra ] m. f. n. , see [ vyapoḍha ] , having the clouds driven away

  व्यपोह [ vyapoha ] [ vy-apoha ] m. driving away , keeping off , removal , destruction Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.

   denial , negation Lit. Sāh.

   sweepings , rubbish Lit. MBh.

   व्यपोहस्तव [ vyapohastava ] [ vy-apoha--stava ] m. N. of a ch. of the Lit. LiṅgaP.

  व्यपोहक [ vyapohaka ] [ vy-apohaka ] m. f. n. driving away , removing Lit. Car.

  व्यपोहनस्तोत्र [ vyapohanastotra ] [ vy-apohana-stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra ( prob. = [ vyapoha-stava ] ) .

  व्यपोह्य [ vyapohya ] [ vy-apohya ] m. f. n. deniable (see [ a-vy ] ) .

व्यभिचर् [ vyabhicar ] [ vy-abhi-√ car ] P. Ā. [ -carati ] , to act in an unfriendly way towards (acc. or gen.) , sin against , offend , injure Lit. MBh. : Lit. Kathās. ; to bewitch , practise sorcery (pl. " against each other " ) Lit. Lāṭy. Lit. Kathās. ; to come to naught , fail , Lit. Bījag. Lit. BhP. ; to go beyond , transgress , deviate from (acc.) Lit. Kir. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.

  व्यभिचरण [ vyabhicaraṇa ] [ vy-abhi-caraṇa ] n. uncertainty , doubt (see [ savyabhīcaraṇa ] ) .

 व्यभिचार [ vyabhicāra ] [ vy-abhicāra ] m. going apart or astray , deviating , not falling or fitting together , being separated or isolated Lit. Kap. Lit. Bhāshāp. ( cf. [ a-vy ] )

  trespass , transgression , crime , vice , sin (esp. infidelity of a wife) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  violation , disturbance , confusion Lit. Mn. x , 24

  change , mutation (in [ a-vy-abhicāra ] mfn. ) Lit. Bhag.

  (in phil.) wandering from an argument , erroneous or fallacious reasoning , the presence of the [ hetu ] ( q.v.) without the [ sādhya ] ( q.v.) Lit. MW.

  (in gram.) deviation from or exception to a rule , irregularity , anomaly Lit. ib.

  व्यभिचारकृत् [ vyabhicārakṛt ] [ vy-abhicāra--kṛt ] m. f. n. committing adultery Lit. Rājat.

  व्यभिचारतस् [ vyabhicāratas ] [ vy-abhicāra--tas ] ind. in consequence of straying or erring Lit. Sāh.

   (in phil.) from the Vyabhicāra involved in the other supposition Lit. MW.

  व्यभिचारता [ vyabhicāratā ] [ vy-abhicāra--tā ] f. error Lit. ib.

  व्यभिचारत्व [ vyabhicāratva ] [ vy-abhicāra--tva ] n. error Lit. ib.

  व्यभिचारनिरूपणखण्ड [ vyabhicāranirūpaṇakhaṇḍa ] [ vy-abhicāra--nirūpaṇa-khaṇḍa ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यभिचारभाव [ vyabhicārabhāva ] [ vy-abhicāra--bhāva ] m. f. n. w.r. for [ vyabhicāri-bh ] , Lit. Cat see [ a-vyabhicāra-vat ]

  व्यभिचारवत् [ vyabhicāravat ] [ vy-abhicāra--vat ] m. f. n. see [ a-vyabhicāra-vat ]

  व्यभिचारविवर्जित [ vyabhicāravivarjita ] [ vy-abhicāra--vivarjita ] m. f. n. free from extravagance or debauchery Lit. Hit.

  व्यभिचारार्थम् [ vyabhicārārtham ] [ vy-abhicārārtham ] ind. for the sake of (committing) adultery Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 127 Sch.

 व्यभिचारि [ vyabhicāri ] [ vy-abhicāri ] in comp. for [ °cārin ]

  व्यभिचारिता [ vyabhicāritā ] [ vy-abhicāri-tā ] f. the state of going apart or astray , deviation , alteration , change , variability Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Bhāshāp.

  व्यभिचारित्व [ vyabhicāritva ] [ vy-abhicāri--tva ] n. the state of going apart or astray , deviation , alteration , change , variability Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Bhāshāp.

   ( in gram.) the having a secondary meaning or several meanings Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.

  व्यभिचारिभाव [ vyabhicāribhāva ] [ vy-abhicāri--bhāva ] m. a transitory state (of mind or body , opp. to [ sthāyi-bh ] ( q.v. ) , and said to be thirty-four in number , viz. [ nirveda ] , [ glāni ] , [ śaṅkā ] , [ asūyā ] , [ mada ] , [ śrama ] , [ ālasya ] , [ dainya ] , [ cintā ] , [ moha ] , [ smṛti ] , [ dhṛti ] , [ vrīḍā ] , [ capalatā ] , [ harṣa ] , [ āvega ] , [ jaḍatā ] , [ garva ] , [ viṣāda ] , [ autsukya ] , [ nidrā ] , [ apasmāra ] , [ supta ] , [ vibodha ] , [ amarṣa ] , [ avahitthā ] , [ ugratā ] , [ mati ] , [ upālambha ] , [ vyādhi ] , [ unmāda ] , [ maraṇa ] [ trāsa ] , [ vitrarka ] qq. vv.) Lit. Daśar. Lit. Kpr.

 व्यभिचारिन् [ vyabhicārin ] [ vy-abhicārin ] m. f. n. going astray , straying or deviating or diverging from (abl.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  following bad courses , doing what is improper , profligate , wanton , unchaste (esp. said of women) , faithless towards (gen.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  changeable , inconstant (opp. to [ sthāyin ] ; cf. [ °ri-bhāva ] above ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pratāp.

  (ifc.) transgressing , violating , breaking (see [ samaya-vy ] )

  irregular , anomalous Lit. MW.

  (a word) having a non-primitive or secondary meaning , having several meanings Lit. ib.

  [ vyabhicāriṇī ] f. a wanton woman , unchaste wife , adulteress Lit. W.

  [ vyabhicārin ] n. anything transitory (as feelings ) Lit. ib.

 व्यभीचार [ vyabhīcāra ] [ vy-abhīcāra ] m. transgression , offence Lit. MBh.

  change , alteration Lit. ib.

व्यभिमान [ vyabhimāna ] [ vy-abhi-māna ] m. (√ [ man ] ) a false apprehension or notion , erroneous view Lit. Nyāyas.

व्यभिहास [ vyabhihāsa ] [ vy-abhi-hāsa ] m. (√ [ has ] ) derision , ridicule , Lit. Āpast.

व्यभ्र [ vyabhra ] [ vy-abhra ] [ vy-amla ] see p. 1028 , col. 3.

व्यय् [ vyay ] [ vyay ] Root cl. [1] P. Ā. [ vyayati ] , [ °te ] ( rather Nom. fr. [ vyaya ] below) , to expend , spend , waste Lit. Bhaṭṭ. Lit. Hit. Lit. Subh. ; cl. [10] P. [ vyayayati ] id. Lit. Dhātup. xxxv , 78 ; to go , move Lit. ib.

 व्यय [ vyaya ] [ vyaya ] m. f. n. ( or [ vy-aya ] , fr. 3. [ vi ] + √ 5. [ i ] ) passing away , mutable , liable to change or decay ( only as opp. to or connected with [ a-vyaya ] ) , Mn Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.

  [ vyaya ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) disappearance , decay , ruin , loss Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  m. spending , expense , outlay , disbursement (opp. to [ āya ] , " income " , and often with [ kośasya ] , [ vittasya ] , [ dhanasya ] ; without a gen. = " extravagance , waste , prodigality " ; with loc. or ifc. = " outlay for or in " ) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  cost , sacrifice of (gen. or comp. ; [ vyayena ] ifc. = " at the cost of " ) Lit. R. Lit. Kālid.

  wealth , money Lit. Yājñ. ii , 276

  (in gram.) inflection , declension Lit. Nir.

  N. of the 20th (or 54th) year of Jupiter's cycle Lit. VarBṛS. of a serpent-demon Lit. MBh.

  of Pradhāna Lit. MW.

  m. or n. = [ -griha ] Lit. VarBṛS.

  व्ययकर [ vyayakara ] [ vyaya-kara ] m. f. n. one who makes payments Lit. Kām.

  व्ययकरण [ vyayakaraṇa ] [ vyaya-karaṇa ] m. a paymaster Lit. Pañcad.

  व्ययकरणक [ vyayakaraṇaka ] [ vyaya-karaṇaka ] m. a paymaster Lit. Pañcad.

  व्ययकर्मन् [ vyayakarman ] [ vyaya-karman ] n. the business of a paymaster Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R.

  व्ययगत [ vyayagata ] [ vyaya-gata ] m. f. n. (v.l. for next) .

  व्ययगुण [ vyayaguṇa ] [ vyaya-guṇa ] m. f. n. prodigal , spendthrift , one who spends all his money , impoverished Lit. MBh.

  व्ययगृह [ vyayagṛha ] [ vyaya-gṛha ] n. (in astron.) N. of the 12th house from the Lagna Lit. VarBṛS.

  व्ययपराङ्मुख [ vyayaparāṅmukha ] [ vyaya-parāṅmukha ] m. f. n. averse from expenditure , parsimonious Lit. Yājñ. i , 83.

  व्ययभवन [ vyayabhavana ] [ vyaya-bhavana ] n. = [ -gṛha ] Lit. VarBṛS.

  व्ययवत् [ vyayavat ] [ vyaya-vat ] m. f. n. liable to change , not complete , Lit. Rprāt.

   spending much , prodigal Lit. Yājñ.

   inflected Lit. VPrāt.

  व्ययशालिन् [ vyayaśālin ] [ vyaya-śālin ] ( Lit. Rājat.) m. f. n. disposed to prodigality , wasteful , spendthrift.

  व्ययशील [ vyayaśīla ] [ vyaya-śīla ] ( Lit. Kāv.) m. f. n. disposed to prodigality , wasteful , spendthrift.

  व्ययसह [ vyayasaha ] [ vyaya-saha ] m. f. n. " bearing waste " , inexhaustible (as a treasure) Lit. Kām.

  व्ययसहिष्णु [ vyayasahiṣṇu ] [ vyaya-sahiṣṇu ] m. f. n. bearing loss of money patiently Lit. ib.

  व्ययस्थान [ vyayasthāna ] [ vyaya-sthāna ] n. = [ -gṛha ] . Lit. Cat.

 व्ययक [ vyayaka ] [ vyayaka ] m. f. n. expending , making payments Lit. Kām.

