Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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अभ्र [ abhra ] [ abhrá ] n. ( sometimes spelt [ abbhra ] , according to the derivation [ ab-bhra ] , " water-bearer " ; cf. Comm. on Lit. ChUp. ii , 15 , 1) ( rarely m. Lit. AV. ix , 6 , 47 and Lit. TS.) cloud , thunder-cloud , rainy weather Lit. RV.

sky , atmosphere Lit. Śiś. ix , 3

(in arithmetic) a cypher

( ( Lit. NBD. ) ) dust Lit. AV. xi , 3 , 6

(in med.) talc , mica

gold Lit. L.

camphor Lit. L.

the ratan (Calamus Rotang) Lit. L.

Cyperus Rotundus Lit. L.; ( ( cf. Gk. 1 & Lat. (imber) . ) )

  अभ्रंलिह [ abhraṃliha ] [ abhrá-ṃ-liha ] m. f. n. ( [ abhraṃ-l ] ) ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 32 ) ) " cloud-licking " , what touches the clouds , high , lofty Lit. Ragh. xiv , 29 ,

   [ abhraṃliha ] m. wind Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 32 Sch. Lit. Sāh.

  अभ्रकूट [ abhrakūṭa ] [ abhra-kūṭa ] m. n. the top of a cloud, Lit. Bcar. ; Lit. Śak.( Page1315,3 )

  अभ्रखण्ड [ abhrakhaṇḍa ] [ abhra-khaṇḍa ] m. n. a portion of a cl°oud, Lit. Mṛicch.

  अभ्रग [ abhraga ] [ abhra-ga ] m. "cloud-goer" , a bird, Lit. AgP.

  अभ्रंग [ abhraṃga ] [ abhra-ṃ-ga ] m. f. n. cloud-going, Lit. JaimUp.

  अभ्रगङ्गा [ abhragaṅgā ] [ abhrá-gaṅgā ] f. the celestial Gaṅgā Lit. Kād.

  अभ्रगिरि [ abhragiri ] [ abhra-giri ] m. N. of a mountain, Lit. Hcat.

  अभ्रघन [ abhraghana ] [ abhrá-ghana ] m. f. n. thickly covered with clouds Lit. Ragh.

  अभ्रंकष [ abhraṃkaṣa ] [ abhrá-ṃ-kaṣa ] m. f. n. ( [ abhraṃ-k ] ) ( ( Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 42 ) ) " grazing (hurting) the clouds " , very high Lit. Kād.

   [ abhraṃkaṣa ] m. wind Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 42 Sch.

  अभ्रजा [ abhrajā ] [ abhrá-jā́ ] m. f. n. " born from clouds " , caused by rainy weather Lit. AV. i , 12 , 3.

  अभ्रतरु [ abhrataru ] [ abhrá-taru ] m. N. of a certain phenomenon Lit. VarBṛS.

  अभ्रनाग [ abhranāga ] [ abhrá-nāga ] m. pl. N. of the eight elephants supporting the globe Lit. L.

  अभ्रपथ [ abhrapatha ] [ abhrá-patha ] m. sky , atmosphere Lit. L.

  अभ्रपिशाच [ abhrapiśāca ] [ abhrá-piśāca ] m. " sky-demon " , N. of Rāhu (the descending node personified) Lit. L.

  अभ्रपिशाचक [ abhrapiśācaka ] [ abhrá-piśācaka ] m. " sky-demon " , N. of Rāhu (the descending node personified) Lit. L.

  अभ्रपुष्प [ abhrapuṣpa ] [ abhrá-puṣpa ] m. the cane Calamus Rotang Lit. L.

   [ abhrapuṣpa ] n. " a flower in the clouds " , castle in the air , anything impossible Lit. Naish. ( cf. [ ambara-puṣpa ] .)

  अभ्रप्रुष् [ abhrapruṣ ] [ abhrá-prúṣ ] f. the sprinkling of the clouds , rain Lit. RV. x , 77 , 1.

  अभ्रफुल्लक [ abhraphullaka ] [ abhra-phullaka ] m. an actor, Lit. L.

  अभ्रमांसी [ abhramāṃsī ] [ abhrá-māṃsī ] f. the plant Valeriana Jaṭāmāṃsī Lit. L. ( 1315,3 )

  अभ्रमय [ abhramaya ] [ abhra-maya ] m. f. n. hidden in clouds, Lit. HPariś.

  अभ्रमातङ्ग [ abhramātaṅga ] [ abhrá-mātaṅga ] m. Airāvata , Indra's elephant Lit. L.

  अभ्रमाला [ abhramālā ] [ abhrá-mālā ] f. a line or succession of clouds Lit. L.

  अभ्ररोह [ abhraroha ] [ abhrá-roha ] n. lapis lazuli Lit. L.

  अभ्रलिप्त [ abhralipta ] [ abhrá-lipta ] m. f. n. partly overspread with clouds Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 51 Sch.

  अभ्रवर्ष [ abhravarṣa ] [ abhrá-varṣa ] ( [ abhrá- ] ) m. f. n. dripping or raining from the clouds Lit. RV. ix , 88 , 6.

  अभ्रवाटिक [ abhravāṭika ] [ abhrá-vāṭika ] for [ āmra-vāṭika ] q.v.

  अभ्रविलिप्त [ abhravilipta ] [ abhrá-vilipta ] m. f. n. = [ -lipta ] q.v. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 51 Lit. Kāś.

  अभ्रवृक्ष [ abhravṛkṣa ] [ abhrá-vṛkṣa ] m. = [ -taru ] q.v. Lit. VarBṛS.

  अभ्रशिरस् [ abhraśiras ] [ abhrá-śiras ] n. a head formed of the sky Lit. Śiś.

  अभ्रसनि [ abhrasani ] [ abhrá-sáni ] m. f. n. procuring clouds Lit. TS.

  अभ्रागम [ abhrāgama ] [ a-bhrāgama ] m. "cloud-approach" , beginning of the rainy season, Lit. Mālatīm.

  अभ्रानध्याय [ abhrānadhyāya ] [ abhrānadhyāya ] m. pause in the study on account of rainy weather Lit. Gobh.

  अभ्रावकाशिक [ abhrāvakāśika ] [ abhrāvakāśika ] ( ( Lit. Mn. vi , 23 , ) ) ( ( Lit. R. iii , 10 , 4 ) ) m. f. n. having the clouds for shelter , open to the sky (as an ascetic) .

  अभ्रावकाशिन् [ abhrāvakāśin ] [ abhrāvakāśin ] ( ( Lit. R. iii , 10 , 4 ) ) m. f. n. having the clouds for shelter , open to the sky (as an ascetic) .

  अभ्रोत्थ [ abhrottha ] [ abhrottha ] m. f. n. " cloud-born " , Indra's thunderbolt Lit. L.

 अभ्रक [ abhraka ] [ abhraka ] n. talc , mica Lit. Bhpr.

  अभ्रकभस्मन् [ abhrakabhasman ] [ abhraka-bhasman ] n. calx of talc Lit. L.

  अभ्रकसत्त्व [ abhrakasattva ] [ abhraka-sattva ] n. steel Lit. L.

 अभ्रयन्ती [ abhrayantī ] [ abhráyantī ] f. ( pr. p. fr. [ abhraya ] Nom. P.) " forming clouds , bringing rainy weather " , N. of one of the seven Kṛittikās Lit. TS. Lit. TBr.

 अभ्राय [ abhrāya ] [ abhrāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to create clouds Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 17.

 अभ्रायित [ abhrāyita ] [ abhrāyita ] m. f. n. " shaped like a cloud " , similar to a cloud Lit. Bhām.

 अभ्रित [ abhrita ] [ abhrita ] m. f. n. covered with clouds , (g. [ tārakādi ] q.v.) Lit. Ragh. iii , 12.

 अभ्रिय [ abhriya ] [ abhrí ya ] m. f. n. ( once [ abhriyá ] Lit. RV. x , 68 , 12) belonging to or produced from clouds Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  [ abhriya ] m. n. thunder-cloud Lit. RV.

 अभ्रीय [ abhrīya ] [ abhrīya ] m. f. n. belonging to or produced from talc.

 अभ्र्य [ abhrya ] [ abhrya ] m. " clothed only by the air " or , " having the clouds for shelter " ( cf. [ abhrāvakāśika ] ) , a naked ascetic , (g. [ śākhādi ] q.v.)

अभ्राज [ abhrāja ] [ a-bhrāja ] n. N. of a Sāman, Lit. ĀrshBr.

अभ्रम [ abhrama ] [ a-bhrama ] m. f. n. not blundering

steady , clear

[ abhrama ] m. not erring , steadiness , composure Lit. BhP.

 अभ्रमु [ abhramu ] [ a-bhramu ] f. the female elephant of the east (the mate of Airāvata) .

  अभ्रमुजीवितेश [ abhramujīviteśa ] [ abhramu-jīviteśa ] m. N. of Indras elephant Lit. Dharmaś.

  अभ्रमुप्रिय [ abhramupriya ] [ a-bhramu-priya ] ( ( Lit. Vcar. ) ) ( ( Lit. L. ) ) m. the male elephant of the east or Airāvata.

  अभ्रमुवल्लभ [ abhramuvallabha ] [ a-bhramu-vallabha ] ( ( Lit. L. ) ) m. the male elephant of the east or Airāvata.

 अभ्रमूपति [ abhramūpati ] [ abhramū-pati ] ( Lit. Vcar.), m. N. of Indra's elephant.

अभ्रातृ [ abhrātṛ ] [ a-bhrātṛ́ ] m. f. n. brotherless Lit. RV. i , 124 , 7 (nom. sg. f. [ tā́ ] ) Lit. ; iv , 5 , 5 (nom. pl. f. [ táras ] ) Lit. AV. i , 17 , 1 (nom. pl. f. [ abhrā́taras ] ) Lit. Nir. iii , 5 (acc. sg. f. [ °trīm ] ) .

  अभ्रातृघ्नी [ abhrātṛghnī ] [ a-bhrātṛ́-ghnī ] ( [ ábhrātṛ- ] ) f. (√ [ han ] ) , not killing a brother Lit. AV. xiv , 1 , 62.

  अभ्रातृमती [ abhrātṛmatī ] [ a-bhrātṛ́-matī ] f. brotherless Lit. Nir.

 अभ्रातृक [ abhrātṛka ] [ a-bhrātṛka ] m. f. n. brotherless Lit. Nir.

अभ्रातृव्य [ abhrātṛvya ] [ a-bhrātṛvyá ] m. f. n. having no rival Lit. RV. viii , 21 , 13 Lit. ŚBr.

[ abhrātṛvya ] n. N. of a verse of the Lit. SV.

अभ्रान्त [ abhrānta ] [ a-bhrānta ] m. f. n. unperplexed , not mistaken , not in error

clear , composed.

 अभ्रान्ति [ abhrānti ] [ a-bhrānti ] f. absence of perplexity or error.

अभ्रि [ abhri ] [ ábhri ] f. a wooden scraper or shovel , a spatula , spade Lit. VS. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

  अभ्रिखात [ abhrikhāta ] [ ábhri-khāta ] ( [ ábhri- ] ) m. f. n. dug up with a spatula Lit. AV. iv , 7 , 5 and 6.

अभ्रेष [ abhreṣa ] [ a-bhreṣa ] m. non-deviation , fitness , propriety Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 37 Lit. Vait.

अभ्व [ abhva ] [ á-bhva ] m. f. n. ( ( Lit. RV. ) ) or [ a-bhvā ] ( ( Lit. AV. ) ) or [ abhvá ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. ) ) ( cf. [ a-bhuva ] ) monstrous , immense , terrible Lit. RV. i , 39 , 8 and 63 , 1

[ abhva ] n. immense power , monstrosity , horror Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.

a monster Lit. RV. vi , 71 , 5 Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

अम् [ am ] [ am ]1 ind. quickly , a little , (g. [ cādi ] q.v.)

अम् [ am ] [ am ]2 the termination [ am ] in the comparative and other forms used as ind. e.g. [ pratarám ] , , (g. [ svar-ādi ] q.v.)

अम् [ am ] [ am ]3 Root [ amati ] , to go Lit. L. ; to go to or towards Lit. L. ; to serve or honour Lit. L. ; to sound Lit. L. ; (Imper. Ā. 2. sg. [ amīṣva ] ; aor. [ āmīt ] ; cf. [ abhy-√ am ] ) to fix , render firm Lit. TS. ; (perf. p. acc. sg. [ emuṣám ] for [ emivā́ṃsam ] ) to be pernicious or dangerous Lit. RV. viii , 77 , 10 : Caus. [ āmáyati ] (impf. [ ā́mayat ] ; aor. Subj. [ āmamat ] ) to be afflicted or sick Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. ( cf. [ án-āmayat ] ) .

 अम [ ama ] [ áma ]1 m. impetuosity , violence , strength , power Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.

  depriving of sensation , fright , terror Lit. RV.

  disease Lit. L.

  अमवत् [ amavat ] [ áma-vat ] m. f. n. ( [ áma- ] ) impetuous , violent , strong Lit. RV.

   [ amavat ] ind. ( [ vat ] ) impetuously Lit. RV. v , 58 , 1.

 अमत [ amata ] [ amata ]1 m. sickness , disease Lit. Uṇ.

  death Lit. L.

  time Lit. L.

  dust Comm. on Lit. Uṇ.

 अमति [ amati ] [ ámati ] f. want , indigence Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV.

  [ amatis ] m. f. n. poor , indigent Lit. RV. x , 39 , 6.

  अमतीवन् [ amatīvan ] [ amatī-ván ] m. f. n. poor , indigent Lit. RV. viii , 19 , 26.

 अमत्र [ amatra ] [ ámatra ] m. f. n. violent , strong , firm Lit. RV. i , 61 , 9 and iv , 23 , 6

  [ amatra ] n. a large drinking vessel Lit. RV. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 14

  m. id. Lit. RV. iii , 36 , 4.

 अमत्रक [ amatraka ] [ amatraka ] n. a drinking vessel , vessel Lit. BhP.

 अमत्रिन् [ amatrin ] [ amatrí n ] m. f. n. having the large drinking vessel called [ ámatra ] Lit. RV. vi , 24 , 9.

 अमनि [ amani ] [ amani ] f. road , way Lit. Uṇ.

 अमित [ amita ] [ amita ]1 or [ ānta ] m. f. n. perf. Pass. p. √ [ am ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 28.

 आन्त [ ānta ] [ ānta ]1 or [ amita ] m. f. n. perf. Pass. p. √ [ am ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 28.

 अमिन [ amina ] [ aminá ] m. f. n. impetuous Lit. RV. vi , 19 , 1 and x , 116 , 4.

अम [ ama ] [ áma ]2 m. f. n. (pron. ; cf. [ amu ] ) this Lit. AV. xiv , 2 , 71 (quoted in Lit. ŚBr. xiv and Lit. ĀśvGṛ.) ( ( The word is also explained by [ prāṇa ] , " soul " cf. Comm. on Lit. ChUp. v , 2 , 6. ) )

 अमा [ amā ] [ amā́ ] see ss.vv.

 अमात् [ amāt ] [ amā́t ] see ss.vv.

अमङ्गल [ amaṅgala ] [ a-maṅgala ] m. f. n. inauspicious , unlucky , evil Lit. Ragh. xii , 43 ,

[ amaṅgala ] m. the castor oil tree , Ricinus Communis Lit. L.

n. inauspiciousness , ill-luck Lit. Kum. Lit. Veṇis.

 अमङ्गल्य [ amaṅgalya ] [ a-maṅgalya ] m. f. n. inauspicious , unlucky Lit. L.

  [ amaṅgalya ] n. inauspiciousness , ill-luck Lit. BhP.

अमज्जक [ amajjaka ] [ a-majjáka ] m. f. n. having no marrow Lit. TS.

अमठ [ amaṭha ] [ amaṭha ] m. (fr. √ :3. [ am ] ) a stately gait (= [ prakarṣa ] - [ gati ] ), Lit. L.

अमणिव [ amaṇiva ] [ a-maṇiva ] m. f. n. ( ( Lit. NBD. ) ) having no jewels Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

अमण्ड [ amaṇḍa ] [ amaṇḍa ] m. the castor oil tree , Ricinus Communis ( cf. [ āmaṇḍa ] and [ maṇḍa ] ) .

अमण्डित [ amaṇḍita ] [ a-maṇḍita ] m. f. n. unadorned.

अमत [ amata ] [ á-mata ]2 m. f. n. (√ [ man ] ) , not felt , not perceptible by the mind Lit. ŚBr. xiv

not approved of , unacceptable.

  अमतपदार्थ [ amatapadārtha ] [ á-mata-padārtha ] m. f. n. having an unacceptable second sense Lit. Kpr. Lit. Sāh.

 अमति [ amati ] [ a-mati ]2 f. " unconsciousness " , generally

  [ amatyā ] ind. instr. unconsciously Lit. Mn. iv , 222 and v , 20 Lit. Gaut.

