The Sanskrit Reader Companion

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Input: sa tvaṃ kāmaparītātmā mūḍhabhāvāc ca katthase

Sentence: स त्वम् कामपरीतात्मा मूढभावात् च कत्थसे
may be analysed as:

Solution 15 :
[ sa
[tad]{m. sg. nom.}
[ tvam
[yuṣmad]{* sg. nom.}
[kim]{f. sg. nom.}
[ ama
[am]{imp. [1] ac. sg. 2}
[ parīta
[pari-ita { pp. }[pari-i]]{iic.}
[ ātmāḥ
[ātman]{m. pl. nom. | f. pl. acc. | f. pl. nom.}
[ mūḍha
[mūḍha { pp. }[muh]]{iic.}
[ bhā
[bhā_2]{f. sg. nom.}
[ avāt
[vā_2]{impft. [2] ac. sg. 3}
[ ca
[ katthase
[katth]{pr. [1] mo. sg. 2}

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