 व्ययन [ vyayana ] [ vyáyana ] n. going apart , separation Lit. RV.

 व्ययमान [ vyayamāna ] [ vyayamāna ] m. f. n. expending , wasting Lit. W.

 व्ययि [ vyayi ] [ vyayi ] in comp. for [ vyayin ] .

  व्ययिता [ vyayitā ] [ vyayi-tā ] f.

  व्ययित्व [ vyayitva ] [ vyayi-tva ] n. prodigality , wastefulness Lit. MW.

 व्ययित [ vyayita ] [ vyayita ] m. f. n. expended , spent , dissipated , dispersed Lit. Hit.

  gone away , declined , fallen into decay Lit. W.

 व्ययितव्य [ vyayitavya ] [ vyayitavya ] m. f. n. to be expended or spent , Lit. Camp.

 व्ययिन् [ vyayin ] [ vyayin ] m. f. n. declining , decaying , falling (in [ udaya-vy ] , " rising and falling " ) Lit. Hit.

  expending , spending , prodigal ( in [ bahu-vy ] q.v.)

 व्ययी [ vyayī ] [ vyayī ] in comp. for [ vyaya ] .

  व्ययीकरण [ vyayīkaraṇa ] [ vyayī-karaṇa ] n. the act of expending or disbursing , wasting Lit. W.

  व्ययीकृ [ vyayīkṛ ] [ vyayī-√ kṛ ] P. Ā. [ -karoti ] , [ -kurute ] , to waste , expend Lit. Kathās.

  व्ययीकृत [ vyayīkṛta ] [ vyayī-kṛta ] m. f. n. expended , spent , lavished Lit. Kām. Lit. Rājat.

  व्ययीभूत [ vyayībhūta ] [ vyayī-bhūta ] m. f. n. spent , squandered , wasted Lit. W.

व्यय् [ vyay ] [ vyay ]2 Root (v.l. for [ vyap ] ) cl. [10] P. [ vyāyayati ] , to throw Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 95.

व्यर्क [ vyarka ] [ vy-arka ] see p. 1028 , col. 3.

व्यर्ण [ vyarṇa ] [ vy-arṇa ] 1. 2. [ vy-arṇa ] . see Lit. ib. and below under [ vy-√ ard ] .

व्यर्थ [ vyartha ] [ vy-artha ] m. f. n. ( fr. 3. [ vi+artha ] ) useless , unavailing , unprofitable , vain Lit. MBh.

deprived or devoid of property or money Lit. Pañcat.

excluded from , having no right (instr.) Lit. Āpast.

unmeaning , inconsistent Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāvyâd.

= [ °tha-nāmaka ] below Lit. MBh.

[ vyartham ] ind. uselessly , in vain , without having effected one's object Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat.

  व्यर्थता [ vyarthatā ] [ vy-artha--tā ] f. uselessness ( [ °tāṃ-√ yā ] , or √ [ gam ] , to become useless) Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kusum.

   absence of meaning , nonsense Lit. R.

   falseness Lit. MBh.

   inoffensiveness Lit. MW.

  व्यर्थत्व [ vyarthatva ] [ vy-artha--tva ] n. absence of meaning , contradictoriness Lit. Kāvyâd. Sch.

  व्यर्थनामक [ vyarthanāmaka ] [ vy-artha--nāmaka ] m. f. n. having a name inconsistent with one's character Lit. MBh.

  व्यर्थनामन् [ vyarthanāman ] [ vy-artha--nāman ] m. f. n. having a name inconsistent with one's character Lit. MBh.

  व्यर्थयत्न [ vyarthayatna ] [ vy-artha--yatna ] m. f. n. useless in its efforts Lit. Hit.

  व्यर्थीकृ [ vyarthīkṛ ] [ vy-arthī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to make useless or superfluous Lit. Prab. Lit. Kād.

  व्यर्थीभू [ vyarthībhū ] [ vy-arthī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become useless Lit. Naish. Lit. Kād.

  व्यर्थक [ vyarthaka ] [ vy-arthaka ] m. f. n. useless , vain Lit. R.

   व्यर्थकता [ vyarthakatā ] [ vy-arthaka--tā ] f. ( Lit. Śiś.) uselessness.

   व्यर्थकत्व [ vyarthakatva ] [ vy-arthaka--tva ] n. ( Lit. MW.) uselessness.

 व्यर्थय [ vyarthaya ] [ vyarthaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to make useless or superfluous Lit. Campak.

व्यर्द् [ vyard ] [ vy-√ ard ] P. [ -ardati ] , to flow away Lit. ŚBr. ; to oppress , harass , pain (see [ a-vyarṇa ] ) : Caus. [ -ardayati ] , to cause to be scattered or dissolved , destroy , annihilate Lit. RV.

 व्यर्ण [ vyarṇa ] [ vy-arṇa ]2 m. f. n. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 24) oppressed , harassed (see [ a-vyarṇa ] ) .

 व्यर्ण्ण [ vyarṇṇa ] [ vy-arṇṇa ] m. f. n. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 24) oppressed , harassed (see [ a-vyarṇa ] ) .

व्यर्धुक [ vyardhuka ] [ vy-árdhuka ] m. f. n. (√ [ ṛdh ] ) being deprived of (instr.) , Maitr. Lit. ĀpŚr.

व्यर्पणा [ vyarpaṇā ] [ vy-arpaṇā ] f. (of unknown meaning) , Lit. Mahāvy.

व्यलीक [ vyalīka ] [ vy-alīka ] see p. 1028 , col. 3.

व्यवकलन [ vyavakalana ] [ vy-ava-kalana ] n. (√ 2. [ kal ] ) separation , subtraction , deduction Lit. Col.

  व्यवकलित [ vyavakalita ] [ vy-ava-kalita ] m. f. n. subtracted , deducted Lit. Līl.

   [ vyavakalita ] n. subtraction , deduction Lit. ib.

व्यवकृष् [ vyavakṛṣ ] [ vy-ava-√ kṛṣ ] P. [ -karṣati ] , to draw or tear away , alienate Lit. MBh. (v.l. [ vy-apa-k ] ) .

व्यवकॄ [ vyavakṝ ] [ vy-ava-√ kṝ ] P. [ -kirati ] , to scatter or pour down or on or about Lit. BhP.

  व्यवकिरणा [ vyavakiraṇā ] [ vy-avakiraṇā ] f. mixing together , mixture Lit. L.

  व्यवकीर्ण [ vyavakīrṇa ] [ vy-avakīrṇa ] m. f. n. intermixed or filled or set with (instr.) Lit. Kām.

व्यवक्रोशन [ vyavakrośana ] [ vy-ava-krośana ] n. (√ [ krus ] ) mutual altercation or abuse Lit. W.

abuse , reviling (in general) . Lit. ib.

व्यवगम् [ vyavagam ] [ vy-ava-√ gam ] Ā. [ -gacchate ] , to go apart , separate Lit. Kāṭh.

Ā. [ -gāhate ] ( rarely [ °ti ] ) , to dive or plunge into , penetrate Lit. MBh. ; to set in , begin (as night) Lit. ib.

  व्यवगढ [ vyavagaḍha ] [ vy-avagaḍha ] m. f. n. dived or plunged into , immersed ( [ -vat ] mfn. ) Lit. ib.

   व्यवगढवत् [ vyavagaḍhavat ] [ vyavaga-ḍha-vat ] m. f. n. , see [ vyavagaḍha ]

व्यवगृहीत [ vyavagṛhīta ] [ vy-ava-gṛhīta ] m. f. n. (√ [ grah ] ) brought down , bent down Lit. ŚBr.

  व्यवग्राहम् [ vyavagrāham ] [ vy-avagrāham ] ind. having taken separately , singly Lit. ŚāṅkhBr.

व्यवचारयितव्य [ vyavacārayitavya ] [ vy-ava-cārayitavya ] m. f. n. (√ [ car ] ) to be pondered over or considered Lit. Mahāvy.

व्यवच्छिद् [ vyavacchid ] [ vy-ava-cchid ] ( Preverb. [ √ chid ] ) P. [ -cchinatti ] , to cut off , separate Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; to tear asunder , open , sunder Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to limit , fix , settle , ascertain Lit. BhP. ; to resolve on ( [ prati ] ) Lit. ib. : Pass. [ -cchidyate ] , to be cut off or separated Lit. ŚBr.

 व्यवच्छिद् [ vyavacchid ] [ vy-avacchid ] f. limitation Lit. Harav.

  व्यवच्छिन्न [ vyavacchinna ] [ vy-avacchinna ] m. f. n. cut off , separated

   distinguished , distinct Lit. Tarkas.

   interrupted (see [ a-vyavacchinna ] ) .

 व्यवच्छेद [ vyavaccheda ] [ vy-avaccheda ] m. cutting one's self off from , separation , interruption (see [ á-vy ] )

  exclusion Lit. Sāh.

  (ifc.) getting rid of. Lit. BhP.

  distinction , discrimination Lit. Sāh.

  a division Lit. W.

  letting fly (an arrow) Lit. R.

  व्यवच्छेदविद्या [ vyavacchedavidyā ] [ vy-avaccheda--vidyā ] f. the science of anatomy Lit. MW.

  व्यवच्छेदक [ vyavacchedaka ] [ vy-avacchedaka ] m. f. n. distinguishing , discriminating ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Sāṃkhyak.

   excluding ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kull.

   व्यवच्छेदकत्व [ vyavacchedakatva ] [ vy-avaccheda--ka--tva ] n. , see [ vyavacchedaka ]

   व्यवच्छेदकत्व [ vyavacchedakatva ] [ vy-avaccheda--ka--tva ] n. , see [ vyavacchedaka ]

  व्यवच्छेद्य [ vyavacchedya ] [ vy-avacchedya ] m. f. n. to be excluded Lit. Sāh.

व्यवतिष्ठमान [ vyavatiṣṭhamāna ] [ vy-ava-tiṣṭhamāna ] see [ vyava-√ sthā ] .

व्यवदा [ vyavadā ] [ vy-ava-√ dā ] ( or [ do ] ; only ind.p. [ -dayā ] ) , to cut in two , divide Lit. Kauś.

व्यवदीर्ण [ vyavadīrṇa ] [ vy-ava-dīrṇa ] m. f. n. (√ [ dṝ ] ) burst asunder , broken to pieces , distracted Lit. R.

व्यवदै [ vyavadai ] [ vy-ava-√ dai ] Pass. [ -dāyate ] ( p. [ -dāyamāna ] ) , to be clearly diffused Lit. Daś.

  व्यवदात [ vyavadāta ] [ vy-avadāta ] m. f. n. clean , clear , bright Lit. TĀr.