  अमतिपूर्व [ amatipūrva ] [ a-mati-pūrva ] m. f. n. unconscious , unintentional.

  अमतिपूर्वक [ amatipūrvaka ] [ a-mati-pūrvaka ] m. f. n. unconscious , unintentional.

अमति [ amati ] [ amáti ]3 f. form , shape , splendour , lustre Lit. RV. Lit. VS.

time Lit. Uṇ.

moon Lit. L.

अमत्र [ amatra ] [ ámatra ] see √ [ am ] .

अमत्सर [ amatsara ] [ a-matsara ] m. f. n. unenvious , disinterested Lit. Mn. iii , 231 ,

[ amatsara ] n. disinterestedness Lit. Hcat.

 अमत्सरिन् [ amatsarin ] [ a-matsarin ] m. f. n. disinterested Lit. Hcat.

  not sticking to , not having one's heart set upon (loc.) Lit. R.

 अमात्सर्य [ amātsarya ] [ a-mātsarya ] n. disinterestedness Lit. MBh. v , 1640.

  अमात्सर्यता [ amātsaryatā ] [ a-mātsarya-tā ] f. id. Lit. Lalit.

अमद [ amada ] [ a-mada ] m. f. n. cheerless Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

 अमदन [ amadana ] [ a-madana ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. BhP.

 अमद्यप [ amadyapa ] [ a-madya-pa ] m. f. n. not drinking intoxicating liquors Lit. Suśr.

  अमद्यपमद्यत् [ amadyapamadyat ] [ a-madya-pa-madyat ] m. f. n. being (inebriated or) joyful without (having drunk) any intoxicating liquor Lit. Kām.

अमधु [ amadhu ] [ a-mádhu ] n. no sweetness Lit. ŚBr.

 अमधव्य [ amadhavya ] [ a-madhavya ] m. f. n. not worthy of the sweetness (of the Soma) Lit. AitBr.

अमध्यम [ amadhyama ] [ á-madhyama ] [ -āsas ] , (Ved.) m. pl. of whom none is the middle one Lit. RV. v , 59 , 6 ( cf. [ á-kaniṣṭha ] .)

 अमध्यस्थ [ amadhyastha ] [ a-madhyastha ] m. f. n. not indifferent.

अमनस् [ amanas ] [ á-manas ] n. non-perception , want of perception Lit. ŚBr. xiv

[ amanas ] m. f. n. without perception or intellect Lit. ŚBr. xiv

silly Lit. ChUp.

 अमनस्क [ amanaska ] [ a-manaska ] m. f. n. without perception or intellect Lit. Sarvad.

  silly Lit. KaṭhUp.

  not well-disposed , low-spirited Lit. Kād.

 अमनी [ amanī ] [ a-manī́ ] ( for [ a-manás ] in comp. with √ [ bhū ] and its derivatives) .

  अमनीभाव [ amanībhāva ] [ a-manī́-bhāva ] m. the state of not having perception or intellect Lit. MaitrUp.

 अमनो [ amano ] [ a-mano ] ( in comp. for [ a-manas ] ) .

  अमनोज्ञ [ amanojña ] [ a-mano-jña ] m. f. n. disagreeable Lit. KātyŚr.

   (Prākṛit (a-maNuNNa) ) Lit. Jain.

  अमनोरमता [ amanoramatā ] [ a-mano-rama-tā ] f. unpleasantness Lit. Śiś.

 अमन्तु [ amantu ] [ a-mantú ] m. f. n. silly , ignorant Lit. RV. x , 22 , 8 and 125 , 4.

 अमन्तृ [ amantṛ ] [ a-mantṛ́ ] m. f. n. not thinking Lit. MaitrUp.

अमनाक् [ amanāk ] [ a-manāk ] ind. not little , greatly.

अमनि [ amani ] [ amani ] see √ [ am ] .

अमनुष्य [ amanuṣya ] [ a-manuṣya ] m. no man , any other being but a man Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. R. ii , 93 , 21 ( [ nā-manuṣye ] , " only with men " )

a demon Lit. Pāṇ. 2-4 , 23.

  अमनुष्यता [ amanuṣyatā ] [ a-manuṣya-tā ] f. unmanliness.

  अमनुष्यनिषेवित [ amanuṣyaniṣevita ] [ a-manuṣya-niṣevita ] m. f. n. not inhabited by men.

 अमानव [ amānava ] [ a-mānava ] m. f. n. " not human , superhuman " , and " not being a descendant of Manu " Lit. Śiś. i , 67.

 अमानुष [ amānuṣa ] [ á-mānuṣa ] m. f. n. not human , anything but a man Lit. RV. x , 95 , 8

  superhuman , divine , celestial Lit. R.

  inhuman , brutal Lit. RV.

  [ amānuṣa ] m. f. n. , without men , not inhabited by men Lit. Kathās.

  m. not a man Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr. Lit. Mn. ix , 284

  [ amānuṣī ] f. a female animal Lit. Gaut.

  अमानुषलोक [ amānuṣaloka ] [ á-mānuṣa-loka ] m. " the celestial world " , heaven Lit. Kād.

 अमानुष्य [ amānuṣya ] [ a-mānuṣya ] m. f. n. not human Lit. MBh. xiv , 266.

अमनोज्ञ [ amanojña ] [ a-mano-jña ] see [ á-manas ] .

अमन्तृ [ amantṛ ] [ a-mantṛ́ ] see [ á-manas ] .

अमन्त्र [ amantra ] [ a-mantra ] m. not a Vedic verse or text or any formula

[ amantra ] m. f. n. , unaccompanied by Vedic verses or texts Lit. Mn. iii , 121

unentitled to or not knowing Vedic texts (as a Śūdra , a female , ) Lit. Mn. ix , 18 and xii , 114

not using or applying Mantra formulas Lit. Bhām.

  अमन्त्रज्ञ [ amantrajña ] [ a-mantra-jña ] m. f. n. not knowing Vedic texts Lit. Mn. iii , 129.

  अमन्त्रवत् [ amantravat ] [ a-mantra-vat ] m. f. n. unaccompanied by Vedic verses Lit. Up.

  अमन्त्रविद् [ amantravid ] [ a-mantra-vid ] m. f. n. not knowing the formulas or texts of the Veda Lit. Mn. iii , 133

   [ amantravid ] m. ( [ t ] ) N. of a prince.

 अमन्त्रक [ amantraka ] [ a-mantraka ] m. f. n. unaccompanied by Vedic verses Lit. Mn. ii , 66

  [ amantraka ] n. no Vedic verse or formula Lit. VarBṛS.

अमन्द [ amanda ] [ á-manda ] m. f. n. not slow , active , merry Lit. RV. i , 126 , 1

not dull , bright

not little , much , important Lit. Rājat.

[ amandam ] ind. ( in comp. [ amanda- ] ) intensely Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

[ amanda ] m. a tree Lit. L.

अमन्यमान [ amanyamāna ] [ á-manyamāna ] m. f. n. not understanding Lit. RV. i , 33 , 9

not being aware of Lit. RV. ii , 12 , 10.

अमन्युत [ amanyuta ] [ á-manyuta ] m. f. n. not affected with secret anger Lit. AV. xii , 3 , 31.

अमम [ amama ] [ a-mama ] m. f. n. without egotism , devoid of all selfish or worldly attachment or desire Lit. Buddh. Lit. Jain.

indifferent , not caring for (loc.) Lit. Mn. vi , 26

[ amama ] m. the twelfth Jaina saint of a future Utsarpiṇī.

  अममता [ amamatā ] [ a-mama-tā ] f. disinterestedness


  अममत्व [ amamatva ] [ a-mama-tva ] n. disinterestedness


अमम्रि [ amamri ] [ á-mamri ] m. f. n. (√ [ mṛ ] ) , immortal , undying Lit. AV. viii , 2 , 26.

 अमर [ amara ] [ a-mára ] m. f. ( [ ā ] Lit. Mn. ii , 148 ; [ ī ] Lit. R. i , 34 , 16) n. undying , immortal , imperishable Lit. ŚBr. xiv ,

  [ amara ] m. a god , a deity Lit. MBh.

  hence (in arithm.) the number 33

  N. of a Marut Lit. Hariv.

  the plant Euphorbia Tirucalli Lit. Suśr.

  the plant Tiaridium Indicum Lit. L.

  a species of pine Lit. L.

  quicksilver Lit. L.

  N. of Amarasiṃha

  of a mountain (see [ -parvata ] )

  mystical signification of the letter [ u ]

  [ amarā ] f. the residence of Indra Lit. L.

  the umbilical cord Lit. L.

  after-birth Lit. L.

  a house-post Lit. L.

  N. of several plants , panicum Dactylon , Cocculus Cordifolius , Lit. L.

  [ amarī ] f. the plant Sanseviera Roxburghiana Lit. L.

  a goddess, Lit. HPariś.

  अमरकण्टक [ amarakaṇṭaka ] [ a-mára-kaṇṭaka ] n. " peak of the immortals " , N. of part of the Vindhya range (near the source of the Śoṇā and Narmadā) .

  अमरकोट [ amarakoṭa ] [ a-mára-koṭa ] m. " fortress of immortals " , N. of the capital of a Rājput state.

  अमरकोष [ amarakoṣa ] [ a-mára-koṣa ] m. N. of the Sanskṛit dictionary of Amara or Amara-siṃha.

  अमरकोषकौमुदी [ amarakoṣakaumudī ] [ a-mára-koṣa-kaumudī ] f. title of a commentary on Amara-siṃha's dictionary.

  अमरगण [ amaragaṇa ] [ a-mára-gaṇa ] m. the assemblage of immortals Lit. L.

  अमरगणनालेख्य [ amaragaṇanālekhya ] [ a-mara-gaṇanā-lekhya ] n. the list (or number) of the gods, Lit. Ragh. viii, 94

  अमरगर्भ [ amaragarbha ] [ a-mara-garbha ] m. a divine child, Lit. MBh.

  अमरगिरि [ amaragiri ] [ a-mara-giri ] ( Lit. Kālac.), - [ parvata ] ( Lit. Hcat.), m. Mount Meru

  अमरगुरु [ amaraguru ] [ a-mára-guru ] m. " teacher of the gods " , Bṛihaspati , the planet Jupiter Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Kād.

  अमरचन्द्र [ amaracandra ] [ a-mára-candra ] m. N. of the author of the Bāla-bhārata.

  अमरज [ amaraja ] [ a-mára-ja ] m. N. of a plant Lit. L.

  अमरंजय [ amaraṃjaya ] [ a-mára-ṃ-jaya ] ( [ amaraṃ-j ] ) m. f. n. conquering the gods Lit. BhP.

  अमरतटिनी [ amarataṭinī ] [ a-mára-taṭinī ] f. " river of the gods " , N. of the Ganges.

  अमरता [ amaratā ] [ a-mára-tā ] ( ( Lit. Sāh. ) ) f. the condition of the gods (i.e. immortality) .

  अमरत्व [ amaratva ] [ a-mára-tva ] ( ( Lit. MBh. ) ) n. the condition of the gods (i.e. immortality) .

  अमरदत्त [ amaradatta ] [ a-mára-datta ] m. N. of a lexicographer

   of a prince Lit. Kathās.

  अमरदारु [ amaradāru ] [ a-mára-dāru ] m. the tree Pinus Deodaru Roxb.

  अमरदेव [ amaradeva ] [ a-mára-deva ] m. a N. of Amarasiṃha.

  अमरद्रुम [ amaradruma ] [ a-mara-druma ] m. the Pārijāta tree, Lit. Śiś.

  अमरद्विज [ amaradvija ] [ a-mára-dvija ] m. a Brāhman who lives by attending a temple or idol , by superintending a temple Lit. L.

  अमरद्विष् [ amaradviṣ ] [ a-mára-dviṣ ] m. " foe of the gods " , N. of an Asura Lit. Kathās.

  अमरप [ amarapa ] [ a-mára-pa ] m. " lord of the gods " , N. of Indra Lit. VarBṛS.

  अमरपति [ amarapati ] [ a-mára-pati ] m. id.

  अमरपर्वत [ amaraparvata ] [ a-mára-parvata ] m. N. of a mountain Lit. MBh. ii , 1193.

  अमरपुर [ amarapura ] [ a-mára-pura ] n. " the residence of the immortals " , paradise Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

   N. of various towns.

  अमरपुरी [ amarapurī ] [ a-mára-purī ] f. N. of a town Lit. Pañcat.

  अमरपुष्प [ amarapuṣpa ] [ a-mára-puṣpa ] m. the plants Saccharum Spontaneum , Pandanus Odoratissimus and Magnifera Indica.

  अमरपुष्पक [ amarapuṣpaka ] [ a-mára-puṣpaka ] m. the plants Saccharum Spontaneum , Pandanus Odoratissimus and Magnifera Indica.

  अमरपुष्पिका [ amarapuṣpikā ] [ a-mára-puṣpikā ] f. a kind of anise (Anethum Sowa Roxb.) Lit. L.

  अमरप्रख्य [ amaraprakhya ] [ a-mára-prakhya ] m. f. n. like an immortal.

  अमरप्रभ [ amaraprabha ] [ a-mára-prabha ] m. f. n. like an immortal.

  अमरप्रभु [ amaraprabhu ] [ a-mára-prabhu ] m. " lord of the immortals " , one of the thousand names of Vishṇu Lit. MBh.

  अमरभर्तृ [ amarabhartṛ ] [ a-mára-bhartṛ ] m. " supporter of the gods " , N. of Indra Lit. L.

  अमरमय [ amaramaya ] [ a-mara-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of gods, Lit. VarBṛS.

  अमरमाला [ amaramālā ] [ a-mára-mālā ] f. title of a dictionary (said to be by the same author as the Amara-kosha) .

  अमरमृगीदृश् [ amaramṛgīdṛś ] [ a-mara-mṛgīdṛś ] ( Lit. Kathās.), - [ rāja ] , m. N. of a Prākṛit poet

  अमररत्न [ amararatna ] [ a-mára-ratna ] n. " jewel of the gods " , crystal ( also [ amalaratna ] ) Lit. L.

  अमरराज् [ amararāj ] [ a-mára-rāj ] ( ( Lit. VarBṛS. ) ) ( ( Lit. R. ) ) m. " king of the gods " , N. of Indra.

  अमरराज [ amararāja ] [ a-mára-rāja ] ( ( Lit. R. ) ) m. " king of the gods " , N. of Indra.

  अमरराजमन्त्रिन् [ amararājamantrin ] [ a-mára-rāja-mantrin ] m. = [ amara-guru ] q.v. Lit. VarBṛS.

  अमरराजशत्रु [ amararājaśatru ] [ a-mára-rāja-śatru ] m. " enemy of [ amara-rāja ] ( q.v.) " , N. of Rāvaṇa Lit. R. vi , 35 , 1.

  अमरलोकता [ amaralokatā ] [ a-mára-loka-tā ] f. " state of the abode of the gods " , the bliss of heaven Lit. Mn. ii , 5.

  अमरवत् [ amaravat ] [ a-mára-vat ] ind. like an immortal.

  अमरवधू [ amaravadhū ] [ a-mara-vadhū ] ( Lit. Hcat.), an Apsaras

  अमरवर्णिन् [ amaravarṇin ] [ a-mara-varṇin ] m. f. n. of divine colour or beauty, Lit. MBh.

  अमरवल्लरी [ amaravallarī ] [ a-mára-vallarī ] f. the plant Cassyta Filiformis Lin. Lit. L.

  अमरशक्ति [ amaraśakti ] [ a-mára-śakti ] m. N. of a king Lit. Pañcat.

  अमरसदस् [ amarasadas ] [ a-mára-sadas ] n. the assemblage of the gods Lit. VarBṛS.

  अमरसरित् [ amarasarit ] [ a-mára-sarit ] f. " river of the gods " , N. of the Ganges.

  अमरसिंह [ amarasiṃha ] [ a-mára-siṃha ] m. " god-lion " , N. of a renowned lexicographer (probably of the sixth century A.D. ; he was a Buddhist , and is said to have adorned the court of Vikramāditya , being included among the nine gems) .

  अमरस्त्री [ amarastrī ] [ a-mára-strī ] f. " wife of the gods " , an Apsaras or nymph of heaven Lit. L.

  अमरागार [ amarāgāra ] [ a-ma-rāgāra ] n. a god's house, temple, Lit. Kād.

  अमराङ्गना [ amarāṅganā ] [ amarāṅganā ] f. id. Lit. Kathās.

  अमराचार्य [ amarācārya ] [ amarācārya ] m. (= [ amara-guru ] q.v.) , N. of Bṛihaspati Lit. BhP.

  अमराद्रि [ amarādri ] [ amarādri ] m. = [ amara-parvata ] q.v. Lit. BhP.

