The Sanskrit Reader Companion

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Input: sa droṇabhīṣmāv āyāntau sahed iti matir mama

Sentence: स द्रोणभीष्मावायान्तौ सहेत् इति मतिः मम
may be analysed as:

Solution 1 :
[ sa
[tad]{m. sg. nom.}
[ droṇa
[ bhīṣmā
[bhīṣma]{f. sg. nom.}
[ yām
[yad]{f. sg. acc.}
[ tau
[tad]{m. du. acc. | m. du. nom.}
[ sahet
[sah_1]{opt. [1] ac. sg. 3}
[ iti
[ matiḥ
[mati]{f. sg. nom.}
[ mama
[mā_1]{pft. ac. pl. 2}
[mā_4]{pft. ac. pl. 2}

1 solution kept among 6
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