 व्यवदान [ vyavadāna ] [ vy-avadāna ] n. purification Lit. DivyA7v.

व्यवद्रु [ vyavadru ] [ vy-ava-√ dru ] P. [ -dravati ] , to run away Lit. Kāṭh.

व्यवधा [ vyavadhā ] [ vy-ava-√ dhā ] P. Ā. [ -dadhāti ] , [ -dkatte ] , to place apart or asunder Lit. ŚāṅkhBr. ; to put or place between , interpose Lit. Ragh. ; to leave out , omit , Lit. Kaṭh. ; to separate , divide , interrupt Lit. BhP. : Pass. [ -dhīyate ] , to be separated or divided or interrupted Lit. R. Lit. BhP. : Caus. , [ -dhāpayati ] , to separate Lit. Naish.

 व्यवधा [ vyavadhā ] [ vy-avadhā ] f. covering or anything that covers Lit. L.

  व्यवधातव्य [ vyavadhātavya ] [ vy-avadhātavya ] n. (impers.) it is to be separated or divided Lit. MBh.

  व्यवेधातृ [ vyavedhātṛ ] [ vy-avedhātṛ ] m. f. n. one who separates or interposes or screens Lit. MW.

 व्यवधान [ vyavadhāna ] [ vy-avadhāna ] n. intervening , intervention (esp. in gram. " the intervention of a syllable or letter " ) Lit. Prāt. Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. ( [ °nena ] ind. = " indirectly " Lit. Nīlak.)

  obstruction , hiding from view Lit. Ragh.

  covering , a cover , screen Lit. Kum. Lit. Śaṃk.

  separation , division Lit. BhP.

  interruption Lit. ib.

  cessation , termination Lit. ib.

  interval , space Lit. L.

  [ vyavadhānena ] ind. , see [ vyavadhāna ] , = " indirectly " Lit. Nīlak.

  व्यवधानवत् [ vyavadhānavat ] [ vy-avadhāna--vat ] m. f. n. (ifc.) covered with Lit. Kum.

 व्यवधायक [ vyavadhāyaka ] [ vy-avadhāyaka ] m. f. n. intervening , interposing , separating Lit. Prāt.

  interrupting , disturbing Lit. Rājat.

  concealing , screening , hiding Lit. W.

  व्यवधायिक [ vyavadhāyika ] [ vy-avadhāyika ] w.r. for prec.

 व्यवधि [ vyavadhi ] [ vy-avadhi ] m. covering , concealing , intervention Lit. Śiś.

 व्यवधेय [ vyavadheya ] [ vy-avadheya ] m. f. n. to be put in between or interposed Lit. MW.

 व्यवहित [ vyavahita ] [ vy-avahita ] m. f. n. placed apart or asunder

  separated , not contiguous or immediately connected Lit. Prāt.

  interrupted , obstructed , disturbed Lit. Śak.

  screened from view , concealed , covered Lit. Śaṃk.

  hostile , opposed Lit. BhP.

  remote , distant Lit. BhP.

  passed over , surpassed , excelled , put to shame Lit. W.

  done , acted , performed Lit. ib.

व्यवधाव् [ vyavadhāv ] [ vy-ava-√ dhāv ] P. [ -dhāvati ] , to run in different directions , separate Lit. R. ; to run away , flee from (abl.) Lit. MBh. ( 1033,1 )

व्यवधू [ vyavadhū ] [ vy-ava-√ dhū ] P. Ā. [ -dhūnoti ] , [ °nute ] , to shake off , ward off , remove Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. ; to shake about , treat roughly or rudely Lit. MBh. ; to reject , repel Lit. ib.

  व्यवधूत [ vyavadhūta ] [ vy-ava-dhūta ] m. f. n. one who has shaken off all wordly desires , indifferent in regard to life , resigned Lit. MBh.

व्यवधृ [ vyavadhṛ ] [ vy-ava-√ dhṛ ] P. [ -dhārayati ] , to fix , settle , establish Lit. ĀpŚr.

  व्यवधारण [ vyavadhāraṇa ] [ vy-avadhāraṇa ] n. accurate determination Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.

व्यवन [ vyavana ] [ vyavana ] ( a word used to explain [ vyoman ] ) Lit. Nir. xi , 40.

व्यवनी [ vyavanī ] [ vy-ava-√ nī ] ( only ind.p. [ -nīya ] ) , to pour in separately Lit. ŚBr.

व्यवपद् [ vyavapad ] [ vy-ava-√ pad ] Ā. [ -padyate ] , to fall down or asunder Lit. ŚBr.

व्यवभक्ष् [ vyavabhakṣ ] [ vy-ava-√ bhakṣ ] P. [ -bhakṣayati ] , to swallow down or eat (in the interval of certain religious rites) Lit. PañcavBr.

व्यवभास् [ vyavabhās ] [ vy-ava-√ bhās ] Caus. [ -bhāsayati ] , to cause to shine out brightly , to illuminate beautifully Lit. Kathās.

  व्यवभासित [ vyavabhāsita ] [ vy-avabhāsita ] m. f. n. brightly illuminated Lit. ib.

व्यवमुच् [ vyavamuc ] [ vy-ava-√ muc ] ( only ind.p. [ -mucya ] ) , to unloose , unfasten , take off Lit. R.

व्यवरुह् [ vyavaruh ] [ vy-ava-√ ruh ] P. Ā. [ -rohati ] , [ °te ] , to ascend , mount , get upon (acc.) Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -ropayati ] (Pass. [ -ropyate ] ; p.p. [ -ropita ] ) , to displace , remove , deprive of (abl.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

व्यवलम्बिन् [ vyavalambin ] [ vy-ava-lambin ] see [ a-vy ] .

व्यवली [ vyavalī ] [ vy-ava-√ lī ] Ā. [ -līyate ] , to recline , lie or cower down Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

व्यवलोकन [ vyavalokana ] [ vy-ava-lokana ] n. (√ [ lok ] ) the act of taking a view of Lit. DivyA7v.

  व्यवलोकित [ vyavalokita ] [ vy-avalokita ] m. f. n. looked upon , viewed , beheld Lit. ib.

व्यववद् [ vyavavad ] [ vy-ava-√ vad ] P. Ā. [ -vadati ] , [ °te ] , to speak ill of. decry Lit. PañcavBr. ; to begin to speak , break silence Lit. ChUp. ( Lit. Śaṃk.)

  व्यववद्य [ vyavavadya ] [ vy-ava-vadya ] m. f. n. to be spoken ill of or decried Lit. PañcavBr.

व्यवविद् [ vyavavid ] [ vy-ava-√ vid ] P. [ -vetti ] , to discern , discriminate Lit. ŚBr.

व्यवव्ली [ vyavavlī ] [ vy-ava-√ vlī ] P. [ -vlināti ] , to sink down , collapse Lit. MaitrS.

व्यवशद् [ vyavaśad ] [ vy-ava-√ śad ] ( only pf. [ -śaśāda ] , [ -śeduḥ ] ) , to fall off or down Lit. ŚBr.

  व्यवशाद [ vyavaśāda ] [ vy-ava-śādá ] m. falling off or down Lit. ib.

व्यवश्चुत् [ vyavaścut ] [ vy-ava-√ ścut ] P. [ -ścotati ] , to ooze , drip off Lit. ŚBr.

व्यवसद् [ vyavasad ] [ vy-ava-√ sad ] P. [ -sīdati ] , to sit down , sink or fall down Lit. MBh. ; to pine or waste away , perish Lit. ib.

व्यवसाय [ vyavasāya ] [ vy-avasāya ] see col.3.

व्यवसृज् [ vyavasṛj ] [ vy-ava-√ sṛj ] P. Ā. [ -sṛjati ] , [ °te ] , to throw , cast , hurl upon (gen.) Lit. MBh. ; to put or lay down Lit. ib. ; to dismiss , send away Lit. ŚBr. ; to distribute , bestow (see [ vy-avasarga ] ) , to hang on , fasten to (loc.) Lit. MBh. viii , 959 ( prob. w.r. for [ vyava-√ sañj ] ) .

 व्यवसर्ग [ vyavasarga ] [ vy-avasargá ] m. setting free , liberation Lit. ŚBr.

  distributing , bestowing Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 2

  renunciation , resignation Lit. L.

व्यवसृप् [ vyavasṛp ] [ vy-ava-√ sṛp ] P. [ -sarpati ] , to creep or steal in Lit. AV. Lit. TS. Lit. Br.

व्यवसो [ vyavaso ] [ vy-ava-√ so ] P. [ -syati ] ( ep. also [ -syate ] ( with act. and pass. meaning ) ; 1. sg. pr. [ -sāmi ] ; Pot. [ -seyam ] , [ -set ] ; fut. [ -siṣyati ] ) , to settle down or dwell separately Lit. ŚBr. ; to differ (in opinion) , contest , quarrel Lit. ib. ; to separate , divide ( opp. to [ sam-√ as ] ) Lit. RPrāt. ; to determine , resolve , decide , be willing to (acc. dat. , [ artham ] ifc. , or inf.) Lit. TBr. ; to settle , ascertain , be convinced or persuaded of take for (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to ponder , reflect , consider Lit. MBh. Lit. Śak. ; to make strenuous effort , labour or seek after , make an attempt upon (acc.) Lit. MW. : Pass. [ -sīyate ] , to be settled or ascertained or fixed on or determined or decided ( often impers.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ -sāyayati ] , to cause to resolve , encourage to undertake , embolden Lit. VS. Lit. TS. ; to incite or instigate to (inf.) Lit. Kir. ( 1033,2 )

 व्यवसाय [ vyavasāya ] [ vy-avasāya ] m. strenuous effort or exertion Lit. Car.

  settled determination , resolve , purpose , intention to (loc. , acc. with [ prati ] , or comp. ; [ °yam√ kṛ ] to make up one's mind , resolve , determine) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  Resolution (personified) Lit. R. Lit. Pur.

  trade , business Lit. Campak.

  an act , action , performance Lit. R.

  first impression or perception Lit. Nīlak.

  state , condition Lit. MBh.

  artifice , stratagem , trick Lit. W.

  boasting Lit. ib.

  N. of Vishṇu Lit. MW.

  of Śiva Lit. ib.

  of a son of Dharma by Vapus (daughter of Daksha) Lit. ib.

  व्यवसायद्वितीय [ vyavasāyadvitīya ] [ vy-avasāya--dvitīya ] m. f. n. doubled or attended by (i.e.possessing) resolution Lit. BhP.

  व्यवसायबुद्धि [ vyavasāyabuddhi ] [ vy-avasāya--buddhi ] m. f. n. having a resolute mind Lit. ib.