   N. of Sumeru or Meru Lit. L.

  अमराधिप [ amarādhipa ] [ amarādhipa ] m. = [ amara-pa ] q.v. Lit. R. ii , 74 , 19

   N. of Śiva.

  अमरापगा [ amarāpagā ] [ amarāpagā ] f. = [ amara-taṭinī ] and [ -sarit ] q.v. Lit. Kād.

  अमरारि [ amarāri ] [ amarāri ] m. an enemy of the gods Lit. R.

   an Asura , hence ( [ amarāri ] [ -pūjya ] m. = [ asurācārya ] , q.v.) , N. of Śukra , the planet Venus Lit. VarBṛS.

   अमरारिपूज्य [ amarāripūjya ] [ amarāri-pūjya ] m. (= [ asurācārya ] , q.v.) , N. of Śukra , the planet Venus Lit. VarBṛS.

  अमरावती [ amarāvatī ] [ amarā-vatī ] f. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 1i9) , " the abode of the immortals " , Indra's residence Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   N. of a town in Berar.

  अमरीभू [ amarībhū ] [ amarī-√ bhū ] to become immortal (said of brave warriors dying in battle) Lit. Bālar.

  अमरेज्य [ amarejya ] [ amarejya ] m. = [ amara-guru ] q.v. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Sūryas.

  अमरेश [ amareśa ] [ amareśa ] m. = [ amara-pa ] q.v. Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Sāh.

   N. of Śiva or Rudra Lit. R.

  अमरेश्वर [ amareśvara ] [ amareśvara ] m. = [ amara-pa ] q.v. Lit. Śāk. Lit. Ragh. xix , 15

   N. of Vishṇu Lit. R. i , 77 , 29

   N. of a Liṅga.

  अमरेश्वरतीर्थ [ amareśvaratīrtha ] [ amareśvara-tīrtha ] m. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. ŚivaP.

  अमरोपम [ amaropama ] [ amaropama ] m. f. n. like an immortal Lit. MBh.

   mfn. , see [ upama ] , resembling an immortal

 अमरण [ amaraṇa ] [ a-maraṇa ] n. the not dying , immortality Lit. L.

 अमरणीय [ amaraṇīya ] [ a-maraṇīya ] m. f. n. immortal Lit. L.

  अमरणीयता [ amaraṇīyatā ] [ a-maraṇīya-tā ] f. immortality Lit. L.

 अमरिष्णु [ amariṣṇu ] [ á-mariṣṇu ] m. f. n. immortal (v.l. for [ á-maviṣṇu ] , q.v.)

 अमर्त [ amarta ] [ á-marta ] m. f. n. immortal Lit. RV. v , 33 , 6.

 अमर्त्य [ amartya ] [ á-martya ] m. f. n. (4) immortal Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.

  imperishable , divine Lit. RV.

  [ amartya ] m. a god Lit. L.

  अमर्त्यता [ amartyatā ] [ á-martya-tā ] ( ( Lit. MBh. ) ) f. immortality.

  अमर्त्यत्व [ amartyatva ] [ á-martya-tva ] ( ( L. ) ) n. immortality.

  अमर्त्यभाव [ amartyabhāva ] [ á-martya-bhāva ] m. the condition of immortals , immortality , Lit. Ragh. vii , 50.

  अमर्त्यभुवन [ amartyabhuvana ] [ á-martya-bhuvana ] n. " world of the immortals " , the heaven Lit. L.

 अमम्रि [ amamri ] [ amamri ] f. a kind of plant, Lit. Kauś.

 अमम्री [ amamrī ] [ amamrī ] f. a kind of plant, Lit. Kauś.

अमरु [ amaru ] [ amaru ] m. N. of a king , the author of the [ amaru-śataka ] , q.v.

  अमरुशतक [ amaruśataka ] [ amaru-śataka ] n. the hundred verses of Amaru.

अमर्दित [ amardita ] [ a-mardita ] m. f. n. (√ [ mṛd ] ) , unthreshed


not trodden down.

अमर्धत् [ amardhat ] [ á-mardhat ] m. f. n. not getting tired or inactive Lit. RV. iii , 25 , 4 ; v , 43 , 1 and vii , 76 , 5

not making tired Lit. RV. vii , 76 , 2.

 अमृध्र [ amṛdhra ] [ á-mṛdhra ] m. f. n. not getting tired , unremitting , indefatigable Lit. RV.

  unceasing Lit. RV.

अमर्मन् [ amarman ] [ a-marmán ] m. f. n. having no vital part , invulnerable Lit. RV. iii , 32 , 4 ; v , 32 , 5 and vi , 26 , 3

[ amarman ] n. not a vital part of the body Lit. Suśr.

 अमर्म [ amarma ] [ a-marma ] ( in comp. for [ a-marman ] ) .

  अमर्मजात [ amarmajāta ] [ a-marma-jāta ] m. f. n. not originating in a vital part of the body (as a disease) , Lit. Suśr.

  अमर्मवेधिता [ amarmavedhitā ] [ a-marma-vedhi-tā ] f. the state of not inflicting severe injury on others , absence of acrimony (one of the thirty-five Vāg-guṇas of a Tīrthaṃkara) Lit. Jain.

अमर्याद [ amaryāda ] [ a-maryāda ] m. f. n. having no limits , transgressing every bound Lit. R.

अमर्ष [ amarṣa ] [ a-marṣa ] m. (√ [ mṛṣ ] ) , non-endurance Lit. Pāṇ. 3-3 , 145

impatience , indignation , anger , passion Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

N. of a prince Lit. VP.

  अमर्षज [ amarṣaja ] [ a-marṣa-ja ] m. f. n. springing from impatience or indignation Lit. MBh.

  अमर्षवत् [ amarṣavat ] [ a-marṣa-vat ] m. f. n. not bearing , intolerant passionate , wrathful , angry Lit. L.

  अमर्षहास [ amarṣahāsa ] [ a-marṣa-hāsa ] m. an angry laugh , a sarcastic sneer Lit. MBh.

 अमर्षण [ amarṣaṇa ] [ a-marṣaṇa ] m. f. n. = [ amarṣa vat ] Lit. MBh. , impatient ( cf. [ raṇāmarṣaṇa ] )

  [ amarṣaṇa ] m. (= [ amarṣa ] ) , N. of a prince Lit. BhP.

  n. impatience of (gen.) Lit. MBh. xiii , 2159.

 अमर्षित [ amarṣita ] [ a-marṣita ] m. f. n. [ amarṣa-vat ] q.v. Lit. MBh.

 अमर्षिन् [ amarṣin ] [ a-marṣin ] m. f. n. id. Lit. MBh.

अमल [ amala ] [ a-mala ] m. f. n. spotless , stainless , clean , pure , shining

[ amala ] m. crystal ( cf. [ amara-ratna ] ) Lit. BhP.

N. of a poet

of Nārāyaṇa Lit. L.

[ amalā ] f. N. of the goddess Lakshmī Lit. L.

( [ amarā ] q.v.) the umbilical cord Lit. L.

the tree Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. Lit. L.

the plant Saptalā Lit. L.

[ amala ] n. talc Lit. L.

  अमलगर्भ [ amalagarbha ] [ a-mala-garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lit. L.

  अमलपक्षविहंगम [ amalapakṣavihaṃgama ] [ a-mala-pakṣa-vihaṃgama ] m. a swan, Lit. Śiś.

  अमलपतत्रिन् [ amalapatatrin ] [ a-mala-patatrin ] m. the wild goose Lit. L.

  अमलमणि [ amalamaṇi ] [ a-mala-maṇi ] m. ( cf. [ amara-ratna ] ) crystal Lit. L.

  अमलरत्न [ amalaratna ] [ a-mala-ratna ] n. ( cf. [ amara-ratna ] ) crystal Lit. L.

  अमलसंयुत [ amalasaṃyuta ] [ a-mala-saṃyuta ] m. f. n. " not defiled by any spot " , endowed with purity Lit. MBh.

  अमलात्मन् [ amalātman ] [ amalātman ] m. f. n. of undefiled mind.

  अमलानन्द [ amalānanda ] [ amalānanda ] (Correction of [ analānanda ] ) m. N. of a Vedāntic writer , author of the Vedānta-kalpataru. ( 1311,1 )

  अमलान्वय [ amalānvaya ] [ a-ma-lānvaya ] m. f. n. of pure or noble race, Lit. Mālatīm.

  अमलीकृ [ amalīkṛ ] [ amalī-√ kṛ:1 ] to purify Lit. VarBṛS.

  अमलोदरी [ amalodarī ] [ amalodarī ] f. N. of a female poet.

 अमलय [ amalaya ] [ amalaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] , to make spotless , whiten make brilliant Lit. Kir. v , 44.

 अमलिन [ amalina ] [ a-malina ] m. f. n. stainless , free from dirt , clean.

  अमलिनधी [ amalinadhī ] [ a-malina-dhī ] m. f. n. of a pure mind.

 अमलीमस [ amalīmasa ] [ a-malīmasa ] m. f. n. not impure Lit. Rājat.

अमलातक [ amalātaka ] [ a-malātaka ] or [ a-malānaka ] n. ( [ a mlāna ] q.v.) globe amaranth (Gomphraena Globosa) , ( cf. [ amilātaka ] .)

अमलानक [ amalānaka ] [ a-malānaka ] or [ a-malātaka ] n. ( [ a mlāna ] q.v.) globe amaranth (Gomphraena Globosa) , ( cf. [ amilātaka ] .)

अमवत् [ amavat ] [ áma-vat ] see 1. [ áma ] .

अमविष्णु [ amaviṣṇu ] [ a-maviṣṇu ] m. f. n. (√ [ ] -√ 1. [ mīv ] Lit. NBD.) , immovable Lit. RV. x , 94 , 11. ( 1315,3 )

अमस [ amasa ] [ amasa ] m. disease Lit. Uṇ. , a fool Lit. L.

time Lit. L. ( cf. 1. [ amata ] and 3. [ amáti ] .)

अमसृण [ amasṛṇa ] [ a-masṛṇa ] m. f. n. not soft , harsh Lit. L.

अमस्तक [ amastaka ] [ a-mastaka ] m. f. n. headless.

अमस्तु [ amastu ] [ a-mastu ] m. f. n. without thickened milk or sour cream Lit. Kauś.

अमस्वन् [ amasvan ] [ ámas-van ] m. f. n. for [ támasvan ] q.v. Lit. MaitrS.

अमहीयमान [ amahīyamāna ] [ á-mahīyamāna ] m. f. n. " not high-spirited " , down-cast , sad Lit. RV. iv , 18 , 13 Lit. PBr.

 अमहीयु [ amahīyu ] [ a-mahīyu ] m. N. of a Ṛishi (composer of the hymn Lit. RV. ix , 61) ( cf. [ āmahīyava ] .)

अमा [ amā ] [ amā́ ]1 ind. ( Ved. instr. fr. 2. [ áma ] q.v.) (chiefly Ved.) at home , in the house , in the house of (gen.) , with Lit. RV.

together Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 122

[ amā ] ( [ ā ] ) f. = [ amā-vāsyā́ ] q.v. Comm. on Lit. Ragh. xiv , 80 (in a verse quoted from Vyāsa) Comm. on Lit. Sūryas

  अमान्त [ amānta ] [ amānta ]1 m. the end , of the [ amā ] ( [ -vāsyā́ ] ) night Lit. ib.

  अमाकृ [ amākṛ ] [ amā́-√ kṛ ] (g. [ sākṣād-adi ] q.v.) , Ved. to have or take with one's self Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

  अमाजुर् [ amājur ] [ amā́-jur ] f. living at home , growing old at home (as a maiden) Lit. RV. ii , 17 , 7 ; viii , 21 , 15 and x , 39 , 3.

  अमापुत्र [ amāputra ] [ amā-putra ] m. f. n. together with the son or daughter

   [ amāputrā ] f. (with [ dṛṣad ] ) the larger with the smaller mill-stone, Lit. Kauś.

  अमावसी [ amāvasī ] [ amā́-vasī ] f. = [ vāsyā́ ] q.v. Lit. L.

  अमावसु [ amāvasu ] [ amā́-vasu ] m. N. of a prince (a descendant of Purūravas) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. VP.

  अमावस्या [ amāvasyā ] [ amā́-vasyā ] f. = [ -vāsyā́ ] q.v. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 122.

  अमावासी [ amāvāsī ] [ amā́-vāsī ] f. = [ -vāsyā́ ] q.v. Lit. MBh. i , 4644 and Lit. R. vi , 72 , 66 ( only loc. [ °syām ] , which might be a metrical abbreviation for [ °syāyām ] ) .

  अमावास्य [ amāvāsya ] [ amā́-vāsyá ] n. ( ( Lit. NBD. ) ) neighbourhood Lit. AV. iv , 36 , 3 ( ( perhaps for [ -vāśtya ] , " lowing (of cows) at home " , as the word is used together with [ ā-gará ] and [ prati-krośa ] ) )

   [ amāvāsya ] m. f. n. born in an [ amā-vāsyā́ ] night Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 30 ( cf. [ āmāvāsyá ] )

   N. of a Vedic teacher Lit. VBr.

   [ amāvāsyā ] f. ( scil. [ rātri ] ; fr. √ 5. [ vas ] , " to dwell " , with [ amā́ ] , " together " ) the night of new moon (when the sun and moon " dwell together " ) , the first day of the first quarter on which the moon is invisible Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

   a sacrifice offered at that time

   N. of the Acchodā river Lit. MatsyaP.

  अमावास्यक [ amāvāsyaka ] [ amā́-vāsyaka ] m. f. n. (= [ -vāsya ] ) born in an [ amā-vāsyā́ ] night Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 30.

  अमाहठ [ amāhaṭha ] [ amā́-haṭha ] m. N. of a snake demon Lit. MBh. i , 2157.

  अमेष्ट [ ameṣṭa ] [ ameṣṭá ] m. f. n. sacrificed at home Lit. VS.

  अमोत [ amota ] [ amotá ] see s.v.

 अमात् [ amāt ] [ amā́t ]1 ind. (abl.) from near at hand Lit. RV. ,v 53 , 8 and ix , 97 , 8.

 अमात्य [ amātya ] [ amā́tya ] m. (4) ( fr. 1. [ amā́ ] cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 104 Sch.) inmate of the same house , belonging to the same house or family Lit. RV. vii , 15 , 3 Lit. VS. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. KātyŚr.

  " a companion (of a king) " , minister Lit. MBh. Lit. Mn.

अमा [ amā ] [ a- ]2 (√ 3. [ ] ) f. (= [ a-pramāṇa ] ) not an authority , not a standard of action Lit. Nyāyam.

  अमात्व [ amātva ] [ a-mā-tva ] n. the not being an authority Lit. ib.

 अमात् [ amāt ] [ a-māt ]2 m ( nom. sg. [ ān ] ) f. n. (pr. p. √ 3. [ ] ) , not measuring , not affording room or space , boundless (in qualities) Lit. Śiś. xiii , 2 Lit. Nalôd.

 अमात्र [ amātra ] [ a-mātrá ] m. f. n. without measure , boundless (as Indra) Lit. RV. i , 102 , 7

  (as Brahman) Lit. BṛĀrUp.

  not metrical or prosodical Lit. MāṇḍUp. having the measure or quantity of the letter [ a ] Lit. VPrāt.

  [ amātrayā ] ind. (instr. f.) in a boundless manner Lit. Kathās.

 अमान [ amāna ] [ a-māna ] n. = [ a-mā ] 2 Lit. Nyāyam.

  अमानता [ amānatā ] [ a-māna-tā ] f. = [ amā-tva ] (s.v. 2. [ a-mā ] ) Lit. ib.

 अमाप्य [ amāpya ] [ a-māpya ] m. f. n. immeasurable, Lit. Vajracch.

 अमिति [ amiti ] [ a-miti ] f. = [ a-mā ] 2 Lit. ib.

  boundlessness Lit. Naish.

अमांस [ amāṃsa ] [ a-māṃsa ] n. not flesh , anything but flesh Lit. KātyŚr.

[ amāṃsa ] m. f. n. without flesh Lit. PārGṛ.

feeble , thin Lit. L.

  अमांसभक्ष [ amāṃsabhakṣa ] [ a-māṃsa-bhakṣa ] m. f. n. not eating flesh Lit. Kathās.

  अमांसाशन [ amāṃsāśana ] [ a-māṃsāśana ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Vishṇus.

  अमांसाशिन् [ amāṃsāśin ] [ á-māṃsāśin ] m. f. n. id. Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. PārGṛ.

 अमांसक [ amāṃsaka ] [ a-māṃsáka ] m. f. n. without flesh Lit. TS.

अमातृ [ amātṛ ] [ á-mātṛ ] f. not a mother Lit. ŚBr. xiv.

  अमातापुत्र [ amātāputra ] [ a-mātā-putra ] m. f. n. (g. [ kāṣṭhādi ] q.v.) " having neither mother nor son " , only in comp. e.g. [ amātāputrādhyāpaka ]

   अमातापुत्राध्यापक [ amātāputrādhyāpaka ] [ amātāputrādhyāpaka ] m. a teacher who cares for neither mother nor son (on account of being entirely absorbed in his work) Lit. Pāṇ. 8-1 , 67 , Lit. Kāś.

