Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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संघट् [ saṃghaṭ ] [ saṃ-√ ghaṭ ] Ā. [ -ghaṭate ] , to assemble together , meet Lit. Rājat. ; to meet , encounter Lit. Siṃhâs. : Caus. [ -ghāṭayati ] , to cause to assemble , collect Lit. Kathās. ; to join or fasten together Lit. Sarvad. ; to strike (a musical instrument) Lit. R. : Intens. [ -jāghaṭīti ] , to be well fitted or adapted for anything Lit. ib.

 संघट [ saṃghaṭa ] [ saṃ-ghaṭa ] m. f. n. heaped , piled up Lit. AgP.

  संघटक [ saṃghaṭaka ] [ saṃ-ghaṭaka ] ( used for explaining [ saṃdhi ] ) Lit. TBr. Sch.

  संघटन [ saṃghaṭana ] [ saṃ-ghaṭana ] n. ( or f ( [ ā ] ) .) union or junction with (comp.) Lit. Vcar. Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Sāh.

   [ saṃghaṭanā ] f. combination of words or sounds Lit. Sāh.

 संघटित [ saṃghaṭita ] [ saṃ-ghaṭita ] m. f. n. assembled together , met

  struck (as a musical instrument) Lit. R.

 संघाट [ saṃghāṭa ] [ saṃ-ghāṭa ] m. fitting and joining of timber , joinery , carpentry Lit. R.

  a pot (?) Lit. DivyA7v.

  (ifc.) = [ saṃ-ghāta ] ( in [ pada- ] and [ varṇa-s ] , qq.vv.)

  संघाटसूत्र [ saṃghāṭasūtra ] [ saṃ-ghāṭa--sūtra ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra.

  संघाटि [ saṃghāṭi ] [ saṃ-ghāṭi ] f. a kind of garment , a monk's robe ( cf. [ bhikṣu-s ] ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. DivyA7v. ,

  संघाटी [ saṃghāṭī ] [ saṃ-ghāṭī ] f. a kind of garment , a monk's robe ( cf. [ bhikṣu-s ] ) Lit. Suśr. Lit. DivyA7v. ,

  संघाटिका [ saṃghāṭikā ] [ saṃ-ghāṭikā ] f. a pair , couple Lit. L.

   a woman's garment , Lit. Śīl.

   procuress , a bawd Lit. L.

   Trapa Bispinosa Lit. L.

   the nose Lit. L.

संघट्ट् [ saṃghaṭṭ ] [ saṃ-√ ghaṭṭ ] Ā. [ -ghaṭṭate ] , to strike or clasp or rub together , knead , crush to pieces , bruise Lit. R. : Caus. [ -ghaṭṭayati ] (ind.p. [ -ghaṭṭayya ] ) , to cause to rub against (instr.) Lit. Ragh. ; to stir Lit. AgP. ; to strike against , touch Lit. MBh. ; to cause to sound by striking Lit. R. ; to bring together , collect , assemble Lit. MBh. Lit. Rājat. ; to meet , encounter Lit. Naish.

 संघट्ट [ saṃghaṭṭa ] [ saṃ-ghaṭṭa ] m. rubbing or clashing together , friction , collision , conflict , rivalry Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  a stroke ( in [ hṛdaya-s ] q.v.)

  junction or union with (instr.) Lit. Naish.

  embracing Lit. W.

  [ saṃghaṭṭā ] f. a large creeper (= [ latā ] ) Lit. L.

  संघट्टचक्र [ saṃghaṭṭacakra ] [ saṃ-ghaṭṭa--cakra ] n. a partic. astrological diagram (for determining the proper season for war) Lit. Cat.

  संघट्टपणित [ saṃghaṭṭapaṇita ] [ saṃ-ghaṭṭa--paṇita ] n. a wager Lit. Hcar.

  संघट्टन [ saṃghaṭṭana ] [ saṃ-ghaṭṭana ] m. a kind of spectral being or phantom Lit. Hariv.

   [ saṃghaṭṭana ] n. rubbing together Lit. Prasannar.

   friction , collision Lit. Rājat.

   n. meeting , encountering , close contact or union (as the intertwining of wrestlers , the embrace of lovers ) Lit. ib. Lit. Vet. Lit. Sāh. Lit. Pratāp. ( also f ( [ ā ] ) . ; often v.l. or w.r. for [ saṃ-ghaṭana ] ) .

 संघट्टित [ saṃghaṭṭita ] [ saṃ-ghaṭṭita ] m. f. n. rubbed or struck together or against

  kneaded Lit. Pañcat. iii , 236 (v.l.)

  collected , assembled Lit. MBh.

  [ saṃghaṭṭita ] m. du. ( with [ pāṇī ] ) the joined hands of bride and husband Lit. Prasannar. ( perhaps w.r. for [ sam-ghaṭita ] ) .

  संघट्टिन् [ saṃghaṭṭin ] [ saṃ-ghaṭṭin ] m. ( incorrect for [ saṃ-ghaṭin ] ) an adherent , follower Lit. BhP.

संघस [ saṃghasa ] [ saṃ-ghasa ] m. food , victuals Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

सङ्घाणक [ saṅghāṇaka ] [ saṅghāṇaka ] m. the mucus of the nose ( cf. [ siṅgh ] and [ śiṅgh ] ) Lit. KātyŚr. Sch. (v.l.)

संघात [ saṃghāta ] [ saṃ-ghāta ] see col.1.

संघुषित [ saṃghuṣita ] [ saṃ-ghuṣita ] m. f. n. (√ [ ghuṣ ] ) sounded , proclaimed Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 28 Sch.

[ saṃghuṣita ] n. sound , noise , cry Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

  संघुष्ट [ saṃghuṣṭa ] [ saṃ-ghuṣṭa ] m. f. n. sounded , resonant Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

   proclaimed Lit. Pāṇ. 7-2 , 28 Sch.

   offered for sale Lit. Yājñ. i , 168

   [ saṃghuṣṭa ] m. sound , noise Lit. W.

  संघुष्टक [ saṃghuṣṭaka ] [ saṃ-ghuṣṭaka ] m. f. n. suited or accustomed to each other Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 50 Vārtt. 8.

 संघोष [ saṃghoṣa ] [ saṃ-ghoṣa ] m. a station of herdsmen (= [ ghoṣa ] ) Lit. MārkP.

  संघोषिणी [ saṃghoṣiṇī ] [ saṃ-ghoṣiṇī ] f. a partic. class of demons Lit. Siṃhâs.

संघृष् [ saṃghṛṣ ] [ saṃ-√ ghṛṣ ] P. [ -gharṣati ] , to rub together or against each other , contend or vie with (instr.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Ragh. : Pass. [ -ghṛṣyate ] , to be rubbed or wetted (as a sword) Lit. Subh. ; (pr. p. [ -ghṛṣyat ] ) , to be brought or come into collision , vie or rival with ( also with [ paras-param ] ) Lit. MBh.

 संघर्ष [ saṃgharṣa ] [ saṃ-gharṣa ] m. rubbing together , friction Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  mutual attrition , rivalry , envy , jealousy in regard to (acc. with [ prati ] or comp.) Lit. ib.

  sexual excitement Lit. MBh. (B.) Lit. xv , 840 (C. [ saṃharṣa ] )

  going gently , gliding (= [ saṃ-sarpa ] ) Lit. L.

  [ saṃgharṣā ] f. liquid lac Lit. L.

  संघर्षशालिन् [ saṃgharṣaśālin ] [ saṃ-gharṣa--śālin ] m. f. n. envious , jealous Lit. Kathās.

  संघर्षण [ saṃgharṣaṇa ] [ saṃ-gharṣaṇa ] n. rubbing together or against each other Lit. Pur.

   any substance used for rubbing in , ointment , unguent Lit. MBh.

  संघर्षयितृ [ saṃgharṣayitṛ ] [ saṃ-gharṣayitṛ ] m. a rival Lit. Sāy. on Lit. RV. x , 18 , 9.

  संघर्षिन् [ saṃgharṣin ] [ saṃ-gharṣin ] m. f. n. rubbing together , emulating , rivalling , vying with one another or with regard to (comp.) Lit. MBh.

   jealous , envious Lit. Śiś.

 संघृष्ट [ saṃghṛṣṭa ] [ saṃ-ghṛṣṭa ] m. f. n. rubbed with , rubbed together Lit. MBh.

संघ्रा [ saṃghrā ] [ saṃ-√ ghrā ] Caus. [ -ghrāpayati ] , to bring into close connection or intimacy , make intimate Lit. ŚBr.

सच् [ sac ] [ sac ]1 Root ( connected with √ 2. [ sajj ] , [ sañj ] , [ sakh ] ; cf. √ [ sap ] ) cl. [1] Ā. ( Lit. Dhātup. vi , 2) [ sácate ] ( in Lit. RV. also P. [ sacati ] and [ sí ṣakti ] , 2. sg. [ sáścasi ] , 3. pl. [ saścati ] , 2. 3. pl. [ saścata ] , 1. sg. Ā. [ saśce ] ; p. [ sácamāna ] , [ sacāná ] and [ sáścat ] or [ saścát ] ( q.v. ) ; pf. Ved. [ saścima ] , [ saścúḥ ] ; Ā. [ saściré ] Lit. RV. ; [ secire ] Lit. AV. ; aor. 3. pl. [ asakṣata ] Lit. RV. ; [ sakṣat ] , [ sakṣata ] , [ sakṣante ] , [ sakṣīmáhi ] Lit. ib. ; [ asaciṣṭa ] Gr. ; fut. [ sacitā ] , [ saciṣyate ] Lit. ib. ; inf. [ sacádhyai ] Lit. RV.) , to be associated or united with , have to do with , be familiar with , associate one's self with (instr.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; be possessed of , enjoy (instr. or acc.) Lit. ib. ; to take part or participate in , suffer , endure (instr.) Lit. RV. ; to belong to , be attached or devoted to , serve , follow , seek , pursue , favour , assist (acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. ; to he connected with (instr.) Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-4 , 51 ; to fall to the lot of (acc.) Lit. ŚBr. ; to be together Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; ( [ sí ṣakti ] ) , to go after , follow , accompany , adhere or be attached to (acc.) Lit. RV. ; to help any one to anything ( two dat.) Lit. ib. ; to abide in (loc.) Lit. ib. ; ( 3. pl. [ saścati ] and [ saścata ] ) , to follow , obey Lit. RV. ; to belong to (acc.) Lit. ib. ; to be devoted to or fond of (acc.) Lit. ib. ( cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. (sequor) ; Lith. (seku4) . )

 सक्मन् [ sakman ] [ sákman ] n. association , attendance Lit. RV.

 सक्म्य [ sakmya ] [ sákmya ] n. that which belongs to anything , peculiar nature Lit. ib.

 सख [ sakha ] [ sakha ] m. (ifc. for [ sákhi ] cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 5-4 , 91) a friend , companion Lit. R. Lit. Kālid.

  attended or accompanied by (comp.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  the tree Mimosa Catechu Lit. MW.

 सखि [ sakhi ] [ sákhi ] m. ( strong cases nom. [ sákhā ] pl. [ sákhāyaḥ ] ; acc. sg. [ sákhāyam ] ; gen. abl. [ sákhyus ] ; other cases regularly from [ sakhi ] ) a friend , assistant , companion Lit. RV.

  the husband of the wife's sister , brother-in-law Lit. Gal.

  [ sakhī ] f. see below. ( cf. Lat. (socius) . )

  सखिता [ sakhitā ] [ sákhi-tā ] f. ( Lit. MBh. Lit. R.) friendship , companionship , intimacy with (instr. with and without [ saha ] gen. , or comp.)

  सखित्व [ sakhitva ] [ sákhi-tvá ] n. ( Lit. RV. ) friendship , companionship , intimacy with (instr. with and without [ saha ] gen. , or comp.)

  सखित्वन [ sakhitvana ] [ sákhi-tvaná ] n. ( Lit. RV.) friendship , companionship , intimacy with (instr. with and without [ saha ] gen. , or comp.)

  सखिदत्त [ sakhidatta ] [ sákhi-datta ] m. g. [ sakhy-ādi ] .

  सखिपूर्व [ sakhipūrva ] [ sákhi-pūrva ] m. f. n. one who has been formerly a friend Lit. MW.

   [ sakhipūrva ] n. = next Lit. MBh.

  सखिभाव [ sakhibhāva ] [ sákhi-bhāva ] m. friendship , intimacy Lit. Kathās.

  सखिवत् [ sakhivat ] [ sákhi-vat ]1 ( [ sákhi- ] ) m. f. n. having friends or adherents Lit. RV.

  सखिवत् [ sakhivat ] [ sákhi-vat ]2 ind. like a friend , as a friend Lit. MW.

  सखिविग्रह [ sakhivigraha ] [ sákhi-vigraha ] m. war of friends , civil war Lit. MW.

  सखिविद् [ sakhivid ] [ sákhi-ví d ] m. f. n. winning friends Lit. VS.

 सखिल [ sakhila ] [ sakhila ] m. f. n. ( for [ sa-khila ] see p. 1124 , col. 2) friendly Lit. L.

 सखी [ sakhī ] [ sakhī ] f. a female friend or companion , a woman's confidante Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  a mistress Lit. VarBṛS.

  (ifc.) a woman who shares in or sympathizes with Lit. Kum.

  सखीकदम्बक [ sakhīkadambaka ] [ sakhī-kadambaka ] n. a number of female friends Lit. MW.

  सखीगण [ sakhīgaṇa ] [ sakhī-gaṇa ] n. id.

   सखीगणसमावृत [ sakhīgaṇasamāvṛta ] [ sakhī-gaṇa--samāvṛta ] m. f. n. surrounded by a company of female friends Lit. Nal.

  सखीजन [ sakhījana ] [ sakhī-jana ] m. a female friend or female friends (collectively) Lit. Śak.

  सखीसहित [ sakhīsahita ] [ sakhī-sahita ] m. f. n. attended by female friends Lit. MW.

  सखीस्नेह [ sakhīsneha ] [ sakhī-sneha ] m. the love for a female friends Lit. Śak.

  सखीहृदयाभरण [ sakhīhṛdayābharaṇa ] [ sakhī-hṛdayābharaṇa ] m. N. of a man Lit. Cat.

 सखीय [ sakhīya ] [ sakhīya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( only p. [ °yát ] ) , to seek the friendship of (instr.) , attend or attach one's self as a friend Lit. RV.

 सख्य [ sakhya ] [ sakhyá ] n. friendship , intimacy with , relation to (loc. or instr. with and without [ samam ] , [ saha ] ) , fellowship , community Lit. RV. Lit.

  सख्यविसर्जन [ sakhyavisarjana ] [ sakhyá-visarjana ] n. dissolution of partnership or association (in a ritual observance) Lit. GṛŚrS.

 सच् [ sac ] [ sac ]2 (ifc. strong form [ sāc ] ) , in [ apatya- ] , [ ayajñasac ] , [ āyu-ṣak ] (qq.vv.)

 सच [ saca ] [ saca ] m. f. n. attached to , worshipping , a worshipper (see [ a-saca-dviṣ ] ) .

 सचथ [ sacatha ] [ sacátha ] m. companionship , assistance Lit. RV.

 सचथ्य [ sacathya ] [ sacathyá ] m. f. n. helpful , kind Lit. RV.

  [ sacathya ] n. assistance , help Lit. ib.

 सचध्यै [ sacadhyai ] [ sacádhyai ] see √ [ sac ] .

 सचन [ sacana ] [ sacaná ] m. f. n. ready to befriend or help , kindly disposed , doing kind offices ( also [ °nā-vat ] ) Lit. RV.

 सचनस् [ sacanas ] [ sácanas ] see [ sá-canas ] below.

 सचनीय [ sacanīya ] [ sacanīya ] m. f. n. to be followed or honoured or served Lit. MW.

 सचस्य [ sacasya ] [ sacasya ] Nom. Ā. [ °syáte ] , to receive assistance or care Lit. RV.

 सचा [ sacā ] [ sácā ] ind. near , at hand , along , together , together with , in the presence of. before , in , at , by (with loc. either preceding or following) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. TBr.

  सचाभू [ sacābhū ] [ sácā-bhū́ ] m. a fellow , companion , friend , associate Lit. RV.

   [ sacābhū ] m. f. n. attended or accompanied by (instr.) Lit. ib.

 सचि [ saci ] [ sáci ] ind. together , along with Lit. ŚBr.

  सचिविद् [ sacivid ] [ sáci-ví d ] m. f. n. belonging together , familiar , intimate Lit. RV.