  व्यवसायवत् [ vyavasāyavat ] [ vy-avasāya--vat ] m. f. n. full of resoluteness or perseverance Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  व्यवसायवर्तिन् [ vyavasāyavartin ] [ vy-avasāya--vartin ] m. f. n. acting resolutely , resolute Lit. Kām.

  व्यवसायात्मक [ vyavasāyātmaka ] [ vy-avasāyātmaka ] m. f. n. full of resolve or energy , energetic , laborious Lit. MBh.

  व्यवसायिन् [ vyavasāyin ] [ vy-avasāyin ] m. f. n. one who acts resolutely or energetically , resolute , energetic , enterprising , industrious Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   engaged in trade or business Lit. MW.

   [ vyavasāyavasāyin ] m. a tradesman , handicraftsman Lit. ib.

 व्यवसित [ vyavasita ] [ vy-avasita ] m. f. n. finished , ended , done Lit. Kāṭh.

  decided , determined , resolved , undertaken ( also n. impers. ; with dat. or inf.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  one who has resolved upon or is determined or willing to (loc. , dat. , or inf.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.

  settled , ascertained , known (n. impers.) , convinced or sure of anything (with [ samyak ] , " one who has ascertained what is right " ; with acc. , " one who has acknowledged anything as true " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  deceived , tricked , cheated , disappointed Lit. L.

  energetic , persevering , making effort or exertion Lit. W.

  [ vyavasita ] n. resolution , determination Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pur.

  an artifice , contrivance Lit. Mṛicch.

  व्यवसिति [ vyavasiti ] [ vy-avasiti ] f. ascertainment , determination , resolution Lit. Subh.

  व्यवसेय [ vyavaseya ] [ vy-avaseya ] n. (impers.) it is to be settled or determined Lit. Pat.

 व्यवस्त [ vyavasta ] [ vy-avasta ] m. f. n. = [ vy-avasita ] , Lit. Divyáv.

  bound (?) Lit. ĀśvŚr. (Sch.)

व्यवस्तुभ् [ vyavastubh ] [ vy-ava-√ stubh ] P. [ -stobhati ] , to interpose certain sounds or interjections in chanting the Sāma-veda Lit. Lāṭy.

व्यवस्तृ [ vyavastṛ ] [ vy-ava-√ stṛ ] to spread out below, Lit. ĀpGṛ.

व्यवस्था [ vyavasthā ] [ vy-ava-√ sthā ] Ā. [ -tiṣṭhate ] , to go apart , separate from (abl.) Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; to differ respectively Lit. Śaṃk. ; to halt , stop , stay Lit. R. ; to prepare or make ready for (dat.) Lit. ib. ; to be settled , be (logically) true or tenable Lit. MBh. Lit. Sarvad. ; to appear as (nom.) Lit. Nir. Lit. Sāṃkhyak. : Caus. [ -sthāpayati ] , to put down , place Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Vās. ; to fix on , direct towards (loc.) Lit. Kum. ; to charge with , appoint to ( [ artham ] ) Lit. Hit. ; to stop , hold up , prevent from falling Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat. ; to restore , re-establish Lit. Kum. Lit. Jātakam. ; to settle , arrange , establish , determine , prove to be (logically) tenable Lit. Daś. Lit. Sarvad. ; to give a name Lit. DivyA7v. ; to perform Lit. MW.

 व्यवतिष्ठमान [ vyavatiṣṭhamāna ] [ vy-avatiṣṭhamāna ] m. f. n. standing apart Lit. W.

 व्यवस्था [ vyavasthā ] [ vy-avasthā ] f. respective difference ( [ āyām ] loc. in each single case) Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Kap. Lit. Śaṃk.

  abiding in one place , steadiness Lit. Kathās.

  fixity , perseverance , constancy Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  a fixed limit Lit. Śiś.

  settlement , establishment , decision , statute , law , rule ( [ °ayā ] , instr. according to a fixed rule) Lit. BhP. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch. Lit. Kull.

  legal decision or opinion (applied to the written extracts from the codes of law or adjustment of contradictory passages in different codes) Lit. W.

  conviction , persuasion Lit. R.

  fixed relation of time or place Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 34

  rate , proportion Lit. Bhpr.

  state , condition Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.

  case , occasion , opportunity Lit. Rājat. Lit. W.

  an engagement , agreement , contract Lit. ib.

  व्यवस्थातिक्रम [ vyavasthātikrama ] [ vy-avasthātikrama ] m. transgression or violation of the law or settled rule , breaking an agreement or contract Lit. W.

  व्यवस्थातिवर्तन [ vyavasthātivartana ] [ vy-avasthātivartana ] n. id Lit. ib.

  व्यवस्थातिवर्तिन् [ vyavasthātivartin ] [ vy-avasthātivartin ] m. f. n. transgressing the law , breaking an agreement or contract Lit. ib.

  व्यवस्थादर्पण [ vyavasthādarpaṇa ] [ vy-avasthā--darpaṇa ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवस्थाप्रकाश [ vyavasthāprakāśa ] [ vy-avasthā--prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवस्थापत्त्र [ vyavasthāpattra ] [ vy-avasthā--pattra ] n. a written deed , document Lit. L.

  व्यवस्थारत्नमाला [ vyavasthāratnamālā ] [ vy-avasthā--ratna-mālā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यवस्थार्णव [ vyavasthārṇava ] [ vy-avasthārṇava ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवस्थासारसंग्रह [ vyavasthāsārasaṃgraha ] [ vy-avasthā́--sāra-saṃgraha ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवस्थासारसंचय [ vyavasthāsārasaṃcaya ] [ vy-avasthā--sāra-saṃcaya ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवस्थासेतु [ vyavasthāsetu ] [ vy-avasthā--setu ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवस्थातृ [ vyavasthātṛ ] [ vy-avasthātṛ ] m. f. n. one who settles or determines Lit. Pañcar.

  व्यवस्थान [ vyavasthāna ] [ vy-avasthāna ] m. f. n. persistent (applied to Vishṇu) Lit. MBh. xiii , 6991

   [ vyavavasthāna ] n. steadiness , perseverance , continuance in (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

   firmness , constancy Lit. MBh.

   state , condition (pl. " circumstances " ) Lit. GopBr. Lit. Rājat.

   regular arrangement or distribution Lit. MW.

   व्यवस्थानप्रज्ञप्ति [ vyavasthānaprajñapti ] [ vy-avasthāna--prajñapti ] f. a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.

 व्यवस्थापक [ vyavasthāpaka ] [ vy-avasthāpaka ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) settling , arranging , deciding , establishing ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Hāsy. Lit. Nyāyam. Sch.

  व्यवस्थापकत्व [ vyavasthāpakatva ] [ vy-avasthāpaka--tva ] n. , see [ vyavasthāpaka ]

  व्यवस्थापन [ vyavasthāpana ] [ vy-avasthāpana ] n. supporting , encouraging Lit. R.

   fixing , establishing , deciding (also in law) Lit. Kām. Lit. Kull.

  व्यवस्थापनीय [ vyavasthāpanīya ] [ vy-avasthāpanīya ] m. f. n. to be settled or established Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. ix , 242.

  व्यवस्थापित [ vyavasthāpita ] [ vy-avasthāpita ] m. f. n. arranged , settled Lit. Kum.

   caused to be placed or arranged Lit. W.

  व्यवस्थाप्य [ vyavasthāpya ] [ vy-avasthāpya ] m. f. n. to be established or declared (in each single case) Lit. Vop.

   [ vyavasthāpakavasthāpya ] n. the state of being established Lit. MW.

 व्यवस्थित [ vyavasthita ] [ vy-avasthita ] m. f. n. placed in order , drawn up (in battle) Lit. Bhag.

  placed , laid , put , stationed situated , standing or being in or on or at (loc. or comp.) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.

  standing on the side of taking part with (comp.) Lit. Dhūrtas.

  contained in (loc.) Lit. Sarvad.

  used in the meaning of (loc.) , signifying (as a word) Lit. Cat.

  one who has waited or stayed Lit. MBh.

  based or dependent on (loc.) Lit. Kām. Lit. Mālatīm. resolved upon (loc.) Lit. MBh.

  persevering in , sticking or adhering to (loc. or comp. ; with [ vākye ] , " abiding in what is said " , " obeying " ) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh. intent upon , caring for (loc.) Lit. MBh.

  settled , established , fixed , exactly determined , quite peculiar or restricted to (loc. or comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  constant , unchanging Lit. Suśr.

  existing , present Lit. MBh. Lit. Sarvad.

  proving , turning out or appearing as (nom. or instr. or ind.p. or adv.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  व्यवस्थितत्व [ vyavasthitatva ] [ vy-avasthita--tva ] n. continuance , permanence , duration , Lit. Suśr.

  व्यवस्थितविकल्प [ vyavasthitavikalpa ] [ vy-avasthita--vikalpa ] m. (in law , gram. ) an option fixed or determined in each particular case applicable or omitted throughout (the operation being in one case carried out throughout and in the other omitted throughout) Lit. Dāyabh. Lit. Kull. Lit. APrāt. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.

  व्यवस्थितविभाषा [ vyavasthitavibhāṣā ] [ vy-avasthita--vibhāṣā ] f. (in law , gram. ) an option fixed or determined in each particular case applicable or omitted throughout (the operation being in one case carried out throughout and in the other omitted throughout) Lit. Dāyabh. Lit. Kull. Lit. APrāt. Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.

  व्यवस्थितविषय [ vyavasthitaviṣaya ] [ vy-avasthita--viṣaya ] m. f. n. limited in sphere or range Lit. Uttarar.

  व्यवस्थिति [ vyavasthiti ] [ vy-avasthiti ] f. the being placed apart or kept asunder or distinguished , separation , distinction , difference Lit. Bhag. Lit. Nyāyam. Lit. Sarvad. staying , abiding , perseverance in (instr. or loc.) Lit. BhP.

   constancy , steadfastness Lit. Kathās.

   fixity , fixed rule or statute , decision , determination Lit. Mn. Lit. Hariv.

   extracting (?) Lit. W.

व्यवस्रंस् [ vyavasraṃs ] [ vy-ava-√ sraṃs ] Ā. [ -sraṃsate ] , to fall asunder Lit. TBr.

  व्यवस्रंस [ vyavasraṃsa ] [ vy-ava-sraṃsa ] m. see [ a-vy ] .

व्यवस्रु [ vyavasru ] [ vy-ava-√ sru ] P. [ -sravati ] , to flow or trickle asunder , dissolve , fail , come to nothing Lit. MaitrS. : Caus. [ -srāvayati ] , to cause to flow asunder Lit. Kāṭh.