 अमातृक [ amātṛka ] [ a-mātṛka ] m. f. n. motherless Lit. Āp.

अमात्य [ amātya ] [ amā́tya ] see 1. [ amā́ ]

अमात्र [ amātra ] [ a-mātrá ] see 2. [ a-mā ] .

अमात्सर्य [ amātsarya ] [ a-mātsarya ] see [ a matsara ] .

अमानन [ amānana ] [ a-mānana ] n. disrespect Lit. Hit.

अमानव [ amānava ] [ a-mānava ] see [ a-manuṣya ] .

अमानस्य [ amānasya ] [ a-mānasya ] = [ āmanasya ] q.v. Lit. L.

अमानिन् [ amānin ] [ a-mānin ] m. f. n. (√ [ man ] ) , not proud , modest Lit. MBh.

  अमानिता [ amānitā ] [ amāni-tā ] f. modesty , humility.

  अमानित्व [ amānitva ] [ amāni-tva ] ( ( Lit. Bhag. ) ) n. modesty , humility.

अमानुष [ amānuṣa ] [ a-mānuṣa ] see [ a-manuṣya ] .

अमामासी [ amāmāsī ] [ amā-mā́sī ] v.l. for [ -vasī ] q.v. Lit. L.

अमामसी [ amāmasī ] [ amā-masī ] v.l. for [ -vasī ] q.v. Lit. L.

अमाय [ amāya ] [ a-māyá ] m. f. n. not cunning , not sagacious Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitBr.

free from deceit , guileless Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

[ amāyā ] f. absence of delusion or deceit or guile

[ amāyayā ] ind. instr. guilelessly , sincerely Lit. Mn. ii , 51 Lit. BhP. Lit. Hit.

 अमायिक [ amāyika ] [ a-māyika ] m. f. n. without illusion or deceit , void of trick or guile Comm. on Lit. Kir.

  not illusory , real Lit. Kap.

 अमायिन् [ amāyin ] [ a-māyin ] m. f. n. void of trick or guile Lit. MBh. iii , 1357 Lit. BhP.

  (Prākṛit (a-mAI) ) Lit. Jain.

अमार [ amāra ] [ a-māra ] m. non-destruction , Lit. Rājat.

 अमारक [ amāraka ] [ a-māraka ] m. f. n. not killing Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. i , 84 , 4.

अमार्ग [ amārga ] [ a-mārga ] m. a bad road , (also figuratively) an evil path Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās.

[ amārgeṇa ] ind. instr. in a dishonourable manner Lit. MBh. ii , 2035

[ amārga ] m. f. n. pathless Lit. L.

  अमार्गप्रसृत् [ amārgaprasṛt ] [ a-mārga-prasṛt ] m. f. n. (√ [ sṛ ] ) , one who is out of the right way Lit. Car.

अमार्जित [ amārjita ] [ a-mārjita ] m. f. n. uncleansed , unwashed Lit. MBh. iii , 2577.

अमावसी [ amāvasī ] [ amā-vasī ] see 1. [ amā́ ] .

 अमावास्या [ amāvāsyā ] [ amā-vāsyā́ ] see Lit. ib.

अमाष [ amāṣa ] [ a-māṣa ] m. f. n. not producing kidney-beans Lit. Pat.

without or except kidney-beans Lit. Hcat.

[ amāṣa ] m. pl. no beans Lit. ĀpŚr.

अमाहठ [ amāhaṭha ] [ amā-haṭha ] see 1. [ amā́ ] .

अमित [ amita ] [ amita ]1 see √ [ am ] .

अमित [ amita ] [ á-mita ]2 m. f. n. (√ 3 [ ] ) , unmeasured , boundless , infinite Lit. RV.

without a certain measure Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Suśr.

[ amitam ] ind. immensely Lit. RV. iv , 16 , 5.

  अमितक्रतु [ amitakratu ] [ á-mita-kratu ] ( [ ámita- ] ) m. f. n. of unbounded energy Lit. RV. i , 102 , 6.

  अमितगति [ amitagati ] [ á-mita-gati ] m. N. of a Vidyādhara Lit. Kathās.

   N. of a Jaina author.

  अमिततेजस् [ amitatejas ] [ á-mita-tejas ] m. f. n. of boundless glory Lit. MBh.

  अमितत्व [ amitatva ] [ á-mita-tva ] n. boundlessness Lit. Hariv.

  अमितद्युति [ amitadyuti ] [ á-mita-dyuti ] m. f. n. of infinite splendour.

  अमितध्वज [ amitadhvaja ] [ á-mita-dhvaja ] m. N. of a son of Dharmadhvaja Lit. VP.

  अमितध्वज [ amitadhvaja ] [ a-mita-dhvaja ] N. of a Tathāgata, Lit. Sukh. ii

  अमितप्रभ [ amitaprabha ] [ a-mita-prabha ] m. (= [ amitā ] [ bha ] ), Lit. Sukh. ii

  अमितप्रभास [ amitaprabhāsa ] [ a-mita-prabhāsa ] m. (= [ amitā ] [ bha ] ), Lit. Sukh. ii

  अमितमति [ amitamati ] [ a-mita-mati ] m. f. n. of unbounded wisdom, Lit. Bcar.

  अमितरुचि [ amitaruci ] [ á-mita-ruci ] m. N. of a deity Lit. Buddh.

  अमितविक्रम [ amitavikrama ] [ á-mita-vikrama ] m. " of unbounded valour " , a N. of Vishṇu.

  अमितवीर्य [ amitavīrya ] [ á-mita-vīrya ] m. f. n. of immense strength Lit. AV. xix , 34 , 8.

  अमितस्कन्ध [ amitaskandha ] [ a-mita-skandha ] m. N. of a Tathāgata, Lit. Sukh. ii

  अमिताशना [ amitāśanā ] [ a-mi-tāśanā ] f. "immoderate in eating" , N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda, Lit. MBh.

  अमिताक्षर [ amitākṣara ] [ a-mitākṣara ] m. f. n. not containing a fixed number of syllables Lit. Nir. Lit. RPrāt.

  अमितात्मन् [ amitātman ] [ amitātman ] m. f. n. of an immense mind Lit. MBh. iii , 11924.

  अमिताभ [ amitābha ] [ amitābha ] m. pl. " of unmeasured splendour " , N. of certain deities in the eighth Manvantara Lit. VP.

   [ amitābha ] m. sg. = [ amitāyus ] . ( see Lit. MWB. 183 )( 1315,3 )

  अमितायुस् [ amitāyus ] [ amitāyus ] m. N. of a Dhyānibuddha Lit. Buddh.

  अमितायुर्ध्यानसूत्र [ amitāyurdhyānasūtra ] [ a-mi-tāyur-dhyāna-sūtra ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra.

  अमितौजस् [ amitaujas ] [ ámitaujas ] m. f. n. of unbounded energy , almighty Lit. RV. i , 11 , 4 Lit. Mn. i , 4. 16 and 36 N. of Brahman's [ paryanka ] Lit. KaushUp.

   N. of a man , (g. [ bāhv-ādi ] q.v.)

 अमिति [ amiti ] [ a-miti ] see 2. [ a-mā ] .

अमितोदन [ amitodana ] [ a-mitodana ] m. (for [ a ] - [ mṛt ] °) N. of a king, Lit. Buddh.

अमित्र [ amitra ] [ amí tra ] m. f. ( fr. √ [ am ] ( Lit. Uṇ. iv , 1 73 ) or perhaps [ a-mí tra ] , not a friend ( Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 116 , " not having a friend " ) , but see [ abhyamitrīṇa ] , ) an enemy , adversary , foe Lit. RV.

[ amitra ] m. f. n. not having a friend.

  अमित्रकर्मन् [ amitrakarman ] [ a-mitra-karman ] n. an unfriendly act, Lit. Bcar.

  अमित्रकर्षण [ amitrakarṣaṇa ] [ a-mitra-karṣaṇa ] ( Lit. MBh.), m. f. n. harassing enemies.

  अमित्रकर्षिन् [ amitrakarṣin ] [ a-mitra-karṣin ] ( Lit. R.), m. f. n. harassing enemies.

  अमित्रखाद [ amitrakhāda ] [ amí tra-khādá ] m. f. n. " devouring his enemies " , N. of Indra Lit. RV. x , 152 , 1.

  अमित्रघात [ amitraghāta ] [ amí tra-ghāta ] m. f. n. (Ved.) killing enemies Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 88 Sch.

   [ amitraghāta ] m. (= 1 ) N. of Bindusāra (the son of Candragupta) .

  अमित्रघातिन् [ amitraghātin ] [ amí tra-ghātin ] m. f. n. killing , enemies Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  अमित्रघ्न [ amitraghna ] [ amí tra-ghna ] m. f. n. killing , enemies Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  अमित्रजित् [ amitrajit ] [ amí tra-jit ] m. f. n. " conquering enemies " , N. of a son of Suvarṇa Lit. VP.

  अमित्रतपन [ amitratapana ] [ amí tra-tapana ] m. f. n. tormenting enemies Lit. AitBr.

  अमित्रता [ amitratā ] [ amí tra-tā ] f. enmity Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Pañcat.

  अमित्रदम्भन [ amitradambhana ] [ amí tra-dámbhana ] m. f. n. hurting enemies Lit. RV. ii , 23 , 3 and iv , 15 , 4.

  अमित्रवर्मन् [ amitravarman ] [ amí tra-varman ] m. N. of a man Lit. Daś.

  अमित्रसह [ amitrasaha ] [ amí tra-saha ] v.l. for [ mitra-saha ] q.v.

  अमित्रसाह [ amitrasāha ] [ amí tra-sāhá ] m. f. n. ( for [ -khadá ] in Lit. RV.) enduring or overcoming enemies (N. of Indra) Lit. AV. i , 20 , 4.

  अमित्रसेना [ amitrasenā ] [ amí tra-senā́ ] f. hostile army Lit. SV. ( = Lit. AV. iii , 1 , 3) Lit. AV. v , 20 , 6.

  अमित्रहन् [ amitrahan ] [ amí tra-hán ] m. f. n. killing enemies Lit. RV. Lit. VS.

  अमित्रहू [ amitrahū ] [ amí tra- ] m. f. n. calling or inviting evil-doers Lit. Saṃhitop. p.7

  अमित्रायुध् [ amitrāyudh ] [ amitrā-yúdh ] ( for [ °tra- ] ) m. f. n. fighting with enemies Lit. RV. iii , 29 , 15.

 अमित्रय [ amitraya ] [ amitraya ] Nom. P. (p. [ °yát ] ) to have hostile intentions Lit. RV.

 अमित्रयु [ amitrayu ] [ amitrayú ] m. f. n. hostile Lit. AV. xx , 127 , 13.

 अमित्राय [ amitrāya ] [ amitrāya ] Nom. P. p. [ °yát ] = [ amitrayát ] above Lit. AV. vii , 84 , 2 ( cf. Lit. RV. x , 180 , 3) : Ā. [ °yate ] , to have hostile intentions Lit. Pañcat.

 अमित्रिन् [ amitrin ] [ amitrí n ] m. f. n. hostile Lit. RV. i , 120 , 8.

 अमित्रिय [ amitriya ] [ amitrí ya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. RV. vi , 17 , 1 ; viii , 31 , 3 and ix , 61 , 20.

अमिथित [ amithita ] [ á-mithita ] m. f. n. not reviled

unprovoked Lit. RV. viii , 45 , 37.

 अमिथ्या [ amithyā ] [ a-mithyā ] ind. not falsely , truthfully Lit. Ragh.

  अमिथ्याकृ [ amithyākṛ ] [ a-mithyā-√ kṛ ] to make true, confirm, Lit. MBh.

 अमिथुन [ amithuna ] [ a-mithuna ] m. f. n. (pl.) not both sexes promiscuously, Lit. ĀśvGṛ.

अमिन् [ amin ] [ amin ] m. f. n. ( fr. 1. [ ama ] ) , sick Lit. L.

अमिन [ amina ] [ aminá ] see √ [ am ] .

अमिनत् [ aminat ] [ á-minat ] m. f. n. (√ 1. [ mi ] ) , not violating or transgressing , not altering Lit. RV.

[ aminat ] f. ( Ved. du. [ °atī ] ) unalterable Lit. RV. iv , 56 , 2.

 अमीतवर्ण [ amītavarṇa ] [ á-mīta-varṇa ] m. f. n. of unaltered colour Lit. RV. iv , 51 , 9.

अमिलातक [ amilātaka ] [ a-milātaka ] = [ a-malataka ] q.v.

अमिश्र [ amiśra ] [ a-miśra ] m. f. n. " unmixed " , exclusive (i.e. without participation of others) Lit. ŚBr.

 अमिश्रण [ amiśraṇa ] [ a-miśraṇa ] n. = [ a-yāvana ] q.v. Comm. on Lit. RPrāt.

 अमिश्रणीय [ amiśraṇīya ] [ a-miśraṇīya ] m. f. n. immiscible Lit. L.

 अमिश्रित [ amiśrita ] [ a-miśrita ] m. f. n. unmixed , unblended.

अमिष [ amiṣa ] [ amiṣa ] = [ āmiṣa ] q.v. Lit. Uṇ.

अमीतवर्ण [ amītavarṇa ] [ á-mīta-varṇa ] see [ á-minat ] .

अमीमांसा [ amīmāṃsā ] [ a-mīmāṃsā ] f. (√ [ man ] ) , absence of reasoning or investigation Lit. L.

 अमीमांसक [ amīmāṃsaka ] [ a-mīmāṃsaka ] m. f. n. uncritical, Lit. Jātakam.

 अमीमांस्य [ amīmāṃsya ] [ a-mīmāṃsya ] m. f. n. not to be reasoned about or discussed Lit. Mn. ii , 10.

अमीव [ amīva ] [ amīva ] n. (√ [ am ] ) , pain , grief Lit. R. Lit. BhP.

[ amīvā ] f. distress , terror , fright Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.

tormenting spirit , demon Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

affliction , disease Lit. RV.

  अमीवचातन [ amīvacātana ] [ amīva-cā́tana ] m. f. n. driving away pains , diseases , or tormenting spirits Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  अमीवहन् [ amīvahan ] [ amīva-hán ] m. f. n. destroying pains , killing evil spirits Lit. RV. Lit. BhP.

अमु [ amu ] [ amu ] a pronom. base , used in the declension of the pronom. [ adás ] , that (e.g. acc. [ amúm ] , [ amū́m ] ; instr. [ amunā ] , [ amuyā ] ; dat. [ amúṣmai ] , [ amuṣyai ] , )

  अमुवत् [ amuvat ] [ amu-vat ] ind. like such person or thing (referred to without name) Lit. KātyŚr.

  अमूदृक्ष [ amūdṛkṣa ] [ amū-dṛkṣa ] m. f. n. like such a one Lit. L.

  अमूदृश् [ amūdṛś ] [ amū-dṛś ] m. f. n. like such a one Lit. L.

  अमूदृश [ amūdṛśa ] [ amū-dṛśa ] m. f. n. like such a one Lit. L.

 अमुक [ amuka ] [ amuka ] m. f. n. such and such a person or thing , a thing or person referred to without name Lit. Yājñ.

 अमुकीय [ amukīya ] [ amukīya ] m. f. n. belonging to such and such a person, Lit. IndSt.

 अमुतस् [ amutas ] [ amútas ] ind. from there , there Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  from above , from the other world , from heaven Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Nir.

  hereupon , upon this

  ( = abl. [ amuṣmāt ] ) from that one Lit. Daś.

 अमुत्र [ amutra ] [ amútra ] ind. there Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr.

  there above i.e. in the other world , in the life to come Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.

  there i.e. in what precedes or has been said Lit. ŚBr.

  here Lit. Kathās.

  अमुत्रभूय [ amutrabhūya ] [ amútra-bhū́ya ] n. being or going there (in the other world) , dying Lit. AV. vii , 53 , 1 ( = Lit. VS. xxvii , 29) .

  अमुत्रार्थम् [ amutrārtham ] [ amutrārtham ] ind. for the sake of (existence in the) other world Lit. Mn. vii , 95.

 अमुथा [ amuthā ] [ amúthā ] ind. thus , in that manner , like that Lit. Nir.

  with √ 1. [ as ] , " to be thus " (a euphemistic expression used in the sense of) to fare very ill Lit. ŚBr.

 अमुदा [ amudā ] [ amudā ] ind. then, at that time, Lit. Śaṃkar.

 अमुद्र्यञ्च् [ amudryañc ] [ amudryañc ] m. f. n. turned in that direction, Lit. Vop.

 अमुमुयञ्च् [ amumuyañc ] [ amumuyañc ] m. f. n. turned in that direction, Lit. Vop.