 सचिव [ saciva ] [ saciva ] m. an associate , companion , friend , (f ( [ ī ] ) .)

  esp. a king's friend or attendant , counsellor , minister (ifc. = " assisted by " , " provided with " ) Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  the dark thorn-apple Lit. L.

  सचिवता [ sacivatā ] [ saciva-tā ] f. ( Lit. Rājat.) the position or rank of a minister.

  सचिवत्व [ sacivatva ] [ saciva-tva ] n. ( Lit. Kathās.) the position or rank of a minister.

  सचिवामय [ sacivāmaya ] [ sacivāmaya ] m. a disease to which king's attendants are liable (said to be a kind of " jaundice " ) Lit. L.

 सची [ sacī ] [ sacī ] see [ śacī ] , p.1048.

 सश्चत् [ saścat ] [ saścát ] m. a pursuer , enemy Lit. RV.

सच् [ sac ] [ sac ]3 Root = √ [ sañj ] in [ ā-√ sac ] , to adhere to Lit. MaitrS. Lit. Kāṭh.

सचकित [ sacakita ] [ sa-cakita ] m. f. n. (i.e. 7. [ sa ] + [ c ] ) trembling , timid , startled ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Ratnâv. Lit. Amar.

[ sacakitam ] ind. , see [ sacakita ]

  [ sa ] [ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :

  सचक्र [ sacakra ] [ sa-cakra ] m. f. n. having wheels , wheeled Lit. MBh.

   having a circle or discus Lit. MW.

   having troops (of soldiers) Lit. MBh.

   [ sacakram ] ind. together with a wheel or discus Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 81 Sch.

   सचक्रिन् [ sacakrin ] [ sa-cakrí n ] m. a charioteer Lit. TBr. (Sch.)

   सचक्रोपस्कर [ sacakropaskara ] [ sa-cakropaskara ] m. f. n. with wheels and appendages Lit. MBh.

  सचक्षुष [ sacakṣuṣa ] [ sa-cakṣuṣa ] m. f. n. having eyes , seeing Lit. MBh.

  सचक्षुस् [ sacakṣus ] [ sa-cakṣus ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. id. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  सचनस् [ sacanas ] [ sa-canas ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. being in harmony with Lit. RV. i , 127 , 11

   सचनस्तम [ sacanastama ] [ sa-canas--tama ] m. f. n. (superl.) Lit. ib. viii , 27 , 8

   सचनस्य [ sacanasya ] [ sa-canasya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to treat tenderly , cherish , foster Lit. ib. x , 4 , 3.

  सचन्द्रक [ sacandraka ] [ sa-candraka ] m. f. n. having a moon-like spot Lit. Suśr.

  सचन्द्रिकाप्रकाश [ sacandrikāprakāśa ] [ sa-candrikā-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

  सचमत्कारम् [ sacamatkāram ] [ sa-camatkāram ] ind. with astonishment or surprise Lit. Mcar. Lit. Kathās.

  सचरणलाक्षाराग [ sacaraṇalākṣārāga ] [ sa-caraṇa-lākṣā-rāga ] m. f. n. having the colour of lac or dye used for the feet Lit. MW.

  सचराचर [ sacarācara ] [ sa-carācara ] m. f. n. comprehending everything moving and motionless Lit. Mn. vii , 29

   [ sacarācara ] n. the universe Lit. MW.

  सचर्म [ sacarma ] [ sa-carma ] m. f. n. along with the skin Lit. Kauś.

  सचल [ sacala ] [ sa-cala ] m. f. n. having moving things , moving Lit. ib.

  सचामर [ sacāmara ] [ sa-cāmara ] m. f. n. furnished with chowries Lit. Vishṇ.

  सचारु [ sacāru ] [ sa-cāru ] m. f. n. very beautiful Lit. MW.

  सचित् [ sacit ] [ sa-cí t ] m. f. n. thinking , wise Lit. RV. x , 64 , 7 ( others " of the same mind " ) .

  सचित्क [ sacitka ] [ sa-citka ] m. thinking Lit. BhP.

  सचित्त [ sacitta ] [ sá-citta ] m. f. n. ( [ sá- ] ) of the same mind Lit. AV. ( 1130,3 )

   endowed with reason Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 25 Vārtt. 1 (quot.)

  सचित्र [ sacitra ] [ sa-citra ] m. f. n. garnished with pictures Lit. Hariv.

   together with pictures Lit. Megh.

   painted , variegated Lit. MW.

   mfn. , see [ citra ] , = [ citra-ga ]

  सचिन्त [ sacinta ] [ sa-cinta ] m. f. n. absorbed in thought , thoughtful ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

   [ sacintam ] ind. , see [ sacinta ]

   सचिन्ताकुलम् [ sacintākulam ] [ sa-cintākulam ] ind. thoughtfully Lit. Śak.

  सचिल्लक [ sacillaka ] [ sa-cillaka ] m. f. n. having sore eyes , blear-eyed Lit. L.

  सचिह्न [ sacihna ] [ sa-cihna ] m. f. n. having marks , marked , branded ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Yājñ.

   [ sacihnam ] ind. , see [ sacihna ]

  सचीनक [ sacīnaka ] [ sa-cīnaka ] m. f. n. together with Panicum Miliaceum Lit. MārkP.

  सचेतन [ sacetana ] [ sa-cetana ] m. f. n. having reason or consciousness or feeling , sentient , sensible , animate , rational Lit. PārGṛ. Lit. R. Lit. Kathās.

  सचेतस् [ sacetas ] [ sá-cetas ] m. f. n. ( [ sá- ] ) having the same mind , unanimous Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

   conscious , intelligent , rational Lit. RV. Lit.

  सचेल [ sacela ] [ sa-cela ] m. f. n. having clothes , clothed , dressed Lit. Gaut. Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.

  सचेष्ट [ saceṣṭa ] [ sa-ceṣṭa ] m. f. n. making effort or exertion , active Lit. W.

   [ saceṣṭa ] m. the mango tree Lit. L.

  सचैतन्य [ sacaitanya ] [ sa-caitanya ] m. f. n. having consciousness , conscious Lit. VP.

  सचैल [ sacaila ] [ sa-caila ] m. f. n. = [ -cela ] ( [ am ] ind. ) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.

   [ sacailam ] ind. , see [ sacaila ]

  सच्छदिस् [ sacchadis ] [ sa-cchadis ] m. f. n. covered , hidden Lit. ĀpŚr.

  सच्छन्द [ sacchanda ] [ sa-cchanda ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. consisting of the same metres ( [ ā ] f. ( scil. [ ric ] ) a verse consisting of the same metres) Lit. VS.

  सच्छन्दस् [ sacchandas ] [ sa-cchandas ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. = prec. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr.

  सच्छन्दस्य [ sacchandasya ] [ sa-cchandasya ] m. f. n. id. Lit. Lāṭy.

  सच्छन्दोम [ sacchandoma ] [ sa-cchandoma ] m. f. n. connected with the Chandoma ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Lāṭy.

   सच्छन्दोमत्व [ sacchandomatva ] [ sa-cchandoma--tva ] n. , see [ sacchandoma ]

  सच्छल [ sacchala ] [ sa-cchala ] m. f. n. deceitful , fraudulent Lit. Kathās.

  सच्छलजातिनिग्रहमय [ sacchalajātinigrahamaya ] [ sa-cchala-jāti-nigraha-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of defeat (in disputation) accompanied by self-refuting objections and unfair arguments Lit. Prab.

  सच्छाय [ sacchāya ] [ sa-cchāya ] m. f. n. giving shade , shady Lit. Pañcad.

   having beautiful colours , glittering Lit. L.

   (ifc.) having the same colour as Lit. Śiś.

  सच्छिद्र [ sacchidra ] [ sa-cchidra ] m. f. n. having defects , faulty Lit. MW.

  सच्छेद [ saccheda ] [ sa-ccheda ] m. f. n. having cuttings or divisions , interrupted Lit. Vet.

  सच्युति [ sacyuti ] [ sa-cyuti ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. (said to = ) accompanied by seminal effusion , Lit. MaitrS. Lit. TBr. Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  सजन [ sajana ] [ sa-janá ] m. f. n. together with men or people Lit. Rājat.

   having men , frequented or inhabited by men ( [ °ne ] ind. among men , in public) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh.

   [ sajana ] m. a man of the same family , kinsman Lit. MW.

   [ sajane ] ind. , see [ sajana ] , among men , in public

   सजनामात्य [ sajanāmātya ] [ sa-janāmātya ] m. f. n. accompanied by men and ministers Lit. ib.

  सजनपद [ sajanapada ] [ sa-janapada ] m. f. n. having the same country , a fellow-countryman Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 83.

  सजनीय [ sajanīya ] [ sa-janī́ya ] n. ( scil. [ sūkta ] ) N. of the hymn Lit. RV. ii , 12 ( having the burden [ sa janāsa indraḥ ] ) Lit. TS. Lit. AitBr. Lit. KātyŚr. ( also [ sajanya ] Lit. Kāṭh.)

  सजनु [ sajanu ] [ sa-janú ] m. f. n. born or produced together Lit. ŚBr.

  सजन्य [ sajanya ] [ sa-janya ] ( [ sá- ] ) m. f. n. belonging to a kinsman Lit. RV. ( cf. [ -janīya ] ) .

  सजप [ sajapa ] [ sa-japa ] m. f. n. together with the Tūshṇīṃ-japa ( q.v.) Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

   [ sajapa ] m. a partic. class of ascetics Lit. R.

  सजम्बाल [ sajambāla ] [ sa-jambāla ] m. f. n. having mud , muddy , clayey Lit. L.

  सजल [ sajala ] [ sa-jala ] m. f. n. possessing or containing water , watery , wet , humid Lit. R. Lit. Megh. Lit. Śiś.

   सजलत्व [ sajalatva ] [ sa-jala--tva ] n. wateriness Lit. MW.

   सजलनयन [ sajalanayana ] [ sa-jala--nayana ] m. f. n. watery-eyed Lit. Megh.

   सजलपृषत [ sajalapṛṣata ] [ sa-jala--pṛṣata ] m. f. n. containing water-drops Lit. ib.

  सजागर [ sajāgara ] [ sa-jāgara ] m. f. n. waking , awake Lit. Kathās.

  सजात [ sajāta ] [ sa-jāta ] see s.v.

  सजाति [ sajāti ] [ sa-jāti ] see s.v.

  सजानि [ sajāni ] [ sa-jāni ] m. f. n. together with a wife Lit. Rājat.

  सजामि [ sajāmi ] [ sa-jāmi ] w.r. for prec.

  सजाय [ sajāya ] [ sa-jāya ] m. f. n. having a wife , married Lit. Kathârṇ.

  सजार [ sajāra ] [ sa-jāra ] m. f. n. accompanied by a lover , together with a paramour Lit. Hit.

  सजाल [ sajāla ] [ sa-jāla ] m. f. n. having a mane , maned Lit. Kathās. (v.l. [ saṭāla ] ) .

  सजित्वन् [ sajitvan ] [ sa-jí tvan ] m. f. n. victorious , superior Lit. RV. Lit. MaitrS.

  सजिष्णु [ sajiṣṇu ] [ sa-jiṣṇu ] m. f. n. accompanied by Arjuna Lit. MBh.

  सजीव [ sajīva ] [ sa-jīva ] m. f. n. having life , alive ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   having a bow-string ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Śiś.

   सजीवता [ sajīvatā ] [ sa-jīva--tā ] f. , see [ sajīva ]

   सजीवता [ sajīvatā ] [ sa-jīva--tā ] f. , see [ sajīva ]

  सजुष् [ sajuṣ ] [ sa-juṣ ] m. f. n. ( Lit. Vop. iii , 150 ; 164) attached to or associated with , an associate , companion Lit. W.

   [ sajūs ] ind. ( or [ ū́r ] ) ( Lit. Pāṇ. 8-2 , 66) at the same time , besides , moreover Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. ŚBr. ( [ sajūḥ-kṛtya ] , " together with " Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; cf. g. [ ūry-ādi ] )

   with , along or together with (instr.) Lit. RV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. BhP.

   सजूरब्दीय [ sajūrabdīya ] [ sa-jūr-abdī́ya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ sajūr-abda ] ) Lit. ŚBr.

  सजृम्भिकम् [ sajṛmbhikam ] [ sa-jṛmbhikam ] ind. with a yawn , yawning Lit. Kathās.

  सजोष [ sajoṣa ] [ sa-jóṣa ] m. f. n. = [ -joṣas ] Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS.

  सजोषण [ sajoṣaṇa ] [ sa-jóṣaṇa ] n. common enjoyment or pleasure Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr.

  सजोषस् [ sajoṣas ] [ sa-jóṣas ] m. f. n. associated together , united , being or acting in harmony with (instr.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TBr.

   [ sajoṣas ] ind. together Lit. RV.

  सज्य [ sajya ] [ sa-jya ] see s.v. , col.2.

  सज्योतिस् [ sajyotis ] [ sa-jyotis ] m. f. n. having the same or a common light Lit. Pāṇ. 6-3 , 85

   [ sajyotis ] ind. according to the light (i.e. either by day from the disappearance of the stars till sunset , or by night from sunset till the appearance of the stars ) Lit. Mn. iv , 106 ; v , 82 ( [ °tiṣi ] id. Lit. Gaut. ii , 11)

   as long as the sun is in the sky Lit. Gaut. xvi , 31.

  सज्योत्स्ना [ sajyotsnā ] [ sa-jyotsnā ] f. having moonlight

   ( scil. [ rātri ] ) a moonlight night Lit. MW.

  सज्वर [ sajvara ] [ sa-jvara ] m. f. n. having fever , feverish Lit. Prasaṅg.

सचाङ्काचपुष्पी [ sacāṅkācapuṣpī ] [ sacāṅkāca-puṣpī ] (?) f. a kind of plant Lit. SāmavBr.

सज् [ saj ] [ saj ] see √ [ sañj ] , p. 1132 , col. 3.

सजन [ sajana ] [ sa-jana ] see col.1.

सजात [ sajāta ] [ sa-jātá ] m. f. n. born together or at the same time , related

[ sajāta ] m. a kinsman , countrymen Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. Br. Lit. KātyŚr.

together with kinsmen or offspring Lit. Gobh.

  सजातकाम [ sajātakāma ] [ sa-jātá-kāma ] m. f. n. desirous of dominion over his kin Lit. Kāṭh.

  सजातवत् [ sajātavat ] [ sa-jātá-vat ] ( [ °tá- ] ) m. f. n. surrounded by his kin Lit. TBr.

  सजातवनस्या [ sajātavanasyā ] [ sa-jātá-vanasyā́ ] f. " desire of dominion over kindred or countrymen " , N. of a partic. verse Lit. TS. Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  सजातवनि [ sajātavani ] [ sa-jātá-váni ] m. f. n. conciliating relations or countrymen Lit. VS.

  सजातशंस [ sajātaśaṃsa ] [ sa-jātá-śaṃsá ] m. a curse uttered by one's relatives Lit. TBr.

 सजाति [ sajāti ] [ sa-jāti ] m. f. n. belonging to the same tribe or caste or class or kind , similar , like Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.

  [ sajāti ] m. the son of a man and woman of the same caste Lit. W.

 सजातीय [ sajātīya ] [ sa-jātīya ] m. f. n. of the same caste or kind or species , homogeneous , like , similar , resembling Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Hariv.

  सजातीयविसिष्टान्तराघटितत्व [ sajātīyavisiṣṭāntarāghaṭitatva ] [ sa-jātīya-visiṣṭāntarāghaṭita-tva ] n. N. of wk.

 सजात्य [ sajātya ] [ sa-jātyá ] m. f. n. being of the same race or family Lit. RV. Lit. Mn.

  [ sajātya ] n. like origin or descent , brotherhood relationship Lit. RV.

सजानि [ sajāni ] [ sa-jāni ] [ sa-jāmi ] see col.1.

सज्ज् [ sajj ] [ sajj ]1 Root cl. [1] P. [ sajjati ] , to go , move Lit. Dhātup. vii , 22.

सज्ज् [ sajj ] [ sajj ]2 ( = √ [ sañj ] ; cf. [ sajjaya ] ) , Caus. [ sajjayati ] , to cling , adhere , fasten or fix or attach to (loc.) Lit. Kathās. ; to fix (the mind) upon Lit. BhP. ; to cause one's self to be embraced (by other men) Lit. Mn. viii , 362.