व्यवहरण [ vyavaharaṇa ] [ vy-avaharaṇa ] see below.

व्यवहास [ vyavahāsa ] [ vy-ava-hāsa ] (√ [ has ] ) , mutual laughter Lit. W.

व्यवहित [ vyavahita ] [ vy-avahita ] see [ vy-ava-√ dhā ] .

व्यवहृ [ vyavahṛ ] [ vy-ava-√ hṛ ] P. Ā. [ -harati ] , [ °te ] , to transpose , exchange Lit. Nir. ; to have intercourse with (instr. or loc.) Lit. GṛS. Lit. BhP. ; to meet (as foes) , fight with (instr. with or without [ sārdham ] ) Lit. MBh. to act , proceed , behave towards or deal with (loc.) Lit. ib. Lit. Kāv. ; to be active or busy , work Lit. Yājñ. Sch. ; to carry on commerce , trade , deal in (loc. instr. , or gen.) Lit. Āpast. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. BhP. ; to bet at , play for (gen.) Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 57 Sch. ; to manage , employ make use of (acc.) Lit. ib. ; to carry on legal proceedings , litigate Lit. MW. ; to be intent upon , care for cherish (acc.) Lit. MBh. ; to roam or stroll about Lit. ib. ; to recover , regain , obtain Lit. ib. ; to distinguish Lit. ib. Pass. [ -hriyate ] , to be named or termed or designated Lit. Sarvad. Lit. Vedântas. : Caus. [ -hārayati ] , to allow any one to do what he likes Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. viii , 362 to deal with (acc.) Lit. SaddhP. : Pass. of Caus. [ hāryate ] , to be named or designated Lit. BhP.

 व्यवहरण [ vyavaharaṇa ] [ vy-avaharaṇa ] n. a contest at law , litigation Lit. L.

  व्यवहर्तव्य [ vyavahartavya ] [ vy-avahartavya ] m. f. n. to be managed or used or employed Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. x , 51

   to be transacted or done (n. impers.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pañcat.

   to be litigated or decided judicially Lit. W.

  व्यवहर्तृ [ vyavahartṛ ] [ vy-avahartṛ ] m. f. n. one who acts or transacts business , engaged in or occupied with (instr.) , Lit. Yaljñ. Lit. Sāṃkhyak.

   observing or following established usages Lit. W.

   [ vyavaharaṇavahartṛ ] m. the manager of any business , conductor of any judicial procedure , judge , umpire Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

   one engaged in litigation , a litigant , plaintiff , any one who institutes an action at law Lit. W.

   an associate , partaker Lit. ib.

   a Vaiśya Lit. L.

 व्यवहार [ vyavahāra ] [ vy-avahāra ] m. doing , performing , action , practice , conduct , behaviour Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ( [ vyavahāraḥ kāryaḥ ] , with instr. , " it should be acted according to " )

  commerce or intercourse with ( saha or comp.) Lit. Nir. Lit. Kām.

  affair , matter Lit. Nīlak.

  usage , custom , wont , ordinary life , common practice Lit. Pat. Lit. BhP. Lit. Hit.

  activity , action or practice of occupation or business with (loc. or comp.) Lit. Inscr. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  mercantile transaction , traffic , trade with , dealing in (comp.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  a contract Lit. Mn. viii , 163

  legal procedure , contest at law with ( [ saha ] ) , litigation , lawsuit , legal process (see [ -matṛkā ] below) Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.

  practices of law and kingly government Lit. IW. 209

  mathematical process Lit. Col.

  administration of justice Lit. Gaut.

  (fig.) punishment Lit. L.

  competency to manage one's own affairs , majority (in law) Lit. ib.

  propriety , adherence to law or custom Lit. ib.

  the use of an expression , with regard to , speaking about ( [ tair eva vyavahāraḥ ] , " just about these is the question " , " it is to these that the discussion has reference " ) Lit. Kap. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Sarvad.

  designation Lit. Jaim. Sch.

  compulsory work Lit. L.

  a sword Lit. L.

  a sort of tree Lit. L.

  N. of a ch. of the Agni-purāṇa.

  व्यवहारकमलाकर [ vyavahārakamalākara ] [ vy-avahāra-kamalākara ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारकल्पतरु [ vyavahārakalpataru ] [ vy-avahāra-kalpataru ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारकाण्ड [ vyavahārakāṇḍa ] [ vy-avahāra-kāṇḍa ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारकाल [ vyavahārakāla ] [ vy-avahāra-kāla ] m. the period of action , a mundane period Lit. MW.

  व्यवहारचन्द्रोदय [ vyavahāracandrodaya ] [ vy-avahāra-candrodaya ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारचमत्कार [ vyavahāracamatkāra ] [ vy-avahāra-camatkāra ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारचिन्तामणि [ vyavahāracintāmaṇi ] [ vy-avahāra-cintāmaṇi ] m. ( Lit. IW. 305) N. of wk.

  व्यवहारज्ञ [ vyavahārajña ] [ vy-avahāra-jña ] m. f. n. knowing the ways of the world , acquainted with practice or legal procedure , one competent to manage his own affairs (i.e. one who has passed his 16th year and legally arrived at his majority) Lit. Nār.

  व्यवहारतत्त्व [ vyavahāratattva ] [ vy-avahāra-tattva ] n. N. of a ch. of the Smṛiti-tattva Lit. IW. 304.

  व्यवहारतस् [ vyavahāratas ] [ vy-avahāra-tas ] ind. according to established practice , practically , conventionally Lit. MW.

  व्यवहारतिलक [ vyavahāratilaka ] [ vy-avahāra-tilaka ] m. N. of wk. by Bhava-deva Bhaṭṭa.

  व्यवहारत्व [ vyavahāratva ] [ vy-avahāra-tva ] n. the state of being common practice or usage or of being the occasion of litigation or of a lawsuit Lit. MBh.

  व्यवहारदर्पण [ vyavahāradarpaṇa ] [ vy-avahāra-darpaṇa ] m. N. of various works.

  व्यवहारदर्शन [ vyavahāradarśana ] [ vy-avahāra-darśana ] n. judicial investigation , trial Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

  व्यवहारदशश्लोकी [ vyavahāradaśaślokī ] [ vy-avahāra-daśa-ślokī ] f. N. of wk. on law by Śrī-dhara Bhaṭṭa.

  व्यवहारदशा [ vyavahāradaśā ] [ vy-avahāra-daśā ] f. the state of common everyday life or reality Lit. Sarvad.

  व्यवहारदीधिति [ vyavahāradīdhiti ] [ vy-avahāra-dīdhiti ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारदीपिका [ vyavahāradīpikā ] [ vy-avahāra-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारद्रष्टृ [ vyavahāradraṣṭṛ ] [ vy-avahāra-draṣṭṛ ] m. " examiner of a lawsuit " , a judge , Lit. ĀpGṛ. Sch.

  व्यवहारनिर्णय [ vyavahāranirṇaya ] [ vy-avahāra-nirṇaya ] m. ( also with [ śivakathita ] ) N. of wk.

  व्यवहारपद [ vyavahārapada ] [ vy-avahāra-pada ] n. a title or head of legal procedure , occasion or case of litigation ( cf. [ -mātṛkā ] below Lit. IW. 297) , Lit. Yljñ.

  व्यवहारपरिभाषा [ vyavahāraparibhāṣā ] [ vy-avahāra-paribhāṣā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारपरिशिष्ट [ vyavahārapariśiṣṭa ] [ vy-avahāra-pariśiṣṭa ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारप्रकाश [ vyavahāraprakāśa ] [ vy-avahāra-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारप्रदीप [ vyavahārapradīpa ] [ vy-avahāra-pradīpa ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारप्रदीपिका [ vyavahārapradīpikā ] [ vy-avahāra-pradīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारपाद [ vyavahārapāda ] [ vy-avahāra-pāda ] m. the fourth part of a legal process , one of the four stages of a regular lawsuit (these four are , [ pūrva-pakṣa ] , [ uttara-pakṣa ] , [ kriyā-pāda ] , [ nirṇaya-pāda ] , qq. vv , ; cf. [ vyavahārasya prathamaḥ pādaḥ ] Lit. Mṛicch. ix , 8/7) Lit. L.

  व्यवहारप्राप्त [ vyavahāraprāpta ] [ vy-avahāra-prāpta ] m. one who has attained a knowledge of business or legal procedure , a youth of 16 years of age ( cf. [ -jña ] ) Lit. W.

  व्यवहारमयूख [ vyavahāramayūkha ] [ vy-avahāra-mayūkha ] m. N. of wk. ( Lit. IW. 305)

  व्यवहारमहोदय [ vyavahāramahodaya ] [ vy-avahāra-mahodaya ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारमातृका [ vyavahāramātṛkā ] [ vy-avahāra-mātṛkā ] f. the material or matter of ordinary judicature , legal process in general , any act or subject relating to the formation of legal courts or the administration of justice (arranged under thirty heads in the beginning of the second book or Vyavahārâdhyāya of the Mitāksharā e.g. 1. [ vyavahāra-darśanani ] , 2. [ vyavahāra-lakṣaṇam ] , 3. [ sabhā-sadaḥ ] , 4. [ prāḍ-vivākādiḥ ] , 5. [ vyavahāra-viṣayah ] , 6. [ rājñaḥ kāryānutpādakatvam ] , 7. [ kāryārthini praśnaḥ ] , 8. [ āhvānānāhvāne ] , 9. [ āsedhah ] , 10. [ pratyarthiny āgatelekhyādi-kartavyatā ] , 11. [ pañca-vidho hīnaḥ ] , 12. [ kīdṛśaṃ lekhyam ] , 13. [ pakṣābhāsāḥ ] , 14. [ anadeyāḥ ] , 15. [ ādeyaḥ ] , and fifteen others) Lit. MW.

   N. of wk. on Dharma ( also called [ nyāya-m ] ) by Jīmūta-vāhana.

  व्यवहारमाधव [ vyavahāramādhava ] [ vy-avahāra-mādhava ] m. N. of a ch. of the Parāśara-smṛiti-vyākhyā by Mādhavācārya

  व्यवहारमार्ग [ vyavahāramārga ] [ vy-avahāra-mārga ] m. a course or title of legal procedure Lit. Yājñ. Sch. (= [ viṣaya ] q.v.)

  व्यवहारमाला [ vyavahāramālā ] [ vy-avahāra-mālā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारमालिका [ vyavahāramālikā ] [ vy-avahāra-mālikā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यवहाररत्न [ vyavahāraratna ] [ vy-avahāra-ratna ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यवहाररत्नमाला [ vyavahāraratnamālā ] [ vy-avahāra-ratna-mālā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यवहाररत्नाकर [ vyavahāraratnākara ] [ vy-avahāra-ratnākara ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारलक्षण [ vyavahāralakṣaṇa ] [ vy-avahāra-lakṣaṇa ] n. a characteristic of judicial investigation Lit. MW.