 अमुया [ amuyā ] [ amuyā́ ] ind. (instr. f.) in that manner thus or thus Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

  with √ 1. [ as ] ,or √ [ bhū ] , to be gone , be lost Lit. ŚBr.

 अमुर्हि [ amurhi ] [ amúrhi ] ind. at that time , then Lit. ŚBr. Lit. BṛĀrUp.

 अमुष्मिन् [ amuṣmin ] [ amuṣmin ] ind. (loc. sg. of [ adás ] ) in the other world Lit. L.

  ( forms the base of [ āmuṣmika ] q.v.)

 अमुष्य [ amuṣya ] [ amúṣya ] (gen. sg. of [ adác ] ) , of such a one.

  अमुष्यकुल [ amuṣyakula ] [ amúṣya-kula ] m. f. n. belonging to the family of such a one , ( gaṇas and [ manojñādi ] q.v.)

  अमुष्यपुत्र [ amuṣyaputra ] [ amúṣya-putra ] m. the son of such a one (i.e. of a good family , of known origin) , (g. [ manojñādi ] q.v.)

 अमूदृक्ष [ amūdṛkṣa ] [ amū-dṛkṣa ] see [ amu ] .

अमुक्त [ amukta ] [ a-mukta ] m. f. n. not loosed , not let go , not liberated from birth and death , not liberated from Rāhu , still eclipsed Lit. Vishṇus.

[ amukta ] n. a weapon that is always grasped and not thrown (as a knife , a sword , )

  अमुक्तविश्रम्भ [ amuktaviśrambha ] [ a-mukta-viśrambha ] m. f. n. with unshaken confidence ( [ am ] , ind.), Lit. Bcar.

  अमुक्तहस्त [ amuktahasta ] [ a-mukta-hasta ] m. f. n. " one whose hand is not open (to give) " , sparing , economical Lit. Mn. v , 150.

  अमुक्तहस्तता [ amuktahastatā ] [ a-mukta-hasta-tā ] f. economy , frugality Lit. Vishṇus.

 अमुक्ति [ amukti ] [ a-mukti ] f. non-liberation Lit. L.

 अमुच् [ amuc ] [ a-múc ] f. not setting at liberty Lit. ŚBr.

 अमुची [ amucī ] [ á-mucī ] f. " not setting at liberty " , N. of an evil spirit Lit. AV. xvi , 6 , 10.

अमुतःप्रदान [ amutaḥpradāna ] [ amútaḥ-pradāna ] n. an offering from there, Lit. TBr.

अमुख [ amukha ] [ a-mukhá ] ( ( Lit. TS. ) ) or [ á-mukha ] ( ( Lit. ŚBr. xiv ) ) m. f. n. having no mouth.

 अमुख्य [ amukhya ] [ a-mukhya ] m. f. n. not chief , inferior Lit. Jaim.

अमुग्ध [ amugdha ] [ á-mugdha ] m. f. n. not foolish , not perverse Lit. ŚBr.

 अमूढ [ amūḍha ] [ a-mūḍha ] m. f. n. not infatuated , not perplexed

  [ amūḍha ] n. pl. ( [ āni ] ) , (in Sāṃkhya phil.) " not gross " , N. of the five subtle elements ( [ tan matra ] q.v.)

अमुद्र [ amudra ] [ a-mudra ] m. f. n. having no seal (by which to prove one's self legitimate), Lit. MBh. ; Lit. Hariv.

having no impression or image of one's self, having no equal, Lit. Kathās.

अमूर [ amūra ] [ á-mūra ] m. f. n. not ignorant , wise , intelligent , sharp-sighted Lit. RV.

(v.l. [ a-mura ] ) Lit. AV. v , 1 , 9 and 11 , 5.

अमूर्त [ amūrta ] [ á-mūrta ] m. f. n. formless , shapeless , unembodied Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. Up.

not forming one body , consisting of different parts Lit. Sūryas.

[ amūrta ] m. N. of Śiva.

  अमूर्तरजस् [ amūrtarajas ] [ á-mūrta-rajas ] m. a son of Kuśa (by Vaidarbhī) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. (ed. Bomb. [ asūrti-rajasa ] q.v.) Lit. VP.

  अमूर्तरजस [ amūrtarajasa ] [ á-mūrta-rajasa ] m. a son of Kuśa (by Vaidarbhī) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. (ed. Bomb. [ asūrti-rajasa ] q.v.) Lit. VP.

  अमूर्तरयस [ amūrtarayasa ] [ á-mūrta-rayasa ] m. a son of Kuśa (by Vaidarbhī) Lit. MBh. Lit. R. (ed. Bomb. [ asūrti-rajasa ] q.v.) Lit. VP.

 अमूर्ति [ amūrti ] [ a-mūrti ] f. shapelessness , absence of shape or form

  [ amūrti ] m. f. n. formless

  m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh. xiii

  m. pl. ( [ ayas ] ) a class of Manes (who have no definite form) Lit. Hariv.

  अमूर्तिमत् [ amūrtimat ] [ a-mūrti-mat ] m. = [ amurta-rajas ] q.v. Lit. VP.

अमूल [ amūla ] [ a-mūlá ] m. f. ( [ ā ] cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 64Comm.) n. rootless , baseless Lit. ŚBr.

without authority , not resting on authority Comm. on Lit. Yājñ.

[ amūlā ] f. " without root " , a bulbous plant ( ( Lit. NBD. ) ) Lit. AV. v , 31 , 4

the plant Methonica Superba Lit. L.

f. (accord. to some, "movable property" , Lit. AV. v, 31, 4).

 अमूल्य [ amūlya ] [ a-mūlya ] m. f. n. invaluable , priceless.

 अमृक्त [ amṛkta ] [ á-mṛkta ] m. f. n. unhurt Lit. RV.

 अमृडय [ amṛḍaya ] [ a-mṛḍayá ] m. f. n. pitiless Lit. TS.

 अमृणाल [ amṛṇāla ] [ a-mṛṇāla ] n. the root of a fragrant grass (used for tatties or screens , , commonly called Kaskas , Andropogon Muricatus) .

 अमृत [ amṛta ] [ a-mṛ́ta ] m. f. n. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 116) not dead Lit. MBh.

  immortal Lit. RV.

  imperishable Lit. RV. Lit. VS.

  beautiful , beloved Lit. L.

  [ amṛta ] m. an immortal , a god Lit. RV.

  N. of Śiva

  of Vishṇu Lit. MBh. xiii

  of Dhanvantari Lit. L.

  the plant Phaseolus Trilobus Ait.

  the root of a plant Lit. L.

  [ amṛtā ] f. a goddess Lit. RV.

  spirituous liquor Lit. L.

  Emblica Officinalis , Terminalia Citrina Roxb. , Cocculus Cordifolius , Piper Longum , Ocymum Sanctum

  N. of the mother of Parikshit Lit. MBh. i , 3794

  of Dākshāyaṇī Lit. MatsyaP.

  of a sister of Amṛitodana Lit. Buddh.

  of a river Lit. Hcat.

  of the first [ kalā ] of the moon Lit. BrahmaP.

  [ amṛta ] n. collective body of immortals Lit. RV.

  n. world of immortality , heaven , eternity Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. AV. ( also [ āni ] n. pl. Lit. RV. i , 72 , 1 and iii , 38 , 4)

  n. immortality Lit. RV.

  final emancipation Lit. L.

  the nectar (conferring immortality , produced at the churning of the ocean) , ambrosia Lit. RV. ( or the voice compared to it , N. Lit. Ragh.)

  nectar-like food

  antidote against poison Lit. Suśr.

  N. of a medicament Lit. Śiś. ix , 36, medicament in general Lit. Buddh.

  the residue of a sacrifice ( cf. [ amṛta-bhuj ] )

  unsolicited alms Lit. Mn. iv , 4 and 5, water Lit. Naigh.

  milk Lit. L. clarified butter Lit. L. ( cf. [ pañāmṛta ] ) , boiled rice Lit. L.

  anything sweet , a sweetmeat Lit. R. vii , 7 ,3

  a pear Lit. L.

  food Lit. L. , property Lit. L.

  gold Lit. L.

  quicksilver Lit. L.

  poison Lit. L.

  a particular poison Lit. L.

  a ray of light Lit. Ragh. x , 59 N. of a metre Lit. RPrāt.

  of a sacred place (in the north) Lit. Hariv. 14095 , of various conjunctions of planets (supposed to confer long life) Lit. L.

  the number , " four " Lit. L.

  अमृतकर [ amṛtakara ] [ a-mṛ́ta-kara ] m. " nectar-rayed " , the moon Lit. Kād.

  अमृतकिरण [ amṛtakiraṇa ] [ a-mṛ́ta-kiraṇa ] m. " nectar-rayed " , the moon Lit. Kād.

  अमृतकुण्ड [ amṛtakuṇḍa ] [ a-mṛ́ta-kuṇḍa ] n. the vessel containing the Amṛita or nectar.

  अमृतकेशव [ amṛtakeśava ] [ a-mṛ́ta-keśava ] m. N. of a temple (built by Amṛitaprabhā) Lit. Rājat.

  अमृतक्षार [ amṛtakṣāra ] [ a-mṛ́ta-kṣāra ] n. sal ammoniac Lit. L.

  अमृतगति [ amṛtagati ] [ a-mṛ́ta-gati ] f. N. of a metre (consisting of four times ten syllables) .

  अमृतगर्भ [ amṛtagarbha ] [ a-mṛ́ta-garbhá ] m. child of immortality (said of sleep) Lit. AV. vi , 46 , 1.

  अमृतचित् [ amṛtacit ] [ a-mṛ́ta-cí t ] m. f. n. piled up (as sacrificial bricks) for the sake of immortality Lit. MaitrS.

  अमृतचित् [ amṛtacit ] [ a-mṛta-cí t ] m. f. n. heaped or piled up like nectar, Lit. MaitrS.

  अमृतचिति [ amṛtaciti ] [ a-mṛ́ta-citi ] f. the piling up (of sacrificial bricks) conferring immortality Lit. ŚBr.

  अमृतजटा [ amṛtajaṭā ] [ a-mṛ́ta-jaṭā ] f. the plant Valeriana Jaṭāmāṃsī.

  अमृतजा [ amṛtajā ] [ a-mṛ́ta-jā ] f. " produced by the Amṛita " , the plant Yellow Myrobalan.

  अमृततरङ्गिणी [ amṛtataraṅgiṇī ] [ a-mṛ́ta-taraṅgiṇī ] f. " having nectar-waves " , moon-light Lit. L.

  अमृतता [ amṛtatā ] [ a-mṛ́ta-tā ] f. immortality Lit. L.

  अमृततेजस् [ amṛtatejas ] [ a-mṛ́ta-tejas ] m. N. of a Vidyādhara prince Lit. Kathās.

  अमृतत्व [ amṛtatva ] [ a-mṛ́ta-tvá ] n. = [ -tā ] Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.

  अमृतदीधिति [ amṛtadīdhiti ] [ a-mṛ́ta-dīdhiti ] ( ( Lit. Kād. ) ) ( ( Lit. Naish. ) ) m. " nectar-rayed " , the moon.

  अमृतद्युति [ amṛtadyuti ] [ a-mṛ́ta-dyuti ] ( ( Lit. Naish. ) ) m. " nectar-rayed " , the moon.

  अमृतद्रव [ amṛtadrava ] [ a-mṛ́ta-drava ] m. f. n. shedding (said of the rays of the moon) Lit. Śiś. ix , 36.

  अमृतधायिन् [ amṛtadhāyin ] [ a-mṛta-dhāyin ] m. f. n. sipping n°ectar, Lit. VP.

  अमृतधारा [ amṛtadhārā ] [ a-mṛ́ta-dhārā ] f. " stream of Amṛita " , N. of a metre.

  अमृतनादोपनिषद् [ amṛtanādopaniṣad ] [ a-mṛ́ta-nādopaniṣad ] f. " the sound of immortality " , N. of an Upanishad.

  अमृतप [ amṛtapa ] [ a-mṛ́ta-pa ] m. f. n. drinking nectar

   [ amṛtapa ] m. N. of a Dānava Lit. MBh. i , 2537 N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh. xiii.

  अमृतपक्ष [ amṛtapakṣa ] [ a-mṛ́ta-pakṣá ] m. the immortal wing (of sacrificial fire) Lit. ŚBr.

   [ amṛtapakṣa ] m. f. n. (= [ hí raṇya-pakṣa ] q.v.) having golden wings Lit. ŚBr.

  अमृतपायिन् [ amṛtapāyin ] [ a-mṛta-pāyin ] m. f. n. = prec.

   listening to delightful speech, Lit. ŚivaP.

  अमृतप्रभ [ amṛtaprabha ] [ a-mṛ́ta-prabha ] m. N. of a Vidyādhara Lit. Kathās.

   [ amṛtaprabhā ] f. N. of several women Lit. Rājat.

  अमृतप्राशन [ amṛtaprāśana ] [ a-mṛ́ta-prāśana ] m. " living on Amṛita " , a god Lit. R.

  अमृतप्रासिन् [ amṛtaprāsin ] [ a-mṛ́ta-prāsin ] m. " living on Amṛita " , a god Lit. R.

  अमृतप्लवन [ amṛtaplavana ] [ a-mṛta-plavana ] n. a stream or flow of n°ectar, Lit. Mālatīm.

  अमृतफल [ amṛtaphala ] [ a-mṛ́ta-phala ] m. a pear tree Lit. L.

   the plant Trichosanthes Dioeca Roxb.

   [ amṛtaphala ] n. a pear Lit. L.

   the fruit of Trichosanthes D. Roxb. ,

   [ amṛtaphalā ] f. the vine Lit. L.

   [ amṛtaphala ] n. the plant Emblica Officinalis Gaertn.

  अमृतबन्धु [ amṛtabandhu ] [ a-mṛ́ta-bandhu ] m. ( [ amṛta- ] ) friend or keeper of immortality Lit. RV. x , 72 , 5

   " friend of Nectar " , a horse (so called because produced from the ocean along with the Nectar) Lit. L.

  अमृतबिन्दूपनिषद् [ amṛtabindūpaniṣad ] [ a-mṛ́ta-bindūpaniṣad ] f. " drop of nectar " , N. of an Upanishad of the Atharva-veda.

  अमृतभवन [ amṛtabhavana ] [ a-mṛ́ta-bhavana ] n. N. of a monastery (built by Amṛita prabhā) Lit. Rājat.

  अमृतभाषण [ amṛtabhāṣaṇa ] [ a-mṛta-bhāṣaṇa ] n. words like n°ectar, Lit. Kāv.

  अमृतभुज् [ amṛtabhuj ] [ a-mṛ́ta-bhuj ] m. = [ -prāsana ] q.v. Lit. Mcar.

   one who eats the residue of a sacrifice Lit. Bhag.

  अमृतभोजन [ amṛtabhojana ] [ a-mṛ́ta-bhojana ] m. f. n. one who eats the residue of a sacrifice Lit. Mn. iii , 285.

  अमृतमति [ amṛtamati ] [ a-mṛ́ta-mati ] f. (= [ -gati ] q.v.) N. of a metre.

  अमृतमन्थन [ amṛtamanthana ] [ a-mṛ́ta-manthana ] n. " the churning for the Amṛita " , N. of the chapters 17-19 of Lit. MBh. i.

  अमृतमय [ amṛtamaya ] [ a-mṛ́ta-máya ] m. f. n. immortal Lit. ŚBr. xiv

   consisting of or full of Amṛita Lit. Pañcat.

  अमृतमालिनी [ amṛtamālinī ] [ a-mṛ́ta-mālinī ] f. " having an everlasting garland " N. of Durgā.

  अमृतमेघ [ amṛtamegha ] [ a-mṛta-megha ] m. a cloud of n°ectar, Lit. Mālatīm.

  अमृतयज्ञ [ amṛtayajña ] [ a-mṛ́ta-yajña ] m. a sacrifice for obtaining immortality Lit. Kāṭh.

  अमृतयोग [ amṛtayoga ] [ a-mṛ́ta-yoga ] m. (in astrol.) a certain Yoga.

  अमृतयोनि [ amṛtayoni ] [ a-mṛ́ta-yoní ] m. the home of the immortals Lit. ŚBr.

  अमृतरश्मि [ amṛtaraśmi ] [ a-mṛ́ta-raśmi ] m. = [ -kara ] q.v. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  अमृतरस [ amṛtarasa ] [ a-mṛ́ta-rasa ] m. nectar Lit. Hit.

   [ amṛtarasā ] f. dark-coloured grapes Lit. L.

  अमृतलता [ amṛtalatā ] [ a-mṛ́ta-latā ] f. a creeping plant that gives nectar Lit. Pañcat.

  अमृतलतिका [ amṛtalatikā ] [ a-mṛ́ta-latikā ] f. a creeping plant that gives nectar Lit. Pañcat.

  अमृतलोक [ amṛtaloka ] [ a-mṛ́ta-loka ] m. the world of the immortals Lit. AitBr.