 सज्ज [ sajja ] [ sajja ] m. f. n. fixed , prepared , equipped , ready for (dat. loc. inf. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  fit for everything (said of hands and feet) Lit. Pañcad.

  dressed in armour , armed , fortified Lit. L.

  having a bowstring , strung , placed on a bow-string ( in these senses often a mere v.l. for [ sa-jya ] q.v.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  [ sajjā ] f. equipment , armour , mail Lit. L.

  dress , decoration Lit. L.

  सज्जकर्मन् [ sajjakarman ] [ sajja-karman ] n. the act of making ready or equipping , preparation

   stringing a bow Lit. MBh. i , 7034 ( cf. [ sajya-karman ] ) .

  सज्जता [ sajjatā ] [ sajja-tā ] f. the being equipped or prepared , readiness Lit. Daś.

 सज्जन [ sajjana ] [ sajjana ] m. f. n. ( for [ saj-jana ] see p. 1135 , col. 1) hanging round (e.g. [ kaṇṭha-s ] , " hanging round the neck " ) Lit. Mn. ii , 63

  [ sajjana ] n. a flight of steps or Ghāt leading down to the water , ferry Lit. L.

  equipment , preparation Lit. L.

  n. caparisoning an elephant ( also f ( [ ā ] ) .)

  n. a guard , sentry Lit. L.

 सज्जय [ sajjaya ] [ sajjaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] ( rarely Ā. [ °te ] ) , to equip , prepare , make ready (Ā. " to prepare one's self " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Pass. [ sajjyate ] , to be equipped or prepared Lit. HPariś.

 सज्जित [ sajjita ] [ sajjita ] m. f. n. fastened or attached to , fixed upon (in [ a-sajjitātman ] , " not having the mind fixed upon " ) Lit. BhP.

  equipped , prepared , ready to or for (comp. or [ artham ] ifc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

  dressed , ornamented Lit. W.

  strung (as a bow) Lit. Kathās.

 सज्जी [ sajjī ] [ sajjī ] in comp. for [ sajja ] .

  सज्जीकरण [ sajjīkaraṇa ] [ sajjī-karaṇa ] n. the act of equipping , arraying , arming , preparing Lit. W.

  सज्जीकृ [ sajjīkṛ ] [ sajjī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to equip , prepare , arm , make ready Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to string (a how) Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP. Lit. Hit.

  सज्जीकृत [ sajjīkṛta ] [ sajjī-kṛta ] m. f. n. arrayed , armed , equipped , prepared Lit. ib.

  सज्जीभू [ sajjībhū ] [ sajjī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become equipped or prepared or made ready for (dat.) Lit. ib.

  सज्जीभूत [ sajjībhūta ] [ sajjī-bhūta ] m. f. n. equipped , prepared , made ready to or for Lit. ib.

 सज्जीय [ sajjīya ] [ sajjīya ] Root Ā. [ °yate ] , to make one's self ready Lit. MBh.

सज्जन [ sajjana ] [ saj-jana ] see under [ sat ] , p. 1135 , col. 1.

सज्जल [ sajjala ] [ sajjala ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

सज्जीक्षार [ sajjīkṣāra ] [ sajjīkṣāra ] w.r. for [ sarjī-kṣ ] ( q.v.)

सज्य [ sajya ] [ sa-jya ] m. f. n. ( fr. 7. [ sa ] + 3. [ jyā́ ] q.v.) having a bow-string , strung (as a bow) , placed on the bow-string (as an arrow) Lit. Kauś. Lit. MBh. : Lit. R.

  सज्यकर्मन् [ sajyakarman ] [ sa-jya-karman ] n. the act of stringing a bow Lit. MBh. (B.)

  सज्यसायक [ sajyasāyaka ] [ sa-jya-sāyaka ] m. f. n. having an arrow on the bowstring Lit. MW.

 सज्यीकृ [ sajyīkṛ ] [ sajyī-√ kṛ ] P. [ -karoti ] , to string a bow Lit. BhP.

सज्योतिस् [ sajyotis ] [ sa-jyotis ] see col.1.

सञ्च् [ sañc ] [ sañc ] v.l. for √ 1. [ sajj ] q.v.

सञ्च [ sañca ] [ sañca ] m. ( perhaps fr. [ sañcaya ] ) a collection of leaves for writing , a copy-book , E.

 सञ्चक [ sañcaka ] [ sañcaka ] m. or n. (?) a stamp or mould Lit. Naish.

  [ sañcikā ] f. in [ darśa- ] and [ yajñopavīta-pratiṣṭha-s ] ( q.v.)

संचकान [ saṃcakāna ] [ saṃ-cakāna ] see [ saṃ-√ kan ] .

संचकास् [ saṃcakās ] [ saṃ-cakās ] Preverb. ( cf. √ [ kāś ] ) P. [ -cakāsti ] , to light up , illuminate Lit. BhP.

संचकित [ saṃcakita ] [ saṃ-cakita ] m. f. n. (√ [ cak ] ) greatly startled , trembling , afraid Lit. W.

संचक्ष् [ saṃcakṣ ] [ saṃ-√ cakṣ ] Ā. [ -caṣṭe ] (pf. p. [ cakṣāṇa ] ; Ved. inf. [ -cákṣe ] and [ -cákṣi ] ) , to look attentively at , observe , notice , consider , survey , examine , reflect upon Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. R. Lit. BhP. ; to enumerate Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy. ; to report or relate fully Lit. MBh. ; to call , name Lit. Car. ; to avoid , shun (aor. [ sam acakṣiṣṭa ] ) Lit. Vop. ( cf. [ ava- ] and [ pari-saṃcakṣya ] ) .

 संचक्षस् [ saṃcakṣas ] [ saṃ-cakṣas ] m. a priest , sage Lit. L.

सञ्चत् [ sañcat ] [ sañcat ] m. a cheat , juggler (= [ pratāraka ] ) Lit. L. ( prob. w.r. for [ saṃścat ] q.v.)

संचय [ saṃcaya ] [ saṃ-caya ] see [ saṃ- ] √ 1. [ ci ] .

संचर् [ saṃcar ] [ saṃ-√ car ] P. [ -carati ] ( rarely Ā. [ °te ] ; cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 54 Sch.) , to go or come together , meet , join Lit. Gīt. ; to come near , approach , appear Lit. RV. Lit. AV. ; to go or wander about , walk about , roam , go or drive or ride in or on (instr.) Lit. AV. ; to reach to ( [ ā ] ) Lit. Kum. ; to go in or through , enter , traverse , pervade Lit. AV. ; to pass over to , pass from one to another (gen.) Lit. Pañcat. ; to issue from (abl.) Lit. ŚBr. ; to move , live , exist , be Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Bhartṛ. ; to practise , perform Lit. BhP. : Caus. [ -cārayati ] , to cause to come together , make to meet , bring into contact Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Lāṭy. ; to cause to go , set in motion Lit. Kālid. Lit. Hit. ; to lead about , turn out (to graze) Lit. Śak. Lit. BhP. ; to cause to pass through Lit. BhP. ; to let pass , hand round Lit. Car.

 संचर [ saṃcara ] [ saṃ-cará ] m. f. n. going about , moving (see [ divā-s ] )

  going or belonging together , simultaneous Lit. VS. Lit. ĀpŚr.

  [ saṃcara ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) passage , a way , road , path , place for walking (esp. the space assigned to each person who takes part in a rite) Lit. TS. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. Kālid. Lit. Kathās.

  m. a difficult passage , defile , bridge over a torrent Lit. W.

  (in Sāṃkhya) evolution , development , emanation Lit. Tattvas.

  the body Lit. L.

  killing Lit. W.

  संचरभागिन् [ saṃcarabhāgin ] [ saṃ-cará--bhāgin ] m. f. n. obtaining a share with difficulty (?) Lit. Vas.

  संचरण [ saṃcaraṇa ] [ saṃ-cáraṇa ] m. f. n. fit or suitable for going or walking upon , accessible , practicable Lit. RV. Lit. ŚBr.

   going or coming together , meeting , converging Lit. MW.

   [ saṃcaraṇa ] n. going together or through , passage , motion , passing over from (abl.) or in (loc. or comp.) or by means of (comp.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Pañcat.

   ( with [ samudrám ] ) navigation Lit. RV.

   setting in motion , use Lit. MW.

  संचरित्र [ saṃcaritra ] [ saṃ-caritra ] n. coupling , procuring Lit. L.

  संचरिष्णु [ saṃcariṣṇu ] [ saṃ-cariṣṇu ] m. f. n. disposed to move or ramble about Lit. Śiś.

  संचरेण्य [ saṃcareṇya ] [ saṃ-caréṇya ] m. f. n. suitable for going or walking on , practicable Lit. RV.

 संचार [ saṃcāra ] [ saṃ-cāra ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) walking about , wandering , roaming , driving or riding , any motion Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  transit , passage Lit. ib.

  the passage or entrance of the sun into a new sign Lit. MW.

  passing over , transition , transference to (comp.) Lit. Yājñ.

  transmission (of disease) , contagion Lit. W.

  course , path , way (also fig. = " mode , manner " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  track (of wild animals) Lit. Śak. Sch.

  course of life , career Lit. Sāh.

  a partic. class of spies Lit. L.

  difficult progress , difficulty , distress Lit. W.

  leading , guiding Lit. ib.

  inciting , impelling Lit. ib.

  a gem supposed to be in the head of a serpent Lit. ib.

  = [ huṃ-kāra ] Lit. ChUp.

  ( ( w.r. for [ saṃ-cara ] , [ saṃ-sāra ] , and [ sac-cāra ] ) )

  संचारजीविन् [ saṃcārajīvin ] [ saṃ-cāra--jīvin ] m. (prob.) a tramp , vagabond Lit. L.

  संचारपथ [ saṃcārapatha ] [ saṃ-cāra--patha ] m. a walk , walking-place Lit. Hariv.

   [ saṃcārapatha ] (in dram.) a female attendant on a king (= [ yavanī ] ) Lit. Bhar.

  संचारपूत [ saṃcārapūta ] [ saṃ-cāra--pūta ] m. f. n. purified by the course or passage (of anything) Lit. MW.

  संचारव्याधि [ saṃcāravyādhi ] [ saṃ-cāra--vyādhi ] m. a partic. (prob. infectious) disease Lit. L.

  संचारक [ saṃcāraka ] [ saṃ-cāraka ] m. a leader , guide Lit. Hit.

   N. of one of Skanda's attendants Lit. MBh.

   [ saṃcārikā ] f. a procuress , go-between Lit. L.

   a female servant to whom is entrusted the principal care (of money matters ) Lit. L.

   the nose Lit. L.

  संचारण [ saṃcāraṇa ] [ saṃ-cāraṇa ] n. bringing near , conveying , mixing , adding , transmission , insertion Lit. Kāv. Lit. Sāh.

   delivering (a message) Lit. Jātakam.

   [ saṃcāraṇī ] f. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 6 goddesses of magic Lit. Dharmas. 13.

  संचारणीय [ saṃcāraṇīya ] [ saṃ-cāraṇīya ] m. f. n. to be walked or wandered through or circumambulated Lit. Bālar.

   to be transmitted or transferred to (loc.) Lit. Sāh.

  संचारयितृ [ saṃcārayitṛ ] [ saṃ-cārayitṛ ] m. ( and [ °trī ] f. fr. Caus.) a leader , guide Lit. MaitrUp. Sch.

   संचारयित्री [ saṃcārayitrī ] [ saṃ-cārayitrī ] f. , see [ saṃcārayitṛ ] , a leader , guide

  संचारित [ saṃcārita ] [ saṃ-cārita ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) caused to go , set in motion , impelled , driven , guided Lit. Kālid. Lit. Rājat.

   transmitted , communicated (as a disease) Lit. W.

   [ saṃcārita ] m. a person who carries out the intentions of his masters Lit. L.

 संचारि [ saṃcāri ] [ saṃcāri ] for [ saṃ-cārin ] in comp.

  संचारिचुण्डिका [ saṃcāricuṇḍikā ] [ saṃcāri-cuṇḍikā ] f. an easily propagated cutaneous eruption , smallpox Lit. Gal.

  संचारिता [ saṃcāritā ] [ saṃcāri-tā ] f. penetration into (comp.) Lit. Mcar.

  संचारित्व [ saṃcāritva ] [ saṃcāri-tva ] n. transitoriness , inconstancy (of feeling) Lit. Sāh.

  संचारिभाव [ saṃcāribhāva ] [ saṃcāri-bhāva ] m. a transitory feeling ( = [ vyabhi-cāri-bh ] q.v.) Lit. MW.

 संचारिन् [ saṃcārin ] [ saṃ-cārin ] m. f. n. going together or about , going hither and thither , roaming , wandering , moving in (loc. or comp.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Kathās. Lit. Inscr.

  going or passing from one to another , transmitted , infectious , contagious , hereditary (as a disease) Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Rājat.

  ascending and descending (applied to a note or tone) Lit. Saṃgīt.

  penetrating into (comp.) Lit. Mcar.

  coming together , meeting , in contact with , adjacent or contiguous to (instr.) Lit. Kād.

  taken or carried together with one (as an umbrella ) Lit. Rājat.

  carrying with one (comp.) Lit. Kām.

  being in (comp.) Lit. Suśr. Lit. Mṛicch.

  engaged in , occupied with (comp.) Lit. Pañcar.

  passing away , transitory , adventitious , unsteady , inconstant , fickle (= [ vy-abhicārin ] q.v.) Lit. Śiś. Lit. Sāh.

  influencing , impelling , setting in motion Lit. MaitrUp.

  difficult , inaccessible Lit. W.

  [ saṃcārin ] m. incense or the smoke rising from burnt incense Lit. L.

  air , wind Lit. L.

  [ saṃcāriṇī ] f. a kind of Mimosa (= [ haṃsa-padi ] ) Lit. L.

  संचारिंस्त्व [ saṃcāriṃstva ] [ saṃ-cāriṃstva ] n. transitoriness , inconstancy (of feeling) Lit. Sāh.

 संचार्य [ saṃcārya ] [ saṃ-cārya ] m. f. n. to be walked upon , accessible ( in [ a-s ] q.v.)

  brought about or produced by (comp.) Lit. Śaṃk.

संचर्वण [ saṃcarvaṇa ] [ saṃ-carvaṇa ] (√ [ carv ] ) the act of chewing or masticating Lit. Rājat.

संचल् [ saṃcal ] [ saṃ-√ cal ] P. [ -calati ] , to move about or to and fro , waver , oscillate , quiver , tremble Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to move away , set out or depart from (abl.) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Śak. (v.l.) ; to start or jump up from (a seat) Lit. R. : Caus. [ -cālayati ] , to cause to move about or to and fro , shake , agitate Lit. Hariv. Lit. Śak. (v.l.) ; to push away , remove , expel Lit. MBh.

 संचल [ saṃcala ] [ saṃ-cala ] m. f. n. moving about , trembling , quivering

  संचलनाडि [ saṃcalanāḍi ] [ saṃ-cala--nāḍi ] f. " moving tube " , an artery , vein , pulse Lit. R.

  संचलन [ saṃcalana ] [ saṃ-calana ] n. moving about , agitation , trembling , shaking Lit. Kāv. Lit. Dhātup.

 संचाल [ saṃcāla ] [ saṃ-cāla ] m. (of unknown meaning) Lit. BrahmaP.

  [ saṃcālī ] f. the seed of Abrus Precatorius Lit. L.

  संचालक [ saṃcālaka ] [ saṃ-cālaka ] m. a guide ( perhaps w.r. for [ °cāraka ] ) Lit. L.

संचस्कारयिषु [ saṃcaskārayiṣu ] [ saṃ-caskārayiṣu ] see [ saṃciṣk ] , col.2.

संचाकु [ saṃcāku ] [ saṃ-cāku ] m. ( said to be fr. √ 2. [ ci ] ; but cf. [ saṃ-cakṣas ] ) a Ṛishi Lit. L.

सञ्चाधर [ sañcādhara ] [ sañcādhara ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat. (v.l. [ sāñc ] ) .

सञ्चान [ sañcāna ] [ sañcāna ] m. a kind of bird (= [ mahāvīra ] ) Lit. L.

संचि [ saṃci ] [ saṃ-√ ci:1 ] P. Ā. [ -cinoti ] , [ -cinute ] , to heap together , pile up , heap up Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS. ; to arrange , put in order Lit. ib. Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ; to accumulate , gather together , collect , acquire Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

 संचय [ saṃcaya ] [ saṃ-caya ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) collection , gathering , accumulation , heap , hoard , store , multitude , quantity (dat. , " in order to have more " ) Lit. Nir. Lit. MBh.

  collecting the bones of a burnt body ( in [ asthi-s ] ) Lit. RTL. 284 ; 300

  संचयवत् [ saṃcayavat ] [ saṃ-caya--vat ] m. f. n. possessed of wealth , rich , opulent Lit. MBh.