  व्यवहारवत् [ vyavahāravat ] [ vy-avahāra-vat ] m. f. n. having occupation , occupied with (comp.) Lit. Mn. x , 37

   [ vyavahāravat ] m. a man of business Lit. Kām.

  व्यवहारविधि [ vyavahāravidhi ] [ vy-avahāra-vidhi ] m. legal enactment , rule of law , the precepts or code by which judicature is regulated , any code of law Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

  व्यवहारविषय [ vyavahāraviṣaya ] [ vy-avahāra-viṣaya ] m. a subject or title of legal procedure , any act or matter which may become the subject of legal proceedings (according to Lit. Mn. viii , 4-7 eighteen in number , viz. [ ṛṇādānam ] , [ nikṣepaḥ ] , [ asvāmi-vikrayaḥ ] , [ sambhūya-samutthānam ] , [ dattasyānapakarma ] , [ vetanādānam ] , [ saṃvid-vyatikramaḥ ] , [ kraya-vikrayānuśayaḥ ] , [ svāmi-pālayor vivādaḥ ] , [ sīmā-vivādaḥ ] , [ vāk-pāruṣyam ] , [ daṇḍa-pāruṣyam ] , [ steyam ] , [ sāhasam ] , [ strī-saṃgrahaṇam ] , [ strīpuṃ-dharmaḥ ] , [ vibhāgaḥ ] , [ dyūtam ] , [ āhvayaḥ ] , qq.vv.)

  व्यवहारशतक [ vyavahāraśataka ] [ vy-avahāra-śataka ] n. N. of wk. (containing rules of good manners , by Trivikramâcārya) .

  व्यवहारसमुच्चय [ vyavahārasamuccaya ] [ vy-avahāra-samuccaya ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारसार [ vyavahārasāra ] [ vy-avahāra-sāra ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारसारोद्धार [ vyavahārasāroddhāra ] [ vy-avahāra-sāroddhāra ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारसौख्य [ vyavahārasaukhya ] [ vy-avahāra-saukhya ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारस्थान [ vyavahārasthāna ] [ vy-avahāra-sthāna ] n. = [ -viṣaya ] Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

  व्यवहारस्थिति [ vyavahārasthiti ] [ vy-avahāra-sthiti ] f. judicial procedure Lit. ib.

  व्यवहारांश [ vyavahārāṃśa ] [ vyavahārāṃśa ] m. any part or division of legal procedure Lit. MW.

  व्यवहाराङ्ग [ vyavahārāṅga ] [ vyavahārāṅga ] n. the body of civil and criminal law Lit. ib.

   व्यवहाराङ्गस्मृतिसर्वस्व [ vyavahārāṅgasmṛtisarvasva ] [ vyavahārāṅga--smṛti-sarvasva ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यवहाराभिशस्त [ vyavahārābhiśasta ] [ vyavahārābhiśasta ] m. f. n. prosecuted , accused , proceeded against legally Lit. W.

  व्यवहारायोग्य [ vyavahārāyogya ] [ vyavahārāyogya ] m. f. n. unfitted for legal proceedings Lit. ib.

   [ vyavahārāyogya ] m. one incompetent to conduct business , a minor , one not yet of age Lit. ib.

  व्यवहारार्थसार [ vyavahārārthasāra ] [ vyaváhārārtha-sāra ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारार्थस्मृतिसारसमुच्चय [ vyavahārārthasmṛtisārasamuccaya ] [ vyavahārārtha-smṛti-sāra-samuccaya ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारार्थिन् [ vyavahārārthin ] [ vyavahārārthin ] m. one who has a lawsuit , a plaintiff , accuser Lit. Mṛicch. ix , 5/8.

  व्यवहारालोक [ vyavahārāloka ] [ vyavahārāloka ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यवहारासन [ vyavahārāsana ] [ vyavahārāsana ] n. a judgement-seat , tribunal Lit. Ragh.

  व्यवहारोच्चय [ vyavahāroccaya ] [ vyavahāroccaya ] m. N. of wk.

 व्यवहारक [ vyavahāraka ] [ vy-avahāraka ] m. a dealer , trader Lit. Pañcat.

  [ vyavahārikā ] f. a female slave Lit. R. (B. [ vyāv ] )

  common practice , the ways of the world Lit. L.

  a broom Lit. L.

  Terminalia Catappa Lit. L.

 व्यवहारम् [ vyavahāram ] [ vy-avahāram ] ind. alternately Lit. Kāṭh.

 व्यवहारयितव्य [ vyavahārayitavya ] [ vy-avahārayitavya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be occupied (esp. with compulsory work) Lit. Kull.

 व्यवहारिक [ vyavahārika ] [ vy-avahārika ] w.r. for [ vyāvahārika ] .

 व्यवहारिन् [ vyavahārin ] [ vy-avahārin ] m. f. n. acting , proceeding , dealing with (ifc.) Lit. Hit. Lit. Kull.

  transacting , practising (any business or trade) Lit. MBh. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. VarBṛS.

  fit or competent for legal proceedings or for affairs , being of age ( [ °ri-tā ] f. majority in law) Lit. Kāty.

  relating to a legal process or action Lit. W.

  customary. usual Lit. ib.

  [ vyavahārin ] m. a man of business , trader , merchant Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  N. of a Mohammedan sect Lit. W.

  व्यवहारिता [ vyavahāritā ] [ vy-avahāri-tā ] f. , see [ vyavahārin ] , majority in law

 व्यवहार्य [ vyavahārya ] [ vy-avahārya ] m. f. n. to be transacted or practised (see [ a-vyav ] ) ( 1332,2 )

  one who may be associated with Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.

  customary , usual Lit. W.

  to be employed or used Lit. MW.

  actionable , liable to a legal process Lit. ib.

  [ vyavahārya ] n. a treasure Lit. L.

 व्यवहृत् [ vyavahṛt ] [ vy-avahṛt ] m. f. n. dealing in (ifc.) Lit. Kathās.

  ( as subst.) usage , practice Lit. Harav.

  व्यवहृत [ vyavahṛta ] [ vy-avahṛta ] m. f. n. practised , employed , used Lit. MW.

   [ vyavavahṛta ] n. commerce , intercourse Lit. BhP.

  व्यवहृति [ vyavahṛti ] [ vy-avahṛti ] f. practice , conduct , action Lit. Rājat. Lit. Sāh.

   intercourse Lit. Rājat.

   business , trade , commerce Lit. BhP.

   litigation , lawsuit Lit. Cat.

   speech , talk , rumour (see [ dur-vy ] )

   व्यवहृतितत्त्व [ vyavahṛtitattva ] [ vy-avahṛti--tattva ] n. N. of a ch. of the Smṛiti-tattva ( cf. [ vyavahāra-t ] ) .

 व्यवह्रियमाण [ vyavahriyamāṇa ] [ vy-avahriyamāṇa ] m. f. n. being named or designated ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Kusum.

  व्यवह्रियमाणत्व [ vyavahriyamāṇatva ] [ vy-avahriyamāṇa--tva ] n. , see [ vyavahriyamāṇa ]

व्यवे [ vyave ] [ vy-ave ] ( Preverb. [ -ava-√ i ] ) P. [ -avauti ] , to go or pass between , separate Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kauś. ; (in gram.) to resolve or separate by inserting a vowel , Lit. Prāt. ; to dissolve , decompose Lit. MW.

 व्यवाय [ vyavāya ] [ vy-avāya ] m. intervention , interposition , separation by insertion , being separated by (instr. or comp.) Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Prāt. Lit. Pāṇ.

  entering , pervading , penetration Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.

  change , transmutation Lit. BhP.

  sexual intercourse , copulation Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Suśr.

  wantonness , lasciviousness Lit. BhP.

  covering , disappearance Lit. W.

  interval , space Lit. ib.

  an obstacle , impediment Lit. MW.

  [ vyavāya ] n. light , lustre Lit. L.

  व्यवायिन् [ vyavāyin ] [ vy-avāyin ] m. f. n. intervening , separating Lit. Prāt. Lit. Pāṇ.

   pervading , diffusive Lit. Suśr. Lit. ŚārṅgS. ( [ °yi-tva ] n. Lit. Car.)

   lascivious , lustful Lit. Suśr.

   [ vyavāyavāyin ] m. a libertine Lit. W.

   any drug possessing stimulating properties , an aphrodisiac Lit. ib.

   व्यवायित्व [ vyavāyitva ] [ vy-avāyi-tva ] n. , see [ vyavāyin ] , Lit. Car.

 व्यवेत [ vyaveta ] [ vy-aveta ] m. f. n. separated , divided (esp. by insertion of a letter) Lit. Prāt. Lit. Pāṇ. ( [ -tva ] n. )

  व्यवेतत्व [ vyavetatva ] [ vy-aveta--tva ] n. , see [ vyaveta ]

व्यश् [ vyaś ] [ vy-√ aś ] P. Ā. [ -aśnoti ] , [ -aśnute ] , to reach , attain Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to obtain , take possession of Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr. ; to fall to one's share Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to pervade , interpenetrate , fill , occupy Lit. Ragh. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

 व्यशन [ vyaśana ] [ vy-aśana ]2 m. ( for 1. see p. 1028 , col. 3) Lit. Kāṭh. ( a word used in a partic. formula ; other forms are [ vaiyáśana ] ; [ vy-áśniya ] Lit. TS. ; [ vy-aśnuví n ] Lit. VS.)

 व्यष्टि [ vyaṣṭi ] [ vy-áṣṭi ] f. attainment , success Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr.

  (in Vedânta) singleness , individuality , a separated aggregate ( such as man , viewed as a part of a whole ( e.g. of the Universal Soul ) while himself composed of individual parts ; opp. to [ sam-aṣṭi ] q.v.) Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Vedântas.

  [ vyaṣṭi ] m. N. of a preceptor Lit. ŚBr.

  व्यष्टिसमष्टिता [ vyaṣṭisamaṣṭitā ] [ vy-áṣṭi--samaṣṭi-tā ] f. the state of individuality and totality Lit. Vedântas.

  व्यष्ट्यभिप्राय [ vyaṣṭyabhiprāya ] [ vy-áṣṭy-abhiprāya ] m. regarding (a group of objects) singly or individually Lit. MW.