  अमृतवपुस् [ amṛtavapus ] [ a-mṛ́ta-vapus ] m. " of immortal form " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh. xiii

   of Śiva.

  अमृतवर्धन [ amṛtavardhana ] [ a-mṛ́ta-vardhana ] m. N. of a poet (quoted in Śārṅgadhara's anthology) .

  अमृतवर्षिन् [ amṛtavarṣin ] [ a-mṛ́ta-varṣin ] m. f. n. giving a shower of nectar Lit. Śak. (v.l.)

  अमृतवल्लरी [ amṛtavallarī ] [ a-mṛ́ta-vallarī ] ( ( Lit. Suśr. ) ) f. the creeping plant Cocculus Cordifolius.

  अमृतवल्ली [ amṛtavallī ] [ a-mṛ́ta-vallī ] ( ( Lit. Suśr. ) ) f. the creeping plant Cocculus Cordifolius.

  अमृतवाका [ amṛtavākā ] [ a-mṛ́ta-vā́kā ] f. N. of a bird Lit. ŚBr. x.

  अमृतविन्दूपनिषद् [ amṛtavindūpaniṣad ] [ a-mṛ́ta-vindūpaniṣad ] see [ -bindūpaniṣad ] .

  अमृतशास्त्र [ amṛtaśāstra ] [ a-mṛ́ta-śāstra ] n. N. of wk. Lit. Buddh.

  अमृतसम्भव [ amṛtasambhava ] [ a-mṛ́ta-sambhava ] m. f. n. produced from nectar Lit. MBh. xiii , 7200

   [ amṛtasambhavā ] f. = [ -vallarī ] q.v.

  अमृतसरस् [ amṛtasaras ] [ a-mṛta-saras ] n. "lake of nectar" , N. of a city in the Panjāb (commonly called Amritsar)

  अमृतसहोदर [ amṛtasahodara ] [ a-mṛ́ta-sahodara ] m. " brother of Nectar " , a horse ( cf. [ -bandhu ] ) Lit. L.

  अमृतसारज [ amṛtasāraja ] [ a-mṛ́ta-sāra-ja ] m. " produced from the essence of ambrosia " , raw sugar Lit. L.

  अमृतसू [ amṛtasū ] [ a-mṛ́ta-sū ] m. (√ 3. [ su ] ) , " distilling nectar " , the moon Lit. L.

  अमृतसोदर [ amṛtasodara ] [ a-mṛ́ta-sodara ] m. = [ -sahodara ] .

  अमृतस्रवा [ amṛtasravā ] [ a-mṛ́ta-sravā ] f. N. of a plant Lit. L.

  अमृतस्राव [ amṛtasrāva ] [ a-mṛ́ta-srāva ] m. a flow or current of water Lit. Sūryas.

  अमृतस्रुत् [ amṛtasrut ] [ a-mṛ́ta-srut ] m. f. n. (= [ -drava ] q.v.) Lit. Kum. i , 46 Lit. Śiś. ix , 68.

  अमृतहरीतकी [ amṛtaharītakī ] [ a-mṛ́ta-harītakī ] f. N. of a medicament.

  अमृतह्रद [ amṛtahrada ] [ a-mṛ́ta-hrada ] m. a lake of nectar Lit. Śāk.

  अमृतांशु [ amṛtāṃśu ] [ amṛtāṃśu ] m. the moon Lit. Kathās.

  अमृताकर [ amṛtākara ] [ amṛtākara ] m. " a mine of nectar " , N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

  अमृताक्षर [ amṛtākṣara ] [ amṛtākṣara ] n. anything imperishable Lit. Up.

  अमृतात्मन् [ amṛtātman ] [ a-mṛ-tātman ] m. f. n. consisting of nectar, Lit. Kāvyâd.

  अमृतानन्द [ amṛtānanda ] [ amṛtānanda ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

  अमृतान्धस् [ amṛtāndhas ] [ amṛtāndhas ] m. " whose food is ambrosia " , a god Lit. L.

  अमृतापिधान [ amṛtāpidhāna ] [ amṛtāpidhāná ] n. water sipped after eating nectar-like food so as to overlay it like a cover Lit. TĀr. Lit. ĀśvGṛ. Lit. MānGṛ. ( cf. [ amṛtópastáraṇa ] ) ,

  अमृताफल [ amṛtāphala ] [ amṛtā-phala ] n. (= [ amṛtaphala ] n. q.v.) the fruit of Trichosanthes Lit. L.

  अमृताभिषिक्त [ amṛtābhiṣikta ] [ amṛ́tābhiṣikta ] m. f. n. anointed with nectar Lit. ŚBr.

  अमृताश [ amṛtāśa ] [ amṛtāśa ] m. = [ amṛta-prāśana ] q.v. Lit. MBh. xii

   N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh. xiii.

  अमृताशन [ amṛtāśana ] [ amṛtāśana ] m. [ amṛta-prāśana ] q.v. Lit. L.

  अमृताश्म [ amṛtāśma ] [ amṛtāśma ] m. ? Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 94 Sch.

  अमृताष्टमीतपस् [ amṛtāṣṭamītapas ] [ amṛtāṣṭamī-tapas ] n. N. of wk.

  अमृतासङ्ग [ amṛtāsaṅga ] [ amṛtāsaṅga ] n. blue vitriol Lit. Car.

  अमृतासु [ amṛtāsu ] [ amṛ́tāsu ] m. f. n. whose soul is immortal Lit. AV. v , 1 , 1 and 7.

  अमृताहरण [ amṛtāharaṇa ] [ amṛtāharaṇa ] m. " nectar-stealer " , N. of Garuḍa

   [ amṛtāharaṇa ] n. N. of a Pariśishṭa work of the Lit. SV.

  अमृताहुति [ amṛtāhuti ] [ amṛtāhuti ] f. N. of an oblation (offered to the gods) Lit. AitBr.

  अमृताह्व [ amṛtāhva ] [ amṛtāhva ] n. a pear Lit. L.

  अमृतीकरण [ amṛtīkaraṇa ] [ amṛtī-karaṇa ] n. changing into nectar.

  अमृतीभू [ amṛtībhū ] [ a-mṛ-tī-√ bhū ] to become n°ectar, Lit. Yājñ.

  अमृतेश [ amṛteśa ] [ amṛteśa ] m. " lord of the immortals " , N. of Śiva Lit. PadmaP.

  अमृतेशय [ amṛteśaya ] [ amṛte-śaya ] m. " lying on Amṛita " , N. of Vishṇu Lit. Hariv.

  अमृतेश्वर [ amṛteśvara ] [ amṛteśvara ] m. = [ amṛtesa ] q.v. Lit. Rājat.

   N. of a medicament Lit. Bhpr.

  अमृतेष्टका [ amṛteṣṭakā ] [ amṛteṣṭakā́ ] f. a burnt or baked (and therefore imperishable) brick (used for the sacrificial altar) Lit. ŚBr.

  अमृतोत्पत्ति [ amṛtotpatti ] [ amṛtotpatti ] f. the production of the Amṛita (N. of a chapter of the first book of the Rāmāyaṇa , relating how the Amṛita was obtained by the gods) .

  अमृतोत्पन्न [ amṛtotpanna ] [ amṛtotpanna ] n. impure carbonate of zinc Lit. L.

   [ amṛtotpannā ] f. a fly Lit. L.

  अमृतोदन [ amṛtodana ] [ amṛtodana ] m. N. of a son of Siṃhahanu , and uncle of Śākyamuni.

  अमृतोद्भव [ amṛtodbhava ] [ amṛtodbhava ] n. = [ amṛtótpanna ] n. q.v. Lit. L.

  अमृतोपम [ amṛtopama ] [ amṛtopama ] n. = [ amṛtótpanna ] n. q.v. Lit. L.

  अमृतोपस्तरण [ amṛtopastaraṇa ] [ amṛtopastaraṇa ] n. water sipped as a substratum for the nectar like food Lit. ĀśvGṛ. and Lit. MānGṛ.

   an imperishable substratum Lit. TĀr. ( cf. [ amptāpidhāná ] ) .

 अमृतक [ amṛtaka ] [ amṛtaka ] n. the nectar of immortality.

 अमृताय [ amṛtāya ] [ amṛtāya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to turn into nectar Lit. Kād. ; (p. [ °yamāna ] ) to be like nectar Lit. Ragh. ii , 61.

 अमृतायन [ amṛtāyana ] [ amṛtāyana ] m. f. n. nectar like Lit. BhP.

अमृत्पात्रप [ amṛtpātrapa ] [ á-mṛt-pātra-pa ] m. f. n. not drinking from a clay vessel Lit. MaitrS.

 अमृन्मय [ amṛnmaya ] [ á-mṛn-maya ] m. f. n. not made of clay Lit. TBr. Lit. Śulb. Lit. KātyŚr.

  अमृन्मयप [ amṛnmayapa ] [ á-mṛn-maya-pa ] ( ( PBr. ) ) ( [ á-mṛn-maya- ] ) ( ( Lit. ŚBr. xiv and Lit. PārGṛ. ) ) m. f. n. = [ á mṛt-pātra-pa ] .

  अमृन्मयपायिन् [ amṛnmayapāyin ] [ á-mṛn-maya-pāyin ] ( [ á-mṛn-maya- ] ) ( ( Lit. ŚBr. xiv and Lit. PārGṛ. ) ) m. f. n. = [ á mṛt-pātra-pa ] .

अमृत्यु [ amṛtyu ] [ á-mṛtyu ] m. non death , immortality Lit. ŚBr. xiii Lit. KaushUp.

[ amṛtyu ] m. f. n. immortal Lit. RV.

अमृध्र [ amṛdhra ] [ a-mṛdhra ] see [ á-mardhat ] .

अमृषा [ amṛṣā ] [ a-mṛṣā́ ] ind. not falsely , certainly , surely Lit. ŚBr. xiv Lit. BhP.

  अमृषाभाषित्व [ amṛṣābhāṣitva ] [ a-mṛṣā́-bhāṣi-tva ] n. speaking truthfully (one of the qualities of a good spy) Comm. on Lit. Kir.

  अमृषोद्य [ amṛṣodya ] [ amṛṣodya ] n. true speech Lit. Bhaṭṭ. vi , 57.

अमृष्ट [ amṛṣṭa ] [ a-mṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ mṛj ] ) , not rubbed or washed , unclean Lit. R. (v.l.)

  अमृष्टभुज् [ amṛṣṭabhuj ] [ a-mṛṣṭa-bhuj ] m. f. n. not eating delicate food or dainties ( cf. 1. [ mṛṣṭa ] ) Lit. R. i , 6 , 8 (i , 6 , 11 ed. Bomb.)

  अमृष्टभोजिन् [ amṛṣṭabhojin ] [ a-mṛṣṭa-bhojin ] m. f. n. not eating delicate food or dainties ( cf. 1. [ mṛṣṭa ] ) Lit. R. i , 6 , 8 (i , 6 , 11 ed. Bomb.)

  अमृष्टमृज [ amṛṣṭamṛja ] [ a-mṛṣṭa-mṛja ] m. f. n. of unimpaired purity Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

अमृष्यमाण [ amṛṣyamāṇa ] [ á-mṛṣyamāṇa ] m. f. n. (√ [ mṛṣ ] ) , not-bearing , not tolerating Lit. ŚBr. xii ,

अमेक्षण [ amekṣaṇa ] [ a-mekṣaṇa ] m. f. n. having no [ mekṣaṇa ] , or mixing instrument.

अमेघोपप्लव [ ameghopaplava ] [ a-meghopaplava ] m. f. n. not covered with clouds, Lit. Śiś.

अमेदस्क [ amedaska ] [ a-medáska ] m. f. n. without fat , lean Lit. TS. Lit. Suśr.

अमेधस् [ amedhas ] [ a-medhas ] m. f. n. unintelligent , foolish , an idiot Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 122.

अमेध्य [ amedhya ] [ a-medhyá ] m. f. n. not able or not allowed to sacrifice , not fit for sacrifice , impure , unholy , nefarious , foul Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Mn.

( [ am ] ) ,n. faeces , excrement Lit. KātyŚr. Lit. Mn. ix , 282 Lit. Yājñ.

  अमेध्यकुणपाशिन् [ amedhyakuṇapāśin ] [ a-medhyá-kuṇapāśin ] m. f. n. feeding on carrion.

  अमेध्यप्रतिमन्त्रण [ amedhyapratimantraṇa ] [ a-medhya-pratimantraṇa ] n. conjuring of unlucky omens, Lit. ĀpY.

  अमेध्यता [ amedhyatā ] [ a-medhyá-tā ] f. impurity , foulness , filthiness.

  अमेध्यत्व [ amedhyatva ] [ a-medhyá-tva ] n. impurity , foulness , filthiness.

  अमेध्ययुक्त [ amedhyayukta ] [ a-medhyá-yukta ] m. f. n. filthy , foul.

  अमेध्यलिप्त [ amedhyalipta ] [ a-medhyá-lipta ] m. f. n. smeared with ordure Lit. Mn. iv , 56 Lit. BhP.

  अमेध्यलेप [ amedhyalepa ] [ a-medhyá-lepa ] m. smearing with ordure.

  अमेध्याक्त [ amedhyākta ] [ amedhyākta ] m. f. n. soiled with ordure Lit. Mn.

अमेन [ amena ] [ a-mená ] m. having no wife , a widower Lit. RV. v , 31 , 2.

अमेनि [ ameni ] [ a-mení ] m. f. n. not casting or throwing , not able to throw Lit. AV. v , 6 , 9 and 10 Lit. VS. Lit. TBr.

 अमेनि [ ameni ] [ a-mení ] accord. to others, "inflicting no punishment" .

अमेय [ ameya ] [ a-meya ] m. f. n. immeasurable Lit. MBh. viii , 1975 Lit. Kathās.

  अमेयात्मन् [ ameyātman ] [ ameyātman ] m. f. n. possessing immense powers of mind , magnanimous Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. x , 8

   [ ameyātman ] m. N. of Vishṇu Lit. MBh. xiii.

अमेष्ट [ ameṣṭa ] [ ameṣṭá ] see 1. [ amā́ ] .

अमेह [ ameha ] [ á-meha ] m. retention of urine Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. PBr.

अमोक्य [ amokya ] [ a-mokyá ] m. f. n. (√ [ muc ] ) , that can not be unloosed Lit. AV. iii , 6 , 5.

 अमोचन [ amocana ] [ a-mocana ] n. not loosening or letting go Lit. L.

 अमोचनीय [ amocanīya ] [ a-mocanīya ] m. f. n. not to be liberated.

 अमोचित [ amocita ] [ a-mocí ta ] m. f. n. not liberated , confined.

 अमोच्य [ amocya ] [ a-mocya ] m. f. n. = [ °canīya ] q.v. Lit. Ragh. iii , 65.

अमोक्ष [ amokṣa ] [ a-mokṣa ] m. f. n. (√ [ mokṣ ] ,) unliberated , unloosed Lit. L.

[ amokṣa ] m. want of freedom , bondage confinement

non liberation (from mundane existence) .

 अमोक्षयत् [ amokṣayat ] [ a-mokṣayat ] m. f. n. not liberating Lit. Yājñ. ii , 300.

अमोचन [ amocana ] [ a-mocana ] see [ a-mokyá ] .

अमोघ [ amogha ] [ a-mogha ] m. f. n. unerring , unfailing , not vain , efficacious , succeeding , hitting the mark , productive , fruitful

[ amogha ] m. the not erring , the not failing Lit. ŚBr.

m. a shark, Lit. L.

N. of Śiva

of Vishṇu Lit. MBh. xiii

of Skanda Lit. MBh. iii , 14632

of a minister of an Asura king at war with Kārttikeya Lit. SkandaP.

of a river Lit. L.

[ amoghā ] f. trumpet flower , Bignonia Suaveolens , Roxb.

a plant of which the seed is used as a vermifuge , Erycibe Paniculata Roxb.

Terminalia Citrina Roxb.

N. of a spear Lit. MBh. iii , 16990 and Lit. R. i , 29 , 12

( with or without [ rātri ] ) " the unfalling one " a poetical N. of the night Lit. MBh.

a mystical N. of the letter [ kṣ ] (being the last one of the alphabet)

N. of Durgā Lit. L.

of the wife of Śātanu

of one of the mothers in Kanda's suite Lit. MBh. ix , 2639.

  अमोघकिरण [ amoghakiraṇa ] [ a-mogha-kiraṇa ] n. pl. " the unerring rays " N. of the rays , immediately after sunrise and before sunset Lit. VarBṛS.

  अमोघता [ amoghatā ] [ a-mogha-tā ] f. unerringness (of a weapon), Lit. Kir.

  अमोघदण्ड [ amoghadaṇḍa ] [ a-mogha-daṇḍa ] m. " unerring in punishment " N. of Śiva.