  संचयन [ saṃcayana ] [ saṃ-cayana ] n. the act of piling or heaping together , heaping up , gathering , collecting ( esp. the ashes or bones of a body lately burnt see [ asthi-s ] ) Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. Mn.

  संचयनीय [ saṃcayanīya ] [ saṃ-cayanīya ] m. f. n. to be gathered or collected Lit. MW.

  संचयिक [ saṃcayika ] [ saṃ-cayika ] m. f. n. having provisions (in [ a- ] and [ māsa-saṃc ] qq.vv.)

  संचयिन् [ saṃcayin ] [ saṃ-cayin ] m. f. n. who or what collects Lit. W.

   possessed of riches Lit. MBh.

   संचयित्व [ saṃcayitva ] [ saṃ-cayi--tva ] n. the being heaped up Lit. Suśr.

 संचाय्य [ saṃcāyya ] [ saṃ-cāyya ] m. f. n. ( scil. [ kratu ] , a ceremony) at which the Soma is accumulated Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 130.

 संचित [ saṃcita ] [ sáṃ-cita ] m. f. n. piled together , heaped up , gathered , collected , accumulated Lit. ŚBr.

  dense , thick (as a wood) Lit. R.

  fitted or provided with , full of (comp.) Lit. MBh.

  impeded , obstructed Lit. VarBṛS.

  frequently practised or exhibited Lit. MBh.

  संचितकर्मन् [ saṃcitakarman ] [ sáṃ-cita--karman ] n. the rites to be performed after arranging the sacrificial fire Lit. ŚrS.

  संचिति [ saṃciti ] [ sáṃ-citi ] f. N. of the 9th book of the Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa

   heaping together , collecting , saving Lit. Kāv.

 संचिन्वानक [ saṃcinvānaka ] [ saṃ-cinvānaka ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ -cinvāna ] , pr. p. Ā. of [ saṃ- ] √ 1. [ ci ] ) occupied with the accumulation of wealth or treasures Lit. MBh.

 संचेय [ saṃceya ] [ saṃ-ceya ] m. f. n. to be gathered or collected or accumulated Lit. R. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-5 , 130 Sch.)

संचि [ saṃci ] [ saṃ-√ ci:2 ] ( only in ind.p. [ -citya ] , perhaps w.r. for [ -cintya ] ) , to reflect , ponder Lit. Rājat.

संचिकीर्षु [ saṃcikīrṣu ] [ saṃ-cikīrṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of [ saṃ- ] √ 1. [ kṛ ] ) wishing to do or perform Lit. Kull. on Lit. Mn. v , 86.

संचिक्षिप्सु [ saṃcikṣipsu ] [ saṃ-cikṣipsu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of [ saṃ-√ kṣip ] ) wishing to give a short description Lit. VarBṛS.

संचित् [ saṃcit ] [ saṃ-√ cit:4 ] ( only pf. p. P. [ -cikitvás ] , and 3. pl. pf. Ā. [ -cikitre ] and [ -cikitrire ] ) , to observe together , survey , notice Lit. RV. ; to agree together , be unanimous Lit. ib. : Caus. [ -cetayati ] (pr. p. [ -cetayamāna ] ) , to observe , be aware of. perceive Lit. MW.

संचित्रा [ saṃcitrā ] [ saṃ-citrā ] f. Salvinia Cucullata Lit. L.

संचिन्त् [ saṃcint ] [ saṃ-√ cint ] P. [ -cintayati ] (ind.p. [ -cintya ] , or [ -cintayitvā ] ) , to think about , think over , consider carefully , reflect about (acc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. ; to design , intend , destine Lit. BhP.

  संचिन्तन [ saṃcintana ] [ saṃ-cintana ] n. careful consideration or reflection , anxiety Lit. Bhpr.

  संचिन्तित [ saṃcintita ] [ saṃ-cintita ] m. f. n. carefully considered or thought about , deliberated , weighed ( [ -vat ] mfn. " one who has carefully considered " or " he has carefully considered " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   designed , appointed Lit. BhP.

   संचिन्तितवत् [ saṃcintitavat ] [ saṃ-cintita--vat ] m. f. n. , see [ saṃcintita ] , " one who has carefully considered " or " he has carefully considered "

 संचिन्त्य [ saṃcintya ] [ saṃ-cintya ]1 ind. intentionally Lit. DivyA7v.

 संचिन्त्य [ saṃcintya ] [ saṃ-cintya ]2 m. f. n. to be thought over or considered Lit. Yājñ. Lit. MBh.

  to be regarded as ( [ vat ] ifc.) Lit. R. ( cf. [ duḥ-saṃc ] ) .

संचिष्कारयिषु [ saṃciṣkārayiṣu ] [ saṃ-ciṣkārayiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of Caus. of [ saṃ-√ skṛ ] ) wishing any one (acc.) to perform a purificatory rite Lit. MBh. xv , 706 (B. [ saṃ-cask ] ) .

संचीवरय [ saṃcīvaraya ] [ saṃ-cīvaraya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ] , to assume the coarse dress or rags of an ascetic Lit. Anarghar. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-1 , 20) .

सञ्चु [ sañcu ] [ sañcu ] m. or f. (with Jainas) a commentary Lit. Cat. ( cf. [ sañca ] ) .

संचुद् [ saṃcud ] [ saṃ-√ cud ] Caus. [ -codayati ] , to impel , push on , drive , shoot off Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to inflame , arouse , animate , instigate , further Lit. ib. Lit. BhP. ; to brandish , wield Lit. MBh. ; to summon , challenge Lit. ib. ; to procure quickly , assist to obtain Lit. RV.

 संचोदक [ saṃcodaka ] [ saṃ-codaka ] m. " impeller " , N. of a Devaputra Lit. Lalit.

  संचोदन [ saṃcodana ] [ saṃ-codana ] m. ( or f ( [ ā ] ) .) urging , exciting , inflaming , arousing Lit. MBh. Lit. Jātakam.

   [ saṃcodanā ] f. a stimulant Lit. MBh.

  संचोदयितव्य [ saṃcodayitavya ] [ saṃ-codayitavya ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) to be urged on or impelled Lit. Hariv.

  संचोदित [ saṃcodita ] [ saṃ-codita ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) impelled , ordered , commanded Lit. BhP.

संचूर्ण् [ saṃcūrṇ ] [ saṃ-√ cūrṇ ] P. [ -cūrṇayati ] , to grind to powder , comminute , pulverize Lit. Suśr.

 संचूर्णन [ saṃcūrṇana ] [ saṃ-cūrṇana ] n. the act of grinding to powder , comminution , crushing or breaking to pieces Lit. Alaṃkārat.

  संचूर्णित [ saṃcūrṇita ] [ saṃ-cūrṇita ] m. f. n. completely pulverized or comminuted , cut or broken to pieces Lit. MBh. Lit. Śaṃk. Lit. Rājat.

संचूष् [ saṃcūṣ ] [ saṃ-√ cūṣ ] Pass. [ -cūṣyate ] , to be in a state of great heat , boil over Lit. Suśr.

संचृत् [ saṃcṛt ] [ saṃ-√ cṛt ] P. [ -cṛtati ] , to be joined with (instr.) Lit. AV. iii , 31 , 1.

 संचृत् [ saṃcṛt ] [ saṃ-cṛ́t ] f. junction , union Lit. RV. ix , 84 , 2.

संचेष्ट् [ saṃceṣṭ ] [ saṃ-√ ceṣṭ ] Ā. [ -ceṣṭate ] , to move about restlessly , be disturbed Lit. MBh. ; to exert one's self , strive , act Lit. ib.

संच्यु [ saṃcyu ] [ saṃ-√ cyu ] Caus. [ -cyāvayati ] , to cause to fall off , strike off , remove Lit. MBh.

संछद् [ saṃchad ] [ saṃ-√ chad:1 ] Caus. [ -chādayati ] , to cover over , envelop , conceal , hide , obscure Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. ; to put on (as a garment) Lit. Vop.

 संछन्न [ saṃchanna ] [ saṃ-channa ] m. f. n. entirely covered or enveloped or clothed Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  concealed , hidden , obscure , unknown Lit. MBh.

 संछादनी [ saṃchādanī ] [ saṃ-chādanī ] f. " that which covers " , the skin Lit. L.

संछद् [ saṃchad ] [ saṃ-√ chad:2 ] ( or [ chand ] ) , Caus. [ -chandayati ] ( only ind.p. [ -chandya ] ) , to present , offer (with acc. of pers. and instr. of thing) Lit. MBh.

संछर्दन [ saṃchardana ] [ saṃ-chardana ] n. spitting out , vomiting forth , ejecting ( one of the ten ways in which an eclipse is supposed to end , cf. [ rāhu-grasana ] ) Lit. VarBṛS.

संछिद् [ saṃchid ] [ saṃ-√ chid ] P. Ā. [ -chinatti ] , [ -chintte ] , to cut to pieces , cut through , pierce , split , destroy Lit. AV. ; to remove , resolve (a doubt) Lit. Bhag. ; to decide , settle (a question) Lit. BhP. : Pass. [ -chidyate ] , to be cut to pieces Lit. MBh. ( 1132,2 )

 संछिदा [ saṃchidā ] [ saṃ-chidā ] f. destruction Lit. KāśīKh.

 संछिन्न [ saṃchinna ] [ saṃ-chinna ] m. f. n. cut to pieces , cut off Lit. MBh.

 संछेत्तव्य [ saṃchettavya ] [ saṃ-chettavya ] m. f. n. to be cut through or removed or resolved (as a doubt) Lit. MBh.

  संछेत्तृ [ saṃchettṛ ] [ saṃ-chettṛ ] m. f. n. one who removes or resolves (a doubt) Lit. ib.

 संछेद्य [ saṃchedya ] [ saṃ-chedya ] n. " the flowing together of two rivers " or " the mouth of a river entering the sea " Lit. L.

सञ्ज् [ sañj ] [ sañj ]1 Root ( or [ sajj ] ) cl. [1] P. [ sañjati ] , [ sajjati ] , to go , move Lit. Dhātup. vii , 22.

सज्ज् [ sajj ] [ sajj ]1 Root ( or [ sañj ] ) cl. [1] P. [ sañjati ] , [ sajjati ] , to go , move Lit. Dhātup. vii , 22.

सञ्ज् [ sañj ] [ sañj ]2 Root ( or [ saj ] ) cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiii , 18) [ sájati ] ( rarely Ā. [ °te ] ; pf. [ sasañja ] Lit. Br. ( in some rare and doubtful cases in Lit. MBh. and Lit. Ragh. [ sasajja ] ) ; 3. pl. [ sejuḥ ] Lit. ŚBr. ; aor. [ asāṅkṣīt ] , [ sāṅkṣīt ] , UP. ; [ asañji ] Lit. Br. ; [ ásakthās ] , [ °ta ] Lit. RV. Lit. Br. ; Prec. [ sajyāt ] Gr. ; fut. [ saṅktā ] , [ saṅkṣyati ] Lit. ib. ; inf. [ saktum ] Lit. MBh. ; [ saṅktos ] Lit. Br. ; ind.p. [ -sajya ] , [ -sáṅgam ] Lit. ib. ) , to cling or stick or adhere to , be attached to or engaged in or occupied with (loc.) Lit. Br. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Naish. : Pass. [ sajyáte ] ( generally [ sajjate ] , ep. also [ °ti ] ) , to be attached or fastened , adhere , cling , stick (with [ na ] , " to fly through without sticking " , as an arrow) Lit. ŚBr. ; to linger , hesitate Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to be devoted to or intent on or occupied with (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ sañjayati ] (aor. [ asasañjat ] ; for [ sajjayati ] see √ [ sajj ] ) , to cause to stick or cling to , unite or connect with (loc.) Lit. Bhag. Lit. Śaṃk. : Desid. [ sisaṅkṣati ] see [ ā-√ sañj ] : Intens. [ sāsajyate ] , [ sāsaṅkti ] Gr. ( ( cf. accord. to some , Lat. (segnis) ; Lith. (segu4) , " I attach. " ) )

सज् [ saj ] [ saj ]2 Root ( or [ sañj ] ) cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiii , 18) [ sájati ] ( rarely Ā. [ °te ] ; pf. [ sasañja ] Lit. Br. ( in some rare and doubtful cases in Lit. MBh. and Lit. Ragh. [ sasajja ] ) ; 3. pl. [ sejuḥ ] Lit. ŚBr. ; aor. [ asāṅkṣīt ] , [ sāṅkṣīt ] , UP. ; [ asañji ] Lit. Br. ; [ ásakthās ] , [ °ta ] Lit. RV. Lit. Br. ; Prec. [ sajyāt ] Gr. ; fut. [ saṅktā ] , [ saṅkṣyati ] Lit. ib. ; inf. [ saktum ] Lit. MBh. ; [ saṅktos ] Lit. Br. ; ind.p. [ -sajya ] , [ -sáṅgam ] Lit. ib. ) , to cling or stick or adhere to , be attached to or engaged in or occupied with (loc.) Lit. Br. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Naish. : Pass. [ sajyáte ] ( generally [ sajjate ] , ep. also [ °ti ] ) , to be attached or fastened , adhere , cling , stick (with [ na ] , " to fly through without sticking " , as an arrow) Lit. ŚBr. ; to linger , hesitate Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to be devoted to or intent on or occupied with (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ sañjayati ] (aor. [ asasañjat ] ; for [ sajjayati ] see √ [ sajj ] ) , to cause to stick or cling to , unite or connect with (loc.) Lit. Bhag. Lit. Śaṃk. : Desid. [ sisaṅkṣati ] see [ ā-√ sañj ] : Intens. [ sāsajyate ] , [ sāsaṅkti ] Gr. ( ( cf. accord. to some , Lat. (segnis) ; Lith. (segu4) , " I attach. " ) )

 सक्त [ sakta ] [ saktá ] m. f. n. clinging or adhering to , sticking in (loc. or comp. ; [ saktaḥ ] or [ bhitti-s ] with √ [ sthā ] , " to stand as if nailed or as if rooted to the spot " ) Lit. AV.

  belonging to (gen.) Lit. Pañcad.

  committed or intrusted to (comp.) Lit. Kām.

  fixed or intent upon , directed towards , addicted or devoted to , fond of , engaged in , occupied with (loc. acc. with [ prati ] , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  hindered , impeded (see [ a-s ] )

  impending , near at hand Lit. MW.

  सक्तता [ saktatā ] [ saktá-tā ] f.

  सक्तत्व [ saktatva ] [ saktá-tva ] n. attachment , addiction (esp. to worldly objects) Lit. MBh.

  सक्तद्विष् [ saktadviṣ ] [ saktá-dviṣ ] ( Lit. Hāsy.) m. f. n. being engaged in a feud with (instr.)

  सक्तवैर [ saktavaira ] [ saktá-vaira ] ( Lit. Śak.) m. f. n. being engaged in a feud with (instr.)

  सक्तमूत्र [ saktamūtra ] [ saktá-mūtra ] m. f. n. making water slowly or with difficulty Lit. Car.

  सक्तवत् [ saktavat ] [ saktá-vat ] m. f. n. one who has attached himself to ( = [ sasañja ] ) Lit. R.

 सक्तव्य [ saktavya ] [ saktavya ] m. f. n. ( fr. [ saktu ] ) intended to serve for grit or to be coarsely ground (as grain) . Lit. Pāṇ. 5-1 , 2 Vārtt. 4 Lit. Pat.

 सक्ति [ sakti ] [ sakti ] f. connexion , entwinement (of creepers) Lit. Kir.

  clinging or adhering to (loc. or comp.) , attachment , addiction (esp. to worldly objects) Lit. Śiś. Lit. Rājat. Lit. Sarvad.

  सक्तिमत् [ saktimat ] [ sakti-mat ] m. f. n. attached or devoted to , fond of ( in [ ati-s ] ) Lit. Kām.

 सक्तु [ saktu ] [ sáktu ] m. ( or n. g. [ ardharcādi ] ; also written [ śaktu ] ) coarsely ground meal , grit , groats (esp. of barley-meal) Lit. RV. Lit.

  सक्तुकार [ saktukāra ] [ sáktu-kāra ] m. one who grinds barley-meal Lit. R.

  सक्तुकारक [ saktukāraka ] [ sáktu-kāraka ] m. ( and f ( [ ikā ] ) .) id. Lit. Nir.

