The Sanskrit Reader Companion

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Input: tasya mūrdhānam āsādya paphālāsivaro hi saḥ

Sentence: तस्य मूर्धानम् आसाद्य पफालासिवरः हि सः
may be analysed as:

Solution 2 :
[ tasya
[tad]{n. sg. g. | m. sg. g.}
[ mūrdhānam
[mūrdhan]{m. sg. acc.}
[ āsa
[ ādya
[ādyā]{m. sg. voc. | n. sg. voc.}
[ paphāla
[phal]{pft. ac. sg. 3 | pft. ac. sg. 1}
[ asi
[ varaḥ
[vara_1]{m. sg. nom.}
[vara_2]{m. sg. nom.}
[ hi
[ saḥ
[tad]{m. sg. nom.}

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