  अमोघदर्शन [ amoghadarśana ] [ a-mogha-darśana ] m. " of an unfailing eye " N. of a Nāgī Lit. Buddh.

  अमोघदर्शिन् [ amoghadarśin ] [ a-mogha-darśin ] m. N. of a Bodhisattva.

  अमोघदृश् [ amoghadṛś ] [ a-mogha-dṛś ] m. f. n. of an unfailing look or eye Lit. BhP.

  अमोघदेव [ amoghadeva ] [ a-mogha-deva ] m. N. of a poet, Lit. Cat.

  अमोघनन्दिनी [ amoghanandinī ] [ a-mogha-nandinī ] f. N. of a Śikshā-text.

  अमोघपतन [ amoghapatana ] [ a-mogha-patana ] m. f. n. " not falling in vain " , reaching the aim Lit. Rājat.

  अमोघपाश [ amoghapāśa ] [ a-mogha-pāśa ] m. N. of a Lokeśvara Lit. Buddh.

  अमोघबल [ amoghabala ] [ a-mogha-bala ] m. f. n. of never-failing strength (said of the horse Uccaiḥśravas) .

  अमोघभूति [ amoghabhūti ] [ a-mogha-bhūti ] m. N. of a king of the Pañjāb.

  अमोघराघव [ amogharāghava ] [ a-mogha-rāghava ] m. N. of a drama, ib.

  अमोघराज [ amogharāja ] [ a-mogha-rāja ] m. N. of a Bhikshu Lit. Lalit.

  अमोघवर्ष [ amoghavarṣa ] [ a-mogha-varṣa ] m. N. of a Caulukya prince.

  अमोघवाच् [ amoghavāc ] [ a-mogha-vāc ] m. f. n. whose words are not vain Lit. BhP.

  अमोघवाञ्छित [ amoghavāñchita ] [ a-mogha-vāñchita ] m. f. n. never disappointed Lit. L.

  अमोघवती [ amoghavatī ] [ a-mogha-vatī ] f. N. of a river, Lit. RV.

  अमोघविक्रम [ amoghavikrama ] [ a-mogha-vikrama ] m. " of unerring valour " , N. of Śiva.

  अमोघसिद्धि [ amoghasiddhi ] [ a-mogha-siddhi ] m. N. of the fifth Dhyānibuddha.

  अमोघाक्षी [ amoghākṣī ] [ amoghākṣī ] f. N. of Dākshāyaṇī Lit. MatsyaP.

  अमोघाचार्य [ amoghācārya ] [ amoghācārya ] m. N. of an author.

  अमोघार्थ [ amoghārtha ] [ a-mo-ghārtha ] m. f. n. of unerring purpose, ib.

अमोत [ amota ] [ amotá ] m. f. n. woven at home Lit. AV. Lit. Kauś.

  अमोतपुत्रक [ amotaputraka ] [ amotá-pútraka ] m. a child protected at home ( a weaver's boy Lit. NBD. ) Lit. AV. xx , 127 , 5.

 अमोतक [ amotaka ] [ amótaka ] m. protected at home (as a child) ( "a weaver" Lit. NBD. ) Lit. AV. xx , 127 , 5.

अमोह [ amoha ] [ a-moha ] m. (with Buddhists) freedom from ignorance (one of the three roots of virtue), Lit. Dharmas. 138.

अमौक्तिक [ amauktika ] [ a-mauktika ] m. f. n. having no pearls, Lit. Mṛicch.

अमौत्रधौत [ amautradhauta ] [ a-mautra-dhauta ] m. f. n. not washed (by a washerman) with alkaline lye Lit. KātyŚr.

अमौन [ amauna ] [ a-mauná ] n. the state of not being a Muni or not keeping the vows of a Muni Lit. ŚBr. xiv.

अम्णस् [ amṇas ] [ amṇás ] ind. = [ amnás ] , Lit. MaitrS.

अम्नस् [ amnas ] [ amnás ] m. f. n. unawares Lit. AV. viii , 6 , 19 Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. APrāt. ( ( according to Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 70 the word is liable to become [ amnar ] in Sandhi ) ) .

अम्ब् [ amb ] [ amb ] Root cl. [1] P. [ ambati ] , to go Lit. L. : cl. [1] Ā. [ ambate ] , to sound Lit. L.

अम्ब [ amba ] [ ámba ] see [ ambā́ ] .

अम्बक [ ambaka ] [ ambaka ] n. Śiva's eye Lit. Bālar. ( cf. [ try-ambaka ] )

an eye Lit. L.

copper Lit. L.

[ ambaka ] m. N. of a poet, Lit. Subh.

 अम्बपाली [ ambapālī ] [ amba-pālī ] f. N. of a courtezan (converted by Gautama Buddha), Lit. MWB. 409.

अम्बया [ ambayā ] [ ambayā ] see [ ambā́ ] .

अम्बर [ ambara ] [ ámbara ] n. circumference , compass , neighbourhood Lit. RV. viii , 8 ,14

(ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) . ) clothes , apparel , garment Lit. MBh.

cotton Lit. L.

sky , atmosphere , ether Lit. Naigh. Lit. MBh.

(hence) a cipher Lit. Sūryas.

N. of the tenth astrological mansion Lit. VarBṛ.

the lip

saffron Lit. L.

a perfume (Ambra) Lit. L.

N. of a country Lit. MatsyaP.

m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VarBṛS.

  अम्बरखण्ड [ ambarakhaṇḍa ] [ ambara-khaṇḍa ] m. n. a rag (and "a cloud" ), Lit. Bhartṛ.

  अम्बरग [ ambaraga ] [ ámbara-ga ] m. f. n. sky-going Lit. Suśr.

  अम्बरचर [ ambaracara ] [ ámbara-cara ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Kathās.

   a bird Lit. Pañcat.

   a Vidyādhara Lit. Kathās.

  अम्बरचारिन् [ ambaracārin ] [ ámbara-cārin ] m. a planet.

  अम्बरद [ ambarada ] [ ámbara-da ] n. " giving clothes " , cotton.

  अम्बरनगरी [ ambaranagarī ] [ ámbara-nagarī ] f. N. of a town.

  अम्बरपुष्प [ ambarapuṣpa ] [ ámbara-puṣpa ] n. " a flower in the sky " , anything impossible ( cf. [ abhra-puṣpa ] .)

  अम्बरप्रभा [ ambaraprabhā ] [ ámbara-prabhā ] f. N. of a princess Lit. Kathās.

  अम्बरमणि [ ambaramaṇi ] [ ámbara-maṇi ] m. " sky-jewel " , the sun , Lit. Sāh. Lit. Bālar.

  अम्बरमाला [ ambaramālā ] [ ambara-mālā ] f. N. of a woman, Lit. Viddh.

  अम्बरयुग [ ambarayuga ] [ ámbara-yuga ] n. " pair of vestments " , the two principal female garments (upper and lower) .

  अम्बरलेखिन् [ ambaralekhin ] [ ambara-lekhin ] m. f. n. touching the sky, Lit. Ragh.

  अम्बरशैल [ ambaraśaila ] [ ámbara-śaila ] m. a high mountain (touching the sky) .

  अम्बरस्थली [ ambarasthalī ] [ ámbara-sthalī ] f. the earth Lit. L.

  अम्बराधिकारिन् [ ambarādhikārin ] [ ambarādhikārin ] m. superintendent over the robes (an office at court) Lit. Rājat.

  अम्बरान्त [ ambarānta ] [ ambarānta ] m. the end of a garment

   the horizon.

  अम्बरौकस् [ ambaraukas ] [ ambaraukas ] m. " sky-dweller " , a good Lit. Kum. v , 79.

अम्बरीष [ ambarīṣa ] [ ambarī́ṣa ] m. n. a frying pan Lit. TS. v, Lit. KātyŚr.

[ ambarīṣa ] m. N. of a hell Lit. Jain.

remorse Lit. L.

war , battle Lit. L.

a young animal , colt Lit. L.

the sun Lit. R. v , 3 , 5, sky , atmosphere Comm. on Lit. Uṇ.

the hog-plum plant (Spondias Magnifera) Lit. L.

N. of a Rājarshi (son of the king Vṛishagir , and composer of the hymns Lit. RV. i , 100 and ix , 98) Lit. RV. i , 100 , 17, of a descendant of Manu Vaivasvata and son of Nābhāga (celebrated for his devotion to Vishṇu) Lit. MBh. N. of a Rājarshi (descendant of Sagara and ancestor of Daśaratha) Lit. R.

N. of a son of the patriarch Pulaha Lit. VāyuP.

N. of Śiva Lit. L.

of Vishṇu Lit. L.

of Gaṇeśa Lit. Kathās.

  अम्बरीषपुत्र [ ambarīṣaputra ] [ ambarī́ṣa-putra ] m. son of Ambarīsha , whence the N. of a country , (g. [ rājanyādi ] )

अम्बर्य [ ambarya ] [ ambarya ] Nom. P. [ °ryati ] , to bring together , collect , (g. [ kaṇḍv-ādi ] .)

अम्बष्ठ [ ambaṣṭha ] [ amba-ṣṭha ] m. ( fr. [ amba ] and [ stha ] ? Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 97) N. of a country and of its inhabitants Lit. MBh. Lit. VarBṛS.

of the king of that country Lit. MBh. vii , 3399 seqq.

the offspring of a man of the Brāhman and a woman of the Vaiśya caste (a man of the medical caste Lit. Mn. x , 47 ; an elephant-driver Lit. BhP.) Lit. Mn. x Lit. Yājñ.

[ ambaṣṭhā ] f. Jaiminum Auriculatum Lit. L.

Clypea Hernandifolia Lit. Suśr.

Oxalis Corniculata Lit. Suśr.

f. an Ambashṭha woman ( Comm. on Lit. Mn. x , 15 )

[ ambaṣṭhī ] f. ( ( Lit. Mn. x , 19 ) ) id.

 अम्बष्ठकी [ ambaṣṭhakī ] [ ambaṣṭhakī ] f. Clypea Hernandifolia Lit. L.

 अम्बष्ठिका [ ambaṣṭhikā ] [ ambaṣṭhikā ] f. Clerodendrum Siphonanthus.

अम्बा [ ambā ] [ ambā́ ] f. ( Ved. voc. [ ámbe ] ( Lit. VS. ) or [ amba ] ( Lit. RV. ) , in later Sanskrit [ amba ] only , sometimes a mere interjection Lit. ĀśvŚr.) , a mother , good woman (as a title of respect)

N. of a plant

N. of Durgā (the wife of Śiva)

N. of an Apsaras Lit. L.

N. of a daughter of a king of Kāśī Lit. MBh.

N. of one of the seven Kṛttikās Lit. TS. Lit. Kāṭh. Lit. TBr.

a term in astrol. (to denote the fourth condition which results from the conjunction of planets?) . In the South Indian languages , [ ambā ] is corrupted into [ ammā ] , and is often affixed to the names of goddesses , and females in general ( Germ. (Amme) , a nurse ; Old Germ. (amma) , Them. (ammôn) , (ammU7n) )

  अम्बागङ्गा [ ambāgaṅgā ] [ ambā́-gaṅgā ] f. river in Ceylon.

  अम्बाजन्मन् [ ambājanman ] [ ambā́-janman ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Lit. MBh. iii , 6051

 अम्बया [ ambayā ] [ ambayā ] f. mother (a N. of rivers) Lit. KaushUp.

 अम्बाडा [ ambāḍā ] [ ambāḍā ] f. mother Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 107 Comm. (voc. [ °ḍe ] and [ °le ] ) and Lit. Kāś. ( in Veda voc. optionally [ °ḍa ] and [ la ] ) .

 अम्बाला [ ambālā ] [ ambālā ] f. mother Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 107 Comm. (voc. [ °ḍe ] and [ °le ] ) and Lit. Kāś. ( in Veda voc. optionally [ °ḍa ] and [ la ] ) .

 अम्बालिका [ ambālikā ] [ ambālikā ] f. (voc. [ ámbālike ] ) , mother Lit. VS.

  of a plant , N. of a daughter of a king of Kāśi (wife of Vicitravīrya , and mother of Pāṇḍu) Lit. MBh.

 अम्बाली [ ambālī ] [ ambālī ] f. mother Lit. TS. vii (voc. [ ámbāli ] for [ ambāle ] as mentioned by Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 118) .

 अम्बि [ ambi ] [ ambí ] f. mother Lit. RV. i , 23 , 16 : Superl. voc. [ ámbitame ] , O dearest mother! Lit. RV. ii , 4i , 16 , ( cf. [ ambī́ ] .)

 अम्बिक [ ambika ] [ ambika ] m. N. of a man, Lit. Kāṭh. ; Lit. Anukr.

 अम्बिका [ ambikā ] [ ambikā ] f. (voc. [ ámbike ] ) , mother , good woman (as a term of respect) Lit. VS. and Lit. TS. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-1 , 118) Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 107 Comm. (voc. [ °ke ] ) and Lit. Kāś. ( in Veda voc. optionally [ °ka ] and [ °ke ] )

  a N. applied to the harvest (as the most productive season) Lit. Kāṭh.

  a sister of Rudra Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.

  N. of Pārvatī (the wife of Śiva) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Yājñ.

  of the wife of Rudra Ugraretas Lit. BhP.

  of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue Lit. MBh. ix , 2630

  of a daughter of the king of Kāśi (wife of Vicitravīrya , and mother of Dhṛitarāshṭra) Lit. MBh. ( cf. [ ambālikā ] )

  one of the female domestic deities of the Jainas Lit. L.

  N. of a place in Bengal Lit. L.

  N. of two rivers Lit. Hcat.

  the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica.

  अम्बिकाखण्ड [ ambikākhaṇḍa ] [ ambikā-khaṇḍa ] m. n. N. of a ch. of the Lit. SkandaP.

  अम्बिकापति [ ambikāpati ] [ ambikā-pati ] m. N. of Śiva

   N. of Rudra or Śiva Lit. TĀr. Lit. Kād.

  अम्बिकापरिणय [ ambikāpariṇaya ] [ ambikā-pariṇaya ] m. N. of a Campū

  अम्बिकापुत्र [ ambikāputra ] [ ambikā-putra ] m. N. of Dhṛitarāshṭra.

  अम्बिकामाहात्म्य [ ambikāmāhātmya ] [ ambikā-māhātmya ] n. N. of a ch. of the Lit. SkandaP.

  अम्बिकावन [ ambikāvana ] [ ambikā-vana ] n. N. of a forest, Lit. BhP.

  अम्बिकासुत [ ambikāsuta ] [ ambikā-suta ] m. N. of Dhṛitarāshṭra.

 अम्बिकेय [ ambikeya ] [ ambikeya ] m. ( for [ āmbikeya ] q.v.) N. of Dhṛitarāshṭra Lit. MBh. iii , 219 and 250

  of Gaṇeśa Lit. L.

  of Kārttikeya Lit. L.

 अम्बी [ ambī ] [ ambī́ ] f. = [ ambī́ ] q.v. Lit. RV. viii , 72 ,5 (acc. [ ambyām ] ) and Lit. Kāṭh.

अम्बु [ ambu ] [ ámbu ] n. water Lit. Naigh. Lit. MBh.

a kind of Andropogon Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Bhpr.

N. of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables) Lit. RPrāt.

the number , " four " Lit. VarBṛ.

  अम्बुकण [ ambukaṇa ] [ ámbu-kaṇa ] m. " a drop of water " , a shower Lit. L.

  अम्बुकण्टक [ ambukaṇṭaka ] [ ámbu-kaṇṭaka ] m. the short-nosed alligator Lit. L.

  अम्बुकपि [ ambukapi ] [ ambu-kapi ] m. Delphinus Gangeticus, Lit. L.

  अम्बुकफ [ ambukapha ] [ ambu-kapha ] m. cuttlefish-bone, Lit. L.

  अम्बुकान्तार [ ambukāntāra ] [ ambu-kāntāra ] m. N. of Varuṇa, Lit. L.

  अम्बुकिरात [ ambukirāta ] [ ámbu-kirāta ] m. the short-nosed alligator Lit. L.

  अम्बुकीश [ ambukīśa ] [ ámbu-kīśa ] m. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic , Delphinus Gangeticus) Lit. L.

  अम्बुकुक्कुट [ ambukukkuṭa ] [ ambu-kukkuṭa ] m. a water-fowl, Lit. L.

  अम्बुकूर्म [ ambukūrma ] [ ámbu-kūrma ] m. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic , Delphinus Gangeticus) Lit. L.

  अम्बुकेशर [ ambukeśara ] [ ámbu-keśara ] m. lemon tree Lit. L.

  अम्बुक्रिया [ ambukriyā ] [ ámbu-kriyā ] f. a funeral rite (= [ jala-kriyā ] ) , Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  अम्बुग [ ambuga ] [ ámbu-ga ] m. f. n. " water-goer " , living in water.

  अम्बुघन [ ambughana ] [ ámbu-ghana ] m. hail , frozen rain Lit. L.