  सक्तुघटाख्यायिका [ saktughaṭākhyāyikā ] [ sáktu-ghaṭākhyāyikā ] f. the story of the vessel of barley-meal ( Lit. Pañcat. v , 59-74) .

  सक्तुधानी [ saktudhānī ] [ sáktu-dhānī ] f. a vessel of barley-meal Lit. Pat.

  सक्तुप्रस्थीय [ saktuprasthīya ] [ sáktu-prasthīya ] m. f. n. relating to a Prastha of barley-meal (said of the episode of Lit. MBh. xiv , 2711 )

  सक्तुफला [ saktuphalā ] [ sáktu-phalā ] f. Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma Lit. L.

  सक्तुफली [ saktuphalī ] [ sáktu-phalī ] f. Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma Lit. L.

  सक्तुमिश्र [ saktumiśra ] [ sáktu-miśra ] m. f. n. mixed with barley-meal Lit. Suśr.

  सक्तुश्री [ saktuśrī ] [ sáktu-śrī́ ] m. f. n. id. Lit. VS.

  सक्तुसिन्धु [ saktusindhu ] [ sáktu-sindhu ] m. Lit. Pāṇ. 7-3 , 19 Sch.

  सक्तुहोम [ saktuhoma ] [ sáktu-homa ] m. an oblation of barley-meal Lit. Vait.

 सक्तुक [ saktuka ] [ saktuka ] m. ( also written [ śak ] ) a partic. vegetable poison Lit. L.

 सक्तुल [ saktula ] [ saktula ] m. f. n. g. [ sidhmādi ] .

 सङ्ग [ saṅga ] [ saṅga ] m. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] or [ ī ] ) . ) sticking , clinging to , touch , contact with (loc. or comp.) Lit. TS.

  relation to , association or intercourse with (gen. instr. with and without [ saha ] loc. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  addiction or devotion to , propensity for , (esp.) worldly or selfish attachment or affection , desire , wish , cupidity Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  ( with [ atreḥ ] ) N. of a Sāman Lit. Br.

  सङ्गकर [ saṅgakara ] [ saṅga-kara ] m. f. n. causing attachment or desire Lit. Sarvad.

  सङ्गगुप्तसूनु [ saṅgaguptasūnu ] [ saṅga-gupta-sūnu ] m. N. of an author Lit. Cat.

  सङ्गतल [ saṅgatala ] [ saṅga-tala ] m. N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

  सङ्गत्याग [ saṅgatyāga ] [ saṅga-tyāga ] m. abandonment of attachment or desire Lit. Bhartṛ.

  सङ्गरहित [ saṅgarahita ] [ saṅga-rahita ] and m. f. n. free from attachment , indifferent , unworldly Lit. W.

  सङ्गवर्जित [ saṅgavarjita ] [ saṅga-varjita ]and m. f. n. free from attachment , indifferent , unworldly Lit. W.

  सङ्गविच्युति [ saṅgavicyuti ] [ saṅga-vicyuti ] f. separation from worldly attachment Lit. ib.

 सङ्गट [ saṅgaṭa ] [ saṅgaṭa ] and m. N. of men Lit. Rājat.

 सङ्गिक [ saṅgika ] [ saṅgika ]and m. N. of men Lit. Rājat.

 सङ्गिन् [ saṅgin ] [ saṅgin ] m. f. n. hanging on , sticking in , clinging or adhering to (comp.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  coming into contact with , touching (comp.) Lit. MārkP.

  attached or devoted or addicted to , fond of , intent on , connected with (gen. loc. , or comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  full of affection or desire , worldly , licentious Lit. Pur. Lit. Kathās.

  continuous , uninterrupted Lit. Kir.

 सङ्गिय [ saṅgiya ] [ saṅgiya ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

 सञ्ज [ sañja ] [ sañja ] see [ saṃ-ja ] below.

 सञ्जक [ sañjaka ] [ sañjaka ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

 सञ्जन [ sañjana ] [ sañjana ] n. the act of attaching or fastening Lit. Bālar.

  joining , folding (the hands) Lit. Naish.

  the act of clinging , adhering , sticking Lit. MW.

  [ sañjanī ] f. that on which anything is hung Lit. Nir.

 सञ्जि [ sañji ] [ sañji ] g. [ yavādi ] .

 सञ्जिमत् [ sañjimat ] [ sañjimat ] g. [ yavādi ] .

सञ्जतर [ sañjatara ] [ sañjatara ] n. N. of a city Lit. Pañcat. ( prob. w.r.)

संजन् [ saṃjan ] [ saṃ-√ jan ] Ā. [ -jāyate ] , to be born or produced together with (abl.) Lit. RV. Lit. ŚvetUp. ; to be born from (loc. or abl.) , arise or come forth from (abl.) , come into existence , take place , appear , happen Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to bring forth Lit. R. ; to become , be Lit. Hariv. Lit. R. ; to elapse , pass (as time) Lit. Pañcat. : Caus. [ -janayati ] , to cause to be born , bring forth , generate , produce , create , cause , form , make Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

 संज [ saṃja ] [ saṃ-ja ] m. " universal Creator " , N. of Brahmā or Śiva Lit. L.

  [ saṃjā ] f. a she-goat Lit. L.

  संजपाल [ saṃjapāla ] [ saṃ-ja--pāla ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

  संजनन [ saṃjanana ] [ saṃ-janana ] m. f. n. producing , causing , effecting (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   [ saṃjanana ] n. production , creation , growth , development Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. MBh.

  संजनित [ saṃjanita ] [ saṃ-janita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) produced , caused , created Lit. MBh. Lit. Pañcat.

 संजात [ saṃjāta ] [ saṃ-jāta ] m. f. n. born , produced , grown , arisen , become , appeared (often in comp. = " becoming , grown " ; cf. below) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  passed , elapsed (as time) Lit. Pañcat.

  [ saṃjāta ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. VP.

  संजातकोप [ saṃjātakopa ] [ saṃ-jāta--kopa ] m. f. n. growing angry , becoming enraged Lit. R.

  संजातकौतुक [ saṃjātakautuka ] [ saṃ-jāta--kautuka ] m. f. n. having curiosity roused , becoming curious Lit. MW.

  संजातनिद्राप्रलय [ saṃjātanidrāpralaya ] [ saṃ-jāta--nidrā-pralaya ] m. f. n. one whose sleep has come to an end Lit. L.

   mfn. , see [ pralaya ] , having done sleeping Lit. Pañcat.

  संजातनिर्वेद [ saṃjātanirveda ] [ saṃ-jāta--nirveda ] m. f. n. grown despondent Lit. Kathās.

  संजातपाश [ saṃjātapāśa ] [ saṃ-jāta--pāśa ] m. f. n. one who has become fettered by (comp.) Lit. Śak.

  संजातलज्ज [ saṃjātalajja ] [ saṃ-jāta--lajja ] m. f. n. one who has become ashamed or embarrassed Lit. Ratnâv.

  संजातविश्रम्भ [ saṃjātaviśrambha ] [ saṃ-jāta--viśrambha ] m. f. n. having confidence excited , becoming confident Lit. R.

  संजातवेपथु [ saṃjātavepathu ] [ saṃ-jāta--vepathu ] m. f. n. trembling Lit. BhP.

  संजातेर्ष्य [ saṃjāterṣya ] [ saṃ-jāterṣya ] m. f. n. becoming envious Lit. MW.

संजप् [ saṃjap ] [ saṃ-√ jap ] P. [ -japati ] , to whisper or talk about , report , communicate Lit. MBh. Lit. MārkP.

संजय [ saṃjaya ] [ saṃ-jaya ] see [ saṃ-√ ji ] .

संजर्भुराण [ saṃjarbhurāṇa ] [ saṃ-járbhurāṇa ] m. f. n. ( fr. Intens. of [ sam-√ bhur ] ) quivering , flickering Lit. RV.

संजल्प् [ saṃjalp ] [ saṃ-√ jalp ] P. [ -jalpati ] (pr. p. [ -jalpat ] , or [ °pamāna ] ) , to speak or talk together , converse , chatter Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

 संजल्प [ saṃjalpa ] [ saṃ-jalpa ] m. talking together , conversation , chattering , uproar , confusion Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv.

  संजल्पित [ saṃjalpita ] [ saṃ-jalpita ] m. f. n. spoken together , spoken , uttered

   [ saṃjalpita ] n. spoken words , talk Lit. BhP.

संजवन [ saṃjavana ] [ saṃ-javana ] n. ( fr. [ saṃ-√ ju ] ; perhaps for [ saṃ-yavana ] fr. [ saṃ- ] √ 1. [ yu ] ) a group of four houses , quadrangle Lit. L.

a way-mark , sign-post Lit. Hariv. ( Lit. Nīlak.)

 संजावन [ saṃjāvana ] [ saṃ-jāvana ] n. ( perhaps for [ saṃ-yāvana ] ) pouring a little buttermilk into warm milk Lit. L.

संजि [ saṃji ] [ saṃ-√ ji ] P. [ -jayati ] (pf. p. [ -jí gīvas ] ) , to conquer together Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. TBr. ; to conquer completely , gain or acquire by contest Lit. ib. ; to subdue completely , control (the senses) Lit. Hcat. : Pass. [ -jīyate ] , to be overpowered or subdued Lit. Subh.

 संजय [ saṃjaya ] [ saṃ-jayá ] m. f. n. completely victorious , triumphant Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr.

  [ saṃjaya ] m. conquest , victory (with [ viśvāmitrasya ] N. of a Catur-aha) Lit. PañcavBr.

  a kind of military array Lit. Kām.

  N. of a chief of the Yakshas Lit. Buddh.

  of a Sūta (the son of Gavalgaṇa and follower of Dhṛita-rāshṭra) Lit. MBh.

  of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra Lit. ib.

  of a son of Su-pārśva Lit. VP.

  of a son of Prati or Pratikshatra Lit. BhP.

  of a son of Bharmyâśva Lit. ib.

  of a son of Raṇaṃ-jaya Lit. ib.

  of a Vyāsa Lit. Cat.

  of a preceptor Lit. Buddh.

  n. N. of various Sāmans Lit. ĀrshBr.

  संजयकविशेखर [ saṃjayakaviśekhara ] [ saṃ-jayá--kavi-śekhara ] m. N. of a poet Lit. Cat.

 संजयत् [ saṃjayat ] [ saṃ-jáyat ] m. f. n. conquering , winning Lit. AV.

  [ saṃjayantī ] f. N. of a town Lit. MBh. Lit. Suśr.

  संजयिन् [ saṃjayin ] [ saṃ-jayin ] m. " victorious " , N. of a man Lit. Buddh.

 संजित् [ saṃjit ] [ saṃ-jí t ] m. a conqueror , winner Lit. RV.

  संजित [ saṃjita ] [ saṃ-jita ] m. f. n. entirely conquered or won Lit. TBr.

  संजिति [ saṃjiti ] [ saṃ-jiti ] f. complete victory Lit. AitBr. Lit. ŚrS.

संजिघृक्षु [ saṃjighṛkṣu ] [ saṃ-jighṛkṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of [ saṃ-√ grah ] ) wishing to gather or collect Lit. Daś.

wishing to sum up or epitomise Lit. Sarvad.

संजिहान [ saṃjihāna ] [ saṃ-jihāna ] see [ saṃ- ] √ 1. [ ] .

संजिहीर्षु [ saṃjihīrṣu ] [ saṃ-jihīrṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of [ saṃ-√ hṛ ] ) wishing to destroy Lit. R. Lit. BhP.

संजीव् [ saṃjīv ] [ saṃ-√ jīv ] P. [ -jīvati ] ( ep. also Ā. [ °te ] ; pr. p. [ -jīvat ] , or [ -jīvamāna ] ) , to live with or together Lit. AV. ; to live , exist , live by any business or occupation (instr.) Lit. ib. Lit. TS. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ; to revive , be restored to life Lit. ŚBr. Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -jīvayati ] , to make alive , vivify , animate Lit. ĀśvŚr. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. ; to keep alive , maintain , nourish Lit. Rājat. : Desid. of Caus. and Desid. see next.

 संजिजीवयिषु [ saṃjijīvayiṣu ] [ saṃ-jijīvayiṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to bring to life or enliven Lit. MBh.

  संजिजीविषु [ saṃjijīviṣu ] [ saṃ-jijīviṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid.) wishing to live , loving life Lit. ib.

 संजीव [ saṃjīva ] [ saṃ-jīvá ] m. f. n. living together , living Lit. MW.

  making alive , vivifying Lit. AV. Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  [ saṃjīva ] m. the act of reviving , revival (see comp.)

  a particular hell Lit. DivyA7v.

  संजीवकरण [ saṃjīvakaraṇa ] [ saṃ-jīvá--karaṇa ] m. f. n. bringing to life , animating Lit. R.

  संजीवार्म [ saṃjīvārma ] [ saṃ-jīvārma ] n. Lit. Pāṇ. 6-2 , 91.

  संजीवक [ saṃjīvaka ] [ saṃ-jīvaka ] m. f. n. living together Lit. MW.

   making alive , vivifying , animating Lit. ŚrS. Lit. BhP.

   [ saṃjīvaka ] m. N. of a bull Lit. Kathās. : Lit. Pañcat.

   [ saṃjīvakī ] f. N. of a woman Lit. Vās. , Introd.

  संजीवन [ saṃjīvana ] [ saṃ-jīvana ] m. f. n. making alive , animating Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. (v.l. often [ °jīvinī ] )

   [ saṃjīvana ] m. a kind of antidote Lit. Suśr.

   a partic. hell Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.

   [ saṃjīvanī ] f. a kind of plant (= [ rudantī ] ) Lit. L. (v.l. [ °jīvinī ] )

   [ saṃjīvana ] m. making alive , causing life Lit. MW.

   a kind of elixir Lit. ib.

   N. of a lexicon and of Mallinātha's Commentaries on the Kumāra-sambhava , Megha-dūta , and Raghu-vaṃśa

   n. the act of living or reviving Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

   animating , bringing to life Lit. W.

   a cluster of four houses (= [ saṃ-javana ] ) Lit. L.

  संजीवित [ saṃjīvita ] [ saṃ-jīvita ] m. f. n. (fr. Caus.) vivified , enlivened , animated Lit. MBh.

  संजीविन् [ saṃjīvin ] [ saṃ-jīvin ] m. f. n. rendering alive , enlivening Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

   [ saṃjīvin ] m. N. of a minister of Megha-varṇa (king of the crows) Lit. Pañcat.

   f. N. of a plant Lit. L. (see [ °jīvanī ] )

   m. of a Commentary Lit. Cat.

संजुघुक्षु [ saṃjughukṣu ] [ saṃ-jughukṣu ] m. f. n. ( fr. Desid. of [ saṃ-√ guh ] ) wishing to completely conceal Lit. Bhaṭṭ.

संजुष्ट [ saṃjuṣṭa ] [ saṃ-juṣṭa ] m. f. n. (√ [ juṣ ] ) visited or frequented or inhabited by , filled with (instr.or comp.) Lit. MBh.

संजूर्व् [ saṃjūrv ] [ saṃ-√ jūrv ] P. [ -jūrvati ] , to burn up , consume (by fire) Lit. RV.

संजृम्भ् [ saṃjṛmbh ] [ saṃ-√ jṛmbh ] Ā. [ -jṛmbhate ] , to gape open , be unfolded or displayed , appear Lit. Rājat.

संजॄ [ saṃjṝ ] [ saṃ-√ jṝ:1 ] P. [ -jīryati ] , to become old together Lit. MaitrS.

संजॄ [ saṃjṝ ] [ saṃ-√ jṝ:2 ] Ā. [ -jarate ] , to sound together , sound forth Lit. RV.

संज्ञ [ saṃjña ] [ saṃ-jña ]1 m. f. n. ( fr. [ saṃ ] + 1. [ jña ] = [ jñu ] ; cf. 1. [ pra-jña ] ) knock-kneed Lit. L.

 संज्ञु [ saṃjñu ] [ saṃ-jñu ] m. f. n. id. Lit. L.

