The Sanskrit Reader Companion

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Input: kāmakrodhasamāyukto hiṃsālobhasamanvitaḥ

Sentence: कामक्रोधसमायुक्तः हिंसालोभसमन्वितः
may be analysed as:

Solution 15 :
[kim]{f. sg. nom.}
[ āma
[am]{pft. ac. pl. 2 | pft. ac. sg. 3 | pft. ac. sg. 1}
[ krodha
[ samāḥ
[samā]{f. pl. acc. | f. pl. nom.}
[sama]{m. pl. nom. | f. pl. acc. | f. pl. nom.}
[ uktaḥ
[ukta { pp. }[vac]]{m. sg. nom.}
[ hiṃsa
[ ālā
[āla]{f. sg. nom.}
[ ubha
[ samanvitaḥ
[sam-anu-ita { pp. }[sam-anu-i]]{m. sg. nom.}

Solution 24 :
[kim]{f. sg. nom.}
[ āma
[am]{pft. ac. pl. 2 | pft. ac. sg. 3 | pft. ac. sg. 1}
[ krodha
[ samāyuktaḥ
[sam-ā-yukta { pp. }[sam-ā-yuj_1]]{m. sg. nom.}
[ hiṃsa
[ ālā
[āla]{f. sg. nom.}
[ ubha
[ samanvitaḥ
[sam-anu-ita { pp. }[sam-anu-i]]{m. sg. nom.}

2 solutions kept among 48
Filtering efficiency: 97%

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