व्यश् [ vyaś ] [ vy-√ aś ] P. Ā. [ -aśnāti ] , [ -aśnīte ] , to eat up , consume by eating Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

व्यश्व [ vyaśva ] [ vy-aśva ] see p. 1028 , col. 3.

व्यष्टक [ vyaṣṭaka ] [ vyaṣṭaka ] n. (v.l. for [ muṣṭhaka ] q.v.) black mustard Lit. L.

[ vyaṣṭakā ] f. see p. 1028 , col. 3.

व्यष्ठ [ vyaṣṭha ] [ vyaṣṭha ] n. copper Lit. L.

व्यस् [ vyas ] [ vy-√ as:2 ] [ as ] P. [ -asyati ] ( ep. pf. [ vivyāsa ] as if fr. a √ [ vyas ] ) , to throw or cast asunder or about or away , throw (effort) into , divide , separate , dispose , arrange ; scatter , disperse ; expel , remove Lit. RV. ( 1034,3 )

 व्यसन [ vyasana ] [ vy-asana ] n. moving to and fro , wagging (of a tail) Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 20 , Vārtt. 3

  throwing (effort) into , assiduity , industry Lit. Bhartṛ. Lit. Subh.

  separation , individuality Lit. W.

  attachment or devotion or addiction to (loc. or comp.) , passion , (esp.) evil passion , sin , crime , vice (said to arise either from love of pleasure or from anger ; eight are enumerated under the first head , viz. [ mṛgayā ] , [ dyūta ] or [ akṣa ] , [ divā-svapna ] , [ parivāda ] , [ striyaḥ ] , [ mada ] , [ taurya-trika ] , [ vṛthātyā ] ; and eight under the second , viz. [ paiśunya ] , [ sāhasa ] , [ droha ] , [ irṣyā ] , [ asūyā ] [ artha-dūṣaṇa ] [ vākpāruṣya ] , [ daṇḍa-pāruṣya ] , qq.vv.) Lit. Mn. vii , 47 , 48 Lit. MBh.

  favourite pursuit or occupation , hobby Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Rājat.

  evil predicament or plight , disaster , accident , evil result , calamity , misfortune ( [ vyasanāni ] pl. misfortunes) , ill-luck , distress , destruction , defeat , fall , ruin Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  setting (of sun or moon) Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Śak.

  fruitless effort Lit. L.

  punishment , execution (of criminals) Lit. MW.

  incompetence , inability Lit. W.

  air , wind Lit. ib.

  tale-bearing Lit. L.

  व्यसनकाल [ vyasanakāla ] [ vy-asana--kāla ] m. time of need Lit. Subh.

  व्यसनप्रसारितकर [ vyasanaprasāritakara ] [ vy-asana--prasārita-kara ] m. f. n. having the hand stretched forth for (inflicting) calamity Lit. Hit.

  व्यसनप्रहारिन् [ vyasanaprahārin ] [ vy-asana--prahārin ] m. f. n. inflicting calamity , giving trouble or pain Lit. W.

  व्यसनप्राप्ति [ vyasanaprāpti ] [ vy-asana--prāpti ] f. occurrence of calamity Lit. Sāh.

  व्यसनब्रह्मचारिन् [ vyasanabrahmacārin ] [ vy-asana--brahmacārin ] m. a companion of adversity , fellow-sufferer Lit. Mudr.

  व्यसनमहार्णव [ vyasanamahārṇava ] [ vy-asana--mahārṇava ] m. a sea of troubles Lit. Mṛicch.

  व्यसनरक्षिन् [ vyasanarakṣin ] [ vy-asana--rakṣin ] m. f. n. preserving from calamity Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

  व्यसनवत् [ vyasanavat ] [ vy-asana--vat ] m. f. n. one who has had ill-luck with (comp.) Lit. Kām.

  व्यसनवागुरा [ vyasanavāgurā ] [ vy-asana--vāgurā ] f. the net or snare of adversity Lit. R.

  व्यसनसंस्थित [ vyasanasaṃsthita ] [ vy-asana--saṃsthita ] m. f. n. one who indulges in any whim or favourite fancy Lit. Pañcat.

  व्यसनाक्रान्तत्व [ vyasanākrāntatva ] [ vy-asanākrānta-tva ] n. distressful condition , grievous distress Lit. MW.

  व्यसनागम [ vyasanāgama ] [ vy-asanāgama ] m. approach of calamity Lit. Śukas.

  व्यसनातिभार [ vyasanātibhāra ] [ vy-asanātibhāra ] m. f. n. weighed down or overburdened with misfortunes Lit. MW.

  व्यसनात्यय [ vyasanātyaya ] [ vy-asanātyaya ] m. the passing away of calamity or distress Lit. BhP.

  व्यसनानन्तरम् [ vyasanānantaram ] [ vy-asanānantaram ] ind. immediately after misfortune Lit. Kāv.

  व्यसनापात [ vyasanāpāta ] [ vy-asanāpāta ] m. (= [ °nāgama ] ) Lit. Rājat.

  व्यसनावाप [ vyasanāvāpa ] [ vy-asanāvāpa ] m. receptacle or abode of calamity Lit. BhP.

  व्यसनान्वित [ vyasanānvita ] [ vy-asanānvita ] m. f. n. involved in or overwhelmed with calamity Lit. MW.

  व्यसनाप्लुत [ vyasanāpluta ] [ vy-asanāpluta ] m. f. n. involved in or overwhelmed with calamity Lit. MW.

  व्यसनार्त [ vyasanārta ] [ vy-asanārta ] m. f. n. afflicted by calamity , suffering pain Lit. L.

  व्यसनोत्सव [ vyasanotsava ] [ vy-asanotsava ] m. a feast for the (evil) passions , an orgy Lit. VarBṛS.

  व्यसनोदय [ vyasanodaya ] [ vy-asanodaya ] m. the rising or approaching of misfortune Lit. Pañcat.

   [ vyasanodaya ] m. f. n. followed by or resulting in calamities Lit. MBh.

 व्यसनि [ vyasani ] [ vyasani ] in comp. for [ vyasanin ] .

  व्यसनिता [ vyasanitā ] [ vyasani-tā ] f. devotion or attachment to (loc. or comp.) , fancy for Lit. Kāv. Lit. Hit.

   an evil passion Lit. Kathās.

  व्यसनित्व [ vyasanitva ] [ vyasani-tva ] n. (ifc.) attachment or addiction to Lit. Rājat.

 व्यसनिन् [ vyasanin ] [ vyasanin ] m. f. n. working hard , taking great pains Lit. MBh.

  (ifc.) passionately addicted to , fond of. Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  addicted to any kind of vice or evil practice (as gaming , drinking ) , vicious , dissolute Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Kāv.

  having a favourite pursuit or occupation Lit. Śaṃk.

  calamitous , unfortunate , unlucky with , suffering through or from (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

 व्यसनीकृ [ vyasanīkṛ ] [ vyasanī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to consider or characterize as a vice Lit. Jātakam.

 व्यसनीय [ vyasanīya ] [ vyasanīya ] m. a vicious person , profligate , libertine Lit. W.

 व्यस्त [ vyasta ] [ vy-ásta ] m. f. n. cut in pieces , dismembered (said of Vṛitra) Lit. RV. i , 32 , 7 torn asunder , gaping Lit. TPrāt.

  severed , separated , divided , distinct ( [ vy-aste kāle ] , " at different times " , " now and then " ) , single , simple Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  multiplied , various , manifold Lit. Prab. Lit. Kāvyâd.

  opposed to , inverse , reverse (see comp.)

  disordered , disarranged , confused , bewildered (see comp.)

  scattered , dispersed , Lit. Jyot. Lit. Uttarar.

  expelled , removed Lit. Megh.

  spread , extended (see comp.)

  changed , altered (see comp.)

  inherent in or pervading all the several parts of anything ( in phil opp. to [ sam-asta ] ) , penetrated , pervaded

  [ vyastam ] ind. severally , separately , partially Lit. MW.

  व्यस्तकेश [ vyastakeśa ] [ vy-ásta--keśá ] m. f. n. having dishevelled hair Lit. AV.

  व्यस्तता [ vyastatā ] [ vy-ásta--tā ] f. severalty , individuality Lit. W.

   individual inherence Lit. ib.

   agitation , bewilderment Lit. ib.

  व्यस्तत्व [ vyastatva ] [ vy-ásta--tva ] n. severalty , individuality Lit. W.

   individual inherence Lit. ib.

   agitation , bewilderment Lit. ib.

  व्यस्तत्रैराशिक [ vyastatrairāśika ] [ vy-ásta--trairāśika ] n. the rule of three inverted Lit. Col.

  व्यस्तन्यास [ vyastanyāsa ] [ vy-ásta--nyāsa ] m. f. n. " having separate impressions " , rumpled (as a couch) Lit. Ratnâv. ii , 11

  व्यस्तपद [ vyastapada ] [ vy-ásta--pada ] n. confused statement of a case (in a law-court ; as , when a man is accused of debt , it is stated in defence that he has been assaulted) , counter-plaint Lit. Yājñ. Sch.

   (in gram.) a simple or uncompounded word Lit. W.

  व्यस्तपुच्छ [ vyastapuccha ] [ vy-ásta--puccha ] m. f. n. having an extended tail Lit. Śulbas.

  व्यस्तरात्रिंदिव [ vyastarātriṃdiva ] [ vy-ásta--rātriṃ-diva ] m. f. n. dividing or separating night and day Lit. MW.

  व्यस्तविधि [ vyastavidhi ] [ vy-ásta--vidhi ] m. inverted rule , any rule for inversion Lit. Col.

  व्यस्तवृत्ति [ vyastavṛtti ] [ vy-ásta--vṛtti ] m. f. n. (a word) whose proper force or meaning is changed or altered Lit. Ragh. xi , 73.

 व्यस्तार [ vyastāra ] [ vyastāra ] m. ( said to be fr. [ vyasta ] + [ āra ] fr. √ 4. [ ] ; but rather formed in analogy to [ vi-stāra ] , fr. √ [ stṛ ] ) the issue of the fluid from the temples of an elephant in rut Lit. L.

 व्यस्तिका [ vyastikā ] [ vy-astikā ] ind. with arms or legs spread asunder Lit. Mahāvy.

  व्यस्तिकाकृत [ vyastikākṛta ] [ vy-astikā--kṛta ] m. f. n. being in the above position Lit. ib.

 व्यास [ vyāsa ] [ vy-āsa ] m. severing , separation , division Lit. Sarvad.

  a kind of drawl (as a fault in pronunciation) , Lit. ĀPrāt.

  extension , diffusion , prolixity , detailed account (instr. ; abl. and [ -tas ] ind. in detail , at length , fully) Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr. Lit. BhP.

  width , breadth , the diameter of a circle Lit. Śulbas. Lit. VarBṛS.