संज्ञा [ saṃjñā ] [ saṃ-√ jñā ] P. Ā. [ -jānāti ] , [ -jānīte ] , (Ā.) to agree together , be of the same opinion , be in harmony with (loc. ; accord. to Lit. Pāṇ. 2-3 , 22 , also instr. or acc.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. ŚBr. ; (A.) to obey (dat.) Lit. AitBr. ; (Ā.) to appoint , assign , intend (for any purpose) , destine Lit. ib. ; ( only ind.p. [ -jñāya ] ) to direct , order , command Lit. Hariv. ; to acknowledge , recognize , own Lit. Pāṇ. 1-3 , 46 Sch. ; (P.) to acknowledge or claim as one's own , take possession of Lit. SaddhP. ; (P.) to think of. recollect sorrowfully ( with acc. or gen.) Lit. Pāṇ. Lit. Vop. ; Ā. to know well , understand Lit. R. ; to watch for Lit. Bhaṭṭ. : Caus. [ -jñāpayati ] , [ °te ] , to cause to be of the same opinion or agree together Lit. AV. Lit. AitBr. ; to cause to acquiesce or agree in (euphemistically said of a sacrificial victim , which ought not to be led forcibly to its death but made to resign itself) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. GṛŚrS. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. ; to appease , satisfy Lit. MBh. Lit. Kālid. ; to make to be understood or known , cause to understand Lit. ŚBr. ; to make signs to (acc.) , communicate or make anything known by signs Lit. Mṛicch. Lit. Hcar. ; to command , enjoin , instruct Lit. Hariv.

 संज्ञ [ saṃjña ] [ saṃ-jña ]2 m. f. n. (ifc. for [ saṃ-jñā ] e.g. [ labdha-saṃjña ] , " one who has recovered consciousness " Lit. MBh. ; [ -tā ] f. " recovery of consciousness " Lit. Veṇis.)

  [ saṃjñā ] f. see below

  [ saṃjña ] n. a yellow fragrant wood , yellow sanders Lit. L.

  संज्ञता [ saṃjñatā ] [ saṃ-jña--tā ] f. , see [ saṃjña ] , " recovery of consciousness " Lit. Veṇis.

  संज्ञक [ saṃjñaka ] [ saṃ-jñaka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) = [ saṃjña ] 2 (e.g. [ prāṇa-saṃjñako jīvaḥ ] , " life has the name breath " Lit. MaitrUp. ; cf. [ naṭa- ] , [ ravi-s ] ) .

 संज्ञपन [ saṃjñapana ] [ saṃ-jñápana ] n. (fr. Caus.) causing agreement or harmony Lit. AV.

  killing a sacrificial animal (by suffocation ; cf. above ) Lit. ŚBr. Lit. ŚrS. Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP.

  deception , defrauding , Lit. Prâyaśc.

  संज्ञपित [ saṃjñapita ] [ saṃ-jñapita ] m. f. n. sacrificed , killed Lit. Pāṇ. 6-4 , 52 Sch.

  संज्ञप्त [ saṃjñapta ] [ saṃ-jñapta ] m. f. n. informed , apprised Lit. MW.

   killed , suffocated , sacrificed Lit. Hariv.

   संज्ञप्तहोम [ saṃjñaptahoma ] [ saṃ-jñapta--homa ] m. an oblation performed after killing a sacrificial animal Lit. ĀpŚr.

  संज्ञप्ति [ saṃjñapti ] [ saṃ-jñapti ] f. killing , slaying , sacrificing Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

   apprising , informing Lit. W.

 संज्ञा [ saṃjñā ] [ saṃ-jñā́ ] f. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) agreement , mutual understanding , harmony Lit. TBr. Lit. ŚBr. Lit. Kathās.

  consciousness , clear knowledge or understanding or notion or conception Lit. ŚBr.

  a sign , token , signal , gesture (with the hand , eyes ; [ saṃjñām-√ kṛ ] or [] , " to give a signal " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  direction (in [ a-kṛtas ] , " one who has received no direction " ) Lit. MBh.

  a track , footstep Lit. BhP.

  a name , appellation , title , technical term (ifc. = " called , named " ) Lit. Nir. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  (in gram.) the name of anything thought of as standing by itself , any noun having a special meaning ( [ saṃjñāyām ] therefore denotes " ( used ) in some peculiar sense rather than in its strictly etymological meaning " e.g. as a proper name) Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 34 ; 2 , 53

  a technical expression in grammar (see [ -sūtra ] )

  (with Buddhists) perception ( one of the 5 Skandhas q.v.) Lit. Dharmas. 22 Lit. MWB. 109

  N. of the Gāyatrī ( q.v.) Lit. L.

  of a partic. high number Lit. Buddh.

  N. of a daughter of Tvashṭṛi or Viśva-karman (the wife of the Sun and mother of Manu , Yama and Yamī) Lit. Hariv. Lit. Pur.

  संज्ञाकरण [ saṃjñākaraṇa ] [ saṃ-jñā́-karaṇa ] n. giving a name Lit. Nir. i , 2

   संज्ञाकरणपरिशिष्ट [ saṃjñākaraṇapariśiṣṭa ] [ saṃ-jñā́-karaṇa--pariśiṣṭa ] n. N. of wk.

  संज्ञाकर्मन् [ saṃjñākarman ] [ saṃ-jñā́-karman ] n. (= [ -karaṇa ] ) Lit. Kaṇ.

  संज्ञातन्त्र [ saṃjñātantra ] [ saṃ-jñā́-tantra ] n. N. of an astron wk. by Nīla-kaṇṭha.

  संज्ञात्व [ saṃjñātva ] [ saṃ-jñā́-tva ] n. the being a technical term Lit. Cat.

  संज्ञाधिकार [ saṃjñādhikāra ] [ saṃ-jñā́dhikāra ] ( [ °jñādh° ] ) m. ( in Lit. Pāṇ.) a heading or governing rule which gives a partic. name to the rules which fall under it and influences them all.

  संज्ञापरिभाषा [ saṃjñāparibhāṣā ] [ saṃ-jñā́-paribhāṣā ] f. N. of wk.

  संज्ञापाटी [ saṃjñāpāṭī ] [ saṃ-jñā́-pāṭī ] f. N. of wk.

  संज्ञापादव्याख्या [ saṃjñāpādavyākhyā ] [ saṃ-jñā́-pāda-vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.

  संज्ञाप्रकरण [ saṃjñāprakaraṇa ] [ saṃ-jñā́-prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

  संज्ञाप्रक्रिया [ saṃjñāprakriyā ] [ saṃ-jñā́-prakriyā ] f. N. of wk.

  संज्ञार्थम् [ saṃjñārtham ] [ saṃ-jñā́rtham ] ( [ °jñār° ] ) ind. for the sake of a sign Lit. Bhag.

  संज्ञावत् [ saṃjñāvat ] [ saṃ-jñā́-vat ] m. f. n. having consciousness , revived , recovered Lit. R.

   having a name or denomination Lit. W.

  संज्ञाविवेक [ saṃjñāviveka ] [ saṃ-jñā́-viveka ] m. N. of wk.

  संज्ञाविषय [ saṃjñāviṣaya ] [ saṃ-jñā́-viṣaya ] m. " having a name or noun for a subject " , an epithet Lit. W.

  संज्ञासमुच्चय [ saṃjñāsamuccaya ] [ saṃ-jñā́-samuccaya ] m. N. of a medical wk.

  संज्ञासुत [ saṃjñāsuta ] [ saṃ-jñā́-suta ] m. " son of Saṃjñā " , N. of the planet Saturn Lit. L.

  संज्ञासूत्र [ saṃjñāsūtra ] [ saṃ-jñā́-sūtra ] n. any Sūtra which teaches the meaning of a technical term Lit. Pāṇ. Sch.

  संज्ञास्त्र [ saṃjñāstra ] [ saṃ-jñā́stra ] ( [ °jñāstra ] ) n. N. of a mythical weapon of Pradyumna Lit. Hariv.

  संज्ञोपसर्जनीभू [ saṃjñopasarjanībhū ] [ saṃjñopasarjanī-√ bhū ] P. [ -bhavati ] , to become a proper name or the subordinate member of a compound Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 1-1 , 27 Vārtt. 2.

 संज्ञात [ saṃjñāta ] [ saṃ-jñāta ] m. f. n. well known , understood (see comp.)

  intended or destined for (comp.) Lit. MBh.

  संज्ञातरूप [ saṃjñātarūpa ] [ saṃ-jñāta--rūpa ] m. f. n. ( [ sáṃ ] ) one whose form or appearance is universally known Lit. RV.

  संज्ञाति [ saṃjñāti ] [ saṃ-jñāti ] f. agreement , harmony Lit. AitBr.

  संज्ञातृ [ saṃjñātṛ ] [ saṃ-jñātṛ ] m. f. n. one who recollects sorrowfully (gen.) Lit. Pat.

 संज्ञान [ saṃjñāna ] [ saṃ-jñā́na ] m. f. n. producing harmony Lit. AitBr.

  [ saṃjñānī ] f. a ceremony for producing unanimity Lit. TS. Lit. ĀśvŚr.

  [ saṃjñāna ] n. unanimity , harmony with (loc. or instr.) Lit. RV. Lit. AV. Lit. VS. Lit. TS.

  consciousness Lit. ŚBr. Lit. AitUp. Lit. BhP.

  right conception Lit. Pratijñās.

  perception (= [ saṃ-jñā ] ) Lit. Buddh.

  संज्ञनना [ saṃjñananā ] [ saṃ-jñánanā ] (?) f. consciousness Lit. ib.

 संज्ञापन [ saṃjñāpana ] [ saṃ-jñāpana ] n. (fr. Caus.) apprising , informing , teaching Lit. W.

  killing , slaughter Lit. ib.

  संज्ञापित [ saṃjñāpita ] [ saṃ-jñāpita ] m. f. n. ( fr. id.) killed , suffocated (as a victim) Lit. BhP.

 संज्ञिका [ saṃjñikā ] [ saṃ-jñikā ] f. a name , appellation Lit. MBh. xii , 6825.

  संज्ञित [ saṃjñita ] [ saṃ-jñita ] m. f. n. made known , communicated Lit. R.

   apprised by a sign or gesture Lit. Rājat.

   called , named , termed ( generally ifc.) Lit. MaitrUp. Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

  संज्ञिन् [ saṃjñin ] [ saṃ-jñin ] m. f. n. having consciousness , conscious of (comp.) Lit. Vajracch. Lit. SaddhP. Lit. Sarvad.

   having a name , named , termed , that which receives a name or has a term given to it in grammar ( [ °jñi-tva ] n. ) Lit. Pat. Lit. Kāś. Lit. Kap. Lit. Sarvad.

   संज्ञित्व [ saṃjñitva ] [ saṃ-jñi-tva ] n. , see [ saṃjñin ]

 संज्ञीभूतक [ saṃjñībhūtaka ] [ saṃjñī-bhūtaka ] m. f. n. that which has become a name Lit. Pat. on Lit. Pāṇ. 4-3 , 68.

 संज्ञेय [ saṃjñeya ] [ saṃ-jñeya ] m. N. of a king Lit. VP.

संज्ञु [ saṃjñu ] [ saṃ-jñu ] see col.2.

संज्वर् [ saṃjvar ] [ saṃ-√ jvar ] P. [ -jvarati ] , to lie in great fever or heat , be greatly depressed or grieved , be afflicted or sorrowful Lit. MBh.

 संज्वर [ saṃjvara ] [ saṃ-jvara ] m. great beat or fever (also applied to the heat of anger or any violent agitation ; [ °raṃ-√ kri ] , " to feel agitated " ) Lit. Mn. ( in [ a-s ] q.v.) Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kathās.

  संज्वरकर [ saṃjvarakara ] [ saṃ-jvara--kara ] m. f. n. causing agitation Lit. Vcar.

  संज्वरवत् [ saṃjvaravat ] [ saṃ-jvara--vat ] m. f. n. full of heat or fever (see [ sneha-s ] )

  संज्वरातुर [ saṃjvarātura ] [ saṃ-jvarātura ] m. f. n. afflicted with fever , fevered Lit. MW.

 संज्वारिन् [ saṃjvārin ] [ saṃ-jvārin ] m. f. n. feeling the heat of fever , feverish Lit. Bhaṭṭ. ( cf. Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 142) .

संज्वल् [ saṃjval ] [ saṃ-√ jval ] P. [ -jvalati ] , to blaze up or flame brightly Lit. MBh. : Caus. [ -jvālayati ] , to cause to flame , illuminate , light Lit. ib.

 संज्वलन [ saṃjvalana ] [ saṃ-jvalana ] n. that which illuminates , fuel Lit. Anarghar.

 संज्वाल्य [ saṃjvālya ] [ saṃ-jvālya ] ind. having lighted or kindled.

सट् [ saṭ ] [ saṭ ] Root cl. [1] P. [ saṭati ] , to be a part of Lit. Dhātup. ix , 26: Caus. or cl. [10] [ sāṭayati ] (see √ [ sāṭ ] ) .

सट [ saṭa ] [ saṭa ] m. n. = next Lit. L.

a person whose father is a Brāhman and whose mother is a Bhāṭi Lit. L.

 सटा [ saṭā ] [ saṭā ] f. ( cf. [ śaṭā ] , [ chaṭā ] and [ jaṭā ] ) an ascetic's matted or clotted hair , a braid of hair (in general) Lit. MBh.

  the mane (of a lion or horse) or the bristles (of a boar) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv.

  a crest (= [ śikhā ] ) Lit. L.

  a multitude , number Lit. VarBṛS.

  light , lustre Lit. BhP.

  सटाङ्क [ saṭāṅka ] [ saṭāṅka ] ( [ °ṭāṅka ] ) m. f. n. " mane-marked " , a lion Lit. L.

  सटापाटल [ saṭāpāṭala ] [ saṭā-pāṭala ] m. the red mane of a lion.

 सटाल [ saṭāla ] [ saṭāla ] m. having a mane , maned (v.l. [ sa-jāla ] ) Lit. Kathās.

  (ifc.) richly provided with , full of Lit. Inscr.

सटंकार [ saṭaṃkāra ] [ sa-ṭaṃkāra ] m. f. n. ( fr. , 7. [ sa ] + [] ) having notoriety or fame , famous Lit. MW.

सटालु [ saṭālu ] [ saṭālu ] = [ śalāṭu ] , an unripe fruit , Lit. PārGṛ.

सटि [ saṭi ] [ saṭi ] see [ śaṭi ] .

सटीक [ saṭīka ] [ sa-ṭīka ] m. f. n. ( fr. 7. [ sa ] + [ ṭīkā ] ) accompanied or explained by a commentary Lit. MW.

सट्ट् [ saṭṭ ] [ saṭṭ ] Root cl. [10] P. [ saṭṭayati ] , to hurt Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 31 ; to be strong Lit. ib. ; to dwell Lit. ib. ; " to take " or " to give " ( [ dāne ] v.l. for [ ādāne ] ) .

सट्ट [ saṭṭa ] [ saṭṭa ] n. two pieces of timber at the side of a door Lit. L.

सट्टक [ saṭṭaka ] [ saṭṭaka ] n. a sort of minor drama in Prākṛit (e.g. the Karpūra-mañjarī of Rāja-śekhara) Lit. Sāh.

buttermilk mixed with the juice of cumin ( cf. [ śaṭṭaka ] ) Lit. L.

  सट्टकटीका [ saṭṭakaṭīkā ] [ saṭṭaka-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.

 सट्टय [ saṭṭaya ] [ saṭṭaya ] n. a kind of drama (= [ śaṭṭaka ] ) Lit. Cat.

  सट्टयव्याख्या [ saṭṭayavyākhyā ] [ saṭṭaya-vyākhyā ] f. N. of wk.

सट्वा [ saṭvā ] [ saṭvā ] f. and kind of bird Lit. L.

a musical instrument Lit. L.

सठ् [ saṭh ] [ saṭh ]1 Root cl. [10] P. [ sāṭhayati ] = √ [ śaṭh ] Lit. Dhātup. xxxii , 28 ( Lit. Vop.)

सठ् [ saṭh ] [ saṭh ]2 m. N. of a man Lit. Inscr.

सठी [ saṭhī ] [ saṭhī ] see śaṭhī.

सड [ saḍa ] [ sa-ḍa ] m. f. n. = [ saha ḍena vartate ] Lit. Pāṇ. 8-3 , 56 Sch.

सडिण्डिमम् [ saḍiṇḍimam ] [ sa-ḍiṇḍimam ] ind. by sound of drum Lit. Kathās.

सड्ड [ saḍḍa ] [ saḍḍa ] m. N. of two men Lit. Rājat.

सणतूल [ saṇatūla ] [ saṇa-tūla ] [ saṇa-sūtra ] see [ śaṇa-t ] , [ śaṇa-s ] .

सणहाष [ saṇahāṣa ] [ saṇahāṣa ] N. of a place Lit. Cat.

सणि [ saṇi ] [ saṇi ] m. the smell of the breath of a cow Lit. L.

[ saṇi ] m. f. n. smelling like the breath of a cow Lit. ib.