  अम्बुचर [ ambucara ] [ ámbu-cara ] m. f. n. moving in the water , aquatic.

  अम्बुचामर [ ambucāmara ] [ ámbu-cāmara ] n. " water-chowrī " , the aquatic plant Valisneria.

  अम्बुचारिन् [ ambucārin ] [ ámbu-cārin ] m. f. n. moving in water (as a fish , ) Lit. Mn. xii , 57 ( cf. [ ap-cara ] s.v. 2. [ áp ] ) .

  अम्बुज [ ambuja ] [ ámbu-ja ] m. f. n. produced in water , water born , aquatic ,

   [ ambuja ] m. the plant Barringtonsa Acutangula Gaertn.

   a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo)

   a muscle-shell Lit. R. vii , 7 , 10, the thunderbolt of Indra ( " cloud-born " ) Lit. L.

  अम्बुजन्मन् [ ambujanman ] [ ámbu-janman ] n. a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) Lit. Naish.

  अम्बुजबान्धव [ ambujabāndhava ] [ ambu-ja-bāndhava ] m. "lotus-friend" , the sun, Lit. Kuval.

  अम्बुजभू [ ambujabhū ] [ ámbu-ja-bhū ] m. " being in a lotus " , the god Brahmā.

  अम्बुजस्थ [ ambujastha ] [ ámbu-ja-stha ] m. f. n. sitting on a lotus.

  अम्बुजाक्ष [ ambujākṣa ] [ ámbu-jākṣa ] m. f. n. lotus-eyed.

  अम्बुजासना [ ambujāsanā ] [ ambu-jāsanā ] f. "l°otus-seated" , Lakshmī, Lit. Daś.

  अम्बुजीविन् [ ambujīvin ] [ ambu-jīvin ] m. f. n. living by water (as a fisherman ), Lit. Vishṇ.

  अम्बुजानना [ ambujānanā ] [ ámbu-jānanā ] f. " having a lotus face " , N. of the tutelary deity of the Ojishṭha family Lit. BrahmaP.

  अम्बुतस्कर [ ambutaskara ] [ ámbu-taskara ] m. " water thief " , the sun Lit. L.

  अम्बुताल [ ambutāla ] [ ámbu-tāla ] m. (= [ -cāmara ] ) the plant Valisneria.

  अम्बुद [ ambuda ] [ ámbu-da ] m. " giving water " , a cloud , the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis

   अम्बुदारण्य [ ambudāraṇya ] [ ámbu-dāraṇya ] n. N. of a forest.

  अम्बुदेव [ ambudeva ] [ ámbu-deva ] n. " having the waters as deity " , N. of the astrological mansion Pūrvâshāḍhā Lit. VarBṛS.

  अम्बुदैव [ ambudaiva ] [ ámbu-daiva ] n. " having the waters as deity " , N. of the astrological mansion Pūrvâshāḍhā Lit. VarBṛS.

  अम्बुधकामिनी [ ambudhakāminī ] [ ambu-dhakāminī ] f. "ocean-lover" , a river, Lit. Bhām.

  अम्बुधर [ ambudhara ] [ ámbu-dhara ] m. " water-holder " , a cloud.

  अम्बुधार [ ambudhāra ] [ ambu-dhāra ] m. a cloud, Lit. Bcar.

  अम्बुधि [ ambudhi ] [ ámbu-dhi ] m. receptacle of waters , the ocean

   the number , " four "

   अम्बुधिकामिनी [ ambudhikāminī ] [ ambu-dhi--kāminī ] f. a river Lit. Bhām.

   अम्बुधिस्रवा [ ambudhisravā ] [ ámbu-dhi--sravā ] f. the plant Aloes Perfoliata.

  अम्बुनाथ [ ambunātha ] [ ámbu-nātha ] m. " lord of the waters " , the ocean Lit. Hariv.

  अम्बुनिधि [ ambunidhi ] [ ámbu-nidhi ] m. " treasury of waters " , the ocean.

  अम्बुनिवह [ ambunivaha ] [ ámbu-nivaha ] m. " water-bearer " , a cloud Lit. VarBṛS.

  अम्बुप [ ambupa ] [ ámbu-pa ]1 m. " drinking water " , the plant Cassia Tora or Alata Lit. L.

  अम्बुप [ ambupa ] [ ámbu-pa ]2 m. " lord of the waters " , Varuṇa Lit. R. vii , i , 18.

  अम्बुपक्षिन् [ ambupakṣin ] [ ámbu-pakṣin ] m. aquatic bird Lit. Kathās.

  अम्बुपति [ ambupati ] [ ámbu-pati ] m. = :2 [ -pa ] Lit. VarBṛS., the ocean.

  अम्बुपत्त्रा [ ambupattrā ] [ ámbu-pattrā ] f. (= [ -da ] ) , the plant Cyperus Hex. C.

  अम्बुपद्धति [ ambupaddhati ] [ ámbu-paddhati ] f. current , stream , flow of water Lit. L.

  अम्बुपात [ ambupāta ] [ ámbu-pāta ] m. current , stream , flow of water Lit. L.

  अम्बुप्रसाद [ ambuprasāda ] [ ámbu-prasāda ] m. the clearing nut tree , Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water ( cf. Lit. Mn. vi , 67 ) ; they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel , and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains) .

  अम्बुप्रसादन [ ambuprasādana ] [ ámbu-prasādana ] n. the clearing nut tree , Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water ( cf. Lit. Mn. vi , 67 ) ; they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel , and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains) .

  अम्बुप्रिय [ ambupriya ] [ ambu-priya ] m. a kind of ratan (also called [ vidula ] ), Lit. L.

  अम्बुभक्ष्य [ ambubhakṣya ] [ ambu-bhakṣya ] m. f. n. subsisting on water, Lit. Up.( Page1316,1 )

  अम्बुभृत् [ ambubhṛt ] [ ámbu-bhṛt ] m. a cloud Lit. L.

   talc Lit. L.

   the grass Cyperus Pertenuis Lit. L.

  अम्बुमत् [ ambumat ] [ ámbu-mat ] m. f. n. watery , having or containing water

   [ ambumatī ] f. N. of a river Lit. MBh. iii , 6026.

  अम्बुमय [ ambumaya ] [ ambu-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of w°ater, Lit. KāśīKh.

  अम्बुमात्रज [ ambumātraja ] [ ámbu-mātra-ja ] m. f. n. produced only in water.

  अम्बुमुच् [ ambumuc ] [ ámbu-muc ] m. a cloud Lit. Kir. v , 12 Lit. Śiś.

  अम्बुयन्त्र [ ambuyantra ] [ ámbu-yantra ] n. clepsydra Lit. VarBṛS.

  अम्बुरय [ amburaya ] [ ámbu-raya ] m. a current Lit. R. ii , 63 , 43.

  अम्बुराज [ amburāja ] [ ámbu-rāja ] m. = [ nātha ] Lit. Nalôd.

   [ amburāja ] = [ -pa ] :2 Lit. Hariv.

  अम्बुराशि [ amburāśi ] [ ámbu-rāśi ] m. " heap of waters " , the ocean Lit. Kum. Lit. Ragh.

  अम्बुरुह [ amburuha ] [ ámbu-ruha ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " water-growing " , the day-lotus Lit. R.

   [ amburuhā ] f. Hibiscus Mutabilis.

  अम्बुरुहिणी [ amburuhiṇī ] [ ámbu-ruhiṇī ] f. the lotus Lit. Kathās.

  अम्बुरोहिणी [ amburohiṇī ] [ ámbu-rohiṇī ] f. id. Lit. L.

  अम्बुलीलागेह [ ambulīlāgeha ] [ ambu-līlā-geha ] n. a pleasure-house standing in water, Lit. Kathās.

  अम्बुवर्धन [ ambuvardhana ] [ ambu-vardhana ] n. high sea-tide, Lit. L.

  अम्बुवल्ली [ ambuvallī ] [ ambu-vallī ] f. Momordica Charantia, Lit. L.

  अम्बुवाची [ ambuvācī ] [ ámbu-vācī ] f. four days in Āshāḍha (the tenth to the thirteenth of the dark half of the month , when the earth is supposed to be unclean , and agriculture is prohibited) Lit. BrahmaP. ii , 77

   अम्बुवाचीत्याग [ ambuvācītyāga ] [ ámbu-vācī--tyāga ] m. the thirteenth of the same

   अम्बुवाचीप्रद [ ambuvācīprada ] [ ámbu-vācī--prada ] n. the tenth in the second half of the month Āshāḍha.

  अम्बुवास [ ambuvāsa ] [ ambu-vāsa ] m. N. of Varuṇa, Lit. L.

  अम्बुवासिनी [ ambuvāsinī ] [ ámbu-vāsinī ] f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) Lit. L.

  अम्बुवासी [ ambuvāsī ] [ ámbu-vāsī ] f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) Lit. L.

  अम्बुवाह [ ambuvāha ] [ ámbu-vāha ] m. a cloud Lit. Kum. Lit. Megh.

   the grass Cyperus Pertenuis

   a water-carrier Lit. L.

   talc Lit. L.

   the number , " seventeen " Lit. L.

  अम्बुवाहिन् [ ambuvāhin ] [ ámbu-vāhin ] m. f. n. carrying or conveying water

   [ ambuvāhinī ] f. a wooden baling vessel Lit. L.

   N. of a river (v.l. [ madhu-vāhinī ] ) Lit. MBh. vi , 334 Lit. VP.

  अम्बुवेग [ ambuvega ] [ ambu-vega ] m. a current of w°ater, Lit. BhP.

  अम्बुवेतस [ ambuvetasa ] [ ámbu-vetasa ] m. a kind of cane or reed growing in water.

  अम्बुशिरीषिका [ ambuśirīṣikā ] [ ámbu-śirīṣikā ] f. N. of a plant Lit. Bhpr.

  अम्बुशीता [ ambuśītā ] [ ámbu-śītā ] f. N. of a river Lit. R. iv , 41 , 16.

  अम्बुसम्प्लव [ ambusamplava ] [ ambu-samplava ] m. a flow of w°ater, ib.

  अम्बुसर्पिणी [ ambusarpiṇī ] [ ámbu-sarpiṇī ] f. " water-glider " a leech Lit. L.

  अम्बुसूकर [ ambusūkara ] [ ambu-sūkara ] m. a kind of porcine crocodile, Lit. L.

  अम्बुसेचनी [ ambusecanī ] [ ámbu-secanī ] f. ( [ -vāhinī ] ) a wooden baling vessel Lit. L.

  अम्बुहस्त [ ambuhasta ] [ ambu-hasta ] m. a water-elephant (cf. [ jala ] - [ dvīpa ] ), Lit. L.

  अम्बूर्मिगत [ ambūrmigata ] [ ambūrmi-gata ] m. f. n. gone to (i.e. reflected by) waves of water (as the moon), Lit. Bcar. iii, 45.

अम्बुजिनी [ ambujinī ] [ ambujinī ] f. a lotus plant, Lit. Naish.

अम्बूकृत [ ambūkṛta ] [ ambū-kṛta ] m. f. n. ( [ ambū ] used onomatopoetically to denote by trying to utter [ mb ] the effect caused by shutting the lips on pronouncing a vowel) , pronounced indistinctly (so that the words remain too much in the mouth)

( ( in later writers derived fr. [ ambu ] , water ) ) sputtered , accompanied with saliva Lit. Pat. Lit. Lāṭy. ( [ an- ] ,neg.)

[ ambūkṛta ] n. a peculiar indistinct pronunciation of the vowels Lit. RPrāt. Lit. Pat.

roaring (of beasts) accompanied with emission of saliva Lit. Uttarar. Lit. Mālatīm.

अम्बेक [ ambeka ] [ ambeka ] m. N. of a Commentator, Lit. Cat.

अम्ब्य [ ambya ] [ ambyá ] m. " a chanter " ( an error of Lit. Sāy.'s on Lit. RV. viii , 72 , 5 ; cf. [ ambī́ ] ) .

अम्भ् [ ambh ] [ ambh ] Root [ ambhate ] , to sound Lit. L.

 अम्भण [ ambhaṇa ] [ ambhaṇa ] n. " sounding " , the body of the Vinā lute Lit. AitĀr.

अम्भस् [ ambhas ] [ ámbhas ] n. ( cf. [ abhrá ] , [ ámbu ] ) , water Lit. RV. , the celestial waters Lit. AitUp.

power , fruit fulness Lit. VS. and Lit. AV.

pl. ( [ āṃsi ] ) collective N. for gods , men , Manes , and Asuras Lit. TBr. and Lit. VP. , (hence) ( [ as ] ) sg. the number " four "

mystical N. of the letter [ v ]

N. of a metre (consisting of 82 syllables) Lit. RPrāt. , ( [ asa ] ) , instr. in comp. for [ ambhas ] (e.g. [ ambhasākṛta ] " done by water " ) Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 3

du. ( [ asī ] ) heaven and earth Lit. Naigh. ( Gk. 1 [ imber ] ) .

  अम्भस्तस् [ ambhastas ] [ ambhastas ] ind. out of the water, Lit. Śiś.

 अम्भः [ ambhaḥ ] [ ambhaḥ ] ( in comp. for [ ambhas ] ) .

  अम्भःपति [ ambhaḥpati ] [ ambhaḥ-pati ] m. " the lord of the waters " , Varuṇa.

  अम्भःस्यामाक [ ambhaḥsyāmāka ] [ ambhaḥ-syāmāka ] m. water hair-grass Lit. Car.

  अम्भःसार [ ambhaḥsāra ] [ ambhaḥ-sāra ] m. a pearl Lit. L.

  अम्भःसू [ ambhaḥsū ] [ ambhaḥ- ] m. smoke Lit. L.

  अम्भःस्थ [ ambhaḥstha ] [ ambhaḥ-stha ] m. f. n. standing in water Lit. Hit.

 अम्भो [ ambho ] [ ambho ] ( in comp. for [ ambhas ] ) .

  अम्भोगर्भ [ ambhogarbha ] [ ambho-garbha ] m. f. n. containing water (as a cloud), Lit. Mālatīm.

  अम्भोज [ ambhoja ] [ ambho-ja ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) " water-born " , the day lotus

   [ ambhoja ] m. the plant Calamus Rotang Lit. L.

   the Sārasa or Indian crane Lit. L.

  अम्भोजखण्ड [ ambhojakhaṇḍa ] [ ambho-ja-khaṇḍa ] n. a group of lotus flowers Lit. Pāṇ. 4-2 , 5 i Lit. Kāś.

  अम्भोजजन्मन् [ ambhojajanman ] [ ambho-ja-janman ] m. N. of Brahma (born in a lotus) .

  अम्भोजन्मजनि [ ambhojanmajani ] [ ambho-janma-jani ] m. (= [ ja-janman ] ) Brahmā Lit. BhP.

  अम्भोजन्मन् [ ambhojanman ] [ ambho-janman ] n. (= [ -ja ] ) " water-born " , the lotus Lit. BhP.

  अम्भोजबन्धु [ ambhojabandhu ] [ ambho-ja-bandhu ] m. "lotus-friend" the sun, Lit. Hcat.

  अम्भोजयोनि [ ambhojayoni ] [ ambho-ja-yoni ] m. id.

  अम्भोजवदना [ ambhojavadanā ] [ ambho-ja-vadanā ] f. a lotus-faced woman, Lit. Kautukas.

  अम्भोजिनी [ ambhojinī ] [ ambho-jinī ] f. the lotus plant Lit. Kathās.

   an assemblage of lotus flowers or a place where they abound , (g. [ puṣ karādi ] q.v.)

  अम्भोद [ ambhoda ] [ ambho-da ] m. a cloud Lit. MBh.

   the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis Nees.

  अम्भोधर [ ambhodhara ] [ ambho-dhara ] m. a cloud Lit. Mṛicch.

  अम्भोधि [ ambhodhi ] [ ambho-dhi ] m. " receptacle of waters " , the ocean

   अम्भोधिपल्लव [ ambhodhipallava ] [ ambho-dhi--pallava ] m. coral Lit. L.

   अम्भोधिवल्लभ [ ambhodhivallabha ] [ ambho-dhi--vallabha ] m. coral Lit. L.

  अम्भोनिधि [ ambhonidhi ] [ ambho-nidhi ] m. the ocean.

  अम्भोमुच् [ ambhomuc ] [ ambho-muc ] m. " water-shedder " , a cloud Lit. Kād.

  अम्भोराशि [ ambhorāśi ] [ ambho-rāśi ] m. ( = [ -nidhi ] ) the ocean.

  अम्भोरुह् [ ambhoruh ] [ ambho-ruh ] n. " water-growing " , the lotus.

  अम्भोरुह [ ambhoruha ] [ ambho-ruha ] n. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) id. Lit. Kum.

   [ ambhoruha ] m. (= [ -ja ] m.) the Indian crane

   N. of a son of Viśvāmitra Lit. MBh. xiii , 258.

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