  " distributing , disjoining " , N. of the Pada-pāṭha or " disjoined text " Lit. Aprāt.

  " arranger , compiler " , N. of a celebrated mythical sage and author (often called Veda-vyāsa and regarded as the original compiler and arranger of the Vedas , Vedânta-sūtras ; he was the son of the sage Parāśara and Satyavatī , and half-brother of Vicitra-vīrya and Bhīshma ; he was also called Vādarāyaṇa or Bādarāyaṇa , and Kṛishṇa from his dark complexion , and Dvaipāyana because he was brought forth by Satyavatī on a Dvīpa or island in the Jumnā ; when grown up he retired to the wilderness to lead the life of a hermit , but at his mother's request returned to become the husband of Vicitra-vīrya's two childless widows , by whom he was the father of the blind Dhṛita-rāshṭra and of Pāṇḍu ; he was also the father of Vidura ( q.v. ) by a slave girl , and of Śuka , the supposed narrator of the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa , he was also the supposed compiler of the Mahā-bhārata , the Purāṇas , and other portions of Hindū sacred literature ; but the name Vyāsa seems to have been given to any great typical compiler or author) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur. cf. Lit. IW. 371 n. 2 ; 373

  a Brāhman who recites or expounds the Purāṇas in public ( = [ pāṭhaka-brāhmaṇa ] ) Lit. MW.

  [ vyāsa ] n. a bow weighing 100 Palas Lit. L.

  व्यासकूट [ vyāsakūṭa ] [ vy-āsa-kūṭa ] n. N. of wk. (containing puzzles for the amusement of Rāma in his solitude on the Mālyavat and for the delectation of simple minds) .

  व्यासकेशव [ vyāsakeśava ] [ vy-āsa-keśava ] m.

  व्यासगणपति [ vyāsagaṇapati ] [ vy-āsa-gaṇapati ] m. N. of authors Lit. Cat.

  व्यासगद्य [ vyāsagadya ] [ vy-āsa-gadya ] n. N. of a Stotra.

  व्यासगिरि [ vyāsagiri ] [ vy-āsa-giri ] (?) m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  व्यासगीता [ vyāsagītā ] [ vy-āsa-gītā ] f. pl. N. of a ch. of the Kūrma-Purāṇa.

  व्यासचरित्र [ vyāsacaritra ] [ vy-āsa-caritra ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यासतस् [ vyāsatas ] [ vy-āsa--tas ]ind. , see [ vyāsa ] , in detail , at length , fully

  व्यासतात्पर्यनिर्णय [ vyāsatātparyanirṇaya ] [ vy-āsa-tātparya-nirṇaya ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यासतीर्थ [ vyāsatīrtha ] [ vy-āsa-tīrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat.

   [ vyāsatīrtha ] m. ( also [ -tīrtha-bindu ] or [ -bhikṣu ] , [ vyāsa-yati ] , and [ vyāsa-rāja ] ) N. of an author of various Comms. and founder of the Vyāsarāya-matha (who died A.D. 1339) Lit. Cat.

  व्यासतुलसी [ vyāsatulasī ] [ vy-āsa-tulasī ] m.

  व्यासत्र्यम्बक [ vyāsatryambaka ] [ vy-āsa-try-ambaka ] m. N. of men Lit. ib.

  व्यासत्व [ vyāsatva ] [ vy-āsa-tva ] n. the state or title of a compiler Lit. MBh.

  व्यासदत्ति [ vyāsadatti ] [ vy-āsa-datti ] m. N. of a son of Vara-ruci Lit. Cat.

  व्यासदर्शनप्रकार [ vyāsadarśanaprakāra ] [ vy-āsa-darśana-prakāra ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यासदास [ vyāsadāsa ] [ vy-āsa-dāsa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat. (also surname of Kshemêndra)

   of a chief of the Vaikhānasa sect Lit. MW.

  व्यासदेव [ vyāsadeva ] [ vy-āsa-deva ] m. the divine sage Vyāsa Lit. ib.

   N. of an author Lit. Cat. ( also [ -deva-miśra ] ) .

  व्यासनारायण [ vyāsanārāyaṇa ] [ vy-āsa-nārāyaṇa ] m.

  व्यासनाभ [ vyāsanābha ] [ vy-āsa-nābha ] m. N. of men Lit. ib.

  व्यासपरिपृच्छा [ vyāsaparipṛcchā ] [ vy-āsa-paripṛcchā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यासपूजनसंहिता [ vyāsapūjanasaṃhitā ] [ vy-āsa-pūjana-saṃhitā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यासपूजा [ vyāsapūjā ] [ vy-āsa-pūjā ] f. " honour paid to an expounder of the Purāṇas " , N. of a partic. observance

   व्यासपूजापद्धति [ vyāsapūjāpaddhati ] [ vy-āsa-pūjā--paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

   व्यासपूजाविधि [ vyāsapūjāvidhi ] [ vy-āsa-pūjā--vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  व्यासप्रभाकर [ vyāsaprabhākara ] [ vy-āsa-prabhākara ] (?) , N. of wk.

  व्यासभाष्यव्याख्या [ vyāsabhāṣyavyākhyā ] [ vy-āsa-bhāṣya-vyākhyā ] f. N. of a Commentary.

  व्यासमातृ [ vyāsamātṛ ] [ vy-āsa-mātṛ ] f. " mother of Vyāsa " , N. of Satyavatī Lit. L.

  व्यासमूर्ति [ vyāsamūrti ] [ vy-āsa-mūrti ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. Śivag.

  व्यासयति [ vyāsayati ] [ vy-āsa-yati ] and see [ -tīrtha ] .

  व्यासराज [ vyāsarāja ] [ vy-āsa-rāja ]and see [ -tīrtha ] .

  व्यासवत्स [ vyāsavatsa ] [ vy-āsa-vatsa ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  व्यासवन [ vyāsavana ] [ vy-āsa-vana ] n. N. of a sacred forest Lit. MBh.

  व्यासवर्य [ vyāsavarya ] [ vy-āsa-varya ] m. N. of a man (the father of Hanumad Ācārya) Lit. Cat.

  व्यासविट्ठल [ vyāsaviṭṭhala ] [ vy-āsa-viṭṭhala ] m. ( with [ ācārya ] ) N. of an author Lit. ib.

  व्यासशतक [ vyāsaśataka ] [ vy-āsa-śataka ] n. N. of wk.

  व्यासशिक्षा [ vyāsaśikṣā ] [ vy-āsa-śikṣā ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यासशुकसंवाद [ vyāsaśukasaṃvāda ] [ vy-āsa-śuka-saṃvāda ] m. N. of wk.

  व्याससदानन्दजी [ vyāsasadānandajī ] [ vy-āsa-sadānandajī ] m. N. of a grammarian Lit. Cat.

  व्याससमास [ vyāsasamāsa ] [ vy-āsa-samāsa ] m. du. diffuseness and conciseness (instr. or [ -tas ] ind. " in a diffuse and concise manner " )

   व्याससमासतस् [ vyāsasamāsatas ] [ vy-āsa-samāsa--tas ]ind. , see [ vyāsasamāsa ] , " in a diffuse and concise manner "

   व्याससमासिन् [ vyāsasamāsin ] [ vy-āsa-samāsin ] m. f. n. diffuse and concise Lit. MBh.

  व्याससिद्धान्त [ vyāsasiddhānta ] [ vy-āsa-siddhānta ] m. N. of wk.

  व्याससू [ vyāsasū ] [ vy-āsa-sū ] f. = [ -mātṛ ] Lit. L.

  व्याससूत्र [ vyāsasūtra ] [ vy-āsa-sūtra ] n. = [ brahma-s ] ( q.v.)

   व्याससूत्रचन्द्रिका [ vyāsasūtracandrikā ] [ vy-āsa-sūtra--candrikā ] f. N. of wk. on the above Sūtra.

   व्याससूत्रभाष्य [ vyāsasūtrabhāṣya ] [ vy-āsa-sūtra--bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk. on the above Sūtra.

   व्याससूत्रवृत्ति [ vyāsasūtravṛtti ] [ vy-āsa-sūtra--vṛtti ] f. N. of wk. on the above Sūtra.

   व्याससूत्रव्याख्या [ vyāsasūtravyākhyā ] [ vy-āsa-sūtra--vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk. on the above Sūtra.

   व्याससूत्रशंकरभाष्य [ vyāsasūtraśaṃkarabhāṣya ] [ vy-āsa-sūtra--śaṃkara-bhāṣya ] n. N. of wk. on the above Sūtra.

   व्याससूत्रसंगति [ vyāsasūtrasaṃgati ] [ vy-āsa-sūtra--saṃgati ] f. N. of wk. on the above Sūtra.

  व्यासस्तुति [ vyāsastuti ] [ vy-āsa-stuti ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यासस्थली [ vyāsasthalī ] [ vy-āsa-sthalī ] f. N. of a place Lit. MBh.

  व्यासस्मृति [ vyāsasmṛti ] [ vy-āsa-smṛti ] f. N. of a law-book (mentioned by Lit. Yājñ. and in the Lit. PadmaP.)

  व्यासाचल [ vyāsācala ] [ vyāsācala ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

  व्यासाचार्य [ vyāsācārya ] [ vyāsācārya ] m. N. of a teacher of the Mādhva school (later called Vedavyāsa-tīrtha , died 1560 A.D.) Lit. ib.

  व्यासादिपञ्चसिद्धान्त [ vyāsādipañcasiddhānta ] [ vyāsādi-pañca-siddhānta ] m. pl. N. of wk.

  व्यासाद्रितरंगिणी [ vyāsādritaraṃgiṇī ] [ vyāsādri-taraṃgiṇī ] f. N. of wk.

  व्यासारण्य [ vyāsāraṇya ] [ vyāsāraṇya ] Guru of Vêśvara Lit. Cat.

  व्यासाश्रम [ vyāsāśrama ] [ vyāsāśrama ] m. N. of Amalânanda Lit. ib.

  व्यासाष्टक [ vyāsāṣṭaka ] [ vyāsāṣṭaka ] n. N. of a hymn (containing the praise of Śiva , from the Kāśī-khaṇḍa) .

  व्यासेश्वर [ vyāseśvara ] [ vyāseśvara ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. Cat. ( also [ tīrtha ] ) .

 व्यासीय [ vyāsīya ] [ vyāsīya ] m. f. n. relating to Vyāsa

  [ vyāsīya ] n. a work by Vyāsa Lit. Cat.

व्यसि [ vyasi ] [ vy-asi ] [ vy-asu ] see p. 1028 , col. 3.

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