संटङ्क [ saṃṭaṅka ] [ saṃ-ṭaṅka ] m. connection Lit. Nalac. Sch.

सण्ड [ saṇḍa ] [ saṇḍa ] m. pl. N. of a people Lit. MBh. (C. [ ṣaṇḍa ] )

a eunuch (= [ śaṇḍa ] and [ ṣaṇḍha ] ) Lit. L.

संडिश [ saṃḍiśa ] [ saṃḍiśa ] (?) m. (= [ saṃ-daṃśa ] ) a pair of tongs or nippers Lit. L.

संडीन [ saṃḍīna ] [ saṃ-ḍīna ] n. (√ [ ḍi ] ) flying together (one of the modes of flight attributed to birds) Lit. MBh.

 संडीनोड्डीन [ saṃḍīnoḍḍīna ] [ saṃḍīnoḍḍīna ] n. a partic. mode of flight (a combination of prec. and [ uḍ-ḍīna ] , " flying up " ; accord. to some " flying well " ) Lit. ib.

संडीविन् [ saṃḍīvin ] [ saṃḍīvin ] m. ( perhaps w.r. for [ saṃ-jīvin ] q.v.) N. of a minister of the crow-king Megha-varṇa Lit. Kathās.

सण्ढिका [ saṇḍhikā ] [ saṇḍhikā ] f. a female camel Lit. Pañcad.

सत् [ sat ] [ sát ] m. f. n. ( pr. p. of √ 1. [ as ] ) being , existing , occurring , happening , being present ( [ sato me ] , " when I was present " ; often connected with other participles or with an adverb e.g. [ nāmni kṛte sati ] , " when the name has been given " ; [ tathā sati ] , " if it be so " ; also ibc. , where sometimes = " possessed of " cf. [ sat-kalpavṛkṣa ] ) Lit. RV.

abiding in (loc.) Lit. MBh.

belonging to (gen.) Lit. ŚBr.

living Lit. MuṇḍUp.

lasting , enduring Lit. Kāv. Lit. RV.

real , actual , as any one or anything ought to be , true , good , right ( [ tan na sat ] , " that is not right " ) , beautiful , wise , venerable , honest ( often in comp. see below) Lit. RV.

[ sat ] m. a being , (pl.) beings , creatures Lit. RV.

a good or wise man , a sage Lit. MBh. Lit. R.

good or honest or wise or respectable people Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

[ satī ] f. see [ satī́ ] below

[ sat ] n. that which really is , entity or existence , essence , the true being or really existent (in the Vedânta , " the self-existent or Universal Spirit , Brahma " ) Lit. RV.

m. that which is good or real or true , good , advantage , reality , truth Lit. ib.

water Lit. Naigh. i , 12

(in gram.) the terminations of the present participle Lit. Pāṇ. 3-2 , 127

[ sat ] ind. (cf. [ sat-√ kṛ ] ) well , right , fitly. ( cf. Gk. 1 , 2 for 3 ; Lat. (sens) in (absens) , (pra-sens) ; (sons) , " guilty " , orig. " the real doer " ; Lith. (sās) , (ésas) ; Slav. (sy) , (sas8ta) . )

  सत्कथा [ satkathā ] [ sát-kathā ] f. (ifc. f ( [ ā ] ) .) a good conversation or tale Lit. R. Lit. BhP.

  सत्कदम्ब [ satkadamba ] [ sát-kadamba ] m. a species of Kadamba Lit. L.

  सत्करण [ satkaraṇa ] [ sát-karaṇa ] n. doing (the last) honour (to the dead) , cremation of a corpse , funeral obsequies Lit. R.

  सत्करत्व [ satkaratva ] [ sát-kara-tva ] see [ a-sat-k ] .

  सत्कर्तव्य [ satkartavya ] [ sát-kartavya ] m. f. n. one who is to be honoured Lit. MBh.

  सत्कर्तृ [ satkartṛ ] [ sát-kartṛ ] m. f. n. doing good , acting well , treating well or kindly , a benefactor ( [ brāhmaṇa-sat-k ] , " one who does good or honour to Brāhmans " ) Lit. MBh. Lit. Mṛicch.

   [ satkartṛ ] m. N. of Vishṇu. Lit. L.

  सत्कर्मन् [ satkarman ] [ sát-karman ] n. a good work , virtuous act Lit. Pur. Lit. Rājat.

   virtue , piety Lit. W.

   hospitality Lit. ib.

   funeral obsequies Lit. ib.

   expiation Lit. ib.

   [ satkarman ] m. f. n. performing good actions Lit. Rājat.

   m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-vrata Lit. BhP.

   सत्कर्मकल्पद्रुम [ satkarmakalpadruma ] [ sát-karma-kalpadruma ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्कर्मचन्द्रिका [ satkarmacandrikā ] [ sát-karma-candrikā ] f. N. of wk.

   सत्कर्मचिन्तामणि [ satkarmacintāmaṇi ] [ sát-karma-cintāmaṇi ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्कर्मदर्पण [ satkarmadarpaṇa ] [ sát-karma-darpaṇa ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्कर्मदीपिका [ satkarmadīpikā ] [ sát-karma-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  सत्कला [ satkalā ] [ sát-kalā ] f. a fine art Lit. Kāv.

  सत्कल्पवृक्ष [ satkalpavṛkṣa ] [ sát-kalpavṛkṣa ] m. f. n. (a grove) where Kalpa-trees are found Lit. Śak.

  सत्कवि [ satkavi ] [ sát-kavi ] m. a good or true poet Lit. Kāv. Lit. Rājat.

   सत्कवित्व [ satkavitva ] [ sát-kavi--tva ] n. " a true poetic gift " Lit. Vet.

   सत्कविमिश्र [ satkavimiśra ] [ sát-kavi--miśra ] m. N. of a poet Lit. ŚārṅgP.

  सत्काञ्चनार [ satkāñcanāra ] [ sát-kāñcanāra ] m. Bauhinia Variegata Lit. L.

  सत्काण्ड [ satkāṇḍa ] [ sát-kāṇḍa ] m. a kite , hawk , falcon (Falco Cheela) Lit. L.

  सत्कायदृष्टि [ satkāyadṛṣṭi ] [ sát-kāya-dṛṣṭi ] f. the (heretical) view (or doctrine) of the existence of a personality or individuality Lit. DivyA7v. Lit. Mahāvy.

  सत्कार [ satkāra ] [ sát-kāra ] m. ( sg. or pl.) kind treatment , honour , favour , reverence (with [ paścima ] = [ -karaṇa ] Lit. Hariv. ; [ rāja-sat-k ] , " the favour of a king " Lit. R.) Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh.

   hospitable treatment , hospitality Lit. ib.

   feasting (or = " a meal " ) , festival , religious observance Lit. MW.

   care , attention , consideration of or regard for a thing Lit. Yogas.

   w.r. for [ saṃskāra ] Lit. Hariv.

   सत्कारार्ह [ satkārārha ] [ sát-kārārha ] m. f. n. worthy of hospitable treatment Lit. Nal.

  सत्कार्य [ satkārya ] [ sát-kārya ] m. f. n. that which is effected Lit. L.

   deserving of honour or hospitality Lit. R.

   one to whom the last honours (i.e. cremation) are to be paid Lit. ib.

   [ satkārya ] n. (in Sāṃkhya phil.) the necessary existence of an effect (as inherent in a cause) Lit. Sāṃkhyak. Lit. Tattvas. Lit. Kap. Sch.

   सत्कार्यवाद [ satkāryavāda ] [ sát-kārya--vāda ] m. ( or [ -siddhānta ] m. Lit. Kap.) the doctrine of the actual existence of an effect (in its cause) Lit. Bādar. Sch.

   सत्कार्यवादसिद्धान्त [ satkāryavādasiddhānta ] [ sát-kārya--vāda--siddhānta ] m. , see [ satkāryavāda ] , Lit. Kap.

   सत्कार्यवादिन् [ satkāryavādin ] [ sát-kārya--vādin ] m. an adherent of the above doctrine Lit. ib.

  सत्काव्य [ satkāvya ] [ sát-kāvya ] n. a good poem Lit. Kāv.

   सत्काव्यकल्पद्रुम [ satkāvyakalpadruma ] [ sát-kāvya--kalpadruma ] m. N. of wk.

  सत्किष्कु [ satkiṣku ] [ sát-kiṣku ] m. the length of 48 inches Lit. L.

  सत्कीर्ति [ satkīrti ] [ sát-kīrti ] f. good reputation Lit. BhP.

   [ satkīrti ] m. f. n. having a good reputation Lit. Cat.

   सत्कीर्तिचन्द्रोदय [ satkīrticandrodaya ] [ sát-kīrti--candrodaya ] m. N. of wk.

  सत्कुल [ satkula ] [ sát-kula ] n. a good or noble family Lit. MārkP. Lit. Kathās. Lit. ŚārṅgP.

   [ satkula ] m. f. n. belonging to a good or noble family ( [ -tā ] f. Lit. Sāh.) Lit. Kām.

   सत्कुलता [ satkulatā ] [ sát-kula--tā ] f. , see [ satkula ] , Lit. Sāh.

   सत्कुलोद्भव [ satkulodbhava ] [ sát-kulodbhava ] m. f. n. sprung from a noble family Lit. MW.

  सत्कुलीन [ satkulīna ] [ sát-kulīna ] m. f. n. = [ -kula ] Lit. L.

  सत्कृ [ satkṛ ] [ sát-√ kṛ ] P. Ā. [ -karoti ] , [ -kurute ] , to set right , put in order , arrange , prepare , adorn , garnish Lit. Mn. Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to treat well or with respect , honour , treat or receive hospitably Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. Kāv. ; to pay the last honours to (acc.) , cremate Lit. R. : Caus. [ -kārayati ] , to cause to be treated with respect or reverence , show reverence , pay respect Lit. MW. ; to cause to pay the last honours Lit. MBh.

  सत्कृत [ satkṛta ] [ sát-kṛta ] m. f. n. done well Lit. W.

   adorned with (comp.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Pur.

   honoured , treated with respect or hospitality , entertained Lit. MBh. Lit. R. Lit. VarBṛS.

   worshipped , adored Lit. VarBṛS.

   [ satkṛta ] m. N. of Śiva Lit. MW.

   n. virtue Lit. W.

   respect Lit. ib.

   honourable reception Lit. MārkP.

  सत्कृति [ satkṛti ] [ sát-kṛti ] f. doing good , virtue , morality Lit. W.

   kind treatment , hospitable reception , hospitality Lit. MBh. Lit. BhP. Lit. Kathās.

  सत्कृत्य [ satkṛtya ] [ sát-kṛtya ] ind. ind.p. having treated with respect , having hospitably entertained Lit. Yājñ. Lit. R.

   devotedly , piously , zealously , eagerly Lit. Jātakam.

  सत्कृत्यमुक्तावली [ satkṛtyamuktāvalī ] [ sát-kṛtya-muktāvalī ] f. N. of wk.

  सत्क्रिय [ satkriya ] [ sát-kriya ] m. f. n. doing good Lit. MBh.

   [ satkriyā ] f. putting in order , preparation Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kām.

   explication Lit. Cat.

   a good action , charity , virtue Lit. W.

   ( sg. or pl.) kind or respectful treatment , hospitable reception , hospitality ( [ vivāha-sat-kr ] , " the celebration of a wedding " Lit. Ragh. ; [ para-loka-sat-kr ] , " honouring in regard to the other world " , funeral ceremonies Lit. MBh.) Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Kāv.

   any purificatory ceremony Lit. W.

   funeral ceremonies Lit. L.

   N. of wk.

   सत्क्रियाकल्पमञ्जरी [ satkriyākalpamañjarī ] [ sat-kriyā--kalpa-mañjarī ] f. N. of wk.

  सत्क्षेत्र [ satkṣetra ] [ sát-kṣetra ] n. a good field Lit. Mudr. Lit. Rājat.

  सत्तत्त्व [ sattattva ] [ sát-tattva ] n. N. of wk.

  सत्तत्त्वबिन्दु [ sattattvabindu ] [ sát-tattva-bindu ] m. N. of wk.

  सत्तत्त्वरत्नमाला [ sattattvaratnamālā ] [ sát-tattva-ratnamālā ] f. N. of wk.

  सत्तम [ sattama ] [ sát-tama ] m. f. n. ( [ sát- ] ) very good or right , the best , first , chief of (gen. or comp.) Lit. Br. Lit. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lit. ChUp.

   most virtuous Lit. W.

   very venerable or respectable Lit. ib.

   सत्तमता [ sattamatā ] [ sát-tama--tā ] f. the first rank of all Lit. BhP.

  सत्तर्क [ sattarka ] [ sát-tarka ] m. an orthodox system of philosophy ( [ a-sat-t ] Lit. BhP.) Lit. Cat.

   सत्तर्कसिद्धाञ्जन [ sattarkasiddhāñjana ] [ sát-tarka--siddhāñjana ] n. N. of wk.

  सत्ता [ sattā ] [ sát-tā ] f. existence , being Lit. Up. Lit. Kaṇ. Lit. Tarkas.

   a partic. Jāti (in phil.) Lit. MW.

   goodness , excellence Lit. W.

   सत्ताजातिप्रामाण्य [ sattājātiprāmāṇya ] [ sát-tā--jāti-prāmāṇya ] n. N. of wk.

   सत्तामात्र [ sattāmātra ] [ sát-tā--mātra ] n. mere entity or existence ( [ °trātman ] mfn. " whose nature is entitled only to the predicate being " ) Lit. VP.

   सत्तामात्रात्मन् [ sattāmātrātman ] [ sát-tā--mātrātman ] m. f. n. , see [ sattāmātra ] , " whose nature is entitled only to the predicate being "

   सत्तावत् [ sattāvat ] [ sát-tā--vat ] m. f. n. entitled to the predicate " being " , endowed with existence Lit. Bhāshāp.

   सत्तावाप्य [ sattāvāpya ] [ sát-tāvāpya ] m. f. n. included in (the notion of) existence Lit. MW.

  सत्ताक [ sattāka ] [ sát-tāka ] m. f. n. (ifc.) = [ -tā ] ( [ -tva ] n. ) Lit. Nīlak.

   सत्ताकत्व [ sattākatva ] [ sát-tāka--tva ] n. , see [ sattāka ]

  सत्त्व [ sattva ] [ sát-tvá ] see below.

  सत्पक्षिन् [ satpakṣin ] [ sát-pakṣin ] m. a good or useful or innocuous bird Lit. Śukas.

  सत्पति [ satpati ] [ sát-pati ] m. ( [ sát- ] ) a mighty lord , leader , champion Lit. RV. Lit. AV.

   a good lord or ruler Lit. PraśnUp. Lit. BhP.

   the lord of the good , lord of real men , lord of heroes Lit. MW.

   a good husband Lit. Ragh. Lit. Kathās.

   N. of Indra Lit. RV.

  सत्पत्त्र [ satpattra ] [ sát-pattra ] n. a new leaf (as of a water-lily) Lit. L.

  सत्पथ् [ satpath ] [ sát-path ] ( only instr. [ °thā ] ) = next Lit. R.

  सत्पथ [ satpatha ] [ sát-patha ] m. a good or right way , correct or virtuous conduct , orthodox doctrine Lit. MBh. Lit. Hariv. Lit. R.

  सत्पथीन [ satpathīna ] [ sát-pathīna ] m. f. n. going on the right way (fig.) Lit. KāśīKh.

  सत्पद्धति [ satpaddhati ] [ sát-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

  सत्पद्यरत्नाकर [ satpadyaratnākara ] [ sát-padya-ratnākara ] m. N. of wk.

  सत्परिग्रह [ satparigraha ] [ sát-parigraha ] m. acceptance (of gifts) from a proper person Lit. W.

  सत्पशु [ satpaśu ] [ sát-paśu ] m. a suitable animal , victim fit for a sacrifice Lit. L.

  सत्पात्र [ satpātra ] [ sát-pātra ] n. a worthy recipient (of anything) , worthy person Lit. Pur. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Kām.

   सत्पात्रवर्ष [ satpātravarṣa ] [ sát-pātra--varṣa ] m. raining down or bestowing favours on worthy objects Lit. W.

   सत्पात्रवर्षिन् [ satpātravarṣin ] [ sát-pātra--varṣin ] m. f. n. bountiful to worthy objects Lit. MW.

  सत्पुत्र [ satputra ] [ sát-putra ] m. a good or virtuous son Lit. Cāṇ. (v.l.) Lit. ĀpŚr. Sch.

   a son who performs all the prescribed rites in honour of his ancestors Lit. MW.

   [ satputra ] m. f. n. one who has a son Lit. Mn. ix , 154.

  सत्पुरुष [ satpuruṣa ] [ sát-puruṣa ] m. a good or wise man Lit. Kāv. Lit. Kām.

   सत्पुरुषाष्टक [ satpuruṣāṣṭaka ] [ sát-puruṣāṣṭaka ] n. N. of wk.

  सत्पुष्प [ satpuṣpa ] [ sát-puṣpa ] m. f. n. being in bloom Lit. Pāṇ. 4-1 , 64 Vārtt. 1 Lit. Pat.

   having good flowers Lit. MW.

  सत्प्रक्रियाव्याकृति [ satprakriyāvyākṛti ] [ sát-prakriyā-vyākṛti ] f. N. of wk.

  सत्प्रतिग्रह [ satpratigraha ] [ sát-pratigraha ] m. acceptance of gifts from virtuous men Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ.

  सत्प्रतिज्ञ [ satpratijña ] [ sát-pratijña ] m. f. n. one who has promised anything Lit. L.

  सत्प्रतिपक्ष [ satpratipakṣa ] [ sát-pratipakṣa ] m. f. n. liable to a valid opposite argument or objection

   [ satpratipakṣa ] m. ( with or scil. [ hetu ] ) an argument liable to a valid objection ( [ -tā ] f. ) Lit. Tarkas. Lit. Sarvad. Lit. Kusum.

   m. contrariety of good , existence of opposite premisses proving the existence or non-existence of a thing Lit. W.

   N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षक्रोड [ satpratipakṣakroḍa ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षग्रन्थ [ satpratipakṣagrantha ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--grantha ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षग्रन्थरहस्य [ satpratipakṣagrantharahasya ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--grantha-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षता [ satpratipakṣatā ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--tā ] f. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षता [ satpratipakṣatā ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--tā ] f. , see [ satpratipakṣa ]

   सत्प्रतिपक्षताव्यवहारक्रोड [ satpratipakṣatāvyavahārakroḍa ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--tā-vyavahāra-kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षदेशनाभासप्रकरण [ satpratipakṣadeśanābhāsaprakaraṇa ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--deśanābhāsa-prakaraṇa ] n. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षपत्त्र [ satpratipakṣapattra ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--pattra ] n. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थटीका [ satpratipakṣapūrvapakṣagranthaṭīkā ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थदीधितिटीका [ satpratipakṣapūrvapakṣagranthadīdhitiṭīkā ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-dīdhiti-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थप्रकाश [ satpratipakṣapūrvapakṣagranthaprakāśa ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-prakāśa ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षपूर्वपक्षग्रन्थरहस्य [ satpratipakṣapūrvapakṣagrantharahasya ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षबाधग्रन्थ [ satpratipakṣabādhagrantha ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--bādha-grantha ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षवाद [ satpratipakṣavāda ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--vāda ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षविचार [ satpratipakṣavicāra ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--vicāra ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षविभाग [ satpratipakṣavibhāga ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--vibhāga ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षविषयताशून्यत्वविचार [ satpratipakṣaviṣayatāśūnyatvavicāra ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--viṣayatā-śūnyatva-vicāra ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षसिद्धान्तक्रोड [ satpratipakṣasiddhāntakroḍa ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--siddhānta-kroḍa ] m. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षसिद्धान्तग्रन्थटीका [ satpratipakṣasiddhāntagranthaṭīkā ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--siddhānta-grantha-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षसिद्धान्तग्रन्थदीधितिटीका [ satpratipakṣasiddhāntagranthadīdhitiṭīkā ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--siddhānta-grantha-dīdhiti-ṭīkā ] f. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षसिद्धान्तरहस्य [ satpratipakṣasiddhāntarahasya ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--siddhānta-rahasya ] n. N. of wk.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षसिद्धान्तानुगम [ satpratipakṣasiddhāntānugama ] [ sát-pratipakṣa--siddhāntānugama ] m. N. of wk.

  सत्प्रतिपक्षित [ satpratipakṣita ] [ sát-pratipakṣita ] m. f. n. (a reason) against which a valid objection has been raised Lit. Kap. Sch.

  सत्प्रतिपक्षिन् [ satpratipakṣin ] [ sát-pratipakṣin ] m. f. n. = [ -pratipakṣa ] ( [ °ṣi-tā ] , f. ; [ °ṣi-tva ] n. ) Lit. Bhāshāp. Lit. ib. Sch.

   containing opposite reasons or arguments Lit. W.

   सत्प्रतिपक्षिता [ satpratipakṣitā ] [ sát-pratipakṣi-tā ] f. , see [ satpratipakṣin ]

   सत्प्रतिपक्षित्व [ satpratipakṣitva ] [ sát-pratipakṣi-tva ] n. , see [ satpratipakṣin ]

  सत्प्रभा [ satprabhā ] [ sát-prabhā ] f. brilliant lustre Lit. Kāv.

  सत्प्रमुदिता [ satpramuditā ] [ sát-pramuditā ] f. (in Sāṃkhya phil.) N. of one of the 8 perfections Lit. Tattvas. ( cf. [ sadā-pramudita ] ) ,

  सत्फल [ satphala ] [ sát-phala ] m. f. n. having good fruit Lit. MW.

   [ satphala ] m. the pomegranate-tree Lit. L.

   n. the pomegranate Lit. Cat. ( [ -phalānām ] , w.v.l. for [ -kalānām ] Lit. Subh.)

  सत्फलिन् [ satphalin ] [ sát-phalin ] m. f. n. bearing good fruits Lit. Śatr.

  सत्संविन्मय [ satsaṃvinmaya ] [ sát-saṃvin-maya ] ( fr. [ -saṃvid ] + [ m ] ) m. f. n. consisting of existence and consciousness ( [ -tva ] n. ) , Lit. NṛisUP.

   सत्संविन्मयत्व [ satsaṃvinmayatva ] [ sát-saṃvin-maya--tva ] n. , see [ satsaṃvinmaya ]

  सत्संसर्ग [ satsaṃsarga ] [ sát-saṃsarga ] m. association with the good , the society of the good Lit. W.

  सत्संकल्प [ satsaṃkalpa ] [ sát-saṃkalpa ] m. f. n. one who has good intentions Lit. BhP.

  सत्सङ्ग [ satsaṅga ] [ sát-saṅga ] m. intercourse or association with the good Lit. VarBṛS. Lit. Pañcat. Lit. Pur.

   सत्सङ्गविजय [ satsaṅgavijaya ] [ sát-saṅga--vijaya ] m. N. of wk.

  सत्संगति [ satsaṃgati ] [ sát-saṃgati ] f. = [ -saṅga ] Lit. Kāv.

  सत्संग्रह [ satsaṃgraha ] [ sát-saṃgraha ] m. f. n. being understood by the good Lit. BhP.

  सत्संनिधान [ satsaṃnidhāna ] [ sát-saṃnidhāna ] n. association or intercourse with the good or wise Lit. Hit.

  सत्समागम [ satsamāgama ] [ sát-samāgama ] m. association with the good Lit. W.

  सत्सम्प्रदाय [ satsampradāya ] [ sát-sampradāya ] m. good tradition or traditional usage Lit. Prasaṅg.

   सत्सम्प्रदायप्रदीपिका [ satsampradāyapradīpikā ] [ sát-sampradāya--pradīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

  सत्सम्प्रयोग [ satsamprayoga ] [ sát-samprayoga ] m. right application Lit. MW.

  सत्सहाय [ satsahāya ] [ sát-sahāya ] m. a good companion Lit. A.

   [ satsahāya ] m. f. n. one who has good or virtuous friends Lit. W.

  सत्सार [ satsāra ] [ sát-sāra ] m. f. n. having good sap or essence Lit. ib.

   [ satsāra ] m. a kind of plant Lit. L.

   a painter Lit. L.

   a poet Lit. L.

  सत्सिद्धान्तमार्तण्ड [ satsiddhāntamārtaṇḍa ] [ sát-siddhānta-mārtaṇḍa ] m. N. of wk.

  सत्सुखानुभव [ satsukhānubhava ] [ sát-sukhānubhava ] m. " fruition of real happiness " , N. of wk.

 सच् [ sac ] [ sac ] in comp. for [ sat ] .

  सच्चन्द्रिका [ saccandrikā ] [ sac-candrikā ] f. splendid moonlight Lit. Kāv.

  सच्चरित [ saccarita ] [ sac-carita ] n. good conduct Lit. Śak. Lit. Kathās. Lit. BhP.

   history or account of the good Lit. A.

   [ saccarita ] m. f. n. well-conducted , virtuous Lit. Kāv.

   सच्चरितमीमांसा [ saccaritamīmāṃsā ] [ sac-carita--mīmāṃsā ] f. N. of wk.

  सच्चरित्र [ saccaritra ] [ sac-caritra ] n. good conduct Lit. Rājat.

   history of the good Lit. A.

   [ saccaritra ] m. f. n. virtuous Lit. W.

   सच्चरित्रपरित्राण [ saccaritraparitrāṇa ] [ sac-caritra--paritrāṇa ] n. N. of wk.

   सच्चरित्ररक्षा [ saccaritrarakṣā ] [ sac-caritra--rakṣā ] f. N. of wk.

   सच्चरित्रसुधानिधि [ saccaritrasudhānidhi ] [ sac-caritra--sudhā-nidhi ] m. N. of wk.

  सच्चर्या [ saccaryā ] [ sac-caryā ] f. = [ -carita ] n. Lit. Kathās.

  सच्चार [ saccāra ] [ sac-cāra ] m. a good spy Lit. Kām. (w.r. [ saṃc ] ) .

  सच्चित् [ saccit ] [ sac-cit ] n. " (pure) existence and thought " , N. of Brahma or the One self-existent Spirit (see [ saccid-ānanda ] below) Lit. MW.

  सच्छाक [ sacchāka ] [ sac-chāka ] ( [ s ] + [ śāka ] ) n. a leaf of the ginger Lit. L.

  सच्छास्त्र [ sacchāstra ] [ sac-chāstra ] n. ( [ s ] + [ śā ] ) a good or genuine doctrine or treatise Lit. Mn. Lit. Yājñ. Lit. Pur.

   सच्छास्त्रवत् [ sacchāstravat ] [ sac-chāstra--vat ] m. f. n. possessed of a good or genuine doctrine Lit. Pañcat.

  सच्छील [ sacchīla ] [ sac-chīla ] n. ( [ s ] + [ śī ] ) a good character Lit. VarBṛS.

   [ sacchīla ] m. f. n. of a virtuous disposition , benevolent Lit. MW.

  सच्छूद्र [ sacchūdra ] [ sac-chūdra ] m. ( [ s ] + [ śū ] ) a good Śūdra , a Śūdra who has gone through the ceremonies customary in some places even for men of the lower caste Lit. W.

   सच्छूद्राचार [ sacchūdrācāra ] [ sac-chūdrācāra ] m. N. of wk.

   सच्छूद्राह्निक [ sacchūdrāhnika ] [ sac-chūdrāhnika ] n. N. of wk.

  सच्छ्लोक [ sacchloka ] [ sac-chloka ] ( [ s ] + [ śl ] ) m. f. n. having a good reputation Lit. Kāv.

 सच्चिद् [ saccid ] [ saccid ] in comp. for [ sac-cit ] above.

  सच्चिदंश [ saccidaṃśa ] [ saccid-aṃśa ] m. a portion of existence and thought Lit. W.

  सच्चिदात्मन् [ saccidātman ] [ saccid-ātman ] m. the soul which consists of existence and thought Lit. ib.

  सच्चिदानन्द [ saccidānanda ] [ saccid-ānanda ] m. pl. existence and thought and joy

   [ saccidānanda ] m. f. n. consisting of existence and thought and joy

   n. (pure) " Existence and Thought and Joy " , N. of the One self-existing Spirit (= Brahma) Lit. Up. Lit. Pañcar.

   N. of Vishṇu as identified with Brahma Lit. MW.

   सच्चिदानन्दचाटु [ saccidānandacāṭu ] [ saccid-ānanda--cāṭu ] m. N. of wk.

   सच्चिदानन्दतीर्थ [ saccidānandatīrtha ] [ saccid-ānanda--tīrtha ] m. N. of scholars and authors

   सच्चिदानन्दनाथ [ saccidānandanātha ] [ saccid-ānanda--nātha ] m. N. of scholars and authors

   सच्चिदानन्दभारती [ saccidānandabhāratī ] [ saccid-ānanda--bhāratī ] m. N. of scholars and authors

   सच्चिदानन्दयोगीन्द्र [ saccidānandayogīndra ] [ saccid-ānanda--yogīndra ] m. N. of scholars and authors

   सच्चिदानन्दशास्त्रिन् [ saccidānandaśāstrin ] [ saccid-ānanda--śāstrin ] m. N. of scholars and authors

   सच्चिदानन्दसरस्वती [ saccidānandasarasvatī ] [ saccid-ānanda--sarasvatī ] m. N. of scholars and authors

   सच्चिदानन्दस्वामिन् [ saccidānandasvāmin ] [ saccid-ānanda--svāmin ] m. N. of scholars and authors

   सच्चिदानन्दाश्रम [ saccidānandāśrama ] [ saccid-ānandāśrama ] m. N. of scholars and authors

   सच्चिदानन्दभुजंग [ saccidānandabhujaṃga ] [ saccid-ānanda--bhujaṃga ] m. N. of wk.

   सच्चिदानन्दमय [ saccidānandamaya ] [ saccid-ānanda--maya ] m. f. n. consisting of existence and thought and joy Lit. NṛisUp.

   सच्चिदानन्दानुभवदीपिका [ saccidānandānubhavadīpikā ] [ saccid-ānandānubhava-dīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

   सच्चिदानन्दानुभवप्रदीपिका [ saccidānandānubhavapradīpikā ] [ saccid-ānandānubhava-pradīpikā ] f. N. of wk.

   सच्चिदानन्दस्तोत्र [ saccidānandastotra ] [ saccid-ānanda--stotra ] n. N. of a hymn.

 सच्चिन् [ saccin ] [ saccin ] in comp. for [ sac-cit ] .

  सच्चिन्मय [ saccinmaya ] [ saccin-maya ] m. f. n. consisting of existence and thought Lit. ŚārṅgP.

 सज् [ saj ] [ saj ] in comp. for [ sat ] .

  सज्जटा [ sajjaṭā ] [ saj-jaṭā ] f. a kind of perfume Lit. Pañcar.

  सज्जन [ sajjana ] [ saj-jana ] m. f. n. ( for [ sajjana ] see p. 1131 , col. 2) well-born , respectable , virtuous Lit. Hariv.

   [ sajjana ] m. a good or virtuous or wise man Lit. Mn.

   N. of various men Lit. Rājat. Lit. Buddh. Lit. Cat.

   सज्जनगर्हित [ sajjanagarhita ] [ saj-jana--garhita ] m. f. n. despised by the virtuous Lit. Mn. x , 38

   सज्जनचित्तवल्लभ [ sajjanacittavallabha ] [ saj-jana--citta-vallabha ] n. N. of wk.

   सज्जनमण्डन [ sajjanamaṇḍana ] [ saj-jana--maṇḍana ] n. N. of wk.

   सज्जनमनोरथ [ sajjanamanoratha ] [ saj-jana--manoratha ] m. N. of wk.

   सज्जनरञ्जिनी [ sajjanarañjinī ] [ saj-jana--rañjinī ] f. N. of wk.

   सज्जनवल्लभ [ sajjanavallabha ] [ saj-jana--vallabha ] m. n. N. of wk.

   सज्जनवल्लभा [ sajjanavallabhā ] [ saj-jana--vallabhā ] f. N. of wk.

   सज्जनेष्ट [ sajjaneṣṭa ] [ saj-janéṣṭa ] m. f. n. desired or chosen by the good Lit. MW.

   सज्जनैकवसति [ sajjanaikavasati ] [ saj-janaika-vasati ] m. f. n. residing only in the good Lit. ib.

  सज्जल [ sajjala ] [ saj-jala ] m. N. of a man Lit. Rājat.

  सज्जुष्ट [ sajjuṣṭa ] [ saj-juṣṭa ] m. f. n. liked by the good Lit. R.

 सतासत् [ satāsat ] [ satāsat ] ( [ °tāsatī́ ] ) n. du. (= [ sad-asatī ] , formed in analogy to [ sutāsuté ] ) the true and the false Lit. TBr.

 सतितरा [ satitarā ] [ sati-tarā ] see next.

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